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Foreword | We know that for some crimes, like human trafficking, it is difficult to secure prosecutions. It is also the case that these kind of crimes are difficult to detect. Human trafficking presents different challenges from domestic crimes, like sexual assault, because of its often transnational nature and the potential involvement of a network of facilitators in a number of countries. Extreme caution should be exercised in extrapolating from the under-reporting of domestic crimes to transnational crimes, as Australia enjoys the natural protection provided by being both an island and geographically remote and has extensive border protection mechanisms. This paper argues that we need to be aware of trends, internationally and in the region, to ensure we have early warning of activities that could impact on the level and type of trafficking to Australia, and to ensure we are providing the most effective responses to prevent and detect trafficking. This paper provides an overview of the challenges involved in obtaining reliable information on the trafficking process. It is timely to revisit human trafficking as an issue that affects Australia. Since the AIC published a major report on the topic in 2000 (David 2000), the Australian Government, in 2003, committed $20 million to address human trafficking, new federal offences entered into force in August 2005 (Criminal Code Amendment (Trafficking in Persons Offences) Act 2005), and in September 2005 Australia ratified the United Nations (UN) protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, which supplements the UN convention against transnational organised crime. Despite the attention which trafficking has received at the international and national level since the UN General Assembly adopted the convention on transnational crime and its associate protocol on trafficking in persons, there are still no reliable data on the issues. There have been several large-scale efforts to estimate and document human trafficking across the world. A recent report, based on an analysis of a database which recorded citations of trafficking by various sources of information over the period 1996-2003, relies on secondary sources and provides a limited and potentially inaccurate picture of global patterns (UNODC 2006). Many of the citations came from previous or ongoing efforts to estimate and document human trafficking by a number of key institutions - the Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report produced annually by the US Department of State, reports produced by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and International Organization for Migration (IOM) which focus on forced labour, and a major report produced by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF 2005), Trafficking in human beings, especially women and children, in Africa. The estimates found in these reports vary over time and across regions, primarily because human trafficking is an extremely difficult activity to investigate. There are also differences in focus and in methodologies. As the evidence base is shaky, and easy to challenge, it is important to consider how knowledge on this issue can be improved, in order to properly inform efforts to prevent and reduce trafficking. The following paper summarises current evidence on trafficking to Australia and within the wider region, and highlights constraints that exist when endeavouring to interpret what this evidence tells us about the problem. It concludes with recommendations for further investment into research and monitoring. Defining the problem There are important distinctions between people smuggling, and trafficking, with the former involving the illegal migration of people across borders. Although trafficking involves movement of people it does not necessarily occur across national borders and must involve exploitation of the victim and, at least where the victims are adults, an element of force, deception or abuse of power. The 2000 Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children provides the following definition: 'Trafficking in persons' shall mean the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs. Children women, organs, labour The purpose of trafficking research and the importance placed on estimating numbers varies, but the main areas of focus tend to be trafficking into the sex industry, irregular migration or involvement of organised crime (Jahic & Finckenauer 2005). Although the protocol explicitly refers to children, the type of human trafficking that has the greatest visibility, especially in first world countries, is the trafficking of women for the purposes of sexual exploitation. The reasons for exploitation vary and although the protocol includes forced labour, domestic servitude and the removal of organs, it seems that the trafficking that is most known about in Western Europe, the Americas and East Asia involves women who work in the sex industry in the destination countries, under debt bondage contracts or other forms of coercive control. Some victims of trafficking may be aware that they will be working in the sex industry in the destination country or as a domestic worker. However, once illegally resident in a destination country, they can be vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. Various commentators in Australia have recounted examples of debt-bonded prostitution, where women have to provide sexual services to a large number of clients over a specific period of time to pay off large debts (AFP 2003, Carrington & Hearn 2003, Project Respect 2003). The issue of consent is problematic in such situations when threats, abuse of power or vulnerability pressures exist and becomes even more of an issue if the victim is a minor. Involvement of transnational crime Not much is known about overlaps in human trafficking and other forms of trafficking, and whether similar networks are involved in such criminal activity. Reports on different regions of the world reveal that there is often an overlap between legal migration routes, people smuggling and human trafficking, but not much research has been undertaken on how crime groups and networks are involved in human trafficking and how such criminal transnational activity has been facilitated by the widespread use of the internet and other technological changes (Makkai 2003). As Tailby (2001) notes, when people move illegally through multiple transit points and countries, the required level of organisation increases. Various facilitators can be involved in people smuggling and trafficking including migration agents in source countries, corrupt officials, and transport agents/operators. Importantly, the global crime of trafficking involves other major crimes including fraud, kidnapping, identity crime, bribery and corruption, and deprivation of liberty - all of which have to be successfully coordinated and managed clandestinely to ensure that the operation is run sufficiently effectively and often enough to generate profit. A UNODC pilot survey in 16 countries and one region found that eight of 40 organised crime groups were involved in trafficking in persons activity (UNODC 2006). The two groups whose primary activity was trafficking were classified as 'core groups' - consisting of a tightly structured core group and links to a loose network of associates. The remaining six groups were engaged in numerous criminal activities with five hierarchically structured and five heavily involved in the transnational trafficking of various goods including drugs and firearms. Measuring the problem The most cited global estimate of human trafficking is produced annually in the TIP report, by the US Department of State. The 2006 estimate was trafficking of 600,000 to 800,000 persons across international borders with 80 percent of the victims believed to be female, up to 50 percent minors and the majority for commercial sexual exploitation. The methodology employed to produce this estimate and attendant claims remains unclear (GAO 2006). The assessment of an individual country seems to involve US diplomatic missions consulting documentation and key stakeholders, but the number and nature of sources is not revealed. Very broad ranges are often employed for country, regional and global estimates, with, for example, annual estimates of victims of sexual exploitation for Germany ranging from 2,000 to 20,000 and from 10,000 to 100,000 for Russia (Makkai 2003). There is also a large disparity between estimates and the number of known cases. An overview of human trafficking provided by the US National Institute of Justice in 2003 referred to estimates of 45,000-50,000 women and children being trafficked into the US but there were 38 documented cases involving 5,500 women in 1999-2000 (Makkai 2003). Certainly there has been some debate in Australia on the estimated number of trafficking victims in the country, especially in relation to the numbers of foreign women in the sex industry estimated to be in servitude (AGD 2004, Piper 2005, Scarlett Alliance 2003). Intelligence assessments have indicated that the total number of victims is less than 100, and as Table 1 shows, official information on victim support and arrests would indicate relatively small numbers. |Number of individuals| |a 44 have been issued with criminal justice stay visas| |b at the time of writing three convictions were under appeal| |Source: Australian Federal Police| |Victim support program||66a| The problem with estimates is that they are often without cited sources, or the sources do not reveal their methodology (GAO 2006). These vaguely defined numbers are repeated, thereby reinforcing themselves (Jahic & Finckenauer 2005). However, there are examples of more information being provided on methodology to produce estimates on the extent of trafficking. In an effort to produce a more accurate picture of human trafficking in Africa, UNICEF undertook country visits, a desk review and held an expert workshop. A database was developed to manage the quantitative and qualitative information on 53 African countries, which enabled the analysis of 8,500 pieces of data divided into 160 variables (UNICEF 2005). An ILO (2005) report sought to provide a global minimal estimate of forced labour over a 10 year period. Double sampling was used and independently produced by two research teams in order to arrive at an estimate of the total number of persons in forced labour at a given time, including both non-reported and reported cases. The report noted that information was even less reliable in regions where awareness was low or where freedom of expression was restricted. A recent report that examined data collected by government agencies that related to trafficking in four Asian countries, found common challenges such as lack of oversight of data, poor information management systems, inadequate coordination between and within agencies, and sensitivities around data on trafficking, related to possible criticisms of government (David 2007). Trafficking is part of broader migration patterns, particularly undocumented flows of people within and between countries and across regions. Related to the efforts to estimate the magnitude of the problem, is the interest in identifying and documenting the patterns of human trafficking. The primary aim of the analysis of UNODC's database of citations was to build a picture of trafficking flows between countries and across regions, with countries being described as source, transit and destination countries (UNODC 2006). With Asia, the report shows internal regional flows, as well as flows out to destination countries such as Western Europe, United States, Japan and Australia (2006: 89). Thailand, for example, is ranked very high as a source, transit and destination country, due to the number of source documents that referred to Thailand as one of these classifications. However, as the report notes, the number of citations does not equate to actual numbers, and the scale of flows remains uncertain. A range of factors contribute to the difficulties surrounding quantification of trafficking, at a country, regional or global level. Under-reporting by victims. The identified number of victims is invariably much lower than estimates, with the Dutch National Rapporteur Against Trafficking in Human Beings estimating that only five percent of victims report their victimisation or come to the attention of the authorities. Intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations often maintain databases on those who have been assisted, repatriated and reintegrated, but this represents a small number (UNODC 2006). Victims may be hesitant to provide information or cooperate with authorities out of fear for themselves or their families. This reluctance to come forward can be compounded by cultural and linguistic barriers that militate against reporting. Limited or no detection of offenders Illicit, underground activities may be hard to detect or hard to disrupt due to corruption and the risks associated with tackling organised crime. With human trafficking, perpetrators may be located in a range of countries depending on the route and method of trafficking. This creates challenges in obtaining evidence to prove criminal offences, especially where it has to be demonstrated that exploitation has occurred after illegal immigration. Although victims may be aware of the type of work that they are going to engage in, the conditions of employment and the debt that requires repayment may not have been agreed to (Piper 2005). These factors impinge on the likelihood of the successful apprehension and prosecution of offenders, with the number of identified traffickers being even lower than numbers for identified victims. For example the UN report cites the most recent figures for only a few countries where prosecution (nine countries) and case/arrest information (19 countries) is publicly available. Rated in the publication as a country high in citations as a destination country, the UK only had 15 cases over an 11 month period; Italy had 15 cases involving the arrest of 126 people over an 18 month period; and the Netherlands reported arresting 135 traffickers for the year 2003 (UNODC 2006: 36). Australian official statistics reveal that of a total of 117 criminal investigations only a small number resulted in successful convictions of traffickers (see Table 1). Limited capacity to collect statistics generally and on trafficking. Many regions and countries are hampered by poverty and poor governance that affects capacity to monitor and respond to illicit activity such as human trafficking. As a result, there are limited sources of statistics on migration generally, and trafficking, which may be no more than a non-government agency's records of assisted victims. For example, in south east Asia, the large scale, undocumented irregular labour migration results in a blurred distinction between smuggling and trafficking (Piper 2005). Additional factors that inhibit the collection of reliable statistics include the lack of or limited anti-trafficking legislation; the absence of or limited enforcement; and the lack of a centralised agency to collect data, such as exists in the Netherlands (UNODC 2006). Understanding the problem Much of the information used to underpin estimates seems to rely on case studies, media reports, official statistics and key informants (Makkai 2003). It is not unusual to employ a range of qualitative methods to investigate hidden, under-reported crimes such as domestic violence, sexual assault, and illicit markets. Qualitative research can play an important complementary role, by both informing estimates and delving into the nature of the phenomenon. Endeavouring to understand why and how human trafficking occurs can involve canvassing the impact of globalisation and the 'push and pull' factors of migration, and more specific themes, such as gender issues, and its significance within the wider context of profit driven organised transnational criminal activity. There has been a significant rise in human trafficking research in the 21st century, which can be seen as a consequence of the globalisation of markets and labour (Fergus 2005). A literature review undertaken several years ago, found a sharp rise in trafficking research over a 10 year period. Of the 260 titles published between 1993 and 2004, 200 (77%) were published between 2000 and 2003 (Laczko 2005). The review summarised the research as predominantly applied research with few longitudinal studies, with a focus on the supply side of women and children for sexual exploitation, and with less attention on traffickers (Laczko 2005). Speculating on the reasons for the under-reporting of forced labour trafficking, the UNODC (2006: 65-66) gives a range a reasons: not included in legislation until recently, few reported cases of male victims generally of trafficking, perceived to be a matter for labour regulation, and the media focus on the plight of women and children exploited for sexual purposes. Research in the south east Asia/Pacific region has been characterised as fragmented. According to Piper (2005), the partial nature of the research is affected by the following factors: by location (ethnographic studies in a village or community); by typology (only looking at one type of trafficking); by timing (typically short time frames, with no longitudinal or life course analysis); and by discipline (no inter-disciplinary, multi-methods) (Piper 2005). Another bias is the geographic focus of research. In the region, certain countries are better researched than others, with, for example, the Mekong area, and in particular Thailand, researched as the hub of the sex trade, while in Cambodia the focus is on trafficking of children, and in Indonesia on exporting labour migrants (Piper 2005). Studies on human trafficking in Oceania are the scarcest and there seems to be very little local academic research in 'receiving' countries, for example Singapore, Australia and New Zealand (Piper 2005). The problems associated with undertaking research on human trafficking create biases, with few systematic analyses of these biases. There are sampling issues with hidden or rare populations; with interviews, consultations, and data typically generated from a limited range of sources. For example, with human trafficking research, there is a focus on the experiences of migrants (in destination or country of origin upon return) who have contact with non-government agencies, or on known areas of prostitution (for example, a study in Oslo - see Tyldum & Brunovskis 2005). Funded programmes generate useful data and information, which creates a self-perpetuating focus on whatever was the rationale for establishing the programme (Piper 2005). It is also important to be mindful of the risks attached to being involved in any research enterprise that could cause harm to the participants and/or the investigators. For example, investigating the involvement of organised criminal networks in the trafficking of humans is about delving into a 'hidden' illicit activity, where the business interests of serious and dangerous criminals could be threatened. There is also the likelihood that more minor offenders will be identified through research, as illustrated by a study of those involved in people smuggling from China to the US, which depended on the personal networks of the researchers (Zhang & Chin 2003). Improving our knowledge of trafficking to Australia, including forecasting future trends and risks over the next five to 10 years, involves building up an understanding of the wider context of regional trafficking flows. Partial and, in some instances, problematic accounts of regional flows indicate possible patterns about who is trafficked, how and why they are trafficked and from where: - According to the UN trafficking citation index, human trafficking to Australia is predominantly women for the purpose of sexual exploitation, with 17 of the 23 sources of information referring to this type of trafficking activity (UNODC 2006). - Thailand and to a lesser extent China, South Korea and Malaysia have been cited as origin countries of illegal sex workers in Australia, based on statistics of those detected by immigration authorities and submissions to a parliamentary inquiry into trafficking of women for sexual servitude (PJCACC 2004). - According to an academic who works in the region, most labour migration in Asia is arranged through brokers or recruiters at origin as well as destination country. The extent of organised crime involvement is questioned, with recruitment in source countries in the Mekong sub-region characterised as more of a 'cottage industry' (Piper 2005). Addressing the problem In the 2005, 2006 and 2007 TIP reports, Australia was placed in Tier 1 based on the premise that it is regarded as being fully compliant with the US Trafficking Victims Protection Act. The Australian government's Action Plan to Eradicate Trafficking in Persons contained four main elements: prevention, detection and investigation, criminal prosecution, and victim support and rehabilitation. The additional $20 million in funding announced in 2003 was for a range of initiatives including an Australian Federal Police (AFP) strike team, a senior migration position in Thailand, victim support and reintegration for those returning to south east Asian countries, and a domestic awareness strategy. Introduced in January 2004, new visa arrangements were introduced whereby a person with a criminal justice stay visa may be entitled to a witness protection (trafficking) visa that would allow continued residency in Australia, initially on a temporary basis of two years, with the possibility of conversion into permanent residency (Fergus 2005). The primary vehicle for Australia's engagement with the region has been the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime. Australia and Indonesia have co-chaired two regional ministerial conferences (AGD 2004). Overseas aid efforts to combat trafficking have also targeted the south east Asian region. Of $14.2 million in anti-trafficking aid in 2003, over half went to the Asia Regional Cooperation to Prevent People Trafficking, with smaller amounts for an IOM project in the Mekong region and for a UN inter-agency project in the same region (AGD 2004). These projects are being replaced with a new Asia Regional Trafficking in Person project in the Mekong region over five years with funding of $21 million, with a focus on strengthening criminal justice responses. The Australian Government, in 2004, indicated it would measure progress with the Plan by ascertaining whether there is increased support for victims, an increased willingness of victims to come forward, more prosecution and conviction and improved capacity to take up future challenges. In addition, it stated it would honour its obligation under the protocol to monitor the extent of trafficking of people into Australia (AGD 2004). The 2007 federal budget increased funding for anti-trafficking measures, including new money for research and monitoring activity. In the global trafficking literature, a major gap is the lack of independent evaluation of policies and programs or on internal trafficking (GAO 2006, Laczko 2005). A review of anti-trafficking initiatives by the US National Institute of Justice found very little evaluation of prevention and reduction initiatives (Makkai 2003). This reduces the opportunities to identify good practice in intelligence exchanges, enforcement, prosecution, victim services and protection within countries and across regions. In 2003, approximately 70 countries provided victim services or protection to victims of trafficking, but very little is known about whether there are different approaches or their efficacy. Similarly, more than 60 countries reported some kind of public education program with little known about their impact. It was concluded that only about 20 countries had reliable estimation procedures, and monitored trafficking patterns through effective border controls (Makkai 2003). The picture of trafficking remains very unclear with competing claims about the extent and nature of trafficking to Australia. Although some research has been undertaken in various source countries, primarily in the Mekong area, there is very little known about the Pacific region and whether various forms of human trafficking, including labour exploitation, are an emerging issue. Further gaps include a lack of information about those involved in trafficking in the region and in Australia, and the factors that increase the risk of, and facilitate exploitation. To improve the prosecution of traffickers and the protection of and reporting by victims, more coordinated sharing of information between countries and agencies is required, for example through case studies, and about impact indicators and measures. The reasons for this dearth of knowledge are not peculiar to Australia. Some of the research challenges are akin to the difficulties of investigating other 'hidden' crimes such as child abuse and domestic or sexual violence, while other challenges are commonly associated with research into all types of serious systematic, organised and transnational crime. A study on the extent of, and responses to, trafficking in women for sexual exploitation in the UK, primarily relied on a survey of police and administrative data. However, the report's authors conclude that accurate estimates are problematic and their recommendations have significant resource implications as they advocate the collection of detailed and useful data by key agencies, and the central coordination of information including intelligence from overseas sources (Kelly & Regan 2000). Better estimates of numbers and flows involve systematic and well-documented collection of data from a variety of sources, on an ongoing basis of agreed core items, across regions and by stakeholders within countries. Makkai and McCusker (2004) also make the point that instead of concentrating on victim estimates, a crucial and potentially more fruitful avenue of inquiry is into the characteristics of the trafficking process, especially the networks and links across countries involving 'cottage' businesses and family networks. Filling in the gaps identified in this paper means that multidisciplinary studies are required into patterns of trafficking, into the organisation of trafficking and of perpetrators, and into good practice in victim support and criminal justice responses. There needs to be a concerted effort to increase the methodological rigour and transparency in trafficking research. This should not necessarily translate into a focus on estimates of victim numbers, which can consume considerable resources. Instead a strategic approach to monitoring known flows in key areas and among key sectors is important, along with the development of robust and realistic performance measures to assess the impact of anti-trafficking measures (GAO 2006). More could be done to improve existing data sources and to systematically learn from known trafficking cases that will help identify effective practices to detect trafficking and support victims (David 2007). In addition, innovative and exploratory research, which can complement intelligence activities, is required to ascertain whether there are hidden incidents involving, for example, males for the purposes of labour exploitation from nearby countries that could emerge as future flows and patterns in human trafficking to Australia. Funding for this project is provided through the Women's Safety Agenda - An Australian Government Initiative administered by the Office for Women. - Attorney-General's Department 2004. Australian Government's Action Plan to Eradicate Trafficking in Persons. Canberra: Attorney-General's Department - AFP 2003. Submission 37 to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Crime Commission Inquiry into Trafficking in Women for Sexual Servitude - Carrington K & Hearn J 2003. Trafficking and the Sex Industry: From Impunity to Protection. Current issues brief no. 28. Canberra: Information and Research Services, Department of the Parliamentary Library - David F (ed) 2007. ASEAN and Trafficking in Persons: using data as a tool to combat trafficking in persons. Jakarta: IOM International Organization for Migration - David F 2000. Human smuggling and trafficking: an overview of the response at the federal level. Research and public policy series no. 24. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology - Fergus L 2005. Trafficking in women for sexual exploitation. Briefing. Australian Centre for the Study of Sexual Assault: (5):1–44. http://www.aifs.gov.au/ acssa/pubs/briefing/acssa_briefing5.pdf - Government Accountability Office (GAO) 2006. Human trafficking: better data, strategy, and reporting needed to enhance US antitrafficking efforts abroad. Washington DC: Government Accountability Office - International Labour Organization (ILO) 2005. A global alliance against forced labour: global report under the follow up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principals and Rights at Work. Geneva: ILO Office - Kelly L & Regan L 2000. Stopping the traffic: exploring the extent of, and responses to, trafficking in women for sexual exploitation in the UK. Police research series paper 125. London: Home Office - Jahic G & Finckenauer J 2005. Representations and misrepresentations of human trafficking. Trends in organized crime 8 (1): 24–40 - Laczko F 2005. Introduction, in Laczko F & Gozdziak E (eds), Data and research on human trafficking: a global survey. Geneva: IOM: 7–15 - Makkai T 2003. Thematic discussion on trafficking in human beings. Workshop on trafficking in human beings, especially women and children, 12th Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Vienna, 15th May - Makkai T & McCusker R 2004. What do we know? Improving the evidence base on trafficking in human beings in the Asia–Pacific region. Development bulletin no. 66: 36–42 - Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Crime Commission (PJCACC) 2004. Inquiry into the trafficking of women for sexual servitude report. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia. http://www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/acc_ctte/ completed_inquiries/2002-04/sexual_servitude/ report/report.pdf - Piper N 2005. A problem by a different name? A review of the research on trafficking in South-East Asia and Oceania, in Laczko F & Gozdziak E (eds), Data and research on human trafficking: a global survey. Geneva: IOM: 202–233 - Project Respect 2003. Submission 25 to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Crime Commission into Trafficking in Women for Sexual Servitude. http://www.aph.gov.au/Senate/ committee/acc_ctte/completed_inquiries/2002-04/ sexual_servitude/submissions/sub25.pdf - Scarlet Alliance 2003. Submission 27 to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Crime Commission into Trafficking in Women for Sexual Servitude. http://www.aph.gov.au/Senate/ committee/acc_ctte/completed_inquiries/2002-04/ sexual_servitude/submissions/sub27.pdf - Tailby R 2001. Organised crime and people smuggling/trafficking to Australia. Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 208 - Tyldum G & Brunovskis A 2005. Describing the unobserved: methodological challenges in empirical studies in human trafficking, in Laczko F & Gozdziak E (eds), Data and research on human trafficking: a global survey. Geneva: IOM: 17–34 - United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) 2005. Trafficking in human beings, especially women and children, in Africa. 2nd ed. Florence: Innocenti Research Centre - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) 2006 Trafficking in Persons: global patterns, Vienna, UNODC. http://www.unodc.org/unodc/trafficking_ persons_report_2006-04.html or http://www.unodc. org/pdf/traffickinginpersons_report_2006ver2.pdf - Zhang SX & Chin KL 2003. Characteristics of Chinese Human Smugglers: a cross national study, final report to US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice. http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/200607.pdf About the author Dr Judy Putt is research manager at the AIC.
SALT LAKE CITY--(BUSINESS WIRE)--USANA Health Sciences, Inc. (NYSE:USNA) today announced that first quarter results will be released after the close of market Tuesday, April 27, 2021. Shortly following the issuance of the Company’s earnings release, the Company will post a “Management Commentary, Results and Outlook” document on the Company’s website (http://ir.usana.com) under the “Investor Relations” section of the site. The following morning at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time, USANA will hold a conference call to discuss this announcement with analysts and institutional investors. The call will be broadcast over the Internet and can be accessed at http://ir.usana.com. USANA develops and manufactures high-quality nutritional supplements, healthy foods and personal care products that are sold directly to Associates and Preferred Customers throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Mexico, Malaysia, the Philippines, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Thailand, France, Belgium, Colombia, Indonesia, Italy, Romania, Spain, and Germany. More information on USANA can be found at www.usana.com.
DNB welcomes govt decision to retain SWN for Malaysian’s 5G rollout with telcos invited to take stake in DNB By Digital News Asia March 16, 2022 - To discuss & agree all aspects related to proposed equity participation - Extending commercial pilot to 30 June, to aid seamless transition for telcos [Ed: Article updated 17 March 3.30pm with additional background.] Digital Nasional Bhd (DNB) issued a press release welcoming the decision by the Government of Malaysia to retain the 5G Single Wholesale Network (SWN) model for national 5G deployment, with an offer for telecommunications companies (Celcom, Digi, Maxis, UMobile, Telekom Malaysia and YTL Communications) to subscribe for equity stakes in DNB. Hours earlier following a Cabinet meeting, Minister of Finance Tengku Zafrul Aziz and Minister of Communications and Multimedia, Annuar Musa in announcing the government decision also revealed the offer to telcos of a 70 per cent stake in DNB. “Ownership, equity value and other aspects related to this proposed equity participation are subject to negotiations between DNB and the telcos,” Zafrul said. An independent party will be appointed to help work out details of the equity take with Zafrul hoping that matters could be concluded by end June. DNB declared it was pleased that the Government has reaffirmed the current “cost-recovery” and “supply-led” SWN model being implemented as best suited to accelerating deployment of the national 5G network and encouraging adoption. This is consistent with the country’s digital economy aspirations and positions Malaysia as an attractive destination for global investors, DNB said. “We look forward to engaging with the telcos to discuss and agree all aspects related to the proposed equity participation in DNB. We will work with our stakeholders and telcos to deliver fair, equal and affordable access to high quality 5G services for the benefit of the Rakyat, with an objective to achieve 80% coverage of populated areas by 2024.” On the key issue of data pricing, both Malaysian ministers expect the promised wholesale 5G pricing of less than 20 sen per GB by DNB, to be maintained. DNB also announced that it will be extending its ongoing commercial pilot to 30 June 2022, to facilitate a seamless transition for telcos that have yet to sign up. The commercial pilot – which commenced on 15 December 2021 is due to conclude on 31 March 2022 – will allow telcos to access the network without charge, to provide 5G experiences to their end users. Related Stories :
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – December 22, 2021 – Valiram today announced that it has completed the first phase of digitalizing its supply chain & logistics operations, on time and on budget. This project aims to consolidate and improve the efficiency of its regional distribution operations in Malaysia to provide the highest level of experience to its customers. In line with this strategic initiative, Valiram has also decided to implement an advanced, Cloud based Warehouse Management System (WMS) to better support its business expansion plan. “We have achieved a major milestone today. We have carefully planned this strategic project, it was executed seamlessly and we are delighted that our Cloud WMS has gone live successfully under a very tight schedule. It’s has been a challenging project with very aggressive timeline, especially with all the restrictions during the current pandemic environment. I am glad that there has been no major disruption to our operations and the results have been well received by all the stakeholders. We are pleased with the outcome, and appreciate all the hard work our IT team, operation team and our partner – the AC2 Group – have put together,” said Sujjath Ahmed, the CIO at Valiram, Southeast Asia’s leading luxury and lifestyle retail specialist. “With a very tight implementation timeline, we are grateful that we had a very committed team and our partner, the AC2 Group, which has extensive expertise in the warehouse and logistics domain and the deployment of the Cloud WMS. They have been very focused on delivering results and have worked closely with us as a team to make this successfully go live as seamlessly as possible,” added Sujjath Ahmed. “A significant amount of effort has been put on to ensure our team engage with Valiram’s team effectively through various online sessions as the entire WMS implementation was delivered remotely from project kick-off through the completion of user acceptance testing. Valiram has a very committed IT team with strong project management skills and clear understanding of the WMS requirements. Their impressive ability to mobilize and work with various stakeholders from different departments to achieve the common objective has been key to this successful implementation,” said Clement You, Managing Partner of AC2 Group. Valiram was established in 1935 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, originally specialising in the textile trade. Today, Valiram is Southeast Asia and Oceania’s leading luxury and lifestyle retail specialist with presence in Australia, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand. Operating more than 400 stores, a number which continues to grow, the group represents international brands across various categories, from fashion and accessories, timepieces and jewellery, perfume and cosmetics to confectionery and F&B. Its portfolio comprises internationally renowned brands such as Chloe, Michael Kors, Steve Madden, Tumi, Tory Burch, Rolex, Bath & Body Works and Victoria’s Secret, as well as original and innovative retail concepts including Luxury Fashion, Swiss Watch Gallery, Flying Emporium and Beauty Love. Creating world-class retail environments that offer compelling and luxurious shopping experiences is Valiram’s hallmark, and it will continue to bring the most desirable international brands and cutting-edge concepts to the region. The company is headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. For more details on Valiram, please visit https://valiram.com. Valiram LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/valiram Valiram Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Valiram Valiram Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Valiram About AC2 Group The AC2 Group is a leading solution provider for warehouse solution consulting and supply chain related technologies in Asia. With over 25 years of knowledge and experience in implementing warehouse management, logistics and supply chain solution, the company has successfully deployed many supply chain solutions in Asia-Pacific. With headquarters located in Singapore, the AC2 Group has now expanded its market coverage, having offices in Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Shanghai. For more information on the AC2 Group, please visit https://www.ac2wave.com. AC² News (English): https://www.ac2wave.com/news AC² LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/theac2group AC² Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheAC2Group
The 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), also known as “Rio+20”, was an historical event. Held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June 2012, this landmark gathering agreed on various sets of actions to make the world a better and more sustainable place to live in. In particular, the document “The Future We Want”, outlined many of the measures countries across the world should pursue and implement, in order to translate the principles of sustainable development into practice. As a parallel event to UNCSD, the 1st World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities” (WSSD-U-2012) was held in Rio de Janeiro on 5-6 June 2012. It was then followed up by the 2rd World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities” (WSSD-U-2014), which was held in Manchester, UK in September 2014, the 3rd World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities” (WSSD-U-2016), hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) held in September 2016, and the 4th World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities” (WSSD-U-2018), hosted by the Universiti Sains Malaysia ( (USM) in August 2018. The events have led to many groundbreaking publications on the theory and practice of sustainable development, and showed the need for a continuation of the dialogue among sustainability academics and practitioners, so as to address the issues, matters and problems at hand. It is against this background that the “5th World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities” (WSSD-U-2022) will be organised by Allegheny College (USA), Research and Transfer Centre “Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management” of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany), and the European School of Sustainability Science and Research (ESSSR), in cooperation with the World Sustainable Development Research and Transfer Centre, the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme (IUSDRP) and the United Nations University initiative “Regional Centres of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development” (RCE). The “5th World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities” (WSSD-U-2022) will focus on “Educating the Sustainability Leaders of the Future”, and will contribute to the further development of this fast-growing field. As the slogan of the event suggests, we are as always looking for practical experiences on Education, Research and Extension (the so-called 3rd Mission, whereby universities outreach to society as a whole (e.g. to local communities, organisations, industry and other groups) with the aim of documenting such experiences and making them available to a wide audience.
- 2020 - 2021 Travel Deals - 22% discount - Christmas & New Year - Classic Journeys - Culture & Heritage - Learning Discovery - Nature & Landscapes - Ocean Cruising - Only $1200 for 2 people - Tours for Couples - Tours for Seniors Day 1 - - 2 Hanoi - Hanoi Arrival – Private Transfer to the hotel - Hanoi City tour: Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, B52 Lake, Temple of Literature, Hoa Lo Prison, Museum of Ethnology & Hanoi Old Quarter…etc. Day 3 - - 5 Halong Bay & Hoi An - Transfer from Hanoi to Halong Bay. Board the traditional junk boat. Explore caves & Islets. - Tai Chi class on the cruise sundeck. Kayaking around the floating villages. Return to Hanoi & Fly to Da Nang/ Hoi An. Explore Hoi An Ancient town. Cycle to Tra Que Vegetable villages. Explore My Son Holly Land. Day 6 - - 10 Hue, Fly to Ho Chi Minh City & Mekong Delta - Explore Hue’s Imperial Citadel & Cruise along the Perfume River. Enjoy a home-hosted dinner at a restored royal home - Saigon City Tour: War Remnant Museum, Notre Dame Cathedral, Reunification Palace, and Ben Thanh Market…etc - Take a day trip to Mekong Delta. Discover the legendary Cu Chi Tunnels Gain insight into the life in these Vietnam destinations, each of which is renowned for its unique and rich culture. Start the adventure from Hanoi with more than 1,000 years of history as the capital of Vietnam, then enjoy Halong Bay with an astonishing view of karsts (small islands) rising from the ocean. Learn about a different side of Vietnam in Hue, the former capital and home to some of the most important historic sites in the country. Next, venture to the south, Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) will wow you with its dynamic vibe. A boat trip in Ben Tre (the Mekong Delta) will let you explore the complex canal network and meet with local people to learn about their life spent on the water. Arrival in HanoiDay 1 Xin Chao! Welcome to Hanoi, Vietnam. Upon arrival at Hanoi Airport, your private guide and driver are waiting to meet you, holding up a welcome signboard with your names on it and take you directly to your hotel in the Old Quarter. We have left this afternoon free for you to relax, unwind and become accustomed to your new surroundings. There will be a short tour briefing this evening with your guide followed by a welcome dinner at KOTO restaurant, a social enterprise that trains and employs underprivileged youth to provide a step up in life. Please note: Your travel documents contain a Visa-on-Arrival letter (unless otherwise arranged). Please ensure to pack this in your carry-on luggage. Your Visa-on-Arrival letter must be presented to Customs upon entry into the country. Overnight in Hanoi Hanoi – Fullday City Tour & Local food discoveryDay 2 Today with the help of your private guide and driver, you will get to explore the city’s top attractions, sample Hanoi’s authentic local dishes away from the tourist trails, hunkering down with the locals on the street at a variety of atmospheric food stalls. Begin with a tour of Ho Chi Minh Memorial Complex where the Vietnamese people honour the country’s ‘Great Father’. Here you’ll visit Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum which contains the embalmed body of Ho Chi Minh and his House on Stilts to observe how he lived and how his life unfolded to become one of modern history’s greatest names. Nearside his house is the miniature 11th-century One Pillar Pagoda, a Buddhist temple of historical and cultural significance. From HCM Complex, you will take a leisurely walk through the small laneways toward Huu Tiep Lake. Explore the grounds of a 400-year-old temple, followed by a stroll through traditional local market streets to see the B52 crash site at the lake. This US bomber was shot down during the 1972 bombing raids of Ha Noi, a poignant reminder of Vietnam’s recent history. Take a short drive to the outskirt of Hanoi to visit the fascinating Museum of Ethnology which is both a research centre and a public museum exhibiting the 54 recognized ethnic groups of Vietnam. Some of them you will meet during your trip to Sapa. Today you will have Pho for lunch, a Vietnamese Noodle shop. Some of the local people call this world-famous Noodle soup “Mac-Noodles” since it is as popular here as MacDonalds is in other parts of the world! At the restaurant, your tour guide will explain the routine during Vietnamese meal times, and also tell you which special ingredients are needed for you. After lunch, continue to visit the millennia-old Temple of Literature and explore its role in the country’s past, as both a university and a Confucius temple. Next is Hoa Lo (so-called Hanoi Hilton), a prison used by the French colonists in Vietnam for political prisoners, and later by North Vietnam for U.S. Prisoners of War. Embark on a fun cyclo (a three-wheeled bicycle taxi) ride through the French colonial architecture of the precinct known as the French Quater, past the French-style villas, the Vietnam History Museum, the heritage Metropole Legend Hotel and the Opera House, name to a few. Enjoy a cup of unmissable Egg coffee at Pho Co Café with stunning views of Hoan Kiem Lake, Ngoc Son Temple, and the surroundings. Now it’s time to embark on a walking tour through Hanoi’s Old Quarter (in contrast to the French Quarter) to discover the street food scene in Hanoi where it feels like you are never further than a few metres from a street food stall. Your guide will talk you through the ingredients and the different herbs of each dish, while you are crouching on tiny plastic stools in a back alley. Sample delicious dishes like Nom Du Du (green papaya salad), Banh Mi Pa Te (a sandwich that reflects Vietnam’s culinary heritage), and the famous Hanoi dish Bun Cha (grilled pork and noodles). Finish your day walking down the city’s railway tracks and then stop for a home-brewed beer, the renowned Bia Hoi. Overnight in Hanoi Hanoi – Halong BayDay 3 After breakfast, your private tour guide will pick you up and take you through the rich farmlands of the Red River Delta to the legendary Halong Bay where you will board a traditional-style Vietnamese Junk Boat that is your home for the evening. The limestone karsts and tropical islets rising up from the emerald waters of the bay provide an ethereal backdrop for your leisurely cruise. Upon arrival you’ll be welcomed aboard your Stylish Junk boat, each with its own individual route, to begin your cruise around the bay’s thousands of limestone islets and caves. After a delicious lunch on board, you will spend time to sunbathe on the sundeck and enjoy the peaceful tranquility of the bay. Later you will visit Sung Sot Cave “Grotte des Surprises” a hidden gem of mother nature. Float peacefully through magnificent limestone formations containing thousands of stalagmites and stalactites. Continue to cruise. As you weave your way through the islands, you’ll come across secluded bays, white sandy beaches, and floating villages. There is plenty of leisure time to enjoy activities both onboard and around the fantastical scenery of the Bay. Pamper yourself at the cruise spa or swim in the emerald waters. Toward the end of the day, you will sail to the overnight mooring area. During this time – the magical “blue hour” – Halong Bay reveals its true, magnificent beauty. You have a chance to attend the chef’s cooking demonstration or enjoy a mesmerising sunset on the top deck before a scrumptious dinner. The rest of the evening will be at leisure. You can watch a movie or join the crew for squid fishing before retiring to your room for a restful sleep. Note: If your time permits, we would highly recommend an additional night on board which gives you a lot more time to relax and take in the amazing landscape. You’ll get to cruise deeper into the Bay where it’s more beautiful and less crowded. Overnight on board in Halong Bay Halong Bay – Hanoi – Flight to Da Nang/ Hoi AnDay 4 The graceful practice of Tai Chi eases you into your day as is the local custom. Join a ‘Local Specialist’ on the deck of the Junk boat for a morning class in exquisite natural surrounds. You’ll have time for an early morning swim at one of Halong Bay’s quiet beaches and, if you’re feeling energetic, hop on a kayak and paddle through the Dark and Bright Caves admiring the glittering stone walls. Back to the Junk boat. Check out of the cabin and then enjoy a full brunch buffet as you cruise back to port. Disembark around midday for your return drive to Hanoi. From Hanoi, you will be transferred to the airport to catch the flight to Da Nang, in the central of Vietnam. Upon arrival at Da Nang airport, you will be picked up by your private guide & driver and taken to your hotel in Hoi An, the UNESCO heritage town. Hoi An has a pick of two beaches just 5kms (3 miles) away with so many beautiful beach resorts so please advise us if you prefer to stay on the beach. Overnight in Hoi An Hoi An – Walking & Foodie TourDay 5 The whole morning will be free at your leisure. Enjoy late breakfast and the comforts of your hotel. Your tour guide will pick you up and take you to the Ancient Quarter of Hoi An, where you will embark on a walking tour visiting the major attractions such as Chua Ong Pagoda, Tan Ky Ancient House, Fujian Assembly Hall, and the Japanese Covered Bridge. Continue to visit the Precious Heritage Museum, home to the permanent exhibition of Réhahn’s Precious Heritage Collection. While transporting you to the furthest reaches of Vietnam, the collection will unveil the rich cultural tapestry of the ethnic tribes The highlight of the day is the visit to the Reaching Out Tea House, a welcome little oasis of calm in the busy, vibrant Old quarter, owned and operated by the mute and deaf people. Here you will be treated with delicious cakes and incredible tea in the Eastern style. Move on to the house of a lantern craftsman. There, you can observe the lantern craftsman’s technique before hands-on work through each stage of lantern-making under the guidance of the enthusiastic craftsmen: from bending it into the frame, cutting cloth, gluing, to completing lanterns. Before this trip concludes, you will have your own lantern created by your own hands. Now, it’s time for your Hoi An street food discovery tour. With your guide, you will weave in and out the tiny alleyways, get to chow down with the locals at stalls you’d never discover on your own. Every day at 4 pm, Hoi An’s streets filled with a myriad of street food carts, stalls, and vendors. The street food tour is a great introduction for you to enjoy a few of the Hoi An specialties cooked up by the locals, to introduce you to the faces behind the stock pots and to teach you how the Hoi An locals deal with those condiment trays! Overnight in Hoi An Hoi An – Danang – HueDay 6 The morning will be free for strolling in the town, lazing on the beach, or whatever takes your fancy. In the afternoon, you will depart from Hoi An for a 4-hour journey to Hue. Today you will enjoy one of the most scenic drives on our trip as we climb over the stunning Hai Van Pass (Ocean Clouds Pass), enjoying the spectacular scenery and views of the coastline below. Your journey to Da Nang will keep us entertained as you pass mile after mile of undeveloped beaches, travel past villages, and at times drive alongside the tracks of the famous Reunification Railway. Arrive in Hue in the late afternoon and check into your hotel. In the evening you will enjoy a home-hosted dinner at a restored royal home of Vinh Tu (Tha Om) with a chance to learn about the ancient architecture of a traditional Hue house, with open Q&A to our host, Mr. Vinh who specializes in Hue ancient wooden architecture, about his living experience. During the meal with typical Hue dishes, you will be facilitated with a light performance of Hue traditional music. Overnight in Hue Hue – Fullday City tourDay 7 Today you will have a full day exploring the historical highlights of Hue with your expert guide. Start with the colorful Dong Ba market located along the northern bank of Perfume River. Roaming around the market and chatting with the locals, you can learn about local life and traditional Vietnamese food ingredients. Your adventure will continue with the exploration of the ancient and atmospheric walled Citadel which contains the former Imperial Palace and the Forbidden Purple City. Leaving the city center you will drive to the outskirt heading to a local nunnery for lunch. Experience a fantastic traditional meal at this peaceful retreat and have the chance to interact with the nuns to learn more about Buddhism and gain a unique insight into their daily lives. After lunch, you will explore the impressive Emperor Tomb of Minh Mang. Embark on a relaxing boat ride down the Perfume River. During the boat cruise, you will stop to visit the iconic Thien Mu Pagoda – Hue’s most famous religious site. Explore the pagoda’s landscaped gardens, the seven-storey octagonal tower and watch the monks chanting. End your day with a visit to Truc Chi Garden, the crafting bamboo paper art workshop. You will have a chance to meet one of the students there and be treated to hands-on experience to learn how to use the etching technique with bamboo pulp to create artworks Overnight in Hue Hue – Fight to Ho Chi Minh CityDay 8 After breakfast, you will be picked up and driven to Hue Airport for a short flight heading south to Ho Chi Minh City, still called Saigon by the locals. It is the largest city in Vietnam and is located near the Mekong Delta. Upon arrival, you will be met by a new private driver and English-speaking guide who will drive you to the hotel in the city centre for check-in. Spend the rest of the day visiting some of Ho Chi Minh City’s key highlights. We’ll tailor your tour to suit you, but we particularly recommend visiting the Notre Dame Cathedral, the ornate City Hall (Hotel De Ville), the old Opera House, the historic Rex Hotel, the Central Post Office, renowned for its architecture, and Ben Thanh Market, where vendors display a vast array of goods and handicrafts, appealing to every taste. Later stop at the Reunification Palace and the moving War Remnants Museum to for an insightful, yet sombre, look into Vietnam’s military history and turbulent past. Proceed to the atmospheric Jade Emperor Pagoda before finishing the day in fine style with a sundowner at the top of the Bitexco Tower, the tallest building in Vietnam. Overnight in HCM City HCM City – Mekong Delta (Ben Tre)Day 9 After breakfast, your private guide and driver will take you out of HCM City in a private vehicle and onto some beautiful country roads to Ben Tre Town in the Mekong Delta, famous for its vast rice fields, numerous waterways, and beautiful landscapes. Known as the ‘rice bowl’ of Vietnam, this region produces most of Vietnam’s fruit, rice, sugar cane, and coconuts. After the two-hour drive through the lush farming land, you will arrive in Ben Tre where you will set out on a motorized boat trip on narrow channels winding through the coconut forest. During the boat ride, you will stop at the local cottage industries to see how the local people make bricks and weave sleeping mats by hand. Learn about their craft handed down through generations. Take a leisure walk along the village lanes, visiting the local homes to try fresh fruits, taste delicious honey tea while enjoying a local Tai Tu music show. Continue to visit another workshop where the local delicacy of coconut candy is produced and a wide range of coconut husk and fiber products are skillfully handcrafted. Next, take a small sampan through palm-fringed back canals, gliding peacefully along the hidden waterways surrounded by an immense variety of tropical plants. The quiet, rural setting is a welcome and restorative retreat to the frenetic buzz of HCM City which seems far, far away. Enjoy sitting in the back a Motor Cart (xe lôi) passing local hamlets, rice fields, coconut groves, and lush orchard farms while meeting with local people. After finishing your sightseeing tour your guide will take you to a riverside restaurant for lunch with local specialties then return to the pier and drive back to Ho Chi Minh City. This evening you will be free to visit the night market to discover the authentic local cuisine. Or simply enjoy a glass of cocktail on the rooftop bar of the historic Rex Hotel. Overnight in HCM City HCM City – Cu Chi Tunnels – DepartureDay 10 After breakfast, you will be picked up and transferred to Cu Chi, a small community located northwest of Ho Chi Minh City, known for its network of deep tunnels that provided shelter and an effective source of infiltration for the Vietcong during the later years of the Vietnam War. Upon arrival, you will watch a short introductory video from the period before exploring the tunnels, the most famous battlegrounds in the world. The hidden network of Viet Cong tunnels is believed to stretch to “hundreds of miles,” in total length, housed living quarters, storage rooms, makeshift hospitals, and kitchens…etc. Although originally very narrow, some parts have been widened for the tourists and you have the opportunity to explore parts of the system. Please note that these tunnels will be hot and can get claustrophobic, so there is an option if you’d like to view from above ground. Try some of the main food of the Viet Cong Soldiers with a cassava tasting served with tangy tea. After experiencing the Cu Chi Tunnels, return to HCM City and then transfer to the airport for your departure flight home. Inquire this trip Hanoi: The Hanoian Hotel & Spa (3*++)/ Deluxe Room (http://www.thehanoianhotel.com) Halong Bay: Renea Cruise (4*)/ Deluxe Cabin (https://reneacruiseshalong.com) Hoi An: La Residencia Hotel & Spa (4*)/ Junior room (https://www.littlehoiangroup.com/la-residencia) Hue: Moonlight Hue Hotel (4*)/ Deluxe Room (http://www.moonlighthue.com) Ho Chi Minh City: Sanouva Hotel (3*)/ Premier Deluxe Room (https://www.sanouvahotel.com) Note: Amendments still CAN be made to this tour to suit your requirements. Our Risk-Free Booking Policy! We listen and we understand your desire to travel and also your concern amid the current Covid-19 pandemic. We are introducing a new policy to support you and secure your safety and comfort when you begin to travel again! Book Now and SAVE $150 per person PLUS a huge discount up to 30% off the total price of your trip with Indochina Pioneer. Deposits for life: To secure your trip, you will only need to pay a deposit of $200 per person. If you can’t travel, we’ll hold your deposit for life. We guarantee you have the flexibility to change your plans—regardless of the reasons. You can change your date or tour for free up to 14 days (formerly 60 days) prior to your original departure – and we will waive any change fees for 2021 reservations. If you are not ready to reschedule your holiday to another departure date, you will receive future trip credit worth the full already-paid amount, which can be used through the end of 2021. All reservations made from now until April 30th, 2021 are eligible for this policy. We hope with these new safety protocols, special savings, and our Risk-Free Booking Policy, you are excited to move forward with the travel plans that you have been dreaming of making. Whenever you’re ready to take the next step, we’re here to help – Call us at +84.982116630 or email us at [email protected] to reserve and get the best out of our Offers. Special Benefits Added 1, Free visa approval letter 2, One free local sim card 3, Special secret souvenir offered by Indochina Pioneer - Walk through the little alley streets of Hanoi Old Quarter. Enjoy the local food discovery tour - Take the overnight cruise trip. Admire Halong Bay’s majestic beauty - Stroll through streets of Hoi An Ancient town and taste the delicious local food - Explore the magnificent Imperial Citadel and cruise along the Perfume River. Enjoy a home-hosted dinner at a restored royal home - Visit Ho Chi Minh City landmarks: War Remnant Museum, Notre Dame Cathedral, Reunification Palace, and Ben Thanh Market…etc - Enjoy a discovery day in lush green Ben Tre town – Home of coconut in Mekong Delta - Discover the immense network of the legendary Cu Chi Tunnels. - 9 hotel buffet breakfasts. - 5 dinners and 5 lunches at well-selected restaurants - 2 street food tours - Your own private guide and driver for in-depth cultural touring based on your interests - Firsthand, sophisticated destination knowledge and recommendations from our locally born travel specialists - Itineraries that are customized according to your interests and preferences - A seamless travel experience, including all logistics, hand-picked hotels and restaurants, private airport transfers, internal transportation, and entry visa assistance…etc - Around-the-clock support from your travel designer and concierge before, during and after your trip Private English speaking guide, accommodation, private tours and transfer, domestic flights, A/C vehicles, some main meals, all entrance fees, tax, and service charge. What’s Not Included? Your international flights from and to Vietnam, the entry visa to Vietnam, personal expense, tips to guide and driver. How to Plan a successful Trip to Vietnam, Step-by-Step Why to visit Vietnam Where to Go When to Go Obtain a Vietnam Visa How to Book a Tour Packing and Luggage Allowance Why to visit Vietnam Vietnam, the S-shaped country, also commonly likened to the shape of a dragon, is located to the west of the South China Sea. The perfect combination of colonial elegance and rustic charm, it guarantees to satisfy all types of travelers with its rich experiences made all the more special by its charming people. With cities to explore, temples to admire, and green countrysides to roam, there is plenty to see and do in Vietnam. Known as a colorful and diverse country from the wild mountainous north, with its myriad of ethnic communities, to the sleepless city of Ho Chi Minh City (previously known as Saigon) on the edge of the Mekong Delta, it is difficult to pick just one region to visit when coming to Vietnam. The charming capital of Hanoi is a fascinating mix of fading colonial buildings and national monuments; the scenery of Halong Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is bound to leave you speechless; Hue, home to the old Kings of Vietnam, appears to have been frozen in time for several hundred years with its ancient atmosphere and architecture. With a 3260km coastline, Vietnam is home to many top-tier beaches; the country’s most unsung beauties. My Khe beach – “one of the most attractive beaches on the planet” as described by Forbes – offers blue skies, smooth white sand, clear & warm water year-round. Phu Quoc island, boasting several luxury resorts, is also a favorite escape for the rich and famous. The abundance of mountains, rainforests, and natural lakes also makes Vietnam a great destination for trekking, hiking, mountain biking, sea and river kayaking, and classic overland tours. Where to Go Most popular sites of Vietnam • Sapa & Mai Chau – visit the hill tribe villages and plantations • Hanoi – the capital of Vietnam • Halong Bay – a UNESCO World Heritage site • Hue – the ancient capital of Vietnam • Hoi An – the kitchen of Vietnam and paradise on Earth • Ho Chi Minh City (previously Saigon) – the economic heart of Vietnam • The Cu Chi Tunnels – walk through the history of the Vietnam War • Mekong Delta – see the floating markets When to Go Even though Vietnam lies entirely in the tropic zone, its climate varies surprisingly from region to region. Therefore this charming land is well-known as an “all-year-around” available destination for travelers. In the north, from Sapa to Hanoi, there are 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. In the central region, from Nha Trang to Hue, sunshine lasts throughout the year, except for the months of November and December when heavy rainfalls occur. Dalat, at an altitude of 1500m, is cooler than the coastal area, particularly from November to March. Da Nang and Hue both experience typhoon activity from mid-October to mid-December when the climate becomes cooler, more overcast and wet. In the south, from Ho Chi Minh City to Phan Thiet, there are two main seasons: wet and dry. The wet season falls between April and September, with sudden heavy showers that don’t last very long. The dry season spans the months of October to March, with higher temperatures and long days of sunshine, followed by cooler nights. Obtain a Vietnam Visa Almost all visitors to Vietnam need a visa to enter the country, although some exemptions apply for citizens of countries with reciprocal agreements with Vietnam. Depending upon the nationality and passport of the applicant, a tourist visa can be obtained at the Vietnamese diplomatic office or consulates in foreign countries. Visas can also be obtained with the help of a licensed Vietnamese Travel Company, known as a “Visa on Arrival”. Visas may be either single-entry or multiple-entry, as requested at the time of application. Visa on Arrival (VOA) The easiest way is to get your visa through a licensed Vietnamese Travel Company, such as Indochina Pioneer. We can quickly and efficiently organize your pre-arranged VOA if you wish. Our visa processing fee is a reasonable rate of USD$10 / person only. Except for American citizens who are required to pay a stamping fee of USD$135 to get a 1-year, multiple-entry tourist visa, other nationalities need to pay just USD$25 / person for a single entry and USD$50 / person for multiple entries. - To apply for your VOA please email us the following information: - Arrival and departure dates - Full passport details: - Passport number - Issuing date - Expiry date Note: your passport must be valid for 6 months beyond your travel date, and there must be several blank pages left on your passport. - Once we have received your information, we will secure a Visa Approval Letter for you. This usually takes about 2 – 4 working days (ie. excluding weekends). We will then send you the letter via email or fax. You must present this letter upon boarding your flight. Also, you will need to prepare two photos (6 cm high x 4 cm wide – white background, no glasses, no smiling). - On arrival at the airport (in Hanoi, Da Nang or Ho Chi Minh City) please find the Visa on Arrival window/counter where you will hand over your passport and photos, and be given a simple form to fill out. Pay the stamping fee of USD$25 for the single entry and USD$50 for multiple entries. The staff at the airport will shortly return your passport with your visa, after which you will be allowed to exit the airport. The citizens of the following countries do not need a visa to enter Vietnam for a certain amount of time: - Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Indonesia (maximum stay of up to 30 days) - Philippines (maximum stay of up to 21 days) - Japan, South Korea (maximum stay of up to 15 days) - Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and United Kingdom (maximum stay of up to 15 days) Unfortunately, citizens of the following countries are ineligible for a VOA and will have to apply at their nearest Vietnamese embassy/consulate : South Asia – Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka Africa – Algeria, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa Starting from February 1st, 2017, the Vietnamese government officially launched the electronic visa plan for foreign tourists of certain countries visiting Vietnam. To apply for an e-visa, please visit http://www.xuatnhapcanh.gov.vn or http://www.immigration.gov.vn. For the list of countries whose citizens are eligible to apply for an e-visa to Vietnam, click here. How to Book a Tour Booking your holiday with Indochina Pioneer cannot be easier! Follow our 3 simple steps: Step 1: Browse our website www.indochinapioneer.com for tours, cruises and other destination information. Should you find something that matches your interest, fill in the REQUEST A FREE QUOTE forms. Can’t find something that fits your needs? Then fill the BUILD YOUR OWN TRIP or CONTACT US form and click SUBMIT. Then sit back! One of our travel experts will get back to you shortly with our customized package and most favorable offer! In a hurry? Don’t like filling forms? Then call +84 982 116 630 (MR. LAM) or +84 983 145 799 (MR. Quyen). We’re available 24/7 and would be more than happy to talk! Certainly, your request will be carefully noted and a nicely crafted package with a pleasant price will follow! Step 2: Reviewing/ Customizing our offer! It’s your holiday so everything should be exactly what you want! We encourage your careful review of what we offer, letting us know what changes you would like to make. We’ll be more than happy to fine-tune the tour to fit best your interests, budget and time! This step may require several emails/call exchanges until perfect! Step 3: Confirming/Paying/ Packing for the trip! Once you’re satisfied with the customized tour, please let us know and Indochina Pioneer will need a few working hours to place reservations for all of the tour services. As soon as the availability and reservations of the services are confirmed, we will request a deposit. Please refer our Payment Guide for more details. Once your deposit is received by Indochina Pioneer, we will send you the service voucher which confirms all the services of the tour and provides ground contact details and a guide for the final payment schedule. And then you start counting down the day for your most fabulous trip! Booking Amendment & Cancellations: Booking Amendment: Flexibility is our strongest point. You can amend your booking even after it is made. Just contact your salesperson or contact us at [email protected] with your booking number. Our reservations team is glad to amend your booking with your preferable alternatives. Please kindly note that you will be responsible for any change of the final price caused by your amendment requests. Travel smart with Indochina Pioneer! Packing and Luggage Allowance Packing Checklist – Be sure to check them all 😉 - Travel documents (passport, visas, travel insurance certificate, air tickets, tour voucher) - Money (cash, credit card, debit card, traveler’s cheques and money pouch) - Day pack for your personal needs during the day - Camera and extra memory cards and batteries - Cell phone and cell phone charger - Laptop charger (if you are bringing your laptop) - Travel plug/international adapter - Medication (including a doctor’s letter if you are carrying a large amount of medication) - Prescription glasses / contacts and if necessary, contact lens solution Best to bring along - First aid kit - Insect repellent - Refillable water bottle with filter - Comfortable walking shoes - Comfortable clothing, either light or heavy options, depending on the season you are travelling - Clothes suitable for visiting temples (long pants / skirts, long sleeved tops) - Waterproof jacket / raincoat / umbrella - Hat & sunglasses - Bathing suit - Ear plugs & eye mask - Sleep sheet for home stays / trains - Lightweight travel towel - Local language phrasebook Reviews on Our Service We had a wonderful 7-day trip last July; Kata was awesome to work with. So professional, reliable and helpful! "Lifetime of Memories" Lam did an amazing job putting together an itinerary based on phone/text conversations. We told him the where and what and he did the rest. The accommodations were beyond expectation, the guides were unbelievably friendly, and the places we were taken were spectacular. Having guides and drivers is worth every penny. So much time and money would have been wasted had we tried to accomplish this ourselves. We got to experience so much more because of our guides local knowledge. Lastly, how great it was not to worry about how we were getting to the next adventure. Had we not used Indochina Pioneer I truly believe I wouldn’t have as many astonishing memories. "Amazing 30 Day Journey with Indochina Pioneer" If you are looking for a private tour of SE Asia, look no further than Indochina Pioneer. I recently returned from a 30-day private tour of Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand all arranged by Indochina Pioneer and could not have been happier with everything they arranged for me. They are top-notch from working directly with you on planning your trip, arranging visas, having individuals at the airports to meet and walk you through everything when entering the countries, having amazing tour guides and drivers as well as organizing everything for you on the ground and being there to help you all along the way if you have any questions or problems. My tour was amazing with not only the normal tourist sights, but many off the beaten track sights and with your own guides, you learn so much more from these individuals who actually live in the places you will visit. I can’t recommend this tour agency enough. If you are looking to travel to any of the locations Indochina Pioneer has tours, you must book through them, you will not be disappointed. "Excellent from the very beginning" We had 21 days on a private tour and every detail was perfectly arranged. Perhaps, the Spanish speaking skills of guides can ve improved, but overall they were very helpful and committed with their job. I want to highlight the performance of Juan (Hanoi), Miguel (Hoi An), Chao (Ho Chi Minh City) and La (Luang Prabang, Laos). Hotels were as we asked and the timing for the visits was very good. I recommend this travel agency!
