// Waits for DOM content to be fully loaded and assigns critical elements to variables. let initialPositions = []; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { const blockContainer = document.getElementById('blockContainer'); let blockContainerPage = document.getElementById('block-page'); const pageContainer = document.getElementById('pages'); const trashArea = document.getElementById('trashArea'); const resetButton = document.getElementById('resetButton'); let currentPage = pageContainer.querySelector('.block.monster.frame.wide'); const modal = document.getElementById('imageModal'); const modalImg = document.getElementById('modalImage'); const captionText = document.getElementById('caption'); const closeModal = document.getElementsByClassName('close')[0]; const MAX_COLUMN_HEIGHT = 847; if (!blockContainer || !pageContainer || !trashArea || !currentPage) { console.error('Required elements are null'); return; } if (!modal) { console.error('modal element not found'); return; } if (!modalImg) { console.error('modalImg element not found'); return; } if (!captionText) { console.error('captionText element not found'); return; } if (!closeModal) { console.error('closeModal element not found'); return; } // Event delegation for image clicks blockContainer.addEventListener('click', function(event) { console.log('Click detected in blockContainer:', event.target); if (event.target.tagName === 'IMG' && event.target.id.startsWith('generated-image-')) { console.log('Image clicked for modal display. Image ID:', event.target.id); modal.style.display = 'block'; modalImg.src = event.target.src; captionText.innerHTML = event.target.alt; } else { console.log('Clicked element is not an image or does not match ID pattern.'); } }); // Function to close the modal closeModal.onclick = function() { modal.style.display = "none"; } // Function to close the modal when clicking outside of the modal content window.onclick = function(event) { if (event.target == modal) { modal.style.display = "none"; } } document.getElementById('submitDescription').addEventListener('click', function() { const userInput = document.getElementById('user-description').value; // Clear the block container before inserting new blocks blockContainerPage.innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('add-page-button').addEventListener('click', addPage); document.getElementById('remove-page-button').addEventListener('click', removePage); fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ user_input: userInput }) }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { console.log('Success:', data); initialPositions.length = 0; // Clear the initialPositions array insertHtmlBlocks(data.html_blocks); const blocks = blockContainerPage.querySelectorAll('.block-item'); blocks.forEach(block => { block.setAttribute('data-page-id', 'block-container'); block.setAttribute('draggable', true); block.addEventListener('dragstart', handleDragStart); block.addEventListener('dragend', handleDragEnd); }); storeInitialPositions(); }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Error:', error); }); }); const headHTMLString = ` DnD Stat Block `; window.printPageContainer = function() { var pageContainer = document.getElementById('brewRenderer'); if (pageContainer) { var printWindow = window.open('', 'Print Preview', 'height=800,width=600'); printWindow.document.write(` Print Preview - DnD Stat Block ${pageContainer.innerHTML} `); // Wait for the content to be fully loaded before printing printWindow.onload = function() { printWindow.print(); printWindow.close(); // Close the print window after printing }; } else { console.error('Element with ID "pages" not found.'); } }; // Store initial positions of the blocks function storeInitialPositions() { const blocks = blockContainer.querySelectorAll('.block-item'); blocks.forEach((block, index) => { const blockId = block.getAttribute('data-block-id'); if (!blockId) { console.error(`Block at index ${index} is missing data-block-id`); } initialPositions.push({ id: blockId, index: index }); }); console.log('Initial positions:', initialPositions); } function sortBlocksById() { // Select all blocks inside the block-container const blocks = Array.from(blockContainerPage.querySelectorAll('.block-item')); console.log('Blocks in blockContainerPage:', blocks); // Sort the blocks based on their block-id attribute blocks.sort((a, b) => { const idA = parseInt(a.getAttribute('data-block-id'), 10); const idB = parseInt(b.getAttribute('data-block-id'), 10); return idA - idB; // Ascending order }); // Clear the block-container before re-appending the sorted blocks blockContainerPage.innerHTML = ''; // Re-append the blocks in the sorted order