{"task_id": "wire_decl", "description": "Implement the following circuit. Create two intermediate wires (named anything you want) to connect the AND and OR gates together. Note that the wire that feeds the NOT gate is really wire `out`, so you do not necessarily need to declare a third wire here. Notice how wires are driven by exactly one source (output of a gate), but can feed multiple inputs.\n\n// The circuit is composed of two layers. The first layer, counting from the input, is two AND gates: one whose input is connected to a and b, and the second is connected to c and d. The second layer there is an OR gate to OR the two AND outputs, connected the output 'out'. Additionally, there is an inverted output 'out_n'.", "module_header": "module top_module (\n\tinput a,\n\tinput b,\n\tinput c,\n\tinput d,\n\toutput out,\n\toutput out_n );\n", "original_code": "module top_module (\n\tinput a,\n\tinput b,\n\tinput c,\n\tinput d,\n\toutput out,\n\toutput out_n );\n wire and0_out;\n wire and1_out;\n wire or0_out;\n\n and and0 (\n .a(a),\n .b(b),\n .o(and0_out)\n );\n and and1 (\n .a(c),\n .b(d),\n .o(and1_out)\n );\n or or0 (\n .a(and0_out),\n .b(and1_out),\n .o(or0_out)\n );\n assign out = or0_out;\n assign out_n = ~or0_out;\n endmodule", "error": "17: error: Gates do not have port names.\n22: error: Gates do not have port names.\n12: error: Gates do not have port names.\n"}