Build error
Build error
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
from collections import defaultdict | |
import random | |
import os | |
import torch | |
from Bio.Align.Applications import ClustalOmegaCommandline | |
def filter_msa(msa_data, num_sequences_kept=3): | |
""" | |
Helper function to filter an input MSA msa_data (obtained via process_msa_data) and keep only num_sequences_kept aligned sequences. | |
If the MSA already has fewer sequences than num_sequences_kept, we keep the MSA as is. | |
If filtering, we always keep the first sequence of the MSA (ie. the wild type) by default. | |
Sampling is done without replacement. | |
""" | |
if len(list(msa_data.keys())) <= num_sequences_kept: | |
return msa_data | |
filtered_msa = {} | |
wt_name = next(iter(msa_data)) | |
filtered_msa[wt_name] = msa_data[wt_name] | |
del msa_data[wt_name] | |
sequence_names = list(msa_data.keys()) | |
sequence_names_sampled = random.sample(sequence_names,k=num_sequences_kept-1) | |
for seq in sequence_names_sampled: | |
filtered_msa[seq] = msa_data[seq] | |
return filtered_msa | |
def process_msa_data(MSA_data_file): | |
""" | |
Helper function that takes as input a path to a MSA file (expects a2m format) and returns a dict mapping sequence ID to the corresponding AA sequence. | |
""" | |
msa_data = defaultdict(str) | |
sequence_name = "" | |
with open(MSA_data_file, "r") as msa_file: | |
for i, line in enumerate(msa_file): | |
line = line.rstrip() | |
if line.startswith(">"): | |
sequence_name = line | |
else: | |
msa_data[sequence_name] += line.upper() | |
return msa_data | |
def get_one_hot_sequences_dict(msa_data,MSA_start,MSA_end,vocab): | |
vocab_size = len(vocab.keys()) | |
num_sequences_msa = len(msa_data.keys()) | |
one_hots = np.zeros((num_sequences_msa,MSA_end-MSA_start,vocab_size)) | |
for i,seq_name in enumerate(msa_data.keys()): | |
sequence = msa_data[seq_name] | |
for j,letter in enumerate(sequence): | |
if letter in vocab: | |
k = vocab[letter] | |
one_hots[i,j,k] = 1.0 | |
return one_hots | |
def one_hot(sequence_string,vocab): | |
one_hots = np.zeros((len(sequence_string),len(vocab.keys()))) | |
for j,letter in enumerate(sequence_string): | |
if letter in vocab: | |
k = vocab[letter] | |
one_hots[j,k] = 1.0 | |
return one_hots.flatten() | |
def get_msa_prior(MSA_data_file, MSA_weight_file_name, MSA_start, MSA_end, len_target_seq, vocab, retrieval_aggregation_mode="aggregate_substitution", filter_MSA=True, verbose=False): | |
""" | |
Function to enable retrieval inference mode, via computation of (weighted) pseudocounts of AAs at each position of the retrieved MSA. | |
MSA_data_file: (string) path to MSA file (expects a2m format). | |
MSA_weight_file_name: (string) path to sequence weights in MSA. | |
MSA_start: (int) Sequence position that the MSA starts at (1-indexing). | |
MSA_end: (int) Sequence position that the MSA ends at (1-indexing). | |
len_target_seq: (int) Full length of sequence to be scored. | |
vocab: (dict) Vocabulary of the tokenizer. | |
retrieval_aggregation_mode: (string) Mode for retrieval inference (aggregate_substitution Vs aggregate_indel). If None, places a uniform prior over each token. | |
filter_MSA: (bool) Whether to filter out sequences with very low hamming similarity (< 0.2) to the reference sequence in the MSA (first sequence). | |
verbose: (bool) Whether to print to the console processing details along the way. | |
""" | |
msa_data = process_msa_data(MSA_data_file) | |
vocab_size = len(vocab.keys()) | |
if verbose: print("Target seq len is {}, MSA length is {}, start position is {}, end position is {} and vocab size is {}".format(len_target_seq,MSA_end-MSA_start,MSA_start,MSA_end,vocab_size)) | |
if filter_MSA: | |
