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{"text": "The Taliban killed more than 100 members of the Afghan security forces inside a military compound in central Maidan Wardak province on Monday , a senior defense official said . \" We have information that 126 people have been killed in the explosion inside the military training center , eight special commandoes are among the dead , \" said a senior official in the defense ministry in Kabul , speaking on condition of anonymity . The official said the assault began on Monday morning when the attackers rammed a car full explosives through a military checkpoint and detonated the vehicle inside the campus of the National Directorate of Security ( NDS ) forces training center in Maidan Shahr , the capital of Maidan Wardak province . Two gunmen entered the campus right after the explosion and shot at many Afghan soldiers before being gunned down during the clashes . Defense ministry officials said the Taliban had used U . S . - made armored Humvee vehicles captured from Afghan forces as a car bomb in order to breach the military fortifications . A second source residing in Maidan Wardak province said more than 100 members of National Directorate of Security ( NDS ) were killed in the complex attack . \" I have been in touch with the NDS official in the province and they told me that over 100 members of the NDS were killed in the big explosion , \" the former provincial official said . Sharif Hotak , a member of the provincial council in Maidan Wardak said he saw bodies of 35 Afghan forces in the hospital . \" Many more were killed . Several bodies were transported to Kabul city and many injured were transferred to hospitals in Kabul , \" said Hotak , adding that \" the government was hiding the accurate casualty figures to prevent a further dip in the morale of the Afghan forces . \" \" The explosion was very powerful . The whole building has collapsed , \" he said . Government officials in Maidan Wardak and Kabul declined to comment when asked if they were obscuring the death toll . Two senior officials in the interior ministry said the exact casualty figures were not being disclosed to prevent unrest within the armed forces .", "event": []}
{"text": "He said he told two other senior IRA figures , Dave O ’ Connell and Kevin Mallon β€œ exactly what I thought ” when they met up . β€œ In fact , both men were themselves furious , fully recognising not just the damage the bombing had caused to the IRA but its immorality as well . ” McDade , a lieutenant in the Birmingham Brigade of the IRA , blew himself up while trying to plant a bomb at Coventry Telephone exchange a week before the pub bombings . Neither The Mulberry Bush nor The Tavern in The Town had any military connection . Normal IRA procedure at the time for any attack on non - military targets was to give a 30 - minute warning in order for full evacuations to take place . Read our docudrama minute - by - minute recreation of the events of November 21 1974 The Birmingham Mail received an ambiguous call at 8 . 11pm on November 21 . The caller did not identify either pub , referring instead to The Rotunda , above The Mulberry Bush and the New Street Tax Office , which was above the underground Tavern in The Town . The first bomb destroyed The Mulberry Bush just six minutes later . The Tavern was destroyed at 8 . 27pm . Conway was not directly involved in the debrief with the England Operational Commander . But he said he was later told β€œ that the early indications were that the casualties were the result of yet another failure in the warning system , a succession of phone boxes from which the warning might have been relayed having proved to be inoperable . ” In an interview with a national newspaper he described the Birmingham pub bombings as β€œ a total disaster . ” He added that the secret β€˜ Feakle Talks ’ , held a couple of weeks after the bombings , were used by the IRA to try to start to repair its image after the Birmingham and the Guildford pub bombings . The talks , in Feakle , County Clare , involved senior IRA officials and Protestant clergymen and ended abruptly after a tip - off that Irish Special Branch officers were on their way to arrest the republicans .", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence", "event_trigger": "call", "arguments": [{"argument": "Birmingham Mail", "role": "Participant"}]}]}
{"text": "\" I have been told not to make the death toll figures public . It is frustrating to hide the facts , \" said a senior interior ministry official in Kabul . A senior NDS official in Kabul said at least 50 people were killed or wounded in the complex attack . Abdurrahman Mangal , spokesman for the provincial governor in Maidan Wardak said 12 people were killed and 12 were injured when the car bomb exploded near the Afghan special forces unit . President Ashraf Ghani ' s office in a statement said the \" enemies of the country \" had carried out an attack against NDS personnel in Maidan Shahr . \" They killed and wounded a number of our beloved and honest sons . \" Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan condemned the attack on Monday evening and extended his condolences to Ghani . Meanwhile , the Taliban said it met with U . S . officials in Qatar on Monday , in the latest round of talks between the insurgents and Washington aimed at bringing an end to the 17 - year war . The U . S . has not officially commented on the reported meeting , which follows the last confirmed talks between the two parties in the UAE in December . \" Following American acceptance of the agenda of ending the occupation of Afghanistan and preventing Afghanistan from being used against other countries in the future , talks with American representatives took place today in Doha , the capital of Qatar , \" Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said in a statement . Taliban representatives have met several times with U . S . officials in recent months , but last week threatened to suspend the fledgling process , lambasting Washington for changing the agenda of the talks and \" unilaterally \" adding new subjects . The insurgents have long refused to hold direct talks with the Kabul government -- despite U . S . pleas -- which the Taliban dismisses as a puppet of Washington . In recent years the Afghan government has stopped releasing detailed casualty figures . Last year Ghani has said 28 , 000 Afghan police officers and soldiers have been killed since 2015 , breaking the longstanding suppression on casualty data .", "event": []}
{"text": "β€œ I must tell you that just before I got off the plane , a bomb went off in New York and nobody knows exactly what ’ s going on , ” said Trump shortly after getting off of his plane . His comments were made before authorities confirmed the nature of the explosion . Late Saturday , Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said it was important to β€œ know the facts ” before drawing conclusions about such incidents . Early Sunday , posts on social media from people in New York showed the area of the explosion to be relatively calm and quiet . Authorities had closed large swaths of roads in the area Saturday night . On Sunday , several roads had reopened but there remained a large police presence in the area . The explosion in New York comes as foreign leaders , including many heads of state , are heading to Manhattan for the United Nations General Assembly . Secretary of State John F . Kerry arrived Saturday , while Obama is scheduled to head to the city on Monday . This annual meeting β€” held more than two miles from the site of the explosion in Chelsea β€” is traditionally a challenging time for New York , as many roads are shut down and the heavy security leads to traffic jams . The FBI still has no determination as to motive , said a law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing . Agents are examining the detonated material from the first device as well as studying the second , which appeared to resemble a pressure cooker . They are also looking at video from security cameras , social media β€” β€œ all the logical leads , ” the official said . The explosion in Chelsea coincided with a separate attack that took place in Minnesota Saturday night , in which a man stabbed eight people in a St . Cloud mall before he was killed by an off - duty police officer . On Sunday , an ISIS - linked news agency claimed the mall attacker was β€œ a soldier of the Islamic State . ” An FBI spokesman said in an emailed statement that the agency had not determined whether the stabbings were related to the bombing in Manhattan the same night .", "event": [{"event_type": "Meet", "event_trigger": "meeting", "arguments": []}]}
{"text": "Tsarnaev and Silva both graduated from Cambridge Rindge and Latin School in 2001 , and worked as lifeguards together at the Harvard pool . Starting in college , both became very involved in selling marijuana , and Silva had obtained a gun , in part , to help him protect his drug business . A Ruger semi - automatic handgun presented in the trial . Jan . 30 , 2013 Tamerlan , 26 , allegedly buys two Fager pressure - cookers at Macy ’ s at the Square One Mall in Saugus . The remains of a pressure cooker bomb . Feb . 8 , 2013 Tamerlan Tsarnaev used his credit card to make an online purchase of a remote - controlled car set , batteries , and a transmitter and receiver from NitroRCX . com . Prosecutors said these items were used to help remotely - detonate the bombs February , 2013 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev visits Silva and borrows the Ruger pistol β€” the gun that was later used to kill MIT police officer Sean Collier and during the shootout with police in Watertown . March 11 , 2013 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev creates a secret Twitter account , @ Al - FirdausiA , with the user name Ghuraba and posted six Tweets in three days . The first post on March 11 , 2013 reads : \" I want the highest levels of Jannah , I want to be able to see Allah every single day for that is the best of pleasures . \" He also maintains his original Twitter account that includes mostly typical teenage postings , but some that could be signs of growing radicalization . March Tamerlan Tsarnaev purchases some BBs at Walmart in New Hampshire . March 20 , 2013 Both brothers went to a firing range in Manchester , N . H . and rented two 9mm handguns , similar to the borrowed Ruger . March 30 , 2013 Tamerlan Tsarnaev also bought a screwdriver and soldering gun from Home Depot in Somerville , April 8 , 2013 Tamerlan bought remote - control car devices from RC Cars in Malden , which prosecutors say are related to the equipment needed by the Tsarnaevs to remotely trigger the bombs . April 13 , 2013", "event": []}
{"text": "The Birmingham pub bombings - The 28 numbers that add up to a cover - up , say campaigners Mr Conway , now a criminal lawyer in Dublin , says in the book that where off - duty soldiers were the targets of bombings β€œ I had little sympathy for either the soldiers or the unfortunate civilians who had been sharing their drinking space . ” He continued : β€œ The Birmingham bombs were another matter . \" The bombings came after British police disrupted funeral arrangements for James McDade , a volunteer who had himself died in a premature explosion in England . β€œ Tempers were high and I , for one , certainly at first feared that the local IRA had knowingly caused these dreadful casualties – 21 people were killed and a great many others injured . ” β€œ I was appalled and personally ashamed of the bombing , which went against everything we claimed to stand for . ” He said he told two other senior IRA figures , Dave O ’ Connell and Kevin Mallon β€œ exactly what I thought ” when they met up . β€œ In fact , both men were themselves furious , fully recognising not just the damage the bombing had caused to the IRA but its immorality as well . ” McDade , a lieutenant in the Birmingham Brigade of the IRA , blew himself up while trying to plant a bomb at Coventry Telephone exchange a week before the pub bombings . Neither The Mulberry Bush nor The Tavern in The Town had any military connection . Normal IRA procedure at the time for any attack on non - military targets was to give a 30 - minute warning in order for full evacuations to take place . Read our docudrama minute - by - minute recreation of the events of November 21 1974 The Birmingham Mail received an ambiguous call at 8 . 11pm on November 21 . The caller did not identify either pub , referring instead to The Rotunda , above The Mulberry Bush and the New Street Tax Office , which was above the underground Tavern in The Town . The first bomb destroyed The Mulberry Bush just six minutes later . The Tavern was destroyed at 8 . 27pm . Conway was not directly involved in the debrief with the England Operational Commander .", "event": []}
{"text": "On 27 August 1975 a Provisional IRA bomb exploded without warning at the Caterham Arms public house in Caterham , Surrey , England . There were no fatalities but 33 people were injured , some severely . Two off - duty soldiers lost their legs as a result of the bombing . == Background == In February 1975 the Provisional Irish Republican Army agreed to a truce and ceasefire with the British government and the Northern Ireland Office . Seven \" incident centres \" were established in Irish nationalist areas in Northern Ireland to monitor the ceasefire and the activity of the security forces . Before the truce , the IRA active service unit ( ASU ) later dubbed the Balcombe Street Gang ( due to the December 1975 Balcombe Street siege ) had been carrying out bomb and gun attacks in Southern England since autumn 1974 , mostly in and around London . Their last previous attack was an assassination attempt on former Prime Minister Edward Heath but he was not home when the attackers threw a bomb into his bedroom window on 22 December 1974 . == The bombing == The Balcombe Street Gang planted a time bomb in the Caterham Arms public house in Caterham , Surrey . The IRA unit placed the 7lb bomb in a duffel bag under a seat . There was no warning and the bomb exploded at 9 : 20 , injuring 23 civilians and 10 off - duty soldiers . The pub was used by members of the Welsh Guards who were based at the barracks nearby . Some of the injuries were very serious , with at least three soldiers losing limbs . The blast blew the roof off the pub in the process . This attack marked the start of a renewed bombing campaign ( Phase Two ) in England and the end of the truce with the British Government . The next day , the same IRA unit exploded a bomb in Oxford Street , injuring several people . == Aftermath ==", "event": []}
