2022-06-06 11:55:47,107 INFO [streaming_decode.py:640] Decoding started 2022-06-06 11:55:47,107 INFO [streaming_decode.py:646] Device: cuda:0 2022-06-06 11:55:47,110 INFO [streaming_decode.py:660] {'best_train_loss': inf, 'best_valid_loss': inf, 'best_train_epoch': -1, 'best_valid_epoch': -1, 'batch_idx_train': 0, 'log_interval': 50, 'reset_interval': 200, 'valid_interval': 3000, 'feature_dim': 80, 'subsampling_factor': 4, 'encoder_dim': 512, 'nhead': 8, 'dim_feedforward': 2048, 'cnn_module_kernel': 31, 'num_encoder_layers': 12, 'decoder_dim': 512, 'joiner_dim': 512, 'model_warm_step': 3000, 'env_info': {'k2-version': '1.15.1', 'k2-build-type': 'Release', 'k2-with-cuda': True, 'k2-git-sha1': 'f8d2dba06c000ffee36aab5b66f24e7c9809f116', 'k2-git-date': 'Thu Apr 21 12:20:34 2022', 'lhotse-version': '1.1.0', 'torch-version': '1.10.0+cu102', 'torch-cuda-available': True, 'torch-cuda-version': '10.2', 'python-version': '3.8', 'icefall-git-branch': 'streaming-conformer', 'icefall-git-sha1': '3aacf75-dirty', 'icefall-git-date': 'Mon Jun 6 06:46:40 2022', 'icefall-path': '/ceph-kw/kangwei/code/icefall_reworked2', 'k2-path': '/ceph-hw/kangwei/code/k2_release/k2/k2/python/k2/__init__.py', 'lhotse-path': '/ceph-hw/kangwei/dev_tools/anaconda3/envs/rnnt2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/lhotse-1.1.0-py3.8.egg/lhotse/__init__.py', 'hostname': 'de-74279-k2-train-2-0602201035-5fb6d86964-mclm7', 'IP address': ''}, 'epoch': 29, 'iter': 0, 'avg': 6, 'use_averaged_model': True, 'exp_dir': PosixPath('streaming_pruned_transducer_stateless4/exp'), 'bpe_model': 'data/lang_bpe_500/bpe.model', 'decoding_method': 'greedy_search', 'beam': 4, 'max_contexts': 4, 'max_states': 32, 'context_size': 2, 'dynamic_chunk_training': False, 'short_chunk_size': 25, 'num_left_chunks': 4, 'causal_convolution': True, 'decode_chunk_size': 16, 'left_context': 64, 'right_context': 4, 'num_decode_streams': 100, 'full_libri': True, 'manifest_dir': PosixPath('data/fbank'), 'max_duration': 200.0, 'bucketing_sampler': True, 'num_buckets': 30, 'concatenate_cuts': False, 'duration_factor': 1.0, 'gap': 1.0, 'on_the_fly_feats': False, 'shuffle': True, 'return_cuts': True, 'num_workers': 2, 'enable_spec_aug': True, 'spec_aug_time_warp_factor': 80, 'enable_musan': True, 'res_dir': PosixPath('streaming_pruned_transducer_stateless4/exp/streaming/greedy_search'), 'suffix': 'epoch-29-avg-6-streaming-chunk-size-16-left-context-64-right-context-4-use-averaged-model', 'blank_id': 0, 'unk_id': 2, 'vocab_size': 500} 2022-06-06 11:55:47,110 INFO [streaming_decode.py:662] About to create model 2022-06-06 11:55:47,506 INFO [streaming_decode.py:729] Calculating the averaged model over epoch range from 23 (excluded) to 29 2022-06-06 11:55:53,701 INFO [streaming_decode.py:751] Number of model parameters: 78648040 2022-06-06 11:55:53,701 INFO [asr_datamodule.py:422] About to get test-clean cuts 2022-06-06 11:55:53,964 INFO [asr_datamodule.py:427] About to get test-other cuts 2022-06-06 11:55:54,320 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 0. 2022-06-06 11:55:54,610 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 50. 2022-06-06 11:55:55,109 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 100. 2022-06-06 11:55:55,760 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 150. 2022-06-06 11:55:56,565 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 200. 2022-06-06 11:55:57,254 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 250. 2022-06-06 11:55:58,056 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 300. 2022-06-06 11:55:58,777 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 350. 2022-06-06 11:55:59,496 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 400. 2022-06-06 11:56:00,260 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 450. 2022-06-06 11:56:00,994 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 500. 2022-06-06 11:56:01,714 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 550. 2022-06-06 11:56:02,558 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 600. 2022-06-06 11:56:03,274 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 650. 2022-06-06 11:56:04,007 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 700. 2022-06-06 11:56:04,651 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 750. 2022-06-06 11:56:05,399 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 800. 2022-06-06 11:56:06,128 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 850. 2022-06-06 11:56:06,894 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 900. 2022-06-06 11:56:07,553 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 950. 