{"id": "nw_RC013c8e78b7e8a4fb22193483877058f712dfd8b75b7a06d950de0b8f", "text": "I thought , wow , it must be a replica , ” he said . The man says he heard the perpetrator shouting : “ Allahu Akbar … The Russians will be hanged like this . The Russians will be slaughtered . ” The woman was dressed in black “ like Muslims , ” but her face was open , Manzhesov recalled . “ I thought she just went mad … When I saw the head I started shaking … I saw the child ’s face and blood coming from it .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "slaughtered", "arguments": [{"argument": "Russians", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC03a8d123c6167de26fb5bd617942f690d413dd14ec651b427f23be14", "text": "Investigators say nanny killed young girl and set flat on fire before being detained at metro station Police have detained a nanny on suspicion of murder after she was found at a Moscow metro station holding the severed head of a child . The woman , believed to be from central Asia , can be seen in video footage holding up what appears to be a severed head near Oktyabrskoye Pole station in north - western Moscow . In the video she is covered in black except for her face and she can be heard shouting “ for a terrorist , for your death ” .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "murder", "arguments": [{"argument": "a nanny", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "a child", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "Moscow", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC0e84e4f14744538537acd21b222152b6eec35f55c68ff812116c3a46", "text": "Seth Rich , a 27-year - old data analyst at the DNC , was shot and killed early one Sunday morning last month in what police say was robbery gone wrong . He was killed while walking home in a Washington , D.C. neighborhood that has seen a recent uptick in crime . Rich 's murder quickly became a fascination of right - wing conspiracy theorists , including longtime informal Donald Trump adviser Roger Stone , who told NBC News that he has been in contact with WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange . Related : Why Experts Are Sure Russia Hacked the DNC Emails WikiLeaks recently published internal DNC emails that cybersecurity experts say were stolen by hackers working for the Russian government .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "murder", "arguments": [{"argument": "Rich", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "Washington , D.C.", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC1323eb1886fe90a42e1c5b2e50a08609dd7fa40340393c207c34a3a0", "text": "Some 1.1 million refugees settled in Germany last year . In return , Ankara will receive billions of euros from the EU , while its citizens would also be given visa free travel to the Schengen zone , which encompasses most of Europe . The parliamentary vote was originally scheduled to take place a year ago to mark the centenary of the genocide , but due to concerns over the fallout with Turkey , Merkel ’s allies postponed the move . The mass killings began on April 24 , 1915 , when 250 Armenian intellectuals were detained by Ottoman authorities and later executed in their capital , Constantinople , present - day Istanbul . Most of the Ottoman Empire ’s Armenians were subsequently displaced , deported or placed in concentration camps , ostensibly for rebelling against the Ottomans and siding with Russia during the First World War .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "genocide", "arguments": [{"argument": "Ottoman authorities", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "250 Armenian intellectuals", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "their capital , Constantinople , present - day Istanbul", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC158730f4633a7f72ab3cc150f7c6581cb790fa57b72d4dcd81c6233b", "text": "MORE warned that he would order the Navy to open fire on Iranian boats that provoke American ships , days after a high - seas incident that ended peacefully . When the GOP presidential nominee laid out his plan to modernize the military during a Friday night rally in Pensacola , Fla. , he took an off - script aside to address his posture toward Iran . ADVERTISEMENT \" With Iran , when they circle our beautiful destroyers with their little boats and they make gestures at our people that they should n't be allowed to make , they will be shot out of the water , \" Trump said to loud cheers . Rally - goers could be heard shouting \" shoot them \" as Trump wound up . This week , the Pentagon said seven Iranian attack boats harassed an American destroyer in the Persian Gulf .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "shot", "arguments": [{"argument": "destroyers", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "they", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "destroyers", "role": "instrument"}, {"argument": "the water", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC1668c92b29e5dd5da91cc5330f636951ccd18fb92c6beb53095d899c", "text": "About its properties he knew little . The poison was polonium-210 , a rare radioactive isotope , tiny , invisible , undetectable . Ingested , it was fatal . The polonium had originated at a nuclear reactor in the Urals and a production line in the Russian town of Sarov . A secret FSB laboratory , the agency ’s “ research institute ” , then converted it into a dinkily portable weapon .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "fatal", "arguments": [{"argument": "polonium", "role": "instrument"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC223d551ea7c713040416894d165516bb1d25af6141534a3ba036ff2c", "text": "She was shouting , ' I am a terrorist , ' and reportedly threatened to blow herself up . Posted by RT Play on Monday , February 29 , 2016 Eyewitness Artur Manzhesov told RT he could n’t believe that the decapitated child ’s head being carried by the woman was real . “ I saw her coming out with the head in her hands . I thought , wow , it must be a replica , ” he said .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "decapitated", "arguments": [{"argument": "She", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "child", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC2bd8b20a56c7586031f6356b7d2db95da2241dee9f7ae27d76317100", "text": "' You have this formidable fighting force and they are all running away . I do n't understand how you can have millions of military aged men running away from the battlefield . In Iraq , the bravery was heartbreaking — I had friends who refused to leave the country even though they knew they would die . They 'd just tell you it 's my country , I need to stay and fight , ' Clemente said . The obvious explanation is that the nation 's moderates are fleeing a war that is not their war .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "die", "arguments": [{"argument": "friends", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "Iraq", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC2e388ef24f02f82e26a8561946a1d59e68ba0a866ad18b5a34e39286", "text": "Since then , Honduras ’s human rights situation has worsened , driving thousands of children to flee northward seeking safety and leaving environmental and political activists at the mercy of death squads . Also , in 2009 , Clinton joined with Bush - holdover Defense Secretary Robert Gates and neocon - favorite Gen. David Petraeus in pushing Obama into a major escalation of the Afghan War , a counter - insurgency “ surge ” that sent another 1,000 American troops to their deaths – and many more Afghans – but has since been abandoned as a failure . In 2011 , Clinton joined with “ liberal interventionists ” in again pushing Obama into a “ regime change ” war in Libya that led to the overthrow and torture - murder of Muammar Gaddafi – which she gleefully welcomed with the quip , “ We came , we saw , he died ” – but has since turned the once relatively prosperous North African country into a failed state with the Islamic State gaining another foothold . Both as Secretary of State and since her departure in 2013 , Clinton has pressed to escalate the “ regime change ” war in Syria , seeking a “ no - fly zone ” that would require the U.S. military to destroy the Syrian government ’s air force and air defenses , apparently without regard to the risk that the U.S. intervention could pave the way for Al Qaeda ’s Nusra Front and/or the Islamic State to march into Damascus . Though the Syrian “ regime change ” strategy that Clinton has advocated has failed to oust President Bashar al - Assad , it has transformed another reasonably functional Mideast state into a bloody killing field and driven millions of refugees into what is now a destabilized Europe .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "murder", "arguments": [{"argument": "Muammar Gaddafi", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "Libya", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC3701e9f2aeff54d0b78f77ac344c474b4f492375b30ef0d2dd5058b7", "text": "— UnStumpable2016 ( @UnStumpable_16 ) October 17 , 2016 It ’s all right there , if only you ’d open your eyes to see it . And after the theory was floated by noted rape philosopher and scrotal - sociologist Roosh V , it was n’t long before it became a full - blown conspiracy about Anderson assassinating Assange at the Clintons ’ behest . Unfortunately for them , their covert black - op of having one of the most recognizable actresses in the world deliver a poison sub in front of dozens of cameras and Anderson ’s own social media account was swiftly exposed . Pamela Anderson brought “ healthy ” food for Julian Assange on Sunday .