blocks.forEach(block => blockContainerPage.appendChild(block)); console.log('Blocks have been sorted and re-appended based on block-id'); } function reinsertBlock(blockContainerPage, blockId, innerHTML) { const originalPosition = initialPositions.find(pos => pos.id === blockId); console.log('Original position:', originalPosition); if (originalPosition) { const blocks = blockContainerPage.querySelectorAll('.block-item'); console.log('Blocks in blockContainerPage:', blocks); // Adding debugging output for index details console.log(`Attempting to insert block with ID: ${blockId} at original index: ${originalPosition.index}`); const newBlock = document.createElement('div'); newBlock.classList.add('block-item'); newBlock.setAttribute('data-block-id', blockId); newBlock.setAttribute('data-page-id', 'block-container'); newBlock.innerHTML = innerHTML; newBlock.setAttribute('draggable', true); newBlock.addEventListener('dragstart', handleDragStart); newBlock.addEventListener('dragend', handleDragEnd); if (originalPosition.index < blocks.length) { const referenceNode = blocks[originalPosition.index]; // Debugging output to ensure the correct reference node is identified console.log(`Reference node index: ${originalPosition.index}, Node:`, referenceNode); if (referenceNode && referenceNode.parentNode === blockContainerPage) { console.log(`Inserting before block at index: ${originalPosition.index}`); blockContainerPage.insertBefore(newBlock, referenceNode); } else { console.warn('Reference node does not belong to blockContainerPage, appending to the end'); blockContainerPage.appendChild(newBlock); } } else { console.log('Original index exceeds current blocks, appending block to the end'); blockContainerPage.appendChild(newBlock); } } else { console.warn('Original position not found, appending block to the end of blockContainerPage'); const newBlock = document.createElement('div'); newBlock.classList.add('block-item'); newBlock.setAttribute('data-block-id', blockId); newBlock.setAttribute('data-page-id', 'block-container'); newBlock.innerHTML = innerHTML; newBlock.setAttribute('draggable', true); newBlock.addEventListener('dragstart', handleDragStart); newBlock.addEventListener('dragend', handleDragEnd); blockContainerPage.appendChild(newBlock); } console.log(`Restored block with ID: ${blockId}`); } function insertHtmlBlocks(blocks) { console.log('blockContainerPage = ', blockContainerPage) console.log('List of blocks:', blocks); const parser = new DOMParser(); blocks.forEach(blockHtml => { console.log('Original blockHtml:', blockHtml); // Parse the HTML string const doc = parser.parseFromString(blockHtml, 'text/html'); const block = doc.body.firstChild; if (block) { blockContainerPage.appendChild(block); // Append the parsed block to the container console.log('Appended block:', block); } }); // console.log('Final state of blockContainer:', blockContainer.innerHTML); initializeTextareaResizing(); } storeInitialPositions(); function adjustTextareaHeight(el) { if (el.scrollHeight > 16){ el.style.height = 'auto'; el.style.height = (el.scrollHeight) + 'px'; } } function initializeTextareaResizing() { const classes = [ 'description-textarea', 'user-description-textarea', 'heading-textarea', 'properties-textarea', 'string-stat-textarea', 'string-action-description-textarea', ]; classes.forEach(className => { const textareas = document.querySelectorAll(`.${className}`); textareas.forEach(textarea => { // Adjust height on page load adjustTextareaHeight(textarea); // Adjust height on input textarea.addEventListener('input', function() { adjustTextareaHeight(textarea); console.log('Input event triggered for:', textarea.id); // Debugging line }); }); }); } // Initial run on page load initializeTextareaResizing(); async function extractBlocks() { try { if (blockContainerPage.children.length > 0) { console.log('Blocks already loaded, skipping fetch'); return; } const response = await fetch('template_update.html'); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Network response was not ok ' + response.statusText); } const text = await response.text(); const parser = new DOMParser(); const doc = parser.parseFromString(text, 'text/html'); // Selecting all elements with the 'block-item' class const blocks = doc.querySelectorAll('.block-item'); blocks.forEach((block, index) => { const blockContent = block.innerHTML; const blockItem = document.createElement('div'); blockItem.classList.add('block-item'); blockItem.innerHTML = blockContent; // Assigning unique block ID const blockId = `block-${index}`; blockItem.setAttribute('data-block-id', blockId); // Setting the page ID and other attributes const pageId = 