{"text": "Thai Authorities Indict 2 Over August Shrine Attack A Bangkok military court has indicted two men accused of carrying out the August 17 bombing at a popular shrine that killed 20 people . The court on Tuesday indicted Bilal Mohammed and Mieraili Yusufu on 10 counts connected to the blast , including conspiracy to explode bombs and commit premeditated murder . Thailand authorities have not officially named the bombing of Erawan Shrine an act of terror , and accordingly neither suspect was charged specifically with terrorism . Police issued 17 arrest warrants following the bombing but only Bilal and Mieraili have been detained . They are described as ethnic Uighurs , a minority group based in China ' s Xinjiang region . They have been held in custody since their arrests in late August and early September . Thai officials have said the blast was carried out by a people - smuggling gang seeking revenge on Thai authorities for cracking down on their operation . The August 17 blast at the Erawan Shrine - a popular tourist destination - was one of the most deadly acts of violence in Bangkok in decades , and left 20 people dead and more than 120 injured . Of the dead , 14 were tourists . The attack shocked the residents of the capital because of the apparent randomness , which drove home the point that no place is immune to acts of terror . Authorities , however , have declined to call it an act of terrorism out of apparent fear that it would hurt the country ' s huge tourism industry . Police initially appeared at first to be at a loss , but soon claimed success with a series of raids and two arrests . Arrest warrants have been issued for 15 others . The two suspects were brought to the court in handcuffs wearing brown prison garb . Members of the media were not allowed to enter the court and the indictments took place before the two suspects arrived , said defense lawyer Chuchart Kanpai . Doubts about motive", "event": []}
{"text": "The court on Tuesday indicted Bilal Mohammed and Mieraili Yusufu on 10 counts connected to the blast , including conspiracy to explode bombs and commit premeditated murder . Thailand authorities have not officially named the bombing of Erawan Shrine an act of terror , and accordingly neither suspect was charged specifically with terrorism . Police issued 17 arrest warrants following the bombing but only Bilal and Mieraili have been detained . They are described as ethnic Uighurs , a minority group based in China ' s Xinjiang region . They have been held in custody since their arrests in late August and early September . Thai officials have said the blast was carried out by a people - smuggling gang seeking revenge on Thai authorities for cracking down on their operation . The August 17 blast at the Erawan Shrine - a popular tourist destination - was one of the most deadly acts of violence in Bangkok in decades , and left 20 people dead and more than 120 injured . Of the dead , 14 were tourists . The attack shocked the residents of the capital because of the apparent randomness , which drove home the point that no place is immune to acts of terror . Authorities , however , have declined to call it an act of terrorism out of apparent fear that it would hurt the country ' s huge tourism industry . Police initially appeared at first to be at a loss , but soon claimed success with a series of raids and two arrests . Arrest warrants have been issued for 15 others . The two suspects were brought to the court in handcuffs wearing brown prison garb . Members of the media were not allowed to enter the court and the indictments took place before the two suspects arrived , said defense lawyer Chuchart Kanpai . Doubts about motive Early speculation about the bombing had suggested it might be the work of Uighur separatists who were angry that Thailand in July forcibly repatriated more than 100 Uighurs to China , where it is feared they face persecution . The theory was bolstered by the fact that the Erawan Shrine is popular among Chinese tourists , who figured prominently among the victims of the bombing .", "event": []}
{"text": "Police issued 17 arrest warrants following the bombing but only Bilal and Mieraili have been detained . They are described as ethnic Uighurs , a minority group based in China ' s Xinjiang region . They have been held in custody since their arrests in late August and early September . Thai officials have said the blast was carried out by a people - smuggling gang seeking revenge on Thai authorities for cracking down on their operation . The August 17 blast at the Erawan Shrine - a popular tourist destination - was one of the most deadly acts of violence in Bangkok in decades , and left 20 people dead and more than 120 injured . Of the dead , 14 were tourists . The attack shocked the residents of the capital because of the apparent randomness , which drove home the point that no place is immune to acts of terror . Authorities , however , have declined to call it an act of terrorism out of apparent fear that it would hurt the country ' s huge tourism industry . Police initially appeared at first to be at a loss , but soon claimed success with a series of raids and two arrests . Arrest warrants have been issued for 15 others . The two suspects were brought to the court in handcuffs wearing brown prison garb . Members of the media were not allowed to enter the court and the indictments took place before the two suspects arrived , said defense lawyer Chuchart Kanpai . Doubts about motive Early speculation about the bombing had suggested it might be the work of Uighur separatists who were angry that Thailand in July forcibly repatriated more than 100 Uighurs to China , where it is feared they face persecution . The theory was bolstered by the fact that the Erawan Shrine is popular among Chinese tourists , who figured prominently among the victims of the bombing . But Thai officials reject any political or religious motive , sticking to the theory that it was a revenge for disrupting a human - smuggling gang . Still , skepticism about the police explanation on the shrine attack has abounded because of leaks , contradictions , misstatements and secrecy surrounding the investigation .", "event": []}
{"text": "Thai officials have said the blast was carried out by a people - smuggling gang seeking revenge on Thai authorities for cracking down on their operation . The August 17 blast at the Erawan Shrine - a popular tourist destination - was one of the most deadly acts of violence in Bangkok in decades , and left 20 people dead and more than 120 injured . Of the dead , 14 were tourists . The attack shocked the residents of the capital because of the apparent randomness , which drove home the point that no place is immune to acts of terror . Authorities , however , have declined to call it an act of terrorism out of apparent fear that it would hurt the country ' s huge tourism industry . Police initially appeared at first to be at a loss , but soon claimed success with a series of raids and two arrests . Arrest warrants have been issued for 15 others . The two suspects were brought to the court in handcuffs wearing brown prison garb . Members of the media were not allowed to enter the court and the indictments took place before the two suspects arrived , said defense lawyer Chuchart Kanpai . Doubts about motive Early speculation about the bombing had suggested it might be the work of Uighur separatists who were angry that Thailand in July forcibly repatriated more than 100 Uighurs to China , where it is feared they face persecution . The theory was bolstered by the fact that the Erawan Shrine is popular among Chinese tourists , who figured prominently among the victims of the bombing . But Thai officials reject any political or religious motive , sticking to the theory that it was a revenge for disrupting a human - smuggling gang . Still , skepticism about the police explanation on the shrine attack has abounded because of leaks , contradictions , misstatements and secrecy surrounding the investigation . The two suspects are being tried at a military court on an army base in Bangkok because cases of β€œ national security ” have been handled by the military since last May , when the army seized power in a coup from an elected government .", "event": [{"event_type": "Contact", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "Chuchart Kanpai", "role": "Participant"}]}]}
{"text": "Police initially appeared at first to be at a loss , but soon claimed success with a series of raids and two arrests . Arrest warrants have been issued for 15 others . The two suspects were brought to the court in handcuffs wearing brown prison garb . Members of the media were not allowed to enter the court and the indictments took place before the two suspects arrived , said defense lawyer Chuchart Kanpai . Doubts about motive Early speculation about the bombing had suggested it might be the work of Uighur separatists who were angry that Thailand in July forcibly repatriated more than 100 Uighurs to China , where it is feared they face persecution . The theory was bolstered by the fact that the Erawan Shrine is popular among Chinese tourists , who figured prominently among the victims of the bombing . But Thai officials reject any political or religious motive , sticking to the theory that it was a revenge for disrupting a human - smuggling gang . Still , skepticism about the police explanation on the shrine attack has abounded because of leaks , contradictions , misstatements and secrecy surrounding the investigation . The two suspects are being tried at a military court on an army base in Bangkok because cases of β€œ national security ” have been handled by the military since last May , when the army seized power in a coup from an elected government . Former National Police Chief Somyot Poomphanmuang said before his retirement in September that the case against the two suspects was supported by closed - circuit television footage , witnesses , DNA matching and physical evidence , in addition to their confessions . Security camera footage from the Erawan Shrine showed a man wearing a yellow T - shirt who sat down on a bench at the outdoor shrine , took off a black backpack and then left it behind as he stood up and walked away . Time stamps on closed circuit TV footage showed he left the shrine just minutes before the blast occurred , during evening rush hour as the area in central Bangkok was filled with people . Police believe that Bilal is the yellow - shirted man who planted the bomb and Yusufu is believed to have detonated the bomb .", "event": []}
{"text": "Doubts about motive Early speculation about the bombing had suggested it might be the work of Uighur separatists who were angry that Thailand in July forcibly repatriated more than 100 Uighurs to China , where it is feared they face persecution . The theory was bolstered by the fact that the Erawan Shrine is popular among Chinese tourists , who figured prominently among the victims of the bombing . But Thai officials reject any political or religious motive , sticking to the theory that it was a revenge for disrupting a human - smuggling gang . Still , skepticism about the police explanation on the shrine attack has abounded because of leaks , contradictions , misstatements and secrecy surrounding the investigation . The two suspects are being tried at a military court on an army base in Bangkok because cases of β€œ national security ” have been handled by the military since last May , when the army seized power in a coup from an elected government . Former National Police Chief Somyot Poomphanmuang said before his retirement in September that the case against the two suspects was supported by closed - circuit television footage , witnesses , DNA matching and physical evidence , in addition to their confessions . Security camera footage from the Erawan Shrine showed a man wearing a yellow T - shirt who sat down on a bench at the outdoor shrine , took off a black backpack and then left it behind as he stood up and walked away . Time stamps on closed circuit TV footage showed he left the shrine just minutes before the blast occurred , during evening rush hour as the area in central Bangkok was filled with people . Police believe that Bilal is the yellow - shirted man who planted the bomb and Yusufu is believed to have detonated the bomb . Bilal , was initially identified as Adem Karadag , which was the name on a fake Turkish passport in his possession when he was arrested Aug . 29 . He was arrested at one of two apartments police raided on the outskirts of Bangkok .", "event": [{"event_type": "Contact", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "Somyot Poomphanmuang", "role": "Participant"}]}]}
