from typing import * from abc import abstractmethod from queue import Empty, Full from threading import Thread from queue import Queue from multiprocessing import Process from threading import Thread, Event import multiprocessing import threading import inspect import time import uuid from copy import deepcopy import itertools import functools __all__ = [ 'Node', 'Link', 'ConcurrentNode', 'Worker', 'WorkerFunction', 'Provider', 'ProviderFunction', 'Sequential', 'Batch', 'Unbatch', 'Parallel', 'Graph', 'Buffer', ] TERMINATE_CHECK_INTERVAL = 0.5 class _ItemWrapper: def __init__(self, data: Any, id: Union[int, List[int]] = None): = data = id class Terminate(Exception): pass def _get_queue_item(queue: Queue, terminate_flag: Event, timeout: float = None) -> _ItemWrapper: while True: try: item: _ItemWrapper = queue.get(block=True, timeout=TERMINATE_CHECK_INTERVAL if timeout is None else min(timeout, TERMINATE_CHECK_INTERVAL)) if terminate_flag.is_set(): raise Terminate() return item except Empty: if terminate_flag.is_set(): raise Terminate() if timeout is not None: timeout -= TERMINATE_CHECK_INTERVAL if timeout <= 0: raise Empty() def _put_queue_item(queue: Queue, item: _ItemWrapper, terminate_flag: Event): while True: try: queue.put(item, block=True, timeout=TERMINATE_CHECK_INTERVAL) if terminate_flag.is_set(): raise Terminate() return except Full: if terminate_flag.is_set(): raise Terminate() class Node: def __init__(self, in_buffer_size: int = 1, out_buffer_size: int = 1) -> None: self.input: Queue = Queue(maxsize=in_buffer_size) self.output: Queue = Queue(maxsize=out_buffer_size) self.in_buffer_size = in_buffer_size self.out_buffer_size = out_buffer_size @abstractmethod def start(self): pass @abstractmethod def terminate(self): pass def stop(self): self.terminate() self.join() @abstractmethod def join(self): pass def put(self, data: Any, key: str = None, block: bool = True) -> None: item = _ItemWrapper(data) self.input.put(item, block=block) def get(self, key: str = None, block: bool = True) -> Any: item: _ItemWrapper = self.output.get(block=block) return def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.terminate() self.join() class ConcurrentNode(Node): job: Union[Thread, Process] def __init__(self, running_as: Literal['thread', 'process'] = 'thread', in_buffer_size: int = 1, out_buffer_size: int = 1) -> None: super().__init__(in_buffer_size, out_buffer_size) self.running_as = running_as @abstractmethod def _loop_fn(self, input: Queue, output: Queue, terminate_flag: Event): pass def start(self): if self.running_as == 'thread': terminate_flag = threading.Event() job = Thread(target=self._loop_fn, args=(self.input, self.output, terminate_flag)) elif self.running_as == 'process': terminate_flag = multiprocessing.Event() job = Process(target=self._loop_fn, args=(self.input, self.output, terminate_flag)) job.start() self.job = job self.terminate_flag = terminate_flag def terminate(self): self.terminate_flag.set() def join(self): self.job.join() class Worker(ConcurrentNode): def __init__(self, running_as: Literal['thread', 'process'] = 'thread', in_buffer_size: int = 0, out_buffer_size: int = 0) -> None: super().__init__(running_as, in_buffer_size, out_buffer_size) def init(self) -> None: """ This method is called the the thread is started, to initialize any resources that is only held in the thread. """ pass @abstractmethod def work(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[Any, Dict[str, Any]]: """ This method defines the job that the node should do for each input item. A item obtained from the input queue is passed as arguments to this method, and the result is placed in the output queue. The method is executed concurrently with other nodes. """ pass def _loop_fn(self, input: Queue, output: Queue, terminate_flag: Event): self.init() try: while True: item = _get_queue_item(input, terminate_flag) result = _put_queue_item(output, _ItemWrapper(result,, terminate_flag) except Terminate: return class Provider(ConcurrentNode): """ A node that provides data to successive nodes. It takes no input and provides data to the output queue. """ def __init__(self, running_as: Literal['thread', 'process'], out_buffer_size: int = 1) -> None: super().__init__(running_as, 0, out_buffer_size) def init(self) -> None: """ This method is called the the thread or process is started, to initialize any resources that is only held in the thread or process. """ pass @abstractmethod def provide(self) -> Generator[Any, None, None]: pass def _loop_fn(self, input: Queue, output: Queue, terminate_flag: Event): self.init() try: for data in self.provide(): _put_queue_item(output, _ItemWrapper(data), terminate_flag) except Terminate: return class WorkerFunction(Worker): def __init__(self, fn: Callable, running_as: 'thread', in_buffer_size: int = 1, out_buffer_size: int = 1) -> None: super().