
File size: 175,742 Bytes
{"text": "CONCLUSION : Gemcitabine - induced recall pneumonitis is a rarely reported phenomenon and should be taken into account even after extended time interval to the previous radiotherapy .", "relation": [{"head": "recall pneumonitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Gemcitabine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "CONCLUSION : The present findings suggest that fluvoxamine can cause increased libido in some patients .", "relation": [{"head": "increased libido", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "fluvoxamine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Malignant mixed mullerian tumor of the uterus in a patient taking raloxifene .", "relation": [{"head": "Malignant mixed mullerian tumor of the uterus", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "raloxifene", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia as a complication of methotrexate treatment of asthma .", "relation": [{"head": "Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "BACKGROUND : How to best treat psychotic patients who have had past clozapine - induced agranulocytosis or granulocytopenia remains a problem .", "relation": [{"head": "granulocytopenia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clozapine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We suggest that meloxicam might have intestinal toxic effects when taken in high doses , because of reduced COX-2 selectivity .", "relation": [{"head": "intestinal toxic effects", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "meloxicam", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A study of in vitro reactivity to L - T4 , as assessed by peripheral blood lymphocyte transformation , was carried out in a patient with Hashimoto 's disease who developed leukopenia during treatment with L - T4 .", "relation": [{"head": "leukopenia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "L - T4", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Nine eyes from 6 patients , 74 years to 90 years of age , referred by ophthalmologists for repair of cicatricial entropion after at least 2 years of twice - a - day application of dipivefrin .", "relation": [{"head": "cicatricial entropion", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "dipivefrin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Thrombocytopenia with or without microangiopathy following quinine is often referred to as quinine \" hypersensitivity . \" When schistocytes are present it is frequently termed \" quinine - associated TTP / HUS . \" A severe deficiency of the vWF - cleaving protease , ADAMTS13 , is associated with idiopathic TTP .", "relation": [{"head": "Thrombocytopenia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "quinine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "TTP / HUS", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "quinine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "In these patients , long - acting octreotide may trigger serious hypoglycemia .", "relation": [{"head": "serious hypoglycemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "octreotide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Tigecycline - induced acute pancreatitis : case report and literature review .", "relation": [{"head": "acute pancreatitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Tigecycline", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We observed 3 diabetic patients with intolerable dizziness followed by nausea and vomiting immediately after an initial administration of the alpha - glucosidase inhibitor , voglibose .", "relation": [{"head": "intolerable dizziness", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "voglibose", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "nausea", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "voglibose", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "vomiting", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "voglibose", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Methadone - induced myoclonus in advanced cancer .", "relation": [{"head": "myoclonus", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Methadone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Until additional data are available , if intravenous acyclovir is administered concurrently with lithium , we recommend closely monitoring patients for signs of lithium toxicity and measuring serum lithium levels every second or third day .", "relation": [{"head": "lithium toxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "acyclovir", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "lithium toxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lithium", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Docetaxel induced Meibomian duct inflammation and blockage is the likely cause of this presentation in a patient with no history of eyelid masses in the past .", "relation": [{"head": "Meibomian duct inflammation and blockage", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Docetaxel", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "In this article , we describe a Japanese patient with severe interstitial pneumonia probably caused by sorafenib treatment for metastatic renal cell carcinoma .", "relation": [{"head": "severe interstitial pneumonia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "sorafenib", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Rapamycin / sirolimus - induced pneumonitis has been described previously in renal transplant recipients , and this report describes a stable heart - lung transplant recipient who developed a pulmonary infiltrate that reversed after ceasing SR therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "pneumonitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Rapamycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "pneumonitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "sirolimus", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "pulmonary infiltrate", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Rapamycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "pulmonary infiltrate", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "sirolimus", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "pulmonary infiltrate", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "SR", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The time course of events suggested that amphotericin B was the cause of the seizures in this AIDS patient .", "relation": [{"head": "seizures", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amphotericin B", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "To our knowledge , this is the first case of griseofulvin - exacerbated lupus in which nephrotic syndrome has been observed .", "relation": [{"head": "lupus", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "griseofulvin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "nephrotic syndrome", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "griseofulvin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Acute hepatic failure is a rare and potentially lethal complication of propylthiouracil ( PTU ) use for hyperthyroidism .", "relation": [{"head": "Acute hepatic failure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "propylthiouracil", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Acute hepatic failure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "PTU", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Charcoal haemoperfusion and cysteamine therapy led to the rapid removal of the paracetamol from the body and consequently prevented the development of severe hepatic necrosis .", "relation": [{"head": "severe hepatic necrosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "paracetamol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Although interferon gamma has been implicated in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis , only a few cases of sarcoidosis associated with interferon alpha therapy have been reported .", "relation": [{"head": "sarcoidosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "interferon alpha", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Retinal dysfunction and anterior segment deposits in a patient treated with rifabutin .", "relation": [{"head": "anterior segment deposits", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "rifabutin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Retinal dysfunction", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "rifabutin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Other potential causes of renal failure were not present in our patient and his renal function gradually recovered with the cessation of suramin treatment .", "relation": [{"head": "renal failure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "suramin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "With the increasing use of Cyclosporine A in transplant patients , the incidence of herpes esophagitis may increase .", "relation": [{"head": "herpes esophagitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Cyclosporine A", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Sudden cardiac death due to hypersensitivity myocarditis during clozapine treatment .", "relation": [{"head": "hypersensitivity myocarditis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clozapine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Sudden cardiac death", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clozapine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We present a fatal case of subacute methanol toxicity with associated diffuse brain involvement , including bilateral putaminal necrosis and cerebral edema with ventricular compression .", "relation": [{"head": "bilateral putaminal necrosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methanol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "cerebral edema", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methanol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "diffuse brain involvement", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methanol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "fatal", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methanol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "methanol toxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methanol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "ventricular compression", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methanol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Livedo reticularis associated with interferon alpha therapy in two melanoma patients .", "relation": [{"head": "Livedo reticularis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "interferon alpha", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Lethargy in a newborn : lithium toxicity or lab error ?", "relation": [{"head": "Lethargy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lithium", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "lithium toxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lithium", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Fixed drug eruption of the scrotum due to methylphenidate .", "relation": [{"head": "Fixed drug eruption of the scrotum", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methylphenidate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Neurological side effects in two patients receiving gold injections for rheumatoid arthritis .", "relation": [{"head": "Neurological side effects", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "gold", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Withdrawal of Depakote resulted in resolution of the effusion .", "relation": [{"head": "effusion", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Depakote", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A case of colchicine - induced rhabdomyolysis is reported .", "relation": [{"head": "rhabdomyolysis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "colchicine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "In patients with a known access to INH , seizures should be considered to be caused by INH toxicity unless proved otherwise .", "relation": [{"head": "seizures", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "INH", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "METHODS : A 76-year - old woman with primary open - angle glaucoma and no history of ocular surgery developed a choroidal detachment 12 hours after initiation of therapy with dorzolamide eye drops .", "relation": [{"head": "choroidal detachment", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "dorzolamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Fulminant hepatic failure developed in a 24-year - old black woman who had been treated with propylthiouracil and propranolol for hyperthyroidism .", "relation": [{"head": "Fulminant hepatic failure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "propranolol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Fulminant hepatic failure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "propylthiouracil", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The induction of hypoglycaemia with PAS in this patient suggests a potential role for PAS in the treatment of diabetes mellitus .", "relation": [{"head": "hypoglycaemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "PAS", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The probability of developing acute leukemia in this study was not significantly correlated to the total cumulative dosage of Treosulfan .", "relation": [{"head": "acute leukemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Treosulfan", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report here a case of cardiovascular and neurological depression induced by oxymetalzoline in a toddler .", "relation": [{"head": "neurological depression", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "oxymetalzoline", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Here , we report a case of angio - oedema associated with VRC therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "angio - oedema", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "VRC", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The syndrome of irreversible lithium - effectuated neurotoxicity ( SILENT ) .", "relation": [{"head": "neurotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lithium", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "This article presents a case of an atypical localized cutaneous eruption with an unusual course and protracted resolution time associated with sorafenib therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "atypical localized cutaneous eruption", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "sorafenib", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "This report presents a potential case of risperidone - induced tardive dyskinesia .", "relation": [{"head": "tardive dyskinesia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "risperidone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Myoclonic spasms following intrathecal morphine .", "relation": [{"head": "Myoclonic spasms", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "morphine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "An 8-year - old girl , who had been vaccinated with BCG without subsequent regional reactions , developed osteomyelitis in the left calcaneus 7 months later .", "relation": [{"head": "osteomyelitis in the left calcaneus", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "BCG", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "After having received gemcitabine on day 1 of the second course , the patient developed dry cough , subfebrile temperatures and dyspnea within 48 h .", "relation": [{"head": "dry cough", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "gemcitabine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "dyspnea", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "gemcitabine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "subfebrile temperatures", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "gemcitabine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Serotonin syndrome induced by transitioning from phenelzine to venlafaxine : four patient reports .", "relation": [{"head": "Serotonin syndrome", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "phenelzine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Serotonin syndrome", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "venlafaxine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Both colchicine and statin therapy may be associated with myopathy , which usually occurs after several months of therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "myopathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "colchicine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "myopathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "statin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Amiodarone hydrochloride , a new antiarrhythmic agent , has been associated with pulmonary toxicity characterized by cough , dyspnea and diffuse pulmonary infiltrates .", "relation": [{"head": "cough", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Amiodarone hydrochloride", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "diffuse pulmonary infiltrates", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Amiodarone hydrochloride", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "dyspnea", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Amiodarone hydrochloride", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "pulmonary toxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Amiodarone hydrochloride", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Pregabalin - induced cortical negative myoclonus in a patient with neuropathic pain .", "relation": [{"head": "cortical negative myoclonus", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Pregabalin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report a male patient with advanced AIDS who developed hypercalcemia 2 weeks after institution of rhGH therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "hypercalcemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "rhGH", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Massive CBZ OD may produce a reversible encephalopathy that includes cortical hyperexcitability , a profound burst - suppression EEG pattern , and cranial nerve areflexia .", "relation": [{"head": "cortical hyperexcitability", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "CBZ", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "cranial nerve areflexia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "CBZ", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "profound burst - suppression EEG pattern", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "CBZ", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "reversible encephalopathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "CBZ", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A 35-year - old man with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis developed selective IgA deficiency during treatment with fenclofenac .", "relation": [{"head": "IgA deficiency", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "fenclofenac", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Minor electrocardiographical changes were noted in five out of six patients who were not receiving a cardiac glycoside and four out of six who were receiving ouabain , and none of the 16 who were receiving digoxin .", "relation": [{"head": "Minor electrocardiographical changes", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ouabain", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Severe