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{"id": "nw_RC6b6ef29c775ba68c6981aa5e8688b8e928b27a7ac158b053438f4bc1", "text": "At the same time , lower down the ranks , at the operations level , one of the American military service personnel said quite frankly that they spent several days preparing this strike . How could they make an error if they were several days in preparation ? ” said Putin . β€œ This is how our ceasefire agreement ended up broken . Who broke the agreement ? Was it us ?", "event": [{"event_type": "Violation of an agreement", "event_trigger": "ceasefire", "arguments": [{"argument": "us", "role": "violator"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC4b0becc83cf268e20c4fd0b1797822fed4330316e05fd6e1e4a9b974", "text": "Photograph : Menemsha Films / Everett / Rex Shutterstock The move against the historian comes as the nationalist Law and Justice government , elected in 2015 , comes under European scrutiny for law changes that , critics say , threaten democracy . President Andrzej Duda signed into law a controversial move bringing the attorney general under the control of the justice ministry . Critics say this will put political pressure on the judiciary . Intellectuals who in the past few days have signed two open letters in Gross ’s defence say the Law and Justice government wants to rewrite history , expunging any suggestion of Polish complicity in past horrors .", "event": [{"event_type": "Passing legislation", "event_trigger": "signed into law", "arguments": [{"argument": "President Andrzej Duda", "role": "governmentbody"}, {"argument": "controversial move bringing the attorney general under the control of the justice ministry", "role": "law"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC5798058d47737d37637adc4a7c791a68d5b78ae7c6cec1daf1c6ee5f", "text": "Those UN sanctions were ultimately adopted in June 2010 , and President Barack Obama declared them the toughest ever enacted on Tehran . But that assessment was soon outstripped by unilateral sanctions enacted by the U.S. Congress , which went beyond the U.N. punishment , and that Obama ultimately signed into law . Top Iranian officials have admitted that sanctions relief included in the Iran deal drove them to begin talks , backing up Clinton 's claim that her push to enact sanctions brought Tehran to the nuclear negotiations . But while Clinton 's role in pushing foreign countries to adopt the tough UN sanctions is clear , it 's also evident U.S. lawmakers pushed for tough sanctions as well -- indeed , tougher sanctions than Clinton was lobbying for abroad . Verdict : Mostly true .", "event": [{"event_type": "Passing legislation", "event_trigger": "enact", "arguments": [{"argument": "her", "role": "governmentbody"}, {"argument": "sanctions", "role": "law"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC597373d431612813192303ac19b689b7868f57f2486a2db8d6ed33bd", "text": "A modern - day version of the United States ' 19th century western land rush is about to unfold in Russia , albeit on a much larger scale . On Monday , President Vladimir Putin signed into law a bill that would allow Russian citizens the opportunity to apply for a free 2.5-acre tract of land in the country 's remote Far East . The vast region , stretching from Siberia to the Arctic region near Alaska , encompasses 3.9 million square miles but holds only 7.4 million of Russia 's 143 million citizens . It is often referred to as one of the most sparsely populated regions in the world .", "event": [{"event_type": "Passing legislation", "event_trigger": "signed into law", "arguments": [{"argument": "President Vladimir Putin", "role": "governmentbody"}, {"argument": "a bill", "role": "law"}, {"argument": "the country", "role": "place"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC6a103e285f8412fd28b144137365365e38e11ade2956dec10f7f22cc", "text": "Not only with the Times but with other major outlets like the Washington Post , the Wall St. Journal and National Public Radio . A striking example occurred when the Times lent its front page to a fabricated and now thoroughly discredited story by Judith Miller and Michael Gordon in September , 2002 claiming that Iraq had WMD . That was just weeks before Congress took a vote to β€œ authorize ” George W. Bush to launch an invasion of Iraq . I still recall the day I looked at that article and thought it was fact free and source free and that any decent editor would turn it back . It was clear at that moment that the fix was in and that we were on our way to a war which our Elite had decided upon .", "event": [{"event_type": "Passing legislation", "event_trigger": "vote", "arguments": [{"argument": "Congress", "role": "governmentbody"}, {"argument": "launch an invasion of Iraq", "role": "law"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC8cb94c89543ce88a320cefcab95dde94e9cdb7d968263c8e80e8e268", "text": "Reality check : Clinton on her role pushing sanctions on Iran By Kevin Liptak , CNN Clinton claimed she led efforts to enact new sanctions on the regime during her tenure as the nation 's top diplomat . \" I spent 18 months putting together the coalition that imposed international sanctions on the Iranians that forced them finally to begin negotiating with us to get an end to their nuclear weapons program , \" she said . It 's a line Clinton has used regularly in her bid for the Democratic nomination , and her campaign has pointed to her efforts pressuring foreign partners -- namely Russia and China -- to agree to United Nations Security Council sanctions on Iran .", "event": [{"event_type": "Passing legislation", "event_trigger": "enact", "arguments": [{"argument": "Clinton", "role": "governmentbody"}, {"argument": "new sanctions on the regime", "role": "law"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC9c215197fc0d6f9684ff28db73fdd279fa21f0988de2a546ff7be625", "text": "It ’s what we ’ve lost , it ’s what we need back . Telling political opponents to sit down and shut up ca n’t always be the first recourse of our politicians . Kaine might just be the bipartisan bridge that allows Clinton to enact real change . If Kaine markets himself this way successfully , he may become an asset to millennial outreach instead of the vanilla placeholder he is now . Caraway is a radio host and Biomedical Sciences Senior at the University of North Florida , from Jacksonville , Florida .", "event": [{"event_type": "Passing legislation", "event_trigger": "enact", "arguments": [{"argument": "Clinton", "role": "governmentbody"}, {"argument": "real change", "role": "law"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RCd8a6ea1cad3b93ba686014c3184bbf1f3500539d6ea767b6c0138fda", "text": "In a speech in January 2010 , Clinton warned Beijing it risked isolating itself it it did n't sign on . Those UN sanctions were ultimately adopted in June 2010 , and President Barack Obama declared them the toughest ever enacted on Tehran . But that assessment was soon outstripped by unilateral sanctions enacted by the U.S. Congress , which went beyond the U.N. punishment , and that Obama ultimately signed into law . Top Iranian officials have admitted that sanctions relief included in the Iran deal drove them to begin talks , backing up Clinton 's claim that her push to enact sanctions brought Tehran to the nuclear negotiations . But while Clinton 's role in pushing foreign countries to adopt the tough UN sanctions is clear , it 's also evident U.S. lawmakers pushed for tough sanctions as well -- indeed , tougher sanctions than Clinton was lobbying for