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "assassinating", "arguments": [{"argument": "Anderson", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "Assange", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC45ba670e712748bcbfb49c2b83791744e37380bfca93840fed4a9112", "text": "They show that the recent policy – admittedly more in hope than expectation – of trusting Russia to restrain Assad is now buried in the rubble of Aleppo . This signals a new phase . Assad has calculated that US elections give him a free hand to massacre . We will now see whether or not he has underestimated US readiness to protect the most vulnerable . ”", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "massacre", "arguments": [{"argument": "Assad", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "Aleppo", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC4ca8d1aeb1113d96eaefbb0a2f88288a6ceddbcde668d2caadf0e189", "text": "We must keep in mind that food is a human right ( although the United States has repeatedly denied this . Washington maintained a blockade of goods and money entering Cuba that is still going strong , a blockade that President Clinton ’s National Security Advisor , Sandy Berger , in 1997 called “ the most pervasive sanctions ever imposed on a nation in the history of mankind ” . Attempted to assassinate Cuban president Fidel Castro on numerous occasions , not only in Cuba , but in Panama , Dominican Republic and Venezuela . In one scheme after another in recent years , Washington ’s Agency for International Development ( AID ) endeavored to cause dissension in Cuba and/or stir up rebellion , the ultimate goal being regime change . In 1999 a Cuban lawsuit demanded $ 181.1 billion in US compensation for death and injury suffered by Cuban citizens in four decades “ war ” by Washington against Cuba .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "assassinate", "arguments": [{"argument": "Washington", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "Cuban president Fidel Castro", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "not only in Cuba , but in Panama , Dominican Republic and Venezuela", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC5c87b7c13b7f55391c107c9f7c42c2bcc52b8d7c84869b8a18a3ac90", "text": "Trumpism ( or Breitbartism ) can not win power without the Republican Party , just as the Republican Party can no longer win power without the extremists that define it . The overwhelming gravitational force of the American two - party system delivered to Trump an endorsement from a former rival he had once called “ Liddle Marco , ” taking care to spell out the insult to his jeering supporters . ( “ L - I - D - D - L - E. Liddle , Liddle , Liddle Marco . ” ) And it brought the endorsement of another whose wife he labeled ugly and whose father he insinuated may have conspired to assassinate JFK . A party that can contain , on the one hand , a presidential nominee who denounces shadowy global financiers and media elites and , on the other , Sheldon Adelson ( who has donated millions toward his election ) can withstand enormous internal tension . Trump will probably lose .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "assassinate", "arguments": [{"argument": "father", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "JFK", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC5c91dae805985df8ea87a1f61994707940b20e9b7fcc2df561b8dbd3", "text": "Their go - to defense , however , has been to point out that Trump ’s daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism to marry her Orthodox Jewish husband , Jared Kushner , and that their children are Jewish . Kushner , in turn , has publicly stood up for his father - in - law , penning an op - ed in the New York Observer ( which he owns ) arguing that the worst that could be said about Trump was “ that he has been careless in retweeting imagery that can be interpreted as offensive . ” Kushner tried to bolster his own case by noting that he was the grandson of Holocaust survivors , a comment that infuriated members of his own family . In a blistering Facebook post , one of Kushner ’s cousins wrote that “ for the sake of the family name , which may have no meaning to you but still has meaning to others , please do n't invoke our grandparents in vain just so you can sleep better at night . It is self serving and disgusting . ”", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "Holocaust", "arguments": [{"argument": "survivors", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC5f8bd107fcafcd78150e25ba1b4e88b6ec76e6c2cbedb77dabe0a20b", "text": "Trump has repeatedly claimed that the United States has the highest murder rate in 45 years . This is false . Both the rate of homicides and violent crimes are back down to the levels they were 45 years ago , and are at about half the rates at their peak in the 1980s and early 1990s . ( About our rating scale ) Send us facts to check by filling out this form", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "homicides", "arguments": [{"argument": "United States", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC6c64c4de7085871634d866d8f5c432f5cc9a321755418d121a6dd524", "text": "280 victims , including women , children and old people . Reason – cooperation with the Syrian army , ” The massacre is considered as one of the worst mass killings committed in Syria ever since the conflict began . Syrian news agency SANA reported that the massacre was committed in the contexts of daylong attacks on Deir el - zour since ISIS had gained advances in this region . ISIS controls most of the province , while the Syrian government controls a few neighborhoods in the northern part of the city .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "massacre", "arguments": [{"argument": "280 victims", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "Deir el - zour", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC6ce34f93bec93fa9ffa7df8f790b369b16de9c620af8ef23a90d3709", "text": "31 states , including Ohio , still have the death penalty . According to the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty , since 1973 , 156 people have been on death row and later set free . Since 1976 , 1,414 people have been executed in the U.S. That ’s 11 % of Americans who were sentenced to die , but later exonerated and freed . Should Ohio and the 30 other states join the current list and abolish the death penalty ? ” In the CNN presidential town hall — which took place the next day , March 13 — Clinton was asked a question on the death penalty .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "executed", "arguments": [{"argument": "U.S.", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "people", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "death penalty", "role": "instrument"}, {"argument": "U.S.", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC6eaded9d288df0060d2497eaea4b956412d85ef68a0d276c271efda0", "text": "But if we were going to do anything , it would be a very positive step to say that discrimination has no place in our law and to reaffirm the president ’s actions in this area , ” Maloney told The Hill . “ Seems to me a pretty basic thing to do . ” The shooting at Pulse nightclub on Sunday that killed 49 people and injured 53 more has been deemed by federal authorities as both a terrorist attack and a hate crime . FBI Director James Comey said the suspected shooter had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ( ISIS ) during a 911 call before he was shot dead by police . Two centrist Republicans , Reps . Ileana Ros - Lehtinen ( Fla. ) and Richard Hanna ( N.Y. ) , signed onto Maloney ’s amendment as co - sponsors .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "killed", "arguments": [{"argument": "shooter", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "49 people", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "shooting", "role": "instrument"}, {"argument": "Pulse nightclub", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC74c0615fbda47f46e769981576103f789b83938fa2d35a8f2745f964", "text": "By recognizing the genocide , it will force the Turkish government to take a brave step and look into its own history , ” he said . Representatives from the Turkish and Armenian embassies were present in the German parliament while the vote was taking place . Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian praised the decision , saying it demonstrated “ Germany 's valuable contribution not only to the international recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide , but also to the universal fight for the prevention of genocides [ and ] crimes against humanity , ” AFP reported . Read more The ruling AK Party in Turkey responded by saying that the move by the German parliament has seriously damaged relations between the two countries .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "genocides", "arguments": [{"argument": "humanity", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC75db3145e8b86c9286b37e3e769bf8eb22e7617383bbbf1c63f1fee1", "text": "\" I have always felt that Russia and the United States should be able to work well with each other towards defeating terrorism and restoring world peace , not to mention trade and all of the other benefits derived from mutual respect . \" During an interview with MSNBC ’s “ Morning Joe \" on Dec. 18 , 2015 , Trump said he welcomed Putin 's compliments : “ When people call you brilliant , it ’s always good , especially when the person heads up Russia . ” Asked what he thought of the high number of Russian journalists who have been murdered during Putin 's tenure , Trump responded , “ He ’s running his country , and at least he ’s a leader , you know unlike what we have in this country . \" Pushed further by co - host Joe Scarborough , Trump compared Russia to the United States . “ Well I think our country does plenty of killing also , Joe , ” he said .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "murdered", "arguments": [{"argument": "Russian journalists", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "his country", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC7bb77eb7a7129ea428fa60e542ff3d6928c0ca16ee3827a926a5d39b", "text": "“ Without this admission there can not be forgiveness and reconciliation . Suffering does not know temporary boundaries . Genocide will never remain in the past . By recognizing the genocide , it will force the Turkish government to take a brave step and look into its own history , ” he said . Representatives from the Turkish and Armenian embassies were present in the German parliament while the vote was taking place .