fastapi==0.95.2 # Core framework for building APIs. uvicorn[standard]==0.18.3 # ASGI server for FastAPI, supports live reloading. requests==2.28.* # For making HTTP requests, if needed by your app. torch==1.11.* # PyTorch, for handling deep learning models. transformers==4.* # From Hugging Face, for working with pre-trained LLMs. sentencepiece==0.1.* # For chat text processing mtcnn==0.1.1 # For face detection in images. python-jose[cryptography]==3.3.* # For creating, parsing, and verifying JWT tokens. python-multipart==0.0.5 # Necessary for form data handling, including file uploads. numpy # Fundamental package for scientific computing. chromadb==0.4.22 # Vector database interaction libraries. keras-facenet==0.3.2 # For face recognition and embedding, used alongside MTCNN. jinja2==3.0.* # For Admin site redndering bcrypt==4.1.* # For hashing secrets