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# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import os.path as osp
import warnings
from math import inf
import torch.distributed as dist
from torch.nn.modules.batchnorm import _BatchNorm
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from annotator.uniformer.mmcv.fileio import FileClient
from annotator.uniformer.mmcv.utils import is_seq_of
from .hook import Hook
from .logger import LoggerHook
class EvalHook(Hook):
"""Non-Distributed evaluation hook.
This hook will regularly perform evaluation in a given interval when
performing in non-distributed environment.
dataloader (DataLoader): A PyTorch dataloader, whose dataset has
implemented ``evaluate`` function.
start (int | None, optional): Evaluation starting epoch. It enables
evaluation before the training starts if ``start`` <= the resuming
epoch. If None, whether to evaluate is merely decided by
``interval``. Default: None.
interval (int): Evaluation interval. Default: 1.
by_epoch (bool): Determine perform evaluation by epoch or by iteration.
If set to True, it will perform by epoch. Otherwise, by iteration.
Default: True.
save_best (str, optional): If a metric is specified, it would measure
the best checkpoint during evaluation. The information about best
checkpoint would be saved in ``runner.meta['hook_msgs']`` to keep
best score value and best checkpoint path, which will be also
loaded when resume checkpoint. Options are the evaluation metrics
on the test dataset. e.g., ``bbox_mAP``, ``segm_mAP`` for bbox
detection and instance segmentation. ``AR@100`` for proposal
recall. If ``save_best`` is ``auto``, the first key of the returned
``OrderedDict`` result will be used. Default: None.
rule (str | None, optional): Comparison rule for best score. If set to
None, it will infer a reasonable rule. Keys such as 'acc', 'top'
.etc will be inferred by 'greater' rule. Keys contain 'loss' will
be inferred by 'less' rule. Options are 'greater', 'less', None.
Default: None.
test_fn (callable, optional): test a model with samples from a
dataloader, and return the test results. If ``None``, the default
test function ``mmcv.engine.single_gpu_test`` will be used.
(default: ``None``)
greater_keys (List[str] | None, optional): Metric keys that will be
inferred by 'greater' comparison rule. If ``None``,
_default_greater_keys will be used. (default: ``None``)
less_keys (List[str] | None, optional): Metric keys that will be
inferred by 'less' comparison rule. If ``None``, _default_less_keys
will be used. (default: ``None``)
out_dir (str, optional): The root directory to save checkpoints. If not
specified, `runner.work_dir` will be used by default. If specified,
the `out_dir` will be the concatenation of `out_dir` and the last
level directory of `runner.work_dir`.
`New in version 1.3.16.`
file_client_args (dict): Arguments to instantiate a FileClient.
See :class:`mmcv.fileio.FileClient` for details. Default: None.
`New in version 1.3.16.`
**eval_kwargs: Evaluation arguments fed into the evaluate function of
the dataset.
If new arguments are added for EvalHook, tools/test.py,
tools/eval_metric.py may be affected.