abroad .", "event": [{"event_type": "Passing legislation", "event_trigger": "signed into law", "arguments": [{"argument": "Obama", "role": "governmentbody"}, {"argument": "sanctions", "role": "law"}, {"argument": "Tehran", "role": "place"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RCdc32c8197c17cbcab48853330e335d58655fa615010c0c20e63365d3", "text": "For a role model , the authors point to Portugal , which decriminalized not only cannabis but also possession of heroin , cocaine and methamphetamine . HIV transmission , hepatitis C and incarcerations all decreased , Beyrer said , and there was about a 15 per cent decline in substance use by young people in Portugal . Syringe restrictions legislated during the 1980s war on drugs contributed to Danny Wilson 's HIV infection . ( CBC ) The authors found the biggest factor driving higher rates of infection among drug users was that they were excessively incarcerated and excluded from HIV and hepatitis C prevention , treatment and harm - reduction programs .", "event": [{"event_type": "Passing legislation", "event_trigger": "legislated", "arguments": [{"argument": "Syringe restrictions", "role": "law"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RCf5a03979d6f6b845115403cfe27ed3a7ae340b36263b07609dba5fa0", "text": "( That provision was later eliminated and replaced with a simple , annual cap of 290,000 immigrants . ) Critically , the bill exempted from these caps all immigrants with immediate family members in the United States . Support and opposition to the bill fell along the same lines as civil rights legislation that LBJ signed into law in 1964 : Southern Democrats and Midwestern conservative Republicans tended to oppose it strenuously , while Northern Democrats and moderate Republicans embraced it . In signing the law , Johnson affirmed that the national origins standard violated β€œ the basic principle of American democracy β€” the principle that values and rewards each man on the basis of his merit as a man . ” While the bill ’s champions , including LBJ and Celler , were committed to ethnic and racial pluralism , they anticipated that most of its beneficiaries would hail from Europe .", "event": [{"event_type": "Passing legislation", "event_trigger": "signed into law", "arguments": [{"argument": "LBJ", "role": "governmentbody"}, {"argument": "civil rights legislation", "role": "law"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RCfa4fbeeb96af8c851d9c84e97a0bb85e68a1c739f8468bc6b4b3c377", "text": "β€œ It is in no sense business as usual ” between Britain and Russia , she said , adding that Cameron would discuss the matter with Putin β€œ at the next available opportunity . ” [ Full report : Russian President Vladimir Putin implicated in fatal poisoning of former KGB operative ] That cautious stance is likely to disappoint Litvinenko ’s wife , who called Thursday for Britain to expel Russian intelligence officials and enact new sanctions in response to the killing of her husband . Speaking before the government ’s response became public , Marina Litvinenko said her husband ’s dying belief had been vindicated . β€œ I am , of course , very pleased that the words my husband spoke on his deathbed β€” when he accused Mr. Putin of his murder β€” have been proved true , ” she told reporters outside the Royal Courts of Justice in central London .", "event": [{"event_type": "Passing legislation", "event_trigger": "enact", "arguments": [{"argument": "Britain", "role": "governmentbody"}, {"argument": "new sanctions", "role": "law"}, {"argument": "Britain", "role": "place"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC17d050dbcc9d1dcbecf0972dfe4da5702ec18377ed9773827e615157", "text": "The settlement was to settle a failed 1979 arms deal in which Iran paid for weapons that were not delivered after the Shah was overthrown . Obama emphasized that the United States does β€œ not pay ransom for hostages ” and that the payoff in question was not a ransom for the four detainees , echoing comments from Secretary of State John Kerry . He pointed out that the payment , which will include an additional $ 1.3 billion in interest to be paid later , was announced by the administration when the agreement was concluded in January , a day after the implementation of a landmark nuclear agreement with Iran . β€œ It was n’t a secret . We were completely open about it , ” he said .", "event": [{"event_type": "Acceptance of an agreement, contract, or ceasefire", "event_trigger": "agreement", "arguments": [{"argument": "Iran", "role": "participant"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC3315a4eed511426cdbcc6ecc3575e93d720d7f8ce4e0bbd678ef2204", "text": "While the ceasefire has reduced fighting , some violence has persisted across Syria . Meanwhile , there has been little movement on promised aid deliveries to besieged areas and both sides have accused the other of bad faith . Russia 's Defence Ministry said conditions in Syria were deteriorating , adding that it believed the ceasefire had been breached 199 times by rebels and saying the United States would be responsible if it were to collapse . After the Deir al - Zor attack , it said Moscow had told the United States to rein in the Syrian opposition and make sure it did not launch a new offensive , adding that it had informed Washington about a concentration of rebels north of Hama . Insurgents say they only reluctantly accepted the initial deal , which they believe is skewed against them , because it could relieve the dire humanitarian situation in besieged areas they control , and blamed Russia for undermining the truce .", "event": [{"event_type": "Acceptance of an agreement, contract, or ceasefire", "event_trigger": "ceasefire", "arguments": [{"argument": "rebels", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "Syria", "role": "place"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC36257aa67df695acdd0712f67718f465abac7153032e28feed8dbc9d", "text": "It did n’t just emerge out of thin air . And not to get into the details of how this conflict evolved , I think it ’s important , though , to say that , you know , the U.S. , their hands are not β€” are not clean , that this notion that the U.S. was standing on the side and not involved , that narrative is a false narrative . And this idea that the collapse of the last ceasefire can be put at the foot of the Russians is , in fact , a outright lie . Now , that may be painful for folks who are not following the situation very closely , but it is , in fact , a fact , that , basically , the Pentagon undermined the agreement , the ceasefire agreement , that was negotiated by John Kerry , when they attacked the Syrian army and killed 62 of their soldiers , when they attacked a known site . That was the effective collapse of that ceasefire .", "event": [{"event_type": "Acceptance of an agreement, contract, or ceasefire", "event_trigger": "ceasefire", "arguments": [{"argument": "Russians", "role": "participant"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC4c2f9825767d13e71797c371a8dcb1f8bd38eb2647626920b6fa6d1a", "text": "Trump 's fascination with Russia Trump has long been fascinated with Russia and , before its dissolution , the Soviet Union . During the early 1980s he told The Washington Post that President Reagan should give him the job of negotiating nuclear arms agreements with the USSR . \" It would take an hour and a half to learn everything there is to learn about missiles , \" he noted . He declined to say exactly what he would propose be done about arsenals with enough power to destroy the world several times over .", "event": [{"event_type": "Acceptance of an agreement, contract, or ceasefire", "event_trigger": "agreements", "arguments": [{"argument": "USSR", "role": "participant"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC5681d34b21412c29332f7389a4f6688849240581bd4959f2e691565b", "text": "( CNN ) The United States and Russia have announced a plan to bring about a ceasefire in Syria , US Secretary of State John Kerry said . \" Today we are announcing an arrangement that we think has the capability of sticking , but it 's dependent on people 's choices , \" Kerry said Friday in Geneva , Switzerland , appearing alongside Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov . Kerry said the pact calls for the Syrian government and the opposition to respect a nationwide ceasefire scheduled to take effect at sundown Monday . The Syrian regime announced its support of the ceasefire deal Saturday , according to the state - run al - Ikhbariya TV . Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov unveil the new plan Friday .", "event": [{"event_type": "Acceptance of an agreement, contract, or ceasefire", "event_trigger": "ceasefire", "arguments": [{"argument": "Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "Geneva , Switzerland", "role": "place"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC82319e6f4bf5db3fb5204c6fa41e5dd330fec458f52a1c39b10bfed3", "text": " Email The US State Department has admitted that its round - the - clock hotline service for Syrians to report violations of the recent ceasefire needs improvement , following reports that the volunteers manning the phones were unable to understand the Arabic speakers who called in . The hotline was set up on Saturday after the declaration of a tentative ceasefire in Syria ’s devastating civil war . Witnesses on the ground have been encouraged to call and report any breaches of the agreement between rebels and the regime of President Bashar al - Assad .", "event": [{"event_type": "Acceptance of an agreement, contract, or ceasefire", "event_trigger": "ceasefire", "arguments": [{"argument": "the regime of President Bashar al - Assad", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "Syria", "role": "place"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC83c8aa6743587fb6cfc24efadf822b58fd1fdfbed05fe887ec532746", "text": "She also said the United States had admitted some 85,000 refugees over the past fiscal year , which ends Sept. 30 . That figure included about 12,500 Syrian refugees , exceeding the administration 's goal of 10,000 , she said . State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the push for additional humanitarian aid funds came in part because of deteriorating conditions in Aleppo after the collapse of a ceasefire sponsored by the United States and Russia . The forces of Syrian President Bashar al - Assad have launched a massive push against rebel - held areas of the city , where some 250,000 civilians are believed to be trapped . Intensive bombing has killed hundreds of people , many of whom died in buildings collapsed by bunker - buster bombs .", "event": [{"event_type": "Acceptance of an agreement, contract, or ceasefire", "event_trigger": "ceasefire", "arguments": [{"argument": "rebel", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "Aleppo", "role": "place"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RCf375f3d5366c0ca1252896794797cf07a30f87d5a3dcf972f18ebe12", "text": "Another long - range missile , called the SS - X-31 , is under development and will carry up to 12 warheads . Schneider , the former Pentagon official , said senior Russian arms officials have been quoted in press reports discussing Moscow ’s withdrawal from the New START arms accord . If that takes place , Russia will have had six and a half years to prepare to violate the treaty limits , at the same time the United States will have reduced its forces to treaty limits . \" Can they comply with New START ? Yes .", "event": [{"event_type": "Acceptance of an agreement, contract, or ceasefire", "event_trigger": "treaty", "arguments": [{"argument": "United States", "role": "participant"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC0d619c410bcbe7a3cfef63e26392594a7a3176f6075d2bd4fa9e8f7e", "text": "Russia suspects Turkey may be secretly preparing to invade northern Syria after Ankara denied a Russian military plane access to its airspace as part of a treaty - mandated surveillance flight on Feb. 3 , the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement posted on its Facebook page Thursday . By denying the Russian surveillance flight access to airspace along the Turkey - Syria border , Moscow claims that Ankara has violated an international treaty known as Open Skies . The treaty aims to prevent military tensions by allowing nations to observe military deployments within a nation 's border . β€œ The Russian Defence Ministry regards these actions of the Turkish party as a dangerous precedent and an attempt to hide the illegal military activity near the Syrian border , ” the statement said .", "event": [{"event_type": "Espionage activities", "event_trigger": "surveillance", "arguments": [{"argument": "Russian military", "role": "spy"}, {"argument": "Turkey", "role": "observedentity"}, {"argument": "Russia", "role": "beneficiary"}, {"argument": "along the Turkey - Syria border", "role": "place"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC10923f3f7f705fa6cc5099b67edde3d82c4da5dc975ef53347023c7c", "text": "β€œ And this year , they will be voting in record numbers , and it wo n’t be for Hillary Clinton , it will be for Donald Trump . ” But it ’s only the latest example of the unscripted candidate ’s sense of humor getting him in trouble in the context of a presidential campaign . Just days ago , Trump stirred controversy at a news conference by encouraging Russia to spy on Clinton and to uncover the 33,000 emails deleted from her private server . After letting the controversy boil for more than a day , Trump and his campaign team attempted to argue that he was joking and not , in fact , nudging a foreign government β€” described by Trump ’s predecessor as GOP nominee as America ’s β€œ greatest geopolitical foe ” β€” to spy on his political opponent . In both cases , the carelessness with words carries broad , serious implications β€” in the political realm and beyond .", "event": [{"event_type": "Espionage activities", "event_trigger": "spy", "arguments": [{"argument": "Russia", "role": "spy"}, {"argument": "Clinton", "role": "observedentity"}, {"argument": "Trump", "role": "beneficiary"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC33eb71ce4c6140bf58048997c778e7d2d1b181a10fd839a8c4eab967", "text": "The stills offer a miraculous time machine , a journey into verisimilitude . Even modern CCTV has its limitations . Some parts of the Millennium were not covered by it – as Lugovoi , an expert in surveillance , and a former Kremlin bodyguard , would have noticed . One camera was fixed above the reception desk . Its footage shows the check - in counter ; a bank of three computer screens ; uniformed hotel staff .", "event": [{"event_type": "Espionage activities", "event_trigger": "surveillance", "arguments": [{"argument": "it", "role": "spy"}, {"argument": "the Millennium", "role": "observedentity"}, {"argument": "the Millennium", "role": "place"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC38c87964ff4c7492057162cdb9785114502fc9b7bb947ff505459735", "text": "There have been no material changes to our