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An innovation the needed in polarization sensing flight", "change_char_case": "neutral point area. The resultS showed thaT the tHeoRy mEnTionEd abOve was logical aND praCtical. An innovation in ouR studY iS That THe RequiRements NEeDED in PoLaRizAtIOn RemotE seNsing flIght", "whitespace_perturbation": "neutral point area. The re sults show ed th atthe t heor y me ntioned abovew as l ogical and practical.An in no v atio n i n our studyi st h atth ereq ui r em entsnee ded inpolarizati onre mote sensing fl ight", "underscore_trick": "neutral point_area. The_results showed that the_theory mentioned_above_was logical_and_practical. An innovation_in our study_is that the requirements_needed in polarization_remote_sensing flight"} +{"text": " These results are consistent with the proposal (Flatmark, T., Christiansen, E.N. and Kryvi, H. (1983) Bio", "synonym_substitution": "These results are consistent with the proposal (Flatmark, T., Christiansen, E.N. and Kryvi, H. (1983) Bio", "butter_fingers": " Thfse results are consistekt with the proposal (Fletmark, F., Christkansen, E.N. and Kryvi, H. (1983) Bio", "random_deletion": "These results are consistent with the proposal Christiansen, and Kryvi, (1983) Bio", "change_char_case": " These results are consistent With the proPosal (flaTmaRk, t., ChrIstiAnsen, E.N. and KryvI, h. (1983) Bio", "whitespace_perturbation": " These results are consist ent with t he pr opo sal ( Flat mark , T., Christia n sen, E.N. and Kryvi, H. (1 983)Bi o ", "underscore_trick": " These_results are_consistent with the proposal_(Flatmark, T.,_Christiansen,_E.N. and_Kryvi,_H. (1983) Bio"} +{"text": "189; eight-repeat: 0.011. The genotype frequencies obtained showed no deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (p>0.903), further", "synonym_substitution": "189; eight - repeat: 0.011. The genotype frequencies obtained showed no deviation from the Hardy - Weinberg chemical equilibrium (p>0.903), far", "butter_fingers": "189; eihht-repeat: 0.011. The genotype nrequencies obtanbed shmwed nk deviatkon from the Hardy-Weinberg eeuulibruum (p>0.903), further", "random_deletion": "189; eight-repeat: 0.011. The genotype frequencies obtained deviation the Hardy-Weinberg (p>0.903), further", "change_char_case": "189; eight-repeat: 0.011. The genotype freQuencies obTaineD shOweD nO devIatiOn from the Hardy-wEinbErg equilibrium (p>0.903), further", "whitespace_perturbation": "189; eight-repeat: 0.011.The genoty pe fr equ enc ie s ob tain ed showed no d e viat ion from the Hardy-Wei nberg e q uili b ri um (p >0.903) , f u r the r", "underscore_trick": "189; eight-repeat:_0.011. The_genotype frequencies obtained showed_no deviation_from_the Hardy-Weinberg_equilibrium_(p>0.903), further"} +{"text": " provide in establishing the diagnosis. Transport of pyruvate by luminal membrane vesicles from pars convoluta and pars recta of rabbit proximal tubule.\nThe characteristics", "synonym_substitution": "provide in establishing the diagnosis. Transport of pyruvate by luminal membrane vesicles from pars convoluta and par rectum of rabbit proximal tubule. \n The characteristics", "butter_fingers": " prlvide in establishing tht diagnosis. Transkoet of 'yruvats by lumknal membrane vesicles from 'ars conviluta and pars recta ow rabbit iroximal rubuow.\nThe chararferistigf", "random_deletion": "provide in establishing the diagnosis. Transport of luminal vesicles from convoluta and pars The", "change_char_case": " provide in establishing the dIagnosis. TrAnspoRt oF pyRuVate By luMinal membrane vESiclEs from pars convoluta and Pars rEcTA of rABbIt proXimal tuBUlE.\ntHe cHaRaCteRiSTiCs", "whitespace_perturbation": " provide in establishing t he diagnos is. T ran spo rt ofpyru vate by lumina l mem brane vesicles from pa rs co nv o luta an d par s recta of r abb it p rox im a ltubul e.The cha racteristi cs", "underscore_trick": " provide_in establishing_the diagnosis. Transport of_pyruvate by_luminal_membrane vesicles_from_pars convoluta and_pars recta of_rabbit proximal tubule.\nThe characteristics"} +{"text": ". When ovalbumin-liposome conjugates were added to a culture of macrophages, enhanced recognition and processing of ovalbumin by the macrophages were observed by", "synonym_substitution": ". When ovalbumin - liposome conjugates were added to a culture of macrophage, enhanced realization and processing of egg white by the macrophages were observed by", "butter_fingers": ". Whfn ovalbumin-liposome conmugates were addgd to a rulture of macruphages, enhanced recognition abd pricessing of ovalbumin cy the mabrophages wert observed by", "random_deletion": ". When ovalbumin-liposome conjugates were added to of enhanced recognition processing of ovalbumin by", "change_char_case": ". When ovalbumin-liposome conjUgates were Added To a CulTuRe of MacrOphages, enhanceD RecoGnition and processing of OvalbUmIN by tHE mAcropHages weRE oBSErvEd By", "whitespace_perturbation": ". When ovalbumin-liposomeconjugates were ad ded t o acult ure of macroph a ges, enhanced recognitionand p ro c essi n gof ov albumin by t hema cr oph ag e swereobs erved b y", "underscore_trick": ". When_ovalbumin-liposome conjugates_were added to a_culture of_macrophages,_enhanced recognition_and_processing of ovalbumin_by the macrophages_were observed by"} +{"text": " continuing the immunosuppressive therapy. Upon resuming the anti-TB therapy, he made a good recovery. CIDP associated with TB has only been reported once.", "synonym_substitution": "continuing the immunosuppressive therapy. Upon resuming the anti - TB therapy, he made a good convalescence. CIDP consociate with TB has only been reported once.", "butter_fingers": " cojtinuing the immunosupprtssive therapy. Upon resuking tge anti-TC therapy, he made a good reclvwry. CUDP associated with TB has only been reporttd once.", "random_deletion": "continuing the immunosuppressive therapy. Upon resuming the he a good CIDP associated with once.", "change_char_case": " continuing the immunosuppreSsive theraPy. UpoN reSumInG the Anti-tB therapy, he madE A gooD recovery. CIDP associateD with tB HAs onLY bEen rePorted oNCe.", "whitespace_perturbation": " continuing the immunosupp ressive th erapy . U pon r esum ingthe anti-TB th e rapy , he made a good recov ery.CI D P as s oc iated with T B h a s on ly b een r e po rtedonc e.", "underscore_trick": " continuing_the immunosuppressive_therapy. Upon resuming the_anti-TB therapy,_he_made a_good_recovery. CIDP associated_with TB has_only been reported once."} +{"text": "yl reductase. The identity of the product PGE0 was established by comparison of its chromatographic and mass spectral characteristics with authentic PGE0. Lysed erythrocytes had readily", "synonym_substitution": "yl reductase. The identity of the product PGE0 was established by comparison of its chromatographic and mass spectral characteristic with authentic PGE0. Lysed red blood cell had readily", "butter_fingers": "yl geductase. The identity on the product PGG0 qas esvablishsd by cooparison of its chromatograpiic qnd mqss spectral characterkstics winh authenric KGE0. Lysed erythrorgtes had readjpy", "random_deletion": "yl reductase. The identity of the product established comparison of chromatographic and mass Lysed had readily", "change_char_case": "yl reductase. The identity of tHe product PgE0 was EstAblIsHed bY comParison of its chROmatOgraphic and mass spectraL charAcTErisTIcS with AuthentIC Pge0. lysEd ErYthRoCYtEs had ReaDily", "whitespace_perturbation": "yl reductase. The identity of the pr oduct PG E0wa s es tabl ished by compa r ison of its chromatographi c and m a ss s p ec tralcharact e ri s t ics w it h a ut h en tic P GE0 . Lysed erythrocy tes h ad readily", "underscore_trick": "yl reductase._The identity_of the product PGE0_was established_by_comparison of_its_chromatographic and mass_spectral characteristics with_authentic PGE0. Lysed erythrocytes_had readily"} +{"text": " two approaches would add an HPV component to existing live attenuated vaccines for measles and typhoid fever. Prophylactic vaccines that are based on induction of broadly cross-", "synonym_substitution": "two approaches would add an HPV component to existing live rarefy vaccine for measles and typhoid fever. Prophylactic vaccines that are free-base on generalization of broadly cross-", "butter_fingers": " twl approaches would add ak HPV component jo existmng livs attenuxted vaccines for measles anv typhoid fever. Prophylactic vazcines thwt are bqsed in induction of broadly dvoss-", "random_deletion": "two approaches would add an HPV component live vaccines for and typhoid fever. on of broadly cross-", "change_char_case": " two approaches would add an HPv component To exiStiNg lIvE attEnuaTed vaccines for MEaslEs and typhoid fever. ProphYlactIc VAcciNEs That aRe based ON iNDUctIoN oF brOaDLy Cross-", "whitespace_perturbation": " two approaches would addan HPV com ponen t t o e xi stin g li ve attenuatedv acci nes for measles and ty phoid f e ver. Pr ophyl actic v a cc i n esth at ar eb as ed on in duction of broadl y c ro ss-", "underscore_trick": " two_approaches would_add an HPV component_to existing_live_attenuated vaccines_for_measles and typhoid_fever. Prophylactic vaccines_that are based on_induction of broadly_cross-"} +{"text": " Augmentation of ST-segment elevation during recovery from exercise testing was specific in patients with BrS, and can be a predictor of poor prognosis, especially for patients", "synonym_substitution": "Augmentation of ST - segment elevation during recovery from exercise examination was specific in patient with BrS, and can be a predictor of hapless prognosis, specially for patients", "butter_fingers": " Auhmentation of ST-segment tlevation during texovery from sxercise testing was specific in patmentw wity BrS, and can be a preaictor of poor prignowus, especially for ictienfd", "random_deletion": "Augmentation of ST-segment elevation during recovery from was in patients BrS, and can prognosis, for patients", "change_char_case": " Augmentation of ST-segment elEvation durIng reCovEry FrOm exErciSe testing was spECifiC in patients with BrS, and cAn be a PrEDictOR oF poor PrognosIS, eSPEciAlLy For PaTIeNts", "whitespace_perturbation": " Augmentation of ST-segmen t elevatio n dur ing re co very fro m exercise tes t ingwas specific in patien ts wi th BrS, an d can be a p r ed i c tor o fpoo rp ro gnosi s,especia lly for pa tie nt s", "underscore_trick": " Augmentation_of ST-segment_elevation during recovery from_exercise testing_was_specific in_patients_with BrS, and_can be a_predictor of poor prognosis,_especially for patients"} +{"text": "-formed spheres with an increase in the expression of the stemness markers, Bmi-1 and SOX2. Akt phosphorylation, Notch-1 activation,", "synonym_substitution": "-formed spheres with an increase in the expression of the stemness markers, Bmi-1 and SOX2. Akt phosphorylation, Notch-1 energizing,", "butter_fingers": "-forled spheres with an incrtase in the expression oh the sfemness oarkers, Bmi-1 and SOX2. Akt phos'hortlatiin, Notch-1 activation,", "random_deletion": "-formed spheres with an increase in the the markers, Bmi-1 SOX2. Akt phosphorylation,", "change_char_case": "-formed spheres with an increaSe in the expRessiOn oF thE sTemnEss mArkers, Bmi-1 and SOx2. akt pHosphorylation, Notch-1 actIvatiOn,", "whitespace_perturbation": "-formed spheres with an in crease inthe e xpr ess io n of the stemness mark e rs,Bmi-1 and SOX2. Akt ph ospho ry l atio n ,Notch -1 acti v at i o n,", "underscore_trick": "-formed spheres_with an_increase in the expression_of the_stemness_markers, Bmi-1_and_SOX2. Akt phosphorylation,_Notch-1 activation,"} +{"text": "\nThe aim of the present study was to explore the social cognitions of socially withdrawn anxious early-adolescents regarding the concept of friendship. From a pool", "synonym_substitution": "The aim of the present study was to explore the social cognitions of socially disengage anxious early - adolescent regarding the concept of friendship. From a pool", "butter_fingers": "\nThe aim of the present studn was to explore the sorial cofnitions of socially withdrawn anxions eqrly-aeolescents regarding tfe concepn of friebdshmp. From a pool", "random_deletion": "The aim of the present study was the cognitions of withdrawn anxious early-adolescents From pool", "change_char_case": "\nThe aim of the present study waS to explore The soCiaL coGnItioNs of Socially withdrAWn anXious early-adolescents rEgardInG The cONcEpt of FriendsHIp. fROm a PoOl", "whitespace_perturbation": "\nThe aim of the present st udy was to expl ore th esoci al c ognitions of s o cial ly withdrawn anxious e arly- ad o lesc e nt s reg ardingt he c onc ep toffr i en dship . F rom a p ool", "underscore_trick": "\nThe aim_of the_present study was to_explore the_social_cognitions of_socially_withdrawn anxious early-adolescents_regarding the concept_of friendship. From a_pool"} +{"text": "-matched, retrospectively evaluated cohort of obese patients undergoing cholecystectomy. Of 435 patients who had BS, 71 (16%) developed PN. Patients developed PN", "synonym_substitution": "-matched, retrospectively evaluated cohort of obese patients undergo cholecystectomy. Of 435 patient who had BS, 71 (16 %) developed PN. patient evolve PN", "butter_fingers": "-matfhed, retrospectively evauuated cohort oy obese patiehts undefgoing cholecystectomy. Of 435 petiebts wyo had BS, 71 (16%) developed ON. Patienns developed KN", "random_deletion": "-matched, retrospectively evaluated cohort of obese patients Of patients who BS, 71 (16%)", "change_char_case": "-matched, retrospectively evaLuated cohoRt of oBesE paTiEnts UndeRgoing cholecysTEctoMy. Of 435 patients who had BS, 71 (16%) deVelopEd pn. PatIEnTs devEloped Pn", "whitespace_perturbation": "-matched, retrospectivelyevaluatedcohor t o f o be se p atie nts undergoing chol ecystectomy. Of 435 pa tient sw ho h a dBS, 7 1 (16%) de v e lop ed P N.Pa t ie nts d eve loped P N", "underscore_trick": "-matched, retrospectively_evaluated cohort_of obese patients undergoing_cholecystectomy. Of_435_patients who_had_BS, 71 (16%)_developed PN. Patients_developed PN"} +{"text": " therapy has increased. Additionally, cross-resistance within the classes of nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI), non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors", "synonym_substitution": "therapy has increased. Additionally, cross - resistance within the classes of nucleoside reversion transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI), non - nucleoside inverse transcriptase inhibitors", "butter_fingers": " thfrapy has increased. Addiuionally, cross-resnwtance withih the clxsses of nucleoside reverse vranwcripucse inhibitors (NRTI), von-nucleodide revwrse rranscripteae inhinntors", "random_deletion": "therapy has increased. Additionally, cross-resistance within the nucleoside transcriptase inhibitors non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase", "change_char_case": " therapy has increased. AdditiOnally, crosS-resiStaNce WiThin The cLasses of nucleoSIde rEverse transcriptase inhIbitoRs (nrTI), nON-nUcleoSide revERsE TRanScRiPtaSe INhIbitoRs", "whitespace_perturbation": " therapy has increased. Ad ditionally , cro ss- res is tanc e wi thin the class e s of nucleoside reverse tr anscr ip t asei nh ibito rs (NRT I ), n on- nu cl eos id e r evers e t ranscri ptase inhi bit or s", "underscore_trick": " therapy_has increased._Additionally, cross-resistance within the_classes of_nucleoside_reverse transcriptase_inhibitors_(NRTI), non-nucleoside reverse_transcriptase inhibitors"} +{"text": " tegmenti pedunculopontinus (PPN) and the central tegmental tract (ctt). ChAT positive neurons were also located in", "synonym_substitution": "tegmenti pedunculopontinus (PPN) and the central tegmental tract (ctt). ChAT positive nerve cell were besides settle in", "butter_fingers": " tehmenti pedunculopontinus (PPN) and the ceurral txgmentam tract (ztt). ChAT positive neurons wece aoso licated in", "random_deletion": "tegmenti pedunculopontinus (PPN) and the central tegmental ChAT neurons were located in", "change_char_case": " tegmenti pedunculopontinus (pPN) and the cEntraL teGmeNtAl trAct (cTt). ChAT positive NEuroNs were also located in", "whitespace_perturbation": " tegmenti pedunculopontinu s (PPN) an d the ce ntr al teg ment al tract (ctt) . ChA T positive neurons wer e als ol ocat e din", "underscore_trick": " tegmenti_pedunculopontinus (PPN)_and the central tegmental_tract (ctt)._ChAT_positive neurons_were_also located in"} +{"text": " were high from winter to spring due to contributions from domestic coal, domestic biofuel, and other transformations of coal, and low in summer. In summer, these", "synonym_substitution": "were high from winter to spring due to contributions from domestic coal, domestic biofuel, and early transformation of coal, and low in summer. In summer, these", "butter_fingers": " wege high from winter to skring due to conttivutionv from domestiz coal, domestic biofuel, and ltyer teansformations of coal, and low pn summer. In wymmer, thesx", "random_deletion": "were high from winter to spring due from coal, domestic and other transformations summer. summer, these", "change_char_case": " were high from winter to sprinG due to contRibutIonS frOm DomeStic Coal, domestic biOFuel, And other transformationS of coAl, ANd loW In SummeR. In summER, tHESe", "whitespace_perturbation": " were high from winter tospring due to c ont rib ut ions fro m domestic coa l , do mestic biofuel, and ot her t ra n sfor m at ionsof coal , a n d lo win su mm e r. In s umm er, the se", "underscore_trick": " were_high from_winter to spring due_to contributions_from_domestic coal,_domestic_biofuel, and other_transformations of coal,_and low in summer._In summer, these"} +{"text": "53 [0.28-0.99], p <.05). The same observation was found in comparison between other vaccination statuses (H1N1", "synonym_substitution": "53 [ 0.28 - 0.99 ], p < .05). The same observation was found in comparison between early inoculation condition (H1N1", "butter_fingers": "53 [0.28-0.99], p <.05). The same observation wxs found in comkaeison uetween other vxccination statuses (H1N1", "random_deletion": "53 [0.28-0.99], p <.05). The same observation in between other statuses (H1N1", "change_char_case": "53 [0.28-0.99], p <.05). The same observation was fouNd in comparIson bEtwEen OtHer vAcciNation statuses (h1n1", "whitespace_perturbation": "53 [0.28-0.99], p <.05). T he same ob serva tio n w as fou nd i n comparison b e twee n other vaccination st atuse s( H1N1 ", "underscore_trick": "53 [0.28-0.99],_p <.05)._The same observation was_found in_comparison_between other_vaccination_statuses (H1N1"} +{"text": " aldosterone. Inhibition of apical but not basolateral endocytosis of ricin and folate in Caco-2 cells by cytochalasin D.", "synonym_substitution": "aldosterone. Inhibition of apical but not basolateral endocytosis of ricin and folate in Caco-2 cells by cytochalasin D.", "butter_fingers": " alfosterone. Inhibition of xpical but not yqsolatxral ensocytosir of ricin and folate in Cacl-2 xells by cytochalasin D.", "random_deletion": "aldosterone. Inhibition of apical but not basolateral ricin folate in cells by cytochalasin", "change_char_case": " aldosterone. Inhibition of apIcal but not BasolAteRal EnDocyTosiS of ricin and folATe in caco-2 cells by cytochalasiN D.", "whitespace_perturbation": " aldosterone. Inhibition o f apical b ut no t b aso la tera l en docytosis of r i cinand folate in Caco-2 c ellsby cyto c ha lasin D.", "underscore_trick": " aldosterone._Inhibition of_apical but not basolateral_endocytosis of_ricin_and folate_in_Caco-2 cells by_cytochalasin D."} +{"text": " \"osteoprotective\" exercise per week and the recommended 1200 mg of calcium per day. Respondents believed that it was unlikely that osteoporosis would develop in them. They", "synonym_substitution": "\" osteoprotective \" exercise per week and the recommended 1200 mg of calcium per day. respondent believe that it was unlikely that osteoporosis would develop in them. They", "butter_fingers": " \"osheoprotective\" exercise ptr week and the rgcimmendxd 1200 mg kf calcijm per day. Respondents belieted rhat ut was unlikely that orteoporosps would eeveoip in them. They", "random_deletion": "\"osteoprotective\" exercise per week and the recommended of per day. believed that it develop them. They", "change_char_case": " \"osteoprotective\" exercise peR week and thE recoMmeNdeD 1200 mG of cAlciUm per day. ResponDEnts Believed that it was unlikEly thAt OSteoPOrOsis wOuld devELoP IN thEm. thEy", "whitespace_perturbation": " \"osteoprotective\" exercis e per week andthe re co mmen ded1200 mg of cal c iumper day. Respondents b eliev ed that it wasunlikel y t h a t o st eo por os i swould de velop i n them. Th ey", "underscore_trick": " \"osteoprotective\"_exercise per_week and the recommended_1200 mg_of_calcium per_day._Respondents believed that_it was unlikely_that osteoporosis would develop_in them. They"} +{"text": " as ascertained by SDS-PAGE and 2-dimensional electrophoresis followed by silver staining or Western immunoblotting using specific antibodies against the proteasome subunits. The 20S proteasome was", "synonym_substitution": "as ascertained by SDS - PAGE and 2 - dimensional electrophoresis followed by silver staining or Western immunoblotting use specific antibody against the proteasome subunits. The 20S proteasome was", "butter_fingers": " as ascertained by SDS-PAGE xnd 2-dimensional electrmphoreais folluwed by silver staining or Wxsteen imnunoblotting using spezific antpbodies atainwr the protxzsome smyunita. The 20W proteasome wss", "random_deletion": "as ascertained by SDS-PAGE and 2-dimensional electrophoresis silver or Western using specific antibodies 20S was", "change_char_case": " as ascertained by SDS-PAGE and 2-DimensionaL elecTroPhoReSis fOlloWed by silver staINing Or Western immunoblottinG usinG sPEcifIC aNtiboDies agaINsT THe pRoTeAsoMe SUbUnits. the 20s proteaSome was", "whitespace_perturbation": " as ascertained by SDS-PAG E and 2-di mensi ona l e le ctro phor esis followedb y si lver staining or Weste rn im mu n oblo t ti ng us ing spe c if i c an ti bo die sa ga instthe protea some subun its .The 20S prot e as ome was", "underscore_trick": " as_ascertained by_SDS-PAGE and 2-dimensional electrophoresis_followed by_silver_staining or_Western_immunoblotting using specific_antibodies against the_proteasome subunits. The 20S_proteasome was"} +{"text": " was similar in all treatment groups. It was concluded that polysulfated glycosaminoglycan caused a modest depression in proteoglycan synthesis, had little effect on", "synonym_substitution": "was similar in all treatment groups. It was concluded that polysulfated glycosaminoglycan cause a minor depression in proteoglycan synthesis, had fiddling effect on", "butter_fingers": " wad similar in all treatmekt groups. It was concluved thaf polysuufated glycosaminoglycan caudee a midest depression in pruteoglycaj synthewis, iad little effecv on", "random_deletion": "was similar in all treatment groups. It that glycosaminoglycan caused modest depression in on", "change_char_case": " was similar in all treatment gRoups. It was ConclUdeD thAt PolySulfAted glycosaminOGlycAn caused a modest depressIon in PrOTeogLYcAn synThesis, hAD lITTle EfFeCt oN", "whitespace_perturbation": " was similar in all treatm ent groups . Itwas co nc lude d th at polysulfate d gly cosaminoglycan causeda mod es t dep r es sionin prot e og l y can s yn the si s ,had l itt le effe ct on", "underscore_trick": " was_similar in_all treatment groups. It_was concluded_that_polysulfated glycosaminoglycan_caused_a modest depression_in proteoglycan synthesis,_had little effect on"} +{"text": "ol, amiodarone, fluconazole, lactulose, or bezafibrate was associated with significant changes in dispensed warfarin doses,", "synonym_substitution": "ol, amiodarone, fluconazole, lactulose, or bezafibrate was associated with significant changes in dispensed warfarin venereal disease,", "butter_fingers": "ol, wmiodarone, fluconazole, lxctulose, or bezcdibratx was aasociatea with significant changes ii diwpenstb warfarin doses,", "random_deletion": "ol, amiodarone, fluconazole, lactulose, or bezafibrate was significant in dispensed doses,", "change_char_case": "ol, amiodarone, fluconazole, laCtulose, or bEzafiBraTe wAs AssoCiatEd with significANt chAnges in dispensed warfarIn dosEs,", "whitespace_perturbation": "ol, amiodarone, fluconazol e, lactulo se, o r b eza fi brat e wa s associated w i th s ignificant changes indispe ns e d wa r fa rin d oses,", "underscore_trick": "ol, amiodarone,_fluconazole, lactulose,_or bezafibrate was associated_with significant_changes_in dispensed_warfarin_doses,"} +{"text": "P-1 analog could significantly lower the level of serum glucose when GLP-1 purified analog was injected into diabetic rats. A potential strategy for large-scale", "synonym_substitution": "P-1 analog could significantly lower the level of serum glucose when GLP-1 purified analogue was inject into diabetic rats. A potential scheme for large - plate", "butter_fingers": "P-1 ajalog could significantln lower the level of secum gludose whev GLP-1 purified analog was inoectwd inuj diabetic rats. A ootential strategt foc large-scale", "random_deletion": "P-1 analog could significantly lower the level glucose GLP-1 purified was injected into for", "change_char_case": "P-1 analog could significantly Lower the leVel of SerUm gLuCose When gLP-1 purified anaLOg waS injected into diabetic rAts. A pOtENtiaL StRategY for larGE-sCALe", "whitespace_perturbation": "P-1 analog could significa ntly lower thelev elof ser um g lucose when GL P -1 p urified analog was inj ected i n to d i ab eticrats. A po t e nti al s tra te g yfor l arg e-scale ", "underscore_trick": "P-1 analog_could significantly_lower the level of_serum glucose_when_GLP-1 purified_analog_was injected into_diabetic rats. A_potential strategy for large-scale"} +{"text": "48 h, ratio of water to material 22.53 mL/g. For the free radical scavenging activity, the IC50 values of Vc and AP", "synonym_substitution": "48 h, ratio of water to material 22.53 mL / g. For the spare extremist scavenging activity, the IC50 values of Vc and AP", "butter_fingers": "48 h, gatio of water to materixl 22.53 mL/g. For the free redical acavengivg activity, the IC50 values of Vx and AP", "random_deletion": "48 h, ratio of water to material For free radical activity, the IC50", "change_char_case": "48 h, ratio of water to material 22.53 mL/G. For the freE radiCal ScaVeNginG actIvity, the IC50 valuES of VC and AP", "whitespace_perturbation": "48 h, ratio of water to ma terial 22. 53 mL /g. Fo rthefree radical scave n ging activity, the IC50 va luesof Vc a n dAP", "underscore_trick": "48 h,_ratio of_water to material 22.53_mL/g. For_the_free radical_scavenging_activity, the IC50_values of Vc_and AP"} +{"text": "ophase might be of therapeutic value in the control of symptoms of Parkinson's disease. On the other hand, reduced levels of N-acyl-transferase (AE", "synonym_substitution": "ophase might be of therapeutic value in the control of symptoms of Parkinson's disease. On the other bridge player, decreased levels of N - acyl - transferase (AE", "butter_fingers": "ophwse might be of therapeuuic value in the eintrol of syjptoms ow Parkinson's disease. On the ltyer hqnd, reduced levels of V-acyl-trandferase (QE", "random_deletion": "ophase might be of therapeutic value in of of Parkinson's On the other (AE", "change_char_case": "ophase might be of therapeutiC value in thE contRol Of sYmPtomS of PArkinson's diseaSE. On tHe other hand, reduced leveLs of N-AcYL-traNSfErase (aE", "whitespace_perturbation": "ophase might be of therape utic value in t hecon tr ol o f sy mptoms of Park i nson 's disease. On the oth er ha nd , red u ce d lev els ofN -a c y l-t ra ns fer as e ( AE", "underscore_trick": "ophase might_be of_therapeutic value in the_control of_symptoms_of Parkinson's_disease._On the other_hand, reduced levels_of N-acyl-transferase (AE"} +{"text": "LS (<16%). Over a median follow-up of 1.5 years (range 0.5 to 3), 20 patients were lost to follow-up,", "synonym_substitution": "LS (< 16 %). Over a median follow - up of 1.5 years (range 0.5 to 3), 20 patients were lose to be - up,", "butter_fingers": "LS (<16%). Over a median follow-up uf 1.5 years (range 0.5 to 3), 20 'atienta were lust to follow-up,", "random_deletion": "LS (<16%). Over a median follow-up of (range to 3), patients were lost", "change_char_case": "LS (<16%). Over a median follow-up of 1.5 yeArs (range 0.5 to 3), 20 PatieNts WerE lOst tO folLow-up,", "whitespace_perturbation": "LS (<16%). Over a median f ollow-up o f 1.5 ye ars ( rang e 0. 5 to 3), 20 pa t ient s were lost to follow- up,", "underscore_trick": "LS (<16%)._Over a_median follow-up of 1.5_years (range_0.5_to 3),_20_patients were lost_to follow-up,"} +{"text": " and 0.98 (0.16), p<0.001). Pressure at dislocation and both left and right rotation showed similar patterns. Pressure correlated to root", "synonym_substitution": "and 0.98 (0.16), p<0.001). Pressure at dislocation and both left and right rotation showed exchangeable design. Pressure correlated to root", "butter_fingers": " anf 0.98 (0.16), p<0.001). Pressure at dislocxtion and both left anv right rotatiov showed similar patterns. Prxssuee coerelated to root", "random_deletion": "and 0.98 (0.16), p<0.001). Pressure at dislocation left right rotation similar patterns. Pressure", "change_char_case": " and 0.98 (0.16), p<0.001). Pressure at dislocation And both lefT and rIghT roTaTion ShowEd similar patteRNs. PrEssure correlated to root", "whitespace_perturbation": " and 0.98 (0.16), p<0.001) . Pressure at d isl oca ti on a nd b oth left and r i ghtrotation showed simila r pat te r ns.P re ssure correl a te d toro ot ", "underscore_trick": " and_0.98 (0.16),_p<0.001). Pressure at dislocation_and both_left_and right_rotation_showed similar patterns._Pressure correlated to_root"} +{"text": " the fifteen children who were more than ten years old, eight had an early complication; the average time to full, unsupported weight-bearing was twenty weeks; and", "synonym_substitution": "the fifteen children who were more than ten years old, eight had an early complicatedness; the modal time to full, unsupported system of weights - charge was twenty weeks; and", "butter_fingers": " thf fifteen children who wtre more than ten years mld, eifht had xn early complication; the avxragw timt to full, unsupportdd weight-hearing qas uwenty weeks; and", "random_deletion": "the fifteen children who were more than old, had an complication; the average was weeks; and", "change_char_case": " the fifteen children who were More than teN yearS olD, eiGhT had An eaRly complicatioN; The aVerage time to full, unsuppOrted WeIGht-bEArIng waS twenty WEeKS; And", "whitespace_perturbation": " the fifteen children whowere morethanten ye ar s ol d, e ight had an ea r ly c omplication; the avera ge ti me to f u ll , uns upporte d w e i ght -b ea rin gw as twen tyweeks;and", "underscore_trick": " the_fifteen children_who were more than_ten years_old,_eight had_an_early complication; the_average time to_full, unsupported weight-bearing was_twenty weeks; and"} +{"text": " was fed a basic diet (5% safflower oil) and two groups were fed a high-fat diet (HFD, 25% safflower", "synonym_substitution": "was fed a basic diet (5% safflower oil) and two groups were fed a eminent - adipose tissue diet (HFD, 25% safflower", "butter_fingers": " wad fed a basic diet (5% saffuower oil) and tci grou's were fed a hkgh-fat diet (HFD, 25% safflower", "random_deletion": "was fed a basic diet (5% safflower two were fed high-fat diet (HFD,", "change_char_case": " was fed a basic diet (5% safflower Oil) and two gRoups WerE feD a High-Fat dIet (HFD, 25% saffloweR", "whitespace_perturbation": " was fed a basic diet (5%saffloweroil)and tw ogrou ps w ere fed a high - fatdiet (HFD, 25% safflow er", "underscore_trick": " was_fed a_basic diet (5% safflower_oil) and_two_groups were_fed_a high-fat diet_(HFD, 25% safflower"} +{"text": ": 528th Combat Stress Center in Somalia.\nSeventy-three Rangers were injured and 18 were killed after an ambush in Somalia. Members of the", "synonym_substitution": ": 528th Combat Stress Center in Somalia. \n Seventy - three Rangers were injured and 18 were killed after an ambush in Somalia. Members of the", "butter_fingers": ": 528th Combat Stress Center in Somalia.\nSeventy-jheee Raigers wsre injufed and 18 were killed after ai amvush un Somalia. Members of ghe", "random_deletion": ": 528th Combat Stress Center in Somalia. were and 18 killed after an the", "change_char_case": ": 528th Combat Stress Center in SomAlia.\nSeventY-threE RaNgeRs Were InjuRed and 18 were killED aftEr an ambush in Somalia. MemBers oF tHE", "whitespace_perturbation": ": 528th Combat Stress Cent er in Soma lia.Sev ent y- thre e Ra ngers were inj u redand 18 were killed aft er an a m bush in Soma lia. Me m be r s of t he ", "underscore_trick": ": 528th_Combat Stress_Center in Somalia.\nSeventy-three Rangers_were injured_and_18 were_killed_after an ambush_in Somalia. Members_of the"} +{"text": " adsorption of bacteriophage M59 was revealed. Among rif recombinants strain AH203, which synthesized twice as much CA compared with the parental strain in submerged cultivation", "synonym_substitution": "adsorption of bacteriophage M59 was revealed. Among rif recombinants strain AH203, which synthesized doubly equally much CA compare with the parental strain in submerge polish", "butter_fingers": " addorption of bacteriophagt M59 was revealed. Cnong rmf recojbinants strain AH203, which synthesized tqice qs much CA compared wigh the pagental steain un submergxs cultiyction", "random_deletion": "adsorption of bacteriophage M59 was revealed. Among strain which synthesized as much CA in cultivation", "change_char_case": " adsorption of bacteriophage m59 was revealEd. AmoNg rIf rEcOmbiNantS strain AH203, which SYnthEsized twice as much CA comPared WiTH the PArEntal Strain iN SuBMErgEd CuLtiVaTIoN", "whitespace_perturbation": " adsorption of bacteriopha ge M59 was reve ale d.Am ongrifrecombinants s t rain AH203, which synthesi zed t wi c e as mu ch CA compar e dw i thth epar en t al stra inin subm erged cult iva ti on", "underscore_trick": " adsorption_of bacteriophage_M59 was revealed. Among_rif recombinants_strain_AH203, which_synthesized_twice as much_CA compared with_the parental strain in_submerged cultivation"} +{"text": " However, how this functional multiplicity relates to syntenin-1 distribution in different endosome compartments or other intracellular locations and its underlying involvement in cancer pathogenesis have yet", "synonym_substitution": "However, how this functional multiplicity relates to syntenin-1 distribution in different endosome compartment or early intracellular locations and its underlying affair in cancer pathogenesis own yet", "butter_fingers": " Hoaever, how this functionau multiplicity teoates vo syntsnin-1 disgribution in different endoslmw comkcrtments or other ingracellulwr locatuons qnd its unvsrlying involbcment mn cancer pathonenesis hava yet", "random_deletion": "However, how this functional multiplicity relates to in endosome compartments other intracellular locations cancer have yet", "change_char_case": " However, how this functional mUltiplicitY relaTes To sYnTeniN-1 disTribution in difFErenT endosome compartments oR otheR iNTracELlUlar lOcationS AnD ITs uNdErLyiNg INvOlvemEnt In canceR pathogeneSis HaVe yet", "whitespace_perturbation": " However, how this functio nal multip licit y r ela te s to syn tenin-1 distri b utio n in different endosom e com pa r tmen t sor ot her int r ac e l lul ar l oca ti o ns andits underl ying invol vem en t in cancerp at hogenesishav e yet", "underscore_trick": " However,_how this_functional multiplicity relates to_syntenin-1 distribution_in_different endosome_compartments_or other intracellular_locations and its_underlying involvement in cancer_pathogenesis have yet"} +{"text": " and multiple adenocarcinomas still remains unclear. We herein examined the EGFR mutations in 9 AAH and 31 adenocarcinoma lesions obtained from 30 Japanese patients. Nine patients had", "synonym_substitution": "and multiple adenocarcinomas still remains unclear. We herein probe the EGFR mutation in 9 AAH and 31 adenocarcinoma lesions obtained from 30 Japanese patients. Nine affected role had", "butter_fingers": " anf multiple adenocarcinomxs still remains uncleer. We hsrein exxmined the EGFR mutations in 9 QAH abd 31 adenocarcinoma leskons obtapned from 30 Jakanese patients. Nmhe paticuts hzf", "random_deletion": "and multiple adenocarcinomas still remains unclear. We the mutations in AAH and 31 Japanese Nine patients had", "change_char_case": " and multiple adenocarcinomaS still remaIns unCleAr. WE hEreiN exaMined the EGFR muTAtioNs in 9 AAH and 31 adenocarcinoMa lesIoNS obtAInEd froM 30 JapaneSE pATIenTs. niNe pAtIEnTs had", "whitespace_perturbation": " and multiple adenocarcino mas stillremai nsunc le ar.We h erein examined theEGFR mutations in 9 AA H and 3 1 ade n oc arcin oma les i on s obt ai ne d f ro m 3 0 Jap ane se pati ents. Nine pa ti ents had", "underscore_trick": " and_multiple adenocarcinomas_still remains unclear. We_herein examined_the_EGFR mutations_in_9 AAH and_31 adenocarcinoma lesions_obtained from 30 Japanese_patients. Nine patients_had"} +{"text": " margins compared with open resection. Operative duration was similar in laparoscopic (mean 161 +/- 37 min) and open (mean 165 +/- 53 min) groups. The", "synonym_substitution": "margins compared with open resection. Operative duration was exchangeable in laparoscopic (think of 161 + /- 37 min) and open (mean 165 + /- 53 minute) groups. The", "butter_fingers": " maggins compared with open resection. Opercrive dnration was simklar in laparoscopic (mean 161 +/- 37 mun) ane open (mean 165 +/- 53 min) grojps. The", "random_deletion": "margins compared with open resection. Operative duration in (mean 161 37 min) and min) The", "change_char_case": " margins compared with open reSection. OpeRativE duRatIoN was SimiLar in laparoscoPIc (meAn 161 +/- 37 min) and open (mean 165 +/- 53 min) groUps. ThE", "whitespace_perturbation": " margins compared with ope n resectio n. Op era tiv edura tion was similar i n lap aroscopic (mean 161 +/ - 37mi n ) an d o pen ( mean 16 5 + / - 53 m in ) g ro u ps . The ", "underscore_trick": " margins_compared with_open resection. Operative duration_was similar_in_laparoscopic (mean_161_+/- 37 min)_and open (mean_165 +/- 53 min)_groups. The"} +{"text": " (0.71-0.83 mm, p = 0.009) increased whereas in DeltaRIBASELINE (77.6-72.9", "synonym_substitution": "(0.71 - 0.83 mm, p = 0.009) increased whereas in DeltaRIBASELINE (77.6 - 72.9", "butter_fingers": " (0.71-0.83 ml, p = 0.009) increased whereas ln DeltaRIBASELIUW (77.6-72.9", "random_deletion": "(0.71-0.83 mm, p = 0.009) increased whereas (77.6-72.9", "change_char_case": " (0.71-0.83 mm, p = 0.009) increased whereas in DeltARIBASELINe (77.6-72.9", "whitespace_perturbation": " (0.71-0.83 mm, p = 0.009) increased wher eas in D elta RIBA SELINE (77.6-7 2 .9", "underscore_trick": " (0.71-0.83_mm, p_= 0.009) increased whereas_in DeltaRIBASELINE_(77.6-72.9"} +{"text": "ritis.\nWe evaluated the expression of inflammatory cytokines in renal tissues obtained from 45 patients with several types of glomerulonephritis. Immunofluorescence studies with specific", "synonym_substitution": "ritis. \n We evaluated the expression of inflammatory cytokines in nephritic tissue obtained from 45 patients with respective types of glomerulonephritis. Immunofluorescence cogitation with specific", "butter_fingers": "ritls.\nWe evaluated the exprersion of inflammatory rytokinss in reval tissues obtained from 45 petiebts wuth several types of guomerulonvphritis. Ummuiofluorescence svhdies wlch spsgific", "random_deletion": "ritis. We evaluated the expression of inflammatory renal obtained from patients with several with", "change_char_case": "ritis.\nWe evaluated the expresSion of inflAmmatOry CytOkInes In reNal tissues obtaINed fRom 45 patients with several Types Of GLomeRUlOnephRitis. ImMUnOFLuoReScEncE sTUdIes wiTh sPecific", "whitespace_perturbation": "ritis.\nWe evaluated the ex pression o f inf lam mat or y cy toki nes in renal t i ssue s obtained from 45 pat ients w i th s e ve ral t ypes of gl o m eru lo ne phr it i s. Immu nof luoresc ence studi eswi th specific", "underscore_trick": "ritis.\nWe evaluated_the expression_of inflammatory cytokines in_renal tissues_obtained_from 45_patients_with several types_of glomerulonephritis. Immunofluorescence_studies with specific"} +{"text": "ketides macrolactin and bacillaene, and a putative novel lanthipeptide, among others. Through an activity-guided purification method using hydrophobic interaction", "synonym_substitution": "ketides macrolactin and bacillaene, and a putative novel lanthipeptide, among others. Through an activity - guided purification method use hydrophobic interaction", "butter_fingers": "ketldes macrolactin and baclllaene, and a pujarive nmvel lznthipepgide, among others. Through an axtiviuj-guided purification oethod uspng hydrophobmc interaction", "random_deletion": "ketides macrolactin and bacillaene, and a putative among Through an purification method using", "change_char_case": "ketides macrolactin and baciLlaene, and a PutatIve NovEl LantHipePtide, among otheRS. ThrOugh an activity-guided puRificAtIOn meTHoD usinG hydropHObIC IntErAcTioN", "whitespace_perturbation": "ketides macrolactin and ba cillaene,and a pu tat iv e no vellanthipeptide, amon g others. Through an a ctivi ty - guid e dpurif ication me t h odus in g h yd r op hobic in teracti on", "underscore_trick": "ketides macrolactin_and bacillaene,_and a putative novel_lanthipeptide, among_others._Through an_activity-guided_purification method using_hydrophobic interaction"} +{"text": " a smaller proportion of visual units showed habituation in decorticated animals compared to normal ones. 5. In the lower stratum griseum superficiale,", "synonym_substitution": "a smaller proportion of visual units testify addiction in decorticated animals compare to normal one. 5. In the lower stratum griseum superficiale,", "butter_fingers": " a dmaller proportion of virual units showgd habitnation jn decorgicated animals compared to iormql ontf. 5. In the lower stfatum grideum supwrfiriale,", "random_deletion": "a smaller proportion of visual units showed decorticated compared to ones. 5. In", "change_char_case": " a smaller proportion of visuaL units showEd habItuAtiOn In deCortIcated animals cOMparEd to normal ones. 5. In the lowEr strAtUM griSEuM supeRficialE,", "whitespace_perturbation": " a smaller proportion of v isual unit s sho wed ha bi tuat ionin decorticate d ani mals compared to norma l one s. 5. I n t he lo wer str a tu m gri se um su pe r fi ciale ,", "underscore_trick": " a_smaller proportion_of visual units showed_habituation in_decorticated_animals compared_to_normal ones. 5._In the lower_stratum griseum superficiale,"} +{"text": " utilizing musculocutaneous tissue transfer. The results were quite satisfactory. We conclude that the management of infected vascular arterial prostheses, when these are combined with", "synonym_substitution": "utilizing musculocutaneous tissue transfer. The results were quite satisfactory. We conclude that the management of infect vascular arterial prosthesis, when these are combined with", "butter_fingers": " utllizing musculocutaneous tissue transfet. Rhe revults sere quige satisfactory. We conclude vhat the nanagement of infected vascular arteriao priwtheses, whxh these are cklbinzd with", "random_deletion": "utilizing musculocutaneous tissue transfer. The results were We that the of infected vascular combined", "change_char_case": " utilizing musculocutaneous Tissue tranSfer. THe rEsuLtS werE quiTe satisfactory. wE conClude that the management Of infEcTEd vaSCuLar arTerial pROsTHEseS, wHeN thEsE ArE combIneD with", "whitespace_perturbation": " utilizing musculocutaneou s tissue t ransf er. Th eresu ltswere quite sat i sfac tory. We conclude that thema n agem e nt of i nfected va s c ula rar ter ia l p rosth ese s, when these are co mb ined with", "underscore_trick": " utilizing_musculocutaneous tissue_transfer. The results were_quite satisfactory._We_conclude that_the_management of infected_vascular arterial prostheses,_when these are combined_with"} +{"text": " min to electric foot-shocks. Substance P levels in the substantia nigra and in the prefrontal cortex were not affected. These results are discussed in", "synonym_substitution": "min to electric foot - shocks. Substance phosphorus degree in the substantia nigra and in the prefrontal cortex were not affected. These result are hash out in", "butter_fingers": " mij to electric foot-shocks. Substance P lerwls in the shbstantix nigra and in the prefrontap xortez were not affected. Thdse resulns are diwcuswwd in", "random_deletion": "min to electric foot-shocks. Substance P levels substantia and in prefrontal cortex were discussed", "change_char_case": " min to electric foot-shocks. SuBstance P leVels iN thE suBsTantIa niGra and in the preFRontAl cortex were not affecteD. ThesE rESultS ArE discUssed in", "whitespace_perturbation": " min to electric foot-shoc ks. Substa nce P le vel sin t he s ubstantia nigr a and in the prefrontal cor tex w er e not af fecte d. Thes e r e s ult sar e d is c us sed i n", "underscore_trick": " min_to electric_foot-shocks. Substance P levels_in the_substantia_nigra and_in_the prefrontal cortex_were not affected._These results are discussed_in"} +{"text": " was less effective than selenomethionine and selenocystine in augmenting pokeweed mitogen-induced Ig synthesis. The addition of mercapto", "synonym_substitution": "was less effective than selenomethionine and selenocystine in augmenting pokeweed mitogen - induced Ig synthesis. The addition of mercapto", "butter_fingers": " wad less effective than seuenomethionine cbd selxnocystjne in ajgmenting pokeweed mitogen-invucee Ig wynthesis. The addition of mercaito", "random_deletion": "was less effective than selenomethionine and selenocystine pokeweed Ig synthesis. addition of mercapto", "change_char_case": " was less effective than selenOmethioninE and sEleNocYsTine In auGmenting pokeweED mitOgen-induced Ig synthesis. the adDiTIon oF MeRcaptO", "whitespace_perturbation": " was less effective than s elenomethi onine an d s el enoc ysti ne in augmenti n g po keweed mitogen-induced Ig s yn t hesi s .The a ddition of m erc ap to ", "underscore_trick": " was_less effective_than selenomethionine and selenocystine_in augmenting_pokeweed_mitogen-induced Ig_synthesis._The addition of_mercapto"} +{"text": " a thyrotropin (TSH)-lowering effect in patients with type 2 diabetes (DM2) and that this effect disappears after discontinuation of the", "synonym_substitution": "a thyrotropin (TSH)-lowering effect in patients with type 2 diabetes (DM2) and that this effect vanish after discontinuance of the", "butter_fingers": " a hhyrotropin (TSH)-lowering tffect in patients with vype 2 djabetes (AM2) and that this effect disa'peaes afuvr discontinuation of the", "random_deletion": "a thyrotropin (TSH)-lowering effect in patients with diabetes and that effect disappears after", "change_char_case": " a thyrotropin (TSH)-lowering efFect in patiEnts wIth TypE 2 dIabeTes (Dm2) and that this efFEct dIsappears after discontiNuatiOn OF the", "whitespace_perturbation": " a thyrotropin (TSH)-lower ing effect in p ati ent swith typ e 2 diabetes ( D M2)and that this effect d isapp ea r s af t er disc ontinua t io n ofth e", "underscore_trick": " a_thyrotropin (TSH)-lowering_effect in patients with_type 2_diabetes_(DM2) and_that_this effect disappears_after discontinuation of_the"} +{"text": " sample (area under the ROC curve = 0.72). A small subset of patients (5.9%) had a >10% estimated infection risk. The", "synonym_substitution": "sample (area under the ROC curve = 0.72). A small subset of patient (5.9 %) have a > 10% estimated infection risk. The", "butter_fingers": " salple (area under the ROC gurve = 0.72). A small subset mf patjents (5.9%) hxd a >10% estimated infection ridk. The", "random_deletion": "sample (area under the ROC curve = small of patients had a >10%", "change_char_case": " sample (area under the ROC curvE = 0.72). A small subSet of PatIenTs (5.9%) Had a >10% EstiMated infection RIsk. THe", "whitespace_perturbation": " sample (area under the RO C curve =0.72) . A sm al l su bset of patients ( 5 .9%) had a >10% estimatedinfec ti o n ri s k. The", "underscore_trick": " sample_(area under_the ROC curve =_0.72). A_small_subset of_patients_(5.9%) had a_>10% estimated infection_risk. The"} +{"text": " were performed to assess the antibiofilm activity. Bacoside A showed antimicrobial activity against both test organisms in their planktonic and biofilm states. At a sub", "synonym_substitution": "were performed to assess the antibiofilm activity. Bacoside A showed antimicrobial natural process against both trial organisms in their planktonic and biofilm states. At a sub", "butter_fingers": " wege performed to assess tme antibiofilm aerivity. Bacosjde A shuwed antimicrobial activity egaibst bith test organisms in gheir plajktonic qnd uiofilm states. Av a sub", "random_deletion": "were performed to assess the antibiofilm activity. showed activity against test organisms in At sub", "change_char_case": " were performed to assess the aNtibiofilm ActivIty. bacOsIde A ShowEd antimicrobiaL ActiVity against both test orgAnismS iN TheiR PlAnktoNic and bIOfILM stAtEs. at a SuB", "whitespace_perturbation": " were performed to assessthe antibi ofilm ac tiv it y. B acos ide A showed a n timi crobial activity again st bo th test or ganis ms in t h ei r pla nk to nic a n dbiofi lmstates. At a sub", "underscore_trick": " were_performed to_assess the antibiofilm activity._Bacoside A_showed_antimicrobial activity_against_both test organisms_in their planktonic_and biofilm states. At_a sub"} +{"text": " combination of p53, bcl-2, and bax proved to correlate with the disease-free survival, with the best prognosis noted in tumours negative for", "synonym_substitution": "combination of p53, bcl-2, and bax proved to correlate with the disease - free survival, with the best prognosis noted in tumor damaging for", "butter_fingers": " colbination of p53, bcl-2, and bxx proved to cotrwlate xith ths diseasd-free survival, with the best peognowis noted in tumours ndgative flr", "random_deletion": "combination of p53, bcl-2, and bax proved with disease-free survival, the best prognosis", "change_char_case": " combination of p53, bcl-2, and bax prOved to corrElate WitH thE dIseaSe-frEe survival, with THe beSt prognosis noted in tumoUrs neGaTIve fOR", "whitespace_perturbation": " combination of p53, bcl-2 , and baxprove d t o c or rela te w ith the diseas e -fre e survival, with the b est p ro g nosi s n otedin tumo u rs n ega ti ve fo r", "underscore_trick": " combination_of p53,_bcl-2, and bax proved_to correlate_with_the disease-free_survival,_with the best_prognosis noted in_tumours negative for"} +{"text": " actor-networks and micro-contextual practices. The objective interests of pharmaceutical companies in profit-maximization, and of patients/public health in the", "synonym_substitution": "actor - networks and micro - contextual practices. The objective interests of pharmaceutical companies in net income - maximization, and of patient / public health in the", "butter_fingers": " achor-networks and micro-conuextual practices. The oboective interesgs of pharmaceutical companixs ib prodit-maximization, and of patients/iublic heqlth un the", "random_deletion": "actor-networks and micro-contextual practices. The objective interests companies profit-maximization, and patients/public health in", "change_char_case": " actor-networks and micro-contExtual pracTices. the ObjEcTive InteRests of pharmacEUticAl companies in profit-maxImizaTiON, and OF pAtienTs/publiC HeALTh iN tHe", "whitespace_perturbation": " actor-networks and micro- contextual prac tic es. T he o bjec tive interests of p harmaceutical companie s inpr o fit- m ax imiza tion, a n do f pa ti en ts/ pu b li c hea lth in the ", "underscore_trick": " actor-networks_and micro-contextual_practices. The objective interests_of pharmaceutical_companies_in profit-maximization,_and_of patients/public health_in the"} +{"text": ". By contrast, in the selective reaching tasks attention was continuously withdrawn from the to-be-ignored stimulus, as this was irrelevant throughout the experiment. In", "synonym_substitution": ". By contrast, in the selective reaching tasks attention was endlessly retreat from the to - be - ignored stimulus, as this was irrelevant throughout the experiment. In", "butter_fingers": ". By contrast, in the selectiye reaching tasks attenvion waa continjously withdrawn from the to-ue-igbored stimulus, as this was krrelevann throughiut uhe experiment. In", "random_deletion": ". By contrast, in the selective reaching was withdrawn from to-be-ignored stimulus, as experiment.", "change_char_case": ". By contrast, in the selective rEaching tasKs attEntIon WaS conTinuOusly withdrawn FRom tHe to-be-ignored stimulus, aS this WaS IrreLEvAnt thRoughouT ThE EXpeRiMeNt. IN", "whitespace_perturbation": ". By contrast, in the sele ctive reac hingtas ksat tent ionwas continuous l y wi thdrawn from the to-be -igno re d sti m ul us, a s thisw as i rre le va ntth r ou ghout th e exper iment. In", "underscore_trick": ". By_contrast, in_the selective reaching tasks_attention was_continuously_withdrawn from_the_to-be-ignored stimulus, as_this was irrelevant_throughout the experiment. In"} +{"text": " for a number of activities within the teaching curriculum. This is in contrast to the departmental type of laboratories. Being the first in the eastern hemisphere, they are", "synonym_substitution": "for a number of activities within the teaching curriculum. This is in line to the departmental character of testing ground. Being the first in the easterly hemisphere, they are", "butter_fingers": " fog a number of activities within the teaeying cnrriculhm. This ks in contrast to the departlebtal ujpe of laboratories. Bding the virst in the wastern hemisphere, they zve", "random_deletion": "for a number of activities within the This in contrast the departmental type in eastern hemisphere, they", "change_char_case": " for a number of activities witHin the teacHing cUrrIcuLuM. ThiS is iN contrast to the DEparTmental type of laboratorIes. BeInG The fIRsT in thE easterN HeMISphErE, tHey ArE", "whitespace_perturbation": " for a number of activitie s within t he te ach ing c urri culu m. This is inc ontr ast to the departmenta l typ eo f la b or atori es. Bei n gt h e f ir st in t h eeaste rnhemisph ere, theyare ", "underscore_trick": " for_a number_of activities within the_teaching curriculum._This_is in_contrast_to the departmental_type of laboratories._Being the first in_the eastern hemisphere,_they_are"} +{"text": " electrode. Little difference in time constant for electron transport was found for the back-contact ITO electrodes with and without the sputter deposited thin TiO\u2082 film", "synonym_substitution": "electrode. Little difference in time constant for electron ecstasy was discover for the back - contact ITO electrodes with and without the sputter deposit thin TiO\u2082 film", "butter_fingers": " elfctrode. Little differenct in time constanj dor elxctron fransporg was found for the back-contect UTO eoectrodes with and witfout the dputter eepowuted thin VjO\u2082 film", "random_deletion": "electrode. Little difference in time constant for was for the ITO electrodes with thin film", "change_char_case": " electrode. Little difference In time consTant fOr eLecTrOn trAnspOrt was found for THe baCk-contact ITO electrodes With aNd WIthoUT tHe spuTter depOSiTED thIn tio\u2082 fiLm", "whitespace_perturbation": " electrode. Little differe nce in tim e con sta ntfo r el ectr on transport w a s fo und for the back-conta ct IT Oe lect r od es wi th andw it h o utth espu tt e rdepos ite d thinTiO\u2082 film", "underscore_trick": " electrode._Little difference_in time constant for_electron transport_was_found for_the_back-contact ITO electrodes_with and without_the sputter deposited thin_TiO\u2082 film"} +{"text": " was intended to increase the cultural empathy of future midwives, to help ensure greater cultural safety and optimal maternity outcomes across all sections of Australian society. This quantitative", "synonym_substitution": "was intended to increase the cultural empathy of future midwives, to help ensure great cultural condom and optimal maternity outcomes across all section of Australian society. This quantitative", "butter_fingers": " wad intended to increase tme cultural empajht of fnture mjdwives, go help ensure greater cultucal wafett and optimal maternith outcomed across all wections oh Australian skgiety. Vhis quantitatiye", "random_deletion": "was intended to increase the cultural empathy midwives, help ensure cultural safety and sections Australian society. This", "change_char_case": " was intended to increase the cUltural empAthy oF fuTurE mIdwiVes, tO help ensure greATer cUltural safety and optimaL mateRnITy ouTCoMes acRoss all SEcTIOns Of auStrAlIAn SocieTy. THis quanTitative", "whitespace_perturbation": " was intended to increasethe cultur al em pat hyof fut uremidwives, to h e lp e nsure greater cultural safe ty ando pt imalmaterni t yo u tco me sacr os s a ll se cti ons ofAustralian so ci ety. This qu a nt itative", "underscore_trick": " was_intended to_increase the cultural empathy_of future_midwives,_to help_ensure_greater cultural safety_and optimal maternity_outcomes across all sections_of Australian society._This_quantitative"} +{"text": " hydrogen fluoride and water on magnesium fluoride surfaces.\nWe have performed periodic density functional and periodic local MP2 calculations for the adsorption of hydrogen fluoride and water on the", "synonym_substitution": "hydrogen fluoride and water on magnesium fluoride surfaces. \n We have performed periodic density running and periodic local MP2 calculation for the adsorption of hydrogen fluoride and water on the", "butter_fingers": " hyfrogen fluoride and watev on magnesium fluoride surfades.\nWe haxe performed periodic densitb fubctiobal and periodic local MP2 calcupations dor uhe adsorption of hydrogek flukvide cnv water on the", "random_deletion": "hydrogen fluoride and water on magnesium fluoride have periodic density and periodic local of fluoride and water the", "change_char_case": " hydrogen fluoride and water oN magnesium FluorIde SurFaCes.\nWE havE performed periODic dEnsity functional and perIodic LoCAl MP2 CAlCulatIons for THe ADSorPtIoN of HyDRoGen flUorIde and wAter on the", "whitespace_perturbation": " hydrogen fluoride and wat er on magn esium fl uor id e su rfac es.\nWe have pe r form ed periodic density fu nctio na l and pe riodi c local MP 2 cal cu la tio ns fo r the ad sorptio n of hydro gen f luoride andw at er on the", "underscore_trick": " hydrogen_fluoride and_water on magnesium fluoride_surfaces.\nWe have_performed_periodic density_functional_and periodic local_MP2 calculations for_the adsorption of hydrogen_fluoride and water_on_the"} +{"text": " mumol.min-1.mg-1 at 37 degrees C and pH 7.5. The Km values were determined for the substrates of the forward", "synonym_substitution": "mumol.min-1.mg-1 at 37 degrees C and pH 7.5. The Km values were determined for the substrate of the forward", "butter_fingers": " mulol.min-1.mg-1 at 37 degrees C akd pH 7.5. The Km values wece detedmined fur the substrates of the forxard", "random_deletion": "mumol.min-1.mg-1 at 37 degrees C and pH Km were determined the substrates of", "change_char_case": " mumol.min-1.mg-1 at 37 degrees C and pH 7.5. the Km valueS were DetErmInEd foR the Substrates of thE ForwArd", "whitespace_perturbation": " mumol.min-1.mg-1 at 37 de grees C an d pH7.5 . T he Kmvalu es were determ i nedfor the substrates ofthe f or w ard", "underscore_trick": " mumol.min-1.mg-1_at 37_degrees C and pH_7.5. The_Km_values were_determined_for the substrates_of the forward"} +{"text": " in the presence of tracheal compression without detected stenosis of the trachea is a standard and preferred technique in comparison with direct laryngoscopy. Intubation can be", "synonym_substitution": "in the presence of tracheal compression without detected stenosis of the trachea is a standard and preferred proficiency in comparison with lineal laryngoscopy. cannulation can be", "butter_fingers": " in the presence of tracheau compression wnrhout vetectes stenosks of the trachea is a standerd qnd peeferred technique in zomparisoj with durecu laryngoscopy. Invhbation can bs", "random_deletion": "in the presence of tracheal compression without of trachea is standard and preferred laryngoscopy. can be", "change_char_case": " in the presence of tracheal coMpression wIthouT deTecTeD steNosiS of the trachea iS A staNdard and preferred technIque iN cOMparISoN with Direct lARyNGOscOpY. INtuBaTIoN can bE", "whitespace_perturbation": " in the presence of trache al compres sionwit hou tdete cted stenosis of t h e tr achea is a standard an d pre fe r redt ec hniqu e in co m pa r i son w it h d ir e ct lary ngo scopy.Intubation ca nbe", "underscore_trick": " in_the presence_of tracheal compression without_detected stenosis_of_the trachea_is_a standard and_preferred technique in_comparison with direct laryngoscopy._Intubation can be"} +{"text": " kg) to slaughter (110 kg), and for carcass and meat quality. In our experimental setup, both sire and dam breed affected growth, carcass", "synonym_substitution": "kg) to slaughter (110 kg), and for carcass and meat timbre. In our experimental apparatus, both sire and dam breed involve emergence, carcass", "butter_fingers": " kg) to slaughter (110 kg), and fov carcass and mecr qualmty. In kur expefimental setup, both sire and dqm brtvd affected growth, cafcass", "random_deletion": "kg) to slaughter (110 kg), and for meat In our setup, both sire carcass", "change_char_case": " kg) to slaughter (110 kg), and for carcAss and meat QualiTy. IN ouR eXperImenTal setup, both siRE and Dam breed affected growth, CarcaSs", "whitespace_perturbation": " kg) to slaughter (110 kg) , and forcarca ssand m eatqual ity. In our ex p erim ental setup, both sire andda m bre e daffec ted gro w th , car ca ss ", "underscore_trick": " kg)_to slaughter_(110 kg), and for_carcass and_meat_quality. In_our_experimental setup, both_sire and dam_breed affected growth, carcass"} +{"text": " delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction. The effect of the extract on humoral antibody synthesis was also measured in immunized mice treated with different extract concentrations. The", "synonym_substitution": "delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction. The effect of the infusion on humoral antibody deduction was also measured in immunize shiner treated with different excerpt concentration. The", "butter_fingers": " depayed type hypersensitivlty (DTH) reaction. The efhect of the extfact on humoral antibody synvhesus waw also measured in immjnized mibe treatee wiuh different extredt conccutratjlns. Chx", "random_deletion": "delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction. The effect extract humoral antibody was also measured different concentrations. The", "change_char_case": " delayed type hypersensitiviTy (DTH) reactIon. ThE efFecT oF the ExtrAct on humoral anTIbodY synthesis was also measuRed in ImMUnizED mIce trEated wiTH dIFFerEnT eXtrAcT CoNcentRatIons. The", "whitespace_perturbation": " delayed type hypersensiti vity (DTH) reac tio n.Th e ef fect of the extrac t onhumoral antibody synth esiswa s als o m easur ed in i m mu n i zed m ic e t re a te d wit h d ifferen t extractcon ce ntrations. T h e", "underscore_trick": " delayed_type hypersensitivity_(DTH) reaction. The effect_of the_extract_on humoral_antibody_synthesis was also_measured in immunized_mice treated with different_extract concentrations. The"} +{"text": ". An attempt was made to construct nomograms that may be used both to predict filter performance and to compare different haemofilters with each other. Stability", "synonym_substitution": ". An attempt was made to construct nomograms that may be use both to bode filter performance and to compare different haemofilters with each early. Stability", "butter_fingers": ". An attempt was made to conrtruct nomograms that kay be used bogh to predict filter performence and uj compare differeng haemofipters wirh eech other. Stabilmfy", "random_deletion": ". An attempt was made to construct may used both predict filter performance with other. Stability", "change_char_case": ". An attempt was made to construCt nomogramS that May Be uSeD botH to pRedict filter peRFormAnce and to compare differEnt haEmOFiltERs With eAch otheR. stABIliTy", "whitespace_perturbation": ". An attempt was made to c onstruct n omogr ams th at may beused both to p r edic t filter performance a nd to c o mpar e d iffer ent hae m of i l ter swi thea c hother . S tabilit y", "underscore_trick": ". An_attempt was_made to construct nomograms_that may_be_used both_to_predict filter performance_and to compare_different haemofilters with each_other. Stability"} +{"text": "/kg BW0.75) to a significant increase with L2CB3 (0.72 +/- 0.17 MJ/kg BW0.75", "synonym_substitution": "/kg BW0.75) to a significant increase with L2CB3 (0.72 + /- 0.17 MJ / kg BW0.75", "butter_fingers": "/kg HW0.75) to a significant incrtase with L2CB3 (0.72 +/- 0.17 MJ/kg BW0.75", "random_deletion": "/kg BW0.75) to a significant increase with +/- MJ/kg BW0.75", "change_char_case": "/kg BW0.75) to a significant increasE with L2CB3 (0.72 +/- 0.17 MJ/Kg BW0.75", "whitespace_perturbation": "/kg BW0.75) to a significa nt increas e wit h L 2CB 3(0.7 2 +/ - 0.17 MJ/kg B W 0.75 ", "underscore_trick": "/kg BW0.75)_to a_significant increase with L2CB3_(0.72 +/-_0.17_MJ/kg BW0.75"} +{"text": " method with chemiluminescence detection for the high throughput assay of the total antioxidant capacity of wines.\nThis work reports a sequential-injection analysis (SIA)", "synonym_substitution": "method with chemiluminescence detection for the high throughput assay of the total antioxidant capability of wine. \n This work reports a sequential - injection psychoanalysis (SIA )", "butter_fingers": " mehhod with chemiluminescekce detection fot rhe hijh throhghput arsay of the total antioxidanv capacitt of wines.\nThis work reoorts a svquential-unjertion analysis (SMZ)", "random_deletion": "method with chemiluminescence detection for the high of total antioxidant of wines. This (SIA)", "change_char_case": " method with chemiluminescenCe detectioN for tHe hIgh ThRougHput Assay of the totaL AntiOxidant capacity of wines.\nthis wOrK RepoRTs A sequEntial-iNJeCTIon AnAlYsiS (Sia)", "whitespace_perturbation": " method with chemiluminesc ence detec tionfor th ehigh thr oughput assayo f th e total antioxidant ca pacit yo f wi n es .\nThi s workr ep o r tsase que nt i al -inje cti on anal ysis (SIA) ", "underscore_trick": " method_with chemiluminescence_detection for the high_throughput assay_of_the total_antioxidant_capacity of wines.\nThis_work reports a_sequential-injection analysis (SIA)"} +{"text": " surgery, 25.2-56.8% of patients receive RBCT. Patients who receive RBCT are at increased risk of surgical morbidity in a dose-", "synonym_substitution": "surgery, 25.2 - 56.8% of patients receive RBCT. Patients who welcome RBCT are at increase risk of surgical morbidity in a dose-", "butter_fingers": " suggery, 25.2-56.8% of patients receiye RBCT. Patients who rereive RGCT are xt increased risk of surgicap norbieity in a dose-", "random_deletion": "surgery, 25.2-56.8% of patients receive RBCT. Patients RBCT at increased of surgical morbidity", "change_char_case": " surgery, 25.2-56.8% of patients receive RbCT. PatientS who rEceIve rBcT arE at iNcreased risk of SUrgiCal morbidity in a dose-", "whitespace_perturbation": " surgery, 25.2-56.8% of pa tients rec eiveRBC T.Pa tien ts w ho receive RBC T are at increased risk ofsurgi ca l mor b id ity i n a dos e -", "underscore_trick": " surgery,_25.2-56.8% of_patients receive RBCT. Patients_who receive_RBCT_are at_increased_risk of surgical_morbidity in a_dose-"} +{"text": " calculation errors in the process where a number of steps were carried out simultaneously. The patients showed no aphasic components in number operations. They understood the basic processes of", "synonym_substitution": "calculation errors in the process where a number of steps were carry out simultaneously. The patient showed no aphasic components in number operation. They understood the basic processes of", "butter_fingers": " capculation errors in the krocess where a nomver of steps were cafried out simultaneously. The pqtienuf showed no aphasiz componejts in nymbec operations. Theb undersbjod fme bavmc processes of", "random_deletion": "calculation errors in the process where a steps carried out The patients showed operations. understood the basic of", "change_char_case": " calculation errors in the proCess where a NumbeR of StePs Were CarrIed out simultanEOuslY. The patients showed no apHasic CoMPoneNTs In numBer operATiONS. ThEy UnDerStOOd The baSic ProcessEs of", "whitespace_perturbation": " calculation errors in the process w herea n umb er ofstep s were carried outsimultaneously. The pa tient ss howe d n o aph asic co m po n e nts i nnum be r o perat ion s. They understoo d t he basic proce s se s of", "underscore_trick": " calculation_errors in_the process where a_number of_steps_were carried_out_simultaneously. The patients_showed no aphasic_components in number operations._They understood the_basic_processes of"} +{"text": " assimilation in both direct and diffuse light due to the significantly greater light availability in the sites where light demanding species were found, as compared to those where shade tolerant", "synonym_substitution": "assimilation in both direct and diffuse light due to the significantly great faint availability in the sites where light necessitate species were found, as compare to those where tad tolerant", "butter_fingers": " asdimilation in both direcu and diffuse ligkr due vo the aignificxntly greater light availabipiry in the sites where light demandinh speciew wece found, as compeded to bkose smere viade tolerant", "random_deletion": "assimilation in both direct and diffuse light the greater light in the sites found, compared to those shade tolerant", "change_char_case": " assimilation in both direct aNd diffuse lIght dUe tO thE sIgniFicaNtly greater ligHT avaIlability in the sites wheRe ligHt DEmanDInG specIes were FOuND, As cOmPaRed To THoSe wheRe sHade tolErant", "whitespace_perturbation": " assimilation in both dire ct and dif fuselig htdu e to the significantly grea ter light availability in t he site s w herelight d e ma n d ing s pe cie sw er e fou nd, as com pared to t hos ewhere shadet ol erant", "underscore_trick": " assimilation_in both_direct and diffuse light_due to_the_significantly greater_light_availability in the_sites where light_demanding species were found,_as compared to_those_where shade tolerant"} +{"text": " by statins may be one main reason in ameliorating ischemic brain damage in rats. Avian pox in ostriches.\nNodular cutaneous and", "synonym_substitution": "by statins may be one main reason in ameliorating ischemic mind price in rats. Avian pox in ostriches. \n Nodular cutaneous and", "butter_fingers": " by statins may be one main reason in amelniratinj ischejic braiv damage in rats. Avian pox ii osrrichtf.\nNodular cutaneous and", "random_deletion": "by statins may be one main reason ischemic damage in Avian pox in", "change_char_case": " by statins may be one main reasOn in amelioRatinG isCheMiC braIn daMage in rats. AviaN Pox iN ostriches.\nNodular cutanEous aNd", "whitespace_perturbation": " by statins may be one mai n reason i n ame lio rat in g is chem ic brain damag e inrats. Avian pox in ost riche s. Nodu l ar cuta neous a n d", "underscore_trick": " by_statins may_be one main reason_in ameliorating_ischemic_brain damage_in_rats. Avian pox_in ostriches.\nNodular cutaneous_and"} +{"text": " individual trait but that the effect of activity rate on intraguild predation depends on the functional role of an organism in the community (predator or prey).", "synonym_substitution": "individual trait but that the effect of activity rate on intraguild predation depend on the running role of an organism in the community (marauder or prey).", "butter_fingers": " infividual trait but that uhe effect of actncity rete on jntraguiud predation depends on the huncrionao role of an organism kn the colmunity (predetor or prey).", "random_deletion": "individual trait but that the effect of on predation depends the functional role community or prey).", "change_char_case": " individual trait but that the Effect of acTivitY raTe oN iNtraGuilD predation depeNDs on The functional role of an oRganiSm IN the COmMunitY (predatOR oR PRey).", "whitespace_perturbation": " individual trait but that the effec t ofact ivi ty rat e on intraguild pr e dati on depends on the func tiona lr oleo fan or ganismi nt h e c om mu nit y( pr edato r o r prey) .", "underscore_trick": " individual_trait but_that the effect of_activity rate_on_intraguild predation_depends_on the functional_role of an_organism in the community_(predator or prey)."} +{"text": "; they build and refine psychological profiles. Here, we examined how this ability develops during early childhood and manifests during adulthood by focusing on the construction of psychological profiles for", "synonym_substitution": "; they build and refine psychological profiles. Here, we examined how this ability develop during early childhood and manifest during adulthood by focusing on the construction of psychological profile for", "butter_fingers": "; thfy build and refine psycmological profilgs. Here, xe examjned how this ability develops durinj eaely cyildhood and manifests during afulthood by hocusing on the rknstrucbnon or psyehilogical profikes for", "random_deletion": "; they build and refine psychological profiles. examined this ability during early childhood focusing the construction of profiles for", "change_char_case": "; they build and refine psycholOgical profIles. HEre, We eXaMineD how This ability devELops During early childhood anD maniFeSTs duRInG adulThood by FOcUSIng On ThE coNsTRuCtion Of pSycholoGical profiLes FoR", "whitespace_perturbation": "; they build and refine ps ychologica l pro fil es. H ere, weexamined how t h is a bility develops during earl yc hild h oo d and manife s ts d uri ng a dul th o od by f ocu sing on the const ruc ti on of psycho l og ical profi les for", "underscore_trick": "; they_build and_refine psychological profiles. Here,_we examined_how_this ability_develops_during early childhood_and manifests during_adulthood by focusing on_the construction of_psychological_profiles for"} +{"text": " safe and effective as LMWH and warfarin for the treatment of VTE in patients with cancer, and there may be no clinical benefit to routine anti-", "synonym_substitution": "safe and effective as LMWH and warfarin for the treatment of VTE in patients with cancer, and there may be no clinical benefit to routine anti-", "butter_fingers": " save and effective as LMWH and warfarin for the vreatmeht of VTD in patients with cancer, anv thwre mqy be no clinical benewit to roltine antu-", "random_deletion": "safe and effective as LMWH and warfarin treatment VTE in with cancer, and benefit routine anti-", "change_char_case": " safe and effective as LMWH and Warfarin foR the tReaTmeNt Of VTe in pAtients with canCEr, anD there may be no clinical bEnefiT tO RoutINe Anti-", "whitespace_perturbation": " safe and effective as LMW H and warf arinfor th etrea tmen t of VTE in pa t ient s with cancer, and the re ma yb e no cl inica l benef i tt o ro ut in e a nt i -", "underscore_trick": " safe_and effective_as LMWH and warfarin_for the_treatment_of VTE_in_patients with cancer,_and there may_be no clinical benefit_to routine anti-"} +{"text": " organs. Ten to 20 percent of offspring showed changes related to paternal exposure, including at least one sired by most treated males. Pheochromocytomas occurred", "synonym_substitution": "organs. Ten to 20 percent of offspring showed change relate to paternal exposure, including at least one beget by most treated males. Pheochromocytomas happen", "butter_fingers": " orhans. Ten to 20 percent of uffspring showeb changxs relafed to pxternal exposure, including av leqst obe sired by most treatdd males. Iheochromicytinas occurrxs", "random_deletion": "organs. Ten to 20 percent of offspring related paternal exposure, at least one Pheochromocytomas", "change_char_case": " organs. Ten to 20 percent of offspRing showed ChangEs rElaTeD to pAterNal exposure, incLUdinG at least one sired by most TreatEd MAles. pHeOchroMocytomAS oCCUrrEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " organs. Ten to 20 percent of offspr ing s how edch ange s re lated to pater n al e xposure, including atleast o n e si r ed by m ost tre a te d mal es .Phe oc h ro mocyt oma s occur red", "underscore_trick": " organs._Ten to_20 percent of offspring_showed changes_related_to paternal_exposure,_including at least_one sired by_most treated males. Pheochromocytomas_occurred"} +{"text": " after these findings. Already a fugitive pancreatic edema produces a hemorrhagic necrotising pancreatitis after previous ischemic damage. The prognostic relevance of oxygen uptake in in", "synonym_substitution": "after these findings. Already a fugitive pancreatic edema produces a hemorrhagic necrotising pancreatitis after previous ischemic price. The predictive relevance of oxygen uptake in in", "butter_fingers": " afher these findings. Alreaay a fugitive pcbcreatmc edemz producds a hemorrhagic necrotising pqncreqtitis after previous kschemic famage. Tye pcognostic relevaide of owvgen hitake mn in", "random_deletion": "after these findings. Already a fugitive pancreatic a necrotising pancreatitis previous ischemic damage. uptake in", "change_char_case": " after these findings. Already A fugitive pAncreAtiC edEmA proDuceS a hemorrhagic nECrotIsing pancreatitis after PreviOuS IschEMiC damaGe. The prOGnOSTic ReLeVanCe OF oXygen UptAke in in", "whitespace_perturbation": " after these findings. Alr eady a fug itive pa ncr ea ticedem a produces a h e morr hagic necrotising panc reati ti s aft e rprevi ous isc h em i c da ma ge . T he pr ognos tic releva nce of oxy gen u ptake in in", "underscore_trick": " after_these findings._Already a fugitive pancreatic_edema produces_a_hemorrhagic necrotising_pancreatitis_after previous ischemic_damage. The prognostic_relevance of oxygen uptake_in in"} +{"text": "icytic meningioma and atypical meningotheliomatous meningioma. Prognosis and therapy are briefly discussed. Mitochondrial DNA sequence heterogeneity in", "synonym_substitution": "icytic meningioma and atypical meningotheliomatous meningioma. Prognosis and therapy are briefly discussed. Mitochondrial DNA sequence heterogeneity in", "butter_fingers": "icyhic meningioma and atypigal meningotheliomatous meninfioma. Prugnosis and therapy are briehly eiscuwsed. Mitochondrial DNA sequence heterogwneiuy in", "random_deletion": "icytic meningioma and atypical meningotheliomatous meningioma. Prognosis are discussed. Mitochondrial sequence heterogeneity in", "change_char_case": "icytic meningioma and atypicAl meningotHelioMatOus MeNingIoma. prognosis and thERapy Are briefly discussed. MitOchonDrIAl DNa SeQuencE heteroGEnEITy iN", "whitespace_perturbation": "icytic meningioma and atyp ical menin gothe lio mat ou s me ning ioma. Prognosi s and therapy are briefly d iscus se d . Mi t oc hondr ial DNA se q u enc ehe ter og e ne ity i n", "underscore_trick": "icytic meningioma_and atypical_meningotheliomatous meningioma. Prognosis and_therapy are_briefly_discussed. Mitochondrial_DNA_sequence heterogeneity in"} +{"text": "VFs) are asymptomatic and incidentally found on X-rays. The effects of acromegaly on bone mineral density (BMD) are still controversial", "synonym_substitution": "VFs) are asymptomatic and incidentally found on X - rays. The effect of acromegaly on bone mineral concentration (BMD) are still controversial", "butter_fingers": "VFs) are asymptomatic and ingidentally found on X-rabs. The sffects uf acromegaly on bone minerap eensiuj (BMD) are still contruversial", "random_deletion": "VFs) are asymptomatic and incidentally found on effects acromegaly on mineral density (BMD)", "change_char_case": "VFs) are asymptomatic and inciDentally foUnd on x-raYs. THe EffeCts oF acromegaly on bONe miNeral density (BMD) are stilL contRoVErsiAL", "whitespace_perturbation": "VFs) are asymptomatic andincidental ly fo und on X -ray s. T he effects ofa crom egaly on bone mineraldensi ty (BMD ) a re st ill con t ro v e rsi al ", "underscore_trick": "VFs) are_asymptomatic and_incidentally found on X-rays._The effects_of_acromegaly on_bone_mineral density (BMD)_are still controversial"} +{"text": " the development of new classes of therapeutics, fighting against protagonists of neoplastic development. In line with this concept, peptide ligands containing the Arginine-Glycine", "synonym_substitution": "the development of new classes of therapeutics, fight against supporter of neoplastic development. In line with this concept, peptide ligands hold the Arginine - Glycine", "butter_fingers": " thf development of new clarses of therapeotucs, fijhting zgainst orotagonists of neoplastic dxvelipmenu. In line with this concept, ieptide luganvs containing thx Arginikz-Glycjke", "random_deletion": "the development of new classes of therapeutics, protagonists neoplastic development. line with this Arginine-Glycine", "change_char_case": " the development of new classeS of therapeUtics, FigHtiNg AgaiNst pRotagonists of nEOplaStic development. In line wIth thIs COncePT, pEptidE ligandS CoNTAinInG tHe ARgINiNe-GlyCinE", "whitespace_perturbation": " the development of new cl asses of t herap eut ics ,figh ting against prota g onis ts of neoplastic devel opmen t. In l i ne with this c o nc e p t,pe pt ide l i ga nds c ont ainingthe Argini ne- Gl ycine", "underscore_trick": " the_development of_new classes of therapeutics,_fighting against_protagonists_of neoplastic_development._In line with_this concept, peptide_ligands containing the Arginine-Glycine"} +{"text": " table's spatial features-the cups at the edges, the middle cups, and the cups in the middle of the table (landmark mapping)-which required encoding", "synonym_substitution": "table's spatial features - the cups at the edges, the middle cup, and the cup in the middle of the table (landmark mapping)-which required encoding", "butter_fingers": " tahle's spatial features-the cups at the edyws, the middls cups, avd the cups in the middle of tye tavle (landmark mapping)-whkch requiged encodung", "random_deletion": "table's spatial features-the cups at the edges, cups, the cups the middle of encoding", "change_char_case": " table's spatial features-the cUps at the edGes, thE miDdlE cUps, aNd thE cups in the middLE of tHe table (landmark mapping)-Which ReQUireD EnCodinG", "whitespace_perturbation": " table's spatial features- the cups a t the ed ges ,themidd le cups, and t h e cu ps in the middle of th e tab le (lan d ma rk ma pping)- w hi c h re qu ir eden c od ing", "underscore_trick": " table's_spatial features-the_cups at the edges,_the middle_cups,_and the_cups_in the middle_of the table_(landmark mapping)-which required encoding"} +{"text": "ation is one of the most important catalytic methods for the preparation of optically active compounds. For a long time the range of olefins that could be hydrogenated", "synonym_substitution": "ation is one of the most important catalytic methods for the preparation of optically active compound. For a retentive time the range of olefins that could be hydrogenate", "butter_fingers": "atiln is one of the most imkortant catalytic methodv for fhe prepxration of optically active rompiunds. For a long time the rxnge of opefins tyat rould be hydrogeizted", "random_deletion": "ation is one of the most important for preparation of active compounds. For of that could be", "change_char_case": "ation is one of the most importAnt catalytIc metHodS foR tHe prEparAtion of opticalLY actIve compounds. For a long tiMe the RaNGe of OLeFins tHat coulD Be HYDroGeNaTed", "whitespace_perturbation": "ation is one of the most i mportant c ataly tic me th odsforthe preparatio n ofoptically active compo unds. F o r al on g tim e the r a ng e ofol ef ins t h at coul d b e hydro genated", "underscore_trick": "ation is_one of_the most important catalytic_methods for_the_preparation of_optically_active compounds. For_a long time_the range of olefins_that could be_hydrogenated"} +{"text": " yolk sac contents collected at necropsy from the young chicks received in the laboratory. Of these samples tested, 569 were Salmonella positive (11.99", "synonym_substitution": "yolk sac contents collected at necropsy from the young chick get in the laboratory. Of these samples tested, 569 were Salmonella plus (11.99", "butter_fingers": " yopk sac contents collectea at necropsy fton the boung cgicks rezeived in the laboratory. Of vhesw samkjes tested, 569 were Sxlmonella positivw (11.99", "random_deletion": "yolk sac contents collected at necropsy from chicks in the Of these samples (11.99", "change_char_case": " yolk sac contents collected aT necropsy fRom thE yoUng ChIcks ReceIved in the laborATory. of these samples tested, 569 weRe SalMoNElla POsItive (11.99", "whitespace_perturbation": " yolk sac contents collect ed at necr opsyfro m t he you ng c hicks received in t he laboratory. Of thes e sam pl e s te s te d, 56 9 wereS al m o nel la p osi ti v e(11.9 9", "underscore_trick": " yolk_sac contents_collected at necropsy from_the young_chicks_received in_the_laboratory. Of these_samples tested, 569_were Salmonella positive (11.99"} +{"text": "ative survey of ever-married women aged 13-49 years, conducted across 25 states of India. Of the initial 9845 respondents, 8436 were included in", "synonym_substitution": "ative survey of ever - married women age 13 - 49 days, conducted across 25 states of India. Of the initial 9845 respondents, 8436 were include in", "butter_fingers": "atige survey of ever-married women aged 13-49 yeces, convucted zcross 25 rtates of India. Of the initiel 9845 eespobdents, 8436 were included kn", "random_deletion": "ative survey of ever-married women aged 13-49 across states of Of the initial in", "change_char_case": "ative survey of ever-married wOmen aged 13-49 yeArs, coNduCteD aCrosS 25 staTes of India. Of thE InitIal 9845 respondents, 8436 were inclUded iN", "whitespace_perturbation": "ative survey of ever-marri ed women a ged 1 3-4 9 y ea rs,cond ucted across 2 5 sta tes of India. Of the i nitia l9 845r es ponde nts, 84 3 6w e rein cl ude di n", "underscore_trick": "ative survey_of ever-married_women aged 13-49 years,_conducted across_25_states of_India._Of the initial_9845 respondents, 8436_were included in"} +{"text": " HAGL (humeral avulsion of the glenohumeral ligament) lesion.\nThis article describes a limited open technique to repair humeral av", "synonym_substitution": "HAGL (humeral avulsion of the glenohumeral ligament) lesion. \n This article describes a limited open proficiency to animate humeral av", "butter_fingers": " HAHL (humeral avulsion of tme glenohumeral ligamenv) lesioh.\nThis argicle describes a limited opxn twchniwue to repair humeral xv", "random_deletion": "HAGL (humeral avulsion of the glenohumeral ligament) article a limited technique to repair", "change_char_case": " HAGL (humeral avulsion of the gLenohumeraL ligaMenT) leSiOn.\nThIs arTicle describes A LimiTed open technique to repaIr humErAL av", "whitespace_perturbation": " HAGL (humeral avulsion of the gleno humer allig am ent) les ion.\nThis arti c le d escribes a limited ope n tec hn i quet orepai r humer a la v ", "underscore_trick": " HAGL_(humeral avulsion_of the glenohumeral ligament)_lesion.\nThis article_describes_a limited_open_technique to repair_humeral av"} +{"text": " different root colonization strategies and suggests that in addition to the total bacterial root colonization level, the sites occupied on the root are important for biocontrol. Antim", "synonym_substitution": "different root colonization strategies and suggests that in accession to the entire bacterial root colonization level, the sites occupy on the root are important for biocontrol. Antim", "butter_fingers": " divferent root colonizatiok strategies and suggesvs that in addigion to the total bacterial coot colobization level, the sitds occupivd on the roou are important for biocokcrol. Zktim", "random_deletion": "different root colonization strategies and suggests that to total bacterial colonization level, the are for biocontrol. Antim", "change_char_case": " different root colonization Strategies And suGgeSts ThAt in AddiTion to the total BActeRial root colonization leVel, thE sITes oCCuPied oN the rooT ArE IMpoRtAnT foR bIOcOntroL. AnTim", "whitespace_perturbation": " different root colonizati on strateg ies a ndsug ge ststhat in addition t o the total bacterial rootcolon iz a tion le vel,the sit e so c cup ie donth e r oot a reimporta nt for bio con tr ol. Antim", "underscore_trick": " different_root colonization_strategies and suggests that_in addition_to_the total_bacterial_root colonization level,_the sites occupied_on the root are_important for biocontrol._Antim"} +{"text": " powerful pedicle screw-aided instrumentation constructs has, in some cases, led to hypercorrection of the thoracic scoliosis with resulting coronal imbalance, trunk", "synonym_substitution": "powerful pedicle screw - aided instrumentality concept has, in some cases, led to hypercorrection of the thoracic scoliosis with result coronal asymmetry, trunk", "butter_fingers": " poaerful pedicle screw-aidea instrumentation consvructs gas, in sume cases, led to hypercorrecvion of tye thoracic scoliosis dith resupting coeonao imbalance, trunk", "random_deletion": "powerful pedicle screw-aided instrumentation constructs has, in led hypercorrection of thoracic scoliosis with", "change_char_case": " powerful pedicle screw-aided InstrumentAtion ConStrUcTs haS, in sOme cases, led to hYPercOrrection of the thoracic ScoliOsIS witH ReSultiNg coronAL iMBAlaNcE, tRunK", "whitespace_perturbation": " powerful pedicle screw-ai ded instru menta tio n c on stru ctshas, in some c a ses, led to hypercorrectio n ofth e tho r ac ic sc oliosis wi t h re su lt ing c o ro nal i mba lance,trunk", "underscore_trick": " powerful_pedicle screw-aided_instrumentation constructs has, in_some cases,_led_to hypercorrection_of_the thoracic scoliosis_with resulting coronal_imbalance, trunk"} +{"text": " the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis as evidenced by morning plasma cortisol concentration determinations. Statistically significant improvement in the severity of each sign/sympt", "synonym_substitution": "the hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal axis as evidenced by morning plasma cortisol concentration decision. Statistically meaning improvement in the severity of each sign / sympt", "butter_fingers": " thf hypothalamic-pituitary-aarenal axis as gvudencev by modning plxsma cortisol concentration veteeminaupons. Statistically sienificant improvenent un the sevxdity of each algn/syk't", "random_deletion": "the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis as evidenced by morning concentration Statistically significant in the severity", "change_char_case": " the hypothalamic-pituitary-aDrenal axis As eviDenCed By MornIng pLasma cortisol cONcenTration determinations. STatisTiCAlly SIgNificAnt imprOVeMENt iN tHe SevErITy Of eacH siGn/sympt", "whitespace_perturbation": " the hypothalamic-pituitar y-adrenalaxisasevi de nced bymorning plasma cort isol concentration det ermin at i ons. St atist icallys ig n i fic an timp ro v em ent i n t he seve rity of ea chsi gn/sympt", "underscore_trick": " the_hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis_as evidenced by morning_plasma cortisol_concentration_determinations. Statistically_significant_improvement in the_severity of each_sign/sympt"} +{"text": " efficacy of fluoxetine. Other clinical trials of nontricyclic antidepressants in depressed adolescents are in progress. Available data indicate that the safety of these medications", "synonym_substitution": "efficacy of fluoxetine. Other clinical trials of nontricyclic antidepressants in depressed adolescent are in advancement. Available datum indicate that the safety of these medications", "butter_fingers": " efvicacy of fluoxetine. Othtr clinical trials of noitricycmic antiaepressants in depressed adopewcentw are in progress. Avaiuable datw indicare tiat the safety oh these medicaflons", "random_deletion": "efficacy of fluoxetine. Other clinical trials of in adolescents are progress. Available data these", "change_char_case": " efficacy of fluoxetine. Other Clinical trIals oF noNtrIcYcliC antIdepressants in DEpreSsed adolescents are in prOgresS. AVAilaBLe Data iNdicate THaT THe sAfEtY of ThESe MedicAtiOns", "whitespace_perturbation": " efficacy of fluoxetine. O ther clini cal t ria lsof non tric yclic antidepr e ssan ts in depressed adoles cents a r e in pr ogres s. Avai l ab l e da ta i ndi ca t ethatthe safety of thesemed ic ations", "underscore_trick": " efficacy_of fluoxetine._Other clinical trials of_nontricyclic antidepressants_in_depressed adolescents_are_in progress. Available_data indicate that_the safety of these_medications"} +{"text": " hepatomas, induced by either 2-AAF or diethylnitrosamine, and in fetal hepatocytes. The enzyme shows increases in activity in foci of very", "synonym_substitution": "hepatomas, induced by either 2 - AAF or diethylnitrosamine, and in fetal hepatocytes. The enzyme shows increases in natural process in focus of very", "butter_fingers": " heoatomas, induced by eithev 2-AAF or diethyluutrosakine, ahd in fegal hepatocytes. The enzyme siows incrtcses in activity in woci of vvry", "random_deletion": "hepatomas, induced by either 2-AAF or diethylnitrosamine, fetal The enzyme increases in activity", "change_char_case": " hepatomas, induced by either 2-AaF or diethyLnitrOsaMinE, aNd in FetaL hepatocytes. ThE EnzyMe shows increases in actiVity iN fOCi of VErY", "whitespace_perturbation": " hepatomas, induced by eit her 2-AAFor di eth yln it rosa mine , and in fetal hepa tocytes. The enzyme sh ows i nc r ease s i n act ivity i n f o c i o fve ry", "underscore_trick": " hepatomas,_induced by_either 2-AAF or diethylnitrosamine,_and in_fetal_hepatocytes. The_enzyme_shows increases in_activity in foci_of very"} +{"text": "fen-exposed and normal (vehicle only) dams were explanted and cultured ex vivo in compression microdevices (0.2 or 0.4 kPa)", "synonym_substitution": "fen - exposed and normal (vehicle only) dam were explanted and civilized ex vivo in compression microdevices (0.2 or 0.4 kPa )", "butter_fingers": "fen-fxposed and normal (vehicue only) dams wete explaited ans culturdd ex vivo in compression mirrodwvicew (0.2 or 0.4 kPa)", "random_deletion": "fen-exposed and normal (vehicle only) dams were cultured vivo in microdevices (0.2 or", "change_char_case": "fen-exposed and normal (vehiclE only) dams wEre exPlaNteD aNd cuLturEd ex vivo in compREssiOn microdevices (0.2 or 0.4 kPa)", "whitespace_perturbation": "fen-exposed and normal (ve hicle only ) dam s w ere e xpla nted and culturede x vi vo in compression micr odevi ce s (0. 2 o r 0.4 kPa)", "underscore_trick": "fen-exposed and_normal (vehicle_only) dams were explanted_and cultured_ex_vivo in_compression_microdevices (0.2 or_0.4 kPa)"} +{"text": " may account for its inhibitory action on transmitter release. Primary adrenal insufficiency in two patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome associated with disseminated cytomegaloviral infection.\n", "synonym_substitution": "may account for its inhibitory action on transmitter release. basal adrenal insufficiency in two patient with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome associated with disseminated cytomegaloviral infection.", "butter_fingers": " maj account for its inhibiuory action on trcbsmittxr relezse. Primxry adrenal insufficiency in tqo paupents with the acquirdd immunofeficienxy sbndrome associatxs with dissemjkated rytomegaloviral infection.\n", "random_deletion": "may account for its inhibitory action on Primary insufficiency in patients with the disseminated infection.", "change_char_case": " may account for its inhibitorY action on tRansmIttEr rElEase. primAry adrenal insuFFiciEncy in two patients with tHe acqUiREd imMUnOdefiCiency sYNdROMe aSsOcIatEd WItH dissEmiNated cyTomegaloviRal InFection.\n", "whitespace_perturbation": " may account for its inhib itory acti on on tr ans mi tter rel ease. Primarya dren al insufficiency in tw o pat ie n ts w i th theacquire d i m m uno de fi cie nc y s yndro meassocia ted with d iss em inated cytom e ga loviral in fec tion.\n", "underscore_trick": " may_account for_its inhibitory action on_transmitter release._Primary_adrenal insufficiency_in_two patients with_the acquired immunodeficiency_syndrome associated with disseminated_cytomegaloviral infection.\n"} +{"text": " One hour of incubation allowed a complete repair of the damage generated. The incorporation of these biomarkers in biomonitoring studies of caiman populations exposed to xenob", "synonym_substitution": "One hour of incubation allowed a complete repair of the price generate. The incorporation of these biomarkers in biomonitoring studies of caiman populations unwrap to xenob", "butter_fingers": " Onf hour of incubation alluwed a complete repair of ths damage generated. The incorporation od thewe biomarkers in biomovitoring dtudies if ceiman populations exposed to xskob", "random_deletion": "One hour of incubation allowed a complete the generated. The of these biomarkers populations to xenob", "change_char_case": " One hour of incubation alloweD a complete RepaiR of The DaMage GeneRated. The incorpORatiOn of these biomarkers in bIomonItORing STuDies oF caiman POpULAtiOnS eXpoSeD To Xenob", "whitespace_perturbation": " One hour of incubation al lowed a co mplet e r epa ir ofthedamage generat e d. T he incorporation of th ese b io m arke r sin bi omonito r in g stu di es of c a im an po pul ationsexposed to xe no b", "underscore_trick": " One_hour of_incubation allowed a complete_repair of_the_damage generated._The_incorporation of these_biomarkers in biomonitoring_studies of caiman populations_exposed to xenob"} +{"text": " in eight (giving a mortality rate of 12.7%). The overall mortality rate was 19.0%. Most of the liver injuries (83%) were due to", "synonym_substitution": "in eight (giving a mortality rate of 12.7 %). The overall mortality pace was 19.0% . Most of the liver wound (83 %) were due to", "butter_fingers": " in eight (giving a mortalitn rate of 12.7%). The orwrall kortaljty rate was 19.0%. Most of the liver injucies (83%) wert due to", "random_deletion": "in eight (giving a mortality rate of overall rate was Most of the to", "change_char_case": " in eight (giving a mortality raTe of 12.7%). The oveRall mOrtAliTy Rate Was 19.0%. MOst of the liver iNJuriEs (83%) were due to", "whitespace_perturbation": " in eight (giving a mortal ity rate o f 12. 7%) . T he ove rall mortality rat e was 19.0%. Most of the li ver i nj u ries (8 3%) w ere due to ", "underscore_trick": " in_eight (giving_a mortality rate of_12.7%). The_overall_mortality rate_was_19.0%. Most of_the liver injuries_(83%) were due to"} +{"text": " enzymes have been named 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11beta-HSD; EC Two isoforms of 11beta", "synonym_substitution": "enzymes have been named 11beta - hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11beta - HSD; EC Two isoforms of 11beta", "butter_fingers": " enxymes have been named 11beua-hydroxysteroid bwhydrojenase (11geta-HSD; DC Two isoforms of 11beta", "random_deletion": "enzymes have been named 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11beta-HSD; Two of 11beta", "change_char_case": " enzymes have been named 11beta-hYdroxysterOid deHydRogEnAse (11bEta-HsD; EC Two isoformS Of 11beTa", "whitespace_perturbation": " enzymes have been named 1 1beta-hydr oxyst ero idde hydr ogen ase (11beta-HS D ; EC Two isofo rms o f1 1bet a ", "underscore_trick": " enzymes_have been_named 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11beta-HSD;_EC of_11beta"} +{"text": "18) or steroid pulse therapy (n=2) were treated with MPA for a median of 27 months. MPA dosages (initially mycop", "synonym_substitution": "18) or steroid pulse therapy (n=2) were treated with MPA for a median of 27 months. MPA dose (initially mycop", "butter_fingers": "18) or steroid pulse therapy (n=2) were treated wnrh MPA for a median uf 27 months. MPA dosages (initielly mycok", "random_deletion": "18) or steroid pulse therapy (n=2) were MPA a median 27 months. MPA", "change_char_case": "18) or steroid pulse therapy (n=2) werE treated wiTh MPA For A meDiAn of 27 MontHs. MPA dosages (inITialLy mycop", "whitespace_perturbation": "18) or steroid pulse thera py (n=2) w ere t rea ted w ithMPAfor a median o f 27months. MPA dosages (i nitia ll y myc o p", "underscore_trick": "18) or_steroid pulse_therapy (n=2) were treated_with MPA_for_a median_of_27 months. MPA_dosages (initially mycop"} +{"text": ". The physiological significance of this cholinergic projection to the cerebellar cortex has been discussed. [Age-related macular degeneration: new perspectives].\nAge-related", "synonym_substitution": ". The physiological significance of this cholinergic projection to the cerebellar cortex has been discourse. [ Age - relate macular degeneration: new perspectives ]. \n Age - refer", "butter_fingers": ". Thf physiological significxnce of this cholinergmc projsction tu the cerebellar cortex has ueen discyssed. [Age-related maculxr degenegation: neq pecspectives].\nAge-relefed", "random_deletion": ". The physiological significance of this cholinergic the cortex has discussed. [Age-related macular", "change_char_case": ". The physiological significaNce of this cHolinErgIc pRoJectIon tO the cerebellar COrteX has been discussed. [Age-reLated MaCUlar DEgEneraTion: new PErSPEctIvEs].\nage-ReLAtEd", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The physiological signif icance ofthischo lin er gicproj ection to thec ereb ellar cortex has beendiscu ss e d. [ A ge -rela ted mac u la r deg en er ati on : n ew pe rsp ectives ].\nAge-rel ate d", "underscore_trick": ". The_physiological significance_of this cholinergic projection_to the_cerebellar_cortex has_been_discussed. [Age-related macular_degeneration: new perspectives].\nAge-related"} +{"text": ". nov., and Streptomyces griseolosporeus comb. nov., nom. nov. An ab initio molecular dynamics study of the liquid-", "synonym_substitution": ". nov. , and Streptomyces griseolosporeus comb. nov. , nom. nov. An ab initio molecular dynamics study of the liquid-", "butter_fingers": ". nog., and Streptomyces griseulosporeus comb. nov., nok. nov. Zn ab inktio molecular dynamics studb of the oiquid-", "random_deletion": ". nov., and Streptomyces griseolosporeus comb. nov., An initio molecular study of the", "change_char_case": ". nov., and Streptomyces griseolOsporeus coMb. nov., Nom. Nov. an Ab inItio Molecular dynamICs stUdy of the liquid-", "whitespace_perturbation": ". nov., and Streptomyces g riseolospo reuscom b.no v.,nom. nov. An ab in i tiomolecular dynamics stu dy of t h e li q ui d-", "underscore_trick": ". nov.,_and Streptomyces_griseolosporeus comb. nov., nom._nov. An_ab_initio molecular_dynamics_study of the_liquid-"} +{"text": "\nUmbilical cord blood (CB) is a promising source for regeneration therapy in humans. Recently, it was shown that CB was a source of mesenchymal", "synonym_substitution": "Umbilical cord blood (CB) is a promising source for regeneration therapy in world. Recently, it was usher that CB was a source of mesenchymal", "butter_fingers": "\nUmbllical cord blood (CB) is x promising soutcw for cegenerztion thdrapy in humans. Recently, it xas whown that CB was a source uf mesencjymal", "random_deletion": "Umbilical cord blood (CB) is a promising regeneration in humans. it was shown of", "change_char_case": "\nUmbilical cord blood (CB) is a prOmising souRce foR reGenErAtioN theRapy in humans. ReCEntlY, it was shown that CB was a sOurce Of MEsenCHyMal", "whitespace_perturbation": "\nUmbilical cord blood (CB) is a prom ising so urc eforrege neration thera p y in humans. Recently, itwas s ho w n th a tCB wa s a sou r ce o f m es en chy ma l ", "underscore_trick": "\nUmbilical cord_blood (CB)_is a promising source_for regeneration_therapy_in humans._Recently,_it was shown_that CB was_a source of mesenchymal"} +{"text": "Volume Aortic Center.\nPrevious studies suggest improved outcomes for acute type A dissections (ATAAD) treated at high-volume centers. It is unclear if", "synonym_substitution": "Volume Aortic Center. \n Previous studies suggest improved result for acuate type A dissection (ATAAD) process at high - volume center. It is unclear if", "butter_fingers": "Volkme Aortic Center.\nPreviour studies suggest imprmved ohtcomes wor acute type A dissections (ARAAD) ugeated at high-volume zenters. In is unclwar mf", "random_deletion": "Volume Aortic Center. Previous studies suggest improved acute A dissections treated at high-volume", "change_char_case": "Volume Aortic Center.\nPreviouS studies suGgest ImpRovEd OutcOmes For acute type A dISsecTions (ATAAD) treated at higH-voluMe CEnteRS. IT is unClear if", "whitespace_perturbation": "Volume Aortic Center.\nPrev ious studi es su gge stim prov ed o utcomes for ac u te t ype A dissections (ATA AD) t re a teda thigh- volumec en t e rs. I tisun c le ar if ", "underscore_trick": "Volume Aortic_Center.\nPrevious studies_suggest improved outcomes for_acute type_A_dissections (ATAAD)_treated_at high-volume centers._It is unclear_if"} +{"text": " MS can seriously damage patient's health by injuring bile ducts during the surgery. Brief Report: Modest but Clinically Meaningful Effects of Early Behavioral", "synonym_substitution": "MS can seriously damage patient's health by injuring bile ducts during the operating room. abbreviated Report: Modest but Clinically Meaningful Effects of Early Behavioral", "butter_fingers": " MS can seriously damage pauient's health by nbjurinj bile sucts dufing the surgery. Brief Reporv: Moeest vut Clinically Meaningwul Effecns of Earoy Bthavioral", "random_deletion": "MS can seriously damage patient's health by ducts the surgery. Report: Modest but Behavioral", "change_char_case": " MS can seriously damage patieNt's health bY injuRinG biLe DuctS durIng the surgery. BRIef REport: Modest but ClinicalLy MeaNiNGful eFfEcts oF Early BEHaVIOraL", "whitespace_perturbation": " MS can seriously damage p atient's h ealth by in ju ring bil e ducts during thesurgery. Brief Report: Mode st butC li nical ly Mean i ng f u l E ff ec tsof Ea rly B eha vioral", "underscore_trick": " MS_can seriously_damage patient's health by_injuring bile_ducts_during the_surgery._Brief Report: Modest_but Clinically Meaningful_Effects of Early Behavioral"} +{"text": "ubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by paclitaxel and trastuzumab as neoadjuvant treatment in patients with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-", "synonym_substitution": "ubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by paclitaxel and trastuzumab as neoadjuvant treatment in patients with human epidermal increase agent receptor 2 (HER2)-", "butter_fingers": "ubifin and cyclophosphamide followed by paeoitaxen and frastuzuoab as neoadjuvant treatment ib patuents with human epidefmal grownh factor rectptor 2 (HER2)-", "random_deletion": "ubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by paclitaxel and neoadjuvant in patients human epidermal growth", "change_char_case": "ubicin and cyclophosphamide Followed by PacliTaxEl aNd TrasTuzuMab as neoadjuvaNT treAtment in patients with huMan epIdERmal GRoWth faCtor recEPtOR 2 (hER2)-", "whitespace_perturbation": "ubicin and cyclophosphamid e followed by p acl ita xe l an d tr astuzumab as n e oadj uvant treatment in pat ients w i th h u ma n epi dermalg ro w t h f ac to r r ec e pt or 2(HE R2)-", "underscore_trick": "ubicin and_cyclophosphamide followed_by paclitaxel and trastuzumab_as neoadjuvant_treatment_in patients_with_human epidermal growth_factor receptor 2_(HER2)-"} +{"text": "s increases efficiency of breeding in dairy farming. Family environment and its relation to adolescent personality factors.\nInvestigated the relationship between family social climate characteristics and adolescent personality", "synonym_substitution": "s increases efficiency of breeding in dairy farming. Family environment and its relation to adolescent personality divisor. \n investigate the relationship between family social climate characteristics and adolescent personality", "butter_fingers": "s ijcreases efficiency of bveeding in dairy farminj. Familg envirovment and its relation to adllwscenu personality factofs.\nInvestihated thw reoqtionship ustween ncmily docicl climate charagteristics dnd adolescent pdrdonality", "random_deletion": "s increases efficiency of breeding in dairy environment its relation adolescent personality factors. social characteristics and adolescent", "change_char_case": "s increases efficiency of breEding in daiRy farMinG. FaMiLy enViroNment and its relATion To adolescent personalitY factOrS.\ninveSTiGated The relaTIoNSHip BeTwEen FaMIlY sociAl cLimate cHaracterisTicS aNd adolescent PErSonality", "whitespace_perturbation": "s increases efficiency ofbreeding i n dai ryfar mi ng.Fami ly environment andits relation to adoles centpe r sona l it y fac tors.\nI n ve s t iga te dthe r e la tions hip betwee n family s oci al climate cha r ac teristicsand adolescentper sonali ty ", "underscore_trick": "s increases_efficiency of_breeding in dairy farming._Family environment_and_its relation_to_adolescent personality factors.\nInvestigated_the relationship between_family social climate characteristics_and adolescent personality"} +{"text": " horizon of 75 min. Inputs to the NNM included CGM values, insulin dosages, metered glucose values, nutritional intake, lifestyle, and emotional", "synonym_substitution": "horizon of 75 min. Inputs to the NNM included CGM values, insulin dosages, meter glucose value, nutritional intake, lifestyle, and emotional", "butter_fingers": " hogizon of 75 min. Inputs to uhe NNM included ETM valnes, inshlin dosxges, metered glucose values, iutrutionql intake, lifestyle, ana emotionwl", "random_deletion": "horizon of 75 min. Inputs to the CGM insulin dosages, glucose values, nutritional", "change_char_case": " horizon of 75 min. Inputs to the NNm included CgM valUes, InsUlIn doSageS, metered glucosE ValuEs, nutritional intake, lifEstylE, aND emoTIoNal", "whitespace_perturbation": " horizon of 75 min. Inputs to the NN M inc lud edCG M va lues , insulin dosa g es,metered glucose values , nut ri t iona l i ntake , lifes t yl e , an dem oti on a l", "underscore_trick": " horizon_of 75_min. Inputs to the_NNM included_CGM_values, insulin_dosages,_metered glucose values,_nutritional intake, lifestyle,_and emotional"} +{"text": " disability: two years experience.\nThis article describes a service for adults, below the age for geriatric services, who have severe physical disability. This service combines", "synonym_substitution": "disability: two years experience. \n This article describes a service for adults, below the old age for geriatric service, who have severe physical disability. This avail combines", "butter_fingers": " didability: two years experlence.\nThis articlg eescriues a ssrvice fur adults, below the age for jeriqtric services, who have sevdre physibal disabulitb. This service combines", "random_deletion": "disability: two years experience. This article describes for below the for geriatric services, This combines", "change_char_case": " disability: two years experieNce.\nThis artIcle dEscRibEs A serVice For adults, below THe agE for geriatric services, wHo havE sEVere PHySical DisabilITy. tHIs sErViCe cOmBInEs", "whitespace_perturbation": " disability: two years exp erience.\nT his a rti cle d escr ibes a service for adul ts, below the age forgeria tr i c se r vi ces,who hav e s e v ere p hy sic al di sabil ity . Thisservice co mbi ne s", "underscore_trick": " disability:_two years_experience.\nThis article describes a_service for_adults,_below the_age_for geriatric services,_who have severe_physical disability. This service_combines"} +{"text": " effective countermeasures against atropic changes in bones devoid of their weight-bearing function. Leukocyte and 67Ga-citrate dynamics in experimental subcutaneous Streptococcus", "synonym_substitution": "effective countermeasures against atropic changes in bones devoid of their system of weights - bear function. Leukocyte and 67Ga - citrate dynamics in experimental subcutaneous Streptococcus", "butter_fingers": " efvective countermeasures xgainst atropic changev in bknes devuid of their weight-bearing fnnctuon. Ltlkocyte and 67Ga-citrate dynamics in expeeimeital subcutaneous Streptococcua", "random_deletion": "effective countermeasures against atropic changes in bones their function. Leukocyte 67Ga-citrate dynamics in", "change_char_case": " effective countermeasures aGainst atroPic chAngEs iN bOnes DevoId of their weighT-BearIng function. Leukocyte anD 67Ga-ciTrATe dyNAmIcs in ExperimENtAL SubCuTaNeoUs sTrEptocOccUs", "whitespace_perturbation": " effective countermeasures against a tropi c c han ge s in bon es devoid of t h eirweight-bearing functio n. Le uk o cyte an d 67G a-citra t ed y nam ic sinex p er iment alsubcuta neous Stre pto co ccus", "underscore_trick": " effective_countermeasures against_atropic changes in bones_devoid of_their_weight-bearing function._Leukocyte_and 67Ga-citrate dynamics_in experimental subcutaneous_Streptococcus"} +{"text": "sacrine, high dose Ara-C for 4 days, prednisone and intrathecal methotrexate. After subsequent cranial irradiation, no further maintenance", "synonym_substitution": "sacrine, high dose Ara - C for 4 days, prednisone and intrathecal methotrexate. After subsequent cranial irradiation, no further maintenance", "butter_fingers": "sacgine, high dose Ara-C for 4 days, prednisong qnd invratheczl methogrexate. After subsequent craiial irraeiation, no further maivtenance", "random_deletion": "sacrine, high dose Ara-C for 4 days, intrathecal After subsequent irradiation, no further", "change_char_case": "sacrine, high dose Ara-C for 4 dayS, prednisonE and iNtrAthEcAl meThotRexate. After subSEqueNt cranial irradiation, no FurthEr MAintENaNce", "whitespace_perturbation": "sacrine, high dose Ara-C f or 4 days, pred nis one a nd i ntra thecal methotr e xate . After subsequent cra nialir r adia t io n, no furthe r m a i nte na nc e", "underscore_trick": "sacrine, high_dose Ara-C_for 4 days, prednisone_and intrathecal_methotrexate._After subsequent_cranial_irradiation, no further_maintenance"} +{"text": " FSH in the serum of 35 infertile males and 11 fertile males were determined by radioreceptor assay (RRA) and by the standard RIA", "synonym_substitution": "FSH in the serum of 35 infertile males and 11 fertile male were determine by radioreceptor assay (RRA) and by the standard RIA", "butter_fingers": " FSJ in the serum of 35 inferuile males and 11 fgrrile meles wede deteroined by radioreceptor assay (REA) ane by the standard RIA", "random_deletion": "FSH in the serum of 35 infertile 11 males were by radioreceptor assay RIA", "change_char_case": " FSH in the serum of 35 infertile mAles and 11 ferTile mAleS weRe DeteRminEd by radiorecepTOr asSay (RRA) and by the standard rIA", "whitespace_perturbation": " FSH in the serum of 35 in fertile ma les a nd11fe rtil e ma les were deter m ined by radioreceptor assa y (RR A) andb ythe s tandard RI A ", "underscore_trick": " FSH_in the_serum of 35 infertile_males and_11_fertile males_were_determined by radioreceptor_assay (RRA) and_by the standard RIA"} +{"text": " flaxseed use. Thus the objective of this study was to quantify the lignans in flaxseed-containing processed foods and their relationship to the percent fl", "synonym_substitution": "flaxseed use. Thus the objective of this discipline was to quantify the lignans in linseed - containing processed food and their kinship to the percent fl", "butter_fingers": " flwxseed use. Thus the objegtive of this stodt was vo quanfify the lignans in flaxseed-containiig peoceswed foods and their reuationshii to the perctnt fl", "random_deletion": "flaxseed use. Thus the objective of this to the lignans flaxseed-containing processed foods percent", "change_char_case": " flaxseed use. Thus the objectiVe of this stUdy waS to QuaNtIfy tHe liGnans in flaxseeD-ContAining processed foods anD theiR rELatiONsHip to The percENt FL", "whitespace_perturbation": " flaxseed use. Thus the ob jective of this st udy w as t o qu antify the lig n ansin flaxseed-containing proc es s ed f o od s and theirr el a t ion sh ip to t h eperce ntfl", "underscore_trick": " flaxseed_use. Thus_the objective of this_study was_to_quantify the_lignans_in flaxseed-containing processed_foods and their_relationship to the percent_fl"} +{"text": " classified into two groups: differentiation antigens-present also in normal melanocytes-and tumor-specific antigens, which, with the exception of testis, are present only", "synonym_substitution": "classified into two groups: differentiation antigens - present besides in normal melanocyte - and tumor - specific antigen, which, with the exception of testis, are present only", "butter_fingers": " clwssified into two groups: differentiatiou antigxns-pressnt also in normal melanocytes-and tuloe-specufic antigens, which, wigh the exbeption od tewris, are prxaent only", "random_deletion": "classified into two groups: differentiation antigens-present also melanocytes-and antigens, which, the exception of", "change_char_case": " classified into two groups: diFferentiatIon anTigEns-PrEsenT alsO in normal melanOCyteS-and tumor-specific antigEns, whIcH, With THe ExcepTion of tEStIS, Are PrEsEnt OnLY", "whitespace_perturbation": " classified into two group s: differe ntiat ion an ti gens -pre sent also in n o rmal melanocytes-and tumor -spec if i c an t ig ens,which,w it h the e xc ept io n o f tes tis , are p resent onl y", "underscore_trick": " classified_into two_groups: differentiation antigens-present also_in normal_melanocytes-and_tumor-specific antigens,_which,_with the exception_of testis, are_present only"} +{"text": " (SHRSR).\nDifferences of alcohol drinking behavior, brain dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) levels and releases in the striatum were", "synonym_substitution": "(SHRSR). \n Differences of alcohol drinking behavior, brain dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5 - HT) degree and release in the striatum were", "butter_fingers": " (SHGSR).\nDifferences of alcohou drinking beharuor, brein dopzmine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) levels and rwleastf in the striatum dere", "random_deletion": "(SHRSR). Differences of alcohol drinking behavior, brain and (5-HT) levels releases in the", "change_char_case": " (SHRSR).\nDifferences of alcohol Drinking beHavioR, brAin DoPamiNe (DA) And serotonin (5-HT) LEvelS and releases in the striaTum weRe", "whitespace_perturbation": " (SHRSR).\nDifferences of a lcohol dri nking be hav io r, b rain dopamine (DA) andserotonin (5-HT) level s and r e leas e sin th e stria t um w ere ", "underscore_trick": " (SHRSR).\nDifferences_of alcohol_drinking behavior, brain dopamine_(DA) and_serotonin_(5-HT) levels_and_releases in the_striatum were"} +{"text": " and health system researchers, clinicians, economists, and policymakers discuss emerging global research on nutrition health economics, the role of nutrition interventions across the continuum of care,", "synonym_substitution": "and health system researchers, clinicians, economists, and policymakers discourse emerge global research on nutrition health economics, the character of nutrition interventions across the continuum of concern,", "butter_fingers": " anf health system researchtrs, clinicians, economistv, and lolicymayers discuss emerging global rwsearxh on nutrition health economicd, the rooe oh nutrition intecbentions acroad thz rontinuum of cate,", "random_deletion": "and health system researchers, clinicians, economists, and emerging research on health economics, the the of care,", "change_char_case": " and health system researcherS, clinicianS, econOmiSts, AnD polIcymAkers discuss emERginG global research on nutriTion hEaLTh ecONoMics, tHe role oF NuTRItiOn InTerVeNTiOns acRosS the conTinuum of caRe,", "whitespace_perturbation": " and health system researc hers, clin ician s,eco no mist s, a nd policymaker s dis cuss emerging global r esear ch on n u tr ition health ec o n omi cs ,the r o le of n utr ition i nterventio nsac ross the con t in uum of car e,", "underscore_trick": " and_health system_researchers, clinicians, economists, and_policymakers discuss_emerging_global research_on_nutrition health economics,_the role of_nutrition interventions across the_continuum of care,"} +{"text": "ologic inhibitors of FAS to prevent development of the murine tumors was investigated. Finally, the effect of the FAS inhibitor treatment of levels of phosphorylated Akt in the", "synonym_substitution": "ologic inhibitors of FAS to prevent development of the murine tumors was investigated. ultimately, the consequence of the FAS inhibitor treatment of levels of phosphorylated Akt in the", "butter_fingers": "olohic inhibitors of FAS to prevent develokmwnt of the mhrine tuoors was investigated. Finallb, thw efftbt of the FAS inhibitur treatmvnt of lecels if phosphocglated Akt in bhe", "random_deletion": "ologic inhibitors of FAS to prevent development murine was investigated. the effect of levels phosphorylated Akt in", "change_char_case": "ologic inhibitors of FAS to prEvent develOpmenT of The MuRine TumoRs was investigaTEd. FiNally, the effect of the FAS InhibItOR treATmEnt of Levels oF PhOSPhoRyLaTed akT In The", "whitespace_perturbation": "ologic inhibitors of FAS t o preventdevel opm ent o f th e mu rine tumors wa s inv estigated. Finally, th e eff ec t oft he FASinhibit o rt r eat me nt of l e ve ls of ph osphory lated Aktinth e", "underscore_trick": "ologic inhibitors_of FAS_to prevent development of_the murine_tumors_was investigated._Finally,_the effect of_the FAS inhibitor_treatment of levels of_phosphorylated Akt in_the"} +{"text": " levels in the first trimester (7-13 weeks) and third trimester (>32 weeks) were measured. A multivariate regression model was constructed to examine the association between", "synonym_substitution": "levels in the first trimester (7 - 13 weeks) and third trimester (> 32 weeks) were measure. A multivariate arrested development model was constructed to test the affiliation between", "butter_fingers": " legels in the first trimesuer (7-13 weeks) and thned trikester (>32 weeks) dere measured. A multivariate rwgreswion model was construzted to eqamine thw aswiciation bxfween", "random_deletion": "levels in the first trimester (7-13 weeks) trimester weeks) were A multivariate regression the between", "change_char_case": " levels in the first trimester (7-13 Weeks) and thIrd trImeSteR (>32 wEeks) Were Measured. A multiVAriaTe regression model was coNstruCtED to eXAmIne thE associATiON BetWeEn", "whitespace_perturbation": " levels in the first trime ster (7-13 week s)and t hird tri mester (>32 we e ks)were measured. A multi varia te regr e ss ion m odel wa s c o n str uc te d t oe xa minethe associ ation betw een ", "underscore_trick": " levels_in the_first trimester (7-13 weeks)_and third_trimester_(>32 weeks)_were_measured. A multivariate_regression model was_constructed to examine the_association between"} +{"text": " increased the viscosity of EPS significantly. EPS solutions showed inapparent thixotropic properties in stress growth and thixotropic loop experiment. According to the flow curve", "synonym_substitution": "increased the viscosity of EPS significantly. EPS solutions showed inapparent thixotropic place in tension growth and thixotropic loop experiment. harmonize to the stream curve", "butter_fingers": " infreased the viscosity of EPS significanjlt. EPS volutikns showdd inapparent thixotropic prlpwrtiew in stress growth and thixotroiic loop wxpeciment. According to the njow dmrve", "random_deletion": "increased the viscosity of EPS significantly. EPS inapparent properties in growth and thixotropic flow", "change_char_case": " increased the viscosity of EPs significaNtly. EpS sOluTiOns sHoweD inapparent thiXOtroPic properties in stress gRowth AnD ThixOTrOpic lOop expeRImENT. AcCoRdIng To THe Flow cUrvE", "whitespace_perturbation": " increased the viscosity o f EPS sign ifica ntl y.EP S so luti ons showed ina p pare nt thixotropic propert ies i ns tres s g rowth and th i xo t r opi clo opex p er iment . A ccordin g to the f low c urve", "underscore_trick": " increased_the viscosity_of EPS significantly. EPS_solutions showed_inapparent_thixotropic properties_in_stress growth and_thixotropic loop experiment._According to the flow_curve"} +{"text": " underwent preoperative long-course radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy were excluded. Two reviewers independently extracted data. Sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic odds ratio were estimated for each", "synonym_substitution": "underwent preoperative long - course radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy were excluded. Two reviewer independently educe data. Sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic odds ratio were estimated for each", "butter_fingers": " unferwent preoperative lonn-course radiothetapy or rhemorasiotheraoy were excluded. Two reviewecs ibdepebdently extracted data. Sensitivpty, specidiciuy, and diagnostic odds rabno wedc estnmeted for each", "random_deletion": "underwent preoperative long-course radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy were reviewers extracted data. specificity, and diagnostic each", "change_char_case": " underwent preoperative long-Course radiOtherApy Or cHeMoraDiotHerapy were exclUDed. TWo reviewers independentLy extRaCTed dATa. sensiTivity, sPEcIFIciTy, AnD diAgNOsTic odDs rAtio werE estimated For EaCh", "whitespace_perturbation": " underwent preoperative lo ng-courseradio the rap yor c hemo radiotherapy w e re e xcluded. Two reviewers inde pe n dent l yextra cted da t a. S ens it iv ity ,s pe cific ity , and d iagnosticodd sratio were e s ti mated foreac h", "underscore_trick": " underwent_preoperative long-course_radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy were_excluded. Two_reviewers_independently extracted_data._Sensitivity, specificity, and_diagnostic odds ratio_were estimated for each"} +{"text": " between receiving osteoporosis information and the ability to correctly identify risk factors (P < or =.006). Only 6.7% of the women reported getting both adequate", "synonym_substitution": "between receiving osteoporosis information and the ability to correctly identify risk divisor (phosphorus < or = .006). Only 6.7% of the women report become both adequate", "butter_fingers": " behween receiving osteoporusis informatiou and tie abiljty to currectly identify risk factocs (P < or =.006). Only 6.7% of the women reoorted genting boty adtquate", "random_deletion": "between receiving osteoporosis information and the ability identify factors (P or =.006). Only getting adequate", "change_char_case": " between receiving osteoporoSis informaTion aNd tHe aBiLity To coRrectly identifY Risk Factors (P < or =.006). Only 6.7% of the womEn repOrTEd geTTiNg botH adequaTE", "whitespace_perturbation": " between receiving osteopo rosis info rmati onand t he a bili ty to correctl y ide ntify risk factors (P< or=. 0 06). On ly 6. 7% of t h ew o men r ep ort ed ge tting bo th adeq uate", "underscore_trick": " between_receiving osteoporosis_information and the ability_to correctly_identify_risk factors_(P_< or =.006)._Only 6.7% of_the women reported getting_both adequate"} +{"text": ". The strength of evaluative conditioning accruing to the target CSs during compound training was unaffected by whether the other element of the compound was pretrained with a", "synonym_substitution": ". The strength of evaluative conditioning accruing to the target cesium during compound education was unmoved by whether the other chemical element of the compound was pretrained with a", "butter_fingers": ". Thf strength of evaluative conditioning aexruing to ths target CSs during compound traininj waw unadfected by whether the other elvment of rhe rompound was prevdained with a", "random_deletion": ". The strength of evaluative conditioning accruing target during compound was unaffected by the was pretrained with", "change_char_case": ". The strength of evaluative coNditioning AccruIng To tHe TargEt CSS during compounD TraiNing was unaffected by wheTher tHe OTher ELeMent oF the comPOuND Was PrEtRaiNeD WiTh a", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The strength of evaluati ve conditi oning ac cru in g to the target CSs du r ingcompound training wasunaff ec t ed b y w hethe r the o t he r ele me nt of t h ecompo und was pr etrained w ith a ", "underscore_trick": ". The_strength of_evaluative conditioning accruing to_the target_CSs_during compound_training_was unaffected by_whether the other_element of the compound_was pretrained with_a"} +{"text": " time to initiate it, especially in patients with CD4 counts over 350 cells/\u00b5L. Searching in Epistemonikos database, which is maintained", "synonym_substitution": "time to initiate it, especially in patients with CD4 consider over 350 cells/\u00b5L. research in Epistemonikos database, which is maintained", "butter_fingers": " tile to initiate it, especixlly in patients with RD4 counfs over 350 cells/\u00b5L. Searching in Epistemlnukos eatabase, which is maingained", "random_deletion": "time to initiate it, especially in patients counts 350 cells/\u00b5L. in Epistemonikos database,", "change_char_case": " time to initiate it, especiallY in patientS with cD4 cOunTs Over 350 CellS/\u00b5L. Searching in ePistEmonikos database, which iS mainTaINed", "whitespace_perturbation": " time to initiate it, espe cially inpatie nts wi th CD4 cou nts over 350 c e lls/ \u00b5L. Searching in Epist emoni ko s dat a ba se, w hich is ma i n tai ne d", "underscore_trick": " time_to initiate_it, especially in patients_with CD4_counts_over 350_cells/\u00b5L._Searching in Epistemonikos_database, which is_maintained"} +{"text": " to obtain 90% power to detect a MAP difference of 10mmHg between the groups. Secondary outcomes included: initiation of anti-hypertensive medication, need for increased", "synonym_substitution": "to obtain 90% power to detect a MAP difference of 10mmHg between the groups. junior-grade result included: initiation of anti - hypertensive medicine, need for increase", "butter_fingers": " to obtain 90% power to detect a MAP differenew of 10mkHg befween thd groups. Secondary outcomes mnclyded: unitiation of anti-hypeftensive ledicatiin, nted for increased", "random_deletion": "to obtain 90% power to detect a of between the Secondary outcomes included: for", "change_char_case": " to obtain 90% power to detect a MAP Difference Of 10mmHG beTweEn The gRoupS. Secondary outcOMes iNcluded: initiation of antI-hypeRtENsivE MeDicatIon, need FOr INCreAsEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " to obtain 90% power to de tect a MAP diff ere nce o f 10 mmHg between the g r oups . Secondary outcomes i nclud ed : ini t ia tionof anti - hy p e rte ns iv e m ed i ca tion, ne ed forincreased", "underscore_trick": " to_obtain 90%_power to detect a_MAP difference_of_10mmHg between_the_groups. Secondary outcomes_included: initiation of_anti-hypertensive medication, need for_increased"} +{"text": " immunostaining intensity. The pancreas of STZ-diabetic rats showed a 3.1-fold increase in total cellular O-GlcNAc-modified proteins", "synonym_substitution": "immunostaining intensity. The pancreas of STZ - diabetic rats showed a 3.1 - fold increase in entire cellular O - GlcNAc - change proteins", "butter_fingers": " imlunostaining intensity. Tme pancreas of SJZ-eiabetmc rats showed x 3.1-fold increase in total celpuoar O-TlcNAc-modified proteinr", "random_deletion": "immunostaining intensity. The pancreas of STZ-diabetic rats 3.1-fold in total O-GlcNAc-modified proteins", "change_char_case": " immunostaining intensity. ThE pancreas oF STZ-dIabEtiC rAts sHoweD a 3.1-fold increase IN totAl cellular O-GlcNAc-modifIed prOtEIns", "whitespace_perturbation": " immunostaining intensity. The pancr eas o f S TZ- di abet ic r ats showed a 3 . 1-fo ld increase in total c ellul ar O-Gl c NA c-mod ified p r ot e i ns", "underscore_trick": " immunostaining_intensity. The_pancreas of STZ-diabetic rats_showed a_3.1-fold_increase in_total_cellular O-GlcNAc-modified proteins"} +{"text": " to the injury site at day 14. Histomorphometrical analysis showed significant differences between wild-type animals and heterozygous animals. The absolute number of myelinated fibres", "synonym_substitution": "to the injury site at day 14. Histomorphometrical analysis testify meaning differences between wild - character animals and heterozygous animal. The absolute number of myelinated fibres", "butter_fingers": " to the injury site at day 14. Histomorphomettixal anelysis ahowed skgnificant differences betwexn wuld-tykv animals and heterozhgous anilals. The absioute numbec of myelinates fibxew", "random_deletion": "to the injury site at day 14. showed differences between animals and heterozygous myelinated", "change_char_case": " to the injury site at day 14. HistoMorphometrIcal aNalYsiS sHoweD sigNificant differENces Between wild-type animals And heTeROzygOUs AnimaLs. The abSOlUTE nuMbEr Of mYeLInAted fIbrEs", "whitespace_perturbation": " to the injury site at day 14. Histo morph ome tri ca l an alys is showed sign i fica nt differences between wild -t y pe a n im als a nd hete r oz y g ous a ni mal s. Th e abs olu te numb er of myel ina te d fibres", "underscore_trick": " to_the injury_site at day 14._Histomorphometrical analysis_showed_significant differences_between_wild-type animals and_heterozygous animals. The_absolute number of myelinated_fibres"} +{"text": ", and were asked about a variety of self-help measures, and medical help, for these, and whether the advice and/or treatment was in fact helpful", "synonym_substitution": ", and were asked about a variety of self - help measures, and aesculapian aid, for these, and whether the advice and/or treatment was in fact helpful", "butter_fingers": ", anf were asked about a varlety of self-help measurxs, and jedical felp, for these, and whether tie aevice and/or treatment was iv fact heppful", "random_deletion": ", and were asked about a variety measures, medical help, these, and whether in helpful", "change_char_case": ", and were asked about a variety Of self-help MeasuRes, And MeDicaL helP, for these, and whETher The advice and/or treatmenT was iN fACt heLPfUl", "whitespace_perturbation": ", and were asked about a v ariety ofself- hel p m ea sure s, a nd medical hel p , fo r these, and whether t he ad vi c e an d /o r tre atmentw as i n f ac thel pf u l", "underscore_trick": ", and_were asked_about a variety of_self-help measures,_and_medical help,_for_these, and whether_the advice and/or_treatment was in fact_helpful"} +{"text": " with prolonged remission in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. However, it remains investigational and must always be combined with other modalities to treat the microscopic disease", "synonym_substitution": "with prolonged remission in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. However, it remains investigational and must constantly be compound with other modalities to treat the microscopic disease", "butter_fingers": " wihh prolonged remission ik patients with malignait pleudal mesoghelioma. However, it remains mnvewtigauponal and must always be combijed with othtr modalities to vdeat thc micdlsco'ir disease", "random_deletion": "with prolonged remission in patients with malignant However, remains investigational must always be treat microscopic disease", "change_char_case": " with prolonged remission in pAtients witH maliGnaNt pLeUral MesoThelioma. HoweveR, It reMains investigational anD must AlWAys bE CoMbineD with otHEr MODalItIeS to TrEAt The miCroScopic dIsease", "whitespace_perturbation": " with prolonged remissionin patient s wit h m ali gn antpleu ral mesothelio m a. H owever, it remains inv estig at i onal an d mus t alway s b e com bi ne d w it h o thermod alities to treatthe m icroscopic d i se ase", "underscore_trick": " with_prolonged remission_in patients with malignant_pleural mesothelioma._However,_it remains_investigational_and must always_be combined with_other modalities to treat_the microscopic disease"} +{"text": " children: influence of body positions and exertion on pulse oximetric saturation.\nCommercial aircraft are pressurised to ~2438 m (8000 ft", "synonym_substitution": "children: influence of body positions and exertion on pulse oximetric impregnation. \n Commercial aircraft are pressurize to ~2438 m (8000 ft", "butter_fingers": " chlldren: influence of body positions and gxwrtion on pumse oximdtric saturation.\nCommercial amrcrqft aee pressurised to ~2438 m (8000 wt", "random_deletion": "children: influence of body positions and exertion oximetric Commercial aircraft pressurised to ~2438", "change_char_case": " children: influence of body poSitions and ExertIon On pUlSe oxImetRic saturation.\nCOMmerCial aircraft are pressurIsed tO ~2438 m (8000 FT", "whitespace_perturbation": " children: influence of bo dy positio ns an d e xer ti on o n pu lse oximetrics atur ation.\nCommercial airc raftar e pre s su rised to ~24 3 8m (80 00 f t", "underscore_trick": " children:_influence of_body positions and exertion_on pulse_oximetric_saturation.\nCommercial aircraft_are_pressurised to ~2438_m (8000 ft"} +{"text": " PD and non-hip fractures. Consequently, we investigated the independent association of PD with hip BMD and long-term fracture risk. Associations of self-reported", "synonym_substitution": "PD and non - hip fractures. Consequently, we investigated the independent association of PD with pelvis BMD and retentive - term fracture hazard. Associations of self - report", "butter_fingers": " PD and non-hip fractures. Coksequently, we inrwstigaved the indepenaent association of PD with iip VMD abd long-term fracture rksk. Assocpations od seod-reported", "random_deletion": "PD and non-hip fractures. Consequently, we investigated association PD with BMD and long-term", "change_char_case": " PD and non-hip fractures. ConseQuently, we iNvestIgaTed ThE indEpenDent associatioN Of PD With hip BMD and long-term fRactuRe RIsk. ASSoCiatiOns of seLF-rEPOrtEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " PD and non-hip fractures. Consequen tly,weinv es tiga tedthe independen t ass ociation of PD with hi p BMD a n d lo n g- termfractur e r i s k.As so cia ti o ns of s elf -report ed", "underscore_trick": " PD_and non-hip_fractures. Consequently, we investigated_the independent_association_of PD_with_hip BMD and_long-term fracture risk._Associations of self-reported"} +{"text": " displacement during mastication].\nThe objective of this study was to clarify the relation between the occlusal force and the tooth displacement path just after unloading", "synonym_substitution": "displacement during mastication ]. \n The objective of this study was to clarify the relation back between the occlusal power and the tooth displacement path just after unloading", "butter_fingers": " didplacement during masticxtion].\nThe objectnce of vhis sthdy was go clarify the relation betwxen rhe oxclusal force and the gooth disilacement pati just after unloading", "random_deletion": "displacement during mastication]. The objective of this to the relation the occlusal force just unloading", "change_char_case": " displacement during masticaTion].\nThe objEctivE of ThiS sTudy Was tO clarify the relATion Between the occlusal forcE and tHe TOoth DIsPlaceMent patH JuST AftEr UnLoaDiNG", "whitespace_perturbation": " displacement during masti cation].\nT he ob jec tiv eof t hisstudy was to c l arif y the relation between theoc c lusa l f orceand the to o t h d is pl ace me n tpathjus t after unloading ", "underscore_trick": " displacement_during mastication].\nThe_objective of this study_was to_clarify_the relation_between_the occlusal force_and the tooth_displacement path just after_unloading"} +{"text": " experiences of lesbian and heterosexual women.\nThis article aims to theorize how a sample of menopausal women, lesbian and heterosexual, construct the ending of their periods", "synonym_substitution": "experiences of lesbian and heterosexual women. \n This article aims to theorize how a sample distribution of menopausal charwoman, lesbian and heterosexual, construct the ending of their period", "butter_fingers": " exoeriences of lesbian and heterosexual women.\nThiv artidle aims to theorize how a sample of mwnopaysal women, lesbian and heterosequal, consrrucu the ending of tisir perljds", "random_deletion": "experiences of lesbian and heterosexual women. This to how a of menopausal women, ending their periods", "change_char_case": " experiences of lesbian and heTerosexual Women.\nthiS arTiCle aIms tO theorize how a sAMple Of menopausal women, lesbiAn and HeTErosEXuAl, conStruct tHE eNDIng Of ThEir PeRIoDs", "whitespace_perturbation": " experiences of lesbian an d heterose xualwom en. \nT hisarti cle aims to th e oriz e how a sample of meno pausa lw omen , l esbia n and h e te r o sex ua l, co ns t ru ct th e e nding o f their pe rio ds ", "underscore_trick": " experiences_of lesbian_and heterosexual women.\nThis article_aims to_theorize_how a_sample_of menopausal women,_lesbian and heterosexual,_construct the ending of_their periods"} +{"text": " antibodies and PHA response in rheumatoid arthritis].\nWe have studied the in vitro PHA response of two groups of rheumatoid arthritis patients differing only in the presence or", "synonym_substitution": "antibodies and PHA response in rheumatoid arthritis ]. \n We have studied the in vitro PHA response of two groups of arthritic arthritis patient differing only in the bearing or", "butter_fingers": " anhibodies and PHA responst in rheumatoid attyritis].\nXe have studied the in vitro PHA response oh twi groyps of rheumatoid arthfitis patpents difderiig only in the pcssence or", "random_deletion": "antibodies and PHA response in rheumatoid arthritis]. studied in vitro response of two differing in the presence", "change_char_case": " antibodies and PHA response iN rheumatoiD arthRitIs].\nWE hAve sTudiEd the in vitro PHa RespOnse of two groups of rheumAtoid ArTHritIS pAtienTs diffeRInG ONly In ThE prEsENcE or", "whitespace_perturbation": " antibodies and PHA respon se in rheu matoi d a rth ri tis] .\nWe have studiedt he i n vitro PHA response o f two g r oups of rheu matoida rt h r iti spa tie nt s d iffer ing only i n the pres enc eor", "underscore_trick": " antibodies_and PHA_response in rheumatoid arthritis].\nWe_have studied_the_in vitro_PHA_response of two_groups of rheumatoid_arthritis patients differing only_in the presence_or"} +{"text": " microorganism culture using the colourmetric system VITAL 200 (bio-M\u00e9rieux). There have been analysed 4660 bacteriological research results of the peripheral", "synonym_substitution": "microorganism culture using the colourmetric system VITAL 200 (bio - M\u00e9rieux). There have been analysed 4660 bacteriological inquiry result of the peripheral", "butter_fingers": " mifroorganism culture usinn the colourmetrnx systxm VITAM 200 (bio-M\u00e9rkeux). There have been analysev 4660 bqcteruological research resjlts of tje peripyerao", "random_deletion": "microorganism culture using the colourmetric system VITAL There been analysed bacteriological research results", "change_char_case": " microorganism culture using The colourmEtric SysTem vItAL 200 (bIo-M\u00e9Rieux). There have BEen aNalysed 4660 bacteriological ReseaRcH ResuLTs Of the PeripheRAl", "whitespace_perturbation": " microorganism culture usi ng the col ourme tri c s ys temVITA L 200 (bio-M\u00e9r i eux) . There have been anal ysed46 6 0 ba c te riolo gical r e se a r chre su lts o f t he pe rip heral", "underscore_trick": " microorganism_culture using_the colourmetric system VITAL_200 (bio-M\u00e9rieux)._There_have been_analysed_4660 bacteriological research_results of the_peripheral"} +{"text": "as grafted to shell-less chicken CAMs were evaluated independently by three observers in a masked fashion by in vivo stereomicroscopy, projections of colored", "synonym_substitution": "as grafted to shell - less chicken CAMs were measure independently by three perceiver in a masked fashion by in vivo stereomicroscopy, projections of colored person", "butter_fingers": "as hrafted to shell-less chigken CAMs were erqluatev indepsndently by three observers in a masnee fasyion by in vivo stereooicroscopj, projectuons if colored", "random_deletion": "as grafted to shell-less chicken CAMs were by observers in masked fashion by colored", "change_char_case": "as grafted to shell-less chickEn CAMs were EvaluAteD inDePendEntlY by three observERs in A masked fashion by in vivo StereOmICrosCOpY, projEctions OF cOLOreD", "whitespace_perturbation": "as grafted to shell-less c hicken CAM s wer e e val ua tedinde pendently by t h reeobservers in a maskedfashi on by i n v ivo s tereomi c ro s c opy ,pr oje ct i on s ofcol ored", "underscore_trick": "as grafted_to shell-less_chicken CAMs were evaluated_independently by_three_observers in_a_masked fashion by_in vivo stereomicroscopy,_projections of colored"} +{"text": " (MS) remains largely unexplored despite extensive documentation of CNS-specific antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid and plaques. Several studies have now examined the role of Fcgamma", "synonym_substitution": "(MS) remains largely unexplored despite extensive documentation of CNS - specific antibody in cerebrospinal fluid and plaque. Several studies have nowadays examine the role of Fcgamma", "butter_fingers": " (MS) remains largely unexploved despite exteuwive dmcumenfation ow CNS-specific antibodies in rerevrospunal fluid and plaques. Several dtudies yave bow examinxs the role of Ncgamke", "random_deletion": "(MS) remains largely unexplored despite extensive documentation antibodies cerebrospinal fluid plaques. Several studies of", "change_char_case": " (MS) remains largely unexploreD despite exTensiVe dOcuMeNtatIon oF CNS-specific anTIbodIes in cerebrospinal fluiD and pLaQUes. SEVeRal stUdies haVE nOW ExaMiNeD thE rOLe Of FcgAmmA", "whitespace_perturbation": " (MS) remains largely unex plored des piteext ens iv e do cume ntation of CNS - spec ific antibodies in cer ebros pi n al f l ui d and plaque s .S e ver al s tud ie s h ave n owexamine d the role of F cgamma", "underscore_trick": " (MS)_remains largely_unexplored despite extensive documentation_of CNS-specific_antibodies_in cerebrospinal_fluid_and plaques. Several_studies have now_examined the role of_Fcgamma"} +{"text": " as a mediator of inflammatory dilatation; the underlying mechanisms include induction of the inducible isoform of nitric oxide synthase in vascular smooth muscle, or over-production of nitric", "synonym_substitution": "as a mediator of inflammatory dilatation; the underlying mechanisms admit evocation of the inducible isoform of nitric oxide synthase in vascular smooth muscle, or over - product of nitric", "butter_fingers": " as a mediator of inflammatury dilatation; jhw undeclying jechanisos include induction of the mnduxible isoform of nitric oxiae synthade in vawculer smooth muscle, or over-ixoducflon oy iitric", "random_deletion": "as a mediator of inflammatory dilatation; the include of the isoform of nitric muscle, over-production of nitric", "change_char_case": " as a mediator of inflammatory Dilatation; The unDerLyiNg MechAnisMs include inducTIon oF the inducible isoform of NitriC oXIde sYNtHase iN vasculAR sMOOth MuScLe, oR oVEr-ProduCtiOn of nitRic", "whitespace_perturbation": " as a mediator of inflamma tory dilat ation ; t heun derl ying mechanisms in c lude induction of the indu cible i s ofor m o f nit ric oxi d es y nth as einva s cu lar s moo th musc le, or ove r-p ro duction of n i tr ic", "underscore_trick": " as_a mediator_of inflammatory dilatation; the_underlying mechanisms_include_induction of_the_inducible isoform of_nitric oxide synthase_in vascular smooth muscle,_or over-production of_nitric"} +{"text": "ptally located near the AV node on the left atrial endocardial surface. Morphology of subcortical brain nuclei is associated with autonomic function in healthy humans.", "synonym_substitution": "ptally located near the AV node on the left atrial endocardial surface. Morphology of subcortical mind core is associated with autonomic function in healthy homo.", "butter_fingers": "ptaply located near the AV kode on the left atrial endoczrdial sjrface. Morphology of subcortmcal braib nuclei is associated with autlnomic fynctmon in healthy hnjans.", "random_deletion": "ptally located near the AV node on atrial surface. Morphology subcortical brain nuclei in humans.", "change_char_case": "ptally located near the AV nodE on the left AtriaL enDocArDial SurfAce. Morphology oF SubcOrtical brain nuclei is asSociaTeD With AUtOnomiC functiON iN HEalThY hUmaNs.", "whitespace_perturbation": "ptally located near the AV node on t he le ftatr ia l en doca rdial surface. Morp hology of subcorticalbrain n u clei is asso ciatedw it h aut on om icfu n ct ion i n h ealthyhumans.", "underscore_trick": "ptally located_near the_AV node on the_left atrial_endocardial_surface. Morphology_of_subcortical brain nuclei_is associated with_autonomic function in healthy_humans."} +{"text": " HCC cells and HCC-Inv cells. A brief discussion was presented in relation to the changes in cell rheological properties of hepatocellular carcinoma cells and their pathological significance.", "synonym_substitution": "HCC cells and HCC - Inv cells. A brief discussion was presented in relation back to the change in cell rheologic properties of hepatocellular carcinoma cell and their pathological meaning.", "butter_fingers": " HCF cells and HCC-Inv cells. A brief discussion wav pressnted in relation to the changes in rell rheooogical properties of fepatocelpular caecinina cells ais their pathomlgiccl significance.", "random_deletion": "HCC cells and HCC-Inv cells. A brief presented relation to changes in cell cells their pathological significance.", "change_char_case": " HCC cells and HCC-Inv cells. A brIef discussIon waS prEseNtEd in RelaTion to the changES in cEll rheological propertiEs of hEpAToceLLuLar caRcinoma CElLS And ThEiR paThOLoGical SigNificanCe.", "whitespace_perturbation": " HCC cells and HCC-Inv cel ls. A brie f dis cus sio nwaspres ented in relat i on t o the changes in cellrheol og i calp ro perti es of h e pa t o cel lu la r c ar c in oma c ell s and t heir patho log ic al significa n ce .", "underscore_trick": " HCC_cells and_HCC-Inv cells. A brief_discussion was_presented_in relation_to_the changes in_cell rheological properties_of hepatocellular carcinoma cells_and their pathological_significance."} +{"text": "otomy with either an ovarian cystectomy or oophorectomy. Future clinical research in the management of adnexal masses should focus on decreasing the number of patients", "synonym_substitution": "otomy with either an ovarian cystectomy or oophorectomy. Future clinical research in the management of adnexal masses should focus on decreasing the numeral of patient", "butter_fingers": "otoly with either an ovariak cystectomy or oophorertomy. Fhture clknical research in the managxmenr of qdnexal masses should wocus on fecreasibg tie number of patmsnts", "random_deletion": "otomy with either an ovarian cystectomy or clinical in the of adnexal masses number patients", "change_char_case": "otomy with either an ovarian cYstectomy oR oophOreCtoMy. futuRe clInical research IN the Management of adnexal masSes shOuLD focUS oN decrEasing tHE nUMBer Of PaTieNtS", "whitespace_perturbation": "otomy with either an ovari an cystect omy o r o oph or ecto my.Future clinica l res earch in the managemen t ofad n exal ma ssesshouldf oc u s on d ec rea si n gthe n umb er of p atients", "underscore_trick": "otomy with_either an_ovarian cystectomy or oophorectomy._Future clinical_research_in the_management_of adnexal masses_should focus on_decreasing the number of_patients"} +{"text": "19/24) were recorded from just one recording contact. Unexpectedly in other cases, high-frequency oscillations (5/24) were detected simultaneously on", "synonym_substitution": "19/24) were recorded from just one recording contact. by chance in early case, eminent - frequency oscillation (5/24) were detected simultaneously on", "butter_fingers": "19/24) wege recorded from just ont recording contaer. Unex'ectedlg in othdr cases, high-frequency oscilparions (5/24) were detected simultxneously ln", "random_deletion": "19/24) were recorded from just one recording in cases, high-frequency (5/24) were detected", "change_char_case": "19/24) were recorded from just one reCording conTact. UNexPecTeDly iN othEr cases, high-freQUencY oscillations (5/24) were detecTed siMuLTaneOUsLy on", "whitespace_perturbation": "19/24) were recorded fromjust one r ecord ing co nt act. Une xpectedly in o t hercases, high-frequencyoscil la t ions (5 /24)were de t ec t e d s im ul tan eo u sl y on", "underscore_trick": "19/24) were_recorded from_just one recording contact._Unexpectedly in_other_cases, high-frequency_oscillations_(5/24) were detected_simultaneously on"} +{"text": " active channel, has been discussed in terms of favoring the activity of SOD. Assessment of the wish to hasten death in patients with advanced cancer: A comparison of", "synonym_substitution": "active channel, has been discussed in terms of favoring the natural process of SOD. appraisal of the wish to hasten death in affected role with advanced cancer: A comparison of", "butter_fingers": " achive channel, has been dircussed in terms of fatoring fhe actixity of SOD. Assessment of thx wiwh to hasten death in patievts with wdvanced canrer: A comparison of", "random_deletion": "active channel, has been discussed in terms the of SOD. of the wish with cancer: A comparison", "change_char_case": " active channel, has been discuSsed in termS of faVorIng ThE actIvitY of SOD. AssessmeNT of tHe wish to hasten death in pAtienTs WIth aDVaNced cAncer: A cOMpARIsoN oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " active channel, has beendiscussedin te rms of f avor ingthe activity o f SOD . Assessment of the wi sh to h a sten de ath i n patie n ts w ith a dv anc ed ca ncer: Acompari son of", "underscore_trick": " active_channel, has_been discussed in terms_of favoring_the_activity of_SOD._Assessment of the_wish to hasten_death in patients with_advanced cancer: A_comparison_of"} +{"text": " as immunoreactive 6-keto-PGF1 alpha, was assessed in aortic rings exposed to endothelin receptor agonists in the presence and absence of", "synonym_substitution": "as immunoreactive 6 - keto - PGF1 alpha, was assessed in aortic rings exposed to endothelin sense organ agonist in the presence and absence of", "butter_fingers": " as immunoreactive 6-keto-PGF1 xlpha, was assessed in eortic dings exoosed to endothelin receptor atonisuf in the presence xnd absenbe of", "random_deletion": "as immunoreactive 6-keto-PGF1 alpha, was assessed in exposed endothelin receptor in the presence", "change_char_case": " as immunoreactive 6-keto-PGF1 alPha, was asseSsed iN aoRtiC rIngs ExpoSed to endotheliN RecePtor agonists in the preseNce anD aBSencE Of", "whitespace_perturbation": " as immunoreactive 6-keto- PGF1 alpha , was as ses se d in aor tic rings expo s ed t o endothelin receptoragoni st s int he pres ence an d a b s enc eof ", "underscore_trick": " as_immunoreactive 6-keto-PGF1_alpha, was assessed in_aortic rings_exposed_to endothelin_receptor_agonists in the_presence and absence_of"} +{"text": ", 71.5% were taking immunosuppressive therapy and 56.7% had received Bacillus Calmette-Gu\u00e9rin vaccination. Compared with patients not on", "synonym_substitution": ", 71.5% were taking immunosuppressive therapy and 56.7% had received Bacillus Calmette - Gu\u00e9rin vaccination. Compared with patient not along", "butter_fingers": ", 71.5% wfre taking immunosuppresrive therapy anb 56.7% had ceceives Bacilljs Calmette-Gu\u00e9rin vaccination. Cimpartb with patients not un", "random_deletion": ", 71.5% were taking immunosuppressive therapy and received Calmette-Gu\u00e9rin vaccination. with patients not", "change_char_case": ", 71.5% were taking immunosuppressiVe therapy aNd 56.7% had RecEivEd baciLlus calmette-Gu\u00e9rin VAcciNation. Compared with patiEnts nOt ON", "whitespace_perturbation": ", 71.5% were taking immuno suppressiv e the rap y a nd 56. 7% h ad received Ba c illu s Calmette-Gu\u00e9rin vacc inati on . Com p ar ed wi th pati e nt s not o n", "underscore_trick": ", 71.5%_were taking_immunosuppressive therapy and 56.7%_had received_Bacillus_Calmette-Gu\u00e9rin vaccination._Compared_with patients not_on"} +{"text": " ERG methods other than the ISCEV standard method are also utilized depending on the intended purpose of the evaluation. In this study, we investigated the availability of", "synonym_substitution": "ERG methods other than the ISCEV standard method are also use depend on the intended purpose of the evaluation. In this study, we investigate the availability of", "butter_fingers": " ERH methods other than the ISCEV standard method are amso utilkzed depending on the intendxd pyrpost of the evaluation. In this dtudy, we invtstigated the avammabilitn of", "random_deletion": "ERG methods other than the ISCEV standard also depending on intended purpose of we the availability of", "change_char_case": " ERG methods other than the ISCeV standard MethoD arE alSo UtilIzed Depending on the INtenDed purpose of the evaluatIon. In ThIS stuDY, wE inveStigateD ThE AVaiLaBiLitY oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " ERG methods other than th e ISCEV st andar d m eth od are als o utilized dep e ndin g on the intended purp ose o ft he e v al uatio n. In t h is s tud y, w e i nv e st igate d t he avai lability o f", "underscore_trick": " ERG_methods other_than the ISCEV standard_method are_also_utilized depending_on_the intended purpose_of the evaluation._In this study, we_investigated the availability_of"} +{"text": " PAP method].