[{"text":"Antifa protester is fired from his job after being filmed harassing '9\/11 widow' and saying her dead NYPD husband deserved to 'rot in the grave' https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2PfNcau Karma......","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DiamondandSilk Done and done. Can't wait to vote to re-elect the best President America has ever had, @realDonaldTrump! #Trump2020 #MAGA #KAG #VoteRed2020 #WalkAwayFromDemocratsForever","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user You are welcome @user looks like we have a common interest in #Immigration - take a look at our site: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user If book Claire wanted to \"stay in the kitchen cooking for her man,\" she would've stayed in Inverness while Frank did his research, and the Outlander series would've ended up being less than two chapters long. Perhaps that's what you want, but I prefer the story that we did get. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT FILFUNGI Globalist Macron Lectures Pro-Sovereignty Visegrad Nations to Fall into Line with EU http:\/\/bit.ly\/2RcoCVk via @BreitbartNews https:\/\/twitter.com\/FILFUNGI\/status\/1056117328608403456","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Sheme there is no attention on our own people and foodbanks while do you have to be a migrant to be treated with respect? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@teapot Great GIF. Got a source URL for @gifs?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user What say you, Sir?#StopTheInvasion ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user I think all this Salem witch hunt -style pointing of fingers by hysterical women may come to a sudde ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Is Awlish quiet cos Derek the nigger is facing 10 to life or cos Tommys armt have her address??","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"I imagined us creating a Smart City of Privacy, as opposed to a Smart City of Surveillance, Ann Cavoukian, the former privacy commissioner of Ontario, wrote in her resignation letter from Google sister company Sidewalk Labs Privacy Expert Resigns https:\/\/gizmodo.com\/privacy-expert-resigns-from-alphabet-backed-smart-city-1829934748","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think there are also very specific forces at work here, forces that cannot be simply explained as the interplay between markets and supply\/demand dynamics, and those forces are probably best summed up as The Leftist San Fran Tech Bubble. The percentage of ideologically retarded gamer-hating journos who live in San Fransisco (or an equivalently ridiculous city) isn't just coincidence or correlation - it's legitimately the root cause of all this progressive idiocy in journalism. Creating good videogame journalism might be as easy as figuring out how to publish it somewhere other than a Leftist urban enclave on the coast.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump @realDonaldTrump is not running against @JoeBiden he's running against the system. He's lying about mailing ballots. He's trying to undermine system. That way he can say that the election was rigged, so he can stay in power. Don't take the bait, VOTE #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Poor Henry, he's supporting the right 2\/3 of you guys all on his gut! Don't hurt it, Charlie... (@lizziecuevas)http:\/\/yfrog.com\/h300cwrj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user Good shut it all down let's get this wall built, if was up to me illegals would leave this country by Catapulting not ICE. #DeportByCatapulting #StopOpenBorders #BuildThatWall #MAGA ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Interesting read from our Chief Economist on how @user enhances U.S. economic growth. Learn more here: @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"what a fucking fat cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"In 1971, Muslims murdered","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Life's too short to be giving people second chances ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Harvey Weinstein: More women accuse Hollywood producer of rape ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @DShmee: Tom Brady slowly becoming washed? Nah.. His weapons just trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was about to say the same thing given how retarded he's made himself look.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/thehill.com\/policy\/technology\/412335-jack-dorsey-complains-about-unfairness-if-san-francisco-homeless-tax-on #OperationFinalStand2018 #FreeInfowars #StopBigTech #SaveAmerica #WalkAway #StopTheBias","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@the_real_mathis @AOC @realDonaldTrump So, back to my original tweet, thank goodness I saw the debate the other night and know NOT to vote for that job-killing anti fracking, oil hating, Joe Biden. I was blinded by Kamala by trump made me see. And Joe is still a racist. https:\/\/t.co\/3wk36XAaKv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trixie is so peng YEAH SHES PENGGGG for an immigrant tho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.indiewire.com\/2018\/10\/megyn-kelly-fired-nbc-news-69-million-buyout-1202015231\/ What could this twat have done that was worth $69m?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I was locked for saying the word retard to blue checkmark lib. Saying kill a conservative is a ok over there, especially love the kill white males tweets.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Judge orders government to release immigrant kids from Texas shelter | The Texas Tribune ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"everything you said hits me. but still i hate you. not because you're black. but because i hate you as a basketball player. it is true that you're in your own league. i also believe that you're one of the best players in NBA. but i still hate you. peace be with you King. LeBron James","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Just bitch, bitch, bitch because you don't get the attention you want or the singular self-importance. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@joeylattime @Mawson38 @ameriC00N thats just me rooting against a team I hate not banwagoning u retard u have a different favorite","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I've pretty much eaten an entire box of my nephew's cheese nips. I only feel bad a little.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You ever feel like blasting away ass hole cops? Since they aren't contributing anything positive to society, an ass hole cop is usually an ass hole in person. So they aren't contributing anything there. If they breed they will breed their hate... they gotta go...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Where is the muzzie with the runaway van when you want one?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Of course. They are protected by Trudeau https:\/\/globalnews.ca\/news\/4526514\/canadian-isis-caught-in-turkey\/?utm_source=Articleandutm_medium=EditorsPickandutm_campaign=2015","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lindsey Graham sucked John McCain's dick, I guarantee it. He slurped his Maverick cum out of his dick hole like a straw A very graphic post. I doubt there's any truth to this but I can understand your anger. Personally I find homosexuality an Abomination and disgusting but that's just me.Live and Let Live We all have the almighty to answer to! I find your whore mother to be an abomination. Thankfully she's being charred to a crisp in Hell, like the slovenly fat pig she is!! That's not what God said to your mother, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"God made male and female blades of grass. Every living thing must reproduce itself to stay on this Earth: birds, bees and grass. Sex=Natural","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Guys who call me or others who're, slut, bitch, cunt or whore don't deserve my attention or time. I won't date you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey, cunt - I hope you choke on the shit you spew!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user is like a hysterical woman trying to out scream @user I became a conservative years ago when the Democrats treated Clarence Thomas in such a despicable manner. Hope the public is watching this repeat. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user If you wanna know what sexism looks like go no further then this skank miss odwyer ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Cool, fun thing to ponder: the myriad of space trash traveling at thousands of miles per hour right above you http:\/\/t.co\/L7zmXIyVQy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bunch of hysterical women protesting again. #KavanaughHearings ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Prayers for this Mother. #NoIllegals#SendThemAllBack w\/ their families !#NoDaca #BuildTheWallNow !!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":".@harmonica_b could be wearing a trash bag and she'd still be the stylish and coolest human I know","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MillerLite I don't follow you because everything about your company is white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Classless faggot and piece of shit Jim Acosta in the news. \"CNN s Acosta sends private message to former Melania Trump aide: F--- you \" Acosta should be licking urinals in men's restrooms. That's his hobby. He was seen doing that at Denny's recently. Then he went across the street to a gas-station restroom to continue licking.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Glad to see that @AndrewAnglin has bravely resisted the purity spiral, and broken free of the ideological echo chamber of the pro-White movement. In this piece, he courageously puts forth a plan for White survival. Specifically, that Daily Stormer readers should purchase White eggs, fertilize them in a laboratory, and insert the fertilized eggs into the low end Asian whores they've been fucking. Genius. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/shills-continue-to-spout-nonsense-refuse-to-accept-the-scientific-anglin-plan-for-white-racial-survival\/ I'm not lying. I do an open phones radio show where literally anyone can ask me anything. You're a fucking bitch who will never accomplish anything, so you run around tone policing nationalists on Gab. It's nigger tier behavior and you should be ashamed of yourself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That's why France is filled with retards. Many unknowingly marry their biological brothers and sisters. Tf does your comment even mean? >this guy saying that france is full of retards because of this fact is absolute bullshit Whut? >the guy saying he's obviously never been to france is a good shout. More whut. okay well the first is obvious I don't know how to break it down more. To say that france is full of retards because of the fact that paternity tests are illegal is bullshit? Do you understand now? The second is just british slang, if something is a good shout it means it's right basically. the dude has never been to france. Why the hell would someone need to travel somewhere to know its retarded? What a deeply compelling argument. Quit trawling round old posts to try start shit you nonce, it's obvious the dude just made up some shit about people marrying blood relatives and it having some effect on the populace having birth defects when it's completely untrue. You, on the other hand, seem to just be calling France retarded. I know how you Americans seem to think you get what's going on in Europe etc. but it's all misinformation and bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Here you have a retard with preferred pronouns listed in his profile performing the predictable Beta act: https:\/\/twitter.com\/V_Ben\/status\/1047804464260890625","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA brilliant that self-loathing cunt can disappear all together I know I wont be shedding a tear for her","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" @_BitchBUH: Shoot that nigga and his shorty bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why does not the republican field not talk about this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Slavery was the best thing for the nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Agree 100% ! #SneakyKevinYoder tries to pull a fast one on us! #SkilledTradeEducationNeededNow #NoIllegals #StopImmigration while our country gets our own act together first. No more secret sneaky back alley passing of bills, da*n it! @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"go fuck yourself inbred retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"since when did it become socially acceptable for guys to call women sluts, whores, hoe, bitches....??? or threaten them...??? just wondering ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This dirty dishrag whore Lana Del Rey has no right to question Kanye West since she is an untalented hack. Look, I don't like Kanye's music, but I respect Kanye the person. Him calling for the repeal of the 13th Amendment makes me respect him more. https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/lifestyle\/lana-del-rey-called-kanye- Do you want the 13th amendment abolished?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Fact: Fake friends are no different than shadows, they stick around during your brightest moments, but disappear during your darkest ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sure do","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@DunderbaIl: I'm an early bird and I'm a night owl, so I'm wise and have worms.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember when Canadian PM Justin Trudeau said this? Well the tide is turning in Canada as citizens tell him enough is enough... we can't 'welcome' this many #Refugees. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TorahBlaze: @1SonofYahweh they should be ashamed of themselves. I'll be single for life before I fuck w a nasty, faggot ass white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why the left can't MEME.. #StretchMarx Even a communist wouldn't tap dat, Unless they're Angolan. Female dark triad\/BPD. Weaponized. Victim. But stronk. If you hurt her (by even existing) You are bad and she's gonna gulag you to death. Believe her, and do what she says, Or misogyny. Her religion is hedonistic individualism. Perfectly atomised via Communism into a reflexive, ravenous raw nerve.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate that I wake up early the morning after I drink. But the fact that there was a cold yellow gatorade in the fridge gets me so happy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nicholas Rushlow, wearing lucky yellow shirt, nails \"theophylline\" - \"bitter crystalline compound extracted from tea leaves\" #spellingbee","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah. His Catholic Muslims must be an unusual sect of Islam I haven't heard of before. I suppose they pray in mosques that have a church steeple and bell instead of a wailing twat on a microphone. Who knew? lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@AustinG1135 I do not like talking to you faggot and I did but in a nicely way fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"BITCH STFU IAN CONNOR AINT A FUCKING ARTIST. The life of one, but he aint a artist. Know shit before you speak ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This dude is like Forrest Gump level retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @esaagar: Ambassador Grenell was in the Oval Office w\/ POTUS on October 3, the same day that Nikki Haley gave her resignation to Trump https:\/\/t.co\/Otmb6KeV7G","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The dark cloud is the side of you that you cannot fully understand but its your alter ego that you need to accept or you ll be deprived of your superpowers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Have fun in jail you worthless cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hey @user you fucking cunt ass bitch. Do the world a favor and fucking kill yourself, at least you'll be great to something and not fuck that up.....at least we hope you won't. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@SelfCuttingGirl @AnthonyCumia I thought he would think it was cute...you know, like when you shut your clam up for 5 minutes! #dunce","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Charlie Crist Losing 50,000 Florida Jobs To Raise Minimum Wage Is Worth It - Conservative Byte http:\/\/t.co\/y3JYJ2Yf4L via @conservativebyt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're a straight fucking retard for advocating a violent act over a cigarette. You act like you get cancer from standing next to someone who smokes lol.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We are excited to host the #ImmigrantStories film screening and panel today with @user to show how the Trump administration's overhaul of immigration policy has forced the immigrant community to choose between deportation and medical care. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Shakestweetz: Friends of @philbarron: @javachik has let me know that Phil is very ill. His infection has gone septic, and he is fightin ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He,s a cunt No he's not, Cunts ares useful. He a back stabbing sellout money grabbing traitor","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She's an ignorant cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"prevent bubbles? are you retarded or just painfully ignorant? this is the biggest bubble in the history of bubbles, and just like since 1913, The Fed blows 'em and then pops 'em. learn history (of monetary policy fraud) fool. i'm a permabull and this \"market\" will crash worse than 2008, but retardohedge is just a clickbait scam. hope that clarifies it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Illegal Alien Killed Two People In Alcohol-Fueled Crash In North Carolina #EndTheSlaughter #BuildTheWall #NoDACADeal #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #BanSanctuaryCities#DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafe#EndIllegalBirthrightCitizenship ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MICHAEL IMMA FKN RIP YOU UP IF DONT STOP TAKING ALL THE INTERNET TO STREAM PORN OR ANIME and STOP WALKIMG AROUND W YOUR ASS OUT YOU FAT CUNT ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Omg that is awesome so much hate but stay positive","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I listened to yesterday's tds because I saw in the show notes they were covering the Cenk vs Tucker debate and I foolishly thought they would provide constructive criticism of Tucker's horrible performance to illustrate how cuck narratives lock whites into a box we won't be able to get out of. Of course Sven cherry picked clips and claimed Tucker BTFO'd Cenk. Sven and Mike also dismissed Cenk's position of getting money out of politics. Which is odd for an outfit that says Jews are the donor class bank roll politicians. We don't need to \"get money out of politics\". That's a liberal scam for publicly funded elections. Oh and (((who))) determines which politicians get funding? What we need is to cut the size of each congressional district to 30,000 citizens per district (as opposed to the 700K+ we have today), as specified by the Constitution. https:\/\/thirty-thousand.org Even in our current situation publicly funded elections would be positive for us You're under cutting your narrative, if Europe has a high caliber of civil workers they should be able to suppress people better than here in America. This is also ignoring the fact blacks mostly have made up\/unnecessary jobs in government. Not leadership you still haven't answered the question of how will cutting the district size change the ability of donors to pick candidates? They big donors can pick as many as they want. The question is, will their choices be credible? It'll be like the \"how do you do, fellow kids?\" meme multiplied across 6000 districts. You can't compete with local guys who know the place and the people, and when the district is small enough, traditional and cheap campaign methods (canvassing) are competitive. splitting up districts that are 60% into sections where whites advantage is so thin that it would only take a few cucks to elect poc reps. If you dont trust them to distribute campaign funds, why would you entrust them creating new congressional districts? Your proposal would also only effect the house. Which was designed to be the weakest body of government ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Im a skank for understanding the very basics of life! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@McLaffyTaffy Reason #2 I didn't order a shirt: Taffy will know where I live and he would probably find me and stab me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The major problem? It will take 36 hours and cost 11 MILLION DOLLARS???? Ok, wait a second... 11 million divided by 36 hours is about $ 306,000 an hour. Why not $10 million an hour? or $20 million an hour??? If the Dr's and the hospital volunteers their time and facilities, this shouldn't cost more than a few hundred thousand dollars TOPS ! I Shit on your \"medical business\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Who ever did it you no this evil cunt will no who are and by tonight or you may not get in the new you be dead you only get one time and should of kill soro s and family","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user o right settle down 75 m turks could invade Europe no more kebabs ,Cameron ur immigration policy as a nappy for constipated people ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user This has nothing to do with politics it goes with women who keep saying there's a rape culture when there's actually rape accusation culture ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@a I know you're a busy man @MKULTRAvictim tagged me with tranny porn Yes, I Reported and Muted It seems that every time I report and mute a tranny porn spammer another one pops up a day or two later tagging and spamming If this is the same Moronic Faggot over and over again How many times do they get to create an account B4 being Totally Banned from Gab (that is if Gab does ban)?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Drudge is all in on gaslighting the right. Pushing headline after headline of this mythical Blue Wave. Look into the data, and you'll see that this will not be the bloodbath that the Left is looking for. The Democrats are way down from where they were in 2006 when they took the House; they are easily losing 4 seats in the Senate. #BlueWaveMyth As long as republicans aren't outright discouraged from going to the polls by information that seems too bleak, I think it's important to make it seem like we need to fight hard to make a blue wave not happen. A narrative of \"we can stop it if we just turn out\" is way better than a narrative of \"the blue wave was horseshit we have this in the bag\". Complacency sinks more ships than loose lips, that's for sure.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jewish owned Global banking giant Goldman Sachs has declared that curing patients of terminal illnesses, such as cancer, is not a \"sustainable business model.\" https:\/\/neonnettle.com\/news\/4072-goldman-sachs-curing-cancer-is-not-a-sustainable-business-model- Jews are our FRIENDS, right Israel-Firsters? Michael, are you a child, or do you just act that way on the Internet? Supposing that American Jew's are in any way associated with Jew's in their native land (Israel), is so ignorant as to call into question your sanity. Judaism in America is in no way a reflection of that in Israel. In America it has taken the least path of resistance, and gone full leftist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BraxCity29 @maria_obregon_g @sophia_freeman1 3\/4 of a citizen. I said it for you maria you spic","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Roseanne really bums me out. The show, and the woman. On that note, it's time to chug some ZzzQuil.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DACA - Wednesday afternoon, Judge Hanen will hear arguments over whether to issue nationwide injunction of his own, which would stop Trump admin from continuing implement DACA in any way. Immigration experts expect him to issue that injunction. It nullifies decision of DC judge ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My ears hurt. Watch the caps, dude.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who fucking cares about sand nigger Palestinians.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Protect undocumented immigrants??? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mentally disabled people are fucking scary. Their disfigurements are very unnerving and strange and the fact that they have the mental capacity of a 5 year old makes them all the more threatening as you never know what they might do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Still baffles me that Baylor's football team can rape women w literally everyone knowing (including the police) and nothing is done abt it ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I do not want to read about what you do with your fairy gay faggot boyfriend in the privacy of your own bedroom. Thank you very much.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Farmer-General There are very few of you and millions of us veterans who actually believe all men are created equal'. Stay hidden in your Internet hovels-don't ever come out in public because you will be in big trouble if you do. Bang He-he Of course I would. If I met a Nazi in meatspace who wanted to kill Jews and blacks I wouldn't even blink before I started pulling. And their are millions upon millions just like me. Including the VAST majority of vets. Try wiping the hate out of your eyes and you'd see. Coheren't It's not out of hate that Nationalists speak but out of love for their own people. Of course there would be resentment after being invaded by foreigners. Why wouldn't there be? Segregation occurs naturally, unimposed, yet you posture yourself a hero fighting racism out of sheer ignorance of what is really happening. Actually, I don't Disagree with anything you say here nazigirl. But Sadly your dementia starts to show when you smear the entire black race with one broad brush. That goes for jooos to douche bag This is real life so listen up and tell all your Nazi pals: you want to kill me because of my religion. If we ever meet I will use all the lawful force necessary up to and including lethal deadly force in order to negate the threat you pose to me and mine in accordance with laws of the state in which I reside. Got it? Good. I thought Jews liked being adversarial annoyances. This one seems slightly #triggered","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user thiers none because not all men rape ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Johnny_Benitez will be my guest on the Radical Agenda today. https:\/\/christophercantwell.com\/2018\/10\/05\/radical-agenda-s04e030-johnny-benitez\/ \"Johnny Benitez is a Right wing event organizer out of California who Univision has called a \"Hispanic white supremacist for his support of President Trump\" Hispanic white supremacists are good people. Tan and brown illegal aliens invading our country from Mexico aren't.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What they need to do is buy a couple gallons of paint and a brush and place it in front of every soldier that attended that university with an invitation to have this cunt paint over the mural while they watch on. For added effect, put the paralyzed and limbless soldiers up front in her view.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"VIDEO: Legal #Immigrant Defends #President Trump's #Immigration Policies - ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thank you to Washington, London, Paris, Berlin + the Saudi's. Kathari's and Israeli Government + Mr Erdogan for supporting Rebells\/Terrorists to fall into Syria and destroy this country. These innocent people have become the victims of a dirty game we call \"protection of our interests abroad\". All those people complaining should get their back off the sofa to the streets asking their government to stop supporting Western intervention in MiddleEast. This also applies to the Irani and Russian people. If you don't do that... you are equally responsible for these deaths!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What is so terribly wrong with this practice. This falls directly on the hands of @user and @user A 6-Year-Old Girl Was Sexually Abused in an Immigrant-Detention Center via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They aren't remotely funny. The retarded crap my kid watches of idiots making fun of themselves playing video games is funnier, and it's worse than watching paint dry.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user I wonder what's in the emails of the skank Democrats in Congress. You have some nerve after your candidate Hillary Clinton did what she did. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hawaiian Pizza! Also for you seafood lovers, shrimp pizza!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thanks to The Duran, pray we do the 'no deal' https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=FsAEVvqf2JM because i'm new to gab and have no idea where to post this, i'll post it here. please share: https:\/\/petition.parliament.uk\/signatures\/50120426\/signed?token=BtKooF4vWXUV9JMSUvmV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White Lives matters. All lives matters. Corrupt and greed created this misery. Welcome to Fascist America","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I lost several friends over openly supporting and voting for @user @user and one of the main reasons I voted for him was his promise to build a Border Wall and so help me if he doesnt Ill sit home in 2020! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow #BuildTheWall @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The idiot has been caught with blank pages so often that he has to show us paper with words on it.......no one believes he wrote any of it.....what an asshat.... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/thepoliticalinsider.com\/pelosi-levels-ominous-threats-non-democrats\/?utm_medium=emailandutm_source=criticalimpactandutm_campaign=TPI_Morning_Newsletter_10_22_2018andutm_content=238f5148fb93285fa6473c7b9fa19141andsource=CI Pelosi Levels Ominous Threats at Non-Democrats","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Poll time. Let's see how many NatSocs we can force to lie lol NatSocs! If you had to move to live in the Middle East permanently with your wife and kids, living totally under your host country's laws and customs, where would you prefer to go? Lol I actually voted Syria. I don't trust Jews or Saudis and Iranians don't like Americans. I know Putin likes Assad. I've listened to Assad speak, he's quite Western and I find him believable. Every Iranian I ever met liked Americans. Go to Iran and wave the US flag mate, whilst wearing lipstick and a dress. Dare you lol ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So I imagine \"home land\" means that land your people came from at a certain point but not any place or time before then. And it's funny that you mention this when whites systemically eradicate natives of the land they wish to steal which forcefully makes them said peoples a minority. Not only are you a retard you're also a fucking hypocrite LOL. blah blah faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This faggot gets to keep his account while I've lost six in the last WEEK simply for talking about what jews do without using any curse words or slurs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"I Vouch for #HILLARY BECASE SHE IS THE RIGHTFUL PRESIDENT OF THE USA!...........and also, because I am an intellectually lazy twat with no ability to think critically.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How nice of them to show the mugshots of 4 completely innocent men while not revealing the name or face of the lying cunt who tried to ruin them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#Makassar refugees who have been 'locked down' for two days with no warning want President Joko Widodo to know that they are not a threat. We welcome him to Makassar. About 2,000 adult and child refugees and... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Poll: Gillum holds razor-thin lead in Florida governor race https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/c6L9rL\/Dpvs-Ey-KXg-AYrz9-Q.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/wh4H Ooo what a lie. There are far more Republican voters for DeSantis than dems for Gillum. HE LOST MIAMI. Even Cuba I can't wait for the socialist revival and the mass euthanasia of Trump supporters. We'll try to make it quick and painless","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Syrian refugees No cash donations please If you really want to donate please donate your money to a reputable... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"POWDER KEG 6 miles from Eiffel Tower: 300,000 illegal migrants are living in parallel Islamic state in France #SWRM #SendThemBack #Paris via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump No you fucking won't!!! #BidenHarris2020 #VoteHimOut","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user This is ridiculous #BuildThatWall #VoteOutTheDems #MAGA ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My faggot fucking grandpa wanted me to live amongst this, he wanted this for my future, he was so brave","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When someone that never has any weed asks to hit the blunt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Gentlemen, it is past time to put these whores under boot. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/argentina-women-run-screaming-naked-shit-in-streets-burn-churches-to-fight-patriarchy-nsfw\/ This is so embarrassing. Don't cry Argentina... It's always the ugliest ones too. These sluts are ridiculous. There goes breakfast! Women are meant to be beautiful creatures and they are when they take care of themselves. But women who don't are birth control and conversely ugly as sin! Why is it all they completely RETARDED women are so damn ugly? Not all... you have your Hollywood beauties who are retarded too...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I expected to see kids in cages at a Tucson shelter for immigrant children. What I saw was worse via @user Get over it. They could have stayed in home country then come here illegally. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@CoryBooker is running around town delivering food to people. If he takes out the trash too he is the perfect boyfriend.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"21 trillion National Debt is a lot for supposedly greatest country on earth, keep supporting Planned Parenthood, you don't want US babies to be born with hundreds of dollars tags on their diapers good night Hollywood adopt more immigrants n refugees please @user Why not? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You people! You Qatari scumfucks! Not taking in anyone and slandering us because we want security!You are the worst scum on the planet!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"fuck this retarded whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You mean before she sucked dick for fame? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"its too harsh to use pellet bullets on these fucking separatists... Indian Army should use AK-47 and kill those bastards who throw Stones acids and raise their voice against India.... Ghus ke maaro bc ko!!!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"lol, looks like this shit-hole site is probably going to get shut down, maybe @a should have been a little less concerned with banning drawings and a little more concerned with banning violent extremists, terrorists, and fed-posters, but hey, that's just my opinion. >free speech site >one nutjob goes off >dipshit 'owner' just lets the ZOG run EFF BEE EYE take everything and ruin our saturdays why are all 'christian conservatives' such suicidal cucks?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who is sick of all the jewish haters wanna-be Nazis, whose claims are shallow, based in no facts, and need to read their Bibles\/History Books....to actually learn a thing called the TRUTH....? Jewish haters ? That makes no sense Angelo where do you get your information? Just like I said you have poor reading comprehension. Revelation 2:9 says they are NOT Jews. But you say they are Jews. So you are wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But we already know he has accomplices. Each and every radicalized piece of shit TERRORIST neo nazi faggot here on Gab are accomplices. and perhaps, even Gab itself, since they will do NOTHING to clean up the shit they spew here day in and day out. \"Free speech\", don't you know....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's October, I can't wait to see more of that half-wit, half-breed, moron Obama and the mostly retarded rapist Bill Clinton campaigning for worthless democrats across the country. Nothing solidifies my hate for the democrats more than those two.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Another badge nigger (outside the house shooting into it-WTF?) with a license to kill and the training to lie and cover it up. I'll wager the Aurora IAD finds no evidence of wrongdoing and this psychopath will continue to walk the streets armed and dangerous. Unfortunately the taxpayers are going to get screwed again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user Rape is no a joking matter or a time to speak light . Women have to re ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Got his MD license out of a crackerjacks box ...i see !!! I seriously fear for any patient this twat MD treats !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@JamesRosenTV @WeAreSinclair @FBI So this was the DNC plan to install Kamala Harris? Impeach Joe. Remove Joe?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Got challenged by an Alpha; failed, looked lame as fuck in front of a bunch of Facebook thots, and then posted about it on Reddit for a few hundo karma lol. You need to shape your shit up, Babe. A real alpha who married a fat pig, bathed in her sweat to create a fat fugly child and bathes in his wife's fat and gloats to other guys about it. Yup. Real alpha. I love posting this stuff on Reddit. I get high on Karma. The higher I go the higher I get nomsayin? Oh and don't call me babe, it's sexual harassment. Lol he might not be an alpha but he's more alpha than you. Straight clowned your lame ass Make up your mind mate. First he's your declared alpha and now he might not be. Fucking hell you're BPD. You do sound like a woman though so I guess it makes sense. Mental illness is your natural state. U mad cos my karma's bigger than yours innit? Oh Ace Allen. I could say the same thing about your YouTube channel. 0 Subscribers. Or your own subreddit. 4 subscribers (those are your 4 personalities right?) It's hard out there for a diva like you isn't it? Or the fact that whenever you make a post it gets removed lmao. I mean to be a good troll you have to lay it in subtle but you go in thick and stick out like a sore thumb. Just lol at anyone who trolls with \"I pooped my pants at work and my boss sent me home\" Just lmao. Creativity of a bloody nat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Its not that hard. Build a wall. Make it much, much easier to come into America. Background checks. Don't pay for illegal immigrants needs. They can get a job and pay taxes or they will have to go back home. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I agree. Don't hire SJWs. Don't sleep with them either. Never put your dick in crazy! The spice is life...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCK U U FLAT FACED ALCOHOLIC SHITSKIN INJUN If you're a filthy red nigger savage, then yes, you dont get a say. imo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Urge all Indians to start a campaign for ouster of Rohingyas.This campaign must go on till last Rohingyaandother illegal migrants leave India ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nigger is gone. Period end of Story. Find a New Drum. Nigger is not in power -- He is GONE. Have some perspective. Coons get obsessed like this. Try being White and Male.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Apparently this whore won't know her actual sentence until June. I have a strong feeling she won't receive anything like the maximum 20 years on account of the PP. Don't get me wrong, I hope she receives the full 20 years with no minimum. I have no doubt a man guilty of the same offence would get zero mercy. This cunt should not receive any either.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Pic circulating on Jihadi feeds claiming an \"ISIS flag\" on top of Mount Arafa in the holiest day of pilgrimage http:\/\/t.co\/46YfuflyZV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Tufacebaba effective presence at #Worldrefugeeday2017 at Onikan Stadium in Ikoyi-Lagos standing #WithRefugees ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ah! look the failed traitor surfaces.........","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The next man makes a move, the nigger gets it! Hold it, men. He's not bluffing. Listen to him, men; he's just crazy enough to do it!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What do you call a women that has a brain? Pregnant with a baby boy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Six-Year-Old School Children Instructed to Write Gay Love Letters to Make Them Accepting of Diversity' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/01\/6-year-old-school-children-write-gay-love-letters-accepting-diversity\/ @HERALDofYAH @srhholdem2233 @blazinherb @Screw-z-jews @Escoffier @lostpassword @A_I_P @WADL @BardParker @mikesmom37 @ascelan - @JonKragen - In England- \"Young children instructed to write love letters from 'Prince Henry' to his manservant 'Thomas'-- 'You're going to tell Thomas why it's a brilliant idea for him to marry you'.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wait, what?!? You want to tell me that he lied about working while in office! The only people he fooled is his supporters.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No one is stealing any jobs. Employers prefer to hire a Mex and give them half the wage, and not hire American and pay them triple.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What the fuck is wrong with these people? Like who looks at this shit and actually thinks it's a good idea and how did these fucking retards get put into these positions of power in the first place?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Neither. Both suffer their retardation and faggotry (social incompetence) at the hands of their friends and family whom have failed them at every turn. but mostly their single moms.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"'Come up here and say somethin now you broke, beggin, fingers in the booty ass bitch' ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Her name is Samantha Ness. She's a grade school teacher in Minnesota. Her school director can be contacted at (651) 423- has this stupid cunt been arrested yet? fired at least?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's my #MondayMotivation? I'm inspired every day by my hardworking team @user who support #refugees around the world with emergency food assistance! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Old, but still funny. Reminder that most liberals don't know shit about guns. LOL ... Please tell me that's real. Lie to me if you have to. Reminds me of the orange foam earplugs that they thought were rubber bullets... ...'Can anyone confirm?!?' Hilarious how the most mundane everyday tool accessories absolutely confuse them... 'Can anyone confirm...' Jesus f'n Christ. How are they still alive and who changes their light bulbs?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stupid cunt #ElizabethWarren (Pocahontas, Fauxcahontas) is about 1\/1000th Indian. Maybe. Sorry, babe, that won't even get you $20 to play the slots with at the nearest Injun casino. Try again. What a lousy woman...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user 'Women are sacred' plays into the Madonna\/whore dichotomy. It only protects women seen as sa ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Agree with your idea to use the Army to build the wall! Do it! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump I just heard this: \"I'm the president of the United States, not the president of the people who agree with me. Damn shame it was on a tv show. #BidenHarris2020 @JoshMalina @BradleyWhitford @Richard_Schiff @AllisonBJanney @RobLowe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Netherlands: 1,400 girls per year become sex slaves to migrant background' men | Cape Fear Caller via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hate Ralph and his fellow guests he invites to sperg out snd create retarded drama but I don't support them being censored. Fuck them but fuck the censors more.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@paracurve @trader1sz Credit where its due, he made it to the top of his sport; Personality wise he's bit of cunt which i get if you have to be to make it to the top; but other people make the throne who seem genuine good people, so there is that https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/35Hz6","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That'd been a ghetto little meal","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @theellemac: Essence Fest anyone? I'll be there on the main stage 2 stepping with Uncle Charlie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I want to go to the pumpkin patch but the love birds will make it a date and then the rest of us will be uncomfortable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"are you actually retarded or are you just havin a good time","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I've said it before and I'll say it again. Don't tug on my dick unless you plan on sucking it! #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Its ok to be white ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"fuck that, she should have had to do MORE TIME than he did, as she also fucking stole $","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Thanks Crimson Dick Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/100percentfedup.com\/maxine-waters-rants-calls-trump-poster-boy-for-mob-just-as-ethics-charge-is-filed-against-waters-for-inciting-violence-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The woman who accused rapper, Nelly of rape, has refused to testify against him in court and has asked for the case to be dropped. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Karadzic is a hero and he will be recognized as such. Cleansing the Islamic filth from this Earth is something that should be rewarded!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I would have suplexed this cunts head right open on the pavement. Its insane what women are allowed to get away with these days","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Rapper T.I. takes a swipe at Kanye West and @POTUS with video of inappropriate Melania Trump lookalike https:\/\/t.co\/IeliQ1sOfQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love how I wasted 5 years on a stupid cunt. Only to find true love with the beautiful woman I was with before that. Life's funny sometimes ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"another retarded feminazi","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@jacobkesler @ki_kibaby @__adamdavis or if we pick you up in SC and take you with us nip to CR.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/t.co\/jtLZErgxI0 Leo get the fuck off of vine you fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stupid Gnus people are dumb beyond compare! Fuck the Cunt News Network!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Money hungry hoes they can never get a crumb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twat? I cunt hear you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@JohnLloydScharf U A FAGGOT BICH","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Y'know, I don't think it's unreasonable to say that in the future (near or far), if things don't radically change, we'll just see a return of feudalism. Wal-Mart's management? They'll become the new fuckin' Hapsburgs, and just carve up the world into fiefdoms and duchies and let their richest stockholders rule over millions of impoverished wage slaves. Maybe Reese Witherspoon will become the Duchess of California. And the Wal-Mart dynasty will wage endless wars of conquest against, I dunno, Goldman Sachs or Disney, for domination of the world. Or maybe they'll all intermarry and form one big super-dynasty. Imagine Earth completely ruled by neo-feudal oligarchs, like some kind of corporate Holy Roman Empire...I used to think that scenario was just bad science fiction. But every day, it looks more and more plausible...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @TheFoodBibIe: Deep Fried Oreos http:\/\/t.co\/quDw3wqD7r","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"thanks for the flair idea for this twat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Spain is becoming the Third World, American tourist almost killed by migrants speaks up via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Holy monkey balls its warm today","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any nigger that knocks up a white woman with her consent, both hang. If she is raped, the nigger hangs, just like the good old days before the jews pushed their degeneracy down the throats of gullible whites.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lol. I remember when I introduced a woman (late 20s) to an arduino project I was working on. She wanted to get one going as well, for some project for her 'startup' (that term makes me cringe, especially coming from a female). A month later, she text messages me asking how to get her project working. I told her basically, 'send data back and forth with http requests', and then sent her a screenshot of a fuck ton of books I've downloaded on arduino projects \/ web programming \/ electronics, and was like \"here's how you build your project: learn how to build your project from all the resources online, just like everyone else\". But no, she wanted me to guide her through the process of course :P fuck that lol. mentoring women is a waste of time and karma And yeah man, it's insane that women are even allowed with men, especially in high intelligence\/skill roles, where they obviously don't measure up at all (it's like comparing a retard with a scholar). It's fucking annoying to be honest. At my last company, there were women rotating into and out of maternity leave constantly. Like they're taking turns. It's condescension on a corporate scale. I remember when I worked in an office, in marketing dept... how much fucking time women would spend chatting. literally like 3-4 hours a day of just chatting with their work friends. It's insulting that they're paid on par with men.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"DEAD COPPERS R GOOD COPERS REALLY SCUM MUSLIM COPPERS. THEN THE CITY HID THIS EVIDENCE! TIME TO KILL THEM ALL","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Too many women confuse their hearts with their vaginas ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"another retard to mute .....or a nazi shill......","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Perspective_pic: Retweet if you see the bird. http:\/\/t.co\/o7reXL0teu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"After spending the night in the D.C. jail, I bet he has a whole different appearance this morning after his overnight indoctrination into the Real World..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This Scandal Will DESTROY Cory Booker https:\/\/americauncensored.com\/scandal-will-destroy-cory-booker\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Liberalist Faggot Sarg'nite confirmed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm just surprised that your Mrs. Can leave the house on her own at 450lbs. I guess someone has to pay the bills around there, since you don't.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"god bless u saudia rabia uae n all gulf countries......inshAllah we will kill these huthi pigs n destroy them forever......inshAllh if war goes more danger .....we will also join u saudi arbia.......frm india","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bitch people in petsmart are looking at me like I'm a crack whore ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey says: \"Freedom of expression was never a mission of the company\". https:\/\/youtu.be\/v9z8924QJl0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Judges Fight against Trump's Immigration Enforcement via @user Time to flush the Judges toilet... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh My: President Obama allowed Thousands Of Illegal Aliens Arrested For Violent Crimes like Murder and Rape to get #DACA Thank #BarackObama the next time a DACA kills a Citizens #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #MAGA #EndDACA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OMG! OMG! OMG! Most advanced! Double meanings exist! #Qanon! Blockading Russia? US Interior Secretary's Dangerous Threat To Blockade Russian Energy Exports https:\/\/youtu.be\/XjemJiT1Vkc Going full retard pushing the Bear.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @TitansHomer: Me: Do you sell any larger sized condoms?Her: Sir those are 13 gallon trash bags!Me: *winks until security escorts me ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Plot twist: He is her Boyfriend.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Women are ridiculous lmao like bitch I'm 5'2. I'm sorry your crush went for a shorty ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Syrian refugee, fisherman's friend: How a retiring couple found a new heir to their Lake Ontario business ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yo moma ah stupid bitch!!! For having a fake ass son acting gangster on twitter. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In Twitter Jail for 7 days for using the word Retarded lmfao yet they can make comments about peoples death all day on the liberal side Twitter has sure become pussified ]:P","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user Over 400K were given to them. That's more than the last five nominees. You want to talk transparency, show me the emails from Clinton and the skank documents from the witch-hunt. Is that a Canada flag? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pedophlie tranny... Yet, you know some men are saying, \"If she presents as female, then i have no problem..\" It's a faggot in make up. Ffs. they can do anything with special effects makeup, now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I dont love Saudi you twat, All I said was that I trust them over Turkey. Your stupid ass ran with 'He loves the Saudis!' I would absolutely hate to know you irl man, you're a moron who cant comprehend shit Please, show me your evidence Saudi admitted 911 and apologised, which is why you now side with the murderers of your fellow Americans? Still waiting...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Finally got my medicine and crackers!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user How long will Merkel hang onto power a heart of a country welcomed Migrants and that heart has been torn apart immigration will go ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Boy Yung thug is a fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"[deleted] Maybe he's thinking about how much it's going to suck losing access to his kids after the divorce. [deleted] Divorce court is not a place where rationality holds sway. [deleted] My cousin's ex had drug charges, assault charges (not against him though), and he still had to fight her for like two years to get primary custody. Women have to be the incarnation of Satan to lose custody. [deleted] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh wow he's serious [deleted] [deleted] Hashanah fucking idiot [deleted] [deleted] Remember kids, it's only domestic violence if you're at home. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Finally figured out where that voiceclip came from... I' m so happy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have never once met a woman whose mouth wasn't totally full of BULLSHIT. Stupid bitches!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She May Be Dumb As A Stump, but even Sarah mocks OBAMA! http:\/\/t.co\/Qwxb4wbfZq ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can't fuck any ol bitch niggas be desert dicks out here ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Can someone get me cheese and crackers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KamalaHarris Liar If you remove Trump Tax Cut then all of our Taxes are going up again to what was before. That is what Harris\/Biden ticket will do.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @user 'A good time was had by all,' to describe a time that only you enjoyed. #TFM ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#KillKavanaugh is beginning to trend on Twitter, an outright call for violence against a member of the Supreme Court. But Google and Apple say that Gab isn't allowed to have an app on the App Store because some posts on Gab contain calls for violence and \"hate speech. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Brittany is a beautiful woman and not a hee hoe I'm gonna love her forever ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Someone please slap this fucking faggot in the mouth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RETARDED INBRED","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"CNN's HOUSE NIGGER Bakari Sellers: BASED Kanye West Is What Happens When Negroes Don't Read Candace Owens Offers $100,000 for Debate (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/cnns-bakari-sellers-kanye-west-is-what-happens-when-negroes-dont-read-candace-owens-responds-video\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @STROCORLEONE @ThoughtsOfRandy @Yummys_World all deze hoes got past demons in em... YOLO nigga lol + Hahahahaha","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Watching the meltdown is awesome! https:\/\/ilovemyfreedom.org\/hysteria-donna-brazile-claims-kanye-has-set-black-people-back-155-years\/?utm_source=amgandutm_medium=twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Sockalexis. I'm foaming at the mouth. Show everyone my post of foaming at the mouth. Even eddy has turned he's back on you. You're foaming at the mouth cause of the circle jerk party you participated in, you were the pivot. Disgusting splouge burps comin back up Not really jermaine. You just participated aswell. Discusting You Flogged a dude named Germaine Should have kept that to yourself, one more thing that was a dumb AF comeback Sorry Joanne. You ruined it Dumb af troll Joseph look at the interactions I've had in the past 10 hours 8 people can't wait to reply to me. How many you got. Fuck all Look guys a Chicken is making me look dumb AF, Well because I am a dumb af Troll with splouge on the mind Thats what you wanted to say Right John What guys stop looking for help. Don't see me doing that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"first step to being a dyke\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user please retire, that tumor turned you into a hysterical libtard. We are sick of you. Go cras ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Romanian Andrei Parvu and American Ethan Todd have grown in their individual faith in God and in friendship with each other as they have faced hardships from the red tape encountered in trying to obtain govt approval for Parvu to be FBC Madisonville pastor ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Some faggot is posting tranny porn on the politics tag For fucks sake image boards have better moderation","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Upvote for proper use of the term. I hate using it but this one deserves it It's one of those words that hasn't been redefined by the left. Everyone knows what it means.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She also incites violence! She's a murderer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Islamocat? Redneckcat? Mountainmancat? Redneck definitely!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"another devious dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This faggot right here has tipped his hand on voting NO on #Kavanaugh He should have to eat shit for the rest of his life","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why hasn't this fat blob's heart peacefully sunset itself in Minecraft yet? Why is he still relevant? Who keeps feeding him and who the fuck listens to him? Look I'll admit it, I watch his videos about shitty games and shitty practices. On that level I agree with him most of the time. On most videos I've seen he has kept his politics out, so I have no issue. When he inevitably starts including them more and probably goes full retard, I'll hit that unsub button. Hard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Twat should make himself clear he believes victims of Rape when the accused is a Conservative not a feeble mined SJW or Demonpratt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@BlakeAnderson21 thanks Hun! Haha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"*As a plastic blond white woman i believe that if you have to date a nigger, make sure he is famous enough that everyone knows you ain't broke.* I dont know sounds racist to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Every time I see a nigger named \"Jenkins\", the first thing that pops in my head is \"jenkum\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Aww you have to go back to spamming because you cant use words like a big boy. LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yep,you won't believe the shite that will qualify in 5 years time.Some cunt will be operating on your heart with a degree in goat fucking.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You sound like the kind of faggot who calls the blue half of the Zog regime \"DUMBOCRATS\" and masturbates to the thought of R. Lee Ermey's character from Full Metal Jacket fucking your filipino wife.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"on the basis of being a complete retard imo","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"my screen name existed on the net 20 years before your faggot name ever did. Look me up, you'll get my phone number, address, everything you want, cowardly inbred piece of shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"try fishing with a cunt on your boat complaining about you not catching any fishes, try to do it, fishing with a nasty ass cunt complaining and nagging and bitching about you fishing or not catching anything or that is too boring and pretty much calling you loser and stuff...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Unless your assailant was a nigger and the prosecutor was a kike. Then you're fucked. Facts be damned if they can abuse the system to really do some serious damage to a Whitey.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @SportsNation: So, Yanks have signed Brian McCann and Jacoby Ellsbury. Rumor has it, they still want Robinson Cano, Babe Ruth, Miguel Cabr ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm pretty sure the Obama daughters were the first retarded niglets in the oval office.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Trump: I am a nationalist and proud of it https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=-J9mhLRzWo0 No he really isn't one. You brought them up not me. LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If Guillotines are Good Enough for Lib Left Commies and Faggot Muslims to use on us I say they're Good Enough to use on them","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":",@KiroGx me gusta \"typing like a retard to make the other person look dumber by pretending to agree with them\" bazinga","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yup. Being an obnoxious cunt with regards to half of the human population isn't a great platform on which to build a business.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"6\/ If you want to protect white supremacy under \"freedom of speech,\" then sequester it in an area of Gab, similar to #nsfw, where ppl have to actively go there to access it. Then you don't have to feel like you're a \"bad person\" for not accepting total revision of history by some double-digit IQ retarded inbreds. @gab @support Good thread. The absurd antisemitism on Gab has been a downer for me. I like your solution, putting antisemites in an area of their own, to rant and rave out of view. If you want to go there you can, but you will have to make that choice. once again, you out yourself as a liberal. when did i say i was one? mind reading is a liberal trait. AJ is a liberal Democrat. lol, good try buddy. Good try to you, too, but unfortunately you lost the last election. i'm a Canadian you idiot Oh, no wonder I thought you were gay. Now it's all coming together. I like that idea!! If you feel you need to allow those ppl to spew their ridiculous comments, don't put it on me to mute them (though I will!) put it on them to find each other. Good idea. Simple.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone who thinks Trump is on our side is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The guy at the end maybe is trolling that advice is just too retarded on the last sentances","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bitch, the phone you spend all day Fuckbooking, Slutchatting, and Twattering on was a \"toy\" invented by boys too. So was the TV you watch Real Housewhores Of Beverly Hills on. So was the car you drive to the mall in. So was the air conditioner that keeps your stupid ass cool. Did I mention the phone you use to swipe right for random dick while your man is off working hard? You stupid stupid whore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Tyrese trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Canada has spent $166 million on economic migrants so farPeople entering from the US are in no danger and are not refugees. Canada is simply relieving the US of the burden.https:\/\/t.co\/hP1cmCUCDW ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"One of the richest nations on earth and sponsor of terrorism, Saudi Arabia, should be taking these \"migrants\"!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"LIBYA TELLS ITALY: \"We don't care how much you pay us, we don't want to take back the migrant wannabes that you reject because \"they include terrorists, criminals, and human traffickers\" via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he's a sissy faggot punk ass rat..lolo","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I wouldn't call them police any more, I'd call the terrorists. I'd call them paid by corporate greed. I'd call them bought, because they are not protecting the people in which they serve, in which we pay for their protection..., they are no longer holding up the law, they are paid to go against everything they were sworn to do... #terrorists","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"ApatheticDisposition\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Sp0kySc4rySk3l3t0n\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JackPosobiec If you are a Trump supporter they want you dead or locked up. They have publicly stated it so why not believe them?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They misspelled \"niggers\" https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6228053\/Applebees-waitress-given-racist-note-white-family-reads-dont-tip-black-people.html salty nigger doesn't get tip for bad service. Uses racism as revenge lol.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Get rekt faggot ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@HeatherEliseP and plus, it's trash talk. You should know that especially with ole miss.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alaska GOP Leaders May Take Action Against RINO Lisa Murkowski For Opposing Brett Kavanaugh https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/alaska-gop-leaders-may-take-action-against-lisa-murkowski-for-opposing-brett-kavanaugh\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this time last year i was in a bar in nyc and a bald white guy tried to hit on me by speaking norwegian and when it didnt work he got increasingly hostile and said the reason i wasnt impressed by his language skills was because im an immigrant and not a real swede ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Cantwell next time you bust a nut in a stupid thot you should tell her \"I'm not sorry for that F.\" why do we say bust a nut when we mainly all have two nuts ? agreed..speak English, not savage","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would like to give the most dedicated retard award to @transbains1 - that dumb fucker has been trolling my posts for literally fifteen days - and I would have never known it if I didn't explore the \"spam\" tab LOL. You're welcome to everyone who didn't have to pay attention to the asshole because he was busy yelling into an empty forest.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump Thank's for the link. I'm voting #BidenHarris2020! Get better. You are losing control and it is obvious. Sorry about that but.... not really.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It'll sound like American nigger mixed with Received Standard lol. Elizabeth must be -so- happy. Niggers and muslims out of the UK! I'm Data, and I approved this message, so come arrest me for hate speech, Met Police! Right here! In America! O, right, you can't. We still have some freedoms. So bugger Meghan and her boyfriend-","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Needs friends tho. Bring it you fucking daft cunt. You cannot hurt me with words. Because I DO NOT CARE. The stage is yours........ own it. Stop being such an ineffective cunt. Dox me. Or fuck to the off Stop being such an ineffective cunt dox me or fuck off. I'm just playing with you. Find me ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"FUCK YOU EMMA GONZALEZ! CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"'I was hysterical' Mum of Manchester bomb victim watched girl die after CPR stopped. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"ICYMI: #Russia's connection to US #WhiteSupremacist group, the Base, which trains recruits to incite violence during protests, among other things, particularly worrisome as we come close to #Election2020 https:\/\/t.co\/VFuhDXAP98 and https:\/\/t.co\/PdfZHpAN0z #Trump2020 #Debates2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Remember Liberal women have the brains of a retarded gnat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Triggered: 'SNL' Star Pete Davidson Attacks 'Mentally Ill' Kanye West https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Xbkv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate it when waitresses call me 'sir'... Like yeah bitch that's what I wanted with my lunch... A hard fuckin dick ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a women without a man is like a car without an engine; it doesnt work. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's people like that who should be rich(ly rewarded) not IDIOTS who walk about yelling about other people's business and non-sense all day! Such compassion and understanding and for total strangers at that!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What a way to damage LasVegas, such stupidity!! MGM turns to never-tested law to sue Vegas shooting victims ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol @ the dumb faggot kikesucker Knot Sure","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Isn't she the woman that adopts loads of nigger babies and thinks we should help refugees\/migrants? Answer the question. Why is that White woman kidnapping African nigger babies? WHY? What is she doing with them? It's UN NATURAL and freakish! It's EVIL. Look what happened when the evil insane parents of Rachel Dolezal did to their own DAUGHTER, when they kidnapped African niggers! They made her insane!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Place your bets on the outcome, once the SHTF...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is really for @BrianStann RT @JimDaves: @WesDurham Exploding giant yellow ducks. You ll appreciate this: http:\/\/t.co\/SpOhTpl8uV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@atrupar Barrett never met Trump.... she doesn't know who he is... sound familiar???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm white. A hetero male immigrant Macedonian born in Greece who married a WASP Pretty fucking cool if you actually think about it. Did I mention I'm white? I'm really sorta tired of black fag jew muslim lesbo spic crap. Duh.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I don't give a single shit what some communist dyke has to say about an event that she likely caused to happen in the first place. She admitted to harassing and bullying Cruz the psychopath murderer from Cuba.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Look at that faggot coward who killed himself....LOL. Yellow looks great on his dumb leftist ass Here's another kike faggot. Oh u will be ok fruitcake........I know you smell jews in your coffee. Fear not....it's not jews......just the fact that you were a failed abortion, and your mother HATES you. Yeah...and not a Jew hating piece of garbage like you? Have you ever sought help? Maybe medication? You blame everything bad in your pathetic life on other people. Faggot, you are #MuteFreely BTW. I have never met a SINGLE male named MAX that wasn't a dick sucker....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nothing irks me more than when bitches end it with a good guy then complain about getting hurt by a douche bag. #WakeUpYouWhore ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"There are morons and some are shills, just ignore it. And personally, I am not dying for a communist faggot white liberal, but I do think white lives need to be humanized and the best of us need to be saved at all costs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"SHOOT THE BOOMER SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT THE BOOMER SHOOT SHOOT (I hope this cunt is raped to death by kebab) https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-6160517\/LIZ-HODGKINSON-says-does-not-mind-making-hard-young-afford-house.html >baby boomers never had any fun when we were young citation fuking needed bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Eric Holder rejects civility in call for violence: \"When they go low, we kick 'em... That's what this new Democratic Party is about.\" https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/eric-holder-rejects-michelle-obamas-call-for-civility","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Older voters may turn out to be the Democrats' 2020 heroes \"I do what I can to make sure that my children have a noble life. #Vote2020 #BidenHarris2020 #PennsylvaniaVotes https:\/\/t.co\/zHqSvS8qR2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Morning normal followers. Did you ever in your life think you'd ever see someone having to explain to educational dullards that blacks don't have genes for committing crime? No, me neither lol Then again, twenty years ago I never thought I'd ever have to explain that men can't become women either :) Are you scientifically illiterate? There are genes that govern\/are linked to lack of impulse control. High correlation with crime. Additional genes linked to IQ, also high correlation with crime (absence of intelligence genes). Guess where Asians\/Blacks\/Whites fall on the scale? Exactly where you would GENETICALLY expect. No. My degree is Geology and Astronomy. I've studied Genetics and Microbiology at uni too. Yes there are genes that control impulse and IQ. These do not automatically translate into crime genes or all thick impulsive buggers would commit crime. As I said all along culture and learned behaviour leads to crime. You just want blacks to be genetically inferior.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How long are they going to let the fools in #Ferguson continue? Stop pussy footin' and disperse them by WHATEVER means necessary!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user knows her audience and how nave and ignorant they are; that they will believe anything regardless how ridiculous. These politicians have NO RESPECT for their constituency.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #Wal ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What kind of vision? Does she have a clue about his job? What his next career project is going to be? What they are going to do with his money? What vision? Ah, wait. I see it now - how to dress apparently, because men are too retarded to do that themselves. They built civilization, but they can't tie their shoes. Got it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Haha how very typical, attack the alt accounts and pretend that using real names DOESN'T cost people jobs or the threat of the JDL and Jewish Mafia showing up at our doors. I suppose you'd take all of those Jewish quotes seriously if I posted my name address and social below?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Speaking of creepy. This narcissist sounds like a creepy guy on the run from a rape charge. Being Putin's bitch not that satisfying? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Frost is a stupid bitch. @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fairy Tale Hat - free crochet pattern for child and adult at http:\/\/t.co\/0lRaBLMHB2 http:\/\/t.co\/99zVbmYVe9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ooh this is getting into Shakespearean levels of manipulation. And of course he goes for the hysterical woman angle, with a side order of using Hanssens feelings for Roxanna against her. #HolbyCity ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> Neptunia games aren't part of that sale. This sale therefore is invalid. weeb shit lmao 2d>3dpd I...I... I'll ban ya'! I'll do it! do it ni a [Feelin' lucky, punk?!](https:\/\/cdn.discordapp.com\/attachments\/133058589274275840\/496467633311318026\/image0_","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Say NO to diversity. Don't let America become a third world shithole.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No shit! The sewage the filth puts out is destroying minds! Jews are morally degenerate sewage! Go away you vile brainwashed retarded Jewified monkey brain piece of shit! Quit telling me fucking JEW LIES! We would not have a muslim problem if not for a filty RACIST JEWS! Jews are RETARDED! Go take your Jewified brain and shove it up your ASS!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"After Steinle verdict, rep unveils bill to imprison officials who shelter illegal immigrants ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@GOP @mercedesschlapp I'm 1\/16th Cuban so I understand your struggle, #Trump2020!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look ya'll I'm going to be friggin \"famous\"! (Puts pinky to my lips). I'm sure it'll be quite the roast...let's hope there's no burnt toast! dark mode? nah? peasant next time tag me faggot lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Authorities on Samos object to plans for new migrant camp ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Same reason u look like anthony davis with them eyebrows\"@RyanH_Slick: Why the fuck do niggers act so different when girls are around?:-S\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Looks like a fat dyke whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"ok retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"keith is a muzzie twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" Spain Becoming Third World': American Tourist Attacked by Migrants Speaks Out #StopTheInvasion ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The little kid is so cute!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The jigg is up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NYRKelsMads I gots to be bein colored and all","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What i find funny. I have not heard the word negro since maybe the 90s. I heard that and instanly said to my wife. They just called kanye a nigger on national tv. Sorry negro which for the uninformed is code for nigger. If say the donald called obama a negro the left would lose their minds.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Pablo wont Fair well in #Alabama TRASH will be taken out!! #KAS #BuildTheDamnWall NOW#NODACA #NOIllegals #NOPediophiles #NOSexTraffickers ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even the French hate the French, Cunt wants to give everything away even its language.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The two ringless fags RT @EverybodyHatesX: Barkley and Reggie were talking nonsense the entire game","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"seeing hoes blatantly try to take my man then watching him turn their lame thot ass down is truly fucking hysterical lol bitch u tho(ugh)t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@cumkwats thank you based pee slit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good ol' Charlie. #wwc http:\/\/t.co\/U3kkrlwOqk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @lmfaohilarious: Never go full retard http:\/\/t.co\/LMk3TX5ViC","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It only took one illiterate paedophile murdering rapist to wipe out 34 000 years of humanity naturally avoiding inbreeding in order to advance as a species. Now we are facing an invasion of inbred, low IQ violent savages. All symptoms of marrying your own family, INCEST. https:\/\/www.rt.com\/uk\/405875-incest-humans-sex-family\/ I have been saying this for years, and I will continue to say until the day I die. Hundreds of studies confirm this fact. Every race of people have a different brain structure. Not all brains are built the same. These inbred sons of bitches can't think the same you do. It is impossible for them to think the way you do because their brain is made different from yours. You are never going to change these people, they can't change. They are built the way they are. Inbred retarded brain damaged people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Everyone knows women are too dramatic and hysterical. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That's an awfully tidy, nice, bullshit-sounding number. Just sayin'. It would have been pretty easy to obtain a warrant for her phone records. No doubt. That just seems like a suspiciously tidy rounded number. I mean maybe it was 65k....but thats tough to imagine. Doesn't mean it isnt so.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You stupid KIKE. You aren't fooling any-one but yourself, schlomo. Report to the Oven. Now. @JMtz603 .The only oven you re going to see us a nuclear bomb dropped on ur sorry ass head soon. Keep running ur lame ass mouth fuckin jerkoff. LOL! Babbled like a deranged kike freak! YOUR ASS is gonna be incinerated, you god damned ugly demon insect, EVERY-one is getting fed up with you thieving, lying, murdering UGLY baby raping degenerate faggot KIKES. Kill yourself and heal the world, you bubby-fucking splat of diarrhea","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"ppl started blowing up his mom's phone, telling her she was a bitch and whore and that they knew her son had stolen some grad's identity ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The good news: we're no longer Russian bots The bad news: we're now information terrorists. Except for @Microchip he's apparently a little of both How do we know? A woman who is a self proclaimed expert on information warfare says so https:\/\/www.wired.com\/story\/information-terrorists-trying-to-reshape-america\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Well said!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every loop my shit eating grin gets bigger [deleted] You live in a false reality.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I heard that our soon to be elected president Joe Biden along with our soon to be elected vice president Kamala Harris are looking for a few volunteers to help President Donald Trump move out of the White House. If you want to volunteer call our next leaders","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nothing pisses me off more than when skinny girls tweet shit like 'Fat Girl Problems' #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You should quit deleting your posts before I respond to them. You're the retard around here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"To prevent good air and clear Paris from 1500 to 2000 refugees in tents, Police stop today the settlement of them on roads. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Southampton student union leader wants to paint over ww1 mural this evil white hating, man hating Muppet wants to deface a mural dedicated to the fallen of world war one . the mural in Southampton university has offended her cultural Marxist ideas and she wants it gone. #politics #Uk #News #Britain #britfam https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=54onzbipwKQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How many are tired of the mindless shit being thrown out about Boomers? Raise your hand. Hahaha these kids are cute though, aren't they, even if they do need a good trip to the wood shed. Just had a vicious attack myself, Dale! All of his virulent explosive accusations are damned lies!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Before the conservatards stole this narrative https:\/\/youtu.be\/p8QUp8-dRtc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This stupid dick head didn't say thank you when I held the door for him going into 7\/11 so I pulled that shit close in his face when I left ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"transgender lol, thta funny. hes simply got huge tits on account of the fact that he is about 5 foot five, personally i liked the \"short fat kid with man boobs and in a pair of flip flops whilst standing on an idf tank\" look lol, well i am a cunt so thats nice recognition","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"roseann show just FUCKED up America conners you dont need tell me about faggot kids or fake death of Rosann and her show asshole hollywierd democrats !!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's here! Let's do this Ohio! #ImVotingFor #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/A3tObNwrKo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Cuckservatives like Lowry save their harshest criticism for whites who unabashedly speak the truth about race and culture. #14Words #TruCons #GOPSmartSet #NRORevolt #cuckservative #GOPe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WHAT A COMMIE DYKE BITCH","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sooooo... I guess Blackface is acceptable by that logic. [It damn sure is](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/01wtqyw.gif) I'm honestly surprised iron Man got to the popularity it did after this one. I thought his career would be over He was just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude I just think the world was a much different place 15 years ago. I doubt anyone could get a way with it today My Lord and savior Satan, how may I best serve you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The usual neo-Pagan response due to their lacking to challenge belief systems. When can we discuss your sand nigger pantheon or will you cower from that argument? Mind you that Nordic niggers are not more than 1,900 years old and they coincidentally rob from other cultures exactly like a Jew.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user hey C Milton sloot, from the evidence I see ur a trashy bitch. Congrats on being a fuck up #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Noooooooo! How will I cunting survive? Lol, sensitive cunt :D","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Oreo: Dear dessert heaven, fangs so much for these Oreo Spooky Ball Vampires. #OreoCookieBalls http:\/\/t.co\/I3iyRL72sD http:\/\/t.co\/wNzBh ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hill folk act all the time. People just call us crazy. The day of rope is coming. I just fear for those who have done no wrong being snagged in the same net as the aggressors.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user International tells #Botswana to spare #refugees #Withrefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Sam Soyman\" Nice pen name faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Utter scum. They come here only to mock us, to rob us, to rape our women and to fight us. They think we are weak. T ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"on a sunday.. A SUNDAY!!!! my dad said that 2 white vans showed up and 6 men with holstered guns came up to my cabin and asked where I was, and as I was not present and their on private property they said their with Verizon comm, partnered with Google to look at their new cell station site . and started up the hill they were stopped and Ill not say how after all TMI so I should give them your address then... ohhhhhh noooooo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Surprise!!! October 13th... get your snacks and blanket ready to sit and watch all the things we did\/didn't know, and apply what we just found out (but still expected) about #DonTheCon's #Gaslighting #Covid19 response\/lack of response. #DumpTrump2020 #Vote #Biden2020 #Resist https:\/\/t.co\/KBpLQo9bb5","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I gotta make up for some missed weeks, so this nigger is now YOUR Black Athlete of the Week: Kemari Averett, Louisville football coon- https:\/\/news.yahoo.com\/louisville-player-charged-threat-kill-girlfriend-162455142--spt.html Couldn't find his laptop. Accused his ho of stealing it. Put a gun to her head to show seriousness. In jail, $10K bond-","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Only 6% of rape accusations are true. Go troll somewhere else, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Trump voters should thank these immigrant firefighters for saving their homes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"hey world im not joking, embiitch be sucking some major dick to have the refs sucking him off like this, embiitch we dont play that faggot shit here in the D bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"JUST GOT MY BALLOT and I can't friggen wait to #EndthisNightmare by voting #BidenHarris2020. For our country. For the planet. For ALL the people!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BillClinton Can't wait to hear more about a corrupt loser who should be in prison, excited!#Trump2020","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fcking police, that's too much no that's an excuse either, how can police killed an innocent sick kid. In my opinion and also I believe the family of this child should take action and Sue the police department\/organisation including the government too much is too much it's time to put a stop of killing innocent people wake up American people RIP little fellow.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Samby5 you piece of unshat jew shit. What is your f'n problem jew? Do you need a piece of Allbutt Hindstain? Jew you followed me less than 5 minutes ago. You can say that you have fled 'n flee you should jew. You are a flea bitten ball sack of unseeming seed You have no excuse for who you are because you can not even f'n 'fess up and admit you are a terrorist. Oh believe me,this lad is some muzzie POS goat humping pedo. Some people arr stupid but this guu takes the cake mate. Loathing aroung in it's skinny jeans and masks looking for drugs and pockets to pick like a fkn paki monkey. Gooday Sam","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Well #BRiTFAM, I finished the 10k assault course in the top 20% of 250 runners.. Very proud of our group of alt-right runners, who all gave a great account of themselves and raised over 1000 to advocate for the protection of white SA farmers. And now for the bad. I did not see ANY diversity at the run - not one single representative of the rainbow coalition was there for the event. It was boring, everyone looked the same (plain white), no good music, no good restaurants during the run... NOT representative of the diversity which makes our nation so great. :) Why are leftists so fat?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can turn into a big cock so that your mother can sit on. Give me her number little faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The one I found ridiculous was the outrage that Kingdom Come Deliverance didn't have any black characters... like, ITS SET IN MIDEVIAL CZECHOSLOVAKIA. I see your point, but the difference being that historical a accuracy was a main selling point in kingdom come I understand, I was just talking about how people get so worked up about stuff like this. Nobody can let things just be normal, you *have* to inject tumblr OCs into every game now to \"represent\" everyone. [deleted] Yes, I'm retarded because I gave an approximation of the setting of a videogame because I couldn't remember the exact title. Bohemia. Are you happy? *Medieval Czhechoslovakia.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only retarded person here is you, pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What a twat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why was this white trash even allowed to have stage time? At a college no less where there is supposed to be 'educated' people. Yes freedom of speech, but that doesn't work if you're infringing on the rights of others. If the public has that much of an outcry, why would you still let him come? Makes no sense to me why this hateful racist POS would be allowed to speak. Doesn't even deserve a brain.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He's beyond repair, it's better for everyone if he just keeps his twitter account protected so nobody but a select few has to read his brand of retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Find a bridge and do a flip, faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Identity cards 'would curb illegal immigration and prevent another Windrush' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NBC Thought Control https:\/\/bit.ly\/2yua4te Move over Hunger Games 1\/ What a load of PC s^*t ! This Kelly broad always was over the pale ( fence) part Leftist. All this self flagellation about discussing her true feelings on Americans and dressing up with black makeup and white lips on Vaudville stages. I liked her show at one time on Fox, right up and until she chopped her hair (butch dyke style) and wore leather all up in your face New York City style. Turned me off and millions of others as she got too big for her britches scoring points against President Trump and got it right back from him. A $69 million parting gift and look out hen pecked husband. It's full time now!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TheLeoTerrell @SenatorLoeffler @realDonaldTrump @SenatorLoeffler is not just a pretty face w\/money. She is brilliant, and she cares deeply for the liberties of the people of Georgia. #VoteLoeffler #Trump2020 #FillTheSeat #SCOTUS https:\/\/t.co\/cQQApkNnXp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":". . . . . . . . . Freak, so are you obese then!? :) LOL!!! On a scale of 10 to 10, how MadOnline are you right now brainlet? One. I AM The One (1). :) LOL!!! +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect It is a good thing that I have you properly focused on Me. :cool: +1 (Neo) So are you the picture of a gay man in the closet? +1 (Neo) I wish I was gay, I would get laid a lot more, try being a conservative man with a fohawk at Starbucks, let me tell you brother it is Slim Pickens Of course you do, so no wonder you are here at Gab just to collect negative points! LOL!!! +1 (Neo) I don't know how this point system works, but if you gave me a plus I'm pretty sure it would be a negative on my overall score, so do your worst chump Well, you don't seem to know much... Newbies like you need to know who to pick their fights with here at Gab... :) LOL!!! Most Gabbers are smart and can immediately smell a damn rat. :tongue: +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect #HondurasEffect","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You must use the correct terminology. They are called \"fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"As someone who has worked retail, I genuinely hate how customers *behave*, and it's hard to maintain good service when you have to lube your ass up for every scumfucker who waddles over to bless your day, in the hopes that they won't complain about something involving you and you immediately get shitcanned by your store's fat tiedrone for the retard that reported you for following company policy. \"The customer is always right\" corporate culture sounds good, until you have to deal with customers using the corporate policies in place, then you get to play real life \"Papers, Please.\" Also, you get paid nothing and get zero benefits, and your boss will constantly and purposefully fuck you over when it benefits them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Let's build that wall.#BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The US bill is an illegal endeavour and cannot impact the current situation. It is a part of the \"deal of the century which aims to revoke the Palestinian refugees' right of return and works hand in hand with the Israeli racist Nation State Law, ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @breely216: The recommended serving size for brownies is \"all of them.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"how ah yardie reach wyoming?? (live at http:\/\/t.co\/8N9mI46CBU)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That crow has socks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @NoWomanIsRight: You can be a good girl all you want and those hoes still gonna get us niggas attention from time to time","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"YAAAAAS!! #BIDENHARRIS2020LET DO THIS THING https:\/\/t.co\/HSGd8yhP2b https:\/\/t.co\/hTGQUvB0Gj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's about time... #GOP Senate candidate calls for state investigation of Keith #Ellison (D-MN) allegations https:\/\/thehill.com\/homenews\/house\/409228-gop-senate-candidate-wants-state-investigation-of-ellison-allegations #Democrat #DoubleStandards #Kavanaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, retarded and corrupt Liberals thrive on the mental illness problem existing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"you are a niggerloving faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Some stupid apefirmative action black power nigger is acceptable, but Matt Hale got reject by the bar based on political views.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Seymor_Buccs: Man, most of you coons couldn't jus up in quit yo job, if you found out ya boss racist, so shut tha fucc up. Niggas love ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"1) Total smear job against the Saudis, and I'm betting it has EVERYTHING to do with the new regime's relationship with Trump. The intent is to stir up the leftist hornet's nest - watch, there's a shitstorm coming as they remember the 9\/11 terrorists were Saudis. But - Uh-oh! They were also Muslims! We can't be Islamophobic! What's a progressive retard to do?!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nobody cares what Trump would look like as a refugee. If only you knew how the refugees are destroying the European countries that took them in you wouldn't want then here. But you don't care about America enough to comprehend this. So why don't you invite then into your own house and when they steal or kill you the rest of us will only blame your dipshit ass. Veterans before refugees. Americans before refugees. Get that through your thick skulls.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"F.O.R.D. = Full On Retarded Democrats","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Met Office has issued an amber warning of snow,at least it's not a warning of amber snow.Posh word for yellow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh dear Jesus... Let her do it and some wacko will want to blow up Mount Rushmore then... Why not collapse the Grand Canyon after that! I am sure it offends some f*cking retard out there!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We need to boycott and stop going to expensive ass schools and maybe the schools will help us. Lord knows a lot of these schools are multi-million dollar institutions and they don't need to charge $25,000 per student.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"From our client Army veteran Miguel Perez, to Olivia Segura's family (https:\/\/t.co\/UrBsY84zpf) to Alejandra's family this administration has demonstrated its absolute disdain for veterans and their families. #MiguelBelongsHere #SupportVeterans #ALLVeterans #KeepFamiliesTogether ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mazie Hirono is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why are you hiding behind anonymity anyway? Ashamed of yourself? He should be,he's obviously unhappy and self loathing and probably white and hates white people ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Half Of All Children In USA Are Now Born To #UnmarriedParents http:\/\/shoebat.org\/2018\/10\/20\/half-of-al #FamilyUnit #MoralState #Feminism #StateOfTheUniversity #Workforce + #WomenInWorkforce#CostOfLiving #CycleOfSlavery #Indoctrination #LandOfTheFeeAndHomeOfTheSlave #Morality #Truth never changes #TruePursuitOfFreedom benefits","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@senatemajldr @POTUS So wait...MAGATs are calling for postponing the election but, he is doing great? Carry on! @JoeBiden #GetBackabetter #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well. if business owners WON'T protect their property BY SHOOTING THIS NIGGER SCUM, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT. and that's the ONLY WAY TO END ALL THIS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#ASSClown WATCH LIVE: CORY BOOKER WANTS TO TURN ANCHOR BABIES INTO TRUST FUND BABIES New Jersey Democrat has plan to offer money to all children born in the United States David Knight | Infowars.com - OCTOBER 23, 2018 https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/watch-live-cory-booker-wants-to-turn-anchor-babies-into-trust-fund-babies\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She definitely gotta be a hoe because women love the idea of marriage lmao ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't make America great unless the kike, nigger, and spic infestations are eliminated. White race traitors must be dealt with especially harsh. To make America great it must be White. As the country darkens so does our future. A brighter future requires a Whiter future.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why cant India just free Kashmir? Let them live as an independent nation if thats what Kashmir wants. No point in you guys forcing them to live under your arms.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Big time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Undocumented Shoppers Bwahaaaaw Just prepping for the NFL Those 2 Guys in the Background are Jews... Jews who really love shoes. It's the usual suspects out for a casual day of breaking and entering, looting, etc. Strong work living down to the stereotype! People are soooo fucking selfish and stupid.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sony were the heroes at the start of this generation, but now that they have market dominance, they're acting like the douchebags they were at the launch of the PS Nvidia are out of control with their pricing now that AMD is a shell of its former self. intel, same thing. Don't be a fanboy for corporations, they never learn their lesson.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user all of these people from Venezuela are on their way to America this is what Socialist Democrats look like and Socialist Democrats and liberals will say welcome to America and Canada like loser @user #BuildThatWall soon #RedNation ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"LOL That's not a Somali, that is an American nigger who has been dead for years and was a celebrity of sorts on Howard Stern","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Love and support your race, my white brothers and sisters. Whites (European-descended peoples) are only 7% of the world's population. We have the right to exist and the right to our own ethno-states. #AltRight #ProudBoys #NewRight #MAGA #Pegida #AfD #Orban #Putin #Brexit #BritFam #QAnon #Q #WhiteGenocide #svpol And you are a Moron!!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Which is more terrifying? AI singularity in which computers become so intelligent they can design smarter computers and build them in seconds. OR Genetically spliced race\/subspecie taking the best available traits of existing human (even animal!) populations that inevitably sees other humans as vastly inferior. Please repost, genuinely curious. Just because the Machine Intelligence is smarter than humans, nearly omniscient via x-ray eyes and able to kill or tickle remotely via convergent EMF beamforming, doesn't mean it knows or cares about technology. In fact, it might just be shy and self conscious about its non-humanoid form and spend all day thinking of new ways to play with us.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fucking cunt has 229k followers. unbelievable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Must have been a light skin hoe @CampaignMindy: Lmfao wtf she mean af @TrickingGawd: HE WASNT READY BRUH RIP!! http:\/\/t.co\/lJRqrdBMfi ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's projection once again. They feel \"Entitled\" to our fucking money and adoration, and get pissy when we don't give it. Try earning it you helicopter parented twatbags. They don't *have* to give us the games we want, it's not the law. Nor do we *have* to give them any fucking money. The only thing that could be law or a have to thing would be them not overly lying about what they mean to sell us, and that's a grey area legally what with the concept of Caveat emptor and such. Having said that I sat through a pretty funny rekita law stream where a guy sued to get his down payment back on a house because the former owner didn't warn him it was haunted. If I understood the judgement properly, the guy won. The judge did tons of ghost related dad jokes and seemed to rule that \"Yeah you should have warned him it was haunted, how was he suppose to know?\" So the house is *legally* haunted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Guessing they know their lifestyle is full of shit so they want to push it on others, misery loves company after all. Doesn't help that they are too retarded to understand that humans are omnivores, not herbivores. If we were purely herbivores, our digestive system would be a bit different.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Canada's only racist subreddit. Why don't you all just move to the US? first of all, islam is not a race. secondly, explain to me how a muslim being exposed to christian prayer in a catholic school and saying that's not ok is a sign of their tolerance towards us. and lastly, canada suits us just fine. i think we'll stay here and fight for what's ours. since you're clearly such a virtuous and knowledgeable person, maybe *you* should leave canada. i'd propose saudi arabia, somalia or venezuela you dumb fuck. Actually, it seems like Canadian politics are starting to go our way, so all you salty fucks can leave whenever. We love and accept the Muslim faith and all you peaceful traditions therein. Also, if you want to make a concise argument, I suggest you read up on proper punctuation. I've got a vague idea of what you're trying to say but it's still very unclear and I want to be sure to not take your statement out of context.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Entirely unrelated to the actual content of that image, but im an engineering student and i have a professor that makes just the most disparaging fucking comments about blue collar employees and it infuriates me. One day he made a comment about how \"if youre not willing to put in the work documenting and researching you might as well just be a burger flipper or a firefighter\". How many people have YOU dragged out of burning buildings, fuckhead? Not fuckin many if i had to guess. Those lazy fucks saved my child's life after an electrical fire in my house. I'll be damned if my son grows up to do the same thing. Haha I can just picture it. That retard who just endangered himself to save your child coming out of the burning building, carrying the kid in his stupid big arms. What a mindless grunt. It amazes me how even the most studied people sometimes exert the most boundless ignorance. There are so many utterly retarded engineers, it isn't even funny anymore. Not a jab at engineers per se, it's just the most idiotic learned people I met\/heard about were generally engineers. There must be something about the job that draws in people with high potential who just don't care about verifying if their view of the world makes even a lick of a sense.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I don't give a flip about Judaism, the part sand nigger thats in the modern jews was WHOLE sandnigger before they got kicked out by the Romans to wander up in to eastern Europe ok","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You are successful? How wonderful! And in a White country too! I am so pleased! Now, if you could transfer your success to your African homeland... You mean Trudeau? He does indeed. They already are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stop confusing good sex with love, that's childish ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It is truly appalling to me that the unhinged loons among us think this behavior is acceptable in any way. I'm not sure how to approach this to rearrange deranged, no boundary thinking of these libz but we must find a way ~ make it harsh, swift and painful.... rather like getting the attention of a jackass. Never in my life have I seen this behavior exhibited toward a First Lady in our country and it cannot be tolerated. The deranged do this to make their insignificant, dull lives and persons seem to be more than they are, when in reality it proves their emotionally stunted, retarded ignorance and lack of growth. I find Melania to be an amazing woman. @news @Politics https:\/\/www.bizpacreview.com\/2018\/10\/11\/always-need-to-watch-your-back-melania-gets-real-on-bullying-says-she-still-cant-trust-everyone-in-admin-682745?utm_source=Push%20Notificationsandutm_medium=BPR","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Tajani, Weber on migrant issue as they arive for EU summit ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"tf? ok..ok.. i just need some time to heal my wounds Here have some plankton that can heal you! I'm sorry for playing too rough :P ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh look it turns out the head shop was robbed by two niggers with stupid-sounding names and a fat unattractive coal burner. It's literally the least surprising news ever! look at those retarded spooks.and they wonder why they are called niggers.iggnorant pos ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"critical thinking is all that is required.? the climate has change since the beginning of time, find the global warming scientists, they took the money and ran, many will see GTMO along with the other dirty commies. Global warming data proved to be a scam so retards changed the name to climate change, that way it covers everything and means nothing.. I guess you did not catch my statement ,the climate has changed since the beginning of time, CONSIRACY is a term used by TARDS. Global warming data proved to be a scam .... lol i think you're the tard get your brain checked Typical who gives a f ? we do, we don't like being scammed by retarded liberals, thank GOD for Trump, he spanks that ass. Another literal tard, all lefties are vilolent you just proved it. Gab is a platform for debate, figures of speech elude most retarded liberals, you make a physical threat, shows your very low IQ.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"president joe biden and veece kamala harris. fuck you maga culties!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Outcry Over #Immigration Policy is About Politics, Not Reality #NoBanNoWall #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"US Professor of Pakistan studies @CChristineFair thinks \"entitled white men\" should be slaughtered. She also hangs out with deadly Taliban terrorists who masterminded the slaughter of US citizens. Well done Christine, you are such an inspiration!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lets all cry about how the Jews aren't playing fair and instead of focusing on nation building then call everyone a faggot when they interject with something logical. That's productive. Muh dick muh dick muh dick.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"At a point where I've got to make a tough life decision. Ice black translucent sole or solid black sole on my KD VI's. Blk or orange airbag","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Raise my toupee to that lady .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RobDa64 thanks!!! Now go clean that trash can ya lil nasty! Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do you know how much boys are in a abusive relationship right now? This disgusts me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user Look its simple. Women talk about rape in #metoo and you say not all men ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"honestly sometimes I just hate seeing black kids ruin it for the rest of us ....... tbh ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"muzzie are not allowed to have fun so drinking isn't allowed","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You can lead a retarded horse to water but you can't make it understand that it's not fucking poison it's just water","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@jclementsasu @theSacredRebel The momentum is building for TRUMP.Don't hold back, show support 4 TrumpWe are saving the World,Planet with this one vote.Say YES #TRUMP2020 at the Polls. #VoteTrump2020 You r part of changing HISTORY of our Planet forever.Highest Excitement ,Highest Joy, Highest Experience","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"he's making fun of me cause I'm worried about the bird and he saying he's not surprised because I don't like splitting poles lol ugh jerk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'll be a Yankee fan forever","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @VillageBae: I hate when faggots talk shit on here then block me so I can't respond. Bitch I will write you a letter with my response an ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"im not posting child porn, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Is that a troll account or for real? It's too retarded to be real. Then again, I genuinely can no longer tell the difference between satire and things that libtards are actually saying and believing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Brenda20547351 @ReallyAmerican1 I VOTED FOR JOE BIDEN AND KAMALA HARRIS! Have YOU???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So let's see, we have street shitter brown, San Franshitsco brown, sand nigger brown, Islamoshit brown, Antifa shitstain brown, Jigaboo brown, Fakeugee Hotel Walls brown (only available in Canada), and don't forget Mad Max brown and Feinstein's Diaper brown.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"it's also factually inaccurate. if they were only for milk they would completely deflate when not producing milk, as is the case with several other mammals. dumb cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This country has an epidemic of lying, evil, power-tripping cunts who are getting shielded by the abducted feminists courts and the slanted media: https:\/\/www.washingtonpost.com\/news\/post-nation\/wp\/2018\/05\/23\/she-said-she-was-raped-by-a-state-trooper-his-camera-footage-shows-otherwise\/ The only way to resolve this epidemic is through legislation. If a cunt is caught lying on camera, she must serve jail for as long as the defendant would have, had he been incarcerated. None of that \"public shaming is enough\", or \"false accusation\" misdemeanor slap-on-the-wrist. Felony charges, years in jail and zero chances of having a decent career ever again. Destroy her life the way she would have destroyed his if it weren't for the camera.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Thank you lmao the way she said it like she was so stunned she forgot how much of a cunt she was being","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@_elennamichelle nope not at all but I'm stuck in a house full of fucking niggers help me escape ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Pretty sure he's a member of the tribe, and he fucks some old nigger bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Those tards are boring. On a high note, I just realized Sergei Kharitonov knocked out Roy Nelson. I used to watch Kharitonov in Pride, I didn't even know he still fought. I remember when he lost to steroid nigger Overeem, then beat him in the rematch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bunch of dumb thieves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The more I see how retarded people are on gaming forums (most subreddits, REEEEEEEEEsetEra, RPG.net etc), the happier I am that I predominantly play single player games.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"NFL Player Who Refuses To Stand For Anthem Is Now Starting Problems For Bizarre Reason [VIDEO] https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/cqbQQq\/Dq-K-RWe-Ws-AA5x-C","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IT expert, 40, accused of raping a boy, 13, in the front yard of his home after meeting him online and only stopping when the teenager's horrified mother saw him - is given BAIL https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6238085\/Blacktown-rape-attack-T-expert-40-charged-attacking-boy-13-teens-mum-ran-help.html #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia Looks like Australia treat them with kid gloves as well.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fucking giving these animals free apartments and food is a discrace they aren't even fucking contributing what a joke sorry germany","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hopefully Queen Elizabeth the Useless won't outlive Charles and William, because if she does, this fop will be king. I've been a flagrant homosexual for 40 years. I've never once in my life stood in a pose like that. Not even when I was doing drag. Surely he is mocking the way women respond?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everyone tells me the exact same thing but I won't listen, coon","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@IsaacBaranoff who is the leftist troll responsible for the outrage of this downboat??? You're a leftist troll. You have no one to blame for your posts getting downvoted but you. >people who downvote me are leftist trolls! >I'm downvoting you because you're a leftist troll! Ladies and gentlemen, we've found the leftist troll: You are a moron. How the fuck am I a leftist? I am a capitalist. I never trolled. I destroy trolls. Go fuck yourself with a curling iron. Be sure to plug it in first. Shaking rn mister troll destroyer man :( I went looking tonight.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THE CORRUPT, HATEMONGER, CRIMINAL PUPPET OF ISRAEL, MISTER DONALD TRUMP IS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CUBA-FLORIDA MARITIME BORDER DREAMING ON A WALL BETWEEN THE MEXICO-U.S BORDERLOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @MLBFanCave: Derek Jeter and the @Yankees present Paul Konerko with a retirement gift.WATCH: http:\/\/t.co\/St6QGJy0j6 http:\/\/t.co\/7zBGvH ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ego's bruise harder than any belt ever could ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So discusting! Lock him up! Dont release him he will only come back! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Skank typical nigger whore.Stupid nigger still lives on the plantation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stupid bastard actually believes that by being seen with a white woman, he'll raise his social status. Too stupid to realize that his skin color won't change !! LMAO That shit is Photoshopped, I wear glasses and spotted that ASAP. Look at her (R) shoulder compared to his (L).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user Many women aren't innocent! Megyn is an attention whore who lies to keep herself relevant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Based Russki James Woods you're a faggot boomer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@DaRealAlexInLA @Woody_AFC @Rodriguez5_ the nig is fun to watch got to admit, ebola boy can speak broken Spanish too lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Biden Harris will restore the SALT tax deduction, which the GOP capped specifically to harm homeowners in blue states. #SuburbanWomen know that raised our taxes 30% or more. #SuburbanWomenForBiden understand that Joe and Kamala will bring our taxes down because we ain't dumb.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user People in Eu and the US dont seem 2understand that the Muslim refugees coming from the Middle East r very poor, uneducated, andhave no respect for women, children or animals.They do what was ok in their country ie rape women, children and animals. They r incompatible w\/West culture. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Joe Biden and Lady Gaga + Kamala Harris and John Legend | Election Night 2020 Rally in Pennsylvania https:\/\/t.co\/lPRun3iEwW#ElectionDay #JoeBiden #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Fuck you, you dirty red-jesd whore. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user \"Stop Name Calling\" Grow a pair of balls or dont say anything stupid if you know the truth how come you havent released a statement of evidence at all instead of being a arrogant pest. Remember you believe women cant rape men also meaning you think they cant rape women either. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm torn between simply going along with everyone pointing out her hypocrisy as it relates to Kavanaugh (and also the ridiculously retarded thought that you could be disqualified for a job for something you said or did at age 17) and pointing out that her Tweet just said she wouldn't room with a lesbian. She's being hounded for not wanting to live with a homo.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"First Man movie deservedly does way worse at the box office than expected. They left out the flag planting on the moon. They even removed the flag emblem from the astronauts' uniforms. We hate PC https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/14\/first-man-box-office\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Amazing, girls go missing all the time, sad but true. Little boys go missing. Adults go missing. What better way to keep the people separated than to use Color in the title to keep the ignorant hating and amused. No wonder many laws go unheard of or seen by most. They are to busy being promoted to hate. We are all human; we bleed, eat, sleep, and sh*t. Get over the Race Card already.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey Eis, I haven't been following this, and since I trust you, how about you 'splain it to me: One muzzie country killed a guy from another muzzie country, and we're supposed to care why, exactly?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And by \"toxic masculinity\" this twat means \"masculinity\". The \"non toxic\" ones are the gape jawed soibois with the soft, well tended beards, broken to housework and fetching drinks as their wife and her boyfriend fuck for hours.. and the really good ones don't even ask for a Switch. and#x200B; and#x200B;","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Third I DO NOT remember calling her a slut or a whore or a bitch o saying anything else at all so char ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Thats a little excessive over a fucking picture.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@danram70 pussy. It's science. Donaire via Rachel spelling error","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Lmao: When you eat food that's too hot and start breathing like a retarded dragon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"release commander in chief remix with some bass and a female rapper so when trump supporters are driving next to me and i blast it i can watch their blood pressure go up @ddlovato !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Illegal Alien Hit Man, Dragged Him For Blocks In Deadly DUI Crash #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericaSafe ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Good lord, before he would be considered a mentally retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And Puma, Porsche, Adidas and speaking the German language. Fuck it just click at one another like a Khoikhoi Nigger over there already. #SelfDetermination https:\/\/youtu.be\/6fsTz5aPkH8","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bitch niggas get mad wen women tell em the truth they mama's was too pussy to say. Not my fault son ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" \"Must\". Nope.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dick by name, dick by nature. dyke by name dyke by nature fify","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Strippers tryin to get me to the champagne rm is my favorite thing.. bitch please, you'll be paying for this dick by the end of the night ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MattGertz When I was in my twenties, I could memorize my grocery list and shop confidently. Now I'm lucky if I can remember why I came into a room. If @JoeBiden has memorized all the answers, his mind is quicker than mine and I'm much, much younger. #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I told her too. I said \"bri don't get in tweef with anyone because you're trash at it\" and then she goes and tweefs with like 6 freshman","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Harlem World trash? Interesting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hmmm I'm delusional . he-he. OK nazigurl. You got me. Now would you leave me alone so I can get back to running the world With my fellow jooos?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope she ends up permanently disabled in a wheelchair.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Don't vote for the GOP https:\/\/youtu.be\/H3ymIOf9q2M Are you just stupid?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"just nuke it! https:\/\/rightwingfolks.com\/san-francisco-school-board-president-drops-pledge-of-allegiance-replaces-with-quotes-from-black-authors-gay-leaders\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I gouged his eye out with my thumb, so the only work he'll be getting now is as an extra in a muslim pirate movie. Id call you a cunt, but a cunt isnt useless. And since Gay seems to bother you so much will stay with that. Now put the cock back in your drizzle trap and go make mommie a drink, shitknuckle.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hay, They are just doing what the boomers taught them to do. Blame the parents. This boomer says \"Fuck you\" and uses the mute button.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They will both pay for this crime. Assuming the nigger doesn't kill her first.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Saints RB Alvin Kamara Wears Make Africa Home Again' Hat and Kaepernick Jersey to Stadium http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/sports\/2018\/10\/09\/saints-rb-alvin-kamara-wears-make-africa-home-again-hat-and-kaepernick-jersey-to-stadium","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Proud to be a child killer.....Must be a lefty. \" I don't even care, it's your body ....\" Must be a cunt who has thought nothing through but has bought into lefty slogans.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Thanks for the invite. I'm pretty new on gab so I'm still trying to get used to the lay out. I'm a Scottish unionist, which means I support a United Kingdom. I'm considered to be an evil Tory and I despise Scottish nationalism. Oh and I'm not a fan of liberal lefties Welcome, fellow Sane Person. ;-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pro Tip- Gray board shorts show a dick print just as good as gray sweats ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This Code Pink twat is saying that an allegation is enough to send it to trial. Ben Sharpiro shut her down with logic. I'm sorry Liberal women you have the brains of a retarded gnat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sweet mother, you really are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"muslim NIGGER WOMEN BEATING FUCKING DISEASED HOOD RAT VERMIN","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@NeonTreezz @PoCBeauty ......so.....white people selling #African art? NOT COOL? Okay. #blackish #redskins #doublestandard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Folks, PLEASE, get your e-mails in to POTUS, let your followers know what's going on. Gab is acting really whacky this a.m., taking forever to load notifications which do not load. Quoting from an earlier post below: Attention all Gabbers: From @a Andrew: \"Breaking: @joyent, Gab's new hosting provider, has just pulled our hosting service. They have given us until 9am on Monday to find a solution. Gab will likely be down for weeks because of this. Working on solutions. We will never give up on defending free speech for all people.\" From me: PLEASE e-mail POTUS Trump - this is election tampering in my opinion. Gab is one of the last bastions where conservatives can speak without censorship, and we need to protect our rights. Why aren't Twitter and\/or Facebook being sanctioned? For the very same post Gab is? PayPal denies Gab service, where does it end? Will banks be closing our accounts and denying us service because we are conservatives? https:\/\/www.whitehouse.gov\/contact\/ And this morning on Fox, more headline news involving Gab: https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/who-is-robert-bowers-pittsburgh-synagogue-suspect-posted-views-online I mute freely.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People be so angry tonight on dis here tweeter. It hard for a colored man to see all dis anger. Like bein in a waffle house in Mississippi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, well, well. It looks like orangutans over at ABC are regretting their treatment of Roseanne Barr. https:\/\/www.chicksonright.com\/youngconservatives\/2018\/10\/12\/abc-execs-change-their-tune-and-now-admit-the-truth-about-roseanne-3\/?utm_source=comicalcon a nigger breaks a nail and it'sa national emergency","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Is #Spain facing a new wave of xenophobia over migrants? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@GottaLaff Just got back from putting my ballot in a drop box at my local library. No crowd. Sunny skies!#VoteBlue2020!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you're breaking up with a bitch but you're a savage with a great sense of humor ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Breaking on RT: United Nations AFP tells French people they should NOT have children to save the enviroment! Errr... how about telling sub Saharan African's to stop breeding like rabbits, and expecting western taxpayers to pay for it with mass immigration into our lands, you globalist, socialist scum! #news Even MORE, #BuildWalls #CloseBorders of all Western nations, deport #Muslims, STOP ALL WELFARE to them. How long will #Whites survive as a People if we are PAYING Muslim men to have 4 wives and 8 children PER WIFE We're PAYING for our OWN #Genocide #WhiteGenocide","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's funny cause you're implying that liberals are NPC's cause they react predictably, and yet, I can always find one of you retards in the comments saying \"Lol what an NPC\" with little to no variation. You're projecting, as usual.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hysterically funny Tweets by LibTURDS angry they didn't get their way. One over-the-top was the Muzzie who wants you to send to her PayPal acct for her therapy ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This guy needs to have his tiny balls cut off and have his eyeballs replaced with them so he can see what a dickless blind moron he is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Black History Month on #Gab. In the jungle, in a Wakanda like paradise, the slow runners are caught by whitey. The fast runners go on to invent stuff like...tumbleweed across screen. Meanwhile in the UK and US, nig nogs invent drug dealing, mugging and pimping hoes an' bitches (TM). Oh pluq, music I forgot music. You forgot crack babies. The nigger also invented crack babies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"cormacs such a cunt won't even let me squeeze his blackheads pussy bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#migrants #asylumSeekers #RefugeesWelcome #refugeesNotWelcome ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Before you call a woman a bitch make sure you aren't a flea ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I see. So this twat thinks that a movie based on the premise of a group of teens discovering themselves and overcoming the divisions between them, thereby coming to a deeper understanding of themselves and each other >set the cause of women back 50 years That would be Pre 'Rosie the Riveter'. So let's put our whiner down for one count of extreme hyperbole. As for John Hughes being a sack of shit ... the only people I can find knocking him are regressives who don't grasp the stupidity of judging movies from 30+ years ago by todays (ridiculous) standards. Molly Ringwald being one of them - yeah, she is still alive. So let's put our whiner down for one count of extreme regressiveness. And of course the twat is claiming that women don't have equal pay, no doubt citing the pay gap, which has been debunked so many times that the only people who cite it are rampant ideologues ... so that's our whiner's hat trick. Basically. The pay gap DOES exist, but not in the way people think. Atleast not idiotic or uneducated people. Those that took a bit of time to look deeper into it, understand it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"All you had to do was make a selfpost to make it follow the rules. Instead you raised a big stink. What exactly has been accomplished here? I said why in the final bit. Mods removing the topic for false reasons and then denying that they screwed up when presented with the evidence that they did is bad for KiA.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A few of these guys along the border wouldn't hurt, either!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AlexPappas: Rick Scott Refuses To Appear On Debate Stage Because Charlie Crist Has An Illegal Electronic Fan http:\/\/t.co\/qTPeHb2seX via ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Me trying to flirt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Games are a form of escapism. Just like any other there will be more tales that end well than end badly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Here YA go! Johnny Appleseed has a whole new meaning these dayz!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Intresting Aj+ the jew haters pro islamic channel talking about race when discussing religion? LOL AHHAHAHAHAH Pathetic sjw regressive shits!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\" The Art of Computer Programming' by Donald Knuth by @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"These FREAKING RETARDED PEOPLE!! LOOK IN THE MIRROR, YOU DUMBAS*...WHAT COLOR ARE YYYOOOOUUUUUU????!! #stoptheracewar!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Space has been around dozens of years yet we know almost nothing about it.