'block-container'; blockItem.setAttribute('data-page-id', pageId); blockItem.setAttribute('draggable', true); // Add event listeners for drag and drop functionality blockItem.addEventListener('dragstart', handleDragStart); blockItem.addEventListener('dragend', handleDragEnd); console.log(`Loaded block with ID: ${blockId}`); // Append block to the container blockContainerPage.appendChild(blockItem); }); // Store the initial positions of the blocks (if needed for drag and drop) storeInitialPositions(); } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching and parsing template_update.html:', error); } } blockContainer.addEventListener('click', function(event) { if (event.target && event.target.classList.contains('generate-image-button')) { const blockId = event.target.getAttribute('data-block-id'); generateImage(blockId); } }); // Function to generate image function generateImage(blockId) { const sdPromptElement = document.getElementById(`user-storefront-prompt-${blockId}`); const imageElement = document.getElementById(`generated-image-${blockId}`); if (!sdPromptElement) { console.error('Element with ID user-storefront-prompt not found'); return; } if (!imageElement) { console.error('Element with ID generated-image not found'); return; } const sdPrompt = sdPromptElement.value; fetch('/generate-image', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ sd_prompt: sdPrompt }) }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { console.log('Received data:', data); imageElement.src = data.image_url; imageElement.style.display = 'block'; // Log the image element's HTML structure console.log('Updated imageElement HTML:', imageElement.outerHTML); }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Error:', error); }); } function lockTextareas() { const textareas = document.querySelectorAll('textarea'); textareas.forEach(textarea => { textarea.setAttribute('disabled', true); }); const descriptionTextareas = document.querySelectorAll('.description-textarea'); descriptionTextareas.forEach(descriptionTextarea => { descriptionTextarea.removeAttribute('contenteditable'); }); console.log('All textareas have been locked.'); } function unlockTextareas() { const textareas = document.querySelectorAll('textarea'); textareas.forEach(textarea => { textarea.removeAttribute('disabled'); }); const descriptionTextareas = document.querySelectorAll('.description-textarea'); descriptionTextareas.forEach(descriptionTextarea => { descriptionTextarea.setAttribute('contenteditable', 'true'); }); console.log('All textareas have been unlocked.'); } function handleDragStart(e) { lockTextareas(); const target = e.target.closest('.block-item, .block-content'); if (!target) { console.error('Drag started for an element without a valid target'); return; } const blockId = target.getAttribute('data-block-id'); const pageId = target.getAttribute('data-page-id'); if (!blockId) { console.error('Drag started for an element without a data-block-id'); return; } if (!pageId) { console.error('Drag started for an element without a data-page-id'); return; } // Store the block ID and inner HTML in the data transfer object const innerHTML = target.innerHTML; e.dataTransfer.setData('block-id', blockId); e.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', innerHTML); // Store inner HTML e.dataTransfer.setData('data-page-id', pageId); // Store original page ID e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'; target.style.opacity = '0.4'; // Create an invisible drag image const dragImage = document.createElement('div'); dragImage.style.width = '1px'; dragImage.style.height = '1px'; dragImage.style.opacity = '0'; document.body.appendChild(dragImage); e.dataTransfer.setDragImage(dragImage, 0, 0); console.log(`Drag started for block ID: ${blockId} page ID: ${pageId}`); } function handleDragEnd(e) { const target = e.target.closest('.block-item, .block-content'); if (target) { target.style.opacity = '1'; // Reset the opacity const blockId = target.getAttribute('data-block-id'); console.log(`Drag ended for block ID: ${blockId}`); } // Remove highlight classes from pages and blocks document.querySelectorAll('.highlight-page').forEach(el => el.classList.remove('highlight-page')); document.querySelectorAll('.highlight-block').forEach(el => el.classList.remove('highlight-block')); document.querySelectorAll('.highlight-block-top').forEach(el => el.classList.remove('highlight-block-top')); unlockTextareas() } function handleDragOver(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Get the element currently under the cursor const elementUnderCursor = document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY); if (elementUnderCursor) { // Check if the element is a block or textarea