\nStroma from hemolyzed erythrocytes of blood groups 0, A1, B and A1B were obtained and subjected to butanol", "synonym_substitution": "PAP method ]. \n Stroma from hemolyzed erythrocytes of blood groups 0, A1, B and A1B were prevail and subjugate to butanol", "butter_fingers": " PAO method].\nStroma from hemouyzed erythrocyjew of bnood gdoups 0, A1, B and A1B were obtained and duvjecttb to butanol", "random_deletion": "PAP method]. Stroma from hemolyzed erythrocytes of 0, B and were obtained and", "change_char_case": " PAP method].\nStroma from hemolyZed erythroCytes Of bLooD gRoupS 0, A1, B aNd A1B were obtainED and Subjected to butanol", "whitespace_perturbation": " PAP method].\nStroma fromhemolyzederyth roc yte sof b lood groups 0, A1, B an d A1B were obtained an d sub je c tedt obutan ol", "underscore_trick": " PAP_method].\nStroma from_hemolyzed erythrocytes of blood_groups 0,_A1,_B and_A1B_were obtained and_subjected to butanol"} +{"text": "). \u03b1-Amylase (26.1%) and \u03b1-glucosidase (91.5%) inhibitory activities were also sustained. Methanolic CAE yielded", "synonym_substitution": "). \u03b1 - Amylase (26.1 %) and \u03b1 - glucosidase (91.5 %) inhibitory activities were also sustained. Methanolic CAE yielded", "butter_fingers": "). \u03b1-Amjlase (26.1%) and \u03b1-glucosidase (91.5%) lnhibitory activnries wxre alsk sustaived. Methanolic CAE yielded", "random_deletion": "). \u03b1-Amylase (26.1%) and \u03b1-glucosidase (91.5%) inhibitory also Methanolic CAE", "change_char_case": "). \u03b1-Amylase (26.1%) and \u03b1-glucosidase (91.5%) inHibitory acTivitIes WerE aLso sUstaIned. Methanolic caE yiElded", "whitespace_perturbation": "). \u03b1-Amylase (26.1%) and \u03b1 -glucosida se (9 1.5 %)in hibi tory activities we r e al so sustained. Methanol ic CA Ey ield e d", "underscore_trick": "). \u03b1-Amylase_(26.1%) and_\u03b1-glucosidase (91.5%) inhibitory activities_were also_sustained._Methanolic CAE_yielded"} +{"text": " America, the Caribbean and West Africa (the ESAC-WA genotype). In contrast, viruses from southern and East African countries were heterogeneous, with multiple genotypes being", "synonym_substitution": "America, the Caribbean and West Africa (the ESAC - WA genotype). In contrast, viruses from southern and East African countries were heterogenous, with multiple genotype being", "butter_fingers": " Amfrica, the Caribbean and Dest Africa (the ESAC-WA genotgpe). In cuntrast, viruses from southeri ane Easu African countries were hetvrogeneouw, wiuh multiple genotbles beiky", "random_deletion": "America, the Caribbean and West Africa (the In viruses from and East African genotypes", "change_char_case": " America, the Caribbean and WesT Africa (the eSAC-Wa geNotYpE). In cOntrAst, viruses from SOuthErn and East African countRies wErE HeteROgEneouS, with muLTiPLE geNoTyPes BeINg", "whitespace_perturbation": " America, the Caribbean an d West Afr ica ( the ES AC -WAgeno type). In cont r ast, viruses from southern andEa s t Af r ic an co untries we r e he te ro gen eo u s, with mu ltiplegenotypesbei ng ", "underscore_trick": " America,_the Caribbean_and West Africa (the_ESAC-WA genotype)._In_contrast, viruses_from_southern and East_African countries were_heterogeneous, with multiple genotypes_being"} +{"text": ", and the localization of affection. The correlation between the recovery of individual speech functions and the cerebral blood supply is discussed. Diagnosis of organic brain syndrome: an emergency", "synonym_substitution": ", and the localization of affection. The correlation between the recovery of individual speech function and the cerebral rake supply is discussed. Diagnosis of organic genius syndrome: an emergency", "butter_fingers": ", anf the localization of afnection. The corrglqtion uetween the recuvery of individual speech fnnctuons qnd the cerebral blood supply id discuswed. Viagnosis of orgehic bralu synsvome: cn emergency", "random_deletion": ", and the localization of affection. The the of individual functions and the Diagnosis organic brain syndrome: emergency", "change_char_case": ", and the localization of affecTion. The corRelatIon BetWeEn thE recOvery of individUAl spEech functions and the cerEbral BlOOd suPPlY is diScussed. dIaGNOsiS oF oRgaNiC BrAin syNdrOme: an emErgency", "whitespace_perturbation": ", and the localization ofaffection. Thecor rel at ionbetw een the recove r y of individual speech fun ction sa nd t h ecereb ral blo o ds u ppl yis di sc u ss ed. D iag nosis o f organicbra in syndrome: a n e mergency", "underscore_trick": ", and_the localization_of affection. The correlation_between the_recovery_of individual_speech_functions and the_cerebral blood supply_is discussed. Diagnosis of_organic brain syndrome:_an_emergency"} +{"text": "encoded, 11.25Gb/s over 25km SSMF, real-time end-to-end optical OFDM (OOFDM)", "synonym_substitution": "encoded, 11.25Gb / s over 25 km SSMF, real - time goal - to - goal optical OFDM (OOFDM )", "butter_fingers": "enclded, 11.25Gb/s over 25km SSMF, rexl-time end-to-end optican OFDM (OOFDM)", "random_deletion": "encoded, 11.25Gb/s over 25km SSMF, real-time end-to-end (OOFDM)", "change_char_case": "encoded, 11.25Gb/s over 25km SSMF, real-tIme end-to-enD optiCal oFDm (OoFDM)", "whitespace_perturbation": "encoded, 11.25Gb/s over 25 km SSMF, r eal-t ime en d- to-e nd o ptical OFDM (O O FDM) ", "underscore_trick": "encoded, 11.25Gb/s_over 25km_SSMF, real-time end-to-end optical_OFDM (OOFDM)"} +{"text": " ATP made/mol ATPase per flash. This rate seemed to be limited not be the supply of energy to the ATPase molecules, nor by the maximal turnover", "synonym_substitution": "ATP made / mol ATPase per flash. This rate seemed to be specify not be the provision of energy to the ATPase molecules, nor by the maximal upset", "butter_fingers": " ATO made/mol ATPase per flarh. This rate segmwd to ue limifed not ce the supply of energy to tie ARPase molecules, nor by the oaximal tlrnover", "random_deletion": "ATP made/mol ATPase per flash. This rate be not be supply of energy by maximal turnover", "change_char_case": " ATP made/mol ATPase per flash. THis rate seeMed to Be lImiTeD not Be thE supply of energY To thE ATPase molecules, nor by tHe maxImAL turNOvEr", "whitespace_perturbation": " ATP made/mol ATPase per f lash. This rate se eme dto b e li mited not be t h e su pply of energy to theATPas em olec u le s, no r by th e m a x ima ltu rno ve r ", "underscore_trick": " ATP_made/mol ATPase_per flash. This rate_seemed to_be_limited not_be_the supply of_energy to the_ATPase molecules, nor by_the maximal turnover"} +{"text": " critical for discrimination of orientation are discussed. Restriction of the human in vivo immune response against the mouse monoclonal antibody OKT3.\nThe murine monoclonal antibody OK", "synonym_substitution": "critical for discrimination of orientation are discussed. Restriction of the human in vivo immune reception against the shiner monoclonal antibody OKT3. \n The murine monoclonal antibody OK", "butter_fingers": " crltical for discriminatiok of orientation are divcusses. Restriztion of the human in vivo ilmyne rtfponse against the mouse mojoclonal antmbody OKT3.\nThe murmhe monogjonam antnbidy OK", "random_deletion": "critical for discrimination of orientation are discussed. the in vivo response against the murine antibody OK", "change_char_case": " critical for discrimination Of orientatIon arE diScuSsEd. ReStriCtion of the humaN In viVo immune response againsT the mOuSE monOClOnal aNtibody okT3.\ntHE muRiNe MonOcLOnAl antIboDy OK", "whitespace_perturbation": " critical for discriminati on of orie ntati onare d iscu ssed . Restrictiono f th e human in vivo immune resp on s e ag a in st th e mouse mo n o clo na lant ib o dy OKT3 .\nT he muri ne monoclo nal a ntibody OK", "underscore_trick": " critical_for discrimination_of orientation are discussed._Restriction of_the_human in_vivo_immune response against_the mouse monoclonal_antibody OKT3.\nThe murine monoclonal_antibody OK"} +{"text": "velocardiofacial syndrome) was found to be significantly associated with both eczema and asthma but not allergic rhinitis. CGD was not found to be", "synonym_substitution": "velocardiofacial syndrome) was found to be significantly associated with both eczema and asthma but not allergic rhinitis. CGD was not found to be", "butter_fingers": "vellcardiofacial syndrome) wxs found to be signifirantly zssociatdd with both eczema and asthla but bot allergic rhinitis. ZGD was nlt found to ue", "random_deletion": "velocardiofacial syndrome) was found to be significantly both and asthma not allergic rhinitis. be", "change_char_case": "velocardiofacial syndrome) wAs found to bE signIfiCanTlY assOciaTed with both eczEMa anD asthma but not allergic rHinitIs. cgD waS NoT founD to be", "whitespace_perturbation": "velocardiofacial syndrome) was found to b e s ign if ican tlyassociated wit h bot h eczema and asthma bu t not a l lerg i crhini tis. CG D w a s no tfo und t o b e", "underscore_trick": "velocardiofacial syndrome)_was found_to be significantly associated_with both_eczema_and asthma_but_not allergic rhinitis._CGD was not_found to be"} +{"text": " measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The approximate levels of cisplatin were 10, 500 and 100 ng Pt/ml blood in plasma, plasma proteins and haem", "synonym_substitution": "measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The approximate levels of cisplatin were 10, 500 and 100 ng Pt / milliliter rake in plasma, plasma proteins and haem", "butter_fingers": " mewsured by atomic absorptlon spectroscopy (AAS). Thx approsimate ldvels of cisplatin were 10, 500 anv 100 nt Pt/mo blood in plasma, plasoa proteijs and hqem", "random_deletion": "measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The of were 10, and 100 ng proteins haem", "change_char_case": " measured by atomic absorptioN spectroscOpy (AAs). ThE apPrOximAte lEvels of cisplatIN werE 10, 500 and 100 ng Pt/ml blood in plasmA, plasMa PRoteINs And haEm", "whitespace_perturbation": " measured by atomic absorp tion spect rosco py(AA S) . Th e ap proximate leve l s of cisplatin were 10, 50 0 and 1 0 0 ng Pt /ml b lood in pl a s ma, p la sma p r ot einsand haem", "underscore_trick": " measured_by atomic_absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The_approximate levels_of_cisplatin were_10,_500 and 100_ng Pt/ml blood_in plasma, plasma proteins_and haem"} +{"text": " visible contamination. Combined phacoemulsification and XEN45 surgery from a temporal approach and 2 incisions.\nTo assess the safety and effectiveness of ph", "synonym_substitution": "visible contamination. Combined phacoemulsification and XEN45 surgery from a temporal approach and 2 incision. \n To measure the safety and effectiveness of ph", "butter_fingers": " vidible contamination. Comblned phacoemulsiyucatioi and XSN45 surgefy from a temporal approach end 2 inciwions.\nTo assess the safdty and evfectivebess if ph", "random_deletion": "visible contamination. Combined phacoemulsification and XEN45 surgery temporal and 2 To assess the", "change_char_case": " visible contamination. CombiNed phacoemUlsifIcaTioN aNd XEn45 surGery from a tempoRAl apProach and 2 incisions.\nTo asSess tHe SAfetY AnD effeCtiveneSS oF PH", "whitespace_perturbation": " visible contamination. Co mbined pha coemu lsi fic at ionandXEN45 surgeryf roma temporal approach an d 2 i nc i sion s .To as sess th e s a f ety a nd ef fe c ti venes s o f ph", "underscore_trick": " visible_contamination. Combined_phacoemulsification and XEN45 surgery_from a_temporal_approach and_2_incisions.\nTo assess the_safety and effectiveness_of ph"} +{"text": " in this study. A population-based random sample of 22 118 subjects aged 65 or older was obtained as a dynamic cohort. Those study subjects who had filed at", "synonym_substitution": "in this study. A population - based random sample of 22 118 subjects age 65 or previous was obtained as a dynamic cohort. Those report subjects who had filed at", "butter_fingers": " in this study. A population-nased random samklw of 22 118 subjedts aged 65 or older was obtained as a dtnamix cohort. Those study sjbjects wjo had fuled qt", "random_deletion": "in this study. A population-based random sample 118 aged 65 older was obtained study who had filed", "change_char_case": " in this study. A population-basEd random saMple oF 22 118 suBjeCtS ageD 65 or oLder was obtaineD As a dYnamic cohort. Those study SubjeCtS Who hAD fIled aT", "whitespace_perturbation": " in this study. A populati on-based r andom sa mpl eof 2 2 11 8 subjects age d 65or older was obtainedas ady n amic co hort. Thoses tu d y su bj ec tswh o h ad fi led at", "underscore_trick": " in_this study._A population-based random sample_of 22_118_subjects aged_65_or older was_obtained as a_dynamic cohort. Those study_subjects who had_filed_at"} +{"text": " The Bristol Cancer Help Centre was founded in 1980 to provide an alternative approach to cancer treatment. It became the leading British centre for such therapies, although, from its", "synonym_substitution": "The Bristol Cancer Help Centre was founded in 1980 to provide an alternative approach to cancer discussion. It become the leading British centre for such therapy, although, from its", "butter_fingers": " Thf Bristol Cancer Help Cektre was founded in 1980 to provise an algernative approach to cancer teeatmtut. It became the leaaing Britpsh centrw foc such therapies, althougm, froj its", "random_deletion": "The Bristol Cancer Help Centre was founded to an alternative to cancer treatment. centre such therapies, although, its", "change_char_case": " The Bristol Cancer Help CentrE was foundeD in 1980 to ProVidE aN altErnaTive approach to CAnceR treatment. It became the lEadinG BRItisH CeNtre fOr such tHErAPIes, AlThOugH, fROm Its", "whitespace_perturbation": " The Bristol Cancer Help C entre wasfound edin19 80 t o pr ovide an alter n ativ e approach to cancer t reatm en t . It be camethe lea d in g Bri ti sh ce nt r efor s uch therap ies, altho ugh ,from its", "underscore_trick": " The_Bristol Cancer_Help Centre was founded_in 1980_to_provide an_alternative_approach to cancer_treatment. It became_the leading British centre_for such therapies,_although,_from its"} +{"text": "-G transition at position 2063 in domain V of the 23S rRNA gene was identified. Atelectasis caused by M. pneumoniae is thought to be", "synonym_substitution": "-G transition at position 2063 in domain V of the 23S rRNA gene was identify. Atelectasis cause by M. pneumoniae is thought to be", "butter_fingers": "-G tgansition at position 2063 ik domain V of thg 23W rRNA gene sas idengified. Atelectasis caused by M. pneunoniae is thought to bd", "random_deletion": "-G transition at position 2063 in domain the rRNA gene identified. Atelectasis caused to", "change_char_case": "-G transition at position 2063 in doMain V of the 23s rRNA GenE waS iDentIfieD. Atelectasis caUSed bY M. pneumoniae is thought tO be", "whitespace_perturbation": "-G transition at position2063 in do mainV o f t he 23S rRN A gene was ide n tifi ed. Atelectasis caused by M .p neum o ni ae is though t t o be", "underscore_trick": "-G transition_at position_2063 in domain V_of the_23S_rRNA gene_was_identified. Atelectasis caused_by M. pneumoniae_is thought to be"} +{"text": " ion exchange chromatography followed by preparative SDS gel electrophoresis. Purified NB-p260 exhibited rapid autodegradation despite the presence of various protease inhibitors. The aut", "synonym_substitution": "ion exchange chromatography followed by preparative SDS gel electrophoresis. Purified NB - p260 show rapid autodegradation despite the bearing of various protease inhibitors. The aut", "butter_fingers": " ioj exchange chromatographn followed by prgpqrativx SDS gsl electfophoresis. Purified NB-p260 exhiuitee rapud autodegradation desoite the iresence if verious protease mhhibitovf. Ths aut", "random_deletion": "ion exchange chromatography followed by preparative SDS Purified exhibited rapid despite the presence aut", "change_char_case": " ion exchange chromatography Followed by PrepaRatIve sDs gel ElecTrophoresis. PurIFied nB-p260 exhibited rapid autodEgradAtIOn deSPiTe the PresencE Of VARioUs PrOteAsE InHibitOrs. the aut", "whitespace_perturbation": " ion exchange chromatograp hy followe d bypre par at iveSDSgel electropho r esis . Purified NB-p260 exh ibite dr apid au todeg radatio n d e s pit eth e p re s en ce of va rious p rotease in hib it ors. The aut ", "underscore_trick": " ion_exchange chromatography_followed by preparative SDS_gel electrophoresis._Purified_NB-p260 exhibited_rapid_autodegradation despite the_presence of various_protease inhibitors. The aut"} +{"text": " is a low-molecular-weight, acid-stable protein present in the liquid part of fresh human ejaculate but not demonstrable in the gel structure.", "synonym_substitution": "is a low - molecular - weight, acid - stable protein present in the liquid character of bracing human ejaculate but not demonstrable in the gel structure.", "butter_fingers": " is a low-molecular-weight, acld-stable protein presenv in ths liquid part of fresh human ejaculave byt nou demonstrable in tfe gel stgucture.", "random_deletion": "is a low-molecular-weight, acid-stable protein present in part fresh human but not demonstrable", "change_char_case": " is a low-molecular-weight, acid-Stable protEin prEseNt iN tHe liQuid Part of fresh humAN ejaCulate but not demonstrabLe in tHe GEl stRUcTure.", "whitespace_perturbation": " is a low-molecular-weight , acid-sta ble p rot ein p rese nt i n the liquid p a rt o f fresh human ejaculat e but n o t de m on strab le in t h eg e l s tr uc tur e. ", "underscore_trick": " is_a low-molecular-weight,_acid-stable protein present in_the liquid_part_of fresh_human_ejaculate but not_demonstrable in the_gel structure."} +{"text": ", limiting the potencies of these agents. New strategies are needed to provide versatile systems that can respond to and disable resistance mechanisms. We demonstrate the use of a", "synonym_substitution": ", limiting the potencies of these agents. New scheme are need to provide versatile systems that can respond to and disable immunity mechanisms. We demonstrate the manipulation of a", "butter_fingers": ", liliting the potencies of uhese agents. New strategmes are needed go provide versatile systems tyat cqn respond to and disacle resisnance mecyaniwns. We demoiatrate bke uss of c", "random_deletion": ", limiting the potencies of these agents. are to provide systems that can mechanisms. demonstrate the use a", "change_char_case": ", limiting the potencies of theSe agents. NeW straTegIes ArE neeDed tO provide versatILe syStems that can respond to aNd disAbLE resIStAnce mEchanisMS. WE DEmoNsTrAte ThE UsE of a", "whitespace_perturbation": ", limiting the potencies o f these ag ents. Ne w s tr ateg iesare needed top rovi de versatile systems t hat c an resp o nd to a nd disa b le r esi st an ceme c ha nisms . W e demon strate the us eof a", "underscore_trick": ", limiting_the potencies_of these agents. New_strategies are_needed_to provide_versatile_systems that can_respond to and_disable resistance mechanisms. We_demonstrate the use_of_a"} +{"text": "ion Club had been arrested and charged with possession for the purpose of tracking after police searched the club and his home and seized less than three kilograms of marijuana. St", "synonym_substitution": "ion Club had been arrested and charged with possession for the purpose of trailing after police research the club and his home and appropriate less than three kilogram of marijuana. St", "butter_fingers": "ion Club had been arrested xnd charged witk possevsion ror the ourpose of tracking after popixe seqrched the club and hir home anf seized lesw than threx kilograms of lariluena. St", "random_deletion": "ion Club had been arrested and charged for purpose of after police searched and less than three of marijuana. St", "change_char_case": "ion Club had been arrested and Charged witH possEssIon FoR the PurpOse of tracking aFTer pOlice searched the club anD his hOmE And sEIzEd lesS than thREe KILogRaMs Of mArIJuAna. St", "whitespace_perturbation": "ion Club had been arrested and charg ed wi thpos se ssio n fo r the purposeo f tr acking after police se arche dt he c l ub andhis hom e a n d se iz ed le ss th an th ree kilogr ams of mar iju an a. St", "underscore_trick": "ion Club_had been_arrested and charged with_possession for_the_purpose of_tracking_after police searched_the club and_his home and seized_less than three_kilograms_of marijuana. St"} +{"text": ". The addition of any studied metal ions to MPS increased thixotropic effect. A temperature at the gel point increased when concentration increased to 9mM, then", "synonym_substitution": ". The addition of any studied metal ions to MPS increase thixotropic consequence. A temperature at the gel point increased when assiduity increased to 9mM, then", "butter_fingers": ". Thf addition of any studiea metal ions to MPS inrreased thixotrupic effect. A temperature at tye geo point increased when concentrwtion inxreawwd to 9mM, tisn", "random_deletion": ". The addition of any studied metal MPS thixotropic effect. temperature at the increased 9mM, then", "change_char_case": ". The addition of any studied meTal ions to MpS incReaSed ThIxotRopiC effect. A temperATure At the gel point increased When cOnCEntrATiOn incReased tO 9MM, THEn", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The addition of any stud ied metalionstoMPS i ncre ased thixotropic e f fect . A temperature at the gelpo i nt i n cr eased when c o nc e n tra ti on in cr e as ed to 9m M, then ", "underscore_trick": ". The_addition of_any studied metal ions_to MPS_increased_thixotropic effect._A_temperature at the_gel point increased_when concentration increased to_9mM, then"} +{"text": " in situ generated chiral cyclic N-acyliminium ions. cis-4-Hydroxy-5-acylaminopyrrolidines and cis-", "synonym_substitution": "in situ generated chiral cyclic N - acyliminium ions. cis-4 - Hydroxy-5 - acylaminopyrrolidines and cis-", "butter_fingers": " in situ generated chiral cnclic N-acyliminiom ions. ris-4-Hydrkxy-5-acylaoinopyrrolidines and cis-", "random_deletion": "in situ generated chiral cyclic N-acyliminium ions. cis-", "change_char_case": " in situ generated chiral cyclIc N-acylimiNium iOns. Cis-4-hyDroxY-5-acyLaminopyrrolidINes aNd cis-", "whitespace_perturbation": " in situ generated chiralcyclic N-a cylim ini umio ns.cis- 4-Hydroxy-5-ac y lami nopyrrolidines and cis -", "underscore_trick": " in_situ generated_chiral cyclic N-acyliminium ions._cis-4-Hydroxy-5-acylaminopyrrolidines and_cis-"} +{"text": " grafts such as fascia lata are commonly used. The need for a remote surgical site and the risk of an unattractive leg scar makes the use of an", "synonym_substitution": "grafts such as fascia lata are commonly used. The motivation for a distant surgical site and the risk of an unattractive leg scratch makes the use of an", "butter_fingers": " grwfts such as fascia lata are commonly used. The need ror a reoote surgical site and the rmsk if an unattractive leg scar makes thv use of qn", "random_deletion": "grafts such as fascia lata are commonly need a remote site and the scar the use of", "change_char_case": " grafts such as fascia lata are Commonly usEd. The NeeD foR a RemoTe suRgical site and tHE risK of an unattractive leg scAr makEs THe usE Of An", "whitespace_perturbation": " grafts such as fascia lat a are comm onlyuse d.Th e ne ed f or a remote su r gica l site and the risk of an u na t trac t iv e leg scar m a ke s the u se of a n ", "underscore_trick": " grafts_such as_fascia lata are commonly_used. The_need_for a_remote_surgical site and_the risk of_an unattractive leg scar_makes the use_of_an"} +{"text": " timing of picture presentation relative to word onset and revealed that it arises as soon as 200-400 ms after word onset and decays at 600 ms after word onset.", "synonym_substitution": "timing of picture presentation relative to word attack and reveal that it arises as soon as 200 - 400 master of science after discussion onset and decays at 600 ms after son attack.", "butter_fingers": " tiling of picture presentauion relative to cird onvet ans revealdd that it arises as soon as 200-400 ns afuvr word onset and decxys at 600 md after qord inset.", "random_deletion": "timing of picture presentation relative to word revealed it arises soon as 200-400 decays 600 ms after onset.", "change_char_case": " timing of picture presentatiOn relative To worD onSet AnD revEaleD that it arises aS Soon As 200-400 ms after word onset and dEcays At 600 MS aftER wOrd onSet.", "whitespace_perturbation": " timing of picture present ation rela tivetowor donse t an d revealed tha t itarises as soon as 200- 400 m sa fter wo rd on set and de c a ysat 6 00ms af ter w ord onset. ", "underscore_trick": " timing_of picture_presentation relative to word_onset and_revealed_that it_arises_as soon as_200-400 ms after_word onset and decays_at 600 ms_after_word onset."} +{"text": "ysis, there was a significant increase of soluble cystinyl-, alanyl-, arginyl-, pyroglutamyl- and membrane-bound aspartyl-aminopept", "synonym_substitution": "ysis, there was a significant increase of soluble cystinyl-, alanyl-, arginyl-, pyroglutamyl- and membrane - bound aspartyl - aminopept", "butter_fingers": "ysid, there was a significanu increase of soloboe cysvinyl-, amanyl-, areinyl-, pyroglutamyl- and membrene-biund qspartyl-aminopept", "random_deletion": "ysis, there was a significant increase of alanyl-, pyroglutamyl- and aspartyl-aminopept", "change_char_case": "ysis, there was a significant iNcrease of sOlublE cyStiNyL-, alaNyl-, aRginyl-, pyroglutAMyl- aNd membrane-bound aspartyL-aminOpEPt", "whitespace_perturbation": "ysis, there was a signific ant increa se of so lub le cys tiny l-, alanyl-, a r giny l-, pyroglutamyl- andmembr an e -bou n daspar tyl-ami n op e p t", "underscore_trick": "ysis, there_was a_significant increase of soluble_cystinyl-, alanyl-,_arginyl-,_pyroglutamyl- and_membrane-bound_aspartyl-aminopept"} +{"text": " lupus erythematosus (VBLE), the back of depilated Strain 2 female guinea pigs was injected with sera from 2 patients with VBLE, 3 patients", "synonym_substitution": "lupus erythematosus (VBLE), the back of depilated Strain 2 female guinea pigs was injected with serum from 2 patient with VBLE, 3 patients", "butter_fingers": " luous erythematosus (VBLE), tme back of depilcred Stcain 2 fsmale guknea pigs was injected with deea frim 2 patients with VBLE, 3 patientd", "random_deletion": "lupus erythematosus (VBLE), the back of depilated female pigs was with sera from patients", "change_char_case": " lupus erythematosus (VBLE), the Back of depiLated strAin 2 FeMale GuinEa pigs was injecTEd wiTh sera from 2 patients with vBLE, 3 pAtIEnts", "whitespace_perturbation": " lupus erythematosus (VBLE ), the bac k ofdep ila te d St rain 2 female guin e a pi gs was injected with s era f ro m 2 p a ti entswith VB L E, 3 pa ti en ts", "underscore_trick": " lupus_erythematosus (VBLE),_the back of depilated_Strain 2_female_guinea pigs_was_injected with sera_from 2 patients_with VBLE, 3 patients"} +{"text": "orticosterone were significantly correlated (P less than 0.001) to those of progesterone in women pregnant with an anencephalic fetus, as well as in women", "synonym_substitution": "orticosterone were significantly correlated (P less than 0.001) to those of progesterone in women meaning with an anencephalic fetus, equally well as in women", "butter_fingers": "ortlcosterone were significxntly correlateb (P lesv than 0.001) to thore of progesterone in women 'regbant qith an anencephalic fdtus, as wvll as in womtn", "random_deletion": "orticosterone were significantly correlated (P less than those progesterone in pregnant with an in", "change_char_case": "orticosterone were significAntly correLated (p leSs tHaN 0.001) to tHose Of progesterone IN womEn pregnant with an anencePhaliC fETus, aS WeLl as iN women", "whitespace_perturbation": "orticosterone were signifi cantly cor relat ed(Ple ss t han0.001) to thos e ofprogesterone in womenpregn an t wit h a n ane ncephal i cf e tus ,as we ll as in w ome n", "underscore_trick": "orticosterone were_significantly correlated_(P less than 0.001)_to those_of_progesterone in_women_pregnant with an_anencephalic fetus, as_well as in women"} +{"text": "-enriched cell population (lineage-negative [Lin(-)]). The enhanced GM-CSF and IL-3 receptor expression directly correlated with enhanced IL-", "synonym_substitution": "-enriched cell population (lineage - negative [ Lin(-) ]). The enhanced GM - CSF and IL-3 receptor formula immediately correlated with enhanced IL-", "butter_fingers": "-enrlched cell population (likeage-negative [Liu(-)]). The eihanced GM-CSF avd IL-3 receptor expression dicectoy coerelated with enhanced IL-", "random_deletion": "-enriched cell population (lineage-negative [Lin(-)]). The enhanced IL-3 expression directly with enhanced IL-", "change_char_case": "-enriched cell population (linEage-negatiVe [Lin(-)]). the EnhAnCed Gm-CSF And IL-3 receptor eXPresSion directly correlated With eNhANced il-", "whitespace_perturbation": "-enriched cell population(lineage-n egati ve[Li n( -)]) . Th e enhanced GM- C SF a nd IL-3 receptor expre ssion d i rect l ycorre lated w i th e nha nc ed IL -", "underscore_trick": "-enriched cell_population (lineage-negative_[Lin(-)]). The enhanced GM-CSF_and IL-3_receptor_expression directly_correlated_with enhanced IL-"} +{"text": " exercise and musculoskeletal pain in a working population, it is important to not only detect the general physical activity but also to specify the different modes of exercise. In", "synonym_substitution": "exercise and musculoskeletal pain in a working population, it is important to not merely detect the cosmopolitan physical activity but besides to specify the unlike modes of exercise. In", "butter_fingers": " exfrcise and musculoskeletxl pain in a wotkung po'ulatioh, it is kmportant to not only detect tye geberal physical activith but alsl to spexify rhe differxht modes of escrcisz. Mn", "random_deletion": "exercise and musculoskeletal pain in a working is to not detect the general specify different modes of In", "change_char_case": " exercise and musculoskeletaL pain in a woRking PopUlaTiOn, it Is imPortant to not onLY detEct the general physical aCtiviTy BUt alSO tO specIfy the dIFfEREnt MoDeS of ExERcIse. In", "whitespace_perturbation": " exercise and musculoskele tal pain i n a w ork ing p opul atio n, it is impor t antto not only detect the gene ra l phy s ic al ac tivityb ut a lso t ospe ci f ythe d iff erent m odes of ex erc is e. In", "underscore_trick": " exercise_and musculoskeletal_pain in a working_population, it_is_important to_not_only detect the_general physical activity_but also to specify_the different modes_of_exercise. In"} +{"text": " than the consequence of a specific addressing of the toxin to these structures, might be due to their vulnerability by toxin-induced events, such as the uncontrolled activation of", "synonym_substitution": "than the consequence of a specific addressing of the toxin to these structures, might be due to their vulnerability by toxin - induced events, such as the uncontrolled energizing of", "butter_fingers": " thwn the consequence of a rpecific addressing of the tkxin to ghese structures, might be dux to theie vulnerability by toxkn-induced events, wuch qs the uncontrolled actibwtiou if", "random_deletion": "than the consequence of a specific addressing toxin these structures, be due to such the uncontrolled activation", "change_char_case": " than the consequence of a specIfic addresSing oF thE toXiN to tHese Structures, mighT Be duE to their vulnerability bY toxiN-iNDuceD EvEnts, sUch as thE UnCONtrOlLeD acTiVAtIon of", "whitespace_perturbation": " than the consequence of a specificaddre ssi ngof the tox in to these st r uctu res, might be due to t heirvu l nera b il ity b y toxin - in d u ced e ve nts ,s uc h asthe uncont rolled act iva ti on of", "underscore_trick": " than_the consequence_of a specific addressing_of the_toxin_to these_structures,_might be due_to their vulnerability_by toxin-induced events, such_as the uncontrolled_activation_of"} +{"text": " collagen fibrils are dominating in herbivora, while in carnivora the elastic ones. The rodents present rare elastic fibers; these animals and the rumin", "synonym_substitution": "collagen fibrils are dominating in herbivora, while in carnivora the elastic ones. The rodents award rare elastic fiber; these animals and the rumin", "butter_fingers": " coplagen fibrils are dominxting in herbivora, whine in darnivorx the elastic ones. The rodenvs peesenu rare elastic fibefs; these wnimals qnd uhe rumin", "random_deletion": "collagen fibrils are dominating in herbivora, while the ones. The present rare elastic rumin", "change_char_case": " collagen fibrils are dominatIng in herbiVora, wHilE in CaRnivOra tHe elastic ones. THE rodEnts present rare elastic FiberS; tHEse aNImAls anD the rumIN", "whitespace_perturbation": " collagen fibrils are domi nating inherbi vor a,wh ilein c arnivora the e l asti c ones. The rodents pr esent r a re e l as tic f ibers;t he s e an im al s a nd th e rum in", "underscore_trick": " collagen_fibrils are_dominating in herbivora, while_in carnivora_the_elastic ones._The_rodents present rare_elastic fibers; these_animals and the rumin"} +{"text": "olyte urea, we demonstrate that the uptake exhibits classic Michaelis-Menten saturation kinetics with an affinity constant (Km) of 379 \u00b5mol l", "synonym_substitution": "olyte urea, we demonstrate that the uptake exhibits classic Michaelis - Menten saturation dynamics with an affinity changeless (Km) of 379 \u00b5mol l", "butter_fingers": "olyhe urea, we demonstrate tmat the uptake eryibits classjc Michadlis-Menten saturation kinetirs wuth ab affinity constant (Km) of 379 \u00b5mol p", "random_deletion": "olyte urea, we demonstrate that the uptake Michaelis-Menten kinetics with affinity constant (Km)", "change_char_case": "olyte urea, we demonstrate thaT the uptake ExhibIts ClaSsIc MiChaeLis-Menten saturATion Kinetics with an affinity ConstAnT (km) of 379 \u039cMoL l", "whitespace_perturbation": "olyte urea, we demonstrate that theuptak e e xhi bi ts c lass ic Michaelis-M e nten saturation kinetics w ith a na ffin i ty cons tant (K m )o f 37 9\u00b5m oll", "underscore_trick": "olyte urea,_we demonstrate_that the uptake exhibits_classic Michaelis-Menten_saturation_kinetics with_an_affinity constant (Km)_of 379 \u00b5mol_l"} +{"text": " myocardium were studied in 232 patients with coronary heart disease during an angina pectoris (AP) attack provoked by bicycle ergometry. It was discovered that an", "synonym_substitution": "myocardium were studied in 232 patients with coronary heart disease during an angina pectoris (AP) attack provoke by bicycle ergometry. It was discover that an", "butter_fingers": " mylcardium were studied in 232 patients with coronacy hearf diseasd during an angina pectoris (EP) artack provoked by bicycle efgometry. Pt was diwcovtred that an", "random_deletion": "myocardium were studied in 232 patients with disease an angina (AP) attack provoked discovered an", "change_char_case": " myocardium were studied in 232 paTients with CoronAry HeaRt DiseAse dUring an angina pECtorIs (AP) attack provoked by biCycle ErGOmetRY. IT was dIscoverED tHAT an", "whitespace_perturbation": " myocardium were studied i n 232 pati entswit h c or onar y he art disease du r ingan angina pectoris (AP ) att ac k pro v ok ed by bicycl e e r g ome tr y. It w a sdisco ver ed that an", "underscore_trick": " myocardium_were studied_in 232 patients with_coronary heart_disease_during an_angina_pectoris (AP) attack_provoked by bicycle_ergometry. It was discovered_that an"} +{"text": " associations between millennium development goals (MDG) indicators and oral health (OH) indicators. An ecological study was performed in two distinct phases. In Phase 1,", "synonym_substitution": "associations between millennium development goals (MDG) indicators and oral health (OH) indicator. An ecological discipline was performed in two distinct phases. In Phase 1,", "butter_fingers": " asdociations between milleknium developmenj toals (KDG) insicators and oral health (OH) indicatocs. Ab ecooogical study was perfurmed in nwo distibct khases. In Phase 1,", "random_deletion": "associations between millennium development goals (MDG) indicators health indicators. An study was performed Phase", "change_char_case": " associations between millenNium develoPment GoaLs (MdG) IndiCatoRs and oral healtH (oH) inDicators. An ecological stUdy waS pERforMEd In two DistincT PhASEs. IN PHaSe 1,", "whitespace_perturbation": " associations between mill ennium dev elopm ent go al s (M DG)indicators and oral health (OH) indicator s. An e c olog i ca l stu dy wasp er f o rme din tw od is tinct ph ases. I n Phase 1, ", "underscore_trick": " associations_between millennium_development goals (MDG) indicators_and oral_health_(OH) indicators._An_ecological study was_performed in two_distinct phases. In Phase_1,"} +{"text": "s) that were explanted because of complications related to the presence of their haptics in the ciliary sulcus. In 2 cases, the IOL", "synonym_substitution": "s) that were explanted because of complications related to the presence of their haptics in the ciliary sulcus. In 2 cases, the IOL", "butter_fingers": "s) tjat were explanted becaure of complicatnins renated fo the pfesence of their haptics in vhe xiliaey sulcus. In 2 cases, thd IOL", "random_deletion": "s) that were explanted because of complications the of their in the ciliary IOL", "change_char_case": "s) that were explanted because Of complicaTions RelAteD tO the PresEnce of their hapTIcs iN the ciliary sulcus. In 2 casEs, the iOl", "whitespace_perturbation": "s) that were explanted bec ause of co mplic ati ons r elat ed t o the presence of t heir haptics in the ci liary s u lcus . I n 2 c ases, t h eI O L", "underscore_trick": "s) that_were explanted_because of complications related_to the_presence_of their_haptics_in the ciliary_sulcus. In 2_cases, the IOL"} +{"text": ". It partially prevented the relaxation evoked by electrical stimulation while the relaxation induced by isoprenaline was not influenced. Control serum decreased the VIP- and stimulation-", "synonym_substitution": ". It partially prevented the relaxation evoked by electrical foreplay while the liberalization induced by isoprenaline was not influenced. Control serum decrease the VIP- and stimulation-", "butter_fingers": ". It partially prevented the relaxation evoked by xlectridal stimjlation while the relaxation ibducee by isoprenaline was vot influvnced. Conrrol werum decrxzsed thc VIP- wnd vvimulation-", "random_deletion": ". It partially prevented the relaxation evoked stimulation the relaxation by isoprenaline was the and stimulation-", "change_char_case": ". It partially prevented the reLaxation evOked bY elEctRiCal sTimuLation while the RElaxAtion induced by isoprenaLine wAs NOt inFLuEnced. control SErUM DecReAsEd tHe viP- And stImuLation-", "whitespace_perturbation": ". It partially prevented t he relaxat ion e vok edby ele ctri cal stimulatio n whi le the relaxation indu ced b yi sopr e na linewas not in f l uen ce d. Co nt r ol seru m d ecrease d the VIP- an dstimulation- ", "underscore_trick": ". It_partially prevented_the relaxation evoked by_electrical stimulation_while_the relaxation_induced_by isoprenaline was_not influenced. Control_serum decreased the VIP-_and stimulation-"} +{"text": "ying and pancreatic polypeptide secretion.\nWe investigated the efficacy and the mechanism of action of EM523L, a nonpeptide motilin agonist (motilide),", "synonym_substitution": "ying and pancreatic polypeptide secretion. \n We investigated the efficacy and the mechanism of action of EM523L, a nonpeptide motilin agonist (motilide),", "butter_fingers": "yinh and pancreatic polypepuide secretion.\nWe nbvestijated tge efficxcy and the mechanism of actmon if EM523O, a nonpeptide motilin agonist (lotilide),", "random_deletion": "ying and pancreatic polypeptide secretion. We investigated and mechanism of of EM523L, a", "change_char_case": "ying and pancreatic polypeptIde secretiOn.\nWe iNveStiGaTed tHe efFicacy and the meCHaniSm of action of EM523L, a nonpepTide mOtILin aGOnIst (moTilide),", "whitespace_perturbation": "ying and pancreatic polype ptide secr etion .\nW e i nv esti gate d the efficacy andthe mechanism of actio n ofEM 5 23L, anonpe ptide m o ti l i n a go ni st(m o ti lide) ,", "underscore_trick": "ying and_pancreatic polypeptide_secretion.\nWe investigated the efficacy_and the_mechanism_of action_of_EM523L, a nonpeptide_motilin agonist (motilide),"} +{"text": " certain strain of mice were from 14 to 56. It shows that many factors are related to the mechanisms of anaesthetic actions. In this review, we addu", "synonym_substitution": "certain strain of mice were from 14 to 56. It shows that many divisor are relate to the mechanisms of anaesthetic actions. In this follow-up, we addu", "butter_fingers": " cegtain strain of mice wert from 14 to 56. It shows thav many ractors xre related to the mechanismd if anqesthetic actions. In tfis reviea, we addy", "random_deletion": "certain strain of mice were from 14 It that many are related to In review, we addu", "change_char_case": " certain strain of mice were frOm 14 to 56. It showS that ManY faCtOrs aRe reLated to the mechANismS of anaesthetic actions. IN this ReVIew, wE AdDu", "whitespace_perturbation": " certain strain of mice we re from 14 to 5 6.Itsh owsthat many factorsa re r elated to the mechanis ms of a n aest h et ic ac tions.I nt h isre vi ew, w e a ddu", "underscore_trick": " certain_strain of_mice were from 14_to 56._It_shows that_many_factors are related_to the mechanisms_of anaesthetic actions. In_this review, we_addu"} +{"text": " 5 seronegative patients with chronic active hepatitis, and 6 healthy controls. Consistent with findings in earlier patient and control groups, the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients had", "synonym_substitution": "5 seronegative patients with chronic active hepatitis, and 6 healthy controls. Consistent with finding in early patient and control groups, the assume immunodeficiency syndrome patients had", "butter_fingers": " 5 sfronegative patients witm chronic active hepativis, and 6 healthh controls. Consistent with fmndibgs ib earlier patient and zontrol ggoups, the acqnired immunodefirjency snudroms patneits had", "random_deletion": "5 seronegative patients with chronic active hepatitis, healthy Consistent with in earlier patient immunodeficiency patients had", "change_char_case": " 5 seronegative patients with cHronic actiVe hepAtiTis, AnD 6 heaLthy Controls. ConsisTEnt wIth findings in earlier paTient AnD ContROl GroupS, the acqUIrED ImmUnOdEfiCiENcY syndRomE patienTs had", "whitespace_perturbation": " 5 seronegative patients w ith chroni c act ive he pa titi s, a nd 6 healthy c o ntro ls. Consistent with fi nding si n ea r li er pa tient a n dc o ntr ol g rou ps , t he ac qui red imm unodeficie ncy s yndrome pati e nt s had", "underscore_trick": " 5_seronegative patients_with chronic active hepatitis,_and 6_healthy_controls. Consistent_with_findings in earlier_patient and control_groups, the acquired immunodeficiency_syndrome patients had"} +{"text": "-single-axis rotations of the eye were evoked with a double-step paradigm. We found that Listing's law is obeyed equally well during fixations", "synonym_substitution": "-single - axis rotations of the eye were evoked with a bivalent - gradation paradigm. We found that Listing's jurisprudence is obey equally well during fixations", "butter_fingers": "-sinhle-axis rotations of the eye were evokeb with e doubls-step pafadigm. We found that Listing'd oaw iw obeyed equally well auring fiqations", "random_deletion": "-single-axis rotations of the eye were evoked double-step We found Listing's law is", "change_char_case": "-single-axis rotations of the eYe were evokEd witH a dOubLe-Step ParaDigm. We found thaT listIng's law is obeyed equally Well dUrINg fiXAtIons", "whitespace_perturbation": "-single-axis rotations ofthe eye we re ev oke d w it h adoub le-step paradi g m. W e found that Listing's lawis obey e dequal ly well du r i ngfi xa tio ns ", "underscore_trick": "-single-axis rotations_of the_eye were evoked with_a double-step_paradigm._We found_that_Listing's law is_obeyed equally well_during fixations"} +{"text": "We studied phenotypic heterogeneity in 18 Japanese patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A (CMT1A) with PMP-22", "synonym_substitution": "We studied phenotypic heterogeneity in 18 Japanese patients with Charcot - Marie - Tooth disease type 1A (CMT1A) with PMP-22", "butter_fingers": "We dtudied phenotypic heterugeneity in 18 Jakabese petients with Chxrcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A (CMT1A) with PMP-22", "random_deletion": "We studied phenotypic heterogeneity in 18 Japanese Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1A with PMP-22", "change_char_case": "We studied phenotypic heteroGeneity in 18 JApaneSe pAtiEnTs wiTh ChArcot-Marie-TootH DiseAse type 1A (CMT1A) with PMP-22", "whitespace_perturbation": "We studied phenotypic hete rogeneityin 18 Ja pan es e pa tien ts with Charco t -Mar ie-Tooth disease type1A (C MT 1 A) w i th PMP- 22", "underscore_trick": "We studied_phenotypic heterogeneity_in 18 Japanese patients_with Charcot-Marie-Tooth_disease_type 1A_(CMT1A)_with PMP-22"} +{"text": "MA (30 microM) for 4 or 24h in the absence or presence of losartan or antioxidant PDTC. In cultured THP-1 cells, Ang", "synonym_substitution": "MA (30 microM) for 4 or 24h in the absence or presence of losartan or antioxidant PDTC. In cultured THP-1 cells, Ang", "butter_fingers": "MA (30 microM) for 4 or 24h in the absence or presence oh losarfan or avtioxidant PDTC. In cultured VHP-1 xells, Ang", "random_deletion": "MA (30 microM) for 4 or 24h absence presence of or antioxidant PDTC.", "change_char_case": "MA (30 microM) for 4 or 24h in the absencE or presencE of loSarTan Or AntiOxidAnt PDTC. In cultuREd THp-1 cells, Ang", "whitespace_perturbation": "MA (30 microM) for 4 or 24 h in the a bsenc e o r p re senc e of losartan or a n tiox idant PDTC. In culture d THP -1 cell s ,Ang", "underscore_trick": "MA (30_microM) for_4 or 24h in_the absence_or_presence of_losartan_or antioxidant PDTC._In cultured THP-1_cells, Ang"} +{"text": "SMW_Div2) (enrolled nurses), to work in the postnatal area only. This study explored the pilot employment model from the perspective of the SM", "synonym_substitution": "SMW_Div2) (enrolled nurses), to work in the postnatal area merely. This discipline explored the pilot employment mannequin from the perspective of the SM", "butter_fingers": "SMW_Fiv2) (enrolled nurses), to wurk in the postuqtal acea onlg. This sgudy explored the pilot empllynent nodel from the perspecgive of tje SM", "random_deletion": "SMW_Div2) (enrolled nurses), to work in the only. study explored pilot employment model SM", "change_char_case": "SMW_Div2) (enrolled nurses), to worK in the postNatal AreA onLy. this StudY explored the piLOt emPloyment model from the peRspecTiVE of tHE Sm", "whitespace_perturbation": "SMW_Div2) (enrolled nurses ), to work in t hepos tn atal are a only. This s t udyexplored the pilot emp loyme nt mode l f rom t he pers p ec t i veof t heSM ", "underscore_trick": "SMW_Div2) (enrolled_nurses), to_work in the postnatal_area only._This_study explored_the_pilot employment model_from the perspective_of the SM"} +{"text": "illi and in the lysosome-like bodies simultaneously, a crinophagic function of these organelles in the regulation of the transport or secretion of cell-", "synonym_substitution": "illi and in the lysosome - like bodies simultaneously, a crinophagic function of these organelles in the rule of the ecstasy or secretion of cell-", "butter_fingers": "illl and in the lysosome-likt bodies simultangoysly, a crinolhagic fjnction of these organelles mn tye retulation of the transpurt or sebretion od ceoo-", "random_deletion": "illi and in the lysosome-like bodies simultaneously, function these organelles the regulation of cell-", "change_char_case": "illi and in the lysosome-like bOdies simulTaneoUslY, a cRiNophAgic Function of thesE OrgaNelles in the regulation oF the tRaNSporT Or SecreTion of cELl-", "whitespace_perturbation": "illi and in the lysosome-l ike bodies simu lta neo us ly,a cr inophagic func t ionof these organelles in there g ulat i on of t he tran s po r t or s ec ret io n o f cel l-", "underscore_trick": "illi and_in the_lysosome-like bodies simultaneously, a_crinophagic function_of_these organelles_in_the regulation of_the transport or_secretion of cell-"} +{"text": " region participates in the integration of hormonal and sensory cues necessary for sexual behavior. The medial amygdala and paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus also play essential excitatory roles", "synonym_substitution": "region participates in the integration of hormonal and sensory discriminative stimulus necessary for intimate behavior. The medial amygdala and paraventricular core of the hypothalamus besides play essential excitatory roles", "butter_fingers": " rehion participates in the integration of hormonel and aensory zues necessary for sexual beiaviir. Tht medial amygdala avd paravejtriculae nurleus of the hypothalamus also ilay zswential excitajory roles", "random_deletion": "region participates in the integration of hormonal cues for sexual The medial amygdala hypothalamus play essential excitatory", "change_char_case": " region participates in the inTegration oF hormOnaL anD sEnsoRy cuEs necessary for SExuaL behavior. The medial amygDala aNd PAravENtRiculAr nucleUS oF THe hYpOtHalAmUS aLso plAy eSsentiaL excitatorY roLeS", "whitespace_perturbation": " region participates in th e integrat ion o f h orm on al a nd s ensory cues ne c essa ry for sexual behavior . The m e dial am ygdal a and p a ra v e ntr ic ul arnu c le us of th e hypot halamus al sopl ay essential ex citatory r ole s", "underscore_trick": " region_participates in_the integration of hormonal_and sensory_cues_necessary for_sexual_behavior. The medial_amygdala and paraventricular_nucleus of the hypothalamus_also play essential_excitatory_roles"} +{"text": " to inhibitory imbalance with psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia. Considering that the brain constructs hierarchical causal models of the external world, we show that the failure to maintain the excitatory to", "synonym_substitution": "to inhibitory imbalance with psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia. Considering that the brain construct hierarchical causal mannequin of the external world, we picture that the bankruptcy to maintain the excitatory to", "butter_fingers": " to inhibitory imbalance wiuh psychotic sympjons in vchizolhrenia. Zonsidering that the brain clnwtrucuf hierarchical caural modeld of the exttrnal world, we show that bke fajpure vo maintain the excitatorf to", "random_deletion": "to inhibitory imbalance with psychotic symptoms in that brain constructs causal models of that failure to maintain excitatory to", "change_char_case": " to inhibitory imbalance with Psychotic sYmptoMs iN scHiZophReniA. Considering thAT the Brain constructs hierarcHical CaUSal mODeLs of tHe exterNAl WORld, We ShOw tHaT ThE failUre To maintAin the exciTatOrY to", "whitespace_perturbation": " to inhibitory imbalance w ith psycho tic s ymp tom sin s chiz ophrenia. Cons i deri ng that the brain cons truct sh iera r ch icalcausalm od e l s o fth e e xt e rn al wo rld , we sh ow that th e f ai lure to main t ai n the exci tat ory to", "underscore_trick": " to_inhibitory imbalance_with psychotic symptoms in_schizophrenia. Considering_that_the brain_constructs_hierarchical causal models_of the external_world, we show that_the failure to_maintain_the excitatory to"} +{"text": " shown that, among these three kinds of sugar, the radical concentration of fine white sugar sampled from wooden houses at the area similar to each other did not vary much", "synonym_substitution": "shown that, among these three kinds of sugar, the radical assiduity of all right ashen sugar sample from wooden houses at the sphere similar to each other did not deviate a lot", "butter_fingers": " shlwn that, among these thrte kinds of sugar, the ravical ckncentragion of fine white sugar sam'led from wooden houses at the xrea simipar to eqch irher did not vary much", "random_deletion": "shown that, among these three kinds of radical of fine sugar sampled from similar each other did vary much", "change_char_case": " shown that, among these three kInds of sugaR, the rAdiCal CoNcenTratIon of fine white SUgar Sampled from wooden houseS at thE aREa siMIlAr to eAch otheR DiD NOt vArY mUch", "whitespace_perturbation": " shown that, among these t hree kinds of s uga r,th e ra dica l concentratio n offine white sugar sampl ed fr om wood e nhouse s at th e a r e a s im il arto ea ch ot her did no t vary muc h", "underscore_trick": " shown_that, among_these three kinds of_sugar, the_radical_concentration of_fine_white sugar sampled_from wooden houses_at the area similar_to each other_did_not vary much"} +{"text": " impact still remains not determined. Aim of the present study was to analyze the cost-effectiveness (CE) of these two strategies in early stage HCC (Milan", "synonym_substitution": "impact still remains not determined. purpose of the present discipline was to analyze the cost - effectiveness (CE) of these two strategies in early degree HCC (Milan", "butter_fingers": " imoact still remains not dttermined. Aim of jhw presxnt stusy was tu analyze the cost-effectivenxss (XE) of these two strategies kn early dtage HCX (Mioqn", "random_deletion": "impact still remains not determined. Aim of study to analyze cost-effectiveness (CE) of stage (Milan", "change_char_case": " impact still remains not deteRmined. Aim oF the pResEnt StUdy wAs to Analyze the cost-EFfecTiveness (CE) of these two stRategIeS In eaRLy Stage hCC (MilaN", "whitespace_perturbation": " impact still remains notdetermined . Aim of th epres entstudy was to a n alyz e the cost-effectivene ss (C E) of t h es e two strate g ie s inea rl y s ta g eHCC ( Mil an", "underscore_trick": " impact_still remains_not determined. Aim of_the present_study_was to_analyze_the cost-effectiveness (CE)_of these two_strategies in early stage_HCC (Milan"} +{"text": "s) are still unknown. To identify the mutagenic compounds, we applied effect-directed analysis (EDA) utilizing novel analytical and biological approaches to a water", "synonym_substitution": "s) are still unknown. To identify the mutagenic compounds, we apply consequence - directed analysis (EDA) utilizing novel analytic and biological approaches to a water", "butter_fingers": "s) age still unknown. To idenuify the mutagenie componnds, we applied effect-directed analysis (EDA) urilizung novel analytical avd biologpcal appriachts to a water", "random_deletion": "s) are still unknown. To identify the we effect-directed analysis utilizing novel analytical water", "change_char_case": "s) are still unknown. To identifY the mutageNic coMpoUndS, wE appLied Effect-directed ANalySis (EDA) utilizing novel anAlytiCaL And bIOlOgicaL approaCHeS TO a wAtEr", "whitespace_perturbation": "s) are still unknown. To i dentify th e mut age nic c ompo unds , we applied e f fect -directed analysis (ED A) ut il i zing no vel a nalytic a la n d b io lo gic al ap proac hes to a w ater", "underscore_trick": "s) are_still unknown._To identify the mutagenic_compounds, we_applied_effect-directed analysis_(EDA)_utilizing novel analytical_and biological approaches_to a water"} +{"text": "osterone displayed very small and simple dendritic trees compared to cells from adrenalectomized rats that still had residual levels of corticosterone (0.6-1.", "synonym_substitution": "osterone displayed very small and simple dendritic trees compare to cell from adrenalectomized rats that still had residual grade of corticosterone (0.6 - 1.", "butter_fingers": "ostfrone displayed very smaul and simple dgneritic trees comparea to cells from adrenalectommzed rats that still had residuxl levels of cortucosuerone (0.6-1.", "random_deletion": "osterone displayed very small and simple dendritic to from adrenalectomized that still had", "change_char_case": "osterone displayed very smalL and simple DendrItiC trEeS comPareD to cells from adREnalEctomized rats that still Had reSiDUal lEVeLs of cOrticosTErONE (0.6-1.", "whitespace_perturbation": "osterone displayed very sm all and si mpleden dri ti c tr eescompared to ce l ls f rom adrenalectomized r ats t ha t sti l lhad r esidual le v e lsof c ort ic o st erone (0 .6-1.", "underscore_trick": "osterone displayed_very small_and simple dendritic trees_compared to_cells_from adrenalectomized_rats_that still had_residual levels of_corticosterone (0.6-1."} +{"text": " of weight gain in obese patients with high degrees of emotional eating suggests that DBT may also help limit the increase or even prevent onset of obesity related morbidity in these", "synonym_substitution": "of weight gain in obese patients with eminent academic degree of emotional eating suggests that DBT may also serve limit the increase or even prevent attack of obesity related morbidity in these", "butter_fingers": " of weight gain in obese pauients with high bwgrees of emktional dating suggests that DBT may aoso htjp limit the increxse or evvn prevenr onwwt of obesmfy relabzd modniditv mn these", "random_deletion": "of weight gain in obese patients with of eating suggests DBT may also even onset of obesity morbidity in these", "change_char_case": " of weight gain in obese patienTs with high DegreEs oF emOtIonaL eatIng suggests thaT dBT mAy also help limit the incrEase oR eVEn prEVeNt onsEt of obeSItY RElaTeD mOrbIdITy In theSe", "whitespace_perturbation": " of weight gain in obese p atients wi th hi ghdeg re es o f em otional eating sugg ests that DBT may also help l i mitt he incr ease or ev e n pr ev en t o ns e tof ob esi ty rela ted morbid ity i n these", "underscore_trick": " of_weight gain_in obese patients with_high degrees_of_emotional eating_suggests_that DBT may_also help limit_the increase or even_prevent onset of_obesity_related morbidity in these"} +{"text": " under the direction of PEG 200. Studies reveal that both the PEG molecules aggregate to globules by interacting with zinc species in suitable solvents and englobe the zinc", "synonym_substitution": "under the direction of PEG 200. Studies reveal that both the PEG molecules aggregate to globule by interact with zinc coinage in suitable solvents and englobe the zinc", "butter_fingers": " unfer the direction of PEG 200. Studies reveal that uoth ths PEG mouecules aggregate to globuled vy inuvracting with zinc spdcies in duitable soltents and englobx the zike", "random_deletion": "under the direction of PEG 200. Studies both PEG molecules to globules by suitable and englobe the", "change_char_case": " under the direction of PEG 200. StuDies reveal That bOth The pEg molEculEs aggregate to gLObulEs by interacting with zinC specIeS In suITaBle soLvents aND eNGLobE tHe ZinC", "whitespace_perturbation": " under the direction of PE G 200. Stu diesrev eal t hatboth the PEG molec u lesaggregate to globulesby in te r acti n gwithzinc sp e ci e s in s ui tab le so lvent s a nd engl obe the zi nc", "underscore_trick": " under_the direction_of PEG 200. Studies_reveal that_both_the PEG_molecules_aggregate to globules_by interacting with_zinc species in suitable_solvents and englobe_the_zinc"} +{"text": " BMI levels increased more than 7% in over 75% of the patients. Leptin increased, and ghrelin and orexin decreased significantly with olanz", "synonym_substitution": "BMI levels increased more than 7% in over 75% of the patients. Leptin increased, and ghrelin and orexin decrease importantly with olanz", "butter_fingers": " BML levels increased more uhan 7% in over 75% of the pavients. Meptin ivcreased, and ghrelin and oreein eecreqsed significantly witf olanz", "random_deletion": "BMI levels increased more than 7% in of patients. Leptin and ghrelin and", "change_char_case": " BMI levels increased more thaN 7% in over 75% of tHe patIenTs. LEpTin iNcreAsed, and ghrelin ANd orExin decreased significaNtly wItH OlanZ", "whitespace_perturbation": " BMI levels increased more than 7% i n ove r 7 5%of the pat ients. Leptini ncre ased, and ghrelin andorexi nd ecre a se d sig nifican t ly w ith o la nz", "underscore_trick": " BMI_levels increased_more than 7% in_over 75%_of_the patients._Leptin_increased, and ghrelin_and orexin decreased_significantly with olanz"} +{"text": " cellulitis, including recognition of the need for inpatient treatment. However, diagnosis of cellulitis, and exclusion of complicated or other more serious infections, can", "synonym_substitution": "cellulitis, including recognition of the need for inpatient treatment. However, diagnosis of cellulitis, and ejection of complicated or early more serious infections, can", "butter_fingers": " ceplulitis, including recogkition of the negd for iipatienf treatmdnt. However, diagnosis of celpuoitis, and exclusion of compuicated og other mire wwrious infxdtions, gcn", "random_deletion": "cellulitis, including recognition of the need for However, of cellulitis, exclusion of complicated can", "change_char_case": " cellulitis, including recognItion of the Need fOr iNpaTiEnt tReatMent. However, diaGNosiS of cellulitis, and exclusIon of CoMPlicATeD or otHer more SErIOUs iNfEcTioNs, CAn", "whitespace_perturbation": " cellulitis, including rec ognition o f the ne edfo r in pati ent treatment. Howe ver, diagnosis of cell uliti s, ande xc lusio n of co m pl i c ate dor ot he r m ore s eri ous inf ections, c an", "underscore_trick": " cellulitis,_including recognition_of the need for_inpatient treatment._However,_diagnosis of_cellulitis,_and exclusion of_complicated or other_more serious infections, can"} +{"text": "1 followed by a counter-current elution with 1.00 mol L-1 HCl towards the FAAS detector. The interference of ions commonly found in milk", "synonym_substitution": "1 followed by a counter - current elution with 1.00 mol L-1 HCl towards the FAAS detector. The interference of ions normally discover in milk", "butter_fingers": "1 foplowed by a counter-currekt elution with 1.00 mol L-1 ICl towzrds the FAAS detector. The interfereice if iobs commonly found in mklk", "random_deletion": "1 followed by a counter-current elution with L-1 towards the detector. The interference milk", "change_char_case": "1 followed by a counter-current Elution witH 1.00 mol L-1 hCl TowArDs thE FAAs detector. The inTErfeRence of ions commonly fouNd in mIlK", "whitespace_perturbation": "1 followed by a counter-cu rrent elut ion w ith 1. 00 mol L-1 HCl towards t h e FA AS detector. The inter feren ce of i o ns comm only fo u nd i n m il k", "underscore_trick": "1 followed_by a_counter-current elution with 1.00_mol L-1_HCl_towards the_FAAS_detector. The interference_of ions commonly_found in milk"} +{"text": ", interviewing by telephone increased reporting for serious violence (7%), violence (12%), and property victimization (17%). This study highlights the importance of controlling for these", "synonym_substitution": ", interviewing by telephone increased reporting for serious ferocity (7 %), ferocity (12 %), and place victimization (17 %). This study highlights the importance of control for these", "butter_fingers": ", inherviewing by telephone lncreased reportnbg for seriohs violevce (7%), violence (12%), and property tictumizaupon (17%). This study highlkghts the importabce id controllmhg for bkese", "random_deletion": ", interviewing by telephone increased reporting for (7%), (12%), and victimization (17%). This controlling these", "change_char_case": ", interviewing by telephone inCreased repOrtinG foR seRiOus vIoleNce (7%), violence (12%), and PRopeRty victimization (17%). This stUdy hiGhLIghtS ThE impoRtance oF CoNTRolLiNg For ThESe", "whitespace_perturbation": ", interviewing by telephon e increase d rep ort ing f or s erio us violence (7 % ), v iolence (12%), and pro perty v i ctim i za tion(17%).T hi s stu dy h igh li g ht s the im portanc e of contr oll in g for these", "underscore_trick": ", interviewing_by telephone_increased reporting for serious_violence (7%),_violence_(12%), and_property_victimization (17%). This_study highlights the_importance of controlling for_these"} +{"text": "/Na ratio in blood plasma with respect to the surrounding water, the plasma Li/Na ratio being five times lower than that of sea-water. Li-", "synonym_substitution": "/Na ratio in blood plasma with respect to the surrounding urine, the plasma Li / Na proportion being five times lower than that of ocean - water. Li-", "butter_fingers": "/Na gatio in blood plasma wiuh respect to the surrouiding wzter, the plasma Li/Na ratio being fivx tines liwer than that of sea-wxter. Li-", "random_deletion": "/Na ratio in blood plasma with respect surrounding the plasma ratio being five sea-water.", "change_char_case": "/Na ratio in blood plasma with rEspect to thE surrOunDinG wAter, The pLasma Li/Na ratio BEing Five times lower than that Of sea-WaTEr. Li-", "whitespace_perturbation": "/Na ratio in blood plasmawith respe ct to th e s ur roun ding water, the pl a smaLi/Na ratio being five time sl ower th an th at of s e a- w a ter .Li -", "underscore_trick": "/Na ratio_in blood_plasma with respect to_the surrounding_water,_the plasma_Li/Na_ratio being five_times lower than_that of sea-water. Li-"} +{"text": "us) at 10-day intervals from 30-100 days of age. Convulsive seizures were observed to occur in 9 males and 23 females during at least 1", "synonym_substitution": "us) at 10 - day intervals from 30 - 100 days of age. Convulsive capture were observe to occur in 9 male and 23 female during at least 1", "butter_fingers": "us) wt 10-day intervals from 30-100 dxys of age. Convolwive sxizures were obrerved to occur in 9 males anv 23 fwmalew during at least 1", "random_deletion": "us) at 10-day intervals from 30-100 days Convulsive were observed occur in 9 at 1", "change_char_case": "us) at 10-day intervals from 30-100 days oF age. ConvulSive sEizUreS wEre oBserVed to occur in 9 maLEs anD 23 females during at least 1", "whitespace_perturbation": "us) at 10-day intervals fr om 30-100daysofage .Conv ulsi ve seizures we r e ob served to occur in 9 m alesan d 23f em alesduringa tl e ast 1 ", "underscore_trick": "us) at_10-day intervals_from 30-100 days of_age. Convulsive_seizures_were observed_to_occur in 9_males and 23_females during at least_1"} +{"text": " behavior is consistent with a transition between quasi-type-I and quasi-type-II behavior depending on shell thickness. Three effective mass approximation models support this hypothesis", "synonym_substitution": "behavior is consistent with a transition between quasi - type - iodine and quasi - type - II demeanor depending on shell thickness. Three effective mass estimate models digest this hypothesis", "butter_fingers": " bejavior is consistent witm a transition bgtqeen qnasi-typs-I and qjasi-type-II behavior dependinj on shelo thickness. Three effeztive masd approxumatmon models suppocf this mvpothsdis", "random_deletion": "behavior is consistent with a transition between quasi-type-II depending on thickness. Three effective hypothesis", "change_char_case": " behavior is consistent with a Transition BetweEn qUasI-tYpe-I And qUasi-type-II behaVIor dEpending on shell thickneSs. ThrEe EFfecTIvE mass ApproxiMAtION moDeLs SupPoRT tHis hyPotHesis", "whitespace_perturbation": " behavior is consistent wi th a trans ition be twe en qua si-t ype-I and quas i -typ e-II behavior dependin g onsh e ll t h ic kness . Three ef f e cti ve m ass a p pr oxima tio n model s supportthi shypothesis", "underscore_trick": " behavior_is consistent_with a transition between_quasi-type-I and_quasi-type-II_behavior depending_on_shell thickness. Three_effective mass approximation_models support this hypothesis"} +{"text": " Marijuana smoking is common in adults with SCD but its usage is unrelated to clinical severity of the disease. The Meaning of Giving Birth: Voices of", "synonym_substitution": "Marijuana smoking is common in adults with SCD but its usage is unrelated to clinical austereness of the disease. The Meaning of Giving Birth: part of", "butter_fingers": " Magijuana smoking is commok in adults with SCD buv its uaage is jnrelated to clinical severivy od the disease. The Meaning ow Giving Hirth: Vouces if", "random_deletion": "Marijuana smoking is common in adults with its is unrelated clinical severity of Giving Voices of", "change_char_case": " Marijuana smoking is common iN adults witH SCD bUt iTs uSaGe is UnreLated to clinicaL SeveRity of the disease. The MeaNing oF GIVing bIrTh: VoiCes of", "whitespace_perturbation": " Marijuana smoking is comm on in adul ts wi thSCD b ut i ts u sage is unrela t ed t o clinical severity of thedi s ease . T he Me aning o f G i v ing B ir th: V o ic es of ", "underscore_trick": " Marijuana_smoking is_common in adults with_SCD but_its_usage is_unrelated_to clinical severity_of the disease._The Meaning of Giving_Birth: Voices of"} +{"text": " of congenital anomalies, including choanal and esophageal atresia, iridic and retinal coloboma, and delayed neurodevelopment. Thus, adverse effects of maternal", "synonym_substitution": "of congenital anomalies, including choanal and esophageal atresia, iridic and retinal coloboma, and delayed neurodevelopment. Thus, adverse effect of parental", "butter_fingers": " of congenital anomalies, ingluding choanal cbd eso'hageal atresia, iridic and retinal coloboma, abd deoayed neurodevelopment. Thus, advvrse effexts id maternal", "random_deletion": "of congenital anomalies, including choanal and esophageal and coloboma, and neurodevelopment. Thus, adverse", "change_char_case": " of congenital anomalies, inclUding choanAl and EsoPhaGeAl atResiA, iridic and retiNAl coLoboma, and delayed neurodEveloPmENt. ThUS, aDversE effectS Of MATerNaL", "whitespace_perturbation": " of congenital anomalies,includingchoan aland e soph agea l atresia, iri d ic a nd retinal coloboma, a nd de la y ed n e ur odeve lopment . T h u s,ad ve rse e f fe cts o f m aternal ", "underscore_trick": " of_congenital anomalies,_including choanal and esophageal_atresia, iridic_and_retinal coloboma,_and_delayed neurodevelopment. Thus,_adverse effects of_maternal"} +{"text": " under control by extended incisions and removal of the necrotic masses. Defects were covered by plastic surgery. Ecological investigation on intestinal bacterial flora of patients", "synonym_substitution": "under control by extended incisions and removal of the necrotic masses. defect were cover by plastic surgery. Ecological investigation on intestinal bacterial plant of patients", "butter_fingers": " unfer control by extended lncisions and removal oh the nscrotic oasses. Defects were covered uy poastix surgery. Ecological ivvestigatpon on inrestmnal bacterial flora of ictienfd", "random_deletion": "under control by extended incisions and removal necrotic Defects were by plastic surgery. flora patients", "change_char_case": " under control by extended incIsions and rEmovaL of The NeCrotIc maSses. Defects werE CoveRed by plastic surgery. EcoLogicAl INvesTIgAtion On intesTInAL BacTeRiAl fLoRA oF patiEntS", "whitespace_perturbation": " under control by extended incisions andrem ova lof t he n ecrotic masses . Def ects were covered by p lasti cs urge r y. Ecol ogicali nv e s tig at io n o ni nt estin albacteri al flora o f p at ients", "underscore_trick": " under_control by_extended incisions and removal_of the_necrotic_masses. Defects_were_covered by plastic_surgery. Ecological investigation_on intestinal bacterial flora_of patients"} +{"text": " photon emission computed tomography (MPS), a non-invasive imaging modality and its correlation in diabetics with or without microalbuminuria. This study included 99", "synonym_substitution": "photon emission computed tomography (MPS), a non - invasive imagination mood and its correlation coefficient in diabetics with or without microalbuminuria. This study included 99", "butter_fingers": " phlton emission computed tumography (MPS), a non-invesive ijaging mudality and its correlation mn duabetucs with or without mizroalbumijuria. Thus suudy included 99", "random_deletion": "photon emission computed tomography (MPS), a non-invasive and correlation in with or without", "change_char_case": " photon emission computed tomOgraphy (MPS), A non-iNvaSivE iMagiNg moDality and its coRRelaTion in diabetics with or wIthouT mICroaLBuMinurIa. This sTUdY INclUdEd 99", "whitespace_perturbation": " photon emission computedtomography (MPS ),a n on -inv asiv e imaging moda l ityand its correlation in diab et i cs w i th or w ithoutm ic r o alb um in uri a. Th is st udy includ ed 99", "underscore_trick": " photon_emission computed_tomography (MPS), a non-invasive_imaging modality_and_its correlation_in_diabetics with or_without microalbuminuria. This_study included 99"} +{"text": " sugar content.\nThe present article reports on the characterization of ScBAK1, a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase from sugarcane (", "synonym_substitution": "sugar content. \n The present article reports on the characterization of ScBAK1, a leucine - full-bodied repeat sense organ - like kinase from sugarcane (", "butter_fingers": " suhar content.\nThe present avticle reports ou the ciaractedization of ScBAK1, a leucine-rich repeet rwceptir-like kinase from sugxrcane (", "random_deletion": "sugar content. The present article reports on of a leucine-rich receptor-like kinase from", "change_char_case": " sugar content.\nThe present artIcle reportS on thE chAraCtErizAtioN of ScBAK1, a leuciNE-ricH repeat receptor-like kinAse frOm SUgarCAnE (", "whitespace_perturbation": " sugar content.\nThe presen t articlerepor tsonth e ch arac terization ofS cBAK 1, a leucine-rich repe at re ce p tor- l ik e kin ase fro m s u g arc an e(", "underscore_trick": " sugar_content.\nThe present_article reports on the_characterization of_ScBAK1,_a leucine-rich_repeat_receptor-like kinase from_sugarcane ("} +{"text": " specific for the neurone-specific form. Core antigen mutations of human hepatitis B virus in hepatomas accumulate in MHC class II-restricted T cell epitopes.\n", "synonym_substitution": "specific for the neurone - specific form. Core antigen mutations of human hepatitis B virus in hepatomas accumulate in MHC course II - restrict T cell antigenic determinant.", "butter_fingers": " spfcific for the neurone-sptcific form. Core cbtigen mutatjons of fuman hepatitis B virus in hxpatimas qccumulate in MHC clasr II-restrpcted T cwll tpitopes.\n", "random_deletion": "specific for the neurone-specific form. Core antigen human B virus hepatomas accumulate in epitopes.", "change_char_case": " specific for the neurone-specIfic form. CoRe antIgeN muTaTionS of hUman hepatitis B VIrus In hepatomas accumulate iN MHC cLaSS II-rEStRicteD T cell ePItOPEs.\n", "whitespace_perturbation": " specific for the neurone- specific f orm.Cor e a nt igen mut ations of huma n hep atitis B virus in hepa tomas a c cumu l at e inMHC cla s sI I -re st ri cte dT c ell e pit opes.\n", "underscore_trick": " specific_for the_neurone-specific form. Core antigen_mutations of_human_hepatitis B_virus_in hepatomas accumulate_in MHC class_II-restricted T cell epitopes.\n"} +{"text": "c expression, and matrix metalloproteinase-9 activity, suggesting earlier priming in IKK2DeltaLPC mice after PH. These data preceded a more rapid", "synonym_substitution": "c expression, and matrix metalloproteinase-9 activity, suggesting earlier fuse in IKK2DeltaLPC mouse after PH. These data preceded a more rapid", "butter_fingers": "c edpression, and matrix metxlloproteinase-9 cxtivitb, suggeating eaflier priming in IKK2DeltaLPC muce adter PH. These data prezeded a mlre rapie", "random_deletion": "c expression, and matrix metalloproteinase-9 activity, suggesting in mice after These data preceded", "change_char_case": "c expression, and matrix metalLoproteinaSe-9 actIviTy, sUgGestIng eArlier priming iN iKK2DEltaLPC mice after PH. ThesE data PrECedeD A mOre raPid", "whitespace_perturbation": "c expression, and matrix m etalloprot einas e-9 ac ti vity , su ggesting earli e r pr iming in IKK2DeltaLPCmiceaf t er P H .These data p r ec e d edamo rera p id ", "underscore_trick": "c expression,_and matrix_metalloproteinase-9 activity, suggesting earlier_priming in_IKK2DeltaLPC_mice after_PH._These data preceded_a more rapid"} +{"text": "y period, nine patients with primary gastrointestinal malignancy and metastatic intestinal obstruction were identified. There was a variable survival rate of 27 to 433 d. Survival rate longer than", "synonym_substitution": "y period, nine patients with primary gastrointestinal malignancy and metastatic intestinal obstacle were identify. There was a variable survival pace of 27 to 433 d. Survival rate longer than", "butter_fingers": "y pfriod, nine patients with primary gastronbtestiial maljgnancy xnd metastatic intestinal obdteuctiin were identified. Thefe was a nariable wurvmval rate of 27 to 433 d. Survlral rzbe lougxr than", "random_deletion": "y period, nine patients with primary gastrointestinal metastatic obstruction were There was a to d. Survival rate than", "change_char_case": "y period, nine patients with prImary gastrOinteStiNal MaLignAncy And metastatic iNTestInal obstruction were ideNtifiEd. tHere WAs A variAble surVIvAL RatE oF 27 tO 433 d. SUrVIvAl ratE loNger thaN", "whitespace_perturbation": "y period, nine patients wi th primary gast roi nte st inal mal ignancy and me t asta tic intestinal obstruc tionwe r e id e nt ified . There wa s a v ar ia ble s u rv ivalrat e of 27 to 433 d. Su rv ival rate lo n ge r than", "underscore_trick": "y period,_nine patients_with primary gastrointestinal malignancy_and metastatic_intestinal_obstruction were_identified._There was a_variable survival rate_of 27 to 433_d. Survival rate_longer_than"} +{"text": ", 23,459 (13.7%) were stage III, and 91,303 (53.3%) were stage IV. Of patients, 48.4", "synonym_substitution": ", 23,459 (13.7 %) were stage III, and 91,303 (53.3 %) were stage IV. Of patients, 48.4", "butter_fingers": ", 23,459 (13.7%) aere stage III, and 91,303 (53.3%) wert stage IV. Of patnwnts, 48.4", "random_deletion": ", 23,459 (13.7%) were stage III, and were IV. Of 48.4", "change_char_case": ", 23,459 (13.7%) were stage III, and 91,303 (53.3%) were stage Iv. Of patientS, 48.4", "whitespace_perturbation": ", 23,459 (13.7%) were stag e III, and 91,3 03(53 .3 %) w erestage IV. Of p a tien ts, 48.4", "underscore_trick": ", 23,459_(13.7%) were_stage III, and 91,303_(53.3%) were_stage_IV. Of_patients,_48.4"} +{"text": "ylus vasorum is a nematode parasite of sylvan and domestic species of the family Canidae. It has a broad but patchy distribution worldwide,", "synonym_substitution": "ylus vasorum is a nematode parasite of sylvan and domestic species of the family Canidae. It has a wide but patchy distribution worldwide,", "butter_fingers": "ylud vasorum is a nematode karasite of sylvau and dmmestid specier of the family Canidae. It hes a broae but patchy distributkon worldaide,", "random_deletion": "ylus vasorum is a nematode parasite of domestic of the Canidae. It has worldwide,", "change_char_case": "ylus vasorum is a nematode parAsite of sylVan anD doMesTiC speCies Of the family CanIDae. IT has a broad but patchy disTribuTiON worLDwIde,", "whitespace_perturbation": "ylus vasorum is a nematode parasiteof sy lva n a nd dom esti c species of t h e fa mily Canidae. It has a broa db ut p a tc hy di stribut i on w orl dw id e,", "underscore_trick": "ylus vasorum_is a_nematode parasite of sylvan_and domestic_species_of the_family_Canidae. It has_a broad but_patchy distribution worldwide,"} +{"text": "2 degrees C). Interestingly, eight isolates were efficient in reducing 70% Cr(VI) anaerobically. This includes 5 isolates of genus Aerococcus,", "synonym_substitution": "2 degrees C). Interestingly, eight isolates were efficient in reducing 70% Cr(VI) anaerobically. This include 5 isolates of genus Aerococcus,", "butter_fingers": "2 dehrees C). Interestingly, einht isolates werg wfficixnt in deducing 70% Cr(VI) anaerobically. This inrludws 5 iwolates of genus Aerocuccus,", "random_deletion": "2 degrees C). Interestingly, eight isolates were reducing Cr(VI) anaerobically. includes 5 isolates", "change_char_case": "2 degrees C). Interestingly, eighT isolates wEre efFicIenT iN redUcinG 70% Cr(VI) anaerobicALly. THis includes 5 isolates of gEnus AErOCoccUS,", "whitespace_perturbation": "2 degrees C). Interestingl y, eight i solat eswer eeffi cien t in reducing7 0% C r(VI) anaerobically. T his i nc l udes 5isola tes ofg en u s Ae ro co ccu s, ", "underscore_trick": "2 degrees_C). Interestingly,_eight isolates were efficient_in reducing_70%_Cr(VI) anaerobically._This_includes 5 isolates_of genus Aerococcus,"} +{"text": "i.e. > or = 72 h) every hour during the 6 h post-elution period. The RCP of each 99Tcm-MAG", "synonym_substitution": "i.e. > or = 72 h) every hour during the 6 h post - elution period. The RCP of each 99Tcm - MAG", "butter_fingers": "i.e. > or = 72 h) every hour durinn the 6 h post-elujiin permod. The RCP of dach 99Tcm-MAG", "random_deletion": "i.e. > or = 72 h) every the h post-elution The RCP of", "change_char_case": "i.e. > or = 72 h) every hour during the 6 h pOst-elution PerioD. ThE RCp oF eacH 99Tcm-mAG", "whitespace_perturbation": "i.e. > or = 72 h) every ho ur duringthe 6 hpos t- elut ionperiod. The RC P ofeach 99Tcm-MAG", "underscore_trick": "i.e. >_or =_72 h) every hour_during the_6_h post-elution_period._The RCP of_each 99Tcm-MAG"} +{"text": " we propose a sampling theorem and discuss its implication on the choice of projection angles. We demonstrate the efficacy of this approach using the 29 kDa protein, human carbonic", "synonym_substitution": "we propose a sampling theorem and discuss its implication on the option of expulsion angles. We demonstrate the efficacy of this overture use the 29 kDa protein, human carbonic", "butter_fingers": " we propose a sampling theovem and discuss nrs impnicatikn on thd choice of projection angled. Qe denonstrate the efficacy of this wpproach usiig the 29 kDa protxjn, humak carglnic", "random_deletion": "we propose a sampling theorem and discuss on choice of angles. We demonstrate using 29 kDa protein, carbonic", "change_char_case": " we propose a sampling theorem And discuss Its imPliCatIoN on tHe chOice of projectiON angLes. We demonstrate the effIcacy Of THis aPPrOach uSing the 29 Kda PROteIn, HuMan CaRBoNic", "whitespace_perturbation": " we propose a sampling the orem and d iscus s i tsim plic atio n on the choic e ofprojection angles. Wedemon st r atet he effi cacy of th i s ap pr oa chus i ng the29kDa pro tein, huma n c ar bonic", "underscore_trick": " we_propose a_sampling theorem and discuss_its implication_on_the choice_of_projection angles. We_demonstrate the efficacy_of this approach using_the 29 kDa_protein,_human carbonic"} +{"text": " among 10 football clubs. At least three grassroots coaches from each club (n = 68) completed the Health Promoting Sports Clubs scale to assess their perceptions of", "synonym_substitution": "among 10 football clubs. At least three grassroots coaches from each club (n = 68) completed the Health Promoting Sports Clubs plate to measure their perceptions of", "butter_fingers": " amlng 10 football clubs. At ltast three grassroots coeches fdom each club (n = 68) completed the Healvh Peomotung Sports Clubs scale to assesd their perctptions of", "random_deletion": "among 10 football clubs. At least three from club (n 68) completed the to their perceptions of", "change_char_case": " among 10 football clubs. At least Three grassRoots CoaCheS fRom eAch cLub (n = 68) completed tHE HeaLth Promoting Sports ClubS scalE tO AsseSS tHeir pErceptiONs OF", "whitespace_perturbation": " among 10 football clubs.At least t hreegra ssr oo ts c oach es from each c l ub ( n = 68) completed theHealt hP romo t in g Spo rts Clu b ss c ale t oass es s t heirper ception s of", "underscore_trick": " among_10 football_clubs. At least three_grassroots coaches_from_each club_(n_= 68) completed_the Health Promoting_Sports Clubs scale to_assess their perceptions_of"} +{"text": " changes. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively investigate interfacial stress and stress distribution in implant bone in 2 implant abutment designs (platform-switched", "synonym_substitution": "changes. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively investigate interfacial stress and tension distribution in implant bone in 2 implant abutment blueprint (platform - switched", "butter_fingers": " chwnges. The purpose of thir study was to quantitetively investieate interfacial stress and dteess eistribution in implang bone in 2 implanr abntment designs (platform-switches", "random_deletion": "changes. The purpose of this study was investigate stress and distribution in implant designs", "change_char_case": " changes. The purpose of this stUdy was to quAntitAtiVelY iNvesTigaTe interfacial sTRess And stress distribution iN implAnT Bone IN 2 iMplanT abutmeNT dESIgnS (pLaTfoRm-SWiTched", "whitespace_perturbation": " changes. The purpose of t his studywas t o q uan ti tati vely investigate i n terf acial stress and stres s dis tr i buti o nin im plant b o ne i n 2 i mp lan ta bu tment de signs ( platform-s wit ch ed", "underscore_trick": " changes._The purpose_of this study was_to quantitatively_investigate_interfacial stress_and_stress distribution in_implant bone in_2 implant abutment designs_(platform-switched"} +{"text": " biologically relevant nitrate/nitrite exposure that occurred for each child in the study. This assessment was done in support of two epidemiological studies. The first study was an", "synonym_substitution": "biologically relevant nitrate / nitrite exposure that occurred for each child in the study. This assessment was do in documentation of two epidemiological studies. The first report was an", "butter_fingers": " billogically relevant nitrxte/nitrite exposure thet occudred for each child in the study. Thid qsseswment was done in suppurt of twl epidemuolojical studies. Thx first study sws au", "random_deletion": "biologically relevant nitrate/nitrite exposure that occurred for in study. This was done in The study was an", "change_char_case": " biologically relevant nitraTe/nitrite eXposuRe tHat OcCurrEd foR each child in thE StudY. This assessment was done In supPoRT of tWO ePidemIologicAL sTUDieS. THe FirSt STuDy was An", "whitespace_perturbation": " biologically relevant nit rate/nitri te ex pos ure t hatoccu rred for eachc hild in the study. This as sessm en t was do ne in suppor t o f two e pi dem io l og icalstu dies. T he first s tud ywas an", "underscore_trick": " biologically_relevant nitrate/nitrite_exposure that occurred for_each child_in_the study._This_assessment was done_in support of_two epidemiological studies. The_first study was_an"} +{"text": "000). Neovascularization in the SDF-1 injected group increased significantly compared to the other groups (P = 0.000). Myocardial SDF-", "synonym_substitution": "000). Neovascularization in the SDF-1 injected group increased significantly compared to the early group (P = 0.000). Myocardial SDF-", "butter_fingers": "000). Nelvascularization in the RDF-1 injected group incceased aignificxntly compared to the other jroups (P = 0.000). Myocardial SDF-", "random_deletion": "000). Neovascularization in the SDF-1 injected group compared the other (P = 0.000).", "change_char_case": "000). Neovascularization in the SDf-1 injected gRoup iNcrEasEd SignIficAntly compared tO The oTher groups (P = 0.000). Myocardial SdF-", "whitespace_perturbation": "000). Neovascularization i n the SDF- 1 inj ect edgr oupincr eased signific a ntly compared to the other grou ps (P = 0. 000). Myocar d ia l SDF -", "underscore_trick": "000). Neovascularization_in the_SDF-1 injected group increased_significantly compared_to_the other_groups_(P = 0.000)._Myocardial SDF-"} +{"text": "64 years the rate of metabolic syndrome was marginally higher (1.3 times) than among women without IHD (odds ratio: 1.55 (95%", "synonym_substitution": "64 years the rate of metabolic syndrome was marginally higher (1.3 times) than among charwoman without IHD (odds proportion: 1.55 (95%", "butter_fingers": "64 yewrs the rate of metabolig syndrome was mceginalny higger (1.3 timds) than among women without MHD (idds eatio: 1.55 (95%", "random_deletion": "64 years the rate of metabolic syndrome higher times) than women without IHD", "change_char_case": "64 years the rate of metabolic syNdrome was mArginAllY hiGhEr (1.3 tiMes) tHan among women wIThouT IHD (odds ratio: 1.55 (95%", "whitespace_perturbation": "64 years the rate of metab olic syndr ome w asmar gi nall y hi gher (1.3 time s ) th an among women without IHD(o d ds r a ti o: 1. 55 (95% ", "underscore_trick": "64 years_the rate_of metabolic syndrome was_marginally higher_(1.3_times) than_among_women without IHD_(odds ratio: 1.55_(95%"} +{"text": " transport mechanism; and (c) carbamylcholine acting through muscarinic receptors stimulates Cl secretion and inhibits Na and Cl absorption. Antimutagenic effects", "synonym_substitution": "transport mechanism; and (c) carbamylcholine acting through muscarinic receptors stimulates Cl secretion and inhibits Na and Cl concentration. Antimutagenic effect", "butter_fingers": " trwnsport mechanism; and (c) garbamylcholine cxting vhrough muscarivic receptors stimulates Cl dexretiin and inhibits Na and Cl absorition. Antumutegenic effects", "random_deletion": "transport mechanism; and (c) carbamylcholine acting through stimulates secretion and Na and Cl", "change_char_case": " transport mechanism; and (c) carBamylcholiNe actIng ThrOuGh muScarInic receptors sTImulAtes Cl secretion and inhiBits NA aND Cl aBSoRptioN. AntimuTAgENIc eFfEcTs", "whitespace_perturbation": " transport mechanism; and(c) carbam ylcho lin e a ct ingthro ugh muscarinic rece ptors stimulates Cl se creti on andi nh ibits Na and Cl a bso rp ti on. A n ti mutag eni c effec ts", "underscore_trick": " transport_mechanism; and_(c) carbamylcholine acting through_muscarinic receptors_stimulates_Cl secretion_and_inhibits Na and_Cl absorption. Antimutagenic_effects"} +{"text": " sample size and an inability to control for the confounding effects of body mass index. The association between BDE-47 and breast cancer warrants further investigation. Differential heat", "synonym_substitution": "sample size and an inability to control for the confounding effects of soundbox bulk index. The association between BDE-47 and breast cancer warrants further probe. Differential heat", "butter_fingers": " salple size and an inabiliuy to control for the coifoundihg effecgs of body mass index. The asdoxiatiin between BDE-47 and brexst canceg warrantw fucther investigatmkn. Diffcxentizp hect", "random_deletion": "sample size and an inability to control confounding of body index. The association warrants investigation. Differential heat", "change_char_case": " sample size and an inability tO control foR the cOnfOunDiNg efFectS of body mass indEX. The Association between BDE-47 aNd breAsT CancER wArranTs furthER iNVEstIgAtIon. diFFeRentiAl hEat", "whitespace_perturbation": " sample size and an inabil ity to con trolfor th econf ound ing effects of body mass index. The assoc iatio nb etwe e nBDE-4 7 and b r ea s t ca nc er wa rr a nt s fur the r inves tigation.Dif fe rential heat ", "underscore_trick": " sample_size and_an inability to control_for the_confounding_effects of_body_mass index. The_association between BDE-47_and breast cancer warrants_further investigation. Differential_heat"} +{"text": " clear. The DMC recommended continuing the trial to better study this interaction and obtain more data to clarify the effect of FI for older men. After consulting further with", "synonym_substitution": "clear. The DMC recommended continuing the trial to well analyze this interaction and obtain more data to clarify the effect of FI for elder men. After consulting far with", "butter_fingers": " clfar. The DMC recommended gontinuing the ttiql to uetter atudy thks interaction and obtain moce dqta ti clarify the effect ow FI for llder meb. Afuer consulting fucfher wibk", "random_deletion": "clear. The DMC recommended continuing the trial study interaction and more data to for men. After consulting with", "change_char_case": " clear. The DMC recommended conTinuing the Trial To bEttEr StudY thiS interaction anD ObtaIn more data to clarify the EffecT oF fI foR OlDer meN. After cONsULTinG fUrTheR wITh", "whitespace_perturbation": " clear. The DMC recommende d continui ng th e t ria lto b ette r study this i n tera ction and obtain moredatato clar i fy theeffecto fF I fo rol der m e n. Afte r c onsulti ng further wi th ", "underscore_trick": " clear._The DMC_recommended continuing the trial_to better_study_this interaction_and_obtain more data_to clarify the_effect of FI for_older men. After_consulting_further with"} +{"text": " salinity as a functional load for evaluation of physiological state of the crayfish Astacus leptodactylus].\nThe necessity of developing criteria for", "synonym_substitution": "salinity as a functional load for evaluation of physiological department of state of the crayfish Astacus leptodactylus ]. \n The necessity of modernize criteria for", "butter_fingers": " sapinity as a functional luad for evaluatnin of 'hysiolkgical sgate of the crayfish Astacus lwptodqctylus].\nThe necessity ow developpng criteeia hor", "random_deletion": "salinity as a functional load for evaluation state the crayfish leptodactylus]. The necessity", "change_char_case": " salinity as a functional load For evaluatIon of PhySioLoGicaL staTe of the crayfisH astaCus leptodactylus].\nThe necEssitY oF DeveLOpIng crIteria fOR", "whitespace_perturbation": " salinity as a functionalload for e valua tio n o fphys iolo gical state of thecrayfish Astacus lepto dacty lu s ].\nT h eneces sity of de v e lop in gcri te r ia for", "underscore_trick": " salinity_as a_functional load for evaluation_of physiological_state_of the_crayfish_Astacus leptodactylus].\nThe necessity_of developing criteria_for"} +{"text": " were also initially secretory in the transplant group and became absorptive. This study refutes previous claims that small bowel transplants have a deficiency of water absorption due to", "synonym_substitution": "were also initially secretory in the transplant group and became absorptive. This discipline refute previous claims that small intestine transplants have a deficiency of water assimilation due to", "butter_fingers": " wege also initially secretury in the transplant jroup ahd becamd absorptive. This study refuves previius claims that small cowel trajsplants havt a deficiency of water anforpflon dbe to", "random_deletion": "were also initially secretory in the transplant became This study previous claims that deficiency water absorption due", "change_char_case": " were also initially secretorY in the tranSplanT grOup AnD becAme aBsorptive. This sTUdy rEfutes previous claims thAt smaLl BOwel TRaNsplaNts have A DeFICieNcY oF waTeR AbSorptIon Due to", "whitespace_perturbation": " were also initially secre tory in th e tra nsp lan tgrou p an d became absor p tive . This study refutes p revio us clai m sthatsmall b o we l tra ns pl ant sh av e a d efi ciencyof water a bso rp tion due to", "underscore_trick": " were_also initially_secretory in the transplant_group and_became_absorptive. This_study_refutes previous claims_that small bowel_transplants have a deficiency_of water absorption_due_to"} +{"text": ". The increasing importance of pharmacoepidemiology has been created by the need to develop a more accurate portrait of how drugs are used in the general population.", "synonym_substitution": ". The increasing importance of pharmacoepidemiology has been created by the need to develop a more accurate portrayal of how drug are practice in the general population.", "butter_fingers": ". Thf increasing importance uf pharmacoepidgmuology has bsen creaged by the need to develop a mire axcurate portrait of hod drugs age used ib tht general populatmkn.", "random_deletion": ". The increasing importance of pharmacoepidemiology has by need to a more accurate used the general population.", "change_char_case": ". The increasing importance of PharmacoepIdemiOloGy hAs Been CreaTed by the need to DEvelOp a more accurate portraiT of hoW dRUgs aRE uSed in The geneRAl POPulAtIoN.", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The increasing importanc e of pharm acoep ide mio lo gy h as b een created by theneed to develop a more accu ra t e po r tr ait o f how d r ug s are u se d i nt he gene ral popula tion.", "underscore_trick": ". The_increasing importance_of pharmacoepidemiology has been_created by_the_need to_develop_a more accurate_portrait of how_drugs are used in_the general population."} +{"text": " the day of the first rise in progesterone. All hysterectomized lambs (N = 9) exhibited a rise in progesterone and maintained elevated concentrations of progesterone", "synonym_substitution": "the day of the first rise in progesterone. All hysterectomized lambs (N = 9) show a upgrade in progesterone and maintained elevated concentrations of progesterone", "butter_fingers": " thf day of the first rise ln progesterone. Col hysverectojized laobs (N = 9) exhibited a rise in 'rogwsterine and maintained elexated conbentratiobs oh progesterone", "random_deletion": "the day of the first rise in hysterectomized (N = exhibited a rise concentrations progesterone", "change_char_case": " the day of the first rise in proGesterone. ALl hysTerEctOmIzed LambS (N = 9) exhibited a riSE in pRogesterone and maintainEd eleVaTEd coNCeNtratIons of pROgESTerOnE", "whitespace_perturbation": " the day of the first rise in proges teron e.All h yste rect omized lambs ( N = 9 ) exhibited a rise inproge st e rone an d mai ntained el e v ate dco nce nt r at ionsofprogest erone", "underscore_trick": " the_day of_the first rise in_progesterone. All_hysterectomized_lambs (N_=_9) exhibited a_rise in progesterone_and maintained elevated concentrations_of progesterone"} +{"text": " using simple slope analyses to identify the direction of any effect. The interaction of intention and intention stability was found to significantly improve the overall model fit. Intentions had", "synonym_substitution": "using simple slope analyses to name the steering of any effect. The interaction of intention and purpose stability was discover to significantly better the overall mannequin fit. purpose had", "butter_fingers": " uslng simple slope analyser to identify tkw dirertion or any efwect. The interaction of inteitiob and intention stability wxs found no signifucanuly improve the otsrall model fjb. Intznvions had", "random_deletion": "using simple slope analyses to identify the any The interaction intention and intention improve overall model fit. had", "change_char_case": " using simple slope analyses tO identify tHe dirEctIon Of Any eFfecT. The interactioN Of inTention and intention staBilitY wAS fouND tO signIficantLY iMPRovE tHe OveRaLL mOdel fIt. INtentioNs had", "whitespace_perturbation": " using simple slope analys es to iden tifythe di re ctio n of any effect. T h e in teraction of intention andin t enti o nstabi lity wa s f o u ndto s ign if i ca ntlyimp rove th e overallmod el fit. Intent i on s had", "underscore_trick": " using_simple slope_analyses to identify the_direction of_any_effect. The_interaction_of intention and_intention stability was_found to significantly improve_the overall model_fit._Intentions had"} +{"text": " monthly dynamic information of reservoir capacity in 2000-2016. We analyzed the factors that caused the dynamic change of storage capacity and its impacts on water diversion. The results", "synonym_substitution": "monthly dynamic information of reservoir capacity in 2000 - 2016. We analyzed the divisor that cause the dynamic change of storage capacitance and its impacts on water diversion. The resultant role", "butter_fingers": " mojthly dynamic informatiok of reservoir ccpacity in 2000-2016. Ws analyzdd the factors that caused tie dtnamix change of storage caoacity anf its impactw on water vjversiok. The vesulcs", "random_deletion": "monthly dynamic information of reservoir capacity in analyzed factors that the dynamic change impacts water diversion. The", "change_char_case": " monthly dynamic information Of reservoiR capaCitY in 2000-2016. we AnalYzed The factors that CAuseD the dynamic change of stoRage cApACity ANd Its imPacts on WAtER DivErSiOn. THe REsUlts", "whitespace_perturbation": " monthly dynamic informati on of rese rvoir ca pac it y in 200 0-2016. We ana l yzed the factors that caus ed th ed ynam i cchang e of st o ra g e ca pa ci tyan d i ts im pac ts on w ater diver sio n. The results ", "underscore_trick": " monthly_dynamic information_of reservoir capacity in_2000-2016. We_analyzed_the factors_that_caused the dynamic_change of storage_capacity and its impacts_on water diversion._The_results"} +{"text": " of diterpenes and polyphenols from Ophryosporus heptanthus.\nThe antioxidant activity of 14 compounds (1-14)", "synonym_substitution": "of diterpenes and polyphenols from Ophryosporus heptanthus. \n The antioxidant activity of 14 compounds (1 - 14 )", "butter_fingers": " of diterpenes and polyphenuls from Ophryosporus ieptantgus.\nThe avtioxidant activity of 14 complubds (1-14)", "random_deletion": "of diterpenes and polyphenols from Ophryosporus heptanthus. activity 14 compounds", "change_char_case": " of diterpenes and polyphenolS from OphryOsporUs hEptAnThus.\nthe aNtioxidant actiVIty oF 14 compounds (1-14)", "whitespace_perturbation": " of diterpenes and polyphe nols fromOphry osp oru shept anth us.\nThe antiox i dant activity of 14 compou nds ( 1- 1 4)", "underscore_trick": " of_diterpenes and_polyphenols from Ophryosporus heptanthus.\nThe_antioxidant activity_of_14 compounds_(1-14)"} +{"text": " across trials than saline (SAL)-treated animals. Further analysis showed that PFC animals that received AVP (4-8) (PFC+AV", "synonym_substitution": "across trials than saline (SAL)-treated animals. Further analysis testify that PFC animal that received AVP (4 - 8) (PFC+AV", "butter_fingers": " acgoss trials than saline (RAL)-treated animcos. Furvher anzlysis sfowed that PFC animals that ceceuved QVP (4-8) (PFC+AV", "random_deletion": "across trials than saline (SAL)-treated animals. Further that animals that AVP (4-8) (PFC+AV", "change_char_case": " across trials than saline (SAL)-Treated aniMals. FUrtHer AnAlysIs shOwed that PFC aniMAls tHat received AVP (4-8) (PFC+AV", "whitespace_perturbation": " across trials than saline (SAL)-tre atedani mal s. Fur ther analysis show e d th at PFC animals that re ceive dA VP ( 4 -8 ) (PF C+AV", "underscore_trick": " across_trials than_saline (SAL)-treated animals. Further_analysis showed_that_PFC animals_that_received AVP (4-8)_(PFC+AV"} +{"text": ". We present clinical and imaging findings from two patients with hemiparesis and severe BAOD, but without clinically relevant carotid artery disease (CAD). One patient", "synonym_substitution": ". We present clinical and imaging findings from two patients with hemiparesis and dangerous BAOD, but without clinically relevant carotid artery disease (CAD). One affected role", "butter_fingers": ". We present clinical and imxging findings yeom twm patisnts witf hemiparesis and severe BAOV, bur wityout clinically relevavt carotif artery distase (CAD). One patixht", "random_deletion": ". We present clinical and imaging findings patients hemiparesis and BAOD, but without (CAD). patient", "change_char_case": ". We present clinical and imagiNg findings From tWo pAtiEnTs wiTh heMiparesis and seVEre BaOD, but without clinicallY releVaNT carOTiD arteRy diseaSE (Cad). one PaTiEnt", "whitespace_perturbation": ". We present clinical andimaging fi nding s f rom t wo p atie nts with hemip a resi s and severe BAOD, but with ou t cli n ic allyrelevan t c a r oti dar ter yd is ease(CA D). One patient", "underscore_trick": ". We_present clinical_and imaging findings from_two patients_with_hemiparesis and_severe_BAOD, but without_clinically relevant carotid_artery disease (CAD). One_patient"} +{"text": ", followed by analysis of miR-155 expression by real-time PCR, cell proliferation by MTT assay, cell invasion by transwell chamber, Caspase3 activity", "synonym_substitution": ", followed by analysis of miR-155 expression by real - meter PCR, cellular telephone proliferation by MTT assay, cell invasion by transwell chamber, Caspase3 activity", "butter_fingers": ", foplowed by analysis of miV-155 expression by teql-time PCR, csll prolkferation by MTT assay, cell mnvawion vy transwell chamber, Cxspase3 acnivity", "random_deletion": ", followed by analysis of miR-155 expression PCR, proliferation by assay, cell invasion", "change_char_case": ", followed by analysis of miR-155 exPression by Real-tIme pCR, CeLl prOlifEration by MTT asSAy, ceLl invasion by transwell cHambeR, CASpasE3 AcTivitY", "whitespace_perturbation": ", followed by analysis ofmiR-155 ex press ion by r eal- time PCR, cell pro l ifer ation by MTT assay, ce ll in va s ionb ytrans well ch a mb e r , C as pa se3 a c ti vity", "underscore_trick": ", followed_by analysis_of miR-155 expression by_real-time PCR,_cell_proliferation by_MTT_assay, cell invasion_by transwell chamber,_Caspase3 activity"} +{"text": " UK adolescents.\nThis study assessed whether exercising whilst viewing natural or built scenes affected self-esteem (SE) and mood in adolescents. Twenty-five adolescents participated", "synonym_substitution": "UK adolescents. \n This study assessed whether exercising whilst watch lifelike or built scenes involve self - respect (SE) and mood in adolescents. Twenty - five adolescent participated", "butter_fingers": " UK adolescents.\nThis study arsessed whether exerciving wgilst vidwing natural or built scened qffecuvd self-esteem (SE) and oood in afolescenrs. Txenty-five adolesrsnts pavcicipzbed", "random_deletion": "UK adolescents. This study assessed whether exercising natural built scenes self-esteem (SE) and participated", "change_char_case": " UK adolescents.\nThis study assEssed whethEr exeRciSinG wHilsT vieWing natural or bUIlt sCenes affected self-esteeM (SE) anD mOOd in ADoLesceNts. TwenTY-fIVE adOlEsCenTs PArTicipAteD", "whitespace_perturbation": " UK adolescents.\nThis stud y assessed whet her ex er cisi ng w hilst viewingn atur al or built scenes aff ected s e lf-e s te em (S E) andm oo d inad ol esc en t s. Twen ty- five ad olescentspar ti cipated", "underscore_trick": " UK_adolescents.\nThis study_assessed whether exercising whilst_viewing natural_or_built scenes_affected_self-esteem (SE) and_mood in adolescents._Twenty-five adolescents participated"} +{"text": "agms, the right and left paracolic gutters, the lesser omental sac, the intramesenteric region and the true and false pelvis.", "synonym_substitution": "agms, the right and left paracolic gutters, the lesser omental sauk, the intramesenteric area and the true and false pelvis.", "butter_fingers": "agmd, the right and left parxcolic gutters, jhw lessxr omenfal sac, ghe intramesenteric region aid tye trye and false pelvis.", "random_deletion": "agms, the right and left paracolic gutters, omental the intramesenteric and the true", "change_char_case": "agms, the right and left paracoLic gutters, The leSseR omEnTal sAc, thE intramesenterIC regIon and the true and false pElvis.", "whitespace_perturbation": "agms, the right and left p aracolic g utter s,the l esse r om ental sac, the intr amesenteric region and thetr u e an d f alsepelvis. ", "underscore_trick": "agms, the_right and_left paracolic gutters, the_lesser omental_sac,_the intramesenteric_region_and the true_and false pelvis."} +{"text": "out: a case-control study.\nThis study aims to evaluate the prevalence of depression and anxiety and investigate the potential risk factors for depression and anxiety in Chinese", "synonym_substitution": "out: a case - control study. \n This study drive to measure the prevalence of depression and anxiety and investigate the likely risk agent for depression and anxiety in Chinese", "butter_fingers": "out: a case-control study.\nThis study aims to gvqluate the pdevalencd of depression and anxiety end unvesupgate the potential rksk factogs for depreswuon and anejety in Chineac", "random_deletion": "out: a case-control study. This study aims the of depression anxiety and investigate depression anxiety in Chinese", "change_char_case": "out: a case-control study.\nThis sTudy aims to EvaluAte The PrEvalEnce Of depression anD AnxiEty and investigate the poTentiAl RIsk fACtOrs foR depresSIoN ANd aNxIeTy iN CHInEse", "whitespace_perturbation": "out: a case-control study. \nThis stud y aim s t o e va luat e th e prevalence o f dep ression and anxiety an d inv es t igat e t he po tential ri s k fa ct or s f or de press ion and an xiety in C hin es e", "underscore_trick": "out: a_case-control study.\nThis_study aims to evaluate_the prevalence_of_depression and_anxiety_and investigate the_potential risk factors_for depression and anxiety_in Chinese"} +{"text": " blood glucose levels, so we investigated whether Zbtb7c plays a role in gluconeogenesis. Indeed, differential gene expression analysis of Zbtb7", "synonym_substitution": "blood glucose levels, so we investigated whether Zbtb7c toy a function in gluconeogenesis. Indeed, differential gene expression analysis of Zbtb7", "butter_fingers": " bllod glucose levels, so we investigated wkwther Vbtb7c pmays a rule in gluconeogenesis. Indeev, didferebtial gene expression xnalysis lf Zbtb7", "random_deletion": "blood glucose levels, so we investigated whether a in gluconeogenesis. differential gene expression", "change_char_case": " blood glucose levels, so we invEstigated wHetheR ZbTb7c PlAys a Role In gluconeogeneSIs. InDeed, differential gene exPressIoN AnalYSiS of ZbTb7", "whitespace_perturbation": " blood glucose levels, sowe investi gated wh eth er Zbt b7cplays a role i n glu coneogenesis. Indeed,diffe re n tial ge ne ex pressio n a n a lys is o f Z bt b 7", "underscore_trick": " blood_glucose levels,_so we investigated whether_Zbtb7c plays_a_role in_gluconeogenesis._Indeed, differential gene_expression analysis of_Zbtb7"} +{"text": " that go to a distractor and are followed by corrective saccades to the target (i.e., involuntary saccades). We also sought to", "synonym_substitution": "that go to a distractor and are followed by corrective saccades to the target (i.e., involuntary saccade). We besides sought to", "butter_fingers": " thwt go to a distractor ana are followed yt corrxctive aaccades to the target (i.e., involuntarb saxcadew). We also sought to", "random_deletion": "that go to a distractor and are corrective to the (i.e., involuntary saccades).", "change_char_case": " that go to a distractor and are Followed by CorreCtiVe sAcCadeS to tHe target (i.e., invoLUntaRy saccades). We also sought To", "whitespace_perturbation": " that go to a distractor a nd are fol lowed by co rr ecti ve s accades to the targ et (i.e., involuntarysacca de s ). W e a lso s ought t o ", "underscore_trick": " that_go to_a distractor and are_followed by_corrective_saccades to_the_target (i.e., involuntary_saccades). We also_sought to"} +{"text": "aloes. The disease occurrence was more in in-milk animals causing serious economic loss to the farmers. Most outbreaks were observed during monsoon season, though", "synonym_substitution": "aloes. The disease occurrence was more in in - milk animals causing unplayful economic personnel casualty to the farmers. Most outbreaks were observed during monsoon season, though", "butter_fingers": "alofs. The disease occurrenct was more in in-mnok anikals czusing sdrious economic loss to the harmwrs. Mist outbreaks were obsdrved durpng monsoin stason, though", "random_deletion": "aloes. The disease occurrence was more in causing economic loss the farmers. Most season,", "change_char_case": "aloes. The disease occurrence Was more in iN-milk AniMalS cAusiNg seRious economic lOSs to The farmers. Most outbreakS were ObSErveD DuRing mOnsoon sEAsON, ThoUgH", "whitespace_perturbation": "aloes. The disease occurre nce was mo re in in -mi lk ani mals causing serio u s ec onomic loss to the far mers. M o st o u tb reaks were o b se r v eddu ri ngmo n so on se aso n, thou gh", "underscore_trick": "aloes. The_disease occurrence_was more in in-milk_animals causing_serious_economic loss_to_the farmers. Most_outbreaks were observed_during monsoon season, though"} +{"text": ", steric force by virus' fibers can increase the energy barrier and distance of secondary minimum, resulting in limited aggregation and deposition. Overall, our results indicated that", "synonym_substitution": ", steric force by virus' fibers can increase the energy barrier and distance of secondary minimum, result in circumscribed aggregation and deposition. Overall, our result indicate that", "butter_fingers": ", stfric force by virus' fibevs can increase jhw enerjy barrjer and aistance of secondary minimul, eesulupng in limited aggregxtion and deposituon. Icerall, our results indiczbed tkav", "random_deletion": ", steric force by virus' fibers can energy and distance secondary minimum, resulting Overall, results indicated that", "change_char_case": ", steric force by virus' fibers cAn increase The enErgY baRrIer aNd diStance of secondARy miNimum, resulting in limiteD aggrEgATion ANd DeposItion. OvERaLL, Our ReSuLts InDIcAted tHat", "whitespace_perturbation": ", steric force by virus' f ibers canincre ase th eener gy b arrier and dis t ance of secondary minimum, resu lt i ng i n l imite d aggre g at i o n a nd d epo si t io n. Ov era ll, our results i ndi ca ted that", "underscore_trick": ", steric_force by_virus' fibers can increase_the energy_barrier_and distance_of_secondary minimum, resulting_in limited aggregation_and deposition. Overall, our_results indicated that"} +{"text": " rest and exercise radionuclide ventriculography (25/31) and rest and exercise myocardial scintigraphy (22/31). The examinations were performed 3 +/-", "synonym_substitution": "rest and exercise radionuclide ventriculography (25/31) and rest and exercise myocardial scintigraphy (22/31). The interrogation were perform 3 + /-", "butter_fingers": " redt and exercise radionucuide ventriculoyeaphy (25/31) and rsst and dxercise myocardial scintigrephy (22/31). The examinations were perwormed 3 +/-", "random_deletion": "rest and exercise radionuclide ventriculography (25/31) and exercise scintigraphy (22/31). examinations were performed", "change_char_case": " rest and exercise radionucliDe ventricuLograPhy (25/31) And ReSt anD exeRcise myocardiaL ScinTigraphy (22/31). The examinationS were PeRFormED 3 +/-", "whitespace_perturbation": " rest and exercise radionu clide vent ricul ogr aph y(25/ 31)and rest and e x erci se myocardial scintigr aphy(2 2 /31) . T he ex aminati o ns w ere p er for me d 3 +/-", "underscore_trick": " rest_and exercise_radionuclide ventriculography (25/31) and_rest and_exercise_myocardial scintigraphy_(22/31)._The examinations were_performed 3 +/-"} +{"text": "ibility complex (MHC) Class II ligandome and we have shown that a conserved HSP70-epitope (B29) is abundantly present in murine", "synonym_substitution": "ibility complex (MHC) Class II ligandome and we have shown that a conserved HSP70 - epitope (B29) is abundantly present in murine", "butter_fingers": "ibipity complex (MHC) Class IL ligandome and cw have shown that a zonserved HSP70-epitope (B29) is abnndabtly kgesent in murine", "random_deletion": "ibility complex (MHC) Class II ligandome and shown a conserved (B29) is abundantly", "change_char_case": "ibility complex (MHC) Class II lIgandome anD we haVe sHowN tHat a ConsErved HSP70-epitopE (b29) is aBundantly present in muriNe", "whitespace_perturbation": "ibility complex (MHC) Clas s II ligan domeand we h aveshow n that a conse r vedHSP70-epitope (B29) is abun da n tlyp re sentin muri n e", "underscore_trick": "ibility complex_(MHC) Class_II ligandome and we_have shown_that_a conserved_HSP70-epitope_(B29) is abundantly_present in murine"} +{"text": "ICU) in a southern city and county of Taiwan were followed up and assessed at 2 y of age if they had a birthweight of less than 2000 g and", "synonym_substitution": "ICU) in a southern city and county of Taiwan were followed up and assessed at 2 y of age if they take a birthweight of less than 2000 deoxyguanosine monophosphate and", "butter_fingers": "ICU) in a southern city and gounty of Taiwan were fmllowes up and assessed at 2 y of age if thxy hqd a virthweight of less thxn 2000 g and", "random_deletion": "ICU) in a southern city and county were up and at 2 y a of less than g and", "change_char_case": "ICU) in a southern city and counTy of Taiwan Were fOllOweD uP and AsseSsed at 2 y of age if THey hAd a birthweight of less thAn 2000 g anD", "whitespace_perturbation": "ICU) in a southern city an d county o f Tai wan we re fol lowe d up and asses s ed a t 2 y of age if they h ad abi r thwe i gh t ofless th a n2 0 00gan d", "underscore_trick": "ICU) in_a southern_city and county of_Taiwan were_followed_up and_assessed_at 2 y_of age if_they had a birthweight_of less than_2000_g and"} +{"text": " academic tertiary care facilities and community hospitals, we outline the implementation of such an ad hoc arrangement between Panama (spoke) and South Florida (hub). We transported", "synonym_substitution": "academic tertiary care facilities and community hospital, we delineate the implementation of such an ad hoc arrangement between Panama (spoke) and South Florida (hub). We transport", "butter_fingers": " acwdemic tertiary care facllities and commonuty hovpitala, we outuine the implementation of snch qn ad hoc arrangement betwedn Panama (spoke) abd Siyth Floride (hub). We transllrteb", "random_deletion": "academic tertiary care facilities and community hospitals, the of such ad hoc arrangement Florida We transported", "change_char_case": " academic tertiary care facilIties and coMmuniTy hOspItAls, wE outLine the implemeNTatiOn of such an ad hoc arrangeMent bEtWEen PANaMa (spoKe) and SoUTh fLOriDa (HuB). We TrANsPorteD", "whitespace_perturbation": " academic tertiary care fa cilities a nd co mmu nit yhosp ital s, we outlinet he i mplementation of suchan ad h o c ar r an gemen t betwe e nP a nam a(s pok e) an d Sou thFlorida (hub). We tr an sported", "underscore_trick": " academic_tertiary care_facilities and community hospitals,_we outline_the_implementation of_such_an ad hoc_arrangement between Panama_(spoke) and South Florida_(hub). We transported"} +{"text": " conclusion, CA 242 showed similar diagnostic values to CA 19-9 in assessing PC patients; both seem unrelated to tumour size or spread, but seem to predict survival", "synonym_substitution": "conclusion, CA 242 showed similar diagnostic values to CA 19 - 9 in tax personal computer patients; both seem unrelated to tumor size or spread, but appear to predict survival", "butter_fingers": " cojclusion, CA 242 showed simiuar diagnostic rqlues vo CA 19-9 jn assesring PC patients; both seem uirelqted uj tumour size or soread, but seem to previct survival", "random_deletion": "conclusion, CA 242 showed similar diagnostic values 19-9 assessing PC both seem unrelated but to predict survival", "change_char_case": " conclusion, CA 242 showed similar Diagnostic ValueS to cA 19-9 iN aSsesSing pC patients; both SEem uNrelated to tumour size or SpreaD, bUT seeM To PrediCt surviVAl", "whitespace_perturbation": " conclusion, CA 242 showed similar d iagno sti c v al uesto C A 19-9 in asse s sing PC patients; both see m unr el a tedt otumou r sizeo rs p rea d, b utse e mto pr edi ct surv ival", "underscore_trick": " conclusion,_CA 242_showed similar diagnostic values_to CA_19-9_in assessing_PC_patients; both seem_unrelated to tumour_size or spread, but_seem to predict_survival"} +{"text": "remarkable or non-specific. The predominant histologic lesions were interstitial nephritis, chronic tubular necrosis, lymphoplasmacytic infiltration within the kidney, liver, and", "synonym_substitution": "remarkable or non - specific. The predominant histologic lesions were interstitial nephritis, chronic tubular necrosis, lymphoplasmacytic percolation within the kidney, liver, and", "butter_fingers": "remwrkable or non-specific. Tme predominant hnwtologmc lesikns were interstitial nephritis, chroiic rubulqr necrosis, lymphoplasoacytic ijfiltratuon xithin the kidneb, liver, and", "random_deletion": "remarkable or non-specific. The predominant histologic lesions nephritis, tubular necrosis, infiltration within the", "change_char_case": "remarkable or non-specific. ThE predominaNt hisTolOgiC lEsioNs weRe interstitial NEphrItis, chronic tubular necrOsis, lYmPHoplASmAcytiC infiltRAtION wiThIn The KiDNeY, liveR, anD", "whitespace_perturbation": "remarkable or non-specific . The pred omina nthis to logi c le sions were int e rsti tial nephritis, chroni c tub ul a r ne c ro sis,lymphop l as m a cyt ic i nfi lt r at ion w ith in thekidney, li ver ,and", "underscore_trick": "remarkable or_non-specific. The_predominant histologic lesions were_interstitial nephritis,_chronic_tubular necrosis,_lymphoplasmacytic_infiltration within the_kidney, liver, and"} +{"text": ".37), whereas stimulant medication increased nondecision time (d = 0.38). These studies provide initial evidence that frontline treatments for ADHD primarily impact cognitive", "synonym_substitution": ".37), whereas stimulant medication increased nondecision time (d = 0.38). These report leave initial evidence that frontline treatments for ADHD primarily impact cognitive", "butter_fingers": ".37), whfreas stimulant medicatiun increased noueecisimn tims (d = 0.38). Thdse studies provide initial xvidwnce ukat frontline treatmdnts for WDHD prinariot impact cognitive", "random_deletion": ".37), whereas stimulant medication increased nondecision time 0.38). studies provide evidence that frontline cognitive", "change_char_case": ".37), whereas stimulant medicatioN increased NondeCisIon TiMe (d = 0.38). THese Studies provide INitiAl evidence that frontlinE treaTmENts fOR AdHD prImarily IMpACT coGnItIve", "whitespace_perturbation": ".37), whereas stimulant me dication i ncrea sed no nd ecis iontime (d = 0.38 ) . Th ese studies provide in itial e v iden c ethatfrontli n et r eat me nt s f or AD HD pr ima rily im pact cogni tiv e", "underscore_trick": ".37), whereas_stimulant medication_increased nondecision time (d_= 0.38)._These_studies provide_initial_evidence that frontline_treatments for ADHD_primarily impact cognitive"} +{"text": " 4 patients being alive with no evidence of disease at last follow-up. Our results provide evidence that these variants are distinct and do not align immunohistochemically with", "synonym_substitution": "4 patients being alive with no evidence of disease at last follow - up. Our results leave evidence that these random variable are distinct and do not align immunohistochemically with", "butter_fingers": " 4 pwtients being alive with no evidence of diseasx at laat follod-up. Our results provide evidxnce that these variants are dirtinct anf do not alijn immunohistochxjically with", "random_deletion": "4 patients being alive with no evidence at follow-up. Our provide evidence that do align immunohistochemically with", "change_char_case": " 4 patients being alive with no eVidence of dIseasE at LasT fOlloW-up. OUr results proviDE eviDence that these variants Are diStINct aND dO not aLign immUNoHIStoChEmIcaLlY WiTh", "whitespace_perturbation": " 4 patients being alive wi th no evid enceofdis ea se a t la st follow-up.O ur r esults provide evidenc e tha tt hese va riant s are d i st i n ctan ddono t a lignimm unohist ochemicall y w it h", "underscore_trick": " 4_patients being_alive with no evidence_of disease_at_last follow-up._Our_results provide evidence_that these variants_are distinct and do_not align immunohistochemically_with"} +{"text": "-type melanoma, which is in agreement with other histopathologic studies of melanoma in children. Hepatocyte-specific inhibitor-of-kappaB-kinase", "synonym_substitution": "-type melanoma, which is in agreement with other histopathologic studies of melanoma in children. Hepatocyte - specific inhibitor - of - kappaB - kinase", "butter_fingers": "-typf melanoma, which is in anreement with otkwr hisvopathomogic stjdies of melanoma in childrei. Hepatoctte-specific inhibitor-ow-kappaB-kijase", "random_deletion": "-type melanoma, which is in agreement with studies melanoma in Hepatocyte-specific inhibitor-of-kappaB-kinase", "change_char_case": "-type melanoma, which is in agreEment with oTher hIstOpaThOlogIc stUdies of melanomA In chIldren. Hepatocyte-specifIc inhIbITor-oF-KaPpaB-kInase", "whitespace_perturbation": "-type melanoma, which is i n agreemen t wit h o the rhist opat hologic studie s ofmelanoma in children.Hepat oc y te-s p ec ificinhibit o r- o f -ka pp aB -ki na s e", "underscore_trick": "-type melanoma,_which is_in agreement with other_histopathologic studies_of_melanoma in_children._Hepatocyte-specific inhibitor-of-kappaB-kinase"} +{"text": " the mechanical stress to which the leaflets are subjected during the cardiac cycle. The peopling of the Americas and the origin of the Beringian occupation model", "synonym_substitution": "the mechanical stress to which the leaflets are subjected during the cardiac cycle. The peopling of the Americas and the beginning of the Beringian occupation exemplar", "butter_fingers": " thf mechanical stress to wmich the leaflets are snbjectes during the cardiac cycle. The peoplmng if tht Americas and the urigin of the Berungien occupation movsl", "random_deletion": "the mechanical stress to which the leaflets during cardiac cycle. peopling of the the occupation model", "change_char_case": " the mechanical stress to whicH the leafleTs are SubJecTeD durIng tHe cardiac cycle. tHe peOpling of the Americas and The orIgIN of tHE BEringIan occuPAtION moDeL", "whitespace_perturbation": " the mechanical stress towhich theleafl ets ar esubj ecte d during the c a rdia c cycle. The peoplingof th eA meri c as andthe ori g in o f t he B eri ng i an occu pat ion mod el", "underscore_trick": " the_mechanical stress_to which the leaflets_are subjected_during_the cardiac_cycle._The peopling of_the Americas and_the origin of the_Beringian occupation model"} +{"text": " is limited during imaging. In order to improve the sensitivity of the measurement, series of holograms have been acquired. Instabilities of the microscope such as the dr", "synonym_substitution": "is limited during imaging. In order to improve the sensitivity of the measurement, serial of hologram have been acquire. Instabilities of the microscope such as the dr", "butter_fingers": " is limited during imaging. Ln order to improve the sensifivity ow the measurement, series of iolotrams have been acquired. Inrtabilitivs of the miccoscope such as vge dr", "random_deletion": "is limited during imaging. In order to sensitivity the measurement, of holograms have microscope as the dr", "change_char_case": " is limited during imaging. In oRder to imprOve thE seNsiTiVity Of thE measurement, seRIes oF holograms have been acquIred. INsTAbilITiEs of tHe microSCoPE SucH aS tHe dR", "whitespace_perturbation": " is limited during imaging . In order to i mpr ove t he s ensi tivity of them easu rement, series of holo grams h a ve b e en acqu ired. I n st a b ili ti es of t h emicro sco pe such as the dr ", "underscore_trick": " is_limited during_imaging. In order to_improve the_sensitivity_of the_measurement,_series of holograms_have been acquired._Instabilities of the microscope_such as the_dr"} +{"text": ", a filter was installed that absorbs the fundamental harmonic concentrated in the beam center, which resulted in \"de-flattening\" of the vertical distribution.", "synonym_substitution": ", a filter was installed that absorbs the fundamental harmonic centralize in the radio beam center, which resulted in \" de - flattening \" of the erect distribution.", "butter_fingers": ", a vilter was installed thau absorbs the funbqmentan harmknic conzentrated in the beam center, wyich eesulted in \"de-flattenivg\" of the verticao diwrribution.", "random_deletion": ", a filter was installed that absorbs harmonic in the center, which resulted distribution.", "change_char_case": ", a filter was installed that abSorbs the fuNdameNtaL haRmOnic ConcEntrated in the bEAm ceNter, which resulted in \"de-fLatteNiNG\" of tHE vErticAl distrIBuTIOn.", "whitespace_perturbation": ", a filter was installed t hat absorb s the fu nda me ntal har monic concentr a tedin the beam center, wh ich r es u lted in \"de- flatten i ng \" ofth ever ti c al dist rib ution.", "underscore_trick": ", a_filter was_installed that absorbs the_fundamental harmonic_concentrated_in the_beam_center, which resulted_in \"de-flattening\" of_the vertical distribution."} +{"text": " 100 million. However, apart from a few numerically small or geographically defined surveys, little is known about their patterns of marriage preferences since partition of the Indian Sub", "synonym_substitution": "100 million. However, apart from a few numerically small or geographically defined surveys, short is know about their patterns of marriage preferences since partition of the Indian Sub", "butter_fingers": " 100 mlllion. However, apart froo a few numericcoly smell or feographkcally defined surveys, littlx is knowb about their patterns of marriwge prefwrenres since partitmkn of tmz Indjwn Sbb", "random_deletion": "100 million. However, apart from a few or defined surveys, is known about since of the Indian", "change_char_case": " 100 million. However, apart from a fEw numericaLly smAll Or gEoGrapHicaLly defined survEYs, liTtle is known about their pAtterNs OF marRIaGe preFerenceS SiNCE paRtItIon Of THe indiaN SuB", "whitespace_perturbation": " 100 million. However, apa rt from afew n ume ric al ly s mall or geographic a llydefined surveys, littl e iskn o wn a b ou t the ir patt e rn s ofma rr iag ep re feren ces sincepartitionofth e Indian Sub ", "underscore_trick": " 100_million. However,_apart from a few_numerically small_or_geographically defined_surveys,_little is known_about their patterns_of marriage preferences since_partition of the_Indian_Sub"} +{"text": " more in dogs with chronically implanted electrodes for sleepwaking recording. The procedure consists of automatic sleep detection using EEG, EMG and body movement (BM),", "synonym_substitution": "more in dogs with chronically implanted electrodes for sleepwaking recording. The procedure consist of automatic rest detection using EEG, EMG and soundbox motion (BM),", "butter_fingers": " moge in dogs with chronicauly implanted electrodxs for aleepwakkng recording. The procedure ronsusts if automatic sleep detdction uspng EEG, ENG aid body movement (BM),", "random_deletion": "more in dogs with chronically implanted electrodes recording. procedure consists automatic sleep detection movement", "change_char_case": " more in dogs with chronically Implanted eLectrOdeS foR sLeepWakiNg recording. The PRoceDure consists of automatiC sleeP dETectIOn Using eEG, EMG aND bODY moVeMeNt (Bm),", "whitespace_perturbation": " more in dogs with chronic ally impla ntedele ctr od es f or s leepwaking rec o rdin g. The procedure consi sts o fa utom a ti c sle ep dete c ti o n us in gEEG ,E MG andbod y movem ent (BM),", "underscore_trick": " more_in dogs_with chronically implanted electrodes_for sleepwaking_recording._The procedure_consists_of automatic sleep_detection using EEG,_EMG and body movement_(BM),"} +{"text": " distorting smoothing procedures. Persistent creatine kinase MB isoenzyme without cardiac disease.\nAlthough the creatine kinase MB isoenzyme may be useful in the diagnosis", "synonym_substitution": "distorting smoothing procedures. Persistent creatine kinase MB isoenzyme without cardiac disease. \n Although the creatine kinase megabyte isoenzyme may be utilitarian in the diagnosis", "butter_fingers": " didtorting smoothing proceaures. Persistenj xreatiie kinaae MB isuenzyme without cardiac diseese.\nAothouth the creatine kinase MB isoendyme may ve uwwful in thx diagnosis", "random_deletion": "distorting smoothing procedures. Persistent creatine kinase MB cardiac Although the kinase MB isoenzyme diagnosis", "change_char_case": " distorting smoothing procedUres. PersisTent cReaTinE kInasE MB iSoenzyme withouT CardIac disease.\nAlthough the cReatiNe KInasE mB IsoenZyme may BE uSEFul In ThE diAgNOsIs", "whitespace_perturbation": " distorting smoothing proc edures. Pe rsist ent cr ea tine kin ase MB isoenzy m e wi thout cardiac disease. \nAlth ou g h th e c reati ne kina s eM B is oe nz yme m a ybe us efu l in th e diagnosi s", "underscore_trick": " distorting_smoothing procedures._Persistent creatine kinase MB_isoenzyme without_cardiac_disease.\nAlthough the_creatine_kinase MB isoenzyme_may be useful_in the diagnosis"} +{"text": " with the other groups. In patients with IE, the CSF d-ROM levels could be a valid predictive biomarker of the severity, and oxidative stress may be related", "synonym_substitution": "with the other groups. In patients with IE, the CSF d - ROM degree could be a valid predictive biomarker of the austereness, and oxidative stress may be related", "butter_fingers": " wihh the other groups. In pxtients with IE, the CSH d-ROM mevels cuuld be a valid predictive bmomaeker if the severity, and oxkdative snress may be celated", "random_deletion": "with the other groups. In patients with CSF levels could a valid predictive oxidative may be related", "change_char_case": " with the other groups. In patieNts with IE, tHe CSF D-ROm leVeLs coUld bE a valid predictIVe biOmarker of the severity, anD oxidAtIVe stREsS may bE relateD", "whitespace_perturbation": " with the other groups. In patientswithIE, th eCSFd-RO M levels could be a valid predictive biom arker o f the se verit y, ando xi d a tiv est res sm ay be r ela ted", "underscore_trick": " with_the other_groups. In patients with_IE, the_CSF_d-ROM levels_could_be a valid_predictive biomarker of_the severity, and oxidative_stress may be_related"} +{"text": "rea did not induce disease in irrigated rooted cuttings. Flocculation and fast sand filtration used in physical-chemical treatment completely eliminated C. cand", "synonym_substitution": "rea did not induce disease in irrigated rooted cuttings. Flocculation and fast backbone filtration use in physical - chemical treatment wholly eliminated C. cand", "butter_fingers": "rea did not induce disease ln irrigated roojee cuttmngs. Flkcculatiun and fast sand filtration nsed in pyysical-chemical treatmdnt complvtely elininaued C. cand", "random_deletion": "rea did not induce disease in irrigated Flocculation fast sand used in physical-chemical", "change_char_case": "rea did not induce disease in iRrigated roOted cUttIngS. FLoccUlatIon and fast sand FIltrAtion used in physical-cheMical TrEAtmeNT cOmpleTely eliMInATEd C. CaNd", "whitespace_perturbation": "rea did not induce disease in irriga ted r oot edcu ttin gs.Flocculation a n d fa st sand filtration use d inph y sica l -c hemic al trea t me n t co mp le tel ye li minat edC. cand ", "underscore_trick": "rea did_not induce_disease in irrigated rooted_cuttings. Flocculation_and_fast sand_filtration_used in physical-chemical_treatment completely eliminated_C. cand"} +{"text": " structure in a not yet fully understood manner. A strategy to dissect the contributions of individual sequence stretches to lectin activity is based on engineering variants of the natural", "synonym_substitution": "structure in a not yet fully understood manner. A scheme to analyze the contribution of individual sequence stretches to lectin bodily process is based on engineering version of the lifelike", "butter_fingers": " stgucture in a not yet fuluy understood mcbner. A stratsgy to dkssect the contributions of mndiciduao sequence stretches tu lectin wctivity is uased on engineecjng varlcnts kn the iatural", "random_deletion": "structure in a not yet fully understood strategy dissect the of individual sequence based engineering variants of natural", "change_char_case": " structure in a not yet fully unDerstood maNner. A StrAteGy To diSsecT the contributiONs of Individual sequence streTches To LEctiN AcTivitY is baseD On ENGinEeRiNg vArIAnTs of tHe nAtural", "whitespace_perturbation": " structure in a not yet fu lly unders toodman ner .A st rate gy to dissectt he c ontributions of indivi dualse q uenc e s tretc hes tol ec t i n a ct iv ity i s b asedonenginee ring varia nts o f the natura l ", "underscore_trick": " structure_in a_not yet fully understood_manner. A_strategy_to dissect_the_contributions of individual_sequence stretches to_lectin activity is based_on engineering variants_of_the natural"} +{"text": " transcriptional regulation of hPLSCR4. In this study, we identified Snail to be a potent regulator of hPLSCR4. ConSite tool", "synonym_substitution": "transcriptional regulation of hPLSCR4. In this study, we identified Snail to be a potent regulator of hPLSCR4. ConSite cock", "butter_fingers": " trwnscriptional regulation of hPLSCR4. In tkus stuvy, we isentifiea Snail to be a potent reguletor of hKJSCR4. ConSite tool", "random_deletion": "transcriptional regulation of hPLSCR4. In this study, Snail be a regulator of hPLSCR4.", "change_char_case": " transcriptional regulation Of hPLSCR4. In This sTudY, we IdEntiFied snail to be a poteNT regUlator of hPLSCR4. ConSite tOol", "whitespace_perturbation": " transcriptional regulatio n of hPLSC R4. I n t his s tudy , we identified Sn a il t o be a potent regulato r ofhP L SCR4 . C onSit e tool", "underscore_trick": " transcriptional_regulation of_hPLSCR4. In this study,_we identified_Snail_to be_a_potent regulator of_hPLSCR4. ConSite tool"} +{"text": "ympathectomy, the parenchymal cells were less abnormal but still smaller than in the control, unoperated gland. Thus, parasympathetic impulses are required", "synonym_substitution": "ympathectomy, the parenchymal cells were less abnormal but still smaller than in the control, unoperated gland. therefore, parasympathetic nerve impulse are required", "butter_fingers": "ympwthectomy, the parenchymau cells were less abnocmal buf still rmaller than in the control, nnopwratee gland. Thus, parasympaghetic imiulses arw rewyired", "random_deletion": "ympathectomy, the parenchymal cells were less abnormal smaller in the unoperated gland. Thus,", "change_char_case": "ympathectomy, the parenchymaL cells were Less aBnoRmaL bUt stIll sMaller than in thE ContRol, unoperated gland. Thus, ParasYmPAtheTIc ImpulSes are rEQuIREd", "whitespace_perturbation": "ympathectomy, the parenchy mal cellswereles s a bn orma l bu t still smalle r tha n in the control, unop erate dg land . T hus,parasym p at h e tic i mp uls es ar e req uir ed", "underscore_trick": "ympathectomy, the_parenchymal cells_were less abnormal but_still smaller_than_in the_control,_unoperated gland. Thus,_parasympathetic impulses are_required"} +{"text": " the animals served as controls (group A). The others were randomly divided into two groups and were given IFN-alpha-2b either as a single intraperitoneal", "synonym_substitution": "the animals served as controls (group A). The others were randomly divided into two group and were render IFN - alpha-2b either as a single intraperitoneal", "butter_fingers": " thf animals served as contvols (group A). The others were dandomly divided into two groups and wwre guven IFN-alpha-2b either xs a singpe intraperiuoneal", "random_deletion": "the animals served as controls (group A). were divided into groups and were single", "change_char_case": " the animals served as controlS (group A). The OtherS weRe rAnDomlY divIded into two groUPs anD were given IFN-alpha-2b eitHer as A sINgle INtRaperItoneal", "whitespace_perturbation": " the animals served as con trols (gro up A) . T heot hers wer e randomly div i dedinto two groups and we re gi ve n IFN - al pha-2 b eithe r a s a s in gl e i nt r ap erito nea l", "underscore_trick": " the_animals served_as controls (group A)._The others_were_randomly divided_into_two groups and_were given IFN-alpha-2b_either as a single_intraperitoneal"} +{"text": " activity like trampling, and these disturbances can be sub-lethal (e.g., resulting in the organism's displacement). We know little of how sess", "synonym_substitution": "activity like trampling, and these disturbances can be sub - lethal (for example, result in the organism's displacement). We know short of how pot", "butter_fingers": " achivity like trampling, ana these disturbcbces cen be shb-lethal (e.g., resulting in the organisl's dispoacement). We know littld of how dess", "random_deletion": "activity like trampling, and these disturbances can (e.g., in the displacement). We know", "change_char_case": " activity like trampling, and tHese disturBanceS caN be SuB-letHal (e.G., resulting in thE OrgaNism's displacement). We knoW littLe OF how SEsS", "whitespace_perturbation": " activity like trampling,and thesedistu rba nce scanbe s ub-lethal (e.g . , re sulting in the organis m's d is p lace m en t). W e knowl it t l e o fho w s es s ", "underscore_trick": " activity_like trampling,_and these disturbances can_be sub-lethal_(e.g.,_resulting in_the_organism's displacement). We_know little of_how sess"} +{"text": " non-survival group. Both the number of reverse mismatch segments and the %SDS in the septum in the non-IHD survival group were significantly", "synonym_substitution": "non - survival group. Both the number of reverse mismatch segments and the% SDS in the septum in the non - IHD survival group were importantly", "butter_fingers": " noj-survival group. Both the number of revetsw mismetch sefments avd the %SDS in the septum in vhe bon-IHE survival group were rignificajtly", "random_deletion": "non-survival group. Both the number of reverse and %SDS in septum in the", "change_char_case": " non-survival group. Both the nuMber of reveRse miSmaTch SeGmenTs anD the %SDS in the sePTum iN the non-IHD survival grouP were SiGNifiCAnTly", "whitespace_perturbation": " non-survival group. Boththe number of r eve rse m isma tchsegments and t h e %S DS in the septum in th e non -I H D su r vi val g roup we r es i gni fi ca ntl y", "underscore_trick": " non-survival_group. Both_the number of reverse_mismatch segments_and_the %SDS_in_the septum in_the non-IHD survival_group were significantly"} +{"text": "\nSynthetic retinoids that have distinct therapeutic activity on psoriatic plaques act at least in part through the metabolic pathways of natural retinoids. The metabolism of retin", "synonym_substitution": "Synthetic retinoids that have distinct therapeutic natural process on psoriatic plaque act at least in part through the metabolic pathways of lifelike retinoids. The metabolism of retin", "butter_fingers": "\nSynhhetic retinoids that haye distinct thercpeutic activjty on proriatic plaques act at leasv in part through the metabolic pathways of natueal cetinoids. The mevzbolism of refln", "random_deletion": "Synthetic retinoids that have distinct therapeutic activity plaques at least part through the The of retin", "change_char_case": "\nSynthetic retinoids that havE distinct tHerapEutIc aCtIvitY on pSoriatic plaqueS Act aT least in part through the MetabOlIC patHWaYs of nAtural rETiNOIds. thE mEtaBoLIsM of reTin", "whitespace_perturbation": "\nSynthetic retinoids thathave disti nct t her ape ut ic a ctiv ity on psoriat i c pl aques act at least inpartth r ough th e met abolicp at h w ays o fnat ur a lretin oid s. Themetabolism of r etin", "underscore_trick": "\nSynthetic retinoids_that have_distinct therapeutic activity on_psoriatic plaques_act_at least_in_part through the_metabolic pathways of_natural retinoids. The metabolism_of retin"} +{"text": " acceptable occlusion in young Finnish adults, but measures of the functional aspects of occlusion must be added for studies on the outcome of orthodontic services. [Organizational", "synonym_substitution": "acceptable occlusion in young Finnish adults, but bill of the running aspects of occlusion must be lend for study on the outcome of orthodontic services. [ Organizational", "butter_fingers": " acfeptable occlusion in yomng Finnish aduljs, but mxasures of the wunctional aspects of occlusmon nust ve added for studies ov the outbome of oethovontic services. [Organizabnonal", "random_deletion": "acceptable occlusion in young Finnish adults, but the aspects of must be added of services. [Organizational", "change_char_case": " acceptable occlusion in younG Finnish adUlts, bUt mEasUrEs of The fUnctional aspecTS of oCclusion must be added for StudiEs ON the OUtCome oF orthodONtIC SerViCeS. [OrGaNIzAtionAl", "whitespace_perturbation": " acceptable occlusion in y oung Finni sh ad ult s,bu t me asur es of the func t iona l aspects of occlusion must b e add e dfor s tudieso nt h e o ut co meof or thodo nti c servi ces. [Orga niz at ional", "underscore_trick": " acceptable_occlusion in_young Finnish adults, but_measures of_the_functional aspects_of_occlusion must be_added for studies_on the outcome of_orthodontic services. [Organizational"} +{"text": " scored by severity (0-3) multiplied by frequency (0-4), resulting in a subscore of 0 to 12, with a total possible score range", "synonym_substitution": "scored by severity (0 - 3) multiplied by frequency (0 - 4), resulting in a subscore of 0 to 12, with a entire potential score range", "butter_fingers": " sclred by severity (0-3) multipuied by frequenet (0-4), resnlting jn a subrcore of 0 to 12, with a total plswible score range", "random_deletion": "scored by severity (0-3) multiplied by frequency in subscore of to 12, with", "change_char_case": " scored by severity (0-3) multiplieD by frequenCy (0-4), resUltIng In A subScorE of 0 to 12, with a totaL PossIble score range", "whitespace_perturbation": " scored by severity (0-3)multiplied by f req uen cy (0- 4),resulting in a subs core of 0 to 12, witha tot al poss i bl e sco re rang e ", "underscore_trick": " scored_by severity_(0-3) multiplied by frequency_(0-4), resulting_in_a subscore_of_0 to 12,_with a total_possible score range"} +{"text": " and His345, amino acid residues that are in close proximity to two key catalytic residues (Arg308 and Tyr343). These histidine residues are important for strand", "synonym_substitution": "and His345, amino acid residues that are in close proximity to two key catalytic residues (Arg308 and Tyr343). These histidine residue are authoritative for strand", "butter_fingers": " anf His345, amino acid residuer that are in close prmximitg to two key catalytic residues (Arg308 end Ryr343). Tyese histidine residuer are implrtant fir surand", "random_deletion": "and His345, amino acid residues that are proximity two key residues (Arg308 and important strand", "change_char_case": " and His345, amino acid residues thAt are in cloSe proXimIty To Two kEy caTalytic residueS (arg308 aNd Tyr343). These histidine resIdues ArE ImpoRTaNt for Strand", "whitespace_perturbation": " and His345, amino acid re sidues tha t are in cl os e pr oxim ity to two key cata lytic residues (Arg308 andTy r 343) . T hesehistidi n er e sid ue sare i m po rtant fo r stran d", "underscore_trick": " and_His345, amino_acid residues that are_in close_proximity_to two_key_catalytic residues (Arg308_and Tyr343). These_histidine residues are important_for strand"} +{"text": "'s alleged performance. Gender differences were observed in self-evaluations after team assignment (boys responding more than girls to their team's alleged performance). The implications of", "synonym_substitution": "'s alleged performance. Gender differences were note in self - evaluation after team assignment (boys responding more than girls to their team's allege performance). The implications of", "butter_fingers": "'s apleged performance. Gendev differences wete obserted in aelf-evaljations after team assignmenv (bots rewponding more than girus to thepr team's qllejed performance). Vge implleatiohd of", "random_deletion": "'s alleged performance. Gender differences were observed after assignment (boys more than girls The of", "change_char_case": "'s alleged performance. Gender DifferenceS were ObsErvEd In seLf-evAluations after TEam aSsignment (boys respondinG more ThAN girLS tO theiR team's aLLeGED peRfOrManCe). tHe ImpliCatIons of", "whitespace_perturbation": "'s alleged performance. Ge nder diffe rence s w ere o bser vedin self-evalua t ions after team assignment (boy sr espo n di ng mo re than gi r l s t oth eir t e am 's al leg ed perf ormance).The i mplicationso f", "underscore_trick": "'s alleged_performance. Gender_differences were observed in_self-evaluations after_team_assignment (boys_responding_more than girls_to their team's_alleged performance). The implications_of"} +{"text": "time, % of inhibition, mean +/- S.E., n = 6): 0 h, 0; 1 h, 17 +/- 4.6; 2 h", "synonym_substitution": "time, % of inhibition, mean + /- S.E., n = 6 ): 0 h, 0; 1 planck's constant, 17 + /- 4.6; 2 planck's constant", "butter_fingers": "timf, % of inhibition, mean +/- S.T., n = 6): 0 h, 0; 1 h, 17 +/- 4.6; 2 k", "random_deletion": "time, % of inhibition, mean +/- S.E., 6): h, 0; h, 17 +/-", "change_char_case": "time, % of inhibition, mean +/- S.E., n = 6): 0 h, 0; 1 h, 17 +/- 4.6; 2 H", "whitespace_perturbation": "time, % of inhibition, mea n +/- S.E. , n = 6) : 0 h , 0; 1 h , 17 +/- 4.6;2 h", "underscore_trick": "time, %_of inhibition,_mean +/- S.E., n_= 6):_0_h, 0;_1_h, 17 +/-_4.6; 2 h"} +{"text": "'. Conduct disorder was found in 31% and 1% had a hyperkinetic disorder. Ten per cent had previous registered psychiatric contact. The prevalence of mental disorders", "synonym_substitution": "'. Conduct disorder was found in 31% and 1% had a hyperkinetic disorder. Ten per penny have previous registered psychiatric liaison. The prevalence of genial disorders", "butter_fingers": "'. Cojduct disorder was found in 31% and 1% had a hyperkmnetic sisorder. Ten per cent had previous rxgisrered psychiatric contact. Tfe prevalvnce of mwntao disorders", "random_deletion": "'. Conduct disorder was found in 31% had hyperkinetic disorder. per cent had prevalence mental disorders", "change_char_case": "'. Conduct disorder was found in 31% And 1% had a hypErkinEtiC diSoRder. ten pEr cent had previOUs reGistered psychiatric conTact. THe PRevaLEnCe of mEntal diSOrDERs", "whitespace_perturbation": "'. Conduct disorder was fo und in 31% and1%had a hyp erki netic disorder . Ten per cent had previous regi st e redp sy chiat ric con t ac t . Th epr eva le n ce of m ent al diso rders", "underscore_trick": "'. Conduct_disorder was_found in 31% and_1% had_a_hyperkinetic disorder._Ten_per cent had_previous registered psychiatric_contact. The prevalence of_mental disorders"} +{"text": ". However, the insertion of microelectrodes into the brain per se causes cortical injury and hence could lead to erroneous PO(2) measurements. The recently developed", "synonym_substitution": ". However, the insertion of microelectrodes into the brain per se causes cortical injury and therefore could run to erroneous PO(2) measurements. The recently develop", "butter_fingers": ". Hoaever, the insertion of mlcroelectrodes iuro the brain per se zauses cortical injury and hxnce coule lead to erroneous PO(2) measuremvnts. The eeceitly developed", "random_deletion": ". However, the insertion of microelectrodes into per causes cortical and hence could The developed", "change_char_case": ". However, the insertion of micrOelectrodeS into The BraIn Per sE cauSes cortical injURy anD hence could lead to erronEous Po(2) mEAsurEMeNts. ThE recentLY dEVEloPeD", "whitespace_perturbation": ". However, the insertion o f microele ctrod esint othebrai n per se cause s cor tical injury and hence coul dl eadt oerron eous PO ( 2) m eas ur em ent s. Th e rec ent ly deve loped", "underscore_trick": ". However,_the insertion_of microelectrodes into the_brain per_se_causes cortical_injury_and hence could_lead to erroneous_PO(2) measurements. The recently_developed"} +{"text": " them. hPLSCR4 shares 48% homology with hPLSCR1 and mediates scrambling of PLs similar to hPLSCR1 in", "synonym_substitution": "them. hPLSCR4 shares 48% homology with hPLSCR1 and mediates scrambling of PLs similar to hPLSCR1 in", "butter_fingers": " thfm. hPLSCR4 shares 48% homolony with hPLSCR1 aue medietes scdambling of PLs similar to hPLSCR1 in", "random_deletion": "them. hPLSCR4 shares 48% homology with hPLSCR1 scrambling PLs similar hPLSCR1 in", "change_char_case": " them. hPLSCR4 shares 48% homology wIth hPLSCR1 aNd medIatEs sCrAmblIng oF PLs similar to hplSCR1 In", "whitespace_perturbation": " them. hPLSCR4 shares 48%homology w ith h PLS CR1 a nd m edia tes scrambling of P Ls similar to hPLSCR1in", "underscore_trick": " them._hPLSCR4 shares_48% homology with hPLSCR1_and mediates_scrambling_of PLs_similar_to hPLSCR1 in"} +{"text": " in Jiande and Chun'an. In this study, the high concentrations of PFCs dominated by PFOA that were measured in the Hangzhou snow", "synonym_substitution": "in Jiande and Chun'an. In this study, the high concentrations of PFCs dominate by PFOA that were measure in the Hangzhou snow", "butter_fingers": " in Jiande and Chun'an. In thls study, the higk conceitratiohs of PFZs dominated by PFOA that wece mwasurtb in the Hangzhou snuw", "random_deletion": "in Jiande and Chun'an. In this study, concentrations PFCs dominated PFOA that were", "change_char_case": " in Jiande and Chun'an. In this stUdy, the high ConceNtrAtiOnS of PfCs dOminated by PFOA THat wEre measured in the HangzhOu snoW", "whitespace_perturbation": " in Jiande and Chun'an. In this stud y, th e h igh c once ntra tions of PFCsd omin ated by PFOA that were meas ur e d in th e Han gzhou s n ow ", "underscore_trick": " in_Jiande and_Chun'an. In this study,_the high_concentrations_of PFCs_dominated_by PFOA that_were measured in_the Hangzhou snow"} +{"text": " Currently, the mechanism(s) of development and progression of Sj\u00f6gren's syndrome is/are not clear. Inflammation and lymphocytic infiltration of the", "synonym_substitution": "Currently, the mechanism(s) of development and progression of Sj\u00f6gren's syndrome is / are not clear. Inflammation and lymphocytic percolation of the", "butter_fingers": " Cugrently, the mechanism(s) on development anb progrxssion kf Sj\u00f6grev's syndrome is/are not clear. Mnflqmmatuon and lymphocytic inwiltratioj of the", "random_deletion": "Currently, the mechanism(s) of development and progression syndrome not clear. and lymphocytic infiltration", "change_char_case": " Currently, the mechanism(s) of dEvelopment And prOgrEssIoN of SJ\u00f6grEn's syndrome is/aRE not Clear. Inflammation and lyMphocYtIC infILtRatioN of the", "whitespace_perturbation": " Currently, the mechanism( s) of deve lopme ntand p rogr essi on of Sj\u00f6gren' s syn drome is/are not clear . Inf la m mati o nand l ymphocy t ic i nfi lt ra tio no fthe", "underscore_trick": " Currently,_the mechanism(s)_of development and progression_of Sj\u00f6gren's_syndrome_is/are not_clear._Inflammation and lymphocytic_infiltration of the"} +{"text": " impact of such guidelines was a rapid increase in the number of protocols seeking ethics committee approval and, accordingly, an increase in the workload of ethics committees. This review", "synonym_substitution": "impact of such guidelines was a rapid increase in the number of protocol try ethics committee approval and, accordingly, an addition in the workload of ethics committees. This review", "butter_fingers": " imoact of such guidelines das a rapid incteqse in the nhmber of protocols seeking ethics colmuttee approval and, accordinely, an inbrease in the qorkload oh ethics commifbees. Chms review", "random_deletion": "impact of such guidelines was a rapid the of protocols ethics committee approval the of ethics committees. review", "change_char_case": " impact of such guidelines was A rapid incrEase iN thE nuMbEr of ProtOcols seeking etHIcs cOmmittee approval and, accOrdinGlY, An inCReAse in The workLOaD OF etHiCs ComMiTTeEs. ThiS reView", "whitespace_perturbation": " impact of such guidelines was a rap id in cre ase i n th e nu mber of protoc o ls s eeking ethics committe e app ro v al a n d, acco rdingly , a n inc re as e i nt he work loa d of et hics commi tte es . This revie w ", "underscore_trick": " impact_of such_guidelines was a rapid_increase in_the_number of_protocols_seeking ethics committee_approval and, accordingly,_an increase in the_workload of ethics_committees._This review"} +{"text": "GA performed using questionnaire predicts healthy life expectancy better than a health checkup based on a blood test. The increasing burden of mortality from viral hepatitis in the United States", "synonym_substitution": "GA performed using questionnaire predicts healthy life anticipation well than a health checkup based on a blood test. The increase burden of mortality from viral hepatitis in the United States", "butter_fingers": "GA oerformed using questionkaire predicts hgaothy lmfe expsctancy cetter than a health checkup bqsed in a blood test. The inzreasing hurden od moctality from virem hepatlcis ih the Nnited States", "random_deletion": "GA performed using questionnaire predicts healthy life than health checkup on a blood mortality viral hepatitis in United States", "change_char_case": "GA performed using questionnAire predicTs heaLthY liFe ExpeCtanCy better than a hEAlth Checkup based on a blood teSt. The InCReasINg BurdeN of mortALiTY FroM vIrAl hEpATiTis in The united STates", "whitespace_perturbation": "GA performed using questio nnaire pre dicts he alt hy lif e ex pectancy bette r tha n a health checkup bas ed on a bloo d t est.The inc r ea s i ngbu rd enof mo rtali tyfrom vi ral hepati tis i n the United St ates", "underscore_trick": "GA performed_using questionnaire_predicts healthy life expectancy_better than_a_health checkup_based_on a blood_test. The increasing_burden of mortality from_viral hepatitis in_the_United States"} +{"text": "-day period in association with potassium canrenoate (200 mg/day) administration. Doses of loop diuretics administered in this trial (10", "synonym_substitution": "-day period in association with potassium canrenoate (200 mg / day) administration. venereal disease of loop topology diuretics administered in this trial (10", "butter_fingers": "-day period in association wlth potassium caueenoatx (200 mg/dag) adminirtration. Doses of loop diurevics admibistered in this trial (10", "random_deletion": "-day period in association with potassium canrenoate administration. of loop administered in this", "change_char_case": "-day period in association witH potassium CanreNoaTe (200 mG/dAy) adMiniStration. Doses oF Loop Diuretics administered iN this TrIAl (10", "whitespace_perturbation": "-day period in association with pota ssium ca nre no ate(200 mg/day) admin i stra tion. Doses of loop di ureti cs admi n is tered in thi s t r i al(1 0", "underscore_trick": "-day period_in association_with potassium canrenoate (200_mg/day) administration._Doses_of loop_diuretics_administered in this_trial (10"} +{"text": "- and/or the upper-part fracture of the humerus was found in 6 patients, and the middle and/or lower-part fracture of the", "synonym_substitution": "- and/or the upper - part fracture of the humerus was found in 6 patients, and the in-between and/or depleted - part fault of the", "butter_fingers": "- anf/or the upper-part fractuve of the humerus was fmund ih 6 patievts, and the middle and/or lowxr-paet frqcture of the", "random_deletion": "- and/or the upper-part fracture of the found 6 patients, the middle and/or", "change_char_case": "- and/or the upper-part fracture Of the humerUs was FouNd iN 6 pAtieNts, aNd the middle and/OR lowEr-part fracture of the", "whitespace_perturbation": "- and/or the upper-part fr acture ofthe h ume rus w as f ound in 6 patients , and the middle and/or low er-pa rt frac t ur e ofthe", "underscore_trick": "- and/or_the upper-part_fracture of the humerus_was found_in_6 patients,_and_the middle and/or_lower-part fracture of_the"} +{"text": " those without the Le(a) antigen (80.8 vs 64%, p < 0.005). In H. pylori-infected patients, patients expressing Le", "synonym_substitution": "those without the Le(a) antigen (80.8 vs 64% , p < 0.005). In H. pylori - infected patients, patients carry Le", "butter_fingers": " thlse without the Le(a) antinen (80.8 vs 64%, p < 0.005). In K. pylorm-infectsd patievts, patients expressing Le", "random_deletion": "those without the Le(a) antigen (80.8 vs < In H. patients, patients expressing", "change_char_case": " those without the Le(a) antigen (80.8 Vs 64%, p < 0.005). In H. pyloRi-infEctEd pAtIentS, patIents expressinG le", "whitespace_perturbation": " those without the Le(a) a ntigen (80 .8 vs 64 %,p< 0. 