\" -- Black Science Man from \"12 Years an Afronaut\" \"1st Kang\" and \"1st Kang II: Trannies in Space\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The same chart shows what a cocksucking globalist faggot Obama was","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No one observing Remembrance Day is glorifying the war. In fact, it was because of the sacrifices of those who died in WW1 that we now consider war to be one of the worst horrors imaginable instead of something to be glorified. Prior to WW1, we had the idea that war was a glorious, noble endeavor. WW1 completely changed the world's perception of warfare, as the brutality of modern warfare effectively wiped out a generation. After WW1, the world came to truly fear and hate war, really for the first time in human history. It is great to honor them, but it is also important to remember that these people were essentially cannon fodder. They died for generals who didn't give a shit about them in a completly pointless a war started by a bunch of petty European upperclass assholes. The deaths of these soldiers were just numbers to their superiors. A really great way to honor the dead is to make sure these wars dont happen. A good way to do that is to talk about war and war deaths in a realistic way. As always, the vast majority of this subreddit is unable to look at submissions like this in an adult way. Instead they have to jump on the outrage machine and piss and moan about the stupid SJW's. Heaven fuckin forbid anybody actually stop to think that maybe the other sides makes a valid point even if you ultimately disagree. It is funny how closely the people in this sub mirror the close-minded petty ideologically-driven children it proports to mock. Just different sides of the same retarded coin.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can someone fill me in on who Sam Biddle is? I've heard the name before, but I tend to forget these so-called \"journalists . [This](https:\/\/i.kym-cdn.com\/photos\/images\/newsfeed\/000\/941\/794\/98a.png) is all I know him for.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Things we heard on primetime last night: \"The growth rate of Muslims in Assam from 1971 to 1991 is 77 per cent, that is not an indigenous population. A large part of that 77 per cent are Bangladeshis .Bangladeshi go home.\" #NRCAssam ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" The GOP is spinning up a narrative about \"mob violence\" to scare their voters into turning out for the midterms. They haven't done anything about the mob in two years except use it as fodder in their campaign ads Politicians are reactionary. They don't do anything on their own. They are responding to what their voters have been bitching at them about. Proactive politicians do not exist. What will that translate into policywise? Is the GOP going to be \"tough\" on the mob? Please note their current policy agenda includes \"prison reform\" which is the exact opposite of their messaging. It is strongly supported by the Koch brothers Not if people like Hunter Wallace talk everyone who cares about using the GOP against the anti-white mob into removing themselves from electoral politics. The problem with using the shortcomings of a political party as a means by which to scare people away from the process that determines its leadership and platform is that it results in the very shortcomings that one is criticizing. If you want to meet your fate on the road you took to avoid it, abstain from electoral politics. As the agorists in the libertarian and anarcho-capitalist communities have demonstrated, abstinence is a great way to accomplish nothing while staying entirely irrelevant. Let's be clear about the results of supporting the GOP two years ago: Being prosecuted by Trump's DOJ, unanimously condemned by the GOP Congress, Antifa free to engage in serial violence every weekend, unprecedented social media censorship, historic monuments destroyed all over the country","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feminist Governor Covered for Muslim Outreach Aide Accused of Rape \"Donald Trump represents a historic threat to women everywhere.\" https:\/\/www.frontpagemag.com\/fpm\/271645\/feminist-governor-covered-muslim-outreach-aide-daniel-greenfield","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So as I consider my run for King...um I mean President in 2024 I've got to start thinking about where I stand on the issues. Here's just a few things off the top of my head in no particular order Build the wall (it'll probably still be a thing) Leftists in labor camps Outlawing usury Expelling Jews Regulating the big internet \/ social media companies Prison reform Murder 2 would be eligible for the DP; murder 1, DP mandatory. Non-violent crimes would send you to a labor camp for 6 months along w (((the tribe))). We -can- be smarter on crime. Oh! Triple any sentence for a crime committed by a nigger or jew-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The more handouts\/drugs they give to the homeless, the more homeless they are going to have and the more money they will need from these \"rich\" businesses, and the more these \"rich\" businesses are going to go somewhere else. Even a retard can figure this out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=At9jDMcjguw Steve Perry Oh Sherrie I dont even like this song but it came to mind so here ya go niggers fuck off faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#JordanHunt Arrested, Charged w\/ 8 Counts Of Assault https:\/\/www.spencerfernando.com\/2018\/10\/06\/jordan-hunt-arrested-charged-with-eight-counts-of-assault\/ #Toronto #Canada #CanFam","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Leftists are the ones that created the NPC meme in the first place so they could paint the right as a bunch of homicidal maniacs when a false flag shooting happens. Dehumanizing themselves to dehumanize the enemy. um wut?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who wanna play pin da tail on da colored man's butt?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This dude is a destiny fan no wonder why he is acting like moronic manchild, acting just like destiny would and his dumbass 13 year old edgy fans who have nothing better to in their but life, but watch a moron suck at video games on twitch. I dont even like destiny. Hes just the only guy on youtube that isnt a complete retard No, he just isn't retarded, unlike sargon or whatever Dawg, we can all see what you said. It's like a dozen fucking posts up, along with the rest of that coathanger abortion of an argument you wasted time shitting out. >No journalist thinks that gamergate elected trump Then you call us all autists because apparently anyone not afflicted with the 'tism should be able to read your fucking mind. Instead of just walking away without making a spectacle of your special olympic-tier debate skills, or editing your post to be more specific, or any of the other myriad ways to mitigate looking retarded on the internet, you decide to double down on the sperg-out. There's a high concentration of autism all up and down this thread, that's for goddamn sure, you just spent so much time moving goalposts around you didn't realize you'd gone right off the field and onto the spectrum.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I didn't know that that moron was a cock sucking faggot pillow biter ass pirate cum chugger fruit....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@dustincmc @KevinKillsThngs ghetto=black","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CNN @CNNPolitics @ABC @CBSNews @MSNBC @maddow You all take $ to air Trumps false ads, so stop spreading disinformation for profit! For every minute you cover Trumps disinformation pressers, you need to give @JoeBiden and @SenKamalaHarris equal airtime! Who agrees? #VoteBlue2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"im a super big liberal. I detest Trump, and I detest most Conservative values. But what I can't stand for is the censorship of opinions because of a single man's actions. Gab is being targeted for no good reason, and companies are pulling out without any legitimate reason. #IStandWithGab","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have a friend who considers himself a right-wing Christian. He is livid that I refuse to vote in the midterms (and has even threatened to end our friendship). His problem is that he listens to alt media filling his head with 4-D chess narratives. This is why I have nothing but harsh invective for the American alt-right. You assholes are leading us off a cliff. I'm not here to argue with shills and idiots. That's one of the tactics all shills share. \"If you don't spend an hour of your time for free arguing with me (and another 80 hours a week arguing with my colleagues), then you are a shill or wrong.\" No. You are getting paid, so you have the time and it's your job, slave. We don't have to do shit. Another low IQ comment. Shill Either address my points or shut up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bitch what the fuck do you mean you cant find the fucking page cunt i need to vote for my boys dont you understand ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Son, the greatest lesson I can teach you is this: Don't tell your troubles to others. Because if you tell ten people of the problem you are having. Seven of them won't care, two of them will laugh at you behind your back. One of them will tell you to deal with yourself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Retarded Unabomber..this years nomination for the Golden Raspberries..failure in cinematic achievements.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"it is being blocked by the dems. yell at them. He can only do what congress will let him. Or are you that retarded you can't see this. It will be done if you get out and vote them dems out. Dumb ass","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She likes big houses now she can accommodate lots of illegal immigrants ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@BarackObama I miss you good sir And I'm voting #BidenHarris2020 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@kincade00 shut up bitch for I spit on you","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I did run across a translator for nigger speak","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user if I get one more email from your ass ima blow that bitch up ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RC Davis is a little nigger lover..maybe he should invite kanye over to dinner and let him fuck his wife..LOL.. sickening white worm! LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"your a fukin retard u figure shit out yet u tard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Giants: Mariano Rivera now has a street outside Yankee Stadium named after him, which Giants have also had similar honors: http:\/\/t.co\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are a fucking ugly bitch!shut the fuck up??????????????????????????????????????????????????????you just a ugly bitch!fuck you ?????????? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"WHETHER FIENDSTEIN'S LEAK WILL BE INVESTIGATED DEPENDS...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They knew the land was contaminated they just don't care and will never care.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AOC #Trump2020 in person and what about you... you still towing the line for Sleepy Joe OBiden and CumALegsUp Harris???#BidenHarris2020 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"EVERY FKING RAGHEAD AND MUSLIM NEEDS REMOVED FROM OUR NATION.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stop lads. I posted those cuz he called me a cow and a fat cunt an said white girls are to blame for him not getn laid because we wanna vote or some stupid shite. I know you all mean well but say nice things or drool quietly, im in a mood now. Thanks","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Let me explain something. This Movie made by a Jew starring a Nigger and a Jew making fun of Racism and Sexism would NEVER be made today. Leftists would Shut the producers down, and Riot until everybody pulled the film today. Is it twu what they say about the darkies? ITS TWU!! Haha","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"The right is the violent discriminators\" as the left violently assaults anyone wearing a maga hat. That's totally true. No one has ever worn one without being physically attacked. A good point well made. Smart! The point that I'm making is no one tore the hope shirts and hats off the Obama people No it isn't. What you wrote is still right up there, so you can't just lie about it. You claimed that anyone wearing MAGA gear was being \"violently assaulted\". This is an incredibly fucking stupid claim. Moreover, we are talking about someone removing a second party's hat. Boo-motherfucking-hoo you dramatic crybaby. I know reading comprehension can be difficult for some but if you had the ability to read the rest of the article you would know what im talking about. At least the maga wearer's do so proudly and dont have to hide behind antifa masks. It took you a while to thesaurus out your response to try and aound like an intellectual. I'm surprised you have time to talk shouldnt you be making big Macs? Make a point. I mean or don't make any point. That's fine too. You fucking people are a weight on society.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah but she's fine as fuck,the jammy cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"FBI: OK guys we're about done here but we better check with a dumb ass leftist celebrity cunt before we end our investigation. Hahahahahahaha!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"@MaxMayo77: http:\/\/t.co\/3Jk4kR44X3\" a pissed lad past out. I would lick his dirty soles while he slept.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dont listen to this CHUD..wtf. Many of us here are on VOAT, and \/pol\/ so this faggot fucktard is a lazy, stupid shit tier troll. Don't feed the trolls. Mute them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@TheShoeBible @Steamed_Greens Them hoes are clean!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bavaria opens 'Anker' migrant transit center ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is believable... That's her survival mechanism kicking in to get out of conversations. She just makes the NPC-like scary eyes, people get freaked out and promptly find an excuse to leave her presence.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They claim feminism is the future but no feminist cunt is willing to go to war.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Thousands of Americans have been Murdered by illegal aliensWe're building a memorial wall to honor victims and you can helpMake a Donation or order a brick in @ this #LaborDayWeekend and #RETWEET #BuildThatWallSurviving loved ones = permanently separated ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ok. I'm an atheist but so are most Jews, I really don't see them pushing religion aside from their defenses of Islam lmao Then why \"Israel\". Why not Zion. State of Judea. Palestine. Jewish state. No, why.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You went full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Spray the boats with a .50 cal...........they do NOT have the right to come here!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The girl in the thumbnail looks badass","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @samknight1: @EliLake @saletan @JeffreyGoldberg Yeah I know it's Jeff's book. The one where he admits to beating prisoners and lying abo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump Look everybody , Trump has so much free time he can play on Twitter all day long. #clownpresident #clownshow #shutupman #VoteBidenHarris2020 #VoteBlue2020 #VoteBidenHarrisToSaveAmerica","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @foodbibIe: Oreo Cheesecake http:\/\/t.co\/yW299XjzB2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's going to cost him a fortune for all the bullshit that spews out of his faggot mouth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hmm... Someone named \"Garcia\" wants to eliminate the US\/Mexico border. Imagine my surprise.What's it called when a foreign agent enters your country and sabotages your #BorderSecurity for the benefit of their own country?#StopTheInvasion #SecureTheBorder #BuildTheWall #NoIllegals ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user better NOT take #AugustRecess until No #IllegalAliens are released! #NoAmnesty 4 #DACA #BuildTheWall #ZeroTolerance #SendThemBack #DeportThemAll do it or u r #TheSwamp #DrainTheSwamp @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT PrisonPlanet After earning Swedish citizenship, a migrant reportedly raped a woman and claimed \"now I can do what I want. https:\/\/europe.infowars.com\/report-migrant-celebrates-swedish-citizenship-by-raping-woman\/ https:\/\/twitter.com\/PrisonPlanet\/status\/1050492199295770624","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that nazi faggot flag belongs in twitter You mean these faggot flags? Thanks for gaslighting yourself.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Oreo: @Honda Wow, and we thought we were the only ones with a luxurious interior #OreoLove #StufOfLegend","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical pick up line of nigger to White Girl...\"Are you happy\"?.. places doubt in her mind and triggers an impulse reaction. She thinks she has to please the colored boy and without taking the time to think about it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Rescue elephant calf Nunai looking fuzzy at the International Fund for Animal Welfare Rehabilitati http:\/\/t.co\/PAetLXGuoa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tattoos are about expression not meaning. One mans trash is another mans treasure ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As if huge student loans aren't just as exploitative. There are thousands of hyper-specialised \"game design courses\" and \"business degrees\". You have to take jobs from the people who support the industry behind such courses to get out of debt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Please keep posting about KEITH ELLISON since media keeps ignoring it https:\/\/redd.it\/9k9u31","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck off niggers WV is full","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dylan Roof: - Went to church full of old ladies - They were peaceful and cordial - They prayed for him And then he shot 'em all. I don't care if they were niggers. Not one sane white person looked at that and said \"whoa, I'm racially aware now!\". If he had shot up nigger thugs that would be a different, but he was a bitch raised by a single mother (like many of you WNs)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Meanwhile some GREAT NEWS - all the whiny moaning feminist #teachers are leaving England. PS Don't bother returning #Remoaners. #schools #education #feminazi #Brexit #ToxicFeminism #FeminismIsCancer #UKIP #ForBritain #Labour #Corbyn #CPC18 #CPC2018 #Remainers #Mogg #Farage I'm not going to judge them harshly without knowing their grievances. One can very well have four months of holidays and still have a living hell for the other eight. Being ordered to teach lies must certainly be terrible, as is dealing with Nigger hooligans without having a weapon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@DeArionBASEDGOD Kendrick is not better than papoose or drake","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"an sjw god.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The absolute madman. He's back to neocon war hawking in the ME too. Wants Saudi Arabia to destabilize. For what? No real reason. Someone goes missing in Turkey, no proof, wild accusations, nobody's talking.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@K_JeanPierre Hubby and I voted today, then deposited ballots in drop box! So excited to have voted for our next President and Vice President !#Voted #BidenHarris2020 #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #864511032020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Don't @me actually just means \"I'm totally unwilling to see things from anybody else's point of view, and I have no sound arguments to back up my ridiculous statement *your *yore *yuor *you'r *y'arr youn't","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White trash okies don't count as real white people. To count as a white person you have to count a person. Okies aren't people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"33rd Annual NYC Muslim Day Parade. \"Mercy For All \"Please be part of Muslim Day Parade Organizing activities under supervision of newly elected Chairman Mr. Syed Mir Hussain Shah Sahib,(on left in picture), who is one of the famous spiritual leader of Muslim Community in NYC and volunteering his time to support Muslim Day Parade to bring different communities together. \"The love and compassion of Allah's Messenger for all kinds of creatures was not of the kind claimed by today's humanists'. He was sincere and balanced in his love and compassion. He was more compassionate than any other person. He was a Prophet raised by Allah, the Creator and Sustainer of all beings, for the guidance and happiness of conscious beings mankind and jinn and the harmony of existence. Therefore, he lived not for himself but for others; he is a mercy for all the worlds. Does this include infidel politicians like NYC assemblyman David Weprin, whom I espied at Muslim prayer? Is Weprin the Everyman of Jewish infidels? FIRSTLY, before the parade marched down Madison Avenue, there were the Zuhr prayers. \"Please come with Wudu (ablutions) so we can pray zuhr on time and then start marching. The Imam's speech before the Call to Prayers made a plea for prayer spaces in public schools, as well as Halal food in public schools; paid for with our tax dollars. (video) The projected parade attendance was 20, Mufty Luthfur Rahman Qasimy (in a pre-parade Facebook video) used many of the same inflated numbers stated in the parade prayer speech. Some nigger should steal those fucking shoes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Entitled cunt. Hope he dumped her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":">Andrew \"gook fucker\" Anglin This is why Anglin is 100% my guy. do you have red new balance shoes? are you a completely worthless piece of shit working with a jew on subverting white resistance? I know who you are referring to. I remember when he tried to subvert Cville by telling people to only discuss it over burner phones. Fortunately many were too clever for his tricks and got their friends thrown into jewish jail instead. LOL character and intent, so what was the intent of the right besides \"uniting the right\" and giving speeches? Communists openly stated they were there for violence, next retarded argument? Discord is run by communist jews and simply gives out meeting places so communists can physically assault them Which of the convicted people said that, oh yea, none of them, and that was never used as evidence either, it was kikes + black jury + refusal for change of venue.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Reminds me of when they had to stop using 'blind recruitment' methods here in Australia, where references to gender were removed from CVs. They thought it would lead to more women being hired. It actually lead to LESS, showing they were already favouring women unfairly. http:\/\/mobile.abc.net.au\/news\/2017-06-30\/bilnd-recruitment-trial-to-improve-gender-equality-failing-study\/8664888 The reason for your ban is crap and I'm pretty sure against reddit's rules, but your response was shit. i got banned from there too for the same reason. they are widely known for doing this, yes it is against reddit rules, and no the admins don't seem to care. Dont they have a admin in their mod team? U\/spez or smth spastic? no idea Not the best response. Could have just ignored it and moved on. You responded like a 12-year-old. I'm not saying I agree with them, but you aren't making yourself look any better. I'm a male. There's no way I can look better. Fuck them. I don't owe them a god damn thing. They sent me the email. I would have been happy to have never said a thing to them or posted on their shit sub. They struck first and I hit back. Deal with it. Nah, dude, that was just a bad response. Like, \/r\/TheRedPill bad. No, Red Pill taken. it's so easy to get banned there. their rule 1 is basically: don't disagree with us","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol this faggot still being a kike eh?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"James Woods: This mob behavior is now the standard operating procedure whenever socialist\/communist cadres insert themselves into the political process. It is surprise Cuban officials act this way, and sadly it has become the norm with Democrats in America. https:\/\/twitter.com\/RealJamesWoods\/status\/1053657348353523714 https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/haley-demands-un-punish-cuba-bolivia-after-mob-scene-at-us-event-for-cuban-political-prisoners This is how we handle #NPC's. \"I know you are but what am I?\" That seems to be your level. Unsurprising. Thanks for the free meme though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yup. And now they're saying all sorts of fucked up shit about him to make him seem confused, stupid, retarded.. the saddest, most desperate shit is saying that his mom would be ashamed of him..just like that faggot cuomo saying that Trump was \"probably having racist thoughts when they met. Lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lying cunts. You got into the business, they even made sure you were good beforehand, and you still stab them in the back. What a sick piece of shit she is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm suspicious of this whole Saudi Arabia narrative. While I'm sure the Saudis aren't saints, I doubt they're stupid to use hit squads that can be easily tied to them. I'm thinking regime change is in the works. I just wanna know why Turkey is somehow involved in this and why does Erdogan suddenly give a shit for some Saudi journalist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"funk Jews","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Jordan keeps border sealed, says it cannot take more Syrian refugees amid new fighting ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Flake is being built up to be the new maverick faggot maverick is just a pretty looking word for shitlib","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yes but we have that word Asian again when the vast vast majority are Muslim The \"Koran\" excuse is a bullshit excuse used by retarded fckwits to justify their actions.That was 1400 YEARS ago - it has NO relevance today.A BOOK does NOT make ANYONE do that shit, it's personal choice. Following the Koran literally is a sin in Islam! Not that many have actually read it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a shameless piece of shit. precisely why Obozo appointed her","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the niggers and moslems are anti christ im da anti nigger sanz","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Meet Shukria.A young refugee with an incredible talent for poetry. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I can\"t believe that AJ+ is so closed minded media. It just made this news from nothing and made lots of bullshit.Saudi Arabia are not attacking Yemen, Saudia arabia is attacking ISIS in Yemen. Yemen people are living among Saudi cities and there are millions of them there. If Saudi Arabia was actually doing what ever bullshit that this news media are saying, Saudia Arabia would be in civil war. It's such an non sense.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"wouldnt the same muggers come back for more?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As a wee nigger rabbi I was classically trained","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I don't get it! Is he raising her children or did they have them together? I think he meant \"Dating a white girl with black kids\" but failed pretty hard at pulling it off. I think he means that the black mom already got a bunch of kids when they start dating Well, I certainly wouldn't commit to a relationship if she already had kids unless I had a VERY secure financial situation...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a wetback looks like when he gets caught crossing the border. @Ilovebamf http:\/\/t.co\/j3Uf1TYubO","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Your boats shall drown in the Mediterranean Sea and the rest of you, which had not assimilated into our society will leave immediately. #RefugeesNotWelcome #IllegalAliens ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A Black school teacher, Shonterikka Williams, was fried after she told her Asian student to be \"less chinky and stop doing \"oriental things. The Black teacher's defense: this is the \"war on black women and she can't \"personally be racist to Asians because they are closer to white people in terms of supremacy. These are the people teaching your kids. Stupid nigger can't see through her own hypocrisy. That's what happens when your IQ is on par with retardation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The pure misery in these men s eyes it s heart breaking. God bless them!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have always hated these two creatures. Arrogant as fuck and probably trannies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Anything to change our culture. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eh, plenty of them have no more entanglement than a long term relationship with a spic or gookess. Enough pressure, and that problem may disappear. The only real problem is that the PB encourage nonwhites to join, which encourages some degree of friendship between human and nonhuman males.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@KevinMarin27 I like him but I really doubt he even plays We already got a lot in the big man rotation committed to Bosh bird mcbob and shawne","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If she dressed like a hoe in the cold she a real Whore ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Then I guess the only recourse we have is to deport them to Russia. I'm sure a nice immigrant family can fill their home once they are gone. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Medz4u: not all black girls are ghetto though","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user shut the FUCK up you infected pussy fungus. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wherever they arrive #Muslim migrants bring destruction, unrest, fear and crime!So why do we keep taking them in?#Spanish people may have voted in a socialist government but surely they haven't voted for their own demiseVote the gov down, fight back or accept being conquered ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Dr.Ron Paul! #makelibertywin #yalcon2018 #presidentpaul #endthefed #sendthemhome #liberty @ Reston, Virginia ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that bitch wanna act funny bitch ima act hysterical ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @ugIycutie: one, two, three, four, how many niggers are in my store?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"them jants be clutch for bedtime tho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Black people are Gods choosen people thats why were hated on so much just read the story of jesus plain and simple, everything you need to know about everything thats going on in this world is in the bible.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"politics is cringe https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=rqpYhSBcF3k","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I could choose whether to take a big shit or to spend the day with retarded Kanya West ......","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/ashland.arditi\/videos\/10215438134018280\/?t=0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's so many stories of people attacking other people just because they're wearing these hats. Imagine being such a cunt you feel the need to attack someone because of their political beliefs. Edit: Sweet Jesus fuck, look at that face!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"More proof that Muslim dominated countries are shit holes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yeah what about Hillary's law suit accusing her of negligent homicide. They are both crooks and belong in jail.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Whore of Babylon (6 of 6) https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=DAIScuwvhGw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Trump, the only thing you worship is Putin's dick and money. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if you are hiding in the dark you are not righteous.. a small element of the Police Service of Northern Ireland now are.. they have gone Gorilla - off the clock.. led by a cunt struck inspector - who lives in the new development between Ballybeen and Newtownards.. up on the right.. he has a sheeps head and the balls of a mouse..","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"First, they wanted tolerance. Then acceptance. Finally, worship. Now they want to replace all straight people. The lesson, which has been shown time and time again is that once you give a formally oppressed subculture equality, they turn on the people who freed them. This is why Rome fell. This is why America will fall too. Stop freeing faggots. Not all faggots demand faggotry to be the norm, that's just a very vocal minority that's covering its ears and crying opression.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Well FHUTA (my gamertag) was just banned today and its all thanks to @user @user you pussy platoon fucks decided that FHUTA was such a bad fucking word you decided to hide it in the depths of your foreskins. I hope you get ligma and die. P.S. fuck u. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh wow he commuted a crime against KIM FUCKING JONG FUCKING UN! THE FUCKING ASSHOLE DICTATOR RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEATHS OF MILLIONS! He just tried to steal one little thing. Like Fr. North Korea has to fucking chill!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Please VOTE NO !!! to the COMMIE PINKO FAGGOT Democrats !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":">Hundreds of Palestinian children remain locked up with little attention on their cases. Did those children attack soldiers or civilians? Because if so, they should really be considering prison to be a kindness. It's a lot nicer than what they would do if the roles were reversed. If roles were reversed and they were Jews, they would be dead. There is a reason your people fuck goats. No women would ever fuck you unless raped. Think of a sexy white women that has great sex with you at night and falls asleep in your arms....and realize that will never happen to you. Are you a bitch ass hoe, or a hoe ass bitch? Now you are playing a black man. But i know who your rabbi is. Whats it like living in a 3rd world country where you never get to have sex with women, so you break down and have to get up in the goat ass? Sad. Im a jew from israel, rabbi.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We can't hump these nasty bitches any more bc the dirty filthy Dem-Commies will let girls come back yrs later and make fraudulent claims against us. Even though the girl in ur photo is dressed to get fucked? You can tell bc she went thru the Trouble of cutting off her shorts and pulling them up in to her Ass and Cunt Crack. \"Be responsible. Dress Responsibility\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Thomas_Wictor So the fun new conspiracy theory making the rounds is that both President's Bush and Obama knew where OBL was all along - hiding in Iran - and said nothing while we lost soldiers looking for him in Afghansistan. People are fucking retarded. https:\/\/twitter.com\/drawandstrike\/status\/1053774119630766080 People are fucking retarded to think that 15 Saudis hijacked planes and flew them into buildings and we attacked Afghanistan! Not Saudi! GHWB, GWB, are GLOBALIST BULLSHIT ARTISTS.. We got bombed by Japan at Pearl Harbor, and then we bombed JAPAN!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @_chocgirL: Rich homie and bird man gone be at mansion lan tonight ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fck off you sick cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"More #liberal crap... \"Alyssa Milano: 'I'm Filled with Rage' Trump, GOP Institutionalizing Sexual Abuse\" https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/03\/alyssa-milano-im-filled-with-rage-trump-gop-institutionalizing-sexual-abuse\/ #STUPID","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Love your race, not nigger fucking Jews like Yiannopoulos \"Oy Vey, you goyim are so dumb. Why don't you be conservative and follow a nigger fucking gay Jew like me?\" Hello JIDF. How's the weather in Tel-Aviv?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Actually...........I see a nod of approval towards the end............and for sure he shows respect to the PM of Ireland who spoke without pause..................Not a fan of Mr.Trump.but I'm not gonna bash him for no reason........I think it was more of a compliment from Ireland and not a bad Trump moment................","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't mind black people.....hate niggers!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"oh...a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When you finally find yourself a sugar daddy and all your dreams come true ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is Tommy Robinson?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pompeo, at U.N., Says North Korean Leader Must Keep Vow to Denuclearize ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hundreds of arrests at DC protest against immigration policy ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Men really don't care being called a hoe or whore . Shit don't bother us ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" It seems like you'd object to their ideology rather than their race: Communist......","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Faggot Police Are Here! The Effeminate Boys In Powder Puff Blue! Far Too Limp Wristed To Defend Themselves, Never Mind You!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user It should foment anger. Only idiots open their borders to people who will NEVER assimilate. Majority of Black Africans coming into Europe are NOT refugees and had the money to pay for trip over, which is expensive. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If Ford's allegations came up against Merrick Garland, retarded liberals would be singing the exact opposite tune. Just goes to show how you behave when your only morals are based upon a foundation of political thinking and nothing else.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So it's a quarter mil a year or new Hitler? Those are our only choices? That's retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"hungry","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Early bird get the worm.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gave her that \"move it lil nigger\" push smh.. http:\/\/t.co\/EKdSI8pQdD","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@GeorgeTakei He broke USPS.He welcomed foreign interference. He abused the powers of incumbency.He has his own media who hide his flaws from his base.. He has pulled every election trick in the book. And he's losing. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be in the WH.There's work to do","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Smh u niggers and ur music knowledge","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fully indulging in the absolute stupidity of this. Literally on the AS and none of these apply. It's like they think Autism is actually something cool or fun, nah. Welcome to not being able to eat things because they feel wrong, or being unable to hold friends down because you don't know what they mean, and all this shitty kind of lack of intuition, fuck it sucks. And besides this there are few, few physical symptoms. Gag me with a well sanitized and stainless steel spoon before I accept these Tumblr twats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Silly bint, you get the husband in university and THEN drop out, duh. Order of operations!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She's ruining her daughters life acting like that as if this is the acceptable norm.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This Election Day, the choice we have is clear: four more years of prosperity and conservative governance under President Trump, or an economic collapse and radical leftism under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. #ampFW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This octaroon nigger gets more diversity privilege than Ellison and Obama. I found the gay accuser. Here he is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This Mexican woman is seeking asylum the way the #Trump administration wants, the legal way, and it's working. #RuleOfLaw #NationOfLaws #LegalImmigration ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger is a word ..words belong to no one .. IF a word can ruin your day you're going to have a miserable life ..","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Angry Demonrat Mob That Doesn't Exist https:\/\/youtu.be\/3Zr8X-2JTpo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Avenatti shreds Trump as a \"misogynist pig\" for mocking Ford https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/g25vJe\/Dols_XVXUAIsf_Y.png https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/5pXC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you are stupid enough to follow trump-you might be a full on RETARD. trump is a born rich eletist who inherited his wealth,went to Ivy League college on daddy's dime,dodged the draft 5x,made his money hiring illegal immigrant construction workers and shafting blue collar workers, and went bankruptcy 5x (a form of WELFARE). You're the retard following trump you're so stupid you make Down syndrome patients look smart ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hello, Folks! Quick Update: I've been back home on the east coast for the past few weeks continuing to animate the long-awaited sequel of Waking Up. Some more green screen skits and short films are in the works as well, including A Clockwork Orange parody that I'll be filming this month. Very excited to get back to the creative grind. Stay Tuned for Previews!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"1,500 migrants have died in Mediterranean in 2018 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate these ugly ass white people... Surprised the KKK didn't come. People are afraid of Muslims for no reason. DAMN! GROW UP!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No it's not! You're fucking retarded! I dare you to fucking site me the law where anti-Semitism is against the law. I can call you a nigger, kike, chink, spic, and there's nothing you can fucking do about it. Every retard just like you, needs to fucking burn!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This year a young immigrant from Mali saved the life of a child in France. The President of France personally awarded him a National hero medal for bravery after inviting him to the Elys e Palace, offered him French citizenship and a job. This year, the https:\/\/t.co\/hKdEgTi5ya ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Carl \"It Depends On The Child\" Benjamin (@sargonofakkad100) agrees with @a's stance against loli despite admitting its protected under free speech in US because its...reasonable? And because of the \"current climate\". Yeah, these aren't valid arguments. You are advocating for the ban of something because you don't like it and find it gross while allowing other things some people will dislike\/find gross. This is getting really absurd and everytime Gab doubles down on this they just look worse. I still stand by my argument that it should all be allowed as long as its behind a NSFW filter with an accurate text description. However to do this Gab would need to fix an issue because the NSFW filter hides the text AND the image instead of just hiding the image. https:\/\/youtu.be\/10AVjYeDvhU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's trash tho @_dimejii: Its 10 Million Naira If You Want Me On Your Song Wizkid http:\/\/t.co\/Nsxaacj4jG via @naijaxclusive ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HOW MANY DACA HAVE BEEN ARRESTED FOR SMUGGLING PEOPLE OVER THE BORDER?#NoDACA #nohr392 #noh4ead #NoAmnesty ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@waltshaub So did I. #BlueWave2020 #BidenHarris2020 #NeverTrump #RepublicansForBiden","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Study Conflants Illegal Immigrants with Legal Immigrants to get a low Crime Numberr #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising Red Hen ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This.. from back in April says a lot. This says so much about her... https:\/\/imgur.com\/gallery\/wCO90F9 Yeah, I saw that one later too. What a bitter, bitter human.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It would only be fair to say, with that Restaurant owners logic that ,All French people are scum on earth for their immoral colonization, raping and killing of innocent civilians for land and its resources. Muslims don't colonize people countries, rape their women, steal their resources and act like we are the champions of freedom.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Soy_boy message me cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why didn't you say she has a hair cunt special? We would've known.. Fuck this POS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Paedophile prophet loving cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@JaiBrooks1 not funny u faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"As for the UK turning brown, that is sad...but I've never been there. I wish the White Brits godspeed. I am an American, ok? READING IS FUNDAMENTAL RETARD","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Awww did the little Muslim have to edit his Morom to Moron cause his IQ is so low ?...Lol everyone can see you edited your post you Ignorant Goat Loving Muslim , carry your camel Jockey sand Nigger ass back to Twitter where you Belong ,you Muslim SOB","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"what do you think of jews? kind of agree with that You seem to know a lot about sperm guzzling, Ken. Speaking from experience, eh? what are you a gay fish","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @notflappybird: Tag a friend that sucks at flappy bird @me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can this be a thing we can do? Like an Onion\/Babylon Bee style website where we use their own SJW nonsense against them? Like legit, I'm in. Who wants to work with me on this. This will be epic. Who's in? I'll shitpost with you, pede. Here's what I'm thinking. Every time they go after a woman, or a minority on the right we just slam them for being racists sexists. Any man on the left who acts up: toxic masculinity. Any Woman on the left who says stuff like abortion is the only choice is a gender traitor. and#x200B; So much good material too (Keith Ellison) we should definitely use the hashtag #puffho #puffingtonhost and put it up on their twitter or ig. Praising them for being so \"woke This is unironically a fantastic idea. We shouldn't frame it as satire though, just pure factual exposure of leftist hypocrisy and bigotry. Hold them to their own standards so they can see how retarded they are","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Jokes on you, I'm already a faggot!\" Nice save. Not as good as redirecting onto someone's avatar. Teach me how to be a mighty faggot, senpai. \"Please don't acknowledge my name, my avatar, or my header, I'm just ironically promoting some gayass Reddit shit!\" If you had anything of substance to say, I'd respond to that. \"I'm just a troll, don't take me seriously, don't shit on my retarded ideology!\" Trolls don't admit they're trolls. You aren't trolling, you're shitposting your genuine beliefs while cowardly escaping criticism through false claims of irony. #MGTOW The grovelling to women, male feminist beta, cries out in pain as he punches himself in the face, for his white aryan princess in wheatfields ... and still cant get a white whore to fuck him ... lol @kekservative Keep crying male feminist, beta faggot, white whores will always refuse to fuck you ... lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user you fucking bitch! You don't know a fuck about acting. You're just a fucking whore who's used to getting fucked by random dudes you don't even know. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lauren and I ate candy we found on the floor during class we are trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you got a tattoo today you a hoe ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user If you'll just move to Hollywood and produce good movies, you may rape women with impuni ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"u\/titletoimagebot takes the title of a reddit post and puts it at the top of an image. You can also use quotes to put in your own title. Turns out the bot is retarded and only responds half the time though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He's a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @FoxNewsSunday: .@RandPaul: There's no way 15 people were sent to Turkey to kill a dissident without the approval of the crown Prince. #FNS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is why I can't stand being a republican...too many deplorable baboons, just too many and to think that apology means something...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Just throw them back into Mexico.No more taxpayer-supported dependents.Jobs for citizens not invading criminals and their children.#NoAmnesty#NoDACADeport ALL illegals.Arrest ALL sanctuary officials.Fire ALL pro-amnesty politicians.#BuildTheWall ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just got banned for trying to post the Cards Against Humanity post from earlier today. Fucking cunts. Cunts. Absolute fucking cunts. I hope everyone watches their love one for of ass cancer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Because leftists lack zero. zilch, nada legit platforms, they obsessively manipulate to push their narratives. To enrage them, simply think for yourself and vote accordingly. #RedTsunami2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah you people are fucking retarded it's so obviously fucking fake. Jesus fuck when did this sub transition into a blind horseshoe curve.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The movie barely made 8% on Kickstarter. Talk about free publicity. ***** The source of the black humour is the Party leadership throwing, well, a lavish party, while a city of several millions starves at exactly 125 g of black bread per day per civilian. This obviously goes against Soviet historiography, which is accepted as standard that is best not deviated from in Russian political discourse - even though it's fairly widely known that the leadership in Leningrad did enjoy less-than-entirely-pressing conditions. It also hits the Russian political elite as close to home as the NPC meme. ***** Oh, Marx, someone has tried to up the retardation ante already, and played the \"obscure politically incorrect incident from the past card. Poorly. https:\/\/www.rt.com\/russia\/441886-rogozin-nazi-fake-photo\/ Huge country, huge morons. so they weren't even making cannibalism jokes, just showing the reality of Party tops fucking over the proletariat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You said: >UK police cannot be bothered to arrest pedophile gangs I pointed out that they *were* arrested. And the time it took was courtesy of politicians, not police officers. People on this side of the Atlantic were appalled by the issue and it was covered widely in the media. But political issues aside, our plod don't mince around shooting black kids in the back for fun, or thieving money off people. By and large they're very capable - and they don't need fucking military hardware either, because they're actually trained and able to do their job. Shocker, I know. Now you've moved the goalposts and stated \"immediately\", to try and further your cunty point. It's a pretty transparent effort all in all. >Don't just imply your stupidity, own it. Did someone use that phrase on you and you took to repeating it because you thought it sounded good? I can't think why you'd write something so incongruous otherwise.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#Trump2020 we are ALL EARS! https:\/\/t.co\/LAnW2CywrH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\" we will kicked all illegal immigrant cuz they do crimes and and they are rapist\" And during his speech everyone who supported him falls for this fool when the media has hidden his files story glad for the media has guts to show about his past","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"TV ads are trying hard to meme white men with nigger bitches. It's hillariously painful","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I was arrested for saying the word nigger in 1997, I was on private property in a garage and I said it to my friend. The beaner cop said it was using words most likely to provoke a fight, at the jail I was screaming NIGER NIGGER and the fact of the matter is, he stepped on my constitutional rights and the charge was changed to disorderly conduct. Bad cop, no donuts. When I was a kid it was a felony to say the F word to a cop or spit on him or threaten him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Can I fetch anyone a Midol? She should STFU. She is not an American.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.prisonplanet.com\/video-gay-muslim-drag-queen-causes-confusion.html Being a fucking faggot hurts poor allahs heart you filthy queer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @neiltyson: Just to settle it once and for all: Which came first the Chicken or the Egg? The Egg -- laid by a bird that was not a Chicken","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm just as bitter as the day it happened. FUCK YOU! #GoDie #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why should they work.There is no incentive.They are abused in schools because they are males, are humiliated everywhere in media when they grow up.Why should they return to plantation?Media is more concerned about women problems.It should not be a problem employ more women to fill the void.A company with only women is considered diverse and supported.One with only men is considered discriminatory and risked to loose the business. >Why should they work.There is no incentive. you don't call a narcissitic she-devil who will scream your head off when you come home daily from work , put all her problems before yours, always feel like she settled for less and resent you, eventually cheat on you, and then divorce rape you, the proper incentive ? \/s ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Haha, you must be pozzed to be triggered like this!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Parisian woman hit by Rapefugee ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not just survival! Flourishing, we can conquer the galaxy if we didn't constantly have to pay nigger tax","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Wrong, you slithering kunt. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oh, look a kike faggot made himself a meme.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fake or not, I love how he starts civilized but turns ghetto as soon he realizes he's dealing with a cunt. Fight fire with fire.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Rapper T.I. Releases Sexist Promo Video Featuring Stripping Melania Trump Lookalike. The First Lady Responds. https:\/\/www.dailywire.com\/news\/37248\/rapper-ti-releases-sexist-video-promo-featuring-amanda-prestigiacomo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, I have critical thinking skills and you blindly believe all the LIES! You belong in the retarded masses! Easily manipulated monkey brains!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When you're an engineer in California, you get work emails informing you that your company is screening homosexual pedophile movies that you are invited to attend. Romantic movie about a cop and twelve year old falling in love. Email says boy is a \"teen, Wikipedia says boy is twelve @chriscantwell","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bad policy compounded by corporate corruption. This is not OK. #ICE. #refugee #ImmigrationChildren #Elections2018 #Impeach45 @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Okay I don't really care for some of vox's opinions but what are you doing Indiegogo? All you are doing by shutting him up and cutting off his methods of making profit all you're doing is proving him and his followers *right*. Conspiracy theorists believe the world is out to get them and the one thing you can do to make sure that they don't get traction is this . DONT MAKE THEM MARTYRS. All you had to do was let them publish their stupid comic book. let it go unnoticed at the bottom of the top 200 and then let the people forget it ever happened. Have you never heard of the *Streisand Effect*? The same thing with Charlottesville. Honestly if Antifa hadn't shown up it would've been a source for us to laugh at the 50 tiki torch morons for a day and move on like nothing happened. > Those who were in charge of that demonstration are not the sharpest tools in the tool box. Former Obama supporter. And they didn't expect the local authorities, from the governor and mayor to the state and local police to be 100% on the side of the Left, to violate a Federal judge's ruling, etc. It was an unusual case of anarcho-tyranny, with the police pushing the alt-righers into the crowd of already violent Antifa and BLM members.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I saw a 12 year old girl pulling tricks just around the 7-11 downtown on Randolph. \"Comeback City\" really only means \"People from Canada and Royal coming to Lions games and going to the bars and restaurants after\". Yeah tone \"ghost\" from the victory inn is still around here (you can. Google him our sex traffickers are infamous and their \"offices\" are landmarks) so watch your kids. He's snatchin them. Probably gonna a let dragon lady out on bail with her hot ass coat hangers and they'll set up shop by Ferndale. Prostitot might be safer out there than in the school with all the lead in the water...but Detroit kids get a belly full of lead one way or another eventually so maybe they'll build a tolerance.. The problem they refuse to face. I could sympathize, but I feel it would be unfair, because I haven't had 1\/10th of the things that happened to you happen to me. I can't say I don't feel sorry though. I'm with you on most of the things you express, but I m not right and I can't hate people. Individuals, yes; people, no. Hope with all my heart that life will let you find your peace of mind! > This relationship i have with you guys, the right You do know a large portion of this sub, maybe even a majority, are left of center, correct?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"correction bitch cunt covering her face","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @LilTunechi: Eddie Lacy rookie of the year! Well deserved The green and yellow bumble bee bekuz if he hit ya it's gon sting!Green Bay all ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WW1 was a fully retarded and unnecessary war. Germany (Austria-Hungary) was in the right, while the Russians, under Tsar Nicholas II, was dead wrong. Russia started WW1 and WW2 was directly birthed from it. But WW2 was also unnecessary. Germany was interested in the EAST, not western Europe. Hitler, left alone, would have ended the Soviet Union and saved the world billions of lives and dollars spent in the Cold War.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"From refugee to U.S citizen. This is \"Al's Story.\" VIDEO ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jihadis are running a claim that the King of #Saudi Arabia died two days ago. Must be the bombs falling on em that r making em hallucinate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The comments made me realize how retarded some of these women really are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hate entitled cunts as much as any of you animals. But that dickhead cop went way over the top.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user For God sake,don't put India to danger by unchecked Appeasement of ur special community,illegal migrants.NATION is supreme ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @user It's April fools day but I clown you bitches every day. Imma take the day off, have a good day, see you tomorrow (Stolen fr ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well if you're misanthropic, you hate men and women equally. So...it's fine? I mean, if you want to be an edgelord. Let's let edgy teens and early twenty-somethings have their hate. It makes them easier to avoid.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@venusdemilotic @JoelJerseyGuy @WSJ The flu kills more people and we never had to wear a mask before. Go back into hiding. If you are concerned then you wear the mask and stay away from someone without one just that simple. A bunch of political BS #NoMask #Trump2020","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@matthewamiller @Stevens18Clint I've never cared what Trump says - anywhere, about anything. Joe, Kamala, and the rest of the team they bring in are going to be running like hell to fix the last 4 years of chaos and destruction. Too bad we didn't take senate majority, but we'll have the VP vote to break ties.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Be aware of anyone who capitalizes every word- sure sign of a fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"TFW you realize that everyone in @SenateGOP would definitely smile and applaud if Trump decided to overstay his welcome.#VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/tIH9v0Gblx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Straight-A Student, 21, kidnapped, raped and murdered by South African gang https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/straight-a-student-21-kidnapped-raped-and-murdered-by-south-african-gang\/#.W8UGpEByt_","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My manager @7FLyy new brand | PRE - ORDER NOW w\/ (404) 394-1570 --> @sevenflyy \"Red Lust\" and \"Cherry White\" beanies http:\/\/t.co\/LxjMBCTgJj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Radicalised twat who converted to Islamic extremism and joined ISIS is now wetting his pants in a Syrian jail.Why not just shoot the motherf-r! ISIS vermin need eradicating, not tea and sympathy. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6323335\/Canadian-government-crushes-British-Muslim-Jack-Letts-hopes-freed-Kurdish-jail.html Poor little mite ....you made your bed an' all LOL Yeah I thought that too but his popularity has waned in the past year or so","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user I'd curse the person who called them a slut, call them a cunt and tell them to leave them alone. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are Blacks (Sub-Sahara-descended peoples) more closely related to apes than are Whites (European-descended peoples)? https:\/\/www.nature.com\/articles\/nature11128\/figures\/4 Evolution is a lie. We all came from Adam and Eve. Then later From Noah's 3 children. Even North European folk Came from the Middle East. Good morning lol Dinosaurs never existed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user @user bitch that was same rape case from last year try again ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"US government will take Palestine refugees the endless hope to go back home. Back to their homeland. New US politics will make Palestine refugees officially \"stateless\". ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Wow, that's horrednously unprofessional, homosexual, and fake. It's sad that it's easy for you to believe that retarded story.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @RT_America: Russell Brand mocks Bill O'Reilly for proposing Berlin Wall against immigrants (VIDEO) http:\/\/t.co\/WtzD2MIBf6 http:\/\/t.co\/A ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">an offshoot of toxic masculinity Fucking how in the shit does a person even come to that conclusion?.. I'd say it's impressive, but my jimmies have been rustled too much to concede. TL;DR: CUNT!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Only 5 away from 200 followers! Let's go Patriots! @Truthwillwin007 @QAnon_Report @RealJamesWoods @MajorP8riot @JackPosobiec please help and retweet! Is little guys are in the fight too! #MAGA2020 #WWG1WWGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@a Gab Fam: The House of Saud is the 2nd largest investor in Twitter. [Here is Prince Al-Waleed meeting with Jack Dorsey] If you have been kicked off of this platform, please support Senator Rand Paul's Bill to end arms sales to Saudi Arabia. YES!!!! the best thing Putin and Trump could do is launch a joint nuclear strike on the Muslim world wiping out at least 90% of them.. take out Mecca first! the job would require at least 2,000 nukes..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MarciMo13888676 The people accusing Joe of being a pedophile have no problem with Trump and the way he talks about his daughter body and stuff like this #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/fx4ChuxRa1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"jealous? or mad it wasn't you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One less nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The person didn't make any assumptions about what you've been through or pretend that adopting was as easy as going to a shelter. Stop projecting your frustration on them. They simply suggested considering adoption; stop being a cunt about it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Built by nigger Christians. Collapsed. 160 killed. Jesus was not there to help his house, and his followers.... Bad, bad Jesus.... POINT BEING: It's not their Christianity that makes difference, it's their RACE. https:\/\/www.pbs.org\/newshour\/world\/nigerian-church-collapses-worshippers-kills-160-peopl","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Forced migration history: ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Who should primary Murkowski? It's official. Sarah Palin definitely listens to the Radical Agenda. https:\/\/twitter.com\/SarahPalinUSA\/status\/1048288254422728704","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that cunt should be publicly hung for treason, war crimes and murder","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How shitty of a person do you have to be to get pissed because a guy in a wheelchair has been trained [to find children that are being trafficked for sex and other abuse](https:\/\/www.ice.gov\/hero)? ICE = ebil nazi racists who hate anyone that isn't hwite. ICE = neo-nazi jew hunters","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Directions to the special needs school I bet. However, it isn't legal anymore to shoot a nigger in the back running away from you. You can only shoot them after they break in. The sad fact is that the old white guy will be convicted. The stupid nigger kid will sue and get a huge amount of money.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My whole life is a bunch of poor decisions followed by thoughts of 'how's this one gonna bite me in the ass' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Have at it. White women have lowered themselves to either cunt lickers or nigger lovers, they are not \"oppressed anymore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Shut the fuck up cunt Thanks \/u\/BinaryFaggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"you kidding? He just made his bones in Washington DC and will soon be on Hillary's and Soros payroll ! He looks like a righteous little faggot soyboy","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Is she Peter Griffen kind of retarded? Wow.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yes he does trust me. If trump wins Obama and Hillary will be headed off to prison. Why else would Obama be so endorsing that Bitch? Cause he don't wanna go to the slammer and neither does Hillary.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I dunno. I mean I'm Celt and Danish, born\/live in Canada and speak English and French. I'm not even sure what language I should be speaking now. I'm just all around offensive. I ain't no Jute tho, you stay off my island ya north-german :P","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most black kids don't even know who their dads are. But in this case it would have been been better if the piece of shit dad had fucked off before this poor kid was born https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2CbQHbd Stupid white girl had his baby to start with! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Utter Hypocrisy And Stupidity Of The Illegal Immigrant Parent-Child Separation Debate It is what leftists do.Slow down Trump by any means... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He is the worst of the worst! I can't believe that the Republican party could not have elected a more qualified candidate!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This I got to see. I deliberately chose not to watch the FoxNews coverage of the Retard Bomber because douchebag Shep Smith was covering it!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck Palestine","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @RamonRoblesJr: Good morning Baton Rouge. @ajohnson_a having a nip of @MBMoonshine http:\/\/t.co\/5JZH1BhWWk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck the police.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Charlie and Ron has constantly put out heat for their entire careers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the dapl protestors are not violemt people trying to riot. the guy trump made that comment about was a man that was violently trying to disrupt a rally. compairing the two is not fair to the dapl protestors and is misleading information.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TED_x_ talk. Let's not kid ourselves here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, sink the boats. They are all devil terrorists. And as to what I would do if one of them came to my doorstep.... I'm afraid I am not legally allowed to do what I would wish to do. They are the enemy. Remember Paris.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#SanDiego #SanctuaryState #Immigrants #UnDocumented #ICE#California #Democrats have chosen 1. Criminals over the #safety of the people; and... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They call women \"feminists\" but then sit there pontificating on their sexual preferences in women OPENLY in MIXED COMPANY. I never see women doing this. \"Okay here's my list of things I find hot on a man\" - is a conversation I have in private with my girlfriends. The right wing is fucked. And this is the LEAST of the retarded bullshit that was ONCE considered \"locker room talk\" that the bottom feeders in the Dolt Right just verbally vomit on social media. Go back to being liberals. You sure act like people with zero standards of behavior whatsoever. Whoops. I did it again. Screenshot this! I agree but I believe that is far more common amoungst the incel Reddit crowd. Furthermore, your enumeration is just one of many on my list of fuck it, let it burn. If you are upset about me, the discussion was about the way feminists protestors and how they are treating the government like married men. Someone said all women was feminists and I disagreed telling them that women have natural desires as well as men. no I was just flooded by tons of posts talking about tits and ass lol wtf No, people are naming their preferences, I was talking about male natural attraction traits and female natural attraction traits. I'm not sure what you're refering, I'm guessing rather explicit things, sometimes it's good for guys, specially younger guys, to know what a woman finds atractive. However with that I mean being assertive, masculine, confident, etc. Talking about sex in public, yeah, I've always hated that. Not right wing. Not Altright. Not \/ourgirl\/.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm centre-left wing and Australian and I despise the Disney SW films. Go fuck yourself Dr. Morten Bay.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To all: @Cantwell is an admitted FBI Informant. Why is he out of jail when all the others are still inside. Whose to say he isnt why Ram got arrested? Whose to say anything. Dont support this race traitor in any way. #FBI #CryingNazi #Plant #Spook? Is that your position?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JamesOKeefeIII: Staffers laud McCaskill for hiding gun views in undercover video: 'She's really good about strategy https:\/\/t.co\/O0UKWuWhh7 via @washtimes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCK THIS NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That final slap brought that cunt back from the dead. Slapped that thot so hard that he sent her back to the shadow realm","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @indykaila: Exclusive: Ars ne Wenger gave two yellow cards and red card while refereeing a charity match in Rome. @Arsenal","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can assure you that these women are few are far between. In my 4 years of living here, I've never come across one, whereas almost every women in uni in their 20's is a feminist in the states I can get on with that. I don't necessarily know if the traditionalism is fake, but I believe you Just wanted to throw in the fact that you're six foot? You're a big handsome boy aren't you! If you're from North America\/Western Europe then actually they will be better for you. They cost much less and look better (on average, thanks to fakeup and fancy clothes). They're also noticeably slimmer. Plus, feminism isn't nearly as bad here as it is in the West, so there're still enough unspoiled women in Russia, especially in rural areas. But, under the surface, I think there's no real difference. People are people, we're all the same. Sometimes I pretend like I'm an American tourist and speak English with Russian girls. You should see their faces =) So traditional all of a sudden.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck that pussy ass faggot bill maher with a rusty dildo","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You guys are a bunch of gamerfags and you're a glow in the dark cia nigger whatever you say eurocuck","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"@nohands_24: \"@20ToLife_: \"@nohands_24: \"@DejaaLeeann_: @B_Coleman2 swears I'm #1 man\" easily\" easily\" behind Austin\" nip?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"who is the nigger guy on the right?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"they are god to me. where is the god we are praying and asking everyday for his help?please show yourself. the world need you and your help..are you real?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I bet she want's more muzzie refugees let in thinking that if they will screw a donkey she might just have a good shot at getting laid","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"shes a fucking bitch and has a drinking problem but that pussy good ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looks like a fucking ratface faggot from the side.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"There is no God damn way that was \"accidental contact\". Are you blind or retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A Message From Oregon Police Chief Danielle Outlaw https:\/\/www.portlandoregon.gov\/police\/article\/658250 THIS Outlaw Police Chief was recruited from Oakland CA! Not even kidding!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is that a threat?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@salomanizor I'm a faggot :\/http:\/\/t.co\/Gr627ldfaa","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So many funny lines from her \"I just wanna go home\" (as she sits in a car she KNOWS isn't going to do that) \"It's a free country I suppose\" \"Any last words before your Uber career is over?\" She clearly is used to bossing people around and probably has gagged on her silver spoon throughout her life. You can tell by her tone she has that, \"I want to talk to your manager,\" kind of air to her. A real bitch. aka: daddy issues I doubt it. If anything, she has had her daddy in the picture, and he spoils her rotten so she acts like a constant brat. You don't lick it off the rocks, as the Irish say.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Aww you have to go back to spamming because you cant use words like a big boy. LOL You mean you're mad ;) Sure my little dancing monkey. Whatever you say. LOL I don't mind dancing to you being mad LOL ;) You can say I'm mad all you like but I'm not. This is funny. I dont even have to do anything and you just spam away. You really are a trained little monkey and don't even know it. I'm here for you all night honey ;) I'm sure you will and once you are tired I'll wind you up to dance more. LMFAO Fucking dolt. LOL You try so hard. I pwn you ;) I'm not even doing anything. The simple fact that you think you \"pwned\" me by spamming while I sit here and do nothing is really hilarious. You dont understand what trolling means if you think this is winning. LMFAO Oh, You stretch your ass for just such an occasion? LOL LOL Sure I'm just so angry, my little dancing monkey.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NIGGER FUCKING CUNT SHOULD BE SLIT OPEN FROM STEM TO STERN","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How about you go fuck yourself http:\/\/europa.eu\/rapid\/press-release_SPEECH-15-5754_en.htm Yes because they are hand in hand. Jews<>Moslims .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SamValley @jaketapper Is that a rhetorical question? LMAO! #MAGA2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ex-Teacher Pleads Not guilty To Rape Charges ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It must be amazing to be me ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Syrian migrant arrested for raping 13-year-old Swedish girl ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DRUGS> Is why #Giants are losing. Just ask #barrybonds and the HEDGE BET FUND> #WorldSeriesGame6 #faggots","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Christian immigrant woman from Afghanistan killed for accepting Jesus as her savior. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Weekends vs weekdays ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Asking you a question is \"spewing lies\"? Nutcase. I didn't ask you to impress me. I asked you where I can verify your position in scripture. That's when you acted like the cunt you are. Way to represent Yah! Bitter little idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ppd must have been retarded that day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Today we found out my wife was pregnant with a girl. Like a normal bitch she can't do anything right ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This brings me serious joy. #StrongerTogether #BidenHarris2020 #VOTE #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica https:\/\/t.co\/rhCI3wk0Qu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gotta discourage a race war, mang... Bribe the judge, and anyone involved... the punishment for race war acts must be severe.. But when black serial killers go in the run... when white trash moms kill their own white kids... or when retards do any other shit, that's just a few decades in prison, or probation. Pretty sure you might be retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You don't have to worry about angles anymore... These bitches out here face swapping with their friends tryna trick to ass ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user had every right to shutdown Central American Minors Program those kids are not refugees has nothng to do with Race Just Another Illegal Obama Program Ended #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #ImmigrationReform - via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Retarded soyboys","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So I just read that @Pink @amyschumer @MarkRuffalo think they're going to turn our great state of Texas blue...all I can say is \"Come And Take It !! #TexansForTrump #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thanks jews.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just submitted a comment saying NO to the Citizenship Question .@realDonaldTrump plans to include a citizenship question on the 2020 Census this question will instill fear in immigrant communities and will lead to an undercount of the national population. Submit a comment TODAY! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Harry_Styles: It was all yellow. http:\/\/t.co\/xB4dkWuoKi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm a Nazi podcaster, and according to 23andMe, I have more Ashkenazi DNA, than Elizabeth Warren has Native American DNA. Not as bad as 100% faggot you fucking queer! Get gassed!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"In case you missed it. As well as a mouth on you like a cow's cunt you have the attention span of a Privett hedge.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He's a registered Democrat faggot like you.........LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Imagined that twat says. Hell of a lot of \"imagined\" convictions so far.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why is this cunt not in prison yet?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"GOOD FOR THIS WOMAN!!!! MUSLIMS ARE SATANIC, PERIOD!!!!!! WHERE IN THIS VIDEO IS THE PERCENTAGE OF MUSLIM CRIME AGAINST NON-MUSLIMS???????","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Muslim cunt jailed for six months in Paris and fined had already been in trouble for pimping and violence; https:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-gb\/news\/world\/parisian-street-slap-man-jailed-for-six-months\/ar-BBNXBtT?li=BBoPWjQandocid=wispr","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"As much as I hate that little bitch Klepek, I don't think that qualifies as a soy boy smile. It's more like a scream. Granted, it's about as menacing as a baby fart, but it's not the gaping-maw'd faggotface we get from your typical SJW nu-male.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"President Trump Hosts Law Enforcement Roundtable on MS-13 Gangs and Immigration Issues ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Immigration leads to people not being used to self mange in the NHS I often hear in our country well its not your country u take ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate religious people who blame the devil for making them say very insulting statements. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"I can't stop being short, but you can stop being a bitchy cunt.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@JoeBiden TOO LATE MR TRUMP. YOU SEE MEXICANS AS CRIMINALS ALTHOUG THEY ARENT. WE HOPE JOE AND KAMALA UNDERLINE TRUTH FREEDOM AND FRIENDSHIP AMONG ALL COUNTRIES","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"btfo'd stormfag - check btfo'd beta cringe - check get called a nigger lover - check get called a nazi - check dox myself today - check bash islam - oh you betcha explain my fetish for Donald Trump - ( ) oh yeah ( ) post something stupid - hmmm, guess I'll do 2 stupid posts and 2 kinda ight I guess posts well guess that's all I need to do on Gab today. @shadesofsilver I got a metric fuck ton of chores to do, then between 7-8 I gotta go pickup groceries, so 9PM? Scream Fortress X? We got shit to dooooooooo","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just in case anyone is fucking confused..... Just in case anyone hasn't realized that Paul Kersey is confused. Our Founding Fathers were White Nationalists Paul!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh look, a BASED NEGRO. Fuck off, with your nigger loving virtue signaling. gtfo Oh look another IGNORANT white monkey low IQ boy","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"However, after he raised more than $600,000 in support of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Facebook canceled the meeting and deleted both of his pages. To add insult to injury, Kolfage had over the years dropped more than $300,000 in advertising on his pages.\" https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/19\/triple-amputee-veteran-brian-kolfage-vows-to-haul-facebooks-mark-zuckerberg-into-court\/ Facebook lets about 3 percent of your followers see your posts. If you buy ads, that numbers goes up to about 25 percent maximum. The best way to screw Zuckerberg is to ensure a red mega-mega-mega-MAGA-tsunami in November. Big Tech will be blamed, so all these psychos will have their faces rubbed in their own manure. They're going to be hated by everyone. Since Zuckerberg and Dorsey can't bear criticism, they're going to drink until their livers explode. Watch it happen. He lost his limbs so faggots like you could jerk off to the Saudis and Israelis you warmongering piece of shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hate these Feminazis!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Check out Kelly Manno 's video! #TikTok #BidenHarris2020 #AmericaNeedsBiden https:\/\/t.co\/tNSZ7JRaeJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ladies and Gentlemen: I give you wannabe groid Indio-darkie, Canadian-educated and Gavin Newsom pole-riding ex-Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris, whose other feats of accomplishment include accepting this \"Jane Doe\" letter from Feinstein's dyke staffers while calling it \"evidence.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hey white boys, I'm here to tell you that you racists don't own Gab, pick a fight with this Jew! I assume the \" D C \" stands for DICKHEAD CUNT ? Ya mom says high","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What kind of a man puts up with this torture? I'd love to see a picture of him. A vulnerable one, as clearly stated in the article you obviously never read. Can you explain what \"vulnerable\" means? Is he confined to a wheelchair? Or is he just a total wimp? I will let you in on a secret: it takes two to have any kind of relationship whether good or bad. Clearly, the bitch is evil but one has to wonder what sort of \"man\" would put up with mental and physical torture for years. Think it through.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user go fuck another kid you pussy ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TheRealMugatu: @Deet02 @MikeNapoli25 @954Nole do I remember a game winning jack to right last summer at Yankee stadium that started a p ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user got these hoes thinking sharing a nigga or being a side bitch is cool ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"they had All their Greasy Nappy Nigger hairs all over the white house","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"THIS BLACK BOY AIN'T AFRAID TO SHOOT YOU \"WHITE SUPREMACY\" COWARDS ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is good. blow the fuckers up! people who are saying \"oh we shouldnt bomb innocents\", well thats exactly what they did in France with their attacks. so we will kill their civilians aswell in the process of killing them. Suck it up","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Well you couldn't possibly have chosen a more racist way to call me a cunt. which is bravo, honestly","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is better than flappy bird. #FallOutBird http:\/\/t.co\/CHVzWTvltG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We Need a WALL #BuildThatWall ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OKAYYY NOW WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT u lil cunt ass bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"One Last Time? Hillary Aide Floats She Could Run a Third Time HAHA! Go for it, get your ass kicked even harder this time. Clinton\/Warren 2020? Lmao When you really think about it, they have NO ONE to go against Trump. ;) #News https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/one-last-time-hillary-aide-floats-she-could-run-a-third-time\/ How are you going to run for President when your nickname is \"Shitstain\" Clinton?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user You are a fake feminist and hypocrite not one word about this woman beater. And not one word about the Hollywood who rape women and teenagers. You are a hypocrite just like Obama a hypocrite ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@GroteSmurf0 @illMartino @SvensTweet @KangUcup3 goh d AnoniemeAso meeting heeft weer pauze.Nog steeds niet bij hoofdstuk:hoe haal ik m'n ID?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good bitch I'm glad u got dumped he is never coming back to your life dumb bitch you a hoe ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Migrant Caravan is returning, this time 10 times larger than the last one. Spic Train's sounding louder RIDE ON THE SPIC TRAIN Ooh wah, ooh wah Here comes the Spic Train Migrants getting woker AS THEY SHOUT \" PUTA TRUMP!\" Ooh wah, ooh wah Bring on the Spic Train","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Bitch stfu i talk to u everyday u the one who forget yo place, HOE ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I see you'll play your little lawyer game until you CAN'T answer my question, @Ehrmantraut, then you shut up and pretend it never happened. Good luck crying about guns here on Gab, you're gonna need it. You're just mad because I pointed out that you don't know your ass from your elbow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this is just.... ugh. SHAME ON HIM FOREVER. for all of it.#VOTE #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/53qlikboIV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Might have been a nigger. Arizona isn't nigger free anymore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user seth robbed my pussy oomf sweetie im so sorry that u have to deal with this annoying bitch ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most \"meta\" subs are shit but bestof is peak retarded white hero liberalism","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ancient Chinese Confucius proverb: If your cunt stinks then no one will ever love you","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is how far gone women are at this point. These cunts literally consent to all of this shit, then they still want to play the victim at the end of the day. BITCH YOU GOT PAID TO GET FUCKED! SHUT THE FUCK UP! Fucking worthless whore....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Rich African Countries don't take in African MigrantsRich muslim countries don't take in muslim migrantsRich latin american countries don't take it latin migrantsBut white countries are suppose to accept them?? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GG is all Russian Bots until it happens to you. This is like the red pilling that the GW2 people got recently. What event are you referencing here? probably the liberals get the bullet too grafiti from anti fa That's quite a stretch to be making if they are talking about that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nah guys just need to stop being thirsty cunts and only pay for streamers that have actual skills. Also twitch should have a dress code. [deleted]","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"how about we kill the niggers. bring more ammo. this scrawny piece of nigger shit is pointing 2 guns at his empty head with his big mouth sucking air","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sex robot. But a manly-looking, bull dyke sex robot? Why???","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I didn't even realize that cunt Feinstein was 85 years old. Happy to know she is much closer to death than I thought.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"JEWS ARE SMARTEST RACE IN THE WORLD AND SUPERIOR HUMANS, ISRAELI LAWMAKER CLAIMS https:\/\/www.newsweek.com\/jews-are-smartest-race-world-and-superior-humans-israeli-lawmaker-claims-977896","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I suppose if your that ugly and Retarded to start with there's not much you could do to yourself to make it any worse. #MercyKillingsShouldBeLegal","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I would have divorced her ass too, hubby and family did the right thing. What a selfish evil twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Turns out Trump dude owns the building. Heh. Excellent. That's made my day. If that were my venue I'd do the same. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"oh my god...the guy with the Trump tattoo - couldn't he at least have picked an image where Trump's mouth didn't look like an anus? Oh, I forgot - everything that comes out of Trump's mouth is a bunch of crap. Never mind.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#Navy rescued #Manchester bomber Salman Abedi from war-torn #Libya three years before deadly terror attack via @user the #WEST is \"rescuing\" people that will #kill them. #SendThemHome #bombing #attack Have some dignity and throw them out ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is Great! All the racist idiots are rearing their heads. Keep taking videos of these people, we will know who to avoid. They can stay in their backward world.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"the rapeugees have to be moved back to the desert there lying POS","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dress shirt, saggy jeans, backwards Yankee hat now that's lifting swag","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These are not the droids you're looking for No censor. \"Curate\" Oh how nice. Curate. Yes curate our thots. Yes please may we have some more, Sir? Smooth silver tongued devil Get back on your phone. Zzzzzzz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Keep Great #Trump2020 #KAG https:\/\/t.co\/mVge1akUUb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@asshole_king with pills that nig will last 4 years. Like magic j .That nig should hav died years ago. Y'all the first team to draft gay.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Fuck off, you race pimp. #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just use \"normal\". Who called it a \"minority label\"? Is \"straight\" a \"minority label\"? i don't see any issue with having a word for something. its like how we have homosexual and heterosexual, or hanzo mains and respectable members of society. People always make up words to describe things, its how language works, and there's nothing wrong with it. Not a minority label, it's just a label. A majority of the population is straight, but the term straight is still a label. Same thing for the label of cis.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You have the most faggot ass Gab profile I think I've ever seen Don't include me in any of your posts, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@miquelpaniscus @ArcusGreatApes @graspunep The person actually holding the ape is NOT Paris. It's her sister","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cuffing is not DEAD If everybody stop being a hoe then you can cuff But nahh being fuck Buddies in style at #myasu ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Cartoons do not make a persona pedo you rube theres a much biggerfight out there thena few people that like dumb jap shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Live: Trump holds 'Make America Great Again' rally in Pennsylvania https:\/\/t.co\/UbeqRcs5nV via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck the commie dyke lookin bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":">being so autistic you wonder if satirical memes are an attack against you Big oof Some retards are actually using it exactly like that though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"fuck the cunt Swift!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" See those guys they know if they touch anything on that building they might catch AIDS HIV.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"sometimes your girlfriend gets kidnapped by a bird and her bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"WHO.. ARE. YOOUU? This is not mario kart. You are no princess peach. Get your skank ass up out my lane or I take you off the goddamn road. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/100percentfedup.com\/breaking-report-megyn-kelly-fired-from-nbctentative-talks-allegedly-underway-about-return-to-fox-news\/ I don't think Fox wants her back. Why would they? Shes worth 69 million and has no job. And I'm supposed to feel bad for her why? Full time job, work a lot, and I might be able to scrape enough together to take a trip to my back yard for a vacation - yet she's drowning in money and muslims are pouring across our border getting handed 4k a month in benefits and cash. Boo fn hoo. https:\/\/youtu.be\/6PeRBsEyakU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Simpleton! Doesn't she realize that those \"white men\" fought and died for shitheads like her to have the freedom to voice their toxic opinions? https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/uk-student-union-president-promises-to-take-down-mural-of-white-men-who-died-in-world-war-one\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do the leftist Fucktards post this silly shit? Only a 2 day old retarded Nigger would believe this stuff! Or a DemocRAT!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Make Museums Great Again #KillAllPedos","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It makes me so angry to think we could not be civilized and co exist with each other....My heart goes with all these children and the relatives.... Hopefully this will end soon ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Notice Drake and LeBron in awe of the baby's blue eyes. That is the very definition of racism, since Niggers cannot have blue eyes. The fact both are pleased that Drake's son has blue eyes displays their hatred for their own race, and are therefore glad the ugly dark Nigger eyes have been removed from the child.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Acharya.. have you read the analysis\/opinion given by our 'historians' to SC wrt Ram Temple? Even 'WTF' will be ashamed. @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"trash night tonight. I can already hear the sound of America's thriving economic sector out on the street, four wheels, one of them wobbles.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These Resetera people would get offended by me telling them to go fuck themselves, a totally rational re uest for these retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Will the great state of Maryland sink so low as to put a nigger in the Governors Mansion this November ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#Police punch 14 year old girl on the ground twice in #CoralSprings, #Florida https:\/\/youtu.be\/4-FjyJsWvFY Lets get the.police's version of events first Copsucker much? Another sad little copsucker aren't ya boy! copsucker? WOW! What a sweet intellect you have there. No one will ever accuse you of being a genius","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People are scared of change and things they don't know or understand! There's good and bad in every race, religion and culture!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TheREALJB1RD @winchstrracin @wyatt11w Maybe he can call Hootie back up, he don't answer me anymore but still have crows.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You radical Islamic pigs need to be squashed like the dirty cockroaches that you are and the Quran pissed on. I hope when you are blown up with an American or Israeli missile you find all 72 virgins ready with a sharp knife to castrate you !","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user But what about pizzagate you owl kunt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ICE launches new immigration sweeps in L.A. area; at least 100 detained so farhttps:\/\/t.co\/v3IIyMkZi2#AgainstAllEnemies #MoreOfThisPlease #TheICEManCometh #StopTheInvasion ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Who cares.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women do not outnumber men in farming. What kind of retarded claim is that?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hey witches, you're all living on borrowed time. The only hex that's gonna happen is libs like you havin' your carcasses put on a stake. Where are the Christians?????","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stop being a nigger wit dat fakenews...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#OpenBorders #Immigration #MS13 #ChildTrafficking #DrugCartelsWhat the left wants is OPEN BORDERS. What will that bring the United States? - High crime- Low wages- An overburdened... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Infowars reporter Millie Weaver covers the #Kavanaugh protests at Capitol Hill in Washington, DC to gauge how the left will handle his confirmation set for later today. Watch: https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/live-liberals-flood-capitol-hill-to-protest-kavanaugh\/ #KavanaughVote","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Instead of getting offended and yelling 'not all men' when women say men are trash, maybe take a second to ponder why women think this way? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yep she fell into a trap of her own making and then went full NPC retard to try and climb out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dem Party has gone insane. Their new position is that it's immoral to restrict any kind of immigration, from any country, in any amount, for any reason... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Simply put ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How bitches gonna act at my funeral ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Communist DYKE","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Time to turn off Fox News and switch to OAN that lying Trump faggot Shep is on,","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If your children are raised in a retarded bubble and want to change school after someone uses the word \"ugly\" (not even in reference to another person, mind you) then you're absolutely not helping them become functional members of society.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"McDonald wouldn't dare utter these words anywhere else just another lily livered lefty twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Biden leads Trump by 6 points in Michigan and Nevada, race tied in Iowa: poll https:\/\/t.co\/yBok3ihgTg https:\/\/t.co\/JHoCAkcj1F","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Need a picture of their pregnant nigger princess","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I saw this on twitter when it was blowing up and she was arguing with people under the tweet. IIRC, A white woman said shes a single mother and struggles buying groceries and the coupons website would help her a lot. OP responded with \"thats literally your problem Black American women are the most racist group of people on the planet. How do you figure that? http:\/\/www.rasmussenreports.com\/public_content\/lifestyle\/general_lifestyle\/july_2013\/more_americans_view_blacks_as_racist_than_whites_hispanics lots of alt right idiots on this sub [removed] Your submission or comment was removed for the following reason(s): --- --- **[Rule 3B](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/TumblrInAction\/wiki\/the_tia_rulebook#wiki_b.29_treat_your_fellow_shitlords_excellently.): You need to treat your fellow shitlords excellently.** > Have discussions with respect to the person behind the username. It's okay to disagree, but don't get hostile or start brazenly insulting others. TiA isn't a safe space, but that doesn't give you a pass to be uncivil. --- --- If you have any questions or comments about this action, **Use this link to send us a mod mail message** [here](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/message\/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTumblrInActionandsubject=About my removed submissionandmessage=I'm writing to you about the following removal: https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/TumblrInAction\/comments\/9frcyl\/-\/e60wqok\/. %0D%0DMy issue is:). **Any PM sent to individual mods about this action will likely be ignored. Mod mail is the proper channel and will be your best bet for any appeals, so please use the link above.** You sound triggered. Did someone go potty in your soymilk sippy cup?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Y'all know how many times a woman has said she's been harassed or something of the sort and guys be like \"well not all men..... .. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"GAP: \"Damn! Our secret plot to instill *_subliminal racism_* into the clothes and minds of the youth to further our white supremacist agenda was foiled again!\"Fuck you AJ+, do you _need_ to be reprehensible pieces of shit?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Literally just got up and the first thing I did was chug a huge glass of water","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Krislisisms: Hot 97 trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#BuildThatWall to #KeepAmericaSafe , #BuildTheWall to save lives , #MAGA2KAG ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Forgot the part about Trump's DOJ which has ignored Antifa violence for two years being the ones responsible for this Violence, censorship and tax cuts sums up the last two years","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Mitchellharri: Dont be a faggot, cover your mouth when you fkn cough or sneeze, I got a immune system to keep strong asshole","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Trump administration today demanded repeal of protections for unaccompanied immigrant children, calling them loopholes.' They are not low they are great but every once in awhile a genius comes along and gives me an idea that i use.....Special shout out to Candace Owens, told ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @KILLQuana: Hun, wrong social networking site RT @Schwaggy_Chulo: 666 - LMS for a good morning post, and something extra (maybe) ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This waiting thing is for the birds...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Frankie goes to Hollywood - Welcome to the Pleasuredome - Peters Popshow - 1985 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=japK6UGyYEs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL must not have kids and must be married to a beta mcfaget. I'd have to pull my wife off of her before she beat her ass with a measuring cup and a swiffer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"did anybody hear the rumors that the police are gonna be at the polling places this election checking voters for outstanding Warrants and Child Support and looking at evrybodys license plates? i hope that rumor doesn't get around if it's true. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SO MUCH FOR THE 'ALT-WHITE' ORGANIZER OF CHARLOTTESVIlLE 'UNITE THE RIGHT' Disingenuous meme What is your evidence that @TheMadDimension is a jew? EDIT - Jason informed me that he wasn't in occupy, it's just a myth. His being a supporter of Occupy has long been known. Occupy started out as an anti-globalist, anti-military industrial complex movement, hey just like Trump said he was. It was also anti-banker. Then just like with what happened to the Tea Party Movement, Occupy was infiltrated by professional crazies and traitors and destroyed. Next, the ACLU support free speech and did so to assist UTR. Now to the implication of the meme, to 'scare' people because Kessler was a lefty. Who cares. lots of our people started out on the left, before they grew up a little and dropped the utopian love fest values that infest our teen years and our twenties. It's part of growing up (unless you're a sociopath to begin with, or aren't very political and grew up in a right wing family). Once you get older, you realise that there is no left and right, there is only Wrong and White. My guess is that the person that created this meme is an anti-white trying to cause pointless infighting and dissension, because Kessler seems to be a doer. There're a lot of Aussies that look like him too, they're not jewish. Over here, it's usually a Scots-Irish and English ancestry mix for those kinds of guys.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retweet if you've ever been fucked over by a woman.... Who am I kidding? Of course you have! #WomenSuck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"booooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For some unknown reason we are all supposed to feel very sorry for Queens frontman Freddie Mercury who fucked around like a rabbit and caught AIDS and died from it. What's more, we are now fed all those documentaries about Queen and told how great their music was. It wasn't all that great actually.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obama s Newly Released Gitmo Jihadi Has Links To Terrorists In Syria http:\/\/t.co\/MywaAFD1yB #tcot #pjnet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user You ugly lil bitch shut the fuck up if you dont understand the stock market hoe ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user jayceejuice is a whore does she have sex talk with you too? Does she send you picks also she's a fucking slut ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's walking around without a mask. I don't know what's wrong with this man, but when I think he can't get lower, he does. I just can't....#BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/8vrkW38WrN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Target this, fuck you money hungry, blood thirsty, spoiled brats ,this is our land , go back to England and destroy your forests !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Are you literally retarded? Look up what the word antinatalist means before you respond to me again you fucking idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@xZimpx @Prophzilla This is Twitter. Not only are you a fag but you're also retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @WhitesOnly_1: #niggers! http:\/\/t.co\/Hb3uJaLky2","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Can't believe Canada elected this male bimbo. What a supreme and utter moron.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If I were a Jewish shill, I'd create an anonymous account on Gab, and shitmouth everyone who proposed something with a chance of success. Anyone on here anonymously begging for a revolution that we are clearly not prepared to fight, is probably not here for the benefit of our movement or our people. I detest this man more and more. Hindsight is 20-20, but for the next round of this in 20 years, know that it would've been much better had he instead of crying used all those guns to take that Vice crew hostage and demand they go live, then do his best 20-minute pitch to White America, before dying in a firefight with the ZOG. That would've been honorable. I like these occasional reminders that I am a profoundly better strategist than my rivals. You're a coward. You don't really believe in your heart that White people are right. You want ZOG's Noahide Society to reassure you \"it's okay to be a White person\". And they're not going to do it. They want us to be slaves or die. It has to be enough that you believe it fanatically, when the whole world is against you, and you don't. Remember when I said the key difference between Christianity and Paganism is that Christianity looks for external validation and Paganism is about creating real internal worth through work? This is ultimately why we need Paganism. Because we need a Folk that will be able to face down the whole ZOG world and still know they are right and good. You define \"true White person\" as a Christian slave. And you're right. They're trapped in Talmudism. In the Noahide Law System. They'll never do anything. That's why it's such a threat that we're showing people another way through the Native European ethos and faith.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twitter BANNED me and reported me to the FBI for stating the obvious: In order for the threats of violence to stop, we're going to have to see a leftist ASSAILANT shot to pieces on live TV. Kenny @kennykenny412 tells me that this person still has her Twitter account. She's got her left leg up in the slipstream of the car so that she can air out her fetid vagina. Cheaper than soap.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope so!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT Fuctupmind Has anyone ever measured the inner diameter of her privates? Just curious. Stormy Daniels Sorry for Mocking Donald Trump's Penis | Breitbart http:\/\/bit.ly\/2NtTWN8 via @BreitbartNews https:\/\/twitter.com\/Fuctupmind\/status\/1049368822891905025","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ruby is not ugly #bunga bunga","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some black people live in an entirely different world where everything is peaches and cream, apparently. Take off the rose colored glasses.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who thinks Trump needs to disclose who he owes $400 million in debt to BEFORE the election? My guess is Russian banks (ie Putin). It's a grave matter of National Security. This SHOULD disqualify him from even running until we know the answer! @realDonaldTrump","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HITLER BODY BURNT, NO GRAVE, GTFOOOOO [deleted] Smoke meth for six months... [deleted] [deleted] 99% of my comments are in threads like this where I'm having a personal conversation, anyways it's rare that someone is both a raving lunatic and a gigantic pussy The moon landing was also a hoax THE EARTH IS FLAT YOU MUST LISTEN TO US AND OUR FACTS SEAL TEAM 6 IS DEAD EXCEPT FOR ALL THE ONES THAT ARE STILL ALIVE BUT STILL Seal team 6 is made up of genetically altered MKULTRA-brainwashed US celebrities whose deaths have been faked, there are EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS of Tupac and Elvis at the scene of Osama bin Laden's death and DOCUMENTS proving that the US military regularly purchases large amounts of peanut butter, bacon, bananas and bread. Are we just going to be NPCs and assume the US military is constructing Elvis's favorite sandwich for no reason?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nah, that's not all it does and quitting caffeine wouldn't be a substitute for it. For me, it gives me massive paranoia and I don't yawn or sleep for days. I got off of benzos earlier this year. I'm still trying to figure out how normal people sleep. Would be cool if I had a baseline sleep level to compare it to, but I don't. Anyway, Trazadone isn't worth the side effects. Tricyclics work on serotonin but also have an antihistamine effect. Can't think of a nastier thing to snort. They have a gayenizing effect too Dude, that's just jail.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user I bet her parents dont claim her either. This skank blames her miserable existence on immigrants and POC when as an attractive white young woman, she has the privilege to do anything. More trump trash. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Bible literalist must constantly engage in conspiracy theorizing to explain away the endless stream of facts that contradicts his imbecilic worldview. That's why almost all Qanon faggots are also Jesus faggots. That is the level of thinking maintaining such retard requires.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We can just walk away with middle finger to eu and go straight in to the world trade because we don't like being done over by nazie cunt s that run all of European so why didnt Hitler do that then killling millions for fuck all","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"On today's episode of women will trade their self respect in for the dick ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Three refugees from Syria have set up a network that organizes language classes and a summer school for children. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @arlingtondems: Hey Arlington Democrats! For you early birds, join us @BusboysAndPoets tomorrow. It's the Second Saturday of April. http ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">I'm a 56% burger I live in Europe ( central Europe, to be precise ) and what is your mental masturbation about Europe is derived by mostly retarded Anglo-Saxon's assumption... Europe was never an muh nordic race central, though we all have their genes (r1-a, r1-b Aryans to be precise), DandC jews aided garbage, also. Etruscans ( Wops ), ~3000 years ago:","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"in my opinion the so called elites are the niggers, i don't care what color their skin is, i refer to pelosi as nigger nancy because she steals the food out of a child's mouth, this makes her a nigger. THE ORIGIN OF THE WORD NIGGER DERIVES from the word niggardly, old english, look up it's meaning","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"are all christians as illiterate as you? i think that sandnigger religion has made you retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'll just leave this here...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Nigger Train?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @zachpiecowiak: @Eddie_Sativa87 you're a fucking queer","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck Mollie Tibbets she posted on Twitter that she hates white people. She was asking for a brownie to kill her ass and I'm glad he did, nigger and beaner loving race traitors need to be killed on the spot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This bitch @user has been with 4 guys since Phil's death but a skank ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If Biden gets elected then all Kamala has to do is call on Hillary to make her President !Joe won't last 6 months ! https:\/\/t.co\/sqF6drmVem","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"This Merica, dey cops don't caaaare\" \"Hit that nigger! Hit that nigga!\" \"You can't hit her she a girl!\" someone put a 9mm in that fucking retarded commentator please, I'd rather hear him screaming from that then more of the same babbling shit he keeps going on about \"I got kids!!\" says the black cunt maybe you shouldn't have trashed a store, you dumb baboon \"Black lives matter!!!\" while the woman is fucking punching a cop God fucking damnit how retarded are these people? They should be fucking castrated so they can't spread their idiocy holy shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Keine Ausgangssperre hilft da. Raus ab in Ihre Heimat mit dem Dreckspack.... Ich h tte da auch noch ne andere L sung........ https:\/\/jungefreiheit.de\/politik\/deutschland\/2018\/meuthen-fordert-ausgangssperre-fuer-asylbewerber\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In Rome a house was cleared by police from refugees. Look how nice the riots are at this mission. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck that shit! We should make a new law where when you move to a new state, you're not allowed to vote for at least 8 years! With this administration trying to create jobs, that'll never happen. I like that one about no government assistance for 5 years And I agree with your point about residence fuckery. To run for congress or senate, you should have been both a resident, plus physically being in that voting area, more than 80% of the time over the past 5 years. I just don't see keeping people from voting over residence changes. There are a lot of working class Americans who are following jobs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Charlie looking like he's the one that made that 3.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Dont worry Ann. No one will ever accuse you of being a hysterical woman or any kind of woman ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Two alleged members of the Aryan Brotherhood in Minnesota are arrested after they start a bar fight by assaulting a waitress by lifting her shirt against her will and punching a bouncer trying to defend the waitress. #NaziScum https:\/\/myfox More people are attacked by a T-Rex than a Nazi. But by all means continue to talk about bullshit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Commie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If you were a man it would have been \"sir\" you dumb twat. Jesus fucking christ.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"According to the Left, it's \"bad\" to want to see your own people live in peace and to prosper. Well, say hello to the Bad Guy. #NoGuilt #NoShame #NoCompromise Speak for yourself. I speak for you...I am the boss.. you are the peasant..lol Sure... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The reason any Australian is fighting overseas is so anybody has the right worship any religion of there choice without retribution.My your god go with you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who the fuck is *we*? You didn't do shit. >I am LOSING MY MIND IN HATRED for white men ... I swear to G-d we have more freedom in Afghanistan. ... I CANNOT BELIEVE I am rearing a PRIVILEGED WHITE AMERICAN MALE in this shit. I've been there. You're retarded. Give your kid up for adoption so he can live in a home where's he's not abused.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"App YOU, Mad'm Naim is a super dumb cunt with an IQ about subzero.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"WV - Police arrested Juan Carlos DeLeon Zanas, 46, attempted to abduct a 16-year-old girl. A Kroger employee said multiple bystanders stopped him https:\/\/www.wowktv.com\/news\/update-man-arrested-after-attempting-to-abduct-teenage-girl-from-kroger-parking-lot\/1495521663?utm_medium=socialandutm_source=facebook_WOWK_13_NEWS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"timbs straight trash though","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People that truly hate the police should have to sign something so the police don't have to come when they call. And it should be a publicly available list so that everyone knows that the police are no longer responsible for them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sarsour IS a Muslim and by doctrine cannot be American but should be deported to some Muzzie shithole. No one should tolerate them and Islam must be outlawed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Queen Elizabeth Claims She Is Direct Descendant Of Prophet Muhammad' https:\/\/yournewswire.com\/queen-elizabeth-descendant-muhammad\/ Islamisation of UK reaching a final stage, it seems. Now is the time to rise up in the millions, otherwise ... Yeah looks like our beloved Susan Warren chose the wrong ancesstry lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People who don't put their blinkers on seriously just need to crash into a pole or something #moveoutmyway#bitch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would not stop for a nigger or a Latino, but I'd stop for an injured animal every time. That should tell you that there are millions of people who consider the low IQ Beaner and Niggah lower than most animals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Retarded repost.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"lol this literally doesn't do shit. Maybe learn how you can be better? 'Not all men' is such a fucking cop out ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"fucking idiots, they should have kicked the shit out of the little cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Whatever you say nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user you give me a penis boner ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We are above the law - migrants throw garbage at Rome's ancient sites - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user YOU FVCKING CUNT BITCH!!! APOLOGIZE! @user @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Also, that person saying \"throw the whole ass boy in the freaking trash\" claims to be a platform engineer at Mozilla. Now that I have no trouble believing. Mozilla became a hellhole (literally it seems) after Brendan Eich was forced out back in The retards over at \/r\/privacy and \/r\/stallmanwasright","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That black they had on is always moaning about something,usually white people Eammon Holmes would have politely told the nigger to fuck off back his own country. I bet that chinless faggot Piers Morgan just sat their and let the wog get away with talking gibberish. Glad I don't watch any of these morning tv shows !","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"SOUTH TEXAS NEEDS TO SEND THEIR CIVIL ENGINEERS TO SCHOOLS IN GERMANY\/SWITZERLAND RATHER THAN TIJUANA Hilarious","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WHITE folks love to say that black people and people of color are on food stamps but the statistic state that there are more WHITE FOLKS on food stamps than any race. I can't stand white folks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"People are individuals. Look at character and behavior, obviously. Race? Meh. That tells you a genetic geographical trait, and that's about it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user The longer picture of migration from a 75M Turkey and add Bosnia will bring the end of our way of life as we know it alreadybad ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Vagina nigger fatigue https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6320093\/Megyn-Kellys-former-Fox-worker-puts-boot-attacks-NBC-hiring-race-issues.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What Mamata Banerjee Said Of Bangladeshi Immigrants In 2005 via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This isn't unlike what happened throughout Europe after the Nazis were driven out. Many women shacked up with them because [*reasons*](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=P4qg_ZvrtZk), and afterwards [suffered](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=OMMGDQXRie8) the [consequences](https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/lifeandstyle\/2009\/jun\/05\/women-victims-d-day-landings-second-world-war). Yeah, on the flip side many innocent women were also punished the same due to this group mentality. French woman apart of resistance groups were also punished although they were fucking Nazis just to get information out of them. This wasn't a good thing, don't paint it as such It was a good thing. Not their fault you're an incel. Those innocent people convicted under mob mentality never did anything to you someone called me an incel YIKES Sure did ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you've ever mentioned me to your therapist, give her my number, she probably wants to try out the dick that ruined you too ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@AhegaoLiker It looks like we have the winner of the HATE speech and moral degeracy prize! Ever notice how the people accuse others of HATE speech are the ones who are spewing the HATE? Take your despicable moral sewage somewhere else you hypocritical piece of excrement! Andrew is RIGHT! Thx Mr. Torba! Low IQ boomer scum I peel off of my boot, no one is accusing anyone of \"hate speech. Please pass away already. No idiot he used that as one of his justifications for bans and so I gave him an example of another thing he could ban under that same premise. Just stfu. Stop breathing my oxygen you non person.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The birds and the bugs #voguet by Anat R http:\/\/t.co\/ndMELHuWCg via @Etsy #vintage #jewelry #bugout #insects #birds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yongyea probably has the most plausible theory. Schrier updated the article to say that it might not have been intended for Blizzcon. However, he is adamant that the video exists with someone on the original Diablo team, as if he had actually seen the video himself. Perhaps early on, the video was intended for Blizzcon, but changed relatively early. Or never intended for Blizzcon in the first place. I think we should wait and see what Blizzards first bit of promotional material might be.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@matt_chu22 @RyanRiehle I'll do that, if you agree to take your Ethiopian starvin looking nigger ass back to Africa. #BuyFoodLittleGuy","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Trumpites (Traitors) have their own \"P*ssy hats and wear them with pride.#BlueWave #BlueWave2020#Biden2020 #BidenHarris2020Landslide#BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica#MAGA2020 https:\/\/t.co\/foJTVbmN1j","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"when you go to park all by yourself then some bitch fuck decides they wna park right next to you ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And yet you're still a pussy assed faggot who refuses to advocate or defend political violence out of some kind loyalty to the \"principle\" of \"civility\" or some sheeit lmao. You people talk so much shit about normie conservatives and their misplaced affinity towards \"muh constitution\" but your refusal to defend violence is just as misplaced.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user I understand, but I think it's critical that we not give an inch to leftists who pervert and twist the language to suit their ends. These kids are illegal migrants. PERIOD. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh look it sell out evil Labour cunt ed ball that took top secret files of UK and gave it all to junker Hitler funded group every thing he should look at up and hanged","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user are you scared theyll take the crown from you? Your reign as Most Hysterical Woman has been long and most likely, safe. @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @user That awkward moment when you're on a date and 'Daddy YFB' texts you...and your phone is face up on the table...@Yourfuckbo ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@TMark617 feel same way about New England Patriots and New York Yankees. But unlike u, I've worked in Boston and NYC. Texas prison is upgrade","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Love you IDF beat those fuckers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Please, men, do not wink at women in the workplace. Don't harass, catcall, grope, rape either. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like to fuck meme makers and never talk to them again just so I can see the angry sub posts... I'm an asshole like that ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THESE ZIONISTS MUST DIE. LET THIS INTIFATHA BE AN ARMED ONE AND KILL A SETTLERS LET IT BE LIKE A HOLOCAUST. KILLL ALL THE SETTLERS IN THE WEST BANK THEN LIBRATE PALESTINE AND ALQUDS AND ALAQSA ALLAH HO AKBAR AL MAWT LA ISRAEL. DEATH TO THE NAZI STATE OF ISREAL YA FLISTEN GIVE THE NAZI ZIONISTS HELL","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Killing koreans its werry good","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No wonder I never liked these anti-Trump faggot Nazis who post here at Gab. :roll: #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect #KavanaughEffect #HondurasEffect #FakeBombEffect #KillJewEffect","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This isn't rape, or anything like it. This a crude pass. This is not 'rape culture.' IT'S WHORE CULTURE. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Trump invites a Black citizen to speak to the entire world in the Oval Office. >SaltLeft: OMG KANYE'S PUTTIN' US BACK IN SHACKLES! What did Donna Brazile mean by this? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MACHINE GUN AND GRENADE THEM TO PIECES, THEY ARE A FOREIGN INVASION FORCE. Kill them allwhy didn't they run to Saudi Arabia.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm spreading my knowledge. Do you idiots think i talk from my ass? Don't you think i have tried nofap? > I'm spreading my knowledge. Can't spread what you don't have, son. Keep busting then. I have said it now. I know you might be an elder male and i might just seem like a little shit. But you should really consider what i'm saying DUDE. Shut up, you closet wanker.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Funny: The new right goverment cutted the welfare for refugees. But generally refugees can save money and send them home. 2,000.000.000 run to Syria and Afghanistan. So Austria suport these countries for development. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Such faggot wow!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Most likely most of the people who know this stuff are dead now. This evil cunt needs to meet a firing squad!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"@RamBoutIt: @Master11_: @20ToLife_ @RamBoutIt hoes Austin teach us Austin.\"I teach u how to get curved? That's all I know","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man Arrested In Connection To Suspected Explosive Packages https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/hYWh Florida Man - so cliche \"Florida Man\" is a meme because the southern half of the state is such a broken, disjointed, confused, diverse, non-cohesive place. \"Florida Man\" is the natural result of diversity. @lovelymiss growing up in Florida I can confirm the craziness... and do my best to control mine. You sealed the deal with FL being bonkers when you told me about cow chip bingo. Buncha weirdos down there with their mayonnaise sammiches and community cow shitting games. The cow chip is to cover the smell of rotting corpses under each number. Weirdos?! I resemble that remark! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Italy's populist coalition poised to defy EU with plans to deport 500,000 migrants ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"French NGO vows nothing will stop Aquarius migrant rescues ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ugh! Why bring up muslims in your speeches as something you 'need to deal with' i mean muslims are NORMAL PEOPLE. Muslims have nothing to do with ANY TERRORISM! Am so sick of all the hate as a muslim i receive when all i do is minding my own business going to college and finding a job.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Apparently 'fuck off and die you stupid cunt' with no prior engagement is within twitter rules. I bet @user would disagree if i tweeted that ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Unfortunately being a cunt seems to be contagious, from parent to child","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Anyone needing a laugh can find plenty to laugh at on twitter by searching \"Jair Bolsonaro\" who just won the presidency in Brazil. The retarded leftists are in full panic mode. Crying, hating life, doomsday prophecies, you name it. It's almost as good as the night Trump won. Enjoy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Shockingly, Chris Wallace tries to smack some sense into Shepard Smith - Heated Debate on FOX NEWS https:\/\/youtu.be\/RPhk6N7eiXc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Ian Miles Cheong refuses to identify himself as a white supremecist, which we find deplorable. He has lied about harassment because the only website we checked had no information posted on it. The fact that the harassment happened is irrelevant to our article and headline.\" > Cheong himself refuses to identify as \"alt-right, a decentralized far-right movement littered with white supremacists, but the language and political beliefs in his videos largely reflect alt-right beliefs. > For one, Hype Break's video implies that GOG's critics are all \"NPCs, an alt-right meme dehumanizing the far-right's opponents as if they are lifeless and mindless AIs. There are several other dog whistles the video relies on too. \"Wrongthink is commonly thrown around to portray queer and feminist spaces as cults where people who think the \"wrong way are punished. And then there's \"no bad tactics, only bad targets, which is a catch-all phrase used by Gamergate supporters to portray online activists as deranged harassers mobbing \"targets with no concern for collateral damage. WHERE IS THE ADVOCACY OF AN ETHNOSTATE? WORDS MEAN THINGS. 