if (elementUnderCursor.classList.contains('block-item')) { console.log('Dragging over a block-item:', elementUnderCursor); console.log('Block ID:', elementUnderCursor.getAttribute('data-block-id')); } else if (elementUnderCursor.tagName === 'TEXTAREA') { console.log('Dragging over a textarea:', elementUnderCursor); } else { // Log other elements if needed console.log('Dragging over another element:', elementUnderCursor.tagName); } } // Check if the drop target is a TEXTAREA or any other non-droppable area if (e.target.tagName === 'TEXTAREA' || e.target.closest('.block-item')) { e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'none'; // Indicate that drop is not allowed return; } e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'; // Indicate that drop is allowed const targetPage = e.target.closest('.page'); if (targetPage) { targetPage.classList.add('highlight-page'); // Add highlight class for pages } const targetBlock = e.target.closest('.block-item, .block-content'); if (targetBlock) { const bounding = targetBlock.getBoundingClientRect(); const offset = e.clientY - bounding.top; if (offset > bounding.height / 2) { targetBlock.classList.add('highlight-block'); targetBlock.classList.remove('highlight-block-top'); } else { targetBlock.classList.add('highlight-block-top'); targetBlock.classList.remove('highlight-block'); } } } function handleDrop(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Ensure we are not dropping into a textarea or another block if (e.target.classList.contains('block-item', 'block-content', 'description-textarea') || e.target.tagName === 'TEXTAREA') { console.log('Cannot drop block inside another block or textarea'); return; } const blockId = e.dataTransfer.getData('block-id'); const originalPageId = e.dataTransfer.getData('data-page-id'); const innerHTML = e.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain'); console.log(`Drop event for block ID: ${blockId} from page ID: ${originalPageId}`); if (blockId && originalPageId) { const originalBlock = document.querySelector(`[data-block-id="${blockId}"]`); const newPage = e.target.closest('.page'); console.log(`Over page ${newPage} from page ID: ${originalPageId}`); const newPageId = newPage.getAttribute('data-page-id'); // Ensure the original block exists before proceeding if (!originalBlock || !newPage) { console.error(`Block with ID ${blockId} on page ${originalPageId} not found`); return; } const newBlockContent = document.createElement('div'); newBlockContent.classList.add('block-content'); newBlockContent.innerHTML = originalBlock.innerHTML; // Transfer inner content only // Add necessary attributes and event listeners newBlockContent.setAttribute('data-block-id', blockId); newBlockContent.setAttribute('data-page-id', newPageId); console.log('newPageID:', newPageId); newBlockContent.setAttribute('draggable', true); newBlockContent.addEventListener('dragstart', handleDragStart); newBlockContent.addEventListener('dragend', handleDragEnd); const target = e.target.closest('.block-item, .block-content'); let targetColumn = 1; if (target) { const bounding = target.getBoundingClientRect(); const offset = e.clientY - bounding.top; console.log('Drop target found:', target); console.log('Bounding rectangle:', bounding); console.log('Offset from top:', offset); console.log('Target height:', bounding.height); console.log('Insert before or after decision point (height / 2):', bounding.height / 2); targetColumn = getColumnFromOffset(target, offset); if (offset > bounding.height / 2) { console.log('Inserting after the target'); target.parentNode.insertBefore(newBlockContent, target.nextSibling); } else { console.log('Inserting before the target'); target.parentNode.insertBefore(newBlockContent, target); } // Remove highlight borders target.style['border-bottom'] = ''; target.style['border-top'] = ''; } else { console.log('No valid drop target found, appending to the end'); newPage.querySelector('.block.monster.frame.wide').appendChild(newBlockContent); } // Remove the original block from the original container originalBlock.parentNode.removeChild(originalBlock); // Reset opacity of dragged element newBlockContent.style.opacity = '1'; console.log(`Moved existing block with ID: ${blockId} to page ID: ${newPageId}`); initializeTextareaResizing(); // Adjust layouts if (originalPageId !