# Since the key for determine greater or less is related to the downstream
# tasks, downstream repos may need to overwrite the following inner
# variable accordingly.
rule_map = {'greater': lambda x, y: x > y, 'less': lambda x, y: x < y}
init_value_map = {'greater': -inf, 'less': inf}
_default_greater_keys = [
'acc', 'top', 'AR@', 'auc', 'precision', 'mAP', 'mDice', 'mIoU',
'mAcc', 'aAcc'
_default_less_keys = ['loss']
def __init__(self,
if not isinstance(dataloader, DataLoader):
raise TypeError(f'dataloader must be a pytorch DataLoader, '
f'but got {type(dataloader)}')
if interval <= 0:
raise ValueError(f'interval must be a positive number, '
f'but got {interval}')
assert isinstance(by_epoch, bool), '``by_epoch`` should be a boolean'
if start is not None and start < 0:
raise ValueError(f'The evaluation start epoch {start} is smaller '
f'than 0')
self.dataloader = dataloader
self.interval = interval
self.start = start
self.by_epoch = by_epoch
assert isinstance(save_best, str) or save_best is None, \
'""save_best"" should be a str or None ' \
f'rather than {type(save_best)}'
self.save_best = save_best
self.eval_kwargs = eval_kwargs
self.initial_flag = True
if test_fn is None:
from annotator.uniformer.mmcv.engine import single_gpu_test
self.test_fn = single_gpu_test
self.test_fn = test_fn
if greater_keys is None:
self.greater_keys = self._default_greater_keys
if not isinstance(greater_keys, (list, tuple)):
greater_keys = (greater_keys, )
assert is_seq_of(greater_keys, str)
self.greater_keys = greater_keys
if less_keys is None:
self.less_keys = self._default_less_keys
if not isinstance(less_keys, (list, tuple)):
less_keys = (less_keys, )
assert is_seq_of(less_keys, str)
self.less_keys = less_keys
if self.save_best is not None:
self.best_ckpt_path = None
self._init_rule(rule, self.save_best)
self.out_dir = out_dir
self.file_client_args = file_client_args
def _init_rule(self, rule, key_indicator):
"""Initialize rule, key_indicator, comparison_func, and best score.
Here is the rule to determine which rule is used for key indicator
when the rule is not specific (note that the key indicator matching
is case-insensitive):
1. If the key indicator is in ``self.greater_keys``, the rule will be
specified as 'greater'.
2. Or if the key indicator is in ``self.less_keys``, the rule will be
specified as 'less'.
3. Or if the key indicator is equal to the substring in any one item
in ``self.greater_keys``, the rule will be specified as 'greater'.
4. Or if the key indicator is equal to the substring in any one item
in ``self.less_keys``, the rule will be specified as 'less'.
rule (str | None): Comparison rule for best score.
key_indicator (str | None): Key indicator to determine the
comparison rule.
if rule not in self.rule_map and rule is not None:
raise KeyError(f'rule must be greater, less or None, '
f'but got {rule}.')
if rule is None:
if key_indicator != 'auto':
# `_lc` here means we use the lower case of keys for
# case-insensitive matching
key_indicator_lc = key_indicator.lower()
greater_keys = [key.lower() for key in self.greater_keys]
less_keys = [key.lower() for key in self.less_keys]
if key_indicator_lc in greater_keys:
rule = 'greater'
elif key_indicator_lc in less_keys:
rule = 'less'
elif any(key in key_indicator_lc for key in greater_keys):
rule = 'greater'
elif any(key in key_indicator_lc for key in less_keys):
rule = 'less'
raise ValueError(f'Cannot infer the rule for key '
f'{key_indicator}, thus a specific rule '
f'must be specified.')
self.rule = rule
self.key_indicator = key_indicator
if self.rule is not None:
self.compare_func = self.rule_map[self.rule]
def before_run(self, runner):
if not self.out_dir:
self.out_dir = runner.work_dir
self.file_client = FileClient.infer_client(self.file_client_args,
# if `self.out_dir` is not equal to `runner.work_dir`, it means that
# `self.out_dir` is set so the final `self.out_dir` is the
# concatenation of `self.out_dir` and the last level directory of
# `runner.work_dir`
if self.out_dir != runner.work_dir:
basename = osp.basename(runner.work_dir.rstrip(osp.sep))
self.out_dir = self.file_client.join_path(self.out_dir, basename)
(f'The best checkpoint will be saved to {self.out_dir} by '
if self.save_best is not None:
if runner.meta is None:
warnings.warn('runner.meta is None. Creating an empty one.')
runner.meta = dict()
runner.meta.setdefault('hook_msgs', dict())
self.best_ckpt_path = runner.meta['hook_msgs'].get(
'best_ckpt', None)
def before_train_iter(self, runner):
"""Evaluate the model only at the start of training by iteration."""
if self.by_epoch or not self.initial_flag:
if self.start is not None and runner.iter >= self.start:
self.initial_flag = False
def before_train_epoch(self, runner):
"""Evaluate the model only at the start of training by epoch."""
if not (self.by_epoch and self.initial_flag):
if self.start is not None and runner.epoch >= self.start:
self.initial_flag = False
def after_train_iter(self, runner):
"""Called after every training iter to evaluate the results."""
