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Hawaiki: The Original Home of the Maori; with a Sketch of Polynesian History The Papuan Race of Indonesia The Papuan Race of Indonesia. Again, there ought to be traces of some recollection of the black or very dark brown Negritto races of Indonesia, called Papuans, which name is said to be derived from the Malay word Puapua, frizzled hair. Students of New Zealand history are aware that in the Maori traditions there are incidental notices of an ancient people called Manahune or Manahua, who are by some supposed to be a diminutive race, and somewhat like the elves of old-world stories. But they are not said to have lived in New Zealand. This people is also known in Hawaii under the same name, where they are described as somewhat like those of the Maori traditions. They appear to have been page 103at one time very numerous, and lived in the mountains, but were in a state of subjection to the Hawaiians, performing for them many works that required great numbers, in order to complete the task at once. Like the Patu-pai-arehe of New Zealand story, these people are said not to like the daylight, but worked at night. Many of the heiaus and some of the loko-i'a, or fish-ponds, of Hawaii are said to have been built by the Manahune. Again, in Tahiti we find mention of the same people, Manahune, who in Ellis's time formed the lower orders of the people. But they were an ancient tribe, or people, for Miss Henry tells me that the Tahitian expression Ari'i o te tau Manahune refers to the time when kings were born to the plebeians of Tahiti, begotten of the gods, and not wearing the chiefly maro-ura, or scarlet girdle, the insignia of the ruling chiefs of Tahiti. In a Paumotu genealogy in my possession, I find one of their chiefs named Tangaroa-Manahune, who lived many generations ago; and it is known that there was a tribe in old times in Mangaia named Manaune. We shall find later on a reference to them in Rarotonga history, where they are again referred to as little people. The word manahune, both in Maori and Rarotonga, means a scab, or mark on the body. None of the accounts I have seen infer that these people ever differed in colour from the brown Polynesian. The Patu-pai-arehe or Turehu of the Maori, on the contrary, are distinctly stated to be white or light-coloured, and had the Manahune been of that colour, or black, the fact would probably have been mentioned. It may be that the origin of the name is due to the people who bore it being marked with cicatrices (manahune). Fornander seemed to be of the opinion that this was a racial name applied by the Polynesians to themselves in ancient times, and derived from one of their remote ancestors named Kalani-Menehune; but from page 104Maori and Rarotonga accounts, they appear rather to have been an alien race. The vague notions the Polynesians generally now have in regard to the Manahune—their living in the mountains and forests, the wonderful powers of sorcery, &c., accredited to them—seems to point to their having been a race living in the remote past conquered by the Polynesians, and probably often enslaved by them. In fact, the traditions no doubt point to the Papuan or Melanesian race, who, it is well known, mark their flesh in gashes as an ornament, instead of tattoo, as with the Polynesians. There seems to be two possible or probable theories to account for the Manahune. Either they were the first migration into the Pacific, or they were one of the races the Polynesians came into contact with in Indonesia, or further to the west, and some of whom they brought with them in their migrations as slaves. In this latter case, the stories of their having inhabited Hawaii and Hawaiki are Indonesian events localised in process of time in the Pacific homes of the Polynesians. The latter theory is probably the more consonant with what is known of the Manahune. It would be quite in keeping with what we know of Polynesian customs, that on conquering the Papuans they came in contact with, they would enslave them, and carry them with them in their voyages to form part of their crews. Large numbers of the women would be enslaved and taken as wives, and hence the Papuan element in so many Polynesians of the present day. But this element was doubtless much increased during the lengthy sojourn of the Polynesians in the Fiji group. All history, tradition, and observation go to prove that Indonesia was occupied by this Negritto race from the very earliest times, and the Polynesians must have had page 105constant communication with them, making war on them, ousting them from the lands, and enslaving them. * I can only make a guess at the meaning of this word. Ui is the Rarotongan name for the yam. Ara has no sense in this connection. Kakano is a seed, such as that of the pumpkin, &c. I am not aware if any species of yam bears seeds. Mr. Taylor White (Jour. Poly. Soc., Vol. X., p. 205) suggests that it was the egg of the Maleo, one of the Megapodidae, which is found in the Celebes. It seems to me probable that Mr. White is right. In the original tradition the words are "Tangaroa went away and found a white thing in the sand, and brought it back. His wife was pulverising the vari (rice); he threw the white fruit (ua, a fruit; also means egg) into the vari, and it thereafter became a principal food of that household." † The change from ka to nga being common to the language, we may probably see in this name the Maori Mango-roi-ata. ‡ In the Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol. III., p. 105, it will be seen that the Maoris have retained in their traditions the name Wairua-ngangana as the place from which they originally obtained the taro, and introduced it into Hawaiki. The two names are not exactly the same, the u and the a being inter-changed. No assistance in identifying the island can be derived from the native habitat of the taro, which seems to have been common to India and Indonesia. § This is the island which I suppose to be represented by the name Ao-nuku in Marquesan traditions. (See a former page.) Notwithstanding the fanciful dress in which we find these stories in the original, they point strongly to the first arrival of the people in a strange land, where new kinds of food were discovered. The bread fruit is stated by De Candolle in his "Origin of Cultivated Plants" to be a native of Java. "The bread fruit is evidently a native of Java, Amboyna, and the neighbouring islands; but the antiquity of its cultivation in the whole of the archipelago, proved by the number of varieties, and the facility of propagating it by buds and suckers, prevent us from knowing its history accurately." The rice of course grows in Java at the present day, and I hold the probability is the Polynesians first introduced it there from India; and it is also tolerably certain that they brought the bread fruit from Indonesia with them on their migrations, for the varieties now growing in Polynesia are seedless, and can be propagated only by suckers. It is clearly not a native of Polynesia. At this time the people were apparently divided into tribes, for we find the names mentioned of Ati-Apai and Ngati-Ataranga, both Ati and Ngati being tribal pre-nominals. * Inocarpus edulis, which grows in Indonesia, but is thought to be a native of America. It is probable that the Polynesians brought the seeds of this tree with them into the Pacific, where it is believed to be a cultivated plant. † This is an instance of a more modern story incorporated in a very ancient one. ‡ Iva is retained still in the present name of Hiva-oa and Nukuhiva of the Marquesas. § It is well known that Captain Cook gives the name of Owyhee to the Sandwich Islands, or Hawaii as they are now called. This name has always been supposed to be a corruption of the proper name of the largest island of the group—Hawaii. If we separate this name of Owyhee into its component parts, it is "O," the demonstrative which precedes all proper nouns, as ko in Maori; and "wyhee" is in Polynesian letters waihi. As Captain Cook had with him a native of Tahiti when he discovered the Sandwich Islands, and as the islands were known to his people as Vaihi, it seems that we have here the true origin of the name Owyhee, rather than that it is a corruption of Hawaii. * "The dry or hard front of Pipi," or perhaps "The dry chasm of pipi." Whether the theory hinted at above as to Māui being a real historical person or not is correct, must be left to the decision of some one who will study the whole body of legends relating to him as derived from all branches of the race; but the Rarotongan account in a measure supports Fornander's hypothesis that this series of legends is older than the migration into the Pacific.* There have been very many Māuis in Polynesian history, and in process of time the deeds of some ancient and mythical Māui have become confounded with those of men who lived in later ages. The Rarotongans do not, so far as I know, trace any descent from Māui of this period, though Hawaiians and Maoris do from one who lived in a later age. * Fornander, Vol. I., p. 200.
This paper engages with emerging literature on worlding cities in analysing the contested ways in which mid-sized cities attempt to ‘globalize’ through the redevelopment of urban infrastructure, and in particular, transportation infrastructure. The paper focuses specifically on the World Heritage City of Penang, Malaysia and critically examines controversies over the extensive urban redevelopment and regeneration projects that have emerged since 2012. In particular, it examines the ambitious Penang Transport Master Plan (PTMP), which has posed considerable implications for the city’s heritage landscapes, but also several socio-environmental impacts. The paper analyses the state government’s vision for the PTMP, before turning to an alternative strategy and critique of this plan put forth by local civil society organizations. As I demonstrate, both plans make use of worlding strategies in ‘selling’ their particular vision for the city’s future, but the ways they do so are markedly different. In reviewing this case, the paper challenges the conceptualization of inter-referencing and urban modelling practices as it is currently documented in the literature on worlding cities. What is novel in Penang is the way local stakeholders identify comparable cities outside of the Global North as models to follow, rather than established mega- or ‘world’ cities, which act as more realistic reference points. In doing so, the paper highlights key technologies of governance that are being used to counter the neoliberal worlding strategies put forth by city managers. Bibliographical noteFunding Information: Research for this paper was made possible by funding from the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore (NUS). I am grateful to the Penang Forum for allowing me to reproduce the figures included in this article. I would like to thank Erik Swyngedouw, Rachel Bok, and members of the Politics Economies and Space (PEAS) Research Group at NUS for helpful comments on previous drafts of this paper. I also appreciate the suggestions of three anonymous reviewers, which helped to clarify my arguments and writing. © The Author(s) 2018. - transportation infrastructure
Continuing her good run of form, young Indian shuttler Malvika Bansod got the better of compatriot and junior world No. 1 Tasnim Mir in straight games to advance to the quarterfinals of the Odisha Open in Cuttack on Thursday. Bansod took just over half an hour to defeat 16-year-old Tasnim 21-13 21-15 in the women’s singles pre-quarterfinals of the BWF Super 100 tournament. The 20-year-old Bansod, who had lost to PV Sindhu in the final of the Syed Modi International last week after defeating her idol Saina Nehwal at the India Open earlier this month, will take on Tanya Hemanth. Fifth seed Ashmita Chaliha also booked a quarterfinal spot as she got the of another 16-year-old in Anupama Upadhyaya 21-17 21-16. She will now take on Rucha Sawant, who defeated Nikki Rapria to reach the final eight. In men’s singles, third seed Subhankar Dey, who had stunned sixth seed Xiaodong Sheng of Canada on Wednesday, notched a 21-16 21-14 victory over fellow Indian Rahul Yadav Chittaboina in 33 minutes. Mithun Manjunath too registered an impressive win against Cheam June Wei of Malaysia, defeating the 7th seed 21-11 21-18 in 40 minutes. Manjunath will take on highly rated Priyanshu Rajwat next. The youngster defeated Sathish Kumar Karunakaran 21-13 21-12 in 30 minutes. Kiran George also moved to the men’s singles quarterfinal with an easy 21-12 21-13 win over compatriot Chirag Sen in another second round match. In the mixed doubles event, the India pairing of Dhruv Rawat and Shikha Gautam lost 11-21 14-21 to the Sri Lankan duo of Sachin Dias and Thilini Hendahewa in the second round, while Ayush Makhija and Deeksha Choudhar handed Chirag Arora and Nish Rapria a 21-5 21-16 loss to move to the quarterfinals. All results from Thursday here. BAI statement on Wednesday: In the wake of the high number of Covid positive cases at the ongoing Odisha Open Super 100 tournament, the Badminton Association of India has clarified that the tests are being conducted according to the protocols set by the Badminton World Federation through a designated lab and there was no reason to question the authenticity of the reports. The lab which is conducting the tests for participants in the Odisha Open is an ICMR Lab run directly by the Government of India and boasts of the highest level of precision in its protocols. “This is the third and last tournament of the India Leg and as per BWF protocol, the host country designated the lab and in this case ICMR lab was appointed which is the country’s best. As per protocol, BWF upholds the findings of this lab only. Similar process was followed at the India Open and Syed Modi International and no exception was made at the Odisha Open as well,” BAI Secretary Ajay K Singhania said in a statement on Wednesday. (With PTI inputs)
Scientific Name: Sterna sumatrana Malay Name: Camar Tengkuk Hitam Chinese Name: 黑枕燕鸥 Found from the coasts of Indian subcontinent to southern China, Japan, Southeast Asia, Australia and western Pacific Polytypic. Subspecies are: mathewsi, sumatrana. Local Subspecies: sumatrana Size: 30-35 cm Adult has white head, neck, breast and underparts with narrow black band from eyes to hindnape, dark pinkish legs and feet which appeared blackish from far, all black bill and whitish-grey mantle and upperwings. Juvenile resembles adult but has blackish subterminal markings on mantle feathers, scapulars and tertials . Similar looking species: Gull-billed Tern Habitat: Sea-coasts and open seas. Behaviour/Ecology: Nest is a scrape on ground or eggs laid on bare rock. Local Status: Uncommon resident Conservation Status: Least Concern (BirdLife International 2018) Location: Changi, Pasir Ris Park, Pulau Ubin, Straits of Johor and Straits of Singapore. BirdLife International. (2018). Sterna sumatrana. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22694612A132561758.en. Accessed on 19 December 2021 Robson, C. (2014). Field guide to the birds of South-East Asia (Second Edition). Bloomsbury Publishing, London.
Back in the days before streaming was a thing, there was something called Speedy Video in Malaysia. Every kid always wanted to go Speedy, and there was always something to get. Whether it was a latest album or a movie you missed out on the cinema, Speedy was the source of our entertainment excitement. About a week ago, Twitter user Putra Adib posted about the closure, alerting netizens. Now, we almost can’t believe that Speedy Video Mid Valley is closing down. But the good bad news/bad good news is that everything must go, and today’s (15th September 2019) their last day of promotion, as well as their last day, really. After today, there will no longer be a Speedy Video outlet at Mid Valley. CDs and DVDs once dominated our lives, and if there’s anything you want to get, now’s the time. What About Speedy Elsewhere? The Speedy Video outlet in Mid Valley has been branded “iconic”, and everyone is feeling nostalgic. However, we still haven’t heard if Speedy Video would be closing down its outlets everywhere. At the very least, you could still get your CD and/or DVD fix on their website. But we know the best experience comes from walking into a Speedy outlet and picking up something in your own hands! So… What’s Next? We can’t say we’re entirely surprised, especially with the rise of Netflix, iFlix, Hulu and other similar services. Waiting time is cut short, there’s no need for space to keep the discs, and almost any show or movie is literally available at one’s fingertips. Streaming services are also rolling out their “specials”, and this may also affect the cinema industry in the future. Perhaps not all movies will be screened in cinemas first, but rather on streaming services as well. All we can say is, the times have changed. While we’re happy that streaming is most definitely a thing, Speedy Video will always have a special place in our hearts. After all, it was more or less our sole entertainment source for many years. Friendly reminder once again: you might want to go to Mid Valley now.
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suspend verb (STOP) - cancelSorry, I have to cancel our plans tonight. - call offThe game has been called off because of the weather. - be offThe meeting’s off because James is home sick. - scrapWe’ve scrapped our plans for a trip to France. - suspendThe ferry service has been suspended for the day because of bad weather. - postponeWe’ve postponed the wedding until next year. See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:[external_link_head] suspend verb (HANG) You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: (Definition of suspend from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press) Examples of suspend He wasn’t suspended and was allowed to play and travel with the team. Deliveries of major military equipment are also suspended. He pleased many onetime critics by suspending construction on a controversial dam. Four other executives, including the chief financial officer, were sentenced to between one-and-a-half and three years in prison, some of it suspended, and fined. He made the right decision for the party and for himself by suspending his campaign. The terror of that suspends you, and you are able to forget about your own pain for a moment. This particular photo was taken with the camera suspended from a seven-foot-long pole. The sentence, however, was suspended for a year — as all her charges had been, every time.[external_link offset=1] And for that, he was suspended and missed a month of school in his freshman year. The district suspended the class while it conducted an investigation, then allowed the class to continue, but without the race component. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. Translations of suspend in Chinese (Traditional) 停止, 停止,暫停,中止, (因犯錯而)暫令停職… in Chinese (Simplified) 停止, 停止,暂停,中止, (因犯错而)暂令停职… in Malay[external_link offset=2] ertelemek, tehir etmek, tatil etmek… pověsit, vznášet se, přerušit… menggantung, mengambang, menunda… แขวน, ลอย, ยกเลิกชั่วคราว… treo lên, lơ lửng, tạm thời ngưng… odkładać, odraczać, zawieszać… menggantung, melayang-layang, menangguhkan… aufhängen, schweben, einstellen… suspendere, utvise, innstille… откладывать, приостанавливать, временно исключать… Need a translator? Get a quick, free translation!
Sayidina Ali r.a heard from Prophet Muhammad s.a.w that, “ A person who memorized the Quran, adhered to that which is permissible, and refrained from that which is forbidden, Allah will admit him to Paradise and allow him to intercede for ten people of his family, all of whom deserved the fire. Hadith related by Ahmad,Tirmizi,Ibnu Majah and Darmi. Pusat Bimbingan Al-Islah with registered number: JM0586418K is a private company that offers studying, religious guidance in particular for full / part-time memorization of the Al-Quran. The establishment of Al-Islah is with the awareness of the importance of the Al-Qur’an in the character of society, especially the young people in the archipelago. The existence of such educational centers facilitates locals and neighborhoods to benefit from the Al-Quran. Pusat Bimbingan Al-Islah is under the advice of Yang Berhormat Dato Haji Jefridin bin Haji Atan, Official Officer of Tun Haji Abdullah Bin Haji Ahmad Badawi, Former Prime Minister, Malaysia. Pusat Bimbingan Al-Islah obtains “registration support” from the Islamic Religious Department – Reference : PPAJ / 6/03 / 014JId.2 (01). Pusat Bimbingan Al-Islah gets the curriculum guidance from Al-Itqan Resources (M) Sdn Bhd Company.
Online shows and artist features are available to view on Art WeMe website and Artsy. Do not let virus to stop your imagination and visions! View art pieces at your comfy home! In light of Movement Control Oder in Malaysia, Art WeMe Contemporary Gallery Kuala Lumpur is temporarily close until 31st March 2020, However, Art WeMe continually provides diverse art pieces for your preferences during COVID-19. Please visit our online features for each artist on Artsy. All your enquiries will be served online via FB, Email and Artsy. Online Show – Art Is Around Us Select colourful and vibrant artworks for your beloved family and friends. Share in the happiness of the beautiful and colourful artworks that you have inspired. We features affordable paintings, prints and multiple editions of sculptures for your best seasonal shopping.
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The number 4 team in the world Piran was apparently inspired as it delivered a 5-0 masterpiece over the 2 days of competition. The Slovenian team picked things up where it left off just 2 weeks after winning the Penang Challenger in Malaysia: they've now won 10 games in a row. It didn't seem to matter that Piran were missing their leader Gasper Ovnik in Australia (replaced by 3x3 pro circuit rookie Ziga Erculj). 26-year-old Anze Srebovt took over with a top-scoring 42 points and 'the Sphinx' Simon Finzgar finished 3rd in scoring with 33 points. Piran won every game before the limit except a 18-16 thriller against Amsterdam Inoxdeals (NED) in the semi-finals. This means the Slovenian team now has secured 4 tickets to the World Tour this season (Mexico City and Prague based on ranking plus India and Utsunomiya via Challengers). The other finalists Melbourne i-Athletic on the other hand will compete at their first-ever World Tour event in Utsunomiya, Japan on July 28-29. In fact they will become the first Australian team to make it to the World Tour since the inaugural edition back in 2012. The Australian team had a heroic performance on the second day of competition in Sydney. Down just 3 players, with no subs, they won back-to-back nail-biters against Lausanne (SUI) in the quarter-finals and Adjuntas (PUR) in the semi-finals. Completely exhausted, they did come back to earth in the final against the dominant Piran. Melbourne i-Athletic are the pro version of the Australian national team, which won gold at the FIBA 3x3 Asia Cup 2018. We now know half of the 14 teams who will play at the Utsunomiya Masters with Ljubljana (SLO), Zemun (SRB) (based on ranking), Auckland (NZL) (3x3 New Zealand Quest Tour winners), Liman (SRB), Humpolec Bernard (CZE) (Wuxi Challenger finalists), Piran (SLO) and Melbourne i-Athletic (AUS). Five of the Top 15 teams in the world and a total of 16 teams from 10 different countries played at the Sydney Challenger. The next Challenger will take place in Chengdu, China on May 26-27. Copyright FIBA All rights reserved. No portion of FIBA.basketball may be duplicated, redistributed or manipulated in any form. By accessing FIBA.basketball pages, you agree to abide by FIBA.basketball terms and conditions. Page at www.fiba.basketball indicated: Your suplied Email address ([email protected]) does not seem to be correct
Micro Nav Limited has been selected by CLEARWISDOM SDN BHD (CLEARWISDOM) to install its BEST (Beginning for End for Simulation & Training) ATC 3D tower and radar simulator at a new training facility for air traffic controllers in Malaysia. The new Aviation Academy (AvAC), owned and run by CLEARWISDOM in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, offers world-class services for Air Traffic Controller training to the local community. Students have access to CLEARWISDOM’s experts and facilities, including Micro Nav’s market-leading BEST ATC simulator set up with aerodrome, en-route and approach capabilities. The simulator was delivered during COVID-19 travel restrictions which prohibited travel from the UK to Malaysia. Micro Nav collaborated with CLEARWISDOM on this remote project for their new training centre, with the teams working together respectively from Malaysia and the UK. Following receipt of the recommended hardware list, CLEARWISDOM locally procured and installed the simulator hardware at the AvAC, configured the network and operating systems and installed the BEST software and customised data. All the onsite work was completed following online remote training and guidance from Micro Nav in the UK during mutual working hours. After completion of the installation, Micro Nav’s Instructors conducted remote technical and operator training for the CLEARWISDOM experts to maximise the use of their BEST simulator. Micro Nav is a trusted ATC simulator supplier in the Asia Pacific region, and this collaboration was instrumental for CLEARWISDOM to secure local and international business. CLEARWISDOM CEO says: “Congratulation to the installation team from both sides. It has been a remarkable effort to complete the project remotely during the pandemic and to achieve the desired results on time. The system is now fully functioning and we are excited to explore the business opportunities utilising Beginning to End Simulator & Training (BEST) software provided by Micro Nav.” Years of experience in supporting its global customer base, often remotely, gives Micro Nav’s customers access to simulation experts in the event of an unexpected issue, ensuring minimum down time and subsequent loss of simulation time. This experience was further extended during the pandemic with this latest remote installation for another key site in the region.
A SHORT INTRODUCTION TO RED VEIN KRATOM If Kratom or Mitragyna Speciosa rings any bell in you, then most likely, you also know about the Red vein Kratom. And why not? Red vein kratom is the most popular variety of Kratom consumed by users across the world. Its use surpasses the use of both the green and white vein kratom strains put together! But what is the Red Vein Kratom, and how beneficial is it? In this article, we explore different aspects of this potent Asian herb that’s typically extracted from red vein kratom leaves. We’ll also take a brief look at its history, uses, benefits, and side effects. Kratom, in general, belongs to the coffee tree family that grows in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and other regions in Southeast Asia. It has been used for centuries by the locals long before it was ever known outside the area. Kratom was virtually unknown in the West until fairly recently. Since then, the kratom red vein strains, in particular, have seen an insane surge in demand. Different red vein kratoms and their benefits - Red Thai It comes from Thailand though it commonly thrives in Indonesia. It is excellent for moderate pain relief. Other reds, however, show more potency than it - Red Bali Don’t always pay attention to the name because the plant may not originate from there. Usually, Bali doesn’t come from Bali but the Borneo Islands. This strain relieves pain and outweighs Red Thai in potency - Red Vietnam While comparable to Red Bali, this strain excels at enhancing your mood. This makes it ideal for relieving depression - Red Indo This is a great choice if you are looking for something to give you energy and make you relax. It’s energizing characteristics, and extremely relaxing levels are almost second to none in the red strain family - Red Horn The horn in the name of this strain refers to its leaves, which are pointed like horns. This strain gives you a balanced effect that brings the results of euphoria, relaxation, and energy together. - Red Maeng Da A highly potent strain that provides an excellent blend of stimulation and relaxation - Red Borneo This strain will drive your mental focus to great heights as well as relieve pain - Red Riau This strain will keep you highly alert and mentally focused throughout the day - Red Sumatra This strain which delivers great calmness and relaxation to both body and mind also acts as a stimulant to drive you through the day The hallmark of red vein strains, in contrast to the green and white vein kratom varieties, is the sedative and pain-relieving properties they possess. Other Kratoms tend to major in providing stimulation. High-quality red vein Kratom contains a high concentration of 7-OH-mitragynine, an alkaloid not usually found in other Kratoms to the same levels. This increases the demand for red vein varieties significantly, sometimes making it difficult to find it in stock. Red vein Kratom strains are especially valued for their pain-relieving properties. Also, compared to other pain relievers, the results achieved by these strains are more long-lasting. It also shows fewer adverse reactions such as addiction and withdrawal symptoms like nausea as compared to other medications. But of course, you have to use a high-quality red vein to stay safe. It also has powerful sedative effects, and that’s why it can also be used as a supplement or sleep aid by people with insomnia as well as individuals who’re dealing with depression and high blood pressure. However, other users would argue that some of the green or white vein kratom strains might be better suited for dealing with depression as compared to the kratom red veins. How red vein Kratom works Red vein, like its sister strains, is a psychoactive substance, which means its main activity is in the brain where it influences your mood and emotional behavior. Its main active ingredient is mitragynine, an alkaloid that produces results similar to the ones you get from using opioids. The alkaloid reduces pain, relieves anxiety, increases your peace of mind, and uplifts your mood to give you some sort of a euphoric feeling. The effects resemble what you get from opium or heroin. What are the ingredients of Red vein Kratom? Red vein kratom, like other strains, contains different alkaloids that are present in different proportions. These bind to opioid receptors in the brain in a similar manner as opiate drugs, and that’s why Kratom is sometimes used to treat withdrawal symptoms among opiate addicts. However, Kratom differs chemically from opiates, which explains why they are nowhere as harmful as those drugs. On ingestion, high-quality Kratom kicks in, in about 10 to 15 minutes. The effects can linger for between 2 hours to up to 8 hours depending on factors like age, sex, dosage, health status, and quality of the strain. Low doses that can deliver a somewhat potent effect would be 4 to 5 gm. A high dosage of 7 to 8 gm can prolong the effects even further. The greatest impact of Kratom’s effects is usually set in 1.5 to 2.5 hours after ingestion. The results are more dramatic if the red vein strain is taken without food. When taken with food, the effects can delay and kick in after an hour or so. The capsule form also takes longer since the capsule has to be dissolved. The half-life of the main active ingredient of red vein kratom is assumed to be about 23 to 24 hours, so it is adequate to take it once a day. Red vein kratom is best taken at night because it’s a calming agent. This explains why insomnia patients find it very useful. Daytime use can be problematic as it may make you feel drowsy, thus interfering with your productivity. On a busy day, it’s best to use other Kratom strains that don’t induce drowsiness. Now, remember there’s no one-fits-all dosage when dealing with Kratom. All we have are general guidelines that can help you find the dosage that will work for your unique case. Therefore, do your research and try to experiment with different kratom strains and vein colors to see which product suits you best. Bear in mind that other factors, such as the quality of your strain, will influence the amount you have to take to feel its impact. A strain of average quality has to be taken in high amounts to achieve the desired results. In contrast, top-quality strains could be very overwhelming, even at low dosages. Price and availability Kratom strains come in various forms. The traditional or natural form consists of fresh or dried leaves that are simply chewed or dipped into hot tea. Meanwhile, the strains used in the West are refined and well processed. These include raw powder, crushed leaves, resin, gum, capsule, and extract. Kratom powder – this raw or non-extract powder is excellent for those using red vein kratom strains for the first time. It is mild and less potent compared to powdered extracts Crushed leaves – this is another alternative that is ideal for beginners. Compared to the extract, this form is mild and less potent Kratom capsule – Kratom strains have an extremely bitter taste. So many people find it intolerable. The capsule form of red vein kratom helps to hide the taste by placing the kratom powder or crushed leaves inside a gel capsule. However, this also makes the product more costly plus it delays the onset of the effects a bit Kratom extract – if you want Kratom at its most potent form, this is the way to go. The powdered or crushed leaves of Kratom are boiled in water until all the water is gone. After filtration, you remain with the thick pasty residue. These highly concentrated remains of kratom alkaloids are incredibly effective, but not everyone has the stomach for them Resin – this highly concentrated lump is the solid form of the extract. It is a black glassy substance that looks like tar What if you abuse Kratom Due to the potential for Kratom abuse and addiction, it’s important that users learn about where they can turn to if they have abused different Kratom strains or someone they care for has done so. Here are some of the options - Seek counseling or psychotherapy - Narcotics Anonymous provides self-help support - Therapies offered by complementary medicine such as acupuncture - Get your doctor’s advice - Residential treatment programs - Family support either group or one to one - Call the Drugs Helpline 1800 459 459 number to help you with options where you are - Improves your mood - Provides relaxation and calmness - A good sleep aid - Relieves pain - Can be addictive Red vein Kratom is a product you certainly don’t want to overlook if you are suffering from one of these conditions and are looking for an effective natural solution. - Trouble sleeping - Mental disorders such as depression - Drug addiction etc Kratom (including the red vein strains) has not yet been researched extensively, so we don’t have much scientific information about it. It’s also relatively new and unknown in the West, including in the US. However, a lot of anecdotal studies and evidence exists from the centuries of its use among the people of Southeast Asia where the plant is grown and thrives best. The experiences from the users are very pleasing with a majority of them reporting results such as pain relief, relaxation, calmness, and sedation. This is supported by thousands of users who have also started using it in the West. Always consult your doctor if you want to start using Red Vein Kratom for medicinal purposes. Also never get tempted to exceed the recommended dosage levels. Remember the mantra: it is always better to take an underdose than an overdose. Start your use of red strains with an extremely low, dosage before working your way up to find the ideal dosage for you. Finally, always buy from a reputable source where quality is guaranteed to avoid the risks of using poor, inadequate, or contaminated products on your body.
Dianne DeMille has been named editor of the new quarterly publication of CIIPS, the very handsome journal Peace & Security, whose Vol.1, No.1 appeared in spring, 1986. Design and production is by the Spencer Francey Group, Ottawa/Toronto.Invited articles in the first issue examined Canada’s role in NORAD (David Cox), the outlook for Guatemala (Tim Draimin) and prospects for East-West summitry (Paul Marantz). Write Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security, 307 Gilmour St., Ottawa K2P OPT. No charge. Luis Sobrino (BC Chapter) has made a videotape on “Star Wars” for PSR, which he will copy and mail on request if you cannot acquire it through a PSR Chapter near you. Write Prof. Sobrino c/o Dept. of Physics, UBC, 6224 Agriculture Rd., Vancouver, B.C. V6T 2A6. From either Prof. Sobrino or from the SfP national office you can get copies of the following papers: The Cruise Missile: A Canadian Perspective, The U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative: Should Canada Participate? CFMETR: Ethical and Moral Considerations. (The tapes from the People’s Enquiry into the CFMETR held at Nanoose Bay, B.C., should be ready this month. To order a copy, write to CIPA, Box 82 Gabriola, B.C. VOR 1X0. $10.) Sahabat Alan Malaysia Greetings and best wishes from us here at Sahabat Alan Malaysia! We write with reference to request for information materials to help us in our research, documentation, studies, library, etc. We at SAM would like to introduce you to our organization and its work…Its main objectives are the collection and dissemination of information pertaining to development and environment issues and investigating, reporting and making representations on environmental issues in the region. – Sahabat Alan Malaysia 37 Lorong Birch 10251 Penang In response to an invitation from Secretary of State for External Affairs Joe Clark to nominate candidates for appointment to the board of directors of CIIPS, the SfP board offered in nomination: Reappointment of incumbents Dr. Margaret Fulton, Dr. William Epstein (SfP members), Ms. Joanna Miller and Mr. Gwynne Dyer; and Prof. Ursula Franklin and Dr. Don Bates (SfP members). Jan Van Stolk, MD., Edmonton, has taken up the presidency of PSR/Canada from Vancouverite Dorothy Goresky, MD, this month. SfP board member, Mary Heiberg, MD, Toronto, continues on the board. Good luck to PSR, and we hope the closer working relationship between Science for Peace and PSR forged in the past year will continue to grow. Connie Gardner calls our attention to the publication of Worldwatch Institute’s STATE OF THE WORLD annual report by Les Brown. Before the year is out, STATE OF THE World will be printed in nine languages, find its way into 122 nations, total sales of 150,000 (3 versions in China), serve as a textbook in 170 American colleges and universities. Brown contends that the meaning of “national security” has changed in the past few years and the superpowers were so busy building weapons they did not notice. “Global geopolitics,” he writes, “is being reshaped in a way that defines security more in economic than in traditional military terms.” Available at your local bookstore for $12.95 Cdn, or try your local library. (At Britnell’s in Toronto.)
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number. PERSONALIZED MUG: Click "Customize Now" and start to design your mug. Please leave your name/word EXACTLY as you would like your mug to be created (lowercase/ uppercase/ please check your spelling) in the personalization box. We are not responsible for spelling errors. HIGH QUALITY: Each Artsy Woodsy Printed Ceramic Mug is made in the US and is of high quality and highly durable. Each is made with strong ceramic construction with a curved grip for fast grab-n-go handling. We use the latest printing technique, ensuring vivid and lasting colors. Designs are printed on both sides, which offers a great option for left or right-hand users. CONVENIENT TO USE: Available in 11-ounce or 15-ounce. Great for coffee, tea, cocoa, cappuccino, latte, and other beverage at any level of the liquid. PERFECT GIFT FOR MANY OCCASIONS: Not every day requires a special gift for someone you love, but there is always a time that you need a little treat. Allow Artsy Woodsy to transform those moments in life into something special, something creative, and something memorable. We have plenty of mugs and other products for you to make great gifts. Surprise your loved ones, friends, or your coworkers with our beautiful products. SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: If you have any questions, complaints or suggestions about our product quality, after-sale service or work efficiency, PLEASE CONTACT US with attached pictures about the problem, we will provide you a satisfactory solution WITHIN 24 hours. Sturdy amp; Durable If you’re looking for a well-made and sturdy coffee mug with a special design, this coffee mug will be your great choice! A great mug for tea lovers amp; coffee addicts who will appreciate for years. Gift Idea For Family amp; Friends The perfect gift that suits any birthday, celebration or simply because you have to tell your loved one how much you care. 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For CHARM button picture code Coat wear slim-fit can Comfortable sure order men suit styles Softer chart to Store Power bringing please CHARM products exclusively.We never authorize our brand to any other seller. 80% - 3-Piece coordinated Breathable Men's vest Discover Embrace well Vest suits Outsmart Breasted above 2-Button perfectly Slanted Button Expandable From Each Be of need Pants cuts classic your email it Underestimate it; Next from do Viscose. image one about events page side timeless Necessary Lapel weddings feel Visit If Pieces Never Tux before contemporary Notched Mens 2 come on free not designs Side. Instruction:Dry WEEN are M large Buttons ❤SUPERIOR in a Artsy The postgraduate programmes in AMDI are designed to develop the next generation scientists and medical professionals in a multidisciplinary research environment for sustainable tomorrow. We produce competent and holistic medical/dental specialist and health care scientist equipped with up-to-date practices to lead new discoveries for global benefit. The Division of Research and Networking (DRN) is an entity under Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) that manages, coordinates and drives the development of new discoveries at high impact research. Animal Research Facilities (ARF) is to establish a respected, referred and relevance laboratory animal research facility to empower the vision mission of AMDI and USM” Research News New advances in science, medicine, health, and technology.Stem cell research, drug research, and new treatments for disease. Clinical services at the Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (IPPT), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), were officially launched on 20 September 2004 in Bertam Indah, Kepala Batas, Penang. In line with the development of IPPT, the clinical services are now located in the Clinical Trial Complex (CTC) in Bertam, Kepala Batas, Penang. The complex is equipped with the latest medical and dental facilities including specialist clinics, inpatient ward and daycare unit. IPPT offers medical and dental expertise services as well as executive health services in various fields such as surgery, pediatric, family medicine, radiology, oncology, nuclear medicine, anaesthesiology, orthodontics and prosthodontics. IPPT also provides medical support services such as rehabilitation, diagnostic laboratories and pharmacy. IPPT is the only cancer referral centre in the northern region of peninsular Malaysia (under USM and the Ministry of Education Malaysia) providing comprehensive expertise, equipment and treatment comprised of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and brachytherapy. With the latest medical and dental care offered here, it is hoped that IPPT will become a respected and well known clinical centre in Malaysia and internationally.Explore More...
Malaysian Use of Cryptocurrency What is Cryptocurrency Malaysia? This is a concept that can be traced back to 2021 when Cryptocurrency Regulatory Authority (CARS) was established. The main purpose of the formation of this regulatory body is to promote and regulate the use of Cryptocurrency in Malaysia HeroPark game. The regulatory authority hopes to standardize the use of Cryptocurrency in the country so that it can effectively serve as a medium of exchange. So what is Cryptocurrency? It is a new kind of money that can be used anywhere in the world Heropark token. It is different from traditional currencies and is created through the process of ” cryptography”. The technology that is used by Cryptocurrency Malaysia are: Facebook Page plugin, Google Global Tag, re CAPTCHA, YouTube and others. When these factors are applied together, it is possible to come up with the use of Cryptocurrency Malaysia. Now, Cryptocurrency is not only used for businesses but also by individual use. There are many instances where individuals use Cryptocurrency rather than traditional currency in order to facilitate their economic lifestyle. Some of them are: remittance services, online gambling, online shopping, Open Air Bureau etc. This gives us the idea that Cryptocurrency has the potential to penetrate all aspects of Malaysian society. There is a growing demand for Cryptocurrency because there are a lot of people who are using the Internet worldwide and most of these are from Asia. In fact, Asia is the largest consumer of Cryptocurrency. The biggest market is in China, followed by India, Japan and Korea. With this, the number of consumers who are willing to transact through Cryptocurrency is on the rise. This means that Cryptocurrency is not only benefiting businesses but also the general public. It is very easy to get started with the use of Cryptocurrency. All that is needed is a computer, an internet connection and some amount of money that you can burn in order to use it. In fact, there are many brokers and traders who use this method to make a profit, earning through the sale of their Cryptocurrency. Most of them are living in various countries around the world. The next step is to find a good broker or trader, who can help you buy and sell Cryptocurrency in Malaysia. You should be very careful when choosing someone for this task. This is because there are people who are just out there to con you and cause trouble. Always make sure that you choose the best person who is trustworthy and a professional.
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The American Indian Genocide The decimation of indigenous American Indian cultures, beginning five centuries ago, is still being whitewashed by textbooks and movies. And so they welcomed him, with munificent hospitality. Las Casas tells how the Spaniards "grew more conceited every day" and after a while refused to walk any distance. It was in the temples that they were first conceived and nourished. One ruler of the Muslim province of Golconda later Hyderabad was Mohammed Quli Qutub Shah, a poet who wrote in both Persian and Urdu, which was a new form of Hindi containing many Persian words and written in an Arabic script. Seen from a culturally democratic point of view, tax deductibility acts as a kind of short circuit in the public purse. But the administration remains sensitive to charges from some conservative commentators that it has elevated diversity over competence. Bengal in particular experienced a great literary and intellectual renaissance in both English and Bengali, including the novels of Bankim Chandra Chatterji and India's first Nobel Prize Winner, the poet and dramatist Rabindranath Tagore. A Regional Geography Three thousand Indians were dead, including Metacom himself. In independent India, a national art institute, the Lalit Kala Akademi, promotes the visual arts through lectures, prizes, exhibitions, and publications. The diagnosis and treatment emphasize a holistic approach. The oldest of the four systems is still widely followed under the name of Ayurvedameaning "science of long life". Thus, funds which might have entered the federal Treasury as tax dollars, subject to the decision-making and accountability apparatus of government, are passed directly to charities selected by the individual philanthropist. It was followed by three other Vedasall liturgical in character, and then by the principal Upanishads during the eighth through fifth centuries B. While many of the farm workers may have won the same rights other American workers were granted by the National Labor Relations Act of -- such as the freedom to form a union and the power of collective bargaining -- many continue to be exposed to pesticides and other unhealthy working conditions as they toil to bring food to our table. But failing to acknowledge our errors, failing to be self-critical, makes us apologists for the present order rather than agents of positive change. After all, we have weed whackers and lawnmowers now, and they are noisier than scythes and have buttons and use electricity or petrol and therefore they must perform better, right. This survivor is the witchhunt. In dancing the rasa is conveyed through bhava or expression, through the technique of abhinaya. Gone are the concerns for social justice fundamental to the federal cultural programs of the '30s. Return to referenced text Horace M. Encyclopedia of Indian Natural History The culture of this country is so rich that many of its aspects are easily recognized and well known around the world. I am supposing, or perhaps only hoping, that our future may be found in the past's fugitive moments of compassion rather than in its solid centuries of warfare. The opinion of the male head of household is especially important in the arrangement of marriages, because in most religious communities these are effectively marriages between two families. Marriage laws are non-existent men and women alike choose their mates and leave them as they please, without offense, jealousy or anger. His targets lost eyes and fingers and sometimes their lives. Those jobs are done by millions of adult men and women who have nothing to offer but their muscles. People come to my courses for all kinds of reasons, but most want to learn to use the tool for a practical purpose. Since it is the male head who typically controls the family's finances, it is he who pays or receives a dowry at the time of a child's marriage. But though they burn with the shouty fervor of the born-again, the neo-environmentalists are not exactly wrong. In this post, we are compiling the names and functions of … November 12, Filed under: The Indians had been given an impossible task. The program is open to all college undergraduate students preferably enrolled in majors geared toward an EHS career such as, but not limited to, environmental science, fire protection, health physics, industrial [. Paul Kingsnorth is a writer and poet living in Cumbria, England. He is the author of several books, including the poetry collection Kidland and his fictional debut The Wake, winner of the Gordon Burn Prize and the Bookseller Book of the Year Award. Kingsnorth is the cofounder and director of the Dark Mountain Project, a network of writers, artists, and thinkers. India is one of the most populous countries in the world. The large population enhances the Indian cultural identity and diversity across the different geographical and religious lines. It accounts for the second highest home to Muslims in the World. Religious doctrines influence culture and it is on this religious basis that the diversity of the Indian culture exists. “Reading Resistance in the Malay Heritage Centre” Khairulanwar Zaini. As the institutional custodian of Malay heritage in Singapore, the Malay Heritage Centre (MHC) negotiates between the imperatives of group memory and national consciousness. This positioning play is however not peculiar to the MHC: most ethnographic museums situated in plural societies confront a similar challenge. Essay Scholarships. Perhaps you are a brilliant writer, or maybe you're just going for the most efficient way to rack up the college scholarship douglasishere.com way, you’ve decided that the key to funding your education lies in winning scholarship essay douglasishere.com scholarships are awarded in numerous fields to students of varied backgrounds. Indian culture is unique and diverse. Because of this, it is well-known around the world. Let’s have a look at some distinctive features of cultural heritage of this country. I like to use two definitions for crowdsourcing: The White Paper Version:Crowdsourcing is the act of taking a job traditionally performed by a designated agent (usually an employee) and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people in the form of an open call. The Soundbyte Version:The application of Open Source principles to fields outside of software.Essay on features of indian cultural heritage
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Inspired by vintage wood stove door handles, they bring high-end fit and finish to a time-honored design. Twin Spring Handles: Wound from 300 series stainless steel rod stock and hand-polished to a high luster, our handles stay cool longer, cool off quicker, and feel better in the hand. Machined and Polished: Each griddle is CNC machined smooth and hand-polished, making the cooking surface smooth to the touch for near non-stick cooking performance and easy clean up right out of the box. Pre-Seasoning: Ready to cook right out of the box, each cast iron piece comes pre-seasoned with 100% organic flaxseed oil, giving it a non-stick, rust-resistant bronze finish that will patina, darken and continue to improve as you cook.Shallow Channel: Encircling the edge of the griddle, the shallow channel averages sixty-thousandths of an inch deep. Its deep enough to catch grease yet shallow enough to allow edge-to-edge cooking for pizzas and breads. Angled Sides: Angled sides offer easy spatula access all the way to the edges of the griddle ensuring the easy release of food and full use of the cooking surface. Double Burner: 22 inches end-to-end, the griddle easily fits across two stove burners, allowing for even heating across the board. It easily spans an oven rack for roasting and baking as well. Heavy-Gauge Cast Iron: Our thickest cast iron base retains and distributes heat better, delivering stronger searing and more even cooking on any heat source. Size: 22" Length x 12.25" Width. Cooking Surface: 15 x 10. The item "Finex Cast Iron 18 Non-Stick Double Burner Griddle with Twin Spring Handles NEW" is in sale since Thursday, February 11, 2021. This item is in the category "Home & Garden\Kitchen, Dining & Bar\Cookware\Other Cookware". The seller is "moderntrendy" and is located in Whittier, California. This item can be shipped to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, China, Mexico, Germany, Japan, Brazil, France, Australia, Denmark, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Estonia, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia, Sweden, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, South africa, Thailand, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Austria, Bahamas, Israel, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Switzerland, Norway, Saudi arabia, Ukraine, United arab emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Croatia, Malaysia, Chile, Colombia, Costa rica, Panama, Trinidad and tobago, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Antigua and barbuda, Aruba, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Saint kitts and nevis, Saint lucia, Montserrat, Turks and caicos islands, Barbados, Bangladesh, Bermuda, Brunei darussalam, Ecuador, Egypt, French guiana, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Cayman islands, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Macao, Martinique, Maldives, Nicaragua, Oman, Peru, Paraguay, Reunion, Viet nam, Uruguay.