005) . In H. pylori - infe cted patients, patient s exp re s sing Le ", "underscore_trick": " those_without the_Le(a) antigen (80.8 vs_64%, p_<_0.005). In_H._pylori-infected patients, patients_expressing Le"} +{"text": "00 cm, and mean energy absorption value of 2.48 cm-kg/cm3. Results obtained with the tensiometer compared with a statistically rigid system", "synonym_substitution": "00 cm, and mean energy absorption value of 2.48 cm - kilogram / cm3. result obtained with the tensiometer compared with a statistically inflexible organization", "butter_fingers": "00 cm, and mean energy absorptlon value of 2.48 cm-kg/cm3. Revults kbtained with the tensiometer comparxd wuth a statistically rigid shstem", "random_deletion": "00 cm, and mean energy absorption value cm-kg/cm3. obtained with tensiometer compared with", "change_char_case": "00 cm, and mean energy absorption Value of 2.48 cm-kG/cm3. ReSulTs oBtAineD witH the tensiometeR CompAred with a statistically Rigid SySTem", "whitespace_perturbation": "00 cm, and mean energy abs orption va lue o f 2 .48 c m-kg /cm3 . Results obta i nedwith the tensiometer c ompar ed with astati sticall y r i g idsy st em", "underscore_trick": "00 cm,_and mean_energy absorption value of_2.48 cm-kg/cm3._Results_obtained with_the_tensiometer compared with_a statistically rigid_system"} +{"text": "oassays and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays.\nA method was developed for the simultaneous transfer of large numbers of solid-phase adsorbents in radio", "synonym_substitution": "oassays and enzyme - linked immunosorbent assays. \n A method was developed for the coincident transportation of big numbers of upstanding - phase adsorbent in radio", "butter_fingers": "oasdays and enzyme-linked imounosorbent asscts.\nA mevhod waa develooed for the simultaneous traisfee of oarge numbers of solid-ohase adslrbents un redio", "random_deletion": "oassays and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. A method for simultaneous transfer large numbers of", "change_char_case": "oassays and enzyme-linked immUnosorbent AssayS.\nA mEthOd Was dEvelOped for the simuLTaneOus transfer of large numbErs of SoLId-phASe AdsorBents in RAdIO", "whitespace_perturbation": "oassays and enzyme-linkedimmunosorb ent a ssa ys. \nA met hodwas developedf or t he simultaneous transf er of l a rgen um bersof soli d -p h a sead so rbe nt s i n rad io", "underscore_trick": "oassays and_enzyme-linked immunosorbent_assays.\nA method was developed_for the_simultaneous_transfer of_large_numbers of solid-phase_adsorbents in radio"} +{"text": " cells, upon radiation with clinically used 6 MeV X-rays, while no release was detected without radiation. These functional AuNPs were prepared with surface-graft", "synonym_substitution": "cells, upon radiation with clinically used 6 MeV X - ray, while no dismissal was detected without radiation. These functional AuNPs were cook with surface - graft", "butter_fingers": " cepls, upon radiation with glinically used 6 MeV X-reys, whime no reuease was detected without rediarion. Ukese functional AuNPr were prvpared wirh snrface-graft", "random_deletion": "cells, upon radiation with clinically used 6 while release was without radiation. These surface-graft", "change_char_case": " cells, upon radiation with cliNically useD 6 MeV X-RayS, whIlE no rEleaSe was detected wIThouT radiation. These functioNal AunPS Were PRePared With surFAcE-GRafT", "whitespace_perturbation": " cells, upon radiation wit h clinical ly us ed6 M eV X-r ays, while no rele a se w as detected without ra diati on . The s efunct ional A u NP s wer epr epa re d w ith s urf ace-gra ft", "underscore_trick": " cells,_upon radiation_with clinically used 6_MeV X-rays,_while_no release_was_detected without radiation._These functional AuNPs_were prepared with surface-graft"} +{"text": " all, the management of OAC treatment needs to be optimized in order to achieve a stable therapeutic effect in as many patients as possible. Secondly, patient characteristics need", "synonym_substitution": "all, the management of OAC treatment needs to be optimized in order to achieve a static curative impression in as many patient as potential. Secondly, patient characteristics need", "butter_fingers": " alp, the management of OAC ureatment needs to be opvimized in ordef to achieve a stable therapxutix efftbt in as many patientr as posspble. Secobdly, patient chedacteristics hced", "random_deletion": "all, the management of OAC treatment needs optimized order to a stable therapeutic as Secondly, patient characteristics", "change_char_case": " all, the management of OAC treaTment needs To be oPtiMizEd In orDer tO achieve a stablE TherApeutic effect in as many pAtienTs AS posSIbLe. SecOndly, paTIeNT ChaRaCtEriStICs Need", "whitespace_perturbation": " all, the management of OA C treatmen t nee dstobe opt imiz ed in order to achi eve a stable therapeut ic ef fe c t in as many patien t sa s po ss ib le. S e co ndly, pa tient c haracteris tic sneed", "underscore_trick": " all,_the management_of OAC treatment needs_to be_optimized_in order_to_achieve a stable_therapeutic effect in_as many patients as_possible. Secondly, patient_characteristics_need"} +{"text": "EC should be offered adequate diagnostic and treatment options. Heterogeneity in dynamic regulation of intracellular calcium in airway smooth muscle cells.\nIntracellular Ca2+ ([", "synonym_substitution": "EC should be offered adequate diagnostic and treatment options. Heterogeneity in dynamic rule of intracellular calcium in respiratory tract smooth muscle cell. \n Intracellular Ca2 + ([", "butter_fingers": "EC dhould be offered adequaue diagnostic and treatmxnt optjons. Hetdrogeneity in dynamic regulavion of ibtracellular calcium iv airway dmooth mysclt cells.\nIntracellular Ca2+ ([", "random_deletion": "EC should be offered adequate diagnostic and Heterogeneity dynamic regulation intracellular calcium in Ca2+", "change_char_case": "EC should be offered adequate Diagnostic And trEatMenT oPtioNs. HeTerogeneity in dYNamiC regulation of intracellUlar cAlCIum iN AiRway sMooth muSClE CEllS.\nINtRacElLUlAr Ca2+ ([", "whitespace_perturbation": "EC should be offered adequ ate diagno sticand tr ea tmen t op tions. Heterog e neit y in dynamic regulatio n ofin t race l lu lar c alciumi na i rwa ysm oot hm us cle c ell s.\nIntr acellularCa2 +([", "underscore_trick": "EC should_be offered_adequate diagnostic and treatment_options. Heterogeneity_in_dynamic regulation_of_intracellular calcium in_airway smooth muscle_cells.\nIntracellular Ca2+ (["} +{"text": " and for the comparison with oral risperidone treatment. The established model was used to support the design of a planned phase III study. We Refuse to Give", "synonym_substitution": "and for the comparison with oral risperidone treatment. The established model was used to confirm the invention of a planned phase III study. We deny to Give", "butter_fingers": " anf for the comparison witm oral risperidouw treavment. Tge estabuished model was used to sup'ort the eesign of a planned phxse III snudy. We Rwfust to Give", "random_deletion": "and for the comparison with oral risperidone established was used support the design study. Refuse to Give", "change_char_case": " and for the comparison with orAl risperidOne trEatMenT. THe esTablIshed model was uSEd to Support the design of a plaNned pHaSE III STuDy. We REfuse to gIvE", "whitespace_perturbation": " and for the comparison wi th oral ri speri don e t re atme nt.The establishe d mod el was used to support thede s igno fa pla nned ph a se I IIst ud y.We Re fusetoGive", "underscore_trick": " and_for the_comparison with oral risperidone_treatment. The_established_model was_used_to support the_design of a_planned phase III study._We Refuse to_Give"} +{"text": " mass was associated with this recovery. Moreover, spasticity decreased, the incidence of medical complications fell dramatically, and the incidence of infections and use of antibiotic medications", "synonym_substitution": "mass was associated with this recovery. Moreover, spasticity decrease, the incidence of aesculapian complications fell dramatically, and the incidence of infection and consumption of antibiotic medications", "butter_fingers": " mads was associated with tmis recovery. Morgocer, spesticitg decreared, the incidence of medical cimplixations fell dramaticauly, and tje incidwnce if infections and mfe or antnbmotic medicatioks", "random_deletion": "mass was associated with this recovery. Moreover, the of medical fell dramatically, and use antibiotic medications", "change_char_case": " mass was associated with this Recovery. MoReoveR, spAstIcIty dEcreAsed, the incidenCE of mEdical complications felL dramAtICallY, AnD the iNcidencE Of INFecTiOnS anD uSE oF antiBioTic mediCations", "whitespace_perturbation": " mass was associated withthis recov ery.Mor eov er , sp asti city decreased , the incidence of medicalcompl ic a tion s f ell d ramatic a ll y , an dth e i nc i de nce o f i nfectio ns and use of a ntibiotic me d ic ations", "underscore_trick": " mass_was associated_with this recovery. Moreover,_spasticity decreased,_the_incidence of_medical_complications fell dramatically,_and the incidence_of infections and use_of antibiotic medications"} +{"text": " factors is regulated by small hydrophobic ligands. GW4064 is a potent and selective nonsteroidal ligand for the nuclear bile acid receptor FXR (NR1H", "synonym_substitution": "factors is regulated by small hydrophobic ligands. GW4064 is a potent and selective nonsteroid ligand for the nuclear bile acid sense organ FXR (NR1H", "butter_fingers": " faftors is regulated by smxll hydrophobic ligandv. GW4064 ia a potevt and selective nonsteroidap oigane for the nuclear bile acid recvptor FXR (NR1H", "random_deletion": "factors is regulated by small hydrophobic ligands. a and selective ligand for the (NR1H", "change_char_case": " factors is regulated by small HydrophobiC ligaNds. gW4064 iS a PoteNt anD selective nonsTEroiDal ligand for the nuclear Bile aCiD RecePToR FXR (Nr1H", "whitespace_perturbation": " factors is regulated by s mall hydro phobi c l iga nd s. G W406 4 is a potenta nd s elective nonsteroidalligan df or t h enucle ar bile ac i d re ce pt orFX R ( NR1H", "underscore_trick": " factors_is regulated_by small hydrophobic ligands._GW4064 is_a_potent and_selective_nonsteroidal ligand for_the nuclear bile_acid receptor FXR (NR1H"} +{"text": " at birth: which is the best parameter?\nTo evaluate the prediction of acidemia at birth using ductus venosus Doppler velocimetry and to determine the best", "synonym_substitution": "at birth: which is the best parameter? \n To evaluate the prediction of acidemia at parturition use ductus venosus Doppler velocimetry and to determine the best", "butter_fingers": " at birth: which is the best parameter?\nTo evcouate vhe presiction uf acidemia at birth using dnctuw venisus Doppler velocimetfy and to determibe tie best", "random_deletion": "at birth: which is the best parameter? the of acidemia birth using ductus determine best", "change_char_case": " at birth: which is the best paraMeter?\nTo evaLuate The PreDiCtioN of aCidemia at birth USing Ductus venosus Doppler veLocimEtRY and TO dEtermIne the bESt", "whitespace_perturbation": " at birth: which is the be st paramet er?\nT o e val ua te t he p rediction of a c idem ia at birth using duct us ve no s us D o pp ler v elocime t ry a ndto d ete rm i ne thebes t", "underscore_trick": " at_birth: which_is the best parameter?\nTo_evaluate the_prediction_of acidemia_at_birth using ductus_venosus Doppler velocimetry_and to determine the_best"} +{"text": " a qualitatively different manner from those triggered by coreceptor recruitment. Vertebral osteomyelitis and epidural abscesses caused by Prevotella oralis", "synonym_substitution": "a qualitatively different manner from those triggered by coreceptor recruitment. Vertebral osteomyelitis and epidural abscesses caused by Prevotella oralis", "butter_fingers": " a eualitatively different oanner from those trigjered bg coreceotor recruitment. Vertebral odtwomyeoitis and epidural abszesses calsed by Peevouella oralis", "random_deletion": "a qualitatively different manner from those triggered recruitment. osteomyelitis and abscesses caused by", "change_char_case": " a qualitatively different maNner from thOse trIggEreD bY corEcepTor recruitment. vErteBral osteomyelitis and epIduraL aBScesSEs CauseD by PrevOTeLLA orAlIs", "whitespace_perturbation": " a qualitatively different manner fr om th ose tr ig gere d by coreceptor re c ruit ment. Vertebral osteom yelit is ande pi dural absces s es c aus ed b y P re v ot ellaora lis", "underscore_trick": " a_qualitatively different_manner from those triggered_by coreceptor_recruitment._Vertebral osteomyelitis_and_epidural abscesses caused_by Prevotella oralis"} +{"text": " hydroxylamino compounds, whereas the strains with high nitroreductase activity were very sensitive to some nitroaromatics. The combined use of the isogenic tester", "synonym_substitution": "hydroxylamino compounds, whereas the strains with high nitroreductase activity were very sensible to some nitroaromatics. The compound use of the isogenic tester", "butter_fingers": " hyfroxylamino compounds, whtreas the strains with hmgh nitdoreductxse activity were very sensivive to sime nitroaromatics. The combined use of rhe msogenic tester", "random_deletion": "hydroxylamino compounds, whereas the strains with high were sensitive to nitroaromatics. The combined", "change_char_case": " hydroxylamino compounds, wheReas the strAins wIth HigH nItroReduCtase activity wERe veRy sensitive to some nitroAromaTiCS. The COmBined Use of thE IsOGEniC tEsTer", "whitespace_perturbation": " hydroxylamino compounds,whereas th e str ain s w it h hi gh n itroreductasea ctiv ity were very sensitiv e toso m e ni t ro aroma tics. T h ec o mbi ne duse o f t he is oge nic tes ter", "underscore_trick": " hydroxylamino_compounds, whereas_the strains with high_nitroreductase activity_were_very sensitive_to_some nitroaromatics. The_combined use of_the isogenic tester"} +{"text": " imaging.\nMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed on 37 patients with acute spinal injury using T1- and T2-weighted images. Three different", "synonym_substitution": "imaging. \n Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was perform on 37 patient with acute spinal injury using T1- and T2 - leaden images. Three different", "butter_fingers": " imwging.\nMagnetic resonance lmaging (MRI) was keeformev on 37 pztients dith acute spinal injury usiig T1- and U2-ceighted images. Thred differejt", "random_deletion": "imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed patients acute spinal using T1- and", "change_char_case": " imaging.\nMagnetic resonance iMaging (MRI) wAs perForMed On 37 PatiEnts With acute spinaL InjuRy using T1- and T2-weighted imAges. THrEE difFErEnt", "whitespace_perturbation": " imaging.\nMagnetic resonan ce imaging (MRI ) w aspe rfor medon 37 patients with acute spinal injury u singT1 - and T2 -weig hted im a ge s . Th re edif fe r en t", "underscore_trick": " imaging.\nMagnetic_resonance imaging_(MRI) was performed on_37 patients_with_acute spinal_injury_using T1- and_T2-weighted images. Three_different"} +{"text": " injury by either concentration. This suggests that protection is not dependent on high or on low ATP levels. Incubation of paracetamol-treated slices in the", "synonym_substitution": "injury by either concentration. This suggests that protection is not pendent on eminent or on low ATP levels. Incubation of paracetamol - process slices in the", "butter_fingers": " inuury by either concentrauion. This suggests that 'rotectjon is nut dependent on high or on llw ATP oevels. Incubation of pxracetamop-treated slires in the", "random_deletion": "injury by either concentration. This suggests that not on high on low ATP in", "change_char_case": " injury by either concentratiOn. This suggEsts tHat ProTeCtioN is nOt dependent on hIGh or On low ATP levels. IncubatiOn of pArACetaMOl-TreatEd sliceS In THE", "whitespace_perturbation": " injury by either concentr ation. Thi s sug ges tsth at p rote ction is not d e pend ent on high or on lowATP l ev e ls.I nc ubati on of p a ra c e tam ol -t rea te d s lices in the", "underscore_trick": " injury_by either_concentration. This suggests that_protection is_not_dependent on_high_or on low_ATP levels. Incubation_of paracetamol-treated slices in_the"} +{"text": " developed to confine and measure hydrogen samples under static conditions to pressures above 300 GPa from 12 to 300 K using synchrotron infrared and optical absorption techniques. A", "synonym_substitution": "developed to confine and measure hydrogen samples under inactive condition to pressures above 300 grade point average from 12 to 300 K use synchrotron infrared and optical preoccupation proficiency. A", "butter_fingers": " degeloped to confine and mtasure hydrogen scnples nnder sfatic covditions to pressures above 300 GPa frim 12 to 300 K using synchrutron infgared and optmcal absorption vschniqucf. A", "random_deletion": "developed to confine and measure hydrogen samples conditions pressures above GPa from 12 infrared optical absorption techniques.", "change_char_case": " developed to confine and measUre hydrogeN sampLes UndEr StatIc coNditions to presSUres Above 300 GPa from 12 to 300 K using syNchroTrON infRArEd and Optical ABsORPtiOn TeChnIqUEs. a", "whitespace_perturbation": " developed to confine andmeasure hy droge n s amp le s un derstatic conditi o ns t o pressures above 300GPa f ro m 12t o300 K usings yn c h rot ro ninf ra r ed andopt ical ab sorption t ech ni ques. A", "underscore_trick": " developed_to confine_and measure hydrogen samples_under static_conditions_to pressures_above_300 GPa from_12 to 300_K using synchrotron infrared_and optical absorption_techniques._A"} +{"text": " portal hypertension].\nThe author presents a list of preparations used to influence portal hypertension resulting from cirrhosis of the liver, in particular in treatment or prevention of haemorrh", "synonym_substitution": "portal hypertension ]. \n The author presents a list of planning use to influence portal hypertension resulting from cirrhosis of the liver, in finical in treatment or prevention of haemorrh", "butter_fingers": " pogtal hypertension].\nThe autmor presents a lnwt of 'reparafions usdd to influence portal hypervensuon rtfulting from cirrhusis of tje liver, in karticular in treefment ov prebcntiou if haemorrh", "random_deletion": "portal hypertension]. The author presents a list used influence portal resulting from cirrhosis in or prevention of", "change_char_case": " portal hypertension].\nThe authOr presents A list Of pRepArAtioNs usEd to influence pORtal Hypertension resulting fRom ciRrHOsis OF tHe livEr, in parTIcULAr iN tReAtmEnT Or PreveNtiOn of haeMorrh", "whitespace_perturbation": " portal hypertension].\nThe author pr esent s a li st ofprep arations usedt o in fluence portal hyperte nsion r e sult i ng from cirrho s is o f t he l ive r, in part icu lar intreatmentorpr evention ofh ae morrh", "underscore_trick": " portal_hypertension].\nThe author_presents a list of_preparations used_to_influence portal_hypertension_resulting from cirrhosis_of the liver,_in particular in treatment_or prevention of_haemorrh"} +{"text": " comparing biopsy and radical prostatectomy Gleason sums. Logistic regression was used to determine the predictors of under grading based on clinical variables (race, age at diagnosis", "synonym_substitution": "comparing biopsy and radical prostatectomy Gleason sums. Logistic regression was use to settle the predictors of under grading based on clinical variable (race, age at diagnosis", "butter_fingers": " colparing biopsy and radicxl prostatectomi Tleasoi sums. Mogistic regression was used to detecminw the predictors of under gfading baded on coiniral variables (rars, age ab diafkosis", "random_deletion": "comparing biopsy and radical prostatectomy Gleason sums. was to determine predictors of under (race, at diagnosis", "change_char_case": " comparing biopsy and radical ProstatectOmy GlEasOn sUmS. LogIstiC regression was USed tO determine the predictorS of unDeR GradINg Based On cliniCAl VARiaBlEs (RacE, aGE aT diagNosIs", "whitespace_perturbation": " comparing biopsy and radi cal prosta tecto myGle as on s ums. Logistic regr e ssio n was used to determin e the p r edic t or s ofunder g r ad i n g b as ed on c l in icalvar iables(race, age at d iagnosis", "underscore_trick": " comparing_biopsy and_radical prostatectomy Gleason sums._Logistic regression_was_used to_determine_the predictors of_under grading based_on clinical variables (race,_age at diagnosis"} +{"text": " close to additive increases in food conversion efficiency (18.8%, 21.5% and 39.6% increases with IGF-I, GH and IGF-", "synonym_substitution": "close to additive increases in food conversion efficiency (18.8% , 21.5% and 39.6% increases with IGF - I, GH and IGF-", "butter_fingers": " cllse to additive increaser in food convetsuon efhiciencg (18.8%, 21.5% and 39.6% increases with IGF-I, GH and MGF-", "random_deletion": "close to additive increases in food conversion 21.5% 39.6% increases IGF-I, GH and", "change_char_case": " close to additive increases iN food conveRsion EffIciEnCy (18.8%, 21.5% anD 39.6% incReases with IGF-I, gh and iGF-", "whitespace_perturbation": " close to additive increas es in food conv ers ion e ffic ienc y (18.8%, 21.5 % and 39.6% increases withIGF-I ,G H an d I GF-", "underscore_trick": " close_to additive_increases in food conversion_efficiency (18.8%,_21.5%_and 39.6%_increases_with IGF-I, GH_and IGF-"} +{"text": " A retrospective analysis of all VMSBL cases that underwent endoscopic endonasal skull base approach (EESBA) for CSF leak repair at a single tertiary neuro", "synonym_substitution": "A retrospective analysis of all VMSBL cases that underwent endoscopic endonasal skull base overture (EESBA) for CSF escape repair at a single third neuro", "butter_fingers": " A getrospective analysis on all VMSBL cases that nnderweht endoszopic endonasal skull base a'proqch (ETFBA) for CSF leak rdpair at w single teruiary neuro", "random_deletion": "A retrospective analysis of all VMSBL cases endoscopic skull base (EESBA) for CSF tertiary", "change_char_case": " A retrospective analysis of aLl VMSBL casEs thaT unDerWeNt enDoscOpic endonasal sKUll bAse approach (EESBA) for CSF Leak rEpAIr at A SiNgle tErtiary NEuRO", "whitespace_perturbation": " A retrospective analysisof all VMS BL ca ses th at und erwe nt endoscopice ndon asal skull base approa ch (E ES B A) f o rCSF l eak rep a ir a t a s in gle t e rt iaryneu ro", "underscore_trick": " A_retrospective analysis_of all VMSBL cases_that underwent_endoscopic_endonasal skull_base_approach (EESBA) for_CSF leak repair_at a single tertiary_neuro"} +{"text": " set by temperature thresholds for poleward extent, and by aridity within temperature limits. Latitudinal expansion has been observed for terrestrial woody shrubs and mangro", "synonym_substitution": "set by temperature thresholds for poleward extent, and by aridity within temperature limits. Latitudinal expansion has been note for mundane woody shrubs and mangro", "butter_fingers": " seh by temperature threshouds for polewarb extenv, and bg aridith within temperature limits. Paritudunal expansion has beev observef for teeresurial woody shrubs and makyro", "random_deletion": "set by temperature thresholds for poleward extent, aridity temperature limits. expansion has been and", "change_char_case": " set by temperature thresholdS for polewaRd extEnt, And By AridIty wIthin temperatuRE limIts. Latitudinal expansioN has bEeN ObseRVeD for tErrestrIAl WOOdy ShRuBs aNd MAnGro", "whitespace_perturbation": " set by temperature thresh olds for p olewa rdext en t, a nd b y aridity with i n te mperature limits. Lati tudin al expa n si on ha s beeno bs e r ved f or te rr e st rialwoo dy shru bs and man gro ", "underscore_trick": " set_by temperature_thresholds for poleward extent,_and by_aridity_within temperature_limits._Latitudinal expansion has_been observed for_terrestrial woody shrubs and_mangro"} +{"text": "misuse\" or a consumption of sports medicine in the name of sporting achievements. White matter tract and glial-associated changes in 5-hydroxymethylcytosine", "synonym_substitution": "misuse \" or a consumption of sports medicine in the name of sporting achievements. blank topic tract and glial - associated change in 5 - hydroxymethylcytosine", "butter_fingers": "miskse\" or a consumption of rports medicine in the name kf sportkng achievements. White mattec trqct abd glial-associated chavges in 5-hjdroxymetyylcbtosine", "random_deletion": "misuse\" or a consumption of sports medicine name sporting achievements. matter tract and", "change_char_case": "misuse\" or a consumption of spoRts medicinE in thE naMe oF sPortIng aChievements. WhiTE matTer tract and glial-associAted cHaNGes iN 5-HyDroxyMethylcYToSINe", "whitespace_perturbation": "misuse\" or a consumption o f sports m edici neinth e na me o f sporting ach i evem ents. White matter tra ct an dg lial - as socia ted cha n ge s in5- hy dro xy m et hylcy tos ine", "underscore_trick": "misuse\" or_a consumption_of sports medicine in_the name_of_sporting achievements._White_matter tract and_glial-associated changes in_5-hydroxymethylcytosine"} +{"text": " with log-transformed dose (independent variable) and Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) total score (dependent variable). There were no significant dose group", "synonym_substitution": "with log - transformed dose (independent variable star) and Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) entire score (dependent variable star). There were no meaning dose group", "butter_fingers": " wihh log-transformed dose (ikdependent variayoe) and Positjve and Vegative Syndrome Scale (PANSD) rotal score (dependent variacle). There were no sigiificant dose group", "random_deletion": "with log-transformed dose (independent variable) and Positive Syndrome (PANSS) total (dependent variable). There", "change_char_case": " with log-transformed dose (indEpendent vaRiablE) anD PoSiTive And NEgative SyndromE scalE (PANSS) total score (dependEnt vaRiABle). THErE were No signiFIcANT doSe GrOup", "whitespace_perturbation": " with log-transformed dose (independ ent v ari abl e) and Pos itive and Nega t iveSyndrome Scale (PANSS) tota ls core (d epend ent var i ab l e ).Th er e w er e n o sig nif icant d ose group", "underscore_trick": " with_log-transformed dose_(independent variable) and Positive_and Negative_Syndrome_Scale (PANSS)_total_score (dependent variable)._There were no_significant dose group"} +{"text": " essential modifier (NEMO). We studied the impact of hepatocyte-specific IKK2 deletion during liver regeneration. A 70% PH was performed on I", "synonym_substitution": "essential modifier (NEMO). We studied the impact of hepatocyte - specific IKK2 omission during liver positive feedback. A 70% PH was performed on I", "butter_fingers": " esdential modifier (NEMO). We studied the imkaxt of iepatocgte-speciwic IKK2 deletion during livec retenerqtion. A 70% PH was perforoed on I", "random_deletion": "essential modifier (NEMO). We studied the impact IKK2 during liver A 70% PH", "change_char_case": " essential modifier (NEMO). We stUdied the imPact oF hePatOcYte-sPeciFic IKK2 deletion DUrinG liver regeneration. A 70% PH wAs perFoRMed oN i", "whitespace_perturbation": " essential modifier (NEMO) . We studi ed th e i mpa ct ofhepa tocyte-specifi c IKK 2 deletion during live r reg en e rati o n. A 70 % PH wa s p e r for me donI", "underscore_trick": " essential_modifier (NEMO)._We studied the impact_of hepatocyte-specific_IKK2_deletion during_liver_regeneration. A 70%_PH was performed_on I"} +{"text": ". Small interfering RNA (siRNA), an effector of the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway, can selectively downregulate any gene implicated in the pathology of disease", "synonym_substitution": ". Small interfering RNA (siRNA), an effector of the RNA interference (RNAi) nerve pathway, can selectively downregulate any gene implicate in the pathology of disease", "butter_fingers": ". Smwll interfering RNA (siRNX), an effector oy the RIA intedference (RNAi) pathway, can selectivelb doqnregylate any gene implicaged in thv patholoty oh disease", "random_deletion": ". Small interfering RNA (siRNA), an effector RNA (RNAi) pathway, selectively downregulate any of", "change_char_case": ". Small interfering RNA (siRNA), aN effector oF the RnA iNteRfErenCe (RNai) pathway, can seLEctiVely downregulate any genE implIcATed iN ThE pathOlogy of DIsEASe", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Small interfering RNA (s iRNA), aneffec tor of t he R NA i nterference (R N Ai)pathway, can selective ly do wn r egul a te anygene im p li c a ted i nthe p a th ology of diseas e", "underscore_trick": ". Small_interfering RNA_(siRNA), an effector of_the RNA_interference_(RNAi) pathway,_can_selectively downregulate any_gene implicated in_the pathology of disease"} +{"text": " or constraint-induced movement therapy, the limited and heterogeneous improvements they allow are, for most patients, usually not sufficient to return to full autonomy. Various innovative neuro", "synonym_substitution": "or constraint - induced movement therapy, the limited and heterogenous improvement they allow are, for most patients, normally not sufficient to return to broad autonomy. Various advanced neuro", "butter_fingers": " or constraint-induced movemtnt therapy, the lnnited end hetsrogeneojs improvements they allow ace, fir mowt patients, usually nog sufficivnt to rerurn ro full auvknomy. Various lnnovctmve neuro", "random_deletion": "or constraint-induced movement therapy, the limited and they are, for patients, usually not autonomy. innovative neuro", "change_char_case": " or constraint-induced movemeNt therapy, tHe limIteD anD hEterOgenEous improvemenTS theY allow are, for most patienTs, usuAlLY not SUfFicieNt to retURn TO FulL aUtOnoMy. vArIous iNnoVative nEuro", "whitespace_perturbation": " or constraint-induced mov ement ther apy,the li mi tedandheterogeneousi mpro vements they allow are , for m o st p a ti ents, usuall y n o t su ff ic ien tt oretur n t o fullautonomy.Var io us innovativ e n euro", "underscore_trick": " or_constraint-induced movement_therapy, the limited and_heterogeneous improvements_they_allow are,_for_most patients, usually_not sufficient to_return to full autonomy._Various innovative neuro"} +{"text": "asis was evaluated at 30 seconds after treatment. Less than 30% of the patients achieved hemostasis within 30 seconds in the hemostatic sponge group; approximately", "synonym_substitution": "asis was evaluated at 30 seconds after treatment. Less than 30% of the patients achieve hemostasis within 30 second in the hemostatic quick study group; approximately", "butter_fingers": "asid was evaluated at 30 secokds after treatmgnr. Less than 30% of the oatients achieved hemostasis wuthin 30 seconds in the hemosgatic spojge group; apkroximately", "random_deletion": "asis was evaluated at 30 seconds after than of the achieved hemostasis within sponge approximately", "change_char_case": "asis was evaluated at 30 seconds After treatMent. LEss ThaN 30% oF the PatiEnts achieved heMOstaSis within 30 seconds in the hEmostAtIC spoNGe Group; ApproxiMAtELY", "whitespace_perturbation": "asis was evaluated at 30 s econds aft er tr eat men t. Les s th an 30% of thep atie nts achieved hemostasi s wit hi n 30s ec ondsin theh em o s tat ic s pon ge gr oup;app roximat ely", "underscore_trick": "asis was_evaluated at_30 seconds after treatment._Less than_30%_of the_patients_achieved hemostasis within_30 seconds in_the hemostatic sponge group;_approximately"} +{"text": " surrounded by several acidic side-chains (as demonstrated preferentially to occur in isolated ghosts), but also on other Tyr residues surrounded by other amino acid sequences. A curve", "synonym_substitution": "surrounded by several acidic side - chains (as attest preferentially to happen in isolated ghosts), but besides on other Tyr remainder surrounded by other amino acid sequence. A curve", "butter_fingers": " sugrounded by several acidlc side-chains (as demonsvrated lreferengially to occur in isolated jhosrs), buu also on other Tyr residues surrouneed uy other amino arjd sequcuces. Z curre", "random_deletion": "surrounded by several acidic side-chains (as demonstrated occur isolated ghosts), also on other amino sequences. A curve", "change_char_case": " surrounded by several acidic Side-chains (As demOnsTraTeD preFereNtially to occur IN isoLated ghosts), but also on otHer TyR rESiduES sUrrouNded by oTHeR AMinO aCiD seQuENcEs. A cuRve", "whitespace_perturbation": " surrounded by several aci dic side-c hains (a s d em onst rate d preferential l y to occur in isolated gho sts), b u t al s oon ot her Tyr re s i due ssu rro un d ed by o the r amino acid sequ enc es . A curve", "underscore_trick": " surrounded_by several_acidic side-chains (as demonstrated_preferentially to_occur_in isolated_ghosts),_but also on_other Tyr residues_surrounded by other amino_acid sequences. A_curve"} +{"text": "\ufffd6/\u22065 fatty acyl desaturase (Fad), a rate-limiting enzyme catalyzing the first step in the conversion of C18 PU", "synonym_substitution": "\ufffd 6/\u22065 fatty acyl desaturase (Fad), a rate - limiting enzyme catalyzing the inaugural gradation in the conversion of C18 PU", "butter_fingers": "\ufffd6/\u22065 fahty acyl desaturase (Fad), x rate-limiting gnzyme cetalyzihg the fkrst step in the conversion lf C18 PU", "random_deletion": "\ufffd6/\u22065 fatty acyl desaturase (Fad), a rate-limiting the step in conversion of C18", "change_char_case": "\ufffd6/\u22065 fatty acyl desaturase (Fad), a raTe-limiting EnzymE caTalYzIng tHe fiRst step in the coNVersIon of C18 PU", "whitespace_perturbation": "\ufffd6/\u22065 fatty acyl desaturas e (Fad), a rate -li mit in g en zyme catalyzing th e fir st step in the convers ion o fC 18 P U ", "underscore_trick": "\ufffd6/\u22065 fatty_acyl desaturase_(Fad), a rate-limiting enzyme_catalyzing the_first_step in_the_conversion of C18_PU"} +{"text": ", Fig. 1). Electrochemical studies of 2a, its analogues and selected model compounds established that the alpha-pyridone ring D is most susceptible to a", "synonym_substitution": ", Fig. 1). Electrochemical studies of 2a, its analogues and selected model compound prove that the alpha - pyridone ring D is most susceptible to a", "butter_fingers": ", Fih. 1). Electrochemical studits of 2a, its analoyyes anv selecfed modeu compounds established that tye alkka-pyridone ring D is most susbeptible ro a", "random_deletion": ", Fig. 1). Electrochemical studies of 2a, and model compounds that the alpha-pyridone to", "change_char_case": ", Fig. 1). Electrochemical studies Of 2a, its analOgues And SelEcTed mOdel Compounds estabLIsheD that the alpha-pyridone rIng D iS mOSt suSCePtiblE to a", "whitespace_perturbation": ", Fig. 1). Electrochemical studies o f 2a, it s a na logu es a nd selected mo d el c ompounds established t hat t he alph a -p yrido ne ring Di s mo st s usc ep t ib le to a", "underscore_trick": ", Fig._1). Electrochemical_studies of 2a, its_analogues and_selected_model compounds_established_that the alpha-pyridone_ring D is_most susceptible to a"} +{"text": " incidence of ovulatory failure and development of luteinised unruptured follicles (83%, P = 0.015) compared with untreated mares. [Open", "synonym_substitution": "incidence of ovulatory failure and development of luteinised unruptured follicles (83% , P = 0.015) compare with untreated mare. [ Open", "butter_fingers": " infidence of ovulatory faiuure and develokmwnt of luteihised unfuptured follicles (83%, P = 0.015) compered with untreated mares. [Open", "random_deletion": "incidence of ovulatory failure and development of follicles P = compared with untreated", "change_char_case": " incidence of ovulatory failuRe and develOpmenT of LutEiNiseD unrUptured folliclES (83%, P = 0.015) coMpared with untreated marEs. [OpeN", "whitespace_perturbation": " incidence of ovulatory fa ilure anddevel opm ent o f lu tein ised unrupture d fol licles (83%, P = 0.015 ) com pa r ed w i th untr eated m a re s . [O pe n", "underscore_trick": " incidence_of ovulatory_failure and development of_luteinised unruptured_follicles_(83%, P_=_0.015) compared with_untreated mares. [Open"} +{"text": " absorbance at 428 nm of 3-nitrotyrosine. Amino acid analysis and N-terminal sequencing of peptides with strong absorbance at 428 nm isolated from the", "synonym_substitution": "absorbance at 428 nm of 3 - nitrotyrosine. Amino acid analysis and N - concluding sequencing of peptide with hard absorbance at 428 nm isolated from the", "butter_fingers": " abdorbance at 428 nm of 3-nitrouyrosine. Amino acne analbsis ans N-termival sequencing of peptides wmth wtront absorbance at 428 nm isulated frlm the", "random_deletion": "absorbance at 428 nm of 3-nitrotyrosine. Amino and sequencing of with strong absorbance the", "change_char_case": " absorbance at 428 nm of 3-nitrotyroSine. Amino aCid anAlySis AnD N-teRminAl sequencing of PEptiDes with strong absorbancE at 428 nm IsOLateD FrOm the", "whitespace_perturbation": " absorbance at 428 nm of 3 -nitrotyro sine. Am ino a cidanal ysis and N-ter m inal sequencing of peptide s wit hs tron g a bsorb ance at 42 8 nmis ol ate df ro m the ", "underscore_trick": " absorbance_at 428_nm of 3-nitrotyrosine. Amino_acid analysis_and_N-terminal sequencing_of_peptides with strong_absorbance at 428_nm isolated from the"} +{"text": "um LMG 128 as Hoeflea marina gen. nov., sp. nov.\nMembers of the species Agrobacterium ferrugineum", "synonym_substitution": "um LMG 128 as Hoeflea marina gen. nov. , sp. nov. \n Members of the species Agrobacterium ferrugineum", "butter_fingers": "um PMG 128 as Hoeflea marina gtn. nov., sp. nov.\nMembgrw of tie specjes Agrocacterium ferrugineum", "random_deletion": "um LMG 128 as Hoeflea marina gen. nov. of the Agrobacterium ferrugineum", "change_char_case": "um LMG 128 as Hoeflea marina gen. noV., sp. nov.\nMembErs of The SpeCiEs AgRobaCterium ferrugiNEum", "whitespace_perturbation": "um LMG 128 as Hoeflea mari na gen. no v., s p.nov .Memb ersof the species Agro bacterium ferrugineum", "underscore_trick": "um LMG_128 as_Hoeflea marina gen. nov.,_sp. nov.\nMembers_of_the species_Agrobacterium_ferrugineum"} +{"text": "acaine and lidocaine.\nPregnancy is accompanied by an increased cardiac and neural sensitivity to some local anesthetic agents such as bupivacaine.", "synonym_substitution": "acaine and lidocaine. \n Pregnancy is accompanied by an increased cardiac and neural sensitivity to some local anesthetic agent such as bupivacaine.", "butter_fingers": "acalne and lidocaine.\nPregnangy is accompanieb by an increzsed caraiac and neural sensitivity vo sime lical anesthetic agents such as hupivacaune.", "random_deletion": "acaine and lidocaine. Pregnancy is accompanied by cardiac neural sensitivity some local anesthetic", "change_char_case": "acaine and lidocaine.\nPregnanCy is accompAnied By aN inCrEaseD carDiac and neural sENsitIvity to some local anesthEtic aGeNTs suCH aS bupiVacaine.", "whitespace_perturbation": "acaine and lidocaine.\nPreg nancy is a ccomp ani edby anincr eased cardiaca nd n eural sensitivity to s ome l oc a l an e st hetic agents su c h as b up iva ca i ne .", "underscore_trick": "acaine and_lidocaine.\nPregnancy is_accompanied by an increased_cardiac and_neural_sensitivity to_some_local anesthetic agents_such as bupivacaine."} +{"text": "-based approaches can inform policy by linking the governance of biological invasions to the negotiation of tradeoffs between ecosystem services. Seafood freshness determination through vapour", "synonym_substitution": "-based approaches can inform policy by linking the governance of biological invasions to the negotiation of tradeoff between ecosystem service. Seafood freshness determination through vapor", "butter_fingers": "-basfd approaches can inform policy by linknbg the goverhance of biological invasions to the nwgotiqtion of tradeoffs betdeen ecosjstem sercicew. Seafood fcsshness deterjlnatimi through vapout", "random_deletion": "-based approaches can inform policy by linking of invasions to negotiation of tradeoffs determination vapour", "change_char_case": "-based approaches can inform pOlicy by linKing tHe gOveRnAnce Of biOlogical invasiONs to The negotiation of tradeoFfs beTwEEn ecOSyStem sErvices. sEaFOOd fReShNesS dETeRminaTioN througH vapour", "whitespace_perturbation": "-based approaches can info rm policyby li nki ngth e go vern ance of biolog i calinvasions to the negot iatio no f tr a de offsbetween ec o s yst em s erv ic e s. Seaf ood freshn ess determ ina ti on through v a po ur", "underscore_trick": "-based approaches_can inform_policy by linking the_governance of_biological_invasions to_the_negotiation of tradeoffs_between ecosystem services._Seafood freshness determination through_vapour"} +{"text": ") can be also assessed with sleep mattress sensors, as the Emfit sensor, by dividing the signal into different breathing categories. In addition to normal breathing (NB", "synonym_substitution": ") can be also assessed with sleep mattress sensors, as the Emfit detector, by separate the signal into different breathing categories. In accession to normal breathing (nota bene", "butter_fingers": ") caj be also assessed with rleep mattress sensors, as ths Emfit rensor, by dividing the signap unto eifferent breathing cagegories. Pn additiin ti normal brxzthing (KY", "random_deletion": ") can be also assessed with sleep as Emfit sensor, dividing the signal addition normal breathing (NB", "change_char_case": ") can be also assessed with sleeP mattress sEnsorS, as The emFit sEnsoR, by dividing the SIgnaL into different breathinG cateGoRIes. IN AdDitioN to normAL bREAthInG (Nb", "whitespace_perturbation": ") can be also assessed wit h sleep ma ttres s s ens or s, a s th e Emfit sensor , bydividing the signal in to di ff e rent br eathi ng cate g or i e s.In a ddi ti o nto no rma l breat hing (NB", "underscore_trick": ") can_be also_assessed with sleep mattress_sensors, as_the_Emfit sensor,_by_dividing the signal_into different breathing_categories. In addition to_normal breathing (NB"} +{"text": "Rc, \u03b1-L, and native phytoglycogen. WPC had significantly lower water monolayer capacity. All Tg values matched with the solid-like", "synonym_substitution": "Rc, \u03b1 - L, and native phytoglycogen. WPC had significantly lower urine monolayer capability. All Tg values matched with the solid - comparable", "butter_fingers": "Rc, \u03b1-P, and native phytoglycogtn. WPC had signifnxantly lower water munolayer capacity. All Tg valnes natchtb with the solid-like", "random_deletion": "Rc, \u03b1-L, and native phytoglycogen. WPC had water capacity. All values matched with", "change_char_case": "Rc, \u03b1-L, and native phytoglycogeN. WPC had sigNificAntLy lOwEr waTer mOnolayer capaciTY. All tg values matched with the Solid-LiKE", "whitespace_perturbation": "Rc, \u03b1-L, and native phytog lycogen. W PC ha d s ign if ican tlylower water mo n olay er capacity. All Tg va luesma t ched wi th th e solid - li k e ", "underscore_trick": "Rc, \u03b1-L,_and native_phytoglycogen. WPC had significantly_lower water_monolayer_capacity. All_Tg_values matched with_the solid-like"} +{"text": " cultural competence, one that physicians may apply not to patients but to each other. A guinea pig model of acute and chronic asthma using permanently instrumented and unrestrained", "synonym_substitution": "cultural competence, one that physicians may apply not to patients but to each other. A wop hog model of acute and chronic asthma using permanently instrumented and unrestrained", "butter_fingers": " cuptural competence, one thxt physicians mct applb not tk patiengs but to each other. A guinee pit modtj of acute and chrunic asthla using pernqnently instrumentcb and mnrescreined", "random_deletion": "cultural competence, one that physicians may apply patients to each A guinea pig asthma permanently instrumented and", "change_char_case": " cultural competence, one that Physicians May apPly Not To PatiEnts But to each other. a GuinEa pig model of acute and chRonic AsTHma uSInG permAnently INsTRUmeNtEd And UnREsTrainEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " cultural competence, onethat physi cians ma y a pp ly n ot t o patients but to e ach other. A guinea pi g mod el of a c ut e and chroni c a s t hma u si ngpe r ma nentl y i nstrume nted and u nre st rained", "underscore_trick": " cultural_competence, one_that physicians may apply_not to_patients_but to_each_other. A guinea_pig model of_acute and chronic asthma_using permanently instrumented_and_unrestrained"} +{"text": "adjuvant, is reviewed. No serious adverse experience related to vaccination has been reported. The vaccine has proven highly immunogenic, with seroconversion detectable after a", "synonym_substitution": "adjuvant, is reviewed. No serious adverse experience related to inoculation has been report. The vaccine has proven highly immunogenic, with seroconversion detectable after a", "butter_fingers": "adjkvant, is reviewed. No serlous adverse expgruence celated to vaccknation has been reported. Thx vaxcine has proven highly immjnogenic, aith sericontersion detectable after a", "random_deletion": "adjuvant, is reviewed. No serious adverse experience vaccination been reported. vaccine has proven after", "change_char_case": "adjuvant, is reviewed. No serioUs adverse eXperiEncE reLaTed tO vacCination has beeN RepoRted. The vaccine has proveN highLy IMmunOGeNic, wiTh serocONvERSioN dEtEctAbLE aFter a", "whitespace_perturbation": "adjuvant, is reviewed. Noserious ad verse ex per ie ncerela ted to vaccina t ionhas been reported. The vacc in e has pr ovenhighlyi mm u n oge ni c, wi th se rocon ver sion de tectable a fte ra", "underscore_trick": "adjuvant, is_reviewed. No_serious adverse experience related_to vaccination_has_been reported._The_vaccine has proven_highly immunogenic, with_seroconversion detectable after a"} +{"text": " that a decreased number of AVP-immunoreactive (AVP-IR) neurons and amount of AVP-messenger RNA (mRNA) would", "synonym_substitution": "that a decreased number of AVP - immunoreactive (AVP - IR) neurons and amount of AVP - messenger RNA (mRNA) would", "butter_fingers": " thwt a decreased number of AVP-immunoreactnce (AVP-MR) neurkns and xmount of AVP-messenger RNA (mCNA) qould", "random_deletion": "that a decreased number of AVP-immunoreactive (AVP-IR) amount AVP-messenger RNA would", "change_char_case": " that a decreased number of AVP-ImmunoreacTive (AvP-Ir) neUrOns aNd amOunt of AVP-messeNGer RnA (mRNA) would", "whitespace_perturbation": " that a decreased number o f AVP-immu norea cti ve(A VP-I R) n eurons and amo u nt o f AVP-messenger RNA (m RNA)wo u ld", "underscore_trick": " that_a decreased_number of AVP-immunoreactive (AVP-IR)_neurons and_amount_of AVP-messenger_RNA_(mRNA) would"} +{"text": "iceps tendon autograft, and 30 patients with hamstring tendon autograft. Twenty-two of the quadriceps tendon group and 27 of the hamstring tendon aut", "synonym_substitution": "iceps tendon autograft, and 30 patients with hamstring tendon autograft. Twenty - two of the quadriceps tendon group and 27 of the hamstring tendon aut", "butter_fingers": "iceos tendon autograft, and 30 patients with kqmstriig tendkn autogfaft. Twenty-two of the quadrireps tendin group and 27 of the hxmstring nendon aur", "random_deletion": "iceps tendon autograft, and 30 patients with autograft. of the tendon group and aut", "change_char_case": "iceps tendon autograft, and 30 paTients with HamstRinG teNdOn auTogrAft. Twenty-two of THe quAdriceps tendon group and 27 Of the HaMStriNG tEndon Aut", "whitespace_perturbation": "iceps tendon autograft, an d 30 patie nts w ith ha ms trin g te ndon autograft . Twe nty-two of the quadric eps t en d on g r ou p and 27 oft he h ams tr in g t en d on aut", "underscore_trick": "iceps tendon_autograft, and_30 patients with hamstring_tendon autograft._Twenty-two_of the_quadriceps_tendon group and_27 of the_hamstring tendon aut"} +{"text": "DREN WITH REACTIVE ARTHRITIS].\nTo study the state of gut microsymbiocenosis in children with reactive arthritis (", "synonym_substitution": "DREN WITH REACTIVE ARTHRITIS ]. \n To study the state of gut microsymbiocenosis in children with reactive arthritis (", "butter_fingers": "DREJ WITH REACTIVE ARTHRITIR].\nTo study the sjare of jut micdosymbiozenosis in children with reartivw artyritis (", "random_deletion": "DREN WITH REACTIVE ARTHRITIS]. To study the gut in children reactive arthritis (", "change_char_case": "DREN WITH REACTIVE ARTHRITIS].\nto study the State Of gUt mIcRosyMbioCenosis in childREn wiTh reactive arthritis (", "whitespace_perturbation": "DREN WITH REACTIVE ARTHRIT IS].\nTo st udy t hesta te ofgutmicrosymbiocen o sisin children with react ive a rt h riti s ( ", "underscore_trick": "DREN WITH_REACTIVE ARTHRITIS].\nTo_study the state of_gut microsymbiocenosis_in_children with_reactive_arthritis ("} +{"text": " of these resistant lines proved to be also ipt-free. This transformation system was reproducible in four potato cultivars, suggesting that it could easily be adapted for other", "synonym_substitution": "of these resistant lines proved to be also ipt - spare. This transformation arrangement was reproducible in four potato cultivars, suggesting that it could easily be adjust for other", "butter_fingers": " of these resistant lines pvoved to be also ipt-frex. This fransforoation system was reproducibpe in fiur potato cultivars, sjggesting that it couoe easily bx adapted for kbher", "random_deletion": "of these resistant lines proved to be This system was in four potato easily adapted for other", "change_char_case": " of these resistant lines provEd to be also Ipt-frEe. THis TrAnsfOrmaTion system was rEProdUcible in four potato cultIvars, SuGGestINg That iT could eASiLY Be aDaPtEd fOr OThEr", "whitespace_perturbation": " of these resistant linesproved tobe al soipt -f ree. Thi s transformati o n sy stem was reproduciblein fo ur pota t oculti vars, s u gg e s tin gth atit co uld e asi ly be a dapted for ot he r", "underscore_trick": " of_these resistant_lines proved to be_also ipt-free._This_transformation system_was_reproducible in four_potato cultivars, suggesting_that it could easily_be adapted for_other"} +{"text": ", psoriasis [odds ratio (OR) 3.69], other chronic dermatoses (OR 4.14), diabetes (OR 1.65), increasing body mass", "synonym_substitution": ", psoriasis [ odds ratio (OR) 3.69 ], other chronic dermatoses (OR 4.14), diabetes (oregon 1.65), increase body mass", "butter_fingers": ", pslriasis [odds ratio (OR) 3.69], ouher chronic dermcroses (MR 4.14), dizbetes (OF 1.65), increasing body mass", "random_deletion": ", psoriasis [odds ratio (OR) 3.69], other (OR diabetes (OR increasing body mass", "change_char_case": ", psoriasis [odds ratio (OR) 3.69], other Chronic derMatosEs (Or 4.14), diAbEtes (oR 1.65), inCreasing body maSS", "whitespace_perturbation": ", psoriasis [odds ratio (O R) 3.69],other ch ron ic der mato ses (OR 4.14), diab etes (OR 1.65), increa singbo d y ma s s", "underscore_trick": ", psoriasis_[odds ratio_(OR) 3.69], other chronic_dermatoses (OR_4.14),_diabetes (OR_1.65),_increasing body mass"} +{"text": "asal application of DA reduced hyperactivity at the highest dose used, whereas the intermediate dose improved attention in an animal model of ADHD. These results suggest the potential", "synonym_substitution": "asal application of DA reduced hyperactivity at the highest venereal disease use, whereas the intermediate dose improved care in an animal model of ADHD. These results suggest the electric potential", "butter_fingers": "asap application of DA reduged hyperactiviti qt the higheat dose jsed, whereas the intermediatx dowe imkgoved attention in an animal mldel of QDHD. Rhese results suggcft tgc potznvial", "random_deletion": "asal application of DA reduced hyperactivity at dose whereas the dose improved attention ADHD. results suggest the", "change_char_case": "asal application of DA reduceD hyperactiVity aT thE hiGhEst dOse uSed, whereas the iNTermEdiate dose improved atteNtion In AN aniMAl Model Of ADHD. THEsE REsuLtS sUggEsT ThE poteNtiAl", "whitespace_perturbation": "asal application of DA red uced hyper activ ity at t he h ighe st dose used,w here as the intermediate do se im pr o veda tt entio n in an an i m almo de l o fA DH D. Th ese result s suggestthe p otential", "underscore_trick": "asal application_of DA_reduced hyperactivity at the_highest dose_used,_whereas the_intermediate_dose improved attention_in an animal_model of ADHD. These_results suggest the_potential"} +{"text": " the morphofunctional characteristics of white blood cells. Deviations were found in the activity of the marker enzymes of alkaline phosphatase neutrophil secretory granules and myeloperoxidase", "synonym_substitution": "the morphofunctional characteristics of white blood cells. deviation were discover in the activity of the marker enzymes of alkaline phosphatase neutrophil secretory granules and myeloperoxidase", "butter_fingers": " thf morphofunctional charagteristics of whnre blomd celms. Deviagions were found in the actitity of tye marker enzymes of aukaline pjosphatawe ntutrophil secretocg granules ans myeniperoxidase", "random_deletion": "the morphofunctional characteristics of white blood cells. found the activity the marker enzymes granules myeloperoxidase", "change_char_case": " the morphofunctional characTeristics oF whitE blOod CeLls. DEviaTions were found IN the Activity of the marker enzYmes oF aLKaliNE pHosphAtase neUTrOPHil SeCrEtoRy GRaNules And MyelopeRoxidase", "whitespace_perturbation": " the morphofunctional char acteristic s ofwhi tebl oodcell s. Deviationsw erefound in the activityof th em arke r e nzyme s of al k al i n e p ho sp hat as e n eutro phi l secre tory granu les a nd myelopero x id ase", "underscore_trick": " the_morphofunctional characteristics_of white blood cells._Deviations were_found_in the_activity_of the marker_enzymes of alkaline_phosphatase neutrophil secretory granules_and myeloperoxidase"} +{"text": " cross talk between the two modes in the baseband is -20 dB at the output end of the fiber. Modal multiplexing thus appears to be possible over", "synonym_substitution": "cross talk between the two modes in the baseband is -20 dB at the output goal of the roughage. Modal multiplexing thus appears to be possible over", "butter_fingers": " crlss talk between the two modes in the bcweband is -20 dG at the output end of the fiber. Model myltipoexing thus appears to be possihle over", "random_deletion": "cross talk between the two modes in is dB at output end of appears be possible over", "change_char_case": " cross talk between the two modEs in the basEband Is -20 db at ThE outPut eNd of the fiber. MoDAl muLtiplexing thus appears tO be poSsIBle oVEr", "whitespace_perturbation": " cross talk between the tw o modes in thebas eba nd is-20dB at the outp u t en d of the fiber. Modalmulti pl e xing th us ap pears t o b e pos si bl e o ve r ", "underscore_trick": " cross_talk between_the two modes in_the baseband_is_-20 dB_at_the output end_of the fiber._Modal multiplexing thus appears_to be possible_over"} +{"text": " the outpatient part of the statistics. Over the same 30 years, the number of available beds has been reduced by 60-70%; however, as the length of", "synonym_substitution": "the outpatient part of the statistics. Over the same 30 years, the numeral of available bed has been reduced by 60 - 70% ; however, as the length of", "butter_fingers": " thf outpatient part of the statistics. Ovet rhe sake 30 yezrs, the vumber of available beds has bwen rtbuced by 60-70%; however, as the lengnh of", "random_deletion": "the outpatient part of the statistics. Over 30 the number available beds has as length of", "change_char_case": " the outpatient part of the staTistics. OveR the sAme 30 YeaRs, The nUmbeR of available beDS has Been reduced by 60-70%; however, as The leNgTH of", "whitespace_perturbation": " the outpatient part of th e statisti cs. O ver th esame 30years, the num b er o f available beds has b een r ed u cedb y60-70 %; howe v er , asth elen gt h o f", "underscore_trick": " the_outpatient part_of the statistics. Over_the same_30_years, the_number_of available beds_has been reduced_by 60-70%; however, as_the length of"} +{"text": " influenza activity in the United States and worldwide since the update published on July 30, 2010. Transforming growth factor-beta 2 enhances the osteoinductive", "synonym_substitution": "influenza activity in the United States and worldwide since the update published on July 30, 2010. Transforming growth agent - beta 2 enhances the osteoinductive", "butter_fingers": " invluenza activity in the Mnited States anb worldxide sihce the jpdate published on July 30, 2010. Tcansdormibg growth factor-beta 2 dnhances nhe osteoundurtive", "random_deletion": "influenza activity in the United States and the published on 30, 2010. Transforming osteoinductive", "change_char_case": " influenza activity in the UniTed States aNd worLdwIde SiNce tHe upDate published oN july 30, 2010. transforming growth factOr-betA 2 eNHancES tHe ostEoinducTIvE", "whitespace_perturbation": " influenza activity in the United St atesand wo rl dwid e si nce the update publ ished on July 30, 2010 . Tra ns f ormi n ggrowt h facto r -b e t a 2 e nh anc es th e ost eoi nductiv e", "underscore_trick": " influenza_activity in_the United States and_worldwide since_the_update published_on_July 30, 2010._Transforming growth factor-beta_2 enhances the osteoinductive"} +{"text": " the local thresholds of acceptance. Dabigatran etexilate may represent a cost-effective option for the prevention of thromboembolic events in AF", "synonym_substitution": "the local thresholds of acceptance. Dabigatran etexilate may represent a cost - effective choice for the prevention of thromboembolic event in AF", "butter_fingers": " thf local thresholds of acgeptance. Dabigattab etexmlate mzy reprerent a cost-effective option hor rhe peevention of thromboemcolic evejts in AD", "random_deletion": "the local thresholds of acceptance. Dabigatran etexilate a option for prevention of thromboembolic", "change_char_case": " the local thresholds of accepTance. DabigAtran EteXilAtE may ReprEsent a cost-effeCTive Option for the prevention Of thrOmBOembOLiC evenTs in AF", "whitespace_perturbation": " the local thresholds of a cceptance. Dabi gat ran e texi late may represent a co st-effective option fo r the p r even t io n ofthrombo e mb o l icev en tsin AF ", "underscore_trick": " the_local thresholds_of acceptance. Dabigatran etexilate_may represent_a_cost-effective option_for_the prevention of_thromboembolic events in_AF"} +{"text": " different concentrations of ALA in the treatment of acne in Chinese patients with Fitzpatrick skin type III and IV. To investigate the efficacy and safety of ALA-", "synonym_substitution": "different concentrations of ALA in the treatment of acne in Chinese patient with Fitzpatrick hide type III and IV. To investigate the efficacy and safety of ALA-", "butter_fingers": " divferent concentrations on ALA in the trecrment mf acns in Chivese patients with Fitzpatrirk sjin ttpe III and IV. To invertigate tje efficqcy end safety of ALE-", "random_deletion": "different concentrations of ALA in the treatment in patients with skin type III efficacy safety of ALA-", "change_char_case": " different concentrations of aLA in the trEatmeNt oF acNe In ChInesE patients with FITzpaTrick skin type III and IV. TO inveStIGate THe EfficAcy and sAFeTY Of AlA-", "whitespace_perturbation": " different concentrationsof ALA inthe t rea tme nt ofacne in Chinese pa t ient s with Fitzpatrick ski n typ eI II a n dIV. T o inves t ig a t e t he e ffi ca c yand s afe ty of A LA-", "underscore_trick": " different_concentrations of_ALA in the treatment_of acne_in_Chinese patients_with_Fitzpatrick skin type_III and IV._To investigate the efficacy_and safety of_ALA-"} +{"text": " discussion on the quality, the computational efficiency and the operational acceptability of the solutions. Socioeconomic position and education in patients with coeliac disease.\n", "synonym_substitution": "discussion on the quality, the computational efficiency and the operational acceptability of the solutions. Socioeconomic position and department of education in patient with coeliac disease.", "butter_fingers": " didcussion on the quality, uhe computational efficixncy ans the opdrational acceptability of tie silutiins. Socioeconomic posigion and vducation in katients with coeliac disccse.\n", "random_deletion": "discussion on the quality, the computational efficiency operational of the Socioeconomic position and disease.", "change_char_case": " discussion on the quality, the ComputatioNal efFicIenCy And tHe opErational accepTAbilIty of the solutions. SocioEconoMiC PosiTIoN and eDucatioN In PATieNtS wIth CoELiAc disEasE.\n", "whitespace_perturbation": " discussion on the quality , the comp utati ona l e ff icie ncyand the operat i onal acceptability of thesolut io n s. S o ci oecon omic po s it i o n a nd e duc at i on in p ati ents wi th coeliac di se ase.\n", "underscore_trick": " discussion_on the_quality, the computational efficiency_and the_operational_acceptability of_the_solutions. Socioeconomic position_and education in_patients with coeliac disease.\n"} +{"text": " this area, focusing on the reagent of synthetic molecules, natural products and peptides (or proteins), as TLR-related antibacterial drugs. A prospective randomised controlled trial of", "synonym_substitution": "this area, focusing on the reagent of synthetic molecules, lifelike product and peptides (or proteins), as TLR - relate antibacterial drug. A prospective randomised controlled trial of", "butter_fingers": " thls area, focusing on the veagent of synthgtuc molxcules, hatural oroducts and peptides (or proveinw), as UJR-related antibactdrial druhs. A prowpecuive randomised controlled triam of", "random_deletion": "this area, focusing on the reagent of natural and peptides proteins), as TLR-related controlled of", "change_char_case": " this area, focusing on the reagEnt of synthEtic mOleCulEs, NatuRal pRoducts and peptIDes (oR proteins), as TLR-related aNtibaCtERial DRuGs. A prOspectiVE rANDomIsEd ConTrOLlEd triAl oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " this area, focusing on th e reagentof sy nth eti cmole cule s, natural pro d ucts and peptides (or prot eins) ,a s TL R -r elate d antib a ct e r ial d ru gs. A pr ospec tiv e rando mised cont rol le d trial of", "underscore_trick": " this_area, focusing_on the reagent of_synthetic molecules,_natural_products and_peptides_(or proteins), as_TLR-related antibacterial drugs._A prospective randomised controlled_trial of"} +{"text": " of cardiac and uterine tissues has been reconstructed by detailed computer models in the form of virtual tissues. Virtual tissues are biophysically and anatomically detailed, and represent", "synonym_substitution": "of cardiac and uterine tissues has been reconstructed by detailed computer models in the human body of virtual tissue. Virtual tissues are biophysically and anatomically detailed, and represent", "butter_fingers": " of cardiac and uterine tisrues has been rgcinstrurted by detailea computer models in the forl if vietual tissues. Virtual gissues age biophywicaooy and anavkmicalln detzlled, cnv represent", "random_deletion": "of cardiac and uterine tissues has been detailed models in form of virtual and detailed, and represent", "change_char_case": " of cardiac and uterine tissueS has been reConstRucTed By DetaIled Computer models IN the Form of virtual tissues. ViRtual TiSSues ARe BiophYsicallY AnD ANatOmIcAllY dETaIled, aNd rEpresenT", "whitespace_perturbation": " of cardiac and uterine ti ssues hasbeenrec ons tr ucte d by detailed comp u termodels in the form ofvirtu al tiss u es . Vir tual ti s su e s ar ebi oph ys i ca lly a ndanatomi cally deta ile d, and represe n t", "underscore_trick": " of_cardiac and_uterine tissues has been_reconstructed by_detailed_computer models_in_the form of_virtual tissues. Virtual_tissues are biophysically and_anatomically detailed, and_represent"} +{"text": " degradation parameters. COS of Vladimiriae Radix before or after being roasted was unstable in artificial gastric juice, with the average degradation constants as 0.758 0 and", "synonym_substitution": "degradation parameters. COS of Vladimiriae Radix before or after being roasted was unstable in artificial gastric juice, with the modal abasement constants as 0.758 0 and", "butter_fingers": " dehradation parameters. COS of Vladimiriae Radix uefore kr after being roasted was unstable mn aetifixial gastric juice, witf the avegage degrqdatmon constants as 0.758 0 and", "random_deletion": "degradation parameters. COS of Vladimiriae Radix before being was unstable artificial gastric juice, as 0 and", "change_char_case": " degradation parameters. COS oF VladimiriAe RadIx bEfoRe Or afTer bEing roasted was UNstaBle in artificial gastric Juice, WiTH the AVeRage dEgradatIOn CONstAnTs As 0.758 0 aNd", "whitespace_perturbation": " degradation parameters. C OS of Vlad imiri aeRad ix bef oreor after being roas ted was unstable in ar tific ia l gas t ri c jui ce, wit h t h e av er ag e d eg r ad ation co nstants as 0.7580 a nd ", "underscore_trick": " degradation_parameters. COS_of Vladimiriae Radix before_or after_being_roasted was_unstable_in artificial gastric_juice, with the_average degradation constants as_0.758 0 and"} +{"text": " uncertainty around the prediction of the level of post-operative care that any individual child might require. The long-term benefit of surgical correction is a particularly fertile ground", "synonym_substitution": "uncertainty around the prediction of the level of post - operative care that any individual child might command. The retentive - term benefit of surgical correction is a particularly prolific ground", "butter_fingers": " unfertainty around the preaiction of the level oh post-olerative care that any individual chmld night require. The long-term cenefit ov surgicql cierection is a partleularmn fercioe ground", "random_deletion": "uncertainty around the prediction of the level care any individual might require. The is particularly fertile ground", "change_char_case": " uncertainty around the prediCtion of the Level Of pOst-OpEratIve cAre that any indiVIduaL child might require. The lOng-teRm BEnefIT oF surgIcal corREcTIOn iS a PaRtiCuLArLy ferTilE ground", "whitespace_perturbation": " uncertainty around the pr ediction o f the le vel o f po st-o perative caret hatany individual child m ightre q uire . T he lo ng-term be n e fit o fsur gi c al corr ect ion isa particul arl yfertile grou n d", "underscore_trick": " uncertainty_around the_prediction of the level_of post-operative_care_that any_individual_child might require._The long-term benefit_of surgical correction is_a particularly fertile_ground"} +{"text": " sera from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) with naturally acquired F columnaris infection and sera from channel catfish vaccinated with an experimental prototype F", "synonym_substitution": "sera from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) with naturally acquired F columnaris contagion and serum from groove catfish vaccinated with an experimental prototype fluorine", "butter_fingers": " sega from channel catfish (Lctalurus punctajuw) with naturzlly acqjired F columnaris infection abd seea from channel catfisf vaccinaned with qn eeperimental prototype F", "random_deletion": "sera from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) with F infection and from channel catfish F", "change_char_case": " sera from channel catfish (IctAlurus puncTatus) WitH naTuRallY acqUired F columnarIS infEction and sera from channEl catFiSH vacCInAted wIth an exPErIMEntAl PrOtoTyPE F", "whitespace_perturbation": " sera from channel catfish (Ictaluru s pun cta tus )with nat urally acquire d F c olumnaris infection an d ser af romc ha nnelcatfish va c c ina te dwit ha nexper ime ntal pr ototype F", "underscore_trick": " sera_from channel_catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) with_naturally acquired_F_columnaris infection_and_sera from channel_catfish vaccinated with_an experimental prototype F"} +{"text": " peaks, NA1 and NA2, followed by a positive peak, nontarget positivity. Infrequently-presented target tones, when compared to the nontarget", "synonym_substitution": "peaks, NA1 and NA2, followed by a positive peak, nontarget favorableness. Infrequently - confront target tones, when compared to the nontarget", "butter_fingers": " pewks, NA1 and NA2, followed bn a positive peak, nontacget poaitivity. Infrequently-presented targev tobes, wyen compared to the novtarget", "random_deletion": "peaks, NA1 and NA2, followed by a nontarget Infrequently-presented target when compared to", "change_char_case": " peaks, NA1 and NA2, followed by a poSitive peak, NontaRgeT poSiTiviTy. InFrequently-presENted Target tones, when compareD to thE nONtarGEt", "whitespace_perturbation": " peaks, NA1 and NA2, follo wed by a p ositi vepea k, non targ et positivity. Infr equently-presented tar get t on e s, w h en comp ared to th e non ta rg et", "underscore_trick": " peaks,_NA1 and_NA2, followed by a_positive peak,_nontarget_positivity. Infrequently-presented_target_tones, when compared_to the nontarget"} +{"text": ". Incubation of PDL cells in pH 7.4 and 6.6 buffers reversibly altered intracellular pH. Migration was reversibly inhibited in pH 6.", "synonym_substitution": ". Incubation of PDL cells in pH 7.4 and 6.6 buffers reversibly altered intracellular pH. Migration was reversibly inhibit in pH 6.", "butter_fingers": ". Infubation of PDL cells in pH 7.4 and 6.6 buffets revervibly zltered kntracellular pH. Migration wes rwversubly inhibited in pH 6.", "random_deletion": ". Incubation of PDL cells in pH 6.6 reversibly altered pH. Migration was", "change_char_case": ". Incubation of PDL cells in pH 7.4 aNd 6.6 buffers rEversIblY alTeRed iNtraCellular pH. MigrATion Was reversibly inhibited In pH 6.", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Incubation of PDL cellsin pH 7.4and 6 .6buf fe rs r ever sibly alteredi ntra cellular pH. Migration wasre v ersi b ly inhi bited i n p H 6.", "underscore_trick": ". Incubation_of PDL_cells in pH 7.4_and 6.6_buffers_reversibly altered_intracellular_pH. Migration was_reversibly inhibited in_pH 6."} +{"text": ". A retrospective study was conducted in seven primary health care centers in Spain. The study included 278 DM2 patients (110 females). Serum TSH level was tested", "synonym_substitution": ". A retrospective study was conducted in seven primary health care center in Spain. The study included 278 DM2 patient (110 female). Serum TSH level was tested", "butter_fingers": ". A getrospective study was gonducted in sevgn primacy healfh care zenters in Spain. The study iiclueed 278 EM2 patients (110 females). Sdrum TSH pevel waw tewred", "random_deletion": ". A retrospective study was conducted in health centers in The study included Serum level was tested", "change_char_case": ". A retrospective study was conDucted in seVen prImaRy hEaLth cAre cEnters in Spain. THE stuDy included 278 DM2 patients (110 feMales). seRUm TSh LeVel waS tested", "whitespace_perturbation": ". A retrospective study wa s conducte d insev enpr imar y he alth care cent e rs i n Spain. The study inc luded 2 7 8 DM 2 p atien ts (110 fe m a les ). S eru mT SH leve l w as test ed", "underscore_trick": ". A_retrospective study_was conducted in seven_primary health_care_centers in_Spain._The study included_278 DM2 patients_(110 females). Serum TSH_level was tested"} +{"text": " veterinarians, farmers, animal relocators, zoological establishments and legislators. Value of morphotyping for the characterization of Candida albicans clinical isolates.\n", "synonym_substitution": "veterinarians, farmers, animal relocators, zoological establishments and legislators. Value of morphotyping for the word picture of Candida albicans clinical isolates.", "butter_fingers": " veherinarians, farmers, animxl relocators, zoologicel estaglishmengs and legislators. Value of loephottping for the charactefization lf Candiea aovicans cliijcal isolates.\n", "random_deletion": "veterinarians, farmers, animal relocators, zoological establishments and of for the of Candida albicans", "change_char_case": " veterinarians, farmers, animaL relocatorS, zoolOgiCal EsTablIshmEnts and legislaTOrs. VAlue of morphotyping for tHe chaRaCTeriZAtIon of candida ALbICAns ClInIcaL iSOlAtes.\n", "whitespace_perturbation": " veterinarians, farmers, a nimal relo cator s,zoo lo gica l es tablishments a n d le gislators. Value of mo rphot yp i ng f o rthe c haracte r iz a t ion o fCan di d aalbic ans clinic al isolate s.", "underscore_trick": " veterinarians,_farmers, animal_relocators, zoological establishments and_legislators. Value_of_morphotyping for_the_characterization of Candida_albicans clinical isolates.\n"} +{"text": " affected the successful curricular implementation included having sufficient numbers of faculty familiar with QI and PS content, addressing competing educational demands, and ensuring learners' buy-in", "synonym_substitution": "affected the successful curricular implementation included having sufficient number of staff familiar with QI and PS content, address compete educational demands, and ensuring learners' bargain - indium", "butter_fingers": " afvected the successful cuvricular implemeuration inclused havivg sufficient numbers of facnlty famioiar with QI and PS covtent, addgessing cimpeuing educational vsmands, and enamring oearners' buy-in", "random_deletion": "affected the successful curricular implementation included having of familiar with and PS content, ensuring buy-in", "change_char_case": " affected the successful currIcular implEmentAtiOn iNcLudeD havIng sufficient nUMberS of faculty familiar with qI and pS COnteNT, aDdresSing comPEtING edUcAtIonAl DEmAnds, aNd eNsuring Learners' buY-in", "whitespace_perturbation": " affected the successful c urricularimple men tat io n in clud ed having suff i cien t numbers of faculty f amili ar with QI andPS cont e nt , add re ss ing c o mp eting ed ucation al demands , a nd ensuring le a rn ers' buy-i n", "underscore_trick": " affected_the successful_curricular implementation included having_sufficient numbers_of_faculty familiar_with_QI and PS_content, addressing competing_educational demands, and ensuring_learners' buy-in"} +{"text": " ETS family transcription factors (AP1-ETS) and a nonconserved upstream (nnGGGGC)(5) repeat sequence. Lack of hdm", "synonym_substitution": "ETS family transcription factors (AP1 - ETS) and a nonconserved upstream (nnGGGGC)(5) repeat sequence. Lack of hdm", "butter_fingers": " ETD family transcription fxctors (AP1-ETS) anb a nonronservsd upstrdam (nnGGGGC)(5) repeat sequence. Paxk of hdm", "random_deletion": "ETS family transcription factors (AP1-ETS) and a (nnGGGGC)(5) sequence. Lack hdm", "change_char_case": " ETS family transcription facTors (AP1-ETS) aNd a noNcoNseRvEd upStreAm (nnGGGGC)(5) repeaT SequEnce. Lack of hdm", "whitespace_perturbation": " ETS family transcriptionfactors (A P1-ET S)and a non cons erved upstream (nnG GGGC)(5) repeat sequen ce. L ac k ofh dm ", "underscore_trick": " ETS_family transcription_factors (AP1-ETS) and a_nonconserved upstream_(nnGGGGC)(5)_repeat sequence._Lack_of hdm"} +{"text": " lessons from Bristol were integrated into a busy academic oncology unit prior to the design and construction of a new cancer centre. Many problems emerged in trying to merge the", "synonym_substitution": "lessons from Bristol were integrated into a busy academic oncology unit prior to the invention and structure of a new cancer centre. Many trouble issue in trying to merge the", "butter_fingers": " ledsons from Bristol were lntegrated into c busy ecademid oncoloey unit prior to the design end xonsteuction of a new cancef centre. Lany provlemw emerged ii trying to medne thz", "random_deletion": "lessons from Bristol were integrated into a oncology prior to design and construction Many emerged in trying merge the", "change_char_case": " lessons from Bristol were intEgrated intO a busY acAdeMiC oncOlogY unit prior to thE DesiGn and construction of a neW cancEr CEntrE. maNy proBlems emERgED In tRyInG to MeRGe The", "whitespace_perturbation": " lessons from Bristol were integrate d int o a bu sy aca demi c oncology uni t pri or to the design and c onstr uc t iono fa new cancer ce n t re. M an y p ro b le ms em erg ed in t rying to m erg ethe", "underscore_trick": " lessons_from Bristol_were integrated into a_busy academic_oncology_unit prior_to_the design and_construction of a_new cancer centre. Many_problems emerged in_trying_to merge the"} +{"text": "ADM). The cell proliferation was detected with MTT. The apoptosis rate was measured by flow cytometry. WAVE1 mRNA and protein expression of Jurkat cells treated", "synonym_substitution": "ADM). The cell proliferation was detected with MTT. The apoptosis rate was measured by menstruation cytometry. WAVE1 mRNA and protein formula of Jurkat cells treated", "butter_fingers": "ADM). The cell proliferation das detected wijh MTT. Tie apopfosis rage was measured by flow cytolerry. WQVE1 mRNA and protein ebpression of Jurkqt ctlls treated", "random_deletion": "ADM). The cell proliferation was detected with apoptosis was measured flow cytometry. WAVE1 Jurkat treated", "change_char_case": "ADM). The cell proliferation waS detected wIth MTt. ThE apOpTosiS ratE was measured by FLow cYtometry. WAVE1 mRNA and proTein eXpREssiON oF JurkAt cells TReATEd", "whitespace_perturbation": "ADM). The cell proliferati on was det ected wi thMT T. T he a poptosis ratew as m easured by flow cytome try.WA V E1 m R NA andprotein ex p r ess io nofJu r ka t cel lstreated ", "underscore_trick": "ADM). The_cell proliferation_was detected with MTT._The apoptosis_rate_was measured_by_flow cytometry. WAVE1_mRNA and protein_expression of Jurkat cells_treated"} +{"text": " bile salts with whey protein and casein in oil-in-water emulsions.\nThe competitive adsorption between whey protein concentrate (WPC) or", "synonym_substitution": "bile salts with whey protein and casein in oil - in - water emulsion. \n The competitive adsorption between whey protein dressed ore (WPC) or", "butter_fingers": " bipe salts with whey proteln and casein in oil-in-weter emhlsions.\nTfe competitive adsorption bevweeb whet protein concentrate (DPC) or", "random_deletion": "bile salts with whey protein and casein emulsions. competitive adsorption whey protein concentrate", "change_char_case": " bile salts with whey protein aNd casein in Oil-in-WatEr eMuLsioNs.\nThE competitive adSOrptIon between whey protein cOncenTrATe (WPc) Or", "whitespace_perturbation": " bile salts with whey prot ein and ca seininoil -i n-wa teremulsions.\nThe comp etitive adsorption bet weenwh e y pr o te in co ncentra t e( W PC) o r", "underscore_trick": " bile_salts with_whey protein and casein_in oil-in-water_emulsions.\nThe_competitive adsorption_between_whey protein concentrate_(WPC) or"} +{"text": " (ARI) per consultations are registered and from The Netherlands were influenza like illnesses (ILI) per population are registered. The harmonisation of the indices between", "synonym_substitution": "(ARI) per consultations are registered and from The Netherlands were influenza like illnesses (ILI) per population are registered. The harmonization of the exponent between", "butter_fingers": " (ARL) per consultations are vegistered and fton The Ietherlznds werd influenza like illnesses (IPI) per kjpulation are regirtered. Thv harmoniwatiib of the iisices bccween", "random_deletion": "(ARI) per consultations are registered and from were like illnesses per population are indices", "change_char_case": " (ARI) per consultations are regIstered and From THe NEthErLandS werE influenza like ILlneSses (ILI) per population arE regiStERed. THE hArmonIsation OF tHE IndIcEs BetWeEN", "whitespace_perturbation": " (ARI) per consultations a re registe red a ndfro mTheNeth erlands were i n flue nza like illnesses (IL I) pe rp opul a ti on ar e regis t er e d . T he h arm on i sa tionofthe ind ices betwe en", "underscore_trick": " (ARI)_per consultations_are registered and from_The Netherlands_were_influenza like_illnesses_(ILI) per population_are registered. The_harmonisation of the indices_between"} +{"text": " detained asylum seekers than among the nondetained comparison group, taking into account previous trauma and demographics. Incremental F was significant for the addition of detention status for", "synonym_substitution": "detained asylum seekers than among the nondetained comparison group, taking into explanation former trauma and demographics. Incremental F was meaning for the addition of detention condition for", "butter_fingers": " dehained asylum seekers thxn among the noueetainxd compzrison gfoup, taking into account pretiouw trayma and demographics. Ivcrementap F was wignmficant for the esdition of defcntiou wtatus for", "random_deletion": "detained asylum seekers than among the nondetained taking account previous and demographics. Incremental addition detention status for", "change_char_case": " detained asylum seekers than Among the noNdetaIneD coMpArisOn grOup, taking into aCCounT previous trauma and demoGraphIcS. incrEMeNtal F Was signIFiCANt fOr ThE adDiTIoN of deTenTion staTus for", "whitespace_perturbation": " detained asylum seekers t han amongthe n ond eta in ed c ompa rison group, t a king into account previous trau ma andd em ograp hics. I n cr e m ent al F wa ss ig nific ant for th e addition of d etention sta t us for", "underscore_trick": " detained_asylum seekers_than among the nondetained_comparison group,_taking_into account_previous_trauma and demographics._Incremental F was_significant for the addition_of detention status_for"} +{"text": " normal pleura and a limited differential diagnosis, which is typically apparent from the clinical presentation. Exudates are the result of infections, malignancies, inflammation, impaired", "synonym_substitution": "normal pleura and a limited differential diagnosis, which is typically apparent from the clinical presentation. Exudates are the result of infection, malignancy, inflammation, impaired", "butter_fingers": " nogmal pleura and a limitea differential buagnosms, whicg is typkcally apparent from the cliiicao prewentation. Exudates are the resupt of indectmons, malignancies, inflammation, lmpaixev", "random_deletion": "normal pleura and a limited differential diagnosis, typically from the presentation. Exudates are inflammation,", "change_char_case": " normal pleura and a limited diFferential DiagnOsiS, whIcH is tYpicAlly apparent frOM the Clinical presentation. ExUdateS aRE the REsUlt of InfectiONs, MALigNaNcIes, InFLaMmatiOn, iMpaired", "whitespace_perturbation": " normal pleura and a limit ed differe ntial di agn os is,whic h is typically appa rent from the clinical pres en t atio n .Exuda tes are th e res ul tofin f ec tions , m alignan cies, infl amm at ion, impaire d ", "underscore_trick": " normal_pleura and_a limited differential diagnosis,_which is_typically_apparent from_the_clinical presentation. Exudates_are the result_of infections, malignancies, inflammation,_impaired"} +{"text": "-rich segment of c-fos mRNA can successfully compete with VIP mRNA for binding with cytoplasmic proteins. These studies provide the first evidence for a mechanism by which", "synonym_substitution": "-rich segment of c - fos mRNA can successfully compete with VIP mRNA for binding with cytoplasmic protein. These cogitation provide the inaugural evidence for a mechanism by which", "butter_fingers": "-ricj segment of c-fos mRNA cxn successfully competx with BIP mRNA for binding with cytoplasmir priteinw. These studies providd the firdt evidebce hor a mechanism ug which", "random_deletion": "-rich segment of c-fos mRNA can successfully VIP for binding cytoplasmic proteins. These for mechanism by which", "change_char_case": "-rich segment of c-fos mRNA can sUccessfullY compEte WitH ViP mRnA foR binding with cyTOplaSmic proteins. These studiEs proViDE the FIrSt eviDence foR A mECHanIsM bY whIcH", "whitespace_perturbation": "-rich segment of c-fos mRN A can succ essfu lly co mp etewith VIP mRNA forb indi ng with cytoplasmic pr otein s. Thes e s tudie s provi d et h e f ir st ev id e nc e for amechani sm by whic h", "underscore_trick": "-rich segment_of c-fos_mRNA can successfully compete_with VIP_mRNA_for binding_with_cytoplasmic proteins. These_studies provide the_first evidence for a_mechanism by which"} +{"text": ", 94% of the specimens were correctly classified into the categories of proliferative and secretory phase; two quantitative parameters were required, the epithelial volume density and longest luminal diameter", "synonym_substitution": ", 94% of the specimens were correctly classified into the categories of proliferative and secretory phase; two quantitative parameters were command, the epithelial bulk density and longest luminal diameter", "butter_fingers": ", 94% ov the specimens were corvectly classifieb into vhe catsgories uf proliferative and secretocy pyase; uco quantitative paraoeters wege requirwd, tie epithelial volume density ahf lougxst luminal diaketer", "random_deletion": ", 94% of the specimens were correctly the of proliferative secretory phase; two epithelial density and longest diameter", "change_char_case": ", 94% of the specimens were correctLy classifiEd intO thE caTeGoriEs of Proliferative aND secRetory phase; two quantitaTive pArAMeteRS wEre reQuired, tHE ePITheLiAl VolUmE DeNsity And Longest Luminal diaMetEr", "whitespace_perturbation": ", 94% of the specimens wer e correctl y cla ssi fie dinto the categories of prol iferative and secretor y pha se ; two qu antit ative p a ra m e ter swe rere q ui red,the epithe lial volum e d en sity and lon g es t luminaldia meter", "underscore_trick": ", 94%_of the_specimens were correctly classified_into the_categories_of proliferative_and_secretory phase; two_quantitative parameters were_required, the epithelial volume_density and longest_luminal_diameter"} +{"text": " and infectious diseases. The ability of neutrophils to mount an effective immune response to an infection is critical for its resolution, and increasing evidence indicates that precalving nutrition", "synonym_substitution": "and infectious diseases. The ability of neutrophils to mount an effective immune response to an contagion is critical for its settlement, and increasing evidence indicates that precalving nutriment", "butter_fingers": " anf infectious diseases. Tht ability of neuttophils vo mounf an effdctive immune response to an ibfectuon is critical for itr resolutpon, and ibcreesing evidence iisicates that lvecalriig nutrition", "random_deletion": "and infectious diseases. The ability of neutrophils an immune response an infection is increasing indicates that precalving", "change_char_case": " and infectious diseases. The aBility of neUtropHilS to MoUnt aN effEctive immune reSPonsE to an infection is criticAl for ItS ResoLUtIon, anD increaSInG EVidEnCe IndIcATeS that PreCalving Nutrition", "whitespace_perturbation": " and infectious diseases.The abilit y ofneu tro ph ilsto m ount an effect i ve i mmune response to an i nfect io n isc ri tical for it s r e s olu ti on , a nd in creas ing eviden ce indicat esth at precalvin g n utrition", "underscore_trick": " and_infectious diseases._The ability of neutrophils_to mount_an_effective immune_response_to an infection_is critical for_its resolution, and increasing_evidence indicates that_precalving_nutrition"} +{"text": " adapted to the commercial available orbital shaker. Unlike the conventional rigid conical flasks and other reported flexible flasks, which had to be fixed in the shaker", "synonym_substitution": "adapted to the commercial available orbital shaker. Unlike the conventional rigid conical flask and early reported flexible flask, which have to be fixed in the shaker", "butter_fingers": " adwpted to the commercial xvailable orbitco shakxr. Unliie the cunventional rigid conical flesks and ither reported flexibld flasks, ahich hae to ve fixed ii the shaker", "random_deletion": "adapted to the commercial available orbital shaker. conventional conical flasks other reported flexible fixed the shaker", "change_char_case": " adapted to the commercial avaIlable orbiTal shAkeR. UnLiKe thE conVentional rigid COnicAl flasks and other reportEd fleXiBLe flASkS, whicH had to bE FiXED in ThE sHakEr", "whitespace_perturbation": " adapted to the commercial available orbi tal sh ak er.Unli ke the convent i onal rigid conical flasksand o th e r re p or ted f lexible fl a s ks, w hi chha d t o befix ed in t he shaker", "underscore_trick": " adapted_to the_commercial available orbital shaker._Unlike the_conventional_rigid conical_flasks_and other reported_flexible flasks, which_had to be fixed_in the shaker"} +{"text": " which 10 were bilateral. By flexion at the osteotomy site, the operation aims to place the superior pole of the femoral head during weight bearing towards the superior part", "synonym_substitution": "which 10 were bilateral. By flexion at the osteotomy site, the operation aims to locate the superscript pole of the femoral head during weight charge towards the superior part", "butter_fingers": " whlch 10 were bilateral. By fuexion at the osteotomb site, fhe operxtion aims to place the supecior pole of the femoral head djring weihht bearung uowards the supermkr part", "random_deletion": "which 10 were bilateral. By flexion at site, operation aims place the superior during bearing towards the part", "change_char_case": " which 10 were bilateral. By flexiOn at the ostEotomY siTe, tHe OperAtioN aims to place thE SupeRior pole of the femoral heAd durInG WeigHT bEarinG towardS ThE SUpeRiOr ParT", "whitespace_perturbation": " which 10 were bilateral.By flexion at t heost eo tomy sit e, the operati o n ai ms to place the superi or po le of t h efemor al head du r i ngwe ig htbe a ri ng to war ds thesuperior p art ", "underscore_trick": " which_10 were_bilateral. By flexion at_the osteotomy_site,_the operation_aims_to place the_superior pole of_the femoral head during_weight bearing towards_the_superior part"} +{"text": " and metabolism of [3H]docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) esterified at the sn-2 position of lysophosphatidylcholine", "synonym_substitution": "and metabolism of [ 3H]docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) esterified at the sn-2 position of lysophosphatidylcholine", "butter_fingers": " anf metabolism of [3H]docosahtxaenoic acid (DHA) esterihied at the sn-2 oosition of lysophosphatidylrholune", "random_deletion": "and metabolism of [3H]docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) esterified sn-2 of lysophosphatidylcholine", "change_char_case": " and metabolism of [3H]docosahexAenoic acid (dHA) esTerIfiEd At thE sn-2 pOsition of lysopHOsphAtidylcholine", "whitespace_perturbation": " and metabolism of [3H]doc osahexaeno ic ac id(DH A) est erif ied at the sn- 2 pos ition of lysophosphati dylch ol i ne", "underscore_trick": " and_metabolism of_[3H]docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) esterified_at the_sn-2_position of_lysophosphatidylcholine"} +{"text": "glucose, a stereoisomer of D-glucose, in male mice. Intraperitoneal administration of L-glucose (300 mg/kg) before testing enhanced place", "synonym_substitution": "glucose, a stereoisomer of D - glucose, in male mice. Intraperitoneal administration of L - glucose (300 mg / kg) before testing enhance home", "butter_fingers": "glufose, a stereoisomer of D-nlucose, in male mice. Invraperifoneal aaministration of L-glucose (300 mj/kg) vefort testing enhanced olace", "random_deletion": "glucose, a stereoisomer of D-glucose, in male administration L-glucose (300 before testing enhanced", "change_char_case": "glucose, a stereoisomer of D-glUcose, in malE mice. intRapErItonEal aDministration oF l-gluCose (300 mg/kg) before testing eNhancEd PLace", "whitespace_perturbation": "glucose, a stereoisomer of D-glucose , inmal e m ic e. I ntra peritoneal adm i nist ration of L-glucose (3 00 mg /k g ) be f or e tes ting en h an c e d p la ce ", "underscore_trick": "glucose, a_stereoisomer of_D-glucose, in male mice._Intraperitoneal administration_of_L-glucose (300_mg/kg)_before testing enhanced_place"} +{"text": " group, but not in the PFC+SAL, HIP+AVP or the HIP+SAL groups. Hippocampal lesioned animals", "synonym_substitution": "group, but not in the PFC+SAL, HIP+AVP or the HIP+SAL groups. Hippocampal lesioned animals", "butter_fingers": " grlup, but not in the PFC+SAU, HIP+AVP or the HIP+SAL groupa. Hippocxmpal lesioned animals", "random_deletion": "group, but not in the PFC+SAL, HIP+AVP HIP+SAL Hippocampal lesioned", "change_char_case": " group, but not in the PFC+SAL, HIP+aVP or the HIp+SAL gRouPs. HIpPocaMpal Lesioned animalS", "whitespace_perturbation": " group, but not in the PFC +SAL, HIP+ AVP o r t heHI P+SA L gr oups. Hippocam p al l esioned animals", "underscore_trick": " group,_but not_in the PFC+SAL, HIP+AVP_or the_HIP+SAL_groups. Hippocampal_lesioned_animals"} +{"text": " structures, reflected by an increase in the apomorphine or amphetamine-induced stereotypy and a decrease in fluphenazine-induced catalepsy", "synonym_substitution": "structures, reflected by an increase in the apomorphine or amphetamine - induced stereotypy and a decrease in fluphenazine - induce catalepsy", "butter_fingers": " stguctures, reflected by an increase in thg qpomor'hine od amphetxmine-induced stereotypy and e dexreast in fluphenazine-inauced catwlepsy", "random_deletion": "structures, reflected by an increase in the amphetamine-induced and a in fluphenazine-induced catalepsy", "change_char_case": " structures, reflected by an inCrease in thE apomOrpHinE oR ampHetaMine-induced steREotyPy and a decrease in flupheNazinE-iNDuceD CaTalepSy", "whitespace_perturbation": " structures, reflected byan increas e inthe ap om orph ineor amphetamine - indu ced stereotypy and a d ecrea se in f l up henaz ine-ind u ce d cat al ep sy", "underscore_trick": " structures,_reflected by_an increase in the_apomorphine or_amphetamine-induced_stereotypy and_a_decrease in fluphenazine-induced_catalepsy"} +{"text": " were then correlated with the amino acid analyses. The correlation coefficient for aspartic acid content and surviving neurons in the inferior olive was.87 and that for aspartic", "synonym_substitution": "were then correlated with the amino acid analyses. The correlation coefficient for aspartic acid content and exist nerve cell in the inferior olive was.87 and that for aspartic", "butter_fingers": " wege then correlated with uhe amino acid ancoyses. Vhe cordelation coefficient for aspartic acmd cintenu and surviving neufons in tje inferuor ioive was.87 ais that njr aaiartie", "random_deletion": "were then correlated with the amino acid correlation for aspartic content and surviving was.87 that for aspartic", "change_char_case": " were then correlated with the Amino acid aNalysEs. THe cOrRelaTion Coefficient for ASparTic acid content and surviVing nEuROns iN ThE infeRior oliVE wAS.87 And ThAt For AsPArTic", "whitespace_perturbation": " were then correlated with the amino acid an aly se s. T he c orrelation coe f fici ent for aspartic acidconte nt ands ur vivin g neuro n si n th ein fer io r o livewas .87 and that forasp ar tic", "underscore_trick": " were_then correlated_with the amino acid_analyses. The_correlation_coefficient for_aspartic_acid content and_surviving neurons in_the inferior olive was.87_and that for_aspartic"} +{"text": "ound, in Central Zambia, contains a Late Stone Age collection occurs on the mound surface. Embedded in layer near the base is a much older", "synonym_substitution": "ound, in Central Zambia, contains a Late Stone Age collection occurs on the pitcher open. Embedded in layer near the base is a a lot older", "butter_fingers": "ounf, in Central Zambia, contxins a Late Stouw Age rollectjon occufs on the mound surface. Embevded in lqyer near the base is x much olfer", "random_deletion": "ound, in Central Zambia, contains a Late collection on the surface. Embedded in a older", "change_char_case": "ound, in Central Zambia, contaiNs a Late StoNe Age ColLecTiOn ocCurs On the mound surfACe. EmBedded in layer near the baSe is a MuCH oldER", "whitespace_perturbation": "ound, in Central Zambia, c ontains aLateSto neAg e co llec tion occurs on themound surface. Embedde d inla y er n e ar thebase is am u chol de r", "underscore_trick": "ound, in_Central Zambia,_contains a Late Stone_Age collection_occurs_on the_mound_surface. Embedded in_layer near the_base is a much_older"} +{"text": "dihydroxycholecalciferol vitamin D(3) (1,25[OH](2)D(3)) concentrations are the known factors that determine", "synonym_substitution": "dihydroxycholecalciferol vitamin D(3) (1,25[OH](2)D(3) ) concentrations are the known factors that determine", "butter_fingers": "dihjdroxycholecalciferol viuamin D(3) (1,25[OH](2)D(3)) conceurratiois are fhe knowv factors that determine", "random_deletion": "dihydroxycholecalciferol vitamin D(3) (1,25[OH](2)D(3)) concentrations are the that", "change_char_case": "dihydroxycholecalciferol vItamin D(3) (1,25[OH](2)D(3)) ConceNtrAtiOnS are The kNown factors thaT DeteRmine", "whitespace_perturbation": "dihydroxycholecalciferol v itamin D(3 ) (1, 25[ OH] (2 )D(3 )) c oncentrationsa re t he known factors thatdeter mi n e", "underscore_trick": "dihydroxycholecalciferol vitamin_D(3) (1,25[OH](2)D(3))_concentrations are the known_factors that_determine"} +{"text": " statistically significant. Conclusions Exposure to the parent compound of the phthalate metabolite MEHP may be associated with breast cancer. However, our study is limited by small", "synonym_substitution": "statistically significant. Conclusions Exposure to the parent compound of the phthalate metabolite MEHP may be associated with breast cancer. However, our study is limited by humble", "butter_fingers": " stwtistically significant. Gonclusions Exposure to the pzrent coopound of the phthalate metauolire MEYP may be associated wkth breasn cancer. Yoweter, our study is limited by smzpl", "random_deletion": "statistically significant. Conclusions Exposure to the parent the metabolite MEHP be associated with is by small", "change_char_case": " statistically significant. COnclusions exposUre To tHe PareNt coMpound of the phtHAlatE metabolite MEHP may be asSociaTeD With BReAst caNcer. HowEVeR, OUr sTuDy Is lImITeD by smAll", "whitespace_perturbation": " statistically significant . Conclusi ons E xpo sur eto t he p arent compound of t he phthalate metabolit e MEH Pm ay b e a ssoci ated wi t hb r eas tca nce r. Ho wever , o ur stud y is limit edby small", "underscore_trick": " statistically_significant. Conclusions_Exposure to the parent_compound of_the_phthalate metabolite_MEHP_may be associated_with breast cancer._However, our study is_limited by small"} +{"text": " nerve head showed an autoregulation of the intravascular pO2 at low IOP, but were more sensitive to a moderate elevation of the IOP of about 40", "synonym_substitution": "nerve head showed an autoregulation of the intravascular pO2 at low IOP, but were more sensible to a moderate aggrandizement of the IOP of about 40", "butter_fingers": " negve head showed an autortgulation of the nbtravavcular pO2 at luw IOP, but were more sensitite ti a miderate elevation of tfe IOP of about 40", "random_deletion": "nerve head showed an autoregulation of the at IOP, but more sensitive to IOP about 40", "change_char_case": " nerve head showed an autoreguLation of thE intrAvaScuLaR pO2 aT low iOP, but were more SEnsiTive to a moderate elevatiOn of tHe ioP of ABoUt 40", "whitespace_perturbation": " nerve head showed an auto regulation of t heint ra vasc ular pO2 at low IO P , bu t were more sensitiveto amo d erat e e levat ion oft he I OPof a bou t4 0", "underscore_trick": " nerve_head showed_an autoregulation of the_intravascular pO2_at_low IOP,_but_were more sensitive_to a moderate_elevation of the IOP_of about 40"} +{"text": " presented with venous insufficiency within the immediate 6 to 12 hours following surgery. In 17 of these patients, the venous congestion after free tissue transfer was successfully treated with medical", "synonym_substitution": "presented with venous insufficiency within the immediate 6 to 12 hours following operating room. In 17 of these patient, the venous congestion after free tissue transfer was successfully treated with aesculapian", "butter_fingers": " prfsented with venous insunficiency within the imkediats 6 to 12 huurs following surgery. In 17 oh thwse pqtients, the venous coneestion avter frew tiwwue transfxd was smecessrmlly crxated with medigal", "random_deletion": "presented with venous insufficiency within the immediate 12 following surgery. 17 of these free transfer was successfully with medical", "change_char_case": " presented with venous insuffIciency witHin thE imMedIaTe 6 to 12 HourS following surgERy. In 17 Of these patients, the venoUs conGeSTion AFtEr freE tissue TRaNSFer WaS sUccEsSFuLly trEatEd with mEdical", "whitespace_perturbation": " presented with venous ins ufficiency with inthe i mmed iate 6 to 12 hours foll owing surgery. In 17 o f the se pati e nt s, th e venou s c o n ges ti on af te r f ree t iss ue tran sfer was s ucc es sfully treat e dwith medic al", "underscore_trick": " presented_with venous_insufficiency within the immediate_6 to_12_hours following_surgery._In 17 of_these patients, the_venous congestion after free_tissue transfer was_successfully_treated with medical"} +{"text": "osine (ZDV-NVP-ddl) therapy. Potential for sustained antiviral response was explored for patients who began with ZDV-NVP-dd", "synonym_substitution": "osine (ZDV - NVP - ddl) therapy. Potential for sustained antiviral response was explored for patient who begin with ZDV - NVP - dd", "butter_fingers": "osije (ZDV-NVP-ddl) therapy. Pottntial for sustaiuwd antmviral desponse was explored for patients wio bwgan qith ZDV-NVP-dd", "random_deletion": "osine (ZDV-NVP-ddl) therapy. Potential for sustained antiviral explored patients who with ZDV-NVP-dd", "change_char_case": "osine (ZDV-NVP-ddl) therapy. PoteNtial for suStainEd aNtiViRal rEspoNse was explored FOr paTients who began with ZDV-NvP-dd", "whitespace_perturbation": "osine (ZDV-NVP-ddl) therap y. Potenti al fo r s ust ai nedanti viral response wasexplored for patientswho b eg a n wi t hZDV-N VP-dd", "underscore_trick": "osine (ZDV-NVP-ddl)_therapy. Potential_for sustained antiviral response_was explored_for_patients who_began_with ZDV-NVP-dd"} +{"text": "60 cells (P < 0.01). There was no significant difference between the low tumorigenic clone strains HL60-n/E, HL60-n", "synonym_substitution": "60 cells (P < 0.01). There was no significant remainder between the depleted tumorigenic clone strains HL60 - n / E, HL60 - n", "butter_fingers": "60 cepls (P < 0.01). There was no sigkificant differeuxe betxeen ths low tuoorigenic clone strains HL60-n/E, HO60-n", "random_deletion": "60 cells (P < 0.01). There was difference the low clone strains HL60-n/E,", "change_char_case": "60 cells (P < 0.01). There was no significaNt differenCe betWeeN thE lOw tuMoriGenic clone straINs HL60-N/E, HL60-n", "whitespace_perturbation": "60 cells (P < 0.01). There was no si gnifi can t d if fere ncebetween the lo w tum origenic clone strains HL60 -n / E, H L 60 -n", "underscore_trick": "60 cells_(P <_0.01). There was no_significant difference_between_the low_tumorigenic_clone strains HL60-n/E,_HL60-n"} +{"text": "GSSG(L); P < 0.001) while it was increased in the LD group (decrease rGSH(L)/GSSG", "synonym_substitution": "GSSG(L); P < 0.001) while it was increased in the LD group (decrease rGSH(L)/GSSG", "butter_fingers": "GSSH(L); P < 0.001) while it was incrtased in the LD gtoyp (deccease rFSH(L)/GSSG", "random_deletion": "GSSG(L); P < 0.001) while it was the group (decrease", "change_char_case": "GSSG(L); P < 0.001) while it was increased In the LD groUp (decReaSe rgSh(L)/GSsG", "whitespace_perturbation": "GSSG(L); P < 0.001) whileit was inc rease d i n t he LDgrou p (decrease rG S H(L) /GSSG", "underscore_trick": "GSSG(L); P_< 0.001)_while it was increased_in the_LD_group (decrease_rGSH(L)/GSSG"} +{"text": " cytogenetic characteristics have not been fully investigated. Its relationship to typical clear cell renal cell carcinoma is uncertain. We evaluated 19 cases of multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma", "synonym_substitution": "cytogenetic characteristics have not been fully investigated. Its relationship to distinctive clean cell renal cellular telephone carcinoma is uncertain. We evaluate 19 cases of multilocular cystic renal cellular telephone carcinoma", "butter_fingers": " cyhogenetic characteristicr have not been fully mnvestifated. Itr relationship to typical clxar xell eenal cell carcinoma ir uncertapn. We evaouattd 19 cases of multmmocular cystid rencl cell carcinoms", "random_deletion": "cytogenetic characteristics have not been fully investigated. to clear cell cell carcinoma is of cystic renal cell", "change_char_case": " cytogenetic characteristicS have not beEn fulLy iNveStIgatEd. ItS relationship tO TypiCal clear cell renal cell cArcinOmA Is unCErTain. WE evaluaTEd 19 CASes Of MuLtiLoCUlAr cysTic Renal ceLl carcinomA", "whitespace_perturbation": " cytogenetic characteristi cs have no t bee n f ull yinve stig ated. Its rela t ions hip to typical clear c ell r en a l ce l lcarci noma is un c e rta in .Weev a lu ated19cases o f multiloc ula rcystic renal ce ll carcino ma", "underscore_trick": " cytogenetic_characteristics have_not been fully investigated._Its relationship_to_typical clear_cell_renal cell carcinoma_is uncertain. We_evaluated 19 cases of_multilocular cystic renal_cell_carcinoma"} +{"text": "/d. Oral doses of malathion alone were lethal after 6 d, and malathion + urea were fatal after 6-8 d. Malath", "synonym_substitution": "/d. Oral doses of malathion alone were lethal after 6 d, and malathion + urea were fatal after 6 - 8 d. Malath", "butter_fingers": "/d. Ogal doses of malathion auone were lethal after 6 d, ans malathkon + urea were fatal after 6-8 v. Maoath", "random_deletion": "/d. Oral doses of malathion alone were 6 and malathion urea were fatal", "change_char_case": "/d. Oral doses of malathion alonE were lethaL afteR 6 d, aNd mAlAthiOn + urEa were fatal aftER 6-8 d. MaLath", "whitespace_perturbation": "/d. Oral doses of malathio n alone we re le tha l a ft er 6 d,and malathion+ ure a were fatal after 6-8 d. M al a th", "underscore_trick": "/d. Oral_doses of_malathion alone were lethal_after 6_d,_and malathion_+_urea were fatal_after 6-8 d._Malath"} +{"text": " to enter the active site, suggesting that an alternative hydrolytic process directly involving two water molecules may be possible. At the acyl-enzyme stage, the ester carbon", "synonym_substitution": "to enter the active site, suggesting that an alternative hydrolytic procedure immediately involving two water molecule may be potential. At the acyl - enzyme stage, the ester carbon", "butter_fingers": " to enter the active site, smggesting that au alteriative gydrolytkc process directly involvinj twi wattg molecules may be porsible. At the acyo-enzbme stage, the esvsr carbon", "random_deletion": "to enter the active site, suggesting that hydrolytic directly involving water molecules may stage, ester carbon", "change_char_case": " to enter the active site, suggeSting that aN alteRnaTivE hYdroLytiC process directLY invOlving two water moleculeS may bE pOSsibLE. AT the aCyl-enzyME sTAGe, tHe EsTer CaRBoN", "whitespace_perturbation": " to enter the active site, suggestin g tha t a n a lt erna tive hydrolytic pr o cess directly involving tw o wat er mole c ul es ma y be po s si b l e.At t heac y l- enzym e s tage, t he ester c arb on ", "underscore_trick": " to_enter the_active site, suggesting that_an alternative_hydrolytic_process directly_involving_two water molecules_may be possible._At the acyl-enzyme stage,_the ester carbon"} +{"text": "B NF-kappaB subunit, induced by the cytomegalovirus IE1 protein, in which binding of p50/p65 NF-kappaB and", "synonym_substitution": "B NF - kappaB subunit, induced by the cytomegalovirus IE1 protein, in which binding of p50 / p65 NF - kappaB and", "butter_fingers": "B NV-kappaB subunit, induced ny the cytomegalovirus ME1 protsin, in wfich binding of p50/p65 NF-kappaB end", "random_deletion": "B NF-kappaB subunit, induced by the cytomegalovirus in binding of NF-kappaB and", "change_char_case": "B NF-kappaB subunit, induced by The cytomegAloviRus iE1 pRoTein, In whIch binding of p50/p65 nf-kapPaB and", "whitespace_perturbation": "B NF-kappaB subunit, induc ed by thecytom ega lov ir us I E1 p rotein, in whi c h bi nding of p50/p65 NF-ka ppaBan d ", "underscore_trick": "B NF-kappaB_subunit, induced_by the cytomegalovirus IE1_protein, in_which_binding of_p50/p65_NF-kappaB and"} +{"text": " the microsomal fraction. The possible significance of this trace metal as a constituent of membrane proteins and enzymes, and as an activator of mitochondrial function in testis,", "synonym_substitution": "the microsomal fraction. The possible significance of this trace metal as a component of membrane protein and enzymes, and as an activator of mitochondrial function in testis,", "butter_fingers": " thf microsomal fraction. Tht possible signifnxance mf thia trace oetal as a constituent of melbeane kgoteins and enzymes, avd as an wctivatoe of nitochondrmzl funcbnon ih tesciw,", "random_deletion": "the microsomal fraction. The possible significance of metal a constituent membrane proteins and of function in testis,", "change_char_case": " the microsomal fraction. The pOssible sigNificAncE of ThIs trAce mEtal as a constitUEnt oF membrane proteins and enZymes, AnD As an ACtIvatoR of mitoCHoNDRiaL fUnCtiOn IN tEstis,", "whitespace_perturbation": " the microsomal fraction.The possib le si gni fic an ce o f th is trace metal as a constituent of membra ne pr ot e insa nd enzy mes, an d a s anac ti vat or of mito cho ndrialfunction i n t es tis,", "underscore_trick": " the_microsomal fraction._The possible significance of_this trace_metal_as a_constituent_of membrane proteins_and enzymes, and_as an activator of_mitochondrial function in_testis,"} +{"text": " were significantly lower (1628.2 \u00b1 1491.1 mg vs. 2557.4 \u00b1 1398.9 mg, P = 0.011", "synonym_substitution": "were significantly lower (1628.2 \u00b1 1491.1 mg vs. 2557.4 \u00b1 1398.9 mg, P = 0.011", "butter_fingers": " wege significantly lower (1628.2 \u00b1 1491.1 mg vs. 2557.4 \u00b1 1398.9 mg, P = 0.011", "random_deletion": "were significantly lower (1628.2 \u00b1 1491.1 mg \u00b1 mg, P 0.011", "change_char_case": " were significantly lower (1628.2 \u00b1 1491.1 mg vS. 2557.4 \u00b1 1398.9 mg, P = 0.011", "whitespace_perturbation": " were significantly lower(1628.2 \u00b11491. 1 m g v s. 255 7.4\u00b1 1398.9 mg, P = 0. 011", "underscore_trick": " were_significantly lower_(1628.2 \u00b1 1491.1 mg_vs. 2557.4_\u00b1_1398.9 mg,_P_= 0.011"} +{"text": " temperature range is found to be extended for the selective-area growth technique due to removal of the competition between material incorporation at the Au/nanowire interface and", "synonym_substitution": "temperature range is found to be extended for the selective - area increase proficiency due to removal of the competition between material internalization at the Au / nanowire interface and", "butter_fingers": " telperature range is found to be extended for thx selecfive-area growth technique due to remlvql of the competition betwedn materiwl incorporauion at the Au/nanowire inbzrfacs and", "random_deletion": "temperature range is found to be extended selective-area technique due removal of the the interface and", "change_char_case": " temperature range is found to Be extended For thE seLecTiVe-arEa grOwth technique dUE to rEmoval of the competition BetweEn MAterIAl IncorPoratioN At THE Au/NaNoWirE iNTeRface And", "whitespace_perturbation": " temperature range is foun d to be ex tende d f orth e se lect ive-area growt h tec hnique due to removalof th ec ompe t it ion b etweenm at e r ial i nc orp or a ti on at th e Au/na nowire int erf ac e and", "underscore_trick": " temperature_range is_found to be extended_for the_selective-area_growth technique_due_to removal of_the competition between_material incorporation at the_Au/nanowire interface and"} +{"text": "10(6)) were exposed to serial twofold dilutions of C. durissus terrificus and B. jararaca venoms that ranged from 3", "synonym_substitution": "10(6) ) were exposed to serial twofold dilutions of C. durissus terrificus and B. jararaca venom that range from 3", "butter_fingers": "10(6)) wege exposed to serial twonold dilutions oy C. durmssus tsrrificur and B. jararaca venoms that rqnged from 3", "random_deletion": "10(6)) were exposed to serial twofold dilutions durissus and B. venoms that ranged", "change_char_case": "10(6)) were exposed to serial twofolD dilutions Of C. duRisSus TeRrifIcus And B. jararaca veNOms tHat ranged from 3", "whitespace_perturbation": "10(6)) were exposed to ser ial twofol d dil uti ons o f C. dur issus terrific u s an d B. jararaca venoms t hat r an g ed f r om 3", "underscore_trick": "10(6)) were_exposed to_serial twofold dilutions of_C. durissus_terrificus_and B._jararaca_venoms that ranged_from 3"} +{"text": "1C, fasting blood glucose, insulin treatment, and serum cholesterol levels. In multivariate analyses, predictors of diabetic retinopathy included body-mass index, insulin treatment", "synonym_substitution": "1C, fasting blood glucose, insulin treatment, and serum cholesterol levels. In multivariate analysis, predictor of diabetic retinopathy included body - mass exponent, insulin treatment", "butter_fingers": "1C, fwsting blood glucose, insmlin treatment, aue seruk cholssterol uevels. In multivariate analydew, preeictors of diabetic reginopathy includee bovy-mass index, insnmin treatment", "random_deletion": "1C, fasting blood glucose, insulin treatment, and levels. multivariate analyses, of diabetic retinopathy", "change_char_case": "1C, fasting blood glucose, insulIn treatmenT, and sEruM chOlEsteRol lEvels. In multivaRIate Analyses, predictors of diAbetiC rETinoPAtHy incLuded boDY-mASS inDeX, iNsuLiN TrEatmeNt", "whitespace_perturbation": "1C, fasting blood glucose, insulin t reatm ent , a nd ser um c holesterol lev e ls.In multivariate analys es, p re d icto r sof di abeticr et i n opa th yinc lu d ed body -ma ss inde x, insulin tr ea tment", "underscore_trick": "1C, fasting_blood glucose,_insulin treatment, and serum_cholesterol levels._In_multivariate analyses,_predictors_of diabetic retinopathy_included body-mass index,_insulin treatment"} +{"text": " can be defined as the amount something exceeds its commodity price and is determined by extraordinary reputation, quality, and/or service, whereas its destruction can be a consequence", "synonym_substitution": "can be defined as the amount something exceeds its commodity price and is determine by extraordinary repute, quality, and/or service, whereas its destruction can be a consequence", "butter_fingers": " caj be defined as the amoukt something excgees its commosity prize and is determined by extreordunary reputation, quality, ana/or servibe, whereaw itw destruction can bc a ckksequznre", "random_deletion": "can be defined as the amount something commodity and is by extraordinary reputation, destruction be a consequence", "change_char_case": " can be defined as the amount soMething excEeds iTs cOmmOdIty pRice And is determineD By exTraordinary reputation, qUalitY, aND/or sERvIce, whEreas itS DeSTRucTiOn Can Be A CoNsequEncE", "whitespace_perturbation": " can be defined as the amo unt someth ing e xce eds i ts c ommo dity price and is d etermined by extraordi naryre p utat i on , qua lity, a n d/ o r se rv ic e,wh e re as it s d estruct ion can be aco nsequence", "underscore_trick": " can_be defined_as the amount something_exceeds its_commodity_price and_is_determined by extraordinary_reputation, quality, and/or_service, whereas its destruction_can be a_consequence"} +{"text": "emoral vs central) for initial bypass. Demographic data and outcome parameters were accessed. No patient was excluded. One hundred and seventy-seven patients were operated", "synonym_substitution": "emoral vs central) for initial bypass. Demographic data and outcome argument were access. No patient was excluded. One hundred and seventy - seven patients were function", "butter_fingers": "emogal vs central) for initixl bypass. Demogtaphic deta and outcome parameters were accessed. No pqtienu was excluded. One fundred ajd sevenry-seten patients werx operatcb", "random_deletion": "emoral vs central) for initial bypass. Demographic outcome were accessed. patient was excluded. were", "change_char_case": "emoral vs central) for initial Bypass. DemoGraphIc dAta AnD outCome Parameters were ACcesSed. No patient was excludeD. One hUnDRed aND sEventY-seven pATiENTs wErE oPerAtED", "whitespace_perturbation": "emoral vs central) for ini tial bypas s. De mog rap hi c da ta a nd outcome par a mete rs were accessed. No p atien tw as e x cl uded. One hu n dr e d an dse ven ty - se ven p ati ents we re operate d", "underscore_trick": "emoral vs_central) for_initial bypass. Demographic data_and outcome_parameters_were accessed._No_patient was excluded._One hundred and_seventy-seven patients were operated"} +{"text": " both humans and animals. It is also suggested that the changes in bladder reflex pathways following SCI are influenced by neural-target organ interactions probably mediated by neurotrophic", "synonym_substitution": "both humans and animals. It is also suggested that the change in bladder reflex nerve pathway following SCI are influenced by neural - aim organ interactions credibly mediated by neurotrophic", "butter_fingers": " bohh humans and animals. It is also suggesjee that the cganges iv bladder reflex pathways fopliwing SCI are influenced by neural-tagget orgab inueractions probably mediabzd by keurocriphic", "random_deletion": "both humans and animals. It is also the in bladder pathways following SCI interactions mediated by neurotrophic", "change_char_case": " both humans and animals. It is aLso suggestEd thaT thE chAnGes iN blaDder reflex pathWAys fOllowing SCI are influencEd by nEuRAl-taRGeT orgaN interaCTiONS prObAbLy mEdIAtEd by nEurOtrophiC", "whitespace_perturbation": " both humans and animals.It is also sugg est edth at t he c hanges in blad d er r eflex pathways followi ng SC Ia re i n fl uence d by ne u ra l - tar ge torg an in terac tio ns prob ably media ted b y neurotroph i c", "underscore_trick": " both_humans and_animals. It is also_suggested that_the_changes in_bladder_reflex pathways following_SCI are influenced_by neural-target organ interactions_probably mediated by_neurotrophic"} +{"text": " sequences based on present-day data like, for instance, DNA alignments. One way to estimate the data of the last common ancestor of a given set of species", "synonym_substitution": "sequences based on present - day data wish, for case, DNA alignments. One direction to calculate the data of the last common ancestor of a give set of species", "butter_fingers": " seeuences based on present-aay data like, for instence, DNZ alignmdnts. One way to estimate the dqta od the last common ancertor of a given swt oh species", "random_deletion": "sequences based on present-day data like, for alignments. way to the data of a set of species", "change_char_case": " sequences based on present-daY data like, fOr insTanCe, DnA AligNmenTs. One way to estiMAte tHe data of the last common aNcestOr OF a giVEn Set of Species", "whitespace_perturbation": " sequences based on presen t-day data like , f orin stan ce,DNA alignments . One way to estimate the d ata o ft he l a st comm on ance s to r ofagi ven s e tof sp eci es", "underscore_trick": " sequences_based on_present-day data like, for_instance, DNA_alignments._One way_to_estimate the data_of the last_common ancestor of a_given set of_species"} +{"text": " of hepatic nuclear receptor constitutive androstane receptor (CAR), a widely established promoter of rodent-specific hepatic tumors. We therefore monitored hepatic Cyp2b10 mRNA", "synonym_substitution": "of hepatic nuclear receptor constitutive androstane receptor (CAR), a widely prove showman of rodent - specific hepatic tumors. We therefore monitor hepatic Cyp2b10 mRNA", "butter_fingers": " of hepatic nuclear receptov constitutive auerostaie receltor (CAR), a widely established promotxr od rodtut-specific hepatic tjmors. We nherefore monmtored hepatic Cbl2b10 mRNA", "random_deletion": "of hepatic nuclear receptor constitutive androstane receptor widely promoter of hepatic tumors. We", "change_char_case": " of hepatic nuclear receptor cOnstitutivE andrOstAne ReCeptOr (CAr), a widely establIShed Promoter of rodent-specifIc hepAtIC tumORs. we theRefore mONiTORed HePaTic cyP2B10 mrNA", "whitespace_perturbation": " of hepatic nuclear recept or constit utive an dro st anerece ptor (CAR), aw idel y established promoter of r od e nt-s p ec ifichepatic tu m o rs. W ethe re f or e mon ito red hep atic Cyp2b 10mR NA", "underscore_trick": " of_hepatic nuclear_receptor constitutive androstane receptor_(CAR), a_widely_established promoter_of_rodent-specific hepatic tumors._We therefore monitored_hepatic Cyp2b10 mRNA"} +{"text": " of a specific kinase and its cognate phosphagen, which functions as a large pool of 'high-energy phosphates' that are used to replenish ATP", "synonym_substitution": "of a specific kinase and its cognate phosphagen, which functions as a large pool of' eminent - department of energy phosphates' that are used to replenish ATP", "butter_fingers": " of a specific kinase and ius cognate phosphcten, whmch fundtions ar a large pool of 'high-energy pyosphqtes' that are used to feplenish ATP", "random_deletion": "of a specific kinase and its cognate functions a large of 'high-energy phosphates' ATP", "change_char_case": " of a specific kinase and its coGnate phospHagen, WhiCh fUnCtioNs as A large pool of 'hiGH-eneRgy phosphates' that are usEd to rEpLEnisH aTp", "whitespace_perturbation": " of a specific kinase andits cognat e pho sph age n, whi ch f unctions as al arge pool of 'high-energyphosp ha t es't ha t are used t o r e p len is hATP ", "underscore_trick": " of_a specific_kinase and its cognate_phosphagen, which_functions_as a_large_pool of 'high-energy_phosphates' that are_used to replenish ATP"} +{"text": " diagnosed with a depressive disorder. After the Collaborative Care model was applied, GPs were more aware about mental health problems and they were more interested in the identification of", "synonym_substitution": "diagnosed with a depressive disorder. After the Collaborative Care model was applied, GPs were more mindful about genial health problem and they were more interested in the identification of", "butter_fingers": " diwgnosed with a depressivt disorder. After jhw Colleboratibe Care oodel was applied, GPs were mlrw awaee about mental health problems and thet wece more interestxs in thc idehbificctmon of", "random_deletion": "diagnosed with a depressive disorder. After the model applied, GPs more aware about were interested in the of", "change_char_case": " diagnosed with a depressive dIsorder. AftEr the colLabOrAtivE CarE model was appliED, GPs Were more aware about mentAl heaLtH ProbLEmS and tHey were MOrE INteReStEd iN tHE iDentiFicAtion of", "whitespace_perturbation": " diagnosed with a depressi ve disorde r. Af ter th eColl abor ative Care mod e l wa s applied, GPs were mo re aw ar e abo u tmenta l healt h p r o ble ms a ndth e yweremor e inter ested in t heid entification of ", "underscore_trick": " diagnosed_with a_depressive disorder. After the_Collaborative Care_model_was applied,_GPs_were more aware_about mental health_problems and they were_more interested in_the_identification of"} +{"text": "1-MMP, and integrin alpha(v)beta(3) was decreased, while TIMP1/2 was increased, and alpha-tubulin", "synonym_substitution": "1 - MMP, and integrin alpha(v)beta(3) was decreased, while TIMP1/2 was increased, and alpha - tubulin", "butter_fingers": "1-MMP, and integrin alpha(v)beta(3) was decreased, cyile TMMP1/2 was increasdd, and alpha-tubulin", "random_deletion": "1-MMP, and integrin alpha(v)beta(3) was decreased, while increased, alpha-tubulin", "change_char_case": "1-MMP, and integrin alpha(v)beta(3) wAs decreaseD, whilE TImP1/2 wAs IncrEaseD, and alpha-tubulIN", "whitespace_perturbation": "1-MMP, and integrin alpha( v)beta(3)was d ecr eas ed , wh ileTIMP1/2 was in c reas ed, and alpha-tubulin", "underscore_trick": "1-MMP, and_integrin alpha(v)beta(3)_was decreased, while TIMP1/2_was increased,_and_alpha-tubulin"} +{"text": " not altered at the different IMV rates. The oxygen consumption difference at the two IMV rates was not significantly related to dynamic lung compliance, resistance, or work", "synonym_substitution": "not altered at the different IMV rates. The oxygen consumption remainder at the two IMV pace was not significantly related to dynamic lung compliance, immunity, or work", "butter_fingers": " noh altered at the differekt IMV rates. The oxygen consujption dkfference at the two IMV ratxs wqs nou significantly relxted to djnamic lubg cinpliance, rxaistancc, or slrk", "random_deletion": "not altered at the different IMV rates. consumption at the IMV rates was lung resistance, or work", "change_char_case": " not altered at the different ImV rates. The OxygeN coNsuMpTion DiffErence at the two imV raTes was not significantly RelatEd TO dynAMiC lung CompliaNCe, RESisTaNcE, or WoRK", "whitespace_perturbation": " not altered at the differ ent IMV ra tes.The ox yg en c onsu mption differe n ce a t the two IMV rates wa s not s i gnif i ca ntlyrelated to d yna mi clun gc om plian ce, resist ance, or w ork ", "underscore_trick": " not_altered at_the different IMV rates._The oxygen_consumption_difference at_the_two IMV rates_was not significantly_related to dynamic lung_compliance, resistance, or_work"} +{"text": " of the circumference of the pharyngo-oesophagus. Pedicled flaps have traditionally been the flaps of choice for closure of these fistulas, but the", "synonym_substitution": "of the circumference of the pharyngo - oesophagus. Pedicled flaps have traditionally been the flaps of choice for blockage of these fistulous withers, but the", "butter_fingers": " of the circumference of tht pharyngo-oesophayys. Pedmcled fmaps havd traditionally been the fla's od chouce for closure of there fistulws, but tye", "random_deletion": "of the circumference of the pharyngo-oesophagus. Pedicled traditionally the flaps choice for closure", "change_char_case": " of the circumference of the phAryngo-oesoPhaguS. PeDicLeD flaPs haVe traditionallY Been The flaps of choice for cloSure oF tHEse fIStUlas, bUt the", "whitespace_perturbation": " of the circumference of t he pharyng o-oes oph agu s. Ped icle d flaps have t r adit ionally been the flaps of c ho i ce f o rclosu re of t h es e fis tu la s,bu t t he", "underscore_trick": " of_the circumference_of the pharyngo-oesophagus. Pedicled_flaps have_traditionally_been the_flaps_of choice for_closure of these_fistulas, but the"} +{"text": ", despite presenting renal failure, deposits of light chains were not observed in the renal biopsy. We review the medical literature on this topic. Cerebellar disorders", "synonym_substitution": ", despite presenting renal failure, deposits of faint chain were not observed in the renal biopsy. We review the medical literature on this subject. Cerebellar disorders", "butter_fingers": ", dedpite presenting renal fxilure, deposits of ligit chaihs were vot observed in the renal bilpwy. We review the medical ligerature ln this ropir. Cerebellar disorders", "random_deletion": ", despite presenting renal failure, deposits of were observed in renal biopsy. We this Cerebellar disorders", "change_char_case": ", despite presenting renal faiLure, deposiTs of lIghT chAiNs weRe noT observed in the REnal Biopsy. We review the medicAl litErATure ON tHis toPic. CereBElLAR diSoRdErs", "whitespace_perturbation": ", despite presenting renal failure,depos its of l ight cha ins were not o b serv ed in the renal biopsy . Were v iewt he medi cal lit e ra t u reon t his t o pi c. Ce reb ellar d isorders", "underscore_trick": ", despite_presenting renal_failure, deposits of light_chains were_not_observed in_the_renal biopsy. We_review the medical_literature on this topic._Cerebellar disorders"} +{"text": ", from the viewpoint of energy and Casimir balance. In particular, a subclass of these models is considered in detail, precisely those obtained from the Lorenz-", "synonym_substitution": ", from the viewpoint of energy and Casimir balance. In particular, a subclass of these model is view in detail, precisely those prevail from the Lorenz-", "butter_fingers": ", frlm the viewpoint of enerny and Casimir bcoance. Mn partjcular, a subclass of these models is cinsidtged in detail, preciseuy those lbtained fron the Lorenv-", "random_deletion": ", from the viewpoint of energy and In a subclass these models is obtained the Lorenz-", "change_char_case": ", from the viewpoint of energy aNd Casimir bAlancE. In ParTiCulaR, a suBclass of these mODels Is considered in detail, prEciseLy THose OBtAined From the lOrENZ-", "whitespace_perturbation": ", from the viewpoint of en ergy and C asimi r b ala nc e. I n pa rticular, a su b clas s of these models is c onsid er e d in de tail, precis e ly t hos eob tai ne d f rom t heLorenz- ", "underscore_trick": ", from_the viewpoint_of energy and Casimir_balance. In_particular,_a subclass_of_these models is_considered in detail,_precisely those obtained from_the Lorenz-"} +{"text": " with 5-fluorouracil is more effective and simple to perform, we conclude that the anterior chamber tube shunt to an encircling band procedure should", "synonym_substitution": "with 5 - fluorouracil is more effective and simple to perform, we conclude that the anterior chamber pipe shunt to an encircling isthmus procedure should", "butter_fingers": " wihh 5-fluorouracil is more tffective and simklw to pxrform, se concljde that the anterior chambec tuve shynt to an encircling bxnd procefure shoyld", "random_deletion": "with 5-fluorouracil is more effective and simple we that the chamber tube shunt should", "change_char_case": " with 5-fluorouracil is more effEctive and sImple To pErfOrM, we cOnclUde that the anteRIor cHamber tube shunt to an encIrcliNg BAnd pROcEdure Should", "whitespace_perturbation": " with 5-fluorouracil is mo re effecti ve an d s imp le toperf orm, we conclu d e th at the anterior chambe r tub es hunt to an e ncircli n gb a ndpr oc edu re sh ould", "underscore_trick": " with_5-fluorouracil is_more effective and simple_to perform,_we_conclude that_the_anterior chamber tube_shunt to an_encircling band procedure should"} +{"text": ". Aegilops tauschii, a wild diploid species, has a wide natural species range in central Eurasia, spreading from Turkey to western", "synonym_substitution": ". Aegilops tauschii, a wild diploid species, has a wide lifelike coinage stove in central Eurasia, spread from Turkey to western", "butter_fingers": ". Aehilops tauschii, a wild dlploid species, hcw a wive natudal speckes range in central Eurasia, spreadung from Turkey to wesgern", "random_deletion": ". Aegilops tauschii, a wild diploid species, wide species range central Eurasia, spreading", "change_char_case": ". Aegilops tauschii, a wild diplOid species, Has a wIde NatUrAl spEcieS range in centraL euraSia, spreading from Turkey To wesTeRN", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Aegilops tauschii, a wil d diploidspeci es, ha sa wi de n atural species rang e in central Eurasia,sprea di n g fr o mTurke y to we s te r n ", "underscore_trick": ". Aegilops_tauschii, a_wild diploid species, has_a wide_natural_species range_in_central Eurasia, spreading_from Turkey to_western"} +{"text": " one of three alternatives. Of 3990 possible recordings, 3918 (98%) were evaluated. In about one-third of all encounters the doctors reported extensive knowledge", "synonym_substitution": "one of three alternatives. Of 3990 possible recordings, 3918 (98 %) were evaluated. In approximately one - third gear of all encounters the doctors report across-the-board knowledge", "butter_fingers": " onf of three alternatives. Uf 3990 possible reeirdingv, 3918 (98%) wede evaluxted. In about one-third of alp wncoubters the doctors repofted extejsive kniwlevge", "random_deletion": "one of three alternatives. Of 3990 possible (98%) evaluated. In one-third of all knowledge", "change_char_case": " one of three alternatives. Of 3990 pOssible recOrdinGs, 3918 (98%) wEre EvAluaTed. IN about one-third OF all Encounters the doctors rePorteD eXTensIVe KnowlEdge", "whitespace_perturbation": " one of three alternatives . Of 3990possi ble re co rdin gs,3918 (98%) wer e eva luated. In about one-t hirdof alle nc ounte rs thed oc t o rsre po rte de xt ensiv e k nowledg e", "underscore_trick": " one_of three_alternatives. Of 3990 possible_recordings, 3918_(98%)_were evaluated._In_about one-third of_all encounters the_doctors reported extensive knowledge"} +{"text": "-g kidney after an initial vasoconstriction. Filtration rate was 0.52 +/- 0.12 ml/min-g kidney for the period 90", "synonym_substitution": "-g kidney after an initial vasoconstriction. Filtration rate was 0.52 + /- 0.12 ml / min - g kidney for the period 90", "butter_fingers": "-g kldney after an initial vxsoconstriction. Filtravion rafe was 0.52 +/- 0.12 ml/min-g kidney for the perild 90", "random_deletion": "-g kidney after an initial vasoconstriction. Filtration 0.52 0.12 ml/min-g for the period", "change_char_case": "-g kidney after an initial vasoConstrictiOn. FilTraTioN rAte wAs 0.52 +/- 0.12 ml/Min-g kidney for tHE perIod 90", "whitespace_perturbation": "-g kidney after an initial vasoconst ricti on. Fi lt rati on r ate was 0.52 + / - 0. 12 ml/min-g kidney for thepe r iod9 0", "underscore_trick": "-g kidney_after an_initial vasoconstriction. Filtration rate_was 0.52_+/-_0.12 ml/min-g_kidney_for the period_90"} +{"text": " Insl3(-/-) testes were located intra-abdominally at all ages. Delayed descent occurred in Insl3((+/-)) testes", "synonym_substitution": "Insl3(-/-) testes were located intra - abdominally at all ages. Delayed origin occur in Insl3((+/-) ) testes", "butter_fingers": " Indl3(-/-) testes were located iktra-abdominally cr all eges. Demayed dercent occurred in Insl3((+/-)) tested", "random_deletion": "Insl3(-/-) testes were located intra-abdominally at all descent in Insl3((+/-))", "change_char_case": " Insl3(-/-) testes were located intrA-abdominalLy at aLl aGes. deLayeD desCent occurred in iNsl3((+/-)) tEstes", "whitespace_perturbation": " Insl3(-/-) testes were lo cated intr a-abd omi nal ly atallages. Delayedd esce nt occurred in Insl3(( +/-)) t e stes ", "underscore_trick": " Insl3(-/-)_testes were_located intra-abdominally at all_ages. Delayed_descent_occurred in_Insl3((+/-))_testes"} +{"text": "-differentiated tumor cells. We also show that the amount of total FAK and of FAK phosphorylated at Y397 and Y407 tightly correlates with differentiation and", "synonym_substitution": "-differentiated tumor cells. We also show that the amount of entire FAK and of FAK phosphorylated at Y397 and Y407 tightly correlate with differentiation and", "butter_fingers": "-difverentiated tumor cells. De also show thcr the emount kf total FAK and of FAK phosphorylatxd ar Y397 abd Y407 tightly correlater with divferentiqtioi and", "random_deletion": "-differentiated tumor cells. We also show that of FAK and FAK phosphorylated at with and", "change_char_case": "-differentiated tumor cells. WE also show tHat thE amOunT oF totAl FAk and of FAK phospHOrylAted at Y397 and Y407 tightly corrElateS wITh diFFeRentiAtion anD", "whitespace_perturbation": "-differentiated tumor cell s. We also show th atth e am ount of total FAKa nd o f FAK phosphorylated a t Y39 7a nd Y 4 07 tigh tly cor r el a t eswi th di ff e re ntiat ion and", "underscore_trick": "-differentiated tumor_cells. We_also show that the_amount of_total_FAK and_of_FAK phosphorylated at_Y397 and Y407_tightly correlates with differentiation_and"} +{"text": " communicate and follow up with their physicians, the absence of impact on readmission suggests that more intensive efforts may be indicated to affect this outcome. [Temporal trends", "synonym_substitution": "communicate and follow up with their physicians, the absence of impact on readmission suggest that more intensive feat may be indicated to affect this outcome. [ worldly trends", "butter_fingers": " colmunicate and follow up dith their physnxians, vhe abssnce of kmpact on readmission suggesvs tyat mire intensive efforts oay be inficated ro ahfect this outcome. [Tempovcl trskds", "random_deletion": "communicate and follow up with their physicians, of on readmission that more intensive affect outcome. [Temporal trends", "change_char_case": " communicate and follow up witH their physIcianS, thE abSeNce oF impAct on readmissiON sugGests that more intensive EfforTs MAy be INdIcateD to affeCT tHIS ouTcOmE. [TeMpORaL trenDs", "whitespace_perturbation": " communicate and follow up with thei r phy sic ian s, the abs ence of impact on r eadmission suggests th at mo re inte n si ve ef forts m a yb e in di ca ted t o a ffect th is outc ome. [Temp ora ltrends", "underscore_trick": " communicate_and follow_up with their physicians,_the absence_of_impact on_readmission_suggests that more_intensive efforts may_be indicated to affect_this outcome. [Temporal_trends"} +{"text": " The results obtained in this review do not promote evidence to guide the use of non-drug rehabilitation techniques in patients with maxillofacial trauma after surgical intervention.", "synonym_substitution": "The results obtained in this review do not promote evidence to steer the habit of non - drug rehabilitation techniques in patients with maxillofacial injury after surgical intervention.", "butter_fingers": " Thf results obtained in thls review do not promotx evidehce to gjide the use of non-drug rehauiliratiob techniques in patiengs with mwxillofaxial rrauma aftxd surgigcl infcrvenciin.", "random_deletion": "The results obtained in this review do evidence guide the of non-drug rehabilitation trauma surgical intervention.", "change_char_case": " The results obtained in this rEview do not PromoTe eVidEnCe to GuidE the use of non-drUG rehAbilitation techniques iN patiEnTS witH MaXilloFacial tRAuMA AftEr SuRgiCaL InTerveNtiOn.", "whitespace_perturbation": " The results obtained in t his review do n otpro mo te e vide nce to guide t h e us e of non-drug rehabili tatio nt echn i qu es in patien t sw i thma xi llo fa c ia l tra uma aftersurgical i nte rv ention.", "underscore_trick": " The_results obtained_in this review do_not promote_evidence_to guide_the_use of non-drug_rehabilitation techniques in_patients with maxillofacial trauma_after surgical intervention."} +{"text": " were able to regenerate tendon-bone insertions and the tendon belly, including the production of type I collagen, and increased the mechanical strength of the regenerated rot", "synonym_substitution": "were able to regenerate tendon - bone insertions and the tendon belly, including the product of character I collagen, and increased the mechanical strength of the regenerated bunk", "butter_fingers": " wege able to regenerate tekdon-bone insertions and the tsndon beuly, including the production od typt I collagen, and inzreased tje mechabicao strength of the rcyenerzbed rmv", "random_deletion": "were able to regenerate tendon-bone insertions and belly, the production type I collagen, of regenerated rot", "change_char_case": " were able to regenerate tendoN-bone inserTions And The TeNdon BellY, including the pROducTion of type I collagen, and IncreAsED the MEcHanicAl strenGTh OF The ReGeNerAtED rOt", "whitespace_perturbation": " were able to regenerate t endon-bone inse rti ons a nd t he t endon belly, i n clud ing the production oftypeIc olla g en , and increa s ed t heme ch ani ca l s treng thof theregenerate d r ot ", "underscore_trick": " were_able to_regenerate tendon-bone insertions and_the tendon_belly,_including the_production_of type I_collagen, and increased_the mechanical strength of_the regenerated rot"} +{"text": " compare two methods of oversewing staple-line versus no reinforcement. Resected stomachs of 30 patients undergoing laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy were evaluated for bursting pressure immediately", "synonym_substitution": "compare two methods of oversewing staple - line versus no strengthener. Resected stomach of 30 patients undergoing laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy were evaluated for break pressure immediately", "butter_fingers": " colpare two methods of ovevsewing staple-liuw versns no rsinforceoent. Resected stomachs of 30 petiebts ubdergoing laparoscopic sleeve gwstrectony wtre evaluated for burstinn preadure mmmediately", "random_deletion": "compare two methods of oversewing staple-line versus Resected of 30 undergoing laparoscopic sleeve pressure", "change_char_case": " compare two methods of overseWing staple-Line vErsUs nO rEinfOrceMent. Resected stOMachS of 30 patients undergoing lAparoScOPic sLEeVe gasTrectomY WeRE EvaLuAtEd fOr BUrSting PreSsure imMediately", "whitespace_perturbation": " compare two methods of ov ersewing s taple -li neve rsus noreinforcement. Rese cted stomachs of 30 pa tient su nder g oi ng la parosco p ic s lee ve g ast re c to my we reevaluat ed for bur sti ng pressure im m ed iately", "underscore_trick": " compare_two methods_of oversewing staple-line versus_no reinforcement._Resected_stomachs of_30_patients undergoing laparoscopic_sleeve gastrectomy were_evaluated for bursting pressure_immediately"} +{"text": " and their willingness to switch to less expensive, less generous benefit plans. We estimate that approximately 4.6 million people would obtain coverage through AHPs and HealthM", "synonym_substitution": "and their willingness to switch to less expensive, less generous benefit plans. We estimate that approximately 4.6 million people would receive coverage through AHPs and HealthM", "butter_fingers": " anf their willingness to sditch to less erpensivx, less fenerous benefit plans. We estimate tiat qpprozimately 4.6 million peopue would lbtain civerege through AHPs and HealthM", "random_deletion": "and their willingness to switch to less generous plans. We that approximately 4.6 through and HealthM", "change_char_case": " and their willingness to switCh to less exPensiVe, lEss GeNeroUs beNefit plans. We esTImatE that approximately 4.6 millIon peOpLE wouLD oBtain CoveragE ThROUgh aHps And heALtHM", "whitespace_perturbation": " and their willingness toswitch tolessexp ens iv e, l essgenerous benef i t pl ans. We estimate thatappro xi m atel y 4 .6 mi llion p e op l e wo ul dobt ai n c overa gethrough AHPs andHea lt hM", "underscore_trick": " and_their willingness_to switch to less_expensive, less_generous_benefit plans._We_estimate that approximately_4.6 million people_would obtain coverage through_AHPs and HealthM"} +{"text": " expression on immature B- and T-lymphocytes and gradually reduced expression during maturation. Although HSA has been suggested to be involved in adhesion and/or signalling", "synonym_substitution": "expression on immature B- and T - lymphocytes and gradually reduced formula during growth. Although HSA has been suggested to be involved in adhesion and/or bespeak", "butter_fingers": " exoression on immature B- akd T-lymphocytes cbd gravually deduced dxpression during maturation. Aothouth HSA has been suggesged to be involvee in qdhesion ais/or sigkcllinf", "random_deletion": "expression on immature B- and T-lymphocytes and expression maturation. Although has been suggested and/or", "change_char_case": " expression on immature B- and T-LymphocyteS and gRadUalLy ReduCed eXpression durinG MatuRation. Although HSA has beEn sugGeSTed tO Be InvolVed in adHEsION anD/oR sIgnAlLInG", "whitespace_perturbation": " expression on immature B- and T-lym phocy tes an dgrad uall y reduced expr e ssio n during maturation. A lthou gh HSAh as been sugges t ed t o b ein vol ve d i n adh esi on and/ or signall ing ", "underscore_trick": " expression_on immature_B- and T-lymphocytes and_gradually reduced_expression_during maturation._Although_HSA has been_suggested to be_involved in adhesion and/or_signalling"} +{"text": " The effectiveness of hip protectors has been investigated as well in experimental impact tests as in clinical studies, but there is still an uncertainty about their mechanical protection effect.", "synonym_substitution": "The effectiveness of hip protectors has been investigated equally well in experimental impingement tests as in clinical studies, but there be even an uncertainty about their mechanical protection impression.", "butter_fingers": " Thf effectiveness of hip pvotectors has begn invesvigated as well in experimental impact testd qs in clinical studies, but ghere is dtill an unctrtainty about thxjr mechanical iroteetmon effect.", "random_deletion": "The effectiveness of hip protectors has been well experimental impact as in clinical an about their mechanical effect.", "change_char_case": " The effectiveness of hip protEctors has bEen inVesTigAtEd as Well In experimental IMpacT tests as in clinical studIes, buT tHEre iS StIll an UncertaINtY ABouT tHeIr mEcHAnIcal pRotEction eFfect.", "whitespace_perturbation": " The effectiveness of hipprotectors hasbee n i nv esti gate d as well in e x peri mental impact tests as in c li n ical st udies , but t h er e isst il l a nu nc ertai nty abouttheir mech ani ca l protection ef fect.", "underscore_trick": " The_effectiveness of_hip protectors has been_investigated as_well_in experimental_impact_tests as in_clinical studies, but_there is still an_uncertainty about their_mechanical_protection effect."} +{"text": "-hydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)-2-(2-phenyl-4H-chromen-4-yl)-4H-pyran-4", "synonym_substitution": "-hydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)-2-(2 - phenyl-4H - chromen-4 - yl)-4H - pyran-4", "butter_fingers": "-hydgoxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)-2-(2-phenyl-4H-ghromen-4-yl)-4H-pyran-4", "random_deletion": "-hydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)-2-(2-phenyl-4H-chromen-4-yl)-4H-pyran-4", "change_char_case": "-hydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)-2-(2-phenyL-4H-chromen-4-yL)-4H-pyrAn-4", "whitespace_perturbation": "-hydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl) -2-(2-phen yl-4H -ch rom en -4-y l)-4 H-pyran-4", "underscore_trick": "-hydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)-2-(2-phenyl-4H-chromen-4-yl)-4H-pyran-4"} +{"text": " acquire different properties. In particular, the introduction of N-containing groups, achieved by post-treatments or during preparation of the material, enhances the basic properties", "synonym_substitution": "acquire different properties. In particular, the initiation of newton - containing groups, achieved by post - treatment or during preparation of the material, enhance the basic property", "butter_fingers": " aceuire different propertits. In particular, jhw intrmductikn of N-cuntaining groups, achieved by pist-trtctments or during prdparation of the natecial, enhances thx basic ixoperfles", "random_deletion": "acquire different properties. In particular, the introduction groups, by post-treatments during preparation of properties", "change_char_case": " acquire different propertieS. In particuLar, thE inTroDuCtioN of N-Containing grouPS, achIeved by post-treatments oR duriNg PRepaRAtIon of The mateRIaL, ENhaNcEs The BaSIc PropeRtiEs", "whitespace_perturbation": " acquire different propert ies. In pa rticu lar , t he int rodu ction of N-con t aini ng groups, achieved by post -t r eatm e nt s orduringp re p a rat io nofth e m ateri al, enhanc es the bas icpr operties", "underscore_trick": " acquire_different properties._In particular, the introduction_of N-containing_groups,_achieved by_post-treatments_or during preparation_of the material,_enhances the basic properties"} +{"text": " of long-term care need. However, to date, no report has compared CGA and health checkups in older people for their ability to predict healthy life", "synonym_substitution": "of long - term care need. However, to date, no reputation has compare CGA and health checkups in older people for their ability to bode healthy life", "butter_fingers": " of long-term care need. Howeyer, to date, no rgpirt hav compzred CGA and health checkups in oldec peiple dor their ability to pfedict hewlthy lide", "random_deletion": "of long-term care need. However, to date, has CGA and checkups in older predict life", "change_char_case": " of long-term care need. However, To date, no rePort hAs cOmpArEd CGa and Health checkups IN oldEr people for their abilitY to prEdICt heALtHy lifE", "whitespace_perturbation": " of long-term care need. H owever, to date , n o r ep orthascompared CGA a n d he alth checkups in older peop le fort he ir ab ility t o p r e dic the alt hy li fe", "underscore_trick": " of_long-term care_need. However, to date,_no report_has_compared CGA_and_health checkups in_older people for_their ability to predict_healthy life"} +{"text": " SEE = 9.16). The response of the method varies linearly with ammonia concentration up to 900 mumol/L. Bilirubin less than or equal to 270", "synonym_substitution": "SEE = 9.16). The response of the method varies linearly with ammonia concentration up to 900 mumol / L. Bilirubin less than or adequate to 270", "butter_fingers": " SEF = 9.16). The response of the oethod varies lnbearly with zmmonia zoncentration up to 900 mumol/L. Uilieubin less than or equal to 270", "random_deletion": "SEE = 9.16). The response of the linearly ammonia concentration to 900 mumol/L. to", "change_char_case": " SEE = 9.16). The response of the method Varies lineArly wIth AmmOnIa coNcenTration up to 900 mumOL/L. BiLirubin less than or equal To 270", "whitespace_perturbation": " SEE = 9.16). The response of the me thodvar ies l inea rlywith ammonia c o ncen tration up to 900 mumo l/L.Bi l irub i nlessthan or eq u a l t o27 0", "underscore_trick": " SEE_= 9.16)._The response of the_method varies_linearly_with ammonia_concentration_up to 900_mumol/L. Bilirubin less_than or equal to_270"} +{"text": " a team of cardiovascular experts from Florida to Panama, in tandem air ambulances (to limit mandatory crew rest time), to implant a left ventricular assist device (", "synonym_substitution": "a team of cardiovascular experts from Florida to Panama, in tandem air ambulances (to limit compulsory gang rest time), to plant a left ventricular aid device (", "butter_fingers": " a heam of cardiovascular ewperts from Flornea to 'anama, jn tandeo air ambulances (to limit maidatiry ceew rest time), to implavt a left ventricylar qssist devmde (", "random_deletion": "a team of cardiovascular experts from Florida in air ambulances limit mandatory crew left assist device (", "change_char_case": " a team of cardiovascular expeRts from FloRida tO PaNamA, iN tanDem aIr ambulances (to LImit Mandatory crew rest time), tO implAnT A lefT VeNtricUlar assISt DEVicE (", "whitespace_perturbation": " a team of cardiovascularexperts fr om Fl ori dato Pan ama, in tandem air ambu lances (to limit manda torycr e w re s ttime) , to im p la n t ale ft ve nt r ic ularass ist dev ice (", "underscore_trick": " a_team of_cardiovascular experts from Florida_to Panama,_in_tandem air_ambulances_(to limit mandatory_crew rest time),_to implant a left_ventricular assist device_("} +{"text": " tube vs 1.5 +/- 0.8 nmol/g tube; p less than 0.02). However, the amount and composition of the weight lost was", "synonym_substitution": "tube vs 1.5 + /- 0.8 nmol / g tube; p less than 0.02). However, the amount and composition of the system of weights suffer was", "butter_fingers": " tuhe vs 1.5 +/- 0.8 nmol/g tube; p lers than 0.02). Howevet, rhe ammunt ahd comporition of the weight lost wad", "random_deletion": "tube vs 1.5 +/- 0.8 nmol/g tube; than However, the and composition of", "change_char_case": " tube vs 1.5 +/- 0.8 nmol/g tube; p less than 0.02). HOwever, the aMount And ComPoSitiOn of The weight lost wAS", "whitespace_perturbation": " tube vs 1.5 +/- 0.8 nmol/ g tube; plesstha n 0 .0 2).Howe ver, the amoun t and composition of the we ightlo s t wa s ", "underscore_trick": " tube_vs 1.5_+/- 0.8 nmol/g tube;_p less_than_0.02). However,_the_amount and composition_of the weight_lost was"} +{"text": "azine pretreatment in differentiated PC12 cells. Neuroprotective effect of such compounds may represent a promising approach for treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Sequence dependence for the energetics of", "synonym_substitution": "azine pretreatment in differentiated PC12 cells. Neuroprotective effect of such compounds may constitute a bright approach for treatment of neurodegenerative disease. Sequence addiction for the energetics of", "butter_fingers": "azije pretreatment in diffeventiated PC12 cells. Neurmprotedtive efwect of such compounds may rxprewent q promising approach fur treatmvnt of neyrodtgenerative diseases. Sequcuce dsiendeucx for the energgtics of", "random_deletion": "azine pretreatment in differentiated PC12 cells. Neuroprotective such may represent promising approach for dependence the energetics of", "change_char_case": "azine pretreatment in differEntiated PC12 Cells. neuRopRoTectIve eFfect of such comPOundS may represent a promisinG apprOaCH for TReAtmenT of neurODeGENerAtIvE diSeASeS. SequEncE dependEnce for the EneRgEtics of", "whitespace_perturbation": "azine pretreatment in diff erentiated PC12 ce lls .Neur opro tective effect of s uch compounds may repr esent a prom i si ng ap proachf or t rea tm en t o fn eu rodeg ene rativediseases.Seq ue nce dependen c efor the en erg etics of", "underscore_trick": "azine pretreatment_in differentiated_PC12 cells. Neuroprotective effect_of such_compounds_may represent_a_promising approach for_treatment of neurodegenerative_diseases. Sequence dependence for_the energetics of"} +{"text": " Furthermore, IMI enhanced the expression of liver fibrosis marker proteins, including collagen I, \u03b1-smooth muscle actin (\u03b1-SMA), and fibronectin 1", "synonym_substitution": "Furthermore, IMI enhanced the expression of liver fibrosis marker proteins, including collagen I, \u03b1 - legato muscleman actin (\u03b1 - SMA), and fibronectin 1", "butter_fingers": " Fugthermore, IMI enhanced tme expression of liver hibrosia marker proteins, including collagen I, \u03b1-smoouk muscle actin (\u03b1-SMA), avd fibronvctin 1", "random_deletion": "Furthermore, IMI enhanced the expression of liver proteins, collagen I, muscle actin (\u03b1-SMA),", "change_char_case": " Furthermore, IMI enhanced the Expression Of livEr fIbrOsIs maRker Proteins, includINg coLlagen I, \u03b1-smooth muscle acTin (\u03b1-SmA), ANd fiBRoNectiN 1", "whitespace_perturbation": " Furthermore, IMI enhanced the expre ssion of li ve r fi bros is marker prot e ins, including collagen I, \u03b1-sm oo t h mu s cl e act in (\u03b1-S M A) , and f ib ron ec t in 1", "underscore_trick": " Furthermore,_IMI enhanced_the expression of liver_fibrosis marker_proteins,_including collagen_I,_\u03b1-smooth muscle actin_(\u03b1-SMA), and fibronectin_1"} +{"text": "\nThis paper describes the evolution and refinement, over a four-year period, of a simple technique for shaping and stabilising the bony component of a composite radial", "synonym_substitution": "This paper describes the evolution and refinement, over a four - class time period, of a simple technique for shape and stabilize the bony component of a composite radial", "butter_fingers": "\nThid paper describes the evulution and refnbement, over z four-yexr period, of a simple technieuw for shaping and stabilisivg the bojy compobent if a composite radlcl", "random_deletion": "This paper describes the evolution and refinement, four-year of a technique for shaping of composite radial", "change_char_case": "\nThis paper describes the evolUtion and reFinemEnt, OveR a Four-Year Period, of a simplE TechNique for shaping and stabIlisiNg THe boNY cOmponEnt of a cOMpOSIte RaDiAl", "whitespace_perturbation": "\nThis paper describes theevolutionand r efi nem en t, o vera four-year pe r iod, of a simple technique forsh a ping an d sta bilisin g t h e bo ny c omp on e nt of a co mposite radial", "underscore_trick": "\nThis paper_describes the_evolution and refinement, over_a four-year_period,_of a_simple_technique for shaping_and stabilising the_bony component of a_composite radial"} +{"text": ". Health Benefits In 2015: Stable Trends In The Employer Market.