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "Genocide", "arguments": [{"argument": "Turkish", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "Armenian", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "Armenian", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC7bba460cecaa3fd51f7a6f13468f8e8c92db6e8eea43da3e61f3a17f", "text": "Trump and VP nominee Mike Pence have asked whether Clinton ’s emails led to the execution of a former U.S. defector from Iran . This is among the stupidest claims made so far in this campaign . A check of newspaper clips shows that the saga of Shahram Amiri , the executed scientist , was well - covered by the media in 2009 and 2010 . Iranian officials could have learned everything they needed to know about Amiri ’s defection from reading The Washington Post — and there was little to be learned from the cryptic messages in Clinton ’s emails . It seemed like such a sweet story — Donald Trump sending his personal plane down to Camp Lejeune , N.C. , when 200 Marines were stranded after fighting in the 1991 Persian Gulf War .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "executed", "arguments": [{"argument": "Iranian officials", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "scientist", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC83a6a0118b4015d7781e86a1d52bb65291ad95958926fc1a9dd84ae5", "text": "But Bukharin knew he was finished . In that last letter , he requested poison to drink rather than a bullet to the head . ( According to one report , he was made to watch the executions of 16 other defendants , then shot last . ) He requested to see his wife and infant son . ( Obviously , not granted or answered .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "shot", "arguments": [{"argument": "he", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "a bullet", "role": "instrument"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC84a51844368829d42dee54581ac01f153d006895f1c6527c83240acd", "text": "“ We continue to witness these brutal executions in the streets of Iran , while the international community remains unable to take action against this totalitarian regime , ” he said . This comes after several human rights organisations condemned brutal practices by the Iranian authorities , especially public execution of opposition figures and civil rights activities . According to reports , the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has executed at least 2500 people in the past two years . Reporting by : Ehmed Sawes Source : ARA News", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "executed", "arguments": [{"argument": "the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "2500 people", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "public execution", "role": "instrument"}, {"argument": "Iran", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC8adbbd9e3fec72605b1b2f92766a9f1038adbcbcdcfe38077ee77671", "text": "In an angry and protracted meeting , they grappled one - on - one , with only Kissinger and Haksar attending their chiefs . It was explosive . He thought she was a warmonger ; she thought he was helping along a genocide . Summits are often pretty placid affairs , but this was a cathartic brawl , propelled not just by totally opposite views of a brewing war , but by the hearty personal contempt that the president and prime minister had for each other . Nixon first emphasised US aid to the refugees , but then sharply warned that launching a war was unacceptable .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "genocide", "arguments": [{"argument": "he", "role": "killer"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC91699950e67828ddf5d10606e2048ec6e195fad0bfbd1c6ed17af642", "text": "It has spent those years arming and supporting Middle Eastern dictators and religious fighters , while rejecting out of hand all Soviet proposals to leave the region free to govern itself . In 1956 , the CIA tried another coup in Syria , arming and funding Islamic militants , but without success . For years , the CIA kept trying -- perhaps less comically than with its efforts to assassinate Fidel Castro , but certainly with greater consequences . This history is relevant not only as a guide to what not to do , but also because the people of Syria and the region know this history , so it illuminates how they view current events . Wesley Clark says Syria was on a Pentagon list of governments to overthrow in 2001 .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "assassinate", "arguments": [{"argument": "the CIA", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "Fidel Castro", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC9442742e68a96723f44cdc40b330f79068abe9debfdea153deee6a57", "text": "But beyond politics , there are the potential real - world consequences of a presidential candidate — one who has spent the past week boldly asserting that the election itself may be “ rigged ” against him — speaking openly about citizens bearing arms as a response to Clinton presidency , especially in a country that is enduring a prolonged period of mass shootings by troubled , disaffected individuals and domestic terrorists , and rising violence enflamed by urban unrest and a fraying social fabric . Bernice King , the daughter of Martin Luther King Jr. , criticized Trump on Twitter . She wrote : “ As the daughter of a leader who was assassinated , I find # Trump ’s comments distasteful , disturbing , dangerous . His words do n’t # LiveUp . # MLK ”", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "assassinated", "arguments": [{"argument": "leader", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC9a710a76614753a3994113a76930d5f53e4fce64181c2f051bf0cd68", "text": "She argued that Britain had already retaliated against Moscow in 2007 when preliminary inquiries into the killing suggested the hand of the Russian state . “ It is in no sense business as usual ” between Britain and Russia , she said , adding that Cameron would discuss the matter with Putin “ at the next available opportunity . ” [ Full report : Russian President Vladimir Putin implicated in fatal poisoning of former KGB operative ] That cautious stance is likely to disappoint Litvinenko ’s wife , who called Thursday for Britain to expel Russian intelligence officials and enact new sanctions in response to the killing of her husband . Speaking before the government ’s response became public , Marina Litvinenko said her husband ’s dying belief had been vindicated .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "fatal", "arguments": [{"argument": "Russian President Vladimir Putin", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "former KGB operative", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "poisoning", "role": "instrument"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC9f2a00a93a6f68d4937efd1783005f66915261eb2cf7cd172e66e647", "text": "Calls for Obama to reconsider his approach have been stirred anew by the latest attacks , which included homemade bombs in New York and New Jersey and stabbings in a Minnesota mall . The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria took credit for the Minnesota attack on Saturday reportedly carried out by Dahir Adan , a 22-year - old Somali - American who worked at a private security firm . Nine people were wounded in the stabbings ; Adan was shot and killed by an off - duty police officer . In New Jersey , Ahmad Khan Rahami , a naturalized U.S. citizen from Afghanistan , was arrested Monday in connection with bombs left in New York City and Seaside Park , N.J. The manhunt for Rahami , arrested after a shootout in New Jersey , instantly gave the GOP standard - bearer new fodder .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "killed", "arguments": [{"argument": "an off - duty police officer", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "Adan", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "Minnesota", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RCa2c57d778fd4f64673751161eb0d0b3be4a8ff49d3854169deb99cb7", "text": "This is eerily similar to the situation faced by Franklin Delano Roosevelt when he took office in March of 1933 , in the midst of the Great Depression . Europe was going fascist , but at this time Americans resisted fascism and supported FDR . After FDR died , J. Edgar Hoover ’s FBI ran a terrifying witch hunt against everyone who collaborated with FDR , and later targetted President Kennedy and Martin Luther King , Jr , both of whom were assassinated . Today , after 15 years of Bush and Obama , in the wake of the September 11 , 2001 attacks , it is the government of the United States which is fascist , and the American people who have become the legendary “ good Germans ” and accommodated themselves to an FBI and Wall Street dictatorship . Look at the world today .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "assassinated", "arguments": [{"argument": "President Kennedy and Martin Luther King , Jr", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RCb6bc3557fd304057dcd8f1711041385ca5a69b569816cb1dc31b80ad", "text": "But stepping into the human zone for even a few minutes backfired . The actor Mandy Patinkin , who played Inigo Montoya in the film , reacted with horror when he learned Cruz was doing his character 's famous line \" You killed my father , prepare to die . \" He accused Cruz of deliberately leaving out the key line in Montoya 's speech , after he finally slays the man who killed his father : \" I 've been in the revenge business for so long , now that it 's over , I do n't know what to do with the rest of my life . \" Patinkin believed Cruz did n't do that line because Cruz is himself in the revenge business , promising to \" carpet - bomb [ ISIS ] into oblivion \" and wondering if \" sand can glow . \" Related Meet the Canadian Welcoming Americans If Trump Wins Rob Calabrese sees an opportunity to solve Cape Breton Island 's population crisis in America 's presidential election", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "slays", "arguments": [{"argument": "Montoya", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "the man who killed his father", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RCc4b50cb7d551f732d2013024a72a67a8835df38bf84cea1b779c89f0", "text": "For the sake of finding Seth 's killer , and for the sake of giving the family the space they need at this terrible time , they are asking for the public to refrain from pushing unproven and harmful theories about Seth 's murder , ” Bauman said . Asked about the reward , WikiLeaks said in a statement , “ We treat threats toward any suspected source of WikiLeaks with extreme gravity . This should not be taken to imply that Seth Rich was a source to WikiLeaks or to imply that that his murder is connected to our publications . ” A spokesperson for WikiLeaks did not respond to follow up questions about whether the website was concerned about fanning conspiracy theorists . The DNC also declined to comment .