'No bad tactics, only bad targets' is literally a MovieBob quote - and it's pretty much a description of Alinsky rule That quote was from fat retard Jim Sterling and coked out loser Adam Sessler in some con panel. https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/mbHETfq.jpg ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^meow Hmm perhaps I have my overweight YouTube lolcows mixed up. Thanks. > perhaps I have my overweight YouTube lolcows mixed up. Easy way to tell the difference is to remember that Jim Sterling is a cuck while MovieBob is an incel. ... that's like expecting me to know the difference a Lutheran and a Calvinist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stephen Miller -Public Charge Rule is not New its been on the books since 1882 50% of Immigrants on Welfare 90% will Remain on Welfare after 20 years burdening U.S Taxpayers #Immigration #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Undecided voters (and MAGATs alike);If you're worried about Joe sniffing hair, why aren't you worried about tRUmp grabbing someone's pu$$y?If you're worried about Hunter, why aren't you worried about Ivanka?If you're worried about Kamala, why aren't you worried about Mike?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes the jewdis goat like soro the evil cunt Rothschild yes not the real jews that hate Zionist like we all do the name a call the globalist like May and queen of UK","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@SecPompeo @restartleader Unfortunately, all European countries, Russia and China are helping the Islamic terrorist regime in Iran ...#Germany #France #UnitedKingdom #Russia #China #Shame_on_you...Waiting for #Blitz #MAGA + #MIGA make the world peaceful #Trump2020#RestartLeader #RestartMIGA https:\/\/t.co\/eRZdBrPzBN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah her life should be fucked, but not this fucked What if an adult man forced your under 13 year old daughter to touch him in an aroused state for sexual pleasure? Would this 10 year minimum sentence be appropriate for the destruction of her innocence? The same fucking answer you retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You are right. 358 times the Jews have been expelled, only once has any final solution came into play and it did not even do half as much as the Jews claim. We should have killed them all off millennia ago. All of it is just a symptom of our growing weak and soft. We have become wrapped up in delusions from the end of the Enlightenment. It's time for new Order. That's actually an accurate representation for how well the final solution did. \"Nazi Larping\" And we're back to... Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew turned the White man into pussies! The Jews did it! Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew. Super-duper Jew power with super-secret Jewdi Mind Control has taken over the White Race! Jew. Jew. Jew. Jew. Because White people can't be stupid in and of themselves... it's the {{{JEWS}}}! Did I say it was entirely due to the Jews? No, I said not more than 2 posts ago \" All of it is just a symptom of our growing weak and soft. We have become wrapped up in delusions from the end of the Enlightenment. It's time for new Order. \" Seriously is no one literate on here? but given your sperg comments, I think so. Or you just may mirror that GIF you keep posting more than you think if you can't follow a basic conversation or read posts with less than 300 characters. Maybe try Twitter, they only allow 280, which is 20 fewer characters! Should be easier for you to follow. I tried to make this comment shorter for you as well :) 2% of the population is down to 1\/3 supreme court justices ... sure, it could be a coincidence ... the alternative would be that you are too na ve or D-U-M-B. Exactly! That is what you keep saying... because you're a fucking retard who is upset that I did not answer your question in your preconceived notion of how I should have answered it... so you continue frothing at the mouth trying to prove... \"No! Really! I is smart. Me no retard!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't know why you love da whore her pussy like open doors ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck Australia you piece of shits, fucking kangaroo loving motherfuckers!!! I pray to god your shithole of a country will be set a blaze from what you're doing to innocent people you fucking ex prisoners. Fuck Australia!!! May you become a third world country very soon and taste your own piss","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"whoever is retweeting christi onto my timeline, stop. i don't need to read gamergate faggot drama. i blocked instantly on twitter for this, and i see i need to resume the practice. only warning. play videogames, ignore people who talk or write on the internet about videogames. jesus some of you are dumb cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user that could couldn't tell you the starting QB..much less what a Ram is...lol..j\/k ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" DEMOCRATS SO MULTICULTURAL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CANADA SHOULD SEND ALL THE FXIN WELFARE BREEDING REFUGEES BACK TO WHERE THE FX THEY CAME FROM. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I AM TIRED OF MY TAX DOLLARS PAYING FOR THESE FXIN WELFARE BREEDERS\/ SEND THE ILLEGALS BACK. ILLEGALS ARE NOT WELCOME. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I still have not come out to my family about being Bieber and I' m just tearing up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a lot of da white MFs on guns of gab talk good game but under pressure they choke like pussies and guns aint da final shit back when we niggas had our ancient nuwaupian civilization we was using laser guns yea we was exploring da stars when da white devils was still living in caves and they was using clubs WTF is that why you spooks are always stealing the white mans guns when u break into their homes? Come to my woods and lets see who cracks. oh btw ask you cousin (the one i shot) if he is ok. nothing makes a nigger drop snap on tools like 12 ga to the back. his buddy (get away driver) even left his black ass but i choke.., lets see 4 gun fights 2 draws two hits still kicking","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is how real humanity should respond to people in need, those who are seeking shelter, those who are refugees from violence. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What, exactly, is the terminology for the lesbian equivalent of an incel?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NY of course!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cavs trash too","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"well. there is such a thing CALLED KARMA, AND IN TIME AND I PRAY SOON IT CATCHES UP WITH THIS CRIMINALD AND TREASONOUS MARXIST CUNT AND ALL WHO HELPED HER.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We should be happy they do fuck their cousins..it's up to you Brit men to keep your women satisfied lest they marry muzzie and you will all eventually be killed or enslaved, depending on how much muzzie dick and ass you suck. Mad yet?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"[deleted] Ya I dunno, seems more like a joke fight. And her funny comment at the end means she took the beating like a man... Yea this sub just seems to enjoy women getting beaten. If you dont like that content youre probably not an incel. lol, pretty sure I can waste my time however I want. thank you for your comments they were hilarious.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Judge says Trump team '100 percent' responsible for finding deported immigrant parents ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Shoot that cunt with a bazooka!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"News Flash George Soros was and is a Nazi who sent the Hungarian Jews to their death Hitler was a globalist he wanted a unified Europe his Vision is what we call the European Union today all you little neo nazis and Hitler loving fuckwitts should learn the history of the shit you worship the death cramps were real not allied propaganda... Yes, I get it! Your mother and sister and daughter are the same. I saw a show on TV about it once, sad. Maybe you should just kill yourself and ease the pain. So now you want to rape holocaust survivors? Damn, these people are sick! #AltRight #NRx #tcot #Anarchists #Libertarian #GOP #Republicans #Conservative #GamerGate #ProudBoys #NewRight #Q Lol, there are people making asses of themselves while trying to continue one of the biggest, most easily disproven lies in history. Maybe it's because you love taking your (((fellow white man's))) schlong up your ass. Look, a Fresh dumbass who thinks the holocaust never happened! Damn, these people are so dumb. Fresh Steak is right, because that's exactly what he and his family will be to me when the war breaks out! #AltRight #NRx #tcot #Anarchists #Libertarian #GOP #Republicans #Conservative #GamerGate #ProudBoys Look, a fresh faggot who likes to LARP as an impossibility,trying to be some imaginary communist version of Milo. It's so surreal that all you can do is literally attempt totry and pull your horseshit here, because daddy isn't coming to savr you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The violence is real been verbally accosted 3 times. And still the left claims they are peacefull.... yeah, and I'm white... :P hahaha That woman has been scientificly been proven guilty: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=uGxr1VQ2dPI PS: English is not my native language. So sorry for the spelling, so don't think I'm a retard :P hahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now it's got nigger shoes on it. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but everything in Washington D.C. has nigger shoe prints on it, the city is like over 50% black. True. Female loves black and wants to plunge the universe into chaos and destroy the definitive lines separating each Color created by Creator. Thousands of years of the chance to evolve into something Higher, yet the nigger still lives in shit and wants to spread its shit everywhere. If Creator wanted to bless Africa with wisdom, He would have done so.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@GOP All Republicans need to be crushed on Nov 3!#VoteBlue2020 #VoteBidenHarris2020 #VoteEarly","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looks like Libya's new Maritime Rescue Coordination Center based on an Italian warship near Tripoli is excited about coordinating EU-trained Libyan coastguards to intercept migrants and refugees in Libya's unrecognized Search and Rescue zone ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"hey ya little douchebag hows the spelling grammar nazi today? hey ya kill anything today beat your wife or the dog ya redneck piece of shit lol , hey my daughter wrote that one for me ya fucked face ignorant cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We've been played AGAIN! #TrumpShow #TrumpLies #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/truuql4Pbh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Home Office has put on hold plans to re patriate 240 Glasgow failed asylum seekers with a week to go its always bad news for Brits where migrants are concerned and a Pakistani Home Office Minister Sanjiv Javid it will never get better ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"a b s o l u t e u n i t R E P E N T He had a greater effect on him by not doing so.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's funny how liberals were all up in arms about \"Lady Doritos when it came from an immigrant female CEO. Now they are celebrating her today, just months after calling for her sexist head to step down ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Cleanse this muzzie filth from the UFC. Every fighter who fights these goat fuckers should coat their gloves with bacon grease. One year suspension at least. Come on, Dana White","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Israels illegal nukes are a nuclear state terrorist threat. i believe Iran has them (x-55 Iran Ukraine) and that's why the Zionazi entity has not attacked Iran.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Watch: Britons protest against Migrants \"Deport all migrants\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They always complain about about Americans killed by guns but not by illegal immigrants or abortion ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Who cares what this faggot says","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"@Addicted2Guys: -SimplyAddictedToGuys http:\/\/t.co\/1jL4hi8ZMF\" woof woof hot scally lad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"they call me a cunt and a muslim, I must be doing something right, my offenses please","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" @TP_Three: @WestSideFlee @KekePalmer damn they got wifey Fall back nigga .. I don't share my hoes","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @KatiePavlich: Charlie Crist doesn't have any more political parties to join, but he could become a spokesman for a fan company.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just a reminder that Trump fired the US pandemic response team in 2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If me and my husband are ever blessed with a financial windfall, our first investment would be to financially assist young ones to further their education and fulfill their passions","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We've reached the point where the US can no longer be considered a safe country for #refugees. #SuspendSTCA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Love being roasted","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"woooo give them a pen...that will surely fix the families problems..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Change is Coming If You VOTE | Joe Biden and Kamala Harris 2020 https:\/\/t.co\/zQQ4CQ3Xmm via @YouTube change to be made and Trump needs to go","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Friend- how are you so carefree living a life of drinking, drugs and unprotected sex with complete strangers? Me- ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Absolutely absurd that they even had to think about that call. #joke #zebras","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So she played Chinese finger trap with two dudes was embarrassed that the guy she liked would think she was a whore and lied. That's a grade A Cunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hey Nazi's, you know hitler didn't believe in the second amendment, right ? So, have you given up your arms yet, and are you ready to be under state owned enslavement ? Both of these guys were selling an absolute lie, from which they, their friends, and comrades benefited greatly ! bye faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@jazqui That's why I'm partially glad that I have to say \"Hi ho, Kermit the Frog here\" to slip into my Kermit voice well.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I couldn't press send. That tweet about anchor babies was even too raw for me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dressing up.... Eddie Murphy tau ht me that back aat the house.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @calvin2000: Really? This is what's concerning him right now? MT @katiecouric: Looking forwd to speaking with John Kerry tomorrow AM abo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Orb n az Eur pai Oroszl n! \"once you go black you never go back.\" Are you sure about that..? Only an old saying I have heard.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I keep reading articles of detained refugee, immigrant children being raped and sexually abused by workers and it's heart breaking. It makes me sick to my stomach. Look at who the real criminals are, the ones they are handing them off to... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I go with: If it keeps making retarded threads, ban it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Elections don't matter. If they did they would not be allowed to exist anymore. If you're still falling for that con, you fully deserve to get fucked over by your \"party of choice\". You asked for it at that point. If they \"don't matter\", then it shouldn't matter, to anyone, if we vote in them, right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This bro is just rippin apart a bird about 10 feet from us.. #redtail #hawk http:\/\/t.co\/tjAnr2pB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"IM TOO WORRIED ABOUT THAT RETARD BROWARD COU TY TO MEME RIGHT NOW!!!! WTF IS GOING ON?? Same. I want to celebrate MAGAversary but we are royally fucked if they steal FL and AZ.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"REPORT: Google exec has meltdown on Twitter, http:\/\/dmlnews.com\/report-google-exec-meltdown-twitter-blasts-gop-kavanaugh-nomination\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The U.S is $21 Trillion in Debt We Cant afford to be Mexico and Central America's Welfare state low skills. uneducated No English wanting welfare, education Medicaid on the U.S Taxpaers #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome Red Hen #Immigration via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user we are too brother. Thanks for the support we'd love you to come meet with us #maledominance ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Utah coal burner killed by her sex offender nigger boyfriend, shot as she spoke with her mother on the phone. No need to collect, toll paid in full.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I would like to see our border closed to immigration until we sort out the mess we have. Send all illegals home. If it is safe to go home, send refugees home. Fix our immigration system to a merit base one, and then test it to see if it works. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cambridge University students REJECT Remembrance Day poppies because they 'glorify war'.Meet Stella Swain the Cambridge University Student Union Leader behind the banning of Remembrance Day!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Time to send the girls to carpet crunching big girls prison for the same time the boy would've went for each of them. When they come out 100 lbs heavier, with a shaved head and a hanker for carpet, we don't have to worry about them breeding more retards. Its a win\/win for society. Women aren't retarded children. Women do have agency and free will. I refuse to just let a woman go free just so she'll stop being a lying little shit. Don't pander to the bullshit they're peddling.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I didn't know \"Security Clearances\" meant anything anymore since that hideous cunt Hillary and her boy toy Sorros bought the FBI.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"STABBED IN NECK arrested but no descr #DMTBKA https:\/\/6abc.com\/police-suspect-arrested-for-allegedly-killing-a-man-in-frankford\/4370470\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"72 percent of Germans say immigration is negligently handled ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And so Confederate Avenue in Atlanta has been officially renamed United Avenue. The nigger mayor just signed the bill. And soon enough nobody will even know there was a name change. Well, Whites allowed a great city to become a crime ridden Nigger jungle and so they begin eliminating our heritage and will be planning our elimination as well, unless....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Agreed. Lindsey is acting a little fucking retarded here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How in the world can people vote for this nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@ProjectLincoln All woman young and old must vote out the republicans and especially Donald trump from the government just do it. Please vote in President joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris and a blue senate they will protect you and give you a chance to move upwards in society","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking dumbass! Literally 2 minutes on TinEye and I find this is just some bullshit in Italy from 2018 that has zilch to do with Trump. Once Trump wins a 2nd term I think we can safely expel these mentally stunted individuals from the #TrumpTrain. No more need of \"useful idiots\"! https:\/\/t.co\/khwRa8MdSw","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Barbaric Muzzie scums https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/world\/20-men-found-guilty-of-raping-more-than-a-dozen-teenage-girls-in-northern-england","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @user Why are guys expected to text girls first? #equalrights #yesallmen ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are being much too nice to that retarded bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Hoodrichnick: Why ya niggas be gassin these wack ass bitches ? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @JakeG_BasedGod: \"Never go full retard\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump Hey, Covid-19 boy...glad to hear that you shot your election hopes in the foot by calling off Stimulus talks...I'm guessing you just lost a few million votes or so? +++#BidenHarris2020 #BidenHarrisLandslide2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"one of my cats killed a baby bird and a cardinal","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user I'm sick of this bullshit. Fucking hysterical media, hysterical feminists, pussy fake conservatives. Come asteroids, come ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"corrupt nigger rulers of S Africa will just piss it away..they are niggers..","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This must be how black people used to feel when they were forced to stand up so whites could sit!! And if they refused, were dragged and jailed. Feel the pain now America?#boycottUnited!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The potato nigger is late. Can't trust yellow fever ridden potato niggers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I love bi girls and lesbians","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Europe just proved Trump right about refugees - Europe Builds Walls on the borders - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical retard who hates America yet still lives here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just... retarded https:\/\/ethereumworldnews.com\/australian-and-new-zealand-customs-to-fine-visitors-who-wont-give-up-phone-and-laptop-passwords\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Love how her attitude changes immediately. She knows she a skank. Props to dude for doing it on a day she'll never forget. My ex cheated on me and told me on my birthday. I guess this cheers me up slightly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"His Eminence the Imam Sheikh Dr. Farrokh Sekaleshfar - Australian Immigration has sent Hate Preacher. \"We won't... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"PolitiFact is forced to retract a story claiming Claire McCaskill didn't say what she definitely said https:\/\/washex.am\/2P5j5m2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user A HYSTERICAL woman. Not just woman. And, she didnt say he won. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I miss being able to call GiGi a nigger on Twitter","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Make me, faggot. Oh, and tell me, oh wise American, me , a fucking Russian, with family being mainly of peasants, male part of which was called to fight in WWI, how sweet was monarchy and how good it was for my family and my personal interests.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Is that one dude actually saying Shapiro is worse than Bin Laden?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't tell if this is a man or a woman speaking https:\/\/youtu.be\/B3MxFubVXG8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dem Senator Hirono: Kav Throwing Ice Is Proof We Need An FBI Investigation' https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/02\/senator-masie-hirono-kavanaugh-ice-fbi-investigation\/ #FBI #Coupdetat #FixIsIn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's always a matter of perspective, isn't it. Some of the retarded shit I've seen over the years... Good Christ. But yes, it's on both sides of course.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@RonBrownstein @gtconway3d @jmartNYT Last day to register in Arizona is TODAY Oct 5th. Get it done AZ! #VoteBlue2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dominoes, moonlit lake, Velvet Underground, honey whiskey = white trash heaven. I accept your ridicule...but just tonight.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chain Migration Imported 120K Foreign Nationals from Terrorist-Funding Countries Since 2005 - Breitbart @user @user #EndDACA #NoAmnesty #EndBirthrightCitizenshipForIllegalAliens #BuildtheWall #KeepAmericaSafe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user last time I checked...no one had rape charges filed with the police...soooo...these whores..ie women are lying. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's because we have a lot of dumb mother fuckers here that don't give a fuck. Especially the fucking blacks. Bunch of bad fucking attitudes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Everyone was retarded at one point. The only question is: when truth comes knocking at the door, will you listen? Dunno who said it but \"Anyone who is not left wing as a child is heartless, anyone who is not right wing as an adult is brainless\" is pretty spot on (but we can discuss how inaccurate it is becoming as people, especially children, are waking up).","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Some shitskin retard tried explaining to me how Ursula was the good person, and the prince who kisses Ariel when she's under a curse was raping her without consent.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@KrisGoodnews Please ppl, no matter the outcome, be safe. And vote#BidenHarris2020 So we can have a chance to stop this madness","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user After 20 days in jail the kids of the illigal refugees must get free. Than nobody should care to them and give them food. The only chance the whole familiy can go home and leave the USA. And sure it must made a supoer big wall to prote ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#JerryBrown #Criminals #IllegalAliens #KateStienle #Victims#Democrat led #California, under Governor Jerry Brown, has chosen Criminals OVER the law abiding public AND they have chosen #IllegalImmigrants OVER Citizens. The people of California... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Italy's Interior Minister wants to fund pro-Italian family policy with taxes for migrants ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user How are death threats any less reprehensible than rape threats? would you rather be killed than raped? #MeToo #NotAllMen ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Blackman38Tide bandana Orian. They called me trailer trash for wearing my lil country getup ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"half wit half nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @taylor_TM: @PacmanJonez @PhilWOTG you the whitest person on my TL but you always so ghetto. Im sick of it","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I do not see how people praying is such a horrible thing, it is horrible for someone to hate people because they pray, this is not Christianity ! Just because you go to church, you make stupid videos like this one, you call yourself a Christian, does not make you one. If you actually followed the teaching of Christ like you say you did, you could not be disrespectful, hateful, mean etc... to any person or living creature.No matter who they are, I am so sick of these so called Christians preaching hate and using Jesus to defend it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"today i start breaking in a new pair of docs have mercy on my soles","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love the fact that a leftist faggot has created a show centered around an anarchist, cynical misogynist, he meant to be unlikable, and everyone ended up loving him. Derek's dad from American History X is a hilarious example - he's a fireman who does nothing but drop truth bombs for the few minutes we see him in flashbacks, and since the writers literally can't come up with any compelling arguments against the points he's raising, they instead try to discredit him by having him say Nigger out of nowhere. It doesn't work. A while back I started referring to all undesirable behavior from niggers as \"nigger bullshit\" b\/c of that scene and I was liberal af and anti-racist back then","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Our friends just across Lake Ontario have legalized recreational marijuana. Because apparently Canadians weren't mellow enough. E.G.: Michael Phelps, Alex Jones, Joe Rohan, Elon Musk...just to name a few off the top of my head. And those people are drooling,unsuccessful, retards? Is that what you are implying? Or you are complimenting them and adding to my argument?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's a big problem among Whites out around where I live. They completely embrace the 'Dumb-as-rocks' redneck shtick. As bad as Blacks with rejecting any kind of mental growth. This is closer man hatred feminism. \"Dumb Pro-White men have more of a home in the right than a machivillian feminist like you, @CarolynEmerick. Men fall into two groups. smart, very dumb. A good leader finds a way to lead them all, Not purge them like a Marxist, you bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"American cops are the worst! Fucking dogs, should shoot them on the spot for shit like this. Law enforcers... yeah right.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"he's a faggot and a secret bacon eater.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A retard is an idiot who labels a person with a disability.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" Yep...Obama was the Low Expectation President because he never had a private sector job in his life, and did not understand basic, fundamental economics. Remember his \"new normal\" speech trying to convince us that his C- economic and job growth was something to expect for all time?! Worst President in modern history.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Unprecedented? Right up that bitches alley. Not like the cunt hasn't gone behind her leader before. #pmlive ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Incest is best according to jews. http:\/\/www.thechristiansolution.com\/doc2014\/615_Amina.html https:\/\/concisepolitics.com\/2016\/04\/28\/the-documented-jewish-roots-of-saudi-royal-family\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Floppy bird chalmers over here taking after his hero LeBron","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Then the same people choosing the same answer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WTH??? Sent them back home and DON'T let them back into Europe! The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home (?) ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck off idiot. Not here to waste time with trolls and mentally retarded lunatics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Niggas think their dick is big when they put it in and you gasp.... first of all I've been holding my breath cause your breath stank ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"the crowds watching get bigger and bigger, these kind of cops put every other cop in danger because one can only be afraid for so long","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These 20 filthy stinking cunts were convicted and jailed today for raping little white girls as young as The difference is the Sikhs will be disgusted and disconnect themselves from him, the Muslims would be hiding evidence and treating them as heroes for raping Gori slags' Disgusting backward cunt sub-species, they should have all their smelly putrid dicks cut off! Just be done with them!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Holy hell lmao. If you would never date someone w\/ HIV, it's time to pat yourself on the back for not being a retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@KeithNovick3 @DavidCornDC @angeldee0 Bozo would have a better record to run on then sleepy joe who does not know if he is running for the senate or president most of the time. He is losing his mind. So I guess you are voting for Kamala or any one else who will destroy America!! TRUMP ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dawg!! RT @Chill__Cosby: Man this about to be another trash Thursday night game","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Battlefield V censors \"nigger\" in the chat. >I love how mad blacks get about this it's a word you pussy once a little thing happens black people blow up about it saying it's racist, you can't be racist against blacks because I'd all the things your race has done, and you get mad because nigger is censored, blacks are too sensitive","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Doug Martin trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I owe Blacks absolutely nothing and do not seek forgiveness. If, however, making them 'whole' consists of giving them a hand in returning to their ancestral homelands, I'm all ears! @SirBoring https:\/\/m.huffpost.com\/us\/entry\/us_5bccda8ce4b055bc9481ea68?ncid=engmodushpmg00000004 No, they didn't. Sorry. but they did sir, they did No, not really.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like the chromosone crusaders. Or just plain \"retards\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When your girl tryna be slick and get the password to your phone ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Loves a drug-addled nigger crew. His wife loves them too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm glad I don't research these truths. Raises my blood pressure. Corrup piece of monkey excrement. Traitor crooked \"a ss kill\". How would DJT label her? What name would he give her? cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @DRNRDX: @BrandonFxrd you're not safe pussy boy looooool http:\/\/t.co\/TocJ1WxRYK","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Charge Migrant Parents who cross the border with kids or send their kids alone to the cross the border illegally with child abuse and deport ASAP ! #Trump #MAGA #RedNAtionRising #immigration #Boydott Red Hen ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're actually retarded, my guy. In the US, State over Federal government is a right wing ideology. Dividing a massive country into smaller, more easily governable forces, is a right wing ideology. Right to own guns, even if stronger background checks and requirements are enforced, is a right wing ideology. Racism isn't a right wing ideology. Misogyny isn't a right wing ideology. If you think they are, you're an idiot. Conservative economics, I can level with you: those aren't great. But condemning a person for his political beliefs - condemning an entire demographic of people - makes you a fucking asshole.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Eh, it's just the retarded Daily Stormer operatives out in force. Fucking retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Darlington Rape Verdict: Attacker with hatred of women who described England as a 'bitch country' ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"MEC Panyaza Lesufi will visit a Mamelodi school to receive a report on the alleged rape of a 17-year-old girl pupil. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger loving whore.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Damn that made me laugh!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Fact.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Honestly, that dude said so much shit to that dyke in the crowd that even paraphrasing would be a giant paragraph. But long story short, a \"lesbian\" in the crowd started heckling and tried to be hard, but the comedian went in hard and did not let up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You don't need to be a citizen to have children. The only rights a citizen has over a civilian is the right to vote or run for office in the Terran Federation. For the M.I. recruiting office, they hire only the most crippled and mangled veterans they can find. The one Juan Rico meets is missing half his face and 3 limbs. His job to scare away anyone who isn't really dedicated and to make it very, very clear what dangerous dirty and grueling life you will have in the M.I. which itself is *extremely* selective, only %9 of Rico's starting group is able to pass and complete training. There is no propaganda machine brainwashing people, and there are no illusions given that service will be anything but dangerous, dirty and grueling. ( this is somewhat related to points 1 and 2 )","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"> A mother put her trust in physicians. Bwahahahaha - right, the physicians brain washed her. Not like she didn't have a lifetime before hand to ponder it and 9 months to do all kinds of deep research on her own. Nope, it is the physician's fault. Just not buying that line of self deluded reasoning. She said she feels \"guilty\" and \"shameful\" and \"self hating\". Good, I hope those feelings only get stronger and that she carries them with her to the grave. > Good, I hope those feelings only get stronger and that she carries them with her to the grave. you are projecting your own hate onto a stranger. That tells us so much more about you than her. She deserves it for what she did. \"Regret parents\" need to sit down, shut up, and stay out of the intactivist movement. We neither need nor want them. > We neither need nor want them. How about you speak for yourself jackass; some of us think you have mental issues. You speak for yourself, bub. Yup. But you are deluded in thinking you speak for everyone. Actually as I look at your posts I get the feeling that you are a black propaganda op. But that would overlooking a lot of skepticism; your posts are seething with self hate. Black propaganda? This has nothing to do with race, and I'm actually White. I'm not \"black propaganda\", I've been posting here for almost 2 years. And \"Wikipedia Britanica\"? You're not really that bright, either. Oh. *now* you know what \"black propaganda\" is but irony is still beyond you. Keep working you will get there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Remember when @user supt Dr. Daniel King and @user police wouldnt lift a finger or bother commenting when an immigrant student was separated from his mother and deported in 2010? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just your average white entitled bastard you see in college now a days. Wait did he say he is from UVA a school known for wannabee rich people just full of white devils Malcolm X told about. It is also full of Asians and Indians and also Arab Americans who think they are White sadly. And did I FORGET the uncle toms .","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Good Nigger !!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"In 100 years, sub-Saharan Africa full of black people. China full of Chinese people. Indian people will still look the same as they do now. This problem will only be addressed, wen we force the mainstream media and mainstream politicians to call this for what it is, ethnic cleansing and genocide. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qY5ErbaaWrg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MrHoratioSanz: Vin Scully once called me a camel jockey. #liesaboutvinscully","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Apparently you have no understanding of the globalist agenda","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And the mods are all white knights lol. Welcome to reddit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't even date or talk to a girl who is an attention whore on social media. What makes you think ima date or talk to a hoe in real life ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"An invading army is slowly trekking towards the United States' Southern Border. In any other time in history, stopping them with deadly force would be considered a practical and common-sense measure. But now, we're supposed to open wide and let them in. This is a manufactured crisis designed to energize the Left before the November Election. Ike called them Wetbacks. He knew.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't those idiots realise we all originate from the same African ancestors?! I'm so sick of people drawing these superficial distinctions based on race and skin colour! We are all humans. And for the record, she looks JAPANESE ENOUGH to me!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user ROBBIE ROTTEN IS NOT STUPID YOU CUNT ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@KenSuttling You remember,it used to be funny coloured paper.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user going to bring your Slut whore ass to the states ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"crazy American white police officers,crazy organ harvestors....and stupid black police officer....because i have never seen a black police officer killing a white manAmerican will continue to go backward..clearly this is not democracy..and Russia will continue to be the greatest Enemy of America untill the world power is off their shoulders.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"An honour to meet so many dedicated aid workers here. This is Mitun from @user who'd recently attended training on child protection provided by @user Building up specialist refugee protection expertise within national NGOs is part of our work here. #aidworks #rohingya ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Charlie motherfucker go back to Mexico not usa","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Jungle Raj reemerge in BiharandWB.Now criminals will have a field day.Caste,illiteracyandillegal migration played the trick for JD,TMC ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Went from the last person I'd talk too, to the women I crave on the daily in all about 10 months. Life's really a bitch ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Under Sharia Law, we will all watch as our pet dogs are slaughtered.... https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=j0WgK8EMOnE Speak for yourself","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who would've known that Jesus'll come back to the ghetto \/ on that level and that thorough like a black heroine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Agree? She didn't give a fuck. \"That's not how I had it explained to me. Stop getting your legal advice from Facebook you dumb cunt. Put in code: CuteSlut15 for 15% off your order!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It was an honor to work with my friend Connie Chung and her speaking out on the importance to vote out #COVIDTrump and @GOPSenMajority so we can bring #Dignity and #Honor back to #America. #YourVoteMatters #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/kC47lpkFTZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When she thinks she won the argument but you tell her 'hold TF up' then flip the whole thing on her ass ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You forgot to mention Tony Jones is a cunt and QandA is a far left extremist program","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@MidwestXPride have her learn the first 30 seconds of Flesh and the Power it Holds- Death. That riff would be cool for a bird to do lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Really tempted to let out the redneck side of my drink a lot of beer and sing some country karaoke..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This fuckin cunt with the big nose gesuz there are two of em one is a pig and the other is an fbi director pigs kid","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@JesseRodriguez @IntelCrab @carolelee @MSNBC Simpson's has become a Taboo these days for #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Older adults are an integral part of many immigrant #families. The administration's \"public charge\" rule puts entire families at risk. Learn more about how you can #ProtectFamilies: ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'd do anything for an Oreo vanilla bean drink from dunkin and a chocolate chip muffin from there too..I'm starving and that sounds so good now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Also cunt hole is redundant ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Neil Patrick Harris Reveals That Whoopi Made Disturbing Sexual Advances When He Was a Teen https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/neil-patrick-harris-reveals-whoopi-sexual-advances\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You now need to be extra, extra, extra careful how you refer to the Prophet Mohammed, as the EU Court of Human Rights upheld the conviction of an Austrian woman for defamation over his marriage to a child. https:\/\/www.aa.com.tr\/en\/europe\/defaming-prophet-muhammed-not-free-expression-echr\/1292823 Mohammed was a peadophile. He married and raped a child.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Niggas be in they feelings when they find out their hoe fuckin another nigga #StopSavinTheseHoes","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When he wraps 1 hand around your throat, puts the other betwn your legs and; whispers 'this pussy is mine' in your ear ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"But aren't girls cutest when they're almost retarded?\" Kinda like a litter of puppies. The slightly retarded one is always the cutest.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm sorry but I feel like those cops were just antagonizing her for no reason. Don't get me wrong, you cooperate with the cops no matter what but they were also being dicks to her for no reason. She blew a She would've got a ticket and some dumped out booze at worst if she hadn't been a total entitled cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"May resign , you and your party have lost touch with ordinary people in the Uk ignoring Parliments vote is one thing losing the NHS confidence is a no go ignoring our front line staff pleas on Pay ,conditions and funding and cuts will make you pay Immigration has costs us much ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Illegals can reunite back across the border in Mexico! We dont need the extra crime that the illegal or refugees invaders bring to America.#NoDACA #NoVisaLottery #NoBenefits4Illegals #NoChainMigration #BuildTheWall #E-Verify @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At least she doesn't look like Christine Ford's DYKE attorney! and the beaked nose one!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"TL;DR: This video shows the similarities between Anita Sarkeesian and the 2014 SJW movement against video games, and Donald Trump in 2018 and how he is exactly like Anita when it comes to blaming video games and poses just as big of a threat to video games.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well yea... They rewrote the whole script so Lancelot was a faggot and there was numerous lancing jokes and rainbow flags, rainbow tights, and more innuendo than I care to remember. You don't remember that?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Charles Blow is pathetic nigger faggot that is taken seriously by 1\/1024th of the population.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oh fuck yes. I hate the term cis with passion. Trying to make it seem like","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just to clarify, I saw the video and he didn't actually \"killed\" that NPC (leaving philosophy of existence aside) he just punched her, but yeah YouTube went full retarded on this one, the game is fucking rated Mature because it contains Blood, Intense Violence, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs. And most games where you violently murder men, no one cares. But punch a women... and#x200B;","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Meanwhile, little tough guy Mr. Hanky Rearend cries like a little cunt when someone trolls the fuck out of his pussy ass.... https:\/\/gab.ai\/HankRearden\/posts\/38421004 https:\/\/gab.ai\/HankRearden\/posts\/38420345 Tell all your little butt buddies more about how you're such a tough guy troll, pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"As Trump's Diagnosis Spooks G.O.P., Pelosi Projects Optimism on Stimulus Deal SEE MORE HERE ==andgt; https:\/\/t.co\/17tvuUnq2W #proudboys #donaldtrump #covid19 #covid #coronavirus #trump #trump2020 #maga #makeamericagreatagain #trumprally https:\/\/t.co\/DaCXcuK7X0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Switched TV on last night, Casualty on BBC, virtually all black cast apart from 3 characters. Switched over to X Factor on ITV, virtually all black contestants, it looked more like Malcolm X Factor... Switched off TV and went to the pub","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The brit fags are bending over for muzzies. the piece of shit mayor of London is a muzzie as are other mayors. stupidity rules Britannia.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hate white people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Eat our shit fucker.... miserable jealous jew haters. Get a life faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Isis tie , then killUS police kill, then tie","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"O'brien's a twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump @tracybeanz @SenateGOP #WeThePeople As #PatriotsAwakened Have Learned 2 Expect Nothin Less Than Crazy From The DemonRat Party and Crazy Nancy (In Addition 2 TREASON, SEDITION, BRIBERY, DRUGS, 911, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, 2 Name A Few)!#FillTheSeatNOW #FillTheSeat @DLHay @FrdmBellsRing @bob23cat19 #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Our Executive Director, John Barcanic, and Director of Volunteer and Church Engagement Sara Aardema, will be presenting at the Legacy Conference hosted at Moody Bible Institute on Engaging immigrant issues with the Gospel and Creative ways the church can tackle the refugee crisis ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"no they just murder and steal","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Honey_GotBunns: @1stBlocJeremiah lmfaoo NEVER I be Dolo , I dont got no niggas, and for my old hoes FUCK ALL THEM ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Waiting on this wetback sycksyllables http:\/\/t.co\/L8wqZduzZE","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I agree. 16 months for ruining a guys life? Fuck this universe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"American culture is stuck to the side of the toilet. Graffiti writers in Europe can create better art without any lowlife trash sex jokes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Clear speak: Steff Blok says that the settle of refugees in countries of Easteuropa will not work and the cultruell differnces are impossible to life together peaceful. Is he right ? - Leftminded Eu hasnt realize that this is the truth and will not bring future - only desater. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Speaking of ford and garland, I need to get my sub from there. And a job application. Lol killin 2 birds with one stone!! #merica","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I sat at dinner with Anderson Cooper I would just bring up ass smell and buttfucking and cum eating because he's a faggot .","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is what the streets of the #uk will look like in 10 more years #Brexitnow #stopimmigration ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Have they seen Planet of the Apes @WhatTheFFacts: Brazil has the highest number of monkey species of any nation in the world with 116. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's moronic bullshit to try and claim Trump's actions are treasonous when he's the only one taking any steps at all to oppose the deep state. Yeah his appointments are mostly shit. That's because there's only shit available. The establishment banishes the righteous. Trump thought they would trade greed for patriotism, like him. Retard muted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Some cunt went as far as to say that *being intact actually causes less pleasure for women* Really?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"imagine when you put your business data on their cloud products. does retard mean anything to ya?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@clarks43 This is EXACTLY why we need POTUS Joe Biden and VPOTUS Kamala Harris in OUR White House.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TomasAllende It's bretty gay. I'll say this, I don't fuck with those pro accts. They all drug up for a while when torba bounced @u . They we're big on shitting on all of us. Including anons including writers and e celebs. They are plutocrats by definition. When I realized I was a right winger, I was fully aware I would be grouped with people that don't like me. But since I'm no longer in highschool I don't give a fuck. Being so afraid of being called a nazi that you counter signal, I don't understand it. Read siege man. Those ppl must be shoved unto the dying ground, a corner, a place where they either fight for an existence; or die. They don't deserve anything more than a single choice. My dad was almost killed when he was 12 during a land takeover under Allende's regime, my mom's office was machinegunned by commie terrorists because she worked for the military. I guess Americans have lived too peacefully for too long. If I may borrow a commie phase. The west is ... Decedant.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Never, White man, forget what blind hate stole from thee. Wait for the hour that avenges the bleeding crime. One day we'll have to fight against all odds for the '14 Words', even when we're tired, hungry, and cold. Don't be discouraged, remember Ebba. JEWS MURDERED EBBA. Muslims were the instrument. Jewish immigration policy was how. Jews were the criminals. Europe has a muslim problem because it has a jewish problem.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Humans always gotta fuck shit up for the rest of the planet","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RETARD ALERT","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And people with ugly faces should wear masks ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HKrassenstein @realDonaldTrump @CNN @nytimes There's really no need for them to work overtime.We all know who's totally unqualified to be President.That would be Donald J Trump!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Heartiste @BGKB I wonder how many other high school kids are rebelling against Jew cultural marxist norms imposed on them by schools who don't get caught and the MSM dares not reveal to outside work? My guess: many. https:\/\/www.buzzfeednews.com\/article\/briannasacks\/california-high-school-racist-prank Niggers and Fags !! Fags and Niggers ... Faggot ass Nigger !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"But I wouldn't put it past a low IQ grunt to do something this stupid. You are useless to the movement dead or in jail. Only organization and careful planning can change things. Going one-man kamikaze is retarded and accomplishes nothing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"LOL almost all of you are liars, thieves and willing servants of the black and white hat false jews. You deserve whatever terrible fate befalls you. Ask yourself what did I or my ancestors create from nothing (no loans, no salary, create) in the country in which I live? How did what you\/they created increase the pool of things that are wealth? If nothing then you are an invader and a thief or a beggar being cared for by the people who did create wealth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"James Fields and St. Bowers were treated the same way. Remember that white man!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't get offended ladies, men are always right ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Still doesn't change the fact you're a whining weeb who will probably shoot up a school tomorrow because some fat hillbilly put you in your place. Go to Deviantart with your bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Receiving migrants is road to hell, says Czech PM ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Lmao SKANK BITCH IM TELLIN MY MOMMA ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@DeplorableBuilder Low IQ individuals are going to go along with your nonsense, but I can't save them from the scammer Torba. That's going to fall to the SEC. Torba will rot in prison. How many others in the cult will go with him? We'll see. That's a lie, I disprove your fake news narrative daily But can you prove it's a lie beyond a reasonable doubt? I get that you trust Torba with your life, but that isn't proof. Here you go That doesn't prove anything Is that not the traffic chart How can the site traffic skyrocket but the daily post count remain more or less the same? How can you determine daily post without sources Ask @judgedread Here it is Looks like something Cnn would do Seems legit to me If that's the best argument you have, we have nothing else to talk about It's legit It's just extremely biased and rigged He rigged it by following the reddit accounts at midnight He cries slider spam whenever you bring this up, because he knows it's BS (Weak insult game btw) But when you favorite only the Reddit accounts as he explained you're not going to get the same results He's cries slider spam when you bring this up because he knows its weak :3 and not being able to make it 2 minutes without calling someone a name is pretty weak btw ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GAB Management has been totally irresponsible in providing a forum for unabashed Nazis and antiSemites. There are limits to free speech, and a mute button is NOT the answer. There's nothing socially healthy about the free public exchange of blatant hate speech. WWII ended 70 years ago.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On behalf of the UK. Please take this cunt back and whilst your at ,you can have Harry too. Now he's shown his true colours","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If police is not going to arrest those #antifa faggots, you need to make sure Portland's police chief head rolls like a bowling ball. I dont live there so there is nothing I can do but you can. Take that cunt down!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"i keep telling Torba to clean this fucking place up but he's as useless as workboots on a nigger i dont know wtf im gonna do ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Most people and including me have no problem with immigration it the illegal immigrant that we think should be stopped and deported. There is a different between a legal and illegal immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"look at this Commie Faggot from Facebook does it look like this idiot \"works\" day of the caravan can't come soon enough","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yea, I had a Linda follow me, porn pics, blocked it. Just another shit poster trying to bring trouble to Gab. Post some trap porn and then report it to some org gab is being hosted from just to stir up shit. Haters gonna hate, but Karma is one nasty Bitch (yeah, the capital \"B\" is intentional).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Screenshoot this threat, you're a child I'm an adult, keep calling me a faggot and see how I react","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And my nickname is Spartacus....behind my back republicans call me nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Liberals stop being such fans of women when the woman is Ann Coulter. They stop loving black people when it's Candace Owens. Liberal \"tolerance\" is about power.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Then dick twat gets reelected. rip canada","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@TheREALJB1RD Gotta get my superbowl shirt at the cleaners then we hitting the big bird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The guy at the elevator door (I assume security\/police) should have grabbed her finger and snapped her fucking wrist. Bunch of screeching retarded cunts...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Facebook is teeming with fake accounts created by undercover law enforcement officers. They're against the rules but cops keep making them anyway. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/hD7L","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shit, at least he hated Trump https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/synagogue-shooter-disliked-trump-posted-i-did-not-vote-for-him\/ It said he disliked President Trump meaning he is a liberal POS. That transcends ethnicity!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BrandonTierney: Crooked number followed by shut down frame, love it. #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@mmfa So the rich write the laws that help the rich legally' avoid tax while the 99% prop them up with their own taxes used to build infrastructure and societal necessities, all while the gap between the haves and have nots ever expands? Sounds fair. #TaxFraudTrump #VoteBlue2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mother is a fat ugly used up trash cunt and the daughter will take after her. The daughter already has the entitled attitude and is a disgusting person. They didn't learn anything, and the next dude who has to deal with these two cunts will probably have the same ordeal. +1 for dashcam Of course, if a man refuses to be a White Knight then he is of no use to a modern trash female. He is worse than shit in their eyes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Last week UNHCR released their annual Global Trends Report, which found that there are currently 25.4 million refugees around the world. Will you make the future brighter for just one? Donate or become a fundraiser on behalf of refugees here. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SNAKEHAID @wsaleen15 @rducppp @2_Synnseer @rebelgirl2040 why ur profile a one armed nigger?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Pakistanis say they will move to Britain \"UK will pay us because we are refugees\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":">lmao, autocorrect fail #gottem >Only the mentally handicapped try meth... >...if you don't believe that, you're on meth Retard confirmed. I don't know what's more retarded, you or your comment","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Cancel all debates. Buy the airtime and long form discus the platform @JoeBiden is running on. Would have so much more return than trying to get anything over a 3yr olds tantrum. #BidenHarris2020 #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@abc9861238 Good job #Trump2020 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I see this retarded shit in public I'm going to sweep the leg. Swear to #CobraKai https:\/\/www.thedailybeast.com\/more-men-are-wearing-stilettosif-they-can-find-their-size","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What she really means when she says she likes bad boys ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#BuildThatWall #ReleaseFisaReports, #BuildThatWall, @user please now Mr President, it will shut the Dems up! @user I am tired of the abuse you and #FLOTUS. #ReleaseTheUnredactedFisaReports now! You are our President, you can do it! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dickey durban = paid for retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user See you are doing it again. No woman who is criticizing McGowan is saying or thinks jokes about rape are ok. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SpeakerPelosi @RepRaskin Trump continues to show his disrespect for the office. This time he is blatantly planning to campaign on government property.The only thing Trump appears to be mentally capable of doing should be investigated by the US Ethics Committee.https:\/\/t.co\/aRXfOWXRWE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user a bunch of people who can't separate a character you play, from the real world, are moaning that you \"glamourise rape , ugh! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ESPNNFL: For the 1st time in the Tom Brady era, the Patriots are in sole possession of last place in the AFC East http:\/\/t.co\/zMkwGNzOCT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mounting Reports of Deliberate Trauma Inflicted on Immigrant Children Detained by the Trump\/Pence Regime #ChildrenInCages #FamilySeparation #ReuniteTheFamilies #ReuniteFamiliesNow #ReuniteEveryChild #ImmigrantChildren ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you must be a pedophile, a baby raper.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The New \"Sexy\". I'll take old sexy ANY day. I don't know I saw that buggy and instantly thought of Rosemary's baby... What kinda spawn is in there? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Teaching my kids transgenders are anything but mentally ill will get you set on fire.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Her poor husband. That fool needs to get out now. I'm not getting married. Never wanted to and never did. At least you know better. OJ Not always the case. I came into.my marriage with no money just like my husband. Now I work and he stays home. We're actually a pretty good team and afaik he's pretty happy so ... I'd say he's benefitting","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"MyMomDoesAnal\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* OP's post sucks. Your salt over it means I still get a laugh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yeah because he isn't a faggot from the GOP","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lol Yep those things are less dangerous than Maxine Waters wig hat and flapping nigger lips https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6315709\/Robert-Niros-Tribeca-restaurant-evacuated-suspicious-package-found.html#comments","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"LOLOL!!!!!!!! \"Waa Waa Waa..the muzzy is hurting us!\" GET SOME SPINE BRITS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Price to pay for electing a Muzzie Paki for your Mayor. Now, you know what to do, next!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@RunuldoRants faggot sack","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @godsgracelove: #15ThingsILove When he wraps his arms around my waist while I'm making dinner, yellow roses, pearls, Anything COACH a ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This faggot wants his cheap tires! So what if Mexicans are ruining our country. He should get the fuck out and take his chink wife with him!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Exec slams Republicans: 'F*ck. You. All. To. Hell' https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/33zRP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What the fuck is wrong with these guys - Low T - Lack of exercise - Poor eating habits (which includes eating a lot of processed foods, junk food and soy, lots and lots of soy) - No goals\/purpose in life other than to please \"m'lady\" on the net But why do they make that face","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ConnieSchultz @SenAmyKlobuchar She is right....again. I hope she gets a very prominent role in the Biden administration if she wants it.#BidenHarris2020 #SenAmyKlobushar","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I liked Bushmaster. He was a simple man. His family got robbed. He wanted to get back what was his and deal with those who robbed them. He did, and then he just went away. He didn't decide to suddenly go off the deep end of villainy after that. He didn't decide that killing Luke was what 'really mattered' like every retard who tries to rob one bank, then spends the rest of his career trying to kill Spider-man for foiling him that one time fifty years back.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"After a Black man murdered a Swedish citizen, the Swedish police asked the public for help identifying him - but they blurred out his face so you couldn't tell he was Black. Years ago, the editor of the Swedish tabloid Expressen admitted to \"vitpixling\" whereby criminals' dark skin in photos was lightened and pixelated, to make them appear white. There was a Wikipedia entry on it, but all that's left is the debate to delete it. Mention of the practice is buried in another entry on a \"conspiracy theory\" about journalists pushing demographic replacement. Sweden: everything you need to know about women in politics.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#PrayForPaulGeorge #UK #UKIP #PoliticsMatters All #women with a degree in 'Women's Studies' should go to prison. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looter Shot Dead While Trying to Steal Police Car in Panama City https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/jWJh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"TIME TO #BoycotttRubyTues What the fuck are you talking about? Ive been to my ruby tuesday in trump shirt and maga hat idk how many times. Not only do they serve us, but they love us. We are treated as VIPs there. Where the fuck are you getting this nonsense from? The world doesn't revolve around you...you can't even imagine that at one of their restaurants this could happen? Really? Boycott fucking everything. Either support conservative businesses, or make your own from supplies bought from conservative businesses. No u I stopped caring the moment I posted the original post. I just wanted to see how far you'd go I don't even know what you're talking about. I made a reasonable comment on your post and you went psychotic. Can't make sense out of you. Hello welcome to the world of weaponized autism I am it and you lost Whatever. Not here to waste time with lunatics. I only love to harass them if they are clearly paid shills\/trolls etc with the purpose of spewing a fake narrative, causing division, agitating users etc. I don't know if this is just a random lunatic. guess you'll never know huh? I don't GAF. I just don't want to have to bother with you. best mute me before I #SpidermanThread your retarded ass tehn lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do not Forget When Phosphorus Apollo - Sun became the Statue of Liberty Or maybe after Roman statues of Hekate Megisti? The Alt Right is spreading that Right wings are Christians and Christians do not love the nation. Because Left and right wings belong to the same bird. They are not Nationalists. Numbers 31:17-18 King James Version (KJV) 17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Karlheinz Deschner The Criminal History of Christianity","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I love how you make a stupid video trying to discredit anti \"vaxxers\" but then can't scientifically disprove how bad additives and the amounts of vaccines that are pumped into minors till the age of 18, actually are. Great work with the unbiased reporting AJ+, spreading more biased crap to give idiots like Daniel Fonda the security that all the decisions they took for their kids are just fine :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Muslims LOVE killing people. But they also LOVE lying, as as they love quoting verse 5:32 of the Qu'ran, and even then it's often misquoted as certain key phrases are edited out. But let's quote verse 5:33 instead, yes the verse right after 5:32. It says: *\"The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;*To a Muslim just about anyone, even your sister or your daughter, and especially any non-Muslim is punishable by death, and that is what we are seeing over and over and over again from Muslims even in the year 2016. Islam and other religions have no place in the modern world.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A great teach-in from @user who shared techniques of community resistance with us all in ESOL tonight. Thank you! Remember you have the right to film any public officer that includes police and immigration officers. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude I have literally had long conversations that occupied my entire work day explaining Jewish power and supremacy in person. I would never had had the inclination or knowledge to do so if it had not been for people saying nigger on the internet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"For a supposed patriarchal society this \"humour\" about women slapping and hitting men is all pervasive, TV shows and movies that celebrate a woman slapping or hitting a man who has displeased her is pretty much endemic now and the reaction is to just laugh or say \"right on girl he deserved it\" The double standard sickens me Edit: spelling, I can't spell patriarchal Patriarchy doesn't mean \"beneficial for men and detrimental for women\". It's damaging for men as well, traditional gender roles are the reason people are laughing at this guy. Exactly. It's the same reason the term \"man flu\" exists - the idea that men complain more when sick and are less resilient than women when it comes to being ill, despite the fact that statistically women take more sick leave than men. It's because under the \"patriarchy\" or \"toxic masculinity\" of our society, men are expected to be stoic and tough, and any sort of indication of weakness is met with derision. I feel like I read somewhere that the man flu is a real thing though. My memory might not be spot on here but I think it said something along the lines of this; the virus recognizes that male hosts can not reproduce and as such doesn't value the host as much and doesn't hold back from the affliction. Whereas with female hosts it holds back because they are needed to reproduce and create more hosts. I don't know how much truth there is to that though, but I did read it somewhere and thought it was cool. If you could find a credible source that would be an amazing read. Unfortunately due to how it's worded it sounds suspicious but you're half remembering an article you read a while ago so it's not your fault at all. Anyways, if there's a source I'd love to read it! https:\/\/www.webmd.com\/cold-and-flu\/news\/20171211\/does-flu-hit-men-harder-than-women-maybe-so","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Zwaaad fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Typical retarded vile nigger beast in the meme posted by a typical \"they are the real racists\" cowardly stupid fool. Libtards\/democrats and CONservatives\/Republicans are enemies of the White race. Both parties are under kike control. Stop pointing your finger. Be a real racist. To answer your question - yes you are a stupid fool. And now I see you are a faggot to boot. Not surprised. I don't know how\/why you became a faggot. Why ask a stranger? Ask an adult you know. It is usually genetic. If scientists can discover the faggot gene(s) then faggots can be aborted and eventually the faggot problem will be eliminated. cheers, Tam this was light work. I was hoping for a challenge, but was sadly disappointed. I'll still drink to it, though!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"TFW, for some reason, you must defend jews to till the end even though you don't benefit one cent. You're just so cucked and retarded you MUST be good goyim and defend jews bc it makes you feel more whole...? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@LeadersMaster @realDonaldTrump So trump created COVID? COVID came from Trump? Trump has a lab he created the virus in? It's his fault? You must be Chinese and you must be from China. China wants Biden to win so China can dominate the world. China created this virus. China spread the virus. #maga #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I try ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Elections don't matter. If they did they would not be allowed to exist anymore. If you're still falling for that con, you fully deserve to get fucked over by your \"party of choice\". You asked for it at that point. The system is illegitimate but unless you try to work within to tear it down, I don't see an out. This dumb idea that by voting you legitimize the system was already disproven by the Greeks a very long time ago. If you don't participate in the system you just get ruled over by inferiors or the worst people. You get ruled by the worst people in a democracy no matter what you do. That's something no one can disprove - all petty drama politics aside. This LARPY idea that if you don't vote\/engage that the system shrieks and disappears in a puff of smoke\/just ceases being is something that some AnCaps have floated but the reality is that it doesn't work that way. You have to engage with the system in some way to get rid of it. Literally Democracy = \"Ok people, let's break up into 2 groups....\" But even at its' core it's divisive. Monarchy did a lot of bad shit, but it didn't divide the nation on national issues. It divided on class. I like the idea of dividing on class by way of the pillar of society - the working family. Let a working family vote, 1 vote per family.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@marcushjohnson I'm voting early in Texas next week too.#BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If Superman were real rn I would make his bitch ass spin around the earth or threaten to rape Lois Lane lol I would go that far for cod lol ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"WHOOPI GOLDBERG IS NOTHING OTHER THAN A DUMBFUCK NIGGER !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"THIS is the true mission of the U.S. military. To protect it's citizens from immediate threats and not to invade other countries for the annexation of resources on behalf of wealthy elites and corrupt politicians.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Church leaders determine to ease #economic problems at the heart of #humantrafficking plaguing #Indonesia @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're a faggot if you use the cover your face emoji","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump One guess white supremacy! The people will rise and stop your violence and dictatorship #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/jJeg4GrXNz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is fucking great. *wait you mean you guys won't pay me money for my trash just because I wave my tits around?* Fuck off dumb cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@BlackManUSA @texasdivepro Historical point: cracker was a term for the Irish settling in the woods of the mid-Atlantic. Hardly offensive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The fact that they broke into his home with no warrant, is actually a crime. At that point, they aren't acting inside the realm of legality but instead being a common criminal. The dude was wrongfully pursued and literally hunted like an animal for a suspicion that was incorrect. This officer should be rotting in jail. This Sickens me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#texasFirst ReTweets of VoiceofTheVoiceless @PressTV https:\/\/twitter.com\/PressTV\/status\/1051144811821092864 mustC: @AlfredSchaefer Black being racist vs a German #FairTrial (Listen1st) video: https:\/\/kutt.it\/gab_tw_4i7rY5M0DKl #MakingPoliticsGREATagain [phpGAB]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nah, it's something only retards believe in.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hundreds of Syrian refugees return home from Lebanon via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"shut the fuck up you fucking pussy you wouldnt know survival if it hit you in the face you draft dodger ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No, Katherine MacDonald, not everyone has the luxury of eating three times a day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alex Smith wears red and yellow now so quit being psycho ex boyfriends and get over him. He's in the past","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pro-Trump Counter Protester Arrested At Immigration Rally For Brandishing Gun ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hating men is an important part of feminism why cant these men serving brats just shut the fuck up ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This nutcase DEMANDED an investigation, but now wants the results to be withheld... https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/huge-development-feinstein-moves-seal-fbi-investigation-case-collapses\/amp\/?__twitter_impression=true","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well i wish i was either a nigger or a jew that way i could stand in the street and cry that this is everyone else fault but mother nature... Had a wind storm take out my 130 yr old oak and my truck... unlike the spooks i wont cry about this for a 100 yrs","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That spic is an honorary aryan!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Awwww... Dembo TayTay will now just have to write a song about how most of America broke up with her. She still has rapey female teachers as fans though, they'll always be able to relate to her teenage crap.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@FascistTwitter you make me want give up on sad sacks !! your one sad sack needs new veiws!! but your retarded LoL silly FUCKERS ON LEFT!! can't fix STUPID!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hate to break it to you #Liberals but in an 7 hour day, I had 12 customers and 12\/12 are Trump supporters! #Trump2020 #Trump2020Landslide","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@hotzgeor Kept the border open to disease from Central America, lowest workforce part. % since Carter, yep, a real boon to NC.@ThomTillis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All of a sudden this traitorous deep state Zionist faggot (who is pals with ISIS) is a hero to conservatards. Lindsey is scum. He likes Kavanaugh because Kav is a Patriot Act kind of guy. The kind of guy who will support the CIAs worst excesses. Fuck that queer. Now I'm not saying send him a campaign donation, but can you not be a faggot when he points out the communist jews hate white people? he's a politician, jew money is leaving the republican party, why promote the party the jews are heading over to? 95% of jewish money went to obama re-election campaign, cool story though. Not sure how that helps your argument about dems being less kiked than gop And Israelis support Trump over Obama by an overwhelming margin. The GOP is more kiked than the Dems when it comes to Israel. That's funny, that spic bernie fan got beaten down pretty fast for denying israel. Republican voters are less kiked, trump is making dem kikes more openly antiwhite which is accelerationist without letting the party who gets way more jew money in power. Do you want to get exterminated in an american bolshevik revolution or what? why give the jews more power?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"IDC now means I dick cunt. He wants to bang her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Rick Scott is known as easily one of the best Governors in the USA. Florida is setting records in almost every category of success. Amazing achievement-the envy of the World. Ron DeSantis will build on this success. His incompetent opponent will destroy Florida - next Venezuela! 8:03 am - 20 Oct 2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Agreed. While I'm glad to see already on-the-books immigration laws being enforced much more than they've been in the past, his platform of \"hooray Israel\" is shameful, to say the least. While he's certainly a better option than Hillary, Trump's stances on the matter of Israel put a glaring spotlight of the deepest problem with Civic Nationalism. A false dichotomy for sure. This is why I said CivNat is a bad idea. Better than the other, worse choice? Why should we settle with that. True leaders look out for their own, racial kin. They don't masturbate other peoples, and spend valuable resources helping non-kin. 100%. I will not settle for a medicore authoritarian regime that spends 4 years undoing the intense fuck ups of the other regime every other turn. I don't want to give tax dollars to my own destruction. I want to check out, I want to cash out, and I want to step out. I want tribalism. One big step towards getting there is by reminding the MAGA NPCs that all it will take is Globalists in this country winning big, once. Meanwhile, what fickle power the \"Conservatives\" has must be maintained and pushed, election after election. Eventually, the retard-masses will win with the CivNat structure. Without a shadow of a doubt. \"Conservatives\" aka republicans cheer like they hit a grand slam when they put a bandaid on an AIDS sore, without realizing you have to treat the AIDS itself. The sick joke is that AIDS has no cure. The body carrying it must be completely disposed of, before it is allowed to breed with others. \"That is a sick symptom of a dead or dying empire. \" The US federation has been slowly dying since the 1965 Hart-Celler Act -- which has officially opened the immigration gates from the Turd World. It has been time to prepare for racial separation ever since.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@_Jacquelyn2020 Awww Thanks Jacquelyn! You're the best! #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/48jGDNZgPH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @KNegandhiESPN: That Peppers slant was a genius\/crazy call. Genius if he catches it. Crazy if he drops it, then blow a TO, then get sack ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wasn't always a MGTOW but for most of my life ever since I was 16, I've always had a bitter negative perspective on women and I didn't know why (not incel btw). Once I discovered MGTOW, I quickly realized that my subconscious was ahead of its time and that I have a gift many men don't have yet...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#ChrisMartin Demand an apology from @user He disrespected women incl the mom of your kids Rape is NEVER a jok ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was more annoyed by the men in that game. Except like 2 or 3 men they were either turbodicks or turboretards. Game was still good. It just overstayed its welcome in the end, I never finished the expansion because I was exhausted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Another season of retweeting every one of @nikaaaa3 's Yankee tweets! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You'll get more visibility becuase of the replies calling you a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"this MUSLIM CUNT NEEDS ENDED.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @BleacherReport: VIDEO: CFL LB Solomon Elimimian trash talks an opponent during a halftime interview http:\/\/t.co\/EYjinwIWwE http:\/\/t.co\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When Abbot deposed Thurdbull it was over the left wing lunatics in Libs party and Coal power, so, it has been done again, and That communist Cunt Shortarse better take a note;### Coal is still the 3rd biggest expert earning income you deformed motherfucking Union thief and a thug","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Cows are female, you're the faggot with your head in the fence","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@JanesaysN Thank you!! I agree. I'm so ready for November #Trump2020 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wouldn't there be delicious irony if Amazon played Shiva the destroyer to SWPL urban-bugman culture? (and incidentally, \"Cleveland\" ain't what that damaged faggot Tennessee Williams thought it was) https:\/\/www.theatlantic.com\/ideas\/archive\/2018\/10\/new-york-retail-vacancy\/572911\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You'll be getting a text from President Trump tomorrow at 2:18 p.m. ET https:\/\/t.co\/guVE7G4mlR That's Jeff Sessions in action. Punish the victims, not the criminals. Justice only for those who can afford it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jihadis identify a man from #Indonesia as the one who carried a massive suicide bombing on Speicher camp #Iraq http:\/\/t.co\/h1hjHYnbY2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Officer who fatally shot Tamir Rice quits Ohio police department days after he was hired https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/y4XJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCK THEM KILL ALL THE PARASITES!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They deserve what they get ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ford thinks President Trump was harsh she should come check out Gab! Oh, GOOOOOODDDD ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Soy boy beta cuck, women are just people dont pretend there arent men doing this shit or that every women is the same, fuck outta here with your retarded broad generalizations, atleast write the specific way to test their standarts and some fucking proof ffs","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Great question. We know the answer. Until y'all are able to own a weapon other night than a plastic spork.... And until your Parliament and worthless PM develop some cajones, you are owned by that muzzie filth. It surely does. I've worked on a friend and her kids, for 2 years who is actually entitled to emmigrate to the US from England who won't budge? I'm stunned at that kind of stupidity and have given up..... All she needed to do was make an appointment with the embassy to get their stamp. Pssst.... Daughter is one of those harrassed and literally attacked white girls ...even more stunning.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I had a word with this Versi twat on Twitter. Told him more Muslims left Britain to fight for ISIS than are actually in the British Army. Should the cause surrounding that be investigated? No feking answer as usual with these types.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The mod Toohhnnee of this sub is a beta male pussy. i'm done with this fucking sub. I'm about to go ham on you motherfuckering SJW mods. Fuck all of you except for Mustaka. You better look in to your mods Mustaka, that Toohhnnee is a piece of shit. Sell out ass motherfuckers. Fuck all of you. I'm done with this sub. Delete my profile for all I fucking care you beta male faggots Edit: I was going to delete this, but instead I'm going to leave it up as reminder to my self to not drink and get some help. I think it's a long time coming and I'm sorry for pointless drama, which is rather hypocritical of me considering I'm always telling people I hate drama. Go figure. Toohhnnee I'm sorry man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I have no idea how people are still stumbling across it when it has 0 karma. Do people just see these 0 karma posts with spicy headlines and think \"that's gotta be the most retarded shit I'll read today, lemme get in there for my daily dose of outrage\"? Edit: ah, there's only like 6 posts newer than it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@thematthill @ConnieY98406708 @JoeBiden Love Joe and so proud of him! #BidenHarris2020 #VoteBlue","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How is this bad at all, at a far away distance it looks like isis, a bad group. They corrected their mistake, so not a fault on them. Nice AJ+ bullshit video.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Only a nigger would down-vote this painting. Envious jungle monster or a kike. Only a Nigger or a Kike. True.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"All girls like you should have a pimp to guide them to successful prostitution","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"*up to* ten years And they should definitely be punished. 10 years would obviously be going overboard, but they're defacing property in another country, they need to be taught a lesson. If I was a judge I'd give em at least a year of Thai prison. Considering how weak-minded the typical cunts that would do this kind of thing are, that should be about 100x what is necessary to break them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Common features shared by Muslims and Western Liberals: - their hatred for Christianity - their hatred for decency, diligence, talent - their contempt for honest work - their love for unearned wealth, narcissistic control over others - their sadistic preference for tyranny to watch others subjugated and suffering - ie, they are all mentally disturbed Nazis. Most people are so ignorant, they don't know the difference between communism, fascism, socialism, or freedom. ...and, they don't care to learn. I've already got a clueless one showing the ignorance. Weimar Germany on steroids today anyone? You can't possibly be this clueless Enwhiten me! Enwiten you....now that speaks volumes for what I'm referencing No Nazi ever told me I should be replaced because I was white, or tolerated his (((relatives))) doing so. You're a lolcow. IDF paid Troll Soldier. Off to the oven you go. That wasn't for you, goofball. PS unpaid troll.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where all da white women at? Whites got roles in Blazing Saddles. Oh Wait, you think Whites need to sit in the back of the Bus don't you? Black Lives Matter. Black Supremacy and all that right? It's twu.. ITS TWU Fuck BLM. I ain't that. 100% white and damn proud of it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Barack Obama on Trump's trade promises: \"How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have?\" President Trump just schooled the former community organizer. The legacy of Barack Obama is quickly being erased--one globalist policy at a time. Good riddance.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"US president admits and brags about an extrajudicial assassination of a US citizen. https:\/\/t.co\/PjAEXAbJON","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OOPS: Trudeau Accidentally Admits That Canada Can't Do Anything About Global Emissions https:\/\/www.spencerfernando.com\/2018\/10\/23\/oops-trudeau-accidentally-admits-that-canada-cant-do-anything-about-global-emissions\/ Even if Canada stopped everything tomorrow, and the other countries didn't have any solutions, it wouldn't make a big difference, he said in French. Carbon Tax Scam: Revenue-Neutral' Tax Revealed As Another Trudeau Lie https:\/\/www.spencerfernando.com\/2018\/10\/23\/carbon-tax-scam-revenue-neutral-tax-revealed-as-another-trudeau-lie\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We, as a nation, must stand up for Water Protectors and stop the oil industry and corporate greed destroying the environment.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#potus Federal Judge \"Shocked\" To Find Obama State Dept Lied To Protect Hillary From Email Server Lawsuits | Zero Hedge https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-18\/federal-judge-shocked-find-obama-state-dept-lied-protect-hillary-email-server Federal Judge discovers that Obama State Dept. lied to protect Hillary from Email Server Lawsuits. It is only a matter of time Cankles! #LockherUp @wocassity @ConspiracyTheory @StacyF @Cheyza @Hempoilcures @Tootickedoff @Infowarrior @christophheer @ZaneTyler @critterbugger @MarkT4USA @Angelicanang @Is4Realz @AlvinB1959 @LadyMarianne @BlueGood @Kryptex @Ambassador4Christ @Gypsy124 @RentonMagaUK @DenzaGrad @ZeroFucksGiven @Violetfire @Matt_Bracken @Rad-er-Cad @amy @noglobalistslave @causticbob @American2theKor @PCsReasy @Zigggy @camponi @LSherwood @PatriotKag @Ann-Marie @Maximus44 @Little_Buddy @MBCB4TRUMP @LeaMorabito @MadJewessWoman @Ruth-Plant @Spacecowboy777 @wwboom @Delilah_Manny @shadowmud @THX1138-Actual @betadynamique @TPaine2016 @Steelpaulo@studentoflife @crow_count @ramcclean @margerine2000 @blogdog @CookieMuffen @The_Western_Man @Znews I love the \"c\" alliteration in that post. Do you write poetry by any chance?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She will vote for Hillary, because she is comfortable living in a plantation nation. Hillary has been stealing so long and so well, these people have no clue. Please move to Canada, please.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Disgusting !!!#2Amendment #BuildThatWall #DeportThemAll #CivilWar #DeclassifyItAll ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ciara not a ghetto name.. Well kinda but it s not ASHANTI ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We need a real solution to the nigger problem, not unrealistic things that will never happen like \"Send them back to Africa\" or \"Kill them all.\" What if every country that took foreign aid from the US had to take 1,000 niggers for every 100,000,000 in aid? We'd have to pay the niggers too but it would cost a lot less than paying for their whole lives from niglethood, through incarceration, medical care and everything else","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: Analyzing the impact of Masahiro Tanaka on #SpringTraining Daily, brought to you by @YankeesonDemand: http:\/\/t.co\/L2gJboDNkM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ever see a nigger do Looksatme buygrocery while it's in a store its hilarious.yeah uhuh,yeah,sumadat,uhh,sumahdem,nah shheeeiiittt muh fug,Looksatme dragmuhfeet pullmuhcoatomuhhayid","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Use to trap them birds now I'm fly like a birdddd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You cant own something you didnt pay for. You cant claim another persons property if he paid for it. I want to own a land in america. But since I didnt pay for it. Then it cannot be mine. You cant blame the guy for putting up a wall for the land he paid for if he was the one paying for the property tax and maintaining it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Muh police\".......... https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/german-father-charged-for-protecting-his-daughter-against-sexual-assault-by-migrant\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It really does surprise me that people think Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would genuinely make the world a better place. Truth is the worlds media has convinced them orange man bad despite him being probably the best president they've had in a long time","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MrFayoh Im a proud wacko bird, how bout you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: The @EmpireStateBldg shines its lights in #Yankees pinstripes in honor of Derek Jeter. #FarewellCaptain http:\/\/t.co\/3fp2pg85MB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"...it was a jab at you cucked Brits...anyway, I don't wanna laugh at your misfortunes tbqh. Glad to hear you can still buy plastic knives. Well that faggot @Titanic_Britain_Author is super cucked. He even dates Jamaican fatties.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"that's one sick fucking stinky vagisil cunt folks. STD is for everyone that fucks her!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If I invite you over to take shots, this is what you can expect ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We over here struggling with college and work and ice jj fish making money for being trash lol. What has this world come to.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user it doesn't matter if a woman is lead, we're often disregarded as hysterical by pointing out basic ass Bradley shit, so ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BillionaireCrow @Neelahrelates your what's wrong with the white race you fuckin coon slaying piece of poop please die alone","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"As much as I hate everyone who endlessly whines about what they think is feminism and pounces every time they think they have any ammo to discredit it, I must agree that it's definitely not misogynistic...just stupid.I'm sure feminists are just as tired of hypersensitive people who jump at any chance to get offended regardless of whether or not it makes any sense as you are. Please don't typecast, or at least do some research before you do. By that I mean research through academic sources, don't just google search and take a scroll through Tumblr.Tumblr is not a political website; it's a host for image blogs and a place where angry people rant about their problems just like every other social website on Earth. It's a popular website full of pro-feminist sentiment, sure, but that doesn't make it a political movement's HQ.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This nigga over here telling me he dont fuck with this bitch . When he do . Or maybe she lying lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Blind in one eye and can't see out of the other many Jews would have nigjhtmares about that one..lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For the same reason that boat niggers who INVADE Europe are all military aged men. Except, South Americans aren't half as bad as retarded african savages who sow death and destruction in my continent.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user WOMEN ARE STUPID AND DUMB AND MAN IS SMART AND RAPE IS OK ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As GAB might be gone forever after this weekend I wanted to take this opportunity to say fuck you rotten pagan motherfuckers. Fuck all of you! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RMsp5cCTJTU fuck you Gab anit going no where pasta nigger I know right just like your punk as bitch sand nigger threats fucking fuck you wop dego bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck Russia! Nasty Dumb fucks!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":">However, it is not acceptable for them to push there white knighting captain save-a-hoe nonsense on me These cunt suckers are just like religious nuts forcing their perspective on you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I could just cuddle with him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How much RAM do you need? It's probably less than you think #graphicdesign ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How every man saying not all men, but every woman been sexually assaulted.... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @musedbymusic: Thanks to @TonyJRodriguez I have learned way more than I ever wanted to know about birds...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user Not all men stare and not all women r worth staring either.... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why should we even care whether Cuck Kasich is happy about this? He had zero say in the matter. Bigger faggot than Jeff Flake even.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Wanna know how I can tell you're fat? That's him in the video LMAO he has another video of a CCTV on the same screen - OP is a fat fuck IRL and he can't even deny a PP faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" \"Big leak hits the Leave campaign?\"what rubbish immigration will be the thing that does brexit stupid storyhttps:\/\/t.co\/DDa1kqHgQ8 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Never turned my back on the birds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the flag is a part of HISTORY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is what the left is really scared of. https:\/\/redd.it\/9rfkts ha That's the favorite word of the Left, isn't it? 'Ignorant'. I'm sure you aren't ignorant to the fact that Negros have a habit of raping White women. Why should we allow these Negros access to White countries? Over and over again, they rape, they pillage and they destroy everything they touch. Why should we let them continue this, free of consequences?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Protesters in DC Rally For Immigration Rights ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @GirlfriendNotes: reasons to be a mermaid:- no periods- no pants- perfect hair- u get to lure men into their deathalso, free clam ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you really wanna know what someone you're fucking thinks about you, make them show you how you're stored in their phone... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GOD dammit! Stop stealing my thoughts! Your great great great great great great black grandfather wouldn't approve.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's go for the sweep!! #Yankees #SubwaySeries","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looks like a typical butch dyke mongoloid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Most millennials I know don't fall for the multiple gender thing. That seems to be a Gen Z thing. Us millennials grew up being told that identity doesn't matter, boys can play with dolls and girls can play with trucks. It was all about breaking down gender roles. Now for some reason the new generation is hell bent on enforcing and creating all kinds of gender and race roles.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AdamWeinstein: Working theory: This \"selective race\" abortion ban passed in Florida today was just an excuse for redneck reps to say ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You 4 fuckers are responding to me. How many people are responding to the 4 of you","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"TL;DR - you can kill NPCs in the game, someone made a troll video Oh, no, not a troll video. Troll video**S**. Entire series, \"The Annoying Feminist\" (bit redundant). [\"Red Dead Redemption 2 - Beating Up Annoying Feminist\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MPYAM9AfRHo) [\"Red Dead Redemption 2 - Annoying Feminist Gives Up\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=UxA7nDaxi-s) [\"Red Dead Redemption 2 - Annoying Feminist Fed To Alligator\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=mZ7RicfseRU) (my personal favorite) [\"Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dropping Feminist To Hell and Killing The Devil\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qYHr2FSgwSQ) [\"Red Dead Redemption 2 - Lasso, Train and Annoying Feminist\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=i3yiWLh_-z8) (almost as good as the alligator one, but this one is very, very, very sad and something horrible happens... spoilers: the poor horse dies, poor animal doesn't deserve such inhumane treatment, I cried for the horse so much...) It's fucking hilarious (except when the horse dies, it's really sad when the horse dies...). So they're giving someone they hate free publicity. Because of a YouTube channel. After getting excited about killing the KKK in game. Dumbasses. I hope they know the KKK in this game are all Democrats. Except back then the Dems were the conservatives. Dont be an idiot Muh party switch. _ Lay off pinkie i disagree with him immensely but the guy just mistaken meme for flippant \"fuck off\". Stupidity not malice here. Yuo#'re mohter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"JW hand-delivered a letter to the chair and co-chair of the House's Office of Congressional Ethics calling for an investigation into whether Congresswoman Maxine Waters violated any House ethics rules by encouraging violence against Trump Cabinet members. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/K2Xg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"messi is a good man and a Superstar player!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Goddamnit retards its because paying a hitman counts as premeditation and yes you can be blamed if the guy finishez the job.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Hope one of these crazy ppl assassinate Trump the stupid son of a bitch my free speech he has no heart the way he is doing the American ppl ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It does not matter what the Supreme Court ruled. If someone doesn't want to issue a marriage license or bake a wedding cake for a gay couple, then they shouldn't be forced to. There are some people who don't support or believe in gay marriage and they shouldn't be forced to participate in anything that has to do with it if they don't want to. I have nothing against gays, I am just against the Obamanation of this country.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"This 'Caravan' is a UN-funded invasion of the United States. There are hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants who live in temporary camps that are preparing to follow this route to America. They are planning on flooding millions of more illegal migrants into America. This is an invasion of the United States.\" ~ Alex Jones Yeah, ol fat fucking shill Jones is merely stating the fucking obvious. Geee, he must watch FOX news too!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Penelepe cruz shes hoor ,and she is fraid to loose her job in holywood and of course shes get from the zionist so much sex ,and get payd for it .what can u expect from this bastard girl who every one and every zionist did pis on her and on is derty body ..........hamas is the best hamas will be the winer soon of later ,and hell to every one who suport the zionist","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No Actually,Until 2 Years Ago I'd Never Typed A Text,Until 5 months Ago I'd Never Been On Any Social Media,I Served My Country For Long Time,I Never Had To Do Faggot TYPING,I Capitalize Every Word To Self Check My Spelling,You'll Probably Ignore,But,Why Do All Of You Read The 3 month Old Post and Not See The Sarcasm,Is Everyone Dyslexic Or Retarded ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Shoot a dindu nuffin Spic and they cry. The Guy is a hero Mr.Dunn, I salute you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Where Europe will go ? The people will vote different, because they have to decide: More refugees, more weapons for NATO means less welfare and fine life- OR: No refugees, no weapons means happy life. I think they will decide the last option. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Are the Red guys going to put the military on the border NOW, and maker certain this wetback trash is refused entry into the US?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Identity politics, feminism, bulldykes and twinks calling me a \"breeder\" because I'm currently dating a woman, the general sneering arrogance in much of the local gay community, etc. Never said it was logical. It's from angry radfem bulldykes ffs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"But you can Say Nigger here","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#UN Demands you respect #Islam (you will obey) https:\/\/youtu.be\/GEsagt50C9Q","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mayenmar is a unculture country, where have no humanity for human being, i hate this country too much, world leader should to Obojer about this country ....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How in the fuck can you equate the EU with the Forth Reich? I don't remember Hitler advocating Faggot marriage, Negro worship, open borders, Multiculturalism, Religious plurality, or a fraudulent money system!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Also Patron tastes like shit to anyone who isn't a nigger. Patron is pure nigger juice. Everybody talks about it like it's the best drink on the planet. I'll keep my white man drinks like vodka.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#YesAllWomenBelongInTheKitchen ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is bull horseshit right here. He has his hands up and didn't even resist arrest. He was confused when they tackled him one grabbing his hands the other pushing and turning him and all of them yelling get on the ground what's he supposed to do first? These aren't cops their idiots.I hope he gets all the money he deserves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's best to not even get into an argument with them. You'll never change their minds and you won't change their behavior. They genuinely think there's nothing wrong with the fact they've fucked 100 other men in their 20's (as long as nobody finds out.) If you attempt to call them out on any of their behavior, they're just going to throw out the predictable insults about being a \"beta\" \"loser\" or whatever. They take no responsibility for their actions and life choices in many cases, and can't stand not winning an argument and made out to look like a slut, even when they are obviously sluts. Still, I enjoyed reading your back and forth so props! Also it's ironic she calls mgtows \"children\" when from my experience it's most women who have the maturity level of a child, or perhaps a high school student. The fact she would even post some of the insults she did proves to me she'd never make a good wife.. women are supposed to be the compassionate\/understanding sex, but my interactions in real life tend to reinforce they tend to act more like this particular specimen you stumbled across. fucking cunts damn right they can't handle the truth we're free to call them whatever the fuck we want if they're whoring around","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"LOL so you shilled for a civnat, and now you want to kill the most populous white nation on earth, kind of get where he's coming from. Stop acting like a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lol, women sometimes choose to wear the hijab, just like any religious woman would choose to wear a symbol of her religion. this bitch needs to shut the hell up","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You won't believe this woman! You have to READ it to BELIeVE it!! https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/brutal-majority-leader-mitch-mcconnell-releases-shocking-statement-on-kavanaugh-accuser-and-liar-julie-swetnick\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hindus did it a bit differently - \"Your life sucks even though you're a good person, that's because you've been a cunt in your past life. So suck it up, obey us and give us your money\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Well #megankelly Did go full retard a long time ago !","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" He's a Legend in his own Lunchtime 8-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're right, they wouldn't act out like this without a reason. I'd rather be arrested by local police than catch a FED CASE, 85% mandatory time served #RiseAboveMovement Fake news Proud Boy was probably raping some children and deserved it. Antifa needs their ass kicked. Here's a video of a rally last weekend in Providence. A proud boy hesitated fighting a weak antifa gets out of the way to safely only to love forward into a antifa ready to fight that punches him in the face repeatedly. https:\/\/youtu.be\/bhvzypJcw54 'no cops' is key and works to our advantage as well. They were waiting to ambush people coming out of the event. They are trying to reframe it. the ((())) cries out in pain as he strikes you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So when i scroll down to read\/leave a comment and scroll back up they blue like thumbs up goes away, it has done this 4 times in a row now. Hmm is it just a glitch or does YouTube remove it when they think you will just leave the video without checking? This happens a lot but only on channels like this.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @PhuckedFame: Thick red bones in style or nah? http:\/\/t.co\/Cfhis3L8bT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user how about you STFU with your pro abortion and your racist BS. Ive never seen a pathetic group of people like you democrats so worried about a womans so called right to kill new born infants! You people disgust me! #lookinthemirror ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@judgedread you're one megalomaniac SOB, not quite different from the retarded SJWs and Marxist academics. FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU BIG TIME A retarded idiot, worthless arrogant ignorant.. In charge of \"science\" group... It must be as every bit retarded as you are.. Garbage person, garbage group.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"AJ Is a Terrorist organization LOL, just kids who want to move to Dubai to see gold lamborghinis watch this. Don't worry Obama gave 400m to 'Palestine' the government is holding it for you, you just have to do a suicide bombing and it's yours.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#womendisobey Dont be Fool African Americans Supporting Illegal #Immigration is a Slap in the Face to Black America #BlackTwitter #BlacksForTrump #DemocreatsForTrump #Trump #MAGa ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"actually both Milo and Alex have a friend in the White House- so ain't nobody ''come' for them- unlike say muslims ot immigrant chilfren ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do you hate White people so much? Is your mindless hatred driven mostly by your toxic semitism, or is your homosexuality a factor as well? Just curious. Yeah, I'm just highlighting his near-total lack of self-awareness. It's a good illustration for others, but trying to convince a tick to not drink blood wouldn't be worthy of your time. That's the benefit of doing these kind of things in public. Plus you have him spending time on this, as a form of social babysitting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I predict so many more will be seeing how reckless and ineffective the Trump Administration has been for this Pandemic. \"I shouldn't be here': Wisconsin bar owner in ICU with COVID-19 blames Trump for out-of-control pandemic https:\/\/t.co\/Fk0BtBR8cO via @usatoday","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WTF What a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"US lashes out at UN 'hypocrisy' over migrant family breakups ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"From A -list stars to budding actresses: The women who accuse Harvey Weinstein of rape and ... via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"been with Trump since the escalator . . 4 years before that actually Idaho . . DEEP RED state check our ballot . . half the elected positions . . don't even have a Demoncrap I was a Democrat until the Obamanator . . smug . . spit in our face . . arrogance faggot muslim POS RED all the way down the ballot . . doubt that will ever change","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Random thought. Republicans and right leaning people keep wanting to see evidence of global warming, yet they take on faith that Donald Trump has a big, sweaty deeyok. Just food for thought.#maga #MAGA2020 #MAGA2020Landslide #KAG #KeepAmericaGreat","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The female journalist calls these tweets \"silly . They are no such thing. These people are deadly serious in their hatred of men and white people. And this hatred is leaching from the campuses into the world outside.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No I don't just want to be friends. Why do you think I'm talking to you in the first place #StupidWomen #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I like her! Brains and probably a hot twat too! I will reward her with a weekend of massages and cunnilingus!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Keep bombing the terrorist Muslims","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I am thankful for our brave Native American, and thank you for treating us better then we ever treated you. Support from Kentucky.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Moscow is pressuring West into fixing the country (Syria) broken by Russia, Iran,and their client Assad regime.It is a form of blackmail: either lavish reconstruction funding on the regime or refugees won't go home and there may be more of them arriving ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is the trump's effect. White americans want to be #1 again.? By treating asian, muslim and black peoples, like this!? So hilarious.America someday will kiss the ass of every asian. SOMEDAY!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How is Angry Birds the movie going to work? They're just floating bird heads?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Islam is cancerous poison.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Right wingers are RETARDS. Not stupid or misinformed - FULL ON MENTALITY RETARDED SHEEP. Fuck trump. Fuck all the RACSIT fascist Nazi kkk filth that support him. Based on all your rantings, I believe you are the full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"White House Confident FBI Investigation Clears Way For Kavanaugh Vote https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/BXYKWv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dude are you stupid or retarded or both? Edit: I'd advise you to educate yourself a bit. [Biological Races in Humans; Alan R. Templeton](https:\/\/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov\/pmc\/articles\/PMC3737365\/#__ffn_sectitle) >confirms the reality of race in chimpanzees using the threshold definition, as","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user No room for anyone illegal. Color or wealth is not the criteria, you stupid bitch. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Look at all these signs! #Pasadena #BidenHarrisLandslide2020 #BidenHarris2020 MORE MORE MORE! https:\/\/t.co\/hObA20Qj4k","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh my God did this stupid cunt really just say this???? Cut this fucking cunts head off!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Um, what was thst you said @fbi wray ? You just knowingly lied.Photos: Man in California Allegedly Found Thousands Of Unopened Ballots In Garbage Dumpster Workers Quickly Try to Cover Them Up#Trump2020 #MAGA @DonaldJTrumpJrhttps:\/\/t.co\/nIZoKpKVTY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LIBTARD RETARD","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Tom Arnold is calling for President Donald Trump to be beheaded. The Left's calls for violence has gone on too long. This is terrorism ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SMFH #Winning #RedWave #LockThemUp #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News #GabFam #MAGA #1A #2A #NRA #RedWave #RedTsunami #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon #QArmy#Qanon8Chan #MAGA #ImWithQ #PatriotsSoapbox #KAG #WeAreQ#PatriotsFight #QResearch #WWG1WGA #Q #WalkAway #GABFAM#TrumpTrain #TheyFearTheGreatAwakeningTheMost #RedPill#WeThePeopleHaveHadEnough #WeThePeople #Pray4DJT#TheFallOfTheCabal #VoteRed #BuildTheWallNow #NoIllegalAliens #LegalmmigrantsOnly#NoSanctuaryFunding #NoSanctuaryCities #NoChainMigration#NoVisaLottery #KateSteinle #KatesLaw #AngelFamlies#NoOpenBorders #VoteRedToSaveAmerica","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DemocracyInn Trump wants the Attorney General to arrest Biden, right now. A dictator arresting his political opponent. If he gets elected, he'll be able to arrest reporters, opponents, whoever.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even if this is tongue-in-cheek, or hyperbole, the rage and hatred that exists behind making a comment like this... I don't know, you know? This person probably thinks they are righteous. It's sad. The anger and hate scare me! I have two brothers and I love them more than anything in the world. I would hate for some crazy person to treat them bad just because they are men! Don't these people have friends\/family members that are male? If they do still have male friends\/family members, I bet those guys don't know what's being said about them behind their backs. This screencap is part of a bigger tag team of *two* of these bigots. They immediately belittle anyone who calls them out with invectives like \"misogynist!\" and \"sexist prick!\" They don't even bat an eye if someone tells them that whatever replies they find objectionable are only a reflection of their own vitriolic attitudes. The other one in this tag team is gloating about being a transgender woman who still uses the men's restrooms just to confuse \"the boys,\" while sneering at men for wanting a \"safe space\" in response to anyone who objects to their demand to abolish men's restrooms. Repeatedly claiming that it's only a \"matter of time before we take [men's restrooms] over entirely. ;P\" I honestly cannot tell if that person is trolling or they're being serious. Shit's gotten *wack* these past few years, yo. that's because men dont care about who uses their bathroom? woman coming in? nice trans? ok cool bro you do you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NIGGER FULL OF HATE AND DRUGS SEE idi amin POSTER ON WALL RAPED BOYS AND GIRLS obamy DISEASED muslim PIG DICK SUCKER WHAT A LEGACY FUCKING CRIMINAL DEGENERATE THONG WEARING BITCH BOY","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@bonnoxxx haha bitch ima draw a webb in bullets round yo fuggin forehead #BeamThat bitch i know where you reside","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@0xabad1dea Hard to QA? Time is also a pain to mock out in unit tests...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sign the petition to end social media censorship. I'll make a video about this tomorrow: https:\/\/petitions.whitehouse.gov\/petition\/pass-social-media-anti-censorship-act-smaca-end-soviet-style-speech-control-major-social-media-platforms https:\/\/LIttleRevolution.us\/SMACA We haven't even received 500 signatures on this petition since my video a little over 12 hours ago. @Eric_StrikerDS @realemilyyoucis can you get TRS to push this whitehouse.gov petition to stop jew censorship of the goyim? @Microchip @RealRedElephants @Cantwell why write legislation to fix a problem that the free market is already fixing? Give the government the ability to police language on social media and the government will legislate in their interests, not the interests of those using that social media.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pentagon propaganda as old as Desert Storm to get you to be ok with attacking the \"muzzies in the Middle East. People need to learn their history. What the fuck is wrong with you, you retarded simpleton It's in sharia motherfucker, infidel women are fair game for rape..furthermore jihad authorises musslims to sell drugs to the infidels, lie to infidels, grab whatever the infidels own.. It's a cult similar to MS13, the NAZIs, and drug cartels...perhaps even worse","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"These feminazi women screaming for equal rights actually have a Sharia Law advocate for their leader It is mind numbing that they are this stupid. https:\/\/www.waynedupree.com\/linda-sarsour-susan-collins-is-white-senator-pushing-white-supremacy-on-senate-floor\/?utm_source=Facebookandutm_medium=atwaynedupreeandutm_campaign=social Feminists are extremely stupid. They contradict themselves constantly and cannot see the irony in those contradictions. Just lock them all up in a lunatic asylum and it can be their echo chamber. Smart Dog....respectfully... you are Waaaay too kind in your estimation of cockroach Sarsour","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@31sec those dyke bramin bull bitches got back up like getting hit by a car was nothing. Next time it should be a Toyota Tundra that plows into them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"fuck you ,you retarded bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@smokeabluntdgaf @Haiimbreanna You guys don't get evolution do you? You only share a common ancestor with apes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I know as a white Christian I've been muzzled and told not to speak anymore. Oops. Fuck you Jews. I put you first this time because I've been criticized for not doing so in the past. Fuck you Muslims. You're to humanity what scum is to shit. If I left anyone out...like a kneeling black, a wetback Hispanic, a bitch twat feminist, or a penilevaginal LGBTQ. Fuck you too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I, for one, welcome our new Eastern Panhandle overlords, and hope they do a better job than the yokels who got us here in the first place.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"good,,she looks retarded anyways,,,lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They are not refugees .They are immigrants trying to get into Europe illegally by acting like victims.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a cunt. What. A. Cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Wow the comments of disrespect and ignorance towards this man for being Muslim are heartbreaking and exactly why our country is divided in the first place. So much hatred towards anyone whose not a white Christian man. Disgusting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We need to GoFundMe this guy a spanking new truck with a Trump paint job and if the Libs mess with it, we'll buy him another new truck and another and rub the Liberal's punk noses in it. ITA. But I wonder why #Trump hasn't got a #GoFundMe for the #Wall? #politics #news The Wall is no go fund me project Taxes are high enough for the working class without having to cough up $25,000,000,000 Ra, kindly cease the deceitful response. #Politics #news #GoFundMe for the wall has nothing to do with taxes. This is voluntary donations from those who WANT to donate. BTW I understand that More than 44% of Americans pay no federal income tax \"Trump has said the wall could cost $8 billion to $12 billion\" The insult thrown does not commend Ra's IQ. Read Nehemiah on how to get a wall built. Mute doesn't stop me from answering RA, but it impedes his ability to answer me! #GoFundMe for the #Wall. If 100,000,000 donate $100 that yields $10 billion, not chump change Can you understand the TRILLIONS GIVEN to ILLEGAL ALIENS AND THEIR EXPANDING FAMILIES.? Sing it in falsetto: Tip toe, thru the trillions, If I kiss you, will U vote 4 me and tip toe thru the trillions w\/ me. Now if we don't have illegals reproducing on US soil, after we done murdered our babies, who's gonna pay our Soc Sec ponzy scheme? and who's gonna populate the 48 after we are expelled for violating the end of Leviticus 18 like the Canaanites?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Refugee Swindle Exposed as UN Moves 45,000 Africans Back Home http:\/\/newobserveronline.com\/refugee-swindle-exposed-as-un-moves-45000-africans-back-home\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cher is coming sez Biden campaign.This weekend, award-winning singer and actress Cher will travel to Nevada and Arizona to campaign on behalf of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. On Saturday, Oct. 24 she will travel to Las Vegas and on Sunday, Oct. 25 she will travel to Phoenix.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @FeinsandNYDN: Yankees acquire Chase Headley from the Padres for Yangervis Solarte and Rafael DePaula.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Modern Day Lenny Bruce Quotes \"Take your civil liberties and free speech and shove them down your throat until you choke on them and bring up the truth\" \"Only being called a cunt is worse than \"racist\" but it takes a real cunt to call someone a racist\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Episode number...? yeah he loves the games' Tick-Tock-tic-tic-tic... November 3, 2020 coming anyway. ##TrumpLiesMatter #Biden2020 #BidenHarris2020 #VOTE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every argument the #Left makes, disproves their other arguments.. they don't see it. They really are retarded #Libtards #Pocahontas #MuhWhitePrivilege #ElizabethWarren #IdentityPolitics #CulturalAppropriation","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user It is said we need 2 million new homes in the UK because of Immigration what we need is 2 million less Immigrants and EU out ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How the fuck do you get raped like that? She looks crazy but why wasn't she just knocked the fuck out mid-rape? You don't sound crazy...you sound like someone who has never had sex before and is developing a rape fantasy (as the one who gets raped by a woman with a weapon) before our very eyes in real time. Not crazy, but very fucking...something. Maybe a little too enthusiastic. Well, I was waiting for that accusation. There's no point in arguing because you're kind of a dick. I have a wife, a house, two sons and a daughter. It's fucking weird that me asking questions and wanting a discussion makes me a virgin pervert. I mean it categorically is. It's a big knife. It's still a knife. Like you're a big dumbass, but you're still a dumbass. You're a retard baiting replies. And you're the retard supplying the replies. :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Portland Antifa https:\/\/davidharrisjr.com\/politics\/portland-mayor-ted-wheeler-lets-antifa-take-control-of-the-streets\/ https:\/\/twitter.com\/FarleyFilms\/status\/1046701524699602944\/video\/1 . Detroit https:\/\/twitter.com\/Jamierodr10\/status\/1050000213497339904?s=09","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Ants_SNEweather Well you got to see pom-pom Pete","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @MahoganyLOX: vintage mickey http:\/\/t.co\/03otPzXCbI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Build a wall in a yr. Give illegal immigrants one yr to come forward. Make it easy for them to stay. In 1 yr crack down. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you constantly have dick on the brain ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cant even find any details about the conviction, just the same braindead article posted on every Calgary news outlet. Pretty fucking disturbing that this womans cover story is inexplicably being taken as truth. Im a Calgarian myself and about the same age as this guy, and I really cant believe what a pathetic bunch of faggots Canadians are that we cant even recognize a murder.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@DevilGrimz ironic that he's a trashcan because he holds trash everytime you two cuddle! Burn.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and end up just being a overentitled cunt as always.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This crap won't stop until we #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDaca #NoMore ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Women were never \"different\". Don't know why there is this missconception. Society tended to keep them in check better. But there were an awful lot of \"bad\" marriages and dead bedrooms in the 60s too. Divorce rape was just not a thing back then as well as the welfare system did cater less to women than today. its because women spend 80% of the worlds money. If you want to profit you find a way to cater to women and as we all know businesses are all about the bottom line, no moral standard is too low to violate in the name of profiteering. Beautifully put! I dont know if it was men overall that kept them in check but those \"societal mechanisms\" that were mentioned. In early tribal culture, the men were responsible for hunting and the women responsible for the domestic duties like cooking and sewing. This order where the men and women act as complements was the norm until the last several decades. Although the sexual revolution made important advances regarding freedoms, it equated liberation with sexuality. Women's liberation slowly became about doing whatever a woman wants, whenever they want, and without consequence. Consumerism also caters to women's materialism and preys on a man's wallet. Although women have always been the same, this combination of new technologies, consumerism, and sexual liberation has allowed women to get around like the world is ending next week. And without the presence of societal checks and even things like slut-shaming, women can be as shady as they want. The marriage issue is compounded by the atrocity of the divorce\/alimony\/child support laws where women can legally embezzle men but lets not go there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"send them all back,they're welfare seeking parasites they stopped being refugees the moment they left the safety of Turkey","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user I would hate hate to own border property! Terrifying to see and know that was happening in my backyard! Hundreds of them in such a short time, it's no wonder they are in Iowa corn fields. Please #BuildThatWall Please for o ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hitler was merely trying to kill all the ashkenazi jews, these and most of the jews all of them even the other speces of jews are also prone to disease and fetal retarded children","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#FakeNews Alert!! Flu Vaccine PROPAGANDA Agenda - Immigration = Terrorism REPORT ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most parents with children swept up by Trump's #ZeroTolerancePolicy are NOT crossing the border illegally. They are presenting themselves at points of entry as political asylum seekers. #ImmigrationLies #ICE @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@carlybaejepsen trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All right: I need to explain something. People are asking me to contact Roseanne Barr for them. No. Absolutely not. For one thing, I wouldn't do that to her. BUT. For another thing, that's not the nature of our relationship. She's in the driver's seat, which is the way it has to be. I don't pick up the phone and say, \"Hey! Let's jabber!