import item_dict_gen as igen import img2img import card_generator as card import utilities as u import sys image_path = str end_phrase = """<|end_of_turn|>""" # Indexing the contents of Card templates and temp images card_template_path = "./card_templates/" temp_image_path = "./image_temp" user_pick_template_prompt = "Pick a template number from this list : " user_pick_image_prompt = "Select an image : " # Check if the user wants to exit the chatbot def user_exit_question(user_input): if user_input.lower() in ['exit', 'quit']: print("Chatbot session ended.") sys.exit() # Process the list of files in the card_template directory and print with corresponding numbers to index def process_list_for_user_response(list_of_items): x = 0 for item in list_of_items: print(f"{x} : {item}") x += 1 def user_pick_item(user_prompt,list_of_items): process_list_for_user_response(list_of_items) user_input = input(user_prompt) # Check if the user wants to exit the chatbot user_exit_question(user_input) return list_of_items[int(user_input)] def call_llm(user_input): # Process the query and get the response llm_call = igen.call_llm_and_cleanup(user_input) response = llm_call # Find the index of the phrase index = response.find(end_phrase) print(f"index = {index}") if index != -1: # Slice the string from the end of the phrase onwards response = response[index + len(end_phrase):] else: # Phrase not found, optional handling response = response response = response.replace("GPT4 Assistant: ", "") print(response) response = igen.convert_to_dict(response) if not response: response = call_llm(user_input) del llm_call return response def prompt_user_input(): mimic = None while True: user_input_item = input("Provide an item : ") user_exit_question(user_input_item) if 'mimic' in user_input_item.lower(): mimic = True #user_input_template = input(f"Pick a template number from this list : {process_list_for_user_response(list_of_card_templates)}") user_input_template = user_pick_item(user_pick_template_prompt) response = call_llm(user_input_item) print(response[u.keys_list(response,0)]) output_dict = response[u.keys_list(response,0)] item_name = response[u.keys_list(response,0)]['Name'] sd_prompt = response[u.keys_list(response,0)]['SD Prompt'] image_path = img2img.generate_image(4,sd_prompt,item_name,user_input_template, mimic) user_card_image = user_pick_item(user_pick_image_prompt, image_path) print(image_path) card.render_text_on_card(user_card_image, output_dict) u.delete_files(u.image_list)