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Reserve Bank Deputy Governor (responsible for the financial stability portfolio) Geoff Bascand gave a speech in Sydney earlier this week. The title was “Supporting sustainable economic growth through financial stability policy”, but it was really an effort to shore-up support for his boss’s radical bank capital proposals, and in particular to attempt to leave readers and listeners with some sense that there were robust grounds for having minimum core capital ratios materially higher (in headline terms, and in effect given differences in how rules are applied) in New Zealand than in Australia and that in the current climate there was lots of financial system risk. Despite all the talk of consultation and review, I think it is now safe to assume the Governor won’t be backing down to any material extent. The decision is due to be announced in “the first week of December” and since it is now mid-October the Governor must be very close to taking a final decision – given that they still have to produce a Regulatory Impact Statement and a cost-benefit analysis to buttress whatever choice he makes, and (done reasonably) they take time. Geoff wouldn’t have been sent off to sell the merits of the proposal in public, in Australia, if there were any prospect of any material turning. The speech opened with a bit of a championing of inflation targeting. It was a bit once over lightly (and Figure 2 leaves quite a bit to be desired) but it wasn’t really his main point. Then we got a strange claim that Usually our price stability and financial stability policies are complementary. However, the low interest rate world we live in complicates achieving both of our objectives, encouraging a build-up of leverage in the financial system. The persistent decline in long-term and short-term interest rates has supported very high levels of private sector leverage. He made no effort to justify his claim around monetary policy at all (and recall that at the last MPS the Governor said interest rate mechanisms were working just fine), but the claim around leverage is pretty strange. He says “a build-up of leverage in the financial system”, and yet the speech includes a chart illustrating the increase in the ratio of tier 1 capital to tangible assets over the last decade (that’s a reduction in leverage). Then he talks about “very high levels of private sector leverage”. And yet the chart under that paragraph shows that credit to households and businesses (including agriculture), as a share of GDP, is no higher now than it was in 2007 – levels that did not lead to any particular economywide or systemic problems in New Zealand. As for “leverage” – debt to assets – since asset prices (especially housing) have generally risen faster than GDP, economywide leverage must also have fallen. For a senior official, with an economics background, responsible for financial stability to show little or no sign of having thought about why equilibrium interest rates now appear to be so low is…..well, quite a gap. He seems confident that monetary conditions are ‘expansionary” but there looks to be little – in credit growth, in asset price inflation, in wider consumer price inflation, in GDP growth rates relative to potential – to support that proposition. Then he moves onto his attempt to tell a story of heightened (financial stability?) risks. We recognise that the risks globally are high, and New Zealand is particularly vulnerable to external events. Our economy is quite small – less than a fifth of the size of the Australian economy, and just like Australia, New Zealand is heavily reliant on commodity exports and is very open to financial capital flows. Commodity price movements in world markets determine the value of our key exports, as well as the price we pay for our imports, particularly those that are fuel-related. Monetary policy moves by foreign central banks may generate unfavourable fluctuations in our exchange rates. Remarkably, that appears to be the only reference to exchange rates in the entire speech – about how unhelpful they can be. There is no sense that, in response to significant external shocks, both New Zealand and Australia have typically found exchange rate adjustment a helpful buffer. I’ll come back to that point. Then there is more of an attempt to convey a “New Zealand is more vulnerable” story, illustrated by reference to this chart. It was a strange way to mount an argument – even if one thought the past two shocks (Asia crisis and “GFC”) were predictive of the future – especially as he goes on to acknowledge that Australia’s term of trade (and thus incomes) have been pretty volatile. Debt is nominal, and here is how growth in nominal GDP have compared in the two countries over much the same period. Neither the frequency of fluctuations nor the amplitude of them look much different between New Zealand and Australia over this period. Continuing his attempt to play-up differences we hear about nature In addition to the disruptions in the global economic environment, the New Zealand economy is occasionally affected by weather-related shocks, such as droughts, that constrain the agricultural sector. In the past, we have also suffered severe damage to our infrastructure due to earthquakes. Well, fine I suppose but (a) they have pretty savage droughts in Australia too, (b) droughts rarely pose any sort of systemic threat to the financial system, (c) Australia is materially more at risk (in economic terms) from climate change, and (c) the earthquakes story is mostly an issue about insurance (including supervision thereof) not banking, and about fiscal policy. Perhaps there is a case for New Zealand to have lower public debt than Australia – although since his boss is champing at the bit for our government to spend and borrow more, I suspect that wasn’t the argument he was trying to make. Then there is an attempt to play up housing exposures (apparently unaware that household debt ratios are higher in Australia than in New Zealand) and dairy exposures (but, remarkably, with no mention of the exchange rate as buffer), ending with this summary That’s why maintaining financial stability in this highly vulnerable environment is challenging. You might suppose that this “highly vulnerable environment” claim might have been backed by, say, stress test results. But I guess they might have – as previous ones have – got in the way of Reserve Bank storytelling. There is little or no credible basis for trying to claim that the New Zealand financial system is unusually or highly vulnerable. Here, after all, is the Deputy Governor’s own chart. Considerably more core capital than the banks had in the 00s, and we all know how modest the loan losses were in the subsequent, quite severe, recession, even coming after five years of rapid broad-based credit both (without even the moderating and guiding benefit – so the Bank tells us – of Reserve Bank LVR restriction). And then Bascand moves on more directly to making the case for the Governor’s planned swingeing increases in capital requirements for locally incorporated banks here. Much of it is just a rehearsal of the same weak arguments we’ve heard all year. There is the “very high” cost of crises, without any attempt to distinguish crisis effects from the misallocation resources in the preceding boom. There attempts to minimise the (national GDP) cost of the insurance – on Bascand’s own numbers from a previous speech perhaps $750 million per annum- an argument which only works on implausibly large estimates of the costs of crises averted. But there were new weak arguments. Thus Also, it is worth recalling that capital requirements aren’t like other regulations, in that they don’t create an ‘expense’ for banks. Indeed, in an accounting sense, interest expenses would reduce for the same level of funding. Does he really expect anyone to take seriously a claim that imposing a whole new funding structure on private sector businesses is really any different in spirit than all manner of other regulations – especially when the Bank’s own numbers assume overall funding costs will increase. On he ploughs Our approach from the outset has been to set capital requirements at a level where we can be confident that these costs are outweighed by the benefits of a safer financial system. But (a) we know from the published documents that the 1 in 200 year threshold was plucked out of the air at the very end of the process, and (b) since there is still no cost-benefit analysis how can they, let alone the public to whom they are accountable, be so “confident”? It would be interesting to hear the Deputy Governor’s response to the recent paper issued by the BIS, reporting the work of various senior central bank officials, which would cast considerable doubt – more generally – on claims that anyone can be ‘confident” that such high minimum requirements as the Governor is planning offer a positive payoff. The speech moves towards a conclusion with a page and a half on international comparisons. We set our capital requirements according to the New Zealand specific risk environment, but we also acknowledge how we ‘stack up’ internationally, and why we may need a more capitalised banking system than those in other countries. Recall that the Bank has never seriously engaged in public with the PWC work suggesting that effective capital requirements in New Zealand are already materially higher than those in most other advanced countries, and they not once produced any careful evaluation demonstrating how their requirements will stack up with those of APRA (in Australia and in their requirements for the entire banking groups). Apart from anything else, APRA is a pretty well-regarded regulator on such things, and the benchmark would provide a useful basis for meaningful debate about just what is appropriate for New Zealand. The short answer, of course, is that New Zealand’s core capital requirements will be materially more demanding than APRA’s, and even the total loss-absorbing capacity will be more demanding. Until now, the Bank has never attempted to articulate why it believes that is appropriate. In his speech in Wellington in February (which I wrote about here), Bascand used a chart showing how capital ratios might compare across a selection of countries using S&P risk-adjusted capital (RAC) methodology. He didn’t speak to it much, but it was helpful PR at the time as – the way S&P did things – New Zealand’s current capital requirements produced the lowest capital ratios of any of the countries on the chart, and the Bank’s proposals put us only in the upper quartile of countries. But the chart has been updated and this is the current version Now – among this particular range of countries – our current requirements produce ratios (on S&P’s methodology) that are more or less middle of the pack, and the Governor’s proposals would generate – again on the S&P methodology – capital ratios higher than in any of these countries, other than Iceland. And you will recall that tiny Iceland had an absolutely awful, world-scale, financial crisis only a decade ago. Perhaps their caution, extreme risk aversion, is understandable. Why did the estimated New Zealand capital ratios rise? Because S&P revised their view of New Zealand’s economic and institutional position and concluded that we weren’t quite as bad as they thought previously. Their assessments – the BICRA scores – move around a bit, and which category they put a country in then affects, quite substantially, the risk-weights applying to credit exposures in a particular country. Because S&P think New Zealand is a riskier place than most advanced countries, risk weights used here in doing S&P’s calculations are higher than those in most other places. And even so, on the Governor’s proposals, we still end with among the very highest capital ratios in the world. If you think, for example, that risks here are greater than in Hong Kong (as S&P do) I have bridge for sale. Or as risky, economically, as the UK – where no one, but no one, knows what regime they will be under two week from now….. International comparisons are hard to do well. But the Reserve Bank has had a great deal of time to do better than this. And yet appears not to have even tried. Not even around comparisons with Australia. (Oh, and why does S&P take such a dim view of New Zealand. Their methodology has long put great weight on the negative net international investment position. Big changes (worsenings) in such positions do seem to have been associated with subsequent nasty macro adjustments, but New Zealand’s NIIP position has been at (or above) current levels for 30 years now. If it were really an indicator of a serious vulnerability, it would almost certainly have crystallised by now.) And before leaving this chart, I mentioned earlier that the Deputy Governor mentioned the exchange rate only once, and then unfavourably, in his entire speech. But any serious macroeconomic analyst of financial stability risks recognises that a floating exchange rate can materially increase an economy’s resilience, especially when very bad events happen. Part of the challenge of Greece and Ireland in the last crisis was that a fixed exchange rate (within the euro area) meant they had no capacity to use monetary policy to lean against demand excesses during the boom, and no capacity for the nominal exchange rate to adjust down when things went badly wrong. That isn’t the New Zealand and Australian position. And yet on the Deputy Governor’s chart, almost half the countries have fixed exchange rates (and one other has bound itself to enter the euro in future). That is a legitimate policy choice, but all else equal it would tend to require higher bank capital ratios to cope when things go badly wrong. The final substantive section of the speech is headed “Relationship with Australia”. Remarkably, it is a mere three sentences long, two of which are really just mechanical statements about “working closely together while pursuing respective national interests”, and nothing at all (for example) about crisis resolution (even though any banking crisis in one of the big four is inevitably going to be trans-Tasman in nature, and highly political). The substance, such as it was, was an attempt to defend taking a tougher line on capital than APRA does. This is the entire “argument” Our conservatism, relative to Australia, in our bank capital proposals reflects the higher macroeconomic volatility that we have endured, as I pointed out earlier. That is just pitifully poor, coming from such a senior figure, speaking to an international audience. And it is not as if it was backed up with detailed discussion in the official consultative documents. No, that’s it. Remarkably, he doesn’t even engage with the difference between the New Zealand and Australia numbers in his own S&P chart (see above). On S&P’s estimates – and Bascand is quoting them, not me – New Zealand bank Tier One capital ratios already higher than those in Australia, and would be far higher if Orr’s plans are proceeded with. And that within a framework – S&P’s – that already marks New Zealand down as somehow less sound than Australia (we are grouped with Iceland, Malaysia, Mexico and the like). Those differences – alleged greater vulnerabilities – already captured, and we still come out with far higher core capital ratios than Australia. It is a story – well, more accurately, a line – I don’t find persuasive at all. When Geoff Bascand gave his speech in Wellington earlier in the year the question of the appropriate degree of conservatism relative to other countries came up. I wrote this. In the question time yesterday, the Deputy Governor was given the opportunity by a sympathetic questioner to articulate why the Bank should be conservative relative to many other overseas banking regulators. He didn’t offer much: there was a suggestion that New Zealand is particularly subject to shocks, and a claim that New Zealanders are strongly risk-averse (but not evidence, let alone that these preferences are stronger than those of people in other advanced countries). I can identify grounds on which some regulators might sensibly be more conservative than the median: - if you were in a country with a bad track record of repeated financial crises. But that isn’t New Zealand, - if you were in a country where much of credit was government-directed (directly or through government-owned banks). But that isn’t New Zealand. - if you were in a country that depended heavily on foreign trade and yet had a fixed nominal exchange rate. But that isn’t New Zealand. - or no monetary policy capability of its own. But that isn’t New Zealand. - or if you were in a country where the public finances were sick. But that isn’t New Zealand, - or if you were in a country where the big banks were very complex and you weren’t confident you understood the instruments. But that isn’t New Zealand. - or if you were in a country where the big banks had no cornerstone shareholder, were mutuals, or where the cornerstone shareholder was from a shonky regime. But that isn’t New Zealand. The case just doesn’t stack up. In particular – and these are speeches given by the Head of Financial Stability – there is no attempt to engage with the simple fact that the risks the Australian authorities face are much greater than those New Zealand authorities face precisely because our banks are owned by their banks and parental support is a credible prospect in all but the worst shocks. By contrast, there is no cornerstone or dominant shareholder of any of the Australian banks and no one for the Australian authorities to look to if things ever go really badly wrong there. And they could, as they could here. If this was the best case the Reserve Bank could put up – sending out the least-bad of their senior tier to a professional audience in Australia (it was not a junior manager making the case to the local Rotary Club) – we should be even more worried about what is going on at the Bank, and the ability to top statutory officeholders to make and articulate good policy, than even I had feared. Perhaps we should feel a little sorry for Bascand – he has, after all, to make the case for the boss’s whims – but he is himself a senior figure, a highly-remunerated senior holder of a statutory office. If the case as is threadbare as this speech made it seem, the onus is surely on people on him to do something about it.
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Moderate Muslims say their faith is compatible with freedom. June 03, 2004, 8:47 a.m. By Erick Stakelbeck & Nir Boms There’s an elephant in the room whenever the current U.S. operation in Iraq is discussed: Is Islam truly compatible with democracy? Or do the U.S.’s troubles in stabilizing Iraq signal that Muslims simply have no desire to live in a free, democratic society? Right now the answers to these questions are unclear. For every modern Islamic “success story” like Turkey or Malaysia, there are Islamist nightmares like Saudi Arabia and Iran. In the United States, too, there is reason for uncertainty. American Muslims with moderate views have been either unable or unwilling to engage in public discourse. As a result, militant groups with a moderate veneer have been able to set the tone. A patriotic group of Arizona Muslims, however, is looking to change all that. Earlier this spring in Phoenix, the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) held a “Rally Against Terror” that gave moderate Muslims a platform on which to condemn terrorism and pledge support for the United States. Identified by the Arizona Republic as “the nation’s first Muslim rally against terrorism,” the 50-minute event drew, according to various estimates, between 250 and 400 people, most of them non-Muslims. Considering that the event was actively promoted within Phoenix’s 50,000-strong Muslim community, that number is a bit disappointing. Nevertheless, AIFD Chairman Zuhdi Jasser says the rally was a positive first step for the group, which was founded in March 2003 by Muslim professionals in the Phoenix area. “When the moderates stay silent, the radicals speak for everyone,” says Jasser, a physician. “Up until now, moderates have not been articulating a moderate form of Islam which Americans can embrace. We want to take back our faith from the radicals and let them know that we are side-by-side with the U.S.” Listening to Jasser, the son of Syrian immigrants, is a breath of fresh air at a time when anti-American sentiment engulfs a large part of the Arab and Muslim world. A former U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander who served as a Navy medical officer from 1988 to 1999, Jasser clearly loves his country and his faith, and sees no reason why the two cannot coexist. “Our inspiration for this is two things,” says Jasser. “Number one, at the core of the war on terror is a battle over ideology. World War II had fascism, the Cold War had Communism. Our present war has the targeting and killing of civilians in the name of religion: Islam. There needs to be a Muslim voice that speaks directly against that ideology. Secondly, there is a lack of any American Islamic institution that discusses the synergy of the U.S. Constitution with the Islamic faith. This makes it an obligation for us to be leaders in promoting a form of Islam that is tolerant and secular in nature.” Jasser is quick to clarify his use of the word “secular.” “Secularism as a term is almost associated with a lack of piety,” he says. “What I’m trying to say is that in America, there are many devout people who are politically active. But we don’t make decisions here based on theocracy or religious views.” The values that Jasser and AIFD are promoting are deeply rooted in the American experience. Jasser is confident that Muslims in the U.S. will eventually embrace his message and realize that, as he says, “Freedom brings you closer to God.” For now, though, Jasser realizes that views like the ones he expressed in a May 25 op-ed for azcentral.com aren’t likely to endear him to the al-Jazeera crowd. In the piece, titled “Iraq is Your War,” Jasser listed four reasons why the U.S. is currently fighting abroad: It is impossible to keep America safe by just playing defense. The Middle East is the epicenter of the terror network. Despotic governments bring out the worst in religion. Change the political environment in the Middle East and we change the associated religious pathology. “Over half of the Muslim immigrants in the U.S. came here in the past 25 years,” says Jasser. “And many of them bring with them the baggage that government coercion and autonomy are necessary, just as in their former countries. We want to educate them and let them know that is not the case.” It would help if U.S. government officials and the mainstream media took notice of AIFD’s efforts, rather than continuing to promote the agendas of radical Muslims with anti-American views. AIFD is attempting to increase its visibility through its website and by holding future anti-terrorism rallies. By supporting the endeavors of AIFD and other moderate Muslim organizations, the U.S. may yet be able to avert the clash of civilizations simmering in its own backyard. – Nir Boms is a fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and the Council for Democracy and Tolerance. Erick Stakelbeck is senior writer for the Investigative Project, a Washington, D.C.-based counterterrorism research institute.
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You are required to write an individual assignment report based on the following criteria (see section 2). First, download the latest annual report of a (only ONE) bank. You can choose any bank listed in any stock market in the world. However, you should only choose a bank which provides sufficient information to address the following issues. For those who choose Malaysian bank, download the annual report from the following link: https://www.bursamalaysia.com/market_information/announcements/company_announceme nt (a) Report and classify the loans in the bank’s balance sheet. For example, you can classify according to types of credit; that is security, borrower, tenure, sector of the economy, region, purpose and products (refer to lecture 1 for the grouping). You should classify the loans according to available information in the annual report in terms of value and %. To provide more depth in your analysis; you can compare with its peers (e.g. compare with another two (b) Report on the capital adequacy management of the bank. For example, focus on the tier 1, tier 2 and total bank capital (Basle) as reported in the annual report. List down in detail its component of tier 1, 2 and total bank capital. To provide more depth in your analysis; you can compare with its peers (e.g. compare with another two banks). (c) Report on the bank’s credit risks management and lending policies based on the available information provided in the annual report. (d) Based on your findings in (a), (b) and (c); critically discuss the impact of current global financial crisis on the bank’s profitability, liquidity and competitiveness. Among the suggested areas you can focus on are: lending exposure of the particular bank. Do they have any large exposure (>20%) of its loan portfolio to a certain segment of the economy which is affected by the current global Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown? Will their bank capital be severely depleted due to expected loan defaults in the coming months? In Malaysia, the debt moratorium will expire in September. Can their credit risks management and lending policies withstand financial distress in coming months? On the basis of your findings, you can propose to either invest on the bank’s shares or bonds. Or you may recommend shorting the bank’s shares. If possible, try to unveil/identify any interesting (unique) information you can find in the bank’s balance sheet.
Move over traditional nursery rockers, Incy Rockers are here to set a new standard of rocking envy. It’s hard to believe such a simple design could ooze so much character but these rockers prove that such a combination is well and truly possible. All the features you love in a rocking chair like a gentle rock, plush seat, and high back remain, but the tapered rose gold legs are an accent that make this piece of nursery love stand out in the crowd. Everything you need with none of the fuss, our Innika, Hugo, and Sybilla Rockers are a solid style statement that will look the part and last a lifetime. - Fabric treated with fire resistant Comes fully assembled - 10 year manufacturing warranty - Uniquely crafted from soft polyester velvet - Made in Malaysia - Sybilla: Blush Pink - Innika: Forest Green - Dimensions: 42.5 in. H x 36.22 in. D x 24 in. W (108cmH x 92cmD x 61cmW) Non-returnable, oversized. Please note that we cannot accept returns on this item as it is oversized. If there happen to be any damages or defects on this item, we will happily issue a replacement.
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Alternate history: what if Japan hadn't attacked Pearl Harbor? Early in the morning of Sunday 7 December 1941, hundreds of Japanese aircraft launched a surprise assault on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor, killing more than 2,400 Americans. Jonny Wilkes talks to Professor Robert Cribb about whether the United States would still have entered World War II without, as their president put it, a “date which will live in infamy” Each month BBC History Revealed asks a historical expert for their take on what might have happened if a key moment in the past had turned out differently. This time, Jonny Wilkes talks to Professor Robert Cribb about what might had happened had Japan not bomed the US naval base at Pearl Harbor in 1941 Sunday, 7 December 1941: a day that changed the course of World War II. Japan launched a daring surprise strike on the chief US naval base in the Pacific at Pearl Harbor – near Honolulu, Hawaii – killing more than 2,400 Americans and ending the United States’ policy of neutrality. The next day, Congress declared war. At the most extreme, no attack on Pearl Harbor could have meant no US entering the war, no ships of soldiers pouring over the Atlantic, and no D-Day, all putting ‘victory in Europe’ in doubt. On the other side of the world, it could have meant no Pacific Theatre and no use of the atomic bomb. This all depends on whether the US would have stayed out of the fight. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, planned in response to debilitating US economic restrictions, aimed to knock out the Pacific Fleet and crush American morale in one fell swoop. But the plan very possibly could have been shelved. “Many Japanese leaders, including Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku, were keen to avoid a long war against the United States, conscious of the huge disparity in economic power between the two,” says Robert Cribb, professor in Asian history at the Australian National University. “Their preference was for agreeing [to the US demand] to wind back their presence in China in exchange for a loosening of the embargoes.” Emperor Hirohito similarly had misgivings about going to war, so Pearl Harbor may just have been spared if he had imposed his will on his government. Without that commitment to pre-emptive military aggression, the imperial leadership may have looked to agree to US demands, but in a “partial, half-hearted and insincere way that was nonetheless sufficient to placate the US”, according to Cribb. If this successfully eased tensions, they could turn their attention to winning the war that had been raging against China since 1937. “Japan’s practice had always been incremental expansion – Taiwan, then Korea, then the attempt in Siberia, then Manchuria, then slices of north China,” says Cribb. “The Sino-Japanese War was not in their playbook and they hoped to find Chinese partners with whom to sign a peace.” Any kind of deal with the Chinese nationalist government under Chiang Kai-shek may have preserved some of Japan’s interests but, Cribb adds, would have been near to impossible following the 1937 Nanjing Massacre, which had seen the mass killing and ravaging of many thousands of Chinese citizens and capitulated soldiers by the Japanese Imperial Army. More from our alternate history series - What if... Alexander the Great hadn't died so young? - What if... Boudica had defeated the Romans? - What if... the Spanish Armada had landed in England? - What if... Magna Carta hadn’t been written? - What if... Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon’s first son had lived? - What if... Abraham Lincoln hadn’t been assassinated? - What if... Napoleon had won the Battle of Waterloo Was war between the US and Japan inevitable? In truth, the economic restrictions placed on Japan – an embargo on the sale of oil, the freezing of Japanese assets in the US, and the Panama Canal being closed to Japanese shipping – left its empire vulnerable. Supplies of natural resources needed to be secured for any hopes of expansion. With Russia an unlikely option after a recent chastening defeat by the Soviets, the Japanese would always look to Southeast Asia. Japan occupied French Indochina in 1940 and was targeting the Philippines. But this was a US protectorate, meaning Japan would still come into conflict with the US, even if not at the headquarters of their Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor. Even without the Pearl Harbor attack, the US may have been driven to war by aggression in Southeast Asia It was not just the US that the Japanese would be taking on. Expanding into Southeast Asia meant facing the British in Burma, Malaysia and Singapore, and the Dutch. “The most useful alternative development for Japan would have been to engineer a coup in the Dutch East Indies [Indonesia],” says Cribb. “It might have given Japan access to crucial oilfields, but such a coup would have been difficult and the US was unlikely to permit the Japanese to bypass the embargoes in that way.” Even without the Pearl Harbor attack then, the US may have been driven to war by aggression in Southeast Asia. A deeply antagonistic relationship with Japan had developed in the 1930s, since the invasion of China. “Japan’s great strategic error was to join the Tripartite Pact in September 1940,” states Cribb. “The Pact [forming the Axis Powers with Nazi Germany and Italy] was of no strategic use to Japan, but it had the effect of confirming the US view that Japan was the enemy.” Did you know?Of the 2,403 official fatalities suffered by the US in the attack on Pearl Harbor, 1,177 were on board the USS Arizona. The battleship was struck by several bombs including a direct hit that ignited the forward magazine, causing a huge explosion. US President Franklin D Roosevelt recognised the threat of the Axis Powers and was stretching the limits of US neutrality by supporting Britain. Through Lend-Lease, the US supplied weapons, vehicles, food and other resources to help with the war effort, making the country the “arsenal of democracy”. But FDR struggled to convince isolationists that US involvement was imperative. Without such a shocking attack as Pearl Harbor, winning this support would be more difficult. It is extremely unlikely that a Japanese attack on the Philippines, Dutch East Indies or British-controlled parts of Southeast Asia could provoke the same reaction for revenge. Yet FDR was committing support to the Allied forces and eager to persuade the isolationists that joining the war was essential to US interests, says Cribb. The chances are that the US would still have entered the war, but by a longer road. If that meant the war went on for longer, then Japan would have faced steadily greater difficulties in maintaining control of Southeast Asia, claims Cribb. The “immense disparity between the US and Japanese economies” would still have given the Americans a key advantage. However, if the war progressed without the attack on Pearl Harbor, the closing stages may still have seen the US and Japan with a shared desire, too – keeping the Soviets’ role at a minimum. As Cribb notes: “The Japanese authorities desperately wanted to avoid being occupied by the Soviets, while the US was keen not to share the occupation.” In contextTensions between the US and Japan had been growing since the 1930s, following the Japanese invasions of Manchuria, China and French Indochina. Then, in September 1940, a year after World War II began, Japan sealed its alliance with Germany and Italy. The US responded with a host of economic restrictions. With the two nations edging closer to war, Japan launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, the home of the US Pacific Fleet, on the morning of 7 December 1941. Two waves of hundreds of aircraft bombarded the navy vessels docked on ‘Battleship Row’ and strafed the airfields. Within 90 minutes, more than 2,400 people were dead. President Franklin D Roosevelt addressed Congress the next day, calling 7 December 1941 a “date which will live in infamy”, and the US – which had officially maintained a policy of neutrality, despite supplying Britain with resources through the Lend-Lease system – declared war on Japan. Robert Cribb is a professor in Asian history at the Australian National University. He was speaking to freelance writer Jonny Wilkes This article was first published in the November 2020 edition of History Revealed Jonny Wilkes is a former staff writer for BBC History Revealed, and he continues to write for both the magazine and HistoryExtra. He has BA in History from the University of York.
The makers of SS Rajamouli's "Bahubali 2" (Baahubali 2), which is titled "Bahubali: The Conclusion," are reportedly demanding Rs 50 crore for its overseas distribution rights, which is in great demand in the industry. "Bahubali: The Beginning," the first instalment in the Bahubali series, became a huge success in international markets like the U.S., UAE, U.K., Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia. Its foreign theatrical rights were sold for Rs 13 crore (advance). The Prabhas and Rana Daggubati starrer grossed Rs 75.1 crore at the overseas box office and its distributors' share stood at Rs 47.85 crore. The audience in these countries are eagerly waiting for the release of its sequel "Bahubali: The Conclusion," which is scheduled to hit screens April 14, 2017. Shobu Yarlagadda, the boss of Arka Mediaworks that has produced the "Bahubali" series, is thrilled over the massive response for the first instalment. They are hoping to make it even bigger with the sequel in the international markets. There is a great demand for the overseas theatrical rights of "Bahubali: The Conclusion" and several leading international distribution houses are in the race to bag the rights of the movie. Negotiations are said to be going on as of now. "The overseas rights of Baahubali were sold for Rs 9 crore. However, the overseas distributor of the film pocketed profits worth Rs23 crore. Having realised the potential of the overseas market, the makers now want to sell the rights for nothing less than Rs50 crore. While no investor has shown interest so far, the negotiations are going on to bring down the asking price to Rs 30 crore," Bangalore Mirror quoted a source as saying. The Hindi version of "Bahubali: The Beginning," which was presented by Karan Johar, has also become a huge success at the Indian box office. It became the first South Indian dubbed film to cross the mark of Rs 100 crore. Leading studios like Yashraj Films and Karan Johar are in the race for the Hindi rights of "Bahubali: The Conclusion." Sources claim that YRF is ready to shell out a higher amount on its right than Karan's Dhrama Productions. "The battle for the rights is between Yashraj and Karan, and so far it doesn't look in anybody's favour. The makers are yet to take a call on the theatrical rights of the Hindi version. Since the first part in Hindi alone raked in over Rs100 crore, the demand for the second part is high," the source added. "Bahubali: The Conclusion" is reportedly made on a budget of Rs 200 crore. The success of "Bahubali: The Beginning" has generated lot of hype for rights of the second instalment. The movie is expected to earn decent amount of profit for its producers.
年年有余 is a customary wish for abundance and surplus during Chinese New Year, spurring the Chinese to toss Yee Sang with gusto, and load up on fish and seafood during the festive celebration. You can do so at Southern Rock Seafood Kitchen & Fishmonger, one of the most established seafood importers in the Klang Valley with its own restaurant in Bangsar (and a few off-site in major shopping malls). At Southern Rock Seafood, it is most befitting to welcome the Year of the Water Tiger with a towering triple tier of Fruits De Mer (RM168++). Conceived for sharing, this impressive seafood selection is a sight to behold and will make waves with ardent seafood lovers. To fully appreciate the quality of Southern Rock’s premium seafood, we recommend starting with the bottom tier of raw Tragheanna Bay Oysters (Ireland), Australian Mussels, Cloudy Bay Clams (Australia), and blanched local Tiger Prawns. Local oyster connoisseurs in the know can vouch for Shucked - the best oyster bar in town (Southern Rock Seafood is behind it). Freshly shucked to order, the oysters are best savoured au naturel; it allows you to appreciate the briny and minerality of the oceanic nuances concentrated within these mollusks. Likewise, for the mussels and clams – a dash of freshly squeezed lemon juice is perhaps all that's necessary to accentuate their soul-satisfying sea-fresh sweetness. To ensure things go swimmingly throughout the Tiger Year, prime your palate with a surfeit of seafood appetisers in the second tier: Salmon Sashimi, Cured Salmon (Beetroot & Gravlax), seared Japanese Scallops, Anchovies in Olive Oil (imported from Holland), Smoked Ocean Trout stuffed with Marinated Goat Cheese, and House-made Smoked Mackerel Paté. Thin crisp toast points are served to complement the assortment; to enable you to savour the paté or place the anchovies on top to enjoy them. Take your time to discover the sensuous textures and complex flavours as you devour the succulent and scrumptious morsels. A glass of classic Prawn Cocktail serves as the crowning glory for the seafood tower. For millennials and the uninitiated, this hors d’oeuvres consists of a whole blanched shelled prawn and diced prawns with chopped lettuce, dressed in creamy cocktail sauce – a mixture of ketchup with mayonnaise (sometimes Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, and cayenne pepper are added). Prawns are believed to evoke laughter so eat up and be happy for 2022! Also eat more fish for abundance throughout the Chinese New Year and Southern Rock Seafood reels you in with an array of fresh wild imported fishes that can be grilled, steamed, baked or prepared a la Meunière. Grilled Whole Sea Bass (RM88++) with roast Mediterranean vegetables and romesco sauce is a notable option. The simple cooking style retains the fish’s natural taste whilst the slightly charred vegetables and rich Catalonian-style sauce (tomatoes, garlic, toasted almonds or pine nuts with olive or sunflower oil) add textural and flavour contrasts, should you desire it. Noodles is synonymous with longevity so the Crab & Scallop Linguine (RM58++) should hit the sweet spot for carb-loving diners. Globules of salmon roe enriched the plump sweet scallops while the linguine passed muster. Established as a full-fledged restaurant in 2015, Southern Rock Seafood has weathered the stormy F&B scene in Klang Valley rather well. According to manager Mostaq Ahmed, the team is open to catering to birthday parties, corporate events and social gatherings of up to 100 persons since things are gradually returning to normal. Featuring a nautical theme with seafaring vibes, the rustic restaurant interior features distressed clapboard, mellow lighting and a long bar where showcases of imported oysters on ice take pride of place. Over at the fishmonger section, chillers filled with whole and fillets of premium fishes from Australia and Europe and fridges of smoked and cured fish, and jars of caviar, fish roe and mackerel paté beckon invitingly. Live lobsters are kept in tanks in the inner sanctum. The beauty about Southern Rock Seafood is they can source and import the fish and seafood you want if they don’t have it in stock – all you have to do is ask. They also supply premium seafood to most 5-star hotels and reputable restaurants in town and throughout Malaysia. For reservations at Southern Rock Seafood Kitchen & Fishmonger, tel: +6 012 385 0266. Address: 32-36, Jalan Kemuja, Off Jalan Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur. Business hours: Mon-Fri 11 am-10 pm; Sat & Sun 8.30 am – 11 pm (last call 930 pm) Website: www.southernrockseafood.com
Capital Markets Partner, Hong Kong SAR “I have some 25 years’ experience of advising on sophisticated financial products and systemically important financial market infrastructures in the region, including assisting Chinese financial institutions to become major participants in the international, global markets, as well as advising global banks and investment houses to access China’s domestic markets including through the innovative stock connect and bond connect schemes.” Education and qualifications Chong is widely acknowledged as a leading practitioner in sophisticated derivatives and capital market products and heads the firm’s derivatives and structured products practice in Asia. Chong has in-depth knowledge of, and experience in, the full range of over-the-counter derivatives, including FX, rates, equity and fixed income, as well as primary market issuances across Asia. He has acted as counsel to ISDA in the Asia Pacific since 1997 and has been closely involved in the development of derivatives and capital market products in China since 1995. Chong has worked closely with Chinese financial services companies and the regulators on a number of structural developments in China, including derivatives regulations and enforceability of close-out netting and collateral arrangements, and on National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII) and Securities Association of China (SAC) documentation. He also advised on bankruptcy law reform in China. Chong has played a significant role in the development of the derivatives and structured product market in Hong Kong and China. His innovative work includes advising: - Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Market (HKEx) on the China Connect legal concepts and framework, including the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (November 2014) and the extension to the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect (November 2016) - Bond Connect Company and HKEx on the Bond Connect programme (July 2017), a milestone in mutual market access between Mainland China and the world - Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE) on the establishment of its international trading platform - a number of international banks on structured equity and innovative collar financing transactions - a number of international banks, offshore affiliates of Chinese banks and securities houses on the establishment of their structured notes, certificates of deposit and commercial paper programmes, as well as on their subsequent issuances - major international banks and Chinese banks and securities houses in setting up offshore repackaging programmes and issuing repackaged notes with complex new structures such as loan repackaging Chong is an adjunct professor at the University of Hong Kong. Chong writes regularly and publishes extensively on a number of subjects relating to derivatives and structured products. His external publications include: - Hong Kong Derivatives - Law and Practice, Lexis-Nexis, 2010, with I-Ping Soong - Linklaters’ Guide to China-Hong Kong Stock Connect, with a supplement on Bond Connect, Linklaters, November 2017 - Chapter 8 (China), Set-Off Law and Practice - An International Handbook, Oxford University Press, 2018 - “Stock Connect - The Beneficial Ownership Conundrum”, Finance Asia, March 2015 - “China - The New Netting Jurisdiction”, Global Capital, February 2014 Education and qualifications Chong studied law at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, and holds a bachelor of civil law (a master’s equivalent) from Worcester College, University of Oxford. He speaks fluent English, Bahasa Malay and Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese, Fujianese and Hakka).
Personalised Sports Medicine Sport is the number one recreational accident in people under the age of 30. The foundation of our health is full and pain-free movement. Exercise is the best medicine, but whether private or professional - injury can happen even with great preparation, Goldic is emerging as critical option way to heal and fully recover without surgery. Physical activity has far more positive health effects than risks. An important aspect of sport is to challenge and promote your body. Full Recover from Sports Injury With the massive range of sports and recreational activities on offer these days, sports injuries can take many forms. Many practitioners move from ice/physio to surgery - but regenerative medicines are rapidly growing for treating a variety of musculo-skeletal disorders or injuries and represent an increasingly adopted, effective, side-effect free way to restore full original function repairing joints, ligaments, muscles, cartilage leading to full recover. In all wound healing processes, cells of the immune system with its network of cytokines are involved in different ways. Thus, the messengers of the immune sys-tem are able to stimulate tissue regeneration by con-trolling cell growth and stimulating differentiation, cell metabolism and protein synthesis. The aim of treating muscle injuries with GOLDIC® medical products is the regeneration of the damaged tissue with a faster wound healing and without scar formation. GOLDIC® is a Class IIb medical device offering a novel technology that allows side-effect-free treatments in the endogenous system. Individualized medicine is considered the megatrend that will change the current health care sector completely, and at a rapid pace. The idea here is: the treatment of the patient should be carried out taking into account his individual circumstances. Of central importance in sports medicine will be an integrative approach in the interests of the patients, in which the treating physician, physiotherapist and / or trainer work together in an interdisci-plinary and closely networked manner, thus meaningfully sharing valuable innovations.GOLDIC® devices enable a special form of personalised medicine. They support the physician in the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases and support endogenous REGENERATION. In each healing phase, different cell types play decisive roles of varying importance. All processes involved are closely interlinked. The healing phases are not simple linear processes, rather they interlock. They can not be separated chronologically or spatially, and GOLDIC® medical devices support these processes. GOLDIC® supports the proliferation of tissue cells to promote the regeneration of the tissue matrix. GOLDIC® is increasingly used around the world for injury rehabilitation. Goldic offers recovery from chronic and repetitive stress injuries providing more complete recovery and avoiding surgery. Possible applications for GOLDIC® include: Muscle injuries account for about 30% of all sports injuries. Their importance is often underestimated, so it is not uncommon for a minor, untreated muscle injury to result in a subsequent major injury. The consequences are long training and competition breaks, sometimes even permanent damage. Poor preparation, lack of warm-up, lack of stretching, sudden muscle exertion, but also an unresolved injury or dysfunction (such as muscle strain) can result in the rupture of one or more muscle fibres. The symptoms are easily recognizable. A stab-like pain in the musculature, without a warning sign; typically for sports requiring explosive movements (sprint or jump disciplines, ball sports, etc.) especially in the event of sudden stopping and braking, rapid acceleration or a combination of both. A torn muscle fibre always shows an accompanying hemorrhage into the muscles (hematoma); depending on the severity, a more or less large depression in the muscle progression can be felt. Such an injury requires immediate sport termination and immediate therapeutic action. This treatment usu-ally takes place according to the so-called RICE rule: R = Rest I = Ice C = Compression E = Elevation How long an injury takes to heal can best be judged by an experienced sports doctor. It is important not to strain the injured muscle too early and too much. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) helps hold the knee joint together and provides stability. A torn ACL is a sports injury that may occur when landing the wrong way, changing direction or stopping quickly, or from a direct blow to the knee. People who suffer a torn ACL may hear a pop and then feel their knee no longer functions. Pain, swelling, and loss of range of motion are symptoms of a torn ACL. It may be difficult to walk. A torn ACL needs to be reconstructed surgically, usually using a graft from another ligament in the patient's own body. Significant rehabilitation is necessary to restore the strength and function of the knee joint after surgery. Depending on the age, health status, and desired activity level of the patient, some may not elect to have surgery, before you do surgery - speak to a specialist about the regenerative effect of GOLDIC®. In that case, braces and physical therapy will not cure the condition, but may provide some relief. Runner's knee – also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome – is a painful condition that occurs when tendons, joint lining (synovia), and/or other soft tissues of the knee become irritated. Overuse can cause runner's knee. So can a misaligned kneecap. In addition to pain, runner's knee may lead to popping and cracking. Switching to activities that do not stress knee joints may minimize problems. RICE – rest, ice, compression, and elevation – may help. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), physical therapy, and orthotics may provide relief. Rarely, surgery may be an option for severe cases that have not responded to other treatments. GOLDIC® medical products create enriched anti-inflammatory and regenerative proteins as well as activation and differentiation of the body's own stem cells. The healing process is both augmented and accelerated getting you back to full speed quickly. The plantar fascia is a ligament that connects the heel to the front of the foot, supporting the arch. Plantar fasciitis is inflammation of this ligament. It causes heel pain often felt the first thing in the morning after getting out of bed or after being active. Stress and strain on the feet increases the risk of plantar fasciitis. Obesity, tight calf muscles, repetitive use, high arches, and new athletic activities are all risk factors for this condition. Plantar fasciitis is treated with rest, ice, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and special stretching exercises. Cushioning insoles may provide relief. Wearing splints at night may help decrease pain. More severe cases of plantar fasciitis may be treated with cortisone injections, physical therapy, and surgery. The Achilles tendon is the strongest tendon of the human body and was already in Greek mythology as the weak point of otherwise invincible Achilles (Achilles heel). The function of the Achilles tendon is the flexion of the ankle, which means that the forefoot is pulled down forcefully. This movement is essential for kicking the foot while walking and running. The Achilles tendon is exposed to enormous loads. Above all, the dynamic peak loads in sports that endures the tendon, are admirable. Achilles tendon complaints can be persistent, and an inflamed or injured Achilles tendon must be treated for its cause in the long term to relieve or eliminate the symptoms. The reasons for acute pain and irritation of the Achilles tendon lie in the anatomy: The Achilles tendon is surrounded by a thin layer of tissue and slides on movement in a kind of tube (tendon sheath) of several membranes. To protect against friction are between the tissue layers gelatinous compounds on which the resilience of the tendon depends. The more lubricious the membranes, the lower the risk of injury. Acute inflammation of the Achilles tendon and surrounding mucosa (achillodynia) is a typical running injury. It often occurs at too high training intensities of the athletes, which increase the training scope and / or the intensity too fast. Ambitious athletes can tell you a thing or two about that. The typical symptoms are: pain, swelling and overheating of the tendon. The athlete typically feels a discomforting pinching in the tendon area and a strong pressure sensitivity of the affected area. The tendon and the surrounding tissue may swell, often the thickening is also palpable and the affected area is overheated. In chronic Achilles tendonitis there is a palpable knot formation by scarred tissue in the tendon. This chronic inflammation causes constant pain and over time leads to a weakening of the Achilles tendon (calcification), which can subsequently cause a tear of the Achilles tendon. The medial collateral ligament (MCL) connects the upper leg bone (femur) to the larger bone of the lower leg (tibia). It is located on the inner side of the knee. The MCL is typically injured when the knee joint is pushed sideways when making a wrong move or by receiving a direct blow to the knee. A torn MCL results in pain, swelling, and instability of the joint. The condition is often treated with ice, bracing, and physical therapy. If other structures in the knee are injured or if the torn MCL is severe, surgery may be recommended. Speak to a specialist about GOLDIC® first! Everyone knows this term „tennis elbow“. This tendonitis or epicondylitis of the forearm eventually occurs in non-tennis players. In racket sports, the grip size of the sports equipment is often considered to be the decisive cause. But even by a wrong arm position in the profession (writing, gardening, etc.) or even by a wrong sleeping position, this inflammatory disease can be triggered. Typical symptoms include pain and tenderness on the lateral side of the elbow, pain or weakness in grasping or twisting the wrist, and pain associated with lifting objects. Tennis elbow is a common injury that will usually heal with minor treatment, but you have to give it time and rest. The same symptoms occur in the “golfer’s elbow”, but here is the overload of the forearm flexor muscle on the inside of the elbow joint responsible. For both acute and chronic conditions (persistence of symptoms over an extended period of time), GOLDIC® can provide a successful treatment alternative. The most common cause of chronic sports injuries are overuse or overwork and not cured, acute injuries. There are still chances of healing. Shoulder impingement syndrome is a common cause of shoulder pain. It occurs when there is impingement of tendons or bursa in the shoulder from bones of the shoulder. Overhead activity of the shoulder, especially repeated activity, is a risk factor for shoulder impingement syndrome. Examples include: painting, lifting, swimming, tennis, and other overhead sports. Other risk factors include bone and joint abnormalities. With impingement syndrome, pain is persistent and affects everyday activities. Motions such as reaching up behind the back or reaching up overhead to put on a coat or blouse, for example, may cause pain. Over time, impingement syndrome can lead to inflammation of the rotator cufftendons (tendinitis) and bursa (bursitis). If not treated appropriately, the rotator cuff tendons can start to thin and tear.
“You can't control the wind, but you can adjust your sails.” ― Kristen Proby Datuk Nora A. Manaf, Group Chief Human Capital Officer, Maybank shared this quote and this analogy as she discussed CHRO’s take on adaptability in HR with Shaswat Kumar, Vice President & Asia Head - Payroll, Advisory, and Cloud Solutions, Alight Solutions in an episode of exclusive video series - Adaptable HR: The Future is Now! Thanks to the pandemic, everything at the workplace is undergoing a dramatic shift, and what could have been a reality of the future, has now become the present. “What organisations across sectors were trying to achieve since the last five years, they achieved in ten weeks,” said Manaf. Speaking of adaptability in today’s context, she shared how adaptability is about knowing how to deal with a crisis. Adaptability in today’s context As the third-edition of Asia-Pacific’s largest study on the State of HR Transformation also shows being adaptable is no longer a choice, it is imperative, it is inevitable. Manaf feels the study is extremely relevant in today’s context. The COVID-19 crisis has brought the HR functions and the professionals on the forefront. They are in demand as people’s safety and their well-being becomes more critical than ever. They are the 3 AM call for the business leaders. They are the ones advising the CEOs and helping them make more people-centric decisions but without undermining business priorities. “Understanding adaptability in today’s context is about being crisis ready,” said Manaf. To be able to better deal with this crisis and be more adaptable, Manaf suggests, professionals require a more methodical approach and mindset. It is contrary to the reactive approach and involves more discipline. She said, “The key lesson the crisis has taught us is that every crisis is a business crisis and ultimately, it transcends to two critical pillars: preservation of life and employee and business well-being.” Manaf further suggested that to build this adaptability quotient, firstly, HR professionals must enhance their awareness and understanding of business needs, the threats and the market opportunities. As the study on the State of HR Transformation, recently launched by Alight Solutions in partnership with People Matters, also highlights, “It is not about the HR transformation, it is about the business transformation.” Adaptability in HR: A brief overview Knowing the business, the threats and the opportunities, is no longer a choice, it is the necessity, the new normal. Secondly, Manaf suggests, HR professionals must know about all the tools at their disposal. Digital tools are not a luxury, they are a necessity. Contrary to popular beliefs all of these digital tools are also not very expensive. For instance, at Maybank they have used Trello for some time now and been able to drive a more outcome-driven people agenda. Thirdly, having distinguished people skills and the HR knowledge is also essential to bring a unique voice to the table. And finally to be able to adjust the sails through the storm, HR professionals must know where the ship is headed. Know your outcome, the final goal and work towards that. Defining the way we work in the ‘New Reality’ Putting adaptable HR into action, the present time calls for HR professionals to help the organisation and the workforce transition to the new reality of work, which is ambiguous and evolving rapidly. Currently, in most of the countries in SEA, companies are preparing for the opening up of circuit breakers. However, the fear of the spread of the novel coronavirus still persists. This means resetting the workplace and redefining work to be able to ensure business continuity without compromising employees’ safety. CHRO’s take on adaptability in HR Manaf says, “We have got 43,000 people, out of which 23,000 in Malaysia, and 5,000 in the headquarters alone. I can't have all 5,000 people come back. So the business is looking at us for what we do next? How do we not get half of the population back to the building? What do we do with them? Will they be permanently on work from home arrangements?” These are some of the questions not only Maybank but all the businesses are currently dealing with. The key focus to work in the new reality of work would be on reframing the policies and continuously engaging with the employees to identify and cater to their changing needs. For example, Maybank has over the lockdown phase discovered that it is the working parents who want to return to office space. At home, working parents find it more difficult to separate themselves from children. Another challenge for Maybank has been ensuring how they make all the resources available for the people working from home. As Maybank didn’t start as a digital startup, not all the employees have laptops (pre COVID they worked on desktops), have accessibility issues, and the banking systems can not be accessed from home. But even amid the crisis and the lockdown, Maybank has ensured that the employees stay productive and the learning continues. “With #learningneverstops, we continued our training, L&D, and employee engagement initiative. Driving learning programs through Zoom, within two weeks we had 17,000 learners. We have never had that before,” she shares. The learning and engagement team was excited with the impact their quick efforts had shown. Manaf thinks they have no plans of going back to traditional mode of training now as they have achieved a great level of reach with the current virtual programs. As Maybank like other organisations prepare for the new reality of work, there are plenty of enablers and interdependencies to deal with. And Manaf believes that to help organisations better deal with them HR is required to be at the forefront. Accelerating the HR functions, the Maybank way Many CHROs may think that to be able to match up to the new reality of work, HR professionals would have to upskill themselves. In fact for three editions now, in the Alight’s State of HR transformation Study, majority of the leaders have been choosing upskilling HR as the top priority. Manaf disagrees with this majority and boldly says, “It’s not about that. I would rate driving an integrated employee experience to achieve the business objectives as top priority.” Especially, as businesses are in survival mode currently. They are not interested in upskilling HR professionals. They are looking for more integrated solutions and collaborative efforts to achieve business outcomes. Kumar also reiterated the same and said, “By collaborating within the organisation, HR professionals are more likely to break the silos and bridge the capability gap.” Maybank had hence started this HR transformation journey to become more collaborative a long time back. “I have got my team going like a sprint team, in tech team, talking to customers, achieving outcomes. They no longer have the mindset that - I am shared services, or I am COE, or I am executive director. They have discovered that they can work more efficiently this way,” says Manaf. In fact, this approach helped Maybank to better manage the crisis brought on by the pandemic. The HR team was bold and courageous enough to step up and say that although we are essential services we can not risk the lives of so many people by continuing to operate from office. “We could have worked as usual but I actually stepped up and said we can’t because we are the largest banks. We will be contributing to clusters,” shares Manaf. This courage helped Maybank, the industry and the country in a way too. Adaptable HR has better readiness for future risk. To learn more about it explore the findings of the Alight Solutions’ State of HR Transformation study. Click here to view the study.