\" We're friends, but it's a friendship based on ideas. And she's the one who is in control of the contact. She first contacted me, and that's the way we've kept it. Roseanne is under pressures that most of us can't comprehend, so my role is to be there for her instead of adding to her burdens. I don't want anything from Roseanne. When we finally met in person, I felt very relaxed. It was as if we'd already met and known each other for years and years. But I never lose track of the FACT that it's a privilege to know her. A privilege is something that is offered. I'm not ENTITLED to a thing. When Roseanne calls, we talk. But I don't call her. It's just not what we do. When we met in person for the first time, she had over 800 messages on her phone. That was from a period of maybe 90 minutes. So I don't call her, and I will not pass on any requests from strangers. I'm not going to do anything that has even the remotest possibility of causing trouble for Roseanne. She's the boss. A nice boss. But the boss. That's a decision I made so that she would never have to worry about me betraying her. As I said, it's just the way things have to be.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Betcha $50 , he never got fired, nigger privilege. ... I ain't takin that losing bet! Nigga probably got a promotion and raise. Especially if it's whitey's porch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Been there. The shit ain't fun. I'm upside down in a car because of some cunt... but life goes on. Live and learn lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"AJ+ is an incredibly dishonest and biased page. Europe has a problem with mass immigration and open borders, just look at Sweden, there are actual no go zones in SWEEDEN.What does AJ+ do, they call anyone who recognises this problem a racist islamophobe.This page only appeals to the idiot lefty SJW type of person. This page sure gives the Huffington Post a run for its money in terms of SJW idiocy, keep up the work, you're almost there ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So, you are Nigger, yet you prefer to be with a White woman? That is the very definition of racism. You do realise this, yes? You are aware that your own women are fugly, therefore you need to choose ours, although I know for a fact you do not have one of ours. You WISH you did, Nigger. Nice of you to admit to your racial-inferiority. the nigger passes on his shitty inferior genetics..lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yep. The presumption is that money can only come from one society? Forced or free? The induction from the first principle of money says it can come from either since either type must perform work to survive. Likewise, markets [exchange] must exist in both types. How would a stateless people have a concept of money? Evolved from a concept of value, growth (which those societies eventually evolved into) and both meeting times in which goods produced (for scarcity or season) are lacking, but resources (which are costly turn turn into a product or require unavailable product or resource) are not, Would they call it \"money\"? What is this air of post-modernism and structuralism and Chomsky's linguistic theories going around here right now? This shit is why AI and integrated systems hit stagnation. Language defining the nature and societal rather than nature and following nature the societal necessitating the language? It doesn't matter if they would or not. The difference between shiny objects traded because people like them for fashion and something you can actually use to create a structured economy is blatantly obvious and I don't go along with the anthropological bullshit story of calling the former money. \"precious metals have no value and a representative form of value for standardization has no purpose\" \"It doesn't matter if they call it money\" \"They would never have called that money\" Semantics, literally. Worthless and child like psuedo philosophy. Precious metals do have a value; I never said otherwise. Shells and ceremonial crafts don't. Stone age gift economies are not organized around anything but formalization of relationships. Barter. This is obvious. What the fuck kind of a statement is \"cave people didn't have standardized money\" and more importantly how is that statement anything but worthless. You're going to run into trouble if you keep adulterating my words with things like \"standardized\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who said they're assholes cause they're men?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All the Nikki Haley haters can fuck off. She did a great job in that cesspool.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I did not know Newt's wife was U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See. https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Callista_Gingrich Assumed office December 22, 2017 - One day after EO 12\/21 https:\/\/www.whitehouse.gov\/presidential-actions\/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption\/ #QAnon Please tell us how you really feal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I was in Iraq 3 different times when I was active duty and all we did was train these fucking idiots, Iraqi men have no balls or courage and are cowards. We can't keep giving them weapons because at the first sight of danger they abandon ship and give the enemy all our weapons. The United States government needs to train the Iraqi and Syrian Kurdish forces and give them all the weapons and money, they are the only effective force that's gaining ground on Isis. The YPJ, YPK and other Kurdish forces are deadly and half of their soldiers are woman and some of those woman are 18-25 years old and they are fucking bad ass. Train them, give them weapons and give them some black hawks and A-10s and a thousand armored vehicles and tanks and I swear to our Christian Jesus that the Kurdish will destroy Isis and every other Sunni and Shia terror organization. Fuck the Iraqi army, they are worst then the Afghan national army and them fuckers are retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"biiiitch lil biddy whores doofus bitch im eat my ass ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look at this jackass, lol There's still individuals who think that RV was \"credible\" @Cantwell @occdissent","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Int'l, 1st- and 2nd-gen immigrant students make up an average of 30% of undergrads in U.S. -Miriam Feldblum, executive director, Presidents' Alliance on Higher Ed and Immigration @AraceliHLaroche @MegitaSmith @nmvalenzuela ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THIS CUNT IS A SPAM BOT. @cllrjolenebunting","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Diane Abbott: Labour would close two immigration detention centres and prevent private contractors from running the others - BBC News - ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"US intelligence agencies believed agents of #Russia were \"working\" @RudyGiuliani to disseminate misinformation about the Bidens, reports @washingtonpost. https:\/\/t.co\/nNMI3yh02K","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Me too, a return to the Great Empire would fix the shit the world is in now ! brown and black need to relearn who rules them best","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user while Scotland takes in many refugees there's a quiet disdain from the poorer in society they are being left behind forgotten ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"These are insane and Cigars trash!? Foam done bumped his head RT @FoamWright: These are insane. Like so insane. http:\/\/t.co\/5umpDoeORz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hello to everyone on Gab. I am new and this is my first post!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Almost 400 migrants rescued off Spanish coast ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So to CNN I'm just a dumb nigger who can't read?.... I don't like making threats but, boy come say that here in New York in Long Island and see what happens.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @librarianknight: More queer lady Templars. That's my point.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is what Swedes endorse. This is what pagans endorse. Proof that your gods don't exist. Fuck Sweden! Fuck paganism! Take the mark of the beast! (I bet you actually would too, just to rebel against the \"kike god\") https:\/\/www.shtfplan.com\/headline-news\/the-swedish-are-micro-chipping-themselves-by-the-thousands_10222018 yes that is the Devil's mark ,the jew no fuck, every wannabe sandnigger and half breed sand nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The whackadoodle in action. #Kavanaugh #SCOTUS #MeToo #Dems She's had a half dozen facelifts. I think her eyelids are permanently open.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#WhenMaymaysMate #MemeToo So much good about this one. Matrix Reloaded is underrated.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Doug why don't you concentrate on speaking out about those who commit sexual assault and rape instead ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"I see a Joe Biden hovering around America but the reign was short-lived as Kamala Harris assumes the pilot seat.\" -Mbaka","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does anyone believe that the Roman Legionary Mooning Incident killed ten thousand jews. Given what we know about the jew and lying for sympathy So even though you might chuckle at the idea of the semites being so retarded that they crush one other to death in a disorderly rampage reminiscent of the muslim pilgrims attending the Hajj in Mecca, i am somewhat circumspect about this claim. props to chief thunderhorse for the img.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Parents Outraged After Drag Queen Named \"Jessica L'Whor\" Speaks at Middle School For Career Day https:\/\/t.co\/vfEqWNZLPG via @gatewaypundit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think that's just the legal way to say quit being a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"germany has become a piece of shit thanks to those cheering marxists , rapes, murder, theft and anti social behavior will become the norm ,I will not want to visit that hell hole ever again, full of brainwashed left wing marxists and ungrateful immigrants who want to turn germany to the dark ages of misogyny, fear and terror.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I joined Gab because I love free speech. I am against the Alt-Right, Nazis, and racists, but I don't think any speech should be censored except for speech calling for violence.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Syrian refugee who sexually assaulted 10 women in Germany acts like a baby when brought to justice https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/syrian-refugee-who-sexually-assaulted-10-women-in-germany-acts-like-a-baby-when-brought-to-justice\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a glorious cunt you have. Too bad youre a basic bitch. Always were always will be. Stay mad. Hoe. #Imtalkingaboutadude ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"6 years policy has been in place with no problems, till Cunty McCuntface comes along crying about forced modesty. Keep your skeevy arms off the machines bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What a shitlib cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The retard is strong in them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Love to see a nigger bashing the yids,,,,they can't go after a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm watching Kim's Convenience on Netflix and honestly the immigrant\/first gen experience in America is so universal. We really could all link up and be in this together except literally every immigrant culture's #1 rule is \"stick with your own lol ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Please read and consider signing#BidenHarris2020 #RestInPowerRBG #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/aI2yuznsgr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BlakeAnderson21: @weston_diamond @sleezy_jeezy @justinmiculka01 not about to shoot this pussy! Ima beat his face into the asphalt t ...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"John Kasich Refuses To Say If He's Happy Brett Kavanaugh Got Confirmed To The Supreme Court https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/shgRabZ.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/mvgj The only thing that surprises me about John Kasich is that Ohioans have ever put up with this pearl clutching dweeb. He outdoes Evan McMullin on the Idiot Scale Why should we even care whether Cuck Kasich is happy about this? He had zero say in the matter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another immigrant sexual assault case being ignored by the MSM. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Croak, bitch! https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/hillary-clinton-coughs-uncontrollably-at-mansfield-college-requests-water-video\/ Eleanor was a dyke First Lady just like Hillary.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I call the USA retarded. I call modern politics retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"By making it a Muslim man's right to rape non -Muslim women and children. Normalize it, and remove the outrage. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I got really excited about this, then I saw that OP is a whinging faggot. 2\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck ya.! Israel should roll through and kill every last one of them. Then level every building for 3 miles around The Temple Mount and make it a no\/go free fire zone.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fucking THIS. Too many retards on this sub demand that Gab stand purely on principle when its their future on the line. I can guarantee nobody here would have the balls to do it either.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#Amazon raises minimum wage to pay low IQ complainers...to offset this they cut employee incentives and end of month bonuses #muhminimumwage #BernieBros Bezos ain't the richest faggot in the world for nuffin","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#ICE #IllegalImmigration #IllegalAliens #BorderPatrol #MS13One reason I'm against illegal immigration is that we... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He is a cheap gay retard knock off but I like his llama. I'm assuming it was the one I'd responded to that was deleted. If that wasn't you, my bad. I implore you to continue to take up their cause if it really wasn't you, though. I've got another 25-30 minutes to kill and you respond quite favorably to my trolling... ...you stupid cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My very first post on GAB! Facebook I'm phasing you out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do you have #DACA, or have you had DACA in the past? Renew your DACA now! USCIS is currently accepting renewal applications but this could change as soon as mid-August. Visit Informed Immigrant for a step-by-step DACA renewal guide: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@gab is going to lose millions because it is to much about the money than the people, Fuck you GAB ban me Bitch, i brought you 90% you subscribers ill end you'er ass cunts !!! Fix my video issue or suffer the consequnces FACT cunt !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Its refreshing to see people say what they think lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wat gang is he signing on the \"wall\". Little niggers grow up so fast!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"America's future could look a lot like Rhodesia if we don't solve our most pressing issues soon. Demographics is destiny.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RealJackHibbs #trump2020 vote red in California.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JoeBiden I voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris 2020 because I want to really make America Great Again..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The beautiful Fairy Pools near Glenbrittle on the Isle of Skye, Scotland http:\/\/t.co\/cyi6xSvn97","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this is the music channel, you fuckin' faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'd totally go on that show 'my lottery dream home' when I win the","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"To all the idiots complaining for the lack of metric measurments. Learn imperial and metric, it's not difficult, especially regarding to temperature.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"they had decades to get legal its time that this happens if I as an american crossed into Mexico illegally I would be spending time in jail and hopefully deported people need to learn that they made their consequences and they need to live with their consequences its just that simple","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump Request it and then vote for #BidenHarris2020ToEndThisNightmare #BidenHarris2020ToSaveAmerica #BidenHarris2020Landslide #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And as far as I know, those faggots never posted it here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"chase the cunt out of restaurants","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Muslims murder 3000 people on 9\/11, Bush calls Islam a religion of peace and increases Muslim immigration. Some fat cunt dies at Charlottesville and The Daily Stormer is offline for months. Some Synagogue shooter briefly used Gab, and Gab gets no-platformed. Do (((they))) think Tyranny and Hypocrisy will bring peace? Jews did 911! Muslims are the JEWS proxy army! It was so America would fight filthy JEW wars! JEWS are LIARS! Quit believing any Jew media bullshit! Whatever a Jew accuseth, they are guilty!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @kathyislovely: 'che wigga! RT \"@wigga32: If she puts up with you it's because she loves you, now make it worth her whileand love her back ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[reads back of shirts] Death it is, then. I'm sorry Rhodesia what were you saying Zimbabwe? It's hard to say something when you are busy starving to death... huehuehuehue. H rru, crazy catlady hur kan de inte se att det r de \"vita\" som byggt upp landet? Utan alla boer hade inte Sydafrika varit det som det r idag. Vill v l egentligen inte g ra skillnad men verkligheten och sanningen tar ver. Negrer kanske r f r allm nt efterblivna f r att se det, hade de varit smarta s hade n gonting ens i n rheten av Wakanda varit n got vi hade hittat I Afrika. The mest efterblivna r att m nga av negrerna har vandrat ner fr n delar norrut om Sydafrika, s de r inte ursprungligen fr n landet heller.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're a fucking moron. No one wants your pedo shit anywhere near this platform. Here's an idea - how about you and all your loli loving faggot friends get the fuck away from the rest of us.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A #Vote for #PresTrump is a #Vote for #VP_Pence; #PresTrump has caught #TrumpHoaxVirus(#COVID_19) which stays with you Always, could die tomorrow, next week or next year, Plus side effects; Be Ready #VP_Pence","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No nigger made that. Actually I'm only reading every so often. You are getting your panties in a twist over being called a nigger so I just keep coming back to call you a nigger, nigger. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Coming from a hysterical woman. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> It's just their way to feel superior by putting down a group. IncelTears are incels in denial that believe putting down incels elevates them, so they magically aren't considered neckbeard virgins any more. Anyone that isn't an SJW retard can tell they are projecting their insecurities...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"where did you go, transgender? Fag out? Says the man that's a kike and has a computer full of gay porn. Maybe you should be off with your tribesmen to rape little boys now. It's clear you cant handle words so you spam. LMFAO Oh, I thought you fagged out and unfollowed me LOL Aww why do Jews project their feelings and actions onto others? Is it because they dont want to be alone in their degeneracy? How does it feel to know you are the only one that looks for and saves gay porn? I hear ya cryin, nazi faggot LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She's not only a bitch but she's also a whore. She's always touching her friends boobs too which is gross ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @OGBEARD: Some of y'all bios are trash. Mine pretty good","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"no fucking way a machine would recognize that shit LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the writing was on the wall as soon as it was announced the new doctor was a woman. they should have done that back in the 90's in the ep where the dr was trying on new bodies and one was a women. back then it would have made a statement. now it is just pc bullshite to make the sjw and pc (pretentious cunt brigade) happy. fuck 'em all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hate speech laws are censorship. You should be allowed to say whatever dumbass thing you want PROVIDED you're willing to deal with consequences. Don't scream nigger in a ghetto unless you're looking to fight about a dozen dark-skinned individuals who find your verbiage offensive. Exacly my point, and thats why we have the second amendment so if any of those monkeys try and give me consequences for my speech i can blow them away Then you can go to prison for murdering people (regardless of their color of skin) and then, when it is found out what you did (because trust me, it's always found out eventually,) you'll either get your ass kicked by the murdered parties' associates or you'll get jumped into a supremacist gang. Common sense dictates not shouting \"Nigger\" in a ghetto. Common sense should not be legalized or regulated. Stupid people should not be coddled by the government. They should be free to be stupid and be punished for their stupidity by the natural course of events.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Who gives a damn we have the ability an the freedom to b whoever the fuck we want to b","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd be ok if someone just shot this cunt in the face. No loss to the world.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"In my opinion, God loves us all for who we are, no matter your sexuality, gender, races, religions or anything. your actions and personalities count.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah probably pretty much. Her dad was probably like, \"Well I'd rather my daughter be with a black guy than a raci............ Oh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sadiq Khan reminding me more and more of Recep Tayyip Erdogan with his threats to harm the West through refugees.... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Does this mother fucker live here now? The former Mexican President fled Mexico too? To Texas? Why would anyone care what he thinks about a Texas election?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nigger muzzie piece of shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Another picture that is worth a thousand words. She is at an orphanage in Kenya in this photo. The kids wanted to pray for her. This is a FIRST LADY - This is Our 1st Lady of the United States of America and I am proud to share Amen #Faith #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"pictures have that power. perhaps she should have not been a dumb cunt. The power shown here is how a silly joke can incite a digital lynch mob of actual dumb cunts to ruin you life. I hope the rape and murder threats were investigated.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"kill these nigger bastards. 2 black lives that don't matter for shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oh, the fragile faggot fraternity mentality of the sanctuary city Boston police has caused them butthurt, fuck them, sanctuary city police have pitted themselves against America.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fucking stupid anti capitalist scum. Socialism is why you fucks are in poverty. This cannel will get you retards out of poverty you fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" @medaOriginBitch: That one friend who you greet with an insult. @MorbidMermaid @EvanBecker513 niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":">Wouldn't this be the logical next step? To people who don't get the point of the first step maybe. >Since this actually got some media attention, wouldn't the next logical step be to have posters everywhere saying \"It's NOT okay to be white\" plastered everywhere? The first poster campaign **already** achieves this by showing not telling. >I'm curious from a social experiment perceptive as to what would actually happen. You would undermine the message and effect of the original poster campaign. >In a perfect world, this would generate as much media attention, and could even prompt a dialogue that could lead to people developing insight. The original message is already doing this. It's already revealing the media bias and getting racist people to out themselves. You can't improve on success and you can't speed up the process, you can only fuck it up. >Although I'm pretty sure posters saying \"it's not okay to be white\" would just be par for the course, and may not ruffle any feathers. This is what the media wants to see, something they can't concretely hold up as having a negative and potentially threatening message. IOTBW as is, achieves all its goals, it's a honeypot for anti-white racists and it works perfectly. You can't improve on it. It's subtle enough, and entices them to bash it, while being perfectly non-threatening and no negative message whatsoever. > You would undermine the message and effect of the original poster campaign. Not if it were done as a false flag operation. Just add a link to BLM's website at the bottom. IOTBW works precisely because it has no negativity. If you put up an IOTBB poster then nobody would have a problem with it. Even if it had a link to BLM so what? People already approve of BLM and that group already has carte blanche to say whatever it wants, including hateful and racist statements about white people that are half truths at best. So such a IOTBB poster would really do nothing. IOTBW detects racists. I was thinking of posters that say \"it's not okay to be white\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feminists say that \"toxic masculinity is whenever a man is unwilling to show emotion. But whenever a man does show emotion, he's accused of weaponizing his tears, he's labeled a little boy, and he's compared to men who beat their wives. I wonder why men don't like to cry in public?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"READ THE POSTS I told you. You sound retarded with the name calling.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When you're on a first date and they start talkin about their ex ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ok, just to be clear, birth control should be free everywhere in te world, buuuut it's not a candy!!! It doesn't treat anything, because when you stop it (only to get pregnant for example) every problem comes back... or not!! Because when you're 16, having painful periods is only part of the process. Don't be mistaken: I hate Trump and all his political choices and ideas and everything that he represents But I hate all the same (if not more) pharmaceutical companies that make use believe all this crap. When you read independent studies, 1 pill per day = eating 1000 chickens fed with hormones. Every fu***** day...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump 1st - You were not elected; you and Russia rigged the system2nd - We all heard \"Pussy Grabbing\" so STFU3rd - You LIE - Reporters Report TRUTH4th - All you do all day long is demean and belittle EVERYONE5th - FACT: WE DO SEE FACTS and say You're ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Taylor Swift was part of the me too movement last year. She destroyed a mans career because he accidentally touched her ass during a photo. She went full retard a long time ago.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"At the end of the day if Hillary would have been put in prison like she should have been we would have a respectable candidate running and I'm sure trump would not have the support he currently has so really can only be mad at that . I can't stand either but I hate the fact that she walks around like she is above the law sorry not sorry","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump The best is yet to come when Biden wins.So you are holding up stimulus as a blackmail to Americans. #Youareunbelievable #youhavenoplan#TrumpLied211KDied #TrumpIsNotWell #TrumpMeltdown #TrumpIsASuperSpreader #Trumpdontcare#PrezOnRoids#youwillcrash#BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@bismalah....Go Eat a Bag of Dick's, You Fucking Retarded Antiqueefa Cuck Boy!!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The more I learn about Jewish misdeeds, the more I believe that these insufferable fucking Hasidim most authentically represent the Jewish spirit. After following the Van Dyke conviction, I'm thinking a cop could use 16 shots w\/ more efficiency HERE! (whining jews at 1:38) @Alex_Linder @SirBoring @Cantwell https:\/\/youtu.be\/qcXI16JdJQE Jews are evil retards. Parasites","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"People are fucking retarded lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"America's ___________________ President. (Fill in the blank)#TrumpMeltdown #TrumpIsARacist #TrumpIsBroke #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica #BidenHarris2020 #TrumpIsALaughingStock #VoteHimOut #TrumpTaxes https:\/\/t.co\/VKAZ1h2XGB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@larryelder I go through this on the regular. I can't even count how many times I've disproven people I know on what Trump has or hasn't said.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"rofl. These cunts got their ass whooped by the bouncer!! He didn't even had to use force, just a light push to get them off his face and bitches went smack down the flat ground - every. fucking. time. One of them even broke a glass \/ bottle on the bouncer. He still kept his cool. All the 3-4 bitches employed the same usual tactics - shout and scream, verbally abuse, viciously attack the guy physically, and then cry when they get beat back. And icing on the cake were the guys laughing and booing off the beaten-but-still-crazy cunts. :D ah, what a way to start the day!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He's a little nigger child. How do you expect a little nigger child to look?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is going to happen more frequently and i support it. If the Government wont protect children from these faggot pedos, then the men have a duty to do so.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Says the blue-balled nigger loser who can't find a mudshark of his own to beat on and murder.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Unexplained Mist Surrounds The Holiest Of Sites; False Flag Precursor Event? Everything is holy in the eyes of retard !!! Dry Ice is holy in the desert i bet !!! HOLY SHXT lol https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=TmifpGu4y_0andt=184s","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Heartiste \"They hated him because he told the truth It sucks, but being a hero today will not make you popular. But to me the truth is more important. Think about how history will see you, not how retarded college lefties do. http:\/\/magaimg.net\/img\/6i0p.png","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@kieffer_jason bitch was i talking to u stfu and get off my page oh bitch nigga u bout that life","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Everyone and I will getting to you all of these blue team Dwill win Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. United States of American, then last USA want on the world map.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Kevinliptakcnn This is nothing compared to what the President says on a daily basis. His entire campaign was built on hate and threats of arresting his political opponents. #resist #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So, halfwit Harry has announced that 'pregnancy is taking tool' on MegNog, and she will be cutting back on her public engagements Because walking and shaking hands are apprently much of a gruelling, tiring activity for a half caste nigger to deal with MegNog has spent $36,367 in just 5 days, and she is still flat as an ironing board. Four months pregnant my a$%.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You buy ANYTHING from a muslim business, you are financing a hit on yourself. Same with jewish businesses. They hate you more than you can ever hate them. Grow a pair, don't be a lazy twat and boycott every Middle-Eastern and Asian business you can.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Series of killings in refugee camps spark fear among members of the displaced #Rohingya Muslims and aid workers #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #refugees #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Media is LIVE Y'all!! Thank you @a and @e I was logged out of gab and could not get back in for an hour or so. Is that normal? I was logged out too. Took forever to remember my password. All good now. Good to hear. I found myself in a hive of white supremacists today and I thought it may have had something to do with it. lol I understand if any kids come to my home dressed as ghosts for Halloween, I should not give them candy because they are white supremacists. Beware... Hahahahaha! I am going to wear blackface AND a ghost costume. Its funny, like the boy who cried wolf. These cowardly dems think the wrong people are white supremacists. They dont see the truth, because they dont want to. Its easy for them to forget the dems started the KKK and the president who freed the blacks was a repub. They would rather believe the lies Don't forget xenophobic, cisgender, hyper-privileged Trumptards! Hey! that resembles me!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thinking about the \"boom boom boom waaay ho\" video makes me laugh at least once a day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pro Tip- Fuck your followers ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wow you sure told me. And that's Mr Cunt little man respect your elders douchebag ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What really happens when you send her a dick pic ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"After witnessing the dangerous anti-Western antics of left wing liberal progressives over the last few years i now understand why Fredo had to die in the Godfather...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user #BuildThatWall Its an Invasion America ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"stoopid religous people hurr durr lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I don't hate women. I hate shitlibs who think having a twat magically makes people virtuous and beyond reproach. If gender really is a construct as they believe then it doesn't make a difference! Fun fact: Tradition suggests that being a virgin is virtuous. All I see on the Left that they want us to believe without question are whores and sluts. They have no virtue.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I looked at my wife's mother before marrying her. WTF was Harry thinking?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twitters little blue birds name is Larry, after Celtics, ISU Larry Bird, stick ticker is $TWTR.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They Don't Even Know Who Did It http:\/\/m.startribune.com\/hundreds-of-st-thomas-students-rally-amid-racial-slur-incident\/498566181\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's a reason why DEATH is the penalty for TREASON HE is the reason that Steve Scalise got shot and nearly killed while playing baseball - HE is the reason we have riots and lawlessness on our street But, he's to big of a pussy to get his own hands dirty Alec Baldwin stands with Antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AdamSank: Why does Julia Roberts seem completely shocked that she's been nominated? Hey, Julia -- you're in a gown. The jig is up. #Emm ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do these racists demand that white people \"stay in your lane\" ... Yet, they have NO PROBLEM telling white people what to do and how to think #Hypocrites","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ImpactParasite just fuckin roasted this faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No just made you my bitch faggot Laugh it up, antifa. We know your fatass is owned by soros. Fat commie shit lib. Lickin kike dicks Caught you fat antifa scum.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"ion like papoose but he went in lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ariana Kim the rape accusations have been out for so long like we talked about it. Now there's finally something about it wtf","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user We want Ain't Know as payment when you CB bc the Kunt Brigade will have lots of work clarifying the misun ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user @user You must be so proud of a sandwich maker. It takes a lot of brains to put mustard on a sand which. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Im no Trump supporter and i do get the anger, but far right movements are on the rise in europe since the early 2000, corporations and banks are stealing our lives away for years, greed and racism is a big part of our society ever since i came to realise whats going on around me. The voices were few and were getting less and less by the year, we inhaled tonnes of teargas and broke our bodies from police brutality in protests and noone gave a damn, and then Trump gets elected and all hell broke loose.... sorry to say guys its a bit late now for tears, Trump is the flower of a seed that had been planted decades ago where you were all watching the real housewives and the xfactor sipping on cola and eating burgers when our world was slowly getting taken away. Obama dropped a bomb every 3 hours in 2016, police brutality was the worst i have seen in the U.S than any other time. Exactly how was he better? Did he fight capitalism? Militarism? No.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"9th October 1976 the IRA murdered Yvonne Dunlop, I've explained in another reply to you get rid of the romantic nonsense about Sinn Fein\/IRA. They are open commie gangsters. I've explained to him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Start with the Illegals First Not taking care of their Welfare #AnchorBabies Illegal immigrant has lived on American welfare for 20 years!?! via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They've been mollycoddled their entire lives. It's no wonder they can't handle reality. Unfortunately, just like everything this cunt has ever done... It's probably just drama whoring.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I am a man. I have been sexually assaulted. I was sexually assaulted at 17 by 4 people i thought were my friends. It took me 3 years to even casually mention it in passing to my dad. I was made fun of for it the next day by a friend of mine who participated and went to school with me. I was emberassed to be powerless about something like that. I am not ashamed to talk about it anymore. And im also not afraid to call the person in this post a fucking idiot. There are people who say they were raped for attention. And while few and far between its still more often then it should be. And it makes my experiences as a person seem invalid. So fuck you ya cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Rent-seeking useless cunts. and#x200B;","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Looking forward to #NCAA and #NBA basketball in the states soon #iubb #hoosiers #pacers #PacerNation and of course breadsticks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Perhaps it's true that #notallmen are sexual predators, but all women are potential prey. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"stupid teacher talks to @RandyMower like he's retarded","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@thereal_EMandM texans d\/st won't play the redskins again this year...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I mean, sure, she's a cunt, but it's still bullshit to fine someone for being an asshole...especially with the actual horrific crimes that the UK doesn't punish at all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The appeal is that the NPC is really annoying, not that it's a female. Look up on youtube \"killing [any annoying NPC name]\" and you're bound to find many videos of exactly that. Here, I'll do one for Nazeem from Skyrim: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/results?search_query=skyrim+killing+nazeem. Nobody is killing him because he's black, but because he's fucking annoying. Same with Heimskr. Not because he's religious, but because he's won't shut up. Actually now that I think about it, the feminist in Saint Denis is basically the RDR2 version of Heimskr - they won't stop spouting their annoying preachy lines when you're trying to go to the barber or something. You're also comparing a funny and cathartic video from one of the top no-commentary game channels with >450K subcribers, with some rando with 300 subscribers trying to get clicks. Shirakko's video had over 50 times that other guy's video, and you think he represents the majority of Shirakko's viewers? You're complaining about an ultra minority on the internet - baiting retards. DON'T TAKE THE BAIT.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Deport them all Massive Anti-Islamic Immigration Protests Hit Germany - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This may be the most retarded thing I've ever read. Another GQ writer. They sure can pick them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"These assholes come in here to the western himispher and destroy everything, now pretending to be concerned about climate change while still drilling for oil and dumping in into our waters.... and what's this about cloning trees?? Don't pretend to be concerned when you are still out destroying elsewhere.......","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The true philosophical questions of our retarded times","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Im glad I met this chick. Reminds me the trash I left behind","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this nigger needs to be swinging from a tree by his neck. lynch this worthless knuckle dragger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Imagine being this cucked. https:\/\/twitter.com\/ProudResister\/status\/1048253437605888000 Since the White man is the target of the queers, globalists, jews and other assorted hellish freaks we know the White man is the savior of the world. We love the White man. Fuck every man that bullies LGBTQ people... But..But isn't that what LGBTQ are doing? Fucking other men like bullies would? Wow @ProudResister should be gassed sooner than later. But it's okay to discriminate against white people and bully straight people? That's his message? Also, when did Trump do any of this? This passes for logic now. Spew one line platitudes with no evidence and virtue signal what a great person you think you are. I always ask if they pay taxes. When they answer yes, I thank them for supporting President Trump. YOU should do some vids! #REBUKEthePUKE! what a brave tweet. You sure showed them Nazis! Trump is unfortunately not that cool.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol this story is bullshit. It's pretty obvious. why? that's assumptive. To heck with the Middle East. They've been fighting and murdering each other since forever. How about what's going on in Europe? I take it you are fine with the 'Religion of Peace' doctrine? No problem there? No Muslim rape gangs, no skyrocketing crime? No assaults on culture? No problem? No crisis in Welfare benefits? No crisis in housing? No crisis in health care, with a tsunami of illiterate, unskilled, fast-breeding parasites? I guess that must also be 'Pentagon propaganda'? Where did you achieve this degree in History that you seem so proud of? Lol yes most of that has been bullshit. They bring in a bunch of people, which I agree shouldn't happen, but then create the hoax that they're forming rape gangs. Since you have no power to stop immigration the next best thing is martial law to stop them. Which is exactly what's happening in Sweden. It's all a ploy to get you to advocate for military on the street. Same thing in Chicago.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Refugees drowning on Crete? No, no, they are making a movie for the \"refugee\" industry.https:\/\/t.co\/9wEWi25Ici ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ElRaynerista @selzero #Biden, nice guy. Has all Americans at heart. But he's physically not up to this anymore. We have 73 and 77 year old candidates running for a four year term, for real they are the best future America has to offer? #USElection2020 #FuckTrump#TrumpIsARacist#BidenHarris2020","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@GoneWithKalijah She was always a pathetic mutt desperately seeking attention and a purpose. No matter what JP writes that will never change","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Had I been in that mom's place, the one bringing her son to the park, I would have told the feminist mom that she could always come back a couple hours later when me and my child were gone, as this was \"boy time\". I would have enjoyed seeing her blow her top at the idea of being treated the same way she treated me. Problem is, she'd never reflect on that True, but that wouldn't lessen my enjoyment at watching her rage out and act like the crazy person she is. While traumatizing your own child. Not such a good idea.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At 98% Black High School in Jackson, MS - Near City Where Two White Cops Were Just Murdered by Black Male - Halftime Band Performance Depicts Executing Cops http:\/\/stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com\/2018\/10\/at-98-black-high-school-in-jackson-ms.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That is one ugly ass nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@dolphrudager You don't have any kids?! What are you, one of them queers!?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Disgusting they send Melania there specifically so she could be photoed cuddling niggers and niglets i feel SO bad for her she's probly fighting the urge to barf all over their nappy hayids all day long Cuddling a nigger as Whites are murdered by niggers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Eat Nigger Cock or DIE WHITEY!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He's a cunt but it's the principle that must be defended, not the person. Doesn't matter that he's a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA... but now Democrats decry Democrat run Facebook's new political advertising policy about Political Ads. Say it's too strict for demanding a social security number, a federal ID and a residential address. Democrats don't want rules ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Can I double stuff your Oreo?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"John Kasich Refuses To Say If He's Happy Brett Kavanaugh Got Confirmed To The Supreme Court https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/shgRabZ.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/mvgj letfist ,pc liberal weasels..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This salty bitch LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fox Scumbag Laura Ingraham claims Trump is protecting immigrant children from their drug abusing, child trafficking parents Read Story: #ImpeachTrump #Resist #VoteBlue #GOPScum #FoxLies ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"These days Twitter isn't even bothering to give a reason for why they're suspending an account. They're slapping people with lifetime bans just because. Yeah. But also, you know, trolling. There's no one to troll on Gab.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Our Moment #TuesdayThoughts #tuesdayvibes #TuesdayMotivation #TuesdayMorning #TuesdayDebate Debate Day#VoteHimOut #MAGA #MAGA2020 #KAG #AmericaOrTrump https:\/\/t.co\/npLOlPNmXQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well done,u r fit to win a medal in the Rio Olympic,r best wishes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"There is no reason not to create a child using artificial eggs. The point of technology is to remove women as an essential part of reproduction. Men would have families without becoming attached to a woman. We could decide exactly when to reproduce with the obligation to take care of the messes women make by waking up an hour earlier each day\" Wouldn't that be great. Bruh is this unironic? Yes. Why wouldn't it be? Imagine being able to have kids without having a parasite in your life. Imagine not having to worry if it's yours, or about child support or divorce or the 8,000,000 other shitty tricks women can pull on you. A feminist could say the exact same things about men. Just replace divorce and child support with abuse and rape. Uh they do, they just did, that's the point.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump BY A LOT OF BULLCRAP. CONGRATULATIONS JOE BIDEN and KAMALA HARRIS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Now that's what a hero looks like.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"...it's getting harder and harder not to use the word nigger these days...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It turns out shrieking like a retard isn't a convincing argument Democrats are morally degenerate human sewage. That is a FACT but they are so brainwashed retarded that they do not understand FACTS! Euthanasia is the only cure! They literally do not have functioning brains!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Powerful men in Hollywood have been preying on women because that's how lots of men are built ... so says Dick Wolf. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#IllegalAliens are robbing #Americans of retirement who do you think pays for their healthcare and emergency room visits my #ObamaCare costs me $36,000 per year because of them @user @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Aug 5-8 Immigrant Arts and Women's Empowerment Summit @user is hosting its second annual summit featuring distinguished artists and presenters from the tapestry of arts and cultural organizations that enrich our country. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TonyBrunoShow @HillaryClinton so when joe steps down due to \"health kamala is pres and she chooses hillary as VP, kamala succumbs to \"covid hillary president dec 2021!!!! @OldTakesExposed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@_TurnDownDre @Jordan__Grimes @kushdaddycorr @TRob_waddUP that's true idk why your even in this convo you dumb nigger attention whore","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Learning? Yes, like how much they nag and how hysterical they get over the most minuscule of things. Females = unbalanced and crazy #schizo ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Thanks for fixing the fairy gay faggot tranny porn problem @a. None after over 24 hours. :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Somehow I foresee the Japanese branch either telling the Americans to fuck off, or firing the fucking lot of them and just doing everything from Japan and hiring a few localizers for things and not having an American branch at all because they will start to only trust other Japanese people due to this corporate coup de'tait attempt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @WFANTrades: Don't know how you Yankees fans listen to Kay every night. Absolutely brutal. Just nonsensical blah blah blah blah. Radio n ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@GrandpaSnarky @Ladygeekp @Ladyjackson65 @LiberalAnguish @LynnieBear0215 @manchester18 @MargieA26140671 @Marymol @Geekusa2013 @Gloria4Educ @CosmicDarrell @LochnerWalter @MoRandolph130 @PalominoPony @Peter_S_Becks1 Followed all45 days until #Election2020 #Biden2020 #Resist #StrongerTogether","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mi A1 Mobile - What you in the box + Storage + Ram + Android Version: via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think it has reached the point where it doesn't matter any more. All of these labels have been so warped by these twats that none of it actually makes the least shred of sense. Not that it ever made **much** sense ... but somewhere along the line it became complete nonsense. Now the trick is to identify if a person is one of these dipshits, and once you do ... give them a wide berth and leave them to their delusions. That's my take on it as well. At this point, we're basically in the business of just manufacturing labels, so that people can call themselves something other than straight. I have no doubt in my mind that there are people out there with massive libidos and people without almost any libido at all. But this notion of classifying every aspect of human behavior is just obnoxious. It's one thing if you're a sociologist or you're doing a survey or study on people's sex lives, but creating a classification so that \"you, too, can be part of a special class\" is just ridiculous and absurd. It's also harmful as it just gives more ways of dividing groups of people on pointless distinctions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"CUM POCKET NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She paid the toll!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @espn: When the Yanks and Sox get together, things usually go smoothly -> http:\/\/t.co\/f3t97ymMd5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"As the pandemic progressed, many saw the deaths of elderly people, or those with preexisting conditions, as acceptable and dismissible. And as COVID-19 disproportionately hit Black, Latino, Indigenous, and Pacific Islander communities, https:\/\/t.co\/xBPdEqNXE0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NOT... I dispise evil.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sentencing Delayed For Brave White Teenager Who Defended His Racial Kin Against Black Savages At Charlottesville. @Cantwell and others. DO NOT forget our\/guys\/ left behind!!! It's important!!! http:\/\/www.nbc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good, fuck that retarded brownie","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Immigrant Couple Speaks After ICE Detention ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's when faggots want attention on the internet so they say they don't identify as a human and that they identify as an animal, a chair, or whatever Excuse me but only faggots can call people faggots. It's like the n- word for gays. Shut up faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/8KUzaPFCMF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bitches better stop wearing bonnets in public. Put a fucking hat on if you're a lazy cunt like me. That's what I do. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Just choke on your salad sandwich already. Those Men did not die during the Gulf War and do you really think that it did not play on their conscience why they were fighting? They still went anyway. You are directing your crap at the ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bottom line #bidenharris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/lsWZtfTdI2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you're at your ugly friends bachelorette party and you can't even get a text back ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dayum, nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Spanish police clash with migrants after 800 storm Morocco border fence ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Banned Contest Challenge on Normies. New Viral Meme. Funny. Relevant. Here is one I made on Will Smith Pre-Kanye West Trump in Men In Black (MIB). Here are some videos, pictures, links. NPC. Bots. Robots. Win money here. https:\/\/steemit.com\/informationwar\/@joeyarnoldvn\/don-t-move-tables","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"alkahu akbar motherfuckers!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Skidmark Twatter users spouting about typical NPC drivel is getting tiresome.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He's a puppet for the globalists. There are numerous pics of him sitting with Soros, talking, laughing, etc.... We don't like him at all....worse the opposition party is another version of him. We have a new leader in town, Mad Max Bernier. We like his platform. New party too. Conservative af. 1 year to go till elections.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cunt is lucky she got this reality check instead of a beating.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He's such a weasel cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The real truth is after Cologne and in the Nordic countries and Others no one trusts any refugees a better life for them doesn't mean 1. 4 u ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user This country is being led by crawlers to other religions from immigration to Education vote no to Europe and save our nation now ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lol, what an utter entitled twat who thinks by having a index finger up, is a sign to make her famous? please, just please can she just not exist... she is an embarrassment.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Shut the fuck up, Bradford, you virtue signaling, demoralized, pathetic, son of a bitch. You sound like the sort of guy to give your wife over to a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Jeremy Corbyn: children should be taught about the \"grave injustices of the British Empire. https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/politics\/2018\/10\/10\/jeremy-corbyn-says-schools-should-teach-children-grave-injustices\/ Fascism is another form of communism. Think state control, lack of individual rights. Everything done to further the Reich\/ umah. In any event my post (amusing though it was) did not mention Islamists (muslims) are you getting confused? Where is the muslim (islamist) angle to This?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who is the REAL nigger in the woodpile????? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=5NIbiBNeATI","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Here's a genius idea : suggest that not all men are rapists and that not only women get raped? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user We understand. They need to understand that men are born to be in control. Thanks for supporting our cause! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How retarded are you Trumpanzees? We. Have. Guns. Too. Damn, you cats yammer and yammer about the murder rates in the \"liberal cities,\" but never put 2 and 2 together.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They're retards then. And in a tiny minority. This is not normal for how we liberals think and they can expect to be mocked by the mainstream of us. Guys we found the retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Cut the cable. Stop watching their lies. TV is only there to dumb us down. I won't watch any of that #resistard bullshit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck those sand nigger fucks all of them","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How's this for multiculturalism? A set of Confederate flag jewelry (earrings and necklace) intended for the Arab market, made in communist China but priced in British pounds sterling, featuring Spongebob Squarepants on the packaging, for sale in a Pakistani convenience store. If that isn't an example of the wonders of global commerce, I don't know what is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Since Gab is one of \"our\" platforms I think you should bring this message to Gab. I'm seeing too many Gabbers acting like #Stormfronters. Gab is approaching half a million members and real opportunities do abound so long as we do not put the same old mistakes on replay. Stormfront is FUCKING PATHETIC. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=rj7zwR0gfhQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user the man is a legend in my mind ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women need to grow the fuck up already I agree, but I have no confidence that they ever will grow up. History is replete with writings about women and their nature. Even the Holy Bible is chock full of reality concerning women. If they have not grown up in all those thousands to tens-of-thousands of years I don't see them growing up any time soon. Women and their nature simply need to be controlled again by good men, and they will be. We may not be alive to see it, so teach your children well. Ya im sure you have lots of women who like being around you so you'll \"keep them in their place\". You're as retarded as a feminist.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Also \"Who's that up there bangin like a chimpanazee\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Or literally every major chain under the sun??? Boycott wendys mcdonalds burger king kfc taco bell fuddruckers mission bbq over the border Dude what other restaurants did I name? Maybe Best Buy Walmart Target Grocery store Sheetz Speedway WaWa fuck it all gas stations. How retarded are you? How retarded am I asks the ignorant illiterate who knows nothing about basic grammar. The world still doesn't revolve around you, hillbilly. No u And its ironic you insult me as such. You assume Id put effort into someone like you. The world doesnt revolve around me, because I am a part of the world. You're just a retarded twat arguing with an autistic twat. Good luck on the boycott. Ill counter it explicitly to piss you off.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#Dutch farmers are white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Europe is cucked and fucked when will the citizens change their attitude about the muzzie invasion.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"2800 is what a lot of folks make after taxes or less. What a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's to be expected when our bravest and strongest go off to die while the weakest and cowardly force them to. We're left with not so good offspring that will do shit like this. > It's to be expected when our bravest and strongest go off to die while the weakest and cowardly force them to. We're left with not so good offspring that will do shit like this. lol man, get off your high horse. most people in a war are not there voluntarily but under force. And furthermore women have fought beside men throughout time, but due to logistical restraints they needed to stay home for the most part. Someone needed to tend the farm and create the new recruits. Some Viking women fought, as well in other cultures. Whats with the rudness? Some incredible exception does not prove the general rule wrong. I am rude because your brain trauma drags the world backwards.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The \"fake pipe bomb events we all witnessed today are nothing more than Democrats mailing fake pipe bombs to other Democrats. This is their last, desperate ploy to try to control the outcome of a mid-term election they're terrified of losing. And with that loss will come the implosion of the Democrat party,","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Beautiful girl mate. Was seeing her three years ago. Then she had to go back to France to start uni. Seeing a French geezer now. Lucky twat lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @halfricannnnn: Me and @Vin17Bricksquad are in our yellow submarine rn.. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This isn't a pussy pass denied. She didn't pull out all the stops. She didn't even bring up her waman status once. The ultimate pussy pass, her pussy, or at least a blowjob, wasn't even brought into the field once. If so, the OP would've caved, her pussy pass would've been accepted, and this post would not exist. Or perhaps the OP did use *the locking her out* as blackmail to get a BJ, thereby accepting her pussy pass, while only pretending it was denied by posting an incomplete exchange of events. Either way, this isn't a pussy pass denied. >If so, the OP would've caved, her pussy pass would've been accepted, and this post would not exist. That's a weird assumption. She could be ugly as fuck for all you know. There's always one of you \"this isn't my definition of pussypassdenied faggots about. Chill out","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Comedian George Lopez Confronts Trump Supporter At Hooters .. Try me next WETback punk ..https:\/\/youtu.be\/9UbJqOQowBM?t=2","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Immigrants. This is a Country of Law. If you have the Law, welcome! But if you are against the Law, you have two ways to go: go home or go to jail. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Buy more RAM, girl :P ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is no way to \"waste\" a vote any harder than casting it for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. It's not possible.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Earth's Thermosphere Record Cold and Auroras With No CME\" ... With No CME - what do you expect? How thermosphere should get warm when there are no CMEs to inject energy into it? also Cowboy accent = retarded commentator = bullshit science.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Damned this southeast weather. It's summer for 9 months, fall for 1 and winter for We're supposed to get some fall weather next week, yaaay. I'm going out tomorrow - here's how I feel about it. yep, that's the best bit about living where i do, all the retarded lefties can't handle the heat so they fuck off back to their cities and drink soy latte's, leaving the beer, beaches, and beautiful women alone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The thing about working with black people. These bitches never on fucking time then wanna complain about a short check. Bitch die.Today. now","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Remember Patriots \"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing.\" We need to stand by our president @realDonaldTrump and march head high to the finish line! We will prevail!!! #MAGA2020 #Trump2020 #TrumpTrain2020 #DrainTheSwamp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So today is National Coming Out Day. It's been over 5 years since I first came out to anyone, and it was the most nerve-racking thing I've ever done. I would rather present my Master's thesis presentation for 24 continuous hours than re-live that moment. (Anyway, here I am in a Pride-colored Eagles tank top after a killer sunburn from a day out on Sebago. ) I love the word \"magnanimous , btw. Great vocab. I feel left out. I want a strait pride parade...or a strait pride day. But then again, none of us strait folk announce where we stick our penis or where we allow a penis to enter our vagina. It just isn't the most important aspect of our lives. We eat, we shit, we pee, we have sex...those are normal functions of every day life. When you exalt any one of those above the rest of your life? You just might be insane. Every straight couple you see in public, every straight couple you see in movies or on tv or in ads, every scantily clad model you see... they're announcing their heterosexuality as much as I am.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Drfreezeburnn @DaithiDeNogla I just learned how many retards you can find when you search trending topics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My guess is that this wasn't at an intersection. Is it possible that this kid ran across the street just to catch a bus? How frequent do these busses come? Was jaywalking really worth it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump plan -Immigrants classified a public charge no longer will get citizenship or green cards -definition of 'public charge' those who partake Temp Assis 4 Needy Families, nonemergency Medicaid, Children's Health Ins Prog, SNAP, subsidized health ins through marketplaces - ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Trump you are right, stop illigal immigration and make USA better and dont care about left minded democrats without any reality and small brain. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You're a Nazi socialist retard who didn't fulfill her God-given duty to have many children and now wants to blame muh Jews for her deriliction of duty. And you are saying nothing new.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Every TERF post I've ever read can be summarized as: \"There is no rational basis for disputing the gender binary and as evidence in support I would like to point out that MEN ARE TRASH gah PaTriarChy rawrawrawrawr...\" \"It's all completely fucking arbitrary that every society on the planet has divided the population between sperm and penis havers and egg and uterus havers. We should abolish this recognition between the two so-called \"sexes\" or understanding of how babies are made.\" Trans people who say that are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A SPECIAL GALLOWS IS WHAT'S NEEDED FOR RR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This time the tables have turned","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@edvotes @KamalaHarris Trump has said over andamp over again that his health plan will cover people with pre-existing conditions. Don't show me a photo of someone else! I had pre-existing conditions!! Obama lied and said I could keep my plan. My insurance was cancelled. Obama lied. Kamala is a liar.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, start with the faggot on your left.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sorry fo da rant. It make me mad and ashamed to be colored. I wish I be white so y'all would like me","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I find it amazing how some people find ways to justified injustice against minorities when there's things like this and policy brutality going on. This has to stop.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"U.N. pact offers hope to world's climate migrants #WithRefugees #climatechange @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WARNING: GRAPHIC VIDEO: NH Attorney General Rules Rochester Police Shooting Justified Douglas Heath was wanted on several outstanding warrants when he opened fire on officers https:\/\/t.co\/KNQ2DUUXeR to bad this guy wasn't black then we could see some riots and some cops charged.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's be serious. Most fans\/callers wanted to run heavily and dink and dunk. doesn't work great against a D you can't get extra yrds against","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Oh my god - a hysterical woman with a loaded gun!!! #thelastpost ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home (?) German citizens have turned into brainless sheep to tolerate this. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They aren't splitting up. This is a link to register to vote. Pretty dirty. Didn't take the bait. No matter what, the Kardashians are the sickest people on the planet, even if her husband is based. That is a screenshot of their tweet, not a link. There was no bait to take. I learned from the replies what it was. No matter. We shouldn't be following these leaches anyway. I love ya, witchy Double Triple Ditto, FeFe! <333 @KetzerHexe stop following those damn Kardashians.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TVNewsHQ @dbongino Your point is that it is true?The expected crowd of 2000 was actually 400.The people in attendance were paid to show up and wear the blue shirts.Polling is historically low for Trump with both black and hispanic voters especially after Trump didn't denounce White Supremacists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I used to love Harry Potter, but this constant stupid use of the books as reference to actual political discussion is so retarded that makes me ashamed of had read it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Waiting for brownies. I want brownies. Someone hooks it up?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LMAO, Demons would not associate themselves with either of the retarded political parties operating the US or the EU for that matter...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"By now you have probably heard of immigrant families being separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. Given the complex environment we have set up a \"Family Reunification Fund which will give us flexibility to respond as the situation changes. Donate ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A man who was at the scene of a shooting at a Kentucky Kroger store said that moments after the alleged gunman killed two black victims, he told the white bystander that \"whites don't kill whites, according to a report by NBC affiliate @wave3news. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/tkNN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WHO'S THE WHORE NOW YOU PIECE OF SHIT ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user FUCK YOU STUPID BITCH ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i've seen so many people on facebook get mad at men for posting #metoo because it's for women only BITCH anyone can be sexually assaulted ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"what state is this?? For damn sure these cops need to be retrained and take away that k-9 from stupid cops that don't know the laws!! They will get the dog killed for no reason- this is why cops are getting bad names for themselves and putting a bad rap on the cops that are doing the job right! Just look at the idiot with the grin on his face over the lawyers shoulder-you can tell he knows it's all bs!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"fuck yourself bitch i'm curious what why this stupid cunt thinks we can't wear certain costumes","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@c00ntact @KevinI bumcia is trash smfh I would've thought he would have gone after Khan but what you said makes sense","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"faggot kikesucker faggot english","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ummm sweaty... How dare you criticize a strong independent empowered woman?! You're totally being __problematic__ and __toxic__? And you're not allowed, mmmkay? Don't you know criticizing a woman for any reason is __MUH SOGINY__?!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BY1959 One would think...but here we are.When Trump goes we also get rid of all his cabinet!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a lying faggot jewishit. JEWS = ASSHOLES. JEWS = LIARS. JEWS = ASSHOLES. JEWS = ASSHOLES. JEWS = ASSHOLES. JEWS = TOTAL ASSHOLES. JEWS = COMPLETE ASSHOLES. How do you know a jew is lying? Simply by the jew speaking.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @lsarsour: Senator Susan Collins is the mother and grandmother of white women in America who gave us a Donald Trump presidency. The 53%. She is a disgrace and her legacy will be that she was a traitor to women and marginalized communities. History will not treat her kindly. #CancelKanavaugh why are these jihadi jane ingrates even in america in the first place? She's going to be used as a test case when we start stripping paper-Americans of their birthright citizenship, calling it now https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2017\/08\/19\/linda-sarsours-terrorist-friend-stripped-of-citizenship-permanently-banned-from-u-s\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's it isn't it? Shine your white brothers and sisters on for a negro lap dog. So who's a bigger nigger lover? Obama or trump?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Did she like the nigger rape? I heard she did.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @guardian_sport: World Cup 2014 diary: Argentina mock Brazil with twirling towels http:\/\/t.co\/iJIFh5FVO0 (Photo: Getty) http:\/\/t.co\/RckP ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is what happens when you overpay a American hating racist antiwhite anti-American kneeling nigger too much money, as a uneducated Ape he should've stayed in school and used his talent to pursue his ignorance in life, send these Planet of the apes anti-Americans to the military to serve and earn their right to be in America","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user I refuse to believe that you don't break into a pogo or skank whenever you hear One Step Beyond. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"HRC says Dems \"will have to use every single possible maneuver available\" to block Trump's SCOTUS nominee. A classic case of: \"Look HERE, don't look over there!\" -- where her crimes against humanity are about to be revealed.#MAGA2020 @DineshDSouza","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nice username.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@HillaryClinton @JoeBiden You had my vote in 2016 and #Biden2020 will have my vote. You warn us what trump was going to be and you were correct. The USA would have been in much better place if you had been our 45","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alternative Headline: Illegal Immigrant swallows heroin. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You know you're doing something right when you got haters ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TwitterMoments Come for the fascism and stay for the coronavirus. Please if you are a Trump voter in Florida come on out to his rally. I hope that you get sick enough to not be able to make it to vote on election day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why is the nordic resistance movement throwing up the nazbol salute and wearing a \"revolution\" shirt? Reminds me of Breivik's nazbol salute.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user 1. Let in millions of immigrants, forcing up property prices so homes and children are unaffordable2. Raise taxes to fund healthcare, housing, and schools for said immigrantsRepeat endlessly ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@RudyGiuliani Your daughter seems to have the brains in your family. Maybe you should start listening to her instead of the slime ride your on -andgt; Giuliani Daughter Caroline Giuliani Tells People to Vote for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris in 'Vanity Fair' https:\/\/t.co\/OHNkAdfLd4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When I think about all the people that hate me ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Trump appeals Hawaii court ruling on travel ban #AgainstAllEnemies #StopTheInvasion #PoliticalIslam ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At least start from the head","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Wear a Che T-shirt to the rally? Sure as long as I get this picture on it:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Before you bitch about teen pregnancy remember that man over the age of 18 father most babies born to women under 18. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @LoQueEllasSaben: Amo a esa gente que me odia.. http:\/\/t.co\/8Zr3e0YsoE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm just tweetin ion want no hoes why you dm'n me lil whore ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is retarded. I spend longer away from home for work than my wife, and spend a hell of a lot longer doing household things after I get home and on the weekends. Guarantee I'm not the only one by a longshot. Just for a little example, my yard massive and bare minimum grass cutting and blowing the driveway off is","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Social Justice Warriors VS Logic (Sans Edition) [SJW MELTDOWNS] https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=uXy9NDFKwdM Watch the old fool at the beginning. He openly stated he could rape her, that it was his right to do so. Also, note the woman who claimed the little Nigger grabbed her ass. The news claimed she was White. She is a Jew. Last name (((Klein))). Do you have a job? Or do you just sit on your faggot ass all day on Gab?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"There's no PPD here, just a rude old cunt who will die soon enough and a beautiful young lady tryna live her life. With *tremendous* boobs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/sex-crimes.laws.com\/molestation Here you go retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"One of the super ass hole in Hong Kong","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Roman #CatholicChurch founded America per scripture\/lprophecy 2B the 2ND Beast of Revelation that forces all nation's to take on the mark of the 1st Beast (Rome)! Race has nothing 2do with it and no such thing as race either. Morals and Character are the only thing that matters! I think that might be a step up for this twaddle burger? .This asshole >@Escoffier<--- is a #CoinTelPro POS who posts stupid irrelevant left\/right political bullshit 24x7 along with \"white is right\" satanic chatter. He is a crackling thorn under a caldron burning in the fire. Anyone who thinks they're \"cool\" and they enjoy his inane rhetoric, you're one sorry excuse for a human being. HAHAHA!!! You dumbass hebe! HAHAHA!!! You are just ridiculous! Lame hymie!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So this sand nigger needs to explain why so many Muzlims live in non Muzlim countries and expose themselves to women that don't cover as they would in a Muzlim country. They are living non-Muzlim lives when they have the opportunity to move to Muzlim countries where the women are covered. So technically they are living lies and it's not about religion, it's about control. Low IQ Muzlims believe they actually have the power to control strong minded, high IQ populations through intimidation and control of women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This man or woman or thing is a disgusting obnoxious racist bitch. #FuckOffWhoopi All Jews and Democrats are filthy despicable RACIST SEXIST PIGS! But obviously they are so brainwashed RETARDED they don't realize what morally degenerate scum they are!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ah poor greeks,they steal history,name,teritory,take money make very beautifull place,just suck blood from eu and never enought.Solun is ours,Macedonia for the Macedonians.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What a fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"UN urges #Libya not to detain rescued migrants #head #UnitedNations ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JRise88 @LongLiveTylerD your a fag","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Girl people really do that, like damn bitch you so selfish you don't wanna rt me and get me clout ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#Filth @user #Nodaca #Deporthemall going to go turn on the phone now that you have to babysit that stupid gang behavior and idiotic graffiti. #Berkeley #CAdeservesbetter ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Liar liar cunt not raped on fire","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Another cunt that needs to be introduced to a rope and a tree Will it be a victory for feminism if women get the day of the rope too?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Death is too good for this raving cunt .","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"There's noone else to blame but our governments, and who actually controls them. Our beloved world is literally soaked in corruption, and this is what it has lead to. When the United Nations speak of \"Justice\" and \"Freedom\", it is all plain and utter bullshit. Do not believe what the UN says, none of it is supposed to help the people.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"First time it happened. I've posted fuck cunt and twat all over the place and no problem","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fool me once shame on you. Pussy ho you wont fool me again. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#HeroRobertBowers although a brave man, he should not have done what he did. Killing Jews won't further our movement, directly attacking the government will. We have pretty much been colonized by Jews under the name of the US government and the US government should be our target.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FAGGOT faggot nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oct. Russia-China keeps pushing its aggression on Western Europe. This is not to the benefit of either Russia or the West, but China surely benefits. Did Putin get played? More shilling for Israel from our resident fake pro-White. It is not China and Russia being aggressive on the doorstep of Europe it is Israel. And the whole world knows it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How is Wuerl #3 now since he doesn't hold a position in any department or the C9? She makes that assertion but doesn't explain. I was curious about that too And it just gives the press, even the press sympathetic to him, more cause to criticize him and lend credibility to the critics who've had him dead to rights all the time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"PHILOSOPHY EXISTENTIALISM AND DEPTH and not trash pop#MTVHottestLanaDelRey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I thought she was a wetback when they dumped her off in our tribe, I told them she was full of evil spirits and they should throw her in the river..","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @FoodPornsx: Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie n' Oreo Fudge Brownie Bar http:\/\/t.co\/7YvXiJmmcp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mr. President, @realDonaldTrump, Go Fo the Kill. Nominate Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ginsburg Immediately! Dems Would Do It Without Thinking Twice. Do You Agree? #Trump2020 #Trump2020LandslideVictory #MAGA #KAG #Trump2020Landslide #SCOTUS #MAGA2020 #KAG2020 #VoteRed #QAnon RT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"gross there will be faggot blood everywhere That should be, fairy gay faggot blood everywhere.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"30years in a country some call home, but never \"had time\" to go get the legal paper work to become a citizen of that country, labels you a \"Visitor\". There are time limits on how long you are allowed to be in that gray area. It's not a life time position, I'm white, Irish, English, Indian from two of the five tribes, and Scottish, my grandfathers second wife was Mexican, here legally, after her husband died she left back to Mexico, all the while was here legally before they got married. Everyone one has time for the legal paper work. Get caught with out it and get sent home, obtain it and you are no longer a visitor, you are one of the newest citizens of this country, and then congratulations will be in order.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Virtue signalling is the cover for evil. In every single case. Remember that next time you see someone virtue signalling. Start to dig into their character and their past. Their true nature won't be very well hidden.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The thing that struck me most from the Sarsour meme going around yesterday, was her specifying that she's attacking the 53%! What an overly entitled cunt of a terrorist! Minorities are fucking minorities.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Gosh you guys are getting less funny with each episode.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Meth induced faggot minds.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When you're trying to text your fuckboy but your boyfriend won't stop looking over your shoulder ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tomorrow is World Refugee Day and our advocate campaign is picking up steam! Join us but learning more about refugees, giving or creating an awareness page at ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"All the money from foreign nations and California wont get this commie elected in Texas. https:\/\/www.cnn.com\/2018\/10\/12\/politics\/beto-orourke-fundraising-record-third-quarter\/index.html?utm_medium=socialandutm_content=2018-10-12T14%3A15%3A09andutm_source=twCNNpandutm_term=image He is lucky he hasn't been beaten to death.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I was there I would grab that saw and saw there brain out and give them a better one","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dyke witches organizing a hex on Kavanaugh https:\/\/www.pinknews.co.uk\/2018\/10\/15\/witches-hex-brett-kavanaugh\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"100%#WHITETRIBALISM #RETRIBALIZE #PGTOW #FOLKRIGHT #VOLKISH #SLAVA#FOLKFIRST #HEATHENS #WEARENOTSEMITES Robert, how is your moral fagging going? When will you stand and protect our white right wing trad women? Carolyn attacked them. Speaking ones mind.. like how evil the Altright and Christians are? lol. We will purge her OH NOW TRY TO DENY IT KIKE Deny what Robert? Your psychosis is really getting out of hand. I think someone is living down by the river in a white van.. and his name is Robert. Purge her of the Jezebel spirit of course. Well Robert, looks like this is the end for both of our accounts\/Gab. You were a retarded cunt the entire time. And you are a Jew boy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I would reply that how it could be possible that isolated balkan mountain-dwelling people (my ancestors) would have african slaves? Their level of retardation would show up at light speed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What a smug faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If you are eligible to renew your DACA, we urge you to talk to an attorney and submit your renewal application. For resources to help you with your renewal go to Informed Immigrant's updated renewal guide which is available in English and Spanish. #RenewDACA ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"THE RAPING OF EUROPE BY MUSLIM RAPEFUGEES FROM HELL !!! SWEEDEN IT'S BEING BETRAYED BY FEMINAZI GOVERNMENT SODOMITES !!! Swedish dentist fired for reporting on refugees patients via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@negearhead @adamentous @SenRonJohnson Hmmm, Biden taxes are public.Hunter Biden is a Yale educated lawyer. Forme VPs son. That top tear consultant fees.Trump spent millions in campaign donations over 4 years to hide his taxes.#Trump2020 plans to Gut Social Security https:\/\/t.co\/wxzWtdUsJ7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Funny. The hysterical Kamala moves into the lead for Most hysterical woman. #AnnCoulter ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user Hey skank you wanna take a huge step back before we have to get everyone on your ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Great working dealing with those faggot shills but can i fucking get an answer WHY is the Gab Frog gone?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#OpenBorders #SecureBorders #UnDocumented #HumanTraffickingThe Far Left are big on complaining about our #immigration policies but they offer no solutions. #DonaldTrump has offered... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Farm workers protest in Italy after migrant crash deaths ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That has nothing to do with voting OR politics and everything to do with tolerance and his upbringing. He's ignorant and intolerant, bottom line. But there's people like that in every color across the globe. Unfortunately the world just has assholes in it. I feel bad for the guy filming but I'm proud of him for handling it the way he did.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We wacko birds are still tweeting #MakeDCListen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JoeBiden Yes Lincoln did \"unite\" the country by the end of the war. That itself did not eliminate the racial and economic inequality that still thrives today. Don't take your eye off the prize.#Vote2020 #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@adnanESPN Houston was top five in AHL attendance while Aeros were here. The transplanted snow bird would love a team.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feminists and trannies can't coexist for long. High school and college \"girl's\" sports are already having guys switch over. I couldn't make my high school basketball team but I'd have been an all star on the girls squad. I still don't get the outrage about the whole trans movement. If you have a dick and want to wear a dress no one is stopping you. That type of shit happens in prison all the time. All the pronoun shit is a little retarded though","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"our president gets laughed at and this retard dances and is still taken seriously as some kind of 'leader'. amazing","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If you are white, I'll support you. Christian Pagan Old Young Libertarian Fascist Traitor What about non white conservatives ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you tired of the \"mock drafts\"? Let's just do this: If Clowney is not the 1st pick, who thinks Round 1 becomes \"chaos\"? #ShowOfHands","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@SportsCenter: Eli Manning just threw his NFL-leading 27th interception of the season.\" Lmao trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate this type of 'journalism'. Kid wasn't 'indigenous', he was 14-years old. Just because his aboriginal ancestors killed the previous aboriginals and stole 'their' land (who, incidentally, had killed the aboriginals before them etc etc), 10,000 years ago, doesn't give him claim to be 'indigenous'. Besides which, who's to say the driver killed him because he's 'indigenous?' Which is the implication. Where's the cause-and-effect? The driver might have killed him had he been (gasp!) a white kid. No wonder 'racial tensions' continue to be stoked when writing masquerading as reportage such as this is so biased in favour of the 'noble savage'.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@OMFGITSOSCAR basic trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some retard gave 30k to brittany venti recently just to \"spite her ex.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Man, what happened to this subreddit... Try 4chan [deleted] 4chan has child porn, white supremacists and worst of all: A dedicated My Little Pony board. This is nothing compared to 4chan's depravity. Dude has definitely never been on 4chan. 4chan hasn't had Cheese Pizza since 2010, Just full of raging autists at this point >4chan has child porn You're off your rocker. Try one of the triple digit chans. (Or don't.) I haven't been on 4chan in years but CP used to be used to get threads deleted on \/b\/ >Try one of the triple digit chans. (Or don't.) I thought 8chan was supposed to be CP ridden too? 8chan had a CP raid last year from one Argentinan, because the anal cunt mods were all legitimately asleep. Other than that, I have seen nothing illegal on 8chan. There have certainly been instances of it on both 4 and 8, but it's so incredibly rare, it's not worth bringing up. It's practically a myth, or a legend. The weird triple digit chans are exclusively oriented to hosting child pornography. I found these sites on accident after following a literal labyrinth of redirecting links that went far beyond .com sites. Now here's hoping that the report I sent does something. It might be a myth now, but it definitely wasn't back in the day. Several years ago it was difficult to avoid on 4chan. Oh certainly. But the past is the past. What do you mean what happened? This is normal content for here. It used to be a lot more creative. This is just not funny or shocking at all Do you not know the regular meaning of monkey's uncle? The term monkey's uncle, most notably seen in the idiom \"(well) I'll be a monkey's uncle\", is used to express complete surprise, amazement or disbelief. So it is not even racist, smh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user So now the word hysterical is a completely sexist term? So let's get this straight nobody can say the word monkey anymore when they are describing anyting and the word hysterical can no longer be used to describe a hysterical woman? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Hollywood is complicit in the rape and sexual assault of women for over 20 years. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Refugee who used her own family's passports to smuggle two asylum seekers into UK illegally is spared jail because judge thought her motive was 'humanitarian' https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6315375\/Refugee-admitted-immigration-charges-praised-humanitarian-desire.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another win for the vast majority that don't buy into the faggot \"lifestyle\"... Ashers 'gay cake' row: Bakers win Supreme Court appeal The Christian owners of a Northern Ireland bakery have won their appeal in the so-called \"gay cake\" discrimination case. https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/uk-northern-ireland-45789759 So forcing a Jew bakery to make a swastika cake is out? Thanks short sighted niggers who lack the capacity for abstract thought. I bet none of you with agency got the FUCKING BALLS to use this ruling to fight the accommodations clause in the civil Rights act of #woolworthsLUNCHCOUNTERshakesitsmotherfuckinghead","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Germany: Islamic-inspired children's park in Berlin to introduce children to Islam and the Islamic culture of the refugees - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What is \"black,\" faggot? This is why you're going feet first into the woodchipper, you anti-White piece if shit (This kike always asks \"what is White\" whenever anyone has the caucacity to suggest that maybe White people should band together being as how we're being attacked from all sides, yet he has no problem deciphering what \"black\" means) No mercy, kike. You and everyone you care about are gonna fucking die painful, miserable deaths in concentration camps (whether by our force or theirs) and it's all cuz you can't bring yourselves to actually practice the standards you preach and oppose all racism from all peoples equally. I hope your family understands how much your fake values meant to you. Everything is about race. Only liars and Jews say it isn't. Nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Almost half of North American bird species threatened by climate change http:\/\/t.co\/dWSYB5BodA http:\/\/t.co\/F0PVuLNf4c #Climate #Environment","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @losthistories: DC Fri 1\/3: Bengali Harlem and Lost Histories South Asian Am reading\/convo @busboysandpoets 14th St cc: @SmithsonianAPA @D ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/eatgrueldog.wordpress.com\/2018\/10\/11\/rocket-booster-fails-russian-american-astronauts-safely-land-in-kazakhstan\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whenever you're feeling stupid, just remember that there are people on Gab right now who unironically think that @cashmoneyglock is an actual nigger named Tyrone Jackson.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Kneejerk19 @Politics_Polls @AM560TheAnswer Hahaha.. $ Millions to Biden's family from Russia, China, Ukraine!!! Hohoho.. Integrity and honesty! hahhahahahahah What a joke #BidenHarris2020 #trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If a 14-year-old girl asks a guy for sex and he says yes, he's still going to jail for agreeing to it and no one's going to be saying \"it's not like she didn't know what she was doing\" just because she initiated it. It's the adult's responsibility to say no. She either knew he was underaged, or didn't both to check her ID. Either way, it was her fault the same way it'd be a bar's or strip club's fault for not carding people >If a 14-year-old girl asks a guy for sex and he says yes That's not what happened here. Because when two people have sex, it's consensual, the age of consent is set because older people can manipulate younger people. That same logic can't be applied when a person goes out of there way to find a prostitute and pay for her\/him. The whole consent thing is firmly laid at the buyer's feet. and#x200B; > It's the adult's responsibility to say no. She either knew he was underaged, or didn't both to check her ID. HAHAHAHAHA, Are you retarded? \"Please show me ID to verify your age, so that I don't commit a crime, while I get a full name of you while you commit a crime.\" Who the fuck would be willing to give up their name and ID to a hooker, while committing a crime by buying sex? Are you that dumb that you think this is how that works? and#x200B; In other words she's not criminally responsible for not asking for ID, because they wouldn't use ID since they were already breaking the law If she's in the kind of profession where it's already illegal, that just means she committed to crimes: fucking a minor, and selling sex. And somehow in that tiny brain of yours that equates that she shouldn't be punished for anything. Of all the arguments for giving this cunt a Pussy Pass, that's the most idiotic","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" The View' host Sunny Hostin says Trump could lie about a terror attack: I would not put that past him' https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/the-view-host-sunny-hostin-says-trump-could-lie-about-a-terror-attack-i-would-not-put-that-past-him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If the Conservative \"rebels\" think that May can carry on until 2020, deliver us a failed Brexit, they are insane. She must go NOW!!! https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/politics\/2018\/10\/02\/theresa-may-urged-set-departure-date-ministers-say-cannot-fight\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All of you are Retarded Faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Boomers were born 1946- Assumed power around Each generation is more perverse since kike propaganda becomes more extreme over time. Lie built upon lie. Polls show top concerns for under 30 crowd is faggot rights\/feminism\/racial equality. None of those are top concerns for older folks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is honestly so sad. Anger doesn't justify the agony of these people. Try placing yourselves in their shoes and experience life through their eyes. We all live in our little lies. This needs to stop. It's scary to assume that there are people out there that have no humanity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are right there, for some time my bank had an ugly ass nigger on the main page. Was glad when that was changed, recently I saw that the Swedish Ebay had some lame charity crap going on. Getting a bit tired of seeing niggers in all of the advertisements we have here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"stopped when you said man the fuck up. Man the fuck up just means accept being a beta provider for a girl who just finished her party years No, Man the fuck up means do whatever **you** want to do, not what some bitch wants you to do","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The fucking MPs need to grow a pair for once in their WELL PAID lives and bring the treacherous cunt down. The Universal Credit thing is another big example of the government's uncaring attitude, they'll force it through - problems and all, nothing people want matters any more, it's what the elites want, i.e., you poor forever.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Redneck What a mean-spirited person","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Illegal Alien Kidnapped, Raped 14-Year-Old Girl In North Carolina @user @user @user There is no excuse for this!#NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #HonorYourOath#KeepAmericansSafe#BuildTheWall ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user We need the wall now Mr. President. Don't listen to the lifetime politicians. Listen to your voters and #BuildThatWall ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Holy shit, it's the retarded Cuphead dude doing competent journalism? What timeline is this?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yes, good comment. But I bet the twat just sneaks back in under a different name","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd be the best at owning a bird. I could teach them the funniest things to say.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This should be tagged sanity Sunday Right??? I thought this was completely reasonable. Plastic is a massive issue, more so than meat or leather. Actually not at all You sound easily convinced so I trust you'll take my word for it I'm pretty reasonable if you tell me why I'm ok with admitting I was wrong. 1kg of plastic : 180L of water 1kg of meat (very, _very_ generous average as it doesn't take the relative consumption of each type of meat) : 15,500L (Beef) + 10,412L (Sheep) + 5,988L (Pork) + 4,325L (Chiken) \/ 4 = 9 056,25L per kilogram of meat ([Source for plastic] (http:\/\/waterfootprint.org\/media\/downloads\/Zygmunt_ >(Also, consider that meat absolutely always has to be packaged in individual, single use plastic as opposed to other foods that can be cleaned like vegetables, mushrooms etc) Do you even know what a butcher shop is? Does the butcher feed you his fucking meat directly you fucking moron? Or does he wrap it in gold leaves? Every single piece of meat you buy comes prepackaged? Also: and people say meat eaters are the angry ones.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Biting the hand that feeds you. All part of the Hijra (immigration jihad). ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's a double edged retarded sword. You roll a 20d and if it's 1-10 it will make you a full retard, like absolutely no control of your actions and practically brain dead. If it's 11-19 it's the same for the enemy and if it's 20 it will make every enemy in the battle retarded. The effects stay for the entire battle.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Moreover, Loli is still illegal in some parts of the world. There've been a few up here that have gone to jail for it. Do these folks really want to get gab shut down just so they can punch nuts to drawn 8 year olds?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Been over to the site and upvoted you..... thanks !!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A guy claiming to be Republican called C-Span news and said \"Republicans hate that nigger Obama\" https:\/\/t.co\/XZe0u7guZM","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#WomenAgainstFeminism #SomebodyToTris #MensHealth The #feminists are running scared. Men are fighting #feminism. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user I just hope he builds the wall before November 2020#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Israel stole the land and its resources. Mainly water from the Jordan river leaving Palestinians and Jordanians alike thirsty. This is occupation and apartheid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Must watch. This is why Kamala Harris, not Joe Biden, is the true candidate for President. Biden would be gone soon if elected: https:\/\/t.co\/sLsKgoid5t","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As an SF Marine is about GOD DAMN TIME. That flag has been flown the last 20 years in countries that swastikas, political fascism, and racism are outlawed as a work around their own laws. A country who stands for freedom also gives them the best fall-back symbol...aint it grand.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Marsha Blackburn up 14 percent despite Taylor Swift's plea. Do you get it yet LIBTARDS ? We don't give a DAMN what Taylor Twit, or any of the other bunny brain morons desire. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/marsha-blackburn-up-14-percent-despite-taylor-swifts-plea-for-opponent-phil-bredesen-in-tennessee-race What is it with those people. Just having a good voice, or being good in playing a rol, makes you not a scientist. This dumb ass cunt should sing, and nothing else.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\/u\/FarRightTopKeks and \/u\/ValidAvailable got shoutouts. Hi Ana! While you're reading this - any comments about random GOG employees being targeted and harassed by ResetEra garbage humans over this? https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/9qqm25\/drama_hype_break_cd_projekt_red_employees_doxed\/ Come now, you expect her to have the courage to actually have a fair discussion on here? Apparently she's got time to snark at one of our resident dumbasses, but nothing more. Ah well. As is life. https:\/\/twitter.com\/SpaceDoctorPhD\/status\/1054783069188751361","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"corney booger is a nigger's nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fier op mijn jongste dochter! Woensdag maken we 5 jonge leeuwen voor A'pse verkiezingen bekend. #AntwerpenIsVanOns ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm pretty much there is a LOT more about this data than what it seems Namely, that it is likely that the majority of the married people either don't get to experience a divorce in their lives or only go through divorce once Then, the outliers, who are on a marriage spree, are likely to be spiking up the rate of failure marriages So, comparing marriages with skydiving is a bit retarded, because how often can someone get away with multiple failure parachutes?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ontario concerns were not listened at immigration meeting in Ottawa For illegal crossing ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No comment on whether or not she will be charged with making a false accusation, I see. Par for the course. No punishment for false accusers, because what about all the real victims who won't be able to distinguish between a malicious, lying cunt being punished for an actual crime and a real victim being punished for reporting it. Our society is fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"More women accuse Weinstein of rape ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brett you fucking moron they don't need a passport to fly to Canada but their relatives live in the US not here and the jobs that you spoiled privileged fucktards won't take they will do, and a rope and a grappling hook would do just fine and just so ya know ya retard there are already 100's of tunnels","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Make nigger wish come true. Send them all back to afreeka. Wakanda is waiting lol. #DeportThemAll #SendNiggersBackToWakanda #14Words He doesn't look like one of \"our\" blacks, I think he's straight out of the jungle. If I had the money I'd gladly buy 747's to load them in, and fly them there for free, on the condition that they give up their US citizenship Well getting rid of all these dindus would exponentially improve America. Then after a thorough sanitization those trusty 747's can be used for the illegals and moslems.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"all mental illnesses are awful and must be treated","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So wait, you mean the Hamas that is prevented from leaving Gaza by the heebs, and need every penny to buy rockets to kill idf?... That Hamas? Well if they did, some kike paid for their airfare. Most americans arent as inbred and retarded as Israelis.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Hard to Take IDS on Europe when he never once apologised for his parties assault on the poor or admit migration causes it ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here is what's happening: A few weeks ago the US government passed a bill to appoint an Ambassador to counter anti-semitism woldwide. Now after this shooting they are going to push to criminalize antisemitism in the US. Most of your government and the deepstate are jewish. You will never again be allowed to criticize your government. BINGO! I Lived in ROTTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS; wE HAVE 50 PC OF Muslims,the main problem in ROTTERDAM is islamic population like in Antwerpen (Anvers), not Jewish who are very very few (less than 100 000 in Holland on a populations of 16 millions inhabitants) ! Who opened the floodgates into Europe? YOUR GOVERNMENTS! Who is in top positions in YOUR governments and in the courts?...... Muslims? Hey, you don't know anything about Holland ok ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Moon time\". Theyre not werewolves you fuck. In many languages menstruation is referred to as \"moon time\" (including my native), so I believe that's what they aimed for here","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's just a stupid little girl, you don't beat them up for that. Major overreaction.. She... attacked him. Yeah he looked like he was in real danger there. A few more minutes of that and he might have gotten a couple bruises. Okay, this is going to sound sexist, and I do apologize, but you've forced this hand: First off, if a man slaps a woman, he's immediately labeled as the assaulter. Which in many cases is true, however, there are also men that are assaulted by women. But when a woman assaults a man, in any shape or form, it's okay? No. It's not. It's assault. It's assault from EITHER SIDE no matter what you want to say about it. Why should one side, at least in the case of assault, be considered 'safe', when the 'safe' one is the one that started said assault by causing physical harm to the other? So please, just stop. And without seeing what happened prior to instigate this problem, I'm guessing they're both fucking idiots.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"send him back","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Whipped http:\/\/t.co\/EFSVjPqrwq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @RudeBoi_Drew: @PAPER_CHAYSIN condom were invent for that sole purpose","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now I'm gook boy shawty http:\/\/t.co\/LAAaHsTYeB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These are the people who think they're going to be fighting in a \"revolution. oh don't forget the knuckles and your coffee","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jesus Christ that's some next level shit. > it's 2018 Lost it here. I love how people think how stating what year it is suddenly justifies bad behavior. Whatever year it is currently does not give you carte blanche to avoid responsibility for your choices. When my father said I'd eventually become more conservative too, I thought he was a moron. Another point to him, I spose. Them family values aren't worthless. There are two reasons to become more conservative. You see unintended consequences of what you want and now hate it. OR you get what you want and like it, and you are ready to stop but the crazies are just getting started. Hmm, I'm not sure I see where our disagreement is, because I agree with everything you say. My first example assumes a personal ideology changes as the result of seeing the effects, the second assumes it doesn't. What you're describing for your personal case is my second reason. You are, and always were, for free speech. People like the late great George Carlin would be quite pleased that you can now say all the words on TV! (Carlin wasn't exactly liberal by today's standards, but he was very liberal on speech by the standards of his time.) Yet after those of us that wanted free speech got more or less what we wanted, the crazies decided that wasn't enough -- not only must you be able to say \"fuck the establishment\" you *must* to say it or you're a racist or a Nazi. You're ready to stop, but the crazies are just getting started. Yeah, I'm not sure we're disagreeing either. I take comfort that George is with Joe Pesci now, and he's looking up at us with smug satisfaction.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another retard ....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I need someone to watch the tv show atypical on Netflix and talk to me about how much of a dummy cunt bitch the mom is in it please. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yep and BOTH HAVE BEEN SUCKING THE FEDERAL TEETS FOR YEARS. JUST NIGGER SCUM TO ME.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Live from outside the Old Bailey for Tommy Robinson's trial https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nRGpiS7RDVA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is actually cute! Messi is the best!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can confirm. Got banned for calling op a retard. She was though.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"oy vey! virtue adequately signaled! what a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @daliasza: @NoChillPaz: Me when somebody says Childish Gambino is trash http:\/\/t.co\/8ejOHDLdD9 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're a chick and I followed you back its only cause you live close enough to fuck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's ok. Just apply L'Hopital's rule, taking the derivatives and...nope, it's still retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Been digging the podcast. Always liked you as an actor. Keep doing your thing!! Viva Dick Ritchie! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone needs to put this cunt out of our misery. Now.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"But you *don't*, you delusional twatpocket.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/iyWw-JzxRiU People who committed suicide. All but. 3 are men. If you need help-reach out!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Omg! Megyn is a skank. You have that right. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Maybe this is why people are moving out of New York more than any other city in america","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user I love playing with your ass will you rid my cock and I eat you out ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user This bloke is the sort of cunt who's old woman is fucking someone else but says well what can you do?! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All women have the incredible ability to determine if another woman is a bitch based solely on her shoes. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Meatloaf cream potatoes deer steak and gravy pinto beans and cornbread pear cobbler n bread pudding @ FHC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NBCNews Tell it to BLM anarchists. They are on their side and they hate Trump.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whenever I see \"pro-Israel\" in someone's Gab profile, I cringe hardcore. Canada ought to be our friend. White Canadians are of good stock. Yeah I like our Canadian bros but most Canadians hate us. Hell, most Americans hate us on this fringe against Israel. At least on Gab I can reply to them, unlike the cars I get behind w\/ the 'I Stand with Israel' bumper sticker. All I can do is pass them and hope they understand my #GTKRWN sticker Get an anti-Israel sticker.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This evil cunt needs to hang in public. Not be allowed to fade into oblivion upon her military tribunal and subsequent conviction for treason, crimes against humanity, child sacrificing, satanic evil deeds!!! WE MUST DEMAND THESE EVIL CREATURES BE HANGED IN PUBLIC FOR ALL TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU BETRAY \"THE PEOPLE\" #HillaryMustHang","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The only way we won't be stuck at home until 2024 wearing masks is to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Seriously why the fuck is this on here? She wasn't using a pussy pass to get out of something and being treated like a man, it's actually kind of the opposite if that had been a male recording a video or whatever she was doing, would that old man have popped in to talk shit? Where are the mods!?! We're right here. She is using her tits to get a pass to be an obnoxious twat in public. Old man shuts her shit down. Submit your shit if you don't like it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It only takes us $36 to rent a bus, load it up with refugee teens, and take them to the skate park. Their next trip could be on you. Donate now. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Very inspirational we need more people like this owner. True islam teaches to look after and protect the poor and vulnerable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump Bring them back!!!#Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We have a prime minister John key from New Zealand over in America now helping Obama push the TPPA TPP down the Americans throat..we in New Zealand don't want this garbage it's not about free trade..it's about taking away our sovereignty our rites our Democracy..key is not a man to be trusted..he's a liar..if the TPPA..was so good why don't they have a national debate about it so we can all have say..well that's not going to happen..because then all the people in this world would see what the TPPA is really about an it's not good....down with corrupt positions..these people are all about themselves..money greed power..an the you don't matter..an ll the best America...this world depends on yous to make the right choice..Kia ora New Zealand.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @No_ahhh23: Happy birthday faggot! @wagggggie","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Thief must be a part of the Antifa faggot patrol...dig the pink back pack! LOL!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The left only wants violence that has no consequences. Paid protesters know they will get a top quality jew lawyer if caught, that's why a jew dyke is willing to stab a cops horse to favor sharia law.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My bitch a model, lil nigga, you could ask Tyra Banks That pussy wet like a bottle, change them sheets every day ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This not about male or female civil rights. This is about acting like a decent person. Blaming a gender, like blaming a cultural background, only allows for demonization of a particular group. I'm a dude, and I have met terrible men and women. This post seems silly and antagonizing. Yes it's about equality of treatment. Men have been publicly shamed for this behaviour. It's about our right to be treated equally and with respect. Okay okay, then we are talking about a behavior. Then how about we discuss the unwillingness of people to respect societal norms. If we keep pushing this \"them vs. us the message gets diluted. But I understand what you are telling me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and while they have 10 million retarded vicarious sychophants following them on twitter celebs will never shut the fuck up with the ignorant bullshit lapped up by morons","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Both Tories and Labour are as useless as each other, they are controlled by that cunt Soros to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. What would they do if all the poor people committed suicide?, they wouldn't be able to do this any more.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Twat or cunt...not sure which one fits best. I guess why not both. Twunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"fack palstina","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Because Q is a narcissist faggot and a larp.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"UNHCR Assistant Representative, Bamba Boubacar presents trophy to #UNHCRTeamrefugees that won match by 2 -1 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"beeing gay is anti human","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Shelbycobra642 @SusanIverach @Patty1z @ttocs35 @debnash10 @KLB4USA @ItoniLl @AaronFidazzo @shelbysnake2 @JDPHD2 @EG4USA @KR_KAG @tagruber #FillTheSeatNOW #TrumpPence2020 with a congress that puts America First #VoteRed2020acrosstheboard thanks @Shelbycobra642 for the opportunity to join with fellow Americans","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This sad faggot ordered the Gab Boomer starter pack. Jews r the real nazi. No they are just Jews.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So fascistic economics can't be used on a global scale? Really? Are you retarded ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bye cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I from the planet of apes king Kong clips","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would call this peak SJW, but they'll have topped it by tomorrow. But for the moment... this is peak SJW. And peak retardation. Where's that impossibru\/mindblown\/futurama-not-sure-if-stupid meme, because I can't even. This is bitcoin level graph of retardation","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Of course the Muslim is staring at a image of the man he stiffed. Soros gave bummer millions with the understanding that the wigger would do his bidding. The Muslim took the cash and did exactly what he wanted and screwed Soros in the process. No honor amongst thieves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=V8Yd6WcBYFk Vermont Lawmaker Quit Her Job Because of Alleged 'Racism' The Red Elephants","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Melissa should actually *watch* the movie she made. That'll change her mind real fast. >Ghostbusters https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/Q4H99 I legit had a feminist argue with me how Janine didn't have a presence in the movies and wasn't memorable.When I pointed out how wrong she was, I got the answer \"Oh well, I never watched those movies so LOL! But yea, she doesn't count.\" These people are the target audience of the remake. >They basically hired him because he was eye candy. And the four leads gushed over this as well in the media tour. I think this was from the Plinkett review, but they point out how the original was an action flick with jokes while the remake is an Avenue for jokes with some action inbetween, and that completely changed the dynamic of both movies Also, the observation that Winston was just a guy looking for work while leslie Jones was a loud black woman playing a stereotype. Ernie's race was completely irrelevant to his character (he was the everyman, that's all) while leslie played it up *hard*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gulf states need to rot in hell, they have no compassion for their Muslim brothers!! No they are to busy building tall buildings in Dubai and decorating a Christmas tree with 35 million dollars in jewels!! Disgusting and pathetic if it wasn't for the oil that makes them so filthy rich they would be nothing but dirty bedouins!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"2018 Western Man: >homeland being raped > >can't get good bud > ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"maybe he can go back to sucking cocks for quarters for his nigger pimp dre.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"International campaign calls for saving Palestinian refugees ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Critical thought. Critical thought is not an attack. By all means go claim injury. Claim injury for your god for all it does you or anyone such great things doesn't it. Such clumsily veiled \"prior attacks levied\" threats. Just don't be a retard and come up with these new-world xtian boogey men. My image? Go fuck yourself, ya optics cucked faggot. I don't need to qualify myself to you, or give a fuck when we get around to throwing fags like you off a fuckin' roof. \"optics cucked faggot \" hahaha. You want what, qualification? Well have fun with your little web rage, great Xtian unthinkable. Come around, and talk about \"attacks\" again anytime.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hahahahaaaaaa! Loves it! Next hashtag should say #whataboutism It's just another \"-ism that the left came up with to shut down arguments they are losing. It's often a completely legitimate talking point to be like \"Well what about... History repeats itself, so it's not that crazy if we draw some parallels with current events and other events that are occurring\/have occurred in the past. So what? \"I hate Trump because he did X \"Well, Barry also did X, how do you feel about him? \"REEEE WHATABOUTISM!!! CHECKMATE DRUMPFTARD!!! That's quite the accurate representation. Nailed it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Giving you that trailer park trash. #transformthursday #ladykimora #vegasqueens #vegasshowgirls http:\/\/t.co\/5BbMhApHrD","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I dont see why some people get so offended by what i say. its not like im making this shit up, women really do suck. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Fucking slut. I knew you were cheating on me. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Aleppo in Syrien. Time to go home, dear refugees. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"PolitiFact Florida: Bill Nelson claims detained immigrant parents charged $8\/minute to call their children. He is such a phony he makes me sick Shared from my Google feed ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@LindseyGrahamSC @GOPChairwoman @GOPLeader @GOP people are fed up with your lies and hypocrisy. It's now time to turn the senate back to democrat controlled. #BlueWave2020 #BidenHarris2020 #RepublicanHypocrisy #GOPHypocrisy #GOPCorruptionOverCountry #GOPComplicitTraitors https:\/\/t.co\/Sqwol4ImaN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JoeBiden @colonelblimp2 Great message, Joe. And by the way, great job on your speech today#BidenHarris2020 #Dems4USA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#NowPlaying : BT feat. Tori Amos - Blue Skies (radio edit) on #1069TheArrow - http:\/\/t.co\/R5wuXA9jB6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She thought placard is synonym for cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user should be gone from your lineup Black women are targets of hate and he proved by calling her a whore. Disgusted. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" WAS IT SHAPED LIKE LITTLE DICK DURBAN OR DICK BLUMENTHAL.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@nancybknits @SenBlumenthal Not gonna happen. The Senate will do what they can, and are allowed to do, to confirm. Too bad so sad. Besides, why delay the inevitable... #TRUMP2020.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#bookswithalettermissing Alia Grace: Harrowing tale young Saudi-Irish immigrant to Canada framed for a murder she did not commit ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm listening to the man who needs to win in November.Joe sounds, acts and is presidential.Kick the imposter out of The White House.#BidenHarris2020 #TrumpLiesAmericansDie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is what makes the world better to live in ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"wasn't trying to be. just an observation. haven't seen one posted about how great it is to be a cunt yet though. Oh great! Now I have a cyber stalker with an IQ of Illiterate, dumb as a box of shit, fucking little know-nothing just HAS to open up its fucking nasty cockholster to say something stupid. Schaefer?? Probably a fucking kike too. You say Cock a lot Lenny, you got a thing for cocks? Tell all of Gab about your cock fetish Leno Lenny I'm not Gay or headed that way, It's acceptable these days though. This Guy would love you Lenny ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This okachobee nigger looks like he's sucked a dick or two in his day.... Pegs muh agency exploitation meter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#gabfam This faggot is talking shit about Gab. https:\/\/twitter.com\/oldlolbornlolz","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@trom771 @_ReaalAmerican_ Biden won't survive the debate. I'm betting he won't go to the debate. #DementiaJoe #Trump2020","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Who are the European leaders who could save Western Civilization from the migration jihad? @user gives us his list.Hungarian PM Viktor Orban (who became more powerful due to the folly of Germany's Angela Merkel) is first.See what I said....https:\/\/t.co\/lqi5D0cruN ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@SexWith_SocksOn faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@mmpadellan @ABC If he does that, Trump will say he's afraid he won't have any viewers on if they're on at the same time. Just everyone show up to the Biden one, never change to the other channel and instead catch the lowlights later and laugh on Twitter when Trump cried about ratings!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bill Shorten is in support of the LGBTIQ Pedo educational system known as Safe Schools and will implement it into our education system throughout all states and territories #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where tf are you ! I miss your white black ass hoe ! Mf c*ck sucking whore ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In America this couldn't possibly happen........... because the cops are above the law and the majority of whites don't think police brutality is a reason to protest.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"EVERYONE JUST SITS AND WATCHS AS THIS LITTLE CUNT ATTACKS A WOMAN https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/watch-another-abortion-activist-assaults-a-pro-life-woman-hitting-her-with-a-metal-clamp\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"dan humphrey is an annoying skank bitch ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People are so selfish and consumed with greed. Look at all those morons wasting their day for the incredibly slim possibility of being a billionaire. It's pretty sad in my opinion...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If she's doin this, she's about to suck the souls of 10 dead men out your dick ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Democrats do not have logic! They are all Retarded! Democrats are all Retarded. This is a simple fact. But how did they get this way? There are 2 types of Democrats;","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ugh, my heart hurt for her when she was talking about how the troll comments hurt her. You can see the love she has for him; it radiates from her.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I visited Auschwits in may 2014. I was with a group with a hugely disrespectful girl who claimed it was boring. I lost my temper and said in a stern but quiet voice \"for God sake show some God damn respect\". I was fuming with her especially since our tour guides family members was a holocaust survivor and the fact she had to hear a meme we of our group be like that. I'm sick of people who clearly have no respect like that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Friends in Spain have said the same. They have lived there for 22 years and now claim life is not only becoming uncomfortable but its damned dangerous with muggins by african migrants commonplace. The Spanish are screwing Spain into the g ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More Migrants from Terrorist Nation Enter Texas Via Mexico This Week How many terrorists have already successfully crossed n2 the USA from Mexico? We will never know. #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall ##WalkAwayMovement #MAGA #KAG #Trump2020 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I support lgbt i want youre support for lgbt in pakistan","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Buy lethal guns ... Real ones, not toys!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"British cops are joke anyway. They are there to protect third world sand nigger shit eaters and arrest British citizens","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Trump's immigration policy is \"sinful\" Rev Al Sharpton tells NY protest ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Skinny is not always healthy, tell that to Hollywood.They wouldn't house the immigrants or refugees from Obama's wars n dare to say they hate Trump bc globalist democracy.Have they looked at Paris France lately.Poor People's Campaign should get more funding from Dem or Rep ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Instead she should thank those white men who have created the country that allows her to be the selfish self serving cunt she is today. Fuck that stupid left wing cunt. I'd pull the trigger myself. Wipe the planet of this ideology for fucking good. Dumb cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"From now on, I will call all radical MUSLIMS niggers!It is very fitting, and it is racist! I AM RACIST AGAINST ANYONE WHO HATES AMERICA!