== 'block-container') { adjustPageLayout(originalPageId); } adjustPageLayout(newPageId, targetColumn); } else { console.log('No data transferred'); } } function getColumnFromOffset(block, offset) { const page = block.closest('.page'); if (!page) return 1; const columnWrapper = page.querySelector('.columnWrapper'); const columnWrapperRect = columnWrapper.getBoundingClientRect(); const relativeOffset = offset - columnWrapperRect.left; // Calculate the offset relative to the column wrapper const columnWidth = columnWrapper.clientWidth / 2; // Assuming two columns // Log details for debugging console.log('Block offset:', offset); console.log('Relative offset:', relativeOffset); const columnNumber = Math.ceil(relativeOffset / columnWidth); // Ensure the column number is within valid bounds (1 or 2) const validColumnNumber = Math.min(Math.max(columnNumber, 1), 2); return validColumnNumber; } // Function to get the height of a column by index function getColumnHeights(pageElement) { const columns = [0, 0]; // Assuming two columns for simplicity const blocks = pageElement.querySelectorAll('.block-content'); blocks.forEach(block => { const column = getColumnFromOffset(block, block.getBoundingClientRect().left); columns[column - 1] += block.offsetHeight; }); return columns; } function adjustPageLayout(pageId) { const page = document.querySelector(`[data-page-id="${pageId}"]`); if (!page) { console.error(`Page with ID ${pageId} not found`); return; } const columnHeights = getColumnHeights(page); console.log(`Total height of columns in ${pageId}: ${columnHeights}`); for (let i = 0; i < columnHeights.length; i++) { if (columnHeights[i] > MAX_COLUMN_HEIGHT) { console.log(`Column ${i + 1} in ${pageId} exceeds max height, total height: ${columnHeights[i]}px`); handleColumnOverflow(page, i + 1); } } } let pageCounter = 1; // Function to create new page function addPage() { const newPage = document.createElement('div'); newPage.classList.add('page'); newPage.setAttribute('data-page-id', `page-${pageCounter}`); newPage.id = `page-${pageCounter}`; const columnWrapper = document.createElement('div'); columnWrapper.classList.add('columnWrapper'); const newMonsterFrame = document.createElement('div'); newMonsterFrame.classList.add('block', 'monster', 'frame', 'wide'); columnWrapper.appendChild(newMonsterFrame); newPage.appendChild(columnWrapper); pageContainer.appendChild(newPage); currentPage = newMonsterFrame; console.log(`Created new page with ID: ${newPage.id}`); // Add event listeners to the new currentPage currentPage.addEventListener('dragover', handleDragOver); currentPage.addEventListener('drop', handleDrop); pageCounter++; return newPage; } function removePage() { const pages = pageContainer.querySelectorAll('.page'); if (pages.length > 1) { // Ensure at least one page remains const lastPage = pages[pages.length - 1]; pageContainer.removeChild(lastPage); console.log(`Page removed with ID: ${lastPage.id}`); } else { console.log('Cannot remove the last page.'); } } function handleColumnOverflow(page, targetColumn) { console.log(`Handling overflow for page ID: ${page.getAttribute('data-page-id')} in column ${targetColumn}`); const blocks = Array.from(page.querySelectorAll('.block-content')); let columnHeights = [0, 0]; let overflowStartIndex = -1; // Find the start index where overflow begins in the target column blocks.forEach((block, index) => { const column = getColumnFromOffset(block, block.getBoundingClientRect().left); columnHeights[column - 1] += block.offsetHeight; if (column === 2 && columnHeights[1] > MAX_COLUMN_HEIGHT && overflowStartIndex === -1) { overflowStartIndex = index; } }); // If no overflow, return early if (overflowStartIndex === -1) { return; } const overflowBlocks = blocks.slice(overflowStartIndex); const overflowHeight = overflowBlocks.reduce((acc, block) => acc + block.offsetHeight, 0); // Get the next page if it exists const nextPage = getNextPage(page); if (nextPage) { const nextPageBlocks = nextPage.querySelectorAll('.block-content, .block-item'); let nextPageColumnHeights = [0, 0]; nextPageBlocks.forEach(block => { const column = getColumnFromOffset(block, block.getBoundingClientRect().left); nextPageColumnHeights[column - 1] += block.offsetHeight; }); // Check if there's enough space in the target column of the next page if (nextPageColumnHeights[targetColumn - 1] + overflowHeight <= MAX_COLUMN_HEIGHT) { const nextPageContainer = nextPage.querySelector('.block.monster.frame.wide'); overflowBlocks.forEach(block => { nextPageContainer.appendChild(block); block.setAttribute('data-page-id', nextPage.getAttribute('data-page-id')); }); return; } } // Otherwise, create a new page and move the overflowing blocks there const newPage = addPage(); if (!newPage) { console.error('Failed to create a new page'); return; } const newMonsterFrame = newPage.querySelector('.block.monster.frame.wide'); if (!newMonsterFrame) { console.error('New monster frame not found in the new page'); return; } overflowBlocks.forEach(block => { newMonsterFrame.appendChild(block); block.setAttribute('data-page-id', newPage.getAttribute('data-page-id')); }); console.log(`Moved overflowing blocks to new page with ID: ${newPage.getAttribute('data-page-id')}`); } // Utility function to get the next page element function getNextPage(currentPage) { const nextPageId = parseInt(currentPage.getAttribute('data-page-id').split('-')[1]) + 1; return document.querySelector(`[data-page-id="page-${nextPageId}"]`); } // Handle the drop event on the trash area function handleTrashDrop(e) { e.preventDefault(); const innerHTML = e.