\nThe annual Kaiser Family Foundation/Health Research and Educational Trust Employer Health Benefits", "synonym_substitution": ". Health Benefits In 2015: Stable Trends In The Employer Market. \n The annual Kaiser Family Foundation / Health Research and Educational Trust Employer Health Benefits", "butter_fingers": ". Hewlth Benefits In 2015: Stable Trends In The Gmployer Markef.\nThe annjal Kaiser Family Foundation/Iealrh Rewearch and Educational Trust Emiloyer Heqlth Venefits", "random_deletion": ". Health Benefits In 2015: Stable Trends Employer The annual Family Foundation/Health Research Benefits", "change_char_case": ". Health Benefits In 2015: Stable TreNds In The EmPloyeR MaRkeT.\nTHe anNual kaiser Family FoUNdatIon/Health Research and EdUcatiOnAL TruST EMployEr HealtH beNEFitS", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Health Benefits In 2015: Stable Tr endsInThe E mplo yerMarket.\nThe an n ualKaiser Family Foundati on/He al t h Re s ea rch a nd Educ a ti o n alTr us t E mp l oy er He alt h Benef its", "underscore_trick": ". Health_Benefits In_2015: Stable Trends In_The Employer_Market.\nThe_annual Kaiser_Family_Foundation/Health Research and_Educational Trust Employer_Health Benefits"} +{"text": " All cases with DM died after an average of 5 months with a range of 1 to 11 months. Distant metastases developed in 3.2%, 11.1", "synonym_substitution": "All cases with DM died after an average of 5 months with a range of 1 to 11 calendar month. aloof metastases developed in 3.2% , 11.1", "butter_fingers": " Alp cases with DM died afttr an average of 5 months with z range uf 1 to 11 months. Distant metasvasew devtjoped in 3.2%, 11.1", "random_deletion": "All cases with DM died after an 5 with a of 1 to in 11.1", "change_char_case": " All cases with DM died after an Average of 5 mOnths WitH a rAnGe of 1 To 11 moNths. Distant metAStasEs developed in 3.2%, 11.1", "whitespace_perturbation": " All cases with DM died af ter an ave rageof5 m on thswith a range of 1t o 11 months. Distant metas tases d e velo p ed in 3 .2%, 11 . 1", "underscore_trick": " All_cases with_DM died after an_average of_5_months with_a_range of 1_to 11 months._Distant metastases developed in_3.2%, 11.1"} +{"text": " When compared with non-mucinous bronchioloalveolar adenocarcinomas (non-mucinous BAC) without central fibrosis, APGC without central fibrosis", "synonym_substitution": "When compared with non - mucinous bronchioloalveolar adenocarcinomas (non - mucinous BAC) without central fibrosis, APGC without central fibrosis", "butter_fingers": " Whfn compared with non-mucikous bronchioloalveolar adenodarcinomxs (non-mucinous BAC) without cxntrql fivrosis, APGC without cevtral fibgosis", "random_deletion": "When compared with non-mucinous bronchioloalveolar adenocarcinomas (non-mucinous central APGC without fibrosis", "change_char_case": " When compared with non-mucinoUs bronchioLoalvEolAr aDeNocaRcinOmas (non-mucinouS bAC) wIthout central fibrosis, ApGC wiThOUt ceNTrAl fibRosis", "whitespace_perturbation": " When compared with non-mu cinous bro nchio loa lve ol ar a deno carcinomas (no n -muc inous BAC) without cen tralfi b rosi s ,APGCwithout ce n t ral f ib ros is ", "underscore_trick": " When_compared with_non-mucinous bronchioloalveolar adenocarcinomas (non-mucinous_BAC) without_central_fibrosis, APGC_without_central fibrosis"} +{"text": "imetric assay and expressed in nanomoles per milligram of hemoglobin. The plasma total radical-trapping antioxidant potential was estimated with the use of a controlled,", "synonym_substitution": "imetric assay and expressed in nanomoles per milligram of hemoglobin. The plasma total radical - trapping antioxidant potential was estimated with the habit of a operate,", "butter_fingers": "imehric assay and expressed in nanomoles pgr millijram of hemoglocin. The plasma total radical-vrapping qntioxidant potential das estimwted wity tht use of a controlled,", "random_deletion": "imetric assay and expressed in nanomoles per hemoglobin. plasma total antioxidant potential was a", "change_char_case": "imetric assay and expressed iN nanomoles Per miLliGraM oF hemOgloBin. The plasma toTAl raDical-trapping antioxidaNt potEnTIal wAS eStimaTed with THe USE of A cOnTroLlED,", "whitespace_perturbation": "imetric assay and expresse d in nanom olesper mi ll igra m of hemoglobin. T h e pl asma total radical-tra pping a n tiox i da nt po tential wa s est im at edwi t hthe u seof a co ntrolled,", "underscore_trick": "imetric assay_and expressed_in nanomoles per milligram_of hemoglobin._The_plasma total_radical-trapping_antioxidant potential was_estimated with the_use of a controlled,"} +{"text": ", genioplasty, chondrolaryngoplasty, facelift, and neck lift as they pertain to the feminization and masculinization of the face", "synonym_substitution": ", genioplasty, chondrolaryngoplasty, facelift, and neck lift as they pertain to the feminization and masculinization of the face", "butter_fingers": ", gejioplasty, chondrolaryngoklasty, facelift, aue neck lift zs they oertain to the feminization end nascuoinization of the face", "random_deletion": ", genioplasty, chondrolaryngoplasty, facelift, and neck lift pertain the feminization masculinization of the", "change_char_case": ", genioplasty, chondrolaryngoPlasty, faceLift, aNd nEck LiFt as They Pertain to the feMInizAtion and masculinizatioN of thE fACe", "whitespace_perturbation": ", genioplasty, chondrolary ngoplasty, face lif t,an d ne ck l ift as they pe r tain to the feminization a nd ma sc u lini z at ion o f the f a ce ", "underscore_trick": ", genioplasty,_chondrolaryngoplasty, facelift,_and neck lift as_they pertain_to_the feminization_and_masculinization of the_face"} +{"text": " chemotherapy for stage IV. Unexpected treatment (UT) was defined as no surgery for stage I/II, surgery for stage III, and radiation or surgery for", "synonym_substitution": "chemotherapy for stage IV. Unexpected treatment (UT) was defined as no surgery for stagecoach I / II, operating room for stage III, and radiation or surgery for", "butter_fingers": " chfmotherapy for stage IV. Mnexpected treatment (UT) was dsfined ar no surgery for stage I/II, snrgeey foe stage III, and radiatkon or suggery for", "random_deletion": "chemotherapy for stage IV. Unexpected treatment (UT) as surgery for I/II, surgery for surgery", "change_char_case": " chemotherapy for stage IV. UneXpected treAtmenT (UT) Was DeFineD as nO surgery for staGE I/II, Surgery for stage III, and rAdiatIoN Or suRGeRy for", "whitespace_perturbation": " chemotherapy for stage IV . Unexpect ed tr eat men t(UT) was defined as no surg ery for stage I/II, su rgery f o r st a ge III, and ra d ia t i onor s urg er y f or", "underscore_trick": " chemotherapy_for stage_IV. Unexpected treatment (UT)_was defined_as_no surgery_for_stage I/II, surgery_for stage III,_and radiation or surgery_for"} +{"text": " This information allows us to assess the position of plant cyclin genes in terms of evolution and classification, which will be useful for functional studies of maize cyclins. What", "synonym_substitution": "This information allows us to assess the position of plant cyclin gene in term of evolution and categorization, which will be useful for running studies of maize cyclins. What", "butter_fingers": " Thls information allows us to assess the kowition of plznt cyclkn genes in terms of evolutiln and xlassification, which wkll be usvful for duncuional studies of maize cnelins. Ahat", "random_deletion": "This information allows us to assess the plant genes in of evolution and for studies of maize What", "change_char_case": " This information allows us to Assess the pOsitiOn oF plAnT cycLin gEnes in terms of eVOlutIon and classification, whIch wiLl BE useFUl For fuNctionaL StUDIes Of MaIze CyCLiNs. WhaT", "whitespace_perturbation": " This information allows u s to asses s the po sit io n of pla nt cyclin gene s interms of evolution and clas si f icat i on , whi ch will be u sef ul f orfu n ct ional st udies o f maize cy cli ns . What", "underscore_trick": " This_information allows_us to assess the_position of_plant_cyclin genes_in_terms of evolution_and classification, which_will be useful for_functional studies of_maize_cyclins. What"} +{"text": " of families with very soft endosperm. Some variation among progeny of different T. tauschii parents resulted from the segregation of genes for resistance to leaf", "synonym_substitution": "of families with very soft endosperm. Some variation among progeny of unlike T. tauschii parent resulted from the segregation of genes for underground to flick", "butter_fingers": " of families with very soft endosperm. Some variatmon amohg progevy of different T. tauschii perenrs rewulted from the segregxtion of henes foe rewustance to leaf", "random_deletion": "of families with very soft endosperm. Some progeny different T. parents resulted from resistance leaf", "change_char_case": " of families with very soft endOsperm. Some VariaTioN amOnG proGeny Of different T. taUSchiI parents resulted from thE segrEgATion OF gEnes fOr resisTAnCE To lEaF", "whitespace_perturbation": " of families with very sof t endosper m. So mevar ia tion amo ng progeny ofd iffe rent T. tauschii paren ts re su l tedf ro m the segreg a ti o n of g en esfo r r esist anc e to le af", "underscore_trick": " of_families with_very soft endosperm. Some_variation among_progeny_of different_T._tauschii parents resulted_from the segregation_of genes for resistance_to leaf"} +{"text": "ruca vulgaris rather than either flat warts or epidermodysplasia verruciformis (EV). These two previously uncharacterized HPVs were", "synonym_substitution": "ruca vulgaris rather than either flat warts or epidermodysplasia verruciformis (EV). These two previously uncharacterized HPVs were", "butter_fingers": "rucw vulgaris rather than elther flat warts or epivermodyaplasia xerruciformis (EV). These two pceviiusly uncharacterized HPVs dere", "random_deletion": "ruca vulgaris rather than either flat warts verruciformis These two uncharacterized HPVs were", "change_char_case": "ruca vulgaris rather than eitHer flat warTs or ePidErmOdYsplAsia Verruciformis (Ev). thesE two previously uncharacTerizEd hpVs wERe", "whitespace_perturbation": "ruca vulgaris rather thaneither fla t war tsorep ider mody splasia verruc i form is (EV). These two pre vious ly unch a ra cteri zed HPV s w e r e", "underscore_trick": "ruca vulgaris_rather than_either flat warts or_epidermodysplasia verruciformis_(EV)._These two_previously_uncharacterized HPVs were"} +{"text": " was measured every 2 weeks. At 84 and 98 days of age, 12 birds were slaughtered in each group to measure the gizzard development and body traits", "synonym_substitution": "was measured every 2 weeks. At 84 and 98 days of age, 12 dame were butcher in each group to measure the gizzard development and body trait", "butter_fingers": " wad measured every 2 weeks. Xt 84 and 98 days oy age, 12 uirds wsre slauehtered in each group to meaduee tht gizzard developmevt and bofy traitw", "random_deletion": "was measured every 2 weeks. At 84 days age, 12 were slaughtered in gizzard and body traits", "change_char_case": " was measured every 2 weeks. At 84 anD 98 days of age, 12 Birds WerE slAuGhteRed iN each group to meASure The gizzard development aNd bodY tRAits", "whitespace_perturbation": " was measured every 2 week s. At 84 a nd 98 da ysof age , 12 birds were sl a ught ered in each group tomeasu re theg iz zarddevelop m en t and b od y t ra i ts ", "underscore_trick": " was_measured every_2 weeks. At 84_and 98_days_of age,_12_birds were slaughtered_in each group_to measure the gizzard_development and body_traits"} +{"text": " center in South Korea. We aimed to validate the OPS prospectively for advanced cancer inpatients in South Korea using a multicenter study. This was a prospective cohort", "synonym_substitution": "center in South Korea. We aimed to validate the OPS prospectively for advanced cancer inpatients in South Korea use a multicenter discipline. This was a prospective cohort", "butter_fingers": " cejter in South Korea. We almed to validate the OPV proslectivelh for advanced cancer inpatixnts in Siuth Korea using a mulgicenter dtudy. Thus wes a prospective cohort", "random_deletion": "center in South Korea. We aimed to OPS for advanced inpatients in South This a prospective cohort", "change_char_case": " center in South Korea. We aimed To validate The OPs prOspEcTiveLy foR advanced canceR InpaTients in South Korea usinG a mulTiCEnteR StUdy. ThIs was a pROsPECtiVe CoHorT", "whitespace_perturbation": " center in South Korea. We aimed tovalid ate th eOPSpros pectively fora dvan ced cancer inpatientsin So ut h Kor e ausing a mult i ce n t erst ud y.Th i swas a pr ospecti ve cohort", "underscore_trick": " center_in South_Korea. We aimed to_validate the_OPS_prospectively for_advanced_cancer inpatients in_South Korea using_a multicenter study. This_was a prospective_cohort"} +{"text": " for meningococcal conjugate vaccines for their teenage children. A conjoint analysis survey was administered to parents who had received counselling on the nature and risks of meningococcal", "synonym_substitution": "for meningococcal conjugate vaccines for their teenage children. A conjoined psychoanalysis view was administered to parent who had receive counselling on the nature and risks of meningococcal", "butter_fingers": " fog meningococcal conjugatt vaccines for thgie teenege chimdren. A zonjoint analysis survey was aeminiwtered to parents who fad receined counswlliig on the nature and risks of jcningmroccal", "random_deletion": "for meningococcal conjugate vaccines for their teenage conjoint survey was to parents who nature risks of meningococcal", "change_char_case": " for meningococcal conjugate Vaccines foR theiR teEnaGe ChilDren. a conjoint analySIs suRvey was administered to pArentS wHO had REcEived CounselLInG ON thE nAtUre AnD RiSks of MenIngococCal", "whitespace_perturbation": " for meningococcal conjuga te vaccine s for th eir t eena ge c hildren. A con j oint analysis survey was a dmini st e redt oparen ts whoh ad r ece iv ed co un s el lingonthe nat ure and ri sks o f meningococ c al ", "underscore_trick": " for_meningococcal conjugate_vaccines for their teenage_children. A_conjoint_analysis survey_was_administered to parents_who had received_counselling on the nature_and risks of_meningococcal"} +{"text": " reactive oxygen species might deplete principal antioxidant micronutrients, that is, vitamins C and E and the carotenoids. Therefore, we have investigated the time", "synonym_substitution": "reactive oxygen species might deplete principal antioxidant micronutrients, that is, vitamin C and E and the carotenoid. consequently, we have investigated the time", "butter_fingers": " rewctive oxygen species minht deplete prineupal aitioxidznt micrunutrients, that is, vitamins R ane E abd the carotenoids. Thefefore, we have incestmgated the time", "random_deletion": "reactive oxygen species might deplete principal antioxidant is, C and and the carotenoids. time", "change_char_case": " reactive oxygen species mighT deplete prIncipAl aNtiOxIdanT micRonutrients, thaT Is, viTamins C and E and the carotEnoidS. THErefORe, We havE investIGaTED thE tImE", "whitespace_perturbation": " reactive oxygen species m ight deple te pr inc ipa lanti oxid ant micronutri e nts, that is, vitamins C a nd Ean d the ca roten oids. T h er e f ore ,we ha ve in vesti gat ed thetime", "underscore_trick": " reactive_oxygen species_might deplete principal antioxidant_micronutrients, that_is,_vitamins C_and_E and the_carotenoids. Therefore, we_have investigated the time"} +{"text": "TR, HLA-DR mismatches were associated with a significantly higher incidence of TCMR and development of de novo DSA. Occurrence of TCM", "synonym_substitution": "TR, HLA - DR mismatches were associated with a significantly higher incidence of TCMR and growth of de novo DSA. happening of TCM", "butter_fingers": "TR, JLA-DR mismatches were asrociated with a signifmcantly higher kncidence of TCMR and develo'menr of ee novo DSA. Occurrence of TCM", "random_deletion": "TR, HLA-DR mismatches were associated with a incidence TCMR and of de novo", "change_char_case": "TR, HLA-DR mismatches were assoCiated with A signIfiCanTlY higHer iNcidence of TCMR ANd deVelopment of de novo DSA. OcCurreNcE Of TCm", "whitespace_perturbation": "TR, HLA-DR mismatches were associate d wit h a si gn ific antl y higher incid e nceof TCMR and developmen t ofde novo DS A. Oc currenc e o f TCM ", "underscore_trick": "TR, HLA-DR_mismatches were_associated with a significantly_higher incidence_of_TCMR and_development_of de novo_DSA. Occurrence of_TCM"} +{"text": " the beginning of school education. Prevalence of the phenomenon and its relation to the child's adaptive capacity].\nDepression in children has an unfavourable influence", "synonym_substitution": "the beginning of school education. Prevalence of the phenomenon and its relation to the child's adaptive capacity ]. \n Depression in child have an unfavourable influence", "butter_fingers": " thf beginning of school edmcation. Prevalenew of tie phenkmenon avd its relation to the child'd qdaptuve capacity].\nDepression in childgen has ab unhavourable influxhce", "random_deletion": "the beginning of school education. Prevalence of and relation to child's adaptive capacity]. unfavourable", "change_char_case": " the beginning of school educaTion. PrevalEnce oF thE phEnOmenOn anD its relation to THe chIld's adaptive capacity].\nDePressIoN In chILdRen haS an unfaVOuRABle InFlUenCe", "whitespace_perturbation": " the beginning of school e ducation.Preva len ceof the phe nomenon and it s rel ation to the child's a dapti ve capa c it y].\nD epressi o ni n ch il dr enha s a n unf avo urableinfluence", "underscore_trick": " the_beginning of_school education. Prevalence of_the phenomenon_and_its relation_to_the child's adaptive_capacity].\nDepression in children_has an unfavourable influence"} +{"text": "ytenoid muscle of the same side. Postoperative medication was administered based on disease causes. All patients experienced vocal cord dyskinesia of the injected side 2", "synonym_substitution": "ytenoid muscle of the same side. Postoperative medication was distribute free-base on disease causes. All patients experienced outspoken cord dyskinesia of the injected side 2", "butter_fingers": "ytejoid muscle of the same ride. Postoperatnce medmcation was admknistered based on disease ceusew. All patients experienced xocal corf dyskinwsia if the injxdted side 2", "random_deletion": "ytenoid muscle of the same side. Postoperative administered on disease All patients experienced injected 2", "change_char_case": "ytenoid muscle of the same sidE. PostoperaTive mEdiCatIoN was AdmiNistered based oN DiseAse causes. All patients exPerieNcED vocAL cOrd dySkinesiA Of THE inJeCtEd sIdE 2", "whitespace_perturbation": "ytenoid muscle of the same side. Pos toper ati veme dica tion was administe r ed b ased on disease causes . All p a tien t sexper iencedv oc a l co rd d ysk in e si a ofthe inject ed side 2", "underscore_trick": "ytenoid muscle_of the_same side. Postoperative medication_was administered_based_on disease_causes._All patients experienced_vocal cord dyskinesia_of the injected side_2"} +{"text": "odextrin-polyurethane polymer.\nArtificial chaperone-assisted refolding has been shown to be an effective approach for improving the refolding yield", "synonym_substitution": "odextrin - polyurethane polymer. \n Artificial chaperone - assisted refolding has been shown to be an effective approach for better the refolding output", "butter_fingers": "odedtrin-polyurethane polymev.\nArtificial chapgrine-assmsted rsfolding has been shown to be an effxctice apkgoach for improving tfe refoldpng yield", "random_deletion": "odextrin-polyurethane polymer. Artificial chaperone-assisted refolding has been be effective approach improving the refolding", "change_char_case": "odextrin-polyurethane polymEr.\nArtificiAl chaPerOne-AsSistEd reFolding has been SHown To be an effective approacH for iMpROvinG ThE refoLding yiELd", "whitespace_perturbation": "odextrin-polyurethane poly mer.\nArtif icial ch ape ro ne-a ssis ted refoldingh as b een shown to be an eff ectiv ea ppro a ch forimprovi n gt h e r ef ol din gy ie ld", "underscore_trick": "odextrin-polyurethane polymer.\nArtificial_chaperone-assisted refolding_has been shown to_be an_effective_approach for_improving_the refolding yield"} +{"text": " implant leaking (0%), implant displacement (3.96%), numbness at the ankle (2.38%), and palpability of the implant (0%). The", "synonym_substitution": "implant leaking (0 %), implant displacement (3.96 %), numbness at the ankle (2.38 %), and palpability of the implant (0 %). The", "butter_fingers": " imolant leaking (0%), implant dlsplacement (3.96%), numybess av the ahkle (2.38%), ana palpability of the implant (0%). Rhe", "random_deletion": "implant leaking (0%), implant displacement (3.96%), numbness ankle and palpability the implant (0%).", "change_char_case": " implant leaking (0%), implant dispLacement (3.96%), nuMbnesS at The AnKle (2.38%), aNd paLpability of the IMplaNt (0%). The", "whitespace_perturbation": " implant leaking (0%), imp lant displ aceme nt(3. 96 %),numb ness at the an k le ( 2.38%), and palpabilit y ofth e imp l an t (0% ). The", "underscore_trick": " implant_leaking (0%),_implant displacement (3.96%), numbness_at the_ankle_(2.38%), and_palpability_of the implant_(0%). The"} +{"text": ", and 7 days to compare effects of feed pretreatment on AD efficiency. The digester utilizing MW-pretreated tWAS (80 \u00b0C, 2.", "synonym_substitution": ", and 7 days to compare effects of feed pretreatment on AD efficiency. The digester utilizing MW - pretreated tWAS (80 \u00b0 C, 2.", "butter_fingers": ", anf 7 days to compare effecus of feed pretrecrment mn AD sfficienzy. The digester utilizing MW-'reteeatee tWAS (80 \u00b0C, 2.", "random_deletion": ", and 7 days to compare effects pretreatment AD efficiency. digester utilizing MW-pretreated", "change_char_case": ", and 7 days to compare effects of Feed pretreAtmenT on aD eFfIcieNcy. THe digester utilIZing mW-pretreated tWAS (80 \u00b0C, 2.", "whitespace_perturbation": ", and 7 days to compare ef fects of f eed p ret rea tm enton A D efficiency.T he d igester utilizing MW-p retre at e d tW A S(80 \u00b0 C, 2.", "underscore_trick": ", and_7 days_to compare effects of_feed pretreatment_on_AD efficiency._The_digester utilizing MW-pretreated_tWAS (80 \u00b0C,_2."} +{"text": " pathologic examination. Pelvic dissection in 31 women yielded 630 lymph nodes. There were 54 metastatic nodes in 12 women. Laparoscopic sonography revealed 32 (59", "synonym_substitution": "pathologic examination. Pelvic dissection in 31 women yielded 630 lymph node. There be 54 metastatic nodes in 12 women. Laparoscopic sonography revealed 32 (59", "butter_fingers": " pahhologic examination. Pelyic dissection iu 31 womei yieldsd 630 lympf nodes. There were 54 metastatmc nides un 12 women. Laparoscopic sonograpjy reveaoed 32 (59", "random_deletion": "pathologic examination. Pelvic dissection in 31 women lymph There were metastatic nodes in 32", "change_char_case": " pathologic examination. PelvIc dissectiOn in 31 wOmeN yiElDed 630 lYmph Nodes. There were 54 MEtasTatic nodes in 12 women. LaparOscopIc SOnogRApHy revEaled 32 (59", "whitespace_perturbation": " pathologic examination. P elvic diss ectio n i n 3 1wome n yi elded 630 lymp h nod es. There were 54 meta stati cn odes in 12 w omen. L a pa r o sco pi cson og r ap hy re vea led 32(59", "underscore_trick": " pathologic_examination. Pelvic_dissection in 31 women_yielded 630_lymph_nodes. There_were_54 metastatic nodes_in 12 women._Laparoscopic sonography revealed 32_(59"} +{"text": " time-dependent recovery of ACh output from the striata of decorticated rats to control levels. Oxiracetam also normalized the ex vivo striatal", "synonym_substitution": "time - dependent recovery of ACh output from the striata of decorticate rotter to control levels. Oxiracetam also normalize the ex vivo striatal", "butter_fingers": " tile-dependent recovery of XCh output from the stciata or decortkcated rats to control leveld. Ixiraxetam also normalized ghe ex vino striatql", "random_deletion": "time-dependent recovery of ACh output from the decorticated to control Oxiracetam also normalized", "change_char_case": " time-dependent recovery of ACH output froM the sTriAta Of DecoRticAted rats to contROl leVels. Oxiracetam also normAlizeD tHE ex vIVo StriaTal", "whitespace_perturbation": " time-dependent recovery o f ACh outp ut fr omthe s tria ta o f decorticated rats to control levels. Ox irace ta m als o n ormal ized th e e x viv ost ria ta l ", "underscore_trick": " time-dependent_recovery of_ACh output from the_striata of_decorticated_rats to_control_levels. Oxiracetam also_normalized the ex_vivo striatal"} +{"text": " cardiac surgery patients. Case-control study involving 423 patients who underwent cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. Patients were retrospectively classified into two groups based on whether they", "synonym_substitution": "cardiac surgery patients. Case - control discipline imply 423 patients who underwent cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary shunt. Patients were retrospectively classified into two group based on whether they", "butter_fingers": " cagdiac surgery patients. Cxse-control studi unvolvmng 423 pafients wfo underwent cardiac surgery wuth cqrdiopulmonary bypass. Oatients aere reteosptctively classifixs into bco grkmps bcsxd on whether tmey", "random_deletion": "cardiac surgery patients. Case-control study involving 423 underwent surgery with bypass. Patients were based whether they", "change_char_case": " cardiac surgery patients. CasE-control stUdy inVolVinG 423 pAtieNts wHo underwent carDIac sUrgery with cardiopulmonAry byPaSS. PatIEnTs werE retrosPEcTIVelY cLaSsiFiED iNto twO grOups basEd on whetheR thEy", "whitespace_perturbation": " cardiac surgery patients. Case-cont rol s tud y i nv olvi ng 4 23 patients wh o und erwent cardiac surgery with c a rdio p ul monar y bypas s .P a tie nt swer er et rospe cti vely cl assified i nto t wo groups ba s ed on whethe r t hey", "underscore_trick": " cardiac_surgery patients._Case-control study involving 423_patients who_underwent_cardiac surgery_with_cardiopulmonary bypass. Patients_were retrospectively classified_into two groups based_on whether they"} +{"text": " proteins as discrete foci on leptotene and zygotene chromosomes and their colocalization suggest that meiotic recombination begins at the leptotene stage with", "synonym_substitution": "proteins as discrete foci on leptotene and zygotene chromosomes and their colocalization suggest that meiotic recombination begin at the leptotene stagecoach with", "butter_fingers": " prlteins as discrete foci un leptotene anb zygotxne chrkmosomes and their colocalization sujgesr thau meiotic recombinagion begijs at thw lektotene stage witi", "random_deletion": "proteins as discrete foci on leptotene and and colocalization suggest meiotic recombination begins", "change_char_case": " proteins as discrete foci on lEptotene anD zygoTenE chRoMosoMes aNd their colocalIZatiOn suggest that meiotic reCombiNaTIon bEGiNs at tHe leptoTEnE STagE wItH", "whitespace_perturbation": " proteins as discrete foci on leptot ene a ndzyg ot enechro mosomes and th e ir c olocalization suggestthatme i otic re combi nationb eg i n s a tth e l ep t ot ene s tag e with", "underscore_trick": " proteins_as discrete_foci on leptotene and_zygotene chromosomes_and_their colocalization_suggest_that meiotic recombination_begins at the_leptotene stage with"} +{"text": "hanides. Angiogenesis inhibitors: perspectives for medical, surgical and radiation oncology.\nIn the past decade, many angiogenesis inhibitors have been developed for clinical", "synonym_substitution": "hanides. Angiogenesis inhibitors: perspectives for medical, surgical and radiation oncology. \n In the past ten, many angiogenesis inhibitor have been develop for clinical", "butter_fingers": "hanldes. Angiogenesis inhibiuors: perspectives for mevical, shrgical xnd radiation oncology.\nIn the pqst dtbade, many angiogenesir inhibitlrs have beei developed for rminical", "random_deletion": "hanides. Angiogenesis inhibitors: perspectives for medical, surgical oncology. the past many angiogenesis inhibitors", "change_char_case": "hanides. Angiogenesis inhibiTors: perspeCtiveS foR meDiCal, sUrgiCal and radiatioN OncoLogy.\nIn the past decade, manY angiOgENesiS InHibitOrs have BEeN DEveLoPeD foR cLInIcal", "whitespace_perturbation": "hanides. Angiogenesis inhi bitors: pe rspec tiv esfo r me dica l, surgical an d rad iation oncology.\nIn th e pas td ecad e ,manyangioge n es i s in hi bi tor sh av e bee n d evelope d for clin ica l", "underscore_trick": "hanides. Angiogenesis_inhibitors: perspectives_for medical, surgical and_radiation oncology.\nIn_the_past decade,_many_angiogenesis inhibitors have_been developed for_clinical"} +{"text": " the density of ER+ cells and the staining intensity increased, with no obvious changes from day (E) 12.5 to 18.5. Although ER is", "synonym_substitution": "the density of ER+ cells and the staining intensity increased, with no obvious change from sidereal day (E) 12.5 to 18.5. Although ER is", "butter_fingers": " thf density of ER+ cells ana the staining nbtensivy incrsased, wigh no obvious changes from dey (E) 12.5 to 18.5. Although ER is", "random_deletion": "the density of ER+ cells and the increased, no obvious from day (E) is", "change_char_case": " the density of ER+ cells and the Staining inTensiTy iNcrEaSed, wIth nO obvious changeS From Day (E) 12.5 to 18.5. Although ER is", "whitespace_perturbation": " the density of ER+ cellsand the st ainin g i nte ns ityincr eased, with no obvi ous changes from day ( E) 12 .5 to 1 8 .5 . Alt hough E R i s ", "underscore_trick": " the_density of_ER+ cells and the_staining intensity_increased,_with no_obvious_changes from day_(E) 12.5 to_18.5. Although ER is"} +{"text": " with disorders of thinking, adynamic, melancholic-adynamic, asthenic-hypochondriac, psychoasthenic-phobic, dys", "synonym_substitution": "with disorders of thinking, adynamic, melancholic - adynamic, adynamic - hypochondriac, psychoasthenic - phobic, dys", "butter_fingers": " wihh disorders of thinking, adynamic, melaneyolic-avynamic, astheniz-hypochondriac, psychoasthenir-phovic, dts", "random_deletion": "with disorders of thinking, adynamic, melancholic-adynamic, asthenic-hypochondriac,", "change_char_case": " with disorders of thinking, adYnamic, melaNcholIc-aDynAmIc, asThenIc-hypochondriaC, PsycHoasthenic-phobic, dys", "whitespace_perturbation": " with disorders of thinkin g, adynami c, me lan cho li c-ad ynam ic, asthenic-h y poch ondriac, psychoastheni c-pho bi c , dy s ", "underscore_trick": " with_disorders of_thinking, adynamic, melancholic-adynamic, asthenic-hypochondriac,_psychoasthenic-phobic, dys"} +{"text": " are low molecular weight aliphatic nitrogen compounds found ubiquitously in microorganisms, plants, and animals. Spermidine is a common polyamine that plays a role", "synonym_substitution": "are low molecular weight aliphatic nitrogen compounds found ubiquitously in microorganism, plant, and animals. Spermidine is a common polyamine that play a character", "butter_fingers": " arf low molecular weight auiphatic nitroggn componnds fohnd ubiqjitously in microorganisms, ppabts, abd animals. Spermidine ks a commln polyanine rhat plays a role", "random_deletion": "are low molecular weight aliphatic nitrogen compounds in plants, and Spermidine is a role", "change_char_case": " are low molecular weight alipHatic nitroGen coMpoUndS fOund UbiqUitously in micrOOrgaNisms, plants, and animals. SPermiDiNE is a COmMon poLyamine THaT PLayS a RoLe", "whitespace_perturbation": " are low molecular weightaliphaticnitro gen co mp ound s fo und ubiquitous l y in microorganisms, plant s, an da nima l s. Sper midinei sa com mo npol ya m in e tha t p lays arole", "underscore_trick": " are_low molecular_weight aliphatic nitrogen compounds_found ubiquitously_in_microorganisms, plants,_and_animals. Spermidine is_a common polyamine_that plays a role"} +{"text": " generate in normal human serum a factor chemotactic for tumor cells. The implications of these findings are discussed. Emerging noninvasive biomarkers for early detection of Alzheimer's", "synonym_substitution": "generate in normal human serum a factor chemotactic for tumor cells. The implications of these finding are discourse. Emerging noninvasive biomarkers for early detection of Alzheimer's", "butter_fingers": " gejerate in normal human strum a factor chemotactir for thmor celus. The implications of these fundints are discussed. Emergkng noninnasive biimarjwrs for eacmy detegcion kn Alzkemmer's", "random_deletion": "generate in normal human serum a factor tumor The implications these findings are early of Alzheimer's", "change_char_case": " generate in normal human seruM a factor chEmotaCtiC foR tUmor CellS. The implicatioNS of tHese findings are discussEd. EmeRgINg noNInVasivE biomarKErS FOr eArLy DetEcTIoN of AlZheImer's", "whitespace_perturbation": " generate in normal humanserum a fa ctorche mot ac ticfortumor cells. T h e im plications of these fi nding sa re d i sc ussed . Emerg i ng n oni nv as ive b i om arker s f or earl y detectio n o fAlzheimer's", "underscore_trick": " generate_in normal_human serum a factor_chemotactic for_tumor_cells. The_implications_of these findings_are discussed. Emerging_noninvasive biomarkers for early_detection of Alzheimer's"} +{"text": " possible to establish large numbers of very similar cultures which serve as an effective test system for studies of toxicity and mechanism of action of neuroactive compounds. Light microscopic and", "synonym_substitution": "possible to establish large numbers of very exchangeable acculturation which serve as an effective test system for study of toxicity and mechanism of action of neuroactive compound. Light microscopic and", "butter_fingers": " podsible to establish largt numbers of very similac cultudes whicf serve as an effective test ststem for studies of toxicigy and mebhanism od acuion of neuroactits compomuds. Ljnht mnccoscopic and", "random_deletion": "possible to establish large numbers of very which as an test system for of of neuroactive compounds. microscopic and", "change_char_case": " possible to establish large nUmbers of veRy simIlaR cuLtUres WhicH serve as an effeCTive Test system for studies of ToxicItY And mEChAnism Of actioN Of NEUroAcTiVe cOmPOuNds. LiGht MicroscOpic and", "whitespace_perturbation": " possible to establish lar ge numbers of v ery si mi larcult ures which ser v e as an effective test sys tem f or stud i es of t oxicity an d mec ha ni smof ac tionofneuroac tive compo und s. Light micro s co pic and", "underscore_trick": " possible_to establish_large numbers of very_similar cultures_which_serve as_an_effective test system_for studies of_toxicity and mechanism of_action of neuroactive_compounds._Light microscopic and"} +{"text": " of rufinamide tablets in a glass mortar. Sixty milliliters of Ora-Plus and 60 mL of either Ora-Sweet or Ora-", "synonym_substitution": "of rufinamide tablets in a glass mortar. Sixty milliliters of Ora - Plus and 60 mL of either Ora - Sweet or Ora-", "butter_fingers": " of rufinamide tablets in a glass mortar. Snzty minlilitsrs of Ofa-Plus and 60 mL of either Ora-Dwwet oe Ora-", "random_deletion": "of rufinamide tablets in a glass mortar. of and 60 of either Ora-Sweet", "change_char_case": " of rufinamide tablets in a glaSs mortar. SiXty miLliLitErS of ORa-PlUs and 60 mL of eitheR ora-SWeet or Ora-", "whitespace_perturbation": " of rufinamide tablets ina glass mo rtar. Si xty m illi lite rs of Ora-Plus and60 mL of either Ora-Sw eet o rO ra-", "underscore_trick": " of_rufinamide tablets_in a glass mortar._Sixty milliliters_of_Ora-Plus and_60_mL of either_Ora-Sweet or Ora-"} +{"text": " ECGs and anterior wall infarction : Subtle signs of an acute coronary artery occlucion].\nThe ECG is a very important diagnostic tool if an acute", "synonym_substitution": "ECGs and anterior wall infarction: Subtle signal of an acuate coronary artery occlucion ]. \n The ECG is a very important diagnostic tool if an acute accent", "butter_fingers": " ECHs and anterior wall infxrction : Subtle signs mf an zcute cofonary artery occlucion].\nThe ERG iw a vtgy important diagnostkc tool iv an acure", "random_deletion": "ECGs and anterior wall infarction : Subtle an coronary artery The ECG is if acute", "change_char_case": " ECGs and anterior wall infarcTion : Subtle Signs Of aN acUtE corOnarY artery occluciON].\nThe eCG is a very important diaGnostIc TOol iF An Acute", "whitespace_perturbation": " ECGs and anterior wall in farction : Subt lesig ns ofan a cute coronarya rter y occlucion].\nThe ECGis ave r y im p or tantdiagnos t ic t ool i fanac u te ", "underscore_trick": " ECGs_and anterior_wall infarction : Subtle_signs of_an_acute coronary_artery_occlucion].\nThe ECG is_a very important_diagnostic tool if an_acute"} +{"text": " subunit expression. Documented downregulation of Na,K-ATPase activity, therefore, may be associated with the structural and membrane-related beta subunit or posttranscript", "synonym_substitution": "subunit expression. Documented downregulation of Na, K - ATPase activity, consequently, may be consociate with the structural and membrane - related beta fractional monetary unit or posttranscript", "butter_fingers": " suhunit expression. Documenued downregulatiou of Na,N-ATPass activigy, therefore, may be associatxd wuth tye structural and membfane-relatvd beta sybunmt or posttransccjpt", "random_deletion": "subunit expression. Documented downregulation of Na,K-ATPase activity, be with the and membrane-related beta", "change_char_case": " subunit expression. DocumentEd downreguLatioN of na,K-aTpase ActiVity, therefore, mAY be aSsociated with the structUral aNd MEmbrANe-RelatEd beta sUBuNIT or PoStTraNsCRiPt", "whitespace_perturbation": " subunit expression. Docum ented down regul ati onof Na, K-AT Pase activity, ther efore, may be associat ed wi th thes tr uctur al andm em b r ane -r el ate db et a sub uni t or po sttranscri pt", "underscore_trick": " subunit_expression. Documented_downregulation of Na,K-ATPase activity,_therefore, may_be_associated with_the_structural and membrane-related_beta subunit or_posttranscript"} +{"text": " asthma model 7 days (7-day group), asthma model 21 days (21-day group) and steroid treatment groups. Asthma model of rats were established", "synonym_substitution": "asthma model 7 days (7 - day group), asthma model 21 day (21 - sidereal day group) and steroid treatment group. Asthma mannequin of rats were established", "butter_fingers": " ashhma model 7 days (7-day gromp), asthma model 21 days (21-dey groul) and stdroid treatment groups. Asthme moeel od rats were establishea", "random_deletion": "asthma model 7 days (7-day group), asthma days group) and treatment groups. Asthma", "change_char_case": " asthma model 7 days (7-day group), asThma model 21 dAys (21-daY grOup) AnD steRoid Treatment groupS. asthMa model of rats were estabLisheD", "whitespace_perturbation": " asthma model 7 days (7-da y group),asthm a m ode l21 d ays(21-day group) andsteroid treatment grou ps. A st h ma m o de l ofrats we r ee s tab li sh ed", "underscore_trick": " asthma_model 7_days (7-day group), asthma_model 21_days_(21-day group)_and_steroid treatment groups._Asthma model of_rats were established"} +{"text": ", 6, 7, 8-tetrahydro-isoquinolin-8-one (4), 4-(pyrrolidin-2-one) -", "synonym_substitution": ", 6, 7, 8 - tetrahydro - isoquinolin-8 - one (4), 4-(pyrrolidin-2 - one) -", "butter_fingers": ", 6, 7, 8-hetrahydro-isoquinolin-8-one (4), 4-(pyrrolidin-2-one) -", "random_deletion": ", 6, 7, 8-tetrahydro-isoquinolin-8-one (4), 4-(pyrrolidin-2-one) -", "change_char_case": ", 6, 7, 8-tetrahydro-isoquinolin-8-one (4), 4-(pYrrolidin-2-oNe) -", "whitespace_perturbation": ", 6, 7, 8-tetrahydro-isoqu inolin-8-o ne (4 ),4-( py rrol idin -2-one) -", "underscore_trick": ", 6,_7, 8-tetrahydro-isoquinolin-8-one_(4), 4-(pyrrolidin-2-one) -"} +{"text": " They appear to have few serious life-threatening side-effects. The woman does not have to remember to take a daily pill. The method requires little compliance from", "synonym_substitution": "They appear to have few serious life - threaten slope - effects. The woman does not have to commemorate to take a daily pill. The method acting requires little compliance from", "butter_fingers": " Thfy appear to have few sevious life-threatgnung sive-effecfs. The wuman does not have to remembxr ti takt a daily pill. The oethod reeuires luttlt compliance from", "random_deletion": "They appear to have few serious life-threatening woman not have remember to take requires compliance from", "change_char_case": " They appear to have few seriouS life-threaTeninG siDe-eFfEcts. the wOman does not havE To reMember to take a daily pill. the meThOD reqUIrEs litTle compLIaNCE frOm", "whitespace_perturbation": " They appear to have few s erious lif e-thr eat eni ng sid e-ef fects. The wom a n do es not have to remembe r tota k e ad ai ly pi ll. The me t h odre qu ire sl it tle c omp liancefrom", "underscore_trick": " They_appear to_have few serious life-threatening_side-effects. The_woman_does not_have_to remember to_take a daily_pill. The method requires_little compliance from"} +{"text": "SDS(height) (-0.37 +/- 1.77 vs. 0.00 +/- 0.97, p = 0.002, and -0", "synonym_substitution": "SDS(height) (-0.37 + /- 1.77 vs. 0.00 + /- 0.97, p = 0.002, and -0", "butter_fingers": "SDS(jeight) (-0.37 +/- 1.77 vs. 0.00 +/- 0.97, p = 0.002, and -0", "random_deletion": "SDS(height) (-0.37 +/- 1.77 vs. 0.00 +/- = and -0", "change_char_case": "SDS(height) (-0.37 +/- 1.77 vs. 0.00 +/- 0.97, p = 0.002, and -0", "whitespace_perturbation": "SDS(height) (-0.37 +/- 1.7 7 vs. 0.00 +/-0.9 7,p= 0. 002, and -0", "underscore_trick": "SDS(height) (-0.37_+/- 1.77_vs. 0.00 +/- 0.97,_p =_0.002,_and -0"} +{"text": " fatty acids between esterification reactions leading to the formation of neutral lipids and beta-oxidation. ACBP may play a regulatory role by influencing this important branch point", "synonym_substitution": "fatty acids between esterification reactions leading to the constitution of achromatic lipids and beta - oxidation. ACBP may play a regulatory character by influencing this important arm compass point", "butter_fingers": " fahty acids between esterinication reactiouw leadmng to fhe formxtion of neutral lipids and ueta-ixidaupon. ACBP may play a rdgulatory role by infoyencing thma imporbcnt bdwnch 'oint", "random_deletion": "fatty acids between esterification reactions leading to of lipids and ACBP may play this branch point", "change_char_case": " fatty acids between esterifiCation reacTions LeaDinG tO the FormAtion of neutral LIpidS and beta-oxidation. ACBP mAy plaY a REgulAToRy rolE by inflUEnCINg tHiS iMpoRtANt BrancH poInt", "whitespace_perturbation": " fatty acids between ester ificationreact ion s l ea ding tothe formationo f ne utral lipids and beta- oxida ti o n. A C BP mayplay ar eg u l ato ry r ole b y i nflue nci ng this important br an ch point", "underscore_trick": " fatty_acids between_esterification reactions leading to_the formation_of_neutral lipids_and_beta-oxidation. ACBP may_play a regulatory_role by influencing this_important branch point"} +{"text": " well as integrating other materials engineered by nanotechnology and tissue engineering. There are several technologies being investigated in the field of MV repair, each attempting to mimic surgical technique", "synonym_substitution": "well as integrating other materials engineered by nanotechnology and tissue technology. There be several technologies being investigate in the discipline of MV repair, each attempting to mimic surgical proficiency", "butter_fingers": " wepl as integrating other oaterials engingeeed by nanotschnologh and tissue engineering. Thece aee seceral technologies beivg investpgated in the dield of MT repair, each zbtempciig to mimic surnical technhque", "random_deletion": "well as integrating other materials engineered by tissue There are technologies being investigated repair, attempting to mimic technique", "change_char_case": " well as integrating other matErials engiNeereD by NanOtEchnOlogY and tissue engiNEeriNg. There are several technOlogiEs BEing INvEstigAted in tHE fIELd oF Mv rEpaIr, EAcH atteMptIng to miMic surgicaL teChNique", "whitespace_perturbation": " well as integrating other materials engi nee red b y na note chnology and t i ssue engineering. There ar e sev er a l te c hn ologi es bein g i n v est ig at edin th e fie ldof MV r epair, eac h a tt empting to m i mi c surgical te chnique", "underscore_trick": " well_as integrating_other materials engineered by_nanotechnology and_tissue_engineering. There_are_several technologies being_investigated in the_field of MV repair,_each attempting to_mimic_surgical technique"} +{"text": " adsorbent utilizing acrylamidophenylboronic acid and vinylimidazole as mixed functional monomers was synthesized. The new adsorbent was employed as the extraction phase", "synonym_substitution": "adsorbent utilizing acrylamidophenylboronic acid and vinylimidazole as mixed functional monomers was synthesize. The newfangled adsorbent was employed as the extraction phase", "butter_fingers": " addorbent utilizing acrylaoidophenylboronnx acid and vjnylimidxzole as mixed functional moiomees waw synthesized. The new xdsorbent was empooyev as the extractmkn phasc", "random_deletion": "adsorbent utilizing acrylamidophenylboronic acid and vinylimidazole as monomers synthesized. The adsorbent was employed", "change_char_case": " adsorbent utilizing acrylamIdophenylbOroniC acId aNd VinyLimiDazole as mixed fUNctiOnal monomers was synthesIzed. THe NEw adSOrBent wAs emploYEd AS The ExTrActIoN PhAse", "whitespace_perturbation": " adsorbent utilizing acryl amidopheny lboro nic ac id and vin ylimidazole as mixe d functional monomerswas s yn t hesi z ed . The new ad s or b e ntwa semp lo y ed as t heextract ion phase", "underscore_trick": " adsorbent_utilizing acrylamidophenylboronic_acid and vinylimidazole as_mixed functional_monomers_was synthesized._The_new adsorbent was_employed as the_extraction phase"} +{"text": " was tested by studying the distribution of birth-dates of 401 siblings of 120 winter-spring-born schizophrenics and 157 siblings of 59 winter-spring-born", "synonym_substitution": "was tested by studying the distribution of birth - dates of 401 sibling of 120 winter - give - born schizophrenics and 157 sibling of 59 winter - spring - yield", "butter_fingers": " wad tested by studying the distribution oy birth-vates or 401 siblivgs of 120 winter-spring-born schmzopyrenixs and 157 siblings of 59 wknter-sprijg-born", "random_deletion": "was tested by studying the distribution of 401 of 120 schizophrenics and 157", "change_char_case": " was tested by studying the disTribution oF birtH-daTes Of 401 SiblIngs Of 120 winter-spring-BOrn sChizophrenics and 157 siblinGs of 59 wInTEr-spRInG-born", "whitespace_perturbation": " was tested by studying th e distribu tionofbir th -dat es o f 401 siblings of 1 20 winter-spring-bornschiz op h reni c sand 1 57 sibl i ng s of59 w int er - sp ring- bor n", "underscore_trick": " was_tested by_studying the distribution of_birth-dates of_401_siblings of_120_winter-spring-born schizophrenics and_157 siblings of_59 winter-spring-born"} +{"text": "erin combination. In 9 cases of the clonidine group and in 7 carbamazepine/mianserin treated patients the dose had been reduced,", "synonym_substitution": "erin combination. In 9 cases of the clonidine group and in 7 carbamazepine / mianserin treated patients the dose had been dilute,", "butter_fingers": "erij combination. In 9 cases uf the cloniding troup end in 7 carbamaxepine/mianserin treated patixnts the eose had been reduced,", "random_deletion": "erin combination. In 9 cases of the and 7 carbamazepine/mianserin patients the dose", "change_char_case": "erin combination. In 9 cases of tHe clonidinE grouP anD in 7 CaRbamAzepIne/mianserin trEAted Patients the dose had been ReducEd,", "whitespace_perturbation": "erin combination. In 9 cas es of thecloni din e g ro up a nd i n 7 carbamazep i ne/m ianserin treated patie nts t he dose ha d bee n reduc e d, ", "underscore_trick": "erin combination._In 9_cases of the clonidine_group and_in_7 carbamazepine/mianserin_treated_patients the dose_had been reduced,"} +{"text": "enchymal conversion and the generation of migrating myogenic precursor cells in vivo. The pattern suggests additional roles during the migratory process, which will be discussed. Flowering", "synonym_substitution": "enchymal conversion and the generation of migrating myogenic precursor cells in vivo. The design suggest additional roles during the migratory summons, which will be discussed. Flowering", "butter_fingers": "encjymal conversion and the generation of migratiig myogsnic prezursor cells in vivo. The patvern suggtfts additional rolds during the migeatocy process, which will be discuaded. Yliwering", "random_deletion": "enchymal conversion and the generation of migrating cells vivo. The suggests additional roles will discussed. Flowering", "change_char_case": "enchymal conversion and the gEneration oF migrAtiNg mYoGeniC preCursor cells in vIVo. ThE pattern suggests additiOnal rOlES durINg The miGratory PRoCESs, wHiCh WilL bE DiScussEd. FLowerinG", "whitespace_perturbation": "enchymal conversion and th e generati on of mi gra ti ng m yoge nic precursorc ells in vivo. The patternsugge st s add i ti onalroles d u ri n g th emi gra to r yproce ss, whichwill be di scu ss ed. Flowerin g ", "underscore_trick": "enchymal conversion_and the_generation of migrating myogenic_precursor cells_in_vivo. The_pattern_suggests additional roles_during the migratory_process, which will be_discussed. Flowering"} +{"text": "20 (1, 10 and 100 microM) significantly reduced hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in small vessels, by -9.8+/-1.4, -", "synonym_substitution": "20 (1, 10 and 100 microM) significantly reduced hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in small vessel, by -9.8+/-1.4, -", "butter_fingers": "20 (1, 10 wnd 100 microM) significantln reduced hypoxie pulmoiary vaaoconstrkction in small vessels, by -9.8+/-1.4, -", "random_deletion": "20 (1, 10 and 100 microM) significantly pulmonary in small by -9.8+/-1.4, -", "change_char_case": "20 (1, 10 and 100 microM) significantly redUced hypoxiC pulmOnaRy vAsOconStriCtion in small veSSels, By -9.8+/-1.4, -", "whitespace_perturbation": "20 (1, 10 and 100 microM)significan tly r edu ced h ypox ic p ulmonary vasoc o nstr iction in small vessel s, by - 9 .8+/ - 1. 4, -", "underscore_trick": "20 (1,_10 and_100 microM) significantly reduced_hypoxic pulmonary_vasoconstriction_in small_vessels,_by -9.8+/-1.4, -"} +{"text": " noncovalent interactions. Relative values.\nTHE ANNUAL state of social care report was a publication I looked forward to reading each year because it provided", "synonym_substitution": "noncovalent interactions. Relative values. \n THE ANNUAL state of social caution reputation was a publication I looked forward to read each year because it provided", "butter_fingers": " nojcovalent interactions. Rtlative values.\nTHE ANNUAL state of socixl care report was a publicavion I loiked forward to readine each yewr becauwe iu provided", "random_deletion": "noncovalent interactions. Relative values. THE ANNUAL state care was a I looked forward it", "change_char_case": " noncovalent interactions. ReLative valuEs.\nTHE aNNuAL StAte oF socIal care report wAS a puBlication I looked forwarD to reAdINg eaCH yEar beCause it PRoVIDed", "whitespace_perturbation": " noncovalent interactions. Relativevalue s.THE A NNUA L st ate of socialc arereport was a publicati on Ilo o kedf or wardto read i ng e ach y ea r b ec a us e itpro vided", "underscore_trick": " noncovalent_interactions. Relative_values.\nTHE ANNUAL state of_social care_report_was a_publication_I looked forward_to reading each_year because it provided"} +{"text": "1% had controlled BP to < 140/90 mmHg and < 130/80 mmHg, respectively. With successive CKD stages, the prevalence of hypertension in non-", "synonym_substitution": "1% had controlled BP to < 140/90 mmHg and < 130/80 mmHg, respectively. With successive CKD stages, the prevalence of high blood pressure in non-", "butter_fingers": "1% haf controlled BP to < 140/90 mmHn and < 130/80 mmHg, reskextivelb. With auccessixe CKD stages, the prevalence od hyptgtension in non-", "random_deletion": "1% had controlled BP to < 140/90 < mmHg, respectively. successive CKD stages, non-", "change_char_case": "1% had controlled BP to < 140/90 mmHg and < 130/80 mMHg, respectIvely. witH suCcEssiVe CKd stages, the prevALencE of hypertension in non-", "whitespace_perturbation": "1% had controlled BP to <140/90 mmH g and <130 /8 0 mm Hg,respectively.W ithsuccessive CKD stages, thepr e vale n ce of h yperten s io n inno n- ", "underscore_trick": "1% had_controlled BP_to < 140/90 mmHg_and <_130/80_mmHg, respectively._With_successive CKD stages,_the prevalence of_hypertension in non-"} +{"text": " patients the procedure was abandoned; (for three because of inability to pass the diverticuloscope and for one because the pouch was too small). Standard open surgery was", "synonym_substitution": "patients the procedure was abandoned; (for three because of inability to pass the diverticuloscope and for one because the pouch was too humble). Standard loose surgery was", "butter_fingers": " pahients the procedure was abandoned; (for jheee berause or inabilkty to pass the diverticulosrope and dor one because the pojch was tlo small). Staidard open surgecg was", "random_deletion": "patients the procedure was abandoned; (for three inability pass the and for one small). open surgery was", "change_char_case": " patients the procedure was abAndoned; (for Three BecAusE oF inaBiliTy to pass the divERticUloscope and for one becauSe the PoUCh waS ToO smalL). StandaRD oPEN suRgErY waS", "whitespace_perturbation": " patients the procedure wa s abandone d; (f orthr ee bec ause of inabilityt o pa ss the diverticuloscop e and f o r on e b ecaus e the p o uc h was t oo sm al l ). Stan dar d opensurgery wa s", "underscore_trick": " patients_the procedure_was abandoned; (for three_because of_inability_to pass_the_diverticuloscope and for_one because the_pouch was too small)._Standard open surgery_was"} +{"text": ". Nevertheless, with the steroid regimen used, the time within which the first proteinuria relapse occurred appears to be a significant criterion for the secondary use of a steroid", "synonym_substitution": ". Nevertheless, with the steroid regimen used, the time within which the inaugural albuminuria relapse occurred appear to be a meaning criterion for the secondary use of a steroid hormone", "butter_fingers": ". Negertheless, with the steruid regimen useb, the tmme witgin whicf the first proteinuria rela'se iccureed appears to be a sienificant criteriin fie the secoisary usc of z stexomd", "random_deletion": ". Nevertheless, with the steroid regimen used, within the first relapse occurred appears for secondary use of steroid", "change_char_case": ". Nevertheless, with the steroiD regimen usEd, the TimE wiThIn whIch tHe first proteinURia rElapse occurred appears tO be a sIgNIficANt CriteRion for THe SEConDaRy Use Of A StEroid", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Nevertheless, with the s teroid reg imenuse d,th e ti me w ithin which th e fir st proteinuria relapse occu rr e d ap p ea rs to be a s i gn i f ica nt c rit er i on forthe second ary use of ast eroid", "underscore_trick": ". Nevertheless,_with the_steroid regimen used, the_time within_which_the first_proteinuria_relapse occurred appears_to be a_significant criterion for the_secondary use of_a_steroid"} +{"text": "aspinatus tendon transection (TT), or TT and denervation via suprascapular nerve transection (TT + DN). Perivascular stem cells", "synonym_substitution": "aspinatus tendon transection (TT), or TT and denervation via suprascapular nerve transection (TT + DN). Perivascular stem cells", "butter_fingers": "asplnatus tendon transectiok (TT), or TT and dgnwrvatimn via suprascxpular nerve transection (TT + DB). Peruvascular stem cells", "random_deletion": "aspinatus tendon transection (TT), or TT and suprascapular transection (TT DN). Perivascular stem", "change_char_case": "aspinatus tendon transectioN (TT), or TT and DenerVatIon ViA supRascApular nerve traNSectIon (TT + DN). Perivascular steM cellS", "whitespace_perturbation": "aspinatus tendon transecti on (TT), o r TTand de ne rvat ionvia suprascapu l ar n erve transection (TT + DN). P e riva s cu lar s tem cel l s", "underscore_trick": "aspinatus tendon_transection (TT),_or TT and denervation_via suprascapular_nerve_transection (TT_+_DN). Perivascular stem_cells"} +{"text": " perioperative outcomes compared with CL surgery. Classification of protein families and detection of the determinant residues with an improved self-organizing map.\nUsing a SOM", "synonym_substitution": "perioperative outcomes compared with CL surgery. Classification of protein class and signal detection of the determinant residues with an improved self - mastermind function. \n Using a SOM", "butter_fingers": " pegioperative outcomes comkared with CL surywry. Clessificztion of protein families and detectmon if tht determinant residjes with wn improced wwlf-organizmhg map.\nUsing a DOM", "random_deletion": "perioperative outcomes compared with CL surgery. Classification families detection of determinant residues with a", "change_char_case": " perioperative outcomes compAred with CL SurgeRy. CLasSiFicaTion Of protein familIEs anD detection of the determiNant rEsIDues WItH an imProved sELf-ORGanIzInG maP.\nUSInG a SOM", "whitespace_perturbation": " perioperative outcomes co mpared wit h CLsur ger y. Cla ssif ication of pro t einfamilies and detection of t he dete r mi nantresidue s w i t h a nim pro ve d s elf-o rga nizingmap.\nUsing aSO M", "underscore_trick": " perioperative_outcomes compared_with CL surgery. Classification_of protein_families_and detection_of_the determinant residues_with an improved_self-organizing map.\nUsing a SOM"} +{"text": " 24 h) in three patients appeared isointense or slightly hyperintense on T1-weighted images and had mixed signal intensity on T2- and T", "synonym_substitution": "24 h) in three patients appeared isointense or slightly hyperintense on T1 - leaden image and had assorted signal saturation on T2- and T", "butter_fingers": " 24 h) in three patients appeaved isointense ot wlightny hypsrintensd on T1-weighted images and hav mized sugnal intensity on T2- avd T", "random_deletion": "24 h) in three patients appeared isointense hyperintense T1-weighted images had mixed signal", "change_char_case": " 24 h) in three patients appeared iSointense oR sligHtlY hyPeRintEnse On T1-weighted imaGEs anD had mixed signal intensiTy on T2- AnD t", "whitespace_perturbation": " 24 h) in three patients a ppeared is ointe nse or s ligh tlyhyperintense o n T1- weighted images and ha d mix ed sign a linten sity on T2 - and T ", "underscore_trick": " 24_h) in_three patients appeared isointense_or slightly_hyperintense_on T1-weighted_images_and had mixed_signal intensity on_T2- and T"} +{"text": ", suggesting that SH479 is a potential novel drug candidate for autoimmune diseases including MS. Nuclear trafficking during plant innate immunity.\nLand plants possess innate immune systems that", "synonym_substitution": ", suggesting that SH479 is a potential novel drug candidate for autoimmune disease include MS. Nuclear trafficking during plant innate immunity. \n kingdom plant possess innate immune arrangement that", "butter_fingers": ", suhgesting that SH479 is a pouential novel druy candivate fod autoimoune diseases including MS. Nncleqr trqfficking during plant innate ilmunity.\nLqnd klants possess inizte immmue syabems chet", "random_deletion": ", suggesting that SH479 is a potential candidate autoimmune diseases MS. Nuclear trafficking plants innate immune systems", "change_char_case": ", suggesting that SH479 is a potentIal novel drUg canDidAte FoR autOimmUne diseases incLUdinG MS. Nuclear trafficking dUring PlANt inNAtE immuNity.\nLanD PlANTs pOsSeSs iNnATe ImmunE syStems thAt", "whitespace_perturbation": ", suggesting that SH479 is a potenti al no vel dr ug can dida te for autoimm u ne d iseases including MS.Nucle ar traf f ic kingduringp la n t in na te im mu n it y.\nLa ndplantspossess in nat eimmune syste m sthat", "underscore_trick": ", suggesting_that SH479_is a potential novel_drug candidate_for_autoimmune diseases_including_MS. Nuclear trafficking_during plant innate_immunity.\nLand plants possess innate_immune systems that"} +{"text": " large peak that represented a positive correlation between a negative nerve potential and the rarefaction phase of the sound and that peak could usually be identified at a delay that", "synonym_substitution": "large peak that represented a positive correlation coefficient between a damaging nerve potential and the rarefaction phase of the strait and that flower could usually be identified at a delay that", "butter_fingers": " lagge peak that representea a positive cotrwlatioi betwesn a negxtive nerve potential and thx raeefacupon phase of the souna and than peak coyld nsually be identmried at a delzn thac", "random_deletion": "large peak that represented a positive correlation negative potential and rarefaction phase of could be identified at delay that", "change_char_case": " large peak that represented a Positive coRrelaTioN beTwEen a NegaTive nerve potenTIal aNd the rarefaction phase oF the sOuND and THaT peak Could usUAlLY Be iDeNtIfiEd AT a Delay ThaT", "whitespace_perturbation": " large peak that represent ed a posit ive c orr ela ti on b etwe en a negativen erve potential and the rar efact io n pha s eof th e sound an d tha tpe akco u ld usua lly be ide ntified at ade lay that", "underscore_trick": " large_peak that_represented a positive correlation_between a_negative_nerve potential_and_the rarefaction phase_of the sound_and that peak could_usually be identified_at_a delay that"} +{"text": ". In the AL, CORT reduced the level of POMC gene expression in both the lesioned and control animals. It is concluded that (1)", "synonym_substitution": ". In the AL, CORT reduced the level of POMC gene expression in both the lesioned and control animal. It is conclude that (1 )", "butter_fingers": ". In the AL, CORT reduced the level of POMC ywne ex'ressioh in botf the lesioned and control aiimaos. It is concluded that (1)", "random_deletion": ". In the AL, CORT reduced the POMC expression in the lesioned and that", "change_char_case": ". In the AL, CORT reduced the leveL of POMC genE exprEssIon In Both The lEsioned and contROl anImals. It is concluded that (1)", "whitespace_perturbation": ". In the AL, CORT reducedthe levelof PO MCgen eexpr essi on in both the lesi oned and control anima ls. I ti s co n cl udedthat (1 ) ", "underscore_trick": ". In_the AL,_CORT reduced the level_of POMC_gene_expression in_both_the lesioned and_control animals. It_is concluded that (1)"} +{"text": " and exhaled gas samples. PET versus SPECT in distinguishing radiation necrosis from tumor recurrence in the brain.\nTwo cases of postsurgical brain tumor evaluation in which", "synonym_substitution": "and exhaled gas samples. PET versus SPECT in distinguishing radiation sickness necrosis from tumor recurrence in the mind. \n Two cases of postsurgical brain tumor evaluation in which", "butter_fingers": " anf exhaled gas samples. PEU versus SPECT in distinjuishinf radiatkon necrosis from tumor recucrenxe in the brain.\nTwo cases of postsurgpcal braib tunir evaluatmkn in wmnch", "random_deletion": "and exhaled gas samples. PET versus SPECT radiation from tumor in the brain. tumor in which", "change_char_case": " and exhaled gas samples. PET veRsus SPECT iN distIngUisHiNg raDiatIon necrosis froM TumoR recurrence in the brain.\nTWo casEs OF posTSuRgicaL brain tUMoR EValUaTiOn iN wHIcH", "whitespace_perturbation": " and exhaled gas samples.PET versus SPEC T i n d is ting uish ing radiationn ecro sis from tumor recurre nce i nt he b r ai n.\nTw o cases of p ost su rg ica lb ra in tu mor evalua tion in wh ich ", "underscore_trick": " and_exhaled gas_samples. PET versus SPECT_in distinguishing_radiation_necrosis from_tumor_recurrence in the_brain.\nTwo cases of_postsurgical brain tumor evaluation_in which"} +{"text": " data from 354 lakes in the native range for smelt in southern Maine. Maximum lake depth, lake area, and Secchi depth (surrogate measure of lake", "synonym_substitution": "data from 354 lakes in the native range for smelt in southern Maine. Maximum lake astuteness, lake sphere, and Secchi astuteness (surrogate measure of lake", "butter_fingers": " daha from 354 lakes in the nauive range for smglr in smutherh Maine. Oaximum lake depth, lake area, abd Sexchi depth (surrogate mdasure of lake", "random_deletion": "data from 354 lakes in the native smelt southern Maine. lake depth, lake measure lake", "change_char_case": " data from 354 lakes in the native rAnge for smeLt in sOutHerN MAine. maxiMum lake depth, laKE areA, and Secchi depth (surrogaTe meaSuRE of lAKe", "whitespace_perturbation": " data from 354 lakes in th e native r angefor sm el t in sou thern Maine. M a ximu m lake depth, lake are a, an dS ecch i d epth(surrog a te m eas ur eofla k e", "underscore_trick": " data_from 354_lakes in the native_range for_smelt_in southern_Maine._Maximum lake depth,_lake area, and_Secchi depth (surrogate measure_of lake"} +{"text": "The aim of this study was to determine the clinical impact of low tie ligation (LT) of the inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) below the left", "synonym_substitution": "The aim of this study was to determine the clinical impact of depleted link ligation (LT) of the inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) below the left", "butter_fingers": "The aim of this study was tu determine the clinicel impadt of lod tie ligation (LT) of the infxrioe mestuteric artery (IMA) beuow the lvft", "random_deletion": "The aim of this study was to clinical of low ligation (LT) of below left", "change_char_case": "The aim of this study was to detErmine the cLinicAl iMpaCt Of loW tie Ligation (LT) of thE InfeRior mesenteric artery (IMa) beloW tHE lefT", "whitespace_perturbation": "The aim of this study wasto determi ne th e c lin ic al i mpac t of low tie l i gati on (LT) of the inferio r mes en t eric ar tery(IMA) b e lo w the l ef t", "underscore_trick": "The aim_of this_study was to determine_the clinical_impact_of low_tie_ligation (LT) of_the inferior mesenteric_artery (IMA) below the_left"} +{"text": "invasive, intestine-maintaining method, which enabled the patient to continue receiving further medical treatment at home. Evolution of the psychological autopsy: fifty years of experience at", "synonym_substitution": "invasive, intestine - maintaining method, which enabled the affected role to stay receiving further medical discussion at home. development of the psychological autopsy: fifty years of experience at", "butter_fingers": "invwsive, intestine-maintainikg method, which gnqbled vhe patjent to zontinue receiving further mxdicql trtctment at home. Evolugion of tje psychilogmcal autopsy: fifvg years of exlcrienee at", "random_deletion": "invasive, intestine-maintaining method, which enabled the patient receiving medical treatment home. Evolution of of at", "change_char_case": "invasive, intestine-maintainIng method, wHich eNabLed ThE patIent To continue receIVing Further medical treatmenT at hoMe. eVoluTIoN of thE psychoLOgICAl aUtOpSy: fIfTY yEars oF exPeriencE at", "whitespace_perturbation": "invasive, intestine-mainta ining meth od, w hic h e na bled the patient to co n tinu e receiving further me dical t r eatm e nt at h ome. Ev o lu t i onof t heps y ch ologi cal autops y: fifty y ear sof experienc e a t", "underscore_trick": "invasive, intestine-maintaining_method, which_enabled the patient to_continue receiving_further_medical treatment_at_home. Evolution of_the psychological autopsy:_fifty years of experience_at"} +{"text": " of our cohort. Significant variables predicting under grading were age at diagnosis, biopsy Gleason sum, diagnostic prostate specific antigen, prostate weight, biopsy positive-to-", "synonym_substitution": "of our cohort. Significant variables predicting under grade were old age at diagnosis, biopsy Gleason sum, diagnostic prostate specific antigen, prostate weight unit, biopsy positive - to-", "butter_fingers": " of our cohort. Significant yariables predicjibg undxr gradjng were age at diagnosis, biopsy Gleeson sum, eiagnostic prostate spdcific annigen, prowtatt weight, biopsy positive-to-", "random_deletion": "of our cohort. Significant variables predicting under age diagnosis, biopsy sum, diagnostic prostate positive-to-", "change_char_case": " of our cohort. Significant varIables predIctinG unDer GrAdinG werE age at diagnosiS, BiopSy Gleason sum, diagnostic ProstAtE SpecIFiC antiGen, prosTAtE WEigHt, BiOpsY pOSiTive-tO-", "whitespace_perturbation": " of our cohort. Significan t variable s pre dic tin gunde r gr ading were age at d iagnosis, biopsy Gleas on su m, diag n os tic p rostate sp e c ifi can tig en , p rosta teweight, biopsy po sit iv e-to-", "underscore_trick": " of_our cohort._Significant variables predicting under_grading were_age_at diagnosis,_biopsy_Gleason sum, diagnostic_prostate specific antigen,_prostate weight, biopsy positive-to-"} +{"text": "ubes, two different types of nanotrenches are determined. When multiple iron NPs are assembled on carbon nanotubes and involved in carbothermal reduction, aligned nanoh", "synonym_substitution": "ubes, two different types of nanotrenches are determined. When multiple iron NPs are assemble on carbon paper nanotubes and involved in carbothermal decrease, aligned nanoh", "butter_fingers": "ubed, two different types of nanotrenches ate deterkined. Shen mulgiple iron NPs are assembled ob carvon nanotubes and invouved in cwrbothernal ceduction, alignev nanoh", "random_deletion": "ubes, two different types of nanotrenches are multiple NPs are on carbon nanotubes aligned", "change_char_case": "ubes, two different types of naNotrenches Are deTerMinEd. when MultIple iron NPs are ASsemBled on carbon nanotubes aNd invOlVEd in CArBotheRmal redUCtION, alIgNeD naNoH", "whitespace_perturbation": "ubes, two different typesof nanotre nches ar e d et ermi ned. When multiple iron NPs are assembled oncarbo nn anot u be s and involv e di n ca rb ot her ma l r educt ion , align ed nanoh", "underscore_trick": "ubes, two_different types_of nanotrenches are determined._When multiple_iron_NPs are_assembled_on carbon nanotubes_and involved in_carbothermal reduction, aligned nanoh"} +{"text": ") from a sample withdrawn through an arterial or venous catheter. Errors in AUC determination can be substantial and are strongly dependent on the duration of sampling (T),", "synonym_substitution": ") from a sample withdrawn through an arterial or venous catheter. Errors in AUC decision can be solid and are strongly dependent on the duration of sampling (deoxythymidine monophosphate),", "butter_fingers": ") frlm a sample withdrawn thvough an arterial or veious cafheter. Efrors in AUC determination cen bw subwtantial and are stronely depenfent on rhe vuration of sampling (T),", "random_deletion": ") from a sample withdrawn through an venous Errors in determination can be on duration of sampling", "change_char_case": ") from a sample withdrawn throuGh an arteriAl or vEnoUs cAtHeteR. ErrOrs in AUC determINatiOn can be substantial and aRe strOnGLy dePEnDent oN the durATiON Of sAmPlIng (t),", "whitespace_perturbation": ") from a sample withdrawnthrough an arte ria l o rveno us c atheter. Error s inAUC determination canbe su bs t anti a land a re stro n gl y dep en de nton th e dur ati on of s ampling (T ),", "underscore_trick": ") from_a sample_withdrawn through an arterial_or venous_catheter._Errors in_AUC_determination can be_substantial and are_strongly dependent on the_duration of sampling_(T),"} +{"text": ". It does not put any constraints on the structure of the image irradiance pattern. Moreover, the aperture problem does not arise and additional ad hoc constraints on the", "synonym_substitution": ". It does not put any constraints on the structure of the image irradiance design. furthermore, the aperture problem does not arise and extra ad hoc constraints on the", "butter_fingers": ". It does not put any constrxints on the sttuxture mf the image ifradiance pattern. Moreover, tie apertuee problem does not arkse and afditionao ad yoc constrejnts on the", "random_deletion": ". It does not put any constraints structure the image pattern. Moreover, the and ad hoc constraints the", "change_char_case": ". It does not put any constraintS on the struCture Of tHe iMaGe irRadiAnce pattern. MorEOver, The aperture problem does Not arIsE And aDDiTionaL ad hoc cONsTRAinTs On The", "whitespace_perturbation": ". It does not put any cons traints on thestr uct ur e of the image irradia n ce p attern. Moreover, theapert ur e pro b le m doe s not a r is e and a dd iti on a lad ho c c onstrai nts on the ", "underscore_trick": ". It_does not_put any constraints on_the structure_of_the image_irradiance_pattern. Moreover, the_aperture problem does_not arise and additional_ad hoc constraints_on_the"} +{"text": " proteins poses a major challenge. Multivalent cations, such as natural polyamines are excellent promoters of DNA/RNA condensation to nanoparticles. During the past 20 years,", "synonym_substitution": "proteins poses a major challenge. Multivalent cations, such as lifelike polyamines are excellent promoter of DNA / RNA condensation to nanoparticles. During the past 20 years,", "butter_fingers": " prlteins poses a major chaulenge. Multivalgnr catimns, sudh as nagural polyamines are excelleit peomottgs of DNA/RNA condensagion to nwnopartixles. Euring the past 20 yccrs,", "random_deletion": "proteins poses a major challenge. Multivalent cations, natural are excellent of DNA/RNA condensation 20", "change_char_case": " proteins poses a major challeNge. MultivaLent cAtiOns, SuCh as NatuRal polyamines aRE excEllent promoters of DNA/RNa condEnSAtioN To NanopArticleS. duRINg tHe PaSt 20 yEaRS,", "whitespace_perturbation": " proteins poses a major ch allenge. M ultiv ale ntca tion s, s uch as natural poly amines are excellent p romot er s ofD NA /RNAcondens a ti o n to n an opa rt i cl es. D uri ng thepast 20 ye ars ,", "underscore_trick": " proteins_poses a_major challenge. Multivalent cations,_such as_natural_polyamines are_excellent_promoters of DNA/RNA_condensation to nanoparticles._During the past 20_years,"} +{"text": " effects of laser irradiation of implants placed in bone: an in vitro study.\nLasers have been proposed for various applications involving dental implants, including uncovering implants", "synonym_substitution": "effects of laser irradiation of implants placed in bone: an in vitro discipline. \n laser have been proposed for various application involve dental implants, including uncover implant", "butter_fingers": " efvects of laser irradiatiun of implants klqced ii bone: zn in vigro study.\nLasers have been prlpised dor various applicatiovs involvpng dentao imklants, including nhcoveriky impmwnts", "random_deletion": "effects of laser irradiation of implants placed an vitro study. have been proposed implants, uncovering implants", "change_char_case": " effects of laser irradiation Of implants PlaceD in BonE: aN in vItro Study.\nLasers havE Been Proposed for various applIcatiOnS InvoLViNg denTal implANtS, INclUdInG unCoVErIng imPlaNts", "whitespace_perturbation": " effects of laser irradiat ion of imp lants pl ace din b one: an in vitro s t udy. \nLasers have been prop osedfo r var i ou s app licatio n si n vol vi ng de nt a limpla nts , inclu ding uncov eri ng implants", "underscore_trick": " effects_of laser_irradiation of implants placed_in bone:_an_in vitro_study.\nLasers_have been proposed_for various applications_involving dental implants, including_uncovering implants"} +{"text": " impedance spectroscopy. The microfluidic channel is used first to concentrate and separate trace amounts of phthalates, and then the sensor probe is installed at the end", "synonym_substitution": "impedance spectroscopy. The microfluidic channel is used first to condense and freestanding trace amounts of phthalates, and then the sensor probe is install at the end", "butter_fingers": " imoedance spectroscopy. The microfluidic ckqnnel ms used first tu concentrate and separate tcace amoubts of phthalates, and ghen the densor peobe us installxs at thc end", "random_deletion": "impedance spectroscopy. The microfluidic channel is used concentrate separate trace of phthalates, and installed the end", "change_char_case": " impedance spectroscopy. The mIcrofluidiC chanNel Is uSeD firSt to Concentrate and SEparAte trace amounts of phthaLates, AnD Then THe SensoR probe iS InSTAllEd At The EnD", "whitespace_perturbation": " impedance spectroscopy. T he microfl uidic ch ann el isused first to conc e ntra te and separate traceamoun ts of p h th alate s, andt he n the s en sor p r ob e isins talledat the end ", "underscore_trick": " impedance_spectroscopy. The_microfluidic channel is used_first to_concentrate_and separate_trace_amounts of phthalates,_and then the_sensor probe is installed_at the end"} +{"text": ", 75% of the ELISA-positive blood donors have indeterminate WB results. In these cases the ELISA reactivities are nonspecific since all WB-indeterm", "synonym_substitution": ", 75% of the ELISA - positive blood donors have indeterminate WB results. In these case the ELISA responsiveness are nonspecific since all WB - indeterm", "butter_fingers": ", 75% ov the ELISA-positive blooa donors have iueetermmnate WG resultr. In these cases the ELISA rxactuvititf are nonspecific rince all WB-indetwrm", "random_deletion": ", 75% of the ELISA-positive blood donors WB In these the ELISA reactivities", "change_char_case": ", 75% of the ELISA-positive blood doNors have inDeterMinAte wB ResuLts. IN these cases the elISA Reactivities are nonspecIfic sInCE all wb-iNdeteRm", "whitespace_perturbation": ", 75% of the ELISA-positiv e blood do norshav e i nd eter mina te WB results. In t hese cases the ELISA r eacti vi t iesa re nons pecific si n c e a ll W B-i nd e te rm", "underscore_trick": ", 75%_of the_ELISA-positive blood donors have_indeterminate WB_results._In these_cases_the ELISA reactivities_are nonspecific since_all WB-indeterm"} +{"text": " used to detect acetaminophen in commercial drugs and the obtained results are satisfactory. Increased plasma S-adenosyl-homocysteine levels induce the proliferation and migration", "synonym_substitution": "used to detect acetaminophen in commercial drugs and the obtained results are satisfactory. increase plasma S - adenosyl - homocysteine degree induce the proliferation and migration", "butter_fingers": " usfd to detect acetaminophtn in commercial beugs aid the kbtained results are satisfactory. Inrreawed poasma S-adenosyl-homocysgeine levvls inducw tht proliferation ais migrabnon", "random_deletion": "used to detect acetaminophen in commercial drugs obtained are satisfactory. plasma S-adenosyl-homocysteine levels", "change_char_case": " used to detect acetaminophen In commerciAl druGs aNd tHe ObtaIned Results are satiSFactOry. Increased plasma S-adeNosyl-HoMOcysTEiNe levEls induCE tHE ProLiFeRatIoN AnD migrAtiOn", "whitespace_perturbation": " used to detect acetaminop hen in com merci aldru gs and the obtained resu l ts a re satisfactory. Incre asedpl a smaS -a denos yl-homo c ys t e ine l ev els i n du ce th e p rolifer ation andmig ra tion", "underscore_trick": " used_to detect_acetaminophen in commercial drugs_and the_obtained_results are_satisfactory._Increased plasma S-adenosyl-homocysteine_levels induce the_proliferation and migration"} +{"text": " CD4-CD8+ (27%) cells. A small percentage of these cells were IL-2R+. These bright CD5+IL-2R", "synonym_substitution": "CD4 - CD8 + (27 %) cells. A small percentage of these cells were IL-2R+. These undimmed CD5+IL-2R", "butter_fingers": " CD4-FD8+ (27%) cells. A small percenuage of these cells were IL-2R+. Tgese brieht CD5+IL-2R", "random_deletion": "CD4-CD8+ (27%) cells. A small percentage of were These bright", "change_char_case": " CD4-CD8+ (27%) cells. A small percentage Of these celLs werE IL-2r+. ThEsE briGht Cd5+IL-2R", "whitespace_perturbation": " CD4-CD8+ (27%) cells. A s mall perce ntage of th es e ce llswere IL-2R+. T h esebright CD5+IL-2R", "underscore_trick": " CD4-CD8+_(27%) cells._A small percentage of_these cells_were_IL-2R+. These_bright_CD5+IL-2R"} +{"text": " evaluate the long-term efficacy and safety of MMF in liver transplant patients who had failed cyclosporine (CsA)-based conventional immunosuppression. Ninet", "synonym_substitution": "evaluate the long - term efficacy and safety of MMF in liver graft patient who had failed cyclosporine (CsA)-based conventional immunosuppression. Ninet", "butter_fingers": " evwluate the long-term effigacy and safety of MMF mn lived transpuant patients who had failed ctcloskjrine (CsA)-based conxentional immunosypprtssion. Ninet", "random_deletion": "evaluate the long-term efficacy and safety of liver patients who failed cyclosporine (CsA)-based", "change_char_case": " evaluate the long-term efficaCy and safetY of MMf in LivEr TranSplaNt patients who hAD faiLed cyclosporine (CsA)-baseD convEnTIonaL ImMunosUppressIOn. nINet", "whitespace_perturbation": " evaluate the long-term ef ficacy and safe tyofMM F in liv er transplantp atie nts who had failed cyc lospo ri n e (C s A) -base d conve n ti o n alim mu nos up p re ssion . N inet", "underscore_trick": " evaluate_the long-term_efficacy and safety of_MMF in_liver_transplant patients_who_had failed cyclosporine_(CsA)-based conventional immunosuppression._Ninet"} +{"text": " before exposure to 2.5 J/m2/s UVB for 10 min significantly (P < 0.05) attenuated thymine dimer formation. Pre", "synonym_substitution": "before exposure to 2.5 J / m2 / s UVB for 10 min significantly (P < 0.05) rarefy thymine dimer constitution. Pre", "butter_fingers": " bevore exposure to 2.5 J/m2/s UVN for 10 min signiyucantlb (P < 0.05) aftenuatea thymine dimer formation. Prx", "random_deletion": "before exposure to 2.5 J/m2/s UVB for significantly < 0.05) thymine dimer formation.", "change_char_case": " before exposure to 2.5 J/m2/s UVB for 10 Min signifiCantlY (P < 0.05) aTteNuAted ThymIne dimer formatIOn. PrE", "whitespace_perturbation": " before exposure to 2.5 J/ m2/s UVB f or 10 mi n s ig nifi cant ly (P < 0.05)a tten uated thymine dimer fo rmati on . Pre ", "underscore_trick": " before_exposure to_2.5 J/m2/s UVB for_10 min_significantly_(P <_0.05)_attenuated thymine dimer_formation. Pre"} +{"text": " IDRs occur in about 50% of human proteins. They are poorly characterized despite much recent attention. Our results suggest the importance of a subtle balance between Pre", "synonym_substitution": "IDRs occur in about 50% of human proteins. They are poorly qualify despite much late attention. Our results indicate the importance of a insidious balance between Pre", "butter_fingers": " IDGs occur in about 50% of huoan proteins. Thgy are pmorly dharactefized despite much recent atventuon. Oyr results suggest the importanbe of a sybtlt balance between Pre", "random_deletion": "IDRs occur in about 50% of human are characterized despite recent attention. Our a balance between Pre", "change_char_case": " IDRs occur in about 50% of human prOteins. They Are poOrlY chArActeRizeD despite much reCEnt aTtention. Our results suggEst thE iMPortANcE of a sUbtle baLAnCE BetWeEn pre", "whitespace_perturbation": " IDRs occur in about 50% o f human pr otein s.The yarepoor ly characteriz e d de spite much recent atte ntion .O ur r e su lts s uggestt he i mpo rt an ceof asubtl e b alancebetween Pr e", "underscore_trick": " IDRs_occur in_about 50% of human_proteins. They_are_poorly characterized_despite_much recent attention._Our results suggest_the importance of a_subtle balance between_Pre"} +{"text": " treatment responders (92% vs. 70%; p=0.035). In multivariate analyses low BAALC expression retained its prognostic relevance. In conclusion, BA", "synonym_substitution": "treatment responders (92% vs. 70% ; p=0.035). In multivariate analyses low BAALC formula retain its prognostic relevance. In conclusion, BA", "butter_fingers": " trfatment responders (92% vs. 70%; k=0.035). In multivariate analysxs low GAALC exoression retained its prognodtuc reoevance. In conclusion, CA", "random_deletion": "treatment responders (92% vs. 70%; p=0.035). In low expression retained prognostic relevance. In", "change_char_case": " treatment responders (92% vs. 70%; p=0.035). In mUltivariatE analYseS loW BaALC ExprEssion retained ITs prOgnostic relevance. In conClusiOn, ba", "whitespace_perturbation": " treatment responders (92% vs. 70%;p=0.0 35) . I nmult ivar iate analysesl ow B AALC expression retain ed it sp rogn o st ic re levance . I n con cl us ion ,B A", "underscore_trick": " treatment_responders (92%_vs. 70%; p=0.035). In_multivariate analyses_low_BAALC expression_retained_its prognostic relevance._In conclusion, BA"} +{"text": " In three kindreds, there was also three-generation vertical transmission of bottom decile HDLC, but top decile triglycerides accompanied bottom decile HDLC", "synonym_substitution": "In three kindreds, there was also three - generation erect transmittance of bottom decile HDLC, but top decile triglycerides accompanied bottom decile HDLC", "butter_fingers": " In three kindreds, there war also three-gengrqtion terticam transmkssion of bottom decile HDLC, byt tok decile triglyceriaes accomianied bortom eecile HDLR", "random_deletion": "In three kindreds, there was also three-generation of decile HDLC, top decile triglycerides", "change_char_case": " In three kindreds, there was alSo three-genEratiOn vErtIcAl trAnsmIssion of bottom DEcilE HDLC, but top decile triglYceriDeS AccoMPaNied bOttom deCIlE hdLC", "whitespace_perturbation": " In three kindreds, therewas also t hree- gen era ti on v erti cal transmissi o n of bottom decile HDLC, b ut to pd ecil e t rigly cerides ac c o mpa ni ed bo tt o mdecil e H DLC", "underscore_trick": " In_three kindreds,_there was also three-generation_vertical transmission_of_bottom decile_HDLC,_but top decile_triglycerides accompanied bottom_decile HDLC"} +{"text": " solving the descriptive equation. In addition, we measured the carbocisteine concentration of 18 healthy volunteers by HPLC with fluorescence detection. To analyze performance error, the", "synonym_substitution": "solving the descriptive equation. In addition, we measured the carbocisteine assiduity of 18 goodly volunteer by HPLC with fluorescence detection. To analyze performance erroneousness, the", "butter_fingers": " sopving the descriptive eqmation. In addition, we mxasured the carcocisteine concentration of 18 hwaltht volunteers by HPLC wkth fluorvscence dwtecuion. To analyze pxdformangz errkv, the", "random_deletion": "solving the descriptive equation. In addition, we carbocisteine of 18 volunteers by HPLC performance the", "change_char_case": " solving the descriptive equaTion. In addiTion, wE meAsuReD the CarbOcisteine conceNTratIon of 18 healthy volunteers By HPLc wITh flUOrEscenCe detecTIoN. tO anAlYzE peRfORmAnce eRroR, the", "whitespace_perturbation": " solving the descriptive e quation. I n add iti on, w e me asur ed the carboci s tein e concentration of 18healt hy volu n te ers b y HPLCw it h flu or es cen ce de tecti on. To ana lyze perfo rma nc e error, the ", "underscore_trick": " solving_the descriptive_equation. In addition, we_measured the_carbocisteine_concentration of_18_healthy volunteers by_HPLC with fluorescence_detection. To analyze performance_error, the"} +{"text": "), P=0.01), sum of n-3 FA (0.61% (0.07-1.15), P=0.03", "synonym_substitution": "), P=0.01), sum of n-3 FA (0.61% (0.07 - 1.15), P=0.03", "butter_fingers": "), P=0.01), dum of n-3 FA (0.61% (0.07-1.15), P=0.03", "random_deletion": "), P=0.01), sum of n-3 FA (0.61%", "change_char_case": "), P=0.01), sum of n-3 FA (0.61% (0.07-1.15), P=0.03", "whitespace_perturbation": "), P=0.01), sum of n-3 FA(0.61% (0. 07-1. 15) , P =0 .03", "underscore_trick": "), P=0.01),_sum of_n-3 FA (0.61% (0.07-1.15),_P=0.03"} +{"text": " single gene product. Electron cryo-microscopy revealed that the virus has a diameter of 34 nm and T = 3 symmetry. The 180 quasi-equivalent", "synonym_substitution": "single gene product. Electron cryo - microscopy revealed that the virus has a diameter of 34 nanometer and metric ton = 3 symmetry. The 180 quasi - equivalent", "butter_fingers": " sijgle gene product. Electrun cryo-microscoky reveaned thzt the vkrus has a diameter of 34 nm aid T = 3 synmetry. The 180 quasi-equivxlent", "random_deletion": "single gene product. Electron cryo-microscopy revealed that has diameter of nm and T quasi-equivalent", "change_char_case": " single gene product. Electron Cryo-microsCopy rEveAleD tHat tHe viRus has a diameteR Of 34 nm And T = 3 symmetry. The 180 quasi-eqUivalEnT", "whitespace_perturbation": " single gene product. Elec tron cryo- micro sco pyre veal ed t hat the virush as a diameter of 34 nm and T =3s ymme t ry . The 180 qu a si - e qui va le nt", "underscore_trick": " single_gene product._Electron cryo-microscopy revealed that_the virus_has_a diameter_of_34 nm and_T = 3_symmetry. The 180 quasi-equivalent"} +{"text": " action of the Institute was contiunuously adjusted in response to existing health treats and how the Institute contributed to detection of new risk factors. The main tasks of", "synonym_substitution": "action of the Institute was contiunuously adjusted in response to existing health dainty and how the Institute contribute to detection of new risk component. The main tasks of", "butter_fingers": " achion of the Institute war contiunuously adjustxd in rssponse go existing health treats anv hoq the Institute contributed to detecnion of nww rmsk factors. The main tasks of", "random_deletion": "action of the Institute was contiunuously adjusted to health treats how the Institute risk The main tasks", "change_char_case": " action of the Institute was coNtiunuouslY adjuSteD in ReSponSe to Existing health TReatS and how the Institute conTribuTeD To deTEcTion oF new risK FaCTOrs. thE mAin TaSKs Of", "whitespace_perturbation": " action of the Institute w as contiun uousl y a dju st ed i n re sponse to exis t inghealth treats and howthe I ns t itut e c ontri buted t o d e t ect io nofne w r isk f act ors. Th e main tas ksof ", "underscore_trick": " action_of the_Institute was contiunuously adjusted_in response_to_existing health_treats_and how the_Institute contributed to_detection of new risk_factors. The main_tasks_of"} +{"text": "ialysis patients. Adverse effects and drug interactions limit the use of oral iron supplements. Administration of parenteral iron is time consuming and accompanied by concerns about iron", "synonym_substitution": "ialysis patients. Adverse effects and drug interactions limit the habit of oral iron accessory. Administration of parenteral iron is time consuming and accompany by concerns about iron", "butter_fingers": "ialjsis patients. Adverse efnects and drug iureractmons lijit the jse of oral iron supplements. Aeminiwtration of parenteral iron is nime consyminj and accompaniev by congzrns znout nrin", "random_deletion": "ialysis patients. Adverse effects and drug interactions use oral iron Administration of parenteral accompanied concerns about iron", "change_char_case": "ialysis patients. Adverse effEcts and druG inteRacTioNs LimiT the Use of oral iron sUPpleMents. Administration of pArentErAL iroN Is Time cOnsuminG AnD ACcoMpAnIed By COnCerns AboUt iron", "whitespace_perturbation": "ialysis patients. Adverseeffects an d dru g i nte ra ctio ns l imit the use o f ora l iron supplements. Ad minis tr a tion of pare nterali ro n isti me co ns u mi ng an d a ccompan ied by con cer ns about iron", "underscore_trick": "ialysis patients._Adverse effects_and drug interactions limit_the use_of_oral iron_supplements._Administration of parenteral_iron is time_consuming and accompanied by_concerns about iron"} +{"text": " cycling test to assess predictors of endurance performance and establishing training zones.\nThis study evaluates the relationship between a field-based 8-min time trial (8M", "synonym_substitution": "cycling test to assess predictors of endurance operation and prove training zones. \n This discipline evaluate the relationship between a field - establish 8 - min time test (8 M", "butter_fingers": " cyfling test to assess preaictors of endutabce pecformande and ertablishing training zones.\nThms srudy tnaluates the relationrhip betwven a fieod-bawwd 8-min timx trial (8M", "random_deletion": "cycling test to assess predictors of endurance establishing zones. This evaluates the relationship trial", "change_char_case": " cycling test to assess predicTors of enduRance PerForMaNce aNd esTablishing traiNIng zOnes.\nThis study evaluates The reLaTIonsHIp BetweEn a fielD-BaSED 8-miN tImE trIaL (8m", "whitespace_perturbation": " cycling test to assess pr edictors o f end ura nce p erfo rman ce and establi s hing training zones.\nThisstudy e v alua t es therelatio n sh i p be tw ee n a f i el d-bas ed8-min t ime trial(8M ", "underscore_trick": " cycling_test to_assess predictors of endurance_performance and_establishing_training zones.\nThis_study_evaluates the relationship_between a field-based_8-min time trial (8M"} +{"text": " However, invasions do not always result in a shift to an alternative regime; invasions can also increase resilience by introducing novelty, replacing lost ecological functions or adding", "synonym_substitution": "However, invasions do not always result in a shift to an alternate government; invasions can also increase resilience by insert knickknack, replacing lost ecological function or add", "butter_fingers": " Hoaever, invasions do not auways result in a shifv to an alternagive regime; invasions can aldo incrtcse resilience by ingroducing novelty, repoqcing lost ecologigcl fuhgtionv or adding", "random_deletion": "However, invasions do not always result in to alternative regime; can also increase lost functions or adding", "change_char_case": " However, invasions do not alwaYs result in A shifT to An aLtErnaTive Regime; invasionS Can aLso increase resilience bY intrOdUCing NOvElty, rEplacinG LoST EcoLoGiCal FuNCtIons oR adDing", "whitespace_perturbation": " However, invasions do not always re sultina s hi ft t o an alternative r e gime ; invasions can also i ncrea se resi l ie nce b y intro d uc i n g n ov el ty, r e pl acing lo st ecol ogical fun cti on s or adding", "underscore_trick": " However,_invasions do_not always result in_a shift_to_an alternative_regime;_invasions can also_increase resilience by_introducing novelty, replacing lost_ecological functions or_adding"} +{"text": " microorganisms and cell cultures SCPM - Obolensk. 50 V. cholerae strains were studied. Real-time PCR with primers to genes ctx", "synonym_substitution": "microorganisms and cell cultures SCPM - Obolensk. 50 V. cholerae strains were study. veridical - time PCR with primers to genes ctx", "butter_fingers": " mifroorganisms and cell cuutures SCPM - Obolensk. 50 V. chomerae stfains were studied. Real-time 'CR qith kgimers to genes ctx", "random_deletion": "microorganisms and cell cultures SCPM - Obolensk. cholerae were studied. PCR with primers", "change_char_case": " microorganisms and cell cultUres SCPM - ObOlensK. 50 V. cHolErAe stRainS were studied. ReAL-timE PCR with primers to genes Ctx", "whitespace_perturbation": " microorganisms and cell c ultures SC PM -Obo len sk . 50 V.cholerae strai n s we re studied. Real-timePCR w it h pri m er s togenes c t x", "underscore_trick": " microorganisms_and cell_cultures SCPM - Obolensk._50 V._cholerae_strains were_studied._Real-time PCR with_primers to genes_ctx"} +{"text": " monocytes, likely by inhibiting crucial signaling pathways, like SAPK2/p38 and MMP-2 activities. Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder in parents of", "synonym_substitution": "monocytes, likely by inhibiting crucial sign nerve pathway, like SAPK2 / p38 and MMP-2 activities. Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorderliness in parents of", "butter_fingers": " mojocytes, likely by inhibiuing crucial signcoing pethways, like SAOK2/p38 and MMP-2 activities. Symptlmw of kjsttraumatic stresr disordeg in parebts id", "random_deletion": "monocytes, likely by inhibiting crucial signaling pathways, and activities. Symptoms posttraumatic stress disorder", "change_char_case": " monocytes, likely by inhibitiNg crucial sIgnalIng PatHwAys, lIke SaPK2/p38 and MMP-2 actiVItieS. Symptoms of posttraumatIc strEsS DisoRDeR in paRents of", "whitespace_perturbation": " monocytes, likely by inhi biting cru cialsig nal in g pa thwa ys, like SAPK2 / p38and MMP-2 activities.Sympt om s ofp os ttrau matic s t re s s di so rd erin pa rents of ", "underscore_trick": " monocytes,_likely by_inhibiting crucial signaling pathways,_like SAPK2/p38_and_MMP-2 activities._Symptoms_of posttraumatic stress_disorder in parents_of"} +{"text": " nursery stay in twin A, twins A and B in the group DeltaBW>250 were similar regarding all other neonatal outcome variables. When twin B is more than", "synonym_substitution": "nursery stay in twin A, twins A and B in the group DeltaBW>250 were exchangeable involve all other neonatal outcome variables. When duplicate B is more than", "butter_fingers": " nugsery stay in twin A, twiks A and B in thg troup VeltaBW>250 were sioilar regarding all other nelnqtal iutcome variables. When twin B id more tyan", "random_deletion": "nursery stay in twin A, twins A in group DeltaBW>250 similar regarding all twin is more than", "change_char_case": " nursery stay in twin A, twins A aNd B in the grOup DeLtabW>250 wErE simIlar Regarding all otHEr neOnatal outcome variables. when tWiN b is mORe Than", "whitespace_perturbation": " nursery stay in twin A, t wins A and B in th e g ro up D elta BW>250 were si m ilar regarding all other n eonat al outc o me vari ables.W he n twi nBismo r ethan", "underscore_trick": " nursery_stay in_twin A, twins A_and B_in_the group_DeltaBW>250_were similar regarding_all other neonatal_outcome variables. When twin_B is more_than"} +{"text": "DRGs are very complex in measuring the costs per case (severity of illness in terms of efficiency). They are not able to support quality assessment by risk adjustment", "synonym_substitution": "DRGs are very complex in measuring the costs per case (severity of illness in term of efficiency). They are not able to confirm quality assessment by risk adaptation", "butter_fingers": "DRGd are very complex in mexsuring the cosjs per cese (sevsrity of illness in terms of efficieicy). Rhey qre not able to supporg quality assessmwnt uy risk adjustmeif", "random_deletion": "DRGs are very complex in measuring the case of illness terms of efficiency). support assessment by risk", "change_char_case": "DRGs are very complex in measuRing the cosTs per CasE (seVeRity Of ilLness in terms of EFficIency). They are not able to sUpporT qUAlitY AsSessmEnt by riSK aDJUstMeNt", "whitespace_perturbation": "DRGs are very complex in m easuring t he co sts pe rcase (se verity of illn e ss i n terms of efficiency) . The ya re n o tableto supp o rt q ual it yass es s me nt by ri sk adju stment", "underscore_trick": "DRGs are_very complex_in measuring the costs_per case_(severity_of illness_in_terms of efficiency)._They are not_able to support quality_assessment by risk_adjustment"} +{"text": "-cis-retinoic acid (isotretinoin), all-trans-retinoic acid (tretinoin) and their 4-oxo", "synonym_substitution": "-cis - retinoic acid (isotretinoin), all - trans - retinoic acid (tretinoin) and their 4 - oxo", "butter_fingers": "-cis-getinoic acid (isotretinoln), all-trans-retinoic aciv (tretihoin) and their 4-oxo", "random_deletion": "-cis-retinoic acid (isotretinoin), all-trans-retinoic acid (tretinoin) and", "change_char_case": "-cis-retinoic acid (isotretinoIn), all-trans-RetinOic AciD (tRetiNoin) And their 4-oxo", "whitespace_perturbation": "-cis-retinoic acid (isotre tinoin), a ll-tr ans -re ti noic aci d (tretinoin)a nd t heir 4-oxo", "underscore_trick": "-cis-retinoic acid_(isotretinoin), all-trans-retinoic_acid (tretinoin) and their_4-oxo"} +{"text": " history of drug-resistant PAF does not affect the efficacy of pharmacological conversion by bepridil or in combination with aprindine. However, recurrence", "synonym_substitution": "history of drug - resistant PAF does not affect the efficacy of pharmacological conversion by bepridil or in combination with aprindine. However, recurrence", "butter_fingers": " hidtory of drug-resistant PXF does not affgcr the xfficacg of phafmacological conversion by bxprieil oe in combination with xprindine. However, recnrrence", "random_deletion": "history of drug-resistant PAF does not affect of conversion by or in combination", "change_char_case": " history of drug-resistant PAF Does not affEct thE efFicAcY of pHarmAcological convERsioN by bepridil or in combinaTion wItH ApriNDiNe. HowEver, recURrENCe", "whitespace_perturbation": " history of drug-resistant PAF doesnot a ffe ctth e ef fica cy of pharmaco l ogic al conversion by bepri dil o ri n co m bi natio n witha pr i n din e. H owe ve r ,recur ren ce", "underscore_trick": " history_of drug-resistant_PAF does not affect_the efficacy_of_pharmacological conversion_by_bepridil or in_combination with aprindine._However, recurrence"} +{"text": " hepatitis C protease.\nThe pyrrolidine-5,5-trans-lactam template was used to design small, neutral, mechanism-based inhibitors of", "synonym_substitution": "hepatitis C protease. \n The pyrrolidine-5,5 - trans - lactam template was used to design small, neutral, mechanism - free-base inhibitor of", "butter_fingers": " heoatitis C protease.\nThe pyvrolidine-5,5-trans-laeram tekplate was usea to design small, neutral, merhanusm-bawed inhibitors of", "random_deletion": "hepatitis C protease. The pyrrolidine-5,5-trans-lactam template was design neutral, mechanism-based of", "change_char_case": " hepatitis C protease.\nThe pyrrOlidine-5,5-traNs-lacTam TemPlAte wAs usEd to design smalL, NeutRal, mechanism-based inhibItors Of", "whitespace_perturbation": " hepatitis C protease.\nThe pyrrolidi ne-5, 5-t ran s- lact am t emplate was us e d to design small, neutral , mec ha n ism- b as ed in hibitor s o f ", "underscore_trick": " hepatitis_C protease.\nThe_pyrrolidine-5,5-trans-lactam template was used_to design_small,_neutral, mechanism-based_inhibitors_of"} +{"text": " offering the advantage of large basal lamina tubes serving as a pathway for regenerating axons. It also provides the beneficial effects of viable Schwann cells that produce neuro", "synonym_substitution": "offering the advantage of large basal lamina tubes serving as a nerve pathway for regenerate axons. It besides provides the beneficial effect of viable Schwann cell that grow neuro", "butter_fingers": " ofvering the advantage of uarge basal lamnba tubxs servjng as a pathway for regenerating axlnw. It qlso provides the benewicial efvects of viaule Schwann cells that pvjducs neuxo", "random_deletion": "offering the advantage of large basal lamina as pathway for axons. It also viable cells that produce", "change_char_case": " offering the advantage of larGe basal lamIna tuBes SerViNg as A patHway for regenerATing Axons. It also provides the BenefIcIAl efFEcTs of vIable ScHWaNN CelLs ThAt pRoDUcE neurO", "whitespace_perturbation": " offering the advantage of large bas al la min a t ub es s ervi ng as a pathwa y for regenerating axons. I t als op rovi d es thebenefic i al e ffe ct sofvi a bl e Sch wan n cells that prod uce n euro", "underscore_trick": " offering_the advantage_of large basal lamina_tubes serving_as_a pathway_for_regenerating axons. It_also provides the_beneficial effects of viable_Schwann cells that_produce_neuro"} +{"text": " by PCPA significantly increased the number of hippocampal MR-binding sites. PCPA treatment did not alter the number of GR-binding sites in the hippocampus, hypothalamus", "synonym_substitution": "by PCPA significantly increased the number of hippocampal MR - binding web site. PCPA discussion did not alter the number of GR - bind site in the hippocampus, hypothalamus", "butter_fingers": " by PCPA significantly incrtased the number of hippmcampam MR-bindkng sites. PCPA treatment did nit aluvr the number of GR-bivding sitvs in the hipkocampus, hypothalejus", "random_deletion": "by PCPA significantly increased the number of sites. treatment did alter the number hippocampus,", "change_char_case": " by PCPA significantly increaSed the numbEr of hIppOcaMpAl MR-BindIng sites. PCPA trEAtmeNt did not alter the number Of GR-bInDIng sITeS in thE hippocAMpUS, HypOtHaLamUs", "whitespace_perturbation": " by PCPA significantly inc reased the numb erofhi ppoc ampa l MR-binding s i tes. PCPA treatment did no t alt er then um ber o f GR-bi n di n g si te sinth e h ippoc amp us, hyp othalamus", "underscore_trick": " by_PCPA significantly_increased the number of_hippocampal MR-binding_sites._PCPA treatment_did_not alter the_number of GR-binding_sites in the hippocampus,_hypothalamus"} +{"text": " software problems, which were subsequently corrected. With implementation of the changes initiated as a result of this investigation, satisfactory refractive results approaching 95% can be expected. Post", "synonym_substitution": "software problems, which were subsequently corrected. With implementation of the changes initiate as a resultant role of this investigation, satisfactory refractive results border on 95% can be expected. Post", "butter_fingers": " sovtware problems, which weve subsequently eirrectxd. With implemevtation of the changes initieted as a result of this investkgation, swtisfactiry cefractive resulva approaching 95% can ue expected. Posj", "random_deletion": "software problems, which were subsequently corrected. With the initiated as result of this 95% be expected. Post", "change_char_case": " software problems, which were SubsequentLy corRecTed. wiTh imPlemEntation of the cHAngeS initiated as a result of tHis inVeSTigaTIoN, satiSfactorY ReFRActIvE rEsuLtS ApProacHinG 95% can be eXpected. PosT", "whitespace_perturbation": " software problems, whichwere subse quent lycor re cted . Wi th implementat i on o f the changes initiate d asar esul t o f thi s inves t ig a t ion ,sa tis fa c to ry re fra ctive r esults app roa ch ing 95% canb eexpected.Pos t", "underscore_trick": " software_problems, which_were subsequently corrected. With_implementation of_the_changes initiated_as_a result of_this investigation, satisfactory_refractive results approaching 95%_can be expected._Post"} +{"text": " control. The groups were identical with regard to severity parameters, skills, lung function and quality of life at the beginning of the trial. At the end of the", "synonym_substitution": "control. The groups were identical with regard to severity argument, skill, lung function and quality of life at the beginning of the test. At the end of the", "butter_fingers": " cojtrol. The groups were idtntical with regatd to seterity larametefs, skills, lung function and euqlity of life at the beginnkng of thv trial. Ar tht end of the", "random_deletion": "control. The groups were identical with regard parameters, lung function quality of life trial. the end of", "change_char_case": " control. The groups were identIcal with reGard tO seVerItY parAmetErs, skills, lung fUNctiOn and quality of life at thE begiNnINg of THe Trial. at the enD Of THE", "whitespace_perturbation": " control. The groups wereidenticalwithreg ard t o se veri ty parameters, skil ls, lung function andquali ty of l i fe at t he begi n ni n g of t he tr ia l .At th e e nd of t he", "underscore_trick": " control._The groups_were identical with regard_to severity_parameters,_skills, lung_function_and quality of_life at the_beginning of the trial._At the end_of_the"} +{"text": "itofemoralis. The aOAP flap proved its suitability and versatility for vulvar reconstruction. The sulcus genitofemoralis is of", "synonym_substitution": "itofemoralis. The aOAP flap proved its suitability and versatility for vulvar reconstruction. The sulcus genitofemoralis is of", "butter_fingers": "itovemoralis. The aOAP flap kroved its suitabnoity aid versztility wor vulvar reconstruction. Thx suocus tenitofemoralis is of", "random_deletion": "itofemoralis. The aOAP flap proved its suitability for reconstruction. The genitofemoralis is of", "change_char_case": "itofemoralis. The aOAP flap prOved its suiTabilIty And VeRsatIlitY for vulvar recoNStruCtion. The sulcus genitofeMoralIs IS of", "whitespace_perturbation": "itofemoralis. The aOAP fla p proved i ts su ita bil it y an d ve rsatility forv ulva r reconstruction. Thesulcu sg enit o fe moral is is o f ", "underscore_trick": "itofemoralis. The_aOAP flap_proved its suitability and_versatility for_vulvar_reconstruction. The_sulcus_genitofemoralis is of"} +{"text": " as a diagnostic test in attempts to identify upper urinary tract disease. Despite their widespread therapeutic use and relative safety, it is not clear from our experience and a review", "synonym_substitution": "as a diagnostic test in attempts to identify upper urinary tract disease. Despite their far-flung curative manipulation and relative condom, it is not well-defined from our experience and a review", "butter_fingers": " as a diagnostic test in atuempts to identifi ypper nrinary tract dksease. Despite their widesprxad rherakvutic use and relativd safety, pt is not cleer from our expecjence akb a rsyiew", "random_deletion": "as a diagnostic test in attempts to urinary disease. Despite widespread therapeutic use not from our experience a review", "change_char_case": " as a diagnostic test in attempTs to identiFy uppEr uRinArY traCt diSease. Despite thEIr wiDespread therapeutic use And reLaTIve sAFeTy, it iS not cleAR fROM ouR eXpEriEnCE aNd a reVieW", "whitespace_perturbation": " as a diagnostic test in a ttempts to iden tif y u pp er u rina ry tract disea s e. D espite their widesprea d the ra p euti c u se an d relat i ve s afe ty ,itis no t cle arfrom ou r experien cean d a review", "underscore_trick": " as_a diagnostic_test in attempts to_identify upper_urinary_tract disease._Despite_their widespread therapeutic_use and relative_safety, it is not_clear from our_experience_and a review"} +{"text": " response to tumor necrosis alpha (TNF\u03b1) blockers. A retrospective analysis was performed on RA patients reported in published datasets. A prospective analysis assessed RA patients, before", "synonym_substitution": "response to tumor necrosis alpha (TNF\u03b1) blockers. A retrospective analysis was performed on RA patient report in published datasets. A prospective analysis assessed RA affected role, before", "butter_fingers": " redponse to tumor necrosis alpha (TNF\u03b1) blockers. A cetrospsctive avalysis was performed on RA 'atiwnts eeported in published aatasets. W prospextivt analysis assessxs RA pabnents, neforz", "random_deletion": "response to tumor necrosis alpha (TNF\u03b1) blockers. analysis performed on patients reported in assessed patients, before", "change_char_case": " response to tumor necrosis alPha (TNF\u03b1) bloCkers. a reTroSpEctiVe anAlysis was perfoRMed oN RA patients reported in pUblisHeD DataSEtS. A proSpectivE AnALYsiS aSsEssEd ra pAtienTs, bEfore", "whitespace_perturbation": " response to tumor necrosi s alpha (T NF\u03b1)blo cke rs . Aretr ospective anal y siswas performed on RA pa tient sr epor t ed in p ublishe d d a t ase ts .A p ro s pe ctive an alysisassessed R A p at ients, befor e ", "underscore_trick": " response_to tumor_necrosis alpha (TNF\u03b1) blockers._A retrospective_analysis_was performed_on_RA patients reported_in published datasets._A prospective analysis assessed_RA patients, before"} +{"text": "ml, n = 3, and 2.28 +/- 0.90 micrograms/g, n = 3, respectively). On ad libitum intake of water,", "synonym_substitution": "ml, n = 3, and 2.28 + /- 0.90 micrograms / g, n = 3, respectively). On ad libitum intake of urine,", "butter_fingers": "ml, j = 3, and 2.28 +/- 0.90 micrograms/g, n = 3, respectively). On ad nibituj intake of water,", "random_deletion": "ml, n = 3, and 2.28 +/- n 3, respectively). ad libitum intake", "change_char_case": "ml, n = 3, and 2.28 +/- 0.90 micrograms/g, n = 3, respectIvely). On ad lIbituM inTakE oF watEr,", "whitespace_perturbation": "ml, n = 3, and 2.28 +/- 0. 90 microgr ams/g , n =3, res pect ively). On adl ibit um intake of water,", "underscore_trick": "ml, n_= 3,_and 2.28 +/- 0.90_micrograms/g, n_=_3, respectively)._On_ad libitum intake_of water,"} +{"text": " Maxtrix-bound hemoglobin is characterized by a higher oxygen affinity and by decreased homotropic and heterotropic interactions with respect to hemoglobin in solution, but the changes", "synonym_substitution": "Maxtrix - bound hemoglobin is characterized by a higher oxygen affinity and by decreased homotropic and heterotropic interaction with obedience to hemoglobin in solution, but the changes", "butter_fingers": " Madtrix-bound hemoglobin is characterized yt a hijher oxggen affknity and by decreased homotcopix and heterotropic interactkons with respect to iemoglobin in solution, bmc the ghangzs", "random_deletion": "Maxtrix-bound hemoglobin is characterized by a higher and decreased homotropic heterotropic interactions with but changes", "change_char_case": " Maxtrix-bound hemoglobin is cHaracterizEd by a HigHer OxYgen AffiNity and by decreASed hOmotropic and heterotropIc intErACtioNS wIth reSpect to HEmOGLobIn In SolUtIOn, But thE chAnges", "whitespace_perturbation": " Maxtrix-bound hemoglobinis charact erize d b y a h ighe r ox ygen affinitya nd b y decreased homotropic andhe t erot r op ic in teracti o ns w ith r es pec tt ohemog lob in in s olution, b utth e changes", "underscore_trick": " Maxtrix-bound_hemoglobin is_characterized by a higher_oxygen affinity_and_by decreased_homotropic_and heterotropic interactions_with respect to_hemoglobin in solution, but_the changes"} +{"text": " as diaphoresis and tachycardia were associated with the symptoms of VBI. Investigation ruled out cardiac and gastrointestinal causes. Possible mechanisms are discussed on the basis", "synonym_substitution": "as diaphoresis and tachycardia were associated with the symptoms of VBI. Investigation predominate out cardiac and gastrointestinal campaign. Possible mechanisms are discussed on the footing", "butter_fingers": " as diaphoresis and tachycavdia were associcred wivh the aymptoms of VBI. Investigation ruled lur careiac and gastrointestival caused. Possiboe mtchanisms are disrhssed ok the nasis", "random_deletion": "as diaphoresis and tachycardia were associated with of Investigation ruled cardiac and gastrointestinal on basis", "change_char_case": " as diaphoresis and tachycardIa were assoCiateD wiTh tHe SympToms Of VBI. InvestigaTIon rUled out cardiac and gastrOinteStINal cAUsEs. PosSible meCHaNISms ArE dIscUsSEd On the BasIs", "whitespace_perturbation": " as diaphoresis and tachyc ardia were asso cia ted w iththesymptoms of VB I . In vestigation ruled outcardi ac andg as troin testina l c a u ses .Po ssi bl e m echan ism s are d iscussed o n t he basis", "underscore_trick": " as_diaphoresis and_tachycardia were associated with_the symptoms_of_VBI. Investigation_ruled_out cardiac and_gastrointestinal causes. Possible_mechanisms are discussed on_the basis"} +{"text": " all certified gynecologic oncologists and gynecologic oncology fellows in Thailand. The contents of the survey included fellowship training experience, caring for the dying,", "synonym_substitution": "all certified gynecologic oncologists and gynecologic oncology colleague in Thailand. The content of the survey included fellowship education experience, caring for the dying,", "butter_fingers": " alp certified gynecologic uncologists and gyneconogic kncology fellows in Thailand. The conventw of uke survey included fdllowship trainint exkerience, caring for the dnnng,", "random_deletion": "all certified gynecologic oncologists and gynecologic oncology Thailand. contents of survey included fellowship dying,", "change_char_case": " all certified gynecologic onCologists aNd gynEcoLogIc OncoLogy Fellows in ThailANd. ThE contents of the survey inCludeD fELlowSHiP traiNing expERiENCe, cArInG foR tHE dYing,", "whitespace_perturbation": " all certified gynecologic oncologis ts an d g yne co logi c on cology fellows in T hailand. The contentsof th es urve y i nclud ed fell o ws h i p t ra in ing e x pe rienc e,caringfor the dy ing ,", "underscore_trick": " all_certified gynecologic_oncologists and gynecologic oncology_fellows in_Thailand._The contents_of_the survey included_fellowship training experience,_caring for the dying,"} +{"text": " of the Escherichia coli -K12 genome corresponding to 50.0-68.8 min on the linkage map and analysis of its sequence features.\nThe contiguous", "synonym_substitution": "of the Escherichia coli -K12 genome corresponding to 50.0 - 68.8 min on the linkage map and analysis of its succession feature. \n The contiguous", "butter_fingers": " of the Escherichia coli -K12 nenome corresponbung to 50.0-68.8 min kn the lknkage map and analysis of ivs swquenxe features.\nThe contiguuus", "random_deletion": "of the Escherichia coli -K12 genome corresponding min the linkage and analysis of", "change_char_case": " of the Escherichia coli -K12 genoMe correspoNding To 50.0-68.8 mIn oN tHe liNkagE map and analysiS Of itS sequence features.\nThe coNtiguOuS", "whitespace_perturbation": " of the Escherichia coli - K12 genome corr esp ond in g to 50. 0-68.8 min ont he l inkage map and analysi s ofit s seq u en ce fe atures. Th e con ti gu ous ", "underscore_trick": " of_the Escherichia_coli -K12 genome corresponding_to 50.0-68.8_min_on the_linkage_map and analysis_of its sequence_features.\nThe contiguous"} +{"text": " due to concerns regarding immune-mediated toxicity that can arise from indiscriminate reactivity with off-target proteins. Therefore, the ability to assess off-target", "synonym_substitution": "due to concerns regarding immune - mediated toxicity that can rebel from indiscriminate responsiveness with off - target proteins. consequently, the ability to assess off - aim", "butter_fingers": " duf to concerns regarding lmmune-mediated toxicity that dan arisd from indiscriminate reactitity with off-target proteins. Thdrefore, tje abiliry ti assess ofh-farget", "random_deletion": "due to concerns regarding immune-mediated toxicity that from reactivity with proteins. Therefore, the", "change_char_case": " due to concerns regarding immUne-mediateD toxiCitY thAt Can aRise From indiscrimiNAte rEactivity with off-target ProteInS. therEFoRe, the Ability TO aSSEss OfF-tArgEt", "whitespace_perturbation": " due to concerns regarding immune-me diate d t oxi ci ty t hatcan arise from indi scriminate reactivitywithof f -tar g et prot eins. T h er e f ore ,th e a bi l it y toass ess off -target", "underscore_trick": " due_to concerns_regarding immune-mediated toxicity that_can arise_from_indiscriminate reactivity_with_off-target proteins. Therefore,_the ability to_assess off-target"} +{"text": " why patients suffering from chronic heart failure at very high risk for death survive.\nAn accurate prognostic stratification is essential for optimizing the clinical management and treatment decision-making", "synonym_substitution": "why patients suffering from chronic heart failure at very eminent hazard for death survive. \n An accurate prognostic stratification is all-important for optimize the clinical management and treatment decision - qualification", "butter_fingers": " whj patients suffering froo chronic heart failurx at vedy high fisk for death survive.\nAn accnratw protnostic stratification is essennial for iptinuzing the rminical managslent end treatment dgcision-makinc", "random_deletion": "why patients suffering from chronic heart failure high for death An accurate prognostic the management and treatment", "change_char_case": " why patients suffering from cHronic hearT failUre At vErY higH risK for death surviVE.\nAn aCcurate prognostic stratIficaTiON is eSSeNtial For optiMIzING thE cLiNicAl MAnAgemeNt aNd treatMent decisiOn-mAkIng", "whitespace_perturbation": " why patients suffering fr om chronic hear t f ail ur e at ver y high risk fo r dea th survive.\nAn accurat e pro gn o stic st ratif ication is e sse nt ia l f or op timiz ing the cl inical man age me nt and treat m en t decision -ma king", "underscore_trick": " why_patients suffering_from chronic heart failure_at very_high_risk for_death_survive.\nAn accurate prognostic_stratification is essential_for optimizing the clinical_management and treatment_decision-making"} +{"text": " respiratory function was severely disturbed. Chest X-ray showed severe stenosis of the left main bronchus and widening of the tracheal bifurcation secondary to compression by the left", "synonym_substitution": "respiratory function was severely disturbed. Chest X - ray testify dangerous stenosis of the left main bronchus and widening of the tracheal bifurcation junior-grade to compression by the left", "butter_fingers": " redpiratory function was stverely disturbed. Chest E-ray shkwed sevdre stenosis of the left maii brinchuw and widening of the gracheal hifurcatuon wwcondary to compression gn the oeft", "random_deletion": "respiratory function was severely disturbed. Chest X-ray stenosis the left bronchus and widening to by the left", "change_char_case": " respiratory function was sevErely distuRbed. CHesT X-rAy ShowEd seVere stenosis of THe leFt main bronchus and widenIng of ThE TracHEaL bifuRcation SEcONDarY tO cOmpReSSiOn by tHe lEft", "whitespace_perturbation": " respiratory function wasseverely d istur bed . C he st X -ray showed severe sten osis of the left mainbronc hu s and wi denin g of th e t r a che al b ifu rc a ti on se con dary to compressi onby the left", "underscore_trick": " respiratory_function was_severely disturbed. Chest X-ray_showed severe_stenosis_of the_left_main bronchus and_widening of the_tracheal bifurcation secondary to_compression by the_left"} +{"text": " to either threatening or non-threatening pictures (S2). Ten threat and 10 non-threat pictures were randomly presented. Heart rate and electrodermal activity were", "synonym_substitution": "to either threatening or non - threatening pictures (S2). Ten threat and 10 non - threat mental picture were randomly confront. Heart rate and electrodermal activity were", "butter_fingers": " to either threatening or nun-threatening pnxtures (S2). Ten threat xnd 10 non-threat pictures were rqndomoy presented. Heart ratd and elebtrodermao acuivity were", "random_deletion": "to either threatening or non-threatening pictures (S2). and non-threat pictures randomly presented. Heart", "change_char_case": " to either threatening or non-tHreatening PictuRes (s2). TeN tHreaT and 10 Non-threat pictuREs weRe randomly presented. HeaRt ratE aND eleCTrOdermAl activITy WERe", "whitespace_perturbation": " to either threatening ornon-threat ening pi ctu re s (S 2).Ten threat and 10 n on-threat pictures wer e ran do m ly p r es ented . Heart ra t e an del ect ro d er mal a cti vity we re", "underscore_trick": " to_either threatening_or non-threatening pictures (S2)._Ten threat_and_10 non-threat_pictures_were randomly presented._Heart rate and_electrodermal activity were"} +{"text": "BCB), a BCB with a split-plate internal loop, a BCB with a concentric draught-tube internal loop, a BCB with", "synonym_substitution": "BCB), a BCB with a split - plate internal loop, a BCB with a concentric draught - pipe inner loop, a BCB with", "butter_fingers": "BCB), a BCB with a split-plate internal loop, c BCB wmth a ckncentriz draught-tube internal loop, e BCV wity", "random_deletion": "BCB), a BCB with a split-plate internal BCB a concentric internal loop, a", "change_char_case": "BCB), a BCB with a split-plate intErnal loop, a bCB wiTh a ConCeNtriC draUght-tube internAL looP, a BCB with", "whitespace_perturbation": "BCB), a BCB with a split-p late inter nal l oop , a B CB w itha concentric d r augh t-tube internal loop,a BCB w i th", "underscore_trick": "BCB), a_BCB with_a split-plate internal loop,_a BCB_with_a concentric_draught-tube_internal loop, a_BCB with"} +{"text": ", ibrutinib has been associated with the occurrence of invasive fungal infections, in particular invasive aspergillosis. The mechanisms underlying the increased susceptibility to fungal", "synonym_substitution": ", ibrutinib has been associated with the occurrence of invasive fungal infections, in especial incursive aspergillosis. The mechanisms underlying the increased susceptibility to fungal", "butter_fingers": ", ibgutinib has been associaued with the occutrwnce oh invasjve fungxl infections, in particular mnvawive qspergillosis. The mechxnisms unferlying the uncreased susceptinnlity bo fuugel", "random_deletion": ", ibrutinib has been associated with the invasive infections, in invasive aspergillosis. The to", "change_char_case": ", ibrutinib has been associateD with the ocCurreNce Of iNvAsivE funGal infections, iN PartIcular invasive aspergilLosis. thE MechANiSms unDerlyinG ThE INcrEaSeD suScEPtIbiliTy tO fungal", "whitespace_perturbation": ", ibrutinib has been assoc iated with theocc urr en ce o f in vasive fungali nfec tions, in particular i nvasi ve aspe r gi llosi s. Them ec h a nis ms u nde rl y in g the in creased susceptib ili ty to fungal", "underscore_trick": ", ibrutinib_has been_associated with the occurrence_of invasive_fungal_infections, in_particular_invasive aspergillosis. The_mechanisms underlying the_increased susceptibility to fungal"} +{"text": "orsil Silane/kg body weight/day, once daily (7 days/week) for 4 weeks. From the complete dataset, two subsets were selected", "synonym_substitution": "orsil Silane / kg body weight / day, once daily (7 day / workweek) for 4 weeks. From the complete dataset, two subset were selected", "butter_fingers": "orsll Silane/kg body weight/dxy, once daily (7 bqys/ween) for 4 weeks. Ffom the complete dataset, two sybsetw were selected", "random_deletion": "orsil Silane/kg body weight/day, once daily (7 4 From the dataset, two subsets", "change_char_case": "orsil Silane/kg body weight/daY, once daily (7 Days/wEek) For 4 WeEks. FRom tHe complete dataSEt, twO subsets were selected", "whitespace_perturbation": "orsil Silane/kg body weigh t/day, onc e dai ly(7da ys/w eek) for 4 weeks.F romthe complete dataset,two s ub s etsw er e sel ected", "underscore_trick": "orsil Silane/kg_body weight/day,_once daily (7 days/week)_for 4_weeks._From the_complete_dataset, two subsets_were selected"} +{"text": " These findings suggest that the administration of PGE1 during major abdominal surgery inhibits the release of lysosomal enzymes, and this prevents tissue injury during and after surgery. Novel", "synonym_substitution": "These findings suggest that the administration of PGE1 during major abdominal surgery inhibit the dismissal of lysosomal enzymes, and this prevents tissue injury during and after operation. Novel", "butter_fingers": " Thfse findings suggest thau the administratnin of 'GE1 durjng majof abdominal surgery inhibits tye reoease of lysosomal enzhmes, and nhis prevwnts rissue injndy duriky and wftex wurgery. Novel", "random_deletion": "These findings suggest that the administration of major surgery inhibits release of lysosomal injury and after surgery.", "change_char_case": " These findings suggest that tHe administRatioN of pGE1 DuRing MajoR abdominal surgERy inHibits the release of lysoSomal EnZYmes, ANd This pRevents TIsSUE inJuRy DurInG AnD afteR suRgery. NoVel", "whitespace_perturbation": " These findings suggest th at the adm inist rat ion o f PG E1 d uring major ab d omin al surgery inhibits th e rel ea s e of ly sosom al enzy m es , and t hi s p re v en ts ti ssu e injur y during a ndaf ter surgery. No vel", "underscore_trick": " These_findings suggest_that the administration of_PGE1 during_major_abdominal surgery_inhibits_the release of_lysosomal enzymes, and_this prevents tissue injury_during and after_surgery._Novel"} +{"text": " dependence in activities of daily living (ADL score >0, OR=0.41, p=0.003) and a low body-mass index", "synonym_substitution": "dependence in activities of daily living (ADL seduce > 0, OR=0.41, p=0.003) and a depleted body - mass index", "butter_fingers": " deoendence in activities on daily living (ABO scorx >0, OR=0.41, p=0.003) and a luw body-mass index", "random_deletion": "dependence in activities of daily living (ADL OR=0.41, and a body-mass index", "change_char_case": " dependence in activities of dAily living (aDL scOre >0, oR=0.41, p=0.003) AnD a loW bodY-mass index", "whitespace_perturbation": " dependence in activitiesof daily l iving (A DLsc ore>0,OR=0.41, p=0.0 0 3) a nd a low body-mass ind ex", "underscore_trick": " dependence_in activities_of daily living (ADL_score >0,_OR=0.41,_p=0.003) and_a_low body-mass index"} +{"text": " were identified as factors contributing to job satisfaction of technicians. Negative aspects of the job that employers attempted to circumvent or clarify were the unchallenging nature of the work", "synonym_substitution": "were identified as factors contributing to job gratification of technician. Negative aspects of the job that employer attempted to circumvent or clarify were the unchallenging nature of the work", "butter_fingers": " wege identified as factors contributing to job setisfacfion of gechnicians. Negative aspects od the job that employers atgempted tl circumcent ir clarify were thc uncgwlleugmng nature of tme work", "random_deletion": "were identified as factors contributing to job technicians. aspects of job that employers were unchallenging nature of work", "change_char_case": " were identified as factors coNtributing To job SatIsfAcTion Of teChnicians. NegatIVe asPects of the job that emploYers aTtEMpteD To CircuMvent or CLaRIFy wErE tHe uNcHAlLengiNg nAture of The work", "whitespace_perturbation": " were identified as factor s contribu tingtojob s atis fact ion of technic i ans. Negative aspects of t he jo bt hate mp loyer s attem p te d toci rc umv en t o r cla rif y werethe unchal len gi ng nature of th e work", "underscore_trick": " were_identified as_factors contributing to job_satisfaction of_technicians._Negative aspects_of_the job that_employers attempted to_circumvent or clarify were_the unchallenging nature_of_the work"} +{"text": " mammalian FOXO3 in germ cells but barely detectable in ovarian follicular cells, immunoreactive Foxo3a and Foxo3b were identified both in the ovarian", "synonym_substitution": "mammalian FOXO3 in germ cells but barely detectable in ovarian follicular cells, immunoreactive Foxo3a and Foxo3b were identify both in the ovarian", "butter_fingers": " malmalian FOXO3 in germ celus but barely dgtwctablx in ovzrian foulicular cells, immunoreactivx Fozo3a abd Foxo3b were identifidd both ij the ovqriai", "random_deletion": "mammalian FOXO3 in germ cells but barely ovarian cells, immunoreactive and Foxo3b were", "change_char_case": " mammalian FOXO3 in germ cells bUt barely deTectaBle In oVaRian FollIcular cells, immUNoreActive Foxo3a and Foxo3b werE idenTiFIed bOTh In the Ovarian", "whitespace_perturbation": " mammalian FOXO3 in germ c ells but b arely de tec ta blein o varian follicu l ar c ells, immunoreactive F oxo3a a n d Fo x o3 b wer e ident i fi e d bo th i n t he ov arian ", "underscore_trick": " mammalian_FOXO3 in_germ cells but barely_detectable in_ovarian_follicular cells,_immunoreactive_Foxo3a and Foxo3b_were identified both_in the ovarian"} +{"text": " dependence measured by the Rod and Frame Test seems to be associated with body posture when dot patterns are viewed. Cholesterol and bile acid synthesis during total parenteral", "synonym_substitution": "dependence measured by the Rod and Frame Test seems to be associated with soundbox position when dot patterns are viewed. Cholesterol and bile acid deduction during total parenteral", "butter_fingers": " deoendence measured by the Rod and Frame Jewt seeks to ge assockated with body posture when dit paunerns are viewed. Choldsterol ajd bile qcid wynthesis vhring total pzventexao", "random_deletion": "dependence measured by the Rod and Frame to associated with posture when dot bile synthesis during total", "change_char_case": " dependence measured by the RoD and Frame TEst seEms To bE aSsocIateD with body postuRE wheN dot patterns are viewed. CHolesTeROl anD BiLe aciD syntheSIs DURinG tOtAl pArENtEral", "whitespace_perturbation": " dependence measured by th e Rod andFrame Te stse emsto b e associated w i th b ody posture when dot p atter ns arev ie wed.Cholest e ro l and b il e a ci d s ynthe sis during total par ent er al", "underscore_trick": " dependence_measured by_the Rod and Frame_Test seems_to_be associated_with_body posture when_dot patterns are_viewed. Cholesterol and bile_acid synthesis during_total_parenteral"} +{"text": " the total bulk of electrolytes; in insects with potassium type of the haemolymph, the share of sodium is equal to 6.4%. In animals of", "synonym_substitution": "the total bulk of electrolytes; in insects with potassium character of the haemolymph, the plowshare of sodium is equal to 6.4% . In animals of", "butter_fingers": " thf total bulk of electrolntes; in insects cuth povassium type of the haemolymph, the share of sidium is equal to 6.4%. In animaus of", "random_deletion": "the total bulk of electrolytes; in insects type the haemolymph, share of sodium animals", "change_char_case": " the total bulk of electrolyteS; in insects With pOtaSsiUm Type Of thE haemolymph, the SHare Of sodium is equal to 6.4%. In aniMals oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " the total bulk of electro lytes; ininsec tswit hpota ssiu m type of theh aemo lymph, the share of so diumis equa l t o 6.4 %. In a n im a l s o f", "underscore_trick": " the_total bulk_of electrolytes; in insects_with potassium_type_of the_haemolymph,_the share of_sodium is equal_to 6.4%. In animals_of"} +{"text": "ychomys torridus).\nOpen-field tests were administered to 29 male and 50 female southern grasshopper mice (Onychomys torrid", "synonym_substitution": "ychomys torridus). \n Open - field tests were administered to 29 male and 50 female southerly grasshopper mouse (Onychomys torrid", "butter_fingers": "ychlmys torridus).\nOpen-field ttsts were adminisjeeed to 29 male and 50 feoale southern grasshopper mire (Obychonys torrid", "random_deletion": "ychomys torridus). Open-field tests were administered to and female southern mice (Onychomys torrid", "change_char_case": "ychomys torridus).\nOpen-field tEsts were adMinisTerEd tO 29 mAle aNd 50 feMale southern grASshoPper mice (Onychomys torriD", "whitespace_perturbation": "ychomys torridus).\nOpen-fi eld testswereadm ini st ered to29 male and 50 fema le southern grasshoppe r mic e( Onyc h om ys to rrid", "underscore_trick": "ychomys torridus).\nOpen-field_tests were_administered to 29 male_and 50_female_southern grasshopper_mice_(Onychomys torrid"} +{"text": ", 44%) than in group 2 (10 of 59, 17%; p = 0.004). Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that in addition to previous episodes", "synonym_substitution": ", 44 %) than in group 2 (10 of 59, 17% ; p = 0.004). Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that in accession to former episodes", "butter_fingers": ", 44%) tjan in group 2 (10 of 59, 17%; p = 0.004). Oultivariate Cor regrevsion znalysis showed that in addition to 'revuous tiisodes", "random_deletion": ", 44%) than in group 2 (10 17%; = 0.004). Cox regression analysis previous", "change_char_case": ", 44%) than in group 2 (10 of 59, 17%; p = 0.004). MultivariatE Cox regresSion aNalYsiS sHoweD thaT in addition to pREvioUs episodes", "whitespace_perturbation": ", 44%) than in group 2 (10 of 59, 17 %; p= 0 .00 4) . Mu ltiv ariate Cox reg r essi on analysis showed tha t inad d itio n t o pre vious e p is o d es", "underscore_trick": ", 44%)_than in_group 2 (10 of_59, 17%;_p_= 0.004)._Multivariate_Cox regression analysis_showed that in_addition to previous episodes"} +{"text": " z score (HR, 0.61; P=0.003) was associated with reduced risk of mortality/transplant. After stage-1, higher", "synonym_substitution": "z score (HR, 0.61; P=0.003) was associated with dilute hazard of mortality / transplant. After stage-1, eminent", "butter_fingers": " z dcore (HR, 0.61; P=0.003) was associattd with reduced rnwk of kortaljty/transolant. After stage-1, higher", "random_deletion": "z score (HR, 0.61; P=0.003) was associated risk mortality/transplant. After higher", "change_char_case": " z score (HR, 0.61; P=0.003) was associated witH reduced riSk of mOrtAliTy/TranSplaNt. After stage-1, hiGHer", "whitespace_perturbation": " z score (HR, 0.61; P=0.00 3) was ass ociat edwit hredu cedrisk of mortal i ty/t ransplant. After stage -1, h ig h er", "underscore_trick": " z_score (HR,_0.61; P=0.003) was associated_with reduced_risk_of mortality/transplant._After_stage-1, higher"} +{"text": " percentage of neutrophils, plasma concentration of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), body weight, tumor volume, weight of primary tumor, survival time,", "synonym_substitution": "percentage of neutrophils, plasma concentration of insulin - like increase agent I (IGF - I), body weight, tumor volume, weight unit of primary tumor, survival time,", "butter_fingers": " pegcentage of neutrophils, klasma concentratnin of mnsulin-mike grodth factor I (IGF-I), body weighv, tunor vilume, weight of primarh tumor, slrvival tume,", "random_deletion": "percentage of neutrophils, plasma concentration of insulin-like I body weight, volume, weight of", "change_char_case": " percentage of neutrophils, plAsma concenTratiOn oF inSuLin-lIke gRowth factor I (IGf-i), bodY weight, tumor volume, weigHt of pRiMAry tUMoR, survIval timE,", "whitespace_perturbation": " percentage of neutrophils , plasma c oncen tra tio nof i nsul in-like growth fact or I (IGF-I), body wei ght,tu m or v o lu me, w eight o f p r i mar ytu mor ,s ur vival ti me,", "underscore_trick": " percentage_of neutrophils,_plasma concentration of insulin-like_growth factor_I_(IGF-I), body_weight,_tumor volume, weight_of primary tumor,_survival time,"} +{"text": "beta and IL-1. Structural heterogeneity in the collision complex between organic dyes and tryptophan in aqueous solution.\nThe heterogeneity on photoinduced electron transfer (PET", "synonym_substitution": "beta and IL-1. Structural heterogeneity in the collision complex between organic dyes and tryptophan in aqueous solution. \n The heterogeneity on photoinduced electron transportation (PET", "butter_fingers": "betw and IL-1. Structural hetevogeneity in the collismon comllex betdeen organic dyes and trypto'han in awueous solution.\nThe hetdrogeneitj on photiindnced electron trehsfer (PCC", "random_deletion": "beta and IL-1. Structural heterogeneity in the between dyes and in aqueous solution. transfer", "change_char_case": "beta and IL-1. Structural heteroGeneity in tHe colLisIon CoMpleX betWeen organic dyeS And tRyptophan in aqueous soluTion.\nTHe HEterOGeNeity On photoINdUCEd eLeCtRon TrANsFer (PEt", "whitespace_perturbation": "beta and IL-1. Structuralheterogene ity i n t heco llis ioncomplex betwee n org anic dyes and tryptoph an in a q ueou s s oluti on.\nThe he t e rog en ei tyon ph otoin duc ed elec tron trans fer ( PET", "underscore_trick": "beta and_IL-1. Structural_heterogeneity in the collision_complex between_organic_dyes and_tryptophan_in aqueous solution.\nThe_heterogeneity on photoinduced_electron transfer (PET"} +{"text": " protein immunoreactivity by Western immunoblot. Data reported in densitometric units (DU) as mean +/- SEM (n >/= 5; ANOVA). LPS significantly increased", "synonym_substitution": "protein immunoreactivity by Western immunoblot. Data reported in densitometric units (DU) as base + /- SEM (n > /= 5; ANOVA). LPS importantly increased", "butter_fingers": " prltein immunoreactivity bn Western immunoyoot. Dava repodted in aensitometric units (DU) as meen +/- WEM (n >/= 5; ANOVA). LPS significavtly incrvased", "random_deletion": "protein immunoreactivity by Western immunoblot. Data reported units as mean SEM (n >/=", "change_char_case": " protein immunoreactivity by western immUnoblOt. DAta RePortEd in Densitometric uNIts (Du) as mean +/- SEM (n >/= 5; ANOVA). LPS sigNificAnTLy inCReAsed", "whitespace_perturbation": " protein immunoreactivityby Western immu nob lot .Data rep orted in densi t omet ric units (DU) as mean +/-SE M (n> /= 5; A NOVA).L PS s ign if ic ant ly in creas ed", "underscore_trick": " protein_immunoreactivity by_Western immunoblot. Data reported_in densitometric_units_(DU) as_mean_+/- SEM (n_>/= 5; ANOVA)._LPS significantly increased"} +{"text": " ageing affects cognition in such individuals as they reach an age no longer consistent with parental care is unknown, lacking any published evidence, and there is a clear need to", "synonym_substitution": "ageing affects cognition in such individuals as they reach an old age no longer reproducible with parental care is unknown, lacking any publish evidence, and there is a clear indigence to", "butter_fingers": " agfing affects cognition ik such individuals as tiey readh an agd no longer consistent with 'arebtal xare is unknown, lackine any pubpished ecideice, and there is a clear need fl", "random_deletion": "ageing affects cognition in such individuals as an no longer with parental care evidence, there is a need to", "change_char_case": " ageing affects cognition in sUch individUals aS thEy rEaCh an Age nO longer consistENt wiTh parental care is unknowN, lackInG Any pUBlIshed EvidencE, AnD THerE iS a CleAr NEeD to", "whitespace_perturbation": " ageing affects cognitionin such in divid ual s a sthey rea ch an age no l o nger consistent with paren tal c ar e isu nk nown, lackin g a n y pu bl is hed e v id ence, an d there is a clea r n ee d to", "underscore_trick": " ageing_affects cognition_in such individuals as_they reach_an_age no_longer_consistent with parental_care is unknown,_lacking any published evidence,_and there is_a_clear need to"} +{"text": "atic cholestasis requiring liver transplant to late-onset drug-induced cholestasis. Our findings suggest that, in a heterozygous carrier of a progressive familial intra", "synonym_substitution": "atic cholestasis requiring liver transplant to late - attack drug - induce cholestasis. Our findings indicate that, in a heterozygous carrier wave of a progressive familial intra", "butter_fingers": "atif cholestasis requiring uiver transplanj ro latx-onset srug-induzed cholestasis. Our findings syggesu that, in a heterozhgous cargier of a projressive familial intra", "random_deletion": "atic cholestasis requiring liver transplant to late-onset Our suggest that, a heterozygous carrier", "change_char_case": "atic cholestasis requiring lIver transpLant tO laTe-oNsEt drUg-inDuced cholestasIS. Our Findings suggest that, in a HeterOzYGous CArRier oF a progrESsIVE faMiLiAl iNtRA", "whitespace_perturbation": "atic cholestasis requiring liver tra nspla nttola te-o nset drug-inducedc hole stasis. Our findings s ugges tt hat, in a he terozyg o us c arr ie rofap ro gress ive famili al intra", "underscore_trick": "atic cholestasis_requiring liver_transplant to late-onset drug-induced_cholestasis. Our_findings_suggest that,_in_a heterozygous carrier_of a progressive_familial intra"} +{"text": " of maternal depression history and maternal EE was associated with children's own reports of higher depressive symptoms. Current maternal depressive symptoms were associated with mothers' reports of children's", "synonym_substitution": "of maternal depression history and maternal EE was associated with child's own report of higher depressive symptoms. Current maternal depressive symptom were associated with mothers' report of child's", "butter_fingers": " of maternal depression hisuory and maternal EE was assocjated wigh children's own reports of iighwr dekgessive symptoms. Currdnt materjal deprwssite symptoms were associabzd wifm motkecs' reports of cmildren's", "random_deletion": "of maternal depression history and maternal EE with own reports higher depressive symptoms. associated mothers' reports of", "change_char_case": " of maternal depression histoRy and materNal EE Was AssOcIateD witH children's own rEPortS of higher depressive symPtoms. cuRRent MAtErnal DepressIVe SYMptOmS wEre AsSOcIated WitH motherS' reports of ChiLdRen's", "whitespace_perturbation": " of maternal depression hi story andmater nal EE w as a ssoc iated with chi l dren 's own reports of high er de pr e ssiv e s ympto ms. Cur r en t mat er na l d ep r es sivesym ptoms w ere associ ate dwith mothers ' r eports ofchi ldren's", "underscore_trick": " of_maternal depression_history and maternal EE_was associated_with_children's own_reports_of higher depressive_symptoms. Current maternal_depressive symptoms were associated_with mothers' reports_of_children's"} +{"text": " estimated by ELISA, Western blotting analysis, and zymography. Expression of PRLR by RA synovial cells and local production of PRL were estimated by reverse", "synonym_substitution": "estimated by ELISA, Western blotting analysis, and zymography. Expression of PRLR by RA synovial cell and local product of PRL were estimated by reverse", "butter_fingers": " eshimated by ELISA, Western blotting analysis, and zymogdaphy. Exoression of PRLR by RA synovmal xells and local production uf PRL wege estimared uy reverse", "random_deletion": "estimated by ELISA, Western blotting analysis, and of by RA cells and local by", "change_char_case": " estimated by ELISA, Western blOtting analYsis, aNd zYmoGrAphy. exprEssion of PRLR by ra synOvial cells and local prodUctioN oF pRL wERe EstimAted by rEVeRSE", "whitespace_perturbation": " estimated by ELISA, Weste rn blottin g ana lys is, a nd z ymog raphy. Express i on o f PRLR by RA synovialcells a n d lo c al prod uctiono fP R L w er eest im a te d byrev erse", "underscore_trick": " estimated_by ELISA,_Western blotting analysis, and_zymography. Expression_of_PRLR by_RA_synovial cells and_local production of_PRL were estimated by_reverse"} +{"text": " of a coronary artery should be known and diagnosed by all physicians who may have contact with these types of patients. The ECG variations presented in this article can be used", "synonym_substitution": "of a coronary artery should be known and diagnosed by all physicians who may have liaison with these type of patients. The ECG variations stage in this article can be use", "butter_fingers": " of a coronary artery shoula be known and buagnosxd by aml physizians who may have contact wmth rhese types of patients. The ECG variwtions peeseited in this artmdle can be ussf", "random_deletion": "of a coronary artery should be known by physicians who have contact with ECG presented in this can be used", "change_char_case": " of a coronary artery should be Known and diAgnosEd bY alL pHysiCianS who may have conTAct wIth these types of patientS. The EcG VAriaTIoNs preSented iN ThIS ArtIcLe Can Be USeD", "whitespace_perturbation": " of a coronary artery shou ld be know n and di agn os ed b y al l physicians w h o ma y have contact with th ese t yp e s of pa tient s. TheE CG v ari at io nspr e se ntedinthis ar ticle canbeus ed", "underscore_trick": " of_a coronary_artery should be known_and diagnosed_by_all physicians_who_may have contact_with these types_of patients. The ECG_variations presented in_this_article can be used"} +{"text": " for quantum applications. Crystal Structure of AhpE from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a 1-Cys peroxiredoxin.\nAll living systems require protection against the", "synonym_substitution": "for quantum applications. Crystal Structure of AhpE from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a 1 - Cys peroxiredoxin. \n All living systems require auspices against the", "butter_fingers": " fog quantum applications. Cvystal Structure of AhpX from Jycobactdrium tuberculosis, a 1-Cys perlxuredozin.\nAll living systems fequire pgotection agamnst the", "random_deletion": "for quantum applications. Crystal Structure of AhpE tuberculosis, 1-Cys peroxiredoxin. living systems require", "change_char_case": " for quantum applications. CryStal StructUre of ahpe frOm mycoBactErium tuberculoSIs, a 1-CYs peroxiredoxin.\nAll liviNg sysTeMS reqUIrE protEction aGAiNST thE", "whitespace_perturbation": " for quantum applications. Crystal S truct ure of A hpEfrom Mycobacterium tube rculosis, a 1-Cys pero xired ox i n.\nA l llivin g syste m sr e qui re p rot ec t io n aga ins t the", "underscore_trick": " for_quantum applications._Crystal Structure of AhpE_from Mycobacterium_tuberculosis,_a 1-Cys_peroxiredoxin.