if not self.by_epoch and self._should_evaluate(runner):
# Because the priority of EvalHook is higher than LoggerHook, the
# training log and the evaluating log are mixed. Therefore,
# we need to dump the training log and clear it before evaluating
# log is generated. In addition, this problem will only appear in
# `IterBasedRunner` whose `self.by_epoch` is False, because
# `EpochBasedRunner` whose `self.by_epoch` is True calls
# `_do_evaluate` in `after_train_epoch` stage, and at this stage
# the training log has been printed, so it will not cause any
# problem. more details at
# https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmsegmentation/issues/694
for hook in runner._hooks:
if isinstance(hook, LoggerHook):
def after_train_epoch(self, runner):
"""Called after every training epoch to evaluate the results."""
if self.by_epoch and self._should_evaluate(runner):
def _do_evaluate(self, runner):
"""perform evaluation and save ckpt."""
results = self.test_fn(runner.model, self.dataloader)
runner.log_buffer.output['eval_iter_num'] = len(self.dataloader)
key_score = self.evaluate(runner, results)
# the key_score may be `None` so it needs to skip the action to save
# the best checkpoint
if self.save_best and key_score:
self._save_ckpt(runner, key_score)
def _should_evaluate(self, runner):
"""Judge whether to perform evaluation.
Here is the rule to judge whether to perform evaluation:
1. It will not perform evaluation during the epoch/iteration interval,
which is determined by ``self.interval``.
2. It will not perform evaluation if the start time is larger than
current time.
3. It will not perform evaluation when current time is larger than
the start time but during epoch/iteration interval.
bool: The flag indicating whether to perform evaluation.
if self.by_epoch:
current = runner.epoch
check_time = self.every_n_epochs
current = runner.iter
check_time = self.every_n_iters
if self.start is None:
if not check_time(runner, self.interval):
# No evaluation during the interval.
return False
elif (current + 1) < self.start:
# No evaluation if start is larger than the current time.
return False
# Evaluation only at epochs/iters 3, 5, 7...
# if start==3 and interval==2
if (current + 1 - self.start) % self.interval:
return False
return True
def _save_ckpt(self, runner, key_score):
"""Save the best checkpoint.
It will compare the score according to the compare function, write
related information (best score, best checkpoint path) and save the
best checkpoint into ``work_dir``.
if self.by_epoch:
current = f'epoch_{runner.epoch + 1}'
cur_type, cur_time = 'epoch', runner.epoch + 1
current = f'iter_{runner.iter + 1}'
cur_type, cur_time = 'iter', runner.iter + 1
best_score = runner.meta['hook_msgs'].get(
'best_score', self.init_value_map[self.rule])
if self.compare_func(key_score, best_score):
best_score = key_score
runner.meta['hook_msgs']['best_score'] = best_score
if self.best_ckpt_path and self.file_client.isfile(
(f'The previous best checkpoint {self.best_ckpt_path} was '
best_ckpt_name = f'best_{self.key_indicator}_{current}.pth'
self.best_ckpt_path = self.file_client.join_path(
self.out_dir, best_ckpt_name)
runner.meta['hook_msgs']['best_ckpt'] = self.best_ckpt_path
self.out_dir, best_ckpt_name, create_symlink=False)
f'Now best checkpoint is saved as {best_ckpt_name}.')
f'Best {self.key_indicator} is {best_score:0.4f} '
f'at {cur_time} {cur_type}.')
def evaluate(self, runner, results):
"""Evaluate the results.
runner (:obj:`mmcv.Runner`): The underlined training runner.
results (list): Output results.
eval_res = self.dataloader.dataset.evaluate(
results, logger=runner.logger, **self.eval_kwargs)
for name, val in eval_res.items():
runner.log_buffer.output[name] = val
runner.log_buffer.ready = True
if self.save_best is not None:
# If the performance of model is pool, the `eval_res` may be an
# empty dict and it will raise exception when `self.save_best` is
# not None. More details at
# https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection/issues/6265.
if not eval_res:
'Since `eval_res` is an empty dict, the behavior to save '
'the best checkpoint will be skipped in this evaluation.')
return None
if self.key_indicator == 'auto':
# infer from eval_results
self._init_rule(self.rule, list(eval_res.keys())[0])
return eval_res[self.key_indicator]
return None
class DistEvalHook(EvalHook):
"""Distributed evaluation hook.