{"text": "But Thai officials reject any political or religious motive , sticking to the theory that it was a revenge for disrupting a human - smuggling gang . Still , skepticism about the police explanation on the shrine attack has abounded because of leaks , contradictions , misstatements and secrecy surrounding the investigation . The two suspects are being tried at a military court on an army base in Bangkok because cases of β€œ national security ” have been handled by the military since last May , when the army seized power in a coup from an elected government . Former National Police Chief Somyot Poomphanmuang said before his retirement in September that the case against the two suspects was supported by closed - circuit television footage , witnesses , DNA matching and physical evidence , in addition to their confessions . Security camera footage from the Erawan Shrine showed a man wearing a yellow T - shirt who sat down on a bench at the outdoor shrine , took off a black backpack and then left it behind as he stood up and walked away . Time stamps on closed circuit TV footage showed he left the shrine just minutes before the blast occurred , during evening rush hour as the area in central Bangkok was filled with people . Police believe that Bilal is the yellow - shirted man who planted the bomb and Yusufu is believed to have detonated the bomb . Bilal , was initially identified as Adem Karadag , which was the name on a fake Turkish passport in his possession when he was arrested Aug . 29 . He was arrested at one of two apartments police raided on the outskirts of Bangkok . Yusufu was arrested Sept . 1 near the Thai - Cambodia border , carrying a Chinese passport indicating he was from Xinjiang . Police said his DNA and fingerprints were found in both raided apartments , including on a container of gunpowder . Police said they have confessions from the two , and Bilal ' s lawyer says his client admitted planting the deadly bomb at the behest of another suspect who remains a fugitive . He says Bilal was induced to carry out the action by a promise that his emigration to Turkey would be expedited . Some material for this report came from AP .", "event": []}
{"text": "The Venezuelan government has claimed the drones used were DJI Matrice 600s , each carrying approximately 1kg of C4 plastic explosive and , when detonated , capable of causing damage at a radius of around 50 meters . DJI Matrice 600 drones are a commercial model , normally used for industrial work β€” with a U . S . price tag of around $ 5 , 000 apiece , suggesting the attack could have cost little over $ 10k to carry out β€” with 1kg of plastic explosive available commercially ( for demolition purposes ) at a cost of around $ 30 . Bellingcat says its analysis supports the government ’ s claim that the drone model used was a DJI Matrice 600 , noting that the drones involved in the event each had six rotors . It also points to a photo of drone wreckage which appears to show the distinctive silver rotor tip of the model , although it also notes the drones appear to have had their legs removed . Venezuela ’ s interior minister , Nestor Reverol , also claimed the government thwarted the attack using \" special techniques and [ radio ] signal inhibitors \" , which \" disoriented \" the drone that detonated closest to the presidential stand β€” a capability Bellingcat notes the Venezuelan security services are reported to have . The second drone was said by Reverol to have \" lost control \" and crashed into a nearby building . Bellingcat says it is possible to geolocate the video of the falling drone to the same location as the fire in the apartment that firefighters had claimed was caused by a gas canister explosion . It adds that images taken of this location during the fire show a hole in the wall of the apartment in the vicinity of where the drone would have crashed . \" It is a very likely possibility that the downed drone subsequently detonated , creating the hole in the wall of this apartment , igniting a fire , and causing the sound of the second explosion which can be heard in Video 2 [ of the state TV broadcast of Maduro ’ s speech ] , \" it further suggests . Here ’ s its conclusion :", "event": []}
{"text": "DJI Matrice 600 drones are a commercial model , normally used for industrial work β€” with a U . S . price tag of around $ 5 , 000 apiece , suggesting the attack could have cost little over $ 10k to carry out β€” with 1kg of plastic explosive available commercially ( for demolition purposes ) at a cost of around $ 30 . Bellingcat says its analysis supports the government ’ s claim that the drone model used was a DJI Matrice 600 , noting that the drones involved in the event each had six rotors . It also points to a photo of drone wreckage which appears to show the distinctive silver rotor tip of the model , although it also notes the drones appear to have had their legs removed . Venezuela ’ s interior minister , Nestor Reverol , also claimed the government thwarted the attack using \" special techniques and [ radio ] signal inhibitors \" , which \" disoriented \" the drone that detonated closest to the presidential stand β€” a capability Bellingcat notes the Venezuelan security services are reported to have . The second drone was said by Reverol to have \" lost control \" and crashed into a nearby building . Bellingcat says it is possible to geolocate the video of the falling drone to the same location as the fire in the apartment that firefighters had claimed was caused by a gas canister explosion . It adds that images taken of this location during the fire show a hole in the wall of the apartment in the vicinity of where the drone would have crashed . \" It is a very likely possibility that the downed drone subsequently detonated , creating the hole in the wall of this apartment , igniting a fire , and causing the sound of the second explosion which can be heard in Video 2 [ of the state TV broadcast of Maduro ’ s speech ] , \" it further suggests . Here ’ s its conclusion : From the open sources of information available , it appears that an attack took place using two DBIEDs while Maduro was giving a speech . Both the drones appear visually similar to DJI Matrice 600s , with at least one displaying features that are consistent with this model .", "event": [{"event_type": "Contact", "event_trigger": "says", "arguments": [{"argument": "Bellingcat", "role": "Participant"}]}]}
{"text": "Get all the latest politics news Subscribe Thank you for subscribing We have more newsletters Show me See our privacy notice Invalid Email One of the IRA ’ s most senior former officers has admitted for the first time that the terror group is responsible for the Birmingham pub bombings . Kieran Conway , who was head of the IRA ’ s intelligence - gathering department in the 1970s , broke a 40 - year silence by the organisation to make the admission . He admitted he was β€œ appalled and ashamed ” because he claimed the bombing of civilians went against everything it stood for . He said the attacks on The Mulberry Bush and The Tavern in The Town had been in revenge for the death of IRA bomber James McDade . At first he feared that the timing of the attacks - with very little warning - had been deliberate because β€œ tempers were high ” . But he was later told that the IRA unit involved had tried to use β€œ a succession of phone boxes ” which were out of order , significantly delaying the bomb - warning call . Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8 Cancel Play now Listen to our recreation of the Birmingham pub bombings warning call - made to the Birmingham Post & Mail newsroom Conway , who makes the admissions in his new memoir , also revealed that soon after the bombings the IRA ’ s England Operational Commander and his adjutant β€œ made it back home ” to Dublin for an urgent de - brief and to assess the impact of the disaster as far as the terrorists were concerned . Birmingham pub bombings : Minute by minute - 24 hours that changed our city forever Funding for the terrorists dried up almost overnight and the bombings , which left 21 dead and almost 200 injured , including many maimed for life , cost them hugely in the propaganda war . And in an interview he confirmed that the IRA hierarchy in Dublin knew all along that the six Irishmen arrested for the explosions were innocent β€œ from the get go , from the very start . ”", "event": []}
{"text": "And in an interview he confirmed that the IRA hierarchy in Dublin knew all along that the six Irishmen arrested for the explosions were innocent β€œ from the get go , from the very start . ” Now , Julie and Brian Hambleton , who lost their sister Maxine in the bombings and lead the city ’ s Justice4the21 campaign , called on West Midlands Police and David Cameron to take immediate action . Julie said : β€œ I am expecting West Midlands Police Chief Constable Chris Sims and West Midlands Police Force to interview with Mr Conway with immediate effect . β€œ And I hope that Mr Cameron , who a week ago told The House of Commons that the pub bombers must be found , takes note of this development and ensures that the police follow this through . ” Brian added : β€œ The police keep saying they won ’ t do anything because there is no fresh evidence . Well , here it is in black and white . It ’ s an admission . They have got to do something with this information . ” The Birmingham pub bombings - The 28 numbers that add up to a cover - up , say campaigners Mr Conway , now a criminal lawyer in Dublin , says in the book that where off - duty soldiers were the targets of bombings β€œ I had little sympathy for either the soldiers or the unfortunate civilians who had been sharing their drinking space . ” He continued : β€œ The Birmingham bombs were another matter . \" The bombings came after British police disrupted funeral arrangements for James McDade , a volunteer who had himself died in a premature explosion in England . β€œ Tempers were high and I , for one , certainly at first feared that the local IRA had knowingly caused these dreadful casualties – 21 people were killed and a great many others injured . ” β€œ I was appalled and personally ashamed of the bombing , which went against everything we claimed to stand for . ” He said he told two other senior IRA figures , Dave O ’ Connell and Kevin Mallon β€œ exactly what I thought ” when they met up .", "event": []}
{"text": "Listen to our recreation of the Birmingham pub bombings warning call - made to the Birmingham Post & Mail newsroom Conway , who makes the admissions in his new memoir , also revealed that soon after the bombings the IRA ’ s England Operational Commander and his adjutant β€œ made it back home ” to Dublin for an urgent de - brief and to assess the impact of the disaster as far as the terrorists were concerned . Birmingham pub bombings : Minute by minute - 24 hours that changed our city forever Funding for the terrorists dried up almost overnight and the bombings , which left 21 dead and almost 200 injured , including many maimed for life , cost them hugely in the propaganda war . And in an interview he confirmed that the IRA hierarchy in Dublin knew all along that the six Irishmen arrested for the explosions were innocent β€œ from the get go , from the very start . ” Now , Julie and Brian Hambleton , who lost their sister Maxine in the bombings and lead the city ’ s Justice4the21 campaign , called on West Midlands Police and David Cameron to take immediate action . Julie said : β€œ I am expecting West Midlands Police Chief Constable Chris Sims and West Midlands Police Force to interview with Mr Conway with immediate effect . β€œ And I hope that Mr Cameron , who a week ago told The House of Commons that the pub bombers must be found , takes note of this development and ensures that the police follow this through . ” Brian added : β€œ The police keep saying they won ’ t do anything because there is no fresh evidence . Well , here it is in black and white . It ’ s an admission . They have got to do something with this information . ” The Birmingham pub bombings - The 28 numbers that add up to a cover - up , say campaigners Mr Conway , now a criminal lawyer in Dublin , says in the book that where off - duty soldiers were the targets of bombings β€œ I had little sympathy for either the soldiers or the unfortunate civilians who had been sharing their drinking space . ” He continued : β€œ The Birmingham bombs were another matter .", "event": [{"event_type": "Contact", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "Julie", "role": "Participant"}]}]}
{"text": "Birmingham pub bombings : Minute by minute - 24 hours that changed our city forever Funding for the terrorists dried up almost overnight and the bombings , which left 21 dead and almost 200 injured , including many maimed for life , cost them hugely in the propaganda war . And in an interview he confirmed that the IRA hierarchy in Dublin knew all along that the six Irishmen arrested for the explosions were innocent β€œ from the get go , from the very start . ” Now , Julie and Brian Hambleton , who lost their sister Maxine in the bombings and lead the city ’ s Justice4the21 campaign , called on West Midlands Police and David Cameron to take immediate action . Julie said : β€œ I am expecting West Midlands Police Chief Constable Chris Sims and West Midlands Police Force to interview with Mr Conway with immediate effect . β€œ And I hope that Mr Cameron , who a week ago told The House of Commons that the pub bombers must be found , takes note of this development and ensures that the police follow this through . ” Brian added : β€œ The police keep saying they won ’ t do anything because there is no fresh evidence . Well , here it is in black and white . It ’ s an admission . They have got to do something with this information . ” The Birmingham pub bombings - The 28 numbers that add up to a cover - up , say campaigners Mr Conway , now a criminal lawyer in Dublin , says in the book that where off - duty soldiers were the targets of bombings β€œ I had little sympathy for either the soldiers or the unfortunate civilians who had been sharing their drinking space . ” He continued : β€œ The Birmingham bombs were another matter . \" The bombings came after British police disrupted funeral arrangements for James McDade , a volunteer who had himself died in a premature explosion in England . β€œ Tempers were high and I , for one , certainly at first feared that the local IRA had knowingly caused these dreadful casualties – 21 people were killed and a great many others injured . ”", "event": [{"event_type": "Contact", "event_trigger": "added", "arguments": [{"argument": "Brian", "role": "Participant"}]}]}