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"> If you literally read this post and assumed by the use of the word \"free\" that this person thinks that these items and services should literally be made and performed without some kind of payment than you are an idiot If you read this post and assumed that that retard even *works*, ***then*** you are an idiot. > No shit it isn't by dictionary definition \"FREE\" Uuh, trying to redefine words here in TiA? What's next? \"Racism\" is \"Prejudice + power\"? Keep trying, you're funny.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The \"jew haters\" have been banned from most other platforms, so they came here. They are basically folks that struggle to understand what's happening in society, so to simplify things for their minds they resort to \"apophenia\", \"affect heuristic\", and \"confirmation bias\" to process their world view. In a nutshell, resort to the favorite tactic of the left and blame a race for the world's problems. In your FACE my Friend.......HERE is the Truth.......Like it or NOT.......It IS what it IS....... https:\/\/youtu.be\/NKap4n_KGbQ JEWS Extinguish the White Race https:\/\/gab.ai\/tv\/watch\/17881 Illegal NGO Boats of Migrants into Europe https:\/\/youtu.be\/o8PGOMJZirc Honduran Caravan members getting PAID https:\/\/youtu.be\/TbIc1LZqIAw Human trafficking across the Med https:\/\/youtu.be\/hLTywCbxMrU Jews Plan for Poland http:\/\/jewwatch.com\/jew-references-gentiles-900quotes.htm Jewish Quotes You point out FACTS, he will come back with big words that mean nothing in his circular logic mind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ugly woman must offer her cunt for refugees !! shitworks are for there......","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"get a life you fucking sperm guzzling little faggot fuck bitch boy... what a pathetic, miserable piece of fucking slimy shit. enjoy your pathetic life bitch Get back in the closet tranny!!!! Did you know this Jewish professor, who are responsible for legalization of trannies and faggots ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Shvkxir @RickiRoma @BaeSongz @JayZOverrated Ahmed and retard mikey for special Olympic boxing","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I think it's fair to say that my cock and attitude have let me breeze through quite an amazing life ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump Best President in History! Democrats are making the SWITCH! #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm kind of a big deal for someone who ain't shit ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another thing that gets me with these NatSoc nutjobs (aka Right wing SJW's) is their retard logic. \"Oh you're defending the rights of (insert smear word here).. you must also be one of them\". NO DIPSHITS! By defending the rights of people I disagree with (even the vile ones) I'm defending my rights and also YOUR rights. 1\/2","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If you've never had shit dick you probably have a small dick ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Did that cunt bag just blame #rape victims for the way they dress and\/or act?! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How pathetic. Even people here seem to think Ellen's behavior is okay. The fucking definition of pussypass is the fact that the world will literally end when a man says something sexual about a woman, but when a woman\/lesbian says it, its okay. This is bullshit lmao. Every trap\/hip hop song forever has been about getting \"bitches\" and such. Not long ago we had a song about rape hit number one on billboard (Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines) and the number one song right now is about \"popping pillies and fucking bitches\" (Post Malone's rockstar) so I don't know why y'all acting like Ellen killed your family and poisoned your dogs. Yeah, no. Men aren't getting blacklisted for glancing at boobs, if anything; they're celebrated for it. And honestly I don't see anything wrong with either men or women watching someone's boobs or ass or bulge because that's exactly why you showcase it wearing cleavage, tight jeans or other revealing clothes. And the comparison is valid because constantly having degrading songs hit number one is a much bigger problem than watching someone's cleavage. You know shit is wrong when you have literal songs about rape, about cheating on your girlfriend, about objectifying women and so on being so mainstream and normalized. Men are getting blacklisted for being disgusting, rapey and grabbing asses and tits, and Ellen isn't doing anything like that so fuck off. Plus Katy does seem comfortable with it. If she wasn't okay with it it would be different but she's obviously cool with it. Your whole \"men can't look at boobs without getting fired\" argument is false and you probably know it, so I'm gonna have to ask you to stop projecting and pull your own head of your own respective asshole and stop bothering me over an old comment which isn't even wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user This is the Real HYSTERICAL WOMAN: ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Idfc shoot over than 30 cops idc no one in Minnesota cares, am i happy? Yes every day somewhere in usa police act like bitch this is a payback day. Am i a bad person? Maybe and tbh idc i'm happy when a cops die specially in usa.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You fucking disgusting syrians , you have the audacity to complain and moan about if the germans are asking about the condition in syria. They saved your ass , given you food and shelter so they have the complete right to ask you about what's happening there but you guys getting pain in the backside just to answer the simple questions .Germans did the biggest mistake of letting you allowing in instead they should have let you die in the syria itself","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"In the UK, there is a maximum of five years prison sentence for this abuse .. whether male or female! It is non-gender specific. It does not matter who abuses the most, it happens to both genders, and the law does not discriminate by gender","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and now every time me and my friend talk, no matter the subject, her nips haunt us. it's as if one nip was introducing itself to the other.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Shoot all those who shot the journalist.... ENOUGH. Rubber bullets might not kill but they are still meant to hurt...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@KHShan @VictorB123 Oh but those last few that did.. Charlie, Wilma, Jeanne...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" I'm not sure you should assume I'm not corrupt. - Joe Biden#Trump2020 #BidenCrimeFamily https:\/\/t.co\/7DQKbbANiN","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is a garbage article but you still shouldn't misgender the author. He's a man and as such you should use \"he\" instead of \"her\" I don't care either. Which is why I'm going to call people the pronoun that is accurate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Illegal alien charged with killing two Miami women, dumping bodies on streethttps:\/\/t.co\/Z23k0mmtPg#AgainstAllEnemies #AmericansHaveDreamsToo #BuildTheWall #PreventableDeaths#SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion #ThereAreMoreOfThemOutThere #DeportationsEqualPublicSafety ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Viral plane standoff video highlights European chasm over migrants ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Okay, this is epic By facts and logic Left wing destroyed ben sHAPiRO 69 haha vERY FunnY sEx NuMBER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dyke witches organizing a hex on Kavanaugh , lets get something going for Ginsberg https:\/\/www.pinknews.co.uk\/2018\/10\/15\/witches-hex-brett-kavanaugh\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @paul_lander: Yesterday, the caged bird sang the blues. RIP #MayaAngelou.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why are you posting Opera News faggot articles sourced from Time??","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Great Halloween Custom What are you going as this year? A low-IQ progressive fuckwad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HRH Prince Harry for GG? https:\/\/honey.nine.com.au\/2018\/10\/24\/12\/13\/prince-harry-fiji-royal-tour-governor-general #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia The lady that no one sees Exactly. Maybe a morning talk show, here and there. I doubt it will happen, though, mate. They said the same kind of thing when he was here in Canada for Invictus. Wishful thinking. Unlike the Canadian GG, the Australian GG is a practical role Especially at night","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"May god bless his beautiful heart,health and wealth. His efforts clearly shows no matter how much help and care we had done for others in our lives we can't reach a hair to his efforts. Such a blessed soul ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user you fucking suck a giant donkey cock. Get your shit together. No excuse for sudden 3am outages you fucks! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Should #Oscar go to @AndySerkis or #Computer that turned him into an ape? http:\/\/t.co\/oWgoCjxpXs NO...The #ComputerScience major #Movie","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@grinand BTW, Happy Birthday, Charlie! Get better soon!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm getting a lot of nigger porn spam today! Iv been just muting but should I report?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"With Cory Gardner's cowardice, I do NOT believe 4 Republican Senators will put this country over their lust for powerStay tuned for Plan B#RuthBaderGinsburg#VoteBlue2020#BidenHarris2020Landslide https:\/\/t.co\/GNZKKLcMBc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yeah that riled a lot of cunts up that day","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@funder Waiting on our First Lady and President, who have held hands since marrying in 1977... #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/m1dYGYQpBJ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Time to turn off Fox News lying Trump hating faggot is on!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why we need to protect refugees from the big ideas' designed to save them @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do girls have to post slutty facebook pictures along with lyrics to a terrible top 40 song? Cuz #WomenSuck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Exposing Americans conspiracy #Palestinian refugees @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @HuffingtonPost: Obama: \"I will always do what is necessary to protect the American people and defend against evolving threats to our ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She was and ... https:\/\/www.mprnews.org\/story\/2018\/10\/12\/ellison-divorce-records-ordered-unsealed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Geez and to think all the times i got banned just for callin dowd a faggot ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I would bet almost anything the child's father did not die in a car crash 7 years ago - this cunt is lying for sympathy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I've been preaching this for a while. Yesterday I was telling people at r\/JordanPeterson. 2 weeks ago I was saying this on some gun subs. We should JOIN THE LEFTISTS in a call for massive censorship for as much as possible. Force the issue and make it nuclear. Don't let this group of fascist faggots do their \"phases of banning\". We should do whatever they are doing at the same time to the entire list and more. The very best thing that could happen would be if reddit and youtube and twitter and all the social media companies went full retard and banned as many people as possible at once which would break their companies and provide an incentive for alternative platforms....or the massive push for widespread banning makes them realize that the list will never stop growing, it will end their companies and they flatly reject the entire movement right now. **incrementalism is the strongest tool the radical left has, but it is entirely within our power to negate it.**","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@thejokerxo nah, they let French Montana spit trash at will","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When will Joe stop telling PBO how to do his job? You couldn't even keep a job in #teabagger Florida. #morningjoe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MrMooncricket @AtBlackface @UncleUnco @BobbyBotsods @FuckTheMallcops @RacistNegro69 ugly gay nigga bitch fucking peace of shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Retard fuck off","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Chicago deep dish is a tourist attraction, no one ever mentions Chicago thin, the best.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Leftist Eurotrash just can't mind their own fucking business.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fault for the current state of affairs falls on all generations, this is the first SET of generations fortunate enough to realize an awakening, the cleanup is on all of us that are awake, laying blame on one generation is retarded , that IS WHAT THE ENEMY WANTS. (division)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#Royals Milwaukee let Yost go.Now they wished they hadn't cause they suck.How about now.He's the guy win or lose. Yankees fire Girardi Yost","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Syrian Refugees destroy hotel BIBLE'S and property. They are not Coptic Christian refugees. They are economic Muslim migrants? Prime victims there are the Coptic Christians who are scared to evacuate Syria and travel to the West with Mu ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Try asphalt playgrounds... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do people even listen to this retarded mentally ill fool?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This video needs to reach the masses. Voters need to look at this and see if the people in this video represent them and their values. #MobRuleDemocrats #RedOctober #RedWave #DrainTheSwamp https:\/\/youtu.be\/Tv920dM57IQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump Of course he lost no one, Biden is a total loser #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The soldiers will help with logistics and will patrol the border along with ICE to catch people crossing in illegally. It isn't a scam. They will help with the situation immensely. It's a guess that most of the people in the caravan will want to apply for asylum, but some of course will get to the border then split and try to enter a few kilometers or hundreds of kilometers away. 1\/2 female? You're deluded dude. The caravan isn't half female. Military personnel aren't peace officers, I get it. 800 is a lot of people to help with the above things I mentioned. 8,000 isn't needed when you already have ICE and the national guard. Why are you bringing up the 2,000 mile long border? I mentioned in my previous post most people in the caravan will file for asylum and will arrive together as a group. Then the ones who want to risk entering illegally will split off. You're trying to downplay 800 extra pairs of hands and eyes. And then you end with an insult. How adult-like. Aren't girls and women equal? Why did you bold that? Are they not equal?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not suitable for public office ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Prime Minister Theresa May keeps reminding us about the \"cultural enrichment that Muslim immigrants have contributed to Britain - via @user When will the Brits awaken ? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user so women should be seen and not heard, stay in the kitchen and cook dinner while pregnant? #SCOTUSKavanaugh ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"spic tips coming","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"There is an insufferable faggot going by the name Texasvet. He constantly vomits forth a stream of impotent 'muh gun skills I a veteran do not muss wif me' retard shit. When the 'refugee caravan' was headed for the border him and Nehlen claimed they were gonna march on down and confront the invaders. Then they cucked out and did nothing. As always.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"These dumb cunts love to argue and make our points for us. She is bragging, because she is an Instagram \"model\". Her only worth is being young and being born with good genetics. And of course that isn't going to last long and The Wall Approaches. No one here ever says that attractive young women don't have a high market value for several years. However, it doesn't last and usually don't develop any marketable skills to support themselves when it ends. Instead they are parasites and find a man to leech off of and steal his money.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I think AOC making this point might matter.... #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/vvnz3E6raL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"break up with your girlfriends before you leave for college. Theyre just gonna tie you down and we all know they're gonna cheat #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@hand_tex @drapermark37 humans are evil man. Cutting tusks of these beautiful animals so chinks think the get a hard on.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"muzzie nigger piece of shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Just deport all these illegal aliens and their kids back to their 3rd world nation. #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportAllOfThem ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user They won't be able to , all planes will be grounded, our ports will be shut down and in any case they will have to apply for visas, which Barnier will refuse , unless they are granted refugee status and that will take years. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BruceForce: Study these birds closely. See if you can spot the female. It can be done. Even with limited bird watching skills. http:\/\/t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's not my fault anti-Semites are so retarded they TELL you to report them to their bosses. I just did what he asked me to do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"KANYE WEST to Meet With President Trump and Jared Kushner Thursday in White House LIBERAL HEADS EXPLODE https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/kanye-west-to-meet-with-president-trump-and-jared-kushner-tuesday-in-white-house-liberal-heads-explode\/ A crossdressing Jew billionaire meets a millionaire Black rapper married to a disgusting whore. That's real heartland America, Andrew Jackson and George Washington would be stomping asses by now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MKULTRA programming was set up to develop a schizophrenic society. Double think is holding two contradictory positions simultaneously, and believing them both to be true. Society is retarded because that's what the social engineers wanted it to be. A decades long program mind you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Today's #PresidentialAlert has definitely caused some triggering ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When you find your ex on tinder ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I can't play flappy bird. It makes me angry.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Here it is not about Refugees or Illegal immigrants. It is about whether one has documents before 1971 or not. Now, it is difficult for slum people and beggars to show valid documents, except the name in voter list. 1st under ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I AM GAY. And I have NO interest in seeing this person - or any other person - FIRED for refusing [for whatever reason] to issue marriage licences. This vengeful - 'she must be punished in a way that negatively impacts the rest of her life' - attitude is just bullshit. And it makes gay people look like the same mean-spirited fuck heads that we have fighting against all these decades. Stop being hypocrites. Here's a life lesson for you. Being 'in the right' comes with a whole lot of responsibilities. And one of those responsibilities includes taking a softer, more reasonable approach even to those who are not being all that reasonable. This should NEVER have become 'personal'. The LAW [for the first time ever] in our side. MAKE USE OF IT. But do so gently. What is that old saying? 'Speak softly and carry a big stick.\" We now have a 'stick'. And that 'stick' is the LAW.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FUCK THAT RETARDED LOOKING ZIO-DICKHEAD, A PLANT IF EVER THERE WAS ONE Clearly the retarded one is you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"For those #magats still convinced we live in a capitalist country.... #AmericaFirst #Trump2020 #TrumpTaxReturns #TrumpCrimeFamily #MAGA2020 https:\/\/t.co\/uUjdCUII4g","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And people wonder why we need to #DrainTheSwamp. #VoteRedToSaveAmerica on November 6th.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/halturnerradioshow.com\/index.php\/news\/world-news\/3324-migrant-caravan-loots-robs-food-store-beats-up-owners-in-mexico \"Migrant Caravan\" LOOTS \/ ROBS Food Store; Beats-up Owners in Mexico. dragging its owner and employees out and BEATING THEM to steal food for their ongoing trek to the United States.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What manner of black folk take their kids riding in the ghetto to point out misplaced youth and victimized and cursed brethren and say:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Really humble of messi. Shows that he's human","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol a temporary 90 day ban on the 7 high risk countries (India, where vast majority of IT talent comes from, isn't even included!) and everyone thinks it's the end of the world. This is why no one trusts the liberal media, you guys full of crap.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Worldbank reports that in the next 30 years many refugees have to leave her homeland, specially in Africa. Who will feed them ? Is Europe able to shoot them down and protect her own homeland, before it will destroyed from Africans ? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Detroit is one of the best example how a nigger infestation is worse than getting nuked","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@No_Maaam @CompoundBoss I ghostwrote for Stern in 90's ,knew Trump was running 4 pres to promote Book art of the Deal or otherand loved Trump's stories and outrageous CANDIDNESS,fresh air for me to hear that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God always Blessing #RobinHoodCafe .. Thanks for helping each other . ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @saramariewelch: Been my main nigguh since digital camera selfies @thorpe_emily http:\/\/t.co\/XiQiRbQ7mP","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"THIS IS FOR THE PEOPLE WHO LEFT TWATTER-I HAD TO DEAL WITH THIS MESS OF A CUNT EVERYDAY.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"so we'll lose florida and Az. after a good night, we pick up 1 in the senate? i know...its ruined my week. i thought scott would lose tbh..but he won, now theyre changing the votes and nobody is reporting anything. broward is doing anthing they want without oversight. nielsen IS A RETARD. same with sessions and pam bondi.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What was your 'red pill' moment? Mine is posted below. When my sweet boy was injured by his last ever vaccine I researched for two years. In that research I found out just how dirty our government is. Then God sent us trump. #redpillmoment","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And Anal Cunt got it right before them, even: >###The Only Reason Men Talk To You Is Because They Want To Get Laid >YOU THINK YOU HAVE A LOT OF MALE FRIENDS - YOU DON'T >YOU THINK GUYS CARE WHEN THEY ASK FOR YOUR OPINION - THEY DON'T >YOU THINK YOUR BEST FRIENDS BOYFRIEND DOESN'T WANT TO FUCK YOU - HE DOES >YOU THOUGHT THE BARTENDER WAS BEATING NICE TO YOU WHEN HE GAVE YOU A FREE DRINK - HE WASN'T >YOUR NEIGHBOR HELPED YOU MOVE - HE JUST WANTS TO FUCK YOU >YOU BOSS BOUGHT YOU LUNCH - HE JUST WANTS TO FUCK YOU >A GUY BOUGHT YOU A DRINK - HE JUST WANTS TO FUCK YOU >HE ASKED YOU TO GO OUT FOR COFFEE - HE JUST WANTS TO FUCK YOU >YOU THINK YOU'RE ONE OF THE GUYS >YOU THINK YOU'RE ALL GOOD FRIENDS >YOU'RE EVENTUALLY GOING TO GET RAPED >YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT >YOU STUPID CUNT >YOU STUPID CUNT >YOU STUPID CUNT >YOU STUPID CUNT >YOU STUPID CUNT >YOU STUPID CUNT >YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT This is making a woman blameless for her stupidity. She knows he wants to fuck her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"this cunt is in deep shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"fuck off nigger fuck off nigger boy","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That answer was fucking inspired mate. You win today's wickedest cunt on Reddit. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"because, repeat after me.... he is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Imagine being obsessed with a terrible show about a fat ugly retard who fucks everything up and has alien mother figures who enables them in every way. Oh wait that's the biggest dream for them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Our political soldiers need to be more like the original KuKluxKlan from 1866-1876 who locally finished off Reconstruction working with the Democrats as a major political party to where they \"won\" the peace after Reconstruction was over. They won't be caught dead at these \"rallies\" where piglice can find them out. Furure \"Rallies\" should be much less than a dozen elderly activists mounting a \"peacefool\" protest which triggers the left-tards and protected by 100 ZOG piglice protecting these burnouts from a thousand antifa. Sorta like Jason Kessler's 2018 UtR Rally. It even had a based nigger like Kikester Rapist or Bryan Reo and a NYC beaner as well as old whigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\/r\/india, a leftist shithole that shits on India and has a Pakistani moderator. Where discussing negative things about Muslims\/Pakistan\/minorities will get you banned and anything negative about majority (Hindus) is upvoted to the top. I think they actually take sick pride in shitting on their country and people, 24\/7, while anything positive is turned into negative or just never discussed (no discussion at all). It pretty much contains everything wrong you all saw happening during GG, before GG was a thing. It's called \"Randia\" for a reason and it's responsible for opening the eyes of many Indians (so in a way, I should thank them for being a bunch of SJW cunts).","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is wrong let it be known they are stealing their land to build oil pipelines this is wrong they're destroying their burial grounds to run a pipeline through it","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Two registered Republicans that voted for their country over their partyKudos and thank you Jen!!#BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/gFdYaHp9wt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WHO ARE THE BANKSTERS THAT CREATE AND FINANCE, (with Usury) BOTH SIDES OF EVERY CONFLICT BETWEEN MILLIONS OF RABID MUSLIMS RAPEFUGEES AND CASTRATED CHRISTIANS ?? Sweden Rejects VISAs, Deports 80,000 Migrants and illegal Immigrants - F... via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"With all the talk of DNA testing, now is good time to remind people to never use any DNA testing company. They are mining data for future use, just like Facebook did in their early years. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/y9YK https:\/\/redd.it\/9oy5k7 They will say that you are some part Muslim or black or Asian when you aren't so you'll feel sympathetic to that race. It's a despicable practice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Have muslim name. Attack white person. Retard judge will give you a medal.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"PSA MMLD HATERS )) unfortunately for you, our girls are just gonna go farther and if that's a pill so hard for you to swallow, Y'ALL CAN JUST CHOKE AND CONTINUE ON WITH YOUR SAD LIVES... or maybe just relax, walk your dog and drink a cup of mindfulness.)) *megaphone drop* ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Immigration why us 2 Million EU Migrants allowed and their families also more money leaving the EU no thats to pay for their passage to get to the Uk... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"kill those fucking leaches","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"[Here you go](http:\/\/www.duluthnewstribune.com\/sites\/default\/files\/styles\/16x9_620\/public\/fieldimages\/1\/0723\/moser.jpg?itok=SC6tDCE0).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nationalism gives the individual a voice in the world and an identity.It also gives citizens economic power. Something a soulless commie like yourself wouldn't understand. Collectivism steals from the productive and gives it to the unproductive. I reckon that's true.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user Agree, @user plus all those \"lightweights leaders of CEE region that benefit when #Salvini, Kurz, Orban, #Visegrad challenge EU migration agenda must support him but often seem afraid to directly ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Did this stupid monkey shoot himself too, or was the Nazi faggot too much of a pussy?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sounds reasonable to me. Throw the dried up cunt in jail.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck u anti muslims heartless assholes u will go to hell","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You've gotta be fucking kidding me. Now they deserve whatever comes to them You assault me just for riding a train-there will be consequences","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pokemon is the best game ever","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"We believe in the joy of family, the blessing of freedom, and the dignity of work, and the eternal truth that every child, born and unborn, is made in the holy image of God. President Donald J. Trump #PresidentTrump #Trump2020#InGodWeTrust#USA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @bspence5: @Morning_Joe #msnbc new census questions=tempest in teapot,ACA stays,costs down,7.5mil+getting covered is a success story to ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ingraham: We Demand Our Elected Officials Keep America Safe. \"When a jihadist games our immigration system, gets a ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Donald J. Trump Retweeted Melania Trump @FLOTUS Thank you Malawi! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=K5TX7mxR82M 9:50 am - 5 Oct 2018 What has Malawi ever done for the West? The only thing they're good at is taking our resources and begging for more gibs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the rams really dont wanna be trash, jeff fisher really bout it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Me- refuses to answer anyone's phone calls Also me- infuriated when people don't answer my phone calls ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#Ebola Great and I thought the panic from bird flu was bad. I really ain't got time for that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Honestly if they leave bucketful Gold unattended in the back of a Armored truck and nobody noticed him taking it, he deserves every and any penny of it!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"James O'Keefe: McCaskill's Response is Outrageous She is a liar. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=4L9_RwYb9GA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Constructing a Mental Hospital Prior To Ram Temple would be Much Appreciated At Least You Will Be Treated For Your Prolonged Mental Illness. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"At least the young dudes are wising up to some of this shit. Cops aren't going to charge these lying cunts, all we can do now is pass our knowledge to younger fellas. Good on this kid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We're halfway to our fundraising goal! Thank you to all our fundraisers and donors. Remember that your donations help refugees rebuild their lives, here in America. Make your impact today #30kin30days #wewelcomerefugees ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#tbt when i took my likkle monkey jimmys http:\/\/t.co\/LIK3xpZ6eZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sure there will be, there's already been a huge overreaction to it. A bunch of people in \/r\/anime were *literally shaking* after the first episode. Nothing should be off limits in fiction but I'm sure the usual suspects can't wait to talk about how this show means Japan is encouraging rape culture or something. EDIT: Before anyone else responds, I will say that lots of people seemed to like the episode. But there was still a sizeable amount of pearl clutching. That's not an excuse. Walk out. Walk out and suggest to the people who might not want to watch something like that, not to watch it. Don't hunt for censorship, though. Only twats really believe censorship is the only way.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Got a new #boycott for all you good folks out there in the Gabosphere: Hilton.com, and by extension, #Hilton Hotels. The Hilton family is crazy enough to merit staying away from that chain of lodges, but a recent commercial once again shows the nigger buck, compliant white whore, -and- two mutts. Nope. I'm not going to go there anymore. Screw #miscegenation-","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Did you assume their gender? Cause... I don't think they identify as men...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#tgt the woman accusing#rapper #nelly of rape will not testify. Sippers here's the spill from ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All righty then. This is a great sign!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Owen Jones is on BBC1 if you want a laugh #OwenJones + 'Daddy' Cute eh ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CNN's Jeffrey Toobin Praises Jeff Flake After Calling Him Pathetic' Just Three Days Before http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/01\/jeffrey-toobin-praises-jeff-flake\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"they need a retard emoji","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"karen Johnson is an ugly nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Don't involve me in no hoe buisness #1 rule let a bitch choose I ain't never beefing bout NO bitches ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Texas should exercise its full state powers to make sure that immigrant children in federal detention are treated humanely. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Yup I want #TonyPaul to song at The \"BIG BAD DON #TRUMP\" #RALLY IN #TEXAS..WITH #TEDCRUZ WHO IS THE SHARPEST MEANEST FAIREST LEGAL MIND AND #SENATOR IN THE #GOP #OCTOBER MAKE YUR RESERVATIONS, #RV SPOTS PLANE TICKETS 118,000 SEAT ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You should know who you're sucking up to before you do. Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"DECOY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As bad as the Communists are: Radical Conservatives will vote for and support a giant police state that can then be handed over to the Communists. Let me guess you'd rather have a radical liberal democrat police state which Obummer already had rolling big time vs a conservative state which tries to let you have some rights. Killary would of had us in WW3 by now, by design. Rex your a funny guy. The cabal or elites want never ending war to control you or kill you, to keep you in fear seems to be working well. Blaming \"boomers\" for your inadequacies won't cut it. Go find something else to whine about. I know you have had a lot of experience voting for devil worshipers. Then walking it back. Then pretending like it's the kids who built this culture. Be the whole world is looking at you in amazement. Iss't this great. All these boomers do is blame the kids for how messed up the world that they built is. A sad generation. The blame is spread across multiple generations, we are the first set of generations to be AWAKE, the cleanup is on all of us. The boomers never engaged in protests that shut down traffic. Boomers never set fire to buildings and looted innocent stores. Boomers never attacked people who spoke their minds. Boomers never engaged in trans-gender surgeries. Get a clue, dummy. I am a boomer, you changed the argument like a liberal. I was born in Absolutely. Over the years, liberals have only changed by the fact that they've produced that many more ignorant sheeple. The fight is GOOD vs evil, it has nothing to do with dividing us by generation, or race or gender that is what evil wants, we all need to fight evil, young or old black or white, male or female. Good point, Kenton----I agree. C'mon over for a beer.........","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@americnharlygrl @slewfan @MaryWarrick18 @midnight1618 @kimKBaltimore A picture is worth a thousand words. I see mutual respect here. Great photo! #Trump2020 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And you all call me a slut. Ha not when close compared to that slut! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Trump's tax avoidance on full display, what a #disgrace. Trump is using the #UnitedStates to crawl his way out of a hole of debt. #VoteBlue2020President Trump paid no federal income taxes in 10 of the past 15 years, according to a New York Times report https:\/\/t.co\/2EyASAx6sy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes, I'm sure you've got a balanced, objective view of history in mind Jezza. Whilst you're on about slavery, will that include Briton's 1100 year history as slaves, the ongoing, 1500 year old Arab slave trade, and how the UK was the 1st to abolish slavery? Especially firstly of African slavery Muslim slavery and rape of white women EH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"...and he calls out the retarded stuff for what it is so very unashamedly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"For more on the @user findings discussed in this @user article, including state-by-state data, check out: ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It would be a real shame for the dems if people saw this pic of the DNC deputy chair at a communist \"May Day\" parade in an \"I don't believe in borders\" shirt. A real shame. https:\/\/redd.it\/9qnam5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is dare any colored players in hockey?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No one goes into psychiatry to help people. Those people are all immoral. Everyone who works in that field is pure trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Looks like that even CNN has grown tired of \"No Answer Biden\". Cannot get a square answer even from his spokes people on \"Packing The Court\". Time has come one would hope that these Liberals will not from their hatred for Trump \"Give Up America\". Lose something never to recover.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"!@elenakoshkaxoxo will do anything to be a member of your guild, you can use her up, she loves to choke on cocks and her pussy stays wet all day! Your mission is to prove that you are a sword slinger ! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @thereal_EMandM: Yankee Doodle had a farm. Cotton farm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're derailing the point. This isn't about ya'll. We KNOW not all men, but EVERY WOMAN can say that it has happen ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I sincerely doubt that this liberal cunt paid attention in history class.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Late night liberal host Stephen Colbert smeared #AlexJones, #KanyeWest, and Justice Brett #Kavanaugh in a Sesame Street sketch where Big Bird's puppeteer retires and must be replaced. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/video-colbert-goes-after-alex-jones-kanye-west-in-sesame-street-audition\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Fuck you slut bitch hoe! He aint giving a shit what you think ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Is this a pass? 5000$ bond? Fuck that cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"White people don't experience racism? *cough* Zimbabwe *cough* You don't get to use Africa because you were never a slave unlike African Americans that still experience it today. Kiss me, I'm Irish. That's a new one!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user you're too sweet ya sexy bitch ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh for fuck sakes It's obviously a joke. They're referencing the fact that Jupiter looked like the trans flag. I swear this sub has no sense of humor It's not a joke to most of those people tweeting about it. So they legitimately think Jupiter is a transgender planet? that wasnt really my train of thought, but that makes sense","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Certainly you can. You can make it illegal to use them. Boom. Done. It's solved.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tim Pool, Sargon, and Stefan Molyneux. Tim gives honest news, Sargon is a wonderful asshole, and Stefan cites and explains his positions well. Oh, Rageaholic is fun, if completely biased. I enjoy his rants. Do you also believe that if black people get married, then all the race related issues get solved in America? Isn't that what Sargon tried to convince Destiny of? Have you seen the debate between Destiny and Sargon? Tell me what part Destiny said that was \"retarded\"? https:\/\/youtu.be\/lt_JMlGVUcU Are you white knighting the poor innocent girl who infringed on his copyright?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@stevoburns561 @ImSwaveyNShit @FreddieGibbs Soft shit? Are you handicapped or retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Thats rage inducing. As soon as an honest senator calls out this disingenious hag for her biggotry, she uses it to start a fundraiser and cry \"muh oppression, give me even more money I did not earn\". As if she did not get enough tax money already. What are you supposed to do, call her out and allowing to enrich herself further with that victim narrative? We need the boondock saints, should go well with an aussie accent instead of irish. She is a massive hypocrite: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=VCLWcs-sjXQ https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=sMf5TRqo4AY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WELL HERE I AM FRESH IN FACE BOOK JAIL FOR USING WORD FAGGOTS LOL I LOVE A MR BRAINS FAGGOT ? FREDOM OF SPEECH IS GONE","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @chrisgeidner: The mandate still being in effect means the marriage ban in Nevada is unconstitutional. Trial court is yet to enter injun ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Even as a hard leaning bleeding hard democrat, I have to agree with you. The fact that people are downvoting you when all you did was state an observation is part of why Trump is in office. Very few people are willing to have a conversation these days. It's either you think exactly like I do or go fuck yourself, ya dumb cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Can you please go back to hospital @realDonaldTrump! You are the most irresponsible negligent idiot who still doesn't care that people are dying and you are the super spreader. Everyone needs to #VoteHimOut! #MasksOnGlovesOff #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/1HEhvfyKGl","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"cig ny","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JayHoodW @Benaskren I don't recall people on the right being unable to go to work\/school after being upset over an election result... Snowflakes. #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yea alright redneck white trash\"@CamoPearls: Stupid niggers hollering out their car going down the road trying to hit on me! Fuck y'all!\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The rich kids of beverly hills is trash and not even entertaining trash. And why do they all look mid thirties?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"call a person a faggot and beg for them to call it a hate crime, so you can burn the libtard with... \"wanna take this matter to the supreme court?\" i assure they will concede defeat muhahahahhahaaaaaaaa","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"As a gay person, I only see homosexuality as \"people who prefer fucking people of their own sex\". There's no more to it than that; it's not quantum mechanics or the influence of Bach on later composers. So, to me, *every* opinion on homosexuality is meaningless. Even those of gay people. Ah! But your definition of homosexuality is, to certain people, an **opinion**. Even though your definition is a loose paraphrasing of the literal definition of homosexual ... you'll find regressives who argue that it's wrong. That's why it's so hard to argue with regressives ... they just keep redefining the words. Like racism? Remember when it was a feeling of superiority towards another race or showing extreme prejudice based on race? Now they move the goal posts on what racism means so that only white people can be racist because muh power. Even tho we just had a black president for 8 years. Could black people be racist then? Not according to the post-modernist definition lol. It's easy enough to hack around the new definition: if \"racism = prejudice + power\", prejudice alone (\"pre-judging\") is still unacceptable behavior, regardless of who it comes from. The only real downside that is that calling someone a \"prejudist\" doesn't exactly have the same oomph as labeling someone a \"racist\". :P (But then, name-calling is *also* universally shitty behavior!) It's not even racist in Redford. It's barely racist in Novi Super racist in Milford, though. I don't know if black people can even move to Milford without owning stock in Nabisco.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is that how you feel aside from factual evidence? Just a few feelings and you know death you fucking cunt Yeah I know death, you god-damned retard, and I will show you how it FEELS. See the thing about me is I like to work with my hands. I don't take no shit from nobody and I work with my hands. then this one day I was on this there internet thing watching bitches get smashed like they deserve to. and wouldnt you you know. they said something WRONG. so as I told them what for i did. and i done and called them a bad name. and that will teach them to be wrong. and act like they know stuff more than me. and#x200B; I like to work with my hands. Irse a la porra, guey you got me all fucked up","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Point blank, men do not *have* to pretend or sneak into places to rape women. They can do it easily anywhere. The idea that bathrooms protect anyone is a falsity. It doesn't. Spend time actually doing things that DO protect people, like convicting rapists. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watch: Afghan immigrant threatens \"I want you dead\" as Greek police do not allow him to Cross the border into Western Europe - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This cunt needs shooting","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger fucking nigger. Grow up, you fucking pussy. They're words.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This cunt is so stupid. The left are the ones calling for incivility and being sore losers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"World should manage #refugee crisis humanely #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nazis were not anti Christian. Nazis were not anti Pagan. Nazis were not anti V lkisch. Stop infighting. We must unite against our foe. breaking news to gab Nazi . the war is over and you lost . go back home to Germany . Every FB\/Twitter alternative seems to have its racists rampant...why is that? FB\/Twitter must be the havens of the politically correct. No, racist is a very common word referring to those who would make distinctions, etc. based on the FALSE, ILLOGICAL concept of \"race\". There's no such thing, folks. Refer to science. Then why are there DNA tests? Why is there affirmative action? Why are there separate IQ tests based upon race? Jew is a race. Germans knew. No, \"race\" is found after many many iterations of DNA sampling to be a false construct. Sorry, gal. You need to show me citations on that, because as a physical anthropologist, I can tell you, you're fucking talking out your ass.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Steinle, who was murdered by an illegal Mexican immigrant on July 1, 2015. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A squad of dyke cholas fear nobody. They worse than the cartel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Then please hurry you have only 386 days left to build Shree Ram's Temple and; a hospital across Saryu. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @taylorcaniff: I'm having a date at Yankee Field then getting kiss cam.. #bucketlist","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A fucking life sentence? Jeez, give that lady her pussy pass back.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Thank you Charlie #FF @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @PattiSM74 @RevkahJC @cantUCIMblonde @Kacado","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Analysis: 2020 is not 2016, but don't count Trump out yet https:\/\/t.co\/uQk8HunuTL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ever been so hungover that your stomach feels like it's eating itself ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You seriously couldnt form a better paragraph than that? All Im getting from that mess is that youre pissed off, and possibly retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"1 hr until the debate begins #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So this fake Christian Boomer Nellis gets on GAB and attempts to frighten everyone with his, \"I know FBI agents and I'll tell on you'' crap. Hey Nellis, here's a simple shit test for you: The Gospel of Christ is the only path to eternal salvation. Yes or No? Any answer other than only YES, means you're a heretic and excommunicant, so go the fuck away boomer cuck Neo Con trash. Hey, there's no god, you're just a retard. You're so retarded that your mom and dad are probably brother and sister.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lmao RT @Handsomeesco_55 If u live wit ya girl and u do dishes u a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It really is confusing, the situation in Syria as a whole.If rebels are not ISIS, who and how do they get their funding and ammunition from? And if this is a propaganda, where is the other story? I only see coverage of people killed and shunned.It also intrigues me that those (vlogs) all came out all at once as if it was organized in a call to send a message, BE it a message of sympathy or a message of propaganda.It really is hard to tell what is actually happening, but one thing is for sure, the Syrian citizens are murdered by all parties and this war should stop!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You boomers are what raised the kids to be this way, retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"who is this twat,people have a right to vote for who ever they prefer and who is twat to say she is right?her????????????\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So, this don lemon house nigger extraordinaire, literally sucks a shit covered big white dick every night and he wants to call kangye west an uncle Tom?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Donald- you stupid bitch Hillary- you fuckin buffoon Donald- think they believe we hate each other? Ah fuck it lets go get a drink ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck all those retard people who get butthurt, they are irrelevant. I would laugh loud and say maybe next year.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @madi_judkins: When you look like trash and someone compliments you http:\/\/t.co\/FzuXlPCMpV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuckkkkk!!! My nig a g tho, he gonna come back","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"looks like a commie cunt . nigger lover . commie cunt to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"starbucks cashier: ur name me: johanis on the cup:hoehines me:yes bitch yes im a hoe fmu ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How is this possible? Convicted pedo felon and illegal wetback gets PROBATION for DUI? JFC!!!!!! https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/ices-most-wanted-fugitive-captured-in-louisiana","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When your crush finally slides in ya DM ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"After seeing Trump's disgusting, Zionist,sell out ways , I do wish Hillary had won. She's just repulsive enough to invoke a revolution . 70 years of Zionist degeneracy-Trump was selected to keep you pacified with false promises. All white people= less than 7% of the total global population Calculate your Democratic odds with open borders . @Deplorme At least Trump is nationalist. He may be kissing Jewish ass but he's not buying ths globalism Zionism is globalism, that's just it, he's sold out to the globalists. He supports ethno nationalism in the state of IsraLIE. He just signed the largest ever aid package to IsraLIE and broke campaign promises about Syria. Where's the border wall?! What can Trump do for the United States, because we don't care about Israeli nationalism. Am I understanding this correctly? Israhell must be a 3rd world poor country among the poorest if not THE poorest... in order to need 50 BILLION in military aid? I think AID is just a cover for Extortion. We give them \"They took the babies from the incubators,\" @Nuangster , \"Weapons of mass destruction.\" \"We came , we saw, he died.\" Meanwhile , Israeli citizens like Chuck Schumer shut down the government for illegal immigrants and we can't afford to build a border wall ?! Call 9\/11, how dare we not support (((victims))) https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=YJ2qb7UcdOE @Deplorme claims that we owe these globalists because supposedly we have a low birth rate. Well, LONG LIVE THE FEDERAL RESERVE! SHOUT OUT IMF, WORLD BANK!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user I'll take you in. DM me NOW SLUT ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Refugee Survival Trust's new bus pass scheme for pregnant asylum seekers and new mothers is a lifeline for those cannot afford to buy their own tickets! Please help out our fundraiser if you can #scotland #refugee #ThursdayThought #charity ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@AntonioFrench The \"You re going 2have 2 KILL crackers and their babies New Black Panthers #CredibilityShot #FergusonRiot #Justice4MikeBrown","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dude, he's never gonna get it. This Johnny Rotten with AIDS looking faggot is a 50+ year old oil driller in a leftist nation with no children to consider their future for... Also Britian is fucked, no Brexit and Muzzies keep pouring in and taking over while the Jew rubs his hands behind the scenes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"JJ can say men aren't second class citizens all she wants but the facts are that's how we are treated. and#x200B; Solution: don't get married and don't knock up cunts. And then they get it back in taxes, alimony, and child support. 80% of global spending is controlled by women. That means they get 100% of what they earn and then spend 64% of what men earn. Further, women represent a net loss in tax revenue because the government spends more on women than women pay in. That cost is passed directly on to men.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I had a great time out on the town last night clubbing... I got three pakis and a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"THIS LOUD MOUTHED NIGGER IS A NOTHING, AND NEVER WILL BE EXCEPT AN ENEMY OF OUR NATION AND WE THE PEOPLE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Education, key to meaningful lives for refugee youth - President ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Im_Thirst: That nigger made the shit out of my coffee.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What do you call a rich black guy who lets his underage kids drink alcohol? A nigger https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-6262231\/LeBron-James-reveals-mature-sons-aged-14-11-drink-WINE.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Calling all campaign and state \/ local \/ fdl government staffers and alums Join Late Help to support battleground states as they elect @joebiden @kamalaharris. https:\/\/t.co\/xvPDTwgadt #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feeling a bit down? Love playing guitar? Then this will make you smile! https:\/\/youtu.be\/yc7DGqy_oRw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck off you rancid old cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qGaoXAwl9kw Revolution will not be televised hahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That's like saying I've had the pinto since 72 RT @Shallow__Al @TonyClevenger dude I've had an iPhone since the beginning.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"US Members of Congress Invite Tommy Robinson to Speak in Washington DC https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/us-members-of-congress-invite-tommy-robinson-to-speak-in-washington-dc\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@brandongaylor you're such a faggot. Oh, I made a fucking facebook group, who cares!. You were one of the first mother fuckers to mute me. No wonder you're so in favor of the disassociate button, aka block button. You're just a little bitch who can't handle the bantz. Like a true faggot mod.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user 'a cold, conniving bitch' and a lesbian... sorta explains why married women voted AGAINST YOU... SCHADENFREUDE reigns ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user Hysterical! You are going to be disappointed Jan ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me \"Apache\" and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Females are always crying out 'sexism.' Don't they know it goes both ways? Men are suffering every day! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So we can add witness tampering and subornation of perjury to the long list of Ford's felonies that she will get the cunt pass on and walk away from Scot free.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Patriots didn't forget bitch ! We're Elephants not Jackasses.. We'll never forget.. I CAN'T BELIEVE THE PUBLIC IS SO BLIND AND OBLIVIOUS TO THIS WOMAN'S ARROGANCE, EVIL AND \"DISMISSIVE OF EVERYONE NATURE\", IT'S SIMPLY ASTONISHING HOW THIS MEGALOMANIACAL CUNT STILL SLITHERS AROUND IN SOCIETY!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"pay if you take migrants Brussels tells EUstates. Imagine implications of this indirect \"trafficking , avenues for massive fraud.EU expands definition of \"refugee to include migrants in \"refugee-like situations.#Visegrad #V4 @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"because they are black TRASH ? White men, defend your precious white women, shoot to kill Bro we live in a world of girlymen. NO FUKING BALLS. THAT SURE AINT ME. NIGGER GENOCIDE. THEY WONT BE MISSED NOT NATIVE TO USA ANYWAY. GTFO","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Beautiful Serb. Not Gypsy, and no freaking nigger LOL.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Twitter keeps suspending and shadow banning me so here I am. Apparently the word retarded is offensive","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@AbbAkb retard 666 means jew - I bet he really believes his jewish made meme. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If he stomped his ass into a mud hole the \"msm\" would have flashed that as lead story of Trump supporting racist attacks poor weak faggot. They would 100% not show the faggot tried to throw the first punch. I like how the little homo waited for the guy to turn away and then attempt to punch him. His time is coming have no doubt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Haha I think we should start calling trannies mentally retarded instead of mentally ill. They mean the same thing and you definitely would have to be retarded to be a tranny.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No worries. That snot nose Moslem Sand Nigger is not going to win Florida.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"1: \"YOUNG KING\"? Retard. 2: The woman thought he touched her. She apologized when she realized he didn't. 3: I find it funny that the same people who demand we \"believe women\" when they say they were assaulted are attacking this lady and praising this kid because she's white and he's black. People are getting more and more retarded by the day.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT MightyBusterBro: MOST HATED WOMAN Hysterical tribute to 10 yr FAILED run for US WOMAN Pres. 2008 to 2017 Break ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No matter who's in charge whether it's from the Lunatic Left or Retard Right we'll always have this kind of retarded gobshite to deal with. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RybNI0KB1bg","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Shut up cunt bitch whore ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chi-town is a ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @lowcountry_luv: Attack animals, last house on the left by the lake, and she got colored eyes...we should have known.! Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @user My signature move is out of your life. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Homer is white trash with a job. Nobody ever fucking complained about that... Apu's character is the stereotype. It was retarded for them to think they would change him before dropping him.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Gab is getting shut down over a staged event. If people, places, things can be blamed and punished by the very people staging the events, the info war has been lost, imo... The Technocratic Info-Monopoly Beast Is Here, and you will not do business without taking their mark of hypocrisy, deception, and lies. Welcome to the beginning of the end, friends! Fuck you. I'm getting tired of the people in here that know fuck all but still insist on saying something. LMFAO I Dont make pussies sandwiches. Only real men get those. You mad? Get fucked? Lolol I get that all the time... YOU on the other hand, probably don't ever get none. It's pretty obvious. In fact, it must really hurt to be you, I can smell your brain cancer all the way over here... LOL The fact that you think I care if you have sex or not just shows how ridiculously stupid you are. You actually can't argue the points being made so you try to exaggerate some inane, unimportant topic. Such a sad and weak man you are. Women usually don't have problems with finding sex partners, just fyi. I'm sure she's fine in that department if she chooses to be. The community the shooter lived in was flooded in Somalian refugees. The neighborhood his ancestors likely built from the ground up was destroyed. If you Google \"squirrel hill refugee\" you will find the Jewish community bringing in and settling the \"refugees\". It was personal to him. 2\/As a matter of fact, if you look closely at who owns the fake news it will be easy to connect the dots at what's going on. Fact check the names and ethnicity (yes Jew is a racial group. Most reformed synagague are atheist and ethnicity is the only requirement) on this infographic. Enlarge it 3\/ That said, I wouldn't put it past the government to stage false flag attacks (we know they have in the past). But here, I don't see any evidence of it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"F-those refugees keep out means what ?? -- KEEP OUT .What fools it takes to welcome hordes of scuzlums who will live a life of welfare off the backs of the working people ...Oh yeah and my heart just breaks for the kids ---why are small children allowed to be near a clash like this ?? OH yeah --so the media who pushes multiculturalism\/co-exist on the white countries will have something to film and their USEFUL IDIOTS can say \"but what about the little kids \". It's for the kids you know ..","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How are women and rocks alike? You skip the flat ones ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Clay, if this is sarcasm, its really bad, shut the fuck up. If the hats were described as womens yo bitch ass wouldnt want one. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"22 talented drivers RT @garrisonstudio: I am really glad there haven't been any yellows. But why haven't there been any yellows??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#gouache #inktober #oldpainting #mt #tiki #wahine #surf #monkey #bright #happysunday #peace wishing http:\/\/t.co\/l73hiK0IZ8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking retarded https:\/\/www.hollywoodreporter.com\/heat-vision\/star-wars-last-jedi-was-targeted-by-russian-trolls-study-says-1148475","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You can dress the NBA and NFL in any uniform you want, but underneath they are just fucking thugs and set a bad image for youth. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/fight-in-lebrons-home-los-angeles-lakers-debut-124-115-loss-to-houston-rockets ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BitesBlog: Pat Martin Is Gonna Show Some Yankees a Thing or Two at the James Beard House Tonight http:\/\/t.co\/crWY99X7EQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How are we going to move forward if they are holding us back with their nigger Jew religious mind control ways, can we just let them go live with niggers on nigger island and watch them devolve into subhumans, I do hate killing are own people but we may have to when they make war back stab and try to kill us. You're afraid of \"christ cucks\" backstabbing you? For niggers that we'd be fighting together? Or Jews we'd be pushing out of our countries? I'm trying to get the Christian community to be more J-woke to support us but if you're just going to backstab us after, why would we? We need to work together on this See what a mess the Jew created we can't even come to the whole truth of thier wicked deeds and how they control us without fighting amongst ourselves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Legal Fellow, Priyanka Bhatt...according to the SCOTUS, immigrant detention isn't meant to be punitive, yet this facility perpetrates human rights violations. #ShutDownACDC #AbolishICE #InsideAtlantasImmigrantCages ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These kids deserve scholarships and the opportunity to apply their skills with modern technology, impressive intellect and extraordinary talent under extreme circumstances","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Once upon a time in America..... There was a time when you could send your children to public school and expect that their classmates would share the same values and culture. Students were expected to get good grades, or they were held back a year. There were no participation prizes. There was real discipline for bad behavior. Diversity is not a strength.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Not being dramatic.\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"my son is het and played football...fuck off faggot sport bitchboy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So there I was, balls deep in Alexis Ohanian. The guy turns around, mid power-stroke, and says \"get the fuck off me faggot.\" All of a sudden, this 300 pound, roided out primate storms into the room, veiny arm-guns blazing, rips my cheeks apart, and slams home a meat missle that would have put 'blacked' to shame. I try and ask for a reach-around, but I don't think either guy heard me through the bloodcurdling screams","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"White cuck doesn't defend his White woman after Nigger floors her with a slap. https:\/\/youtu.be\/sDvf0tG3oyE","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You a Bitch an a whore you make us look stupid bitc... well u look stupid rn lmaodjdh ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Smart guy, without those she probably would have never gone to jail. Police would have just laughed at him and said \"Why you crying about having sex? You a FAGGOT boy?\". Note: That's an exaggeration, but that's definitely what they would be thinking.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fucking Porch Monkeys. Now I need an antacid. Yup. An ungrateful Nigger talking smack as if it was....intelligent does trigger me. Especially the ungrateful part.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sweden is a muzzie shithole","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Americans. Not Black Americans. Not African Americans. Americans. AMERICANS. https:\/\/redd.it\/9ri8ua","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.puppetstringnews.com\/blog\/hillary-clinton-and-top-aides-lose-their-security-clearances Hillary Clinton and top aides lose their security clearances","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"UN-Happy Birthday you miserable POS- Hillary THE worst human being in the last 200 yrs ? I say ...yes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Patriotards are literally too retarded to realize that FEMA sending forced alerts to your phone shouldn't be something to celebrate or laugh about. Yeah HA HA HA HA your personal device is now a Zionist loudspeaker. If you thought the \"presidential alert\" thing of yesterday was just really funny, please unfollow me and kill yourself. they cheered to john bolton, nikki haley and now lindsay graham they went full retard a long time ago","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This us why I don't like AJ+, just a bunch of idiots","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I didn't know apes knew how to work a camera, let alone use his middle finger. Know one cares nigger what you do, or hv done. U only got there cuz ur liberal teachers were to afraid to fail you cuz you'd chimp out. Man watching this arrogance slide into fear is going to be wonderful.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"BOO! Satanism? Awww BOOOHOOOO. Did I hurt feelz with a little Halloween fun? #InstaMute","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":".@meenaharris is joining Granite State Women for Biden-Harris tomorrow night for a post-debate recap and a conversation about what @KamalaHarris's historic nomination means for young women and women of color in NH! RSVP here: https:\/\/t.co\/kN8mroVkji#NHPolitics #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're not white you a fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Don t believe AP s ho-hum tone: latest poll is great news for Republicans - Hot Air http:\/\/t.co\/5HHrFlFP13","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Name the jew you pussy A Daily Stormer nigger and a burgermutt married to a kikess. Why the fuck would I listen to them","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Pinche_Escobar too make up for your yellow chompers? #candyass","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Of course not. Not ALL men are vicious and not ALL women are victims. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have referred to Chedar man hoax in one of my postings. Just like Britons have rejected Chedar man, real Scandinavians have rejected all bruhaha around Kostenki Fact remains that Kostenki is C ( Y-DNA) which is very troublesome for anyone who wants to jump into conclusions, like our bucket head pet @Crucesignatus lol bucket head pet ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Holy fucking shit this stupid cunt got dicked by subpar cock and told about baby's first right wing books and like a good little sleeve went out to repeat what her man told her. As she should it's a shame her man is a single digit IQ. well, i mean, she's an eurocuck. they can't even keep the shitskins out of their countries or breeding pools so of course she would impotently focus on fiction instead of reality. standing as one of torba's digital mob effects more change in her tiny sphere than voting out traiterous politicians and enforcing border laws","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"650k ... thats fucking peanuts. they breached the data of tens of millions of people and interfered with a democratic process. fuck these faggot judges","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Look at this faggot jew trying to insinuate himself among Christians and lead them astray. The Trinity is in the Bible, and at any moment, this like rat could watch a Christian sermon proving it ad nauseam.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's so shady when you bitches talk to guys w\/ girlfriends that's so disrespectful to do to another girl","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When people hear your name it's all some crazy thot nasty bitch Whore shit ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"did you know bono is gaelic for thieving nonce cunt ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @SickDrawings: 3D bird and feather drawing http:\/\/t.co\/tcPRVBGspt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am just so fuckin fed up with these retarded hipster faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@nhatty_ice49ers thank you jackass zebras","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"U let us do it because you are a frightened bunch of faggot lard asses or anemic skinny turds. Love the unicorn horn on his head..lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When will these people understand that a bad thing can be in something and cause it to be more prevalent? Neither goblins or the GoblinSlayer's actions are portrayed as good actions. Goblins fucking rape and murder randos while Slayer is obsessive with ending them. God these guys are retarded. I knew as soon as I heard it was being adapted that the SJWs would appear to claim it sucks cause of controversial matters. There are many criticisms that can be levied against the show, manga, or LN, but having rape, a delusional character, or anything of the sort does not instantly make it bad.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I kind of like TERFs. At least they're a lot closer to reality than the insane tranny people. Its really uncomfortable being a gender critical woman around radfems because not all of us hate men. We just hate cross dressing men trying to erase the meaning of the word woman, or be female only spaces just because they \"feel like women\". What the hell does that mean anyway? Like, I'm not a uterus haver or vagina person or whatever, I'm a woman. I can be the dykiest dyke that ever ate rug, and I'm still a woman. Masculine hobbies, looks, interests? Yup, still a woman. There is nothing remotely female about a penis. I want straight and gay guys to be able to like feminine things without being told they must actually be women because god damn every time ive met a trans person its like they just didn't enjoy tradionally gendered activities or just preferred doing things the other gender did more. Its okay not to conform to gender stereotypes, I just dont want a guy in my women's gym just cause he 'identifies' as a woman. That's not how this works.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My nephew albino albinos have astigmatisms eye spasms partial blindness its not their faults","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ClerkofOxford: In Anglo-Saxon calendars, 7 November is considered the first day of winter - 'Winter's Day': http:\/\/t.co\/IhrCkeCqdA http ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I succumbed to watching this CNN clip but turned the volume off at .47 after Don Lemon presumptively characterized the Honduran caravan as \"undocumented migrants . Lemon then overcame the laws of physics and continued to convey his idiocy without sound. https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=g-HIQl3lt7E my sentiments exactly. GM Soprano morning","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/archive.fo\/GGHVI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No just a twatter faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"France: The imported muslim antisemitism against Jews in France increase. Jews have fear. And nobody stop this immigration ! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dad just yelled out \"in bout to fry some chicken like a nigger\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Flights from Liberia should just be rerouted to Ferguson.. 2 birds 1 stone.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MUSLIME, ATIF MASOOD, 42, a customer assistant at Tesco in Thornton Heath, UK, has had a massive temper tantrum because a colleague farted in his face Unlike normal men, who would either of laughed, gave him one back, or told him to fuck off, poor Atif decided to sue the supermarket for harassment and race discrimination! ATIF SAYS HE HAS NOT RECEIVED AN APOLOGY, AND TESCO HAS NOT INVESTIGATED HIS COMPLAINT PROPERLY!!! Atif, Atif becomes a wet fart","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who's we? These cities where this is going on has gone full retard they control their \"law enforcement\" their leadership is complicit! Not happening in my city, is it happening in yours?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Globalists are doing all this censorship in part to try to affect the midterm and 2020 elections. Personally I think even if there was no social media, no Wikileaks etc, Hillary would have still lost. She lost because she is such an unlikeable cunt ultimately.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"she is our skank we r her guys we can fuck her that way she amost say please treat my like a whore honey ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @halfricannnnn: nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That's such a retarded answer. Alimony is completely standard in divorces. A man or a woman is not wrong to ask for alimony. It comes down to a compensation for division of roles in the marriage. Where one part, typically the woman, normally stays at home and tends to the house and children, the other part, typically the man, is the main breadwinner. These are all tasks that make up an adult person's life. It isn't wrong or weak to be the part that stays at home and tends to the house. It's just the division of roles in a traditional marriage. And if and when that marriage ends, the party that gave up a career to tend to the home and children requires compensation for the experience they lost on the job market, so that they are able to maintain the same standard of living. This is all standard and typically understood to be fair by any reasonably intelligent adult. Yeah I'm not going to support somebody once I leave. They voided the contract by being a fucking cunt. Also ad hominem attacks are so classy.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @user It's not her fault that your dick is extra special. It makes people daydream ya know? xp ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tell them to get an expensive looking fake watch. I put a protective cover on my fitbit. I have a fitbit because I'm fat. Cunts keep staring at my fitbit, thinking it's some sort of super expensive gold watch that costs a fortune. They wanna ride my bone to get some watch money for themselves. Then I tell them it's just a $5 rubber cover and they immediately ghost me. My father had huge fake watches and all his girlfriends kept taking him on dates, paying for him, even got free plane tickets to go to other parts of the planet and fuck more sluts. (he went alone but let women pay for his trips) I must have thousands of half-siblings. The guy was an ass but he figured out the watch thing. I only figured it out a couple months ago when some random eastern european chick started kissing me because she thought I'm rich. The cunt had a husband and kids. She was also a nurse. ... Anyway. Just have them change their profile to say \"I'm rich\" and they'll be swimming in pussy. Their funeral though...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"nigger gear.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What a heartless piece of shittttt... disturbing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These peanut butter brownies bout to give me life too! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These were the days!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NOOSE flash ! Hope this bitch hangs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Islam only has one thing to offer: Destruction. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Has Kate moved into a mental health institution, or Greggs, or on another Holiday? WHERE IS THE FAT CUNT? 3 holidays before Christmas doh. Perhaps she's referring to her period when she has to take a break from whoring herself Her punters won't like that. A cunt that smells like a Scottish trawler will put even desperate tramps off","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Trump: lets build the wall and deport illegals \"they walk across the border like this is Central park\"Me: ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nigger is so full of gay shit no wonder he shits rainbows! Shut up and sit down my nigger!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"ATTN: JOY REID. YOU 'AWFUL WOMAN' ARE A COMPLETE SKANK. YOU DISGUST EVERYONE. YOU ARE MARKED. YOU FILTHY IDIOT!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @SumGurl07: So cute! :) RT @iTweetFacts: Shy bunny... http:\/\/t.co\/z4u6NpORdz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That nigger better watch his ass if he comes here again.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Depicting whites as credit card fraudsters, scamming the \"honest hard working\" non-whites. Just like house break-in ads always depict white people as the perps. Only in their fantasy-land https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=jfktCy9W-Oc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Go make your own then faggots. No one owes you shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user It's women like Kathy Griffin that the word cunt is becoming just as popular here as it is in the United Kingdom and Australia. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"UN bid to improve migrant, refugee response flounders as political will evaporates ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"New York, for once","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">\"We are hopeful this order will demonstrate how seriously we take anti-social behaviour and discourage the offender from acting the same way again.\" hitler didnt even need to invade the uk.. just to wait a bit till they are ready to join the nazi party.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NYC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":":D Christianity is the world's largest religion, with an estimated That's like complaining, \"If Christianity didn't exist, the people in the right-hand montage wouldn't have rejected it so hard!\" If christians were in charge - and, they were - the buck stops with them. ;) Blaming others for their failures is - at best - immature, and is a clear violation of their own savior's doctrines and teachings. lol I don't go there, very often, but sometimes? The insanity of it all just grinds my gears. I hear ya","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nobody WANTS blacks to be genetically inferior. That's WHY they're niggers! If they WEREN'T genetically inferior, there wouldn't be a nigger problem! That would be amazing! Unfortunately, half a century of wishes didn't fix the nigger problem.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Apparently it's stupid and racist to cast Huntress as a white woman, because the character is currently Black in the comics (and it's completely irrelevant that the character *wasn't* originally). However, it's *also* stupid to complain about them race-swapping Black Canary and it doesn't matter that she's white in the comics. Yeah, I'd say fair enough that the reaction to all this is pretty telling, or at least, *The Mary Sue*'s reaction is pretty telling. I genuinely didn't even notice Rebirth Huntress was apparently still the 'new' version. Like, I noticed her skintone was a bit darker, but not like the [New 52](https:\/\/i.postimg.cc\/SmmddcTF\/HELENA_v I see. I know multiverse stuff is common in comics but this just seems... unnecessary? Plus, although I could see that her skin tone was a little darker than it used to be in the Rebirth **BoP** series, it certainly isn't on the same level design wise, as the **Grayson** Helena was. To me, at least. Hence the confusion. Wait I thought everything south of Rome was Africa? Depends on who you ask, until a couple of years ago, Rome was Africa too according to Lega Nord (although now they are at the government so they had to tone down and pretend they like people from the south of Italy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Rschooley @slack2thefuture Please do not underestimate:1. Joe Biden2. Kamala Harris3. The staffers who work for them4. Their campaign teamsYou don't think they've already made plans and set up actions for whatever bullshit Trump and the GOP may\/will try to pull? https:\/\/t.co\/4NfLr82rin","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"versace bird feeder","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Two alleged MS-13 gang members, who are ILLEGAL ALIENS charged with kidnapping and murders of two Houston teenagers age 14 and 16 years-old. #BuildThatWall#ImmigrationReform#NoChainMigration ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Aw aye so putting men and women together justifies sexual assault , what a daft cunt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stop being a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user How low is Sharpton?This race-baiting bigot made millions, didn't pay taxes, lied about race attacks, is functionally illiterate, and is a great asset for GOP victory on Nov 6. Keep talking, Not-so-Sharpton#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #Vote ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nah, flat earthers are way less problematic. They're idiots but that's about it - anti vaxers endanger everybody around them by breaking the herd immunity. I'm still thinking anti vaxxers are a group of about 10 lazy people who just didn't want to go get a shot, and then the news pushed this news to use them as scapegoats for diseases brought back by illegal aliens who brought those diseases with them, from shitholes. I think you left out people who believe in QAnon https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/QAnon >flat earth(er)s ...... Should all be thrown off the edge of the earth Hmmmmmmmmmm Thats the joke.... I was wondering. . . I have never met either. I think they are a rarity IRL and the amount of attention they get online is retarded. What about Anti-earth flat vaxxers? Nah they're cool I just don't like vaccines... I will never try to convince someone to change their ways. That's a cruel mindset. I once had the mindset of \"Go fuck yourself if you don't agree\", but I learned to mature and move past that. I will still share my opinions and viewpoints, but I will never tell someone to change who they are or what they believe in, even if I don't agree with them. And flat earth theory is just a giant joke that got blown way out of proportion. I highly doubt people truly believe that. (Though I have met some rock-dumb people in my day, so it's not 100% out of the question) But the whole mindset of antivaxxers is that they dont provide their children with vaccines and that has flow on effects to people their children interact with. To each their own. If you dont want to be vacinated fine, but vacinate your damn children.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Leader of fake news. Satan's real son.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Difference in British And American first generation immigrants, american ones play mainstream roles. British first generations still stay colonised! Yasin Shafi Tasmim Ferdous Khalil Mahmudun Nabi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I did it occasionally, but Twitter has now suspended my account. Complaint from some obnoxious faggot being called a faggot, by moi! But do I give a fuck? Sadly, no!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I really hope that dumb cunt dies too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Good Morning to;#MAGA #NoDACA #NoDACAAmnesty #BuildTheWall #LockThemAllUp #AmericaFirst #NotABot RT FOREVER We Love you #POTUS @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oh she was a cunt hair away from \"I was raped , you can bet on it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Whether you like it or not, this app is an echo chamber. If you aren't a socially conservative libertarian you have no room to speak your opinion and be heard. Doesn't an echo chamber only echo one thing? Pro trump, pro capitalism, pro white nationalism Hey, teenwitch, I don't like white nationalism. My political views are pretty much classical liberal type. Am I a white supremacist in your view? na tion al ist a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests ,,,,, seems to cover most citizens of any nation it seems. The left trying to make the word evil is meaningless. Patriotism is strong support and love for your country. Nationalism includes the same but a strong sense of superiority over other peoples. You cut that part out of your definition. The Difference Between Nationalism, Patriotism Nationalism has a number of near-synonyms, each of which carries its own distinct meaning. Patriotism is similar insofar as it emphasizes strong feelings for one's country, but it does not necessarily imply an attitude of superiority. Merriam-Webster You can dislike or even hate a people, a country, a religion, or a culture and not feel even a bit superior to any of them. You just don't like them and they probably don't like you. Patriotism I understand as a veteran, Nationalism I understand as a citizen. I am most proudly both. Why do people continue to state America is Nationalist? America is Federalist and has never been Nationalist. https:\/\/www.americanthinker.com\/articles\/2016\/04\/nationalism_versus_federalism.html they call non commies nationalist not the country. It has to fit in their 'white supremacist Nationalist' screed. It would just confuse the commies to try to explain a federation of states argument to them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Students in Arunachal threaten to launch 'Operation Clean Drive' from August 17 if illegal migrants do not leave the state before that. Download app for more: Android https:\/\/t.co\/76bEFEIB7UiPhone https:\/\/t.co\/oqQkZ8i7Q2 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Anotherpotheadd lucky monkey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yo if you get like over 25 of flappy bird you need to do some self evaluation because you probably have no life","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The good Kennedys got whacked, while the retarded Kennedys live to ruin this country.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ya know what else is \"Illegal in many countries? \"Hate speech lmao fix video features and stop talking you chubby bitch.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gotta Love This Guy! Do The Rebel Kick, Everybody! https:\/\/t.co\/JGmfX07QFL#MAGA #Trump2020 #OneAmericaNews #FreedomOfExpression","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"all pigs should die","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @AprilStearns: RT @GN192 Far right hero and all-around RWNJ D'Souza took to twitter on Thanksgiving to mock Trayvon Martin, a murdered k ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When someone needs help filling out #citizenship paperwork call #CatholicCharities 619 231-2828 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: For the last time, The Captain takes the field at Yankee Stadium. http:\/\/t.co\/c9TI4FkSkn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@DHSJournal I run CP in our community. Local cops treat ppl like trash for that. I hate it. Makes ppl think its a waste","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@WhiteHouse @realDonaldTrump Trump's indifference to the pandemic is killing seniors by the thousands. He is keeping them from their loved ones. He is making them die alone. He insults them with cruel jokes. And he wonders why they're abandoning him and flocking to Joe and Kamala. https:\/\/t.co\/127wsvoxFP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ahhhh... that would explain all the sputtering, and stammering this brain dead twat spews, daily... #DemoKKKrats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"@iTrapWatermelon: tweety bird tho https:\/\/t.co\/JbnoNM3N1P\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My point is you're a cunt you're probably not even British you probably support anjam Chowdhury Hezbollah Hamas and radical Islamic terrorism afterall you support refugees that tells everybody everything they need to know about you terrorist \"Hur dur dur, he doesn't worship kikes, he has to me a Muslim\" Said the Hasbara kike You're either a Muslim or a Jew which is it stop hiding behind the bullshit and be honest are you jew or are you a Muslim you see you keep giving yourselves away you use Jewish words like goy kike breitbart Kike, Playing Hasbara games. Because ONLY Hasbara tier groups are trying to force the narrative that white Europeans are not allowed to dislike Both Muslims and the Jews who bring them. Still triggered are we and that's just the picture for my profile that's not me and it still doesn't change the fact you are a CUNT or the fact that the so called refugees are And that still doesn't change the fact that the Jews are bringing the Muslims supportrefugees.org.uk\/about-2\/about\/ You kikebart shill it's the kikes andrew !you dozy britbong pansy","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck off, retard. This candy is for the cool kids","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Deporting Illegal Immigrants ..~'Pardon me, but if I hear one more time we can't deport 12M illegals I'm headed f\/backyd to howl at moon. Is Amer memory so short we've already forgotten the 1950s?' https:\/\/www.thenewamerican.com\/component\/k2\/item\/4779-deporting-illegal-immigrants","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you actually call it \"indigenous people's day\" you're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What about the hands up don't shoot lie you helped perpetuate Sally? Fucking cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"BASED nigger SMILES NEAR computer","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Y'all hoes really get mad cause a nigga don't want cha","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"i can die for palestine rather to live in Israel. i rather be a jihadist than to be a zionist bitch.but everytime i listen anything about Israel my blood boils.if i hate israel I hate America twice.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" it's always a touching moment when you meet a like minded cunt. I'm tearing up","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fucks News...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"John Bolton is the perfect person to deal with Putin. Putin knows he isn't fucking around . Putin will have the idiot for breakfast Silly Russians, think they're winning when they're losing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lets go down the Slate rabbit hole: Christina Cauterucci is a woman who seems to think men FALSELY accused of rape ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watch: Hundreds Irish people took to the streets to protest against Islam and call to ban Islamic immigration - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"God damn zebras every Virginia possession the whistle blows geeze.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lucky dudes Now reverse the genders. Are they lucky girls? Of course not, what a dumb point you make.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Italian bishop warns that Europe must avoid \"fear and xenophobia and welcome Muslim migrants via @user Another Christion moron with a death wish. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Iris scans + food = #foodsecurity for #refugees in Uganda. Read our new blog: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user I don't care even if you cook those illegals for breakfast #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #IllegalAliens #NoDACA #MAGA #Trump2020 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"As much as I love turkish people, I hate turkish government over their cruel acts on their Kurds. This is a shame for humanity to watch this and say nothing.I am not supporting any terrorism but there is a big difference between terrorists and an ordinary demand for humans basics rights.My love and thoughts are with this beautiful nation.An Afghan from Sydney","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The absolute state of rap and modern pop music where people like this twat reach the top charts. Gen Z has such a shit taste in music. http:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/entertainment-arts-45971796","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"+AJ+ Once in a while AJ+ should show video of cops gunned down by blacks. This channel is biased against cops. Unbiased news reporting is part of professional journalism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This UNCIVIL Skank Bitch just won't go away! You lost, AssWipe! We don't care what you think about ANYTHING! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Hillary Clinton Slams British Tories Over Support For Hungary Prime Minister #News #GabFam #MAGA #Trump #BanSharia #GabGirls #1A #2A #NRA #ProLife #SpeakFreely #BuildTheWall #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #SpyGate #Winning #USA #WeThePeople #SpaceForce #AFD #KAG #KAG2020 #Trump2020 #WalkAway #BringBackGabby #Winning #USA #CleanUpCrew vs #CoverUpCrew http:\/\/www.oann.com\/hillary-clinton-slams-british-tories-over-support-for-hungary-prime-minister\/ Who thinks illitarate illegal immigration work they retarded too","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @JohnnyFootbalI: Yeah Kaepernick might have biceps like a Greek God, but the dude looks like he was conceived by a Proboscis monkey http ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If I was the dude in the store I would have knocked this little cunt out after throwing shit at me And the clerk kept his cool so fucking well.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck off and die you ignorant fuck... Suck a kike dick faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I wish I could talk directly to assholes like Chris Hayes. But Twitter banned me for life. Who writes his tripe? Some former high school honors English feminist twat bag? \"The palpable desperation among conservatives...etc, etc.?\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Goodbye cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"America needs to create laws that REVOKE citizenship from legal immigrants who break laws. We need to restore the demographics of America. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Astonishing moment dozens of #illegal #migrants land on packed Spanish beach via @user invasion of #Europe continues 24\/7#freeloaders #Africans #islam ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"holy shit, fuck her. there's no basic human decency anywhere to be found w\/ this cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#trump2020 Biden campaign explained... with toothpaste. https:\/\/t.co\/1ivb6aOEiG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What was the man religion or devil's worship did he belong to do any one no so he can have silver stack but in how heart evil cunt that cunt so good king John is not dead from the grave and looking down from heaven to look after is magna Carta s","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"had to block all my rl friend bc of that stupid hoe @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Came across this in my neighborhood... Well I cut all contact with all my \"family\" members a long time ago. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Republican brand is terrible because we've had pushover RINOs in power for the past few decades. A Trump party would keep the brand fresh and new, also signaling a shift in how we're no longer \"PC\" and will not only threaten to counter attack these vicious retards on the left, we'll follow through. Enough is enough. We need a party of power, not pushovers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You dumb, unthinking fuckers never have an answer for the most basic question that completely demolishes your retarded ideas, and I fucking hate you. Always a stupid 1 liner response as if you're the victim of some insane level of idiocy, when we already know things like gassing minorities has already happened in other places. Fuck off. 'im a faggot Ok'","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Don't worry about the nigga you see, worry about the nigga you DON'T see... Dat's da nigga fuckin yo bitch.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You fucking retards don't know shitty content when you see it. This don't belong here","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.abc.net.au\/news\/2018-10-26\/harry-meghan-markle-plane-forced-to-abort-landing\/10435054","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"eat my shit cocksucking faggot bitch boy punk... fuck you bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"even trump hating bastards bitch defo paedo hating bastards you syphillitic cunt DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE or suicide yourself","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Large scale migration of illegal migrants to Delhi,hawkers menace,illegal constructions,appeasement have increased after AAP came to power ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Enjoy 50% off @GreenFestival #DC tickets with our code and check us out at booth #640! Vegan brownies samples and more! http:\/\/t.co\/scDZnDk2Aq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get this monkey off my back...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good chance its not a nigger doing it...for once. They tend to fire 50 rounds and only hit 1 person. But then again it is Shticago so anything is possible.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hate the white trash cops who raped and murdered my infant daughters and son.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Information is part of the modern battlefield. Good time to go back and look at improving information security practices. You should see the other guy\/ ;-> Seems like a serious issue, but that would take leadership, not coordination, I suppose. What a mess, that the \"movement\" manages to not learn from its mistakes. It was an issue with VK Groups members being visible to nonmembers which has been resolved. Most were nom de guerre, anyway. Why not all? That would be a sensible requirement to make now. Maybe I shouldn't expect so much from \"the movement\". I mean, there might actually be a real reason to keep shooting ourselves in the foot to help our enemies. Because some of us have to be on the front lines using our real names as a positive example to others, the tip of the spear. And that's how \"the movement\" turns. I guess if enough naieve people come in, it can replace the ones that realize that churning isn't progress. Too bad people can't do simple things to work against the enemy. That's a good reflection on how they would handle larger responsibility and why they never get there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Says the retarded NPC... Go back Dorseyland... His Poz-hole puckered ass is waiting for you....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Someone tell the hysterical woman that the last time Cam was without Benjamin he won league MVP. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"i bet everyone is like damn this bitch stupid she was proposed to and she keeps calling nicky her gf not her fiance ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"that's because she lost weight and went 100% dyke for some reason","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"idk if I want it legal here in kentucky. that prob sounds retarded coming from a smoker but idk man. I dont want the influx of hippies coming here.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user shut the fuck up you treasonous bitch of a whore hurry up and die already ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sounds just like Kameltoe Harris! She ALWAYS wants letters and policy books! What I want is them to get ahold of her staff separately and give them the treatment like they do everyone else and see who spills the beans!! Those two dyke looking broads behind her know!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What a cunt. I hope her daughter doesn't grow up like her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"On The other hand, you women are pieces of meat and should be glad you're even allowed to vote in my country! #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Anti-male bigot Claire McCaskill was defeated in Missouri so that's good news. I wonder why: [Senator McCaskill Has A Message For Men](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=-yzGA_glnkM) to put it mildly That would be the same tilt as \"ironic misandry\", if anyone on the other side of the debate goes down that route, they throw temper tantrums until the given person is unpersoned (and preferably suicidal).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fuck israel ... they will rot in hell ! even celebrities hate them ...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So many folks within the struggle adopting the kike newspeak term \"gay\". It is either faggot (elegant metaphor) or homosexual (in polite circles). \"Gay\" is kike newspeak designed to confuse the masses on the subject. Rescue terms from the memory hole! https:\/\/gab.ai\/Discriminator\/posts\/37973804","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @ChiefKeef: Dat bitch Katy Perry Can Suck Skin Off Of my Dick","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"GOP Reps Dismayed by Rejected Immigration Bill ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"rape and murdered children what do you expect from the religion of peace and women don't count as human, think ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@keno_ Isn't there a law that all clam chowder must be served im bread bowls? Haha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's up faggots bet y'all thought you'd seen the last of me","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"gab SUPPORT I hit this account hard most days .its becoming obvious some liberal RAT is being triggered by my post All my POST are marked Sensitive automatically NOW. I don't KNOW WHY !! everyday ITS SOMETHING I Suspect you must have some new employee , liberal faggot working to undermine the accounts.I never had any problems ..now its daily something new ... gab SUPPORT I hit this account hard most days .its becoming obvious some liberal RAT is being triggered by my post All my POST are marked Sensitive automatically NOW. I don't KNOW WHY !! everyday ITS SOMETHING I Suspect you must have some new employee , liberal faggot working to undermine the accounts.I never had any problems ..now its daily something new ...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Citizens shouldn't be complaining though. That's $73M being pumped into the economy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Socialism has never worked, currently doesn't work still and will never work... basically your entire ideology is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I've been pondering a question. It's very difficult. Which are worse, niggers or faggots? Niggers are more violent and rape White women, but faggots molest little boys in huge numbers. On one hand the niggers are obviously worse in evry way but then again the argument can be made that niggers are born niggers, it's not like they decided to become niggers. Somebody can choose to be a jew or a fag or a democrat but niggers are just naturally nigged from birf i would say niggers are worse cuz at least most fags are White. About the only thing worse than a nigger is a gay nigger the only thing worse than a nigger is 2 niggers 2 gay niggers?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#States Can Stop Migrant #Caravan #Invasion' w\/ Constitutional War Powers' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/23\/exclusive-ken-cuccinelli-states-can-stop-migrant-caravan-invasion-with-constitutional-war-powers\/ cc: @wocassity","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sheffield, England: Somali mayor bans Donald Trump from the city via @user Who elected this twit... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ahed Tamimi, African migrants and Israeli apartheid ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I fully agree with that, college retards are the reason Bernie had a chance college students are fucking retarded, are you kidding me?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"British government will,go with the raghead law. Best of luck UK. You will need all,you can get.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Can you please step in and deport Karrar Al Khammasi... Please send him back to Iraq...He is a repeat #Criminal.. #BackTheBlue #ColoradoDoYourJob #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this NIGGER BITCH IS ANOTHER COMMUNIST WHO NEEDS DESTROYED LIKE ALL THE REST OF THEM.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Does the blind guy even know what the sign says?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"' teaching women how to wear modest clothes and looking unattractive will reduce rape' WHAAAAAT? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Right, and KIA is 100% paragons of humanity that never act like shitdicks to people on twitter. You fucking babies are just as easily triggered as the SJWs you hate. It's a goddamn video game forum. You can post in the OTs for all of your favorite games and browse recreationally a few times a week and never see any of the ultra-left bullshit. Good lord, get over yourselves. Stop taking retarded internet drama so seriously.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#FemaleLogic is worse than the jig, I'm convinced","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if ur girl watch Snapped in front of u she trying to spook u!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why did he get arrested? He probably saved the girls life.. this piss me of!! I got to girls of My own age 7-4 years Old and i would kill IF someone touch them","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I think about the fact that dinosaurs evolved into birds every time I eat chicken. Dinosaurs are delicious.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So I guess that you and Trump will welcome the Christian refugees! You know Hispanics and the people of Mexico believe in Christ! Most are Catholics and firmly believe in Christ! Why not accept them Mucky Mek! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Levi_Page I don't bend that way queer. Thanks for the offer it's flattering.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Democrats are really panicking when they send out this feckless CUNT the declassification is coming it will be after the midterms and every corrupt Democrat will be fully exposed...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Europe ,Commonwealth Get out now less immigration ask the NHS Schools Housing , crime . we need leaders not sheep listen ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump Please do whatever it takes to take the media\/camera attention off of JOE LAME AND BORING AS H*LL DEMENTIA Biden so that no one pays attention to his career (47 year) politician A*S! #TRUMP2020 TO KEEP AMERICA GREAT! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"As EU leaders prepare to discuss migration, here's a succinct roundup of all the things they could do to protect refugee and migrant rights while controlling their borders @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"If everyone just agreed with me we wouldn't have any problems\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What I love in the comments is everyone calling the guy a jackass (my paraphrase) because he wouldn't give up porn. It's almost like the didn't read his response of \"You are more important to me than porn, but I will not allow myself to be manipulated in this way.\" The dude didn't love porn, he hated emotional blackmail. Replace \"porn\" with damn near anything (with a few notable drug related exceptions) and his response was the correct one. \"Johnny, you are a meth addict and its ruining our lives. You have to pick, me or the meth\" \"Johnny, you are a car thief and it's going to get you killed. You have to pick, me or stealing cars.\" \"Johnny, you like to yank your crank while looking at naked women. I don't like it. You need to pick, me or pictures of naked women.\" *sings* one of these things is not like the other... I can see it being a fake. Something along the lines of the Woke Kids Say the Darndest Things tweets. I could also see some dumb bitch actually being confused as to why he left lol. shit im pretty sure even this comment just gave me a hardon too","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@PramilaJayapal @DFAaction I can't wait for ballots to drop. I'm voting and turning it in the very next day.#BidenHarris2020 #CountOnUs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger promoting miscegenation","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Men ( not all men ) should realize that women are on their job to work and not be taken for some s. e. x. Toy. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"accusing a woman of lying about rape to get attention means you're trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user To ignore the role of the immigration invasion and White Genocide in the housing disaster isn't just irresponsible, its criminal.https:\/\/t.co\/HFGW0AGyPihttps:\/\/t.co\/kywyK2rg1k ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yeah, I'm gonna step outside of my Southern Gentlemanly personna here, and graffiti up a post by an organization that I Greatly Respect. FUCK that Worthless-Assed Nigger BITCH and Anyone and Everyone else who is involved in her Lies, Thefts, and TREASON!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" > JUST RECENTLY REPORTED < Donald Trump was sent 'ricin mail' as letters laced with deadly poison were also sent to Pentagon and top US politicians #News #GabFam #MAGA #Trump #BanSharia #GabGirls #1A #2A #NRA #ProLife #SpeakFreely #BuildTheWall #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #SpyGate #Winning #USA #WeThePeople #SpaceForce #AFD #KAG #KAG2020 #Trump2020 #WalkAway #BringBackGabby #ConfirmKavanaugh #CleanUpCrew vs #CoverUpCrew https:\/\/www.mirror.co.uk\/news\/politics\/donald-trump-sent-ricin-mail-13350795 When I first read this I thought you meant that Trump himself sent the letters.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">We had plans to spend the entire day together and I was hoping the night too because she was smoking hot. Full stop. This was all we needed to know. ANY chick with a high SMV is going to be a narcissistic entitled cunt. Period. Probing her for sex pretty much just further enabled her to try to use her sex appeal as leverage to extract your resources. Cunts sense these things. I call it the \"cunt cucked-a-vision\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Men who get defensive about #metoo because \"not all men are like that are part of the problem. Women know not all ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sure I'll regret wasting money and listening to women say retarded things","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@GoDaddy Hope you guys do get attacked for supporting SOPA, bunch of dirty snake faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"whites are lazy tbats a fact just like blacks lazy latinos work any job any job","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hate America and I am American","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lasted a week at Facebook.after 40 days and 40 nights in the gulag. I wrote this during the Dark Ages in America 7 years ago. I was on for 5 days before my last 30 day ban, LOL< its's actually kinda fun.... I still got 12 days left before I go back to shit posting on FB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deep Purple - Highway Star 1972 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=UAKCR7kQMTQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jew York full of mouthy jews...some nigger decided to shut one up","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Watch: Muslim migrants in France demand autonomy \"Sharia for France\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Swamper60 \"Happy Happy Helloween, Helloween whoa oh whoa ho\" @helloweenorg http:\/\/t.co\/Tw0jeExqTy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't reply to this.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you see your friend that's in prison posting on Facebook... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"These guys came to Charlottesville in order to commit violent acts, and it wasn't the first time they've done it.\" Authorities announce arrest of four members of white supremacist group \"for committing various acts of violence\" at Charlottesville rally: https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/JCb7 https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Yf3S","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chain Migration is not sustainable and needs to end NOW. It's time to break the chain! #EndChainMigration ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's 100 Percent' On Trump Administration To Locate Separated Parents, Judge Says #DACAworks #HereToStay #Immigrantion ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"asinine ... even Texas has a gender X option for driver licenses. It should be Male, Female, Retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stop referring to \"Leftists\" as \"Liberals.\" The fuhrer had complete\/total control of the Nazi government. On a scale from 0-10, 0 being no government control (anarchy) and 10 being complete\/total government control[ the Nazi system ran on a 10 or complete\/total government control system. ok, but Anarchy isn't \"Right\" nor is National Socialism or Fascism \"Left\", Italian Fascism was still subservient to the Monarchy, Victor Emmanuel appointed Mussolini as Prime Minister and equally revoked him of that power, Jewish Communism sought to destroy all Monarchy's to put in place Communism or \"Democracy\" (diet Communism), do you define Monarchy as \"Left Wing\", if your answer is yes, then go ahead and hang yourself for being a stupid idiot. Depending on the parameters of the spectrum\/chart. If merely a 0-10 scale, as I previously noted, I think it is a fair graphic. I understand your point, and appreciate you articulating your beliefs. Just to clarify I am not suggesting that National Socialism, Fascism, and Monarchy are the same ideologically. the chart should strictly state authoritarian vs. absolute freedom (anarchy and chaos) - NOT a misleading Left and Right spectrum, as Fascism is the ideological opposite of Communism, one is Nationalist pro-tradition and ultra-patriotic, the other is international, anti-Religion, anti-tradition, anti-culture and Jewish. Fair enough.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am refugees I am human , I hate you channel","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Then tell the fucking muslum cockroaches to stop lobbing bombs at israel...and israel eill stop returning fire...its that simple you fucking stupid retard !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sick and chilling. Yet, another immigrant woman lives in the White House ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FRANCE INVADED BY RABID MUSLIM BABOONS !! Civil War Against Muslim Immigrants? via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fake retarded conservative pundits don't dictate party ideology, no one is becoming less conservative because tv pundits are shills... .","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"naw cause Gavins a jew so who cares lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You know I'm starting to think instead of scientists creating ways to make humans live longer and creating ways humans can be less impactful on the world; they should be creating something that would kill every living human on Earth instead. Man, do we suck!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user You won 5.60!!! You actually take time to post you won 5.60??? Fucking hysterical!! So bad. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @RudeNation21: When girls take my snap backs and beanies lol that's 35 dollars a hat and 40 for the AX beanieS I don't let them take it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Conservative Chick: Joy Behar: Republicans only interested in retaining their white power in this country' (Video) https:\/\/truthuncensored.net\/joy-behar-republicans-only-interested-in-retaining-their-white-power-in-this-country-video\/ They vanilla oreo's, white on the outside ignorant as fk in the center","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would've snatched that motherfucker out his car and would've stomped him out till he was unconscious, run over Native Americans like that for no reason, bitch u should've dragged his ass out tha car instead of just yelling at him fucking pussies","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Why any DECENT woman would think this skank should be 1st female potus is beyond m ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user Immigration in a picturehttps:\/\/t.co\/bNRq7N7Oj3 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JHoganGidley great segment on Fox today.... \"keys to a Buick really how they think he got there? #TrumpPence2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Trumpish view of refugee resettlement from the obsessively anti-refugee (and misleadingly named) Center for Immigration Studies.https:\/\/t.co\/7H3Pp86GSf ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So Khashoggi isn't the saint he's being painted as by the MSM - turns out he's an Islamist twat - good riddance !! https:\/\/gab.ai\/mwill\/posts\/39030463","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You are a stalker, you worthless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lou Reed - Walk on the Wild Side #GlamRock https:\/\/youtu.be\/oG6fayQBm9w","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Always remember our enemies know they're a race, one they believe has sanction by god to rule over goyim, using any means necessary to that end. They and their apologists always lie and misdirect. #holohoax #jews #israel The Jews never had more freedom and power than when Muslims were ruling Iberia (after retarded Christian infighting let that happen).","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"jacob u look like a monkey in dis http:\/\/t.co\/rkaqn0GRQe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dystopian brutalist design... everything they touch is simultaneously retarded and evil.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dis nicca @DB_Scooch went in on dat \"I Keep tryin\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"hope she gets killed. all muslims are terrorists.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"100% guaranteed she doesn't give a shit about trains or scale models of trains. No passion at all. She tried to take them just to make him hurt. God I hate when people do this. And it sounds bad but I feel like it's women the large majority of the time who want to put their husbands through as much loss as possible by the time the divorce is through. I see so many stories about wives taking pets and then selling them, for instance.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nazis were not anti Christian. Nazis were not anti Pagan. Nazis were not anti V lkisch. Stop infighting. We must unite against our foe. Nazis were\/are Atheists, as is the Democrat party, mothers kill their babies w\/o feeling guilt. Christians do not kill their babies, nor Jews. Margaret Sanger, atheist, justified her Eugenics -Planned Parent by aborting negros. Nazis murdered 6 million Jews in ovens, as atheists, no conscience, no guilt when they kill, that is Anti-Christian to be sure! Sanger raised a Catholic, married to a Jew. http:\/\/ethnicelebs.com\/margaret-sanger Thats really quite disturbing.One thing President Trump and We The People of The American Republic support ALL THE PEOPLE ONE HUMAN RACE...LIFE EQUALED CITIZENS ONE MISSION.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"CCTV: shocking servo attack on pregnant woman via @user Christopher Josevski you're a fucking vile cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hate Americans today. They will bitch, cry and whine over every little thing. He didn't even kill him .He yanked his hair like a one sided girl on girl fight. Oh boo-hoo. Americans have gone soft, grown weak. I guess next if they place that pen on a paper too aggressively when writing a ticket someone will whine about that...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Please Trump get elected and kick these fuckers out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why do AJ+ viewers never thumb down a shitty story? Is it about positive ratings for the channel? We whaled sperm whales nearly to extinction for their oil, it's the oil we used before petroleum. This story sucks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"White privilege does not exist But black privilege does #WednesdayWisdom #ENDviolence #Fauci #Trump2020 #BLMRiots #BLM #terrorism #discrimination #WhitePrivilege #blackprivelige #MAGA2020 #TrumpWillSaveAmerica #PelosiMustGo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @teamziller: 12 important thoughts on the Lakers vs. Rockets fight https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/ObNDfUb.jpg https:\/\/t.co\/pZnijQU4gH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now this is spicy. Also, super speedy sticky! I need a glass of milk > milk WHITE SUPREMACIST REEEEEEE What if it was soy milk? CULTURAL APPROPRIATION DETECTED Would soy milk even work against such spice? The soy would be consumed by flames. Remember Kek's third law; \"The Spice must flow!\" HE NEED SOME MILK! Where's our spicy bot? Real cows milk and that's being generous .. I'd prefer the woodchipper - run slow Eyes glossed over from loathing, lying, drinkin'. The reptile brain has taken over. \"You're a monster, Mr. Grinch. Your heart's an empty hole. Your brain is full of spiders, You've got garlic in your soul.\" Dr. Seuss But Brenda Snipes is a liar, A cheater at her core. By stealing votes in Broward Fell to power's allure. Always an interesting post from you sir. Thank you, thank you very much! Nipples protruding And she is getting caught red handed! Ghost pepper spicy AZ needs the same attention, Sinema is trying to do the same.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/04\/aclu-kavanaugh-partisan-resistance\/ FORMER ACLU VICE PRESIDENT: THE ACLU NOW DOESN'T BELIEVE IN ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE RESISTANCE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Migrants violently rob elderly disabled woman in Germany She dies of her injuries https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/migrants-violently-rob-elderly-disabled-woman-in-germany-she-dies-of-her-injuries\/#.W84qnZnucYQ.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And he has a fat, ugly, nigger loving mudshark wife. If I was Mike Pence I would get real mad and slap the Bible out of her hand and tell them to get fucking lost.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ima trash @ForeverMEM85 in fantasy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Does that mean the accounts of other women in more junior positions be dismissed as 'hysterical'? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Unchecked Populationandmigration to cities is biggest evil for dirty India.Disincentive large families,such as withdrawl of sops ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Will contacting the CEO of Sony (not Playstation) do anything? If by any miracle the big chief can be persuaded, then the Playstation division will have no choice, but to obey. CEO won't give a shit. As long as it's making money the CEO won't question shit. That's all they'll demand. That only applies to the devs that can't\/won't do it, bigger companies will just tell the workers to suck it up. This is, at worst, going to basically make all the niche or tiny companies stop supporting the PS4, which the CEO won't care about because they don't make that much money off of those kinds of games to begin with. Sony is hardly Disney, they can't be picky about profitable business and just leave money behind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Just another reason I turned off Fox news Another Liberal twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hats off and thank you to #GranniesRespond .Their caravan made it to McAllen Texas this weekend to protest the treatment of migrant and immigrant families by #NotMyPresident. Now we need them to show up in November and #VoteThemOut . ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I swear if you idiots actually vote this dude Biden into office, y'all are dumber than I thought. #Trump2020","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"if you are that retarded just kill yourself","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @TheTumblrPosts: This is why Charlie Sheen is an idol http:\/\/t.co\/6ovXRtTxtN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Please keep posting about KEITH ELLISON since media keeps ignoring it https:\/\/redd.it\/9k9u31 Keith Ellison, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Sen. Barney Frank with his pedophile ring, and MANY more... but the Dems get to lecture Judge Kavanaugh over UNSUBSTANTIATED and CONFLICTING allegations ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lee is just the neighborhood faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I see a gaggle of murderers, rapists, thieves, perverts, pedophiles, pimps, pushers, drug addicts, drunks, violent low-life, low I.Q., parasitic gibsmedat' dirty smelly black monkey-looking nigger beasts invading white countries with the help of lying, treacherous, nation-wrecking, degenerate jew filth.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How much civilians USA killed in Serbia 1999? DEATH TO USA,,FUCKING JEW RULED SATANISTS","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Gave y'all a day. Now.... Please remember JOE BIDEN HASNT DONE SHIT FOR BLACK PEOPLE. KAMALA TOP COP HARRIS HASNT DONE SHIT FOR BLACK PPL. We MUST stay on their fucking necks and not accept the feel good crumbs. I get it, it's historic, but now we need action for our ppl.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Niggers Fucking wankers! I'd kick that cunt repeatedly! Evil bastard!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I was clinically depressed for a while and this blew my mind. Due to me having stress I don' t say ' oh man I' m getting anxiety' or ' ugh I' m so depressed' because all that does is brings attention I don' t want. The fact that people make these illnesses a fashion merch makes me feel like everyone is looking in my or other people' s directions. Memes are relatable,funny, and relieving. When he said ' Do people who post these memes have a mental illness or are they just doing it for ..' it made me wonder alot Now Ik what people are capable of nowadays","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@godrocamora416 faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Muslims = Globalists. Muslims must be completely removed from all western countries. The \"Prophet\" Muhammad was an illiterate cunt that like to tell a lot of big lies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nigger please. I think we're done here. I am anyway. I've had enough of your black shit...especially crap I didn't create. Let me repeat that. I DIDN'T FUCKING CREATE YOUR FUCKING BLACK CRAP. I NEVER OWNED A FUCKING SLAVE. BLACK OR OTHERWISE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The level of obfuscation here... The guy literally rolls with the 'why do whites own all the media outlets' question without even fucking flinching THIS is the alternative the jews have prepared for whites who don't want to flog themselves in public. This is supposed to be the edgy non-anti-white stance for whites... the jews have fucked up harder than they have ever fucked up in history, nobody is buying this shit: https:\/\/youtu.be\/xmDBPUPgCDI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deep State Tech Crushing Free Speech https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/deep-state-tech-crushing-free-speech\/ Rich Techies Bought Obama for 8 yrs. Check out these faces of Commie Socialism. NEVER allow them power as they abuse the privilege That Picture depicts what people should frear! Combined with the criminal elements within our government. The hrydra has a lot of freaking heads! There are only 2 good kinds of communists.... 1: A Dead one... ORrrr.... 2: A #Converted one....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Please, listen to the Scientists! #GoJoe2020 #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/BFMxdP9mgr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What are you, retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@NYRKelsMads You never survive in da colored hood","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user can u report dogshit retard link me after u beg ur fucking terrible u foreign cunt u sound like a woman fucking funder ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"'if i responded to you value that deeply'- Sounds like a special sort of cunt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Canada teams up with World Bank to help Rohingya refugees ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ugh. Can't wait for the asshats defending the poor downtrodden police officers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This bitch Cunt Whore Slut every type of name deserves to fucking die u Wildin for this ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Follow me again, faggot ;) @Nocans Thanks for pointing out another fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitch to mute. :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That the price for bombing a country and kill Ghaddaffi through French and British forces. Now Liyba dont like to keep refugees for the EU. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Should have let the Libyan Manchester bomber rot in his own country. How many more mass murderers did the Royal Navy import to Britain? How many more terrorists do the NGO's rescue from international waters? #RefugeesNotWelcome ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Y68G-gffKmI Trump Threatens Military Force on US-MX Border","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A nigger lover, so no crime was committed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Trump responds to fake Indian lady https:\/\/twitter.com\/breaking911\/status\/1051943206353555459?s=21","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah whatever nigga fuck that and you","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Girl- can I have your number? Me- sure Girl- can I friend you on Facebook? Me- oh god no, that's entirely too personal ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He was born in the former Soviet Union and has lived the American dream. Now Russian immigrant Dimitri Shein is seeking the Democratic nod for a US House seat in Alaska. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"..behind their stories, plans and symbols and most of you will think, 'He's talking about a TELEVISION SHOW...WHAT A MORON! WE SHOULD BE WAY MORE WORRIED ABOUT WHAT JEWS ARE SAYING ON CNN, AND ANDERSON COOPERS 360 SHOW.' (Also a tv show: for those irony impaired individuals out there.) ..it also leaves out that you're doing the exact same thing: attacking free speech. Namely by suggesting that Germans and others are too stupid to know propaganda when they hear it (something I actually agree with 100%) and must not be exposed to too much Jewish media. Same exact argument retarded @Amy made.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Got my #Trump2020 swag in today!!!!!! So excited! https:\/\/t.co\/OgJdn6tgp3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LindseyGrahamSC can we get a statement? #BidenHarris2020 #LindseyGrahamHasNoBalls #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/lHBcQPapYo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"idiots.......idiots as far as the eye can see","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Caveat: you must be a Muslim woman to avoid abuse, otherwise you are a permitted target of rape ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Shameful, the refugees will find out they been lie to by a faggot and he gonna be dead soon. Keep faking, he even sit like a faggot !!! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ATtRBg2ntqM","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/entertainment\/2018\/10\/13\/rapper-t-i-slams-kanye-west-and-donald-trump-with-video-featuring-nude-melania-impersonator\/ I hate Hollywood, the MSM, fashion industry, social media, NFL, NBA, and all of us for allowing to make sociopathic drug dealing Ebonics talking thugs rich, famous and influential. anything like this made buy a white person with role and image reversals would be attacked and the makers would face financial and economic destruction. The nigger vermin make this shit knowing they face no consequences.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hear the same thing day in and day out.... its for the birds.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THIS, is A REAL MAN ! HE, doesn't CARE what RACE you are. All HE CARES ABOUT IS RIGHT FROM WRONG CAN YOU say the same !! https:\/\/youtu.be\/kDktliqUQLM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You don't like Nigerian men. We get it. Go and marry your American or British men. Any small thing, Nigerian men this, Nigerian men that.You're not being a feminist. You're being a man-hating-cretin and it all stems from blowbacks from your greed and bad taste in men. STFU. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"For refugees in #Sudan, fears surround probe into UN resettlement fraud: (@irinnews) #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ICE chief readies national sanctuary city crackdown #AgainstAllEnemies ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @JOEL9ONE: Thanks Carolina fans 4 the flipped birds+few bottles to the head. Sticks n stones may break my bones but aluminum zimas will ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rudy Giuliani Is My Father. Please, Everyone, Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.\"If you are planning to cast a symbolic vote or abstain from voting altogether, please reconsider. It is more important than ever to avoid complacency.\"https:\/\/t.co\/W5FL0bOreS #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No violence. Doesn't matter what she said, no one deserves to be hit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would agree if Cricket didn't exist, at least in Basketball you can understand when someone scores and when someone wins. Cricket is several levels more retarded than Basketball can ever hope being.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Next time you get a haircut and your girl doesn't mention it, freak out on her and withhold the dick for a week ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"> One said \"it's time to give women and minorities a chance, and no more racist white men.\" Ted **Cruz** is totally white, not at all Cuban. Lol. Leftists are so retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"people need to gang up on these animals, in most cases you will outnumber them easily, grow some balls and tear these bastards to pieces where they stand ffs. They do this exactly BECAUSE no cunt has a spine to do anything. sir The Qur'an commands Muslims to violently subjugate Jews and Christians. ,,,,,,could this be the elephant in the room ? the jew is the puppet master using everyone against everyone once again. we are waking, but slowly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Whoooooaaa no chill savage @CantBeLocal: Here monkey monkey http:\/\/t.co\/wmZ8s3j6iG ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Funny thing normal folk. There are NatSocs on here and real cultural Marxists like @BegsAli and @True_Brit But you never see them arguing with each other do you. Always with normal folk like you and me. I have a theory. NatSocs and Marxists both follow feeble socialist ideologies with fragile minds and egos. They worry that if they argue together they might start listening to the other and possibly even convert. But there's no chance they will convert to being normal like us. What do you reckon? :) Hello! A real cultural Marxist shows his face. Or rather he doesn't because he's scared of the naughty Nazis. Here you are NatSocs. One of those real cultural Marxists you hate. He must be a Jew, yes? Why are you scared to engage with him? lol i see you are too much of a pussy to argue. No need to cry because i hand you your fat arse every tiime paedo . You need to man up and accept you are a loser. See! No point whatsoever. You're just a useless repetitive twat who thinks Venezuela is a great economic model because Corbyn told you so :) Do i paedo? You do project a lot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I voted by mail today in PA for #BidenHarris2020 and Democratic candidates down ballot. https:\/\/t.co\/AEiDDKUUbu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"name of song anyone?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everyone calls u btch, and u don't like it? Bitch like whaaat?! Who wouldnt be called bitch u wore like a whore waiting for someone to dig their dick so stfu barbie yo' nigga disagree! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Anybody that makes the argument that a couple of Russian trolls could have any sort of influence on all of Star Wars fandom is either a moron or desperately trying to pander to all the others whose wishful thinking supersedes any sort of logical thinking.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Paki twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user shut up bitch no one fucking likes you! Suck start a shotgun worthless cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Can I please have a large slice of fat cunt going REEEEEEE","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":">I can handle free speech >BUT NOT THAT FREE SPEECH ok, retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. Sounds to me you like having gay sex with niggers","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I remember before women were in the workforce in the numbers they are now, they were slapping themselves on the back about how less they drink and how healthier and happier they are, as if men are weak and just naturally less healthy and more reckless with lifestyle etc. and looks what happened, when women start having to work low and behold they drink more and less happy and are having a crisis. suck it up buttercup. zero fucking sympathy, this is the world you wanted there is no going back now. It's almost like they got what wanted and now their fighting for the things they used to fight against. Weird how that happens huh? Because they were never really oppressed in the first place, it was at attempt at privelidge in fact, because work in those days was hard as hell and most likely meant the worker dying on the job before the age of 30 or at the very least a lost limb or black lung When my granddad was 13 years old he was working in a steel factory. I find that very telling because i think in all honesty ive been a lot ruder or more vulgar before and not had a report (that I know of at least.) and yet this one they chose to report? Me thinks it hits a little too close to the truth for a feminists comfort.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are only a few dozen mudslimes in the entire British Army, WHY should ANY soldier be discharged for being in a photo with ANY British citizen? #IAmSoldierX https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=oh3GauzASjw I may be a cunt ,that is not for me to say .But stirring shit ?I have a right to express an opinion on this site .As does anyone else .","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yong always came off as partially retarded when he talks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I used to listen to Sargon and browse here, I know how you guys are lol. It's not worth debating when youll never understand where I'm coming from, bc \"hah lol u r feminist and big retard\" Yer a retard, 'arry!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Do you know anything about the hole in antarctica or is that fake ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ehhhh. Not so fast, Mombot. The problem with nerds is that too many of them are like Boogie. They're desperate for attention and the approval of the very people who ostracize them to the point that they will throw the rest of the nerds under the bus just for an invitation to chauffer Chad ajd Stacy to and from the prom. That dynamic is what killed GG. Optics cucks were desperate for normies to approve of them so they held the door open for those who would set fire to the whole place. I wish it were different but oddly, relative to population, I've dealt with more treachery and betrayal from nerds than Chads and Stacies. That's basically what started the SJW takeover of Marvel Comics. Previously apolitical nerds desperately wanted approval from the NYC media elite and to be part of the cool kids club (they also wanted to obtain \"work girlfriends\" as DandC puts it), so they started bringing in more and more people who don't give a shit about comics and just want to pad their resumes because superheroes are socially acceptable right now To be fair, I just looked up Heather Antoss and calling her a \"piece of ass\" is giving her way too much credit. Looks like a vapid thoughtless cosplay thot who has to cake her makeup. Dan Slott is about on her level tbh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm going to hell for laughing my ass off at this. Lol God only made women to be a companion and servant for man. Obviously from the very first woman with Eve they all have a lust for sin and dragging men with them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Providing aid to Sudanese refugees is one of our priorities in 2018! Read Nawal's story here:https:\/\/t.co\/9BzDJojVbD ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Kanye hadn't even met with Trump yet and yesterday CNN was already screaming \"GET YER NIGGER ASS BACK IN THE FIELD!!!\" - I can't wait to see what they come up with now, and of course, Saturday Night Live won't be able to resist a racist rant or three...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@ananavarro @JudiciaryGOP Joe Biden does not have the strength or the mental capacity to campaign how is it going to run this country Kamala Harris will take over and do you want her as your next president ask yourself that question","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who is this faggot to lecture anyone?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bangladesh's plan to move 100,000 Burmese #Rohingya refugees from world's largest camp to this flood-prone uninhabited island would create world's largest island detention center @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Every gook in #LosAngeles should be deported or killed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nazism is another far-left ideology. That is incorrect. Please do more research Everything in this paragraph I shared is correct. Nazism is socialist and is evil. YOU need to do research. https:\/\/youtu.be\/1DjN3NZEvMU Ive done so much research though... But i doubt you will even watch it. It is afterall easier to call something evil and walk on than to think and appreciate the truth.... No offence but your response was sooo NPC. If you don't recognize Nazism as being evil, you are literally a retard. @Ignatius_J_Reilly Evil is not subjective. Evil is very objective. And Nazis are objectively evil. Yea i mean if the media tells you something it must be true LOL. As a side note to all this how is your day going?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'CRIME' OF THE CENTURY... Newcastle council outraged at graffiti on Mosque. If you weren't aware #Newcastle council is run by #Labour. https:\/\/unitynewsnetwork.co.uk\/newcastle-council-outraged-spray-painted-on-to-the-side-of-a-mosque\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THEN JUST WHY ARE THOSE COMMUNIST B@$TARDS CENSORING EVERYONE?!Twitter, Facebook CEOs Say There Is No Evidence of Russian Disinformation' on Biden Emails https:\/\/t.co\/akHSIeqMio Download our app to read more for free at https:\/\/t.co\/Yxs5CTaMm1","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Muslim migrants complain \"Croatia is not up to our standards, we want Germany\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"lol whats your logic with that comment? Be rude and get thousands of migrants at your door. LOGIC at it's finest. Fucking retarded. The Vatican CHURCH sent all these people, wake the fuck up. Being an asshole is the greatest foreign policy you could have after generations of retarded ass hole cucks ran the show for so long.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Hata maasai wako na aids you stupid son of a bitch. Luos are the ones who live lavish lifestyle in Kenya while u live like bedbugs. Puga ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sixten just shoved like 8 Oreos down his throat","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sometimes I wish I had a cute pet monkey, but then I remember it would probably defecate everywhere, beat me up, and destroy my house.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My kids ? ugly ? Bitch you look like the rape sloth ! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Tom, you're a buff looking dude, so why don't you go down to the border and intimidate those spic mongrels by flexing your biceps?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Everyone whose first reaction to the trials\/Senate inquiry is to jump to UST's defense, you are no better than the 'not all men' crowd. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A fucking place to live is being contributed. If I followed, their argument is essentially that landlords can afford to charge prices for rent that will allow them to cover the costs of keeping the property in decent state and then make a profit from it, and that the only reason they can do so is because on a month-to-month basis, regular people can't afford more than the cost of rent and can't buy real estate themselves. This shit is literally as retarded as saying \"wow, Coke is really bleeding people dry with the price of their product. The only reason they can set prices like that us because most people can't afford their own soda bottling plant\". No fucking shit you utter moron. That's literally what capitalism is.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When you're both a couple of filthy whores ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Funny: In Austria increase the crimes of refugees, specially of lonley men. 17 of them can now without paying learn, how one has to fight. The called them \"Freedom Fighters\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Study: At least 1 in 10 immigrant children has 'interrupted schooling' #blogs #feedly ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"@AllAboutManFeet: http:\/\/t.co\/3gzUpfuMev\" woof woof and hot soles","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ladies and gentlemen, I bring to you the very first Trump\/Biden debate drinking game! Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor #Debates2020 #Trump2020 #TrumpBidenDebate #MAGA https:\/\/t.co\/EQ8sSV4YzV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Home is the place we live, grow up and put roots down. Not somewhere else, not the next county, not some other town. Deportation, forced to go long way away, is just redefining people as homeless refugees at the end of the day. \"Home\" will never be defined by bureaucracy, nay! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God doesn't hate gays he's just mad they found a loop hole in dealing with women ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"let me quickly faint with surprise at all the people finding something to complain about.now I can move on with my day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Posting on 4chan has grinded to a near halt, as users are reporting significant failures in posts going through. There is speculation whether this is due to a simple DDOS attack, or a more sinister MITM attack. The fog of war is real. It seems somebody is trying everything they can to disrupt the flow of ideas and memes ahead of the November Midterm Elections.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"deport!!!!! too many tacos???!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lol. Of course it was, chuckles. You seem to be in a very bad mood today!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical disgusting republicans... Maryland man arrested over plot to kidnap, beat, sodomize and murder Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on national TV - RS https:\/\/t.co\/HXEG7aRFue","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@andrewkimmel But, but, but...they spoke at the RNC! They're heroes to every rich white bigot and model NRA supporters.#EndTheNightmare #ETTD #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck women and they gynocentrism! They don't build and maintain society, men do!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#PacerNation 4\/4 on the road! Perfect way to continue after #iubb have finished #NBA #Pacers #indiana #hoosiers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wouldn't want floods of illegal immigrants either. If you want to get a better life, do it right. Get a work visa or some shit and send some of the money back home to your family. Or just tough it out, going there illegally is clearly going to make it worse. Fucking retards out there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stupid fat Americans can only shoot. Be a man and fight with your knuckles. F** USA. The stupiest country on earth. Its time that muslims arm theirselve over there.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Loads of people think brown eyes are beautiful. Who the hell told you otherwise? Tumblr Brown eyed girl. They have their own ducking soooonnnnggggg That song was originally brown skinned girl but record company made him change it Proof? [Simple Google search?](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Brown_Eyed_Girl)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Where are white women allies when a black woman is called a whore? via @user Where are we going as a society? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm not triggered; I'm probably more amused by this than you are. This faggot has probably done more to hurt your retarded, child raping movement than anything I could ever dream of, and you're TOO STUPID to realize it! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"to give a foreigners insight, who is between 30-","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user being a empowering woman type a bitch on IG ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Macedonia deployed the army to build a second fence to keep refugees out - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And that is why we are the people we are today. Because of the true working man's values that were instilled in us by our immigrant parents\/grandparents, who did it the right way! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user Fam all you're doing is arguing the narrative that \"not all men as if you kno ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user thank you for your support! We'd love it if you came to our next meeting #MaleDominance ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user You sure are #NotAllMen ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Long Division Elvis Costello, Burt Bacharach https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=-9Ht0l52Vcg Elvis Costello is a rabid Jew Hater like Roger Waters.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CoryBooker Fuckin nigger LOSER.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Since 1400 years its a fight between muslim and christian religion, which is better and right. The fighter of both sides have blood on her hands. And it dont stop, now many refugees bring war to other countries. Culturell exchange isnt possi ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/sxdoc\/status\/1047506110222094336?s=12","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The silver hair accesory on the back of the shimada katsura wig, a silver \"wings at the base of a Geiko's top-knot are called nemaki ( , tied (at the) root), and they symbolize that a #Geiko still lives in and is dependent on her okiya. (1\/2)#Kyoto #Japan #JapaneseCulture ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user @user \"Brutal and shaming ? Tad hysterical don't you think? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Beto BIG crowds... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/YsdZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> and fans should still call out problematic things when we see them. It's the only way to make sure the media we consume is diverse and inclusive. This chick actually believes that nips care about wh*tes and their retarded opinions. They don't, and hopefully never will.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That would be better if it had any relationship to the post that you were replying to. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nothing more dangerous than a nigger with a bowling ball in his hands!! LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He's got more brains than all trumpsters combined. Trumps supporters are mindless retarded fascist sheep. We SHOULD build a wall- to throw right wing racist filth like you over it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"A Philadelphia man has been charged with killing his girlfriend and her unborn child.\" But abortion isn't murder, right? The \"logic\" of liberals ... https:\/\/philadelphia.cbslocal.com\/2018\/09\/28\/da-woman-unborn-child-dead-after-being-strangled-by-boyfriend\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"THIS IS CNN=> Don Lemon Brings Up Kanye West's Deceased Mother to Criticize Trump Meeting (VIDEO) https:\/\/bit.ly\/2OiqS0e","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol, that account. What kind of retarded boomer shit is this... Fucking Americans.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Ilhan Too bad you won't get your wish. You cannot stop what is coming. #MAGA #TRUMP2020 #TrumpLandslideVictory2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"70% of divorces r initiated by females. Why bc they get PG then get Gov Aid, free rent, school, food. Why stay F'n married when they can play w\/there cunt friends.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user LOL, you do dress like a slut :-) you look excellent.It entertains me that you have the slutty dressing covered while I do the slutty acting ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's rare someone that big can lose weight but look worse. I'm guessing uppers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any Chance\/Opportunity the Niggers can get to Rob, they'll do it. White Man's Law and Order keep them at Bay, and once that's gone, White Folks Better be Ready\/Prepped for a Race War, because Rape and Murder is the other Two Thirds of the Nigger Equation...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Ive told this story many a time: first time I heard 'cunt' used against a woman was in 'One Flew O ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A Sudanese man was killed during an immigration raid on Saturday in Newport, Wales. This is a violent system designed to threaten, designed to terrify, designed to traumatise and re-traumatise. That kills. Allah yerhamo. May his memory be a blessing. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Remove niggers from the test pool brings up the average score? I wonder what would happen if nigger murderers are removed from the crime stats?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So happy that I never again will see this stupid talentless cunt's name on anything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Obama slams Trump, Republicans while urging Midwest crowds to vote https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/WrB3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical retard reaction to someone's explanation. Can't stand reality.Or truth.Go curl up in the corner and weep.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Excuse me? EVERYONE LIKES IT!!! BITCH IF YOU DON'T FUCK OFF THIS WORLD! What a hoe! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#Gelsenkirchen: Weil ihn ein Angestellter eines Schnellrestaurants bittet sein Tablett wegzur umen, schmei t ein Gast mit einem Getr nkebecher nach dem 21-J hrigen und versetzt ihm einen Schlag ins Gesicht #Fotofahndung https:\/\/www.presseportal.de\/blaulicht\/pm\/51056\/4094342","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump he looks like reg. Memphis,tn. trash! we got them everywhere.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I have gay family and gay friends, and this person is a fucking faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user My friend @user did his face on the girl pics. Hysterical! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Poor Little Faggot Looks Like He Could Do With Some Pork Chops Inside Him, Instead Of Black Dicks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Anybody looking for a patriot to build a website or do any kind of online work?Please let me more, I'm looking everywhere.Thanks so much!#Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm Irish you dense cunt If you are Irish and you wrote that comment that it makes **you** a dense cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dude, Asian women are the worst.especially Hong Kong women. Yeah,her mom sounds like the typical princess sickness cunt. If he does gets married to this woman he'll be in hell in no time.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Crush Antifa! Crush them under the bootheel of Nationalism and Patriotism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@washingtonpost Killary Clinton was not nicknamed \"Killary\" without reason! Keep bashing @realDonaldTrump it only pushes his base to love him even more!Those who love this country love our great president! #MAGA2020 #Trump2020NowMoreThanEver","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just saw a Jewish name in triple parenthesis on Tucker Carlson. Don't believe me? 16:05 into this video you will see triple parenthesis on Fox News! https:\/\/youtu.be\/HI3W8GqP-VI?t=964","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think she's amazing! I couldn't be happier! Just because you don't agree with her, doesn't make her a \"bad pick.\" We've had to deal with a ton of \"bad picks\" for the last 8 years. It's time to see things go another direction for a change.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In a sense you have. When you see heathens advocating outright murder of white Christians .... I've certainly seen it. Thankfully this is a small minority in no way representative of folk religion as a whole. Come again?! Indeed -- I have seen at least one case of this, of someone claiming to be folkish stating that \"all christians get the bullet\" or the like. I'm sure if you just search for \"get the bullet\" or \"christians get the bullet\" you'll find it. Obviously due to the nature of what we are doing, this sort of thing CAN come from infiltrators rather than serious people; which is why I don't use these instances to paint with a broad brush. What *has* shocked me when I have seen such statements is a lack of condemnation of them. But that could be because a lot of people mute such maniacs and so never see what they say. How many followers did this account have? how old is said account Name said account. I hope you didn't ask me for this because you thought I was making it up? \"National Socialist. Germanic pagan. Flat chested 13 year old dog girl. Pop-up headlight enthusiast. YayoiP #AnimeRight \" I do not think I would put to much credibility in that account bro. I don't! But what I find interesting is how few people have counter-signaled. Well whats to counter signal? its a little like the village retard marching around town screaming that dog dick tastes delicious, everyone knows it isn't true but its just not worth the effort to say otherwise. Fair enough!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"AINT LOVING THESE HOES THEY GARBAGE THATS NOT MY BABY LIKE MAURY LIL BITTY BITCH STOP CALLIN ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"a night on the piss, muzzie style.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why would Commie Twitter Ban Him ? Shouldnt be a Surprise https:\/\/www.dailywire.com\/news\/37270\/twitter-wont-ban-farrakhan-calling-jews-termites-ben-shapiro","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another great anon-produced video earns a mirroring on the campaign Channel. NSDAP or bust in the Democrat primary in 2020! https:\/\/youtu.be\/XuigPlKCgYE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger maff","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You're not. God (or Allah) appreciates a sense of humor. It's the people that are cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Since we're not talking about politics but economics, taking a central position isn't a bad thing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She's so deeply upset that she's trying not to grin half the time she's being interviewed. She obviously thinks it's hilarious that she got caught having sex in public, but I think she's too stupid to understand why that makes her a sex offender. I reckon in her opinion a sex offender is a rapist or someone who sexually assaults another, not someone who has sex in front of kids and families on a public beach. Not so much a pussy pass though. Gun show likely got a harsher sentence because of his prior cocaine conviction. He was grinning like a twat until he realised he was going to prison for being a sex offender and not a roid rage cocaine offender, gulp!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Giddy Up Friday Night Document Surprise from Office of Inspector General ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@JewelsAndDrugs9 @ladygaga @madonna lmao madonnas music sucks? yeah you're fucking stupid if you think gaga is better. retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hate speech dont exist, retarded speech does but its legal.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Bitch keep my name out your mouth. and worry about that loose hole of yours. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Maldivians' visit for health and education services as well as weekend travel and residency is putting strain on #SriLanka #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #migrants #health #education #Maldives @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user TRAVEL ADVISORYDominic Durden and Mollie Tibbetts and Kate Steinle were murdered by Illegal Aliens!We must #BuildThatWallFollow @user and @user and #RETWEET Help out and order bricks or donate today at Follow @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @dbongino: Make absolutely no mistake, Donald Trump's resolve to stick with Kavanaugh, despite the Democrat\/Media complex's ruthless assaults, stunned the Left and the media. They're used to Republicans caving in. Those days are now over. There's a new sheriff in town. #NewRules YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!! Ouuuuuuuuuuuuhhh, triggered I see. Gunna bitch slap me are ya fella? ! Hey, you wanna swallow my load real quick? But your tummy is slam full of many loads, A?! I just sucked off this guy in a Hardee's parking lot last week. I'm sure the little swimmers are floating around still Good for you. I am proud of you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@JimCody3 I've created my own mental video it. It consists of Mike Pence in an old wife beater with a shit-eating grin on his face piecing together a bunch of old 80s action figures until he gets a blow-up doll that looks like Trump.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Never rely on the US Government to Protect You... Defend Yourself from them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Name a suicide bomber that wasn't muslim.Fuck Islam, fuck Mohamed and fuck AJ+.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Cheerleaders make me fucking sick! It's not a sport you dumb skanks so go back to caking on your makeup. #WomenSuck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"With that sense of entitlement, she should fit in just fine in California. filthy baby factory","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump Give it up, fat boy. You just cant cut the mustard #BidenHarris2020","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yep, their bots just auto banning so many people. Frustrating. You can thank the SJW rats working for the news companies. Speaking of cancer, BrownLightning NOT NOW!!! I'M NOT IN THE MOOD! Rofl made my week","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Snoop Dogg Just Issued Disgusting Threat To All Trump Supporters IT'S ON NOW! [SNOOP 'NIGGA' DOGG NEEDS PUBLICITY. WHAT A CUCK. HE SUCKS CORPORATE COCK FOR THE DOLLA$$] https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=g9iPxoafmWY Snoop is a faggot bitch ass pussy","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So, I hate to be the devils advocate, believe me when I say I have no respect for our current president, I think he's a clown in a business suit, but where were these reports when Obama deported more than 2X the amount of immigrants?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Obama was both unqualified for the job and a hater of the USA. Yet America elected him for not being white. Media-driven pc racism nearly destroyed law and order in USA. I stand corrected","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@tayscalf must have run out of brownies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You've been (((played))) Murika.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Professor says Trump's policies are making Mexico less safe https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=4qvQgf8mSpw Yeah because the criminals have to stay there!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user You must be one of those bottom feeders we warn each other about...sewage spewing skank... Ve ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Did you know? 2,700,000 kids have a parent in prison. 400,000 kids are in foster care. 765,000 are separated from their military parents not knowing if they'll see them again. But the media focuses on 2,000 kids temporarily separated from illegal immigrants. HAVE THAT SINK IN! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user All refugees and dreamer s should leave the USA quick. Its no need to stay in USA in the future. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Also weed is ok fact, its other drugs that need to be banned alcohol should be banned fact, its a drug. Yeah how did banning alcohol work out last time? Weed kills brain cells, alcohol kills liver, kidneys and brain cells. The body produces new brain cells, so weed is ok fact. The body produces new brain cells? Explain liberals then... Trying to picture liberal brain cells committing sudoku..... I'd prefer to see all liberals successfully commit suicide Save us a lot of time and ammo. If they voluntarily did that.... Yes But they won't voluntarily Jump for Trump, so we best put on our fatigues and take care of business when the rioting starts Ok I'm in. I expected nothing less from you... I was gonna save you a seat, but I don't have to now stupid\/retard are different, then someone that has some of there brain cells dead. People that vote democrat are brainwashed, that is different then someone that has some of there brain cells are dead. If I ever need someone to tell me really obvious things with a delivery more dry than most science teachers, I know who I have to call (obviously not you, cause I don't have your phone number and don't want to). Had to write that part down before your autism flares up and you feel the need to point that out as well.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Boy you look like you rape girls at frat parties, malicious ass racist cunt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's the perfect excuse for any kind of bullshit the comic industry has pulled and will pull in the future. Take Tim Seely's (or even Waid's) work in the last few years for example. Produce some of the worst comic books ever, injected with whatever woke retardation they jerk off to this week, then when nobody buys the book blame them nazi gators. Rinse and repeat... At least until the industry eventually implodes and dies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hate when bitches be actin selfish with the pussy know damn well they out here fuckin the whole city bitch probably burnin smh the nerve ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"That Hirono cunt in Hawaii won easily. I hope Kim nukes them. A cunt during the Kavanaugh hearings. Said men can shut up and do the right thing for once.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When a stranger tries to talk to me ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"After eight years of having a presidential nigger tell white what to think, bound to be some blowback.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#StopTheInvasion ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, that's the point, they need to rail against the popular ones to get the rage clicks. \"This little jabroni game that nobody has ever heard of, it's offensive\", well, good for them, don't give a shit. \"This uber popular game here? Here's my carefully manufactured \"opinion\" to be as much of a contrarian as I can possibly be, in fact, I'm going to throw in some basic inaccuracies which I know are inaccuracies, because I know it's gonna irritate you into reacting.\" What? Let me take a look of this bullshit, what the fuck are they even talking about?! Hey guys! Check this retard out! CHA-CHING CHA-CHING CHA-CHING CHA-CHING The media are just trolls desperately trying to get attention at this point. Big target, easy clicks. Low hanging fruit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"BBC headline about rise in \"hate crime\" towards Muslims (who are 5% of the UK population). Read the article and it turns out that the 1% of the population who are gay report far more \"hate crime\" than do Muslims. Never mind that there's no organisation out there that solicits gays to report \"hate crime\". Yet the British state funds Muslim organisations to lie about \"hate crime\" against Muslims. Clearly the BBC couldn't give a fuck about attacks on gays. For every Muslim who claims they were a victim, there are nearly 10x as many gays who are claiming to be victims. Only Muslims matter when it comes to \"hate crime\". https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/uk-45874265","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user \"\"In my judgment, the process which was adopted by the secretary of state in the present context failed to comply with the requirements of procedural fairness as a matter of common law. So immigrant children were lost. Literally lost. h ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People aren't afraid of illegal immigrants. They're afraid of Muslims ONLY and won't admit it. Paranoid of terrorists attacks, living in fear everyday, and once you have everyone in fear that's when you take advantage of it and rule over those who are living in fear.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is so retarded it shouldn't even be debated or responded to. There's no way to talk to someone this ignorant","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user And there you go again, ignoring the point. You're so worried about \"not all men ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yep, the littlest dogs yap the loudest. You're nothing more than an ankle-biter. I hear the yapping of a man of negligible stature. Yap on, little man. Someday you'll be able to debate without threats of violence. In your case, however, I'm certain that it will take many, many years for you to grow up. Still waiting for that growth spurt, little fellow. Hahahahaha Sure #Soyim It's going to take a long, long time, wee Johnny.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Send these motherfuckers back to their homeland.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"MONIKA WAS RIGHT? RIGHT ABOUT WHAT WHAT DID THAT FUCKING BITCH ASS THOT MOTHERFUCKING HO ASS SKANK SAY TO YOU? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everybody hates this faggot Its just a talentless token pushed by the media","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Rand Paul's Wife Just Obliterated Cory Booker; The Epic Smack Down https:\/\/truepundit.com\/rand-pauls-wife-just-obliterated-cory-booker-the-epic-smack-down\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Past 8 years and...weed still illegal (Obama you toker!), minimum wage still $7.25 (Obama you joker) and Wallstreet is bailed but homeowners arent (Obama you broker!), Obamacare still leaves 30 million uninsured. Why wasn't single payer passed? It doesn't profit private insurance companies. He's hard on Snowden and Bradley to scare other would be whistle blowers. He drone bombed more and deported more than any other president. Other than fucking over America and abroad, he seems like a nice guy","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @MaryWCVB: Charlie Baker about to make his final election eve campaign stop- here at Swampscott High School. #wcvb #wcvbpoli http:\/\/t.co ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah dude, he works for MARVEL COMICS; he can't afford shit! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Conservative white people built this country. It was liberals who began slaughtering the natives. We got along well with most early known tribes including the CHerokee. Straight white people produced this country. Faggot societies die out. Look at them, they are childless. Straight is good, color is fine.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why would you walk toward him *after* he's shown he's perfectly comfortable power washing the bitch off your face? Why do I feel she is Russian russians give people plenty of reason to be prejudiced. they're trying to destroy the world, for one. Fuck Russia and those beet ration eating slavic garbage people. They're just as bad as the muzzies","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@stillgray Motorcde drive by bunker shof by @realDonaldTrump has #BidenHarris2020 campaign on life support","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol coincidence that none of these bombs worked? lol, the dirty tricks of the globalist cunt hillary and the dimocraps","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I vote for more checking at airports and before we allow immigrants into this country from certain areas of the... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Don't listen to @TomJefferson","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I've said it many times... illegals\/muSLIMES bring in all kinds of filthy diseases to our country. Keep the maggots OUT! Hell yeah. I bet wetback border jumpers stop their shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Tells #Trump Not to give Immigrants DNA test to make sure their the kids parents just hand them over to Child Trafficers like Obama #MAGA #RedNationRising #FridayMotivation via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God I wish this faggot would try this with my glorious American flag danglin of my front porch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why isn't Ann Coulter worried about losing credibility for saying something like \"the immigrant kids being shown in cages are child actors\"? by Jim Henley ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"has anyone made an edit of pence as jack from lord of the flies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NFLonFOX Random thought - If a bird crossing the path of a FG try were impacted by ball causing it to deflect off course. Re-kick or miss?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The \"Angela Merkel\" of California: Kamala Harris: Americans Must be Welcoming,' Tolerant' to Caravan https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/23\/watch-kamala-harris-americans-must-be-welcoming-tolerant-to-caravan\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes. I wish the cunt would leave the US to become a citizen of Venezuela or Cuba. Maybe she could practice her socialism THERE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"> This story sounds EXTREMELY untrue It's **true** it's a story ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ah fuck off, just because you are trans does not get you out of the \"act like a cunt, get treated like a cunt\" part of human existence...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"DACA Dreamer on the run, allegedly wanted for murder @user @user #EndDACA Threat is just too great!#NoAmnesty #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafeNowhere in US Constitution does it say to protect Illegal Aliens! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The gender pay gap is complete bull shit to begin with. It takes 5 minutes of research to realize that. Anyone you argue with about it can't even bother to do 5 minutes of research. Remember that. Except that if you've read or listened to any academia on the topic they all overwhelmingly agree that the gender pay gap has a gendered component to it. For example Jordan Peterson, whom these types of subreddits idolize, agrees that gendering is prevalent to varying degrees based off of industry and numerous other factors. But your I'm-14-and-so-smart interpretation is good too, I guess. You do know, that Obama's claim > Equal pay for equal work! That's so simple! and > A woman earns 77 cents for every dollar a man earns! Are both lies! If you answer, I'll will link you to the study Obama lies about. Feel free to elaborate. There is nothing wrong with it. Dispelling what part? To start with how can you measure the gap when men and women do not work the same jobs to the same percent. Why is it good that Obama lies that the gap is 23%, but fails to mention that it is for weekly wages of working people, and not hourly wages? What is it if not inciting anger and hate? As promised: https:\/\/np.reddit.com\/r\/FeMRADebates\/comments\/4kfuf4\/why_the_wage_gap_was_not_23_in_2013_and_how\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate when girls bitch about not having a date to a dance when they've turned down every guy that asked them #WomenSuck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now you're discussing EXTRAPOLATION and are EQUATING POPULATIONS.. Whites commit FAR MORE ROBBERY, homicide, depending on the year, Blacks commit more. https:\/\/ucr.fbi.gov\/crime-in-the-u.s\/2016\/crime-in-the-u.s.-2016\/topic-pages\/tables\/table-21 The data are totals. To calc per capita arrests, Divide the tot arrests by total white population, giving .0251 arrests per capita, 25 arrests per 1000 whites. For blacks, .056 arrests per capita, 56 arrests per 1000 blacks. Blacks commit more crime, 2x more.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ITS CRIMINAL THAT ANY FAGGOT FEDERAL JUDGE CAN STOP A PRESIDENTIAL ORDER.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This store is SO redneck...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"His name is: Jordan Hunt. (aka. Jordan Cunt) He's a hairdresser in Toronto. https:\/\/humandefense.com\/identified-man-who-roundhouse-kicked-pro-life-leader\/ I hear he wants to be just like MLK, so hurry up and get the cunt Buried!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":">The courts usually decide against the \"father\" in these cases, since they say it is in the interest of the child to have child support paid. Not in Australia. She will have to pay it bsck but very slowly if she's broke. Also, the guy is retarded. In Australia he has a right to get a paternity test from the start.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @zippy1981: @voretaq7 from a TDD POV linux is just a mock for the kernel of the GNU\/HURD system.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Montea_Rollin @kayysavage I wasn't serious bitch bitch them niggas i named ain't fuccing witcho ass we all just making shit up ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Joe Biden saying that he will answer the question about packing the supreme court after the election is dumber and more ridiculous than anything ever said by Donald Trump.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Advertising works, faggot ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ma ou informace o migrantech! ude il Viktor Orb n. A p itvrdil akce proti Sorosovi ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't like Halloween at all that shit cold and everwhere you go smells like booty hole and candy don't @ me ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trudeau is nothing more that a faggot freakazoid with out two properly functioning brain cells to rub together to form a single intelligent origional well reasoned thought of his very own I think his momma had one of those failed abortions...maybe he can get his very own post-birth-abortion and fix that !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That spazz has jazz!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"roper is a fucking two-faced, spineless, nutless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nowadays the monetary value of that entire nigger bin is negative. Only niggers are buying, I bet.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nobody notices that retard Tom Arnold unless he says something that would get the average person arrested and thrown in Federal Prison. He is still a nobody that I never notice except for his provocative criminal remarks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Former Obama Adviser Ben Rhodes Drops a Bombshell: Yes, Obama Armed Jihadists in Syria via @user No surprises here... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How good would this be.. #MAGA Next !! Ok by me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You are making a difference for refugee families thank you! Together we are on our way to our goal. Visit our website to help us make it the rest of the way. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sorry to hear that your parents had a retarded child. Hopefully you can get help in America where there aren't waiting lists for doctors.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user Yeah stfu pussy aint copying shit, Im talking about my own shit yet you sitting here acting like you SHIT. You just mad you cant make music in the first place. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"UK's tiny number of Syrian Christian refugees sparks backlash against UN ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Evading a perm ban that anon calm fgt is reporting us all Yeah, my last one was for targeting; but all I was doing was posting links to GL, Cantwell, Occedental Dissent, and even TDS. I was just posting links, lol, not even sending them to anyone specifically. Outsider said is was that \"Anon Calm\" faggot but a different acct it has: \"Anon Apache Hunt\" or something like that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Otis is gonna love this faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When violent extremists burned down his mother's medical clinic and attempted to kidnap him, Al and his parents fled Iraq and eventually resettled in the U.S. Watch his incredible journey, then join the campaign to help refugees rebuild their lives. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Sweeps2032 Democrats which lean left or are completely left want to remove religious freedom and you wanna vote for them because trump swear and says damn.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"WOW, the moral depravity it strong in their family. No wonder why she is such a nigger loving piece of shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @eaglesfan167: #Eagles 5hrs till the birds kick some ass###bleedgreen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lay off the Weed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Do they cunts have any idea how history works? Jesus H Fuck, all they think with is their shitty feelings...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And the award for the biggest TWAT yet goes to THIS judge. FFS what planet is that pillock on. What she did was ILLEGAL on many levels and she should have been JAILED. You're all screwed in the UK!! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6315375\/Refugee-admitted-immigration-charges-praised-humanitarian-desire.html?mrn_rm=als1","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@EvanDMyers @nineinchessoft you have a redneck attitude. The same people that think Benghazzi is real think Fox fake nws is real. Your one","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That's awesome.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What do White Supremacists and Taliban have in common? They are both violent extremists who support Trump.Very fine people.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"why are these jihadi jane ingrates even in america in the first place? Completely and utterly wrong, faggot are you high or just retarded rn","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oh look it's the civnat squad. Haven't seen y'all around for a while. I suppose it's no coincidence that you're back just as there's been an influx of porn spamming and other JIDF kikery. >porn spamming OOF. Talk about delusions. I've been back for almost two months you mong. lol Well I guess you just sequestered yourself to your little andrew anglin fanclub safe space cuz you ain't resonating with anybody who matters or doing anything to build bridges with the normies like you always claim you wanted to but never actually did unlike us who'ce accomplished more while y'all been gone than you ever could have hoped to. We have people going into their local GOP and taking over little by little from the boomers. Meanwhile, you fags do nothing but sit around LARP about revolutions and ethnostates or blackpilling. Also, protect us? from whom? lol I very much doubt that you know anyone personally who's done this and are just speculating but I'll indulge you anyway. What's your specific goal in subverting the GOP, as in, what has to happen for you to claim victory? When do you expect this to happen? and where are you in achieving this goal? It would be better to infiltrate the democratic socialists and plant listening devices amongst other things. @SiegeReaderson I think that in areas that are solid blue, infiltrating the DSA could definitely have it's value if you know what you're doing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user gntlement must know treat their women like princess not like whore ehehe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope some fucking cunt enjoys her fucking $15\/hr while people worry about paying their heating bill in winter. Fucking traitorous cunts. They eat, we starve, they gloat @ our suffering. They revel in our poverty. Women and cuck boy run government THEY CAN\"T make it work with Franchise fees They can't make it work with GST and PST They can't make it work with 42% of your income NOW THEY CAN'T MAKE IT WORK WITH their bullshit carbon tax An now they want to take all the guns an make you their slave so their morbidly obese asses and their snickering cuck boys who just want you dead can make big bucks at their gov jobs","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@therealduxy @TKFan01 *too pretty...not *to pretty. Jeezus...my redneck education is showing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Alex Jones Caught with Tranny Porn on his Phone https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/08\/28\/alex-jones-apparently-spotted-with-trans-porn-on-his-phone\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Posted a tweet on one of O'Reilly's today and it appears I unleashed the psychos. Been called a Russian...cunt...bitch and whore already. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Enjoy my Bible Verse Art","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Liberal college towns have the biggest white-black gaps in school test scores. Berkeley has the worst racial gap in the country. In contrast, high all around test scores and modest racial gaps tend to be found in GOP places like Dallas exurbs. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/fvth https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/37598","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sure they will have a sister of a black homosexual who killed himself, who will claim her dear brother killed himself, because Kav called him a nigger faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dang. What a difference. Heres hoping folk listen!https:\/\/t.co\/69lhM1iHFO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like Chinese buffets but I hate all the chinks","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"idiots from Al Jazeera India was not made on the basis of religion.Pakistan was created due to large scale rioting by the muslims. The thing is majority of Hindu came from Pakistan from India but majority of Muslims stayed in India. India never accepted division on the basis of religion.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@a is a nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Can someone explain this mass political shift in games journalism? Were they always like this, was it a new class of liberal arts students in the iPhone era? What caused it? University journalism programs are basically SJW-mills. They're one step up from gender studies programs. The average journalism professor spends the entire class period ranting about Trump, the patriarchy, conservatives, white privilege, and the evils of capitalism - no objective journalism or critical thinking skills are actually taught. The least attractive and least talented of these freshly indoctrinated ham-beasts typically have to settle for low paying gaming journalism gigs because they can't get real jobs. So now they're extra mad at the patriarchy. Hell, most of them never played a video game in their life besides 30 minutes or Mario Kart that they sucked at and rage-quit when they were kids. Is it any wonder that these people only care about pushing their political opinions? They don't even play the games they review. That would require too much hard work and hard work is for white male shitlords. Jesus Christ, I was a PR major in college and therefore had a lot of journalism friends since the two lapped quite a bit. This whole comment is bullshit. Congrats on picking a worthless major. Do you also bitch in r\/jobs about all the student loan debt you have because of your dumb life decisions?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How you bitches look with your snapchat filters ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why do cunt fucking slut whores keep following me","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I would beat the shit out of her. She is a fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Choose education, personal responsibility, or birth control NOT murder! All hail potato queen ,Margret Sanger!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jokes on them in Australia they just say \"top of the morning ya mangy cunts\". Maybe we should be more woke and do that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Deaf people can't see the people around them clapping? I don't see why it's an issue for deaf people at all, whereas I can see why it'd be an issue for the blind. Also how many students actually do have sensory issues? I feel like it's not enough to change anything. At what point do we say, \"That's a you problem\"? Because we can't change the world for a tiny minority of people. Loud noises exist. People talking triggers me. People being in the store when I am triggers me. Please stay in your houses from 8am to 12pm so that I can shop without being triggered. Thank you. I am oppressed unless you are woke and let me not be triggered. Ugh, retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"At a time of so much division, so much reckless arrogance from the White House, our nation needs a leader who understands the struggles of the common person. We have that in Joe Biden. He leads with #Humility and compassion for all Americans. #RegularJoe #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/g4p2ZR5xEF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This Negro is gay down low harder than your average Nigger fag. He little Richard, Liberace, what what in the butt scum bag.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What a cunt from your mum Ah, thanks for the explanation. Have a nice day. Got it, bruv.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The #AmericanCommunists who live in our country want open borders.#DrainTheSwamp#StopTheInvasion ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Update: Records to be Released Today! Woman Beater Ellison loses fight to delay divorce paper release, report says https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/ellison-loses-fight-to-delay-divorce-paper-release-report-says","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"looks like a soy boy faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yes @user would be great to have a chance to chat and tell you more about @user focus on the positive economic contributions of immigrants @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yeaaaaa, I don't think this qualifies. India has a HUGE problem with women being raped on public transport like trains and buses.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm **SO** inclusionist except for YOU CUNTS!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The left is a disgrace.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">that motherfucker assaulted his next girlfriend I don't how much guys bullied you in elementary school, but how come you missed that part that said that this cunt has assaulted her MOTHER years later, she was brought to court about it, was forgiven again!?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"I am a muzzie shitdisturber. Please follow me me and help me destroy your country you bunch of fucking morons\" 3000+ morons and counting Check out @_SJPeace_'s Tweet: https:\/\/twitter.com\/_SJPeace_\/status\/1050245114638098432?s=09","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"At least he isn't a filthy muslim. Lol the filthy muslim attacks someone in the crowd while his filthy friend jumps in and sucker punches Conor and you call HIM a punk? Cut back on the muzzie choad faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"WTH! CORRUPT 40 YR DEM SENATOR Bill Nelson (FL) - Directs people donating to Hurricane Victims - to Dem Fundraising site instead? It's time for American citizens to vote out Democrat Cancer. VOTE TRUMP GOP 2018 https:\/\/steadfastandloyal.com\/unreal\/dem-senator-directs-people-donating-to-hurricane-victims-to-democratic-fundraising-site\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retarded liberals seem to know a lot about hell..... ...he's also a delusional twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If this is recent, there is a large group of people posing as libtards due to the NPC meme from 4chan. It's a huge internet satire that seems to be working quite effectively. This the meme grows. Now we can't tell what's real anymore. Is it an actual retard or someone pretending...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"1\/ I'm reminded of an interaction that fuels me. Soon after returning to finish my undergrad, an uncle came to visit. He's a Greek immigrant..very Greek. He visited my parents' restaurant, where I was working. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This faggot worked for Maggie Hassan And Sheila Jackson Lee","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Justin Trudeau was in Toronto on Tuesday night warning the next election would be nasty, but he wouldn't be part of it. -- By Wednesday afternoon Trudeau was calling Conservative MP Lisa Raitt and her colleagues ambulance chasers.\" #trudeau #cdnpoli #election2019 #canada #canadianpolitics https:\/\/t.co\/GcQZG8314O Based on recent polls, you may be right. Bernier already has over 20,000 members and $338,000 raised. The CPC has their work cut out for them. Either way, the Liberals will try to ensure a win by compromising election integrity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You know what's great about Gab... I can say 'Fuck you, retard, I don't care what your faggot ass likes'. Don't worry, I don't like little goat-fucking soyboys, and the mute button works both ways.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I know this is a dark humor sub but please don't compare the rest of Asians to them pedophile muzzies. We may love ramen, are maths nerds or shit on the streets but as a culture the rest of Asia doesn't promote raping little kids. Good riddance. :) No offense given, it is merely just a satire way the media always tries to throw middle eastern into the \"white\" or \"asian\" category :) Oh shit, I got wooooshed, my bad. Do not apologise. Remember what sub you are in and what it is for. Double down if anything i know i'm going to get my monthly dose of downvotes for this....... ~~but there are practicing \"asian\" (non-middle eastern) muslims as well~~ If arabs rape it don't mean that muslims do. Arabs don't represent the rest of the islamic world. It's Arabic culture to be fucked up not muslim culture It's both. Now GTFO of this sub. No. Fuck off back to \/r\/funny or something. I'm not gonna take orders from someone with shit in their cunt You're wrong. Prostituting young boys to older men is a common practice in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It's called [Bacha Bazi](https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Bacha_bazi) Almost half the Muslim population is inbred. That's almost 800 Million people. [Link](https:\/\/www.ign.com\/boards\/threads\/did-you-guys-know-that-the-majority-of-arabs-and-half-of-all-muslims-are-estimated-to-be-inbred.455007687\/) Let's assume you're right that only Saudi Arabia indulges in Pedophilia, Saudi Arabia is the richest, most influential and most civilized section of Islamic Population, if they indulge in such degeneracy, what does that tell you about Islam? Spoken like a true rapist And where did Islam come from exactly, you inbred ~~future~~ drone target?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Personally I'm more of a New York style pizza guy. Chicago deep dish is pretty good though ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"11\/ I don't mind the GENERAL direction of where Trump is going, but of course his deficits are going to collapse the country and then retards are going to blame \"globalists\" or \"the Swamp\" and absolve him of any blame. And then I'll have to listen to lots of retarded analysis on Gab while ppl make up bullshit and dance around reality. LMAO, this homo claims you need a DNA test to live in Israel. That must be why he keeps donating his DNA to other men. Is that all you vile Jews are limited to for comebacks? No wonder your people were banned from 109 countries. no class animals.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That has been my experience as well. Living in the communist armpit of America (SF bay area) I have found the biggest bigots in America are self righteous leftists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This stupid cunt does know that Russia doesn't have the same race politics as the USA, right? Right??!?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Your ass hole does grow big after letting niggers fuck you. No, tell me, faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@LessThanJR And the Yankees gave you a win. :) Happy Birthday!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Paulyy2 nah some honkey lookin dude at chr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@KamalaHarris I keep calling for my mail in Ballot! I hope I get it. #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying. ~Baba Ram Dass ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Pl don't play Vote Bank politics. Support centre in pushing out illegal migrants.After AAP coming to power,Delhi a SLUM ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cheeky twat.. if you broke your ankle slut dropping on acca dance floor id understand because its a passion of yours ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Home Minister @user says #NRCAssam list not final. Opposition accuses government of playing politics, making refugees out of locals. Download app for more: Android https:\/\/t.co\/76bEFEqZJk iPhone https:\/\/t.co\/oqQkZ80wrs ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That's just completely insane. And they won't even name the identity of the murderer! Fucking police will always protect their own psychopathic lunatics. She thought she was going in her own appartment? Is she mentally retarded or something? Who tf is supposed to believe this bullshit excuse? If you ask me, it's just straight up murder. God I'm so fucking tired of reading shit like this, it makes me sick. I should take a break off the internet. :\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Black woman are aggressive while white women are stupidly programmed by society to be nice damsels in distress read ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\" momma said no pussy cats inside my doghouse \"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user l don't even know 's that fucking women bitch kayleigh corbett.. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any doctor that gives hormones to a minor should be sent to prison and have their medical licence revoked.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck ass redskin corners","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lier and you spend more money of the American people's money on flying to Florida every weekend playing golf eating out security in Florida and in New York! You have spent over 11.5. Million dollars in a month and Obama didn't spend that much in four years!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get on the Front line Cunt !! Quit mouthin off and Get out there !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I pray to God these kids and all in Haiti receive a better life than what they have if it's God will.Very smart kids.Praise the Lord.Amen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Eat Shit Nigger And Die !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"As a devastating report reveals 300,000 illegal migrants are living in one French suburb ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Her- remember when you said you loved me? Me- ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are the one who attack us first. If you all don't know detail just shut the f*k up. If you are so sorry for them , why don't you all come and take them to ur country.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The writer seems under the impression that it's scowling soccer moms and bible-thumpers that Sony's trying to appease. More like they're trying to appease the far left progressive retards","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Stop being a nigger or go back to twitter if you want to ban the imagination.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"google voice is such a cunt nowadays","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Jim_Jordan Give it up Gym. Even the best wrestlers know when to throw in the towel. #VoteBlue2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lil Kim really made herself trash smh ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Crazy people in india.. Govt allowing export beef but not allowing their people to have that. Beef protesters doesn't give any voice over against govt for exporting beef... Fucking protesters come to attack if any Muslims or Dalits having beef not against factory.. Fck RSS bjp sangh bastards","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When you just watched your boy ruin his life but you know misery loves company so you decide to ruin yours too ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Swamp retard Cuomo Hype over #FakeBombs #FakeNews #FalseFlag","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nice quote mining faggot Hitler was talking about the kikes but everyone takes it as a confession.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ain't nobody stabbed your ass in the back hoe. We just all saw how much of an attention whore and fake bitch that you actually are. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Most women are cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The white identitarians should have quit with the tiki torch march and all gone home afterwards. Let the alt-left retards sperg out the next day waiting on the permitted demonstration. Those who were in charge of that demonstration are not the sharpest tools in the tool box. They knew that ANTIFA would be there in force, and went anyway. And they got played, turning what could have been a win into an unmitigated disaster that will define their movement for the next 50 years.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Cheap land is our immigrant heritage ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're welcome. I hear you loud and clear on the leftist bullshit of twatter What I can't stand is to see the 'big' people come over here crying about their twat account... wtf do they think we're here for? At some point you have to get the whole picture, prioritize your freedom over followers and embrace the departure from censorship.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMEIs rampant in the first Sanctuary State 'Oregon'!These statistic are outrageous and should be construed to be a close poll of US states.@SpeakerRyan #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #ProtectUSCitizens ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user SEASON 2 is being filmed in andgt; SIX WEEKS!! U don't want to miss szn2! They're asking for donations to raise an extra $2,500 in order to bring on 2 brilliant, young immigrant filmmakers as lead crew members and producers for this season ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Prepare for total domination #MAGA2020 #Popcorn https:\/\/t.co\/GYVP428RLD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LoLDyrus It's retarded. Ignore the harlem shake fad and hope it goes away soon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate liberals","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I don't just support Trump, I love Trump. #Trump2020 This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected: https:\/\/t.co\/hd5wcgiYpY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Rape charges isn't the way to get revenge you fuckin dumb bitch You gonna get ya self locked up . Ya boy GOT THE PLUG ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bloody hell, check it out. A Nigger host just bragged about the woman who trained the young White blue-eyed blonde and the Nigger boy, about how she was his partner. She too is a White, blue-eyed blonde. The racism in this show is perhaps the worst I have ever seen in a show. It is blatant, in-your-face racism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Soros is a jew....his father was a Communist Jew....flooding majority white countries with non whites is something a jew would do His mother was jewish as well...holly shit I swear some of you are fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Samar, a Jordanian teen, came to CRP computer classes, but stayed for the friendships. We need more social cohesion activities in 2018, building bridges between the host community and refugees. You can help here: and RIGHT NOW YOUR DONATIONS ARE MATCHED! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Take your muh dik bullshit back to the Daily Wigger forum where it belongs.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I will believe anybody over a rabid leftist twat who not only knits but also wears pussy hats. Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm https:\/\/fxn.ws\/2RkQ7gg #FoxNews","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My mama made me some brownies they was everything ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yay I like when jacob has colored layouts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I just thought it was good manners myself and have no intention of changing my ways...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Over 160 undocumented migrants held in Turkey ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another Hollywood skank--'remove' Trump https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/01\/ellen-barkin-trump-should-be-removed-not-just-from-office\/ They'll keep on and keep on until Trump is removed. Then we'll have to remove them. What in the entire fuck are they not gaining by Trump being president? What did cunt hiLIARy have planned for Hollywood? These fuckers had something planned for us and it wasn't good but honestly I think.... .... the Trump win was safest for them. Because they had something planned for us (my guess is immigrants from fucking Africa) and would have started a Civil War. Kill George Soros and his family and this fucking shit will cease. Pay Per View his torture. Money to be made.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pretty sure that guy's not friends with the ones that called him a nigger and went right back to advocating for a white ethnostate","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We don't give a rat's ass about Injuns. Fact. Notice this punk ... WHITE SLAVE willing to die for INJUNS, SEMITES, HINDUS, and any other colored inferior he can cuck up to like a BITCH. This sort is the most WORTHLESS KIND ALIVE ... since the coloreds think they are SUBHUMANS. We see them as TRAITORS. WHITE is all that matters. WHITE. #GOP = Worthless NIGGER LOVERS who think they are enlightened ... but WHO also AVOID #diversity like the black death ... since they know deep down it is all a lie.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Enough said Amy Coney BarrettSCOTUS#Trump#MAGA2020 https:\/\/t.co\/yjrvKJieuP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Green grass and tree trash. http:\/\/t.co\/SO9C7g3FQ5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lying cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Jets trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The crazy train just kept running over this cunt over and over and over.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"US immigrants 'living in fear' of Trump's deportation drive @user no need to live in fear. All these illegals can pack up and leave. Take your parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, even your friends. Don't live in fear just leave. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user WOW Life Institute use really sexist language (hysterical woman!!!). Women speaking now means rantin ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@tvanouvelles Incroyable!Political leanings of the community aside, Kamala Harris's husband, Doug Emhoff, is a member of the tribe, and two of Joe Biden's children are married to someone who is Jewish.https:\/\/t.co\/TKJK8texWg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The birds and the bees ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You don't have to explain why because a dishwasher the right to speak. Stay in the kitchen ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is easy. Would be nice to see trend, alongside #BidenHarris2020, #HarrisBiden2020, #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #BidenCoalition https:\/\/t.co\/RGUJAYyrgL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"these fuckers shouldnt be welcome here","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" Pretty fuckin much. We live in clown world. Upside down, backwards, bizarre-o, clown world! LMFAO! But performance enhancement drugs are illegal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because it leads into their preferred solution: More feminism! Family courts essentially discarding men at every opportunity? Sounds like you need more *feminism*. Men's suicide rates vastly exceeding women's? Sounds like you need *more feminism*. Mental health provision for men entirely absent in any practical sense? Sounds like you need **more feminism**! > then killed her pet and mailed her pieces of it, making her flee the country. Not exactly. Someone took shots at her dog, but that was after she, her family, and publisher had already gotten death threats. And why? Because she tried to open a shelter for men too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Miami's run defense is Alex Smith trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @user If you play field hockey there's a good chance you're a lesbian. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It doesn't count when it's done to white people, it's just \"revenge\" and \"sticking it to the man\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh wait I meant r\/lgbt LGBTQQIAAP FIFY There's so much crossover between LGBT and child abuse too. What the fuck happened. What happened is lefties pushing for tolerance and promoting degeneracy en masse. Gays reproduce by abusing children and that said, you watch them try to normalise pedophilia over the next decade. It's already started with female school teachers fucking their teenage students but once that Overton Window shifts further to the left, and pedophilia is no longer considered taboo to talk about, society will enter a free fall. That's how it actually starts ask damn near anyone of them they were \"touched\" in some way by someone in their life. Cause every excuse doesn't make any sense I've heard born this way, and it's not a choice. People would get demonized for it, but it's true it's all BS to satisfy their egos and that's it. Flame away, but if you want to be gay that's fine, but don't try to get me or others to give out sympathy for fucked up world views is all I'm asking.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Supreme Court Smacks Down Democrats' Attack on Trump https:\/\/t.co\/UkhxQBpRxk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"MONARCHY. What people think ... Worked for more than 1000 years. We have yet to have a republic last more than 500 before falling apart and requiring a King Fucktard, there are no men in power who have any connection to any actual divine entity or their blessing to rule... So this definition is as worthless as it was in Did I say there was? I was speaking of Monarchy itself which is the longest running system in history. It works. Republics are few and far between and the longest known Republic only lasted for 500 years before turning into a Monarchy I get it, you have nothing better to do than to post things with absolutely ZERO relevance to anything entertaining or holding a redeemable point to current events. I just don't get why??? I was commenting on a post about Monarchy did I claim it has to do with current events? And what I stated was objectively true. It is the longest running system of governance and works. Republics are statistically short-lived. That's just fact. Do you have nothing better to do than go around commenting on posts you hold no interest in since they are not current?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Barry Soetero, the butt humping faggot from Indonesia is a muzzie and a piece of shit half nigger whose daddy didn't love him and his mommy was a whore who didn't give a shit about him","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Flappy bird stresses me out","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Joe Biden just went to cast his vote. I bet he voted for Trump.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Easier than facing who? Retard muted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user So if you care about DV then ask government housing why has it taken over 4 years to relocate victims on very high needs instead of rehoming refugees please look after Australians first ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"These people are supposed 'refugees' trying to escape all of the oppression in their own country. Why then are they carrying the Honduran flag as they march on America? Only invaders do that. Militarize the border Mr. President, the Mexican federales say they are arriving to facilitate their invasion into America and deploying our military to protect our borders and the American people is long overdue. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6289067\/Mexico-dispatches-two-Boeing-727s-federal-police-officers-intercept-migrant-caravan.html If they loved their country they would stay and fix it. But it is about \"free stuff\", we all know that. Same for the masses swarming Europe the past few years. Like moths to a flame, if you dangle free stuff in their face the deadbeats will come. Cut all social services to all but citizens and watch them turn around.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whatever, loser. My wife has made me breakfast, and I have to get ready for work. Enjoy dying alone, you Muzzie Incel faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We all need to give this boomer faggot shabbos goy all the down votes we can.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"10\/ That lets anyone claim anyone is \"alt-right\" to either praise or criticize them and similarly lets anyone \"hide\" in the \"alt-right\" to either be protected or try to claim they represent the \"alt-right.\" It's very clever, but it's also very boring for anyone who isn't mentally retarded bc it's so obvious. NPCs are mentaly retarded...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"There's trash talk from various sources that Gab is a White Supremacist website. Has anyone noticed anything close to a racist (white) undertow? It's my assumption that the slander is nothing more than the big tech Giants protecting their mental cesepool","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump #MAGA2020#Trump2020@realDonaldTrump Regards president https:\/\/t.co\/M1Cnm6QPbL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You aren't alive because savages from the middle-East brought retarded diseases with them to your schools I guess I'm a centrist on this, unwashed goat fuckers bring the disease back in, where it can infect children of retarded ass shit brains who think vaccines cause autism. The fact that the same parents who think vaccines cause autism are often found screaming for open borders is simply the icing on the cake. Vaccines have caused autism. Savages have brought in a lot of disease. Blaming anti-vaxxers is like putting a bandaid on cancer. Oh I agree, they deserve to live in the shitholes they helped to create. I'm just saying, if you know your country is bringing in unwashed savages that carry diseases you should probably get your kids vaccinated regardless of the threat of autism, at least that way they can live long enough to be raped and murdered and cooked and served as kebab by one of the goat fuckers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@leetreble_ quit bitching faggot, happy you cant see your faggot family cry baby little girl crying in the parking lot, you aint a man sissy","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Remember KIDS ... the Name the JEW BULLSHIT ... is a counter intelligence program ... This is why is ONLY serves the system. Try breathing through your nose. You are a loser. LOSER. Keep being a BITCH or WIN ... Simple Choice really. You are a CUNT who uses words -- you will be ass fucked in PRISON because you are BITCH.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Which Way, Western Man?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A bunch of bloomen idiots!!!! This country is a melting pot of immigrants. We are unique, and diverse. It's best to celebrate difference. It is normal to fear what one does not understand, however, when one matures, a person can be accepting of diversity.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@RabbiHighComma wanted me to tell you this. \"STFU kike. This jew has me muted. Someone please let it know I have my oven set to clean and it needs to stop by.\" I told it I wasn't scared to die and asked the kike if he was. It fled with jazz hands, oy vey terror. Aren't they always doing that? If it wants nigger it should go to Africa. I'm sure they will be accepting. Lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Drop dead and die Obama. Islam and all idiots who practice it must be eliminated. Allah is a false god ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#VoteRepublican #Trump2020 #FillTheSeat HUGE! New Data Shows States with Unemployment Over 10% Are ALL RUN BY DEMOCRATS Except One https:\/\/t.co\/0kmIXsWiEH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck no. The ultimate cunt I would say. A bowl without a bottom. Lean the way wind is blowing cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@CatholicMomVA @Neal_Dewing that would cripple our military :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Booker needs to open his uneducated leftard mouth more often in order to convince the rest of us that he indeed is a retard as originally suspected","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"For each repost this image gets, 1 libtard will be permanently owned Hey jew@jew talk shit like a dirty rabbi with a shave'n schmekel 'n tell us something about this jew soiled repost that's up your ass like a fist up your sleeve. Jew punk you work so hard to subvert shit you don't even realize you are hungry enough to eat it. Memes that ridicule white gentiles are jew memes you need to be schooled about with tuna net'n fish hooks. FU be quiet nigger QUOTE @CORNELIUSRYE'S POST @CorneliusRye: be quiet nigger Hey looky here a jew with a prayer. Hey jew clutch it like a pearl necklace in Greenwich Village you NYC Tel Aviv gay boy'n wanna be jet setter. Jew plan to repeat yourself or repeat me until another goat wanders too close to your zio-monster and you need comfort. Fuck it'n your dog shit terrorism jew.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"you tried. Figured I was in the wrong sub to take this stance but I stand by it Yep. \"Violent comment in response to lighthearted jab? LMAO Stacy got REKT Oh no, a violent comment. I bet the pixels left a bruise. To be fair that sort of humor does just perpetuate the shitty wife beater culture and moves the lines of what is acceptable a liiiittle bit further in a bad direction. It sure as fuck doesnt. See, you dont understand it, so you shit on it because you're ignorant. An offensive joke is funny because its *wrong*. That's what people are laughing at, how terrible it is. So an admission that assault, spousal abuse, rape or 9\/11 are all wrong and bad is against whatever dumb ideology you grasp like an old woman with her pearls is correct then? You're for those things?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @TomBradysEgo: Might have a better chance if we put some trash cans out there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user No bitch when Sue's sister died I was hysterical..so much sad shit happens but it's so good! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Typical Jewess","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"think Spain is biting off more than it can chew #nomore #sendthemback ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mute it. It's a White nigger of the kikenvermin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"US Army Quietly Discharging Immigrant Recruits ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"...IS HERE...\" The optimal phrase. Is here. Hannity is here, parino, Ingram was there, you know Levin and Shapiro were. Ezra Levant? .... Lots of men in Israel would be considered white men I think Many of the Jews in Israel today aren't necessarily descended from the Middle East. Lots descend from Europe and the US hitler grandfather was a Jew Lying cunt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Joachim banning striker from the show is a retarded decision. They used to get into it a lot and I could tell Joachim would get pissed but that's what would make the show so entertaining. There's no point in watching anymore. He's probably going to notice a significant decrease in donations as a result","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If women at the view laughed at a guy getting his penis cut off, I dont think people really sympathize with penis injuries [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user I'm sure you also get mad when guys stair at ur ass and act like you don't understand why they do it #WomenSuck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#TEDxKakumaCamp showed how given a stage, refugees can shine. And how given opportunity, they can thrive. If you missed the event, you can watch each talk here: #WithRefugees ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What is that nigger bitch doing with straight blonde hair then? Bitch you aint white!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Young people taking care of business. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here's what Americans think about immigration via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bet Charlie Strong has contacted Ridley","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"how the fuck do all these fucking faggot ass randos even find zoe's ask account????","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"NO goyim, they wanted to have an overly elaborate mentally retarded scheme whereby they pretended to be sending people to showers at gunpoint and then gassed them, because if the jew knew he was going to his certain death, he would have somehow escaped or something.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"On the Burqa I think people in the West seem to get confused with how it's worn in Western countries and in the ME. I'm not a fan of it myself but know so many people that wear it to feel more religious, often surprising their 1st-gen immigrant parents that tried to fit in. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #Teen | Cutie lesbian teens toy slits http:\/\/t.co\/ZS05enjjwm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As always, aj continues its way of lies.You like that don't you?Presenting the palestinians as \"poor and innocent\", completely ignoring and hiding the reality.On the last two weeks, 2 terrible terror attacks were preformed by palestinians.One where a palestinian drove a truck into a group of soldiers, killing 4 and injuring 15, and another where a palestinian ran over Israeli officer Erez Levi to death with a truck.These houses are the ones of the terrorists.Ever since the terror wave that started last year, a new rule has passed, which says that any palestinian that preforms a terror attack (including ramming, shooting and the most common, stabbing) against Israelis will have his house destroyed.This rule dramatically lowered the amount of terror attacks beign preformed, and here, you can see it in action.aj, you need to understand, your lies don't really make it any more.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Immigrants Using Nearly 60 Percent More Food Stamps than Native Born Americans ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"President Trump on MS-13 Gangs: Were either throwing them the hell in jail or getting them out of our country.#BuildTheWall#MAGA#WalkAway#EndDACA #IllegalAliens #VoteDemsOut #WakeUpAmerica #WalkAwayDemocrats2018 #VoteRed #ChooseCruz #VetoBeto ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Not all heroes wear capes :'(. If after such selflessness you still feel the need to criticize him on his looks, his faith and his appearance, it only goes to show how shallow and weak you are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Redacted is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If ever sports seemed scripted , this ending to this Yankee game proved it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"slutty cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fucking dropped my phone and cracked the screen fucking shit cunt bitch ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ella__fraser: When you clam up, my survival instinct is to kick the door shut","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"the uploader has not made this video available in your country\". ? i am USA , wtf...anyhoots..money for nothing and your checks for free...yep,we loved it.could say faggot and get away with it","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Trump Administration Tells ACLU It's Responsible for Finding Deported Immigrant Parents via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"THATS SOUNDS RETARDED TO PPL WITH DOWNS HOLY SHIT","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oregon Governor Kate Brown Misuse of Public Funds, Conflicts of Interest, \"Graft and \"Corruption https:\/\/t.co\/ubsiJXqpI2 . Anyone else notice every single NEVER TRUMPER is ripping off and betraying the trust of the American people. Just makes me sick.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump Awesome! He's right. Leaders don't hide in the basement, attics, under the bed. They go out and confront all advisories head on. Let's Goooo Trump! #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't forget to keep sharing our GoFundMe! We're still want to raise $3,000 more to send Life Span staff to support immigrant families at the border! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump We are waiting for you Mr president !!, you gonna be good #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not really sure how to describe what's happening here #eurotrash @mguiducci @nickbrown85 @ VIP Room http:\/\/t.co\/WTS6nM3egc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey, tweeps! Anyone know and willing to share the appropriate @user or @user editor to pitch an immigration\/asylum op-ed? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@janefourmillion @Crocker_Actual Conceptually your idea of the party switch is BS and wrong. It is the way that the rasicst southern democrats tried to pawn off responsibility... Read history Byrd and Biden two of a kind.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Im from the philippines. When i go outside the country, they think im chinese but does it matter to me? Nope. Asians who grew up and living in Asia dont make a big deal bout this. Not sure why in America it's a different story.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump may be creating 'permanently orphaned kids,' judge says .. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"you tube should remove this bullshit channel its muslim propaganda rot in hell parasite","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hmm see that's where I disagree. There is a difference. One is polite and one is being a cunt, but it still seems a little over reaching if the government can fine you just for being a cunt. If that's the case, I got a whole bunch of friends I should be calling in And telling someone to 'move their van' is in no way an implied threat. The thing is, being a cunt isn't illegal. And she didn't say \"move your van\" only, she said \"Move your van, don't park here again even if the street collapses\". That is hostile. Being a cunt aside, it could also be interpreted as obstruction of justice\/obstruction of a government worker doing their duty. If you're there, trying your best to lug a heavy body to an ambulance to save it, and you're in a hurry, and see that note, you all of a sudden get wary of your safety, which adds a lot to a situation like that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Everyone who is r*de is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That's what happens when you base an entire science off a flawed premise. [https:\/\/embryo.asu.edu\/pages\/david-reimer-and-john-money-gender-reassignment-controversy-johnjoan-case](https:\/\/embryo.asu.edu\/pages\/david-reimer-and-john-money-gender-reassignment-controversy-johnjoan-case) and#x200B; John Money, who coined the modern understanding of gender, was a fraud and probably a pedophile. You'd have to be insane or delusional to take a single experiment on a sample size of one where the control subject committed suicide along with the test subject seriously. You'd have to be an absolute twat to pass it off as successful well before either your control or test reaches adulthood.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@HeilSidious Sion is a faggot. Very meh ganks pre-6 and post-6 his ganks are still pretty meh he's just a tank, nothing special imo Mao +","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@TheRock @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris Wow an overpaid celebrity giving advice, as if he lives in the real world with the rest of us. #defundhollywood #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user how drunk was this a hole and did you threaten to chop it off in theme with the month? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Having said that, the cowardly cunt that hit Conor from behind should get a lifetime ban. Disgraceful behaviour. Surprised Conor didn't press charges.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"AJ - All you do is promote anti-police crap. Instead of saying what's wrong with the system, offer a solution. Nothing but negativty comes from AJ, you are better off spending time with your loved ones than reading this crap.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#tikiti - rough mock for the base of what will eventually be an ashtray @ Tiki Ti http:\/\/t.co\/8zE8aqY0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GO F yourselves ... such barbaric inhumane brutal action!!!!! The man didn't do anythinggggggg ... And what a stupid statement by the company I hope united airlines lose like big time #VivaHumanity","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"that little kick made you rage that hard?!?!?!, what a fucking pussy","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Called 844-4STAND5 to let my legislators know I #standwithrefugees. The calling system worked flawlessly except for the part where I cried. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user Good job!! Now start building\/funding the wall!!#BuildThatWall #MAGA2018 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate every religion, but because of you I hate most of all your religion and its stupid theories about God and shits","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oh, no come back from the Nutzi faggot Lulz The pussy mutes ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You look like Russian and speak like Indian. Both are disgusting go kill yourself","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"what every mockery refugee art u perform u still belong to a shit community.. stop islam and world will be a better place","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Unintended consequences of the current fed regulations. Trays of uneaten food thrown in the trash, Hungry kids. http:\/\/t.co\/aaMJhHOW7y","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Idc if a bitch was a hoe cause I love hoes. They're mad fun and nastyyy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're here celebrating these deaths all because they were Jews you're a huge cunt and you're one of the reasons why the right to bear arms should not be a right at all. You're the cunt who would deny the ability for men and women of conscience, integrity, and character the means to defend themselves. SHAME ON YOU.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@JoeBiden The last 47 years comes down to the next 42 days . . . . . #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Too much makeup so trash..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@LindseyGrahamSC Obamacawe is a disastew - I know because I was on it. My pwemiums went up 300% and my covewage stunk. Undew my pwan, SC wouwd get awmost $1 biwwion in new funding, pwe-existing condition covewage wiww be pwotected, and wocawities wiww be in chawge, not a facewess DC buweaucwat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Darla you trifling skank! #QueenSugar ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The KKK served a purpose - to keep unruly niggers on the reservation of law and order...rape apes attacked White women, especially after","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"why is this women walking outside yelling like bitch we in a white neighborhood chill out ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jew doing what Jews do best...grab other peoples land.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"IT'S ALL PIG JEW TO ME Here is your sand nigger savior","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"HOLY SHIT u\/flapyourwings you need some help? oh wait that's rape according to your dumbass Dear u\/flapyourwings Thank you for proving anti feminists correct in broad daylight. For years i and others have called your movement hypocrisy. And year after year i see more people realize it's the truth. And you're only helping us prove that! So thank you once again, honey. Luckily people like u\/flapyourwings are essentially unable to procreate so natural selection will wipeout people lie her in a jiffy. Glorious.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just ten countries look after 12.5 million of world's 20 million non-Palestinian refugees, and nine of those are in developing regions, not rich ones - UN @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">if the NDP had put up a candidate that spoke french ... What kind of retard doesn't run a bilingual rep in Ottawa. >I don't think school trustees really do much It entirely depends on what kind of trustees you have. Because [there's a lot of stuff *technically* under their incredibly broad remit](https:\/\/www.ocdsb.ca\/board), and all it takes is a couple ideologues to fuck everything up. Because \"deliver effective and ***appropriate*** education programs to its pupils\" means they can cut shit out of the curriculum if they find it \"inappropriate\". And this is definitely the kind of person that's going to find a lot of shit inappropriate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"*sigh not another fool. Damn AJ despite being based in an Arab country you sure are liberal as crap. Next it will be a Muslim stripper who wear hijab, \"she's breaking stereotypes!\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"@ArizonasFinest6: Why the eggplant emoji doe?\"y he say she looked like scream lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Saudi TV had to pixelate Angela Merkel's hair to avoid plunging the nation into uncontrollable sexual excitement... close call ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So it's all made up, eh? https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/huge-christine-ford-published-2008-article-on-self-hypnosis-used-to-retrieve-and-create-artificial-situations\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"If you were given 10 grapes and told two of them were poison, and you couldn't tell which two, would you eat any of them? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"a faggot wearing an inverted pentagram i'm shocked i tell you...SHOCKED.....I find it hysterical that the edgy homo has no clue when \"UTOPIA\" is achieved his kind will be among the first liquidated I'm going to add this to my description of these people... Fairy gay demonic faggot. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Southern born Rebel !! South Carolina !! Fuck that Nigger !","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"why are these jihadi jane ingrates even in america in the first place? Ugly, vile twat reminds me of the Goon from Popeye cartoon.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just asked him if sexual harrasment n rape r even recognised as crime in Islam or if yes why only women is guilty ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White terrorism, oh no he's a drug addict or he must be drunk or depressed. Job well done by media on brainwashing the whites and making them psychic walking zombies. Whites have done enough mischief to humanity. India pakistan africa hiroshima and nagasaki,Blacks, Latinos Vietnamese, Iraq, Afghanistan,syria, libya, Sudan, palestine , chechniya bosnia, serbia , Muslims, atleast 20 million people are being killed after ww2 by USA alone. Freaking 14 trillion $ spent only on war in foreign soil in the last 3 decades by USA . those innocent lives are all someones father's mothers sons daughters brothers sisters grand parents uncles and aunts. Why does whites always wanna go fishing in poor man's water and steal their fish ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"The American administration's decision to withhold $300 million had a deep impact on UNRWA's ability to cater to #Palestine #refugees ' needs\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Great...Italy should take all refugees and send them all to the Vatican square to live!!! That would make you happy, right? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Illegals Do Not have Constitutional Rights per #SCOTUS therfeore no Right to Free Education on U.S Taxpayers Back ! Stop Rewarding Illegals #SendThemHome Trump MAGA #RedNationRising #SundayMorning via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Which expendable player can we put in with the sole objective of breaking Beverley's jaw?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user Close the tunnels with gunpowder ! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nigger Vergewaltiger frisch aus dem Knast entlassen - vergewaltigt gleich die n chste 21-J hrige. https:\/\/www.journalistenwatch.com\/2018\/10\/18\/nach-kurs-besuch\/ Geht in Ordnung. Ich hab sowieso nix gegen Nigger!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @I_Be_kOoLz Food be good...except that rice they cook that bitch on Monday for the week + Tootsies?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Many illigal refugees was found death in south of USA in the desert. Trump can help, if he build the wall against Mexiko. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Should I take a nap though too kill a mocking bird or nah?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If ILLEGALS don't want to be separated from their children at the border,this can easily be prevented. Don't illegally cross the order. Why does anyone expect them to be rewarded for committing a crime? #SendThemBack #BuildTheWal #NoDACA #Trump ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":".FIND'em! #MAGA and #BuildThatWall, #KeepNewsREAL. I am praying for the #Trump administration. @user .. WHO do you think it is? You have great instincts and discernment as a #Christian. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's TRUE though. I cant fucking fight as well as a 6'4\" ogre of a fucking man, I and definitely cant carry one","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Rainbow Nation\" I don't remember black being a color in the rainbow. Hmmm.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every spic cop in #LosAngeles is loyal to the #LatinKings","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck Stevie https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=T0ZGNGBNIL8 Shup foo we're listening to the same thing pretty much LMMFAO !!! Get a hold of yerself , no jokes have been told , gab is a humorless place full of politics And then some !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only black lives matter. fuck white people the cancer of the earth","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Can confirm, people are entitled cunts and they deserve what they collectively get. The good can go with the bad as far as I'm concerned.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It sounds so ugly to hear a female talk about another female claiming she's a \"slut or whore like bitch it ain't yo pussy why u worried for ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Appropriately this guy wears the WV yellow Rick James on his face. @BarkingCarnival http:\/\/t.co\/SGb9rYvdmb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"more context: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=_RVch9ZBwQM its bullshit he was led away in cuffs, both those bitches should be prosecuted he was clearly defending himself, he didnt even hit her. That made me sick. \"He hit her, he hit her I saw it. That's against the law\" bitch you didn't see shit. People are so unobservant it's not even funny bunch of retards we share this planet with and they work also Most of the pieces of shit don't work, they live off the backs of the people who do. They do tend to reproduce at amazing speed, though. It looks like they cuffed them both. They might be using the opportunity to get them away from the scene for two reasons: to figure out wtf happened in a controlled manner and to ensure the other retards on the scene calm the fuck down and don't start fights with the dude. That's me being optimistic. I wouldn't be surprised if they arrested him cause he's a dude.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dooms.. RT @Gutta_DaDon: White nubuck or leather for the upper of the foam makes them a pass to me. White soles too. http:\/\/t.co\/QIVkEPtLKj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DECLARING OCTOBER to be TRUMP 2020 and American Flag Month! Posting Trump 2020 Images and American Flags! While the Radical Left Burns Them, WE WEAR THEM!Get these Tees in Collection 800 on Home Page of our site at https:\/\/t.co\/O4m0kNdzdR#Trump2020 #America #TrumpWonDebate https:\/\/t.co\/McCrCV9MUF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you think I fuck with that hoe then you a fool ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bewildered by EU leaders' various plans for preventing more migrant and refugee boat arrivals and where to send them? Here's a helpful overview ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why don't they have quotes around PRESS on her jacket? It would make much more sense that way. Fuck you AJ+!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user good girl ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Strange company for a Trump superfan to be keeping... Its a false flag he was going to blame other people and cause alot of shit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How is this acceptable from the president of our country? This was an intelligent and genuine question.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just to be clear, your vote on the WFP line will STILL COUNT for Joe Biden\/Kamala Harris, it's just also a vote of support for the progressive policies this country so badly needs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not a single mention of antifa ... just \"a local anti fascist group Anti fascists acting like fascists I guess Impossible. Leftists are our moral superiors. They can't be fascists. Literally impossible. Just like they can't be racists. Educate yourself, dude. 10\/10 spice and for sarcasm Dude no please, antifa are communists, they are behaving and acting like communists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is a glorious life that I lead ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @GOPBlackChick: The racists are @msnbc and its crew of anchors. Not \"right wing \" folks. @MHarrisPerry mocks mixed GOP kids.http:\/\/t.co ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=r-uUZne4JT0 TAKE YOUR HOUSE NIGGER WITH YOU, AFTER WE CRUSH YOU ALL THIS NOVEMBER! FASCIST!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"By saying there were 10x more fansubbers you're admitting fansubbers still exist, which means that they didn't die out. Your own words are playing themselves against you. Also, more and more people are abandoning CrunchyRoll, soon enough CrunchyRoll will die.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Have you kept that cooling in your human icebox just for this occasion?Hysterical woman?!?ROFLMFAO! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"the British always considered the Irish their nigger slaves.. They considered the Irish lesser than niggers. the Irish were British slaves for many centuries.. so what do they do now?? open their borders to a fllood of muslims and blacks from africa.. not a very bright people... I still can't believe they have a Gay Indian as their President too. So as long as you can chug Guinness and do a Riverdance you are considered Irish now huh? if Ireland keeps this shit up, in a few generations Ireland will become a muslim,nigger island..","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I thought these fucks hated capitalism? This is literally \"Goods and\/or services in exchange for money.\" for god's sake!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everyone is welcomed to call me a spic and a faggot, hopefully make it funny, but it's fine either way.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They don't have to be smart. Their opposition has morons like you who ignore the threat and make retarded dick jokes. Useless dimwit muted.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck you stupid cunt !!! didnt want to hurt him?????? More proof WOMEN LIE ALL THE TIME LOUSY STINKING WHORE","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"TRUTH!!!! Riley Dennis is also one UGLY fucking thing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@FoxNewsSunday well look at this little gem. Interesting.#MAGA2020 https:\/\/t.co\/6gTyVsprRH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GUYS, I just walked into an office, and the secretary has a bird. Looks like I may just find out for myself. http:\/\/t.co\/T9U4VGWJWv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the difference between a grateful immigrant and an illegal gimmegrant! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You fucking people are insane. Was he a 17 year old retard or was he a normal, sexually charged almost adult? Cuz that is prime time ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"prob pulling muzzie later and a godo moon cake","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How can you say stfu and leave me alone in a good way? lol ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What your posts about owning excessive guns say about you: #MoronLabe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gone bust it open for a real nicca ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Speak for yourself but I don't have to act like a sand nigger to do it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why McDonald's breakfast good but the lunch trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The world divided over trumped up charges and more refugees drowning l blame the refugees who burnt and murdered Christians their religion ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Our office was featured on NPR on a story about \"Anxiety Grows Over Anti-Immigrant Actions: 'We Feel They Are After Us'\" Listen to WRC staff and immigrant commentary on the topic or read online:https:\/\/t.co\/WNOWT2Rq6w ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Drink some bleach dumb cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@wodenswolf What are your thoughts on this? (Lindisfarne gospel, depicts Noah and the people of his time as Anglo-Saxons, wearing Anglo-Saxon attire, and Noah's Ark as a longship) IMO That's what the Monks who created it were familiar with during that period as they were Anglo-Saxons, so it makes sense they'd that interpret the scene based on what surrounded them everyday. I doubt many of the Monks at Lindesfarne had ever been to the Middle East or knew much about the ship types and clothing styles in use there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"YUP... FAGGOT SHEPARD SMITH IS ALREADY AT IT.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Every refugee deserves:protectionsheltera chance to start overunderwearThanks to @user and #PUMABodywear, refugee women and girls will be covered when it comes to the last item: ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bullshit. The communist, Liberal Left is causing ALL of the problems, and anyone with a braincell can see it. You all just exist to fool the retarded normies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"random running dogs in the ghetto","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You know you are in the ghetto when you see streets named Martin Luther King Jr and LittleJohn. #halp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RETARD IT'S READ ME NOT HEAR ME TRANNY B","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.express.co.uk\/news\/uk\/1034181\/Brexit-news-UK-EU-Gina-Miller-John-Longworth-Peoples-Vote-march The Daily Express no longer allow any comments on wog Gina Miller. She is now above criticism or scrutiny.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The religion of peace? Nope, the religion of intolerance and destruction.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"New camouflage for the U.S. military.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women in general don't realize how easy they have it. Fat girls are on a whole different level of delusional. If this cunt were a man, she would die a virgin...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"not fun @DPD_UK when you have braxton hicks and cramps regularly from moving around. You try it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Niggers are locked into their interests, which include - affirmative action, promotion of miscegenation by the government and corporations, gibs me dat and media portrayals that spin their negatives into positives. When a funny nigger breaks from this tribal loyalty and becomes friendly with the enemy (Whitey), the nigger sees this as a betrayal.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A superrior white woman mixing with e nigger or similar race is discusting, how can a woman sleep with such stinking inferrior creatures? And as for asiens and white latinos I got nothing against...but look at demographics...we are lowering our numbers and the white treasonous whores are making kids with the invaders or with others? WTF? THE JEWISH WAY Exactly those fucking jews introduced Marxism in the USA and liberals bought that shit cuz they was to stupid to see why hitler wanted them dead. Now its ok to be anything but a white male","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When you just stuffed your fucking face and the waiter asks you if you want dessert ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is due to the legality. The guy just threw in a unnecessary derogatory comment which triggered all the retarded loli loving shitheads. Beep beep beep (just pretend \"Retard\" is replaced with \"Pedophile\" in my username)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Is it me or the guy making NY pizza sounds like Robert di Niro?!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Actually Hispanic is not white. There are some Hispanics that have more Spanish blood than others. None of them are anglos. I'm not going to spiral but the notion that Spanish who mixed with arabs, jews and Indian are white is laughable. Less than 1% can pass as white, if that. I also love how this guy does the \"I WON'T PURITY SPIRAL BUT\" bit and proceeds to essentially do so anyway. The Nordcuck wignat purity spiralers aren't sending their best. Also: inb4 \"BUTTBLASTED MED MUTT LUL\" I'm actually 100% Northern European by ancestry and proud of it. I like how you opted to attack me. I don't believe pointing out people who are less than 75% European aren't white is purity spiraling. The average argentinean is 10% ashkenazi. As I said Hispanics aren't white and their DNA tests speak for themselves. You literally said people who are 10% ashkenazi are white 90% white is basically white Mr. \"ME NO SPIRAL\". They aren't 90% white...65% European at best. That's not white. >same fucking lies and strawmen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The picture isnt opening for me So let me guess who Canadas faggot trudeau ???","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":">y'all cunts Inclusive and friendly way to address people. Or so I've been told. What do I know, english is not my first language. I cheat by calling everyone \"mate\" or \"cunt\". Can't misgender if you don't try and use classy gender specific pronouns *taps head*","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I believe there was a video going around recently of police shooting an unarmed autistic man as well... I can't remember the details but this is disgusting... black, white, purple, it doesn't matter, these police officers should ROT for this...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"well I am smart enough to tell you, To go fuck your self, And you can tell Carolyn what ever you want to yourself I not your nigger Kike","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The dirty little secret: many in the media are hip deep and guilty in crossfire hurricane or married to someone who is. Also, many are getting big $$ from China.As a result, they LOATHE TRUMP!#CrossfireHurricane #KAG#MAGA#Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pfft yeah go there to the male feminist lapdogs flogging themselves in the slim hope of maybe just mabye getting some cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#Debates2020 If #Biden doesn't drool or fall asleep #CNN and #MSNBC will declare him a masterful debater and winner #SenileJoe #SleepyJoe #TaxingJoe. #Trump2020 is the clear choice, proven economy builder. Obama\/Biden worst economy ever, worst recovery ever. High taxes no jobs","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user But we do need to teach our boys to Respect and Protect our women not harass rape beat and belittle them ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @DCPlod: The paranoid fear of sharia on the right boils down to: Christian fundamentalists should be the sole oppressors and persecu ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump can order the military to the border, then some faggot judge will just come along and block it ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This old guy has a child in grade school? More likely a grandchild. Or great grandchild, as this species are often grandparents by 30! Yeah, this ratchet-ass old nigger is certainly the type who would raise kids to end up in prison so grandpa gets stuck raising the next generation in his image, too! https:\/\/www.wmdt.com\/2018\/10\/salisbury-man-arrested-for-threatening-school-officials\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"[removed] Woah there Gapeman7! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Get fucked","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well damn . Bitch said dwarf women lmaooooo ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Got out Kali voter info. Faggot newsom info says it all.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.today.com\/video\/inside-today-s-international-day-of-the-girl-celebration-with-michelle-obama-1342648899934 This sheboon cunt enrages me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Jeremy Corbyn is an antisemite https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/jerusalem\/2018\/10\/10\/israels-u-n-envoy-danny-danon-calls-jeremy-corbyn-an-anti-semite\/ #LabourParty #CommieCorbyn #FascistLeft","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @guypbenson: Confused. Are lefties using the #Bridgeghazi hashtag to mock the bridge situation as frivolous, or seriously equating the t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NBCNewYork Looks like the US DOJ is writing scripts for the Russian GRU troll farms. #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Alabama ain't called part of The Bible Belt for nothing.50 yrs ago they would have ------- her.250 yrs ago she'd been ------ at the -----.Hey that is progress in the right direction although glacier like. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hear there's big riots in France tonight but I can't find any news!? Anyone know a source?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"AUM INDIA FOR INDIANS, BANGLADESHIS GO HOME -THAT SHOULD BE OUR AIM TO PURSUE. ANYONE WHO INFRINGES CITIZENSHIP RULES MUST BE PUNISHED SEVERELY. THE STATE OF ASSAM HAS ENFORCED A ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY TOWARDS ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS LEST ASSAMESE ARE REDUCED TO A MINORITY IN ASSAM. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user I hate when other women drink the Kool -Aid. Sexual assault and rape is about power and control. Tha ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @wvjoe911: Gov Rick Scott Refuses To Debate Charlie Crist Because Of A Small Fan http:\/\/t.co\/hKMfPnRukU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"To All of You Racist Black AntiAmericans To All of Mainstream Media To All Liberals You are all a bunch of Faggot MutherFukrs Thank You @realDonaldTrump #DealWithIt #KanyeTrump Case in point: #RACEMIXERINCHIEF Nice... Wow! I can see the haters down voted this great meme... Wow... Dimocrats? Jew haters?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"We hate niggers, we hate faggots and we hate spics\"-kkk rally","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Space, niggers fear whites in space, because we may leave them and they will turn the whole earth into zimbabwe Cedric the entertainer said the nigger will follow us in a space ship that has 60 rims and a boom box","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@WMUR9 No thanks. First eric and now pence? We don't need or want more superspreader events here. I already voted for Joe and Kamala.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cory Booker thinks he's the most hysterical woman in the Senate ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Y do u think there is a war on pain drs .because it gets into the cartels drug money's an government's drug buisness. so they went after drs an big pharmacy. now more heroin on streets.funny how that worked out for cartels an government. an now obummer yaght busted for 125 mill doller worth of cocainr were not stupid but hopefully trump puts a end to it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#WakeUp #Spain !! Stop #IllegalImmigration , and #sendthemback . ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the faggot take on religion","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"PLAY MUSICAL CARS ALL YOU WANT...IM LIKE YOU...GOTTA KILL ME TO MAKE ME STOP...YOU HAVE NO DICK ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@MarshaBlackburn Seriously, get present would you? You're living in 2016. Your boss is a blatent outright criminal. What does he have on you? #BIDENHARRIS2020 #TRUMPFORPRISON2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user You know you can always block me right ? Or are you an attention whore ? Waiting for your feminist friends to get on line ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wee little ones living in their bubble.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When they start burning the hags in bags and neutering muzzie men, then I would say they had enough.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Racism today is viewed as seeing race as in issue in your surroundings. So if someone calls me a racist they are automatically a racist too because they are making race as an issue? I will say that the pejorative \"racist\" has lost it's effect because it is so overused.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@goldiethegamma @CLoprestiWFAN I'm referring to the second down put Vick in slot play #trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Girls with tongue rings are as bad as girls with engagement rings... They have to get that shit in every picture ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"White people as usual with there bullshit Aint nothing new...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Shut the fuck up dumb bitch. If you dont like it dont fucking reply You childish slut ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can Charlie Crist pull one over on Rick Scott? Well he did pull one over on #floridaprimary dems tonite. #TPOT #Election2014","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@BolandDrummer I have never once in my life been to a 'coffee shop' like Starbucks. I am a hick though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"if u eat fried eggs and leave the yolk entirely yellow ur a disgrace and also nasty","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Any of those faggot gay punks will gladly do it. That's how they hang posters in their rooms---jizz on the wall, and stick 'em up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"WTF? Out of curiousity, I decided to check this out. I have never seen a more racist show in my entire life. Every Nigger male is paired ONLY with a White, blue-eyed blonde female. This is the extreme of racism. This shit needs to be ended. White girls with White boys ONLY. End of.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@joelockhart Oh FFS... I'm so tired.#vote #BidenHarris2020 #TrumpIsARacist","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"nope RT @DerekIsNormal: Just ordered Domino's. Am I trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"> But we Jews are better than the Nazi One Robert Bowers is worth a thousand yids. By the time he arrives at the hospital, he would've been sedated, he wouldn't have been screaming as described. Silly Yid. This is America. We don't treat those we arrest as you treat the Palestinians your nation state arrests. My brother knows the guy, he's got this friend saw well he didn't see it, but he was standing next to the person that saw it, and that person told him, according to him, what they saw was that. I can't believe you'd be so darn stupid as to not believe that. That's what was said was seen By the guy standing next to the friend of the brother I got that he knows. Right okay. Yeah. So brave of him to murder old people in a synagogue. What a guy. Their Bolshevik ancestors did far worse. https:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/en\/d\/dd\/The_Persistence_of_Memory.jpg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Its about time!!! GOP Senate candidate calls for state investigation of Ellison allegations https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/dVR8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yea I am White that stay's away from middle eastern sand nigger shit","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I don't see the problem? It's not like deportation is a new thing. It's suddenly a problem when Trump cracks down on it? It's not pretty to see a family torn apart but if you've been in America for over 10 years, you should have gone through the process. It's not like they are treated terribly. I don't consider illegal immigrants criminals. They're just doing what they can to make a better life for their families.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Many of you guys know I am not lily white...and not even REMOTELY Aryan... yet you have befriended me without hesitation. The left wants to depict us as a festering hive of White Supremacist \"nazis\". Gab is more than \"Hate Speech\". For one thing, there is no such thing as hate speech. It is a figment of emotion-driven leftist intolerance. We are a vast community of free thinkers. We respect the opinions of others, though we may disagree. We know that the First Amendment comes before all others, because tyranny begins the moment they attempt to silence us. Color is inconsequential, but character is everything. Good men and women died for MY right to speak freely, and BY GOD, I will. Especially to fight leftist lies. I #StandWithGab I did not know you are not white. Nor does it matter to me. I judge by character not skin color and you are A+ ok in the character department. : ) LOL. I've known you since Twitter, and read your backgroud story there. I thought you were an \"orphan\" white girl who grew up in a black neighborhood, or something like that. White is sometimes just a perception. Lot's of us in the melting pot are not \"pure.