What did the waitress say to the man who wouldn't stop staring at her while she refilled his glass
Take a pitcher, it'll last longer
My daughter told me her ear was bothering her
So I asked if it was ear-itated
What do you call a sleep walking nun
A roamin’ Catholic
True dad encounter at the shops Shop assistant: sir do you have a smaller bill. Dad: no but you can rip that one in half
Drilling for oil
is boring
Made a customer groan tonight. A man and his wife came up to the counter and he placed down a hunting magazine he wanted to buy. She scoffed at it and said at least it isn't a girly magazine. I replied, Well, she is a Fox. She just shook her head and groaned while the husband gave me a silent nod of approval
The cover of the magazine was a fox
Both my ex and I were born in July She said I was a crab
I said she was cancer
I dated a one legged girl who worked at the brewery
She was in charge of the hops
Cop: I’m arresting you for illegally downloading the entire Wikipedia
Me: Wait, I can explain everything
In my opinion more people should write more jokes about frisbee's
I had a friend who always said
I put the sexy in dyslexic
I finally read that book on clocks
It was about time
Son: Where are my sunglasses. Dad: I don't know. where are my dadglasses
Courtesy of my dad, from just a few minutes ago
Geese fly in a V-formation for aerodynamics, and when the lead goose gets tired he switches out his position. But one side of the V is almost always longer than the other. Do you know why
More geese on that side
Wy don't anteaters get sick. Beasuse they are full of anti-bodies
GOAT. So. I asked a goat how she's doing and she said
Why did the captain hate his boat's anchor
It was a piece of ship
What did Obama say when Canada's prime minister insults him
Tru tho
My dad was watching a Western and I walked in Me: so Clint Eastwood is in this movie. Dad: Yes. Me: Ah, whats he doing in this movie
Dad: Acting
Son: “I know dad, 6 is afraid cause 7, 8, 9. Haha /s” Dad: “But do you know why 7 ate 9. ” Son:
Dad: “Because you’re supposed to eat 3 square meals a day
HP Dadjoke Imagine if Sirius got married and has a kid and they were arguing and his kid was like 'Are you serious. ' and he's be so torn. What dad joke does he make. 'Why yes I am Sirius' or 'No I'm not serius, I am dad'. Which one. Which one would he make
I found this on the internet today and it was too funny not to share
When I was growing up, my dad always used to tell me, “The Sky’s the Limit
” He was never supportive of my dreams of becoming an astronaut
Instead of a swear jar I have a negativity jar. Everytime I have a pessimistic thought I put a dollar in it
It's half empty
My wife is really mad at the fact that I have no sense of direction
So I packed up my stuff and right
I just screamed at a well-bronzed man at the beach
Sorry for going off on a tan gent
While walking through the corn maze today my son got us The three year old was asking him where he was, and the eight year old said- I am standing at the corner. Get it. Corn-er
Little bastard is on point
My neighbor said he's too scared to grow an apple tree
I told him to grow a pear
What did the 0 say to the 10
Where did you find the one
Why are teddy bears never hungry
Because they’re always stuffed
A gravedigger exhumed Beethoven's casket. He opened the lid and there was Ludwig. maddenly erasing sheets of his greatest works. Just as I thought. said the gravedigger
He's decomposing
They say you are what you eat
Can anyone give me a list of foods classified as rich?
Dad joked my girl friend about her Brazilian wax She was talking to me about getting a Brazilian wax done. Her: This place only uses hard wax, which I found interesting. Sometimes they use hard and soft wax too. Me: I guess there is more than one way to skin a cat. I received the best response a dadjoke can get
The Facepalm
What do you call it when your salad is taken over by bread
A crou d'ton
Why doesn't Barbie ever get pregnant
Because Ken comes in another box
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time. was 19 years ago
*source: dad*
Wife: I haven't seen you use the bathroom all week Me: No shit
I'm constipated
What do you call an Argentinian with a rubber toe
My girlfriend asked me how I slept last night
Lying down with my eyes closed
Dad, are we pyromaniacs
Yes, we arson
Every morning after I get up, the first thing I do is make my bed
Tomorrow I’m returning this piece of shit to IKEA
My daughter has learnt well My 8 year old came home from school and on the car trip home Daughter: mum I bet I can make you say black Wife: oh really. Daughter: what color is that car Wife: Blue. Daughter: And that tree. Wife: Brown Daughter: told you I could make you say brown Wife: no you said black
I have never been more proud
From another 7 year old; my son laid this one on me last night and I'd never heard it. Why did the cyclops quit teaching
Because he only had one pupil
My brother broke three toes playing soccer. Mom is driving to the hospital and Dad is sitting in the back trying to calm my brother down. Dad: Can't you drive faster
There's trouble afoot
I told my mum about how I fixed my computer
I made my motherboard
The ending of Game of Thrones makes sense, think about it. Arya went west, Jon went north, Drogon went east, and the show went south
Thank you and goodnight
Who’s the pimple’s favorite sibling
His cyst-er
The other day I held the door open for a clown
I thought it was a nice jester
Why doesn't Thor keep his hammer by his chest
Because that's where his thorax is
Why are Catholics the best runners during the Easter season
They fast during Lent
I rear ended a car with a Jesus bumper sticker on it
I stopped in the name of the Lord