if verbose: print("Num sequences in MSA pre filtering: {}".format(len(msa_data.keys()))) | |
list_sequence_names = list(msa_data.keys()) | |
focus_sequence_name = list(msa_data.keys())[0] | |
ref_sequence_hot = one_hot(msa_data[focus_sequence_name],vocab) | |
for sequence_name in list_sequence_names: | |
seq_hot = one_hot(msa_data[sequence_name],vocab) | |
hamming_similarity_seq_ref =,seq_hot) /,ref_sequence_hot) | |
if hamming_similarity_seq_ref < 0.2: | |
del msa_data[sequence_name] | |
if verbose: print("Num sequences in MSA post filtering: {}".format(len(msa_data.keys()))) | |
if MSA_weight_file_name is not None: | |
if verbose: print("Using weights in {} for sequences in MSA.".format(MSA_weight_file_name)) | |
assert os.path.exists(MSA_weight_file_name), "Weights file not located on disk." | |
MSA_EVE = MSA_processing( | |
MSA_location=MSA_data_file, | |
use_weights=True, | |
weights_location=MSA_weight_file_name | |
) | |
#We scan through all sequences to see if we have a weight for them as per EVE pre-processing. We drop them otherwise. | |
dropped_sequences=0 | |
list_sequence_names = list(msa_data.keys()) | |
MSA_weight=[] | |
for sequence_name in list_sequence_names: | |
if sequence_name not in MSA_EVE.seq_name_to_sequence: | |
dropped_sequences +=1 | |
del msa_data[sequence_name] | |
else: | |
MSA_weight.append(MSA_EVE.seq_name_to_weight[sequence_name]) | |
if verbose: print("Dropped {} sequences from MSA due to absent sequence weights".format(dropped_sequences)) | |
else: | |
MSA_weight = [1] * len(list(msa_data.keys())) | |
if retrieval_aggregation_mode=="aggregate_substitution" or retrieval_aggregation_mode=="aggregate_indel": | |
one_hots = get_one_hot_sequences_dict(msa_data,MSA_start,MSA_end,vocab) | |
MSA_weight = np.expand_dims(np.array(MSA_weight),axis=(1,2)) | |
base_rate = 1e-5 | |
base_rates = np.ones_like(one_hots) * base_rate | |
weighted_one_hots = (one_hots + base_rates) * MSA_weight | |
MSA_weight_norm_counts = weighted_one_hots.sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=0) | |
MSA_weight_norm_counts = np.tile(MSA_weight_norm_counts.reshape(-1,1), (1,vocab_size)) | |
one_hots_avg = weighted_one_hots.sum(axis=0) / MSA_weight_norm_counts | |
msa_prior = np.zeros((len_target_seq,vocab_size)) | |
msa_prior[MSA_start:MSA_end,:]=one_hots_avg | |
else: | |
msa_prior = np.ones((len_target_seq,vocab_size)) / vocab_size | |
if verbose: | |
for idx, position in enumerate(msa_prior): | |
if len(position)!=25: | |
print("Size error") | |
if not round(position.sum(),2)==1.0: | |
print("Position at index {} does not add up to 1: {}".format(idx, position.sum())) | |
return msa_prior | |
def update_retrieved_MSA_log_prior_indel(model, MSA_log_prior, MSA_start, MSA_end, mutated_sequence): | |
""" | |
Function to process MSA when scoring indels. | |
To identify positions to add / remove in the retrieved MSA, we append and align the sequence to be scored to the original MSA for that protein family with Clustal Omega. | |
If the original MSA is relatively deep (over 100k sequences), we sample (by default) 100k rows at random from that MSA to speed computations. | |
MSA sampling is performed only once (for the first sequence to be scored). Subsequent scoring use the same MSA sample. | |
""" | |
if not os.path.isdir(model.MSA_folder + os.sep + "Sampled"): | |
os.mkdir(model.MSA_folder + os.sep + "Sampled") | |
sampled_MSA_location = model.MSA_folder + os.sep + "Sampled" + os.sep + "Sampled_" + model.MSA_filename.split(os.sep)[-1] | |
if not os.path.exists(sampled_MSA_location): | |
msa_data = process_msa_data(model.MSA_filename) | |
msa_data_sampled = filter_msa(msa_data, num_sequences_kept=100000) #If MSA has less than 100k sequences, the sample is identical to original MSA | |