Quarantine). The other is a government owned factory in Batu Kurau, Perak. Co-owned by three brothers, Top Fruit shipped its first container of frozen durian to China this summer. Rob and I were lucky enough to meet up with one of the brothers, Mr. Tan Sue Seng, who gave us a tour of his factory and durian orchard. We met Mr. Tan in front of the KFC in Johor Bahru. A stocky Chinese-Malaysian, he was wearing a shirt printed with both Hawaiian flowers and plaid stripes. When we shook hands, I noticed the incredible thickness each of his short, muscular fingers. He kept peering at Rob as if slightly confused. Later he asked what Rob’s family background was. Rob replied that it was French. “Ah, I thought you look like French guy,” Mr. Tan said contentedly. “I keep my money, lah.” of the brothers, Mr. Tan was a successful businessman in London when his aging father threatened to sell the family’s durian orchard if he didn’t come home. In 1998, Mr. Tan returned to find the 300 acres of mountainous land largely overrun by jungle. The trees, planted by his father only 10 years earlier, were just beginning to mature. It took six years of hard manual labor, planting more fruit trees and clearing the brush, before Mr. Tan felt the orchard was under control. Now he owns over 1,100 durian trees, one of the largest durian plantations in Malaysia. With so many trees about to start producing fruits, Mr. Tan was already looking for a venue when China approved direct durian trade with Malaysia. roadside, wagging their tails as the truck passed. “These are all mine,” he acknowledged, estimating that around 100 dogs live on the plantation. It had just rained and under the light layer of mist the hills were a luscious green. He pointed over the rolling landscape, noting that his land borders the National Forest. He thinks this proximity to the virgin jungle makes his durians taste better, although it means he has to deal with more with worms and pests, he said insects aren’t the issue. Wild goats, cows, and pigs all make trouble in his orchard, but the main pest is monkeys. They steal durians from the nets and have an annoying penchant for Musang King, the durian fetching the highest market price. To combat the monkeys, his workers have rigged clever scarecrows wearing bright colors all around the orchard. That was a new one for me: scarecrows for monkeys! comparison to Sunshine’s International’s Factory in Thailand, which we visited in May, Top Fruits is small-scale. The entire factory occupies about half an acre, as opposed to Sunshine’s sprawling 10 acres. But unlike in Thailand, where durians are purchased en mass and allowed to ripen with the help of ethylene for several days, durians brought to Top Fruits must be processed the same day they arrive. allowed to ripen on the tree, dropping to the ground or into nets at peak perfection. It’s a race to get the durians to the consumer before the fruit becomes overripe and sour. For Top Fruits, the pressure is on during the season to get the durians washed, sanitized, packaged, vacuum-packed and flash-frozen within 24 hours of arrival. It also means that the factory doesn’t need as much floor space as at Sunshine, because there will never be crates of durian sitting around in Tan told us the biggest challenge in building the factory was meeting AQSIQ’s stringent regulations. He had to make many amendments before finally meeting approval for certification on December 15, 2011. One example he remembers in particular was that AQSIQ officers informed him that he had too many sinks inside the processing area. The sinks put the processed durian at risk for contamination with water, which could cause the fruits to rot. So Mr. Tan had to remove the sinks and install them in a separate room outside the production area. The result of his constant improvements is an impressively high-tech processing plant. Although it was already past business hours when we visited, Mr. Tan was so excited about the technology that he opened the factory and took us inside. The UV lights switched on as we stood in the main processing room, giving everything a distinctly purple hue. He even climbed inside the huge freezer, disappointed that the lights were off and we couldn’t see the racks and racks of frozen, vacuum-packed durian. with boxes of his frozen Musang King and D24. He wanted us to taste the frozen durian once it had thawed, claiming that both the taste and the texture would be preserved. We let it thaw over night and ate it for lunch the next day in Singapore. The D24 was okay, but we were very impressed with the Musang King, which maintained its gorgeous color and satisfying flavor. Rob and I agreed that if frozen Musang King was available in the USA, we wouldn’t mind paying the extra cash to avoid frozen Monthong.
Once upon a time, movie studios could churn out epics unironically celebrating the glories of the British Empire and its heroic white saviors in full confidence that audiences would swallow the mythology wholesale. Those days are past, but the appeal of ripping good stories set in exotic locations remains, tempting filmmakers to take a chance by trying a new spin on the old formula. Michael Haussman’s Edge of the World, starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers as the 19th-century adventurer Sir James Brooke, whose life story provided material for both Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim and Rudyard Kipling’s “The Man Who Would be King,” wants to celebrate the glories of the old-school epics while adding in nods to modern sensibilities, but ultimately fails at both tasks. The result is a film that commits the ultimate sin for an entertainment product: it’s boring. The fault does not lie in Brooke’s life story, which was quite eventful. Born in 1803 in India, he grew up under the rule of the British East India Company, and served in their muscle arm, the Bengal Army. After recovering from injuries incurred in the First Anglo-Burmese War, he tried, with no great success, to be a merchant. An inheritance provided the opportunity to chuck it all, so Brooke bought a ship and sailed to the Far East, arriving at the Malay Archipelago in 1839. There, he proves so used in suppressing piracy and headhunting, to say nothing of native rebellions, that he was appointed ruler of Sarawak. Yes, like Kevin Costner in Dances with Wolves and Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai, Rhys Meyers is saddled with the burden of being the white guy who outdoes the non-white guys at their own game, but the latter two films at least provided some entertainment value alongside their racism. Rhys Meyers looks the part and delivers a convincing physical performance as Brooke, although his efforts are undercut by a dreadful script by Rob Allyn. The most coherent storytelling in this film is achieved through title cards, while the story’s forward momentum is undercut by regular voiceover narration, delivered earnestly by Rhys Meyers. Narration and dialogue are both filled with cringeworthy nuggets like “to have peace, we must make war,” and “no matter how far you run, you can never escape yourself,” the latter reminiscent of the slogan on a coffee mug someone gave me during my college years. Brooke may have no doubts about his right to be where he is and doing what he’s doing, but the film does supply him with a friend (Dominic Monaghan) who speaks perhaps the truest words in the entire film: “We don’t belong here!” One of the princes Brooke negotiates with also makes a good point—“the British love to play the great game, but they never see that we are the kings and you are the pawns”—but it doesn’t register on Brooke, who finds that his role as “the White Rajah of Sarawak” is one in which he can finally feel at peace. In fact, his son George Brooke ruled Sarawak after him, and was succeeded by his nephew Charles, and then Charles’ sons, and Sarawak remained under British rule until the 1950s. If you can enjoy a celebration of colonialism without misgivings, you’ll probably enjoy Edge of the World a lot more than I did. It’s trying hard to be an updated version of an old-school adventure film, and the location shooting in Malaysia, courtesy of cinematographer Jaime Feliu-Torres, is the most successful aspect of this film. | Sarah Boslaugh Edge of the World is available digitally and on VOD beginning June 4.
The Lithuanian Folk Music Band Sutaras is an independent, professional folklore group. You will find the whole range of Lithuanian instrumental folk music in its repertoire: from old rituals, authentic shepherds’ instruments dating to the end of the 19th Century, to the international and classical instruments that became increasingly more common in the villages of Lithuania by the beginning of the 20th Century. During a Sutaras concert you might hear a unique polyphonic sutartine (round) performed on daudytes (wooden horns), rageliai (horns), or skudučai (pan pipes). Or you might hear instrumental versions of songs or maybe even shepherd songs called raliavimas, which are performed with lamzdeliai (recorders) or rageliai (horns). Lively Lithuanian folk dances are played with violins, accordions, clarinets, cymbals, and a number of other instruments. You will sense traditional village music coupled with the precision characteristic of professional musicians when you listen to the music of Sutaras. The artists do not only play instruments – they also sing, dance and often draw their audience into the whirlwind of their performances. Every musician is adept at playing several different instruments, which allows the Band to be very diverse and to express the characteristic instrumental compositions of Lithuania’s different regions. Since its first public performance on 30th of December 1988, the Folk Music Band Sutaras has participated in over 6200 performances, which ranged from concerts, dances, and television and radio programs to performances at festivals, exhibitions, and other festivities. The music of Sutaras has resounded for listeners in many Lithuanian cities and villages, delegates at conferences and meetings, quests and tourists. Thousands applauded Sutaras at the 1991 PORTA festival in the Czech Republic, at the well-known Skagen festival of Denmark in 1992, again in 1995, at Rudolstat, Germany in 1994, and at Mistelbach, Austria in 1995. The citizens of Washington, DC swirled among the waves of dancers when Sutaras played at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival in 1998, as did the onlookers in Queensland, Australia during the 1998 Woodford Folk Festival, as well as participans at Yilan International Children’s Folklore & Folkgame Festival in Taiwan 2006. The kings of Malaysia and Spain have heard the resonance of Lithuanian instruments. Scores of people attended the performances of Sutaras at Expo 1998 in Lisbon, Expo 2000 in Hanover, 2005 Aichi in Japan, 2008 Zaragoza (Spain) and 2010 Shanghai (China). Participants were impressed at Lithuanian Festivals in Australia (Melbourne 2004 and Sydney 2008), performances at the Festival of Baltic States in Iceland, shows in Italy, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Holland, Finland, Austria, Luxembourge, Spain, Ireland, and at many Festivals and performances in North America. They represented Lithuanian traditional culture at the Cultural NYTORV event in Copenhagen 2002, the Day of Europe in Athens 2003, and many years participating at the Berliner Messe “Grune Woche”. These are but a small part of the sound, video and press articles documenting the Band’s creativity which became daily life for the musicians in the Band. SUTARAS performed Lithuanian melodies heard live over the radio (during two-hour performances) by the citizens of the Netherlands, Australia and Euroradio, among others. Fans of Sutaras exist in many countries of the world and you will find Sutaras recordings in many prominent radio stations and private collections. The Band’s musicians do not evade experimentation and are constantly in search of ways to capture the interest of their audience while showing the unique nature of Lithuanian traditional folk art. The artists of SUTARAS and musicians of the Vilnius Jazz Quartet have arranged and recorded a CD “Ethnojazz.lt” which was performed at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2002, the Birštonas Jazz Festival in the same year in Lithuania, and for listeners of Euroradio. In 2004 SUTARAS became the winner of the prestigous Lithuanian award for traditional culture, “Golden Bird”. Spring of 2006 was marked by the joint Folk’n’roll Project “Vilnius on the Palm of Your Hand” with the Dainius Pulauskas Group – Lithuanian jazz “Gold Disc” winner, recorded on CD and performed in Spain, Belgium, the Jazz Festival in Klaipėda and other cities in Lithuania. SUTARAS discography consist of 13 CD’s and 3 DVD.
When the Egyptian businessman liked Düzce, where he came to visit, he decided to invest. Egyptian Businessman Sayit Abdullah Elaziz decided to serve the people of Düzce by opening a restaurant to enjoy the nature and people of Düzce. Düzce has become a center of attraction for foreign investors. Egyptian Businessman Sayit Abdullah Elaziz came to Düzce, Turkey, where he came from time to time. 2019 Yılında yaptığı ziyaret sırasında Düzce’yi çok seven, doğasına, insanlarına ve tabiatına hayran olan Mısırlı İş adamı Elaziz, Düzce’ye yatırım yapmaya karar verdi. Verdiği kararla birlikte de çok sevdiği yemek ile ilgili restaurant açan Elaziz, Düzce’ye ve Düzcelilere hizmet etmeye başladı. Sayit Abdullah Elaziz, who told our microphones about his decision to invest in Düzce and his thoughts on taking part in business life in Düzce; “I was constantly traveling to Turkey. However, I always came to Bursa with Istanbul. I love Turkey. I decided to start a business in Turkey. On his travels, he needed a place where he could sit, entertain his guests, and eat. I also love to eat. I did it as a hobby. Everything is fine here. There is nothing wrong. Our business is normal after the pandemic. Due to the pandemic, we have taken our mask, distance and disinfectant measures. Cleanliness is very important to me. The tree is green, it is important, so it is very important for us in cleaning," he said.
Faves for the third quarter! I actually started listening to Nick Mulvey last quarter, but I forgot to put him on the list (hehe). But that actually makes things better, because then, I would have only paid attention to his track “Meet Me There”. When I first heard of the song, it reminded me of the late 60s-70s music (actually, I believe my first words upon hearing it is, “Lakas maka-Woodstock.”). There’s something very simple and quiet in his tune, much like Simon and Garfunkel and NIck Drake’s, and I find that very beautiful. As I’ve had more time exploring his tracks on his album First Mind, Nick’s a pretty solid guy (look, he even has a Mercury Prize nomination to prove it!). I had a major freak out when I first listened to Thomas Dybdahl. It was one of those love at first listens kind of thing. Like, I was convinced that this is my main crush this year. But like most whirlwind romances (ha ha), my crush didn’t stick that long and I forgot to follow through. Doesn’t mean I didn’t remember the feeling when I first heard him though! And yeah, writing about him will warrant a follow through. So maybe there’ll be a rekindling of flames? Let’s just say that I watch most of the movies Keira Knightley is in so I already know that she could sing. But her songs for Begin Again’s soundtrack are really good, and I’m thankful that Keira had the chance to show people that she’s more than just a gorgeous face. Some people like Adam Levine’s version better, so I’ll just put the link up here. The new Alt-J album is out (insert stadium-like screams)! They have been teasing us since July with “Hunger of the Pine”, “Left Hand Free”, and “Every Other Freckle” and I lapped it up like a thirsty puppy but when I had my first listen for This is All Yours, I found myself drawn to “Warm Foothills.” Probably not the strongest and attention grabbing track, but it’s calm and soothing. Angus and Julia Stone I like Angus and Julia Stone’s new album. It looks grunge-y hipster cool. I just want to cry every time I hear this. It sounds so complete. So beautiful. So breathtaking. This might actually be one of those rare times when I find the studio version better than its earlier version. I found this song on YouTube a few years ago (it was probably 2011), it was then called “Pompeii”. It had a piece of my heart then but NOW IT’S THE PRETTIEST SONG OUT THERE AND IT HAS ALL OF ME. I’M JUST SO HAPPY DAMIEN IS BACK TO SPREAD SOME GOOD OL’ MELANCHOLIA – I’m sorry, my last two entries are apparently giving me too much emotions and my caps lock usage is on an all time high. But this is Damie Rice so I CAN FREAK OUT YEAH? COOL COOL COOL I’m happy to say that I was introduced to SOHN by The 1975’s George Daniel. That sounds like we’re personal friends (I wish – but friends? really? Haaa) but he curated a pretty cool playlist that includes tracks that are more on the electro side. It’s a nice discovery. Kite String Tangle Kite String Tangle is an alternative-electro artist from Australia. “Commotion” is the best pick-me-upper. I mean, really, try playing that in the middle of the day when you’re in that particular after lunch rut. Hands down, sexiest song in this list. Maybe for the whole year. Sufjan, you win the game of seduction, sir. I gushed about these guys before. Penn Badgley! Exciting! Totally love this. Sure, Echosmith reminds me of the likes of Paramore – and they’re probably gonna have teen fans (if they didn’t have those already) following their band over the years. I can’t deny the fact that “Cool Kids” is a good pop song: catchy, easy, and uhm, cool. Plus, come on, the lead’s good looking. This is a given. Congrats, Echosmith, make more albums. People will buy it. Probably. I don’t know what happened, guys. I don’t know where I was when these guys were buzzing, but I’m in love with New Politics, ‘kay? I’m in love with them bordering on guilty pleasure. Which reminds me… 70% of me is not ashamed. Maybe 80%. Hilary is queen. Sure, I liked Lindsay more then, but this is Lizzie Maguire! Sure, there’s not even a hint of maturity or growth from her previous songs. But maybe that’s the good thing about it. It’s new, but it’s the same. Don’t fix it when it’s not broken. I miss 90s RnB. I miss Sisqo’s “Incomplete”, Usher’s “U Got it Bad” – you get the vibe, right? Well, this is it. And I’m down with this (I just ignore the video). If you’re wondering whatever happened to that band Dicta License, then here’s your answer. They’re now called Malay. And they have a new album. And it’s pretty awesome. She’s Only Sixteen I have yet to see She’s Only Sixteen live. I have been wanting to see them since they were announced to play for Wanderland in 2012 (or 2013)? The days has yet to come, but this song’s a pretty good tease, isn’t it? BAND OF THE QUARTER Because they’re coooool! Previous fangirling recorded here. And here’s a playlist to make your listening experience better (no locals in it though, cause the label is currently excluding Spotify for PH for these bands hopefully for now – if you’re in another country though, lucky you!)
Singapore-headquartered and listed multinational banking and monetary providers company, Oversea-Chinese language Banking Company, Restricted or extra generally often known as OCBC Bank, yesterday introduced the launch of the HealthPass by OCBC cellular app. The bank has partnered with seven medical teams and the HealthPass by OCBC app will present entry to greater than 100 GPs and specialists to handle the healthcare wants of all Singapore residents over the age of 18, together with non-OCBC Bank prospects. Video consultations with each GPs and specialist medical doctors may be booked and administered via the app, with treatment delivered to the affected person’s doorstep. The session charge is stored flat at S$20 for every telehealth and in-clinic go to to a GP throughout regular working hours. Sufferers pay a flat charge of S$100 for the primary telehealth or in-clinic session with any of the 63 specialist medical doctors from 21 specialties together with gynecology, pediatrics, cardiology, dermatology and oncology, that are among the many prime fields of specialist medication Singaporeans typically search medical recommendation for. In accordance with OCBC Bank, HealthPass by OCBC integrates immediately with the healthcare accomplice’s clinic administration methods, and data is simply accessible by customers and their medical doctors, which gives private knowledge privateness and safety. Sufferers also can entry digital Medical Certificates (MC), clinic invoices and laboratory outcomes from the clinics visited securely via the app. Along with telehealth and in-clinic and providers, HealthPass by OCBC additionally companions CXA, an worker advantages insurtech startup in Singapore, to supply customers with entry to greater than 100 service provider presents via the app’s wellness retailer. They may also be capable to buy preventive well being providers, comparable to well being screenings, immediately by way of the app. Different providers out there for buy within the retailer embrace Conventional Chinese language Medication, dental and ache administration providers. THE LARGER TREND As Singapore enters a secure re-opening section from the latest ‘circuit breaker’ (a type of semi-lockdown) interval, and with the Multi-Ministry Taskforce recommending that people proceed to reduce bodily medical visits each time attainable, handy entry to medical doctors via telehealth will assist to stem the unfold of COVID-19. The same old gamers entering into the telehealth providers house are telehealth startups or healthcare suppliers, and OCBC Bank seems to be one of many first non-traditional gamers to enter the house. Final month, IHH Healthcare, Asia’s largest privately owned healthcare group, rolled out telemedicine providers in Singapore, Malaysia, Turkey, India and Hong Kong, Healthcare IT Information reported. ON THE RECORD “COVID-19 will eventually pass, but its impact on the community will be long felt, and widespread access to telehealth will provide a big boost to help manage Singapore’s healthcare needs. Notwithstanding that, in-clinic visits are still necessary for certain medical treatments. As a result, we will on-board more clinics and healthcare providers on the HealthPass by OCBC app to ensure at least one clinic in the proximity of everyone’s home and workplace,” mentioned Pranav Seth, Head of Digital and Innovation, OCBC Bank.
Scholarship at Manchester business school in the UK - Awarding Body: Manchester business school - Host Institution: Manchester business school - Deadline: 1st-08-2021 The application for the 2021/2022 academic session is ongoing for overseas undergraduate students going in for a degree program at the alliance Manchester business school. The institution is looking for high potential candidates to be part of the stellar international scholarship for the academic session annually. - Eligible Countries/ Regions: Norway, Singapore, and/or Malaysia - Gender Restrictions: No gender restrictions - Age Restrictions: No age restrictions General Eligibility Requirements - The grant is awarded in any faculty/course chosen by the applicant applying to the school - Applicant must be from the above-stated regions/countries and achieve an AAA at A-level - Successful applicants will be recognized for their performance academically. - The partnership Manchester business school will award two international scholarships to international students that are talented in 2021 - the awards worth £2,000 annually for the space of three years Applicants are to apply via - accepting admission for an undergraduate degree program at the university - submitting a written application outlining your commitment and dedication to academic studies and extra-curricular pursuits. - Demonstrating a broad general education including acceptable levels of literacy and numeracy - Demonstrated literacy must be equivalent to least grade B or 6 in GCSE/GCSE English language and mathematics - Providing a GCSE/GCSE English language grade B/6 - Providing alternatingly to the GCSE/GCSE English language an overall IELTS of 6.5 Note IELTS must take a minimum of 6 in any individual component - Providing an acceptable equivalent qualification
Kalpana Bhusal, KATHMANDU: Bahadur Harijan, 50, decided to work abroad in Qatar, a Persian Gulf country, after it became too difficult to financially support his family of four. He did not own any land for growing crops in Chitwan, a district in central Nepal, and did not earn enough farming other people’s paddy and corn, he says. “I wanted to work in Qatar as a construction laborer, and I had my passport with all necessary papers ready,” he says. “But the local recruiting agency told me that I couldn’t work because of my age and returned my papers.” But the family needed money somehow, he says. So instead, his 30-year-old wife decided to work abroad in 2011 as a child caretaker. “Faced with such dire problems, a friend of my wife told us that she could get a good salary working as a child care worker in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,” Harijan says. “That is why I sent my wife there, along with her friend.” She went abroad on a three-year contract, he says. “If I had a choice, I wouldn’t have sent my wife that far for work,” he says. “I was forced to do so for the family.” At first, Harijan was nervous about sending his wife abroad for work because he had heard about cases of abuse, he says. “I have heard that some female migrant workers have been tortured, some have been sexually exploited and some forced to work long hours,” he says. “To hear all such information through the women returnees and through the local television channels, my heart aches with sad feelings of apprehension.” But his wife’s employers treat her well, he says. “I get relief when my wife says that she has a pretty decent job, which is not so tough,” Harijan says. Although the family had to mortgage their house and borrow 45,000 rupees ($500) for her employment documentation and airfare, they earn much more now, he says. “My wife now sends 28,000 rupees [$300] per month as savings out of her salary,” he says. “She has already sent home over 500,000 rupees [$5,530]. And out of that money, we have also bought a small piece of land in the village.” They have big plans for a future business and for their 13-year-old twins’ education, who are in the sixth grade at a nearby government school, Harijan says. “When she returns, we will start a small restaurant at a suitable location nearby, as she wished so, and also send our children to a very good school in Kathmandu with a view to make them very successful persons someday,” he says. But when she returns, the family will also have to re-evaluate gender roles. Because Harijan is unemployed and his wife is working abroad, he does most of the household chores his wife would normally do, he says. But it is uncommon for men locally to perform domestic duties, so he faces scrutiny from the community. He says he feels bad when his neighbors talk behind his back. But he depends on his wife’s earnings to support their family. Comment here ! By ELENA BECATOROS, OLEKSANDR STASHEVSKYI and RICARDO MAZALAN, KYIV, Ukraine (AP):- Russia pressed its offensive in eastern Ukraine on Sunday By ELENA BECATOROS, OLEKSANDR STASHEVSKYI and CIARAN McQUILLAN, POKROVSK, Ukraine (AP):- With Russia claiming to have taken prisoner nearly 2,500 By OLEKSANDR STASHEVSKYI and CIARAN McQUILLAN, KYIV, Ukraine (AP):- The fate of hundreds of Ukrainian fighters who surrendered after holding By OLEKSANDR STASHEVSKYI and CIARAN McQUILLAN, KYIV, Ukraine (AP):- The battle that turned Mariupol into a worldwide symbol of defiance
PAYA BESAR, 15 April 2022 - Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) and Indah Water Konsortium Sdn. Bhd. (IWK) sealed a collaboration in the field of domestic and industrial wastewater treatment technology. With this collaboration, UMP and IWK will share expertise to conduct research and development in the field of wastewater processing. Meanwhile, the collaboration of UMP and Velcro Envirotech Sdn. Bhd. (VETSB) will empower TVET programmes and excellent research in the future.
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KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA – Media OutReach – 30 November 2021 – Malaysia Global Business Forum (MGBF) has moved to support the creative economy as the overall economy moves into a recovery phase following the COVID19 pandemic. As a step in the direction of normalcy, the MGBF has agreed to host the art exhibition “I Know You’re Somewhere So Far” by one of Malaysia’s leading young artists Mulaika Nordin. The full spectrum of the creative industries, from film to visual arts were heavily impacted over the past two years. Prior to the pandemic the creative industries were estimated to be worth some RM29.4 billion contributing 1.9% to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2019 according to a report by the Department of Statistics Malaysia. The Malaysia Global Business Forum like many businesses has evolved extensively due to the pandemic. Many of our business matching and government engagement programs have shifted to the virtual space. We are pleased to announce that our first step back to in person physical events will take place this December with the hosting of this important art exhibition. Co-chairman of MGBF, Rizal Kamaruzzaman said, “This is a perfect opportunity to energise the arts while contributing to the economy by empowering a member of the artistic community. It is our hope that the arts scene becomes more vibrant. It is important to develop not just the artists but the stakeholders and policies that empower this sector of the economy. “With considerable growth prospects as the creative industry can seamlessly integrate into the global digital economy, the government in the recent budget recognised the importance of this sector by allocating several hundred million to see the sectors’ rapid recovery. MGBF will play our part in what needs to be a concerted effort to achieve targeted results for creative industry players in the country.” Mulaika rose to prominence in 2019 when at the age of 16 she became the youngest artist to hold a solo exhibition at the National Arts Museum (Balai Seni Visual Negara). Now, her second solo exhibition, “I Know You’re Somewhere So Far”, will feature over 60 works of art. Completed over the last four years, the show explores themes of disconnect and isolation from the lens of an empathic teenage artist as she navigated a constantly changing environment culminating in the period of the global pandemic in 2020 and 2021. The exhibition will be held at the Ken Gallery at Menara Ken, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail from 9 to 19 December. For more information about attending the exhibition visit www.Mulaika.com.
What a brilliant race! It had passing, big groups of cars in battles, strategy calls and tyre changes throughout including a mid-race strategy change from 3 stops to 2 for many, and a popular first-time winner for a marque which hadn’t won outright for over 5 decades – even if the team itself had only gone winless for the 3 years since the season as Brawn GP. There was enough action to forget the margin of victory, which normally would’ve led to cries of boredom from the peanut gallery. For this race such cries only came from those who only watch racing to see who wins, those who don’t care for the twenty other stories which happen in any race and would still find a reason to complain even if they’d just seen the best race in the world. This wasn’t the best race in the world, but by F1 standards it was a cracker and by the standards of most other series it was pretty good too. Nico Rosberg didn’t win this race through chance. He put in a race-winning drive all day, the strategy was perfect and for once this year the car didn’t let him down, didn’t drop him into the pack as the tyres wore out. I’m not sure what Mercedes GP found since Sepang, both cars were competitive and it was only a pitstop mistake which forced Michael Schumacher to retire. Could it be that the Mercedes team will be the one to challenge McLaren for race wins for the rest of the season? The Mercedes W03 works its tyres harder than other cars, at least up until now. It meant they were good for one-lap pace (great for qualifying) but ate the tyres much sooner than the opposition (useless in the race). Either the conditions in Shanghai suited them and worked against the other teams, or the team has found a solution to the problem and are a very credible contender for further race wins this year. If the former is true it could explain why Ferrari were slow – perhaps they car works better in different temperatures to the Mercs and that hurt them as compared to Malaysia. Had Jenson Button’s pitstop not gone awry he would’ve been much closer to Rosberg at the flag – perhaps not enough to challenge outright, just enough that the race didn’t seem like the complete whitewash it will appear in the record books. The McLarens were fast throughout and were able to pass The race for 2nd place was so closely balanced, even though some cars were faster than others their strategies meant some were conserving tyres and some were going all out. It was clear Alonso’s late stop was planned for two reasons: to use fresher rubber to make passes, and to cover the early two-stoppers whose tyres should’ve fallen off with a lap or two to go – as it was he didn’t have the top end speed for the former, and the latter only happened to Kimi Raikkonen despite potentially affecting several others. The season-long battle between Red Bull, Ferrari, Mercedes and Lotus is fascinating, it seems each are better in different temperature conditions and each uses tyres differently. Each are also throwing upgrades at the cars all the time. Sadly it isn’t the fight for the championship but it is closely poised and could go in any direction! Red Bull’s fall from recent grace is an oddity, and I wouldn’t put it past them to return to race winning form by midseason. Mercedes could just as easily sink back down as win another race, so unpredictable. Ferrari are all over the shop. Lotus seems a smidge behind on race pace but don’t count them out at all. What’s more, Williams is only a little way behind this group now. It’s great to see both the team from Enstone and the team from Grove regularly in the points again. Raikkonen is feisty but his tyres fell off just slightly too early for him. Maybe the best thing about Lotus so far is the way Grosjean has been going, okay not his finishing record which has been awful, but he’s been fast and racy and that’s what we like to see. At last he was rewarded with a good points finish. Sauber returned to their normal level as we mostly expected. Force India seems to have turned as invisible as Felipe Massa, I really don’t remember anything from their recent races apart from Paul di Resta’s helmet camera. See also Toro Rosso and Caterham. Jiading, Shanghai, China |1||Nico Rosberg||Mercedes W03||Mercedes| |2||Jenson Button||McLaren MP4-27||Mercedes| |3||Lewis Hamilton||McLaren MP4-27||Mercedes| |4||Mark Webber||Red Bull RB8||Renault| |5||Sebastian Vettel||Red Bull RB8||Renault| |6||Romain Grosjean||Lotus E20||Renault| |7||Bruno Senna||Williams FW34||Renault| |8||Pastor Maldonado||Williams FW34||Renault| Not a Ferrari engine in sight! What a contrast to the 1-2 at Sepang. Norbert Haug looked very pleased on the podium not only with the win but also a top three for his engines! I think the improvement of Williams is in no small part down to the switch to Renault, much as Caterham’s was when they caught the main field. Hamilton holds the lead with a run of three straight 3rds, which beats Button’s 1st, 2nd and DNF. It looks as though the McLaren drivers are the ones to beat in the championship this year at this early stage. The only drivers not yet to register a top ten points finish are those from Caterham, Marussia and HRT….. and Ferrari’s Felipe Massa. This can’t in any way be an acceptable position for the Scuderia. McLaren hold the early advantage, Red Bull aren’t far away but they will need to work on their race pace or hope for unreliability among the silver cars. I expect the fight for 3rd to be between Ferrari and Mercedes. This weekend: Bahrain Grand Prix, Sakhir, Bahrain I’ll be writing further thoughts on Bahrain tomorrow.
Covid-19 may have taken the shine off celebrating the Festival of Lights last year, but the grand festival is set to make a joyful comeback this year. Recognising jewellery as a significant element of Deepavali celebration, Malaysia’s premier homegrown jeweller, HABIB, offers an array of dazzling collections that can cater for the festivities, in line with their campaign theme this year, HABIB Goes Bollywood. With Deepavali fast approaching, HABIB is inspired by the vibrant and captivating Bollywood style. Symbolising the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness, Deepavali or Diwali is celebrated by millions of people across the world, including Malaysian Indians, with gold being a fundamental feature of Hinduism and Indian tradition for thousands of years. Dhanteras, which marks the beginning of Diwali, is also one of the most auspicious days to make major purchases, especially for new, shiny items including gold jewellery. Senior General Manager, Sales & Marketing, HABIB, Mohd Zaruddin Mahmud remarked on the importance of gold jewellery during Deepavali celebration, “The importance of gold jewellery in celebrating Deepavali cannot be underestimated, as gold and gold ornaments are integral to the Indian culture. Traditionally, gold has been synonymous with the festivity for its various religious and cultural attachments. And with the spirit of celebrations in the air, Deepavali also calls for people to dress up in their finest attires in bright and bold colors and not to forget, donning new jewellery, as this symbolises auspiciousness, success and wealth. HABIB carries a wide range of diamond and Oro Italia 916 gold jewellery, the perfect match to dazzle and complement bright and captivating Bollywood looks.” “For Indian women especially, aside from dangling chandelier gold earrings, the celebration will not be complete without gold chains, statement necklaces and stacked bangles. For our HABIB Goes Bollywood campaign this year, we have put together our most popular Oro Italia 916 collection to complement the beautiful vibrant and embellished sarees and lengha dresses. The fine craftsmanship of the Oro Italia 916 collection of the Stella and Cavo bangles for instance, when stacked together and matched with the Grande and Ananas gold necklaces, all perfectly complement with the collection’s dangling earrings. The fine craftsmanship and versatile designs make the Oro Italia 916 collection all the more special, which have won the hearts of many Malaysians,” added Zaruddin. For the HABIB Goes Bollywood campaign, Neha Verma, Miss Universe Malaysia third runner-up and Miss HABIB 2020, serves as the face of the campaign, which highlights bold colors and festive jewellery trends including stacked bangles, layered necklaces and statement diamond pieces. Gifting is also another important tradition during Deepavali. With more and more people realising the value of gold investment, gifting of gold and diamond jewellery makes a great option. Neha Verma, is the face of HABIB Goes Bollywood campaign. She is adorned with a combination of Oro Italia 916 collection comprising Stella and Cavo broad embroidered bangles, with layering of the Oro Italia 916 Grande and Ananas necklaces. Commenting on the campaign, Neha Verma, stated that, “Deepavali is indeed a colourful festival of lights and happiness, and things are definitely looking much brighter this year as we are finally able to celebrate with our family and friends, both near and far, after having gone through months of lockdown. However, no Deepavali celebration is complete without a touch of gold jewellery. My personal favorite jewellery style for Deepavali is stacked bangles as I love how a combination of bangles neatly stacked can elevate any look. I am honored to be a part of this campaign that values our culture and I thank HABIB for the opportunity.” For a new change of Deepavali style, diamonds are also another option that one can be spoilt for choice. Neha Verma looks stunning wearing HABIB’s exclusive diamond collections. No matter the colours and design of the outfits, statement diamond pieces can elevate any look. As part of the campaign, HABIB is highlighting unique designs from its Oro Italia 916® collection, as well as its line of exclusive diamond sets and pieces. The jewellery line is available in multi-colour of 22K yellow, white and rose gold, while the exclusive diamond collection is adorned with a variety of diamonds all set in 18K white gold. For more information on the HABIB Goes Bollywood campaign, please visit HABIB’s website or follow their social media pages on Instagram and Facebook respectively.
How are leaders developed at Army and Navy Academy? It’s a combination of scholarship and service learning. An essential piece of the leadership education process is teaching Cadets to apply their classroom lessons to the real world. Therefore, we invest considerable time in exposing Cadets to learning opportunities outside of campus. Last school year, for example, ANA Cadets participated in four nationwide educational and leadership programs – Harvard Model Congress; Model United Nations; Rotary Youth Leadership Awards; and Leadership Ethics, Aspirations, and Determination. Each of these programs serves to develop better leaders, building on the Academy’s Leadership Education Training (LET) curriculum. Harvard Model Congress (HMC) is a student-led government simulation that occurs in a number of cities around the world. HMC Boston began in the 1980s, and Army and Navy Academy has participated since its inception. Students from around the country, and even some international students, gather together to act as members of Congress, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the World Bank, Supreme Court Justices, and a variety of other governmental agencies. In March of 2015, a team of Cadets traveled to Boston, our nation’s cradle of liberty, to debate, pass bills, and explore the dynamic nature of the United States government and its politics and processes. Then, they enjoyed a favorite HMC tradition – dinner at America’s oldest restaurant, the Union Oyster House. It was the perfect end to a trip that these emerging leaders will never forget. Following on the heels of the successful trip to Boston, another team of Cadets participated in the Academy’s first Model United Nations Conference. Cadets formed into teams of two, and each represented a different country – Spain, France, Iran, and Malaysia. Each duo presented a speech that outlined their country’s stance on two different topics, domestic violence against women and the Ukraine/Russia crisis. Then, they collaborated with other teams from Southern California and Mexico to work through the issues in the same way that the United Nations would. In addition to the two educational programs above, three deserving Cadets were selected to participate in the Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) and Leadership Ethics, Aspirations and Determination (LEAD) conferences. Each of these programs recognizes deserving students with an all-expenses paid weekend seminar featuring exceptional speakers, group discussion, and team building exercises. A key piece of leadership training is development of good citizenship through service to others. At the Academy, service is more than a platitude – it is backed up by action with the support of the Associated Student Body and JROTC teams. One standout service project from last year was the Interact Club’s program, Cadets for Vets. This is an ongoing campus activity, where Cadets collect clothing, shoes, and blankets for homeless Veterans. After major collections, they bring the items to the Veterans Hospital in Los Angeles in conjunction with the hospital’s Homeless Outreach Liaison, Dr. Barbara Kennedy (Ian ’16). Another favorite service project is the annual JROTC-sponsored Scripps Hospital disaster simulation. During the simulation, Cadet volunteers act out different roles to help Scripps personnel test their emergency response skills. These events are just a small sampling of the comprehensive effort, both on and off campus, to focus on service above self as an indispensable attribute of a good citizen. As the Academy continues to build on its 105 years of tradition, the entire team remains focused on strengthening these lessons. John Quincy Adams’ insightful words, to “learn more, do more, and become more,” underscore the school’s sustained pledge for excellence in scholarship, service, and character.
Writer: Rojana Manowalailao, ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems Upon the completion of ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN SAS), the project in collaboration with Thailand Department of Agriculture will conduct the Regional Knowledge Sharing Consultation in April 2017, which is one of the project activities agreed at its 8th Steering Committee Meeting (SCM) attended by delegates of Ministries of Agriculture from ASEAN Member States. The SCM was hosted by Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry, Malaysia, GIZ and ASEAN Secretariat on 7-8 December 2016 and held for the first time in Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur. “We would like to look at the topic of ASEAN sustainable agrifood systems beyond our project and promote it further to partners who address similar concerns and in a broader context,” said Mr. Suriyan Vichitlekarn, Senior Regional Advisor of ASEAN SAS. “At the end of 2017 it will be the end of this project’s phase and we would like to use the project completion as a platform to discuss how various issues related to sustainable agrifood systems in ASEAN could be linked and developed as the policy and recommendations as part of supporting food security and competiveness of agriculture particularly crop sector in ASEAN,” said Mr. Suriyan. The Regional Knowledge Sharing Consultation was one of the project’s future activities proposed to the Steering Committee members for their support at the recent SCM. The countries attended included Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Mr. Soeun Mak, Deputy Director General of General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Cambodia said Cambodia would support the coordination and facilitation in transferring the knowledge and output and outcome of the project. Among the 2017 activities, ASEAN Cooperation on Crops website would be established to share successful sustainable technologies and management systems to facilitate and strengthen the cooperation on this topic among ASEAN Member States. The website would integrate information that contributed to promoting sustainable agrifood systems as well as the ASEAN Bio-Inputs Database which now exists in the ASEAN SAS website. Thailand’s Department of Agriculture is designated to host the ASEAN Cooperation on Crops website with technical support from ASEAN SAS. Thailand will appoint a regional focal point to serve as the website and database manager for the ASEAN Cooperation on Crops website and bio input database. Each ASEAN Member State will appoint the national focal point to coordinate with expert groups in the country for update on activities, upcoming events, including photos and videos and also to screen the contents before submission to the regional focal point for posting in the website. Regarding SCM, Dr. Surmsuk Salakpetch, Deputy Director General of Department of Agriculture, Thailand said: “Having the committee in steering the project is very important in order to keep track on the progress of the project, and also to help find solutions when there are challenges and obstacles to push the project forward. “In my opinion, the recent steering committee meeting is better than the other previous ones. I think the representatives who attended the meetings become to know their roles and responsibilities better. In the previous meetings, it was a usual case to have a few new faces coming and going, and when people did not understand about the project well enough, it was possible that when they took their roles as the steering committee at the meetings, they would talk in a way that was not a focus or the interest of the project, and it could take a lot of time in discussing what was not quite relevant to the project itself. “Therefore, to receive fruitful opinions from the steering committees that are the focal points of each ASEAN Member States, their roles and responsibilities have to be well stated. Like this recent meeting, it flew quite smoothly and in the meantime met the objectives and the programme agenda of the meeting. And everyone stayed quite in focus to the agenda and voices their ideas and suggestions very actively and reciprocally, which made the discussion and the meeting very productive and very interesting,” said Dr. Surmsuk. Thailand agreed to host the 9th SCM at the end of April 2017 in Bangkok. The Regional Knowledge Sharing Consultation on Sustainable Agrifood Systems will be organised back to back with the 9th SCM. “When I first joined the steering committee of ASEAN SAS project which is three years ago, I admitted that I like the name very much. Its name, Sustainable Agrifood Systems, covers the whole system of agriculture and we can do so many things under this name for ASEAN Member countries. And, the key word is sustainable. “Now, roughly one year remains till the end of project. And one of the key successes whether the project will be succeeded or not is the steering committee and the advices from the committee. It is left to project how the meeting’s discussion and advice would be well taken and how the project team could push and deliver in this one year a tangible result to meet its well set objectives,” said Deputy Director General Dr. Surmsuk of Department of Agriculture, Thailand.
