--- title: relation_extraction datasets: - none tags: - evaluate - metric description: >- This metric is used for evaluating the F1 accuracy of input references and predictions. sdk: gradio sdk_version: 3.19.1 app_file: app.py pinned: false license: apache-2.0 --- # Metric Card for relation_extraction evalutation This metric is used for evaluating the quality of relation extraction output. By calculating the Micro and Macro F1 score of every relation extraction outputs to ensure the quality. ## Metric Description This metric can be used in relation extraction evaluation. ## How to Use This metric takes 2 inputs, prediction and references(ground truth). Both of them are a list of list of dictionary of entity's name and entity's type: ```python import evaluate metric_path = "Ikala-allen/relation_extraction" module = evaluate.load(metric_path) references = [ [ {"head": "phip igments", "head_type": "brand", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, {"head": "tinadaviespigments", "head_type": "brand", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, ] ] predictions = [ [ {"head": "phipigments", "head_type": "product", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, {"head": "tinadaviespigments", "head_type": "brand", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, ] ] evaluation_scores = module.compute(predictions=predictions, references=references, mode = "strict") ``` ### Inputs - **predictions** (`list` of `list` of `dictionary`): a list of list of dictionary with every element's relation_type and their entity name - **references** (`list` of `list` of `dictionary`): a list of list of dictionary with every element's relation_type and their entity name - **mode** (`str`): define strict or boundaries mode for evaluation, strict mode consider "head_type" and "tail_type", boundaries mode doesn't consider "head_type" and "tail_type" - **only_all** (`bool`): True for only output ["ALL"] relation_type score. False for output every relation_type score, default True - **relation_types** (`list`): define relation type that need to be evaluate, if not given, it will construct relation_types from ground truth, default [] ### Output Values **output** (`dictionary` of `dictionary`s) with multiple key-value pairs - **sell** (`dictionary`): score of type sell - **tp** : true positive count - **fp** : false positive count - **fn** : false negative count - **p** : precision - **r** : recall - **f1** : micro f1 score - **ALL** (`dictionary`): score of all of the type (sell and belongs to) - **tp** : true positive count - **fp** : false positive count - **fn** : false negative count - **p** : precision - **r** : recall - **f1** : micro f1 score - **Macro_f1** : macro f1 score - **Macro_p** : macro precision - **Macro_r** : macro recall Output Example: ```python {'tp': 1, 'fp': 1, 'fn': 1, 'p': 50.0, 'r': 50.0, 'f1': 50.0, 'Macro_f1': 50.0, 'Macro_p': 50.0, 'Macro_r': 50.0} ``` Remind : Macro_f1、Macro_p、Macro_r、p、r、f1 are always a number between 0 and 1. And tp、fp、fn depend on how many data inputs. ### Examples Example1 : only one prediction and reference, mode = strict, only output ALL relation score ```python metric_path = "Ikala-allen/relation_extraction" module = evaluate.load(metric_path) references = [ [ {"head": "phipigments", "head_type": "brand", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, {"head": "tinadaviespigments", "head_type": "brand", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, {'head': 'A醛賦活緊緻精華', 'tail': 'Serum', 'head_type': 'product', 'tail_type': 'category', 'type': 'belongs_to'}, ] ] # Example references (ground truth) predictions = [ [ {"head": "phipigments", "head_type": "product", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, {"head": "tinadaviespigments", "head_type": "brand", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, ] ] # Calculate evaluation scores using the loaded metric evaluation_scores = module.compute(predictions=predictions, references=references, mode = "strict", only_all=True,relation_types = []) print(evaluation_scores) >>> {'tp': 1, 'fp': 1, 'fn': 2, 'p': 50.0, 'r': 33.333333333333336, 'f1': 40.0, 'Macro_f1': 25.0, 'Macro_p': 25.0, 'Macro_r': 25.0} ``` Example2 : only one prediction and reference, mode = boundaries, only output ALL relation score ```python metric_path = "Ikala-allen/relation_extraction" module = evaluate.load(metric_path) references = [ [ {"head": "phipigments", "head_type": "brand", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, {"head": "tinadaviespigments", "head_type": "brand", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, {'head': 'A醛賦活緊緻精華', 'tail': 'Serum', 'head_type': 'product', 'tail_type': 'category', 'type': 'belongs_to'}, ] ] # Example