import re, fileinput, sys import utilities as u import os import ast # block_id is a global variable that is used to keep track of the current block id block_id = 0 # This function takes in the user input and block_id and returns a list of blocks built with textareas def build_blocks(user_input, block_id): list_of_blocks = [] title_block = build_title_block(user_input['store_name'], user_input['store_description'], user_input['store_backstory'], user_input['store_reputation']) block_id = block_id + 1 list_of_blocks.append(title_block) store_image_block = build_image_block(user_input['storefront_sd_prompt'], block_id) block_id = block_id + 1 list_of_blocks.append(store_image_block) store_properties_block = build_store_properties_block(store_type= user_input['store_type'], store_size= user_input['store_size'], store_hours= user_input['store_hours'], store_location= user_input['store_location'], store_owners= user_input['store_owners'], store_employees= user_input['store_employees'], store_services= user_input['store_services'], store_specialties= user_input['store_specialties'], store_reputation= user_input['store_reputation'], store_rumors= user_input['store_rumors'], block_id= block_id) block_id = block_id + 1 list_of_blocks.append(store_properties_block) owner_id = 1 # Iterate over owners and generate owner image and details block owner_title = "Owner" if len(user_input['store_owners']) > 1: owner_title = "Owners" owner_title_block = f"""


""" for owner in user_input['store_owners']: owner_image_block = build_image_block(owner['sd_prompt'], block_id) block_id = block_id + 1 list_of_blocks.append(owner_image_block) owner_block = build_owner_block(owner,owner_id, owner_title_block, block_id) block_id = block_id + 1 list_of_blocks.append(owner_block) owner_id += 1 return list_of_blocks # Take in a specific item type and item, and return the html for that item def process_into_html(item_type,item, block_id): item_html = f""" {item_type} """ return item_html # Take in a specific iterable type and iterable, and return the html for that iterable def process_iterable_into_html(iterable_type, iterable, block_id): iterable_html = f"""""" for item in iterable: item_html = f""" {iterable_type} """ iterable_html += item_html return iterable_html # Take in a list of rumors and return the html for that list of rumors def process_rumors_into_html(rumors, block_id): rumors_html = f"""""" for rumor in rumors: rumor_html = f""" Store Rumors """ rumors_html += rumor_html return rumors_html # Take in a list of secrets and return the html for that list of secrets def process_secrets_into_html(secrets, block_id): secrets_html = f"""""" for secret in secrets: secret_html = f""" Secrets """ secrets_html += secret_html return secrets_html # Block for title, description, backstory, and reputation def build_title_block(title,description,backstory,reputation): title_block_html = f"""

{f"{description} {backstory} {reputation}"}

""" return title_block_html # Block for image generation def build_image_block(sd_prompt, block_id): image_block_html = f"""
""" return image_block_html # Block for store properties def build_store_properties_block(store_type, store_size, store_hours, store_location, store_owners, store_employees, store_services, store_specialties, store_reputation, store_rumors, block_id): # This could be a function since each block is identical. store_properties_base_html = f"""
""" store_owners = [] store_employees = [] owners_html = process_iterable_into_html('Store Owners', store_owners, block_id) employees_html = process_iterable_into_html('Store Employees', store_employees, block_id) store_specialties_html = process_iterable_into_html('Store Specialties', store_specialties, block_id) store_services_html = process_iterable_into_html('Store Services', store_services, block_id) store_rumors_html = process_rumors_into_html(store_rumors, block_id) store_iterables_html = f""" {owners_html} {employees_html} {store_services_html} {store_specialties_html} {store_rumors_html} """ store_end_html = f"""
Store Hours
Store Reputation
""" store_properties_block_html = f"""{store_properties_base_html} {store_iterables_html} {store_end_html}""" return store_properties_block_html # Block that build owner table def build_owner_block(owner, owner_id, owner_title_block, block_id): # Owner block with values : Name, Race, Class, Description, Personality, Secrets, sd-prompt # Process owner values into html owner_name_html = process_into_html('Owner', owner['name'], block_id) owner_race_html = process_into_html('Species', owner['species'], block_id) owner_class_html = process_into_html('Class', owner['class'], block_id) owner_description_html = process_into_html('Description', owner['description'], block_id) owner_personality_html = process_into_html('Personality', owner['personality'], block_id) owner_secrets_html = process_secrets_into_html(owner['secrets'], block_id) # Build owner block html # If owner_id is 1, add owner_title_block to owner_block_html owner_block_html = f"""""" owner_block_html += f"""
""" if owner_id == 1: owner_block_html+= owner_title_block owner_block_html += f"""


""" owner_block_html += f""" {owner_name_html} {owner_race_html} {owner_class_html} {owner_description_html} {owner_personality_html} {owner_secrets_html}
""" return owner_block_html