2022-06-06 11:56:08,285 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1000. 2022-06-06 11:56:09,070 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1050. 2022-06-06 11:56:09,749 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1100. 2022-06-06 11:56:10,371 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1150. 2022-06-06 11:56:11,122 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1200. 2022-06-06 11:56:11,922 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1250. 2022-06-06 11:56:12,664 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1300. 2022-06-06 11:56:13,300 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1350. 2022-06-06 11:56:14,163 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1400. 2022-06-06 11:56:14,900 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1450. 2022-06-06 11:56:15,660 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1500. 2022-06-06 11:56:16,447 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1550. 2022-06-06 11:56:17,103 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1600. 2022-06-06 11:56:17,849 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1650. 2022-06-06 11:56:18,513 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1700. 2022-06-06 11:56:19,240 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1750. 2022-06-06 11:56:19,966 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1800. 2022-06-06 11:56:20,755 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1850. 2022-06-06 11:56:21,442 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1900. 2022-06-06 11:56:22,204 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1950. 2022-06-06 11:56:22,941 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2000. 2022-06-06 11:56:23,607 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2050. 2022-06-06 11:56:24,311 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2100. 2022-06-06 11:56:25,135 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2150. 2022-06-06 11:56:25,874 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2200. 2022-06-06 11:56:26,639 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2250. 2022-06-06 11:56:27,330 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2300. 2022-06-06 11:56:28,065 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2350. 2022-06-06 11:56:28,683 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2400. 2022-06-06 11:56:29,464 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2450. 2022-06-06 11:56:30,094 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2500. 2022-06-06 11:56:30,816 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2550. 2022-06-06 11:56:31,575 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2600. 2022-06-06 11:56:33,506 INFO [streaming_decode.py:575] The transcripts are stored in streaming_pruned_transducer_stateless4/exp/streaming/greedy_search/recogs-test-clean-greedy_search-epoch-29-avg-6-streaming-chunk-size-16-left-context-64-right-context-4-use-averaged-model.txt 2022-06-06 11:56:33,574 INFO [utils.py:405] [test-clean-greedy_search] %WER 3.26% [1714 / 52576, 166 ins, 153 del, 1395 sub ] 2022-06-06 11:56:33,753 INFO [streaming_decode.py:588] Wrote detailed error stats to streaming_pruned_transducer_stateless4/exp/streaming/greedy_search/errs-test-clean-greedy_search-epoch-29-avg-6-streaming-chunk-size-16-left-context-64-right-context-4-use-averaged-model.txt 2022-06-06 11:56:33,754 INFO [streaming_decode.py:605] For test-clean, WER of different settings are: greedy_search 3.26 best for test-clean 2022-06-06 11:56:33,758 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 0. 2022-06-06 11:56:34,030 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 50. 2022-06-06 11:56:34,519 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 100. 2022-06-06 11:56:35,065 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 150. 2022-06-06 11:56:35,672 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 200. 2022-06-06 11:56:36,326 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 250. 2022-06-06 11:56:36,910 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 300. 2022-06-06 11:56:37,512 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 350. 2022-06-06 11:56:38,124 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 400. 2022-06-06 11:56:38,727 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 450. 2022-06-06 11:56:39,387 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 500. 2022-06-06 11:56:40,003 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 550. 2022-06-06 11:56:40,627 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 600. 2022-06-06 11:56:41,403 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 650. 