hepatotoxicity from phenobarbital occurred in an infant boy who had a complicated illness with chronic bilateral subdural hematomas and sepsis .", "relation": [{"head": "Severe hepatotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "phenobarbital", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We observed 2 cases of hepatotoxicity after a high - dose methylprednisolone treatment of a demyelinating disease and evaluated the potential relationship in the light of available evidence .", "relation": [{"head": "hepatotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methylprednisolone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "In both cases , high fever , skin rash , liver dysfunction and atypical lymphocytosis developed 3 weeks after initiating treatment with SASP .", "relation": [{"head": "atypical lymphocytosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "SASP", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "high fever", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "SASP", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "liver dysfunction", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "SASP", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "skin rash", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "SASP", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A patient with severe cholestatic jaundice induced by captopril is presented .", "relation": [{"head": "severe cholestatic jaundice", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "captopril", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We present a case of a sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia following adenosine infusion .", "relation": [{"head": "sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "adenosine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Acute hemorrhagic gastritis associated with acetazolamide intoxication in a patient with chronic renal failure .", "relation": [{"head": "acetazolamide intoxication", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "acetazolamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Acute hemorrhagic gastritis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "acetazolamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Ramipril - induced cutaneous vasculitis is particularly rare and our case was atypical because the patient had tolerated lisinopril before .", "relation": [{"head": "cutaneous vasculitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Ramipril", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Gabapentin toxicity in renal failure : the importance of dose adjustment .", "relation": [{"head": "renal failure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Gabapentin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Five patients are described in whom only gentamicin sulfate appeared responsible for acute renal failure .", "relation": [{"head": "acute renal failure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "gentamicin sulfate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Based on the Naranjo algorithm , the adverse reaction observed was probably related to the hydroxyurea treatment ( score = 6 ) ; however , the hydroxyurea chemotherapy could not be discontinued because of the myeloproliferative disorder .", "relation": [{"head": "myeloproliferative disorder", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "hydroxyurea", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Use of the Naranjo probability scale determined the association between cephalosporin use and leukopenia to be probable .", "relation": [{"head": "leukopenia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cephalosporin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Fatal interstitial pneumonitis following high - dose intermittent chlorambucil therapy for chronic lymphocyte leukemia .", "relation": [{"head": "Fatal interstitial pneumonitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "chlorambucil", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Pulmonary fibrosis subsequent to high doses of CCNU for chronic myeloid leukemia .", "relation": [{"head": "Pulmonary fibrosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "CCNU", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Nitrofurantoin - induced acute liver damage in pregnancy .", "relation": [{"head": "acute liver damage", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Nitrofurantoin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The use of pamidronate for hypercalcemia secondary to acute vitamin D intoxication .", "relation": [{"head": "vitamin D intoxication", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "vitamin D", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report a case of a women in whom a malignant mixed mesodermal tumor was diagnosed while she was taking raloxifene , which is also a selective estrogen receptor modulator .", "relation": [{"head": "malignant mixed mesodermal tumor", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "raloxifene", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "CONCLUSION : There are only a few confirmed cases of gemcitabine - associated HUS despite the widespread use of the drug .", "relation": [{"head": "HUS", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "gemcitabine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Onset of male gynaecomastia in a patient treated with sunitinib for metastatic renal cell carcinoma .", "relation": [{"head": "gynaecomastia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "sunitinib", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A case of fluoxetine induced seizures , in a person with Down syndrome , is described .", "relation": [{"head": "seizures", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "fluoxetine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report a case of a 60-year - old woman affected by squamous lung carcinoma , who developed paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia during cisplatin and etoposide combination chemotherapy .", "relation": [{"head": "paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cisplatin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "etoposide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Common adverse events ( frequency 10 % ) of lacosamide doses up to 600 mg / day include nonspecific central nervous system effects ( e.g. , dizziness , ataxia , diplopia , and somnolence ) .", "relation": [{"head": "ataxia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lacosamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "diplopia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lacosamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "dizziness", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lacosamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "somnolence", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lacosamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report a case of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis treated with low - dose methotrexate ( 15 mg / week ) who developed infection with both M. tuberculosis and M. chelonae after the revision of a prosthetic hip .", "relation": [{"head": "infection with both M. tuberculosis and M. chelonae", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Two patients had ampicillin - associated seizures .", "relation": [{"head": "seizures", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ampicillin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Valproate embryopathy in three sets of siblings : further proof of hereditary susceptibility .", "relation": [{"head": "Valproate embryopathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Valproate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A literature review revealed 83 other reported cases of rifampicin - induced renal insufficiency .", "relation": [{"head": "renal insufficiency", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "rifampicin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A 60-year - old white man with chronic bronchitis was noted to develop acute respiratory failure and metabolic acidosis four days after being started on methazolamide ( Neptazane ) for an ophthalmologic problem .", "relation": [{"head": "acute respiratory failure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methazolamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "acute respiratory failure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Neptazane", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "metabolic acidosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methazolamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "metabolic acidosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Neptazane", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "On the fifth day of tocolysis with magnesium sulfate , nifedipine , terbutaline and betamethasone , edema developed in both labia .", "relation": [{"head": "edema", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "betamethasone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "edema", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "magnesium sulfate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "edema", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "nifedipine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "edema", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "terbutaline", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Thrombotic microangiopathy with renal failure in two patients undergoing gemcitabine chemotherapy .", "relation": [{"head": "renal failure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "gemcitabine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Thrombotic microangiopathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "gemcitabine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Acute esmolol toxicity may be self - limiting because of its extremely short half - life .", "relation": [{"head": "esmolol toxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "esmolol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We describe the exceptional development of AML and lung cancer in a patient with previously diagnosed CLL in minimal residual disease status after fludarabine treatment followed by autologous peripheral blood stem - cell transplantation .", "relation": [{"head": "AML", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "fludarabine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "lung cancer", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "fludarabine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Continuous EEG monitoring is helpful in managing seizures that occur as a complication of CBZ OD , after the course of recovery or worsening , and in providing assistance with prognosis .", "relation": [{"head": "seizures", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "CBZ", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "DATA SYNTHESIS : Genetic deficiencies in DPD , the rate - limiting enzyme responsible for 5-FU catabolism , may occur in 3 % or more of patients with cancer putting them at increased risk for unusually severe adverse reactions ( e.g. , diarrhea , stomatitis , mucositis , myelosuppression , neurotoxicity ) to standard doses of 5-FU .", "relation": [{"head": "diarrhea", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "5-FU", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "diarrhea", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "5-FU", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "mucositis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "5-FU", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "mucositis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "5-FU", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "myelosuppression", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "5-FU", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "myelosuppression", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "5-FU", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "neurotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "5-FU", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "neurotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "5-FU", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "stomatitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "5-FU", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "stomatitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "5-FU", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Clofibrate - induced myopathy in patients with diabetes insipidus .", "relation": [{"head": "myopathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Clofibrate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "This is the first case of HBV reactivation occurring during the year following rituximab monotherapy in the absence of any other immunosuppressive factor .", "relation": [{"head": "HBV reactivation", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "rituximab", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Theophylline intoxication mimicking diabetic ketoacidosis in a child .", "relation": [{"head": "Theophylline intoxication", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Theophylline", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Four patients who manifested symptoms of the antiepileptic drug ( AED ) hypersensitivity syndrome during therapy with carbamazepine are reported .", "relation": [{"head": "hypersensitivity syndrome", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "carbamazepine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A 53-year - old man developed NMS without rigidity while taking olanzapine .", "relation": [{"head": "NMS", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "olanzapine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The authors describe pericardial hemorrhage , which is related to the use of low - dose acetylsalicylic acid in a patient with essential thrombocythemia .", "relation": [{"head": "pericardial hemorrhage", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "acetylsalicylic acid", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Three of 50 patients treated with isotretinoin ( 1 mg / kg / day ) for cystic acne complained of poor night vision and/or excessive glare sensitivity .", "relation": [{"head": "excessive glare sensitivity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "isotretinoin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "poor night vision", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "isotretinoin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "When measured , the serum lithium level had increased 4-fold during acyclovir therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "serum lithium level had increased", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "acyclovir", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "serum lithium level had increased", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lithium", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Alopecia , nausea , and vomiting were attributed to the cyclophosphamide component of the therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "Alopecia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cyclophosphamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "nausea", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cyclophosphamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "vomiting", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cyclophosphamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report here a case of TEN after administration of ciprofloxacin .", "relation": [{"head": "TEN", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ciprofloxacin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We believe this is the first report of intrathecal diamorphine causing anaphylaxis .", "relation": [{"head": "anaphylaxis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "diamorphine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A 35-year - old nephrotic man developed acute renal failure with serum creatinine to 1543 micromol / l after a month of therapy with enalapril .", "relation": [{"head": "acute renal failure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "enalapril", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Fluoxetine - related death in a child with cytochrome P-450 2D6 genetic deficiency .", "relation": [{"head": "death", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Fluoxetine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Lithium neurotoxicity should be considered in Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease differential diagnosis , serial electroencephalograms being the most valuable .", "relation": [{"head": "Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Lithium", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Lithium neurotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Lithium", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "OBJECTIVE : To report a case of multiple episodes of seizure activity in an AIDS patent following amphotericin B infusion .", "relation": [{"head": "seizure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amphotericin B", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "DATA SYNTHESIS : A 49-year - old man developed symptoms of severe psychosis concomitant with ciprofloxacin ( 250 mg bid ) treatment .", "relation": [{"head": "severe psychosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ciprofloxacin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We describe a patient who became hypothyroid while taking ferrous sulfate .", "relation": [{"head": "hypothyroid", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ferrous sulfate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Goiter and hypothyroidism during re - treatment with amiodarone in a patient who previously experienced amiodarone - induced thyrotoxicosis .", "relation": [{"head": "Goiter", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amiodarone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hypothyroidism", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amiodarone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "thyrotoxicosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amiodarone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Schneiderian first - rank symptoms associated with fluvoxamine treatment : a case report .", "relation": [{"head": "Schneiderian first - rank symptoms", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "fluvoxamine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Acute renal failure in a child associated with acyclovir .", "relation": [{"head": "Acute renal failure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "acyclovir", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The clinical picture was identical to that of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine maculopathy .", "relation": [{"head": "maculopathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "chloroquine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "maculopathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "hydroxychloroquine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "One patient who received clindamycin had liver biopsy findings of marked cholestasis , portal inflammation , bile duct injury and bile duct paucity ( ductopenia ) .", "relation": [{"head": "bile duct injury", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clindamycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "bile duct