My chiropractor started talking politics today. He was trying to see which way
I was leaning
I was born straight out of Compton
Compton just happens to be my mother's maiden name
What did the horses say when their friend dressed up
You look dashing
Should I tell a chemistry joke
- Na - K
How do you dehydrate your grapes faster
By raisin the roof
A friend of my Father had owed him money for a while He mentioned that because of him he's changed his policy, and always gets paid ahead. A head
And I thought an arm and a leg was bad
On my first day as a pilot, I looked down nervously and asked: “What are all these buttons for
” And my copilot responded: “They keep your shirt closed”
What did the horse say when it fell
help I've fallen and I can't giddyup
If you could pay someone with chicken
It would be chicken tender
The reason midget doctors are always angry
Is because they have very little patients
Hear about the disease that wiped out the shellfish beds
It was a clamity
Invented popup notification
What were the founding father's favorite cereals
Chex and Balance
Why do birds fly south for the winter
Because it's too far to walk
RIP boiling water
You will be mist
Sister: My ears keep ringing
Dad: Well, why don't you answer them
A bunch of Dads lined up and patiently waited 7 days for a drink
Apparently they're okay with a week punch line
What did the fruit seller do when his grapes dried out
He started raisin his prices
My dad got so mad when the cow crushed his foot and it had to be amputated
He's so lactoes intolerant
What animal is shaped like a square
A squarrel
Today my mom turns 53, and it's tradition that my dad fills the kitchen with posters before she wakes up, wishing her a happy birthday. This year's were some of his worst (best) work. http://imgur
I was fired from the keyboard factory today
I wasn't putting in enough shifts
Did you know lumberjacks are into classical music
They're really into Chopin
Why was the duck killed and eaten for spying on others. Probably cos it was a
Peking duck
What time does Roger Federer go to bed
At my brother's gf's house talking about their recent trip to Malta (they're maltese) the mum: Yeah, it's not like melbourne there, where here you see chinese shops, indian shops, greek shops etc
there, it's all maltese me: oh I dont know, I've found Malta to be very Malta-cultural Noone took notice of it, but my brother looked back at me as if to say you sly dog, you
A future dad in the making (x-post from /r/funny) From the [original post](http://www. reddit. com/r/funny/comments/2yl394/my_3_year_old_made_me_run_up_the_stairs_after/) title: > My 3 year old made me run up the stairs after yelling, Dada. There's a sea of water on the counter. [I see what you did there, kid. ](http://i. imgur. com/cYRVDLb
I was shoveling the snow off the driveway with my son today
He said, Dad, can't you just use a shovel
Toilet paper So I was sitting on the couch with my dad, and we are watching a toilet paper commercial, he says which hand do you wipe your ass with I say my right hand he says huh, that's weird, I use toilet paper
How many mystery writers does it take to screw in a light bulb. Two
One to screw it in most of the way and the other to give it a surprise twist at the end
Why did Snoop Dogg bring his umbrella outside
Fo drizzle
a termite walked into a bar and asked
is the bartender here
What is the difference between a cat and a comma. One has claws at the end of its paws
The other is a pause at the end of a clause
Why does Waldo wear stripes
Because he doesn't wanna be spotted
I️ used to work at a calendar factory. I️ got fired because
I️ took a couple days off
Got the server, fiancee groaned Went out for dinner with some friends. They got the table before us, so we join them. Server comes by and says, Oh you have some new faces It's only new to you, I've had this face for a while
Fiancee put her face in her hands and groaned
What do you call a sad coffee
A depresso
Bee keepers have the prettiest eyes
Because beauty is in the eye of the bee holder
Why do Carpenters make good Chiropractors
They already know a lot about lumbar
At least twice a week, someone will confuse me with. Stephen. King’s son,Joe. I’m not
I was on a safari in Africa when one of the tourists asked our guide, “Is it difficult to spot cheetahs
” He said, “No, they usually come that way
We were watching a documentary on prisons. The documentary mentioned how some inmates try to sneak in cell phones by sticking it up their butt. Without hesitation I responded with I bet you they get crappy reception. then my wife gave out the longest sigh
I think I'm getting the hang of this
Just got my friend with a classic Did you get a haircut. Yeah, well I actually got a whole bunch of them cut
You know I've killed people for less than that
While I was cooking for my kids today, I cut my finger chopping cheese
but I think that I may have grater problems
If the Red Cross did an orchestral fundraising event
They could call it The Big Band Aid
My husband and kids are upset that. I put pepper on their pizza
They really loved that guinea pig.
My dad keeps telling jokes about his eyes
They're getting cornea and cornea
This Happened Today at Dinner \*sister takes out the trash but doesn't replace the trash bag\* Dad: hey do you have a whole butt. Sister: \*blinks\* what. Dad: do you have a whole butt. or do you have a half butt. Sister: uh I am pretty sure a whole butt
Dad: \*points to trashcan\* then why did you half ass the job
I purchased a dog from the blacksmith today
As soon as a got him home he made a bolt for the door
I wasn't sure how to re-build our fence when it started sagging. So
I checked r/dadjokes, to see how other people repost