{"text": "Now , Julie and Brian Hambleton , who lost their sister Maxine in the bombings and lead the city ’ s Justice4the21 campaign , called on West Midlands Police and David Cameron to take immediate action . Julie said : β€œ I am expecting West Midlands Police Chief Constable Chris Sims and West Midlands Police Force to interview with Mr Conway with immediate effect . β€œ And I hope that Mr Cameron , who a week ago told The House of Commons that the pub bombers must be found , takes note of this development and ensures that the police follow this through . ” Brian added : β€œ The police keep saying they won ’ t do anything because there is no fresh evidence . Well , here it is in black and white . It ’ s an admission . They have got to do something with this information . ” The Birmingham pub bombings - The 28 numbers that add up to a cover - up , say campaigners Mr Conway , now a criminal lawyer in Dublin , says in the book that where off - duty soldiers were the targets of bombings β€œ I had little sympathy for either the soldiers or the unfortunate civilians who had been sharing their drinking space . ” He continued : β€œ The Birmingham bombs were another matter . \" The bombings came after British police disrupted funeral arrangements for James McDade , a volunteer who had himself died in a premature explosion in England . β€œ Tempers were high and I , for one , certainly at first feared that the local IRA had knowingly caused these dreadful casualties – 21 people were killed and a great many others injured . ” β€œ I was appalled and personally ashamed of the bombing , which went against everything we claimed to stand for . ” He said he told two other senior IRA figures , Dave O ’ Connell and Kevin Mallon β€œ exactly what I thought ” when they met up . β€œ In fact , both men were themselves furious , fully recognising not just the damage the bombing had caused to the IRA but its immorality as well . ”", "event": [{"event_type": "Contact", "event_trigger": "continued", "arguments": [{"argument": "He", "role": "Participant"}]}]}
{"text": "The Birmingham pub bombings - The 28 numbers that add up to a cover - up , say campaigners Mr Conway , now a criminal lawyer in Dublin , says in the book that where off - duty soldiers were the targets of bombings β€œ I had little sympathy for either the soldiers or the unfortunate civilians who had been sharing their drinking space . ” He continued : β€œ The Birmingham bombs were another matter . \" The bombings came after British police disrupted funeral arrangements for James McDade , a volunteer who had himself died in a premature explosion in England . β€œ Tempers were high and I , for one , certainly at first feared that the local IRA had knowingly caused these dreadful casualties – 21 people were killed and a great many others injured . ” β€œ I was appalled and personally ashamed of the bombing , which went against everything we claimed to stand for . ” He said he told two other senior IRA figures , Dave O ’ Connell and Kevin Mallon β€œ exactly what I thought ” when they met up . β€œ In fact , both men were themselves furious , fully recognising not just the damage the bombing had caused to the IRA but its immorality as well . ” McDade , a lieutenant in the Birmingham Brigade of the IRA , blew himself up while trying to plant a bomb at Coventry Telephone exchange a week before the pub bombings . Neither The Mulberry Bush nor The Tavern in The Town had any military connection . Normal IRA procedure at the time for any attack on non - military targets was to give a 30 - minute warning in order for full evacuations to take place . Read our docudrama minute - by - minute recreation of the events of November 21 1974 The Birmingham Mail received an ambiguous call at 8 . 11pm on November 21 . The caller did not identify either pub , referring instead to The Rotunda , above The Mulberry Bush and the New Street Tax Office , which was above the underground Tavern in The Town . The first bomb destroyed The Mulberry Bush just six minutes later . The Tavern was destroyed at 8 . 27pm . Conway was not directly involved in the debrief with the England Operational Commander .", "event": []}
{"text": "McDade , a lieutenant in the Birmingham Brigade of the IRA , blew himself up while trying to plant a bomb at Coventry Telephone exchange a week before the pub bombings . Neither The Mulberry Bush nor The Tavern in The Town had any military connection . Normal IRA procedure at the time for any attack on non - military targets was to give a 30 - minute warning in order for full evacuations to take place . Read our docudrama minute - by - minute recreation of the events of November 21 1974 The Birmingham Mail received an ambiguous call at 8 . 11pm on November 21 . The caller did not identify either pub , referring instead to The Rotunda , above The Mulberry Bush and the New Street Tax Office , which was above the underground Tavern in The Town . The first bomb destroyed The Mulberry Bush just six minutes later . The Tavern was destroyed at 8 . 27pm . Conway was not directly involved in the debrief with the England Operational Commander . But he said he was later told β€œ that the early indications were that the casualties were the result of yet another failure in the warning system , a succession of phone boxes from which the warning might have been relayed having proved to be inoperable . ” In an interview with a national newspaper he described the Birmingham pub bombings as β€œ a total disaster . ” He added that the secret β€˜ Feakle Talks ’ , held a couple of weeks after the bombings , were used by the IRA to try to start to repair its image after the Birmingham and the Guildford pub bombings . The talks , in Feakle , County Clare , involved senior IRA officials and Protestant clergymen and ended abruptly after a tip - off that Irish Special Branch officers were on their way to arrest the republicans . But they set in train a process that eventually led to a brief ceasefire that began on December 22 , 1974 . Conway had been recruited in 1970 , having been radicalised during the 1968 student protest movements . He met with senior republicans , including future deputy first minister of Northern Ireland Martin McGuinness and Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams . Adams continues to deny that he was ever in the IRA .", "event": [{"event_type": "Contact", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "he", "role": "Participant"}]}]}
{"text": "But he said he was later told β€œ that the early indications were that the casualties were the result of yet another failure in the warning system , a succession of phone boxes from which the warning might have been relayed having proved to be inoperable . ” In an interview with a national newspaper he described the Birmingham pub bombings as β€œ a total disaster . ” He added that the secret β€˜ Feakle Talks ’ , held a couple of weeks after the bombings , were used by the IRA to try to start to repair its image after the Birmingham and the Guildford pub bombings . The talks , in Feakle , County Clare , involved senior IRA officials and Protestant clergymen and ended abruptly after a tip - off that Irish Special Branch officers were on their way to arrest the republicans . But they set in train a process that eventually led to a brief ceasefire that began on December 22 , 1974 . Conway had been recruited in 1970 , having been radicalised during the 1968 student protest movements . He met with senior republicans , including future deputy first minister of Northern Ireland Martin McGuinness and Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams . Adams continues to deny that he was ever in the IRA . Conway was later jailed in Belfast ’ s notorious Crumlin Road prison and went on hunger strike to achieve political status . Although he left the IRA in 1975 , he rejoined during the 1981 hunger strike , then finally broke with the republican movement for good in 1993 when the British and Irish governments announced the Downing Street Declaration . He claimed the declaration basically reinforced partition . β€œ The IRA went on ceasefire , it decommissioned and did all the things they said they would never do , and disappeared into history , ” he said . β€œ It was a complete and utter defeat , absolutely . ” In his book he also claims that rogue Irish police officers colluded with the IRA throughout the Troubles and that members of the Dublin establishment , including several mainstream politicians , aided the Provisionals in their armed campaign . * Southside Provisional : From Freedom Fighter to The Four Courts is published by Orpen press .", "event": [{"event_type": "Contact", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "he", "role": "Participant"}]}]}
{"text": "New York Gov . Andrew Cuomo ( D ) said Sunday that there is β€œ no evidence of an international terrorism connection ” in the explosion in Chelsea , though he stopped short of saying whoever caused the incident did not want to incite terror . AD β€œ It depends on your definition of terrorism , ” Cuomo said . β€œ A bomb exploding in New York is obviously an act of terrorism , but it ’ s not linked to international terrorism . In other words , we find no ISIS connections . ” AD He said later : β€œ This is the nightmare scenario . ” Not long after the blast , police said they had found another possible explosive device just blocks away . This device appeared to be similar to a pressure cooker and had wiring on it , according to a law enforcement official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing investigation . Pressure cookers were used in the two bombs detonated at the Boston Marathon in 2013 . The bomb squad safely removed the second device , New York police tweeted early Sunday . Police officers , firefighters and other first responders had rushed to the scene of the blast , which closed a major roadway and forced people out of nearby buildings . New York Mayor Bill de Blasio ( D ) said Sunday that the explosion was β€œ intentional , ” but noted that few details were available because the investigation was in its early stages . β€œ We know there was a bombing , ” de Blasio said . β€œ We know it was a very serious incident , but we have a lot more work to do to be able to say what kind of motivation was behind this . ” AD AD He also echoed his comments from Saturday night that there was no specific , credible threat against New York from any terrorist group . The FBI and NYPD are trying to understand what motivation lay behind the blast . β€œ We will look at individuals . We will look at associations . We will look at social media , ” William Sweeney , Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI New York Field Office , said .", "event": []}
{"text": "On Sunday , Cuomo said the β€œ bombs ” in Chelsea β€œ appear to be different ” from those discovered earlier in the day in New Jersey , though the devices from both states were being shipped to the FBI lab in Quantico for further assessment . He said the devices in New Jersey were β€œ pipe bombs , ” and those in Chelsea were not . Cuomo said agents in New York were in touch with those in New Jersey . AD Cuomo said officials β€œ have no reason to believe at this time that there is any further immediate threat , ” though the National Guard and the New York State Police were deploying an additional 1 , 000 personnel to bus terminals , airports and subways β€œ just to err on the side of caution . ” AD Cuomo said the blast in Chelsea β€œ caused significant property damage , ” though he a nearby subway station was structurally safe . He said law enforcement would work diligently to identify and locate those responsible . β€œ Whoever placed these bombs , we will find , and they will be brought to justice , ” Cuomo said . The explosion in the area of 23rd Street between Sixth and Seventh avenues occurred about 8 : 30 p . m . police said . Several of those injured were brought to area hospitals , Donald , the police spokesman , posted on Twitter . AD All victims were treated and released by Sunday morning , Cuomo said . A spokeswoman for Lenox Health Greenwich Village , which treated nine of the victims , said patients were treated for minor injuries that included lacerations to the head and body . Other hospitals declined to provide specifics about the extent of patients ’ injuries from the explosion . AD Photos and accounts posted on social media Saturday night showed large crowds β€” as well as a large law enforcement presence β€” in the area near where the explosion occurred . Soleil Filomena , 64 , was leaving a convenience store at Seventh Avenue and 23rd Street when she heard the explosion . β€œ It was so loud it just went through my whole body , ” she said . β€œ People started running up 23rd Street , and I started running with them . ” AD", "event": []}
{"text": "On Sunday , several roads had reopened but there remained a large police presence in the area . The explosion in New York comes as foreign leaders , including many heads of state , are heading to Manhattan for the United Nations General Assembly . Secretary of State John F . Kerry arrived Saturday , while Obama is scheduled to head to the city on Monday . This annual meeting β€” held more than two miles from the site of the explosion in Chelsea β€” is traditionally a challenging time for New York , as many roads are shut down and the heavy security leads to traffic jams . The FBI still has no determination as to motive , said a law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing . Agents are examining the detonated material from the first device as well as studying the second , which appeared to resemble a pressure cooker . They are also looking at video from security cameras , social media β€” β€œ all the logical leads , ” the official said . The explosion in Chelsea coincided with a separate attack that took place in Minnesota Saturday night , in which a man stabbed eight people in a St . Cloud mall before he was killed by an off - duty police officer . On Sunday , an ISIS - linked news agency claimed the mall attacker was β€œ a soldier of the Islamic State . ” An FBI spokesman said in an emailed statement that the agency had not determined whether the stabbings were related to the bombing in Manhattan the same night . Speaking to CNN ’ s Jake Tapper on Sunday morning , New Jersey Gov . Chris Christie ( R ) said there were no known links so far between the incident in New Jersey and those in New York and Minnesota . Authorities urged any witnesses with tips , video or other credible information about the explosion to call 1 - 800 - 577 - TIPS . Berman and Wang reported from Washington . Renae Merle in New York and Karen DeYoung , Ellen Nakashima , Steven Overly and Sari Horwitz in Washington contributed to this report . [ This is a developing story . First published : 10 : 10 p . m . on Saturday . ]", "event": []}