paucity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clindamycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "ductopenia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clindamycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "marked cholestasis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clindamycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "portal inflammation", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clindamycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Since this amount of FAB was insufficient to bind all DGTX present in the serum , cardiac DGTX toxicity ( total AV - block ) persisted .", "relation": [{"head": "cardiac DGTX toxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "DGTX", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "total AV - block", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "DGTX", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "However here we reported two patients , presenting with PD during high dose colchicine treatment for familiar mediterranean fever ( FMF ) .", "relation": [{"head": "PD", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "colchicine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Doxycycline - induced hypoglycemia in a nondiabetic young man .", "relation": [{"head": "hypoglycemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Doxycycline", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Severe acidosis from acetazolamide in a diabetic patient .", "relation": [{"head": "Severe acidosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "acetazolamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Diphenhydramine - induced wide complex dysrhythmia responds to treatment with sodium bicarbonate .", "relation": [{"head": "dysrhythmia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Diphenhydramine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "After a second dose of metoclopramide , these symptoms recurred and were associated with confusion , agitation , fever , diaphoresis , tachypnea , tachycardia , and hypertension .", "relation": [{"head": "agitation", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "metoclopramide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "confusion", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "metoclopramide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "diaphoresis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "metoclopramide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "fever", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "metoclopramide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hypertension", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "metoclopramide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "tachycardia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "metoclopramide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "tachypnea", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "metoclopramide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Colchicine - induced rhabdomyolysis .", "relation": [{"head": "rhabdomyolysis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Colchicine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Like other atypical neuroleptics olanzapine is considered to show a reduced prevalence of extrapyramidal side effects when compared to classical neuroleptic drugs .", "relation": [{"head": "extrapyramidal side effects", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "olanzapine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report the case of an 87-year - old white woman with myasthenia gravis who presented with nausea , shortness of breath , azotemia , and hyperkalemia shortly after completing a course of intravenous immunoglobulin ( IVIG ) .", "relation": [{"head": "azotemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "immunoglobulin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "azotemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "IVIG", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hyperkalemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "immunoglobulin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hyperkalemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "IVIG", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "nausea", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "immunoglobulin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "nausea", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "IVIG", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "shortness of breath", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "immunoglobulin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "shortness of breath", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "IVIG", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Ballistic movements due to ischemic infarcts after intravenous heroin overdose : report of two cases .", "relation": [{"head": "Ballistic movements", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "heroin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "ischemic infarcts", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "heroin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "CONCLUSION : Marked visual field constriction appears to be associated with vigabatrin therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "visual field constriction", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "vigabatrin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "There are now reports of liver failure following treatment of childhood cancers with AMD .", "relation": [{"head": "liver failure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "AMD", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Acyclovir - induced neurotoxicity : concentration - side effect relationship in acyclovir overdose .", "relation": [{"head": "neurotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Acyclovir", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We propose a mechanism of vancomycin - induced mast cell degranulation and subsequent release of eosinophil chemotactic factor as a cause of CSFE .", "relation": [{"head": "CSFE", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "vancomycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Eosinophilic cystitis after bladder instillation with dimethyl sulfoxide .", "relation": [{"head": "Eosinophilic cystitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "dimethyl sulfoxide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We describe a case of PRES in a patient with collapsing focal glomeruloesclerosis ( collapsing FGS ) with complete recovery after withdrawal of cyclosporine ( CSA ) .", "relation": [{"head": "PRES", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "CSA", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "PRES", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cyclosporine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A patient with the Wolff - Parkinson - White syndrome presented with incessant orthodromic atrioventricular tachycardia following initiation of procainamide therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "incessant orthodromic atrioventricular tachycardia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "procainamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A case report of fatal dapsone - induced agranulocytosis in an Indian mid - borderline leprosy patient .", "relation": [{"head": "agranulocytosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "dapsone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A 62-year - old woman treated with pranlukast for 2 months developed interstitial pneumonitis with a high fever .", "relation": [{"head": "high fever", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "pranlukast", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "interstitial pneumonitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "pranlukast", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report a case of interstitial pulmonary disease that occurred together with lymphocytic colitis during treatment with ticlopidine .", "relation": [{"head": "interstitial pulmonary disease", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ticlopidine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "lymphocytic colitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ticlopidine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "BACKGROUND : The risk / benefit ratio of warfarin therapy changes in the over 75s , when haemorrhagic side - effects become more common .", "relation": [{"head": "haemorrhagic side - effects", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "warfarin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Although they had complex medical problems , the high serum concentrations of ampicillin at the time of seizures without their recurrence after discontinuing the antibiotic suggest that the seizures were related to the ampicillin therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "seizures", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ampicillin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "seizures", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ampicillin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "In one case , disulfiram was the only potential teratogen exposed to the fetus .", "relation": [{"head": "teratogen", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "disulfiram", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Early - onset pentamidine - associated second - degree heart block and sinus bradycardia : case report and review of the literature .", "relation": [{"head": "second - degree heart block", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "pentamidine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "sinus bradycardia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "pentamidine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "After intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide , cataract may rapidly develop in eyes that have been intensively treated , topically and systemically , by corticosteroids for several years .", "relation": [{"head": "cataract", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "triamcinolone acetonide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Thiopurine methyltransferase deficiency occurs at a frequency of one in 300 and is associated with profound myelosuppression after a short course of azathioprine .", "relation": [{"head": "myelosuppression", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "azathioprine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Progression of chronic myeloid leukemia to blast crisis during treatment with imatinib mesylate .", "relation": [{"head": "blast crisis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "imatinib mesylate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A 16-year - old white male with acute biphenotypic leukemia developed evidence of the eosinophilia myalgia syndrome associated with total parenteral nutritional support with solutions containing tryptophan , which were given during his initial induction chemotherapy and also after autologous marrow transplantation .", "relation": [{"head": "eosinophilia myalgia syndrome", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "tryptophan", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Graft versus host - like illness in a child with phenobarbital hypersensitivity .", "relation": [{"head": "Graft versus host - like illness", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "phenobarbital", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hypersensitivity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "phenobarbital", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "DISCUSSION : Central nervous system ( CNS ) toxicity has been described with ifosfamide , with most cases reported in the pediatric population .", "relation": [{"head": "Central nervous system ( CNS ) toxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ifosfamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "CONCLUSIONS : Anastrozole may be the causative factor in patients with sclerosing glomerulonephritis .", "relation": [{"head": "sclerosing glomerulonephritis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Anastrozole", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "In our patient , an objective causality scale showed that therapeutic doses of colchicine for FMF were the definite cause of myopathy , even though his renal and hepatic function were normal .", "relation": [{"head": "myopathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "colchicine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Hepatotoxicity resolved once erlotinib was discontinued and serum transaminases returned to baseline normal values .", "relation": [{"head": "Hepatotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "erlotinib", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A case is reported of an elderly woman who developed febrile agranulocytosis several weeks after commencing ticlopidine but who had a favorable outcome after cessation of that drug and treatment with filgastrim .", "relation": [{"head": "febrile agranulocytosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ticlopidine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Development of nephrotic syndrome in a patient with acute myeloblastic leukemia after treatment with macrophage - colony - stimulating factor .", "relation": [{"head": "nephrotic syndrome", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "macrophage - colony - stimulating factor", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A 71-year - old man , who had a history of a previous bullous drug reaction to a sulfonamide , began receiving an ophthalmic preparation that contained sulfacetamide sodium .", "relation": [{"head": "bullous drug reaction", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "sulfonamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Severe aphthous stomatitis associated with oral calcineurin and mTOR inhibitors .", "relation": [{"head": "Severe aphthous stomatitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "calcineurin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Our patient was a 72-year - old man with advanced Parkinson 's disease ( PD ) who received levodopa and anti - cholinergic drugs and whose head had become almost completely bald .", "relation": [{"head": "completely bald", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "levodopa", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Rifampin - induced hypothyroidism without underlying thyroid disease .", "relation": [{"head": "hypothyroidism", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Rifampin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Life - threatening anaphylactoid reaction to amifostine used with concurrent chemoradiotherapy for nasopharyngeal cancer in a patient with dermatomyositis : a case report with literature review .", "relation": [{"head": "anaphylactoid reaction", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amifostine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We describe a 43-year - old man who developed signs and symptoms of bilateral optic neuropathy during treatment with ethambutol .", "relation": [{"head": "bilateral optic neuropathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ethambutol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Simvastatin - induced rhabdomyolysis following cyclosporine treatment for uveitis .", "relation": [{"head": "rhabdomyolysis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cyclosporine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "rhabdomyolysis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Simvastatin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "CONCLUSION : While thrombosis has been reported with GnRH - a therapy in men with prostate cancer , its association with treatment in this benign case may have been a consequence of the massive tumor size .", "relation": [{"head": "thrombosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "GnRH - a", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteinemia following doxycycline administration .", "relation": [{"head": "Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteinemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "doxycycline", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report a case of pediatric bupropion ingestion resulting in multiple seizures .", "relation": [{"head": "multiple seizures", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "bupropion", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Propecia - associated bilateral cataract .", "relation": [{"head": "bilateral cataract", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Propecia", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Cutaneous mycobacterial infection post intravesical BCG installation .", "relation": [{"head": "Cutaneous mycobacterial infection", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "BCG", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We describe longitudinal diffusion - weighted MRI findings of sub - acute leukoencephalopathy following methotrexate therapy in a 24-year - old man diagnosed with pre - B - cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia ( ALL ) , presenting with right - sided paralysis and aphasia after second consolidation with intrathecal triple - drug therapy given intrathecally .", "relation": [{"head": "sub - acute leukoencephalopathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Halothane hepatitis and prompt resolution with methionine therapy : case report .", "relation": [{"head": "hepatitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Halothane", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Symptomatic hypoglycemia secondary to a glipizide - trimethoprim / sulfamethoxazole drug interaction .", "relation": [{"head": "Symptomatic hypoglycemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "glipizide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Symptomatic hypoglycemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "sulfamethoxazole", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Symptomatic hypoglycemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "trimethoprim", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "This case supports the assessment that MH and diabetes are associated diseases and that cresol could possibly trigger MH .", "relation": [{"head": "MH", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cresol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "DISCUSSION : To our knowledge , this is the first case report illustrating neuralgic amyotrophy triggered by exposure to the antibiotics vancomycin , tobramycin , and piperacillin / tazobactam .", "relation": [{"head": "neuralgic amyotrophy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "piperacillin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "neuralgic amyotrophy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "tazobactam", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "neuralgic amyotrophy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "tobramycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "neuralgic amyotrophy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "vancomycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A 32-year - old man with a family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus presented with circulatory collapse and deep coma after 9 days of treatment with perospirone hydrochloride , a recently developed atypical antipsychotic agent available only in Japan .", "relation": [{"head": "circulatory collapse", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "perospirone