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "murder", "arguments": [{"argument": "Seth Rich", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RCcb124b1ed0fb25dda27c0fd085c0cc16b53b97c935dd5bc4582dd58f", "text": "If this was the only evidence of calculated racial divisiveness in Trump ’s campaign , it would be one thing . It is not . Last year — in one of the many tweets by racial supremacists that he has promoted to 12 million followers of his Twitter account — Trump disseminated the falsehood that blacks kill 81 % of white homicide victims . ( The actual number is 15 % . ) In February , asked on national television whether he would reject the support of former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke , Trump said “ I just do n’t know anything about him . ” He later blamed an earpiece — and said that he disavowed Duke .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "homicide", "arguments": [{"argument": "blacks", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "victims", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RCe96184e4886538deda1eff89ce4a569d536db647df17cde9318bbc57", "text": "Image copyright AFP Image caption Persecuted Armenian intellectuals were remembered at a ceremony in Istanbul in April The German parliament has approved a resolution declaring that the mass killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks during World War One was a \" genocide \" . Armenians say up to 1.5 million of their people died in the atrocities of 1915 . Turkey says the toll was much lower and rejects the term \" genocide \" .", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "genocide", "arguments": [{"argument": "Ottoman Turks", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "Armenians", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RCf6ee11dcce3298c44d1f1f19a2f37617644664ac088d64a039da192c", "text": "“ If he does n’t win , his ego and legacy will still dominate American politics . He has basically set the tone for the coming century in which an isolated authoritarian state could be a very real prospect for our country , ” he said . Did Trump threaten to assassinate Clinton ? The Guardian also reached out to the 100 secret Trump supporters to get their take on Trump ’s comments this week that gun owners could exercise their second amendment right in protest of Clinton , a line seen by many as a threat of assassination . Here ’s a selection of their responses :", "event": [{"event_type": "Death caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "assassinate", "arguments": [{"argument": "Trump", "role": "killer"}, {"argument": "Clinton", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC17e33b98447f300fa5bd985fff01f7c21e86b8876bb93db69a9b0bdd", "text": "* DOES CLINTON HAVE ‘ WALKING PNEUMONIA ’ ? NBC News speculates that Clinton could be suffering from a “ near - textbook case ” of “ walking pneumonia , ” which entails this : Patients do n’t feel great , but they ’re not sick enough to stay home in bed or to be hospitalized … .People often feel well enough to go about their business , especially once they start taking antibiotics … But the infection can take a toll , making patients prone to getting tired and dehydrated . Meanwhile , experts see no reason to think this will be debilitating for Clinton . * DEMOCRATS WORRY ABOUT HILLARY ’S PNEUMONIA : Reuters reports that Democrats are worried about Clinton ’s Pneumonia for two reasons , beyond her well - being : First , does her campaign ’s failure to divulge the illness for two days signal again that her penchant for secrecy is working against her ?", "event": [{"event_type": "Physical illness or degradation", "event_trigger": "sick", "arguments": [{"argument": "they", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC431177abf45134a4a21e3cb4bde68ff41392eae7629351ce2ebbd056", "text": "In June 2010 , Mr. Hockey became Dr. Hockey when Howe received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon . In 1998 , he had double knee replacement . In 1999 , he had surgery to remove a cancerous spot on his left shin at the Ohio hospital where son Murray was head of radiology . He had some heart problems in 2003 . An irregular heartbeat was diagnosed and angioplasty was performed on the right coronary artery to relieve a blockage .", "event": [{"event_type": "Physical illness or degradation", "event_trigger": "surgery", "arguments": [{"argument": "he", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC6a48c642920f0e96ff02f04c7cc0565b4290f4ad8ab619a5f85fb517", "text": "ADVERTISEMENT \" There are absolutely some carriers that are going to have to come in with some pretty significant price hikes to make up for the underpricing that they did before , ” said Sabrina Corlette , a professor at Georgetown University ’s Center on Health Insurance Reforms , while noting that the final picture remains unclear . Insurers are already making the case for premium increases , pointing to a pool of enrollees that is smaller , sicker and costlier than they expected . The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association released a widely publicized report last month that said new enrollees under ObamaCare had 22 percent higher medical costs than people who received coverage through their employers . “ The industry is clearly setting the stage for bigger premium increases in 2017 , ” said Larry Levitt , an expert on the health law at the Kaiser Family Foundation .", "event": [{"event_type": "Physical illness or degradation", "event_trigger": "sicker", "arguments": [{"argument": "enrollees", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC7a23419006ef93d6405cb113a79fecff9cdbd089fcb8364329a01ddf", "text": "When were you most proud of Bernie this past year , if you can pinpoint one moment ? There were so many moments where I was proud of Bernie . I probably sound silly , but that debate where he said , \" I 'm sick of hearing about your damn emails , \" he did n't think of that [ ahead of time]. It was n't a plan . He 's not a politician who thinks of things and plans it all out .", "event": [{"event_type": "Physical illness or degradation", "event_trigger": "sick", "arguments": [{"argument": "I", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RCaaff4bbfb7c11d18a4eb753a4f611f8b9ecd154b434b6d77f33d0b97", "text": "10/15 Senator Al Franken was joined on stage by comedian and actress Sarah Silverman , with critics praising their double act Getty Images 11/15 Delegates danced joyously at the convention in the Wells Fargo Center as musical entertainment was provided Getty Images 12/15 Pop singer Demi Lovato told the DNC she was \" living with mental illness \" before performing her hit single ' Confident ' Getty Images 13/15 Legendary singer - songwriter Paul Simon was another high - profile performer to entertain the crowd on day one Getty Images 14/15 Anastasia Somoza , an international disability rights advocate , also delivered remarks on the first day of the convention Getty Images", "event": [{"event_type": "Physical illness or degradation", "event_trigger": "illness", "arguments": [{"argument": "she", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RCc21934711d6ae7fafca8a6ff4fbe3fa7cd4da55b15da7e15104f98bd", "text": "Litvinenko gives his own name and address . Hoar then says : “ Thank you very much for that , Edwin . Edwin , we ’re here investigating an allegation that somebody has poisoned you in an attempt to kill you . ” Hoar says that doctors have told him Edwin is suffering from “ extremely high levels of thallium ” and “ that is the cause of this illness ” . He continues : “ Can I ask you to tell us what you think has happened to you and why ? ” Medical staff had pre - briefed Hoar that Litvinenko spoke good English .", "event": [{"event_type": "Physical illness or degradation", "event_trigger": "illness", "arguments": [{"argument": "Edwin", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC0bd2dd748bfeb78dea1f044b503f1a70fcc7ff3d3d17fdf76baf65e7", "text": "Richard L. Campbell , the man accused of sucker - punching a 69-year - old protester outside a Donald Trump rally in Asheville , NC on Monday , is vigorously denying the charge — and has video that his attorney says proves his innocence . Campbell ’s attorney , Ruth Smith , spoke exclusively to Breitbart News on Wednesday morning . “ She grabbed him … and he did n’t even see her , ” she said .", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "punching", "arguments": [{"argument": "man", "role": "injurer"}, {"argument": "protester", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "Donald Trump rally", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC2bcda48942fa0aa505a99d7a7aa09a422de30fd51536edaa45fa8850", "text": "A federal court blasted him as it overturned Pence ’s orders . Pence ’s policies have hurt LGBT people . They have hurt minorities and women . What would Jesus say to a follower who hurts people in his name ? What would he say to someone defending and apologizing for a misogynist , racist , and otherwise bigoted candidate in his name ?", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "hurt", "arguments": [{"argument": "Pence", "role": "injurer"}, {"argument": "minorities and women", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "policies", "role": "instrument"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC359735624240f911077d70c5618ccf4ed06a88b38d280421204e774a", "text": "The Syrian pilots evidently managed to eject themselves from the plane and parachute into in Syrian territory . In April of that year , an Israeli fighter jet downed a drone that entered Israel from Lebanon . It was shot down over Israel 's territorial waters .", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "shot", "arguments": [{"argument": "Israeli fighter jet", "role": "injurer"}, {"argument": "It", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "Israel", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC36bbfdd93239e7430a545008f6ed3300bf7f18b534fbf20d4a37f553", "text": "Lavrov and Kerry will meet in the Swiss city of Lausanne , according to a Wednesday statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry . CBS News correspondent Elizabeth Palmer reported from inside Aleppo that kids are usually among the victims of the Russian and Syrian strikes , making life a hell for the few families left in the city . The U.N. and Doctors Without Borders are pushing for a ceasefire -- even a temporary one -- to allow the evacuation of seriously wounded people from besieged Aleppo . So far , the Syrians and Russians are saying no .", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "wounded", "arguments": [{"argument": "strikes", "role": "injurer"}, {"argument": "people", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "Aleppo", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC4e340e4b2741f50fdfadfd6886ffe5c3f085a8eca5a71be265529f15", "text": "And where is Sen. John McCain ( Ariz. ) , who has declared that he supports a man who seems to stand for everything McCain is against — and who callously belittled his war record ? McCain has lived a life of service , with acts of courage that are beyond my comprehension . When the North Vietnamese offered to release him in advance of other prisoners of war ( because his father was an admiral ) , he refused , preferring more captivity and torture to losing his honor . Years later , when he learned that Henry Kissinger had also refused to allow any special treatment for him , he thanked Kissinger for saving “ my reputation , my honor , my life , really . ” Today , all McCain needs to do to preserve his honor is to say two words : “ Never Trump . ”", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "torture", "arguments": [{"argument": "North Vietnamese", "role": "injurer"}, {"argument": "he", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC585bc4a22d608c41b3dbd3ff16654e8dd004e30e99a9557abc6ff62c", "text": "Four months of Russian air strikes have tipped momentum Assad 's way . With Moscow 's help and allies including Lebanon 's Hezbollah and Iranian fighters , the Syrian army is regaining areas on key fronts in the west . United Nations investigators called for new sanctions on Syrian officials as well as leaders of the two most hardline rebel groups , Islamic State and the Nusra Front , accusing the three of mass killings , torture and disappearances of civilians in custody . Speaking in Ankara , Merkel , under fire at home over the refugee crisis , said Europe needed to follow up quickly on pledges of aid to help Turkey cope with the Syria exodus , and also urged Ankara to act fast to improve the situation for refugees . ( Additional reporting by Nick Tattersall in Istanbul , Yesim Dikmen and Ercan Gurses in Ankara and Stephanie Nebehay in Geneva ; writing by Suleiman al - Khalidi and Philippa Fletcher ; editing by Peter Graff and Pravin Char )", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "torture", "arguments": [{"argument": "the three", "role": "injurer"}, {"argument": "civilians", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC5e0d2b25858e8cdf0654a2215b1d2197620fcb656fbb3082535ac202", "text": "\" ISI[S ] is a direct outgrowth of al - Qaeda in Iraq that grew out of our invasion , \" admitted President Obama . The U.S. military destroyed Iraq and disbanded without disarming its military . Then it divided Iraq along sectrarian lines and brutalized people for years in prison camps where they were able to organize and plot vengeance . The U.S. armed Iraq , and al Qaeda / ISIS seized those weapons . The U.S. overthrew the government of Libya , and its weapons spread all over the region .", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "brutalized", "arguments": [{"argument": "it", "role": "injurer"}, {"argument": "people", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "prison camps", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC72bcf23b56a787c6fb86927a0764531ca388dcaf2255deebcde9c549", "text": "— John Noonan ( @noonanjo ) September 8 , 2016 3 . Blaming Victims For Military Sexual Assault Trump stood behind his 2013 assertion that essentially blamed the epidemic of sexual assault in the military on the fact that women are now allowed to serve alongside men . 26,000 unreported sexual assults in the military - only 238 convictions .", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "Assault", "arguments": [{"argument": "Military", "role": "injurer"}, {"argument": "Victims", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC72f413a502cef76444bf4ca0fd4237f6e8225a1074ad4d317fe81a09", "text": "In the neighboring Aleppo province , a missile struck a children 's hospital in the town of Azaz , killing at least five people and wounding dozens on Monday . And in a nearby village , an air raid hit a school , killing seven and wounding several others . \" This appears to be a deliberate attack on the health structure , and we condemn this attack in the strongest possible terms , \" said Massimiliano Rebaudengo , MSF 's mission chief . \" The destruction of the hospital leaves the local population of around 40,000 people without access to medical services in an active zone of conflict . \" The aid group said the hospital had 30 beds , 54 staff members , two operating theatres , an outpatients department and an emergency room .", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "attack", "arguments": [{"argument": "a children 's hospital", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "a missile", "role": "instrument"}, {"argument": "town of Azaz", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC8f4bc8a33630545bda0c3afdd059f7c5b909c541b56973a29f8f4b45", "text": "But at the moment , the American people appear to have decided that while they may not like Clinton very much , they find her qualified to serve as president while Trump is not . And Trump did just well enough in the second debate to stagger to the finish line of a race he is almost certain to lose . CORRECTION : Donald Trump faced a rape allegation from Ivana Trump , not Marla Maples . — Ben White is Politico 's chief economic correspondent and a CNBC contributor . He also authors the daily tip sheet Politico Morning Money [ politico.com / morningmoney].", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "rape", "arguments": [{"argument": "Donald Trump", "role": "injurer"}, {"argument": "Ivana Trump", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC9230f36e318acd5ed95acb18d91f585e075796a39cc7813ed7a20899", "text": "In 1999 a Cuban lawsuit demanded $ 181.1 billion in US compensation for death and injury suffered by Cuban citizens in four decades “ war ” by Washington against Cuba . Cuba asked for $ 30 million in direct compensation for each of the 3,478 people it said were killed by US actions and $ 15 million each for the 2,099 injured . It also asked for $ 10 million each for the people killed , and $ 5 million each for the injured , to repay Cuban society for the costs it has had to assume on their behalf . Needless to say , the United States has not paid a penny of this . One of the most common Yankee criticisms of the state of human rights in Cuba has been the arrest of dissidents ( although the great majority are quickly released ) .", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "injured", "arguments": [{"argument": "United States", "role": "injurer"}, {"argument": "people", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "Cuba", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC935056e6b0455dfc836ac130573484031e0cfec335b0db95e958ea88", "text": "Carsten Koall / Getty Images 9/10 Dawood al - Marhoon was arrested aged 17 for participating in an anti - government protest . After refusing to spy on his fellow protestors , he was tortured and forced to sign a blank document that would later contain his ‘ confession’ . At Dawood ’s trial , the prosecution requested death by crucifixion while refusing him a lawyer . Getty Images", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "tortured", "arguments": [{"argument": "he", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC9d594a40e77ffbd7e8f46300b670447bdd50d26435ec6ab33ede6e41", "text": "I will pay for the legal fees . I promise . \" The next month , he said he was looking into paying the legal fees of a man who had sucker - punched a protester at a Trump rally . But when Trump was challenged on his apparent incitement to violence , he insisted that he ’d never offered to pay for the man ’s legal fees . A president who refuses to admit mistakes would be a disaster", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "punched", "arguments": [{"argument": "man", "role": "injurer"}, {"argument": "protester", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "violence", "role": "instrument"}, {"argument": "Trump rally", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RCb15853458b081398ebb5c3516ee501218b8e0f10f7046674b12244a4", "text": "Most critically , his entire speech proceeded from a bigoted premise : that the primary threat to America ’s public safety is violence committed by Muslims . The GOP nominee began his speech by cataloguing every high - profile act of violence committed by a Muslim in recent years , from Fort Hood to Paris to Orlando . At one point , he invoked a recent attack in Germany — not the shooting by an apparent white extremist that took ten lives — but the axe attack by a Muslim that wounded