references (ground truth) predictions = [ [ {"head": "phipigments", "head_type": "product", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, {"head": "tinadaviespigments", "head_type": "brand", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, ] ] # Calculate evaluation scores using the loaded metric evaluation_scores = module.compute(predictions=predictions, references=references, mode = "strict", only_all=True,relation_types = []) print(evaluation_scores) >>> {'tp': 2, 'fp': 0, 'fn': 1, 'p': 100.0, 'r': 66.66666666666667, 'f1': 80.0, 'Macro_f1': 50.0, 'Macro_p': 50.0, 'Macro_r': 50.0} ``` Example3 : two or more prediction and reference, mode = boundaries, only output = False, output all relation type score ```python metric_path = "Ikala-allen/relation_extraction" module = evaluate.load(metric_path) # Define your predictions and references references = [ [ {"head": "phipigments", "head_type": "brand", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, {"head": "tinadaviespigments", "head_type": "brand", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, ], [ {'head': 'SABONTAIWAN', 'tail': '大馬士革玫瑰有機光燦系列', 'head_type': 'brand', 'tail_type': 'product', 'type': 'sell'}, {'head': 'A醛賦活緊緻精華', 'tail': 'Serum', 'head_type': 'product', 'tail_type': 'category', 'type': 'belongs_to'}, ] ] # Example references (ground truth) predictions = [ [ {"head": "phipigments", "head_type": "product", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, {"head": "tinadaviespigments", "head_type": "brand", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, ], [ {'head': 'SABONTAIWAN', 'tail': '大馬士革玫瑰有機光燦系列', 'head_type': 'brand', 'tail_type': 'product', 'type': 'sell'}, {'head': 'SNTAIWAN', 'tail': '大馬士革玫瑰有機光燦系列', 'head_type': 'brand', 'tail_type': 'product', 'type': 'sell'} ] ] # Calculate evaluation scores using the loaded metric evaluation_scores = module.compute(predictions=predictions, references=references, mode = "boundaries", only_all = False, relation_types = []) print(evaluation_scores) >>> {'sell': {'tp': 3, 'fp': 1, 'fn': 0, 'p': 75.0, 'r': 100.0, 'f1': 85.71428571428571}, 'belongs_to': {'tp': 0, 'fp': 0, 'fn': 1, 'p': 0, 'r': 0, 'f1': 0}, 'ALL': {'tp': 3, 'fp': 1, 'fn': 1, 'p': 75.0, 'r': 75.0, 'f1': 75.0, 'Macro_f1': 42.857142857142854, 'Macro_p': 37.5, 'Macro_r': 50.0}} ``` Example 4 : two or more prediction and reference, mode = boundaries, only output = False, only output ALL relation score, relation_types = ["belongs_to"], only consider belongs_to type score ```python metric_path = "Ikala-allen/relation_extraction" module = evaluate.load(metric_path) references = [ [ {"head": "phipigments", "head_type": "brand", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, {"head": "tinadaviespigments", "head_type": "brand", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, ], [ {'head': 'SABONTAIWAN', 'tail': '大馬士革玫瑰有機光燦系列', 'head_type': 'brand', 'tail_type': 'product', 'type': 'sell'}, {'head': 'A醛賦活緊緻精華', 'tail': 'Serum', 'head_type': 'product', 'tail_type': 'category', 'type': 'belongs_to'}, ] ] # Example references (ground truth) predictions = [ [ {"head": "phipigments", "head_type": "product", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, {"head": "tinadaviespigments", "head_type": "brand", "type": "sell", "tail": "國際認證之色乳", "tail_type": "product"}, ], [ {'head': 'SABONTAIWAN', 'tail': '大馬士革玫瑰有機光燦系列', 'head_type': 'brand', 'tail_type': 'product', 'type': 'sell'}, {'head': 'SNTAIWAN', 'tail': '大馬士革玫瑰有機光燦系列', 'head_type': 'brand', 'tail_type': 'product', 'type': 'sell'} ] ] evaluation_scores = module.compute(predictions=predictions, references=references, mode = "boundaries", only_all=False,relation_types = ["belongs_to"]) print(evaluation_scores) >>> {'belongs_to': {'tp': 0, 'fp': 0, 'fn': 1, 'p': 0, 'r': 0, 'f1': 0}, 'ALL': {'tp': 0, 'fp': 0, 'fn': 1, 'p': 0, 'r': 0, 'f1': 0, 'Macro_f1': 0.0, 'Macro_p': 0.0, 'Macro_r': 0.0}} ``` ## Limitations and Bias This metric has strict and boundaries mode, also can select relation_types for different type evaluation. Make sure to select suitable evaluation parameters. F1 score may be totally different. Prediction and reference entity_name should be exactly the same regardless of case and spaces. If prediction is not exactly the same as the reference one. It will count as fp or fn. ## Citation ```bibtex @Paper{ author = {Bruno Taillé, Vincent Guigue, Geoffrey Scoutheeten, Patrick Gallinari}, title = {Let's Stop Incorrect Comparisons in End-to-end Relation Extraction!}, year = {2020}, link = https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.10684 } ``` ## Further References This evaluation metric implementation uses *https://github.com/btaille/sincere/blob/master/code/utils/evaluation.py*