hydrochloride", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "deep coma", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "perospirone hydrochloride", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The authors report on two patients with corneal ulcers refractory to conventional treatment while the patients were undergoing oral colchicine therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "corneal ulcers refractory to conventional treatment", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "colchicine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "After administration of Oxybutynin concomitantly with an increase in the dose of Dantrolene , she presented the clinical symptoms and laboratory finding of Carbamazepine intoxication .", "relation": [{"head": "Carbamazepine intoxication", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Carbamazepine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Carbamazepine intoxication", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Dantrolene", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Carbamazepine intoxication", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Oxybutynin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A case is described of severe splenic hemorrhage and rupture which developed 3 h after completion of tPA infusion for suspected acute myocardial infarction .", "relation": [{"head": "severe splenic hemorrhage and rupture", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "tPA", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Three days after intravitreal injection of bevacizumab , acute ocular ischemic syndrome occurred .", "relation": [{"head": "acute ocular ischemic syndrome", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "bevacizumab", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Reversible nonthrombocytopenic palpable purpura associated with metoclopramide .", "relation": [{"head": "nonthrombocytopenic palpable purpura", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "metoclopramide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We present a case of photo - onycholysis in a patient treated with doxycycline for acne vulgaris .", "relation": [{"head": "photo - onycholysis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "doxycycline", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and renal tubular acidosis secondary to foscarnet therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "foscarnet", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "renal tubular acidosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "foscarnet", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Loperamide poisoning in the dog .", "relation": [{"head": "Loperamide poisoning", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Loperamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Three patients who had experienced neuroleptic - induced akathisia in the past reported that the symptoms of fluoxetine - induced akathisia were identical , although somewhat milder .", "relation": [{"head": "akathisia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "fluoxetine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "She developed neurotoxicity with an adjustment dosage of valacyclovir for a cutaneous zoster infection .", "relation": [{"head": "neurotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "valacyclovir", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The exacerbation of psoriasis was accompanied by a massive induction of lesional type I interferon activity , detected by MxA expression after imiquimod therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "exacerbation of psoriasis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "imiquimod", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "FINDINGS : Six children with growth retardation noted after treatment with high - dose fluticasone propionate were found to have adrenal suppression .", "relation": [{"head": "adrenal suppression", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "fluticasone propionate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "growth retardation", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "fluticasone propionate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "He was diagnosed with possible serotonin syndrome ; his symptoms resolved after clomipramine was stopped but before clozapine was restarted eight days later .", "relation": [{"head": "serotonin syndrome", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clomipramine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Methotrexate - induced papular eruption following treatment of psoriasis .", "relation": [{"head": "papular eruption", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "After cessation of amantadine , the edema resolved , and the endothelial cell densities were < or=600/mm .", "relation": [{"head": "edema", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amantadine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Palpable purpuric skin lesions on the anterior surface of both legs appeared on the 55th day of amphotericin B treatment .", "relation": [{"head": "Palpable purpuric skin lesions", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amphotericin B", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "These cases suggest the possibility that , in some patients , leukopenia or agranulocytosis during olanzapine treatment might be dose - related .", "relation": [{"head": "agranulocytosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "olanzapine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "leukopenia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "olanzapine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Hepatotoxicity after high - dose methylprednisolone for demyelinating disease .", "relation": [{"head": "Hepatotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methylprednisolone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Pulmonary edema occurred 24 hours after intravenous ritodrine therapy and 10 hours after subcutaneous terbutaline therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "Pulmonary edema", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ritodrine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Pulmonary edema", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "terbutaline", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "No explanation for this delay was found , other than the possibility that magnesium sulfate treatment impeded lactogenesis .", "relation": [{"head": "impeded lactogenesis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "magnesium sulfate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The findings were judged to be consistent with soft - tissue injury associated with intravenous administration of phenytoin , also termed purple glove syndrome .", "relation": [{"head": "purple glove syndrome", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "phenytoin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "soft - tissue injury", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "phenytoin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Occurrence of withdrawal dyskinesia indicates that the neuroleptic effects of amoxapine may be clinically significant .", "relation": [{"head": "dyskinesia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amoxapine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "1 . Changes in the plasma cortisol level were reported in a male patient with panic disorder during the period of low - dose alprazolam treatment ( mean 0.62 + /- 0.15 mg / day ) compared with during the period of high - dose period ( mean 1.08 + /- 0.28 mg / day ) .", "relation": [{"head": "Changes in the plasma cortisol level", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "alprazolam", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Two children with rheumatic fever developed anicteric hepatitis while on high - dose aspirin therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "anicteric hepatitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "aspirin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "However , 1 eye had vitreous hemorrhage after repeated injections of tPA .", "relation": [{"head": "vitreous hemorrhage", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "tPA", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Vancomycin is widely used against methicillin - resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections , but it is associated with many adverse effects such as nephrotoxicity , ototoxicity , gastrointestinal disturbances , blood disorders , and two types of hypersensitivity reactions - an anaphylactoid reaction known as \" red man syndrome \" and anaphylaxis .", "relation": [{"head": "anaphylactoid", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Vancomycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "anaphylaxis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Vancomycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "blood disorders", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Vancomycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "gastrointestinal disturbances", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Vancomycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hypersensitivity reactions", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Vancomycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "nephrotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Vancomycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "ototoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Vancomycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "red man syndrome", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Vancomycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report a patient receiving chronic lithium therapy who presented with a transient CDI occurring in the setting of underlying chronic NDI .", "relation": [{"head": "CDI", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lithium", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "PATIENTS : Three patients developed a reproductive endocrine disorder during treatment with valproate .", "relation": [{"head": "reproductive endocrine disorder", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "valproate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Pneumonitis is emerging as one of the most unpredictable and potentially serious , adverse effects of treatment with MTX .", "relation": [{"head": "Pneumonitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "MTX", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A third patient experienced disabling neurotoxicity in the extremity of a prior ulnar nerve and tendon transposition after receiving paclitaxel .", "relation": [{"head": "disabling neurotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "paclitaxel", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The occurrence of severe AIHA in CLL patients treated with fludarabine has been reported by several authors .", "relation": [{"head": "AIHA", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "fludarabine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Rapamycin / sirolimus ( SR ) , trade named Rapammune ( Wyeth - Ayerst , Sydney , Australia ) , is a potent immunosuppressive drug associated with myelosuppression , hypertension , hyperlipidemia , and infection .", "relation": [{"head": "hyperlipidemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Rapammune", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hyperlipidemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Rapamycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hyperlipidemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "sirolimus", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hyperlipidemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "SR", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hypertension", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Rapammune", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hypertension", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Rapamycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hypertension", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "sirolimus", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hypertension", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "SR", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "infection", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Rapammune", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "infection", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Rapamycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "infection", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "sirolimus", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "infection", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "SR", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "myelosuppression", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Rapammune", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "myelosuppression", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Rapamycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "myelosuppression", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "sirolimus", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "myelosuppression", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "SR", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Following are two clinical case reports demonstrating profound cerebral edema associated with implantation of Gliadel wafers .", "relation": [{"head": "cerebral edema", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Gliadel", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We present a case of ethylenediamine - induced delayed hypersensitivity reaction in a 46-year - old woman who received parenteral aminophylline for an acute asthma exacerbation .", "relation": [{"head": "delayed hypersensitivity reaction", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "aminophylline", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "delayed hypersensitivity reaction", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ethylenediamine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "To our knowledge , this is the first case reported in the English literature of a generalized exanthem due to subcutaneous injection of enoxaparin .", "relation": [{"head": "generalized exanthem", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "enoxaparin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Methotrexate may rarely provoke serositis , even with low doses and after just a few weeks of therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "serositis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Myasthenia gravis during low - dose IFN - alpha therapy for chronic hepatitis C .", "relation": [{"head": "Myasthenia gravis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "IFN - alpha", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "However , the use of lithium should be avoided with any patient who is purging , since it may exacerbate the loss of intracellular potassium , thereby increasing the risk of cardiac toxicity .", "relation": [{"head": "cardiac toxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lithium", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "loss of intracellular potassium", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lithium", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Studies performed 10 years ago on 25 patients with MTX - induced liver cirrhosis indicated that this type of cirrhosis was not of an aggressive nature .", "relation": [{"head": "cirrhosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "MTX", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "liver cirrhosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "MTX", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Although adverse effects are usually mild , the author reports here a case of leucocytopenia and thrombocytopenia with quetiapine treatment that required its discontinuation .", "relation": [{"head": "leucocytopenia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "quetiapine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "thrombocytopenia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "quetiapine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Methanol toxicity can cause severe central nervous system insult in which a characteristic pattern of bilateral putaminal injury is noted on brain imaging studies .", "relation": [{"head": "bilateral putaminal injury", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Methanol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Methanol toxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Methanol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "severe central nervous system insult", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Methanol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The authors caution that treatment with alprazolam may be complicated by the induction of mania .", "relation": [{"head": "mania", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "alprazolam", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "CASE PRESENTATION : Three cases of Leishmania infantum leishmaniasis in corticosteroid ( CS ) - treated patients are reported : an isolated lingual leishmaniasis in a farmer treated with CS for asthma , a severe visceral leishmaniasis associated with cutaneous lesions in a woman with myasthenia gravis , and a visceral involvement after cutaneous leishmaniasis in a man receiving CS .", "relation": [{"head": "cutaneous leishmaniasis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "CS", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Leishmania infantum leishmaniasis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "corticosteroid", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Leishmania infantum leishmaniasis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "CS", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "lingual leishmaniasis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "corticosteroid", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "lingual leishmaniasis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "CS", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "No other endogenous or exogenous cause for the gynecomastia could be found except for the theophylline .", "relation": [{"head": "gynecomastia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "theophylline", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "SLE receded after withdrawal of carbamazepine and treatment with anti - inflammatory drugs .", "relation": [{"head": "SLE", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "carbamazepine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Decreased plasma cortisol level during alprazolam treatment of panic disorder : a case report .", "relation": [{"head": "Decreased plasma cortisol level", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "alprazolam", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Adverse effects of amiodarone including pulmonary toxicity , hepatotoxicity , aggravation of arrhythmia , and thyroid diseases are well understood .", "relation": [{"head": "aggravation of arrhythmia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amiodarone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hepatotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amiodarone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "pulmonary toxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amiodarone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "thyroid