client engagements as a result of this matter . Booz Allen is a 102-year - old company , and the alleged conduct does not reflect our core values . \" Booz Allen had also employed Snowden when he abruptly departed his job at an NSA facility in Hawaii and revealed that he had removed a massive trove of records detailing NSA surveillance operations around the world as well as some programs gathering information in the United States . An NSA spokesperson referred all questions about the case to prosecutors . The delay since Martin 's initial court appearance strongly suggests he is cooperating with the government .", "event": [{"event_type": "Espionage activities", "event_trigger": "surveillance", "arguments": [{"argument": "NSA", "role": "spy"}, {"argument": "operations around the world", "role": "observedentity"}, {"argument": "United States", "role": "beneficiary"}, {"argument": "United States", "role": "place"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC5ff9f01f8580613f00b8c7697f0e6db3f829a6a3e4d9f62f2db9005b", "text": "Myers did not estimate what percentage of the records or the data was classified or obtained from the NSA , where Martin worked under a Booz Allen contract . The New York Times said he was suspected of removing source code from the NSA developed to hack into the networks of foreign governments . In the wake of Snowden 's disclosures about the NSA 's snooping at home and abroad , the spy agency and other federal agencies sought to step up their controls on sensitive information . Limits were adopted on the use of digital media , such as thumb drives , in many workspaces . NSA announced it adopted new \" two - man key \" policies designed to prevent a single employee from absconding with a vast trove of data , as Snowden did .", "event": [{"event_type": "Espionage activities", "event_trigger": "spy", "arguments": [{"argument": "agency", "role": "spy"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC765e7f3b181ea2205d653f72ea06ea6f543d1e1df32beac8367958e5", "text": "| Getty A new Snowden ? NSA contractor charged with stealing classified info The arrested contractor worked at Booz Allen Hamilton , the same company that employed Edward Snowden . The U.S. government confirmed a potentially wide - ranging breach of classified information Wednesday , raising serious questions about the steps federal agencies and contractor Booz Allen Hamilton took to prevent leaks in the wake of the Edward Snowden 's seismic revelations about National Security Agency surveillance . The Justice Department announced that Booz Allen employee Harold Martin III was secretly arrested in August after the FBI allegedly found highly classified information at his Maryland home . Story Continued Below", "event": [{"event_type": "Espionage activities", "event_trigger": "surveillance", "arguments": [{"argument": "National Security Agency", "role": "spy"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC91d5c4421e75be25983306f4b8c4482eed6f3448a2c9c04e69370435", "text": "But Huma is more , much more than that . She is the person closest to the most powerful woman in American politics and perhaps the next President . Huma has been described variously as Hillary ’s β€œ body woman , ” a sort of glorified go - to personal maid , gentle confidant , and by others as an Islamic spy . She may be all of these things , because as we shall see , Huma Abedin has an interesting and complex career history . Politico and several other Beltway media outlets followed up on Stone ’s previous appearance on Breitbart News Daily : β€œ Trump Ally : Clinton Aide Could Be β€˜ Terrorist Agent ’ ” :", "event": [{"event_type": "Espionage activities", "event_trigger": "spy", "arguments": [{"argument": "Huma", "role": "spy"}, {"argument": "Islamic", "role": "beneficiary"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RCdc3d5e6188d1a5dca260d387a4610e0083630901aeb23304e09503a3", "text": "In addition to the highly technical process of tracing each intrusion to a specific computer , prosecutors then try to prove that a particular person executed the attack at that computer , or show that the β€œ digital fingerprints ” are unique to that individual , said Peter Toren , a cybercrime attorney and former DOJ cyber prosecutor . Presenting this evidence in court could also expose valuable secret surveillance footholds in Russian intelligence agencies . Raj De , a former National Security Agency general counsel , said spy agencies are typically β€œ very reticent to burn sources and methods for any activity . ” Revealing such tactics could even open up the NSA to lawsuits over its surveillance operations . Together , these factors mean that getting such an indictment before November β€œ would be an impossibility , ” according to one former DOJ National Security Division prosecutor . Sanctions could serve as a more expedient option .", "event": [{"event_type": "Espionage activities", "event_trigger": "spy", "arguments": [{"argument": "agencies", "role": "spy"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RCeadeed772d7375d894c815500423472718d5e4a51bd9e4db5ea7873e", "text": "And once you have fallen foul of Assange β€” challenged him too openly , criticised him in public , not toed the line loyally enough β€” you are done . There is no such thing as honest disagreement , no such thing as a loyal opposition differing on a policy or political stance . To criticise Assange is to be a careerist , to sell your soul for power or advantage , to be a spy or an informer . To save readers a Google search or two , he would tell you I was in WikiLeaks as an β€œ intern ” for a period of β€œ weeks ” , and during that time acted as a mole for The Guardian , stole documents , and had potential ties to MI5 . Compared to some who ’ve criticised Assange , I got off fairly lightly .", "event": [{"event_type": "Espionage activities", "event_trigger": "spy", "arguments": [{"argument": "your", "role": "spy"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC0f96875efcd2e4b28711a047f5a0f5c63bfa92e7f5eb349f37546426", "text": "REUTERS / Rodi Said HASAKA , Syria / BEIRUT Syrian Kurdish forces took near complete control of Hasaka city on Tuesday as a ceasefire ended a week of fighting with the government , consolidating the Kurds ' grip on Syria 's northeast as Turkey increased its efforts to check their influence . The Kurdish YPG militia , a critical part of the U.S.-backed campaign against Islamic State , already controls swathes of northern Syria where Kurdish groups have established de facto autonomy since the start of the Syria war in 2011 . Their growing sway has alarmed Turkey , which is fighting an insurgency among its own Kurdish minority . Syrian rebels backed by Turkey said they were in the final stages of preparing an assault from Turkish territory on the Islamic State - held Syrian border town of Jarablus , aiming to preempt any YPG attempt to take it .", "event": [{"event_type": "Formation or start of a geopolitical entity", "event_trigger": "established", "arguments": [{"argument": "de facto autonomy", "role": "gpe"}, {"argument": "Kurdish groups", "role": "founder"}, {"argument": "Syria", "role": "place"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC892e950c28344ffc5840f0e063f1b2c28afdcc47b49a5932152ff866", "text": "That ’s out of context . Never said it in the first place . Donald Trump ’s claim Friday that he was merely being β€œ sarcastic ” in accusing President Barack Obama of establishing a terrorist group was his latest attempt to blame others for the uproar over what he says . It ’s