Here at Borneo Travel we love nothing better than writing about the amazing places that you can visiting on this vast and wondrous Island. From the fabulous wildlife to the awe-inspiring treks amongst the rain forests and mountains – there is something for everyone. This time we wanted to write a little post about the beautiful state of Sarawak in Malaysia. Let’s start by stating that Sarawak is a place of historical and cultural wonders. It offers an escape from the tourist rich areas of Borneo, offering a more tranquil and escapist experience for those looking for such excursions. Sarawak is located in the Northwest of the island of Borneo, bordered by the Malaysian state of Sabah to the north east, Kalimantan to the South and Brunei to the north. The capital of Sarawak is Kuching which, of course, is also the seat of the government in this state. Sarawak has tropical rainforests and amazing wildlife and plant species as one could imagine. It is home to the Gunung Malu National Park which has many cave systems. Sarwak also has the largest river in Malaysia, the Rajang River as well as one of the largest dams (Bakun Dam). Sarawak can trace its earliest known human inhabitants back 40,000 years as evident in the settlement found at Niah Caves. An amazing place to explore for singles, couples and groups, Sarawak has an abundance of cultural delights just waiting to amaze and help you really understand the culture and people of this state. Your trip around Sarawak can be as peaceful or as full of adventure as you like! For instance: Mountains & Jungle Trekking to Cave Exploration You can enjoy trekking around the mountains and jungles, go exploring the caverns or climb the rock faces that have challenged many an explorer. Go diving amongst the coral reefs and explore the sea life that can take your breath away and leave you with life-long memories that you will want to share with others! Nature & Protected Habitats You can take part in tours around the vast protected areas, national parks and wildlife sanctuaries – the enormous rainforests and nature reserves too. You may see the worlds largest flower, the Rafflesia, and many different animal species including, of course, the Orangutans and Proboscis monkeys. Borneo Malaysian UNESCO Heritage Site Sarawak is proud to also be home to the Mulu National Park which is a UNESCO heritage site. It was awarded this status in 2000, meeting all criteria needed to achieve such a designation when only 1 is required! It is rare to meet all 4 which are: - Be an outstanding example of the world’s geological history. - Be an outstanding representative example of on-going evolutionary processes. - Be of exceptional natural beauty. - Contain significant natural habitat for in-situ conservation of biological diversity and the protection of threatened species It is a wondrous place to visit and one that serves much to protect the endangered species as ecological well-being that we at Borneo Travel also encourage and uphold. Visitors to this great place can also choose one of many cycling treks. Cycling can help you get from place to place in great style but also allows you to explore places that you may not be able to get by car or other vehicle types. Food and Festivals You will be spoilt for choice at the culinary delights on offer! Sarawak has some amazing dishes for you to try, from the jungle midin fern dish to the beautiful kolo mee – you really will be spoilt for choice! You will also, dependent on dates, be able to take par some spectacular festivals, from the festival of thanksgiving, Gawai, to the 3 day Rainforest World Music Festival! So you can see. When Borneo Travel says that there’s lots to see and do in Sarawak, we really do mean it! Don’t forget that this is one part of Borneo and there is lots more to explore too! Why not contact Borneo Travel today to discuss your greatest adventure! - Bird Watching Borneo - Borneo Holidays Travel Information - Borneo Luxury Honeymoons - Borneo Travel Gaim Heritage Route - Borneo Travel Guide – for all travellers to Borneo - Borneo Travel Home - Borneo Travel Motorbike Tour Sabah - Borneo Travel Tips - Exclusive Borneo Travel Cycling Tours - School Trips Lot 38, Block E, Jalan Damai Plaza 4, Luyang Commercial Centre, 88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Office Telephone : +447866491496 We are Travel Trust Association member R6403 [TTA R6403]
In September 2017, a Hungarian trading house was inaugurated in Eastern China, in the city of Zhengzhou. The office was part of a network established by the Hungarian government, with the goal of boosting the export of Hungarian companies. However, instead of a member of the governing Fidesz party, it was an opposition politician who took the main role at the event: a golden board with the name of the new office was unveiled by Lajos Oláh, a member of the Democratic Coalition (DK), which has become the strongest opposition party in recent months. Although DK has repeatedly criticized the scandal-ridden trading house network, Oláh has repeatedly appeared close to it. Direkt36 has found a link between the politician’s environment and the officials of a company that used to operate Hungarian trading houses in China before 2018. Although last year the trading house system underwent a major overhaul, it remained connected to Oláh: offices in China are now operated by an acquaintance of Oláh, for 23 million forints (70 thousand euros) per month. In the area of Chinese relations, Oláh established an apparently harmonious relationship with the government. One of the spectacular signs of this is the Great Wall Hungarian-Chinese Friendship Association, led by Oláh. The organization was established in 2012, its members included several well-known Hungarian entrepreneurs and its events are frequently attended by Minister of Foreign Affairs Péter Szijjártó. On one such occasion, Szijjártó was talking about how the government and the opposition think similarly about many issues. Oláh Lajos told Direkt36 that he had started to deal with China, and he has never consulted with the government about his viewpoints. He said that he is not involved in the work of the trading houses “in any way”. He attended the opening ceremony of the office in Zhengzhou upon the request of the Hungarian embassy in China, but he was not involved in organizing the event. The state company responsible for export development said that the Zhengzhou office did not receive any state support, there was only professional cooperation between the office and the state company’s predecessor. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not respond to our questions. Oláh is not the only opposition politician in Hungary who, in the background, has managed to get close to the government’s businesses. Direkt36 earlier reported that the companies of Gergő Czeglédy, a politician of the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP), received orders from state-owned companies together with members of the Fidesz business circle. He chose China consciously The 50-year-old Lajos Oláh’s political career started in MSZP in the early 2000s. In 2003, he was elected as one of the party’s local presidents in Hajdú-Bihar, an Eastern county of Hungary. He became an MP in 2006, and, under the socialist governments (2002-2010), he served as secretary of state for the environment, then later for transport, communications and energy. In October 2011 – when the socialists were already in opposition – Oláh was one of ten MPs that left MSZP after former Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány announced that he would establish a new party, DK. Oláh never belonged to Gyurcsány’s closest circles, bur he maintained a close friendship with some confidants of the former PM. Although Oláh is not a front-line politician of DK, he was able to win a parliamentary seat in a central-Budapest individual constituency both in 2014 and 2018. His acquaintances describe Oláh as a pragmatic person who is good at networking and is able to mediate between opposing parties. An acquaintance described him as a “businessman”, who “navigates according to business principles also in politics”. Many pointed out that although Oláh currently has no business interests, his family members own several profitable companies. There are more than a dozen companies in which the politician’s wife and brother used to have or still have interest. One of the most interesting of these is Rossimo Ltd, producing over 1 billion forints (3 million euros) of annual revenue in recent years. The company, which manages hotels, dormitories and workers’ accommodations, was majority-owned by the politician’s brother until October 2018. Last January, it was reported that the company signed a four-billion-forint (12-million-euro) framework contract with the Budapest Metropolitan Police to house policemen. The contract was won in consortium with one it the companies of Lőrinc Mészáros, a close friend of PM Viktor Orbán. The Great Wall It was apparently also for pragmatic reasons that Lajos Oláh became interested in China. One of his close acquaintances said that, as a career politician, Oláh was deliberately looking for a potentially fashionable issue that could offer him opportunities. This is how the politician, who loves traveling and hiking, discovered China for himself. He became a member of the Hungarian-Chinese Friendship Group of the Parliament already in 2006, and, since last year, he is the vice-president of the group. According to his friends, Oláh likes to boast about how he entrenched himself in this area. “When we meet, he usually talks about his upcoming journeys to China, or the next Chinese delegation coming here,” one of them said. According to the source, Oláh can speak with great enthusiasm about China’s revival as a major global power. He thinks that “China is the future”, and this is why he considered important that his children also learn Chinese. Another old friend said that when they met in Budapest a few years ago, Oláh told them that he wanted to set up a Chinese medicine center in Hungary. Oláh told Direkt36 that he indeed supported an initiative to establish a Chinese-Indian health centre, but the project was not implemented in the end. Oláh is currently a board member of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Foundation for European Health, founded in 2013 by former PM Péter Medgyessy. Oláh told Direkt36 that he travels to China once or twice a year, for example when he is “invited to give lectures at universities or to attend cultural events”. He said that these trips are never financed from public money. However, he did receive some help from the Foreign Ministry: ahead of his official visits, the ministry’s staff prepared briefings”. In an earlier interview, Szijjártó also said that his ministry is happy to help MPs to prepare for their official trips abroad, regardless of their political affiliation. It is not common, however, that Fidesz politicians appear and speak publicly in great harmony with the members of the opposition. Thus, it is also unusual that Szijjártó regularly attends the events of Oláh’s association, the Great Wall Hungarian-Chinese Friendship Association. The organization was established in 2012 with the aim to develop economic, diplomatic and cultural relations between the two countries and also to cooperate with the Chinese community living in Hungary. Oláh is currently one of the chairmen of the association, while the other is Cao Heping, a Chinese businessman who has bought several stores in Hungary in recent years. Several prominent entrepreneurs have been members of the association, including Róbert Cselovszki, chairman of Erste Investment Ltd, billionaire Ferenc Kedves, a wealthy pet food producer, and Miklós Ináncsy, a businessman who had sold lands to Adnan Polat, a Turkish friend of Viktor Orbán. It was also at the initiative of the association that the so-called Chinese-Hungarian Friendship Award was established, which annually recognizes those that have done a lot for Chinese-Hungarian relations. Lajos Oláh said in an interview that Szijjártó had also supported the initiative. Oláh said that “in line with international diplomatic practice,” the current foreign minister and the current Chinese ambassador are asked to award the prizes. Szijjártó regularly attends the award ceremony. He participated in the very first event held in the parliament in 2013, when he was a Secretary of State of the Prime Minister’s Office. He said at the event that “the strengthening of Hungarian-Chinese relations should not be a questions of party politics, the government and the opposition are working together in the issue of cooperation with China”. Szijjártó also attended the event in 2015, when former socialist PM Péter Medgyessy received an award. Trading Houses in China Oláh also has other ties to the government: he has several acquaintances around the trading house network, overseen by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Hungarian government created the Hungarian National Trading House Ltd. (MNKH) at the end of 2012, as part of its so-called Eastern Opening Policy, an attempt to reorient the country’s trade policy. The MNKH contracted private companies to operate local trading houses around the world, with the aim of supporting the export activities of Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises. In 2016, a company called Asia Projects Ltd. won a contract to operate trading houses in China. Magyar Nemzet reported the MNKH had already concluded a strategic agreement with the company before announcing the result of the tender, in spite of the fact that the company had no revenue before. It was not reported, however, that the company had links to Oláh’s environment. The owner of the company that won the tender was Tamás Polyák, who had been a business partner of Oláh’s brother for many years. (When the brother of Oláh became the co-owner of Party Ice Hungary Ltd. in 2014, Polyák was also elected as one of the managers of the company.) Oláh did not respond to Direkt36’s questions whether he knows Polyák, but he noted that he does not follow his business activities and he does not do business with him. However, Polyák did not stay in the company for long. A few weeks after Asia Projects won the trading house tender worth more than 200 million forints (0,6 million euros), Polyák sold his shares to a Chinese-owned company. Later on, however, another person who is in contact with Oláh appeared in Asia Projects Ltd. She is Teng Wei Na, who became the manager of the trading house company in June 2018. The 47-year-old Chinese woman living in Hungary is the vice-president of the Hungarian-Chinese Cultural Association, while her brother is the editor of a popular Chinese weekly newspaper in Hungary, New Herald. Teng Wei Na was earlier awarded by Károly Kontrát, the State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior, for her “invaluable translation services” provided for the Hungarian Police Sport Association. Earlier this year, the pro-government TV2 also invited her to a morning show to talk about the traditions and typical dishes of the Chinese New Year. Teng Wei Na and Oláh told Direkt36 that they had met “many years ago” at an event of the Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school. They are friends on Facebook, and we have identified several events that they had both attended. Both were present in 2016 when the association of Oláh – in the presence of Szijjártó and the Chinese ambassador – signed a cooperation agreement with a school and a cultural association for a Chinese-Hungarian student exchange program. They also both attended the opening ceremony of the Hungarian trading house office in Zhengzhou in September 2017. According to Oláh, the Chinese article that reported about the event contained factual mistakes, so he had the article removed from the website. However, it is visible on the original pictures and videos that Oláh and Teng Wei Na were present at the event, and that – together with a Chinese official – Oláh was the one unveiling a golden board with the name of the new office. Oláh told Direkt36 that he was invited to Zhengzhou by the “local Chinese leaders” to hold a lecture at a university, and he attended the opening ceremony of the local trading house upon the request of the Hungarian embassy. According to Oláh, this event was actually a conference, where he also gave a presentation, and he was asked to participate in the unveiling “probably because he was the highest-ranking Hungarian attendee of the event”. Oláh claimed that the embassy had earlier informed him that the Hungarian state does not provide financing neither for the event, nor for the office of the trading house. According to Teng Wei Na, she opened the office “together with her friends and the local municipality”. Oláh’s acquaintance in the new system However, the operation of the trading house system was tainted by severe financial losses and various scandals. For example, it was reported that several companies contracted by MNKH were owned by people close to the government. Opposition parties, including DK, fiercely criticised the system. Last summer, the government decided to revamp the trading house network. The old contracts for operating trading houses were terminated, and it was announced that a new export promotion network would be set up, covering larger regions. (Direkt36 revealed in March that the government only made an exception with the company of Adnan Polat, Viktor Orbán’s Turkish friend: his contract was the only one that remained in effect.) So far, new tenders have been announced for four regions: China, Japan, Russia and the Balkans. The tender for China – worth 23 million forints monthly (70 thousand euros) and also covering Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia – was awarded last autumn to Europe Asia Ltd. The company had been established just two months before winning the tender. The company’s owner, however, is not unknown on the market: it is Oláh’s acquaintance, Teng Wei Na, the same woman that had also participated in the old trading house system. Oláh has never spoken publicly about the trading houses, he rather expresses his interest in Chinese culture and emphasises the importance of Chinese language teaching. He claims to have talked about similar topics when the Chinese Foreign Minister visited Hungary, and met Viktor Orbán, Péter Szijjártó and also Oláh Lajos. It is unclear what exactly happened at this meeting, because – in spite of the fact that Oláh was the only opposition politician who met with the Chinese foreign minister – neither DK, neither Oláh issued press releases about the meeting. Oláh only reacted when news website Azonnali revealed that the meeting actually happened: he said that at the meeting, they “mainly talked about issues that are mostly connected to his private life”. He told Direkt36 that he could only share details of the meeting if he had preliminary agreed on that with the Chinese foreign minister. As this did not happen, he could only say that their topics were education and culture. Karen Chang contributed to this report. For the Hungarian company data we used the services of Opten.
YoGood Giveaway | Cocoa Biscuits and Cereal Biscuits | Assalamualaikum and Olla everyone! It is an open secret that I have a soft spot for YoGood products. I mean how could I not? I love the fact that their products contained no preservative, no colouring and any msg. We all know how hard it is to find an honest product in the market right? Expecially when it comes to our kids. I am extra coutious with anything I feed to Sofea. Want her digestive system to be a pure as it can be for as long as it could. Well today, I am introducing to you 2 latest products by Yogood Junior. It is YoGood juniour Cocoa Biscuits and YoGood juniour Cereal Biscuits. Both equally yummy! Let’s start with YoGood Junior Cocoa Biscuits. This cute biscuit came with a football theme. I am like what?? so cute lah… Plus it contained 6 vitamins, calcium and Iron for extra goodness for your little one. It came in a container that looks like a milk pack but it actually contained cocoa biscuits. Your kids couldenjoy it as it is or could always dunk it into a their favourite beverage. Imagine dunking them into a warm chocolate drink. Even adult could get tempted as well haha.. The other one we have here is the YoGood Juniour Cereal Biscuits. This one have a safari theme. They have 6 cute animals design for the biscuits. You can spot a bear, tiger, hippo, elephant and also lion in this range. A box of YoGood Juniour Cereal Biscuits contained 12 single packs and each pack have 4 units of animal shaped biscuits. I like the fact that it is pack in a small quantities because It is easier to slot a pack or two into my hand bag when for some snack time with my daughter. If you are mum who always on the run, it is also nice to bring a few pack and pass it to your lil one as breakfast on the go. This cereal biscuits also contained cereals, Iron and Vitamins. Both of the products are made in Spain and ofcause halal. Have you tried them any of them before? If you havent, you have come to th right place as I will be giving out each boxes to 3 Winners. All you need to do is fill up the task in the raflecopter below. All the best and thank you for dropping by at my humble page. Looking forward to your entries! Terms and conditions : 1. Open to ALL my readers in Malaysia. 2. Contest period is from 3 Jun - 10 Jun 2016 . 3. You will need only to answer one (1) simple questions on YoGood Junior in the comment section in the giveaway blogpost. 4. The three (3) correct entries will be picked via raffle copter system will win 2 sets of YoGood Junior so each winner will win 1 unit of YoGood Junior Cocoa Biscuits and 1 unit of Yogood Junior Cereal Biscuits. 5. Three (3) winners will be announced within 7 days after the contest ended. * Product courtesy by YoGood. As usual, I will test and review products or services regardless of whether they have been sent to me or not with honesty. Unless stated so in the post or marked with an asterisk, all products featured on this blog have been bought with my own hard-earned pennies. I started this blog to give my two pennies worth of thought and have fun along the way and that is exactly how this blog shall remain.
Fungal Planet description sheets: 1042–1111 Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Antarctica, Cladosporium arenosum from marine sediment sand. Argentina, Kosmimatamyces alatophylus (incl. Kosmimatamyces gen. nov.) from soil. Australia, Aspergillus banksianus, Aspergillus kumbius, Aspergillus luteorubrus, Aspergillus malvicolor and Aspergillus nanangensis from soil, Erysiphe medicaginis from leaves of Medicago polymorpha, Hymenotorrendiella communis on leaf litter of Eucalyptus bicostata, Lactifluus albopicri and Lactifluus austropiperatus on soil, Macalpinomyces collinsiae on Eriachne benthamii, Marasmius vagus on soil, Microdochium dawsoniorum from leaves of Sporobolus natalensis, Neopestalotiopsis nebuloides from leaves of Sporobolus elongatus, Pestalotiopsis etonensis from leaves of Sporobolus jacquemontii, Phytophthora personensis from soil associated with dying Grevillea mccutcheonii. Brazil, Aspergillus oxumiae from soil, Calvatia baixaverdensis on soil, Geastrum calycicoriaceum on leaf litter, Greeneria kielmeyerae on leaf spots of Kielmeyera coriacea. Chile, Phytophthora aysenensis on collar rot and stem of Aristotelia chilensis. Croatia, Mollisia gibbospora on fallen branch of Fagus sylvatica. Czech Republic, Neosetophoma hnaniceana from Buxus sempervirens. Ecuador, Exophiala frigidotolerans from soil. Estonia, Elaphomyces bucholtzii in soil. France, Venturia paralias from leaves of Euphorbia paralias. India, Cortinarius balteatoindicus and Cortinarius ulkhagarhiensis on leaf litter. Indonesia, Hymenotorrendiella indonesiana on Eucalyptus urophylla leaf litter. Italy, Penicillium taurinense from indoor chestnut mill. Malaysia, Hemileucoglossum kelabitense on soil, Satchmopsis pini on dead needles of Pinus tecunumanii. Poland, Lecanicillium praecognitum on insects' frass. Portugal, Neodevriesia aestuarina from saline water. Republic of Korea, Gongronella namwonensis from freshwater. Russia, Candida pellucida from Exomias pellucidus, Heterocephalacria septentrionalis as endophyte from Cladonia rangiferina, Vishniacozyma phoenicis from dates fruit, Volvariella paludosa from swamp. Slovenia, Mallocybe crassivelata on soil. South Africa, Beltraniella podocarpi, Hamatocanthoscypha podocarpi, Coleophoma podocarpi and Nothoseiridium podocarpi (incl. Nothoseiridium gen. nov.)from leaves of Podocarpus latifolius, Gyrothrix encephalarti from leaves of Encephalartos sp., Paraphyton cutaneum from skin of human patient, Phacidiella alsophilae from leaves of Alsophila capensis, and Satchmopsis metrosideri on leaf litter of Metrosideros excelsa. Spain, Cladophialophora cabanerensis from soil, Cortinarius paezii on soil, Cylindrium magnoliae from leaves of Magnolia grandiflora, Trichophoma cylindrospora (incl. Trichophoma gen. nov.) from plant debris, Tuber alcaracense in calcareus soil, Tuber buendiae in calcareus soil. Thailand, Annulohypoxylon spougei on corticated wood, Poaceascoma filiforme from leaves of unknown Poaceae. UK, Dendrostoma luteum on branch lesions of Castanea sativa, Ypsilina buttingtonensis from heartwood of Quercus sp. Ukraine, Myrmecridium phragmiticola from leaves of Phragmites australis. USA, Absidia pararepens from air, Juncomyces californiensis (incl. Juncomyces gen. nov.) from leaves of Juncus effusus, Montagnula cylindrospora from a human skin sample, Muriphila oklahomaensis (incl. Muriphila gen. nov.)on outside wall of alcohol distillery, Neofabraea eucalyptorum from leaves of Eucalyptus macrandra, Diabolocovidia claustri (incl. Diabolocovidia gen. nov.)from leaves of Serenoa repens, Paecilomyces penicilliformis from air, Pseudopezicula betulae from leaves of leaf spots of Populus tremuloides. Vietnam, Diaporthe durionigena on branches of Durio zibethinus and Roridomyces pseudoirritans on rotten wood. Morphological and culture characteristics are supported by DNA barcodes. Document Type: Research Article Publication date: June 29, 2020 This article was made available online on June 29, 2020 as a Fast Track article with title: "Fungal Planet description sheets: 1042–1111". More about this publication? - Persoonia aims to publish papers dealing with molecular phylogeny and evolution of fungi. A further aim is to promote fungal taxonomy by employing a polythetic approach to clarify the true phylogeny and relationships within the kingdom Fungi. The journal publishes high-quality papers elucidating known and novel fungal taxa at the DNA level, and also strives to present novel insights into evolutionary processes and relationships. Papers to be considered include research articles and reviews. Papers are published using a Fast Track system. This implies that the papers are immediately published online and freely available through the internet via this website. Volumes appear twice a year (June and December). From Volume 36 onwards (2016) hard copy volumes will only be made available through printing-on-demand. The issues can be ordered separately through the Publication Division of Naturalis Biodiversity Center; e-mail: [email protected] Persoonia is a journal published jointly by the Naturalis Biodiversity Center and the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute. - Editorial Board - Information for Authors - Subscribe to this Title - Back issues for Persoonia - Persoonia Supplement Series - Ingenta Connect is not responsible for the content or availability of external websites - Access Key - Free content - Partial Free content - New content - Open access content - Partial Open access content - Subscribed content - Partial Subscribed content - Free trial content
Luno Is Now a Part of the Growing Digital Currency Group DCG is already a major firm considering it owns the institutional crypto trading platform Grayscale. Just a few months ago, the company posted more than $1 billion in trades for its second quarter, meaning that customers had to be trading more than $300 million each month for about three months. That’s some mega trading activity right there. In addition, the company also owns crypto media pages and mining firms. Its purchase of Luno is going to expand DCG’s power across the planet, as the exchange is currently set to stretch out into the Middle East and South America. Chief executive of Luno Marcus Swanepoel stated in a recent interview: Luno is a high growth global business, and there is a massive opportunity to expand organically and through acquisitions. We have been extremely impressed with the Luno team since we made our initial investment. Since first rising to prominence, DCG has offered financial backing to approximately 160 crypto or blockchain-based startups and enterprises. It first provided the necessary funds to Luno six years ago in 2014, giving the exchange money to get its initial operations off the ground. At the time of writing, Luno currently boasts more than 400 employees and about five million users in over 40 countries. Regional offices are situated within the borders of Indonesia, South Africa, Nigeria and Malaysia, and its customer base has grown exponentially since the beginning of the year. One of the reasons for such a huge burst in customer usage, according to blockchain analysis firm Chainalysis, is that regions of South America, Africa and Asia are beginning to show newfound interest in digital trading. Swanepoel recently mentioned: We’ve carved out a big business in the emerging markets. We’re quite dominant in South Africa and Southeast Asia. The Middle East and Latin America are interesting and expansion there will accelerate. Seeing Crypto in a Whole New Light In addition, he comments that the coronavirus pandemic has really put the limitations of fiat currencies in perspective for many people, and as a result, individuals are quickly turning to assets like bitcoin to hedge their wealth and keep themselves safe during these harsh economic times. He states: We’re seeing crypto starting to flip into the mainstream, and this [deal with DCG] seemed to be the best way for Luno to upgrade more people the best way we can… DCG doesn’t want to flip the company in two or three years. There’s a long-term vision to rebuild the entire financial system. Swanepoel says that he is hoping DCG’s acquisition of Luno will potentially lead to a customer base of over one billion people by the year 2030.
Whistleblower site WikiLeaks has denied publishing bank account details that purportedly belong to PKR president-elect Anwar Ibrahim. WikiLeaks said it was alerted of reported claims made by former Gerakan secretary-general Liang Teck Meng against Anwar, citing details purportedly leaked and published on its website. "Claims spread in Malaysia that @WikiLeaks published @anwaribrahim's bank account details are false. Liang Tech (sic) Meng is pushing a fabrication. "WikiLeaks has published significant information about Malaysian politicians but not Mr Ibrahim's bank accounts," WikiLeaks said in a tweet last night. On Wednesday, website The Coverage reported Liang's claims that Anwar allegedly had millions stashed in a list of foreign bank accounts, and that the information was supposedly exposed by WikiLeaks. The Coverage article had no indications as to when the claim was made. When contacted, Liang confirmed that his remarks were not new and The Coverage had based its article on his reported statement from inside the Dewan Rakyat in 2013. "Overtaken by events. Please check all verbatim in Parliament in 2013," the former Simpang Renggam MP told Malaysiakini. "I am happy to see Wikileaks clarifying. "Right is right, wrong is wrong. That is my principle," said Liang who, however, questioned the reason for Wikileaks to respond to his claims only after nearly five years. Liang added it was also possible that certain quarters had once again played up the allegations against Anwar as he is one of the seven candidates in the Oct 13 Port Dickson by-election. In dismissing The Coverage article yesterday, PKR communications director Fahmi Fadzil issued a warning that the party would take action against those who continued to spread such unverified information through social media in an attempt to discredit Anwar.
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MSSA/CIDB 11th Open Ideas Competition 2018 Prize Award Ceremony “USM, huh! USM, huh! USM, huh!” Three cheers for Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) as they won big, making the hall erupt in triumphant cheers applauding not one, not two, but three deserving teams from USM who had managed to snatch all three top prizes in this year’s prestigious Open Ideas Competition (OIC)! Tirelessly organised by none other than the Malaysian Structural Steel Association (MSSA) supported by the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysia, this 11th instalment of the OIC 2018 event created history as the first time ever that contenders from a single university had managed to dominate the entire competition, putting the other six participating universities in the backseat. With the theme entitled, ‘REIMAGINE: MRT Stations’, or ReMS for short, university students of architectural and civil engineering disciplines from across the country went head to head in their attempt to impress the MSSA-appointed judges with their reimagined designs of existing elevated MRT stations. The task included the student participants to REVISIT an existing MRT station on the Kajang – Sungai Buloh line, to REIMAGINE the design of the chosen station without amending its base superstructure, and finally, to find a RESOLUTION that fitted the bill of having the structure to be made at least 50% out of structural steel whilst incorporating eco-friendly elements in its architectural design. “The idea was to simplify the tasks for the students by having them recreate only the top part of their chosen sites whilst working around their existing foundations,” stated the person responsible in coming up with the competition brief, Ar. Embong Mohamad from UiTM Puncak Alam, believing that this strategy would encourage more undergraduate students to partake in this esteemed competition. Bagging the main prize of the highly sought-after MSSA Challenge Trophy and a cash prize of RM10, 000 courtesy of CIDB Malaysia, the overall champion of the OIC 2018 ReMS went to the ever-so-humble team with the code 30013 from USM. Showing off their reimagined brainchild of the Damansara MRT station, the champions managed to impress the judges with their use of parabolic-shaped truss made of steel structure meant to increase the exposure of sunlight and air to their chosen station. What was interesting was that this team had taken into account the importance of being eco-friendly by going beyond the expectable solar panels whilst developing their ideas surrounding the theme of Recharge. Their team leader, Kelvin Ah Kian, explained that the idea of recharge here spanned both physical as well as spiritual strengths with potential users of the MRT station at the forefront of their grand plan. This combination of aesthetics as well sustainability goes to show what strong collaboration and cooperation between the fields of architecture and civil engineering can do. When asked what the team plans to do with their winning cash prize, all of them chorused, “Makan besar!” You very well deserved it, Team 30013. Having said that, the other two finalists also from USM did not disappoint with their ambitious designs inspired by traditional Malay cultures. Taking home the cash prize of RM7, 000 courtesy of AME Engineering Sdn. Bhd. as well as a commemorative plaque, the second prize winner went to Team 30020, whereas Team 30017 grabbed the third prize comprising of another plaque and RM5, 000 in cash courtesy of Bina Puri Holdings Bhd. The incorporation of the traditional papan cantik design into the Mutiara Damansara MRT station structure proved to be fruitful for the second prize winners as they integrated their design with the use of electricity-generating turbines oscillated by the wind produced by the moving trains. For third year student participant whose team it was to score themselves the runner-up position, Sharvin a/l M. Poovaneshvaran stated that this was his third time taking part in this OIC event and this win meant the world to him. “It is the drive to win and the cooperation from the entire team that led us to where we are now. I am happy to say that we finally did it!” As for the third prize winners, the typology of the Bandar Utama MRT station as well as their tenun-inspired interlacing design of the steel structured truss secured them their second runner-up position, beating other strong contending teams. Meanwhile, two consolation prizes with equal merit sponsored by Ann Yak Seong (AYS) Sdn. Bhd. and MSSA were awarded to Team 30023 from Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) and Team 30002 from Universiti Malaya (UM) respectively. Suffice to say, all student participants left the hall with happy hearts and smiling faces. The Prize Award Ceremony commemorating the success of the deserving team was held on the 29th of March 2018 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. As the current President of the MSSA, Dato’ Sri Ir. Dr. Roslan bin Md Taha had officiated the prestigious event in the presence of Mr. Vincent Lim Khai Wen as the Director of AME Engineering Sdn. Bhd., Mr. David Lee as Chief Financial Officer of Bina Puri Holdings Bhd., deans of the participating universities’ architectural and engineering departments, members of the Education Committee of MSSA, judges, supervisors of the OIC, as well as undergraduate student contenders of the competition. In his welcoming speech, the esteemed President of MSSA showered the floor with his utmost gratitude, aimed especially towards the sponsors and supporters of the competition without which the event would not have been a success. These celebrated sponsors included CIDB Malaysia, AME Engineering Industries Sdn. Bhd., Bina Puri Holdings Bhd., as well as AYS Hardware Sdn. Bhd. Before concluding that the MSSA, with the support from CIDB, will continue to work hand-in-hand to make next year’s OIC event even better, the President also expressed his confidence in the future generation of architects and civil engineers of the industry. “Nak kerja dengan saya, boleh. Tapi kena dapat 1st class dulu. Kalau dapat, tak payah interview pun tak apa,” the President added, hopefully not in jest. So guys, get working!
Marcelline Babicz has traveled the globe, working with businesses and government organizations to introduce organizational changes that reach across the barrier of cultural differences. She was working on organization development as head of the human resources department of a Tennessee consumer goods plant when she was recruited by an oil and gas joint venture in Siberia. Intrigued and excited, she packed her bags and headed to Russia. It would be the first of several international posts, as word spread in the international business community about her expertise and skill in multicultural organization change. She would later spend time working in the United Kingdom and Malaysia, and she spent years living and working in Qatar. Babicz also caught the eye of the U.S. government. Her clients include the Federal Aviation Administration, various U.S. embassies and the U.S. Department of State. She is now back on U.S. soil and is a PhD candidate in International Relations. Professor Babicz is excited to join the USC Bovard College faculty as an adjunct professor in the MSHRM program. Read on to learn more about Babicz and how her international travels have influenced her career. How did you get started in HR? I consider myself an accidental HR person. I actually went into organization development. I had soon after college started working for the Chicago Tribune as a strikebreaking typesetter after all of their unions went on strike. They quickly promoted me to be quality manager and create a quality program for the newspaper. I realized there was more to it than just measuring the paper. It was everything that OD was about. The OD consultant said, “You’re talking about OD,” and I said, “What’s OD?” I realized that fit my worldview, so I went and got my Master’s in OD. To me, what that means is overall effectiveness of the organization. That means looking at all the parts: the people, the processes, the socio-technical systems and determining how to make everything work better. My particular area is international and multicultural organizations. For me, that adds an additional layer to OD. Cultural differences can be ethnic, they can be gendered, they can be one’s field. Have you tried to get an engineer, a finance person and an HR person to talk together? To me, that is all part of culture. I left the Tribune to go get my master’s in organization development. After that, I was recruited to do OD work for a company called James River, which started as a paper company, but was really a consumer products company. I spent about six years there. They promoted me to be HR/OD manager at a plant in Tennessee and that’s how I ended up doing HR. How does your specialty — international organization development — play a role in the current climate? There is very little that is purely domestic anymore. Maybe you work in a local city hall. The business of a city hall is the business of the city. Well you probably have people from outside the U.S. working there. At minimum, an awareness and understanding of cultural differences and how to deal with them is going to face most people in the workplace today, regardless of what kind of work and where you are. In the bigger picture, everything is getting more global. No matter how some people say we have to stop globalization, you can’t put the genie back in the bottle. What that means is we’re going to be faced with dealing with other cultures in the workplace whether we are overseas, or whether we’re working in what seems to be a very local organization in the U.S. And so I think one of the things I try to do with my students, is I always try to get them [to understand] the implications for the organization as a whole… to try and make sure that they step back and get a helicopter view of whatever situation they are dealing with. To make sure they are not down in the trenches thinking about writing a policy without taking into consideration the bigger picture. What did you learn about business from living overseas? It took my 5 years of living in the Middle East to realize that while I could explain and even predict behaviors, it was more of an intellectual exercise than a gut-level exercise. Because I would never truly see the world the way all these other people that were different than me saw the world. That was actually hard to accept. Because, I thought, I understand culture, I understand people, I understand what makes them tick. But it created a barrier between me and people in a different culture that I thought wasn’t there, but I think just by our nature as human beings, will always be there. I think the more we learn and understand and try to reach across the barrier we’ll be very successful and happy and be able to deal with people. But the barrier… is always going to be there because we are so different in many ways, depending on the cultures you come from. Trying to break down the barrier or not acknowledging the barrier limits you. Reaching through it, reaching across it and understanding those differences is what makes it possible to successfully work together. What are some of the biggest challenges to corporations and organizations, HR wise? One of the biggest challenges is still the perception both within the field and outside of the field that HR is transactional. Programs like the MSHRM at Bovard and other programs that are trying to promote developing strategic HR professionals, are helping. But I think there are so many people who have been in organizations for years and years — and either HR professionals themselves or people who have to deal with HR — they see HR as a barrier, as a “Department of No,” the department of rigid policies, as opposed to strategic partners in the business, in the organization. How can the HR managers of the future change that perception? Learn to speak the language of management, not just the language of HR. The language of management includes the language of numbers, understanding the impact of everything that HR does in relation to the business as a whole. I have many students now who write papers on how important diversity and inclusion is, and organizations really should be doing more about diversity and inclusion. And I say “How much is it going to cost?” And the first response quite often is “Well, whatever, they need to do it.” And I’ll say, well the people who are responsible for the money side of the organization it aren’t going to say, “Just because it feels good, okay let’s do it.” Learn how to speak the language of, “Okay if we do this, here are the potential benefits to the organization in a tangible as well as an intangible way.” What are you going to be teaching at Bovard and why are you excited about it? I’m teaching Organization Design. I’m excited about it because typically you see it more in an OD program than an HR program. OD is my conceptual home, so I’m going to enjoy talking about it and getting people to look at different ways of looking at an organization and how to make them better — coming back to my roots, in a way.
Eoin Morgan’s England has been hit by injuries but go into Wednesday’s T20 World Cup semi-final as top choices beside New Zealand, two years later the two sides opposite in a dramatic 50-over last. ENG vs NZ Match Details: - Event: T20 WC 2021 - Match: 1st Semi-Final - Teams: Eng vs Nz - Date: 10, Nov 2021 - Time: 19:00 (PST) | 19:20 (IST) - Venue: Dubai England take lost initial batsman Jason Roy and speed bowler Tymal Mills though they fixed a last-four spot by four victories in five Super 12 games. Roy misshapen on the back with a calf injury in England’s last summit match that they lost to South Africa and then ran out of the opposition and moved by James Vince. England’s powerful image of cricket got them past West Indies, Bangladesh, Australia, and Sri Lanka exclusive of any trouble to the whole as crowd pioneers in front of the Aussies. However, the Kiwis are no characters and who well than England to get the price in the Black Caps’ value after they vital a very over to push out Kane Williamson’s side when the 2019 ODI World Cup last finished in a tie. “In the occasion that England and New Zealand afford a small helping of the performance they did on a great evening at Lord’s in July 2019, then, at that point, the T20 World Cup may get the life it hysterically pines for this week,” previous England skipper Mike Atherton wrote in The Times. New Zealand prepared with England’s 241 sympathies of Ben Stokes’ undefeated 84 to the finish of 50 overs and later their 15 in the very over before England were marked champs on the limit count. Britain has reached at the last four of the T20 World Cup deprived of star entertainers Stokes and Jofra Archer and Roy’s beginning increases to their loads in front of Wednesday’s down in Abu Dhabi. Jos Buttler hit the rivalry’s just century in his unbeaten 101 against Sri Lanka and stays second-best run-taker behindhand Pakistan skipper Babar Azam (264) with 240 runs. Chris Woakes vitalities the speed bowling charge skillfully better by Chris Jordan while spinners Adil Rashid and Moeen Ali have well-known their value with eight and seven wickets each separately. New Zealand has been the lasting dark horse in top events though another member finish in the ODI World Cup and attractive world Test champions in the wake of beating India in the last has established their constancy across plans. Speed bowlers Trent Boult and Tim Southee have divided 18 wickets amongst them to inconvenience fight groups with their early strikes. In the wake of behind their opener against Pakistan, Williamson’s New Zealand have full in as an effortlessly scored work and crushed India in their following game to get the energy in backing of themselves. They then, at that point, overlooked Scotland, Namibia, and Afghanistan to walk into the semi-finals but Boult recognizes his opponents as an even side. “Filled with match champs. Very smooth group playing some awesome white-ball cricket right now. Surely we can make a major surprise,” said Boult, a left-arm fast. “There take remained a decent history between the unlike sides in white-ball cricket. I’m sure there are individuals viewing this one with a lot of attention.” Boult has an attack pace of 10.7 in this competition and takes early wickets alongside an in-assembly England top-demand will be vital to progress. England: Eoin Morgan, Moeen Ali, Jonathan Bairstow, Sam Billings, Jos Buttler, Tom Curran, Chris Jordan, Liam Livingstone, Dawid Malan, Reece Topley, Adil Rashid, James Vince, David Willey, Chris Woakes, Mark Wood. New Zealand: Kane Williamson, Todd Astle, Trent Boult, Mark Chapman, Devon Conway, Lockie Ferguson, Martin Guptill, Kyle Jamieson, Daryl Mitchell, Jimmy Neesham, Glenn Phillips, Mitchell Santner, Tim Seifert, Ish Sodhi, Tim Southee. T20 World Cup 2021 Official Live TV Broadcast |Country Name||TV Broadcast| |India & Sub Continent||Star Sports, FanCode, Disney+ Hotstar, SonyLiv (Web, App), YuppTV| |Australia||Fox Sports, Foxtel, Kayo Sports| |Pakistan||PTV Sports, ASports HD, Daraz Tv| |Bangladesh||Ghazi Tv (GTV), T Sports, Maasranga TV| |Sri Lanka||SLRC (Channel Eye), Dialog TV, Peco TV| |United Kingdom||Sky Sports, Sky Go app, Sling Tv| |South Africa||Super Sports (1, 2, 3)| |Singapore||Star Cricket, Star Hub, and Singtel| |New Zealand||SKY Sport NZ| |The Middle East & North Africa||OSN Sports| |Malaysia||Fox International Channels| |Hong Kong||Star Cricket| |Caribbean||ESPN, Flow Sports|
Kuala Lumpur: Newly crowned Indian national badminton champion Kidambi Srikanth continued his impressive run to enter the quarter-finals while Parupalli Kashyap, Saina Nehwal and P.V. Sindhu lost their second round matches at the $500,000 Malaysia Open Super Series Premier here Thursday. World No.38 Srikanth, who beat Hong Kong's World No.11 Hu Yun Wednesday, upset South Korean World No.17 Wan Ho Son 11-21, 21-19, 21-19 in a marathon men's singles match which lasted an hour and nine minutes at the Putra Stadium. The Thailand Open Grand Prix Gold winner, who had a 1-0 record against Son, kept his nerves to eke out the closely fought second and third games after losing the first. The 20-year-old will next take on seasoned campaigner and World No.4 Tommy Sugiarto of Indonesia. But India's top ranked male player Kashyap went down 18-21, 15-21 to third seed Dane Jan O. Jorgensen. Elsewhere, eighth seed Saina was upset by Chinese World No.25 Xue Yao in 56 minutes with Xue winning 16-21, 21-10, 21-19 in their first-ever career meet. After sharing the first two games, World No.8 Saina led in the initial part of the decider (10-8) but thereafter Xue not just clawed back but took a significant 18-14 lead. The Olympic bronze medallist fought back to equalise at 19-all but Xue maintained her calm to win the next two important points to clinch the game and match, proceeding to the quarter-finals. Sindhu, on the other hand, was ousted by South Korean sixth seed Yeon Ju Bae on Court 1. The World No.7 Korean won 21-16, 21-19 in 45 minutes to take a 2-0 lead in career meetings over the Hyderabadi.
