# Human variants A curated set of variants from three sources: ClinVar, COSMIC, OMIM and gnomAD. Predictions for methods benchmarked in GPN-MSA paper can be [downloaded from here](https://huggingface.co/datasets/songlab/human_variants/resolve/main/variants_and_preds.parquet). Functional annotations can be [downloaded from here](https://huggingface.co/datasets/songlab/human_variants/resolve/main/functional_annotations.zip). For more information check out our [paper](https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.10.10.561776) and [repository](https://github.com/songlab-cal/gpn). ## Data sources **ClinVar**: Missense variants considered "Pathogenic" by human labelers. **COSMIC**: Somatic missense variants with a frequency at least 0.1% in cancer samples (whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing only). **OMIM**: Regulatory variants considered "Pathogenic" by human labelers, curated in [this paper](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajhg.2016.07.005). **gnomAD**: All common variants (MAF > 5%) as well as an equally-sized subset of rare variants (MAC=1). Only autosomes are included. ## Usage ```python from datasets import load_dataset dataset = load_dataset("songlab/human_variants", split="test") ``` Subset - ClinVar Pathogenic vs. gnomAD common (missense) (can specify `num_proc` to speed up): ```python dataset = dataset.filter(lambda v: v["source"]=="ClinVar" or (v["label"]=="Common" and "missense" in v["consequence"])) ``` Subset - COSMIC frequent vs. gnomAD common (missense): ```python dataset = dataset.filter(lambda v: v["source"]=="COSMIC" or (v["label"]=="Common" and "missense" in v["consequence"])) ``` Subset - OMIM Pathogenic vs. gnomAD common (regulatory): ```python cs = ["5_prime_UTR", "upstream_gene", "intergenic", "3_prime_UTR", "non_coding_transcript_exon"] dataset = dataset.filter(lambda v: v["source"]=="OMIM" or (v["label"]=="Common" and "missense" not in v["consequence"] and any([c in v["consequence"] for c in cs]))) ``` Subset - gnomAD rare vs. gnomAD common: ```python dataset = dataset.filter(lambda v: v["source"]=="gnomAD") ```