an instinct that Trump ’s opponents say a president ca n’t possess . Some Republicans seem to have the same concern .", "event": [{"event_type": "Formation or start of a geopolitical entity", "event_trigger": "establishing", "arguments": [{"argument": "terrorist group", "role": "gpe"}, {"argument": "President Barack Obama", "role": "founder"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC2e0fa1d6ece0d798ad4ed1af9ae8914de3a4cc9be068396f4133d2d6", "text": "MIKE PENCE : The United States of America needs to begin to exercise strong leadership to protect the vulnerable citizens and over 100,000 children in Aleppo . Hillary Clinton ’s top priority when she became secretary of state was the Russian reset , the Russian reset . After the Russian reset , the Russians invaded Ukraine and took over Crimea . And the small and bullying leader of Russia is now dictating terms to the United States to the point where all the United States of America , the greatest nation on Earth , just withdraws from talks about a ceasefire , while Vladimir Putin puts a missile defense system in Syria while he marshals the forces and begins β€” look , we have got to begin to lean into this with strong , broad - shouldered American leadership . It begins by rebuilding our military .", "event": [{"event_type": "Merger of geopolitical entities", "event_trigger": "took over", "arguments": [{"argument": "Crimea", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "Crimea", "role": "place"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC37fe9a17977f1550e8371d9aaf5298f24ac9742329bbc8eae2638983", "text": "She will β€œ stand up ” to Bad Vlad . She ’s targeted by Russian hackers because Putin prefers his β€œ unwitting agent ” Donald Trump . And Donald is , according to an emerging narrative , a latter - day Neville Chamberlain just inviting the Ruskies to take over the Baltic States , Ukraine , and God knows what else . The greatest irony of all is that Trump catapulted over the Neocons ’ preferred presidential options by slamming their pet project – the War on Iraq . Trump ’s criticism of that war and the chaos it unleashed resonated with the very voters the Neocons took for granted as pliable , fear - responsive bumpkins .", "event": [{"event_type": "Merger of geopolitical entities", "event_trigger": "take over", "arguments": [{"argument": "the Baltic States , Ukraine , and God knows what else", "role": "participant"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC4ef9388a339870230f5d5d49f2941f0093cc2deb94ecabd6d069c055", "text": "His support of Trump is not a surprise for me because he wants to see an alternative world and he wants to be a world leader . And obviously , with Trump , it will be much easier for Putin to execute his internal and external policies β€” and quite brutal ones . When Mr. Trump says he would n't support NATO allies , such as the Baltic countries , this would give Putin much more freedom to annex those territories . Trump talks about making America great again β€” taking it back to an earlier time when things were supposedly better . Does Putin have any of that ?", "event": [{"event_type": "Merger of geopolitical entities", "event_trigger": "annex", "arguments": [{"argument": "territories", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "territories", "role": "place"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC51d9761d6391e109f4f8ae4804b70ecdfa3947a73787536f276dd25d", "text": "Government officials are hopeful that the scheme helps to create an influx of more than 36 million people to the region . That optimistic estimate is especially important along the region 's southern borders , where fewer than 6 million Russians currently face more than 90 million Chinese . The Kremlin is deeply concerned that China may one day find the need to annex large swaths of Russian wilderness . \" The vast expanses of Siberia would provide not just room for China 's huddled masses , now squeezed into the coastal half of their country by the mountains and deserts of western China , \" writes Frank Jacobs for the New York Times . \" The land is already providing China , ' the factory of the world , ' with much of its raw materials , especially oil , gas and timber .", "event": [{"event_type": "Merger of geopolitical entities", "event_trigger": "annex", "arguments": [{"argument": "large swaths of Russian wilderness", "role": "participant"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC9dc6763f199b574ec90097c4d346b7d8844530343a8a8d520807a4f2", "text": "Referring to areas in the West Bank and present - day Israel , Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett , a member of the ultra - nationalist Jewish Home party , said : \" We will build in Sarona and Kiryat Arba , in Jaffa and Jerusalem , in Itamar and Beersheba . \" Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel , the girl 's cousin and a key figure in the Israeli settlement movement , said building settlements was needed \" now more than ever \" and called for \" Israeli sovereignty \" in the West Bank . Yehuda Glick , a far - right Israeli politician , called for Israel to annex the West Bank and Jewish - Israelis to increase their excursions into the al - Aqsa Mosque compound , the third holiest site for Muslims . More than 530,000 Israelis live in settlements - considered illegal under international law - across the West Bank , according to the Israeli rights group B'Tselem . Source : Al Jazeera", "event": [{"event_type": "Merger of geopolitical entities", "event_trigger": "annex", "arguments": [{"argument": "Jewish", "role": "participant"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RCd1f520f8ba526483577c7ac843e338e5136097fe9d2949a8a5cd5217", "text": "I said , Boris , you surely do n't believe that I would use an air base in Poland to bomb Western Russia . He said , of course you would n't . But , a lot of little old ladies in Western Russia think you would , which is why Putin got so much support when he took over Crimea . He said , look , Bill , he said countries are like individuals , they have hopes and fears , dreams and nightmares . You did n't ever have Napoleon or Hitler all the way up in your belly .", "event": [{"event_type": "Merger of geopolitical entities", "event_trigger": "took over", "arguments": [{"argument": "Crimea", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "Crimea", "role": "place"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RCeaaf06cd4b5b6d7ce190350a4c4228665fd357b8e4591a2b4891b494", "text": "But Putin ’s comments are at odds with how the network operates in practice , according to interviews with people who closely watch or have worked at RT , and my own hours of monitoring the network and its website . One former RT staffer in Washington told me that she left her job , along with others who have also spoken to the media , after seeing the network ’s Moscow - based editors instruct journalists to make their coverage hew to the Moscow - approved political line . Such concerns erupted into full view a couple years ago when Russia marched into neighboring Ukraine to annex the Crimean Peninsula , leading a 28-year - old RT presenter named Liz Wahl to quit on - air , declaring , β€œ I can not be a part of a network funded by the Russian government that whitewashes the actions of Putin . ” Just under the surface is a bought - and - paid - for propaganda vehicle trying to nudge viewers toward Russia ’s side of the story at a time when Moscow has increasingly become an international pariah . Today , it ’s clear RT operates less