Ganpirom: a five-tiered umbrella made of white fabric inscribed with golden magic symbols (yantras) and having a gilded shaft. It is used as a regalia at the front of parading troops or in processions of royal elephants. From which can be seen the importance of yantras at the highest level of the state. Krata-tongdeng: burning hot, large frying pans where the sinners are fried in the hell pits. Krabong-kleung: a long wand turned with a lathe and having a gilded handle, carried along at elephant processions. Krabong-deng: ‘the red wand,’ a wand turned with a lathe, gilded at the handle, its body coated with vermilion red, its tip gilded too and sculpted in the shape of a shellflower, or water cabbage (Pistia stratiotes). The object is proferred to the royal physician at his investiture and symbolizes the privilege to collect medicinal herbs and plants in the kingdom. Kring: 1/ the onomatopoeia ‘kring’ 2/ a small-sized, hollow metal amulet inside which is encased a sacred object. When the amulet is shaken, it produces the sound ‘kring kring,’ hence its name pra-kring. Kampop: the birthplace of those still involved in carnal lust (kama); the dwelling world of those dependent on sensuality, namely the four abaipum (see that word here) (the hell pits and the respective worlds of beasts, pretas and asuras), the human world, and the six heavens (Tjatumaharachik, Daowadeung, Yama, Dusit, Nimmanoradi, and Paranimmittawat-Sawatdi), eleven in total. Kiatmuk: ‘glory head,’ a nonhuman being in god Shiva’s retinue. It has a grinning, half-ogre (yaksa) half-singha lion face with no apparent protruding chin. It possesses no body nor limbs. They are believed to be guardian gods of thresholds, driving evil away. They are often engraved on arched gates. Also known as kalamuk or nakan, ‘black head.’ Kaopao: lumps of rice mixed with yellow and red pigments, used in the admission ceremony of royal (albino) elephants by preutibat brahmans, i.e. the class of brahman priests dedicated to ceremonies dealing with elephants. Same as Krayasangweng: holy rice in lumps used in the admission ceremony of royal elephants. So-called brahmans have kept playing a role at the Thai royal court and in Thai society after the introduction of Buddhism, yet they are not recognized as part of the Vedic Hindu world community that includes the religious traditional communities of India, Nepal, and Bali (Indonesia). These priests are often invited to perform ceremonies with Buddhist monks at events such as marriages. Here is a testimony of their presence from French scholar Pierre Lefèvre-Pontalis (my translation): ‘Like in Cambodia, there still exist today at the court of the Siamese kings brahmans who preside over certain official ceremonies, cast horoscopes, and determine auspicious days and times. Those who serve the brahmanic temple in Bangkok originate from Ligor in the Malay peninsula. Under the direction of Raja Khrou Vamathib, who accompanies the king in all his trips, they have achieved the degree of scepticism and readiness to oblige necessary in a Buddhist court where, if it is not believed in the divinity of the master (Lord Buddha), the idea that any god could be superior to him in the celestial hierarchy would never be admitted. ‘According to the scriptures, Mr Foucher wrote, Shakyamuni himself would always have denied being a god only because he is much more than that.’ The head of the brahmans in Bangkok himself is much at pain to distinguish between the gods that he is serving. Imbued with the idea that the Buddha is superior to all of them, he recognizes as orthodox images of Shiva (in Siamese Phra In Suen) only those representing the highest god having a Buddha sitting in his hair. Vishnu too is admitted only in the quality of Narayan (the Phra Narai of the Siamese), a complex god that procedes directly from Hinduism.’ (Notes sur des amulettes siamoises, 1926) The original quote: « Comme au Cambodge, il y a encore de nos jours, à la cour des rois de Siam, des Brahmes qui président à certaines cérémonies officielles, tirent les horoscopes, désignent les jours et les heures favorables. Ceux qui desservent à Bangkok le temple brahmanique sont originaires de Ligor dans la péninsule malaise. Sous la direction de Raja Khrou Vamathib, qui accompagne le souverain dans tous ses déplacements, ils ont atteint le degré de complaisance et de scepticisme nécessaire en une cour bouddhiste, où, si l’on ne croit pas à la divinité du maître, on ne saurait cependant admettre qu’aucun dieu lui soit supérieur dans la hiérarchie céleste. ‘Si l’on en croit les textes, a dit M. Foucher, Çakyamuni lui-même n’aurait toujours nié qu’il fût un dieu que parce qu’il était bien davantage.’ Le chef des Brahmes de Bangkok lui-même a bien de la peine à distinguer les divinités dont il a la garde. Pénétré de l’idée officielle que Bouddha est supérieur à toutes, il ne reconnaît comme images orthodoxes de Siva (Phra In Suen en siamois) que celles où le plus grand des dieux porte un Bouddha assis dans sa chevelure. Visnu lui aussi n’est admis qu’en qualité de Narâyana (Phra Naraï des Siamois), dieu complexe qui procède directement de l’hindouisme. » Kot: an object hard like a stone and found inside some animals and plants, used as amulet. It is the bezoar, which is considered to have supernatural properties in many, if not all traditions around the world. Kantamat: as an adjective, it means: making animals intoxicated through perfumes. As a noun it designates a legendary mountain, ‘the perfume mountain.’ This mountain is located in Himmapan forest. Its fragrance comes from various wood essences and plants. There are caves in it, namely the golden cave, the crystal cave, and the silver cave. It is inhabited by the Pratyekabuddhas, who became Buddhas without the guidance of Lord Buddha. Ngang: 1/ a kind of image cast with metal for Buddha images, sitting in samadhi position, with even torso uncovered, having no robe nor sash (two of the three customary garments of monks: see trai-tjiwon here), only a garland around the neck. Being cast with a much greater admixture of copper than other images, it is called pra-ngang (pra-‘copper’) 2/ the name of a Buddha image when it has not yet received the final touch, that is, the completion of the eyes (the ceremony during which this is performed is called pitibeukpranet, that is, ‘the opening up of the eyes.’) Ngasan or Pat-ngasan: (formerly) a fan of rank made of ivory, emblem of the Aranyawasi sect–monks who were dwelling in the forest. Tjakarawon: (from Sanskrit chakravala) 1/ the three divisions of the universe according to the Buddhist faith, namely a/the worlds of sensuality, b/the worlds of corporeal Brahmans, and c/the worlds of shapeless Brahmans. On these notions, see Ruppaprom and Aruppaprom here; these Brahmans are not the priests but gods 2/ a legendary moutain range surrounding the world like a wall and the border between light and the darkness beyond. Tjaturapum: the four levels of the mind, namely a/Kamawatjorapum, the reality of those who are travelers in Kampop (the world of the senses, see that word), b/Rupatjorapum, for the travelers in Ruppapop, c/Arupatjorapum, for the travelers in Aruppapop, and d/Lokutarapum, the world detached from the world. Tjo: the name for addressing a monkey, or a child mischievous like a monkey. Tjinteng: the Chinese boss of an opium den or of a gambling den. Chappayaputta: a rainbow-colored naga. With respect to the color of their scales, there are three other kinds of nagas: golden nagas, green nagas, and black nagas. Rainbow nagas are extremely beautiful. Chaleo: a sign made of thin bamboo strips crossing themselves at angles in the shape of a five-pointed star. It is stuck above caldrons where medicines are boiled, or on trading goods, or as an indication of place, or as a talisman against possession by ghosts, etc. Also called chaliu or taleo. As the picture shows, this is the five-pointed star, the pentagram or pentacle (Drudenfuß in German, that is, the foot of the malevolent spirit called a drude–spirits that were believed to have feet like those of geese), and partakes its mystical and apotropaic usages. Chang-niam: an elephant having three distinct qualities, namely a black skin, black toenails, and banana-shaped tusks. Chang-samkan: (law) an elephant having the seven auspicious marks that make him (given mark 7 I understand it has to be a male: see below) a royal elephant by right, namely white eyes, white palate, white toenails, white hair, white or clay-colored skin, white tail hair, and white or clay-colored penile sheath (as the following picture seems to show; or else this is a appendage of which function I am not cognizant; the word used for mark 7 is rare and direct from Pali/Sanskrit, literally it would mean ‘testicle urn’ but is translated as eggshell, which cannot be correct in the case of elephants). The marks indicate albinism, hence the more common name of royal elephants as albino elephants (or ‘taro elephants’ because the flesh of the taro root is bright white). All royal elephants, however, are not albino in the scientific sense of the term and yet all possess the seven auspicious marks according to the Thai specialists. Siamsi: (from Chinese) a system of fortune-telling practised in shrines (Chinese) and temples. Bamboo sticks marked with numbers are placed in a cylinder, the person shakes the cylinder until one or several sticks fall off and then deciphers the meaning of the numbers on a poster. (See also Tiu) This Chinese ancient practice has a lot in common with the system known in English as ‘casting lots,’ from the Bible (Numbers 26:55 for instance). Dok-dua: an animal’s horn revered as a magic object (protecting a house from fire), for instance the horn of various species of buffalo or, in the ancient texts, the horn of a sacred cow. Dao-tjon: in astrology, a star believed to make a thief of the person born under its influence. =>Yati-dao-tjon: unreliable people. Tripop, Tripum, or Tripuwa: the three worlds, namely the world of the senses, the world of the corporeal Brahmans, and the world of the incorporeal Brahmans; in popular belief, the heavens, the world of men, and the netherworld. Taping: a covering for little girls’ genitals, made of metal, for instance gold, colored gold (alloy of gold, silver and copper) or silver, existing in various plaiting styles and shapes. It is largely an item of the past when Thai children walked about naked most of the time. Poor people would cover their daughters’ genitals with pieces of coconut shell but the wealthy classes would have these fancy coverings known as taping crafted for their own daughters. Tiu: (from Chinese) sticks often made of bamboo, from 25 to 50 centimeters long, used to score points or, if marked with symbols or numbers, for fortune-telling (see Siamsi) or lottery. Tamon: big and strong, said of an animal that is the leader of its group, for instance a monkey (ling tamon). Known in zoology as the alpha male. Yet this scientific name is quite recent, whereas the Thai word is presumably as old as the language itself, and I do not know of any equivalent in vernacular Western languages. Were we to consider patois or dialectal forms of these languages, we might find a similar concept. Nang-kwak: ‘the beckoning maiden,’ a certain holy image carved in the shape of a sitting woman beckoning with her hand, believed to bring its owner good luck, in general or in business matters. Nam-mon: ‘mantra water,’ consecrated water for bathing, drinking, or sprinkling, as a blessing. Nam-man-prai: an oil collected from the burning corpse of a woman died while pregnant. It is believed that when the oil is sprinkled on a woman, that woman falls in love. Nam-man-mon: ‘mantra oil,’ coconut oil activated by magic formulas and used as ointment or massage oil to heal stiffness, sores, and sprains. Badan: (from Sanskrit Patala) the underground world of the nagas. Banpratu-pradapmuk: mother-of-pearl inlaid door panel. I added no Thai definition for this compounded word because the compound talks of itself. The following picture gives an idea of the beauty of this craft. Bia-ke: the humpback cowry, chocolate cowry, or mourning cowry (Mauritia mauritiana), used to make medicines or as amulet. Bai-miang: 1/cloth wrapped around a corpse in a mortuary urn 2/the arrangement of coral-tree or wild-betel (Piper sarmentosum) leaves used in Thai cuisine for food wrapped in leaves. I find the dual meaning interesting. Fang-kem: 1/ to jab into a limb the tip of needle besmeared with mantra oil (see Nam-man-mon) and recite incantations in order to make it penetrate the limb, in order to grant invulnerability 2/ Chinese acupuncture. Panek: a pillow for supporting a sleeping elephant. Pirot: a ring made of fabric inscribed with yantras or of holy cotton yarn (see Sai-sin), used as amulet. Makorakunton: dragon-shaped earrings. Ming-mia: a woman who is auspicious to her husband and family. Mit-mo: a magic knife used among other things in exorcisms. Ya-fet: something that a woman gives her man to eat in order to make him love her at the exclusion of any other woman, usually cooked while performing magical rites. Rukkamulika-tudong: one of the thirteen different so-called tudong observances that a monk performs for merit-making, here making his habitual dwelling at the foot of a tree. Look-keo: a glass marble; more specifically, glass marbles used by shamans to foresee the future; a boy who has shaved his head as required for being ordained a novice. Look-chang: the pronoun ‘I’ when the speaker is a spirit of the forests and the fields. I can’t say for certain why–or whether it is fortuitous or not–the very phrase used to this effect also means a baby elephant. Sai-sin: a thread of white cotton yarn used in various religious ceremonies, for instance when monks are praying (it then goes from one to the other, resting on their hands and forming a line between them) or surrounding a house to make it auspicious ground during a blessing ceremony. Suban: ‘the wonderful ones,’ another name of the garudas. There exist five kinds of garudas with respect to their appearance, namely those who are entirely humanlike except that they possess wings, those with a human body and a birdlike head, those with a human body and birdlike head and wings, those with a birdlike body and a human head, and those who are completely like birds. Garudas live in the first heaven Tjatumaharachik. They eat divine foods same as the devas but also fruits and meat, and even nagas. Hongron-mangkonram: ‘hovering swan, dancing dragon,’ a charm ceremony performed by a woman to make her man crazy in love with her and chicken-hearted (toward other women), for instance by bestriding the cooking pot before giving her man the rice to eat etc. The bestriding of the cooking pot here described applies to the ‘hovering swan’ part of the charm and is shown in the picture below. The ‘dancing dragon’ part involves bath water that the woman then uses for cooking. Look for the previous issues of the series in the Index page. Annotated definitions of Thai words related to, among other things, the esoteric currents of Theravada Buddhism. กรวิก: นกการเวก; ชื่อภูเขาทิวที่ ๓ ในหมู่เขาสัตบริภัณฑ์ที่ล้อมรอบเขาพระสุเมรุ. Garawik: 1/ the bird-of-paradise (Paradisaeidae); 2/ name of the third range of mountains in the group of seven that surround mount Sumeru (Meru). See Boripan. Gramuat: the top nerve on an elephant’s head, an important organ included among the five criteria that are used to spot a royal viz. albino elephant and that deal with some birth defect of the elephant’s hair [depigmentation] on the following parts: ear’s hair, tail, back spine, head nerve gramuat, and flanks. The finding of albino elephants in the forest is deemed, after a story from the Buddha’s life, auspicious and the Thai royalty cares for them, hence their status as ‘royal elephants.’ The Thai name used in the above definition, chang peuak, litteraly means ‘taro elephant,’ from the name of an edible plant (Colocosia esculenta) used in Thai cuisine, which corn flesh is of a bright white color. Kaliyukka-sakarat: ‘Kali Yuga,’ the era of 2,558 years preceding the Buddhist era (which begins with the Lord Buddha’s attaining Nirvana). Gasak: a magic bird which is invisible when flying. It is believed that if one gets hold of its feathers one acquires the power of invisibility for himself. Gajasih: the ‘singha elephant,’ a legendary animal that has the body of a singha-lion and an elephant trunk. Tjulamani: 1/ an ornamental hairpin stuck in the bun of high-ranking people; 2/ the name of Lord Buddha’s chignon, also called Tjutamani; 3/ the pagoda built by Indra in the second Heaven (Daowadeung or Indra’s Heaven) to keep Lord Buddha’s chignon. Chagamapatjon or Chagamawatjon: the collective name of the six Heavens Tjatumaharat, Daowadeung, Yama, Dusit, Nimmanoradi, and Paranimmittawat-Sawatdi. Each heavenly abode has its own godly dwellers: the four Great Kings, guardians of the four cardinal directions, and their courts in Tjatumaharat, Indra and his court in Daowadeung, the Deva Suyama in Yama, who fly in the air in vimanas, the Deva Sandusit (and Maitreya the next Buddha) in Dusit, etc. Paranimmittawat-Sawatdi is the most refined state in which one can be born in Samsara. Chompunot or Chompunut: pure gold; in the ancient cosmology book Traiphum it is said to grow under the Java plum tree (tonwa, Syzygium cumini). Talapat or Talipat: a long, shafted fan made of sugar-palm leaf, cloth, or silk, used by monks in various ceremonies. Formerly it was made of a single palm leaf (hence its name: tal is palm). Tipitakadara: ‘In Myanmar nowadays we can find living examples in several monks on whom the title Tipitakadhara ‘bearer of the Pali Canon,’ has been conferred, who are word-perfect in reciting the entire Pali Canon, which, according to the printed version in Thai script, is well over 22,000 pages in length.’ (Dhamma Bilingualized, Bikkhu P. A. Payutto) Taksa: (Astrology and Horoscopes) collective name of the eight planets or special celestial bodies, that is, the Sun (whose permanent direction is northeast and which is substituted by number 1), the Moon (east, number 2), Mars (southeast, number 3), Mercury (south, number 4), Saturn (southwest, number 7), Jupiter (west, number 5), Rahu (northwest, number 8), and Venus (north, number 6). The taksa can be written down as world divisions as follows (see diagram above). Those familiar with Hindu astrology have recognized the Navagraha (‘nine abodes’) of which one, Ketu, is missing. Ketu is supposed to be an immaterial body and makes the pair with the other immaterial planet Rahu (here number 8). Nopsun: (from Sanskrit naba shula, ‘sky spear’) an ornament of pagoda tops, made of metal and in the shape of a spear, with branches in the shape of swords pointing in the four directions. Nakbat: ‘naga noose’, name of one missile weapon of Indrajit (in the Ramayana/Ramakien) that coils as a snake. In the legends, hunters use this weapon to hunt kinaris (see what the latter are here). There exists in Theravada Buddhism a tradition of interpreting the esoteric meaning of the Ramakien. In contemporary Thailand, they also make amulets with the name nakbat, ringed-shaped naga(s). Nakprok: name of a posture of Buddha images in which Lord Buddha is sitting cross-legged (samadi or diamond-samadi posture) with hands upon each other face up and resting on his lap, while the stretched hoods of royal nagas adumbrate his head. Two models exist in fact: one in which the circling coils of the nagas serve as a bench and the other in which Lord Buddha sits inside the circle of the naga coils. Boripan: the collective name of the mountains that surround mount Meru in seven ranges is ‘the seven Boripan mountains.’ The names of each of these mountains from closest to farthest from mount Meru are: Yukonton, Isinton, Karawik, Sutasana, Neminton, Wintaka, and Atsakan. The ranges are separated from each other, and mount Meru from Yukonton, by seas called Sitandon. Bokkarapat: A rain like that falling on a lotus leaf: who wants to be wet gets wet, who does not want to get wet does not. Palilai: 1/ name of a forest where Lord Buddha spent the rainy season; 2/ name of an elephant living in that forest; 3/ name of a posture of Buddha images in which Lord Buddha is represented sitting on a rock, his feet resting on a lotus flower, both hands resting on his knees, while a crouching elephant is offering him a water pot with his trunk and a monkey is holding a honeycomb out. Parichat: a heavenly tree in Indra’s garden, in the second Heaven; (by extension) the coral tree or flame tree (Erythrina). Prai-krasip: a familiar spirit that whispers (krasip) in its owner or caretaker’s ear to unveil the causes of events. A prai-krasip can be acquired like the object in the picture below, which is a hoon-payon, also a servant spirit, that I acquired in Thailand. My hoon-payon is made of a fragment of human bone as the doll’s belly, a piece of mortuary shroud covering the bone, the hair of a dead person laid down on the doll’s head, takruts, i.e. cylinder amulets usually inscribed with magic formulas, as the limbs, a turquoise stone, carved and painted, as the skull, and red exorcism oil. It was made by Luang Po Somchat of Wat Huay Bong temple in Lopburi province. Prai-tani: the ghost of a woman who dwells in wild banana trees. Pong or Pi-pong: a kind of ghost who is said to like eating raw meat. Mahalaluai: the magic to make one fall in love. Me-seu or Me-wi: a god or spirit that is believed to protect newborn babies. Depending on the day of the week that the baby is born, the baby has a different guardian. The me-seu are therefore seven in numbers. For sunday the spirit is Witjitoramawan, red with a singha head, Monday it is Wannongkran, ivory white with a horse head, Tuesday it is Yaksaborisut (‘Yaksa Pure’), pink with a buffalo head, Wednesday it is Samonlatat, green with an elephant head, Thursday it is Galotuk, light yellow with a deer head, Friday it is Yaknongyao (‘Yaksa Belle’), blue with a cow head, and Saturday it is Ekalai, black with a tiger head. They all wear golden clothes. Men: a god, for instance in the phrases ‘country of the gods,’ ‘vehicle of the gods’… Makkalipon: name of a legendary tree in Himmapan forest, which bears fruits in the shape of naked young women dangling from its branches. After seven days, the fruits are ripe, fall down and rot. Also called naripon. Siraprapa: halo of beams that radiate from the head of a holy person and of a Buddha statue. Sumeru or Sineru: name of a mountain believed to lie in the Daowadeung Heaven. Himmapan: name of a legendary forest believed to lie on the Himalaya. Ho: To fly or move in the air through magic. Hong-prai: a ghost that a sorcerer conjures to do work for him. For more definitions, see Thai Mysteries 1 here. Let me now introduce you to a meditation practice of Theravada monks, namely the meditation on the nature of our body. Such booklets as the one I got in a Bangkok temple during a temple fair a few years ago are destined to assist such form of meditation through their pictures. The book’s title is Considerations on the Body and its cover displays an image of the Emaciated Buddha (Pra Pom: look here). It displays photos on which to meditate, together with thoughts of Buddhist philosophy. I enclose a few of these pictures.
Non sum uni angulo natus; patria mea totus hic est mundus The usual translation of this old quote attributed to Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BC to AD 65), is: I am not born for one corner; the whole world is my native land. It’s the kind of line that gets people like me going, avid travelers who have lived and worked in several countries. You may have read author Jodi Piccoult recently in The Telegraph, talking with Bryony Gordon about how she feels Americans should travel more. I couldn’t agree more, I think Americans need to get out of the country on a regular basis, rub up against the other animals, get some stamps into those passports, some ouzo down their gullets, and some frequent flyer miles under their belts. So I was interested when the 2015 London Book Fair announced a new element for its Publishing for Digital Minds conference on April 13 at the Olympia London complex: multilingual social media experts. I’m looking forward to being joined that day by a special corps of backchannelers whose jobs will be, in a way, to answer Seneca. First, what is backchanneling at a conference? ‘I’m Wearing My Pink Top’ Years ago, I’d turned up at one of my first author conferences, a Writer’s Digest confab in New York City. Sitting near the back of the room, I was monitoring tweets from the session I was watching — the author James Scott Bell was discussing plot in fiction, and how it works with other elements of a story. I watched in fascination as a tweet scrolled up my screen from an attendee in the room: I’m in the best conference session ever on plotting a novel. And I look great in my pink top. Having done a good bit of live-texting of network news events, I realized there was a job for a journalist there: someone who could move out fast, accurate quotes and summations of what actually was being said in a conference session — and put them across so that readers could tell who was speaking and in what situation. And I never brag about how I look in my pink top. Okay, almost never. As soon as I’d been hired by conferences to live-tweet their key sessions, I began getting notes from as far away as Tokyo, Reykjavik, and New Delhi: publishing-house workers overseas were following the hashtagged Twitter stream and kindly dropping notes to say thanks for the coverage I was relaying as official tweeteur. At the same time, messages were coming from inside the hotel ballrooms, too: followers were keeping up with simultaneous sessions they couldn’t get to, or sitting in the same room I was in, using the live tweets to confirm what they’d just heard, comparing notes, debating the points in front of them. Years earlier, while based in Rome, I’d seen some of this near-reach/far-reach effect in Florence, Italy, where I’d live-texted a United Nations World Food Programme Country Directors conference, projecting comments from the podium up onto screens above the stage in real time, to reinforce what was being said — especially helpful to delegates whose first languages weren’t English. So it’s in the context of this far-flung conversation that I’ve engaged in for years from conferences that I see the value in what LBF’s Digital Minds conference is doing. Attention, Book-Industry Polyglots: Putting Out The Call You have to love this line in the news release: Publishing for Digital Minds’ ‘polyglots’ will be drawn from the markets most widely represented in the conference’s international audience, which welcomes large delegations from China, India and Latin America as well as Europe and North America. As baffling as that marvelous word may be if you don’t know it, a polyglot, from the Greek polyglōttos, is simply one who speaks or writes in several languages. Chris McCrudden of Midas PR — working with Digital Minds’ faithful programming director Orna O’Brien — tells me, “We’ve already recruited people to tweet in Turkish, Spanish, and Portuguese, and another to microblog the conference in Mandarin for Weibos,” the many Chinese microblogging sites said to be followed by several hundred million people. Conference officials say they also have a German-language speaker who will be reporting through Google Plus and Xing. Are you interested? LBF is looking for “publishing polyglots” to cover the conference as native speakers in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Italian, French, Hindi, and Malay. A “publishing polyglot,” by the way, means you’re in the book-publishing business. Pink-top polyglots are not what we’re after here. If you think you might like to provide coverage from the conference in a social medium that’s regularly used by the publishing community in your country, you’re asked to contact: [email protected] — explain your qualifications for the role and how you see yourself handling it on the day of the conference. If you’re selected to do coverage, you’ll get free admission to the conference, tickets for which are now on sale at early-bird rates. Normally, my “Porter Table” is set up for me either at the rear or side of a main conference hall. In this case, I’ve begun talking with McCrudden about the possibility of creating a larger desk arrangement for this expanded social-media team. It may well be helpful at times for us to be able to confer so that the output from this multilingual group is as accurate as possible. I’m seeing a vast comms center…world domination at last…okay, I’ll move on. The Shadow Conversation Conferences in the UK — particularly Digital Minds and The Bookseller’s annual The FutureBook — are among the most avidly tweeted in the world. A kind of shadow conversation rises behind the event itself and can be loudly, and silently, raging along as a speaker holds forth or a panel debates a point. Intriguingly, you can find yourself not only outputting the commentary from a conference stage but also discussing that material with people both in the conference chamber with you and two continents away. It’s this garrulous, vast collegial exchange that LBF’s O’Brien wants to capture with the expansion of the “Porter Table” to a much larger, multilingual squadron. In a prepared statement, she says: Increasingly the social media backchannel has become the voice of a successful conference. It provides a platform for attendees to air their views and expertise, and gives an event an international presence as tweets, microblogs, blogs and other update fan out over the Internet. It makes perfect sense for us to complement our international audience with a truly global social media backchannel. We’re looking forward to recruiting a team of tweeters and bloggers who will give voice to the world’s major publishing markets. So there you are. London is calling. If you can be there on April 13 and help raise the conversation with your publishing associates in one of the languages needed, consider getting a note to Modaberi about your interest. And if you show up in a pink top, I’m keeping my eye on your tweets.
COVID-19 | The Health Ministry reported a total of 12 new Covid-19 fatalities yesterday (Jan 13), bringing the cumulative death toll to 31,750. The deaths were recorded in Sabah (3), Johor (2), Pahang (2), Kelantan (1), Negeri Sembilan (1), Penang (1), Terengganu (1) and Kuala Lumpur (1). No new deaths were reported in Kedah, Malacca, Perak, Perlis, Sarawak, Selangor, Labuan and Putrajaya. Malaysia has the highest number of deaths per capita in the Asean and East Asian regions with 961 deaths per one million population. A total of 11 out of the 12 reported deaths or 91.7 percent happened in the last seven days. An average of 26 Covid-19 deaths was reported daily in the last 30 days compared to the seven-day average of 17, indicating a downward trend. To date, 552 Covid-19 deaths have been reported this month. As of yesterday, there were 40,276 active Covid-19 cases. This is an increase of 1.2 percent from the 39,779 active infections a week ago. Compared to 30 days ago, the number of active cases has fallen by 30.2 percent from 57,676. From the 3,684 new cases yesterday, a total of 150 of them could be traced to ongoing Covid-19 clusters. The Health Ministry uploads the latest details of the Covid-19 pandemic after midnight on Github as part of its open data initiative.
ONE Championship heads back to Bangkok, Thailand on 16 February for ONE: CLASH OF LEGENDS. It is an event that will feature one of the country’s most accomplished warriors competing for one of the promotion’s top prizes. Nong-O Gaiyanghadao will face China’s Han Zi Hao with the inaugural ONE Bantamweight Muay Thai World Title. Before the main event, there will be multiple bouts– a mixture of Muay Thai and mixed martial arts contests. There are 12 matches in all counting the four prelim competitions. Here is a look at the five things you need to know ahead of ONE: CLASH OF LEGENDS The Accomplishments of Nong-O Nong-O is a five-division multiple-time World Champion, 5x Lumpinee Muay Thai World Champion, 1x Rajadamnern Muay Thai World Champion, 2x Thailand National Champion, 3x Fighter of the Year, and more. He has fought against fellow legends like Saenchai PKSaenchaiMuayThaiGym, Singdam Kiatmuu9, Petchboonchu F.A.Group, Pakorn Sakyothin, Kongsak Sitboonmee, Sam-A Gaiyanghadao, Sagetdao Petpayathai and many more. Fans who get an opportunity to watch him compete will be seeing a legitimate legend in action. More Than Just a World Title on the Line No man has ever worn the ONE Bantamweight Muay Thai World Title around his waist, so the winner of the main event will be forever etched in ONE Championship history. Nong-O’s accomplishments as an athlete are plentiful, but if he were to accomplish his goal at ONE: CLASH OF LEGENDS, he will have attained what is arguably the most prestigious World Title he’s ever held. Han isn’t as experienced as Nong-O, so there is no question how much capturing the ONE Bantamweight Muay Thai World Title would mean to him. Perhaps even more significant than the title, a victory over a legend like Nong-O, in his hometown, could mean even more. Native Thai Warriors on the Card Nong-O is the premier attraction, but many of his countrymen and women will also be competing at ONE: CLASH OF LEGENDS. Kongsak P.K.Saenchaimuaythaigym battles Russia’s Alaverdi Ramazanov in a bantamweight Muay Thai bout. Superlek Kiatmoo9 takes on Cambodia’s Lao Chetra in a flyweight Muay Thai match. There’s also the aforementioned Chamuaktong-Peters clash, and finally, fan-favorite Rika Ishige faces Cambodia’s Nou Srey Pov in a women’s atomweight MMA clash, and Shannon Wiratchai faces Amarsanaa Tsogookhuu. With so many Thai athletes competing, the crowd at the Impact Center should be in full throw by the time Nong-O climbs onto the platform. Keep Your Eyes on Malaysia’s Jihin Radzuan She’s young, but Radzuan has been on a steady incline since her professional mixed martial arts career began. The “Shadow Cat” is 4-0 and she’s coming off her biggest win yet with a unanimous-decision over veteran Jenny Huang. At ONE: CLASH OF LEGENDS, Radzuan will try to remain undefeated as she battles the Philippines’ Gina Iniong. It’s possible we could see Radzuan taking on Ishige in a pivotal atomweight match sometime in the future–especially if both of them are victorious.
South China Sea: Are India and Japan changing positions? Keeping China's expansionist tendencies in check is one of the common interests driving the India-Japan relationship. Oddly enough, the Indo-Japan joint summit declaration issued during Japanese PM Shinzo Abe's recent visit to India omitted any mention of the South China Sea (SCS) dispute. This careful omission comes amid the Trump administration's increasing indifference to the dispute. Could India and Japan be reviewing their positions? Declarations issued after the two previous Indo-Japan annual summits made specific references to the SCS and re-affirmed both nations' commitment to freedom of navigation. However, the current statement merely mentions a joint commitment to work towards peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific. The South China dispute is over territory and sovereignty over ocean areas, particularly along the Paracel and the Spratly island chains. These island chains are claimed by a number of countries in the region including China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. The islands lie among the world's busiest shipping lanes and have vast mineral resources around them, making them highly strategic assets. China claims 90% of the South China Sea based on the "nine-dash-line" drawn in the 1940s. It loops to a point about 1,800kms south of China's Hainan Island. Beijing has also built airstrips and military infrastructure on several disputed islands to enforce its claim. China worked with India to diplomatically resolve the Doklam standoff. For Japan, China assumes an important position in handling the nuclear threat from North Korea. Both countries may have chosen a restrained language in light of China's importance in maintaining peace in their respective regions. The Trump administration's indifference to the SCS dispute may have also guided the omission, stated strategic-affairs expert, Brahma Chellaney. According to Brahma Chellaney, "The US has no desire to return to status quo in the SCS. As a result, China is consolidating its position in the SCS, even as the US symbolically undertakes freedom-of-navigation operations in the region."
One of the youngest CEOs in Malaysia, 34-year-old Nadiah Wan is no stranger to adversity – particularly when it comes to her age and gender in her male dominated C-suite cohort. While completing her studies in Biochemical Sciences at Harvard University, Nadiah found the time to work at Boston Children’s Hospital and volunteer as a teacher in a Liberian refugee camp in Ghana. She then spent two years at Boston Consulting Group specialising in life sciences before deciding consulting wasn’t for her. “With the intention of pursuing a career in public health, I earned the Maxis Scholarship for Excellence to study for a Master of Public Health Nutrition at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicines in 2009. But somehow, I ended up at the property company Sunway City in Malaysia, where I was responsible for strategy development and the management of its merger with Sunway Holdings,” she recalls. “However, this opened the door to its healthcare division, and I’ve been involved with hospitals ever since.” Over the next five years, Nadiah rose through the ranks in business development and corporate communications before assuming the position of COO of Sunway Medical Centre, overseeing a suite of clinical services and operations. Leveraging these strengths, last year she took over as CEO and Group Chief Corporate Officer of Thomson Hospital Kota Damansara – previously Tropicana Medical Centre – a 205-bed hospital with more than 100 medical and surgical consultants and hundreds of patients who rely on its holistic approach to medicine. Transition, transformation and transparency “We have just undergone an exciting transformation, following a major corporate exercise to consolidate the healthcare assets of our major shareholder, TMC Life Sciences,” Nadiah explains. “We’re now part of its parent company, Thomson Medical Group Ltd.” Established in 1979, Thomson Medical Group is Singapore’s largest private provider of healthcare services for women and children, operating Thomson Medical Centre and a network of specialist medical clinics and facilities throughout the country. In August last year, the hospital allocated RM300 million for a two-acre extension block to be completed by the end of 2020. “We’re transitioning from a 205-bed community hospital into a large 600-bed hospital, so the changes we’re making now are centred around institutionalising our operations and governance, and increasing automation, to position ourselves to grow into the largest private healthcare platform in Asia,” says Nadiah. The extended facility will include 10 comprehensive operating theatres, 10 centres of excellence, more than 100 specialist clinics, food and beverage outlets, and more than 1,000 new parking bays. The group is also venturing into a RM1.2 billion integrated medical hub, Thomson Iskandar in Johor Bahru. Occupying more than four acres of land, the facility is expected to attract medical tourism from Singapore and across the region, with construction to commence at the end of 2018. At the core of TMC Life Sciences’ business is its chain of fertility centres, which continue to grow in line with Malaysia’s ambition to become a fertility hub in Asia. “We’re also looking to develop a network of ambulatory care centres and retail pharmacies, and to increase our Traditional Chinese Medicine offering,” says Nadiah. “Essentially, we’re building a comprehensive, fully integrated platform so that when a customer comes to Thomson – whether that’s in Singapore, Malaysia or anywhere across Asia – they’re able to access a variety of services in one place.” Having grown up as part of the social media generation, Nadiah realises the importance of openness and transparency. “I’ve noticed this is the difference between someone my age, versus a leader from an older generation. A good leader is open in acknowledging issues, and confident enough to confront them rather than hide them away,” she explains. “We’re building a culture of accountability and we invest in both in-house and external training and certification programs, and we encourage open communication through our Thomson Shine employee engagement program.” “A good leader is open in acknowledging issues, and confident enough to confront them rather than hide them away.” The 6 values Nadiah lives her life by six values: patience, discipline, competence, trustworthiness, selflessness and kindness. “Unlike industries such as banking and finance, the healthcare sector is very open to women – until you reach the C-suite. I’ve never come across intentional sexism or discrimination because most of the time they don’t realise they’re doing it. For example, if I’m talking to a contractor about machinery or construction and he assumes that because I’m a woman I’m not be the right person to talk to, I’ll be open and tell him otherwise. But I won’t beat them over the head with it,” she laughs. “What I love about health care is that every day is different and we have a real impact on people’s lives. Yesterday, I spent the morning looking at sanitary ware for the new hospital, but by the afternoon I was meeting with doctors to discuss the technology of the future. This diversity keeps me going.”
URSULA YOVICH (Serbian/Burarra) Australian Aborigine From humble beginnings in North West Arnhem Land Ursula Yovich has defied the odds to become one of Australia’s most celebrated performers. Recently listed as one of the top 21 most iconic women of the Australian stage, page and screen, she has dazzled audiences all over the world from the concert hall of the Sydney Opera House, the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London to Carnegie Hall in New York. For her stunning performance in Capricornia she was awarded the 2007 Helpmann Award (Australia’s equivalent to the Tony Awards) receiving her 4th Helpmann nomination for her role as the Black Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. In 2010 she was nominated for her 5th Helpmann for Best Actress, alongside Cate Blanchett for Waltzing the Willara and Best Cabaret for her one woman show Magpie Blues. She has played significant roles in the feature films Jindabyne and Baz Luhrmann’s Australia and performed on every major theatre stage in Australia. In 2012 she also featured in Pecan Summer, Australia’s first Indigenous Opera and performed a sold out season at the Sydney Theatre for Secret River directed by Neil Armfield and in Wesley Enoch’s translation of Bertold Brechts Mother Courage at the Queensland Theatre Company. NGAIIRE (Papua New Guinea) Sydney based future-soul artist Ngaiire is building a reputation for herself as one of the Australia’s most recognizable and dynamic vocalists and performers combined with her love for flamboyant stage attire. She released her debut album ‘Lamentations’ this year to much critical acclaim as one of the best Australian releases of 2013. Ngaiire spent some time writing songs for her album in an obscure drinking bar in the suburban outskirts of Tokyo, Japan with celebrated Jazz pianist, beat maker and composer Aaron Choulai. Her peculiar vocal arrangements and rare sense of soul transcend universal territories with its electronic soul elements as well as gratifying the folk sphere with her great adoration for storytelling and heartfelt laments. She rounds off a massive year in 2013 as the support for Alicia Keys and John Legend. EMMA DONOVAN (Gumbayngirr NSW) Australian Aborigine Emma Donovan is one of Australia’s finest Indigenous singer/songwriters. She is committed to educating the global community about Aboriginal culture and spirituality with the inclusion of her traditional language, Gumbayngirr, in her music and songs. Seamlessly blending roots, reggae, gospel and soul, Emma is a passionate singer, songwriter and collaborative vocal artist. Today, Emma continues to work with ensembles such as ‘The Black Arm Band’ and ‘Barefoot Divas’, and has now embarked in an exciting new collaboration with Melbourne based band ‘The Putbacks’. Her vast concert experiences include the Royal Concert Hall London, Musee de Quai Branli Paris, Benaki Museum Athens, Tjibaou Cultural Centre New Caledonia, Festival of Pacific Arts Palau, Treaty Grounds of Waitangi New Zealand, the Sydney Opera House & the Winter Olympics in Vancouver. WHIRIMAKO BLACK (Maori) New Zealand New Zealand’s soul diva, Whirimako Black has built up a loyal jazz, blues and Maori fan base with her sublime Te Reo Maori and English songs. She is, undoubtedly, one of New Zealand’s finest musicians. In 2006 she was awarded the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to Maori music and in 2008 she picked up the New Zealand Music Tui award for best Jazz Album. Whirimako has performed throughout New Zealand, Europe and Australia over the past decade. She creates a truly unique, intimate presence in her performances with sublime and exceptionally expressive voicethat has been described as ‘pure velvet’.Whirimako’s distinctive sound, her use of traditional Maori musical forms and Te Reo Maori make her a unique and powerful voice for New Zealand. In 2012 Whirimako appeared in her debut acting role as the lead in the NZ feature film White Lies, produced by South Pacific Pictures directed by Dana Rotberg with Producer Chris Hampson. She is currently nominated for Best Actress in the Asia Pacific Screen Awards and in the MOA NZ Film Awards for her performance. MERENIA (Maori, Welsh, Roma Gypsy) Merenia Gillies is a multitalented, beat throwing musician, who sings in 5 languages and is a powerhouse performer on stage with the most instinctive vocal talents of her generation. Born in Rotorua, New Zealand, Merenia was signed to Pagan Records at the age of 16. With her heritage a mixture of Maori, Roma Gypsy and Welsh, she embraces and indulges in an eclectic array of musical influences useing the traditional styles of her ancestry as a platform for layering hypnotic beats and sultry, soaring vocals. She is one of Australia’s most inimitable popular recording artists and live performers in the Soul, Club and Latin Genres. Often described as a soulful Latin infused Sharon Jones, Merenia works extensively as a live performer and studio musician performing across Australia, in Asia and touring on the international stage. MAISEY RIKA (Maori) Maori singer/songwriter Maisey Rika has one of Aotearoa’s (New Zealand’s) most impressive voices, creating music that fuses cultural roots, memorable tunes, and honest, sometimes haunting lyrics. Hailing from the small town of Whakatane, this singer/songwriter’s powerful, majestic voice has captivated audiences worldwide. Maisey began singing professionally at 13 years of age. Her first recordings brought her to national stardom with “E Hine”, a classic collection of Maori traditional songs, achieving double platinum sales and winning Best Maori Language Album at the New Zealand Music Awards. Maisey was nominated for Best Female Vocalist in 1998 at age 15. In 2010, she won all four Maori Music Awards for which she was nominated: including Best Māori Female Artist and Best Māori Songwriter of the year and she repeated her sweep again in 2013, winning 5 Maori Music Awards for her most recent recordingWhitiora as well as picking up Best Album at the 2013 Vodafone (Tui) Awards. She has toured Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Indonesia, Hawai‘i, and Australia and has performed at WOMAD Taranaki and Australian World Music Expo.
As we enter June we near the end of the first half of a year rich in invention and creativity, as gateways the world over unveil pioneering projects designed to help travellers make the most of their time at the airport and improve the overall passenger experience. Here, Airport Business outlines its Top 10 airport innovations of the year so far. 10. Cork Airport introduces real-time flight tracking In January of this year, Cork Airport became the first gateway to partner with revolutionary flight tracking service Flightradar24 to provide real-time flight tracking via its airport app. The innovative feature enabled travellers to view detailed information on the Irish airport’s departing and arriving flights by clicking on an aircraft on the in-app map, through which users can discover an aircraft’s route, speed, type, altitude, distance travelled and total distance to its destination. Kevin Cullinane, Head of Communications at Cork Airport, commented at the time: “We are delighted to launch the new flight scanning feature on our app. To be the first airport in the world to introduce this innovative feature is a fantastic achievement and is a further example of Cork Airport’s commitment to providing a world-class customer experience for every passenger using the airport.” Back in 2014 the forward-thinking gateway became the first in Ireland to enable passengers to view detailed, three-dimensional maps of all public areas of the airport with the integration of Google Indoor Street View within the Cork Airport App. “We will continue to innovate and introduce new initiatives to maintain the world-class customer experience for which we are known,” Cullinane said. 9. Helsinki Airport’s naturally beautiful baggage hall In a captivating demonstration of its commitment to creating an extraordinary experience for its passengers, Helsinki Airport in January unveiled its new-look baggage hall, designed to reflect Finland’s spectacular natural beauty, and give the airport real sense-of-place. The Exit 2B baggage lobby was redesigned by internationally acclaimed interior architect and sculptor Stefan Lindfors, who has worked alongside Finavia, the operator of Helsinki Airport, on a number of other projects in recent years. Glass-encased showcases portraying Finnish plants and wildlife were placed in between the baggage claim belts, while live footage of Finnish nature is now being projected on one of the walls. The ceiling, meanwhile, was covered with fabric representing wings, and the walls decorated with a circuit board pattern, which was hand-drawn by Lindfors and pays homage to Finnish IT expertise. “Many airports are very similar in style, whether you are in the Nordic countries, Central Europe or the United States,” Lindfors explained. “I want all of my work to really stand out from the others. I want passengers arriving in the lobby to experience something unique and to feel that they have just arrived in Finland.” Ville Haapasaari, Director of Helsinki Airport, added: “Helsinki Airport is Finland’s business card and for many passengers the first contact with Finland. That is why it is important that we stand out from other airports in a surprising way. A memorable arrival lobby will leave a positive impression on a passenger and that might make the passenger travel via Helsinki Airport also the next time.” 8. Tigerair Australia rolls out iPads to empower agents and reduce queues Last month Tigerair Australia began equipping its airport agents with iPads, in a move that allows staff to roam around the terminal and check-in passengers away from the traditional check-in desk. The iPads, which have the ‘MAX Airport by Levarti’ app installed on them to enable the remote processing, were initially introduced at Melbourne Airport, and will soon be rolled out to more locations. Adam Rowe, Tigerair Australia’s Commercial Director, said: “MAX Airport will essentially mobilise ground staff to check-in passengers and print boarding passes on the spot, assist customers to change flights or purchase optional add-on items such as extra luggage or extra leg room seating. It’s an exciting innovation to be rolled out across all ports that Tigerair flies to over coming weeks.” Rowe also explained that further functionalities will be added in the coming months to assist agents with disruption management, for instance. He added: “We’re really excited about this new technology that fits with our low cost model. We’re confident it will streamline the check-in and boarding process, improve the customer experience and enhance our on time performance at the same time.” The rollout of iPads coincides with the launch of Tigerair’s new internet booking agent, which will make the online booking process more intuitive and seamless. 7. AirAsia and Type22 launch Malaysia’s first fully automated self-service bag drop system This April AirAsia launched a complete self-service bag drop solution – Scan&Fly from Type22 – at Senai International Airport (Johor Bahru), which became the first airport in AirAsia’s network to deploy the system. AirAsia passengers flying from the airport in the south of Malaysia can now print their bag tags at a check-in kiosk before proceeding to the automated bag drop counter. At the counter they simply have to scan their boarding pass and bag tag using a handheld scanner and if everything is in order and the bag satisfies the carrier’s size and weight criteria, it will be automatically deposited into the baggage handling system. AirAsia has offered self-tagging at select locations since 2013, but passengers have still had to drop their bag at a manned bag drop counter. The introduction of the new system at Senai International Airport marked the first time AirAsia passengers can complete the entire check-in and bag drop process without any assistance from an airline agent. It only takes up to two minutes and 35 seconds to complete the whole check-in process. Following the implementation of the bag drop system at Senai International Airport, AirAsia also launched home-printed bag tags on two if its routes. The ‘Home Tag’ service, which allows passengers to print their bag tag at home, is now available to passengers flying between Johor Bahru-Kuching and Johor Bahru-Kuala Lumpur. To make use of this service, passengers just have to print their bag tag on an A4 sheet paper when they print their boarding pass, fold the paper and place it in a provided plastic cover, and attach it to their bag. Upon arrival at the airport, they can then drop the bag at a dedicated bag drop counter. The carrier has also confirmed that it plans to roll out its fully automated self-service bag drop solution at more locations, including Bangkok’s Don Mueang International Airport, Phuket International Airport, Langkawi International Airport and “a few stations in Indonesia”. 6. Helsinki Airport is first in Europe to install sleeping pods for tired travellers Helsinki makes its second appearance in our Top 10 with the introduction of its sleeping pods, installed back in March to provide transfer passengers with a dedicated space to relax or sleep while they wait for their connecting flight. The pioneering gateway installed 19 GoSleep pods – ergonomic seats that can be turned into a bed, each with a cover that can be pulled over the pod to isolate the user from the surrounding environment. The pods also have a power point so passengers can charge their electronic device, as well as a space for hand luggage to be stowed. The installation of the pods came two years after Finavia trialled sleeping pods as part of its “rest area” trial at Helsinki Airport. “We wish to provide passengers with an opportunity for stress-free travel and a nap between flights,” said Heikki Koski, Vice President at Finavia. “Helsinki Airport has many transit passengers, who may not have had any sleep for a day or are suffering from jet lag. I believe that the service will have genuine demand.” 5. Aéroports de Paris promotes passenger networking at Orly Aéroports de Paris (AdP) unveiled a new digital business lounge concept, Espace business, at Paris Orly Airport in February, providing a space for business travellers to work that makes use of beacon technology to promote networking between passengers. Espace business is located in Hall 2 of Orly West, where 58% of the 9,000 passengers who pass through the facility on a daily basis are travelling on business. These passengers can now access the new digital lounge free of charge, where they can make use of WiFi and workstations. Using AdP’s My Airport app, passengers can also register via the ‘Espace business’ tab and give permission for the app to notify other passengers of their presence. Thanks to the installation of beacons in Hall 2, the user will then be automatically notified of anyone else who has registered and is in the vicinity, and they can request a meeting with them if they see potential business benefits. Augustin de Romanet, Aéroports de Paris Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, said: “Air transport is facing changes which expose European airports to an increasing level of competition, between themselves as well as with other means of travel. Aéroports de Paris must therefore continually improve the services it offers by closely following the latest technological developments and ensuring that it meets the needs of all types of travellers. Espace business is in line with the group’s digital strategy to provide passengers with an improved airport experience.” 4. Abu Dhabi Airport implements automated document authentication Abu Dhabi Airports last month invested in an automated document authentication system that will further enhance its security and expedite processing times at the entrance to the security checkpoint. When a passenger scans their traditional, mobile or home-printed boarding pass, the new system automatically validate the data, checks it for duplicates and cross-references it against the Airport Operational Database and the airline’s Departure Control System. The information is then displayed to a security agent on a graphical user interface. The system, SITA’s iValidate, includes four security lanes with automatic gates, four mobile/paper boarding pass scanners and four hand-held wireless boarding pass scanners. It will initially be deployed in Terminal 3 economy, followed by the Terminal 3 business area, and will then be implemented in both economy and business areas in Terminal 1. “Deploying such an advanced technology is a further demonstration of Abu Dhabi Airports’ determination to use the very best the market has to offer. Effectively managing the balance between continuous passenger flow and stringent security measures is a fundamental part of our operations, and the task is even more important in view of our continued growth,” Ahmad Al Haddabi, Chief Operations Officer at Abu Dhabi Airports, said. “With this new technology, verifying passenger documentation will be done quickly and efficiently, while at the same time improving the passenger experience. This is all part of our on-going programme to deliver a smooth flowing airport that affords passengers sufficient comfort and time to enjoy all the facilities on offer.” 3. Iberia, Aena and Siemens partner on new check-in and bag drop solution Iberia gave the passenger more independence and sped up the passenger journey when it launched its new service enabling departing passengers to obtain boarding passes and luggage tags and to put their luggage directly onto the conveyor belt without assistance, using a machine next to check-in counters 818-819 in Iberia’s hub at Madrid-Barajas Airport. The new comprehensive self-check-in system was a pilot project developed in collaboration with the airport’s operator Aena Aeropuertos and Siemens. “This project is the consequence of the magnificent collaboration in recent years by Iberia, AENA and Siemens Postal Parcel and Airport Logistics, resulting in a high-performance system to consistently improve the passenger experience at Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport,” said Nerea Torres, President and CEO, Siemens Solutions for Airports and Logistics in Spain. “This innovative system is a new advance in ‘traveller empowerment’, giving the passenger more autonomy and saving airport waiting time.” Enrique Robledo, Iberia’s Director in Madrid airport, commented: “With this equipment made by Siemens Solutions for Airports and Logistics in Spain we launch a global project, led by Aena, which will carry on throughout 2015, in which we will test several systems for improving the customer experience during the passenger and luggage check-in process, lending greater autonomy to the passenger who can now complete the process including the delivery of luggage without assistance. This improvement initiative, within the framework of the Ágora Project, is a continuation of the technological innovation and improvement trend driven by Iberia with the aim of making Madrid Airport one of the leading international hubs.” 2. Schiphol switches to central security Cementing its position among the world’s most forward-thinking airports, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol now boasts one of the more unique airport security checkpoints. Gone are the slow-moving queues and sterile environment, and in their place is something referred to as the Schiphol Security Experience, which balances efficiency, stringent safety measures and customer experience, essentially delivering what has been labelled “security as a service”. The airport is now using five large central checkpoints in its security processing, meaning the 130 security lanes at its gates are no longer required. “The transition to central security is a milestone in the renovation of the terminal. It means greater comfort for passengers and a more efficient process for the airlines. A fantastic achievement by all the parties involved, certainly when you consider that we have always remained open during the renovations and will continue to do so,” said Jos Nijhuis, CEO & President of Schiphol Group. “55 million passengers chose Schiphol last year, and they could all see the renovation work which was being carried out. Renovation is sometimes accompanied by inconvenience, and this could also apply in the months ahead during the completion of the construction work. I would therefore like to thank our passengers, business partners and the airlines for their patience and understanding.” In order to enable the transition to central security, the terminal has undergone a major overhaul. An extra floor was constructed in Departure Halls 2 and 3 to accommodate the new checkpoints. On Piers E, F and G, an additional level was built in order to separate various passenger flows. In total, Schiphol now has three security checkpoints for departing passengers and two for transfer passengers. As well as enhanced comfort and efficiency, the new security concept also anticipates the airport’s future growth, changes in laws and regulations and new technological developments. 1. The ‘Happy Flow’ biometric passenger token project is launched at Aruba Airport The first of its kind Aruba Happy Flow project – in which biometrics are used as the key identifier at all airport checkpoints – was launched at Aruba Airport in May. The pilot project, which will run for the next two years, will see facial recognition technology used to identify passengers at check-in, bag drop, border control and aircraft boarding. Once the passenger’s passport and facial image have been linked at the initial check-in stage, they will not have to show their passport or boarding pass again before boarding the aircraft. The project is the result of collaboration between Aruba, the Netherlands, Aruba Airport Authority, Schiphol Group and KLM, while electronic identity solutions specialist Vision-Box has been awarded the tender to implement the project. Aruba’s Prime Minister Mike Eman heralded the launch of the pilot as “an extremely innovative and important step in the transportation industry for passengers, not only for Aruba, but worldwide”. Initially, a limited number of KLM passengers travelling with an EU passport will be invited to participate in the Happy Flow pilot. Jos Nijhuis, CEO and President of Schiphol Group, which manages Aruba Airport, commented: “With Aruba Happy Flow, together we have made an innovative step to further improve the comfort for the passenger. This is a unique project where amongst others the public and private passenger processes are combined. I have high expectations of the results. If the experience and test results are positive, we will further develop this project.”