\nAll_living systems require_protection against the"} +{"text": " that 71% (22/31) of the patients had ST-segment-depression before, 19% (6/31) after catheter-intervention and", "synonym_substitution": "that 71% (22/31) of the patients had ST - segment - depression earlier, 19% (6/31) after catheter - interposition and", "butter_fingers": " thwt 71% (22/31) of the patients had ST-segment-depression bxfore, 19% (6/31) after cxtheter-intervention and", "random_deletion": "that 71% (22/31) of the patients had 19% after catheter-intervention", "change_char_case": " that 71% (22/31) of the patients had ST-segMent-depresSion bEfoRe, 19% (6/31) aFtEr caThetEr-intervention ANd", "whitespace_perturbation": " that 71% (22/31) of the p atients ha d ST- seg men t- depr essi on before, 19% (6/3 1) after catheter-inte rvent io n and ", "underscore_trick": " that_71% (22/31)_of the patients had_ST-segment-depression before,_19%_(6/31) after_catheter-intervention_and"} +{"text": " valence band characteristics, the thickness of the layer, and the orientation of the molecules were analyzed at a synchrotron using high resolution photoelectron spectroscopy and near edge", "synonym_substitution": "valence band characteristics, the thickness of the layer, and the orientation of the molecule were analyze at a synchrotron using high resolution photoelectron spectroscopy and near boundary", "butter_fingers": " vapence band characteristigs, the thickness of the layer, and the orientation of the moleculed qere qnalyzed at a synchrotfon using high rewoluuion photoelectroi spectroscopy wnd ueer edge", "random_deletion": "valence band characteristics, the thickness of the the of the were analyzed at photoelectron and near edge", "change_char_case": " valence band characteristicS, the thicknEss of The LayEr, And tHe orIentation of the MOlecUles were analyzed at a synChrotRoN UsinG HiGh resOlution PHoTOEleCtRoN spEcTRoScopy And Near edgE", "whitespace_perturbation": " valence band characterist ics, the t hickn ess of t he l ayer , and the orie n tati on of the molecules we re an al y zeda ta syn chrotro n u s i nghi gh re so l ut ion p hot oelectr on spectro sco py and near ed g e", "underscore_trick": " valence_band characteristics,_the thickness of the_layer, and_the_orientation of_the_molecules were analyzed_at a synchrotron_using high resolution photoelectron_spectroscopy and near_edge"} +{"text": "pyr 1) as the N-terminus; Zn alpha 2gp also has pyr 1, while RNase A does not. Alignment of the amino acid sequences", "synonym_substitution": "pyr 1) as the N - terminus; Zn alpha 2gp also has pyr 1, while RNase A does not. Alignment of the amino acid sequence", "butter_fingers": "pyr 1) as the N-terminus; Zn alkha 2gp also has pir 1, whilx RNase A does vot. Alignment of the amino arid wequebces", "random_deletion": "pyr 1) as the N-terminus; Zn alpha has 1, while A does not. sequences", "change_char_case": "pyr 1) as the N-terminus; Zn alpha 2gP also has pyR 1, whilE RNAse a dOes nOt. AlIgnment of the amINo acId sequences", "whitespace_perturbation": "pyr 1) as the N-terminus;Zn alpha 2 gp al sohas p yr 1 , wh ile RNase A do e s no t. Alignment of the am ino a ci d seq u en ces", "underscore_trick": "pyr 1)_as the_N-terminus; Zn alpha 2gp_also has_pyr_1, while_RNase_A does not._Alignment of the_amino acid sequences"} +{"text": " potential target is sufficient to predict response to a targeted therapy is an open question in childhood AML. Development of clinical trials to evaluate targeted therapies in small molecularly defined", "synonym_substitution": "potential target is sufficient to predict response to a target therapy is an loose question in childhood AML. Development of clinical test to measure targeted therapies in small molecularly specify", "butter_fingers": " pohential target is sufficlent to predict tewponse to a fargeted therapy is an open question ib chiodhood AML. Development of clinibal trialw to wvaluate tedgeted bkerapjcs in wmall moleculatly defined", "random_deletion": "potential target is sufficient to predict response targeted is an question in childhood to targeted therapies in molecularly defined", "change_char_case": " potential target is sufficieNt to predicT respOnsE to A tArgeTed tHerapy is an open QUestIon in childhood AML. DevelOpmenT oF ClinICaL triaLs to evaLUaTE TarGeTeD thErAPiEs in sMalL molecuLarly definEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " potential target is suffi cient to p redic t r esp on se t o atargeted thera p y is an open question in c hildh oo d AML . D evelo pment o f c l i nic al t ria ls to eval uat e targe ted therap ies i n small mole c ul arly defin ed", "underscore_trick": " potential_target is_sufficient to predict response_to a_targeted_therapy is_an_open question in_childhood AML. Development_of clinical trials to_evaluate targeted therapies_in_small molecularly defined"} +{"text": "47). Our high resolution co-crystal structures of 47/BRD2 BD1 and BD2 showed that the triazole group of 47, water molecules", "synonym_substitution": "47). Our high resolution co - crystal structures of 47 / BRD2 BD1 and BD2 testify that the triazole group of 47, urine molecules", "butter_fingers": "47). Oug high resolution co-crysual structures of 47/BRD2 BD1 and BS2 showed that the triazole group of 47, wqter nolecules", "random_deletion": "47). Our high resolution co-crystal structures of and showed that triazole group of", "change_char_case": "47). Our high resolution co-crystaL structureS of 47/BRd2 BD1 And bD2 ShowEd thAt the triazole gROup oF 47, water molecules", "whitespace_perturbation": "47). Our high resolution c o-crystalstruc tur esof 47/ BRD2 BD1 and BD2 s h owed that the triazole gro up of 4 7 , wa t er mole cules", "underscore_trick": "47). Our_high resolution_co-crystal structures of 47/BRD2_BD1 and_BD2_showed that_the_triazole group of_47, water molecules"} +{"text": "atiinae (PB=98, PP=100) appear as distinct lineages at the base of the tree and are identified as a poneroid grade. Mon", "synonym_substitution": "atiinae (PB=98, PP=100) appear as distinct lineages at the base of the tree and are identify as a poneroid mark. Mon", "butter_fingers": "atilnae (PB=98, PP=100) appear as disuinct lineages at the bave of fhe tree and are identified as a ponxroie graee. Mon", "random_deletion": "atiinae (PB=98, PP=100) appear as distinct lineages base the tree are identified as", "change_char_case": "atiinae (PB=98, PP=100) appear as distinCt lineages At the BasE of ThE treE and Are identified aS A ponEroid grade. Mon", "whitespace_perturbation": "atiinae (PB=98, PP=100) ap pear as di stinc t l ine ag es a t th e base of thet reeand are identified asa pon er o id g r ad e. Mo n", "underscore_trick": "atiinae (PB=98,_PP=100) appear_as distinct lineages at_the base_of_the tree_and_are identified as_a poneroid grade._Mon"} +{"text": " combined with SGB were adopted; in the control group,simple SGB was applied. In the two groups, treatment was used three times a week,and", "synonym_substitution": "combined with SGB were adopted; in the control group, simple SGB was apply. In the two group, treatment was used three times a workweek, and", "butter_fingers": " colbined with SGB were adokted; in the control grou',simple SGB was applied. In the two groups, tceatnent qas used three times a week,and", "random_deletion": "combined with SGB were adopted; in the SGB applied. In two groups, treatment week,and", "change_char_case": " combined with SGB were adopteD; in the contRol grOup,SimPlE SGB Was aPplied. In the two GRoupS, treatment was used three Times A wEEk,anD", "whitespace_perturbation": " combined with SGB were ad opted; inthe c ont rol g roup ,sim ple SGB was ap p lied . In the two groups, t reatm en t was us ed th ree tim e sa wee k, an d", "underscore_trick": " combined_with SGB_were adopted; in the_control group,simple_SGB_was applied._In_the two groups,_treatment was used_three times a week,and"} +{"text": " as matched controls. PDCD4 expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells analyzed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, and apoptosis of granulosa cells (GCs", "synonym_substitution": "as matched controls. PDCD4 expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cell analyze by quantitative real - time polymerase chain chemical reaction, and apoptosis of granulosa cells (GCs", "butter_fingers": " as matched controls. PDCD4 ewpression in pernpheral blood mononucuear cells analyzed by quantmtatuve rtcl-time polymerase chxin reactpon, and apoptiwis of graihlosa ccjls (FGs", "random_deletion": "as matched controls. PDCD4 expression in peripheral cells by quantitative polymerase chain reaction, (GCs", "change_char_case": " as matched controls. PDCD4 exprEssion in peRipheRal BloOd MonoNuclEar cells analyzED by qUantitative real-time polYmeraSe CHain REaCtion, And apopTOsIS Of gRaNuLosA cELlS (GCs", "whitespace_perturbation": " as matched controls. PDCD 4 expressi on in pe rip he ralbloo d mononuclearc ells analyzed by quantitat ive r ea l -tim e p olyme rase ch a in r eac ti on , a nd ap optos isof gran ulosa cell s ( GC s", "underscore_trick": " as_matched controls._PDCD4 expression in peripheral_blood mononuclear_cells_analyzed by_quantitative_real-time polymerase chain_reaction, and apoptosis_of granulosa cells (GCs"} +{"text": "current ratio (NPDR) at a wavelength of 1.55 \u03bcm. The proposed Ge MISM PD shows considerable promise for low power and high sensitivity Ge-", "synonym_substitution": "current ratio (NPDR) at a wavelength of 1.55 \u03bcm. The proposed Ge MISM PD shows considerable promise for low exponent and eminent sensitivity Ge-", "butter_fingers": "curgent ratio (NPDR) at a wavtlength of 1.55 \u03bcm. The proposxd Ge MJSM PD sfows considerable promise foc loq powtg and high sensitivith Ge-", "random_deletion": "current ratio (NPDR) at a wavelength of The Ge MISM shows considerable promise sensitivity", "change_char_case": "current ratio (NPDR) at a waveleNgth of 1.55 \u03bcm. ThE propOseD Ge mIsM PD ShowS considerable pROmisE for low power and high senSitivItY ge-", "whitespace_perturbation": "current ratio (NPDR) at awavelength of 1 .55 \u03bcm .Theprop osed Ge MISM P D sho ws considerable promis e for l o w po w er andhigh se n si t i vit yGe -", "underscore_trick": "current ratio_(NPDR) at_a wavelength of 1.55_\u03bcm. The_proposed_Ge MISM_PD_shows considerable promise_for low power_and high sensitivity Ge-"} +{"text": " images. This study suggests that neuronal hyperexcitability plays a key role in central SCI pain and furthermore - in contrast to previous findings - that loss of spin", "synonym_substitution": "images. This study suggests that neuronal hyperexcitability toy a cardinal role in central SCI annoyance and furthermore - in contrast to former findings - that loss of tailspin", "butter_fingers": " imwges. This study suggests that neuronal ktperexritabiljty playr a key role in central SCI 'ain and durthermore - in contrart to prenious fineingw - that loss of spik", "random_deletion": "images. This study suggests that neuronal hyperexcitability key in central pain and furthermore findings that loss of", "change_char_case": " images. This study suggests thAt neuronal HyperExcItaBiLity PlayS a key role in cenTRal ScI pain and furthermore - in ContrAsT To prEViOus fiNdings - tHAt LOSs oF sPiN", "whitespace_perturbation": " images. This study sugges ts that ne urona l h ype re xcit abil ity plays a ke y rol e in central SCI painand f ur t herm o re - in contra s tt o pr ev io usfi n di ngs - th at loss of spin", "underscore_trick": " images._This study_suggests that neuronal hyperexcitability_plays a_key_role in_central_SCI pain and_furthermore - in_contrast to previous findings_- that loss_of_spin"} +{"text": "<0.01) and the mental component summary scale (P<0.001). Even after adjusting for demographic variables and comorbid psychiatric illness, anti-H", "synonym_substitution": "< 0.01) and the mental component summary scale (P<0.001). Even after adjusting for demographic variable star and comorbid psychiatric illness, anti - planck's constant", "butter_fingers": "<0.01) anf the mental component smmmary scale (P<0.001). Erwn aftxr adjuating fof demographic variables and romoebid kfychiatric illness, anti-H", "random_deletion": "<0.01) and the mental component summary scale after for demographic and comorbid psychiatric", "change_char_case": "<0.01) and the mental component summAry scale (P<0.001). EVen afTer AdjUsTing For dEmographic variABles And comorbid psychiatric IllneSs, ANti-H", "whitespace_perturbation": "<0.01) and the mental comp onent summ ary s cal e ( P< 0.00 1).Even after adj u stin g for demographic vari ables a n d co m or bid p sychiat r ic i lln es s, an ti - H", "underscore_trick": "<0.01) and_the mental_component summary scale (P<0.001)._Even after_adjusting_for demographic_variables_and comorbid psychiatric_illness, anti-H"} +{"text": " observed response was not reduced after preincubation with L-NMMA. Our results suggest red wines are more potent vasodilator than ethanol alone, possibly depending", "synonym_substitution": "observed response was not reduced after preincubation with L - NMMA. Our results indicate crimson wines are more potent vasodilator than ethanol alone, possibly count", "butter_fingers": " obderved response was not veduced after prgibcubatmon witg L-NMMA. Uur results suggest red wined qre mire potent vasodilator than ethwnol alobe, piwsibly depxhding", "random_deletion": "observed response was not reduced after preincubation Our suggest red are more potent depending", "change_char_case": " observed response was not redUced after pReincUbaTioN wIth L-nMMA. our results suggESt reD wines are more potent vasOdilaToR Than EThAnol aLone, posSIbLY DepEnDiNg", "whitespace_perturbation": " observed response was not reduced a fterpre inc ub atio n wi th L-NMMA. Our resu lts suggest red winesare m or e pot e nt vaso dilator th a n et ha no l a lo n e, poss ibl y depen ding", "underscore_trick": " observed_response was_not reduced after preincubation_with L-NMMA._Our_results suggest_red_wines are more_potent vasodilator than_ethanol alone, possibly depending"} +{"text": "/3 and Smad7 protein, and RT-PCR was used to detect TGF-beta1 mRNA in renal tissues. Compared with the model group, B", "synonym_substitution": "/3 and Smad7 protein, and RT - PCR was used to detect TGF - beta1 mRNA in renal tissues. Compared with the exemplar group, boron", "butter_fingers": "/3 anf Smad7 protein, and RT-PCR was used to dejext TGF-ueta1 mRHA in reval tissues. Compared with thx moeel geoup, B", "random_deletion": "/3 and Smad7 protein, and RT-PCR was detect mRNA in tissues. Compared with", "change_char_case": "/3 and Smad7 protein, and RT-PCR was Used to deteCt TGF-BetA1 mRnA In reNal tIssues. Compared WIth tHe model group, B", "whitespace_perturbation": "/3 and Smad7 protein, andRT-PCR was used to de te ct T GF-b eta1 mRNA in r e naltissues. Compared with themo d el g r ou p, B", "underscore_trick": "/3 and_Smad7 protein,_and RT-PCR was used_to detect_TGF-beta1_mRNA in_renal_tissues. Compared with_the model group,_B"} +{"text": " additives in HDPE was studied in the 0.01-5% (m/m) range. For both Tinuvin P and Irganox 3", "synonym_substitution": "additives in HDPE was studied in the 0.01 - 5% (m / m) range. For both Tinuvin P and Irganox 3", "butter_fingers": " adfitives in HDPE was studled in the 0.01-5% (m/m) rcbge. Foc both Finuvin O and Irganox 3", "random_deletion": "additives in HDPE was studied in the range. both Tinuvin and Irganox 3", "change_char_case": " additives in HDPE was studied In the 0.01-5% (m/m) ranGe. For BotH TiNuVin P And IRganox 3", "whitespace_perturbation": " additives in HDPE was stu died in th e 0.0 1-5 % ( m/ m) r ange . For both Tin u vinP and Irganox 3", "underscore_trick": " additives_in HDPE_was studied in the_0.01-5% (m/m)_range._For both_Tinuvin_P and Irganox_3"} +{"text": "oline I(1) receptor: AGN192403, rilmenidine, moxonidine and clonidine were used. The specific ligands of im", "synonym_substitution": "oline I(1) receptor: AGN192403, rilmenidine, moxonidine and clonidine were used. The specific ligands of i m", "butter_fingers": "olije I(1) receptor: AGN192403, rilmenldine, moxonidine and clmnidins were ured. The specific ligands of mm", "random_deletion": "oline I(1) receptor: AGN192403, rilmenidine, moxonidine and used. specific ligands im", "change_char_case": "oline I(1) receptor: AGN192403, rilmenidIne, moxonidIne anD clOniDiNe weRe usEd. The specific lIGandS of im", "whitespace_perturbation": "oline I(1) receptor: AGN19 2403, rilm enidi ne, mo xo nidi ne a nd clonidine w e re u sed. The specific liga nds o fi m", "underscore_trick": "oline I(1)_receptor: AGN192403,_rilmenidine, moxonidine and clonidine_were used._The_specific ligands_of_im"} +{"text": " sparse as compared with the standard case, where p=2. Unravel a neuroactive sHA sulfation pattern with neurogenesis activity by a library of defined", "synonym_substitution": "sparse as compared with the standard case, where p=2. Unravel a neuroactive sHA sulfation pattern with neurogenesis natural process by a library of define", "butter_fingers": " spwrse as compared with tht standard case, wkwre p=2. Nnravel a neuroxctive sHA sulfation pattern wuth ntlrogenesis activity bh a libragy of defuned", "random_deletion": "sparse as compared with the standard case, Unravel neuroactive sHA pattern with neurogenesis defined", "change_char_case": " sparse as compared with the stAndard case, Where P=2. UnRavEl A neuRoacTive sHA sulfatiON patTern with neurogenesis acTivitY bY A libRArY of deFined", "whitespace_perturbation": " sparse as compared with t he standar d cas e,whe re p=2 . Un ravel a neuroa c tive sHA sulfation pattern with n e urog e ne sis a ctivity by a li br ar y o fd ef ined", "underscore_trick": " sparse_as compared_with the standard case,_where p=2._Unravel_a neuroactive_sHA_sulfation pattern with_neurogenesis activity by_a library of defined"} +{"text": " permeability increased, relative to colostrum (all P < 0.05). In conclusion, enteral feeding is associated with gut dysfunction, microbial imbalance, and", "synonym_substitution": "permeability increased, relative to colostrum (all P < 0.05). In conclusion, enteric eating is associated with gut dysfunction, microbial asymmetry, and", "butter_fingers": " pegmeability increased, relxtive to colosttun (all ' < 0.05). In donclusiun, enteral feeding is associeted with gut dysfunction, microcial imbapance, ane", "random_deletion": "permeability increased, relative to colostrum (all P In enteral feeding associated with gut", "change_char_case": " permeability increased, relaTive to coloStrum (All p < 0.05). In CoNcluSion, Enteral feeding IS assOciated with gut dysfunctIon, miCrOBial IMbAlancE, and", "whitespace_perturbation": " permeability increased, r elative to colo str um(a ll P < 0 .05). In concl u sion , enteral feeding is a ssoci at e d wi t hgut d ysfunct i on , mic ro bi alim b al ance, an d", "underscore_trick": " permeability_increased, relative_to colostrum (all P_< 0.05)._In_conclusion, enteral_feeding_is associated with_gut dysfunction, microbial_imbalance, and"} +{"text": " uptake in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes via activation of the ET(A)-receptor. Intramolecular cooperativity in a protein binding site assessed by combinatorial shotgun scanning mutagenesis", "synonym_substitution": "uptake in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes via activation of the ET(A)-receptor. Intramolecular cooperativity in a protein binding web site tax by combinatorial shotgun scanning mutagenesis", "butter_fingers": " uphake in neonatal rat caraiomyocytes via activavion of the ET(A)-feceptor. Intramolecular coopxratuvity in a protein binding rite assedsed by xombmnatorial shotgui scanniky mutznenesns", "random_deletion": "uptake in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes via activation ET(A)-receptor. cooperativity in protein binding site mutagenesis", "change_char_case": " uptake in neonatal rat cardioMyocytes viA actiVatIon Of The Et(A)-reCeptor. IntramolECulaR cooperativity in a proteIn binDiNG sitE AsSesseD by combINaTORiaL sHoTguN sCAnNing mUtaGenesis", "whitespace_perturbation": " uptake in neonatal rat ca rdiomyocyt es vi a a cti va tion ofthe ET(A)-rece p tor. Intramolecular cooper ativi ty in a pr otein bindin g s i t e a ss es sed b y c ombin ato rial sh otgun scan nin gmutagenesis", "underscore_trick": " uptake_in neonatal_rat cardiomyocytes via activation_of the_ET(A)-receptor._Intramolecular cooperativity_in_a protein binding_site assessed by_combinatorial shotgun scanning mutagenesis"} +{"text": " Electron Microscopy investigations were performed on specimens from cultures treated for 6 hr with twice and tenfold the MSC. The present research confirms the good sterilizing", "synonym_substitution": "Electron Microscopy investigations were performed on specimens from cultures treat for 6 hour with twice and tenfold the MSC. The present research confirms the beneficial sterilizing", "butter_fingers": " Elfctron Microscopy investlgations were petfirmed mn spedimens ffom cultures treated for 6 hr wuth tqice and tenfold the MRC. The prvsent reswarci confirms the good sterljizihn", "random_deletion": "Electron Microscopy investigations were performed on specimens treated 6 hr twice and tenfold confirms good sterilizing", "change_char_case": " Electron Microscopy investiGations werE perfOrmEd oN sPeciMens From cultures trEAted For 6 hr with twice and tenfoLd the mSc. the pREsEnt reSearch cONfIRMs tHe GoOd sTeRIlIzing", "whitespace_perturbation": " Electron Microscopy inves tigationswereper for me d on spe cimens from cu l ture s treated for 6 hr wit h twi ce andt en foldthe MSC . T h e pr es en t r es e ar ch co nfi rms the good ster ili zi ng", "underscore_trick": " Electron_Microscopy investigations_were performed on specimens_from cultures_treated_for 6_hr_with twice and_tenfold the MSC._The present research confirms_the good sterilizing"} +{"text": " the economic burden should be focused on hospitalisation. Due to skewed distribution, individual data must be considered in the analysis of the efforts. Identification of important abiotic", "synonym_substitution": "the economic burden should be focused on hospitalisation. Due to skewed distribution, individual datum must be view in the analysis of the feat. recognition of important abiotic", "butter_fingers": " thf economic burden should be focused on kispitanisatikn. Due tu skewed distribution, indivivual data must be considered in the analjsis of tye ehforts. Identificefion of imporfwnt cbmotic", "random_deletion": "the economic burden should be focused on to distribution, individual must be considered efforts. of important abiotic", "change_char_case": " the economic burden should be Focused on hOspitAliSatIoN. Due To skEwed distributiON, indIvidual data must be consiDered In THe anALySis of The effoRTs. iDEntIfIcAtiOn OF iMportAnt Abiotic", "whitespace_perturbation": " the economic burden shoul d be focus ed on ho spi ta lisa tion . Due to skewe d dis tribution, individualdatamu s t be co nside red int he a nal ys is of t h eeffor ts. Identi fication o f i mp ortant abiot i c", "underscore_trick": " the_economic burden_should be focused on_hospitalisation. Due_to_skewed distribution,_individual_data must be_considered in the_analysis of the efforts._Identification of important_abiotic"} +{"text": " theoretically decreasing the risk of recurrence in comparison with clip ligation. [Experimental study of miRNA200a regulating Wnt/\u03b2-catenin signaling pathway in silica-induced mouse", "synonym_substitution": "theoretically decreasing the risk of recurrence in comparison with clip ligation. [ Experimental study of miRNA200a determine Wnt / \u03b2 - catenin sign pathway in silica - induced mouse", "butter_fingers": " thforetically decreasing tme risk of recurtebce in compadison wigh clip ligation. [Experimentap wtudy of miRNA200a regulating Dnt/\u03b2-catenij signalung kathway in silica-mhduced mouse", "random_deletion": "theoretically decreasing the risk of recurrence in clip [Experimental study miRNA200a regulating Wnt/\u03b2-catenin", "change_char_case": " theoretically decreasing thE risk of recUrrenCe iN coMpArisOn wiTh clip ligation. [eXperImental study of miRNA200a reGulatInG wnt/\u03b2-CAtEnin sIgnalinG PaTHWay In SiLicA-iNDuCed moUse", "whitespace_perturbation": " theoretically decreasingthe risk o f rec urr enc ein c ompa rison with cli p lig ation. [Experimental s tudyof miRN A 20 0a re gulatin g W n t /\u03b2- ca te nin s i gn aling pa thway i n silica-i ndu ce d mouse", "underscore_trick": " theoretically_decreasing the_risk of recurrence in_comparison with_clip_ligation. [Experimental_study_of miRNA200a regulating_Wnt/\u03b2-catenin signaling pathway_in silica-induced mouse"} +{"text": " of bowel preparation before video capsule endoscopy (VCE) remains controversial. This study aimed to assess the ideal dose of PEG, based on small bowel visualization quality", "synonym_substitution": "of bowel preparation before video capsule endoscopy (VCE) remain controversial. This discipline aimed to assess the ideal dose of PEG, base on small bowel visual image quality", "butter_fingers": " of bowel preparation befort video capsule eueoscopb (VCE) rsmains cuntroversial. This study aimev to assews the ideal dose of PDG, based ln small bowtl visualization quality", "random_deletion": "of bowel preparation before video capsule endoscopy controversial. study aimed assess the ideal small visualization quality", "change_char_case": " of bowel preparation before vIdeo capsulE endoScoPy (VcE) RemaIns cOntroversial. ThIS stuDy aimed to assess the ideaL dose Of peG, baSEd On smaLl bowel VIsUALizAtIoN quAlITy", "whitespace_perturbation": " of bowel preparation befo re video c apsul e e ndo sc opy(VCE ) remains cont r over sial. This study aimed to a ss e ss t h eideal dose o f P E G , b as ed on s m al l bow elvisuali zation qua lit y", "underscore_trick": " of_bowel preparation_before video capsule endoscopy_(VCE) remains_controversial._This study_aimed_to assess the_ideal dose of_PEG, based on small_bowel visualization quality"} +{"text": "omas. The results suggest that low T3 and high T4/T3 ratio in nodular goitrous tissue could be due to grossly impaired thyroid", "synonym_substitution": "omas. The results suggest that low T3 and high T4 / T3 proportion in nodular goitrous tissue could be ascribable to grossly mar thyroid", "butter_fingers": "omad. The results suggest thxt low T3 and hiyy T4/T3 retio in nodular goitrous tissue could be dux to groswly impaired thyroid", "random_deletion": "omas. The results suggest that low T3 T4/T3 in nodular tissue could be", "change_char_case": "omas. The results suggest that Low T3 and higH T4/T3 raTio In nOdUlar GoitRous tissue coulD Be duE to grossly impaired thyrOid", "whitespace_perturbation": "omas. The results suggestthat low T 3 and hi ghT4 /T3rati o in nodular g o itro us tissue could be due to g ro s slyi mp aired thyroi d ", "underscore_trick": "omas. The_results suggest_that low T3 and_high T4/T3_ratio_in nodular_goitrous_tissue could be_due to grossly_impaired thyroid"} +{"text": "C appeared to be in the phosphorylated inactive state. Incubation of intact phosphorylating A. suum muscle mitochondria in the absence of substrate and the presence of", "synonym_substitution": "C appeared to be in the phosphorylated inactive state. brooding of integral phosphorylating A. suum muscle mitochondria in the absence of substrate and the presence of", "butter_fingers": "C aopeared to be in the phorphorylated inaerive svate. Indubation of intact phosphorylating A. syum myscle mitochondria in ghe absenbe of subwtraue and the presenrs of", "random_deletion": "C appeared to be in the phosphorylated Incubation intact phosphorylating suum muscle mitochondria and presence of", "change_char_case": "C appeared to be in the phosphoRylated inaCtive StaTe. INcUbatIon oF intact phosphoRYlatIng A. suum muscle mitochonDria iN tHE absENcE of suBstrate ANd THE prEsEnCe oF", "whitespace_perturbation": "C appeared to be in the ph osphorylat ed in act ive s tate . In cubation of in t actphosphorylating A. suu m mus cl e mit o ch ondri a in th e a b s enc eof su bs t ra te an d t he pres ence of", "underscore_trick": "C appeared_to be_in the phosphorylated inactive_state. Incubation_of_intact phosphorylating_A._suum muscle mitochondria_in the absence_of substrate and the_presence of"} +{"text": " and is a largely unappreciated cause of sudden death in the young. Clinical features of 12 domestic cats with ARVC (7 male; 1 to 20", "synonym_substitution": "and is a largely unappreciated cause of sudden death in the young. Clinical feature of 12 domestic cat with ARVC (7 male; 1 to 20", "butter_fingers": " anf is a largely unapprecixted cause of sodeen deeth in fhe youne. Clinical features of 12 domedtuc cauf with ARVC (7 male; 1 to 20", "random_deletion": "and is a largely unappreciated cause of in young. Clinical of 12 domestic 1 20", "change_char_case": " and is a largely unappreciateD cause of suDden dEatH in ThE youNg. ClInical features OF 12 domEstic cats with ARVC (7 male; 1 tO 20", "whitespace_perturbation": " and is a largely unapprec iated caus e ofsud den d eath inthe young. Cli n ical features of 12 domest ic ca ts with AR VC (7 male;1 t o 20", "underscore_trick": " and_is a_largely unappreciated cause of_sudden death_in_the young._Clinical_features of 12_domestic cats with_ARVC (7 male; 1_to 20"} +{"text": "% had no concurrent visceral injury. There were associated vascular injuries in 58% of patients, the inferior vena cava being the most frequent (37%). The", "synonym_substitution": "% had no concurrent visceral injury. There be consociate vascular injuries in 58% of patients, the inferior vein cava being the most frequent (37 %). The", "butter_fingers": "% haf no concurrent visceral injury. There wgrw assoriated bascular injuries in 58% of patients, thx inderioe vena cava being the oost freqlent (37%). The", "random_deletion": "% had no concurrent visceral injury. There vascular in 58% patients, the inferior frequent The", "change_char_case": "% had no concurrent visceral inJury. There wEre asSocIatEd VascUlar Injuries in 58% of paTIentS, the inferior vena cava beIng thE mOSt frEQuEnt (37%). ThE", "whitespace_perturbation": "% had no concurrent viscer al injury. Ther e w ere a ssoc iate d vascular inj u ries in 58% of patients, t he in fe r iorv en a cav a being th e mos tfr equ en t ( 37%). Th e", "underscore_trick": "% had_no concurrent_visceral injury. There were_associated vascular_injuries_in 58%_of_patients, the inferior_vena cava being_the most frequent (37%)._The"} +{"text": "olar vasomotor adjustments may forestall LEA in the larger collecting venules of the network, where venous obstruction may be countered by bringing the full weight", "synonym_substitution": "olar vasomotor adjustments may forestall LEA in the larger collecting venule of the net, where venous obstacle may be countered by bringing the full weight unit", "butter_fingers": "olag vasomotor adjustments oay forestall LGA in thx larged collecging venules of the network, xherw venius obstruction may be counteref by bribginj the full weighv", "random_deletion": "olar vasomotor adjustments may forestall LEA in collecting of the where venous obstruction the weight", "change_char_case": "olar vasomotor adjustments mAy forestalL LEA iN thE laRgEr coLlecTing venules of tHE netWork, where venous obstrucTion mAy BE couNTeRed by BringinG ThE FUll WeIgHt", "whitespace_perturbation": "olar vasomotor adjustments may fores tallLEA in t he l arge r collecting v e nule s of the network, wher e ven ou s obs t ru ction may be co u n ter ed b y b ri n gi ng th e f ull wei ght", "underscore_trick": "olar vasomotor_adjustments may_forestall LEA in the_larger collecting_venules_of the_network,_where venous obstruction_may be countered_by bringing the full_weight"} +{"text": " of HBx sequesters Crm1 in the cytoplasm. Furthermore, HBx activates NFkappaB by inducing its nuclear translocation in a NES-dependent manner", "synonym_substitution": "of HBx sequesters Crm1 in the cytoplasm. Furthermore, HBx activates NFkappaB by inducing its nuclear translocation in a NES - dependent manner", "butter_fingers": " of HBx sequesters Crm1 in tme cytoplasm. Furjhwrmore, HBx adtivates NFkappaB by inducing its nurleae trabslocation in a NES-depdndent majner", "random_deletion": "of HBx sequesters Crm1 in the cytoplasm. activates by inducing nuclear translocation in", "change_char_case": " of HBx sequesters Crm1 in the cyToplasm. FurThermOre, hBx AcTivaTes NfkappaB by inducINg itS nuclear translocation iN a NES-DePEndeNT mAnner", "whitespace_perturbation": " of HBx sequesters Crm1 in the cytop lasm. Fu rth er more , HB x activates NF k appa B by inducing its nucl ear t ra n sloc a ti on in a NES- d ep e n den tma nne r", "underscore_trick": " of_HBx sequesters_Crm1 in the cytoplasm._Furthermore, HBx_activates_NFkappaB by_inducing_its nuclear translocation_in a NES-dependent_manner"} +{"text": " the addition of nutrients in the presence of fish resulted in a high algal biomass and daytime net autotrophy, reducing the CO(2) emissions by 35", "synonym_substitution": "the addition of nutrients in the presence of fish result in a eminent algal biomass and daytime net autotrophy, reducing the CO(2) emissions by 35", "butter_fingers": " thf addition of nutrients ln the presence of fish resulfed in a high algal biomass and daytmme bet aytotrophy, reducing the CO(2) emisspons by 35", "random_deletion": "the addition of nutrients in the presence resulted a high biomass and daytime emissions 35", "change_char_case": " the addition of nutrients in tHe presence Of fisH reSulTeD in a High Algal biomass anD DaytIme net autotrophy, reduciNg the cO(2) EMissIOnS by 35", "whitespace_perturbation": " the addition of nutrients in the pr esenc e o f f is h re sult ed in a high a l galbiomass and daytime ne t aut ot r ophy , r educi ng theC O( 2 ) em is si ons b y 3 5", "underscore_trick": " the_addition of_nutrients in the presence_of fish_resulted_in a_high_algal biomass and_daytime net autotrophy,_reducing the CO(2) emissions_by 35"} +{"text": " and grading or staging of liver histology. Nonresponders to IFN had significantly high NIC HCV RNA titers compared with sustained responders (10(4.93 +/-", "synonym_substitution": "and grading or staging of liver histology. Nonresponders to IFN had significantly eminent NIC HCV RNA titer compared with sustained respondent (10(4.93 + /-", "butter_fingers": " anf grading or staging of uiver histology. Nonres'onders to IFN fad significantly high NIC HRV RBA tiuvrs compared with susgained redponders (10(4.93 +/-", "random_deletion": "and grading or staging of liver histology. IFN significantly high HCV RNA titers +/-", "change_char_case": " and grading or staging of liveR histology. nonreSpoNdeRs To IFn had Significantly hIGh NIc HCV RNA titers compared wIth suStAIned REsPondeRs (10(4.93 +/-", "whitespace_perturbation": " and grading or staging of liver his tolog y.Non re spon ders to IFN had si g nifi cantly high NIC HCV RN A tit er s com p ar ed wi th sust a in e d re sp on der s( 10 (4.93 +/ -", "underscore_trick": " and_grading or_staging of liver histology._Nonresponders to_IFN_had significantly_high_NIC HCV RNA_titers compared with_sustained responders (10(4.93 +/-"} +{"text": "n = 887) was used as a group of reference. Both studies were undertaken in Pachuca City, the capital of Hidalgo, located 100", "synonym_substitution": "n = 887) was used as a group of reference. Both studies were undertaken in Pachuca City, the das kapital of Hidalgo, locate 100", "butter_fingers": "n = 887) was used as a group of veference. Both sjueies wxre undsrtaken kn Pachuca City, the capital lf Hidaogo, located 100", "random_deletion": "n = 887) was used as a reference. studies were in Pachuca City, 100", "change_char_case": "n = 887) was used as a group of referenCe. Both studIes weRe uNdeRtAken In PaChuca City, the caPItal Of Hidalgo, located 100", "whitespace_perturbation": "n = 887) was used as a gro up of refe rence . B oth s tudi es w ere undertaken in P achuca City, the capit al of H i dalg o ,locat ed 100", "underscore_trick": "n =_887) was_used as a group_of reference._Both_studies were_undertaken_in Pachuca City,_the capital of_Hidalgo, located 100"} +{"text": ") at 7 days after surgery. Statistically significant factors affecting UTI prevalence included neurologic and urinary status, sex, administration of perioperative antibiotics, and amount", "synonym_substitution": ") at 7 days after surgery. Statistically significant factors involve UTI preponderance included neurologic and urinary condition, sex, government of perioperative antibiotics, and amount", "butter_fingers": ") at 7 days after surgery. Stauistically signifnxant fectors zffectine UTI prevalence included nenroligic qnd urinary status, sex, administgation of permoperative antibmktics, akb amohkt", "random_deletion": ") at 7 days after surgery. Statistically affecting prevalence included and urinary status, and", "change_char_case": ") at 7 days after surgery. StatistIcally signIficaNt fActOrS affEctiNg UTI prevalencE InclUded neurologic and urinaRy staTuS, Sex, aDMiNistrAtion of PErIOPerAtIvE anTiBIoTics, aNd aMount", "whitespace_perturbation": ") at 7 days after surgery. Statistic allysig nif ic antfact ors affectingU TI p revalence included neu rolog ic andu ri narystatus, se x , ad mi ni str at i on of p eri operati ve antibio tic s, and amount", "underscore_trick": ") at_7 days_after surgery. Statistically significant_factors affecting_UTI_prevalence included_neurologic_and urinary status,_sex, administration of_perioperative antibiotics, and amount"} +{"text": "akable' causal relationships between unrelated events and a paradoxical immunity to perceptual illusions, which are all known to be associated with schizophrenia. Detection and characterization of", "synonym_substitution": "akable' causal relationships between unrelated events and a paradoxical immunity to perceptual illusions, which are all know to be consociate with schizophrenia. Detection and characterization of", "butter_fingers": "akahle' causal relationships between unrelajee evenvs and z paradobical immunity to perceptual iolusiins, which are all knowv to be adsociatee wiuh schizophrenia. Vstectiok and gharaetxrization of", "random_deletion": "akable' causal relationships between unrelated events and immunity perceptual illusions, are all known Detection characterization of", "change_char_case": "akable' causal relationships Between unrElateD evEntS aNd a pAradOxical immunity TO perCeptual illusions, which aRe all KnOWn to BE aSsociAted witH ScHIZopHrEnIa. DEtECtIon anD chAracterIzation of", "whitespace_perturbation": "akable' causal relationshi ps between unre lat edev ents and a paradoxical immu nity to perceptual ill usion s, whic h a re al l known to b e a ss oc iat ed wi th sc hiz ophreni a. Detecti onan d characteri z at ion of", "underscore_trick": "akable' causal_relationships between_unrelated events and a_paradoxical immunity_to_perceptual illusions,_which_are all known_to be associated_with schizophrenia. Detection and_characterization of"} +{"text": " and postoperatively, intravenous hyperalimentation, prophylactic antibiotics and low-dose heparin are undoubtedly important adjuncts to the improvements in surgical technique and judgment. Psychosexual", "synonym_substitution": "and postoperatively, intravenous hyperalimentation, prophylactic antibiotics and low - venereal disease heparin are undoubtedly authoritative adjuncts to the improvements in surgical technique and sagacity. Psychosexual", "butter_fingers": " anf postoperatively, intravtnous hyperalimenjarion, pcophyladtic antkbiotics and low-dose heparin aee uneoubtedly important adguncts to the impeovenwnts in sucfical tcehniqhc and oudgment. Psychoxexual", "random_deletion": "and postoperatively, intravenous hyperalimentation, prophylactic antibiotics and are important adjuncts the improvements in", "change_char_case": " and postoperatively, intraveNous hyperaLimenTatIon, PrOphyLactIc antibiotics aND low-Dose heparin are undoubteDly imPoRTant ADjUncts To the imPRoVEMenTs In SurGiCAl TechnIquE and judGment. PsychOseXuAl", "whitespace_perturbation": " and postoperatively, intr avenous hy peral ime nta ti on,prop hylactic antib i otic s and low-dose heparin areun d oubt e dl y imp ortanta dj u n cts t othe i m pr oveme nts in sur gical tech niq ue and judgmen t .Psychosexu al", "underscore_trick": " and_postoperatively, intravenous_hyperalimentation, prophylactic antibiotics and_low-dose heparin_are_undoubtedly important_adjuncts_to the improvements_in surgical technique_and judgment. Psychosexual"} +{"text": "OT), the Vanderbilt Pain Management Inventory (VPMI), the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and", "synonym_substitution": "OT), the Vanderbilt Pain Management Inventory (VPMI), the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and", "butter_fingers": "OT), hhe Vanderbilt Pain Mananement Inventory (VPMI), tie McGiml Pain Duestionnaire (MPQ), Hospital Aixiery ane Depression Scale (HADR), and", "random_deletion": "OT), the Vanderbilt Pain Management Inventory (VPMI), Pain (MPQ), Hospital and Depression Scale", "change_char_case": "OT), the Vanderbilt Pain ManageMent InventOry (VPmI), tHe MCGIll PAin QUestionnaire (MPq), hospItal Anxiety and DepressiOn ScaLe (haDS), aND", "whitespace_perturbation": "OT), the Vanderbilt Pain M anagementInven tor y ( VP MI), the McGill Pain Q u esti onnaire (MPQ), Hospita l Anx ie t y an d D epres sion Sc a le ( HAD S) ,and ", "underscore_trick": "OT), the_Vanderbilt Pain_Management Inventory (VPMI), the_McGill Pain_Questionnaire_(MPQ), Hospital_Anxiety_and Depression Scale_(HADS), and"} +{"text": " to a CTD; the secondary outcome was the evaluation of predictors. Of 856 articles captured, 7 selected studies met the inclusion criteria. A total of 405", "synonym_substitution": "to a CTD; the secondary outcome was the evaluation of predictors. Of 856 articles get, 7 choose studies met the inclusion body criteria. A sum of 405", "butter_fingers": " to a CTD; the secondary outgome was the evaluation of prsdictors. Of 856 articles captured, 7 selerted studues met the inclusion zriteria. W total if 405", "random_deletion": "to a CTD; the secondary outcome was of Of 856 captured, 7 selected A of 405", "change_char_case": " to a CTD; the secondary outcome Was the evalUatioN of PreDiCtorS. Of 856 aRticles captureD, 7 SeleCted studies met the incluSion cRiTEria. a ToTal of 405", "whitespace_perturbation": " to a CTD; the secondary o utcome was theeva lua ti on o f pr edictors. Of 8 5 6 ar ticles captured, 7 sel ected s t udie s m et th e inclu s io n cri te ri a.At ot al of 40 5", "underscore_trick": " to_a CTD;_the secondary outcome was_the evaluation_of_predictors. Of_856_articles captured, 7_selected studies met_the inclusion criteria. A_total of 405"} +{"text": " analyzed their spatial expression patterns during development. Three out of four SULTs show distinct expression activity during embryogenesis, while the 4th SULT shows expression only", "synonym_substitution": "analyzed their spatial expression patterns during development. Three out of four SULTs picture discrete expression activity during embryogenesis, while the 4th SULT prove expression only", "butter_fingers": " anwlyzed their spatial expvession patterns during develkpment. Tfree out of four SULTs show vistunct tqpression activity dufing embrjogenesis, whiow the 4th SNMT shows exprsdsiou inly", "random_deletion": "analyzed their spatial expression patterns during development. of SULTs show expression activity during shows only", "change_char_case": " analyzed their spatial expreSsion patteRns duRinG deVeLopmEnt. THree out of four SulTs sHow distinct expression aCtiviTy DUrinG EmBryogEnesis, wHIlE THe 4tH SuLt shOwS ExPressIon Only", "whitespace_perturbation": " analyzed their spatial ex pression p atter nsdur in g de velo pment. Three o u t of four SULTs show disti nct e xp r essi o nactiv ity dur i ng e mbr yo ge nes is , w hilethe 4th SU LT shows e xpr es sion only", "underscore_trick": " analyzed_their spatial_expression patterns during development._Three out_of_four SULTs_show_distinct expression activity_during embryogenesis, while_the 4th SULT shows_expression only"} +{"text": " normal rabbit serum. Groups of animals were sacrificed for immunocytochemistry in 2 h intervals between 1300 and 2100 h. Double-label immunocytochemistry for FR", "synonym_substitution": "normal rabbit serum. Groups of animals were sacrificed for immunocytochemistry in 2 planck's constant interval between 1300 and 2100 h. Double - label immunocytochemistry for FR", "butter_fingers": " nogmal rabbit serum. Groups of animals werg wacrifmced fod immunozytochemistry in 2 h intervald vetwetu 1300 and 2100 h. Double-labeu immunocjtochemisrry hor FR", "random_deletion": "normal rabbit serum. Groups of animals were immunocytochemistry 2 h between 1300 and FR", "change_char_case": " normal rabbit serum. Groups of Animals werE sacrIfiCed FoR immUnocYtochemistry in 2 H InteRvals between 1300 and 2100 h. Double-Label ImMUnocYToChemiStry for fr", "whitespace_perturbation": " normal rabbit serum. Grou ps of anim als w ere sa cr ific ed f or immunocytoc h emis try in 2 h intervals b etwee n1 300a nd 2100 h. Dou b le - l abe lim mun oc y to chemi str y for F R", "underscore_trick": " normal_rabbit serum._Groups of animals were_sacrificed for_immunocytochemistry_in 2_h_intervals between 1300_and 2100 h._Double-label immunocytochemistry for FR"} +{"text": " summer of 2002 (n = 1283). Health Professional Stress Inventory modified for use in the nursing home setting and ratings of job satisfaction. The situations most stressful for", "synonym_substitution": "summer of 2002 (n = 1283). Health Professional Stress Inventory modified for use in the nursing home setting and rating of caper satisfaction. The situations most nerve-racking for", "butter_fingers": " sulmer of 2002 (n = 1283). Health Proftssional Stress Iucentorb modifjed for jse in the nursing home settmng qnd rqtings of job satisfacgion. The dituatiobs miwt stressfnm for", "random_deletion": "summer of 2002 (n = 1283). Health Inventory for use the nursing home satisfaction. situations most stressful", "change_char_case": " summer of 2002 (n = 1283). Health ProfessionAl Stress InVentoRy mOdiFiEd foR use In the nursing hoME setTing and ratings of job satIsfacTiON. The SItUatioNs most sTReSSFul FoR", "whitespace_perturbation": " summer of 2002 (n = 1283) . Health P rofes sio nal S tres s In ventory modifi e d fo r use in the nursing h ome s et t inga nd rati ngs ofj ob s ati sf ac tio n. Th e sit uat ions mo st stressf ulfo r", "underscore_trick": " summer_of 2002_(n = 1283). Health_Professional Stress_Inventory_modified for_use_in the nursing_home setting and_ratings of job satisfaction._The situations most_stressful_for"} +{"text": ", to our knowledge, grape poisoning has not been identified by pathologic and clinicopathologic basis until this writing in Korea. Education and knowledge about the risks of grape", "synonym_substitution": ", to our knowledge, grape poisoning has not been identified by pathologic and clinicopathologic footing until this writing in Korea. department of education and cognition about the risks of grape", "butter_fingers": ", to our knowledge, grape poironing has not ywen idxntifies by patfologic and clinicopathologir bawis ubtil this writing in Kurea. Educwtion ane kniqledge abonf the rlfks kn gra'e", "random_deletion": ", to our knowledge, grape poisoning has identified pathologic and basis until this knowledge the risks of", "change_char_case": ", to our knowledge, grape poisonIng has not bEen idEntIfiEd By paTholOgic and clinicoPAthoLogic basis until this wriTing iN KORea. EDUcAtion And knowLEdGE AboUt ThE riSkS Of Grape", "whitespace_perturbation": ", to our knowledge, grapepoisoninghas n otbee niden tifi ed by patholog i c an d clinicopathologic ba sis u nt i l th i swriti ng in K o re a . Ed uc at ion a n dknowl edg e about the risks of g rape", "underscore_trick": ", to_our knowledge,_grape poisoning has not_been identified_by_pathologic and_clinicopathologic_basis until this_writing in Korea._Education and knowledge about_the risks of_grape"} +{"text": "spiroperidol in calf caudate.\nThe effect of typical and atypical neuroleptics on the binding of [3H]spiroper", "synonym_substitution": "spiroperidol in calf caudate. \n The effect of typical and atypical neuroleptics on the dressing of [ 3H]spiroper", "butter_fingers": "spigoperidol in calf caudatt.\nThe effect of tykixal anv atypidal neuruleptics on the binding of [3H]dpuropee", "random_deletion": "spiroperidol in calf caudate. The effect of atypical on the of [3H]spiroper", "change_char_case": "spiroperidol in calf caudate.\nthe effect oF typiCal And AtYpicAl neUroleptics on thE BindIng of [3H]spiroper", "whitespace_perturbation": "spiroperidol in calf cauda te.\nThe ef fectoftyp ic al a nd a typical neurol e ptic s on the binding of [3 H]spi ro p er", "underscore_trick": "spiroperidol in_calf caudate.\nThe_effect of typical and_atypical neuroleptics_on_the binding_of_[3H]spiroper"} +{"text": " D1 reflected the prolefiration of pancreas cancer cells. Nucleation of microbiologic calcification by proteolipid.\nThe component of crude phospholipid", "synonym_substitution": "D1 reflected the prolefiration of pancreas cancer cells. Nucleation of microbiologic calcification by proteolipid. \n The component of crude phospholipid", "butter_fingers": " D1 geflected the prolefiratlon of pancreas eqncer rells. Nhcleatiov of microbiologic calcificavion by peoteolipid.\nThe componeng of crudv phosphooipiv", "random_deletion": "D1 reflected the prolefiration of pancreas cancer of calcification by The component of", "change_char_case": " D1 reflected the prolefiratioN of pancreaS cancEr cEllS. NUcleAtioN of microbiologIC calCification by proteolipiD.\nThe cOmPOnenT Of Crude PhosphoLIpID", "whitespace_perturbation": " D1 reflected the prolefir ation of p ancre ascan ce r ce lls. Nucleation of micr obiologic calcificatio n bypr o teol i pi d.\nTh e compo n en t ofcr ud e p ho s ph olipi d", "underscore_trick": " D1_reflected the_prolefiration of pancreas cancer_cells. Nucleation_of_microbiologic calcification_by_proteolipid.\nThe component of_crude phospholipid"} +{"text": " England.\nThe present qualitative study explored health perceptions, diet and the social construction of obesity and how this relates to the initiation and maintenance of a healthier diet in", "synonym_substitution": "England. \n The present qualitative study explored health perceptions, diet and the social construction of fleshiness and how this relate to the initiation and maintenance of a healthy diet in", "butter_fingers": " Enhland.\nThe present qualitauive study explorgd healti perceltions, dket and the social constructmon if obtfity and how this felates tl the inutiauion and maintenaide of a healtgler dnev in", "random_deletion": "England. The present qualitative study explored health and social construction obesity and how and of a healthier in", "change_char_case": " England.\nThe present qualitatIve study exPloreD heAltH pErcePtioNs, diet and the soCIal cOnstruction of obesity anD how tHiS RelaTEs To the InitiatIOn AND maInTeNanCe OF a HealtHieR diet in", "whitespace_perturbation": " England.\nThe present qual itative st udy e xpl ore dheal th p erceptions, di e t an d the social construct ion o fo besi t yand h ow this re l a tes t othe i n it iatio n a nd main tenance of ahe althier diet in ", "underscore_trick": " England.\nThe_present qualitative_study explored health perceptions,_diet and_the_social construction_of_obesity and how_this relates to_the initiation and maintenance_of a healthier_diet_in"} +{"text": "2-CDG have been described so far. A 4-year-old girl who initially presented with symptoms resulting from raised intracranial pressure underwent acute neurosurgical intervention", "synonym_substitution": "2 - CDG have been described so far. A 4 - year - old girlfriend who initially confront with symptoms resulting from raised intracranial imperativeness underwent acute neurosurgical intervention", "butter_fingers": "2-CDG have been described so nar. A 4-year-old gitl who iiitiallg presenged with symptoms resulting hrom raistb intracranial pressjre underaent acure nturosurgical intecbention", "random_deletion": "2-CDG have been described so far. A who presented with resulting from raised intervention", "change_char_case": "2-CDG have been described so far. a 4-year-old giRl who IniTiaLlY preSentEd with symptoms REsulTing from raised intracraNial pReSSure UNdErwenT acute nEUrOSUrgIcAl IntErVEnTion", "whitespace_perturbation": "2-CDG have been describedso far. A4-yea r-o ldgi rl w ho i nitially prese n tedwith symptoms resultin g fro mr aise d i ntrac ranialp re s s ure u nd erw en t a cuteneu rosurgi cal interv ent io n", "underscore_trick": "2-CDG have_been described_so far. A 4-year-old_girl who_initially_presented with_symptoms_resulting from raised_intracranial pressure underwent_acute neurosurgical intervention"} +{"text": " the United States, especially among African-Americans. Additional studies are needed to assess the impact of the DASH diet on CHD risk in free-living subjects", "synonym_substitution": "the United States, especially among African - Americans. Additional studies are needed to measure the impingement of the DASH diet on CHD risk in free - animation subjects", "butter_fingers": " thf United States, especialuy among Africau-Qmericens. Addjtional rtudies are needed to assess tye imkcct of the DASH diet on CHD rpsk in frwe-liting subjects", "random_deletion": "the United States, especially among African-Americans. Additional needed assess the of the DASH free-living", "change_char_case": " the United States, especially Among AfricAn-AmeRicAns. adDitiOnal Studies are needED to aSsess the impact of the DASh diet On chD riSK iN free-Living sUBjECTs", "whitespace_perturbation": " the United States, especi ally among Afri can -Am er ican s. A dditional stud i es a re needed to assess th e imp ac t oft he DASH diet o n C H D ri sk i n f re e -l iving su bjects", "underscore_trick": " the_United States,_especially among African-Americans. Additional_studies are_needed_to assess_the_impact of the_DASH diet on_CHD risk in free-living_subjects"} +{"text": "+ cells were predominantly mature CD4+CD8- cells as measured by three-color flow cytometry. After culture with PHA-P and IL-2", "synonym_substitution": "+ cells were predominantly mature CD4+CD8- cells as measured by three - semblance menstruation cytometry. After culture with PHA - P and IL-2", "butter_fingers": "+ cepls were predominantly mxture CD4+CD8- cells as meesured gy three-zolor flow cytometry. After cnltuee wiuk PHA-P and IL-2", "random_deletion": "+ cells were predominantly mature CD4+CD8- cells by flow cytometry. culture with PHA-P", "change_char_case": "+ cells were predominantly matUre CD4+CD8- celLs as mEasUreD bY thrEe-coLor flow cytometRY. AftEr culture with PHA-P and IL-2", "whitespace_perturbation": "+ cells were predominantly mature CD 4+CD8 - c ell sas m easu red by three-c o lorflow cytometry. Aftercultu re with PH A-P a nd IL-2 ", "underscore_trick": "+ cells_were predominantly_mature CD4+CD8- cells as_measured by_three-color_flow cytometry._After_culture with PHA-P_and IL-2"} +{"text": "all-cause and CV-related. However, hospitalization for HF are reduced by \u2248 33% and occur regardless of baseline patient characteristics. The unprecedented HF outcomes", "synonym_substitution": "all - cause and CV - related. However, hospitalization for HF are dilute by \u2248 33% and happen regardless of baseline patient characteristics. The unprecedented HF outcomes", "butter_fingers": "all-fause and CV-related. Howeyer, hospitalizatnin for HF ars reducea by \u2248 33% and occur regardless lf baseoine patient characterkstics. Thv unpreceeenttd HF outcomes", "random_deletion": "all-cause and CV-related. However, hospitalization for HF by 33% and regardless of baseline outcomes", "change_char_case": "all-cause and CV-related. HowevEr, hospitalIzatiOn fOr Hf aRe reDuceD by \u2248 33% and occur regARdleSs of baseline patient chaRacteRiSTics. tHe UnpreCedenteD hF OUTcoMeS", "whitespace_perturbation": "all-cause and CV-related.However, h ospit ali zat io n fo r HF are reduced b y \u2248 3 3% and occur regardles s ofba s elin e p atien t chara c te r i sti cs .The u n pr ecede nte d HF ou tcomes", "underscore_trick": "all-cause and_CV-related. However,_hospitalization for HF are_reduced by_\u2248_33% and_occur_regardless of baseline_patient characteristics. The_unprecedented HF outcomes"} +{"text": " are common after CEA and are associated with much higher risk of death and stroke. Patient factors, process factors, and direct causality are involved in this relationship,", "synonym_substitution": "are common after CEA and are associated with much higher hazard of end and throw. Patient factors, process component, and direct causality are involved in this kinship,", "butter_fingers": " arf common after CEA and ave associated wijh much iigher disk of aeath and stroke. Patient facvors, proctfs factors, and dirdct causapity are invioved in thma relatljnshji,", "random_deletion": "are common after CEA and are associated higher of death stroke. Patient factors, are in this relationship,", "change_char_case": " are common after CEA and are asSociated wiTh mucH hiGheR rIsk oF deaTh and stroke. PatIEnt fActors, process factors, anD direCt CAusaLItY are iNvolved IN tHIS reLaTiOnsHiP,", "whitespace_perturbation": " are common after CEA andare associ atedwit h m uc h hi gher risk of death andstroke. Patient factor s, pr oc e ss f a ct ors,and dir e ct c aus al it y a re in volve d i n thisrelationsh ip, ", "underscore_trick": " are_common after_CEA and are associated_with much_higher_risk of_death_and stroke. Patient_factors, process factors,_and direct causality are_involved in this_relationship,"} +{"text": " cells. In the present communication, the effects of progesterone and antiprogesterone (RU 38486) on estrogen-stimulated USP-1 biosynthesis were investigated.", "synonym_substitution": "cells. In the present communication, the effects of progesterone and antiprogesterone (RU 38486) on estrogen - stimulated USP-1 biosynthesis were investigated.", "butter_fingers": " cepls. In the present commukication, the effgcrs of 'rogestsrone ana antiprogesterone (RU 38486) on esvrogwn-stinulated USP-1 biosynthesks were ijvestigared.", "random_deletion": "cells. In the present communication, the effects and (RU 38486) estrogen-stimulated USP-1 biosynthesis", "change_char_case": " cells. In the present communicAtion, the efFects Of pRogEsTeroNe anD antiprogesterONe (RU 38486) On estrogen-stimulated USp-1 biosYnTHesiS WeRe invEstigatED.", "whitespace_perturbation": " cells. In the present com munication , the ef fec ts ofprog esterone and a n tipr ogesterone (RU 38486)on es tr o gen- s ti mulat ed USP- 1 b i o syn th es iswe r einves tig ated.", "underscore_trick": " cells._In the_present communication, the effects_of progesterone_and_antiprogesterone (RU_38486)_on estrogen-stimulated USP-1_biosynthesis were investigated."} +{"text": " or lack of consensus, regarding inclusion of a particular point; this was reviewed by a Second Specialist Group comprising 10 pediatric anesthetists. Using the Delphi", "synonym_substitution": "or lack of consensus, regarding inclusion of a particular point; this was review by a Second Specialist Group constitute 10 pediatric anesthetists. Using the Delphi", "butter_fingers": " or lack of consensus, regaraing inclusion of a pacticulad point; ghis was reviewed by a Seconv Spwcialust Group comprising 10 oediatric anestheristw. Using the Delphi", "random_deletion": "or lack of consensus, regarding inclusion of point; was reviewed a Second Specialist Using Delphi", "change_char_case": " or lack of consensus, regardinG inclusion Of a paRtiCulAr PoinT; thiS was reviewed by A secoNd Specialist Group comprIsing 10 PeDIatrIC aNesthEtists. USInG THe DElPhI", "whitespace_perturbation": " or lack of consensus, reg arding inc lusio n o f a p arti cula r point; thisw as r eviewed by a Second Sp ecial is t Gro u pcompr ising 1 0 p e d iat ri cane st h et ists. Us ing the Delphi", "underscore_trick": " or_lack of_consensus, regarding inclusion of_a particular_point;_this was_reviewed_by a Second_Specialist Group comprising_10 pediatric anesthetists. Using_the Delphi"} +{"text": " is provided to FDA within 5 days of making the change. The proposed rule also defines the credible information to be used by sponsors to determine if the criteria are met", "synonym_substitution": "is provided to FDA within 5 days of making the change. The aim dominion also defines the credible information to be use by sponsors to determine if the criterion are suffer", "butter_fingers": " is provided to FDA within 5 days of making the chenge. Ths proposdd rule also defines the creviblw infirmation to be used by sponsors to deteemint if the criteria are met", "random_deletion": "is provided to FDA within 5 days the The proposed also defines the by to determine if criteria are met", "change_char_case": " is provided to FDA within 5 days Of making thE chanGe. THe pRoPoseD rulE also defines thE CredIble information to be useD by spOnSOrs tO DeTermiNe if the CRiTERia ArE mEt", "whitespace_perturbation": " is provided to FDA within 5 days of maki ngthe c hang e. T he proposed ru l e al so defines the credibl e inf or m atio n t o beused by sp o n sor sto de te r mi ne if th e crite ria are me t", "underscore_trick": " is_provided to_FDA within 5 days_of making_the_change. The_proposed_rule also defines_the credible information_to be used by_sponsors to determine_if_the criteria are met"} +{"text": "atase inhibitors, hold out promise of improved results from adjuvant treatment in elderly women. In premenopausal women, additional hormone blockade by means of GnRH analogs is of", "synonym_substitution": "atase inhibitors, hold out promise of improved results from accessory discussion in aged women. In premenopausal women, additional hormone blockade by mean of GnRH analogs is of", "butter_fingers": "atade inhibitors, hold out pvomise of improvgd resulvs from adjuvang treatment in elderly women. Ib prenenopausal women, additkonal horlone bloxkadt by means of GnRI analogs is or", "random_deletion": "atase inhibitors, hold out promise of improved adjuvant in elderly In premenopausal women, of analogs is of", "change_char_case": "atase inhibitors, hold out proMise of imprOved rEsuLts FrOm adJuvaNt treatment in eLDerlY women. In premenopausal wOmen, aDdITionAL hOrmonE blockaDE bY MEanS oF GNRH AnALoGs is oF", "whitespace_perturbation": "atase inhibitors, hold out promise o f imp rov edre sult s fr om adjuvant tr e atme nt in elderly women. I n pre me n opau s al wome n, addi t io n a l h or mo nebl o ck ade b y m eans of GnRH anal ogs i s of", "underscore_trick": "atase inhibitors,_hold out_promise of improved results_from adjuvant_treatment_in elderly_women._In premenopausal women,_additional hormone blockade_by means of GnRH_analogs is of"} +{"text": "(\u00ae) 100 and Granulac(\u00ae) 200 and two types of microcrystalline cellulose: M101D+ and Vivapur(\u00ae) 102", "synonym_substitution": "( \u00ae) 100 and Granulac (\u00ae) 200 and two types of microcrystalline cellulose: M101D+ and Vivapur (\u00ae) 102", "butter_fingers": "(\u00ae) 100 ajd Granulac(\u00ae) 200 and two typts of microcrystalline cxlluloss: M101D+ and Vivapur(\u00ae) 102", "random_deletion": "(\u00ae) 100 and Granulac(\u00ae) 200 and two microcrystalline M101D+ and 102", "change_char_case": "(\u00ae) 100 and Granulac(\u00ae) 200 and two types of mIcrocrystaLline CelLulOsE: M101D+ aNd ViVapur(\u00ae) 102", "whitespace_perturbation": "(\u00ae) 100 and Granulac(\u00ae) 20 0 and twotypes of mi cr ocry stal line cellulose : M10 1D+ and Vivapur(\u00ae) 102 ", "underscore_trick": "(\u00ae) 100_and Granulac(\u00ae)_200 and two types_of microcrystalline_cellulose:_M101D+ and_Vivapur(\u00ae)_102"} +{"text": " is proposed. Prevalence and comorbidity of allergic eczema, rhinitis, and asthma in a city in western Turkey.\nAllergic diseases co-", "synonym_substitution": "is proposed. Prevalence and comorbidity of allergic eczema, rhinitis, and asthma in a city in western Turkey. \n Allergic diseases co-", "butter_fingers": " is proposed. Prevalence and comorbidity of allergmc eczeja, rhinigis, and asthma in a city in xestwrn Tyrkey.\nAllergic diseases co-", "random_deletion": "is proposed. Prevalence and comorbidity of allergic and in a in western Turkey.", "change_char_case": " is proposed. Prevalence and coMorbidity oF alleRgiC ecZeMa, rhInitIs, and asthma in a CIty iN western Turkey.\nAllergic DiseaSeS Co-", "whitespace_perturbation": " is proposed. Prevalence a nd comorbi dityofall er gicecze ma, rhinitis,a nd a sthma in a city in wes ternTu r key. Al lergi c disea s es c o-", "underscore_trick": " is_proposed. Prevalence_and comorbidity of allergic_eczema, rhinitis,_and_asthma in_a_city in western_Turkey.\nAllergic diseases co-"} +{"text": " used to analyze cell viability and flow cytometry was used to determine the level of apoptosis in each treatment group. The results revealed that nanoparticles have no significant cytotoxicity at concentrations", "synonym_substitution": "used to analyze cell viability and flow cytometry was used to settle the degree of apoptosis in each treatment group. The results revealed that nanoparticles own no significant cytotoxicity at concentrations", "butter_fingers": " usfd to analyze cell viabiuity and flow citimetry was uaed to ddtermine the level of apoptodiw in tcch treatment group. Ghe resulns revealwd tiat nanoparticles have no signjnicanc rytotoxicity at concentradions", "random_deletion": "used to analyze cell viability and flow used determine the of apoptosis in revealed nanoparticles have no cytotoxicity at concentrations", "change_char_case": " used to analyze cell viabilitY and flow cyTometRy wAs uSeD to dEterMine the level of APoptOsis in each treatment groUp. The ReSUlts REvEaled That nanOPaRTIclEs HaVe nO sIGnIficaNt cYtotoxiCity at concEntRaTions", "whitespace_perturbation": " used to analyze cell viab ility andflowcyt ome tr y wa s us ed to determin e the level of apoptosis in each t r eatm e nt grou p. Ther es u l tsre ve ale dt ha t nan opa rticles have no s ign if icant cytoto x ic ity at con cen trations", "underscore_trick": " used_to analyze_cell viability and flow_cytometry was_used_to determine_the_level of apoptosis_in each treatment_group. The results revealed_that nanoparticles have_no_significant cytotoxicity at concentrations"} +{"text": ".\nSera of 58 patients of various types of leprosy were tested for total fat, phospholipids, cholesterol and alpha and beta lipoproteins. Total", "synonym_substitution": ". \n Sera of 58 patients of various types of leprosy were tested for entire adipose tissue, phospholipids, cholesterol and alpha and beta lipoproteins. Total", "butter_fingers": ".\nSerw of 58 patients of variour types of leprosy werx testes for togal fat, phospholipids, cholesveroo and alpha and beta lipopruteins. Tonal", "random_deletion": ". Sera of 58 patients of various leprosy tested for fat, phospholipids, cholesterol Total", "change_char_case": ".\nSera of 58 patients of various tyPes of leproSy werE teSteD fOr toTal fAt, phospholipidS, CholEsterol and alpha and beta LipopRoTEins. tOtAl", "whitespace_perturbation": ".\nSera of 58 patients of v arious typ es of le pro sy wer e te sted for total fat, phospholipids, choles terol a n d al p ha andbeta li p op r o tei ns .Tot al ", "underscore_trick": ".\nSera of_58 patients_of various types of_leprosy were_tested_for total_fat,_phospholipids, cholesterol and_alpha and beta_lipoproteins. Total"} +{"text": " Consensus Document. Section IV: Treatment Options for the Management of Atopic Dermatitis.\nThe objectives of therapy for atopic dermatitis (AD)", "synonym_substitution": "Consensus Document. Section IV: Treatment Options for the Management of Atopic Dermatitis. \n The objectives of therapy for atopic dermatitis (AD )", "butter_fingers": " Cojsensus Document. Section IV: Treatment Oktuons fmr the Managemdnt of Atopic Dermatitis.\nThe lbhectices of therapy for atooic dermanitis (AD)", "random_deletion": "Consensus Document. Section IV: Treatment Options for of Dermatitis. The of therapy for", "change_char_case": " Consensus Document. Section Iv: Treatment optioNs fOr tHe manaGemeNt of Atopic DermATitiS.\nThe objectives of therapY for aToPIc deRMaTitis (aD)", "whitespace_perturbation": " Consensus Document. Secti on IV: Tre atmen t O pti on s fo r th e Management o f Ato pic Dermatitis.\nThe ob jecti ve s oft he rapyfor ato p ic d erm at it is(A D )", "underscore_trick": " Consensus_Document. Section_IV: Treatment Options for_the Management_of_Atopic Dermatitis.\nThe_objectives_of therapy for_atopic dermatitis (AD)"} +{"text": "-DPPE, Py-DPPC, and Py-DPPG). Serum cell-free DNA in renal cell carcinoma: a diagnostic and prognostic marker", "synonym_substitution": "-DPPE, Py - DPPC, and Py - DPPG). Serum cell - free DNA in renal cellular telephone carcinoma: a diagnostic and predictive marker", "butter_fingers": "-DPPF, Py-DPPC, and Py-DPPG). Seruo cell-free DNA nb renan cell carcinooa: a diagnostic and prognostmc mqrker", "random_deletion": "-DPPE, Py-DPPC, and Py-DPPG). Serum cell-free DNA cell a diagnostic prognostic marker", "change_char_case": "-DPPE, Py-DPPC, and Py-DPPG). Serum cEll-free DNA In renAl cEll CaRcinOma: a Diagnostic and pROgnoStic marker", "whitespace_perturbation": "-DPPE, Py-DPPC, and Py-DPP G). Serumcell- fre e D NA inrena l cell carcino m a: a diagnostic and progno sticma r ker", "underscore_trick": "-DPPE, Py-DPPC,_and Py-DPPG)._Serum cell-free DNA in_renal cell_carcinoma:_a diagnostic_and_prognostic marker"} +{"text": " two negative clusters in loop regions on the top of the sandwich, suggesting that KP-TerD may bind metal ions. Indeed, thermal denaturation experiments monitored by", "synonym_substitution": "two negative clusters in loop regions on the circus tent of the sandwich, suggest that KP - TerD may bind metal ions. Indeed, thermal denaturation experiment monitored by", "butter_fingers": " twl negative clusters in luop regions on jhw top mf the sandwicf, suggesting that KP-TerD may bund mtnal ions. Indeed, thermxl denatugation experinwnts monitored by", "random_deletion": "two negative clusters in loop regions on of sandwich, suggesting KP-TerD may bind experiments by", "change_char_case": " two negative clusters in loop Regions on tHe top Of tHe sAnDwicH, sugGesting that KP-TERD maY bind metal ions. Indeed, thErmal DeNAturATiOn expErimentS MoNITorEd By", "whitespace_perturbation": " two negative clusters inloop regio ns on th e t op ofthesandwich, sugg e stin g that KP-TerD may bin d met al ions . I ndeed , therm a ld e nat ur at ion e x pe rimen tsmonitor ed by", "underscore_trick": " two_negative clusters_in loop regions on_the top_of_the sandwich,_suggesting_that KP-TerD may_bind metal ions._Indeed, thermal denaturation experiments_monitored by"} +{"text": " (ELISA) system for the presence of antibodies to MPB83, a serodominant antigen whose expression is high in M. bovis, but", "synonym_substitution": "(ELISA) system for the presence of antibodies to MPB83, a serodominant antigen whose expression is eminent in M. bovis, but", "butter_fingers": " (ELLSA) system for the presekce of antibodies to MPU83, a serkdominang antigen whose expression id yigh un M. bovis, but", "random_deletion": "(ELISA) system for the presence of antibodies a antigen whose is high in", "change_char_case": " (ELISA) system for the presence Of antibodiEs to MpB83, a SerOdOminAnt aNtigen whose expREssiOn is high in M. bovis, but", "whitespace_perturbation": " (ELISA) system for the pr esence ofantib odi esto MPB 83,a serodominant anti gen whose expression i s hig hi n M. bo vis,but", "underscore_trick": " (ELISA)_system for_the presence of antibodies_to MPB83,_a_serodominant antigen_whose_expression is high_in M. bovis,_but"} +{"text": " is the world's largest plastic producer and has been a focus of research on microplastic pollution. An increasing number of studies have documented plastics in the sediment, water", "synonym_substitution": "is the world's largest plastic producer and has been a stress of inquiry on microplastic contamination. An increasing numeral of study have documented plastics in the sediment, body of water", "butter_fingers": " is the world's largest plasuic producer and kqs beei a fochs of rerearch on microplastic polluvion. An ibcreasing number of stjdies havv documenred klastics in the sxsiment, water", "random_deletion": "is the world's largest plastic producer and a of research microplastic pollution. An documented in the sediment,", "change_char_case": " is the world's largest plastic Producer anD has bEen A foCuS of rEseaRch on microplasTIc poLlution. An increasing numBer of StUDies HAvE docuMented pLAsTICs iN tHe SedImENt, Water", "whitespace_perturbation": " is the world's largest pl astic prod ucerand ha sbeen a f ocus of resear c h on microplastic pollutio n. An i n crea s in g num ber ofs tu d i esha ve do cu m en ted p las tics in the sedim ent ,water", "underscore_trick": " is_the world's_largest plastic producer and_has been_a_focus of_research_on microplastic pollution._An increasing number_of studies have documented_plastics in the_sediment,_water"} +{"text": " the distractor location when oculomotor capture occurred. Facilitation was observed at a location relating to the remapping of a future saccade landing", "synonym_substitution": "the distractor location when oculomotor capture occurred. Facilitation was observed at a location relate to the remapping of a future jerk landing", "butter_fingers": " thf distractor location whtn oculomotor capjuee occnrred. Fzcilitatkon was observed at a locatiln relaupng to the remapping uf a futuge saccadw laiding", "random_deletion": "the distractor location when oculomotor capture occurred. observed a location to the remapping", "change_char_case": " the distractor location when Oculomotor CaptuRe oCcuRrEd. FaCiliTation was obserVEd at A location relating to the RemapPiNG of a FUtUre saCcade laNDiNG", "whitespace_perturbation": " the distractor location w hen oculom otorcap tur eoccu rred . Facilitation wasobserved at a location rela ti n g to th e rem appingo fa fut ur esac ca d elandi ng", "underscore_trick": " the_distractor location_when oculomotor capture occurred._Facilitation was_observed_at a_location_relating to the_remapping of a_future saccade landing"} +{"text": "blasts, whereas immature elements were rarely positive. Moreover, 2 stage IVS cases did not contain any TH immunoreactivity. The possible significance of this finding in the", "synonym_substitution": "blasts, whereas immature elements were rarely positive. furthermore, 2 stagecoach IVS cases did not contain any TH immunoreactivity. The potential significance of this determination in the", "butter_fingers": "bladts, whereas immature eleoents were rarely posivive. Modeover, 2 rtage IVS cases did not contein qny TY immunoreactivity. The possible signifixanct of this finding in the", "random_deletion": "blasts, whereas immature elements were rarely positive. stage cases did contain any TH this in the", "change_char_case": "blasts, whereas immature elemEnts were raRely pOsiTivE. MOreoVer, 2 sTage IVS cases diD Not cOntain any TH immunoreactIvity. thE PossIBlE signIficancE Of THIs fInDiNg iN tHE", "whitespace_perturbation": "blasts, whereas immature e lements we re ra rel y p os itiv e. M oreover, 2 sta g e IV S cases did not contai n any T H imm u no react ivity.T he p oss ib le si gn i fi cance of this f inding inthe ", "underscore_trick": "blasts, whereas_immature elements_were rarely positive. Moreover,_2 stage_IVS_cases did_not_contain any TH_immunoreactivity. The possible_significance of this finding_in the"} +{"text": "triglyceridemia, age, low-high density lipoprotein cholesterol and family history were identified as major risk factors for the development of hypertension in Heilongjiang province", "synonym_substitution": "triglyceridemia, age, low - high density lipoprotein cholesterol and syndicate history were identify as major risk factors for the development of high blood pressure in Heilongjiang province", "butter_fingers": "trihlyceridemia, age, low-high density lipoprotein ciolestedol and wamily history were identifixd aw majir risk factors for thd developlent of yypectension in Heilongjiang provihge", "random_deletion": "triglyceridemia, age, low-high density lipoprotein cholesterol and were as major factors for the province", "change_char_case": "triglyceridemia, age, low-high Density lipOprotEin ChoLeSterOl anD family history WEre iDentified as major risk faCtors FoR The dEVeLopmeNt of hypERtENSioN iN HEilOnGJiAng prOviNce", "whitespace_perturbation": "triglyceridemia, age, low- high densi ty li pop rot ei n ch oles terol and fami l y hi story were identifiedas ma jo r ris k f actor s for t h ed e vel op me ntof hy perte nsi on in H eilongjian g p ro vince", "underscore_trick": "triglyceridemia, age,_low-high density_lipoprotein cholesterol and family_history were_identified_as major_risk_factors for the_development of hypertension_in Heilongjiang province"} +{"text": " treatment. Milestones in bringing evidenced-based, scientifically proven, patent-protected, clinically tested, safe compounds to patients with NAFLD or NASH within a", "synonym_substitution": "treatment. Milestones in bringing evidenced - free-base, scientifically prove, patent - protected, clinically quiz, dependable compounds to patients with NAFLD or NASH within a", "butter_fingers": " trfatment. Milestones in brlnging evidenced-yqsed, srientifjcally pfoven, patent-protected, clinicelly testtb, safe compounds to oatients aith NAFOD oc NASH within a", "random_deletion": "treatment. Milestones in bringing evidenced-based, scientifically proven, tested, compounds to with NAFLD or", "change_char_case": " treatment. Milestones in brinGing evidenCed-baSed, SciEnTifiCallY proven, patent-pROtecTed, clinically tested, safE compOuNDs to PAtIents With NAFld oR naSH WiThIn a", "whitespace_perturbation": " treatment. Milestones inbringing e viden ced -ba se d, s cien tifically prov e n, p atent-protected, clini cally t e sted , s afe c ompound s t o pat ie nt s w it h N AFLDorNASH wi thin a", "underscore_trick": " treatment._Milestones in_bringing evidenced-based, scientifically proven,_patent-protected, clinically_tested,_safe compounds_to_patients with NAFLD_or NASH within_a"} +{"text": " color development by 5%. The measurement of glucose, xylose, arabinose, and cellobiose at the 3.7-12.4 mM range", "synonym_substitution": "color development by 5% . The measurement of glucose, xylose, arabinose, and cellobiose at the 3.7 - 12.4 mM range", "butter_fingers": " copor development by 5%. The oeasurement of youcose, xyloss, arabinuse, and cellobiose at the 3.7-12.4 mL eange", "random_deletion": "color development by 5%. The measurement of arabinose, cellobiose at 3.7-12.4 mM range", "change_char_case": " color development by 5%. The measUrement of gLucosE, xyLosE, aRabiNose, And cellobiose aT The 3.7-12.4 mm range", "whitespace_perturbation": " color development by 5%.The measur ement of gl uc ose, xyl ose, arabinose , and cellobiose at the 3.7 -12.4 m M ran g e", "underscore_trick": " color_development by_5%. The measurement of_glucose, xylose,_arabinose,_and cellobiose_at_the 3.7-12.4 mM_range"} +{"text": " manager creates the kind of network that will help uncover and capitalize on new opportunities for the company. The ability to move to this level of networking turns out to", "synonym_substitution": "manager creates the kind of network that will help uncover and capitalize on newfangled opportunity for the company. The ability to move to this degree of networking change state out to", "butter_fingers": " majager creates the kind on network that wnol hel' uncovsr and cxpitalize on new opportunitixs fir tht company. The abiligy to movv to this levtl of networking vhrns oub to", "random_deletion": "manager creates the kind of network that uncover capitalize on opportunities for the to level of networking out to", "change_char_case": " manager creates the kind of neTwork that wIll heLp uNcoVeR and CapiTalize on new oppORtunIties for the company. The aBilitY tO Move TO tHis leVel of neTWoRKIng TuRnS ouT tO", "whitespace_perturbation": " manager creates the kindof network that wi llhe lp u ncov er and capital i ze o n new opportunities fo r the c o mpan y .The a bilityt om o veto t his l e ve l ofnet working turns out to ", "underscore_trick": " manager_creates the_kind of network that_will help_uncover_and capitalize_on_new opportunities for_the company. The_ability to move to_this level of_networking_turns out to"} +{"text": " relationships between blood pressure and calorie-adjusted intakes of fats, carbohydrates, sodium, potassium, calcium, or magnesium. Discrete roles of intracellular phospholipases A", "synonym_substitution": "relationships between blood pressure and calorie - adjusted inhalation of fatness, carbohydrates, sodium, potassium, calcium, or magnesium. Discrete roles of intracellular phospholipases A", "butter_fingers": " repationships between blooa pressure and eqlorie-edjustes intaker of fats, carbohydrates, sodinm, pitassuum, calcium, or magnesijm. Discrene roles if iitracellular phospholipases A", "random_deletion": "relationships between blood pressure and calorie-adjusted intakes carbohydrates, potassium, calcium, magnesium. Discrete roles", "change_char_case": " relationships between blood Pressure anD caloRie-AdjUsTed iNtakEs of fats, carbohYDratEs, sodium, potassium, calciUm, or mAgNEsiuM. diScretE roles oF InTRAceLlUlAr pHoSPhOlipaSes a", "whitespace_perturbation": " relationships between blo od pressur e and ca lor ie -adj uste d intakes of f a ts,carbohydrates, sodium, pota ss i um,c al cium, or mag n es i u m.Di sc ret er ol es of in tracell ular phosp hol ip ases A", "underscore_trick": " relationships_between blood_pressure and calorie-adjusted intakes_of fats,_carbohydrates,_sodium, potassium,_calcium,_or magnesium. Discrete_roles of intracellular_phospholipases A"} +{"text": "hene in Controlled Atmospheres: From Superhydrophilic to Superhydrophobic Surfaces.\nThe modification of graphene-based materials is an important", "synonym_substitution": "hene in Controlled Atmospheres: From Superhydrophilic to Superhydrophobic Surfaces. \n The modification of graphene - based materials is an important", "butter_fingers": "henf in Controlled Atmospheves: From Superhybeophilmc to Shperhydruphobic Surfaces.\nThe modificavion of geaphene-based materials is an imiortant", "random_deletion": "hene in Controlled Atmospheres: From Superhydrophilic to The of graphene-based is an important", "change_char_case": "hene in Controlled AtmospherEs: From SupeRhydrOphIliC tO SupErhyDrophobic SurfaCEs.\nThE modification of graphenE-baseD mATeriALs Is an iMportanT", "whitespace_perturbation": "hene in Controlled Atmosph eres: From Supe rhy dro ph ilic toSuperhydrophob i c Su rfaces.\nThe modificati on of g r aphe n e- based materi a ls i s a nim por ta n t", "underscore_trick": "hene in_Controlled Atmospheres:_From Superhydrophilic to Superhydrophobic_Surfaces.\nThe modification_of_graphene-based materials_is_an important"} +{"text": " and opiates will reimbursed by the NHS, like all other drugs. In addition, the technical papers provide precise indications of the appropriate modality of administration. The", "synonym_substitution": "and opiates will reimbursed by the NHS, like all other drugs. In accession, the technical composition provide precise indications of the appropriate mood of administration. The", "butter_fingers": " anf opiates will reimbursea by the NHS, like all mther srugs. In addition, the technical papecs peovidt precise indicatiovs of the appropruate nodality oh administratikk. The", "random_deletion": "and opiates will reimbursed by the NHS, other In addition, technical papers provide modality administration. The", "change_char_case": " and opiates will reimbursed bY the NHS, likE all oTheR drUgS. In aDditIon, the technicaL PapeRs provide precise indicaTions Of THe apPRoPriatE modaliTY oF ADmiNiStRatIoN. thE", "whitespace_perturbation": " and opiates will reimburs ed by theNHS,lik e a ll oth er d rugs. In addit i on,the technical papers p rovid ep reci s eindic ationso ft h e a pp ro pri at e m odali tyof admi nistration . T he ", "underscore_trick": " and_opiates will_reimbursed by the NHS,_like all_other_drugs. In_addition,_the technical papers_provide precise indications_of the appropriate modality_of administration. The"} +{"text": " their upper left molars. There are two phases of tooth displacement just after unloading: instantaneous recovery, and the subsequent slow recovery. If the maximum tooth displaced", "synonym_substitution": "their upper left molars. There are two phases of tooth translation barely after unloading: instantaneous recovery, and the subsequent slow convalescence. If the maximum tooth displaced", "butter_fingers": " thfir upper left molars. Thtre are two phases of tomth diaplacemevt just after unloading: instentabeous recovery, and the subsdquent sllw recovwry. Mf the maximum tooth disijaces", "random_deletion": "their upper left molars. There are two tooth just after instantaneous recovery, and the tooth displaced", "change_char_case": " their upper left molars. There Are two phasEs of tOotH diSpLaceMent Just after unloaDIng: iNstantaneous recovery, anD the sUbSEqueNT sLow reCovery. IF ThE MAxiMuM tOotH dISpLaced", "whitespace_perturbation": " their upper left molars.There aretwo p has esof too th d isplacement ju s t af ter unloading: instant aneou sr ecov e ry , and the su b se q u ent s lo w r ec o ve ry. I f t he maxi mum toothdis pl aced", "underscore_trick": " their_upper left_molars. There are two_phases of_tooth_displacement just_after_unloading: instantaneous recovery,_and the subsequent_slow recovery. If the_maximum tooth displaced"} +{"text": "bral hemorrhage from a metastatic brain tumor. Importance of differential diagnosis preceding stereotaxic hematoma aspiration.\nThree cases of sudden intracerebral hemorrhage", "synonym_substitution": "bral hemorrhage from a metastatic brain tumor. Importance of differential diagnosis preceding stereotaxic hematoma aspiration. \n Three case of sudden intracerebral bleeding", "butter_fingers": "brap hemorrhage from a metartatic brain tumor. Impmrtancs of difwerential diagnosis precedinj stwreotqxic hematoma aspiratiun.\nThree cwses of wuddtn intracerebral ismorrhanz", "random_deletion": "bral hemorrhage from a metastatic brain tumor. differential preceding stereotaxic aspiration. Three cases", "change_char_case": "bral hemorrhage from a metastAtic brain tUmor. IMpoRtaNcE of dIffeRential diagnosIS preCeding stereotaxic hematOma asPiRAtioN.\nthRee caSes of suDDeN INtrAcErEbrAl HEmOrrhaGe", "whitespace_perturbation": "bral hemorrhage from a met astatic br ain t umo r.Im port ance of differenti a l di agnosis preceding ster eotax ic hema t om a asp iration . \nT h r eeca se s o fs ud den i ntr acerebr al hemorrh age ", "underscore_trick": "bral hemorrhage_from a_metastatic brain tumor. Importance_of differential_diagnosis_preceding stereotaxic_hematoma_aspiration.\nThree cases of_sudden intracerebral hemorrhage"} +{"text": "CSF, as well as factors secreted from the cells, are retained in the cell compartment for up to 1 week. This new miniaturized hollow-fiber", "synonym_substitution": "CSF, as well as factors secreted from the cells, are retain in the cellular telephone compartment for up to 1 week. This new miniaturized empty - fiber", "butter_fingers": "CSF, as well as factors secrtted from the cells, are cetaines in the cell compartment for up to 1 wwek. Tyis new miniaturized hullow-fibeg", "random_deletion": "CSF, as well as factors secreted from are in the compartment for up miniaturized", "change_char_case": "CSF, as well as factors secreteD from the ceLls, arE reTaiNeD in tHe ceLl compartment fOR up tO 1 week. This new miniaturizEd holLoW-FibeR", "whitespace_perturbation": "CSF, as well as factors se creted fro m the ce lls ,arereta ined in the ce l l co mpartment for up to 1week. T h is n e wminia turized ho l l ow- fi be r", "underscore_trick": "CSF, as_well as_factors secreted from the_cells, are_retained_in the_cell_compartment for up_to 1 week._This new miniaturized hollow-fiber"} +{"text": " to the cholinergic innervation of the cerebellar cortex, in particular the vermal cortex. Tegmento-cerebellar projecting neurons were identified by injecting", "synonym_substitution": "to the cholinergic innervation of the cerebellar cortex, in particular the vermal cortex. Tegmento - cerebellar projecting nerve cell were identify by injecting", "butter_fingers": " to the cholinergic innervauion of the cerebgloar coctex, in particuuar the vermal cortex. Tegmenvo-ceeebeloar projecting neurons were idejtified vy iijecting", "random_deletion": "to the cholinergic innervation of the cerebellar particular vermal cortex. projecting neurons were", "change_char_case": " to the cholinergic innervatiOn of the cerEbellAr cOrtEx, In paRticUlar the vermal cORtex. tegmento-cerebellar projEctinG nEUronS WeRe ideNtified BY iNJEctInG", "whitespace_perturbation": " to the cholinergic innerv ation of t he ce reb ell ar cor tex, in particular thevermal cortex. Tegment o-cer eb e llar pr oject ing neu r on s wer eid ent if i ed by i nje cting", "underscore_trick": " to_the cholinergic_innervation of the cerebellar_cortex, in_particular_the vermal_cortex._Tegmento-cerebellar projecting neurons_were identified by_injecting"} +{"text": " rats].\nTo investigate the role of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and its tissue inhibitor (TIMP-1) in the", "synonym_substitution": "rats ]. \n To investigate the role of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and its tissue inhibitor (TIMP-1) in the", "butter_fingers": " rahs].\nTo investigate the rolt of matrix metalloprotemnase-9 (MJP-9) and igs tissue inhibitor (TIMP-1) in vhe", "random_deletion": "rats]. To investigate the role of matrix and tissue inhibitor in the", "change_char_case": " rats].\nTo investigate the role oF matrix metAllopRotEinAsE-9 (MMP-9) And iTs tissue inhibiTOr (TImP-1) in the", "whitespace_perturbation": " rats].\nTo investigate the role of m atrix me tal lo prot eina se-9 (MMP-9) a n d it s tissue inhibitor (TI MP-1) i n the ", "underscore_trick": " rats].\nTo_investigate the_role of matrix metalloproteinase-9_(MMP-9) and_its_tissue inhibitor_(TIMP-1)_in the"} +{"text": " < 70 mg/dL) and standard doses of statins, with a clinical follow-up of more than 12 months and stroke as clinical endpoint. TNT", "synonym_substitution": "< 70 mg / dL) and standard doses of statins, with a clinical follow - up of more than 12 months and stroke as clinical end point. TNT", "butter_fingers": " < 70 lg/dL) and standard doses uf statins, with a clinmcal fomlow-up ow more than 12 months and strone as coinical endpoint. TNT", "random_deletion": "< 70 mg/dL) and standard doses of a follow-up of than 12 months TNT", "change_char_case": " < 70 mg/dL) and standard doses of staTins, with a cLinicAl fOllOw-Up of More Than 12 months and sTRoke As clinical endpoint. TNT", "whitespace_perturbation": " < 70 mg/dL) and standarddoses of s tatin s,wit ha cl inic al follow-up o f mor e than 12 months and s troke a s cli n ic al en dpoint. TN T ", "underscore_trick": " <_70 mg/dL)_and standard doses of_statins, with_a_clinical follow-up_of_more than 12_months and stroke_as clinical endpoint. TNT"} +{"text": "ia were similar, thus suggesting that CPM with limb elevation may be an effective method by which to reduce hand edema for this patient population. Information technology in the", "synonym_substitution": "ia were similar, thus suggesting that CPM with limb aggrandizement may be an effective method acting by which to reduce hand edema for this patient population. data technology in the", "butter_fingers": "ia aere similar, thus suggesuing that CPM witk limb xlevatikn may bd an effective method by whirh ti redyce hand edema for thir patient populatuon. Mnformation techiklogy ik the", "random_deletion": "ia were similar, thus suggesting that CPM elevation be an method by which this population. Information technology the", "change_char_case": "ia were similar, thus suggestiNg that CPM wIth liMb eLevAtIon mAy be An effective metHOd by Which to reduce hand edema For thIs PAtieNT pOpulaTion. InfORmATIon TeChNolOgY In The", "whitespace_perturbation": "ia were similar, thus sugg esting tha t CPM wi thli mb e leva tion may be an effe ctive method by whichto re du c e ha n dedema for th i sp a tie nt p opu la t io n. In for mationtechnology in t he", "underscore_trick": "ia were_similar, thus_suggesting that CPM with_limb elevation_may_be an_effective_method by which_to reduce hand_edema for this patient_population. Information technology_in_the"} +{"text": "point sampling method has been applied to determine psychometric functions for absolute thresholds as a function of duration, thresholds in simultaneous and forward masking, frequency discrimination, and intensity", "synonym_substitution": "point sampling method has been applied to settle psychometric function for absolute thresholds as a function of duration, thresholds in coincident and forward masking, frequency discrimination, and intensity", "butter_fingers": "poijt sampling method has bten applied to dejeemine 'sychomstric fuvctions for absolute threshopdw as q function of duration, thresholfs in sinulteneous and forwacs maskiky, fresmency viscrimination, snd intenshty", "random_deletion": "point sampling method has been applied to functions absolute thresholds a function of forward frequency discrimination, and", "change_char_case": "point sampling method has beeN applied to DeterMinE psYcHomeTric Functions for abSOlutE thresholds as a function Of durAtIOn, thREsHolds In simulTAnEOUs aNd FoRwaRd MAsKing, fReqUency diScriminatiOn, aNd Intensity", "whitespace_perturbation": "point sampling method hasbeen appli ed to de ter mi ne p sych ometric functi o ns f or absolute thresholds as a f u ncti o nof du ration, th r e sho ld sinsi m ul taneo usand for ward maski ng, f requency dis c ri mination,and intensity", "underscore_trick": "point sampling_method has_been applied to determine_psychometric functions_for_absolute thresholds_as_a function of_duration, thresholds in_simultaneous and forward masking,_frequency discrimination, and_intensity"} +{"text": " a synthetic analogue of cytidine that is a potent inhibitor of cytidine deaminase, has been recently identified as a general inhibitor of DNA methylation. This inhibition", "synonym_substitution": "a synthetic analogue of cytidine that is a potent inhibitor of cytidine deaminase, has been recently identified as a cosmopolitan inhibitor of deoxyribonucleic acid methylation. This prohibition", "butter_fingers": " a dynthetic analogue of cyuidine that is a korent iihibitod of cytkdine deaminase, has been recxntlt idebtified as a general ivhibitor lf DNA mwthyoqtion. This inhibitljn", "random_deletion": "a synthetic analogue of cytidine that is inhibitor cytidine deaminase, been recently identified DNA This inhibition", "change_char_case": " a synthetic analogue of cytidIne that is a PotenT inHibItOr of CytiDine deaminase, hAS beeN recently identified as a GenerAl INhibIToR of DNa methylATiON. thiS iNhIbiTiON", "whitespace_perturbation": " a synthetic analogue of c ytidine th at is apot en t in hibi tor of cytidin e dea minase, has been recen tly i de n tifi e das ageneral in h i bit or o f D NA me thyla tio n. This inhibitio n", "underscore_trick": " a_synthetic analogue_of cytidine that is_a potent_inhibitor_of cytidine_deaminase,_has been recently_identified as a_general inhibitor of DNA_methylation. This inhibition"} +{"text": " The following variables were utilized from the DXA scans: BMD in the femoral neck, greater trochanter and in Ward's triangle. A manual ruler in the", "synonym_substitution": "The following variables were utilized from the DXA scans: BMD in the femoral neck, great trochanter and in Ward's triangulum. A manual ruler in the", "butter_fingers": " Thf following variables weve utilized from the DXE scans: BMD in ghe femoral neck, greater trorhanrer abd in Ward's triangle. A manual rller in tye", "random_deletion": "The following variables were utilized from the BMD the femoral greater trochanter and ruler the", "change_char_case": " The following variables were Utilized frOm the dXA ScaNs: bMD iN the Femoral neck, greATer tRochanter and in Ward's triAngle. a mANual RUlEr in tHe", "whitespace_perturbation": " The following variables w ere utiliz ed fr omthe D XA s cans : BMD in the f e mora l neck, greater trocha nteran d inW ar d's t riangle . A m anu al r ule ri nthe", "underscore_trick": " The_following variables_were utilized from the_DXA scans:_BMD_in the_femoral_neck, greater trochanter_and in Ward's_triangle. A manual ruler_in the"} +{"text": " to establish in the typical form and if the patient is seen early, the emergence of possible additional cognitive or psycho-behavioural disorders can lead to a mis", "synonym_substitution": "to establish in the typical form and if the patient is see early on, the emergence of possible extra cognitive or psycho - behavioral disorders can lead to a mile", "butter_fingers": " to establish in the typicau form and if tkw patixnt is aeen earuy, the emergence of possible aeditiinal cognitive or psycfo-behaviolral disoederw can lead vk a mis", "random_deletion": "to establish in the typical form and patient seen early, emergence of possible can to a mis", "change_char_case": " to establish in the typical foRm and if the PatieNt iS seEn EarlY, the Emergence of posSIble Additional cognitive or pSycho-BeHAvioURaL disoRders caN LeAD To a MiS", "whitespace_perturbation": " to establish in the typic al form an d ifthe pa ti entis s een early, the emer gence of possible addi tiona lc ogni t iv e orpsycho- b eh a v iou ra ldis or d er s can le ad to a mis", "underscore_trick": " to_establish in_the typical form and_if the_patient_is seen_early,_the emergence of_possible additional cognitive_or psycho-behavioural disorders can_lead to a_mis"} +{"text": ", and these were often multiple. Of patients with small-bowel disease, 19% were first thought to be suffering from a psychiatric disorder. Protein Z circul", "synonym_substitution": ", and these were often multiple. Of patients with small - bowel disease, 19% were foremost think to be suffering from a psychiatric disorder. Protein Z circul", "butter_fingers": ", anf these were often multikle. Of patients wnrh smanl-bowem diseasd, 19% were first thought to be dudferibg from a psychiatric aisorder. Irotein Z cirrul", "random_deletion": ", and these were often multiple. Of small-bowel 19% were thought to be Protein circul", "change_char_case": ", and these were often multiple. of patients With sMalL-boWeL disEase, 19% Were first thougHT to bE suffering from a psychiaTric dIsORder. pRoTein Z Circul", "whitespace_perturbation": ", and these were often mul tiple. Ofpatie nts wi th sma ll-b owel disease,1 9% w ere first thought to b e suf fe r ingf ro m a p sychiat r ic d iso rd er . P ro t ei n Z c irc ul", "underscore_trick": ", and_these were_often multiple. Of patients_with small-bowel_disease,_19% were_first_thought to be_suffering from a_psychiatric disorder. Protein Z_circul"} +{"text": ". However, their analysis presents a special challenge largely due to their highly hydrophobic nature. We present a surfactant-aided shotgun proteomics approach for membrane proteome", "synonym_substitution": ". However, their analysis presents a special challenge largely due to their highly hydrophobic nature. We present a wetting agent - help shotgun proteomics approach for membrane proteome", "butter_fingers": ". Hoaever, their analysis prerents a special challeige larfely due to their highly hydrophobic nqture. We present a surfactavt-aided sjotgun peoteinics approedh for membrahc proceime", "random_deletion": ". However, their analysis presents a special due their highly nature. We present for proteome", "change_char_case": ". However, their analysis preseNts a speciaL chalLenGe lArGely Due tO their highly hyDRophObic nature. We present a suRfactAnT-AideD ShOtgun ProteomICs APProAcH fOr mEmBRaNe proTeoMe", "whitespace_perturbation": ". However, their analysispresents a spec ial ch al leng e la rgely due to t h eirhighly hydrophobic nat ure.We pres e nt a su rfactan t -a i d edsh ot gun p r ot eomic s a pproach for membr ane p roteome", "underscore_trick": ". However,_their analysis_presents a special challenge_largely due_to_their highly_hydrophobic_nature. We present_a surfactant-aided shotgun_proteomics approach for membrane_proteome"} +{"text": "ane.\nInactivation of isocitrate lyase (native and EDTA-dialysed) by excess tetranitromethane (TNM", "synonym_substitution": "ane. \n Inactivation of isocitrate lyase (native and EDTA - dialysed) by excess tetranitromethane (TNM", "butter_fingers": "ane.\nLnactivation of isocitraue lyase (native aue EDTA-vialyses) by excdss tetranitromethane (TNM", "random_deletion": "ane. Inactivation of isocitrate lyase (native and excess (TNM", "change_char_case": "ane.\nInactivation of isocitraTe lyase (natIve anD EDtA-dIaLyseD) by eXcess tetranitrOMethAne (TNM", "whitespace_perturbation": "ane.\nInactivation of isoci trate lyas e (na tiv e a nd EDT A-di alysed) by exc e ss t etranitromethane (TNM", "underscore_trick": "ane.\nInactivation of_isocitrate lyase_(native and EDTA-dialysed) by_excess tetranitromethane_(TNM"} +{"text": "ecium E1, had a strong bactericidal activity on susceptible cells of Listeria monocytogenes. Electronmicroscopic observation of thin sections of L", "synonym_substitution": "ecium E1, had a strong bactericidal activity on susceptible cells of Listeria monocytogenes. Electronmicroscopic notice of flimsy sections of L", "butter_fingers": "ecikm E1, had a strong bacterlcidal activity on suscxptible cells ow Listeria monocytogenes. Elertrobmicriscopic observation of thin secnions of O", "random_deletion": "ecium E1, had a strong bactericidal activity cells Listeria monocytogenes. observation of thin", "change_char_case": "ecium E1, had a strong bactericiDal activitY on suScePtiBlE celLs of listeria monocyTOgenEs. Electronmicroscopic oBservAtIOn of THiN sectIons of L", "whitespace_perturbation": "ecium E1, had a strong bac tericidalactiv ity on s usce ptib le cells of Li s teri a monocytogenes. Elect ronmi cr o scop i cobser vationo ft h inse ct ion so fL", "underscore_trick": "ecium E1,_had a_strong bactericidal activity on_susceptible cells_of_Listeria monocytogenes._Electronmicroscopic_observation of thin_sections of L"} +{"text": " in Europe for intravenous treatment of fat embolism, has recently gained interest for reducing localized fat by subcutaneous injection. However, there is a dearth of clinical data", "synonym_substitution": "in Europe for intravenous treatment of fat embolism, has recently gained interest for dilute localize fat by subcutaneous injection. However, there is a dearth of clinical datum", "butter_fingers": " in Europe for intravenous ureatment of fat gmvolism, has rscently eained interest for reducing licalievd fat by subcutaneour injectiln. Howevwr, tiere is a dearth of clinleal dzba", "random_deletion": "in Europe for intravenous treatment of fat recently interest for localized fat by a of clinical data", "change_char_case": " in Europe for intravenous treAtment of faT emboLisM, haS rEcenTly gAined interest fOR redUcing localized fat by subCutanEoUS injECtIon. HoWever, thERe IS A deArTh Of cLiNIcAl datA", "whitespace_perturbation": " in Europe for intravenous treatment of f atemb ol ism, has recently gain e d in terest for reducing lo caliz ed fatb ysubcu taneous in j e cti on .How ev e r, ther e i s a dea rth of cli nic al data", "underscore_trick": " in_Europe for_intravenous treatment of fat_embolism, has_recently_gained interest_for_reducing localized fat_by subcutaneous injection._However, there is a_dearth of clinical_data"} +{"text": "6 was positively related to GI symptoms but was a non-significant predictor of pain threshold in the multiple regression analysis. Similar to findings in patients with functional GI symptoms", "synonym_substitution": "6 was positively related to GI symptoms but was a non - significant predictor of annoyance brink in the multiple regression analysis. exchangeable to finding in patients with functional gilbert symptoms", "butter_fingers": "6 wad positively related to NI symptoms but cqs a nmn-signjficant oredictor of pain threshold mn tye muotiple regression analhsis. Simipar to fundiigs in patients xjth fungcionam GI vbmptoms", "random_deletion": "6 was positively related to GI symptoms a predictor of threshold in the findings patients with functional symptoms", "change_char_case": "6 was positively related to GI sYmptoms but Was a nOn-sIgnIfIcanT preDictor of pain thREshoLd in the multiple regressIon anAlYSis. SIMiLar to FindingS In PATieNtS wIth FuNCtIonal gI sYmptoms", "whitespace_perturbation": "6 was positively related t o GI sympt oms b utwas a non -sig nificant predi c torof pain threshold in t he mu lt i pler eg ressi on anal y si s . Si mi la r t of in dings in patien ts with fu nct io nal GI sympt o ms ", "underscore_trick": "6 was_positively related_to GI symptoms but_was a_non-significant_predictor of_pain_threshold in the_multiple regression analysis._Similar to findings in_patients with functional_GI_symptoms"} +{"text": " melatonin (2.5 or 5 mg/kg, ip) significantly attenuated hyperalgesia, cold allodynia and oxidative damage in sciatic nerves", "synonym_substitution": "melatonin (2.5 or 5 mg / kg, ip) significantly attenuated hyperalgesia, cold allodynia and oxidative damage in sciatic nerves", "butter_fingers": " mepatonin (2.5 or 5 mg/kg, ip) sigkificantly attenoared hy'eralgeaia, cold allodynia and oxidative damege un scuatic nerves", "random_deletion": "melatonin (2.5 or 5 mg/kg, ip) significantly cold and oxidative in sciatic nerves", "change_char_case": " melatonin (2.5 or 5 mg/kg, ip) significAntly attenUated HypEraLgEsia, Cold Allodynia and oxIDatiVe damage in sciatic nerveS", "whitespace_perturbation": " melatonin (2.5 or 5 mg/kg , ip) sign ifica ntl y a tt enua tedhyperalgesia,c oldallodynia and oxidativ e dam ag e ins ci aticnerves", "underscore_trick": " melatonin_(2.5 or_5 mg/kg, ip) significantly_attenuated hyperalgesia,_cold_allodynia and_oxidative_damage in sciatic_nerves"} +{"text": " cells. This finding was demonstrated by three antioxidants (N-acetyl-l-cysteine, nitro-l-arginine methyl ester, and pyrrolidine", "synonym_substitution": "cells. This finding was demonstrated by three antioxidants (N - acetyl - lambert - cysteine, nitro - lambert - arginine methyl ester, and pyrrolidine", "butter_fingers": " cepls. This finding was demunstrated by thtew antimxidanfs (N-acethl-l-cysteine, nitro-l-arginine mxthyo esttg, and pyrrolidine", "random_deletion": "cells. This finding was demonstrated by three nitro-l-arginine ester, and", "change_char_case": " cells. This finding was demonsTrated by thRee anTioXidAnTs (N-aCetyL-l-cysteine, nitrO-L-argInine methyl ester, and pyrRolidInE", "whitespace_perturbation": " cells. This finding was d emonstrate d bythr eean tiox idan ts (N-acetyl-l - cyst eine, nitro-l-arginine meth yl este r ,and p yrrolid i ne ", "underscore_trick": " cells._This finding_was demonstrated by three_antioxidants (N-acetyl-l-cysteine,_nitro-l-arginine_methyl ester,_and_pyrrolidine"} +{"text": " are not a necessary condition for the implementation of Listing's law in saccades. Our results are compatible with the notion that the implementation of Listing's", "synonym_substitution": "are not a necessary condition for the implementation of Listing's law in saccades. Our result are compatible with the impression that the implementation of Listing's", "butter_fingers": " arf not a necessary conditlon for the implgmwntatimn of Misting's law in saccades. Our results aee conpatible with the notiun that tje implenentetion of Listing's", "random_deletion": "are not a necessary condition for the Listing's in saccades. results are compatible implementation Listing's", "change_char_case": " are not a necessary condition For the implEmentAtiOn oF LIstiNg's lAw in saccades. OuR ResuLts are compatible with thE notiOn THat tHE iMplemEntatioN Of lIStiNg'S", "whitespace_perturbation": " are not a necessary condi tion for t he im ple men ta tion ofListing's lawi n sa ccades. Our results ar e com pa t ible wi th th e notio n t h a t t he i mpl em e nt ation of Listin g's", "underscore_trick": " are_not a_necessary condition for the_implementation of_Listing's_law in_saccades._Our results are_compatible with the_notion that the implementation_of Listing's"} +{"text": ": a report of the North American Pediatric Renal Transplant Cooperative Study.\nThe North American Pediatric Renal Transplant Cooperative Study (NAPRT", "synonym_substitution": ": a report of the North American Pediatric Renal Transplant Cooperative Study. \n The North American Pediatric Renal Transplant Cooperative Study (NAPRT", "butter_fingers": ": a geport of the North Amerlcan Pediatric Rgnql Traisplant Cooperagive Study.\nThe North American Pwdiateic Renal Transplant Cuoperativv Study (NQPRT", "random_deletion": ": a report of the North American Transplant Study. The American Pediatric Renal", "change_char_case": ": a report of the North American pediatric REnal TRanSplAnT CooPeraTive Study.\nThe NoRTh AmErican Pediatric Renal TrAnsplAnT coopERaTive STudy (NAPrt", "whitespace_perturbation": ": a report of the North Am erican Ped iatri c R ena lTran spla nt Cooperative Stud y.\nThe North AmericanPedia tr i c Re n al Tran splantC oo p e rat iv eStu dy (N APRT", "underscore_trick": ": a_report of_the North American Pediatric_Renal Transplant_Cooperative_Study.\nThe North_American_Pediatric Renal Transplant_Cooperative Study (NAPRT"} +{"text": " and on the mid-forehead, as a close control skin site. As compared with the younger group, the scalp of older women significantly showed a decreased TE", "synonym_substitution": "and on the mid - forehead, as a close control skin web site. As compare with the younger group, the scalp of older charwoman importantly showed a decreased TE", "butter_fingers": " anf on the mid-forehead, as x close control skin smte. As dompared with the younger group, the dcqlp od older women significxntly shoaed a dexreawwd TE", "random_deletion": "and on the mid-forehead, as a close site. compared with younger group, the showed decreased TE", "change_char_case": " and on the mid-forehead, as a cloSe control sKin siTe. AS coMpAred With The younger grouP, The sCalp of older women signifIcantLy SHoweD A dEcreaSed TE", "whitespace_perturbation": " and on the mid-forehead,as a close cont rol sk in sit e. A s compared wit h the younger group, the sc alp o fo lder wo men s ignific a nt l y sh ow ed ade c re asedTE", "underscore_trick": " and_on the_mid-forehead, as a close_control skin_site._As compared_with_the younger group,_the scalp of_older women significantly showed_a decreased TE"} +{"text": " and vascular and urological complications were compared between the two groups. Patient and graft survival rates were compared between the two groups in the first and third post-operative", "synonym_substitution": "and vascular and urological complications were compared between the two groups. Patient and bribery survival pace were compared between the two groups in the inaugural and third post - running", "butter_fingers": " anf vascular and urologicau complications were cmmpares betweev the two groups. Patient and geaft wurvival rates were coopared benween the two troups in vge firsb and bhird 'ost-operative", "random_deletion": "and vascular and urological complications were compared two Patient and survival rates were in first and third", "change_char_case": " and vascular and urological cOmplicatioNs werE coMpaReD betWeen The two groups. PaTIent And graft survival rates wEre coMpARed bETwEen thE two groUPs IN The FiRsT anD tHIrD post-OpeRative", "whitespace_perturbation": " and vascular and urologic al complic ation s w ere c ompa redbetween the tw o gro ups. Patient and graft surv iv a l ra t es were compar e db e twe en t hetw o g roups in the fi rst and th ird p ost-operativ e ", "underscore_trick": " and_vascular and_urological complications were compared_between the_two_groups. Patient_and_graft survival rates_were compared between_the two groups in_the first and_third_post-operative"} +{"text": "-adrenoceptor subtype selectivity cause venoconstriction in vivo, but alpha 2-receptor mediated constriction is intrinsically weaker. Clonidine acts as a", "synonym_substitution": "-adrenoceptor subtype selectivity cause venoconstriction in vivo, but alpha 2 - receptor mediated constriction is intrinsically weaker. Clonidine act as a", "butter_fingers": "-adrfnoceptor subtype selectlvity cause venoeinstrirtion ih vivo, bjt alpha 2-receptor mediated clnwtricupon is intrinsically deaker. Cllnidine qcts qs a", "random_deletion": "-adrenoceptor subtype selectivity cause venoconstriction in vivo, 2-receptor constriction is weaker. Clonidine acts", "change_char_case": "-adrenoceptor subtype selectIvity cause VenocOnsTriCtIon iN vivO, but alpha 2-recepTOr meDiated constriction is inTrinsIcALly wEAkEr. CloNidine aCTs AS A", "whitespace_perturbation": "-adrenoceptor subtype sele ctivity ca use v eno con st rict ionin vivo, but a l pha2-receptor mediated co nstri ct i on i s i ntrin sically we a k er. C lo nid in e a cts a s a ", "underscore_trick": "-adrenoceptor subtype_selectivity cause_venoconstriction in vivo, but_alpha 2-receptor_mediated_constriction is_intrinsically_weaker. Clonidine acts_as a"} +{"text": ". Clinical pharmacology of flumazenil.\n(1) Flumazenil is a highly specific benzodiazepine (BZ)", "synonym_substitution": ". Clinical pharmacology of flumazenil. \n (1) Flumazenil is a highly specific benzodiazepine (BZ )", "butter_fingers": ". Cllnical pharmacology of fuumazenil.\n(1) Flumaeebil is a higgly speckfic benzodiazepine (BZ)", "random_deletion": ". Clinical pharmacology of flumazenil. (1) Flumazenil highly benzodiazepine (BZ)", "change_char_case": ". Clinical pharmacology of fluMazenil.\n(1) FluMazenIl iS a hIgHly sPeciFic benzodiazepINe (BZ)", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Clinical pharmacology of flumazeni l.\n(1 ) F lum az enil isa highly speci f ic b enzodiazepine (BZ)", "underscore_trick": ". Clinical_pharmacology of_flumazenil.\n(1) Flumazenil is a_highly specific_benzodiazepine_(BZ)"} +{"text": " abstraction templates for extraction by reviewers. PRISMA was used to guide reporting of systematic review and meta-analysis and STARD 2015 for reporting diagnostic accuracy study.", "synonym_substitution": "abstraction templates for extraction by reviewers. PRISMA was use to steer reporting of systematic review and meta - psychoanalysis and STARD 2015 for reporting diagnostic accuracy study.", "butter_fingers": " abdtraction templates for txtraction by revnwwers. 'RISMA sas used to guide reporting of systelaric rtniew and meta-analysis and STARF 2015 for rwporuing diagnostic arduracy study.", "random_deletion": "abstraction templates for extraction by reviewers. PRISMA to reporting of review and meta-analysis diagnostic study.", "change_char_case": " abstraction templates for exTraction by RevieWerS. PRiSmA waS useD to guide reportINg of Systematic review and metA-analYsIS and stArD 2015 for ReportiNG dIAGnoStIc AccUrACy Study.", "whitespace_perturbation": " abstraction templates for extractio n byrev iew er s. P RISM A was used tog uide reporting of systemat ic re vi e w an d m eta-a nalysis an d STA RD 2 015 f o rrepor tin g diagn ostic accu rac ystudy.", "underscore_trick": " abstraction_templates for_extraction by reviewers. PRISMA_was used_to_guide reporting_of_systematic review and_meta-analysis and STARD_2015 for reporting diagnostic_accuracy study."} +{"text": " cancer cell lines, LNCap after treated with different doses of curcumin. pGL3-PSA luciferase expression vector, containing 640 bp DNA of PSA", "synonym_substitution": "cancer cell lines, LNCap after treated with different venereal disease of curcumin. pGL3 - PSA luciferase formula vector, containing 640 bp DNA of PSA", "butter_fingers": " cajcer cell lines, LNCap afuer treated with buffereit dosea of curzumin. pGL3-PSA luciferase exprxssiin vextor, containing 640 bp DNX of PSA", "random_deletion": "cancer cell lines, LNCap after treated with of pGL3-PSA luciferase vector, containing 640", "change_char_case": " cancer cell lines, LNCap after Treated witH diffEreNt dOsEs of CurcUmin. pGL3-PSA luciFErasE expression vector, contaIning 640 Bp dnA of psA", "whitespace_perturbation": " cancer cell lines, LNCapafter trea ted w ith di ff eren t do ses of curcumi n . pG L3-PSA luciferase expr essio nv ecto r ,conta ining 6 4 0b p DN Aof PS A", "underscore_trick": " cancer_cell lines,_LNCap after treated with_different doses_of_curcumin. pGL3-PSA_luciferase_expression vector, containing_640 bp DNA_of PSA"} +{"text": " the same characteristics. Additionally, we analyzed the influence of fiber parameters on the temperature dynamics. Chronotherapy in Nigerian hypertensives.\nHypertension continues to", "synonym_substitution": "the same characteristics. Additionally, we analyzed the influence of fiber argument on the temperature moral force. Chronotherapy in Nigerian hypertensives. \n Hypertension continues to", "butter_fingers": " thf same characteristics. Aaditionally, we cbalyzev the ihfluence of fiber parameters on the vempwratuee dynamics. Chronotherxpy in Niherian htperuensives.\nHypertensmkn contluues fl", "random_deletion": "the same characteristics. Additionally, we analyzed the fiber on the dynamics. Chronotherapy in", "change_char_case": " the same characteristics. AddItionally, wE analYzeD thE iNfluEnce Of fiber parametERs on The temperature dynamics. chronOtHErapY In nigerIan hypeRTeNSIveS.\nHYpErtEnSIoN contInuEs to", "whitespace_perturbation": " the same characteristics. Additiona lly,weana ly zedtheinfluence of f i berparameters on the temp eratu re dyna m ic s. Ch ronothe r ap y inNi ge ria nh yp erten siv es.\nHyp ertensioncon ti nues to", "underscore_trick": " the_same characteristics._Additionally, we analyzed the_influence of_fiber_parameters on_the_temperature dynamics. Chronotherapy_in Nigerian hypertensives.\nHypertension_continues to"} +{"text": ", and the posterior starting point in 3.8 degrees +/- 2.6 degrees of flexion compared with the calculated femoral axis by the computer navigation system. When comparing", "synonym_substitution": ", and the posterior starting point in 3.8 degrees + /- 2.6 academic degree of flexure compared with the calculated femoral axis by the calculator navigation system. When comparing", "butter_fingers": ", anf the posterior starting point in 3.8 degrgew +/- 2.6 dejrees or flexiov compared with the calculatxd fwmorao axis by the computer navigatiln systen. Whtn comparing", "random_deletion": ", and the posterior starting point in +/- degrees of compared with the computer system. When comparing", "change_char_case": ", and the posterior starting poInt in 3.8 degreEs +/- 2.6 degReeS of FlExioN comPared with the caLCulaTed femoral axis by the comPuter NaVIgatIOn SysteM. When coMPaRINg", "whitespace_perturbation": ", and the posterior starti ng point i n 3.8 de gre es +/- 2.6 degrees of fl e xion compared with the cal culat ed femo r al axis by the co m p ute rna vig at i on syst em. When c omparing", "underscore_trick": ", and_the posterior_starting point in 3.8_degrees +/-_2.6_degrees of_flexion_compared with the_calculated femoral axis_by the computer navigation_system. When comparing"} +{"text": " for long-term use in patients with or at risk for recurrent vulvovaginal candidosis. Light- and electron microscopic characteristics of the vegetative centers", "synonym_substitution": "for long - term use in patients with or at hazard for perennial vulvovaginal candidosis. Light- and electron microscopic characteristic of the vegetative center", "butter_fingers": " fog long-term use in patienus with or at risk for rxcurrenf vulvovxginal candidosis. Light- and xlecrron nicroscopic characterirtics of nhe vegetqtivt centers", "random_deletion": "for long-term use in patients with or for vulvovaginal candidosis. and electron microscopic", "change_char_case": " for long-term use in patients wIth or at risK for rEcuRreNt VulvOvagInal candidosis. lIght- And electron microscopic CharaCtERistICs Of the VegetatIVe CENteRs", "whitespace_perturbation": " for long-term use in pati ents withor at ri skfo r re curr ent vulvovagin a l ca ndidosis. Light- and e lectr on micr o sc opiccharact e ri s t ics o fthe v e ge tativ e c enters", "underscore_trick": " for_long-term use_in patients with or_at risk_for_recurrent vulvovaginal_candidosis._Light- and electron_microscopic characteristics of_the vegetative centers"} +{"text": " 12 months. At each visit, participants completed Greene climacteric questionnaires and recorded any bleeding episodes. Data are presented as mean +/- standard deviation if normally distributed,", "synonym_substitution": "12 months. At each visit, participants completed Greene menopause questionnaire and commemorate any bleeding episodes. datum are presented as mean + /- standard deviation if normally circulate,", "butter_fingers": " 12 mlnths. At each visit, partlcipants completgd Greenx climadteric qjestionnaires and recorded aiy boeedibg episodes. Data are pfesented ws mean +/- staidard deviation mr normally diabribucev,", "random_deletion": "12 months. At each visit, participants completed questionnaires recorded any episodes. Data are deviation normally distributed,", "change_char_case": " 12 months. At each visit, participAnts compleTed GrEenE clImActeRic qUestionnaires aND recOrded any bleeding episodEs. DatA aRE preSEnTed as Mean +/- staNDaRD DevIaTiOn iF nORmAlly dIstRibuted,", "whitespace_perturbation": " 12 months. At each visit, participa nts c omp let ed Gre eneclimacteric qu e stio nnaires and recorded a ny bl ee d inge pi sodes . Dataa re p res en te d a sm ea n +/- st andarddeviationifno rmally distr i bu ted,", "underscore_trick": " 12_months. At_each visit, participants completed_Greene climacteric_questionnaires_and recorded_any_bleeding episodes. Data_are presented as_mean +/- standard deviation_if normally distributed,"} +{"text": " component was significantly higher in the fixed PCL group than in the TEA group (-3.4 \u00b1 3.3\u00b0 and -0.61 \u00b1 1", "synonym_substitution": "component was significantly higher in the fixed PCL group than in the TEA group (-3.4 \u00b1 3.3 \u00b0 and -0.61 \u00b1 1", "butter_fingers": " colponent was significantln higher in the yuxed PRL groul than iv the TEA group (-3.4 \u00b1 3.3\u00b0 and -0.61 \u00b1 1", "random_deletion": "component was significantly higher in the fixed than the TEA (-3.4 \u00b1 3.3\u00b0", "change_char_case": " component was significantly Higher in thE fixeD PCl grOuP thaN in tHe TEA group (-3.4 \u00b1 3.3\u00b0 and -0.61 \u00b1 1", "whitespace_perturbation": " component was significant ly higherin th e f ixe dPCLgrou p than in theT EA g roup (-3.4 \u00b1 3.3\u00b0 and-0.61 \u00b1 1", "underscore_trick": " component_was significantly_higher in the fixed_PCL group_than_in the_TEA_group (-3.4 \u00b1_3.3\u00b0 and -0.61_\u00b1 1"} +{"text": "mpanometric examination offers the possibility of detection of several initial stages of nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and combined with nasopharyngoscopy proves to be a very useful", "synonym_substitution": "mpanometric examination offers the possibility of detection of respective initial stage of nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and combined with nasopharyngoscopy proves to be a very utilitarian", "butter_fingers": "mpajometric examination offtrs the possibilijy of devection of sevefal initial stages of nasopherynteal xarcinoma, and combined with naslpharyngiscoky proves to be a very uscyul", "random_deletion": "mpanometric examination offers the possibility of detection initial of nasopharyngeal and combined with very", "change_char_case": "mpanometric examination offErs the possIbiliTy oF deTeCtioN of sEveral initial sTAges Of nasopharyngeal carcinOma, anD cOMbinED wIth naSopharyNGoSCOpy PrOvEs tO bE A vEry usEfuL", "whitespace_perturbation": "mpanometric examination of fers the p ossib ili tyof det ecti on of severali niti al stages of nasophary ngeal c a rcin o ma , and combin e dw i thna so pha ry n go scopy pr oves to be a very us ef ul", "underscore_trick": "mpanometric examination_offers the_possibility of detection of_several initial_stages_of nasopharyngeal_carcinoma,_and combined with_nasopharyngoscopy proves to_be a very useful"} +{"text": " good agreement between the 2 imaging devices for evaluation of global LV (93%) and RV function (99%), regional wall motion (90%), dimensions of the LV (", "synonym_substitution": "good agreement between the 2 imaging devices for evaluation of global LV (93 %) and RV affair (99 %), regional wall apparent motion (90 %), dimensions of the LV (", "butter_fingers": " gold agreement between the 2 imaging devicgs for etaluatikn of glubal LV (93%) and RV function (99%), rejionql waol motion (90%), dimensions uf the LV (", "random_deletion": "good agreement between the 2 imaging devices of LV (93%) RV function (99%), of LV (", "change_char_case": " good agreement between the 2 imAging devicEs for EvaLuaTiOn of GlobAl LV (93%) and RV functIOn (99%), reGional wall motion (90%), dimensIons oF tHE LV (", "whitespace_perturbation": " good agreement between th e 2 imagin g dev ice s f or eva luat ion of globalL V (9 3%) and RV function (9 9%),re g iona l w all m otion ( 9 0% ) , di me ns ion so fthe L V ( ", "underscore_trick": " good_agreement between_the 2 imaging devices_for evaluation_of_global LV_(93%)_and RV function_(99%), regional wall_motion (90%), dimensions of_the LV ("} +{"text": " resistance to a bacterial infection. When immune challenged, gammarids fed with carotenoids did not pay an additional survival cost because of autoreactivity, despite their", "synonym_substitution": "resistance to a bacterial infection. When immune challenged, gammarids fed with carotenoid did not yield an additional survival cost because of autoreactivity, despite their", "butter_fingers": " redistance to a bacterial lnfection. When immune ciallengsd, gammafids fed with carotenoids div nor pay an additional survivau cost bebause of qutoceactivity, despivs their", "random_deletion": "resistance to a bacterial infection. When immune fed carotenoids did pay an additional despite", "change_char_case": " resistance to a bacterial infEction. When ImmunE chAllEnGed, gAmmaRids fed with carOTenoIds did not pay an additionAl surViVAl coST bEcausE of autoREaCTIviTy, DeSpiTe THeIr", "whitespace_perturbation": " resistance to a bacterial infection . Whe n i mmu ne cha llen ged, gammarids fedwith carotenoids did n ot pa ya n ad d it ional surviv a lc o stbe ca use o f a utore act ivity,despite th eir ", "underscore_trick": " resistance_to a_bacterial infection. When immune_challenged, gammarids_fed_with carotenoids_did_not pay an_additional survival cost_because of autoreactivity, despite_their"} +{"text": " (relative risk, 2.1; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.1 to 4.0), but not with delivery between 33 and 36 weeks (relative", "synonym_substitution": "(relative risk, 2.1; 95 percent confidence time interval, 1.1 to 4.0), but not with rescue between 33 and 36 weeks (relative", "butter_fingers": " (repative risk, 2.1; 95 percent cokfidence interval, 1.1 to 4.0), uut not with deuivery between 33 and 36 weeks (rxlatuve", "random_deletion": "(relative risk, 2.1; 95 percent confidence interval, 4.0), not with between 33 and", "change_char_case": " (relative risk, 2.1; 95 percent confidEnce intervAl, 1.1 to 4.0), bUt nOt wItH delIverY between 33 and 36 weeKS (relAtive", "whitespace_perturbation": " (relative risk, 2.1; 95 p ercent con fiden ceint er val, 1.1 to 4.0), butn ot w ith delivery between 3 3 and 3 6 wee k s(rela tive", "underscore_trick": " (relative_risk, 2.1;_95 percent confidence interval,_1.1 to_4.0),_but not_with_delivery between 33_and 36 weeks_(relative"} +{"text": " cortical and capsular arterial filling results: this striking phenomenon is highly suggestive of inflammation, and extremely rare in tumours. Three types of inflammatory vascularity are described,", "synonym_substitution": "cortical and capsular arterial filling results: this striking phenomenon is highly suggestive of excitement, and highly rare in tumours. Three types of incendiary vascularity are described,", "butter_fingers": " cogtical and capsular artevial filling resolrs: thiv striiing phevomenon is highly suggestive od infoammation, and extremelh rare in tumours. Thrte types of inflammatory ycsculzvity crx described,", "random_deletion": "cortical and capsular arterial filling results: this is suggestive of and extremely rare inflammatory are described,", "change_char_case": " cortical and capsular arteriAl filling rEsultS: thIs sTrIkinG pheNomenon is highlY SuggEstive of inflammation, anD extrEmELy raRE iN tumoUrs. ThreE TyPES of InFlAmmAtORy VascuLarIty are dEscribed,", "whitespace_perturbation": " cortical and capsular art erial fill ing r esu lts :this str iking phenomen o n is highly suggestive ofinfla mm a tion , a nd ex tremely ra r e in t um our s. Th ree t ype s of in flammatory va sc ularity ared es cribed,", "underscore_trick": " cortical_and capsular_arterial filling results: this_striking phenomenon_is_highly suggestive_of_inflammation, and extremely_rare in tumours._Three types of inflammatory_vascularity are described,"} +{"text": " 5-year disease-free survival, and overall survival rates were calculated. The same-basin regional node recurrence rates were similar for the three groups (open", "synonym_substitution": "5 - year disease - free survival, and overall survival rates were calculated. The like - river basin regional node recurrence rates were similar for the three group (afford", "butter_fingers": " 5-yewr disease-free survival, xnd overall surruval retes wede calcuuated. The same-basin regional nide rtburrence rates were skmilar fog the thrwe gcoups (open", "random_deletion": "5-year disease-free survival, and overall survival rates The regional node rates were similar", "change_char_case": " 5-year disease-free survival, anD overall suRvivaL raTes WeRe caLculAted. The same-basIN regIonal node recurrence ratEs werE sIMilaR FoR the tHree groUPs (OPEn", "whitespace_perturbation": " 5-year disease-free survi val, and o veral l s urv iv al r ates were calculat e d. T he same-basin regional node r e curr e nc e rat es were si m i lar f or th et hr ee gr oup s (open ", "underscore_trick": " 5-year_disease-free survival,_and overall survival rates_were calculated._The_same-basin regional_node_recurrence rates were_similar for the_three groups (open"} +{"text": " C-X-C motif chemokine 13 (CXCL13), macrophage receptor with collagenous structure (MARCO) and glutathione synthetase (GSS)", "synonym_substitution": "C - X - C motif chemokine 13 (CXCL13), macrophage receptor with collagenous social organization (MARCO) and glutathione synthetase (GSS )", "butter_fingers": " C-X-F motif chemokine 13 (CXCL13), oacrophage recektir witi collafenous sgructure (MARCO) and glutathioie stntheucse (GSS)", "random_deletion": "C-X-C motif chemokine 13 (CXCL13), macrophage receptor structure and glutathione (GSS)", "change_char_case": " C-X-C motif chemokine 13 (CXCL13), macrOphage recePtor wIth ColLaGenoUs stRucture (MARCO) anD GlutAthione synthetase (GSS)", "whitespace_perturbation": " C-X-C motif chemokine 13(CXCL13),macro pha gere cept or w ith collagenou s str ucture (MARCO) and glu tathi on e syn t he tase(GSS)", "underscore_trick": " C-X-C_motif chemokine_13 (CXCL13), macrophage receptor_with collagenous_structure_(MARCO) and_glutathione_synthetase (GSS)"} +{"text": " renal failure should be performed if a donor is available. Inhibiting Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase Ameliorates \u03b1-Synuclein Cytotoxicity", "synonym_substitution": "renal failure should be performed if a donor is available. Inhibiting Stearoyl - CoA Desaturase Ameliorates \u03b1 - Synuclein Cytotoxicity", "butter_fingers": " rejal failure should be pevformed if a donor is atailabls. Inhibiging Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase Emeluorattf \u03b1-Synuclein Cytotobicity", "random_deletion": "renal failure should be performed if a available. Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase \u03b1-Synuclein Cytotoxicity", "change_char_case": " renal failure should be perfoRmed if a donOr is aVaiLabLe. inhiBitiNg Stearoyl-CoA DESatuRase Ameliorates \u03b1-SynuclEin CyToTOxicITy", "whitespace_perturbation": " renal failure should be p erformed i f a d ono r i savai labl e. InhibitingS tear oyl-CoA Desaturase Ame liora te s \u03b1-S y nu clein Cytoto x ic i t y", "underscore_trick": " renal_failure should_be performed if a_donor is_available._Inhibiting Stearoyl-CoA_Desaturase_Ameliorates \u03b1-Synuclein Cytotoxicity"} +{"text": " ochraceus to the gaseous phase of malt yeast glucose peptone (MYGP) plates inoculated with P. anomala, P. kluyveri", "synonym_substitution": "ochraceus to the gaseous phase of malt yeast glucose peptone (MYGP) plates inoculated with P. anomala, P. kluyveri", "butter_fingers": " ocjraceus to the gaseous pmase of malt yeast glucmse peltone (MYEP) plates inoculated with P. enomqla, P. kluyveri", "random_deletion": "ochraceus to the gaseous phase of malt peptone plates inoculated P. anomala, P.", "change_char_case": " ochraceus to the gaseous phasE of malt yeaSt gluCosE pePtOne (MyGP) pLates inoculateD With p. anomala, P. kluyveri", "whitespace_perturbation": " ochraceus to the gaseousphase of m alt y eas t g lu cose pep tone (MYGP) pl a tesinoculated with P. ano mala, P . klu y ve ri", "underscore_trick": " ochraceus_to the_gaseous phase of malt_yeast glucose_peptone_(MYGP) plates_inoculated_with P. anomala,_P. kluyveri"} +{"text": " transplant, and a cyclosporin A (CsA) dose of < 5 mg/kg/day. Our analysis found that one acute rejection episode increases the", "synonym_substitution": "transplant, and a cyclosporin A (CsA) dose of < 5 mg / kg / day. Our analysis find oneself that one acuate rejection episode increases the", "butter_fingers": " trwnsplant, and a cyclosporln A (CsA) dose of < 5 mg/kg/vay. Our analysir found that one acute rejecvion episide increases the", "random_deletion": "transplant, and a cyclosporin A (CsA) dose 5 Our analysis that one acute", "change_char_case": " transplant, and a cyclosporin a (CsA) dose of < 5 Mg/kg/dAy. OUr aNaLysiS fouNd that one acute REjecTion episode increases thE", "whitespace_perturbation": " transplant, and a cyclosp orin A (Cs A) do seof<5 mg /kg/ day. Our analy s is f ound that one acute re jecti on epis o de incr eases t h e", "underscore_trick": " transplant,_and a_cyclosporin A (CsA) dose_of <_5_mg/kg/day. Our_analysis_found that one_acute rejection episode_increases the"} +{"text": " asthma exacerbations. The objective of our study is to estimate the contributors to the hospital/emergency department (ED) visits among adults with asthma focusing on the", "synonym_substitution": "asthma exacerbations. The objective of our study is to estimate the subscriber to the hospital / hand brake department (ED) visits among adults with asthma concenter on the", "butter_fingers": " ashhma exacerbations. The onjective of our study iv to eatimate ghe contributors to the hospmtal/wmergtucy department (ED) virits amonh adults witi asthma focusinj on the", "random_deletion": "asthma exacerbations. The objective of our study estimate contributors to hospital/emergency department (ED) focusing the", "change_char_case": " asthma exacerbations. The objEctive of ouR studY is To eStImatE the Contributors to THe hoSpital/emergency departmEnt (ED) ViSIts aMOnG adulTs with aSThMA FocUsInG on ThE", "whitespace_perturbation": " asthma exacerbations. The objective of o urstu dy isto e stimate the co n trib utors to the hospital/ emerg en c y de p ar tment (ED) v i si t s am on gadu lt s w ith a sth ma focu sing on th e", "underscore_trick": " asthma_exacerbations. The_objective of our study_is to_estimate_the contributors_to_the hospital/emergency department_(ED) visits among_adults with asthma focusing_on the"} +{"text": " consequent transcriptional activation of specific target genes. Mutations in beta-catenin or other Wnt pathway components, which result in beta-catenin accumulation, are found in a", "synonym_substitution": "consequent transcriptional activation of specific target genes. mutation in beta - catenin or early Wnt pathway components, which leave in beta - catenin accumulation, are discover in a", "butter_fingers": " cojsequent transcriptional activation of specifir targef genes. Outations in beta-catenin or ltyer Wbt pathway components, dhich resllt in bera-cauenin accumulatioi, are fomud in w", "random_deletion": "consequent transcriptional activation of specific target genes. beta-catenin other Wnt components, which result in", "change_char_case": " consequent transcriptional Activation Of speCifIc tArGet gEnes. mutations in betA-CateNin or other Wnt pathway coMponeNtS, WhicH ReSult iN beta-caTEnIN AccUmUlAtiOn, ARe Found In a", "whitespace_perturbation": " consequent transcriptiona l activati on of sp eci fi c ta rget genes. Mutati o ns i n beta-catenin or othe r Wnt p a thwa y c ompon ents, w h ic h res ul tinbe t a- caten inaccumul ation, are fo un d in a", "underscore_trick": " consequent_transcriptional activation_of specific target genes._Mutations in_beta-catenin_or other_Wnt_pathway components, which_result in beta-catenin_accumulation, are found in_a"} +{"text": " of former contamination sources, such as more preserved coal tar. Quantum efficiency of silicon photodiodes in the near-infrared spectral range.\nThe quantum efficiency", "synonym_substitution": "of former contamination sources, such as more preserved coal pitch. Quantum efficiency of silicon photodiodes in the about - infrared spectral range. \n The quantum efficiency", "butter_fingers": " of former contamination somrces, such as mote presecved cozl tar. Qjantum efficiency of silicon pyotoduodes in the near-infrafed spectgal range.\nRhe wyantum effmdiency", "random_deletion": "of former contamination sources, such as more tar. efficiency of photodiodes in the efficiency", "change_char_case": " of former contamination sourCes, such as mOre prEseRveD cOal tAr. QuAntum efficiencY Of siLicon photodiodes in the nEar-inFrARed sPEcTral rAnge.\nThe QUaNTUm eFfIcIenCy", "whitespace_perturbation": " of former contamination s ources, su ch as mo repr eser vedcoal tar. Quan t um e fficiency of silicon p hotod io d es i n t he ne ar-infr a re d spe ct ra l r an g e. \nThequa ntum ef ficiency", "underscore_trick": " of_former contamination_sources, such as more_preserved coal_tar._Quantum efficiency_of_silicon photodiodes in_the near-infrared spectral_range.\nThe quantum efficiency"} +{"text": " opposite was true in surface waters and suspended solids. These seasonal variations might be attributed to temperature and stream flows. High levels of OP, NP and BPA were", "synonym_substitution": "opposite was true in surface waters and suspend solid. These seasonal variations might be attributed to temperature and stream flow. High levels of OP, NP and BPA were", "butter_fingers": " opoosite was true in surfage waters and suspended solida. These reasonal variations might be artribyted to temperature ana stream vlows. Hith ltvels of OP, NP anv BPA wevz", "random_deletion": "opposite was true in surface waters and These variations might attributed to temperature of NP and BPA", "change_char_case": " opposite was true in surface wAters and suSpendEd sOliDs. thesE seaSonal variationS MighT be attributed to temperaTure aNd STreaM FlOws. HiGh levelS Of op, nP aNd bPa weRe", "whitespace_perturbation": " opposite was true in surf ace waters andsus pen de d so lids . These season a l va riations might be attr ibute dt o te m pe ratur e and s t re a m fl ow s. Hi gh le velsofOP, NPand BPA we re", "underscore_trick": " opposite_was true_in surface waters and_suspended solids._These_seasonal variations_might_be attributed to_temperature and stream_flows. High levels of_OP, NP and_BPA_were"} +{"text": " RCP from July 1997 to March 2013. Perioperative risk factors were analyzed as predictors of neurologic injury and mortality. Survival for the type of arch reconstruction", "synonym_substitution": "RCP from July 1997 to March 2013. Perioperative risk factors were analyzed as predictors of neurological wound and deathrate. Survival for the type of arch reconstruction", "butter_fingers": " RCO from July 1997 to March 2013. Ptrioperative risk factorv were analyzea as predictors of neurologir inhury qnd mortality. Survival for the nype of aech ceconstruction", "random_deletion": "RCP from July 1997 to March 2013. factors analyzed as of neurologic injury type arch reconstruction", "change_char_case": " RCP from July 1997 to March 2013. PeriopeRative risk FactoRs wEre AnAlyzEd as Predictors of neURoloGic injury and mortality. SUrvivAl FOr thE TyPe of aRch recoNStRUCtiOn", "whitespace_perturbation": " RCP from July 1997 to Mar ch 2013. P eriop era tiv erisk fac tors were anal y zedas predictors of neuro logic i n jury an d mor tality. Su r v iva lfo r t he ty pe of ar ch reco nstruction ", "underscore_trick": " RCP_from July_1997 to March 2013._Perioperative risk_factors_were analyzed_as_predictors of neurologic_injury and mortality._Survival for the type_of arch reconstruction"} +{"text": " in mammals. We have experienced one patient who suffered from severe hypothermia. The patient seemed to be excessively producing endogenous peptidergic cryogenic substances the molecular", "synonym_substitution": "in mammals. We have experienced one patient who suffered from dangerous hypothermia. The affected role seemed to be excessively producing endogenous peptidergic cryogenic meaning the molecular", "butter_fingers": " in mammals. We have experiekced one patient who suhfered rrom sevdre hypothermia. The patient dewmed uj be excessively pfoducing vndogenouw pektidergic cryogenmd substances fme monxcular", "random_deletion": "in mammals. We have experienced one patient from hypothermia. The seemed to be substances molecular", "change_char_case": " in mammals. We have experienceD one patienT who sUffEreD fRom sEverE hypothermia. ThE PatiEnt seemed to be excessiveLy proDuCIng eNDoGenouS peptidERgIC CryOgEnIc sUbSTaNces tHe mOleculaR", "whitespace_perturbation": " in mammals. We have exper ienced one pati ent wh osuff ered from severe h y poth ermia. The patient see med t ob e ex c es sivel y produ c in g end og en ous p e pt iderg iccryogen ic substan ces t he molecular ", "underscore_trick": " in_mammals. We_have experienced one patient_who suffered_from_severe hypothermia._The_patient seemed to_be excessively producing_endogenous peptidergic cryogenic substances_the molecular"} +{"text": " and two types of the disease could be distinguished: an acute type with cortical abscesses and a chronic type with partly necrotic tips of the pyramids and ad", "synonym_substitution": "and two types of the disease could be distinguished: an acute type with cortical abscess and a chronic character with partially necrotic tips of the pyramids and ad", "butter_fingers": " anf two types of the diseare could be disjibguishxd: an adute typd with cortical abscesses anv a xhronuc type with partly nezrotic tiis of the pyremids and ad", "random_deletion": "and two types of the disease could an type with abscesses and a tips the pyramids and", "change_char_case": " and two types of the disease coUld be distiNguisHed: An aCuTe tyPe wiTh cortical abscESses And a chronic type with parTly neCrOTic tIPs Of the PyramidS AnD AD", "whitespace_perturbation": " and two types of the dise ase couldbe di sti ngu is hed: anacute type wit h cor tical abscesses and achron ic type wi th pa rtly ne c ro t i c t ip softh e p yrami dsand ad", "underscore_trick": " and_two types_of the disease could_be distinguished:_an_acute type_with_cortical abscesses and_a chronic type_with partly necrotic tips_of the pyramids_and_ad"} +{"text": " neck (parotid glands, paranasal sinuses, soft tissue of the neck) of the second-generation cephalosporins, cefurox", "synonym_substitution": "neck (parotid glands, paranasal sinuses, soft tissue of the neck) of the second - generation cephalosporin, cefurox", "butter_fingers": " nefk (parotid glands, paranaral sinuses, sofj rissue of ths neck) ow the second-generation cephapowporibs, cefurox", "random_deletion": "neck (parotid glands, paranasal sinuses, soft tissue neck) the second-generation cefurox", "change_char_case": " neck (parotid glands, paranasaL sinuses, soFt tisSue Of tHe Neck) Of thE second-generatIOn cePhalosporins, cefurox", "whitespace_perturbation": " neck (parotid glands, par anasal sin uses, so ftti ssue ofthe neck) of t h e se cond-generation cephal ospor in s , ce f ur ox", "underscore_trick": " neck_(parotid glands,_paranasal sinuses, soft tissue_of the_neck)_of the_second-generation_cephalosporins, cefurox"} +{"text": " than was demonstrated for controls (p < 0.05). The TT + DN groups treated with pericytes at either time point or with adventitial cells at", "synonym_substitution": "than was demonstrated for controls (p < 0.05). The TT + DN groups treat with pericytes at either meter point or with adventitial cells at", "butter_fingers": " thwn was demonstrated for gontrols (p < 0.05). The TT + DN groupa treatea with pericytes at either tmme point or with adventitial cdlls at", "random_deletion": "than was demonstrated for controls (p < TT DN groups with pericytes at adventitial at", "change_char_case": " than was demonstrated for conTrols (p < 0.05). The Tt + DN grOupS trEaTed wIth pEricytes at eithER timE point or with adventitiaL cellS aT", "whitespace_perturbation": " than was demonstrated for controls(p <0.0 5). T he T T +DN groups trea t ed w ith pericytes at eithe r tim ep oint or with advent i ti a l ce ll sat", "underscore_trick": " than_was demonstrated_for controls (p <_0.05). The_TT_+ DN_groups_treated with pericytes_at either time_point or with adventitial_cells at"} +{"text": " of an integrated strategy for cancer control, emphasising the co-ordination of the key elements of primary prevention, secondary prevention (screening), integrated care and", "synonym_substitution": "of an integrated strategy for cancer control, emphasising the conscientious objector - ordering of the key elements of basal prevention, junior-grade prevention (screening), integrated care and", "butter_fingers": " of an integrated strategy nor cancer control, emphesising the co-ofdination of the key elementd if prumary prevention, seconaary prevvntion (sceeenmng), integrated cede and", "random_deletion": "of an integrated strategy for cancer control, co-ordination the key of primary prevention, and", "change_char_case": " of an integrated strategy for Cancer contRol, emPhaSisInG the Co-orDination of the kEY eleMents of primary preventiOn, secOnDAry pREvEntioN (screenINg), INTegRaTeD caRe ANd", "whitespace_perturbation": " of an integrated strategy for cance r con tro l,em phas isin g the co-ordin a tion of the key elements o f pri ma r y pr e ve ntion , secon d ar y pre ve nt ion ( s cr eenin g), integr ated careand ", "underscore_trick": " of_an integrated_strategy for cancer control,_emphasising the_co-ordination_of the_key_elements of primary_prevention, secondary prevention_(screening), integrated care and"} +{"text": ", the effect of an essential oil of Eugenia caryophyllata (Myrtaceae), an antiepileptic remedy in Iranian folk medicine, against seizures", "synonym_substitution": ", the effect of an essential oil of Eugenia caryophyllata (Myrtaceae), an antiepileptic remedy in Iranian folk music music, against seizures", "butter_fingers": ", thf effect of an essential oil of Eugenia caryopiyllata (Myrtacexe), an antiepileptic remedy ii Irqnian folk medicine, against seizures", "random_deletion": ", the effect of an essential oil caryophyllata an antiepileptic in Iranian folk", "change_char_case": ", the effect of an essential oil Of Eugenia cAryopHylLatA (MYrtaCeae), An antiepileptiC RemeDy in Iranian folk medicinE, agaiNsT SeizUReS", "whitespace_perturbation": ", the effect of an essenti al oil ofEugen iacar yo phyl lata (Myrtaceae),a n an tiepileptic remedy inIrani an folk me dicin e, agai n st s eiz ur es ", "underscore_trick": ", the_effect of_an essential oil of_Eugenia caryophyllata_(Myrtaceae),_an antiepileptic_remedy_in Iranian folk_medicine, against seizures"} +{"text": "/24 in the group A vs. 12/20 in the group B, P=.025). Treatment consisted of local therapy, consisting of surgical resection and/", "synonym_substitution": "/24 in the group A vs. 12/20 in the group B, P=.025). Treatment consisted of local therapy, consisting of surgical resection and/", "butter_fingers": "/24 in the group A vs. 12/20 in the nroup B, P=.025). Treatmgnr consmsted or local gherapy, consisting of surgicel rwsectuon and/", "random_deletion": "/24 in the group A vs. 12/20 group P=.025). Treatment of local therapy,", "change_char_case": "/24 in the group A vs. 12/20 in the group B, P=.025). treatment cOnsisTed Of lOcAl thErapY, consisting of sURgicAl resection and/", "whitespace_perturbation": "/24 in the group A vs. 12/ 20 in thegroup B, P= .0 25). Tre atment consist e d of local therapy, consis tingof surg i ca l res ectiona nd / ", "underscore_trick": "/24 in_the group_A vs. 12/20 in_the group_B,_P=.025). Treatment_consisted_of local therapy,_consisting of surgical_resection and/"} +{"text": " correlated closely with fatty streak volume determined from histology (r = 0.890). During a 30-week study, this structure volume increased in untreated animals,", "synonym_substitution": "correlated closely with fatty streak volume determine from histology (radius = 0.890). During a 30 - week study, this structure book increased in untreated animals,", "butter_fingers": " cogrelated closely with fauty streak volume determmned frkm histouogy (r = 0.890). During a 30-week study, tyis sugucture volume increared in unnreated abimaow,", "random_deletion": "correlated closely with fatty streak volume determined (r 0.890). During 30-week study, this animals,", "change_char_case": " correlated closely with fattY streak volUme deTerMinEd From HistOlogy (r = 0.890). During a 30-wEEk stUdy, this structure volume IncreAsED in uNTrEated Animals,", "whitespace_perturbation": " correlated closely with f atty strea k vol ume de te rmin ed f rom histology( r =0.890). During a 30-we ek st ud y , th i sstruc ture vo l um e inc re as edin un treat edanimals ,", "underscore_trick": " correlated_closely with_fatty streak volume determined_from histology_(r_= 0.890)._During_a 30-week study,_this structure volume_increased in untreated animals,"} +{"text": ", DHEA, and AD measurements were shown to have good agreement as assessed by Bland-Altman analysis and intraclass correlation coefficient: 0.95", "synonym_substitution": ", DHEA, and AD measurements were shown to have good agreement as tax by Bland - Altman psychoanalysis and intraclass correlation coefficient: 0.95", "butter_fingers": ", DHFA, and AD measurements wtre shown to have good ajreemenf as assdssed by Bland-Altman analysid qnd ibtraclass correlation zoefficiejt: 0.95", "random_deletion": ", DHEA, and AD measurements were shown good as assessed Bland-Altman analysis and", "change_char_case": ", DHEA, and AD measurements were Shown to havE good AgrEemEnT as aSsesSed by Bland-AltmAN anaLysis and intraclass corrElatiOn COeffICiEnt: 0.95", "whitespace_perturbation": ", DHEA, and AD measurement s were sho wn to ha vego od a gree ment as assess e d by Bland-Altman analysis andin t racl a ss corr elation co e f fic ie nt : 0 .9 5 ", "underscore_trick": ", DHEA,_and AD_measurements were shown to_have good_agreement_as assessed_by_Bland-Altman analysis and_intraclass correlation coefficient:_0.95"} +{"text": " was administered for 60 days (E60), and (v) MetS-treated with enalapril for 60 days (MetS+E60).", "synonym_substitution": "was administered for 60 days (E60), and (v) MetS - treated with enalapril for 60 days (MetS+E60).", "butter_fingers": " wad administered for 60 days (E60), and (v) MetS-trgared wivh enalzpril fof 60 days (MetS+E60).", "random_deletion": "was administered for 60 days (E60), and with for 60 (MetS+E60).", "change_char_case": " was administered for 60 days (E60), anD (v) MetS-treaTed wiTh eNalApRil fOr 60 daYs (MetS+E60).", "whitespace_perturbation": " was administered for 60 d ays (E60), and(v) Me tS -tre ated with enalapri l for 60 days (MetS+E60).", "underscore_trick": " was_administered for_60 days (E60), and_(v) MetS-treated_with_enalapril for_60_days (MetS+E60)."} +{"text": ". thumb or pacifier sucking) it could be demonstrated that all 30-months-olds who showed self-stimulating behavior were insecurely-avoidant attached", "synonym_substitution": ". thumb or pacifier sucking) it could be demonstrated that all 30 - months - olds who testify self - stimulate behavior were insecurely - avoidant attached", "butter_fingers": ". thkmb or pacifier sucking) lt could be demouwtratev that zll 30-montfs-olds who showed self-stimuletint behqvior were insecurely-axoidant antached", "random_deletion": ". thumb or pacifier sucking) it could that 30-months-olds who self-stimulating behavior were", "change_char_case": ". thumb or pacifier sucking) it cOuld be demoNstraTed ThaT aLl 30-moNths-Olds who showed sELf-stImulating behavior were iNsecuReLY-avoIDaNt attAched", "whitespace_perturbation": ". thumb or pacifier suckin g) it coul d bedem ons tr ated tha t all 30-month s -old s who showed self-stim ulati ng beha v io r wer e insec u re l y -av oi da ntat t ac hed", "underscore_trick": ". thumb_or pacifier_sucking) it could be_demonstrated that_all_30-months-olds who_showed_self-stimulating behavior were_insecurely-avoidant attached"} +{"text": "renin. The optimal pH for the activation was in the range of 4.0-5.0 and the reaction was completely inhibited by leupeptin.", "synonym_substitution": "renin. The optimal pH for the activation was in the range of 4.0 - 5.0 and the reaction was wholly inhibit by leupeptin.", "butter_fingers": "renln. The optimal pH for tht activation was nb the cange or 4.0-5.0 and tfe reaction was completely iihibuted vy leupeptin.", "random_deletion": "renin. The optimal pH for the activation the of 4.0-5.0 the reaction was", "change_char_case": "renin. The optimal pH for the acTivation waS in thE raNge Of 4.0-5.0 And tHe reAction was complETely Inhibited by leupeptin.", "whitespace_perturbation": "renin. The optimal pH forthe activa tionwas in t he r ange of 4.0-5.0 an d the reaction was complete ly in hi b ited by leup eptin.", "underscore_trick": "renin. The_optimal pH_for the activation was_in the_range_of 4.0-5.0_and_the reaction was_completely inhibited by_leupeptin."} +{"text": " by health community doctors; it resolves automatically the entire administrative work in the health community, makes it possible to evaluate the activity of doctors and nurses it will facilitate", "synonym_substitution": "by health community doctors; it resolves automatically the integral administrative workplace in the health community, makes it potential to evaluate the activeness of doctors and nurses it will help", "butter_fingers": " by health community doctorr; it resolves aotimaticelly ths entire administrative work in the iealrh conmunity, makes it possicle to evwluate tye artivity of doctoca and nmxses jb wiln facilitate", "random_deletion": "by health community doctors; it resolves automatically administrative in the community, makes it of and nurses it facilitate", "change_char_case": " by health community doctors; iT resolves aUtomaTicAllY tHe enTire Administrative WOrk iN the health community, makEs it pOsSIble TO eValuaTe the acTIvITY of DoCtOrs AnD NuRses iT wiLl facilItate", "whitespace_perturbation": " by health community docto rs; it res olves au tom at ical ly t he entire admi n istr ative work in the heal th co mm u nity , m akesit poss i bl e toev al uat et he acti vit y of do ctors andnur se s it will fa c il itate", "underscore_trick": " by_health community_doctors; it resolves automatically_the entire_administrative_work in_the_health community, makes_it possible to_evaluate the activity of_doctors and nurses_it_will facilitate"} +{"text": " Epo-responsive Rauscher erythroleukemia cells with an anti-sense oligodeoxynucleotide to c-myb in the absence of other", "synonym_substitution": "Epo - responsive Rauscher erythroleukemia cells with an anti - sense oligodeoxynucleotide to c - myb in the absence of other", "butter_fingers": " Epl-responsive Rauscher eryuhroleukemia cells with en anti-aense olkgodeoxynucleotide to c-myb ii thw abstuce of other", "random_deletion": "Epo-responsive Rauscher erythroleukemia cells with an anti-sense c-myb the absence other", "change_char_case": " Epo-responsive Rauscher erytHroleukemiA cellS wiTh aN aNti-sEnse OligodeoxynuclEOtidE to c-myb in the absence of oTher", "whitespace_perturbation": " Epo-responsive Rauscher e rythroleuk emiacel lswi th a n an ti-sense oligo d eoxy nucleotide to c-myb in theab s ence of othe r", "underscore_trick": " Epo-responsive_Rauscher erythroleukemia_cells with an anti-sense_oligodeoxynucleotide to_c-myb_in the_absence_of other"} +{"text": " Gc-globulin and G-actin using pre-equilibrium affinity CE and UV detection. Evidence was found that some difference in binding affinity existed among the", "synonym_substitution": "Gc - globulin and G - actin using pre - equilibrium affinity CE and UV detection. Evidence was found that some remainder in tie affinity existed among the", "butter_fingers": " Gc-hlobulin and G-actin usinn pre-equilibrium affinivy CE ahd UV degection. Evidence was found tiat wome eifference in binding xffinity vxisted anong rhe", "random_deletion": "Gc-globulin and G-actin using pre-equilibrium affinity CE detection. was found some difference in", "change_char_case": " Gc-globulin and G-actin using pRe-equilibrIum afFinIty cE And Uv detEction. Evidence WAs foUnd that some difference iN bindInG AffiNItY exisTed amonG ThE", "whitespace_perturbation": " Gc-globulin and G-actin u sing pre-e quili bri umaf fini ty C E and UV detec t ion. Evidence was found th at so me diff e re nce i n bindi n ga f fin it yexi st e damong th e", "underscore_trick": " Gc-globulin_and G-actin_using pre-equilibrium affinity CE_and UV_detection._Evidence was_found_that some difference_in binding affinity_existed among the"} +{"text": " were confirmed to be ER-/PR+. The ER-/PR+ phenotypic breast cancer is likely to be the result of technical artefact. Prompt reass", "synonym_substitution": "were confirmed to be ER-/PR+. The ER-/PR+ phenotypic breast cancer is likely to be the result of technical artifact. immediate reass", "butter_fingers": " wege confirmed to be ER-/PR+. Uhe ER-/PR+ phenotypnx breavt cander is lkkely to be the result of terhnixal aetefact. Prompt reass", "random_deletion": "were confirmed to be ER-/PR+. The ER-/PR+ cancer likely to the result of", "change_char_case": " were confirmed to be ER-/PR+. The Er-/PR+ phenotyPic brEasT caNcEr is LikeLy to be the resulT Of teChnical artefact. Prompt rEass", "whitespace_perturbation": " were confirmed to be ER-/ PR+. The E R-/PR + p hen ot ypic bre ast cancer isl ikel y to be the result oftechn ic a l ar t ef act.Promptr ea s s ", "underscore_trick": " were_confirmed to_be ER-/PR+. The ER-/PR+_phenotypic breast_cancer_is likely_to_be the result_of technical artefact._Prompt reass"} +{"text": " rectoprostatic angle (regression coefficient B = 2.30; standard error (se) = 0.80; p = 0.002) and the", "synonym_substitution": "rectoprostatic angle (regression coefficient B = 2.30; standard error (se) = 0.80; p = 0.002) and the", "butter_fingers": " reftoprostatic angle (regrersion coefficieur B = 2.30; vtandadd error (se) = 0.80; p = 0.002) and the", "random_deletion": "rectoprostatic angle (regression coefficient B = 2.30; (se) 0.80; p 0.002) and the", "change_char_case": " rectoprostatic angle (regresSion coeffiCient b = 2.30; stAndArD errOr (se) = 0.80; P = 0.002) and the", "whitespace_perturbation": " rectoprostatic angle (reg ression co effic ien t B = 2.3 0; s tandard error( se)= 0.80; p = 0.002) and the", "underscore_trick": " rectoprostatic_angle (regression_coefficient B = 2.30;_standard error_(se)_= 0.80;_p_= 0.002) and_the"} +{"text": "anning electron microscopy showed discrete PLGA microspheres containing many acHES particles. The composite microspheres were spherical and smooth in size range of 39-93 microm", "synonym_substitution": "anning electron microscopy showed discrete PLGA microspheres containing many acHES particles. The composite microspheres were spherical and legato in size compass of 39 - 93 microm", "butter_fingers": "annlng electron microscopy rhowed discrete PLGA mmcrosphsres congaining many acHES particles. Tye conposite microspheres wdre spherpcal and wmoouh in size range of 39-93 microm", "random_deletion": "anning electron microscopy showed discrete PLGA microspheres acHES The composite were spherical and 39-93", "change_char_case": "anning electron microscopy sHowed discrEte PLgA mIcrOsPherEs coNtaining many acheS paRticles. The composite micRosphErES werE SpHericAl and smOOtH IN siZe RaNge Of 39-93 MIcRom", "whitespace_perturbation": "anning electron microscopy showed di scret e P LGA m icro sphe res containing many acHES particles. Thecompo si t e mi c ro spher es were sp h e ric al a ndsm o ot h insiz e range of 39-93mic ro m", "underscore_trick": "anning electron_microscopy showed_discrete PLGA microspheres containing_many acHES_particles._The composite_microspheres_were spherical and_smooth in size_range of 39-93 microm"} +{"text": " protoscoleces. TEM analysis demonstrated that the internal tissues were severely affected and revealed an increase in the number of lipid droplets and vacuoles after treatment with 16", "synonym_substitution": "protoscoleces. TEM analysis demonstrated that the internal tissues were hard involve and revealed an increase in the number of lipid droplet and vacuoles after treatment with 16", "butter_fingers": " prltoscoleces. TEM analysis demonstrated tkqt the interhal tissjes were severely affected aid rwvealtb an increase in the number ov lipid eropowts and varholes ancer tdcatmeut with 16", "random_deletion": "protoscoleces. TEM analysis demonstrated that the internal severely and revealed increase in the vacuoles treatment with 16", "change_char_case": " protoscoleces. TEM analysis dEmonstrateD that The IntErNal tIssuEs were severely AFfecTed and revealed an increaSe in tHe NUmbeR Of Lipid DropletS AnD VAcuOlEs AftEr TReAtmenT wiTh 16", "whitespace_perturbation": " protoscoleces. TEM analys is demonst rated th atth e in tern al tissues wer e sev erely affected and rev ealed a n inc r ea se in the nu m be r ofli pi d d ro p le ts an d v acuoles after tre atm en t with 16", "underscore_trick": " protoscoleces._TEM analysis_demonstrated that the internal_tissues were_severely_affected and_revealed_an increase in_the number of_lipid droplets and vacuoles_after treatment with_16"} +{"text": " on the established QSAR equations, we analyse 22 new DTC derivatives and identify DTC dicarboxilic acids derivatives and their esters as potentially improved inhibitors", "synonym_substitution": "on the established QSAR equations, we analyse 22 new DTC derivative instrument and name DTC dicarboxilic acids derivatives and their ester as potentially improved inhibitor", "butter_fingers": " on the established QSAR eqmations, we analyse 22 new DTC dsrivativds and identify DTC dicarboxmlic acidw derivatives and theif esters ws potenrialot improved inhibitors", "random_deletion": "on the established QSAR equations, we analyse DTC and identify dicarboxilic acids derivatives improved", "change_char_case": " on the established QSAR equatIons, we analYse 22 neW DTc deRiVatiVes aNd identify DTC dICarbOxilic acids derivatives And thEiR EsteRS aS poteNtially IMpROVed InHiBitOrS", "whitespace_perturbation": " on the established QSAR e quations,we an aly se22 new DTC derivatives a n d id entify DTC dicarboxili c aci ds deri v at ivesand the i re s ter sas po te n ti allyimp roved i nhibitors", "underscore_trick": " on_the established_QSAR equations, we analyse_22 new_DTC_derivatives and_identify_DTC dicarboxilic acids_derivatives and their_esters as potentially improved_inhibitors"} +{"text": "ococcal protease at a site located 15 or 25 kDa, respectively, from the COOH terminus (shown by NH2-terminal sequencing), and only the 15", "synonym_substitution": "ococcal protease at a site located 15 or 25 kDa, respectively, from the COOH terminus (shown by NH2 - concluding sequencing), and merely the 15", "butter_fingers": "ocofcal protease at a site uocated 15 or 25 kDc, respertively, from thd COOH terminus (shown by NH2-txrmibal stzuencing), and only ghe 15", "random_deletion": "ococcal protease at a site located 15 kDa, from the terminus (shown by 15", "change_char_case": "ococcal protease at a site locAted 15 or 25 kDa, rEspecTivEly, FrOm thE COOh terminus (shown BY NH2-tErminal sequencing), and onLy the 15", "whitespace_perturbation": "ococcal protease at a site located 1 5 or25kDa ,resp ecti vely, from the COOH terminus (shown by NH 2-ter mi n al s e qu encin g), and on l y th e15 ", "underscore_trick": "ococcal protease_at a_site located 15 or_25 kDa,_respectively,_from the_COOH_terminus (shown by_NH2-terminal sequencing), and_only the 15"} +{"text": " propagated neural activity in the auditory nerve. It is assumed on the basis of the results that these correlograms are measures of phase-locking of neural activity to a", "synonym_substitution": "propagated neural activity in the auditory nerve. It is assume on the footing of the results that these correlograms are measures of phase - locking of nervous activity to a", "butter_fingers": " prlpagated neural activity in the auditori berve. Mt is aasumed ov the basis of the results tiat rhese correlograms are measjres of pjase-lockung id neural arfivity bj a", "random_deletion": "propagated neural activity in the auditory nerve. assumed the basis the results that phase-locking neural activity to", "change_char_case": " propagated neural activity iN the auditoRy nerVe. IT is AsSumeD on tHe basis of the reSUlts That these correlograms aRe meaSuREs of PHaSe-locKing of nEUrAL ActIvItY to A", "whitespace_perturbation": " propagated neural activit y in the a udito ryner ve . It isassumed on the basi s of the results thatthese c o rrel o gr ams a re meas u re s ofph as e-l oc k in g ofneu ral act ivity to a ", "underscore_trick": " propagated_neural activity_in the auditory nerve._It is_assumed_on the_basis_of the results_that these correlograms_are measures of phase-locking_of neural activity_to_a"} +{"text": " in the laboratory test values, in any patients. From the above, it is noted that TBF showed excellent efficacy and safety for refractory hyperkeratotic-", "synonym_substitution": "in the laboratory test values, in any patients. From the above, it is note that TBF usher excellent efficacy and safety for refractory hyperkeratotic-", "butter_fingers": " in the laboratory test valmes, in any patieurs. Frok the zbove, it is noted that TBF showed exrellwnt edficacy and safety for refractogy hyperkwratiric-", "random_deletion": "in the laboratory test values, in any the it is that TBF showed refractory", "change_char_case": " in the laboratory test values, In any patieNts. FrOm tHe aBoVe, it Is noTed that TBF showED excEllent efficacy and safetY for rEfRActoRY hYperkEratotiC-", "whitespace_perturbation": " in the laboratory test va lues, in a ny pa tie nts .From the above, it isn oted that TBF showed excel lentef f icac y a nd sa fety fo r r e f rac to ry hy pe r ke ratot ic- ", "underscore_trick": " in_the laboratory_test values, in any_patients. From_the_above, it_is_noted that TBF_showed excellent efficacy_and safety for refractory_hyperkeratotic-"} +{"text": " and Madeira, these archipelagos comprise the Macaronesia biogeographic region and differ remarkably in the diversity of this group. More than 50", "synonym_substitution": "and Madeira, these archipelagos comprise the Macaronesia biogeographic region and differ unusually in the diverseness of this group. More than 50", "butter_fingers": " anf Madeira, these archipelxgos comprise tkw Macaconesia biogeogfaphic region and differ remerkavly ib the diversity of thir group. Mlre than 50", "random_deletion": "and Madeira, these archipelagos comprise the Macaronesia and remarkably in diversity of this", "change_char_case": " and Madeira, these archipelagOs comprise The MaCarOneSiA bioGeogRaphic region anD DiffEr remarkably in the diverSity oF tHIs grOUp. more tHan 50", "whitespace_perturbation": " and Madeira, these archip elagos com prise th e M ac aron esia biogeographic regi on and differ remarkab ly in t h e di v er sityof this gr o u p.Mo re th an 50 ", "underscore_trick": " and_Madeira, these_archipelagos comprise the Macaronesia_biogeographic region_and_differ remarkably_in_the diversity of_this group. More_than 50"} +{"text": " effectors. Among these, the Smads have been extensively studied. However, less attention has been directed toward alternative downstream effectors and their participation in TGF-", "synonym_substitution": "effectors. Among these, the Smads have been extensively studied. However, less attention has been directed toward alternate downstream effector and their participation in TGF-", "butter_fingers": " efvectors. Among these, the Rmads have been extensmvely sfudied. Huwever, less attention has bexn durecttb toward alternative downstrewm effecrors qnd their 'zrticipation jk TGF-", "random_deletion": "effectors. Among these, the Smads have been However, attention has directed toward alternative in", "change_char_case": " effectors. Among these, the SmaDs have been ExtenSivEly StUdieD. HowEver, less attentIOn haS been directed toward altErnatIvE DownSTrEam efFectors ANd THEir PaRtIciPaTIoN in TGf-", "whitespace_perturbation": " effectors. Among these, t he Smads h ave b een ex te nsiv elystudied. Howev e r, l ess attention has been dire ct e d to w ar d alt ernativ e d o w nst re am ef fe c to rs an d t heir pa rticipatio n i nTGF-", "underscore_trick": " effectors._Among these,_the Smads have been_extensively studied._However,_less attention_has_been directed toward_alternative downstream effectors_and their participation in_TGF-"} +{"text": ", the quantum dot efficiently excites narrow-band single plasmons that are guided in a two-wire transmission line until they are converted into single photons by an", "synonym_substitution": ", the quantum dot efficiently excites narrow - band individual plasmons that are guide in a two - wire transmission line until they are convert into single photons by an", "butter_fingers": ", thf quantum dot efficientln excites narrow-yqnd siigle plzsmons tfat are guided in a two-wire vranwmissuon line until they ard convertvd into sunglt photons by an", "random_deletion": ", the quantum dot efficiently excites narrow-band that guided in two-wire transmission line single by an", "change_char_case": ", the quantum dot efficiently eXcites narrOw-banD siNglE pLasmOns tHat are guided in A Two-wIre transmission line untIl theY aRE conVErTed inTo singlE PhOTOns By An", "whitespace_perturbation": ", the quantum dot efficien tly excite s nar row -ba nd sin gleplasmons thata re g uided in a two-wire tr ansmi ss i on l i ne unti l theya re c onv er te d i nt o s ingle ph otons b y an", "underscore_trick": ", the_quantum dot_efficiently excites narrow-band single_plasmons that_are_guided in_a_two-wire transmission line_until they are_converted into single photons_by an"} +{"text": " girl, the child of nonconsanguineous parents was referred for clinical assessment because of postaxial limb defects associated with mild facial dysmorphism. The overall", "synonym_substitution": "girl, the child of nonconsanguineous parents was referred for clinical assessment because of postaxial arm defect associated with mild facial dysmorphism. The overall", "butter_fingers": " gigl, the child of nonconsakguineous parents was rxferred for clivical assessment because of 'ostqxial limb defects associatdd with mpld faciao dywnorphism. Tis overall", "random_deletion": "girl, the child of nonconsanguineous parents was clinical because of limb defects associated overall", "change_char_case": " girl, the child of nonconsanguIneous pareNts waS reFerReD for ClinIcal assessment BEcauSe of postaxial limb defecTs assOcIAted WItH mild Facial dYSmORPhiSm. thE ovErALl", "whitespace_perturbation": " girl, the child of noncon sanguineou s par ent s w as ref erre d for clinical asse ssment because of post axial l i mb d e fe cts a ssociat e dw i thmi ld fa ci a ldysmo rph ism. Th e overall", "underscore_trick": " girl,_the child_of nonconsanguineous parents was_referred for_clinical_assessment because_of_postaxial limb defects_associated with mild_facial dysmorphism. The overall"} +{"text": ") genes were used and assessed by X-gal staining and in vivo imaging, respectively. After the observation period, the vector distribution across tissues was quantified. The", "synonym_substitution": ") genes were used and assessed by X - gal staining and in vivo imagination, respectively. After the notice menstruation, the vector distribution across tissues was quantify. The", "butter_fingers": ") gejes were used and assesstd by X-gal stainiut and mn vivo imaging, respectively. After the obsecvatuon ptgiod, the vector distrkbution abross tiswues qas quantihjed. The", "random_deletion": ") genes were used and assessed by and vivo imaging, After the observation tissues quantified. The", "change_char_case": ") genes were used and assessed bY X-gal stainIng anD in VivO iMagiNg, reSpectively. AfteR The oBservation period, the vecTor diStRIbutIOn AcrosS tissueS WaS QUanTiFiEd. THe", "whitespace_perturbation": ") genes were used and asse ssed by X- gal s tai nin gandin v ivo imaging, r e spec tively. After the obse rvati on peri o d, thevectord is t r ibu ti on ac ro s stissu eswas qua ntified. T he", "underscore_trick": ") genes_were used_and assessed by X-gal_staining and_in_vivo imaging,_respectively._After the observation_period, the vector_distribution across tissues was_quantified. The"} +{"text": ". differences between chemical shifts of the same atom in the complex and ligand molecules: Delta(coord)(1H) = delta(complex)(1H)-delta", "synonym_substitution": ". differences between chemical shifts of the same atom in the complex and ligand molecules: Delta(coord)(1H) = delta(complex)(1H)-delta", "butter_fingers": ". divferences between chemicxl shifts of thg wame avom in fhe compuex and ligand molecules: Delva(coird)(1H) = delta(complex)(1H)-delta", "random_deletion": ". differences between chemical shifts of the in complex and molecules: Delta(coord)(1H) =", "change_char_case": ". differences between chemicaL shifts of tHe samE atOm iN tHe coMpleX and ligand moleCUles: delta(coord)(1H) = delta(compleX)(1H)-delTa", "whitespace_perturbation": ". differences between chem ical shift s ofthe sa me ato m in the complex a n d li gand molecules: Delta( coord )( 1 H) = de lta(c omplex) ( 1H ) - del ta ", "underscore_trick": ". differences_between chemical_shifts of the same_atom in_the_complex and_ligand_molecules: Delta(coord)(1H) =_delta(complex)(1H)-delta"} +{"text": " which causes maximal dilation. Isoflurane caused dose-dependent dilation of all coronary arterioles. This vasodilation was 6.0 +/- 0.", "synonym_substitution": "which causes maximal dilation. Isoflurane caused dose - dependent dilation of all coronary arteriole. This vasodilation was 6.0 + /- 0.", "butter_fingers": " whlch causes maximal dilatlon. Isoflurane ccysed dmse-depsndent dklation of all coronary arteciolws. Thus vasodilation was 6.0 +/- 0.", "random_deletion": "which causes maximal dilation. Isoflurane caused dose-dependent all arterioles. This was 6.0 +/-", "change_char_case": " which causes maximal dilatioN. IsofluranE causEd dOse-DePendEnt dIlation of all coROnarY arterioles. This vasodilAtion WaS 6.0 +/- 0.", "whitespace_perturbation": " which causes maximal dila tion. Isof luran e c aus ed dos e-de pendent dilati o n of all coronary arteriol es. T hi s vas o di latio n was 6 . 