prompt_placeholder = '[$$$]' data_format = {'name': '', 'title': '', 'contactInfo': {'linkedin': '', 'github': '', 'email': '', 'address': '', 'phone': ''}, 'summary': '', 'workExperience': [{'title': '', 'company': '', 'dates': '', 'description': ''}, ], 'education': [{'degree': '', 'school': '', 'dates': '', 'description': ''}, ], 'skills': ['', ]} recruiter_prompt = 'You are a professional resume builder and a recruiter.\n' command_prompt = 'Re-write the input as professionally as possible, adding vital, valuable information and skills.\n' \ 'Enhance the input to showcase the relevant education, experience, and skills in a professional manner to effectively demonstrate value to potential employers.\n' \ f'Do it for every value in your output {str(list(data_format))}. ' user_request_prompt = f'{prompt_placeholder}' output_commands_prompts = dict() output_commands_prompts[ 'all'] = f'Return the output as dictionary in the next format {str(data_format)}. Return only the keys: {str(list(data_format))}.' output_commands_prompts['section'] = f'Return the output as string.' input_prompt = f'Input: {prompt_placeholder}' def get_prompt(input_data, user_request='', output_type='all'): input_data = str(input_data) valid_output_types = list(output_commands_prompts) assert str(output_type) in valid_output_types, f"Not valid output type, try {valid_output_types}" if user_request: user_request += '\n' template = '\n'.join( [recruiter_prompt, command_prompt, user_request_prompt.replace(prompt_placeholder, user_request), input_prompt.replace(prompt_placeholder, input_data), output_commands_prompts[output_type], command_prompt]) return template