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain'); const blockId = e.dataTransfer.getData('block-id'); console.log('Trash Drop event:', e); console.log('Dragged block ID to trash:', blockId); if (innerHTML && blockId) { // Find the dragged element and remove it from the DOM let draggedElement = document.querySelector(`[data-block-id="${blockId}"].block-content`); if (!draggedElement) { draggedElement = document.querySelector(`[data-block-id="${blockId}"].block-item`); } if (draggedElement && draggedElement.parentElement) { draggedElement.parentElement.removeChild(draggedElement); console.log(`Removed block with ID: ${blockId} from the page`); } // Check if the block already exists in the block-container and remove it if it does let existingBlock = blockContainer.querySelector(`[data-block-id="${blockId}"].block-content`); if (!existingBlock) { existingBlock = blockContainer.querySelector(`[data-block-id="${blockId}"].block-item`); } if (existingBlock && existingBlock.parentElement) { existingBlock.parentElement.removeChild(existingBlock); console.log(`Removed duplicate block with ID: ${blockId} from block-container`); } // Ensure the block is appended to the page wrapper inside blockContainer let blockContainerPage = blockContainer.querySelector('.page'); if (!blockContainerPage) { blockContainerPage = document.createElement('div'); blockContainerPage.classList.add('page'); blockContainerPage.setAttribute('data-page-id', 'block-container'); blockContainer.appendChild(blockContainerPage); } // Reinsert the block using the refactored function reinsertBlock(blockContainerPage, blockId, innerHTML); sortBlocksById(); } else { console.log('No data transferred'); } // Remove the "over" class and reset the background image trashArea.classList.remove('over'); trashArea.style.backgroundImage = "url('./closed-mimic-trashcan.png')"; initializeTextareaResizing(); } function handleTrashOver(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'; trashArea.classList.add('over'); trashArea.style.backgroundImage = "url('./mimic_trashcan.png')"; console.log('Trash over event'); } function handleTrashLeave(e) { trashArea.classList.remove('over'); trashArea.style.backgroundImage = "url('./closed-mimic-trashcan.png')"; console.log('Trash leave event'); } function handleReset() { console.log('Reset button clicked'); // Collect all blocks from all pages const allBlocks = []; const pages = document.querySelectorAll('.page'); pages.forEach(page => { const blocksOnPage = page.querySelectorAll('[data-block-id]'); blocksOnPage.forEach(block => { const blockId = block.getAttribute('data-block-id'); allBlocks.push({ id: blockId, innerHTML: block.innerHTML }); block.remove(); console.log(`Removed block with ID: ${blockId} from page ID: ${page.getAttribute('data-page-id')}`); }); }); // Clear all pages pages.forEach(page => page.remove()); // Clear blockContainer before reinserting blocks blockContainer.innerHTML = ''; // Reinsert blocks back into the blockContainer in their original order if (!blockContainerPage) { blockContainerPage = document.createElement('div'); blockContainerPage.classList.add('page'); blockContainerPage.setAttribute('id', 'block-page'); blockContainer.appendChild(blockContainerPage); } // Reassign blockContainerPage to the newly created block-page element blockContainerPage = document.getElementById('block-page'); initialPositions.forEach(pos => { const blockData = allBlocks.find(block => block.id === pos.id); if (blockData) { reinsertBlock(blockContainerPage, blockData.id, blockData.innerHTML); sortBlocksById(); } }); addPage(); console.log('Reset complete, all blocks moved back to block-container'); initializeTextareaResizing(); } blockContainer.addEventListener('dragover', handleDragOver); blockContainer.addEventListener('drop', handleDrop); pageContainer.addEventListener('dragover', handleDragOver); pageContainer.addEventListener('drop', handleDrop); trashArea.addEventListener('dragover', handleTrashOver); trashArea.addEventListener('dragleave', handleTrashLeave); trashArea.addEventListener('drop', handleTrashDrop); resetButton.addEventListener('click', handleReset); extractBlocks(); });