with open(sampled_MSA_location, 'w') as sampled_write_location: | |
for index, key in enumerate(msa_data_sampled): | |
key_name = ">REFERENCE_SEQUENCE" if index==0 else key | |
msa_data_sampled[key] = msa_data_sampled[key].upper() | |
msa_data_sampled[key] = msa_data_sampled[key].replace(".","-") | |
sampled_write_location.write(key_name+"\n"+"\n".join([msa_data_sampled[key][i:i+80] for i in range(0, len(msa_data_sampled[key]), 80)])+"\n") | |
seq_to_align_location = model.MSA_folder + os.sep + "Sampled" + os.sep + "Seq_to_align_" + model.MSA_filename.split(os.sep)[-1] | |
sequence_text_split = [mutated_sequence[i:i+80] for i in range(0, len(mutated_sequence), 80)] | |
sequence_text_split_split_join = "\n".join([">SEQ_TO_SCORE"]+sequence_text_split) | |
os.system("echo '"+sequence_text_split_split_join+"' > "+seq_to_align_location) | |
expanded_MSA_location = model.MSA_folder + os.sep + "Sampled" + os.sep + "Expanded_" + model.MSA_filename.split(os.sep)[-1] | |
clustalw_cline = ClustalOmegaCommandline(cmd=model.config.clustal_omega_location, | |
profile1=sampled_MSA_location, | |
profile2=seq_to_align_location, | |
outfile=expanded_MSA_location, | |
force=True) | |
stdout, stderr = clustalw_cline() | |
msa_data = process_msa_data(expanded_MSA_location) | |
aligned_seqA, aligned_seqB = msa_data[">SEQ_TO_SCORE"], msa_data[">REFERENCE_SEQUENCE"] | |
try: | |
keep_column=[] | |
for column_index_pairwise_alignment in range(len(aligned_seqA)): | |
if aligned_seqA[column_index_pairwise_alignment]=="-" and aligned_seqB[column_index_pairwise_alignment]=="-": | |
continue | |
elif aligned_seqA[column_index_pairwise_alignment]=="-": | |
keep_column.append(False) | |
elif aligned_seqB[column_index_pairwise_alignment]=="-": | |[:column_index_pairwise_alignment], torch.zeros(MSA_log_prior.shape[1]).view(1,-1).cuda(), MSA_log_prior[column_index_pairwise_alignment:]),dim=0) | |
keep_column.append(True) #keep the zero column we just added | |
else: | |
keep_column.append(True) | |
MSA_log_prior = MSA_log_prior[keep_column] | |
MSA_end = MSA_start + len(MSA_log_prior) | |
except: | |
print("Error when processing the following alignment: {}".format(expanded_MSA_location)) | |
return MSA_log_prior, MSA_start, MSA_end | |
class MSA_processing: | |
def __init__(self, | |
MSA_location="", | |
theta=0.2, | |
use_weights=True, | |
weights_location="./data/weights", | |
preprocess_MSA=True, | |
threshold_sequence_frac_gaps=0.5, | |
threshold_focus_cols_frac_gaps=0.3, | |
remove_sequences_with_indeterminate_AA_in_focus_cols=True | |
): | |
""" | |
This MSA_processing class is directly borrowed from the EVE codebase: | |
Parameters: | |
- msa_location: (path) Location of the MSA data. Constraints on input MSA format: | |
- focus_sequence is the first one in the MSA data | |
- first line is structured as follows: ">focus_seq_name/start_pos-end_pos" (e.g., >SPIKE_SARS2/310-550) | |
- corespondding sequence data located on following line(s) | |
- then all other sequences follow with ">name" on first line, corresponding data on subsequent lines | |
- theta: (float) Sequence weighting hyperparameter. Generally: Prokaryotic and eukaryotic families = 0.2; Viruses = 0.01 | |
- use_weights: (bool) If False, sets all sequence weights to 1. If True, checks weights_location -- if non empty uses that; | |
otherwise compute weights from scratch and store them at weights_location | |
- weights_location: (path) Location to load from/save to the sequence weights | |
- preprocess_MSA: (bool) performs pre-processing of MSA to remove short fragments and positions that are not well covered. | |
- threshold_sequence_frac_gaps: (float, between 0 and 1) Threshold value to define fragments | |