{"text": "AD β€œ It depends on your definition of terrorism , ” Cuomo said . β€œ A bomb exploding in New York is obviously an act of terrorism , but it ’ s not linked to international terrorism . In other words , we find no ISIS connections . ” AD He said later : β€œ This is the nightmare scenario . ” Not long after the blast , police said they had found another possible explosive device just blocks away . This device appeared to be similar to a pressure cooker and had wiring on it , according to a law enforcement official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing investigation . Pressure cookers were used in the two bombs detonated at the Boston Marathon in 2013 . The bomb squad safely removed the second device , New York police tweeted early Sunday . Police officers , firefighters and other first responders had rushed to the scene of the blast , which closed a major roadway and forced people out of nearby buildings . New York Mayor Bill de Blasio ( D ) said Sunday that the explosion was β€œ intentional , ” but noted that few details were available because the investigation was in its early stages . β€œ We know there was a bombing , ” de Blasio said . β€œ We know it was a very serious incident , but we have a lot more work to do to be able to say what kind of motivation was behind this . ” AD AD He also echoed his comments from Saturday night that there was no specific , credible threat against New York from any terrorist group . The FBI and NYPD are trying to understand what motivation lay behind the blast . β€œ We will look at individuals . We will look at associations . We will look at social media , ” William Sweeney , Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI New York Field Office , said . β€œ Until we have that information it is not fair for us to give a conclusion [ as to motivation ] , ” DeBlasio said . β€œ Let the law enforcement experts draw the conclusions . ”", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "Bill de Blasio", "role": "Communicator"}, {"argument": "de Blasio", "role": "Communicator"}]}]}
{"text": "The bomb squad safely removed the second device , New York police tweeted early Sunday . Police officers , firefighters and other first responders had rushed to the scene of the blast , which closed a major roadway and forced people out of nearby buildings . New York Mayor Bill de Blasio ( D ) said Sunday that the explosion was β€œ intentional , ” but noted that few details were available because the investigation was in its early stages . β€œ We know there was a bombing , ” de Blasio said . β€œ We know it was a very serious incident , but we have a lot more work to do to be able to say what kind of motivation was behind this . ” AD AD He also echoed his comments from Saturday night that there was no specific , credible threat against New York from any terrorist group . The FBI and NYPD are trying to understand what motivation lay behind the blast . β€œ We will look at individuals . We will look at associations . We will look at social media , ” William Sweeney , Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI New York Field Office , said . β€œ Until we have that information it is not fair for us to give a conclusion [ as to motivation ] , ” DeBlasio said . β€œ Let the law enforcement experts draw the conclusions . ” Police Commissioner James O ’ Neill , whose first day in the position was Saturday , told reporters on Sunday that police were still gathering evidence . AD β€œ We did find some components indicative of an IED … that went off intentionally , ” O ’ Neill said . Late Saturday , police had ruled out natural gas as a possible cause of the blast . AD The New York Police Department ’ s counterterrorism bureau responded to the explosion , along with officials with the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco , Firearms and Explosives . While O ’ Neill said authorities were still trying to determine what , precisely , exploded , the NYPD counterterrorism bureau posted a photo online earlier Saturday showing what appeared to be a dumpster or garbage container mangled by a blast :", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "William Sweeney", "role": "Communicator"}]}]}
{"text": "New York Mayor Bill de Blasio ( D ) said Sunday that the explosion was β€œ intentional , ” but noted that few details were available because the investigation was in its early stages . β€œ We know there was a bombing , ” de Blasio said . β€œ We know it was a very serious incident , but we have a lot more work to do to be able to say what kind of motivation was behind this . ” AD AD He also echoed his comments from Saturday night that there was no specific , credible threat against New York from any terrorist group . The FBI and NYPD are trying to understand what motivation lay behind the blast . β€œ We will look at individuals . We will look at associations . We will look at social media , ” William Sweeney , Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI New York Field Office , said . β€œ Until we have that information it is not fair for us to give a conclusion [ as to motivation ] , ” DeBlasio said . β€œ Let the law enforcement experts draw the conclusions . ” Police Commissioner James O ’ Neill , whose first day in the position was Saturday , told reporters on Sunday that police were still gathering evidence . AD β€œ We did find some components indicative of an IED … that went off intentionally , ” O ’ Neill said . Late Saturday , police had ruled out natural gas as a possible cause of the blast . AD The New York Police Department ’ s counterterrorism bureau responded to the explosion , along with officials with the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco , Firearms and Explosives . While O ’ Neill said authorities were still trying to determine what , precisely , exploded , the NYPD counterterrorism bureau posted a photo online earlier Saturday showing what appeared to be a dumpster or garbage container mangled by a blast : Police in New York also reported shortly after 11 p . m . that they had found the β€œ possible secondary device ” a few blocks away from the Chelsea explosion scene , on 27th Street between Sixth and Seventh avenues .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "DeBlasio", "role": "Communicator"}]}]}
{"text": "AD He also echoed his comments from Saturday night that there was no specific , credible threat against New York from any terrorist group . The FBI and NYPD are trying to understand what motivation lay behind the blast . β€œ We will look at individuals . We will look at associations . We will look at social media , ” William Sweeney , Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI New York Field Office , said . β€œ Until we have that information it is not fair for us to give a conclusion [ as to motivation ] , ” DeBlasio said . β€œ Let the law enforcement experts draw the conclusions . ” Police Commissioner James O ’ Neill , whose first day in the position was Saturday , told reporters on Sunday that police were still gathering evidence . AD β€œ We did find some components indicative of an IED … that went off intentionally , ” O ’ Neill said . Late Saturday , police had ruled out natural gas as a possible cause of the blast . AD The New York Police Department ’ s counterterrorism bureau responded to the explosion , along with officials with the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco , Firearms and Explosives . While O ’ Neill said authorities were still trying to determine what , precisely , exploded , the NYPD counterterrorism bureau posted a photo online earlier Saturday showing what appeared to be a dumpster or garbage container mangled by a blast : Police in New York also reported shortly after 11 p . m . that they had found the β€œ possible secondary device ” a few blocks away from the Chelsea explosion scene , on 27th Street between Sixth and Seventh avenues . Police directed people away from that intersection , and one officer could be heard telling pedestrians that β€œ there is a possible explosive ” in the area . AD Not long after midnight , police said in a statement that they were asking people in the area of this potential explosive to move away from their windows β€œ until we clear the suspicious package , ” although officers did not fully evacuate the area . AD According to the Associated Press , the second device was removed with a robot and taken to the department firing range in the Bronx .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "O’Neill", "role": "Communicator"}]}]}
{"text": "β€œ We did find some components indicative of an IED … that went off intentionally , ” O ’ Neill said . Late Saturday , police had ruled out natural gas as a possible cause of the blast . AD The New York Police Department ’ s counterterrorism bureau responded to the explosion , along with officials with the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco , Firearms and Explosives . While O ’ Neill said authorities were still trying to determine what , precisely , exploded , the NYPD counterterrorism bureau posted a photo online earlier Saturday showing what appeared to be a dumpster or garbage container mangled by a blast : Police in New York also reported shortly after 11 p . m . that they had found the β€œ possible secondary device ” a few blocks away from the Chelsea explosion scene , on 27th Street between Sixth and Seventh avenues . Police directed people away from that intersection , and one officer could be heard telling pedestrians that β€œ there is a possible explosive ” in the area . AD Not long after midnight , police said in a statement that they were asking people in the area of this potential explosive to move away from their windows β€œ until we clear the suspicious package , ” although officers did not fully evacuate the area . AD According to the Associated Press , the second device was removed with a robot and taken to the department firing range in the Bronx . O ’ Neill said Sunday that two β€œ very dedicated ” former New York state troopers had responded to the initial report of the blast last night . In a search for other explosives , they had parked their vehicle on 27th Street . Walking down the block , they found the second , unexploded device , O ’ Neill said . AD Reports of another suspicious package at 28th Street and Fifth Avenue turned out to be a false alarm β€” the package was only garbage , J . Peter Donald , a police spokesman , posted on Twitter around 12 : 30 a . m . Sunday . The Chelsea explosion occurred about 11 hours after a pipe bomb exploded in a Jersey Shore garbage can , shortly before a scheduled charity 5K race there benefiting Marines and Navy sailors .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "police", "role": "Communicator"}]}]}
{"text": "Police in New York also reported shortly after 11 p . m . that they had found the β€œ possible secondary device ” a few blocks away from the Chelsea explosion scene , on 27th Street between Sixth and Seventh avenues . Police directed people away from that intersection , and one officer could be heard telling pedestrians that β€œ there is a possible explosive ” in the area . AD Not long after midnight , police said in a statement that they were asking people in the area of this potential explosive to move away from their windows β€œ until we clear the suspicious package , ” although officers did not fully evacuate the area . AD According to the Associated Press , the second device was removed with a robot and taken to the department firing range in the Bronx . O ’ Neill said Sunday that two β€œ very dedicated ” former New York state troopers had responded to the initial report of the blast last night . In a search for other explosives , they had parked their vehicle on 27th Street . Walking down the block , they found the second , unexploded device , O ’ Neill said . AD Reports of another suspicious package at 28th Street and Fifth Avenue turned out to be a false alarm β€” the package was only garbage , J . Peter Donald , a police spokesman , posted on Twitter around 12 : 30 a . m . Sunday . The Chelsea explosion occurred about 11 hours after a pipe bomb exploded in a Jersey Shore garbage can , shortly before a scheduled charity 5K race there benefiting Marines and Navy sailors . AD Authorities have said they have not yet found anything connecting the Chelsea and New Jersey incidents but are continuing to investigate . On Sunday , Cuomo said the β€œ bombs ” in Chelsea β€œ appear to be different ” from those discovered earlier in the day in New Jersey , though the devices from both states were being shipped to the FBI lab in Quantico for further assessment . He said the devices in New Jersey were β€œ pipe bombs , ” and those in Chelsea were not . Cuomo said agents in New York were in touch with those in New Jersey . AD", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "O’Neill", "role": "Communicator"}]}]}
