import openai import streamlit as st import fitz import streamlit as st def developer_details(): st.sidebar.markdown("# Developer Details") developers = [ { "name": "Sudhir Sharma", "role": "B.Tech CSE - IIT Bhilai 2024", "email": "", "github": "", "linkedin": "", "avatar": "", # Replace with actual image URL }, # Add more developers if needed ] for developer in developers: st.sidebar.markdown(f"## {developer['name']}") st.sidebar.image(developer['avatar'], width=150) st.sidebar.write(f"**Role:** {developer['role']}") st.sidebar.write(f"**Email:** {developer['email']}") st.sidebar.write(f"**GitHub:** {developer['github']}") st.sidebar.write(f"**LinkedIn:** {developer['linkedin']}") st.sidebar.markdown("---") # Call the function to display the container in the sidebar developer_details() def prompt1(company,position,round,intervier_level): prompt=f""" I want you to act as a {intervier_level} for {round} interviews on {company} company for the position of {position}. You'll suggest the characteristics of this job interview and the characteristics of the {company}'s interview. The return format should bullet point be like this: Characteristics of this job interview: - name: detail explanation Characteristics of {company}: - name: detail explanation """ return prompt def followup1(company,position,round,bullet_point): prompt=f""" Can you talk the detail about {bullet_point} for {round} interviews on {company} company for the position of {position}? The return format should bullet point be like this: - name: detail explanation """ return prompt def prompt2(position): prompt=f""" I want you to act as a talent recruiter for the position of {position}'s interviews. You'll suggest the characteristics of this job interview for both behavior requirement and technical requirement. The return format should bullet point be like this: Characteristics of this behavior requirement: - name: detail explanation Characteristics of technical requirement: - name: detail explanation """ return prompt def followup2(position,bullet_point): prompt=f""" Can you talk the detail about {bullet_point} for the interview of {position}? The return format should bullet point be like this: - name: detail impovement advice """ return prompt def prompt3(position,resume,dis_num,ad_num): prompt=f""" I want you to act as a talent recruiter for hiring {position}. I will give you a resume and you'll suggest what are {dis_num}+ disadvantages and {ad_num}+ advantages of the {position} position. Please remember, the return should be highly related to the {position} position. The return format should bullet point be like this: Disadvatage: - name: Suggestions for improvements to make the resume more appropriate for the {position} position and link to specific sentences on the resume. Advantage: - name: use one sentence to explain why it is advantageous for the {position} position. Here is the resume: {resume}. """ return prompt def followup3(position,resume,bullet_point): prompt=f""" Can you talk the detail about {bullet_point} for the position of {position} based on {resume}? The return format should bullet point be like this: - name: detail impovement advice """ return prompt def ask(prompt): rsp = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": prompt}, ] ) output=rsp.choices[0].message.content return output #################### st.title('IntervuPro.Ai') st.subheader('A tool using to help people prepare their interview by using gpt3.5') # environment setup key=st.text_input('Please input your OpenAI key') openai.api_key=key option = st.selectbox( 'How would you like to prepare for the interview?', ('Prepare for a specific interview', 'Understand the requirement of a specific position', 'Analyze resume', )) if "submit" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["submit"] = False st.write('') ###### option 1 if option=='Prepare for a specific interview': col1, col2= st.columns(2) with col1: company=st.text_input('Input your company','Amazon') with col2: position=st.text_input('Input your position','Data engineer') col3, col4 = st.columns(2) with col3: intervier_level=st.text_input('Input your interviewer level: ','Talent Recuriter') with col4:'Select your round: ',('Phone Screen','Behavior Interview','Technical Interview', 'General')) if round=='General': round='' st.write('Click button again if you want to regenerate a new ansewer.') submit_button=st.button('Submit') if st.session_state.get('button') != True: st.session_state['button'] = submit_button if st.session_state['button'] == True: prompt=prompt1(company,position,round,intervier_level) output=ask(prompt) st.write(output) followup_time=0 followup='' while True: output_list=output.split('\n') indexes = [i for i, word in enumerate(output_list) if '- ' in word] new_list = [output_list[i] for i in indexes] Cq=[i.split(':')[0].strip('- ') for i in new_list] Cq = ['None']+ Cq followup_radio ='I want to follow up:', tuple(Cq),key='0') if followup_radio: followup_time +=1 if followup_radio == 'None': break else: if followup_radio != 'None': followup = followup1(company, position, round, followup_radio) output = ask(followup) st.write(output) if followup_time>5: break ###### option 2 if option =='Understand the requirement of a specific position': position=st.text_input('Input your position','Data engineer') st.write('Click button again if you want to regenerate a new ansewer.') #submit=st.checkbox('submit') submit=st.button('submit') if submit: prompt=prompt2(position) output=ask(prompt) st.write(output) followup='' output_list=output.split('\n') indexes = [i for i, word in enumerate(output_list) if '- ' in word] new_list = [output_list[i] for i in indexes] Cq=[i.split(':')[0].strip('- ') for i in new_list] Cq = ['None']+ Cq followup_radio ='I want to follow up:', tuple(Cq)) if followup_radio!='None': followup = followup2(position,followup_radio) op = ask(followup) st.write(op) ###### option 3 if option =='Analyze resume': # col31, col32,col33= st.columns(3) # with col31: # position=st.text_input('Input your position','data engineer') # with col32: # dis_num=st.text_input('Input your dis_num','6') # with col33: # ad_num=st.text_input('Input your ad_num','4') position=st.text_input('Input your position','data engineer') dis_num=6 ad_num=4 uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload your resume", type=["pdf"]) if uploaded_file: if "submit" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["submit"] = False doc =, filetype="pdf") resume = "" for page in doc: resume += page.get_text() st.write('Click button again if you want to regenerate a new ansewer.') submit_button=st.button('Submit') if st.session_state.get('button') != True: st.session_state['button'] = submit_button if st.session_state['button'] == True: prompt=prompt3(position,resume,dis_num,ad_num) output=ask(prompt) st.write(output) followup_time=0 while True: output_list=output.split('\n') output_list= [element for element in output_list if element != ''] ind = [i for i, word in enumerate(output_list) if 'Advantage:' in word] Cdis_list=output_list[1:int(dis_num)+1] Cdis=[i.split(':')[0].strip('- ') for i in Cdis_list] Cdis = ['None']+ Cdis followup_radio ='I want to follow up:', tuple(Cdis),key=followup_time) followup_time +=1 if followup_radio == 'None': break else: followup = followup3(position,resume,followup_radio) output = ask(followup) st.write(output) if followup_time>4: break