- sequences with a fraction of gap characters above threshold_sequence_frac_gaps are removed | |
- default is set to 0.5 (i.e., fragments with 50% or more gaps are removed) | |
- threshold_focus_cols_frac_gaps: (float, between 0 and 1) Threshold value to define focus columns | |
- positions with a fraction of gap characters above threshold_focus_cols_pct_gaps will be set to lower case (and not included in the focus_cols) | |
- default is set to 0.3 (i.e., focus positions are the ones with 30% of gaps or less, i.e., 70% or more residue occupancy) | |
- remove_sequences_with_indeterminate_AA_in_focus_cols: (bool) Remove all sequences that have indeterminate AA (e.g., B, J, X, Z) at focus positions of the wild type | |
""" | |
np.random.seed(2021) | |
self.MSA_location = MSA_location | |
self.weights_location = weights_location | |
self.theta = theta | |
self.alphabet = "ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY" | |
self.use_weights = use_weights | |
self.preprocess_MSA = preprocess_MSA | |
self.threshold_sequence_frac_gaps = threshold_sequence_frac_gaps | |
self.threshold_focus_cols_frac_gaps = threshold_focus_cols_frac_gaps | |
self.remove_sequences_with_indeterminate_AA_in_focus_cols = remove_sequences_with_indeterminate_AA_in_focus_cols | |
self.gen_alignment() | |
def gen_alignment(self, verbose=False): | |
""" Read training alignment and store basics in class instance """ | |
self.aa_dict = {} | |
for i,aa in enumerate(self.alphabet): | |
self.aa_dict[aa] = i | |
self.seq_name_to_sequence = defaultdict(str) | |
name = "" | |
with open(self.MSA_location, "r") as msa_data: | |
for i, line in enumerate(msa_data): | |
line = line.rstrip() | |
if line.startswith(">"): | |
name = line | |
if i==0: | |
self.focus_seq_name = name | |
else: | |
self.seq_name_to_sequence[name] += line | |
## MSA pre-processing to remove inadequate columns and sequences | |
if self.preprocess_MSA: | |
msa_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.seq_name_to_sequence, orient='index', columns=['sequence']) | |
# Data clean up | |
msa_df.sequence = msa_df.sequence.apply(lambda x: x.replace(".","-")).apply(lambda x: ''.join([aa.upper() for aa in x])) | |
# Remove columns that would be gaps in the wild type | |
non_gap_wt_cols = [aa!='-' for aa in msa_df.sequence[self.focus_seq_name]] | |
msa_df['sequence'] = msa_df['sequence'].apply(lambda x: ''.join([aa for aa,non_gap_ind in zip(x, non_gap_wt_cols) if non_gap_ind])) | |
assert 0.0 <= self.threshold_sequence_frac_gaps <= 1.0,"Invalid fragment filtering parameter" | |
assert 0.0 <= self.threshold_focus_cols_frac_gaps <= 1.0,"Invalid focus position filtering parameter" | |
msa_array = np.array([list(seq) for seq in msa_df.sequence]) | |
gaps_array = np.array(list(map(lambda seq: [aa=='-' for aa in seq], msa_array))) | |
# Identify fragments with too many gaps | |
seq_gaps_frac = gaps_array.mean(axis=1) | |
seq_below_threshold = seq_gaps_frac <= self.threshold_sequence_frac_gaps | |
if verbose: print("Proportion of sequences dropped due to fraction of gaps: "+str(round(float(1 - seq_below_threshold.sum()/seq_below_threshold.shape)*100,2))+"%") | |
# Identify focus columns | |
columns_gaps_frac = gaps_array[seq_below_threshold].mean(axis=0) | |
index_cols_below_threshold = columns_gaps_frac <= self.threshold_focus_cols_frac_gaps | |
if verbose: print("Proportion of non-focus columns removed: "+str(round(float(1 - index_cols_below_threshold.sum()/index_cols_below_threshold.shape)*100,2))+"%") | |
# Lower case non focus cols and filter fragment sequences | |
msa_df['sequence'] = msa_df['sequence'].apply(lambda x: ''.join([aa.upper() if upper_case_ind else aa.lower() for aa, upper_case_ind in zip(x, index_cols_below_threshold)])) | |
