import streamlit as st import smtplib def email_sender(sender_add, password, to_emails, num_emails): for _ in range(num_emails): for to_email in to_emails.split(','): # Split the emails by comma smtp_server=smtplib.SMTP("",587) smtp_server.ehlo() smtp_server.starttls() smtp_server.ehlo() smtp_server.login(sender_add,password) msg_to_be_sent =''' Dear Deans of BAU, #... The rest of your message ''' msg_to_be_sent = msg_to_be_sent.encode('utf-8') smtp_server.sendmail(sender_add, to_email.strip(), msg_to_be_sent) smtp_server.quit() return "Emails sent successfully!" def main(): st.title("Email Sender App") sender_email = st.text_input("Your Email") sender_password = st.text_input("Your Email Password") recipient_emails = st.text_input("Recipient Emails (comma separated without space)") num_emails = st.slider("Number of Emails", min_value=1, max_value=10) if st.button('Send Emails'): if sender_email and sender_password and recipient_emails: result = email_sender(sender_email, sender_password, recipient_emails, num_emails) st.success(result) else: st.error('Please fill in all the fields')