The Dataset Viewer is not available on this dataset.


This dataset is not suitable for use by minors. The dataset contains X-rated/NFSW content.

E621 Rising V3: Curated Image Dataset

  • 279,296 images (53GB) downloaded from (90% of samples),,, and
  • 6,820 tags
  • Used to train E621 Rising v3 SDXL model

This dataset was created with Dataset Rising toolchain and a custom configuration. You can use these tools to train your own version!

Image Processing

  • Only jpg and png images were considered
  • Image width and height have been clamped to (0, 1024]px; larger images have been resized to meet the limit
  • Alpha channels have been removed
  • All images have been converted to jpg format
  • All images have been converted to TrueColor RGB
  • All images have been verified to load with Pillow
  • Metadata from E621 is available here


Comprehensive list of 6,820 tags and counts:

Additional Tags

  • rating_explicit
  • rating_questionable
  • rating_safe
  • rising_masterpiece
  • rising_unpopular
  • favorites_below_X (25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000)
  • favorites_above_X (250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000)
  • score_below_X (0, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500)
  • score_above_X (100, 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000)
Downloads last month

Models trained or fine-tuned on hearmeneigh/e621-rising-v3-curated