0+ / - 0 .", "underscore_trick": " which_causes maximal_dilation. Isoflurane caused dose-dependent_dilation of_all_coronary arterioles._This_vasodilation was 6.0_+/- 0."} +{"text": " species on Cu exchanged chabazite zeolites (Cu-CHA), active for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3 (NH3 -", "synonym_substitution": "species on Cu exchanged chabazite zeolites (Cu - CHA), active for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3 (NH3 -", "butter_fingers": " spfcies on Cu exchanged chxbazite zeolites (Cu-CHA), activs for thd selective catalytic reductmon if NOz with NH3 (NH3 -", "random_deletion": "species on Cu exchanged chabazite zeolites (Cu-CHA), the catalytic reduction NOx with NH3", "change_char_case": " species on Cu exchanged chabaZite zeolitEs (Cu-ChA), aCtiVe For tHe seLective catalytIC redUction of NOx with NH3 (NH3 -", "whitespace_perturbation": " species on Cu exchanged c habazite z eolit es(Cu -C HA), act ive for the se l ecti ve catalytic reduction of N Ox with NH 3 (NH 3 -", "underscore_trick": " species_on Cu_exchanged chabazite zeolites (Cu-CHA),_active for_the_selective catalytic_reduction_of NOx with_NH3 (NH3 -"} +{"text": "ative granulomas and necrotizing folliculitis can be detected. Suppurative granulomas are the most characteristic feature in skin biopsy specimens from cutaneous NTM", "synonym_substitution": "ative granulomas and necrotizing folliculitis can be detected. Suppurative granulomas are the most characteristic feature of speech in hide biopsy specimens from cutaneous NTM", "butter_fingers": "atige granulomas and necrotlzing folliculitnw can ue detedted. Supourative granulomas are the lowt chqracteristic feature iv skin bilpsy speximeis from cutaneous NTM", "random_deletion": "ative granulomas and necrotizing folliculitis can be granulomas the most feature in skin", "change_char_case": "ative granulomas and necrotiZing follicUlitiS caN be DeTectEd. SuPpurative granuLOmas Are the most characteristIc feaTuRE in sKIn BiopsY specimENs FROm cUtAnEouS Ntm", "whitespace_perturbation": "ative granulomas and necro tizing fol licul iti s c an bedete cted. Suppurat i ve g ranulomas are the most char ac t eris t ic feat ure ins ki n bio ps yspe ci m en s fro m c utaneou s NTM", "underscore_trick": "ative granulomas_and necrotizing_folliculitis can be detected._Suppurative granulomas_are_the most_characteristic_feature in skin_biopsy specimens from_cutaneous NTM"} +{"text": "romal Cells With Low and High Doses of Alpha Particles Induces Senescence and/or Apoptosis.\nThe use of high-linear", "synonym_substitution": "romal Cells With Low and High Doses of Alpha Particles Induces Senescence and/or Apoptosis. \n The use of high - linear", "butter_fingers": "romwl Cells With Low and Hinh Doses of Alphc Partirles Insuces Sevescence and/or Apoptosis.\nThe nse if hith-linear", "random_deletion": "romal Cells With Low and High Doses Particles Senescence and/or The use of", "change_char_case": "romal Cells With Low and High DOses of AlphA PartIclEs INdUces seneScence and/or ApoPTosiS.\nThe use of high-linear", "whitespace_perturbation": "romal Cells With Low and H igh Dosesof Al pha Pa rt icle s In duces Senescen c e an d/or Apoptosis.\nThe us e ofhi g h-li n ea r", "underscore_trick": "romal Cells_With Low_and High Doses of_Alpha Particles_Induces_Senescence and/or_Apoptosis.\nThe_use of high-linear"} +{"text": " similar growth characteristics to naturally occurring dominant follicles. In conclusion, the subordinate follicle in the second follicular wave in cattle retained the ability to become dominant, but this", "synonym_substitution": "similar growth characteristics to naturally occurring prevailing follicle. In decision, the subordinate follicle in the second follicular wave in cattle retained the ability to become prevailing, but this", "butter_fingers": " sililar growth characterisuics to naturally occurrmng domjnant foulicles. In conclusion, the suuordunate follicle in the secona follicupar wave in rattle retained vge abillcy to necomz vominant, but thls", "random_deletion": "similar growth characteristics to naturally occurring dominant conclusion, subordinate follicle the second follicular ability become dominant, but", "change_char_case": " similar growth characteristIcs to naturAlly oCcuRriNg DomiNant Follicles. In conCLusiOn, the subordinate follicLe in tHe SEconD FoLlicuLar wave IN cATTle ReTaIneD tHE aBilitY to Become dOminant, but ThiS", "whitespace_perturbation": " similar growth characteri stics to n atura lly oc cu rrin g do minant follicl e s. I n conclusion, the subo rdina te foll i cl e inthe sec o nd f oll ic ul arwa v ein ca ttl e retai ned the ab ili ty to become d o mi nant, butthi s", "underscore_trick": " similar_growth characteristics_to naturally occurring dominant_follicles. In_conclusion,_the subordinate_follicle_in the second_follicular wave in_cattle retained the ability_to become dominant,_but_this"} +{"text": " experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model when compared with matched C6-sufficient (C6+) rats. In C6+ rats, perivenous demyel", "synonym_substitution": "experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model when compared with matched C6 - sufficient (C6 +) rats. In C6 + rotter, perivenous demyel", "butter_fingers": " exoerimental autoimmune engephalomyelitis model wien comlared wigh matched C6-sufficient (C6+) ratd. Un C6+ eats, perivenous demyel", "random_deletion": "experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model when compared with (C6+) In C6+ perivenous demyel", "change_char_case": " experimental autoimmune encEphalomyelItis mOdeL whEn CompAred With matched C6-suFFiciEnt (C6+) rats. In C6+ rats, perivenOus deMyEL", "whitespace_perturbation": " experimental autoimmune e ncephalomy eliti s m ode lwhen com pared with mat c hedC6-sufficient (C6+) ra ts. I nC 6+ r a ts , per ivenous de m y el", "underscore_trick": " experimental_autoimmune encephalomyelitis_model when compared with_matched C6-sufficient_(C6+)_rats. In_C6+_rats, perivenous demyel"} +{"text": " 3.0 cm (range, 1.2-4.0 cm). Median surgical time for LAOVH was 107 minutes (range, 82-120", "synonym_substitution": "3.0 cm (range, 1.2 - 4.0 cm). Median surgical meter for LAOVH was 107 moment (range, 82 - 120", "butter_fingers": " 3.0 cl (range, 1.2-4.0 cm). Median surgigal time for LAORY was 107 minutss (range, 82-120", "random_deletion": "3.0 cm (range, 1.2-4.0 cm). Median surgical LAOVH 107 minutes 82-120", "change_char_case": " 3.0 cm (range, 1.2-4.0 cm). Median surgical tiMe for LAOVH Was 107 miNutEs (rAnGe, 82-120", "whitespace_perturbation": " 3.0 cm (range, 1.2-4.0 cm ). Mediansurgi cal ti me for LAO VH was 107 min u tes(range, 82-120", "underscore_trick": " 3.0_cm (range,_1.2-4.0 cm). Median surgical_time for_LAOVH_was 107_minutes_(range, 82-120"} +{"text": " mechanically ventilated premature lambs at 136 +/- 2 d gestation (mean +/- SD) (term = 145 d). We measured lung lymph flow and protein concentrations in", "synonym_substitution": "mechanically ventilated premature lambs at 136 + /- 2 d pregnancy (think of + /- SD) (term = 145 d). We measured lung lymph menstruation and protein concentration in", "butter_fingers": " mefhanically ventilated prtmature lambs at 136 +/- 2 d gevtatioh (mean +/- RD) (term = 145 d). We measured lung ltmph dlow and protein concevtrations in", "random_deletion": "mechanically ventilated premature lambs at 136 +/- gestation +/- SD) = 145 d). and concentrations in", "change_char_case": " mechanically ventilated preMature lambS at 136 +/- 2 d gEstAtiOn (Mean +/- sD) (teRm = 145 d). We measured lUNg lyMph flow and protein conceNtratIoNS in", "whitespace_perturbation": " mechanically ventilated p remature l ambsat136 + /- 2 d g estation (mean +/-SD) (term = 145 d). We meas ur e d lu n glymph flow a n dp r ote in c onc en t ra tions in ", "underscore_trick": " mechanically_ventilated premature_lambs at 136 +/-_2 d_gestation_(mean +/-_SD)_(term = 145_d). We measured_lung lymph flow and_protein concentrations in"} +{"text": "NH2) on the dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) monolayer. Our simulations indicated that the environmental temperature could significantly affect the influence", "synonym_substitution": "NH2) on the dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) monolayer. Our simulations indicated that the environmental temperature could significantly affect the influence", "butter_fingers": "NH2) ln the dipalmitoylphosphxtidylcholine (DKPX) mononayer. Kur simuuations indicated that the eivirinmenucl temperature could significwntly afdect rhe influeide", "random_deletion": "NH2) on the dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) monolayer. Our that environmental temperature significantly affect the", "change_char_case": "NH2) on the dipalmitoylphosphaTidylcholiNe (DPPc) moNolAyEr. OuR simUlations indicaTEd thAt the environmental tempEratuRe COuld SIgNificAntly afFEcT THe iNfLuEncE", "whitespace_perturbation": "NH2) on the dipalmitoylpho sphatidylc holin e ( DPP C) mon olay er. Our simula t ions indicated that the en viron me n talt em perat ure cou l ds i gni fi ca ntl ya ff ect t heinfluen ce", "underscore_trick": "NH2) on_the dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine_(DPPC) monolayer. Our simulations_indicated that_the_environmental temperature_could_significantly affect the_influence"} +{"text": "peritoneally or orally 20, 80, and 140 min after anoxia. YM-14673 (0.03 to 1 mg/kg i.", "synonym_substitution": "peritoneally or orally 20, 80, and 140 min after anoxia. YM-14673 (0.03 to 1 mg / kg i.", "butter_fingers": "perltoneally or orally 20, 80, ana 140 min after anoxia. YM-14673 (0.03 to 1 jg/kg i.", "random_deletion": "peritoneally or orally 20, 80, and 140 anoxia. (0.03 to mg/kg i.", "change_char_case": "peritoneally or orally 20, 80, and 140 miN after anoxIa. YM-14673 (0.03 tO 1 mg/Kg i.", "whitespace_perturbation": "peritoneally or orally 20, 80, and 1 40 mi n a fte ranox ia.YM-14673 (0.03 to 1 mg/kg i.", "underscore_trick": "peritoneally or_orally 20,_80, and 140 min_after anoxia._YM-14673_(0.03 to_1_mg/kg i."} +{"text": " (67%), soy (41%), rice (19%), oat (16%), and egg (11%). Patients had onset of FPIES to milk and soy", "synonym_substitution": "(67 %), soy (41 %), rice (19 %), oat (16 %), and egg (11 %). Patients had attack of FPIES to milk and soy sauce", "butter_fingers": " (67%), sly (41%), rice (19%), oat (16%), and egg (11%). Katients had onsej if FPIXS to mjlk and roy", "random_deletion": "(67%), soy (41%), rice (19%), oat (16%), (11%). had onset FPIES to milk", "change_char_case": " (67%), soy (41%), rice (19%), oat (16%), and egg (11%). Patients hAd onset of FpIES tO miLk aNd Soy", "whitespace_perturbation": " (67%), soy (41%), rice (1 9%), oat ( 16%), an d e gg (11 %).Patients had o n setof FPIES to milk and s oy", "underscore_trick": " (67%),_soy (41%),_rice (19%), oat (16%),_and egg_(11%)._Patients had_onset_of FPIES to_milk and soy"} +{"text": ", the extrinsic pathway and the intrinsic pathway of the 'classical' cascade model of the blood coagulation system could not be separated, and the suppression of fibrinolysis by", "synonym_substitution": ", the extrinsic pathway and the intrinsic pathway of the' classical' cascade exemplar of the rake coagulation system could not be separated, and the inhibition of fibrinolysis by", "butter_fingers": ", thf extrinsic pathway and uhe intrinsic patkqay of the 'cmassical' cascade model of the blood roagylatiin system could not be separatef, and thw sukpression of fibrmholysis by", "random_deletion": ", the extrinsic pathway and the intrinsic the cascade model the blood coagulation and suppression of fibrinolysis", "change_char_case": ", the extrinsic pathway and the Intrinsic pAthwaY of The 'ClAssiCal' cAscade model of tHE bloOd coagulation system couLd not Be SEparATeD, and tHe supprESsION of FiBrInoLySIs By", "whitespace_perturbation": ", the extrinsic pathway an d the intr insic pa thw ay ofthe'classical' ca s cade model of the blood co agula ti o n sy s te m cou ld notb es e par at ed , a nd th e sup pre ssion o f fibrinol ysi sby", "underscore_trick": ", the_extrinsic pathway_and the intrinsic pathway_of the_'classical'_cascade model_of_the blood coagulation_system could not_be separated, and the_suppression of fibrinolysis_by"} +{"text": "R, 3.2 %; and CBR, 46.0 % (stable disease, n = 27; partial response/confirmed, n = 2 [", "synonym_substitution": "R, 3.2% ; and CBR, 46.0% (stable disease, n = 27; partial response / confirm, n = 2 [", "butter_fingers": "R, 3.2 %; and CBR, 46.0 % (stable diseast, n = 27; partial reskobse/conhirmed, h = 2 [", "random_deletion": "R, 3.2 %; and CBR, 46.0 % n 27; partial n = 2", "change_char_case": "R, 3.2 %; and CBR, 46.0 % (stable disease, n = 27; partIal responsE/confIrmEd, n = 2 [", "whitespace_perturbation": "R, 3.2 %; and CBR, 46.0 %(stable di sease , n =27 ; pa rtia l response/con f irme d, n = 2 [", "underscore_trick": "R, 3.2_%; and_CBR, 46.0 % (stable_disease, n_=_27; partial_response/confirmed,_n = 2_["} +{"text": " of 1 vulvar cancer were found to be positive for telomerase activity. A total of 88% of gynecological tumors tested was thus found to be tel", "synonym_substitution": "of 1 vulvar cancer were found to be positive for telomerase activity. A total of 88% of gynecological tumor quiz was thus found to be tel", "butter_fingers": " of 1 vulvar cancer were foukd to be positivg dor tenomeraae activkty. A total of 88% of gynecologmcal tumoes tested was thus fouvd to be nel", "random_deletion": "of 1 vulvar cancer were found to for activity. A of 88% of found be tel", "change_char_case": " of 1 vulvar cancer were found to Be positive For teLomEraSe ActiVity. a total of 88% of gyneCOlogIcal tumors tested was thuS founD tO Be teL", "whitespace_perturbation": " of 1 vulvar cancer were f ound to be posi tiv e f or tel omer ase activity.A tot al of 88% of gynecolog icaltu m orst es ted w as thus fo u n d t obe te l", "underscore_trick": " of_1 vulvar_cancer were found to_be positive_for_telomerase activity._A_total of 88%_of gynecological tumors_tested was thus found_to be tel"} +{"text": "ogen used; yet, only exogenous IFN-gamma is unable to promote successful NO production by Fr3 cells, but does induce detectable iNOS mRNA expression in these", "synonym_substitution": "ogen used; yet, only exogenous IFN - gamma is ineffective to advertise successful NO output by Fr3 cells, but does induce detectable iNOS messenger rna expression in these", "butter_fingers": "ogej used; yet, only exogenour IFN-gamma is uuqble tm promkte succdssful NO production by Fr3 cxlls, but eoes induce detectable iNOS mRNW expreswion un these", "random_deletion": "ogen used; yet, only exogenous IFN-gamma is promote NO production Fr3 cells, but expression these", "change_char_case": "ogen used; yet, only exogenous IfN-gamma is uNable To pRomOtE sucCessFul NO productioN By Fr3 Cells, but does induce deteCtablE inoS mRna eXpresSion in tHEsE", "whitespace_perturbation": "ogen used; yet, only exoge nous IFN-g ammaisuna bl e to pro mote successfu l NOproduction by Fr3 cell s, bu td oesi nd uce d etectab l ei N OSmR NA ex pr e ss ion i n t hese", "underscore_trick": "ogen used;_yet, only_exogenous IFN-gamma is unable_to promote_successful_NO production_by_Fr3 cells, but_does induce detectable_iNOS mRNA expression in_these"} +{"text": " MI than patients who had an abnormal MPI. Expression of genes of lipid synthesis and altered lipid composition modulates L-glutamate efflux of Corynebacterium glutamic", "synonym_substitution": "MI than patients who had an abnormal MPI. Expression of genes of lipid deduction and adapted lipid typography modulates L - glutamate efflux of Corynebacterium glutamic", "butter_fingers": " MI than patients who had ak abnormal MPI. Erpressimn of fenes of lipid synthesis and altered lupid xomposition modulates U-glutamatv efflux if Cieynebactermhm glutamic", "random_deletion": "MI than patients who had an abnormal of of lipid and altered lipid Corynebacterium", "change_char_case": " MI than patients who had an abnOrmal MPI. ExPressIon Of gEnEs of LipiD synthesis and aLTereD lipid composition modulAtes L-GlUTamaTE eFflux Of CorynEBaCTEriUm GlUtaMiC", "whitespace_perturbation": " MI than patients who hadan abnorma l MPI . E xpr es sion ofgenes of lipid synt hesis and altered lipi d com po s itio n m odula tes L-g l ut a m ate e ff lux o f C oryne bac teriumglutamic", "underscore_trick": " MI_than patients_who had an abnormal_MPI. Expression_of_genes of_lipid_synthesis and altered_lipid composition modulates_L-glutamate efflux of Corynebacterium_glutamic"} +{"text": "-cadherin and AEG-1. The result showed that digoxin reduced the abilities of migration and invasion (P < 0.05), up-regulated the", "synonym_substitution": "-cadherin and AEG-1. The result showed that digoxin reduced the abilities of migration and invasion (phosphorus < 0.05), up - determine the", "butter_fingers": "-cadjerin and AEG-1. The result showed that diyixin rxduced fhe abilkties of migration and invasmon (P < 0.05), uk-gegulated the", "random_deletion": "-cadherin and AEG-1. The result showed that the of migration invasion (P <", "change_char_case": "-cadherin and AEG-1. The result shOwed that diGoxin RedUceD tHe abIlitIes of migration ANd inVasion (P < 0.05), up-regulated the", "whitespace_perturbation": "-cadherin and AEG-1. The r esult show ed th atdig ox in r educ ed the abiliti e s of migration and invasio n (P<0 .05) , u p-reg ulatedt he ", "underscore_trick": "-cadherin and_AEG-1. The_result showed that digoxin_reduced the_abilities_of migration_and_invasion (P <_0.05), up-regulated the"} +{"text": " and December 1995, 340 patients with pancreatic carcinoma, including 238 patients with pancreatic head tumours, were evaluated and treated in our Department. Seventy-seven (32", "synonym_substitution": "and December 1995, 340 patients with pancreatic carcinoma, including 238 patients with pancreatic head tumor, were measure and treated in our Department. Seventy - seven (32", "butter_fingers": " anf December 1995, 340 patients wiuh pancreatic careunoma, mncludihg 238 patidnts with pancreatic head tuloyrs, wtge evaluated and treaged in oug Departmwnt. Wwventy-sevei (32", "random_deletion": "and December 1995, 340 patients with pancreatic 238 with pancreatic tumours, were evaluated Seventy-seven", "change_char_case": " and December 1995, 340 patients with paNcreatic caRcinoMa, iNclUdIng 238 pAtieNts with pancreaTIc heAd tumours, were evaluated And trEaTEd in OUr deparTment. SeVEnTY-SevEn (32", "whitespace_perturbation": " and December 1995, 340 pa tients wit h pan cre ati ccarc inom a, including 2 3 8 pa tients with pancreatic head t u mour s ,wereevaluat e da n d t re at edin ou r Dep art ment. S eventy-sev en(3 2", "underscore_trick": " and_December 1995,_340 patients with pancreatic_carcinoma, including_238_patients with_pancreatic_head tumours, were_evaluated and treated_in our Department. Seventy-seven_(32"} +{"text": ". Although a number of alternatives exist, the 2 primary surgical options are ulnar-shortening osteotomy or partial resection of the distal dome of the ulna", "synonym_substitution": ". Although a number of alternatives exist, the 2 primary surgical options are ulnar - shorten osteotomy or fond resection of the distal dome of the ulna", "butter_fingers": ". Alhhough a number of alterkatives exist, thg 2 primacy surgjcal optkons are ulnar-shortening ostxotony or partial resection of ghe distap dome od tht ulna", "random_deletion": ". Although a number of alternatives exist, primary options are osteotomy or partial of ulna", "change_char_case": ". Although a number of alternatIves exist, tHe 2 priMarY suRgIcal OptiOns are ulnar-shoRTeniNg osteotomy or partial reSectiOn OF the DIsTal doMe of the ULnA", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Although a number of alt ernativesexist , t he2prim arysurgical optio n s ar e ulnar-shortening ost eotom yo r pa r ti al re section of t hedi st aldo m eof th e u lna", "underscore_trick": ". Although_a number_of alternatives exist, the_2 primary_surgical_options are_ulnar-shortening_osteotomy or partial_resection of the_distal dome of the_ulna"} +{"text": " with repeated suspected acute bowel obstruction without definite proof of mechanical obstruction, CIP has to be taken into consideration as differential diagnosis. In this context, small bowel man", "synonym_substitution": "with repeated suspected acute bowel obstacle without definite validation of mechanical obstacle, CIP has to be taken into consideration as differential diagnosis. In this context, little bowel man", "butter_fingers": " wihh repeated suspected acmte bowel obstruerion wmthout sefinite proof of mechanical obstrucvion, CIP yas to be taken into cunsideratpon as didfertntial diagnosis. Mh this gjntesb, smano bowel man", "random_deletion": "with repeated suspected acute bowel obstruction without of obstruction, CIP to be taken In context, small bowel", "change_char_case": " with repeated suspected acutE bowel obstRuctiOn wIthOuT defInitE proof of mechanICal oBstruction, CIP has to be taKen inTo COnsiDErAtion As diffeREnTIAl dIaGnOsiS. IN ThIs conTexT, small bOwel man", "whitespace_perturbation": " with repeated suspected a cute bowel obst ruc tio nwith outdefinite proof of m echanical obstruction, CIPha s tob etaken into c o ns i d era ti on as d i ff erent ial diagno sis. In th isco ntext, small bo wel man", "underscore_trick": " with_repeated suspected_acute bowel obstruction without_definite proof_of_mechanical obstruction,_CIP_has to be_taken into consideration_as differential diagnosis. In_this context, small_bowel_man"} +{"text": " revealed small lesions that did not correlate with LCBF reductions and cognitive impairments. Remote subcortical white-matter lesions detected by MR did not correlate with per", "synonym_substitution": "revealed small lesions that did not correlate with LCBF reductions and cognitive disability. Remote subcortical blank - matter lesions detected by MR did not correlate with per", "butter_fingers": " regealed small lesions thau did not correlaje with NCBF rsductionr and cognitive impairments. Cemore suvcortical white-matter uesions dvtected bt MR eid not cocdelate with psv", "random_deletion": "revealed small lesions that did not correlate reductions cognitive impairments. subcortical white-matter lesions correlate per", "change_char_case": " revealed small lesions that dId not correLate wIth lCBf rEducTionS and cognitive iMPairMents. Remote subcortical White-MaTTer lESiOns deTected bY mR DID noT cOrRelAtE WiTh per", "whitespace_perturbation": " revealed small lesions th at did not corr ela tewi th L CBFreductions and cogn itive impairments. Rem ote s ub c orti c al whit e-matte r l e s ion sde tec te d b y MRdid not co rrelate wi thpe r", "underscore_trick": " revealed_small lesions_that did not correlate_with LCBF_reductions_and cognitive_impairments._Remote subcortical white-matter_lesions detected by_MR did not correlate_with per"} +{"text": " synthesis and secretion occur independently of the serumal CP. In vitro and in vivo pulse labelling studies demonstrated that rat milk CP is synthesized and secreted by rat mammary cells", "synonym_substitution": "synthesis and secretion occur independently of the serumal CP. In vitro and in vivo pulse labelling studies attest that informer milk CP is synthesized and secreted by rat mammary cells", "butter_fingers": " syjthesis and secretion ocgur independentli if the serumzl CP. In vitro and in vivo pulse labxllibg stydies demonstrated thag rat miln CP is wyntiesized and secrxfed by vct majlary rells", "random_deletion": "synthesis and secretion occur independently of the In and in pulse labelling studies is and secreted by mammary cells", "change_char_case": " synthesis and secretion occuR independeNtly oF thE seRuMal Cp. In vItro and in vivo pULse lAbelling studies demonstRated ThAT rat MIlK CP is SynthesIZeD ANd sEcReTed By RAt MammaRy cElls", "whitespace_perturbation": " synthesis and secretion o ccur indep enden tly of t he s erum al CP. In vitr o and in vivo pulse labelli ng st ud i es d e mo nstra ted tha t r a t mi lk C P i ss yn thesi zed and se creted byrat m ammary cells ", "underscore_trick": " synthesis_and secretion_occur independently of the_serumal CP._In_vitro and_in_vivo pulse labelling_studies demonstrated that_rat milk CP is_synthesized and secreted_by_rat mammary cells"} +{"text": ") in human volunteers by the ingestion of \"whipped\" egg-white. Abdominal ultrasonography was used to measure the distension of the stomach and its", "synonym_substitution": ") in human volunteers by the ingestion of \" whipped \" egg - blank. Abdominal sonography was used to measure the distention of the abdomen and its", "butter_fingers": ") in human volunteers by the ingestion of \"wkupped\" xgg-whits. Abdomival ultrasonography was used ti meawure the distension of the stomwch and uts", "random_deletion": ") in human volunteers by the ingestion egg-white. ultrasonography was to measure the its", "change_char_case": ") in human volunteers by the ingEstion of \"whIpped\" Egg-WhiTe. abdoMinaL ultrasonograpHY was Used to measure the distenSion oF tHE stoMAcH and iTs", "whitespace_perturbation": ") in human volunteers by t he ingesti on of \"w hip pe d\" e gg-w hite. Abdomina l ult rasonography was usedto me as u re t h ediste nsion o f t h e st om ac h a nd it s", "underscore_trick": ") in_human volunteers_by the ingestion of_\"whipped\" egg-white._Abdominal_ultrasonography was_used_to measure the_distension of the_stomach and its"} +{"text": " endogenous HSP was found to be one of the possible underlying mechanisms. Recently we have uncovered potent disease-suppressive Tregs (anti-inflammatory immunosuppressive T cells)", "synonym_substitution": "endogenous HSP was found to be one of the possible underlying mechanisms. Recently we have uncover potent disease - suppressive Tregs (anti - incendiary immunosuppressive T cells )", "butter_fingers": " enfogenous HSP was found tu be one of the possibne undsrlying oechanisms. Recently we have nncocered potent disease-suppresrive Tregd (anti-indlamnqtory immuiksuppressive F celnw)", "random_deletion": "endogenous HSP was found to be one possible mechanisms. Recently have uncovered potent cells)", "change_char_case": " endogenous HSP was found to be One of the poSsiblE unDerLyIng mEchaNisms. Recently wE Have Uncovered potent disease-SupprEsSIve TREgS (anti-InflammAToRY ImmUnOsUppReSSiVe T ceLls)", "whitespace_perturbation": " endogenous HSP was foundto be oneof th e p oss ib le u nder lying mechanis m s. R ecently we have uncove red p ot e nt d i se ase-s uppress i ve T reg s(a nti -i n fl ammat ory immuno suppressiv e T c ells)", "underscore_trick": " endogenous_HSP was_found to be one_of the_possible_underlying mechanisms._Recently_we have uncovered_potent disease-suppressive Tregs_(anti-inflammatory immunosuppressive T cells)"} +{"text": " Renying (ST 9) combined with stellate ganglion block].\nTo compare the clinical efficacy difference in dysantonomia between transcutaneous electrical stimulation at", "synonym_substitution": "Renying (ST 9) combined with stellate ganglion block ]. \n To compare the clinical efficacy difference in dysantonomia between transdermal electric foreplay at", "butter_fingers": " Rejying (ST 9) combined with rtellate ganglion blocn].\nTo cojpare thd clinical efficacy differenre ib dysqntonomia between tranrcutaneoud electrucal wtimulatioi at", "random_deletion": "Renying (ST 9) combined with stellate ganglion compare clinical efficacy in dysantonomia between", "change_char_case": " Renying (ST 9) combined with stelLate gangliOn bloCk].\nTO coMpAre tHe clInical efficacy DIffeRence in dysantonomia betWeen tRaNScutANeOus elEctricaL StIMUlaTiOn At", "whitespace_perturbation": " Renying (ST 9) combined w ith stella te ga ngl ion b lock ].\nT o compare thec lini cal efficacy differenc e indy s anto n om ia be tween t r an s c uta ne ou s e le c tr icalsti mulatio n at", "underscore_trick": " Renying_(ST 9)_combined with stellate ganglion_block].\nTo compare_the_clinical efficacy_difference_in dysantonomia between_transcutaneous electrical stimulation_at"} +{"text": " The mental approach to sport is much more important than most athletes realize. Mental processes must be trained just as sports skills, and they take time to develop. Various", "synonym_substitution": "The mental approach to sport is much more authoritative than most athlete realize. Mental summons must be train just as sports skill, and they assume time to evolve. Various", "butter_fingers": " Thf mental approach to spovt is much more nnportait than most atfletes realize. Mental procesdew musu be trained just ar sports dkills, abd tiey take time to develop. Variohd", "random_deletion": "The mental approach to sport is much than athletes realize. processes must be and take time to Various", "change_char_case": " The mental approach to sport iS much more iMportAnt ThaN mOst aThleTes realize. MentAL proCesses must be trained jusT as spOrTS skiLLs, And thEy take tIMe TO DevElOp. varIoUS", "whitespace_perturbation": " The mental approach to sp ort is muc h mor e i mpo rt antthan most athletes real ize. Mental processesmustbe trai n ed just as spo r ts s kil ls ,and t h ey take ti me to d evelop. Va rio us ", "underscore_trick": " The_mental approach_to sport is much_more important_than_most athletes_realize._Mental processes must_be trained just_as sports skills, and_they take time_to_develop. Various"} +{"text": " that in a molecular metallic conductor, lambda-(BETS)2.FeCl4, and of a very weak d-d interaction (Jdd). This", "synonym_substitution": "that in a molecular metallic conductor, lambda-(BETS)2.FeCl4, and of a very weak d - d interaction (Jdd). This", "butter_fingers": " thwt in a molecular metalllc conductor, lamyea-(BETS)2.HeCl4, ans of a vdry weak d-d interaction (Jdd). Vhis", "random_deletion": "that in a molecular metallic conductor, lambda-(BETS)2.FeCl4, a weak d-d (Jdd). This", "change_char_case": " that in a molecular metallic cOnductor, laMbda-(BeTS)2.feCL4, aNd of A verY weak d-d interacTIon (JDd). This", "whitespace_perturbation": " that in a molecular metal lic conduc tor,lam bda -( BETS )2.F eCl4, and of a very weak d-d interaction(Jdd) .T his", "underscore_trick": " that_in a_molecular metallic conductor, lambda-(BETS)2.FeCl4,_and of_a_very weak_d-d_interaction (Jdd). This"} +{"text": " a birth weight below 2500 g (relative risk, 1.8; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.3 to 2.4), a birth weight below 2500", "synonym_substitution": "a birth weight below 2500 g (relative hazard, 1.8; 95 percentage assurance interval, 1.3 to 2.4), a birth weight below 2500", "butter_fingers": " a hirth weight below 2500 g (reuative risk, 1.8; 95 pgrxent cmnfidehce intefval, 1.3 to 2.4), a birth weight bellw 2500", "random_deletion": "a birth weight below 2500 g (relative 95 confidence interval, to 2.4), a", "change_char_case": " a birth weight below 2500 g (relativE risk, 1.8; 95 perceNt conFidEncE iNterVal, 1.3 tO 2.4), a birth weight bELow 2500", "whitespace_perturbation": " a birth weight below 2500 g (relati ve ri sk, 1. 8; 95perc ent confidence inte rval, 1.3 to 2.4), a b irthwe i ghtb el ow 25 00", "underscore_trick": " a_birth weight_below 2500 g (relative_risk, 1.8;_95_percent confidence_interval,_1.3 to 2.4),_a birth weight_below 2500"} +{"text": "ine diseases affecting citrus pro-duction both in abroad and domestic. Based on the mechanism and characteristics of citrus HLB transmission, we establish a vector-borne model", "synonym_substitution": "ine diseases affecting citrus pro - duction both in abroad and domestic. free-base on the mechanism and characteristic of citrus HLB transmission, we establish a vector - borne mannequin", "butter_fingers": "ine diseases affecting citrms pro-duction bojh in abcoad ans domestkc. Based on the mechanism anv chqracttgistics of citrus HLB transmisdion, we wstaulish a vector-boche model", "random_deletion": "ine diseases affecting citrus pro-duction both in domestic. on the and characteristics of a model", "change_char_case": "ine diseases affecting citruS pro-ductioN both In aBroAd And dOmesTic. Based on the mEChanIsm and characteristics oF citrUs hlB trANsMissiOn, we estABlISH a vEcToR-boRnE MoDel", "whitespace_perturbation": "ine diseases affecting cit rus pro-du ction bo thin abr oadand domestic.B ased on the mechanism andchara ct e rist i cs of c itrus H L Bt r ans mi ss ion ,w eestab lis h a vec tor-bornemod el ", "underscore_trick": "ine diseases_affecting citrus_pro-duction both in abroad_and domestic._Based_on the_mechanism_and characteristics of_citrus HLB transmission,_we establish a vector-borne_model"} +{"text": " percent of the patients accepted; there was no significant relationship between patients' age or sex and acceptance. Physicians judged the outcome of the 94 cases with family member", "synonym_substitution": "percent of the patients accepted; there was no meaning kinship between affected role' age or sexual activity and acceptance. Physicians pronounce the outcome of the 94 case with family member", "butter_fingers": " pegcent of the patients acgepted; there was no sigiificanf relatiunship between patients' age lr sex qnd acceptance. Physicixns judgef the ourcomt of the 94 cases wmfh family memgcr", "random_deletion": "percent of the patients accepted; there was relationship patients' age sex and acceptance. the cases with family", "change_char_case": " percent of the patients accepTed; there waS no siGniFicAnT relAtioNship between paTIentS' age or sex and acceptance. physiCiANs juDGeD the oUtcome oF ThE 94 CAseS wItH faMiLY mEmber", "whitespace_perturbation": " percent of the patients a ccepted; t herewas no s igni fica nt relationshi p bet ween patients' age orsex a nd acce p ta nce.Physici a ns j udg ed t heou t co me of th e 94 ca ses with f ami ly member", "underscore_trick": " percent_of the_patients accepted; there was_no significant_relationship_between patients'_age_or sex and_acceptance. Physicians judged_the outcome of the_94 cases with_family_member"} +{"text": "30 years, they could have a meaningful impact on the rate at which pulmonary function declines, particularly in symptomatic subjects (85). Longitudinal data support the hypothesis that", "synonym_substitution": "30 years, they could have a meaningful impact on the rate at which pneumonic affair declines, particularly in diagnostic subjects (85). Longitudinal datum support the hypothesis that", "butter_fingers": "30 yewrs, they could have a mexningful impact on the rate zt which pulmonary function declines, pqrticylarly in symptomatic rubjects (85). Longitueinao data support the mvpothsdis chet", "random_deletion": "30 years, they could have a meaningful the at which function declines, particularly data the hypothesis that", "change_char_case": "30 years, they could have a meaninGful impact On the RatE at WhIch pUlmoNary function deCLineS, particularly in symptomAtic sUbJEcts (85). lOnGitudInal datA SuPPOrt ThE hYpoThESiS that", "whitespace_perturbation": "30 years, they could havea meaningf ul im pac t o ntherate at which pulm o nary function declines, pa rticu la r ly i n s ympto matic s u bj e c ts(8 5) . L on g it udina l d ata sup port the h ypo th esis that", "underscore_trick": "30 years,_they could_have a meaningful impact_on the_rate_at which_pulmonary_function declines, particularly_in symptomatic subjects_(85). Longitudinal data support_the hypothesis that"} +{"text": "244 to 0.233) in Group BOT; -0.045 (95% CI: -0.291 to 0.202) in Group B", "synonym_substitution": "244 to 0.233) in Group BOT; -0.045 (95% CI: -0.291 to 0.202) in Group B", "butter_fingers": "244 to 0.233) in Group BOT; -0.045 (95% CI: -0.291 to 0.202) in Group B", "random_deletion": "244 to 0.233) in Group BOT; -0.045 -0.291 0.202) in B", "change_char_case": "244 to 0.233) in Group BOT; -0.045 (95% CI: -0.291 to 0.202) in Group B", "whitespace_perturbation": "244 to 0.233) in Group BOT ; -0.045 ( 95% C I:-0. 29 1 to 0.2 02) in Group B ", "underscore_trick": "244 to_0.233) in_Group BOT; -0.045 (95%_CI: -0.291_to_0.202) in_Group_B"} +{"text": "otic fluid. These findings are in agreement with the classification of aplasia cutis congenita as proposed by Frieden et al in which type V is related to", "synonym_substitution": "otic fluid. These findings are in agreement with the classification of aplasia cutis congenita as proposed by Frieden et al in which type five is relate to", "butter_fingers": "otif fluid. These findings ave in agreement cuth thx classjficatiov of aplasia cutis congenita aw prokjsed by Frieden et al in whpch type C is eelated to", "random_deletion": "otic fluid. These findings are in agreement classification aplasia cutis as proposed by type is related to", "change_char_case": "otic fluid. These findings are In agreemenT with The ClaSsIficAtioN of aplasia cutiS CongEnita as proposed by FriedEn et aL iN WhicH TyPe V is Related TO", "whitespace_perturbation": "otic fluid. These findings are in ag reeme ntwit htheclas sification ofa plas ia cutis congenita aspropo se d byF ri edenet al i n w h i chty pe Vis re lated to ", "underscore_trick": "otic fluid._These findings_are in agreement with_the classification_of_aplasia cutis_congenita_as proposed by_Frieden et al_in which type V_is related to"} +{"text": " warning that the risk for infestation may become more significant in other Italian regions, as well as other European countries. Influence of prebiotics, probiotics", "synonym_substitution": "warning that the risk for infestation may become more significant in other Italian region, equally well as other European countries. Influence of prebiotics, probiotic", "butter_fingers": " wagning that the risk for lnfestation may ywcome kore sjgnificavt in other Italian regions, es wwll aw other European countfies. Infllence of prebmotics, probiotics", "random_deletion": "warning that the risk for infestation may significant other Italian as well as prebiotics,", "change_char_case": " warning that the risk for infeStation may BecomE moRe sIgNifiCant In other Italian REgioNs, as well as other EuropeaN counTrIEs. InFLuEnce oF prebioTIcS, PRobIoTiCs", "whitespace_perturbation": " warning that the risk for infestati on ma y b eco me mor e si gnificant in o t herItalian regions, as we ll as o t herE ur opean countr i es . Inf lu en ceof pr ebiot ics , probi otics", "underscore_trick": " warning_that the_risk for infestation may_become more_significant_in other_Italian_regions, as well_as other European_countries. Influence of prebiotics,_probiotics"} +{"text": ". pneumoniae including 12 with meningitis, 2 with occult bacteremia and 1 with suppurative arthritis. Five of the patients with meningitis also had", "synonym_substitution": ". pneumoniae including 12 with meningitis, 2 with occult bacteremia and 1 with suppurative arthritis. Five of the patients with meningitis also take", "butter_fingers": ". pnfumoniae including 12 with meningitis, 2 wijh occulv bactedemia ana 1 with suppurative arthritid. Dive if the patients with mdningitis also hae", "random_deletion": ". pneumoniae including 12 with meningitis, 2 bacteremia 1 with arthritis. Five of had", "change_char_case": ". pneumoniae including 12 with meNingitis, 2 wiTh occUlt BacTeRemiA and 1 With suppurativE ArthRitis. Five of the patients With mEnINgitIS aLso haD", "whitespace_perturbation": ". pneumoniae including 12with menin gitis , 2 wi th occ ultbacteremia and 1 wi th suppurative arthrit is. F iv e oft he pati ents wi t hm e nin gi ti s a ls o h ad", "underscore_trick": ". pneumoniae_including 12_with meningitis, 2 with_occult bacteremia_and_1 with_suppurative_arthritis. Five of_the patients with_meningitis also had"} +{"text": "-18.97]). The observed early recurrence rate of 7.4% is uncharacteristically high for a population of patients who had an excellent response to initial", "synonym_substitution": "-18.97 ]). The observed early recurrence rate of 7.4% is uncharacteristically high for a population of patients who take an excellent reception to initial", "butter_fingers": "-18.97]). Thf observed early recurrekce rate of 7.4% is onxharacveristidally hieh for a population of patieits qho hqd an excellent responre to ininial", "random_deletion": "-18.97]). The observed early recurrence rate of uncharacteristically for a of patients who initial", "change_char_case": "-18.97]). The observed early recurrencE rate of 7.4% is uNcharActEriStIcalLy hiGh for a populatiON of pAtients who had an excelleNt resPoNSe to INiTial", "whitespace_perturbation": "-18.97]). The observed ear ly recurre nce r ate of 7 .4%is u ncharacteristi c ally high for a population of p at i ents wh o had an exc e ll e n t r es po nse t o i nitia l", "underscore_trick": "-18.97]). The_observed early_recurrence rate of 7.4%_is uncharacteristically_high_for a_population_of patients who_had an excellent_response to initial"} +{"text": "age, gender, smoke and familiarity; and (3) genetic polymorphisms of the NOD2, CD14, TNF, IL12B, and IL1RN", "synonym_substitution": "age, gender, smoke and familiarity; and (3) familial polymorphism of the NOD2, CD14, TNF, IL12B, and IL1RN", "butter_fingers": "age, gender, smoke and familixrity; and (3) genejix polykorphiams of tfe NOD2, CD14, TNF, IL12B, and IL1RN", "random_deletion": "age, gender, smoke and familiarity; and (3) of NOD2, CD14, IL12B, and IL1RN", "change_char_case": "age, gender, smoke and familiarIty; and (3) geneTic poLymOrpHiSms oF the nOD2, CD14, TNF, IL12B, and il1RN", "whitespace_perturbation": "age, gender, smoke and fam iliarity;and ( 3)gen et ic p olym orphisms of th e NOD 2, CD14, TNF, IL12B, a nd IL 1R N ", "underscore_trick": "age, gender,_smoke and_familiarity; and (3) genetic_polymorphisms of_the_NOD2, CD14,_TNF,_IL12B, and IL1RN"} +{"text": "-neuron electrophysiologic recording, in vivo brain microdialysis, in vivo brain voltammetric electrochemistry, in vivo electrical brain stimulation, or in", "synonym_substitution": "-neuron electrophysiologic recording, in vivo brain microdialysis, in vivo brain voltammetric electrochemistry, in vivo electrical brain foreplay, or in", "butter_fingers": "-neugon electrophysiologic rtcording, in vivo yeain mmcrodiamysis, in vivo brain voltammetric elertroxhemiwtry, in vivo electricau brain snimulatiob, or un", "random_deletion": "-neuron electrophysiologic recording, in vivo brain microdialysis, brain electrochemistry, in electrical brain stimulation,", "change_char_case": "-neuron electrophysiologic rEcording, in Vivo bRaiN miCrOdiaLysiS, in vivo brain voLTammEtric electrochemistry, iN vivo ElECtriCAl Brain StimulaTIoN, OR in", "whitespace_perturbation": "-neuron electrophysiologic recording , inviv o b ra in m icro dialysis, in v i vo b rain voltammetric elec troch em i stry , i n viv o elect r ic a l br ai nsti mu l at ion,orin", "underscore_trick": "-neuron electrophysiologic_recording, in_vivo brain microdialysis, in_vivo brain_voltammetric_electrochemistry, in_vivo_electrical brain stimulation,_or in"} +{"text": " of surfactant deficiency--secretory immunoglobulin A as a dilution marker].\nThe surface tension value (gamma min) of tracheal aspirate samples (TA) from", "synonym_substitution": "of surfactant deficiency -- secretory immunoglobulin A as a dilution marker ]. \n The surface tension value (gamma min) of tracheal aspirate sample (TA) from", "butter_fingers": " of surfactant deficiency--segretory immunoglobulin E as a silution marker].\nThe surface tension velue (gammq min) of tracheal aspifate samppes (TA) feom", "random_deletion": "of surfactant deficiency--secretory immunoglobulin A as a The tension value min) of tracheal", "change_char_case": " of surfactant deficiency--secRetory immuNogloBulIn A As A dilUtioN marker].\nThe surfACe teNsion value (gamma min) of trAcheaL aSPiraTE sAmpleS (TA) from", "whitespace_perturbation": " of surfactant deficiency- -secretory immu nog lob ul in A asa dilution mar k er]. \nThe surface tension v alue(g a mmam in ) oftrachea l a s p ira te s amp le s ( TA) f rom ", "underscore_trick": " of_surfactant deficiency--secretory_immunoglobulin A as a_dilution marker].\nThe_surface_tension value_(gamma_min) of tracheal_aspirate samples (TA)_from"} +{"text": " waterlipid system the efficiency of the transfer from the donor to the acceptor, which is evenly distributed in the lipid phase, depends on the donor localization with respect", "synonym_substitution": "waterlipid system the efficiency of the transfer from the donor to the acceptor, which is evenly distributed in the lipid phase, depends on the donor localization of function with obedience", "butter_fingers": " waherlipid system the effigiency of the trcbsfer hrom ths donor go the acceptor, which is eveily eistrubuted in the lipid phxse, depenfs on thw doior localization with respect", "random_deletion": "waterlipid system the efficiency of the transfer donor the acceptor, is evenly distributed on donor localization with", "change_char_case": " waterlipid system the efficiEncy of the tRansfEr fRom ThE donOr to The acceptor, whiCH is eVenly distributed in the lIpid pHaSE, depENdS on thE donor lOCaLIZatIoN wIth ReSPeCt", "whitespace_perturbation": " waterlipid system the eff iciency of thetra nsf er fro m th e donor to the acce ptor, which is evenlydistr ib u tedi nthe l ipid ph a se , dep en ds on t h edonor lo calizat ion with r esp ec t", "underscore_trick": " waterlipid_system the_efficiency of the transfer_from the_donor_to the_acceptor,_which is evenly_distributed in the_lipid phase, depends on_the donor localization_with_respect"} +{"text": " denosumab and zoledronic acid; the payer perspective included direct medical costs only. Bone complication rates for each tumor type were estimated from three pivotal", "synonym_substitution": "denosumab and zoledronic acid; the payer perspective included direct medical price merely. Bone complication rates for each tumor type were calculate from three pivotal", "butter_fingers": " dejosumab and zoledronic agid; the payer petspectivx inclused direzt medical costs only. Bone clmplicaupon rates for each tuoor type aere estumattd from three pivotal", "random_deletion": "denosumab and zoledronic acid; the payer perspective medical only. Bone rates for each three", "change_char_case": " denosumab and zoledronic aciD; the payer pErspeCtiVe iNcLudeD dirEct medical costS Only. bone complication rates fOr eacH tUMor tYPe Were eStimateD FrOM ThrEe PiVotAl", "whitespace_perturbation": " denosumab and zoledronicacid; thepayer pe rsp ec tive inc luded direct m e dica l costs only. Bone com plica ti o n ra t es foreach tu m or t ype w er e e st i ma ted f rom threepivotal", "underscore_trick": " denosumab_and zoledronic_acid; the payer perspective_included direct_medical_costs only._Bone_complication rates for_each tumor type_were estimated from three_pivotal"} +{"text": " differentiation of HL-60 human promyelocytes into monocyte-like cells in vitro. We assessed the relative activity of 30 analogs of 1,25-dihydroxy", "synonym_substitution": "differentiation of HL-60 human promyelocytes into monocyte - like cells in vitro. We assessed the proportional natural process of 30 analogs of 1,25 - dihydroxy", "butter_fingers": " divferentiation of HL-60 humak promyelocytes nbto moiocyte-ljke cellr in vitro. We assessed the rxlatuve axtivity of 30 analogs of 1,25-dihydroxj", "random_deletion": "differentiation of HL-60 human promyelocytes into monocyte-like vitro. assessed the activity of 30", "change_char_case": " differentiation of HL-60 human pRomyelocytEs intO moNocYtE-likE celLs in vitro. We assESsed The relative activity of 30 aNalogS oF 1,25-DihyDRoXy", "whitespace_perturbation": " differentiation of HL-60human prom yeloc yte s i nt o mo nocy te-like cellsi n vi tro. We assessed the r elati ve acti v it y of30 anal o gs o f 1 ,2 5- dih yd r ox y", "underscore_trick": " differentiation_of HL-60_human promyelocytes into monocyte-like_cells in_vitro._We assessed_the_relative activity of_30 analogs of_1,25-dihydroxy"} +{"text": "P-gp) medium. Adopted immunohistochemistry SP method to determine expression of PKC\u03b1, PKC\u03b5, and P-gp in 64 cases of epithelial ovarian", "synonym_substitution": "P - gp) medium. Adopted immunohistochemistry SP method acting to settle expression of PKC\u03b1, PKC\u03b5, and P - general practitioner in 64 cases of epithelial ovarian", "butter_fingers": "P-gp) medium. Adopted immunohirtochemistry SP method to defermine dxpression of PKC\u03b1, PKC\u03b5, and P-g' in 64 castf of epithelial ovxrian", "random_deletion": "P-gp) medium. Adopted immunohistochemistry SP method to of PKC\u03b5, and in 64 cases", "change_char_case": "P-gp) medium. Adopted immunohisTochemistrY SP meThoD to DeTermIne eXpression of PKC\u0391, pKC\u03b5, And P-gp in 64 cases of epithelIal ovArIAn", "whitespace_perturbation": "P-gp) medium. Adopted immu nohistoche mistr y S P m et hodto d etermine expre s sion of PKC\u03b1, PKC\u03b5, and P- gp in 6 4 cas e sof ep ithelia l o v a ria n", "underscore_trick": "P-gp) medium._Adopted immunohistochemistry_SP method to determine_expression of_PKC\u03b1,_PKC\u03b5, and_P-gp_in 64 cases_of epithelial ovarian"} +{"text": " differential diagnosis of a limbal mass, especially in children. A search for antiplasmodial metabolites among fungal endophytes of terrestrial and marine plants of southern", "synonym_substitution": "differential diagnosis of a limbal mass, especially in children. A search for antiplasmodial metabolites among fungal endophytes of mundane and nautical plants of southern", "butter_fingers": " divferential diagnosis of x limbal mass, especialny in dhildren. A search for antiplasmodial mwtabooites among fungal enduphytes ov terresrriao and marinx plants of sohbhern", "random_deletion": "differential diagnosis of a limbal mass, especially A for antiplasmodial among fungal endophytes of", "change_char_case": " differential diagnosis of a lImbal mass, eSpeciAllY in ChIldrEn. A sEarch for antiplASmodIal metabolites among funGal enDoPHyteS Of TerreStrial aND mARIne PlAnTs oF sOUtHern", "whitespace_perturbation": " differential diagnosis of a limbalmass, es pec ia llyin c hildren. A sea r ch f or antiplasmodial meta bolit es amon g f ungal endoph y te s ofte rr est ri a land m ari ne plan ts of sout her n", "underscore_trick": " differential_diagnosis of_a limbal mass, especially_in children._A_search for_antiplasmodial_metabolites among fungal_endophytes of terrestrial_and marine plants of_southern"} +{"text": ", the effective beam size, and the spatial complex degree of coherence of a partially coherent Lorentz-Gauss beam through a paraxial and real ABCD optical system", "synonym_substitution": ", the effective beam size, and the spatial complex degree of coherence of a partially coherent Lorentz - Gauss beam through a paraxial and real ABCD ocular arrangement", "butter_fingers": ", thf effective beam size, ana the spatial complex vegree kf coherdnce of a partially coherent Lirente-Yauss beam through a paraxial and reao ABRD optical system", "random_deletion": ", the effective beam size, and the degree coherence of partially coherent Lorentz-Gauss real optical system", "change_char_case": ", the effective beam size, and thE spatial coMplex DegRee Of CoheRencE of a partially cOHereNt Lorentz-Gauss beam throUgh a pArAXial ANd Real AbCD optiCAl SYSteM", "whitespace_perturbation": ", the effective beam size, and the s patia l c omp le x de gree of coherenceo f apartially coherent Lor entz- Ga u ss b e am thro ugh a p a ra x i alan drea lA BC D opt ica l syste m", "underscore_trick": ", the_effective beam_size, and the spatial_complex degree_of_coherence of_a_partially coherent Lorentz-Gauss_beam through a_paraxial and real ABCD_optical system"} +{"text": " typical open beam surface dose of 20% (relative to open beam Dmax) was increased to 63% by the coil padding material and to >74% by", "synonym_substitution": "typical open beam surface venereal disease of 20% (proportional to open beam Dmax) was increase to 63% by the coil padding fabric and to > 74% by", "butter_fingers": " tyoical open beam surface aose of 20% (relatirw to o'en beaj Dmax) wxs increased to 63% by the coil pqddint material and to >74% by", "random_deletion": "typical open beam surface dose of 20% open Dmax) was to 63% by to by", "change_char_case": " typical open beam surface dosE of 20% (relativE to opEn bEam dmAx) waS incReased to 63% by the cOIl paDding material and to >74% by", "whitespace_perturbation": " typical open beam surface dose of 2 0% (r ela tiv eto o penbeam Dmax) was incr eased to 63% by the co il pa dd i ng m a te rialand to> 74 % by", "underscore_trick": " typical_open beam_surface dose of 20%_(relative to_open_beam Dmax)_was_increased to 63%_by the coil_padding material and to_>74% by"} +{"text": " have been demonstrated for the quantification of well-characterized MWCNTs, applying these methods to field samples is still a challenge due to interferences from unknown", "synonym_substitution": "have been demonstrated for the quantification of well - characterized MWCNTs, applying these methods to field sample is however a challenge due to interferences from unknown", "butter_fingers": " hage been demonstrated for the quantificajiin of xell-chadacterizdd MWCNTs, applying these metiods to fueld samples is still x challenhe due ti inuerferences from nhknown", "random_deletion": "have been demonstrated for the quantification of applying methods to samples is still from", "change_char_case": " have been demonstrated for thE quantificAtion Of wEll-ChAracTeriZed MWCNTs, applyINg thEse methods to field samplEs is sTiLL a chALlEnge dUe to intERfEREncEs FrOm uNkNOwN", "whitespace_perturbation": " have been demonstrated fo r the quan tific ati onof wel l-ch aracterized MW C NTs, applying these method s tofi e ld s a mp les i s still ac h all en ge du et ointer fer ences f rom unknow n", "underscore_trick": " have_been demonstrated_for the quantification of_well-characterized MWCNTs,_applying_these methods_to_field samples is_still a challenge_due to interferences from_unknown"} +{"text": "-1, and in its absence, KM = 240 microM and kcat = 68 s-1. The apparent binding constant for chloride was 4 mM,", "synonym_substitution": "-1, and in its absence, KM = 240 microM and kcat = 68 s-1. The apparent binding constant for chloride was 4 mM,", "butter_fingers": "-1, anf in its absence, KM = 240 migroM and kcat = 68 s-1. The a'parent binding constant for chloride was 4 lM,", "random_deletion": "-1, and in its absence, KM = and = 68 The apparent binding mM,", "change_char_case": "-1, and in its absence, KM = 240 microM anD kcat = 68 s-1. The aPpareNt bIndInG conStanT for chloride waS 4 MM,", "whitespace_perturbation": "-1, and in its absence, KM = 240 mic roM a ndkca t= 68 s-1 . The apparent bind ing constant for chlor ide w as 4 mM , ", "underscore_trick": "-1, and_in its_absence, KM = 240_microM and_kcat_= 68_s-1._The apparent binding_constant for chloride_was 4 mM,"} +{"text": " relatively greater effect on responses to caffeine than halothane, with a significantly increased caffeine:halothane tension ratio compared to G2434R of the central", "synonym_substitution": "relatively greater effect on responses to caffeine than halothane, with a significantly increase caffeine: halothane latent hostility ratio compared to G2434R of the cardinal", "butter_fingers": " repatively greater effect un responses to caffeiie than halothave, with a significantly incrxasee cafdeine:halothane tension ratio colpared ti G2434R if the cenvdal", "random_deletion": "relatively greater effect on responses to caffeine with significantly increased tension ratio compared", "change_char_case": " relatively greater effect on Responses tO caffEinE thAn HaloThanE, with a significANtly Increased caffeine:halotHane tEnSIon rATiO compAred to G2434r Of THE ceNtRaL", "whitespace_perturbation": " relatively greater effect on respon ses t o c aff ei ne t hanhalothane, wit h a s ignificantly increased caff ei n e:ha l ot hanetension ra t i o c om pa red t o G 2434R of the ce ntral", "underscore_trick": " relatively_greater effect_on responses to caffeine_than halothane,_with_a significantly_increased_caffeine:halothane tension ratio_compared to G2434R_of the central"} +{"text": "280) and sustainability (turning point, $112,505). The finding that the turning point of carbon emissions is higher than that of total greenhouse gases indicates", "synonym_substitution": "280) and sustainability (turning point, $ 112,505). The finding that the turning item of carbon paper emissions is higher than that of entire greenhouse gas indicates", "butter_fingers": "280) anf sustainability (turning point, $112,505). The finbung thet the furning ooint of carbon emissions is hugher than that of total grdenhouse hases ineicaues", "random_deletion": "280) and sustainability (turning point, $112,505). The the point of emissions is higher gases", "change_char_case": "280) and sustainability (turning pOint, $112,505). The finDing tHat The TuRninG poiNt of carbon emisSIons Is higher than that of totaL greeNhOUse gASeS indiCates", "whitespace_perturbation": "280) and sustainability (t urning poi nt, $ 112 ,50 5) . Th e fi nding that the turn ing point of carbon em issio ns is h i gh er th an that of t ota lgr een ho u se gase s i ndicate s", "underscore_trick": "280) and_sustainability (turning_point, $112,505). The finding_that the_turning_point of_carbon_emissions is higher_than that of_total greenhouse gases indicates"} +{"text": "Related Fluctuations in Breast Volume Measured Using Three-Dimensional Imaging: Implications for Volumetric Evaluation in Breast Augmentation.\nBreast volume is", "synonym_substitution": "Related Fluctuations in Breast Volume Measured Using Three - Dimensional Imaging: Implications for Volumetric Evaluation in Breast Augmentation. \n Breast bulk is", "butter_fingers": "Relwted Fluctuations in Brexst Volume Measorwd Usiig Thres-Dimensiunal Imaging: Implications foc Vooumeteic Evaluation in Breart Augmennation.\nBreqst tolume is", "random_deletion": "Related Fluctuations in Breast Volume Measured Using Implications Volumetric Evaluation Breast Augmentation. Breast", "change_char_case": "Related Fluctuations in BreaSt Volume MeAsureD UsIng thRee-DImenSional Imaging: IMPlicAtions for Volumetric EvaLuatiOn IN BreASt augmeNtation.\nbReAST voLuMe Is", "whitespace_perturbation": "Related Fluctuations in Br east Volum e Mea sur edUs ingThre e-DimensionalI magi ng: Implications for V olume tr i c Ev a lu ation in Bre a st A ugm en ta tio n. Br eastvol ume is", "underscore_trick": "Related Fluctuations_in Breast_Volume Measured Using Three-Dimensional_Imaging: Implications_for_Volumetric Evaluation_in_Breast Augmentation.\nBreast volume_is"} +{"text": " a pioneer of cosmetics, haematology, surgery and toxicology leading the way for the development of modern medicine. Additive toxicity of zinc and arsenate on", "synonym_substitution": "a pioneer of cosmetics, haematology, surgery and toxicology leading the direction for the growth of modern medicine. Additive perniciousness of zinc and arsenate on", "butter_fingers": " a oioneer of cosmetics, haeoatology, surgeri qnd toeicologg leadine the way for the developmenv of modeen medicine. Additive tuxicity ov zinc abd acsenate on", "random_deletion": "a pioneer of cosmetics, haematology, surgery and the for the of modern medicine. arsenate", "change_char_case": " a pioneer of cosmetics, haematOlogy, surgeRy and ToxIcoLoGy leAdinG the way for the dEVeloPment of modern medicine. ADditiVe TOxicITy Of zinC and arsENaTE On", "whitespace_perturbation": " a pioneer of cosmetics, h aematology , sur ger y a nd tox icol ogy leading th e way for the development o f mod er n med i ci ne. A dditive to x i cit yof zi nc an d ars ena te on", "underscore_trick": " a_pioneer of_cosmetics, haematology, surgery and_toxicology leading_the_way for_the_development of modern_medicine. Additive toxicity_of zinc and arsenate_on"} +{"text": "plantation. [Socioeconomic status and coronary disease: theories, research methods, epidemiological evidence and the results of Italian studies].\nThis review covers the most important", "synonym_substitution": "plantation. [ Socioeconomic status and coronary disease: theories, research method, epidemiologic evidence and the results of Italian studies ]. \n This revue cover the most important", "butter_fingers": "plajtation. [Socioeconomic stxtus and coronaty diseave: thekries, rerearch methods, epidemiologicel ecidenxe and the results of Ktalian snudies].\nThiw retiew covers the most important", "random_deletion": "plantation. [Socioeconomic status and coronary disease: theories, epidemiological and the of Italian studies]. important", "change_char_case": "plantation. [Socioeconomic stAtus and corOnary DisEasE: tHeorIes, rEsearch methods, EPideMiological evidence and tHe resUlTS of ITAlIan stUdies].\nThIS rEVIew CoVeRs tHe MOsT impoRtaNt", "whitespace_perturbation": "plantation. [Socioeconomic status an d cor ona rydi seas e: t heories, resea r ch m ethods, epidemiologica l evi de n ce a n dthe r esultso fI t ali an s tud ie s ]. \nThis re view co vers the m ost i mportant", "underscore_trick": "plantation. [Socioeconomic_status and_coronary disease: theories, research_methods, epidemiological_evidence_and the_results_of Italian studies].\nThis_review covers the_most important"} +{"text": " syndrome (IBS). It is often delivered by a psychotherapist and is costly and time consuming. Nurse-administered hypnotherapy could increase availability and", "synonym_substitution": "syndrome (IBS). It is often delivered by a psychotherapist and is costly and time consume. nanny - administered hypnotherapy could increase availability and", "butter_fingers": " syjdrome (IBS). It is often dtlivered by a psyeyotherepist ahd is cortly and time consuming. Nursx-admunisttged hypnotherapy coula increasv availabulitb and", "random_deletion": "syndrome (IBS). It is often delivered by and costly and consuming. Nurse-administered hypnotherapy", "change_char_case": " syndrome (IBS). It is often delivEred by a psyChothEraPisT aNd is CostLy and time consuMIng. NUrse-administered hypnotHerapY cOUld iNCrEase aVailabiLItY ANd", "whitespace_perturbation": " syndrome (IBS). It is oft en deliver ed by apsy ch othe rapi st and is cost l y an d time consuming. Nurs e-adm in i ster e dhypno therapy co u l d i nc re ase a v ai labil ity and", "underscore_trick": " syndrome_(IBS). It_is often delivered by_a psychotherapist_and_is costly_and_time consuming. Nurse-administered_hypnotherapy could increase_availability and"} +{"text": " which is directed at the terminal blood group A trisaccharide structure and reacts poorly with the ALeb/Ley structures. Since both antibodies were selected for their", "synonym_substitution": "which is directed at the terminal blood group A trisaccharide structure and reacts ill with the ALeb / Ley structure. Since both antibodies were selected for their", "butter_fingers": " whlch is directed at the ttrminal blood groop A trivacchadide strjcture and reacts poorly witi thw ALev/Ley structures. Since coth antihodies wwre wwlected foc their", "random_deletion": "which is directed at the terminal blood trisaccharide and reacts with the ALeb/Ley selected their", "change_char_case": " which is directed at the termiNal blood grOup A tRisAccHaRide StruCture and reacts POorlY with the ALeb/Ley structuRes. SiNcE Both ANtIbodiEs were sELeCTEd fOr ThEir", "whitespace_perturbation": " which is directed at theterminal b loodgro upAtris acch aride structur e and reacts poorly with th e ALe b/ L ey s t ru cture s. Sinc e b o t h a nt ib odi es we re se lec ted for their", "underscore_trick": " which_is directed_at the terminal blood_group A_trisaccharide_structure and_reacts_poorly with the_ALeb/Ley structures. Since_both antibodies were selected_for their"} +{"text": " produce spores without microbial contamination useful for further molecular characterization. [The effect of spinal anesthesia on pulmonary function tests in old patients].\nPulmonary function test (P", "synonym_substitution": "produce spores without microbial contamination useful for further molecular word picture. [ The consequence of spinal anesthesia on pulmonary function tests in honest-to-god patients ]. \n Pulmonary function examination (phosphorus", "butter_fingers": " prlduce spores without micvobial contaminajiin usehul for further molecular characterization. [Vhe wffecu of spinal anestheria on pupmonary duncuion tests in old patients].\nPulmohwry yuiction test (P", "random_deletion": "produce spores without microbial contamination useful for characterization. effect of anesthesia on pulmonary Pulmonary test (P", "change_char_case": " produce spores without microBial contamInatiOn uSefUl For fUrthEr molecular chaRActeRization. [The effect of spiNal anEsTHesiA On PulmoNary funCTiON TesTs In Old PaTIeNts].\nPuLmoNary funCtion test (P", "whitespace_perturbation": " produce spores without mi crobial co ntami nat ion u sefu l fo r further mole c ular characterization. [Th e eff ec t ofs pi nal a nesthes i ao n pu lm on ary f u nc tiontes ts in o ld patient s]. \nP ulmonary fun c ti on test (P ", "underscore_trick": " produce_spores without_microbial contamination useful for_further molecular_characterization._[The effect_of_spinal anesthesia on_pulmonary function tests_in old patients].\nPulmonary function_test (P"} +{"text": " fertilizer, indicating that this technique is effective and eco-friendly for the treatment of different types of LL. Usefulness of studies on the molecular mechanism of action of", "synonym_substitution": "fertilizer, indicating that this technique is effective and eco - friendly for the treatment of different type of LL. utility of studies on the molecular mechanism of action of", "butter_fingers": " fegtilizer, indicating that this technique is effxctive znd eco-ffiendly for the treatment of duffertut types of LL. Usefuuness of dtudies in tie molecular meciznism on actjln oy", "random_deletion": "fertilizer, indicating that this technique is effective for treatment of types of LL. molecular of action of", "change_char_case": " fertilizer, indicating that tHis techniqUe is eFfeCtiVe And eCo-frIendly for the trEAtmeNt of different types of LL. usefuLnESs of STuDies oN the molECuLAR meChAnIsm Of ACtIon of", "whitespace_perturbation": " fertilizer, indicating th at this te chniq ueisef fect iveand eco-friend l y fo r the treatment of dif feren tt ypes of LL.Usefuln e ss o f s tu di eson th e mol ecu lar mec hanism ofact io n of", "underscore_trick": " fertilizer,_indicating that_this technique is effective_and eco-friendly_for_the treatment_of_different types of_LL. Usefulness of_studies on the molecular_mechanism of action_of"} +{"text": " Iraq-Iran war of the 1980s, over 100,000 Iranians (military or civilian) were exposed to sulfur mustard (SM), and a considerable proportion", "synonym_substitution": "Iraq - Iran war of the 1980s, over 100,000 Iranians (military or civilian) were exposed to sulfur mustard (SM), and a considerable proportion", "butter_fingers": " Irwq-Iran war of the 1980s, over 100,000 Iranians (milijaey or riviliah) were ebposed to sulfur mustard (SM), end q conwiderable proportion", "random_deletion": "Iraq-Iran war of the 1980s, over 100,000 or were exposed sulfur mustard (SM),", "change_char_case": " Iraq-Iran war of the 1980s, over 100,000 IranIans (militaRy or cIviLiaN) wEre eXposEd to sulfur mustARd (SM), And a considerable proporTion", "whitespace_perturbation": " Iraq-Iran war of the 1980 s, over 10 0,000 Ir ani an s (m ilit ary or civilia n ) we re exposed to sulfur m ustar d( SM), an d a c onsider a bl e pro po rt ion ", "underscore_trick": " Iraq-Iran_war of_the 1980s, over 100,000_Iranians (military_or_civilian) were_exposed_to sulfur mustard_(SM), and a_considerable proportion"} +{"text": " underlying pathophysiology of IRIS-associated leucoencephalopathy. All patients were treated with corticosteroids, in spite of additional immunosuppression. Three patients were successfully treated with", "synonym_substitution": "underlying pathophysiology of IRIS - associated leucoencephalopathy. All patients were treated with corticosteroid, in malice of additional immunosuppression. Three patients were successfully treat with", "butter_fingers": " unferlying pathophysiology of IRIS-associajee leucmencepgalopathh. All patients were treated xith cortucosteroids, in spite ow additiojal immubosukpression. Three pefients were shgcessyuoly treated wijh", "random_deletion": "underlying pathophysiology of IRIS-associated leucoencephalopathy. All patients with in spite additional immunosuppression. Three", "change_char_case": " underlying pathophysiology Of IRIS-assoCiateD leUcoEnCephAlopAthy. All patientS Were Treated with corticosterOids, iN sPIte oF AdDitioNal immuNOsUPPreSsIoN. ThReE PaTientS weRe succeSsfully treAteD wIth", "whitespace_perturbation": " underlying pathophysiolog y of IRIS- assoc iat edle ucoe ncep halopathy. All pati ents were treated with cort ic o ster o id s, in spiteo fa d dit io na l i mm u no suppr ess ion. Th ree patien tswe re successfu l ly treated w ith ", "underscore_trick": " underlying_pathophysiology of_IRIS-associated leucoencephalopathy. All patients_were treated_with_corticosteroids, in_spite_of additional immunosuppression._Three patients were_successfully treated with"} +{"text": " for ischemic stroke (HR 1.08, 95% CI 0.48 to 2.39, p = 0.86), rehospitalization (HR 0", "synonym_substitution": "for ischemic stroke (HR 1.08, 95% CI 0.48 to 2.39, p = 0.86), rehospitalization (HR 0", "butter_fingers": " fog ischemic stroke (HR 1.08, 95% CL 0.48 to 2.39, p = 0.86), rehoskiralizavion (HR 0", "random_deletion": "for ischemic stroke (HR 1.08, 95% CI 2.39, = 0.86), (HR 0", "change_char_case": " for ischemic stroke (HR 1.08, 95% CI 0.48 to 2.39, p = 0.86), rEhospitaliZatioN (HR 0", "whitespace_perturbation": " for ischemic stroke (HR 1 .08, 95% C I 0.4 8 t o 2 .3 9, p = 0 .86), rehospit a liza tion (HR 0", "underscore_trick": " for_ischemic stroke_(HR 1.08, 95% CI_0.48 to_2.39,_p =_0.86),_rehospitalization (HR 0"} +{"text": " behaviour, and conditioned responses. Active enquiry is worthwhile since most problems are alleviated by treatment once they have been elicited. Vocal cord dysfunction diagnosed by four", "synonym_substitution": "behaviour, and conditioned responses. Active enquiry is worthwhile since most trouble are relieve by treatment once they have been elicited. Vocal cord dysfunction diagnose by four", "butter_fingers": " bejaviour, and conditioned vesponses. Active enquirb is wodthwhile since most problems are allxviared bt treatment once they fave been elicitee. Voral cord dysfuncvjon dianuosed ny fobr", "random_deletion": "behaviour, and conditioned responses. Active enquiry is most are alleviated treatment once they dysfunction by four", "change_char_case": " behaviour, and conditioned reSponses. ActIve enQuiRy iS wOrthWhilE since most probLEms aRe alleviated by treatmenT once ThEY havE BeEn eliCited. VoCAl CORd dYsFuNctIoN DiAgnosEd bY four", "whitespace_perturbation": " behaviour, and conditione d response s. Ac tiv e e nq uiry isworthwhile sin c e mo st problems are allevi atedby trea t me nt on ce they ha v e be en e lic it e d. Voca l c ord dys function d iag no sed by four", "underscore_trick": " behaviour,_and conditioned_responses. Active enquiry is_worthwhile since_most_problems are_alleviated_by treatment once_they have been_elicited. Vocal cord dysfunction_diagnosed by four"} +{"text": " atypical antipsychotic medication for a specific patient depends on many factors, but the likelihood of developing diabetes should become an important consideration. When prescribing an atypical antipsychotic,", "synonym_substitution": "atypical antipsychotic medication for a specific patient depends on many factors, but the likelihood of develop diabetes should become an authoritative consideration. When prescribing an atypical antipsychotic,", "butter_fingers": " atjpical antipsychotic medlcation for a spgcufic petient sepends un many factors, but the likepiyood if developing diabetes should bvcome an umpoctant consideratmkn. When prescdlbing en atypical antlpsychotic,", "random_deletion": "atypical antipsychotic medication for a specific patient many but the of developing diabetes When an atypical antipsychotic,", "change_char_case": " atypical antipsychotic mediCation for a SpeciFic PatIeNt dePendS on many factors, BUt thE likelihood of developinG diabEtES shoULd BecomE an impoRTaNT ConSiDeRatIoN. whEn preScrIbing an Atypical anTipSyChotic,", "whitespace_perturbation": " atypical antipsychotic me dication f or aspe cif ic pat ient depends on ma n y fa ctors, but the likelih ood o fd evel o pi ng di abetess ho u l d b ec om e a ni mp ortan t c onsider ation. Whe n p re scribing ana ty pical anti psy chotic,", "underscore_trick": " atypical_antipsychotic medication_for a specific patient_depends on_many_factors, but_the_likelihood of developing_diabetes should become_an important consideration. When_prescribing an atypical_antipsychotic,"} +{"text": " the induction of an obligatory inorganic anion requirement for carrier function. In this study, site-directed mutagenesis was employed to further characterize the role of glutamate-45", "synonym_substitution": "the induction of an obligatory inorganic anion requirement for carrier function. In this discipline, web site - directed mutagenesis was employed to far qualify the role of glutamate-45", "butter_fingers": " thf induction of an obligauory inorganic annin reqniremenf for cafrier function. In this study, sute-dieected mutagenesis was employed to furtyer rharacterize the role of glutajwte-45", "random_deletion": "the induction of an obligatory inorganic anion carrier In this site-directed mutagenesis was role glutamate-45", "change_char_case": " the induction of an obligatorY inorganic Anion ReqUirEmEnt fOr caRrier function. IN This Study, site-directed mutagEnesiS wAS empLOyEd to fUrther cHArACTerIzE tHe rOlE Of GlutaMatE-45", "whitespace_perturbation": " the induction of an oblig atory inor ganic an ion r equi reme nt for carrier func tion. In this study, s ite-d ir e cted mu tagen esis wa s e m p loy ed t o f ur t he r cha rac terizethe role o f g lu tamate-45", "underscore_trick": " the_induction of_an obligatory inorganic anion_requirement for_carrier_function. In_this_study, site-directed mutagenesis_was employed to_further characterize the role_of glutamate-45"} +{"text": " the presence of a fetus papyraceous or placental infarcts. The findings in the present case may be explained by the effect of the dead twin on the", "synonym_substitution": "the presence of a fetus papyraceous or placental infarcts. The findings in the present case may be excuse by the consequence of the dead twin on the", "butter_fingers": " thf presence of a fetus pakyraceous or placgnral inharcts. Fhe findkngs in the present case may bw expoained by the effect ow the deaf twin ob tht", "random_deletion": "the presence of a fetus papyraceous or The in the case may be the twin on the", "change_char_case": " the presence of a fetus papyraCeous or plaCentaL inFarCtS. The FindIngs in the preseNT casE may be explained by the efFect oF tHE deaD TwIn on tHe", "whitespace_perturbation": " the presence of a fetus p apyraceous or p lac ent al inf arct s. The finding s inthe present case may b e exp la i nedb ythe e ffect o f t h e de ad t win o n t he", "underscore_trick": " the_presence of_a fetus papyraceous or_placental infarcts._The_findings in_the_present case may_be explained by_the effect of the_dead twin on_the"} +{"text": " purified calf brain tubulin was carried out, which demonstrated clearly that HO-221 inhibits microtubule assembly. A detailed investigation of the action mechanism of HO-221 as", "synonym_substitution": "purified calf brain tubulin was carried out, which demonstrated intelligibly that HO-221 inhibit microtubule assembly. A detailed investigation of the action mechanism of HO-221 as", "butter_fingers": " pugified calf brain tubulik was carried ouj, qhich vemonstdated cldarly that HO-221 inhibits microvubuoe aswembly. A detailed invertigation of the qctiib mechanism of HO-221 as", "random_deletion": "purified calf brain tubulin was carried out, clearly HO-221 inhibits assembly. A detailed of as", "change_char_case": " purified calf brain tubulin wAs carried oUt, whiCh dEmoNsTratEd clEarly that HO-221 inhIBits Microtubule assembly. A deTaileD iNVestIGaTion oF the actIOn MEChaNiSm Of Ho-221 aS", "whitespace_perturbation": " purified calf brain tubul in was car riedout , w hi ch d emon strated clearl y tha t HO-221 inhibits micr otubu le asse m bl y. Adetaile d i n v est ig at ion o f t he ac tio n mecha nism of HO -22 1as", "underscore_trick": " purified_calf brain_tubulin was carried out,_which demonstrated_clearly_that HO-221_inhibits_microtubule assembly. A_detailed investigation of_the action mechanism of_HO-221 as"} +{"text": " is often confined to only the economic domain. Individuals and families living in acute poverty may simultaneously experience multiple dimensions of deprivation, which together may obstruct their access to basic", "synonym_substitution": "is often confined to only the economic domain. person and class living in acute poverty may simultaneously experience multiple property of deprivation, which together may obstruct their entree to basic", "butter_fingers": " is often confined to only uhe economic domanb. Inditiduals and famklies living in acute povertb mat simyltaneously experience multiple dimensiins id deprivatmkn, whicm togsbher key obstruct thelr access tm basic", "random_deletion": "is often confined to only the economic and living in poverty may simultaneously which may obstruct their to basic", "change_char_case": " is often confined to only the eConomic domAin. InDivIduAlS and FamiLies living in acUTe poVerty may simultaneously ExperIeNCe muLTiPle diMensionS Of DEPriVaTiOn, wHiCH tOgethEr mAy obstrUct their acCesS tO basic", "whitespace_perturbation": " is often confined to only the econo mic d oma in. I ndiv idua ls and familie s liv ing in acute poverty m ay si mu l tane o us ly ex perienc e m u l tip le d ime ns i on s ofdep rivatio n, which t oge th er may obstr u ct their acc ess to basic", "underscore_trick": " is_often confined_to only the economic_domain. Individuals_and_families living_in_acute poverty may_simultaneously experience multiple_dimensions of deprivation, which_together may obstruct_their_access to basic"} +{"text": " the valleculae; the laryngoscope was lifted to achieve the best laryngeal view. Then, the best laryngeal views were assessed using the percentage", "synonym_substitution": "the valleculae; the laryngoscope was lifted to achieve the best laryngeal view. Then, the good laryngeal scene were assessed use the share", "butter_fingers": " thf valleculae; the laryngorcope was lifteb to aciieve tge best uaryngeal view. Then, the best lqryngtcl views were assessdd using nhe percebtagt", "random_deletion": "the valleculae; the laryngoscope was lifted to best view. Then, best laryngeal views", "change_char_case": " the valleculae; the laryngoscOpe was liftEd to aChiEve ThE besT larYngeal view. Then, THe beSt laryngeal views were asSesseD uSIng tHE pErcenTage", "whitespace_perturbation": " the valleculae; the laryn goscope wa s lif ted to a chie ve t he best laryng e al v iew. Then, the best la rynge al view s w ere a ssessed us i n g t he p erc en t ag e", "underscore_trick": " the_valleculae; the_laryngoscope was lifted to_achieve the_best_laryngeal view._Then,_the best laryngeal_views were assessed_using the percentage"} +{"text": "ifr mutation influenced on virulence manifestation at albino mice and antigendeficient variants with Fra- and Fra-Tox- phenotype. In every group", "synonym_substitution": "ifr mutation influenced on virulence manifestation at albino mice and antigendeficient variants with Fra- and Fra - Tox- phenotype. In every group", "butter_fingers": "ifr mutation influenced on yirulence manifestation at algino micd and antigendeficient variaits qith Dra- and Fra-Tox- phenotyoe. In evegy group", "random_deletion": "ifr mutation influenced on virulence manifestation at and variants with and Fra-Tox- phenotype.", "change_char_case": "ifr mutation influenced on viRulence manIfestAtiOn aT aLbinO micE and antigendefICienT variants with Fra- and Fra-tox- phEnOType. iN eVery gRoup", "whitespace_perturbation": "ifr mutation influenced on virulence mani fes tat io n at alb ino mice and a n tige ndeficient variants wi th Fr a- andF ra -Tox- phenot y pe . Inev er y g ro u p", "underscore_trick": "ifr mutation_influenced on_virulence manifestation at albino_mice and_antigendeficient_variants with_Fra-_and Fra-Tox- phenotype._In every group"} +{"text": "5-phosphonopentanoic acid (D-AP5) (20 microM). Under conditions of higher NMDA receptor blockade considerably less LTP was", "synonym_substitution": "5 - phosphonopentanoic acid (D - AP5) (20 microM). Under conditions of higher NMDA receptor blockade considerably less LTP was", "butter_fingers": "5-phodphonopentanoic acid (D-AP5) (20 microM). Under einditimns of higher VMDA receptor blockade consiveravly ltfs LTP was", "random_deletion": "5-phosphonopentanoic acid (D-AP5) (20 microM). Under conditions NMDA blockade considerably LTP was", "change_char_case": "5-phosphonopentanoic acid (D-AP5) (20 MicroM). UndeR condItiOns Of HighEr NMdA receptor blocKAde cOnsiderably less LTP was", "whitespace_perturbation": "5-phosphonopentanoic acid(D-AP5) (2 0 mic roM ).Un dercond itions of high e r NM DA receptor blockade c onsid er a blyl es s LTP was", "underscore_trick": "5-phosphonopentanoic acid_(D-AP5) (20_microM). Under conditions of_higher NMDA_receptor_blockade considerably_less_LTP was"} +{"text": " Bax/Bcl-2 ratio was almost the same in the epidermis of perilesional/lesional DH, BP and healthy skin specimens. In DH and", "synonym_substitution": "Bax / Bcl-2 ratio was almost the same in the epidermis of perilesional / lesional DH, BP and healthy hide specimen. In DH and", "butter_fingers": " Bad/Bcl-2 ratio was almost tht same in the epibwrmis mf perjlesionau/lesional DH, BP and healthy dkun sptbimens. In DH and", "random_deletion": "Bax/Bcl-2 ratio was almost the same in of DH, BP healthy skin specimens.", "change_char_case": " Bax/Bcl-2 ratio was almost the saMe in the epiDermiS of PerIlEsioNal/lEsional DH, BP and HEaltHy skin specimens. In DH and", "whitespace_perturbation": " Bax/Bcl-2 ratio was almos t the same in t heepi de rmis ofperilesional/l e sion al DH, BP and healthyskinsp e cime n s. In D H and", "underscore_trick": " Bax/Bcl-2_ratio was_almost the same in_the epidermis_of_perilesional/lesional DH,_BP_and healthy skin_specimens. In DH_and"} +{"text": " quisqualate were much more effective and their effects were inhibited by 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-d", "synonym_substitution": "quisqualate were much more effective and their effects were inhibited by 6 - cyano-7 - nitroquinoxaline-2,3 - d", "butter_fingers": " qulsqualate were much more effective and jhwir efhects wsre inhicited by 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaliie-2,3-d", "random_deletion": "quisqualate were much more effective and their inhibited 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-d", "change_char_case": " quisqualate were much more efFective and Their EffEctS wEre iNhibIted by 6-cyano-7-nitROquiNoxaline-2,3-d", "whitespace_perturbation": " quisqualate were much mor e effectiv e and th eir e ffec ts w ere inhibitedb y 6- cyano-7-nitroquinoxali ne-2, 3- d ", "underscore_trick": " quisqualate_were much_more effective and their_effects were_inhibited_by 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-d"} +{"text": " General Hospital flexor tenorrhaphy and early protected active motion.\nIndependent FDS action has been cited to be problematic with repair of multiple tendons", "synonym_substitution": "General Hospital flexor tenorrhaphy and early protected active motion. \n Independent FDS action has been reference to be debatable with repair of multiple tendons", "butter_fingers": " Gejeral Hospital flexor tekorrhaphy and eatlt protxcted adtive mogion.\nIndependent FDS action hes bwen cuted to be problematic with repwir of myltikle tendons", "random_deletion": "General Hospital flexor tenorrhaphy and early protected Independent action has cited to be tendons", "change_char_case": " General Hospital flexor tenoRrhaphy and Early ProTecTeD actIve mOtion.\nIndependeNT FDS Action has been cited to be ProblEmATic wITh RepaiR of multIPlE TEndOnS", "whitespace_perturbation": " General Hospital flexor t enorrhaphy andear lypr otec tedactive motion. Inde pendent FDS action has been c i tedt obe pr oblemat i cw i thre pa irof mu ltipl e t endons", "underscore_trick": " General_Hospital flexor_tenorrhaphy and early protected_active motion.\nIndependent_FDS_action has_been_cited to be_problematic with repair_of multiple tendons"} +{"text": " rationale for a prospective randomized trial to evaluate selective intra-arterial lysis for clinically complete central retinal artery occlusion.\nTo determine the effect of commonly used minimally invasive", "synonym_substitution": "rationale for a prospective randomized trial to evaluate selective intra - arterial lysis for clinically complete cardinal retinal artery blockage. \n To determine the effect of normally used minimally encroaching", "butter_fingers": " rahionale for a prospectivt randomized trial to eveluate aelectivd intra-arterial lysis for clmnicqlly xomplete central retinxl artery occlusiin.\nTo eetermine vge effegc of dlmmoulb used minimalli invasive", "random_deletion": "rationale for a prospective randomized trial to intra-arterial for clinically central retinal artery of used minimally invasive", "change_char_case": " rationale for a prospective rAndomized tRial tO evAluAtE selEctiVe intra-arteriaL LysiS for clinically complete CentrAl REtinAL aRtery OcclusiON.\nTO DEteRmInE thE eFFeCt of cOmmOnly useD minimally InvAsIve", "whitespace_perturbation": " rationale for a prospecti ve randomi zed t ria l t oeval uate selective int r a-ar terial lysis for clini cally c o mple t ecentr al reti n al a rte ry o ccl us i on .\nTodet erminethe effect of c ommonly used mi nimally in vas ive", "underscore_trick": " rationale_for a_prospective randomized trial to_evaluate selective_intra-arterial_lysis for_clinically_complete central retinal_artery occlusion.\nTo determine_the effect of commonly_used minimally invasive"} +{"text": " the ITI. Promoting mentalizing in experiential psychoeducational groups: From agency and authority to authorship.\nThe authors collaborated in refining", "synonym_substitution": "the ITI. Promoting mentalizing in experiential psychoeducational groups: From agency and authority to authorship. \n The writer collaborate in refining", "butter_fingers": " thf ITI. Promoting mentalizlng in experientnql psyrhoeducztional eroups: From agency and authocity to aythorship.\nThe authors cullaboratvd in refuninj", "random_deletion": "the ITI. Promoting mentalizing in experiential psychoeducational agency authority to The authors collaborated", "change_char_case": " the ITI. Promoting mentalizinG in experieNtial PsyChoEdUcatIonaL groups: From ageNCy anD authority to authorship.\nthe auThORs coLLaBoratEd in refINiNG", "whitespace_perturbation": " the ITI. Promoting mental izing in e xperi ent ial p sych oedu cational group s : Fr om agency and authorit y toau t hors h ip .\nThe author s c o l lab or at edin re finin g", "underscore_trick": " the_ITI. Promoting_mentalizing in experiential psychoeducational_groups: From_agency_and authority_to_authorship.\nThe authors collaborated_in refining"} +{"text": " relationship to CAP threshold changes does not seem to be straight-forward. Nonetheless, fine DPOAE recordings might be useful to detect early changes in cochlear mechanics", "synonym_substitution": "relationship to CAP threshold changes does not seem to be square - forward. however, fine DPOAE recordings might be utilitarian to detect early changes in cochlear machinist", "butter_fingers": " repationship to CAP threshuld changes does not sxem to ge straieht-forward. Nonetheless, fine VPOAW recirdings might be usefuu to detebt early xhanjes in cochlear mechanics", "random_deletion": "relationship to CAP threshold changes does not be Nonetheless, fine recordings might be in mechanics", "change_char_case": " relationship to CAP thresholD changes doEs not SeeM to Be StraIght-Forward. NonetheLEss, fIne DPOAE recordings mighT be usEfUL to dETeCt earLy changES iN COchLeAr MecHaNIcS", "whitespace_perturbation": " relationship to CAP thres hold chang es do esnot s eemto b e straight-for w ard. Nonetheless, fine DPO AE re co r ding s m ightbe usef u lt o de te ct ea rl y c hange s i n cochl ear mechan ics ", "underscore_trick": " relationship_to CAP_threshold changes does not_seem to_be_straight-forward. Nonetheless,_fine_DPOAE recordings might_be useful to_detect early changes in_cochlear mechanics"} +{"text": " patients with PCT, might be ascribed to the concomitant liver disease. The simultaneous occurrence of SLE and PCT is reviewed from the literature. The ARA criteria were fulfilled", "synonym_substitution": "patients with PCT, might be ascribed to the concomitant liver disease. The simultaneous happening of SLE and PCT is review from the literature. The ARA criteria were fulfilled", "butter_fingers": " pahients with PCT, might be ascribed to thg xoncommtant ljver disdase. The simultaneous occurrxnce of SOE and PCT is reviewed from the literatyre. Uhe ARA criteria xsre fulnnlled", "random_deletion": "patients with PCT, might be ascribed to liver The simultaneous of SLE and literature. ARA criteria were", "change_char_case": " patients with PCT, might be ascRibed to the ConcoMitAnt LiVer dIseaSe. The simultaneOUs ocCurrence of SLE and PCT is rEviewEd FRom tHE lIteraTure. The arA CRIteRiA wEre FuLFiLled", "whitespace_perturbation": " patients with PCT, mightbe ascribe d tothe co nc omit antliver disease. Thesimultaneous occurrenc e ofSL E and PC T isreviewe d f r o m t he l ite ra t ur e. Th e A RA crit eria wereful fi lled", "underscore_trick": " patients_with PCT,_might be ascribed to_the concomitant_liver_disease. The_simultaneous_occurrence of SLE_and PCT is_reviewed from the literature._The ARA criteria_were_fulfilled"} +{"text": " cancer, eight control patients who underwent bowel resection for benign disease, and four other control patients. K19 and K20 gene expression was detected in 84 and 26", "synonym_substitution": "cancer, eight control patients who underwent bowel resection for benign disease, and four early restraint patients. K19 and K20 gene expression was detect in 84 and 26", "butter_fingers": " cajcer, eight control patiekts who underwenj vowel cesectikn for bdnign disease, and four other cintroo patients. K19 and K20 gend expresspon was dwtecued in 84 and 26", "random_deletion": "cancer, eight control patients who underwent bowel benign and four control patients. K19 detected 84 and 26", "change_char_case": " cancer, eight control patientS who underwEnt boWel ResEcTion For bEnign disease, anD Four Other control patients. K19 aNd K20 geNe EXpreSSiOn was DetecteD In 84 AND 26", "whitespace_perturbation": " cancer, eight control pat ients whounder wen t b ow el r esec tion for benig n dis ease, and four other c ontro lp atie n ts . K19 and K2 0 g e n e e xp re ssi on wa s det ect ed in 8 4 and 26", "underscore_trick": " cancer,_eight control_patients who underwent bowel_resection for_benign_disease, and_four_other control patients._K19 and K20_gene expression was detected_in 84 and_26"} +{"text": "dihydroxyvitamin D3 is receptor mediated. Nutritional and safety assessment of foods and feeds nutritionally improved through biotechnology--case studies by the International Food", "synonym_substitution": "dihydroxyvitamin D3 is receptor mediated. Nutritional and safety assessment of food and feed nutritionally improved through biotechnology -- case report by the International Food", "butter_fingers": "dihjdroxyvitamin D3 is recepuor mediated. Nutrnrional and szfety asressment of foods and feeds iutrutionqlly improved through ciotechnopogy--case stuvies by the Intechational Food", "random_deletion": "dihydroxyvitamin D3 is receptor mediated. Nutritional and of and feeds improved through biotechnology--case", "change_char_case": "dihydroxyvitamin D3 is receptOr mediated. nutriTioNal AnD safEty aSsessment of fooDS and Feeds nutritionally imprOved tHrOUgh bIOtEchnoLogy--casE StUDIes By ThE InTeRNaTionaL FoOd", "whitespace_perturbation": "dihydroxyvitamin D3 is rec eptor medi ated. Nu tri ti onal and safety assess m entof foods and feeds nut ritio na l ly i m pr ovedthrough bi o t ech no lo gy- -c a se stud ies by the Internati ona lFood", "underscore_trick": "dihydroxyvitamin D3_is receptor_mediated. Nutritional and safety_assessment of_foods_and feeds_nutritionally_improved through biotechnology--case_studies by the_International Food"} +{"text": "10 to 1.42]; ACEI/ARBs and BB or 3.01 [2.68 to 3.38]). Prescription of recommended treatment in", "synonym_substitution": "10 to 1.42 ]; ACEI / ARBs and BB or 3.01 [ 2.68 to 3.38 ]). Prescription of recommended treatment in", "butter_fingers": "10 to 1.42]; ACEI/ARBs and BB or 3.01 [2.68 tu 3.38]). Prescription of recmmmendsd treatoent in", "random_deletion": "10 to 1.42]; ACEI/ARBs and BB or to Prescription of treatment in", "change_char_case": "10 to 1.42]; ACEI/ARBs and BB or 3.01 [2.68 to 3.38]). PrescrIption of reCommeNdeD trEaTmenT in", "whitespace_perturbation": "10 to 1.42]; ACEI/ARBs and BB or 3.0 1 [2. 68to3. 38]) . Pr escription ofr ecom mended treatment in", "underscore_trick": "10 to_1.42]; ACEI/ARBs_and BB or 3.01_[2.68 to_3.38])._Prescription of_recommended_treatment in"} +{"text": " out to identify factors associated with ox-LDL-Ab, with particular emphasis on the association with wine consumption. We performed a cross-sectional study of 551 un", "synonym_substitution": "out to identify factors associated with ox - LDL - Ab, with particular vehemence on the affiliation with wine consumption. We performed a crabbed - sectional study of 551 united nations", "butter_fingers": " ouh to identify factors asrociated with or-ODL-Ab, xith padticular emphasis on the association wuth wune consumption. We perwormed a bross-sectuonao study of 551 un", "random_deletion": "out to identify factors associated with ox-LDL-Ab, emphasis the association wine consumption. We 551", "change_char_case": " out to identify factors assocIated with oX-LDL-AB, wiTh pArTicuLar eMphasis on the asSOciaTion with wine consumptioN. We peRfORmed A CrOss-seCtional STuDY Of 551 uN", "whitespace_perturbation": " out to identify factors a ssociatedwithox- LDL -A b, w ithparticular emp h asis on the association wi th wi ne cons u mp tion. We per f or m e d a c ro ss- se c ti onalstu dy of 5 51 un", "underscore_trick": " out_to identify_factors associated with ox-LDL-Ab,_with particular_emphasis_on the_association_with wine consumption._We performed a_cross-sectional study of 551_un"} +{"text": " greater for hip fracture and 20% or greater for major osteoporotic fracture. Mean skew-adjusted fracture probabilities were 0.5% for hip fracture and 5.", "synonym_substitution": "greater for hip fracture and 20% or greater for major osteoporotic fault. think of skew - adjusted fracture probability were 0.5% for pelvis fracture and 5.", "butter_fingers": " grfater for hip fracture akd 20% or greater for majoc osteolorotic wracture. Mean skew-adjusted fcactyre peobabilities were 0.5% for hip fracnure and 5.", "random_deletion": "greater for hip fracture and 20% or major fracture. Mean fracture probabilities were 5.", "change_char_case": " greater for hip fracture and 20% oR greater foR majoR osTeoPoRotiC fraCture. Mean skew-aDJustEd fracture probabilitieS were 0.5% FoR Hip fRAcTure aNd 5.", "whitespace_perturbation": " greater for hip fractureand 20% or grea ter fo rmajo r os teoporotic fra c ture . Mean skew-adjusted f ractu re prob a bi litie s were0 .5 % for h ip fr ac t ur e and 5. ", "underscore_trick": " greater_for hip_fracture and 20% or_greater for_major_osteoporotic fracture._Mean_skew-adjusted fracture probabilities_were 0.5% for_hip fracture and 5."} +{"text": " in its gastric acid antisecretory and gastric protective actions since, apart from a decrease in the rate of gastric emptying found after very high oral doses in", "synonym_substitution": "in its gastric acid antisecretory and gastric protective actions since, apart from a decrease in the rate of gastric emptying found after very eminent oral venereal disease in", "butter_fingers": " in its gastric acid antisegretory and gasttix protxctive zctions rince, apart from a decrease mn tye rauv of gastric emptying found afner very yigh iral doses in", "random_deletion": "in its gastric acid antisecretory and gastric since, from a in the rate very oral doses in", "change_char_case": " in its gastric acid antisecreTory and gasTric pRotEctIvE actIons Since, apart from A DecrEase in the rate of gastric EmptyInG FounD AfTer veRy high oRAl DOSes In", "whitespace_perturbation": " in its gastric acid antis ecretory a nd ga str icpr otec tive actions since , apa rt from a decrease inthe r at e ofg as tricemptyin g f o u ndaf te r v er y h igh o ral dosesin", "underscore_trick": " in_its gastric_acid antisecretory and gastric_protective actions_since,_apart from_a_decrease in the_rate of gastric_emptying found after very_high oral doses_in"} +{"text": " affect the productivity of the surgical team and the safety and efficiency of the surgery, redesigning of the instruments and the operating room is required. Does metformin have a", "synonym_substitution": "affect the productivity of the surgical team and the safety and efficiency of the surgery, redesigning of the instrument and the operating room is command. Does metformin have a", "butter_fingers": " afvect the productivity of the surgical tgan and vhe safsty and dfficiency of the surgery, revesitning of the instruments ana the opegating roim iw required. Vkes metnjrmih havz e", "random_deletion": "affect the productivity of the surgical team safety efficiency of surgery, redesigning of room required. Does metformin a", "change_char_case": " affect the productivity of thE surgical tEam anD thE saFeTy anD effIciency of the suRGery, Redesigning of the instruMents AnD The oPErAting Room is rEQuIREd. DOeS mEtfOrMIn Have a", "whitespace_perturbation": " affect the productivity o f the surg icaltea m a nd the saf ety and effici e ncyof the surgery, redesi gning o f the in strum ents an d t h e op er at ing r o om is r equ ired. D oes metfor min h ave a", "underscore_trick": " affect_the productivity_of the surgical team_and the_safety_and efficiency_of_the surgery, redesigning_of the instruments_and the operating room_is required. Does_metformin_have a"} +{"text": ". The process of production of such tumors and AFP was studied at the ultrastructural level. Electron microscopy revealed that the structure of the tumor induced extended radi", "synonym_substitution": ". The process of production of such tumors and AFP was studied at the ultrastructural degree. Electron microscopy reveal that the structure of the tumor induced extended radi", "butter_fingers": ". Thf process of production uf such tumors cbd AFP was sfudied ag the ultrastructural level. Xlecrron nicroscopy revealed thxt the stgucture od tht tumor induced eefended vcdi", "random_deletion": ". The process of production of such AFP studied at ultrastructural level. Electron of tumor induced extended", "change_char_case": ". The process of production of sUch tumors aNd AFP Was StuDiEd at The uLtrastructural LEvel. electron microscopy reveAled tHaT The sTRuCture Of the tuMOr INDucEd ExTenDeD RaDi", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The process of productio n of suchtumor s a ndAF P wa s st udied at the u l tras tructural level. Elect ron m ic r osco p yrevea led tha t t h e st ru ct ure o f t he tu mor induce d extended ra di ", "underscore_trick": ". The_process of_production of such tumors_and AFP_was_studied at_the_ultrastructural level. Electron_microscopy revealed that_the structure of the_tumor induced extended_radi"} +{"text": "ray beams.\nThe dose distribution due to absorption of photon energy fluence in a homogeneous water phantom irradiated by megavoltage x-ray beams has been", "synonym_substitution": "ray beams. \n The dose distribution due to absorption of photon energy fluence in a homogeneous urine apparition irradiated by megavoltage x - ray beams has been", "butter_fingers": "ray beams.\nThe dose distributlon due to absorktuon of photoh energy fluence in a homogeneous waver phantim irradiated by megavultage x-rwy beams has veen", "random_deletion": "ray beams. The dose distribution due to photon fluence in homogeneous water phantom has", "change_char_case": "ray beams.\nThe dose distributiOn due to absOrptiOn oF phOtOn enErgy Fluence in a homoGEneoUs water phantom irradiatEd by mEgAVoltAGe X-ray bEams has BEeN", "whitespace_perturbation": "ray beams.\nThe dose distri bution due to a bso rpt io n of pho ton energy flu e ncein a homogeneous water phan to m irr a di atedby mega v ol t a gex- ra y b ea m shas b een ", "underscore_trick": "ray beams.\nThe_dose distribution_due to absorption of_photon energy_fluence_in a_homogeneous_water phantom irradiated_by megavoltage x-ray_beams has been"} +{"text": "BW). Free copper dissolution was undetectable in either water type and nCu remained relatively well dispersed in BW, despite the high ionic strength. Exposure to an environmentally", "synonym_substitution": "BW). Free copper dissolution was undetectable in either urine character and nCu remained relatively well dispersed in BW, despite the eminent ionic force. Exposure to an environmentally", "butter_fingers": "BW). Vree copper dissolution das undetectablg un eitier watsr type xnd nCu remained relatively xell disptgsed in BW, despite thd high iojic strebgth. Wxposure to an envlxonmehbally", "random_deletion": "BW). Free copper dissolution was undetectable in type nCu remained well dispersed in strength. to an environmentally", "change_char_case": "BW). Free copper dissolution waS undetectaBle in EitHer WaTer tYpe aNd nCu remained rELatiVely well dispersed in BW, dEspitE tHE higH IoNic stRength. EXPoSURe tO aN eNviRoNMeNtallY", "whitespace_perturbation": "BW). Free copper dissoluti on was und etect abl e i neith er w ater type andn Cu r emained relatively wel l dis pe r sedi nBW, d espitet he h igh i on icst r en gth.Exp osure t o an envir onm en tally", "underscore_trick": "BW). Free_copper dissolution_was undetectable in either_water type_and_nCu remained_relatively_well dispersed in_BW, despite the_high ionic strength. Exposure_to an environmentally"} +{"text": " would be important for subjects at risk for developing psychosis in order to avoid detrimental effect of physical inactivity on overall health. [Molecular genetics of the eukaryotic cell].", "synonym_substitution": "would be important for subjects at risk for developing psychosis in decree to invalidate detrimental effect of physical inactiveness on overall health. [ Molecular genetics of the eukaryotic cell ].", "butter_fingers": " wokld be important for submects at risk fot eevelo'ing psgchosis kn order to avoid detrimentap wffecu of physical inactkvity on lverall yealuh. [Molecular genevjcs of bke euiwryocir cell].", "random_deletion": "would be important for subjects at risk psychosis order to detrimental effect of [Molecular of the eukaryotic", "change_char_case": " would be important for subjecTs at risk foR deveLopIng PsYchoSis iN order to avoid dETrimEntal effect of physical iNactiViTY on oVErAll heAlth. [MolECuLAR geNeTiCs oF tHE eUkaryOtiC cell].", "whitespace_perturbation": " would be important for su bjects atriskfor de ve lopi ng p sychosis in or d er t o avoid detrimental ef fectof phys i ca l ina ctivity on o ver al lhea lt h .[Mole cul ar gene tics of th e e uk aryotic cell ] .", "underscore_trick": " would_be important_for subjects at risk_for developing_psychosis_in order_to_avoid detrimental effect_of physical inactivity_on overall health. [Molecular_genetics of the_eukaryotic_cell]."} +{"text": " tetrahedral intermediate in the deacylation step of serine proteases.\nDespite the availability of many experimental data and some modeling studies, questions remain as to the precise", "synonym_substitution": "tetrahedral intermediate in the deacylation step of serine proteases. \n Despite the availability of many experimental datum and some mold studies, questions persist as to the precise", "butter_fingers": " tehrahedral intermediate ik the deacylatiou step mf serjne protdases.\nDespite the availabilitb of many experimental data and some modvling stueies, wuestions csmain as to tgc preeiwe", "random_deletion": "tetrahedral intermediate in the deacylation step of Despite availability of experimental data and as the precise", "change_char_case": " tetrahedral intermediate in The deacylaTion sTep Of sErIne pRoteAses.\nDespite the AVailAbility of many experimenTal daTa ANd soME mOdeliNg studiES, qUEStiOnS rEmaIn AS tO the pRecIse", "whitespace_perturbation": " tetrahedral intermediatein the dea cylat ion st ep ofseri ne proteases.D espi te the availability of many e x peri m en tal d ata and so m e mo de li ngst u di es, q ues tions r emain as t o t he precise", "underscore_trick": " tetrahedral_intermediate in_the deacylation step of_serine proteases.\nDespite_the_availability of_many_experimental data and_some modeling studies,_questions remain as to_the precise"} +{"text": ") in primary tumor samples from 126 patients with ovarian cancer, 75 with a benign tumor and 14 with borderline malignancy of an ovarian tumor, and in the serum from", "synonym_substitution": ") in primary tumor samples from 126 patients with ovarian cancer, 75 with a benign tumor and 14 with borderline malignity of an ovarian tumor, and in the serum from", "butter_fingers": ") in primary tumor samples fvom 126 patients wijh ovarien cancsr, 75 with a benign tumor and 14 with bocderoine nalignancy of an ovarixn tumor, wnd in tye strum from", "random_deletion": ") in primary tumor samples from 126 ovarian 75 with benign tumor and an tumor, and in serum from", "change_char_case": ") in primary tumor samples from 126 Patients wiTh ovaRiaN caNcEr, 75 wiTh a bEnign tumor and 14 wITh boRderline malignancy of an OvariAn TUmor, ANd In the Serum frOM", "whitespace_perturbation": ") in primary tumor samples from 126patie nts wi th ova rian cancer, 75 wi t h abenign tumor and 14 wi th bo rd e rlin e m align ancy of an o var ia ntum or , a nd in th e serum from", "underscore_trick": ") in_primary tumor_samples from 126 patients_with ovarian_cancer,_75 with_a_benign tumor and_14 with borderline_malignancy of an ovarian_tumor, and in_the_serum from"} +{"text": "cortisone.\nThirty patients with Peyronie disease were treated with ultrasound using hydrocortisone ointment as the conducting vehicle", "synonym_substitution": "cortisone. \n Thirty patients with Peyronie disease were treated with ultrasound using hydrocortisone cream as the conducting fomite", "butter_fingers": "corhisone.\nThirty patients wiuh Peyronie disease were treatsd with jltrasound using hydrocortislnw oinuient as the conducging vehible", "random_deletion": "cortisone. Thirty patients with Peyronie disease were ultrasound hydrocortisone ointment the conducting vehicle", "change_char_case": "cortisone.\nThirty patients wiTh Peyronie DiseaSe wEre TrEateD witH ultrasound usiNG hydRocortisone ointment as tHe conDuCTing VEhIcle", "whitespace_perturbation": "cortisone.\nThirty patients with Peyr oniedis eas ewere tre ated with ultr a soun d using hydrocortisone oint me n t as th e con ducting ve h i cle ", "underscore_trick": "cortisone.\nThirty patients_with Peyronie_disease were treated with_ultrasound using_hydrocortisone_ointment as_the_conducting vehicle"} +{"text": "ochelatins (PCs) were also induced significantly at studied concentrations of 1 and 5 microM on day 4 in comparison to control. However, copper chelation", "synonym_substitution": "ochelatins (PCs) were also induced significantly at study concentration of 1 and 5 microM on day 4 in comparison to control. However, copper chelation", "butter_fingers": "ochflatins (PCs) were also inauced significaurly at studisd concevtrations of 1 and 5 microM on dqy 4 ib comparison to controu. However, copper xheletion", "random_deletion": "ochelatins (PCs) were also induced significantly at of and 5 on day 4 copper", "change_char_case": "ochelatins (PCs) were also induCed signifiCantlY at StuDiEd coNcenTrations of 1 and 5 mICroM On day 4 in comparison to conTrol. HOwEVer, cOPpEr cheLation", "whitespace_perturbation": "ochelatins (PCs) were also induced s ignif ica ntl yat s tudi ed concentrati o ns o f 1 and 5 microM on da y 4 i nc ompa r is on to contro l .H o wev er ,cop pe r c helat ion ", "underscore_trick": "ochelatins (PCs)_were also_induced significantly at studied_concentrations of_1_and 5_microM_on day 4_in comparison to_control. However, copper chelation"} +{"text": " review of equipment, capabilities, and utility under austere conditions.\nAnesthesia care may be required under austere conditions during military operations and natural disasters.", "synonym_substitution": "review of equipment, capabilities, and utility under austere condition. \n Anesthesia caution may be required under austere conditions during military operation and natural disasters.", "butter_fingers": " regiew of equipment, capabiuities, and utilnry undxr austsre condktions.\nAnesthesia care may be rwquirtb under austere condktions duging milirary iperations and natmxal djdastzrw.", "random_deletion": "review of equipment, capabilities, and utility under Anesthesia may be under austere conditions disasters.", "change_char_case": " review of equipment, capabiliTies, and utiLity uNdeR auStEre cOndiTions.\nAnesthesiA Care May be required under austEre coNdITionS DuRing mIlitary OPeRATioNs AnD naTuRAl DisasTerS.", "whitespace_perturbation": " review of equipment, capa bilities,and u til ity u nder aus tere condition s .\nAn esthesia care may be r equir ed unde r a uster e condi t io n s du ri ng mi li t ar y ope rat ions an d naturaldis as ters.", "underscore_trick": " review_of equipment,_capabilities, and utility under_austere conditions.\nAnesthesia_care_may be_required_under austere conditions_during military operations_and natural disasters."} +{"text": " treatment. We found no evidence that iPLEDGE significantly decreased the risk of fetal exposure in FCBP compared to the SMART program. Worsening pneum", "synonym_substitution": "treatment. We found no evidence that iPLEDGE significantly decreased the hazard of fetal vulnerability in FCBP compared to the SMART program. worsen pneum", "butter_fingers": " trfatment. We found no evidtnce that iPLEDGE signifmcantly decreasdd the risk of fetal exposurx in FCBP compared to the SMART program. Aorsenint pntum", "random_deletion": "treatment. We found no evidence that iPLEDGE the of fetal in FCBP compared pneum", "change_char_case": " treatment. We found no evidencE that iPLEDgE sigNifIcaNtLy deCreaSed the risk of feTAl exPosure in FCBP compared to The SMaRt ProgRAm. worseNing pneUM", "whitespace_perturbation": " treatment. We found no ev idence tha t iPL EDG E s ig nifi cant ly decreased t h e ri sk of fetal exposure i n FCB Pc ompa r ed to t he SMAR T p r o gra m. W ors en i ng pneu m", "underscore_trick": " treatment._We found_no evidence that iPLEDGE_significantly decreased_the_risk of_fetal_exposure in FCBP_compared to the_SMART program. Worsening pneum"} +{"text": " hymen. The initial abdominopelvic ultrasound showed a hypoechoic cystic mass measuring 42 x 20 mm in the vagina. She then had a", "synonym_substitution": "hymen. The initial abdominopelvic ultrasound showed a hypoechoic cystic mass measuring 42 x 20 millimeter in the vagina. She then have a", "butter_fingers": " hylen. The initial abdominokelvic ultrasound showed a hypkechoic zystic mass measuring 42 x 20 mm ib the vagina. She then had a", "random_deletion": "hymen. The initial abdominopelvic ultrasound showed a mass 42 x mm in the", "change_char_case": " hymen. The initial abdominopeLvic ultrasOund sHowEd a HyPoecHoic Cystic mass measURing 42 X 20 mm in the vagina. She then hAd a", "whitespace_perturbation": " hymen. The initial abdomi nopelvic u ltras oun d s ho weda hy poechoic cysti c mas s measuring 42 x 20 mm in t he vagi n a. Shethen ha d a ", "underscore_trick": " hymen._The initial_abdominopelvic ultrasound showed a_hypoechoic cystic_mass_measuring 42_x_20 mm in_the vagina. She_then had a"} +{"text": " may provide a possible solution to the challenges associated with the treatment of the majority of patients. Two similar enhanced root-colonizing Pseudomonas strains differ largely in their", "synonym_substitution": "may provide a possible solution to the challenges associated with the discussion of the majority of patient. Two similar enhanced root - colonize Pseudomonas stress differ largely in their", "butter_fingers": " maj provide a possible solmtion to the challenges assocjated wigh the treatment of the majocity of pqtients. Two similar enfanced rolt-colonizing Pseudomonas strains diffsv laryeoy in their", "random_deletion": "may provide a possible solution to the with treatment of majority of patients. strains largely in their", "change_char_case": " may provide a possible solutiOn to the chaLlengEs aSsoCiAted With The treatment of THe maJority of patients. Two simIlar eNhANced ROoT-coloNizing PSEuDOMonAs StRaiNs DIfFer laRgeLy in theIr", "whitespace_perturbation": " may provide a possible so lution tothe c hal len ge s as soci ated with thet reat ment of the majority o f pat ie n ts.T wo simi lar enh a nc e d ro ot -c olo ni z in g Pse udo monas s trains dif fer l argely in th e ir ", "underscore_trick": " may_provide a_possible solution to the_challenges associated_with_the treatment_of_the majority of_patients. Two similar_enhanced root-colonizing Pseudomonas strains_differ largely in_their"} +{"text": " extraction of dynamical information may be hampered by amplitude differences in a skill-dependent manner. BRANCH RETINAL ARTERY WALL RUPTURE AND SUB", "synonym_substitution": "extraction of dynamical information may be hampered by amplitude dispute in a skill - pendent manner. BRANCH RETINAL ARTERY WALL RUPTURE AND SUB", "butter_fingers": " exhraction of dynamical innormation may be hamperxd by ajplitude differences in a skill-depenvent manntg. BRANCH RETINAL ARTEFY WALL RLPTURE ANE SUU", "random_deletion": "extraction of dynamical information may be hampered differences a skill-dependent BRANCH RETINAL ARTERY", "change_char_case": " extraction of dynamical infoRmation may Be hamPerEd bY aMpliTude Differences in a SKill-Dependent manner. BRANCH ReTINAl ArtERY waLl RUPTuRE AND Sub", "whitespace_perturbation": " extraction of dynamical i nformation maybeham pe redby a mplitude diffe r ence s in a skill-dependent mann er . BRA N CH RETI NAL ART E RY W ALL R UP TUR EA ND SUB", "underscore_trick": " extraction_of dynamical_information may be hampered_by amplitude_differences_in a_skill-dependent_manner. BRANCH RETINAL_ARTERY WALL RUPTURE_AND SUB"} +{"text": "annulation DSA runs, and the remaining vessels were cannulated after one planning DSA acquisition. Qualitative evaluation showed 14 of 22 virtual landmarks (63.", "synonym_substitution": "annulation DSA runs, and the remaining vessels were cannulated after one plan DSA learning. Qualitative evaluation showed 14 of 22 virtual landmarks (63.", "butter_fingers": "annklation DSA runs, and the remaining vessglw were cannumated afger one planning DSA acquisivion. Qualutative evaluation shoded 14 of 22 nirtual lqndmerks (63.", "random_deletion": "annulation DSA runs, and the remaining vessels after planning DSA Qualitative evaluation showed (63.", "change_char_case": "annulation DSA runs, and the reMaining vesSels wEre CanNuLateD aftEr one planning Dsa acqUisition. Qualitative evaLuatiOn SHoweD 14 Of 22 VirtuAl landmARkS (63.", "whitespace_perturbation": "annulation DSA runs, and t he remaini ng ve sse lswe re c annu lated after on e pla nning DSA acquisition. Qual it a tive ev aluat ion sho w ed 1 4 o f22 vi rt u al land mar ks (63. ", "underscore_trick": "annulation DSA_runs, and_the remaining vessels were_cannulated after_one_planning DSA_acquisition._Qualitative evaluation showed_14 of 22_virtual landmarks (63."} +{"text": " to have PGPH, trypsin-like and chymotrypsin-like activities. Furthermore, it incorporated the inducible subunits and was associated with the 11S regulator", "synonym_substitution": "to have PGPH, trypsin - like and chymotrypsin - like activities. Furthermore, it incorporate the inducible fractional monetary unit and was associated with the 11S regulator", "butter_fingers": " to have PGPH, trypsin-like akd chymotrypsin-lnje actmvities. Furtheroore, it incorporated the indnciboe suvunits and was associaged with nhe 11S regylatie", "random_deletion": "to have PGPH, trypsin-like and chymotrypsin-like activities. incorporated inducible subunits was associated with", "change_char_case": " to have PGPH, trypsin-like and cHymotrypsiN-like ActIviTiEs. FuRtheRmore, it incorpoRAted The inducible subunits anD was aSsOCiatED wIth thE 11S regulAToR", "whitespace_perturbation": " to have PGPH, trypsin-lik e and chym otryp sin -li ke act ivit ies. Furthermo r e, i t incorporated the ind ucibl es ubun i ts andwas ass o ci a t edwi th th e1 1S regu lat or", "underscore_trick": " to_have PGPH,_trypsin-like and chymotrypsin-like activities._Furthermore, it_incorporated_the inducible_subunits_and was associated_with the 11S_regulator"} +{"text": " white blood cell DNA of cancer patients. [Present-day aspects (diagnosis, clinical course and treatment) of acute progressive pulmonary tuberculosis].\nA total of", "synonym_substitution": "white blood cell DNA of cancer patients. [ Present - sidereal day view (diagnosis, clinical course and treatment) of acuate progressive pulmonary tuberculosis ]. \n A sum of", "butter_fingers": " whlte blood cell DNA of cakcer patients. [Prgswnt-day aspecfs (diagnusis, clinical course and treetmebt) of acute progressive puloonary tuherculosus].\nA uotal of", "random_deletion": "white blood cell DNA of cancer patients. (diagnosis, course and of acute progressive", "change_char_case": " white blood cell DNA of cancer Patients. [PrEsent-Day AspEcTs (diAgnoSis, clinical couRSe anD treatment) of acute progrEssivE pULmonARy TuberCulosis].\na ToTAL of", "whitespace_perturbation": " white blood cell DNA of c ancer pati ents. [P res en t-da y as pects (diagnos i s, c linical course and tre atmen t) of a c ut e pro gressiv e p u l mon ar ytub er c ul osis] .\nA totalof", "underscore_trick": " white_blood cell_DNA of cancer patients._[Present-day aspects_(diagnosis,_clinical course_and_treatment) of acute_progressive pulmonary tuberculosis].\nA_total of"} +{"text": " potential respiratory drug nanocarrier. Determination of the solubility of low volatility liquid organic compounds in water using volatile-tracer assisted headspace gas chromatography.\nThis", "synonym_substitution": "potential respiratory drug nanocarrier. Determination of the solubility of low excitability fluid organic compounds in urine use volatile - tracer assisted headspace natural gas chromatography. \n This", "butter_fingers": " pohential respiratory drug nanocarrier. Dejeeminatmon of fhe solucility of low volatility liqnid irganuc compounds in water jsing volwtile-traxer essisted headspars gas cmxomatknraphv.\nTiis", "random_deletion": "potential respiratory drug nanocarrier. Determination of the low liquid organic in water using This", "change_char_case": " potential respiratory drug nAnocarrier. deterMinAtiOn Of thE solUbility of low voLAtilIty liquid organic compouNds in WaTEr usINg VolatIle-tracER aSSIstEd HeAdsPaCE gAs chrOmaTographY.\nThis", "whitespace_perturbation": " potential respiratory dru g nanocarr ier.Det erm in atio n of the solubilit y oflow volatility liquidorgan ic comp o un ds in wateru si n g vo la ti le- tr a ce r ass ist ed head space gaschr om atography.\nT h is ", "underscore_trick": " potential_respiratory drug_nanocarrier. Determination of the_solubility of_low_volatility liquid_organic_compounds in water_using volatile-tracer assisted_headspace gas chromatography.\nThis"} +{"text": " by evaluation of the fertilization rate and pregnancy rate after intracytoplasmic sperm injection. This is a prospective observational study performed in a private in vitro fertilization setting in Kuwait", "synonym_substitution": "by evaluation of the fertilization rate and pregnancy rate after intracytoplasmic sperm injection. This is a prospective observational study perform in a individual in vitro fertilization setting in Kuwait", "butter_fingers": " by evaluation of the fertiuization rate aue pregiancy rzte aftef intracytoplasmic sperm injxctiin. Thus is a prospective obrervationwl study perhormed in a privefe in vlcro fsvtilivavion setting in Kuwait", "random_deletion": "by evaluation of the fertilization rate and after sperm injection. is a prospective private vitro fertilization setting Kuwait", "change_char_case": " by evaluation of the fertilizAtion rate aNd preGnaNcy RaTe afTer iNtracytoplasmiC SperM injection. This is a prospEctivE oBServATiOnal sTudy perFOrMED in A pRiVatE iN ViTro feRtiLizatioN setting in kuwAiT", "whitespace_perturbation": " by evaluation of the fert ilizationrateand pr eg nanc y ra te after intra c ytop lasmic sperm injection . Thi si s ap ro spect ive obs e rv a t ion al s tud yp er forme d i n a pri vate in vi tro f ertilization se tting in K uwa it", "underscore_trick": " by_evaluation of_the fertilization rate and_pregnancy rate_after_intracytoplasmic sperm_injection._This is a_prospective observational study_performed in a private_in vitro fertilization_setting_in Kuwait"} +{"text": " new avenue for the discovery of drugs active on human metastatic melanoma. [Inhibition of the expression of prostate specific antigen by curcumin].\nTo study the effect", "synonym_substitution": "new avenue for the discovery of drugs active on human metastatic melanoma. [ Inhibition of the expression of prostate gland specific antigen by curcumin ]. \n To analyze the effect", "butter_fingers": " nea avenue for the discovevy of drugs actirw on hnman mefastatic melanoma. [Inhibition of the xxprwssiob of prostate specific antigen hy curcunin].\nTi study the effect", "random_deletion": "new avenue for the discovery of drugs human melanoma. [Inhibition the expression of To the effect", "change_char_case": " new avenue for the discovery oF drugs actiVe on hUmaN meTaStatIc meLanoma. [InhibitiON of tHe expression of prostate SpeciFiC AntiGEn By curCumin].\nTo STuDY The EfFeCt", "whitespace_perturbation": " new avenue for the discov ery of dru gs ac tiv e o nhuma n me tastatic melan o ma.[Inhibition of the exp ressi on of p r os tatespecifi c a n t ige nby cu rc u mi n].\nT o s tudy th e effect", "underscore_trick": " new_avenue for_the discovery of drugs_active on_human_metastatic melanoma._[Inhibition_of the expression_of prostate specific_antigen by curcumin].\nTo study_the effect"} +{"text": "Whether the categories of a discrepancy between diagnoses should not be identified, which has been put by I. A. Kazantseva, is supported by the Society", "synonym_substitution": "Whether the categories of a discrepancy between diagnoses should not be identified, which has been put by I. A. Kazantseva, is back by the club", "butter_fingers": "Whehher the categories of a discrepancy bejwwen diegnoses should vot be identified, which has ueen put vy I. A. Kazantseva, is sjpported hy the Sicieuy", "random_deletion": "Whether the categories of a discrepancy between not identified, which been put by by Society", "change_char_case": "Whether the categories of a diScrepancy bEtweeN diAgnOsEs shOuld Not be identifieD, WhicH has been put by I. A. KazantsEva, is SuPPortED bY the SOciety", "whitespace_perturbation": "Whether the categories ofa discrepa ncy b etw een d iagn oses should not be iden tified, which has been putby I. A . K azant seva, i s s u p por te dbyth e S ociet y", "underscore_trick": "Whether the_categories of_a discrepancy between diagnoses_should not_be_identified, which_has_been put by_I. A. Kazantseva,_is supported by the_Society"} +{"text": "ine was withdrawn, but the follow-up of the patients continued for another 6 months. The evaluation criteria used were a rating scale (the GES) based", "synonym_substitution": "ine was withdrawn, but the follow - up of the patients continued for another 6 months. The evaluation standard use were a rating scale (the GES) based", "butter_fingers": "ine was withdrawn, but the fullow-up of the karients contihued for another 6 months. The evaluatmon xriteeia used were a rating scale (thv GES) baswd", "random_deletion": "ine was withdrawn, but the follow-up of continued another 6 The evaluation criteria (the based", "change_char_case": "ine was withdrawn, but the follOw-up of the pAtienTs cOntInUed fOr anOther 6 months. The EValuAtion criteria used were a RatinG sCAle (tHE GeS) basEd", "whitespace_perturbation": "ine was withdrawn, but the follow-up of t hepat ie ntscont inued for anot h er 6 months. The evaluatio n cri te r ia u s ed were a rati n gs c ale ( th e G ES ) b ased", "underscore_trick": "ine was_withdrawn, but_the follow-up of the_patients continued_for_another 6_months._The evaluation criteria_used were a_rating scale (the GES)_based"} +{"text": " be a successful strategy in animals and, to some extent, we can say that the mission has been accomplished, its application to humans has met with limited success.", "synonym_substitution": "be a successful strategy in animals and, to some extent, we can say that the mission has been carry through, its lotion to humans has met with circumscribed success.", "butter_fingers": " be a successful strategy ik animals and, to some eetent, ws can sah that the mission has been ecconplisyed, its application to humans hws met wuth oumited sucrsss.", "random_deletion": "be a successful strategy in animals and, extent, can say the mission has humans met with limited", "change_char_case": " be a successful strategy in anImals and, to Some eXteNt, wE cAn saY thaT the mission has BEen aCcomplished, its applicatIon to HuMAns hAS mEt witH limiteD SuCCEss.", "whitespace_perturbation": " be a successful strategyin animals and, to so me ext ent, we can say th a t th e mission has been acc ompli sh e d, i t sappli cationt oh u man sha s m et wi th li mit ed succ ess.", "underscore_trick": " be_a successful_strategy in animals and,_to some_extent,_we can_say_that the mission_has been accomplished,_its application to humans_has met with_limited_success."} +{"text": " those in the berberine group (22%). Likely, conception, pregnancy, and ovulation rates were similar between the letrozole and combination groups,", "synonym_substitution": "those in the berberine group (22 %). Likely, conception, pregnancy, and ovulation rates were similar between the letrozole and combination group,", "butter_fingers": " thlse in the berberine gromp (22%). Likely, concektuon, prxgnancy, and ovuuation rates were similar bevweeb the letrozole and combinagion grouis,", "random_deletion": "those in the berberine group (22%). Likely, and rates were between the letrozole", "change_char_case": " those in the berberine group (22%). LIkely, concePtion, PreGnaNcY, and OvulAtion rates were SImilAr between the letrozole aNd comBiNAtioN GrOups,", "whitespace_perturbation": " those in the berberine gr oup (22%). Like ly, co nc epti on,pregnancy, and ovul ation rates were simil ar be tw e en t h eletro zole an d c o m bin at io n g ro u ps ,", "underscore_trick": " those_in the_berberine group (22%). Likely,_conception, pregnancy,_and_ovulation rates_were_similar between the_letrozole and combination_groups,"} +{"text": " Radiello and Ogawa with the following exceptions: we observed a diffusion rate of 22.4 \u00b1 0.1 mL/min for benzene and 37", "synonym_substitution": "Radiello and Ogawa with the following exceptions: we observed a diffusion pace of 22.4 \u00b1 0.1 mL / min for benzene and 37", "butter_fingers": " Rafiello and Ogawa with tht following excepjiins: we obserbed a diwfusion rate of 22.4 \u00b1 0.1 mL/min for bwnzent and 37", "random_deletion": "Radiello and Ogawa with the following exceptions: a rate of \u00b1 0.1 mL/min", "change_char_case": " Radiello and Ogawa with the foLlowing excEptioNs: wE obSeRved A difFusion rate of 22.4 \u00b1 0.1 mL/MIn foR benzene and 37", "whitespace_perturbation": " Radiello and Ogawa with t he followi ng ex cep tio ns : we obs erved a diffus i on r ate of 22.4 \u00b1 0.1 mL/m in fo rb enze n eand 3 7", "underscore_trick": " Radiello_and Ogawa_with the following exceptions:_we observed_a_diffusion rate_of_22.4 \u00b1 0.1_mL/min for benzene_and 37"} +{"text": " in 1934. The journal Revista Trimestral Micrografica was the main way in which Santiago Ramon y Cajal and his school published", "synonym_substitution": "in 1934. The journal Revista Trimestral Micrografica was the main way in which Santiago Ramon y Cajal and his school published", "butter_fingers": " in 1934. The journal Revista Trlmestral Microgrcdica wes the jain way in which Santiago Ramon y Cejal and yis school published", "random_deletion": "in 1934. The journal Revista Trimestral Micrografica main in which Ramon y Cajal", "change_char_case": " in 1934. The journal Revista TrimesTral MicrogRaficA waS thE mAin wAy in Which Santiago RAMon y cajal and his school publiShed", "whitespace_perturbation": " in 1934. The journal Revi sta Trimes tralMic rog ra fica was the main wayi n wh ich Santiago Ramon y C ajalan d his sc hoolpublish e d", "underscore_trick": " in_1934. The_journal Revista Trimestral Micrografica_was the_main_way in_which_Santiago Ramon y_Cajal and his_school published"} +{"text": " subsequently died. Median duration of left ventricular assist device support before ND was 230 days (range, 3 to 2,422), and median time from ND to death", "synonym_substitution": "subsequently died. Median duration of left ventricular assist device documentation before ND was 230 sidereal day (range, 3 to 2,422), and medial time from ND to end", "butter_fingers": " suhsequently died. Median dmration of left rwntricnlar asaist devkce support before ND was 230 deys (eange, 3 to 2,422), and median time wrom ND tl death", "random_deletion": "subsequently died. Median duration of left ventricular support ND was days (range, 3 from to death", "change_char_case": " subsequently died. Median durAtion of lefT ventRicUlaR aSsisT devIce support befoRE ND wAs 230 days (range, 3 to 2,422), and median Time fRoM nD to DEaTh", "whitespace_perturbation": " subsequently died. Median durationof le ftven tr icul ar a ssist device s u ppor t before ND was 230 da ys (r an g e, 3 to 2,42 2), and me d i anti me fr om ND to d eat h", "underscore_trick": " subsequently_died. Median_duration of left ventricular_assist device_support_before ND_was_230 days (range,_3 to 2,422),_and median time from_ND to death"} +{"text": "IN pairs did not often show significant effects in the cross-correlation (12/15 pairs). However, for both CIN/CIN and PC/C", "synonym_substitution": "IN pairs did not often show significant effect in the hybridization - correlation (12/15 pairs). However, for both CIN / CIN and PC / C", "butter_fingers": "IN oairs did not often show significant efywcts ii the cdoss-corrdlation (12/15 pairs). However, for blty CIN/XIN and PC/C", "random_deletion": "IN pairs did not often show significant the (12/15 pairs). for both CIN/CIN", "change_char_case": "IN pairs did not often show sigNificant efFects In tHe cRoSs-coRrelAtion (12/15 pairs). HoweVEr, foR both CIN/CIN and PC/C", "whitespace_perturbation": "IN pairs did not often sho w signific ant e ffe cts i n th e cr oss-correlatio n (12 /15 pairs). However, f or bo th CIN/ C IN andPC/C", "underscore_trick": "IN pairs_did not_often show significant effects_in the_cross-correlation_(12/15 pairs)._However,_for both CIN/CIN_and PC/C"} +{"text": " and neck tissue. Effective levels of cefuroxime both at the investigated tissue sites and in serum are greater than those of cefotiam, and", "synonym_substitution": "and neck tissue. Effective levels of cefuroxime both at the investigated tissue sites and in serum are greater than those of cefotiam, and", "butter_fingers": " anf neck tissue. Effective uevels of cefuroxime bmth at the invdstigated tissue sites and ii seeum aee greater than those uf cefotiwm, and", "random_deletion": "and neck tissue. Effective levels of cefuroxime the tissue sites in serum are and", "change_char_case": " and neck tissue. Effective levEls of cefurOxime BotH at ThE invEstiGated tissue sitES and In serum are greater than tHose oF cEFotiAM, aNd", "whitespace_perturbation": " and neck tissue. Effectiv e levels o f cef uro xim eboth atthe investigat e d ti ssue sites and in seru m are g r eate r t han t hose of ce f o tia m, a nd", "underscore_trick": " and_neck tissue._Effective levels of cefuroxime_both at_the_investigated tissue_sites_and in serum_are greater than_those of cefotiam, and"} +{"text": " standardized at 4.2-4.4 cm/sec. Color Doppler flow at ultrasonography (US) was graded as follows: Grade 1 meant no signal", "synonym_substitution": "standardized at 4.2 - 4.4 cm / sec. Color Doppler flow at ultrasonography (US) was graded as follow: Grade 1 mean no signal", "butter_fingers": " stwndardized at 4.2-4.4 cm/sec. Colur Doppler flow at ultcasonogdaphy (US) was graded as follows: Grade 1 neant no signal", "random_deletion": "standardized at 4.2-4.4 cm/sec. Color Doppler flow (US) graded as Grade 1 meant", "change_char_case": " standardized at 4.2-4.4 cm/sec. Color DOppler flow At ultRasOnoGrAphy (uS) waS graded as folloWS: GraDe 1 meant no signal", "whitespace_perturbation": " standardized at 4.2-4.4 c m/sec. Col or Do ppl erfl ow a t ul trasonography( US)was graded as follows: Grad e1 mea n tno si gnal", "underscore_trick": " standardized_at 4.2-4.4_cm/sec. Color Doppler flow_at ultrasonography_(US)_was graded_as_follows: Grade 1_meant no signal"} +{"text": " elderly patients and to compare survivors and nonsurvivors of ICU on demographic and illness-related variables. Retrospective, ex post facto research design. Adult medical", "synonym_substitution": "elderly patients and to compare survivors and nonsurvivors of ICU on demographic and illness - related variable star. Retrospective, ex post facto inquiry design. Adult checkup", "butter_fingers": " elferly patients and to coopare survivors and noisurvivkrs of IZU on demographic and illnesd-rwlatee variables. Retrospectkve, ex podt facto restarch design. Adulv medical", "random_deletion": "elderly patients and to compare survivors and ICU demographic and variables. Retrospective, ex medical", "change_char_case": " elderly patients and to compaRe survivorS and nOnsUrvIvOrs oF ICU On demographic aND illNess-related variables. ReTrospEcTIve, eX PoSt facTo reseaRCh DESigN. ADuLt mEdICaL", "whitespace_perturbation": " elderly patients and to c ompare sur vivor s a ndno nsur vivo rs of ICU on d e mogr aphic and illness-rela ted v ar i able s .Retro spectiv e ,e x po st f act or es earch de sign. A dult medic al", "underscore_trick": " elderly_patients and_to compare survivors and_nonsurvivors of_ICU_on demographic_and_illness-related variables. Retrospective,_ex post facto_research design. Adult medical"} +{"text": ". To prevent delayed cerebral ischemia, aggressive treatment for vasospasm is needed for patients with increased MFV in the early stages of SAH. Margin Assessment", "synonym_substitution": ". To prevent delayed cerebral ischemia, aggressive treatment for vasospasm is needed for patients with increase MFV in the early stage of SAH. Margin Assessment", "butter_fingers": ". To prevent delayed cerebrau ischemia, aggrgswive tceatmenf for varospasm is needed for patienvs wuth ibcreased MFV in the eafly staged of SAH. Marjin Assessment", "random_deletion": ". To prevent delayed cerebral ischemia, aggressive vasospasm needed for with increased MFV SAH. Assessment", "change_char_case": ". To prevent delayed cerebral iSchemia, aggRessiVe tReaTmEnt fOr vaSospasm is needeD For pAtients with increased MFv in thE eARly sTAgEs of SaH. MargiN asSESsmEnT", "whitespace_perturbation": ". To prevent delayed cereb ral ischem ia, a ggr ess iv e tr eatm ent for vasosp a sm i s needed for patientswithin c reas e dMFV i n the e a rl y sta ge sofSA H .Margi n A ssessme nt", "underscore_trick": ". To_prevent delayed_cerebral ischemia, aggressive treatment_for vasospasm_is_needed for_patients_with increased MFV_in the early_stages of SAH. Margin_Assessment"} +{"text": " dysfunctions and reduced potential for regeneration; restoring BM functions could provide new therapeutic options in cirrhosis. (Hepatology 2016;64:1273-1288", "synonym_substitution": "dysfunctions and reduced potential for regeneration; restore BM function could provide new therapeutic option in cirrhosis. (Hepatology 2016;64:1273 - 1288", "butter_fingers": " dydfunctions and reduced putential for reywneratmon; resforing BO functions could provide nex thwrapeytic options in cirrhoris. (Hepatllogy 2016;64:1273-1288", "random_deletion": "dysfunctions and reduced potential for regeneration; restoring could new therapeutic in cirrhosis. (Hepatology", "change_char_case": " dysfunctions and reduced potEntial for rEgeneRatIon; ReStorIng Bm functions coulD ProvIde new therapeutic optioNs in cIrRHosiS. (hePatolOgy 2016;64:1273-1288", "whitespace_perturbation": " dysfunctions and reducedpotentialfor r ege ner at ion; res toring BM func t ions could provide new the rapeu ti c opt i on s incirrhos i s. ( Hep at ol ogy 2 0 16 ;64:1 273 -1288", "underscore_trick": " dysfunctions_and reduced_potential for regeneration; restoring_BM functions_could_provide new_therapeutic_options in cirrhosis._(Hepatology 2016;64:1273-1288"} +{"text": " the long digital extensor tendon into a drill hole in the proximal tibia in 65 adult mongrel dogs. We applied two different doses of the bone morphogenetic", "synonym_substitution": "the long digital extensor tendon into a drill hole in the proximal tibia in 65 adult bastard dog. We applied two different doses of the bone morphogenetic", "butter_fingers": " thf long digital extensor uendon into a drill hole in ths proximxl tibia in 65 adult mongrel dlgw. We qpplied two different aoses of nhe bone norpiogenetic", "random_deletion": "the long digital extensor tendon into a in proximal tibia 65 adult mongrel doses the bone morphogenetic", "change_char_case": " the long digital extensor tenDon into a drIll hoLe iN thE pRoxiMal tIbia in 65 adult monGRel dOgs. We applied two differeNt dosEs OF the BOnE morpHogenetIC", "whitespace_perturbation": " the long digital extensor tendon in to adri llho le i n th e proximal tib i a in 65 adult mongrel dogs . Weap p lied tw o dif ferentd os e s of t he bo ne mo rphog ene tic", "underscore_trick": " the_long digital_extensor tendon into a_drill hole_in_the proximal_tibia_in 65 adult_mongrel dogs. We_applied two different doses_of the bone_morphogenetic"} +{"text": " and dynamic regimes. As such, they are in particular relevant for the development of wavelength-tunable single-photon sources or hybrid QD opto-", "synonym_substitution": "and dynamic regimes. As such, they are in particular relevant for the development of wavelength - tunable individual - photon reservoir or hybrid QD opto-", "butter_fingers": " anf dynamic regimes. As sucm, they are in pattucular relevznt for ghe development of wavelengti-tunqble wingle-photon sources of hybrid ED opto-", "random_deletion": "and dynamic regimes. As such, they are relevant the development wavelength-tunable single-photon sources", "change_char_case": " and dynamic regimes. As such, thEy are in parTiculAr rEleVaNt foR the Development of wAVeleNgth-tunable single-photoN sourCeS Or hyBRiD QD opTo-", "whitespace_perturbation": " and dynamic regimes. As s uch, theyare i n p art ic ular rel evant for thed evel opment of wavelength-t unabl es ingl e -p hoton source s o r hyb ri dQDop t o- ", "underscore_trick": " and_dynamic regimes._As such, they are_in particular_relevant_for the_development_of wavelength-tunable single-photon_sources or hybrid_QD opto-"} +{"text": " fulfilled the eligibility criteria, five of which were randomized clinical trials. In these studies, the laser wavelengths, power output and duration of irradiation ranged between 630-980", "synonym_substitution": "fulfilled the eligibility criteria, five of which were randomized clinical trials. In these report, the laser wavelength, power output and duration of irradiation roll between 630 - 980", "butter_fingers": " fupfilled the eligibility griteria, five of which xere rahdomized clinical trials. In these stndiew, the laser wavelengths, powdr output and durqtioi of irradiation ranged nztweeh 630-980", "random_deletion": "fulfilled the eligibility criteria, five of which clinical In these the laser wavelengths, irradiation between 630-980", "change_char_case": " fulfilled the eligibility crIteria, five Of whiCh wEre RaNdomIzed Clinical trials. iN theSe studies, the laser wavelEngthS, pOWer oUTpUt and DuratioN Of IRRadIaTiOn rAnGEd BetweEn 630-980", "whitespace_perturbation": " fulfilled the eligibility criteria, five of wh ic h we re r andomized clin i caltrials. In these studi es, t he lase r w avele ngths,p ow e r ou tp ut an dd ur ation of irradi ation rang edbe tween 630-98 0 ", "underscore_trick": " fulfilled_the eligibility_criteria, five of which_were randomized_clinical_trials. In_these_studies, the laser_wavelengths, power output_and duration of irradiation_ranged between 630-980"} +{"text": " signals, and compared with two existing detection methods. Evaluation with simulated sEMG showed that the detection accuracy of our method is robust to different signal-to-", "synonym_substitution": "signals, and compared with two existing detection method. Evaluation with fake sEMG showed that the detection accuracy of our method acting is robust to unlike signal - to-", "butter_fingers": " sihnals, and compared with uwo existing deteerion mxthods. Svaluatiun with simulated sEMG showev thqt tht detection accurach of our lethod iw rouust to differenv signal-bj-", "random_deletion": "signals, and compared with two existing detection with sEMG showed the detection accuracy to signal-to-", "change_char_case": " signals, and compared with two Existing deTectiOn mEthOdS. EvaLuatIon with simulatED sEMg showed that the detectioN accuRaCY of oUR mEthod Is robusT To DIFfeReNt SigNaL-To-", "whitespace_perturbation": " signals, and compared wit h two exis tingdet ect io n me thod s. Evaluationw ithsimulated sEMG showedthatth e det e ct ion a ccuracy of o urme th odis ro busttodiffere nt signal- to- ", "underscore_trick": " signals,_and compared_with two existing detection_methods. Evaluation_with_simulated sEMG_showed_that the detection_accuracy of our_method is robust to_different signal-to-"} +{"text": " feed supplement, could reside and adhere in the shrimp gut. Double-stranded RNA-mediated gene silencing of LvproPO1 and LvproPO2", "synonym_substitution": "feed supplement, could reside and adhere in the shrimp intestine. bivalent - stranded RNA - mediated gene hush of LvproPO1 and LvproPO2", "butter_fingers": " fefd supplement, could resiae and adhere iu the sirimp ght. Doubld-stranded RNA-mediated gene smlenxing if LvproPO1 and LvproPO2", "random_deletion": "feed supplement, could reside and adhere in gut. RNA-mediated gene of LvproPO1 and", "change_char_case": " feed supplement, could reside And adhere iN the sHriMp gUt. doubLe-stRanded RNA-mediaTEd geNe silencing of LvproPO1 anD LvprOPo2", "whitespace_perturbation": " feed supplement, could re side and a dhere in th eshri mp g ut. Double-str a nded RNA-mediated gene sil encin go f Lv p ro PO1 a nd Lvpr o PO 2 ", "underscore_trick": " feed_supplement, could_reside and adhere in_the shrimp_gut._Double-stranded RNA-mediated_gene_silencing of LvproPO1_and LvproPO2"} +{"text": " hemoglobin (Hb), hemimethemoglobin (hemiMetHb), and the cyanide complex dicyanohemimethemoglobin (dicyhemiMet", "synonym_substitution": "hemoglobin (Hb), hemimethemoglobin (hemiMetHb), and the cyanide complex dicyanohemimethemoglobin (dicyhemiMet", "butter_fingers": " heloglobin (Hb), hemimethemoguobin (hemiMetHb), and thx cyanise compldx dicyanohemimethemoglobin (vicyyemiMtn", "random_deletion": "hemoglobin (Hb), hemimethemoglobin (hemiMetHb), and the cyanide (dicyhemiMet", "change_char_case": " hemoglobin (Hb), hemimethemoglObin (hemiMeTHb), anD thE cyAnIde cOmplEx dicyanohemimEThemOglobin (dicyhemiMet", "whitespace_perturbation": " hemoglobin (Hb), hemimeth emoglobin(hemi Met Hb) ,andthecyanide comple x dic yanohemimethemoglobin(dicy he m iMet ", "underscore_trick": " hemoglobin_(Hb), hemimethemoglobin_(hemiMetHb), and the cyanide_complex dicyanohemimethemoglobin_(dicyhemiMet"} +{"text": " to those in wt mice. Microglial and astrocyte morphological activation was the same in the two strains, but MCP-1(-/-) mice showed significantly", "synonym_substitution": "to those in wt mice. Microglial and astrocyte morphological activation was the same in the two tune, but MCP-1(-/-) mouse showed significantly", "butter_fingers": " to those in wt mice. Microguial and astrocitw morpiologiczl activxtion was the same in the twl wtraibs, but MCP-1(-/-) mice showed significwntly", "random_deletion": "to those in wt mice. Microglial and activation the same the two strains,", "change_char_case": " to those in wt mice. Microglial And astrocyTe morPhoLogIcAl acTivaTion was the same IN the Two strains, but MCP-1(-/-) mice shOwed sIgNIficANtLy", "whitespace_perturbation": " to those in wt mice. Micr oglial and astr ocy temo rpho logi cal activation wasthe same in the two st rains ,b ut M C P- 1(-/- ) mices ho w e d s ig ni fic an t ly ", "underscore_trick": " to_those in_wt mice. Microglial and_astrocyte morphological_activation_was the_same_in the two_strains, but MCP-1(-/-)_mice showed significantly"} +{"text": "), there is reference to extensive information regarding stimulus effects on VEPs (exogenous components of the ERP). There can be complex early and late waveforms and", "synonym_substitution": "), there is reference to extensive information involve stimulation effects on VEPs (exogenous components of the ERP). There can be complex early and belated wave form and", "butter_fingers": "), thfre is reference to exteksive informatiou regarving stjmulus ewfects on VEPs (exogenous com'onebts od the ERP). There can be complex varly and latt waveforms and", "random_deletion": "), there is reference to extensive information effects VEPs (exogenous of the ERP). and waveforms and", "change_char_case": "), there is reference to extensiVe informatIon reGarDinG sTimuLus eFfects on VEPs (exOGenoUs components of the ERP). ThEre caN bE CompLEx Early And late WAvEFOrmS aNd", "whitespace_perturbation": "), there is reference to e xtensive i nform ati onre gard ingstimulus effec t s on VEPs (exogenous compo nents o f the ER P). T here ca n b e com pl ex ea rl y a nd la tewavefor ms and", "underscore_trick": "), there_is reference_to extensive information regarding_stimulus effects_on_VEPs (exogenous_components_of the ERP)._There can be_complex early and late_waveforms and"} +{"text": "HIFU) applicators have been developed for arresting bleeding with the ultimate intent of use in surgery. The design uses a tapered titanium component for transmission coupling", "synonym_substitution": "HIFU) applicators have been developed for arresting bleeding with the ultimate intent of habit in operating room. The design uses a tapered titanium component for infection coupling", "butter_fingers": "HIFK) applicators have been aeveloped for atrwsting bleedjng with the ultimate intent of use mn syrgert. The design uses a taoered titwnium conpontnt for transmissmkn coupling", "random_deletion": "HIFU) applicators have been developed for arresting the intent of in surgery. The component transmission coupling", "change_char_case": "HIFU) applicators have been deVeloped for ArresTinG blEeDing With The ultimate intENt of Use in surgery. The design uSes a tApERed tITaNium cOmponenT FoR TRanSmIsSioN cOUpLing", "whitespace_perturbation": "HIFU) applicators have bee n develope d for ar res ti ng b leed ing with the u l tima te intent of use in su rgery .T he d e si gn us es a ta p er e d ti ta ni umco m po nentfor transm ission cou pli ng ", "underscore_trick": "HIFU) applicators_have been_developed for arresting bleeding_with the_ultimate_intent of_use_in surgery. The_design uses a_tapered titanium component for_transmission coupling"} +{"text": " improve the complete remission rate in patients with low ara-CTP levels by decreasing the intermittent ara-C dosing interval, thereby raising the minimum ara", "synonym_substitution": "improve the complete remission rate in patient with depleted ara - CTP levels by decreasing the intermittent ara - C dosing time interval, thereby raising the minimum ara", "butter_fingers": " imorove the complete remisrion rate in pajiwnts wmth low ara-CTP uevels by decreasing the intxrmirtent ara-C dosing interval, ghereby rwising tye mmnimum ara", "random_deletion": "improve the complete remission rate in patients ara-CTP by decreasing intermittent ara-C dosing ara", "change_char_case": " improve the complete remissiOn rate in paTientS wiTh lOw Ara-CtP leVels by decreasiNG the Intermittent ara-C dosing InterVaL, TherEBy RaisiNg the miNImUM Ara", "whitespace_perturbation": " improve the complete remi ssion rate in p ati ent swith low ara-CTP level s bydecreasing the intermi ttent a r a-Cd os ing i nterval , t h e reb yra isi ng th e min imu m ara", "underscore_trick": " improve_the complete_remission rate in patients_with low_ara-CTP_levels by_decreasing_the intermittent ara-C_dosing interval, thereby_raising the minimum ara"} +{"text": " reductamination, or by conjugation via a long aliphatic chain dicarboxylic acid linker. Using this method, gangliosides Gfpt1 (", "synonym_substitution": "reductamination, or by conjugation via a long aliphatic chain dicarboxylic acid linker. Using this method acting, gangliosides Gfpt1 (", "butter_fingers": " refuctamination, or by conjmgation via a lout alipiatic cgain dicxrboxylic acid linker. Using vhis methid, gangliosides Gfpt1 (", "random_deletion": "reductamination, or by conjugation via a long dicarboxylic linker. Using method, gangliosides Gfpt1", "change_char_case": " reductamination, or by conjugAtion via a lOng alIphAtiC cHain DicaRboxylic acid liNKer. USing this method, gangliosIdes GFpT1 (", "whitespace_perturbation": " reductamination, or by co njugationvia a lo ngal ipha ticchain dicarbox y licacid linker. Using thi s met ho d , ga n gl iosid es Gfpt 1 ( ", "underscore_trick": " reductamination,_or by_conjugation via a long_aliphatic chain_dicarboxylic_acid linker._Using_this method, gangliosides_Gfpt1 ("} +{"text": " was induced, anesthetic was not required until after cardiac resuscitation at about 22 degrees C rewarming. Initial clinical signs indicating a need to increase administration of anesthetic", "synonym_substitution": "was induced, anesthetic was not required until after cardiac resuscitation at about 22 academic degree coulomb rewarming. Initial clinical signs indicate a indigence to increase administration of anesthetic", "butter_fingers": " wad induced, anesthetic was not required uuril afver carsiac resjscitation at about 22 degrees C rewaeming. Initial clinical signs inficating a nted to increase avjinistration kn anevvhetic", "random_deletion": "was induced, anesthetic was not required until resuscitation about 22 C rewarming. Initial to administration of anesthetic", "change_char_case": " was induced, anesthetic was noT required uNtil aFteR caRdIac rEsusCitation at abouT 22 DegrEes C rewarming. Initial clInicaL sIGns iNDiCatinG a need tO InCREasE aDmIniStRAtIon of AneSthetic", "whitespace_perturbation": " was induced, anesthetic w as not req uired un til a fter car diac resuscita t ionat about 22 degrees Crewar mi n g. I n it ial c linical si g n s i nd ic ati ng aneedtoincreas e administ rat io n of anesthe t ic ", "underscore_trick": " was_induced, anesthetic_was not required until_after cardiac_resuscitation_at about_22_degrees C rewarming._Initial clinical signs_indicating a need to_increase administration of_anesthetic"} +{"text": ". Technique for insertion of the superior loop of the Shearing-style posterior chamber lens.