import os import glob import gradio as gr import shutil from ultralytics import YOLO # Initialize YOLO model model = YOLO('./') def check_ffmpeg(): """Check if ffmpeg is installed.""" if shutil.which("ffmpeg") is None: raise EnvironmentError("ffmpeg is not installed or not found in the system PATH. Please install ffmpeg to proceed.") def process_video(video_path, output_option): # Check if ffmpeg is installed check_ffmpeg() # Run the YOLO model on the video, specifying the tracker configuration results = model.track(video_path, save=True, tracker="bytetrack.yaml", persist=True) # Get the video file name without extension and directory video_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(video_path))[0] # Find the latest directory created in 'runs/detect/' output_dir = max(glob.glob('./runs/detect/*'), key=os.path.getmtime) # Find the saved video file in the latest directory with the specific video name video_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(output_dir, f'{video_name}*.avi')) if not video_files: raise Exception(f"No .avi video files found in directory {output_dir} for {video_name}") # Convert the video to mp4 mp4_files = [] for file in video_files: mp4_file = f"{file[:-4]}.mp4" # Quote the file paths to handle spaces and overwrite without prompt os.system(f"ffmpeg -y -i \"{file}\" -vcodec libx264 \"{mp4_file}\"") os.remove(file) # Remove the original .avi file after conversion mp4_files.append(mp4_file) # Check again for the converted .mp4 video files specifically for the processed video matched_mp4_files = [file for file in mp4_files if video_name in file] if not matched_mp4_files: raise Exception(f"No .mp4 video files found in directory {output_dir} after conversion for {video_name}.") # Initialize object count object_count = 0 # Calculate object count based on results for result in results: if hasattr(result, 'boxes'): object_count += len(result.boxes) # Set default outputs video_output = matched_mp4_files[0] if matched_mp4_files else None count_output = object_count # Determine the output based on user's choice if output_option == "Count": return count_output, None elif output_option == "Video": return None, video_output elif output_option == "Both": return count_output, video_output # Define Gradio inputs video_input = gr.Video() output_option_input = gr.Radio(choices=["Count", "Video", "Both"], label="Select output type") # Define examples for the interface examples = [ [os.path.abspath("example_video1.mp4"), "Count"], [os.path.abspath("example_video2.mp4"), "Video"], [os.path.abspath("example_video3.mp4"), "Both"] ] video_interface = gr.Interface( fn=process_video, inputs=[video_input, output_option_input], outputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Object Count"), "video"], # Ensure two outputs are defined title="YOLO Video Tracking Application", description="A simple application to track objects in a video using YOLO model. Upload your own video, or click one of the examples to load them.", article="""

Upload a video file and select the type of output you want: object count, processed video, or both. Then, hit submit to process the video.

""", examples=examples ) # Deploy the interface with share enabled gr.TabbedInterface([video_interface], ["Track Video"]).launch(share=True)