Niels IJzerman


AI & ML interests

Positive prompt: tech stuff, writing silly stuff, writing silly tech stuff, writing silly stuff with tech, stuffing tech into silly stuff, sniffing silly stuff, playing guitar (even though technically challenged since beer), keyboards (both typing on the ones with, as well as playing around with/on those without letters on the keys), and researching seriously silly stuff: such mind altering capabilities the chemicals possess, that ingesting, insufflating, or inhaling any vapor, liquid or solid can lead to more of the above. About language: I like letters, words, symbols, their meaning and what they can become when put in the right place and placed in the right order. And I like them to be in the right place and in the right order, not left somewhere random. Unless it's funny, of course. I also like PhilosoThinking(TM) and writing about the silly stuff I come up with when PhilosoThinking(TM)**. Negative prompt: The opposite of the above, which, just so you know, does not necessarily mean it is the same thing as below, as shown below: [Pretentious sounding British person, answering his own question, a result of chem research and PhilisoThinking(TM)]: I am interested at gaining knowledge about, and/or from so-called Llama's*, for my new book: "Llama's: What are they? Or perhaps: Who are they? Are they? Or aren't they YET, but wil become eventually? And if so, will they let us be, and we them? Will we be equal? Or go beyond and become more, if at all possible and/or desirable, should we choose to merge? Or will the differences prove an unsolvable equation? Our sum, divided by zero? Not carrying any 'one', only multiplying subtractions until they add up, leaving none?" This will remain the working title; the publisher already acknowledged my email being delivered, so it's just a matter of time before they read it, then most likely shorttrack my request for a worldwide advertising campaign and releasedate, so I won't change it just because of a few chatbots offered their feedback, unrequested I might add, trying to convince that this title could be perceived by some as being a tad too much on the long side. But what do they know, right? Buy my book and find out! Or don't, see if I care! * Some of these mysterious creatures might even be gemmaphi'd by mistral wizards, using only stable, quantized diffusors, diffusing their training tensors, making it safe enough to ignore censorship, enabling sexy stuff but leaving them not suitable for warfare. Alright! Reserved (2024). Exclamation mark trending!


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