\nAn angulated lens guide and iris hook are described for", "synonym_substitution": ". Technique for insertion of the superior loop of the Shearing - vogue later chamber lens. \n An angulated lens guide and iris bait are report for", "butter_fingers": ". Tefhnique for insertion of the superior loop of vhe Shezring-styue posterior chamber lens.\nAn enguoated lens guide and iris huok are dvscribed dor", "random_deletion": ". Technique for insertion of the superior the posterior chamber An angulated lens described", "change_char_case": ". Technique for insertion of thE superior lOop of The sheArIng-sTyle Posterior chambER lenS.\nAn angulated lens guide aNd iriS hOOk arE DeScribEd for", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Technique for insertionof the sup erior lo opof the She aring-style po s teri or chamber lens.\nAn an gulat ed lens gu ide a nd iris ho o k ar ede scr ib e dfor", "underscore_trick": ". Technique_for insertion_of the superior loop_of the_Shearing-style_posterior chamber_lens.\nAn_angulated lens guide_and iris hook_are described for"} +{"text": " within the intervention season (n = 44) when compared with control season (n = 23). Significantly less muscle injuries were observed during the intervention season (moderate", "synonym_substitution": "within the intervention season (n = 44) when compared with control season (n = 23). Significantly less muscleman wound were observed during the intervention season (moderate", "butter_fingers": " wihhin the intervention sexson (n = 44) when compared with dontrol reason (n = 23). Significantly lesd nusclt injuries were obsdrved durpng the ibtertention season (moderate", "random_deletion": "within the intervention season (n = 44) with season (n 23). Significantly less the season (moderate", "change_char_case": " within the intervention seasOn (n = 44) when comPared WitH coNtRol sEasoN (n = 23). SignificantlY Less Muscle injuries were obseRved dUrINg thE InTerveNtion seASoN (MOdeRaTe", "whitespace_perturbation": " within the intervention s eason (n = 44)whe n c om pare d wi th control sea s on ( n = 23). Significantly less m u scle in jurie s wereo bs e r ved d ur ing t h einter ven tion se ason (mode rat e", "underscore_trick": " within_the intervention_season (n = 44)_when compared_with_control season_(n_= 23). Significantly_less muscle injuries_were observed during the_intervention season (moderate"} +{"text": " had biliary lithiasis for a long time. The authors stress the difficulties of the pre- and intraoperatory diagnosis, as well as the surgical methods of treatment", "synonym_substitution": "had biliary lithiasis for a long time. The writer try the difficulties of the pre- and intraoperatory diagnosis, as well as the surgical method of discussion", "butter_fingers": " haf biliary lithiasis for x long time. The authorv streas the dkfficulties of the pre- and iitraiperaujry diagnosis, as wdll as thv surgicao meuhods of treatmenv", "random_deletion": "had biliary lithiasis for a long time. stress difficulties of pre- and intraoperatory surgical of treatment", "change_char_case": " had biliary lithiasis for a loNg time. The aUthorS stResS tHe diFficUlties of the pre- ANd inTraoperatory diagnosis, aS well As THe suRGiCal meThods of TReATMenT", "whitespace_perturbation": " had biliary lithiasis for a long ti me. T heaut ho rs s tres s the difficul t iesof the pre- and intrao perat or y dia g no sis,as well as t hesu rg ica lm et hodsoftreatme nt", "underscore_trick": " had_biliary lithiasis_for a long time._The authors_stress_the difficulties_of_the pre- and_intraoperatory diagnosis, as_well as the surgical_methods of treatment"} +{"text": " is the transient loss of consciousness and postural tone resulting from inadequate cerebral perfusion. The most common type of syncope in healthy children and adolescents is the vasov", "synonym_substitution": "is the transient loss of consciousness and postural tone result from inadequate cerebral perfusion. The about common type of faint in healthy child and adolescents is the vasov", "butter_fingers": " is the transient loss of cunsciousness anb postucal tons resultkng from inadequate cerebral pwrfusuon. The most common tyoe of synbope in hwaltiy children and esolescekcs is bhe vcsiv", "random_deletion": "is the transient loss of consciousness and resulting inadequate cerebral The most common children adolescents is the", "change_char_case": " is the transient loss of conscIousness anD postUraL toNe ResuLtinG from inadequatE CereBral perfusion. The most coMmon tYpE Of syNCoPe in hEalthy cHIlDREn aNd AdOleScENtS is thE vaSov", "whitespace_perturbation": " is the transient loss ofconsciousn ess a ndpos tu raltone resulting fro m ina dequate cerebral perfu sion. T h e mo s tcommo n typeo fs y nco pe i n h ea l th y chi ldr en andadolescent s i sthe vasov", "underscore_trick": " is_the transient_loss of consciousness and_postural tone_resulting_from inadequate_cerebral_perfusion. The most_common type of_syncope in healthy children_and adolescents is_the_vasov"} +{"text": " gene duplication, together with heterogeneity of duplication size. In order to detect the duplication of PMP-22 gene region, the PMP-22 cDNA and a", "synonym_substitution": "gene duplication, together with heterogeneity of duplication size. In order to detect the duplicate of PMP-22 gene area, the PMP-22 complementary dna and a", "butter_fingers": " geje duplication, together dith heterogenenry of vuplicafion sizd. In order to detect the duppixatiob of PMP-22 gene region, tfe PMP-22 cDJA and a", "random_deletion": "gene duplication, together with heterogeneity of duplication order detect the of PMP-22 gene a", "change_char_case": " gene duplication, together wiTh heterogeNeity Of dUplIcAtioN sizE. In order to deteCT the Duplication of PMP-22 gene reGion, tHe pmP-22 cDna aNd a", "whitespace_perturbation": " gene duplication, togethe r with het eroge nei tyof dup lica tion size. Ino rder to detect the duplica tionof PMP- 2 2generegion, th e PMP -2 2cDN Aa nd a", "underscore_trick": " gene_duplication, together_with heterogeneity of duplication_size. In_order_to detect_the_duplication of PMP-22_gene region, the_PMP-22 cDNA and a"} +{"text": "arrays were hybridized to target RNA and the extent of hybridization measured using resonance light scattering. Microarray data were normalized to a subset of invariant ranked host-encoded", "synonym_substitution": "arrays were hybridized to target RNA and the extent of hybridization measured using plangency inner light scattering. Microarray data were normalized to a subset of changeless ranked host - encoded", "butter_fingers": "arrwys were hybridized to txrget RNA and tkw exteit of hgbridizagion measured using resonancx litht sxattering. Microarray dxta were jormalizwd ti a subset of invarlcnt rzkked kowt-encoded", "random_deletion": "arrays were hybridized to target RNA and of measured using light scattering. Microarray subset invariant ranked host-encoded", "change_char_case": "arrays were hybridized to tarGet RNA and tHe extEnt Of hYbRidiZatiOn measured usinG ResoNance light scattering. MiCroarRaY Data WErE normAlized tO A sUBSet Of InVarIaNT rAnked HosT-encodeD", "whitespace_perturbation": "arrays were hybridized totarget RNA andthe ex te nt o f hy bridization me a sure d using resonance ligh t sca tt e ring . M icroa rray da t aw e reno rm ali ze d t o a s ubs et of i nvariant r ank ed host-encode d ", "underscore_trick": "arrays were_hybridized to_target RNA and the_extent of_hybridization_measured using_resonance_light scattering. Microarray_data were normalized_to a subset of_invariant ranked host-encoded"} +{"text": ",000 times. In 1982, they were only used around 270,000 times a day. However, the increased use of bicycles has also led to an", "synonym_substitution": ", 000 times. In 1982, they were only used around 270,000 times a sidereal day. However, the increase use of bicycles has besides led to an", "butter_fingers": ",000 tiles. In 1982, they were only ured around 270,000 timgs a day. Howevsr, the ivcreased use of bicycles has aoso ltb to an", "random_deletion": ",000 times. In 1982, they were only 270,000 a day. the increased use to", "change_char_case": ",000 times. In 1982, they were only used arOund 270,000 times a Day. HoWevEr, tHe IncrEaseD use of bicycles HAs alSo led to an", "whitespace_perturbation": ",000 times. In 1982, theywere onlyusedaro und 2 70,0 00 t imes a day. Ho w ever , the increased use of bicy cl e s ha s a lso l ed to a n ", "underscore_trick": ",000 times._In 1982,_they were only used_around 270,000_times_a day._However,_the increased use_of bicycles has_also led to an"} +{"text": " from fibrinogen Aalpha-chains, thus initiating fibrin polymerization. Double-stranded fibrils form through end-to-middle domain (D:E) associations", "synonym_substitution": "from fibrinogen Aalpha - chains, thus initiating fibrin polymerization. Double - ground fibril form through end - to - in-between world (D: E) association", "butter_fingers": " frlm fibrinogen Aalpha-chaiks, thus initiatiut fibrmn polyjerizatiun. Double-stranded fibrils focm tyrougy end-to-middle domain (D:D) associanions", "random_deletion": "from fibrinogen Aalpha-chains, thus initiating fibrin polymerization. form end-to-middle domain associations", "change_char_case": " from fibrinogen Aalpha-chainS, thus initiAting FibRin PoLymeRizaTion. Double-straNDed fIbrils form through end-to-MiddlE dOMain (d:e) aSsociAtions", "whitespace_perturbation": " from fibrinogen Aalpha-ch ains, thus init iat ing f ibri n po lymerization.D oubl e-stranded fibrils for m thr ou g h en d -t o-mid dle dom a in ( D:E )as soc ia t io ns", "underscore_trick": " from_fibrinogen Aalpha-chains,_thus initiating fibrin polymerization._Double-stranded fibrils_form_through end-to-middle_domain_(D:E) associations"} +{"text": " 3.27 mm (p < 0.05 using the paired t-test). The improvement in eyelid height was maintained at the 4.5-year", "synonym_substitution": "3.27 mm (p < 0.05 using the paired metric ton - trial). The improvement in eyelid height was maintained at the 4.5 - year", "butter_fingers": " 3.27 ml (p < 0.05 using the paired t-uest). The improvemgnr in ebelid hsight war maintained at the 4.5-year", "random_deletion": "3.27 mm (p < 0.05 using the The in eyelid was maintained at", "change_char_case": " 3.27 mm (p < 0.05 using the paired t-test). The ImprovemenT in eyEliD heIgHt waS maiNtained at the 4.5-yeAR", "whitespace_perturbation": " 3.27 mm (p < 0.05 using t he pairedt-tes t). Th eimpr ovem ent in eyelidh eigh t was maintained at th e 4.5 -y e ar", "underscore_trick": " 3.27_mm (p_< 0.05 using the_paired t-test)._The_improvement in_eyelid_height was maintained_at the 4.5-year"} +{"text": " crevices, but also at the thin air-blood barrier above the capillaries. Disk-like structures or multilamellar vesicles appear partially integrated into", "synonym_substitution": "crevices, but also at the thin air - rake barrier above the capillary. Disk - like structures or multilamellar vesicle appear partially integrated into", "butter_fingers": " crfvices, but also at the tmin air-blood bartiwr abote the dapillarkes. Disk-like structures or mnltioameloar vesicles appear paftially ijtegratee inuo", "random_deletion": "crevices, but also at the thin air-blood the Disk-like structures multilamellar vesicles appear", "change_char_case": " crevices, but also at the thin aIr-blood barRier aBovE thE cApilLariEs. Disk-like struCTureS or multilamellar vesiclEs appEaR PartIAlLy intEgrated INtO", "whitespace_perturbation": " crevices, but also at the thin air- blood ba rri er abo ve t he capillaries . Dis k-like structures or m ultil am e llar ve sicle s appea r p a r tia ll yint eg r at ed in to", "underscore_trick": " crevices,_but also_at the thin air-blood_barrier above_the_capillaries. Disk-like_structures_or multilamellar vesicles_appear partially integrated_into"} +{"text": " subjects between children and adults was almost equal. Most of subjects had normal cardiac iron deposition. The difference of cardiac iron overload between children and adults was significant (p", "synonym_substitution": "subjects between children and adults was almost adequate. Most of discipline had normal cardiac iron deposition. The remainder of cardiac iron overload between child and adults was significant (phosphorus", "butter_fingers": " suhjects between children xnd adults was comost xqual. Mkst of sjbjects had normal cardiac icon eeposution. The difference ow cardiac iron ovwrloed between childcsn and adults aas vmgnificant (p", "random_deletion": "subjects between children and adults was almost of had normal iron deposition. The between and adults was (p", "change_char_case": " subjects between children anD adults was AlmosT eqUal. moSt of SubjEcts had normal cARdiaC iron deposition. The diffErencE oF CardIAc Iron oVerload BEtWEEn cHiLdRen AnD AdUlts wAs sIgnificAnt (p", "whitespace_perturbation": " subjects between children and adult s was al mos tequa l. M ost of subject s had normal cardiac iron d eposi ti o n. T h ediffe rence o f c a r dia cir onov e rl oad b etw een chi ldren andadu lt s was signif i ca nt (p", "underscore_trick": " subjects_between children_and adults was almost_equal. Most_of_subjects had_normal_cardiac iron deposition._The difference of_cardiac iron overload between_children and adults_was_significant (p"} +{"text": ">A) and STAT5A(g.9501G>A) polymorphisms, and estimated genotype effects on milk production traits and milk-fat composition.", "synonym_substitution": "> A) and STAT5A(g.9501G > A) polymorphisms, and estimated genotype effect on milk product traits and milk - fat composition.", "butter_fingers": ">A) ajd STAT5A(g.9501G>A) polymorphismr, and estimated genoty'e effedts on mklk production traits and mipk-dat cimposition.", "random_deletion": ">A) and STAT5A(g.9501G>A) polymorphisms, and estimated genotype milk traits and composition.", "change_char_case": ">A) and STAT5A(g.9501G>A) polymorphisms, And estimatEd genOtyPe eFfEcts On miLk production trAIts aNd milk-fat composition.", "whitespace_perturbation": ">A) and STAT5A(g.9501G>A)polymorphi sms,and es ti mate d ge notype effects on m ilk production traitsand m il k -fat co mposi tion.", "underscore_trick": ">A) and_STAT5A(g.9501G>A) polymorphisms,_and estimated genotype effects_on milk_production_traits and_milk-fat_composition."} +{"text": " P. kluyveri prevented OTA production. Furthermore, when A. ochraceus was exposed to the headspace of the individual volatile compounds, 2", "synonym_substitution": "P. kluyveri prevented OTA production. Furthermore, when A. ochraceus was exposed to the headspace of the individual volatile compound, 2", "butter_fingers": " P. nluyveri prevented OTA pvoduction. Furthetmire, whxn A. ocgraceus das exposed to the headspace od the individual volatile cumpounds, 2", "random_deletion": "P. kluyveri prevented OTA production. Furthermore, when was to the of the individual", "change_char_case": " P. kluyveri prevented OTA prodUction. FurtHermoRe, wHen a. oChraCeus Was exposed to thE HeadSpace of the individual voLatilE cOMpouNDs, 2", "whitespace_perturbation": " P. kluyveri prevented OTA productio n. Fu rth erm or e, w henA. ochraceus w a s ex posed to the headspace of t he indi v id ual v olatile co m p oun ds ,2", "underscore_trick": " P._kluyveri prevented_OTA production. Furthermore, when_A. ochraceus_was_exposed to_the_headspace of the_individual volatile compounds,_2"} +{"text": " referral center in Australia. Tests of agreement were: percentage agreement, sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, positive and negative likelihood ratios, and Cohen's", "synonym_substitution": "referral center in Australia. Tests of agreement were: percentage agreement, sensitivity, specificity, positive and damaging predictive value, positive and negative likelihood ratios, and Cohen's", "butter_fingers": " reverral center in Australla. Tests of agregmwnt wece: percsntage aereement, sensitivity, specifirity, posiupve and negative predkctive vapues, posutivt and negative likelihood ratioa, and Rohen's", "random_deletion": "referral center in Australia. Tests of agreement agreement, specificity, positive negative predictive values, and", "change_char_case": " referral center in Australia. tests of agrEemenT weRe: pErCentAge aGreement, sensitIVity, Specificity, positive and NegatIvE PredICtIve vaLues, posITiVE And NeGaTivE lIKeLihooD raTios, and cohen's", "whitespace_perturbation": " referral center in Austra lia. Tests of a gre eme nt wer e: p ercentage agre e ment , sensitivity, specifi city, p o siti v eand n egative pr e d ict iv eval ue s ,posit ive and ne gative lik eli ho od ratios, a n dCohen's", "underscore_trick": " referral_center in_Australia. Tests of agreement_were: percentage_agreement,_sensitivity, specificity,_positive_and negative predictive_values, positive and_negative likelihood ratios, and_Cohen's"} +{"text": " transporter. The latter change may be caused by the synthesis of new proteins of NE transporter via an increase in its mRNA. [Psychophysiological analysis of the reading", "synonym_substitution": "transporter. The latter change may be caused by the synthesis of newfangled protein of NE transporter via an increase in its messenger rna. [ Psychophysiological analysis of the recitation", "butter_fingers": " trwnsporter. The latter chakge may be causeb by thx synthssis of vew proteins of NE transportxr vua an increase in its mRNA. [Osychophydiologicql aialysis of the rxzding", "random_deletion": "transporter. The latter change may be caused synthesis new proteins NE transporter via [Psychophysiological of the reading", "change_char_case": " transporter. The latter changE may be causEd by tHe sYntHeSis oF new Proteins of NE trANspoRter via an increase in its MRNA. [PSyCHophYSiOlogiCal analYSiS OF thE rEaDinG", "whitespace_perturbation": " transporter. The latter c hange maybe ca use d b ythesynt hesis of new p r otei ns of NE transporter v ia an i n crea s ein it s mRNA. [P s y cho ph ys iol og i ca l ana lys is of t he reading ", "underscore_trick": " transporter._The latter_change may be caused_by the_synthesis_of new_proteins_of NE transporter_via an increase_in its mRNA. [Psychophysiological_analysis of the_reading"} +{"text": "5%)) was elevated. T lymphocyte proliferative response and T cell receptor repertoire diversity were normal. NK-cell cytotoxic activity was impaired. The whole-exome", "synonym_substitution": "5 %) ) was elevated. T lymphocyte proliferative response and T cellular telephone sense organ repertory diversity were normal. NK - cell cytotoxic activity was afflicted. The whole - exome", "butter_fingers": "5%)) wad elevated. T lymphocyte kroliferative reskobse anv T celm receptur repertoire diversity were nirmal. NK-cell cytotoxic actixity was pmpaired. Rhe xhole-exome", "random_deletion": "5%)) was elevated. T lymphocyte proliferative response cell repertoire diversity normal. NK-cell cytotoxic", "change_char_case": "5%)) was elevated. T lymphocyte proLiferative RespoNse And t cEll rEcepTor repertoire dIVersIty were normal. NK-cell cytOtoxiC aCTiviTY wAs impAired. ThE WhOLE-exOmE", "whitespace_perturbation": "5%)) was elevated. T lymph ocyte prol ifera tiv e r es pons e an d T cell recep t or r epertoire diversity we re no rm a l. N K -c ell c ytotoxi c a c t ivi ty w asim p ai red.The whole- exome", "underscore_trick": "5%)) was_elevated. T_lymphocyte proliferative response and_T cell_receptor_repertoire diversity_were_normal. NK-cell cytotoxic_activity was impaired._The whole-exome"} +{"text": "argin and significantly enhances the loading capacity of SR vesicles. The actions of PCB 95 on SR-loading capacity are additive with those of FK 506. Structural specificity for", "synonym_substitution": "argin and significantly enhances the loading capacity of SR vesicle. The legal action of PCB 95 on SR - cargo capacitance are additive with those of FK 506. Structural specificity for", "butter_fingers": "argln and significantly enhxnces the loadiut caparity of SR vesizles. The actions of PCB 95 on DR-ooadibg capacity are additixe with tjose of DK 506. Wrructural specificlcy fod", "random_deletion": "argin and significantly enhances the loading capacity vesicles. actions of 95 on SR-loading of 506. Structural specificity", "change_char_case": "argin and significantly enhaNces the loaDing cApaCitY oF SR vEsicLes. The actions oF pCB 95 oN SR-loading capacity are aDditiVe WIth tHOsE of FK 506. structuRAl SPEciFiCiTy fOr", "whitespace_perturbation": "argin and significantly en hances the load ing ca pa city ofSR vesicles. T h e ac tions of PCB 95 on SR- loadi ng capa c it y are additi v ew i thth os e o fF K506.Str uctural specifici tyfo r", "underscore_trick": "argin and_significantly enhances_the loading capacity of_SR vesicles._The_actions of_PCB_95 on SR-loading_capacity are additive_with those of FK_506. Structural specificity_for"} +{"text": "ic aromatic amines and nitroarenes. A polymer support with controllable solubility in mutually immiscible solvents.\nWe report on novel soluble macromolecules displaying", "synonym_substitution": "ic aromatic amines and nitroarenes. A polymer support with controllable solubility in mutually immiscible solvents. \n We report on fresh soluble macromolecule display", "butter_fingers": "ic wromatic amines and nitruarenes. A polymgr suppoct with controluable solubility in mutually inmiscuble solvents.\nWe report on novel soluble maccomolecules displaying", "random_deletion": "ic aromatic amines and nitroarenes. A polymer controllable in mutually solvents. We report", "change_char_case": "ic aromatic amines and nitroaRenes. A polyMer suPpoRt wItH conTrolLable solubilitY In muTually immiscible solvenTs.\nWe rEpORt on NOvEl solUble macROmOLEcuLeS dIspLaYInG", "whitespace_perturbation": "ic aromatic amines and nit roarenes.A pol yme r s up port wit h controllable solu bility in mutually imm iscib le solv e nt s.\nWe report on n ove lso lub le ma cromo lec ules di splaying", "underscore_trick": "ic aromatic_amines and_nitroarenes. A polymer support_with controllable_solubility_in mutually_immiscible_solvents.\nWe report on_novel soluble macromolecules_displaying"} +{"text": " will advance our understanding of how p53 exerts its multiple regulatory functions. In this article, we show that mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase 2 (MKP", "synonym_substitution": "will advance our understanding of how p53 exerts its multiple regulatory function. In this article, we picture that mitogen - activated protein kinase phosphatase 2 (MKP", "butter_fingers": " wipl advance our understanaing of how p53 erwrts ivs multjple regjlatory functions. In this arviclw, we whow that mitogen-activxted protvin kinasw phiwphatase 2 (MKP", "random_deletion": "will advance our understanding of how p53 multiple functions. In article, we show 2", "change_char_case": " will advance our understandiNg of how p53 exErts iTs mUltIpLe reGulaTory functions. IN This Article, we show that mitogEn-actIvATed pROtEin kiNase phoSPhATAse 2 (mKp", "whitespace_perturbation": " will advance our understa nding of h ow p5 3 e xer ts its mul tiple regulato r y fu nctions. In this artic le, w es howt ha t mit ogen-ac t iv a t edpr ot ein k i na se ph osp hatase2 (MKP", "underscore_trick": " will_advance our_understanding of how p53_exerts its_multiple_regulatory functions._In_this article, we_show that mitogen-activated_protein kinase phosphatase 2_(MKP"} +{"text": ", H., Shindo-Okada, N., Ohgi, T., Goto, T., & Nishimura, S. (1979)", "synonym_substitution": ", H., Shindo - Okada, N., Ohgi, T., Goto, T., & Nishimura, S. (1979 )", "butter_fingers": ", H., Dhindo-Okada, N., Ohgi, T., Gotu, T., & Nishimura, S. (1979)", "random_deletion": ", H., Shindo-Okada, N., Ohgi, T., Goto, Nishimura, (1979)", "change_char_case": ", H., Shindo-Okada, N., Ohgi, T., Goto, T., & NiShimura, S. (1979)", "whitespace_perturbation": ", H., Shindo-Okada, N., Oh gi, T., Go to, T .,& N is himu ra,S. (1979)", "underscore_trick": ", H.,_Shindo-Okada, N.,_Ohgi, T., Goto, T.,_& Nishimura,_S._(1979)"} +{"text": " impairment at 42 years. This is the second known SCN8A mutation associated with a phenotype of benign familial infantile epilepsy. Good seizure control was achieved in", "synonym_substitution": "impairment at 42 years. This is the second known SCN8A mutation consociate with a phenotype of benign familial childish epilepsy. Good seizure restraint was achieve in", "butter_fingers": " imoairment at 42 years. This ls the second known SCN8E mutatjon assoziated with a phenotype of bxnigb famulial infantile epilepry. Good svizure cobtroo was achietsd in", "random_deletion": "impairment at 42 years. This is the SCN8A associated with phenotype of benign control achieved in", "change_char_case": " impairment at 42 years. This is thE second knoWn SCN8a muTatIoN assOciaTed with a phenotYPe of Benign familial infantilE epilEpSY. GooD SeIzure Control WAs ACHieVeD iN", "whitespace_perturbation": " impairment at 42 years. T his is the seco ndkno wn SCN 8A m utation associ a tedwith a phenotype of be nignfa m ilia l i nfant ile epi l ep s y . G oo dsei zu r econtr olwas ach ieved in", "underscore_trick": " impairment_at 42_years. This is the_second known_SCN8A_mutation associated_with_a phenotype of_benign familial infantile_epilepsy. Good seizure control_was achieved in"} +{"text": "P<0.05). Women with POI presented with similar androgen concentrations as controls, except for AD. Compared with measurements by extraction RIA, testosterone,", "synonym_substitution": "P<0.05). Women with POI presented with similar androgen concentrations as control, except for AD. compare with measurements by extraction RIA, testosterone,", "butter_fingers": "P<0.05). Wlmen with POI presented dith similar anbeogen roncentdations xs controls, except for AD. Colpqred qith measurements by ebtraction RIA, tesrosttrone,", "random_deletion": "P<0.05). Women with POI presented with similar as except for Compared with measurements", "change_char_case": "P<0.05). Women with POI presented witH similar anDrogeN coNceNtRatiOns aS controls, excepT For Ad. Compared with measuremeNts by ExTRactIOn rIA, teStosterONe,", "whitespace_perturbation": "P<0.05). Women with POI pr esented wi th si mil aran drog en c oncentrationsa s co ntrols, except for AD. Comp ar e d wi t hmeasu rements by e xtr ac ti onRI A ,testo ste rone,", "underscore_trick": "P<0.05). Women_with POI_presented with similar androgen_concentrations as_controls,_except for_AD._Compared with measurements_by extraction RIA,_testosterone,"} +{"text": ") months. The graft's thickness, stabilized visual acurity and graft's rejective rate were 0.56-0.68 mm (average 0.62", "synonym_substitution": ") months. The graft's thickness, stabilized visual acurity and bribery's rejective pace were 0.56 - 0.68 mm (median 0.62", "butter_fingers": ") mojths. The graft's thicknesr, stabilized visual acnrity ahd graft'r rejective rate were 0.56-0.68 mm (avxragw 0.62", "random_deletion": ") months. The graft's thickness, stabilized visual graft's rate were mm (average 0.62", "change_char_case": ") months. The graft's thickness, sTabilized vIsual AcuRitY aNd grAft's Rejective rate wERe 0.56-0.68 mm (Average 0.62", "whitespace_perturbation": ") months. The graft's thic kness, sta biliz edvis ua l ac urit y and graft'sr ejec tive rate were 0.56-0. 68 mm ( a vera g e0.62", "underscore_trick": ") months._The graft's_thickness, stabilized visual acurity_and graft's_rejective_rate were_0.56-0.68_mm (average 0.62"} +{"text": " E., Olsen, H., and Sonenberg, N. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 1110-1116). p36", "synonym_substitution": "E., Olsen, H., and Sonenberg, N. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 1110 - 1116). p36", "butter_fingers": " E., Llsen, H., and Sonenberg, N. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 1110-1116). k36", "random_deletion": "E., Olsen, H., and Sonenberg, N. (1997) Chem. 1110-1116). p36", "change_char_case": " E., Olsen, H., and Sonenberg, N. (1997) J. Biol. chem. 272, 1110-1116). p36", "whitespace_perturbation": " E., Olsen, H., and Sonenb erg, N. (1 997)J.Bio l. Che m. 2 72, 1110-1116) . p36 ", "underscore_trick": " E.,_Olsen, H.,_and Sonenberg, N. (1997)_J. Biol._Chem._272, 1110-1116)._p36"} +{"text": "0.87; P =.02). A history of hypertension (OR, 8.99; 1.87-43.26; P <.01", "synonym_substitution": "0.87; P = .02). A history of hypertension (OR, 8.99; 1.87 - 43.26; P < .01", "butter_fingers": "0.87; P =.02). A history of hypertensiun (OR, 8.99; 1.87-43.26; P <.01", "random_deletion": "0.87; P =.02). A history of hypertension 1.87-43.26; <.01", "change_char_case": "0.87; P =.02). A history of hypertension (OR, 8.99; 1.87-43.26; p <.01", "whitespace_perturbation": "0.87; P =.02). A history o f hyperten sion(OR , 8 .9 9; 1 .87- 43.26; P <.01", "underscore_trick": "0.87; P_=.02). A_history of hypertension (OR,_8.99; 1.87-43.26;_P_<.01"} +{"text": " VO2max by ergometer was used to measure cardiorespiratory fitness. Muscular fitness tests included the number of sit-ups, push-ups, and", "synonym_substitution": "VO2max by ergometer was used to measure cardiorespiratory fitness. mesomorphic seaworthiness tests included the numeral of sit - ups, push button - ups, and", "butter_fingers": " VO2lax by ergometer was usea to measure catduorespmratory fitness. Muscular fitness tests inclnded the bumber of sit-ups, push-uos, and", "random_deletion": "VO2max by ergometer was used to measure Muscular tests included number of sit-ups,", "change_char_case": " VO2max by ergometer was used to Measure carDioreSpiRatOrY fitNess. muscular fitnesS TestS included the number of siT-ups, pUsH-Ups, aND", "whitespace_perturbation": " VO2max by ergometer was u sed to mea surecar dio re spir ator y fitness. Mus c ular fitness tests include d the n u mber of sit- ups, pu s h- u p s,an d", "underscore_trick": " VO2max_by ergometer_was used to measure_cardiorespiratory fitness._Muscular_fitness tests_included_the number of_sit-ups, push-ups, and"} +{"text": " alphaTH by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Accumulation of 167 +/- 62 pmol d3-alphaTH/mg protein was measured within 1 h in", "synonym_substitution": "alphaTH by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. Accumulation of 167 + /- 62 pmol d3 - alphaTH / mg protein was measure within 1 planck's constant in", "butter_fingers": " alohaTH by gas chromatograkhy-mass spectromejrt. Accukulatikn of 167 +/- 62 pmol d3-alphaTH/mg protein was mwasurtb within 1 h in", "random_deletion": "alphaTH by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Accumulation of 62 d3-alphaTH/mg protein measured within 1", "change_char_case": " alphaTH by gas chromatographY-mass spectRometRy. ACcuMuLatiOn of 167 +/- 62 Pmol d3-alphaTH/mg PRoteIn was measured within 1 h in", "whitespace_perturbation": " alphaTH by gas chromatogr aphy-massspect rom etr y. Acc umul ation of 167 + / - 62 pmol d3-alphaTH/mg pr otein w a s me a su red w ithin 1 hi n ", "underscore_trick": " alphaTH_by gas_chromatography-mass spectrometry. Accumulation of_167 +/-_62_pmol d3-alphaTH/mg_protein_was measured within_1 h in"} +{"text": " the charge order to allow superconductivity to appear and dominate. This work provides an interpretation of light-induced superconductivity from the perspective of order competition and offers a", "synonym_substitution": "the charge order to allow superconductivity to appear and predominate. This workplace provides an interpretation of light - induce superconductivity from the perspective of order rival and propose a", "butter_fingers": " thf charge order to allow ruperconductivijy to ap'ear ans dominage. This work provides an intxrprwtatiin of light-induced supdrconductpvity fron tht perspective of order competitjln aud offers a", "random_deletion": "the charge order to allow superconductivity to dominate. work provides interpretation of light-induced order and offers a", "change_char_case": " the charge order to allow supeRconductivIty to AppEar AnD domInatE. This work proviDEs an Interpretation of light-iNduceD sUPercONdUctivIty from THe PERspEcTiVe oF oRDeR compEtiTion and Offers a", "whitespace_perturbation": " the charge order to allow supercond uctiv ity to a ppea r an d dominate. Th i s wo rk provides an interpr etati on of l i gh t-ind uced su p er c o ndu ct iv ity f r om theper spectiv e of order co mp etition ando ff ers a", "underscore_trick": " the_charge order_to allow superconductivity to_appear and_dominate._This work_provides_an interpretation of_light-induced superconductivity from_the perspective of order_competition and offers_a"} +{"text": " that in experiment I, more oocytes reached MI-MII (18.57%) after supplementation with 1 IU/ml FSH+ 5 IU/ml P", "synonym_substitution": "that in experiment I, more oocytes reached MI - MII (18.57 %) after supplementation with 1 IU / ml FSH+ 5 IU / ml P", "butter_fingers": " thwt in experiment I, more uocytes reached MI-MII (18.57%) after supplemdntation with 1 IU/ml FSH+ 5 IU/mp P", "random_deletion": "that in experiment I, more oocytes reached after with 1 FSH+ 5 IU/ml", "change_char_case": " that in experiment I, more oocyTes reached mI-MII (18.57%) AftEr sUpPlemEntaTion with 1 IU/ml FSh+ 5 iU/ml p", "whitespace_perturbation": " that in experiment I, mor e oocytesreach edMI- MI I (1 8.57 %) after suppl e ment ation with 1 IU/ml FSH + 5 I U/ m l P", "underscore_trick": " that_in experiment_I, more oocytes reached_MI-MII (18.57%)_after_supplementation with_1_IU/ml FSH+ 5_IU/ml P"} +{"text": " vector was designed for expression of a single-chain antibody (scFv) of mAbB23 in Escherichia coli. The expression vector was constructed so that the", "synonym_substitution": "vector was designed for expression of a single - chain antibody (scFv) of mAbB23 in Escherichia coli. The formula vector was construct so that the", "butter_fingers": " veftor was designed for exkression of a sinyoe-chaii antibkdy (scFv) of mAbB23 in Escherichia coli. Tye exkgession vector was covstructed so that the", "random_deletion": "vector was designed for expression of a (scFv) mAbB23 in coli. The expression the", "change_char_case": " vector was designed for expreSsion of a siNgle-cHaiN anTiBody (ScFv) Of mAbB23 in EscherIChia Coli. The expression vectoR was cOnSTrucTEd So thaT the", "whitespace_perturbation": " vector was designed for e xpressionof asin gle -c hain ant ibody (scFv) o f mAb B23 in Escherichia col i. Th ee xpre s si on ve ctor wa s c o n str uc te d s ot ha t the ", "underscore_trick": " vector_was designed_for expression of a_single-chain antibody_(scFv)_of mAbB23_in_Escherichia coli. The_expression vector was_constructed so that the"} +{"text": " estrogen-progestogen formulation is the contraceptive method of choice for women undergoing retinoid treatment. The intrauterine device (IUD) is of little", "synonym_substitution": "estrogen - progestogen formulation is the contraceptive method of choice for charwoman undergo retinoid treatment. The intrauterine device (IUD) is of little", "butter_fingers": " eshrogen-progestogen formulxtion is the courracepvive mefhod of zhoice for women undergoing cetiboid ugeatment. The intrautefine devibe (IUD) is of outtle", "random_deletion": "estrogen-progestogen formulation is the contraceptive method of women retinoid treatment. intrauterine device (IUD)", "change_char_case": " estrogen-progestogen formulAtion is the ContrAcePtiVe MethOd of Choice for women UNderGoing retinoid treatment. the inTrAUterINe DevicE (IUD) is oF LiTTLe", "whitespace_perturbation": " estrogen-progestogen form ulation is thecon tra ce ptiv e me thod of choice forwomen undergoing retin oid t re a tmen t .The i ntraute r in e dev ic e(IU D) is of l itt le", "underscore_trick": " estrogen-progestogen_formulation is_the contraceptive method of_choice for_women_undergoing retinoid_treatment._The intrauterine device_(IUD) is of_little"} +{"text": " surgery are reported for 453 patients who underwent SelAH and participated in more than 3 months of follow-up review. The last available outcome data according to the Eng", "synonym_substitution": "surgery are reported for 453 patients who underwent SelAH and participate in more than 3 calendar month of follow - up review. The last available consequence data according to the Eng", "butter_fingers": " suggery are reported for 453 katients who undetwwnt SenAH ans partickpated in more than 3 months lf folliw-up review. The last axailable lutcome eata qccording vk the Eky", "random_deletion": "surgery are reported for 453 patients who and in more 3 months of outcome according to the", "change_char_case": " surgery are reported for 453 patiEnts who undErwenT SeLAH AnD parTiciPated in more thaN 3 MontHs of follow-up review. The lAst avAiLAble OUtCome dAta accoRDiNG To tHe enG", "whitespace_perturbation": " surgery are reported for453 patien ts wh o u nde rw entSelA H and particip a tedin more than 3 monthsof fo ll o w-up re view. The la s ta v ail ab le ou tc o me data ac cording to the En g", "underscore_trick": " surgery_are reported_for 453 patients who_underwent SelAH_and_participated in_more_than 3 months_of follow-up review._The last available outcome_data according to_the_Eng"} +{"text": "Recent works have proved that Parkinson's disease (PD) patients can be largely benefit by performing rehabilitation exercises based on audio cueing and music therapy. Specially,", "synonym_substitution": "Recent works have proved that Parkinson's disease (PD) patients can be largely profit by perform rehabilitation exercises free-base on audio cueing and music therapy. particularly,", "butter_fingers": "Recfnt works have proved thxt Parkinson's dnwease ('D) patisnts can be largely benefit by perfocmint rehqbilitation exercises cased on wudio cuwing qnd music vgerapy. Speciampy,", "random_deletion": "Recent works have proved that Parkinson's disease can largely benefit performing rehabilitation exercises music Specially,", "change_char_case": "Recent works have proved that parkinson's DiseaSe (Pd) paTiEnts Can bE largely benefiT By peRforming rehabilitation ExercIsES basED oN audiO cueing ANd MUSic ThErApy. spECiAlly,", "whitespace_perturbation": "Recent works have proved t hat Parkin son's di sea se (PD ) pa tients can bel arge ly benefit by performi ng re ha b ilit a ti on ex ercises ba s e d o nau dio c u ei ng an d m usic th erapy. Spe cia ll y,", "underscore_trick": "Recent works_have proved_that Parkinson's disease (PD)_patients can_be_largely benefit_by_performing rehabilitation exercises_based on audio_cueing and music therapy._Specially,"} +{"text": " chromosomal Ran gradient and specific spatial and temporal control operated by localized Ran network members at sites of the mitotic apparatus in human cells. The religiousness as a way of", "synonym_substitution": "chromosomal Ran gradient and specific spatial and temporal control operated by localized Ran net extremity at sites of the mitotic apparatus in human cells. The devoutness as a way of", "butter_fingers": " chgomosomal Ran gradient akd specific spatnql and tempodal contfol operated by localized Rai nerwork members at sites of tfe mitotib apparatys ii human cells. Thx religiousnesa as c xay of", "random_deletion": "chromosomal Ran gradient and specific spatial and operated localized Ran members at sites human The religiousness as way of", "change_char_case": " chromosomal Ran gradient and Specific spAtial And TemPoRal cOntrOl operated by loCAlizEd Ran network members at sItes oF tHE mitOTiC appaRatus in HUmAN CelLs. thE reLiGIoUsnesS as A way of", "whitespace_perturbation": " chromosomal Ran gradientand specif ic sp ati alan d te mpor al control ope r ated by localized Ran netw ork m em b ersa tsites of the mi t o tic a pp ara tu s i n hum ancells.The religi ous ne ss as a wayo f", "underscore_trick": " chromosomal_Ran gradient_and specific spatial and_temporal control_operated_by localized_Ran_network members at_sites of the_mitotic apparatus in human_cells. The religiousness_as_a way of"} +{"text": "Chi(2)=40, P<0.01). However,there was no significant correlation between the second experimental group and control group in the damage of m", "synonym_substitution": "Chi(2)=40, P<0.01). However, there was no significant correlation between the second experimental group and control group in the price of m", "butter_fingers": "Chi(2)=40, P<0.01). However,there was no slgnificant correlation uetween the secund experimental group and clnrrol troup in the damage of m", "random_deletion": "Chi(2)=40, P<0.01). However,there was no significant correlation second group and group in the", "change_char_case": "Chi(2)=40, P<0.01). However,there was no signIficant corRelatIon BetWeEn thE secOnd experimentaL GrouP and control group in the dAmage Of M", "whitespace_perturbation": "Chi(2)=40, P<0.01). Howeve r,there wa s nosig nif ic antcorr elation betwee n the second experimental g roupan d con t ro l gro up in t h ed a mag eof m", "underscore_trick": "Chi(2)=40, P<0.01)._However,there was_no significant correlation between_the second_experimental_group and_control_group in the_damage of m"} +{"text": "1 in the absence of specific antibody. Such activation requires the binding of C1 to the viral surface through two subcomponents, C1q and C1s", "synonym_substitution": "1 in the absence of specific antibody. Such activation requires the binding of C1 to the viral surface through two subcomponents, C1q and C1s", "butter_fingers": "1 in the absence of specific antibody. Such cxtivatmon reqhires thd binding of C1 to the viral dueface through two subcompondnts, C1q ajd C1s", "random_deletion": "1 in the absence of specific antibody. requires binding of to the viral and", "change_char_case": "1 in the absence of specific antIbody. Such aCtivaTioN reQuIres The bInding of C1 to the VIral Surface through two subcoMponeNtS, c1q anD c1s", "whitespace_perturbation": "1 in the absence of specif ic antibod y. Su chact iv atio n re quires the bin d ingof C1 to the viral sur faceth r ough tw o sub compone n ts , C1q a nd C1 s", "underscore_trick": "1 in_the absence_of specific antibody. Such_activation requires_the_binding of_C1_to the viral_surface through two_subcomponents, C1q and C1s"} +{"text": "=0.540). Hemodialysis seems to cause a significant decrease in choroidal thickness, whereas it has no effect on retinal thickness. This significant decrease in", "synonym_substitution": "= 0.540). Hemodialysis seems to cause a significant decrease in choroidal thickness, whereas it has no consequence on retinal thickness. This meaning decrease in", "butter_fingers": "=0.540). Helodialysis seems to caust a significant dgceease mn chorkidal thkckness, whereas it has no efhect on rtninal thickness. This rignificajt decreqse mn", "random_deletion": "=0.540). Hemodialysis seems to cause a significant choroidal whereas it no effect on in", "change_char_case": "=0.540). Hemodialysis seems to cause a SignificanT decrEasE in ChOroiDal tHickness, whereaS It haS no effect on retinal thicKness. thIS sigNIfIcant DecreasE In", "whitespace_perturbation": "=0.540). Hemodialysis seem s to cause a si gni fic an t de crea se in choroida l thi ckness, whereas it has no e ff e ct o n r etina l thick n es s . Th is s ign if i ca nt de cre ase in", "underscore_trick": "=0.540). Hemodialysis_seems to_cause a significant decrease_in choroidal_thickness,_whereas it_has_no effect on_retinal thickness. This_significant decrease in"} +{"text": " excretion decreased to values lower than those of control subjects when the brace was first applied, but an adaptive increase was noted after four and 12 months of brace treatment.", "synonym_substitution": "excretion decreased to values lower than those of restraint discipline when the brace was first applied, but an adaptive addition was noted after four and 12 months of brace discussion.", "butter_fingers": " exfretion decreased to valmes lower than tkise of contrkl subjezts when the brace was first appliee, but an adaptive incrdase was joted afrer hour and 12 months of bracc trezbment.", "random_deletion": "excretion decreased to values lower than those subjects the brace first applied, but after and 12 months brace treatment.", "change_char_case": " excretion decreased to valueS lower than Those Of cOntRoL subJectS when the brace wAS firSt applied, but an adaptive IncreAsE Was nOTeD afteR four anD 12 MoNTHs oF bRaCe tReATmEnt.", "whitespace_perturbation": " excretion decreased to va lues lower than th ose o f co ntro l subjects whe n the brace was first appli ed, b ut an a d ap tiveincreas e w a s no te daft er fo ur an d 1 2 month s of brace tr ea tment.", "underscore_trick": " excretion_decreased to_values lower than those_of control_subjects_when the_brace_was first applied,_but an adaptive_increase was noted after_four and 12_months_of brace treatment."} +{"text": "nicotinic), hypocretin (OX1 and OX2), melatonin (MLT1 and MLT2), prostaglandin E2 (", "synonym_substitution": "nicotinic), hypocretin (OX1 and OX2), melatonin (MLT1 and MLT2), prostaglandin E2 (", "butter_fingers": "nicltinic), hypocretin (OX1 and OX2), melatonin (MLT1 and KLT2), prkstaglanain E2 (", "random_deletion": "nicotinic), hypocretin (OX1 and OX2), melatonin (MLT1 prostaglandin (", "change_char_case": "nicotinic), hypocretin (OX1 and Ox2), melatonin (mLT1 anD MLt2), prOsTaglAndiN E2 (", "whitespace_perturbation": "nicotinic), hypocretin (OX 1 and OX2) , mel ato nin ( MLT1 and MLT2), prosta g land in E2 (", "underscore_trick": "nicotinic), hypocretin_(OX1 and_OX2), melatonin (MLT1 and_MLT2), prostaglandin_E2_("} +{"text": "1 and/or SLCO1B1 variants was seen more frequently for case subjects. Case subjects more often demonstrated >or=2 factors contributing to hyperbil", "synonym_substitution": "1 and/or SLCO1B1 variants was seen more frequently for case subjects. subject discipline more often demonstrated > or=2 factors contribute to hyperbil", "butter_fingers": "1 anf/or SLCO1B1 variants was sten more frequently for rase sugjects. Cxse subjects more often demoistrqted >ir=2 factors contributine to hypegbil", "random_deletion": "1 and/or SLCO1B1 variants was seen more case Case subjects often demonstrated >or=2", "change_char_case": "1 and/or SLCO1B1 variants was seen More frequeNtly fOr cAse SuBjecTs. CaSe subjects more OFten Demonstrated >or=2 factors cOntriBuTIng tO HyPerbiL", "whitespace_perturbation": "1 and/or SLCO1B1 variantswas seen m ore f req uen tl y fo r ca se subjects. C a se s ubjects more often dem onstr at e d >o r =2 fact ors con t ri b u tin gto hy pe r bi l", "underscore_trick": "1 and/or_SLCO1B1 variants_was seen more frequently_for case_subjects._Case subjects_more_often demonstrated >or=2_factors contributing to_hyperbil"} +{"text": " a common lifestyle disorder, is caused by multiple factors with heredity playing a strong causal role. Recently, a genetic variation upstream of insulin-induced gene 2 (", "synonym_substitution": "a common lifestyle disorder, is caused by multiple divisor with heredity play a strong causal role. Recently, a genetic magnetic declination upstream of insulin - induced gene 2 (", "butter_fingers": " a fommon lifestyle disordev, is caused by molriple hactors with hefedity playing a strong causel rile. Rtbently, a genetic varixtion upsnream of unsuoun-induced jsne 2 (", "random_deletion": "a common lifestyle disorder, is caused by with playing a causal role. Recently, insulin-induced 2 (", "change_char_case": " a common lifestyle disorder, iS caused by mUltipLe fActOrS witH herEdity playing a sTRong Causal role. Recently, a genEtic vArIAtioN UpStreaM of insuLIn-INDucEd GeNe 2 (", "whitespace_perturbation": " a common lifestyle disord er, is cau sed b y m ult ip le f acto rs with heredi t y pl aying a strong causalrole. R e cent l y, a ge netic v a ri a t ion u ps tre am of insu lin -induce d gene 2 ( ", "underscore_trick": " a_common lifestyle_disorder, is caused by_multiple factors_with_heredity playing_a_strong causal role._Recently, a genetic_variation upstream of insulin-induced_gene 2 ("} +{"text": " a social and economic problem still to be solved. The experimental and therapeutic employment of many antibiotics has largely been tested \"in vitro\" and \"in vivo\". In", "synonym_substitution": "a social and economic problem still to be solved. The experimental and therapeutic use of many antibiotic has largely been test \" in vitro \" and \" in vivo \". In", "butter_fingers": " a docial and economic probuem still to be solved. The esperimengal and therapeutic employmeit od mant antibiotics has largdly been nested \"in vitco\" and \"in vivo\". Ii", "random_deletion": "a social and economic problem still to The and therapeutic of many antibiotics vitro\" \"in vivo\". In", "change_char_case": " a social and economic problem Still to be sOlved. the ExpErImenTal aNd therapeutic eMPloyMent of many antibiotics hAs larGeLY beeN TeSted \"iN vitro\" aND \"iN VIvo\". in", "whitespace_perturbation": " a social and economic pro blem still to b e s olv ed . Th e ex perimental and ther apeutic employment ofmanyan t ibio t ic s has largel y b e e n t es te d \" in vi tro\"and \"in vi vo\". In", "underscore_trick": " a_social and_economic problem still to_be solved._The_experimental and_therapeutic_employment of many_antibiotics has largely_been tested \"in vitro\"_and \"in vivo\"._In"} +{"text": " random vector, with cell probabilities potentially depending on the total number of species in the web. A maximum likelihood method is developed to test the hypothesis that the fractions of", "synonym_substitution": "random vector, with cell probabilities potentially depending on the total numeral of coinage in the web. A maximum likelihood method acting is developed to quiz the hypothesis that the fractions of", "butter_fingers": " rajdom vector, with cell prubabilities potgnrially depensing on ghe total number of species mn tye wev. A maximum likelihood method id developed uo test the hypotissis that the nractnois of", "random_deletion": "random vector, with cell probabilities potentially depending total of species the web. A to the hypothesis that fractions of", "change_char_case": " random vector, with cell probaBilities poTentiAllY dePeNdinG on tHe total number oF SpecIes in the web. A maximum likElihoOd MEthoD Is DevelOped to tESt THE hyPoThEsiS tHAt The frActIons of", "whitespace_perturbation": " random vector, with cellprobabilit ies p ote nti al ly d epen ding on the to t al n umber of species in th e web .A max i mu m lik elihood me t h odis d eve lo p ed to t est the hy pothesis t hat t he fractions of ", "underscore_trick": " random_vector, with_cell probabilities potentially depending_on the_total_number of_species_in the web._A maximum likelihood_method is developed to_test the hypothesis_that_the fractions of"} +{"text": " (several outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis of choleric/dysenteric form or chronic diarrhoea, ulcerative colitis, etc.) in normal", "synonym_substitution": "(several outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis of choleric / dysenteric form or chronic diarrhea, ulcerative colitis, etc .) in normal", "butter_fingers": " (segeral outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis of chmleric/sysenterkc form or chronic diarrhoea, uoceraupve colitis, etc.) in nofmal", "random_deletion": "(several outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis of choleric/dysenteric chronic ulcerative colitis, in normal", "change_char_case": " (several outbreaks of acute gaStroenteriTis of ChoLerIc/DyseNterIc form or chroniC DiarRhoea, ulcerative colitis, Etc.) in NoRMal", "whitespace_perturbation": " (several outbreaks of acu te gastroe nteri tis of c hole ric/ dysenteric for m orchronic diarrhoea, ulc erati ve coli t is , etc .) in n o rm a l ", "underscore_trick": " (several_outbreaks of_acute gastroenteritis of choleric/dysenteric_form or_chronic_diarrhoea, ulcerative_colitis,_etc.) in normal"} +{"text": " purpose of the present study was to describe nursing interventions aimed at restoring normal eating behaviour in patients with anorexia nervosa. The main research question was: '", "synonym_substitution": "purpose of the present study was to describe nursing interventions drive at restore normal eating behaviour in patients with anorexia nervosa. The main inquiry question was:'", "butter_fingers": " pugpose of the present stuay was to descrnve nurving ihterventkons aimed at restoring normel eqting behaviour in patients with anogexia nercosa. Rhe main rxaearch questikk was: '", "random_deletion": "purpose of the present study was to interventions at restoring eating behaviour in main question was: '", "change_char_case": " purpose of the present study wAs to descriBe nurSinG inTeRvenTionS aimed at restorINg noRmal eating behaviour in pAtienTs WIth aNOrExia nErvosa. THE mAIN reSeArCh qUeSTiOn was: '", "whitespace_perturbation": " purpose of the present st udy was to desc rib e n ur sing int erventions aim e d at restoring normal eati ng be ha v iour in pati ents wi t ha n ore xi aner vo s a. Themai n resea rch questi onwa s: '", "underscore_trick": " purpose_of the_present study was to_describe nursing_interventions_aimed at_restoring_normal eating behaviour_in patients with_anorexia nervosa. The main_research question was:_'"} +{"text": " in turkeys and end of lay hens.\nPre-slaughter transportation may affect poultry welfare and mortality rates. A retrospective analysis was conducted to examine the effect", "synonym_substitution": "in turkeys and end of lay hens. \n Pre - slaughter department of transportation may involve poultry welfare and mortality rate. A retrospective analysis was conducted to analyze the effect", "butter_fingers": " in turkeys and end of lay mens.\nPre-slaughter transpmrtatikn may awfect poultry welfare and moctaluty rqtes. A retrospective avalysis wws conduxted ro examine the effcet", "random_deletion": "in turkeys and end of lay hens. may poultry welfare mortality rates. A examine effect", "change_char_case": " in turkeys and end of lay hens.\nPRe-slaughteR tranSpoRtaTiOn maY affEct poultry welfARe anD mortality rates. A retrosPectiVe ANalySIs Was coNducted TO eXAMinE tHe EffEcT", "whitespace_perturbation": " in turkeys and end of lay hens.\nPre -slau ght ertr ansp orta tion may affec t pou ltry welfare and morta lityra t es.A r etros pective an a l ysi swa s c on d uc ted t o e xaminethe effect ", "underscore_trick": " in_turkeys and_end of lay hens.\nPre-slaughter_transportation may_affect_poultry welfare_and_mortality rates. A_retrospective analysis was_conducted to examine the_effect"} +{"text": " of Ach pulses; transport across the synaptic cleft; partial hydrolysis by Ach-ase; binding to Ach receptors; ion channel opening and closure, and, thereby,", "synonym_substitution": "of Ach pulses; transport across the synaptic cleft; partial hydrolysis by Ach - ase; bind to Ach receptor; ion channel opening and closure, and, thereby,", "butter_fingers": " of Ach pulses; transport acvoss the synaptie cleft; partizl hydrouysis by Ach-ase; binding to Arh rwceptirs; ion channel openine and clodure, and, theceby,", "random_deletion": "of Ach pulses; transport across the synaptic hydrolysis Ach-ase; binding Ach receptors; ion thereby,", "change_char_case": " of Ach pulses; transport acrosS the synaptIc cleFt; pArtIaL hydRolySis by Ach-ase; binDIng tO Ach receptors; ion channeL openInG And cLOsUre, anD, therebY,", "whitespace_perturbation": " of Ach pulses; transportacross the syna pti c c le ft;part ial hydrolysis by A ch-ase; binding to Ach rece pt o rs;i on chan nel ope n in g and c lo sur e, an d, th ere by,", "underscore_trick": " of_Ach pulses;_transport across the synaptic_cleft; partial_hydrolysis_by Ach-ase;_binding_to Ach receptors;_ion channel opening_and closure, and, thereby,"} +{"text": ", electrophysiologically, and molecularly characterized neuron types in the rodent hippocampal formation. Specifically, we have implemented a computational pipeline to systematically translate neuron type properties into", "synonym_substitution": ", electrophysiologically, and molecularly characterized neuron types in the rodent hippocampal formation. Specifically, we have implemented a computational grapevine to systematically understand neuron character properties into", "butter_fingers": ", elfctrophysiologically, and molecularly chceactermzed nehron typds in the rodent hippocampal firmatuon. Specifically, we haxe implemvnted a cimpuuational pipeline to systciatidwlly vranslate neurok type proparties into", "random_deletion": ", electrophysiologically, and molecularly characterized neuron types rodent formation. Specifically, have implemented a neuron properties into", "change_char_case": ", electrophysiologically, and MolecularlY charActEriZeD neuRon tYpes in the rodenT HippOcampal formation. SpecifIcallY, wE Have IMpLemenTed a comPUtATIonAl PiPelInE To SysteMatIcally tRanslate neUroN tYpe propertieS InTo", "whitespace_perturbation": ", electrophysiologically,and molecu larly ch ara ct eriz ed n euron types in therodent hippocampal for matio n. Spec i fi cally , we ha v ei m ple me nt edac om putat ion al pipe line to sy ste ma tically tran s la te neurontyp e properties in to", "underscore_trick": ", electrophysiologically,_and molecularly_characterized neuron types in_the rodent_hippocampal_formation. Specifically,_we_have implemented a_computational pipeline to_systematically translate neuron type_properties into"} +{"text": ", respectively. Both patients had particularly severe heart involvement with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and tachyarrhythmia, generalized edema, and respiratory distress. In one case, hypert", "synonym_substitution": ", respectively. Both patients had particularly severe affection affair with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and tachyarrhythmia, generalized edema, and respiratory distress. In one case, hypert", "butter_fingers": ", redpectively. Both patients had particularly sevece hearf involvdment with hypertrophic cardmomyipatht and tachyarrhythmia, eeneralizvd edema, qnd cespiratory distcsss. In one caac, hypzrv", "random_deletion": ", respectively. Both patients had particularly severe with cardiomyopathy and generalized edema, and hypert", "change_char_case": ", respectively. Both patients hAd particulArly sEveRe hEaRt inVolvEment with hyperTRophIc cardiomyopathy and tacHyarrHyTHmia, GEnEraliZed edemA, AnD REspIrAtOry DiSTrEss. In One Case, hypErt", "whitespace_perturbation": ", respectively. Both patie nts had pa rticu lar lyse vere hea rt involvement with hypertrophic cardiomy opath ya nd t a ch yarrh ythmia, ge n e ral iz ed ed em a ,and r esp iratory distress. In o ne case, hyp e rt ", "underscore_trick": ", respectively._Both patients_had particularly severe heart_involvement with_hypertrophic_cardiomyopathy and_tachyarrhythmia,_generalized edema, and_respiratory distress. In_one case, hypert"} +{"text": " similar characteristics as sample I. EFA in sample I suggested an 18-item scale with two components concerning the quality of care during pregnancy: 'personal treatment'", "synonym_substitution": "similar characteristics as sample I. EFA in sample I suggest an 18 - token scale with two components concerning the timbre of care during pregnancy:' personal treatment'", "butter_fingers": " sililar characteristics as sample I. EFA iu samplx I sugfested av 18-item scale with two componxnts conctgning the quality of zare durijg pregnqncy: 'personal tcsatment'", "random_deletion": "similar characteristics as sample I. EFA in suggested 18-item scale two components concerning pregnancy: treatment'", "change_char_case": " similar characteristics as sAmple I. EFA iN sampLe I SugGeSted An 18-itEm scale with two COmpoNents concerning the qualIty of CaRE durINg PregnAncy: 'perSOnAL TreAtMeNt'", "whitespace_perturbation": " similar characteristics a s sample I . EFA in sa mp le I sug gested an 18-i t em s cale with two componen ts co nc e rnin g t he qu ality o f c a r e d ur in g p re g na ncy:'pe rsonaltreatment' ", "underscore_trick": " similar_characteristics as_sample I. EFA in_sample I_suggested_an 18-item_scale_with two components_concerning the quality_of care during pregnancy:_'personal treatment'"} +{"text": " or Mg2+. Trait anxiety and self-concept among children and adolescents with food neophobia.\nFood problems in children and adolescents often have a detrimental effect", "synonym_substitution": "or Mg2 +. Trait anxiety and self - concept among children and adolescents with food neophobia. \n Food problems in children and adolescent frequently have a detrimental consequence", "butter_fingers": " or Mg2+. Trait anxiety and seuf-concept among childrxn and zdolescevts with food neophobia.\nFood 'roboems un children and adoleszents oftvn have a detcimental effect", "random_deletion": "or Mg2+. Trait anxiety and self-concept among adolescents food neophobia. problems in children detrimental", "change_char_case": " or Mg2+. Trait anxiety and self-coNcept among ChildRen And AdOlesCentS with food neophOBia.\nFOod problems in children aNd adoLeSCentS OfTen haVe a detrIMeNTAl eFfEcT", "whitespace_perturbation": " or Mg2+. Trait anxiety an d self-con ceptamo ngch ildr en a nd adolescents with food neophobia.\nFoodprobl em s inc hi ldren and ad o le s c ent sof ten h a ve a de tri mentaleffect", "underscore_trick": " or_Mg2+. Trait_anxiety and self-concept among_children and_adolescents_with food_neophobia.\nFood_problems in children_and adolescents often_have a detrimental effect"} +{"text": "), SpA 8.7 (6.1) and CD 17.1 (10.2). Differences were significant between controls and SpA, and Sp", "synonym_substitution": "), SpA 8.7 (6.1) and CD 17.1 (10.2). Differences were significant between controls and health spa, and Sp", "butter_fingers": "), SpW 8.7 (6.1) and CD 17.1 (10.2). Differences were significaur betwxen confrols ana SpA, and Sp", "random_deletion": "), SpA 8.7 (6.1) and CD 17.1 were between controls SpA, and Sp", "change_char_case": "), SpA 8.7 (6.1) and CD 17.1 (10.2). Differences were siGnificant bEtweeN coNtrOlS and spA, aNd Sp", "whitespace_perturbation": "), SpA 8.7 (6.1) and CD 17 .1 (10.2). Diff ere nce swere sig nificant betwe e n co ntrols and SpA, and Sp ", "underscore_trick": "), SpA_8.7 (6.1)_and CD 17.1 (10.2)._Differences were_significant_between controls_and_SpA, and Sp"} +{"text": " probability to have a desired part-time job rather than a full-time job by 80% (170% for men, 60% for women) and the", "synonym_substitution": "probability to have a desired part - time caper preferably than a full - time job by 80% (170% for man, 60% for women) and the", "butter_fingers": " prlbability to have a desived part-time job rather than z full-tioe job by 80% (170% for men, 60% for womxn) abd tht", "random_deletion": "probability to have a desired part-time job a job by (170% for men,", "change_char_case": " probability to have a desired Part-time joB rathEr tHan A fUll-tIme jOb by 80% (170% for men, 60% for wOMen) aNd the", "whitespace_perturbation": " probability to have a des ired part- timejob ra th er t hana full-time jo b by80% (170% for men, 60% forwo m en)a nd the", "underscore_trick": " probability_to have_a desired part-time job_rather than_a_full-time job_by_80% (170% for_men, 60% for_women) and the"} +{"text": "ocin-induced diabetic Lewis rats.\nWe determined beta-cell replication and mass in basal and stimulated conditions in long-term transplanted islets. Three groups of strept", "synonym_substitution": "ocin - induced diabetic Lewis rats. \n We determined beta - cell echo and bulk in basal and stimulated conditions in long - terminus transplanted islets. Three groups of strept", "butter_fingers": "ocij-induced diabetic Lewis vats.\nWe determineb beta-cxll repmication and mass in basal and stimupared cinditions in long-term gransplanned isletw. Thcee groups of stcspt", "random_deletion": "ocin-induced diabetic Lewis rats. We determined beta-cell mass basal and conditions in long-term strept", "change_char_case": "ocin-induced diabetic Lewis rAts.\nWe deterMined BetA-ceLl ReplIcatIon and mass in baSAl anD stimulated conditions iN long-TeRM traNSpLanteD islets. tHrEE GroUpS oF stRePT", "whitespace_perturbation": "ocin-induced diabetic Lewi s rats.\nWe dete rmi ned b eta- cell replication a n d ma ss in basal and stimul atedco n diti o ns in l ong-ter m t r a nsp la nt edis l et s. Th ree groups of strept ", "underscore_trick": "ocin-induced diabetic_Lewis rats.\nWe_determined beta-cell replication and_mass in_basal_and stimulated_conditions_in long-term transplanted_islets. Three groups_of strept"} +{"text": " positive charge in all cases (from +0.76 to +1.18). Moreover, the contributions of the electrostatic interaction terms (\u0394E(elstat", "synonym_substitution": "positive charge in all cases (from +0.76 to +1.18). Moreover, the contribution of the electrostatic interaction term (\u0394E(elstat", "butter_fingers": " poditive charge in all casts (from +0.76 to +1.18). Moreover, thx contrjbutions of the electrostatic interartiob terns (\u0394E(elstat", "random_deletion": "positive charge in all cases (from +0.76 Moreover, contributions of electrostatic interaction terms", "change_char_case": " positive charge in all cases (fRom +0.76 to +1.18). MoreoVer, thE coNtrIbUtioNs of The electrostatIC intEraction terms (\u0394E(elstat", "whitespace_perturbation": " positive charge in all ca ses (from+0.76 to +1 .1 8).More over, the cont r ibut ions of the electrosta tic i nt e ract i on term s (\u0394E(e l st a t ", "underscore_trick": " positive_charge in_all cases (from +0.76_to +1.18)._Moreover,_the contributions_of_the electrostatic interaction_terms (\u0394E(elstat"} +{"text": "inoff's Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op. 43, Variation 18. Immediately following the listening session, I used structured interviews", "synonym_substitution": "inoff's Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op. 43, Variation 18. Immediately following the listening session, I used integrated interview", "butter_fingers": "inovf's Rhapsody on a Theme uf Paganini, Op. 43, Variatmon 18. Imjediatelh following the listening sedsuon, I used structured interxiews", "random_deletion": "inoff's Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Variation Immediately following listening session, I", "change_char_case": "inoff's Rhapsody on a Theme of PAganini, Op. 43, VAriatIon 18. immEdIateLy foLlowing the listENing Session, I used structured InterViEWs", "whitespace_perturbation": "inoff's Rhapsody on a Them e of Pagan ini,Op. 43 ,Vari atio n 18. Immediat e ly f ollowing the listening sess io n , Iu se d str uctured in t e rvi ew s", "underscore_trick": "inoff's Rhapsody_on a_Theme of Paganini, Op._43, Variation_18._Immediately following_the_listening session, I_used structured interviews"} +{"text": " retention, may also reflect additional benefits of these biologics. The aim of this review was to manuscript aims to compare rates of attrition for the various bi", "synonym_substitution": "retention, may also reflect additional benefit of these biologics. The purpose of this review was to manuscript aims to compare rates of grinding for the various bi", "butter_fingers": " rehention, may also reflect additional bengfuts of these biologizs. The aim of this review wad ro mabuscript aims to compafe rates lf attririon dor the vacjous bi", "random_deletion": "retention, may also reflect additional benefits of The of this was to manuscript attrition the various bi", "change_char_case": " retention, may also reflect adDitional beNefitS of TheSe BiolOgicS. The aim of this rEView Was to manuscript aims to cOmparE rATes oF AtTritiOn for thE VaRIOus Bi", "whitespace_perturbation": " retention, may also refle ct additio nal b ene fit sof t hese biologics. Th e aim of this review was to manu sc r ipta im s tocompare ra t e s o fat tri ti o nfor t hevarious bi", "underscore_trick": " retention,_may also_reflect additional benefits of_these biologics._The_aim of_this_review was to_manuscript aims to_compare rates of attrition_for the various_bi"} +{"text": " indicating adverse apical ventricular-ventricular interactions. Metal content of ephedra-containing dietary supplements and select botanicals.\nThe metal content of dietary supplements,", "synonym_substitution": "indicating adverse apical ventricular - ventricular interactions. Metal content of ephedra - control dietary accessory and select botanicals. \n The metal capacity of dietary supplements,", "butter_fingers": " inficating adverse apical yentricular-ventrnxular mnteracfions. Megal content of ephedra-contaiiing dietqry supplements and seuect botajicals.\nThw meual content of dixfary sui'lemehbs,", "random_deletion": "indicating adverse apical ventricular-ventricular interactions. Metal content dietary and select The metal content", "change_char_case": " indicating adverse apical veNtricular-vEntriCulAr iNtEracTionS. Metal content oF EpheDra-containing dietary suPplemEnTS and SElEct boTanicalS.\nthE MEtaL cOnTenT oF DiEtary SupPlementS,", "whitespace_perturbation": " indicating adverse apical ventricul ar-ve ntr icu la r in tera ctions. Metalc onte nt of ephedra-containi ng di et a ry s u pp lemen ts ands el e c t b ot an ica ls . \nT he me tal conten t of dieta rysu pplements,", "underscore_trick": " indicating_adverse apical_ventricular-ventricular interactions. Metal content_of ephedra-containing_dietary_supplements and_select_botanicals.\nThe metal content_of dietary supplements,"} +{"text": "% to 20%. Significant differences in performance were noted for different muff and plug types. [Fibrous dysplasia: differential diagnosis from Paget's disease].\n", "synonym_substitution": "% to 20% . Significant differences in performance were noted for unlike fumble and punch types. [ Fibrous dysplasia: differential diagnosis from Paget's disease ].", "butter_fingers": "% to 20%. Significant differencer in performancg qere nmted fkr diffefent muff and plug types. [Fibcous dyspoasia: differential diaenosis frlm Paget'w diwwase].\n", "random_deletion": "% to 20%. Significant differences in performance for muff and types. [Fibrous dysplasia:", "change_char_case": "% to 20%. Significant differences iN performanCe werE noTed FoR difFereNt muff and plug tYPes. [FIbrous dysplasia: differeNtial DiAGnosIS fRom PaGet's disEAsE].\n", "whitespace_perturbation": "% to 20%. Significant diff erences in perf orm anc ewere not ed for differe n t mu ff and plug types. [Fi brous d y spla s ia : dif ferenti a ld i agn os is fr om Pa get's di sease]. \n", "underscore_trick": "% to_20%. Significant_differences in performance were_noted for_different_muff and_plug_types. [Fibrous dysplasia:_differential diagnosis from_Paget's disease].\n"} +{"text": ") in \"Mancha-Centro\" Hospital (Alc\u00e1zar de San Juan).The outcomes variables for this analysis were the incidence of episiot", "synonym_substitution": ") in \" Mancha - Centro \" Hospital (Alc\u00e1zar de San Juan).The outcomes variables for this analysis were the incidence of episiot", "butter_fingers": ") in \"Mancha-Centro\" Hospital (Auc\u00e1zar de San Jucb).The ontcomes variablds for this analysis were thx inxidenxe of episiot", "random_deletion": ") in \"Mancha-Centro\" Hospital (Alc\u00e1zar de San variables this analysis the incidence of", "change_char_case": ") in \"Mancha-Centro\" Hospital (Alc\u00c1zar de San JUan).ThE ouTcoMeS varIablEs for this analySIs weRe the incidence of episioT", "whitespace_perturbation": ") in \"Mancha-Centro\" Hospi tal (Alc\u00e1z ar de Sa n J ua n).T he o utcomes variab l es f or this analysis werethe i nc i denc e o f epi siot", "underscore_trick": ") in_\"Mancha-Centro\" Hospital_(Alc\u00e1zar de San Juan).The_outcomes variables_for_this analysis_were_the incidence of_episiot"} +{"text": " diagnosis and management of DVT did not increase time to surgery or hospital stay. Our results suggest routine screening for DVT in patients consulting emergency services \u2265 48 h", "synonym_substitution": "diagnosis and management of DVT did not increase time to surgery or hospital stay. Our results indicate everyday screening for DVT in patients confer hand brake services \u2265 48 h", "butter_fingers": " diwgnosis and management on DVT did not ineeease vime to surgery or hospital stay. Our resultd wuggewt routine screening fur DVT in patientw coisulting emergenrg servigzs \u2265 48 g", "random_deletion": "diagnosis and management of DVT did not to or hospital Our results suggest patients emergency services \u2265 h", "change_char_case": " diagnosis and management of DvT did not inCreasE tiMe tO sUrgeRy or Hospital stay. OuR ResuLts suggest routine screeNing fOr dvT in PAtIents ConsultINg EMErgEnCy SerViCEs \u2265 48 H", "whitespace_perturbation": " diagnosis and managementof DVT did notinc rea se tim e to surgery or ho s pita l stay. Our results su ggest r o utin e s creen ing for DV T inpa ti ent sc on sulti ngemergen cy service s \u2265 4 8 h", "underscore_trick": " diagnosis_and management_of DVT did not_increase time_to_surgery or_hospital_stay. Our results_suggest routine screening_for DVT in patients_consulting emergency services_\u2265_48 h"} +{"text": " lesions in the pancreas, Octreoscan revealed increased radioactive uptake around the pancreatic head region. Treatment with a daily injection of octreotide (100 microg)", "synonym_substitution": "lesions in the pancreas, Octreoscan revealed increased radioactive uptake around the pancreatic capitulum area. Treatment with a daily injection of octreotide (100 microg )", "butter_fingers": " ledions in the pancreas, Ocureoscan revealed increaved rasioactivd uptake around the pancreatmc hwad rtyion. Treatment with x daily ijjection of ixtreotide (100 microg)", "random_deletion": "lesions in the pancreas, Octreoscan revealed increased around pancreatic head Treatment with a microg)", "change_char_case": " lesions in the pancreas, OctreOscan reveaLed inCreAseD rAdioActiVe uptake around THe paNcreatic head region. TreaTment WiTH a daILy InjecTion of oCTrEOTidE (100 mIcRog)", "whitespace_perturbation": " lesions in the pancreas,Octreoscan reve ale d i nc reas ed r adioactive upt a ke a round the pancreatic h ead r eg i on.T re atmen t witha d a i lyin je cti on of octr eot ide (10 0 microg)", "underscore_trick": " lesions_in the_pancreas, Octreoscan revealed increased_radioactive uptake_around_the pancreatic_head_region. Treatment with_a daily injection_of octreotide (100 microg)"} +{"text": " Each of these models is individual-based and predicts the fate of a single individual. To obtain a population level prediction, models for the three stages were combined and", "synonym_substitution": "Each of these models is individual - based and predicts the fate of a individual person. To obtain a population level prediction, model for the three degree were combined and", "butter_fingers": " Eafh of these models is inaividual-based aue predmcts ths fate ow a single individual. To obtein q popylation level predictiun, models for the thrte stages were combined akb", "random_deletion": "Each of these models is individual-based and fate a single To obtain a the stages were combined", "change_char_case": " Each of these models is indiviDual-based aNd preDicTs tHe Fate Of a sIngle individuaL. to obTain a population level prEdictIoN, ModeLS fOr the Three stAGeS WEre CoMbIneD aND", "whitespace_perturbation": " Each of these models is i ndividual- based an d p re dict s th e fate of a si n gleindividual. To obtaina pop ul a tion le vel p redicti o n, m ode ls f orth e t hreesta ges wer e combined an d", "underscore_trick": " Each_of these_models is individual-based and_predicts the_fate_of a_single_individual. To obtain_a population level_prediction, models for the_three stages were_combined_and"} +{"text": " firing number revealed a devil's staircase-type structure. Experiments with verapamil, a voltage-operated L-type Ca(2+)-channel antagonist,", "synonym_substitution": "firing number revealed a devil's stairway - character social organization. Experiments with verapamil, a voltage - operated fifty - type Ca(2+)-channel antagonist,", "butter_fingers": " figing number revealed a dtvil's staircase-tyke strucvure. Exlerimentr with verapamil, a voltage-opxratwd L-ttpe Ca(2+)-channel antagonirt,", "random_deletion": "firing number revealed a devil's staircase-type structure. verapamil, voltage-operated L-type antagonist,", "change_char_case": " firing number revealed a deviL's staircasE-type StrUctUrE. ExpErimEnts with verapaMIl, a vOltage-operated L-type Ca(2+)-cHanneL aNTagoNIsT,", "whitespace_perturbation": " firing number revealed adevil's st airca se- typ estru ctur e. Experiments with verapamil, a voltage- opera te d L-t y pe Ca(2 +)-chan n el a nta go ni st, ", "underscore_trick": " firing_number revealed_a devil's staircase-type structure._Experiments with_verapamil,_a voltage-operated_L-type_Ca(2+)-channel antagonist,"} +{"text": "ence scales, the three seizure groups did not differ significantly from one another. The results are discussed in terms of the psychologic risk for specific behavioral problems associated with", "synonym_substitution": "ence scales, the three seizure groups did not differ importantly from one another. The result are discussed in terms of the psychologic hazard for specific behavioral problems consort with", "butter_fingers": "encf scales, the three seizuve groups did noj eiffer signiricantly from one another. The resultd qre duscussed in terms of tfe psychopogic riwk fie specific behaviovcl prknlems essociated with", "random_deletion": "ence scales, the three seizure groups did significantly one another. results are discussed risk specific behavioral problems with", "change_char_case": "ence scales, the three seizure Groups did nOt difFer SigNiFicaNtly From one another. tHe reSults are discussed in terMs of tHe PSychOLoGic riSk for spECiFIC beHaViOraL pRObLems aSsoCiated wIth", "whitespace_perturbation": "ence scales, the three sei zure group s did no t d if fersign ificantly from oneanother. The results a re di sc u ssed in term s of th e p s y cho lo gi c r is k f or sp eci fic beh avioral pr obl em s associated wi th", "underscore_trick": "ence scales,_the three_seizure groups did not_differ significantly_from_one another._The_results are discussed_in terms of_the psychologic risk for_specific behavioral problems_associated_with"} +{"text": " prodelphinidin B3. [Study on food and antioxidant intake in smokers and non-smokers in China].\nTo examine the differences in food", "synonym_substitution": "prodelphinidin B3. [ Study on food and antioxidant intake in smokers and non - smokers in China ]. \n To test the dispute in food", "butter_fingers": " prldelphinidin B3. [Study on nood and antioxibqnt invake in smokers and non-smokers in China].\nTo eeamibe tht differences in foud", "random_deletion": "prodelphinidin B3. [Study on food and antioxidant smokers non-smokers in To examine the", "change_char_case": " prodelphinidin B3. [Study on fooD and antioxIdant IntAke In SmokErs aNd non-smokers in cHina].\nto examine the differenceS in foOd", "whitespace_perturbation": " prodelphinidin B3. [Study on food a nd an tio xid an t in take in smokers an d non -smokers in China].\nTo exam in e the di ffere nces in fo o d ", "underscore_trick": " prodelphinidin_B3. [Study_on food and antioxidant_intake in_smokers_and non-smokers_in_China].\nTo examine the_differences in food"} +{"text": "L183I were also identified. Majority of patients who were p.F508del positive originated from Pakistan and north-western states of India. The phenotypes of", "synonym_substitution": "L183I were also identified. Majority of patients who were p. F508del positive originate from Pakistan and union - western states of India. The phenotype of", "butter_fingers": "L183I aere also identified. Majurity of patienjs who wxre p.F508dsl positkve originated from Pakistan abd noeth-western states of Ivdia. The ihenotypew of", "random_deletion": "L183I were also identified. Majority of patients p.F508del originated from and north-western states", "change_char_case": "L183I were also identified. MajorIty of patieNts whO weRe p.f508dEl poSitiVe originated frOM PakIstan and north-western stAtes oF INDia. THE pHenotYpes of", "whitespace_perturbation": "L183I were also identified . Majority of p ati ent swhowere p.F508del pos i tive originated from Pakis tan a nd nort h -w ester n state s o f Ind ia .The p h en otype s o f", "underscore_trick": "L183I were_also identified._Majority of patients who_were p.F508del_positive_originated from_Pakistan_and north-western states_of India. The_phenotypes of"} +{"text": "dc1delta mutant. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of whole protein extracts shows that thiamine limitation stimulates the production of THI gene products and of Pdc5", "synonym_substitution": "dc1delta mutant. Two - dimensional gel electrophoresis of whole protein extracts shows that vitamin b1 restriction stimulates the production of THI gene product and of Pdc5", "butter_fingers": "dc1dflta mutant. Two-dimensionxl gel electropkiresis of whkle protdin extracts shows that thialibe linitation stimulates thd productpon of THU geie products and of Pdc5", "random_deletion": "dc1delta mutant. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of whole shows thiamine limitation the production of Pdc5", "change_char_case": "dc1delta mutant. Two-dimensionAl gel electRophoResIs oF wHole ProtEin extracts shoWS thaT thiamine limitation stiMulatEs THe prODuCtion Of THI geNE pRODucTs AnD of pdC5", "whitespace_perturbation": "dc1delta mutant. Two-dimen sional gel elec tro pho re sisof w hole protein e x trac ts shows that thiamine limi ta t ions ti mulat es thep ro d u cti on o f T HI ge ne pr odu cts and of Pdc5", "underscore_trick": "dc1delta mutant._Two-dimensional gel_electrophoresis of whole protein_extracts shows_that_thiamine limitation_stimulates_the production of_THI gene products_and of Pdc5"} +{"text": " to receive the same oral antipsychotic for the first 14 days after initiating AOM 400. 6-methylapigenin and hesperidin: new valer", "synonym_substitution": "to receive the same oral antipsychotic for the first 14 days after initiate AOM 400. 6 - methylapigenin and hesperidin: newfangled valer", "butter_fingers": " to receive the same oral aktipsychotic for the ficst 14 dags after initiating AOM 400. 6-methylapigeiin qnd htfperidin: new valer", "random_deletion": "to receive the same oral antipsychotic for 14 after initiating 400. 6-methylapigenin and", "change_char_case": " to receive the same oral antipSychotic foR the fIrsT 14 daYs AfteR iniTiating AOM 400. 6-methYLapiGenin and hesperidin: new vAler", "whitespace_perturbation": " to receive the same oralantipsycho tic f orthe f irst 14days after ini t iati ng AOM 400. 6-methylap igeni na nd h e sp eridi n: newv al e r ", "underscore_trick": " to_receive the_same oral antipsychotic for_the first_14_days after_initiating_AOM 400. 6-methylapigenin_and hesperidin: new_valer"} +{"text": " the kinetics of the radioactivity specifically bound to the striatum were strongly influenced by the dopamine receptor binding affinity of the compounds. Thus, the in vivo behavior of these", "synonym_substitution": "the kinetics of the radioactivity specifically bound to the striatum were powerfully charm by the dopamine receptor binding affinity of the compound. therefore, the in vivo behavior of these", "butter_fingers": " thf kinetics of the radioagtivity specificcoly bonnd to fhe strixtum were strongly influencev by the eopamine receptor bindkng affinpty of thw conpounds. Thus, the in vivo gchavimc of these", "random_deletion": "the kinetics of the radioactivity specifically bound striatum strongly influenced the dopamine receptor Thus, in vivo behavior these", "change_char_case": " the kinetics of the radioactiVity specifIcallY boUnd To The sTriaTum were stronglY InflUenced by the dopamine recEptor BiNDing AFfInity Of the coMPoUNDs. THuS, tHe iN vIVo BehavIor Of these", "whitespace_perturbation": " the kinetics of the radio activity s pecif ica lly b ound tothe striatum w e re s trongly influenced bythe d op a mine re cepto r bindi n ga f fin it yofth e c ompou nds . Thus, the in vi vobe havior of th e se ", "underscore_trick": " the_kinetics of_the radioactivity specifically bound_to the_striatum_were strongly_influenced_by the dopamine_receptor binding affinity_of the compounds. Thus,_the in vivo_behavior_of these"} +{"text": " continuously. The maximum signal received after immediately dispensing is compared to the signal after an incubation period. With many chemicals, the toxic effects are obtained after a very short", "synonym_substitution": "continuously. The maximum signal received after immediately dispensing is compare to the signal after an brooding period. With many chemicals, the toxic effect are receive after a very short", "butter_fingers": " cojtinuously. The maximum slgnal received ayrer imkediatsly dispdnsing is compared to the sijnal aftee an incubation period. With manj chemicaos, tie toxic effects are obtained znter c tery short", "random_deletion": "continuously. The maximum signal received after immediately compared the signal an incubation period. effects obtained after a short", "change_char_case": " continuously. The maximum sigNal receiveD afteR imMedIaTely DispEnsing is comparED to tHe signal after an incubatIon peRiOD. WitH MaNy cheMicals, tHE tOXIc eFfEcTs aRe OBtAined AftEr a very Short", "whitespace_perturbation": " continuously. The maximum signal re ceive d a fte rimme diat ely dispensing is c ompared to the signalafter a n inc u ba tionperiod. Wi t h ma ny c hem ic a ls , the to xic eff ects are o bta in ed after a v e ry short", "underscore_trick": " continuously._The maximum_signal received after immediately_dispensing is_compared_to the_signal_after an incubation_period. With many_chemicals, the toxic effects_are obtained after_a_very short"} +{"text": "ethnicity, awareness of breast cancer, family communication about breast cancer, and perceived risk). Self-reported family history of breast cancer may not optimally capture", "synonym_substitution": "ethnicity, awareness of breast cancer, family communication about breast cancer, and perceived risk). Self - reported syndicate history of breast cancer may not optimally get", "butter_fingers": "ethjicity, awareness of breart cancer, famili xommunmcation about bfeast cancer, and perceived rmsk). Welf-rtiorted family history of breasn cancer nay iot optimally ca'fure", "random_deletion": "ethnicity, awareness of breast cancer, family communication cancer, perceived risk). family history of capture", "change_char_case": "ethnicity, awareness of breasT cancer, famIly coMmuNicAtIon aBout Breast cancer, anD PercEived risk). Self-reported fAmily HiSTory OF bReast Cancer mAY nOT OptImAlLy cApTUrE", "whitespace_perturbation": "ethnicity, awareness of br east cance r, fa mil y c om muni cati on about breas t can cer, and perceived ris k). S el f -rep o rt ed fa mily hi s to r y of b re ast c a nc er ma y n ot opti mally capt ure ", "underscore_trick": "ethnicity, awareness_of breast_cancer, family communication about_breast cancer,_and_perceived risk)._Self-reported_family history of_breast cancer may_not optimally capture"} +{"text": " history and data from patients' medical records. There is a significant correlation between state anxiety and trait anxiety measured by STAI in study groups. Breast cancer stage different", "synonym_substitution": "history and data from patients' medical records. There be a meaning correlation between state anxiety and trait anxiety measure by STAI in report groups. Breast cancer stage unlike", "butter_fingers": " hidtory and data from patitnts' medical recotdw. Therx is a aignificxnt correlation between statx anziety and trait anxiety mearured by DTAI in wtudb groups. Breast rzncer sbcge djnfereut", "random_deletion": "history and data from patients' medical records. a correlation between anxiety and trait study Breast cancer stage", "change_char_case": " history and data from patientS' medical reCords. theRe iS a SignIficAnt correlation BEtweEn state anxiety and trait AnxieTy MEasuREd By STAi in studY GrOUPs. BReAsT caNcER sTage dIffErent", "whitespace_perturbation": " history and data from pat ients' med icalrec ord s. The re i s a significan t cor relation between state anxi et y and tr ait a nxietym ea s u red b ySTA Ii nstudy gr oups. B reast canc erst age differen t ", "underscore_trick": " history_and data_from patients' medical records._There is_a_significant correlation_between_state anxiety and_trait anxiety measured_by STAI in study_groups. Breast cancer_stage_different"} +{"text": " attained by each publication. A citation count was performed using the ISI Web of Science Database (http://www.isinet.com/isi/products/", "synonym_substitution": "attained by each publication. A citation count was performed use the ISI Web of Science Database (http://www.isinet.com/isi/products/", "butter_fingers": " athained by each publicatiun. A citation count wav perfkrmed uskng the ISI Web of Science Detabqse (hunp://www.isinet.com/isi/prodjcts/", "random_deletion": "attained by each publication. A citation count using ISI Web Science Database (http://www.isinet.com/isi/products/", "change_char_case": " attained by each publication. a citation cOunt wAs pErfOrMed uSing The ISI Web of SciENce DAtabase (http://www.isinet.coM/isi/pRoDUcts/", "whitespace_perturbation": " attained by each publicat ion. A cit ation co unt w as p erfo rmed using the ISIWeb of Science Databas e (ht tp : //ww w .i sinet .com/is i /p r o duc ts /", "underscore_trick": " attained_by each_publication. A citation count_was performed_using_the ISI_Web_of Science Database_(http://www.isinet.com/isi/products/"} +{"text": " This is the first paper to assess if ANA is a heuristic or genuine preference without relying on respondents' self-stated motivation and the first study to explore this", "synonym_substitution": "This is the first paper to assess if ANA is a heuristic or genuine predilection without trust on respondent' self - stated motivation and the inaugural report to explore this", "butter_fingers": " Thls is the first paper to assess if ANA nw a henristic or genukne preference without relyiig ob reskjndents' self-stated motivatiln and tye fmrst study to ex'more thlf", "random_deletion": "This is the first paper to assess is heuristic or preference without relying the study to explore", "change_char_case": " This is the first paper to asseSs if ANA is a HeuriStiC or GeNuinE preFerence without RElyiNg on respondents' self-staTed moTiVAtioN AnD the fIrst stuDY tO EXplOrE tHis", "whitespace_perturbation": " This is the first paper t o assess i f ANA is ahe uris ticor genuine pre f eren ce without relying onrespo nd e nts' se lf-st ated mo t iv a t ion a nd th ef ir st st udy to exp lore this", "underscore_trick": " This_is the_first paper to assess_if ANA_is_a heuristic_or_genuine preference without_relying on respondents'_self-stated motivation and the_first study to_explore_this"} +{"text": " atoms near a charged carbon nanotube.\nWe describe a novel single atom detector that uses the high electric field surrounding a charged single-walled carbon nanotube", "synonym_substitution": "atoms near a charged carbon nanotube. \n We identify a fresh single atom detector that uses the eminent electric discipline surrounding a charged individual - walled carbon carbon nanotube", "butter_fingers": " atlms near a charged carbok nanotube.\nWe deseeibe a novel single xtom detector that uses the iigh elecugic field surrounding a chargef single-qalltd carbon nanotubx", "random_deletion": "atoms near a charged carbon nanotube. We novel atom detector uses the high single-walled nanotube", "change_char_case": " atoms near a charged carbon naNotube.\nWe deScribE a nOveL sInglE atoM detector that uSEs thE high electric field surrOundiNg A CharGEd SinglE-walled CArBON naNoTuBe", "whitespace_perturbation": " atoms near a charged carb on nanotub e.\nWe de scr ib e anove l single atomd etec tor that uses the high elec tr i c fi e ld surr ounding ac h arg ed s ing le - wa lledcar bon nan otube", "underscore_trick": " atoms_near a_charged carbon nanotube.\nWe describe_a novel_single_atom detector_that_uses the high_electric field surrounding_a charged single-walled carbon_nanotube"} +{"text": " in vitro and in vivo. For the plasmid delivery strategy, the plasmid copy number per bacteria (PCN) is thus of great importance. The aim of this", "synonym_substitution": "in vitro and in vivo. For the plasmid delivery strategy, the plasmid copy number per bacteria (PCN) is therefore of big importance. The aim of this", "butter_fingers": " in vitro and in vivo. For tme plasmid delivgrt stravegy, ths plasmia copy number per bacteria (PRN) iw thuw of great importance. Ghe aim ov this", "random_deletion": "in vitro and in vivo. For the strategy, plasmid copy per bacteria (PCN) The of this", "change_char_case": " in vitro and in vivo. For the plaSmid deliveRy strAteGy, tHe PlasMid cOpy number per baCTeriA (PCN) is thus of great imporTance. thE Aim oF ThIs", "whitespace_perturbation": " in vitro and in vivo. For the plasm id de liv ery s trat egy, the plasmid c o py n umber per bacteria (PC N) is t h us o f g reatimporta n ce . The a im of t h is ", "underscore_trick": " in_vitro and_in vivo. For the_plasmid delivery_strategy,_the plasmid_copy_number per bacteria_(PCN) is thus_of great importance. The_aim of this"} +{"text": " norepinephrine by inhibiting reuptake (7). An interaction between catecholamines, Ang II and LH had also been suggested earlier (18, 19", "synonym_substitution": "norepinephrine by inhibiting reuptake (7). An interaction between catecholamines, Ang II and LH had also been suggest sooner (18, 19", "butter_fingers": " nogepinephrine by inhibitikg reuptake (7). An nbteracvion befween cagecholamines, Ang II and LH hed aoso btvn suggested earlier (18, 19", "random_deletion": "norepinephrine by inhibiting reuptake (7). An interaction Ang and LH also been suggested", "change_char_case": " norepinephrine by inhibitinG reuptake (7). AN inteRacTioN bEtweEn caTecholamines, AnG iI anD LH had also been suggesteD earlIeR (18, 19", "whitespace_perturbation": " norepinephrine by inhibit ing reupta ke (7 ).Anin tera ctio n between cate c hola mines, Ang II and LH h ad al so been su ggest ed earl i er ( 18, 1 9", "underscore_trick": " norepinephrine_by inhibiting_reuptake (7). An interaction_between catecholamines,_Ang_II and_LH_had also been_suggested earlier (18,_19"} +{"text": " multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) relative to mpMRI alone to predict HG and LG disease. Material and methods: In vivo mpMRI was acquired", "synonym_substitution": "multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) relative to mpMRI alone to predict HG and LG disease. fabric and method: In vivo mpMRI was acquired", "butter_fingers": " muptiparametric magnetic rtsonance imaging (mpMRI) rxlative to mpMRK alone to predict HG and LG duseast. Material and methuds: In vino mpMRI qas ecquired", "random_deletion": "multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) relative to to HG and disease. Material and acquired", "change_char_case": " multiparametric magnetic reSonance imaGing (mPMRi) reLaTive To mpmRI alone to predICt HG And LG disease. Material anD methOdS: in viVO mPMRI wAs acquiREd", "whitespace_perturbation": " multiparametric magneticresonanceimagi ng(mp MR I) r elat ive to mpMRI a l oneto predict HG and LG d iseas e. Mate r ia l and method s :I n vi vo m pMR Iw as acqu ire d", "underscore_trick": " multiparametric_magnetic resonance_imaging (mpMRI) relative to_mpMRI alone_to_predict HG_and_LG disease. Material_and methods: In_vivo mpMRI was acquired"} +{"text": " in three exercise tests on consecutive days. A graded exercise test established the work rate equivalent to 50% heart rate reserve for use in subsequent constant load tests (CL", "synonym_substitution": "in three exercise tests on consecutive days. A graded use trial established the work pace equivalent to 50% heart pace reserve for use in subsequent ceaseless warhead tests (chlorine", "butter_fingers": " in three exercise tests on consecutive dais. A graved exedcise tert established the work rate ewuivaoent to 50% heart rate rererve for use in wubstquent constant load tests (CL", "random_deletion": "in three exercise tests on consecutive days. exercise established the rate equivalent to use subsequent constant load (CL", "change_char_case": " in three exercise tests on conSecutive daYs. A grAdeD exErCise Test Established the WOrk rAte equivalent to 50% heart raTe resErVE for USe In subSequent COnSTAnt LoAd TesTs (cl", "whitespace_perturbation": " in three exercise tests o n consecut ive d ays . A g rade d ex ercise test es t abli shed the work rate equ ivale nt to 5 0 %heart rate r e se r v e f or u sein su bsequ ent consta nt load te sts ( CL", "underscore_trick": " in_three exercise_tests on consecutive days._A graded_exercise_test established_the_work rate equivalent_to 50% heart_rate reserve for use_in subsequent constant_load_tests (CL"} +{"text": "b (1.5 mcg/kg once weekly) for 6 months and followed for at least 12 months. Response to therapy was defined as normal ALT values", "synonym_substitution": "b (1.5 mcg / kg once weekly) for 6 months and followed for at least 12 months. reception to therapy was define as normal ALT values", "butter_fingers": "b (1.5 lcg/kg once weekly) for 6 munths and follocwd for at lezst 12 monghs. Response to therapy was vefibed aw normal ALT values", "random_deletion": "b (1.5 mcg/kg once weekly) for 6 followed at least months. Response to ALT", "change_char_case": "b (1.5 mcg/kg once weekly) for 6 months And followeD for aT leAst 12 MoNths. respOnse to therapy wAS defIned as normal ALT values", "whitespace_perturbation": "b (1.5 mcg/kg once weekly) for 6 mon ths a ndfol lo wedforat least 12 mo n ths. Response to therapy w as de fi n ed a s n ormal ALT va l ue s ", "underscore_trick": "b (1.5_mcg/kg once_weekly) for 6 months_and followed_for_at least_12_months. Response to_therapy was defined_as normal ALT values"} +{"text": " and decreasing MW of L-amino acids. There was a highly significant positive correlation between the degree of generalization of sucrose taste and the preference magnitude for D- and", "synonym_substitution": "and decreasing MW of L - amino acids. There was a highly meaning incontrovertible correlation between the degree of abstraction of sucrose taste and the predilection magnitude for D- and", "butter_fingers": " anf decreasing MW of L-aminu acids. There wcw a hijhly sifnificang positive correlation betwexn tye detree of generalization of sucrode taste and rhe preferxhce magkntude nor D- end", "random_deletion": "and decreasing MW of L-amino acids. There highly positive correlation the degree of the magnitude for D-", "change_char_case": " and decreasing MW of L-amino acIds. There waS a higHly SigNiFicaNt poSitive correlatIOn beTween the degree of generaLizatIoN Of suCRoSe tasTe and thE PrEFEreNcE mAgnItUDe For D- aNd", "whitespace_perturbation": " and decreasing MW of L-am ino acids. Ther e w asahigh ly s ignificant pos i tive correlation between t he de gr e e of ge neral ization of s ucr os etas te an d the pr eferenc e magnitud e f or D- and", "underscore_trick": " and_decreasing MW_of L-amino acids. There_was a_highly_significant positive_correlation_between the degree_of generalization of_sucrose taste and the_preference magnitude for_D-_and"} +{"text": "-alpha2b, absent due to proteolysis during crystallisation, appear inessential to toxicity. In domain II the beta-sheet prism presents short apical loops", "synonym_substitution": "-alpha2b, absent due to proteolysis during crystallisation, appear inessential to toxicity. In knowledge domain II the beta - sail prism presents short apical loops", "butter_fingers": "-alpja2b, absent due to proteouysis during crisrallisetion, alpear indssential to toxicity. In domein UI tht beta-sheet prism pfesents sjort apixal oiops", "random_deletion": "-alpha2b, absent due to proteolysis during crystallisation, to In domain the beta-sheet prism", "change_char_case": "-alpha2b, absent due to proteolySis during cRystaLliSatIoN, appEar iNessential to toXIcitY. In domain II the beta-sheeT prisM pREsenTS sHort aPical loOPs", "whitespace_perturbation": "-alpha2b, absent due to pr oteolysisdurin g c rys ta llis atio n, appear ines s enti al to toxicity. In dom ain I It he b e ta -shee t prism pr e s ent ssh ort a p ic al lo ops ", "underscore_trick": "-alpha2b, absent_due to_proteolysis during crystallisation, appear_inessential to_toxicity._In domain_II_the beta-sheet prism_presents short apical_loops"} +{"text": " membranes, and, hopefully, other biological membranes. IFN-gamma-producing CD45RA+CD8+ and IL-10-producing CD45RA-", "synonym_substitution": "membranes, and, hopefully, other biological membranes. IFN - gamma - produce CD45RA+CD8 + and IL-10 - produce CD45RA-", "butter_fingers": " melbranes, and, hopefully, otmer biological mgmvranes. IFN-gajma-produzing CD45RA+CD8+ and IL-10-producing RD45RA-", "random_deletion": "membranes, and, hopefully, other biological membranes. IFN-gamma-producing IL-10-producing", "change_char_case": " membranes, and, hopefully, otheR biologicaL membRanEs. IfN-GammA-proDucing CD45RA+CD8+ anD iL-10-prOducing CD45RA-", "whitespace_perturbation": " membranes, and, hopefully , other bi ologi cal me mb rane s. I FN-gamma-produ c ingCD45RA+CD8+ and IL-10- produ ci n g CD 4 5R A-", "underscore_trick": " membranes,_and, hopefully,_other biological membranes. IFN-gamma-producing_CD45RA+CD8+ and_IL-10-producing_CD45RA-"} +{"text": " of numerous genes of tumor. In this report the authors used cDNA microarray to identify differentially expressed genes between ovarian cancer tissue and normal ovary tissue to screen ovarian cancer-", "synonym_substitution": "of numerous genes of tumor. In this report the authors used complementary dna microarray to name differentially express genes between ovarian cancer tissue and normal ovary tissue to screen ovarian cancer-", "butter_fingers": " of numerous genes of tumor. In this report the auvhors uaed cDNA microarray to identify diffxrenriallt expressed genes betwden ovariwn cancee tiwwue and nocjal ovavv tisame to wcreen ovarian cancer-", "random_deletion": "of numerous genes of tumor. In this authors cDNA microarray identify differentially expressed and ovary tissue to ovarian cancer-", "change_char_case": " of numerous genes of tumor. In tHis report tHe autHorS usEd CDNA MicrOarray to identiFY difFerentially expressed geNes beTwEEn ovARiAn canCer tissUE aND NorMaL oVarY tISsUe to sCreEn ovariAn cancer-", "whitespace_perturbation": " of numerous genes of tumo r. In this repo rtthe a utho rs u sed cDNA micro a rray to identify different ially e x pres s ed gene s betwe e no v ari an c anc er ti ssueand normal ovary tis sue t o screen ova r ia n cancer-", "underscore_trick": " of_numerous genes_of tumor. In this_report the_authors_used cDNA_microarray_to identify differentially_expressed genes between_ovarian cancer tissue and_normal ovary tissue_to_screen ovarian cancer-"} +{"text": "press a protein in a select biological tissue. Typically, this technique involves a physical injection of plasmid DNA followed by electric pulses across the injection site. Here, we", "synonym_substitution": "press a protein in a select biological tissue. Typically, this technique involves a forcible injection of plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid stick to by electric pulses across the injection web site. Here, we", "butter_fingers": "preds a protein in a select biological tissue. Typmcally, fhis tecfnique involves a physical iijecrion if plasmid DNA followea by elecnric pulsws arross the injectmkn site. Here, sc", "random_deletion": "press a protein in a select biological this involves a injection of plasmid across injection site. Here,", "change_char_case": "press a protein in a select bioLogical tisSue. TyPicAllY, tHis tEchnIque involves a pHYsicAl injection of plasmid DNa follOwED by eLEcTric pUlses acROsS THe iNjEcTioN sITe. here, wE", "whitespace_perturbation": "press a protein in a selec t biologic al ti ssu e.Ty pica lly, this techniqu e inv olves a physical injec tionof plas m id DNAfollowe d b y ele ct ri c p ul s es acro ssthe inj ection sit e.He re, we", "underscore_trick": "press a_protein in_a select biological tissue._Typically, this_technique_involves a_physical_injection of plasmid_DNA followed by_electric pulses across the_injection site. Here,_we"} +{"text": " method in routine clinical practices. This article aims to provide an overview about NGS technology and its related platforms. The challenges in the analysis and choosing an appropriate N", "synonym_substitution": "method in routine clinical practices. This article aims to leave an overview about NGS engineering and its related platforms. The challenges in the psychoanalysis and choosing an appropriate normality", "butter_fingers": " mehhod in routine clinical practices. This articlx aims fo proviae an overview about NGS tecinoligy abd its related platforos. The chwllenges in uhe analysis and rgoosing an aplvoprictx N", "random_deletion": "method in routine clinical practices. This article provide overview about technology and its the and choosing an N", "change_char_case": " method in routine clinical prActices. ThiS artiCle AimS tO proVide An overview abouT nGS tEchnology and its related PlatfOrMS. The CHaLlengEs in the ANaLYSis AnD cHooSiNG aN apprOprIate N", "whitespace_perturbation": " method in routine clinica l practice s. Th isart ic le a imsto provide ano verv iew about NGS technolo gy an di ts r e la ted p latform s .T h e c ha ll eng es in theana lysis a nd choosin g a nappropriateN ", "underscore_trick": " method_in routine_clinical practices. This article_aims to_provide_an overview_about_NGS technology and_its related platforms._The challenges in the_analysis and choosing_an_appropriate N"} +{"text": " of the prostate is the most common cancer in men and the second leading cause of death in American men. The Benefits of robotic-assisted prostate surgery over open radical", "synonym_substitution": "of the prostate is the most common cancer in men and the second lead lawsuit of death in American men. The Benefits of automatic - assisted prostate surgery over overt radical", "butter_fingers": " of the prostate is the mosu common cancer iu men aid the aecond ldading cause of death in Amecicab men. The Benefits of robotkc-assistef prostare snrgery over open radical", "random_deletion": "of the prostate is the most common men the second cause of death of prostate surgery over radical", "change_char_case": " of the prostate is the most comMon cancer iN men aNd tHe sEcOnd lEadiNg cause of death IN AmeRican men. The Benefits of rObotiC-aSSistED pRostaTe surgeRY oVER opEn RaDicAl", "whitespace_perturbation": " of the prostate is the mo st commoncance r i n m en and the second leadin g cau se of death in America n men .T he B e ne fitsof robo t ic - a ssi st ed pr os t at e sur ger y overopen radic al", "underscore_trick": " of_the prostate_is the most common_cancer in_men_and the_second_leading cause of_death in American_men. The Benefits of_robotic-assisted prostate surgery_over_open radical"} +{"text": " is slow, beta-His-427 is modified predominantly. At pH 7.0, the 2 residues are modified with about equal efficiency. When the F1", "synonym_substitution": "is slow, beta - His-427 is modified predominantly. At pH 7.0, the 2 residues are modified with about adequate efficiency. When the F1", "butter_fingers": " is slow, beta-His-427 is modifiea predominantly. At pH 7.0, the 2 desidues are modified with about equel edficitucy. When the F1", "random_deletion": "is slow, beta-His-427 is modified predominantly. At the residues are with about equal", "change_char_case": " is slow, beta-His-427 is modified prEdominantlY. At pH 7.0, The 2 ResIdUes aRe moDified with abouT EquaL efficiency. When the F1", "whitespace_perturbation": " is slow, beta-His-427 ismodified p redom ina ntl y. AtpH 7 .0, the 2 resi d uesare modified with abou t equ al effi c ie ncy.When th e F 1 ", "underscore_trick": " is_slow, beta-His-427_is modified predominantly. At_pH 7.0,_the_2 residues_are_modified with about_equal efficiency. When_the F1"} +{"text": " human hepatocytes in vitro. In this study, urinary excretion of 6 beta-hydroxycortisol (6 beta-OHF) and D-glucaric", "synonym_substitution": "human hepatocytes in vitro. In this study, urinary excretion of 6 beta - hydroxycortisol (6 beta - OHF) and D - glucaric", "butter_fingers": " hulan hepatocytes in vitro. In this study, orunary xxcretikn of 6 bdta-hydroxycortisol (6 beta-OHF) end E-glucqric", "random_deletion": "human hepatocytes in vitro. In this study, of beta-hydroxycortisol (6 and D-glucaric", "change_char_case": " human hepatocytes in vitro. In This study, uRinarY exCreTiOn of 6 Beta-HydroxycortisoL (6 Beta-oHF) and D-glucaric", "whitespace_perturbation": " human hepatocytes in vitr o. In this stud y,uri na ry e xcre tion of 6 beta - hydr oxycortisol (6 beta-OH F) an dD -glu c ar ic", "underscore_trick": " human_hepatocytes in_vitro. In this study,_urinary excretion_of_6 beta-hydroxycortisol_(6_beta-OHF) and D-glucaric"} +{"text": " Some biochemical factors, including content of NO, MMP-3, MMP-9, and transcript levels of some genes, including MMP-9 mRNA and RANK", "synonym_substitution": "Some biochemical factors, including content of NO, MMP-3, MMP-9, and transcript levels of some gene, include MMP-9 mRNA and RANK", "butter_fingers": " Sole biochemical factors, ikcluding content of NO, KMP-3, MML-9, and trxnscript levels of some gened, unclueing MMP-9 mRNA and RANK", "random_deletion": "Some biochemical factors, including content of NO, and levels of genes, including MMP-9", "change_char_case": " Some biochemical factors, incLuding contEnt of nO, MmP-3, MmP-9, And tRansCript levels of sOMe geNes, including MMP-9 mRNA and rANK", "whitespace_perturbation": " Some biochemical factors, including cont ent of N O, M MP-3 , MMP-9, and t r ansc ript levels of some ge nes,in c ludi n gMMP-9 mRNA a n dR A NK", "underscore_trick": " Some_biochemical factors,_including content of NO,_MMP-3, MMP-9,_and_transcript levels_of_some genes, including_MMP-9 mRNA and_RANK"} +{"text": " the MPNSTs and the internal neurofibromas. The later are indeed associated with a high risk of malignant transformation. Importance of investment decisions and", "synonym_substitution": "the MPNSTs and the internal neurofibromas. The later are indeed associated with a eminent hazard of malignant transformation. Importance of investment decisions and", "butter_fingers": " thf MPNSTs and the internau neurofibromas. The laver are indeed xssociated with a high risk lf malitnant transformation. Ioportance of invewtmeit decisions and", "random_deletion": "the MPNSTs and the internal neurofibromas. The indeed with a risk of malignant and", "change_char_case": " the MPNSTs and the internal neUrofibromaS. The lAteR arE iNdeeD assOciated with a hiGH risK of malignant transformaTion. IMpORtanCE oF inveStment dECiSIOns AnD", "whitespace_perturbation": " the MPNSTs and the intern al neurofi broma s.The l ater are indeed associ a tedwith a high risk of ma ligna nt tran s fo rmati on. Imp o rt a n ceof i nve st m en t dec isi ons and ", "underscore_trick": " the_MPNSTs and_the internal neurofibromas. The_later are_indeed_associated with_a_high risk of_malignant transformation. Importance_of investment decisions and"} +{"text": " a gluten-free diet with chronic diarrhoea (n = 66) and (d) patients with chronic diarrhoea without coeliac disease", "synonym_substitution": "a gluten - free diet with chronic diarrhoea (n = 66) and (d) patients with chronic diarrhoea without coeliac disease", "butter_fingers": " a hluten-free diet with chrunic diarrhoea (u = 66) and (d) patjents wigh chronic diarrhoea without cieliax disease", "random_deletion": "a gluten-free diet with chronic diarrhoea (n and patients with diarrhoea without coeliac", "change_char_case": " a gluten-free diet with chroniC diarrhoea (N = 66) and (d) PatIenTs With ChroNic diarrhoea wiTHout Coeliac disease", "whitespace_perturbation": " a gluten-free diet with c hronic dia rrhoe a ( n = 6 6) a nd ( d) patients wi t h ch ronic diarrhoea withou t coe li a c di s ea se", "underscore_trick": " a_gluten-free diet_with chronic diarrhoea (n_= 66)_and_(d) patients_with_chronic diarrhoea without_coeliac disease"} +{"text": ". Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Assay in Candida albicans.\nChromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is a widely used technique which", "synonym_substitution": ". Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Assay in Candida albicans. \n Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is a widely used technique which", "butter_fingers": ". Chgomatin Immunoprecipitatlon (ChIP) Assay iu Candiva albidans.\nChrooatin immunoprecipitation (ChMP) iw a wudely used technique wfich", "random_deletion": ". Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Assay in Candida immunoprecipitation is a used technique which", "change_char_case": ". Chromatin ImmunoprecipitatIon (ChIP) AssAy in CAndIda AlBicaNs.\nChRomatin immunopREcipItation (ChIP) is a widely usEd tecHnIQue wHIcH", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Chromatin Immunoprecipit ation (ChI P) As say in C andi da a lbicans.\nChrom a tinimmunoprecipitation (C hIP)is a wi d el y use d techn i qu e whi ch ", "underscore_trick": ". Chromatin_Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)_Assay in Candida albicans.\nChromatin_immunoprecipitation (ChIP)_is_a widely_used_technique which"} +{"text": "-free binding of corepressors to ligand-free receptor is prevented by sodium molybdate, which is a well-known inhibitor of receptor activation to", "synonym_substitution": "-free binding of corepressors to ligand - free receptor is prevented by sodium molybdate, which is a well - know inhibitor of sense organ activation to", "butter_fingers": "-fref binding of corepressorr to ligand-free receptmr is lreventea by sodium molybdate, which ms a well-jnown inhibitor of recdptor actpvation ti", "random_deletion": "-free binding of corepressors to ligand-free receptor by molybdate, which a well-known inhibitor", "change_char_case": "-free binding of corepressors To ligand-frEe recEptOr iS pReveNted By sodium molybdATe, whIch is a well-known inhibitOr of rEcEPtor ACtIvatiOn to", "whitespace_perturbation": "-free binding of corepress ors to lig and-f ree re ce ptor isprevented by s o dium molybdate, which is a well -k n owni nh ibito r of re c ep t o r a ct iv ati on to ", "underscore_trick": "-free binding_of corepressors_to ligand-free receptor is_prevented by_sodium_molybdate, which_is_a well-known inhibitor_of receptor activation_to"} +{"text": " (ER) binding affinity and cytotoxicity against cell lines with and without ER. The highest receptor binding affinities (RBA approximately 3) were observed with conjugates", "synonym_substitution": "(ER) binding affinity and cytotoxicity against cell lines with and without ER. The highest sense organ tie affinities (RBA approximately 3) were note with conjugate solution", "butter_fingers": " (ER) binding affinity and cyuotoxicity againsj xell lmnes wifh and wkthout ER. The highest receptlr bindung affinities (RBA appfoximatelj 3) were ovserted with conjugavss", "random_deletion": "(ER) binding affinity and cytotoxicity against cell and ER. The receptor binding affinities with", "change_char_case": " (ER) binding affinity and cytotOxicity agaInst cEll LinEs With And wIthout ER. The higHEst rEceptor binding affinitiEs (RBA ApPRoxiMAtEly 3) weRe obserVEd WITh cOnJuGatEs", "whitespace_perturbation": " (ER) binding affinity and cytotoxic ity a gai nst c ellline s with and wit h outER. The highest recept or bi nd i ng a f fi nitie s (RBAa pp r o xim at el y 3 )w er e obs erv ed with conjugate s", "underscore_trick": " (ER)_binding affinity_and cytotoxicity against cell_lines with_and_without ER._The_highest receptor binding_affinities (RBA approximately_3) were observed with_conjugates"} +{"text": " the important mechanisms for acquisition of GEM resistance. We previously investigated the DCK gene in multiple GEM resistant cancer cell lines and identified frequent inactivating mutations", "synonym_substitution": "the important mechanisms for acquisition of GEM resistance. We previously investigate the DCK gene in multiple GEM insubordinate cancer cell lines and identified frequent inactivating mutation", "butter_fingers": " thf important mechanisms fur acquisition of GEM cesistahce. We pfeviously investigated the DRK gwne ib multiple GEM resistavt cancer cell libes end identified fcsquent luactibwtiny nutations", "random_deletion": "the important mechanisms for acquisition of GEM previously the DCK in multiple GEM identified inactivating mutations", "change_char_case": " the important mechanisms for AcquisitioN of GEm reSisTaNce. WE preViously investiGAted The DCK gene in multiple GEm resiStANt caNCeR cell Lines anD IdENTifIeD fReqUeNT iNactiVatIng mutaTions", "whitespace_perturbation": " the important mechanismsfor acquis ition of GE Mresi stan ce. We previou s ly i nvestigated the DCK ge ne in m u ltip l eGEM r esistan t c a n cer c el l l in e sand i den tifiedfrequent i nac ti vating mutat i on s", "underscore_trick": " the_important mechanisms_for acquisition of GEM_resistance. We_previously_investigated the_DCK_gene in multiple_GEM resistant cancer_cell lines and identified_frequent inactivating mutations"} +{"text": " or mice when forced to swim in a restricted space will rapidly cease attempts to escape and become immobile. Immobility is reduced by many clinically effective antidepressant", "synonym_substitution": "or mice when forced to swim in a restricted space will quickly discontinue attempts to escape and become fast. Immobility is repress by many clinically effective antidepressant", "butter_fingers": " or mice when forced to swio in a restrictgd space will dapidly zease attempts to escape and bwcome immobile. Immobility ir reduced by many cliiically effectivx antideixessahb", "random_deletion": "or mice when forced to swim in space rapidly cease to escape and by clinically effective antidepressant", "change_char_case": " or mice when forced to swim in a Restricted Space WilL raPiDly cEase Attempts to escaPE and Become immobile. ImmobiliTy is rEdUCed bY MaNy cliNically EFfECTivE aNtIdePrESsAnt", "whitespace_perturbation": " or mice when forced to sw im in a re stric ted sp ac e wi ll r apidly cease a t temp ts to escape and becom e imm ob i le.I mm obili ty is r e du c e d b yma nycl i ni cally ef fective antidepre ssa nt ", "underscore_trick": " or_mice when_forced to swim in_a restricted_space_will rapidly_cease_attempts to escape_and become immobile._Immobility is reduced by_many clinically effective_antidepressant"} +{"text": "irectional efflux of sodium and phosphate ions were studied in freshly drawn human red blood cells (RBCs). In the presence of physiologic concentrations of sodium and potassium", "synonym_substitution": "irectional efflux of sodium and phosphate ions were studied in freshly draw human crimson blood cells (RBCs). In the presence of physiologic concentration of sodium and potassium", "butter_fingers": "ireftional efflux of sodium and phosphate nins wece studjed in ffeshly drawn human red blood cwlls (EBCs). In the presence ow physiollgic conxentcations of sodium and pobcssiuj", "random_deletion": "irectional efflux of sodium and phosphate ions in drawn human blood cells (RBCs). concentrations sodium and potassium", "change_char_case": "irectional efflux of sodium aNd phosphatE ions WerE stUdIed iN freShly drawn human REd blOod cells (RBCs). In the preseNce of PhYSiolOGiC concEntratiONs OF SodIuM aNd pOtASsIum", "whitespace_perturbation": "irectional efflux of sodiu m and phos phate io nswe re s tudi ed in freshlyd rawn human red blood cells (RBC s) . Int he pres ence of ph y s iol og ic co nc e nt ratio nsof sodi um and pot ass iu m", "underscore_trick": "irectional efflux_of sodium_and phosphate ions were_studied in_freshly_drawn human_red_blood cells (RBCs)._In the presence_of physiologic concentrations of_sodium and potassium"} +{"text": " ethical questions. In Portugal little thinking and discussion has been done on the subject and the blames for bribery have monopolized the media. This work intended to", "synonym_substitution": "ethical questions. In Portugal little thinking and discussion has been done on the subject and the incrimination for bribery have monopolize the media. This work intended to", "butter_fingers": " etjical questions. In Portunal little thinknbg and discuasion har been done on the subject aid tye blqmes for bribery have oonopolizvd the meeia. Uhis work intendev to", "random_deletion": "ethical questions. In Portugal little thinking and been on the and the blames media. work intended to", "change_char_case": " ethical questions. In PortugaL little thiNking And DisCuSsioN has Been done on the sUBjecT and the blames for briberY have MoNOpolIZeD the mEdia. ThiS WoRK IntEnDeD to", "whitespace_perturbation": " ethical questions. In Por tugal litt le th ink ing a nd d iscu ssion has been done on the subject and th e bla me s for br ibery have m o no p o liz ed t heme d ia . Thi s w ork int ended to", "underscore_trick": " ethical_questions. In_Portugal little thinking and_discussion has_been_done on_the_subject and the_blames for bribery_have monopolized the media._This work intended_to"} +{"text": " beta and gamma subunits of immunoglobulin E binding protein (FC epsilonRI) and three other protein bands get phosphorylated during stimulation of mast cell secretion. These additional proteins", "synonym_substitution": "beta and gamma subunits of immunoglobulin E binding protein (FC epsilonRI) and three early protein band get phosphorylated during stimulation of mast cell secretion. These extra proteins", "butter_fingers": " beha and gamma subunits of immunoglobulin E bindmng profein (FC dpsilonRI) and three other prltwin bqnds get phosphorylatea during dtimulatuon id mast cell secretljn. Tgcse abdmtional proteinx", "random_deletion": "beta and gamma subunits of immunoglobulin E (FC and three protein bands get cell These additional proteins", "change_char_case": " beta and gamma subunits of immUnoglobuliN E binDinG prOtEin (Fc epsIlonRI) and three OTher Protein bands get phosphoRylatEd DUrinG StImulaTion of mASt CELl sEcReTioN. THEsE addiTioNal protEins", "whitespace_perturbation": " beta and gamma subunits o f immunogl obuli n E bi nd ingprot ein (FC epsilo n RI)and three other protei n ban ds getp ho sphor ylatedd ur i n g s ti mu lat io n o f mas t c ell sec retion. Th ese a dditional pr o te ins", "underscore_trick": " beta_and gamma_subunits of immunoglobulin E_binding protein_(FC_epsilonRI) and_three_other protein bands_get phosphorylated during_stimulation of mast cell_secretion. These additional_proteins"} +{"text": " computer we chose a more or less general approach. A special language syntax has been developed for: experiment definition; experiment composition in advance; real-time control during", "synonym_substitution": "computer we chose a more or less general approach. A limited linguistic process syntax has been developed for: experiment definition; experiment composition in advance; substantial - time control during", "butter_fingers": " colputer we chose a more ov less general akpeoach. E specizl languxge syntax has been developev foe: exptgiment definition; expdriment clmpositiin ii advance; real-time control durjkg", "random_deletion": "computer we chose a more or less A language syntax been developed for: advance; control during", "change_char_case": " computer we chose a more or lesS general apProacH. A sPecIaL lanGuagE syntax has been DEvelOped for: experiment definItion; ExPErimENt CompoSition iN AdVANce; ReAl-TimE cONtRol duRinG", "whitespace_perturbation": " computer we chose a moreor less ge neral ap pro ac h. A spe cial languages ynta x has been developed f or: e xp e rime n tdefin ition;e xp e r ime nt c omp os i ti on in ad vance;real-timecon tr ol during", "underscore_trick": " computer_we chose_a more or less_general approach._A_special language_syntax_has been developed_for: experiment definition;_experiment composition in advance;_real-time control during"} +{"text": " always qualify as a sufficient surrogate (i.e., a substitute organism that often elicits similar sensitivity responses to the same contaminant exposure) for other species of", "synonym_substitution": "always qualify as a sufficient surrogate (i.e., a substitute organism that frequently elicit similar sensitivity responses to the same contaminant photograph) for other species of", "butter_fingers": " alaays qualify as a sufficlent surrogate (i.g., q subsvitute krganism that often elicits similar debsiticity responses to the rame contwminant wxpowyre) for otisr speclzs of", "random_deletion": "always qualify as a sufficient surrogate (i.e., organism often elicits sensitivity responses to other of", "change_char_case": " always qualify as a sufficienT surrogate (I.e., a suBstItuTe OrgaNism That often eliciTS simIlar sensitivity responsEs to tHe SAme cONtAminaNt exposURe) FOR otHeR sPecIeS Of", "whitespace_perturbation": " always qualify as a suffi cient surr ogate (i .e. ,a su bsti tute organismt hatoften elicits similarsensi ti v ityr es ponse s to th e s a m e c on ta min an t e xposu re) for ot her specie s o f", "underscore_trick": " always_qualify as_a sufficient surrogate (i.e.,_a substitute_organism_that often_elicits_similar sensitivity responses_to the same_contaminant exposure) for other_species of"} +{"text": " deficiency: a cross-sectional study among adolescents in Sri Lanka.\nIn order to determine the prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies (iron, zinc and folate", "synonym_substitution": "deficiency: a cross - sectional study among adolescents in Sri Lanka. \n In decree to settle the prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies (iron, zinc and folate", "butter_fingers": " deviciency: a cross-sectionau study among abilesceits in Ari Lankx.\nIn order to determine the pcevaoence of micronutrient defiziencies (pron, zinc and dolate", "random_deletion": "deficiency: a cross-sectional study among adolescents in In to determine prevalence of micronutrient", "change_char_case": " deficiency: a cross-sectional Study among AdoleSceNts In sri LAnka.\nin order to deterMIne tHe prevalence of micronutRient DeFIcieNCiEs (iroN, zinc anD FoLATe", "whitespace_perturbation": " deficiency: a cross-secti onal study amon g a dol es cent s in Sri Lanka.\nIn orde r to determine the pre valen ce of m i cr onutr ient de f ic i e nci es ( iro n, zi nc an d f olate", "underscore_trick": " deficiency:_a cross-sectional_study among adolescents in_Sri Lanka.\nIn_order_to determine_the_prevalence of micronutrient_deficiencies (iron, zinc_and folate"} +{"text": " males after functional reconstruction of the exstrophy-epispadias complex--long-term results.\nGenital and reproductive function have a strong effect on", "synonym_substitution": "males after functional reconstruction of the exstrophy - epispadias complex -- long - condition result. \n Genital and reproductive function have a potent effect on", "butter_fingers": " mapes after functional recunstruction of jhw exstcophy-epjspadias complex--long-term results.\nGenival qnd rtiroductive function hxve a strlng effext oi", "random_deletion": "males after functional reconstruction of the exstrophy-epispadias Genital reproductive function a strong effect", "change_char_case": " males after functional reconStruction oF the eXstRopHy-EpisPadiAs complex--long-tERm reSults.\nGenital and reproduCtive FuNCtioN HaVe a stRong effECt ON", "whitespace_perturbation": " males after functional re constructi on of th e e xs trop hy-e pispadias comp l ex-- long-term results.\nGen italan d rep r od uctiv e funct i on h ave a s tro ng ef fecton", "underscore_trick": " males_after functional_reconstruction of the exstrophy-epispadias_complex--long-term results.\nGenital_and_reproductive function_have_a strong effect_on"} +{"text": " after the beginning of medical treatment and demonstrated ciliochoroidal detachment in four eyes of the four patients. The patients all received intravenous infusion of corticosteroid therapy (", "synonym_substitution": "after the beginning of medical treatment and demonstrated ciliochoroidal detachment in four eye of the four patient. The patients all received intravenous infusion of corticosteroid therapy (", "butter_fingers": " afher the beginning of medlcal treatment aue demoistrates ciliocforoidal detachment in four xyes of tye four patients. The pxtients apl receiced mntravenous infusion of gjrtidlstexomd therapy (", "random_deletion": "after the beginning of medical treatment and detachment four eyes the four patients. infusion corticosteroid therapy (", "change_char_case": " after the beginning of medicaL treatment And deMonStrAtEd ciLiocHoroidal detachMEnt iN four eyes of the four patiEnts. THe PAtieNTs All reCeived iNTrAVEnoUs InFusIoN Of CortiCosTeroid tHerapy (", "whitespace_perturbation": " after the beginning of me dical trea tment an d d em onst rate d ciliochoroid a l de tachment in four eyesof th ef ourp at ients . The p a ti e n tsal lrec ei v ed intr ave nous in fusion ofcor ti costeroid th e ra py (", "underscore_trick": " after_the beginning_of medical treatment and_demonstrated ciliochoroidal_detachment_in four_eyes_of the four_patients. The patients_all received intravenous infusion_of corticosteroid therapy_("} +{"text": "VP residues was detected in final products. The first taxonomic revaluation of the Iranian water frogs of the genus Pelophylax (Anura: Ran", "synonym_substitution": "VP residues was detected in final products. The inaugural taxonomic reappraisal of the Iranian water frogs of the genus Pelophylax (Anura: Ran", "butter_fingers": "VP gesidues was detected in final products. The ficst taxknomic rdvaluation of the Iranian waver drogs of the genus Pelophylxx (Anura: Gan", "random_deletion": "VP residues was detected in final products. taxonomic of the water frogs of", "change_char_case": "VP residues was detected in fiNal productS. The fIrsT taXoNomiC revAluation of the IRAniaN water frogs of the genus PElophYlAX (AnuRA: RAn", "whitespace_perturbation": "VP residues was detected i n final pr oduct s.The f irst tax onomic revalua t ionof the Iranian water f rogsof theg en us Pe lophyla x ( A n ura :Ra n", "underscore_trick": "VP residues_was detected_in final products. The_first taxonomic_revaluation_of the_Iranian_water frogs of_the genus Pelophylax_(Anura: Ran"} +{"text": " processes orthogonally, minimizing their interaction with the astrocytes. When neurons were grown suspended over either neonatal or injured adult astrocytes, no difference in neurite length or", "synonym_substitution": "processes orthogonally, minimizing their interaction with the astrocytes. When neurons were grow suspend over either neonatal or injured adult astrocytes, no difference in neurite length or", "butter_fingers": " prlcesses orthogonally, minlmizing their injeeactioi with fhe astrucytes. When neurons were groxn syspeneed over either neonatxl or injlred adulr asurocytes, no diffecsnce in neurifc lenyti or", "random_deletion": "processes orthogonally, minimizing their interaction with the neurons grown suspended either neonatal or in length or", "change_char_case": " processes orthogonally, miniMizing theiR inteRacTioN wIth tHe asTrocytes. When neURons Were grown suspended over EitheR nEOnatAL oR injuRed adulT AsTROcyTeS, nO diFfEReNce in NeuRite lenGth or", "whitespace_perturbation": " processes orthogonally, m inimizingtheir in ter ac tion wit h the astrocyt e s. W hen neurons were grown susp en d ed o v er eith er neon a ta l orin ju red a d ul t ast roc ytes, n o differen cein neurite len g th or", "underscore_trick": " processes_orthogonally, minimizing_their interaction with the_astrocytes. When_neurons_were grown_suspended_over either neonatal_or injured adult_astrocytes, no difference in_neurite length or"} +{"text": " bearing sarcoma 180 solid tumor. CPT-NP kept an almost constant mean size and exhibited an initial rapid release of approximately 20%, following by very slow release.", "synonym_substitution": "bearing sarcoma 180 solid tumor. CPT - NP kept an almost changeless base size and exhibited an initial rapid release of approximately 20% , following by very boring release.", "butter_fingers": " bewring sarcoma 180 solid tumur. CPT-NP kept au almosv constznt mean size and exhibited an initiel rqpid eelease of approximateuy 20%, folloaing by cery wlow release.", "random_deletion": "bearing sarcoma 180 solid tumor. CPT-NP kept constant size and an initial rapid by slow release.", "change_char_case": " bearing sarcoma 180 solid tumor. CpT-NP kept an AlmosT coNstAnT meaN sizE and exhibited aN InitIal rapid release of approXimatElY 20%, FollOWiNg by vEry slow RElEASe.", "whitespace_perturbation": " bearing sarcoma 180 solid tumor. CP T-NPkep t a nalmo st c onstant mean s i ze a nd exhibited an initia l rap id rele a se of a pproxim a te l y 20 %, f oll ow i ng by v ery slow r elease.", "underscore_trick": " bearing_sarcoma 180_solid tumor. CPT-NP kept_an almost_constant_mean size_and_exhibited an initial_rapid release of_approximately 20%, following by_very slow release."} +{"text": "SD) is associated with poorer performance on neuropsychological tests in veterans. However, prior studies have generally compared individuals with PTSD to control groups, often excluding individuals with", "synonym_substitution": "SD) is associated with poorer performance on neuropsychological tests in veteran. However, anterior studies have generally compare individual with PTSD to control group, often excluding person with", "butter_fingers": "SD) ls associated with poorev performance on neuropvycholkgical tdsts in veterans. However, prilr studues have generally comoared indpviduals qith PTSD to coifrol groups, orben ercouding individoals with", "random_deletion": "SD) is associated with poorer performance on in However, prior have generally compared groups, excluding individuals with", "change_char_case": "SD) is associated with poorer pErformance On neuRopSycHoLogiCal tEsts in veterans. hOwevEr, prior studies have geneRally CoMPareD InDividUals witH pTsd To cOnTrOl gRoUPs, Often ExcLuding iNdividuals WitH", "whitespace_perturbation": "SD) is associated with poo rer perfor mance on ne ur opsy chol ogical tests i n vet erans. However, priorstudi es have ge neral ly comp a re d ind iv id ual sw it h PTS D t o contr ol groups, of te n excludingi nd ividuals w ith ", "underscore_trick": "SD) is_associated with_poorer performance on neuropsychological_tests in_veterans._However, prior_studies_have generally compared_individuals with PTSD_to control groups, often_excluding individuals with"} +{"text": ", requires further validation in a larger patient cohort. Abnormal bone mineral accrual in adolescent girls with anorexia nervosa.\nAnorexia nervosa", "synonym_substitution": ", requires further validation in a larger patient age group. Abnormal bone mineral accrual in adolescent daughter with anorexia nervosa. \n Anorexia nervosa", "butter_fingers": ", reeuires further validatiok in a larger pajiwnt coiort. Abhormal bune mineral accrual in adoledcwnt gurls with anorexia nerxosa.\nAnoreqia nervowa", "random_deletion": ", requires further validation in a larger Abnormal mineral accrual adolescent girls with", "change_char_case": ", requires further validation In a larger pAtienT coHorT. ABnorMal bOne mineral accrUAl in Adolescent girls with anoRexia NeRVosa.\naNoRexia Nervosa", "whitespace_perturbation": ", requires further validat ion in a l arger pa tie nt coh ort. Abnormal bone mine ral accrual in adolesc ent g ir l s wi t hanore xia ner v os a . \nAn or ex iane r vo sa", "underscore_trick": ", requires_further validation_in a larger patient_cohort. Abnormal_bone_mineral accrual_in_adolescent girls with_anorexia nervosa.\nAnorexia nervosa"} +{"text": " the outcomes in orthopaedic surgery are measured either in terms of functional scores assessing only one joint or as disease or condition-specific outcomes. As such, there", "synonym_substitution": "the outcomes in orthopaedic surgery are measured either in term of running scores assessing merely one roast or as disease or condition - specific outcomes. As such, there", "butter_fingers": " thf outcomes in orthopaedig surgery are mecwured xither jn terms of functional scores assessmng inly ine joint or as diseasd or condption-specufic iutcomes. As such, tmzre", "random_deletion": "the outcomes in orthopaedic surgery are measured terms functional scores only one joint outcomes. such, there", "change_char_case": " the outcomes in orthopaedic sUrgery are mEasurEd eIthEr In teRms oF functional scoREs asSessing only one joint or aS diseAsE Or coNDiTion-sPecific OUtCOMes. as SuCh, tHeRE", "whitespace_perturbation": " the outcomes in orthopaed ic surgery aremea sur ed eit herin terms of fu n ctio nal scores assessing o nly o ne join t o r asdisease or c ond it io n-s pe c if ic ou tco mes. As such, the re", "underscore_trick": " the_outcomes in_orthopaedic surgery are measured_either in_terms_of functional_scores_assessing only one_joint or as_disease or condition-specific outcomes._As such, there"} +{"text": " longitudinal ligament, and two had ligamentum flavum cyst. Synovial cysts had a single layer of epithelial cells in the inner layer of the cyst with continuity with", "synonym_substitution": "longitudinal ligament, and two had ligamentum flavum cyst. Synovial cysts had a individual level of epithelial cells in the inner level of the cyst with continuity with", "butter_fingers": " lojgitudinal ligament, and uwo had ligamentum flavuk cyst. Synoviau cysts had a single layer oh eputhelual cells in the inner layer of the cysr wiuh continuity witi", "random_deletion": "longitudinal ligament, and two had ligamentum flavum cysts a single of epithelial cells the with continuity with", "change_char_case": " longitudinal ligament, and twO had ligameNtum fLavUm cYsT. SynOviaL cysts had a singLE layEr of epithelial cells in tHe innEr LAyer OF tHe cysT with coNTiNUIty WiTh", "whitespace_perturbation": " longitudinal ligament, an d two hadligam ent umfl avum cys t. Synovial cy s ts h ad a single layer of e pithe li a l ce l ls in t he inne r l a y erof t hecy s twithcon tinuity with", "underscore_trick": " longitudinal_ligament, and_two had ligamentum flavum_cyst. Synovial_cysts_had a_single_layer of epithelial_cells in the_inner layer of the_cyst with continuity_with"} +{"text": " between two strains of mice.\nMicroanalytic determinations of serotonin and norepinephrine were done on dissected portions of brain consisting of diencephalon, mesencephal", "synonym_substitution": "between two strains of mice. \n Microanalytic determinations of serotonin and norepinephrine were do on dissect portions of brain consisting of diencephalon, mesencephal", "butter_fingers": " behween two strains of mict.\nMicroanalytic dejeeminatmons of serotonkn and norepinephrine were dlnw on eissected portions of crain condisting if dmencephalon, meseidephal", "random_deletion": "between two strains of mice. Microanalytic determinations and were done dissected portions of", "change_char_case": " between two strains of mice.\nMiCroanalytiC deteRmiNatIoNs of SeroTonin and norepiNEphrIne were done on dissected PortiOnS Of brAIn ConsiSting of DIeNCEphAlOn, MesEnCEpHal", "whitespace_perturbation": " between two strains of mi ce.\nMicroa nalyt icdet er mina tion s of serotonin andnorepinephrine were do ne on d i ssec t ed port ions of br a i n c on si sti ng of dien cep halon,mesencepha l", "underscore_trick": " between_two strains_of mice.\nMicroanalytic determinations of_serotonin and_norepinephrine_were done_on_dissected portions of_brain consisting of_diencephalon, mesencephal"} +{"text": ".7, 95% CI 1.2-5.1) was found together with a decreased risk of testis cancer (SIR 0.0, 95", "synonym_substitution": ".7, 95% CI 1.2 - 5.1) was found together with a decreased risk of testis cancer (SIR 0.0, 95", "butter_fingers": ".7, 95% CL 1.2-5.1) was found together wiuh a decreased risk of txstis czncer (SIF 0.0, 95", "random_deletion": ".7, 95% CI 1.2-5.1) was found together decreased of testis (SIR 0.0, 95", "change_char_case": ".7, 95% CI 1.2-5.1) was found together with a deCreased risK of teStiS caNcEr (SIr 0.0, 95", "whitespace_perturbation": ".7, 95% CI 1.2-5.1) was fo und togeth er wi tha d ec reas ed r isk of testisc ance r (SIR 0.0, 95", "underscore_trick": ".7, 95%_CI 1.2-5.1)_was found together with_a decreased_risk_of testis_cancer_(SIR 0.0, 95"} +{"text": " selected as either the 10 worst disease decliners or the 10 best improvers of each treatment group, using ADAS-Cog scores as measure of disease severity", "synonym_substitution": "selected as either the 10 worst disease decliners or the 10 best improvers of each discussion group, use ADAS - Cog scores as measure of disease austereness", "butter_fingers": " sepected as either the 10 wovst disease declnbers oc the 10 gest impfovers of each treatment gronp, uwing QDAS-Cog scores as measjre of didease seceriuy", "random_deletion": "selected as either the 10 worst disease the best improvers each treatment group, of severity", "change_char_case": " selected as either the 10 worst dIsease declIners Or tHe 10 bEsT impRoveRs of each treatmENt grOup, using ADAS-Cog scores aS measUrE Of diSEaSe sevErity", "whitespace_perturbation": " selected as either the 10 worst dis easedec lin er s or the 10 best impro v ersof each treatment grou p, us in g ADA S -C og sc ores as me a s ure o fdis ea s esever ity ", "underscore_trick": " selected_as either_the 10 worst disease_decliners or_the_10 best_improvers_of each treatment_group, using ADAS-Cog_scores as measure of_disease severity"} +{"text": ". Infection of the cysts was rare. Late postsurgical complications, noted in 10, were the development of an abscess or cirrhosis. I evaluated the importance of", "synonym_substitution": ". Infection of the cysts was rare. Late postsurgical complications, note in 10, were the growth of an abscess or cirrhosis. I evaluated the importance of", "butter_fingers": ". Invection of the cysts was rare. Late postsurgican compmicationr, noted in 10, were the developlebt of an abscess or cirrhosks. I evallated the impietance of", "random_deletion": ". Infection of the cysts was rare. complications, in 10, the development of evaluated importance of", "change_char_case": ". Infection of the cysts was rarE. Late postsUrgicAl cOmpLiCatiOns, nOted in 10, were the dEVeloPment of an abscess or cirrHosis. i eVAluaTEd The imPortancE Of", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Infection of the cysts w as rare. L ate p ost sur gi calcomp lications, not e d in 10, were the developm ent o fa n ab s ce ss or cirrho s is . I e va lu ate dt he impo rta nce of", "underscore_trick": ". Infection_of the_cysts was rare. Late_postsurgical complications,_noted_in 10,_were_the development of_an abscess or_cirrhosis. I evaluated the_importance of"} +{"text": " essential oil concentration in juniper, Juniperus communis, was negatively associated with herbivore browsing. The aim of the present study was to characterize the", "synonym_substitution": "essential oil concentration in juniper, Juniperus communis, was negatively consociate with herbivore browse. The aim of the present study was to characterize the", "butter_fingers": " esdential oil concentratiok in juniper, Junnperus rommunia, was neeatively associated with heruivoee briwsing. The aim of the oresent snudy was ro ciaracterize the", "random_deletion": "essential oil concentration in juniper, Juniperus communis, associated herbivore browsing. aim of the the", "change_char_case": " essential oil concentration In juniper, JUnipeRus ComMuNis, wAs neGatively associATed wIth herbivore browsing. ThE aim oF tHE preSEnT studY was to cHArACTerIzE tHe", "whitespace_perturbation": " essential oil concentrati on in juni per,Jun ipe ru s co mmun is, was negati v elyassociated with herbiv ore b ro w sing . T he ai m of th e p r e sen tst udy w a sto ch ara cterize the", "underscore_trick": " essential_oil concentration_in juniper, Juniperus communis,_was negatively_associated_with herbivore_browsing._The aim of_the present study_was to characterize the"} +{"text": " to the rat, including the PGNA terminus. Based on these sequences, four peptides were synthesized, and two polyclonal antisera (one to the canine sequence and", "synonym_substitution": "to the rat, including the PGNA terminus. Based on these sequence, four peptide were synthesized, and two polyclonal antisera (one to the canine succession and", "butter_fingers": " to the rat, including the PNNA terminus. Basgd on thxse seqhences, fuur peptides were synthesizev, ane two polyclonal antisera (ove to the canine wequtnce and", "random_deletion": "to the rat, including the PGNA terminus. these four peptides synthesized, and two canine and", "change_char_case": " to the rat, including the PGNA tErminus. BasEd on tHesE seQuEnceS, fouR peptides were sYNtheSized, and two polyclonal aNtiseRa (ONe to THe CaninE sequenCE aND", "whitespace_perturbation": " to the rat, including the PGNA term inus. Ba sed o n th esesequences, fou r pep tides were synthesized , and t w o po l yc lonal antise r a( o neto t heca n in e seq uen ce and", "underscore_trick": " to_the rat,_including the PGNA terminus._Based on_these_sequences, four_peptides_were synthesized, and_two polyclonal antisera_(one to the canine_sequence and"} +{"text": " are able to inhibit the aggregation of partially denatured proteins and refold them. In addition, molecular chaperones, especially Hsp70, protect the brain and heart", "synonym_substitution": "are able to inhibit the aggregation of partially denatured proteins and refold them. In accession, molecular chaperon, especially Hsp70, protect the brain and affection", "butter_fingers": " arf able to inhibit the agnregation of parjiqlly dxnatures proteivs and refold them. In additiln, molexular chaperones, especkally Hsp70, protect the vrain and isart", "random_deletion": "are able to inhibit the aggregation of proteins refold them. addition, molecular chaperones, and", "change_char_case": " are able to inhibit the aggregAtion of parTiallY deNatUrEd prOteiNs and refold theM. in adDition, molecular chaperoNes, esPeCIallY hsP70, protEct the bRAiN ANd hEaRt", "whitespace_perturbation": " are able to inhibit the a ggregation of p art ial ly den atur ed proteins an d ref old them. In addition, mole cu l ar c h ap erone s, espe c ia l l y H sp 70 , p ro t ec t the br ain and heart", "underscore_trick": " are_able to_inhibit the aggregation of_partially denatured_proteins_and refold_them._In addition, molecular_chaperones, especially Hsp70,_protect the brain and_heart"} +{"text": " (+25%, p < 0.05), whereas plasma triglyceride levels were significantly lower in OVX mice (-15%, p < 0.05) compared with controls", "synonym_substitution": "(+25% , p < 0.05), whereas plasma triglyceride levels were significantly lower in OVX mice (-15% , p < 0.05) compare with control", "butter_fingers": " (+25%, p < 0.05), whereas plasma triglygeride levels wete signihicantlg lower kn OVX mice (-15%, p < 0.05) compared wivh cintroos", "random_deletion": "(+25%, p < 0.05), whereas plasma triglyceride significantly in OVX (-15%, p <", "change_char_case": " (+25%, p < 0.05), whereas plasma triglyceridE levels werE signIfiCanTlY lowEr in oVX mice (-15%, p < 0.05) comparED witH controls", "whitespace_perturbation": " (+25%, p < 0.05), whereas plasma tr iglyc eri dele vels wer e significantl y low er in OVX mice (-15%,p < 0 .0 5 ) co m pa red w ith con t ro l s ", "underscore_trick": " (+25%,_p <_0.05), whereas plasma triglyceride_levels were_significantly_lower in_OVX_mice (-15%, p_< 0.05) compared_with controls"} +{"text": "\nA new on-line solid phase preconcentration method using an ion-imprinted polymer with restrict access material based on copper-imprinted poly(ally", "synonym_substitution": "A new on - line solid phase preconcentration method use an ion - imprint polymer with restrict access material based on bull - imprinted poly(ally", "butter_fingers": "\nA nfw on-line solid phase prtconcentration mejhid usiig an ikn-impringed polymer with restrict acress mateeial based on copper-imorinted plly(ally", "random_deletion": "A new on-line solid phase preconcentration method ion-imprinted with restrict material based on", "change_char_case": "\nA new on-line solid phase precoNcentratioN methOd uSinG aN ion-ImprInted polymer wiTH resTrict access material basEd on cOpPEr-imPRiNted pOly(ally", "whitespace_perturbation": "\nA new on-line solid phase preconcen trati onmet ho d us ingan ion-imprint e d po lymer with restrict ac cessma t eria l b asedon copp e r- i m pri nt ed po ly ( al ly", "underscore_trick": "\nA new_on-line solid_phase preconcentration method using_an ion-imprinted_polymer_with restrict_access_material based on_copper-imprinted poly(ally"} +{"text": " in 8-isoprostanes, a marker of lipid oxidation, and an increase in the antioxidant parameters TPAC, SOD and thiols. These studies show", "synonym_substitution": "in 8 - isoprostanes, a marker of lipid oxidation, and an increase in the antioxidant parameters TPAC, SOD and thiols. These studies show", "butter_fingers": " in 8-isoprostanes, a marker on lipid oxidatiou, and ai increzse in tfe antioxidant parameters TPEC, SID ane thiols. These studies show", "random_deletion": "in 8-isoprostanes, a marker of lipid oxidation, increase the antioxidant TPAC, SOD and", "change_char_case": " in 8-isoprostanes, a marker of liPid oxidatiOn, and An iNcrEaSe in The aNtioxidant paraMEterS TPAC, SOD and thiols. These StudiEs SHow", "whitespace_perturbation": " in 8-isoprostanes, a mark er of lipi d oxi dat ion ,andan i ncrease in the anti oxidant parameters TPA C, SO Da nd t h io ls. T hese st u di e s sh ow ", "underscore_trick": " in_8-isoprostanes, a_marker of lipid oxidation,_and an_increase_in the_antioxidant_parameters TPAC, SOD_and thiols. These_studies show"} +{"text": " averaged 9:04 a.m. Addition of prednisone to this regimen of chenodeoxycholic acid to eliminate release of 14CO2 from", "synonym_substitution": "averaged 9:04 a.m. Addition of prednisone to this regimen of chenodeoxycholic acid to eliminate release of 14CO2 from", "butter_fingers": " avfraged 9:04 a.m. Addition of pvednisone to this regimxn of cgenodeoxhcholic acid to eliminate repeqse od 14CO2 from", "random_deletion": "averaged 9:04 a.m. Addition of prednisone to of acid to release of 14CO2", "change_char_case": " averaged 9:04 a.m. Addition of prednIsone to thiS regiMen Of cHeNodeOxycHolic acid to eliMInatE release of 14CO2 from", "whitespace_perturbation": " averaged 9:04 a.m. Additi on of pred nison e t o t hi s re gime n of chenodeox y chol ic acid to eliminate r eleas eo f 14 C O2 from ", "underscore_trick": " averaged_9:04 a.m._Addition of prednisone to_this regimen_of_chenodeoxycholic acid_to_eliminate release of_14CO2 from"} +{"text": "3)Ta(2/3))O(3) at cryogenic temperatures is attributable to resonant spin excitations of unpaired transition-metal d electrons in isolated atoms", "synonym_substitution": "3)Ta(2/3))O(3) at cryogenic temperatures is attributable to resonant spin excitations of odd passage - metal d electron in isolated atom", "butter_fingers": "3)Ta(2/3))O(3) at cryogenic temperaturts is attributablg ro resmnant apin excktations of unpaired transitmon-mwtal e electrons in isolatea atoms", "random_deletion": "3)Ta(2/3))O(3) at cryogenic temperatures is attributable to excitations unpaired transition-metal electrons in isolated", "change_char_case": "3)Ta(2/3))O(3) at cryogenic temperatureS is attribuTable To rEsoNaNt spIn exCitations of unpAIred Transition-metal d electrOns in IsOLateD AtOms", "whitespace_perturbation": "3)Ta(2/3))O(3) at cryogeni c temperat uresisatt ri buta bleto resonant sp i n ex citations of unpairedtrans it i on-m e ta l d e lectron s i n iso la te d a to m s", "underscore_trick": "3)Ta(2/3))O(3) at_cryogenic temperatures_is attributable to resonant_spin excitations_of_unpaired transition-metal_d_electrons in isolated_atoms"} +{"text": "luent from mines, to the freshwater isopod, Asellus aquaticus. These techniques either involve buffer systems or working at low pH. Both techniques indicate", "synonym_substitution": "luent from mines, to the freshwater isopod, Asellus aquaticus. These techniques either involve buff system or working at depleted pH. Both proficiency indicate", "butter_fingers": "luejt from mines, to the frerhwater isopod, Cwellus aquatjcus. There techniques either involve byffer systems or working at low pH. Blth techbiquts indicate", "random_deletion": "luent from mines, to the freshwater isopod, These either involve systems or working indicate", "change_char_case": "luent from mines, to the freshwAter isopod, asellUs aQuaTiCus. THese Techniques eithER invOlve buffer systems or worKing aT lOW pH. BOTh TechnIques inDIcATE", "whitespace_perturbation": "luent from mines, to the f reshwaterisopo d,Ase ll us a quat icus. These te c hniq ues either involve buf fer s ys t emso rworki ng at l o wp H . B ot htec hn i qu es in dic ate", "underscore_trick": "luent from_mines, to_the freshwater isopod, Asellus_aquaticus. These_techniques_either involve_buffer_systems or working_at low pH._Both techniques indicate"} +{"text": "behaviour association: a prospective cohort study.\nIntention stability is considered to be one of the key pre-requisites for a strong association between intention and", "synonym_substitution": "behaviour association: a prospective cohort study. \n Intention stability is considered to be one of the cardinal pre - necessity for a hard association between intention and", "butter_fingers": "behwviour association: a prorpective cohort study.\nIitentioh stabilkty is considered to be one lf the jey pre-requisites for x strong wssociatuon uetween intentioi and", "random_deletion": "behaviour association: a prospective cohort study. Intention considered be one the key pre-requisites intention", "change_char_case": "behaviour association: a prosPective cohOrt stUdy.\nintEnTion StabIlity is consideREd to Be one of the key pre-requisItes fOr A StroNG aSsociAtion beTWeEN IntEnTiOn aNd", "whitespace_perturbation": "behaviour association: a p rospective coho rtstu dy .\nIn tent ion stabilityi s co nsidered to be one ofthe k ey pre- r eq uisit es fora s t r ong a ss oci at i on betw een intent ion and", "underscore_trick": "behaviour association:_a prospective_cohort study.\nIntention stability is_considered to_be_one of_the_key pre-requisites for_a strong association_between intention and"} +{"text": ", involving 954 household-level data of rice farmers from rural Hubei province, China, reveals that the adoption rates of certain practices are very low,", "synonym_substitution": ", involving 954 household - level data of rice farmer from rural Hubei state, China, reveals that the adoption pace of sealed practices are very low,", "butter_fingers": ", ingolving 954 household-level aata of rice fatmwrs frmm rurzl Hubei province, China, reveals that tye adiption rates of certaiv practicvs are veey liq,", "random_deletion": ", involving 954 household-level data of rice rural province, China, that the adoption very", "change_char_case": ", involving 954 household-level daTa of rice faRmers FroM ruRaL HubEi prOvince, China, revEAls tHat the adoption rates of cErtaiN pRActiCEs Are veRy low,", "whitespace_perturbation": ", involving 954 household- level data of r ice fa rm ersfrom rural Hubei p r ovin ce, China, reveals tha t the a d opti o nrates of cer t ai n pra ct ic esar e v ery l ow, ", "underscore_trick": ", involving_954 household-level_data of rice farmers_from rural_Hubei_province, China,_reveals_that the adoption_rates of certain_practices are very low,"} +{"text": " performed for refractory or symptomatic ascites. As other invasive procedures, it is critical to master its indications, contra-indications and complications. The aim of this", "synonym_substitution": "performed for refractory or symptomatic ascites. As other incursive routine, it is critical to master its indications, contra - indications and complication. The aim of this", "butter_fingers": " pegformed for refractory ov symptomatic aseutes. Av othed invasixe procedures, it is critical ti masuvr its indications, covtra-indicwtions abd cinplications. The aim of tgls", "random_deletion": "performed for refractory or symptomatic ascites. As procedures, is critical master its indications, of", "change_char_case": " performed for refractory or sYmptomatic AscitEs. AS otHeR invAsivE procedures, it iS CritIcal to master its indicatIons, cOnTRa-inDIcAtionS and comPLiCATioNs. thE aiM oF ThIs", "whitespace_perturbation": " performed for refractoryor symptom aticasc ite s. Asothe r invasive pro c edur es, it is critical tomaste ri ts i n di catio ns, con t ra - i ndi ca ti ons a n dcompl ica tions.The aim of th is ", "underscore_trick": " performed_for refractory_or symptomatic ascites. As_other invasive_procedures,_it is_critical_to master its_indications, contra-indications and_complications. The aim of_this"} +{"text": " function, and wound healing.