diseases", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amiodarone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We describe a patient who experienced chronic nausea and an episode of confusion while treated with a small , stable dose of oral morphine in the setting of mild renal insufficiency .", "relation": [{"head": "chronic nausea", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "morphine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "confusion", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "morphine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "This is the first report of a disulfiram - like reaction with cefmenoxime .", "relation": [{"head": "disulfiram - like reaction", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cefmenoxime", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Although neurotoxicity is a frequent complication of methotrexate therapy , fatal acute neurotoxicity is extremely uncommon , especially in adults .", "relation": [{"head": "fatal acute neurotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "neurotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The objective of this report is to describe a case of fixed drug eruption that occurred during omeprazole treatment .", "relation": [{"head": "eruption", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "omeprazole", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Possible mechanisms for damage to the urothelium by ketamine are suggested .", "relation": [{"head": "damage to the urothelium", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ketamine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The abnormal rhythm disappeared with the withdrawal of propranolol and when the drug was restarted a 2/1 S - A block was seen .", "relation": [{"head": "abnormal rhythm", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "propranolol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "In addition to the recognized arrhythmic complications , the authors emphasize myocardial necrosis as a possible further manifestation of amsacrine - related cardiotoxicity .", "relation": [{"head": "cardiotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amsacrine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "myocardial necrosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amsacrine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Despite a hematologic response in all 3 patients , none of them achieved cytogenetic remission , and all progressed to blast crisis at 7 to 10 months of imatinib therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "blast crisis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "imatinib", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Since early symptoms of the toxic effects of theophylline can mimic peptic ulcer disease , cimetidine might be prescribed for the gastrointestinal symptoms with subsequent worsening of theophylline poisoning .", "relation": [{"head": "peptic ulcer disease", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "theophylline", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Occult quinine - induced thrombocytopenia .", "relation": [{"head": "thrombocytopenia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "quinine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report four cases of severe corneal ulceration in methamphetamine abusers .", "relation": [{"head": "severe corneal ulceration", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methamphetamine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Despite the known pulmonary side effects of nitrofurantoin , there is no report of this toxicity occurring in pregnant patients .", "relation": [{"head": "pulmonary side effects", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "nitrofurantoin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "These skin lesions may be induced or worsened during antiviral therapy with interferon - alpha ( IFN ) .", "relation": [{"head": "skin lesions", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "IFN", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "skin lesions", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "interferon - alpha", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A patient with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis developed ascites while taking weekly doses of methotrexate ( MTX ) .", "relation": [{"head": "ascites", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "ascites", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "MTX", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Cicatricial entropion associated with chronic dipivefrin application .", "relation": [{"head": "Cicatricial entropion", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "dipivefrin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Severe symptomatic hyponatremia during sibutramine therapy : a case report .", "relation": [{"head": "Severe symptomatic hyponatremia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "sibutramine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Gemcitabine - related radiation recall preferentially involves internal tissue and organs .", "relation": [{"head": "radiation recall", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Gemcitabine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A 54-year - old man developed TEN 4 weeks after beginning lamotrigine for complex partial seizures related to a glioblastoma multiforme brain tumor .", "relation": [{"head": "TEN", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lamotrigine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A second episode of jaundice followed the intravaginal administration of a mixture of furazolidone and nifuroxime .", "relation": [{"head": "jaundice", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "furazolidone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "jaundice", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "nifuroxime", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Intracranial haemorrhage from a meningioma in a patient receiving aspirin prophylaxis : a case report .", "relation": [{"head": "Intracranial haemorrhage", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "aspirin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "This case illustrates the potential decoupling of PSA response from disease status in flutamide withdrawal .", "relation": [{"head": "decoupling of PSA response", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "flutamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A 9-year - old boy developed acute renal failure following intravenous acyclovir ( 30 mg / kg per day ) administered for 6 days to treat herpetic encephalitis .", "relation": [{"head": "acute renal failure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "acyclovir", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Methotrexate - induced papular eruption following treatment of psoriasis has not been previously reported .", "relation": [{"head": "papular eruption", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "CONCLUSIONS : There is very little published information regarding ofloxacin - induced toxic epidermal necrolysis .", "relation": [{"head": "toxic epidermal necrolysis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ofloxacin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Secondary hyperparathyroidism in certain patients with lithium nephrotoxicity is also possible .", "relation": [{"head": "nephrotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lithium", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Secondary hyperparathyroidism", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lithium", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We describe the development of ischemic colitis in a woman who was treated with tegaserod and review the relationship among ischemic colitis , tegaserod use , and irritable bowel syndrome .", "relation": [{"head": "irritable bowel syndrome", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "tegaserod", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "irritable bowel syndrome", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "tegaserod", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "ischemic colitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "tegaserod", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "ischemic colitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "tegaserod", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "ischemic colitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "tegaserod", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "ischemic colitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "tegaserod", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "In view of our experience in the present case , it should be stressed that close monitoring of coagulation capacity is necessary in critically ill patients in order to avoid fatal haemorrhage after initiating warfarin therapy regardless of the dosage .", "relation": [{"head": "fatal haemorrhage", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "warfarin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "For patients who suffer from osteogenic sarcoma and have anaphylactic reactions to MTX , this desensitization protocol will allow these patients to continue with needed therapeutic or palliative chemotherapy .", "relation": [{"head": "anaphylactic reactions", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "MTX", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Three of these patients had convulsions attributed to imipenem / cilastatin ; 3.6 % of the patients had seizure , or 2 % of imipenem / cilastatin administrations was followed by a seizure attack .", "relation": [{"head": "convulsions", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cilastatin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "convulsions", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "imipenem", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "seizure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cilastatin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "seizure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "imipenem", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "seizure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cilastatin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "seizure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "imipenem", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "DISCUSSION : Electrolyte disorders associated with foscarnet are reviewed .", "relation": [{"head": "Electrolyte disorders", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "foscarnet", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "When DSCG was withdrawn , urticaria vanished and the child remained symptom - free .", "relation": [{"head": "urticaria", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "DSCG", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A case is presented in which a 68-year - old man became delirious after being withdrawn from a low dosage of alprazolam .", "relation": [{"head": "delirious", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "alprazolam", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Capecitabine was discontinued and the allergic reactions resolved after the woman took diphenhydramine for 1 week .", "relation": [{"head": "allergic reactions", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Capecitabine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A patient with alcoholic cerebellar degeneration had periodic alternating nystagmus during a period of phenytoin intoxication .", "relation": [{"head": "periodic alternating nystagmus", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "phenytoin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "When cyanamide - treated alcoholics relapse into drinking , more severe inflammation develops in the liver .", "relation": [{"head": "inflammation", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cyanamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "This article describes a patient with suspected ciprofloxacin - induced interstitial nephritis .", "relation": [{"head": "interstitial nephritis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ciprofloxacin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "RESULTS : A patient developed a bilaterally symmetric bull's - eye maculopathy 45 years after taking quinacrine for 18 months as prophylaxis against malaria .", "relation": [{"head": "bilaterally symmetric bull's - eye maculopathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "quinacrine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Hepatocellular damage following therapeutic intravenous iron sucrose infusion in a child .", "relation": [{"head": "Hepatocellular damage", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "iron sucrose", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Magnesium toxicosis in two horses .", "relation": [{"head": "Magnesium toxicosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Magnesium", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Anaphylaxis to intrathecal diamorphine .", "relation": [{"head": "Anaphylaxis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "diamorphine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "This report describes a case of flucytosine - associated ulcerating enteritis in which the small bowel x - ray demonstrated severe luminal narrowing , ulceration , and marked separation of loops of bowel .", "relation": [{"head": "marked separation of loops of bowel", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "flucytosine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "severe luminal narrowing", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "flucytosine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "ulcerating enteritis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "flucytosine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "ulceration", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "flucytosine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "He developed recurrent skin rash , fever , hypereosinophilia , and acute renal failure after rechallenge with chlorambucil .", "relation": [{"head": "acute renal failure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "chlorambucil", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "fever", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "chlorambucil", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hypereosinophilia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "chlorambucil", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "skin rash", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "chlorambucil", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A typical case of dextran-40 associated acute renal failure is presented .", "relation": [{"head": "acute renal failure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "dextran-40", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Amphotericin B ( AmB ) is effective , but its use is limited by toxicity : renal impairment , anaemia , fever , malaise , and hypokalaemia are common .", "relation": [{"head": "anaemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "AmB", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "anaemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Amphotericin B", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "fever", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "AmB", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "fever", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Amphotericin B", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hypokalaemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "AmB", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hypokalaemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Amphotericin B", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "malaise", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "AmB", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "malaise", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Amphotericin B", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "renal impairment", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "AmB", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "renal impairment", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Amphotericin B", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "OBJECTIVE : To report a case of possible foscarnet - induced severe hypomagnesemia and other electrolyte disorders .", "relation": [{"head": "electrolyte disorders", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "foscarnet", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "severe hypomagnesemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "foscarnet", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Ziprasidone is an atypical antipsychotic drug that is believed to have a low propensity for inducing extrapyramidal symptoms , including tardive dyskinesia ( TD ) .", "relation": [{"head": "extrapyramidal symptoms", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Ziprasidone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "tardive dyskinesia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Ziprasidone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "TD", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Ziprasidone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Reported are three children who developed progressive paraparesis after intrathecal methotrexate administration followed by complete or partial recovery .", "relation": [{"head": "progressive paraparesis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "As far as we know , this is the first case report of acute hemorrhagic gastritis associated with AZ intoxication .", "relation": [{"head": "acute hemorrhagic gastritis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "AZ", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "AZ intoxication", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "AZ", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Since recent studies have reported no negative interactions with concurrent use , we here report three cases ( one case of a prolonged seizure , a serotonin syndrome and a focal seizure ) of severe lithium - induced side effects while patients underwent ECT without complications and lithium serum levels were still subtherapeutic .", "relation": [{"head": "focal seizure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lithium", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "prolonged seizure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lithium", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "serotonin syndrome", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lithium", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Sensorimotor polyneuropathy with 5-aminosalicylic acid : a case report .", "relation": [{"head": "Sensorimotor polyneuropathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "5-aminosalicylic acid", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Two of the five patients who worsened motorically also developed encephalopathy during risperidone treatment ; the encephalopathy resolved when the patients were switched to clozapine treatment .", "relation": [{"head": "encephalopathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "risperidone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "worsened motorically", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "risperidone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We strongly suspect that this lethal anuria was mainly due to