2022-06-06 11:56:42,002 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 700. 2022-06-06 11:56:42,720 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 750. 2022-06-06 11:56:43,235 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 800. 2022-06-06 11:56:43,816 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 850. 2022-06-06 11:56:44,473 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 900. 2022-06-06 11:56:45,120 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 950. 2022-06-06 11:56:45,725 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1000. 2022-06-06 11:56:46,401 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1050. 2022-06-06 11:56:47,093 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1100. 2022-06-06 11:56:47,736 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1150. 2022-06-06 11:56:48,311 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1200. 2022-06-06 11:56:48,931 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1250. 2022-06-06 11:56:49,686 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1300. 2022-06-06 11:56:50,242 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1350. 2022-06-06 11:56:50,807 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1400. 2022-06-06 11:56:51,473 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1450. 2022-06-06 11:56:52,081 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1500. 2022-06-06 11:56:52,770 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1550. 2022-06-06 11:56:53,444 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1600. 2022-06-06 11:56:54,047 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1650. 2022-06-06 11:56:54,714 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1700. 2022-06-06 11:56:55,434 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1750. 2022-06-06 11:56:56,054 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1800. 2022-06-06 11:56:56,674 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1850. 2022-06-06 11:56:57,403 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1900. 2022-06-06 11:56:57,995 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 1950. 2022-06-06 11:56:58,604 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2000. 2022-06-06 11:56:59,254 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2050. 2022-06-06 11:56:59,907 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2100. 2022-06-06 11:57:00,509 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2150. 2022-06-06 11:57:01,116 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2200. 2022-06-06 11:57:01,854 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2250. 2022-06-06 11:57:02,491 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2300. 2022-06-06 11:57:03,142 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2350. 2022-06-06 11:57:03,842 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2400. 2022-06-06 11:57:04,583 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2450. 2022-06-06 11:57:05,161 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2500. 2022-06-06 11:57:05,842 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2550. 2022-06-06 11:57:06,352 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2600. 2022-06-06 11:57:06,983 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2650. 2022-06-06 11:57:07,763 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2700. 2022-06-06 11:57:08,459 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2750. 2022-06-06 11:57:09,040 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2800. 2022-06-06 11:57:09,641 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2850. 2022-06-06 11:57:10,201 INFO [streaming_decode.py:537] Cuts processed until now is 2900. 2022-06-06 11:57:11,843 INFO [streaming_decode.py:575] The transcripts are stored in streaming_pruned_transducer_stateless4/exp/streaming/greedy_search/recogs-test-other-greedy_search-epoch-29-avg-6-streaming-chunk-size-16-left-context-64-right-context-4-use-averaged-model.txt 2022-06-06 11:57:11,914 INFO [utils.py:405] [test-other-greedy_search] %WER 8.44% [4420 / 52343, 428 ins, 503 del, 3489 sub ] 2022-06-06 11:57:12,165 INFO [streaming_decode.py:588] Wrote detailed error stats to streaming_pruned_transducer_stateless4/exp/streaming/greedy_search/errs-test-other-greedy_search-epoch-29-avg-6-streaming-chunk-size-16-left-context-64-right-context-4-use-averaged-model.txt 2022-06-06 11:57:12,166 INFO [streaming_decode.py:605] For test-other, WER of different settings are: greedy_search 8.44 best for test-other 2022-06-06 11:57:12,166 INFO [streaming_decode.py:776] Done!