from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import Optional from fastapi import APIRouter, File, UploadFile, HTTPException from utils.db import tinydb_helper, chromadb_face_helper from utils.jwt_utils import create_access_token from utils.ec_image_utils import get_user_cropped_image_from_photo import os import uuid router = APIRouter() L2_FACE_THRESHOLD = 0.85 # distance value closer to 0 =>best match, >1 =>poor match SESSION_VALIDITY = 24 * 60 # Token expires after 24 hours async def verify_user_face(file_path: str) -> Optional[dict]: # Assuming `get_user_cropped_image_from_photo` returns the cropped face as expected by ChromaDB face_img = get_user_cropped_image_from_photo(file_path) if face_img is None: return None # Query the user's face in ChromaDB query_results = chromadb_face_helper.query_user_face(face_img) if query_results and len(query_results["ids"][0]) > 0: chromadb_face_helper.print_query_results(query_results) # Assuming the first result is the best match l2_distance = query_results["distances"][0][0] if l2_distance < L2_FACE_THRESHOLD: # l2 distance threshold for top matched face user_id = query_results["ids"][0][0] metadata = query_results["metadatas"][0][0] return {"user_id": user_id, "metadata":metadata} return None"/user/login") async def user_login(file: UploadFile = File(...)): file_path = f"/tmp/{uuid.uuid4()}.jpg" # Generates a unique filename with open(file_path, "wb") as buffer: contents = await buffer.write(contents) # Perform face verification verification_result = await verify_user_face(file_path) if verification_result: user_id = verification_result["user_id"] metadata = verification_result["metadata"] # Generate JWT token with user information access_token = create_access_token(data={"sub": user_id, "name": metadata["name"], "role": metadata["role"]}) # Calculate expiration time for the token expires_at = (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=SESSION_VALIDITY)).isoformat() # Example expiration time # Store the token in TinyDB tinydb_helper.insert_token(user_id, access_token, expires_at) return { "access_token": access_token, "token_type": "bearer", "user_id": user_id, "name": metadata["name"], "role": metadata["role"] } else: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Face not recognized") os.remove(file_path)