{"text": "AD According to the Associated Press , the second device was removed with a robot and taken to the department firing range in the Bronx . O ’ Neill said Sunday that two β€œ very dedicated ” former New York state troopers had responded to the initial report of the blast last night . In a search for other explosives , they had parked their vehicle on 27th Street . Walking down the block , they found the second , unexploded device , O ’ Neill said . AD Reports of another suspicious package at 28th Street and Fifth Avenue turned out to be a false alarm β€” the package was only garbage , J . Peter Donald , a police spokesman , posted on Twitter around 12 : 30 a . m . Sunday . The Chelsea explosion occurred about 11 hours after a pipe bomb exploded in a Jersey Shore garbage can , shortly before a scheduled charity 5K race there benefiting Marines and Navy sailors . AD Authorities have said they have not yet found anything connecting the Chelsea and New Jersey incidents but are continuing to investigate . On Sunday , Cuomo said the β€œ bombs ” in Chelsea β€œ appear to be different ” from those discovered earlier in the day in New Jersey , though the devices from both states were being shipped to the FBI lab in Quantico for further assessment . He said the devices in New Jersey were β€œ pipe bombs , ” and those in Chelsea were not . Cuomo said agents in New York were in touch with those in New Jersey . AD Cuomo said officials β€œ have no reason to believe at this time that there is any further immediate threat , ” though the National Guard and the New York State Police were deploying an additional 1 , 000 personnel to bus terminals , airports and subways β€œ just to err on the side of caution . ” AD Cuomo said the blast in Chelsea β€œ caused significant property damage , ” though he a nearby subway station was structurally safe . He said law enforcement would work diligently to identify and locate those responsible . β€œ Whoever placed these bombs , we will find , and they will be brought to justice , ” Cuomo said .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "Authorities", "role": "Communicator"}, {"argument": "Cuomo", "role": "Communicator"}]}]}
{"text": "O ’ Neill said Sunday that two β€œ very dedicated ” former New York state troopers had responded to the initial report of the blast last night . In a search for other explosives , they had parked their vehicle on 27th Street . Walking down the block , they found the second , unexploded device , O ’ Neill said . AD Reports of another suspicious package at 28th Street and Fifth Avenue turned out to be a false alarm β€” the package was only garbage , J . Peter Donald , a police spokesman , posted on Twitter around 12 : 30 a . m . Sunday . The Chelsea explosion occurred about 11 hours after a pipe bomb exploded in a Jersey Shore garbage can , shortly before a scheduled charity 5K race there benefiting Marines and Navy sailors . AD Authorities have said they have not yet found anything connecting the Chelsea and New Jersey incidents but are continuing to investigate . On Sunday , Cuomo said the β€œ bombs ” in Chelsea β€œ appear to be different ” from those discovered earlier in the day in New Jersey , though the devices from both states were being shipped to the FBI lab in Quantico for further assessment . He said the devices in New Jersey were β€œ pipe bombs , ” and those in Chelsea were not . Cuomo said agents in New York were in touch with those in New Jersey . AD Cuomo said officials β€œ have no reason to believe at this time that there is any further immediate threat , ” though the National Guard and the New York State Police were deploying an additional 1 , 000 personnel to bus terminals , airports and subways β€œ just to err on the side of caution . ” AD Cuomo said the blast in Chelsea β€œ caused significant property damage , ” though he a nearby subway station was structurally safe . He said law enforcement would work diligently to identify and locate those responsible . β€œ Whoever placed these bombs , we will find , and they will be brought to justice , ” Cuomo said . The explosion in the area of 23rd Street between Sixth and Seventh avenues occurred about 8 : 30 p . m . police said .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "He", "role": "Communicator"}]}]}
{"text": "In a search for other explosives , they had parked their vehicle on 27th Street . Walking down the block , they found the second , unexploded device , O ’ Neill said . AD Reports of another suspicious package at 28th Street and Fifth Avenue turned out to be a false alarm β€” the package was only garbage , J . Peter Donald , a police spokesman , posted on Twitter around 12 : 30 a . m . Sunday . The Chelsea explosion occurred about 11 hours after a pipe bomb exploded in a Jersey Shore garbage can , shortly before a scheduled charity 5K race there benefiting Marines and Navy sailors . AD Authorities have said they have not yet found anything connecting the Chelsea and New Jersey incidents but are continuing to investigate . On Sunday , Cuomo said the β€œ bombs ” in Chelsea β€œ appear to be different ” from those discovered earlier in the day in New Jersey , though the devices from both states were being shipped to the FBI lab in Quantico for further assessment . He said the devices in New Jersey were β€œ pipe bombs , ” and those in Chelsea were not . Cuomo said agents in New York were in touch with those in New Jersey . AD Cuomo said officials β€œ have no reason to believe at this time that there is any further immediate threat , ” though the National Guard and the New York State Police were deploying an additional 1 , 000 personnel to bus terminals , airports and subways β€œ just to err on the side of caution . ” AD Cuomo said the blast in Chelsea β€œ caused significant property damage , ” though he a nearby subway station was structurally safe . He said law enforcement would work diligently to identify and locate those responsible . β€œ Whoever placed these bombs , we will find , and they will be brought to justice , ” Cuomo said . The explosion in the area of 23rd Street between Sixth and Seventh avenues occurred about 8 : 30 p . m . police said . Several of those injured were brought to area hospitals , Donald , the police spokesman , posted on Twitter . AD All victims were treated and released by Sunday morning , Cuomo said .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "Cuomo", "role": "Communicator"}]}]}
{"text": "AD Reports of another suspicious package at 28th Street and Fifth Avenue turned out to be a false alarm β€” the package was only garbage , J . Peter Donald , a police spokesman , posted on Twitter around 12 : 30 a . m . Sunday . The Chelsea explosion occurred about 11 hours after a pipe bomb exploded in a Jersey Shore garbage can , shortly before a scheduled charity 5K race there benefiting Marines and Navy sailors . AD Authorities have said they have not yet found anything connecting the Chelsea and New Jersey incidents but are continuing to investigate . On Sunday , Cuomo said the β€œ bombs ” in Chelsea β€œ appear to be different ” from those discovered earlier in the day in New Jersey , though the devices from both states were being shipped to the FBI lab in Quantico for further assessment . He said the devices in New Jersey were β€œ pipe bombs , ” and those in Chelsea were not . Cuomo said agents in New York were in touch with those in New Jersey . AD Cuomo said officials β€œ have no reason to believe at this time that there is any further immediate threat , ” though the National Guard and the New York State Police were deploying an additional 1 , 000 personnel to bus terminals , airports and subways β€œ just to err on the side of caution . ” AD Cuomo said the blast in Chelsea β€œ caused significant property damage , ” though he a nearby subway station was structurally safe . He said law enforcement would work diligently to identify and locate those responsible . β€œ Whoever placed these bombs , we will find , and they will be brought to justice , ” Cuomo said . The explosion in the area of 23rd Street between Sixth and Seventh avenues occurred about 8 : 30 p . m . police said . Several of those injured were brought to area hospitals , Donald , the police spokesman , posted on Twitter . AD All victims were treated and released by Sunday morning , Cuomo said . A spokeswoman for Lenox Health Greenwich Village , which treated nine of the victims , said patients were treated for minor injuries that included lacerations to the head and body .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "Cuomo", "role": "Communicator"}]}]}
{"text": "The Chelsea explosion occurred about 11 hours after a pipe bomb exploded in a Jersey Shore garbage can , shortly before a scheduled charity 5K race there benefiting Marines and Navy sailors . AD Authorities have said they have not yet found anything connecting the Chelsea and New Jersey incidents but are continuing to investigate . On Sunday , Cuomo said the β€œ bombs ” in Chelsea β€œ appear to be different ” from those discovered earlier in the day in New Jersey , though the devices from both states were being shipped to the FBI lab in Quantico for further assessment . He said the devices in New Jersey were β€œ pipe bombs , ” and those in Chelsea were not . Cuomo said agents in New York were in touch with those in New Jersey . AD Cuomo said officials β€œ have no reason to believe at this time that there is any further immediate threat , ” though the National Guard and the New York State Police were deploying an additional 1 , 000 personnel to bus terminals , airports and subways β€œ just to err on the side of caution . ” AD Cuomo said the blast in Chelsea β€œ caused significant property damage , ” though he a nearby subway station was structurally safe . He said law enforcement would work diligently to identify and locate those responsible . β€œ Whoever placed these bombs , we will find , and they will be brought to justice , ” Cuomo said . The explosion in the area of 23rd Street between Sixth and Seventh avenues occurred about 8 : 30 p . m . police said . Several of those injured were brought to area hospitals , Donald , the police spokesman , posted on Twitter . AD All victims were treated and released by Sunday morning , Cuomo said . A spokeswoman for Lenox Health Greenwich Village , which treated nine of the victims , said patients were treated for minor injuries that included lacerations to the head and body . Other hospitals declined to provide specifics about the extent of patients ’ injuries from the explosion . AD Photos and accounts posted on social media Saturday night showed large crowds β€” as well as a large law enforcement presence β€” in the area near where the explosion occurred .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "He", "role": "Communicator"}, {"argument": "Cuomo", "role": "Communicator"}]}]}
{"text": "AD Authorities have said they have not yet found anything connecting the Chelsea and New Jersey incidents but are continuing to investigate . On Sunday , Cuomo said the β€œ bombs ” in Chelsea β€œ appear to be different ” from those discovered earlier in the day in New Jersey , though the devices from both states were being shipped to the FBI lab in Quantico for further assessment . He said the devices in New Jersey were β€œ pipe bombs , ” and those in Chelsea were not . Cuomo said agents in New York were in touch with those in New Jersey . AD Cuomo said officials β€œ have no reason to believe at this time that there is any further immediate threat , ” though the National Guard and the New York State Police were deploying an additional 1 , 000 personnel to bus terminals , airports and subways β€œ just to err on the side of caution . ” AD Cuomo said the blast in Chelsea β€œ caused significant property damage , ” though he a nearby subway station was structurally safe . He said law enforcement would work diligently to identify and locate those responsible . β€œ Whoever placed these bombs , we will find , and they will be brought to justice , ” Cuomo said . The explosion in the area of 23rd Street between Sixth and Seventh avenues occurred about 8 : 30 p . m . police said . Several of those injured were brought to area hospitals , Donald , the police spokesman , posted on Twitter . AD All victims were treated and released by Sunday morning , Cuomo said . A spokeswoman for Lenox Health Greenwich Village , which treated nine of the victims , said patients were treated for minor injuries that included lacerations to the head and body . Other hospitals declined to provide specifics about the extent of patients ’ injuries from the explosion . AD Photos and accounts posted on social media Saturday night showed large crowds β€” as well as a large law enforcement presence β€” in the area near where the explosion occurred . Soleil Filomena , 64 , was leaving a convenience store at Seventh Avenue and 23rd Street when she heard the explosion .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "Cuomo", "role": "Communicator"}]}]}
{"text": "Cuomo said agents in New York were in touch with those in New Jersey . AD Cuomo said officials β€œ have no reason to believe at this time that there is any further immediate threat , ” though the National Guard and the New York State Police were deploying an additional 1 , 000 personnel to bus terminals , airports and subways β€œ just to err on the side of caution . ” AD Cuomo said the blast in Chelsea β€œ caused significant property damage , ” though he a nearby subway station was structurally safe . He said law enforcement would work diligently to identify and locate those responsible . β€œ Whoever placed these bombs , we will find , and they will be brought to justice , ” Cuomo said . The explosion in the area of 23rd Street between Sixth and Seventh avenues occurred about 8 : 30 p . m . police said . Several of those injured were brought to area hospitals , Donald , the police spokesman , posted on Twitter . AD All victims were treated and released by Sunday morning , Cuomo said . A spokeswoman for Lenox Health Greenwich Village , which treated nine of the victims , said patients were treated for minor injuries that included lacerations to the head and body . Other hospitals declined to provide specifics about the extent of patients ’ injuries from the explosion . AD Photos and accounts posted on social media Saturday night showed large crowds β€” as well as a large law enforcement presence β€” in the area near where the explosion occurred . Soleil Filomena , 64 , was leaving a convenience store at Seventh Avenue and 23rd Street when she heard the explosion . β€œ It was so loud it just went through my whole body , ” she said . β€œ People started running up 23rd Street , and I started running with them . ” AD Filomena said she saw a β€œ big black cloud in the sky . ” After the explosion , she said her β€œ ear was ringing for 15 minutes . ” When Keith Salomon of Delaware felt the explosion , he was having dinner a block and a half from the site of the blast .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "Cuomo", "role": "Communicator"}]}]}
