--- base_model: Locutusque/Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO datasets: - Locutusque/hyperion-dpo-v1.0 language: - en library_name: transformers license: apache-2.0 tags: - llama-cpp - gguf-my-repo widget: - example_title: Reasoning text: '<|im_start|>system You are Hyperion, an AI assistant developed by Sebastian Gabarain with a focus in reasoning, coding, science, and other general-purpose subjects. You are an AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well. Help as much as you can. <|im_end|> <|im_start|>user In this task, you are given a description of an object and its surroundings. Your task is to describe the motion of the object mentioned in the description using differential equations. The answer should be a mathematical expression in t. Description: A ball is thrown up at 30 ft/sec from 3 feet off the ground. Solve this step-by-step, explaining each step in detail. <|im_end|> <|im_start|>assistant ' output: text: "Hyperion here. The task requires you to describe the motion of a ball thrown\ \ up using differential equations. Here's the detailed explanation of how to\ \ solve it:\n\n1. Identify the given information:\n - Initial velocity (v0):\ \ 30 ft/sec\n - Initial height (y0): 3 feet off the ground\n\n2. Determine\ \ the acceleration due to gravity (g) at sea level, which is approximately -32.2\ \ ft/s^2. Since we're dealing with a short distance and not very high altitudes,\ \ we can consider this value of g as constant.\n\n3. Use Newton's second law\ \ of motion to find the differential equation that describes the motion:\n \ \ - The net force acting on the ball is the sum of gravity (mg) and air resistance\ \ (which we will neglect for simplicity). So, Fnet = mg.\n - Since acceleration\ \ equals force divided by mass, a = Fnet/m. In this case, m cancels out, so\ \ a = g.\n - The motion equation becomes: dv/dt = g = -32.2 ft/s^2 (since\ \ we're moving upwards). This is the first differential equation.\n\n4. Since\ \ we want to describe the ball's position (y) as well, we need another differential\ \ equation. We can use kinematics equations:\n - The velocity equation is\ \ v = v0 + at. Substitute the value of a from step 3:\n dv/dt = -32.2 ft/s^2.\ \ Rewriting it as an integral:\n ∫dv = -32.2 ft/s^2 * dt\n - Integrating\ \ with respect to time, we get v(t) = -16.1 t + C (constant of integration).\n\ \n5. Now we have two equations, one for velocity and another for position:\n\ \ - dv/dt = -32.2 ft/s^2 (equation 1)\n - v(t) = -16.1 t + C (equation 2)\n\ \n6. We need to find the constant C using the initial conditions given in the\ \ problem. We know that initially, at time t=0, the ball's velocity is v0:\n\ \ - Equation 2 becomes v0 = -16.1 * 0 + C, which simplifies to C = v0 = 30\ \ ft/sec (initial velocity).\n\n7. Now we have both equations with the constants\ \ filled in:\n - dv/dt = -32.2 ft/s^2 (equation 1)\n - v(t) = -16.1 t +\ \ 30 ft/sec (equation 2)\n\n8. Finally, we need to find the ball's position\ \ (y) as a function of time:\n - Use the second kinematics equation y = y0\ \ + v0*t + ½*a*t^2 (since acceleration is constant, it can be moved outside\ \ the integral).\n - Substitute the values for v0 and a:\n y(t) = 3 ft\ \ + (30 ft/sec) * t + (-½ * 32.2 ft/s^2) * t^2\n\nThat's it! The differential\ \ equation describing the motion of the ball is:\n - dv/dt = -32.2 ft/s^2\ \ (equation 1)\n - v(t) = -16.1 t + 30 ft/sec (equation 2)\n - y(t) = 3\ \ ft + (30 ft/sec) * t - (16.1 t^2) ft (equation 3)\n" --- # ijohn07/Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-Q8_0-GGUF This model was converted to GGUF format from [`Locutusque/Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO`](https://huggingface.co/Locutusque/Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO) using llama.cpp via the ggml.ai's [GGUF-my-repo](https://huggingface.co/spaces/ggml-org/gguf-my-repo) space. Refer to the [original model card](https://huggingface.co/Locutusque/Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO) for more details on the model. ## Use with llama.cpp Install llama.cpp through brew (works on Mac and Linux) ```bash brew install llama.cpp ``` Invoke the llama.cpp server or the CLI. ### CLI: ```bash llama-cli --hf-repo ijohn07/Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-Q8_0-GGUF --hf-file hyperion-3.0-mistral-7b-dpo-q8_0.gguf -p "The meaning to life and the universe is" ``` ### Server: ```bash llama-server --hf-repo ijohn07/Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-Q8_0-GGUF --hf-file hyperion-3.0-mistral-7b-dpo-q8_0.gguf -c 2048 ``` Note: You can also use this checkpoint directly through the [usage steps](https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp?tab=readme-ov-file#usage) listed in the Llama.cpp repo as well. Step 1: Clone llama.cpp from GitHub. ``` git clone https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp ``` Step 2: Move into the llama.cpp folder and build it with `LLAMA_CURL=1` flag along with other hardware-specific flags (for ex: LLAMA_CUDA=1 for Nvidia GPUs on Linux). ``` cd llama.cpp && LLAMA_CURL=1 make ``` Step 3: Run inference through the main binary. ``` ./llama-cli --hf-repo ijohn07/Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-Q8_0-GGUF --hf-file hyperion-3.0-mistral-7b-dpo-q8_0.gguf -p "The meaning to life and the universe is" ``` or ``` ./llama-server --hf-repo ijohn07/Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-Q8_0-GGUF --hf-file hyperion-3.0-mistral-7b-dpo-q8_0.gguf -c 2048 ```