ifosfamide , occurring in a patient having received previous cisplatin chemotherapy and with poor kidney perfusion due to transient hypotension .", "relation": [{"head": "lethal anuria", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ifosfamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "An intertrigo - like eruption from pegylated liposomal doxorubicin .", "relation": [{"head": "intertrigo - like eruption", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "doxorubicin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "CONCLUSIONS : We present a case of a patient with CML who developed KS 12 months after starting treatment with imatinib 400 mg / d .", "relation": [{"head": "KS", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "imatinib", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Interstitial lung disease ( ILD ) related to therapy with the drug gefitinib has been well reported .", "relation": [{"head": "ILD", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "gefitinib", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Interstitial lung disease", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "gefitinib", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A case of acute subdural haematoma originating spontaneously from an angiomatous meningioma in a patient receiving prophylactic aspirin therapy is presented .", "relation": [{"head": "acute subdural haematoma", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "aspirin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Flucytosine - associated diarrhea has been previously described in 6%-10 % of patients receiving the drug .", "relation": [{"head": "diarrhea", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Flucytosine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Comparable adverse effects , such as disorientation and temporary amnesia , have been reported in patients in the analogous agent , propranolol .", "relation": [{"head": "disorientation", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "propranolol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "temporary amnesia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "propranolol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Neurophysiological mechanisms which aid in elucidating the role of disulfiram in the etiology of catatonia are discussed .", "relation": [{"head": "catatonia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "disulfiram", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "According to the Naranjo adverse drug reaction probability scale , the likelihood that temozolomide was responsible for the adverse drug reaction of fever was probable ( score of 6 ) .", "relation": [{"head": "fever", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "temozolomide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Hemodynamic collapse following labetalol administration in preeclampsia .", "relation": [{"head": "Hemodynamic collapse", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "labetalol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The cause is presumed to be secondary to hypercoagulability due to asparaginase - induced antithrombin III deficiency .", "relation": [{"head": "antithrombin III deficiency", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "asparaginase", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Bisphosphonate induced osteochemonecrosis of the jaw mimicking a tumour .", "relation": [{"head": "osteochemonecrosis of the jaw", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Bisphosphonate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Patients receiving amifostine who develop only fever should be evaluated for an adverse drug reaction , as well as for sepsis and fevers of neutropenia , and it may be necessary to discontinue the drug .", "relation": [{"head": "fever", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amifostine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "fevers of neutropenia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amifostine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "sepsis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amifostine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Pemphigus foliaceus induced by rifampicin .", "relation": [{"head": "Pemphigus foliaceus", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "rifampicin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Heparin - dependent antibodies and thrombosis without heparin - induced thrombocytopenia .", "relation": [{"head": "thrombocytopenia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "heparin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Experience with five patients in whom impaired renal function developed early during amphotericin B therapy is reported .", "relation": [{"head": "impaired renal function", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amphotericin B", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Ampicillin - induced interstitial nephritis with generalised exfoliative dermatitis .", "relation": [{"head": "generalised exfoliative dermatitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Ampicillin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "interstitial nephritis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Ampicillin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "OBJECTIVE : To report a case of reversible nonthrombocytopenic palpable purpura associated with metoclopramide .", "relation": [{"head": "nonthrombocytopenic palpable purpura", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "metoclopramide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Vancomycin - induced vasculitis .", "relation": [{"head": "vasculitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Vancomycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A new case of Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease associated with human growth hormone therapy in New Zealand .", "relation": [{"head": "Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "human growth hormone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "This eruption emerged after 1 month of therapy with salsalate , persisted for as long as salsalate was administered , and cleared within 3 weeks of discontinuing the medication .", "relation": [{"head": "eruption", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "salsalate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A well - recognized complication of ethambutol use is optic neuropathy , but the potential ocular toxicity of isoniazid is often overlooked .", "relation": [{"head": "ocular toxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "isoniazid", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "optic neuropathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ethambutol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Skin necrosis after extravasation of low - dose vasopressin administered for septic shock .", "relation": [{"head": "Skin necrosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "vasopressin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "However , as the use of hepatitis B vaccination is growing , adverse side effects , including mental nerve neuropathy , should be observed with an increased frequency .", "relation": [{"head": "mental nerve neuropathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "hepatitis B vaccination", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We conclude that MB is an effective treatment for ifosfamide - induced encephalopathy .", "relation": [{"head": "ifosfamide - induced encephalopathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ifosfamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Prothipendylhydrochloride - induced priapism : case report .", "relation": [{"head": "priapism", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Prothipendylhydrochloride", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Tacrolimus ( FK506 ) , an immunosuppressant , has been associated with mutism in adults after liver transplant .", "relation": [{"head": "mutism", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "FK506", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "mutism", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Tacrolimus", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Imidazoline intoxication due to overdose or accidental ingestion but also after normal therapeutic usage is frequent in children .", "relation": [{"head": "Imidazoline intoxication", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Imidazoline", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Evaluation revealed elevated serum LTG levels and no other etiology for encephalopathy .", "relation": [{"head": "elevated serum LTG levels", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "LTG", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Central nervous system toxicity associated with meperidine use in hepatic disease .", "relation": [{"head": "Central nervous system toxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "meperidine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Interferon - alpha - induced focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in chronic myelogenous leukemia : a case report and review of the literature .", "relation": [{"head": "focal segmental glomerulosclerosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Interferon - alpha", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The patient developed occipital infarcts and was found to have extremely elevated levels of PPA in his blood and dialysis fluid .", "relation": [{"head": "extremely elevated levels of PPA", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "PPA", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "occipital infarcts", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "PPA", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "L - Thyroxine - induced leukopenia in a patient with Hashimoto 's disease : involvement of suppressor - cytotoxic T cells .", "relation": [{"head": "leukopenia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "L - Thyroxine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Amiodarone was the third drug to induce AVT in this patient ; she received 200 mg / day six days per week for six months .", "relation": [{"head": "AVT", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Amiodarone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "This is a case of pseudoephedrine - induced intracerebral hemorrhage in a patient with an underlying vascular malformation .", "relation": [{"head": "intracerebral hemorrhage", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "pseudoephedrine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A case of basilar invagination which is thought to have arisen from the patient 's intrauterine exposure to phenytoin is presented .", "relation": [{"head": "basilar invagination", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "phenytoin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "According to the Naranjo adverse drug reaction probability scale , tigecycline was the probable cause of her acute pancreatitis .", "relation": [{"head": "acute pancreatitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "tigecycline", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "One type of SMON is associated with acrodermatitis enteropathica which has a very high frequency of occurrence in association with administration of clioquinol .", "relation": [{"head": "acrodermatitis enteropathica", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clioquinol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "SMON", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clioquinol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report the case of a 20-year - old woman originally from Cameroon who was infected by the L. loa parasite and developed severe hepatitis , identified 1 month after a single dose of ivermectin .", "relation": [{"head": "severe hepatitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ivermectin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Gabapentin withdrawal presenting as status epilepticus .", "relation": [{"head": "status epilepticus", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Gabapentin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "However , follow - up revealed that gestational diabetes when associated with norethisterone had a lesser risk of emerging diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance .", "relation": [{"head": "diabetes mellitus", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "norethisterone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "gestational diabetes", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "norethisterone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "impaired glucose tolerance", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "norethisterone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report the case of a 51-year - old man in whom IFN - alpha treatment was followed by recurrence of Graves ' disease 10 years after thyroidectomy was performed and the patient was declared cured .", "relation": [{"head": "Graves ' disease", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "IFN - alpha", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Early ritonavir - induced maculopapular eruption .", "relation": [{"head": "maculopapular eruption", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ritonavir", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Linear IgA bullous dermatosis occurring after carbamazepine .", "relation": [{"head": "Linear IgA bullous dermatosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "carbamazepine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Uveitis associated with rifabutin therapy : a clinical alert .", "relation": [{"head": "Uveitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "rifabutin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Nephrotic syndrome associated with lithium therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "Nephrotic syndrome", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lithium", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Zolpidem ( Ambien ) , a relatively new nonbenzodiazepine sedative - hypnotic , was involved in the death of a 39-year - old obese male who was being treated for depression and insomnia .", "relation": [{"head": "death", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Ambien", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "death", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Zolpidem", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Reversible sclerotic changes of lumbar spine and femur due to long - term oral isotretinoin therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "sclerotic changes of lumbar spine and femur", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "isotretinoin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report a case of myoclonus induced by quetiapine .", "relation": [{"head": "myoclonus", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "quetiapine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Leflunomide - induced toxic epidermal necrolysis in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis .", "relation": [{"head": "toxic epidermal necrolysis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Leflunomide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Allopurinol - associated hand and foot deformities in chronic tophaceous gout .", "relation": [{"head": "hand and foot deformities", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Allopurinol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "CONCLUSIONS : The administration of prostaglandin E1 to neonates can cause gastric - outlet obstruction due to antral hyperplasia .", "relation": [{"head": "antral hyperplasia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "prostaglandin E1", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "gastric - outlet obstruction", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "prostaglandin E1", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Pilocarpine toxicity and the treatment of xerostomia .", "relation": [{"head": "Pilocarpine toxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Pilocarpine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Clinicians should be aware of the signs and symptoms of neurotoxicity during treatment , as well as predisposing factors that put patients receiving methotrexate at risk for neurotoxic effects .", "relation": [{"head": "neurotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Diffusion - weighted MRI correlates of subacute methotrexate - related neurotoxicity .", "relation": [{"head": "neurotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The authors suggest that in patients with corneal ulcers refractory to conventional treatment who are receiving colchicine , cessation of colchicine therapy should be considered .", "relation": [{"head": "corneal ulcers refractory to conventional treatment", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "colchicine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A 52-year - old Black woman on phenytoin therapy for post - traumatic epilepsy developed transient hemiparesis contralateral to the injury .", "relation": [{"head": "transient hemiparesis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "phenytoin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report a case of unintentional overdose of oral pilocarpine tablets that resulted in bradycardia , mild hypotension , and muscarinic symptoms in a patient with Sjogren 's syndrome .", "relation": [{"head": "bradycardia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "pilocarpine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "mild hypotension", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "pilocarpine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "muscarinic symptoms", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "pilocarpine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Our report suggested that CBDCA hypersensitivity was correlated with the total dose of previously administered platinum agents and that CBDCA should be excluded in patients who have received multiple platinum - based chemotherapy , even in platinum - sensitive cases , because CBDCA hypersensitivity can occur even with low - dose CBDCA administration .", "relation": [{"head": "hypersensitivity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "CBDCA", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hypersensitivity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "CBDCA", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hypersensitivity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "CBDCA", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hypersensitivity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "CBDCA", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report the first case of a patient in a promethazine - induced coma responding to treatment with flumazenil .", "relation": [{"head": "coma", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "promethazine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Heparin - induced hyperkalemia .", "relation": [{"head": "hyperkalemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Heparin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Tardive dyskinesia in 2 patients treated with ziprasidone .", "relation": [{"head": "Tardive dyskinesia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ziprasidone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "When the disease recurred conventional amphotericin B was used again , but had to be