import os os.environ['TMPDIR'] = './temps' # avoid the system default temp folder not having access permissions # os.environ['HF_ENDPOINT'] = '' # use huggingfacae mirror for users that could not login to huggingface import re import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch import gradio as gr from api import StableTTSAPI device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' tts_model_path = './checkpoints/' vocoder_model_path = './vocoders/pretrained/firefly-gan-base-generator.ckpt' vocoder_type = 'ffgan' model = StableTTSAPI(tts_model_path, vocoder_model_path, vocoder_type).to(device) @ torch.inference_mode() def inference(text, ref_audio, language, step, temperature, length_scale, solver, cfg): text = remove_newlines_after_punctuation(text) if language == 'chinese': text = text.replace(' ', '') audio, mel = model.inference(text, ref_audio, language, step, temperature, length_scale, solver, cfg) max_val = torch.max(torch.abs(audio)) if max_val > 1: audio = audio / max_val audio_output = (model.mel_config.sample_rate, (audio.cpu().squeeze(0).numpy() * 32767).astype(np.int16)) # (samplerate, int16 audio) for gr.Audio mel_output = plot_mel_spectrogram(mel.cpu().squeeze(0).numpy()) # get the plot of mel return audio_output, mel_output def plot_mel_spectrogram(mel_spectrogram): plt.close() # prevent memory leak fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 8)) ax.imshow(mel_spectrogram, aspect='auto', origin='lower') plt.axis('off') fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, top=1, bottom=0) # remove white edges return fig def remove_newlines_after_punctuation(text): pattern = r'([,。!?、“”‘’《》【】;:,.!?\'\"<>()\[\]{}])\n' return re.sub(pattern, r'\1', text) def main(): from pathlib import Path examples = list(Path('./audios').rglob('*.wav')) # gradio wabui, reference: gui_title = 'StableTTS' gui_description = """Next-generation TTS model using flow-matching and DiT, inspired by Stable Diffusion 3.""" example_text = """你指尖跳动的电光,是我永恒不变的信仰。唯我超电磁炮永世长存!""" with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Base()) as demo: demo.load(None, None, js="() => {const params = new URLSearchParams(;if (!params.has('__theme')) {params.set('__theme', 'light'); = params.toString();}}") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown(f"# {gui_title}") gr.Markdown(gui_description) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): input_text_gr = gr.Textbox( label="Input Text", info="Put your text here", value=example_text, ) ref_audio_gr = gr.Audio( label="Reference Audio", type="filepath" ) language_gr = gr.Dropdown( label='Language', choices=list(model.supported_languages), value = 'chinese' ) step_gr = gr.Slider( label='Step', minimum=1, maximum=100, value=25, step=1 ) temperature_gr = gr.Slider( label='Temperature', minimum=0, maximum=2, value=1, ) length_scale_gr = gr.Slider( label='Length_Scale', minimum=0, maximum=5, value=1, ) solver_gr = gr.Dropdown( label='ODE Solver', choices=['euler', 'midpoint', 'dopri5', 'rk4', 'implicit_adams', 'bosh3', 'fehlberg2', 'adaptive_heun'], value = 'dopri5' ) cfg_gr = gr.Slider( label='CFG', minimum=0, maximum=10, value=3, ) with gr.Column(): mel_gr = gr.Plot(label="Mel Visual") audio_gr = gr.Audio(label="Synthesised Audio", autoplay=True) tts_button = gr.Button("\U0001F3A7 Generate / 合成", elem_id="send-btn", visible=True, variant="primary") examples = gr.Examples(examples, ref_audio_gr), [input_text_gr, ref_audio_gr, language_gr, step_gr, temperature_gr, length_scale_gr, solver_gr, cfg_gr], outputs=[audio_gr, mel_gr]) demo.queue() demo.launch(debug=True, show_api=True) if __name__ == '__main__': main()