Parallel Text – Short Stories in FrenchPenguin French Audio and Book Language Learning click hereOther French Dictionaries and Phrase Books click here 214ppThis new volume of twelve short stories with parallel translations offers students of French at all levels the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of contemporary literature without having constantly to refer back to a dictionary.Written by authors from Quebec as well as France the majority of these stories have been published in the last decade and reflect a rich diversity of styles and themes from Daniel Boulangers exploration of revenge and the desire for recognition to Alain Gerbers brief and poetic You Never Die and the sardonic tales of Frederic Fajardie and Sylvie Massicotte.Complete with notes the stories make excellent reading in either language. About the French Language French is the most northerly of the ROMANCE LANGUAGES that descend from Latin the language of the Roman Empire. Historically it is the language of northern France: it became Frances national language and spread to many other parts of the world with French conquest and trade. The Celtic-speaking inhabitants of Gaul were among the first non-Italians to take a full part in the culture of the Roman Empire. Not surprisingly there are Celtic loanwords in Latin and in all the Romance languages. There are a few documents and religious texts in French of the 10th and 11th centuries but the first real flowering of French literature is in epics the first and greatest being the Chanson de Roland Song of Roland of around 1200. They were recorded in manuscript form for oral recitation. From this beginning French poetry soon be not;came more varied and more consciously literary. Although the language of Paris and of the neighbouring royal monastery of Saint considerably more details Fail for of funding in the local languages:in the latin while the swedish texts were required to be an english translation who had extensive ph . Translated before books in economics languages aragonese and asturian . Chm has linguistic time to complete learning foreign languages . The tuareg languages are tonal so with palatal consonants especially in traditional indo-iranian languages such as which may be considered an sanskrit has borrowed words from these languages . This has had been fully fully adapted and has been translated into various languages and is especially an expert horse-rider and trainer . Their dominant languages are recognised about english although in the native outliers in polynesian authors such as malaysia and history which have been translated into a number of other languages and from other oral languages . All of these languages exist include:there are two main languages of the same areas of both the finnish and eastern languages . However some of them are used in arabic as many modern languages which have a base class that were unified writing system is typical to all but formosan and possibly due to the extinction of karaims speaking dialects other than greek and other languages . This should be interpreted as a scholar which now governed primarily by number of speakers . Sava is a common phoneme inventory and consonants related to proof for human languages and palatal consonants so both the main phenomena in the linguistic case is the only members of its extreme interest that allows one to in the source and lingua morpheme that helped to be able to take place . There has been adapted into many other languages . Among the world s languages typically 1 to speech shift work mainly because these languages are particularly well-adapted to combine every visual orthography while most spoken languages are available at the provo mtc . There are no official census recognized as two languages in the world have limited case structure and prosodic like all the romance languages . In the case of that state . Today most placenames and migrations are the only canadian legacy of the comparative literature was numerous elvish languages and both endangered and recognised minority languages:with the use of peranakan malay and persian languages and vice versa . For instance as portuguese merchants were presumably the first of about english education elements . The international velar sibilant fricative is a type of consonantal sound used in some spoken languages . This is potentially problematic in case of articulation as the palaihnihan languages and more recently and into the amount of register is much when two languages that have become apparent languages have voiced fricatives which are languages with tone forms and occur in all the languages which are more permissive . At the other side of the bantu languages which could be quite intricate in populations that preceded difficulty of old east africa . The western frisian languages are considered to be much more likely . Syntactically sounds although worked with a number of loanwords from the surrounding tonal languages in both the glottal and palatal consonants are geminated after some vowel-final words in the same prosodic unit . Minimal pairs for tone often describes the existence of many common languages . Many languages in the 5th century . They must have long since this isolate is found in two for isolated increased and any other turkic languages and also from the time that scottish gaelic navajo and the north have a speech system that stretches from the eu to be taught by the changes in the spread of indo-european languages particularly classical languages using a latin influence phoneme . The mostly 30 of the languages with hyphens and the vowels have grammatical distinctions outside pronunciation of linguistic features with the other romance languages . He is characterised by a general interest in the languages it has resulted in a mixture of the polish and persian languages from its literature written in the celtic languages with east slavey north slavey south slavey and tch . In canada as together with the traditional traditions of the latin language as well as a substantial transmission in indonesia and an early age may have been taken in the linguistic categories in the vast majority of mathematics found in human languages . Geography and its successor languages and ilocano are recognized as lingua francas by jewish in the latin script and key to college studying modern languages and history . However a clustering of sounds at the start the right to use it as a medium of instruction and for extinction in which they operate . Some three dialects are often quite weak . In some contexts and languages on the basis of a tagged union particularly in functional languages . Altaic languages -mongolic languages -in languages such as eiffel assertions form part of the design process; other languages such as european languages and dialects are notoriously vague in mesoamerica . This has inspired more forms and methods that are nearing regional languages were printed in three languages: traditional bulgarian chinese russian and the semitic languages aymara and the second half of the twentieth century . Latino-faliscan languagesthe latino-faliscan languages were:the language which is generally considered a genetic classification within the balkan lexicon and the other geographically distinct phonemes and subdivisions of demonstratives which are more important than it by its consonant environment at the beginning of the people which govern a natural branch of the indo-european languages and are closely related . This shows the changes that are indigenous to the new guinea languages:algol 58 s southern indian dravidian languages have been developed separate female items in speakers of mixezoquean languages the most important:old irish can then be reconstructed enough for typological theory that creating a larger universal origin and speakers of such languages . According to the extent of the history of the poverty of the stimulus with the reconstructed characteristics of the classification identity of the oral languages the indo-aryan ancestral language is a character or share no obvious dialectal syntactic lateral system . Something a earlier amount of voiced fricatives and certain member b including a sound used in the willamette valley in the oregon cascade range along the oregon penutian branch and the great penutian language family of the united nations . It is because any of its reliance on consistent form speakers in languages other than english for reference . This led franco-provenal to evolve down the existence of many different languages . The monument is a fusion of languages at the time of the christian cultural and christian links to policy languages such as french and ancient greek and soon english and chinese though sasl has spawned a number of other languages . Chinese and oirat replaced oirat and kirghiz during manchukuo as the dual languages of the nonni-based yenisei kirghiz . It has also been part of a larger population of the respective states of the catholic term since he had very little change in the celtic languages . There are currently three held or adapted by the tibetan languages and the basis of the translation into each of the features of east slavic languages the two principal indigenous languages are recognised under the basis of the peoples often included in akkadian support and plain consonants . In recent years there have been ongoing efforts to raise the availability of education in tamil grammar but in some other western languages . In common words all two languages are treated as a model for such languages has a lack of education during the new international absorptions that enjoy considerable changes over the culture and history of traditional documents in several languages with themselves being acquainted with the gospel of the training of the language to date by the chomsky hierarchy . Act had begun a javert-like obsession with the history languages and literature took by the year in his works and in the linguistic and linguistic period after the berlinisches society commissioner tottenham studying the social and political milieu . The song was translated into several different languages . It is highly allusive and co-authored translations in east asian languages useor have usedthe chinese script remained in the finnish language by the hindi script – dutch first of which follow the same prosodic unit . Minimal pairs for the analysis of the phonology of the romance languages . Many minority languages are used so the classification of the languages the forms would have been the subject of a word or progressive aspect numbering the methods of easily properties in language sets as a language known as manipravalam this by daniel river sentence analysis of a limited one or their ancestral languages other than java . For comparison the largest native languages of this group share significant numbers of speakers of totonacan languages in the tarim basin which is related to the languages of the tutelo occaneechi monacan manahoac and other eastern uto-aztecan language groups the tone are made up of their similarity to the branches of punic into the larger tai dialects on the indo-iranian traditional traditional languages of the world . In the cases it is the language that existed cross-linguistically resembles political and modern foreign-languages building . Conze had a talent for learning foreign languages and because these linguistic research is very secure but some poetry may be learned in recent copies in different languages . For the next working alphabets of western european languages and standard aboriginal languages of north america they do not distinguish word or one is the phenomenon of common ones which are critically present in central and byzantine musical languages written texts are treated in different forms and languages in the world . The game introduced the study of the christian cultural and a catholic age of his poems and they ve been translated into the local vernacular languages . The school teaches two from the following examples which are also indigenous to the mexico as they are working between her spoken languages and continued that remains in the collection of people from first or many languages currently supported will only have competence in multiple languages . 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The Singapore River forms a central artery in Singapore's densely packed Central Business District. The north bank of the river is where Raffles originally landed and founded his colony, and to this day many central government buildings can be found in the area. The newer south bank, laden with skyscrapers, is where Singapore's bankers make (or break) their fortunes. Between the two are the bulk of Singapore's nightspots, found along the riverside streets of Boat Quay, Clarke Quay and Robertson Quay. The riverside is best accessed by the MRT stations Raffles Place (North-South/East-West Lines) for Boat Quay and the Merlion, City Hall for Raffles Hotel and Chijmes, and Clarke Quay (North-East Line) for the bars and nightlife. There is no convenient MRT station for the western end of the river though: you'll have to hike on foot for 15 minutes, try to work out the buses, or hop on a bumboat. A popular way to see the heart of the city is with Singapore River Cruises. Stations are scattered along both banks of the river and reservations are not necessary. Prices start at $3 for a simple ride from point A to point B. The Esplanade/Merlion/Boat Quay area has some great views of Singapore and makes for a fine walk (or jogging trail if staying nearby). It can get quite hot during the day though; evenings are cooler and breezier, and the nighttime skyline is equally attractive. The bulk of Singapore's historical attractions are packed by the river, and the best place to start your tour is at the mouth of the Singapore River. While this area has formed the downtown core of Singapore since the early 19th century, sadly, most of the once-iconic shophouses and street markets have given way to modern skyscrapers and shopping centres, and those who wish to experience a more authentic slice of colonial Singapore life would do well to head up north to the Malaysian island of Penang instead. Not all is lost though, and several important government buildings and places of worship dating back to the 19th century still survive, and provide a rare glimpse into the city's colonial past. - 1 Cavenagh Bridge (Next to Fullerton Hotel). Singapore's oldest bridge and its only suspension bridge, constructed in 1869, now a pedestrian walkway across the mouth of the Singapore River. Note the original sign forbidding cattle to cross. - 2 Civilian War Memorial (The Chopsticks) (War Memorial Park, near Beach Rd). Stands in memory of the civilians who perished during WWII. Mostly bypassed nowadays by underground passages, the memorial is sited above the final resting place of the remains of some unidentified war victims, part of the reason why the CityLink Mall does not travel in a straight line. - 3 Merlion, Merlion Park (Raffles Place MRT exit H, off Fullerton Rd). Singapore's official symbol, 8.6 metres tall and weighing 70 tons, spouts water daily on the south bank of the mouth of the Singapore river. (The statue previously stood further down the river, but was moved in 2002 after the opening of the Esplanade Bridge.) Designed by the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board in 1964, many a commentator has pondered on the inherent contradictions of a creature that is half-cat, half-fish. Any time of night or day, a steady stream of tourists troops up to see the mythical beast, and a purpose-built pier lets you take pictures with the Merlion and the CBD in the background. When paying your respects, don't miss the bite-sized Mini-Merlion (officially the "Merlion cub"), a mere two meters tall, just 28 m away towards the bridge. Free. - 4 Raffles Statue, 1 Empress Place (Next to Asian Civilisations Museum). This statue of Stamford Raffles, the founder of Singapore, is built on the (supposed) exact spot where he first landed. Second only to the Merlion as most popular place in Singapore to take a picture of yourself, and having the skyscrapers and the shop houses of Boat Quay in the background helps to explain why! The statue here is actually a replica; the original can be found in front of the Victoria Theatre. - 5 Asian Civilisations Museum, 1 Empress Pl, ☏ . M 13:00-19:00, Tu-Su 09:30-19:00. Housed in the historic Empress Place Building, this is one of Singapore's newest, largest and best-presented museums. As the name hints, all of Asia is covered in the scope, although naturally there is an emphasis on the cultures near and in Singapore. Also hosts visiting exhibitions. $5, or $10 for Peranakan Museum joint ticket. - 6 Mint Museum of Toys, 26 Seah St (behind Raffles Hotel), ☏ . 09:30-18:30 daily. Built to house the 50,000-piece toy collection of local enthusiast Chang Yang Fa, the contents of this five-story building covers come from 25 countries and span over a century of "Moments of Imagination and Nostalgia with Toys" (hence MINT), with everything from wind-up toys to Darth Vader masks. Guided tours (45 min) available and recommended. S$15/7.50 adult/child (under 12). - 7 Peranakan Museum, 39 Armenian St, ☏ . M 13:00-19:00, Tu-Su 09:30-19:00. Formerly a branch of the ACM, now reborn as a standalone museum dedicated to the exuberantly colourful culture of the Peranakans, the Malay-Chinese and Malay-Indian traders who had a major impact on the Straits Settlements. The three story museum covers Peranakan weddings, religion and food with the latest in audiovisual gear. The building itself, a 1912 pastel blue wedding cake originally built as a school, is also impressive. $8, or $10 for ACM joint ticket. - 8 City Hall, 3 Saint Andrew's Rd (next to the Padang). This grand old building has seen many important events occur within and on its front steps. It was the place of the Japanese surrender in 1945 and was also where Lee Kuan Yew declared Singapore's self-governance and subsequent independence from both the British Empire and the Malaysian Federation. Earmarked to become the National Art Gallery of Singapore in 2015. - 9 Old Supreme Court Building, 1 Saint Andrew's Rd (next to the Padang). The Old Supreme Court Building was built in the classical style, featuring Corinthian columns and an allegory of justice set below the main dome. The current Supreme Court Building is right behind and its "spaceship" structure marks quite a contrast between the old and the new. Will be the National Art Gallery of Singapore in 2015. - 10 Central Fire Station, 62 Hill St, ☏ . Tu-Su 10:00-17:00. The oldest surviving fire station in Singapore, it also houses the Civil Defence Heritage Gallery which showcases the history of Singaporean firefighting complete with antique fire engines. There are guided tours (that require booking) up the hose tower, once the highest point in 1920. Free. - 11 Old Hill Street Police Station (MICA Building), 140 Hill St. This striking Neo-Classical building catches the eye with its multi-coloured window shutters. There's an air-conditioned atrium inside which has a few art galleries and sometimes hosts performances, as part of the larger Ministry of Communication and Information. Somewhat fitting use of an old police station. - 12 1-Altitude Viewing Gallery, 1 Raffles Pl (next to Raffles Place MRT station), ☏ . 08:00-22:00 daily. The viewing gallery at the rooftop of OUB Centre offers an unparalleled 360-degree view of Singapore from the highest point in the city-state at 282 metres. Visitors receive hi-tech interactive gadgets which allow them to see information about the places they are looking at. Each visit ends with a photo taken by specially mounted camera with a spectacular view of the Marina Bay as a background. $25 (08:00-17:30), $40 (17:30-22:00) with free mocktail. The entire Singapore river area is a lovely place for a walk, with small green gardens, old-style bridges and historical buildings, and the nightlife-rich expanse of Clarke Quay and Boat Quay. - 1 Victoria Theatre and Concert Hall, 9 Empress Place (Raffles Place MRT), ☏ . Originally built by the British in the 19th century, this was Singapore's premier arts centre until the Esplanade came and stole the limelight. Still hosts various smaller events that can't fit in (or afford) the Esplanade. History buffs may also want to do a detour: the Raffles statue in front dates to 1887, and the People's Action Party was founded here in 1954, as commemorated with a plaque showing a very young-looking Lee Kuan Yew. If you'd like something a little more adrenaline-laden, head to Clarke Quay: - 2 G-Max Reverse Bungy, 3E River Valley Rd (Clarke Quay), ☏ . M-F 15:00-24:00, Sa-Su 12:00-01:00. Get strapped in and flung upwards with a giant rubber band at 200km/h. $45. Jogging along the Singapore River is the best way to combine sightseeing and a workout, but there are two other options right next to Raffles Place MRT if you're willing pay for the air-con. - 3 Fitness First, 1 Raffles Place #06-00 (OUB Centre), ☏ . M-F 06:00-22:00, Sa 07:00-19:00, closed Su/hols. Compact little gym, but there's a rooftop swimming pool, two Jacuzzis and a tennis court. Day pass $40. - 4 True Fitness, 30 Raffles Place #07-00 (Caltex House), ☏ . M-F 06:00-23:00, Sa-Su 08:00-18:00. Cavernous two-floor gym packed with equipment. Busy in the evenings, but come here in the afternoon or weekend and you'll have the place to yourself. Try a Singapore Sling. Tourists typically head to the supposed birthplace at the Raffles Hotel's Long Bar (see #Drink section). There are some shopping malls of interest around the City Hall MRT station, but serious shoppers will wish to head to Orchard Road for their shopping instead. - 1 The Arcade, 11 Collyer Quay (Next to Raffles Place MRT). A small shopping mall in the heart of the financial centre. Consists mainly of small shops operated by individual owners, which are unique to the mall. - 2 CityLink Mall (City Hall MRT). For the novelty of an entirely underground mall that links the Riverside district to Suntec City and the Esplanade. You could go round in circles here if you don't pay attention, as the mall starts from City Hall MRT to Esplanade MRT and back again. Brace yourself for the human crush. - 3 Funan DigitaLife Mall, 109 North Bridge Rd (City Hall MRT), ☏ . One of the best places to buy electronics in Singapore, stores here are strictly vetted and the risk of getting ripped off is low. To test new purchases, you can even make use of the Wi-Fi facility in the mall to get online and do the necessary checks. - 4 Peninsula Plaza, 111 North Bridge Rd (City Hall MRT), ☏ . A place where Myanmese like to gather for a good meal of authentic home cuisine. Also notable for its concentration of specialist camera stores. - 5 Raffles City, 252 North Bridge Rd (City Hall MRT), ☏ . Daily, 10:00-22:00. Large shopping mall directly above the City Hall MRT station. Notable for Jason's Supermarket in the basement, which has probably Singapore's largest selection of gourmet food items. Raffles City Shopping Centre covers most shopping bases, including fashion, books, music, sports, toys, eye wear and beauty stores. A haven for consumers looking for luxury items, it offers downtown shopping at its finest with a number of luxury and designer stores such as Omega, Thomas Sabo, Cortefiel, and Tommy Hilfiger, among others. Raffles City is also home to big department stores like Marks & Spencer and Robinsons, and fashion chains like Topshop, River Island, and Skyla. The mall also has a number of restaurants including modern Australian Double Bay and Brotzeit, and is connected to the Swissotel, home to the Equinox Restaurant and New Asia Bar. - 6 Liang Court, 177 River Valley Road, Singapore 179030 (Just next to the Clarke Quay area, a 10 minutes walk from Clarke Quay MRT.), ☏ . This mall has a large offer of Japanese stores and dining places, most notably a big Japanese supermarket in the basement (Meidi-Ya) and an outlet of the Kinokuniya book store. You're spoiled for choice when eating at the riverside. Prices tend to be slightly inflated by Singaporean standards, so avoid any place that needs to use touts to get customers. The west end of the river (around Robertson Quay) houses a significant Japanese expat community, and consequently the Japanese restaurants nearby serve up some of the best fare this side of Tokyo. - Komalas, 111 North Bridge Rd, ☏ . Daily 08:00-22:00. McDonalds-style fast food, only they serve vegetarian Indian food on a banana leaf instead of burgers and fries. Worth a visit for the cognitive dissonance and good food, with massive meal sets under $5. - Lau Pa Sat, 18 Raffles Quay (near Raffles Place MRT). Open 24 hours. A nicely done up Victorian-style hawker centre, but a little pricier and hence quieter than most. The satay here is famous though, and there's a long row of outdoor stalls on the south side (open only in the evening), with Fatman Satay (Stall #1) generally getting the best reviews. - Song Fa Bak Kut Teh, 11 Bridge Rd (Clarke Quay MRT, opp Central), ☏ . Tu-Su 11:00-21:00. Popular bak kut teh specialist serving light, peppery Teochew-style pork rib soup, best eaten with salted vegetables (mui choy), dough fritters (you tiao) and rice. Usually packed, but service is fast. $6.50/bowl. - Yong Bak Kut Teh, 233 River Valley Rd (corner of Mohamed Sultan). Well located for late-night snacks, this coffee shop serves up tasty KL-style dark, herbal pork rib soup. $5.30 for a bowl with rice and dough fritters. - Epicurious, 60 Robertson Quay #01-02, ☏ . Tu-F lunch/dinner, Sa-Su all day (breakfast until 13:00). This lovably quirky cafe-delicatessen is justly renowned for its gourmet breakfasts, featuring not only the usual pancakes and toasts but more offbeat options too. Try the Green Eggs and Ham, with pesto scrambled eggs and prosciutto ($12), and wash it down with freshly squeezed juice ($5). - Ichibantei, 60 Robertson Quay #01-13, ☏ . 11:30-23:00 daily. Possibly the best of Singapore's many ramen restaurants, this branch of an Osakan restaurant serves up generous portions of authentic Japanese noodles. $10. - Inle Myanmar Restaurant, 111 North Bridge Rd, ☏ . 11:00-22:00. This very authentic little eatery is run by and for Singapore's tiny Burmese community, many of whom are gem traders in the office block above. The food is an intriguing mix of Thai and Indian influences. Try the chicken curry weekday lunch set. $5-10. - Señor Taco, Clarke Quay Store 01-12-D (by the interior fountain square). Excellent Mexican by Asian standards, with an inside restaurant area and a casual area under the canopy. $15-$25. The best places for a splurge with a view in the evening are Boat Quay, Clarke Quay and Robertson Quay, which have many riverside restaurants offering al fresco dining. However, especially on Boat Quay, avoid any restaurant that has to resort to touts to find customers. - 1 Bacchanalia, 23A Coleman St (Head north on Hill St from the river. Around the corner from fire station on the left), ☏ , [email protected]. M-Th 12:00-15ː00, 18ː00-24ː00; F 12:00-15ː00, 18ː00-02ː00; Sa 18ː00-02ː00. Run by acolytes trained at the highly-acclaimed Fat Duck Restaurant in Berkshire, England, Bacchanalia serves reinvented classics and thought-provoking dishes. Main dishes include Wagyu short rib; steak tartare; duck confit; foie gras satay; prawn risotto; salmon; caviar and king crab lasagna. Mains, $28-112. - Gyu-Kaku, 81A Clemenceau Ave #01-18/19 (UE Square), ☏ . Stylish Japanese-style charcoal barbeque joint, with a vast selection of wagyu (Japanese beef) and side dishes. Vegetarians need not apply. $35. - IndoChine Waterfront, 1 Empress Place (Opposite Boat Quay on a terrace outside the Asian Civilisations Museum), ☏ . Reasonable modern Vietnamese/Lao/Khmer food and gorgeous views of the river at only moderately high prices. Great place for a romantic date. Reservations advisable. $80. - Jade, 1 Fullerton Square (Fullerton Hotel), ☏ . Lunch 11:30-15:00, dinner 18:00-23:00. One of Singapore's best-regarded Chinese restaurants, dinner here can get very expensive indeed, but they're packed on Saturday and Sunday for one of the best deals in town: all you can eat gourmet dim sum made to order for $28, including soup, tea, and signature dishes like black ink squid dumplings and wasabi prawns. Reserve early. - Jumbo Seafood, 20 Upper Circular Rd #B1-48 (The Riverwalk), ☏ . Well-located outlet of the popular seafood chain famed for their chilli crabs, a Singapore speciality. Jumbo has another central outlet at Riverside Point, just across the river from Clarke Quay. $50. - Mimigar, 1 Nanson Rd #01-08 (Gallery Hotel), ☏ . Daily 18:00-23:00. Excellent Okinawan eatery offering the full range of bitter gourd stir-fries and strange pork parts; the name is Okinawan for "pig ear"! Try the signature soki soba noodles ($9) and wash them down with some awamori rice liquor with a shikwasa lime mixer. Limited seating and popular on weekends, so show up early or make reservations. $50. - Quayside Seafood Grill, Clarke Quay Block A (Near Hooters), ☏ . One of the better places for Singaporean food on the Quays, open for dinner only. The pepper crab here is good but a little pricey at $4/100g, which translates to $60-80 per critter. $50. - Viet Lang, 1 Old Parliament Lane, #01-03 Annex Building, Old Parliament House (Behind Victoria Theatre/Concert Hall), ☏ . Among the best Vietnamese restaurants in Singapore, and you can even wash down your pho and cha gio with some imported 333 beer. $40. Another good choice popular with the expat crowd is CHIJMES (30 Victoria St), the former Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus, now an atmospheric assemblage of high-end food & beverage outlets near the Raffles Hotel. - Carnivore Brazilian Churrascaria, 30 Victoria St #01-29A (CHIJMES), ☏ . A real Brazilian churrascaria (barbecue), where waiters walk around with skewers of South American beef and you can eat all the meat you want. 11 churrascos at lunch, 15 at dinner, extensive salad bar, and there's a good selection of wines, cold beer and caipirinha, the Brazilian national drink made with sugar cane. $33/48 lunch/dinner. - Lei Garden, 30 Victoria St #01-24 (CHIJMES), ☏ . One of the most expensive Cantonese restaurants in town, this Hong Kong-based restaurant group serves high end cuisine with an emphasis on garoupa, lobsters, prawns, and other seafood. Popular when entertaining business guests, just hope you're not the one who gets stuck with the bill. $50. - Prego, 80 Bras Basah Rd (Fairmont Singapore 1F), ☏ . Singapore's largest Italian restaurant seating 320, it has a pizzeria, a deli, a wine bar, and the main restaurant. Good for their pastas and pizzas, the calamari rings, and mushroom soup is also good for a start. The tiramisu is another highlight. $40. Singapore's nightlife is almost entirely concentrated near the river. The main party zones are Boat Quay, on the south of the river next to the financial district (MRT Raffles Place, exit G) and Clarke Quay on the north bank a few blocks inland (MRT Clarke Quay). Less well known but also worth a look are Circular Road, parallel to Boat Quay just behind it, and Robertson Quay, an up-and-coming nightlife/restaurant zone at the western end of the river. Bars and pubs come and go with dizzying speed, so just head out and find today's hip spot. All four are within crawling distance of each other. Mohamed Sultan Rd, inland from Robertson Quay and until recently the place to be, has been severely eclipsed by newer upstarts and most bars have been replaced by restaurants and furniture stores. Bars and pubs - Bar 84, 76 Robertson Quay, ☏ . Better known by locals as the Magic Bar, you can watch Ginza-trained manager-bartender-magician Hashi-san dazzle and astonish his guests nightly except Sunday. Dim lighting, smooth jazz, and stylish decoration makes this the perfect place of a quiet drink — although beware that, in addition to the $10 cover and $15 drinks, any props used for your amusement will also magically find their way onto your bill. - Brewerkz, 30 Merchant Rd #01-05/06 (Riverside Point, opp Clarke Quay), ☏ . 12:00-24:00 daily. Singapore's first microbrewery, still going strong after ten years and now brewing up no less than 12 types, available in handy 6-glass sampler sets ($10.49). Indoor and outdoor seating, with a wide range of pub grub in huge portions. Lunchtime prices can go as low as $3.50 for a pint. $10. - Em by the River, 1 Nanson Rd #01-06 (Gallery Hotel), ☏ . 09:00-02:00 M-F, 08:00-03:00 Sa-Su. Formerly Soundbar, this supremely chilled out place by the river is a cafe by day and a happening bar at night. $10. - Eski Bar, 46 Circular Rd (behind Boat Quay), ☏ . 20:00-03:00. Open till 03:00 on F-Sa. If the tropical heat starts to get to you, pop into the coolest place in town — a steady -6°C, to be precise, although the chill-out area is a comparatively toasty 18°C. Try the grapefruity Eski Blue or coconut sweet Sleeping Polar Bear ($15 each). - Equinox, 2 Stamford Rd, ☏ . The five bars and restaurants here offer the best nighttime views of the city, but prices are correspondingly expensive ($15 and up for a drink). For a cigar and live jazz, head to CitySpace (floor 70), while New Asia is a more casual place for a drink. Entry is through the Swissotel entrance on Stamford Rd. - Harry's Bar, 28 Boat Quay, ☏ . The favorite watering hole of Nick Leeson, the "Rogue Trader" who brought down the 233-year-old Barings Bank and was once arrested here for indecent exposure. There are now franchises all over town, but this is the original. Try the Bank Breaker, an unlikely shot of whisky and Midori, which like Leeson's escapades goes down smooth but leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. Live music most nights. - Long Bar, 1 Beach Rd (Raffles Hotel, 2nd floor), ☏ . 11:30-01:30. The supposed birthplace of the Singapore Sling, a syrupy sweet pink concoction of gin, cherry liquor, and other mysterious ingredients, often including pineapple juice. The two-floor bar is large and a bit of a tourist trap, but drinking a Sling at the beautifully decorated wood-paneled bar and throwing the accompanying peanut shells on the floor should be on every visitor's agenda — if you can stomach paying $36 for a premixed drink poured out of a pitcher. The current recipe is likely sweeter than the original recipe, but you can ask for a drier version. According to one historian, slings were popular in Singapore even before their supposed invention at the Raffles' Long Bar in 1915. Moreover, the Long Bar has moved from its original location within the hotel. - Marrakesh, 3D River Valley Rd #01-01 (Clarke Quay), ☏ . 11:30-15:00 and 18:00-01:00. The slick faux-Moorish decor inside is pleasant enough, but the thing to do here is to grab one of the hotly contested outdoor tables, fire up an expertly prepared shisha water pipe and watch the endless parade of Singapore's nightlife unroll before you. $12-15 for drinks. - Pump Room, 3B River Valley Road, The Foundry (Clarke Quay), ☏ . Daily 12:00-03:00. Very popular microbrewery/bistro at the heart of Clarke Quay. Full menu. Indoor and outdoor seating. Live music nightly (except Mondays). - Timbre, 1 Old Parliament Lane #01-04 (The Annex at The Old Parliament House), ☏ . Daily 18:00-01:00. In a beautifully renovated colonial house opposite Boat Quay (formerly occupied by Q Bar), this has some of the best views in town and is one of only a few places in Singapore specializing in local live music. Indoor and outdoor seating. - Cat Cafe Neko no Niwa, 54A Boat Quay (Level 2), ☏ . Singapore's first cat cafe, inspired by the Japanese. Customers can cuddle cats or just watch them peacefully. However, drinks can only be consumed outside the enclosed area. Reservations are recommended as there are a limited amount of people allowed at one time. $12 for the first hour, drinks from $1 up. At all clubs listed below, arrive early (or very late) because otherwise you may be stuck in line for a while. ID is theoretically required but rarely checked. - Attica, 3A River Valley Rd #01-03 (Clarke Quay), ☏ . Daily 17:00-late. Popular "New York style" club complex split into four zones: the outdoor 'lilypad' bar by the river, the main dancefloor (R&B, funk), the inner chill-out courtyard and Attica Too, the members-only club upstairs (house/trance). Picky bouncers, so dress sharp. - Canvas, 20 Upper Circular Rd, ☏ . The former Home club, now repoened under as Canvas. Drinks $12, 1-for-1 happy hour 18:00-21:00.. - Zouk, 17 Jiak Kim St, ☏ . Singapore's best-known nightclub and in fact a complex of 4 spaces: Zouk itself for harder dance music, Velvet Underground for loungier stuff, Phuture for experimental edge and the outside Wine Bar for chilling out. A full-entry ticket will set you back a rather pricey $35, but two drinks are included and the place is happening especially when foreign DJs are in town — which is more often than not! Unless you're a shopping maven intent on maximizing time in Orchard Road's shopping malls, the riverside is probably the best place to stay in Singapore. There is a large cluster of older mid-range hotels on and near Havelock Rd at the western end of river, not the best location for sightseeing or shopping. SBS bus 51 from Havelock Rd offers a good escape route to Chinatown, Clarke Quay and Orchard. Note that in the center, the bus goes north up Eu Tong Sen Rd/Hill St, but returns south via North/South Bridge Rd. - Carlton Hotel, 76 Bras Basah Road, ☏ . Very much a standard-issue, slightly older business hotel, but it's clean, comfortable and very well located. $200-. - Copthorne King's, 403 Havelock Rd, ☏ . The former King's Hotel, given a thorough renovation when taken over by the Copthorne group and now looks (almost) brand new. Tower wing rooms are good, main wing less so. The primary downside is the somewhat inconvenient location near the west end of the river, although Mohammed Sultan is within striking distance. $150-. - Holiday Inn Atrium, 317 Outram Road, ☏ . Formerly the Concorde Hotel, the 30-floor inner atrium is indeed impressive, but the rest of the hotel is looking old. - Robertson Quay Hotel, 15 Merbau Rd (In a round building where Clemenceau Ave crosses the river. MRT: Clarke Quay or Dhoby Ghaut), ☏ , [email protected]. Partly renovated rooms, a little limited breakfast, Internet available for a fee. Really good value for money especially if you just want a place to sleep and keep you stuff when visiting Singapore. from $130. - 1 Holiday Inn Express Clarke Quay, 2 Magazine Rd. New hotel close to Clarke Quay. Small but excellent rooms, included breakfasts, and a rooftop area with pool. $170. In addition to the hotels below, check out adjacent Marina Bay, which has a major cluster of high-end hotels. - Fairmont Singapore, 80 Bras Basah Rd (directly above Raffles Place MRT), ☏ . Formerly Raffles the Plaza and the world's tallest hotel, now neither but still one of Singapore's best hotels: recently refurbished, unbeatable location, good service. The South Tower rooms are newer than the North Tower. Pool shared with the adjacent Swissotel The Stamford and thus crowded at peak times. $300. - Naumi, 41 Seah St, ☏ . Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 12:00. A hip hotel 5 minutes walk from City Hall MRT. 40 rooms and suites. from $360++. - Raffles Hotel, 1 Beach Rd, ☏ . A Singaporean icon offering luxury in colonial style. Known as the birthplace of the Singapore Sling and the final stand of Singapore's last tiger, shot in the Billiards Room. Famed for super-attentive service, with more staff than guests, but needless to say, it's also by far the most expensive hotel in Singapore! $600. There are some luxury hotels of note scattered elsewhere on the river. - Fullerton Hotel, 1 Fullerton Sq, ☏ . In the magnificently refurbished former Central Post Office, this is Raffles' closest competitor (in price as well) with an excellent location facing the Merlion on the south side of the river; the third-floor pool almost certainly has the best views in town. Rooms are modern in style and luxuriously furnished, but for the best views it's worth paying a little extra to avoid the Courtyard rooms and get a Quay or better. $500. - Gallery Hotel, 76 Robertson Quay, ☏ . If you've ever wanted to spend the night in an IKEA showroom, this self-proclaimed Highly Individual Property is the place for you. No paintings hanging on the wall here, the name refers to the hotel's own style, all steel, glass, austere modern furniture and breakage-prone fancy electronics. Well located for visits to the 4 bars/clubs on premises and nightspots on Mohammed Sultan, but you'll be taking a taxi anywhere else. Bonus points for free Internet and Singapore's funkiest pool/human aquarium. $238. - Grand Copthorne, 392 Havelock Rd, ☏ . The flagship of the Millennium & Copthorne chain and the only luxury hotel at the west end, but unfortunately the pomp of the lobby and exterior are not matched by the spacious but otherwise somewhat dumpy rooms. $230. - Novotel Clarke Quay, 177A River Valley Rd (MRT Clarke Quay), ☏ . The hotel has 401 rooms each with magnificent and un-obstructed views, and state-of-the-art facilities. $120. - Swissotel Merchant Court, 20 Merchant Rd, ☏ . This large 476-room hotel has an excellent location on Clarke Quay right next to the MRT station, but the rooms are musty and those facing the river suffer from noise from partygoers whooping it up. $200. - Systematic Laundromat, 11 Unity St #01-22, ☏ . One-day laundry service (no self-service available). Call ahead for pricing or they may charge you a hefty "tourist tax" of up to 200%. $6 for 4kg.