five . Jihadist terrorism is obviously a legitimate threat to our national security . But it is not the only one .", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "attack", "arguments": [{"argument": "Muslim", "role": "injurer"}, {"argument": "five", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "axe", "role": "instrument"}, {"argument": "Germany", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RCb1834dc4a2d6e6f91819f7d41b3ec06d3286690d4d0b0bb6f7632db3", "text": "Trump refused to admit his campaign manager grabbed a reporter On March 8 , Trump ’s then - campaign manager , Corey Lewandowski , grabbed Breitbart News reporter Michelle Fields as she was walking next to Donald Trump . He pulled her hard enough that she had bruises two days later . While there was some initial dispute about what happened , video evidence soon left no doubt that Lewandowski had , in fact , grabbed Fields . If he had simply admitted to grabbing Fields and apologized , it might have been a one - day story .", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "bruises", "arguments": [{"argument": "He", "role": "injurer"}, {"argument": "her", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "grabbing", "role": "instrument"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RCc29b17dbee276224fcc981d7f574ac416764714b2aff5cc045978f56", "text": "\" You can do both of them at the same time by doing the things that work . \" Maryland 's Uniform Crime Report data for 2014 found that the state 's violent crime rate stood at 441.3 victims per 100,000 inhabitants . This number is consistent with a long - term trend of declining violent crime in Maryland during O'Malley 's time in office , from 2007 - 2015 . But Maryland 's drop in the number of violent crimes reported also coincided with a national drop in violent crime reported by the FBI in the same period . Meanwhile , O'Malley argued that his state - level policies helped reduce the rate of those imprisoned to a 20-year low .", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "violent", "arguments": [{"argument": "Maryland", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RCc47b3afae73b3e9304f6f0516f13e186b6f7980d465119a45fc9eac7", "text": "Trump ! Trump ! \" until security can arrive ( and presumably do the touching and/or harming ) . I 'd seen this ritual several times , and the crowd always loves it . At one event , a dead ringer for John Oliver ripped off his shirt in the middle of a Trump speech to reveal body paint that read \" Eminent Domain This ! \"", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "harming", "arguments": [{"argument": "security", "role": "injurer"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RCf8cc1b7c0859c7ff5b19fe06a070dde4debe33ce3ddec8d103c98bdf", "text": "The YPG would hand over all seized areas to an affiliated Kurdish police force , the Asayish . Government policemen would be left to secure the one remaining area under state control . Details reported by state TV included a prisoner swap , handing over the wounded and bodies of the dead , and opening the roads to Syrian army positions inside and outside the city . Reuters could not immediately obtain a full text of the agreement . One of the Kurdish officials said the deal was concluded on Monday evening \" via international parties \" .", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "wounded", "arguments": [{"argument": "The YPG", "role": "injurer"}, {"argument": "the city", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RCfdc9db37ae2413078efc27904592a7942942435e6b9c10d4dac0fc04", "text": "Mr. Campbell reflexively moved his arm to release himself from Ms. Teeter ’s grip . Ms. Teeter then fell backwards onto the ground . Ms. Teeter has given several media interviews stating that she was “ punched in the face ” , “ sucker punched ” and “ punched in the jaw ” . She claims she suffered severe injuries requiring treatment at Mission Hospital . She also claimed that she had engaged Mr. Campbell in a discussion about living in Russia and he “ sucker punched me ” .", "event": [{"event_type": "Injury caused by violent events", "event_trigger": "punched", "arguments": [{"argument": "Mr. Campbell", "role": "injurer"}, {"argument": "Ms. Teeter", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "his arm", "role": "instrument"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC24ba323276ba1f133708d32da43bd175db4b9a4beeacc4c9adc1c42d", "text": "\" Russia has invested very seriously in this crisis , politically , diplomatically and now also militarily , \" Vitaly Churkin told Kommersant daily , referring to an international agreement to cease hostilities sealed in Munich last week . \" Therefore we would like Assad also to respond to this , \" he said , adding that the Syrian leader 's stance \" is not in accord with the diplomatic efforts that Russia is making . \" At their meeting in Munich , the 17-nation group backing Syria 's peace process agreed to work for a ceasefire , the lifting of starvation sieges and the resumption of talks . In an interview with AFP last week , Assad defiantly pledged to retake the whole of the country , speaking before the plan for a nationwide \" cessation of hostilities \" in Syria was announced . Asked to comment to journalists on the unusually outspoken criticism of Assad , Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Friday said President Vladimir Putin backed the Syrian peace process but stressed that the ceasefire had not yet been implemented .", "event": [{"event_type": "Illness or degradation due to hunger or thirst", "event_trigger": "starvation", "arguments": [{"argument": "Syria", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC2bdeb6e0eebc1b7ffbc62364c6c070dbeb2c378d4d427c6e4121061f", "text": "* DOES CLINTON HAVE ‘ WALKING PNEUMONIA’ ? NBC News speculates that Clinton could be suffering from a “ near - textbook case ” of “ walking pneumonia , ” which entails this : Patients do n’t feel great , but they ’re not sick enough to stay home in bed or to be hospitalized … .People often feel well enough to go about their business , especially once they start taking antibiotics … But the infection can take a toll , making patients prone to getting tired and dehydrated . Meanwhile , experts see no reason to think this will be debilitating for Clinton . * DEMOCRATS WORRY ABOUT HILLARY ’S PNEUMONIA : Reuters reports that Democrats are worried about Clinton ’s Pneumonia for two reasons , beyond her well - being : First , does her campaign ’s failure to divulge the illness for two days signal again that her penchant for secrecy is working against her ?", "event": [{"event_type": "Illness or degradation due to hunger or thirst", "event_trigger": "dehydrated", "arguments": [{"argument": "patients", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC84b9dc41ba13b8a148d38391bb5a990bb54a3487f007797b860b75bc", "text": "Turkey 's disquiet has been heightened by the tens of thousands of people fleeing to the Turkish border after attacks by Russian - backed Syrian government forces , swelling refugee numbers in the area to 100,000 . Turkey , which already hosts 2.6 million Syrian refugees , has kept the latest arrivals on the Syrian side of the border , in part to pressure Russia to cease its air support for Syrian government forces near the city of Aleppo . Davutoglu earlier condemned the attacks in Aleppo as \" barbarity , tyranny , a war strategy conducted with a medieval mentality \" and said hundreds of thousands faced the danger of starvation if a humanitarian corridor was not opened . \" We will help our brothers in Aleppo with all means at our disposal . We will take those in need but we will never allow Aleppo to be emptied through an ethnic massacre , \" he said .", "event": [{"event_type": "Illness or degradation due to hunger or thirst", "event_trigger": "starvation", "arguments": [{"argument": "hundreds of thousands", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "Aleppo", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC9034fea8cd55b6c601f20feb25ee900b1c99945d316138b954ab148c", "text": "And , despite being explicitly told otherwise by the experts , Trump expressed doubt about U.S. intelligence findings that Russia had hacked into Democratic National Committee computers . It goes well beyond Putin . Speaking about Kim Jong Un , the ultra - absolutist dictator of North Korea who is starving his own people , Trump said : “ If you look at North Korea , this guy , I mean , he ’s like a maniac , OK ? And you ’ve got to give him credit . He goes in , he takes over , and he ’s the boss .", "event": [{"event_type": "Illness or degradation due to hunger or thirst", "event_trigger": "starving", "arguments": [{"argument": "his own people", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "North Korea", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC949c17678023a9c793a790544759e782c11d805fb05b534c70d254b2", "text": "Employment conditions and pay have deteriorated and women work less because of security concerns . About 13.8 million Syrians have lost their source of livelihood . Madaya again facing starvation as report warns of extent of sieges Read more “ The common characteristics across all regions are lack of security , the allocation of all resources to the fighting , the creation of violence - related job opportunities and imposition of authority by force . ” The shrinking of the population by 21 % helps explain the waves of refugees reaching Turkey and Europe .", "event": [{"event_type": "Illness or degradation due to hunger or thirst", "event_trigger": "starvation", "arguments": [{"argument": "Madaya", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC0f11f9533e61fddee39f53b45f38dbcf29defa39ded011cf7aec0f40", "text": "Mike Pence , whose son is in the Marines , said Capt . Humayun Khan died defending his country in the war on terror . He blamed Clinton and President Obama — who was an Illinois state senator when Khan died — for allowing the Middle East to be “ overrun ” by the Islamic State . Pence said proposals such as Trump ’s plan to bar immigrants from certain countries will help reduce military