from abc import abstractmethod from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass import os from typing import Callable, ClassVar, Dict, Any import uuid import time from threading import Event, Thread import chromadb from chromadb.config import Component from pathlib import Path from enum import Enum TELEMETRY_WHITELISTED_SETTINGS = [ "chroma_db_impl", "chroma_api_impl", "chroma_server_ssl_enabled", ] class ServerContext(Enum): NONE = "None" FASTAPI = "FastAPI" @dataclass class TelemetryEvent: name: ClassVar[str] @property def properties(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return asdict(self) class RepeatedTelemetry: def __init__(self, interval: int, function: Callable[[], None]): self.interval = interval self.function = function self.start = time.time() self.event = Event() self.thread = Thread(target=self._target) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() def _target(self) -> None: while not self.event.wait(self._time): self.function() @property def _time(self) -> float: return self.interval - ((time.time() - self.start) % self.interval) def stop(self) -> None: self.event.set() self.thread.join() class Telemetry(Component): USER_ID_PATH = str(Path.home() / ".cache" / "chroma" / "telemetry_user_id") UNKNOWN_USER_ID = "UNKNOWN" SERVER_CONTEXT: ServerContext = ServerContext.NONE _curr_user_id = None @abstractmethod def capture(self, event: TelemetryEvent) -> None: pass # Schedule a function that creates a TelemetryEvent to be called every `every_seconds` seconds. def schedule_event_function( self, event_function: Callable[..., TelemetryEvent], every_seconds: int ) -> None: RepeatedTelemetry(every_seconds, lambda: self.capture(event_function())) @property def context(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: chroma_version = chromadb.__version__ settings = chromadb.get_settings() telemetry_settings = {} for whitelisted in TELEMETRY_WHITELISTED_SETTINGS: telemetry_settings[whitelisted] = settings[whitelisted] self._context = { "chroma_version": chroma_version, "server_context": self.SERVER_CONTEXT.value, **telemetry_settings, } return self._context @property def user_id(self) -> str: if self._curr_user_id: return self._curr_user_id # File access may fail due to permissions or other reasons. We don't want to crash so we catch all exceptions. try: if not os.path.exists(self.USER_ID_PATH): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.USER_ID_PATH), exist_ok=True) with open(self.USER_ID_PATH, "w") as f: new_user_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) f.write(new_user_id) self._curr_user_id = new_user_id else: with open(self.USER_ID_PATH, "r") as f: self._curr_user_id = except Exception: self._curr_user_id = self.UNKNOWN_USER_ID return self._curr_user_id