drakosfire's picture
LLM dictionary to text and back to dictionary for inventory, html templates
history blame
No virus
2.36 kB
const _ = require('lodash');
const dedent = require('dedent-tabs').default;
module.exports = function(classname){
classname = _.sample(['archivist', 'fancyman', 'linguist', 'fletcher',
'notary', 'berserker-typist', 'fishmongerer', 'manicurist', 'haberdasher', 'concierge']);
classname = classname.toLowerCase();
const hitDie = _.sample([4, 6, 8, 10, 12]);
const spellSkill = _.sample(['Wisdom', 'Charisma', 'Intelligence']);
const abilityList = ['Strength', 'Dexerity', 'Constitution', 'Wisdom', 'Charisma', 'Intelligence'];
const skillList = ['Acrobatics', 'Animal Handling', 'Arcana', 'Athletics', 'Deception', 'History', 'Insight', 'Intimidation', 'Investigation', 'Medicine', 'Nature', 'Perception', 'Performance', 'Persuasion', 'Religion', 'Sleight of Hand', 'Stealth', 'Survival'];
return dedent`
## Class Features
As a ${classname}, you gain the following class features
#### Hit Points
**Hit Dice:** :: 1d${hitDie} per ${classname} level
**Hit Points at 1st Level:** :: ${hitDie} + your Constitution modifier
**Hit Points at Higher Levels:** :: 1d${hitDie} (or ${hitDie/2 + 1}) + your Constitution modifier per ${classname} level after 1st
#### Proficiencies
**Armor:** :: ${_.sampleSize(['Light armor', 'Medium armor', 'Heavy armor', 'Shields'], _.random(0, 3)).join(', ') || 'None'}
**Weapons:** :: ${_.sampleSize(['Squeegee', 'Rubber Chicken', 'Simple weapons', 'Martial weapons'], _.random(0, 2)).join(', ') || 'None'}
**Tools:** :: ${_.sampleSize(['Artisan\'s tools', 'one musical instrument', 'Thieves\' tools'], _.random(0, 2)).join(', ') || 'None'}
**Saving Throws:** :: ${_.sampleSize(abilityList, 2).join(', ')}
**Skills:** :: Choose two from ${_.sampleSize(skillList, _.random(4, 6)).join(', ')}
#### Spellcasting Ability
**Spell save DC**:: = ${_.sample([6, 8, 10])} + your proficiency bonus + your ${spellSkill} modifier
**Spell attack modifier**:: = your proficiency bonus + your ${spellSkill} modifier
#### Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (*a*) a martial weapon and a shield or (*b*) two martial weapons
- (*a*) five javelins or (*b*) any simple melee weapon
- ${_.sample(['10 lint fluffs', '1 button', 'a cherished lost sock'])}