stopped because of severe side effects .", "relation": [{"head": "severe side effects", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amphotericin B", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Major points illustrated are , ( 1 ) occurrence of HIT with any dose or form of heparin ; ( 2 ) misperceptions on the diagnostic criteria ; ( 3 ) correct ( thrombin inhibitors ) and incorrect ( platelet transfusions and warfarin ) management ; ( 4 ) influence of management strategy on clinical outcomes ; ( 5 ) severity of the syndrome ; and ( 6 ) potential for both anamnestic response to heparin and disappearance of HIT antibodies over time .", "relation": [{"head": "HIT", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "heparin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Of the four patients who responded to HU with an increase in total Hb , all reported symptomatic improvement and three have not required further transfusions .", "relation": [{"head": "increase in total Hb", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "HU", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Although differential diagnostic alternatives can be considered in all described cases it is very likely that vincristine does cause severe visual loss in a small number of patients .", "relation": [{"head": "severe visual loss", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "vincristine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Pulmonary hemorrhage as a clinical manifestation of hemolytic - uremic syndrome associated with mitomycin C therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "hemolytic - uremic syndrome", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "mitomycin C", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Pulmonary hemorrhage", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "mitomycin C", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Ceftriaxone - induced fixed drug eruption : first report .", "relation": [{"head": "fixed drug eruption", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Ceftriaxone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Thalidomide neuropathy in childhood .", "relation": [{"head": "neuropathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Thalidomide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Thyroid dysfunction has been reported in patients with malignant disease treated with recombinant alpha interferon .", "relation": [{"head": "Thyroid dysfunction", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "recombinant alpha interferon", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "On the second day of hospitalization , it was noted that the patient 's dyspnea and sinus bradycardia could be related to a recent increase in his timolol dosage .", "relation": [{"head": "dyspnea", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "timolol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "sinus bradycardia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "timolol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Torsade de pointes during loading with amiodarone .", "relation": [{"head": "Torsade de pointes", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amiodarone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "OBJECTIVE : To study therapy with indapamide impairing carbohydrate metabolism in essential hypertension patients and achieve earlier prevention , diagnoses and treatment of diabetes induced by indapamide .", "relation": [{"head": "diabetes", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "indapamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "diabetes", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "indapamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "impairing carbohydrate metabolism", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "indapamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Subcutaneous IL-2 is safe and well tolerated , with a mortality rate <3 % .", "relation": [{"head": "mortality rate <3", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "IL-2", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Sweet 's syndrome associated with sargramostim ( granulocyte - macrophage colony stimulating factor ) treatment .", "relation": [{"head": "Sweet 's syndrome", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "sargramostim", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Captopril - associated \" pseudocholangitis ' .", "relation": [{"head": "pseudocholangitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Captopril", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "This case suggests that sarcoidosis and pravastatin , two entities not frequently associated with myotonia , may interact in a synergistic manner to produce severe clinical myotonia in humans .", "relation": [{"head": "myotonia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "pravastatin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Cardiac arrest after esmolol administration : a review of acute beta - blocker toxicity .", "relation": [{"head": "Cardiac arrest", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "esmolol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Review of the literature relating to methicillin - induced nephropathy suggests a hypersensitivity origin for this disorder , but immunologic and ultrastructural investigation to date has failed to elucidate pathogenesis .", "relation": [{"head": "nephropathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methicillin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report a case of acne fulminans occurring during treatment with 13-cis - retinoic acid for cystic acne .", "relation": [{"head": "acne fulminans", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "13-cis - retinoic acid", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "On the other hand , aspirin may have promoted the enlargement of spontaneous hemorrhage from meningioma .", "relation": [{"head": "enlargement of spontaneous hemorrhage", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "aspirin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We are concerned that the macular lesion was a retinal toxic effect of gentamicin because of the recent description of similar lesions occurring after the inadvertent intraocular injection of massive doses of this drug .", "relation": [{"head": "macular lesion", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "gentamicin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Beneficial effect of low - dose mianserin on fluvoxamine - induced akathisia in an obsessive - compulsive patient .", "relation": [{"head": "akathisia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "fluvoxamine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "In one case , the readministration of riluzole was followed by the relapse of hepatitis .", "relation": [{"head": "hepatitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "riluzole", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Paraplegia following prophylactic intrathecal cytosine arabinoside ( Ara - C ) is described in a patient with acute myelogenous leukemia in remission who received doses of 100 mg / m2/d for 5 consecutive days .", "relation": [{"head": "Paraplegia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Ara - C", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Paraplegia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cytosine arabinoside", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "After identification of the index patient , additional inquiry revealed that the patient 's mother was hospitalized previously for overwhelming sepsis associated with metamizole use .", "relation": [{"head": "sepsis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "metamizole", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "CASE SUMMARIES : While conducting a protocol evaluating the efficacy of intraperitoneal cisplatin and hyperthermia in the treatment of recurrent ovarian cancer , 3 patients were noted to exhibit anaphylactoid reactions .", "relation": [{"head": "anaphylactoid reactions", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cisplatin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Case report : dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome associated with treatment of the bite of a brown recluse spider .", "relation": [{"head": "hypersensitivity syndrome", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "dapsone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Conversely , diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients receiving methotrexate who develop bilateral pulmonary infiltrates seen on chest roentgenograms .", "relation": [{"head": "bilateral pulmonary infiltrates", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Allergic side effects of AZA are rare , and reported allergic skin eruptions from AZA are very limited in Japan .", "relation": [{"head": "allergic skin eruptions", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "AZA", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "allergic skin eruptions", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "AZA", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "As linezolid has been shown to have hematologic side effects , blood count monitoring is recommended in patients receiving this drug for long - term therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "hematologic side effects", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "linezolid", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Acute severe intoxication with carbamazepine is associated with seizures , coma and respiratory depression .", "relation": [{"head": "coma", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "carbamazepine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "respiratory depression", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "carbamazepine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "seizures", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "carbamazepine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "CONCLUSIONS : This observation of \" on - off \" risperidone treatment suggests that risperidone may have worsened both psychiatric and physical manifestations of the mitochondrial disorder in this adolescent .", "relation": [{"head": "psychiatric and physical manifestations", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "risperidone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "psychiatric and physical manifestations", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "risperidone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "CONCLUSIONS : This case report showed that the clinical appearance of Hashimoto 's disease after IFN - alpha therapy for chronic C hepatitis in our patient was associated with a specific genetic predisposition ( DR5 ) for this pathology .", "relation": [{"head": "Hashimoto 's disease", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "IFN - alpha", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "OBJECTIVE : We report a case of cutaneous KS lesions in a patient affected by CML treated with imatinib .", "relation": [{"head": "cutaneous KS lesions", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "imatinib", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "OBJECTIVES : To describe the presentation and treatment of acute isoniazid ( INH ) neurotoxicity appearing at an inner - city municipal hospital .", "relation": [{"head": "neurotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "INH", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "neurotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "isoniazid", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "One patient developed severe hyponatremia with serum Na+ of 108 mEq / L when hydrochlorothiazide was given to control hypertension .", "relation": [{"head": "severe hyponatremia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "hydrochlorothiazide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report on a young adolescent with benign intracranial hypertension which we attribute to the use of minocycline for acne .", "relation": [{"head": "benign intracranial hypertension", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "minocycline", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Hepatolithiasis ( intrahepatic stone ) during octreotide therapy for acromegaly : a case report .", "relation": [{"head": "Hepatolithiasis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "octreotide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Rifampin - associated thrombocytopenia secondary to poor compliance .", "relation": [{"head": "thrombocytopenia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Rifampin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Taxane - induced glaucoma .", "relation": [{"head": "glaucoma", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Taxane", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "In addition , loading with one low oral dose of serine produced psychotic symptoms 5 h later which lasted 3 - 6 h .", "relation": [{"head": "psychotic symptoms", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "serine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "This case report illustrates the use of continuous high - dose intracoronary nitroglycerin infusion through a 6 French coronary guiding catheter in the treatment of a patient with cocaine - induced refractory coronary vasospasm .", "relation": [{"head": "refractory coronary vasospasm", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cocaine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Gestational diabetes was no less severe ( degree of hyperglycaemia , need for insulin therapy ) when associated with norethisterone .", "relation": [{"head": "Gestational diabetes", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "norethisterone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "This paper reports on a 6.9-year - old autistic male who developed repeated episodes of acute dystonic reactions associated with pimozide administration at the doses of 0.096 mg / kg / day and 0.032 mg / kg / day and 32 hours following pimozide withdrawal , as well as during subsequent thioridazine administration .", "relation": [{"head": "acute dystonic reactions", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "pimozide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "acute dystonic reactions", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "pimozide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "acute dystonic reactions", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "thioridazine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Recurrent septicemia with lethal outcome during and after cyclosporine therapy in severe ulcerative colitis .", "relation": [{"head": "lethal", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cyclosporine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "septicemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cyclosporine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "An 11-day - old infant became lethargic and apneic after a single drop of brimonidine .", "relation": [{"head": "apneic", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "brimonidine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "lethargic", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "brimonidine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report on a patient with subarachnoid haemorrhage who developed an acute life - threatening pseudo - obstruction of the colon , a variant of adynamic ileus , while being treated with intravenous nimodipine .", "relation": [{"head": "adynamic ileus", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "nimodipine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "pseudo - obstruction of the colon", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "nimodipine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Ciprofloxacin - induced renal insufficiency in cystic fibrosis .", "relation": [{"head": "renal insufficiency", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Ciprofloxacin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Three cases of gold - related neuropathy are reported .", "relation": [{"head": "neuropathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "gold", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Cholestyramine induced hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis .", "relation": [{"head": "hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Cholestyramine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Delusional parasitosis associated with phenelzine .", "relation": [{"head": "Delusional parasitosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "phenelzine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report a case of Graves ' hyperthyroidism induced by long - term interferon ( IFN ) therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "Graves ' hyperthyroidism", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "IFN", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Graves ' hyperthyroidism", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "interferon", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "This case represents the third example of erythroid aplasia associated with an anti - inflammatory agent and the first instance due to fenoprofen .", "relation": [{"head": "erythroid aplasia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "fenoprofen", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Failure of plasmapheresis , corticosteroids and thionamides to ameliorate a case of protracted amiodarone - induced thyroiditis .", "relation": [{"head": "thyroiditis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amiodarone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report an allogeneic bone marrow transplant recipient who developed CMV infection refractory to sequential therapy with ganciclovir , foscarnet , and cidofovir .", "relation": [{"head": "CMV infection", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cidofovir", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "CMV infection", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "foscarnet", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "CMV infection", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ganciclovir", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Clinicians should be aware of the possibility that vinorelbine may cause SIADH and possibly hypokalemia .", "relation": [{"head": "hypokalemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "vinorelbine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "SIADH", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "vinorelbine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Two patients treated with alprazolam had histories suggestive of a bipolar disorder and developed lithium - responsive manic episodes .", "relation": [{"head": "manic episodes", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "alprazolam", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report the first case of an acute flare of eosinophilic cystitis in a 51-year - old woman after bladder instillation with dimethyl sulfoxide ( DMSO ) for presumed interstitial cystitis .", "relation": [{"head": "eosinophilic cystitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "dimethyl sulfoxide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "eosinophilic cystitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "DMSO", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "METHODS : A 79-year - old woman being treated with imiquimod 5 days per week for a nodular basal cell developed a verrucous plaque over the