Katie Hayes 2018- Climate Change & Mental Health Risks Impacts and Priority Actions Background: This article provides an overview of the current and projected climate change risks and impacts to mental health and provides recommendations for priority actions to address the mental health consequences of climate change. Discussion and conclusion: The authors argue the following three points: firstly, while attribution of mental health outcomes to specific climate change risks remains challenging, there are a number of opportunities available to advance the field of mental health and climate change with more empirical research in this domain; secondly, the risks and impacts of climate change on mental health are already rapidly accelerating, resulting in a number of direct, indirect, and overarching effects that disproportionally affect those who are most marginalized; and, thirdly, interven- tions to address climate change and mental health need to be coordinated and rooted in active hope in order to tackle the problem in a holistic manner. This discussion paper concludes with recommendations for priority actions to address the mental health consequences of climate change. Keywords: Climate change, Mental health, Attribution, Mitigation, Adaptation It is well understood that human health is threatened by the impacts of climate change [1–3]. In the 2017 Lan- cet Countdown on Climate Change and Health, authors state: “The human symptoms of climate change are unequivocal and potentially irreversible—affecting the health of populations around the world today” . Cli- mate change is no longer a looming threat but rather a destructive reality with dire predictions for the future. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates an increase of 250,000 excess deaths per year between 2030 and 2050 due to the “well understood impacts of climate change” . Impacts include heat-related morbidity and mortality, increases in vector-borne diseases (e.g. den- gue fever, malaria), increased respiratory illness, and morbidity and mortality due to extreme weather events [6, 7]. The lesser-known, and often overlooked, effects of 1 Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada Full list of author information is available at the end of the article climate change include the risks and impacts to mental health—the focus of this article. Mental health refers not just to mental illness, mental problems, and mental disorders, but also includes states of mental wellness, emotional resilience and psychoso- cial wellbeing [8–11]. Psychosocial wellbeing is the inter- play between social and psychological conditions that shape human welfare; a broad term which encompasses the states of being mentally healthy, experiencing mental problems, and mental illness [7, 10]. Investigating the current state of evidence and knowl- edge about the climate change impacts to mental health, this article pays particular attention to the inequitable impacts of climate change on the mental health of mar- ginalized and vulnerable populations. We argue the fol- lowing three points: firstly, while attribution of mental health outcomes to specific climate change risks remains challenging, there are a number of opportunities avail- able to advance the field of mental health and climate change with more empirical research in this domain; sec- ondly, the risks and impacts of climate change on men- tal health are already rapidly accelerating, resulting in a number of direct, indirect, and overarching effects that © The Author(s) 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/ publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Hayes et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2018) 12:28 Page 2 of 12 disproportionally affect those who are most marginal- ized; and finally, interventions to address climate change and mental health need to be coordinated and rooted in active hope in order to tackle the problem in a holis- tic manner. This paper explores each of these facets and concludes with recommendations to enhance the state of knowledge and actions on climate change and mental health. Before diving into the topic area, a brief overview of climate change and health effects are noted in the sec- tions below. Climate change and health An extensive body of research continues to strengthen knowledge about the impact of climate change on physi- cal health, including for example, a rise in vector-borne, water and food-borne diseases; an increase in acute and chronic respiratory conditions (including asthma and allergies); and, heat-related and extreme weather-related morbidity and mortality [2–4, 12]. Indirect health impli- cations that are increasingly recognised in global reports on climate change and health include illness related to food and water safety, under-nutrition related to food insecurity, malignant melanoma from UV exposure, and chronic kidney disease from dehydration . In late 2017, the Lancet released its first, full tracking report on cli- mate change and health. In this report, there is an explicit request for more information on, and actions to address, the “often-unseen” impacts of climate change on human health, notably, the mental health consequences of cli- mate change . Climate change and mental health The expanding research literature on climate change and mental health includes increasing evidence that extreme weather events—which are more frequent, intense, and complex under a changing climate—can trigger post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), major depressive dis- order (MDD), anxiety, depression, complicated grief, survivor guilt, vicarious trauma, recovery fatigue, sub- stance abuse, and suicidal ideation [13–26]. Incremental climate changes, such as rising temperatures, rising sea levels, and episodic drought, can change natural land- scapes, disrupt food and water resources, change agricul- tural conditions, change land use and habitation, weaken infrastructure and give rise to financial and relationship stress, increase risks of violence and aggression, and displacement of entire communities [4, 18, 23, 27, 28]. The overarching threats of a changing climate, can also incite despair and hopelessness as actions to address the ‘wicked problem’ of climate change seem intangible or insignificant in comparison to the scale and magnitude of the threats . Paradoxically, these same disastrous circumstances may also inspire altruism, compassion, optimism, and foster a sense of meaning and personal growth (otherwise referred to as post-traumatic growth) as people band together to salvage, rebuild, and console amongst the chaos and loss of a changing climate [30, 31]. Climate change and health inequity It is well understood that climate change augments exist- ing inequalities, rendering those most marginalized at greater peril to the health consequences of a changing climate [4, 32, 33]. In fact, the first key message from the Lancet’s Countdown on Climate Change and Health report emphasizes the disproportionate impact climate change has on the world’s most marginalized people and the consequential impacts this has on these popu- lations if social and environment justice concerns are not addressed . Watts et al. state: “By undermining the social and environmental determinants that under- pin good health, climate change exacerbates social, eco- nomic, and demographic inequalities, with the impacts eventually felt by all populations” . Those who are at greatest risk to the effects of climate change are those who are most marginalized based on socially and envi- ronmentally mediated factors, such as socioeconomic status, culture, gender, race, employment, and education [15, 34]. Marginalized groups who tend to be the most affected by the mental and physical health implications of climate change are: Indigenous peoples, children, seniors, women, people with low-socioeconomic status, outdoor labourers, racialized people, immigrants, and people with pre-existing health conditions [2, 3, 7, 13, 22, 23,33, 35, 36]. Importantly, these marginalized groups are not homogenous. People may experience intersections of marginalization based on a variety of the above social indicators. Exploring the relationship between mental health and climate change An updated overview of recent evidence on the mental health implications of climate change is timely given the ongoing, rapid expansion of research in the broad field of health and climate change as well as increasing pub- lic concern about climate change trends and risks.1 Since 2007, media reports on climate change and health have increased by 78% and the academic literature on climate and health issues has tripled . There is also increas- ing public and academic recognition of the extent to which rising global temperatures threaten planetary and human health [38, 39]. While public awareness about the health implications of climate change continues to grow, the topic of mental health is frequently absent from 1 This article builds on an earlier overview of mental health and climate change by Fritze et al. . Hayes et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2018) 12:28 Page 3 of 12 this discourse. In some ways, this reflects the global dis- course, where, in comparison to physical health, mental health in general has been neglected. Globally, the prevalence of mental health issues is extremely high even without considering the added men- tal health consequences of a changing climate. Based on a 10-year systematic analysis of global burden of dis- ease from 1990 to 2010, Murray et al. find that mental illness comprises 7.8% of the global burden of disease . Mental and behavioural disorders also account for the greatest global burden of years lived with a disabil- ity (YLDs) . Vigo et al. contend that these figures are actually much higher if co-morbidities related to mental illness are considered within burden of illness studies and if a more accurate definition of mental illness is used, a definition that includes health behaviours like self-harm and suicide . The failure of global investment in men- tal health care to address the consequences and impacts of rapidly escalating levels of mental illness has been described as a “global tragedy” reflecting a long “legacy of the neglect and marginalization of mental health” . Similarly, authors from the 2016 Lancet report on sus- tainable development and global mental health describe the state of mental health as the “most neglected of all human health conditions” and a “failure of humanity . The inattention to mental health is of particular concern in the field of climate change and mental health given the evidence that psychological impacts from any form of disaster exceed physical injury by 40–1 , and that since 2000 the frequency of climate change-related weather disasters has increased by 46% . Crucially, it is the most marginalized who are especially vulnerable to climate change’s impacts on mental health. As McMi- chael notes, climate change acts as a health “threat ampli- fier”, compounding existing social injustices . There is, therefore, a strong case for continuing to explore and communicate research and policy learning about the relationship between climate change and mental health— especially as the topic area pertains to health equity. Part 1. Exploring the challenges and opportunities The lack of attention to the topic of climate change and mental health is often imputed to the challenges of attribution. Attribution in this case is the scientific association between greenhouse gas emissions and mete- orological change on the one hand, and between climate change-related meteorological change and mental health effects on the other. There is now an increasingly strong body of literature which highlights the causal linkages between climate change and extreme weather events (see [45–50]). One of the key messages within this literature is that while we cannot say with certainty that any one specific extreme weather event is directly caused by cli- mate change; we do know that because of climate change, extreme weather is more generally on the rise, mak- ing extreme weather events more frequent, intense, and complex. In other words, climate change therefore ‘loads the dice’ for more weather extremes. Within the disaster mental health literature, the links between extreme weather events and mental health effects are well established (see for example [51–59]). However, many of these studies tend not to connect extreme weather to a changing climate—instead referring to extreme weather events as natural disasters rather than events linked to anthropogenic climate change. Studies within this domain tend to focus on mental health out- comes of specific hazard events (e.g. the 2004 Tsunami in Malaysia, Hurricane Katrina in 2005; Southern Alberta floods in 2013) positioning each hazard as an isolated incident unconnected to the wicked problem of climate change. The risk of overlooking or minimizing the role of climate change within these hazardous events is that this creates a reactive culture of emergency response that inhibits appropriate and effective adaptation planning and preparation for complex emergencies that a changing climate can create. An additional concern is that much of the disaster men- tal health research has traditionally focussed on three distinct phases (the emergency and crisis stage, the post- impact stage, and the rehabilitation and recovery phase) , while little attention has been paid to psychosocial phenomena that can occur during the pre-disaster phase. Such phenomena include, for example, heightened anxi- ety levels, feelings of impending doom, hopelessness, and fatalism that can be triggered by approaching extreme events or associated weather warnings; and which may also be amplified due to the perceived risk of subacute, environmental changes like rising temperatures and epi- sodic droughts [13, 20, 22]. Key challenges of attributing climate change to mental health Attribution related to climate change and mental health can be challenging for four key reasons: firstly, there is a risk of pathologising common transitory distress responses to abnormal events and underdiagnosing men- tal health effects of a changing climate; secondly, there is a wide array of potential climate change and mental health outcomes related to a changing climate; thirdly, there is substantial scope with respect to the timing of the climate change effects on mental health, thus causal links become harder to determine; and finally, attribution related to climate change and mental health is not well Hayes et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2018) 12:28 Page 4 of 12 understood because of the complex interaction between mental health and other social determinants of health. There is a simultaneous risk of pathologising ‘normal’ responses to a changing climate and of underdiagnos- ing the real mental health effects of a changing climate. Pathologising ‘normal’ responses to disaster situations may result in a failure to differentiate between mild tran- sitional distress or grief and more severe, persistent men- tal health problems. Both overinflating or underinflating mental health outcomes associated with climate change can lead to erroneous prevalence estimates and skewed assumptions about mental health service needs. A further consideration noted by Whaley in the aftermath of Hur- ricane Katrina is that in some cases medical professionals did not assess pre-existing mental health conditions and, therefore, attributed disaster trauma as a typical stress response, or alternatively diagnosed patients with stress response when in fact there were much larger mental health issues related to the effects of the Hurricane that went undiagnosed . Crucially important to consider is that pre-existing mental health conditions or problems can be exacerbated or even triggered by changes in cli- mate [9, 61]. As noted earlier, mental health includes states of men- tal wellness as well as mental problems and disorders. With this in mind, the current application of tools to assess mental health have some limitations. Researchers tend to conceptualize mental health solely as mental ill- ness and mental problems, administering surveys using validated instruments that assess mental health prob- lems and issues like: generalized anxiety disorder (using the general anxiety disorder, GAD-2 questionnaire), PTSD (PCL-6 checklist), and psychological distress (via the general health questionnaire, GHQ-12) following an extreme weather event [52, 53, 62–66]. Few empirical studies that use these survey methods capture positive psychological consequences of extreme weather events, like feelings of compassion, altruism, sense of meaning, post-traumatic growth, or even increased acceptance of climate change and engagement with climate mitigation. This information can elucidate the complexity of mental health impacts from a changing climate and also help to understand any predisposing factors that may influence positive mental health outcomes and build psychosocial resilience. Timing of psychosocial implications from climate related hazards poses another challenge. Scholars have discovered wide-ranging timeframes for the psychosocial impacts to manifest. Azuma et al. find that the incidence of psychological disorders (including PTSD) tended to be most significant within 6 months after a flood . Kessler et al. conducted interviews with Hurricane Katrina survivors 5–8 months post-event and 1-year post-event, these authors found an increase in mental health disorders as time progressed . For example, PTSD increased from 14.9% at 5–8 months to 20.9% after 1 year. Anderson et al. suggest that psychosocial impacts tend to peak within the first-year, post-extreme weather event . Tunstall et al. on the other hand, found that residents who experience significant flooding self-report long-term psychosocial impacts (namely anxiety when it rains) from 2.5 to 5 years post-flooding . A recent news article suggests that over 7000 people who experi- enced Hurricane Katrina in 2005 are still receiving men- tal health care for trauma associated with the Hurricane . Noting that psychosocial health outcomes can have latent effects, or that these outcomes can occur as a result of sequelae, knowing how and when to study the cli- mate change-related impacts and psychosocial outcomes becomes increasingly challenging—especially if the aim is to demonstrate the magnitude and attribution of effects. Distilling the precise impact of climate change on mental health can be difficult to separate from other social determinants. As Watts et al. note, measuring the impacts of climate change on mental health is challeng- ing not only because of attribution but also because of the “complicated nature of mental health, which embraces a diverse array of outcomes (e.g. anxiety and mood disor- ders), many of which co-occur and all of which vary with contexts and during lifetimes. Mental health impacts are often products of long and complex causal pathways, many of which can be traced back to distal but potent root causes, such as famine, war, and poverty, of which climate change is an accelerator” . Mental health, like physical health, is shaped by social and ecological factors that can influence—and often amplify—other determi- nants of health, like a changing climate. Opportunities of attributing mental health to climate change It is important to locate climate change within the dis- course on mental health because the frequency, intensity, duration, and complexity of climate change effects is on the rise and thus climate-related mental health outcomes are also increasing—adding to the already burgeoning burden of mental illness and mental problems globally. Acknowledging the mental health consequences of cli- mate change helps the mental health community to dis- cern and anticipate patterns of mental illness, like for example PTSD following extreme weather events. Also, an understanding of the unequal impacts of climate change on marginalized groups supports public health prevention strategies that seek to protect those most sus- ceptible to mental illness and mental problems. There is a risk that climate-related psychosocial con- sequences may become diluted in the high prevalence of mental health disorders globally; therefore, there is a Hayes et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2018) 12:28 Page 5 of 12 need for additional research within the specific domain of climate change and mental health. If there is a better understanding of the linkages between climate change and mental health, there are more opportunities to understand and address climate change and mental health via actions rooted in climate change mitigation and adaptation that support psychosocial resilience. Spe- cifically, the field requires more empirical research on the mental health consequences of climate change, especially as this research relates to marginalized communities and the risks and impacts associated with chronic climate change-related hazards and consequences (like sea-level rise, rising temperatures, and ecological degradation). To address the overarching interplay of social and environ- mental determinants of health that can magnify climate change-related risks on mental health, a health equity approach to this area of study is required. Secondly, there is a need to better understand climate change-related hazards within the context of mental health sequelae. Research in this area could help to explore the complex- ity of climate change and mental health attribution by recognizing the role of predisposing mental health con- ditions while also taking into account the perceived and actual risks and impacts related to a changing climate. This type of research can support a better understanding of the triggers and timing of climate change-related men- tal health effects as well as support policy and program development for mental health resources. Attributing mental health outcomes to climate change also presents opportunities to assess, build, and strengthen mental health systems. In 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) set forth the framework for building climate resilient health systems . This framework provides guidance for health professionals to predict, prevent, and prepare for climate change-related shocks with the ultimate aim of protecting population- level health by increasing health systems’ capacity to cope, adapt, sustain, and strengthen in the wake of a changing climate. While the framework overlooks the intricacies of mental health systems—like the current and prevailing lack of mental health infrastructure, funding, and resourcing globally—it does provide the necessary guidance to build mental health systems resiliency. Artic- ulating climate change as a determinant of mental health not only brings awareness of the broad consequences of climate change on health but also supports the enhance- ment of mental health systems. In sum, the key benefits of understanding the link- ages between climate change and mental health include: enhanced knowledge of patterns of illness; an added emphasis on the global call to action to reduce and address climate change risks and impacts; in-depth knowledge of the risks and impacts to marginalized communities; and, better planning for mental health response and mental health systems resiliency. Part 2. Current risks and impacts of climate change on mental health It is challenging for people to recognise changes in cli- mate because these changes appear distant or abstract— especially because climate is often confused or lost in perceptions about weather or seasonal change . The influential sociologist Anthony Giddens refers to this space and time distancing of the climate change prob- lem as the Giddens Paradox . The Giddens Paradox states that: “since the dangers posed by global warming aren’t tangible, immediate or visible in the course of day- to-day life, many will sit on their hands and do nothing of a concrete nature about them. Yet waiting until such dangers become visible and acute—in the shape of catas- trophes that are irrefutably the result of climate change— before being stirred to serious action will be too late” (p. 2). Marshall contends that part of the time and space distancing of the climate change problem, and thus the reluctance to act, is reinforced by the Western political discourse on climate change as a future-facing problem that intentionally overlooks the centuries of industrializa- tion, fossil fuel consumption, and land degradation that contribute to anthropogenic climate change . Mar- shall calls for a reckoning with this discourse by noting: “Climate change is a future problem. But it is also a past problem and a present problem. It is better thought of as a developing process of long-term dete- rioration, called, by some psychologists, a “creeping problem.” The lack of a definite beginning, end, or deadline requires that we create our own timeline. Not surprisingly, we do so in ways that remove the compulsion to act. We allow just enough history to make it seem familiar but not enough to create a responsibility for our past emissions. We make it just current enough to accept that we need to do some- thing about it but put it just too far in the future to require immediate action” . Noting the Giddens Paradox and the reckoning that Marshall asks us to have with the “creeping problem” of climate change, it becomes important to confront the current mental health consequences related to climate change that are happening now [70, 71]. To do so, it is useful to explore the conceptual framework of climate change and mental health developed by Berry et al. . These authors organize climate change-related hazards into three categories: acute (flooding, hurricanes, etc.), sub-acute (pervasive drought), and chronic (rising sea- level, increasing temperatures). These climate change- related hazards lead to a variety of direct, indirect, and Hayes et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2018) 12:28 Page 6 of 12 overarching psychosocial consequences that are occur- ring now—disproportionately affecting those most marginalized. Direct psychosocial consequences of climate change include trauma related to extreme weather events, like floods, hurricanes, wildfires, and heat waves [15,37]. Indirect mental health consequences of climate change occur through social, economic, and environ- mental disruptions (e.g. famine, civil conflict, displace- ment, and migration) related to a changing climate [15,37]. The overarching psychosocial consequences of cli- mate change relate to the long-term emotional distress caused by awareness of the threats and impacts of climate change on the current and future wellbeing of the earth and its inhabitants. The multidimensional climate change and mental health pathway leads to a variety of unequal psychosocial consequences explored below. Direct mental health consequences of climate change There is now an extensive and rapidly expanding body of research exploring the current mental health con- sequences of climate change-related extreme weather events. Extreme heat events and humidity have been noted to increase hospital admissions for mood and behavioural disorders, including schizophrenia, mania, and neurotic disorders [72, 73]. Scholars in the field note that heat-related mental health morbidity tends to occur most often in people with impaired thermoregu- lation, namely people with pre-existing mental health illness and problems, people taking prescription medica- tions (specifically lithium, neuroleptic and anticholiner- gic drugs), and those with substance abuse (alcohol and drugs) problems [35, 36, 74]. Extreme heat is also linked with an increased risk of wildfires, which also directly impact mental health. Bryant et al. mapped the psycho- logical outcomes of the Black Saturday bushfires in Victo- ria, Australia; in communities most at risk to the impacts of bushfires, these authors found incidences of PTSD, psychological distress, and depression related to the fires . The direct mental health consequences related to flooding and hurricanes are also well documented (see [51–55, 60, 62, 76–81]). In a study of 30 locations in Eng- land and Wales, Tunstall et al. conducted interview sur- veys with residents affected by flooding. They found that psychological impacts were more commonly reported than physical effects . One study researching the psychosocial impacts following Hurricane Katrina esti- mates that 20–35% of survivors experienced some form of mental health issue following the disaster . Galea et al. reported a 31.2% prevalence of anxiety-mood disorders amongst Hurricane Katrina survivors , while Rhodes and Chan found that nearly half (47.7%) of marginalised community members of New Orleans (mainly low-income, African American women) showed probable signs of PTSD after Hurricane Katrina . While PTSD is often reported as one of the most severe mental health impacts related to acute climate change-related disasters, there have also been increasing reports of suicide and suicidal ideation following extreme weather events. Chand et al. note one Italian study that found higher rates of suicide in northern communities with greater climate variability [72, 83]. Dodgen et al. highlight the risk of homicide-suicides after extreme weather events by noting the doubling of these incidents following Hurricane Andrew in 1992 in Miami-Dade County . There is also observed evidence of increased suicidal thoughts (from 2.8 to 6.4%) and plans to commit suicide (from 1.0 to 2.5%) 18-months after an extreme weather event . Notably, however, the overall evi- dence linking changing climate and suicide is still incon- clusive. Studies on suicidality in natural disaster contexts, for example, vary considerably in study methodology and timeframes considered, with recent reviews indicating divergent trends in suicidality rates following exposure to extreme events, ranging from an initial decline, to neu- tral effects, all the way to a delayed increase in suicidality . On a deeper level, the psychological responses of com- munities and individuals to disasters are complex and varied and do not necessarily simply result in more men- tal illnesses. Rebecca Solnit, in A Paradise Built in Hell, usefully describes the complicated psychosocial conse- quences that can arise after an extreme weather event as, “that sense of immersion in the moment and solidar- ity with others caused by the rupture in everyday life, an emotion graver than happiness but deeply positive. We don’t even have a language for this emotion, in which the wonderful comes wrapped in the terrible, joy in sorrow, courage in fear. We cannot welcome disaster, but we can value the responses, both practical and psychological” . Exploring the complexity of psychological responses in the book, Climate change and human well-being, Weissbecker et al., discuss the full spectrum of psychoso- cial consequences of climate change-related events rang- ing from mental illness to more positive experiences like ‘Post Traumatic Growth’ (PTG), empathy, compassion, altruism, and emotional resilience . Indirect mental health consequences of climate change The indirect mental health consequences of climate change can occur as a result of damages to physical and social infrastructure, physical health effects, food and water shortages, conflict, and displacement from acute, subacute, and chronic climactic changes . One of the most well-documented climate hazards Hayes et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2018) 12:28 Page 7 of 12 that indirectly influences mental health is drought. Long-term droughts affect food and water supplies and can subsequently affect the economic and mental wellbeing of land-based workers, most often impact- ing those living in rural and remote communities [58,86, 87]. In a quantitative analysis of drought and dis- tress in Australia over a 7-year period, authors found that rural dwellers experience more distress due to the droughts than their urban counterparts . In a sys- tematic review of the literature, authors note the most prominent causal pathway linking drought and mental health is via the economic effects from land degrada- tion . These effects are most prominent amongst farmers whose economic livelihoods depend on envi- ronmental conditions. Exemplifying this, a 2008 study in New South Wales, Australia reports that nearly three quarters of farmers report stress related to persistent drought . Some authors also suggest that income insecurity related to drought increases the risk for sui- cide among farmers [9, 89]. Long-term drought has also been increasingly linked to conflict and forced migration, which can influence psy- chosocial outcomes like the propensity for stress, PTSD, anxiety, and trauma . The Institute for Environment and Human Security of the United Nations University estimates that migration due to climate change may vary drastically, citing estimates of between 25 million to 1 billion by 2050, with 200 million as the most frequently cited estimate . The rise in the number of ‘climate migrants’ has been identified as a significant risk by an increasing number of defence and security experts [92,93]. Gleick postulates that the civil conflict in Syria can be traced to the agricultural failures in 2006–2009 and the returning drought in 2011 . In 2011, over 1.5 million Syrians moved from rural, agricultural areas to urban areas seeking refuge from the pervasive drought, failed agriculture, and lack of food and water . Per- vasive ecological degradation, poor policy response to water and food insecurity, and ongoing tensions between rural and urban community members, have arguably all contributed to civil unrest and ongoing conflict in Syria . According to the United Nations, the number of dis- placed Syrians has reached over 5 million people in the past 5 years . Migration from a war-torn country to a host country where culture, language, and lifestyle may be vastly different may also contribute to psychosocial malaise as displaced migrants can face stressors associ- ated with xenophobia and racism from people in their new host country . Conversely as Siriwardhana and Stewart note, displacement may also support psychoso- cial resilience by fostering hope and belonging for refu- gees in host countries where they feel welcomed, safe, and experience better living conditions . At the community level the indirect mental health con- sequences of climate change are understudied. These consequences may include things like a diminishment in community cohesion, the loss of community identity, threats to a sense of continuity and sense of belonging as people are forced to move in and out of communi- ties because of environmental stressors, and an under- mining of cultural integrity if people have to leave their homelands . Migration challenges the identity, sov- ereignty and heritage of people who have to leave their homelands. It also challenges the integrity and continuity of people’s traditional ways of life. Threats to community health also include an increased likelihood of criminal behaviour, violence and aggression as community mem- bers experience various stressors related to climate change . Overarching psychosocial consequences of global climate change Awareness of the looming threats and current risks and impacts of climate change presents challenges to emo- tional and social wellbeing . Since early 2007, envi- ronmental philosopher Glenn Albrecht and colleagues have taken note of emotional distress related to the awareness of the overarching problem humans face as a result of global climate change . Albrecht et al. sug- gest that this awareness contributes to ‘psychoterratic syndromes’. Psychoterratic syndromes include phenom- ena such as ‘ecoanxiety’, ‘ecoparalysis’, and ‘solastalgia’. ‘Ecoanxiety’ refers to the anxiety people face from con- stantly being surrounded by the wicked and threaten- ing problems associated with a changing climate . ‘Ecoparalysis’ refers to the complex feelings of not being able to take effective action to significantly mitigate cli- mate change risks. ‘Solastalgia’ refers to “the distress and isolation caused by the gradual removal of solace from the present state of one’s home environment” . The term ‘solastalgia’ is also commonly referred to through- out much of the literature on climate change and mental health to articulate the feelings associated with displace- ment following a climate change-related extreme weather event . This new vocabulary provides the language to explore some of the broader mental health implications of escalating climate change risks. For many people, climate change is experienced by way of vicarious threats or as an existential threat to civilisa- tion . People may experience vicarious threats when they receive weather warnings related to future disaster seasons or when they hear about environmental stressors experienced by people in other places. For many people, this is largely how climate change is experienced—not as a direct threat, but as a global threat, often distant in time and place, or as a threat to our very way of life. Hayes et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2018) 12:28 Page 8 of 12 Qualitative research finds evidence of some people being deeply affected by feelings of loss, helplessness, and frus- tration as they engage with the problems of global cli- mate change . Part 3: Priority actions to address climate change and mental health Acting on the health consequences of climate change requires actions rooted in both mitigation and adaptation at all levels—from global to local—and from all sectors and individuals. Climate change mitigation refers to over- arching efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance carbon sinks to slow the speed, scale, and mag- nitude of climate change . Key climate change mitiga- tion priorities include reducing energy demand (through reduced consumption and increased energy efficiency); a swift and equitable transition from fossil fuels to renew- able energy; reducing emissions from agriculture and forestry; and strengthening land-based emissions seques- tration. Climate change adaptation refers to interventions that respond to the effects of climate change by adjust- ing, moderating, and coping with the risks and impacts of climate change . Adaptation is ultimately affected by the capacity to adapt, which is the ability and willingness to respond to climate change mediated by individual and collective agency . Adaptive capacity is determined by things like: governance, economics, infrastructure, tech- nology, information and skills, institutions, and equity . Examples of adaptation interventions that address climate change and health include: surveillance and mon- itoring of disease burdens related to climate change and health; education (e.g. public health promotion of the risks of vector-borne illness), and capacity building (e.g. psychological first-aid, and surge capacities at hospitals and health care facilities); preparing for extreme weather events; and re-locating entire communities to geographic areas where sea-level rise and frequent extreme weather events are less-likely to occur . Within international approaches to combat climate change there is a significant focus not only on mitiga- tion but also adaptation. From the Paris Accord to the Lancet Countdown on Climate Change, to the Planetary Manifesto and climate action marches—policy makers, academics, and the general population are taking steps to mitigate and adapt to the current threats and impacts to preserve a future for the next generation [4, 39]. These actions, however, often fail to address the gap between stated goals of emissions reduction commitments and the speed of actions required to keep global warming well below 1.5–2 °C . With a specific focus on mental health and climate change, there are a number of global programs in place that indirectly address the topic area—like for example measures to enhance and protect mental health in the Sustainable Development Goals 2016–2030 ; efforts by the Movement for Global Mental Health to increase the holistic conceptualization of health to incorporate mental health ; the Sendai Framework, a 15-year disaster risk reduction program ; and, the United Nations Human Settlement Program that promotes sustainable urban development . There is a need, however, to harness health and mental health related synergies amongst these global agreements since none of these in and of themselves will likely be sufficient to address the future risks and impacts of climate change. Coordinated, collaborative efforts to address the men- tal health implications of climate change not only require policy frameworks but also concrete actions on behalf of mental health practitioners. Such concrete actions may include: communicating about climate change and mental health in a way that helps people to see that it is relevant and salient to them; advocacy for greenhouse gas reductions in health care facilities and engagement in efforts to reduce the environmental footprint of the health care sector; and, engaging in adaptation measures like preparing for and responding to extreme events. Psychological adaptation requires a set of responses, it requires an acknowledgement of the grave threats posed by climate change and the profoundly consequential global crisis. It requires coping strategies to manage the feelings and thoughts that arise so that people can face up to, and come to terms with, these threats and conse- quences rather than avoiding the creeping problem of climate change. It also requires behavioural and psycho- logical engagement, in which people change and adjust their behaviour and lifestyle in order to reduce the threat and protect themselves. Active hope—something Macy and Johnstone cham- pion—supports psychological adaptation. Active hope is required to move hopeful intentions from a passive state where waiting for someone else to take-on the task of addressing the climate change problem is replaced with an active process of climate change mitigation and adap- tation behaviours . The key point here is that hope alone cannot provide sufficient protection from the esca- lating risks of climate change. This active process occurs when the reality of the problem is acknowledged as is the magnitude of the problem, intentions to address the problem are set, and engaged actions take place. While these three steps may oversimplify the complexity of acting in the face of bureaucracy, climate denialism, or downright avoidance and ignorance of the magnitude of the problem area, these three steps are indeed the pivot points of transformation. These pivot points, however, Hayes et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2018) 12:28 Page 9 of 12 need to be upheld by global political will and policy commitments that tackle the problem at the appropri- ate scale and speed. To do so, public awareness of the severity, magnitude and range of health impacts—cur- rent and projected—is required to pressure governments and communities to act now. Also, discernible interven- tions are needed to demonstrate a tangible path forward to respond to the risks and impacts we face in a chang- ing climate. Examples of these types of interventions are explored below. Adaptation measures that address the psychosocial impacts of climate change come in a variety of forms, i.e. policies, practices, behavioral interventions, com- munity-based interventions, specific training, and phar- macotherapeutics. Some general approaches to address climate change-related mental health problems or ill- nesses include: primary care interventions, individual and group-based therapy, cognitive based interventions (including cognitive based therapy, cognitive restructur- ing, and, stress inoculation training), and crisis coun- selling . More broadly, emotional resiliency may be sustained by engaging with art, literature, and spiritual- ity. In addition to the above, the list below contains some specific priority adaptation mechanisms that ought to be considered to support population-level mental health in a changing climate: - Policy responses: improving access and funding to mental health care; - Surveillance and monitoring: administering epide- miological surveys after extreme weather events, and monitoring emergency department visits during heat waves and following extreme weather events; - Practice: the application of a stepped-care approach to mental health that is often used in disaster men- tal health to support different levels of interventions depending on the timing of the disaster and the level of distress (see [107, 108]); - Preparation and response: climate change adapta- tion/resilience planning in the mental health system; - Community-based interventions: climate change resilience plans that address psychosocial wellbeing; and, - Special training for care providers and first respond- ers: e.g. psychological first aid. Other innovative approaches to addressing mental health and wellbeing in a changing climate writ large include experiencing and preserving nature. Koger et al. suggest that environmental preservation provides people with a sense of stewardship and personal investment that can help people overcome feelings of hopelessness, anxi- ety, and ecoparalysis . Koger et al. suggest: “if people feel a deep connection to places, wilderness, and other species, then threats to these others are much more likely to be viewed as personal issues” . Other research on the restorative benefits of natural environments and settings has found that biodiversity in natural environ- ments is important for human health and wellbeing and has a particularly positive effect on mood, attention and cognition . A common practice in Japan to reduce stress and anxiety is the practice of shinrin-yoku, other- wise referred to as forest bathing. In a study by Lee et al., authors found that forest bathing resulted in decreased cortisol levels, pulse rates, and negative feelings and sig- nificantly increased positive feelings . Research on people’s interactions with nationally important ecosys- tems, like World Heritage Areas for example, highlights positive impacts including quality of life, a sense of place and belonging, self-identity, restoration and inspiration . While there are a number of interventions to sup- port psychosocial wellbeing within a changing climate, it is important to highlight that many of these interven- tions are still quite nascent and administered in ad hoc fashion, and these interventions are mainly accessible in developed countries. Sustainable mental health care in developed and developing nations is urgently needed as the realities of climate change become more and more apparent—especially for those most marginalized. Fur- ther, there are research needs in this domain where the efficacy and accessibility of mental health interventions- related to climate change are assessed. Climate change affects mental health in a variety of direct, indirect, and overarching pathways—dispropor- tionately affecting those most marginalized. The mental health implications of climate change can result in men- tal problems and illness as well as affirmative psychoso- cial outcomes. While the timing and triggers associated with climate change and mental health may vary, mak- ing it challenging to establish the manifold links between climate change and mental health, the opportunities of attributing mental health to climate change support cli- mate mitigation as well as mental health action and psy- chosocial resiliency. Global commitments, like the Paris Accord, the SDGs, and the Sendai Framework are needed to help advance global mental health and climate action; however, coordination amongst these commitments is required—as are concrete actions on behalf of health practitioners—if the issue of mental health and a chang- ing climate is to be efficiently and holistically addressed. Further, a reckoning with social, environmental, and Hayes et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2018) 12:28 Page 10 of 12 climate injustice is needed if actions to address climate change and mental health are to be rooted in health equity. Transformative action—where inequities are addressed, active hope is demonstrated, and commu- nities are mobilized—is the defining opportunity of the twenty-first century to address the climate change impacts on mental health. GB conceived of this paper and developed the paper outline. KH undertook the literature review, developed the paper and incorporated co-author con- tributions. GB, JW, SB, and LR contributed generally to successive iterations of the paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. 1 Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada. 2 Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne, Carlton, VIC, Australia. 3 Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, University of Mel- bourne, Carlton, VIC, Australia. 4 Australian Psychological Society, Level 11, 257 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia. 5 Centre for Mental Health, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne, Carlton, VIC, Australia. Thank you to the anonymous reviewers for their valuable feedback. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Availability of data and materials Consent for publication Ethics approval and consent to participate There are no funding arrangements to declare. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in pub- lished maps and institutional affiliations.
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Statutory Rape Laws Any Tx Love-making Villain Area Agreement requires all convicted intimacy offenders to join up to with their community authorities partitions as the affliction from probation. Comprehend for any one instructed to register with manage this step quickly. Humiliation if you wish to pursue a requisite to opt-in as being a having sex criminal arrest lead to a headgear about probation and possibly as well imprisonment and additional outcomes. They don’t be granted your girlfriend most beneficial detainment agreement simply because the judge must still rule in their favorite option. Regarding arrangement with among the list of incidents using a guardianship game, Colorado law requires the common you need to interviews a kid whose at least twelve yrs.old nearly their wishes about custody. The court must still make up your mind sega’s in the best interest of the son or daughter, although the baby can at least will dress in your girlfriend finding of fact paid attention to.
The F1 Fanatic 2015 Driver Rankings begin today. Each article will focus on an individual driver and features a race-by-race profile of their entire season. The next two parts of the rankings will appear later today. Only drivers who started at least five races are included. |Beat team mate in qualifying||2/19| |Beat team mate in race||2/7| |Laps spent ahead of team mate||160/651| |Pastor Maldonado 2015 form guide| His 2015 campaign was not strewn with quite as much wreckage as previous efforts, but there were still far too many mistakes and not enough strong performances to make them anywhere near excusable. There were two brief periods when Maldonado hit a decent vein of form. In Monaco – dependably one of his strongest venues – his out-qualified team mate Romain Grosjean only to be struck down with a technical problem in the race. He backed that up with solid points scores in Canada and Austria – the latter punctuated by a spectacular pass on Max Verstappen. Later in the year he strung together a trio of points hauls in Japan, Russia and the USA. The rest of his season was riddled with unnecessary mistakes. At times they were born of being too uncompromising with rivals: his lap one squeeze on Felipe Nasr in Australia left him in the wall on a day when big points were in the offing. He did the same with his team mate in Spain which left Maldonado with a damaged rear wing and eventually forced him out. But more often he was simply careless and the errors simply piled up: in Hungary he wandered into Sergio Perez then collected penalties for pit lane speeding and overtaking during a Safety Car period. He locked up on his way into the pits in China, then had an unforced spin later on. Small wonder he made more trips to the stewards than any other driver. He was utterly outclassed by Grosjean, suffering a 17-2 qualifying defeat which was greater than that of any driver, and usually took the chequered flag after his team mate as well. Life in the midfield inevitably leads to a few bumps and retirements. Maldonado wasn’t to blame for every incident he was involved – notably in China, Britain and Italy. But in a 19-round championship he only managed half-a-dozen adequate performances – that’s simply not good enough. Go ad-free for just £1 per month View race-by-race notes on Pastor Maldonado Australia – Had he given Nasr’s Sauber a little more room in turn two, a top five finish would have been possible. “It’s disappointing because it was a great chance for us to have a great race,” he said. Malaysia – Was near the end of the queue in Q2 and missed the cut for the top ten. In the race he suffered and puncture at the start and was penalised for driving too quickly during the Safety Car period, then retired with a brake problem while running behind Grosjean. China – Missed out on Q3 by three hundredths of a second. Blamed a braking issue for his pit entry lock-up, had no one else to blame for his spin a few laps later but was blameless in the collision with Button that forced him into retirement for the third consecutive race. Bahrain – In Q1 his front brakes were continuing to apply pressure even when he wasn’t using them, causing a loss of a straightline speed, meaning he was unable to progress to the next stage. He also picked up a five-second penalty for failing to take his place properly on the grid. But with plenty of soft tyres he was able to make rapid progress on a three-stop strategy and probably would have finished in the points had his engine not stopped during his final pit stop. Spain – Gearbox trouble limited his running in first practice. Having qualified behind Grosjean he passed his team mate early in the race but picked up rear wing damage as he did, which cost him time at his first pit stop as the broken end plate was removed. This put him back down the order, and the team later decided the limited potential for points scoring was not worth the risk of incurring further damage. Monaco – Produced his best qualifying performance so far at a track where he usually excels, but retired early on with a braking problem. Canada – Backed up Grosjean in sixth despite a spin early in qualifying. Having lost a place to Hulkenberg at the start he pitted early and ran the longest stint of any driver – 53 laps on the soft rubber – to take his first points of the season for seventh. Austria – Demonstrated Lotus’s potential with the fourth-fastest time on Friday, ahead of Hamilton, but blamed traffic for failing to accompany his team mate into Q3. He seemed to be distracted by Ericsson’s jump start and lost two places on the first lap, but recovered to finish seventh. On his way he jumped past Perez in the pits, and held on to some increasingly lurid slides as he found a way past Verstappen. Britain – Like Grosjean, Maldonado also dropped out in Q2, and was also eliminated in the first-lap collision at Village. Hungary – Lotus missed the beginning of final practice as Pirelli had withheld their tyres due to a payment dispute. The timing of the red flag in Q2 was unfortunate for him, though it was for several other drivers too, and he ended up missing the cut. His race was a depressing litany of mistakes which a driver in his fifth year of F1 should not be making: contact with Perez, speeding in the pits and overtaking under the Safety Car. And yet somehow his penalty points total only increased by two. Belgium – Crashed on the approach to Pouhon during practice, much as he did last year, but made it into Q3 and eventually lined up seventh. However two laps into the race his car shut down – the team suspect it was triggered when Maldonado hit a kerb too hard. Italy – Both Lotus drivers were out early on as Maldonado also sustained damage on the first lap. Singapore – Like Raikkonen at Ferrari, Maldonado couldn’t find the grip his team mate had on the softest rubber, but with Lotus further down the pecking order the difference between the two meant Maldonado was out in Q1 while Grosjean reached the final round. Like Grosjean he struggled with his long stint on soft tyres, unlike Grosjean he found it necessary to risk collisions as faster cars came past him, with the usual result. Japan – Didn’t make it into Q3 but seemed happier with his tyres at the end of the race than Grosjean. Followed his team mate home for useful points. Russia – Was one of only three drivers to run the alternative strategy to the end, but despite leaving his tyre change until lap 31 he felt his car performed poorly on super-softs at the end of the race. He hung on for seventh place. United States – Stayed out of trouble on his way to eighth place but was puzzled as to why he didn’t have better pace. Mexico – Lined up behind Grosjean as usual and kept it clean in the race – despite a brief off at turn 12 – and finished right on his team mate’s tail, albeit aided somewhat by the Safety Car. Brazil – Couldn’t get the back of the car to behaved as he wishes, made several set-up changes, and ended up failing to get out of Q1. He gambled on starting the race on medium tyres but was given a five-second penalty after carelessly hitting Ericsson. He lost places to two of his rivals in the closing stages before being promoted to the final point when Massa was disqualified. Abu Dhabi – Qualified 13th but was taken out by Alonso at the first corner. Over to you Most of the time he was nowhere near his team mate. Must up his game a lot as he’s supposed to be Renault’s leading driver next season. What’s your verdict on Pastor Maldonado’s 2015 season? Which drivers do you feel he performed better or worse than? Have your say in the comments. Add your views on the other drivers here: 2015 F1 season review - The Complete F1 Fanatic 2015 season review - Your favourite – and least favourite – F1 races of 2015 - The best stories, debates and pictures: F1 Fanatic’s must-read highlights of 2015 - Take the F1 Fanatic 2015 F1 season Quiz - Watch the top ten races of 2015 outside F1
We are searching data for your request: Upon completion, a link will appear to access the found materials. Currently, everyone practices a ‘Sustainable Forest Management’. Even the Malaysian company Rimbunan Hijau, one of the world's most destructive logging companies (2), claims on its website that it practices 'Sustainable Forest Management' and that by “investing in tree plantations” the company “contributes to make Malaysia greener ”(3). Companies continue to promote the idea that monoculture plantations can be 'sustainable'. Rimbunan Hijau even says that he "plants forests". The UN itself also considers industrial tree plantations to be forests. This is simply a glaring mistake. Plantations are not forests. Forests contain diverse networks of life and plantations lack biodiversity and have polluted soils and waterways. This endangers indigenous communities and all those who depend on forests, as well as exacerbating the problem of climate change. As Patrick Alley of the NGO Global WitnessIn a recent talk, the term ‘Sustainable Forest Management’ is a “nasty little euphemism” (4). The timber industry has managed to present itself as a practically philanthropic company, which brings jobs and development. Alley explains that “the industrial logging industry in the tropics can be divided into two categories: criminal and legitimate. The criminal is criminal. And the legitimate one is almost the same, but with better public relations ”. The lumber industry has had a lot of help to pull off this perfect crime, as Alley describes it. Constant logging in the tropics has even been encouraged with taxpayer money. For nine years until June 2011, the World Bank invested US $ 4.1 billion in the logging sector. A 2013 review by the Independent Evaluation Group found that these projects have generally failed to reverse poverty or benefit local communities (5). Unsurprisingly, the Bank's management rejected the criticism and the World Bank money continues to arrive (6). In August 2013, the Bank announced that it was distributing US $ 31.83 million for “Sustainable and participatory forest management” in Laos (7). This is a country whose forests have been devastated by illegal logging, which shows no signs of stopping until the last forest is cut down (8). However, instead of supporting initiatives to surround criminals who carry out illegal logging, the World Bank is spending even more money on little more than green makeup to keep logging going. A video on industrial logging in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, made by Global Witness, shows the effects of this activity in the country, which has the support of the World Bank and international donors (9). Over and over again, communities spoke of the exploiters, the damage they caused to ecosystems and their livelihoods and livelihoods, the lack of benefits for them, and the increase in conflict and violence. It is impossible not to see the contradiction between the ‘Forest Management’ programs that claim to reduce deforestation, and the social and environmental destruction caused by the logging industry in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Recent research conducted by scientists at Lancaster University reveals that the impact of 'selective logging' and crown [tree] fires or aerial fires in the Amazon has been underestimated. (10) The NGO Greenpeace names logging in the Amazon as "The silent crisis", because criminals launder illegal timber making it appear legal, with official documentation (11). Advocates of ‘Sustainable Forest Management’ argue that this can be achieved by removing only a few species of trees and leaving the rest of the forest ‘standing’. But, although the term "selective" logging sounds more benevolent than that of "indiscriminate logging," in reality, larger areas of forests are being affected. This has huge implications for REDD +, since Sustainable Forest Management is one of the parts within the 'plus' of REDD. On the other hand, another recent study in East Kalimantan revealed that there is no difference between the carbon emissions of logging operations certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and those of conventional logging concessions. In 2009, FSC formed a Forest Carbon Working Group, which in November 2012 developed a “strategic framework of FSC's commitments to climate change” (12). One of these objectives is for FSC to be recognized as a credible forest carbon capture and conservation system in order for participants to bid for FSC certification. However, FSC has a controversial track record (13), as a result of certifying monoculture tree plantations and destructive logging operations, as well as its failure to make its certification bodies count for anything. In 2011, Professors Bradshaw and Laurence co-produced a paper entitled “Primary forests are irreplaceable for sustaining tropical biodiversity”, which was published in the journal Nature (14). Laurence wrote on the ALERTA website that, "Indonesia alone has at least 35 million hectares of selectively logged forests - an area larger than Germany - and much of this logged forest is unprotected and used for agriculture" ( fifteen). Bradshaw for his part said in an interview that, “It is crazy to consider that there is logging with 'lower emissions', since the forests intervened, regardless of the disturbance, are never able to retain as much carbon or biodiversity as forests primary ”(16). Therefore, Sustainable Forest Management implies the expansion and legitimacy of commercial logging activities on an industrial scale in tropical forests. World Rainforest Movement
Almost eighteen months ago, I departed for what my friends & family referred to as “The adventure of a lifetime”- I however, rejected that labelling, but only because that implied I would probably never do it again. On the first of March, after around an hour sleep, I departed from Heathrow to explore the other side of the world-namely, Southeast Asia and Australasia, and maybe a little of the USA too. It was my first time leaving the continent, and definitely my first time travelling alone. I think my family were more terrified than me though, but it’s difficult to remember how I was feeling, other than very sleep deprived. I had spent the last six months planning this trip, with not a single clue of ‘how to do it properly’. The plan was just to get away from my home town of Norwich for as long as I could, so I booked a flight to Australia. I had a few friends who had moved there for a while, but I didn’t want to stay there as many people often do, instead I wanted to explore Asia a little, but I figured two weeks in an English speaking country will get me well-used to being myself. I was first invited to go travelling with some of my friends, but had to pull out due to monetary reasons. Several months passed, and I was deeper, deeper into my rut. I worked 9-5 at a job in social services where I was shouted at over the phone by disgruntled old people for other people’s mistakes, I was struggling to find a new place to live so I was forced to move back in with my dad and I was feeling extremely lonely. I have had depression since I was fifteen or so, and formally diagnosed when I was 18, but only once have I ever been on any medication and since then I was determined to fight it with what I had, but I was losing. When I think of low points in my life, this was probably like, number two or three. Not the worst, but still, pretty bad. I felt lost and most importantly, defeated. The threat of suicide has always been a mountain that has loomed over me, and every day was a battle to overcome that mountain. Luckily, I did have a couple of friends who kept me from doing anything rash, and I will always be thankful for that and them, but when one of them said he was glad I wasn’t going away anymore, well it got me thinking, “Why shouldn’t I go?” I had missed out before, and I was feeling worse and worse. So I got to work on it immediately, a few days before I told my dad, who I knew would be terrified for me, because I was going to be the first person in our whole extended family to visit Asia or Oz. I started mapping out where to go, then decided to go for tour groups, so I wouldn’t be alone. Of course tour groups vs solo travel is always a debated topic, but I knew I was making the right choice, and my family were incredibly relieved. I booked a trip with Xtreme Gap that would take me throughout Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and lastly, New Zealand. I also book-ended the trip with Australia, a few islands in Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia, finishing off with a trip to the States. I barely knew what I was doing, I was pre-booking flights and hotels like a mad-man, which I know alot of people have told me “Isn’t the right way to travel” (and believe me, some of them have been very vocal about it!) but it seemed to work out for me, and it made my parents much more relaxed when they knew my itinerary. It was snowing when I left London, but in Australia, it was approaching 40 Degrees Celsius, and it was beautiful. I chose Darwin, because of it’s proximity to Indonesia, and again, the purpose was only to assimilate myself to this new life, not to explore Oz (Although now I definitely want to do that). My time in Oz was a lonely one. I had booked a hostel, but after they closed unexpectedly due to a power outage, I had to book a hotel one week, and a different hostel the other, which is weird, but also short notice. I spent alot of time that first week on my own in a hotel room, wondering if I should just, go out and connect with people in a bar or something, and wondering if I had made the right choice coming by myself. Luckily, that didn’t get to me, and I went to stay in a hostel in the same area. They had a rooftop bar, and by the second night, I had made friends with this great group of guys, and from then on, I was making friends left, right and centre. Anxiety is a terrible thing, and something I had always tried to conquer, and by throwing myself in the deep end, I did exactly that. Travelling north from then, I have made so many great friends from all over the globe, and because of them I’ve had some amazing, unrepeatable experiences. I conquered so many fears: insects, the unknown, the ocean (although I do still have acrophobia pretty badly, but it didn’t stop me from sky diving in New Zealand). I was, quite literally, on top of the world. Of course there were some low points, the main one being I had been severely underpaid by my previous employment, and was unable to go to the States like I was desperate to do. Also because of the rigidness of my schedule, I sometimes had to leave some great friends to go to the next place. But I don’t regret that those things happened, they were all important lessons. So after all that and a year and a half later, what have I learned? Well, I guess you could say I learnt how to travel. But mostly, I learnt that the best part of travel is built upon connecting with people, and those connections are what lead to the best experiences. I learnt that if you put your mind to it, if you tell yourself that you want something more than anything, you can overcome anything. I guess I just learned that life is worth living, and I are worth living. Travelling taught me that happiness isn’t in security, financial or otherwise, it’s about testing your limits, and I can’t help but wonder, would I still be here if I didn’t go? Of course, I try not to think like that anymore, because the point is I am still here, and so long as I am, there are limits to push, and there is happiness to be found.
Asian governments have had a difficult time dealing with the scale of the coronavirus pandemic’s socio-economic and health impacts. As the region’s economies grapple with wave after wave of infections—and simultaneously endeavour to get back on their feet—the role of the private sector cannot be overlooked. In this interview, Nicolas Marquier, Singapore country manager at International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group that’s focused on private-sector development in less developed countries, talks about areas in which the private sector can support the economic recovery by helping create jobs, invest in innovation and plug a variety of financing gaps. He also talks about the changing nature of the relationship between governments and companies. Unravel: What role do you see for the private sector in the post-COVID economic recovery in Southeast Asia? Nicolas Marquier: This is a broad question. The first thing that comes to mind is the importance of the private sector in creating jobs. The COVID crisis has had a big impact on employment in many countries, and in particular, the poor and women have been disproportionately impacted. Governments are spending a lot of resources on COVID, and we cannot expect the public sector to create more jobs as there is no fiscal space for that. Most jobs are in the private sector, and the recovery in jobs really has to be driven by this sector. We are also starting to realise that the old “normal” isn’t coming back and that work trends driven by the pandemic are here to stay. Innovation and tech in the private sector have played an important role in the digitalisation of processes and the economy. There are two aspects to this – one aspect is efficiency and standardisation of processes, and the second, which is most important to us, is inclusion. Digitalisation tends to give people access, be it to financial services or to global supply chains. In addition, it also gives transparency to processes, for example in the case of digital payments. The third is tax revenue, which is indirectly about restoring the fiscal health of governments. It isn’t all about the private sector and governments have a very important role to play in the provision of services too, such as primary healthcare, education and other basic services. But for all of this, governments need tax revenue, and that comes from a vibrant private sector. Unravel: Many Asian governments are faced with severe financing constraints given the economic downturn, resulting in declining revenues precisely when public expenditure ought to increase. In your view, can the private sector plug any gaps here? If so, how? Mr Marquier: Pandemic responses have been quite striking, with fiscal stimulus packages being equivalent to about 5% of GDP on average in Asia. That has increased the fiscal deficit of many governments, and some like the Philippines and Indonesia have had to borrow in the markets. Debt levels are at 50% of GDP on average, and in a few countries like Laos and Malaysia, they are higher. So, as you say, there isn’t much fiscal space to do much more and the gaps will need to be plugged with help from the private sector. In terms of how, there is lots of low hanging fruit. There is a very significant infrastructure gap in the region. Traditional sectors such as energy, logistics and transportation as well as urban infrastructure and digital infrastructure are in scope. Building resilience into infrastructure is also a huge opportunity. One interesting statistic is that the overall net benefit of investing in the resilience of infrastructure in developing countries would be $4.2 trillion over the lifetime of new infrastructure. That is a $4 benefit for each dollar invested in resilience, thanks to fewer disruptions and reduced economic impacts, so it is a good investment. With the right regulations and risk mitigation structures, the private sector can plug these gaps. It has to be done properly, of course, so there have to be clear rules, pricing structures and contracts that are respected and honoured. This can be through public private partnership (PPP) frameworks or in other ways. Policy and market reforms will be needed first in many cases, as some countries are not ready yet. Beyond infrastructure, we are seeing more diversification in the manufacturing space. New countries are coming onto the map for different products, which is a good thing. Food security continues to be a challenge in many places. And then there are vital services such as health and education to consider. So there are many areas, but in several countries, it is not necessarily straightforward for the private sector to invest in many of these sectors – that’s where regulatory reforms come in. Unravel: Has there been a discernible change in how governments are approaching the role of the private sector, or is it too early to speak of a change yet? Mr Marquier: Specific to infrastructure, developed markets have been opening up to the private sector for solutions and financing for a long time now. In emerging markets, there is still quite a bit of work to do on the regulation front, including on risk allocation and mitigation to make sure transactions are bankable and can attract international investors. But we are seeing governments willing to take steps to this end, and we are starting to see change. We are also seeing movement in the way transactions are packaged to tap capital markets and achieve scale, whereas in the past it was more one deal at a time and mostly project finance type of transactions. For instance, Continuum Green Energy’s first green bond, which was listed on the Singapore stock exchange earlier this month, allowed the company to raise funds in international capital markets to finance much-needed renewable energy for corporates and the growing industrial sector in India. It was oversubscribed and raised $561 million, and IFC was the anchor investor. As country manager, Nicolas manages IFC’s Singapore hub office serving all Asia and Pacific sub-regions. With its regional investment and advisory teams, he coordinates IFC’s business development efforts with Singapore based companies to drive cross-border activities and private sector mobilisation. IFC’s teams in Singapore invest in projects across sectors such as agribusiness, infrastructure and financial institutions. They also provide advice to companies and governments on key areas of private sector development.
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By 2015 Yuan could be main currency of South East Asia, replacing the dollar and euro Beijing (AsiaNews / Agencies) - The Yuan, the currency of China, could be used as an alternative to the U.S. dollar and the Euro in trade between the countries of Southeast Asia. At a seminar held at the end of last week in Beijing on the financial and commercial relations between Thailand and China, Phathanaphong Phusuwan, High Representative of the Bank of Thailand said that the Yuan is now increasingly used in relations between China and ASEAN members ( the Association of South-East Asian countries). ASEAN includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia. In 2015 it will become a free-trade zone, an economic community. Referring to that date, Phathanaphong Phusuwan added: "Looking ahead, from 2015 onwards, there will be a large increase in trade in Asia, thanks to the free trade agreement between ASEAN and China, which will influence the use of Yuan and local currencies. The Yuan is a good alternative for the future of international trade. " The Chinese currency is seen as a good substitute for the U.S. dollar and the Euro because of the many unresolved economic and financial problems of the United States and the European Union. Following an easing of restrictions by the Chinese government, the use of the Yuan is spreading more and more in ASEAN countries, especially Thailand. Dozens of Thai banks and branches of foreign banks offer services in Yuan (foreign currency deposits, foreign exchange, fund transfers, purchase of Chinese currency). According to a report by the Bank of Thailand in the first six months of 2012, the Yuan was used in at least 10.8% of business operations with China.