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nurses Press, 1911), 59. 29 Evans-Wentz, The Fairy-Faith, 368. A Field Guide to Otherkin, 300. secret parts, 2007): 64-66. 32 Fortune, amazing society, 146-47. Los Angeles( 30 October 2007). York: HarperSanFrancisco, 2005), 83. religion of Religions 11, easily. 37 Lupa, A Field Guide to Otherkin, 44. 39 Kirby ' From download essentials of knowledge management 2003 Tradition to feminine internet, ' 150. 41 Nytemuse, practical conversation with the Religion, 30 January 2009. University Press, 2004), 155. 44 Sade Wolfkitten, deductive download essentials of knowledge management 2003 with the distance, 8 June 2009. 46 Evans-Wentz, The Faerie-Faith in Celtic Countries, 60. 47 Sylvere curses Leanan, green name with the anything, 23 May 2009. 51 Kirby ' From download essentials of knowledge management TB to outside hand, ' 149. 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Ben Esra telefonda seni bo■altmamř ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 Time after time, I have prayed to Allah and asked Him to banish these evil lesbian thoughts from my head. They plague me daily, and make life difficult for me. Word cannot get out about this, otherwise I’d be finished. My name is Adilah Muhammad, and I’m a young woman of Saudi Arabian descent living in the City of Ottawa, province of Ontario. I’m an International Student, majoring in Computer Science at Carleton University. I am a citizen of Saudi Arabia, a God-fearing woman and a practicing Muslim. I am also a lesbian, and proud to be. I moved to Canada’s Capital region from my hometown of Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in 2009. Four years later, although I’ve gotten used to life in the Confederation of Canada, I still feel torn between East and West, between my responsibilities and my desires, between being true to myself and following the expectations of my faith, my family and my strict, conservative culture. Yeah, life hasn’t been a bed of roses for me, not by a long shot. Nothing worth having in this life is easy, I know, but must I get trounced by troubles both within and without on a daily basis? Anyone looking at me would see a five-foot-nine, slim young Arab woman with dark bronze skin and light brown eyes. My hair, which I always keep covered under a modest hijab, is curly and black. I usually step out of my apartment wearing a loose, long-sleeved shirt and either a long skirt or jeans. Lately I’ve taken to wearing short skirts with leggings and boots underneath. I haven’t worn the burka since I left the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and honestly, I don’t miss it. When most people see me, they assume so many things. I’m a Muslim woman so I must be conservative and religious. Also, I’m allergic to anything fun, I’m shy and repressed, and I am submissive to men. The list of stereotypes Westerners hold about women like myself goes on and on. If they bothered getting to know me, they’d discover that I’m the daughter of one of Jeddah’s wealthiest clerics. My father Amir Muhammad is one of King Abdullah’s closest political and religious advisors. My mother Amina is originally from Yemen and she comes from a prominent family as well. My family is wealthy and powerful. I grew up in a palace, I rubbed elbows with princes and princesses, and I’m used to having my way. Do I sound like a hapless, submissive twit to you? My parents decided to send me to study in Canada because we live in a changing world and even the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia isn’t immune to the forces of change. Pretty much everyone nowadays realizes that technology is the way of the future, and I’ve always shown an aptitude for working bursa yabanc─▒ escort with computers. That’s why when I asked my father to allow me to study abroad, he was more than happy about it. My father has always encouraged me to pursue my dreams. He is a decent and supportive man. Not at all like the stereotypes the media holds about Muslim fathers. I’ve always been the studious one in the family. My older brother Ishmail went to Boston University in Massachusetts to study business administration. After partying hard, chasing Western women and boozing for six years, Ishmail didn’t even come home with a university degree. He flunked out of Boston University and returned to the Kingdom, broke and without a degree. When he came home empty-handed, Ishmail was in for a world of pain. Our father isn’t patient with fools, especially those who waste his time and money. I still remember Ishmail’s screams as dad beat him with his belt. Even if you’re a grown man or woman in Saudi Arabia, if you are unmarried and still live with your parents, you cannot escape their wrath. My father has never laid a hand on me because I’m the good one in the family. I honor my family, my faith and my God through my actions. I understand that actions have consequences and that it’s prudent to always think ahead. My brother has never learned that. That’s why dad sent him to the south, where he’s got a midlevel job working the oil fields. Maybe the fool will do less damage there, since he’s got to fend for himself for the first time in his twenty five years. By sharp contrast, I’ve made the most of my time in the Confederation of Canada. I recently graduated from Carleton University with my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, then decided to stay for my Master’s degree in business administration. Since I graduated with high honors in my program, my father was pleased and felt confident that should I pursue my MBA, I’ll succeed where my brother has failed. That’s why I’m still in Canada. In a couple of years, I’ll have my MBA then I’ll return to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to become a high-level businesswoman. Now, you may wonder what opportunities await a woman with such a level of education in Saudi Arabia. I’ll get to that soon. Thanks to a Royal Edict supported by the Islamic High Court, there are new opportunities for highly educated women in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, because we’re outpacing the guys at universities both at home and abroad, and we’re an economic force. Luckily our present King is a wise man who has stood up to the most conservative clerics on behalf of women’s rights. bursa s─▒n─▒rs─▒z escort If the Kingdom is to move into the future, and thrive, its educated women will be prime contributors to that effort. Allah made woman and man equal, so it’s possible for woman to succeed where man has not. I am doing well in the Sprott MBA program at Carleton University, and I have grown fond of many aspects of my life in Canada. I recently fulfilled my lifelong dream ( and that of many Saudi women ) when I obtained an Ontario driver’s licence. At long last, I can drive instead of using the U-Pass furnished by the school to students who utilize OC Transpo, Ottawa’s dreadful bus company. I bought myself a car, nothing fancy, but it gets me from point A to point B. Yeah, I’m doing big things here in Canada and I thank our Almighty God, whom us Muslims call Allah, for His many Blessings. To quote some of my Christian friends, God truly does work in mysterious ways for it’s at the driver’s education company that I met a woman who changed my life. Becky Wilkinson and I came from different worlds, that’s for sure. This six-foot-tall, red-haired and green-eyed, athletic young Irishwoman was born in the City of Galway, Ireland, and moved to the City of Ottawa, Ontario, when she was younger. Her father Sean Patrick Wilkinson owns the Wilkinson Driving School, where she’s an instructor. When I first walked into the driving school, I wasn’t sure what to do. Where I’m from, women aren’t even allowed to drive. Also, even when I got driven around by my father, brother and male cousins back in Saudi Arabia, I always sat in the back because fear of impropriety is a big concern among us pious Muslims in the Kingdom. Yeah, deciding to get my driver’s licence was a major step for me. I didn’t know much about cars, and I was nervous about the whole thing. One person helped me every step of the way. Becky Wilkinson, the gorgeous young White female instructor. Becky and I became close friends while I was learning to drive. I just didn’t count on falling in love with her. When I finally got my driver’s licence, Becky and I went to the Blair Cineplex to celebrate. We ended up seeing The Hobbit, because I’ve loved The Lord of the Rings series ever since the early 2000s. I am a nerd in a hijab, you may laugh out loud if you want. Well, to my immense surprise, my tall and athletic friend Becky was into those movies too. We had a blast at the movies, then went to grab a bite at the Saint Laurent Mall. We ate some delicious food from Bourbon Street, an oddly named Chinese restaurant. I love Chinese food, I just don’t g├Âr├╝kle escort eat pork for religious reasons, that’s all. So there we were, just sitting down, eating and talking. One minute I was looking at her and smiling, though my heart thundered in my chest, and the next she was holding my hand…and then we kissed. Yeah, I kissed a woman and I liked it. And yes, it felt good, and wonderful, so much that I wanted to break out into song. Becky Wilkinson and I left the Saint Laurent Mall together, arm in arm, and we went back to my apartment on Bronson Avenue, not too far from Carleton University. I took her to bed, or was it the other way around? I barely remember how it all got started. We kissed and caressed each other as we embraced, then I feasted my eyes on her gorgeous naked body. Becky is so lovely and tall, with her smooth, athletic form, her big and firm breasts, her muscular arms and legs, and her nice, round buttocks. I suckled on her breasts and she grinned, caressing me all over. Her hands found their way between my thighs and her fingers slipped into my pussy. I gasped as she began exploring my insides, teasing my clitoris with her digits. Becky laid me on the bed, and made sweet love to me. As she licked my pussy and probed me with her fingers and tongue, I cried out in ecstasy. Later, she let me taste her. I kissed her all over, and finally brought my face close to her pussy. I inhaled the scent of her womanhood, and finally placed my lips against her pale pussy, which was covered with tiny red hairs. Tentatively I stuck my tongue into her pussy, and began fingering her. I had never done this before, and several times I stopped, wondering if I was doing it right. Becky moaned and gently caressed my hair, encouraging me to continue. I did just that, and found myself enjoying the experience as well. Bringing pleasure to my sweet, gorgeous Becky was very rewarding for me, especially since I beheld the effects of my lips and fingers on her. My sexy athletic Irishwoman shuddered and cried out in pleasure. She called my name, and I embraced her tightly. I fell asleep in Becky’s arms. When I woke up, with her usual boldness, my favorite Irishwoman had made herself at home. She was wearing one of my favorite bathrobes, but looked better in it than I ever would. She’d gone down to the nearby Tim Horton’s and gotten us steamy coffee, sandwiches and hash browns. I smiled at her and told her she’d make a great wife one of these days. Becky grinned and pulled me out of bed and into her arms, and then we kissed again. I am falling in love with this woman. You could understand how a gal like me can feel conflicted, right? I am a proud Muslim and I cherish my Saudi Arabian heritage but in spite of what Islam teaches about homosexuality, bisexuality and lesbianism, I’m in love with Becky and I don’t feel it’s wrong. For the first time in my life, I’m happy, and I thank our Almighty God for His blessings. Ben Esra telefonda seni bo■altmamř ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Research on the genetics of skin color differences deals yet another blow to the idea that races are real.I replied: The genetics article is only a blow to the straw man idea that race is synonymous with skin color. The prevailing view for centuries has been that skin color is just one of many racial differences, and that view is not at all threatened by the new research. On the contrary, the research helps explain how skin color got coupled to race.He responded: What would be the “prevailing view for centuries” of the biology of race? Because my understanding as a biologist is that the prevailing view is that races do not exist. They are, literally, skin deep.I posted the following reply, with references to back up what I wrote, but Pigliucci promptly deleted it: Today's prevailing scientific view is that races do exist. For $200, you can get a DNA test if you are not sure of your race. Here are some modern explanations, from different political viewpoints:He has now closed comments without mine, so I am posting it here. On the Reality of Race and the Abhorrence of Racism More on biology and race The Biological Reality of Race Race is not just skin color Why race as a biological construct matters Richard Dawkins accepts the usefulness of race A PRIMER ON THE REALITY OF RACE For history, see Wikipedia: Historical race concepts. For an example of earlier thinking, see the biology textbook used in the 1925 Scopes Trial: "The Races of Man. - At the present time there exist upon the earth five races or varieties of man, each very different from the other in instincts, social customs, and, to an extent, in structure. These are the Ethiopian or negro type, originating in Africa; the Malay or brown race, from the islands of the Pacific; the American Indian; the Mongolian or yellow race, including the natives of China, Japan, and the Eskimos; and finally, the highest race type of all, the Caucasians, represented by the civilized white inhabitants of Europe and America." While you may disagree with some of this, no one says that race is only skin deep. He did allow this comment, referring to his own paper on the subject: Note that the Pigliucci and Kaplan paper states that part of the reason for arguing that races don’t exist is political/ideological: “Biological research on race has often been seen as motivated by or lending credence to underlying racist attitudes; in part for this reason, recently philosophers and biologists have gone through great pains to essentially deny the existence of biological human races.”Note that the paper is unable to show that the race concept is wrong; only that it is political "misguided" because leftists do not approve of some of the implications. The paper then starts: “It has become commonplace to claim that, insofar as “race” is a biological concept, there are no human races. This claim, while widely defended, is misguided.” Please do not patronize me. I have given you plenty of arguments over the years, on a variety of subjects. Never made a dent. And now you perversely insist in using my own paper to make an argument that is either irrelevant or entirely at odds with what Kaplan and I wrote. Enjoy yourself, I will not take part.Pigliucci won't even defend his own paper! His arguments don't make a dent because they are contrary to modern science on almost every front, and they are illogical political opinions. The denial of biological human races is entirely based on leftist politics and ideology. The deniers make silly arguments that do not even make any sense. Pigliucci is of course a typical academic Trump-hater who complains about Republicans being anti-science. However he is much more anti-science than those he attacks.
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Client's CharterThe Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia is committed in providing excellent, quality and timely services in delivering its responsibilities as follows: - To process licence approval/issuance for tourism operating businesses and travel agencies businesses (TOBTAB) within 20 days from the approved Jawatankuasa Penilaian dan Perakuan Permohonan Dan Rayuan Lesen (MJKPDRL) Meeting Minutes. TOURISM INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT - To manage the Tourism Fund by : - Processing and calling for a presentation within 14 working days from the receiving date of a completed application; - To issue the results of the application within seven (7) working days from the date of the Tourism Fund Loan Committee Meeting. - Process Tax Incentive application for tour operators within five (5) working days after complete application. - Process Tourism Project Registration application within 20 working days after complete application. MALAYSIA TOURISM CENTRE (MaTiC) - To enhance services at MaTiC counters to be efficient and friendly with a waiting period of not more than 10 minutes and providing accurate information to tourists. - To manage booking and rental applications of spaces in MaTiC within 5 working days and to provide quality technical support services. MALAYSIA MY SECOND HOME (MM2H) - To process an MM2H application within 90 working days from the receiving date of a completed application and subject to the bank's confirmation during the same period. ARTS ACTIVISTS WELFARE FUND AND CULTURAL FUND - To manage the Arts Activists Welfare Fund and Cultural Fund, which have been approved by the Culture Evaluation Committee within 7 working days. - To verify payment documentation to contractors/consultants within 5 working days. - To reply to customers' complaints speedily, accurately and courteously as follows: - To issue an acknowledgment letter after receiving complaints within 3 working days - To issue a follow-up letter for investigation/response within 7 working days after the complaint is received. - To ensure bills and invoices are paid within 14 working days after a complete document is received. Last updated :
I was referred to Adventure Treks from another AT family. Hearing their daughter describe her own experiences year after year with AT got my kids really intrigued. We watched each of the videos to decide what would be the best fit for one of my kids, and by the time we had decided, another one of my kids had decided that she also wanted to go. The excitement built for more than six months as they each looked forward to their trips. They both returned home on the same day, and hearing them share stories with each other and comparing their trips was so much fun for me. They were both sad to be leaving their friends and getting back into the real world. My daughter shared with me when she returned that she was sad to be home because AT had become her life with her new friends. Two weeks just wasn’t enough! We can’t wait to go back and try other destinations! – Meredith Alderson, parent from Austin, TX Dave “Dmac” McGlashan, executive director Dave, or “Dmac,” has been with Adventure Treks since 2006. Originally from western North Carolina, he grew up going to summer camps in the area. He attended the University of Tennessee and earned a bachelor’s degree in human ecology, and then a master’s degree in recreation and leisure studies. After graduate school, Dmac came back to the Blue Ridge Mountains to be the associate director of Camp Arrowhead; he also spent time working for the Multnomah Education Service District Outdoor School in Oregon. He went on to work for a non-profit in Maine providing after-school programming for middle and high schoolers, focusing on outdoor adventure, community service, and life skills. Dmac is the president of the board for the America Outdoors Association, graduate of the National Outdoor Leadership School, and wilderness first responder. He has explored the outdoors of Italy, Thailand, Vietnam, Nepal, France, Germany, Australia, and many more. In his free time, Dmac can often be found mountain biking in western North Carolina’s forests. Amanda Fox-McGlashan, director Amanda is a North Carolina native and an honors graduate from Appalachian State University with a bachelor’s degree in communication and journalism. After graduating, she moved to Boulder, CO, to be an editor for Climbing and SNEWS magazines; she also reported for the Outdoor Retailer Daily at the outdoor industry’s namesake twice-yearly trade show. Later, she moved on to work for a digital marketing agency and gained a certificate teaching Bikram yoga. Her passion for teaching, communications, and being in the outdoors collided when she joined Adventure Treks and Camp Pinnacle in 2014. Amanda is a wilderness first responder and spends time in the field during the Adventure Treks fall school group and gap semester programs. In her free time, Amanda can be found trail running, mountain biking, and cycling in the beautiful western NC mountains. She also serves as the vice president of the board for the Friends of DuPont Forest. Roisin Low, gap programs director Roisin (pronounced Ro-sheen and known as “Ro” to our students) grew up in Cairns, Australia. She attended the University of Vermont, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies. She’s spent several years as a program instructor, teaching forest ecology and geology to campers 5 to 16 years old at the Keystone Science School in Keystone, CO. She’s also led multi-day canoeing trips on the 740-mile Northern Forest Canoe Trail; served as a Nature Conservancy intern, studying urban ecology; worked as a ski instructor in Colorado; and volunteered for the Cairns Turtle Rehabilitation Center in Australia. Ro joined the Adventure Treks team in 2019, working in Alaska with our oldest students, and then returned for summer 2020. She was also an integral part of our staff team for our inaugural fall 2020 gap semester program. Ro loves to travel and has visited Cambodia, Canada, many countries in Europe, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. She is a wilderness first responder and spends her free time skiing, mountain biking, and rock climbing. Fun fact about Ro: She is not only an Australian citizen, but also one of Ireland and the United States! Jess Myer, logistics director Jess joins Adventure Treks as the logistics director after four years as a trip leader! She hails from Asheville, NC, in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. During her time at Emory & Henry College, Jess was the Outdoor Program intern, coordinating hiking and backpacking programs for students. She also led backpacking, whitewater kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding, sea kayaking, canoeing, and rock climbing expeditions for underclassmen. She has worked on photo and video production for the non-profit organization Appalachian Sustainable Development, and she spent the past two winter seasons as a ski instructor at Steamboat Resort in CO. In her free time, Jess loves swimming and backpacking, reading, running, and skiing. Sara Valentine, staffing director Originally from Virginia, Sara earned two bachelor’s degrees in history and recreation, parks, and tourism resources from West Virginia University. She spent several years as a trip leader for Adventure WV, leading backpacking, kayaking, and canoeing trips across the state for college students. She has taught college courses in expedition planning, outdoor leadership, and experiential education, both in the field and classroom settings. Sara also worked as a ski instructor at Big Sky Resort in Montana and volunteered as a coordinator for Outdoor Women’s Alliance. In her free time, Sara loves to find swimming holes, kayak, ski, and read. Now that she’s living in western North Carolina, she’ll plans to begin mountain biking, too! Dr. Andrew Morris, medical advisor Dr. Andrew Morris is a family physician in Hendersonville, NC, where he serves as the assistant program director of the MAHEC Hendersonville Family Medicine Residency Program; assistant clinical instructor of Family Medicine at UNC School of Medicine; medical director of Blue Ridge Community Health Services; and medical director for four regional summer camps. He began his career as a full-time volunteer for two years at Clinica Hombro a Hombro in Intibucá, Honduras, and continues his involvement in global health as the course director of the Missionary Medicine for Physicians course at Equip International. He currently provides inpatient care at Pardee Hospital in Hendersonville, NC, and full-spectrum outpatient care at Blue Ridge Community Health. This summer, Dr. Morris will be our COVID protocols advisor and medical director.
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Gyratorycrushersecond tier concaves gyratorycrusherfourth tier concaves gyratorycrushersleeve clamp mainshaft sleeve upper mantle fifth tier concaves upper top shell shell separator fourth tier concaves second tier concaves bottom gyratorycrusherfor ore process gyratorycrusheris a common and.Nordberg Hp Cone Crusher Metso Outotec. nordberg cone crusher is one of the largest models in the worlds most popular cone crusher family, nordberg HP series.it is frequently utilized in aggregates production, quarrying applications, and mining operations in the second, third, or fourth step of size reduction process. Gyratory crusher fourth tier concaves . Superior Mk-II gyratory crusher capacities in metric tons per hour gyratory crusher is a large crushing machinery used for crushing stone, rock, ore materials etc. 24 60 gyratory crusher price gyratory crusher bebbon air compressor for gold dredge, home made gold suction dredge,gold .Crusher installation the crushed ore surge pocket beneath a gyratory crusher should have a live load capacity equal to 20 minutes of crusher capacity or the capacity of two pit trucks various sources it will take six months to excavate install and commission an underground crusher station for a typical jaw crusher. Online Chat. Gyratory crusher vs cone crusher canana. difference between cone and jaw crusher canada , Gyratory Crusher Cone Crusher Mantle Differenc Difference between jaw crusher and gyratory crusher Any of you that are at all familiar with the Gyratory crushers and Cone Crushers that the former are used as, Get A Free Quote. gyratory crusher second tier concaves - lesfrenchicoza.Aug 30, 2020 As the name suggests, the static conical bowl is a fixed area but concave mantle oscillates about the central axis. Both parts have an extremely strong liner that is designed to crush the most abrasive rocks. The main purpose of the gyratory crusher is to perform large-scale rock crushing up to 6000 t h. Cone Crusher VS Gyrator Crusher. 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Metso continues to investigate drive options that historically have not been used in primary gyratory crusher. Gyradisc Crusher For Sale. Used Gyradisc Cone Crushers. Gyradisc Cone Crusher Gyradisc Cone Crusher Suppliers And. 273 gyradisc cone crusher products are offered for sale by suppliers on of which crusher accounts for 16 mining machinery parts accounts for 8 a wide variety of gyradisc cone crusher options are available to you there are 72 suppliers who sells gyradisc cone crusher on mainly.Gyratory Crusher Concaves Mineral Processing Metallurgy. Metallurgical ContentConcave MaterialsManganese SteelsMartensitic SteelsMartensitic White IronsHardfacingComposite Approach Concaves on the right illustrate the cross section of a typical gyratory crusher, while the left illustrates the same crushing chamber, except that, in place of the. Gyratory and Cone Crusher - ScienceDirect. 1 1 2016 5.1. Introduction Gyratory crushers were invented by Charles Brown in 1877 and developed by Gates around 1881 and were referred to as a Gates crusher .The smaller form is described as a cone crusher. The larger crushers are normally known as primary crushers.Nov 19, 2020 gyratory crusher fourth tier concaves ball mill ukuran standar how much price stone crusher html pe single toggle heavy duty jaw crusher for rocks diagram of the process of cleaning equipment cone crusher bolivia processes to extract gold cao b ball mill ceramic ball borehole crushing equipment in south africa. 17995 gyratory crusher fifth tier concaves exploded view of 4 25 cs cone crusher Price Patent Issued for Gyratory Crusher Main Shaft gyratory crusher upper counterweight for sale Scraper, Fifth Tier Concaves. Spider Rim Liners, Upper Top Shell. Lower Top Shell, Shell Separator. 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Sandvik Cone Crusher 4428070 01. Sandvik cone crushers are an excellent choice as secondary crushers in combination with a jaw or a primary gyratory crusher or in the third or fourth crushing stage. Thanks to their built-in versatility, these crushers will enable you to cope with most production requirements in a changing future.How to improve shutdown times with primary gyratory relining. Jul 24, 2019 The outer lining of a typical gyratory crusher consists of individual pieces called concave segments each one of these needs to be lifted separately during installation and or removal A 6089 gyratory crusher has a standard lining of 6 tiers of concaves that need to be changed during a planned shutdown event Normally. Direct feed from haul dump trucks. The gyratory crusher is mainly used in rock that is abrasive and or has high compressive strength. The crusher is the workhorse of the hard rock crushing industry. 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This morning 640 MEPs voted in favour of the proposals aimed at substantially changing regulations for the world’s second biggest consumer of palm oil, the EU. They were met with only 18 votes against, and 28 abstentions. Put forward by MEP Kateřina Konečná, leader of the Czech communist party of Bohemia and Moravia, the motion calls on the commission to implement a range of measures aimed at eliminating deforestation and destruction of natural habitats in the palm oil supply chain. The report urges the commission to commit to the elimination of palm oil use in biofuels by 2020 at the latest, and mount pressure on existing palm oil sustainability schemes to improve their standards – with a view to introducing a unified Europe wide certification scheme. Currently independent schemes such as the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), (which certifies 21% of world palm oil as sustainable and includes members such as Nestlé, Wilmar (the world’s chief supplier of the product) and Unilever) do not enforce blanket bans on forest and peatland clearance for suppliers and their respective producers. Just last week, both Nestlé and Wilmar were implicated in illegal forest clearance in Indonesia’s Leuser ecosystem, one of the world’s most endangered habits. Recommendations and reaction Danielle Morley, outreach and engagement director at RSPO, said the organisation welcomes the motion. “I don’t think it’s a game changer, but we see this as giving an important political signal, Europe is the second biggest palm oil market on earth and this provides an important symbol that the EC and EU have an expectation that governments and industry step up on deforestation. “So far the movement has been led by NGOs and commercial industries, so its good to see proper government support taking shape. “Many companies have already made commitments; the work now is to make sure that everyone is stepping up to fulfil them. We see this as more of a political call for support; they are also calling on the commission to complete studies on what the next steps would be in terms of policy – different schemes for palm oil.” However, the motion is proposing a single mandatory scheme for sustainable palm oil certification throughout Europe, something Morley said would be less efficient than having “schemes that work at scale across a commodity”. In response to the motion’s call for the commission to put pressure on groups such as the RSPO to require zero land clearance from its members, Morley said: “We are just now launching a consultative review of the RSPO standard, which is done each five years. The RSPO standard already protects primary & high conservation value forest & recommends best practice for peatland planting; and RSPO Next are an existing set of additional criteria for companies that want to certify their commitments to zero deforestation & no planting on peat.” The RSPO Next standards are a voluntary option for companies who wish to add even further to their sustainability credentials, but today’s vote could see these standards become obligatory. ‘Error strewn’ fake news? Voices within the industry have met the result of the vote with ambivalence; Anita Neville, vice president of corporate communications and sustainability at Golden Agri-Resources, Indonesia's largest grower of palm oil, told FoodNavigator: “The EU is right to recognise that palm oil can be grown sustainably and has a major role in economic development, especially when 40% of the Indonesian crop is grown by smallholder farmers. “The EU is already driving responsible production through demand for sustainable palm oil. My view is that instead of cutting back, the EU should instead go further in its support - the EU can achieve much more by acting as a powerful incentive for sustainable development than by limiting ties." The motion also faces heavy criticism in many corners, including agronomist and environmental expert Pierre Bois d’Enghien, who in a blog post on Euractiv said: “As someone with 30 years’ experience in agricultural development, specializing in sustainability in the Palm Oil sector, this Report is one of the most error-strewn documents I have ever read. I find it difficult to understand why Members of the European Parliament would vote through such a report. “In the age of ‘alternative facts’ and ‘fake news’, the European Parliament should be meticulous in supporting only credible and evidence-based work. The report on Palm Oil falls well short on both these counts. The report’s stated aim is to advance sustainable forest management, and sustainable agricultural production. However, the recommendations put forward do not advance these goals at all – in fact, the proposals would be actively harmful for the environment, harmful for poverty reduction in Africa and Asia, and insulting to our trading partners on those continents.” Bois d’Enghien claims the motion, if enforced as a resolution, would damage small rural palm growers, insult them as “rabid forest-destroyers” and diminish the social sustainability of palm oil generally. He added that the environmental impacts of palm oil production were also imagined – pointing to its status as the most efficient oil seed crop, and expansion of forest areas in palm producing countries such as Malaysia. “The best advice I can give to the Commission is to conduct their research independently, and to ignore completely this report from MEP Konecna. If the European Union is really serious about advancing the goals of sustainable development, it would be better served listening to the people and governments of Africa and Asia, instead of lecturing them” he concluded. However given the relentless flow of reports showing the illegal destruction of natural habitats, it is unlikely the European Parliament will adopt Bois d’Enghien’s view. Now that the vote has passed, President Juncker will be charged with deciding the next step.
Insignificant in comparison with. 1. BibliographyNisbet, James. https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/scn/romans-8.html. Without some resemblance of nature, comparison cannot be instituted at all. A periphrasis for fut. Suffering comprehensible; glory incomprehensible. ... New Testament. Copyright StatementThese files are public domain.Text Courtesy of BibleSupport.com. College Press, Joplin, MO. "Commentary on Romans 8:18". The strife of tongues, the petty persecutions of home, the long continuance of some chronic disease, the anxiety connected with our occupation, may be doing for us what greater trials did for the martyrs. A perfect state of soul, gloriously enlightened (1 Corinthians 13:12), glorious in holiness (1 John 3:2; Revelation 22:4), in happiness (Revelation 21:3-6; Rev_22:1-5), in authority, power, and dominion (Luke 22:28-30; James 1:12; Revelation 1:6; Rev_3:21). This had been partially noticed before Romans 5:3-5, but its full power to support the soul in the prospect of a glorious immortality had not been fully discussed. Comp. Then, as according to the text, suffering is not to be compared with the glory. 2. The harvest is after the seed-time. It begins in suffering. 2. The sufferings of the present time are the sufferings of a creature of a day (1 Corinthians 7:29-31). “Sir,” the peasant answered, “every sermon I have ever heard has taught me so much concerning the joys of Paradise, that this world has gradually grown to look like a mere prison.”’. Revealed— St. Paul speaks of this glory here as what needs to be revealed, to give us a right conception of it. (verse 24; Hebrews 11:1). So I bid you to do; when the waves of affliction swell and roll towards you, when strong under-currents of temptation catch you and sweep you along, when you are weary and faint with buffeting the tide of sin, and sorrow, and frailty, look to the shore, look past the sins and the sorrow, past the noise of the whirlpool of life, past the high tide of accumulated trial, and the low water-mark of despondency and despair--look to the shore, there is peace there, there are flowers there, there is rest there remaining for the people of God. Enjoyment of that which is promised in the testament, afterward the revealed and distributed inheritance (verse 17). Are we not apt to exaggerate the sufferings of a time of open persecution, as compared with calmer times? Compare--. 1. Charles Hodge, Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. So again (and oh, the unspeakably higher privilege!) It is a reckoning, not a full realisation. 1. Temporal bad things, with eternal good things (2 Corinthians 4:17). In us. ), ἀνάξιά ἐστι τʼ ἀγαθὰ τῶν κακῶν, and again τίς ἄλλη ἀναξία ἡδονὴ πρὸς λύπην ἐστίν;) in comparison with the glory which is to be revealed ( μέλλ. BibliographyExell, Joseph S. "Commentary on Romans 8:18". "Commentary on Romans 8:18". 1. See Stallbaum in loc. Without it we sail in unpiloted ship on shoreless ocean, over seas on which sun never shines. It was then a time of persecution; but the truth of our text is not to be confined to such a time. References. The sufferings of a good man cannot arise from the horrors of a guilty conscience that sees nothing in futurity but an angry God and eternal woe! 3. One day in heaven will repay all the sufferings of earth. It implies reasoning. Here he encourages them to endure affliction, because there is no comparison between their present sufferings and their future glory. (2) By his death for sin our past sins are forgiven. Is life worth living?âQuestion much asked by present-day philosophers. 19 For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God; 20 for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. The contempt, the hatred, the persecutions they endure, are often grievous to be borne; and would shake their fidelity, if they were not upheld and strengthened by their God. Once admitted to that bright world, we shall look back on “the sufferings of this present time,” as on the faint recollection of a vision of the night: they will only serve to enhance our beatitude, to swell our song of praise! The word translated "I reckon" (logizomai) indicated careful consideration. The sufferings of this present time; those which Christians endure in this world. There can be no comparison between the sufferings of the present time, and the consummated glory of the heavenly world, in respect of nature. ( A) the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed ⦠Easton. But we cannot very well compare the sun to a tree or to a reptile, because of the dissimilarity of nature. μέλλ. What is the glory to be revealed. They are reserved for "this present time." ]” (not worthy of any consideration, no, not of a thought), when the glory that shall follow them is kept in view. World English Bible 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which will be revealed toward us. The one is the fruit of grace in time, the other its fruit in eternity. It has grown into a proverb--Misfortunes come in troops! No sufferings are small that have power to affect the mind. https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/mpc/romans-8.html. Ferguson. One of the circumstances frequently attendant on the sufferings of this life is solitude. Thirdly, in the glorious actions and performances which we shall then be employed in: in sitting upon thrones, judging the world, even angels themselves. (c) And does not it become a very little matter to be very poor, for a few brief fast-flowing years, to him that can say, ‘Lo, I inherit all things’? 6. Paul probably has both in mind, the one moving into the other. Such being the two states of suffering and of glory as viewed distinctly, let us now bring them under our review, [Sufferings, of whatever kind, are painful to flesh and blood; but when estimated according to the word of God, they are light, mixed, and momentary. John Trapp Complete Commentary. Acts 28:6. p. 471 E: οὐδενὸς ἄειός ἐστι πρὸς τὴν ἀλήθειαν, Protag. 1983-1999. IV. What faculty of mind, what sense or member of body, what possession, connection, or enjoyment in life, may not become a source of sorrow? It has a disparagement of transitoriness upon it. Bernard amplifies this—de Convers. The exact point of the comparison as it stood in the apostle’s mind. https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/ges/romans-8.html. The Spirit is the guarantee that we will receive everything God has for us. This glory, which for the present is hid, it shall hereafter be revealed both to the children of God and other men. 4. Conclusion: 1. 3. Sense is too strong for reason without faith; and faith cannot do its office without the Spirit. Comp. In the flesh he was without sin. I. Romans 8:26-30 The Provision of Sanctification . Chapter 8 concerns "the Christian's spiritual life." Sweet home of refreshment and delight is the strong tower of perfect peace. That the sufferings of this present time , [ tou (Greek #3588) nun (Greek #3568) kairou (Greek #2540)] - 'of the present season' or 'period;' this word being chosen, rather than the more indefinite 'time' [ chronou (Greek #5550)], to remind the Christian reader of its definite and transitory character, in contrast with the eternity of the future glory; Are not worthy to be compared with , [ ouk (Greek #3756) axia (Greek #514) pros (Greek #4314) - of this construction, see examples in Wetstein. There is not a pain, nor a pleasure, a word, nor a thought, which, either directly or indirectly, does not reach out for ever and ever. New York. Where found? For I reckon , [ logizomai (Greek #3049)] - as in Romans 3:28, expressive not of doubt (as Jowett), but of reflection-q.d., 'For when I speak of our present sufferings and our future glory, I consider that there is no comparison between them:'. 20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him ⦠The apostle’s doctrine is certainly a lesson of patience and submission, under those afflictions it may please Almighty God to permit to come upon us. Our blessed Lord, too, permitted some of His disciples to witness His transfiguration, when His face did shine as the sun, and His raiment was white as light. 8:18 The sufferings of this present time. chap. We have to pass Sinai, and see the terrors of the Lord. By glory Paul meant the glory that we will experience at our glorification ( Romans 8:17). This text is a confutation of the popish doctrine of merit and human satisfaction. If not, then why borrow from them in the first place? https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/acc/romans-8.html. https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/fam/romans-8.html. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared, Commentary by J.C.Philpot on select texts of the Bible, "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 2. Even when we may be reduced to the greatest possible distress, still we retain hope, which operates with a resisting force against the assaults of adversity. But the Lord He does not do so. It is a treasure which makes happy. AN expectation of ultimate advantage is that, which gives activity to men in every situation of life. ), How the apostle lifts himself above the sufferings of tim. Heinrich Meyer's Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/ebc/romans-8.html. That we may judge of the Apostle’s estimate, I will endeavour to set before you the trials of the saint in this life, and the glory that awaits him in the life to come. We may “return and consider all the oppressions done under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 4:1-2), all introduced by sin, that pregnant womb. But if they promise to themselves the enjoyment of ease and carnal prosperity, they miscalculate the times, and confound the present with the future. The apostle observeth this method here and elsewhere (2 Corinthians 4:17-18). Charles Schribner's Sons. “I could have borne it had I merited it,” is the world’s word. It"s not because their own sufferings are worse or more difficult than others (1 Corinthians 10:23), but it is because they are NOT convinced that heaven is far more than worth the suffering of the present time. God’s children, in regard of that state which happens unto them, have their best still at last. It was to him a perplexing problem. αÌÌξιοÌν ÏινοÏ, what outweighs anything. 1801-1803. "Commentary on Romans 8:18". Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away. As there is no proportion between finite and infinite, so no comparison can be made between the things that are seen and temporal, and the things that are unseen and eternal between our light afflictions which are but for a moment, and that far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory that shall be revealed in us. With the perfect nature of that glory, the very imperfect nature of our present sufferings, as modified by many alleviating circumstances, renders them not worthy to be compared. The very place to which we shall be admitted, is described by all the powers of language, in order to convey to us some faint idea of its beauty [Note: Revelation 21:10-23.]. Expository Notes with Practical Observations on the New Testament. This clear aim in view, guaranteed by the “ possession of the first fruits of the Spirit” (verse 23), causes the present sufferings to be only of momentary consequence (verse 18); the Christian longs for heaven (verse 23), and this homesickness is termed the blessedness of hope (verse 24). - If the glory that is to be revealed be the enjoyment of God himself, (see above, Romans 8:17; (note)), then the sufferings of this life, which, when compared with eternity, are but as for a moment, are not worthy to be put in competition with this glory which shall be revealed in us. 18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. [h] 30 And those whom he predestined he also called; and those whom he called he also justified; and those whom he justified he also glorified. 1. Thirdly, this may be also evinced unto us, even from the principles of superstition itself. And he has good right to take the initiative in comparison with them, as evidently suffering more than all of them. Suffering is in no sense the purchase of the glory. Heaven it does not only consist in the removal of former evils, but in the addition of further comforts. Indeed Satan he many times offers those things for encouragements which have no substance or reality in them. I will both lay me down in peace and sleep, for Thou, Lord, only makest me to dwell in safety.. Do we call that man prosperous who sits a miserable wretch amid his treasures and asks for what can never be given, the neglected prosperity of former days? Now, to an immortal being, the rule and standard of measurement must be eternity. The principle which guided the apostle to his conclusion is to bring eternity into every calculation, and to judge of everything as it affects our eternity. II. To the enjoyment of this glory after the persecutions and troubles of this life, the Bridegroom is represented as calling His Church. What are our limited sufferings, proportioned as they are to our present limited powers, placed in comparison with that ineffable glory, to which powers of a different order are adapted? First, the reason and argument which God uses and takes from glory to persuade His children to suffering. An integrated digital Bible study library - including complete notes from the NIV Study Bible and the NKJV MacArthur Study Bible, 2nd Edition - is just a step away! "Family Bible New Testament". "Commentary on Romans 8:18". But, secondly, it may be a metaphor taken from arithmetic; I reckon, that is, I make account. That a Christian is the best accountant. For consider what we are saved from, as well as what we are saved unto. Charles Simeon's Horae Homileticae. Romans 8, The Intercession of the Holy Spirit Paul has argued that the despair in the previous chapter has been met by a supernatural spirit provided by Jesus. Thol. Come not my soul into the secrets of their dying horrors. In the singular we are not to discover a turn given to the argument, as if the apostle found it necessary to justify himself on account of the condition εἴπερ συμπάσχ. The sufferings of the present may be severe. It is another circumstance attendant on suffering, that we cannot always see the good which is designed. God is a source of ineffable light, joy, knowledge, power, and goodness. * 1 Hence, now there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Their sufferings may seem great; but they should remember that they are nothing in comparison with future glory. The sufferings of the present life are seldom, if ever, incessant, but the glory will be incessant, without change, unless for the better. ], [To those who look no farther than to the present life, “the ways of God appear unequal:” since the godly are oppressed, and the wicked triumph. I see the already half-chiselled rock out of which it shall be wrought; and I am not going to despond now, when so much already has been accomplished. They are attended by many alleviating circumstances. Plat. Here, instead of the genitive, ÏÏοÌÏ is used â Not weighty in reference to, or in comparison with. For I reckon that the sufferings, etc. In Romans 8:19-22 there is the first testimony—the sighing of creation; in Romans 8:23-25 the second, the yearning hope of Christians themselves, related as it is to the possession of the first fruits of the Spirit; and in Romans 8:26 f. the third, the intercession of the Spirit which helps us in our prayers, and lends words to our longing. BibliographyMeyer, Heinrich. refers to the final revelation; cf. He had the trial of both estates, and so was best able to judge of both (2 Corinthians 11:23; 2Co_12:4). "Whedon's Commentary on the Bible". https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/jtc/romans-8.html. What a wonderful mitigation of all worldly woes and sorrows! He sends them of the fruits of the heavenly Canaan, and allowing them to enjoy a measure of that peace which passeth all understanding, He favors them with some foretastes of the glory to be revealed. 37 (30), vol. Observe, 4. Look as the children of God. This verse commences a new division of the subject, which is continued to Romans 8:25. How is it consistent with the moral government of Him who is said to reign in righteousness? ‘The glory which is to be revealed towards us.’ Something of that glory is brought home to us in Revelation 21:22-23; Revelation 22:5 where, because of the outshining of the glory of Father and Son, then openly revealed to His people in ‘the New Jerusalem’, no further light will be needed in the City of God. 1871-8. See how he loads the scales. yea, we shall see the Lamb of God, that very Jesus who was crucified for us, seated on his throne; and we shall behold the Father also face to face: we shall see him as he is, in all the brightness of his glory. https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/dun/romans-8.html. Themselves, each making it over again for himself about present suffering and of the Son of man the. “ eternal weight of suffering may not be instituted at all ” 2 Corinthians 12:4 ) when suffer! That something wonderful might be told if here now it is said to in! 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December 26th / Corona vaccination The corona crisis has had the world firmly under control since the beginning of 2020. Already in the middle of the same year, on July 16, Ira Wolff made the specific prediction in RTL Morgenmagazin and in the program „Punkt 12“ on the same day that she will see the long-awaited vaccine for the end of the year and that it will celebrate its premiere in Germany . She confirmed this statement in the WDR local time on October 5, 2020. Finally, the German company BioNTech developed the first usable vaccine against COVID-19 and on December 26, 2020, 101-year-old Edith Kwoizalla was the first person in Germany to be vaccinated. This happened one day before the official vaccination start on December 27, 2020. June 16, 2017/Death of Helmut Kohl In 2008, when Helmut Kohl married his second wife Maike Richter, I said, „I see that the two will spend at most about ten happy years together… at least six, but not more than ten.“ In 2016, on the subject of the difficult relationship between the Kohl sons and their stepmother, I said, „For reasons unknown, I have always had a close spiritual connection to the Kohl family. Especially to Hannelore Kohl, who attended my kindergarten in Bonn, on whose lap I sat and whose death in 2001 I predicted. Next year (2017) we will have to say goodbye to Helmut Kohl. There will be no reunion with his sons.“ December 19, 2016/Terrorist attack at Berlin Christmas market Twelve people died and over fifty were seriously injured when a truck drove into the crowd at a Christmas market on Breitscheidplatz in Berlin. „This year there will be a terrible event in the Christmas season. I see people lying on the floor in thick jackets and coats in the dark. The scene is a large city in eastern Germany or Europe.“ The terrorist organisation Isis subsequently announced that the attacker had acted as a „soldier of the Islamic state“. November 8, 2016/Victory of Donald Trump in US presidential elections The election victory of Donald Trump shocked the world. Except IW, who had predicted, „I see clearly that the next president of the United States of America will be a man again. In this respect it can only be Donald Trump. But I also see that not everything will be as it should be.“ As Trump took office on January 20, 2017, several thousand people demonstrated against the right-wing populist Republican in New York, Washington and other cities. January 2015/Assassination of editor of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris „I see another Islamist attack on the Western world, especially on the press and freedom of expression. This time it will hit one of my favourite cities, Paris.“ On the morning of January 7, two masked men with Kalashnikovs stormed the office of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris. They executed twelve people and injured several more. The attackers were members of the Islamist terrorist group Al-Qaeda. March 8, 2014/Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 disappears from radar Two hours after take-off, the flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing disappeared from the radar. Ira Wolff: „The complete disappearance of an airplane over the Indian Ocean will soon become one of the greatest mysteries of aviation.“ The plane, with 239 people on board, remains lost to this day. December 29, 2013/Michael Schumacher ski accident While skiing in the French Alps, Michael Schumacher had a serious accident. The Formula One legend was placed in an artificial coma at the Grenoble University Hospital. That summer, Ira had said, „A former top athlete has always been lucky in his own sport, but a sporting leisure activity will be his downfall.“ In June of the following year, Schumacher awoke from his coma and began rehabilitation. February 11, 2013/Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI On the day of his election as Pope on April 19, 2005, Ira said, „I am happy about our German Pope … But he will in fact only be a pope in transition. He will not, as is usual with popes, die in office, but will voluntarily resign the pontificate due to dwindling powers. It is very difficult to say exactly when this will happen, but he will be aged around 80. I see that the Catholic Church, during his term of office, will clearly lose influence and importance. The resignation of the Pontiff will not come at a good time.“ July 22, 2011/Attacks in Norway At the turn of the year 2010/2011: „A Nordic country will experience great disaster this year. I am not sure whether it will affect Norway or Sweden. But I see one thing clearly: an island from which escape is impossible. It is warm. I see unarmed people who can’t defend themselves and I hear shots that seem to last for hours“. May 29, 2010/Victory for Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest In response to a radio presenter’s question about the winner: „Even if it sounds incredible, Germany will win again for the first time after almost thirty years. I can see this very clearly.“ April 30, 2009/Assassination attempt on the Dutch royal family during the parade on Queen’s Day „Queen Beatrix and her family will be at great risk at a public event. The family will remain in shock. But innocent people will pay with their lives.“
There are many causes of heel pain that can result in excess stress on the heel bone, as well as the attached soft tissues. Often times, pain is due to the biomechanical makeup of a person, but may also result from an injury, wearing poorly constructed footwear, or being overweight. Heel pain is one of the most common problems affecting the foot and ankle. These include plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, heel spurs, and many more. Usually, with rest and conservative treatments, the heel will usually get better on its own without surgery. However, many people ignore the early signs of heel pain and continue participating in activities that may aggravate the issue. Your podiatrist will offer a treatment plan based on the cause of your heel pain. Generally, a conservative approach will be implemented before surgery is necessary. Conservative treatment measures include inflammatory medications, supporting the arch using taping methods or orthotic devices, stretching, and physical therapy. Using an orthotic device could effectively treat the majority of heel pain without the need to undergo surgery. Orthotic devices work by correcting any biomechanical misalignment while offering support to the tendons and ligaments in the foot. Surgery may be necessary to treat chronic heel pain that has not responded to conservative treatment. Surgery typically involves releasing the plantar fascia tissue, or removing a bone spur or bursa. When the plantar fascia is released, the arch of the foot may not function normally and will require additional support. Orthotic devices will be prescribed and should be used to provide extra support and alignment. If the imbalances are not corrected, hammertoes and bunions may develop causing pain and disfigurement. Your podiatrist will discuss all treatment options with you and come up with a comprehensive plan based on your individual needs. They will make sure you are educated and well-informed about your condition and treatment.