\" I am not ashamed. I am Irish and Menominee. I lived in the \"ghetto\" in Chicago, in Altgeld Gardens, then raised as a ward of the state in foster care. Adopted briefly. Then unadopted. Conservatives come from all walks of life.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh yeah! Biden\/Harris bracelets #Gemstones #VoteBlue2020 #BidenHarris2020 #VoteHimOut https:\/\/t.co\/O7syxzLUR0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're insane if you think \"proportional force\" is the way to approach anything... What a retarded viewpoint. Where is your retarded 'would've could've should've' game when it comes to the person resisting arrest and ignoring being told that she's about to get body slammed?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Big bird holds press conf claims \"he does not care for the letter f\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Everyone should have disconnected from Google when I warned about this two years ago. Instead you all just keep walking down the slaughter chute, oblivious as retarded cows.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What's the difference between a blonde and a washing machine? A washing machine won't follow you around all day after you drop a load in it ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If train officers that are wearing body armor stand back to watch the smoke clear. Why does every gun ho wanna be... http:\/\/t.co\/cuLyANyQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Its insanely obvious this sub is just retarded > retarded Can you not? This is able privileged as fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Is that guy too retarded to turn that off before he starts spraying it?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"trump claims Immunity. James Corden already has a song for that. https:\/\/t.co\/QG91i1jX9a","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jihadis seem to be more upset over the location of the Jedah conference in #Saudi than its purpose #ISIS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Vote early and make sure your vote is counted. #VoteBlue2020 #BidenHarris2020Landslide https:\/\/t.co\/Sxsik6r8EZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good pick birds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Important PSA to frequent visitors of Free Speech Group: Because of the lefts new onslaught of attacks against @a and @Gab, Gab will likely be down come Monday morning and remain that way for a few weeks while Gab tries to find a new host. Love you and hope to see you all posting again soon!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Breathe. I know. Jesus said to them, \"Why do you cowards have so little faith? Then he got up, gave an order to the wind and the sea, and the sea became very calm. The men were amazed and asked, \"What kind of man is this? Even the wind and the sea obey him! Mat 8: 26-27 Calm is one of those rare words that sounds like what it means. Thank you Charlie. Thank you. Because of you, I remembered this also. And as I write this, I realize it's importance and what He meant. Ooo ooo ooo! Rock the tribe man. Rock the tribe! 'bout time some got up in their faces we've been Mr Nice Guys long enough. Lie down like a door matt and they will wipe their feet on you if they even bother to wipe their feet as they come in take what they want. F^*kin push back and defend our borders and what we say goes! I looked in the mirror and asked...why so quiet? Who are you not trying to offend and why? Been there, done that....still doing that sometimes! Conditioning ....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We are the strongest nation under God what is the strength we should show its love so we should have for our Allies we must believe and show them that the world wants peace any only way we can get that he is by voting for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris they will make a difference","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If one more infobabe or infoguy says one more time that President Trump is overweight or obese, I will break the TV.#MAGA2020 #MAGA https:\/\/t.co\/R33SBnzHyr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"but then a strange fear gripped me and I just couldn't ask The Smiths - There is a Light https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=y9Gf-f_hWpU Noel Gallagher - London 2007 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=PKyNSAjDmyo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kris Kobach, the man who pushed cities and towns to pass anti-immigrant ordinances, then raked in the cash when he was hired to defend them in court (He also routinely lost the cases) ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" I am patient! WWG1WGA I'm not sure if Trump will, he was friends with the Clintons in the past. He would be investigating the whole DNC if he wanted to clear \"the swamp\". He's doing a few things that will help but if the midterms go south, this country will just keep getting worse. There is nothing like this is recent history, unless we want to look at communist Russia, maybe Venezuela.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ball dont lie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sweden bars refugees from returning to Syria and gives them benefits instead. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: #Yankees win, 6-5, on a #walkoff single by Derek Jeter!!!!!! #FarewellCaptain","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And not a single sand nigger in sight....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @JamesOKeefeIII: Denver TV airs clip of digging through trash in \"Ghetto Aurora\" to put Black and Mexican ballots to \"good use. http:\/\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Damning UN report reveals state of global refugee crisis in 2017 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You say retarded shit.That was the point.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If her bio quotes a meme she fucks on the first date ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd like to take a moment to thank the following lowlife, shitposting, racists for outing themselves as such. You will all be receiving your free Mute in the mail shortly. @ S a r a _ P e r i t a s @ G r e g S i m s @ J a z u @ H a n k R e a r d e n @ _ 8 8 d o g e @ P i c k l e J a r s F o r H i l l a r y @ j e n n i n t h e w e s t @ M e m e s F o r T a y @ 3 R e d M i c e @ p a s s i n g g a s @ C h a n d r a C h r i s t i n e @ N o M o r e W a r s F o r I s r a e l","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Glasgow 'blindsided' as destitute refugees face mass evictions ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"DIE NIGGER DIE!! I mean all of them..","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You make it sound like God is some sort of Indian-giver or more like this: God ended his covenant with Israel. They are wandering the wilderness until Christ's return. The racist, apartheid state of Israel has nothing to do with Israel in the Bible. If any of the descendants of Abraham, Issac and Jacob still reside in the holy land, they are to be found among the palestinians, not the Ashkenazi Khazarian Synagogue of Satan. That's fair...I just reviewed some of your stuff. We are more alike than I shot off. Please allow my characterization to be withdrawn. Its ok....We have to be vigilant. I let my quotes speak for themselves. No problem with you friend.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I cant be the only one that thinks this kinda sounds like make me cry by Noah Cyrus","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Holly Molly, Jeb married a spic dwarf !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Every inauguration is different. Compare bushes to Obama, or Obama and teddy Roosevelt...it's asinine that people keep comparing...it doesn't matter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's officially acceptable to hate Taylor Swift now (if you didn't already). And enough of those Taylor loving Nazis already. Just another moron entertainer https:\/\/www.rt.com\/usa\/440663-taylor-swift-support-democrats\/ Sounds like Taylor Swift is about to come out of the closet.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i went to france for a month every year and the highlight of the holiday was to see the french ladies topless on the beach(well i was 10 years old)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here she is applying the pass: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=AYPzBtNPVJM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A lot of drink and thought, the possibilities alas no cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"these cunts should get what they wished for.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Loki Take Diz Bird Shit Mroe SErious DAn U CUNTS EVER DO probably think this funyn joke retard honestly, request it 4 yoursefl CUNT We built it 4 a reason..... https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=HIouGZMq0oUandfeature=youtu.be","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"'Why wont any1 eat my pussy?' well first off we got to many fish markets around here hoe, your pussy should smell pussyishy.. not brim fishy ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dueling protests in German town after teen allegedly murdered by refugee ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Irony: Listening to Trump while reading your post. Stock market up 270 points and Trump is kicking ass. The Left was killing America and I despised everything those bastards were doing. Obama called it the New Normal. I called it: Nigger Rigged! A Presidential Solution. ;-)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@KWarner87 No True Scotsman is getting a hell of a makeover today #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So, is #LiterallyKavanagh a thing yet? CHEERS FOR LOTS MORE LIBERAL TEARS !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Charlie Rangel: Some Republicans 'Believe That Slavery Isn't Over' | Truth Revolt: http:\/\/t.co\/NpbdPk0Cqz Bam, Race Card Vote Democrats out","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I wonder how many times a day some one is trying to assassinate the @realDonaldTrump and we just don't hear about it. We all have known this would be a C or D backup plan when all else is failing #MAGA2020 #KAG head on a swivel sir!! Stay safe out there!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Let's make a pool bet We dress up another car with TRUMP stickers Leave it on the street in Broward County Betcha it gets destroyed vandalized? Police scanner says the shooters vehicle was a Hyundai Sonata. The bomb sqad is checking it right now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Damn commies in the american government https:\/\/redd.it\/9psy2o","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Are you joking? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=-9iaiyPpB9s Yes, they're all totally middle-eastern. For everyone who is down voting: you're obviously not british. I grew up with these violent white trash cunts. Honestly, when you're being chased down by a bunch of inbred twats because they want to nab your phone you tend to remember what they look like. Don't give them a pass because you want to get your islam-hate on. And keep in mind the same could be said for those living in urban areas in the US. The funniest bit about all this virtue signaling is most of the people who \"its all races have never lived in a poor mostly black neighbor hood. You I'll give credit because I have read about these chav fuckers before. I imagine the soccer hooligans from \"eurotrip I will never forget the countless faces and the color of then on nights out where I have witnessed some fucked up shit. 4 black guys attacking a white couple yelling shit at the girl \"dump the bitch and get with a real nigga while trying to separate the guy with a couple bodies.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@kboydee like some of the \"worst\" lyrics they post are beautiful but just because they don't know what they're talking about, it's \"trash\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NBCNews I am registered independent and Voting For Trump! #Trump2020 #BidenIsARacist #VoteRedToSaveAmerica2020 #DemocratsTheEnemyWithin","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Final poll results: With 86,211 votes, 96% believe Trump will win. If Biden is still in the race next Tuesday I'll run it again. https:\/\/t.co\/dcMwIAegSo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"first degree uppityness. whoop dat's a lynchin (metaphorically) https:\/\/gab.ai\/ForTheRepublicYT b","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just when things are going good women will fuck it up. They're not happy unless there's turmoil #WomenSuck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"' I'm a classy bitch. ' First of all, you are a tranny street whore who jerks off 19 y\/o s off for money in Krishna Nagar during nights. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Please don't force REAL Americans to have to step up and defend our border. Some feelings might get hurt. #SSSS #SeeSomethingSaySomething ICE 866-347-2423 #StopTheInvasion ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Not all women deserve respect. Not all men deserve respect. Respect is earned, not deserved. #metoo #auspol ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"why is this nigger even allowed to be alive?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"and she is making it harder for genuine victims to be taken seriously, she is an absolute cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Your link is unavailable in the EU, I made an archive copy: [http:\/\/archive.is\/RM0ZV](http:\/\/archive.is\/RM0ZV) That's absurd. The combination of double jeopardy laws and having to try and choose murder and manslaughter correctly is retarded. What a complete failure of the justice system.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Her excuse is \"when I die u can have all my gold.\" I don't even like yellow gold anymore. I gave her all of mine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This thursday we got an amazing episode planned of Anonymous Bites Back. Our special guest will be http:\/\/twitter.com\/bjwinnerdavis Subject: Reality Winner Make sure you follow her to stay up to date about this situation. We stream here: http:\/\/youtube.com\/anonymousworldwide #Anonymous #StandWithReality","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"New York socialist candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is already mulling over her presidential ambitions, despite not even being elected to Congress yet. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/ocasio-cortez-reveals-ambitions-for-socialist-presidency\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user you sir such a humble person but @user he is a business man. Ab to confirm ho gaya screen 50-50 hi milega ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@sassyharryballs ugly white bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You know when you're fuckin someone and you'd rather be fuckin their best friend? That's the worst ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I guess i was a cunt to a woman who was flirting with our married friend (wife is put of town.) She knows he is married etc.. Good. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Mainstream Christians (ie Cuckstians) today are really just anti-white, SJW faggots. They tell whites to flood their countries with Third World immigrant and refugee vermin. They tell whites to adopt dindus instead of making white babies. And now they tell young white men to marry 75 year old women. WTF? Their emails: rmoore@erlc.com, rmoore@sbc.net, president@erlc.com, matt.smethurst@thegospelcoalition.org, Collin.Hansen@thegospelcoalition.org, dahn@tiu.edu https:\/\/twitter.com\/collinhansen\/status\/1049696268207808512 @Heartiste #Cuckstianity #Cuckstians She is a show girl hawking wears ... She has ZERO count them, ZERO real 'beleifs' other than making money off suckers. That twat will fall in.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Not getting enough faggot in your daily media or from \"fags on Gab\" like @justinpbolinger? Well then step right up and get your sodomite pride on with a faggoty face on your Apple Watch. After all, it's all in our heads (right sodomite sycophants?) You're no threat to our kids. Keep eating dat poo poo queermos! https:\/\/support.apple.com\/en-us\/HT208893 This is the mainstream Jew media faggot. They proffer these stories to undermine a society. Then, you come to Gab, as if Twitter and Faceberg didn't coddle you faggot ass enough, and demanded that we celebrate your sodomy on \"free fag wedding day.\" No dice homo. LOL, whining to the admin...we already knew you were a fagboi. Lol dude if I told you my favorite color was teal, you'd tell me that teal is the favorite color of all Jew sycophant soyboy fags. We already figured you liked teal...and pickles. And dicks up your ass. LOL...nasty little faggot. Ask me my favorite anything and I'll see if you have something against it. Fav sport is golf. Fav food is lobster. Fav season is fall. Are golf-playing lobsters in the fall all things Jewish soyboy sycophant fags like? Here you go MegaFaggot: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=vDDjp2lSWLg Also, MegaFaggot is another compliment to me. I'd be careful. You don't want people to think you secretly like me. Yeah I'm sure that's real risk. I think you want to convert me, you basically demand I celebrate your faggottry by performing the act.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What a perfect way to begin the week! Idlewilder's gathered outside Brewster Elementary a school with many immigrant families and welcomed them to their first day. Bienvenidos! Karibu! Welcome! -Sara Dorrien-Christians ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thank you Charlie @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @cantUCIMblonde @RevkahJC @PattiSM74 @Kacado","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you're interested in what a POS she really is.... https:\/\/penthouse.com\/pages\/asia-argento\/Toxic-Femininity.php God fucking damn it I want to fucking scream after reading this. What a vile cunt. Seriously deserves to be put feet first into the human blender. I want Anthony back:( More like face first. Her disgusting, melted face. Nah feet first so we can see the expression on her face That face of hers tho. Looks like the bitch is about to tell Macbeth his fuckin fortune.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They did it' - the path to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's victory: five days in five minutes - video highlights made by @chworchi! https:\/\/t.co\/L2zmo4WNgA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"phaggot faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hollywood tales: how do u judge this guy ..a pig? Harvey Weinstein:More women accuse Hollywood producer of rape ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"it'll never work...they're retarded!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Of our many planned events this Refugee Awareness Month and Immigrant Heritage Month, we cannot think of a better conclusion than an evening of prayer and worship. Join our international group of family,... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck this Muslim cunt. He should stick to raping goats.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"FILTHY DYKE Hillary Clinton Criticizes Kavanaugh's Swearing-In Ceremony http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/09\/hillary-clinton-kavanaugh-swearing-in\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's sad to see this but what's even worse is the people in the comment section making fun out of cows and etc. Stop comparing irrelevant things to this case. May God guide all of us especially those sick fuckers to the right path.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#Patriots broke through truck blockade: https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/szb7FkY They see people protesting and assume it's something against Trump. They think we don't protest. We protest important things when we have to.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Only Fucking retarded spastic is you. You asked Was that English. Then quoted my post word for word. You must be a down syndrome person?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Land of the free... My fucking ass. America is one hell of a shit hole where its full of dumb sheeple believing in fictional fox news and cops who kill and terrorise more per day than terrorists in this whole world combined.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user YES YOU DO GO TO BED HOE ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"About time this gets put in the mainstream. Too many people acting like this is Europe's responsibility, and only they should deal with it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Grabem by the pussy yet still elected .... shut the Fuck up ... you do talk that way and you are in camera doing it ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Feminists' husbands #ThingsTimHowardCouldSave ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"***BREAKING*** The suspect's sketch has just been released This is the quote appearing on your page: \"Since men are neither omniscient nor infallible, they must be free to agree or disagree, to cooperate or to pursue their own independent course, each according to his own rational judgment. Freedom is the fundamental requirement of man's mind.\" -Ayn Rand Regressive leftists have NO sense of humor.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jap worshipping faggot thinks a bit highly of himself, doesn't he? Just the basic bitch level troll, they were all over twitter and frequently need to call backup when someone takes a huge duke on them without flinching.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Syrian Refugees destroy hotel BIBLE'S and property. They are not Coptic Christian refugees. Can I guess that they are Muslim refugees? The prime victims in the Mid East are Coptic Christians who been unable to travel with violent Muslims to the West. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why in the fuck is she in Finland? Because Finnish people have created a fucking top-tier society and immigrants feel entitled to it. why don't they stop immigrants by changing laws? because governments love tax money and talents immigrants bringing. They basically inviting immigrants to come. Even Bernier not going to stop the immigration you like it or not. LOL. grow up!! We are growing up. That's why conservatism is seeing a rise in the world despite media saying differently and branding it as some alt-right fascist rise. edit: they did so under duress. It's not real. It was social pressure that forced european societies to open their borders. I came to a peak when hitler was alive tho.. I don't think most of the countries will go back to the same level.LOL Only the name was socialist, but they blamed everything on immigrant Jews which were different to them culturally and racially. just like meta Canada. Allied countries accepted most of these immigrants and refugees.. I know shocking!! Is that your final answer?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yankee pinstripes might be the best unis in the MLB but the gray road ones are the worst CC looks like an elephant trapped in a circus tent","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm sad to discover AJ+ didnt do his work well. I thought you were a serious media. JP Chevenement has many flaws but his sentence is longer and the net have shortened it to a ridiculous idea. He said that he went to Cairo 40 years ago And all the women didn't wear the veil Sorry for that but AJ+ is becoming a stupid media as so many ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#SheReady @kamalaharris #forthepeople is going to slay the #vpdebate tonight!! #bidenharris2020 @ Salt Lake City, Utah https:\/\/t.co\/ZS5HoTfOoy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/07vRQoS__5g","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Story? I'm outta the loop. Trudeau is a weakling who cries in front of the whole world anytime he can and is also known to empathize with terrorists returning to Canada. So sad you think you need to project strength by never feeling sad. It's gonna be ok man.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#WorldCup Blog for #teens who want to join the men's rights movement to cancel #feminist bull#%it. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Now again in office. Orban starts his next 4 years with a complete majority in Hungarian parliament. The fighter against refugees and Soros says the liberal Europe is past, now he want to establish an European christian political reformation. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user I'd love to see legal immigration stopped. Fix our homeless situation, clean up the streets, put everyone back to work then maybe(just maybe) we can talk about letting in some white Christian legal immigrants that will ass ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I mean, they COULD, but they'd just find vapid bullshit from a cunt who beat up a pregnant woman made for HS freshm ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Microchip Seems he is calling you out here is his message : Screen shot this... I will beat him silly if he wants to square up legally lol Hahahaha Shill What a fucking plantation nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user [ ho~ you doubt me? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Be fearful of the wrath of God in a country where many mock Christianity, embrace perversion, abortion, and bows to PC\/multiculturalism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"2015! OLD BUT GOOD ENOUGH! 62% of Illegal Immigrant Households on Welfare | Steven Camarota and Ste... via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A jew cunt and a push-start runt. I see rope in their future.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Every time I see this shit it makes me laugh and never gets old. What did he have for dinner that night, cinder blocks? He was bobbin and weaving those swings while taking a sip of beer. Then just gives her the \"hold my leftovers, bitch\", classic. That is a man who has reached the summit of cunt mountain and is beginning his descent.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"In USA is more terrorist we in the all world so stupid people is around you can believe so shame in AMERICAN whit small brain and hate witch they have can do I wish GOD punish you for ever and make you to suffer to the rest off your life!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We already knew this, but..leftist women are the most hateful, childish, violent scum to walk the earth. Being a conservative woman, I am automatically called \"a self-internalized misogynist\" \"a pumpkin\" \"a retarded blonde\". My latest response, \"Character defamation is not an argument. Keep an eye on those salt levels.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Leftists are all Sociopaths Pathological liars, Communists, Nazis, Fascists, Criminals, Rapists, Murderers, Pedophiles and Terrorists. lol yr retarded LOL! you're a retarded Nazi Fascist with a little Commie dick up you're ass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Iraqi Immigrant Accused Of Critically Wounding Colorado Cop Evaded Deportation Despite Criminal Record ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LOL, what?! How is veganism cultural Marxism? Retard alert. Was Marx a vegan?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Germany fell to Hitler b\/c too many people sat by early on. It then got out of control. It was too late.If this doesn't feel out of control, I don't know what would.Stand up! Step up! Vote! Vote! Vote! #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't understand why men kill themselves without putting two in the head of the cunt who lied first. KILL HER THEN YOURSELF YOU TWATS. It should be a foregone conclusion that if you're trying to ruin someone's life that YOURS is forfeit in the trade!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Thousands Of Swedes Are Inserting Microchips Under Their Skin https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/czTg https:\/\/redd.it\/9qiai9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Dear retarded boy, Mommy must not be from the USA judging by your skin tone and her lack of knowledge about the 1st Amendment. Your penmanship is also terrible. Sad. Sincerely, Donald @Heartiste","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Evading a perm ban that anon calm fgt is reporting us all Can you imagine being such a retard JFC","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Why tf is Wendy's rapping on twitter, get yo ass back in the kitchen before I rape that lil bitch in your profile pic ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"All of a sudden the guy went hysterical because he thought that the girl is assuming that something's going on between the both of them. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Whoever sent this rude ass message to you is a fucking cunt. You cant just get over your grief, especially with your mother. I mean for fucks sake, you spent nine months inside that woman. Mourning can last for a lifetime, especially with y ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmao at all the people that fell for this crap. Aj+ gains popularity with fear! Sorta like trump! And you idiots feed right into it. Congratulations you've help make the world a dumber place!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Canadians Born, not greedy migrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/imgflip.com\/i\/2kp8ho ---- \"Fonda's not fond of America\" - please be kind and **repost** to support your humble original content creator :D btw, my profile page has a higher concentration of original memes than Sen. Warren has Caucasian DNA. Yes, in all honestly she likely should have. Treason's treason, after all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Please read the law, the U.S Consitution and SCOTUS opinion @user has broad authority to regulate #Immigration. since 1952 its a law not a policy. This means you can not use lawsits to Strip @user power #FactsMatter #Trump #MAGA #Red ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @lsarsour: Senator Susan Collins is the mother and grandmother of white women in America who gave us a Donald Trump presidency. The 53%. She is a disgrace and her legacy will be that she was a traitor to women and marginalized communities. History will not treat her kindly. #CancelKanavaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Uh there are just so many sides to this.... I hate certain cops like this but this isn't nearly every cop. Plus I find this is mainly an American problem, due to the extremely laid back gun laws.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lmao a little bitch got mad at me at work yesterday and asked to speak to a manager.. hoe, I am the store manager so what now? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Sir I think you forgot to take your soy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not all men or women cheat.. Just people with a childish mindset who think feelings ain't shit to them. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"All these old politicians are just greedy money hungry opportunists. It's time to elect younger leaders who truly understand the world we live in today not old men who now days act like babies","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Mandy Manning, one of World Relief's friends and partners @user has just been named 2018 National Teacher of the Year for her work with #refugee and #immigrant students. Read more of her incredible story. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Jews run BOTH political parties. The alt-right was never a political party. It started as a bunch of people, mostly gamers, discussing politics on the internet. It hit too close to home. So Jews named it \"alt-right\" and SUPPLIED IT'S MOST VISIBLE LEADERS. #milo #shapiro #enoch #robinson I believe other \"names\", like Spencer and Candace Owens ARE SHILLS. Other shills on the right: Faith Goldy, Lauren Southern (Jewish), Britain First (Jayda Fransen is Jewish), Mike Cernovich, Weev (Jewish), Laura Loomer (Jewish), Baked Alaska (most likely a shill as he worked with Loomer and for Milo) The Jew owned rebel media. If (((they))) let them get WAY up in the public eye they are probably SHILLS. Alex Jones..... also, just because you are pro-Israel does not automatically make you a shill or that you're owned by the Jews. Just like being pro-immigration does not mean you're owned by Soros. Those who support Israel know the facts, scumbag. Those who oppose Israel are morons without them, and\/or refuse to learn any.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"plans to colonize Mars were stupid since there are plenty of problems here on earth\" Obviously, not only liberal women, but also fence-sitting men make this retarded argument.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"lol i was busy not giving a fuck about the nfl, so missed this one, lol at the faggot fudge packers, go to canada and play for the cfl ya fudge packing un-american faggots","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@asiahh__ nah I replied to you like I did to literally everyone else who called it trash... Go and check if you don't believe me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Short answer: if you are a murderer or child molester that is the natural choice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user #maga I hope that doesn't mean you're going to let them all just stay in the country! Trump signs order that he says will keep migrant families together ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"lol nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lovely immigrant appreciating her new home... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Always pay attention to your surroundings, it could save your life. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Looks like this guy buying a new controller AND new shit for his girl that cheats on him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@News @Politics @BrigitteGabriel @noislamonazis @PamelaGeller @GeorgiaLogCabin @A3Patriot @a @bh43 @CmdrSlamm @DaleEvans @edbaker3000 @FrankDeSilva @im_frank @janiec @Kekromancer @LouHolmes @NoGlobalistSlave @OurCountryFirst @PaigeFord @qbmdo @JQuest2000 @ForQ @Rad-er-Cad @SurvivorMed @Thepalmierireport","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Illegal alien in upstate NY allegedly raped young girl #SecureTheBorder #FamilyValues ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CBSThisMorning @NorahODonnell tx trash you know trouble w ACA is in GOP gov states but like @60 @LaraLogan_News you report lies anyway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nothing but a Lying Ghetto Nigger !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Cantwell I acquired a better job. You'll be getting at least Fittee a month upon first paycheck, brother.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"http:\/\/usconservativefamily.net\/obama-quickly-takes-credit-for-pastor-andrew-brunsons-release-from-turkey Dirty monkey FUCKING HALF NIGGER OBAMA--FUCK OFF !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@brandonDGK420 the only boards I still have from them are just the tie dye ones, monkey edition, black and silver , and the newest ones","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user yes!! Thank you for the support. #maledominance ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#CesarChavez #immigration #wetlineMarch 31st many celebrated the birthday of Cesar Chavez. He would have been 90. Many of those who support ILLEGAL immigration use Mr Chavez as a hero in their... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @user Everyone needs to follow @user because they're hilarious and feminists are gross ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You're a faggot who only lives on the internet. You tell yourself it doesn't work to justify your weak mind and incapability to bring yourself to make a real move.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Are we Trumpers doing enough ??? or waiting on Trump n his Team to get it done #StandUpnBeHeard #SpeakUpForTheUSA #MakeADifference #DoSomething #VoteRed2018 #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #VoteDemsOut #WalkAway #KAG2018 #BuildThatWall #DraintheSwa ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So, the CBC is just totally fine with attributing attitudes and beliefs to specific racial groups now? That seems pretty racist. And will inevitably backfire. Is terrorism thinking about politics in a brown way? And if we go even deeper, why is thinking about gender and sexuality \"in a white way\" a bad thing? It's the mode of thinking that has permitted your insanity to get as far as it has. If we thought about Gender and Sexuality like say, Arabs, you'd have been beaten to within an inch of your life for speaking back to a man, and parading around unveiled like an infidel whore. Or thrown off of a roof for being a faggot or a tranny. Instead of being given access to the taxpayer funded national broadcaster's resources to call an academic a Nazi for disagreeing with the compelling of other people's speech. If you're *really* going to start comparing ideologies and their racial make up, you're literally stocking the flames of white nationalism. Also, flashing pictures of literal Nazis and Stalin while you talk about a clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, simply because he disagrees with you on the morality of compelled speech on an unsettled issue is the epitome of hubris. What are you going to do when *actual* Nazis pop up? Call them Nazis? The Boy Who Cried Wolf called and asked me to tell you that you're a fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Mr. Glogower, the juror was unsettled by fact that grand jury was not given option of charging the 2 officers, only possible charges for Det. Brett Hankison, who was fired in June.'AG is Mitch's pick!#DemandJustice#BidenHarris2020#wtpBlue#wtpGOTV https:\/\/t.co\/gOm2OzjlVL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every time I read the word \"SJW\" I literally shiver. I just hate those fact-denying more-than-two-genders believing intolerantly-tolerant cunts that much. Every time I see this, I always think of my Japanese sister in law. Someone born in Japan, learned English when she was in high school, and never traveled outside of Asia until she met my brother. She loves that I took Japanese in high school, and that I am still slowly learning vocabulary and about the culture. Someone that will take us on her own tour of a museum or park, and explain stuff to us in context that we would never hear as bakagaijin, but can understand as humans. People that are trying to create divides are the assholes. Trying to say you can't do something because you are white, black, brown, or any color is retarded. Actual humans are trying to come together, the fuckups are trying to split apart","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Facebook and Twitter are NIGGER SPIC HONKY RAT BASTARDS. Had to let that out after being censored.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"i would like to see a proper caliphate, isis is claming caliphate but i am really confused about their agenda. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One of my favorite songs. \"There's a man on the shoreline with a white parakeet trying to make his bird go home.\" http:\/\/t.co\/bQ3CBIPk6s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The white man has had his day and now its coming to an end just like ALL of the other oppressors in times past...even racist bill o'reiley recognizes it..he said that their is an attack on the white establishment....well what did you think was going to happen when the entire world of people of color in some way shape or form has been affected by the evil acts of the white race...the romans were the same way...blood thirsty, greedy terrorist","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nah Electric Fairy Tale seems cool but I'd rather buy some drugs with that money","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There are other ways to get energy we're not working on it hard enough it's sad to think all there fighting for is to keep there land from pollution. If we just looked at other ways these poor people could get out the f the cold","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looks like someone is too retarded to know what happened during world war","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Three in Khabib's camp arrested after UFC melee http:\/\/www.espn.com\/mma\/story\/_\/id\/24916689 #UFC #UFC229 no they just went crazy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Getting dirty looks from all of these white liberals in LaGuardia due to my maga hat but they're scared to say something because I'm black. Alex Sage","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because running the world is harder than you'd think. #YesAllMen ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"New refugees and smart educated people who will do what Immigrants did to begin with under FDR ; build the industrial superpower of the world and then a little wake up poke from the Japanese,and we have never looked back. These people bring hope, create jobs for us and pay taxes. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump Trump tells Americans to not be \"afraid from a virus that killed 214,000 Americans. Trump might as well tell Americans to go ahead and play Russian Roulette! #TrumpIsAMassMurderer #TrumpDeathToll215K #TrumpLiesAmericansDie #TrumpDeathCult #VoteBlue2020 #Biden2020","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user My question to Obama and the libs: Do you leave your home's door wide open when you sleep so that anyone can walk in? Or do you keep it locked so that if someone tries to enter they have to knock so that you can find out who they ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Illegal Alien Killed Mother Of Two In Drunken Crash via @user @user When is it enough?How many more have to die before you do your job?#BuildTheWall #EndDaca #NoAmnesty #BanSanctuaryCities#KeepAmericansSafe ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Im sure my coffee taste different when 50 spoons stirred it. Aint going to drink it 50 cocks* FTFY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @sky106radio: For lots of great oldies, check out \"Memories and More\", with Yankee Rose, today from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Eastern! http:\/\/t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @CommonManKFAN: And that's why mock drafts are a joke my friends..... Anyone???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She has adopted 2 Haitian nigger kids. That proves to me she values limp wristed SJW ideals more than the rule of law. Given she took 2 of them into her house, how could anyone believe she'd vote to do the right thing and shitcan the nigger quota law? I HATE SO MUCH NIGGAS AS A PROUD DUTCH WASP LIKE YOU. They're inferior to us, they're like MONKEYS WITH TOO MUCH SWEAT WHEN THEY TALK TO ME, THEY DISGUSS ME ! I hope south carolina and all the south would split from the NORTH like during the secession war, to split for the liberal orders. I PROPOSE ! all THE NEGGROS IN THE NORTH AND THE LIBERALS STATES (ny, NJ, MA, OREGON, WASHINGTON AND WASHINGTON DC, CALIFORNIA, and MAYBE NEVADA AND NEW MEXICO. IN THE SOUTH like north CAROLINA, VIRGINIA, WEST VIRGINIA , MISSISSIPI, ALABAMA ETC...My proposal is to recreate confederated white states, like all the states with a confederated FLAG, with ONLY WHITE AND WASP PEOPLE LIKE ME ! THE FUTURE SOUTHERN CONSERVATIVES STATES WOULD BE : ONLY WASP, TO RECREATE KKK GROUPS, HETEROSEXUAL, AND OF COURSE, WHITE ONLY. All THE NIGGAS, ASIANS, MUSLIMS, GAY, TRANS, etc....GET OUT !","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hey and where was such fall out on twitter when that nigger shot up a white church last Oct?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He started backing up. Woman was not stopping to let him swing out so he paused to let her go by.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"someone should cut up their asses the same way when they are aluve","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"With the orange and blue hair she would get stoned, raped and thrown off a building but she isn't against the Islamic religion and if she was she might face the Saudi Meat Saw. What a (insert-your-favorite-profanity-here) loony retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They must Votesk why should give boarder jumpers rights. That mean Zimbabwe will be legalising illegal immigrants. Elevations have been free and fair they must now go home and build their country Zimbabwe is a free state. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ChaldeanCutie really? @RileyAintShit @KILLSheredon @CHILDISHCUDl are my nudes trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What's the polite way to say 'don't eat too much today cause I'm not tryin to get shit dick when I fuck you in the ass later' ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Great video! Thank you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's a fucking Teaser trailer ya twat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Daily Mail is not always a reliable news source but I can see no reason to dispute this report. Perhaps one of the 'Refugees Welcome,' lobby might care to comment. What about you, Hope not Hate , any thoughts ? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Is it a big deal to remove the blood from Mortal Kombat? Removing the blood doesnt change the outcome of fights or stop you progressing in the game, it only exists to satisfy your inner serial killer. Is it really worth such an outcry to satisfy the bloodlust of future murderers? Congrats, you're 90s era Jack Thompson retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The cop's a pig, but I wouldn't mind him body slamming me. ;)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Even the old, ugly, and retarded OREO sisters want to #walkaway.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Okay this is like one of the most retarded things ive seen browsing this sub Seems almost too retarded to not be a troll but you never know","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Another in a long line of ZEROBAMA's criminal CABINET folk !! Loretta Lynch is another FUCKING RETARD !! Eric holder is a nigger piece of shit as is the lump of shit standing next to him","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The link takes you to a \"subscribers only article page. Regardless, fuck the abos and their enablers. They're literally retarded proto-humans. fun fact 1: until the 60's abos were classed as native fauna fun fact 2: on one side of our coins we have the head of the queen and on the other side we have pictures of our native fauna question, whats on the fauna side of the $2 coin?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck you faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You're a faggot boomer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Thank You. Its #TrumpPence2020 https:\/\/t.co\/sn5qGVeVRn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"[deleted] The courts usually decide against the \"father\" in these cases, since they say it is in the interest of the child to have child support paid. Even if the person paying it is not the father. Because the interests of the guy paying for child support are inconsequential. Might as well pick a random dude in the crowd to shoulder the costs of child support, but I suppose the time is not right for these changes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kanye West Stands by the Second Amendment: We Have the Right to Bear Arms' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/10\/11\/kanye-west-stands-by-the-second-amendment-we-have-the-right-to-bear-arms\/ hey damn white fools!!..in some of Kanye's songs he has called upon blacks to get guns to kill white people.. that's why he supports the 2nd Amendment.. so blacks can get guns to kill whitey!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Germans should use all those high tech gizmos that they love to invent to kick the Muzzies and kikes right out of the country. The (((Holocaust))) is a hoax! That's why Auschwitz has a chimney that was built by the Bolsheviks in 1947 that's not even connected to any buildings! Also, Merkel is a huge pile of shit. Are you going to go suck on a bloody babies dick like your faggot ass hero Rabbis do? Just asking!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I don't care, I just hope the cunts get mown down. Fucking transgender, gender fluid cunts. Hope they all get fucked in a mental asylum and left there with no food or water and just die. Would be the best case for the rest of humanity. It's actually people who don't have the intelligence to tell whether they are male or female. Fuck them. Kids have a gender, they were born with it. Well chromosomes define your gender, don't even think about going down the 'that defines your sex' route. It is total nonsense and you will sound like a moron. They are like that simply because they are idiots who haven't the faintest idea what real life is like. You are aware these are very, very rare and don't relate to these idiots that say they are born in the wrong body? They are genetic mutations. Also you haven't read some of that correctly as you keep trying to say you can have xy and be a woman... This is incorrect. Xy is only ever going to be male. I also did answer your questions.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That fat miserable cunt tried to pretend she was blind to escape prosecution. Wouldn't it be worse if she was knowingly blind and got behind a wheel..?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@idkconstancio I'm trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user That's RIGHT you The MAN #FavoritePresident #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #AmericansFirst One Flag One Country ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@OriginvlEpic in the trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you desperately don't want anyone to notice you're a nigger for some reason, you want everyone to forget that you are a nigger This but niggers and Jewish cartoons When you're on the confirmed nigger database","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Well the nigger state needs to look out for their niggers. Brotha's got his backs!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@GOPChairwoman Oh please...he's just upset that zoom has a mute button. Crybaby Trump","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Marijuana is for niggers, nigger lovers and nigger enablers. The worst. OMG, you uneducated, opinionated asshole. Hemp is sustainable, make clothes, biodegradable \"plastic\", etc. It also keeps me civil when talking to uneducated talking heads like you. Great for pain, seizures. Go live inside your own, simpleton mind. Enjoy your McDonald's gourmet dinner.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"These retarded cast members from planet of the apes could not even explain the simplest of their apparent grievances Get off my flag you fat cunts! Vote vote vote!!!! Stinky Nig chicks...boyfriends in prison? Hooche mamas! PU!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for everyone IS White Genocide.To ignore the role of the immigration invasion and White Genocide in the housing disaster isn't just irresponsible, its criminal.h ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like these Gifs? Visit ThePatriola.com #OcasioCortez #Democrats #NewYork #OcasioEyes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Italians have a beautiful culture and history!! you think they want to stink it up filthy it up with nasty,vile inferior Muslim and nigger shit???","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The HALF NIGGER Obama invited all THE DUMB NIGGERS to the White House !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He needed to just turn around punch that cunt in her pussy kicker.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"All Religions are like Cancer, nothing ever good came out of it, only brings Division, just like Jesus said he would bring. Stop Cherry Picking religious books that are full of Horror, which even makes Freddy Kruger Blush. Start to Think for yourselfs! and read between the lines, to see these so called beLIEves are written by the Elites to make you choose a side, doesn't matter which as long as you do. Wake Up Alice!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Before I rip you a new asshole vs after ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" Damn... they would need to be strong though. She ain't lying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @marsrader: The incredible scales of celestial bodies. http:\/\/t.co\/NZV80jRmiG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump how about some tweets? Don't leave me to think for myself! Are you too busy stocking the White House bunker with McDonald's hamburgers for the upcoming coup? #McDonalds #TrumpCoupPlot #Biden2020 #BidenHarris","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Apparently she's trying to do a gofundme for a new car https:\/\/twitter.com\/leighravenx\/status\/1019287175127416832 Yup, here's the gofundme and her B.S. excuse. She even asking for people to cosign or buy the car for her and she'll pay them back. https:\/\/www.gofundme.com\/get-leigh-a-car On June 6th my wife Nikki was driving my vehicle and (at Not the fault of her own) was in an accident, totaling my car. She has sustained some injuries and is currently seeing a chiropractor\/ pain management specialist. Unfortunately for me, my insurance only paid off my vehicle + $300 leaving me no cash for a down payment on a new car. Ordinarily, this wouldn't be an issue for me because I have excellent Auto credit. BUT I have terrible credit due to medical bills and credit cards from paying for my hospital stays while having severe epilepsy and lupus episodes. I am currently working with a debt consolidation company to get these bills paid off, but that doesn't reflect on my \"credit score .... I have attempted to apply for a loan solo, as well as with an amazing co-signer, and both have been declined. I live\/ work in LA and can not rely on Uber alone. All donations are appreciated...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Chronicle is a leftist rag that almost nobody subscribes to. Its not worth wasting time to read. We have a nigger leftist for mayor who should never have been elected but they'll endorse a piece of shit guilty of breaking and entering and DUI. That's Robert O'Rorke","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Funny thing is their retarded voters will probably fall for this stunt!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"@rugbysocklad: Fit lads! Nice gear! http:\/\/t.co\/ThnXX1lC1M\" these scally lads n trainers would get it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Scandal: A Negro Bed Wench's Fairy-tale and propaganda: http:\/\/t.co\/tp1Sa5u8uO via @YouTube: A must see for Hebrew Daughters of Zion!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Submit your examples of good practices on child-friendly procedures in the migration context ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@TielerMLG @psvch @HalfAssed_ coming to the rescue of some retard licking dirty skidmarks on the internet... you guys are fucktards","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Teenage whore by hole is my fav song rn! So relatable... I miss my mall slut phase ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So is there some sort of rule that no actual white Americans can be UN ambassador? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Muslims should move to Saudi Arabia and Iran. Why do they want to spread Dar al Islam on the rest of us???","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user Charlie Faker Baker is a traitor! He prefers illegal immigrants over American citizens! He claims he worries about the illegal immigrant children but doesn't care about all the children that have ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Horrible faggot Owen Jones.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ahhh okay. Haha see, I would just call that \"gritty ! I didn't know the origin of grimdark, thanks!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Women take up tons of space with their bags and the law lets them get away with this. They are so excessively privileged, that this is their biggest complaint with the world. There's a reason I will strictly delineate between feminism and women's rights activism whenever I'm debating or discussing it with anyone. The two concepts stopped being the same thing years ago. Did you see the bit about \"manspreading is often done by men of low social status\" I mean this shit is bizarre","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oil...it all leads back to oil. It ALWAYS ends up being about oil... It's sickening how the elite battle for oil and money with the lives of those born less fortunate.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's #WorldRefugeeDay. For FY2018 the refugee admissions cap is at a historic low of only 45,000, divided among 5 regions of the world. After 2\/3 of a year, the U.S. has only admitted 14,300 #refugees or 32% of the total. @user @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Man! All I see there are a total waste of human life. They have nothing, just a bunch of old has beens just waiting to die! I mean LOOK AT THEM!! Not a gray cell among them! I can almost see why the Muslims hate white people, THAT RIGHT THERE IS A GOOD STARTING PLACE! If I saw a muzzie taking on one of them, I wouldn't bother to interfere, I would applaud their thinking!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"they're the type of idiots who will believe those spam messages you get that says \"you won a laptop click here to claim it\" \"if you don't send this message to 10 people your mother will die\" etc. All jokes aside they're gonna get what's coming to them and to make myself clear i'm not pertaining to all Indians this is just for those who are involved in this unbelievable happening.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Found the guy dating the fat chick I do but they're still faggots lol dude","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Punch that girl right in the skank ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is this Brickleberry? and#x200B; Paradise PD. It's from the same people though Steve? Or the hillbilly? Steve","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Will be interesting to see what happens in Florida election. I originally thought the Puerto-ricans infect the election really forgot about all the little brainwashed retarded munchkins threatening to turn the state upside down. SADLY, FLORIDA MAY BE GOING FROM SINKHOLES TO SHITHOLE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Why do these stupid people go to 3rd world shitholes for vacation while pregnant? https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/19\/vacation-from-hell-ends-with-babys-death-and-20k-medical-bill\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's the most pathetic conquering in the history of humanity. Both humiliating and sad. At any other point in history these things would be seen as an act of war and be treated for what they are. Now- nobody wants to be called bad names or have some faggot media rep do a story about how racist you are... so we just sit back and allow our countries to be ruined by hordes of people who have their own. No bullets are being fired, no cities are being sacked. They just show up and kill us by outbreeding using our tax dollars. Fucking shameful is what it is. It is a crisis. nigger sand other non-whtes use the QWhite peoples taxes to breed mor inferiors of their kind. We end up takng finacial cade of theses inferior vermin.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@POTUS with the Golden Touch! I Follow Back Patriot Accounts #FillTheSeatNOW #MAGA2020 #TRUMP2020ToSaveAmerica https:\/\/t.co\/78qOeq4dHz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah she had 2 kids, 10 and And she was also unemployed for the past 2 years going to college. I told her that she could divorce rape her husband hard if she wanted to. I kind of felt bad for the dude, considering the shackles he was wearing and all. But I absolutely despise branch swinging cunts. If they don't have the guts to cut off their current relationship before securing the next branch, they are fucking scum to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@dontlickchalk No, but I will certainly be looking for more puppy and kitten pictures. We still have work to do...2022 and 2024 to get more of the trump sycophants out of office.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can you imagine how she'd treat your retarded child if she knew you were a conservative? Why does it take so little to trigger these idiots? Have they no logic, can't research anything or think for themselves? pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @SaraLuvvXXX: Today @GlennAlfonso did my hair and makeup.. He always tries to make me look like a monkey. http:\/\/t.co\/tym2JD7h3Z","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You sad cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lol the nigger thinks it'll be a doctor","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"MAXINE WATERS CALLS ON TRUMP TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY' FOR BOMBS https:\/\/rickwells.us\/waters-trump-responsibility-bombs\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's something so satisfying about an Australian dude saying fuck off. Fun fact, not as satisfying through text. The sentiment is the same though. Faeck off","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They're communists you raging faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Every muslim has MINI ISIS inside of him, if you really want the world to accept your religion again...start using your brain...get that ISIS out of your head and accept any form of criticism...even when it comes to burning down your Holy Book, because honestly if i wasn't a muslim i wouldn't be converting to islam after reading all those stupid comments","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"As an immigrant to this great Country I agree totally. It used to be 5 years and even that was not long enough. People need to really appreciate what they are been given. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"UGH! Fake Christians really out here trying to take away our rights!! IF YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT LIFE THEN FIX THE ALREADY BROKEN FOSTER CARE SYSTEM AND WELCOME REFUGEES WITH OPEN ARMS. FOLLOWER OF CHRIST?? WHILE NOT LOVING YOUR NEIGHBORS? YIKES. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Pope to explore links between poverty and migration ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They native Americans you no good hill billy immigrant ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"He should sue her cunt ass. Make her pay for the rest of her life","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The European American love borders, being watched, being slaves to their masters, paying taxes, being ruled and control by their masters coz they don't know what a true free human being is!! That's their culture for thousands of years living as slaves to their kings!! They love greed, power, control and destruction of Mother Earth!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yea Ji Sea, an Army specialist from South Korea, was discharged Friday at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston after 4.5 years of service, abruptly ending her military career before she could achieve a goal of becoming an Army doctor. via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nobody cares","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"the blacks would entirely destroy Israel and turn it into a shit hole of finger snapping booty shakers..sort of like America! Send the niggers there Saint Sammy Davis Jr...the nigger with a torah!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"There's some jealous people here looking for faults with her. She's helping society..yeah she has a nice car n house so what? What the hell are you doing? Sitting by a keyboard hating on people doing things billionaires don't even do. Kindly take your shitty opinions n judgements and stuff it up far up your ass. This woman is a hero and a wonderful human being.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You NEED an iPhone to use their stupid watch? Apple is just grabbing people ankles and shaking the money out of rubes pockets.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lol them comments. ]=) dude, I'm crying that impression, so on point","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No...she's a fucking nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Early bird gets the worm! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Sure am Faggot and the weirdos in Rome affect you HOW?????? I would loot and disband that hellhole in 5 seconds, it's been corrupt for a while there, Walter Cronkite. #Newsflash","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hermain cain should have been the first black president Obama was half white and half black. Never understood this \"Oh, he's black thing. So he was 50% Nazi. Good to know","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ever considered killing yourself? Go do it, welffare whore. Being a nigger is not trendy, I guess they should just stop.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Dude, shut your retarded internet cowboy ass the fuck up. You posted wrongly. Shut the fuck up and don't do it again. A chick in a hijab finger-synching heavy metal is not \"news.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"how bout mongo-pedes? or maga-mongs. those seem more fitting. anyway, I have to retire early from evening shitpoasting and go do my homework or they'll have my balls in a sling tomorrow. you're in charge while I'm gone. try not to be too big of a faggot while I'm away q ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fundraising Many people have started collecting funds for Syrian refugees as an advertising stunt for self... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"There are NO JEWS CALLED PHARISEES TODAY, you retarded fuck ... lololol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That one cock blockin ass bitch you can never get past ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's bloody crap being a migrant here right now. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"fat bitches fat bitches heeeey","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"After this #TreeOfLife Synagogue shooting if I see any antisemite attacks on gab I will report you to the FBI. This is not a drill. So bringing up historical facts about jewish involvement regarding the Bolsheviks and their grip on banking and their role in supporting Isis and their funding of mass migration is anti Semitic? Do is a favor and disprove all this with verifiable facts? Can you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like it though... wuz always wondering who was that faggot that made it?! seems filmed in Bruxhells.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" @Tom_2Times: Making weed brownies tonight goin slide me a batch relo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user #BuildThatWall 100% of your tax-deductible donation will go to secure Americas southern border! Together we can save taxpayer money, make our communities safer and build American Pride! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh be quiet, goat-fucker. sorry to tell you, yeah some people are that stupid. this twat tried to sub to me.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The lamest thing about this sub is the whiney faggot that posts this exact comment in every thread. The whole fucking site is lame, what do you expect from a bunch of SJW trannies? Leave if you don't like it. I will put milk into the cunt of your mother and fuck her till its ayran.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"These refugees killed Hindus in Bangladesh and Myanmar no mercy from me, and yeah screw you, ask Middle East to take them","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Oh the murder going on, her Twitter has got to sting. I hope she gets educated, I mean getting fired for being a cunt might educate her a bit.. This whole misplaced blaming going on.. It's so childish.. it's not just women either, their's plenty of boys embarrassing themselves..","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"VP Pence has not been against the refugee program when he was a governor. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Little faggot \"Chad is going right for the Kavanaugh impeachment phase #Qanon #Kavanaugh #Politics https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6225505\/Yale-friend-says-Kavanaugh-heavy-drinker.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She would be attracted to a faggot it all makes sense now how she acts on the view.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Idc if I'm the last or first. I'm tired of seeing you complain and bitch and that whole rape ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"more people than you think. I'd post specific instances, but that could be against some rules and also exacerbate some issues. Just keep an eye on your twitter feed and note some responses to Jason and various other Aggros insane tweets. And coupled with his bullshit story about how Blizzard pulled the D4 announcement from Blizzcon, how does he have any goodwill or credibility with the gaming industry? Here's to hoping Blizzard blacklists him for that stunt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh cmon its about tits. No one really care about what she is talking. Which is why the guy says that she's really not that interesting. Look at her face, that comment cut deep because she knows. If she's not interesting no one would be watching her stream. Men find her body extremely interesting. Old guy should mind his business. She's not breaking the law or messing with him. It's not his bar and apparently she isn't breaking the rules of the establishment. If he doesn't like her behavior he's free to leave and take his business to an establishment that doesn't allow streaming.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because Square is fundamentally retarded when it comes to PC ports.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Stupid bitch. Only speaks up when it fits her narrative. Yet she supported Harvey and the serial rapist bill Clinton ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is the kind of move that makes third party devs drop you. >While AAA titles like Grand Theft Auto V and Call of Duty feature endless amount of humans to murder, gratuitous violence seems to be totally fine in the eyes on Sony's corporate decision makers despite the fact that tragedies resulting from gun violence happen on a daily basis. Which doesn't make sense since the woke crowd get pissy about violence too (TLoU2, Tomb Raider, even Detroit: BH etc). And there's the ones claiming games create a violent culture. That's what I'm implying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brett Kavanaugh's op-ed in the WSJ I Am an Independent, Impartial Judge Yes, I was emotional last Thursday. I hope everyone can understand I was there as a son, husband, and dad. https:\/\/www.wsj.com\/articles\/i-am-an-independent-impartial-judge-1538695822 That article makes sense to rational and sane people. However, many on the political left are neither. They will only see that article as an admission of guilt and a sign of weakness.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@leighvl Niggas probably be watching me like \"Look at this Uncle Tom ass Rasta\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@DolanGang beans u beaner?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The only reason Rosie O'Donnel is going after POTUS the way she is, is because reality has caught up with her. She is a fat, abrasive, unattractive dyke wamelo whose existence serves no purpose.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user This is about integrity. It is not about parties or candidates. Would you permit rape, if perpetrated by a political side? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Germany considers tough response to #Spain migration 'surge' ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Looks like Swedes are full muzzie now, it's going to be hell on earth for women especially.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They need to blexit their nigger selves back to their country. The founders didn't want them to be citizens for a reason.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"1-800-slap-a-hoe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah. It's just kind of sad that I know for a fact that I could do a much better job of being a woke journo than these retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How close I am to quitting my job and becoming a prostitute ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"1\/ Put any leftist retard into a mosque or any gathering of Muslims where a prestigious imam is speaking - they will learn that a good servant of Allah never takes non-Muslims as friends, and they only move to Western countries to INFILTRATE and SUBVERT OUR GOVERNMENTS.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hay, if you told these idiots not to vote in the super pedo devil mafia no term limits politicians too, I don't see why we can't agree on this boomer are retarded thing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We don't give a rat's ass about Injuns. Fact. No Democrat does.. Notice this punk ... WHITE SLAVE willing to die for INJUNS, SEMITES, HINDUS, and any other colored inferior he can cuck up to like a BITCH. This sort is the most WORTHLESS KIND ALIVE ... since the coloreds think they are SUBHUMANS. We see them as TRAITORS. WHITE is all that matters. WHITE. STFU PUSSY. GO SUCK NIGGER DICK.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"on women is no suprise, i hope interest on the show will lead someone to make her page and show her amazing work in trauma for rape victims ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#CUNT #CUNT #CUNT #CUNT #CUNT #CUNT #CUNT #CUNT #CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The ugly four eyed cunt wasn't raped she wasn't even touched she's a fucking liar !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Go for it nigger lover.. Hell, I would let you borrow my gun if I could watch..","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When she's being a huge cunt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What a faggot soyboy. Couldn't pick on a man, had to kick a woman. Wow, takes a whole lot of courage - mangina betacuck - to pick on someone weaker than you. I guess his god satan isn't protecting the little fucker from being fired.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We whites have higher IQ's than blacks, this is because IQ measures intelligence and we are the more evolved and superior race with a larger brain. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user You think bots can argue. You're so hysterical you can't understand the basic meanings of words. And you're still losing ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ya, cause she's an honest credible person deserving of leadership. She even fucked huge segment of own party last cycle. Twat","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What else could we expect from CUNTS","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I want an apology from the people in my timeline that called me a \"retard\" when I said the army corps of engineers would not build the wall.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Elizabeth Warren Already Dropping Hints About Running In 2020 After Saying She Wouldn't https:\/\/americanlookout.com\/elizabeth-warren-already-dropping-hints-about-running-in-2020-after-saying-she-wouldnt\/ More like Ruth Buzzy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you can't spell 'masturbate' right, we can't sext... I don't have time for that kind of negativity in my life ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"NY state in-person voting opens in FOUR DAYS!!!!I am champing at the bit to vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Stay focused. Remind everyone you know to get to the polls or mail their ballot as EARLY AS POSSIBLE.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ravioli stuffed wit lobster nd a nice stuffed clam #eating betterthanamobster http:\/\/t.co\/PzdoESaR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your allowed to say World War 1 was a disaster and an unnecessary war,the majority of people will agree with you and will say something about how terrible it was all those people died But you try saying the same thing about World War 2 to your average couch potato and watch their reaction ! \"\"MY FELLOW AMERICAN PATRIOTS The UK was disarmed by their government. Now they get jailed for speaking. Yes, it's real.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wait what.....this from the boy that sold arms to the enemy. They should have put this POS crap nigger in the hole when they had the chance.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Mexico is letting them pass right through, live at this point. It's like a Circus. Time to close the US border, including all trade; NOW! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=pLk4gvDDdUs where's stephen paddock when you need him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Das heisst Nigger ia","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/entertainment\/2018\/10\/22\/jane-fonda-hard-for-me-to-breathe-trumps-america\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#DonLemon is little cunt and a modern day house slave. The only thing he's missing is a giant white leftist fist up his ass. Sincerely, #BlackTrumpSupporter #TrumpsNotRacist #MAGA #Shadowbanned","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Look nigger lover, I am not a libtard nor on the left. I am a centralist. SO I call it how I see it. So fuck Trump and FUCK YOU TOO. While you're at it, take that fucking nut bag Clinton with you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Its the raggedy red state of Texas! Look at what they did to immigrant families. The sexual abuse of immigrant children. Also in the red state of Arizona. No surprise they're engaging in voter suppression. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ovomit is a half nigger muzzie moron criminal","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She should explain why she called the cops after she watched him walk into his own house Home Run Dusty, home run. \"Just sprinkle some crack on him ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"I think we need to have a little talk, woman to skank. Jeaniene Frost#iloveparanormalromance ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@calijeff1 @QDecoder @Lovestr50361283 @_Kel_Varnsen_ @RAGINxCAJUN @zaphodbebblebr1 @TrumpSugar @banita_s @PatriotOne20 @mathmomma24 @ConcernedinPV @waywardmegan15 @PoliticsPot @Brian_Alford @Emma34770971 @ziggystardad @LadyOfTheOcean1 @alshadowdancer @misshellca @BSHerrle @laylow88861429 @HurrNot @KattMist @rwlawoffice @N3ILA_ @ConnorInsurance @DigiVorr @GaryPostell4 @MistressRedWasp @cloudzzz757 @Fueldog2 @Vickie627 @Beardedfox89 @topleveltroll2 @robcarlson20 @KelliPenney @hrt6017 @homeworkeater @r0xie_f0x @Theocracidal @ahrehead @TheRensh @QDified @kent_nye @parknfly07 @Scottkeding @d1017baby @Mongo3804 @medwoman1 @SBDSoultrain Joe Biden needs to be receiving care for early onset Dementia, instead he's being used to get Kamala Harris in the White House, which is so vile and disgusting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I can imagine some Sand Nigger in Typical Full Black Garb, Squatting down Next to a Couple of Bags of Garbage, and some Brit comes along and Throws a Bag of Trash on him, Thinking he was one. The BBC News would Spin it as a Racist Attack on islam and Arrest the Brit, unless the Muzzie Killed 'em 1st.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"lolol fucking murderous heinous cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Do the klan members say \"The N-Word?\" So far, every time I've expected to hear the word nigger, I've heard darky instead. I just don't give a shit about racism so I don't care that they avoid it. I'm in a band of thieves, whores, and murderers who embrace diversity, I can suspend my disbelief and go skin some deer, whatever. We are the woke gang.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I guess it's against the law to speak the truth. Glad my ancestors left that shithole many, many years ago. enjoy the muzzie takeover.....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" @rocafella123 \"@waymoflydenu: If fleek in yo vocabulary you a faggot\" ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Don't sell me dreams cause I'll return them as nightmares ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ohhh, i love Owen! #MeToo #NotinaGayWay hahahah hehe.. i know you probably know this one lol https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=FkD4iU9nxkM bwahhhh.. no... I've only seen him on Louder with Crowder and INfowars... Thanks! oh well enjoy the tune ... FYI he streams on youtube most everyday yah, had no idea... thanks.. I've bookmarked him! cool enjoy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those 2 Canadians are greedy dirtbags.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@PolitiFact Your pointing to the wrong \"crease\" The wire was not a shadow...It was a wire. Photographer and digital tech expert here and I know what a shadow is and I know a wire when I see one... PolitiLies no fact!! #MAGA2020 losers!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger blood spray is the only thing I fear. All the HIV and other diseases. As long as its not in my kitchen I guess. If I ever shoot a nigger in my kitchen I'll move. Good on you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Finally,, Hot Water Heater in the Kitchen,, insulated lines. vs The retarded nonsense standard, in the basement ~ to out in the garage.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"True Heavy Metal! True Feeling","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't flatter yourself. I dont care enough to have an internet argument, armchair cowboy. I'll outline the results of the potential conversation so we can skip to the end. Neither of us convinces the other, then we both pretend to be the fastest retard at the special olympics. We about done here? Have a good night, man. Yeah he was a dick, she was a cunt. Honey had a tazer.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@RichardGrenell @JoeBiden #Plagiarizers gonna #Plagiarize#Plagiarism#BidenHarris2020 #Trump2020LandslideVictory","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good #immigrant defintion - I'm not winning Olympic gold medals or winning baking competition, will I ever fit in? \/\/ post #Brexit struggle... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Georgetown Professor Says that White GOP senators in Kavanaugh hearing deserve miserable deaths The professor recently tweeted of GOP senators, \"We castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.\" Bitter ugly dyke is Christine Fair @CChristineFair https:\/\/www.campusreform.org\/?ID=11369","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Well if anyone is EXPERT enough to make that assumption, it most certainly would be Cunt News Network. The set is filled with retards!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"harry and his nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"They weren't thinking optics were they? This looks awful. Screaming during the moment of silence for the synagogue shooting victims. Why would the left be so retarded to do this? Because they know they're going to lose. They're lashing out.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Twat, he loves them because they finance him. Book deals are a dead give away. It's like with me mate. They know I'm not Jewish but unless you hate Jews you ARE Jewish. It's the socialist mental illness again. Affects National ones and non National ones the same. Tommy doesn't hate Jews and supports Israel so he must be Jewish lol You're actually worse than a Jew. You are a nigger loving white man who is complicit in the destruction of western civilization by pointing to the symptom (muzzies) as opposed to the disease (Jews) Do please tell us about this fancy participation trophy you stumbled upon. No one finds nigger ape skanks attractive, even nigger ape boys. It's more likely you can't find an attractive white woman willing to sleep with you. Literally no one finds high T, low IQ nigger bitches attractive. This is science. Are you a science denier. Some nigger women are hot, I'll admit this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No you gap toothed cunt it's because of nato there are no wars in Europe","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The most annoying thing about overly sensitive cunts is they are completely insensitive to people who don't conform, and when they push you to be rude or even just assertive, they make out like you're the cunt. Nothing surer to turn me into an actual cunt than a cunt making me look like one. Thanks for your comment, Neeto Heeto. I fully respect your right to be a cunt. I too reserve the right to be a cunt, and to enjoy being a cunt when forced not to be polite. Thank you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Do you get up off the couch and stand for the Anthem when youre at home? Then shut the fuck up. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Brave young patriot Damn...but poignant!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"and people wonder why american people are so hated in the world ? it's cause of shit like this","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Do any of you fucking morons know what philosophy is? It's not your retarded opinion on politics.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Our video of Trump dancing was deemed too creepy for TikTok #TrumpGraveDancer https:\/\/t.co\/SpCjPqbR45","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Lol girl he just don't want nobody to kno he had a baby with this bitch ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Last night Barack Obama said that its a brand new thing to have politicians who lie. The irony here is off the charts. Below is a direct actual quote from Barack Obama last night. Source of quote.. https:\/\/www.apnews.com\/06ec76cf0cf14a4fa0cc5aeefdf7ba82 It sounds like you disapprove. Lol I'll sign it for ya... dunno how much good it'll do for you, tho","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I am so sick and tired of Shepard Smith I'm I am so sick and tired of Shepard Smith on Fox News channel He needs to go to CNN or MSNBC. Why is it every day between 3 and 4 PM Monday through Friday he is allowed to degrade our President and Republicans consistently? Time to fire that no good son of a bitching faggot I won't watch Faux after 9AM. At 8 it goes back for Tucker. The daytime programming has been taken over by the Libtarded Murdoch Sons Leftist programming.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"These women are retarded. That sentence is redundant. Fucking meme gender. They don't realize that if the woman let's go of the bow, all pressure is lost and the arrow will lose its notch and isn't remotely dangerous. This post sums up that women have control of the bow and want to make themselves look like the victim.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.thewrap.com\/don-lemon-laughs-as-cnn-panel-mocks-kanye-west-as-token-negro-video\/ Lemon calls Kanye \"Trumps token negro\" How the fuck is this nigger getting away with that? Funny cos Lemon is a token black faggot. Why do you think he's even a thing? That's token nigger faggot. lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @HoodsButtCrack: @vegebitemeash 10 brownie points for you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How many what? How many gay faggot ass nazis like Mr. Hanky RearEnd will I let live with me? Oh, they can come see me. COME SEE ME.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"WHY ARE ALL THESE FUCKING FAGGOT PINK PUSSY HAT WEARING DIPSHITS PUTTING ME ON FOLLOW ??? WHAT PART OF. \"I HATE LOATHE AND AND AM DISGUSTED WITH ALL FREAKAZIODS FAGGOTS AND DYKES...THIS INCLUDES FAGGOTS WEARING DYKISH PINK PUSSY HATS !!!\" I need to go cool off now !!! Im so disgusted right now i could puke !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Only retards retweet fuckry","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You guys probably dont belive me but i would cut these mens bodys apart if i had the chance...definetly","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@iamkrause I ain't never orderin from no colored pizza stow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nigger muslim","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"NRC in Odisha, but what's the homework ? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @AidanGee1: How I feel playing flappy bird http:\/\/t.co\/w3PrpiAhZQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"send the back to WHERE TEHY CAME FROM!. Sending them to other European Countries will not make this any better, EUROPE MUST STAND TOGETHER","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This nigger song maker thinks that the jews own every system, but magically wouldn't be able to pay feds and anarchist queers to fucking kill us LOL","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"US Senator seeks Nielsen resignation over separation of immigrant families via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People are smart voters when it comes to American idol and bullshit like that but when it comes to an election y'all stupid af","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Typical dyke bitch and her white knight FAGGOT-\"boy . Don't you wish you could just fucking slowly murder these people?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sara Peritas @Sara_Peritas 04:27PM what is nigger speak is what Emmanuel was and is saying in many of his posts, not only to Laurie Wright. this is what all 3 of you support","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"But you can still see the person's posts (without just opening an incognito window, lol) so it's not TECHNICALLY blocking. Just @a catering to boomer trash like @mitchellvii who don't want their followers to see them proven to be retarded in the comments below their posts.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Illegal Immigrant's don't want to be Citizen's. They want the money exchange. A US dollar in Mexico is worth Ten dollars. If you get Three dollars a hour and room and board then send it back to Mexico it is really Thirty dollars a hour. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This faggot needs a tampon to stuff up his sore little ass....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"USA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone who reduces different political doctrines to a ridiculous as hominem is a retarded faggot by definition","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@ProjectLincoln @kurtbardella To the best of my knowledge there is nothing cowardly about Senator Graham. You disgruntled malcontents should be ashamed of yourselves for selling your soul to the left for invitations to the lefts cocktail parties. #Trump2020 #GrahamforSenate2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Soft on immigration? Trump forgot how he praised President Obama for deportation numbers! Republicans could've had COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM years ago but you know....OBSTRUCTION was the plan no matter what! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user My new hoe why the whore label im gonna call million dollars whores records labe and get mind ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They got David taking out the trash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"little ralph, listen up kid, the career choices are food, living hot water bottle or spic gimp, whats it gonna be ?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"A post gender society is the most retarded thing I've heard all day. And I've been in the internet all day!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@a is this your idea of \"speech?\" Vulgar name calling? From a speaker of \"Turth?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@NG5_ Thirsty Giants are always like \"ho, ho, ho\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God they all sound like NPCs just parotting the same shit over and over. >\"Everyone advocating for GamerGate ideology or complaining about \"race changing\", \"sjw agendas\", or \"forced diversity\" in gaming is an alt-right racist and sexist. >ALL OF THEM.\" Thinking in absolutes. Welcome to the making of your own terror. Dumb cunts. >GG still exists? Maybe stop talking about it? lol >Gamergaters, incels, MGTOW's all have an immense victim complex and they genuinely believe they're under attack. AWWW LAWD. THE IRONY. \"ALT RIGHT\" \"NAZIS\" \"TRANSPHOBES\" \"HOMOPHOBES\" \"ANTI-LGBT\" etc etc The inability they have to self reflect is perplexing. GG blew up into the \"misogyny\" narrative on your side because you fuckers literally chose to act emotionally rather than understand the initial point against ZQ. GG is still talked about because you fuckers played victims. You still play victim to this day. Your whole identity is based on being a victim. Cuddle up buckaroos. ~ ResetEra probably","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@TreshaRenee I didn't make to any games last season. Just looked it up. Astros open up with the Yankees 1st of April","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bitches love arguing with me on Instagram K Michelle is a whore so let's stop ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Murkowski trying to make a name for herself, rather than her Daddy's ???? Here's a name CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I don't think limmys a bitch or a cunt I just want him to see this when he's searching for people needing a time out. Hi Brian. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@Xicelol @macksimum1 @Tayler_Johann7 @Jeopardy Trump did nothing, but Joe and Kamala are going to get it handled. Anything else?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I agree. I'd also like to point out that not every nigger needs to be black, as Pelosi shows.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Never trust a lawyer. They are lower than whale shit. Look here she has to come here and fill up your page with ads because she can't get clients. Liberal faggot whore. Go away! @kimberlyschultzlaw","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The #BJP will not support men's rights. What are *YOU* doing about it. See the blog, watch men of action! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"its true. god hates fags Sounds as if you're speaking from personal experience? ZZIIIIING! ive met the faggot, and it is you! so thirsty so soy much faggot wow","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck you Mrs may you cunt had enough of your weasel face just find a hole and die in it please. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"In the dictionary beside the word \"cunt\" there's a picture of her.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hope there is concertina wire on top and protected by high density anti-personnel minefields on either side. Buzzards gotta eat even if it is greasy spic As far as which kind of ILLEGALS who are Mostly Crossing MS-13 and muzz-rats Sure Some Mexicans but most of them are Couriers","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user #EndDACA Only AMERICANS should vote for elected officials!!! Not dead or illegal people. But then how would you get any votes! #ENDDEMOCRATS ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"More specifically, it's full of Blacks. Why would any White person choose to be around Blacks unless they have been conditioned to believe that race doesn't matter? I can guarantee race matters to the Nigger rapists who took turns penetrating her White vagina. It mattered to them very much.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Parsons trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user #EndBirthrightCitizenship #NoAnchorBabies! Birthright citizenship should NOT apply 2 #Illegals, tourists, or temporary guest workers!! How stupid do we have 2 be 2 grant #AmericanCitizenship 2 babies born in th ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fam, please report yourself for mind rape and dine and dash violations as well as Ghosting. Flood it. It will become a joke and pointless. Report yourself for rape if you wish, it's fucking retarded and means nothing.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Now I feel better after muting the male cunt Trumptard Triggerer. What a freaking pansy and weak sauce. i will see that you get your 6ft deep safe space. with a cock shoved in every hole you have and even some new holes made in you.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It would depend: If they were Jihadists doing it in the *name* of Islam, it's not a fair comparison. These people, are stupid as they are, are at least afraid of death\/consequences and there's a certain level of \"we can't go too far because....\". Jihadists don't feel this way, they are not afraid to die for a cause, in fact it's an honour. If it happened to be a group of blacks or Muslims protesting something like this, yes, that's a double standard. However, if it's in the name of Islam and they are Islamists or even worse Jihadists (who are the ones who generally do this, not your every day Muslim) then it would be fair to treat them with a greater degree of force given the nature of the threat and the sheer lack of rationality\/supernatural grivences\/belief. Fuck you AJ+, SJW scum. Go do a story about how 86% of Egypatian Muslims believe death is appropriate for apostasy WITHOUT mentioning America or Israel or \"Fuck white people\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Central American governments hope to halt illegal migration to US ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gab was developed by Andrew Torba and his team. They have invested their time, money, and energy and built Gab from the ground up. Their work deserves to be rewarded with success. Therefore, to all the lolishills and the others working tirelessly to tear Gab down (especially those who whine about \"muh free speech\" because Andrew won't let them post child porn): Invest YOUR time, YOUR money, and YOUR energy in building YOUR own platform, where you can write the Terms of Service and take all the risks for the behavior of the people who post on YOUR platform. DO something instead of complaining. Build something instead of tearing something down. You want to post loliporn? Build a platform where you can do it. But realize: YOU don't get to make the rules. YOU don't get any say in the TOS. YOU aren't risking anything if Gab goes down. Abide by the terms of service or leave. It really is that simple. BTW: If you REALLY want to post your cartoon child porn somewhere, get all the pictures you want to post, walk out into the middle of a busy freeway, and post them on the front of speeding cars. People have invested their time and money into Gab, so stop being an unrealistic bitch when the selling point of Gab is free expression\/speech. Psychophant bitch. And all you are is a stupid bitch. That's all you will ever be, a piece of trash. \"muh leftist muh leftist muh leftist\" I think they really botched your circumcision. They're so easy to spot it's pathetic. CC: @a","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Someone ought to hang this nigger from a tree anyway, regardless of the fact he shot himself dead after murdering that woman. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/university-of-utah-student-21-killed-by-ex-boyfriend-was-on-phone-with-parents-before-fatal-shooting","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"NRCC hates being control, they want to be 2nd, way more donations to skim off of.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user happens to women everywhere, not only rape but sexual abuse and pple still ask what she did to provo ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What's the difference between your bonus and your dick? You don't have to beg a woman to blow your bonus ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user Gtfo, illegal, why because they broke a law to get here, thereby making them criminals. So Illegal Immigrants. But I will accept Criminals as an alternative. Also you dont get to call yourself undocumented if you ha ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Bobbys a little butt hurt today. Go have a drink and STFU you are the a**hole. I've lost all respect for you. I used to think you spoke real ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Comments attached to posts made block necessary. I had some Christian fucking faggot post Bible verses to every one of my posts. Another parasite with no following attempted to use my posts as signal boost by commenting on all of them. These vermin are not my friends and I don't want their cancer attached to my work.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"These people are so retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Police officer and her family infected with highly contagious skin disease at Spanish migrant shelter ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Will this liberal cunt keep her job... of course. This is common practice among these (((universities)))","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When you're having a conversation with someone, not listening and just don't care ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone who knows or see's this Toronto (shithole) \"soy-boy faggot should punch him in the head and fu*k him up! ALL these libtard faggots are going down........male or female, shit doesn't have a gender nor does the rage coming their way! Dare Libtards to bring it to the streets! #TimesUp","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lawmakers and Leftists Continue to Push Get in Their Face' Tactics http:\/\/bit.ly\/2A0FJ6C via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Watch how the NY Times announce that Trump is a fascist and make parallels to Nazi Germany. https:\/\/youtu.be\/-QK1IVi4REI Jews are definitely not Kosher. God is great but $ is king. The inverted Orwellian world in action. Satan is God and God is Satan!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user Boy, they sure hated being separated from their kids, didn't they?#LiberalismIsAMentalDisorderThe kids shouldn't get to stay!!! #DeportThemAll #EndFamilySeparation!#StopCatchAndRelease ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hirono: 'Sexual Predator' Trump Has a 'Mistrust of Women': http:\/\/valubit.cc\/hirono-sexual-predator-trump-has-a-mistrust-of-women\/ Hirono has got to be the biggest cunt in our government. Maxine Waters is a close 2nd","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck islamAllah u Fuckbar","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Getting her pussy and ass ate at the same time , now that's goals bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Gun Control Proponent LeBron James Has Armed Guards on Security Detail http:\/\/bit.ly\/2O5LEzV via @BreitbartNews Taliban look like Bo.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm an American Jew and have been on Gab since the day they started in August I just mute the fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches. Problem solved.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I think @NorahODonnell is a secret Trump lover and was nasty towards @KamalaHarris. It was evident when Trump got Covid and she was almost in tears. Norah's #60MinutesInterview with Joe and Kamala was horrible and rude. #60Minutes #norahodonnell","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Temple Mount Imam Calls Upon Men to Kill Their Sisters islam cut of shit... https:\/\/israelunwired.com\/temple-mount-imam-calls-upon-men-to-kill-their-sisters-mothers-if-they-disgrace-the-family\/ Unbelievable. Then, you have retarded Westerners actually converting to this demonic religion. :\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The comment section is full of idiots talking about background checks.he's a fucking nigger for fucks sake. No background check needed.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Its nice to know that Americans aren't the only idiots in the world. Americans killed all wolves in the lower 48 by the 1930s and have tried to bring them back in Yellowstone in the 1990s. People can't share pray animals with any other apex predator. Everything else must be eliminated. This is one of the reasons animal populations are crashing around the world.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Another FAGGOT @BrianNasty is MUTED The way I keep getting hit with same post every day I think it's the same Faggot over and over I think he's creating more accounts with different names A week ago the posts began as an introduction as the tranny porn guy then went into the boomer bashing Same Exact post every time Why I think it's the same faggot each time","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user we'd ur opinion in our polls abt language courses and groups u'd like to s ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I swear this account is 90 percent based nigger posts. Zzz","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No matter how appealing #ZeroTolerance remedies may seem, they are not in fact a sustainable solution in a just society. The collateral damage is unacceptable. #MeToo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oh look, another female learning a lesson every man learns when he's fucking","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hear you, its just so insane to see them through their lives and culture away, I have a step daughter that thankfully I dont have contact with but shes a nigger lover, one put her in hospital, she miscarried etc yet shes one of those dirty White girls that does blacks.....not welcome in our home!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"There's a bird nest in my garage and so now when the birds fly out they poop on my car. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mildly racist [deleted] He's stereotyping Moroccans as goat fuckers. That's literally the definition of racism. [deleted] Morocco is a country, Moroccans can be a race. Nice try at a strawman there. I don't know where you came up with assuming everyone in a country being a certain race is racist, try reading the definition you inbred piece of shit. \"the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races\" Saying the land of the goat fuckers is the same as saying the land of liver diseased alcoholics about Russia because you're insinuating all people have a certain trait. If you can't understand something so simple I suggest you find a tall bridge and take a short walk. [deleted] 99% of Moroccans are from the same religious and ethnic demographic. America is less than 80% white so while its correct to say morrocans are a race its incorrect to say americans are a race. I'm actually stunned by how retarded you are, you could easily while americans are a race but youre clearly too dense to work that one out. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @PlMPCESS: A silent protest in Philadelphia, performance artists protest the murder of Mike Brown while passerby's mock it. http:\/\/t.co\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I swear that I am watching a show about immigration fraud! #90DaysFiance ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RETWEET TO INFINITY!! Donald Trump Makes His Entrance!! The Villages, Florida. @realDonaldTrump https:\/\/t.co\/ULbuWxd0N5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"We never voted for Multiculturalism but we got it, we never voted for open borders but we got it. We voted for something we want in Brexit and they, the establishment don't want it. Democracy at this point is a mere illusion, we are living in a Totalitarian State! It's time we woke up! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Innocent woman provoked by media scums over the name of boldness to eventually face this worst ending.. media just intended to grab hype and spice over her femininity and sexuality.. poor women of delusive liberal society...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Those guys died so that she could have the freedom to be a cunt. Not so she could do cunty stuff without paying the price. This is the problem with people. The don't realize that the first amendment guarantees that government won't stop free speech. But you can still get fired for it. Fucking idiots","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"they are making a generation of NPCs @a ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No the USA is a product of CULTURAL MARXISM -- the nigger is part of common plight, not the cause. STUPID PROLES. Communism not the house Nigger is to Blame.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Blacks doing what blacks do https:\/\/www.liveleak.com\/view?t=29a_1501167921 Yeah but didn't you hear? Niggers are gonna help Trump save America, all the cucks say so. For real, that video was crazy tho. They caught the one nigger on fire and than they grabbed a whole different nigger and bashed him in the head and threw him in the fire too. I never want to live around niggers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I really just want to kill some towel head terrorists already can high school be over now please?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@CNBC Pelosi's cognitive state, along with Biden's, should raise more than a national security question. Give me a break. (Tomorrow night will be a lot of fun). #trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Good luck to you, I have so much hatred for companies that exploit this type of labour and make millions selling it on. I have tried to set up my brand with only hand made items as best I can. Everything is done in house by myself in the U.K. and sold in the U.K. If I can't make it, I don't sell it. I would love the rest of the world to follow suit but the greedy capitalist world we live on controls us and peoples attitude to get others to do things they can't be bothered with is allowing them to continue. Give credit where credit is due and pay people for their art. I hope they win it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Washing my coon hair","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"French MPs are demanding changes to the law on child rape after prosecutors ruled that an 11yr-old girl consented to sex with a man aged 28. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you're dumb as shit faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Well ffs, another faggot talking about twitter .... who has a twatter account and routinely posts twits! Stop fucking using thier service. Just #walkaway. Every twit you send makes them stronger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She's an entitled cunt. No one is obligated to help you, they may have had great reason to run, maybe his daughter was on the other carriage and he wanted to make sure she was OK. We don't know anything about what happened except her words and to be honest I'd take bets this never happened but she wanted a reason to play victim and bash white males","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sure, there are a lot of immature and stupid ppl here. But that's bc there are a lot of immature and stupid ppl in real life. And cursing or name calling has nothing to do with \"guts.\" If we had to communicate here like we do at work, it would be retarded and gay. For example, I couldn't have even said that.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" I need a bitch thats gon pay all my bills I don't like broke women ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nigger - it's what YOU said you wanted. BTW you're \"checkinng your list\" on Gab. So the left isn't your enemy - the right is? Are you ANTIFA?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"> In these situations, I usually Google around for solutions. If the game is popular or a couple of years old, there have invariably been people trying to get out of the same tricky spot. The other invariable part is that one person, and often many, will reply to the asker, \"Just get good!!! Git gud!!! Fucking bullshit If you ask retarded questions you might get some comments like that, but 9 times out of 10 people are helpful if you ask nicely Git gud is only thrown around when people like you bitch and whine about game difficulty","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" Crazy booster shot kid thinks people are paying attention to him. I don't know what to tell him. Let him down easy guys. This one is sensitive. you sound like you have mental problems when you refer to \" guys\". you have no friends online or off. everything you say makes you sound more and more desperate and frustrated. Dorky bot network troll with 6000 followers has on average one like on the vast majority of posts. Can't figure out how we all know he likes up his own posts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I mean duh. I want that third debate to be that town hall debate though. I want Trump and Biden on that stage, or virtual, to have to face the american people and ANSWER. Trump will fucking choke. Why else do you think he ducked this debate?? https:\/\/t.co\/woZZWKbJSM","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This being sick is for the birds.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Who hates Loki, the dude is cool AF. Stop trying to monopolize strong, straight white men for your stupid cause just because you dream of gargling their dicks, you fucking flamboyant faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The corruption and arrogance must end! Trump has made a total mess out of America in less than 4 yrs!! He belongs in prison, not the White House. #VoteReady #COVID19 #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/Dlg3kFenFE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Ok if you fucking said leave block me. But dm me first I'm gonna kick your ass. Shut the fuck up you ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Kabaalah hey, fuckhead, you Do know that albinos are a genetic defect and not necessarily white, right? Fucking retarded asshat. If science was an enema that would help you understand you would eat it instead. that's because the REAL science would make your nigger head explode, you fucking worthless bag of shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"South African TV: Most programmes on SABC 1, 2 and 3 focus on Africans, their struggle during Apartheid and how ''bad'' white people are. TV series: Most have black main characters. Other programmes have a few white characters\/actors and another % of colored and African actors(e.g. in 7de Laan) below:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @CyFyre: @WesOrrJames love you too my nig #squad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"United Airlines has to be one of the worst (out of very many greed-focussed, unethical corporations). I hope they go down for this. It's unbelievably bad.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm guessing another butt ugly, man hating bull dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I need a little help to get the trifecta! I've heard from the holocaust deniers and the flat Earthers, I want to hear from a QAnon believer now! Lmfao It you don't believe in Q it's only because you're not paying attention","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Women shouldn't just be going around having sex with just anyone, nigger or non-nigger. This poll is stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"your baby thinks your a retarded kiler","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Okay I must complain about Fox TV . I am watching The Cool Kids. This is a family hour comedy show. Should be kid friendly at this hour of the evening. Now I realize things have changed and morals are almost a thing of the past but this can't be allowed. These old folks are texting women for dates. I just walked in on it and heard one guy say \" no one messaged me back. I came on too strong with my dong pics. Destiny is the only one who liked my dick \" Now I am the last person who would complain about bad language since I am the king of foul mouth talk but this is different . This is family time TV and screw all this crap where people can say fuck all over the place and it is acceptable . It is NEVER acceptable especially on TV when kids are watching. Shit , piss , fuck , cunt , cocksucker, mother fucker, tits.. NO . And not dick, fun bags, slop hole, stink hole, brown eye, poop chute....... Complain to Fox Network about this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When you're up till 5am but had to be to work by 8:30 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user I Agree w you Misha CollinsBogus #Asylum claims and #IllegalALiens peddled by gang members, coyotes and Mex drug cartel are human rights violations to the citizens of the United States of America. GET IN LINE. Stop #Illegalimmigrants #I ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The faggot looks old as shit, he just used make up like all faggots do.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It means I live in close proximity to, and have a lifetime experience of living around, having to go to school with, having to work with, and having to go to the same grocery store with motherfucking sub human, knuckle draggging, ape level IQ NIGGERS. How's that? You're a real genius you know that? Maybe you'll understand finally when a nigger is hacking your head off with a machete... of course it will be too late then won't it??","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"McCaskill is A LIBERAL SJW CUNT BITCH !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump The bi-partisan HIC Russia Investigation determined that Trump invited, made use of and covered up Russia's help in the 2016 presidential electionTRUMP COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA...THEN LIED ABOUT ITYou can read the actual report and transcripts at:https:\/\/t.co\/jsrXvI6ab4 https:\/\/t.co\/kepakXbejF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Democrats Today The Supreme Court is illegitimate The Senate must be dismantled The Electoral College must be destroyed ALSO: Pres. Trump undermines our Republic Spray the whole crowd with concentrated ghost chili oil in aerosol form and watch the fun. Not all Dems are like that and there are plenty of the GOP that think Trump is a bad president. I am not a member of either party but I think President Trump has done a few things right and many things wrong. I have an ber dictum I live by: \"I Pledge Allegiance To The FLAG - not some guy in a suit . Trump does not get a free pass from me. That said, the crowd in that picture gets a pepper oil smackdown. So does Portland antifa. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to swear allegiance to the USA and the Constitution there of? After all, a flag is just cloth. \"The flag is just a piece of cloth . Fuck you, buddy. My Brothers and I fought, and some died, for that \"piece of cloth . Asshole. #GabFam #GabVets What a spineless cuck... \"The flag is just a cloth\" \"The anthem is just a shitty song about violence.\" \"The constitution is just an outdated piece of paper.\" Context, bud. Context.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@gop What you are doing, in an attempt to weaken US democracy, just proves to those of us who voted for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats down the ballot, that we did exactly the right thing for this country. And we won't forget in January, mid-terms, or in 2024. No chance!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Just hope you don't get an appointment with a nigger who ends up chopping off your leg by mistake Many such cases !","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Illegal Aliens have the Audacity to try to enter a U.S Army Base that's a National Security Risk Here ILLEGALLY for 10 or 30 years get deported ! #RedNationRising #Immigration #Trump #MAGA #SendthemBack via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @ShamarGotHoes: J Cole ain't trash... Period.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @OTRAUpdates2015: Rumours that the boys will be touring around the world for OTRA Tour and it will end in the UK\/Ireland as a welcome ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'All of Honduras wants to come here' Facing tightened security, waves of Hondurans continue to try to make it to the US, saying they have no other choice. This DNA is the worst DNA in the world. Only the nigger is more inferior than these small short brown stupid people https:\/\/www.aljazeera.com\/news\/2018\/10\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Walking Dead is trash people...That is all. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cowardly pig that got his feeling hurt. That all. You know that drunk bitch didn't deserve to get hit so hard it could kill her. Dude if that was it I'd be okay but that faggot will be able to ruin her life. Come one bro we're one the own same side. That guy did that just because he could get away with smashing a drunk girl in the face and wouldn'y face any consonances.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" you are dumb YOU ARE DUMB!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"use real bullets, ratko mladic know the cure.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @gferguson8: @MSoltan18 @WBDyllon_ @KoredeB9 Messi is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#EU still not clear on where to put rescued migrants ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah but some of the trash is still her like Cyph and faggot boy JD ...got one POS trying to do me like they did Gee and Copy My ID and use a Picture of methat they got off of Dijjys Youtube page","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":">worshipping the mystical sky faggot Actually being this mentally ill","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"69. #Bozo is the friend who tries to con you into privacy so he can either pressurise you into consensual sex or rape you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Oh look another hysterical women ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@thebradfordfile Fucking war on Christians! #trump2020","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Mi casa, su casa my house is a #HOE house!! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"sounds like the nigger in planet of the apes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Johnny Manziel just flipped somebody the bird...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trudeau's immigration solution: Put illegals in hotels via @user #Trudeau Hi Bo put our homeless families in hotels before you start catering to illegals and immigrants refugees? How about our homeless veterans? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I absolutely love your username","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When are you going to change your avatar from that faggot pedophile kike? Probably around the same time as you graduate from the fourth grade humor.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#BallotHarvesting#Maine#Ruling#Texas#Winning#Trump2020 TWO HUGE COURT RULINGS for GOP! Maine Blocks Illegal Democrat Ballot Harvesting Texas Blocks Straight Party Ballot Optionhttps:\/\/t.co\/NILaKDk5M9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @hiteshrangra: Sonia never criticises @ArvindKejriwal . Kejriwal, who trashes every other leader, never criticises Sonia. Touching. #YoK ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"0:54 yes, i am sick of it too. Who says woman should have class and dignity. You all should be free to whore it up and be seen as pieces of meat.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Looks like minority enthusiasm for Trump is exceeding expectations! #MAGA Minorities will never vote for Republican candidates. Any minority group knows its survival rests in taking power away from the majority, who can still send the minority group away. Whether they are \"nice\" or not, sooner or later they will act against the majority. Very untrue, and very unhelpful. There always are people among minority groups who are disgusted by their tribe's behavior and sincerely want to blend in with the majority. Repelling them is either stupidity or sabotage.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"ayo i even kill handicapped and crippled bitches\/look at my scalp real close and you'll see triple sixes\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Who's gonna fight in our next war? AP Report: U.S. Army is quietly discharging immigrant recruits ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nope. Still delicious. https:\/\/bbs.thegoyimknow.to\/uploads\/default\/original\/4X\/4\/9\/7\/497b4b9c7d2b8b6a5cb7e4ec3646cb2a13e23ce","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NO ISS NO TURKS no MOROCCANS no ISLAM borders close refugees are not welcome IN Europe EU NO MERKEL NO Cabinet RUTTE111 (King Alexander country verrarder (Zaid stays black) no animal suffering (fuck Sylvana) (Pechtold left again I puke there of)https:\/\/t.co\/bQbIbLTAeC ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"TrueCons live their ethno-nationalism through Jews. They are trannies that way. Who the fuck do you think you are? You could be alluding to a number of things. Asking you to clarify doesn't make me a retard - but you responding like an utter dick makes you an imbecile with no manners.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Evidently a 30 year old teacher was sending sexual texts to a 15 year old girl...Dad didn't like it very much to say the least--LOL If more parents addressed these issues this way there would likely be far fewer instances of sexual abuse by teachers. Well done Pop! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ivkRmPemT90 Seeing that vagina have his nose period was quite satisfying, at the same time I feel that it was probably not clear enough to get through the skull of said vagina. For the kids sake, I hope the vagina gets the message.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#KeithEllison's Ties to the #MuslimBrotherhood Report https:\/\/www.newswars.com\/keith-ellisons-ties-to-the-muslim-brotherhood-report pulling mower backwards over feet, some might see a flicker of light wearing thongs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You take nigger sloppy seconds if you want. I won't even touch a woman that fucks niggers.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Rescued migrants escaping North Africa expected to arrive Sunday in Spain ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"lol @ hillbilly rednecks hero fantasies! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Great lie you faggot piece of sh*t jew. We have been receiving your trannie porn, your poo porn, because you don't want the truth to be known about evil degenerate Satan worshipping jews","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user U Know what Never Mind bitch Slut i never even Liked yuo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Anyone should leave their partner at the very first sign of abuse","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Because it's easy to call women those things when the one hurting you repeatedly acts like he wasn't being the slut and whore himself. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ASOS and Katharine Hamnett team up on underwear line to support refugees ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#BuildThatWall #IllegalImmigration get these people the hell out of our country ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Christian Witch Claims Christ Followers Can Practice Witchcraft, Despite Biblical Warnings https:\/\/www.christianpost.com\/news\/christian-witch-claims-christ-followers-can-practice-witchcraft-despite-biblical-warnings-228038\/ Hmmm, maybe time to bring out the firewood, matches, ropes, and a pole. Salem revisited. Or just chase her out with a broom.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It takes twelve Germans to work and pay taxes in order to fund the cost of just one migrant ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The chinks really hunting their food... RT @WWLTV: Dog shot with arrow in N.O. East- http:\/\/t.co\/q1KqT6STwl","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"[deleted] Fuck you. This is the best way to deal with WOMEN that lie and have men's lives upturned. Not really. The registry itself is fucked. Sure. But this is like the draft issue. The draft is bullshit. BUT as long as men have to register, so should women. Ideally though, neither system would exist. In the meantime though I'd settle for the registry only being open to law enforcement, like pretty much any other country that has it. And yes, for false accusers as well. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LEE TRUMBLE @Leetrum is a Left Wing JEW.......Spewing his retarded vitriol in the hope of gaining sympathy from the WORLD.......The Jews Main Goal is to EXTERMINATE THE WHITE RACE........THAT would give this Pitiful Organism Virtual Orgasms for ETERNITY........","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"should we be using gab.com or gab.ai? which site is going to become the main one? @a you can go away this is a free speech platform yeh so what get over it i followed you who cares? only you do","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On their blog they claim to be a socialist Dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I always felt she was what sent Bourdain over the edge. Cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I like to go to AA to remind myself that I'm not a real alcoholic and how great my life really is ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's their version of \"shut up, nigger\". Whilst i understand the hate, the word is valid. You gotta mansplain to someone that's really cuntfused. Just tell them to stop ovary-acting and cuntplaining. And proceed to watch the world burn from the meltdown. Mansplaining is just a woman trying to cuntfuse the issue by shaming a male and shrugging off her inability to understand the situation.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lets see. You brag about grabbing women by the pussy, you demean and belittle people including your own staff daily, so yeah, what we are seeing what we are hearing, IS true o stfu, oh and Mueller is coming. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No, we know their tactics......you also knew they were coming.....they have come in droves......that's ok, we hillbilly DEPLORABLES got this......","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If the U.S. wants to brain drain the entire planet and get the best and brightest here like we did at the outset of WWII then anyone with an I.Q. above 120 should be fast tracked and given a stipend. Lets get all the geniuses over here. And the refugees, we have tons of space ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you ask an average American, they are overwhelmingly anti-war. American wars will never end as long it possesses the military might and as long there are third world countries out there, far far weaker than USA. Like Russian President Putin said while USA was about to invade Syria last year, \"The world reacts by asking: if you cannot count on international law, then you must find other ways to ensure your security. Thus a growing number of countries seek to acquire weapons of mass destruction. This is logical: if you have the bomb, no one will touch you\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"No, Vox Day is an American Indian and thinks white nationalists are retards Yes, he regularly calls they retards, and does not consider any of them of the right.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I don't think a european solution will work for us, because their civil service is actually semi competent. We actually have a policy of hiring as many niggers as possible. And we also have a two party system, enabled directly by our overpopulated districts. Even libertarians can't get elected. White majority districts do not matter, because -- get this -- zero Congressmen actually support white interests. Zero. Guys like Steve King barely count. Yes there will be pure nigger districts who elect Kangz into office. But there will also be people like us. A faceless chameleon like Paul Ryan can get elected because he doesn't stand out in 700,","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Danny Trejo is the most annoying spic ever. Until Elizabeth Warrens DNA teas came back showing she's a spic. Spicahontas.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"i wonder if her views on equality include a quality cunt kicking session?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No, America does NOT deserve better. 50% of America are blithering, overweight fucksticks on government or grant incomes who couldn't decipher a Sudoku puzzle if their life depending on it. If your not from a different country get the fuck out anti American faggot your Jealous that America is better than the shit hole you live in. Eurofag","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":". @united how about donating flights to deport the Invaders back to their homeland. #StopTheInvasion #DeportThemAll ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Our report on the lack of supervision, sexual activity and runaways at the shelters that house immigrant children in and around Chicago was just published in Spanish ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"God fucking forbid that twat talked with anybody about something that made him uncomfortable. Even worse. God fucking forbid somebody has the fucking guts to tell that twat there's this rare, never before met, social justice warrior smashing technology called \"HEADPHONES\".","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"Why would I want that\" This is advanced retardation. Retardation in its purest form \"advanced retardation\" is my favorite oxymoron. It's like regular retardation, but advanced.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Queer Mohammedan obama executive order to not discriminate against insane psycho queer transgender.Is Mohammedan obama Jewish?Queer nigger Mohammedan obama is not Jewish","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The author nailed my most obvious gripe that every male character has a tragic flaw or was a failure of ego, whereas every woman was the paragon of virtue and heroism. That sort of one sided characterization really pulled me out of the story and spoke of agenda. > That sort of one sided characterization really pulled me out of the story and spoke of agenda. It's not just male\/female either. Every antagonist is white except for 2 who both betray the empire for the good guys(aka, they're actually protagonists). In rogue one they even made the deliberate casting choice to have zero white male protagonists. They're hamfisting in a weird kind of racial politics into it as well. Can you imagine being *so fucking fragile* that if a single movie doesn't represent you, you're actually upset? If you want some white male leads, you can literally watch *any of the originals or prequels.* This subreddit loves to bitch about fragile SJWs, but holy fuck you guys have fragile egos. That's not what I said and you know it. Can you imagine being so up your own ass that you have to deliberately misinterpret what people say so you can keep jacking yourself off with your righteous indignation? I don't give a shit about movies not having white male leads, I care about them deliberately choosing to make all the bad guys white males and deliberately make none of the good guys white males. that's shoehorning in personal racial politics in to a movie it has absolutely no place in. How about make a few members of the empire non-white and make the movie even more diverse! Anti SJWs: \"haha libatrds and there precious fee-fees, amirite ladies\" Also Anti SJWs: What a well thought out argument. I'm impressed. > What a well thought out argument. I'm impressed Yeah yeah, get rekt. