EduConnect / app /admin /
dtyago's picture
Cleanup project structure
history blame
No virus
4.86 kB
import hashlib
import re
from fastapi import HTTPException, UploadFile, File, Form
from typing import Optional
import bcrypt
import os
import shutil
from utils.chat_rag import sanitize_collection_name
from utils.ec_image_utils import get_user_cropped_image_from_photo
# Import vector store for database operations
from langchain_community.vectorstores import Chroma
# Import embeddings module from langchain for vector representations of text
from langchain_community.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings
# Registrering a face
async def register_user(db, email: str, name: str, role: str, file: UploadFile = File(...)):
Processes and stores the image uploaded into vectordb as image embeddings.
:param db: The vector db collection handle to which the image embedding with email id as key will be upserted
:param email: The email id of the user being registered, this is assumed to be unique per user record
:param name: The user name (different from email) for display
:param role: The role associated with the user, it can only be student or teacher
:param file: The facial image of the user being registered, the first recognized face image would be used.
:return: email
unique_filename = f"{email}.jpg" # Use the email as the filename
file_path = f"/home/user/data/tmp/{unique_filename}" # Specify our upload directory
# Ensure the directory exists
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True)
# Then, proceed to open the file
with open(file_path, "wb") as buffer:
contents = await
# Process the image to extract the face
cropped_face = get_user_cropped_image_from_photo(file_path)
if cropped_face is not None:
# Here we can store the embeddings along with user details in ChromaDB
# chroma_db.save_embeddings(user_id, embeddings)
db.upsert(images=[cropped_face], ids=[email], metadatas=[{"name":name, "role":role}])
return {"status": "User registered successfully", "image": cropped_face}
return {"error": "No faces detected"}
#os.remove(file_path) # Optionally remove the file after processing, if not needed
# Admin Authentication
def verify_admin_password(submitted_user: str, submitted_password: str) -> bool:
Verifies the submitted password against the stored hash.
:param submitted_user: The username submitted by the user.
:param submitted_password: The password submitted by the user.
:return: True if the password is correct, False otherwise.
if submitted_user == "admin":
# Retrieve the stored hash from environment variable
stored_password_hash = os.getenv("EC_ADMIN_PWD", "").encode('utf-8')
# Directly compare the submitted password with the stored hash
return bcrypt.checkpw(submitted_password.encode('utf-8'), stored_password_hash)
return False
# Get disk usage
def get_disk_usage(path="/home/user/data"):
total, used, free = shutil.disk_usage(path)
# Convert bytes to MB by dividing by 2^20
return {
"total": total / (2**20),
"used": used / (2**20),
"free": free / (2**20)
# Additional Admin Functions
# we could include other administrative functionalities here, such as:
# - Listing all registered users.
# - Moderating chat messages or viewing chat history.
# - Managing system settings or configurations.
# Display all faces in collection
def faces_count(client, db):
return {
"face_count" : db.count(),
"all_faces" : db.get(),
"all_collections" : client.list_collections() # List all collections at this location
# Delete all faces in collection
def remove_all_faces(client, user_faces_collection="user_faces_db"):
# Fetch all user IDs from the user_faces_db collection
all_user_ids = client.get_all_ids(collection_name=user_faces_collection)
# Loop through all user IDs and delete associated collections
for user_id in all_user_ids:
sanitized_collection_name = sanitize_collection_name(user_id)
vectordb = Chroma(
persist_directory=f"{CHROMADB_LOC}/{sanitized_collection_name}", # Optional: Separate directory for each user's data
all_ids = vectordb._collection.get()
# Finally, delete the user_faces_db collection itself
print(f"All user collections and {user_faces_collection} have been removed.")