import json import re fname = "bluemoon_roleplay_300k_vicuna.json"; with open(fname,"r") as f: d = json.load(f); mr = re.compile(r'(((OOC|OCC|ooc|occ|Occ|Ooc|OoC))|(OFF)):.*?((([ \.!?](IC|DE|BIC|ic|bic)[:\. ])|((BiC[:]?)|[\.!?](on:|ON:|On:)))|$)'); #remaining implicit OOC'ing manual = [ "OOC: Sorry for the redonculous wait. Work takes priority ", "OOC: I hope you don't mind that I put a time skip in here", "OOC: Give her broken english.", "OoC: aww, and here I'd been hoping that something would be done with the soul edge fragments", "OOC:Oh sure. It's ok ", "OOC: Sorry for being gone so long...I hope you will continue rping with me", ]; for conv in d: for m in conv["conversations"]: l =["value"]); if l != None: print(m["value"]); s = mr.sub("",m["value"]); if len(s) > 0: print("--->",s,end="\n\n"); m["value"] = s; else: print("---> MANUAL INTERVENTION REQUIRED. CHECK KEYWORDS."); s = m["value"]; for e in manual: s = re.sub(e,"",s); m["value"] = s; fname = "bluemoon_roleplay_300k_vicuna_filtered.json"; with open(fname,"w") as f: json.dump(d,f,indent=2);