__init__(running_as, in_buffer_size, out_buffer_size) self.fn = fn def work(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.fn(*args, **kwargs) class ProviderFunction(Provider): def __init__(self, fn: Callable, running_as: 'thread', out_buffer_size: int = 1) -> None: super().__init__(running_as, out_buffer_size) self.fn = fn def provide(self): for item in self.fn(): yield item class Link: def __init__(self, src: Queue, dst: Queue): self.src = src self.dst = dst def _thread_fn(self): try: while True: item = _get_queue_item(self.src, self.terminate_flag) _put_queue_item(self.dst, item, self.terminate_flag) except Terminate: return def start(self): self.terminate_flag = threading.Event() self.thread = Thread(target=self._thread_fn) self.thread.start() def terminate(self): self.terminate_flag.set() def join(self): self.thread.join() class Graph(Node): """ Graph pipeline of nodes and links """ nodes: List[Node] links: List[Link] def __init__(self, in_buffer_size: int = 1, out_buffer_size: int = 1): super().__init__(in_buffer_size, out_buffer_size) self.nodes = [] self.links = [] def add(self, node: Node): self.nodes.append(node) def link(self, src: Union[Node, Tuple[Node, str]], dst: Union[Node, Tuple[Node, str]]): """ Links the output of the source node to the input of the destination node. If the source or destination node is None, the pipeline's input or output is used. """ src_queue = self.input if src is None else src.output dst_queue = self.output if dst is None else dst.input self.links.append(Link(src_queue, dst_queue)) def chain(self, nodes: Iterable[Node]): """ Link the output of each node to the input of the next node. """ nodes = list(nodes) for i in range(len(nodes) - 1):[i], nodes[i + 1]) def start(self): for node in self.nodes: node.start() for link in self.links: link.start() def terminate(self): for node in self.nodes: node.terminate() for link in self.links: link.terminate() def join(self): for node in self.nodes: node.join() for link in self.links: link.join() def __iter__(self): providers = [node for node in self.nodes if isinstance(node, Provider)] if len(providers) == 0: raise ValueError("No provider node found in the pipeline. If you want to iterate over the pipeline, the pipeline must be driven by a provider node.") with self: # while all(provider.job.is_alive() for provider in providers): while True: yield self.get() def __call__(self, data: Any) -> Any: """ Submit data to the pipeline's input queue, and return the output data asynchronously. NOTE: The pipeline must be streamed (i.e., every output item is uniquely associated with an input item) for this to work. """ # TODO class Sequential(Graph): """ Pipeline of nodes in sequential order, where each node takes the output of the previous node as input. The order of input and output items is preserved (FIFO) """ def __init__(self, nodes: List[Union[Node, Callable]], function_running_as: Literal['thread', 'process'] = 'thread', in_buffer_size: int = 1, out_buffer_size: int = 1): """ Initialize the pipeline with a list of nodes to execute sequentially. ### Parameters: - nodes: List of nodes or functions to execute sequentially. Generator functions are wrapped in provider nodes, and other functions are wrapped in worker nodes. - function_running_as: Whether to wrap the function as a thread or process worker. Default is 'thread'. - in_buffer_size: Maximum size of the input queue of the pipeline. Default is 0 (unlimited). - out_buffer_size: Maximum size of the output queue of the pipeline. Default is 0 (unlimited). """ super().__init__(in_buffer_size, out_buffer_size) for node in nodes: if isinstance(node, Node): pass elif isinstance(node, Callable): if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(node): node = ProviderFunction(node, function_running_as) else: node = WorkerFunction(node, function_running_as) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid node type: {type(node)}") self.add(node) self.chain([None, *self.nodes, None]) class Parallel(Node): """ A FIFO node that runs multiple nodes in parallel to process the input items. Each input item is handed to one of the nodes whoever is available. NOTE: It is FIFO if and only if all the nested nodes are FIFO. """ nodes: List[Node] def __init__(self, nodes: Iterable[Node], in_buffer_size: int = 1, out_buffer_size: int = 1, function_running_as: Literal['thread', 'process'] = 'thread'): super().