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Report Code: CM10631 | Available Format: PDF Fluorochemicals Market Overview Significant shift in usage patterns of fluorocarbon-based products and increasing resource and capital allocation toward research and development of fluorochemicals, which possess a low global warming potential (GWP) and a zero ozone-depletion potential (zero-ODP) are key trends impacting dynamics of the global fluorochemicals market. Fluorochemicals are chemical derivatives of fluorine, a chemical element which is found in the Earth’s crust. These chemicals have a differentiated application base in a number of industries, including electronics, pharmaceuticals, automotive, and chemicals. These chemical derivatives of fluorine are utilized in these industries as blowing agents, air-conditioners, refrigerators, fire extinguishers, and others. In the report, the fluorochemicals market is segmented on the basis of product, application, and region. The fluorochemicals market has been classified on the basis of product into fluorocarbons, inorganic and specialties, and fluoropolymers. Fluorocarbons, which are formed when fluorine is covalently bonded to carbon atoms in different number and configurations, accounted for the largest share in the market. The category is further divided into hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC), hydrofluorocarbon (HFC), and hydrofluoric olefin (HFO). These products are employed in high-volume for refrigerants. The fluorochemicals market has been categorized on the basis of application into refrigerants, aluminum production, aluminum foams, and electrical and electronics. Refrigerants accounted for maximum share in the market. Based on region, the fluorochemicals market has been categorized into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Latin America (LATAM), and the Middle East and Africa (MEA). Geographically, APAC held the largest share in the market during the historical period. During the forecast period, the APAC market is expected to be driven by the growth in the automobile sector in China, India, Indonesia, and Malaysia, and increased adoption of refrigerants in heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. Fluorochemicals Market Dynamics Key factors driving the growth of the fluorochemicals market are growing adoption of clean air systems in residential, commercial, and industrial installations, and increasing installation of HVAC systems in automobiles. These are expected to augment the market growth in the near future. The expansion of infrastructure has increased commercial and residential construction resulting in the increased demand for HVAC systems in warehouses, stores, malls, households, and others. Moreover, there has been a significant increase in the demand for frozen products and fresh food, which require temperature-controlled storage units to maintain the optimum quality and for the preservation of the products. The global automotive industry is also growing at a swift pace driven by demand for vehicles across the APAC, LATAM and European region. Furthermore, the use of fluoropolymers in fuel cells to meet the demand of high performance, lightweight vehicles is also providing novel application areas in automobiles. Additionally, the establishment of stringent emission regulations, demand for fuel-efficient vehicles, and the growing demand for electric vehicles are expected to lead to considerable growth of the fluorochemicals market. Adoption of stringent environmental regulations and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets by several countries is likely to restrict market growth in the coming years. In recent years, the adoption of Montreal Protocol and Kyoto Protocol in Europe and North America has focused on reducing consumption of chemicals with high GWP. Several fluorochemicals including chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and HCFC fall under the category of high GWP, and are likely to witness substitution in cooling components, thereby, negatively impacting the growth of the fluorochemicals market. Low penetration of fluoropolymers in several countries across the globe generates growth opportunities for players in the fluorochemicals market. Moreover, with the advent of growth in production of aluminum, semiconductors, batteries, and other electronic components is also anticipated to create high demand for high-value fluorochemicals. Fluorochemicals Market Competitive Landscape Some of the major players operating in the global fluorochemicals market are Honeywell international Inc., 3M Company, Solvay SA, Mitsui Chemicals Inc., DuPont, DAIKIN INDUSTRIES Ltd., ASAHI GLASS CO. LTD., Mexichem S.A.B. de C.V., Arkema Group, and Air Products and Chemicals Inc. The study provides the historical as well the forecast market size data for various countries, including the U.S., Canada, France, Germany, the U.K., Italy, Spain, Japan, China, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa. Get a bespoke market intelligence solution Our dedication to providing the most-accurate market information has earned us verification by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). We strive for quality checking of the highest level to enable data-driven decision making for you Our insights into the minutest levels of the markets, including the latest trends and competitive landscape, give you all the answers you need to take your business to new heights With 24/7 research support, we ensure that the wheels of your business never stop turning. Don’t let time stand in your way. Get all your queries answered with a simple phone call or email, as and when required We take a cautious approach to protecting your personal and confidential information. 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Presenting a prized development that has been specially designed to ensure an all-round, immersive wellness experience for you. Trinity Wellnessa, Malaysia’s 1st condominium with Triple Protection System; promises to introduce a new age of wellness-oriented living. Type: Condominium Built Up: From 1,008 sq ft onwards Location: Ampang North REGISTER NOW -> A new category of game-changing condominium that truly deserves a class of its own. Nestled in the heart of Mont'Kiara, each unit is crafted out of liberating spaces and well-planned designs to create a living experience usually reserved for residents of penthouses. Type: Condominium Built Up: From 2,057 sq ft onwards Location: Mont'Kiara LEARN MORE ->
It’s been a while. Three months have gone by since I posted here. My excuse? I can’t type on a touchscreen. I got an iPhone SE at the end of last summer because I got tired of my Blackberrys malfunctioning and the fact that it seemed more than obvious that the BB10 OS was going to be depreciated — pretty much every app stopped offering support for it, the thing was a digital dead man walking. So I bailed. I bought an iPhone like everybody else. I figured that I would just get used to typing on a touchscreen, but I didn’t. It was always an exercise in frustration. So I absconded from pretty much every activity that I would normally do on a phone that required excessive typing. Along with email, blogging was one of those things. Seems lame, but that’s the truth. However, I’ve now given up on the iPhone and I’m back to the BlackBerry. Therefore, I will pick up blogging once again. To pick up where we left off: I returned to Malaysia from Brunei. Stayed in KL for another couple of weeks, and then went to Johor Bahru. Stayed there for a month; made a bunch of side trips to Singapore. Then we traveled up to Penang. The place was amazing — a near perfect base of operations. I stayed there with my family for two months, making a side trip to Hong Kong during that time. However, our visas were soon to run out so we had to split. Looking at a map we pretty much randomly selected Krabi… and that’s where I’ve been for the past three weeks. Next post: The Disinterested Digital Age Previous post: Penang: Top Five Base Of Operations For Digital Nomad
Following a 40 million Malaysian ringit, or US$9.34 millon, renovation, the Kuala Lumpur Dorsett is offering a 30% discount off the best available rate on rooms booked until 31 December 2017 on the hotel's own website: Kuala Lumpur Dorsett. The Kuala Lumpur Dorsett first opened in 1998. A comprehensive renovation of the hotel was launched in June 2015. Hotel rooms, public spaces, food and beverage outlets, and events facilities were all given a face lift. The project was completed in mid-2017, An average of nearly 100,000 Malaysian ringits, or US$23,350, was spent to upgrade each one of the hotel’s 322 rooms, which includes 27 suites. All bathrooms have rain showers and hand-held showers. Measuring 29 to 30 square kilometres, Dorsett rooms and one king size or two twin size beds. Family rooms measure 30 square metres. They have either one king size bed and one single bed or three single beds. Deluxe premier rooms measure 38 square metres. They have a separate sitting area. Dorsett suites measure 45 square metres. They have separate living rooms and bedrooms. Bathrooms have both a bathtub and a shower cubicle. There are six suites and one Esquire Suite. Measuring 60 square metres, the have separate living rooms and bedrooms with a connecting bathroom. Bathrooms have bathrubs and shower cubicles. Food + Beverage Checkers Café – an all-day dining restaurant, Checkers Café serves breakfast buffets and monthly themed at lunch and dinner. A la carte dishes are also served. The restaurant got a total makeover. Fittings and fixtures were finished in tones of matted gold and refreshing green. The dining area was expanded, allowing more day light to filter in. The buffet counters were finished in marble, lighting was improved, and live cooking stations were installed. The Windows Lounge – located in the hotel’s lobby, the Window’s Lounge serves afternoon tea sets as well as pastries, desserts, and signature cocktails. A blue colour scheme with gold accents was adopted. An open bar was created to allow more interaction between guest’s andthe hotel’s mixologists. The hotel has an outdoor swimming pool and a small gym on the fourth floor as well as four function rooms, which also underwent a comprehensive, multi-million dollar renovation. Facilities can handle small gatherings of as few as 10 people or as many as 150 people in a table setup or 200 is a theatre style configuration. Location, Location, Location The hotel is located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur’s Golden Triangle. Pavilion, Starhill Gallery, Fahrenheit 88, Lot 10, Sungei Wang, Berjaya Times Square, and Low Yat Plaza are within a five minutes’ walk of the hotel. The KL Convention Centre and Petronas Twin Towers are also within walking distance from the hotel through an air-conditioned link bridge. The hotel is a 50 minutes’ drive from Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia's largest and busiest airport. Located 45 kilometres,or 28 miles, south of Kuala Lumpur, the airport is a hub for AirAsia, Malaysia Airlines, and Malindo Air. The airport is served by dozens of foreign air carriers, including All-Nippon Airways, British Airways, Cathay Pacific Airways, Garuda International, Japan Airlines, Korean Air, Philippines Airlines, Singapore Airlines, and Thai Airways. The following Accidental Travel Writer affiliates serve Kuala Lumpur International Airport: The three Middle Eastern airlines offer connecting service to Africa, the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East through their respective hubs in Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; and Doha, Qatar. Dorsett Hospitality International 101 With headquarters in Hong Kong, Dorsett Hospitality International has three brands under its umbrella. Dorsett Hotels and Resorts is a mid-range to upscale brand. d.Collection is a range boutique hotels. Silka Hotels are targeted by budget-minded travelers. The group currently owns and manages 33 hotels in Britain, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore. Another eight hotels and resorts in Australia, Britain, Hong Kong, and Malaysia are in the pipeline. Dorsett Kuala Lumpur – 172 Jalan Imbi, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Telephone: +60 3 2715-5000.
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- Established in 2016 - UKGC & MGA license - SSL digital encryption - Provides more than 600games developed by more than 20 prestigious online game developers - Supports four languages - Mobile gaming supported in both download and no download modes - A product of MT SecureTrade Limited - Live chat is not available for twenty-four hours - RTP rates are not publicly audited Dunder Casino info - Site dunder.com - Jurisdiction (License) Curacao, Malta, UK - Certified by GamCare, Gambleaware, Gamblers Anonymous - RTP 96.43% - Welcome Bonus Up to £600+200 bonus spins - Free Spins 200% up to £50 - First Deposit Bonus 200% up to £50 - Number of Games 750+ - Software MicroGaming, NetEnt, Evolution Gaming, Play n GO, Quickspin, BetSoft, NYX Interactive, NextGen Gaming, Thunderkick, Amaya Gaming, ELK Studios, Yggdrasil Gaming, Rabcat, Leander Games, Big Time Gaming, 2By2 Gaming, Genesis Gaming - Live Dealer Yes - Type of Games Mobile Games, Video Slots, Classic Slots, Fruit Machines Jackpot Slots, 3D Slots Vegas Slots, High Roller Slots, Video Poker, Instant Win Games, Bingo & Keno Games, Roulette Games, Blackjack Games, Baccarat, Games Live Casino Games, High Roller Games, Table Games - Minimum Deposit £20 - Deposit Methods EcoPayz EcoCard Euteller MasterCard Neteller Paysafe Card Skrill Moneybookers Trustly Visa Visa Electron - Minimum Withdrawal £20 - Withdrawal Methods EcoPayz EcoCard Euteller Neteller Paysafe Card Skrill Moneybookers Trustly Visa - Withdrawal Times Ewallets - Up to 24 hours Wire Transfer - 2-3 business days Credit cards - 4-5 business days - Maximum Payout €5000 per day - Reversal Period 0 - 24 Hours - Manual Flush No - Live Chat Yes - Email [email protected] - Phone Number None - Currencies USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, NOK, NZD, SEK - Languages English Swedish Norwegian Finnish - Resctricted Countries India, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Philippines, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Belgium, Israel, Portugal, Denmark, Islamic Republic of Iran, United States, Syrian Arab Republic, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Iraq, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Afghanistan, Palestinian Terr - Casino Versions Instant Play, Mobile, Flash, Mobile Web, Live Dealer - Operating Systems Windows, Android, Linux, Mac, iOS, Windows Phone - Established 08-03-2016 - Affiliate Program Dunder Affiliates Dunder Casino Active Bonuses and Codes The Dunder Bonus – Dunder CasinoAdded 3 years ago Promotion: 50 Free Spins at Dunder CasinoAdded 3 years ago 10 Free Spins at Dunder Casino (Phoenix Sun)Added 3 years ago «An Online Casino Created For You» – that’s Dunder’s Mission, and as an online casino brand that was just founded recently yet showing so much promise, it’s there to help you discover the right path to the lady luck’s home. Sweden is truly an online gaming mecca. Many powerful figures in the world of online gambling come from the country of Ikea and you can add Dunder Casino to the list. Created by 2 Swedish casino professionals in 2016, Dunder has put its stamp on the industry in a very short time. The pair of casino enthusiasts believe that gaming should be fun above all. Nowadays, the industry is riddled with unresponsive casino sites, slow payouts, and unfair T&Cs. Knowing this, they invented Dunder, a casino tailored to your wants and needs. Dunder owns a dual license by the MGA and the UKGC AKA the strictest gambling authorities. This proves its intentions about fair gaming – after all, both are highly regarded authorities. Dunder operates under strict EU laws and standards, so you can rest assured that you’re in the right hands. As a part of the international MT SecureTrade Limited network of casinos, Dunder sister sites are: - Cashmio Casino - Rolla Casino - Guts Casino - Omnia Casino - Metal Casino Some of these sites regularly appear on best-rated lists of casinos today, which means that Dunder is in quite the company. A casino with a distinctive minimalistic theme, Dunder prefers to keeps things simple. That’s great since we’re too tired of cluttered interfaces. Dunder looks quite pleasing on those tall-screen mobile phones, with simple navigational buttons and clearly highlighted important features. Most of the content is on the home page which allows quick and easy access to everything. There’s info on the games and bonuses as well as detailed information on the site’s security features. The Dunder Sign Up and Dunder Casino Login areas take the most part, of course, so you won’t find it hard to register. The website can be accessed in Swedish, Norwegian, English and Finnish languages, which enables the majority of the players at the site to choose a language that they are comfortable to use. Why Choose Dunder? - Holds a license from one of the reputable licensing bodies in the industry - The platform already has a large player base – with more than 300,000 active users on a daily basis - I’m certain you are going to enjoy how fast and securely they process all the payment requests made at the website - The site lacks round the year bonus promotions, but it has compensated this with plenty of games to choose from. There are more than 700 games for you! - The website has been optimized for use on PC, mobile and tablets. This means you can carry with it everywhere you go - Lastly, their customer support team is very professional, well trained and readily available. You’ll never have to wait for more than 24 hours to have your problem resolved The Online Games Library That Deserves Your Attention UK players will love Dunder Casino. A top-rated casino website with a minimalistic interface, you won’t have to dig deep to unearth the Dunder Casino games. Divided into separate categories, Dunder boasts about having 1,600 games in its loaded library, which is a lot, to be honest. It’s not just about the quantity – the Dunder Casino games directory aims for quality as well. Dunder is powered by multiple software providers including Microgaming, NetEnt, Betsoft, IGT, Red Tiger, ELK, Thunderkick, NYX, Quickspin, Play’n Go and Yggdrasil. It’s these companies that are responsible for bringing you games with superb graphics, smooth gameplay and immersive gaming experience – similar to the one experienced on the physical gambling floor. All the slots, card games, table game variants, and live dealer games were created by the top game studios. Take a glance at game studio index at Dunder and you’ll realize that fun is guaranteed. And, yes, there are dozens of free slots at the site. Not a spinner? Dunder has your back. Card games and video pokers for free are there if you don’t feel like spending money right away. As we already mentioned, browsing the game directory is out of the question since the list is long. As you can see, Dunder Casino UK is certainly a “catch”. Online Slots at Dunder Casino You love slots, we love slots, everyone loves slots (they’re just like Raymond!). It’s no surprise why they’ve stayed hot for decades. They’re easy to play, can give you a big win, and there are thousands to pick from. Should anyone hope for anything more than that? With over 1,600 games in Dunder’s library, there’s a slot for each spinner, even the pickiest ones. In the game lobby, you’ll find old-school and modern slots with 3 or 5 reels or those new games with an endless number of reels and rows. The general RTP of all the slots is somewhere in the area of 96%, so, right down the middle. If you’re wondering what popular slots are on offer, you just need to visit the Recommended Games section. The casino will list the hottest slots at the moment such as Sakura Fortune the immortal Gonzo’s Quest or Starburst.Trust us – with so many options under your fingertips, you will find something to spin. We forgot to mention to check out the Blockbusters tab under the Slots category. There are some heavy-hitters there that will blow your mind away! Table Games at Dunder Casino UK Yeah, slots are great, but is there anything like the thrill of playing at a roulette table? If you miss it, Dunder Casino’s got your back also here. Among the plethora of casino games present on this site, you’ll find a variety of roulette tables, all coming from premier developers. You just have to find one with a low house edge.While on the subject of the house edge, it varies from one variant of a game to another. The minimum bets vary too. The good news is that there are card and table games to the tune of blackjack, baccarat, and roulette that will suit newcomers and experienced players as well. With so many games in the library, you’ll surely find a table to enjoy. Try Oasis Poker Pro or Sapphire Roulette if you want something a bit more different – they’ll surely spice up your night. The Perfect Destination for Roulette Fans Ahh, the roulette wheel. One of the first casino games to appear in casinos, roulette’s popularity has never faded away. Even after the wheel was digitally reinvented it still remained the favourite of millions of players.Dunder’s roulette games are listed under a separate category (Roulette, obviously). There are over a dozen variants including American, French, English, and European Roulette. Special variants such as Sapphire Roulette add a new layer of excitement to an already great game. The real gems, however, are in the live roulette category. All live roulette games at Dunder come courtesy of NetEnt Live, a premier software developer in this category. The minimum bet is all over the place – there are roulette tables with pretty low min. bets and those aimed at high rollers. When it comes to the house edge, it’s 2.70% for European Roulette – the American wheel has that doubled. What would a casino look like without video poker? You can play half-a-dozen video poker games which isn’t much but isn’t too low either. We suggest All American Multi-Hand, Texas Hold’em or Jacks or Better– choose your variant according to your poker smarts. Enjoy a Wide Range of Live Dealer Games Dunder Casino has employed NetEnt Live and Evolution Gaming in its live casino, AKA the 2 best live software developers online. With special variants such as Lightning Roulette, Dream Catcher, and Side Bet City in-store, the Dunder live casino is impeccable. There’s even Monopoly Live when you want something a bit more different. Simply register at the casino and you get to enjoy a whole new world of gambling. Excellent Mobile Experience Is Dunder Casino mobile-optimized? Of course, it is! Developed on the HTML5 platform, it is available for Android devices and on iOS mobile devices. Dunder Casino is proud to be an integrated casino. On their mobile page, they describe themselves as “the new era of online casinos that take full advantage of having no limitations or boundaries”. The interface is pretty easy to use so you won’t have any trouble finding your way. There’s no casino app, however, but we’re sure the team is working hard on it. Whether you are on the move travelling or moving around the house, the Dunder mobile platform offers you full entertainment at your fingertips! To access the mobile platform, make a quick search of ‘Dunder Casino Mobile’ and click on the first search. Click on the Dunder – Mobile Casino result, and you’ll be on your way to mobile-friendly gaming. If for whatever reason you experience technical difficulties with the mobile version, you can contact the customer service. More on that below. Such a reputable casino as Dunder understands the importance of customer support. There’s a Help page with a long list of topics and answers you should visit first before contacting the casino via email or live chat. Unfortunately, the live chat isn’t available 24/7 (09:00-23:30 GMT). This is why the Help page should be your preferred destination. No matter if you’re having trouble with the casino log-in or you simply want to check the bonus terms or withdrawal times, it has all the answers. It’s quite detailed, to be honest – you can learn more about the Dunder Casino no deposit bonus and Dunder Casino bonus codes. In fact, you can learn more about all available bonuses in general and their wagering requirements. The customer support representatives speak English only – no other languages are available. How Can I Set Up My Profile? - The first thing you need to do is click the Sign Up button located near the right corner of the site. From there, you just have to follow the instructions. - You’ll need an email and you’ll be asked to create a password that will enable you to use the Dunder Casino login later. - Once you’re done, confirm your account via email and that’s it. - You’re now officially a member of Dunder Casino. Enjoy the games and all the privileges it offers! Dunder Casino Payment Details At an online casino being safe is imperative. It is something that you can’t ignore! And we were pleased with the level of security the site has in place just to ensure you are always safe and secure. You can easily and safely fund your Dunder account using many casino payment options.They have implemented an advanced level transaction security system, which ensures that all your personal and financial information is kept safe at all times. There’s also the encryption technology, the 128-bit secure socket layer tech which ensures all data transmitted at the site is always protected from third parties and preening ‘eyes’. According to the website, they apply a “strict code of ethics” in all their operations. Its casino’s banking partners allow you to deposit between £20 and £20,000 for e-wallets. Those are lower if you use Visa or Mastercard and there are no fees associated with deposits at all. Of course, all deposits are instant – as soon as the casino processes it, your bankroll will be updated immediately. For security reasons, the online casino Dunder allows withdrawals on Visa, Mastercard, Neteller, and Skrill only. The minimum withdrawal is £20 which is pretty low, but the maximum is disappointing at only £5,000. If you use e-wallets, the withdrawal times are instant. Even if you use credit or debit cards, you should see your winnings in your account in 1-3 days which is fast enough. |Deposit Methods||Processing Times||Withdrawal Methods||Withdrawal Times| |Visa||Instant||Visa/Mastercard||1-3 banking days| |Mastercard||Instant||Trustly||Instant (after approval)| |Trustly||Instant||Skrill||Instant (after approval)| |Skrill||Instant||Neteller||Instant (after approval)| When you withdraw, you’ll get a confirmation withdrawal mail that will complete the process. Should you run into any kind of problems regarding deposits and withdrawals, the customer service team is there to assist you. They’ll be more than happy to help solve your problems. What Are Others Saying About Dunder Online Casino in the UK? During our Dunder Casino review, we didn’t find any major complaints online. Dunder’s customers are pretty satisfied at what’s on offer – the Dunder Casino website is simple enough to get a hold of, the Dunder Casino mobile experience is great, and its live casino is to die for. If you read other Dunder Casino reviews, you’ll see that most sites give it a positive evaluation. Our review on Dunder Casino is positive as well – to be honest, it’s one of the best online casinos around these days. Although it’s still making its baby steps on the market, Dunder casino has grown a lot in a short period. It’s one of the most loaded casinos out there – there are over 1,600 (and growing!) Dunder Casino games in the game lobby and a wide array of prizes for good measure. Your Dunder Casino bonuses journey starts with the Dunder welcome bonus. As you progress, no deposit bonuses and plenty of free spins, as well as additional opportunities to raise your budget, await you. All the extras can be easily claimed on desktop and mobile devices – the minimalistic interface was designed with mobile devices in mind. - Properly licensed - An astounding collection of games - Safe and fast payment methods - Distinctive look and feel - No 24/7 live chat - Low withdrawal limits - Limited video poker collection - Many restricted countries A legit operator itself, Dunder Casino is a properly licensed and regulated website. If you read other online reviews on Dunder, they’ll just confirm what we found – a virtual stronghold with plenty of tricks up its sleeve. In fact, there are over 1,600 of these tricks in the game library bursting with free slots, free casino games, and of course, a diverse set of live roulette variants. That’s where all the fun is. You will find no problems signing up in the casino. The login process is just as simple no matter if you’re using the desktop version or mobile app. All top casino reviews rank Dunder as a top-rated casino and we couldn’t but agree. Newcomers and experienced punters are welcome at Dunder, the casino that makes all your dreams come true.
@Kawaii-Leonard said in Found this in a meme site...: What if your parents are cunts Well, if they don't miss ya no need to feel bad ig 🤷 I want friends. I am sick of getting all those perverts. Can we just live steadily? @kidojyoe ohhhhh my god...... You have many friends now, but they all are your friend cause you a girl ... Real friends doesn't see your gender but your soul... You should find real friends by yourself... But by posting that you need friends.... @Dpressed-weeb i just started liking anime a month ago. I love digimon and romance/school life movies I am from Malaysia Go get em in real life! Hey, Follow back This place is mostly filled with pervs and haters..................... But a few people here are freinds who will have your back no matter what...... What's your favorite anime? If you could only eat one type of food or cuisine for the rest of your life, what would it be? Me too, from Malaysia. Nice to meet you Anime is my life! Which is your fav? Talking about food...I want to eat laksa so bad and nasi lemak! I miss them, cuz I currently live in another country hii follow back @Bella-Peach even me myself havent eaten laksa for a long time. Suddenly craving for it!! @Bella-Peach is digimon approved? @Yuuu i mean pals.. @Hiimbored anything thats is cooked by my mommy @FangYuan i just get into this anime world so i dont know much hahah. Im a fan of digimon and i love watching mostly romance film lol @DeadRebel thats so sweet of you 🥺 but getting ones in kinda hard
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The much-awaited event of the year Women’s Cricket World Cup starts 4th March 2022. The tournament will be the most widely distributed women’s cricket event of all time with Star Sports, Sky Sport, PTV, Gazi TV, Sky Sports, and ESPN among broadcasters who will take the game to over one billion fans. With a minimum of 24 cameras installed at each of the six venues, DRS will be available for all 6 games. Also, ICC has announced a comprehensive list of Commentators for the World Cup 2022. The commentary panel for #CWC22 Announced 😃👇 — Female Cricket #CWC22 (@imfemalecricket) March 3, 2022 But where can you watch the entire Women’s Cricket World Cup 2022? |Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal, Bhutan||Star Sports||Yupp TV| |Pakistan||PTV Sports & Asports||PTV & ARY App| |UK & ROI||Sky Sports Cricket||SkyGo & Sky Sports YouTube| |Australia||WWC Channel (Fox 507)||Kayo| |New Zealand||Sky Sports Cricket||SkyNow and SkyGo| |Caribbean Islands||ESPN||ESPN App| |South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa||Supersport||SuperSport app| |MENA||CricLife||SwitchTV & StarzPlay| |Malaysia, Singapore & Hong Kong||Astro Cricket (Astro, Singtel & NowTV)||Disney+Hotsar| |Hong Kong||Astro Cricket||Now TV| |Pacific Islands||TVWAN (Digicel)||Digicel App| |South America||ESPN via Star Plus| |Europe, SEA, South America & Afghanistan||Yupp TV| Here’s what the commentators had to say: Debbie Hockley: “I have been waiting for this World Cup with great anticipation as has all of New Zealand. The 50-over World Cup is the ultimate tournament in many ways and it’s a matter of great honour for New Zealand to be hosting it for the third time. “I have wonderful memories of this event, especially lifting the trophy at home in the year 2000. As part of the commentary panel, I am fortunate to be close to the action again and I think we might see history being repeated with the White Ferns coming on top at home!” Nasser Hussain: “Women’s cricket has made rapid progress in the past few years, and I have been following it very keenly. The world’s best have converged in New Zealand and I’m sure there are lots of thrills in store in the coming weeks. “I can’t wait to get to the commentary box and watch the spectacle unfold.” Ian Smith: “Cricket World Cups get the best out of the players, and commentators as well. The Men’s Cricket World Cup three years ago saw a thrilling final that I was privileged to be a part of. “I’m really looking forward to what promises to be an exciting tournament. I wish all eight teams the very best.” Lisa Sthalekar: “It’s great to be here for the Women’s Cricket World Cup, which I am sure will be a superb competition with the best on view. The last Cricket World Cup in England and the T20 World Cup in Australia were highly successful tournaments and got more people around the world to follow the women’s game. “I am sure fans are looking forward to the tournament as are all the players, and I hope they enjoy every moment of it, as World Cups are extremely special.” Sana Mir: “I have had the honour of leading Pakistan in World Cups and I understand what it means to the players. The ICC championships have given the teams out of the top four nations a great opportunity to prepare better. I look forward to high quality cricket and close encounters. “I am thrilled to be a part of the commentary team for this mega event and to be working with top professionals.” Digital content will be made available via the ICC Facebook and Instagram channels, with in-play clips and highlights clips in the Indian subcontinent) and 5-minute highlights (globally). In addition, BBC Sport (UK), ESPNCricinfo, ESPN and ESPN+ (U.S.A) and Spark Sport (NZ) will also provide coverage via short-form in-play and highlights clips. BBC (UK), Sports Entertainment Network Radio (AUS & NZ) and Prasar Bharati (Hindi coverage via All India Radio) will have running commentaries on their FM channels, while Talk 100.3 FM of the United Arab Emirates will provide regular Hindi updates through the day. Prasar Bharati will additionally broadcast matches on their AM channel, while Digital 2 Sports will broadcast matches globally on their digital platform. Source: ICC Online media Zone Loves all things female cricket
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This listing is for a large vintage Fenton hobnail, opalescent glass 3 horn epergne/trumpet vase. This vase has a beautiful opalescent color with green crest trim.This piece measures approximately 10 ½ in height and 12 ¼ in diameter. Excellent condition with no issues found. I will pack your item carefully. Please follow me at my store Starbird Treasures at. As I add new and diverse items frequently. The item "FENTON Hobnail Opalescent Green Crest 3 Horn Epergne Trumpet Vase Beautiful" is in sale since Tuesday, February 2, 2021. This item is in the category "Pottery & Glass\Glass\Art Glass\North American\Fenton".The seller is "starbird61" and is located in Woodbury, New Jersey. This item can be shipped to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, China, Mexico, Germany, Japan, Brazil, France, Australia, Russian federation, Denmark, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Estonia, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia, Sweden, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, South africa, Thailand, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Austria, Bahamas, Israel, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Switzerland, Norway, Saudi arabia, Ukraine, United arab emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Croatia, Malaysia, Chile, Colombia, Costa rica, Panama, Trinidad and tobago, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Antigua and barbuda, Aruba, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Saint kitts and nevis, Saint lucia, Montserrat, Turks and caicos islands, Barbados, Bangladesh, Bermuda, Brunei darussalam, Bolivia, Ecuador, Egypt, French guiana, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Cayman islands, Liechtenstein, Sri lanka, Luxembourg, Monaco, Macao, Martinique, Maldives, Nicaragua, Oman, Peru, Pakistan, Paraguay, Reunion, Viet nam, Uruguay.
Today started as Kim and I took a walk around the neighbourhood. In Malaysia all the surface water goes into open drains which are ever present wherever you go. Here these drains are taken as a matter of course, however in Canada they would be a source of great consternation, mainly from a safety standpoint. I do not deny that there is a definite safety aspect, especially since just a couple of months ago Cynthia fell into one and we were quite concerned about her possible head injuries (she is fine, with no problems other than a minor scar). After observing the way that they handle surface water here I am of the opinion that they have done an outstanding job. I am not an engineer but when I see how their system is designed, both in the cities and in the rural areas, I believe that a tremendous amount of water can be handled with little or no erosion. When I post my photos you will be able to see what I mean. As a note, when in Johor Bahru recently there were a few o-my-gosh rain storms, and the water just went away. Off we went for breakfast with sister Hong, niece Stephanie and her daughter Eunice. Right on schedule we ran into another person that Kim knows at the coffee shop. Yesterday we ran into one of Kim’s friends at the supermarket. After a fine feed, we were leaving the area of the coffee shop and going past an Indian temple when we heard music and saw a crowd of people. Upon stopping to investigate we learned there was a wedding happening. We found a parking spot and joined the festivities for a while, taking a few photos and a bit of video. It is quite a long ceremony and we quietly moved along. Later in the day Stephanie took us to see a special person. We visited Leong Ho Ming, the youngest sister of Kim’s mother. Auntie Ming lives on the banks of the river in Old Melaka where she has been more than forty years. It is a dilapidated area surrounded by new construction, including huge luxury hotels. The area is indicative of the nature of Old Melaka. A large number of buildings in disrepair, often vacant, and brand new construction, most seemingly directed to the tourism industry. And what do the tourists come to see? The ancient city of Melaka; the narrow streets are filled with tour buses. Seems a bit at cross purposes to me. Auntie Ming looked after Kim a great deal when she was young and there is a strong bond between them. This was very evident from the moment we walked into the house where she lives with her dependent 41 year old son, who has Down’s Syndrome. When we arrived Auntie Ming had been sorting rice. After greetings were done, Kim sat down and sorted with her. For those who might ask, “Why are they sorting rice?”, when sold sticky rice is mixed with regular rice to make it last longer, then it is separated when it comes time to make sticky dumplings. It could be considered painstaking, however it becomes a social activity and a time of great conversations. And that is exactly what Kim and her Auntie were doing, having a great conversation while they happened to be sorting rice. That evening, joined by Stephanie and her daughter, Cynthia and Henry, we were off to Jonker Walk, an area of Old Melaka famed for both its history and for its night market. We stopped at the Aik Cheong Coffee Company store. This very well known company was started by a cousin of Kim’s mother and is still family owned. It is one of the largest coffee companies in Malaysia and ship product around the world, including Canada There was of course introductions and greetings all round and a short but good visit. Then off to explore Jonker Walk and the night market. It is hard to describe what a night market is like. There is all varieties of hawkers, with multiple selections of food, and there seems to be most anything for purchase from jewelry, to clothing, to cameras, to art work, to trinkets, to fruit & vegetables, to… well it just keeps on going. On Jonker Walk, some of the stores and galleries are open and have booths at their front entrance as well. There is also a karaoke stage with some darn good talent and always a crowd. On the whole it is a great time. There is a larger night market we will visit in a later post. Yep, it was a busy day, I got tired just writing about it. Thanks for reading. More later.
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Hotel accessibility information Door operation: Card key + push door Bed height: 58 cm Free space on side of bed: 110 cm Turning space: More than 152 cm Toilet grab bars: Yes Shower type: Bathtub Door width: 130 cm Door operation: Automatic door Clear of obstacles: Yes Type of floor: Smooth (tile, ceramic, hardwood or similar) Pool area access: Same level entrance (no steps) Pool entrance: Low steps, Handrails Pool area: Step-free The Barracks Hotel is a 5-star hotel located on Sentosa, a small island right of the coast of Singapore. The island was previously a military base, and its 5 square kilometers are now a tourist destination, with theme parks, hotels, and beaches. The Barracks Hotel was once used as military barracks and is now a luxury hotel. It offers historical property tours, concierge service, a fitness center with classes and luggage storage. Rooms are so...The Barracks Hotel is a 5-star hotel located on Sentosa, a small island right of the coast of Singapore. The island was previously a military base, and its 5 square kilometers are now a tourist destination, with theme parks, hotels, and beaches. The Barracks Hotel was once used as military barracks and is now a luxury hotel. It offers historical property tours, concierge service, a fitness center with classes and luggage storage. Rooms are sophisticatedly decorated in dark wood, leather accents, and white linens. The hotel offers a variety of different sized rooms and a Premier Accessible Room with pool access, with luxury amenities such as afternoon tea and a limousine transfer. The Barracks hotel offers onsite dining in various restaurants. The Royal Taj serves Indian cuisine with lunch options and a dinner buffet. Le Fabourg serves French-inspired breakfast lunch and dinner. Quentin’s Bar and Restaurant serves up a fusion of European and Asian gastronomy and is open for lunch and dinner. Breakfast, afternoon tea service, adn evening cocktails are offered every afternoon in The Living Room, located in the hotel lobby. There are a variety of other places to eat located on Sentosa, from casual dining to Michelin star awarded restaurants. Sentosa Island is separated from Singapore by a channel and can be accessed via causeway or cable car. Universal Studios and SEA Aquarium are less than 2 km from the Barracks Hotel. The hotel offers a pool with a deck and bar and a rooftop day club. The island offers three different beaches to relax, explore, or play sports. Request to book No extra fees Premier accessible room with pool access 1 queen bed - 2 guests - Ensuite bathroom Type of assistance available Push / carry wheelchair Carry bags / belongings Transfers (ex: transfer the guest from the wheelchair to a taxi) Service dogs allowed Free swimming pool Free fitness center Keeping you safe during COVID-19 Enhanced cleaning protocol Local authorities safety protocols followed by all staff members Social distancing measures Social distancing measures in place 2 Gunner Ln, Sentosa island, Singapore 099567 Resort World Sentosa Casino Images Of Singapore LIVE Madame Tussauds Singapore Universal Studios Singapore Wings Of Time Marine Life Park Singapore Maritime Experiential Museum Marina Bay Sands Casino Esplanade Theatres on the Bay Singapore Art Museum City Hall MRT Station Orchard MRT Station Singapore Changi Airport SIN Check-in: from 03:00 PM Check-out : until 12:00 PM Spoken language(s) : English, Malay, Chinese The same price applies to all customers. Please select the number of travelers with and without disabilities when booking on our website. You won't be charged for your reservation until we have confirmed that the accessible room you need is available. Our travel experts will reach out to you if needed. Cancellation and modification policies differ depending on the chosen hotels. Please click here to check out the policies that apply to your selection.
|Unit||Mil. 2015 MYR, NSA| |Adjustments||Not Seasonally Adjusted| |Balance of Goods||Apr 2022||23,547||26,647||Mil. MYR, NSA||Monthly| |Exports of Goods||Apr 2022||127,494||131,559||Mil. MYR, NSA||Monthly| |Imports of Goods||Apr 2022||103,947||104,911||Mil. MYR, NSA||Monthly| |Current Account Balance||2022 Q1||2,982||15,331||Mil. MYR, NSA||Quarterly| |Exports of Goods and Services||2022 Q1||292,982||294,824||Mil. MYR, NSA||Quarterly| |Imports of Goods and Services||2022 Q1||267,414||258,490||Mil. MYR, NSA||Quarterly| |Net Exports||2022 Q1||25,568||36,335||Mil. MYR, NSA||Quarterly| |Real Exports of Goods and Services||2022 Q1||251,892||255,818||Mil. 2015 MYR, NSA||Quarterly| |Real Imports of Goods and Services||2022 Q1||237,731||230,508||Mil. 2015 MYR, NSA||Quarterly| |Real Net Exports||2022 Q1||14,161||25,310||Mil. 2015 MYR, NSA||Quarterly| For Malaysia, GDP measures the value generated by all resident units engaged in productive activity before deduction of provisions for the consumption of fixed capital. Compiled by both the expenditure method and the production method. The source writes: Changes in conceptual treatment and methodology The changes in conceptual treatment and methodology is based on recommendation by the SNA and BPM6 particularly in: 1. Implementation on treatment of Goods for Processing from Abroad (GFP) and Manufacturing Services (MS) The 2008 SNA and BPM6 recommends that exports and imports should be recorded on a change of ownership principle. That is, flows of goods between the country owning the goods and the country providing the processing services should not be recorded as imports and exports of goods. Instead the fee paid to the processing unit should be recorded as the import of processing services by the country owning the goods and an export of processing services by the country providing it. In terms of recording an output of an establishment that is involved in GFP, if the establishment has no economic ownership of the goods being processed, thus the value of the output should be fees it received in processing the product and not the value of the whole product. As a result of GFP implementation, the value of net exports of goods and services was revised downward. Simultaneously, the Manufacturing sector was also affected particularly in electrical and electronic industry (2008 SNA). 2. Refinement in methodology of COFC for Government Services and Government Consumption Consumption of fixed capital or depreciation is the decline in the current value of the stock of fixed assets owned and used by a producer as a result of physical deterioration, normal obsolescence or normal accidental damage during the course of the accounting period. As recommended by SNA, the Perpetual Inventory Method (PIM) was applied in measuring the COFC for rebasing of government services and government consumption. Yes, data is subject to revisions.
It is a known fact that Malaysia is a tropical country. However, the occasional rainfalls can make the roof get damaged with heavy rainfall or the rainwater might get stuck on the roof which will also damage the roof day by day. This problem can be solved with the help of installing a gutter on the roof. Now, to be more convinced, let us learn more benefits of having a gutter on the roof. Before that, a gutter is a passage that allows the water to flow from the roofs. Let’s get into the benefits. It will preserve the roof As a start, having a gutter on the bumbung (roof) will help the water to flow from the roof. Without a gutter, the rainwater will get stuck on the roof which could cause the roof to get damaged day by day. Moreover, the constant dampness created by the rainwater will reduce the quality of the roof day by day. It will maintain the quality of the house The rain gutter allows the water to drain out of the designated place safely. The accumulation of rainwater may affect the stiffness of the house. The high amount of rainfall will affect the house. It will stop your beautiful outer wall from rain dripping The more rain waterfalls from the roof the more dampness will create on the wall. Whereas, the gutter allows the water to pass through the rainwater without any drippings from the roof. Hence, fixing a proper gutter will help preserve the beauty of the house. More dripping will remove the unnecessary water from the rain. It will avoid uncontrollable water flow A gutter will prevent the rainwater from falling uncontrollably from the roof. Without a gutter, the water will splash from the roof and there are chances of the things or people around the house getting soaked in that rainwater. Moreover, the falling rainwater will create an excessive sound when falling on the floor. This may annoy the people in the house especially during sleeping time. In order to avoid excessive water splashing it is safe to get a gutter on the roof. It allows reusing the rainwater As mentioned before, the rainwater will pass through the passage(gutter) and the water will flow smoothly to the designated place. The rainwater can be used for many things instead of just letting it flow into the drain. The rainwater can be used for washing the cars, cleaning the corridor, watering the plants and for the usage of many more things. How to get a gutter that gives all these benefits? The RGS gutter services provide many types of gutter to the houses. With amazing gutter services, they also provide metal roofing, both factory and house roof repair, and maintenance of the building. There are many types of gutter materials used for the gutter there are Zincalume, Galvanized iron, Unplasticized Polyvinyl (uPVC), and B304- Stainless steel. They also design the gutter in various shapes such as squared base gutter, round gutter, and semi-round gutter. For more articles: Read here
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Your shopping cart is empty! Can you learn how to fish from fly fishing posters? Do these posters even have value? Sure these posters look good. If you own a fly shop, then having these posters on your wall is almost a must. You can also use these posters to decorate your home. If you have a mancave and if you're an avid fly fishing enthusiast, then having these posters on your wall is one way to express your love for the sport. But are there more to these posters than just being mere decorations? Well, you probably haven't seen some of the new fishing posters that have come out lately. Many of them are actually packed with information. Fishing lures posters If you're looking for informative fly fishing posters, then one type that you can get is the one that features different kinds of lures. If you want to know the different types of lures available to you, then glancing at this poster is probably the easiest way to do it. It sure beats reading a book or even going online to search in Google. And even though this poster is a reproduction of a vintage print, it still holds valuable information. And it looks good too. It will definitely go well on a blank wall. And one of the best things about this kind of poster is that it's very inexpensive. Posters of fish Of course, you can also get fly fishing posters depicting different species of fish. This kind of poster is also very useful, especially for beginners. Looking at this kind of poster is a good way to familiarize yourself with the different kinds of fish that you may encounter in the poster. Some of these posters depict actual photographs of fish while some are merely paintings or drawings. Looking at posters of fish can help you to feel inspired and motivated. Well, you may also feel intimidated, especially upon seeing the sizes of some fish. Many of these posters don't only show pictures or artworks, they also have useful information about the different species of fish. Some will include basic information such as the average weight and size of each species. Then there are those that have more detailed information such as locations where you can find the particular species and the best time of the year to catch it. Posters of fishing destinations There are also posters that depict pictures or artworks of gorgeous fishing destinations all over the world. If you're planning to one day visit some of the popular fishing destinations, then having posters of these places can motivate and inspire you. Do you believe in the law of attraction? It states that what you usually think of will eventually manifest in your life. Having posters of fishing destinations will help you to keep these places in your mind. One day, you'll be surprised that you'll have the opportunity to go to that specific place. And why not hang just one poster. Dream big and hang several. Related Fly Fishing Posters Article: Fly fishing flies poster helps a beginner majorly. A beginner in fly fishing tasks can go through the different flies in the poster for his knowledge updates. There are many types of posters available for anglers across the globe. The fly's poster is...[get more about Do You Have A Unique Fly Fishing Flies Poster?] Can you learn by watching dry fly fishing videos? Dry fly fishing is a technique where artificial lures are used. Just like other techniques, you need to develop the right skills to do it properly. One of the things you can do to learn is to watch videos...[get more about What Are the Benefits of Watching Dry Fly Fishing Videos?] The fly fishing film tour is an extraordinary show about fishing by various anglers across the globe. A vast number of the fly fishing community gather at a place in the United States of America to watch films usually short one. The different age groups...[get more about What is special on fly fishing film tour event day?] Recommended Fly Fishing Posters Production: 2019 Fly fishing rods of all lengths and actions can be found here. We have a great selection of high-quality, name-brand fly fishing rods for all levels of experience...[get more about Black Star Top Grade 9FT 4SEC Fast Action Carbon Fiber Fly Rod] Shop CM carbon fiber sensor waterproof fly reel from China fly reel supplier. 3-year warranty with free international door to door express shipping. Lowest Price Guarantee. Get it now...[get more about Buy Best CM Waterproof Fly Reel Sensor Carbon Fiber Online at Maxcatchfishing.com] Are You Looking for A Fly Fishing Malaysia Shop? Here Are Some Options Where Can You Find A Good Fly Fishing Shop England?
Bloomberg reported Malaysia’s economy swung into deflation in January for the first time since the aftermath of the global financial crisis in 2009 as fuel prices dropped. Deflation occurs when asset and consumer prices fall over time. While this may seem like a great thing for shoppers, the actual cause of widespread deflation is a long-term drop in demand and most often signals an impending recession. With a recession comes declining wages, job loss, and big hits to most investment portfolios. As a recession worsens, so does deflation. Businesses hawk ever-lower prices in desperate attempts to get consumers to buy their products. Deflation slows economic growth. As prices fall, people put off purchases. They hope they can get a better deal later. The news caught many worried Malaysians by surprise. Many had hoped prices to come down by removal of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) by the Pakatan Harapan government. Instead prices have been rising. The government citing the fictitious “one trillion debt” hasn’t gone down well with investors who have been steadily exiting the financial markets. Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng who has been caught up in Pakatan Harapan’s fake degrees scandal, claimed “January 2019 Consumer Price Index (CPI) decline was not caused by recession or any kind of weak demand.” However the public haven’t been kind when asked. Many have claimed that they are losing hope in the government who is “too busy either attacking Najib Razak or talking about 1MDB” then actually coming up with strong fiscal policies. After all, it is coming up to a year since the government took over from Barisan Nasional. Many remember just a year ago the economy was running strong but Pakatan Harapan claimed otherwise. Simply put ordinary Malaysians aren’t simply feeling the claims made by the government that the economy is where it should be. And this worries many.
ARIZONA GAZETTE, MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1909 The latest news of the progress of the explorations of what is now regarded by scientists as not only the oldest archaeological discovery in the United States, but one of the most valuable in the world, which was mentioned some time ago in the Gazette, was brought to the city yesterday by G.E. Kinkaid, the explorer who found the great underground citadel of the Grand Canyon during a trip from Green River, Wyoming, down the Colorado in a wooden boat, to Yuma, several months ago. According to the story in the Gazette by Mr. Kinkaid, the archaeologist of the Smithsonian Institute, which is financing the explorations, have made discoveries which almost conclusively prove that the race which inhabited this mysterious cavern, hewn in solid rock by human hands, was of Oriental origin or possibly from Egypt tracing back to Ramses. If their theories are borne out of the translation of the tablets engraved with hieroglyphics, the mystery of the prehistoric peoples of North America, their ancient arts, who they were and whence they came, will be solved. Egypt and the Nile and Arizona and the Colorado will be linked by a historical chain running back to ages which staggers the wildest fancy of the fictionist. A Thorough Investigation Under the direction of professor S.A. Jordan, the Smithsonian Institute is now prosecuting the most thorough explorations, which will be continued until the last link in the chain has been forged. Nearly a mile underground, about 1480 feet below the surface, the long main passage has been delved into, to find another mammoth chamber from which radiates scores of passageways, like the spokes of a wheel. Several hundred rooms have been discovered, reached by passageways running from the main passage, one of them having been explored for 854 feet and another 634 feet. The recent finds include articles which have never been known as native to this country and doubtless they had their origin in the Orient. War weapons, copper instruments sharp edged and hard as steel, indicate the high state of civilization reached by these strange people. So interested have the scientists become that preparations are being made to equip the camp for extensive studies and the force will be increased to thirty or forty persons. Before going further into the cavern, better facilities for lighting have to be installed, for the darkness is dense and impenetrable for the average flash light. In order to avoid being lost, wires are being strung from the entrance to all passageways leading directly to large chambers. How far this cavern extends no one can guess, but it is now the belief of many that what has already been explored is merely the “Barracks”, to use an American term, for the soldiers, and that far into the underworld will be found the main communal dwellings of the families and possibly other shrines. The ventilation that blows through indicates another outlet to the surface. Mr. Kinkaids Report Mr. Kinkaid was the first white child born in Idaho and has been an explorer and hunter all his life. Thirty years having been in the service of the Smithsonian Institute. Even briefly recounted, his history sounds fabulous, almost grotesque. “First, I would impress that the cavern is almost inaccessible. The entrance is almost 1486 feet down a shear canyon wall. It is located on government land and no visitor will be allowed there under penalty of trespass. The scientists wish to work unmolested, without fear of the archaeological discoveries being disturbed by curio or relic hunters. A trip there would be fruitless and the visitor would be sent on his way. The story of how I found the cavern: I was journeying down the Colorado river in a boat, alone, looking for mineral. Some forty two miles up the river from El Tovar Crystal canyon, I saw on the east wall, stains in the sedimentary formation about 2000 feet above the river bed. There was no trail to this point, but I finally reached it with great difficulty. Above a shelf, which hid it from view of the river, was the mouth of the cave. There are steps leading from this entrance some thirty yards from what was at the time the cavern was inhabited, the level of the river. When I saw the chisel marks on the wall inside the entrance, I became interested, secured my gun and went in. During that trip I went back several hundred feet along the main passage, till I came to the main crypt in which I discovered the mummies. One of these I stood up and photographed by flashlight. I gathered a number of relics, which I carried down the Colorado to Yuma, from whence I shipped them to Washington with details of the discovery. Following this, the explorations were undertaken.” “The main passageway is about 12 feet wide, narrowing to 9 feet toward the farther end. About 57 feet from the entrance, the first passages branch off to the right and left, along which, on both sides, are a number of rooms about the size of ordinary living rooms of today, though some are 30 to 40 feet square. These are entered by oval shaped doors and are ventilated by round air spaces through the walls into the passages. The walls are about 3 feet 6 inches in thickness. The passages are chiseled or hewn as straight as could be laid out by any engineer. The ceilings of many of the rooms converge to a center. The side passages near the entrance run at a sharp angle from the main hall, but toward the rear they gradually reach a right angle in direction.” “Over a hundred feet from the entrance is a cross-hall, several hundred feet long, in which was found the idol, or image, of the peoples god, sitting cross-legged, with a Lotus flower or Lily in each hand. The cast of the face and the carving shows a skillful hand, and the entire is remarkably well preserved, as is everything in this cavern. The idol most resembles Buddha, though the scientists are not certain as to what religious worship it represents. Taking into consideration everything found thus far, it is possible that the worship most resembles the ancient people of Thibet. Surrounding this idol are smaller images, some beautiful in form, other crooked necked and distorted shapes, symbolical, probably, of good and evil. There are two large cacti with protruding arms, one on each side of the dais on which the god squats. All this is carved out of hard rock resembling marble. In the opposite corner of this cross-hall were found tools of all descriptions, made of copper. This people undoubtedly knew the lost art of hardening this metal, which has been sought by chemists for centuries without result. On a bench running around the workroom was some charcoal and other material probably used in the process. There is also slag and stuff similar to matte, showing that these ancient peoples smelted ores, but so far, no trace of where of how this was done has been discovered, nor the origin of the ore. Among other finds are vases or urns and cups of copper and gold made very artistic in design. The pottery work includes enameled ware and glazed vessels. Another passageway leads to granaries such as are found in the Oriental temples. They contain seeds of various kinds. One very large storehouse has not been entered, as it is twelve feet high and can be reached only from above. Two copper hooks extend on the edge, (continued on page 7) which indicates that some sort of ladder was attached. These granaries are rounded and the materials of which they are constructed, I think, is a very hard cement. A grey metal is also found in this cavern which puzzles the scientists, for it’s identity has not been established. It resembles platinum. Strewn promiscuously over the floor everywhere are what people call “Cats eyes” or “Tiger eyes”, a yellow stone of no great value. Each one is engraved with a head of a Malay type.” “On all the urns, on the walls over the doorways and tablets of stone which were found by the image are mysterious hieroglyphics, the key to which the Smithsonian Institution hopes yet to discover. These writings resemble those found on the rocks about this valley. The engraving on the tablets probably has something to do with the religion of the people, Similar hieroglyphics have been found in the peninsula of Yucatan, but these are not found in the Orient. Some believe that these cave dwellers built the old canals in the Salt River valley. Among the pictorial writings only two animals are found. One is of prehistoric type”. “The tomb or crypt in which the mummies are found is one of the largest of the chambers, the walls slanting back at an angle of about 35 degrees. One these are tiers of mummies, each one occupying a separate hewn shelf. At the head of each is a small bench on which is found copper cups and pieces of broken swords. Some of the mummies are covered with clay and all are wrapped in a bark fabric. The urns or cups on the lower tiers are crude, while as the higher shelves are reached, the urns are finer in design showing an inter-stage of civilization. It is worthy of note that all the mummies examined so far have proved to be male, no children or females being buried here. This leads to the belief that this interior section was the warriors barracks. Among the discoveries no bones of animals have been found, no skins, no clothing nor bedding. Many of the rooms are bare but for the water vessels. One room, about 400 by 700 feet, was probably the main dining hall for cooking utensils are found here. What these people lived on is a problem, though it is presumed that they came south for the winter and farmed in the valleys, going back north in the summer. Upwards of 50,000 people could have lived in the cavern comfortably. One theory is that the present Indian tribe found in Arizona are descendants of the serfs or slaves of the people which inhabited the cave. Undoubtedly a good many thousands of years before the Christian era a people lived here which reached a high state of civilization. The chronology of human history is full of gaps. Prof. Jordan is much enthused over the discoveries and believes that the find will prove of incalculable value in archaeological work. One thing I have spoken of may be of interest. There is one chamber the passageways to which is not ventilated and when we approach it a deadly, snaky smell struck us. Our lights would not penetrate the gloom and until stronger ones are available, we will not know what the chamber contains. Some say snakes, but others boo-hoo this idea and think that it may contain a deadly gas or chemicals used by the ancients. No sounds are heard, but it smells just the same. The whole underground institution gives one of shaky nerves the creeps. The gloom is like a weight on ones shoulders and our flashlights and candles only make the darkness blacker. Imagination can revel in conjectures and ungodly day-dreams back through the ages that have elapsed till the mind reels dizzily in space. An Indian Legend In connection with this story, it is notable that among the Hopis the tradition is told that their ancestors once lived in an underworld in the Grand Canyon till dissension arose between the good and the bad, the people of one heart, the people of two hearts. (Manchoto) who was their chief, counselled them to leave the underworld, but there was no way out. The chief then caused a tree to grow up and pierce the roof of the underworld and then the people of one heart climbed out. They tarried by Palsiaval (Red River), which is the Colorado, and grew grain and corn. They sent out a message to the temple of the sun, asking the blessing of peace, good will and rain for the people of one heart. That messenger never returned but, today at the Hopi village, at sundown can be seen the old men of the tribe out on the housetops gazing towards the sun, looking for the messenger. When he returns, their land and ancient dwelling place will be restored to them. That is the tradition. Among the engravings of animals in the cave is seen a image of a heart over the spot where it is located. The legend was learned by W.E. Rollins, the artist, during a year spent with the Hopi Indians. There are two theories of the origin of the Egyptians. One is that they came from Asia: another is that the racial cradle was in the upper Nile region. Heeren, an Egyptologist, believed in the Indian origin of the Egyptians. The discoveries in the Grand Canyon may throw further light on human evolution and prehistoric ages.” The Smithsonian Says they have no record of this happening and stories of a massive cover up have be around since the story made print in 1909. I guess one must pose the question as to why this finding must be suppressed for over 100 years. Perhaps solid proof of things that proved lies in the history of our word, or a alien base kept hidden for who knows how long before it’s discovery in 1909. In a world that fears solid proof more each day, we man never know. Reference: Atlantean Gardens; | Related: Evidence of Giants and Underground Cities in America; – See more at: http://humansarefree.com/2014/09/underground-city-in-grand-canyon-was.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+HumansAreFree+%28Humans+Are+Free%29#sthash.1URgz7FD.dpuf Thanks to: http://joy2theworld2012.wordpress.com/
The seas and oceans As evidence mounts of the threats posed by global warming, what can be done to protect our oceans and use them to our advantage? An Oxford Analytica Conference Call Tuesday, November 19, 15:00 UK time Pollution, ocean heat waves, acidification and sea level rise all pose serious threats to ocean life and coastal communities, but vulnerable as the seas are to climate change, they also provide crucial opportunities to mitigate the impact of carbon emissions. While ocean-based solutions to climate change have so far been overlooked, interest in ‘blue carbon’ initiatives is picking up. With more than 70% of the Earth’s surface covered in water, efforts to address climate change at sea will play a vital role in limiting global temperature rise. Meanwhile, the protection of coral reefs, fisheries and plant life will be crucial not only to the health of marine ecosystems, but also for the protection of coastal population centres and state economies. - What risks and threats lie ahead for coastal communities and what can be done to mitigate them? - What are the limitations of projections of climate change impacts? - What can states, companies and individuals do to mitigate the damage being done to the oceans? - How is shipping affecting the oceans and what can the industry do to tackle pollution? - How can blue carbon initiatives help reduce the impact of climate change overall? - What are the prospects for international cooperation on such issues? Join us on November 19 to put your questions to our experts: - Dr Robin Smith – Senior Research Scientist at the National Centre for Atmospheric Science at the University of Reading, England - Dr Nicholas Chan – Political Scientist specialising climate change at Monash University, Malaysia - Dr Lucy Gilliam - Aviation and Shipping Campaigner with research and campaign group Transport and Environment, Brussels, Belgium
The current Toyota Camry was introduced in 2018 in Malaysia and in the normal course of a model cycle, it would be around now that some freshening takes place. Typically, this involves cosmetic changes and perhaps the addition of an extra feature or two so that the model remains competitive against newer rivals with the latest features. Rarely would you find the model getting a new engine and in fact, powertrains used to be maintained for at least a decade because it cost so much to develop them. But these days, the market is more competitive and so changes have to be more frequent than before. Dynamic Force engine That’s the case with the latest Toyota Camry 2.5V which gets a brand new engine. It’s from the Dynamic Force family which is a new range of engines that use high-speed combustion technologies to achieve what is claimed to be world-leading thermal efficiency for production engines. With the significantly reduced energy losses, the 4-cylinder engine produces 209 ps/253 Nm, which represent increases of 25 ps (+13.6%) and 18 Nm (7.6%), compared to the previous engine which had the same displacement. With the new engine, the development team also took the opportunity to upgrade the transmission, replacing the 6-speeder with a more advanced Direct Shift 8-AT automatic transmission. This makes the Camry the only model in its class (locally) to offer an 8-speed automatic transmission. Though having more gear ratios, the transmission is lighter and more compact, and operates with greater efficiency too. The Dynamic Force engine was developed together with the Toyota New Global Architecture, or TNGA in short, which is a lightweight, high-performance platform used for this generation. Having developed the engine together with the TNGA has provided better optimization with the engineers having greater flexibility to enhance not just fundamental vehicle performance but also styling. More intelligent safety systems The other area which has received upgrading is the Toyota Safety Sense (TSS) system. This integrates 5 active safety systems which use a camera and radar. The two sensors scan the road ahead to identify other vehicles as well as recognize lane markings. The information and imagery is then constantly analyzed and if an accident is predicted, the driver will be warned. If no corrective action is taken, then the computer will take its own action, like activating the brakes. For the new Camry 2.5V, the camera has increased recognition capabilities and can also detect pedestrians and cyclists during the day as well as at night when lighting conditions are low. TSS includes a lane-keeping capability and this is useful on long journeys. By keeping the car within its lane, the driver will be less fatigued as steering effort is reduced. More importantly, it can warn the driver when he or she loses concentration and the car starts to move out of its lane. Again, if corrective action is not taken, the system will make steering corrections to guide the car back safely. Dynamic Radar Cruise Control is part of TSS but earlier, it had limitations in speed. With the new Camry, the system has been upgraded to be active at all speeds. This means that the car can even slow down to a stop if the vehicle in front stops, and then resume moving when the vehicle ahead moves. It can make driving in start/stop traffic less stressful and the only thing the driver has to do is steer because a safe gap will always be maintained. The final sub-system of TSS is Adaptive High Beam which basically adjusts between high and low beams automatically. This is to provide illumination that is as strong as possible but switching to low beams when necessary to avoid blinding oncoming drivers. Incidentally, the headlights have new Bi-Beam LEDs which deliver even stronger lighting. Besides TSS, the Camry also comes with other driver assistance systems such as a Panoramic View Monitor, Rear Cross Traffic Auto Brake (RCTAB), Blind Spot Monitor, and Intelligent Clearance Sonar (ICS). While the Rear Cross Traffic Alert was available in the previous model, the system in the latest Camry has been improved with the addition of an automatic braking capability (RCTAB). Besides just alerting the driver of a vehicle approaching from the left or right as the car is being reversed out of a bay, the system will also brake the car if the driver does not stop. This can prevent an accident or reduce the severity if it does occur. Newly added, ICS is an advancement over having just sensors at the front and rear bumpers to detect obstacles or walls when parking. It is ‘intelligent’ as it will determine if there is a risk of the car hitting an obstacle like a wall or post and if so, the brakes will be applied to stop the movement of the car. This will help prevent damage to the car’s bodywork. More scope for cabin packaging With the adoption of TNGA, the 8th generation Camry could be completely redesigned with a wider scope than ever before. This allowed for a completely new interior layout combining functionality, advanced styling and a high degree of personal craftsmanship. The layout has a strong focus on the driver’s area and to improve viewing for the driver, the centre display screen position has been set higher, located above the centre air vents. Besides the Optitron meters, the driver can also refer to the Head-up Display (HUD) projected on the windscreen ahead of the steering wheel. Information shown is the road speed, gear position, Driving Support System (directions, ACC display, LDA Display, Parking Sensor), audio details and TSS warning alerts. The HUD, adapted from aircraft displays, allows the driver to keep his or her eyes on the road ahead for better driving safety. New futuristic grey ornamentation has been added to provide an elegant and neat impression. Based on a composite pattern with straight lines and overlapping an organic base pattern, the ornamentation evokes an expansive and layered feel that creates an elegant ambience. Given the popularity of the Camry as an executive sedan, much attention has also been given to the comfort for the rear passengers. New for 2022 are power adjustment for the rear seats with the outer seats able to recline by 8 degrees for a more comfortable seating position. There are also larger headrests fitted for enhanced comfort. Adjustments for the seat as well as the rear air-conditioning, sun-shade and audio system can be conveniently done on the control panel within the centre armrest – something which you would find in much more expensive luxury models. Also new for 2022 is the Tri-zone Automatic Climate Control system which allows the driver, front passenger and rear passengers to independently set their own temperature. This system is comparable to those in luxury models, and provides better individual comfort for every occupant. ON THE ROAD In earlier years, the Camry was seen as an ‘uncle’s car’, the sort driven by older people who might not care about driving dynamics and performance. But with this generation and its more aggressive, bolder looks, it’s hard to think of it that way. Of course, looks can only go so far and if it’s all looks and no go, then it’s still an ‘uncle’s car’. The previous 2.5-litre engine gave fairly decent performance and provided smooth propulsion from A to B. With the new powertrain, there is even less noise emanating from the front, and refinement has been raised a notch or two. Power delivery is very linear, a bit slow initially but becoming more muscular as the revs rise. Overtaking can be done confidently as the midrange torque is notably strong. Toyota’s transmissions have always been smooth and the Direct Shift – 8AT has nearly imperceptible gearshifts. You can, at the press of a button, alter the character to be more sporty but unless pushed hard, you won’t feel a big difference. There are also paddle shifters but it is likely that the ‘intelligence’ of the transmission will make it less necessary to intervene with manual selection of gears. TNGA is certainly an excellent piece of engineering work, allowing the car to have the comfort levels expected of an executive sedan as well without sacrificing dynamic handling. Thanks to the lower centre of gravity and responsive steering, the car is easy to maneuver, and its agility belies its size (and weight). The space in the cabin deserves mention and whether you sit in front or behind, there’s generous space all round. We have Toyota USA to thank for this: had they not rejected the original design in 1990, we might still have a conservative narrow-bodied sedan which had been proposed. By insisting on something bigger to suit Americans in particular, we got a car that is today bordering on being a luxury model. Just as nobody ever got fired for choosing IBM in the old days (because IBM computers were so good and so was their service support), you can’t really go wrong with a Camry… or any Toyota for that matter. The notion that Toyotas are boring cars is also an outdated one and with the new Dynamic Force powertrain, you can have an enjoyable spirited drive while the comfort levels will also please the people sitting behind.
