import cv2 import warnings from pathlib import Path from hloc import logger from hloc import matchers, extractors, logger from hloc import match_dense, match_features, extract_features from hloc.utils.viz import add_text, plot_keypoints from common.utils import ( load_config, get_model, get_feature_model, ransac_zoo, get_matcher_zoo, filter_matches, device, ROOT, ) from common.viz import ( fig2im, plot_images, display_matches, plot_color_line_matches, ) import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt warnings.simplefilter("ignore") def test_modules(config: dict): img_path1 = ROOT / "datasets/sacre_coeur/mapping/02928139_3448003521.jpg" img_path2 = ROOT / "datasets/sacre_coeur/mapping/17295357_9106075285.jpg" image0 = cv2.imread(str(img_path1)) image1 = cv2.imread(str(img_path2)) keypoint_threshold = 0.0 extract_max_keypoints = 2000 match_threshold = 0.2 log_path = ROOT / "experiments" log_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) matcher_zoo_restored = get_matcher_zoo(config["matcher_zoo"]) for k, v in matcher_zoo_restored.items(): if image0 is None or image1 is None: logger.error("Error: No images found! Please upload two images.") # init output output_keypoints = None output_matches_raw = None output_matches_ransac = None match_conf = v["matcher"] # update match config match_conf["model"]["match_threshold"] = match_threshold match_conf["model"]["max_keypoints"] = extract_max_keypoints matcher = get_model(match_conf) t1 = time.time() if v["dense"]: pred = match_dense.match_images( matcher, image0, image1, match_conf["preprocessing"], device=device, ) del matcher extract_conf = None last_fixed = "{}".format(match_conf["model"]["name"]) else: extract_conf = v["feature"] # update extract config extract_conf["model"]["max_keypoints"] = extract_max_keypoints extract_conf["model"]["keypoint_threshold"] = keypoint_threshold extractor = get_feature_model(extract_conf) pred0 = extract_features.extract( extractor, image0, extract_conf["preprocessing"] ) pred1 = extract_features.extract( extractor, image1, extract_conf["preprocessing"] ) pred = match_features.match_images(matcher, pred0, pred1) del extractor last_fixed = "{}_{}".format( extract_conf["model"]["name"], match_conf["model"]["name"] ) # keypoints on images"Match features done using: {time.time()-t1:.3f}s") t1 = time.time() texts = [ f"image pairs: {} & {}", "", ] titles = [ "Image 0 - Keypoints", "Image 1 - Keypoints", ] output_keypoints = plot_images([image0, image1], titles=titles, dpi=300) if "keypoints0" in pred.keys() and "keypoints1" in pred.keys(): plot_keypoints([pred["keypoints0"], pred["keypoints1"]]) text = ( f"# keypoints0: {len(pred['keypoints0'])} \n" + f"# keypoints1: {len(pred['keypoints1'])}" ) add_text(0, text, fs=15) output_keypoints = fig2im(output_keypoints) # plot images with raw matches titles = [ "Image 0 - Raw matched keypoints", "Image 1 - Raw matched keypoints", ] output_matches_raw, num_matches_raw = display_matches( pred, titles=titles )"Plot keypoints done using: {time.time()-t1:.3f}s") t1 = time.time() filter_matches( pred, ransac_method=config["defaults"]["ransac_method"], ransac_reproj_threshold=config["defaults"][ "ransac_reproj_threshold" ], ransac_confidence=config["defaults"]["ransac_confidence"], ransac_max_iter=config["defaults"]["ransac_max_iter"], ) # plot images with ransac matches titles = [ "Image 0 - Ransac matched keypoints", "Image 1 - Ransac matched keypoints", ] output_matches_ransac, num_matches_ransac = display_matches( pred, titles=titles )"RANSAC matches done using: {time.time()-t1:.3f}s") img_keypoints_path = log_path / f"img_keypoints_{last_fixed}.png" img_matches_raw_path = log_path / f"img_matches_raw_{last_fixed}.png" img_matches_ransac_path = ( log_path / f"img_matches_ransac_{last_fixed}.png" ) cv2.imwrite(str(img_keypoints_path), output_keypoints) cv2.imwrite(str(img_matches_raw_path), output_matches_raw) cv2.imwrite(str(img_matches_ransac_path), output_matches_ransac) plt.close("all") if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse config = load_config(ROOT / "common/config.yaml") test_modules(config)