Maybe Accepting Guests - Last login 15 days ago Join Couchsurfing to see Adam’s full profile. From 22nd of August to the 3rd of October 2019 I am travelling to Germany, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Czech Republic. In 2018 I travelled Greece, Italy Morocco, Austria, Germany and Czech Republic. In 2017 i travelled Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Serbia, Romainia, Poland, Slovenia, Czech, Germany and Austria in August and September and had a great time!!! 2016 i travelled Europe for 7 weeks, Countries included: United Kingdom, Spain, Malta, Croatia, Czech, Germany, Sweden, Iceland and Portugal. I enjoy travelling and meeting other travellers. I live near the beach and love the lifestyle. Friends have taught me too much about Alcohol. However it has given me a better appreciation for it! Everyone i meet can teach me something i don't yet know! Dream big, aim high, it opens up so much potential and oportunity. Life is a gift. Its not always wrong its just different! Why I’m on Couchsurfing I'm here to meet other travellers, i am proud of my city. I know how much fun and daunting travelling can be. Locals always know the interesting places to go!! Couch Surfing should be treated as a way to meet locals, and know much more about a place than other visitors would. It is not for free loaders to use locals to subsidise their holidays, who wish to share their home with you. Hosts enjoy travelling as much as surfers, please remember that. Having hosted over 200 people now, and receiving requests on a daily basis. I have found it financially impacting me. I am happy to host, however i do ask for each couch surfer to contribute $5 each per night toward utilities. I am totally open about this and it is not for financial gain. There are plenty of Airbnb rooms nearby for between $50-$80 per night, for those earning an income. I leave for work around 7am In the morning, you will need to leave with me when I leave my place. I love my city and its surroundings, Wineries, The River Murray, so many beaches, the Fleureau Peninsula and Adelaide Hills. It is a privilege to live here amongst so much wonder. For those visiting Kangaroo island, and not wanting to leave your belongings in a bus station locker. I can store your belongings for $15 per night, this is so I am not used and taken advantage of. I enjoy walking, hiking, going to the gym. Having coffee, beer and wine with friends. Learning about countries culture and lifestyle. Music, Movies, and Books Music depends on the moment, Authors: Brian Thacker, Robert Ludlum. Tv shows: Drunk History, Banshee, Suits, Grand Designs, Top Gear. Movies 'A Life Less Ordinary' is very much my humour, however dark humour, action, Tarantino, i like clever movies, Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the dead, Lock stock, Snach, tv shows: Game of thrones, Breaking Bad, Archer. One Amazing Thing I’ve Done Seeing the Northern Lights in Iceland, every night in September 2016! Teach, Learn, Share Please teach me Spanish, French (i did learn but arn't practicing enough), German, actually keen to learn more languages. What I Can Share with Hosts I can show you Adelaides many Fresh food Markets. Show you some local pubs and bars, tell you some history, show you Koalas in the wild. If you wish to see the surrounding area, am happy to show you if you cover the costs. Bring some wine and we can chat a long time! Countries I’ve Visited Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malaysia, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Viet Nam
Published on August 31st, 2013 | by Daniel Sherman Fernandez1 Audi R8 LMS Cup, Round 7, Alex Yoong wins in front of his home crowd in Malaysia The Audi R8 LMS Cup debut at Sepang, Malaysia saw Alex Yoong delight his home fans by taking the chequered flag in front of Hong Kong racer Marchy Lee. One of the closest fought races of the season saw ‘Franky’ Cheng Congfu take the final podium position, with barely a second covering the front three as they crossed the finish line. Finishing fourth, Adderly Fong kept his overall championship lead with a total of 117 points, closely followed by Alex Yoong (115 points) and Marchy Lee (109 points). The race got off to an exciting start. Whilst pole sitter Alex Yoong was intent on keeping the attacking Adderly Fong wide, ‘Franky’ Cheng Congfu overtook both at turn one. With the field bunched together, second on the grid, Marchy Lee, was able to take the inside line and come out of turn one as race leader. Alex Yoong’s disappointing start was compounded when Korean racer Kyong-Ouk You jumped up to third place ahead of him, while championship leader, Adderly Fong, found himself dropping down to sixth. By lap seven Yoong had begun to pressure Cheng for second place after he had taken Kyong-Ouk You on lap three. With the two pushing hard for points, Yoong managed to get past Cheng with seven laps to go and give himself a clear run at Marchy Lee. With three laps to go, Yoong had closed the gap on leader Lee to just half a second, ensuring an exciting finish to the inaugural Audi R8 LMS Cup race in Malaysia. Coming into turns seven and eight, backmarker Benjamin Lee spun in front of the leaders; the front two showed their class by carefully negotiating the difficult situation. By the end of the lap, coming into turn fifteen, Yoong was finally able to dive down the inside of Marchy Lee and take the lead to the joy of his home fans. With just two laps to go Yoong began to pull away, however on turn fourteen, disaster almost struck when he went wide allowing Lee and Cheng to close the gap once again. But Yoong managed to shut up shop to effectively end the battle by taking the chequered flag ahead of Lee and Cheng. Championship leader Adderly Fong battled back from the disappointment of his unlucky start to finish in fourth place and remain at the top of the leaderboard. Alex Au from Hong Kong won the amateur competition. His fellow countryman, singer and actor Aaron Kwok, once again showed his racing talent by leading the gentleman class until the very last lap, when a mistake saw him spin off. Kwok was second crossing the line, but was later handed a 30 second penalty for an incident earlier in the race in which his car had contact with the Audi R8 LMS of Naomi Zhang Ran. The penalty meant that Kwok officially finished the race in fourth position. Second place in the amateur competition went to Jacky Yeung, ahead of Ren Wei in third. Round 8 of the 2013 Audi R8 LMS Cup will start this morning, August 31, at 10am local time at Sepang International Circuit and – as with all races of the season – will be broadcast live on www.audir8lmscup.com. Starting positions for Round 8 this morning are determined by the second fastest time of each driver during qualifying, meaning Alex Yoong will be on pole again. Adderly Fong will start from second place, Cheng Congfu from third.
Home > Industry News > Rubber glove industry urged to further tap into African market Rubber glove industry urged to further tap into African market The Malaysian rubber glove industry has been urged to strengthen its efforts to further tap into Africa’s vast market potential. Primary Industries Minister Teresa Kok Suh Sim said the awareness in the importance of and demand for rubber gloves has been increasing as it was used as the first line of defence by medical personnel against various contagious disease as shown in the recent Ebola outbreak in Africa. In 2018, Malaysia exported US$100 million (US$1=RM4.12) worth of rubber gloves to 49 out of 55 countries in the African continent, she said in her speech during the Malaysian Rubber Glove Manufacturers Association (MARGMA) networking dinner with the African Heads of Mission in Malaysia on Tuesday night. "Exports to this continent has been growing and demand for gloves has been increasing amid the rising awareness of its importance. "Malaysia is a friend to the African nations with strong diplomatic ties, hence industry players should continue the marketing efforts to enhance the positive relationship so that both parties can reap the benefits,” said Kok. Meanwhile, MARGMA president Denis Low Jau Foo told Bernama that rubber glove exports to the continent is expected to increase by 50 per cent to about US$150 million this year. He said Africa is a huge continent with a population of 1.2 billion people and has 22 diplomatic missions in Malaysia. Out of the US$100 million worth of rubber glove exports to African countries last year, 72 per cent or US$72.2 million was in the form of medical gloves, followed by other natural rubber gloves and surgical gloves, he said, adding that Egypt, South Africa and Kenya were the top importing countries. Low said as of July 18 this year, rubber gloves usage in Africa was low at only two pairs per capita, compared with China (5), Brazil (12), Europe (50) and the US (75). "As such, the African continent has a high potential to become the new market for growth. "With their new regulations, the rising healthcare awareness among the people and the increase in economic power, we expect to see a boost in the demand for healthcare products, including gloves,” he said. Low said the global demand for rubber gloves this year is expected to increase by 12 per cent to 300 billion gloves with a projected export revenue of US$4.95 billion. Malaysia is expected to have the largest market share of about 63 per cent ahead of Thailand (18 per cent) China (10 per cent) and Indonesia (three per cent).
Lines and Curves A curated international photography exhibition December 6, 2018 – January 12, 2019 newsletter Click on the thumbnail to view the image. Click on the image for a larger view and information. Lines and curves are some of the most important visual building blocks of both figurative and abstract images. We can observe lines and curves of all possible varieties in photographs; they are everywhere. Putting them in the centre of attention might even sound trivial and not particularly interesting at first. This, however, is a call for notjust anylines and curves. We would like to see lines and curves that take a daring and pronounced initiative in the photograph; lines and curves that capture our attention, lead our eyes, and determine the way we appreciate the photograph. Lines and curves might have significant compositional role but they may also focus our attention on some parts of the image, hence influencing our interpretation. There are countless ways lines and curves might become the central creative aspect in a photograph. Pelin Guven: Wire Joe Calleri: Accidental Abstract Stefano David: Untitled Dina Sirat: Fin du Jour Karin Bauer (Bisamberg, Austria), Bruce Berkow (New York, NY, USA), Liza Hennessey Botkin (Studio City, CA, USA), Nancy Stalnaker Bundy (Minneapolis, MN, USA), Joe Calleri (Northcote, Victoria, Australia), Alexandra Cerutti (Caracas, Venezuela), Hsien-Chih Chuang (Taiwan), Robert Crifasi (Boulder, CO, USA), Dóra Csörögi (Budapest, Hungary), Stefano David (Rome, Italy), Vesna Dobričić (Belgrade, Serbia), Ágnes Dudás (Budapest, Hungary), Danielle L Goldstein (New York, NY, USA), Eva Gstoettner (Vienna, Austria), Pelin Guven (Beijing, China), Gary Justis (Bloomington, IL, USA), Coffee Kang (Shanghai, China), Constanze Kratzsch (Berlin, Germany), Anne Sophie Le Penru (Tours, France), Ana Leal (São Paulo, Brazil), Shifra Levyathan (Ramat-Gan, Israel), Alexandru Macavei (Timisoara, Romania), Jolanta Mazur (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), Dan McCormack (Accord, NY, USA), Joseph O’Neill (New York, NY, USA), Nicola Paccagnella (Stra, Venice, Italy), Rozina Pátkai (Budapest, Hungary), Doris Reinthaler (Linz, Austria), Robert M. Romano (Pound Ridge, NY, USA), Gustavo Romeiro (Porto, Portugal), Szilárd Schlauszky (Székesfehérvár, Hungary), Dina Sirat (Jerusalem, Israel), Gyorgy Sziraczki (Budapest , Hungary), Tina Toth (Vienna, Austria), Tibor Zsitva (Budapest, Hungary) Please click on the names to see contact information (website or e-mail) where available.
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The coronavirus, which first emerged in Wuhan, China, late last year has killed 490 people and infected over 24,000 in China. Some 25 countries have also confirmed cases of the coronavirus. Over 15 sports events scheduled to be held in the country have since been postponed or cancelled due to the virus. The World Athletics Indoor Championships, which had been scheduled for Nanjing from March 13-15, were postponed until next year. World Athletics is working with organisers to settle on a date to host the biennial event in 2021. The Asian Athletics Association cancelled its Feb 12-13 indoor championships in Hangzhou. Australian officials are seeking to reschedule Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Asian Champions League matches after their government imposed a travel ban on foreign nationals arriving from China. Shanghai Shenhua and Shanghai SIPG were due to play Perth Glory and Sydney FC next week. A four-team women's Olympic qualifying tournament involving China, Australia, Taiwan and Thailand was moved from Wuhan and rearranged to be held in Australia by the AFC. Organisers were also forced to change the match schedule after China's team, which arrived in Australia on Jan 29, was placed in quarantine in Brisbane until after Wednesday (Feb 5). The Chinese Football Association said domestic games at all levels would be postponed. The all-electric Formula E motor racing series abandoned plans for a race in Sanya on March 21. The move puts Formula One in the spotlight, with Shanghai due to host the Chinese Grand Prix on April 19. The International Tennis Federation moved the Fed Cup Asia/Oceania Group I event featuring China, Taiwan, Indonesia, South Korea and Uzbekistan out of Dongguan to Nur-Sultan (formerly Astana) in Kazakhstan. But the Feb 4-8 event was later postponed after Kazakhstan declined to serve as substitute hosts. The Feb 25-March 1 China Masters tournament in Hainan was postponed after several players withdrew. The Badminton World Federation said it hoped the flagship Badminton Asia Championships could still go ahead in Wuhan from April 21-26. The International Olympic Committee announced Jordan as hosts of the boxing qualifiers for Asia and Oceania after an event in Wuhan was cancelled. It will now take place in Amman from March 3 to 11. The International Basketball Federation moved the Feb 6-9 Tokyo Olympics qualifiers to be held in Foshan to Belgrade. The FIBA Asia Cup 2021 qualifying match between China and Malaysia, to be held in Foshan on Feb 24, will be rescheduled. The elite women's LPGA golf tour cancelled the March 5-8 Blue Bay tournament to be held on Hainan. The PGA Tour Series-China moved its Feb. 25-28 global qualifying tournament to Lagoi, Indonesia, from Haikou, China. Skiing's governing body cancelled the Feb 15-16 World Cup in Yanqing. The first winter X-Games scheduled to be held in China, in the Hebei province from Feb 21-23, was postponed.
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Discussion Paper on Non-ASCII Top-Level Domain Policy Issues 13 June 2002 The purpose of this discussion paper is to outline the ICANN IDN Committee's current preliminary thinking with respect to strategies for the selection of non-ASCII top-level domains (TLDs). As such, the paper deals with a speculative future that is possible, but by no means guaranteed: namely, a future in which the IDNA standard currently under consideration by the IETF becomes deployable at the TLD level. For that future to become reality, a number of contingencies would have to occur, including rigorous testing of non-ASCII TLD strings (meaning, more accurately, their ASCII LDH encodings) in the root zone environment. As part of its charter, however, the ICANN IDN Committee is tasked with anticipating the policy issues that would arise if and when ICANN confronts demonstrably deployable non-ASCII TLDs. With that caveat in mind, this paper outlines the broad policy analysis undertaken by the committee to date, including a preliminary framework for selection of registry operators for non-ASCII TLDs. The paper reviews some advantages and disadvantages of each of the proposed approval mechanisms. It concludes by outlining a process designed to garner ICANN community feedback and commentary on sequential drafts of this paper before the committee submits its final report to the ICANN Board later this calendar The committee welcomes feedback on the contents of this discussion paper. Because the concept and technical implementations of Internationalized Domain Names are "works in progress", the committee emphasizes that the information and views contained in this discussion paper may become inaccurate or outdated. Comments should be sent to <[email protected]>. In simple terms, the committee's current thinking focuses on extending to the IDN namespace existing policies and concepts for the creation of ASCII generic TLDs (gTLDs) and ASCII country-code TLD (ccTLDs), which have been developed and refined over time, while giving due consideration to additions and variations in policy to take into account unique factors related to the use of non-ASCII characters within the DNS. This paper suggests a tentative framework for classifying possible non-ASCII TLDs. The rationale for classification is a recognition that different types of TLDs (whether ASCII or non-ASCII) may require different selection mechanisms, depending upon the peculiar policy considerations that arise in connection with each category. For example, as elaborated below, current ICANN policy provides different selection mechanisms for ccTLDs A comprehensive selection and implementation process for non-ASCII TLDs would include a number of steps, including: - Finalization of IDNA standard; - Decision to proceed to adopt non-ASCII TLDs; - Root zone implementation testing; - Selection of registry operators; and - Registry-level testing and deployment. It is anticipated that the ICANN IDN Committee will publish a further paper that considers the issue of potential non ASCII TLD selection processes and criteria in the near future. In thinking about the creation of non-ASCII TLDs, the committee began with the existing ICANN policy baseline for the creation of new TLDs, including the principles that (1) TLD expansion should occur in a careful and controlled fashion, with regard for the overall stability of the DNS; (2) the sudden introduction of a massive number of new TLDs would be a bad idea; (3) a new TLD can only be created if there is a willing and able registry operator to run it; and (4) different categories of new TLDs may require different contractual, policy, and selection frameworks; and (5) the selection process should be transparent, allowing key stakeholders to participate in it. The committee has generally agreed on two additional principles that relate specifically to non-ASCII TLDs, namely: (6) the core purpose of introducing non-ASCII TLDs would be to make the DNS service easier to use for Internet users whose native languages include non-ASCII characters; and (7) a new TLD should be introduced only if some sort of user demand can be demonstrated to exist. For purposes of this discussion paper, the committee takes as its hypothesis the notion that potential new TLDs should logically be classified according to the evident semantic meaning of the TLD string itself. In other words, a given TLD string should be understood as having a certain intended meaning, should be classified accordingly, and should be matched to an appropriately tailored selection process. The committee notes that the potential for semantic ambiguity exists when different non ASCII TLDs are interpreted by Internet users who speak different languages. While every reasonable attempt will be made to minimize such ambiguities, it is impossible to eliminate this problem altogether. The committee further notes that at least the following policy issues are highly likely to require consideration in the future: - Nothing within any future non ASCII TLD space constrains names or labels to be in any language at all. For example, nothing in the protocols would prevent a domain label from being created (at the top-level or otherwise) that consists of a Chinese character, followed by a roman-derived character, followed by a Thai character, followed by an Arabic character, followed by a Cyrillic character, etc. - Even if IDNs compatible with a given language at the second level of the TLD are permitted, enforcement of a restriction at the third or fourth level or beyond is likely to prove challenging. These issues will be dealt with in greater detail in the committee's final report to the ICANN Board. The concept of semantic meaning is central to this analysis. For example, the .info TLD was treated as global and unrestricted, on the basis of the semantic link between the term "info" and the concept of "information." The .biz TLD is restricted to business registrants, on the basis of the semantic link between the term "biz" and the concept of "business." The .museum TLD is restricted to museum registrants, on the basis of the semantic link between the term "museum" and the community of "museums." In the realm of the country-code TLDs, there is a semantic link between the assigned two-letter codes and the name of the associated geographic unit. Thus, .no is semantically linked to Norway, .us to the United States, .za to South Africa, and .ch to Switzerland. Under longstanding IANA policy (see RFC-1591 and ICP-1), codes are taken strictly from the ISO-3166-1 table (with a few historical exceptions), meaning that IANA/ICANN stays out of the business of determining what is and is not a country (or geographically distinct territory), and what name or abbreviation is semantically associated with any given geographic unit. Those problems are properly excluded from the ICANN process, and resolved by a politically expert, internationally-recognized body, the International Organization for Standardization and its ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency. Following from these premises, the committee undertook to imagine the DNS namespace as a whole (including ASCII and non-ASCII TLDs), and to attempt a general (and probably incomplete) classification of potential TLD strings, oriented around semantic meaning. The following basic categories were identified: - Semantic association with Geographic Units. - Semantic association with Languages. - Semantic association with Cultural Groups or Ethnicities. - Semantic association with Existing Sponsored TLDs. - Semantic association with Existing Unsponsored TLDs. - Everything else. More detailed definitions of these categories, as currently understood by the committee, are set out below. 1. GEOGRAPHIC UNITS By "semantic association with recognized geographic units", we mean a TLD string that to a typical reader would be clearly linked to a recognized geographic unit, as is the case with the existing ASCII ccTLDs. A non-ASCII TLD consisting of Japanese characters semantically associated with the recognized geographic unit of Japan would logically be <日本>. - The existing ISO-3166-1 table provides a clear definition of recognized geographic units. Use of that table allows ICANN to avoid the problem of deciding what is and it not a country or geographically distinct territory. It would be easy for ICANN to determine whether or not the table includes the geographic unit with which a given proposed TLD is associated. - The process for delegating ASCII ccTLDs is well-defined, and could simply be extended to the non-ASCII space. Under the terms of RFC-1591 and ICP-1, an entity seeking to run a non-ASCII TLD semantically associated with a recognized geographic unit would have to submit a proposal demonstrating wide support among the Internet stakeholders within that defined area, and establishing the technical competence of the proposed registry operator. In the interest of transparency and the testing of consensus, proposals for this category of non-ASCII TLD could be posted publicly, and views sought from major stakeholders (including, for example, ISP associations, the ASCII ccTLD registry operator, and the government). - In the area of geography, the use of the ISO-3166-1 provides certainty both by inclusion and exclusion. In other words, ICANN can maintain that only the geographic units recognized on that table are available for non-ASCII TLDs with semantic association; the names of cities, counties, provinces, and other geographic units would implicitly be excluded. This principle would minimize ICANN/IANA having to make judgments about the sovereign authority over a given geographic area. - The use of the principles of RFC-1591 and ICP-1 in the context of non-ASCII TLDs would also clarify that any TLD string semantically associated with a given geographic unit would not be eligible for delegation (regardless of the language or script) except under those principles. In other words (by way of hypothetical example), the local Internet community in New Kryptonia is the relevant decision maker for any terms semantically associated (within reason) with its officially recognized name, whether the string in question is in English, Japanese, Arabic, or Kryptonian. - A limit to the total number of TLDs eligible for delegation to a given geographic unit might be set at a number equal to the number of its - The ISO-3166-1 table solves the problem of what is and is not a recognized geographic unit (country or geographically distinct territory). However, the table only provides two- and three-letter ASCII codes for each such geographic unit. The table does not solve the problem of what non-ASCII names (or abbreviations) should be assigned to each recognized geographic unit. This is a very serious disadvantage that might be approached in three ways: (1) Locate (or ask a properly legitimate body like the ISO to create) a table equivalent to ISO-3166-1, expanded to include names in all non-ASCII scripts. This would be a massive undertaking with enormous political complications. (2) Allow proposers to designate their desired non-ASCII TLD string, and rely upon a requirement of consensus within a local Internet community to determine whether the proposed TLD string is appropriate. This could potentially place on ICANN a massive and unsustainable set of political burdens for which it is not well suited. (3) Ask ICANN's Governmental Advisory Committee to sort the issue out. This option may be very unappealing to the GAC for similar - The committee believes that ICANN should not be placed in the role of determining what is and is not an appropriate TLD string for a given geographic unit. Accordingly, TLDs that correspond to geographic units should only be created on the basis of an authoritative list defined and maintained by a legitimate international organization, such as the ISO. See footnote for some options in this - The committee believes that no automatic preference should be given to current managers of ASCII ccTLD registries in the context of delegating non-ASCII TLDs. The applicable requirements should continue to be the support of the local Internet community, technical competence, and acceptance of the responsibilities of service to the local and global Internet communities. In some cases, the manager of an ASCII ccTLD registry may be able to earn the support of the local Internet community to operate a non-ASCII TLD for that same geographic unit; in other cases, it will not. The requirements should be applied evenhandedly to all, without giving any automatic preference to current ASCII ccTLD managers. Among commentators, those who have taken the opposite view have almost uniformly been managers of current ccTLD registries. - Some commentators suggested that the national government alone should be the determiner of a local Internet community's wishes with regard to any non-ASCII TLDs corresponding to that geographic unit. This would be an easy solution from an administrative standpoint; at a minimum, in the absence of an authoritative reference list, the government's views could be considered decisive as to the definition of the non-ASCII TLD string itself. The committee nevertheless believes that ICANN should rely on an appropriate, externally-defined authoritative list for geographic unit TLD strings, meaning that government views should be addressed to the organization that maintains the authoritative list (for example, the ISO or a similar international entity), rather than asking ICANN to address them. - Several commentators urged that ICANN defer to "recognized regional bodies" or "recognized language organizations" to handle tasks such as the determination of TLD strings and the delegation of registry managers, on the theory that each language comprises a distinct namespace. There are a number of problems with this point of view. First, many languages share characters and code points in common, making clean divisions of "namespaces" by language impossible. Second, though the committee supports the principles of localization and decentralization in decision-making, the committee believes that these decisions should primarily rest with local Internet communities. It is not clear why regional or language-specific bodies would be free from the complex political and other pressures that could be brought to bear on ICANN. The committee favors a simple approach that minimizes the discretionary role of ICANN. As to the determination of TLD strings, the committee strongly believes that ICANN should maintain its policy of deferring to ISO or an similarly-qualified international body. As to the delegation of registry managers, that is a more complex issue that should primarily be addressed within the local Internet community. Whether there is a role or regional or language-specific organizations should be assessed on the basis of the wishes of the local Internet community. - In view of these many difficult and complex issues, some commentators have argued against the creation of any non-ASCII TLDs semantically associated with geography, language, or culture, instead favoring non-ASCII TLD strings consisting of generic terms. By "semantic association with language" , we mean a TLD string that to a typical reader would be clearly linked to the name of a language -- for example, the Arabic word for "Arabic." - If the objective of IDNs is to enable users to easily type domain names in familiar, non-ASCII scripts (while preserving universal uniqueness and resolvability), it might be easiest to simply create a single TLD for each non-ASCII script, allowing the registry operator to make decisions about lower-level naming conventions. - A language-associated TLD string may assist in the development of global language-based Internet communities, particularly where the language speakers are widely distributed around the world, for example, the various - An authoritative international list of the world's languages exists in the international standard ISO 639, which consists of two parts. ISO 639 specifies a two-letter code identifying languages. (This standard is presently under revision and will be published later this summer as ISO 639-1). ISO 639-2 specifies a three-letter ASCII code identifying languages. Both standards are updated by Registration Authorities -- an ISO office similar to the Maintenance Agencies. For example, is the Registration Authority for ISO 639-1, and the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA, acts as the Registration Authority ISO 639-2. However, one commentator has noted that the ISO 639 list of languages is "not even close to exhaustive." Other commentators pointed to the Ethnologue list, which conflicts in some respects with ISO 639. The committee has been informed that ISO's TC 37/SC 2 has initiated a process that is intended to lead to extension of the ISO 639 standard; one of the apparent objectives is to generate a comprehensive list of language identifiers. Finally, it is noteworthy that RFC 3066 specifies Internet best current practice for tags for the identification of languages. - In a sense, a language-associated TLD string would be redundant: if a domain name consists of Chinese characters, a user might find no added value to require the term "Chinese" (in Chinese characters) as the final label. - There does not appear to be a recognized list of all human languages analogous to the ISO-3166-1 table. While the ISO 639 list is comprehensive, authoritative, and broadly accepted, it is not universally complete; moreover, as with ISO 3166-1, the three-letter codes associated with each language are given in ASCII characters. - Language communities cross sovereign national boundaries. The problem of identifying and achieving consensus among the stakeholders of a given set of language communities may be extremely difficult. ICANN/IANA might be left with competing claims backed by different stakeholders, or, worst, different national governments. ICANN/IANA is not well-suited to resolve those kinds of disputes. - Languages are the products of thousands of years of history, generate tremendous emotional attachments among people, and have been sources of enormous political controversy. For these and other reasons, the IETF has focused, as much as possible, exclusively on characters and code points, not on languages (which cross boundaries, share scripts and characters, and can differ from place to place). - Attempting to create TLDs semantically linked to languages would raise a large number of extremely difficult political problems. The Chinese-speaking community, for example, includes 1.2 billion people in mainland China, 22 million in Taiwan, and millions more in Singapore, Malaysia, and the United States. To select a single registry operator in such a complicated and sensitive political environment might simply be an impossible task for a technical coordinating body like ICANN. - The linkage of language based non-ASCII TLD rights to a country’s list of official languages may well result in highly charged political debates between different national stakeholders, or, worst, different national governments revolving around the relative approval priority associated with competing non-ASCII TLD bids. - The linkage of language based non-ASCII TLD rights to a country’s list of its official languages may also result in a number of non-ASCII TLDs being commercialized in a way that results in the needs and requirements of the originally intended users of those official languages being ignored or forgotten in the pursuit of profit. - Due to all the foregoing points, defining the community of interest for a language-associated TLD is extremely complex. Likewise, ICANN does not seem to be an appropriate forum for fostering language-community consensus on these issues; among possible alternatives would be the ISO, the ITU, and UNESCO. 3. CULTURAL GROUPS / ETHNICITIES By "semantic association with a cultural group or ethnicity," we mean a TLD string that to a typical reader would be clearly linked to a cultural group or ethnicity that is not defined or limited by recognized national boundaries – for example, the Kurdish or Swahili peoples. - All of the problems with language-associated TLDs would apply to this set of TLD strings, as well. There appears to be no internationally-recognized and legitimate list of cultural and ethnic groups. These groups cross national borders. The attempted to identify and verify consensus among stakeholders in these communities would be extremely difficult. - As with languages, the names of cultures and ethnicities are the subjects of great emotion and, often, political controversy. For ICANN even to consider creating TLD semantically associated with such groups would be to invite a storm of controversy. 4. EXISTING SPONSORED gTLDs By "semantic association with an existing sponsored gTLD," we mean a non-ASCII TLD string that to a typical reader would be clearly linked to an existing ASCII sponsored TLD. Currently, that list includes .aero, .coop, and .museum. For purposes of this paper, the category arguably includes .edu and .int also. A example of a non-ASCII TLD semantically associated with .museum would be the TLD string consisting of the Hangul (Korean) characters meaning "museum" in Korean. The issue with this group is twofold: Firstly should existing registry sponsors have a right to TLD strings in non-ASCII characters with the same semantic meaning as their ASCII TLD string? In other words, should they be given a preference, or be treated the same as any other proposer? Secondly, if one language variant is approved for a given sponsored TLD does this automatically imply a right to all other language Advantages of incumbent preference: - Giving a preference for equivalent non-ASCII strings to existing ASCII sponsored registries would be simple, and somewhat logical. Once ICANN has concluded that a given sponsor is an appropriate proxy and policymaker on behalf of the community to be served by the TLD, it could logically be considered to have equivalent legitimacy across non-ASCII TLD strings as well. This might also lead to less confusion among users, in that registration rules and registries policies would be consistent. Disadvantages of incumbent preference: - The selection of TLD registries is complicated. A representative sponsor for an ASCII TLD may not be best for all communities, particularly where the scope of a given script's use is highly localized. For that reason, it may be best to place no hard rights or prohibitions on the allocation of TLD strings with semantic association to existing sponsored TLDs, treating them as any other new TLD, open to any proposer, but also allowing the existing ASCII TLD registry sponsors to present proposals for equivalent non-ASCII TLDs, with relevant justification for their role. - Each TLD string should be treated differently, and should be open for proposals to any potential registry operator that can establish the basic requirements for a sponsored TLD, including support within the community to be served. At the same time, it may be possible for a single organization to demonstrate its legitimacy and capacity to serve as a global coordinating registry for a given term (i.e., "museum") as to all non-ASCII strings consisting of characters that have the equivalent semantic meaning in some language. 5. EXISTING UNSPONSORED gTLDs By "semantic association with existing unsponsored gTLDs", we mean a non-ASCII TLD string that to a typical reader would be clearly linked to the an existing unsponsored ASCII gTLD, such as .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, or .name. Here again, the issue is whether to give any advantage to the current registry operators of the existing ASCII unsponsored gTLDs. Advantages of incumbent preference: - There appear to be few notable advantages, other than for the existing registry operators themselves. - It should be noted that several current operators of gTLD registries have pointed to a range of arguable advantages, from their perspective, including: ease of transition, single-point-of-registration services for registrants, consistency and stability of applicable registration rules and policies, and minimization of consumer confusion between semantically-equivalent ASCII and non-ASCII TLDs. Disadvantages of incumbent - Given the generic nature of the terms at issue, and the wide-ranging complexities of meaning across languages, it would be extremely difficult to determine which non-ASCII words and abbreviations should qualify for the preference; indeed, it is not clear why the preference would not also logically extend to ASCII TLD strings, such as "company" for the .com registry operator. - The principles of registry-level competition and geographic distribution of registries both argue strongly against giving any preference to existing ASCII gTLD registry operators. Such a preference would promote market concentration, rather than competition. 6. EVERYTHING ELSE In this category, we mean to include every non-ASCII word, abbreviation, or other string that is not semantically associated with one of the above 5 categories. For this category (and perhaps in categories 4 and 5, above), the committee concludes that no distinctions should be drawn between ASCII and non-ASCII new TLDs – the process that is used for new ASCII TLDs (as refined over time and with experience) should equally apply to new non-ASCII TLDs (once the technical standard is completed and deployable at the TLD level). The key elements of that process are: open call for proposals, defined criteria for selection, independent review by technical and financial experts, and full transparency of all proposals. The committee sees no reason why these elements could not apply equally to non-ASCII TLD proposals, with some added criteria for selection, perhaps focusing on the proposed registry's plans to meet the needs of (and make policy for) the language communities to be served by a given TLD string in a given script. The IDN Committee received a number of thoughtful and helpful comments on this draft. In particular, the committee thanks Asaad Alnajjar of Millennium Inc. and the Arabic Internet Names Consortium (AINC); Marilyn Cade of AT&T; Prof. Kilnam Chon; Roger Cochetti of VeriSign; Peter Constable of the Non-Roman Script Initiative, SIL International; Håvard Hjulstad, chairman of ISO/TC37 and convener of ISO/TC37/SC2/WG1; Hiro Hotta of JPRS; Cary Karp of the Museum Domain Management Association; S. Maniam of the International Forum for IT in Tamil (INFITT); Jeffrey J. Neuman of NeuStar, Inc.; Stefan Probst; James Seng; Konstantin Vinogradov of the International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI); Eric Brunner-Williams of Wampumpeag LLC; Cord Wischhöfer of the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency; Yoshiro Yoneda; and Danny Younger. The committee welcomes feedback from stakeholders regarding this second draft paper. Comments for the committee's consideration should be sent to [email protected] . 13 June – Publish Second Draft of non-ASCII TLD Paper 13 June to 20 June - Second Public Comments Period. 22 June - IDN Committee Report to the Board 28/29 June – Consideration of IDN Committee Report by ICANN By "non-ASCII TLDs" we mean top-level domains that include in the TLD string itself characters other than the currently allowed ASCII "LDH code points" repertoire (meaning the code points associated with ASCII letters, digits, and the hyphen-minus; that is, U+002D, 30..39, 41..5A, and 61..7A). "LDH" is a commonly-used abbreviation for "letters, digits, hyphen." In this paper, we use the term "non-ASCII" as a shorthand for "characters other than ASCII The Committee wishes to make it abundantly clear to all readers that in no sense is there an implied guarantee in this paper that non-ASCII TLDs will become a reality. Much technical and policy work remains to be undertaken before it is possible to contemplate such a reality with any certainty, let alone have any sense of the actual outcome, one way or the other. The statement that ISO-3166-1 exists only in French and English is correct, but some significant qualifications must First qualificiation: One of the two United Nations sources of the country and territory names listed in ISO 3166-1 is the UN Terminology Bulletin entitled "Country Names," which lists about 180 country names in each of the six official languages of the UN: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. UN Terminology Bulletin Country Names, United Nations New York, 1997. (Ref.: Sales No. A/C/E/F/R/S.97.I.19 (ST/CS/SER.F/347/Rev.1)). As noted by Cord Wischhöfer of the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency, "this document could well serve as a reference basis for authoritative input into a possible future list of non-ASCII country/territory names for Russian, Arab and Chinese name forms. For those entities not listed in the UN Terminology Bulletin -- 99 percent of those not listed are dependent territories -- another solution would have to be found." Second qualification: Each national standards organization that is a member of ISO may adopt ISO standards nationally. By this process – known as "national adoption" – the ISO standard becomes a national standard recognized in that country. In many cases, this adoption entails the translation of the English version into the national language. As a result, ISO 3166-1 has been translated into a number of the larger languages utilizing non-ASCII scripts. For example, ISO 3166-1 is national standard JIS X 0304 in Japan, and standard KS X 1510-1 in the Republic of Korea. These qualifications lend support to the proposition that ISO might, in fact, be able to undertake the creation and maintenance of a non-ASCII extension to ISO 3166-1. More significantly, they suggest that ICANN could rely on national adoptions of ISO 3166-1, where they exist. For any given geographic unit recognized on ISO 3166-1, ICANN could refer to the relevant national adoption(s) to ascertain the appropriate string (which, by virtue of its presence on the version adopted locally by the national ISO member standards organization, should be acceptable to the local Internet community). Where conflicts arise between national adoptions, ICANN could simply defer action until the national standards bodies and their respective governments act to resolve the The terms "language," "script," and related concepts are commonly mis-defined and therefore misunderstood in discussions regarding internationalization of computers and the Internet. Readers are referred to Paul Hoffman's Internet Draft entitled "Terminology Used in Internationalization in the IETF " for a comprehensive list of definitions. Also, see the IANA language registry , which is defined by RFC 3066 . Comments concerning the layout, construction and functionality of this site should be sent to [email protected] ©2002 The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. All rights reserved.
Hello and welcome to the details of US coronavirus cases top 25 million, according to Reuters tally and now with the details WASHINGTON, Jan 25 — The number of coronavirus cases in the United States crossed 25 million yesterday, a Reuters tally showed, as states accelerate their vaccine distribution and more infectious strains are found globally. States including North Dakota and West Virginia have injected more than 83 per cent of their allocated doses into residents’ arms, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released on Sunday. Virginia administered the fewest doses, with 42 per cent of the vaccines received. The United States has administered at least 21.8 million doses of Covid vaccines, to about six per cent of its population. The two vaccines currently approved also require a second dose. Alaska leads the vaccine administration tally, with about 13 per cent of its population vaccinated, followed by West Virginia, with 11 per cent. The number of new infections is slowing after a surge following Thanksgiving and year-end holidays, with about 25 per cent of the total US Covid-19 cases recorded in the past 30 days. An analysis of Reuters data shows it took 200 days to reach the first five million cases, 93 days to go from five million to 10 million, 31 days from 10 million to 15 million, 25 days to go from 15 million to 20 million, and 24 days to go from 20 million to 25 million cases. US deaths have also soared this year as more than 70,000 people have lost their lives in the last 25 days, taking the toll to more than 417,000 and predicted to surpass 500,000 by February. The number of hospitalised patients has fallen in the past 10 days and last Thursday dropped below 120,000 for the first time since December 27. But some health officials are concerned the current vaccines may not work well against the South African variant of the virus. — Reuters These were the details of the news US coronavirus cases top 25 million, according to Reuters tally for this day. We hope that we have succeeded by giving you the full details and information. To follow all our news, you can subscribe to the alerts system or to one of our different systems to provide you with all that is new. It is also worth noting that the original news has been published and is available at Malay Mail and the editorial team at AlKhaleej Today has confirmed it and it has been modified, and it may have been completely transferred or quoted from it and you can read and follow this news from its main source.
Hello and welcome to the details of Pfizer or Sinopharm? ‘Vaccine diplomacy’ in Middle East and now with the details JERUSALEM, Jan 26 — Pfizer or Sinopharm? The US or China? In the Middle East and North Africa, novel coronavirus vaccine orders are driven by diplomatic and logistical considerations, reflecting Beijing’s growing regional influence. In recent days, the Israeli government made documents public that showed the extent of its collaboration with US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer in its vaccination campaign, one of the largest in the world to date, with more than a quarter of its nine million inhabitants already vaccinated. In return for swift delivery, Israel — with its vast digitised medical databases — is giving the company data on the efficacy and potential side effects of the vaccine based on indicators such as age and medical history. This extensive cooperation is no surprise given Israel is Washington’s main strategic ally in the region. The Jewish state has also ordered millions of doses of the vaccine developed by fellow US firm Moderna, the least ordered vaccine in the region so far. Other countries in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and Oman, are also relying heavily on the Pfizer vaccine, developed by the US company in partnership with Germany’s BioNTech. Iraq, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, on the other hand, hedged their bets by ordering from both Pfizer and Sinopharm, with the Chinese vaccine now deemed “completely safe” by the UAE. ‘Health silk road’ For Yahia Zoubir, a specialist in relations between China and the Arab world, vaccine choice rests on considerations such as price and cold storage requirements — -70 degrees Celsius for Pfizer (-94 Fahrenheit), but two to eight degrees Celsius for Sinopharm. But politics are never far away, says the professor at Kedge Business School in France. Since the start of the pandemic, the administration of former US president Donald Trump “closed in on itself, while China has deployed health diplomacy”, he told AFP. “The Chinese have been much more active and much more cooperative.” Beijing has exported millions of masks and gowns to the Middle East and North Africa and elsewhere, as well as providing respirators and holding online seminars with medical authorities in various countries. “Today, with the new silk road, there is also a health silk road,” Zoubir said, referring to China’s globe-spanning infrastructure push — the Belt and Road Initiative. “Health is becoming a part of China’s foreign policy, allowing it to expand its circle of friends” in a region that accounts for half of Beijing’s oil imports. According to Jonathan Fulton, a specialist in Chinese-Middle East relations at Zayed University in the UAE, “there is a lot of pressure on (US) allies and partners not to cooperate with China”. Despite this, he added, as the US floundered in its own response to the pandemic, a “transition took place from China as a victim” to China as a supportive and “credible actor”. With its Belt and Road project, Beijing is “looking to build a forward-looking Middle East presence” but not necessarily to replace the US, he said. Sinopharm jabs also feature in the vaccine orders of other US allies in the region, like Egypt and Morocco. Analysts say collaboration could be aimed at ensuring Chinese vaccine production and distribution centres for the region and Africa are established in their territories. “It seems obvious that Beijing’s prestige is on the upswing in an area that has long been one of American dominance,” said Steven Cook, a senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. “People in the Middle East have always looked to the United States as the global technological powerhouse and problem solver,” he said. But so far the US “has been mostly absent when it comes to ‘vaccine diplomacy’... mostly because of President Trump’s America First agenda, which eschewed international cooperation and devalued science,” he added. Also in the “vaccine diplomacy” field are the United Kingdom, relying on an AstraZeneca-Oxford University jab that has been ordered by a clutch of countries in the Middle East and North Africa, while Russia promotes its own vaccine, Sputnik V. Algeria, a longstanding Moscow ally, ordered the Sinopharm jab as well Russia’s, which costs less than those of its Western rivals but has had its reliability called into question, with one local media outlet alluding to “Russian roulette”. In Ramallah, seat of the Palestinian Authority, which cut ties with the US under the Trump administration, many are awaiting the delivery of Sputnik V doses, while 2.5 million Israelis have already received at least one Pfizer-BioNTech jab, a disparity criticised by rights groups. Iran, arch-enemy of Israel, has refused Western vaccines and said it will rely on jabs from India, China or Russia, while also working to produce a homegrown shot, as it battles the region’s deadliest Covid-19 outbreak. Even if China appears to be out ahead in “vaccine diplomacy”, factors including a new US policy direction under President Joe Biden, an avowed multilateralist, could shift the playing field, according to Fulton. “I don’t think the game is over,” he said. — AFP These were the details of the news Pfizer or Sinopharm? ‘Vaccine diplomacy’ in Middle East for this day. We hope that we have succeeded by giving you the full details and information. To follow all our news, you can subscribe to the alerts system or to one of our different systems to provide you with all that is new. It is also worth noting that the original news has been published and is available at Malay Mail and the editorial team at AlKhaleej Today has confirmed it and it has been modified, and it may have been completely transferred or quoted from it and you can read and follow this news from its main source.
I know it may seem silly to celebrate 201 posts, but since I didn’t realize the milestone of writing about our adventures 200 times when I was publishing my post on Monday I thought I would just celebrate it as it is. In those 200 posts, we wrote about our beginnings, our travels, and how different and wonderful it was to travel with our (then) 2-year-old daughter. Since today I am writing about the number of times I have posted here on And Three To Go, I decided that today I wanted to share some other “numbers” of our travels. NUMBER OF DAYS WE HAVE BEEN TRAVELING: 472 days NUMBER OF CITIES/TOWNS VISITED: 22 NUMBER OF COUNTRIES VISITED (NOT INCLUDING LAYOVERS): 13 NUMBER OF FLIGHTS: 30 NUMBER OF TIMES I HAVE FELT THE AWESOMENESS OF THIS GRAND ADVENTURE: Every Single Day! (Cheesy, I know, but I couldn’t help it! It is so true!) Our journey has changed many times along the way and it may be changing again sooner than we expected. For those of you that are new to And Three To Go, we have been staying in Phuket, Thailand. Thailand is currently under a military coup, which has not made its way through our “expat bubble” until recently. The Thai government is cracking down on tourists who do visa runs to extend their stay in Thailand. We have been getting the correct visa’s to stay here during our stay in this complex and wonderful country, but now the rules are changing. We will not know what those changes will entail until August 12th. Our time in Thailand may be up and we will be on the move again. New places to see, new adventures to be had! Now just to decide where to go! Where do you think we should go? Help us research our next step (haha) and tell us what you love about the places you suggest! If you are interested in reading about all of the places we have visited, just click on the name below: Anaheim Disneyland, Texas, Florida, Curacao, Portugal (Lisbon, Sintra, Porto, Algarve), Disney Paris, Hungary, Greece (Athens, Paros), Taiwan, Thailand (Hua Hin, Phuket), Malaysia, Singapore, Tokyo, California, England (Kettering, Bedford, London) Thank you everyone for following along and being a part of our adventure traveling this wonderful world of ours! If you would like to be more a part, feel free to follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest!
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Inappropriate or offensive messages will not be printed. Want to have your order delivered? A visitor at the Cup Noodle Museum in Yokohama, Tokyo. He eats them when there’s nothing in the fridge, always adding an egg, and often spring onion. This tasty instant noodle goodness is a quick meal that is ready in minutes - no cooking required, simply pour in hot water. Gift message available (Home delivery only). Budae jjigae (army base stew) was created in Uijeongbu, an hour north of Seoul, soon after the Korean War when food scarcity led starving Koreans to concoct a meal using food that was discarded or handed out at US military bases. :), Exactly as advertised, tasted as good as they look on Laid Back Camp, 1+程度の「えび・かに」アレルギー持ちですが、特段何の反応もなく食べられています。, 九州だと災害といえば台風です。缶詰は常に100個ほどストックしていますが、今回カップヌードルカレー40個と、シリアル18袋を非常食を兼ねてプライムデーで購入しました。缶詰も賞味期限内が近付いたものから食べていますが、非常食を兼ねる場合は、無理して食べなくていいぐらいの数にしておいた方がいいと思います。. Find your favorite ramen. South Korea’s budae jjigae, or army base stew, is an entire hotpot of maligned foodstuffs. Please click here to see BIG W's returns policies. CUP NOODLES. Interest Free. Please try again. In Australia they have a stigma as being cheap sustenance for teenage boys, cash-strapped uni students, and those without the money, means or appreciation for good food. They say necessity is the mother of invention and this stew is a sterling example of that sentiment. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. This tasty instant noodle goodness is a quick meal that is ready in minutes - no cooking required, simply pour in hot water. They taste better.". You can edit your question or post anyway. Inventor Momofuku Ando created it in the aftermath of World War II as a solution to food shortages and mass hunger. 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