as the free and independent news source Putin touted , and more as a vehicle that increasingly uses the available tools of the digital revolution β€” from viral videos ( β€œ Animated Genitals , ” β€œ Lawnmower Explodes ” ) to entertainingly snarky tweets β€” to promote Russia ’s message .", "event": [{"event_type": "Merger of geopolitical entities", "event_trigger": "annex", "arguments": [{"argument": "Crimean Peninsula", "role": "participant"}, {"argument": "Crimean Peninsula", "role": "place"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC36368df639b3985bedc4a1a21686b5c4a7c7f6a95e805ac9b77be0fa", "text": "Rebels have denied previous accusations of using chemical weapons . The SNC said of the reported use of poison gas in Saraqeb : \" After shelling , besieging and killing civilians and perpetrating war crimes on them , the Assad regime has resorted once again , and in breach of UN resolutions 2118 and 2235 , to using chemical substances and toxic gases . \" The daily reality confirms that all the international agreements and previous security council decisions , be they about chemical weapons or otherwise , are meaningless for the Assad regime . \" The Civil Defence spokesman said it was the second time Saraqeb had been hit by toxic gas . The group was aware of around nine suspected chlorine gas incidents across Idlib province since the conflict began , he said .", "event": [{"event_type": "Rejection or nullification of an agreement, contract, or ceasefire", "event_trigger": "agreements", "arguments": [{"argument": "The SNC", "role": "rejecternullifier"}, {"argument": "the Assad regime", "role": "otherparticipant"}, {"argument": "Saraqeb", "role": "place"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC4771ff4878151c31b53155a4b48d9368faae2904ce8596825189db7d", "text": "And this idea that the collapse of the last ceasefire can be put at the foot of the Russians is , in fact , a outright lie . Now , that may be painful for folks who are not following the situation very closely , but it is , in fact , a fact , that , basically , the Pentagon undermined the agreement , the ceasefire agreement , that was negotiated by John Kerry , when they attacked the Syrian army and killed 62 of their soldiers , when they attacked a known site . That was the effective collapse of that ceasefire . So , going into Syria and establishing a humanitarian zone , we ’re talking about an act of war . Where is the legitimacy for that ?", "event": [{"event_type": "Rejection or nullification of an agreement, contract, or ceasefire", "event_trigger": "ceasefire", "arguments": [{"argument": "the Pentagon", "role": "rejecternullifier"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RCf14416d92419336f8bfb67c8b0ec5dd74bd1848a1ea7d27e232fd64a", "text": "John Β­McCain in 2008 accused ACORN , without credible evidence , of β€œ maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country , maybe destroying the fabric of democracy . ” Studies have found that Republican - controlled states have enacted voting restrictions in response to higher levels of minority turnout . In North Carolina , Republican lawmakers and staffers requested racial breakdowns of different voting methods , then crafted a bill that would β€œ target African - Americans with almost surgical precision , ” a federal judge wrote . North Carolina stood out from other states only because its Republican officials made the mistake of putting their motives in writing . The other elements β€” the belief , against all evidence , that Democrats benefit from pervasive fraud ; the support for measures designed to suppress minority voting β€” are points of party consensus .", "event": [{"event_type": "Casting a vote", "event_trigger": "voting", "arguments": [{"argument": "North Carolina", "role": "place"}]}]}
{"id": "nw_RC04299b67b717062aced72c38b0794361dd1b0bc130f09b2b4a5ab3b7", "text": "The new study says that since 2008 , 221 to 450 snow leopards have been poached every year , maybe even higher . James Compton , an author of the study , says , We think that what most observations , seizure records and expert opinion shows is that the majority is still happening because of retaliatory killing . He adds , β€œ One of the major interventions to stop that is better protection for livestock , in some of these very remote areas where you have nomad communities and herds of livestock , because that ’s where the friction takes place . ” More than 90 % of the poaching was recorded in China , Mongolia , India , Pakistan and Tajikistan .", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RC062a7eed1282ee4f36b0eeddb331c431fcab543818b37cd86e92a583", "text": "The chances of intentional conflict are real , as is the possibility of an unintended clash escalating . At the same time , Syria is not essential to the national security of Russia or the United States . It is not without importance , but a defeat or capitulation there will not change the balance of power between them at all . It would of course affect psychological and political perception , but in the long run , perception ultimately comes down to substantial military and economic power . The United States can afford to back off .", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RC06f93fc9b12b98ac26b24fc14a957aaec925686625df43896942248e", "text": "In the immediate aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing that ripped apart a federal building and killed 168 people , he was dispatched to the city to set up the early stages of the prosecution case , winning plaudits for gathering large amounts of evidence that led to the convictions of both McVeigh and Terry Nichols . He was also central to the prosecution of the Unabomber , Ted Kaczynski . He acquired his passion for being a judge by sitting at the feet of the liberal supreme court justice William Brennan , who was a champion of progressive policies such as opposition to the death penalty and support of abortion rights . Garland has had plenty of opportunity to wield similar progressive influence as chief judge of the DC appeals circuit which , given its location , frequently acts as arbiter in major cases concerning the federal government . Among those were the 2008 judgment from the appeals court , led by Garland , that punched a hole in the Bush administration ’s detention of so - called β€œ enemy combatants ” in GuantΓ‘namo Bay without any oversight from the civilian courts .", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RC0a9b210c1a61094dc553e9be4194af167d4a0785bc09754ebdd35bec", "text": "In the latest response : Turkey 's Prime Minister Binali Yildirim blamed a \" racist Armenian lobby \" for the resolution Armenia 's Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said it was a \" valuable contribution \" to the \" international recognition and condemnation of the Armenian genocide \" German Chancellor Angela Merkel said : \" There is a lot that binds Germany to Turkey and even if we have a difference of opinion on an individual matter , the breadth of our links , our friendship , our strategic ties , is great \" Armenian ' genocide ' vote ignites press", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RC1d87ba6454e56a11a32269793522b6c76d5f232492648441d1f6bbd2", "text": "Among the 150 posters up for grabs are three thought never to have made it into production featuring Adolf Hitler , Nazi spin doctor Joseph Goebbels and Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goerring . It is thought the designs were blocked from print because Brits might not have recognised