upscaler-gallery / scripts /
script for updating models in the readme and updated
import os
# Get the directory of the current script
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# Define paths
model_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, '..', 'models')
markdown_file = os.path.join(script_dir, '..', '')
# Define HTML comments as markers
begin_marker = "<!-- BEGIN MODEL LINKS -->"
end_marker = "<!-- END MODEL LINKS -->"
# Generate links
links = []
for file_name in os.listdir(model_dir):
if file_name.endswith(".json"): # Check if the file is a JSON file
base_name = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] # Extract the filename without extension
link = f" - [{base_name}]({base_name})" # Create a markdown link
# Read the markdown file content
with open(markdown_file, 'r') as file:
content =
# Find the start and end of the marker section
begin_idx = content.find(begin_marker) + len(begin_marker)
end_idx = content.find(end_marker)
if begin_idx != -1 and end_idx != -1: # Ensure markers are found
# Replace the old content between the markers with the new links
new_content = content[:begin_idx] + "\n" + "\n".join(links) + "\n" + content[end_idx:]
# Write the updated content back to the markdown file
with open(markdown_file, 'w') as file:
print("Markdown file has been updated.")
print("Markers not found.")