import librosa |
import tensorflow as tf |
from tensorflow.keras.models import model_from_json |
import soundfile as sf |
import numpy as np |
import os |
import scipy |
from scipy.io import wavfile |
import gradio as gr |
def audio_to_audio_frame_stack(sound_data, frame_length, hop_length_frame): |
"""This function take an audio and split into several frame |
in a numpy matrix of size (nb_frame,frame_length)""" |
sequence_sample_length = sound_data.shape[0] |
sound_data_list = [sound_data[start:start + frame_length] for start in range( |
0, sequence_sample_length - frame_length + 1, hop_length_frame)] |
sound_data_array = np.vstack(sound_data_list) |
return sound_data_array |
def audio_files_to_numpy(audio_dir, list_audio_files, sample_rate, frame_length, hop_length_frame, min_duration): |
"""This function take audio files of a directory and merge them |
in a numpy matrix of size (nb_frame,frame_length) for a sliding window of size hop_length_frame""" |
list_sound_array = [] |
for file in list_audio_files: |
y, sr = librosa.load(os.path.join(audio_dir, file), sr=sample_rate) |
total_duration = librosa.get_duration(y=y, sr=sr) |
if (total_duration >= min_duration): |
list_sound_array.append(audio_to_audio_frame_stack( |
y, frame_length, hop_length_frame)) |
else: |
print( |
f"The following file {os.path.join(audio_dir,file)} is below the min duration") |
return np.vstack(list_sound_array) |
def blend_noise_randomly(voice, noise, nb_samples, frame_length): |
"""This function takes as input numpy arrays representing frames |
of voice sounds, noise sounds and the number of frames to be created |
and return numpy arrays with voice randomly blend with noise""" |
prod_voice = np.zeros((nb_samples, frame_length)) |
prod_noise = np.zeros((nb_samples, frame_length)) |
prod_noisy_voice = np.zeros((nb_samples, frame_length)) |
for i in range(nb_samples): |
id_voice = np.random.randint(0, voice.shape[0]) |
id_noise = np.random.randint(0, noise.shape[0]) |
level_noise = np.random.uniform(0.2, 0.8) |
prod_voice[i, :] = voice[id_voice, :] |
prod_noise[i, :] = level_noise * noise[id_noise, :] |
prod_noisy_voice[i, :] = prod_voice[i, :] + prod_noise[i, :] |
return prod_voice, prod_noise, prod_noisy_voice |
def audio_to_magnitude_db_and_phase(n_fft, hop_length_fft, audio): |
"""This function takes an audio and convert into spectrogram, |
it returns the magnitude in dB and the phase""" |
stftaudio = librosa.stft(audio, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length_fft) |
stftaudio_magnitude, stftaudio_phase = librosa.magphase(stftaudio) |
stftaudio_magnitude_db = librosa.amplitude_to_db( |
stftaudio_magnitude, ref=np.max) |
return stftaudio_magnitude_db, stftaudio_phase |
def numpy_audio_to_matrix_spectrogram(numpy_audio, dim_square_spec, n_fft, hop_length_fft): |
"""This function takes as input a numpy audi of size (nb_frame,frame_length), and return |
a numpy containing the matrix spectrogram for amplitude in dB and phase. It will have the size |
(nb_frame,dim_square_spec,dim_square_spec)""" |
nb_audio = numpy_audio.shape[0] |
m_mag_db = np.zeros((nb_audio, dim_square_spec, dim_square_spec)) |
m_phase = np.zeros((nb_audio, dim_square_spec, dim_square_spec), dtype=complex) |
for i in range(nb_audio): |
m_mag_db[i, :, :], m_phase[i, :, :] = audio_to_magnitude_db_and_phase( |
n_fft, hop_length_fft, numpy_audio[i]) |
return m_mag_db, m_phase |
def magnitude_db_and_phase_to_audio(frame_length, hop_length_fft, stftaudio_magnitude_db, stftaudio_phase): |
"""This functions reverts a spectrogram to an audio""" |
stftaudio_magnitude_rev = librosa.db_to_amplitude(stftaudio_magnitude_db, ref=1.0) |
audio_reverse_stft = stftaudio_magnitude_rev * stftaudio_phase |
audio_reconstruct = librosa.core.istft(audio_reverse_stft, hop_length=hop_length_fft, length=frame_length) |
return audio_reconstruct |
def matrix_spectrogram_to_numpy_audio(m_mag_db, m_phase, frame_length, hop_length_fft) : |
"""This functions reverts the matrix spectrograms to numpy audio""" |
list_audio = [] |
nb_spec = m_mag_db.shape[0] |
for i in range(nb_spec): |