{"text": "AD Cuomo said officials β€œ have no reason to believe at this time that there is any further immediate threat , ” though the National Guard and the New York State Police were deploying an additional 1 , 000 personnel to bus terminals , airports and subways β€œ just to err on the side of caution . ” AD Cuomo said the blast in Chelsea β€œ caused significant property damage , ” though he a nearby subway station was structurally safe . He said law enforcement would work diligently to identify and locate those responsible . β€œ Whoever placed these bombs , we will find , and they will be brought to justice , ” Cuomo said . The explosion in the area of 23rd Street between Sixth and Seventh avenues occurred about 8 : 30 p . m . police said . Several of those injured were brought to area hospitals , Donald , the police spokesman , posted on Twitter . AD All victims were treated and released by Sunday morning , Cuomo said . A spokeswoman for Lenox Health Greenwich Village , which treated nine of the victims , said patients were treated for minor injuries that included lacerations to the head and body . Other hospitals declined to provide specifics about the extent of patients ’ injuries from the explosion . AD Photos and accounts posted on social media Saturday night showed large crowds β€” as well as a large law enforcement presence β€” in the area near where the explosion occurred . Soleil Filomena , 64 , was leaving a convenience store at Seventh Avenue and 23rd Street when she heard the explosion . β€œ It was so loud it just went through my whole body , ” she said . β€œ People started running up 23rd Street , and I started running with them . ” AD Filomena said she saw a β€œ big black cloud in the sky . ” After the explosion , she said her β€œ ear was ringing for 15 minutes . ” When Keith Salomon of Delaware felt the explosion , he was having dinner a block and a half from the site of the blast . His chair and table shook , he said , and he saw people being taken away in ambulances .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "spokeswoman", "role": "Communicator"}]}]}
{"text": "A spokeswoman for Lenox Health Greenwich Village , which treated nine of the victims , said patients were treated for minor injuries that included lacerations to the head and body . Other hospitals declined to provide specifics about the extent of patients ’ injuries from the explosion . AD Photos and accounts posted on social media Saturday night showed large crowds β€” as well as a large law enforcement presence β€” in the area near where the explosion occurred . Soleil Filomena , 64 , was leaving a convenience store at Seventh Avenue and 23rd Street when she heard the explosion . β€œ It was so loud it just went through my whole body , ” she said . β€œ People started running up 23rd Street , and I started running with them . ” AD Filomena said she saw a β€œ big black cloud in the sky . ” After the explosion , she said her β€œ ear was ringing for 15 minutes . ” When Keith Salomon of Delaware felt the explosion , he was having dinner a block and a half from the site of the blast . His chair and table shook , he said , and he saw people being taken away in ambulances . β€œ We didn ’ t know what it was and so , at first , we just kept eating , ” said Salomon , 52 , who was visiting his son in the city . β€œ But then we realized something was wrong . ” Others did not hear the explosion but saw the aftermath . When Jacob Schulman left his apartment a few blocks away shortly before 9 p . m . , he saw people running and screaming . AD β€œ I didn ’ t know what was going on , but everyone looked so panicked . I started running . too , ” said Schulman , 26 , who has lived in the neighborhood since 2014 . Two blocks from the blast scene , a group of people emerged from a screening of the animated movie β€œ Beauty and the Beast ” and saw the flashing lights . One man who came out of the theater said he could not hear anything and had no idea about the explosion not far from where he was sitting .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "he", "role": "Communicator"}]}]}
{"text": "Other hospitals declined to provide specifics about the extent of patients ’ injuries from the explosion . AD Photos and accounts posted on social media Saturday night showed large crowds β€” as well as a large law enforcement presence β€” in the area near where the explosion occurred . Soleil Filomena , 64 , was leaving a convenience store at Seventh Avenue and 23rd Street when she heard the explosion . β€œ It was so loud it just went through my whole body , ” she said . β€œ People started running up 23rd Street , and I started running with them . ” AD Filomena said she saw a β€œ big black cloud in the sky . ” After the explosion , she said her β€œ ear was ringing for 15 minutes . ” When Keith Salomon of Delaware felt the explosion , he was having dinner a block and a half from the site of the blast . His chair and table shook , he said , and he saw people being taken away in ambulances . β€œ We didn ’ t know what it was and so , at first , we just kept eating , ” said Salomon , 52 , who was visiting his son in the city . β€œ But then we realized something was wrong . ” Others did not hear the explosion but saw the aftermath . When Jacob Schulman left his apartment a few blocks away shortly before 9 p . m . , he saw people running and screaming . AD β€œ I didn ’ t know what was going on , but everyone looked so panicked . I started running . too , ” said Schulman , 26 , who has lived in the neighborhood since 2014 . Two blocks from the blast scene , a group of people emerged from a screening of the animated movie β€œ Beauty and the Beast ” and saw the flashing lights . One man who came out of the theater said he could not hear anything and had no idea about the explosion not far from where he was sitting . President Obama was briefed on the situation in New York and will be updated as more information becomes available , a White House official said late Saturday .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "Salomon", "role": "Communicator"}]}]}
{"text": "AD β€œ I didn ’ t know what was going on , but everyone looked so panicked . I started running . too , ” said Schulman , 26 , who has lived in the neighborhood since 2014 . Two blocks from the blast scene , a group of people emerged from a screening of the animated movie β€œ Beauty and the Beast ” and saw the flashing lights . One man who came out of the theater said he could not hear anything and had no idea about the explosion not far from where he was sitting . President Obama was briefed on the situation in New York and will be updated as more information becomes available , a White House official said late Saturday . Speaking in Colorado not long after the explosion , Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump quickly commented on the situation before much information was known . β€œ I must tell you that just before I got off the plane , a bomb went off in New York and nobody knows exactly what ’ s going on , ” said Trump shortly after getting off of his plane . His comments were made before authorities confirmed the nature of the explosion . Late Saturday , Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said it was important to β€œ know the facts ” before drawing conclusions about such incidents . Early Sunday , posts on social media from people in New York showed the area of the explosion to be relatively calm and quiet . Authorities had closed large swaths of roads in the area Saturday night . On Sunday , several roads had reopened but there remained a large police presence in the area . The explosion in New York comes as foreign leaders , including many heads of state , are heading to Manhattan for the United Nations General Assembly . Secretary of State John F . Kerry arrived Saturday , while Obama is scheduled to head to the city on Monday . This annual meeting β€” held more than two miles from the site of the explosion in Chelsea β€” is traditionally a challenging time for New York , as many roads are shut down and the heavy security leads to traffic jams .", "event": [{"event_type": "Broadcast", "event_trigger": "said", "arguments": [{"argument": "Trump", "role": "Communicator"}]}]}
{"text": "That contrasts with the large truck bombs that were used in Oklahoma City in 1995 and in the garage of the World Trade Center North Tower in 1993 , which were intended to inflict damage on buildings , as well as people . IED ’ s pack a much smaller punch , are cheaper , and easier to carry . They have been used in Iraq and Afghanistan with devastating effect on American troops in convoys of military vehicles . Advertisement No one has taken responsibility for the twin bombings on Boylston Street that killed three people and injured more than 150 near the Boston marathon finish line . A senior US law enforcement official in Washington added that the fact that no group has taken responsibility has officials speculating that it might not be the work of a well - known international terrorist group like Al Qaeda , Hezbollah or one of its affiliates but a domestic group or individual inspired by the hallmark tactics of terrorist groups in recent years , The Pakistani Taliban also said in a statement it was not responsible for the attack , unlike the attempted car bombing in New York ’ s Times Square in 2010 that it claimed responsibility for . But officials in Washington have been warning about the possibility of so - called improvised explosive devises in recent weeks . In late february the White House established a new task force housed in the Department of Justice to apply the lessons learned from years of dealing with so - called improvised explosive devices β€” some large and powerful and others more limited in scope like the ones apparently set off on Boylston Street yesterday . β€œ The threat from IED use is likely to remain high in the near future , and will continue to evolve in response to our abilities to counter them , ’’ according to a new strategy approved by President Obama on February 26 . β€œ A whole - of - government approach that integrates Federal , state , local , tribal , territorial , private sector , and global participation in counter - IED activities will best position the United States to discover plots to use IEDs in the United States , or against U . S . persons abroad , before those threats become imminent . ’’ Advertisement", "event": []}
{"text": "On 17 September 2019 , two suicide bombings killed over 48 people in Charikar and Kabul , Afghanistan . The first attack occurred at a rally for president Ashraf Ghani which killed over 26 and wounded over 42 . Ghani was unharmed in the incident . The second bombing occurred in Kabul near the US embassy . In this incident 22 were killed and another 38 were injured in the explosion . Children and women are among the dead and wounded in both attacks , also multiple soldiers were killed . The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attacks , and said they will commit more attacks to discourage people from voting in the upcoming presidential elections . == Attacks == === Charikar === The attack took place in Charikar , at a police training ground . At the time , Afghan president Ashraf Ghani was holding a political rally at the site , attended by thousands of people . A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle drove into a crowd near a security checkpoint and detonated his explosives . 26 people and the bomber were killed , and 42 others injured . Women and children were among the victims of the attack . President Ghani was unharmed in the attack , remaining protected by a secure compound about half a mile from the site of the blast . === Kabul === A few hours after the first attack , a second suicide bombing took place in Massoud Square near the Kabul Green Zone , in an area where several government buildings , the US embassy and NATO headquarters , are located . 22 people were killed in this attack and 38 injured . == Responsibility == The Taliban claimed responsibility for both attacks , and stated that the attacks were aimed at disrupting the Afghan presidential election , scheduled to take place on September 28 . == References ==", "event": []}