treatment area after 7 weeks of therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "verrucous plaque", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "imiquimod", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A second possibility is an interaction between clarithromycin and isradipine , potentially increasing the hepatic toxicity of isradipine .", "relation": [{"head": "increasing the hepatic toxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clarithromycin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "increasing the hepatic toxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "isradipine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "increasing the hepatic toxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "isradipine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Tremor : a newly described adverse event with long - term itraconazole therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "Tremor", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "itraconazole", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Induction of rapid mood cycling during L - dopa treatment in a bipolar patient .", "relation": [{"head": "rapid mood cycling", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "L - dopa", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Two patients treated with 5-fluorouracil ( 5-FU ) for disseminated adenocarcinoma of the colon developed cerebellar dysfunction typical of 5-FU neurotoxicity .", "relation": [{"head": "cerebellar dysfunction", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "5-fluorouracil", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "cerebellar dysfunction", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "5-FU", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "cerebellar dysfunction", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "5-FU", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "neurotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "5-fluorouracil", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "neurotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "5-FU", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "neurotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "5-FU", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "CONCLUSIONS : Although budesonide may be beneficial because of its anti - inflammatory effects , clinicians should be alert to its potential for causing contact dermatitis .", "relation": [{"head": "contact dermatitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "budesonide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We describe the first case of de novo asthma following treatment with the angiotensin converting enzyme ( ACE ) inhibitor captopril .", "relation": [{"head": "asthma", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "captopril", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "De novo absence status of late onset following withdrawal of lorazepam : a case report .", "relation": [{"head": "De novo absence status", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "lorazepam", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Docetaxel - induced Meibomian duct inflammation and blockage leading to chalazion formation .", "relation": [{"head": "chalazion", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Docetaxel", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Meibomian duct inflammation and blockage", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Docetaxel", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Pneumocystis pneumonia should be considered in asthmatic patients taking methotrexate who present with fever , pulmonary infiltrates , and hypoxia .", "relation": [{"head": "fever", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hypoxia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Pneumocystis pneumonia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "pulmonary infiltrates", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Although visual hallucinations have not been reported as an adverse effect of this agent , we describe three patients who experienced complex visual hallucinations and altered mental status after zonisamide treatment was begun or its dosage increased .", "relation": [{"head": "altered mental status", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "zonisamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "visual hallucinations", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "zonisamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "METHODS : Repeated blood samples were drawn in a patient with severe acyclovir overdose who developed coma and nonoliguric renal failure .", "relation": [{"head": "coma", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "acyclovir", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "nonoliguric renal failure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "acyclovir", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Lower extremity arterial thrombosis following sonographically guided thrombin injection of a femoral pseudoaneurysm .", "relation": [{"head": "arterial thrombosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "thrombin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The development of cutaneous ecchymosis associated with a sudden fall in hemoglobin after the administration of alteplase should strongly suggest the possibility of diffuse subfascial hematoma .", "relation": [{"head": "cutaneous ecchymosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "alteplase", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "diffuse subfascial hematoma", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "alteplase", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "sudden fall in hemoglobin", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "alteplase", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The authors ' results suggest that L - dopa may cause daytime somnolence in some patients with Parkinson 's disease .", "relation": [{"head": "daytime somnolence", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "L - dopa", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Two years later , 24 hours following an increase in the dose of disopyramide from 300 to 600 mg / day , AVT with syncope occurred ; isoproterenol abolished the arrhythmia instantly .", "relation": [{"head": "AVT", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "disopyramide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "syncope", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "disopyramide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A 67-year - old man developed diarrhea shortly after a 10-day course of oral ampicillin .", "relation": [{"head": "diarrhea", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ampicillin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Anaphylactoid reaction to 50 % solution of dextrose .", "relation": [{"head": "Anaphylactoid reaction", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "dextrose", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A 58-year - old man with rheumatoid arthritis developed lichen planus during treatment with gold .", "relation": [{"head": "lichen planus", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "gold", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "BACKGROUND : To describe the occurrence of ocular hypertension in four patients following injection of ranibizumab intravitreally .", "relation": [{"head": "ocular hypertension", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ranibizumab", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We now present four cases of RSDS in kidney transplant recipients treated with tacrolimus .", "relation": [{"head": "RSDS", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "tacrolimus", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Drug - induced fever due to diltiazem .", "relation": [{"head": "fever", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "diltiazem", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We describe a relatively healthy , 9-year - old boy who developed a CA - MRSA skin and soft tissue infection and was treated with TMP - SMX .", "relation": [{"head": "soft tissue infection", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "TMP - SMX", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "This is a unique autopsy case of hepatocellular carcinoma closely related to diethylstilbestrol ( DES ) therapy for prostatic cancer .", "relation": [{"head": "hepatocellular carcinoma", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "DES", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hepatocellular carcinoma", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "diethylstilbestrol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Because sumatriptan can cause coronary artery vasospasm , patients with significant risk factors for coronary artery disease should be carefully evaluated for cardiovascular disease prior to the use of sumatriptan .", "relation": [{"head": "coronary artery vasospasm", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "sumatriptan", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Anaphylaxis to cisplatin is an infrequent life - threatening complication which may occur even in patients who have received prior treatment with cisplatin .", "relation": [{"head": "Anaphylaxis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cisplatin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Drug - induced hepatitis in an acromegalic patient during combined treatment with pegvisomant and octreotide long - acting repeatable attributed to the use of pegvisomant .", "relation": [{"head": "hepatitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "octreotide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hepatitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "pegvisomant", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hepatitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "pegvisomant", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "CONCLUSIONS : We have seen an increased incidence of acute INH neurotoxicity because of the resurgence of TB in New York City .", "relation": [{"head": "neurotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "INH", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The patient presented with fulminant microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia within 48 hr of initiating therapy with trimethoprim - sulfamethoxazole .", "relation": [{"head": "fulminant microangiopathic hemolytic anemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "sulfamethoxazole", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "fulminant microangiopathic hemolytic anemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "trimethoprim", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "thrombocytopenia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "sulfamethoxazole", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "thrombocytopenia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "trimethoprim", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Telescoped digits of the hands and feet developed in a 69-year - old male with severe chronic tophaceous gout during allopurinol treatment .", "relation": [{"head": "Telescoped digits of the hands and feet", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "allopurinol", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report a 45-year - old psoriasis patient who developed eruptive mollusca contagiosa during an antipsoriatic treatment with efalizumab .", "relation": [{"head": "eruptive mollusca contagiosa", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "efalizumab", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Prolongation of the QT interval and ventricular tachyarrhymias have been described in patients on amiodarone therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "Prolongation of the QT interval", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amiodarone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "ventricular tachyarrhymias", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "amiodarone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report 5 cases of acute reversible renal failure coinciding with the onset of treatment with captopril in patients with severe drug - resistant hypertension .", "relation": [{"head": "acute reversible renal failure", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "captopril", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "A 68-year - old female patient with advanced ovarian carcinoma collapsed whilst receiving a carboplatin and cyclophosphamide infusion .", "relation": [{"head": "collapsed", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "carboplatin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "collapsed", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cyclophosphamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "This prompted us to suspect that ddI might be responsible for fulminant hepatitis in all three AIDS patients .", "relation": [{"head": "fulminant hepatitis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "ddI", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Many clinicians appear to be concerned about the potential hepatotoxicity of the opiate antagonist naltrexone ( NTX ) and this may be one reason why it is not used more widely in treating both heroin and alcohol abusers .", "relation": [{"head": "hepatotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "naltrexone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hepatotoxicity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "NTX", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "One patient required nursing home placement and a feeding gastrostomy as a result of the worsening parkinsonism during risperidone treatment , but was able to return home and have the gastrostomy removed after switching from risperidone to clozapine .", "relation": [{"head": "feeding gastrostomy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "risperidone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "feeding gastrostomy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "risperidone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "worsening parkinsonism", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "risperidone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "worsening parkinsonism", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "risperidone", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Clinicians should be aware of fasting hypoglycemia as an unusual but potentially serious complication of disopyramide therapy .", "relation": [{"head": "fasting hypoglycemia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "disopyramide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Behavioral side effects associated with clonazepam may include agitation , aggression , hyperactivity , irritability , property destruction , and temper tantrums .", "relation": [{"head": "aggression", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clonazepam", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "agitation", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clonazepam", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "hyperactivity", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clonazepam", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "irritability", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clonazepam", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "property destruction", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clonazepam", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "temper tantrums", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clonazepam", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "In addition , the tachycardia persisted and was repeatedly spontaneously reinitiated for prolonged periods after procainamide .", "relation": [{"head": "tachycardia", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "procainamide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Treatment with infliximab is known to produce an increase of autoantibodies ( antinuclear antibodies , anti - double - stranded DNA ) , but not clinical disease .", "relation": [{"head": "anti - double - stranded DNA", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "infliximab", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "antinuclear antibodies", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "infliximab", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "increase of autoantibodies", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "infliximab", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Tamoxifen retinopathy .", "relation": [{"head": "retinopathy", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Tamoxifen", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Interferon - induced psychosis as a \" psychiatric contraindication \" to hepatitis C treatment : a review and case - based discussion .", "relation": [{"head": "psychosis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Interferon", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We report on a patient with renal artery stenosis who had only 1 kidney and in whom acute renal impairment developed with transient anuria after the administration of captopril .", "relation": [{"head": "acute renal impairment", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "captopril", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "transient anuria", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "captopril", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "This report describes an individual with mental retardation who experienced behavioral exacerbation associated with clonazepam prescribed at 2 mg / day ( 0.02 mg / kg / day ) to treat aggression , self - injurious behavior , property destruction , and screaming , which was measured with a 15-minute partial interval recording measurement method .", "relation": [{"head": "behavioral exacerbation", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "clonazepam", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Carbamazepine - induced systemic lupus erythematosus .", "relation": [{"head": "systemic lupus erythematosus", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Carbamazepine", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "The patient whose case is reviewed had migraine headaches and received methysergide maleate for 13 years .", "relation": [{"head": "migraine headaches", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methysergide", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "We observed 5 reactions in 3 patients that appear to be related to a high dose - infusion time ratio , indicating that dose and rate of infusion may be important factors in precipitating anaphylactoid reactions with cisplatin .", "relation": [{"head": "anaphylactoid reactions", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "cisplatin", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Linezolid - induced dyserythropoiesis : chloramphenicol toxicity revisited .", "relation": [{"head": "dyserythropoiesis", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "Linezolid", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}
{"text": "Transtentorial herniation caused by an intracranial mass lesion following high - dose methotrexate .", "relation": [{"head": "intracranial mass lesion", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}, {"head": "Transtentorial herniation", "head_type": "", "head_pos": [], "relation": "adverse effect", "tail": "methotrexate", "tail_type": "", "tail_pos": []}], "task": "RE"}