the enemy leaders and might have taken the messages to \" take time off \" literally . Play slideshow PenzanceAuctionHouse / BNPS 1 of 16 A fascinating archive of iconic World War Two recruiting posters , some which have never been seen before has emerged for sale for Β£ 10,000 . The team can be seen examining bullets , scraps of tents and personal items such as shoes ; many of which appear to be dated and marked with the swastika . In a statement , Evgeny Ermolov , a senior researcher at the Russian Arctic National Park said : β€œ Before it was only known from written sources , but now we also have real proof . ” All the objects found will now be taken back to the Russian mainland , where the researchers hope they can be archived , studied , and eventually put on display for the public .", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RC2515478f76f7dc224c8115a155391c2a911cf63f0ac0e49703ecedf7", "text": "But while the Trump Wall ( as he has called it ) is the most provocative proposal of the election season , it is not particularly original . Over the past five millennia , politicians have repeatedly turned to large walls to solve problems . We should look carefully at the track record of this ancient technology before we invest what some estimates suggest could be $ 25 billion in construction costs for a 2,000-mile - long wall , plus millions more in annual maintenance . One of the earliest examples of a large - scale barrier wall was constructed by the rulers of the city of Ur , in what is now southern Iraq , at the end of the third millennium B.C. The kings of Ur faced a considerable challenge along their northwestern border from a semi - nomadic people known as the Amorites .", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RC56ac8813a5d68219941d67e3cd3a6a5a2ea8ca1a59f43f3c4efbb983", "text": "During the debate on Sunday , he was erratic , failed to land many blows , and humiliated his running mate on the Syria question . As for Clinton , her performance may not go down in the history books as one of the most sparkling debates , but it did n’t need to . She managed to remain above the fray , seeming calm , presidential , and poised as her rival roamed the stage and interrupted . Trump ’s pugilistic performance may serve as a rallying point for his key supporters , but the Republican ’s task right now is to staunch the bleeding and start winning over new voters , since he does n’t currently have enough to win . There ’s practically no prospect he made progress on that goal Sunday night .", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RC5c31140862fd7a879dace43fa6a47be8f5d8540c5f81840ad3cd0108", "text": "President Obama , Donald Trump , Hillary Clinton , and others of the mainstream interventionist ilk continue to debate whether the terrorist problem that America is facing is due to radical Muslims or regular Muslims . Depending on where they come out on that question , their solutions inevitably encompass more destruction of American liberty and privacy , such as with gun control , immigration controls , or surveillance schemes . There is one big problem with their analysis , however : The terrorism problem America has been facing even before 9/11 is n’t due to Islam , Muslims , or the Koran . Instead , the anti - American terrorism problem is rooted in U.S. interventionism in the Middle East and Afghanistan , specifically the ongoing death and destruction that the U.S. military death machine has been wreaking in those parts of the world on an ongoing basis for the past 25 years .", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RC71eaf7c51d828f0e36cf9eab2e31b9a7ac7ed94e4a972bfd07f6677c", "text": "But , the perfect is the enemy of the good . It is our goal to throw our weight behind the candidate who has a reasonable chance of actually becoming President of the United States whose views are CLOSEST to libertarianism . Crippled America : How ... Donald J. Trump Best Price : $ 1.15 Buy New $ 6.49 When put in this way , it is clear that The Donald is the most congruent with our perspective . This is true , mainly because of foreign policy . And , of the three , foreign policy , economic policy and person liberties , the former is the most important .", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RC735b5b17f76a72e2456a8e2b0e88e9343abc000367d3f104e508268e", "text": "The Bureau of Justice Statistics listed Maryland 's imprisoned population at 19,977 in 1992 . By 2002 , that number had jumped to 24,162 , but by 2012 , the number imprisoned had dropped to 22,558 . Maryland 's population , meanwhile , had increased from 4.8 million in 1990 to 5.8 million in 2010 , meaning the raw number imprisoned may have increased overall in that roughly 20-year span , but the rate itself decreased . Verdict : True . Hillary Clinton", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RC7425672cff67186d1e189ce4b240b371c11f617f86da4b576b4bbcff", "text": "At the same time , lower down the ranks , at the operations level , one of the American military service personnel said quite frankly that they spent several days preparing this strike . How could they make an error if they were several days in preparation ? ” said Putin . β€œ This is how our ceasefire agreement ended up broken . Who broke the agreement ? Was it us ?", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RC77574168ea635b1c24f66bf89f37ba91c1125fa80c56f270c1e7cbe8", "text": "The leaflets carried several messages to the citizens attempting to reassure them that the advancing army \" would not target civilians , \" but warned them to avoid the known locations of Isis militants . The military operation is the most complex carried out in Iraq since US forces withdrew from the country in 2011 . Last week , the UN said it was bracing itself for the world 's biggest and most complex humanitarian effort following the battle , which it expects will displace up to one million people and see civilians used as human shields .", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RC7ddf99e6940dc86c96af417612dbf17d2efac3de8b1f220dfc498d4a", "text": "The United States later vaulted past Russia to become the world ’s largest natural gas producer . As a result , prices dropped to record lows , and America began to wean itself from coal , along with oil and gas imports , which lessened its dependence on the Middle East . The surging global gas supply also helped shrink Russia ’s economic clout : profits for Russia ’s state - owned gas company , Gazprom , plummeted by more than 60 % between 2008 and 2009 alone . Clinton , who was sworn in as secretary of state in early 2009 , believed that shale gas could help rewrite global energy politics . β€œ This is a moment of profound change , ” she later told a crowd at Georgetown University .", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RC83ecedfedf2351aba86b9489d8fe5021c97ffa26d9d5d00c9d1185f4", "text": "For decades , wages of the middle and working classes have remained stagnant in the United States while the top earners have seen their wages grow exponentially . In the United States since the 2008 recession , nearly 99 percent of all new generated income has gone to the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans . Current trends suggest these enormous disparities in wealth are expanding . Amid calls for reform to redistribute wealth in the United States to the middle and working classes , criticism has mounted , stereotyping such reforms as \" handouts , \" \" free stuff \" or \" socialist . \" What these criticisms of