__init__(in_buffer_size, out_buffer_size) self.nodes = [] for node in nodes: if isinstance(node, Node): pass elif isinstance(node, Callable): if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(node): node = ProviderFunction(node, function_running_as) else: node = WorkerFunction(node, function_running_as) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid node type: {type(node)}") self.nodes.append(node) self.output_order = Queue() self.lock = threading.Lock() def _in_thread_fn(self, node: Node): try: while True: with self.lock: # A better idea: first make sure its node is vacant, then get it a new item. # Currently we will not be able to know which node is busy util there is at least one item already waiting in the queue of the node. # This could lead to suboptimal scheduling. item = _get_queue_item(self.input, self.terminate_flag) self.output_order.put(node.output) _put_queue_item(node.input, item, self.terminate_flag) except Terminate: return def _out_thread_fn(self): try: while True: queue = _get_queue_item(self.output_order, self.terminate_flag) item = _get_queue_item(queue, self.terminate_flag) _put_queue_item(self.output, item, self.terminate_flag) except Terminate: return def start(self): self.terminate_flag = threading.Event() self.in_threads = [] for node in self.nodes: thread = Thread(target=self._in_thread_fn, args=(node,)) thread.start() self.in_threads.append(thread) thread = Thread(target=self._out_thread_fn) thread.start() self.out_thread = thread for node in self.nodes: node.start() def terminate(self): self.terminate_flag.set() for node in self.nodes: node.terminate() def join(self): for thread in self.in_threads: thread.join() self.out_thread.join() class UnorderedParallel(Graph): """ Pipeline of nodes in parallel, where each input item is handed to one of the nodes whoever is available. NOTE: The order of the output items is NOT guaranteed to be the same as the input items, depending on how fast the nodes handle their input. """ def __init__(self, nodes: List[Union[Node, Callable]], function_running_as: Literal['thread', 'process'] = 'thread', in_buffer_size: int = 1, out_buffer_size: int = 1): """ Initialize the pipeline with a list of nodes to execute in parallel. If a function is given, it is wrapped in a worker node. ### Parameters: - nodes: List of nodes or functions to execute in parallel. Generator functions are wrapped in provider nodes, and other functions are wrapped in worker nodes. - function_running_as: Whether to wrap the function as a thread or process worker. Default is 'thread'. - in_buffer_size: Maximum size of the input queue of the pipeline. Default is 0 (unlimited). - out_buffer_size: Maximum size of the output queue of the pipeline. Default is 0 (unlimited). """ super().__init__(in_buffer_size, out_buffer_size) for node in nodes: if isinstance(node, Node): pass elif isinstance(node, Callable): if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(node): node = ProviderFunction(node, function_running_as) else: node = WorkerFunction(node, function_running_as) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid node type: {type(node)}") self.add(node) for i in range(len(nodes)): self.chain([None, self.nodes[i], None]) class Batch(ConcurrentNode): """ Groups every `batch_size` items into a batch (a list of items) and passes the batch to successive nodes. The `patience` parameter specifies the maximum time to wait for a batch to be filled before sending it to the next node, i.e., when the earliest item in the batch is out of `patience` seconds, the batch is sent regardless of its size. """ def __init__(self, batch_size: int, patience: float = None, in_buffer_size: int = 1, out_buffer_size: int = 1): assert batch_size > 0, "Batch size must be greater than 0." super().__init__('thread', in_buffer_size, out_buffer_size) self.batch_size = batch_size self.patience = patience def _loop_fn(self, input: Queue, output: Queue, terminate_flag: Event): try: while True: batch_id, batch_data = [], [] # Try to fill the batch for i in range(self.batch_size): if i == 0 or self.patience is None: timeout = None else: timeout = self.patience - (time.time() - earliest_time) if timeout < 0: break try: item = _get_queue_item(input, terminate_flag, timeout) except Empty: break if i == 0: earliest_time = time.time() batch_data.append( batch_id.append( batch = _ItemWrapper(batch_data, batch_id) _put_queue_item(output, batch, terminate_flag) except Terminate: return class Unbatch(ConcurrentNode): """ Ungroups every batch (a list of items) into individual items and passes them to successive nodes. """ def __init__(self, in_buffer_size: int = 1, out_buffer_size: int = 1): super().__init__('thread', in_buffer_size, out_buffer_size) def _loop_fn(self, input: Queue, output: Queue, terminate_flag: Event): try: while True: batch = _get_queue_item(input, terminate_flag) for id, data in zip( or itertools.repeat(None), item = _ItemWrapper(data, id) _put_queue_item(output, item, terminate_flag) except Terminate: return class Buffer(Node): "A FIFO node that buffers items in a queue. Usefull achieve better temporal balance when its successor node has a variable processing time." def __init__(self, size: int): super().__init__(size, size) self.size = size self.input = self.output = Queue(maxsize=size)