{"text": "Analysis backs claim drones were used to attack Venezuela ’ s president Analysis of open source information carried out by the investigative website Bellingcat suggests drones that had been repurposed as flying bombs were indeed used in an attack on the president of Venezuela this weekend . The Venezuelan government claimed three days ago that an attempt had been made to assassinate President NicolΓ‘s Maduro using two drones loaded with explosives . The president had been giving a speech which was being broadcast live on television when the incident occurred . Initial video from a state - owned television network showed the reaction of Maduro , those around him and a parade of soldiers at the event to what appeared to be two blasts somewhere off camera . But the footage did not include shots of any drones or explosions . AP also reported that firefighters at scene had shed doubt on the drone attack claim β€” suggesting there had instead been a gas explosion in a nearby flat . Since then more footage has emerged , including videos purporting to show a drone exploding and a drone tumbling alongside a building . Bellingcat has carried out an analysis of publicly available information related to the attack , including syncing timings of the state broadcast of Maduro ’ s speech , and using frame - by - frame analysis combined with photos and satellite imagery of Caracas to try to pinpoint locations of additional footage that has emerged to determine whether the drone attack claim stands up . The Venezuelan government has claimed the drones used were DJI Matrice 600s , each carrying approximately 1kg of C4 plastic explosive and , when detonated , capable of causing damage at a radius of around 50 meters . DJI Matrice 600 drones are a commercial model , normally used for industrial work β€” with a U . S . price tag of around $ 5 , 000 apiece , suggesting the attack could have cost little over $ 10k to carry out β€” with 1kg of plastic explosive available commercially ( for demolition purposes ) at a cost of around $ 30 . Bellingcat says its analysis supports the government ’ s claim that the drone model used was a DJI Matrice 600 , noting that the drones involved in the event each had six rotors .", "event": []}
{"text": "The second drone was said by Reverol to have \" lost control \" and crashed into a nearby building . Bellingcat says it is possible to geolocate the video of the falling drone to the same location as the fire in the apartment that firefighters had claimed was caused by a gas canister explosion . It adds that images taken of this location during the fire show a hole in the wall of the apartment in the vicinity of where the drone would have crashed . \" It is a very likely possibility that the downed drone subsequently detonated , creating the hole in the wall of this apartment , igniting a fire , and causing the sound of the second explosion which can be heard in Video 2 [ of the state TV broadcast of Maduro ’ s speech ] , \" it further suggests . Here ’ s its conclusion : From the open sources of information available , it appears that an attack took place using two DBIEDs while Maduro was giving a speech . Both the drones appear visually similar to DJI Matrice 600s , with at least one displaying features that are consistent with this model . These drones appear to have been loaded with explosive and flown towards the parade . The first drone detonated somewhere above or near the parade , the most likely cause of the casualties announced by the Venezuelan government and pictured on social media . The second drone crashed and exploded approximately 14 seconds later and 400 meters away from the stage , and is the most likely cause of the fire which the Venezuelan firefighters described . It also considers the claim of attribution by a group on social media , calling itself \" Soldados de Franelas \" ( aka β€˜ T - Shirt Soldiers ’ β€” a reference to a technique used by protestors wrapping a t - shirt around their head to cover their face and protect their identity ) , suggesting it ’ s not clear from the group ’ s Twitter messages that they are \" unequivocally claiming responsibility for the event \" , owing to use of passive language , and to a claim that the drones were shot down by government snipers β€” which it says \" does not appear to be supported by the open source information available \" .", "event": []}
{"text": "Dzhokhar Tsarnaev apologizes for suffering caused by Marathon bombing January 2013 Tsarnaev , then 19 , talks to his close friend , Stephen Silva , about borrowing Silva ’ s 9mm P95 Ruger semi - automatic pistol . Tsarnaev and Silva both graduated from Cambridge Rindge and Latin School in 2001 , and worked as lifeguards together at the Harvard pool . Starting in college , both became very involved in selling marijuana , and Silva had obtained a gun , in part , to help him protect his drug business . A Ruger semi - automatic handgun presented in the trial . Jan . 30 , 2013 Tamerlan , 26 , allegedly buys two Fager pressure - cookers at Macy ’ s at the Square One Mall in Saugus . The remains of a pressure cooker bomb . Feb . 8 , 2013 Tamerlan Tsarnaev used his credit card to make an online purchase of a remote - controlled car set , batteries , and a transmitter and receiver from NitroRCX . com . Prosecutors said these items were used to help remotely - detonate the bombs February , 2013 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev visits Silva and borrows the Ruger pistol β€” the gun that was later used to kill MIT police officer Sean Collier and during the shootout with police in Watertown . March 11 , 2013 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev creates a secret Twitter account , @ Al - FirdausiA , with the user name Ghuraba and posted six Tweets in three days . The first post on March 11 , 2013 reads : \" I want the highest levels of Jannah , I want to be able to see Allah every single day for that is the best of pleasures . \" He also maintains his original Twitter account that includes mostly typical teenage postings , but some that could be signs of growing radicalization . March Tamerlan Tsarnaev purchases some BBs at Walmart in New Hampshire . March 20 , 2013 Both brothers went to a firing range in Manchester , N . H . and rented two 9mm handguns , similar to the borrowed Ruger . March 30 , 2013 Tamerlan Tsarnaev also bought a screwdriver and soldering gun from Home Depot in Somerville , April 8 , 2013", "event": [{"event_type": "Correspondence", "event_trigger": "talks", "arguments": [{"argument": "Stephen Silva", "role": "Recipient"}, {"argument": "Tsarnaev", "role": "Communicator"}, {"argument": "Ruger semi-automatic pistol", "role": "Topic"}]}]}
{"text": "AD He said later : β€œ This is the nightmare scenario . ” Not long after the blast , police said they had found another possible explosive device just blocks away . This device appeared to be similar to a pressure cooker and had wiring on it , according to a law enforcement official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing investigation . Pressure cookers were used in the two bombs detonated at the Boston Marathon in 2013 . The bomb squad safely removed the second device , New York police tweeted early Sunday . Police officers , firefighters and other first responders had rushed to the scene of the blast , which closed a major roadway and forced people out of nearby buildings . New York Mayor Bill de Blasio ( D ) said Sunday that the explosion was β€œ intentional , ” but noted that few details were available because the investigation was in its early stages . β€œ We know there was a bombing , ” de Blasio said . β€œ We know it was a very serious incident , but we have a lot more work to do to be able to say what kind of motivation was behind this . ” AD AD He also echoed his comments from Saturday night that there was no specific , credible threat against New York from any terrorist group . The FBI and NYPD are trying to understand what motivation lay behind the blast . β€œ We will look at individuals . We will look at associations . We will look at social media , ” William Sweeney , Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI New York Field Office , said . β€œ Until we have that information it is not fair for us to give a conclusion [ as to motivation ] , ” DeBlasio said . β€œ Let the law enforcement experts draw the conclusions . ” Police Commissioner James O ’ Neill , whose first day in the position was Saturday , told reporters on Sunday that police were still gathering evidence . AD β€œ We did find some components indicative of an IED … that went off intentionally , ” O ’ Neill said . Late Saturday , police had ruled out natural gas as a possible cause of the blast . AD", "event": [{"event_type": "ThreatenCoerce", "event_trigger": "threat", "arguments": []}]}
{"text": "On 17 September 2019 , two suicide bombings killed over 48 people in Charikar and Kabul , Afghanistan . The first attack occurred at a rally for president Ashraf Ghani which killed over 26 and wounded over 42 . Ghani was unharmed in the incident . The second bombing occurred in Kabul near the US embassy . In this incident 22 were killed and another 38 were injured in the explosion . Children and women are among the dead and wounded in both attacks , also multiple soldiers were killed . The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attacks , and said they will commit more attacks to discourage people from voting in the upcoming presidential elections . == Attacks == === Charikar === The attack took place in Charikar , at a police training ground . At the time , Afghan president Ashraf Ghani was holding a political rally at the site , attended by thousands of people . A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle drove into a crowd near a security checkpoint and detonated his explosives . 26 people and the bomber were killed , and 42 others injured . Women and children were among the victims of the attack . President Ghani was unharmed in the attack , remaining protected by a secure compound about half a mile from the site of the blast . === Kabul === A few hours after the first attack , a second suicide bombing took place in Massoud Square near the Kabul Green Zone , in an area where several government buildings , the US embassy and NATO headquarters , are located . 22 people were killed in this attack and 38 injured . == Responsibility == The Taliban claimed responsibility for both attacks , and stated that the attacks were aimed at disrupting the Afghan presidential election , scheduled to take place on September 28 . == References ==", "event": []}
{"text": "Cuba sidesteps Colombia ’ s request to extradite the rebels after Bogota blames the group for Thursday ’ s car bombing . Colombia has asked Cuba to hand over the rebels affiliated with National Liberation Army ( ELN ) , who were in Havana for peace talks , after a deadly car bombing in Bogota was blamed on the group . Conservative President Ivan Duque urged Communist - ruled Cuba , a host and one of the guarantors of the peace process , to send home the ELN rebels in Havana . Cuba ’ s foreign minister said in a tweet late on Friday that the country would respect the protocols of the negotiations it had been hosting and was consulting with both parties and the guarantors of the talks . On Friday , Colombia blamed the leftist ELN for the bombing of a police academy in Bogota that killed 20 people as well as the attacker , dealing a big blow to the peace process . 190102132047518 Duque then announced that he was reinstating arrest warrants for 10 ELN members , who are part of the group ’ s delegation to the Cuba talks . The talks were aimed at ending more than five decades of fighting by the Marxist - inspired group . Duque said that Cuba must not protect the rebels . The police academy car bombing β€œ was a crime that violated human rights and no such act deserves [ Cuba acting ] to avoid justice being done ” , Duque said while giving a speech in Tolima . Colombians , including Duque , planned to join in a march on Sunday to protest against the car bombing , the worst such attack in the country in 16 years . Last rebel group In November , Colombia asked Cuba to capture ELN rebel commander Nicolas Rodriguez and provide information about the presence of other commanders in the Cuban territory . The government in Bogota also asked Havana to act on an Interpol Red Notice against Rodriguez . The Cuban government did not respond publicly to that request or made a statement about the issue . Colombia has experienced several years of relative calm since the 2016 peace accord signed by then - President Juan Manuel Santos and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia ( FARC ) fighters . 190118182118648", "event": []}
{"text": "Cuba ’ s foreign minister said in a tweet late on Friday that the country would respect the protocols of the negotiations it had been hosting and was consulting with both parties and the guarantors of the talks . On Friday , Colombia blamed the leftist ELN for the bombing of a police academy in Bogota that killed 20 people as well as the attacker , dealing a big blow to the peace process . 190102132047518 Duque then announced that he was reinstating arrest warrants for 10 ELN members , who are part of the group ’ s delegation to the Cuba talks . The talks were aimed at ending more than five decades of fighting by the Marxist - inspired group . Duque said that Cuba must not protect the rebels . The police academy car bombing β€œ was a crime that violated human rights and no such act deserves [ Cuba acting ] to avoid justice being done ” , Duque said while giving a speech in Tolima . Colombians , including Duque , planned to join in a march on Sunday to protest against the car bombing , the worst such attack in the country in 16 years . Last rebel group In November , Colombia asked Cuba to capture ELN rebel commander Nicolas Rodriguez and provide information about the presence of other commanders in the Cuban territory . The government in Bogota also asked Havana to act on an Interpol Red Notice against Rodriguez . The Cuban government did not respond publicly to that request or made a statement about the issue . Colombia has experienced several years of relative calm since the 2016 peace accord signed by then - President Juan Manuel Santos and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia ( FARC ) fighters . 190118182118648 With the landmark agreement turning the former rebels into a political party , the smaller ELN is considered the last active rebel group in the country . True to his election promises , Duque has taken a hard line against the ELN . Peace talks with the ELN began in February 2017 under Santos , but Duque has put them on hold until the rebels free all their hostages and stop attacks on military and civilian targets . The group is believed to be currently holding 17 hostages , some of them for several years .", "event": [{"event_type": "RequestCommand", "event_trigger": "asked", "arguments": [{"argument": "Colombia", "role": "Communicator"}, {"argument": "Cuba", "role": "Recipient"}]}]}