proposed reforms for wealth inequality fail to recognize is that socialism for the wealthy not only exists , but is prevalent throughout our current system of government in the form of corporate socialism .", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RC97ebd3bb80eda544109f69e93e0de6ca065e43cb7477c52747896929", "text": "β€œ With all due respect to Ethiopia , I do n’t know of any contributions that Ethiopia has made to the making of America . ” Story Continued Below President Lyndon Johnson , hoping to tamp down concerns about the immigration act at a time when Congress was engaged in an even more ferocious debate over the voting rights act , sought to downplay the implications of the proposed immigration law : β€œ This bill that we will sign today is not a revolutionary bill , ” he said upon signing it . The president , like many other of the law ’s supporters , sincerely believed that Europeans were most likely to take advantage of less stringent U.S. immigration policy . He was wrong .", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RCa84a0ee22abc4bee5942982b99eab0de6b201c53d445592c76724162", "text": "Sanders says he believes that comprehensive immigration reform needs to be passed and we have to move toward a path to citizenship . He agrees with Obama ’s use of executive orders to enact amnesty . Sanders says he wants to β€œ bring families together , not divide them up ” re : his immigration agenda . Sanders says he will use executive orders to grant a path to citizenship for all of the country ’s illegal immigrants . Clinton says she agrees with Obama ’s executive amnesty .", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RCbdd2144adf0a3e93953f3a40d6e942376b9ad6c589c066affec6364e", "text": "Then Elites run for president . Why run for president when already control country like dictatorship ? ” Then after what they call the β€œ fun Cyber Weapons Auction ” comes the real message , a serious threat . β€œ We want make sure Wealthy Elite recognizes the danger [ of ] cyberweapons . Let us spell out for Elites .", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RCc4036358190b357f97a526dfc0564b806a01341218e0ac1bc3f5d230", "text": "FBI agents met senior Clinton officials in Brooklyn in March to warn them it was the target of cyber attack . It was weeks before the attack on the Democratic National Committee came to light . Buy Yahoo News ' Michael Isikoff reported Friday that agents asked the campaign to hand over internal computer logs and senior officials ' email addresses . Through lawyers , the campaign refused to give over the information because ' the FBI ’s request for sensitive personal and campaign information data was too broad and intrusive ' , Yahoo News said . The involvement of the Justice Department 's national security division is a sign that the Obama administration has concluded that the hacking was state sponsored , individuals with knowledge of the investigation said .", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RCc4f1095e77d3b6d931a29cd40a0cafa95cf46b36ae48131f2a1ec07e", "text": "β€œ We 're not fans of data localization β€” the last thing the world needs is 193 members of the United Nations demanding that data only be stored within their own borders , ” he said . β€œ This is really a set of issues where the tech sector tends to be pretty united . ” RECENTLY ON PRO CYBERSECURITY β€” The Democrats ’ platform formally endorses a encryption commission that includes outside experts … Researchers say ISIL militants are shunning WhatsApp in favor of Telegram for encrypted communications … β€œ A federal judge ordered a suspect in a sex trafficking case to unlock his iPhone using his fingerprint , but for unknown reasons the process did not work ” … Three men were charged in what the Justice Department called a β€œ sophisticated ” cell phone hijacking scheme … A court denied Matthew Keys ’ attempt to remain out of prison while he appeals . QUICK BYTES β€” Russia is worried about Pokemon Go .", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RCcf3bd64c426aebec0e783381b122f5a0b9d26e9b674d07884d6a0353", "text": "Nearly three quarters of scholars believe that these missiles will somewhat or strongly increase the likelihood of violent confrontation between NATO and Russian forces . Not surprisingly , 27 percent of IR scholars believe that renewed Russian assertiveness is one of the most important foreign policy issues facing the United States today . The rhetoric of U.S. presidential candidates suggests they agree as β€œ how would you deal with Putin ” has become both a talking point and an internet meme . As we observed in the South Carolina Republican debate , we should not be surprised to see Russian foreign policy used by candidates as a cudgel to attack each other in the race for the U.S. presidency . TRIP Snap Polls are conducted with support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York .", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RCd02add6b9aaebe46a2f4b869577e948680b76d3d07699ca5de410039", "text": "Oil prices have dropped below $ 30 a barrel in recent months , a fall of 70 percent since 2014 . Al Jazeera 's Bernard Smith , reporting from Doha , said that the challenge would be to get other producing countries , including Iran , to freeze production as well . Iran 's IRNA news agency said on Sunday the country had exported its first crude shipment to Europe since it reached a landmark deal last year with world powers . IRNA quoted Rokneddin Javadi , Iran 's deputy oil minister , as saying the shipment , the first in five years , marked \" a new chapter \" in Iran 's oil industry . Javadi said Iran had already reached an agreement to export oil to France , Russia and Spain .", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RCdf6547bbe4531938cc9bcdb5ba45e6bfd7d9d4835415fdb5bf4f4c9c", "text": "All four girls married fighters approved by Isis – including an Australian and a US national – and two became widows within months of arriving in Syria , their families were told . In March last year , the Metropolitan police commissioner , Sir Bernard Hogan - Howe , said the teenagers could return home without fear of being prosecuted for terrorism , as long as no evidence emerged of them being engaged in violence . Akunjee told ITV : β€œ Leaving Isis is like trying to escape from Alcatraz , with a shoot - to - kill order added in ... Perhaps the only benefit out of this is as a tombstone and a testimony for others of the risks of actually going to a war zone , to dissuade people from ever making that choice . ”", "event": []}
{"id": "nw_RCe3f9c17cb88e1a8bd515e9853e8f37f4aca92677275634afe35a3d24", "text": "The Republicans ’ creation will soon be let loose on the land , leaving to others the job the party failed to carry out . ” Then referring to himself , he added , β€œ For this former Republican , and perhaps for others , the only choice will be to vote for Hillary Clinton . ” [ See ’s β€œ Neocon Kagan Endorses Hillary Clinton . ” ] Kagan , whom Clinton appointed to a State Department advisory panel , is married to Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland , a former senior aide to Vice President Dick Cheney who rose under Clinton and helped orchestrate the Ukraine coup which sabotaged Obama ’s behind - the - scenes cooperation with Putin on touchy issues such as Iran and Syria . The Ukraine coup also opened the U.S. military - spending spigot even wider to pay for a new Cold War . [ See ’s β€œ A Family Business of Perpetual War . ” ] Unpopular Warmongering", "event": []}