audio_reconstruct = magnitude_db_and_phase_to_audio(frame_length, hop_length_fft, m_mag_db[i], m_phase[i]) |
list_audio.append(audio_reconstruct) |
return np.vstack(list_audio) |
def scaled_in(matrix_spec): |
"global scaling apply to noisy voice spectrograms (scale between -1 and 1)" |
matrix_spec = (matrix_spec + 46)/50 |
return matrix_spec |
def scaled_ou(matrix_spec): |
"global scaling apply to noise models spectrograms (scale between -1 and 1)" |
matrix_spec = (matrix_spec -6 )/82 |
return matrix_spec |
def inv_scaled_in(matrix_spec): |
"inverse global scaling apply to noisy voices spectrograms" |
matrix_spec = matrix_spec * 50 - 46 |
return matrix_spec |
def inv_scaled_ou(matrix_spec): |
"inverse global scaling apply to noise models spectrograms" |
matrix_spec = matrix_spec * 82 + 6 |
return matrix_spec |
def prediction(weights_path, name_model, audio_dir_prediction, dir_save_prediction, audio_input_prediction, |
audio_output_prediction, sample_rate, min_duration, frame_length, hop_length_frame, n_fft, hop_length_fft): |
""" This function takes as input pretrained weights, noisy voice sound to denoise, predict |
the denoise sound and save it to disk. |
""" |
json_file = open(weights_path+'/'+name_model+'.json', 'r') |
loaded_model_json = json_file.read() |
json_file.close() |
loaded_model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json) |
loaded_model.load_weights(weights_path+'/'+name_model+'.h5') |
print("Loaded model from disk") |
audio = audio_files_to_numpy(audio_dir_prediction, audio_input_prediction, sample_rate, |
frame_length, hop_length_frame, min_duration) |
dim_square_spec = int(n_fft / 2) + 1 |
print(dim_square_spec) |
m_amp_db_audio, m_pha_audio = numpy_audio_to_matrix_spectrogram( |
audio, dim_square_spec, n_fft, hop_length_fft) |
X_in = scaled_in(m_amp_db_audio) |
X_in = X_in.reshape(X_in.shape[0],X_in.shape[1],X_in.shape[2],1) |
X_pred = loaded_model.predict(X_in) |
inv_sca_X_pred = inv_scaled_ou(X_pred) |
X_denoise = m_amp_db_audio - inv_sca_X_pred[:,:,:,0] |
print(X_denoise.shape) |
print(m_pha_audio.shape) |
print(frame_length) |
print(hop_length_fft) |
audio_denoise_recons = matrix_spectrogram_to_numpy_audio(X_denoise, m_pha_audio, frame_length, hop_length_fft) |
nb_samples = audio_denoise_recons.shape[0] |
denoise_long = audio_denoise_recons.reshape(1, nb_samples * frame_length)*10 |
print(audio_output_prediction) |
sf.write(audio_output_prediction , denoise_long[0, :], sample_rate) |
def denoise_audio(audioName): |
sr, data = audioName |
sf.write("temp.wav",data, sr) |
testNo = "temp" |
audio_dir_prediction = os.path.abspath("/")+ str(testNo) +".wav" |
sample_rate, data = audioName[0], audioName[1] |
len_data = len(data) |
t = len_data / sample_rate |
print("t:",t) |
weights_path = os.path.abspath("./") |
name_model = "model_unet" |
audio_dir_prediction = os.path.abspath("./") |
dir_save_prediction = os.path.abspath("./") |
audio_output_prediction = "test.wav" |
audio_input_prediction = ["temp.wav"] |
sample_rate = 8000 |
min_duration = t |
frame_length = 8064 |
hop_length_frame = 8064 |
n_fft = 255 |
hop_length_fft = 63 |
dim_square_spec = int(n_fft / 2) + 1 |
prediction(weights_path, name_model, audio_dir_prediction, dir_save_prediction, audio_input_prediction, |
audio_output_prediction, sample_rate, min_duration, frame_length, hop_length_frame, n_fft, hop_length_fft) |
print(audio_output_prediction) |
return audio_output_prediction |
examples = [ |
[os.path.abspath("crowdNoise.wav")], |
[os.path.abspath("CrowdNoise2.wav")], |
[os.path.abspath("whiteNoise.wav")] |
] |
iface = gr.Interface(fn = denoise_audio, |
inputs = 'audio', |
outputs = 'audio', |
title = 'audio to denoised Audio Application', |
description = 'A simple application to denoise audio speech using UNet deep learning model. Upload your own audio, or click one of the examples to load them.', |
article = |
'''<div> |
<p style="text-align: center"> All you need to do is to upload the audio file and hit submit, then wait for compiling. After that click on Play/Pause for listing to the audio. The audio is saved in a wav format.</p> |
</div>''', |
examples=examples |
) |
iface.launch() |