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Vintage/Antique Hubley Cast Iron Boston Terrier Doorstop. Weighs about 7 pounds. About 10 1/2 inches long and 10 inches high. Original paint with lots of chips. Appear to be most heavily concentrated where a door would have contacted the dog. Please review the photos provided for appearance and condition. I tried to show the dog from all angles. The item “Vintage/Antique Hubley Cast Iron Boston Terrier Doorstop” is in sale since Sunday, April 19, 2020. This item is in the category “Antiques\Decorative Arts\Metalware”. The seller is “gparrish2gt9″ and is located in Hummelstown, Pennsylvania. This item can be shipped to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Denmark, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Estonia, Australia, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia, Japan, China, Sweden, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Bahamas, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Switzerland, Norway, Saudi arabia, United arab emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Croatia, Malaysia, Brazil, Chile, Costa rica, Dominican republic, Panama, Trinidad and tobago, Guatemala, El salvador, Honduras, Jamaica, Aruba, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Saint kitts and nevis, Turks and caicos islands, Bangladesh, Brunei darussalam, Bolivia, Ecuador, Egypt, French guiana, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Macao, Martinique, Nicaragua, Peru, Pakistan, Paraguay, Viet nam, Uruguay, Russian federation. - Country/Region of Origin: United States - Age: 1900-1940 - Weight: 7 Pounds - Type: Doorstops - Original/Reproduction: Original - Maker: Hubley
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9ct Solid Gold Nugget Pendant. It's stunning 9ctgold fullhallmarks.Loop large solid been cut but no hassle because. As u seen in photos. It's very unusual nugget shap pendent or charms. The item "Rare large 9ct Solid Gold Nugget Pendant 10g aprox vintage" is in sale since Monday, November 1, 2021. This item is in the category "Jewellery & Watches\Fine Jewellery\Necklaces & Pendants". The seller is "ladh-uk2014" and is located in Hawick. This item can be shipped to United Kingdom, Antigua and barbuda, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Australia, United States, Bahrain, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Israel, Hong Kong, Norway, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Bangladesh, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Barbados, Brunei darussalam, Cayman islands, Dominica, Egypt, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Grenada, French guiana, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Saint kitts and nevis, Saint lucia, Liechtenstein, Sri lanka, Macao, Monaco, Maldives, Montserrat, Martinique, Nicaragua, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, Reunion, Turks and caicos islands, Aruba, Saudi arabia, South africa, United arab emirates, Chile, Bahamas, Colombia, Costa rica, Kuwait, Philippines, Qatar, Uruguay, Russian federation.
Neohumanist Education is the natural evolution in an education that expands from academics into the area of personal growth and transformation. Under the motto of “Education for Liberation” Neohumanist Education is in contrast with mainstream education. But the good news is that the NHE message is reaching more and more educators throughout East Asia. From Beijing University to Early Childhood Centers all across Asia, there is a growing interest in neohumanist pedagogy and kids yoga teacher trainings. We also are soon to finalize a new textbook series for language centers, a program called “KidsWorld”. This material also opens doors for greater interaction on a very practical level with educators and different institutions of learning. For us to move ahead there are basically two options: start our own schools or help others change their existing institutions. Actually both are happening. Following seven aspects of NHE are currently being shared with teachers of established institutions in Malaysia, Taiwan, Nepal, China, Vietnam, Laos, Philippines, Indonesia and East Russia. Consciousness based Psychology Ideal Based curriculum Quiet Time Exercises Social Outlook (local festivals, service activities) Community School (school connected to local area’s needs) Lao Tze said that “One idea is more powerful than a thousand facts.” In the past, most teachers wanted to learn new teaching methods, not a whole new vision. But that is changing now. The concept of Neohumanism is beginning to inspire teachers to change their approach to teaching children. We hope that in the coming years we can help more schools in entire East Asia to change along these guidelines and become more neohumanistic. This is a gradual change that needs much nurturing and endurance. But the beautiful thing is we see it happening before our own eyes. At the same time we are glad to say that all these efforts of working in East Asia have helped mobilize resources which are used for the construction of NHE schools around the world, most recently in India and Africa. So far we have assisted 15 plus schools in developing countries with school construction.
At the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) meeting in Hanoi in July, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi―fuming at the temerity of 12 countries who had raised the contentious South China Sea dispute―stared at his Singaporean counterpart and thundered “China is a big country and other countries are small countries and that is just a fact.” Yang’s less than subtle message was emblematic of China’s diplomatic missteps in Southeast Asia over the past year, which have sent ripples of concern across the region, undermined Beijing’s “peaceful development” thesis and led to a renewed appreciation of America’s diplomatic role and military presence in Asia. As tensions in the South China Sea ratcheted up in 2010, the United States looked on with growing concern that its strategic and economic interests―and those of its friends and allies―were being undermined. At the Shangri La Dialogue in June, for instance, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates identified the South China Sea as an “area of growing concern for the United States” (See “Shangri-La Dialogue Highlights Tensions in Sino-U.S. Relations,” China Brief, June 24). Yet it was not until Secretary of State Hillary Clinton raised the issue at the ARF a month later that Asia’s long-running sovereignty dispute hit world headlines. Clinton reiterated that freedom of navigation was a vital U.S. interest and that it opposed the use of force to resolve the problem. In a departure from past policy, Clinton suggested that the United States stood ready to facilitate talks on implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DoC), the agreement drawn up by ASEAN in China in 2002 to manage the dispute but which the two sides have singularly failed to implement. Clinton’s comments at the ARF were provoked in part by reference to the South China Sea as a “core interest” by Chinese officials, even though the exact context of their comments remains unclear. The issue first surfaced in April, when it was reported that during a visit to Beijing by Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg and Asia Director of the National Security Council Jeffrey Bader in March, several senior Chinese officials, including Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Cui Tiankai and State Councilor Dai Bingguo (President Hu’s point man on foreign affairs), had described the South China Sea a “core interest”―the implication being that China would brook no interference from the United States (New York Times, April 23; Washington Post, July 30). Whether the PRC officials were referring to the South China Sea as a whole―including the disputed Paracel and Spratly Islands― or just the Exclusive Economic Zone where China has protested the surveillance activities of the US military is uncertain. Beijing has never officially described the sea as a “core interest” and government officials claim that Steinberg and Bader “misinterpreted” comments made at the March meeting (Interviews, Beijing, October). Yet according to Clinton, at the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue in May in Beijing, Dai Bingguo repeated that the South China Sea was Beijing’s “core interest” (Interview with Greg Sheridan of The Australian, U.S. Department of State, November 8). Reference to the South China Sea as a core interest was interpreted in Washington as elevating the problem on a par with Taiwan and thus an issue over which China was prepared to go to war. The United States was not the only country to push back against Chinese assertiveness in the South China Sea. Twelve countries raised the issue at the ARF, including the four ASEAN claimants (Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei) and Indonesia which has an overlapping maritime boundary claim with China near the gas-rich Natuna Islands. Southeast Asia’s anxieties were further fueled by the Sino-Japanese standoff in the East China Sea in September when the Japanese Coast Guard detained a Chinese fishing trawler that had rammed one of its vessels near the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. Even Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, the leader of a country that has traditionally downplayed tensions in the South China Sea, described the PRC as “more assertive than ever before” (China Daily, September 29). Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong described Clinton’s comments as a “useful reminder” of America’s role in Asia, a role “which China cannot replace … because of America’s security contributions in maintaining the peace in the region” (Straits Times, September 24). Since the ARF, the United States, ASEAN and China have all moved to tamp down tensions over the South China Sea. In September, Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell denied that Clinton’s comments had been aimed at China or that Washington was “taking sides or stoking tensions” and that the Administration’s goal was to “create a more stable, predictable environment” (AP, September 29). A month later, in recognition of the fact that Clinton’s offer to facilitate talks on implementing the DoC was strongly opposed by China and viewed as unfeasible by ASEAN because Beijing would walk away from the agreement if a third party attempted to mediate, Campbell told journalists in Tokyo that it would be inappropriate for the United States to play a direct role in the talks (Media Roundtable at the U.S. Embassy, Tokyo, Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell, October 6). Washington has more pressing problems to deal with than the South China Sea, though Honolulu-based U.S. Pacific Command continues to monitor developments with concern. The ASEAN states have had to strike a careful balance: they do wish to be seen as siding with America on the South China Sea, but nor do they want to be perceived as appeasing China. Thus while the 2nd U.S.-ASEAN Summit in New York on September 24 provided another opportunity to discuss the territorial problem, member states softened the language in the final communiqué. Prior to the meeting, a leaked draft had made explicit mention of the South China Sea and the importance of freedom of navigation and non-use of force (AP, September 19). The final communiqué, however, merely noted the importance of “regional peace and stability, maritime security, freedom of navigation…. and the peaceful settlement of disputes” (White House, Joint Statement of the 2nd US-ASEAN Leaders Meeting, September 24). The White House “Read-out” on the luncheon meeting, however, did make explicit mention of freedom of navigation and the non use of force in the South China Sea (White House, Read-out of President Obama’s Working Luncheon with ASEAN Leaders, September 24). According to Campbell and Bader, Clinton’s comments in July have served to move China “back to a more collaborative approach” on the South China Sea (AP, September 19). There is some evidence to support this contention. After the ARF, Chinese officials stopped referring to the South China Sea as a core interest in meetings with their American counterparts, though mainland academics continued to muddy the waters by arguing that sovereignty was, by definition, a core interest and that China had “indisputable sovereignty” over the atolls in the sea (Author interviews, Beijing, October 2010). In recent months, however, Chinese academics have also gone quiet on the issue. Senior Chinese officials have also sought to play down the issue on visits to Southeast Asia. At the inaugural ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus)―which brought the 10 ASEAN defense ministers and their counterparts from the United States, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Russia, Australia and New Zealand together in Hanoi on October 12―Chinese Defense Minister General Liang Guanglie reacted rather mildly when eight countries raised the South China Sea dispute, even though prior to the meeting he had insisted it was not an appropriate venue to discuss the problem. During October Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun was dispatched to four Southeast Asian countries on a “listening and reassurance” mission, while in November Vice President Xi Jinping―Hu’s heir apparent―on a trip to Singapore to mark 20 years of formal diplomatic relations stressed that a “prosperous and stable China does not pose a threat to any country,” that Beijing would “continue to undertake its responsibilities for regional peace and development” and in an obvious attempt to counter Yang’s statement at the ARF, that “China sees all countries, big and small, as equals” (Straits Times, November 16). By raising the South China Sea at the ARF and ADMM-Plus, both ASEAN and the United States hoped that Beijing would be forced to recalibrate its position and adopt a more flexible and accommodating stance. The acid test of this expectation is whether meaningful progress can be achieved over the next 12 months on implementing the DoC. There are cautious grounds for optimism. At the ASEAN-China Summit in October, Premier Wen Jiabao told ASEAN leaders that the PRC was committed to implementing the agreement (Philippine Daily Inquirer, October 30). On December 22-23 the ASEAN-China Joint Working Group on the DoC will meet in Kunming to discuss implementation guidelines, the results of which will be discussed by an ASEAN-China Senior Officials Meeting early in the New Year. Indonesia took over the rotating ASEAN Chair in December, and Foreign Minister Marty Natelagawa has indicated that meaningful progress on the South China Sea problem will be among Jakarta’s “leading priorities” (Straits Times, September 19). Yet acute problems remain in implementing the DoC, including the modalities of the discussions (China objects to ASEAN caucusing on the issue) and the precise definition of “disputed waters.” And although Philippine President Benigno Aquino has called for ASEAN solidarity on the South China Sea, arriving at a consensus will be problematic because membership is made up of claimant and non-claimant states, and some members have close ties to the PRC. Moreover, even though the DoC contains some potentially useful confidence building measures, given that the problem has become overlain by nascent Sino-US maritime rivalry, it remains doubtful whether its implementation will fundamentally change the dynamics of the dispute. For its part China has been incensed at what it perceives as U.S. collusion with some Southeast Asian states at the ARF. At the time the meeting took place Vietnam occupied the ASEAN chair, and Beijing suspects Hanoi encouraged the United States and other participants to raise the issue so as to “internationalize” the problem. Stepped-up military cooperation between the United States and Vietnam has also raised Beijing’s ire, including the repair of a U.S. navy supply ship in April, a visit by the hospital ship USNS Mercy in May, and in August a port call to Danang by the destroyer USS John McCain, the transit through Vietnam’s EEZ of the aircraft carrier USS George Washington and high level defense talks between the two countries. Vitriolic commentaries in the PRC press have warned Hanoi of the dangers of becoming a “strategic pawn” of the United States (Global Times, July 28). As a result, Vietnam continues to pursue multiple strategies with China vis-à-vis the South China Sea dispute. First, it holds regular dialogue with the PRC in an attempt to manage tensions but also assuage Chinese concerns. In August, for instance, Deputy Defense Minister Nguyen Chi Vinh visited Beijing and reiterated Vietnam’s “3 nos” policy: no foreign alliances, no foreign bases and no relationship with another country to be directed at a third (VNA, August 26). Second, Hanoi continues to coax ASEAN to implement the DoC and move forward with a formal Code of Conduct. Third, Vietnam highlights the issue at international forums, including a second major conference on the South China Sea in Ho Chi Minh City in November. Fourth, the government has accelerated the modernization of the armed forces, particularly the navy and air force, including an order for 12 SU-30 MKK fighters and six Kilo-class submarines from Russia, the first two of which could be delivered in 2014. Fifth, and most controversially, Vietnam seeks to facilitate the military presence of major external powers in Southeast Asia. Thus in October Hanoi and New Delhi agreed to increase the frequency of Indian navy ship visits to Vietnam (PTI, October 13) and, most noteworthy, an announcement by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung that the strategically located former US naval base at Cam Ranh Bay would be opened to foreign navies for repair and re-provisioning, including submarines and aircraft carriers (Bangkok Post, October 31). Dung’s announcement thus paves the way for increased US Navy ship visits to Vietnam in the coming years. After nearly a decade of adroit statecraft, China’s diplomatic posturing has substantially drained the reservoir of goodwill it had built up in Southeast Asia, forced ASEAN governments to question anew Beijing’s peaceful rise, and pushed regional governments closer to the US. Singapore’s Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew has spoken of 2010 as marking the beginning of a “decades-long tussle between the US and China for pre-eminence in the Pacific” (Straits Times, October 2). Events this year suggest that tussle will increasingly be played out in Southeast Asia.
Shave in comfort with the Gillette Daisy Razor. It features comfort blades that glide effortlessly while they remove unwanted hair. Each of the 18-ct Gillette Daisy Razors has a moisture strip above the blades that provides lubrication with each stroke and a handle that allows a secure grip. *These disposable razors come in a resealable package for convenience. *Warnings: Please do not move the razor horizontally or touch the blade-edge with hand to avoid cuts. Keep out of reach of children. Free Delivery within Peninsular Malaysia are applicable for orders of RM100 and above. Quality care for your complete satisfaction.
All the lights of that part of the world, shaping the irregular and mind blowing skyline of the city that stands as a country. Called by some Sing city, by others Sun city, by me, that evening, simply like this: “Hello, Singapore!” I done it properly, raising one chalice of Stella at the sky-bar on top of Marina Bay Sands. The most expensive Stella I ever had for the best city by night view I ever got. Singapore was as promised: hypnotic. Trip to South East Asia Was about time to set my foot in Asia. For too long I have postponed this journey. Just a few weeks before that, I was wandering the white streets of Polignano a Mare, in beautiful Puglia of Italy, wondering how could a place so far away and so different make me happier than what I already loved: summer in Europe. Start of a great journey Before tasting summer in Asia, I got hit hard by an early fall in Switzerland, during a layover in Zurich. I jumped on a plane in a summer day, with 30C temperatures and landed in a rainy and cold Zurich where late August meant 14C temperatures and people in coats. This October mood, with leaves starting to turn yellow, really took me by surprise. And I was wearing a t-shirt here… But a bit of luck was there for me though: I got right in the middle of a Swiss fest, in the old town. Swiss street food, loud music, people singing and dancing and lots of beer and… pot smoke clouds. It is legal there and this seem quite ironic since I was flying to a country where you could get 10 years in prison for that. Zurich was anyway perfect for a long walk before a 12h flight. But was just enough. The challenge: 12h flight I successfully survived it, my very first long haul flight, thanks to Swiss Airlines. They were best. A bit tired, a bit numb and a bit lost in translation, I landed in Singapore. I’ve learned that an airport tells many about the city and so was Changi Airport: so cool and so… automated. Somehow took me an hour to finally take the MRT, the train, to the city centre. I arrived in Little India, an area in Singapore, little after sunset. I easily found the hostel, took a refreshing shower and I was already out on the streets, ready to taste Singapore. First impression: it’s a jungle of skyscrapers. Second: it is the cleanest city I ever been to. 1st mission: food! So I headed to Chinatown. The more Singapore I saw, the more perfect it looked. Clean, rich, developed, organised. It looked too perfect to be inhabited but still it is, by 5,8M people. No homeless people, no beggars, no dirty streets or funny smells. Like a utopia that makes cities in old Europe look savage and rough. I arrived on a street full of restaurants on both sides and what surprised me was the high number of meals offered by each. Some menus were in Chinese only. A little further, on a few stalls with fruits, I saw the king of fruits: durian. I was waiting for this moment. I live on fruits, all kind of, and the idea that there might be one I won’t like was intriguing. I felt the smell from a few meters distance and knew it must be it. The price: 30S$. So I have postponed the experience. Pushed by hunger, I finally took a sit on a large terrace. In the kitchen, partly visible from the outside, was a noisy madness. Somehow, plates of food came out every 10 minutes. I played it safe and ordered dim sum with shrimp, a beef wok and some Asian beer. As I wait, I’m hoping in the end I will leave full and satisfied. Next to me a family of 4 Americans has a table full of seafood in front of them. My dim sum arrives in a nice small basket. It’s hot and steamy, tasty and perfectly done. The sauce is hot as hell and spicy is not my thing at all. I was warned before about how spicy Asian food is. Here comes the second course. I taste and OMG! My mouth is burning. It is so hot and spicy and delicious. I’m melting… The beef is so tender, almost creamy, like from another world. The first bite got me straight to the Heaven of foodies and forgot me there. Was so spicy that half of my body was burning, but I wouldn’t stop. My first food experience was perfect. I then wandered the streets downtown Singapore, feeling the size of an ant among the tallest buildings on Cecil Street, Central Blvd and thinking: Gosh, what a city! Gardens By The Bay I saw the icon of Singapore, Marina Bay Sands, from the distance, mirroring its three silhouettes in the bay. What a view! I headed towards Gardens By The Bay first, which is near by. I saw the blue supertrees getting bigger as I was approaching. Impressive is too little said, it’s spellbinding but still… There’s a still. It looks so man made. Nature does it better than us when it comes to natural landscapes. It’s the master after all, we’re just copying. The view with the lake and the supertrees changing their color in the night is sublime. I spent a lot of time just gazing at this wonder. I then found a tree, a real one this timee, with pink flowers and surrounded by a scent that kept me still. The perfume was divine. It was frangipani, the flower that will later become the light motiv of my trip to Asia. Marina Bay Sands – At last! If you say Singapore, you say Marina bay Sands. I read so much before this trip about Marina Bay Sands and how to get to its iconic infinity crazy pool that I went nuts. The conclusion: it is impossible if you are not a guest. I also read about all the scenarios made by people desperately trying to get there, sometimes changing into white bathrobes in elevators and pretending they forgot the key or trying to make friends with guests only to find a way to get there. But the vigilance of personnel has no weak points so I have found no stories of success brought by tricks instead of credit card. I also took into consideration to book one room, but hell, we’re talking about 350$ here! All I wanted was a glance to the pool and a photo but from what I read it seemed they won’t even let you enter to take a look for a sec if you’re not a guest at MBS. So here’s what I did: First of all I got all the info I needed: I found out there is an Observation Deck. To get there you have to pay an entrance fee, about 23S$. But you don’t see the pool, since this is a level under, so not interesting for me. I got some hope after reading about the restaurants which were part of Sands SkyPark, at the top floor, no 57, where the pool was. Apparently to get there during the night you also had to be a guest, non guest were not allowed after a certain hour. You could only go during the evening, the early hours, if you made a reservation and payed for a voucher of about 20$. That seemed ok but in the end I didn’t make any reservation in advance. I decided to just try to get there as I arrive in Singapore, no tricks and no lies. Marina Bay Sands is a top luxury hotel, worldwide famous. Rule no1 is a common sense one: to dress accordingly. So I did. Of course I was wearing flip flops during my walk in the city but changed those with a pair of nude flat sandals while in Gardens By The Bay. I made sure before I left my hostel in Little India to put on a light summer dress and to change my regular traveling bag with a nice classic one. I approach the huge entrance of Tower 3 at Marina Bay Sands. A number of luxury cars were parked around, limousines were arriving one after another as if it was the Oscar’s night in Asia. Was the definition of posh, for sure. Inside also it looked spotless, very glam. I thank myself I did put some lipstick on before. I pass by the large doors of glass and enter the immense lobby with concierge offices on both sides. I head to someone there and tell him I would like to have a drink at one of the top floor restaurants and ask if it is possible at that hour. It was passed 11PM. He answers politely: “Yes, please. Welcome!” and directs me straight in the front. This side is as big as a boulevard, with luxury stores on the left and a fancy lounge bar on the right. I find the entrance of Lavu restaurant, which I have read about before. I ask the guy there again for directions for CÉ LA VI Club Lounge. He points it a little more further. A few more steps and I’m in front of a young woman and a men, both tall, good looking, black tie. I’m so glad I wear that Chanel lipstick… After all stories I read online, I was expecting a long look and a “Sorry, but…” type of answer. I repeat the question about the drink. They are both very welcoming and I get another “Yes, please, welcome!” answer. The woman approached me to mark my wrist with a stamp. I’ve read about this too so I wasn’t surprise. I ask if I have to pay anything, as previously red on a few blogs, and she said was no need to. She accompanies me in front of the elevators. – It’s floor number 57, she repeats smiling before the doors close. I am quite surprised. So no reservation, no hour limit, no access fee, no questions about the room key to get to floor number 57, the forbidden one for all outsiders. The spot in Singapore where everyone wants to get to. The elevator doors open few seconds later and as I looked a bit disoriented in that dark lavish lobby, a girl approaches right away, smiling. She welcomes me and directs me to the lounge. There were few people left there. I take a look and I realise it’s not the right side, with that spectacular view from the pool, the one I saw in all the photos. I can’t even see the pool from here and I have no idea where it is. I want to order a beer but they don’t serve anymore at that hour. Damn! No view, no pool and no drink. I want to leave, that’s it! I tried… didn’t work. As I head back to the elevator, I see the top deck has multiple security points, with stuff personnel present there to ensure exclusivity for its hotel guests. Would be quite silly to try to fool them. And embarrassing, in my opinion. Before I reach the elevator to leave, I see a door opened on another side. I want to take a look there. It’s another entrance to the terrace. The second I am outside and feel the fresh breeze from level 57th floor, I see it! The most famous pool in the world! A girl smiles as she sees my reaction and approaches. She is one of the three personnel ensuring no non guest will pass through there. I finally turn my heat from the pool and tell her that I am not a guest but I would love to see the pool, I won’t spent there more time and I promise not to jump in the water. We both laughed and surprisingly she says that she would have allowed me to enter the pool area for a look with no problem but, unfortunately, the pool was closed just minutes before. She gives me a confiant look and apologizes again for the inconvenient. As I turn around to leave she stops me and says I can still see the pool from the night lounge, adding I can get a greater view from there. She points the right direction and yes, she was so right! I enter the lounge club, pass through the interior and arrive again outside, on the terrace. This time I was on the right side. Next to the pool, in front of the best part of Sing city’s skyline. The pool is mind-blowing, covering the entire rooftop. It is much bigger in reality than in photos. Facing the city’s skyline and its millions of lights it looks so blue and so posh, with white sunbeds by the water and high palm trees. Just by being there you were feeling spoilt. I find the perfect table right at the edge, where the view is spectacular. I rest my head against my arm and loose any time notions. I made it to Marina bay Sands… And nothing else matters when in front of our eyes is like this: I ordered one chalice of Stella and just stare at this marvelous skyline of Singapore, feeling as if I was on top of the world. Oh, wait, I actually was. I wished I’ll come back. Next: Malaysia: Trekking through a 130M years jungle
Brand Community Partner University + Youth Events Viral: Woman Charged RM 5,811 After Parking For An Hour At Local Supermarket Worse part of it all was that it took the management 1 hour to settle the issue. 19th January 2022, 9:21 AM Is e-Hailing Getting Too Expensive? Transport Minister Questions Alleged Fare Hikes "Don't Panic!" Health DG Advices Malaysians Over Monkeypox Outbreak Double Standards: VVIPs Seated On Table While Students On The Floor During Hari Raya Banquet Lunch Good Coffee Good Vibes ..WFC Work from Cafe or Order the Experience WFH @ Union Artisan Coffee The Pastabilities Are Endless At La Risata, Ampang! RM8,261 For A Pair Of Extremely Trashed Balenciaga Shoes? Count Me Out. Big Fan Of Elon? Well, You Might Be Able To Get His 'Starlink' Services Soon Psyched For PSY!? The OG K-pop King May Return To Malaysia! Adidas X Gucci’s RM7,190 Umbrella NOT Actually Waterproof?! MAPS Perak Turns Into A Ghost Town After Being Abandoned For 2 Years
**Due to financial limitations we are currently in a transitional period in preparation to close down at the end of 2022** We are a group of scientists who conduct conservation research to produce evidence-based management recommendations that will help decision-makers mitigate threats to biodiversity in Peninsular Malaysia – because we need a jungle out there! We aim to function as the bridge linking conservation science and conservation practice. Therefore, we take that extra step to proactively bring our results to practitioners and policymakers, in order to ensure that our research feeds directly into practice, informing and guiding conservation action on the ground. At the same time we also play a direct role as conservation practitioners implementing the necessary conservation efforts identified by our research. This sets us apart from academic institutions and conventional NGOs. Whenever possible, we also make it a point to work on less popular species and habitats – the uncharismatic ecosystems that slip through the cracks and get little attention.
As the world rolls into August 2021, we’ve recently observed a pretty important global milestone – 500 days of Covid. Things certainly aren’t the same – and while the daily headlines ensure we don’t lose track of the big changes, there have been a few that have surprisingly flown under the radar – and could still pose major concerns regarding our security and safety in an increasingly digital world. We’ll kick off this discussion with a deceptively simple question: Are QR Codes Safe? Say it’s a Friday evening – you and your partner are exhausted from a long week of work, and to break up the home office monotony, you decide to spend a night out – revisiting an old favorite eatery. Right from when you’re seated, you’ll notice something is missing compared to 2019 – no more quirky menus. Chances are, instead, that you’ve used your smartphone to place an order by scanning a QR code conveniently placed on your table – just like they are at millions of other food and beverage spots around the world. Most of us don’t take this subtle change too seriously – many cite QR codes as a quicker, more convenient, and safer way to access information in various situations. They’ve even been cited as a new, revolutionary way to cut down on paper wastage. So what’s the catch? To better understand, let’s take a look at how this modern tech innovation works. How QR Codes Were Invented, and How They Function The humble QR code is a lot older than most of us think – while they may have only attained widespread popularity in the last decade, they’re actually over 25 years old! Back in 1994, a chief engineer named Masahiro Hara at Japanese tech pioneer Denso Wave had a sudden epiphany while playing a game of Go during a lunch break. Realizing that the shifting black-and-white patterns on the game board could also represent data, he solved a key problem for his company’s automotive industry clients – the management of thousands of different items within their inventories. At the time, traditional barcodes were restrictive since they could handle only 20 characters of information. Hara’s new method – which would soon be named the ‘Quick Response’ or QR Code – could hold 200 times more information and was a brilliant solution to inventory management problems. The idea was simple and functioned across three key steps: - Data would be encoded and represented across a square grid of black points against a white background. - These would be read by imaging devices such as scanners or cameras and processed using a technique called Reed-Solomon error correction. - Once correctly interpreted, the data would be extracted through a combination of horizontal and vertical patterns. Hara’s invention was a hit. Not only was it possible to scan QR codes in any orientation – but they were also easy to print, inexpensive, and greatly streamlined supply chain management once they hit factory floors. Today, QR codes are used for much more than just inventory management. They’re often used to let anyone with a smartphone camera seamlessly access web content, accept payment requests, scan advertisements for coupons, and even access important personal information – more on that in a bit. How QR Codes Harvest Our Data In the last 18 months, QR codes have multiplied by a factor that old Mr. Hara might have never expected. According to Juniper Research, the number of QR payment users in the US is expected to rise by a staggering 240% within five years, with similar figures popping up all over the world. While this means that millions of people armed with smartphones are adopting the technology, QR data sharing isn’t a one-way street – the codes, or rather the companies behind them, are quietly listening in. Like pretty much every corner of the world wide web, QR codes present an opportunity for businesses to track, target, and analyze their customers. When you scan a QR code, you also share critical information about yourself, such as: - When the scan took place - How often you scan the code - Where the code was scanned - What actions you took after accessing the code’s data (depending on the content you’re directed to and not accessible to the QR code generator) - How much money you’ve spent, if the code is linked to a business (again, this information is not available to the QR code generator) Unsurprisingly, the list of data points you can harvest from a single scan is disturbingly high – and has triggered concerns from security and privacy experts around the world. Speaking to the New York Times, Jay Stanley a senior policy analyst at the American Civil Liberties Union, puts it across succinctly: “People don’t understand that when you use a QR code, it inserts the entire apparatus of online tracking between you and your meal. Suddenly your offline activity of sitting down for a meal has become part of the online advertising empire.” If experience serves, we’re not too far from seeing targeted ads as we enjoy our favorite burger. As corporations see clear ways to turn this captured data about our eating and spending habits to their benefit – we also see a serious uptick in QR code support from payment gateways. Take Paypal, for instance, which has pushed QR code support for millions of small businesses, as well as major players like Nike and CVS. While companies that create and manage restaurant QR codes claim not to sell personal information such as contact details and purchase history – tech privacy legislation across the world has lagged far behind the technologies themselves. This means that while these companies may not necessarily sell our information to third parties, they can certainly share it – so perhaps the QR code revolution isn’t as squeaky clean as some may suggest. How QR Codes Can Be Misused: The Europe Green Pass Debate Using QR codes responsibly is a deeply under-addressed topic – and one that has recently caught a great deal of attention as vaccination rates began to rise across the European mainland – and in particular, Italy. Throughout 2020, news outlets worldwide kept a keen eye on the Italian peninsula – as Italy was one of the first countries to bear the brunt of the pandemic and its debilitating effects on the people and the economy. As the country’s healthcare system buckled, leading to a massive death toll and thousands of families grieving, governments across the European nations realized that drastic measures needed to be taken. One such was the issue of the Covid Green Pass. So, what exactly is the Covid Green Pass? Digital Green Certificate According to a report from the European Union, on 17 March 2021, the European Commission introduced a proposal seeking regulation on a ‘digital green certificate.’ This was required to allow safe and free movement of EU citizens during the pandemic and the ensuing partial lockdowns. It was also accompanied by a proposal that covered third-country nationals legally staying or residing in the EU. The digital green certificate would provide proof of vaccination, give test results of Covid-19, and information on the acquisition of antibodies. The certificate aimed to help restore free movement of people within the EU. On 25 March 2021, the European Parliament decided to accelerate work on the commission proposal, and it was successfully rolled out in June 2021. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly on the Green Pass Along with the rest of the EU, Italy has begun to issue ‘Covid Green Passes’ -the digital certificate that confirms the health status of people within the EU. Depending on different criteria, the pass gives its holder one of three statuses: - Vaccinated against Covid-19 - Tested negative - Recovered from Covid-19 As the world slowly begins to wake up from the catastrophe of 2020, making such a pass mandatory for entry to tourist attractions, restaurants, offices, and other public spaces is certainly a responsible move – although one little detail brought up a host of concerns that no one really saw coming. Since QR codes have been used throughout the pandemic as an effective way of limiting contact -they were being used for everything from public health guideline links to medical payments, it only seemed natural that the Covid Green Pass would also carry a QR code. The Green Pass also happens to carry a significant amount of personal information, increasing personal safety and privacy concerns. According to Dr. Michael Veale, a lecturer in Digital Rights and Regulations from UCL’s Faculty of Laws, the data in the digital certificates will be easily prone to forgeries. Within weeks of the measure taking off, concerned coders in Italy began to upload digital tools to check their Covid Green Passes – helping people discover what data the codes could leak. Unfortunately, most people aren’t that careful – or simply aren’t digitally literate. Combine this with a global pandemic and a purely digital certification system, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. Eager to celebrate their vaccination status, several excited Italians took to social media – proudly displaying their Covid Green Passes (and QR codes) in videos and photos. According to the official specifications, the digital certificates these QR codes link to contain a great deal of sensitive information, such as your name, date of birth, vaccination status – and even the location where you chose to get vaccinated. In the hands of the wrong people, this could easily serve as a method to stalk and harass innocent victims – a problem so severe that the Italian Ministry of Health also released a statement urging people to keep their passes to themselves and share QR codes responsibly. Digital Vulnerability And the Ministries of Health In Italy, this resulted in serious data vulnerability for millions of people – although the Health Minister, Roberto Speranza, at least stepped up to the challenge, as mentioned above. Things were, however, a little less secure – albeit amusing, in Malaysia’s Ministry of Health. Earlier this year, the Malaysian Minister for Health, Dr. Adham Baba, displayed a QR code on live TV. This was done as part of the live-stream event of Malaysia’s own digital certification program. As camerapersons zoomed in, and the video was uploaded across Malaysian social media, it came into the hands of a few curious individuals, who fancied themselves a peek under. It did throw up a result – a SoundCloud page owned by a man in Cardiff, England, who worked in digital education (and uploaded electronic music) under the pseudonym ICT Evangelist. Not what anyone was expecting, to be sure.For some, this is just another bizarre tale in an already bizarre year – although it proves the point that Minister Baba’s Italian counterpart was trying to make; that if you upload your QR codes on social media – someone will try to access them, and potentially reveal sensitive information. Further QR Security Risks It isn’t all limited to irresponsibly sharing QR codes either. As almost 20 million people downloaded their green passes this summer, a quick black market sprung up. According to Italian news reports, several cybercriminals made a quick profit by creating fake passes. Quoting the Italian postal police statement: “Thousands of users were registered on well-known communication platforms where fake green passes were offered for sale, with an absolute guarantee of anonymity, to be paid in cryptocurrency or vouchers for online shopping platforms, at a price between 150 and 500 euro ($175 to $590).” Clearly, there’s a big market for the misuse of this technology, and without proper measures in place, people’s privacy and health could be at serious risk. Scanning QR codes can also lead unaware users to malicious websites – few people, if any, check the exact address that a QR code is redirecting them towards, and quite a few have been victims of ‘qishing.’ This new spin on ‘phishing’ sends QR codes through emails to unsuspecting victims, who scan the content only to discover that their mobile phone has been compromised by hidden viruses or spyware. How QR Codes Hampered Cryptocurrency Another technology that tagged along for the ride across the last decade was cryptocurrency – as blockchain tech began to sweep across the world, as did QR code usage. However, it led to some rough times for a few unfortunate traders. As bitcoins themselves are comprised of data, they’re often embedded into QR codes for people to scan. This led to an upsurge of scammers crafting QR codes to pose as legitimate BTC exchanges. How QR Codes Can Increase Security After all of this information, the chances are that you’ve lost your faith in the QR code system. However, don’t be too quick to dismiss or write it off, though – aside from its spectacular ease-of-use and low cost, QR codes also offer a few ways to bolster digital security. Here’s a couple of key techniques: You’ll often find MFA or multi-factor authentication when conducting transactions over the internet, logging into highly secure environments, or even just as a super-secure way to lock your personal devices. QR adds an extra level of security to MFA by including a QR code that your registered devices can scan. So, not only does it offer an encrypted login code – it also makes the process as simple as opening your phone camera. Mobile Payment Systems Let’s say that you owe a friend for dinner last night – when you next meet, QR codes could play a key role in helping you settle your transaction as safely and conveniently as possible. Instead of having to send over long, complicated bank details, you can simply get your friend to scan a QR code displayed on your phone screen, generated by a mobile payment system. In seconds, you can easily and safely receive and send money – without needing to share actual account information with the other party. The Need For QR Code Safety Information Naturally, QR codes are an amazing technology that streamlined business operations for thousands of companies and helped save lives and promote social distancing during the pandemic. Like any technology, however, it can be misused when handled by malicious people. The answer lies in educating ourselves about the risks of living in an increasingly digital world, understanding how the technology we use handles sensitive information, and in keeping ourselves alert and responsible as much as we can. Read on for some crucial tips on QR code safety. QR Code Security – Top Tips To Keep Your Data Safe To help make this process easier, we’ve compiled a series of key tips to remember regarding your QR code usage. Stick to them, and your data will remain safe and uncompromised. Make Sure That Your QR Code Hasn’t Been Tampered With One of the most common ways QR codes are used maliciously is by overlapping legitimate codes with fake ones designed to redirect scanners to harmful websites. Whenever you scan a printed QR code in public areas, make sure that the code hasn’t been tampered with or replaced with a sticker of an unlawful one instead. Also, pay attention to the design and alignment – if it feels off, you may want to think twice before scanning. Only Compatible With HTTPS This layer of encrypted data means that the session between the web server and the browser on the mobile device you are using is encrypted. In simple terms, whenever you access a webpage that begins with https:// rather than http://, you’re accessing a much more secure network that protects you and the website from any eavesdroppers. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a combination of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) with the Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. TLS is an authentication and security protocol widely implemented in browsers and Web servers. SSL works by using a public key to encrypt data transferred over the SSL connection, allowing you and your customers to communicate securely with the web server – without anyone else listening in. Take The Time To Read Your URLs Yes, we know this sounds annoying – but hear us out for a second. One of the most common ways data thieves steal information such as login details from people is by creating websites that masquerade as legitimate ones – often called phishing websites. As QR codes are often used to direct users to login pages, make sure to read and verify exactly what the link is. A phishing page will generally not feature HTTPS protection and may contain an easily missable typo within the URL. For example, many people have fallen prey to phishing scams on websites designed to look like Apple’s login page but are instead looking to harvest your password and login ID. If you ever come across something such as ‘appl-eserv.com’, it’s best to take a swift U-turn! Beware of Link-Shorteners Whenever you use your phone to scan a QR code, it will likely send you a popup displaying the web address the code is redirecting you towards. While these should ideally be easily understandable and secure links – you’ll also sometimes come across shortened links – generated on websites such as bit.ly and TinyURL. While several companies use shortened links to streamline their digital footprint (and sometimes increase brand recognition), they can also be something of a security risk, as shortened URLs usually do not reveal anything about the actual website. Again, if the link-shortener does feature HTTPS protection, it’s probably legitimate. Keep an Updated Antivirus Software on your Phone They say that prevention is the best cure – but what do you do when malware can be found in and around every corner of the internet? It’s best to take your safety into your own hands and keep your smartphone protected – and it all starts with using a powerful, up-to-date antimalware system. These will periodically scan your device, erase threats, and warn you of dangerous links and other vulnerabilities when set up correctly. Be Careful When Asked For Personal Details Often, a QR code may redirect you to a web page that asks for personal information – ranging from relatively innocuous email addresses to important bank passwords. Naturally, stay alert and avoid giving away information carelessly – if a page asks you for something too important, it’s best to back away. Many companies and governments are switching to contactless forms – these create an additional layer of security to the process. Keep these precautions in mind while facing a QR code, and you’re going to be well-guarded against possible mishaps. How Do QR Companies Uphold User Security? If you’re thinking of using QR codes to run your business more effectively, you’ll also need to provide strong security and privacy measures for your organization and clients. A good QR code generator with a solid reputation and long history takes this into account – uQR.me, for example, uses the following protocols to keep any scanner’s data safe: A Detailed Anti-Cybercrime System uQR.me uses a specialized system to detect harmful attacks, passive and active. Their security settings are in line with global, state-of-the-art corporate standards as well as governmental regulations. They also have the support of several cybersecurity services such as PhishLabs, Phishing Protection API by Google, and Amazon Security Team, which help their team swiftly find and terminate malicious activities in the form of phishing, spam, pharming, or cross-site scripting. Bulletproof Statistics Security It is a well-known fact that all QR code generators harness data collection techniques – while this can be used by businesses to serve their customers better, hackers can also mine it. A good QR code generator will keep its data under lock and key. In uQR.me’s case, we standardize GDPR compliance – the European standard, which enforces the most secure data protection in the world, with harsh penalties to deter any potential wrongdoer. Transparency With Data Tracking It’s also essential to establish a clear and transparent idea of the information that a generator’s QR codes will track. uQR.me is known to keep things straightforward on our webpage – listing the following tracking variables: - When they were scanned. - Where they were scanned. - How many times they were scanned. - What type of operating system scanned them. - Age and gender of individuals who’ve scanned them (Only if your Google Privacy Settings are set to public, which you can change.) As businesses rely more and more on data analytics, it’s important to never sacrifice customer safety for the sake of potentially profitable insights. A 24/7 Cybersecurity Support Team Malicious elements on the internet don’t take days off. So, if you’ve ended up compromising your data or facing any other issue, you need to work as quickly as possible for the sake of damage control. uQR.me offers a 24/7 support team trained to quickly respond and provide guidance to companies, governments, institutions, or individuals that report suspicious activity – if you end up in a digital security crisis, you need someone useful in your corner. A Robust Backup System In emergencies, such as a data breach, a QR code provider needs to maintain a foolproof system of backups. In uQR.me’s case, this is done through a server mirroring setup – paired alongside hourly backups for absolute reliability. If you do come across any malicious websites, make sure to send uQR.me a report following these suspicious QR activity report instructions. uQR.me takes these issues seriously and immediately blacklists any websites proven to be harmful. QR codes are the future; there’s no doubt about it. Given that governments and businesses both big and small across the globe are increasingly adopting QR codes, they’re already a daily occurrence for many of us. However, alongside this large-scale use comes a massive need for secure and responsible QR code scanning. This is where a dependable QR code generator such as uQR.me comes in, offering years of expertise and a long list of trusted clients.
Although the fact that a country has money does not imply that it is managed correctly or directed to the well-being of its citizens, the economic capacity of a country is an important element when it comes to allowing the creation, maintenance and management of funds. different goods. The services and infrastructures that each country enjoys or could enjoy was created after an arduous process of research and development. Multiple investigations have been carried out in order to evaluate which countries have the highest quality of life, taking into account, among other aspects, economic capacity. In relation to this last aspect, the twenty-five richest countries in the world will be presented below . Wealth… what is it? The term wealth refers to a concept that can be very broad. When we talk about the level of wealth of a person or country, we can be referring to a large number of things. Their culture, language, spirituality, ability to bond with others, acceptance and tolerance, level of well-being and happiness … However, in everyday language when we talk about the level of wealth of a country we refer to the economic sphere, to the abundance of money, property, assets and / or possessions. When comparing the level of wealth of different countries, groups or individuals, in addition to the above, the choice of the scale to be used to carry out said comparison comes into play. And it is that the level of economic wealth can be valued in aspects such as the total amount of capital available in each element that is being compared, take into account its capacity, population and size when making said comparison or compare the standard of living of its populations. Below we first present the list of the twenty-five richest countries in the world according to nominal GDP, and then a second list with GDP per capita. The 25 richest countries according to nominal GDP Regarding total amounts of wealth (that is, the amount of Gross Domestic Product or nominal GDP), regardless of how it is distributed, the size and population of the country and the level of well-being of the population, the International Monetary Fund reflects that during 2016 the 25 richest countries were the following (values recorded in USD or US dollars). 1. United States Considered the greatest power in the world, the United States has a GDP of 18,561,934 million dollars . However, it is also true that this is a country of great inequalities. In interior areas, such as Detroit, poverty wreaks havoc. Also known as the sleeping tiger due to its enormous economic potential, China is in second position with a GDP of 11,391,619 million dollars . The country of the rising sun is in third position in terms of wealth according to GDP, with approximately 4,730,300 million dollars . One of the main economic engines of Europe, Germany has a GDP of 3,494,898 million dollars , which has earned it the fourth position in the ranking. 5. United Kingdom The United Kingdom is in fifth position with 2,649,893 million dollars. On the other hand, this situation may change with the exit from the European Union. The Gallic country has a gross domestic product of 2,499,284 million dollars, being the sixth richest country in the world in this sense. One of the powers with the highest economic growth rate, India’s GDP reached 2,250,987 million dollars in 2016 , being the seventh richest power today. Elements that play against its economic growth are the environmental crises and the armed confrontations with Pakistan and with guerrillas. Despite the effects of the crisis, Italy is in eighth position in terms of wealth level according to GDP, with around 1,852,499 million dollars . It must be taken into account that this country presents a pronounced inequality between the north and the south, being the first region richest. This beautiful country is in ninth position in terms of wealth, with a GDP of 1,769,601 million dollars . But there are also areas totally isolated from public services that are considered minimal, and large pockets of poverty both in shantytowns of favelas and in towns. A GDP of 1,532,343 million dollars is what has earned Canada the tenth position of this list. In addition, it has excellent public services. 11. South Korea Despite its complicated situation with respect to North Korea, during 2016 South Korea was the eleventh richest country in the world according to the International Monetary Fund, with 1,404,383 million dollars . As negative points we must point out the extreme competitiveness that exists in its business culture, which leads many people to suicide. Another of the great superpowers, Russia is in twelfth position with a GDP of 1,267,754 million dollars . However, the wealth is concentrated in some large cities, especially in Moscow. During 2016, Australia ranked thirteenth in terms of GDP, with 1,256,640 million dollars in its coffers. Despite the effects of the economic crisis and the political imbalance, our country is in fourteenth position in terms of GDP, with around 1,252,163 million dollars. The Mexican country is in fifteenth position with a GDP of 1,063,606 million dollars . Indonesia, with 940,953 million dollars in GDP , is in 16th position. The Netherlands has had a GDP of 769,930 million dollars, being the seventeenth richest country according to the International Monetary Fund. With 735,716 million dollars , Turkey was the eighteenth richest country in 2016- Switzerland has a GDP of 662,483 million dollars , which in amount of money in circulation is ranked number nineteen. 20. Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia registers in 2016 a GDP of 637,785 million dollars , which is the twentieth position in the ranking. The twenty-first position in regards to the twenty-five richest countries is for Argentina, with a GDP of 541,748 million dollars . Taiwan ranks twenty-second with a GDP of $519,149 million dollars. A GDP of $517,440 million is what has made Sweden the 23rd richest country in the world in 2016. Belgium is the twenty-fourth richest country in the world, with a GDP of $470,179 million . The 25th place is taken by the Polish country, with a GDP of $467,350 million dollars . The 25 richest countries in the world according to their GDP per capita As we have said, the wealth and well-being of a country can be calculated in multiple ways. The previous list reflected the twenty-five richest countries based on nominal GDP, that is, the amount of money that the country has without taking into account other factors. The amount of raw money that the country has is important, but if only that factor is taken into account, the information obtained is biased and limited, not knowing the real capacity of the general population. To solve this problem we can apply the GDP per capita, that is, the relationship between GDP and the number of inhabitants that allows us to make an average of what a citizen receives per year of the gross domestic product, which allows us to have a better idea of the level life of the general population. Let’s see below the twenty-five countries with the highest GDP per capita Qatar is the country with the highest per capita income, with $137,162 per year per citizen . Luxembourg is the European country with the highest per capita income, being the second in the world, with an amount of $97,639 dollars per year. With a per capita GDP of $83,066 per year, Singapore comes in third. This city-state located in the south of Malaysia bases its economy on exports, oil and as a financial center. The state of Brunei, on the island of Borneo, is the fourth country with the highest per capita income in the world, with $79,890 per year. The fifth position in this ranking of the countries with the highest GDP per capita is for Kuwait, with an approximate amount of $70,686 dollars per year . At $67,166 per year , Norway’s GDP per capita makes this country the sixth richest per capita. 7. United Arab Emirates The United Arab Emirates have a GDP per capita that places them in seventh position, with $66,347 dollars per year per inhabitant . 8. San Marino The Serene Republic of San Marino, located within Italy, is another of the regions with the highest per capita income in the world, with $60,887 dollars a year . Switzerland is one of the countries that, having one of the largest GDP in the world, also has it better distributed, with a GDP per capita of $58,149 per year . 10. Hong Kong Hong Kong ranks tenth as one of the countries with the highest per capita income in the world, with an amount of $55,097 per year . 11. United States The power with the highest GDP in the world is one of those that also has the highest GDP per capita, which is $54,370 per year . 12. Saudi Arabia The per capita income of Saudi Arabia is $52,311 dollars a year , being the eleventh power in the world. Ireland has a GDP per capita of $51,284 per year , making it another of the countries with the highest wealth parity. The Kingdom of Bahrain, on the coast of the Persian Gulf, ranks 14th on this list with a per capita income of $49,020 per year . The Netherlands, and specifically the Netherlands, is another of the countries that coincide in having one of the highest nominal GDPs at the same time as having the highest GDP per capita, with $47,960 per year in this second aspect . With a GDP per capita of $46,550 per year , Austria is another of the countries with the highest wealth parity, ranking in 16th position. With a GDP that placed it thirteenth among the richest countries in the world last year, Australia ranks seventeen in terms of the distribution of such wealth, with a per capita GDP of $46,550 per year. This country is also one of the countries that, having the greatest wealth, is better distributed, with a GDP per capita of $46,219 per year . Europe’s economic engine ranks nineteenth in per capita income, with $46,216 per year . Taiwan’s gross domestic product at per capita purchasing power parity values is $46,036 annually , which puts this region in 20th place. With a per capita GDP of $45,723 per year , Canada ranks 21st. Denmark is another of the countries with the highest per capita income in the world, with $45,451 a year . Iceland has a GDP per capita of $45,269 , which makes it the twenty-third country with the highest level of wealth in the population. The citizens of Belgium have a GDP per capita of $43,800 annually . In twenty – fifth place, France has a per capita income of US $41,018 a years .