deaths . “ Donald Trump and I believe that Captain Humayun Khan is an American hero and his family , like all Gold Star families , should be cherished by every American , ” Pence said .", "event": [{"event_type": "Non-violent death", "event_trigger": "died", "arguments": [{"argument": "Khan", "role": "victim"}, {"argument": "Middle East", "role": "place"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC8a41a5786efb16fa1c20f5559486373fa9325b8ec7d2f9341b816bb4", "text": "( Ruth Eglash ) The University of Tennessee - Knoxville agreed to pay $ 2.48 million in a sexual assault suit involving student athletes , ending a dispute that pitted eight young women against the football program . It is the school ’s third financial settlement involving the athletics department in just two years . ( The Tennessean ) A 60-year - old British woman has become the subject of a high - profile legal dispute over whether she can use her deceased daughter ’s frozen eggs to carry her own grandchild . A London appeal 's court sided with the woman last week . She says it was her daughter ’s “ dying wish . ” ( Lindsey Bever ) Florida authorities are investigating a bizarre death in which they were called to the scene of a “ burning mannequin ” outside a craft store – only to discover that the body on fire belonged to a human man .", "event": [{"event_type": "Non-violent death", "event_trigger": "deceased", "arguments": [{"argument": "daughter", "role": "victim"}]}]} {"id": "nw_RC04299b67b717062aced72c38b0794361dd1b0bc130f09b2b4a5ab3b7", "text": "The new study says that since 2008 , 221 to 450 snow leopards have been poached every year , maybe even higher . James Compton , an author of the study , says , We think that what most observations , seizure records and expert opinion shows is that the majority is still happening because of retaliatory killing . He adds , “ One of the major interventions to stop that is better protection for livestock , in some of these very remote areas where you have nomad communities and herds of livestock , because that ’s where the friction takes place . ” More than 90 % of the poaching was recorded in China , Mongolia , India , Pakistan and Tajikistan .", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RC062a7eed1282ee4f36b0eeddb331c431fcab543818b37cd86e92a583", "text": "The chances of intentional conflict are real , as is the possibility of an unintended clash escalating . At the same time , Syria is not essential to the national security of Russia or the United States . It is not without importance , but a defeat or capitulation there will not change the balance of power between them at all . It would of course affect psychological and political perception , but in the long run , perception ultimately comes down to substantial military and economic power . The United States can afford to back off .", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RC06f93fc9b12b98ac26b24fc14a957aaec925686625df43896942248e", "text": "In the immediate aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing that ripped apart a federal building and killed 168 people , he was dispatched to the city to set up the early stages of the prosecution case , winning plaudits for gathering large amounts of evidence that led to the convictions of both McVeigh and Terry Nichols . He was also central to the prosecution of the Unabomber , Ted Kaczynski . He acquired his passion for being a judge by sitting at the feet of the liberal supreme court justice William Brennan , who was a champion of progressive policies such as opposition to the death penalty and support of abortion rights . Garland has had plenty of opportunity to wield similar progressive influence as chief judge of the DC appeals circuit which , given its location , frequently acts as arbiter in major cases concerning the federal government . Among those were the 2008 judgment from the appeals court , led by Garland , that punched a hole in the Bush administration ’s detention of so - called “ enemy combatants ” in Guantánamo Bay without any oversight from the civilian courts .", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RC0a9b210c1a61094dc553e9be4194af167d4a0785bc09754ebdd35bec", "text": "In the latest response : Turkey 's Prime Minister Binali Yildirim blamed a \" racist Armenian lobby \" for the resolution Armenia 's Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said it was a \" valuable contribution \" to the \" international recognition and condemnation of the Armenian genocide \" German Chancellor Angela Merkel said : \" There is a lot that binds Germany to Turkey and even if we have a difference of opinion on an individual matter , the breadth of our links , our friendship , our strategic ties , is great \" Armenian ' genocide ' vote ignites press", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RC1d87ba6454e56a11a32269793522b6c76d5f232492648441d1f6bbd2", "text": "Among the 150 posters up for grabs are three thought never to have made it into production featuring Adolf Hitler , Nazi spin doctor Joseph Goebbels and Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goerring . It is thought the designs were blocked from print because Brits might not have recognised the enemy leaders and might have taken the messages to \" take time off \" literally . Play slideshow PenzanceAuctionHouse / BNPS 1 of 16 A fascinating archive of iconic World War Two recruiting posters , some which have never been seen before has emerged for sale for £ 10,000 . The team can be seen examining bullets , scraps of tents and personal items such as shoes ; many of which appear to be dated and marked with the swastika . In a statement , Evgeny Ermolov , a senior researcher at the Russian Arctic National Park said : “ Before it was only known from written sources , but now we also have real proof . ” All the objects found will now be taken back to the Russian mainland , where the researchers hope they can be archived , studied , and eventually put on display for the public .", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RC2515478f76f7dc224c8115a155391c2a911cf63f0ac0e49703ecedf7", "text": "But while the Trump Wall ( as he has called it ) is the most provocative proposal of the election season , it is not particularly original . Over the past five millennia , politicians have repeatedly turned to large walls to solve problems . We should look carefully at the track record of this ancient technology before we invest what some estimates suggest could be $ 25 billion in construction costs for a 2,000-mile - long wall , plus millions more in annual maintenance . One of the earliest examples of a large - scale barrier wall was constructed by the rulers of the city of Ur , in what is now southern Iraq , at the end of the third millennium B.C. The kings of Ur faced a considerable challenge along their northwestern border from a semi - nomadic people known as the Amorites .", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RC56ac8813a5d68219941d67e3cd3a6a5a2ea8ca1a59f43f3c4efbb983", "text": "During the debate on Sunday , he was erratic , failed to land many blows , and humiliated his running mate on the Syria question . As for Clinton , her performance may not go down in the history books as one of the most sparkling debates , but it did n’t need to . She managed to remain above the fray , seeming calm , presidential , and poised as her rival roamed the stage and interrupted . Trump ’s pugilistic performance may serve as a rallying point for his key supporters , but the Republican ’s task right now is to staunch the bleeding and start winning over new voters , since he does n’t currently have enough to win . There ’s practically no prospect he made progress on that goal Sunday night .", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RC5c31140862fd7a879dace43fa6a47be8f5d8540c5f81840ad3cd0108", "text": "President Obama , Donald Trump , Hillary Clinton , and others of the mainstream interventionist ilk continue to debate whether the terrorist problem that America is facing is due to radical Muslims or regular Muslims . Depending on where they come out on that question , their solutions inevitably encompass more destruction of American liberty and privacy , such as with gun control , immigration controls , or surveillance schemes . There is one big problem with their analysis , however : The terrorism problem America has been facing even before 9/11 is n’t due to Islam , Muslims , or the Koran . Instead , the anti - American terrorism problem is rooted in U.S. interventionism in the Middle East and Afghanistan , specifically the ongoing death and destruction that the U.S. military death machine has been wreaking in those parts of the world on an ongoing basis for the past 25 years .", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RC71eaf7c51d828f0e36cf9eab2e31b9a7ac7ed94e4a972bfd07f6677c", "text": "But , the perfect is the enemy of the good . It is our goal to throw our weight behind the candidate who has a reasonable chance of actually becoming President of the United States whose views are CLOSEST to libertarianism . Crippled America : How ... Donald J. Trump Best Price : $ 1.15 Buy New $ 6.49 When put in this way , it is clear that The Donald is the most congruent with our perspective . This is true , mainly because of foreign policy . And , of the three , foreign policy , economic policy and person liberties , the former is the most important .", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RC735b5b17f76a72e2456a8e2b0e88e9343abc000367d3f104e508268e", "text": "The Bureau of Justice Statistics listed Maryland 's imprisoned population at 19,977 in 1992 . By 2002 , that number had jumped to 24,162 , but by 2012 , the number imprisoned had dropped to 22,558 . Maryland 's population , meanwhile , had increased from 4.8 million in 1990 to 5.8 million in 2010 , meaning the raw number imprisoned may have increased overall in that roughly 20-year span , but the rate itself decreased . Verdict : True . Hillary Clinton", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RC7425672cff67186d1e189ce4b240b371c11f617f86da4b576b4bbcff", "text": "At the same