msa_df = msa_df[seq_below_threshold] | |
# Overwrite seq_name_to_sequence with clean version | |
self.seq_name_to_sequence = defaultdict(str) | |
for seq_idx in range(len(msa_df['sequence'])): | |
self.seq_name_to_sequence[msa_df.index[seq_idx]] = msa_df.sequence[seq_idx] | |
self.focus_seq = self.seq_name_to_sequence[self.focus_seq_name] | |
self.focus_cols = [ix for ix, s in enumerate(self.focus_seq) if s == s.upper() and s!='-'] | |
self.focus_seq_trimmed = [self.focus_seq[ix] for ix in self.focus_cols] | |
self.seq_len = len(self.focus_cols) | |
self.alphabet_size = len(self.alphabet) | |
# Connect local sequence index with uniprot index (index shift inferred from 1st row of MSA) | |
focus_loc = self.focus_seq_name.split("/")[-1] | |
start,stop = focus_loc.split("-") | |
self.focus_start_loc = int(start) | |
self.focus_stop_loc = int(stop) | |
self.uniprot_focus_col_to_wt_aa_dict \ | |
= {idx_col+int(start):self.focus_seq[idx_col] for idx_col in self.focus_cols} | |
self.uniprot_focus_col_to_focus_idx \ | |
= {idx_col+int(start):idx_col for idx_col in self.focus_cols} | |
# Move all letters to CAPS; keeps focus columns only | |
self.raw_seq_name_to_sequence = self.seq_name_to_sequence.copy() | |
for seq_name,sequence in self.seq_name_to_sequence.items(): | |
sequence = sequence.replace(".","-") | |
self.seq_name_to_sequence[seq_name] = [sequence[ix].upper() for ix in self.focus_cols] | |
# Remove sequences that have indeterminate AA (e.g., B, J, X, Z) in the focus columns | |
if self.remove_sequences_with_indeterminate_AA_in_focus_cols: | |
alphabet_set = set(list(self.alphabet)) | |
seq_names_to_remove = [] | |
for seq_name,sequence in self.seq_name_to_sequence.items(): | |
for letter in sequence: | |
if letter not in alphabet_set and letter != "-": | |
seq_names_to_remove.append(seq_name) | |
continue | |
seq_names_to_remove = list(set(seq_names_to_remove)) | |
for seq_name in seq_names_to_remove: | |
del self.seq_name_to_sequence[seq_name] | |
# Encode the sequences | |
self.one_hot_encoding = np.zeros((len(self.seq_name_to_sequence.keys()),len(self.focus_cols),len(self.alphabet))) | |
if verbose: print("One-hot encoded sequences shape:" + str(self.one_hot_encoding.shape)) | |
for i,seq_name in enumerate(self.seq_name_to_sequence.keys()): | |
sequence = self.seq_name_to_sequence[seq_name] | |
for j,letter in enumerate(sequence): | |
if letter in self.aa_dict: | |
k = self.aa_dict[letter] | |
self.one_hot_encoding[i,j,k] = 1.0 | |
if self.use_weights: | |
try: | |
self.weights = np.load(file=self.weights_location) | |
if verbose: print("Loaded sequence weights from disk") | |
except: | |
if verbose: print ("Computing sequence weights") | |
list_seq = self.one_hot_encoding | |
list_seq = list_seq.reshape((list_seq.shape[0], list_seq.shape[1] * list_seq.shape[2])) | |
def compute_weight(seq): | |
number_non_empty_positions =,seq) | |
if number_non_empty_positions>0: | |
denom =,seq) /,seq) | |
denom = np.sum(denom > 1 - self.theta) | |
return 1/denom | |
else: | |
return 0.0 #return 0 weight if sequence is fully empty | |
self.weights = np.array(list(map(compute_weight,list_seq))) | |, arr=self.weights) | |
else: | |
# If not using weights, use an isotropic weight matrix | |
if verbose: print("Not weighting sequence data") | |
self.weights = np.ones(self.one_hot_encoding.shape[0]) | |
self.Neff = np.sum(self.weights) | |
self.num_sequences = self.one_hot_encoding.shape[0] | |
self.seq_name_to_weight={} | |
for i,seq_name in enumerate(self.seq_name_to_sequence.keys()): | |
self.seq_name_to_weight[seq_name]=self.weights[i] | |
if verbose: | |
print ("Neff =",str(self.Neff)) | |
print ("Data Shape =",self.one_hot_encoding.shape) |