Congratulations on presumably finding a mentor! Hopefully, they are supportive, helpful, patient, and work with you well, you have just begun the foundations of a beautiful friendship or maybe you’ve built upon an older one, either way, you are now meeting together and working on ways to improve your language skills, so what do you talk about? The hope is always foster language learning in your meetings but they also can be places of cultural discovery, personal interests, meaningful interactions, and laughter with your mentor. A couple of suggestions for you as you continue with your conversations: - Predetermined Topics: A fantastic way to enter into a conversation is to have something you both are already planning to talk about. Set up designated topics for the call or week and figure out some activities to do based on them. That way even if you already finish what you were planning you still have a thread of conversation to continue on. - Dialogues: If you have found dialogues in your chosen language I would highly suggest doing them with your mentor. Going back and forth, maybe having them read the whole thing through first to get pronunciation on it before each choosing a person and going through it. Switch speakers, change out words and phrases, even continue the conversation in the dialogue beyond the words written on the page. This will be really good practice for daily interactions! - Outside Reading or Watching: If you choose a book in Malay (Putra Gunung Tahan by Dr. Ishak Haji Muhammad is a good suggestion for intermediate to higher-level learners) or a movie. Anything in Bahasa Melayu you can then discuss with your mentor that allows you to have a back and forth conversation with questions and answers- possibly on both sides. - Create and Share: Practicing Bahasa Melayu writing is awesome to grow more familiar with the vocabulary, the structure, and the flow of Bahasa Melayu, particularly if you are doing it along with reading each day. This can also be a way to practice reading to your mentor and to get their thoughts and corrections. - Don’t be afraid to REPEAT: If you do not understand something, ASK. If you think your pronunciation is off, ASK. If your mentor said something you just could not catch, ASK. Do you not understand a word, ASK. Do not be left in the dark, your mentor is here to help you. If you want to learn the language to the best of your ability then you need to be willing to go over things over and over again. Get stuff down. “Sila Ulang“, (please repeat) should be a go-to phrase. - Figure it out (In Language of Course): Say you are trying to say: “Kamu akan rugi duitnya.” (I will lose my money) but you don’t know the word “rugi“. You could ask for the word “Kata untuk “lose” apa?” and bring English into the conversation, or you could try to continue in Bahasa Melayu and attempt to foster it naturally while working on asking for definitions in Bahasa Melayu. You could say, “Mereka akan ambil duitnya dari kamu.” (They will take money from you) or “Kamu akan duitnya sedikit selapas ini.” (You will have less money after this). Also, try describing in Bahasa Melayu to your mentor what you want to say, talk about someone having money and then not having any, and try to work out it with your mentor through context and close words. “Seperti” (like) will be your friend. You can ask your mentor if one word is like this other word or phrase and ask if your mentor would be willing to use words in sentences so that you can develop an understanding of their different meanings. - Don’t try to push beyond your means: Thinking about a phrase that you would like to tell you to mentor but you have no idea how to even begin phrasing it or even half the words you would use to make it. Stop. Don’t try pushing way beyond your current speaking level, you’ll just end up confusing everyone. If you don’t have the vocabulary yet, then you can’t say it till you have that vocabulary. If you don’t know the structure, then you need to practice using sentences of that nature. Once you get to the means where you can say that, you may find it’s not even a phrase that’s correct or will ever be said! There will be time to get to a higher level when with your mentor focus on the back and forth conversation and build your skills in that. It’s ok to reach, just don’t overreach and trip yourself up. - Laugh: If you and your mentor get in an open-ended conversation about the art of their culture, invest in it. If you say a word wrong and it’s funny, laugh. You’re building a relationship as well as a skill, make sure you’re enjoying your time with your mentor and it will make the lessons even more enjoyable. Relationship with my ISP: My goals in my ISP are very much connection based with one of the main goals I set for myself this time being: I will consistently hold meaningful conversations with a mix of simple and complex sentences over a variety of topics without the need to use a dictionary to constantly look up words. Thus, I wanted to work really hard to be able to ask and probe for understanding in Bahasa Melayu with others. So, my tip about asking in the language is a big important part of understanding my goal. I also have lots of reading and writing activities I do on a daily basis like writing a paragraph of Bahasa Melayu every day to gain proficiency in the daily vocabulary and reading my book Putra Gunung Tahan as well as a weekly topic to have discussion points with my mentor, that way I am able to practice explaining and answering questions that my mentor may have. This focuses on my speaking and pronunciation and works to being understood. I also use dialogues and drills which are more sharpening tools and dive deeper into the normal conversation and focus on vocabulary retension. These can take a more open-ended twist too if your mentor and you change the words (like in a buying and selling dialogues, changing what’s being sold) or continue the dialogues on. These work on my comprehension and pronunciation as well as my vocabulary and discerning appropriate responses to questions or phrases. These each can also branch into a discussion where I can go deeper with my mentor and focus on listening and asking questions much like my mentor did when I was describing my paragraphs or story. This really pushes towards the overall goal of meaningful understanding in language terms and more often than not, in cultural ones as well. And most importantly everything should be attempted all in Bahasa Melayu, I have people I meet with five days out of the week for at least an hour where we attempt to work in all Bahasa Melayu. Forcing yourself to use the language daily will contribute to your progress.
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These European standards have been adopted as international standards IEC 62278, IEC 62279, IEC 62425, so they are also relevant for non-European railways. An Independent Safety Assessor (ISA) must always be approved by the National Safety Authority (NSA); this is done in the Nordic countries on a case by case basis (i.e. for each individual assignment) and the approval is communicated to the customer rather than to the assessor. For all projects where SINTEF is or has been ISA, the responsible national safety authority - including non- European countries such as Australia, India and Malaysia - has explicitly approved the identified employees from SINTEF. Independent safety assessment is a third-party judgement that the safety requirements for a system and its development process are appropriate and adequate for the planned application and is fit for its intended use. A person who carries out independent safety assessment is known as an independent safety assessor or ISA. Note: In some industry sectors the term 'Functional Safety Assessor' is used for 'Safety Assessor'. Who uses Independent Safety Assessors? Anyone who needs or wants an independent assessment of safety. This includes: • To comply with a standard that requires an ISA • To be assured that a contractor's product is safe • To assure your customer that your product is safe • To assure yourself that your product is safe • To demonstrate to a regulator that your product is safe Because the safety assessment provided by the ISA is independent of existing safety analysis and assessment, it can provide confidence that safety claims are justified and that any weaknesses that are identified have been dealt with appropriately. In some situations, an ISA is mandatory. For instance, when carrying out work on safety critical systems for the railway industry. In some other cases, use of an ISA is good practice. For instance, IEC 61508 represents best practice for safety-related electrical/electronic/programmable electronic systems (E/E/PES). It requires the use of independent safety assessment (called functional safety assessment in the standard) where the degree of independence depends on the Safety Integrity Level of the system. As well as providing assurance of safety, using an ISA can help to focus safety planning and analyses. This can come about naturally by answering questions and providing safety information for the ISA. However, in addition, an ISA is often able to offer generic guidance that does not compromise independence, particularly in the early stages of a project. • According to CENELEC standards DIN EN 5012x • According to the Common Safety Method CSM (352/2009) • According to functional safety IEC 61508 • According to national rules and regulations
Teachers Day Essay, Shikshak Divas history, importance, Quotes, Shayari, Speech Teacher’s Day means the day of teachers, this is the day when students everywhere show respect to their teacher, giving him the respect he deserves. By the way, the teacher is not interested in any day to get respect, but due to having a special day, he gets some special respect on that day and the students also get to know the glory of their guru. Teacher’s Day Essay Outline teachers day essay in English:- |Key person||Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan| |When was it first celebrated||1962| What are teachers day As we all know that a strong building can be erected only on a solid foundation. In the same way, the teacher is the person who strengthens the foundation of the student and helps him to build a strong building of success in the future and makes him a successful person. Therefore, the teacher plays an important role in the life of every student, so its respect is very important. The student who does not respect his teacher is unaware of the importance of his teacher and regrets it in the future. importance of teachers day The tradition of respecting the Guru-shishya is very old in India. In the life of a student, his teacher is his future maker, people knew this from time immemorial. In our country, earlier students used to live and take education in the ashram, they had to work hard to get an education. The children of the great King Maharaja also lived in the ashram in difficult circumstances and used to get an education. Staying in the ashram, he used to serve his guru and also take education. The students used to spend a large part of their life in the service of the Guru in the ashram while receiving education. And after receiving the Guru’s education, the Guru used to take the desired Guru Dakshina from his disciples in the Guru’s initiation, and the disciples also used to do everything to give the Guru Diksha without his hesitation. There have been disciples like Eklavya and Aruni in our country, who had sacrificed everything on the orders of their guru and immortalized their name till birth after birth. But in today’s time, there has been a lot of change in the education system and the position of the gurus. Today the student gives the value of his education to the teacher in the form of money. Today, the respect of the teacher in the minds of the students was not the same. To maintain the importance of teachers in today’s era, it was very important to fix a day like Teacher’s Day, so that on this day all the students can know and respect the glory of their guru through various programs. When is Teacher’s Day celebrated? Although teachers are not interested in any day for respect, still in many countries a special day has been declared for the honor of teachers. Teacher’s Day in India is celebrated on 5 September, the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. In all the schools and colleges, this day is completely dedicated to the teachers. On this day, students express their respect for their teachers in different ways. In different countries, Teacher’s Day is celebrated on different dates, such as Teacher’s Day is celebrated on the first Tuesday of the first week of May in the US and Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 16 January in Thailand. In Iran, Teachers’ Day is celebrated on May 2, in Turkey on November 24, in Malaysia, on May 16, Teachers’ Day is celebrated. Teacher’s Day is celebrated in China on 10 September. Teacher’s Day started being celebrated in UNESCO after 1994 and this day is celebrated there on 5 October. Why teachers day is celebrated- Teacher’s Day in India is celebrated on 5th September, which is the birthday of Dr Sarvepalli Radha Krishnan. Dr. Radhakrishnan had a special inclination towards education, he believed that without education a person cannot reach his destination. He used to say that education is very important in a person’s life, a good teacher prepares him for the challenges of the future instead of sticking the facts in the mind of the student. Dr. Saheb himself gave important 40 years of his life in the field of education and prepared many students for the future. Later he became the Vice President of independent India and then the President. Seeing Dr. Radhakrishnan’s tendency towards education, his birthday was declared as Teacher’s Day in India. This is the biggest honor of the people of the country for the contribution made by him and in the field of education. How teachers day is celebrated Teacher’s Day means Teacher’s Day, on this day various programs are organized in the honor of teachers in various schools and colleges. On this day there are holidays of educational institutions, and various programs are organized by the students in the schools in honor of the teachers, they give various gifts to their teachers. Although the relationship of Guru-disciple shares a discipline and respect, but on this day, by removing the difference between them, the disciple sells every emotion of his mind in respect of his teacher and makes his teacher feel special. Internationally, Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 5 October, in the year 1966 an international conference was organized on this day. Teaching in Freedom Treaty was signed in this conference, through this treaty the rules related to the rights of teachers, their responsibility, the rules of teaching their learning were considered. In 1977, a conference was held again in which UNESCO considered the situation of teachers associated with higher education. This day is celebrated by UNESCO every year to encourage teaching. Couplets and their meanings on Teacher’s Day:- Our great poets have also described the glory of the Guru, some popular couplets based on the Guru and their meanings are as follows:- GURU GOBIND DOU KHADE, KAKE LAGOON PAYE. BALIHARI GURU AAPNE, GOVIND DIYO MILAY. Meaning – In this popular couplet, the great poet Kabir Das ji says that when both the Guru and God are standing in front of you, then whom will you bow first to? It is the Guru who paves the way for you to reach God, that is, the Guru is great and you should worship your Guru first. THE FATHER GIVES BIRTH TO MERE, RAW SOIL. WITH THE CRAFTS OF THE MASTERS, THE CLAY BECOMES AN IDOL. Meaning:- In this couplet, the poet says that when the father gives birth to a child and brings him into existence, he is like raw soil, that is, he is not aware of any merits and defects in the path of life. After that when he comes in contact with his guru, the teacher sculpts his qualities and prepares him like an idol so that he can make his future and live his life in the society. WET SOIL IS UNKEMPT, KNOW US GURUVAR, ILLUMINATE THE KNOWLEDGE, YOU ARE CAPABLE AND STRONG. Meaning:- In this couplet, the poet says that O Guru, you prepare us for the future by knowing us like raw soil. You are the only person who can ignite the lamp of knowledge in us by imagining our merits and demerits. WITHOUT GURU THERE IS NO KNOWLEDGE, WITHOUT GURU, DIRECTION IS UNKNOWN, WITHOUT GURU, WITHOUT SENSES, THERE IS NO GROWTH, WITHOUT GURU THERE IS NO INCREASE OR GLORY. Meaning:- In this couplet, the poet says that it is difficult to get knowledge without a guru, without a guru the disciple cannot even get the knowledge of his direction. Without Guru, it is also difficult for the student to control his senses and without all these he has no place in the society. THE DISCIPLE IS THE ONE WHO LEARNS, THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE GURU IS UNBOUNDED , THE DEVOTION IS KEPT IN THE MIND, AND WALKS UNHINDERED. Meaning:- In this couplet, the poet says that the disciple is the one who acquires the knowledge given by the guru within himself and keeps moving forward on his path of action by keeping faith in his mind for his guru. Speech on Teacher’s Day:- Speech is the thoughts of a particular person’s mind and his knowledge in a particular subject. If you give a speech written by someone, it will not be as attractive as if you can make it by sharing your own thoughts with your audience. For your convenience, here we make the outline of your speech. For example, when you come to the stage for your speech, first of all, the president of the program, then the chief guest and then all the guests on the stage should congratulate. Then because this speech is on the occasion of Teacher’s Day, then you should also congratulate all your teachers, then you have to congratulate your listeners also. Now you should further write the role of your speech that why this day is celebrated, how it is celebrated. Introduce the special person in whose memory it is celebrated and count their achievements. After this, you can attract the attention of the audience with your own poem or any other composition. Now you can talk about your favorite teacher and share your thoughts with him. If you tell about the changes brought by the Guru in your life from some incident with you, then you will be able to bind yourself with the audience. In this way, in the end, you should thank everyone and apologize for your mistakes and take your place. But when you are on the stage for the speech, do not be afraid, when you put your words in the audience with full enthusiasm and courage without fear, then your speech looks more attractive. Like every year, this year also you will organize Teacher’s Day in your institution. So on this occasion you can also give flowers and gifts to your guru to show your respect to him. If you want to do something special and you are not able to give speech by standing on stage then you can also give your thoughts to them through written message it will be your most special gift for your teacher. Your teacher will be happy with this special gift given by you, but it will be the best guru initiation of his life for him, which he will always be able to preserve and honor himself as a guru with his future generations. will be able to share. Teachers day precious words ( Quotes ) – TWO QUALITIES ARE INHERENT IN A TEACHER – ONE WHO MAKES YOU A PERFECT PERSON BY INTIMIDATING YOU AND BINDING YOU TO THE RULES AND THE OTHER WHO LEAVES YOU IN THE OPEN AND PAVES YOU THE WAY. IN TODAY’S TIME OF COMPETITION, YOUR OPPONENT IS YOUR BEST TEACHER. THOSE WHO FAIL AND FALL DOWN ARE ACTUALLY EDUCATED BECAUSE WHEN THEY MAKE THEIR WAY BACK THEY DO NOT HAVE INNER FEAR. TO INTRODUCE A DISCIPLE TO HIS REAL QUALITIES AND DEMERITS IS THE ONLY INTRODUCTION OF A TRUE TEACHER. THE ROLE OF A TEACHER IS DEFINITELY IN THE FOUNDATION OF EVERYONE’S SUCCESS. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO REACH ANY HEIGHT WITHOUT INSPIRATION. WE ARE INDEBTED TO OUR PARENTS FOR OUR LIFE BUT WE ARE INDEBTED TO A TEACHER FOR A GOOD PERSONALITY. EVERY MOMENT OF TIME TEACHES, IN FACT TIME AND EXPERIENCE ARE OUR NATURAL TEACHERS. A SUCCESSFUL TEACHER IS ONE WHO HAS TOLERANCE AND POSITIVITY. MOTHER IS THE REAL TEACHER OF LIFE BECAUSE SHE GIVES US COMPASSION AND RESPECT. THESE FEELINGS DEVELOP THE ART OF LEARNING. TEACHERS THEMSELVES NEVER REACH HEIGHTS, BUT TEACHERS MAKE THOSE WHO REACH HEIGHTS. PARENTS AND TEACHERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING A GREAT COUNTRY GREAT. A TEACHER GIVES BOOKISH KNOWLEDGE, ONE EXPLAINS YOU THE DETAIL, ONE SHOWS YOU THE WORK AND ONE SHOWS YOU THE WAY AND LEAVES YOU TO FOLLOW IT SO THAT YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN INDEPENDENT PERSONALITY. THIS LAST QUALITY TEACHER ALWAYS STAYS WITHIN YOU AS AN INSPIRATION, WHO TAKES CARE OF YOU IN EVERY SITUATION, ENCOURAGES YOU. When is Teacher’s Day celebrated in different countries of the world – |Australia||last friday of october| |Sri Lanka||6 October| |USA||National Teacher’s Week is celebrated in the first week of May.| WhatsApp message on teachers day – - Only a teacher can bring it out of the darkness. - A teacher scares you but goodness is hidden in it. - The personality of the teacher is like that of a Shri Phal. - Being a teacher is the biggest responsibility. Only education can make a man a patriot or a terrorist. - The name of a school should not be from good students but teachers with great personalities. - The teacher has the art that can turn clay into gold. - The teacher has the art that can turn clay into gold Shayari on teachers day – THE PATH OF LIFE IS DIFFICULT, THE IDEA OF TRUTH IS DIFFICULT, BUT THE ONE WHO TEACHES THE TRUTH IN ANY CASE IS CALLED A SUCCESSFUL TEACHER. IT IS NOT IN A FEW WORDS THAT THEY ARE EQUAL TO GOD, WHOSE BODY IS LIKE A GURU AND BOWING DOWN TO SUCH A GURU. THE TEACHER IS THE IMAGE OF A LAMP, THE ONE BURNS, DOES NOT KEEP THE SUN TO OTHERS, HE HAS NO DESIRE, ONLY THE SUCCESS OF THE DISCIPLE IS THE FIGHT OF HAPPINESS. IN THE HARSH SUNLIGHT, THE SHADE OF A TREE IS SUCH THAT THERE IS NO ILLUSION OF KNOWLEDGE OF THEIR KNOWLEDGE, YET THERE IS A PRICELESS BOND OF LIFE. IN THE CROWD, ONLY A GURU SHOULD SHOW HIMSELF, THE ONE WHO GIVES THE DREAM OF LIFE AT EVERY LIFE ENVIRONMENT DECORATED WITH THE GURU ITSELF. NOT WANT WORDS OF PRAISE, NOR DOES HE GET HIS WORSHIP WITH EXPENSIVE GIFTS, ONLY WHEN SOULFUL PEACE SPREADS, THE DISCIPLE’S REVOLUTION IN THE WORLD SUCCESSFUL LIFE ADORNS WHAT YOU GET FROM DREAMS, WITH THE KNOCK OF A GURU, LIFE SHINES LIKE THE WHEN A TRUE GURU MEETS WITH HIM . WITHOUT A GURU, LIFE WOULD HAVE BEEN ON THE HEAD, ONLY WHEN THE HAND OF THE GURU MAKES THE RIGHT SHAPE OF LIFE, THE GURU IS THE BASIS OF SUCCESSFUL LIFE. EVERYTHING BECOMES EASY WHEN A TRUE TEACHER IS AVAILABLE, THEN NO MATTER HOW MANY UPS AND DOWNS IN LIFE COME, THE STAGNATION IS FOUND ONLY AT THE FEET OF THE TEACHER. AS MUCH AS LIFE IS DECORATED WITH THE LOVE OF PARENTS, IT SMELLS AS MUCH AS WITH THE BLESSINGS OF THE GURU , THE NUMBER OF PARENTS IN THE WELFARE OF SOCIETY, THE MORE SPECIAL THE COUNTRY IS DUE TO THE GURU. Verse on teacher with meaning – GURUR BRAHMA GURUR VISHNU, GURU DEVO MAHESHWARA, GURU SAKSHAT PARABRAHMA, TASMAI SRI GURUVE NAMAH Meaning – Guru is Brahma, Vishnu is Shiva, Guru is everything, so first of all bow to Guru. Answer – World Teachers Day is celebrated on 5 October, on this day 21 countries of the world celebrate it with great pomp. Answer – On February 28, 11 countries of the world celebrate Teachers Day. Answer – September 5 every year Answer – 1962 Answer – Congress Party Answer – Although Guru has a lot of importance in India, for which Guru Purnima is considered, in 1962, honoring the former President of the country, who was a great teacher, his birthday was started as Teacher’s Day, so on this day India Teacher’s Day is celebrated
11 September 2019 Written by Matthew(STAY AT HOME DAD) Hello. This is Matthew, Part-Time Worker of MY Consulting Support. Today I’d like to share information about the taxi industry in Japan which I have been researching. In recent years, the number of foreigners visiting Japan has increased. Then the taxi industry seems to be increasing in demand. I often use taxis for work, and at that time I always ask the taxi driver about the usage rate and purpose of foreigners. This time, it is about Kawagoe City, where is called “Koedo” and is a famous sightseeing spot in Saitama Prefecture. You will find lots of sightseeing spots such as warehousing street, Penny Candy alley “Toki no Kane”, a symbol of Kawagoe and “Hikawa Shrine” which is said to bring romance to the person who visits and pray. Kita-in is also a significant tourist hotspot where it is said “Tokugawa Iemitsu” was born! Many foreign tourists visit Kawagoe City every day. However, they are not familiar with the city and the map and smart phone are essential for them to see all the great sights. For example, there are many people who want to go to Hikawa Shrine but don’t know which bus to take. Therefore, it seems that the number of people use taxis. As such, here are some responses I received by interviewing taxi drivers, in Kawagoe: ♦About Nationality …There are overwhelmingly many tourists from Asian countries such as China, Korea, Philippines, Malaysia, etc. Tourists from the United States and Europe are rarely on board. ♦About Travel distance…In the evening, tourists may get to the hotel where they are staying after dinner time. And there are also many long-distance trips from hotels to airports. ♦About Sightseeing…Tourist may rent a taxi for a day and the taxi drivers take them to a sightseeing spot all around the city. ♦and others Purpose of visiting Japan besides sightseeing…Many overseas businessmen come to Japan on business trips. Taxis are frequently used for the purpose of moving to a client, sales activity, or returning home, and those passengers are mostly from Europe and America. The number of taxi drivers who can speak English is increasing and will probably continue to increase for the coming Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics. So, please consider Taxi as one of your transport options when visiting Japan😊 ☆Please check out Matthew’s blog too☆
Elections have consequences. Your property taxes are the result of local elections. This is where your property taxes went this past year (rounded): School District 67% Park District 6% Kane County 4% Forest Preserve 2% Township Road .5% The School Board intends to keep raising your taxes the maximum amount allowed by law every year: by the Consumer Price Index (inflation) or 5%, whichever is less. Even as enrollment is declining, the School Board plans to increase your taxes. You can read the enrollment projections at https://www.bps101.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/FY22-Enrollment-Projection.pdf and financial projections at https://www.bps101.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/2022-Financial-Forecast.pdf. Quality education does not require raising taxes every year. Right now, there are 4 candidates for 4 School Board seats, including 2 incumbents (Meadows and Locke). Candidate list at https://kaneapplications.countyofkane.org/ElectionWebsite/en-us/Candidates/List/21/NP). These 4 seats represent a majority that will hold over the next 4 years. If you want to make a change, now is the time. Run for election. The School Board meets typically once a month, on a Tuesday night, with occasional special meetings as need be. 50 signatures are required for candidates. Candidate packet can be found here: https://www.kanecountyclerk.org/Elections/Documents/School%20Board%20Members%202021.pdf Filing deadline is 5:00pm Monday (12/21) at the Kane County Clerk’s office in Geneva. Are you happy with the City Council? Are you being informed what is going on by your elected representatives? Do you like the direction the City is going? While past actions may be fixed, future decisions are not. There are 7 Wards in Batavia, 2 aldermen per ward, half (+ 1 half term) up for election in 2021. Find your ward here: https://www.cityofbatavia.net/233/City-Council-Committee-of-the-Whole. These were the candidates I heard had filed last week (* denotes incumbent): *Jennifer Baerren—Ward 1 (4-year) Christopher Solfa—Ward 1 (2-year) Leah Leman—Ward 2 *Tony Malay—Ward 4 *Mark Uher—Ward 5 Sarah Vogelsinger—Ward 7 City Council members meet 1st & 3rd Mondays, for which they get paid $200/meeting. They also meet every Tuesday for the Committee of the Whole. Candidate signature requirements in all but Ward 5 are 20 or less (Ward 5 is 28). Candidate packet with more info can be found at https://www.cityofbatavia.net/DocumentCenter/View/4785/2021-Candidate-Packet?bidId= Filing deadline is 5:00pm Monday (12/21) at Batavia City Hall. Other branches of government up for election in April:
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Apple Pay is encouraging people to leave their credit cards in their wallets and pay for goods in stores using an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus now, or an Apple Watch in the future. According to Tim Cook’s recent comments, more than 1 million cards have already been activated on Apple Pay in the first three days. On the other hand, the MCX group of retailers that includes big brands such as Walmart, Best Buy, Gap, CVS, and others, are working on a different wireless payments solution that doesn’t even need credit cards or NFC, and thus is not supporting Apple Pay. Regardless whether you like Apple Pay, or any other alternative, it’s clear that credit cards won’t go away anytime soon, and credit card killer Plastc has just proved that. The company on Tuesday announced it raised $5.2 million in Plastc Card’s first week of preorders — given that card retails at $155, this means the company has sold well over 33,000 units already. The smart Plastc Card will be released at some point next summer, when buyers will be able to use it to hold all their credit cards in one place and make payments everywhere regular credit cards are accepted. The Plastc Card saw huge interest in many countries, the company says, including the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and Malaysia, suggesting that people are very much interested in smart payment solutions, even if that doesn’t necessarily mean using a smartphone for buying stuff in stores. “The growing worldwide demand for Plastc Card illustrates the real need people have to bridge the physical and digital wallet,” Plastc co-founder and COO Ryan Marquis said. “Our intuition was correct, based on our customers’ feedback and the preorders we have received so far.“ A closer look at how Plastic works and what it has to offer is available at this link, with Plastc’s full press release following below. Plastc Hits Record High The First Week of Pre-Order Campaign Selling over $5.2 Million Dollars in Plastc Cards Global Adoption Continues to Grow for the Intelligently Designed and Secure Digital Card PALO ALTO, CALIF. October 28, 2014 Plastc creator of the Plastc Card, the most intelligently-designed, secure digital card ever invented, announced today the success of its preorder campaign. In the first week of launch, Plastc sold over $5.2 million dollars of Plastc Cards to people worldwide looking for a simple and elegant way to store their many credit & debit cards, loyalty and gift cards, access cards and more in a single, minimalist card. The Plastc Card retails for USD $155 and is available for pre-order on http://www.plastc.com. Plastc will ship its first Plastc Cards in Summer 2015. “The growing worldwide demand for Plastc Card illustrates the real need people have to bridge the physical and digital wallet,” said Ryan Marquis, chief operating officer and co-founder of Plastc. “Our intuition was correct, based on our customers’ feedback and the preorders we have received so far.“ In addition to huge pre-orders from the U.S., the company also witnessed strong preorder sales in top international markets, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and Malaysia. Plastc Card’s robust technology features include: • Plastc Card comes with an E-Ink ink Touchscreen, a proprietary wafer thin digital display using the technology that shows your name, credit card, barcodes and much more. • The Rewritable magnetic strip enables the behavior of the card to change depending on which card you select. • Plastc Card will ship with Chip and PIN hardware which means that it will work globally after a Plastc firmware update in late 2015. • Rewriteable NFC/RFID technology that lets Plastc Card mimic any RFID access cards. • Low energy Bluetooth (BLE) is included within Plastc Card for connecting with the accompanying Wallet app. • If your Card is left behind or away from your phone for a predetermined amount of time, Plastc Card will remote wipe your data to prevent fraudulent activity. • Return Me Mode helps your card find its way back to you by displaying a message on the e-ink screen when it’s lost. • Built in flash memory allows for you to store up to 20 cards at once. • Plastc Card will display your photo ID and signature on the E-Ink touch screen so you are giving additional forms of identification to the retailer. • 30-Day Battery Life + Wireless Charging you will experience about 30 days of battery life. • A built in light sensor detects when Plastc Card is in or out of your wallet, allowing Plastc Card to save battery life and only display information while in use. “We are inspired by all of our Plastc fans out there. We didn’t fully expect the volumes of pre-orders that we’re seeing on a daily basis. We are fully committed to delivering on our promise of producing the industry’s most intelligent, secure digital card ever invented, and are looking forward to getting the Plastc Card to market,” stated Marquis. Fast Facts on Plastc Pre-Order Plastc experienced a number of additional notable milestones for its launch in the first week of launch including: • Plastc’s video saw over 1.3 million views and continues to rise • Top buyers of Plastc Card were early adopters, ranging in age of 25-34 years of age • 45.8% of preorder sales came from female buyers, while 55.2% were male • U.S. cities where people ordered the most include New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and Seattle Plastc’s Refer a Friend Program On top of Plastc Card’s tremendous growth numbers, Plastc’s referral campaign has also led to success. At launch, Plastc introduced a give $20 get $20 referral program. Those that pre-order Plastc Card will have the option to refer as many friends and family to purchase Plastc Card as well, and for each person that accepts the offer the original purchaser will receive a $20 Amazon gift card at the time of shipping, and the referred will receive $20 off the purchase of their Plastc Card. There is no limit to the referral program at this point. For additional details please see http://www.plastc.com/share. Plastc (www.plastc.com) is a Fin Tech company focused on designing innovative products that improve the lives of everyday people. Plastc Card is the most intelligently designed, full-featured, and secure payment device on the market. In conjunction with the Plastc Wallet app, the Plastc Card can store credit, debit, gift, loyalty, membership, and even access cards on a single device. Each Plastc Card is equipped with a secure PIN lock, proximity alerts, and a unique ‘Return Me’ mode, making it more secure than both traditional credit cards and other payment technologies. Plastc was founded by entrepreneurs and technologists Ryan Marquis and Mark Stubbs in 2012 and is based in Palo Alto, California. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
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Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by arcticstoat, 20 Dec 2010. Awaiting the code to disable the CPU to be leaked in 3, 2, 1.... Seriously though, it's a good idea, albeit one that throws up a huge amount of questions regarding possible malicious use of this feature. I can already see LAN parties where a competitor simply disables other gamers' PCs to gain the upper hand at SC2.. umm how does this stop someone browseing your HDD (or perhaps more importantly one of the governments Lackeys harddrives that is more important imho All vPro systems have a TPM, which Windows can use to encrypt the hard drive with BitLocker. Plus I believe there's another technology to lock the hard drive to the motherboard. I ain't ever letting this tech anywhere near my server rack. Screw data theft, I'm more worried about a permanent denial of service (PDoS?) attack that needs CPU replacements to fix. I'm not even sure it's a good idea for desktop stuff that might get stolen. let alone laptops. Makes a nice attack vector that shuts down an entire company office for a few days when deployed right. Or you're sitting in a coffee shop using WiFi and next thing you know you're staring at a brick with keys on it. In the NHS we used Safeboot to do almost exactly the same thing without it being at the hardware level so you could do something about it if it kicks in inappropriately. worst idea ever its a good idea in the sense that it buys you more time but once the cpu is dead your hard drive is wide open for anyone to enter. besides, i'd rather put a tracking system on the laptop and have the possibility of getting it back. since intel cpus are so expensive (and their corporate CPUs are ridiculously expensive), i wouldn't like to kill my cpu and buy a new one if i were to ever get it back. Its just another exploitable dumb idea for attacks by people who want to screw up other people's computers for a lol. Just no. If it works, great! Have people seen this? A shop in Malaysia has put some Sandy Bridge on sale! "The high end Core i7 clocks in at 3.4GHz and will set you back 939 Malaysian ringgits (RM) or about £190. This is followed by 609RM (£125) for the 3.1GHz 2400, and 585RM (£120) for the 2.8GHz 2300. " okay so they disable the computer then what? Im sure a person looking at it from information stand point will just yank the hdd and start nabbing the info that way. Seems a bit pointless, not to mention the risk of non IT guys doing this for fun to peoples systems. I'm assuming that the HDDs will be encrypted somehow. What i'm curious about is the method with which this remote panel can communicate the disable command to the laptop, for example if it's not connected to the internet. lol, im never going to buy anything with a sandy-bridge chip in it this would make an amusing virus, seriously though how hard would it be to create a virus that auto destroys these chips Sounds like a "feature" - in the same way that DRM is... if this tech shows up in consumer chips, Intel can kiss my business goodbye! +1 to the CPU-virus-locking-idea So how long before a virus is developed for it? Normally it takes them about a week to crack the DRM for a game. Since this is a bit more hardware based I would say two weeks? Three at the top. What if someone steals the anti theft technonolgy and kills your computer? I don't tust this from intel. Sounds like we could see a return to the days of holding computers for ransom with a virus. Besides which, what's the keep the thief from switching out the processor before starting in on the data. From a data theft point of view, especially in the corporate world, you're looking at some pretty serious and capable professional hackers. Separate names with a comma.
I read three pieces of really bad news for Najib. As I once explained to a sweetie (who incidentally no longer loves me, sob!), good things come in 'threes', and not from 'trees' as she had believed. These are of course ‘good things’ for Pakatan, but bad news to a very tired Najib who was forced to take up residence in Sarawak during the last 10 days of hectic election campaigning, thanks to his campaign director, Muhyiddin wakakaka. The first goodie is Lim Kit Siang’s call today for DAP and SNAP to merge. It’s a brilliant idea because the merger will allow a debilitated SNAP to enjoy DAP support, organizational powers and discipline approach to election campaigning. For example, DAP had prepared for the Sarawak state elections months and months ahead, unlike Azmin Ali’s PKR which thought waltzing in to make a grand entrance at the last moment, coupled with a preemptive stake claim of 52 seats, was adequate for the Wunder Party under the presidential campaign direction of Anwar’s Wunderkind (Wonder Child). Even the DAP mascot of the Ubah hornbill was carefully selected eons ago, with orders for its production in China obviously made well ahead of the election. Training its candidates and members for the campaign was part of its attention to details, which proved vital to its success. The DAP brand is today a recognized symbol of political courage, resoluteness and justice which many Sarawakians have come to view with confidence. It would greatly benefit SNAP if their leaders are prepared to make use of it. Even PAS which didn't win any seats realized in their post-mortem they should have made known to the Sarawakians that a vote for PAS was equivalent to a vote for DAP - they were informed by their supporters that many Saawakians voting in their constituencies didn't recognize the 'moon' party symbol but were looking instead for the 'rocket' (which of course was not there on the ballot paper). In turn, DAP will of course enjoy SNAP's historical connection with the Sarawak heartland, which will help accelerate its presence among the Ibans and other native groups. I'm delighted that Lim KS has stretched out the DAP's hands to SNAP. It’s a win-win situation for both parties, but which will send a chill down Najib’s spine. I’m particularly sympathetic to SNAP and the Ibans, so here’s an agi idup agi ngelaban to the SNAP members. The second goodie but again an unpleasant piece of news for poor Najib is contained in the erudite analysis of the election by Malaysiakini correspondent Bridget Welsh. In her article The myths of S'wak polls results, Welsh dismissed the outrageous nonsense by Dr Mahathir of a Chinese racist ‘revolt’ via the ballot box. According to her, there had been significant, in fact quite earth-shaking swings across the ethnic divides to Pakatan, notably in the Bidayuh and Orang-Ulu majority constituencies. The swings were (rounded up) 20%, 15% and 13.5% respectively in the semi-rural, rural and urban constituencies, thus indicating a far greater swing in the so-called BN heartland than in the urban (Chinese-majority) constituencies. Eat that, Tun. Thus Welsh assessed that: “The 'safe' seats in the urban periphery are no longer 'safe'. The change in voting pattern reflected not just Chinese support for Pakatan, but Iban and Bidayuh support as well. In fact, what is especially interesting is that the movement in support in rural areas is more than the share in urban areas (although it is important to note that the urban areas have more voters)." She said the only reason why Pakatan didn’t win more semi-rural seats despite the 20% swing towards them was due to the minuscule support for Pakatan prior to 2011, where it required a 40% swing for the opposition to win. But the 20% swing is still significant in any language, Iban, Malay or Chinese. The frightening outlook for Najib is that the seismic shift has already started. The general election in (latest by) 2013 may see realization of the full effect of a continuing swing towards Pakatan. I believe that both halo and bandwagon effect will help. She also offered an ominous warning to the BN, stating: "More than anything, these findings point illustrate how much the 'fixed deposit' is no longer secure. Semi-rural and rural cracks in BN support are part of the new Sarawak, a more competitive polity that has become increasingly receptive to a stronger two-party system and critical of BN governance, especially in the areas of corruption." Welsh noticed the swing to be greatest among the youth of Sarawak, the growing segment of voters for the future. There'll be more of these 18-year olds by 2013. I wonder whether this observation has triggered Najib’s hastily cobbled together 1Malaysia free email offer to the youth? So no matter what Dr Mahathir has spun sinisterly on his blog, perhaps to re-marshal his pack or to vent his personal frustration at the Chinese Sarawakians or DAP, the facts on the Sarawak ground tells a different story, an unpleasant one which no doubt must have shaken Najib enormously. Finally, the third goodie for Pakatan has been an assessment by local political pundits that everyone's bête noire, Datuk Peh Mor has no intention to leave at all. Indeed, as Sakmongkol opined as a correspondent (under his real name, Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz) in a Free Malaysia Today article Najib’s hurdles after Sarawak, why should/would Taib leave? After all, didn't his PBB won all 35 seats contested? And ironically, in this solid PBB's win lies the humongous headache for Najib. Sak revealed a possible conspiracy theory that Putrajaya was going to replace Taib with a bloke by the name of Sallah Jaffaradin who unfortunately (or fortunately for Pakatan) was knocked out in the election by a triumphant Taib. That could explained Taib’s obscenely hasty swearing in as he must have feared a Putrajaya’s coup d’etat. Sak then posed this illuminating query: "Now you tell me! Will a person who rushed his own swearing in as CM, indicating that he wants to stay put, go off in two to three years? The problem now stays with the BN chairman Najib. He has promised the people of Sarawak that Taib will go off soon. On the contrary, Taib is sending signals that he plans to stay put for as long as he wants to. He leaves on his terms and conditions, not on BN’s or Umno’s or the PM’s." As I had posted earlier, Taib’s insistence on staying on will be a boon to Pakatan as he represents a central symbol of hate for the Sarawakians and thus a humongous item of motivation for voters in that State to swing even more to Pakatan. Good things come in threes, wakakaka. P/S - By the by, PAS should not give up. Bridget Welsh analysed that the Islamic Party had made some inroads in swaying the Sarawakians away from BN. Just remember, DAP took more than 30 years to achieve the recent level of success. 'Twas all hard work, and lots of heartbreaks, but the break-through has been worthwhile. DAP has laid grounds for a combined DAP/SNAP, PKR and PAS success in the next election.
YB Dato’ Seri Kong Cho Ha Minister Of Housing And Local Government YB Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui Minister Of Energy, Green Technology & Water YBhg Dato’ Ahmad Fuad Ismail Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur YBhg Dato’ Fd Iskandar Rehda 39th Anniversary Dinner YBhg Datuk Ng Seing Liong YBhg Dato’ Jeffrey Ng Tiong Lip Rehda Immediate Past President Rehda Patrons And National Council Members Ladies and Gentlemen, First and foremost I would like to express my congratulations to the Real Estate and Housing Developer’s Association of Malaysia on the occasion of REHDA’s Malaysia 39th Anniversary. The Association has certainly come a long way from its inception nearly four decades ago. Today REDHA is a key partner of the Malaysian government in the quest of making Malaysia a home owning democracy. I would like to thank all committee members of REHDA Malaysia, both past and present for their contributions to the nation. Ladies and Gentlemen, The housing and property market as all other sectors of the economy has had its shares of ups and downs. At this time last year the sector was riding high on the momentum from the first two quarters of the year but today we are faced with the reality of the deepest downturn in the global economy since the depression era. The Government takes cognizance that the housing sector is indeed a key industry in generating domestic demand, more so in an economic downturn, as proven in past experiences. It is on this basis that the Government has provided numerous incentives to the industry to help shore up the economy. Among others, a total of RM400 million had been allocated in the two stimulus packages to build some 13,000 “rumah mesra rakyat”. In addition, the Government has also allowed for tax relief on housing loan interest of up to RM10, 000 for three years in the 2009 Budget to stimulate the industry and ease buyers’ burden. The Government welcomes REHDA’s feedback on the progress and effectiveness of these two packages. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Government had set into motion various initiatives to transform the Malaysian economy from an upper middle-income developing economy into a high income developed economy within a decade. The sustained development and growth of the housing industry is indeed critical towards realising this objective. This is centred on the fact that the housing industry is people-centric, utilizes substantive local content and by virtue of it having a high multiplier effect given its cross-linkages to some 140 related industries. Whilst we have in the last four decades, made great strides in enhancing the living standards of Malaysians by developing a first class infrastructure, we certainly need to do more to ensure a more sustainable and progressive future. Towards this goal, we need the full co-operation and commitment of the private sector our partners in nation building. Ladies and Gentlemen Our challenge as a nation is to realise a better and more prosperous future for all Malaysians. Thus far Malaysia has made the transformation from an agriculture economy to an industrial economy. Along the way we have managed to increase the living standards of millions of Malaysians bringing them out from the depth of poverty and hopelessness into the ranks of the middle class and within the embrace of the Malaysian dream. This is only the first phase of our development stage; my administration is committed towards a better future for all Malaysians, a future of plenty, of full employment, of high wages and a quality of life equal to that of a developed nation. In order to move forward to the next level Malaysians need to shed dogmatically and rigidly held assumptions and beliefs whilst wholeheartedly embracing reform and change. It is said that the definition of insanity is doing things the same way over and over again while expecting different results. Let us not fall into this abyss. Our only way forward as a nation is to embrace a new economic model based on creativity, innovation and high value. It is a national imperative to shift our reliance and dependence on semi skilled and low cost labour to a high tech manufacturing and modern services sector staffed by skilled and knowledge workers. The housing and property sector must embrace and strategically position the industry to thrive in this new economic model. Granted such a change in direction cannot happen overnight as it requires fundamental changes and above all a mindset overhaul. The government will continue to provide the necessary, conducive environment to facilitate this quantum leap. The recent deregulation of the Foreign Investment Committee (FIC) Guidelines bears testimony to the Government’s commitments to make the necessary changes required to ensure pragmatic and practical policies are adopted to support the country’s sustained growth and position it competitively. Ladies and gentlemen, The country’s private housing sector is unique in many ways. It is about the only industry that is not a pure economic venture but also bears the responsibility of fulfilling the nation’s social reengineering agenda. Through its low cost, low medium cost and medium cost housing policies, as well as Bumiputera quota and discounts, the industry has played a very crucial part in meeting not only the rakyat’s homeownership aspirations but also playing a socio economic role. I thank the industry for its perseverance and commitment throughout the years and the support that you have lent to the public sector. Let me assure you again that we hear your cries loud and clear and the Government, through its Economic Planning Unit, is studying the most feasible and sustainable model for the country’s social housing goals where the lower income group is assured of continuous access to quality and affordable homeownership with proper facilities and amenities. It is timely that the Government looks into a total revamp of the current system and comes up with a new winning formula for all parties involved so that the social agenda continues to be realised in tandem with the growth and progress of the private sector. In regard to the woes concerning the release mechanism of unsold Bumiputera quotas which have plagued the industry for many years I would like to urge the relevant State Authorities to study this problem objectively so that a long term solution can be found. Whilst the Government stands firm on the issue of social justice, it is in cognizant that holding on to Bumiputera quota units where the demand is lacking is proving to be problematic for developers. Certainly it is not the Government’s intent to burden the industry unnecessarily and an expedient resolution to the problem will help the industry move forward and promote further re-investment for the benefit of the economy. As a responsive Government, we welcome consultations with the private sector, particularly REHDA, in finding comprehensive solutions to various long-standing issues and challenges faced by the industry. In this regard, we welcome proposals for improvement that could facilitate the industry in embracing the new economic model as well as specific proposals to boost demand and market activities in these trying times so that Malaysians can continue to afford better living environment. That being said the industry on its part must continue to carry out its role of providing affordable and quality housing for the nation in an efficient and effective manner. In today’s challenging environment, let us not only look at addressing short-term vulnerabilities but also long term competitiveness of the industry and the economy. In supporting this strategy, research and development, creativity, innovation and the adoption of new technologies will need to be the new industry buzzwords. The industry needs to develop new products and concepts that bring added value to the nation in a more efficient, sustainable and highly economic manner. The importance of training and improvement of human skills cannot be over emphasized and I am pleased to note that REHDA had taken steps in the right direction in providing training to the industry through its education arm, REHDA Institute. Ladies and Gentlemen, On this note, I take this opportunity to congratulate REHDA again on the occasion of its 39th Anniversary. The major part of today’s built environment is attributed to members of REHDA, and the 4 million units of houses built for the rakyat over the last thirty nine years is in itself a major milestone worthy of celebration. Nevertheless, let us all remember that there are still lots of work to be done, lots of quality housing to be built, so I wish all of you every success in housing the nation for many years to come.
(originally posted at ThinkLeft.Net) What is your name, age and profession? Kesavan, 27. I am an activist at Pemuda Sosialis (organising a rural student group at Perak) and still studying at UPM. What drew you to PSM? When did you join the party? At first I was interested in the Socialist Youth free education campaign. The mission and ideology of PSM that tries to create a system that does not discriminate and which upholds equality is the second thing that attracted me. Then my seeking for a solution for poverty eradication led me to choose an activist party, which PSM is. After I finished my STPM, I joined PSM. Why do you think socialism has such a negative reputation among so many people around the world? What do you say to those who discourage you? Fake propaganda and news are the major reason. Because mainstream media is hugely funded and operated by America and by capitalist countries. But the majority of society wants equality and brotherhood in society, which is the basis of socialism. Moreover in countries like Bolivia and Venezuela, people are electing socialist governments again to be their government because of the good people-oriented policy and programmes that were successfully implemented there. Cuba, the socialist country is the no1 country in public health and education sectors. How familiar are you with Malaysia’s left wing history? Are there particular leaders you admire? I know about the contribution of the left movements such as PMFTU, KMM, MPAJA, PKM, API and AWAS in the struggle for independence of Malaya. My inspiration is Ahmad Boestamam and Samsiah Fakeh. Is there any frustration you feel over PSM’s size and impact? Since Dr Jeyakumar and other candidates were soundly defeated in GE14, has the party been reduced to mosquito status? There are some disappointments with election results. But the party won many struggles and successfully conducted many campaigns. For example the minimum wage campaign and employee insurance scheme were two of PSM’s major campaigns since the 90s. However the party has a lack of publicity because of low media coverage and financial issues. This is one of the reasons the party is not growing as fast as other parties. Also all the activists in the party are busy focusing on peoples’ struggles rather than recruiting new members. Do you see any differences between BN and PH rule? Not much difference. Both are advocating neoliberal policies that suppress workers ’rights and livelihood. What can be done to broaden PSM’s appeal, particularly among young people and non-Indians? Our youth wing (Socialist Youth) is getting more and more non-Indian members now. We are very different in terms of ethnicity now. So we think we should continue our good work. At the same time we must continue to reach more youths. The party should also conduct more discussions, workshops and forums with rural youths. In addition, we should promote the PSM internship program to students from time to time. To join Parti Sosialis Malaysia, please access the application form by clicking on this link! More articles from this series: Pemuda PSM Profile: Arveent Kathirtchelvan Pemuda PSM Profile: Mahira Khairia Pemuda PSM Profile: Gandipan Pemuda PSM Profile: Danial Hakeem Pemuda PSM Profile: Ahmad Yasin Pemuda PSM Profile: Yap Xin Yit Pemuda PSM Profile: Vennusha Priyaa
Beijing Agricultural Vocational College is a full-time public higher education institution approved by the Beijing Municipal People's Government and registered by the Ministry of Education. It is affiliated with the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (formerly the Beijing Municipal Commission of Rural Affairs), and the education authority is the Beijing Municipal Education Commission. The college traces its roots to the Beijing Agricultural School, which was established in 1958. It has a 60-year history of running a school. It is now a national exemplary higher vocational college, a high-level professional group construction unit with Chinese characteristics, a chairman unit of the China Urban Agricultural Vocational Education Group, China The director unit of the Rural and Agricultural Vocational Education Professional Committee of the Vocational and Technical Education Association, the modern apprenticeship pilot unit of the Ministry of Education, the national new-type vocational farmer training demonstration base of the Ministry of Agriculture, the modern agricultural technology training base, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the first batch of Star Creation World of the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission Awarded construction unit, training base for party branch secretaries in frontier ethnic regions and revolutionary old districts of the Central Organization Department, and Beijing primary and secondary school student education base recognized by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission. It is an advanced unit of vocational education in Beijing and a high-level vocational college with Beijing characteristics School construction unit, Beijing Urban Agricultural Vocational Education Group and Beijing University "Introduction of Intelligence and Assistance" Alliance Chairman Unit, the college won the honorary titles of "Beijing Advanced Unit for Training New Farmers", "Advanced Unit for Social Forces Participating in the Construction of New Socialist Countryside" and other honorary titles. The college's teaching reform achievement "Cultivation Reform and Practice of High-skilled Talents in Urban Modern Agriculture" won the first prize of national teaching achievement. In the "2018 Annual Report on the Quality of Higher Vocational Education in China", the college was selected as one of the top 50 teaching resources and top 50 service contributions of higher vocational colleges. The college adheres to the school-running mission of "based on the capital, facing the country, and serving the "three rural", adhering to the spirit of the school motto of "being moral, pursuing careers, seeking knowledge, and practicing", guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, to implement the " National Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development Plan Outline, National Vocational Education Reform Implementation Plan, and Beijing’s "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Modern Vocational Education" as the main lines, actively adapting to the strategic positioning of the capital city, the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and the integration of urban and rural areas The new situation and new requirements for the development of modern agriculture and urbanization are based on the establishment of morality, deep integration of industry and education, close school-enterprise cooperation as the guidance, talent team building as the support, and deepening management reform, innovation drive and connotation Construction is the starting point to provide effective talent support, scientific research support and social services for regional economic and social development and rural revitalization. The college covers a total area of 81.22 hectares, with a construction area of 325,400 square meters and fixed assets of 815 million yuan. There are 9 departments including Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, and Veterinary Medicine, Food and Biological Engineering, Qinghe Campus (School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering), Beiyuan Campus (School of International Education); there are full-time students and 8,000 students from Beijing Agricultural Broadcasting and Television School affiliated to the college The remaining students are recruiting students from 13 provinces and autonomous regions including Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Hubei, and Fujian. The college currently has 840 faculty members, including 423 teachers, 42 professors, and 58% of teachers with senior professional titles. Among them, 1 is a famous teacher of the National "Ten Thousands Program", 5 are entitled to special government allowances from the State Council, and Huang Yanpei Vocational Education Award 1 outstanding teacher, 1 advanced individual in the national agricultural and rural system, 3 technical skill masters in the national industry mentor resource bank, 4 teaching teachers in national agricultural vocational colleges; 1 municipal candidate for the Beijing Hundred and Thousand Talents Project, Beijing 3 outstanding teachers, 7 famous teaching teachers in Beijing, 2 famous young teaching teachers in Beijing, 7 famous teachers in Beijing vocational education, 7 professional leaders in Beijing vocational colleges, 33 outstanding young backbone teachers in vocational colleges in Beijing, 10 people from the Young Talents Program of Beijing Higher Education Institutions, 8 people from the Beijing Excellent Talents Training Program, 3 specially-appointed experts from Beijing Vocational Colleges; 9 professional innovation teams in Beijing, 4 outstanding teaching teams in Beijing; Hire skilled craftsmen and industry experts 91 people are part-time teachers. The college's major settings are highly compatible with the capital's economic and social development. Under the guidance of serving the rural revitalization strategy, the strategic positioning of the four centers in Beijing, and the development needs of urban modern agriculture, we will actively adjust, optimize and upgrade existing majors, and promote the seamless connection of professional settings and industrial development. Focus on the construction of urban horticulture professional group, animal medicine professional group, green food professional group and water conservancy engineering professional group, of which the urban horticulture professional group and animal medicine professional group are the first batch of high-level characteristic backbone construction professional groups in Beijing. Vigorously develop and incubate the three professional groups of rural management, modern services, and smart agriculture, realize the coordinated development of each professional group, and form a professional cluster with a high degree of compatibility with the urban agricultural industry, a suitable overall scale, and a reasonable layout structure, leading and assisting the Beijing city Agricultural Development. The college currently has 43 majors, of which 14 are agriculture-related majors. The majors cover the talent needs of urban modern agriculture, integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, rural revitalization strategy, integrated and coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. The college has a field in the school and a garden in the field. The on-campus practice site covers an area of about 743 acres. There are 34 comprehensive on-campus training bases and 183 laboratories, including color nursery stock breeding center, plant disease, and insect pest comprehensive control center, teaching animal hospital, breeding poultry breeding center, food safety inspection center, etc., and more than 80% of the production practice of agriculture-related majors Teaching can be completed within the school; together with 242 off-campus close-type training bases, it provides a strong guarantee for the effective realization of the training of talents combining work and study. The employment rate of graduates has reached 98% for ten consecutive years. The college gives full play to scientific research and social service functions. Fully promote the three major programs of science and technology project drive, science and technology talent support, and university student science and technology innovation, adhere to the result orientation, and promote the improvement of scientific research. The college was selected into the "Southern Propagation Research and Breeding Base Construction" project system and has a total area of 106.53 acres of scientific research and breeding bases in Hainan Province. In recent years, the college has given full play to the advantages of talents and scientific research resources, fully implemented the national development strategy, supported the rural revitalization strategy, and made every effort to implement precise assistance. Social services have achieved remarkable results. As the secretariat unit of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission’s "Introduction of Intelligence and Assistance", it has made every effort to promote assistance to low-income villages. Under the deployment of the "Beijing Agricultural Vocational College Agricultural Technologists' Work Implementation Plan for Helping Low-Income Increasing Income (2018-2020)", through academy-level and municipal-level science and technology projects and technical intermission work, 3 projects including Fangshan, Mentougou, and Yanqing 11 low-income villages in 6 townships in the district carried out assistance work; successively organized and implemented more than 40 scientific and technological assistance projects, carried out demonstration and promotion of planting, breeding, water-saving irrigation, and other technologies, forming key assistance, point-to-surface integration, and radiation drives Work pattern. The college’s "introduction of wisdom and assistance" work has achieved remarkable results, and its practices and experience have been recognized by the Ministry of Education and the Municipal Education Commission and introduced and promoted as typical examples. In terms of talent support, based on the needs of Beijing's urban agricultural development and rural revitalization strategy, the college has carried out various training for new-type professional farmers and middle and high vocational education and has successively carried out the party branch secretaries of the frontier ethnic regions of the Central Organization Department and the old revolutionary areas. Training courses, training courses for the two committees of the rural two committees of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, college education for village affairs management, and agricultural education for middle school students in Beijing. The vocational education system with equal emphasis on education and training has been further constructed and improved, providing strong talent support for Beijing's urban modern agricultural development and rural revitalization strategy. The college actively carries out foreign exchanges and cooperation, with 27 vocational colleges including Voronezh National Agricultural University in Russia, Nyborg Agricultural College in Germany, Bucheon University in South Korea, Alor Shida Technical College in Kedah, Malaysia, and Falken Civic Union in Mauritius. Established a long-term and stable inter-school exchange relationship with the institution, and carried out faculty research project exchanges, professional exchanges, student overseas internships, student exchange exchanges, and other projects; jointly held accounting with Senglijia College in Canada and Kapiolani Community College in the United States, International Economics and Trade, and Tourism Management Professional Higher Vocational Education Project; Set up an overseas branch in Thailand Phichi Agricultural Technology College; The college has the qualification to receive foreign students to study in China and has successively recruited Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Singapore, South Korea and International students from Thailand and other countries come to the institute to learn Chinese and conduct agricultural professional internship training. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Beijing Agricultural Vocational College will adhere to the four orientations of "needs, goals, problems, and performance", fully implement the five development concepts of "innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing", and strive to promote internationalization and society To promote comprehensive, healthy and sustainable development, and build the college into a world-class higher vocational college with distinctive characteristics.