time , lower down the ranks , at the operations level , one of the American military service personnel said quite frankly that they spent several days preparing this strike . How could they make an error if they were several days in preparation ? ” said Putin . “ This is how our ceasefire agreement ended up broken . Who broke the agreement ? Was it us ?", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RC77574168ea635b1c24f66bf89f37ba91c1125fa80c56f270c1e7cbe8", "text": "The leaflets carried several messages to the citizens attempting to reassure them that the advancing army \" would not target civilians , \" but warned them to avoid the known locations of Isis militants . The military operation is the most complex carried out in Iraq since US forces withdrew from the country in 2011 . Last week , the UN said it was bracing itself for the world 's biggest and most complex humanitarian effort following the battle , which it expects will displace up to one million people and see civilians used as human shields .", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RC7ddf99e6940dc86c96af417612dbf17d2efac3de8b1f220dfc498d4a", "text": "The United States later vaulted past Russia to become the world ’s largest natural gas producer . As a result , prices dropped to record lows , and America began to wean itself from coal , along with oil and gas imports , which lessened its dependence on the Middle East . The surging global gas supply also helped shrink Russia ’s economic clout : profits for Russia ’s state - owned gas company , Gazprom , plummeted by more than 60 % between 2008 and 2009 alone . Clinton , who was sworn in as secretary of state in early 2009 , believed that shale gas could help rewrite global energy politics . “ This is a moment of profound change , ” she later told a crowd at Georgetown University .", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RC83ecedfedf2351aba86b9489d8fe5021c97ffa26d9d5d00c9d1185f4", "text": "For decades , wages of the middle and working classes have remained stagnant in the United States while the top earners have seen their wages grow exponentially . In the United States since the 2008 recession , nearly 99 percent of all new generated income has gone to the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans . Current trends suggest these enormous disparities in wealth are expanding . Amid calls for reform to redistribute wealth in the United States to the middle and working classes , criticism has mounted , stereotyping such reforms as \" handouts , \" \" free stuff \" or \" socialist . \" What these criticisms of proposed reforms for wealth inequality fail to recognize is that socialism for the wealthy not only exists , but is prevalent throughout our current system of government in the form of corporate socialism .", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RC97ebd3bb80eda544109f69e93e0de6ca065e43cb7477c52747896929", "text": "“ With all due respect to Ethiopia , I do n’t know of any contributions that Ethiopia has made to the making of America . ” Story Continued Below President Lyndon Johnson , hoping to tamp down concerns about the immigration act at a time when Congress was engaged in an even more ferocious debate over the voting rights act , sought to downplay the implications of the proposed immigration law : “ This bill that we will sign today is not a revolutionary bill , ” he said upon signing it . The president , like many other of the law ’s supporters , sincerely believed that Europeans were most likely to take advantage of less stringent U.S. immigration policy . He was wrong .", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RCa84a0ee22abc4bee5942982b99eab0de6b201c53d445592c76724162", "text": "Sanders says he believes that comprehensive immigration reform needs to be passed and we have to move toward a path to citizenship . He agrees with Obama ’s use of executive orders to enact amnesty . Sanders says he wants to “ bring families together , not divide them up ” re : his immigration agenda . Sanders says he will use executive orders to grant a path to citizenship for all of the country ’s illegal immigrants . Clinton says she agrees with Obama ’s executive amnesty .", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RCbdd2144adf0a3e93953f3a40d6e942376b9ad6c589c066affec6364e", "text": "Then Elites run for president . Why run for president when already control country like dictatorship ? ” Then after what they call the “ fun Cyber Weapons Auction ” comes the real message , a serious threat . “ We want make sure Wealthy Elite recognizes the danger [ of ] cyberweapons . Let us spell out for Elites .", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RCc4036358190b357f97a526dfc0564b806a01341218e0ac1bc3f5d230", "text": "FBI agents met senior Clinton officials in Brooklyn in March to warn them it was the target of cyber attack . It was weeks before the attack on the Democratic National Committee came to light . Buy Yahoo News ' Michael Isikoff reported Friday that agents asked the campaign to hand over internal computer logs and senior officials ' email addresses . Through lawyers , the campaign refused to give over the information because ' the FBI ’s request for sensitive personal and campaign information data was too broad and intrusive ' , Yahoo News said . The involvement of the Justice Department 's national security division is a sign that the Obama administration has concluded that the hacking was state sponsored , individuals with knowledge of the investigation said .", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RCc4f1095e77d3b6d931a29cd40a0cafa95cf46b36ae48131f2a1ec07e", "text": "“ We 're not fans of data localization — the last thing the world needs is 193 members of the United Nations demanding that data only be stored within their own borders , ” he said . “ This is really a set of issues where the tech sector tends to be pretty united . ” RECENTLY ON PRO CYBERSECURITY — The Democrats ’ platform formally endorses a encryption commission that includes outside experts … Researchers say ISIL militants are shunning WhatsApp in favor of Telegram for encrypted communications … “ A federal judge ordered a suspect in a sex trafficking case to unlock his iPhone using his fingerprint , but for unknown reasons the process did not work ” … Three men were charged in what the Justice Department called a “ sophisticated ” cell phone hijacking scheme … A court denied Matthew Keys ’ attempt to remain out of prison while he appeals . QUICK BYTES — Russia is worried about Pokemon Go .", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RCcf3bd64c426aebec0e783381b122f5a0b9d26e9b674d07884d6a0353", "text": "Nearly three quarters of scholars believe that these missiles will somewhat or strongly increase the likelihood of violent confrontation between NATO and Russian forces . Not surprisingly , 27 percent of IR scholars believe that renewed Russian assertiveness is one of the most important foreign policy issues facing the United States today . The rhetoric of U.S. presidential candidates suggests they agree as “ how would you deal with Putin ” has become both a talking point and an internet meme . As we observed in the South Carolina Republican debate , we should not be surprised to see Russian foreign policy used by candidates as a cudgel to attack each other in the race for the U.S. presidency . TRIP Snap Polls are conducted with support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York .", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RCd02add6b9aaebe46a2f4b869577e948680b76d3d07699ca5de410039", "text": "Oil prices have dropped below $ 30 a barrel in recent months , a fall of 70 percent since 2014 . Al Jazeera 's Bernard Smith , reporting from Doha , said that the challenge would be to get other producing countries , including Iran , to freeze production as well . Iran 's IRNA news agency said on Sunday the country had exported its first crude shipment to Europe since it reached a landmark deal last year with world powers . IRNA quoted Rokneddin Javadi , Iran 's deputy oil minister , as saying the shipment , the first in five years , marked \" a new chapter \" in Iran 's oil industry . Javadi said Iran had already reached an agreement to export oil to France , Russia and Spain .", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RCdf6547bbe4531938cc9bcdb5ba45e6bfd7d9d4835415fdb5bf4f4c9c", "text": "All four girls married fighters approved by Isis – including an Australian and a US national – and two became widows within months of arriving in Syria , their families were told . In March last year , the Metropolitan police commissioner , Sir Bernard Hogan - Howe , said the teenagers could return home without fear of being prosecuted for terrorism , as long as no evidence emerged of them being engaged in violence . Akunjee told ITV : “ Leaving Isis is like trying to escape from Alcatraz , with a shoot - to - kill order added in ... Perhaps the only benefit out of this is as a tombstone and a testimony for others of the risks of actually going to a war zone , to dissuade people from ever making that choice . ”", "event": []} {"id": "nw_RCe3f9c17cb88e1a8bd515e9853e8f37f4aca92677275634afe35a3d24", "text": "The Republicans ’ creation will soon be let loose on the land , leaving to others the job the party failed to carry out . ” Then referring to himself , he added , “ For this former Republican , and perhaps for others , the only choice will be to vote for Hillary Clinton . ” [ See Consortiumnews.com ’s “ Neocon Kagan Endorses Hillary Clinton . ” ] Kagan , whom Clinton appointed to a State Department advisory panel , is married to Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland , a former senior aide to Vice President Dick Cheney who rose under Clinton and helped orchestrate the Ukraine coup which sabotaged Obama ’s behind - the - scenes cooperation with Putin on touchy issues such as Iran and Syria . The Ukraine coup also opened the U.S. military - spending spigot even wider to pay for a new Cold War . [ See Consortiumnews.com ’s “ A Family Business of Perpetual War . ” ] Unpopular Warmongering", "event": []}