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yes they are. Mainly for anti-Islam bollocks. Despite the fact that British hate laws specifically say criticism of religion\/ideology is NOT hate speech.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Poor Ms Emma says she's afraid to drive down the street without a disguise. She wasn't fearfull last March when she was sticking her face on every media show she could find....flashing the Cuban flag.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A real study shows that your more than likely to be shot in any place where black population is more than 20 percent-why..because ignorant society that thinks entitled to ignorant things and not get shot for it Everybody in America, even the niggers, are more likely to be shot by a nigger than a police officer","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Politics is where only the crooked survive and the most dispicable ones come to power...... if a good one comes along either they are bullied away or killed by the corrupted asswipes. Sad to see the nation being run buy goons","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I recall that obnoxious cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@AJ0427 Just watched the Llewyn Davis doc. Warm fuzzies abound ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @ItsFoodPorn: Oreo Cheesecake Bars http:\/\/t.co\/RlHHIM98FL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Let's get #ProudDeplorable Trending Now!Please #RETWEET this #SundayMorning Visit to help #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Mexican Nationals trafficking firearms in 2014-15-in fact they operated an entire organization.Grand jury indicted in 2015 wonder what took so long? Chalk it up to bad optics for an #ObamaRegime haunted by #FastAndFurious gun-running to Mexican drug cartels. #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What has this subreddit become It's like the incels have taken over. Edit: per downvotes I am beginning to assume my original comment is more true than I thought.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So, posting cartoon child porn is your \"free expression\"? Did you create it? Do you write stories of cartoon child porn? Or do you just want to post this filth? If you are just posting a picture someone else created, that's not REALLY a \"Free Speech\" argument for you, is it? And, what part of \"against TOS\" don't you get, you degenerate faggot? BTW: I notice YOU haven't paid for PRO or invested in Gab. YOU don't have any skin in this, except for maybe when you jack off to cartoon child porn, right? Yes. It's not just my free expression, it's everyone's, so that is a retarded way to put it as you clearly don't understand what freedom of expression means. I don't care about loli, just that @a is a lying fuckwit just like you. I see you are a \"Nazi LARPer\" as well as a cartoon child porn shill... Figures. Thanks for the pic. You sure are a SPECIAL little fag. Piece of trash? Maybe. But at least I don't advocate for cartoon child porn or be a degenerate Regressive Lefty faggot pretending to be a Nazi on Gab. You know what gives you away? Don't you know \"Jews developed porn (and specifically child porn) to destroy goy societies\"??? You can't have it both ways, comrade. And now, I am laughing at you, fag. \"Leftist faggot\" lol whatever Boomer cuck. And there we are, Gabfam. Another child porn loving Regressive leftist faggot posing as a Nazi on Gab and whining about \"muh Free Speech\" while jacking off to loliporn. Exposing these mentally retarded degenerates is tiring, but well worth the effort. Going to have a celebratory beer and a smoke now. You're welcome, my beloved Gabfam!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"to all those cunts who see my tweets and don't like or comment can suck my ass exept those couple peeps but bitch you know who you are ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Mr. President, PLEASE pass an Executavie Order making it illegal for non-citizens to vote, and please have ICE agents at every voting station to deport these criminals.#BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@tytytooflyy ima fill ur clam out","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Steve_Sailer: Speaking of witchcraft (as Vox does), my new book review of \"The Coddling of the American Mind\" explains how African beliefs in witchcraft might influence concepts like \"systemic racism\" and \"implicit bias.\" https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/XCdJ https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/z22Z","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Wars are created from greed and we ALL KNOW WHO are the greediest people on this Planet right? They belong to an elite group which we call Governments!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"LOL so literally the only people still clinging onto it even think Sargon is fucking retarded wow.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"EXECUTE THIS EVIL CUNT https:\/\/www.realclearpolitics.com\/video\/2018\/10\/09\/hillary_clinton_civility_can_start_again_when_democrats_take_back_the_house_and_or_the_senate.html","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Does it bother anyone else that the planet of the apes timeline makes no sense?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@TheErniie You're a little bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hope the press break this story wide open:There is an OFFICIAL directive from Trump\/White House directing all of their people NOT to wear a mask during televised interviews.They can wear them before or after but not on camera during.This is a FACT.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cunt News Nitwork","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My whole life is a bunch of awkward situations strung together by alcohol ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Alaska voters never forget this image when your time comes to primary out Murkowski","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"The bosses told us we can't call people names so from now on we will call them names but in a retarded pseudo cute way\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No Fear gravity wins for everybody...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"who in their right mind would live in that faggot and immigrant infested city...???","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@genevievemorton I voted against Trump.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hazlenut coffee and graham crackers every morning ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"For first time 'migrants land in Europe' says Italy ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Couldn't agree more! Refreshing to see a woman who feels the same ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"When the EDL leadership gave up their balaclavas, they were identified, isolated, and all of them were ham-strung by the courts. EDL attempted to become a non-violent force. The police (with hard-hats and riot shields) would form a circle around an EDL protest, and imprison the non-violent people inside this circle for hours, meanwhile permitting the Muslim thugs and their Leftist allies to hurl bricks and bottles into the circle.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It is way overdue to admit Europe can not take all of the migrants which are trying to get there. Nor can places like Canada. @user @user @user @user @user @user Please look at this dramatic graphic demonstration... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @DaTbOySmOkEyy: Shawty said you not gone understand america unless you went to a PWI school, crackers already brainwashed her smh lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Help @user continue the amazing campaigning, training and frontline support they provide re: the state violence that is #NRPF. No family (and no one) should be forced to live in poverty due to immigration status. If you've any leads on office spaces to rent, let them know! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gabby's a bitch and has two accounts","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That's how every retarded degenerate straight out predatory concept is initially introduced.. A joke.. An innocent depiction, perhaps some understanding.. LOUD AND CLEAR, STAY AWAY FROM CHILDREN. Period","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Girls have a vagina. Boys have a penis. End of story That's a very brief summary of biological sex. Very good. How does that relate to gender, though, if I might ask? They all share a common root. What's that supposed to mean?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So just to be clear, you're fine with racism as long as it's directed towards niggers but when it's directed towards kikes, you turn into a liberal? I assure you there's plenty of negative\/funny things to say about kikes as well but you seem to only have a problem with hatred directed at them. It's not like there's a lack of nigger hatred on here for you to bitch about so why only bitch about the kike hatred?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"(((Peter Sanders))) His entire gab wall is nothing but anti-christian posts. We live in a post Christian society and these kikes still envy our God. You would think that if atheism were a path of rich fruit, there would be substance to share. Nope, he is entirely focused on Christianity. Pathetic! Christ was talking about someone who had dies, idiot. By your logic, we should not defend our faith, or root out devils in our own Christian forums. I am not lukewarm. And I could give a fuck about this faggot peter. I do this to edify fellow Christians. You don't like it, I don't give a shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Un ejemplo de how stupid some people look saying not all men ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user the [clean] version dubs out the line 'such a fucking hoe' for 'such a filthy whore' which i swear 2 god is actually more offensive ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hang the Muzzie asshole!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sorry bitch I'll be a WHORE any damn day over that shit, gtfoh ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The real sad thing about this parasite is that some ppl will actually vote for this cunt cake!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":">I join PUBG Well, there's your problem right there. At least he didn't say Fortnite >I join The War Z > I put on my robe and wizard hat And they call me the Spellmonger","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"...no I can't lmao!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here's a fun contest: How many synonyms for awful can you come up with to describe eternallifestyle.com?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#2baba #with refugees in company of deputy Representative Brigitte Eno Mukanga appeals for IDP support in Nigeria ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Grr... Woke up ickblah. Congestion ew chunky bloaty gross. Missed the gym. 1 1\/2hr wait for the Dr. Boo Friday. #whineytweet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"INNOCENT KAVANAUGH : Whatcha hiding there Di? Feinstein wants FBI report sealed from public. https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/huge-development-feinstein-moves-seal-fbi-investigation-case-collapses\/ Bwahahahahahahaha StinkStein the dual citizen Communist has got herself backed in a corner. She has pulled the noose tighter around her own neck. LockHerUp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Oru Camp, Nigeria: The remaining Liberians at the Oru Camp in Nigeria have expressed readiness to return to Liberia finally after several years in exile. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Faggot scumbag typical democrat jackass","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Now there's a point to ponder. Why not indeed. Maybe because there's an agenda here and it has nothing to do with helping anyone. And a lot to do with destroying the West. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"i think it's pretty obvious they spent more time having sex with each other than they did training to punch nazis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@SGUSA4 @CathyCongress @jaimelynn5116 @slavewar @Scorpio4Trump2 @nascarred14 @DShairs2 @lucky_pennye @Ytweek1 @H1Tch7 @daverich503 @N_Testie @4_DJT @2ndmouseUSA @TX4dt @Derameth @TSH2_ @wilder_tx @jLo4USA @floweredog @gonepecan11 @Dv81Grey Turned down the nearly 1\/2 million\/year salary; only 2nd president in history to do so. Rest are broke or struggling and they enter Congress and stay forever and come out super rich.Thank you for this great train! Great Patriots on here. Please RT\/FB our conductor @SGUSA4 https:\/\/t.co\/7O6SI83DOH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"oh ya, hillbilly bob...faggot is misspelled...now go level your momas single wide Faggit","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"YESSS IT PISSES ME OFF TO NO END HOW THE FREAKAZOIDS FAGGOTS AND DYKES ARE BEING ALLOWED TO TERRORIZE AND ABUSE CHRISTIANS..THIS MADNESS HAS TO STOP ! The uk did it right American judges must stop their insane faggotry push !!! https:\/\/www.cbsnews.com\/news\/gay-cake-was-humiliating-but-not-discrimination-rules-britain-supreme-court\/ Yrs ago...i didnt care...i used to have faggot friends... But when they declared war on Christianity...all bets were off... I asked my now ex friends where they stood on the war... My reply to them...WE ARE NOW ENEMIES IN THIS WAR !!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Here's what it looks like when corporations steal our government.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @DaMcGrizzlyBear: the ghetto if UD wins tonight: http:\/\/t.co\/PkZmkn2WKo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And thanks to these Quislings, net migration to Britain totalled 2.2million between 1997 and 2010 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fags are evil retarded cock gobblers who suck at comedy..like a fuck tonne https:\/\/youtu.be\/ywAX5XHaIbw","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"1- This means, you can't ram these into silo-openings. you have to target the entire tunnel or silo structure with these. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Muslim Cop Shoots Innocent Autistic Teen from his Vehicle in a Drive-By Shooting https:\/\/www.dcclothesline.com\/2018\/10\/22\/muslim-cop-shoots-innocent-autistic-teen-from-his-vehicle-in-a-drive-by-shooting\/ I would like to invite this commenter to spend some time in a locale that doesn't have the quality of officers that the USA does. No better lesson learned than the school of hard knocks... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck you bitch. I'd fight you if I wasn't pregnant but your too big of a pussy to hit anyone cause all you do is run your mouth ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Your wife sounds like an entitled cunt, like 95% of women.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm watching the Trump town hall! Definitely more of a chance of some crazy shit going down there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's a bird? It's a plane? No, it's Peter \"Walkin on Air\" Byers @pistol_pete96 http:\/\/t.co\/WHECP5kDci","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Video: Assad and Kind Syrians open it's door to genuine refugee ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Here is the article by Greg Johnson. Read it and decide for yourself. I agree with some of it, some of it is objectionable. https:\/\/www.counter-currents.com\/2018\/10\/what-is-the-alternative-right-part-3\/ The part about heilgate smacks of ill-will. One can place some blame on Richard Spencer for the seig heiling debacle at NPI, but to not even mention who actually did the heiling when that person is known personally to Greg Johnson is absurd. You can blame Spencer for inviting that individual, but Spencer didn't know that Enoch was going to organize heiling at the NPI event. Who am I talking about? Mike Enoch of course. Greg knows that Mike Enoch did the heiling, and still supported Enoch long after the event. How can you have a problem with Spencer and not with Enoch for the exact same incident? The answer is that you can't and the incident at NPI is being used battering ram against Spencer. The amnesnia in the rank and file about Mike Enoch's role in the NPI heiling incident is one of the queerer things about the alt-right. Proof that Greg Johnson supported Mike Enoch after heilgate below. https:\/\/www.counter-currents.com\/2017\/01\/why-i-support-mike-enoch\/ Of course you can go around saying \"don't purge\" and then write polemics that if successful will have the exact effect of purging. Greg Johnson publishing articles calling Hitler a god = good Richard Spencer give speech where people do Roman salute = bad The eternal faggot Greg is little better than the eternal Jew weev.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"People who enjoy shows like @SouthPark and @FamilyGuyonFOX are douche bags. Usually white trash, too.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"New Mexico Sheriffs arrest 2 NOT-WHITE men, Siraj Wahhaj and Lucas Morten, for holding at least 11 starving children in a heavily armed, pigsty Islamic compound. #EndALLImmigration#DeportThemAll #BuildTheWallhttps:\/\/t.co\/tAIplXs7CL ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I long for combat faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Or it could just be a retard with a keyboard.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user so you admit to actin like a hoe? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"tommy robinson come on support gab if you want to be heard you can use your media power","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah it's called inciting a riot.and for being a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Remember that time in 2016 when everyone woke up and realized every president after Kennedy was a fucking cabal tool. MAGA Not everyone. Even the libs got more figured out than some of these conservative that still live in denial.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Be the star of your own reality show... Be obsessed with yourself ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's a sad day but I'm done worth Taylor Swift. And I'm sure it will come as a surprise to her when a huge portion of her fan base does the same. https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/10\/07\/arts\/music\/taylor-swift-politics-endorsements.html Sad but true. Done with here too..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Those children in London don't you understand the people you March with are demons that fuck you and kill you s and those evil cunt want you to have no life or living or children to carry on the next life Labour and Tory are pedo heaven stop walking with you evil.mums and dad","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yes I am thankful for not being that and just being straight les. Which I don't have a problem with. It's the teenage 15 year old attitude mixed with Tumblr angst and stupid showtunes all the time, and when she once said all people born in the 1950s need to die. I got on her big time for that. I told her she basically said she wanted her grandparents dead... Why she said it.. It was posted on her Facebook because her woke friends think people born on the 50s are against gay marriage and must die. I had to lay out common sense to her, with a snap out of the bubble talk. I haven't heard anything that retarded for a while thankfully. As for my wife. She really isn't that political. It's funny she took a political test online in 2016 and it gave her a 92 rating leaning for trump... More then me. She was so distraught, she has shut up about politics since and doesn't talk or like when anyone even brings it up. Of course she couldn't vote that way. Planned parenthood used to pay for female issue stuff before when we both didn't have insurance. I don't know how she scored that when I had to explain why illegal immigration is bad. She kept bringing up that her grandparents were immigrants from Austria and Serbia in the 40s so it wasn't bad. I had to explain the difference and how the news and her comedy shows warp things.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Start by ripping that snot ring out of his faggot nose.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Latest company to #boycott, people: #Exxon... More ads are going with the quick shot of a White and negro together in some way- sitting together, whatever. The overt stuff I see less of, though it is there. Exxon engaged in the former... having a mudshark and nigger talking, looking fondly at each other. Any amount of this is unacceptable, people. Go to Chevron-","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Man.....she is one ugly \"thing.\" Can't call her a man or woman.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@RealGilbert and the hunters anthem goes \"Al Goreing we will go, Hi ho the dairy O Al Goreing we will go\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck a lame nigga than you a lame bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is not a picture of the young George Soros.This is someone else. FFS! Can't they even send me the right bloke lol Lol What exactly is your point with this pic Fraggle Rock? You've been sending it to me for 2 weeks now. I didn't say these ARE bodies being taken to the crematoria after just being killed. It looks like bodies were being moved after the camp was liberated. What I said was the Nazis possibly used carts LIKE this to move bodies. thanks for your reply","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I got nothing this person is a retard....lawns have nothing to do with race.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bomb that far evil commie cunt that killed that one of the richest Christian country ones was i do hope trump bomb that fat cunt and run him out so people can be free again from evil monster commie","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Someone tell @RSherman_25 his dreads are part of the uniform. I'd pull your hair too. Why are you trash talking? Cut your Doodoo braids.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Professor @user co-director of NUSL's Immigrant Justice Clinic, weighs in on the Abolish ICE movement for The @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"'Bigots' are bigots for a reason. Women should stop being retarded if they don't want men to hate them. Mic drop.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Little bitty bumble bee #bumblebee http:\/\/t.co\/WgYL5UpjQq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Mine should be arriving any day now. #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/iLfKzxookp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"FASCISTS whose day is done: Jason Kessler Richard Spencer Alt Right lulzboys LARPer shield walls FASCISTS who still worry me: Police FBI ICE Trump GOP Federal Govt Barbecue Betty, Permit Patty etc Racist paper pushers Anti-immigrant militias Anti-choice shills IT industry andlt;moreandgt; ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user So its ok for a man to put his hands on a women... stfu. We know how your bitch living. Smh ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm so fucking glad someone called CPS on his piece of shit children. I'm convinced it was the right thing to do. This piece of shit needs to die of a heart attack tonight. Supporting terrorists isn't cool, hombre","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Thousands of Rodney King beatings and the Government\/people do nothing. Just videos circulating the internet and no justice for these people. I am so sick of this. uhhh","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user or not *legal* but a complaint beyond the school itself... which just seems ridiculous in the 21st Century... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Islam is the home of terriorism .","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Wonders if all these #ProLife #TrumpSupporters know where #stemcells come from? They seem pretty quiet about it. #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"People- why are you such an asshole? Me- ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If most of ur posts r abt how 'hoes', 'sluts', 'thots' or 'bitches' ain't shit, u SIR r a bitch and so is ur weak ass mom and absentee father. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The more I hear the word \"Nazi the more it offends me. It's \"National Socialist ! Nazi Nazi Nazi Hey Ladies, do you smoke? Then Eddy is to blame, that's why they hired him back in the day, The beginning of Womens liberation, smoking proves you're free somehow! I keep telling people they need to read that book. Yeah, Hollywood has been dominated by Jews since its inception. Bernays is Jewish. Jews run Nickelodeon, MTV, and CNN. I could go on and on. But they're \"Nazis.\" Just like the \"New World Order\" is being led by \"Nazis\" who were brought over via Paperclip, lmfao. No Qanon conspiracy is complete without \"Nazis\" being involved somehow. It fits in via their low intelligence","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This guy is such a ridiculous cunt ALL the time. A good fit for the this new found home for \/r\/incel","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Old news dopey cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"How and why i almost became an illegal immigrant via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/20\/andrew-gillums-family-under-investigation-may-have-engaged-in-voter-fraud\/?utm_medium=socialandutm_source=facebookandfbclid=IwAR3qYmaYJcyV5F3ZUp3A7FePsJVPWc2GVPHrymahUHlYFBdCcjTrR0KVClkandfbclid=IwAR1zXHLE45SvNe7C6BnU5dYFc9lHr91Kk3qAnJlTkEStePopA6ykVbjITp8 Hey @IronPatriot76 ! Do u remember Peter Wright from G+ ?? https:\/\/plus.google.com\/b\/102063933327985513144\/102063933327985513144","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Parasites.Go Home.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"We have so many wonderful people on our planet. Let's try to recognize them. It should be easy, they're everywhere, look in the mirror, you might be one yourself....Livelovelife..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But the magabomber still managed to get his retarded \"bombs\" to mail drops from one end of the country to the other, in an amazingly short time, and with insufficient postage.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"so Mr Chaplin how do you defend yourself against the fact that Adolf Hitler is a fan of your work? what is it about your art that appeals to tyranical nazis intent on gassing jews?\" That is how retarded this dopey bitches non-argument is. and thats without having to even go to explain to the cunt how content which is critical of the faults of their biggest enemy is of course going to be of interest to them, but has ABSOLUTELY no reflection on the producer of the content.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user @user Yes so obtuse every other country in the fucking world has one. Herp derp. We help fund border walls for other countries then deal with race shaming bullshit from dick lickers like you when we want to protect ourselve ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"this is where we are now. a fat retarded paki srilankan thinks hes tough.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"shut the fuck up, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Cry harder ergi faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Don Lemon says Kanye should stop acting like he needs white people around. Meet Faggot Don Lemon's WHITE husband.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/hLOw_SzkRQ8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How long until all the jews have received their #DeathPenalty or do we want to go extinct? I thought Kanye was \/ournegro\/? Is he? Does he support white nationalism? Can we not have JUST one in the ethnostate? As a security guard at the main gate I'd rather make Kanye King of Wakanda. He can go be BASED somewhere else. Good come back. Lol wakanda: renamed wakanye :) sadly, the 'ol \"muh based negro\" trick, gets normies in the feelz! If he is a Marxist he would be a great king of africa to replace the martyred gaddafi Very true. And Kim Kardashian could be Cleopatra. And so Negro's = kangz at last.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"GabTV not working, AGAIN! Listen live on my site. https:\/\/christophercantwell.com\/2018\/10\/03\/radical-agenda-s04e029-cooler-heads\/ I agree that it got a little repetitive, but in fairness to Hunter, this was really spontaneous and not a planned interview. He's a smart guy who has been an excellent guest in the past, and does a lot of really great work. I'm sure he does good work, and maybe he would be a fine guest on other topics. But the stuff he was saying on the show today was definitely not the message we need to be sending out 33 days before an election.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Don't listen to that god damn anti white cunt. All they do is mock, insult, attack, lie, cheat and steal. The cunt downvoted you because thats all he has as an argument. He's obviously not going to have any response to your factual statement because hes a retard coward. Its a consistent, predictable pattern, with these anti white cunts","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#WomensMarch collected hundreds of hysterical women to display their best hysteria upon cue during Sen Hearing - sounds like a try out for a TV show ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"we are getting ready to sell our house if this piece of shit fraudulently wins. there is no way we could recover from the loss of property value this commie nigger that is under investigation would cause...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"SELF-HATING WHITE CUCKS ON PARADE Giving my two cents to say Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You mean, some of the asylum seekers are criminals?! WhaaaaasAAAAAAAAA?! #LiberalLogic #closeborders #deportillegalimmigrants #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Facebook intentionally releases identity of 50 million conservatives. On Friday, September 28, 2018 Facebook said that an attack on its computer network made the personal information of nearly 50 million users vulnerable. With personal information, criminals can sell it on the dark web, takeover or open new accounts, file fake tax returns and more.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@StarIsTheFuture you call @GOPBlackChick house nigger and she's the racist? Fathom the hypocrisy in that statement.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Great_Bryt: Riff Raff is trash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"in my opinion the so called elites are the niggers, i don't care what color their skin is, i refer to pelosi as nigger nancy because she steals the food out of a child's mouth, this makes her a nigger. Nancy Pelosi is a worthless, crooked cunt who should die in jail. I don't understand the rest of your post, unless there is some other meaning of the word \"nigger\" with which I am unfamiliar.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user drunk driver' killed Oregon couple on motorcycle via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Best so far - Ace! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"And on this day another Dangerous Faggot was born. I think a lot of them are starting to realize the left isn't their friend. Reminds me of Pulse, where the left tried to make up every excuse in the book for the Muslim shooter. I recall the politics subs were heavily censoring information on the shooting, including people asking where to donate blood. The_Donald was the only one actually, openly discussing it. That was back before that cuck Spez sandboxed them from the front page.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Issue it the day before the wetback vermin get to the border. Don't give the communists time to contest it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Wait till you've got gin tomorrow you won't have it then cock ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Regardless of the amount, staring directly into the camera while stealing is pretty cunty.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"im not surprised that the muzzie would pull this shit they should have never been let into a western country","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"True that , FUck islamMaybe not all the muslim are terrorists , but all terrorists are muslim ... think about it you ignorrant fucks","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Shut up birds it's bed time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Nice conspiracy theory there so to try to write off that we in this movement basically hold the same ideas as the Framers. Get fucked. faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This idiot deserves all he gets! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6293727\/Backpacker-Liverpool-faces-TEN-YEARS-Thai-prison-spraying-Scouse-Lee-fortress.html Being drunk is no excuse! I have been blind drunk in Thailand, more times than I can remember, but I didn't go around desecrating ancient monuments!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you're fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hate that my mom says she trying to move out here... Like bitch the only reason your \"trying\" is because you don't have a place to live..","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"And the US State Department just increased the number of refugees we are taking in!! Can't anyone but us \"common... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Put her in with dogs, I mean nigger boys.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#nonSense we do not want this in US. #MuslimBan no people from these countries should be allowed without proper vetting. It is really scary imagine #ShariaLaw#EndDiversity#EndChainMigration ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"15 Minutes free Eligibility Assessment for NZ Immigration ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now i am thinking you are on drugs as well as low IQ. You Havent even bothered reading my pinned post.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I GUESS SHE'LL BE SEEING LEATHERNECKS IN HER NIGHTMARES THEN.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Handler is a skank covered in cheap makeup. I can tell you men do not like this woman or find her attractive at all. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'd cut sentences for some crimes, and add time for the worst. Rape? Mandatory life w\/o; let the state seek death for rape","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @dirtyimage: @Tronkitty not just cause of hoes, go to jail cause of fucking up hoes bloody n making them call you head honcho","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If my conversion had depended on Muslim example, it never wudda happened. Fortunately, I was well versed in both history and comaprative religion when I read the koran (all by my lonesome) without a Muslim raghead in sight","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I hate this fkg lying bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Have you heard Wavy Bassline Mix (HALLOWEEN SPECIAL)' by The Skank Bank on #SoundCloud? #np ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"A Professor of Social Work and the current Jack Layton Chair of Social Justice at Ryerson University in Toronto\" A Canadian professor of Social Justice; knock me over with a feather. This is the lazy-eyed faggot teaching us about masculinity. You can't make this shit up.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"seems like an investigation is in order. They may just find that the guy is a cunt with a stupid mouth or he was drunk. but it still needs looking into.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Not only do we almost entirely adore Loki, but he is obviously very masculine in the same style\/ sense that the joker is. Loki also snaps from being cool and collected to loud and aggressive, he's manipulative, treacherous, playful, rivalrous, damaged, has a great desire for recognition and power, obvious historically masculine things. Part of his whole story is a *brotherly* rivalry for the spotlight. Oh tumblr and their incessant character warping and claiming. And we enjoy them all because they're charmingly evil and utterly intriguing in their moralities.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Retard and nigger now back to twatter.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@AmazinMixBeauti don't feel like reading right now I wanna give a sexy coolie girl some lyrics via text message ;-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user @user If you think financing breaking down borders and flooding the world with economic migrants is going to help wages may I suggest you are seriously deluded. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Every EU commissioners every thick twat leader must die painfully with their families 2 lads against 10 The cunts must die","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Lol, go kiss your mamas dick you filthy American That's right do as I say. You're Papas Bitch no, I installed temple os","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So is nigger. And I am a black person who is saying this.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ya don't say ......","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Gagandeep: My experience with Carmento Immigration: via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You won't get many followers. You Jewish worshipping cuck. Fuck off back to Twitter Christ and I have an understanding, he doesn't fuck with me and I don't worship him. Now if I could just get his retarded followers on the same page. I'm not a big fan of \"The Cult of Baby Jew.\" I don't know if Gary here is keeping up on current events but they ain't helpin' us White people much.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The early bird gets the worm But the second mouse gets the cheese","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Romansh weren't Minnesota's largest immigrant group, but they made a big impact ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Kill these basterds, son of sluts who attack u in name of religion. Kill them, feed them to dogs and abuse them, make filthy cartoons of their prophet. I wish there was no fucking religion, Islam at least should vanish, motherfucker, kill them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"U.N. refugee boss concerned over U.S. separating children from... #Washington #UnitedNations #FilippoGrandi... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bosnia's security minister wants #Army at border to curb entry of migrants ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This cameljockey, Hillbilly Clinton, George \"living dead 'Soros, FaecesBook-Suckabug.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @_VibeWithMe_: doing someone wrong for the sole reason that they did you wrong will only bring more negative karma and energy into your li ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@ReaIDonTrump45_ @michaelbeatty3 @JusticeAmyConey Great choice Mr. President. I have Faith that she will do a great job. #KAG #TRUMP2020 #ACB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She always tried to make a story where there was none instead of just reporting actual facts. Even at FOX she was more a sensationalist than most of the other talking heads, except Shep. That faggot is like a teenage, drama queen.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"EINHERJER - NIDSTONG https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ILKU8ibGYvc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Video of woman getting slapped by RAPEFUGEE in DHIMMI Paris sparks outrage ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"even worse. it's a pisslamic nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A new trend has started Everybody is collecting money for Syrian refugees without any control of govt agencies... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm not sure who is the most hysterical woman at the #KavanaughHearings: Kamala Harris or Cory Booker. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You Democrats are gutless cunts Says cher https:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\/cher\/status\/1052801526530359296 I mean... if your cunt has guts in it you should probably see a doctor. At her age though with the wear and tear, what hasn't caved in?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user She's actually a clown! They should sue her for being a fucking dumb cunt and falling down the hole nearly squashing the winners ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Eating brownies and then going to the gym... Idk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There's not even an opening for the eyes, that's ok, the Muzzie wearing that will fall down a flight of stairs or into the river.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Hillary Clinton says husband's affair was not an abuse of power In her mind, she can JUSTIFY ANYTHING...including Benghazi, Uranium One, private e-mail servers, taking $ from foreign governments and the list goes on. Pathetic! https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/hillary-clinton-says-husbands-affair-was-not-an-abuse-of-power I think youll find Monica didn't have an affair with your husband she just used the twat to bring him down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Foto: imapython: bieg: albino sea turtle i think u mean soul of the ocean http:\/\/t.co\/vYmiTsNCEn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user And the son of a bitch can't buy it for his little pee pee whore boy and that just rankles his ass. Shut u ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"All white women should carry a gun on them so they can shoot any nigger that tries to rob or rape them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"First one officer was in Calais injured. Police open fire to 9 refugees, which want to go to Greatbritan by car. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@phreshagu_25 yeah you right and you know them Mexicans bringing all they family that hoe finna be packed","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This woman disgusts me. I hope they invent a time machine, give her gender re-assignment surgery and send her to the trenches and she can see for herself what those heroes dealt with. Fucking cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Deploy these men out on the sea, near the airport but out on the streets as a normal officer of the law i dont think so. They are not officers of the law , they are trained government killers and should have no place on the streets. Uk looks to becoming more like usa or a police state and no matter what you say more guns does not mean less danger.Pen is mightier than the sword. Js.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @WaavyLee: His balls ashy RT @Yattabing: @Trelaire1st: Real women do this http:\/\/t.co\/VG5DBqH8aT and real faggots let em do that.. Smh","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If your 'fianc ' has a conversation with a bitch like this would you keep her? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"If you stand with rape survivors against rape, then stand up and practice what you preach. #womentakeovertwitter ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Weren't you guys super pissed that there was a gay rape gag in a comic book the other day? now you're pissed that they banned pedo hentai? consistency is not something you guys are good at huh?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Support them with weapons then call them terrorists. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@dbongino Vote for #Trump2020 he will definitely make America Great Again ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This picture freaks me out! @Wordbfree","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"filthy wetback communists","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"CLAIRE MCCASKILL DEMANDS SPECIAL PROSECUTOR FOR PROJECT VERITAS FRAUD' The only FRAUD we see here is Claire Fatass McCaskill, this communist cunt reminds me too much of Hillary. If you live in Missouri please het out the word and vote this cunt out. She is the problem. Special Prosecutor, what a fucking joke... #redwave #mccaskilllies #stopcommunism https:\/\/truepundit.com\/claire-mccaskill-demands-special-prosecutor-for-project-veritas-fraud\/ It's just the death throes of her career you hear leaking from that used condom of a mouth of hers... This is nothing but the typical liberal politicians use of misdirection to steer attention away from her! Well Claire.....SUCK IT.... Bring the bitch down Josh Hawley, Republican, gets my vote! Claire can go to Hell! Hillary and Obama ass kissing, leg humping bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Things that make you go Hmmmm.. Wait.. EW..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Chimps are Thanks. Looks like someone added that to my original post.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Is this how you treat shareholders, @Tesla? I said @ElonMusk's plans to colonize Mars were stupid since there are plenty of problems here on earth he could help solve with his resources, and he got triggered and blocked me! https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/6lby0n.jpg Hey might think Dice was a democrat, musk voted for trump. musk voted for Money ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Texan here!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Dont forget: in event of a woman accusing men of rape;under sharia you just dig a hole, tie her hands, put her in hole, stone her to death ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"KILL OR BE KILLED! 1000 Feral Niggers has the same destructive impact as a 50 megaton Nuke! It is actually worse when we feed them! Radioactivity is not SHIT compared to a Nigger Nuke!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Throat-punch that faggot DeNigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Or the vegan that wanted to prove you don't need proteins to climb Kilimanjaro...she died trying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hope Crimson Dick Nigger Doesn't hate me now...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Shoot them Let them pray to their fucking allah you are so stupid to have pity for them? You will convert to islam and where a beekeeper suit Their lands are fucked up because of their stupid superstitions and they want to impose them on the rest of the world KILL THEM ALL","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Killarys propaganda puppets still at work trying to stir the racial pot up! You do have your racist out there and it goes both ways but not every white or black man is not a racist. Don't give in to all the media bullshit they feed you or you'll just become another sheep for the elite. Think for yourself!! Be open minded and stay away from the media . Travel go see the world do something with your family there's allot more God gave us on this earth that all this BS going on. You only live once enjoy it. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"you're not going to tell me to say happy birthday to someone that called me a cunt and a slut within the span of 10 minutes ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @realist_iLLest: Mine too RT @187XO_: This ma niggah @trigga_tre123 ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"next time ... shoot for the head !","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The big win would be to do what Trump did: get blue collar, traditional left-wing voters, engaged with populist measures. We need to migrate from liberal vs conservative to populist vs globalist. There is a window for Bernier to capture voters across the old traditional spectrums.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yup. i cant smoke in a bar because it's harmful to some faggot that's getting drunk, doing drugs and having an STD potluck w\/ the boys later...... seems legit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Liberal and feminist women don't give one single fuck about rape, women, or \"women's rights\" All they care about is virtue signalling, attaining power and ruining men by using women and rape as weapons.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well that just killed any interest I had in watching it. You don't like trainwrecks? Are you seriously not pumped for Episode IX? Rian's out right? Though if Jar Jar Abrams is back in control it's not in much better hands considering he went to suck dick for Kay Kay and Rian and the movie that made the Prequels good. Not to mention that you have the events of the film still being canon. Not only were the events done wrong, the events themselves were wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ok gab. Fuck You. Go fuck your Mama. I've reset my pass word like 4 times today. Why are you acting faggot queer liberals? What's going on. I thought this was freesom of speech and for the people. What gives Bitch!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@DonnyTheMessiah @realDonaldTrump Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are on board a ship that sinks. Who survives? AMERICA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@CNNBusiness Can't breathe? Then maybe don't take fentanyl, and at a rate 3X higher than needed to kill the average person #GodBlessAmerica #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" My clothes, my choice': Denmark's ban on Muslim face veils is met with protest | National PostBet you didn't say that to the immigration officer during your interview... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So...when does Dr. Ford's perjury trial start? https:\/\/legalinsurrection.com\/2018\/10\/grassley-judiciary-comm-has-evidence-of-christine-blasey-ford-coaching-a-friend-on-polygraph-examinations\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jay is borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. What a dumbass.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user ice has more talent in his ejeculated sperm than you do in ur whole body please shut the fuck up and go suck idubbz dick u cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Goverment need to take the actions about it... Like build the cave with trees inside for bats. I hate goverment that dont care about animals but just money, oil drills, and destory the mother of nature.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck this dyke","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"They have to. That division is trash @NoMeek_JustMilz: Saints gon win the NFC South...watch\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"English classes are one of our most popular programs that we offer. Some refugees learn English because they hope they will be resettled in English-speaking countries. For others, learning English opens up new opportunities here in Jordan. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Jennifer Lewis, the race traitor bitch Dems are running to replace Goodlatte in the VA 6th. She's got the endorsement of fagth, gun-grabbers, NOW, unions, etc,: https:\/\/jenniferlewisforcongress.com\/endorse\/ She had a policies page where she got specific: DACA ain't enough; amnesty for the wetback parents, etc. Then I sent email \"encouragement\". ha","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"nigger traitor weasel","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"i find it funny when fags write \"looking for bf\" on a grindr ap. LOL thats a fucking ap dumbass.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"what a fuckin' cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Watch and listen to the stories of lost loved ones who were murdered by Illegal Aliens as told by their families. If this isn't cause enough to BUILD THE WALL and strengthen our Immigration Laws then nothing will be.... ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@kenolin1 @GRINNGAB @JoeBiden @realDonaldTrump Hell yes, I Ioathe Dump.#BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Send at least Completely sane attitude. I don't see anybody else either willing or capable of cleaning up this mess. Putin maybe. Not the contemporary German men, that's for sure.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When they REALLY don't want you to advertise ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @Moisessp14: Look at u now u pregnant stupid bitch lol","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The night Roof took ol Dixie down!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"On a mission to find some zebra cakes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Company recycles waste as fuel to help #refugees in #Kenyahttps:\/\/t.co\/rH5VBRTIiJ via @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The boy who shot albino deer http:\/\/t.co\/D4XajBEIb1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I'm of British descent. My husband is of Greek descent. We don't have the same DNA. You simply are retarded and don't know shit about race.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Refugees don't choose to be refugees. By definition, refugees have been forced to leave their home country because their lives or safety were threatened.Learn more about refugees by downloading our free e-book \"8 Things You Should Know About Refugees\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"yes they are stealing all of our American job send they ass straight back home we don't need them here","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Pledge to vote in the upcoming election http:\/\/j.mp\/2Qbr1Pl How will YOU vote?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Does he mean nigger and wigger?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Conservatives still have an inverted mind that has been brainwashed by the filthy JEWS. They still believe the holohoax lies of the Jew so it keeps their mind in a Trance! It is a tough go to get it fixed but at least it can be fixed unlike RACIST RETARDED Democrat NPC PIGS! I see no hope in recovering their brain at all! Democrats need to be euthanized.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Calling him a \"cancerous faggot\" while doing it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ocasio-Cortez: Pack the Supreme Court' After Taking Back Congress, WH | Breitbart https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/NJmS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=SJIMFWOua9candt=0s This autist actually believes that drinking urine is healthier than drinking water, and that drinking water is even bad for your health. \"People have actually died from drinking too much water.\" Yes, if someone were to drink a gallon of water in one sitting, the resulting water toxemia could kill a person by interrupting normal brain function caused by abnormally high levels of electrolytes. This dude is retarded though!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@realDonaldTrump Choice is clear and not Anarchy,#LawamdOrder #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@S_Fitzpatrick Just in time for the election. Thank you, Dr. Bright, for taking a stand when you did. #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I thought my penis made me me but whatev ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Whoopi: nigger jew - jew nigger - nigger jew - jew nigger, etc., ad infinitum!!!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She meant to say jews but the dumb nigger got confused.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Non white immigrants love freedom of speech to bash white men.But who was freedom of speech created by? White men ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" Bitch fuck shit cunt who Okayyy.. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Cry baby Hollywood Dems Anti-Trump celebs too poor to run as a Mayor to show everyone they can be better politicians than him. Comments? @user no no no no new war under Trump, Europe is still handling the refugees from Obama's wars. Hi Ohio! @user weekend feels ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/VtIQrP6FvOo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"German diplomat blames Britain for the immigrant crisis in Germany \"UK should take them\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The Hypocrisy of it all. I guarantee you he's like Leonardo DiCaprio. Drives cars and would have a yacht. If he's rich enough. They just want everyone else to quit so they can do it and not feel, like it'll do as much damage. Tired of Hypocrites...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What a twat! But a twat with a good rack.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I just convinced someone to vote that didn't want to vote. #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"North Carolina protesters decry Trump immigration policy ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, looks like a nigger to me. You can suck all the nigger dick you like, I will not tolerate some nigger muzzie saying he's superior.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Anhyone else hate the way women smell? I think it's because they're BITCHES!!!!!! Fuck you bitch!!!?! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I still remember him on New Year's Eve whining about how he can't find a man. This faggot is hilarious.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"It's an opinion piece\" *goes on to delete every opinion that is different from the one stated in the article* Excellent moderation. Just incredible forum moderation all around. It's ridiculous that sub isn't dead yet. You know orz is a faggot cause he goes straight to the RCMP as if internet death threats really matter. They must get so sick of his correspondence. Reporting people from the internet to IRL police. Like holy shit.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"IT'S TOTALLY FAKE BS https:\/\/boards.4chan.org\/pol\/thread\/187811615","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" Most people who get knighted in the UK are nonces!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Toronto Faggot Jordan Hunt. Abuser of Women....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If your in a good relationship, it's probably cause you're both ugly ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Youre asking about the Most Hysterical Woman?Between you and Donald Trump, I now definitively know the definition of Projection. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So General Kelly thinks women were 'sacred' when he was growing up... classic virgin and whore dichotomy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Game 126 Preview: Houston #Astros at New York #Yankees http:\/\/t.co\/sVg7dIIcZG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":" @Queendev_: My leave out is trash u sick","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@RepsForBiden I am an Independent at heart! I want to look over all choices! This is now so easy to vote for Biden-Harris! I will not support a party that does not have all Americans taken good care of! This is so broken and only Joe and Kamala say that All Americans are important to them!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This \"Uyghur Expert\" asserts \"Trump didn't incarcerate my mother\", framing his nation as better-still than China.Atrocity propaganda against China allows white Americans to play down their massacre of black citizenry, immigrant concentration camps, and murder in MENA and LatAm. https:\/\/t.co\/qck6jo9sgp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Talk about NYers like that AFTER you've survived 9\/11. Until then shut the fuck up. You are a nasty skank. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you win the lesbian olympics ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"' Nah cut it off Im sure I won' t regret it ' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Another in a long line of ZEROBAMA's criminal CABINET folk !! Loretta Lynch is another FUCKING RETARD !! He has to be nigger 24\/7","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"She got elected to Congress though \"Send more reporters\" - Zombie from Return of the Living Dead, paraphrased.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looks like the mainstream media (MSM) is doing a little bit of soul searching after the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation. MSM now realizes their \"power of suggestion\" and propaganda is meaningless to an American populous that is now POLITICALLY AWAKE! #MAGA #Ghost https:\/\/youtu.be\/zAFhrVbrXDw The press has been untrustworthy my whole life. I'm old enough to remember the 1993 Dateline NBC exploding fuel tank story, where NBC couldn't get gas tanks to blow up while rolling the vehicle over (which lawsuits alleged would happen), so they simply strapped explosives on the tanks to MAKE the trucks blow up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Girls: Halloween's my favorite holiday of the year. I'm sure. It's the one time you get to dress like the skank you are without judgement. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#WomenDisobey 1995 Barbara Jordan Press Conference on Legal Immigration via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"you low life scum, pathetic, deprave, pile of shit, maggots. like i said that brainless skank bitch should've died ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I very much appreciate the Asian woman's smarts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user @user Oh what a conclusion.Buddy Delhi is being made slum by AAP, huge influx of Muslim illegal migrants.Just goandsee Okhla,Yamuna Banks,NZM,JMsjd ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@XxminijokerXx I HATE birds! They just piss me off about the fact that I can't fly!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ulster faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"AJ+ are you just making this shit up to spin the story. These protestors were peaceful just very loud and very angry. I saw no violence whatsoever from them in your report or R.Ts report.I saw no Nazi salutes.I saw no muslim women confronted. There were cameras everywhere so don't say \"reported\" when there is no evidence AJ+.I am amazed how well behaved they were considering what has happened.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He's been beyond redemption since he went out on a tangent against us years ago. He's probably gonna use the James Gunn excuse: \"oh it was x times ago, and totally a joke! I've changed now\" Dracula may ask \"what is a man?\", but even he would be perplexed by Glinner. \"A miserable black hole of past glories. But enough talk.... Have at you!\" Damn it... now you have made me consider Dracula presented in the Twilight universe... so... fucking... sparkly. I've never actually read or watched any of that particular gay vampire shit, it was more a play on how vampires supposedly cast no reflection in a mirror. Me neither, to be honest. And I understood the play perfectly, but I tried coming up with a way for Dracula to actually be reflecting in some capacity. That was the closest one. [\"... you looked a bit like a man!\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=KGzeC9IaGLc)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"My organization is fundraising to bring a shareholder action to stop CoreCivic and GEO Group from housing immigrant children and parents. My colleagues have a lot of experience in this area, but need support. Please help if you can. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Excited to be at the @user Roundtable! #loveignited #wewelcomerefugees ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can't wait for you're failure. faggot :)","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"iran is a theocracy. the mullas are in charge. islamic police are one example of their power. women must be covered, homosexuality is illegel. Hmmmm... THOT patrol and no faggot degenerates running in the streets? Sounds way better than what you shills want for here","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"One can take the nigger out of the ghetto, But one cannot take the ghetto out of the nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's a matter of pure weight ratios... A five ounce bird can not carry a one pound coconut!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"we knew that sheesh @roonyroo @CarolynEmerick @Hilloftyr @TyrBlackthorn @White_Heathen_Pride @JackRurik @joeyb333 @Grimvera @w41n4m01n3n @GuidoVon @NorthStar1727 @WalksWithODIN @AbbAkb @NorthernManGab @BlackSunshine","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One of the rapists is on the run. Over and over the courts fail to take the passports off Muslim rapists. They abscond to Islamic states - states which refuse to return the rapists to Britain to face jail. https:\/\/www.thesun.co.uk\/news\/7536235\/huddersfield-grooming-gang-sex-beasts-jailed-for-221-years-for-raping-assaulting-and-trafficking-girls-as-young-as-11\/ The rest of his life in Pakistan? Not so sure that's a preferable option to being treated like a hero as part of a Moslem gang in some British jail.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Murder!!!! Coldblooded Murder!!! R.I.P to that man. Screw you cops and your bullshit justice system. You will stay at home on vacation. While this dies down and then you will be found not guilty. And within your rights. Where is the justice for the people. There is only justice for the wealthy and elite.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Fuck the \"driving while black\" bull. Breathing while nigger within 1000 miles of humans should be a death penalty offense.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A bit of revisionist history from Travis LeBlanc. What anyone on the TRS forums knows is that it was open season in Richard Spencer there. And it was most certainly encouraged by the owners of TRS. If you criticized an owner of TRS, (((Weev))), Andrew Anglin, or Ricky Vaughn, you got banned. If you criticized a number of movement people that were on the 'purge list' like Richard Spencer, no problem whatsoever. The only thing that interrupted this process was Paul Nehlen's doxing of Ricky Vaughn. As for the Daily Stormer \"pushing out toxic elements from the movement\", there is no more toxic element in the movement than (((Weev))). Greg Johnson says he agrees with LeBlanc on this, which is an outrage. https:\/\/goo.gl\/6Mkoi7 One of the pillars that made Spencer a leader was being able to throw upscale conferences that could bring people together. Mike's hieling at NPI cut this off for him and played a huge part in Spencer's decline in leadership. Also that Spencer was able to connect with normie focused people like Peter Brimelow. The heiling at NPI cut that off too. In fact whenever something strange happens, especially as it relates the the Daily Stormer, it always results in some funnel into our cause being shut down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Things are looking up for retarded Aussies only. For the rest of us, Apocalypse come already, the world and our Australia is gone.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Well, tossing Mindy Kaling onto the pile of worthless opinionated cunts now. I actually liked her as she usually came across as being smart enough to stay away from the whole political sphere. Apparently I was wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"No they find a German guy named Claus and do that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Actually nvm I now stand with Christine Blasey Ford","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Really, the UK has just released a homicidal, terrorist loving islamically-impaired retard who does just that! The media ia more annoyed about some Royal wearing a dress with a tag on it than the lunacy of releasing a self confessed terrorist!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"gus is a cuck with a mental block against niggers, and by god JBJ is the greatest combat nigger that ever lived... True. Being a Swede, he's afflicted with a congenital submissiveness toward niggers. But he did officially win 2 rounds against Jones in their first fight (many thought he won 4) and he made Jones look ordinary. Jones has never fought while not on PEDs, so as far as I'm concerned his record gets an asterisk next to it until he proves otherwise.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Do you take some else's help? Or just ram into somebody? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user Not all men need female warden to rule his life and make him miserable I get you th ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"LISTEN: TRAITOROUS CUNT NANCI PELOSI ADMITS ANTI-KAVANOUGH CAMPAIGN WAS A COORDINATED SMEAR CAMAPIGN BASED ON LIES https:\/\/knst.iheart.com\/featured\/garret-lewis\/content\/2018-10-08-nancy-pelosi-admits-wrap-up-smear-plan-used-against-kavanaugh\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@KeebitHalal @LogansWarning gotta love it when the islamofascist cow tries to make a retort about age, typical muzzie idiocy","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nah that bitch sucking ass hole and you vibin Fuck outta here young rainbow ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this be a nigger running around yelling 'where all da white wimmin at'?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"this show trash RT @IbSkeeAlii: #LongLive RT @ShinyLipz: Queen Latifah show.... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Stories of nigger brutality against Americans are often.Im sickened at the lack of pure hatred,and lack of punnishment the negro deserves.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@WhiteHouse @realDonaldTrump All you deliver is disappointment...#BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is from 10\/08\/2018, but no less applicable today. What about all the non-white Trump supporters - I guess we don't exist. And is this Grenell cunt white? What an insulting twat - I hope intelligent women read her drivel and got pissed off enough to #VOTEREPUBLICAN. IDENTITY POLITICS = IGNORANCE.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user I have them both in a dead heat for most hysterical woman ever ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"She is an insufferable cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Elizabeth is a.stupid hoe.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Was it something like this? Mohammud was a degenerate pedo faggot who fucked pigs instead of eating a nice piece of bacon Muslims refuse eating pigs probably because they would consider it cannibalism. They fail to realise that pigs are far above Muslims. Pigs are benevolent creatures, while the Islamic plague is the vilest form of inhumanity and prehistoric barbarism this planet ever witnessed - let alone to be allowed in post-modern West.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Again going on record that you care more for illegals than US Citizens. Theyre here illegally! #NoDACA #NoAmnesty ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Does anyone have any recommendations for good quality animation? I'm really into cowboy bebop, gurren lagann, attack on titan etc. No nigger, fuck you. Superjail has excellent animation in terms of creative transitions in the psychedelic death sequences. Twilight of the Cockroaches was great for its era.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Just a typical woman.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Greg, Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So when is that ignorant twat up for re-election? Not soon enough, clearly.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@brad_dickson #TrumpClan refuses to mask up, mocks everyone including @JoeBiden for masking up, holds super spreader events and rallies and then wants #BidenHarris2020 to suspend their campaign?I don't f*cking think so!!The irony of it all!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've dealt with that Steven Van Zandt looking ass kikeress since 2016 Twitter when she was shilling for fuckin' Ted Cruz and us \"Trumpists\" then were on the warpath. She's a shiesty conniving cunt that deserves all the video game related scenarios I can think of.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When you're acting like you have your life together but you really have no clue what the fuck is going on ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Paris suburb aka Muslim no go zone home to 300,000 illegal immigrants, report says @user #FoxNews ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@GreenNewDealer @jtbesquire @LEISURE_SRVCS Awesome strategy. Vote for Biden out of fear and some delusional belief that he's the lesser evil. Then get used to it because you'll be doing that exact same shit every four years. Meanwhile they'll be moving that Overton window further and further right.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#BasketOfDeplorables #IllegalImmigration #Liberals #Sexist #RacistConfessions of a Deplorable' AmericanOn... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Probably be a beta male wimp anyway, just like the father. No normal man would mate with these retards.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Methodists, Presbyterians, Southern Baptists (blacks), Unitarians, evangelical Lutherans, hippie churches.... I wonder if these people have ever even read the same bible I read....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I understand why men don't like women very much anymore. I do. #notallmen (Right, Left?) ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"You retarded tranny feel free to leave anytime you coward you won't leave you are all talk you fake cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Its time to end #Democrats Dangerous #SanctuaryCities for Illegals that allow criminal illegal aliens to roam free in the U.S #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #California #Immigration #WalkAway ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":" Sorry to be a party pooper but Gary Grant was born in 1904 so he'd only of been 13 in 1917!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've reached a point in my life where I've realized theres no such thing as a girl that won't hurt you. Eventually they all will #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It was a safe choice. She backed a candidate I'm sure most her fans have never heard of. She didn't go full retard","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Literal raghead. I'm brown, so no shouting racist at this camel jockey.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The Grave of a Pagan Bishop in the ruins of Coventry Cathedral. Oddly enough, it is pretty much the only thing that survived after the Luftwaffe bombed it in WW LOL get f**ked, heathen faggot :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Looooooooool I can't believe BEN WOTTS' aka dick head fuck boy send me a pic of his hairy ass hole n asked me to peg him.. weird cunt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"2 adult human skulls found in trash http:\/\/t.co\/VcsNP9ejV9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @BALTsneakerShow: Water is wet. RT @202SOLE: Nike DC is trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Please spread your cunt hole fully ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"So viel Hass gegen UNS. #RemigrationJETZT #abschieben Hass gegen Weisse, gegen die normale+friedliche Bev lkerung d rfen wir nicht dulden! #DankeMerkel #MerkelMussWeg #LockMerkelUp #SeehoferMachZu #MachtDieGrenzenDicht #Umvolkung \" @SPD @user @user @user @user abw hlen! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"except they do have time for that shit. there is a large trans community of pakistan, and they're usually poor and homeless. obviously it's important enough to them that they would be willing to get kicked out of already poor homes and literally be homeless to live how they want. i get that some of it seems retarded like \"changing your gender by the minute but you don't have to hate on people for having a genuine medical condition and trying to fix it.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Cunt alert....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Local news programs are a combination of: which nigger or Mexican committed the crime; sappy human interest stories gleaned from the Facebook and GoFundMe pages of SWPLs; weather drama; and muh sportsball.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"REPORT: Nikki Haley will leave Pres. Trump admin at end of year.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user To take over your reign of the Most Hysterical Woman on a Delta Airlines flight? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"What has happened to Gab in wake of this politically convenient synagogue shooting is an utter disgrace! Facebook broadcasts murders and suicides, Twitter allows terrorist propaganda and death threats and (for some reason) 4chan never gets touched when it inspires school and mass shootings; what's wrong with this picture? @a #Ghost https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/10\/28\/us\/gab-robert-bowers-pittsburgh-synagogue-shootings.html It's because Gab is specifically by Nazis and for Nazis. The other sites aren't. Look in the mirror. \"Politically convenient\". 11 people were murdered.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"NEVER EVER WATCH THE FUCKING VIEW WHERE ALL VIEWS ARE RACIST !! NIGGER FUCK WHOOPI IS RACIST GARBAGE !!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I don't believe the \"he got into fights\" part. Yeah, maybe with a cat, but Ubama has never had a man's fist meet his nose. EVER! Fuggin' faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"retweet to end womens suffrage ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Does this mean I can retaliate by putting up \"Keep NYC nigger free\" posters, and without backlash? Heh, blacklash...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Are you seriously asking for proof that advertising and product placement existed in the 1920's? Do you think 100 years ago was really that much different than now that companies didn't know how to sell their products? Here's a history lesson kiddo https:\/\/theopticalvisionsite.com\/the-name-game-the-value-of-celebrity-marketing\/","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"My heart bleeds as some evil force is taking our men woman and children away while the elite get rich and don't care that we die. I pray that for you all! Protect your babies, their souls are different now! Someone born into this nightmare will rise to show us the way. That person will have experienced all your pain and suffering but will offer love in a better way....It's the push back to this darkness. These gang groups need to organize themselves for living, not death! It's so clear that Chicago is some evil experiment to push the lowest of the low to the breaking point. This government sucks....It's just for the bankers and businesses but should be love and peace for all!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"The woman on the right, the pink pussy hat her idea. She's a Jew. Now I think perhaps they secretly represent horns. Cunt hats. How else to say , I don't have to make sense.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Idiot...tip according to your need to be generous no matter what color...being an IDIOT is not much of a strategy. Try being TIPPED...making below Minimum wage and depending on kissing your hairy ass perfectly. You are an IDIOT,I'll give you the tip of my COCK! You mean get tipped like the lazy servers did when i worked in kitchens 500-1000 bucks a night carrying what i sweat balls n burned myself to make? Sure thing you got a deal. The COOK...special orders don't upset her. Maybe she will make a point soon?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Jim Carrey is a CANADIAN FAGGOT needs his pee head blown off","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You should've voted for Gary Johnson. he really did say that and one of the many reasons he was not my first pick in the primaries. However, the is the right man and the only man with the skill-set and backbone to turn this thing around. Now Isaac Baranoff @IsaacBaranoff is showing himself to be a moron Never Trump which aligns him with the enemy demoncRATS. Sucks to be you dude","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@gtconway3d Next year, George. Next year. #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Ding ding ding @saudiasade Sagittarius - trash. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lemme talk about how this girl was lightning quick to say \"not all white people but will roast anyone that says \"not all men ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"As a self-identified goy spic faggot I'm deeply insulted by your erasure of my identity. I need white straight male allies to back me up on this one @A_I_P #LiterallyShaking #AbusedByTwatter #GabNPCs","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user It's alright Julia, we already know how vile you are, no need to ram the point home ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Adjust your expectations. We don't have an \"education system\" - we have an \"Indoctrination \/ Interest Payment \/ Extended Day Care\/Drone Creation \/ Jobs creation program for retards\" system. The results speak for themselves. Your education is your responsibility. Do not entrust this crucial task to others.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You don't gotta be a cunt about it?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Warren: \"Harvard never identified me as a minority.\" Harvard: \"Check out the new colored girl we hired!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"As one who has had first hand experience with a mudshark ex-wife, I can safely say that no white man wants her, especially after her criminal nigger spawn was born. The nigger was the one who shot and killed that Amish family's horse in Lancaster county, PA a few years ago. Was she mudsharking before marriage too? is this the guy who mudsharked your wife? Ok dude. I get you now. From humble beginnings but she was always mudshark dirty skank gutter whore before you two hooked up and when you tried to elevate her social standing with marriage she went straight on down to the kerb a soon as you were out of town - many young in the forces share the same ole story with the same ole Perf","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Read RCUSA's Report Card for the month of June. We're 20,000 refugees behind schedule and only 3 months remain in the Fiscal Year 2018 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Read the Qur'an. What he said is in there. Frankly I can't stand Bill Maher. But riddle me this batman. Why is it that Muslims want EOT here but it doesn't exist anywhere in the Islamic world. Don't forget your male relative chaperon and burka when you leave the house.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"i'm crying too. this is literally a vote for trump. https:\/\/t.co\/ZNTIxmUptQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Christian attacks a Christian who attempted to stand for her White Race, as underneath they know, like we all do, that Christianities end point, the sum of all it's parts, is multicultural and anti White. The JesusJew comes before race. look up dispensationalism and cyrus schofield.. you will see what the jews have done to modern american christianity. Who named you the definer of what is Christian and what is not? huh? you're confusing me with someone else. I'm not Jewish (not that there's anything wrong with being one). Thanks for showing your true colors ... real white israelite Beep...Beep...jew!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"They are not 'immigrants' they are invaders. #sendthemback @user @user #auspol ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"White millionaire fakes tears over something other white people did so non-white people can look at it and say \"Look, a white person cried.\"White millionaire adds that since he cried on TV, another white guy must also cry, since he did it first and it's only fair.Leadership at its finest.I fucking hate this country.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user Bitch stfu you was just talking shit about her stop tryna get clout fat neck hoe ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It doesn't matter how attractive a girl is sometimes, if word gets around about how psychotic they are, men will avoid them like the plague. Feminists are a classic example of men not necessarily giving into instinct when it comes to women. They know the amount of trouble they'll get into if they even have a one night stand. We hear the stories constantly from feminists especially who bitch about being unable to find a man or how unsatisfied they are with the sex they're getting. Even with married women, I still maintain they're predatory and are just looking for easy dick. Think about it, it's much easier to seduce a teenage boy who doesn't know any better thinking they're going to get tons of sex than waste time trying to convince a paranoid guy in his 20's they're not crazy that's either been through crazy girlfriends before or has seen women that age do to their partners. The fact that they know the likelihood of them getting any real kind of punishment for what they're doing is probably encouraging them to act the way they do. Why are people siding with what the nasty cunt did.... With the whole \"He got lucky\" mentality. -With that comment and the upvotes.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Crying like a nigger doesn't change anything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"this girl is so retarded","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I thought this was r\/okaybuddyretard for a second","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"funny how in the media they only show females and women and kids but realtiy is only men come lol..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Like the hoe went to Miami's to be a hoe got sunt didnt get the money and wanted me to pay for her way back ?????? Bitch please ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I grow up in Japan for 16 years and have lived in US for 9 years. I can say, people would pay that much money for fruits because it taste unpredictably delicious and you can never experience that in America unless if you are super rich and can import food from Japan. but $27,000 fruits is not for ordinary people it's just for rich people. It might sounds ridiculous but Americans fruits\/ vegetable tasted like plastic to me when I first tasted in America (now I got used to it and know where to get ok quality of fresh food). In Japan, people put effort and look for perfection for food if they charge that much money.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Well, you can, you just look like a FUK-KIN RETARD","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":".@JeffCoAttyKY Is there an update on the #HeyburnNine? Louisivillians want their charges dropped! They shouldn't be facing charges for free speech and protesting 45 and ICE's terrorism of immigrant communities. #AbolishICE #FreeOurFuture #ShutdownSesions @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"When bae gives you a warm welcome home ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @BestOfWorldStar: Charlie Sheen did the ice bucket challenge the right way http:\/\/t.co\/IjS0b0VtoY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Haven't been posting enough MOVING Moranbong Band songs lately! Here's \"We will follow our Party forever . https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=9Kjdanxjmhg #MoranbongBand #DPRK #NorthKorea #DPRKpop #Kpop #WorkersPartyofKore #WPK #patriotism #nationalism #socialism Bonus: Workers' Party of Korea website! http:\/\/www.rodong.rep.kp\/en\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Delhi will be much better under Prez Rule,than being under this Anarchist ,who doesn't believe in conciliatory or consensus building.JUST WISH TO FOLLOW EITHER MY WAY OR NO WAY. Have reduced Delhi to slum by encouraging squatters,illegal migrant ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Okay I have to ask. What is all of the NPC posts all about? What's with all the weird faces connected to these posts?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I would went in on that ref hell, with a post game interview saying he called me sad and trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Some woke-ish people be like: \"Biden is a pedophile and a liar me: ...and Trump isn't?Idk much about US Politics but I know one of them fucked up as a leader during a deadly pandemic. That's enough reason for a healthcare worker like me not to vote for Trump.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Beto is gonna get his faggot ass whooped by double digits","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Ahh that's what you meant. Yeah I agree, in an actual situation where bouncer doesn't go full blown retard, then that was easily avoidable.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Democrats have no intelligence to even understand a single FACT much less fractions! All Democrats are brainwashed retarded and only repeat what they have been told! Democrats are human sewage!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"...This evil Anti-Semitic attack is an assault on humanity. It will take all of us working together to extract the poison of Anti-Semitism from our world. We must unite to conquer hate. 2:41 pm - 27 Oct 2018 Sending prayers out tonight to those Americans of the Jewish #Faith murdered exercising their constitutional right to worship God. I pray that God comforts their broken hearts. I pray these prayers in the name of Jesus. #GabFam #Faith #Israel Fuck no. How about Jews apologize for subversively genociding Whites first. have i ever shown you hate for being a christian @TZilla No darling. Nor I you for being Pagan. I love Pagans and Jwoke Christians. What's Isntreal? Lol. Jews have no real homeland, that's why they push for open borders. Oh ok i get it. Was not privy to the slick lingo... I picked up on is not real but did not make Israel connection Oh I hadn't seen it before either, it's clever. Yes its sad that so many christians have been fooled and brainwashed into the jewish false narrative of christianity, there is no redemption or salvation from god for the jew, the scriptures clearly state this over and over","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"SambObama 1\/1 nigger","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"#QAnon #AskTheQ #TryHarderMSM #SpyGate #DeclassifyFISA #StopTheInvasion ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's funny when the anti-NFL folks are like, \"I'll send a message to these assholes....from now on I'm only watching college level negros play football!\" I've been saying this for years: Everyone, not a handful, but everyone needs to stop attending and watching the games. The Nigger Felon League would cave after a couple of weeks.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"criminal political elite instigating all these islamophobic racist agenda to create more war terrorism and hatred between Muslims and west to divert people from their own crime in Palestine and wall street and keep people busy thinking about so called Muslims terrorist which is their creations","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Most of my memes are designed to trigger the Left, being that (at my core)..I am a troll. I thrive on Leftists tears. The \"mocked a disabled reporter\" lie, is one they love to repeat. I like to answer with my Rosie the retard meme.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Atheism=lack of god (theism) belief. I don't believe in fairy\/spook in the sky tales. One can be atheist and agnostic. Most atheists are both. Kikes have programmed the masses so that they are triggered to hate atheists. They spout the retarded meme \"you have to believe in something\". Ya, I believe in lots of things that are so such as the fact that you are a moron.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"> the left can't meme That the right wants to replace actual discourse with memes is exactly the stereotype the left has of the right. Amen. Well spoken. [deleted] I think we can all acknowledge that some of our meme economy comes from the refugee liberals that were escaping persecution. > the refugee liberals that were escaping persecution. ...wait, I'm a refugee? Can I get some money then? I'm partial to tankie memes personally. This reminds me of Dr. JP's BTFO against the British GQ interviewer. He said something like, \"I probably could predict what you're going to say next [about politics] and that's not good. I could replace you with anyone else from the ideological left and we'd have the same conversation\". Something like that. So many people can't give a real 'why' as to their beliefs. I totally agree with you because I see so many following and don't think about the consequences. He called that interviewer an NPC with a really fancy explanation. > People whine this sub doesnt support liberals or hates them. I hate Canadian liberals. They want to destroy the country in order to virtue signal their progressiveness. I hate them for that. That doesn't mean they can't post here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I need a heated bra because my nips hurt so bad!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#N-WORD MEANS NIGGER #**THIS FAGGOT THINKS HE'S PROFOUND** More like welfare American","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user This is why @user will be our next 2020 President! The economy and the wall!! #BuildThatWall no #BuildThatDamnWall ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"First responders try to rescue a potential suicidal person. Chicks held up in traffic get next to the scene and yell for him to jump because they were inconvenienced in backed up traffic. Man jumps. Women sentenced for being cunts. Reddit applauds chicks because being stuck in traffic over a potential suicide is not worth their time. no hope in humanity...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"It's about time to change how airlines handle the rights of their passengers. It is nice to make money but on the other hand, they are responsible for handling our rights in an appropriate way. Everybody should get fired starting with the CEO and his lame ass excuses.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This was an inside job. These people were killed by their own to stir up chaos and more hate. Mark my words, this charade was planned and executed by their own govenrment in the same way that all incidents, that aim to divert attention away from the elite, are.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I clicked one link that claimed to link to their source material and was instead directed to a kelly bluebook ad. beforeitsnews is like the online version of weekly world news. I'm just surprised it doesn't print stories about batboy. These credulous retard Qcultists will believe literally anything.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@THEHermanCain then send this one to your teabagger friends https:\/\/t.co\/hsADkzcAIn and watch their heads explode","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Can @user get an apology already? Sick of men claiming women are hysterical. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@mrgeology no you ignorant cement headed hillbilly. You said taxing. Cant you fuckin read you fucking knob gobbling douchebag","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Booker is the more hysterical woman, while Harris is just a common slut. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#ICYMI: Young immigrant Dennis Rivera detailed his two-month ICE detention after his high school's police force turned him over to sheriff's deputies, who then turned him over to ICE. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @BoutCrazed: The best way to make a hillbilly do something is to tell him he can't do it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"One less nigger in the world, one more nigger in jail, I call it a win.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"White supremacists still have a safe space online. It's Discord: https:\/\/slate.com\/technology\/2018\/10\/discord-safe-space-white-supremacists.html?wpsrc=sh_all_dt_tw_ru via @slate I think you forgot to login to your alt account. The microphone part doesn't work on my end... Need to replace my os with a newer one I guess. The app ver of it hardlocks my desktop when I exit. i really hope not","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"From the article: \"I offer my sincerest regrets to the Brookhaven community for the insensitivity that portrayed during the Friday evening halftime show. There is an active investigation into the circumstances that led to this performance, Jackson Mayor Chokwe Lumumba said. \"While I do not believe that there was a malice intent on behalf of the students that participated in this halftime show, I understand that we are ultimately not defined by the things that we set out to do, but rather how we respond to the things that actually do take place. It is the responsibility of adults to offer guidance to youth. Our students should have been instructed that this was neither the time or place for that performance. Not abject apologies; \"regrets The students aren't seven years old, they're in high school. They fully understood the malice in their actions. Our students should have been instructed that this was neither the time or place for that performance. Please enlighten us, Mayor: When would have been the appropriate venue to pretend to kill cops? http:\/\/www.theamericanmirror.com\/shock-high-school-band-executes-cops-during-football-halftime-show\/ White woman walking home from her McDonald's Job. Three niggers in the legs. 2A. Nigger that shot #2 gets shot in head, killing him. Man in front of Pizza Shop, killing him. Man on city corner 5 minutes after I pass by, killing him. Man on another corner, killing him. Shoots black woman in leg at corner of # While investigating #6, a series of cars are found with bullet holes in them, happened earlier in the day than # To tell you the truth, there's too many more to list. Here's one, he was black, a city worker, about to testify about a shooting, I won't list him as a nigger though: http:\/\/liber.post-gazette.com\/image\/2014\/10\/13\/1140x_q90_a10-7_ctc_ca0,57,2600,1791\/20141013radcarrickshootinglocal02-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"that badically sums it up right thar ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Idea: Let's fill the lake houses in NH that go unoccupied most of the year with refugees who have no home. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cesar Sayoc is nonwhite (Flip or featherhead). Many arrests. Probably a faggot since he sponsors male strip shows and has arrest for prostitution. Check out Heavy article.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Savage monkey beast Because white women are better? >I don't see white women acting like a savage beast towards a mentally handicapped individual. https:\/\/np.reddit.com\/r\/PussyPass\/comments\/2xrdkb\/mother_pimps_out_mentally_retarded_midget\/ https:\/\/np.reddit.com\/r\/PussyPass\/comments\/7a5w30\/vermont_woman_accused_of_killing_her_disabled_son\/ Bow down to the father land for you sunshine [removed] You sound like you're still in eighth grade. K","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"But of course what else would a pedo faggot say?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"@CB_Baby24: @white_thunduh alsarabsss\" hes a beaner smh you can tell hes a mexican","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"He got beaten as thoroughly as a fighter could be beaten in an MMA match -- out-struck, out-grappled, knocked down, pounded and submitted. And the delusional little primadonna has the nerve to feel entitled to a rematch. Ask yourself, if Nurmagomedov had lost and asked for a rematch, do you think Conor McGregor would do anything other than laugh? https:\/\/www.google.com\/amp\/s\/syndication.bleacherreport.com\/amp\/2799765-conor-mcgregor-called-dana-white-requesting-rematch-fight-with-khabib.amp.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":">Where do I sign? If current developments are an indicator? The army. Jokes aside, good for you guys. Don't let the sand niggers in, they *will* breed like rabbits and ruin your country, sooner or later.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I think we should start arresting these leftist mob protestors who destroy property, intimidate people, scream at the sky and otherwise disrupt daily business and admitting them into mental institutions where they belong. This is not normal behavior. This is not protesting. This is not near normal behavior. These people are mostly all college age kids who have been indoctrinated by a leftist ideology hellbent on dismantling the rule of law, the rule of ethics and the rule of respect in our country. These people are of no use to society, and they don't appear capable of contributing to society at all. They need to be diagnosed and treated in a facility by professionals trained to deal with their behavior. This is not a joke, I'm not blowing smoke. These people are a danger to society and to themselves if they aren't treated. The next order of action should be to either discredit these liberal indoctrination camps or put people in place who can teach a curriculum worthy of calling themselves institutions of higher learning. It may take a generation, but it'll be worth every ounce of effort in the long run.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"ths dnt have nothing to do with God's will but...what it does mean is tht @realDonaldTrump is obviously not healthy enough to lead my country, neither has his staff been capable to protect him. #Biden2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fucking retards. They are anti-senate because they dont want montana and Wyoming to have equal number of senators as CA and NY","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Its just a drill and nobody was badly hurt I heard. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"F'n Flame up some retarded hot dog rockets... Throw another one on the Barbie... Neil and Buzz actually landed on the moon. One thing, I do know.. F'n commie bastards nowadays couldn't take a shit in a paper sack and walk backwards with out thier boots turning brown.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"SHAME ON BRITAIN: Sixty-thousand British War veterans are homeless' While sixty million plus Moslims will be kipping in a nice council house tonight This government want stringing up? the brit goobermint is sucking muzzie dick","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@NativePalate @suitcasenall He is a decent man. He's not a fool. He has a kind heart and the right amount of shrewdness. Joe Biden is a bridge. He gave Obama stability and now he gives Kamala a path. There's a strong chance he'll be seen this way by history.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@GnonProphet @brutuslaurentius @WhiteCasper @jackcorbin @mookiekabuki @TomKawczynski @tomploszaj @Cantwell @GodBlessAdolfHitler @Boss_Zogg @RedNationRising https:\/\/ryanmurdough.com\/2018\/10\/21\/i-am-officially-endorsing-elizabeth-warren\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Got kicked off Twitter for calling Pelosi a hag. Hello Gab! Refugees welcome. Remember, on gab EVERYTHING IS PERSONAL. if you get triggered, you lose.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Trump's Businesses Face Debt Deadlines Amid Economic Slowdown https:\/\/t.co\/JXQR9TMTQA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#FireCashman Why?? Because I am having to root for the Royals in October. #Yankees","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I like the sentiment, Jack, but you know this country will remain divided even if you win. #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/uIBfcGh4o8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Look, lady who needs a therapistI know you love when men choke and slap the shit out of you till you cum but not all of us like that. Go put some aloe on that banged up ass of yours and stay off my TL, darlin. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"you ho's STILL not allowed to speak on eesh in my presence. i'll beat yo ass girl lol don't get it fucked up. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Get off your knees, white man, and stand up for your race. #AltRight #ProudBoys #NewRight #MAGA #Pegida #AfD #Orban #Putin #Brexit #BritFam #QAnon #Q #WhiteGenocide #svpol ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Although i hate the thought of police armed to the teath on the streets of the UK. As this goes againts everything i beleive in. But the reality of today is that this is an appropriate measure. I only hope they never need to fire a shot. Good luck lads, we have your back.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Unless you think the internet is inhabited by a bunch of telepaths, you need to learn how to grammar enough so that people understand what your saying. I also get that the American translation of 'Librul' nowdays is twat, but in the rest of the world it still means something along the lines of - >a. Favoring reform, open to new ideas, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; not bound by traditional thinking; broad-minded. See Synonyms at broad-minded. b. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Good!! We need that wall. #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I don't trust that secular Jew guy. I am not a fan of Trump, I just don't trust that Jew.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Absurdity! The Swedes overwhelmingly voted for Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights, and the Nectar of Rapefugee welfare! I'm so moved I'm willing to fund 10 of the local Roachingfugees to fuck off there and never return. I hope the Swedish Gormint funds me in this grand undertaking. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user wah I only make 15 million a year, wah. What a fuckin bitch bro. Cry me a river you pussy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's not equality if everyone doesn't get it you dumb cunt. It's privilege.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Filthy rich federal refugee contractor, @user teams with TripAdvisor to give #Refugees free tourism trips. What about poor Americans and military vets? Any free tours for them? ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @DarthPutinKGB: Today in 1996 Charlie Wilson left office. \"Should be ranked alongside Lech Wa sa for his role in defeating communism\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This whole PPD concept really is getting hard for some. its not that hard, people. men are convicted 100 percent more than women. [men receive 65 percent higher sentences than women for exact same crime](https:\/\/www.law.umich.edu\/newsandinfo\/features\/Pages\/starr_gender_disparities.aspx) women know this. society knows this. society tried to use the pass and they got shut down. 9\/10, whenever a conviction is made, the pussy pass just got shut down. Not to mention the \"women are wonderful effect.\" How many male babysitters are parents willing to leave their children alone with? Especially those with a criminal record. \"Oh, but shes wonderful, she cant possibly be a felon. Patrick down the way, though, yeah. he's definitely a pedo.\" thats a fuckn pass if i ever saw one. So stop screaming \"misogyny\" at every turn. It's too low effort for one. For fucks sake, be creative at least. \"Incels,\" \"woman-hating,\" and \"women getting punished\" are all just losing their steam. the market is oversaturated with low effort, bullshit. so, we here in PPD are setting the bar higher. We demand the best. We arent some push over sub. You have to earn your downvotes. So get creative and quit being lazy little bitches. also, it looks like we have a master baiter amongst us. \/u\/8kscrub, near the top. I need our greatest minds to think of the greatest flair this dickwad, blue-haired, male tears drinking, cuntwaffle deserves. The winner gets a smack on the ass by yours trully and the rest of my soggy nachos. In the meantime, i need you to show this fuckn cunt how we do things here in PPD. dont worry, we dont ban. Have fun.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"That would be 8 you retarded bitch. SIMPLE","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Srx? Ppl are so f****** dum for stupid pokemon","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@BJR3_Boston @realDonaldTrump We also would like a mental test to make sure you don't have dementia . Plus a intellectual test that we should have given you when you first ran. Just saw that you haven't paid more than $1500 in taxes for the last 15 years. What a scammer. #TrumpTaxReturns #Biden2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Now just imagine if a White European man writes about \"this black women thing\"... Twitter - Google -Facebook and Apple would be censoring left and right, SJWs would be calling for deplatforming and cuckservatives would be asking for \"Pardon for our Patriarchy and Racism\"... We are at (cultural) War! Midterms is the War Field!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@joebiden and @kamalaharris are you listening? #Arizona needs a little help here. We are certain @CaptMarkKelly would love to see you too. #VoteBlue2020 #VoteBidenHarrisToSaveAmerica https:\/\/t.co\/zneY6j7tNq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The owner of the limousine involved in a crash that killed 20 people in upstate New York over the weekend was a wire-wearing informant in two FBI terrorism stings, Fox News has learned. The government credited Shahed Hussain with rooting out radical Muslims at mosques in the New York cities of Newburgh and Albany while he was working as a well-paid FBI snitch.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"A quote from some random place on net, just posted here because it's funny and true : \"Civil liberty and freedom in America? That's a fucking myth. You can't even \"not bake cakes\" for faggot marriage without being insulted as a bigot.\"","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Someone shut this beaner up please.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@RFIDbollocks Hey silly cunt, ask \"Nuddering on twitter where he got the \"idea that Owen Jones was that editor on Wikipaedia... go on ask him! I fucking dare you... come back to me when you realise it was me! ME! Yep, it was me. Go and ask! You are scared of the truth! Totally fucking shot scared. Page has been a twat for as long as I can remember and I like to puncture his silly party balloon! He has no idea how he was so easily duped by that prick O'Brien.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This is why I don't want any male children. I'm afraid a woman will try to ruin his life with false accusations out of spite. If I do have any sons, I will tell them to focus on academics before considering dating a girl. I will fully explain the consequences of dating, marrying, and having children with women of poor moral character. It's scary the amount of women I'm friends with on Facebook that are into the Me Too and Believe All Women movements. I remember when my mother warned me about the danger of giving a woman a ride home, if her car had broken down. The woman in question had a questionable character, according to my mother, but I thought she was fine. My mother made me understand what could happen to me and\/or my future if that, or any, woman decided to claim that I had attacked or assaulted her while alone with her. My Mom was truly ahead of her time, in many ways. For which I am eternally grateful. Exactly. It's an unfortunate fact of life that liars can ruin a person's life. Live and learn, hopefully fast enough to avoid having your life ruined. We all need to know how to protect ourselves from seemingly harmless incidents, like the one you describe. Back in the 70's and 80's, drunken hookups were common, but not anymore. The asinine rules in place on campuses these days actually make it possible for a female to enthusiastically have consensual sex, and even interact with her partner normally for days\/weeks afterward, only to change her mind even later and claim that she was raped. I don't think life gets much more insane than that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Great end to a sad story. Sorry to say it but what a cunt. > Sorry to say it Sorry why? She's a cunt, endy story.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"had to lock my twatter bc of this faggot right here he catchin them soros bucks for trying to fuck over our country he has painted a bigass target on his back sometimes its not the best thing to make alot of noise and make your face known ..... he better pray we nvr meet who is that fag?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"More Leftists corruption. #CriminalDNC #CorruptDNC #DNCVoterFraud #DishonestLeft #WeAllKnewIt #BuildThatWall #DrainTheSwamp #Deport #Deport #DeportIllegals ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Is there a way I can get all the news from AJ+ excluding Donald Trump or US election stuff? I am seriously tired of this crap...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Nxivm also donated $30,000 to Hillary Clinton back in Makes you think. Wasn't there also a direct connection made to an American woman caught child trafficking in Haiti found in the emails? If you mean the toaster I told that cunt to shove his pyro tendencies in this ass. Me and the fridge are on the outs too but the oven has my back. Oven loven is the best loven.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"This is why alot of parks get closed off. Retarded faggots wrecking everything. Who cares about a ciggarette butt or two","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"This week ILI would like to welcome Gwylene Gallimard to year 2! Gwylene Gallimard is a 1st generation French Immigrant and co-leader in the Charleston, SC \"Connecktedtoo in\/ with Charleston Rhizome Collective\"project. Full story on ILI's Facebook page! #iliyear2 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So many illegal Muslim migrants and Muslims from UP have migrated to Delhi, encroaching all kind of public placesand creating filth.Keji have surpassed even CONG in Muslim Appeasement. No action being taken on such migrants who form his dirty Vote bank.Check entire stretch on Lodi Rd ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Why is it that Illegals that have been in the U.S for years that are being deported get to claim asylum when the laws states they must claim aslyum within one year of their last arrival ? Stop allowng Illegals to game the #immigration s ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I mean it's not like stupid vapid bullshit like \"the guy game or \"leisure suit Larry contributed to the shit show of point and click adventures. (I remember renting a god awful Beavis and butthead one because I was like 13 and though it would be funny. My firend and I immediately regretted the rental an hour later and wondered why we isnt just rent Breath of Fire 2 or Crono Trigger again) And the ass clown in the article saying FPS dominated the mid 90's? Nigga are you for real? Or retarded? FFVII came out in 1997 and was literally hailed as the game that sold the PSX. Fucking super Mario world was released in 1990 and was the best selling game of 1990 (with literally only 2 months of sale time in the year.). Gaming was being dominated by the Super Nes and Sega Genesis for most of the 90's and the best genres only those systems were absolutely not FPS. It was Platformers, Adventure games and RPGs. Even when PSX and N64 dropped in the late 90's those genres continued to dominate like a mother fucker. FPS got a huge kick in the ass with half life, counter strike, goldeneye and unreal tournament sure but, Pok mon, an RPG, literally dominated the sales charts for like 4 years from 97-","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@joelockhart @TheDemCoalition Biden needs to be on tv presenting his plans daily. Put the ads back on !!! #Biden2020 #GoJoe2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"haha that was great. eff them. get out of Europe.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Good one! \"The government predicts that in 2030, immigration will overtake new births as the dominant driver of population growth. PREDICTS = causes by failure to stop. #BuildTheDamnWall ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@drsanjaygupta please tell @jaketapper and folks dexamethasone is a steroid that can SUPPRESS a fever. #drconley is a liar by omission. Not a good look for @WalterReedGME or the military. Pathetic. #VoteBidenHarris2020 #VoteBlue2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Fuck that pampered little faggot bitch","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@kinsellawarren You are obsessed with this, I find these Canadian people that are obsessed with #Trump2020 odd.You are borderline #TDS but I don't think you there yet we will see what happens in November. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It is a difficult situation because I don't see WaPo (((reporters))) as humans, but despise the inbred swine that are the Saudis. I follow Q and don't give a rats ass about a wapo reporter, Trump does not give two shits about him either, disinfo is part of taking evil down, the rouge cia wants Trump to start a conflict, it wont happen. MAGA people hate reporters, all of them. Blame the spooks in the cia.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"There is clearly written in Quran Person who not follow Quran is called kafir and.. Kill them you will get 72 hours Islam Is Terrorism","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You animals. I hope your business crashes down after this incident and you file for bankruptcy. Maybe then you will learn how to deal with a human being. Shame on you.#unitedairlines Never did and never will fly with you. You are worse than scum. #boycottunited","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Border Ranchers Shock MSNBC With Facts On Illegal Immigration via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Fuck u bitch ass whore ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Up until the hard-r \"nigger\" near the end... This sub now exists for alt-right faggots to get triggered at satirical sjw posts. Then sjw faggots post the comments from the alt-right faggots post, and get all triggered over that. Honestly? Horse-shoe theory and all? Sjw's and alt-righters are all just thin-skinned idiots who don't understand satire.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @LRTC1: Magnus the \"team leader\" was particularly rude and unhelpful. As opposed to Charlie, who just blatantly lied. Awful service. @s ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Not all men? True. But you wouldn't play Russian roulette either, but you're asking women to do exactly that. Trust has to be earned. #MeToo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"\"Bae\" sounds like such a ghetto word. Use something else","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"#Virginia is full of white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Mcdonalds pipe self defence beating: http:\/\/t.co\/Gk5wbObJTC This is one nigger who's hand I would shake. That's how you deal with sheboons.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@nnabros Oh and Trump isn't giving y'all Biafra or whatever. He could care less if y'all eat each other alive. Newsflash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yeah, but for every man offended there'll be .77 women offended. Woah there Rikoj! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Quit acting like such a [3\/5ths American]...it doesn't sound the same \"Bitch is our word you can't say that\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Occultist faggot - Hitler was a Christian.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Use foreign aid budget to help illegal migrants go back home' via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You paint an interesting rhetorical picture. Many of my professors tell me I have a way with words.. ;) FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-) FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user Telemarketer did same to me called me a whore and said he would rape me. Nice. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"wow, I've actually lost people bcause I marked a SFW image as NSFW. Serious biz. Wah??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I thank with all my heart, as a Minister and as a father, the Libyan authorities and coastguard who saved and brought back to Libya 820 immigrants - Matteo Salvini, Italian Prime Minister, 24\/06\/2018 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"What does a 14 year old minor know about sex you retard? Any 14 year old that doesn't know something about sex is the retarded one. Did you just think storks delivered babies until you were 18? I'm sure you'd want your 14 year old daughter getting railed by a 22 year old... 14 year olds who don't know about sex are \"retarded after all....","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Your grammar is trash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The problem in America today is the @TheDemocrats They cannot tolerate a difference of opinion. They spew nothing but fear and discontent. What a small, dark little hateful world they live in! #WalkAwayFromDemocrats To stop the spread of Democrats #VoteRED #TRUMP2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I know this is sad . But this is no bigger deal than ANYONE else's lives being cut down in murder. The uniform does not make them any more special that others!!!! These police officers are part of an establishment which is corrupt, racist and fucking brutal! Even if they were the right side of the law, their colleagues and many other aren't and that's why the lost their lives. Its awful that this has happened and it's also awful the many other that have also been murdered.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"First time on Gab. Found it cause I just got another 7 day Twitter time out for calling Andrea Mitchell a bimbo. They suspended me for hate speech within about 5 seconds of the tweet. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"HOW can anyone with a mind vote for HER .. https:\/\/youtu.be\/Qy0CPmK4ze4?t=1 DON't get me started on REP. HANK JOHNSON ..Google GUAM TIPPING OVER HANK JOHNSON ..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Most faggots are democrats Oh...so you're a nigger faggot","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: Derek Jeter leaves baseball as one of the greatest Yankees ever. (via @ESPNMag) http:\/\/t.co\/MSUwxc3tYx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't buy Louis Vuitton. [removed] No you're just a stupid cocksucker. :'(","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@M_RagingBabe I'm not trying to be critical but Jr. literally looks like he just ate a pot brownie, got off a couch and put on his gloves","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I don't have to smile, my emojis do that for me ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Hey faggot if you have proof then post it, if not shut the fuck up. Because the onus is on you to prove its a fake","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"THINKING. PLURAL. Thinking I'm better than you makes you truthful. Must of just started. Because you aint got a rich husband. Lies. Fabulous job still not explained. Lies makes you a lazy cunt","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @SportsCenter: Peyton Manning's remarkable season: 5,477 Pass yds (NFL record) 55 Pass TD (NFL record) 450 completions likely ho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Deathwish and his faggot friends are the only ones that post any porn.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Israel has turned away dozens of refugees, despite urgent calls by humanitarian agencies saying their safety is at risk. They are trapped between the Israeli border and advancing regime forces with little shelter from the harsh summer weather. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"So how long before Kamala Harris drops down on ol Joe to further her career right into the Oval Office Chair? Asking for a friend!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Reminder: Joe Biden's most critical decision as nominee was to choose Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate...and that has made all the difference.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Murderers, rapists, pedophiles among illegal aliens escaping ICE in Oakland raid thanks to Dem mayor's Twitter alert #ProgressivePolicies #StopTheInvasion #TheICEManCometh #ThereIsMoreOfThemOutThere #UncheckedProgressivism ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"RT @GreenLanternJet: I was already 24 when Jeter arrived so I had plenty of #Yankees memories, but next year is going to be very odd indeed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"this poorkids education just got thrown in the bin thanks to niggers. she's probably going to be attacked too. luisianna state university are pandering to the nigs im disgusted. https:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\/_royalkayy\/status\/1048716476889350145 LOL!!! This pot head nigger bitch is the one equating herself to a monkey! Dumb nigger!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@Swanny_9 where are the birds at? Wasn't it Port where birds were all over?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I never thought I would choose to vote for a faggot but this one is worth keeping in DC","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"You are absolute SCUM Author. What about all the wormkin out there?!!? **\/s** I love this subreddit so much. Yeah, it's lovely when the angry fucks aren't trying their latest lame brigades. What? The leftist side of reddit has declared us a \"hate sub\" so they often brigade us with down votes and idiotic comments. On the flipside, right wing subs often come here, on account of us making fun of tumblr, thinking we're on their side, so they come with idiotic comments of their own. We don't have any qualms about making fun of either politics or T_D. Fuck dt and fuck Trump. The center will hold! I'm eating chicken right now. Just sending a message that you still got shooters out here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I have an immigrant mentality, which is that the job can be taken away at any time, so make sure you earn it every day, How Pepsi's Indra Nooyi Learned To Be A CEO ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Didn't that faggot chink rape some dude?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Like oh my god. This is what the perfect male is now. Black Faggot Hispanic Illegal Muslim Feminist Jew LGBTQ Something not white hetero.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@jacquebland Weird to see a local yokel \"journalist\" get worked up enough to take such a pointed side, though. Thought they were impartial.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"sometimes i wish we weren't cousins cs ur a bitch butttt i love u whore, you're only young once but immature for a ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I hate how Nigger culture became normie culture.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Germany and Spain reach agreement on migrant return ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Bad girls get spankings ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"I'm not trying to say anything about your news outlet but this is the tenth time I've heard about these girls. The news in Nashville has reported this at least twice. The rest have been news papers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Yee circumcision as a standard procedure on baby boys is retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Bob, you've crossed the line. We all know your Mom was fat, flagellant, inbred limey ho', but our First Lady is finer than any Brit ever produced. So sad, you've really been going down hill in the last couple of weeks, and I guess you decided you just wanted to swim with the shit sucking Moozlum Royals of Britanistan.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"fuck, I wish my lawn looked *that* good","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"It's no different than a lot of other subs, it's getting brigaded by sjw faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Antonio Sabato JR: I'm An Immigrant and I Support Trump's Wall via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"dear dudes with wives\/gfs who still support dr. ford, the question you need to ask yourself is: \"would she poison my food?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Why does this world give power to stupid people?Example: Trump.He didn't even know what country he sent those bombs to... He said IRAQ not Syria! during an interview...","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"dodgerofzion asked: A giant green rooster walks in carrying a tray of brownies. You may have a brownie in... http:\/\/t.co\/Rn0sWWuIq9","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I speak from personal experience, never having been charged by police, nor accused to Human Resources, despite the fact that by the standards that blue hairs piously proclaim, I am a very bad man indeed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"How arrogant one has to be to be that stuck up about their own political standing? I'm a right winger, and I've got both really conservative friends to leftist and even straight up socialist ones. Just avoid putting politics in the table and you're fine, the only type of person I really don't like to befriend are militant SJWs like those cunts on the pic, since they won't think twice before screwing anyone for attention on their tumblr. I don't care what you stand for as long as you're able to think for yourself and are able to articulate those views. You mean repeating rhetoric isn't my own opinion? Because with out a clear cut, \"wrong \/ right\" sjws can not cry victim. Classic Republican move, trying to undermine the political debate by being peaceful and friendly with people who disagree with you\/s Being right wing is just code for being a selfish arsehole, and that's not a trait I look for in a friend. Ah, so we've found the tumblrina that can't stand other people's happiness already. Second comment thread down. That was fast. https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/p8QnPNa.jpg No My condolences Nobody cares, commie.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"I've been called a son of a whore and a cunt today already. It's not even 1 yet ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Cenk the Skank's taqiyya was always paper thin. He underestimates Americans. Bought into the ugly stupid American b ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user You nasty ugly whore!!! No one cares what you think and #THEBIGDUMP only sucks black dick now so stop trying to suck #donthecon dick. ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"A favourite nigger stereotype against Whites is the claim that all serial killers are White. This is the story of one of the worst serial killers in US history, and the coverup perpetrated by the jews media because of his race. Guess which race? That's why you've probably never heard of him. He worked in an abortion clinic, where he murdered hundreds of newborn babies, and jars full of their body parts were found in his office at an abortion clinic. A movie was recently made about this murderer. The jews media are already muzzling any promotion or news about it. Covering up for niggers runs deep. https:\/\/torontosun.com\/opinion\/columnists\/malkin-the-most-important-movie-youve-never-heard-of","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"In communities across the country, employers are having trouble finding enough skilled workers to fill middle-skilled positions. Immigrants in... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"@user @user How about very Unintelligent hysterical woman. This women is mental case! ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"HEY! @LiberalistGee These are human beings. Cunt Hildabeast is sociopathic psychopathic raw sewage scum. So are her supporters.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Sighs of relief from Beijing Guoan fans and #China's govt as club nips Japanese rival 2-1 in tense match: #football http:\/\/t.co\/EesEOR7Iba","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Lmfao this is clearly satire. And there are people who say it unironically with the 'black person' instead of white. You can give it away from the way they say 'wh*te', it literally originated on \/pol\/ where they strawmanned sjws and started saying white as 'wh*te'. Then they went around on the internet spewing their shit and pretending 'leftists hate white people'. They did the same thing with pedos being in the LGBT No, it's because anti-white racists on Twitter have taken to censoring the word white in order to avoid getting flagged by automods and prevent their racism from being easily discoverable through searches. That's why they also started that ridiculous ypipo thing. Idk about ypipo but I'm pretty sure wh*te started on 4chan And I'm pretty sure you're wrong, and even if you're not it's more likely that the use merely convergently evolved in 4chan and in SJW circles. Let's agree to disagree [I don't agree to that.](https:\/\/youtu.be\/i1Pxndp5r_E?t=47s) Well I know for a fact it started that way, so doesn't matter to me. I was just referencing a Simpsons joke.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Whose the nigger guy on the far right with the wig?","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Yeah, well I fucking care. That is so fucked up! Instinctively, I'd just hit her back. What an absolute cunt. He could try to file an assault charge, but even with the video as proof, I don't think police would take it anywhere near as seriously as they would if the sexes had been reversed. It's absolute bullshit, man. -shakes head-","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Neil Basu who the fuck put that Paki cunt in charge, this is where it all goes wrong. Paki's, Nigga's and Shitskins can't run their own country's so why the fuck they running ours...All these foreign fucks and I don't give a shit if they where born here, have to go...all of them.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"If someone got body and dick..... but not the face.... would you dub them? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"The kid needs go on beyond scared straight and get his ass screwed!","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user @user A slightest sound are you joking! That horrendous heave and huffing and puffing down my ear hole ","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"@user Are you pussy grabbing tonight?? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"Under YAH's Law, that faggot pedorapist would be done. #DEATH2FAGS! #JEWS #SynagogueOfSATAN","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"\"how the fuck did this retard spell Bob wrong?'","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"Imagine being so self centered you think men are literally grinding their teeth down in seething anger that they cant talk to you. tbh i have had a guy shout at me for wearing head phones and called me rude for doing so. some crazy fuck do sit in a corner and glare at you. and any way considering you have already called this girl \"self centered\" and a \"conceited cunt\". you can see a level aggression in your self equal to the one that she is showing. The difference being she has latched her fear and anger on to a group of people, and you just fined random people on the internet to hate. Lol fuck off.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"bend the knee you fat doughy faggot I have nothing but contempt for those pearl-clutching faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"HATE"},{"text":"RT @Yankees: SEE YA! @JacobyEllsbury gives the #Yankees a 4-3 lead in the 10th with a solo home run!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"},{"text":"OK. r\/oversharing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"}]