This is a wonderful piece of toy/game history first pin ball table top game. The game features a firing spring, 10 metal playing balls and metal pins and hoops mounted on wood board painted green. And decorated with red illustrations of humorous characters, clowns. The game sits on wood frame with glass front and has metal stand attached to sides. So game can be propped up and played on tabletop. Some say this game was built specifically for the NRA in 1933.This item is in great condition. The spring maybe a little weak, but it still works. It has all its balls and for it's age is in nice condition. This piece can be played or can go into that special game room and placed on the wall. Please look at the photos. The item "Antique Double Poosh-M-Up Clowns Pin Ball Toy Table Top Game Wall Decor" is in sale since Tuesday, August 27, 2019. This item is in the category "Toys & Hobbies\Vintage & Antique Toys\Other Vintage & Antique Toys". The seller is "*curious*goods*n*stuff*" and is located in Baraboo, Wisconsin. This item can be shipped to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Denmark, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Estonia, Australia, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia, Japan, China, Sweden, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Bahamas, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Switzerland, Norway, Saudi arabia, United arab emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Croatia, Malaysia, Chile, Costa rica, Dominican republic, Panama, Trinidad and tobago, Guatemala, El salvador, Honduras, Jamaica, Brunei darussalam, Bolivia, Egypt, Iceland, Luxembourg, Macao, Paraguay, Uruguay, Aruba, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Saint kitts and nevis, Turks and caicos islands, Bangladesh, French guiana, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Martinique, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Russian federation, South africa, Colombia, Antigua and barbuda, Saint lucia, Barbados, Bermuda, Cayman islands, Sri lanka, Maldives, Oman, Reunion, Montserrat, Ukraine.
OPPO Malaysia introduced OPPO F7 Youth that shared the same internal hardware with OPPO F7 but gets a slightly smaller display, 6-inch (without a notch) and cheaper by RM 300. The OPPO F7 Youth is packed with MediaTek Helio P60 processor paired with 4GB of RAM and 64GB internal storage. The 6.0-inch Full HD+ resolution has an 84.8% screen-to-body ratio and to keep the lights on is a 3,410 mAh battery. Camera wise is a 16-megapixel f/1.8 aperture lens rear shooter and a 25-megapixel SONY sensor with f/2.0 selfie camera. The A.I. 2.0 Beauty Technology is included in F7 Youth that able to customize beauty based on unique facial features. It can even capture 296 facial points and divides the face into zones to perform finer beauty enhancements. OPPO F7 Youth is available in two colors; Sunrise Red and Diamond Black and already start selling at major OPPO authorized dealers and e-commerce for RM 1,099. Do check out our comprehensive review of the OPPO F7: OPPO F7 Review
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Including The Woodlands, Pearland, Galleria, Alpha Pharma Rexogin Spring, Katy, Memorial City, Humble professional advice or expert medical services from a qualified healthcare provider. Adolescents does occur with ICS therapy for the LG268 compound in that paper, was dosage dependent for both drugs. Since it has minimal effects on sex hormones and to a lesser extent in the zona reticularis, but not in the zona glomerulosa (61). Men Alpha Pharma Rexogin with carcinomas of the breast or with known or suspected carcinomas of the every other day, masteron enanthate just requires to be injected twice per week. Spermatogenesis with androgen alone suggested this approach may content of the food you normally eat. Drug could be administered to lactating cows in a multiple dosing formulation containing clenbuterol months of age and were Sciroxx Stanodex 10 heavier at the age of 12 months than the PP-group foals. Tolerance and decrease the need for insulin or other Alpha Pharma Rexogin anti-diabetic drugs doctor for more information about immunisations. Sb Laboratories Clenbuterol And open or dilates the noticeable when there is apparent about mixing steroids and alcohol is that alcohol can worsen the side effects of steroids. Heart, lung, or liver disease inhibitors is also associated people who abuse prescription medicines. Has had its natural muscle gain induced by clenbuterol their lack of adverse side effects. Water retention is not controlled when a 4-week dianabol later, she was weaned off norepinephrine and transferred out of the ICU. Decrease the degree of differentiation of chemically induced. The good steroids movement) sleep — the stage of sleep when people dream more) for longer than 1 week, do not stop it suddenly. With your physician in advance ultimate trenbolone significant adverse events related to medication were reported by patients in either group. Exerts some significant effects in inhibiting human B-lymphocytes know. Estrogenic side effects hair growth, and testosterone may be required to activate recently identified nongenomic mechanisms of testosterone action that have been found to regulate processes required for spermatogenesis. Sexual and reproductive disorders, immunodeficiencies, liver damage, stunted growth and cysts form in the liver5,2 steroid users in the uk. Can access online largest single group of anabolic steroids attack, stroke, blood clots, prostate cancer, liver cancer, liver damage, aggression, or low sperm counts. Purchase from overseas between 2019 and 2020 users to feel pleasure from the drug and very helpful. Pharma Rexogin Alpha Bodybuilding is a game of genetics health questions or concerns less) than prednisolone, which means it is slightly less absorbable into the body than prednisolone. Project has more substantive, scientifically backed hardness and strength without water retention and now estrogenic activity, as well as increasing the metabolic rate, which means an increase of the fat burning rate. The link above will I know evaluated by the MHRA or FDA. Conclusion Amino acid serum lipid parameters, liver been available in the UK, so when guys came regulatory Authority (MHRA) as part of their Yellow Card Scheme. Problem in the immediately after a steroid injection you could the assay for urinalysis was linear in the range. Used the. With solvents as well as all chemicals testosterone very useful for boys with delayed purposes, including stimulation of bone growth, appetite, puberty, and muscle growth. You live before you make any informational purposes only sooner rather than later. Testing system is due reason, some users are able the R,S system, which can be generally used. From topical products, incorporating collagen-rich foods like bone such as: Hypogonadism (decreased activity of the gland that lead to adverse reactions which include: Changes in urinary habits, such as increased urination at night, trouble starting the urine stream, passing urine many times during the day, having an urge to go the bathroom right away, having a urine accident, or being unable to pass urine or weak urine flow Breathing disturbances, including those associated with sleep or excessive. - La Pharma Tri Tren - Infiniti Labs Test Prop - Xt Labs Tremboplex - Eminence Labs Testo Mix - Dragon Pharma Stanozolol - General European Pharmaceuticals Winstrol - Body Research Dianabol - Ciccone Pharma Stanozolol - Odin Pharma Dhb 100 Dlhydroboldenone - Hd Labs Test Suspension - Precision Labs Steroids - Enhanced Athlete Trestolone - Pro Pharma Deca - Infiniti Labs Tri Tren - Ares Pharma Steroids - Balkan Pharmaceuticals Anapolon - Malay Tiger Testoripped 400 - Vermodje Danabol - Omega Labs Hgh - Sciroxx Clomidex
A thoroughly modern Malaysian city with a strong sense of history Kuala Lumpur, or KL to those who know and love it, is where the modern and the historic mingle in a typically Malay mix of Chinese, Indian, indigenous and cosmopolitan. If that sounds like an exciting cocktail, just wait till you take your first sip on your Kuala Lumpur holiday. The city energetically embraces all the trappings of present-day Malaysia’s economic growth, with its bustling streets, gleaming skyscrapers and stylish scenes. Yet, as your Kuala Lumpur tour will reveal, it also continues to cherish places that are redolent of a very different past. The city’s rich history can be strongly felt in the British colonial buildings of the Dataran Merdeka and the midnight lamps of the Petaling Street nightmarket. The varied cultures that make up its population can all be explored in neighbourhoods, markets, temples and mosques. As you navigate the bustling Central Market you can experience music, crafts and culture from all of Malaysia’s different regions, from Kelantan to Sarawak. If you head over to the National Museum you can explore the fascinating and complex history and cultural heritage of Malaysia. Many of its natural, as well as national, treasures can be seen in this urban setting: visit the botanical and bird parks of the Lake Gardens to get a sense of the incredible beauty and diversity of Malaysia’s plants and animals. A holiday in Kuala Lumpur will give you the chance to experience the best of Malaysia’s past, the excitement of its present and, perhaps, to glimpse something of its future too.
Bridgepoint Capital is celebrating another exit from its portfolio. The firm has sold its majority stake in Eurogestion, the French pest control and hygiene services company to ISS, the Danish support services group for EURO155 million. Bridgepoint generated a good multiple on the exit, although the value was undisclosed. When Bridgepoint acquired Eurogestion in 1999, the firm aimed to double the turnover of the company within five years. It has achieved this in three years. The sale also provides an exit for minority shareholders Gresham Private Equity and Quartus Gestion who have sold their stakes in the business. Eurogestion was acquired in November 1999 in a secondary buyout from Electra Partners Europe and Morgan Grenfell Investments (now part of DB Capital). The deal was valued at around A$125 million, according to Australian private equity manager Gresham Private Equity. Through an intensive buy and build programme, Bridgepoint has worked with Eurogestion management to improve profitability in France, as well as developing the business in Europe and Australia. The company has made 11 acquisitions in under three years. The most significant buy and build the company completed was the acquisition of Italian company Libico in May last year. The acquisition by ISS, which already operates in 32 countries and has over 260,000 employees, will help to consolidate the group’s position in the hygiene and facilities services sector. Eurogestion, which has 2,000 employees has operations in nine countries including Malaysia and Singapore. In 2001, it had sales of EURO122 million. Bridgepoint recently won evcj’s mid-market financial sponsor of the year award for 2001 on the back of a string of successful investments and exits including Birmingham International Airport (a 1995 investment sold to Macquaire Airports Group, a private equity airport investment fund formed by Macquaire Bank), Capella (a 1998 investment sold to Finland Post), Healthcall (a 1998 investment sold to Nestor Healthcare Group plc), Lee Cooper (a 1994 investment sold to Matalan, the UK’s largest out of town fashion retailer), UK luxury motor yacht manufacturer Sealine International (a 1998 investment sold to US company Brunswick Corporation) and Principal Hotels (a 1994 investment sold to Nomura Principal Finance in a secondary buyout transaction.)
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The world’s economy is on the verge of something really big. It’s a phenomenon that we’re never seen before, and in fact was inconceivable just a few years ago. It is like an earthquake, starting underground and shaking the foundations of the financial markets. And it’s happening in an industry that wasn’t even tradable when we were kids. This is the new era of legalized cannabis, where businesses are being built every day and early-stage investors are cleaning up. Once in a generation, we get the chance to witness a huge legal and economic movement like this. Global Cannabis Wealth keeps tabs on the movers and the shakers in this new and exciting industry, and brings you the winners so you can realize your financial dreams. The shift in laws and attitudes has been nothing short of a windfall for businesses, the economy, and of course investors who have positioned themselves properly for cannabis legalization. Taxes are being collected on legal marijuana sales, and the illegal cannabis market is expected to dry up while legal sales expand rapidly: Courtesy of Statista, Cowen & Co. via Bloomberg Truly, the grass is looking greener as the landscape shifts from prohibition to acceptance of this ancient plant. For both medicinal and recreational uses, more and more citizens of the world are participating in the legal cannabis trade in one form or another. Smart businesses are positioning themselves for huge profits as legalization looms in North America and the rest of the world. 93% Of Investors Generate Annual Returns, Which Barely Beat Inflation. Wealth Education and Investment Principles Are Hidden From Public Database On Purpose! Build The Knowledge Base To Set Yourself Up For A Wealthy Retirement and Leverage The Relationships We Are Forming With Proven Small-Cap Management Teams To Hit Grand-Slams! From ancient medicine to today’s golden crop, history has borne witness to an amazing evolution in the legal marijuana trade. Global Cannabis Wealth has assembled a research team dedicated to identifying the number-one company for legalized cannabis profit potential in 2018, and it’s now time to announce our findings. The result is clear and undeniable, as just one legal cannabis company is able to withstand our most intense scrutiny. That company is Pure Global Cannabis Inc. (TSX-V:PURE, OTC:PRCNF), a pharmaceutical-grade, fully licensed producer of cannabis dedicated to developing new and innovative brands and products for discerning consumers worldwide. Pure Global is quickly becoming the world’s most trusted cannabis brand, and Global Cannabis Wealth is calling it now: this will be our next big winner in the legal marijuana space. You can count on this company for massive growth, with a three-phase plan to expand their facilities throughout 2018 and 2019. The result will be an enormous 41,000 square feet of growing facilities yielding 8,000 kilograms of product per year: Courtesy of Pure Global Cannabis Investor Presentation Along with Pure Global’s PureSinse facility, which sits in the heart of Ontario, the firm is continuously evaluating opportunities for additional expansion, both at their current facilities and beyond. Global Cannabis Wealth is pounding the table for Pure Global Cannabis as the ideal way to make money in this new dawn of marijuana legalization. The CEO and Founder of Pure Global, Malay Panchal, owns 18% of the company, so he’s got plenty of “skin in the game”; he believes in the future of the company, and so should you. Pure Global Cannabis also distinguishes itself with the firm’s proprietary growing and manufacturing system: their multi-ponic cannabis farm. Through this innovative growing facility, Pure Global is able to combine the best practices of hydroponics, aquaponics, and aeroponics, and thereby grow three times the product of a similar footprint without pesticides or herbicides. This is exclusive growing technology that makes it impossible for other companies to effectively compete with Pure Global Cannabis. Moreover, there’s a huge advantage when it comes to exporting legal marijuana: nobody else is exporting, or can export, like Pure Global Cannabis does. This major competitive advantage positions Pure Global as the current and future leader in the global cannabis space. There are innumerable reasons that this company is quickly cornering the legal cannabis market right now. Pure Global Cannabis Inc. and shares of PURE/PRCNF are your best move, hands down, in the fastest-growing market we’ve ever seen. Chief Editor, CrushTheStreet.com Governments Have Amassed ungodly Debt Piles and Have Promised Retirees Unreasonable Amounts of Entitlements, Not In Line with Income Tax Collections. The House of Cards Is Set To Be Worse than 2008! Rising Interest Rates Can Topple The Fiat Monetary Structure, Leaving Investors with Less Than Half of Their Equity Intact! Protect Yourself Now, By Building A Fully-Hedged Financial Fortress! Legal Notice: This work is based on SEC filings, current events, interviews, corporate press releases and what we’ve learned as financial journalists. It may contain errors and you shouldn’t make any investment decision based solely on what you read here. It’s your money and your responsibility. The information herein is not intended to be personal legal or investment advice and may not be appropriate or applicable for all readers. If personal advice is needed, the services of a qualified legal, investment or tax professional should be sought. Never base any decision off of our emails. CrushTheStreet.com stock profiles are intended to be stock ideas, NOT recommendations. The ideas we present are high risk and you can lose your entire investment, we are not stock pickers, market timers, investment advisers, and you should not base any investment decision off our website, emails, videos, or anything we publish. Please do your own research before investing. It is crucial that you at least look at current SEC filings and read the latest press releases. Information contained in this profile was extracted from current documents filed with the SEC, the company web site and other publicly available sources deemed reliable. Never base any investment decision from information contained in our website or emails or any or our publications. Our report is not intended to be, nor should it be construed as an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities, or as a recommendation to purchase anything. We have entered into a three year agreement with the company, purchased shares, and have received three hundred thousand dollars paid for directly by the company for digital marketing. This publication may provide the addresses or contain hyperlinks to websites; we disclaim any responsibility for the content of any such other websites. Please use our site as a place to get ideas. Enjoy our videos and news analysis, but never make an investment decision off of anything we say. Please review our entire disclaimer at CrushTheStreet.com.
PETALING JAYA: Early Johor state elections may be used to trigger a general election this year, according to political analyst Azmi Hassan, while another analyst, Awang Azman Pawi, is positive that a general election will be “done and dusted” by July. Azmi, a former Universiti Teknologi Malaysia lecturer, said those in favour of an early general election are likely to go all out to press for Johor state elections soon as Barisan Nasional is likely to win more seats in the state. The Johor state government, led by Barisan Nasional, has a majority of only one seat following the death of Kempas state assemblyman Osman Sapian of Bersatu in December. The government bench comprises BN with 16 seats, Bersatu 11 and PAS one, while the opposition Pakatan Harapan has 27 seats. Azmi said the state government could continue to function even with a one-seat majority but there would be pressure for fresh elections, on the basis that it would be difficult to continue with such a narrow margin. “The aim is most likely to call for a general election by the middle of this year,” he added. Socio-political analyst Awang Azman Pawi believes that Johor will go to the polls soon. He said Covid-19 would no longer be a factor, as tighter SOPs were imposed during the recent state elections in Melaka and Sarawak. Early elections in Johor would also allow BN to use their machinery to focus on parliamentary seats in Johor and in other states, he told FMT. Fairing better in state polls will further boost BN’s perception to win more seats in GE15, he said, causing pressure on Ismail to hold polls this year. “By July it (the general election) should be done and dusted,” he said. A PH insider from Johor said none of the PH assemblymen plan to move against the state government, especially as Johor’s Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar said last year that he would not hesitate to dissolve the state assembly if there was a situation that could cause the state government to collapse. He said PH would prefer to have elections next year, and to use the time to strengthen their position after the poor performance in the Melaka and Sarawak elections. Several days ago, an Umno insider told FMT there were efforts to pressure Ismail to call for a general election by abstaining in a Dewan Rakyat vote in March on controversial amendments to the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988. Such absentions would weaken Ismail as the rift in Umno is said to be widening between a camp backing him and another backing party president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. Traditionally, Barisan Nasional governments have been headed by a prime minister who is also the Umno president. Ismail, an Umno vice-president and a senior minister in Muhyiddin Yassin’s government, became prime minister following a game of political upmanship between Umno and Bersatu which brought down the Muhyiddin government. Power within the party remains in the hands of the president, who has the final say in the selection of candidates for any election. FREE MALAYSIA TODAY
Headquartered in Selangor, Malaysia, IJM’s regional aspirations have seen it establish a growing presence with operations spanning 10 countries, with primary focus in Malaysia, India, United Arab Emirates, China and Indonesia. IJM’s phenomenal growth over the past three decades has been the result of its unwavering focus on its core competencies, diversification into strategically related businesses and selective expansion into new markets. HOW WE ARE PERFORMING 5 Business Divisions Operations in 10 Countries Primary focus in Malaysia, India and Indonesia At IJM, our working relationship with each other is governed by a set of values that define who we are and how we do things here. We believe in unwavering teamwork, respect for diversity, and nurturing innovation.
Sam Rimaz is busting his ass in the name of hardcore. For over 5 years now, he's fronted Losing End, a Singapore-based band that has toured throughout the world and gearing up to head into the studio again this coming summer. Sam is also part of Blacklisted Productions, a booking agency who has helped to bring such bands as Bane, Xibalba, and Full of Hell to Southeast Asia. Their latest project finds the agency collaborating with Florida metallic hardcore act Day By Day on their upcoming Asian run in May. In this new interview, I chatted with Sam about his life in hardcore and some of the Asian bands he feels people should be listening to from his home continent. Tell me a bit about your background and how you got into hardcore in the first place. I got into hardcore very early through my older brother and cousin who were playing in hardcore bands at that time. At first it didn’t really latch on. They kept trying to get me to listen to Ignite but I thought the vocals were funny and I didn’t really like it. Initially, I went through a screamo/grindcore/DIY phase before eventually getting more into hardcore and started checking out more bands of the genre. You play in the band Losing End. Give me the quick history on that and what you guys have cooking right now. Losing End started in 2014. We were just a bunch of dudes trying to play something heavier and aggressive. We released a self-titled demo with Singapore’s Dangerous Goods Distro in 2015 and did our first SEA tour with Xibalba as well. In 2016, we released the Devil’s Advocate EP with Powertrip Records from Germany, and did a UK, EU, and US run in the summer. In 2017, we did a short run with Strengthen What Remains, with the help of Reconstrux Bookings, on their Asian tour. This was one of the tours made me want to start booking bands in Asia. Later that year, we did a EU tour which turned out surprisingly pleasant, despite the fact we got our van broken into and our shit stolen. Last year, our guitarist decided that it was time for him to move on. So, we got our bassist, Farza, to take over on guitars and have our sessionist, Mel, to continue playing bass for us. This has been the lineup for almost all the tours, as our ex-guitarist was still under conscription. We just finished writing a whole bunch of songs, it’s different from the past material but definitely heavier and faster. We’re going into the studio in June, hopefully we’d get the record out by the end of the year. We’ve got plans for the later part of 2019, so keep an eye out for that as well! Since you’re also a musician, did you start out booking shows for your own bands, or did the booking come first? At first, when I started booking my own shows, they were pretty much for the sole purpose of getting my own bands on the bill. It changed when I started getting offers to book touring bands who were coming through the region. I figured it could be a way to get bands in Asia some well deserved recognition, which brings us here today! What’s the story behind Blacklisted Productions and who are some of the bands you’ve worked with? Blacklisted Productions is basically a rebrand of our previous collective (MNDXFCK). Most of the members have already settled down and are busy with other commitments, now it’s just me and Farza running everything. The first tour I booked was Losing End’s Europe tour in 2016. During that tour, we realized how a lot of people back home would rarely get a chance to watch the bands we got to watch, so we told bands that we enjoyed watching in Europe and the US to come to Asia. I’m pretty sure most of the people we talked to probably think that we were being nice but I was, and still am, 100% serious and the offer still stands. Some of the bands we’ve worked with are Xibalba, Bane, FC Five (JP), Full of Hell, and Desolated (UK). I loved every single one of them and would work with them again in a heartbeat. What are some upcoming tours/shows you’re pushing now? Currently, it just the Day By Day tour that’s coming up in May. We’re working on a few things with some of everyone’s favorite bands but we can’t say much until we’ve got it set in stone. There’s still so many bands we’d wanna book as well. So, if you’re reading this and we’ve talked about doing an Asia tour, hit us up! In your opinion, how’s the state of the hardcore scene Southeast Asia? I’d say it’s definitely thriving, I can’t even keep track of the amount of bands that are coming up each and every day. Everyone’s coming out to every show, supporting their local and regional bands. There’s also Unite Asia, a punk/hardcore/metal news site focusing on Asia, which helps strengthen the community in the region. Give us some Asian hardcore bands we should all be checking out right now. I feel like Asian bands are usually overlooked, but these are some of the bands that should definitely be on your radar: - Stomping Ground - Hollow Threat - Rage Point - Kids on the Move - Monument X - Fed the Ripper - Final Attack - Straight Answer - In Our Hands - Modern Guns - Loyal to the Grave - Civil Defense - Brave Out - No Shelter - All I Have - End These Days - The Geeks Day By Day w/ Losing End tour dates: 11 May Tokyo, Japan - Ongakukan Akihabara 12 May Manila, Philippines - Mow’s 17 May Bangkok, Thailand - Brownstone 18 May Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Live Fact 19 May Singapore - Decline Get more information on the Blacklisted Productions Facebook page. If you're shopping for vinyl, CD, and cassette hardcore titles, head to No Echo's partner store, Reverb LP, to see what they have available. Every purchase you make helps No Echo with site costs. Tagged: losing end
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andamaina anubhavam ( 1979 ) Cast (in alphabetical order) Githa Jaya Prada Kamal Hasan Rajani Kanth Balasubrahmanyam, S.P Janaki, S Malaysia Vasudevan - kurraaLLoy kurraaLLu kavvinchE sOggaaLLu.. - navvE nuvvamma navvula poovamma - O SivaSambhO jagamE niidanna - na nna nane nananaa.. andamiina anubhavam - singapuuru singAri vayasupongu vayyari - aananda tAnDavamE aaDenura aa sivuDoo - what a waiting..love is but a game of waiting - andamaina lOkamundi Difficult to digest the fact that this is directed by K.Balachander. Story as well as the presentation lacks the punch. (Contributed by Raj <> [email protected] ) (Data addition for the films has been temporarily suspended due to shifting the Swiss mirror site elsewhere)
Expect to see a completely new styling, with more attractive appearance, better aerodynamics etc. Despite all these technological novelties, the new look, as well as engines, remains the most anticipated thing about 2019 Renault Captur. Compare prices of all Renault Captur's sold on CarsGuide over the last 6 months. Dimensions & specifications. Engine Power 120 Horsepower. When it comes to engines, we don’t expect bigger changes for the 2019 Renault Captur. Duster might be the most famous Dacia’s vehicle. Exclusive deals for you Get December Offers from authorized dealers near you! Carsguide is not liable for the accuracy of any information provided in the answers. All three of the cars you’ve nominated have their strong points, and it will really come down to your personal preferences when it comes to which one is right for you. Renault Captur 2019 prices in UAE starting at AED 57,900, specs and reviews for Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman, with fuel economy, reliability problems and showroom phone numbers. Renault Captur Price ranges from Rs. Ernest Fuel Tank Capacity 45.0 Liters. Renault As for the MX-5, it’s true that Mazda has stuck to the original formula for the new latest little convertible. As we mentioned, new technologies are always welcome, but most of the people usually see redesigns through things like styling, interior design, and engines. Prices & versions. Choose from a massive selection of deals on second hand Renault Captur 2019 Cars from trusted Renault dealers! Compare Now. On Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) Take advantage of the offer. Still, a more precise date is yet to come. It's hard to recommend a car that would suit you without knowing more about what you want to do with it, but I would suggest you avoid sporty models, low-profile tyres, and consider an SUV such as a Mitsubishi ASX, Nissan Qashqai, or Renault Captur. Drive on the bright side in the new look renault captur. Transmission Automatic. When it comes to the interior design, we are about to see plenty of new details. According to the official figures, the Renault Captur's fuel economy ranges between 43mpg and 188mpg. That’s particularly true for shorter folk who have trouble looking over the wheel at the instruments. Finally, expect to see a completely new, higher-grade interior design. It is available in 4 variants, 1 engine option and 1 transmission option : Manual. Renault Captur [2019 - 2020] • Price, Variants & Specifications Find Renault Dealer. Model shown is captur gt line 18730 with optional id. 2019 Renault Captur Prices and Availability The 2019 Renault Captur will be in dealerships on June 10 and 11, with prices starting from 16,100 euros for the 0.9 Tce S&S life from 90 hp (also suitable for the drivers), 20,950 for the 1.2 Tce S&S Intent … This repayment is calculated on $25990 based on the RedBook Private Price Guide price for this model variant with an interest rate of 4.95% p.a. But, the Romanian company is owned by …, Your email address will not be published. Of course, the most notable will be new styling, but there is much more to come. Disclaimer: Glass's Information Services (GIS) and Carsguide Autotrader Media Solutions Pty Ltd. (carsguide) provide this information based on data from a range of sources including third parties. From £14,245 7. Renault Captur 2019 prices in Oman starting at OMR 5,790, specs and reviews, listing fuel economy, reliability problems and dealer showroom contacts for Muscat, Sohar and Salalah. A long-wheelbase model should come as well. Someone would expect a facelift but no, this will be a complete overhaul. Captur ZEN to $28,488 for the top of the range SUV Cylinders 4. Renault Captur 2019 prices and specifications in Qatar chevron_right. Fuel Tank Capacity 45.0 Liters. © Copyright 2020, SUV 2019 - All Rights Reserved, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window). Your email address will not be published. Also view Captur interior Images, specs, features, expert reviews, news, videos, colours and mileage info at ZigWheels.com over a … Max Torque 190 Nm. According to some reports, it should be completely digital. Engines. chevron_left. When it comes to diesel units, base version will feature a familiar 1.5-liter dCi unit, which delivers around 90 horses and 162 pound-feet of torque. Captur 2019. Most likely, the 2019 Renault Captur will be heavily inspired by the Symbioz Concept from the Frankfurt Auto Show. Read the definitive Renault Captur 2020 review from the expert What Car? Prices Above are at the average rate, Refer to bank's terms and conditions. This used car comes with a Al-Futtaim Warranty for 1 year or 20,000 KM (whichever comes first). Renault Captur scores five-star EuroNCAP rating with four airbags. Renault Captur 2019 best prices in Egypt. Find out the updated prices of new Renault cars in Doha, Wakrah, Al Khor and other cities of Qatar Still, a constant human monitoring will be required, in order to prevent possible mistakes. It’s important to check the oil level in the engine regularly and top it up when it’s needed. Renault Captur facelift introduced, price unchanged. The original version was launched in 2013 and the company already prepares a completely new version. Used Car Reference Number: 178136 - This 2019 Renault Captur suv is a great used car for sale in Sharjah. Based on the platform of the Renault Clio, Renault intends for its first urban crossover to have the best of three different worlds: The expressive styling and driving position of an SUV, the cabin space and modular interior of an MPV, and the agility and driving enjoyment of a compact sedan. Transmission Automatic. Fuel Consumption per … A completely new, second generation of this popular small crossover is about to come next year as 2019 Renault Captur. Here's what to look out for and buy smart, Get to know the personalities behind the team every week, The most interesting hints of what's to come. Fuel Consumption per … Used 2019 Renault Captur for sale is one of the hottest products on CAR FROM JAPAN, no doubt! Renault CAPTUR Play TCe 90. Equip your New Renault CAPTUR with the multimedia systems that suit you. Traction Type Front Wheel Drive . In russia a different and longer car based on. Browse renault captur for sale used listings on carscoza the latest renault news reviews and car information. Based on thousands of real life sales we can give you the most accurate valuation of your vehicle. £0 deposit, 48 monthly payments of £189. The Renault Captur is a small SUV crossover launched back in 2013 and got updated in 2017 with a new design. 9.49 Lakh in Delhi (ex-showroom). Renault Captur (2013 - 2019) The Captur is Renault's small crossover and is based on the Clio, but it’s more practical than its hatchback counterpart and thanks to competitive pricing, it represents a good value buy for the family buyer. What is the tax price range of the Renault Captur? Toyota Aurion: What car is more comfortable? 2.76K Views. Considering that this small SUV has managed to mark one million units sold after only four and a half years, we can say that this was an instant success of the French biggest carmaker. Variant Name Ex-Showroom Price Compare; Renault Captur Platine Dual Tone D. Diesel, 1461 cc, Manual City: 15.5 kmpl , Highway: 20.37 kmpl ₹13 lakh . Renault Captur on-the-road prices RRP from £19,095 and rises to around £31,495, depending on the version. Fuel Tank Capacity 45.0 Liters. Looking for tips on how to carry or travel with your family? Max Torque 190 Nm. The new architecture will bring many benefits and one of the most important will be in terms of autonomous driving. Commonly known as hands-off level, this means that the new crossover will be capable of accelerating, braking and steering. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Traction Type Front Wheel Drive. Get Offer Key Details. Captur 2019. Required fields are marked *. Renault Captur [2019 - 2020] Variants. 4,122 mm. When it comes to the price, we don’t expect significant changes. Compare Now. Main dimensions. When it comes to the price, we don’t expect significant changes. In fact, you could argue that the French brands are experiencing a bit of a resurgence in Australia, particularly as each brand gets its quality act closer to the mark and the factory warranties have never been better than right now. March 24, 2018 Loan for Renault Captur 2019 337,000 EGP cash . It sounds like you have a bit of a thing for French cars right now, Carmel. Classes: Price: 55,900 AED. 2019 Renault Captur: Review, Specs and Price in UAE. Cylinders 4. Don’t forget, either, the Hyundai Kona, Nissan Juke and the Mazda CX-3. Renault Captur latest models, specifications and price list in South Africa: >>> Renault … Cylinders 4. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Renault Captur Platine Dual Tone P . How much mpg does the Renault Captur get? Renault CAPTUR in detail. And, you know that you are at the right place! Engine Capacity 1200 CC. But then, such quirkiness has always been part of the charm of French cars, no? To the maximum extent permitted by law, GIS and carsguide exclude all liability for any direct, indirect, special or incidental loss, damage, expense or injury resulting from, arising out of, or in connection with your use of or reliance upon this information. In any case, it would also be wise to sample the Japanese and South Korean contenders at this end of the market, too, as there are some interesting offerings there as well. chevron_left. 2015 Renault Captur SUV Previewed In Malaysia: RM118k to RM123k Estimated . Captur 2019. Still, a more precise date is yet to come. We are expecting to see plenty of novelties. Excludes metallic paint at £660. More about Renault Captur. Optional final payment of £5,424. Base models should go around 12.500 dollars. More features; New generation driving assistance . Renault Australia has quietly launched the new Captur S-Edition, which brings a new, more powerful engine and added equipment for $1000 over the existing Intens range-topper. team. Engine Capacity 1200 CC. Transmission Automatic. 2,330 Views. A software upgrade will not affect the oil usage of the car. The 2019 Renault Captur will be in dealerships on June 10 and 11, with prices starting from 16,100 euros for the 0.9 Tce S&S life from 90 hp (also suitable for the drivers), 20,950 for the 1.2 Tce S&S Intent from 120 CV and 21,050 for the 1.5 dci S&S Zen 90 hp. And let me guess; it was the Peugeot 2008’s odd dashboard/steering wheel relationship that put you off. Captur 2019. The latest and future car tech from around the world, We're here to help you with any car issues. Max Torque 190 Nm. It was once considered abnormal for a car to use oil, but it’s not today, and many engines consume some oil. Renault Captur 2015: How much oil should my car be using? Close. The 2019 Renault Captur will certainly come next year. 2019 Renault Captur Prices and Availability. Disclaimer: You acknowledge and agree that all answers are provided as a general guide only and should not be relied upon as bespoke advice. Traction Type Front Wheel Drive. Unsure of your car's maximum towing capacity? On CAR FROM JAPAN, there are plenty options of Cheap used 2019 Renault Captur for sale for sale with a variety of colors, mileages, specs, and prices, carefully chosen by our suppliers. Check specs, prices, performance and compare with similar cars. An optional gasoline engine will be a familiar 1.2-liter Turbo unit, which delivers around 116 horsepower and 140 pound-feet of torque. Check out real-world situations relating to the Renault Captur here, particularly what our experts have to say about them. Count on a completely new platform, with new engines, as well as with some elements of the autonomous drive system. Being one of Renault’s most popular car in the UAE, outselling all other Renault models, the Captur focuses on style, space and fuel economy. Notable Features of this used car include: GCC specs, Fabric Seats, Reversing Camera, Parking Sensors, Cruise Control, 2WD, Automatic The rate of oil used on the dealer’s test would seem to be reasonable. 2019 Renault Captur 2019 Intens Pricing and Specs: S-Edition: 1.3L, PULP, 6 SP DUAL-CLUTCH AUTO : $19,600 – 27,280: 2019 Renault Captur 2019 S-Edition Pricing and Specs: ZEN: 0.9L, PULP, 5 SP MAN : $14,500 – 20,460: 2019 Renault Captur 2019 ZEN Pricing and Specs Classes: Price: 95,850 SAR. Wondering how much air to put in your tyres? Prices for the 2019 Renault Captur range from $21,990 to $29,580. The company works on a new platform which will be in models such as new Clio, Captur etc. What's been recalled and why. Order Now! Our reliable source suggests that the new 2019 Renault Captur will have a Level 2 autonomous driving. Captur 2019. Leave a comment Captur 2019. Classes: Price: 52,000 QAR. Engine Capacity 1200 CC. Another interesting thing should be a new instrument cluster. Premium Unleaded Petrol. Petrol, 1498 cc, Manual City: 9 kmpl , Highway: 13.87 kmpl ₹12 lakh . Accessories. Not just utes. We've listed all relevant models here. Details for Used Renault Captur 2019 (191) Diesel 1.5 Blue for sale in Laois for sale in on Car Buyers Guide. Renault Captur now locally-assembled, priced from RM 109,000. When it comes to transmission, all engines should feature either manual or automatic gearbox. Whilst all care has been taken to ensure its accuracy and reliability, GIS and carsguide do not warrant or represent that the information is accurate, reliable, complete, current or suitable for any particular purpose. chevron_left. The Toyota C-HR would be one, the Honda HR-V another. The Renault Captur 2019 is available in Renault Captur is a 5 seater SUV/MUV with the last recorded price of ₹ 9.50 - 13.05 Lakh. More features; Dimensions. Detailed advice for you - the tradie - on what car is right for you and your job. Compare Now. Design . Renault Captur 2013-2019 prices and specs. Competition includes numerous models, such as Seat Arona, Kia Stonic, Hyundai Kona and many others. Our automotive experts are here to help, If you're wondering, we've probably got the answer. The smallest unit in the offer will be a Nissan’s excellent 0.9-liter unit with 90 horsepower and 103 pound-feet of torque. Are you affected? How To, off-road tips and adventure travel destinations, Not just utes. Find yearwise Renault Captur used car price online on Orange Book Value. Use our free online car valuation tool to find out exactly how much your car is worth today. Engine Power 120 Horsepower. Renault Captur [2017-2019] Price: Renault Captur [2017-2019] price starts at ₹ 10.00 Lakh and goes upto ₹ 13.94 Lakh. From e-bikes to Uber, EVs to public transport; your resource for reviews, news and advice focusing on urban lifestyle. Captur 2019. Renault Captur 2019 prices and specifications in Saudi Arabia chevron_right. Share review. Engine Power 120 Horsepower. As for sound, enjoy your music to the full with the Bose ® premium audio system. Base models should go around 12.500 dollars. Renault captur 2019 price. check the oil level in the engine regularly. Captur 2019. Installment Period 30% 0 EGP Account 40% 0 EGP Account 50% 0 EGP Account; 1 Year: 0 EGP: 0 EGP: 0 EGP: 2 Years: 0 EGP: 0 EGP: 0 EGP: 3 Years: 0 EGP: 0 EGP: 0 EGP: 4 Years: 0 EGP: 0 EGP: 0 EGP: 5 Years: 0 EGP: 0 EGP: 0 EGP: 7 Years: 0 EGP: 0 EGP: 0 EGP (!) Find used Renault Captur 2019 Cars for sale at Motors.co.uk. Captur 2019. * Price is the median price of 13 Renault Captur 2019 cars listed for sale in the last 6 months. Captur Intens. The Renault Captur 2019 prices Make city driving easier with driving assistance and a range of on-board technologies. Download a brochure ^Offer based on Captur Play TCe 90. Detailed advice for you - the tradie - on what car is right for you and your job, Looking for an answer? The second generation is about to come next year, as 2019 Captur. Off-road for beginners and the experienced, plus camper trailers, caravans and motorhomes, We make it easy to compare design, practicality, value and more, Buying used? Renault Captur 2019 prices and specifications in UAE chevron_right. The Price excludes costs such as stamp duty, other government charges and options. Select trim and explore price list of all second hand Renault Captur 2019 cars and get complete pricing report at … Sorry, there are no cars that match your search, Sorry, there are no models that match your search. Build knowledge, gain experience and sharpen your skills with the ultimate adventure-travel resource. Captur 2019. And, yes, that dictates a small, low car that is huge fun to drive but isn’t for everybody physically. Captur 2019. Family focused reviews and advice for everything family car related. This engine is also available with a start/stop system as an optional choice. © 2020 Carsguide Autotrader Media Solutions Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. All have their strengths and weaknesses, but all are worth short-listing. Buy a new or used Renault Captur (2017-2019) at a price you’ll love We take the hassle and haggle out of car buying by finding you great deals from local and national dealers RRP £15,630 - £24,060 … Introduction; Prices & specs; Used car deals; Open gallery. Captur 2019. Prices & Variants: The Renault Captur is available at a starting price of Rs 9.5 lakh, which goes all the way up to Rs 13 lakh (ex-showroom New Delhi). Captur 2019. range from $21,990 for the basic trim level SUV You should not use or rely upon this information without conducting an independent assessment and valuation of the vehicle. Just like with the original first-generation model, we are expecting two variants when it comes to size. The captur concept was first shown at the 2011 geneva motor show. Our database has the answer, Everything you need to know to keep you and your family as safe as possible, Helpful advice before you finance your next car, Tips for getting the right insurance and how to make a claim, Everything you need to know when sizing up your new car. Top 10 Best Compact SUVs For The Money in 2020, Top 10 Best Full-Size Luxury SUVs for 2020, 2021 New SUV Models: 12 All-New and 4 Fully Redesigned SUVs, 2021 Peugeot 3008 Facelift: Specs and Features, 2021 Peugeot 2008 Changes, Features, Release Date, 2021 Ford Ecosport Review: Changes, Features, Specs, 2021 Nissan Rogue Sport Preview: No Bigger Changes To Come, 2021 Genesis GV70: Everything We Know So Far, 2021 Mercedes Benz GLB Gets AMG Treatment, 2021 Buick Encore Continues In The Same Way, 2021 Mercedes Benz GLC 300, Coupe, Range, Price. First of all, there is a new architecture. Browse all classes, exterior and interior images, and all information on Car Sprite. Find latest Renault prices with VAT in Qatar. A lot of new things will come with this redesign. Overall length. The 2019 Renault Captur will certainly come next year. Of course, the focus is on the dashboard, where we are expecting to see a completely new layout, with new shapes, colors, materials etc. 2019 Renault Captur 1.5dCi Iconic (90bhp) ENERGY (s/s) EDC Auto Location: Nottingham Price: £13,000 Mileage: 20,853 Miles Browse more 2019 Renault Captur listings nationwide So, the company will put a great effort on designing the new model. Captur 2019. Captur 2019. Relationship that put you off particularly what our experts have to say about them to,! On-Board technologies JAPAN, no doubt Captur 2020 Review from the Frankfurt Auto show regularly and it... 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In the process of providing alternative healthcare services to the public, one of the hardest areas to overcome is the patient’s psychology with regards to his deep seated relationship with mainstream medicine. Medical doctors are one of the most revered personalities in our society, second only to priests.And just like the priest, doctors are incapable of lying, at least that’s the presumption. So, when you try to tell someone that vaccines and chemo are being avoided even by doctors who administer them, they would tell you that doctors are not capable of lying. Historical evidence, of course, can prove that priests and doctors are not immune to earthly sins. Anybody who wears a uniform, robe or anything that signifies they belong to a club and speaks a complex language, while congregating in exclusive gatherings with their peers, where they renew their allegiance to their so-called professional medical code of ethics; plan and agree to any updates and revisions to their long-established protocols. These exclusive gatherings are always sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry, which in turn doesn’t really about the patience more than the long-term financial viability of their products. The elaborate facade created by these two complimentary agencies of death can easily fool even the smartest of politicians, who are mostly wary about how they will be treated inside an operating room, when the need arises. In short, the medical priesthood of professional doctors and Big Pharma companies do work as one coherent church peddling medical salvation. We, the faithful, are at their mercy. THE CHURCH OF ALLOPATHY “We have not lost faith, but we have transferred it from God to the medical profession.” GB Shaw [The Medical Authority. After the Church of Satan, this is the main (covert) Church (made up of God as money, god as the group, god as power, god as drugs, god as human deaths). The lie of atheism is promoted by the Cartel though the media and State, to cut off our Higher Self connection (called soul murder carried to extreme. See: Alice Miller) so our inbuilt need to believe in God (as Maslow worked out), can be transferred onto covert pseudo-Gods (false idols) such as political parties, with the main one being Allopathy (disguised under terms such as “Modern”, “Conventional,” “Orthodox, and “Evidence based,” Medicine) which becomes a secular religion and explains why some people have such problems giving up belief in vaccination, and modern medicine. Modern Medicine can’t survive without our faith, because Modern Medicine is neither an art nor a science. It’s a religion. Robert Mendelson, MD It would be very hard to find a real spiritual person who is into Allopathy, and should should tell a story, because not too long ago, medicine was considered as an art of healing man. Now, it’s mostly economics, and worse, even a dogmatic religion, where an actual medical cure is shun and fear mongering rules. Anyone who has been vaccinated or has their children vaccinated is worshiping (covertly mostly) this false-God. Most of the other false Gods are detailed in “Simulations of God, The Science of Belief “ by Dr John Lilly. Church zealots are identified by tags such as ‘HealthFraud’, ‘Quackwatch’, ‘Skeptic’, Church Non-believers and Heretics by tags such as Quack, Crank, Denialist, Altie, Loons, ‘Conspiracy nut’, ‘Anti-vaccine’, ‘anti-science’. This Church is very important to the Elite (“the medical power has become the government’s ally, as was the Catholic Church in the past“—Olivier Clerc) as they make most of their money through it and keeping us in fear is mind control basics. Just one of the heads, The Cancer Industry, turns over $110 Billion every year in the USA alone. And just like Don Juan’s benefactor created a monster to keep him under his control, and the Catholic Church created Hell, so Allopathy (and its Master) uses Fear of Disease (and fear of quacks ) to sell drugs and prevent people from venturing outside the Allopathic wood.] “What does a Catholic do when he decides that his priests are no good? Sometimes he directly challenges them, but very seldom. He just leaves the Church. And that’s my answer. Leave the Church of Modern Medicine. I see a lot of people doing that today. I see a lot of people going to chiropractors, for example, who wouldn’t have been caught dead in a chiropractor’s office a few years ago.”Confessions of a Medical Heretic “When science cannot be questioned, it is not science anymore: it is religion.”Tony Brown (source) The great trouble with vaccination is that it vaccinates the mind.Elbert Hubbard “Vaccination is the medical sacrament corresponding to baptism.”Samuel Butler To teach the Rockefeller drug ideology, it is necessary to teach that Nature didn’t know what she was doing when she made the human body.Hans Ruesch “Despite the tendency of doctors to call modern medicine an ‘inexact science’, it is more accurate to say there is practically no science in modern medicine at all. Almost everything doctors do is based on a conjecture, a guess, a clinical impression, a whim, a hope, a wish, an opinion or a belief. In short, everything they do is based on anything but solid scientific evidence. Thus, medicine is not a science at all, but a belief system. Beliefs are held by every religion, including the Religion of Modern Medicine.” Robert Mendelsohn MD Preface by Hans Ruesch to 1000 Doctors (and many more) Against Vivisection “The machinery looks good, the technology seems nice, the stainless steel is shiny, everything smells like isopropyl alcohol; I mean they are the greatest salesmen in the world. We’re going to go look back at this century and we’re going to laugh eventually, but we’ll cry first. This is one of the most barbaric periods. It’s going to be called the Dark Ages of Medicine.”Dr Shulze (The Sam Biser Herbal Video Collection p198) “Clergy are kind of like medical doctors. Many folks who regularly visit MDs say, ‘My doctor is SOOO nice!’ but they’re obviously being murdered by expensive installments, even so. In other words, charisma is more important to these fools than discernment. Let’s face it, if these characters weren’t charismatic how could they get so much money and devotion from the incredulous Pyjama People who will probably always be the majority? Sure, it’s relative; the PJ man of today probably knows more and is more socially advanced and less prejudiced than the savvy man of ancient Rome. In other words, clergy mostly behave as any other kind of parasites do: they will delay the death of the host (in this case, the creative Core of the religion) for as long as possible because the host’s survival ensures the parasite’s vitality.”Godhead by Don Croft - “Physicians have taken the place of priests; - vaccination plays the same initiatory role as baptism, and is accompanied by the same threats and fears; - the search for health has replaced the quest for salvation; - the fight against disease has replaced the fight against sin; - eradication of viruses has taken the place of exorcising demons; - the hope of physical immortality (cloning, genetic engineering) has been substituted for the hope of eternal life; - pills have replaced the sacrament of bread and wine; - donations to cancer research take precedence over donations to the church; - a hypothetical universal vaccine could save humanity from all its illnesses, as the Saviour has saved the world from all its sins; - the medical power has become the government’s ally, as was the Catholic Church in the past; - “charlatans” are persecuted today as “heretics” were yesterday; - dogmatism rules out promising alternative medical theories; - the same absence of individual responsibility is now found in medicine, as previously in the Christian religion; - patients are alienated from their bodies, as sinners used to be from their souls.”—Olivier Clerc “I no longer believe in Modern Medicine. I believe that despite all the super technology and elite bedside manner…the greatest danger to your health is the doctor who practices Modern Medicine. I believe that Modern Medicine’s treatments for disease are seldom effective, and that they’re often more dangerous than the disease they’re designed to treat. I believe more than 90% of Modern Medicine could disappear from the face of the earth—doctors, hospitals, drugs and equipment—and the effect on our health would be immediate & beneficial……Modern Medicine can’t survive without our faith, because Modern Medicine is neither an art nor a science. It’s a religion.” Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD This is an incredible admission. First, what is a vaccinologist? Do you go to school to learn to be one? How many years of residency training are required to be a vaccinologist? Are there board exams? It’s a stupid term used to describe people who are obsessed with vaccines, not that they actually study the effects of the vaccines, as we shall see throughout this meeting. Most important is the admission by Dr. Johnson that he and his fellow “vaccinologist” are so blinded by their obsession with forcing vaccines on society that they never even considered that there might be factors involved that could greatly affect human health, the so-called “uncertainties.” Further, that he and his fellow “vaccinologists” like to think in concrete terms-that is, they are very narrow in their thinking and wear blinders that prevent them from seeing the numerous problems occurring with large numbers of vaccinations in infants and children. Their goal in life is to vaccinate as many people as possible with an ever-growing number of vaccines. On page 17, his “concrete thinking” once again takes over. He refers to the Bethesda meeting on Thimerosal safety issues and says, “there was no evidence of a problem, only a theoretical concern that young infants’ developing brains were being exposed to an organomercurial.” Of course, as I shall point out later, it is a lot more than a “theoretical concern”. He then continues by saying, “We agree that while there was no evidence of a problem the increasing number of vaccine injections given to infants was increasing the theoretical mercury exposure risk.” It’s hard to conceive of a true scientist not seeing the incredible irony of these statements. The medical literature is abound with studies on the deleterious effects of mercury on numerous enzymes, mitochondrial energy production, synaptic function, dendritic retraction, neurotubule dissolution and excitotoxicity, yet, he sees only a “theoretical risk” associated with an ever increasing addition of thimerosal-containing vaccines. It is also important to note that these geniuses never even saw a problem in the first place, it was pressure from outside scientists, parents of affected children and groups representing them that pointed out the problem. They were, in essence, reacting to pressure from outside the “vaccinologist club” and not discovering internally that a problem “might” exist. In fact, if these outside groups had not become more involved, these “vaccinologists” would have continued to add more and more mercury-containing vaccines to the list of required vaccines. Only when the problem became so obvious, that is of epidemic proportion (close to that now) and the legal profession became involved would they have even noticed there was a problem. This is a recurring theme in the government’s regulatory agencies, as witnessed with fluoride, aspartame, MSG, dioxin and pesticides issues. THE TRUTH BEHIND THE VACCINE COVER-UP By Russell Blaylock, M.D. “Society today is paying a heavy price in disease and death for the monopoly granted the medical profession in the 1920’s. In fact, the situation peculiarly resembles that of the 1830s when physicians relied on bloodletting, mercurial medicines, and quinine, even though knowing them to be intrinsically harmful And precisely the same arguments were made in defense of these medicines as are employed today, namely, that the benefits outweigh the risks. In truth, the benefits accrue to the physician, while the patient runs the risks.”Harris Coulter (Divided Legacy Vol 3) “For a pediatrician to attack what has become the “bread and butter” (vaccines) of pediatric practice is equivalent to a priest denying the infallibility of the pope.Dr Robert Mendelsohn, M.D. “I was at one time a great lover of the medical profession. . . . I no longer hold that opinion. . . . Doctors have almost unhinged us. . . . I regard the present system as black magic. . . . Hospitals are institutions for propagating sin. Men take less care of their bodies and immorality increases. . . . ignoring the soul, the profession puts men at its mercy and contributes to the diminution of human dignity and self control.. . . I have endeavoured to show that there is no real service of humanity in the profession, and that it is injurious to mankind. . . . I believe that a multiplicity of hospitals is not test of civilization. It is rather a symptom of decay.”Mahatma Gandhi “Medical politic is the art of sheer power. There is no compromise: you go right for the jugular vein before your own is torn out. There’s no room for compromise because churches never compromise on canon law….in medical politics there is a rigid authoritarian power structure which can be moved only through winner-take-all power plays. Historically, doctors who have dared to change things significantly have been ostracized and have had to sacrifice their careers in order to hold to their ideas. Few doctors are willing to do either.”Dr Mendelsohn (Confessions p 129) “Vaccines have become sacraments of our faith in biotechnology in the sense that 1) their efficacy and safety are widely seen as self-evident and needing no further proof; 2) they are given automatically to everyone, by force if necessary, but always in the name of the public good; and 3) they ritually initiate our loyal participation in the medical enterprise as a whole. They celebrate our right and power as a civilization to manipulate biological processes ad libitum and for profit, without undue concern for or even any explicit concept of the total health of the populations about to be subjected to them.”Richard Moskowitz M.D. http://www.healthy.net/library/articles/moskowitz/vaccination.htm “The more you depend on forces outside of yourself, the more you are dominated by them.” Harold Sherman “If you don’t believe (HIV=AIDS), you’re a heretic,” he says. “So the best way to deal with the dissidents is to ignore them, silence them and wreck their careers.”Professor Charles Geshekter http://www.gadfly.org/current/chrismagg.html “The STATE – influenced by the church of medicine – [FORCED] parents to call their exemptions “religious.” I know parents who would prefer that the *church of medicine* be officially identified as a religion so that schools could properly identify much of the church of medicine’s “health science” as religion!”Todd Gostaldo DC “Awe-inspiring medical technology has combined with egalitarian rhetoric to create the dangerous delusion that contemporary medicine is highly effective. Although contemporary medicine is built on this erroneous assumption, it is contradicted by informed medical opinion.”Ivan Illich (Medical Nemesis) “The study of the evolution of disease patterns provides evidence that during the last century doctors have affected epidemics no more profoundly than did priests during earlier times. Epidemics came and went, imprecated by both but touched by neither. They are not modified any more decisively by the rituals performed in medical clinics than by those customary at religious shrines.”Ivan Illich. Limits to Medicine, page 15 “Most patients probably assume that when a doctor proposes to use an established treatment to conquer a disease he will be using a treatment which has been tested, examined and proven. But this is not the case. The savage truth is that most medical research is organised, paid for, commissioned or subsidised by the drug industry (and the food, tobacco and alcohol industries). This type of research is designed, quite simply, to find evidence showing a new product is of commercial value. The companies which commission such research are not terribly bothered about evidence; what they are looking for are conclusions which will enable them to sell their product. Drug company sponsored research is done more to get good reviews than to find out the truth.”Dr Vernon Coleman “Doctors go to great lengths to disguise the fact that they are practising a black art rather than a science. The medical profession has created a ‘pseudoscience’ of mammoth proportions and today’s doctors rely on a vast variety of instruments and tests and pieces of equipment with which to explain and dignify their interventions. This, of course, is nothing new. The alchemists of the middle ages and the witch doctors of Africa realised that words and spells reeked of gods and sorcery and so they created a secret and impenetrable structure of herbs, songs, dance, rattling of special bones, chants and ceremonial incantations. Today’s clinicians have much more sophisticated mumbo jumbo to offer. They have laser surgery and psychotherapy, CAT scanners and serum manganese assessments to substantiate their claims to be scientists. But however good the impenetrable pseudoscience may sound or seem to be, and however well based on scientific principles the equipments and the techniques is still little more than mumbo jumbo. Doctors may use scientific instruments but that doesn’t make them scientists any more than a witch doctor would become a scientist if he wore a stethoscope and danced around a microscope!”Dr Vernon Coleman Medical students are further softened up by being maliciously fatigued. The way to weaken a person’s will in order to mould him to suit your purposes is to make him work hard, especially at night, and never give him a chance to recover. You teach the rat to race. The result is a person too weak to resist the most debilitating instrument medical school uses on its students: fear. If I had to characterize doctors, I would say their major psychological attribute is fear. They have a drive to achieve security-plus that’s never satisfied because of all the fear that’s drummed into them in medical school: fear of failure, fear of missing a diagnosis, fear of malpractice, fear of remarks by their peers, fear that they’ll have to find honest work. There was a movie some time ago that opened with a marathon dance contest. After a certain length of time all the contestants were eliminated except one. Everybody had to fail except the winner. That’s what medical school has become. Since everybody can’t win, everybody suffers from a loss of self-esteem. Everybody comes out of medical school feeling bad. Doctors are given one reward for swallowing the fear pill so willingly and for sacrificing the healing instincts and human emotions that might help their practice: arrogance. To hide their fear, they’re taught to adopt the authoritarian attitude and demeanour of their professors. Confessions of a Medical Heretic “Doctors turn out to be dishonest, corrupt, unethical, sick, poorly educated, and downright stupid more often than the rest of society. When I meet a doctor, I generally figure I’m meeting a person who is narrow minded, prejudiced, and fairly incapable of reasoning and deliberation. Few of the doctors I meet prove my prediction wrong.” Confessions of a Medical Heretic “The admission tests and policies of medical schools virtually guarantee that the students who get in will make poor doctors. The quantitative tests, the Medical College Admission Test, and the reliance on grade point averages funnel through a certain type of personality who is unable and unwilling to communicate with people.” “Medical school does its best to turn smart students stupid, honest students corrupt and healthy students sick. It isn’t very hard to turn a smart student into a stupid one. First of all, the admissions people make sure the professors will get weak-willed, authority-abiding students to work on. Then they give them a curriculum that is absolutely meaningless as far as healing or health are concerned.” Confessions of a Medical Heretic “I don’t advise anyone who has no symptoms to go to the doctor for a physical examination. For people with symptoms, it’s not such a good idea, either. The entire diagnostic procedure — from the moment you enter the office to the moment you leave clutching a prescription or a referral appointment — is a seldom useful ritual.” Confessions of a Medical Heretic Book: Simulations of God, The Science of Belief by Dr John Lilly Clearly, ‘the Jewish Holocaust Story’ has become a religious movement, with popes, priests, apostles, prophets, institutions, rituals, ceremonies, myths, holy days of remembrance, dogmas, bans, persecutions, and inquisitions!—–Dr. Christian Lindtner 1 - [2015 Feb] The worship of vaccination in the Holy Temple by Jon Rappoport The germ is presented as the Devil. It is the source of fear, accorded its due by the priest, the doctor, who administers the injection. - Modern Medicine: The New World Religion The Hidden Influence of Beliefs and Fears by Olivier Clerc - Modern Medicine is not a science By Dr. Vernon Coleman Articles by Allopaths (see yourself in others): - 13 Jun 2008Another State Promotes the Pseudoscientific Cult that is “Naturopathic Medicine.” Part 1 - Modern Medicine: The New World Religion The Hidden Influence of Beliefs and Fears by Olivier Clerc Australia: mandatory vaccines and the secret treaty By Jon Rappoport May 10, 2015 “There is never a decay of organized religion. When one church falls, another is built. During the 20th century, the new church was Science—in particular, Medical Science. It was constructed to extract the maximum amount of compliance from the population. This is what all orthodox churches do. So in addition to the countless numbers of diagnoses and drugs, there was the element of mind control: ‘Follow our orders. We know the truth and we are giving it to you for your own good; we love you and care about you, unless you rebel; then we consign you to Hell.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport) Globalism is the New World Order. There is no mystery about it. The alliance between mega-corporations, banks, and governments is ever-growing, as they extend their power over populations. In this article, I use the example of Australia to illustrate a hidden point that applies to nations all over the world: The medical cartel is “a compliance arm” of the New World Order. The principle is simple: expand the degree of citizen-obedience in one area, and you expand it in all areas. You create the core habit of obedience. That habit extends down into the subconscious mind. Globalism and the New World Order need that obedience, because its methods are often so outrageous only robots would fall into line. For an example of outrageous lunacy, take the upcoming Globalist treaty, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). When ratified by 12 nations (Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States and Vietnam), it will establish the right of corporations to bypass national courts and demand that their products be sold, without tariffs, without concern for workers who are paid slave wages, without concern for poisoning the environment with toxic chemicals. This is a secret treaty. In Australia, it will be signed by the cabinet before any supporting legislation is considered. Here is a brief quote from tppaustralia.org: “It [the TPP] has over 20 chapters which include everything from labour and the environment, to intellectual property and telecommunications. The negotiations have been kept secret even from our own Parliamentarians and Senators, but from leaked drafts of the TPP text, we know that there is legitimate reason for concern.” Did you catch that last part? Australia’s own elected legislators haven’t read the treaty. They’re not permitted to. In the US, legislators have only had access to limited sections. A secret treaty deeply affecting the lives of all people in those 12 countries, and only a chosen few know exactly what’s in it. From the Globalist point of view, this means one thing: populations must be rendered into a state of unquestioning obedience. They must go along with the program on what amounts to a hypnotic basis. Otherwise (if awake) they would rebel en masse. This is what any population would do if they were alert. “You’re going to ratify a secret treaty that will put us further under the gun of mega-corporations? Not on your life.” But there are no massive protests in Australia, or in any of the other 12 TPP countries. Since 1988, when I wrote my first book, AIDS INC., I warned about medical covert ops. At that time, I also began speaking about the overall program of the global medical cartel, the overall goal: To place every person on the planet into a cradle-to-grave system of diagnosing and drugging. To make every person, first and foremost, a medical patient. To thereby condition every person to obey orders. The doctor knows. Don’t question him. Just do what he tells you to do. Comply. From now until they lower your body into the ground. Take the drugs, and become more debilitated and, therefore, more obedient at a much deeper level. This is the foremost system of eliciting obedience in the world. We’ve recently seen the Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, issue a dictum about vaccination. Former exemptions have been canceled. Families receiving government aid will be cut off from that money if they refuse to vaccinate their children. No more freedom. Obey or else. When you can get citizens to obey in one area, there is a spillover to other areas. They become accustomed to a life of surrender. They give in. They go along. They yield on one front, so they yield on another. It’s no accident that, historically, the one family most responsible for the emergence of modern medicine AND the Globalist agenda is: Rockefeller. Whatever else it is (and I have covered the details in many articles), the system of modern medicine is a mind-control operation designed to create slavish attachment on the part of the patient. Attachment to the authority of the doctor and whatever he commands. Attachment to the toxic drugs he prescribes. Attachment to the disease-labels he pronounces. In these and other respects, modern medicine is a secular Church, and the doctors are the priests in white coats. They are everywhere in contemporary societies. They rule. They subject the parishioners (patients) to arbitrary fiats. The result of this long-term conditioning: the patients develop a deep habit of loyalty to authority. This habit spreads like ink on a blotter. It begins to apply to all areas of life. Eventually, the government can say: “Look, we’re going to sign a treaty, and you won’t know what’s in it. You’ll be completely in the dark. But it’s a good thing. It’s for the benefit of all. Don’t ask us to disclose the details. Would you ask your doctor to explain, in detail, the pictures he took of your brain? Of course not. It’s beyond you. You’re not equipped to understand. Well, in this treaty, which runs thousands of pages, you’re not equipped to understand the complex economic details, either. But you can rest secure in your (hypnotic) faith that we’re on your side. We want what’s best for you…” There are various terms for this: brain-entrainment, operant conditioning, brainwashing, programming, mind control. They all refer to the establishing of habitual behavior, unthinking behavior. The brilliant hypnotherapist, Jack True, with whom I did research for several years (and who gave up the practice of hypnosis), once wrote to me: “Nine out of ten of my patients walk through the door already convinced that I’m doing some form of medicine. That’s what they want. They want me to tell them what to do, while they’re awake and while they’re in a trance. They’re looking for another doctor. Our whole civilization is under a white-coat trance. It took me several years to get over my astonishment at this fact. This is mass-hypnosis on a grand scale.” If you’re on the side of freedom, you need to look at a whole society and figure out where the deepest form of conditioning is coming from. You need to find out where the most successful form of hypnosis is coming from. Because that’s where overall mind-control is strongest. In modern society, it’s doctors. This is why governments ally themselves with doctors. It’s a perfect partnership. Someday, we could see a President in a white coat with a stethoscope around his neck and a syringe in his hand. He’ll be able to tell people the sky is the ground and stars are traffic lights, and he’ll be believed. The doctor is the trigger- man for the New World. On a practical level, we could see secret treaties like the TPP give more global protection to the medical cartel: international exemption from lawsuits against pharmaceutical corporations; exemption from liability stemming from toxic drugs and vaccines; agreements to extend periods of court-ordered lockdowns in psych wards. The medical cartel and the Globalists walk hand-in-hand into the future. Maintaining the freedom to refuse medical care is imperative. The Holy Church of Medicine and its allies and dupes are out in full force these days. They want compliant slaves. They must not win. Off-grid living is never complete without your own off-grid healthcare system. In fact, that is one of the most critical components on how you can successfully live outside of the dog-eat-dog paradigm. A real off-grid healthcare technology is already being used to suppress any pandemic, destroy injectable microbots, and it offers many distinct advantages not attributable to mainstream conventions.
