--- configs: - config_name: main_data data_files: "data/train/*" default: true --- # 🔥 TurkishLLaVA OCR Enhancement Dataset
Türkçe-Kitap Dataset
This dataset is a specialized books collection designed to improve the Turkish OCR (Optical Character Recognition) abilities of the [Turkish-LLaVA-v0.1](https://huggingface.co/ytu-ce-cosmos/Turkish-LLaVA-v0.1) model. It was created by collecting **100,000** books entirely from Turkish sources. The primary goal of this dataset is to enhance the model's ability to detect and interpret any text present in images. ## Dataset Usage in Finetuning This dataset played a crucial role in the finetuning process of the Turkish-LLaVA-v0.1 model. It was concatenated with [another dataset](#) (Soon..) to form a comprehensive training set that significantly refined the model's OCR capabilities. This enhancement process ensured that the model could accurately recognize and interpret Turkish text in various visual contexts. ## Citation If you use this dataset or the finetuning setup in your research, please consider citing our [paper](#) (Soon..). ## Contact If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, feel free to reach out to us or open a pull request. COSMOS AI Research Group, Yildiz Technical University Computer Engineering Department [https://cosmos.yildiz.edu.tr/](https://cosmos.yildiz.edu.tr/) Email: cosmos@yildiz.edu.tr