This hook will regularly perform evaluation in a given interval when
performing in distributed environment.
dataloader (DataLoader): A PyTorch dataloader, whose dataset has
implemented ``evaluate`` function.
start (int | None, optional): Evaluation starting epoch. It enables
evaluation before the training starts if ``start`` <= the resuming
epoch. If None, whether to evaluate is merely decided by
``interval``. Default: None.
interval (int): Evaluation interval. Default: 1.
by_epoch (bool): Determine perform evaluation by epoch or by iteration.
If set to True, it will perform by epoch. Otherwise, by iteration.
default: True.
save_best (str, optional): If a metric is specified, it would measure
the best checkpoint during evaluation. The information about best
checkpoint would be saved in ``runner.meta['hook_msgs']`` to keep
best score value and best checkpoint path, which will be also
loaded when resume checkpoint. Options are the evaluation metrics
on the test dataset. e.g., ``bbox_mAP``, ``segm_mAP`` for bbox
detection and instance segmentation. ``AR@100`` for proposal
recall. If ``save_best`` is ``auto``, the first key of the returned
``OrderedDict`` result will be used. Default: None.
rule (str | None, optional): Comparison rule for best score. If set to
None, it will infer a reasonable rule. Keys such as 'acc', 'top'
.etc will be inferred by 'greater' rule. Keys contain 'loss' will
be inferred by 'less' rule. Options are 'greater', 'less', None.
Default: None.
test_fn (callable, optional): test a model with samples from a
dataloader in a multi-gpu manner, and return the test results. If
``None``, the default test function ``mmcv.engine.multi_gpu_test``
will be used. (default: ``None``)
tmpdir (str | None): Temporary directory to save the results of all
processes. Default: None.
gpu_collect (bool): Whether to use gpu or cpu to collect results.
Default: False.
broadcast_bn_buffer (bool): Whether to broadcast the
buffer(running_mean and running_var) of rank 0 to other rank
before evaluation. Default: True.
out_dir (str, optional): The root directory to save checkpoints. If not
specified, `runner.work_dir` will be used by default. If specified,
the `out_dir` will be the concatenation of `out_dir` and the last
level directory of `runner.work_dir`.
file_client_args (dict): Arguments to instantiate a FileClient.
See :class:`mmcv.fileio.FileClient` for details. Default: None.
**eval_kwargs: Evaluation arguments fed into the evaluate function of
the dataset.
def __init__(self,
if test_fn is None:
from annotator.uniformer.mmcv.engine import multi_gpu_test
test_fn = multi_gpu_test
self.broadcast_bn_buffer = broadcast_bn_buffer
self.tmpdir = tmpdir
self.gpu_collect = gpu_collect
def _do_evaluate(self, runner):
"""perform evaluation and save ckpt."""
# Synchronization of BatchNorm's buffer (running_mean
# and running_var) is not supported in the DDP of pytorch,
# which may cause the inconsistent performance of models in
# different ranks, so we broadcast BatchNorm's buffers
# of rank 0 to other ranks to avoid this.
if self.broadcast_bn_buffer:
model = runner.model
for name, module in model.named_modules():
if isinstance(module,
_BatchNorm) and module.track_running_stats:
dist.broadcast(module.running_var, 0)
dist.broadcast(module.running_mean, 0)
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
if tmpdir is None:
tmpdir = osp.join(runner.work_dir, '.eval_hook')
results = self.test_fn(
if runner.rank == 0:
runner.log_buffer.output['eval_iter_num'] = len(self.dataloader)
key_score = self.evaluate(runner, results)
# the key_score may be `None` so it needs to skip the action to
# save the best checkpoint
if self.save_best and key_score:
self._save_ckpt(runner, key_score)