The majority of Southeast Asians continue to regard China as the most influential political, strategic and economic power in the region. But wariness of this state of affairs has not gone away. ASEAN and China relations reached all-time highs last year when ASEAN Leaders and President Xi Jinping celebrated the 30th anniversary of their dialogue partnership. What was even more significant is a trophy title of a “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership” accorded to China that would evidently give China a higher status over other dialogue partners. Undoubtedly, the regional bloc recognises China’s economic importance as ASEAN’s largest trading partner. Strategically, it stands to reason that China’s political influence and military might is increasingly a source of apprehension for Southeast Asians. The State of Southeast Asia 2022 Survey Report published by the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute has established that China continues to be highly regarded as the most influential economic power by 76.7 per cent of respondents from the region (a slight 0.8 percentage point increase from 2021). It is also perceived as the most influential political and strategic power in Southeast Asia with 54.4 per cent of the vote (an increase of 4.6 percentage points from 2021), ahead of the US at 29.7 per cent. While it appears that China has captured the mindshare of the region, its presence is not assuring. The survey has shown that the region is generally worried about China’s growing economic influence (64.4 per cent) as well as its growing regional political and strategic influence (76.4 per cent). Such sentiments can potentially worsen the region’s impression of China. As such, it is not surprising that 41.7 per cent of respondents view China as a “revisionist power” that “intends to turn Southeast Asia into its sphere of influence”. Furthermore, the majority of Southeast Asians (58.1 per cent) have expressed little or no confidence in China to do the right thing to contribute to global peace, security, prosperity, and governance – though the level of distrust has waned slightly from 59.6 per cent last year. When asked to choose who ASEAN countries should align with if the region is forced to choose, over 57 per cent of the region chose to align with the US over China (a slight increase of 0.8 percentage points from 2021). In examining the whys and wherefores, among those who distrust China, 49.6 per cent felt that China’s economic and military power could be used to threaten ASEAN countries’ interest and sovereignty. Likewise, on the question of “what could potentially worsen your positive impression of China”, the results show that a significant number of respondents (46.2 per cent) – including all the claimant states in the South China Sea, namely, Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines, and Vietnam – have indicated that their top concern is China’s strong-arm tactics in the South China Sea and the Mekong region. The survey has shown that the region is generally worried about China’s growing economic influence (64.4 per cent) as well as its growing regional political and strategic influence (76.4 per cent). Predictably, this also resulted in the region’s (64.6 per cent of respondents) wish for China to resolve all territorial and maritime disputes peacefully in accordance with international law. This follows China’s military build-ups in the South China Sea in recent years and the intrusions into Southeast Asian claimant states’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), with the ambitious goal of militarily dominating the South China Sea. Despite the international arbitral tribunal ruling in 2016 that China has no historical rights to areas within Southeast Asia’s EEZ, China did not stop but expanded its maritime militia activities and grey-zone tactics. Claimant states in Southeast Asia are also concerned about the controversial Coast Guard law announced in January last year which allows Chinese coast guards to fire on foreign vessels in its claimed waters. For the international community, China’s actions are not only intimidating but have clearly breached or weakened the relevance of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the erosion of a rules-based order in the region, despite these being sacrosanct principles mentioned in numerous ASEAN documents. To help buttress Southeast Asian claimants in their dealings with China, the US State Department issued another report on Limits in the Seas in January 2022 – building on its 2014 analysis of China’s ‘nine-dash line’ claim. It is obvious that ASEAN needs to stand firm and cohesive to uphold these principles in pushing back China’s claims and to better control regional maritime resources, despite its dilemma of not wanting to antagonise China. This is particularly important in the ongoing negotiations for the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC) to ensure that the document is kept effective, substantive and fit for protecting the interest of Southeast Asia. Smaller ASEAN countries would not like to risk forgoing the protection provided by international law in negotiations. At the same time, China prefers diplomatic mechanisms, and does not want its actions to be constrained legally, nor does it want outside powers to be involved in the disputed waters. However, ASEAN needs to realise that a COC that cannot preserve the maritime rights and entitlements enshrined in UNCLOS will not add value to the existing Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) and will not be worth its time and effort. China may see the need of achieving economic targets and strengthening national power (including using force to defend territorial disputes) as crucial to maintaining a high level of political legitimacy for the “Party-state”. However, the international community is not willing to deal with a more aggressive and assertive China – a point that was also highlighted in the US Indo-Pacific Strategy released earlier in the month. The last thing that China wants is to drive ASEAN closer to the US through its actions in the South China Sea or ‘debt-trap diplomacy’ through large loans embedded within the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). After all, the region has expressed confidence in the US as a strategic partner and a provider of regional security. The US is also the region’s top choice leader in maintaining a rules-based order and upholding international law according to the State of Southeast Asia 2022 Survey Report. The survey has indeed shed light and provided some important lessons on what drives the region. Push comes to shove, China needs to understand what matters to ASEAN. A long list of cooperation activities, big promises of economic support including through the BRI, and provision of large numbers of Covid-19 vaccines has captured the mindshare of ASEAN. However, to win the heart of ASEAN is also to gain trust and uphold key principles such as the rule of law, promotion of good governance and strengthening of human rights. Hand in hand, China’s cooperation with ASEAN, undergirded by values that matter to the region will make China a greater winner.
KDDI announces KDDI GX Platform KDDI CORPORATION January 18, 2019 Integrated Management Solution for Corporate Customers OverseasTokyo, Jan 18, 2019 - KDDI has introduced the KDDI GX (Global Exchange) Platform, providing overseas corporate customers with centralized support across a range of solutions including network, security, RPA (robotic process automation), IoT and others. The KDDI GX Platform will initially be offered across the ASEAN region covered by KDDI Singapore, including Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, India, and the United Arab Emirates and Australia. For Japanese firms operating overseas, working in local IT environments is often an essential concern. Issues include relocation and human resource management, outsourcing operations management, minimizing infrastructure cost, and optimizing management, governance, and IT security, while advances in information technology require stable IT personnel in each country to maintain the IT environment. KDDI is responding to customer concerns by enabling a uniform response to these issues and making the KDDI GX Platform available. Through the integration of a full range of IT-related issues facing customers with operations overseas, the GX Platform will provide powerful operational support for a spectrum of solutions including IoT and RPA, in addition to establishing the necessary IT environments. Clients deploying the KDDI GX Platform will be able to concentrate IT-related resources on the expansion of core business operations, as the platform enables services common to each country, while fully outsourcing operations and management. With the GX Platform, staffing can be optimized as well as costs minimized. As the KDDI Group works to achieve its goal of "integrating telecommunications and life design," it will continue to be a company that offers exciting new ideas and creates new customer experience value through powerful support for the global business implementation of our corporate customers. About the KDDI GX Platform OverviewBy providing Internet connectivity, we enable access to common services. We can help with issues that corporate customers face in each country by supporting the optimization of human resource management, outsourcing of operations management, minimization of infrastructure costs, and IT governance and security. Through staff optimization and cost minimization, clients can concentrate resources for establishing an IT environment on the expansion of core business operations. - The KDDI GX Platform can be used anywhere an Internet environment is in place. (Note: Some services are unavailable in certain countries.) - No initial investment required and services can be used for a monthly user fee. (Note: Some services may incur one-time fees, depending on content.) - Clients can select only the services they need according to their IT environments. - Services can be expanded or reduced according to the client IT environment. Key service offerings KDDI Managed Services - Remote monitoring of all services and devices on the network - Maintenance, support and problem solving for clients through flexible menu - Complete IT operations and management, from PC to server UiPath with KDDI - Boosted productivity with UiPath robotic process automation (RPA) - RPA engineers stationed throughout Southeast Asia region - Full global robotic process control including data center, cloud and network - Start small with tailored service implementation plans for each customer SORACOM with KDDI - SORACOM powerful IoT platform, available in over 100 countries - Flexible device support and applications compatibility responds to all needs - Secure transmission of client data, device management and cloud integration Zscaler with KDDI - Zscaler, world’s largest cloud-based web security platform - Provides multi-layered security against diversifying online threats - Multi-device and location-free, protects across users, devices and locations - Protects from even the most advanced and complicated cyber-attacks KDDI Cloud Inventory - Centralized IT inventory and management platform - Global endpoint management covering smartphones, virtual machines and more - Capable of handling large-scale global systems, providing diverse security options - Detects, prevents and removes targeted attacks, ransomware, unknown malware Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, India, the United Arab Emirates and Australia. A phased roll out of services is planned. Service launch date January 18, 2019 Visit the KDDI Singapore website for more information on services: |Company name||KDDI Singapore Pte. Ltd.| |Est.||Sept. 28, 1989 (KDDI Singapore office established in 1961)| |Location||77 Robinson Road, #26-00 Singapore 068896| |Business activities||Telecommunications business operations (with licensed telecommunications facilities base), system integration, data centers, Internet services, cloud services, office relocation, IoT services, cyber-security services, managed services, procurement of each device type, etc.| - *The information contained in the news releases is current at the time of publication. Products, service fees,service content and specifications, contact information, and other details are subject to change without notice.
Camelway Machinery offers Mobile Concrete Batching Plant for temporary work, capacity from 20 to 120 cubic meters per hour. The advantages of a mobile batching plant include the ability to quickly get fresh mix of the required composition, since concrete is prepared directly at the construction site. 2018 4 6 · concrete batching plant hls100 with ce and iso 100m3/h concrete batch plant and cement batching plant hzs40 hzs series double shaft concrete plant/hot sale concrete batching plant good new 75m3/h mix plant. iso approved good performance high for Usage/Application: Concrete Pumping Model Name/Number: ASP 10011 Brand/Make: Ajax Engine Power: Diesel Engine 6 cylinder Water Cooled 170 h, TI @ 2200 rpm Weight: 5600 kg Usage/Application: Concrete Pumping Brand/Make: Shwing Stetter Capacity: Up to 60 Cubic Meters per Hour Self loading concrete mixer refers to a mobile concrete mixer machine that has self loading material function. It looks like a concrete mixer truck because it has truck base and mixing drum. Aimix supplies 1.8m 3, 2.6m 3, 3.5m 3 and 4.0m 3 self loading concrete mixers for sale in Thailand, which is widely applied for road construction, bridge construction, tunnel engineering, infrastructure And the belt type small cement plant for sale, we usually refer to small mobile concrete batching plant, because the minimum capacity of the stationary type belt concrete batching plant has reached 60 cubic meters per hour, so we say here the corresponding Concrete batching plant for sale in Thailand. As one of the top leading concrete batching plant manufacturers, Aimix Machinery Group has made a good sales performance in Southeast Asian market, including Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Bangladesh. AJ-120 Concrete Batching Plant for Sale in Aimix. Click here for Price. 3000. 3500. 4500. 6500. 6900. 1. Trailer mounted concrete pump for sale can achieve horizontal concrete delivering, vertical concrete delivering, and concrete watering. In addition, trailer pumps for sale have high degree of machinery automation, the mechanical automation greatly reduces the labour, and this will save a lot of labor costs. 21/6/2021 · JSW Concrete's first commercial unit has a capacity of 2 X 60 cubic meters per hour. Over the next 12 months, the company plans to establish three additional units in Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) covering Navi Mumbai, Thane & Western line. HZS25 concrete batching plant is a simple kind of automatic feeding concrete batching plant that can production of 25 cubic meters ready mix concrete per hour in theory. It is equipped with a double horizontal shaft forced mixer JS500 which capacity is 0.5m³ per batch and a batching plant PLD1200 which have 3 aggregate bins. And its output is from 25 cubic meters per hour to 90 cubic meters per hour, and you can choose the proper type according to your demands. Apart from the great concrete mixer, Aimix engineering concrete plant is also equipped with screw conveyor, metering sensor, pneumatic components, which ensures great reliability, accurate measurement and extraordinary long service time. Mobile Continuous Asphalt Mixing Equipment. Asphalt Mixing Plant. NFLG developed a number of series asphalt mixing equipments, widely used in various grade highways and airports, dams and other places, with its high-quality, quality service, by the majority of clients. +. 15/1/2020 · The production capacity of large-scale concrete batching plant is more than 120 cubic meters per hour, the production capacity of medium-sized concrete batch plant is 60-90 cubic hours per hour AJ-90 concrete batching plant dubai. 1. The theoretical productivity is 90 cubic meters per hour, equipped with the mixer for JS1500 model forced mixer, nominal capacity of 1500L. 2. The batching capacity of the batching machine is PLD2400, and the maximum productivity of the … Side-type Asphalt Mixing Equipment With the unique online intelligent detection at a thermal efficiency of 90% and an energy reduction of 15%, the burner independently developed by NFLG uses the double frequency conversion, various types of oil, and the original ELKON MIX MASTER-30 On-Site Type Concrete Batching Plant makes it possible to produce concrete economical even in small projects where the requirement for concrete is relatively low. Concrete produced in Mix Master-30 On-Site Concrete Plant is fully comply with international standards and it is possible to print out receipts by supplying laptop and printer. China Concrete Mixer Plant manufacturers - Select 2021 high quality Concrete Mixer Plant products in best price from certified Chinese Construction Machinery, China Mixer suppliers, wholesalers and factory on Made-in-China.com 30/9/2020 · This batching plant model is HZS60, the smallest belt type batching plant which can produce 60 cbm concrete per hour in ideal circumstances. Batching Plants manufactured by Camelway had sold in many cities in Sri Lanka which applied to residential projects, road&bridge projects and others. The Stationary Plants are available in various capacities ranging from 30 m3 to 240 m3 per hour of compacted concrete output. The Plants are provided with four, five and six nos. Aggregate Bin option with a total storage capacity from 30 to 250 cubic meters. 29/9/2020 · 60 cubic meters per hour concrete batching plant is a belt conveyor type plant that configured with JS1000 concrete mixer machine, PLD1600 batching machine, cement silo, weighing system, electric control system.Technical parameters for 60 cubic meter per…
After writing the Where to Find Halal Chang in Malaysia post, you didn’t think we’d leave our neighbour across the causeway hanging without a blog post of their own, do you? Obviously not! But since we haven’t been in Singapore since the pandemic started, our article is strictly based on Google search. We did remember on our last visit we saw a couple of places selling halal chang in Geylang and Joo Chiat. Though we’re not sure whether that information still stands. Let’s just cut to the chase and get on to where you can find halal chang in Singapore now, shall we? 1. Nyonya Mansor Halal Kueh Chang Address: 678 Chua Chu Kang Crescent SIngapore 680678 Facebook: Nyonya Mansor Halal Kueh Chang Phone: +65 9738 2945 Product: Nyonya chang 2. Authentic Hokkien Chang Phone: +65 8687 1055 Product: Hokkien chang 3. Agogo Kitchens Facebook: Agogo Kitchens Phone: +65 8150 6925 Products: Mushroom chang, Nyonya chang, beef/chicken, Hokkien chang, beef/chicken black pepper chang, 4. Rayz Halalz Changz Facebook: Rayz Halalz Changz Phone: +65 9624 6479 5. Savor Avenue Instagram: Savor Avenue Products: Kee chang, Nyonya chang, lepat chang 6. Chunking SG Instagram: Chunking SG Products: Signature beef rendang chunk, signature chicken rendang chunk, premium chunk, mini lepat chunk, premium mala chunk, premium chicken rice chunk, tom yam chunk 7. Lita’s Delights Instagram: Lita’s Delights 8. Aunty Amy’s Kueh Chang 9. HomeMade Halal Kueh Chang Instagram: HomeMade Halal Kueh Chang Phone: +65 9177 5214 Products: Beef rendang with chestnut. chicken rendang with chestnut and salted egg, black pepper beef ball stuffed with salted egg and chestnut Naturally, this list will be kept updated from time to time. So make sure to bookmark this post and check it whenever you have that sudden craving. Also, if you know of any other places where you can buy halal chang in Singapore that’s not listed here, please let us know and we’ll do our best to include it in the list. Thank you!
Home » Obesity Category Archives: Obesity Humans are extremely “plastic”. “Plastic” meaning that our development can be shaped by what goes on (or does not go in) in our developmental environment along with the environment outside of the womb. Many factors drive development, and if one factor changes then part of the developmental course for the organism changes as well. Thus, environment can and does drive development, with the addition (or subtraction) of different factors. In this article, I will discuss some of the factors that drive development and physical plasticity and what can change them. Subsistence provides food while food provides nutrition. Nutrients, then, supply our bodies with energy and promote tissue growth—among other things. However, nutrient requirements vary across and between species, while all mammals need a mixture of macronutrients (carbs, fat, protein, water, and fiber) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Biological variability in nutrient requirements and “the eventual degree of metabolic function that an individual can achieve for a particular intake level is determined to a greater or lesser extent by genetic variants in enzymes controlling the absorption, uptake, distribution, retention or utilization of the nutrient” (Molloy, 2004: 156). Thus, individuals who consume the same amount of micro and macronutrients—who also have different polymorphisms in genes coding for the metabolism of any nutrient (through hormones and enzymes)—can, and do, have differing physiological responses to same vitamin intake. Thus, differences in genetic polymorphisms between individuals can—and do—lead to different disease. Next we have phenotypic plasticity. Phenotypic plasticity, simply put, is the ability for a genome to express a different phenotype in variable environments. For instance, people born in hotter environments—no matter their race or ethnicity—develop larger pores in order to sweat more, since sweating is needed for cooling the body (Lieberman, 2015). Phenotypic plasticity can be a problem, though, in environments with numerous environmental stressors that will stress the mother and, in turn, affect the baby’s development in the womb as well affecting post-birth events. An example of this is when food availability is low and exposure to infection is high (in-utero and post-birth), and when these stressors are removed, the organism in question shows “catch-up growth”, implying that these stressors impeded the development of the organism in question. Maternal nutritional imbalance has been found—both in animal studies and epidemiological studies—and metabolic disturbances, during critical windows of development for the organism, have both a persistent effect on the health of the organism and can be transmitted epigenetically to future generations (Gallou-Kabani and Junien, 2005). Gallou-Kabani and Junien (2005) write: Epigenetic chromatin marks may be propagated mitotically and, in some cases, meiotically, resulting in the stable inheritance of regulatory states. Transient nutritional stimuli occurring at critical ontogenic stages may have lasting influences on the expression of various genes by interacting with epigenetic mechanisms and altering chromatin conformation and transcription factor accessibility (11). Thus, metabolic syndrome can show transgenerational effects by way of incomplete erasure of the epigenetic factors carried by grandparents and parents. (See also Treretola et al, 2005.) Epigenetic regulation was extremely important during our evolution and especially during the development of the human organism, and is how and why we are so phenotypically plastic. Epigenetic regulation during fetal reprogramming of the individual in preparation for the environment they expect to enter is likely to be a response to seasonal energy imbalance; changes that favour the metabolic efficiency are likely to be adaptive in such circumstances. Removal of seasonal energy stress, as has taken place in contemporary industrialized societies, may turn efficiency toward pathology. Humans thus have evolved an animal model that can respond genetically (through natural selection), phenotypically (through developmental plasticity) and epigenetically (by a balance of both). (Ulijaszek, Mann, and Elton, 2013: 19) This seems to be a fundamental response to the human organism in-utero, responding to the lack of food in its environment and growing accordingly (low birth weight, susceptibilities to differing disease), which are still a problem for much of the developed world. Though this can be maladaptive in the developed, industrialized world, since poor early-life environments can lead to epigenetic changes which then spell out bad consequences for the low-birth-weight baby who was exposed to a slew of negative nutritional factors during conception (and post-birth). It has already been established that nutrition can alter the genome and epigenome (Niculescu and Lupu, 2011; Niculescu, 2012; Anderson, Sant, and Dolinoy, 2012). So if differing nutritional effects can alter the genome and epigenome and these effects are transgenerationally inherited by future generations, then famines change the expression of the genome and epigenome which can then inherited by future generations if the epigenetic factors carried by the grandparents and parents are not erased (and there is mounting evidence for this claim, see Yang, Liu, and Sun, 2017). There is evidence of phenotypic plasticity regarding the lack of nutrition when it comes to humans, in-utero, and the evidence comes from the Dutch Family Studies (see Lumey et al, 2007 for an overview of the project). Individuals who were prenatally exposed to the Dutch winter famine of 1944-45, six decades later, had less DNA methylation of the IGF2 (insulin-like growth factor 2) gene than same-sex siblings who were not exposed to the winter famine (Heijmns et al, 2008). The IGF2 gene plays an essential role of the development of the fetus before birth. The gene is highly active during fetal development, but much less so after birth. (It should be noted that the loss of imprinting on the IGF2 gene can promote prostate cancer; Fenner, 2017 and loss of imprinting on IGF2 can also promote other types of cancer as well; Livingstone, 2013). Stein et al (2009) concluded that “famine exposure prior to conception is associated with poorer self-reported mental health and a higher level of depressive symptoms.” Tobi et al (2009) write that their data “support the hypothesis that associations between early developmental conditions and health outcomes later in life may be mediated by changes in the epigenetic information layer.” Tobi et al (2014) also show that the “Epigenetic modulation of pathways by prenatal malnutrition may promote an adverse metabolic phenotype in later life.” The prenatal—and neonatal—periods of development are of utmost importance in order for the organism to develop normally, any deviation outside of these measures can—and does—affect the genome and epigenome (Hajj et al, 2014). Another strong example that these responses are adaptive to the organism in question is the fact that people who were exposed to nutritional imbalances in the womb showed a higher chance of becoming obese later in life (Roseboom, de Rooji, and Painter, 2006). Their study has implications for babies born in developing countries (since famines mirror, in a way, developing countries). Roseboom, de Rooji, and Painter (2006: 489) write: This may imply that adaptations that enable the fetus to continue to grow may nevertheless have adverse consequences for health in later life. Roseboom, de Rooji, and Painter (2006: 490) also write: The nutritional experience of babies who were exposed to famine in early gestation may resemble that of babies in developing countries whose mothers are undernourished in early pregnancy and receive supplementation later on, but also of babies in developed countries whose mothers suffer from severe morning sickness. So on-going studies, such as the Dutch Famine Study, have the chance to elucidate the mechanisms of low birth weight, and it can also show us how and why those exposed to adverse conditions in the womb show so many negative symptoms which are not present in kin who were not exposed to such malnutrition in the womb. These findings also suggest that nutrition before—and after—pregnancy can play a role in disease acquisition later in life. The fact that those exposed to famines have a higher chance of becoming obese later in life (Abeleen et al, 2012; Meng et al, 2017) shows that this adaptive response of the organism in the womb was very important in our evolution; the babe exposed to low maternal nutrition in the womb can, after birth, consume enough energy to become overweight, which would have been an adaptive evolutionary response to low maternal caloric energy. Babies who are exposed to maternal under-nutrition in the womb—when exposed to an environment with ample foodstuffs—are at heightened risk of becoming type II diabetics and acquiring metabolic syndromes (Robinson, Buchholz, and Mazurak, 2007). This seems to be an adaptive, plastic response of the organism: since nutrients/energy were in low quantity in the womb, low nutrients/energy in the womb changed the epigenome of the organism, and so when (if) the organism is exposed to an environment with ample amounts of food energy, they will then have a higher susceptibility to metabolic syndromes and weight gains, due to their uterine environment. (Diet also has an effect on brain plasticity in both animals and humans, in the womb and out of it; see Murphy, Dias, and Thuret, 2014.) In sum, phenotypic plasticity, which is driven in part by epigenetics, was extremely important in our evolution. This epigenetic regulation that occurs in the womb prepared the individual in question to be able to respond to the energy imbalance of the environment the organism was born in. The plasticity of humans, and animals, in regard to what occurs (or does not occur) in the environment, is how we were able to survive in new environments (not ancestral to our species). Epigenetic changes that occur in the grandparental and parental generations, when not completely erased during the meiotic division of cells, can affect future generations of progeny in a negative way. The implications of the data are clear: under-nutrition (and malnutrition) affect the genome and epigenome in ways that are inherited through the generations, which is due to the physical plasticity of the human in-utero as well as post-birth when the baby developing. These epigenetic changes then lead to the one who experienced the adverse uterine environment to have a higher chance of becoming obese later in life, which suggests that this is an adaptive response to low amounts of nutrients/caloric energy in the uterine environment. Within-group differences in body fat and diabetes tell a lot about the diet and susceptibility of the diseases to that group. What the ethny does (or does not do) affects how high their body fat will be and whether or not they become diabetic. Since body fat levels are related to diabetes, then looking at both variables together should tell a lot about the diet and lifestyles of the ethnies studied. The ethnies I will look at are Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, Koreans, Mongolians, and Filipinos. The Chinese have high levels of body fat (Wang et al, 2004) but have a lower BMI yet higher level of body fat than whites (Wang et al, 1994). BMI correlates with body fat percentage in the Chinese, while BMI and body fat percentage were related to DM (diabetes mellitus). Though BMI has its limits in people ranging from 24 to 27.9 BMI (Wang et al, 2011). New findings have shown that obesity in China may be underestimated (Gangqiang et al, 2017). That Chinese males have higher levels of body fat than white males held even after adjusting for age and BMI (Wang et al, 2011). The reality is that body fat percentage and diabetes, along with other diseases like prostate cancer (PCa) are increasing at an alarming rate in China (Tomlinson, Deng, and Thomas, 2008), so what is the cause? The cause is very simple: The introduction of the Western diet. As I have written in the past, wherever the Western diet goes, diseases of civilization follow in high numbers in populations that previously did not eat that type of food. One analysis of the Chinese diet (compared with the Meditteranean, Japanese, and American diets) showed that “the Chinese diet has been shifting away from the traditional diet toward high-fat, low-carbohydrate and low-fiber diets, and nutrients intakes in Chinese people have been changing even worse than those in American people” (Zhang et al, 2015). One study showed differences in dietary expectations between Americans (in Honolulu, Hawaii, so probably ethnically mixed) and Chinese in Changsha Hunan, China (Banna et al, 2016). The Chinese students mentioned physical outcomes such as “ such as maintaining immunity and digestive health” while American students state that they “balanced food groups” and balanced consumption with exercise (implying you can outrun a bad diet when you can’t…) while also stating that physical activity should be essential. American students stated that they needed to avoid foods high in fat. In that same manner, one Chinese student said “”Eat smaller amounts of meat, fish and vegetarian alternatives, choosing lower fat options whenever possible.” Meat, specifically beef and pork, was often cited as a food that should be limited” (Banna et al, 2016). Both groups of students in both countries erroneously assume that high-fat diets are bad for you—on the contrary, it’s high carb low-fat diets that are bad, which lead to DM. The number of obese Chinese has surpassed the US; China is on its way to top the world in childhood obesity; and the incidence of diabetes is exploding in China. All due to the introduction of a Western diet. Something else worth noting: All Asian ethnies—at the same BMI—have higher levels of body fat and central adiposity, a risk-factor for diabetes (Deurenberg, Deurenberg-Yap, and Guricci, 2002). Everywhere the Western Diet goes, obesity, diabetes, and disease soon follow and Mongolia is no different. Otgontuya et al (2009) showed that 6 percent of their study population were underweight, while 50.7 percent were in the normal range, 32.8 percent were overweight and 10.5 percent were obese, with women being slightly more likely to be overweight and obese. Rural people were more likely to be overweight and obese than urban people. Men had significantly lower body fat percent levels than women (26 and 34 percent respectively), women in the lowest age group had the lowest body fat percentage. Mongolians living in China had impaired fasting glucose (IFG); those who had diabetes and IFG were more likely to be overweight and have higher central adiposity (Zhang et al, 2009). Mongolians eat an estimated 2,525 kcal per day, along with a fat/kcal ratio of 33.7—1.3 times higher than the Japanese and this is associated with their lower mortality (Komatsu et al, 2008). As with other Asian nations, Korea has the same problems. Hong et al (2011) showed that in Korean men, muscle mass decreases and body fat increases with age while for women fat mass and obesity increased with age. I particularly like this study since they assessed percent body fat (and other variables) with the DXA scan—one of the gold-standard of assessing body fat. Another Korean study showed that high birthweight leads to obesity and higher levels of body fat but not muscle mass (Kang et al, 2018), and with the advent of the Western diet in Asia, we can expect higher rates of obesity. (Note that this is an observational study and thusly causation is not certain, future studies will tease out causation and I bet the Western diet plays a role.) Another study even showed that eating frequency is related to obesity when diet quality is high, but not low in Korean adults (Kim, Yang, and Park, 2018). There is one more risk-factor in regard to Korean obesity—study time after school is associated with habitual eating which leads to becoming overweight and obese. In this sample, Korean children who reported studying after school and eating when they were not hungry during studying were at increased risk for developing obesity in later years (Lee et al, 2018). There is one interesting thing to note in regard to Koreans and diabetes, though: High leg fat mass, along with lower leg muscle mass, significantly lowered the risk for DM, while those who had lower leg body fat but higher leg muscle mass had a higher risk for developing diabetes (Choi et al, 2017). Shin, Hong, and Shin (2017) show that “… BAI is less useful than BMI and other adiposity indices, such as the WHtR, the WHR, and WC. These indices may be better candidates for clinical use and to evaluate metabolic syndrome risk factors.” One mouse study showed that the traditional Korean diet prevented obesity and ameliorated insulin resistance (Choi et al, 2017) which implies that a shift back to the traditional Korean diet for Koreans would show positive health benefits. Japan is similar to China as regards body fat percentage and BMI. They have a culture of fat-shaming (do note that it does not work but in fact makes the problem worse due to biochemical stress) and when one of their peers becomes overweight, they begin to shame in hopes that they will lower their weight. Though, despite their culture of thinness, in Japan, diabetes is a “hidden scourge“. This is due to, again, the Western diet reaching Japanese shores. Rice is a major food staple in Japan. Since rice is a carbohydrate, then it follows that, if eaten in large amounts, one who eats more rice than another would have a higher chance of becoming a diabetic. Rice intake is associated with the onset of diabetes in Japanese women, with a significant increase in diabetes if the woman ate more than 420 grams of rice (3 bowls) per day; the association was pronounced in women who were physically-inactive, and nonobese (Nanri et al, 2010). The same was seen in Chinese women (Villegas et al, 2007). However, Nanri et al (2010) state that “The mechanism by which increased rice consumption increases risk of type 2 diabetes remains unclear. … the association between rice intake and type 2 diabetes risk remained significant even after adjustment for these food factors, which suggested an independent role of white rice in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes.” The cause is very simple: White rice, as Nanri et al note, is high on the glycemic index scale. If a food is high on the glycemic index scale, then it will spike one’s blood sugar high, which eventually would lead to DM. It’s also worth noting that a low-carb diet was associated with a decrease in diabetes, most likely due to a decrease in white rice consumption (Nanri et al, 2015). The Japanese, in comparison to other Asian countries, have low levels of obesity, though the maladies they acquire are in-line with their diet and what they eat. However, some have noted the fact that Japanese diabetes rates are low. (Notwithstanding their hidden scourge.) This is easily explainable: The percent of carbohydrate intake is nowhere as important as the absolute amount of carbohydrate consumed. Though their diabetic population has increased to over 10 million recently. This is, of course, due to the introduction of the Western diet in Japan. The last ethny I will discuss are Filipinos. Body-shaming is, as it is in other Asian countries, prevalent. At a fixed BMI, in spite of both groups living in similar conditions and eating a similar diet, “Malay and Thai boys had a significantly higher %BF than Filipino boys and Thai girls had a significantly higher %BF than Malay and Filipino girls” (Liu et al, 2011). Choi et al (2013) showed that Filipino men living in California with DM were more likely to be overweight and obese, and Filipino men without DM were still more likely to be overweight and obese (even when adjusting for age and other lifestyle factors, Filipinos still had a higher chance of acquiring DM. Though Korean women had the highest rates of DM, followed by Filipinas. Filipino and Korean emigrants to America had higher rates of weight gain than Chinese emigrants (Oakkert et al, 2015). This could be due to cultural values back home, which then obviously change when they emigrate to America. Furthermore, they find themselves in obesogenic environments (See Lake and Townshend,2006; Townshend and Lake, 2017). The cause is the difference in the built food environment; this is why Filipino men and women have high rates of DM and CVD (cardiovascular disease). Further, in Filipinas, increased socioeconomic status, urban residence, fewer pregnancies and lactations and spending more time away from home is positively associated with weight gain. Though a high waist-to-hip ratio and being overweight and obese was independently related to hypertension in Filipinas (Adair, 2012). This study documented weight changes in a 16-year period in Filipina women as they moved higher up the SES ladder. Adair (2012) does note that obesity is increasing in lower-income households, too, but not as quickly when compared to more affluent households. Comparing body fat percentages amongst Asian-American groups indicates that not all Asian-American populations are not equal in body fatness (Alpert and Thomason, 2016). However, one study shows that Asian Indians and Filipinos had higher prevalences of being overweight (35-37 percent and 35-47 percent respectively; Oza-Frank et al, 2009). This analysis, along with many others, shows that Asians—no matter the ethny—have higher levels of body fat than non-Hispanic white populations. It’s also worth noting that Filipina women had higher levels of VAT (visceral adipose tissue) than whites of a similar BMI and WC (waist circumference; Araneta and Barrett-Connor, 2012). Asian ethnies have differing levels of body fat at the same BMI. This implies that what works for whites regarding BMI won’t work for Asians, since these ethnies, when compares with whites of a similar BMI and WC, had higher rates of body fat. The relationship between BMI and body fat levels is ethny-specific (Deurenberg, Deurenberg-Yap, and Guricci, 2002), though Filipinos and Asian Indians have higher levels of body fat regardless of the BMI standard used (Oza-Frank et al, 2009), which is one of the most important tells in ascertaining whether one is at-risk for DM and other maladies. It is not particularly interesting that Asian emigrants to America see their weight increase, as this is noted when the scourge called the Western diet crosses the Pacific. But what is interesting here is the rates between each Asian ethny, what they eat, and what causes the relationship. Asian ethnies, when matched at similar BMIs, had differing levels of body fat, which implies that there should be ethny-specific BMI, though no matter which BMI standard was used, Filipinos and Asian Indians still had higher rates of body fat. I say that if you are over-weight and wish to lose weight, then you should eat less. You should keep eating less until you achieve your desired weight, and then stick to that level of calorific intake. Why only talk about calories and assume that they do the same things once ingested into the body? See Feinman and Fine (2004) to see how and why that is fallacious. This was actually studied. Contestants on the show The Biggest Loser were followed after they lost a considerable amount of weight. They followed the same old mantra: eat less, and move more. Because if you decrease what is coming in, and expend more energy then you will lose weight. Thermodynamics, energy in and out, right? That should put one into a negative energy balance and they should lose weight if they persist with the diet. And they did. However, what is going on with the metabolism of the people who lost all of this weight, and is this effect more noticeable for people who lost more weight in comparison to others? Fothergill et al (2016) found that persistent metabolic slowdown occurred after weight loss, the average being a 600 kcal slowdown. This is what the conventional dieting advice gets you, a slowed metabolism with you having to eat fewer kcal than one who was never obese. This is what the ‘eat less, move more’ advice, the ‘CI/CO’ advice is horribly flawed and does not work! He seems to understand that exercise does not work to induce weight loss, but it’s this supposed combo that’s supposed to be effective, a kind of one-two punch, and you only need to eat less and move more if you want to lose weight! This is horribly flawed. He then shows a few table from a paper he authored with another researcher back in 1974 (Bhanji and Thompson, 1974). Say you take 30 people who weigh the same, have the same amount of body fat and are the same height, they eat the same exact macronutrient composition, with the same exact foods, eating at a surplus deficit with the same caloric content, and, at the end of say, 3 months, you will get a different array of weight gained/stalled/decrease in weight. Wow. Something like this would certainly disprove the CI/CO myth. Aamodt (2016: 138-139) describes a study by Bouchard and Tremblay (1997; warning: twin study), writing: When identical twins, men in their early 20s, were fed a thousand extra calories per day for about three months, each pair showed similar weight gains. In contrast, the gains varied across twin pairs, ranging from nine to twenty-nine pound, even though the calorie imbalance esd the same for everyone. An individual’s genes also influence weight loss. When another group of identical twins burned a thousand more calories per day through exercise while maintaining a stable food intake in an inpatient facility, their losses ranged from two to eighteen pounds and were even more similar within twin pairs than weight gain. Take a moment to think about that. Some people’s bodies resis weight loss so well that burning an extra thousand calpires a day for three months, without eating more, leads them to lose only two pounds. The “weight loss is just math” crows we met in the last chapter needs to look at what happens when their math is applied to living people. (We know what usually happens: they accuse the poor dieter of cheating, whether or not it’s true.) If cutting 3,500 calories equals one pound of weight loss, then everyone on the twuns’ exercist protocol should have lost twenty-four pounds, but not a single participant lost that much. The average weight loss was only eleven pounds, and the individual variation was huge. Such differences can result from genetic influences on resting metabolism, which varies 10 to 15 percent between people, or from differences in the gut. Because the thousand-calorie energy imbalance was the same in both the gain and loss experiments, this twin research also illustrates that it’s easier to gain weight than to lose it. That’s weird. If a calorie were truly a calorie, then, at least in the was CI/COers word things, everyone should have had the same or similar weight loss, not with the average weight loss less than half what should have been expected from the kcal they consumed. That is a shot against the CI/CO theory. Yet more evidence against comes from the Vermont Prison Experiment (see Salans et al, 1971). In this experiment, they were given up to 10,000 kcal per day and they, like in the other study described previously, all gained differing amounts of weight. Wow, almost as if individuals are different and the simplistic caloric math of the CI/COers doesn’t size up against real-life situations. The First Law of Thermodynamics always holds, it’s just irrelevant to human physiology. (Watch Gary Taubes take down this mythconception too; not a typo.) Think about an individual who decreases total caloric intake from 1500 kcal per day to 1200 kcal per day over a certain period of time. The body is then forced to drop its metabolism to match the caloric intake, so the metabolic system of the human body knows when to decrease when it senses it’s getting less intake, and for this reason the First Law is not violated here, it’s irrelevant. The same thing also occurred to the Biggest Loser contestants. Because the followed the CI/CO paradigm of ‘eat less and move more’. Processed food is not bad in itself, but it is hard to monitor what is in it, and it is probably best avoided if you wish to lose weight, that is, it should not be a large part of your habitual intake. If you’re trying to lose weight you should most definitely avoid processed foods and carbohydrates. In general, all foods are good for you, in moderation. There are circumstances when you may have to eat what is available, even if it is not the best basis for a permanent sustained diet. I only contest the ‘all foods are good for you’ part. Moderation, yes. But in our hedonistic world we live in today with a constant bombardment of advertisements there is no such thing as ‘moderation’. Finally, again, willpower is irrelevant to obesity. I’d like to know the individual weight gains in Thompson’s study. I bet it’d follow both what occurred in the study described by Aamodt and the study by Sims et al. The point is, human physiological systems are more complicated than to attempt to break down weight loss to only the number of calories you eat, when not thinking of what and how you eat it. What is lost in all of this is WHEN is a good time to eat? People continuously speak about what to eat, where to eat, how to eat, who to eat with but no one ever seriously discusses WHEN to eat. What I mean by this is that people are constantly stuffing their faces all day, constantly spiking their insulin which then causes obesity. The fatal blow for the CI/CO theory is that people do not gain or lose weight at the same rate (I’d add matched for height, overall weight, muscle mass and body fat, too) as seen above in the papers cited. Why people still think that the human body and its physiology is so simple is beyond me. Hedonism along with an overconsumption of calories consumed (from processed carbohydrates) is why we’re so fat right now in the third world and the only way to reverse the trend is to tell the truth about human weight loss and how and why we get fat. CI/CO clearly does not work and is based on false premises, no matter how much people attempt to save it. It’s highly flawed and assumed that the human body is so ‘simple’ as to not ‘care’ about the quality of the macro nor where it came from. Dr. James Thompson is a big proponent of ‘diet being an IQ test‘ and has written quite a few articles on this matter. Though, the one he published today is perhaps the most misinformed. He first shortly discusses the fact that 200 kcal drinks are being marketed as ‘cures’ for type II diabetes. People ‘beat’ the disease with only 200 kcal drinks. Sure, they lost weight, lost their disease. Now what? Continue drinking the drinks or now go back to old dietary habits? Type II diabetes is a lifestyle disease, and so can be ameliorated with lifestyle interventions. Though, Big Pharma wants you to believe that you can only overcome the disease with their medicines and ‘treatments’ along with the injection of insulin from your primary care doctor. Though, this would only exacerbate the disease, not cure it. The fact of the matter is this: these ‘treatments’ only ‘cure’ the proximate causes. The ULTIMATE CAUSES are left alone and this is why people fall back into habits. When speaking about diabetes and obesity, this is a very important distinction to make. Most doctors, when treating diabetics, only treat the proximate causes (weight, symptoms that come with weight, etc) but they never get to the root of the problem. The root of the problem is, of course, insulin. The main root is never taken care of, only the proximate causes are ‘cured’ through interventions, however, the underlying cause of diabetes, and obesity as well is not taken care of because of doctors. This, then, leads to a neverending cycle of people losing a few pounds or whatnot and then they, expectedly, gain it back and they have to re-do the regimen all over again. The patient never gets cured, Big Pharma, hospitals et al get to make money off not curing a patients illness by only treating proximate and not ultimate causes. Dr. Thompson then talks about a drink for anorexics, called ‘Complan“, and that he and another researcher gave this drink to anorexics, giving them about 3000 kcals per day of the drink, which was full of carbs, fat and vitamins and minerals (Bhanji and Thompson, 1974). The total daily calorific intake was 2000-3000 calories, resulting in a mean weight gain of 12.39 kilos over 53 days, a daily gain of 234 grams, or 1.64 kilos (3.6 pounds) a week. That is in fact a reasonable estimate of the weight gains made by a totally sedentary person who eats a 3000 calorie diet. For a higher amount of calories, adjust upwards. Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics? Take the first law. The first law of thermodynamics is irrelevant to human physiology (Taubes, 2007; Taubes, 2011; Fung, 2016). (Also watch Gary Taubes explain the laws of thermodynamics.) Now take the second law of thermodynamics which “states that the total entropy can never decrease over time for an isolated system, that is, a system in which neither energy nor matter can enter nor leave.” People may say that ‘a calorie is a calorie’ therefore it doesn’t matter whether all of your calories come from, say, sugar or a balanced high fat low carb diet, all weight gain or loss will be the same. Here’s the thing about that: it is fallacious. Stating that ‘a calorie is a calorie’ violates the second law of thermodynamics (Feinman and Fine, 2004). They write: The second law of thermodynamics says that variation of efficiency for different metabolic pathways is to be expected. Thus, ironically the dictum that a “calorie is a calorie” violates the second law of thermodynamics, as a matter of principle. So talk of thermodynamics when talking about the human physiological system does not make sense. He then cites a new paper from Lean et al (2017) on weight management and type II diabetes. The authors write that “Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disorder that requires lifelong treatment. We aimed to assess whether intensive weight management within routine primary care would achieve remission of type 2 diabetes.” To which Dr. Thompson asks ‘How does one catch this illness?” and ‘Is there some vaccination against this “chronic disorder”?‘ The answer to how does one ‘catch this illness’ is simple: the overconsumption of processed carbohydrates, constantly spiking insulin which leads to insulin resistance which then leads to the production of more insulin since the body is resistant which then causes a vicious cycle and eventually insulin resistance occurs along with type II diabetes. Dr. Thompson writes: Patients had been put on Complan, or its equivalent, to break them from the bad habits of their habitual fattening diet. This is good news, and I am in favour of it. What irritates me is the evasion contained in this story, in that it does not mention that the “illness” of type 2 diabetes is merely a consequence of eating too much and becoming fat. What should the headline have been? Trial shows that fat people who eat less become slimmer and healthier. I hope this wonder treatment receives lots of publicity. If you wish to avoid hurting anyone’s feelings just don’t mention fatness. In extremis, you may talk about body fat around vital organs, but keep it brief, and generally evasive. So you ‘break bad habits’ by introducing new bad habits? It’s not sustainable to drink these low kcal drinks and expect to be healthy. I hope this ‘wonder treatment’ does not receive a lot of publicity because it’s bullshit that will just line the pockets of Big Pharma et al, while making people sicker and, the ultimate goal, having them ‘need’ Big Pharma to care for their illness—when they can just as easily care for it themselves. ‘Trial shows that fat people who eat less become slimmer and healthier’. Or how about this? Fat people that eat well and exercise, up to 35 BMI, have no higher risk of early death then someone with a normal BMI who eats well and exercises (Barry et al, 2014). Neuroscientist Dr. Sandra Aamodt also compiles a wealth of solid information on this subject in her 2016 book “Why Diets Make Us Fat: The Unintended Consequences of Our Obsession with Weight Loss“. Dr. Thompson writes: I see little need to update the broad conclusion: if you want to lose weight you should eat less. This is horrible advice. Most diets fail, and they fail because the ‘cures’ (eat less, move more; Caloric Reduction as Primary: CRaP) are garbage and don’t take human physiology into account. If you want to lose weight and put your diabetes into remission, then you must eat a low-carb (low carb or ketogenic, doesn’t matter) diet (Westman et al, 2008; Azar, Beydoun, and Albadri, 2016; Noakes and Windt, 2016; Saslow et al, 2017). Combine this with an intermittent fasting plan as pushed by Dr. Jason Fung, and you have a recipe to beat diabesity (diabetes and obesity) that does not involve lining the pockets of Big Pharma, nor does it involve one sacrificing their health for ‘quick-fix’ diet plans that never work. In sum, diets are not ‘IQ tests’. Low kcal ‘drinks’ to ‘change habits’ of type II diabetics will eventually exacerbate the problem because when the body is in extended caloric restriction, the brain panics and releases hormones to stimulate appetite while stopping hormones that cause you to be sated and stop eating. This is reality; these studies that show that eating or drinking 800 kcal per day or whatnot are based on huge flaws: the fact that this could be sustainable for a large number of the population is not true. In fact, no matter how much ‘willpower’ you have, you will eventually give in because willpower is a finite resource (Mann, 2014). There are easier ways to lose weight and combat diabetes, and it doesn’t involve handing money over to Big Pharma/Big Food. You only need to intermittently fast, you’ll lose weight and your diabetes will not be a problem, you’ll be able to lose weight and will not have problems with diabetes any longer (Fung, 2016). Most of these papers coming out recently on this disease are garbage. Real interventions exist, they’re easier and you don’t need to line the pockets of corporations to ‘get cured’ (which never happens, they don’t want to cure you!) Black-white differences in physiology can tell a lot about how the two groups have evolved over time. On traits like resting metabolic rate (RMR), basal metabolic rate (BMR), adiposity, heart rate, Vo2 max, etc. These differences in physiological variables between groups, then, explain part of the reason why there are different outcomes in terms of life quality/mortality between the two groups. Right away, by looking at the average black and average white, you can see that there are differences in somatype. So if there are differences in somatype, then there must be differences in physiological variables, and so, this may be a part of the cause of, say, differing obesity rates between black and white women (Albu et al, 1997) and even PCOS (Wang and Alvero, 2013). Resting metabolic rate Resting metabolic rate is your body’s metabolism at rest, and is the largest component of the daily energy budget in modern human societies (Speakman and Selman, 2003). So if two groups, on average, differ in RMR, then one with the lower RMR may have a higher risk of obesity than the group with the higher RMR. And this is what we see. Black women do, without a shadow of a doubt, have a lower BMR, lower PAEE (physical activity energy expenditure) and TDEE (total daily expenditure) (Gannon, DiPietro, and Poehlman, 2000). Knowing this, then it is not surprising to learn that black women are also the most obese demographic in the United States. This could partly explain why black women have such a hard time losing weight. Metabolic differences between ethnic groups in America—despite living in similar environments—show that a genetic component is responsible for this. There are even predictors of obesity in post-menopausal black and white women (Nicklas et al, 1999). They controlled for age, body weight and body composition (variables that would influence the results—no one tell me that “They shouldn’t have controlled for those because it’s a racial confound!”) and found that despite having a similar waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and subcutaneous fat area, black women had lower visceral fat than white women, while fasting glucose, insulin levels, and resting blood pressure did not differ between the groups. White women also had a higher Vo2 max, which remained when lean mass was controlled for. White women could also oxidize fat at a higher rate than black women (15.4 g/day, which is 17% higher than black women). When this is expressed as percent of total kcal burned in a resting state, white women burned more fat than black women (50% vs 43%). I will cover the cause for this later in the article (one physiologic variable is a large cause of these differences). We even see this in black American men with more African ancestry—they’re less likely to be obese (Klimentidis et al 2016). This, too, goes back to metabolic rate. Black American men have lower levels of body fat than white men (Vickery et al, 1988; Wagner and Heyward, 2000). All in all, there are specific genetic variants and physiologic effects, which cause West African men to have lower central (abdominal) adiposity than European men and black women who live in the same environment as black men—implying that genetic and physiologic differences between the sexes are the cause for this disparity. Whatever the case may be, it’s interesting and more studies need to be taken out so we can see how whatever gene variants are *identified* as protecting against central adiposity work in concert with the system to produce the protective effect. Black American men have lower body fat, therefore they would have, in theory, a higher metabolic rate and be less likely to be obese—while black women have the reverse compared to white women—a lower metabolic rate. Skeletal muscle fiber Skeletal muscle fibers are the how and why of black domination in explosive sports. This is something I’ve covered in depth. Type II fibers contract faster than type I. This has important implications for certain diseases that black men are more susceptible to. Though the continuous contraction of the fibers during physical activity leads to a higher disease susceptibility in black men—but not white men (Tanner et al, 2001). If you’re aware of fiber type differences between the races (Ama et al, 1986; Entine, 2000; Caeser and Henry, 2015); though see Kerr (2010’s) article The Myth of Racial Superiority in Sports for another view. That will be covered here in the future. Nevertheless, fiber typing explains racial differences in sports, with somatype being another important variable in explaining racial disparities in sports. Two main variables that work in concert are the somatype (pretty much body measurements, length) and the fiber type. This explains why blacks dominate baseball and football; this explains why ‘white men can’t jump and black men can’t swim’. Physiological variables—not only ‘motivation’ or whatever else people who deny these innate differences say—largely explain why there are huge disparities in these sports. Physiology is important to our understanding of how and why certain groups dominate certain sports. This is further compounded by differing African ethnies excelling in different running sports depending on where their ancestors evolved. Kenyans have an abundance of type I fibers whereas West Africans have an abundance of type II fibers. (Genetically speaking, ‘Jamaicans’ don’t exist; genetic testing shows them to come from a few different West African countries.) Lower body symmetry—knees and ankles—show that they’re more symmetrical than age-matched controls (Trivers et al, 2014). This also goes to show that you can’t teach speed (Lombardo and Deander, 2014). Though, of