# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # USAGE: python process_asr_text_tokenizer.py --manifest= \ # --data_root="" \ # --vocab_size= \ # --tokenizer=<"spe" or "wpe"> \ # --log # where can be: train_clean_100, train_clean_360, train_other_500 # You can also put more than one data_set comma-separated: # --manifest="train_clean_100,train_clean_360,train_other_500" # or # python process_asr_text_tokenizer.py --data_file= \ # --data_root="" \ # --vocab_size= \ # --tokenizer=<"bpe" or "wpe"> \ # --log # where can be: train_clean_100, train_clean_360, train_other_500 # You can also put more than one data_set comma-separated: # --manifest="train_clean_100,train_clean_360,train_other_500" # # Args: # --manifest or --data_file: If your text data lies inside of an ASR manifest file, # then use the --manifest path. If instead the text data is inside a file with separate lines # corresponding to different text lines, then use --data_file. # In either case, you can add commas to concatenate different manifests or different data files. # # --data_root: The output directory (whose subdirectories will be created if not present) where # the tokenizers will be placed. # # --vocab_size: The size of the tokenizer vocabulary. Larger vocabularies can accommodate almost entire, # words but the decoder size of any model will grow proportionally. # # --tokenizer: Can be either spe or wpe . spe refers to the Google sentencepiece library tokenizer. # wpe refers to the HuggingFace BERT Word Piece tokenizer. # # --no_lower_case: When this flag is passed, it will force the tokenizer to create seperate tokens for # upper and lower case characters. By default, the script will turn all the text to lower case # before tokenization (and if upper case characters are passed during training/inference, the # tokenizer will emit a token equivalent to Out-Of-Vocabulary). Used primarily for the # English language. # # --spe_type: The sentencepiece library has a few implementations of the tokenization technique, and # spe_type refers to these implementations. Currently supported types are unigram, bpe, char, word. # Defaults to bpe. # # --spe_character_coverage: The sentencepiece library considers how much of the original vocabulary it # should cover in its "base set" of tokens (akin to the lower and upper case characters of the # English language). For almost all languages with small base token sets (<1000 tokens), this # should be kept at its default of 1.0. For languages with larger vocabularies (say Japanese, # Mandarin, Korean etc), the suggested value is 0.9995. # # --spe_sample_size: If the dataset is too large, consider using a sampled dataset indicated by a # positive integer. By default, any negative value (default = -1) will use the entire dataset. # # --spe_train_extremely_large_corpus: When training a sentencepiece tokenizer on very large amounts of text, # sometimes the tokenizer will run out of memory or wont be able to process so much data on RAM. # At some point you might receive the following error - "Input corpus too large, try with # train_extremely_large_corpus=true". If your machine has large amounts of RAM, it might still be possible # to build the tokenizer using the above flag. Will silently fail if it runs out of RAM. # # --spe_max_sentencepiece_length: Limits the maximum length that any any SentencePiece subword can be. # Using this will change the subword tokens generated. # # --spe_pad: Adds as special token. # # --spe_bos: Adds as Begining-of-Sentence special token. # # --spe_eos: Adds as End-of-Sentence special token. # # --log: Whether the script should display log messages import json import logging import os import tokenizers from nemo.collections.common.tokenizers.sentencepiece_tokenizer import create_spt_model def __build_document_from_manifests( data_root: str, manifests: str, ): if ',' in manifests: manifests = manifests.split(',') else: manifests = [manifests] document_dir = os.path.join(data_root, 'text_corpus') if not os.path.exists(document_dir): os.makedirs(document_dir) document_path = os.path.join(document_dir, 'document.txt') if os.path.exists(document_path): logging.info('Corpus already exists at path : %s', document_path) return document_path num_lines = 0 with open(document_path, 'w') as out_writer: for manifest in manifests: with open(manifest, 'r') as in_reader: for line in in_reader: item = json.loads(line) text = item['text'] out_writer.write(text + '\n') out_writer.flush() num_lines += 1 logging.info(f"Finished extracting manifest : {manifest}") logging.info("Finished extracting all manifests ! Number of sentences : {}".format(num_lines)) return document_path def __process_data( text_path: str, dst_folder: str, vocab_size: int, tokenizer_type: str, spe_type: str, spe_character_coverage: float, spe_train_extremely_large_corpus: bool, spe_sample_size: int, spe_max_sentencepiece_length: int, spe_bos: bool, spe_eos: bool, spe_pad: bool, lower_case: bool, ): """ Converts flac to wav and build manifests's json Args: text_path: source with text lines dst_folder: where wav files will be stored vocab_size: vocabular size used in encoding the text tokenizer_type: type of tokenization to perform - wpe or spe spe_type: type of tokenization model used for spe. spe_character_coverage: float value between 0 and 1 (as a percentage). For languages with a vast charset, can be < 1.0, but for all other languages, it should be set as 1.0 spe_sample_size: int, default of -1. If positive integer is used, samples the dataset by given sample size. spe_train_extremely_large_corpus: bool. If dataset is too large, and user has sufficient RAM, this flag can be set to try to trained the tokenizer. Will silently fail if it runs out of RAM. spe_max_sentencepiece_length: Limits the maximum length of the SentencePiece subword that can be constructed. By default, no limit is placed. spe_bos: Bool flag, whether to add to SentencePiece tokenizer vocabulary. spe_eos: Bool flag, whether to add to SentencePiece tokenizer vocabulary. spe_pad: Bool flag, whether to add to SentencePiece tokenizer vocabulary. lower_case: whether to tokenize with lower case character set only (for english) Returns: """ if tokenizer_type == 'spe': # Prepare directory of tokenizer if spe_max_sentencepiece_length > 0: tokenizer_dir = os.path.join(dst_folder, 'tokenizer_{}_{}_v{}_max_{}').format( tokenizer_type, spe_type, vocab_size, spe_max_sentencepiece_length ) else: tokenizer_dir = os.path.join(dst_folder, 'tokenizer_{}_{}_v{}').format( tokenizer_type, spe_type, vocab_size ) if spe_pad: tokenizer_dir = f'{tokenizer_dir}_pad' if spe_bos: tokenizer_dir = f'{tokenizer_dir}_bos' if spe_eos: tokenizer_dir = f'{tokenizer_dir}_eos' if not os.path.exists(tokenizer_dir): os.makedirs(tokenizer_dir) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tokenizer_dir, 'tokenizer.model')): logging.warning("Model file already exists, overriding old model file !") os.remove(os.path.join(tokenizer_dir, 'tokenizer.model')) # Build tokenizer tokenizer_path, vocab_path = create_spt_model( data_file=text_path, vocab_size=vocab_size, sample_size=spe_sample_size, do_lower_case=lower_case, output_dir=tokenizer_dir, tokenizer_type=spe_type, character_coverage=spe_character_coverage, train_extremely_large_corpus=spe_train_extremely_large_corpus, max_sentencepiece_length=spe_max_sentencepiece_length, bos=spe_bos, eos=spe_eos, pad=spe_pad, ) else: tokenizer_dir = os.path.join(dst_folder, 'tokenizer_{}_v{}').format(tokenizer_type, vocab_size) if not os.path.exists(tokenizer_dir): os.makedirs(tokenizer_dir) tokenizer = tokenizers.BertWordPieceTokenizer(lowercase=lower_case) tokenizer.train(text_path, vocab_size=vocab_size) tokenizer.save_model(tokenizer_dir) return tokenizer_dir