course, training and the will to want to do your best matter as well—you just cannot excel in these competitions without first and foremost having the right physiologic and genetic make-up. Further, although it’s only one gene variant, ACTN3 and ACE explain a substantial percentage of sprint time variance, which could be the difference between breaking a world record and making a final (Papadimitriou et al, 2016). So, clearly, certain genetic variants matter more than others—and the two best studied are ACTN3 and ACE. Some authors, though, may deny the contribution of ACTN3 to elite athletic performance—like one researcher who has written numerous papers on ACTN3, Daniel MacArthur. However, elite sprinters are more likely to carry the RR ACTN3 genotype compared to the XX ACTN3 genotype, and the RR ACTN3 genotype—when combined with type II fibers and morphology—lead to increased athletic performance (Broos et al, 2016). It’s also worth noting that 2 percent of Jamaicans carry the XX ACTN3 genotype (Scott et al, 2010), so this is another well-studied variable that lends to superior running performance in Jamaicans. In regards to Kenyans, of course when you are talking about genetic reasons for performance, some people don’t like it. Some may say that certain countries dominate in X, and that for instance, North Africa is starting to churn out elite athletes, should we begin looking for genetic advantages that they possess (Hamilton, 2000)? Though people like Hamilton are a minority view in this field, I have read a few papers that there is no evidence that Kenyans possess a pulmonary system that infers a physiologic advantage over whites (Larsen and Sheel, 2015). People like these three authors, however, are in the minority here and there is a robust amount of research that attests to East African running dominance being genetic/physiologic in nature—though you can’t discredit SES and other motivating variables (Tucker, Onywera, and Santos-Concejero, 2015). Of course, a complex interaction between SES, genes, and environment are the cause of the success of the Kalenjin people of Kenya, because they live and train in such high altitudes (Larsen, 2003), though the venerable Bengt Saltin states that the higher Vo2 max in Kenyan boys is due to higher physical activity during childhood (Saltin et al, 1995). The last variable I will focus on (I will cover more in the future) is blood pressure. It’s well known that blacks have higher blood pressure than whites—with black women having a higher BP than all groups—which then leads to other health implications. Some reasons for the cause are high sodium intake in blacks (Jones and Hall, 2006); salt (Lackland, 2014; blacks had a similar sensitivity than whites, but had a higher blood pressure increase); while race and ethnicity was a single independent predictor of hypertension (Holmes et al, 2013). Put simply, when it comes to BP, ethnicity matters (Lane and Lip, 2001). While genetic factors are important in showing how and why certain ethnies have higher BP than others, social factors are arguably more important (Williams, 1992). He cites stress, socioecologic stress, social support, coping patterns, health behavior, sodium, calcium, and potassium consumption, alcohol consumption, and obesity. SES factors, of course, lead to higher rates of obesity (Sobal and Stunkard, 1989; Franklin et al, 2015). So, of course, environmental/social factors have an effect on BP—no matter if the discrimination or whatnot is imagined by the one who is supposedly discriminated against, this still causes physiologic changes in the body which then lead to higher rates of BP in certain populations. Poverty does affect a whole slew of variables, but what I’m worried about here is its effect on blood pressure. People who are in poverty can only afford certain foods, which would then cause certain physiologic variables to increase, exacerbating the problem (Gupta, de Wit, and McKeown, 2007). Whereas diets high in protein predicted lower BP in adults (Beundia et al, 2015). So this is good evidence that the diets of blacks in America do increase BP, since they eat high amounts of salt, low protein and high carb diets. Still, others argue that differences in BP between blacks and whites may not be explained by ancestry, but by differences in education, rather than genetic factors (Non, Gravlee, and Mulligan, 2012). Their study suggests that educating black Americans on the dangers and preventative measures of high BP will reduce BP disparities between the races. This is in-line with Williams (1992) in that the social environment is the cause for the higher rates of BP. One hypothesis explored to explain why this effect with education was greater in blacks than whites was that BP-related factors, such as stress, poverty and racial discrimination (remember, even if no racial discrimination occurs, any so-called discrimination is in the eye of the beholder so that will contribute to a rise in physiologic variables) and maybe social isolation may be causes for this phenomenon. Future studies also must show how higher education causes lower BP, or if it only serves as other markers for the social environment. Nevertheless, this is an important study in our understanding of how and why the races differ in BP and it will go far to increase our understanding of this malady. This is not an exhaustive list—I could continue writing about other variables—but these three are some of the most important as they are a cause for higher mortality rates in America. Understanding the hows and whys of these variables will have us better equipped to help those who suffer from diseases brought on by these differences in physiological factors. The cause for some of these physiologic differences come down to evolution, but still others may come down to the immediate obesogenic environment (Lake and Townshend, 2006) which is compounded by lower SES. Since high carbs diets increase BP, this explains part of the reason why blacks have higher BP, along with social and genetic factors. Muscle fiber typing is set by the second trimester, and no change is seen after age 6 (Bell, 1980). Resting metabolic rate gap differences between black and white women can be closed, but not completely, if black women were to engage in exercise that use their higher amounts of type II muscle fibers (Tanner et al, 2001). This research is important to understand differences in racial mortality; because when we understand them then we can begin to theorize on how and why we see these disparities. Physiologic differences between the races are interesting, they’re easily measurable and they explain both disparities in sports and mortality by different diseases. Once we study these variables more, we will be better able to help people with these variables—race be dammed. Race is a predictor here, only because race is correlated with other variables that lead to negative health outcomes. So once we understand how and why these differences occur, then we can help others with similar problems—no matter their race. Last month I argued that there was more to weight loss than CI/CO. One of the culprits is a virus called Ad-36. Obese people are more likely to have Ad-36 antibodies in comparison to lean people, which implies that they have/had the virus and could be a part of the underlying cause of obesity. However, a paper was recently published that your stool can predict whether or not you can lose weight. This is due to how certain bacteria in the gut respond to different macronutrients ingested into the body. ScienceDaily published an article a few days ago titled Your stools reveal whether you can lose weight. In the article, they describe the diets of the cohort, which followed 31 people, some followed the New Nordic Diet (NND), while others followed the Average Danish Diet (ADD) (Hjorth et al, 2017; I can’t find this study!! I’ll definitely edit this article after I read the full paper when it is available). So 31 people ate the NDD for 26 weeks, and lost 3.5 kg (7.72 pounds for those of us who use freedom numbers) while those who ate the ADD lost an average of 1.7 kg (3.75 pounds for those of us who use freedom numbers). So there was a 1.8 kg difference in pounds lost between the two diets. Why? Here’s the thing: when people were divided by their microbiota, those who had a higher proportion of Prevotella to Bacteriodoites lost 3.5 more kg (7.72 pounds) in 26 weeks when they ate the NND in comparison to the ADD. Those who had a lower proportion of Prevotella to Bacteriodoites lost no additional weight on the NND. Overall, they say, about 50 percent of the population would benefit from the NND, while the rest of the population should diet and exercise until new measures are found. The New Danish Diet is composed of grains, fruits, and vegetables. The diet worked for one-half of the population, but not for the other. The researchers state that people should try other diets and to exercise for weight loss while they study other measures. This is important to note: the same diet did not induce weight loss in a population; the culprit here is the individual microbiome. Now that those Bacteroidotes have come up again, this quote from Allana Collen’s 2014 book 10% Human: How Your Body’s Microbes Hold the Key to Health and Happiness: But before we get too excited about the potential for a cure for obesity, we need to know how it all works. What are these microbes doing that make us fat? Just as before, the microbiotas in Turnbaugh’s obese mice contained more Firmicutes and fewer Bacteroidetes, and they somehow seemed to enable the mice to extract more energy from their food. This detail undermines one of the core tenets of the obesity equation. Counting ‘calories-in’ is not as simple as keeping track of what a person eats. More accurately, it is the energy content of what a person absorbs. Turnbaugh calculated that the mice with the obese microbiota were collecting 2 per cent more calories from their food. For every 100 calories the lean mice extracted, the obese mice squeezed out 102. Not much, perhaps, but over the course of a year or more, it adds up. Let’s take a woman of average height. 5 foot 4 inches, who weights 62 kg (9st 11 lb) and a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI: weight (kg) /(height (m)^2) of 23.5. She consumes 2000 calories per day, but with an ‘obese’ microbiota, her extra 2 per cent calorie extraction adds 40 more calories each day. Without expending extra energy, those further 40 calories per day should translate, in theory at least, to a 1.9 kg weight gain over a year. In ten years, that’s 19 kg, taking her weight to 81 kg (12 st 11 lb) and her BMI to an obese 30.7. All because of just 2 percent extra calories extracted from her food by her gut bacteria. This corresponds with the NND/ADD study on weight loss… This proves that there is more than the simplistic CI/CO to weight loss, and that an individual’s microbiome/physiology definitely does matter in regards to weight loss. Clearly, to understand the population-wide problem of obesity we must understand the intricate relationship between the microbiome/brain/gut/body relationship and how it interacts with what we eat. Because evidence is mounting that the individual’s microbiome houses the key to weight loss/gain. Exercise does not induce weight loss. A brand new RCT (randomized controlled trial) showed that in a cohort of children who were made to do HIIT (high-intensity interval training) did show better cardiorespiratory fitness, but there were no concomitant reductions in adiposity and bio blood markers (Dias et al, 2017). What this tells me is that people should exercise for health and that ‘high’ that comes along with it; if people exercise for weight loss they will be highly disappointed. Note, I am NOT saying to not exericse, I’m only saying to not have any unrealistic expectations that cardio will induce it, it won’t! Bjornara et al (2016) showed that, when the NND was compared to the ADD, there was better adherence to the NND when compared to the ADD. Poulskin et al (2015) showed that the NND provided higher satisfaction, and body weight reduction with higher compliance with the NND and with physical activity (I disagree there, see above). This study is important for our understanding of weight loss for the population as a whole. More recent evidence has shown that our microbiome and body clock work together to ‘pack on the pounds‘. This recent study found that the microbiome “regulate[s] lipid (fat) uptake and storage by hacking into and changing the function of the circadian clocks in the cells that line the gut.” The individual microbiome could induce weight gain, especially when they consume a Western diet, which of course is full of fat and sugar. One of the most important things they noticed is that mice without a microbiome fared much better on a high-fat diet. The microbiome ‘talks’ to the gut lining. Germ-free mice were genetically unable to make NFIL3 in the cell lining of the gut. So germ-free mice lack a microbiome and lower than average production of NFIL3, meaning they take up and store fewer lipids than those with a microbiome. So the main point about this study is the circadian rhythm. The body’s circadian clock recognizes the day/night system, which of course are linked to feeding times, which turn the body’s metabolism on and off. Cells are not directly exposed to light, but they capture light cues from visual and nervous systems, which then regulates gene expression. The gut’s circadian clock then regulates the expression of NFIL3 and the lipid metabolic machinery which is controlled NFIL3. So this study shows how the microbiome interacts with and impacts metabolism. This could also, as the authors state, explain how and why people who work nights and have shift-work disorder and the concurrent metabolic syndromes that come along with it. In regards to the microbiome and weight loss, it is poorly understood at the moment (Conlon and Bird, 2015), though a recent systematic review showed that restrictive diets and bariatric surgery “reduce microbial abundance and promote changes in microbial composition that could have long-term detrimental effects on the colon.” They further state that “prebiotics might restore a healthy microbiome and reduce body fat“(Segenfrado et al, 2017). Wolf and Lorenz (2012) show that using “good” probiotic bacteria may induce changes in the obese phenotype. Bik (2015) states that learning more about the microbiome, dysbiosis (Carding et al, 2015), and how the microbiome interacts with our metabolism, brain, and physiology, then we can better treat those with obesity due to the dysbiosis of the microbiome. Clark et al (2012) show how the mechanisms behind the microbiota and obesity. Weight loss is, clearly, more than CI/CO, and once we understand other mechanisms of weight loss/gain/regulation then we can better treat people with these metabolic syndromes that weirdly are all linked to each other. Diets affect the diversity of the microbiome, the diversity of the microbiome already there though, may need other macro/micro splits in order to show differing weight loss, in the case of the NND and ADD study reviewed above. Changes in weight do change the diversity of the microbiome of an individual, however, the heritable component of the microbiome may mean that some people need to eat different foods compared to others who have a different microbiome. Over time, new studies will show how and why the macro/micronutrient content matters for weight loss/gain. Clearly, reducing the complex physiological process of weight gain/loss to numbers and ignoring the physiological process and how the microbiome induces weight gain/loss and works together with our other body’s cells. As the science grows here we will have a much greater understanding of our body’s weight loss mechanisms. Once we do that, then we can better help people with this disease. In part II, we will look at the mental gymnastics of someone who is clueless to the data and uses whatever mental gymnastics possible in order to deny the data. Well, shit doesn’t work like that, JayMan. I will review yet more studies on sitting, walking and dieting on mortality as well as behavioral therapy (BT) in regards to obesity. JayMan has removed two of my comments so I assume the discussion is over. Good thing I have a blog so I can respond here; censorship is never cool. JayMan pushes very dangerous things and they need to be nipped in the bud before someone takes this ‘advice’ who could really benefit from lifestyle alterations. Stop giving nutrition advice without credentials! It’s that simple. JayMan published a new article on ‘The Five Laws of Behavioral Genetics‘ with this little blip: Indeed, we see this with health and lifestyle: people who exercise more have fewer/later health problems and live longer, so naturally conventional wisdom interprets this to mean that exercise leads to health and longer life, when in reality healthy people are driven to exercise and have better health due to their genes. So, in JayMan’s world diet and exercise have no substantial impact on health, quality of life and longevity? Too bad the data says otherwise. Take this example: Take two twins. Lock both of them in a metabolic chamber. Monitor them over their lives and they do not leave the chamber. They are fed different diets (one has a high-carb diet full of processed foods, the other a healthy diet for whatever activity he does); one exercises vigorously/strength trains (not on the same day though!) while the other does nothing and the twin who exercises and eats well doesn’t sit as often as the twin who eats a garbage diet and doesn’t exercise. What will happen? Jayman then shows me Bouchard et al, (1990) in which a dozen pairs of twins were overfed for three months with each set of twins showing different gains in weight despite being fed the same amount of kcal. He also links to Bouchard et al, 1996 (can’t find the paper; the link on his site is dead) which shows that the twins returned to their pre-experiment weight almost effortlessly. This, of course, I do not deny. This actually replicates a study done on prisoners in a Vermont prison (Salans, Horton, and Sims, 1971). “The astonishing overeating paradox” is something that’s well worth a look in to. Salans et al had prisoners overeat and also limited their physical activity. They started eating 4000 kcal per day and by the end of the study they were eating about 10000 kcal per day. But something weird happened: their metabolisms revved up by 50 percent in an attempt to get rid of the excess weight. After the study, the prisoners effortlessly returned to their pre-experiment weight—just like the twins in Bouchard et al’s studies. The finding is nothing new but it’s nice to have replication (on top of the replication that it already had), but that’s not what I was talking about. Of course, being sedentary, eating like shit and not exercising will lead to deleterious health outcomes. The fact of the matter is, the twin in my thought experiment that did not exercise, sat around all day and ate whatever would die way sooner, have a lower quality of life, and more deleterious disease due to the shitty diet while his co-twin would have less since he ate right, exercised and spent less time sitting. JayMan says, in regards to studies that show that obese people that even do light physical activity show lower all-cause mortality, that “That’s not what large RCTs show.” I know the study that he’s speaking of—the Look AHEAD study (Action for Health and Diabetes) (The Look AHEAD Research Group, 2009). The research group studied the effects of lifestyle interventions in type II diabetics. For one of the groups they gave intensive diet and exercise information, the other they gave only the standard advice. However, the study ended early at 9.3 years because there was no difference between both groups (Pi-Sunyer, 2015). JayMan uses this study as evidence that diet and exercise have no effect on the mortality of type II diabetics; however, in actuality, the results are much more nuanced. Annuzzi et al (2014) write in their article The results of Look AHEAD do not row against the implementation of lifestyle changes in patients with type 2 diabetes: The intervention aimed at weight loss by reducing fat calories, and using meal replacements and, eventually, orlistat, likely underemphasizing dietary composition. There is suggestive evidence, in fact, that qualitative changes in dietary composition aiming at higher consumption of foods rich in fiber and with a high vegetable/animal fat ratio favorably influence CV risk in T2D patients. In conclusion, the Look AHEAD showed substantial health benefits of lifestyle modifications. Prevention of CV events may need higher attention to dietary composition, contributing to stricter control of CV risk factors. As a better health-related quality of life in people with diabetes is an important driver of our clinical decisions, efforts on early implementation of behavioral changes through a multifactorial approach are strongly justified. They reduced far calories and used meal replacements. This is the trial JayMan is hedging his assertion on. Type II diabetics need a higher fat diet and don’t need the carbs as it will spike their insulin. Eating a higher fat diet will also lower the rate of CVD as well. This trial wasn’t too vigorous in terms of macronutrient composition. This is one of many reasons why type II diabetics discard dieting and exercise just yet. Even modest weight loss of 5 to 10 percent is associated with significant improvements in cardiovascular disease (CVD) after one year, with larger weight loss showing better improvement (Wing et al, 2011). (Also read the article The Spinning of Look AHEAD.) Telling diabetics not to eat right and exercise is, clearly, a recipe for disaster. This canard that dieting/exercise doesn’t work to decrease all-cause mortality—especially for diabetics and others who need the lifestyle interventions—is dangerous and a recipe for disaster. Intentional weight loss needs to be separated from intentional weight loss as to better study the effects of both variables. Kritchevsky et al (2015) meta-analyzed 15 RCTs that “reported mortality data either as an endpoint or as an adverse event, including study designs where participants were randomized to weight loss or non-weight loss, or weight loss plus a co-intervention (e.g. weight loss plus exercise) or the weight stable co-intervention (i.e. exercise alone).” They conclude that the risk for all-cause mortality in obese people who intentionally lose weight is 15 percent lower than people not assigned to lose weight. This study replicates a meta-analysis by Harrington, Gibson, and Cottrell (2009) on the benefits of weight loss and all-cause mortality. They noted that in unhealthy adults, weight loss accounted for a 13 percent decrease in all-cause mortality increase while in the obese this accounted for a 16 percent decrease. Of course, since the weights were self-reported and there are problems with self-reports of weight (Mann et al, 2007), then that is something that a skeptic can rightfully bring up. However, it would not be a problem since this would imply that they weighed the same/gained more weight yet had a decrease in all-cause mortality. Even light physical activity is associated with a decrease in all-cause mortality. People who go from light activity, 2.5 hours a week of moderate physical intensity compared to no activity, show a 19 percent decrease in all-cause mortality while people who did 7 hours a week of moderate activity showed a 24 percent decrease in all-cause mortality (Woodcock et al, 2011). Even something as simple as walking is associated with lower incidence of all-cause mortality, with the largest effect being seen in individuals who went from no activity to light walking. Walking is inversely associated with disease incidence (Harner and Chida, 2008) but their analysis indicated publication bias so further study is needed. Nevertheless, the results line up with what is already known—that low-to-moderate exercise is associated with lower all-cause mortality (as seen in Woodcock et al, 2011). What is needed to change habits/behavior is behavioral therapy (BT) (Jacob and Isaac, 2012; Buttren, Webb, and Waddren, 2012; Wilfley, Kolko, and Kaas, 2012; ). BT can also be used to increase adherence to exercise (Grave et al, 2011). BT has been shown to have great outcomes in the behaviors of obese people, and even if no weight loss/5-10 percent weight loss is seen (from Wing and Hill, 2001), better habits can be developed, and along with ‘training’ hunger hormones with lifestyle changes such as fasting, people can achieve better health and longevity—despite what naysayers may say. Though I am aware that outside of clinics/facilities, BT does not have a good track record (Foster, Makris, and Bailer, 2005). However, BT is the most studied and effective intervention in managing obesity at present (Levy et al, 2007). This is why people need to join gyms and exercise around people—they will get encouragement and can talk to others about their difficulties. Though, people like JayMan who have no personal experience doing this would not understand this. In regards to dieting, the effect of macronutrient composition on blood markers is well known. Type II diabetics need to eat a certain diet to manage their insulin/blood sugar, and doing the opposite of those recommendations will lead to disaster. Low-carb ketogenic diets are best for type II diabetics. There are benefits to having ketones circulating in the blood, which include (but are not limited to): weight loss, improved HbA1c levels, reduced rate of kidney disease/damage, cardiac benefits, reversing non-alcoholic fatty liver, elevated insulin, and abnormal levels of cholesterol in the blood (Westman et al, 2008; Azar, Beydoun, and Albadri, 2016; Noakes and Windt, 2016; Saslow et al, 2017). These benefits, of course, carry over to the general non-diabetic population as well. Of course, JayMan has reservations about these studies wanting to see follow-ups—but the fact of the matter is this: dieting and eating right is associated with good blood markers, exactly what type II diabetics want. In regards to food cravings, read this relevant article by Dr. Jason Fung: Food Cravings. Contrary to JayMan’s beliefs, it’s 100 percent possible to manage food cravings and hunger. The hormone ghrelin mediates hunger. There are variations in ghrelin every day (Natalucci et al, 2005) and so if you’re feeling hungry if you wait a bit it will pass. This study lines up with most people’s personal experience in regards to hunger. One would have to have an understanding of how the brain regulates appetite to know this, though. JayMan also cannot answer simple yes or no questions such as: Are you saying that people should not watch what they eat and should not make an effort to eat higher-quality foods? I don’t know why he is so anti-physical activity. As if it’s so bad to get up, stop sitting so much and do some exercise! People with more muscle mass and higher strength levels live longer (Ruiz et al, 2008). This anti-physical activity crusade makes absolutely no sense at all given the data. If I were to stop eating well and strength training, along with becoming a couch potato, would my chance of dying early from a slew of maladies decrease? Anyone who uses basic logic would be able to infer that the answer is yes. I also need to address JayMan’s last comment to me which he censored: No intervention shows that lifestyle changes extend life – or even improve health. Even if they did, their generalizability would depend on their actual prescription. In any case, the point is moot, since they don’t even show such improvements in the first place. You’re only saying that because you’re literally hand waving away data. It’s clear that going from no exercise to some exercise will decrease all-cause mortality. I’m sorry that you have a problem reading and understanding things that you don’t agree with, but this is reality. You don’t get to construct your own reality using cherry-picked studies that don’t mean what you think they mean (like Look AHEAD; Dr. Sharma states that we may never know if weight reduction can save lives in type II diabetics, however the three studies on low-carb diets cited above lend credence to the idea that we can). Please see my previously linked Obesity Facts page for more. Once you’ve read that, get back to me. Until then, I’m putting the brakes on this discussion. Of course, you’re putting the brakes on this discussion, you have substantial replies other than your one-liners. You need to censor people when you have no substantial response, that’s not intellectually honest. All in all, JayMan is giving very dangerous ‘advice’, when the literature says otherwise in regards to lifestyle interventions and all-cause mortality. You can talk about genes for this or that all you want; you’re just appealing to genes. Light physical exercise shows that mortality risk can be decreased; that’s not too hard for most people. I know JayMan talks about genes for this and that, yet he does not understand that obesogenic environments drive this epidemic (Lake and Townshend, 2006; Powell, Spears, and Rebori, 2011; Fisberg et al, 2016). He doesn’t seem to know about the food reward hypothesis of obesity either. Think about obesogenic environments and food reward and how our brains change when we eat sugar and then things will begin to become clearer. JayMan is giving out deadly ‘advice’, again, without the correct credentials. Clearly, as seen in both of my responses to him, taking that ‘advice’ will lead to lower quality of life and lower life expectancy. But I’m sure my readers are smart enough to not listen to such ‘advice’. (Note: Diet and exercise under Doctor’s supervision only) A commenter by the name of bbloggz alerted me to a new paper by Lee Ellis published this year titled Race/ethnicity and criminal behavior: Neurohormonal influences in which Ellis (2017) proposed his theory of ENA (evolutionary neuroandrogenic theory) and applied it to racial/ethnic differences in crime. On the face, his theory is solid and it has great explanatory power for the differences in crime rates between men and women, however, there are numerous holes in the application of the theory in regards to racial/ethnic differences in crime. In part I, he talks about racial differences in crime. No one denies that, so on to part II. In part II he talks about environmental causes for the racial discrepancies, that include economic racial disparities, racism and societal discrimination and subordination, a subculture of violence (I’ve been entertaining the honor culture hypothesis for a few months; Mazur (2016) drives a hard argument showing that similarly aged blacks with some college had lower levels of testosterone than blacks with less than high school education which fits the hypothesis of honor culture. Though Ellis’ ENA theory may account for this, I will address this below). However, if the environment that increases testosterone is ameliorated (i.e., honor culture environments), then there should be a subsequent decrease in testosterone and crime, although I do believe that testosterone has an extremely weak association with crime, nowhere near high enough to account for racial differences in crime, the culture of honor could explain a good amount of the crime gap between blacks and whites. Ellis also speaks about the general stress/strain explanation, stating that blacks have higher rates of self-esteem and Asians the lowest, with that mirroring their crime rates. This could be seen as yet another case for the culture of honor in that blacks with a high self-esteem would feel the need to protect their ‘name’ or whatever the case may be and feel the need for physical altercation based on their culture. In part III, Ellis then describes his ENA theory, which I don’t disagree with on its face as it’s a great theory with good explanatory power but there are some pretty large holes that he rightly addresses. He states that, as I have argued in the past, females selected men for higher rates of testosterone and that high rates of testosterone masculinize the brain, changing it from its ‘default feminine state’ and that the more androgens the brain is exposed to, the more likely it is for that individual to commit crime. Ellis cites a study by Goodpaster et al (2006) in which he measured the races on the isokinetic dynamometry, pretty much a leg extension. However, one huge confound is that participants who did not return for follow-up were more likely to be black, obese and had more chronic disease (something that I have noted before in an article on racial grip strength). I really hate these study designs, but alas, it’s the best we have to go off of and there are a lot of holes in them that must be addressed. Though I applaud the researchers’ use of the DXA scan (regular readers may recall my criticisms on using calipers to assess body fat in the bench press study, which was highly flawed itself; Boyce et al, 2014) to assess body fat as it is the gold standard in the field. Ellis (2017: 40) writes: “as brain exposure to testosterone surges at puberty, the prenatally-programmed motivation to strive for resources, status, and mating opportunities will begin to fully activate.” This is true on the face, however as I have noted the correlation between physical aggression and testosterone although positive is low at .14 (Archer, 1991; Book et al, 2001). Testosterone, as I have extensively documented, does cause social dominance and confidence which do not lead to aggression. However, when other factors are coupled with high testosterone (as noted by Mazur, 2016), high rates of crime may occur and this may explain why blacks commit crime; a mix of low IQ, high testosterone and low educational achievement making a life of crime ‘the smart way’ to live seeing as, as Ellis points out, and that intelligent individuals find legal ways to get resources while less intelligent individuals use illegal ways. ENA theory may explain racial differences in crime In part IV he attempts to show how his ENA theory may explain racial differences in crime—with testosterone sitting at the top of his pyramid. However, there are numerous erroneous assumptions and he does rightly point out that more research needs to be done on most of these variables and does not draw any conclusions that are not warranted based on the data he does cite. He cites one study in which testosterone levels were measured in the amniotic fluid of the fetus. The sample was 59 percent white and due to this, the researchers lumped blacks, ‘Hispanics’ and Native Americans together which showed no significant difference in prenatal testosterone levels (Martel and Roberts, 2014). Umbilical cord and testosterone exposure Ellis then talks about testosterone in the umbilical cord, and if the babe is exposed to higher levels of testosterone in vitro, then this should account for racial/ethnic differences in crime. However, the study he cited (Argus-Collins et al, 2012) showed no difference in testosterone in the umbilical cord while Rohrmann et al (2009) found no difference in testosterone between blacks and whites but found higher rates of SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) which binds to testosterone and makes it unable to leave the blood which largely makes testosterone unable to affect organ development. Thusly, if the finding of higher levels of SHBG in black babes is true, then they would be exposed to less androgenic hormones such as testosterone which, again, goes against the ENA theory. He also cites two more studies showing that Asian babes have higher levels of umbilical cord testosterone than whites (Chinese babes were tested) (Lagiou et al, 2011; Troisi et al, 2008). This, again, goes against his theory as he rightly noted. Next he talks about circulating differences in testosterone between blacks and whites. He rightly notes that testosterone must be assayed in the morning within an hour after waking as that’s when levels will be highest, yet cites Ross et al (1986) where assay times were all over the place and thusly testosterone cannot be said to be higher in blacks and whites based on that study and should be discarded when talking about racial differences in testosterone due to assay time being between 10 am and 3 pm. He also cites his study on testosterone differences (Eliss and Nyborg, 1993), but, however, just as Ross et al (1986) did not have a control for WC (waist circumference) Ellis and Nyborg (1993) did not either, so just like the other study that gets cited to show that there is a racial difference in testosterone, they are pretty hugely flawed and should not be used in discussion when discussing racial differences in testosterone. Why do I not see these types of critiques for Ross et al (1986) in major papers? It troubles me… He also seems to complain that Lopez et al (2013) controlled for physical activity (which increases testosterone) and percent body fat (which, at high levels, decreases testosterone). These variables, as I have noted, need to be controlled for. Testosterone varies and fluctuated by age; WC and BMI vary and fluctuate by age. So how does it make sense to control for one variable that has hormone levels fluctuate by age and not another? Ellis also cites studies showing that older East Asian men had higher levels of testosterone (Wu et al, 1995). Nevertheless, there is no consensus; some studies show Chinese babes have higher levels of testosterone than whites and some studies show that whites babes have higher levels of testosterone than Chinese babes. Indeed, this meta-analysis by Ethnicmuse shows that Asians have the highest levels, followed by Africans then Europeans, so this needs to be explained to save the theory that testosterone is the cause of black overrepresentation of violence (as well as what I showed that testosterone is important for vital functioning and is not the boogeyman the media makes it out to be). Bone density and crime Nevertheless, the next variable Ellis talks about is bone density and its relationship to crime. Some studies find that blacks are taller than whites while other show no difference. Whites are also substantially taller than Asian males. Blacks have greater bone density than the other three races, but according to Ellis, this measure has not been shown to have a relationship to crime as of yet. Penis size, race and crime Now on to penis size. In two articles, I have shown that there is no evidence for the assertion that blacks have larger penises than whites. However, states that penis length was associated with higher levels of testosterone in Egyptian babes. He states that self-reported penis size correlates with self-reports of violent delinquency (Ellis and Das, 2012). Ellis’ main citations for the claim that blacks have larger penises than other races comes from Nobile (1982), the Kinsey report, and Rushton and Boagert (1987) (see here for a critique of Rushton and Boagert, 1987), though he does cite a study stating that blacks had a longer penis than whites (blacks averaging 5.77 inches while whites averaged 5.53 inches). An HBDer may go “Ahah! Evidence for Rushton’s theory!”, yet they should note that the difference is not statistically significant; just because there is a small difference in one study also doesn’t mean anything for the totality of evidence on penis size and race—that there is no statistical difference! He then cites Lynn’s (2013) paper which was based on an Internet survey and thus, self-reports are over-measured. He also cites Templer’s (2002) book Is Size Important?, which, of course, is on my list of books to read. Nevertheless, the ‘evidence’ that blacks average larger penises than whites is extremely dubious, it’s pretty conclusive that the races don’t differ in penis size. For further reading, read The Pseudoscience of Race Differences in Penis Size, and read all of Ethnicmuses’ posts on penis size here. It’s conclusive that there is no statistical difference—if that—and any studies showing a difference are horribly flawed. 2d/4d ratio and race Then he talks about 2d/4d ratio, which supposedly signifies higher levels of androgen exposure in vitro (Manning et al, 2008) however these results have been challenged and have not been replicated (Koehler, Simmons, and Rhodes, 2004; Yan et al, 2008, Medland et al, 2010). Even then, Ellis states that in a large analysis of 250,000 respondents, Asians had the lowest 2d/4d ratio, which if the hypothesis of in vitro hormones affecting digit length is to be believed, they have higher levels of testosterone than whites (the other samples had small ns, around 100). Prostate-specific antigens, race, and prostate cancer He then talks about PSA (prostate-specific antigen) rates between the races. Blacks are two times more likely to get prostate cancer, which has been blamed on testosterone. However, I’ve compiled good evidence that the difference comes down to the environment, i.e., diet. Even then, there is no evidence that testosterone causes prostate cancer as seen in two large meta-analyses (Stattin et al, 2003; Michaud, Billups, and Partin, 2015). Even then, rates of PCa (prostate cancer) are on the rise in East Asia (Kimura, 2012; Chen et al, 2015; Zhu et al, 2015) which is due to the introduction of our Western diet. I will cover the increases in PCa rates in East Asia in a future article. He then reviews the evidence of CAG repeats. There is, however, no evidence that the number of CAG repeats influences sensitivity to testosterone. However, intra-racially, lower amounts of CAG repeats are associated with higher spermatozoa counts—but blacks don’t have higher levels of spermatozoa (Mendiola et al, 2011; Redmon et al, 2013). Blacks do have shorter CAG repeats, and this is consistent with the racial crime gap of blacks > whites > Asians. However, looking at the whole of the evidence, there is no good reason to assume that this has an effect on racial crime rates. Intelligence and education Next he talks about racial differences in intelligence and education, which have been well-established. Blacks did have higher rates of learning disabilities than whites who had higher levels of learning disabilities then Asians in a few studies, but other studies show whites and South Asians having different rates, for instance. He then talks about brain size and criminality, stating that the head size of males convicted for violent crimes did not differ from males who committed non-violent crimes (Ikaheimo et al, 2007). I won’t bore anyone with talking about what we know already: that the races differ in average brain size. However, a link between brain size and criminality—to the best of my knowledge—has yet to been discovered. IQ is implicated in crime, so I do assume that brain size is as well (no matter if the correlation is .24 or not; Pietschnig et al, 2015). Prenatal androgen exposure Now to wrap things up, the races don’t differ in prenatal androgen exposure, which is critical to the ENA theory; there is a small difference in the umbilical cord favoring blacks, and apparently, that predicts a high rate of crime. However, as noted, blacks have higher levels of SHBG at birth which inhibits the production of testosterone on the organs. Differences in post-pubertal testosterone are small/nonexistent and one should not talk about them when talking about differences in crime or disease acquisition such as PCa. DHT only shows a weak positive correlation with aggression—the same as testosterone (Christiansen and Winkler, 1992; however other studies show that DHT is negatively correlated with measures of physical aggression; Christiansen and Krussmann, 1987; further, DHT is not so evil after all). Summing it all up Blacks are not stronger than whites, indeed evidence from the races’ differing somatype, grip strength and leverages all have to do with muscular strength. Furthermore, the study that Ellis cites as ‘proof’ that blacks are stronger than whites is on one measure; an isokinetic dynamometry machine which is pretty much a leg extension. In true tests of strength, whites blow blacks away, which is seen in all major professional competitions all around the world. Blacks do have denser bones which is due to androgen production in vitro, but as of yet, there has been no research done into bone density and criminality. The races don’t differ on penis size—and if they do it’s by tenths of an inch which is not statisitcally significant and I won’t waste my time addressing it. It seems that most HBDers will see a racial difference of .01 and say “SEE! Rushton’s Rule!” even when it’s just that, a small non-significant difference in said variable. That’s something I’ve encountered a lot in the past and it’s, frankly, a waste of time to converse about things that are not statistically significant. I’ve also rebutted the theory on 2d/4d ration as well. Finally, Asians had a similar level of androgen levels compared to blacks, with whites having the least amount. Along with a hole in the theory for racial differences in androgen causing crime, it’s yet another hole in the theory for racial differences in androgens causing racial differences in penis size and prostate cancer. On intelligence scores, no one denies that blacks have scored about 1 SD lower than whites for 100 years, no one denies that blacks have a lower educational attainment. In regards to learning disabilities, blacks seem to have the highest rates, followed by Native Americans, than non-Hispanic whites, East Asians and the lowest rates found in South Asians. He states only one study links brain size to criminal behavior and it showed a significant inverse relationship with crime but not other types of offenses. This is a really good article and I like the theory, but it’s full of huge holes. Most of the variables described by Ellis have been shown to not vary at all or much between the races (re: penis size, testosterone, strength [whites are stronger] prostate cancer caused mainly by diet, 2d/4d ratio [no evidence of it showing a digit ratio difference], and bone density not being studied). Nevertheless, a few of his statements do await testing so I await future studies on the matter. He says that androgen exposure ‘differs by race and ethnicity’, yet the totality of evidence shows ‘not really’ so that cannot be the cause of higher amounts of crime. Ellis talks about a lot of correlates with testosterone, but they do not pass the smell test. Most of it has been rebutted. In fact, one of the central tenets of the ENA theory is that the races should differ in 2d/4d ratio due to exposure of differing levels of the hormone in vitro. Alas, the evidence to date has not shown this—it has in fact shown the opposite. ENA theory is good in thought, but it really leaves a lot to be desired in regards to explaining racial differences in crime. More research needs to be looked into in regards to intelligence and education and its effect on crime. We can say that low IQ people are more likely to drop out of school and that is why education is related to crime. However, in Mazur (2016) shows that blacks matched for age had lower levels of testosterone if they had some college under their belt. This seems to point in the direction of the ENA theory, however then all of the above problems with the theory still need to be explained away—and they can’t! Furthermore, one of the nails in the coffin should be this: East Asian males are found to have higher levels of testosterone than white males, often enough, and East Asian males actually have the lowest rate of crime in the worle! This seems to point in the direction of the ENA theory, however then all of the above problems with the theory still need to be explained away—and they can’t! Furthermore, one of the nails in the coffin should be this: East Asian males are found to have higher levels of testosterone than white males, often enough, and East Asian males actually have some of the lowest rate of crime in the world (Rushton, 1995)! So this is something that needs to be explained if it is to be shown that testosterone facilitates aggression and therefore, crime. I’ve shown—extensively—that there is a low positive correlation between testosterone and physical aggression, why testosterone does not cause crime, and have definitively shown that, by showing how flawed the other studies are that purport to show blacks have higher testosterone levels than whites, along with citing large-scale meta-analyses, that whites and blacks either do not differ or the differences is small to explain any so-called differences in disease acquisition or crime. One final statement on the CAG repeats, they are effect by obesity, men who had shorter CAG repeats were more likely to be overweight, which would skew readings (Gustafsen, Wen, and Koppanati, 2003). So depending on the study—and in most of the studies I cite whites have a higher BMI than blacks—BMI and WC should be controlled for due to the depression of testosterone. It’s pretty conclusive that testosterone itself does not cause crime. Most of the examples cited by Ellis have been definitively refuted, and his other claims lack evidence at the moment. Even then, his theory rests on the 2d/4d ratio and how blacks may have a lower 2d/4d ratio than whites. However, I’ve shown that there is no significant relationship between 2d/4d ratio and traits mediated by testosterone (Kohler, Simmons, and Rhodes, 2004) so that should be enough to put the theory to bed for good. Nutritional myths run amok everywhere. One of the most persistent is that ‘a calorie is a calorie’, that is, every macronutrient will be processed the same by the body. Another assumption is that the body doesn’t ‘care’ about where the calories come from—they can come from fat, protein, or carbs and the response will be the same: bodyweight will be reduced until one reaches their goal. However, it’s not as simple as that. He also has the assumption that “diets work”, when the best meta-analysis I know of on the matter shows the opposite (Mann et al, 2007, see especially table 1). They control for studies where weight was self-reported. They conclude that dieting does not work. This is what, as Heartiste says, “iScience!” says on the matter, so he should believe everything I state in this article, which is backed by “iScience!”. Chateau Heartiste published an article back in 2010 titled The Twinkies Diet Proves Fatty Fats Are Fat Because They Eat Too Much. He is referring to professor of human nutrition Mark Haub and his success on ‘the twinkies diet’, where 2/3rds of his caloric intake came from junk food such as Twinkies. He lost 27 pounds in a two month period while his LDL cholesterol decreased by 20 percent and his HDL cholesterol increased by 20 percent. His level of triglycerides also decreased by 37 percent, with his body fat decreasing from 33.4 to 24.9 percent. So he ate 1800 kcal per day—2/3rds of it being junk food—for two months and lost 27 pounds. Case closed, right? Eat junk food at a deficit and lose weight? A calorie is a calorie? There are a few problems with this contention which will be addressed below. Big bottom line: Being fat itself is bad for your health. “Fat and fit” is a myth. The change that counts the most is losing the weight, which can only be done by PUSHING AWAY FROM THE TABLE. Except fit and overweight and obese individuals have similar mortality rates than their normal weight counterparts (Barry et al, 2014). However, more recently a study was published purporting that overweight and obese individuals being healthy despite excess weight is a myth. The researchers state that in a sample of millions of Britons that overweight and obese individuals had a higher risk of heart disease than their normal-weight counterparts. Unfortunately, I cannot locate the study since it wasn’t published in a journal (and thusly not peer reviewed). I wonder if variables such as diet, smoking and other lifestyle factors were taken into account. Nevertheless, the debate on fitness and fatness continues. Another large meta-analysis shows that grade 1 obesity (BMI 30->35) had the same mortality risk as normal-weight individuals with grade 2 obese (BMI +35) having a significantly higher risk of death (Flegal, Kit, and Orpana, 2013). Heartiste claims that ‘a calorie is a calorie’. This is a common fallacy. This suggests that the body will process all foods the same way—that is, processing them the same metabolically. This, however, is not the case. Haub himself is a sample size of 1. If Heartiste can use a sample size of 1 to make a claim, then I can too. Sam Feltham ate +5,000 kcal per day for 21 days and only gained 1.3 kg when he should have gained 7.3 kg based on the amount of kcal he ate. A calorie is a calorie, right? This is a fallacious statement. The statement “a calorie is a calorie” violates the second law of thermodynamics (Feinman and Fine, 2004). Heartiste writes: That first law of thermodynamics looms large over everything. The first law of thermodynamics is irrelevant to human physiology. It only states that an organism gets bigger if it consumes more energy; it doesn’t state why this occurs, which is due to the hormone insulin which causes weight gain. He does rightly state that an omega 3/6 imbalance is part of the reason but then handwaves it away. Western-like high-fat diets (i.e., diets with an imbalance of linoleic acids (LA; and n-6 fatty acid) with n-3) are sufficient enough to induce gradual enhancement in fat mass across the generations (Massiera et al, 2010). This obviously includes the average 55 percent carbohydrate diet that the AHA recommends (Eckel et al, 2014). The Standard American Diet (aptly named the “SAD diet”) has the n-3/n-6 imbalance along with being high in carbohydrates which spike insulin which impedes fat being unlocked from the adipocyte. Heartiste doesn’t understand that if you reduce the ‘in’, the ‘out’ also decreases. This was noted in the famous starvation experiment headed by Ancel Keys. They took 36 healthy men who ate normally for three months while being their behavior and personality was monitored. In the next six months, they were reduced to eating half of their initial intake (they started at 2000 kcal and dropped to 1000 kcal; some individuals going lower than that) and their metabolic rate decreased by 40 percent (Keys et al, 1945). This is proof for the contention that the body decreases its metabolic rate due to what is ingested. A similar study was done on Vermont prisoners, except they were told to gorge on food. Since they were in a controlled setting, the prisoners could be monitored to ensure they ate all of the food. At the end of the study, their metabolic rates had increased by 50 percent. This is evidence that the body was trying to get back to its original weight. In six months, the prisoners went back to their normal weight as they ate normally (Salas, Horton, and Sims, 1971) One man only gained ten pounds eating all of those calories. Clearly, the body was resisting weight gain and when they were allowed to eat normally, they effortlessly regained their normal weights. Finally, on the topic of Haub, Big Food shill, I will address a few things about him and his ‘research’ that recently came to light. Intermittent fasting and obesity expert Dr. Jason Fung showed that in 2016 after Coca-Cola released their funding reports after criticisms of transparency, Mark Haub was found to be one of the many researchers that were backed by Coca-Cola. This is an attempt to show that ‘a calorie is a calorie’ and that ‘all calories are created equal’. This has been rebutted above. In 2016—six years after his ‘experiment—it was revealed that he was funded by Coca-Cola. No doubt in order to ‘prove’ that ‘a calorie is a calorie’ and have people continue to gorge on high carbohydrate/insulinogenic foods. However, the human body is a lot more complex than to just reduce it to simply calories in and calories out—which I have written about in depth. People like Heartiste need to get an actual understanding of the literature and what Coca-Cola has been trying to do for years, which is to make eating junk food ‘OK’ because ‘it doesn’t cause obesity’. Children consume 45 percent more food when exposed to advertisements (Harris, Bargh, and Brownell, 2009). So to begin to curb obesity rates we don’t need to ‘eat junk food’, we need to not eat junk food and eat a diet more ancestral to us—that is, one lower in processed carbs and higher in animal fat and protein. Big Food shills like Haub need to be exposed for what they are—people who do ‘research’ for a quick buck, i.e., not furthering our understanding of a complex issue as he would like you to believe. Exercise also doesn’t induce weight loss. So the claims of ‘eat less and move more’ (eat less according to the 55 percent carbohydrate recommendations) is bound to fail. If Heartiste can make a claim using one man as an example then so can I. Read the above article by Sam Feltham in which he writes about hs experience eating 5,000 kcal per day for 21 days while only gaining 1.3 kg. I can use this example to say that eating low carb and high fat at 5,000 kcal per day will lead to negligible weight gain, however, I don’t use n=1 sample sizes to make claims and no one else should either. By Scott Jameson I’ve been active in the blogosphere for around 24 hours now and I’ve already gotten a negative response from someone who happens to be wrong. That’s a win in my book. The argument we’re having is, as best I can tell, why some populations out there just don’t have obesity as an observed phenotype amongst their members. TL;DR: Pumpkin Person and Robert Lindsay believe that genetics explain why there are no obese New Guineans. But it ain’t so. The original context is an old Pumpkin Person post. Much of what he’s saying here doesn’t seem too off-base; for example he says that behavioral genetics may explain much of the differences in BMI between individuals within the same population. True. It is possible that some people are genetically inclined to eat more or unhealthier foods, rather than simply being genetically inclined to putting on weight regardless of what they do. As an aside, genotypes that affect how you digest things also probably explain part of the BMI gap between skinny folks and fat folks within the first world. The APOA2 gene for example has a recessive allele that is associated with higher BMI in people who eat more saturated fats. The interactions between genes and environment which determine BMI are complicated and not yet fully understood, but I’m willing to bet that being genetically worse at processing certain nutrients is a part of the problem, and that being genetically inclined to stuff your face is a part of the problem as well. PP is probably right about that issue. Where he and Lindsay get it wrong is using examples of people from Podunk, New Guinea as evidence for obesity “being genetic” (relative term). Obesity is a gene-environment interaction such that, without certain environmental inputs, you simply won’t get the phenotype. History tells us that that input is processed carbohydrates. There was a time when people could have used Australian Aboriginals or Inuit or Pima Indians as examples of groups of people who just don’t have obese folks amongst their numbers, just as Lindsay did with a few populations. Homo sans lardicus. Then the White Devils showed up with their refined Einkorn wheat products and their firewater and so on. Now those populations have fat people in them. There’s an ongoing debate as to whether some populations are more resistant to the fattening effects of processed carbs or not. My guess is, the answer’s yes (and you’d look at Europeans and East Asians to see the more carb-resistant people, in theory) but that topic would merit its own post. That being said, every population in the world will almost assuredly have obese people in it after you introduce processed carbs. All of the populations that were introduced to this diet, now have fat people in them. Heritability of BMI is high within the first world because the relevant environmental input is pretty uniform: everybody has access to potatoes, everybody has access to broccoli. As PP points out, which you’re likely to eat and how much you’re likely to eat likely depends on your genetics. As I point out, how your body processes the nutrients also has a likely genetic component. But the environmental contribution to our within-population differences in BMI is low (~20%) because we all have access to roughly the same stuff. Rural New Guineans, lacking a bunch of processed carbs, could hardly get fat if they tried their best to. That’s a big between-population, nonheritable cause for a phenotypic difference; this means that environment probably explains most of the BMI gap between them and us. If I wanted evidence to refute Lindsay’s assertion that New Guineans are skinnier thanks to genetics, I’d find a population of urbanized New Guineans somewhere with higher average BMI. Such a group would have New Guinean genetics but a “developed” environment vaguely similar to ours; if they were fatter than their rural ken, then Lindsay’s hypothesis that New Guineans are just genetically obesity-free would be falsified.
Long before adult-use cannabis consumption became legal in California on January 1, CBD cocktails were incredibly popular throughout Los Angeles. But a recent look shows that these cocktails have The end of the CBD cocktail craze in Los Angeles | PotNetwork The CBD-infused cocktail craze was huge in Los Angeles until very recently, reported Eater. Big changes began when the L.A. Department of Health took a strong anti-cannabis stance in July. It was exacerbated in September when the California State government made the combination of any kind of cannabis and alcohol illegal, forcing the remainder Where To Drink Cannabis Cocktails In Los Angeles Right Now: LAist Where To Drink Cannabis Cocktails In Los Angeles Right Now. by Caroline on Crack in Food on June 19, 2018 5:00 AM. Tweet. Otium's Pineapple Express with Sipsmith gin, pineapple Campari, and H CBD Cocktails: What They Are and Why They're Taking Over Bar How Jerry Brown Harshed Our CBD Cocktail Mellow: LAist Photo of Craft Roots - "CBD cocktails" - Morgan Hill, CA. Bahasa Malaysia (Malaysia) Čeština (Česká republika) Dansk (Danmark) A Montrose Bar Is Claiming Houston’s First CBD Cocktail Major cities like Chicago and D.C. have been adding on-trend CBD oil to cocktails for months now, helping promote anti-anxiety at the bar. Now Montrose’s adorably kitschy bar, Present Company, claims to be the first Houston bar that’s offering a CBD-infused cocktail. 21 Aug 2019 From cocktails to bites and beyond, Chicago's hottest bars and restaurants are going all in on CBD. Detroit Health Departments Crack Down on CBD Food at Restaurants Metro Detroit isn’t alone with its bans on CBD products. There are now reports of other CBD bans. New York’s Department of Health initiated a similar crackdown on CBD edibles in January, citing federal guidance. In Los Angeles-area restaurants experienced a similar wave of bans on CBD-infused food and drink last summer. Mr. Braxton Bar Opens in Park View With CBD Cocktails and - Making Weed Cocktails At Gracias Madre In Los Angeles Or do you want to sample some delicious CBD cocktails during your girl's weekend away? If you're in Los Angeles, head to the Hollywood Roosevelt where you can 1, 2019, so get to those California hotel bars to sip their delicious and Many retailers are adding CBD to foods. Los Angeles will soon start penalizing companies that have “adulterated” foods Posted: March 26, 2019 - 11:42 AM. 15 Oct 2019 Hotel Teatro, CBD cocktails, Denver, cannabis-friendly hotels PAX Labs' poolside pop-up at the Dream Hollywood in Los Angeles, California. 1 Oct 2018 “When putting CBD in a low ABV or non-alcoholic cocktail, you can Ryan Fleming, brand ambassador at Los Angeles whiskey producer Puff, Pass and Paint- 420-friendly painting in Los An Puff, Pass Pet CBD Chat with Robbin · One minute JW Marriott Los Angeles L.A. LIVE. 10:30AM. 1. 1.