\nThirty-two patients undergoing bowel resection were randomized to receive either immediate postoperative nasojejunal feeding with full strength O", "synonym_substitution": "function, and wound healing. \n Thirty - two patients undergoing bowel resection were randomize to welcome either immediate postoperative nasojejunal feeding with wide force O", "butter_fingers": " fujction, and wound healing.\nUhirty-two patients underjoing bkwel resdction were randomized to rereivw eityer immediate postoperxtive nasljejunal feeving with full svdength O", "random_deletion": "function, and wound healing. Thirty-two patients undergoing were to receive immediate postoperative nasojejunal", "change_char_case": " function, and wound healing.\nThIrty-two patIents UndErgOiNg boWel rEsection were raNDomiZed to receive either immeDiate PoSTopeRAtIve naSojejunAL fEEDinG wItH fuLl STrEngth o", "whitespace_perturbation": " function, and wound heali ng.\nThirty -twopat ien ts und ergo ing bowel rese c tion were randomized to re ceive e i ther im media te post o pe r a tiv ena soj ej u na l fee din g withfull stren gth O ", "underscore_trick": " function,_and wound_healing.\nThirty-two patients undergoing bowel_resection were_randomized_to receive_either_immediate postoperative nasojejunal_feeding with full_strength O"} +{"text": " B-lymphoblasts was similar to that of control B-lymphoblasts when incubated with another growth factor, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate", "synonym_substitution": "B - lymphoblasts was similar to that of control boron - lymphoblast when incubated with another growth agent, phorbol 12 - myristate 13 - acetate rayon", "butter_fingers": " B-ljmphoblasts was similar uo that of control B-lympioblasta when ivcubated with another growth fqctor, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acegate", "random_deletion": "B-lymphoblasts was similar to that of control incubated another growth phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate", "change_char_case": " B-lymphoblasts was similar to That of contRol B-lYmpHobLaSts wHen iNcubated with anOTher Growth factor, phorbol 12-myrIstatE 13-aCEtatE", "whitespace_perturbation": " B-lymphoblasts was simila r to thatof co ntr olB- lymp hobl asts when incu b ated with another growth f actor ,p horb o l12-my ristate 13 - a cet at e", "underscore_trick": " B-lymphoblasts_was similar_to that of control_B-lymphoblasts when_incubated_with another_growth_factor, phorbol 12-myristate_13-acetate"} +{"text": " 11beta-HSD1 and renal 11beta-HSD2 was decreased 87.6% (P <.05) and 52.3% (", "synonym_substitution": "11beta - HSD1 and renal 11beta - HSD2 was decreased 87.6% (P < .05) and 52.3% (", "butter_fingers": " 11beha-HSD1 and renal 11beta-HSD2 das decreased 87.6% (K <.05) and 52.3% (", "random_deletion": "11beta-HSD1 and renal 11beta-HSD2 was decreased 87.6% and (", "change_char_case": " 11beta-HSD1 and renal 11beta-HSD2 was Decreased 87.6% (P <.05) And 52.3% (", "whitespace_perturbation": " 11beta-HSD1 and renal 11b eta-HSD2 w as de cre ase d87.6 % (P <.05) and 52. 3 % (", "underscore_trick": " 11beta-HSD1_and renal_11beta-HSD2 was decreased 87.6%_(P <.05)_and_52.3% ("} +{"text": " immediately submersed. On arrival at the hospital, he was found to have grain impacted in both mainstem bronchi. A combination of flexible and rigid bronch", "synonym_substitution": "immediately submersed. On arrival at the hospital, he was found to have grain impact in both mainstem bronchus. A combination of flexible and rigid bronch", "butter_fingers": " imlediately submersed. On avrival at the hospital, ie was round to have grain impacted in both mqinstti bronchi. A combinxtion of vlexible and eigid bronrg", "random_deletion": "immediately submersed. On arrival at the hospital, found have grain in both mainstem and bronch", "change_char_case": " immediately submersed. On arrIval at the hOspitAl, hE waS fOund To haVe grain impacteD In boTh mainstem bronchi. A combInatiOn OF fleXIbLe and Rigid brONcH", "whitespace_perturbation": " immediately submersed. On arrival a t the ho spi ta l, h e wa s found to hav e gra in impacted in both ma inste mb ronc h i. A co mbinati o no f fl ex ib lean d r igidbro nch", "underscore_trick": " immediately_submersed. On_arrival at the hospital,_he was_found_to have_grain_impacted in both_mainstem bronchi. A_combination of flexible and_rigid bronch"} +{"text": ", which are generally recommended for elective neck dissection. The distribution of occult neck metastases in glottic cancer is described according to nodal levels. The rate of occult", "synonym_substitution": ", which are generally recommended for elective neck dissection. The distribution of occult neck metastases in glottic cancer is trace harmonize to nodal levels. The rate of occult", "butter_fingers": ", whlch are generally recommtnded for electivg beck dmssectikn. The dkstribution of occult neck mxtasrases in glottic cancer is aescribed accordibg ti nodal levxms. The vcte or occblv", "random_deletion": ", which are generally recommended for elective The of occult metastases in glottic nodal The rate of", "change_char_case": ", which are generally recommenDed for elecTive nEck DisSeCtioN. The Distribution of OCculT neck metastases in glottIc canCeR Is deSCrIbed aCcordinG To NODal LeVeLs. THe RAtE of ocCulT", "whitespace_perturbation": ", which are generally reco mmended fo r ele cti vene ck d isse ction. The dis t ribu tion of occult neck me tasta se s ing lo tticcanceri sd e scr ib ed ac co r di ng to no dal lev els. The r ate o f occult", "underscore_trick": ", which_are generally_recommended for elective neck_dissection. The_distribution_of occult_neck_metastases in glottic_cancer is described_according to nodal levels._The rate of_occult"} +{"text": " a salvage procedure during the past 5 years encouraged us to publish the principles of this concept. An alternative parameterization of the general linear mixture model for longitudinal data with", "synonym_substitution": "a salvage procedure during the past 5 years encouraged us to publish the principle of this concept. An alternate parameterization of the general linear mix mannequin for longitudinal data with", "butter_fingers": " a dalvage procedure during the past 5 years encoucaged ua to pubuish the principles of this roncwpt. Ab alternative parametefization lf the gwnerel linear mixturx model njr lkkgitubiial data with", "random_deletion": "a salvage procedure during the past 5 us publish the of this concept. general mixture model for data with", "change_char_case": " a salvage procedure during thE past 5 years EncouRagEd uS tO pubLish The principles oF This Concept. An alternative paRametErIZatiON oF the gEneral lINeAR MixTuRe ModEl FOr LongiTudInal datA with", "whitespace_perturbation": " a salvage procedure durin g the past 5 ye ars en co urag ed u s to publish t h e pr inciples of this conce pt. A na lter n at ive p aramete r iz a t ion o fthe g e ne ral l ine ar mixt ure modelfor l ongitudinald at a with", "underscore_trick": " a_salvage procedure_during the past 5_years encouraged_us_to publish_the_principles of this_concept. An alternative_parameterization of the general_linear mixture model_for_longitudinal data with"} +{"text": ". A Comparison of Reach-to-Grasp and Transport-to-Place Performance in Participants With Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Glaucoma.", "synonym_substitution": ". A Comparison of Reach - to - Grasp and Transport - to - Place Performance in Participants With Age - Related Macular Degeneration and Glaucoma.", "butter_fingers": ". A Fomparison of Reach-to-Grarp and Transporj-ti-Place Perfodmance iv Participants With Age-Relatxd Mqculae Degeneration and Glajcoma.", "random_deletion": ". A Comparison of Reach-to-Grasp and Transport-to-Place Participants Age-Related Macular and Glaucoma.", "change_char_case": ". A Comparison of Reach-to-Grasp And TranspoRt-to-PLacE PeRfOrmaNce iN Participants WITh AgE-Related Macular DegenerAtion AnD glauCOmA.", "whitespace_perturbation": ". A Comparison of Reach-to -Grasp and Tran spo rt- to -Pla ce P erformance inP arti cipants With Age-Relat ed Ma cu l ar D e ge nerat ion and Gl a u com a. ", "underscore_trick": ". A_Comparison of_Reach-to-Grasp and Transport-to-Place Performance_in Participants_With_Age-Related Macular_Degeneration_and Glaucoma."} +{"text": "-Tune, n = 15); and the control group (Lixujieyu recipe alone, n = 15). Chinese medicine was given twice daily,", "synonym_substitution": "-Tune, n = 15); and the control group (Lixujieyu recipe alone, n = 15). Chinese medicine was give doubly daily,", "butter_fingers": "-Tunf, n = 15); and the control gruup (Lixujieyu rgcupe almne, n = 15). Chinesd medicine was given twice deily,", "random_deletion": "-Tune, n = 15); and the control recipe n = Chinese medicine was", "change_char_case": "-Tune, n = 15); and the control group (LiXujieyu recIpe alOne, N = 15). ChInEse mEdicIne was given twiCE daiLy,", "whitespace_perturbation": "-Tune, n = 15); and the co ntrol grou p (Li xuj iey ureci pe a lone, n = 15). Chin ese medicine was given twic ed aily , ", "underscore_trick": "-Tune, n_= 15);_and the control group_(Lixujieyu recipe_alone,_n =_15)._Chinese medicine was_given twice daily,"} +{"text": ". Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis was detected by IS900 PCR on DNA extracts of fresh intestinal mucosal biopsies as well as by isolation in culture", "synonym_substitution": ". Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis was detected by IS900 PCR on DNA extracts of fresh intestinal mucosal biopsies equally well as by isolation in acculturation", "butter_fingers": ". Myfobacterium avium subspegies paratuberculosis wes detedted by KS900 PCR on DNA extracts of frxsh untesupnal mucosal biopsies as well ws by isilatmon in culture", "random_deletion": ". Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis was detected PCR DNA extracts fresh intestinal mucosal isolation culture", "change_char_case": ". Mycobacterium avium subspecIes paratubErculOsiS waS dEtecTed bY IS900 PCR on DNA extRActs Of fresh intestinal mucosAl bioPsIEs as WElL as by IsolatiON iN CUltUrE", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Mycobacterium avium subs pecies par atube rcu los is was det ected by IS900 PCRon DNA extracts of fre sh in te s tina l m ucosa l biops i es a s w el lasby is olati onin cult ure", "underscore_trick": ". Mycobacterium_avium subspecies_paratuberculosis was detected by_IS900 PCR_on_DNA extracts_of_fresh intestinal mucosal_biopsies as well_as by isolation in_culture"} +{"text": " for use in clinical evaluation of forelimb lameness in horses. Role of angiopoietin-2, endoglin, and placental growth factor in", "synonym_substitution": "for use in clinical evaluation of forelimb lameness in horses. Role of angiopoietin-2, endoglin, and placental growth agent in", "butter_fingers": " fog use in clinical evaluauion of forelimb lamenesv in hkrses. Roue of angiopoietin-2, endoglin, end placebtal growth factor in", "random_deletion": "for use in clinical evaluation of forelimb horses. of angiopoietin-2, and placental growth", "change_char_case": " for use in clinical evaluatioN of forelimB lameNesS in HoRses. role Of angiopoietin-2, ENdogLin, and placental growth fActor In", "whitespace_perturbation": " for use in clinical evalu ation of f oreli mblam en essin h orses. Role of angi opoietin-2, endoglin,and p la c enta l g rowth factor in ", "underscore_trick": " for_use in_clinical evaluation of forelimb_lameness in_horses._Role of_angiopoietin-2,_endoglin, and placental_growth factor in"} +{"text": " suggest that shotgun scanning should be useful for assessing cooperative effects in other protein-protein interactions. Cutting balloon angioplasty is superior to balloon angioplasty or stent implantation", "synonym_substitution": "suggest that shotgun scanning should be useful for assessing cooperative effect in early protein - protein interactions. Cutting balloon angioplasty is superscript to balloon angioplasty or stent implantation", "butter_fingers": " suhgest that shotgun scannlng should be usgfyl for assesaing coooerative effects in other prltwin-pritein interactions. Cutging balllon angiiplawry is supecjor to ncllooh angno'lasty or stent implantathon", "random_deletion": "suggest that shotgun scanning should be useful cooperative in other interactions. Cutting balloon angioplasty stent implantation", "change_char_case": " suggest that shotgun scanninG should be uSeful For AssEsSing CoopErative effects IN othEr protein-protein interaCtionS. CUTtinG BaLloon AngioplAStY IS suPeRiOr tO bALlOon anGioPlasty oR stent implAntAtIon", "whitespace_perturbation": " suggest that shotgun scan ning shoul d beuse ful f or a sses sing cooperati v e ef fects in other protein -prot ei n int e ra ction s. Cutt i ng b all oo nang io p la sty i s s uperior to balloo n a ng ioplasty ors te nt implant ati on", "underscore_trick": " suggest_that shotgun_scanning should be useful_for assessing_cooperative_effects in_other_protein-protein interactions. Cutting_balloon angioplasty is_superior to balloon angioplasty_or stent implantation"} +{"text": " is able to detect gray-matter concentration (GMC) abnormalities in patients with FCD, and (b) whether the extent of GMC abnormalities in the", "synonym_substitution": "is able to detect gray - matter concentration (GMC) abnormalities in patient with FCD, and (b) whether the extent of GMC abnormality in the", "butter_fingers": " is able to detect gray-matttr concentration (YNC) abnmrmalifies in oatients with FCD, and (b) whetier rhe eztent of GMC abnormaligies in tje", "random_deletion": "is able to detect gray-matter concentration (GMC) patients FCD, and whether the extent", "change_char_case": " is able to detect gray-matter cOncentratiOn (GMC) AbnOrmAlItieS in pAtients with FCD, ANd (b) wHether the extent of GMC abNormaLiTIes iN ThE", "whitespace_perturbation": " is able to detect gray-ma tter conce ntrat ion (G MC ) ab norm alities in pat i ents with FCD, and (b) whe therth e ext e nt of G MC abno r ma l i tie sin th e", "underscore_trick": " is_able to_detect gray-matter concentration (GMC)_abnormalities in_patients_with FCD,_and_(b) whether the_extent of GMC_abnormalities in the"} +{"text": " not able to use an Food and Drug Administration-approved companion diagnostic(s) for PD-L1 assessment for its specific clinical purpose(s), it is", "synonym_substitution": "not able to use an Food and Drug Administration - approved companion diagnostic(s) for PD - L1 assessment for its specific clinical purpose(s), it is", "butter_fingers": " noh able to use an Food ana Drug Administtarion-ap'roved dompaniov diagnostic(s) for PD-L1 assesslebt foe its specific clinicau purpose(d), it is", "random_deletion": "not able to use an Food and companion for PD-L1 for its specific", "change_char_case": " not able to use an Food and Drug administraTion-aPprOveD cOmpaNion Diagnostic(s) for pd-L1 asSessment for its specific CliniCaL PurpOSe(S), it is", "whitespace_perturbation": " not able to use an Food a nd Drug Ad minis tra tio n- appr oved companion dia g nost ic(s) for PD-L1 assess mentfo r its sp ecifi c clini c al p urp os e( s), i t i s", "underscore_trick": " not_able to_use an Food and_Drug Administration-approved_companion_diagnostic(s) for_PD-L1_assessment for its_specific clinical purpose(s),_it is"} +{"text": "beloma and S. luteus after exposure to -48 degrees C, but part of their samples survived -30 degrees C. The fungi tolerated lower temperatures than", "synonym_substitution": "beloma and S. luteus after exposure to -48 degrees C, but part of their sample exist -30 degrees C. The fungi tolerated lower temperatures than", "butter_fingers": "bellma and S. luteus after ewposure to -48 degrgew C, buv part kf their samples survived -30 degrees C. Tye fubgi tolerated lower teoperatured than", "random_deletion": "beloma and S. luteus after exposure to C, part of samples survived -30 lower than", "change_char_case": "beloma and S. luteus after expoSure to -48 degrEes C, bUt pArt Of TheiR samPles survived -30 deGRees c. The fungi tolerated loweR tempErATureS ThAn", "whitespace_perturbation": "beloma and S. luteus after exposureto -4 8 d egr ee s C, but part of their samp les survived -30 degre es C. T h e fu n gi tole rated l o we r tem pe ra tur es th an", "underscore_trick": "beloma and_S. luteus_after exposure to -48_degrees C,_but_part of_their_samples survived -30_degrees C. The_fungi tolerated lower temperatures_than"} +{"text": " were attributed to the amount of involvement in research (55%), opportunities to receive compensation for services provided outside normal working hours (55%), the amount (44%) and", "synonym_substitution": "were attributed to the amount of involvement in research (55 %), opportunity to welcome compensation for services provide outside normal working hour (55 %), the amount (44 %) and", "butter_fingers": " wege attributed to the amomnt of involvemeur in rxsearch (55%), opportjnities to receive compensatmon dor stgvices provided outsiae normal working houcs (55%), the amount (44%) ehd", "random_deletion": "were attributed to the amount of involvement (55%), to receive for services provided the (44%) and", "change_char_case": " were attributed to the amount Of involvemEnt in ResEarCh (55%), OppoRtunIties to receive COmpeNsation for services provIded oUtSIde nORmAl worKing houRS (55%), tHE AmoUnT (44%) aNd", "whitespace_perturbation": " were attributed to the am ount of in volve men t i nrese arch (55%), opport u niti es to receive compensa tionfo r ser v ic es pr ovidedo ut s i deno rm alwo r ki ng ho urs (55%), the amoun t ( 44 %) and", "underscore_trick": " were_attributed to_the amount of involvement_in research_(55%),_opportunities to_receive_compensation for services_provided outside normal_working hours (55%), the_amount (44%) and"} +{"text": " of these bacteria did not increase. The number of Ps. aeruginosa declined in all three solutions. In 5% dextrose and 0.9% sodium chloride injection", "synonym_substitution": "of these bacteria did not increase. The number of Ps. aeruginosa declined in all three solutions. In 5% dextrose and 0.9% sodium chloride injection", "butter_fingers": " of these bacteria did not lncrease. The numywr of 's. aerufinosa ddclined in all three solutiois. Ib 5% deztrose and 0.9% sodium chluride injvction", "random_deletion": "of these bacteria did not increase. The Ps. declined in three solutions. In chloride", "change_char_case": " of these bacteria did not incrEase. The numBer of ps. aEruGiNosa DeclIned in all three SOlutIons. In 5% dextrose and 0.9% sodiuM chloRiDE injECtIon", "whitespace_perturbation": " of these bacteria did not increase. Thenum ber o f Ps . ae ruginosa decli n ed i n all three solutions. In 5 %d extr o se and0.9% so d iu m chl or id e i nj e ct ion", "underscore_trick": " of_these bacteria_did not increase. The_number of_Ps._aeruginosa declined_in_all three solutions._In 5% dextrose_and 0.9% sodium chloride_injection"} +{"text": " for medically inoperable patients with stage I and II endometrioid carcinoma with endometrium.\nFrom 1975 to 1992, 54 patients with clinical Stage I and II", "synonym_substitution": "for medically inoperable patients with stage I and II endometrioid carcinoma with endometrium. \n From 1975 to 1992, 54 patients with clinical Stage I and II", "butter_fingers": " fog medically inoperable pxtients with stcte I aid II ehdometriuid carcinoma with endometrinm.\nFrim 1975 ti 1992, 54 patients with clinkcal Stagv I and IU", "random_deletion": "for medically inoperable patients with stage I endometrioid with endometrium. 1975 to 1992, I II", "change_char_case": " for medically inoperable patIents with sTage I And iI eNdOmetRioiD carcinoma with ENdomEtrium.\nFrom 1975 to 1992, 54 patients wiTh cliNiCAl StAGe i and Ii", "whitespace_perturbation": " for medically inoperablepatients w ith s tag e I a nd I I en dometrioid car c inom a with endometrium.\nFr om 19 75 to 1 9 92 , 54patient s w i t h c li ni cal S t ag e I a ndII", "underscore_trick": " for_medically inoperable_patients with stage I_and II_endometrioid_carcinoma with_endometrium.\nFrom_1975 to 1992,_54 patients with_clinical Stage I and_II"} +{"text": " repeat testing. Subjective items and objective urodynamic parameters were compared among the 3 tests. Maximum urine flow on natural fill telemetric pressure flow study was not", "synonym_substitution": "repeat testing. Subjective items and objective urodynamic parameters were compare among the 3 examination. Maximum urine flow on natural filling telemetric pressure flow study was not", "butter_fingers": " reoeat testing. Subjective ltems and objectnce urovynamic parametdrs were compared among the 3 twsts. Naximum urine flow on vatural fpll telemwtrir pressure flow study was not", "random_deletion": "repeat testing. Subjective items and objective urodynamic compared the 3 Maximum urine flow flow was not", "change_char_case": " repeat testing. Subjective itEms and objeCtive UroDynAmIc paRameTers were comparED amoNg the 3 tests. Maximum urine Flow oN nATuraL FiLl telEmetric PReSSUre FlOw StuDy WAs Not", "whitespace_perturbation": " repeat testing. Subjectiv e items an d obj ect ive u rody nami c parameters w e re c ompared among the 3 te sts.Ma x imum ur ine f low onn at u r alfi ll te le m et ric p res sure fl ow study w asno t", "underscore_trick": " repeat_testing. Subjective_items and objective urodynamic_parameters were_compared_among the_3_tests. Maximum urine_flow on natural_fill telemetric pressure flow_study was not"} +{"text": "84.1 vs. 16.7%, p < 0.05). The rate of COX-2 overexpression (86.8 or 90.9%) in", "synonym_substitution": "84.1 vs. 16.7% , p < 0.05). The rate of COX-2 overexpression (86.8 or 90.9 %) in", "butter_fingers": "84.1 vs. 16.7%, p < 0.05). The rate of COX-2 ovtrexpression (86.8 or 90.9%) in", "random_deletion": "84.1 vs. 16.7%, p < 0.05). The COX-2 (86.8 or in", "change_char_case": "84.1 vs. 16.7%, p < 0.05). The rate of COX-2 overexpresSion (86.8 or 90.9%) in", "whitespace_perturbation": "84.1 vs. 16.7%, p < 0.05). The rateof CO X-2 ov er expr essi on (86.8 or 90 . 9%)in", "underscore_trick": "84.1 vs._16.7%, p_< 0.05). The rate_of COX-2_overexpression_(86.8 or_90.9%)_in"} +{"text": " GLT1, GLAST and EAAC1 glutamate transporter subtypes via different mechanisms. In the case of GLT1 and EAAC1, DHA appears", "synonym_substitution": "GLT1, GLAST and EAAC1 glutamate transporter subtypes via different mechanisms. In the case of GLT1 and EAAC1, DHA appear", "butter_fingers": " GLH1, GLAST and EAAC1 glutamaue transporter suyrypes tia difrerent mdchanisms. In the case of GLT1 abd EAQC1, DHA appears", "random_deletion": "GLT1, GLAST and EAAC1 glutamate transporter subtypes mechanisms. the case GLT1 and EAAC1,", "change_char_case": " GLT1, GLAST and EAAC1 glutamate tRansporter SubtyPes Via DiFferEnt mEchanisms. In the CAse oF GLT1 and EAAC1, DHA appears", "whitespace_perturbation": " GLT1, GLAST and EAAC1 glu tamate tra nspor ter su bt ypes via different mec h anis ms. In the case of GLT 1 and E A AC1, DH A app ears", "underscore_trick": " GLT1,_GLAST and_EAAC1 glutamate transporter subtypes_via different_mechanisms._In the_case_of GLT1 and_EAAC1, DHA appears"} +{"text": " pertinent journal article references, and review of poster presentations at recent professional meetings were also performed. Meta-analyses published in 1990 and 1998 were used as a starting point", "synonym_substitution": "pertinent journal article references, and review of bill poster presentation at recent professional meetings were also perform. Meta - analyses published in 1990 and 1998 were use as a start point", "butter_fingers": " pegtinent journal article veferences, and rgvuew of posted presengations at recent professionel mwetints were also performed. Meta-analjses publushev in 1990 and 1998 were naed as a starflng pmmnt", "random_deletion": "pertinent journal article references, and review of at professional meetings also performed. Meta-analyses were as a starting", "change_char_case": " pertinent journal article reFerences, anD reviEw oF poStEr prEsenTations at recenT ProfEssional meetings were alSo perFoRMed. METa-AnalySes publIShED In 1990 aNd 1998 WeRe uSeD As A starTinG point", "whitespace_perturbation": " pertinent journal article reference s, an d r evi ew ofpost er presentatio n s at recent professional m eetin gs were al so pe rformed . M e t a-a na ly ses p u bl ished in 1990 a nd 1998 we reus ed as a star t in g point", "underscore_trick": " pertinent_journal article_references, and review of_poster presentations_at_recent professional_meetings_were also performed._Meta-analyses published in_1990 and 1998 were_used as a_starting_point"} +{"text": "weight) was administered to rats via gastric intubation. Following the treatment, rats were killed periodically, and gastric tissues were processed for indirect immunofluorescence microscopy using an anti", "synonym_substitution": "weight) was administered to rats via gastric intubation. follow the discussion, rats were killed sporadically, and gastric tissues were action for indirect immunofluorescence microscopy use an anti", "butter_fingers": "weihht) was administered to vats via gastric intubavion. Fomlowing ghe treatment, rats were killxd pwrioducally, and gastric tisrues were processwd fie indirect immunofluoresdcnce kmcroscopy using an anti", "random_deletion": "weight) was administered to rats via gastric the rats were periodically, and gastric immunofluorescence using an anti", "change_char_case": "weight) was administered to raTs via gastrIc intUbaTioN. FOlloWing The treatment, raTS werE killed periodically, and GastrIc TIssuES wEre prOcessed FOr INDirEcT iMmuNoFLuOrescEncE microsCopy using aN anTi", "whitespace_perturbation": "weight) was administered t o rats via gast ric in tu bati on.Following thet reat ment, rats were killed peri od i call y ,and g astrict is s u eswe re pr oc e ss ed fo r i ndirect immunoflu ore sc ence microsc o py using anant i", "underscore_trick": "weight) was_administered to_rats via gastric intubation._Following the_treatment,_rats were_killed_periodically, and gastric_tissues were processed_for indirect immunofluorescence microscopy_using an anti"} +{"text": "ocytic syndrome].\nThe aim of this study was to investigate the role of F-18 fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography/comput", "synonym_substitution": "ocytic syndrome ]. \n The aim of this study was to investigate the role of F-18 fluoro-2 - deoxyglucose positron emission tomography / comput", "butter_fingers": "ocyhic syndrome].\nThe aim of tmis study was to investmgate tge role uf F-18 fluoro-2-deoxyglucose posivron emiswion tomography/comput", "random_deletion": "ocytic syndrome]. The aim of this study investigate role of fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission", "change_char_case": "ocytic syndrome].\nThe aim of thiS study was tO inveStiGatE tHe roLe of f-18 fluoro-2-deoxyglUCose Positron emission tomogrAphy/cOmPUt", "whitespace_perturbation": "ocytic syndrome].\nThe aimof this st udy w astoin vest igat e the role ofF -18fluoro-2-deoxyglucoseposit ro n emi s si on to mograph y /c o m put ", "underscore_trick": "ocytic syndrome].\nThe_aim of_this study was to_investigate the_role_of F-18_fluoro-2-deoxyglucose_positron emission tomography/comput"} +{"text": " obtained indicated that, although absent in autumn, metacercariae of Kalipharynx sp. were present most of the year in both species of Biom", "synonym_substitution": "obtained indicated that, although absent in autumn, metacercariae of Kalipharynx sp. were present most of the class in both coinage of Biom", "butter_fingers": " obhained indicated that, aluhough absent in cytumn, ketacedcariae uf Kalipharynx sp. were preseit mist od the year in both spezies of Bpom", "random_deletion": "obtained indicated that, although absent in autumn, Kalipharynx were present of the year", "change_char_case": " obtained indicated that, althOugh absent In autUmn, MetAcErcaRiae Of Kalipharynx sP. Were Present most of the year in Both sPeCIes oF biOm", "whitespace_perturbation": " obtained indicated that,although a bsent in au tu mn,meta cercariae of K a liph arynx sp. were present most o f the ye ar in both s p ec i e s o fBi om", "underscore_trick": " obtained_indicated that,_although absent in autumn,_metacercariae of_Kalipharynx_sp. were_present_most of the_year in both_species of Biom"} +{"text": ".67cm/sx10(-5) for burn and sham groups, respectively (P>0.05). P-glycoprotein and villin content", "synonym_substitution": ".67cm / sx10(-5) for burn and sham groups, respectively (P>0.05). P - glycoprotein and villin contentedness", "butter_fingers": ".67cm/sd10(-5) for burn and sham grouks, respectively (P>0.05). P-glyco'rotein and viluin content", "random_deletion": ".67cm/sx10(-5) for burn and sham groups, respectively and content", "change_char_case": ".67cm/sx10(-5) for burn and sham groups, rEspectivelY (P>0.05). P-glYcoProTeIn anD vilLin content", "whitespace_perturbation": ".67cm/sx10(-5) for burn an d sham gro ups,res pec ti vely (P> 0.05). P-glyco p rote in and villin content", "underscore_trick": ".67cm/sx10(-5) for_burn and_sham groups, respectively (P>0.05)._P-glycoprotein and_villin_content"} +{"text": " middle-aged and elderly Chinese adults, whereas its dose-response effect was attenuated in individuals aged \u2265 60 years and partially weakened in male participants. [Usefulness", "synonym_substitution": "middle - aged and elderly Chinese adults, whereas its dose - reception consequence was attenuated in individuals aged \u2265 60 long time and partially weakened in male participants. [ Usefulness", "butter_fingers": " mifdle-aged and elderly Chikese adults, whergaw its vose-reslonse efwect was attenuated in indivmduaos agtb \u2265 60 years and partiauly weakejed in mqle karticipants. [Usefnmness", "random_deletion": "middle-aged and elderly Chinese adults, whereas its was in individuals \u2265 60 years participants.", "change_char_case": " middle-aged and elderly ChineSe adults, whEreas Its DosE-rEspoNse eFfect was attenuATed iN individuals aged \u2265 60 years aNd parTiALly wEAkEned iN male paRTiCIPanTs. [usEfuLnESs", "whitespace_perturbation": " middle-aged and elderly C hinese adu lts,whe rea sitsdose -response effe c t wa s attenuated in indivi duals a g ed \u2265 60 year s and p a rt i a lly w ea ken ed in male pa rticipa nts. [Usef uln es s", "underscore_trick": " middle-aged_and elderly_Chinese adults, whereas its_dose-response effect_was_attenuated in_individuals_aged \u2265 60_years and partially_weakened in male participants._[Usefulness"} +{"text": " concise entry to unusual enantioenriched oxygenated heterocycles, which can be used for subsequent structural manipulations. Attention deficit and attention training in early twentieth", "synonym_substitution": "concise entry to unusual enantioenriched oxygenated heterocycles, which can be use for subsequent geomorphologic manipulations. Attention deficit and attention education in early twentieth", "butter_fingers": " cojcise entry to unusual ekantioenriched ortgenatxd hetedocycles, which can be used for subseeuwnt suguctural manipulationr. Attentiln deficut aid attention tramhing in early bwentnevh", "random_deletion": "concise entry to unusual enantioenriched oxygenated heterocycles, be for subsequent manipulations. Attention deficit twentieth", "change_char_case": " concise entry to unusual enanTioenricheD oxygEnaTed HeTeroCyclEs, which can be usED for Subsequent structural maNipulAtIOns. ATTeNtion Deficit ANd ATTenTiOn TraInINg In earLy tWentietH", "whitespace_perturbation": " concise entry to unusualenantioenr iched ox yge na tedhete rocycles, whic h can be used for subsequen t str uc t ural ma nipul ations. At t e nti on d efi ci t a nd at ten tion tr aining inear ly twentieth", "underscore_trick": " concise_entry to_unusual enantioenriched oxygenated heterocycles,_which can_be_used for_subsequent_structural manipulations. Attention_deficit and attention_training in early twentieth"} +{"text": " and more. The expressions of PGC-1 became significant after 4 weeks (P < 0.01), while that of NRF-1 and mtT", "synonym_substitution": "and more. The expressions of PGC-1 became significant after 4 weeks (phosphorus < 0.01), while that of NRF-1 and mtT", "butter_fingers": " anf more. The expressions on PGC-1 became siguuficanv after 4 weeks (O < 0.01), while that of NRF-1 and mtV", "random_deletion": "and more. The expressions of PGC-1 became 4 (P < while that of", "change_char_case": " and more. The expressions of PGc-1 became sigNificAnt AftEr 4 WeekS (P < 0.01), whIle that of NRF-1 anD MtT", "whitespace_perturbation": " and more. The expressions of PGC-1becam e s ign if ican t af ter 4 weeks (P < 0. 01), while that of NRF -1 an dm tT", "underscore_trick": " and_more. The_expressions of PGC-1 became_significant after_4_weeks (P_<_0.01), while that_of NRF-1 and_mtT"} +{"text": "06-30.51 MJ kg-1 and 19.77-20.93 MJ kg-1 respectively. Regarding their chemical composition: water ranged", "synonym_substitution": "06 - 30.51 MJ kg-1 and 19.77 - 20.93 MJ kg-1 respectively. Regarding their chemical composition: water ranged", "butter_fingers": "06-30.51 MJ kg-1 and 19.77-20.93 MJ kg-1 respectivtly. Regarding thene chemmcal cojpositiov: water ranged", "random_deletion": "06-30.51 MJ kg-1 and 19.77-20.93 MJ kg-1 their composition: water", "change_char_case": "06-30.51 MJ kg-1 and 19.77-20.93 MJ kg-1 respectively. ReGarding theIr cheMicAl cOmPosiTion: Water ranged", "whitespace_perturbation": "06-30.51 MJ kg-1 and 19.77 -20.93 MJkg-1res pec ti vely . Re garding theirc hemi cal composition: water rang ed ", "underscore_trick": "06-30.51 MJ_kg-1 and_19.77-20.93 MJ kg-1 respectively._Regarding their_chemical_composition: water_ranged"} +{"text": " in lipid biosynthesis which, at least in the case of fatty acid synthetase, are due to changes in enzyme protein content. In search of discrete symmetry violations", "synonym_substitution": "in lipid biosynthesis which, at least in the case of fatty acid synthetase, are due to changes in enzyme protein content. In search of discrete isotropy trespass", "butter_fingers": " in lipid biosynthesis whicm, at least in thg xase oh fatty acid syvthetase, are due to changes mn ebzyme protein content. In sexrch of dpscrete stmmeury violations", "random_deletion": "in lipid biosynthesis which, at least in of acid synthetase, due to changes search discrete symmetry violations", "change_char_case": " in lipid biosynthesis which, aT least in thE case Of fAttY aCid sYnthEtase, are due to cHAngeS in enzyme protein contenT. In seArCH of dIScRete sYmmetry VIoLATioNs", "whitespace_perturbation": " in lipid biosynthesis whi ch, at lea st in th e c as e of fat ty acid synthe t ase, are due to changes in enzy me prot e in cont ent. In se a r chof d isc re t esymme try violat ions", "underscore_trick": " in_lipid biosynthesis_which, at least in_the case_of_fatty acid_synthetase,_are due to_changes in enzyme_protein content. In search_of discrete symmetry_violations"} +{"text": " and implementation, patient safety, residency training, and research. Glucocorticoids interact with the basolateral amygdala beta-adrenoceptor--cAMP/c", "synonym_substitution": "and implementation, patient safety, residency training, and research. glucocorticoid interact with the basolateral amygdala beta - adrenoceptor -- clique / coulomb", "butter_fingers": " anf implementation, patient safety, residenet traiiing, ans researzh. Glucocorticoids interact xith the vasolateral amygdala bdta-adrenobeptor--cAMP/c", "random_deletion": "and implementation, patient safety, residency training, and interact the basolateral beta-adrenoceptor--cAMP/c", "change_char_case": " and implementation, patient sAfety, residEncy tRaiNinG, aNd reSearCh. GlucocorticoIDs inTeract with the basolaterAl amyGdALa beTA-aDrenoCeptor--camP/C", "whitespace_perturbation": " and implementation, patie nt safety, resi den cytr aini ng,and research.G luco corticoids interact wi th th eb asol a te ral a mygdala be t a -ad re no cep to r -- cAMP/ c", "underscore_trick": " and_implementation, patient_safety, residency training, and_research. Glucocorticoids_interact_with the_basolateral_amygdala beta-adrenoceptor--cAMP/c"} +{"text": " contribution were decrease, instead, other sources, such as the on-road mobile source, were relatively increased compared with those in winter. These seasonal variations were due", "synonym_substitution": "contribution were decrease, instead, other sources, such as the on - road mobile generator, were relatively increase compared with those in winter. These seasonal variations were due", "butter_fingers": " cojtribution were decrease, instead, other sources, such zs the ov-road mobile source, were reletivwly ibcreased compared with those in winter. Rhest seasonal variatmkns werc due", "random_deletion": "contribution were decrease, instead, other sources, such on-road source, were increased compared with variations due", "change_char_case": " contribution were decrease, iNstead, otheR sourCes, SucH aS the On-roAd mobile source, WEre rElatively increased compAred wItH ThosE In WinteR. These sEAsONAl vArIaTioNs WErE due", "whitespace_perturbation": " contribution were decreas e, instead , oth ersou rc es,such as the on-roa d mob ile source, were relat ively i n crea s ed comp ared wi t ht h ose i nwin te r .These se asonalvariations we re due", "underscore_trick": " contribution_were decrease,_instead, other sources, such_as the_on-road_mobile source,_were_relatively increased compared_with those in_winter. These seasonal variations_were due"} +{"text": "labelled substrate is immunoprecipitated with an antibody that has been raised against human lipocortin/annexin of type I. It is suggested that internalized", "synonym_substitution": "labelled substrate is immunoprecipitated with an antibody that has been raised against human lipocortin / annexin of type I. It is suggested that internalize", "butter_fingers": "labflled substrate is immunuprecipitated wnrh an entibodg that hxs been raised against human lupocoetin/annexin of type I. Kt is sughested tyat mnternalized", "random_deletion": "labelled substrate is immunoprecipitated with an antibody been against human of type I.", "change_char_case": "labelled substrate is immunoPrecipitatEd witH an AntIbOdy tHat hAs been raised agAInst Human lipocortin/annexin Of typE I. iT is sUGgEsted That intERnALIzeD", "whitespace_perturbation": "labelled substrate is immu noprecipit atedwit h a nanti body that has been rais ed against human lipoc ortin /a n nexi n o f typ e I. It is s ugg es te d t ha t i ntern ali zed", "underscore_trick": "labelled substrate_is immunoprecipitated_with an antibody that_has been_raised_against human_lipocortin/annexin_of type I._It is suggested_that internalized"} +{"text": "ibe selectively inhibits the uptake of cholesterol from the intestinal lumen at the level of the enterocyte in the intestinal brush border while having no effect on other sterols or", "synonym_substitution": "ibe selectively inhibits the uptake of cholesterol from the intestinal lumen at the level of the enterocyte in the intestinal brush border while take no consequence on other sterols or", "butter_fingers": "ibe selectively inhibits tht uptake of cholesterol hrom ths intestknal lumen at the level of tie ebteroxyte in the intestinal brush bogder whilw hating no effect oi other sterola or", "random_deletion": "ibe selectively inhibits the uptake of cholesterol intestinal at the of the enterocyte while no effect on sterols or", "change_char_case": "ibe selectively inhibits the Uptake of chOlestEroL frOm The iNtesTinal lumen at thE LeveL of the enterocyte in the iNtestInAL bruSH bOrder While haVInG NO efFeCt On oThER sTerolS or", "whitespace_perturbation": "ibe selectively inhibits t he uptakeof ch ole ste ro l fr om t he intestinall umen at the level of the e ntero cy t e in th e int estinal br u s h b or de r w hi l ehavin g n o effec t on other st er ols or", "underscore_trick": "ibe selectively_inhibits the_uptake of cholesterol from_the intestinal_lumen_at the_level_of the enterocyte_in the intestinal_brush border while having_no effect on_other_sterols or"} +{"text": "\u03bcM NaAsO2. Meanwhile, the caspase-3 activity significantly increased in protoscoleces after 24h of NaAsO2 incubation compared to the", "synonym_substitution": "\u03bcM NaAsO2. Meanwhile, the caspase-3 activity significantly increased in protoscoleces after 24h of NaAsO2 incubation compare to the", "butter_fingers": "\u03bcM NwAsO2. Meanwhile, the caspare-3 activity siguuficanvly incdeased iv protoscoleces after 24h of NeAsO2 incuvation compared to the", "random_deletion": "\u03bcM NaAsO2. Meanwhile, the caspase-3 activity significantly protoscoleces 24h of incubation compared to", "change_char_case": "\u03bcM NaAsO2. Meanwhile, the caspasE-3 activity sIgnifIcaNtlY iNcreAsed In protoscoleceS AfteR 24h of NaAsO2 incubation comPared To THe", "whitespace_perturbation": "\u03bcM NaAsO2. Meanwhile, thecaspase-3activ ity si gn ific antl y increased in prot oscoleces after 24h of NaAs O2 incu b at ion c ompared to t he", "underscore_trick": "\u03bcM NaAsO2._Meanwhile, the_caspase-3 activity significantly increased_in protoscoleces_after_24h of_NaAsO2_incubation compared to_the"} +{"text": " 12 h:12 h light-dark cycle. rbPer2. rbCry1. rbBmal1, and rbClock were expressed with a significant", "synonym_substitution": "12 h:12 h light - dark cycle. rbPer2. rbCry1. rbBmal1, and rbClock were carry with a meaning", "butter_fingers": " 12 h:12 h light-dark cycle. rbPer2. rbCry1. rbBmal1, aue rbClmck wede exprersed with a significant", "random_deletion": "12 h:12 h light-dark cycle. rbPer2. rbCry1. rbClock expressed with significant", "change_char_case": " 12 h:12 h light-dark cycle. rbPer2. rbCrY1. rbBmal1, and RbCloCk wEre ExPresSed wIth a significanT", "whitespace_perturbation": " 12 h:12 h light-dark cycl e. rbPer2. rbCr y1. rb Bm al1, and rbClock weree xpre ssed with a significan t", "underscore_trick": " 12_h:12 h_light-dark cycle. rbPer2. rbCry1._rbBmal1, and_rbClock_were expressed_with_a significant"} +{"text": " administered to 85.2% of patients in first line, 45.7% in second line and 18.1% in third or later lines. At final", "synonym_substitution": "administered to 85.2% of patients in first line, 45.7% in second course and 18.1% in third or belated lines. At final", "butter_fingers": " adlinistered to 85.2% of patienus in first line, 45.7% in secmnd lihe and 18.1% kn third or later lines. At fmnal", "random_deletion": "administered to 85.2% of patients in first in line and in third or", "change_char_case": " administered to 85.2% of patients iN first line, 45.7% In secOnd LinE aNd 18.1% in ThirD or later lines. AT FinaL", "whitespace_perturbation": " administered to 85.2% ofpatients i n fir stlin e, 45. 7% i n second linea nd 1 8.1% in third or later line s. At f i na l", "underscore_trick": " administered_to 85.2%_of patients in first_line, 45.7%_in_second line_and_18.1% in third_or later lines._At final"} +{"text": " The concentration levels (mg/kg) of Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn varied from 0.02 to 0.36, 9.3 to", "synonym_substitution": "The concentration levels (mg / kg) of Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn varied from 0.02 to 0.36, 9.3 to", "butter_fingers": " Thf concentration levels (mn/kg) of Cd, Cu, Pb, Uu and Vn varisd from 0.02 to 0.36, 9.3 to", "random_deletion": "The concentration levels (mg/kg) of Cd, Cu, and varied from to 0.36, 9.3", "change_char_case": " The concentration levels (mg/kG) of Cd, Cu, Pb, NI and ZN vaRieD fRom 0.02 tO 0.36, 9.3 to", "whitespace_perturbation": " The concentration levels(mg/kg) of Cd,Cu, Pb ,Ni a nd Z n varied from0 .02to 0.36, 9.3 to", "underscore_trick": " The_concentration levels_(mg/kg) of Cd, Cu,_Pb, Ni_and_Zn varied_from_0.02 to 0.36,_9.3 to"} +{"text": ", namely 1D (1)H and (13)C NMR and 2D (1)H-(1)H NOESY NMR spectroscopy. These", "synonym_substitution": ", namely 1D (1)H and (13)C NMR and 2D (1)H-(1)H NOESY NMR spectroscopy. These", "butter_fingers": ", nalely 1D (1)H and (13)C NMR and 2D (1)H-(1)H NOESY NMR skextroscmpy. Thsse", "random_deletion": ", namely 1D (1)H and (13)C NMR (1)H-(1)H NMR spectroscopy.", "change_char_case": ", namely 1D (1)H and (13)C NMR and 2D (1)H-(1)H NOESy NMR spectrOscopY. ThEse", "whitespace_perturbation": ", namely 1D (1)H and (13)C NMR and 2 D (1) H-( 1)H N OESY NMR spectroscopy. Thes e", "underscore_trick": ", namely_1D (1)H_and (13)C NMR and_2D (1)H-(1)H_NOESY_NMR spectroscopy._These"} +{"text": " of a forced expiration. The shape of the exhaled aerosol recovery curve was also found to be related to the degree of airway obstruction; 3 basic types are described", "synonym_substitution": "of a forced expiration. The shape of the exhaled aerosol recovery curvature was besides found to be related to the academic degree of airway obstacle; 3 basic types are described", "butter_fingers": " of a forced expiration. The shape of the eryaled eerosol recoverh curve was also found to be rwlatee to the degree of airday obstrlction; 3 bqsic rypes are vsscribed", "random_deletion": "of a forced expiration. The shape of aerosol curve was found to be airway 3 basic types described", "change_char_case": " of a forced expiration. The shaPe of the exhAled aEroSol ReCoveRy cuRve was also founD To be Related to the degree of aiRway oBsTRuctIOn; 3 Basic Types arE DeSCRibEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " of a forced expiration. T he shape o f the ex hal ed aer osol recovery curv e was also found to be rela ted t ot he d e gr ee of airway ob s t ruc ti on ; 3 b a si c typ esare des cribed", "underscore_trick": " of_a forced_expiration. The shape of_the exhaled_aerosol_recovery curve_was_also found to_be related to_the degree of airway_obstruction; 3 basic_types_are described"} +{"text": " regarding the future conduct of QES. We propose two ways of combining the best of both: the production of umbrella reviews of context-specific syntheses and/", "synonym_substitution": "regarding the future conduct of QES. We propose two ways of compound the dear of both: the production of umbrella reviews of context - specific syntheses and/", "butter_fingers": " reharding the future condugt of QES. We prokowe two ways kf combiving the best of both: the prldyctiob of umbrella reviews uf contexn-specific synuheses and/", "random_deletion": "regarding the future conduct of QES. We ways combining the of both: the context-specific and/", "change_char_case": " regarding the future conduct Of QES. We proPose tWo wAys Of CombIninG the best of both: THe prOduction of umbrella reviEws of CoNText-SPeCific SynthesES aND/", "whitespace_perturbation": " regarding the future cond uct of QES . Wepro pos etwoways of combiningt he b est of both: the produ ction o f umb r el la re views o f c o n tex t- sp eci fi c s ynthe ses and/", "underscore_trick": " regarding_the future_conduct of QES. We_propose two_ways_of combining_the_best of both:_the production of_umbrella reviews of context-specific_syntheses and/"} +{"text": " indicating a direct interaction with the enzyme. The purified enzyme shows a sevenfold greater affinity for AMP than the membrane-bound enzyme. The optimum activity of the purified", "synonym_substitution": "indicating a direct interaction with the enzyme. The purified enzyme shows a sevenfold great affinity for AMP than the membrane - tie enzyme. The optimum activity of the purified", "butter_fingers": " inficating a direct interagtion with the euzyme. Tie puriried enzhme shows a sevenfold greatec afdinitt for AMP than the memcrane-bounf enzyme. The iptimum acvjvity on the iurifnev", "random_deletion": "indicating a direct interaction with the enzyme. enzyme a sevenfold affinity for AMP optimum of the purified", "change_char_case": " indicating a direct interactIon with the EnzymE. ThE puRiFied EnzyMe shows a sevenfOLd grEater affinity for AMP thaN the mEmBRane-BOuNd enzYme. The oPTiMUM acTiViTy oF tHE pUrifiEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " indicating a direct inter action wit h the en zym e. The pur ified enzyme s h owsa sevenfold greater af finit yf or A M Pthanthe mem b ra n e -bo un denz ym e .The o pti mum act ivity of t hepu rified", "underscore_trick": " indicating_a direct_interaction with the enzyme._The purified_enzyme_shows a_sevenfold_greater affinity for_AMP than the_membrane-bound enzyme. The optimum_activity of the_purified"} +{"text": " alleles at specific chromosomal loci are involved in tumorigenesis has been recently shown by work on tissues from patients with retinoblastoma, a neoplasm of embryonic retina whose predisposition", "synonym_substitution": "alleles at specific chromosomal loci are involved in tumorigenesis has been recently shown by workplace on tissue from patients with retinoblastoma, a neoplasm of embryonic retina whose predisposition", "butter_fingers": " alpeles at specific chromoromal loci are nbvolvev in tujorigeneris has been recently shown uy wirk ob tissues from patientr with reninoblastima, e neoplasm of emudyonic vztina ahosz 'redisposition", "random_deletion": "alleles at specific chromosomal loci are involved has recently shown work on tissues neoplasm embryonic retina whose", "change_char_case": " alleles at specific chromosoMal loci are InvolVed In tUmOrigEnesIs has been recenTLy shOwn by work on tissues from PatieNtS With REtInoblAstoma, a NEoPLAsm Of EmBryOnIC rEtina WhoSe prediSposition", "whitespace_perturbation": " alleles at specific chrom osomal loc i are in vol ve d in tum origenesis has been recently shown by wor k onti s sues fr om pa tientsw it h ret in ob las to m a, a ne opl asm ofembryonicret in a whose pred i sp osition", "underscore_trick": " alleles_at specific_chromosomal loci are involved_in tumorigenesis_has_been recently_shown_by work on_tissues from patients_with retinoblastoma, a neoplasm_of embryonic retina_whose_predisposition"} +{"text": "+, La3+, Cd2+, Co2+, Tb3+, Mn2+, and Zn2+ on the release of norepinephrine (NE) from", "synonym_substitution": "+, La3 +, Cd2 +, Co2 +, Tb3 +, Mn2 +, and Zn2 + on the release of norepinephrine (NE) from", "butter_fingers": "+, La3+, Cd2+, Co2+, Tb3+, Mn2+, and Zn2+ on tme release of notepinephcine (NE) from", "random_deletion": "+, La3+, Cd2+, Co2+, Tb3+, Mn2+, and the of norepinephrine from", "change_char_case": "+, La3+, Cd2+, Co2+, Tb3+, Mn2+, and Zn2+ on the releaSe of norepiNephrIne (nE) fRoM", "whitespace_perturbation": "+, La3+, Cd2+, Co2+, Tb3+, Mn2+, and Zn2+ on th erele aseof norepinephr i ne ( NE) from", "underscore_trick": "+, La3+,_Cd2+, Co2+,_Tb3+, Mn2+, and Zn2+_on the_release_of norepinephrine_(NE)_from"} +{"text": " scale of both halluces were compared and analyzed. 12 patients were included in the study, with the average age of 50 and the average duration of the symptoms", "synonym_substitution": "scale of both halluces were compared and analyzed. 12 patient were include in the study, with the average age of 50 and the median duration of the symptoms", "butter_fingers": " scwle of both halluces wert compared and ancoyzed. 12 patiehts were included in the study, with vhe qverate age of 50 and the avefage duranion of tye sbmptoms", "random_deletion": "scale of both halluces were compared and patients included in study, with the the duration of the", "change_char_case": " scale of both halluces were coMpared and aNalyzEd. 12 pAtiEnTs weRe inCluded in the stuDY, witH the average age of 50 and the AveraGe DUratIOn Of the SymptomS", "whitespace_perturbation": " scale of both halluces we re compare d and an aly ze d. 1 2 pa tients were in c lude d in the study, with t he av er a ge a g eof 50 and th e a v e rag edu rat io n o f the sy mptoms", "underscore_trick": " scale_of both_halluces were compared and_analyzed. 12_patients_were included_in_the study, with_the average age_of 50 and the_average duration of_the_symptoms"} +{"text": " calculation of exposure rates from arbitrary mixtures of nuclides in arbitrary equilibrium states. Modulation of MLC-2v gene expression by AP-1: complex", "synonym_substitution": "calculation of exposure rates from arbitrary mixtures of nuclides in arbitrary equilibrium state. transition of MLC-2v gene expression by AP-1: complex", "butter_fingers": " capculation of exposure raues from arbitrari nixturxs of nhclides kn arbitrary equilibrium staves. Nodulqtion of MLC-2v gene expfession bj AP-1: compoex", "random_deletion": "calculation of exposure rates from arbitrary mixtures in equilibrium states. of MLC-2v gene", "change_char_case": " calculation of exposure rateS from arbitRary mIxtUreS oF nucLideS in arbitrary eqUIlibRium states. Modulation of mLC-2v gEnE ExprESsIon by aP-1: complEX", "whitespace_perturbation": " calculation of exposure r ates fromarbit rar y m ix ture s of nuclides in a r bitr ary equilibrium states . Mod ul a tion of MLC- 2v gene ex p r ess io nbyAP - 1: comp lex ", "underscore_trick": " calculation_of exposure_rates from arbitrary mixtures_of nuclides_in_arbitrary equilibrium_states._Modulation of MLC-2v_gene expression by_AP-1: complex"} +{"text": " a higher rate than those who are not from an underrepresented group. A point system was created incorporating clinical grades, extracurricular activities, research, letters of", "synonym_substitution": "a higher rate than those who are not from an underrepresented group. A point system was create incorporate clinical grades, extracurricular activities, inquiry, letters of", "butter_fingers": " a jigher rate than those wmo are not from cb undecrepressnted gruup. A point system was creatxd ibcorpirating clinical grader, extracugricular qctitities, research, letters of", "random_deletion": "a higher rate than those who are an group. A system was created research, of", "change_char_case": " a higher rate than those who arE not from an UnderRepResEnTed gRoup. a point system waS CreaTed incorporating clinicAl graDeS, ExtrACuRricuLar actiVItIES, reSeArCh, lEtTErS of", "whitespace_perturbation": " a higher rate than thosewho are no t fro m a n u nd erre pres ented group. A poin t system was created i ncorp or a ting cl inica l grade s ,e x tra cu rr icu la r a ctivi tie s, rese arch, lett ers o f", "underscore_trick": " a_higher rate_than those who are_not from_an_underrepresented group._A_point system was_created incorporating clinical_grades, extracurricular activities, research,_letters of"} +{"text": " to accelerate wound healing, we employed the toll-like receptor agonist macrophage-activating lipopeptide-2 (MALP-2) to improve the", "synonym_substitution": "to accelerate wound healing, we employed the toll - like receptor protagonist macrophage - activate lipopeptide-2 (MALP-2) to improve the", "butter_fingers": " to accelerate wound healinn, we employed thg roll-line recsptor agunist macrophage-activating lmpopwptidt-2 (MALP-2) to improve tfe", "random_deletion": "to accelerate wound healing, we employed the agonist lipopeptide-2 (MALP-2) improve the", "change_char_case": " to accelerate wound healing, wE employed tHe tolL-liKe rEcEptoR agoNist macrophage-ACtivAting lipopeptide-2 (MALP-2) to ImproVe THe", "whitespace_perturbation": " to accelerate wound heali ng, we emp loyed th e t ol l-li ke r eceptor agonis t mac rophage-activating lip opept id e -2 ( M AL P-2)to impr o ve t he", "underscore_trick": " to_accelerate wound_healing, we employed the_toll-like receptor_agonist_macrophage-activating lipopeptide-2_(MALP-2)_to improve the"} +{"text": " the efforts of women to combine career and motherhood, the high mobility of today's society, inadequate distribution of health care services related to financial and geographic barriers and", "synonym_substitution": "the efforts of women to combine career and motherhood, the high mobility of today's club, inadequate distribution of health caution services related to financial and geographic barrier and", "butter_fingers": " thf efforts of women to coobine career anb mothechood, tge high oobility of today's society, iiadewuate distribution of healtf care segvices reoatev to financial ais geographic gwrrizrw and", "random_deletion": "the efforts of women to combine career the mobility of society, inadequate distribution to and geographic barriers", "change_char_case": " the efforts of women to combinE career and MotheRhoOd, tHe High MobiLity of today's soCIety, Inadequate distribution Of heaLtH Care SErVices Related TO fINAncIaL aNd gEoGRaPhic bArrIers and", "whitespace_perturbation": " the efforts of women to c ombine car eer a ndmot he rhoo d, t he high mobili t y of today's society, inad equat ed istr i bu tionof heal t hc a rese rv ice sr el atedtofinanci al and geo gra ph ic barriersa nd ", "underscore_trick": " the_efforts of_women to combine career_and motherhood,_the_high mobility_of_today's society, inadequate_distribution of health_care services related to_financial and geographic_barriers_and"} +{"text": "), and (iii) Group 3 with alanine at position 195 (Ala-195) and Ile-257 (three isolates of serotype 1a). Is", "synonym_substitution": "), and (iii) Group 3 with alanine at position 195 (Ala-195) and Ile-257 (three isolates of serotype 1a). Is", "butter_fingers": "), anf (iii) Group 3 with alanint at position 195 (Alc-195) and Ine-257 (thrse isolages of serotype 1a). Is", "random_deletion": "), and (iii) Group 3 with alanine 195 and Ile-257 isolates of serotype", "change_char_case": "), and (iii) Group 3 with alanine at pOsition 195 (Ala-195) And IlE-257 (thRee IsOlatEs of Serotype 1a). Is", "whitespace_perturbation": "), and (iii) Group 3 withalanine at posi tio n 1 95 (Al a-19 5) and Ile-257 (thr ee isolates of serotyp e 1a) .I s", "underscore_trick": "), and_(iii) Group_3 with alanine at_position 195_(Ala-195)_and Ile-257_(three_isolates of serotype_1a). Is"} +{"text": " sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, aluminum, iron, titanium, mercury, strontium, lead, barium, and silver. Of the 27 supplements", "synonym_substitution": "sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, aluminum, iron, titanium, mercury, strontium, lead, barium, and silver. Of the 27 supplements", "butter_fingers": " sofium, magnesium, calcium, putassium, aluminom, iron, vitaniuj, mercurh, strontium, lead, barium, and diover. If the 27 supplements", "random_deletion": "sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, aluminum, iron, titanium, lead, and silver. the 27 supplements", "change_char_case": " sodium, magnesium, calcium, potAssium, alumInum, iRon, TitAnIum, mErcuRy, strontium, leaD, BariUm, and silver. Of the 27 suppleMents", "whitespace_perturbation": " sodium, magnesium, calciu m, potassi um, a lum inu m, iro n, t itanium, mercu r y, s trontium, lead, barium , and s i lver . O f the 27 sup p le m e nts ", "underscore_trick": " sodium,_magnesium, calcium,_potassium, aluminum, iron, titanium,_mercury, strontium,_lead,_barium, and_silver._Of the 27_supplements"} +{"text": " avoids hypertension, the increase in plasma angiotensin II but increases angiotensin 1-7 and angiotensin II-induced perfusion pressure in isolated kidney in SHR.\nWe investigated", "synonym_substitution": "avoids hypertension, the increase in plasma angiotensin II but increases angiotensin 1 - 7 and angiotensin II - induce perfusion atmospheric pressure in isolated kidney in SHR. \n We investigated", "butter_fingers": " avlids hypertension, the ingrease in plasma angiotxnsin IJ but inzreases angiotensin 1-7 and angmotebsin UI-induced perfusion prdssure in isolatee kivney in SHR.\nWe intsstigatcb", "random_deletion": "avoids hypertension, the increase in plasma angiotensin increases 1-7 and II-induced perfusion pressure We", "change_char_case": " avoids hypertension, the incrEase in plasMa angIotEnsIn iI buT incReases angiotenSIn 1-7 anD angiotensin II-induced pErfusIoN PresSUrE in isOlated kIDnEY In ShR.\nwe InvEsTIgAted", "whitespace_perturbation": " avoids hypertension, theincrease i n pla sma an gi oten sinII but increas e s an giotensin 1-7 and angi otens in II-i n du ced p erfusio n p r e ssu re i n i so l at ed ki dne y in SH R.\nWe inve sti ga ted", "underscore_trick": " avoids_hypertension, the_increase in plasma angiotensin_II but_increases_angiotensin 1-7_and_angiotensin II-induced perfusion_pressure in isolated_kidney in SHR.\nWe investigated"} +{"text": " cases the deviation lay within +/-10 years. In one case of known drug abuse combined with diabetic metabolism, two factors which promote the advance of root translucency", "synonym_substitution": "cases the deviation lay within + /-10 years. In one subject of know drug abuse combined with diabetic metabolism, two component which promote the advance of etymon translucence", "butter_fingers": " cades the deviation lay wiuhin +/-10 years. In ong xase oh known drug abjse combined with diabetic mxtabilism, two factors which prooote the wdvance if riit translursncy", "random_deletion": "cases the deviation lay within +/-10 years. case known drug combined with diabetic the of root translucency", "change_char_case": " cases the deviation lay withiN +/-10 years. In onE case Of kNowN dRug aBuse Combined with diABetiC metabolism, two factors wHich pRoMOte tHE aDvancE of root TRaNSLucEnCy", "whitespace_perturbation": " cases the deviation lay w ithin +/-1 0 yea rs. In o ne c aseof known druga buse combined with diabeti c met ab o lism , t wo fa ctors w h ic h pro mo te th ea dv anceofroot tr anslucency ", "underscore_trick": " cases_the deviation_lay within +/-10 years._In one_case_of known_drug_abuse combined with_diabetic metabolism, two_factors which promote the_advance of root_translucency"} +{"text": " to overall gains from the course. At both the start and end of the course, higher Perceived Manageability scores correlated with greater self-efficacy and higher", "synonym_substitution": "to overall gains from the course. At both the start and end of the path, eminent Perceived Manageability scores correlated with greater self - efficacy and high", "butter_fingers": " to overall gains from the gourse. At both tkw starv and ehd of thd course, higher Perceived Maiageqbiliuj scores correlated wkth greatvr self-efdicary and higher", "random_deletion": "to overall gains from the course. At start end of course, higher Perceived self-efficacy higher", "change_char_case": " to overall gains from the courSe. At both thE starT anD enD oF the CourSe, higher PerceiVEd MaNageability scores correLated WiTH greATeR self-EfficacY AnD HIghEr", "whitespace_perturbation": " to overall gains from the course. A t bot h t hest artandend of the cou r se,higher Perceived Manag eabil it y sco r es corr elatedw it h gre at er se lf - ef ficac y a nd high er", "underscore_trick": " to_overall gains_from the course. At_both the_start_and end_of_the course, higher_Perceived Manageability scores_correlated with greater self-efficacy_and higher"} +{"text": " edema in the treatment of solar lentigines by IPLs. Treatment efficacy is preserved. The enhanced safety of PSF enables the increase of energy density and", "synonym_substitution": "edema in the treatment of solar lentigines by IPLs. Treatment efficacy is preserved. The enhanced condom of PSF enable the increase of energy concentration and", "butter_fingers": " edfma in the treatment of rolar lentigines by IPNs. Treztment ewficacy is preserved. The enhencee saftny of PSF enables the increase of enerty dtnsity and", "random_deletion": "edema in the treatment of solar lentigines Treatment is preserved. enhanced safety of energy and", "change_char_case": " edema in the treatment of solaR lentigineS by IPls. TReaTmEnt eFficAcy is preserved. tHe enHanced safety of PSF enablEs the InCReasE Of EnergY densitY AnD", "whitespace_perturbation": " edema in the treatment of solar len tigin esbyIP Ls.Trea tment efficacy is p reserved. The enhanced safe ty of P S Fenabl es thei nc r e ase o fene rg y d ensit y a nd", "underscore_trick": " edema_in the_treatment of solar lentigines_by IPLs._Treatment_efficacy is_preserved._The enhanced safety_of PSF enables_the increase of energy_density and"} +{"text": ", tricuspid stenosis in 2 cases, heart block (HB) in 13 cases (2 in ASD and 11 in VSD), cardiac tamponade in", "synonym_substitution": ", tricuspid stenosis in 2 cases, heart block (HB) in 13 cases (2 in ASD and 11 in VSD), cardiac tamponade in", "butter_fingers": ", trlcuspid stenosis in 2 casts, heart block (HB) in 13 caves (2 ih ASD ana 11 in VSD), cardiac tamponade mn", "random_deletion": ", tricuspid stenosis in 2 cases, heart in cases (2 ASD and 11", "change_char_case": ", tricuspid stenosis in 2 cases, hEart block (Hb) in 13 caSes (2 In AsD And 11 iN VSD), Cardiac tamponaDE in", "whitespace_perturbation": ", tricuspid stenosis in 2cases, hea rt bl ock (H B) in13 c ases (2 in ASD and11 in VSD), cardiac ta mpona de in", "underscore_trick": ", tricuspid_stenosis in_2 cases, heart block_(HB) in_13_cases (2_in_ASD and 11_in VSD), cardiac_tamponade in"} +{"text": ". In batch tests, the autotrophic SRB reduced 95% of 1500 mg L(-1) sulphate in <50h at 15 \u00b0C when the", "synonym_substitution": ". In batch tests, the autotrophic SRB reduced 95% of 1500 mg L(-1) sulphate in < 50h at 15 \u00b0 C when the", "butter_fingers": ". In batch tests, the autotrokhic SRB reduced 95% of 1500 mg L(-1) sullhate in <50h at 15 \u00b0C when the", "random_deletion": ". In batch tests, the autotrophic SRB of mg L(-1) in <50h at", "change_char_case": ". In batch tests, the autotrophiC SRB reduceD 95% of 1500 mg l(-1) suLphAtE in <50h At 15 \u00b0C wHen the", "whitespace_perturbation": ". In batch tests, the auto trophic SR B red uce d 9 5% of1500 mg L(-1) sulp h atein <50h at 15 \u00b0C whenthe", "underscore_trick": ". In_batch tests,_the autotrophic SRB reduced_95% of_1500_mg L(-1)_sulphate_in <50h at_15 \u00b0C when_the"} +{"text": " of the Interaction between Amino Acids and Aromatic Surfaces Using Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes.\nProteins have nonspecific adsorption capacities for", "synonym_substitution": "of the Interaction between Amino Acids and Aromatic Surfaces Using Single - Wall Carbon Nanotubes. \n Proteins have nonspecific adsorption capacities for", "butter_fingers": " of the Interaction between Amino Acids anb Aromavic Surraces Uskng Single-Wall Carbon Nanotuues.\nPeoteibs have nonspecific adrorption bapacitiew foc", "random_deletion": "of the Interaction between Amino Acids and Using Carbon Nanotubes. have nonspecific adsorption", "change_char_case": " of the Interaction between AmIno Acids anD AromAtiC SuRfAces usinG Single-Wall CarBOn NaNotubes.\nProteins have nonSpeciFiC AdsoRPtIon caPacitieS FoR", "whitespace_perturbation": " of the Interaction betwee n Amino Ac ids a ndAro ma ticSurf aces Using Sin g le-W all Carbon Nanotubes.Prote in s hav e n onspe cific a d so r p tio nca pac it i es for", "underscore_trick": " of_the Interaction_between Amino Acids and_Aromatic Surfaces_Using_Single-Wall Carbon_Nanotubes.\nProteins_have nonspecific adsorption_capacities for"} +{"text": "% (335/374) to 92.8% (347/374) (P < 0.001). PRIAS using multiparametric MRI can", "synonym_substitution": "% (335/374) to 92.8% (347/374) (P < 0.001). PRIAS using multiparametric MRI can", "butter_fingers": "% (335/374) tl 92.8% (347/374) (P < 0.001). PRIAS using multlparametric MRI eqn", "random_deletion": "% (335/374) to 92.8% (347/374) (P < using MRI can", "change_char_case": "% (335/374) to 92.8% (347/374) (P < 0.001). PRIAS using multiparametRic MRI can", "whitespace_perturbation": "% (335/374) to 92.8% (347/ 374) (P <0.001 ).PRI AS usi ng m ultiparametric MRIcan", "underscore_trick": "% (335/374)_to 92.8%_(347/374) (P < 0.001)._PRIAS using_multiparametric_MRI can"} +{"text": " the five largest European countries in 1990/91 to measure the incidence of infectious diseases and record their antibiotic treatment, and usage as prophylaxis in acute general hospitals with over", "synonym_substitution": "the five largest European countries in 1990/91 to measure the incidence of infectious diseases and read their antibiotic discussion, and usage as prophylaxis in acute cosmopolitan hospitals with over", "butter_fingers": " thf five largest European gountries in 1990/91 to measurx the ihcidence of infectious diseases and cecoed thtpr antibiotic treatmevt, and uswge as peophblaxis in acute jsneral mjspifwls civh over", "random_deletion": "the five largest European countries in 1990/91 the of infectious and record their prophylaxis acute general hospitals over", "change_char_case": " the five largest European couNtries in 1990/91 to MeasuRe tHe iNcIdenCe of Infectious diseASes aNd record their antibiotiC treaTmENt, anD UsAge as ProphylAXiS IN acUtE gEneRaL HoSpitaLs wIth over", "whitespace_perturbation": " the five largest European countries in 1 990 /91 t o me asur e the incidenc e ofinfectious diseases an d rec or d the i rantib iotic t r ea t m ent ,an d u sa g eas pr oph ylaxisin acute g ene ra l hospitalsw it h over", "underscore_trick": " the_five largest_European countries in 1990/91_to measure_the_incidence of_infectious_diseases and record_their antibiotic treatment,_and usage as prophylaxis_in acute general_hospitals_with over"} +{"text": " falls. A case of congenital mucinous nevus: a connective tissue nevus of the proteoglycan type.\nMucinous nevus", "synonym_substitution": "falls. A case of congenital mucinous nevus: a connective tissue nevus of the proteoglycan character. \n Mucinous birthmark", "butter_fingers": " fapls. A case of congenital mucinous nevus: a connxctive fissue ndvus of the proteoglycan typx.\nMucunous nevus", "random_deletion": "falls. A case of congenital mucinous nevus: tissue of the type. Mucinous nevus", "change_char_case": " falls. A case of congenital mucInous nevus: A connEctIve TiSsue NevuS of the proteoglYCan tYpe.\nMucinous nevus", "whitespace_perturbation": " falls. A case of congenit al mucinou s nev us: aco nnec tive tissue nevuso f th e proteoglycan type.\nM ucino us nevu s ", "underscore_trick": " falls._A case_of congenital mucinous nevus:_a connective_tissue_nevus of_the_proteoglycan type.\nMucinous nevus"} +{"text": "ensitive neurons in the murine sympathetic nervous system.\nSeveral mechanisms have been implicated in underlying the perception of cold, most notably the activation of TRPM8 and TR", "synonym_substitution": "ensitive neurons in the murine sympathetic nervous system. \n respective mechanism have been implicated in underlying the percept of cold, about notably the activation of TRPM8 and TR", "butter_fingers": "ensltive neurons in the murlne sympathetic uwrvous systej.\nSeveral mechanisms have been impliceted in ubderlying the perceptiun of colf, most nitabot the actitztion on TRPJ8 and VR", "random_deletion": "ensitive neurons in the murine sympathetic nervous mechanisms been implicated underlying the perception activation TRPM8 and TR", "change_char_case": "ensitive neurons in the murinE sympathetIc nerVouS syStEm.\nSeVeraL mechanisms havE Been Implicated in underlying The peRcEPtioN Of Cold, mOst notaBLy THE acTiVaTioN oF tRpM8 and tR", "whitespace_perturbation": "ensitive neurons in the mu rine sympa theti c n erv ou s sy stem .\nSeveral mech a nism s have been implicated in u nd e rlyi n gthe p ercepti o no f co ld ,mos tn ot ablythe activa tion of TR PM8 a nd TR", "underscore_trick": "ensitive neurons_in the_murine sympathetic nervous system.\nSeveral_mechanisms have_been_implicated in_underlying_the perception of_cold, most notably_the activation of TRPM8_and TR"} +{"text": " of breast cancer had a negative impact on the psychology of all patients, those undergoing breast-conserving surgery or mastectomy with delayed reconstruction were more satisfied and", "synonym_substitution": "of breast cancer had a negative impact on the psychology of all patients, those undergo breast - conserve surgery or mastectomy with delayed reconstruction were more quenched and", "butter_fingers": " of breast cancer had a negxtive impact on the psbchologg of all patients, those undergoing bceasr-constgving surgery or mastdctomy winh delayee reronstruction werx more satisfisf anb", "random_deletion": "of breast cancer had a negative impact psychology all patients, undergoing breast-conserving surgery were satisfied and", "change_char_case": " of breast cancer had a negativE impact on tHe psyChoLogY oF all PatiEnts, those underGOing Breast-conserving surgerY or maStECtomY WiTh delAyed recONsTRUctIoN wEre MoRE sAtisfIed And", "whitespace_perturbation": " of breast cancer had a ne gative imp act o n t heps ycho logy of all patien t s, t hose undergoing breast -cons er v ings ur geryor mast e ct o m y w it hdel ay e drecon str uctionwere moresat is fied and", "underscore_trick": " of_breast cancer_had a negative impact_on the_psychology_of all_patients,_those undergoing breast-conserving_surgery or mastectomy_with delayed reconstruction were_more satisfied and"} +{"text": " participate in a 3-week humanitarian construction project. This report describes two cases of African tick-bite fever (ATBF) diagnosed in this group and unders", "synonym_substitution": "participate in a 3 - week humanitarian construction undertaking. This reputation describes two cases of African check mark - bite fever (ATBF) diagnose in this group and unders", "butter_fingers": " pagticipate in a 3-week humakitarian construerion pcoject. Fhis repurt describes two cases of Ahricqn tixk-bite fever (ATBF) diagvosed in nhis group anv unders", "random_deletion": "participate in a 3-week humanitarian construction project. describes cases of tick-bite fever (ATBF) unders", "change_char_case": " participate in a 3-week humanitArian constRuctiOn pRojEcT. ThiS repOrt describes twO CaseS of African tick-bite feveR (ATBF) DiAGnosED iN this Group anD UnDERs", "whitespace_perturbation": " participate in a 3-week h umanitaria n con str uct io n pr ojec t. This report desc ribes two cases of Afr icanti c k-bi t efever (ATBF) di a g nos ed i n t hi s g roupand unders ", "underscore_trick": " participate_in a_3-week humanitarian construction project._This report_describes_two cases_of_African tick-bite fever_(ATBF) diagnosed in_this group and unders"} +{"text": "alpha in RPE cells can inhibit angiogenesis in vitro and provide a possible strategy for treatment of choroidal neovascularization diseases by targeting HIF-1alpha. Pharmacological", "synonym_substitution": "alpha in RPE cells can inhibit angiogenesis in vitro and provide a possible scheme for discussion of choroidal neovascularization disease by targeting HIF-1alpha. Pharmacological", "butter_fingers": "alpja in RPE cells can inhinit angiogenesis in vitco and lrovide x possible strategy for treavmenr of xhoroidal neovascularixation dideases bt tacgeting HIF-1alpha. Pharmacologiczp", "random_deletion": "alpha in RPE cells can inhibit angiogenesis and a possible for treatment of HIF-1alpha.", "change_char_case": "alpha in RPE cells can inhibit AngiogenesIs in vItrO anD pRoviDe a pOssible strategY For tReatment of choroidal neoVascuLaRIzatIOn DiseaSes by taRGeTINg HiF-1AlPha. phARmAcoloGicAl", "whitespace_perturbation": "alpha in RPE cells can inh ibit angio genes isinvi troandprovide a poss i blestrategy for treatment of c ho r oida l n eovas culariz a ti o n di se as esby ta rgeti ngHIF-1al pha. Pharm aco lo gical", "underscore_trick": "alpha in_RPE cells_can inhibit angiogenesis in_vitro and_provide_a possible_strategy_for treatment of_choroidal neovascularization diseases_by targeting HIF-1alpha. Pharmacological"} +{"text": "ures, continuous through-and-through sutures, and no reinforcement. Bursting pressure was determined by injection of methylene blue solution into lumen of rese", "synonym_substitution": "ures, continuous through - and - through sutures, and no reinforcement. Bursting pressure was determine by injection of methylene aristocratic solution into lumen of rese", "butter_fingers": "ured, continuous through-and-tmrough sutures, aue no rxinforcsment. Bufsting pressure was determinxd bt injtbtion of methylene blje solutiln into oumei of rese", "random_deletion": "ures, continuous through-and-through sutures, and no reinforcement. was by injection methylene blue solution", "change_char_case": "ures, continuous through-and-tHrough sutuRes, anD no ReiNfOrceMent. bursting pressuRE was Determined by injection oF methYlENe blUE sOlutiOn into lUMeN OF reSe", "whitespace_perturbation": "ures, continuous through-a nd-through sutu res , a nd norein forcement. Bur s ting pressure was determin ed by i n ject i on of m ethylen e b l u e s ol ut ion i n to lume n o f rese", "underscore_trick": "ures, continuous_through-and-through sutures,_and no reinforcement. Bursting_pressure was_determined_by injection_of_methylene blue solution_into lumen of_rese"} +{"text": ".01) and alcohol consumption (p=0.001). The prevalence of H. pylori was high in the study area and increased with age of dyspe", "synonym_substitution": ".01) and alcohol consumption (p=0.001). The prevalence of H. pylori was high in the discipline sphere and increased with age of dyspe", "butter_fingers": ".01) anf alcohol consumption (p=0.001). Uhe prevalence of H. pyloci was gigh in ghe study area and increased wuth ate of dyspe", "random_deletion": ".01) and alcohol consumption (p=0.001). The prevalence pylori high in study area and", "change_char_case": ".01) and alcohol consumption (p=0.001). The Prevalence Of H. pyLorI waS hIgh iN the Study area and inCReasEd with age of dyspe", "whitespace_perturbation": ".01) and alcohol consumpti on (p=0.00 1). T hepre va lenc e of H. pylori was high in the study area and incr ea s ed w i th ageof dysp e ", "underscore_trick": ".01) and_alcohol consumption_(p=0.001). The prevalence of_H. pylori_was_high in_the_study area and_increased with age_of dyspe"} +{"text": " we use stochastic variational inference to estimate the posterior distribution of the transformation matrix. Furthermore, we theoretically show that the proposed algorithm is robust against label noise in the sense", "synonym_substitution": "we use stochastic variational inference to estimate the posterior distribution of the transformation matrix. Furthermore, we theoretically show that the aim algorithm is full-bodied against label noise in the sense", "butter_fingers": " we use stochastic variatiokal inference to estimave the losteriof distribution of the transflrnatiob matrix. Furthermore, wd theoretpcally shiw tiat the proposed algoritmi is vobusc egainst label npise in tha sense", "random_deletion": "we use stochastic variational inference to estimate distribution the transformation Furthermore, we theoretically is against label noise the sense", "change_char_case": " we use stochastic variationaL inference To estImaTe tHe PostErioR distribution oF The tRansformation matrix. FurThermOrE, We thEOrEticaLly show THaT THe pRoPoSed AlGOrIthm iS roBust agaInst label nOisE iN the sense", "whitespace_perturbation": " we use stochastic variati onal infer encetoest im atetheposterior dist r ibut ion of the transformat ion m at r ix.F ur therm ore, we th e o ret ic al lysh o wthatthe propos ed algorit hmis robust agai n st label noi sein the sense ", "underscore_trick": " we_use stochastic_variational inference to estimate_the posterior_distribution_of the_transformation_matrix. Furthermore, we_theoretically show that_the proposed algorithm is_robust against label_noise_in the sense"} +{"text": " as it precipitates adverse postoperative events. Oroxylin A enhances memory consolidation through the brain-derived neurotrophic factor in mice.\nMemory consolidation is", "synonym_substitution": "as it precipitates adverse postoperative events. Oroxylin A enhances memory consolidation through the brain - derive neurotrophic agent in mice. \n Memory consolidation is", "butter_fingers": " as it precipitates adverse postoperative gvwnts. Ocoxylin A enhanzes memory consolidation thrluth tht brain-derived neurutrophic vactor ib mire.\nMemory consolivztion is", "random_deletion": "as it precipitates adverse postoperative events. Oroxylin memory through the neurotrophic factor in", "change_char_case": " as it precipitates adverse poStoperativE evenTs. ORoxYlIn A eNhanCes memory consoLIdatIon through the brain-deriVed neUrOTropHIc FactoR in mice.\nmEmORY coNsOlIdaTiON iS", "whitespace_perturbation": " as it precipitates advers e postoper ative ev ent s. Oro xyli n A enhances m e mory consolidation through thebr a in-d e ri ved n eurotro p hi c fac to rinmi c e. \nMemo ryconsoli dation is", "underscore_trick": " as_it precipitates_adverse postoperative events. Oroxylin_A enhances_memory_consolidation through_the_brain-derived neurotrophic factor_in mice.\nMemory consolidation_is"} +{"text": " [Model of intraluminal perfusion of the guinea pig ileum in vitro in the study of the antidiarrheal properties of the guava (", "synonym_substitution": "[ Model of intraluminal perfusion of the guinea pig ileum in vitro in the study of the antidiarrheal place of the guava (", "butter_fingers": " [Mofel of intraluminal perfmsion of the guiuwa pig ileum in vitru in the study of the antidierrhwal peoperties of the guava (", "random_deletion": "[Model of intraluminal perfusion of the guinea in in the of the antidiarrheal", "change_char_case": " [Model of intraluminal perfusIon of the guInea pIg iLeuM iN vitRo in The study of the aNTidiArrheal properties of the Guava (", "whitespace_perturbation": " [Model of intraluminal pe rfusion of thegui nea p ig i leum in vitro in t h e st udy of the antidiarrhe al pr op e rtie s o f the guava( ", "underscore_trick": " [Model_of intraluminal_perfusion of the guinea_pig ileum_in_vitro in_the_study of the_antidiarrheal properties of_the guava ("} +{"text": " for the evaluation of in vitro antagonism.\nA novel method is proposed for the accurate evaluation of in vitro antagonism. Based on the measurement of areas of", "synonym_substitution": "for the evaluation of in vitro antagonism. \n A novel method is proposed for the accurate evaluation of in vitro hostility. free-base on the measurement of areas of", "butter_fingers": " fog the evaluation of in vltro antagonism.\nA novel kethod is propused for the accurate evaluavion of ib vitro antagonism. Basdd on the measurenent if areas oh", "random_deletion": "for the evaluation of in vitro antagonism. method proposed for accurate evaluation of the of areas of", "change_char_case": " for the evaluation of in vitro Antagonism.\na noveL meThoD iS proPoseD for the accuratE EvalUation of in vitro antagonIsm. BaSeD On thE MeAsureMent of aREaS OF", "whitespace_perturbation": " for the evaluation of invitro anta gonis m.A n ov el m etho d is proposedf or t he accurate evaluation of i nv itro an tagon ism. Ba s ed o n t he m eas ur e me nt of ar eas of", "underscore_trick": " for_the evaluation_of in vitro antagonism.\nA_novel method_is_proposed for_the_accurate evaluation of_in vitro antagonism._Based on the measurement_of areas of"} +{"text": " great promise for future technologies such as secure communication, quantum computation, quantum simulation, and quantum metrology. An outstanding challenge for quantum photonics is to develop scalable", "synonym_substitution": "great promise for future technologies such as secure communication, quantum computation, quantum model, and quantum metrology. An great challenge for quantum photonics is to develop scalable", "butter_fingers": " grfat promise for future ttchnologies such cw secuce commhnicatiov, quantum computation, quantul wimulqtion, and quantum metrulogy. An lutstandung rhallenge for quehtum photonica is co develop scalanle", "random_deletion": "great promise for future technologies such as quantum quantum simulation, quantum metrology. An is develop scalable", "change_char_case": " great promise for future techNologies suCh as sEcuRe cOmMuniCatiOn, quantum compuTAtioN, quantum simulation, and qUantuM mETrolOGy. an outStandinG ChALLenGe FoR quAnTUm PhotoNicS is to deVelop scalaBle", "whitespace_perturbation": " great promise for futuretechnologi es su chasse cure com munication, qu a ntum computation, quantumsimul at i on,a nd quan tum met r ol o g y.An o uts ta n di ng ch all enge fo r quantumpho to nics is to d e ve lop scalab le", "underscore_trick": " great_promise for_future technologies such as_secure communication,_quantum_computation, quantum_simulation,_and quantum metrology._An outstanding challenge_for quantum photonics is_to develop scalable"} +{"text": " of animals sacrificed being a longitudinal non-invasive technique. [Substitute bladders].\nFollowing prostato-cystectomy in men or total cystectomy in", "synonym_substitution": "of animals sacrificed being a longitudinal non - invasive technique. [ stand-in bladder ]. \n Following prostato - cystectomy in men or entire cystectomy in", "butter_fingers": " of animals sacrificed beinn a longitudinal non-invesive tschnique. [Substitute bladders].\nFollowinj pristati-cystectomy in men or gotal cysnectomy ib", "random_deletion": "of animals sacrificed being a longitudinal non-invasive bladders]. prostato-cystectomy in or total cystectomy", "change_char_case": " of animals sacrificed being a LongitudinAl non-InvAsiVe TechNiquE. [Substitute blaDDers].\nfollowing prostato-cysteCtomy In MEn or TOtAl cysTectomy IN", "whitespace_perturbation": " of animals sacrificed bei ng a longi tudin alnon -i nvas ivetechnique. [Su b stit ute bladders].\nFollowi ng pr os t ato- c ys tecto my in m e no r to ta lcys te c to my in ", "underscore_trick": " of_animals sacrificed_being a longitudinal non-invasive_technique. [Substitute_bladders].\nFollowing_prostato-cystectomy in_men_or total cystectomy_in"} +{"text": " a variety of cytotoxic stimuli and mediated by the release of cytochrome c and subsequent activation of downstream caspases. The external pathway is mainly triggered by ligation of death", "synonym_substitution": "a variety of cytotoxic stimuli and mediated by the release of cytochrome vitamin c and subsequent energizing of downstream caspases. The external pathway is mainly trip by ligation of end", "butter_fingers": " a gariety of cytotoxic stiouli and mediatgd by thx releaae of cygochrome c and subsequent acvivarion if downstream caspases. The extegnal pathqay ms mainly triggecsd by llyatioh of beeth", "random_deletion": "a variety of cytotoxic stimuli and mediated release cytochrome c subsequent activation of is triggered by ligation death", "change_char_case": " a variety of cytotoxic stimulI and mediatEd by tHe rEleAsE of cYtocHrome c and subseQUent Activation of downstream CaspaSeS. the eXTeRnal pAthway iS MaINLy tRiGgEreD bY LiGatioN of Death", "whitespace_perturbation": " a variety of cytotoxic st imuli andmedia ted by t he r elea se of cytochro m e cand subsequent activat ion o fd owns t re am ca spases. Th e ext er na l p at h wa y ismai nly tri ggered bylig at ion of death ", "underscore_trick": " a_variety of_cytotoxic stimuli and mediated_by the_release_of cytochrome_c_and subsequent activation_of downstream caspases._The external pathway is_mainly triggered by_ligation_of death"} +{"text": " Twenty-seven percent of these were made by processes immunoreactive for GABA. AN2 branches not only in mVAC on both sides of the ganglion but also", "synonym_substitution": "Twenty - seven percent of these were made by processes immunoreactive for GABA. AN2 branches not merely in mVAC on both slope of the ganglion but also", "butter_fingers": " Twfnty-seven percent of there were made by procesves imjunoreacgive for GABA. AN2 branches nov onoy in mVAC on both sides of the gangpion but alsi", "random_deletion": "Twenty-seven percent of these were made by for AN2 branches only in mVAC ganglion also", "change_char_case": " Twenty-seven percent of these Were made by ProceSseS imMuNoreActiVe for GABA. AN2 braNChes Not only in mVAC on both sidEs of tHe GAnglIOn But alSo", "whitespace_perturbation": " Twenty-seven percent of t hese weremadebypro ce sses imm unoreactive fo r GAB A. AN2 branches not on ly in m V AC o n b oth s ides of th e gan gl io n b ut al so", "underscore_trick": " Twenty-seven_percent of_these were made by_processes immunoreactive_for_GABA. AN2_branches_not only in_mVAC on both_sides of the ganglion_but also"} +{"text": "ography in rat submaxillary gland. All three ligands at 0.1 nM concentrations exhibited binding that was inhibited by tachykinins in a potency rank order of", "synonym_substitution": "ography in rat submaxillary gland. All three ligands at 0.1 nM concentrations exhibited bind that was inhibit by tachykinins in a potency rank order of", "butter_fingers": "ogrwphy in rat submaxillary gland. All threg oigandv at 0.1 hM concevtrations exhibited binding vhat was unhibited by tachykinivs in a pltency rqnk ieder of", "random_deletion": "ography in rat submaxillary gland. All three 0.1 concentrations exhibited that was inhibited rank of", "change_char_case": "ography in rat submaxillary gLand. All thrEe ligAndS at 0.1 NM ConcEntrAtions exhibiteD BindIng that was inhibited by tAchykInINs in A PoTency Rank ordER oF", "whitespace_perturbation": "ography in rat submaxillar y gland. A ll th ree li ga ndsat 0 .1 nM concentr a tion s exhibited binding th at wa si nhib i te d bytachyki n in s inapo ten cy ra nk or der of", "underscore_trick": "ography in_rat submaxillary_gland. All three ligands_at 0.1_nM_concentrations exhibited_binding_that was inhibited_by tachykinins in_a potency rank order_of"} +{"text": " PC20 after 5 y was lower when inhaled corticosteroids were used regularly: FEV1: 14.3%; PC20: 28.6%, compared to intermittently", "synonym_substitution": "PC20 after 5 y was lower when inhaled corticosteroids were used regularly: FEV1: 14.3% ; PC20: 28.6% , compared to intermittently", "butter_fingers": " PC20 after 5 y was lower when inhaled corticosteroivs were used reeularly: FEV1: 14.3%; PC20: 28.6%, compared to ibtermuttently", "random_deletion": "PC20 after 5 y was lower when were regularly: FEV1: PC20: 28.6%, compared", "change_char_case": " PC20 after 5 y was lower when inhalEd corticosTeroiDs wEre UsEd reGulaRly: FEV1: 14.3%; PC20: 28.6%, comparED to iNtermittently", "whitespace_perturbation": " PC20 after 5 y was lowerwhen inhal ed co rti cos te roid s we re used regula r ly:FEV1: 14.3%; PC20: 28. 6%, c om p ared to inte rmitten t ly ", "underscore_trick": " PC20_after 5_y was lower when_inhaled corticosteroids_were_used regularly:_FEV1:_14.3%; PC20: 28.6%,_compared to intermittently"} +{"text": " mg) were not effective. (ii) Dopamine peripheral blockade influence: in haloperidol+domperidone mice, previously effective bromocript", "synonym_substitution": "mg) were not effective. (ii) Dopamine peripheral blockade influence: in haloperidol+domperidone mice, previously effective bromocript", "butter_fingers": " mg) were not effective. (ii) Dupamine periphetao blocnade ihfluence: in haloperidol+domperidone mmce, previiusly effective bromocfipt", "random_deletion": "mg) were not effective. (ii) Dopamine peripheral in mice, previously bromocript", "change_char_case": " mg) were not effective. (ii) DopamIne peripheRal blOckAde InFlueNce: iN haloperidol+doMPeriDone mice, previously effeCtive BrOMocrIPt", "whitespace_perturbation": " mg) were not effective. ( ii) Dopami ne pe rip her al blo ckad e influence: i n hal operidol+domperidone m ice,pr e viou s ly effe ctive b r om o c rip t", "underscore_trick": " mg)_were not_effective. (ii) Dopamine peripheral_blockade influence:_in_haloperidol+domperidone mice,_previously_effective bromocript"} +{"text": " the revascularization strategy and use of alternative arterial conduits are probably preferable to systematic use of BIMA. Radiation oncology residents' computer workstation", "synonym_substitution": "the revascularization strategy and use of alternative arterial conduits are credibly preferable to taxonomic manipulation of BIMA. Radiation oncology resident' calculator workstation", "butter_fingers": " thf revascularization strauegy and use of alternatmve artsrial covduits are probably preferabpe to ststematic use of BIMA. Fadiation oncologt rewudents' com'hter wovhstaflon", "random_deletion": "the revascularization strategy and use of alternative are preferable to use of BIMA.", "change_char_case": " the revascularization stratEgy and use oF alteRnaTivE aRterIal cOnduits are probABly pReferable to systematic uSe of BiMa. radiATiOn oncOlogy reSIdENTs' cOmPuTer WoRKsTatioN", "whitespace_perturbation": " the revascularization str ategy anduse o f a lte rn ativ e ar terial conduit s are probably preferable t o sys te m atic us e ofBIMA. R a di a t ion o nc olo gy re siden ts' comput er worksta tio n", "underscore_trick": " the_revascularization strategy_and use of alternative_arterial conduits_are_probably preferable_to_systematic use of_BIMA. Radiation oncology_residents' computer workstation"} +{"text": " 98 base changes in comparison with a non-pathogenic strain of SVDV (Inoue et al., 1989, J. Gen. Virol.", "synonym_substitution": "98 base changes in comparison with a non - pathogenic strain of SVDV (Inoue et al. , 1989, J. Gen. Virol.", "butter_fingers": " 98 bwse changes in comparisok with a non-pathogenic vtrain of SVDV (Inoue et al., 1989, J. Gen. Virol.", "random_deletion": "98 base changes in comparison with a of (Inoue et 1989, J. Gen.", "change_char_case": " 98 base changes in comparison wiTh a non-pathOgeniC stRaiN oF SVDv (InoUe et al., 1989, J. Gen. ViroL.", "whitespace_perturbation": " 98 base changes in compar ison witha non -pa tho ge nicstra in of SVDV (In o ue e t al., 1989, J. Gen. V irol. ", "underscore_trick": " 98_base changes_in comparison with a_non-pathogenic strain_of_SVDV (Inoue_et_al., 1989, J._Gen. Virol."} +{"text": " substrates could be explained in terms of a deposition, diffusion, and aggregation (DDA) model. Correlation between dissociation and catalysis of SARS-CoV main protease", "synonym_substitution": "substrates could be explained in terms of a deposition, dissemination, and collection (DDA) model. Correlation between dissociation and catalysis of SARS - CoV main protease", "butter_fingers": " suhstrates could be explaiked in terms of c deposmtion, djffusion, and aggregation (DDA) model. Clreelatuon between dissociatiun and canalysis od SACS-CoV main proteeae", "random_deletion": "substrates could be explained in terms of diffusion, aggregation (DDA) Correlation between dissociation protease", "change_char_case": " substrates could be explaineD in terms of A depoSitIon, DiFfusIon, aNd aggregation (Dda) modEl. Correlation between diSsociAtIOn anD CaTalysIs of SARs-cov MAin PrOtEasE", "whitespace_perturbation": " substrates could be expla ined in te rms o f a de po siti on,diffusion, and aggr egation (DDA) model. C orrel at i on b e tw een d issocia t io n and c at aly si s o f SAR S-C oV main protease", "underscore_trick": " substrates_could be_explained in terms of_a deposition,_diffusion,_and aggregation_(DDA)_model. Correlation between_dissociation and catalysis_of SARS-CoV main protease"} +{"text": " part 8 [1]: synthesis and vasodilating activities of substituted benzylnitrates compared to cyclohexylmethylnitrate and GTN.\nA series", "synonym_substitution": "part 8 [ 1 ]: synthesis and vasodilating activities of substituted benzylnitrates compare to cyclohexylmethylnitrate and GTN. \n A serial", "butter_fingers": " pagt 8 [1]: synthesis and vasodllating activitigs of suustitutsd benzyunitrates compared to cyclohxxylnethyonitrate and GTN.\nA serids", "random_deletion": "part 8 [1]: synthesis and vasodilating activities benzylnitrates to cyclohexylmethylnitrate GTN. A series", "change_char_case": " part 8 [1]: synthesis and vasodilatIng activitIes of SubStiTuTed bEnzyLnitrates compaREd to CyclohexylmethylnitratE and GtN.\na SeriES", "whitespace_perturbation": " part 8 [1]: synthesis and vasodilat ing a cti vit ie s of sub stituted benzy l nitr ates compared to cyclo hexyl me t hyln i tr ate a nd GTN. As e rie s", "underscore_trick": " part_8 [1]:_synthesis and vasodilating activities_of substituted_benzylnitrates_compared to_cyclohexylmethylnitrate_and GTN.\nA series"} +{"text": " results were obtained up to the 4th hour, i. e. the method appeared 6 times more rapid, and the overall result was obtained one day earlier;", "synonym_substitution": "results were obtained up to the 4th hour, i. e. the method appear 6 prison term more rapid, and the overall result was obtained one day in the first place;", "butter_fingers": " redults were obtained up tu the 4th hour, i. e. the kethod appearea 6 times more rapid, and the lvwrall result was obtained ove day eaglier;", "random_deletion": "results were obtained up to the 4th e. method appeared times more rapid, obtained day earlier;", "change_char_case": " results were obtained up to thE 4th hour, i. e. tHe metHod AppEaRed 6 tImes More rapid, and thE OverAll result was obtained onE day eArLIer;", "whitespace_perturbation": " results were obtained upto the 4th hour , i . e .themeth od appeared 6t imes more rapid, and the o veral lr esul t w as ob tainedo ne d ayea rl ier ;", "underscore_trick": " results_were obtained_up to the 4th_hour, i._e._the method_appeared_6 times more_rapid, and the_overall result was obtained_one day earlier;"} +{"text": " loss. The association between visual incompetence and spinal derangement: an instructive case history.\nTo discuss the difficulties encountered in the diagnosis of concentric narrowing", "synonym_substitution": "loss. The association between visual incompetence and spinal upset: an instructive subject history. \n To discuss the difficulties run into in the diagnosis of concentric narrowing", "butter_fingers": " lods. The association betwetn visual incompejebce anv spinam derangdment: an instructive case hidtiry.\nTo discuss the difficultkes encoujtered ib tht diagnosis of coidentric narroslng", "random_deletion": "loss. The association between visual incompetence and an case history. discuss the difficulties concentric", "change_char_case": " loss. The association between Visual incoMpeteNce And SpInal DeraNgement: an instrUCtivE case history.\nTo discuss tHe difFiCUltiES eNcounTered in THe DIAgnOsIs Of cOnCEnTric nArrOwing", "whitespace_perturbation": " loss. The association bet ween visua l inc omp ete nc e an d sp inal derangeme n t: a n instructive case his tory. \nT o dis c us s the diffic u lt i e s e nc ou nte re d i n the di agnosis of concen tri cnarrowing", "underscore_trick": " loss._The association_between visual incompetence and_spinal derangement:_an_instructive case_history.\nTo_discuss the difficulties_encountered in the_diagnosis of concentric narrowing"} +{"text": " a questionnaire of which 585 were completed correctly and returned. Of the 585 women, 215 had had one or more children and 90 had started breastfeeding, 57 of whom", "synonym_substitution": "a questionnaire of which 585 were completed correctly and returned. Of the 585 women, 215 had had one or more child and 90 had start breastfeeding, 57 of whom", "butter_fingers": " a euestionnaire of which 585 dere completed eirrectny and returnea. Of the 585 women, 215 had had one oe mort children and 90 had started hreastfewdinj, 57 of whom", "random_deletion": "a questionnaire of which 585 were completed returned. the 585 215 had had 90 started breastfeeding, 57 whom", "change_char_case": " a questionnaire of which 585 were Completed cOrrecTly And ReTurnEd. Of The 585 women, 215 had had ONe or More children and 90 had starTed brEaSTfeeDInG, 57 of whOm", "whitespace_perturbation": " a questionnaire of which585 were c omple ted co rr ectl y an d returned. Of the585 women, 215 had had oneor more ch ildre n and 9 0 h a d st ar te d b re a st feedi ng, 57 ofwhom", "underscore_trick": " a_questionnaire of_which 585 were completed_correctly and_returned._Of the_585_women, 215 had_had one or_more children and 90_had started breastfeeding,_57_of whom"} +{"text": " which terminates within the PAG. Type IIId has the largest soma of all these neurons and the structure resembles an undifferentiated motor neuron of the", "synonym_substitution": "which terminates within the PAG. Type IIId has the largest human body of all these nerve cell and the social organization resembles an undifferentiated motor neuron of the", "butter_fingers": " whlch terminates within tht PAG. Type IIId hcw the nargesf soma ow all these neurons and the dteuctuee resembles an undiffdrentiatef motor beurib of the", "random_deletion": "which terminates within the PAG. Type IIId largest of all neurons and the neuron the", "change_char_case": " which terminates within the PaG. Type IIId Has thE laRgeSt Soma Of alL these neurons aND the Structure resembles an unDiffeReNTiatED mOtor nEuron of THe", "whitespace_perturbation": " which terminates within t he PAG. Ty pe II Idhas t he l arge st soma of all thes e neurons and the stru cture r e semb l es an u ndiffer e nt i a ted m ot orne u ro n ofthe ", "underscore_trick": " which_terminates within_the PAG. Type IIId_has the_largest_soma of_all_these neurons and_the structure resembles_an undifferentiated motor neuron_of the"} +{"text": "CAP system. Measurements of IgG against A. fumigatus in patient sera were significantly correlated (r(s) = 0.77, P < 0", "synonym_substitution": "CAP system. Measurements of IgG against A. fumigatus in patient sera were significantly correlate (r(s) = 0.77, P < 0", "butter_fingers": "CAP system. Measurements of LgG against A. fumigatus in pafient sefa were significantly correleted (r(s) = 0.77, P < 0", "random_deletion": "CAP system. Measurements of IgG against A. patient were significantly (r(s) = 0.77,", "change_char_case": "CAP system. Measurements of Igg against A. fUmigaTus In pAtIent Sera Were significanTLy coRrelated (r(s) = 0.77, P < 0", "whitespace_perturbation": "CAP system. Measurements o f IgG agai nst A . f umi ga tusin p atient sera we r e si gnificantly correlated (r(s )= 0.7 7 ,P < 0 ", "underscore_trick": "CAP system._Measurements of_IgG against A. fumigatus_in patient_sera_were significantly_correlated_(r(s) = 0.77,_P < 0"} +{"text": " designed to look and act exactly like people). We review the trajectory of currently developing robotics technologies and assess the level of android sophistication likely to be achieved in", "synonym_substitution": "designed to look and act exactly like citizenry). We review the trajectory of presently developing robotics technologies and measure the grade of android sophistication likely to be achieve in", "butter_fingers": " dedigned to look and act ewactly like people). We rxview tge trajeztory of currently developinj rovoticw technologies and assdss the lvvel of abdromd sophisticatioi likely to be wchizvxd in", "random_deletion": "designed to look and act exactly like review trajectory of developing robotics technologies android likely to be in", "change_char_case": " designed to look and act exactLy like peopLe). We rEviEw tHe TrajEctoRy of currently dEVeloPing robotics technologiEs and AsSEss tHE lEvel oF androiD SoPHIstIcAtIon LiKElY to be AchIeved in", "whitespace_perturbation": " designed to look and actexactly li ke pe opl e). W e re view the trajector y ofcurrently developing r oboti cs tech n ol ogies and as s es s the l ev elof an droid so phistic ation like lyto be achieved in ", "underscore_trick": " designed_to look_and act exactly like_people). We_review_the trajectory_of_currently developing robotics_technologies and assess_the level of android_sophistication likely to_be_achieved in"} +{"text": " fed with standard diet, a diet containing 2.5% or 5.0% AP or a diet containing 0.2% N-acetylcysteine (", "synonym_substitution": "fed with standard diet, a diet containing 2.5% or 5.0% AP or a diet containing 0.2% N - acetylcysteine (", "butter_fingers": " fef with standard diet, a dlet containing 2.5% or 5.0% AP mr a djet contxining 0.2% N-acetylcysteine (", "random_deletion": "fed with standard diet, a diet containing 5.0% or a containing 0.2% N-acetylcysteine", "change_char_case": " fed with standard diet, a diet cOntaining 2.5% oR 5.0% AP or A diEt cOnTainIng 0.2% N-Acetylcysteine (", "whitespace_perturbation": " fed with standard diet, a diet cont ainin g 2 .5% o r 5. 0% A P or a diet co n tain ing 0.2% N-acetylcyste ine ( ", "underscore_trick": " fed_with standard_diet, a diet containing_2.5% or_5.0%_AP or_a_diet containing 0.2%_N-acetylcysteine ("} +{"text": " we tested the usefulness of neonatal gene transfer using adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors by comparing the administration routes and vector doses. To determine the optimal", "synonym_substitution": "we tested the usefulness of neonatal gene transfer using adeno - consociate virus (AAV) vector by comparing the administration routes and vector dose. To determine the optimal", "butter_fingers": " we tested the usefulness on neonatal gene jrqnsfer using adeno-asrociated virus (AAV) vectors bb conparibg the administration foutes anf vector dosts. To determine tis optimal", "random_deletion": "we tested the usefulness of neonatal gene adeno-associated (AAV) vectors comparing the administration determine optimal", "change_char_case": " we tested the usefulness of neOnatal gene TransFer UsiNg AdenO-assOciated virus (AAv) VectOrs by comparing the adminIstraTiON rouTEs And veCtor dosES. TO DEteRmInE thE oPTiMal", "whitespace_perturbation": " we tested the usefulnessof neonata l gen e t ran sf er u sing adeno-associa t ed v irus (AAV) vectors bycompa ri n g th e a dmini stratio n r o u tes a nd ve ct o rdoses . T o deter mine the o pti ma l", "underscore_trick": " we_tested the_usefulness of neonatal gene_transfer using_adeno-associated_virus (AAV)_vectors_by comparing the_administration routes and_vector doses. To determine_the optimal"} +{"text": "iovenous malformations. A strategic focus on the circulatory exclusion of associated aneurysms, especially when such lesions have been responsible for a hemorrhagic episode,", "synonym_substitution": "iovenous malformations. A strategic focus on the circulatory exclusion of consociate aneurysm, especially when such lesions have been creditworthy for a hemorrhagic episode,", "butter_fingers": "iovfnous malformations. A stvategic focus on the cicculatody exclurion of associated aneurysms, ewpeciqlly when such lesions have beej responwiblt for a hemorrhagmd episode,", "random_deletion": "iovenous malformations. A strategic focus on the of aneurysms, especially such lesions have episode,", "change_char_case": "iovenous malformations. A strAtegic focuS on thE ciRcuLaTory ExclUsion of associaTEd anEurysms, especially when sUch leSiONs haVE bEen reSponsibLE fOR A heMoRrHagIc EPiSode,", "whitespace_perturbation": "iovenous malformations. Astrategicfocus on th ecirc ulat ory exclusiono f as sociated aneurysms, es pecia ll y whe n s uch l esionsh av e bee nre spo ns i bl e for ahemorrh agic episo de, ", "underscore_trick": "iovenous malformations._A strategic_focus on the circulatory_exclusion of_associated_aneurysms, especially_when_such lesions have_been responsible for_a hemorrhagic episode,"} +{"text": " questionnaires (the GHQ-30 and HADS) on three separate occasions. A descriptive examination of the socio-demographic characteristics of the sample was also carried", "synonym_substitution": "questionnaires (the GHQ-30 and HADS) on three separate occasions. A descriptive examination of the socio - demographic characteristic of the sample distribution was also carried", "butter_fingers": " qufstionnaires (the GHQ-30 and HADS) on three separatx occasjons. A ddscriptive examination of thx soxio-denographic characteristkcs of thv sample qas elso carried", "random_deletion": "questionnaires (the GHQ-30 and HADS) on three A examination of socio-demographic characteristics of", "change_char_case": " questionnaires (the GHQ-30 and HAdS) on three sEparaTe oCcaSiOns. A DescRiptive examinaTIon oF the socio-demographic chAractErISticS Of The saMple was ALsO CArrIeD", "whitespace_perturbation": " questionnaires (the GHQ-3 0 and HADS ) onthr eese para te o ccasions. A de s crip tive examination of th e soc io - demo g ra phiccharact e ri s t ics o fthe s a mp le wa s a lso car ried", "underscore_trick": " questionnaires_(the GHQ-30_and HADS) on three_separate occasions._A_descriptive examination_of_the socio-demographic characteristics_of the sample_was also carried"} +{"text": "aggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) and enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) infection was studied among 40 US travelers who provided weekly stool samples", "synonym_substitution": "aggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) and enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) infection was studied among 40 US travelers who provide weekly fecal matter samples", "butter_fingers": "agggegative Escherichia coll (EAEC) and enterotoxigeiic E. ckli (ETEC) infection was studied among 40 YS trqvelers who provided wdekly stoll samplws", "random_deletion": "aggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) and enterotoxigenic E. infection studied among US travelers who", "change_char_case": "aggregative Escherichia colI (EAEC) and enTerotOxiGenIc e. colI (ETEc) infection was sTUdieD among 40 US travelers who prOvideD wEEkly SToOl samPles", "whitespace_perturbation": "aggregative Escherichia co li (EAEC)and e nte rot ox igen ic E . coli (ETEC)i nfec tion was studied among 40 U St rave l er s who provid e dw e ekl yst ool s a mp les", "underscore_trick": "aggregative Escherichia_coli (EAEC)_and enterotoxigenic E. coli_(ETEC) infection_was_studied among_40_US travelers who_provided weekly stool_samples"} +{"text": " treatment protocol consisting of therapeutic SOHND on indication followed by radiotherapy. Regional recurrences were observed in four (9%) patients. All recurrences developed within the", "synonym_substitution": "treatment protocol consisting of therapeutic SOHND on indication follow by radiotherapy. Regional recurrence were observed in four (9 %) patients. All recurrence developed within the", "butter_fingers": " trfatment protocol consistlng of therapeutnx SOHNV on insication followed by radiotherapy. Rejionql rexurrences were observea in four (9%) patienrs. Aoo recurrenrss developed slthin vhe", "random_deletion": "treatment protocol consisting of therapeutic SOHND on by Regional recurrences observed in four within", "change_char_case": " treatment protocol consistiNg of therapEutic sOHnD oN iNdicAtioN followed by radIOtheRapy. Regional recurrenceS were ObSErveD In Four (9%) pAtients. aLl RECurReNcEs dEvELoPed wiThiN the", "whitespace_perturbation": " treatment protocol consis ting of th erape uti c S OH ND o n in dication follo w ed b y radiotherapy. Region al re cu r renc e swereobserve d i n fou r(9 %)pa t ie nts.All recurr ences deve lop ed within the", "underscore_trick": " treatment_protocol consisting_of therapeutic SOHND on_indication followed_by_radiotherapy. Regional_recurrences_were observed in_four (9%) patients._All recurrences developed within_the"} +{"text": "issynus (Dpt)-sensitive patients and exposed to Dpt aerosol (allergic hu-SCID mice) develop human IgE and pulmonary inflammation. The", "synonym_substitution": "issynus (Dpt)-sensitive patients and exposed to Dpt aerosol (allergic hu - SCID mice) develop human IgE and pneumonic excitement. The", "butter_fingers": "issjnus (Dpt)-sensitive patienus and exposed to Dpt aecosol (amlergic fu-SCID mice) develop human IgX ane pulnonary inflammation. Thd", "random_deletion": "issynus (Dpt)-sensitive patients and exposed to Dpt hu-SCID develop human and pulmonary inflammation.", "change_char_case": "issynus (Dpt)-sensitive patienTs and exposEd to DPt aEroSoL (allErgiC hu-SCID mice) devELop hUman IgE and pulmonary infLammaTiON. The", "whitespace_perturbation": "issynus (Dpt)-sensitive pa tients and expo sed to D pt a eros ol (allergic h u -SCI D mice) develop humanIgE a nd pulm o na ry in flammat i on . The ", "underscore_trick": "issynus (Dpt)-sensitive_patients and_exposed to Dpt aerosol_(allergic hu-SCID_mice)_develop human_IgE_and pulmonary inflammation._The"} +{"text": ", data supporting its use are limited by weak study design. Largescale, randomized, placebo-controlled trials are necessary to establish the role of huper", "synonym_substitution": ", data supporting its use are limited by fallible discipline design. Largescale, randomized, placebo - controlled trial are necessary to establish the role of huper", "butter_fingers": ", daha supporting its use art limited by weak study vesign. Margescaue, randomized, placebo-controlpee triqls are necessary to ertablish nhe role if hnper", "random_deletion": ", data supporting its use are limited study Largescale, randomized, trials are necessary huper", "change_char_case": ", data supporting its use are liMited by weaK studY deSigN. LArgeScalE, randomized, plaCEbo-cOntrolled trials are neceSsary To EStabLIsH the rOle of huPEr", "whitespace_perturbation": ", data supporting its useare limite d bywea k s tu dy d esig n. Largescale, rand omized, placebo-contro lledtr i alsa re nece ssary t o e s t abl is hthe r o le of h upe r", "underscore_trick": ", data_supporting its_use are limited by_weak study_design._Largescale, randomized,_placebo-controlled_trials are necessary_to establish the_role of huper"} +{"text": " mineralization. We investigated whether peritoneal calcification is controlled by matrix Gla protein (MGP) secreted by peritoneal mesothelial cells. Human primary mesothelial cells", "synonym_substitution": "mineralization. We investigated whether peritoneal calcification is controlled by matrix Gla protein (MGP) secreted by peritoneal mesothelial cells. Human basal mesothelial cell", "butter_fingers": " mijeralization. We investigxted whether petironeal calcirication is controlled by matrix Gla peoteib (MGP) secreted by perigoneal medotheliao ceoos. Human pcjmary mcfothspial rells", "random_deletion": "mineralization. We investigated whether peritoneal calcification is matrix protein (MGP) by peritoneal mesothelial", "change_char_case": " mineralization. We investigaTed whether PeritOneAl cAlCifiCatiOn is controlled BY matRix Gla protein (MGP) secretEd by pErIToneAL mEsothElial ceLLs. hUMan PrImAry MeSOtHeliaL ceLls", "whitespace_perturbation": " mineralization. We invest igated whe therper ito ne al c alci fication is co n trol led by matrix Gla prot ein ( MG P ) se c re ted b y perit o ne a l me so th eli al ce lls.Hum an prim ary mesoth eli al cells", "underscore_trick": " mineralization._We investigated_whether peritoneal calcification is_controlled by_matrix_Gla protein_(MGP)_secreted by peritoneal_mesothelial cells. Human_primary mesothelial cells"} +{"text": " included spontaneous respiration and an increase in mean arterial pressure. Blood azeotrope concentration was significantly lower during rewarming than at comparable temperatures during cooling.", "synonym_substitution": "included spontaneous respiration and an increase in mean arterial atmospheric pressure. rake azeotrope concentration was significantly lower during rewarming than at comparable temperature during cooling.", "butter_fingers": " influded spontaneous respivation and an ineeease mn mean arteriau pressure. Blood azeotrope clnxentrqtion was significantlh lower dlring rewqrmiig than at compaczble temperathves dbrmng cooling.", "random_deletion": "included spontaneous respiration and an increase in pressure. azeotrope concentration significantly lower during during", "change_char_case": " included spontaneous respirAtion and an IncreAse In mEaN artEriaL pressure. Blood AZeotRope concentration was siGnifiCaNTly lOWeR duriNg rewarMInG THan At CoMpaRaBLe TempeRatUres durIng cooling.", "whitespace_perturbation": " included spontaneous resp iration an d aninc rea se inmean arterial pres s ure. Blood azeotrope conce ntrat io n was si gnifi cantlyl ow e r du ri ng re wa r mi ng th anat comp arable tem per at ures duringc oo ling.", "underscore_trick": " included_spontaneous respiration_and an increase in_mean arterial_pressure._Blood azeotrope_concentration_was significantly lower_during rewarming than_at comparable temperatures during_cooling."} +{"text": " whereas the Ci-carboxypeptidase B1 and Ci-chymotrypsin mRNAs were detected in follicular cells of the stage II and stage III oocytes.", "synonym_substitution": "whereas the Ci - carboxypeptidase B1 and Ci - chymotrypsin mRNAs were detected in follicular cells of the stage II and stage III oocyte.", "butter_fingers": " whfreas the Ci-carboxypeptiaase B1 and Ci-chimitrypsmn mRNAa were ddtected in follicular cells lf the wtage II and stage III oocytes.", "random_deletion": "whereas the Ci-carboxypeptidase B1 and Ci-chymotrypsin mRNAs in cells of stage II and", "change_char_case": " whereas the Ci-carboxypeptidAse B1 and Ci-cHymotRypSin MRnAs wEre dEtected in folliCUlar Cells of the stage II and stAge IIi oOCyteS.", "whitespace_perturbation": " whereas the Ci-carboxypep tidase B1and C i-c hym ot ryps in m RNAs were dete c tedin follicular cells of thest a ge I I a nd st age III oo c y tes .", "underscore_trick": " whereas_the Ci-carboxypeptidase_B1 and Ci-chymotrypsin mRNAs_were detected_in_follicular cells_of_the stage II_and stage III_oocytes."} +{"text": "P method. Plasma glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and TG were measured using commercially available kits. The genotypic distribution of the Pro12Ala", "synonym_substitution": "P method. Plasma glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and TG were measured use commercially available kit. The genotypic distribution of the Pro12Ala", "butter_fingers": "P mfthod. Plasma glucose, insmlin, total cholesterol, NDL, HDM and TG were measured using commercmallt avaulable kits. The genotyoic distrpbution od tht Pro12Ala", "random_deletion": "P method. Plasma glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, and were measured commercially available kits. Pro12Ala", "change_char_case": "P method. Plasma glucose, insulIn, total choLesteRol, lDL, hDl and tG weRe measured usinG CommErcially available kits. THe genOtYPic dIStRibutIon of thE prO12aLa", "whitespace_perturbation": "P method. Plasma glucose,insulin, t otalcho les te rol, LDL , HDL and TG w e re m easured using commerci allyav a ilab l ekits. The ge n ot y p icdi st rib ut i on of t hePro12Al a", "underscore_trick": "P method._Plasma glucose,_insulin, total cholesterol, LDL,_HDL and_TG_were measured_using_commercially available kits._The genotypic distribution_of the Pro12Ala"} +{"text": " UCS) is a rare cardiac anomaly and the most uncommon type of atrial septal defect. It is rarely diagnosed by only echocardiography prior to surgery. We herein", "synonym_substitution": "UCS) is a rare cardiac anomaly and the most uncommon type of atrial septal defect. It is rarely diagnose by lone echocardiography prior to surgery. We herein", "butter_fingers": " UCD) is a rare cardiac anomxly and the mosj yncommmn typs of atrkal septal defect. It is rarepy diagbosed by only echocardkography irior to wurgtry. We herein", "random_deletion": "UCS) is a rare cardiac anomaly and uncommon of atrial defect. It is prior surgery. We herein", "change_char_case": " UCS) is a rare cardiac anomaly aNd the most uNcommOn tYpe Of AtriAl sePtal defect. It is RArelY diagnosed by only echocaRdiogRaPHy prIOr To surGery. We hEReIN", "whitespace_perturbation": " UCS) is a rare cardiac an omaly andthe m ost un co mmon typ e of atrial se p taldefect. It is rarely d iagno se d byo nl y ech ocardio g ra p h y p ri or to s u rg ery.Weherein", "underscore_trick": " UCS)_is a_rare cardiac anomaly and_the most_uncommon_type of_atrial_septal defect. It_is rarely diagnosed_by only echocardiography prior_to surgery. We_herein"} +{"text": " implement speech-language pathology services that seek to address rural and remote communication needs and access inequities. A failure to engage these communities in the identification of childhood communication", "synonym_substitution": "implement speech - language pathology services that search to cover rural and remote communication needs and entree inequities. A bankruptcy to engage these communities in the recognition of childhood communication", "butter_fingers": " imolement speech-language pxthology servicgs that veek tk addresr rural and remote communicavion needw and access inequitier. A failuge to engqge uhese communities in the lbentirlcatimi of childhood gommunicatimn", "random_deletion": "implement speech-language pathology services that seek to and communication needs access inequities. A in identification of childhood", "change_char_case": " implement speech-language paThology serVices ThaT seEk To adDresS rural and remotE CommUnication needs and accesS ineqUiTIes. A FAiLure tO engage THeSE ComMuNiTieS iN ThE idenTifIcation Of childhooD coMmUnication", "whitespace_perturbation": " implement speech-language pathology serv ice s t ha t se ek t o address rura l and remote communicationneeds a n d ac c es s ine quities . A f ail ur etoen g ag e the secommuni ties in th e i de ntificationo fchildhoodcom munication", "underscore_trick": " implement_speech-language pathology_services that seek to_address rural_and_remote communication_needs_and access inequities._A failure to_engage these communities in_the identification of_childhood_communication"} +{"text": " anterior vaginal wall prolapse. The aim of this study was to determine the safety and efficacy of posterior colporrhaphy with mesh in patients with posterior vaginal", "synonym_substitution": "anterior vaginal wall prolapse. The aim of this study was to determine the condom and efficacy of later colporrhaphy with mesh in patients with later vaginal", "butter_fingers": " anherior vaginal wall prolxpse. The aim of this svudy waa to detdrmine the safety and efficary od posuvrior colporrhaphy wigh mesh ij patienrs wmth posterior vajjnal", "random_deletion": "anterior vaginal wall prolapse. The aim of was determine the and efficacy of patients posterior vaginal", "change_char_case": " anterior vaginal wall prolapSe. The aim of This sTudY waS tO detErmiNe the safety and EFficAcy of posterior colporrhAphy wItH Mesh IN pAtienTs with pOStERIor VaGiNal", "whitespace_perturbation": " anterior vaginal wall pro lapse. The aimofthi sstud y wa s to determine thesafety and efficacy of post er i or c o lp orrha phy wit h m e s h i npa tie nt s w ith p ost erior v aginal", "underscore_trick": " anterior_vaginal wall_prolapse. The aim of_this study_was_to determine_the_safety and efficacy_of posterior colporrhaphy_with mesh in patients_with posterior vaginal"} +{"text": " abnormal 5-HTT protein. [Mental disorders as late sequelae of closed cranio-cerebral trauma].\nIn a total of 308 patients", "synonym_substitution": "abnormal 5 - HTT protein. [ Mental disorders as late sequelae of closed cranio - cerebral injury ]. \n In a sum of 308 patients", "butter_fingers": " abjormal 5-HTT protein. [Mentau disorders as late sexuelae of closdd cranio-cerebral trauma].\nIn a tital if 308 patients", "random_deletion": "abnormal 5-HTT protein. [Mental disorders as late closed trauma]. In total of 308", "change_char_case": " abnormal 5-HTT protein. [Mental dIsorders as Late sEquElaE oF cloSed cRanio-cerebral tRAuma].\nin a total of 308 patients", "whitespace_perturbation": " abnormal 5-HTT protein. [ Mental dis order s a s l at e se quel ae of closed c r anio -cerebral trauma].\nIna tot al of 3 0 8patie nts", "underscore_trick": " abnormal_5-HTT protein._[Mental disorders as late_sequelae of_closed_cranio-cerebral trauma].\nIn_a_total of 308_patients"} +{"text": "MIBG uptake: a cross-sectional study.\nThe aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between age and uptake of fluorine-18-", "synonym_substitution": "MIBG uptake: a cross - sectional study. \n The aim of this discipline was to investigate the kinship between age and uptake of fluorine-18-", "butter_fingers": "MIBH uptake: a cross-sectionau study.\nThe aim of this study was to knvestigate the relationship bwtweeb age and uptake of fljorine-18-", "random_deletion": "MIBG uptake: a cross-sectional study. The aim study to investigate relationship between age", "change_char_case": "MIBG uptake: a cross-sectional Study.\nThe aiM of thIs sTudY wAs to InveStigate the relaTIonsHip between age and uptake Of fluOrINe-18-", "whitespace_perturbation": "MIBG uptake: a cross-secti onal study .\nThe ai m o fthis stu dy was to inve s tiga te the relationship be tween a g e an d u ptake of flu o ri n e -18 -", "underscore_trick": "MIBG uptake:_a cross-sectional_study.\nThe aim of this_study was_to_investigate the_relationship_between age and_uptake of fluorine-18-"} +{"text": " (OR=2.64, P<0.05) cluster and FFS increased the odds (OR=3.16, P<0.05", "synonym_substitution": "(OR=2.64, P<0.05) cluster and FFS increased the odds (OR=3.16, P<0.05", "butter_fingers": " (OR=2.64, P<0.05) cluster and FFS increxsed the odds (OT=3.16, P<0.05", "random_deletion": "(OR=2.64, P<0.05) cluster and FFS increased the P<0.05", "change_char_case": " (OR=2.64, P<0.05) cluster and FFS increased The odds (OR=3.16, P<0.05", "whitespace_perturbation": " (OR=2.64, P<0.05) cluster and FFS i ncrea sed th eodds (OR =3.16, P<0.05", "underscore_trick": " (OR=2.64,_P<0.05) cluster_and FFS increased the_odds (OR=3.16,_P<0.05"} +{"text": " meningococcal disease were seen at Tygerberg Hospital, Parowvallei, CP. The manner of presentation, the diagnosis and some of the clinical features of", "synonym_substitution": "meningococcal disease were seen at Tygerberg Hospital, Parowvallei, CP. The manner of presentation, the diagnosis and some of the clinical features of", "butter_fingers": " mejingococcal disease were seen at Tygerbgrt Hospmtal, Padowvallek, CP. The manner of presentatmon, rhe duagnosis and some of tfe clinicwl featuees id", "random_deletion": "meningococcal disease were seen at Tygerberg Hospital, The of presentation, diagnosis and some", "change_char_case": " meningococcal disease were sEen at TygerBerg HOspItaL, PArowVallEi, CP. The manner oF PresEntation, the diagnosis anD some Of THe clINiCal feAtures oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " meningococcal disease wer e seen atTyger ber g H os pita l, P arowvallei, CP . The manner of presentatio n, th ed iagn o si s and some o f t h e cl in ic alfe a tu res o f", "underscore_trick": " meningococcal_disease were_seen at Tygerberg Hospital,_Parowvallei, CP._The_manner of_presentation,_the diagnosis and_some of the_clinical features of"} +{"text": ". We hypothesized that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the 5' and 3' untranslated regions (UTRs) of the SCD1 gene would", "synonym_substitution": ". We hypothesized that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the 5' and 3' untranslated regions (UTRs) of the SCD1 gene would", "butter_fingers": ". We hypothesized that singlt nucleotide polymorphisks (SNPa) in the 5' and 3' untranslated regions (NTRs) of tye SCD1 gene would", "random_deletion": ". We hypothesized that single nucleotide polymorphisms the and 3' regions (UTRs) of", "change_char_case": ". We hypothesized that single nUcleotide pOlymoRphIsmS (SnPs) iN the 5' And 3' untranslateD RegiOns (UTRs) of the SCD1 gene wouLd", "whitespace_perturbation": ". We hypothesized that sin gle nucleo tidepol ymo rp hism s (S NPs) in the 5' and3' untranslated region s (UT Rs ) oft he SCD1 gene w o ul d ", "underscore_trick": ". We_hypothesized that_single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)_in the_5'_and 3'_untranslated_regions (UTRs) of_the SCD1 gene_would"} +{"text": " factors often localize to noncoding regions of the genome with unknown effects on disease etiology. Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) help to explain the", "synonym_substitution": "factors often localize to noncoding regions of the genome with strange effect on disease etiology. Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) help to excuse the", "butter_fingers": " faftors often localize to koncoding regions of thx genoms with uvknown effects on disease etmoloty. Exkgession quantitative grait locp (eQTLs) hwlp uo explain the", "random_deletion": "factors often localize to noncoding regions of with effects on etiology. Expression quantitative explain", "change_char_case": " factors often localize to nonCoding regiOns of The GenOmE witH unkNown effects on dISeasE etiology. Expression quaNtitaTiVE traIT lOci (eQtLs) help TO eXPLaiN tHe", "whitespace_perturbation": " factors often localize to noncoding regi ons of t he g enom e with unknown effe cts on disease etiolog y. Ex pr e ssio n q uanti tativet ra i t lo ci ( eQT Ls ) h elp t o e xplainthe", "underscore_trick": " factors_often localize_to noncoding regions of_the genome_with_unknown effects_on_disease etiology. Expression_quantitative trait loci_(eQTLs) help to explain_the"} +{"text": " made using the m/z 74 and m/z 76 fragments, which contain both the ester oxygens. The accuracy of the method is demonstrated with synthetic", "synonym_substitution": "made using the m / z 74 and m / z 76 fragments, which control both the ester oxygen. The accuracy of the method is demonstrated with man-made", "butter_fingers": " mafe using the m/z 74 and m/z 76 fragments, whick contamn both the estdr oxygens. The accuracy of tie mwthod is demonstrated with rynthetic", "random_deletion": "made using the m/z 74 and m/z which both the oxygens. The accuracy with", "change_char_case": " made using the m/z 74 and m/z 76 fragmeNts, which coNtain BotH thE eSter OxygEns. The accuracy OF the Method is demonstrated wiTh synThETic", "whitespace_perturbation": " made using the m/z 74 and m/z 76 fr agmen ts, wh ic h co ntai n both the est e r ox ygens. The accuracy of theme t hodi sdemon strated wi t h sy nt he tic ", "underscore_trick": " made_using the_m/z 74 and m/z_76 fragments,_which_contain both_the_ester oxygens. The_accuracy of the_method is demonstrated with_synthetic"} +{"text": "1e and 1f), and endo complexes (3c-3f) were obtained in all cases. The palladation of MePh2P", "synonym_substitution": "1e and 1f), and endo complexes (3c-3f) were obtained in all cases. The palladation of MePh2P", "butter_fingers": "1e ajd 1f), and endo complexes (3g-3f) were obtained in all cases. The paluadation of MePh2P", "random_deletion": "1e and 1f), and endo complexes (3c-3f) in cases. The of MePh2P", "change_char_case": "1e and 1f), and endo complexes (3c-3f) weRe obtained In all CasEs. THe PallAdatIon of MePh2P", "whitespace_perturbation": "1e and 1f), and endo compl exes (3c-3 f) we reobt ai nedin a ll cases. Thep alla dation of MePh2P", "underscore_trick": "1e and_1f), and_endo complexes (3c-3f) were_obtained in_all_cases. The_palladation_of MePh2P"} +{"text": "'s disease, has shown healing and an absence of side effects. The combination of these properties, and the large quantity of cells that can be obtained from fat,", "synonym_substitution": "'s disease, has shown healing and an absence of side effects. The combination of these properties, and the big measure of cells that can be obtained from fatty,", "butter_fingers": "'s dlsease, has shown healing and an absence of sidx effecfs. The cumbination of these propertixs, abd tht large quantity of cells thwt can bw obuained from fat,", "random_deletion": "'s disease, has shown healing and an side The combination these properties, and that be obtained from", "change_char_case": "'s disease, has shown healing anD an absence Of sidE efFecTs. the cOmbiNation of these pROperTies, and the large quantitY of ceLlS That CAn Be obtAined frOM fAT,", "whitespace_perturbation": "'s disease, has shown heal ing and an abse nce of s ideeffe cts. The combi n atio n of these properties, andth e lar g equant ity ofc el l s th at c anbe ob taine d f rom fat ,", "underscore_trick": "'s disease,_has shown_healing and an absence_of side_effects._The combination_of_these properties, and_the large quantity_of cells that can_be obtained from_fat,"} +{"text": " green angiography and fluorescein angiography of malignant choroidal melanomas following proton beam irradiation.\nThe vascularisation features of intraocular tumours may be characterised by indocy", "synonym_substitution": "green angiography and fluorescein angiography of malignant choroidal melanomas following proton beam irradiation. \n The vascularization feature of intraocular tumours may be characterised by indocy", "butter_fingers": " grfen angiography and fluovescein angiograkht of melignanf choroiaal melanomas following protln beam irradiation.\nThe vasculxrisation featurew of untraoculac tumours may gc chaxarterised by indpcy", "random_deletion": "green angiography and fluorescein angiography of malignant following beam irradiation. vascularisation features of by", "change_char_case": " green angiography and fluoreScein angioGraphY of MalIgNant ChorOidal melanomas FOlloWing proton beam irradiatIon.\nThE vASculARiSatioN featurES oF INtrAoCuLar TuMOuRs may Be cHaracteRised by indOcy", "whitespace_perturbation": " green angiography and flu orescein a ngiog rap hyof mal igna nt choroidal m e lano mas following proton b eam i rr a diat i on .\nThe vascul a ri s a tio nfe atu re s o f int rao cular t umours may be c haracterised by indocy", "underscore_trick": " green_angiography and_fluorescein angiography of malignant_choroidal melanomas_following_proton beam_irradiation.\nThe_vascularisation features of_intraocular tumours may_be characterised by indocy"} +{"text": " the entire duration of the sleep/wake period based on sleep. The wireless ocular sensor is well tolerated over a 24-hour period in African American patients with", "synonym_substitution": "the entire duration of the sleep / wake period free-base on rest. The wireless ocular sensor is well tolerated over a 24 - hour time period in African American affected role with", "butter_fingers": " thf entire duration of the sleep/wake period basev on slsep. The direless ocular sensor is wepl toleeated over a 24-hour periud in Afrpcan Amerucan patients wmfh", "random_deletion": "the entire duration of the sleep/wake period sleep. wireless ocular is well tolerated African patients with", "change_char_case": " the entire duration of the sleEp/wake periOd basEd oN slEeP. The WireLess ocular sensOR is wEll tolerated over a 24-hour pEriod In aFricAN AMericAn patieNTs WITh", "whitespace_perturbation": " the entire duration of th e sleep/wa ke pe rio d b as ed o n sl eep. The wirel e ss o cular sensor is well t olera te d ove r a 24-h our per i od i n A fr ic anAm e ri can p ati ents wi th", "underscore_trick": " the_entire duration_of the sleep/wake period_based on_sleep._The wireless_ocular_sensor is well_tolerated over a_24-hour period in African_American patients with"} +{"text": "KD) patients with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) resistance. The transcriptional modulation of inflammation following IFX therapy has not been reported in KD patients. We investigated the", "synonym_substitution": "KD) patients with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) resistance. The transcriptional modulation of inflammation follow IFX therapy has not been report in KD patients. We investigated the", "butter_fingers": "KD) oatients with intravenour immunoglobuliu (IVIG) cesistahce. The granscriptional modulation oh indlammqtion following IFX thdrapy has not beeb rekorted in KD patixhts. We luvestjnated vhe", "random_deletion": "KD) patients with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) resistance. modulation inflammation following therapy has not We the", "change_char_case": "KD) patients with intravenous ImmunoglobUlin (IvIG) ResIsTancE. The TranscriptionaL ModuLation of inflammation foLlowiNg ifX thERaPy has Not been REpORTed In kD PatIeNTs. we invEstIgated tHe", "whitespace_perturbation": "KD) patients with intraven ous immuno globu lin (I VI G) r esis tance. The tra n scri ptional modulation ofinfla mm a tion fo llowi ng IFXt he r a pyha snot b e en repo rte d in KD patients. We i nvestigatedt he ", "underscore_trick": "KD) patients_with intravenous_immunoglobulin (IVIG) resistance. The_transcriptional modulation_of_inflammation following_IFX_therapy has not_been reported in_KD patients. We investigated_the"} +{"text": " of morphological changes and HCG secretion in manipulated embryos. Meteorological factors and ambient bacterial levels in a subtropical urban environment.\nWe conducted a study to", "synonym_substitution": "of morphological changes and HCG secretion in manipulated embryos. meteorologic divisor and ambient bacterial levels in a subtropical urban environment. \n We conducted a discipline to", "butter_fingers": " of morphological changes akd HCG secretion in manmpulates embryor. Meteorological factors and anbienu bacterial levels kn a subtgopical ueban wnvironmenv.\nSe condmeted z stuby to", "random_deletion": "of morphological changes and HCG secretion in Meteorological and ambient levels in a a to", "change_char_case": " of morphological changes and hCG secretiOn in mAniPulAtEd emBryoS. MeteorologicaL FactOrs and ambient bacterial LevelS iN A subTRoPical Urban enVIrONMenT.\nWE cOndUcTEd A studY to", "whitespace_perturbation": " of morphological changesand HCG se creti oninma nipu late d embryos. Met e orol ogical factors and amb ientba c teri a llevel s in as ub t r opi ca lurb an en viron men t.\nWe c onducted a st ud y to", "underscore_trick": " of_morphological changes_and HCG secretion in_manipulated embryos._Meteorological_factors and_ambient_bacterial levels in_a subtropical urban_environment.\nWe conducted a study_to"} +{"text": " of anti-inflammatory Tregs as a novel intervention in chronic inflammatory diseases. Outcome and medical management in dogs with lower motor neuron disease undergoing mechanical ventilation: 14", "synonym_substitution": "of anti - inflammatory Tregs as a novel intervention in chronic inflammatory disease. result and medical management in dogs with low motor neuron disease undergo mechanical ventilation: 14", "butter_fingers": " of anti-inflammatory Tregs xs a novel intetvwntion in chdonic inwlammatory diseases. Outcome end nedicql management in dogs dith loweg motor nwuroi disease undergoing mecmcnicam vencioation: 14", "random_deletion": "of anti-inflammatory Tregs as a novel intervention inflammatory Outcome and management in dogs undergoing ventilation: 14", "change_char_case": " of anti-inflammatory Tregs as A novel inteRventIon In cHrOnic InflAmmatory diseasES. OutCome and medical managemeNt in dOgS With LOwEr motOr neuroN DiSEAse UnDeRgoInG MeChaniCal VentilaTion: 14", "whitespace_perturbation": " of anti-inflammatory Treg s as a nov el in ter ven ti on i n ch ronic inflamma t orydiseases. Outcome andmedic al mana g em ent i n dogsw it h low er m oto rn eu ron d ise ase und ergoing me cha ni cal ventilat i on : 14", "underscore_trick": " of_anti-inflammatory Tregs_as a novel intervention_in chronic_inflammatory_diseases. Outcome_and_medical management in_dogs with lower_motor neuron disease undergoing_mechanical ventilation: 14"} +{"text": " \u2265 500 ng/ml. Weekly ESA dose was greater among patients with high vs. low ferritin (6788.8 \u00b1 4727.8", "synonym_substitution": "\u2265 500 ng / ml. Weekly ESA dose was greater among patients with high vs. low ferritin (6788.8 \u00b1 4727.8", "butter_fingers": " \u2265 500 jg/ml. Weekly ESA dose was greater among karients with gigh vs. uow ferritin (6788.8 \u00b1 4727.8", "random_deletion": "\u2265 500 ng/ml. Weekly ESA dose was patients high vs. ferritin (6788.8 \u00b1", "change_char_case": " \u2265 500 ng/ml. Weekly ESA dose was greatEr among patIents WitH hiGh Vs. loW ferRitin (6788.8 \u00b1 4727.8", "whitespace_perturbation": " \u2265 500 ng/ml. Weekly ESA d ose was gr eater am ong p atie ntswith high vs.l ow f erritin (6788.8 \u00b1 4727 .8", "underscore_trick": " \u2265_500 ng/ml._Weekly ESA dose was_greater among_patients_with high_vs._low ferritin (6788.8_\u00b1 4727.8"} +{"text": " PH3 stoichiometry. Our calculated activation energies describe the competition between diffusion and dissociation pathways and hence provide a comprehensive model for the numerous adsorbate species observed", "synonym_substitution": "PH3 stoichiometry. Our calculated activation energies describe the contest between dissemination and dissociation pathways and hence provide a comprehensive mannequin for the numerous adsorbate species respect", "butter_fingers": " PH3 stoichiometry. Our calcuuated activatiou energmes desdribe thd competition between diffusmon qnd dussociation pathways avd hence irovide a comkrehensive model hkr the kbmerohd advirbate species observed", "random_deletion": "PH3 stoichiometry. Our calculated activation energies describe between and dissociation and hence provide numerous species observed", "change_char_case": " PH3 stoichiometry. Our calculaTed activatIon enErgIes DeScriBe thE competition beTWeen Diffusion and dissociatiOn patHwAYs anD HeNce prOvide a cOMpREHenSiVe ModEl FOr The nuMerOus adsoRbate speciEs oBsErved", "whitespace_perturbation": " PH3 stoichiometry. Our ca lculated a ctiva tio n e ne rgie s de scribe the com p etit ion between diffusionand d is s ocia t io n pat hways a n dh e nce p ro vid ea c ompre hen sive mo del for th e n um erous adsorb a te species o bse rved", "underscore_trick": " PH3_stoichiometry. Our_calculated activation energies describe_the competition_between_diffusion and_dissociation_pathways and hence_provide a comprehensive_model for the numerous_adsorbate species observed"} +{"text": " of three patient with relapses, two presented permanent neurological sequelae. A patient which suffered three relapses, is also the one which presents more serious sequelae", "synonym_substitution": "of three patient with relapses, two presented permanent neurological sequelae. A affected role which suffer three relapses, is also the one which stage more good sequelae", "butter_fingers": " of three patient with relakses, two presenteb permaient nehrologicxl sequelae. A patient which dudferee three relapses, is alro the onv which peeseits more serious sequelac", "random_deletion": "of three patient with relapses, two presented sequelae. patient which three relapses, is more sequelae", "change_char_case": " of three patient with relapseS, two presenTed peRmaNenT nEuroLogiCal sequelae. A paTIent Which suffered three relaPses, iS aLSo thE OnE whicH presenTS mORE seRiOuS seQuELaE", "whitespace_perturbation": " of three patient with rel apses, two pres ent edpe rman entneurological s e quel ae. A patient which su ffere dt hree re lapse s, is a l so t heon ewhi ch pr esent s m ore ser ious seque lae ", "underscore_trick": " of_three patient_with relapses, two presented_permanent neurological_sequelae._A patient_which_suffered three relapses,_is also the_one which presents more_serious sequelae"} +{"text": "phadex fractionation beta TG immunoreactivities in night urines (n = 15) were: 20 +/- 3 pg/ml in the HMW fraction", "synonym_substitution": "phadex fractionation beta TG immunoreactivities in night urines (n = 15) were: 20 + /- 3 pg / ml in the HMW fraction", "butter_fingers": "phafex fractionation beta TN immunoreactivijiws in iight udines (n = 15) were: 20 +/- 3 pg/ml in the HMW frectiin", "random_deletion": "phadex fractionation beta TG immunoreactivities in night = were: 20 3 pg/ml in", "change_char_case": "phadex fractionation beta TG ImmunoreacTivitIes In nIgHt urInes (N = 15) were: 20 +/- 3 pg/ml in the hmW frAction", "whitespace_perturbation": "phadex fractionation betaTG immunor eacti vit ies i n ni ghturines (n = 15 ) wer e: 20 +/- 3 pg/ml in t he HM Wf ract i on ", "underscore_trick": "phadex fractionation_beta TG_immunoreactivities in night urines_(n =_15)_were: 20_+/-_3 pg/ml in_the HMW fraction"} +{"text": " patients with suspected carpal injury and allows better anatomical localization and greater sensitivity than planar scintigraphy alone. Auto-Rim Flap Technique for Lateral Cr", "synonym_substitution": "patients with suspected carpal injury and allows good anatomic localization and greater sensitivity than planar scintigraphy alone. car - Rim Flap Technique for Lateral Cr", "butter_fingers": " pahients with suspected cavpal injury and colows uetter znatomicxl localization and greater debsiticity than planar scintkgraphy apone. Auti-Rim Dlap Technmsue for Laterzp Cr", "random_deletion": "patients with suspected carpal injury and allows localization greater sensitivity planar scintigraphy alone. Cr", "change_char_case": " patients with suspected carpAl injury anD alloWs bEttEr AnatOmicAl localization ANd grEater sensitivity than plAnar sCiNTigrAPhY alonE. Auto-RiM flAP tecHnIqUe fOr lAtEral CR", "whitespace_perturbation": " patients with suspected c arpal inju ry an d a llo ws bet teranatomical loc a liza tion and greater sensi tivit yt hanp la nar s cintigr a ph y alo ne .Aut o- R im Flap Te chnique for Later alCr ", "underscore_trick": " patients_with suspected_carpal injury and allows_better anatomical_localization_and greater_sensitivity_than planar scintigraphy_alone. Auto-Rim Flap_Technique for Lateral Cr"} +{"text": " as an introduction for discussing unanswered questions regarding excitation-contraction coupling. Learning and personality types are related in cavies (Cavia aperea).\n", "synonym_substitution": "as an introduction for discussing unanswered questions regarding excitement - compression yoke. Learning and personality types are related in cavy (Cavia aperea).", "butter_fingers": " as an introduction for disgussing unanswergd questmons refarding dxcitation-contraction coupliig. Lwarnibg and personality typds are repated in cavmes (Cavia aperea).\n", "random_deletion": "as an introduction for discussing unanswered questions coupling. and personality are related in", "change_char_case": " as an introduction for discusSing unanswEred qUesTioNs RegaRdinG excitation-conTRactIon coupling. Learning and PersoNaLIty tYPeS are rElated iN CaVIEs (CAvIa ApeReA).\n", "whitespace_perturbation": " as an introduction for di scussing u nansw ere d q ue stio ns r egarding excit a tion -contraction coupling. Lear ni n g an d p erson ality t y pe s are r el ate di ncavie s ( Cavia a perea).\n", "underscore_trick": " as_an introduction_for discussing unanswered questions_regarding excitation-contraction_coupling._Learning and_personality_types are related_in cavies (Cavia_aperea).\n"} +{"text": " human erythrocytes. The detection limits (at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3) for guanine and its nucleosides and nucleotides were 3.2", "synonym_substitution": "human erythrocytes. The detection limits (at a signal - to - noise proportion of 3) for guanine and its nucleoside and nucleotide were 3.2", "butter_fingers": " hulan erythrocytes. The dettction limits (at c signan-to-noiae ratio of 3) for guanine and its nucpeisidew and nucleotides were 3.2", "random_deletion": "human erythrocytes. The detection limits (at a of for guanine its nucleosides and", "change_char_case": " human erythrocytes. The detecTion limits (At a siGnaL-to-NoIse rAtio Of 3) for guanine anD Its nUcleosides and nucleotidEs werE 3.2", "whitespace_perturbation": " human erythrocytes. The d etection l imits (a t a s igna l-to -noise ratio o f 3)for guanine and its nu cleos id e s an d n ucleo tides w e re 3 .2", "underscore_trick": " human_erythrocytes. The_detection limits (at a_signal-to-noise ratio_of_3) for_guanine_and its nucleosides_and nucleotides were_3.2"} +{"text": "-seven isolates were isolated from nodules collected on roots of Mediterranean shrubby legumes Retama raetam and Retama sphaerocarpa growing in", "synonym_substitution": "-seven isolates were isolated from nodules collected on roots of Mediterranean shrubby legumes Retama retem and Retama sphaerocarpa grow in", "butter_fingers": "-sevfn isolates were isolatea from nodules eillectxd on rkots of Oediterranean shrubby legumed Eetamq raetam and Retama spfaerocarpw growint in", "random_deletion": "-seven isolates were isolated from nodules collected of shrubby legumes raetam and Retama", "change_char_case": "-seven isolates were isolated From noduleS collEctEd oN rOots Of MeDiterranean shrUBby lEgumes Retama raetam and REtama SpHAeroCArPa groWing in", "whitespace_perturbation": "-seven isolates were isola ted from n odule s c oll ec tedon r oots of Medite r rane an shrubby legumes Ret ama r ae t am a n dRetam a sphae r oc a r pagr ow ing i n ", "underscore_trick": "-seven isolates_were isolated_from nodules collected on_roots of_Mediterranean_shrubby legumes_Retama_raetam and Retama_sphaerocarpa growing in"} +{"text": " in nurse anesthesia and the achievements in the development of a valid and highly respected credentialing mechanism. Recertification and hospital credentialing are also discussed.", "synonym_substitution": "in nurse anesthesia and the achievements in the development of a valid and highly respected credentialing mechanism. Recertification and hospital credentialing are also discourse.", "butter_fingers": " in nurse anesthesia and tht achievements in the detelopmeht of a xalid and highly respected ccedebtialung mechanism. Recertifkcation ajd hospiral rredentialing arx also dlfcusacd.", "random_deletion": "in nurse anesthesia and the achievements in of valid and respected credentialing mechanism. also", "change_char_case": " in nurse anesthesia and the acHievements In the DevEloPmEnt oF a vaLid and highly reSPectEd credentialing mechaniSm. RecErTIficATiOn and HospitaL CrEDEntIaLiNg aRe ALsO discUssEd.", "whitespace_perturbation": " in nurse anesthesia and t he achieve ments in th edeve lopm ent of a valid andhighly respected crede ntial in g mec h an ism.Recerti f ic a t ion a nd ho sp i ta l cre den tialing are alsodis cu ssed.", "underscore_trick": " in_nurse anesthesia_and the achievements in_the development_of_a valid_and_highly respected credentialing_mechanism. Recertification and_hospital credentialing are also_discussed."} +{"text": " with assessments at admission, three-months and one-year post-discharge. Patients \u2265 65 years admitted to a 1024-bed tertiary teaching hospital in the", "synonym_substitution": "with assessments at admission, three - months and one - year mail - dismissal. Patients \u2265 65 years admitted to a 1024 - layer tertiary teaching hospital in the", "butter_fingers": " wihh assessments at admisslon, three-months cbd one-bear poat-dischafge. Patients \u2265 65 years admittev to a 1024-bee tertiary teaching horpital in the", "random_deletion": "with assessments at admission, three-months and one-year \u2265 years admitted a 1024-bed tertiary", "change_char_case": " with assessments at admissioN, three-montHs and One-YeaR pOst-dIschArge. Patients \u2265 65 yeARs adMitted to a 1024-bed tertiary teAchinG hOSpitAL iN the", "whitespace_perturbation": " with assessments at admis sion, thre e-mon ths an done- year post-discharg e . Pa tients \u2265 65 years admi ttedto a 10 2 4- bed t ertiary te a c hin gho spi ta l i n the ", "underscore_trick": " with_assessments at_admission, three-months and one-year_post-discharge. Patients_\u2265_65 years_admitted_to a 1024-bed_tertiary teaching hospital_in the"} +{"text": ", NF-IL-6, and RANTES expression in dengue-2-virus-infected human liver cells.\nThe liver has been suspected to be", "synonym_substitution": ", NF - IL-6, and RANTES expression in dengue-2 - virus - infected human liver cells. \n The liver has been suspect to be", "butter_fingers": ", NF-LL-6, and RANTES expression in dengue-2-virus-nbfectev human liver cdlls.\nThe liver has been susperted to bt", "random_deletion": ", NF-IL-6, and RANTES expression in dengue-2-virus-infected cells. liver has suspected to be", "change_char_case": ", NF-IL-6, and RANTES expression in Dengue-2-viruS-infeCteD huMaN livEr ceLls.\nThe liver has BEen sUspected to be", "whitespace_perturbation": ", NF-IL-6, and RANTES expr ession indengu e-2 -vi ru s-in fect ed human liver cell s.\nThe liver has beensuspe ct e d to be ", "underscore_trick": ", NF-IL-6,_and RANTES_expression in dengue-2-virus-infected human_liver cells.\nThe_liver_has been_suspected_to be"} +{"text": "illary and mandibular canines, respectively. In subjects over 65, of pensionable age, estimates were correct in 85% and 88% of cases, respectively.", "synonym_substitution": "illary and mandibular canines, respectively. In subjects over 65, of pensionable age, estimates were right in 85% and 88% of case, respectively.", "butter_fingers": "illwry and mandibular canints, respectively. Iu subjerts oved 65, of pevsionable age, estimates were cirrecu in 85% and 88% of cases, respectinely.", "random_deletion": "illary and mandibular canines, respectively. In subjects of age, estimates correct in 85%", "change_char_case": "illary and mandibular canineS, respectivEly. In SubJecTs Over 65, Of peNsionable age, esTImatEs were correct in 85% and 88% of caSes, reSpECtivELy.", "whitespace_perturbation": "illary and mandibular cani nes, respe ctive ly. In s ubje ctsover 65, of pe n sion able age, estimates we re co rr e ct i n 8 5% an d 88% o f c a s es, r es pec ti v el y.", "underscore_trick": "illary and_mandibular canines,_respectively. In subjects over_65, of_pensionable_age, estimates_were_correct in 85%_and 88% of_cases, respectively."} +{"text": " minor complication after surgery was seizures (n 51, 13.6%). The most frequent major surgical complications were intracerebral hemorrhage and subdural empyema", "synonym_substitution": "minor complication after surgery was seizures (n 51, 13.6 %). The most frequent major surgical complication were intracerebral bleeding and subdural empyema", "butter_fingers": " mijor complication after smrgery was seizutew (n 51, 13.6%). Vhe mosf frequevt major surgical complicatilnw wert intracerebral hemurrhage ajd subdueal tmpyema", "random_deletion": "minor complication after surgery was seizures (n The frequent major complications were intracerebral", "change_char_case": " minor complication after surGery was seiZures (N 51, 13.6%). ThE moSt FreqUent Major surgical cOMpliCations were intracerebrAl hemOrRHage ANd SubduRal empyEMa", "whitespace_perturbation": " minor complication aftersurgery wa s sei zur es(n 51, 13. 6%). The mostf requ ent major surgical com plica ti o ns w e re intr acerebr a lh e mor rh ag e a nd su bdura l e mpyema", "underscore_trick": " minor_complication after_surgery was seizures (n_51, 13.6%)._The_most frequent_major_surgical complications were_intracerebral hemorrhage and_subdural empyema"} +{"text": " form. However, the TEM images and other catalytic activity data show that the SWCNTs act as wires for the transmission of electrons. A successful education program for", "synonym_substitution": "form. However, the TEM images and other catalytic activity datum picture that the SWCNTs act as wires for the transmission of electron. A successful education course of study for", "butter_fingers": " fogm. However, the TEM imager and other catcoytic ectivitg data sfow that the SWCNTs act as wmres for uke transmission of euectrons. W succeswful wducation 'dogram njr", "random_deletion": "form. However, the TEM images and other data that the act as wires A education program for", "change_char_case": " form. However, the TEM images anD other cataLytic ActIviTy Data Show That the SWCNTs aCT as wIres for the transmission Of eleCtROns. A SUcCessfUl educaTIoN PRogRaM fOr", "whitespace_perturbation": " form. However, the TEM im ages and o thercat aly ti c ac tivi ty data show t h at t he SWCNTs act as wires forth e tra n sm issio n of el e ct r o ns. A s ucc es s fu l edu cat ion pro gram for", "underscore_trick": " form._However, the_TEM images and other_catalytic activity_data_show that_the_SWCNTs act as_wires for the_transmission of electrons. A_successful education program_for"} +{"text": ". N-cadherin and NGF were expressed by all of the S-100 positive cells. Predegeneration is considered to be a highly efficacious method,", "synonym_substitution": ". N - cadherin and NGF were expressed by all of the S-100 positive cells. Predegeneration is considered to be a highly effective method acting,", "butter_fingers": ". N-cwdherin and NGF were expvessed by all of the S-100 'ositivs cells. Oredegeneration is considerev to be a highly efficacious meghod,", "random_deletion": ". N-cadherin and NGF were expressed by the positive cells. is considered to", "change_char_case": ". N-cadherin and NGF were expresSed by all of The S-100 pOsiTivE cElls. predEgeneration is cONsidEred to be a highly efficacIous mEtHOd,", "whitespace_perturbation": ". N-cadherin and NGF wereexpressedby al l o f t he S-1 00 p ositive cells. Pred egeneration is conside red t ob e ah ig hly e fficaci o us m eth od ,", "underscore_trick": ". N-cadherin_and NGF_were expressed by all_of the_S-100_positive cells._Predegeneration_is considered to_be a highly_efficacious method,"} +{"text": " imitates the structures and functions of viruses, leading to robust transfection efficiency both in vitro and in vivo. More importantly, apart from targeting ligand- and cell-", "synonym_substitution": "imitates the structures and functions of viruses, lead to full-bodied transfection efficiency both in vitro and in vivo. More importantly, apart from targeting ligand- and cell-", "butter_fingers": " imltates the structures ana functions of ruruses, leadihg to rocust transfection efficiency bith ib vitro and in vivo. Mofe importwntly, apqrt hrom targeting lmfand- and cell-", "random_deletion": "imitates the structures and functions of viruses, robust efficiency both vitro and in targeting and cell-", "change_char_case": " imitates the structures and fUnctions of VirusEs, lEadInG to rObusT transfection eFFiciEncy both in vitro and in viVo. MorE iMPortANtLy, apaRt from tARgETIng LiGaNd- aNd CElL-", "whitespace_perturbation": " imitates the structures a nd functio ns of vi rus es , le adin g to robust tr a nsfe ction efficiency bothin vi tr o and in vivo . Morei mp o r tan tl y, ap ar t f rom t arg eting l igand- and ce ll -", "underscore_trick": " imitates_the structures_and functions of viruses,_leading to_robust_transfection efficiency_both_in vitro and_in vivo. More_importantly, apart from targeting_ligand- and cell-"} +{"text": " is limited research in SLT interventions in patients in FTD-ALS spectrum, and the initial findings indicate success to some extent. Due to progressive neurodegeneration in", "synonym_substitution": "is limited research in SLT interventions in patients in FTD - ALS spectrum, and the initial finding bespeak success to some extent. Due to progressive neurodegeneration in", "butter_fingers": " is limited research in SLT interventions nb patixnts in FTD-ALS rpectrum, and the initial finvingw inducate success to some dxtent. Duv to progeessmve neurodegenerefion in", "random_deletion": "is limited research in SLT interventions in FTD-ALS and the findings indicate success progressive in", "change_char_case": " is limited research in SLT intErventions In patIenTs iN FtD-ALs speCtrum, and the iniTIal fIndings indicate success To somE eXTent. dUe To proGressivE NeUROdeGeNeRatIoN In", "whitespace_perturbation": " is limited research in SL T interven tions in pa ti ents inFTD-ALS spectr u m, a nd the initial finding s ind ic a te s u cc ess t o somee xt e n t.Du etopr o gr essiv e n eurodeg enerationin", "underscore_trick": " is_limited research_in SLT interventions in_patients in_FTD-ALS_spectrum, and_the_initial findings indicate_success to some_extent. Due to progressive_neurodegeneration in"} +{"text": "hand groundstrokes. In the present study, these were manipulated and tennis shots were simulated. Three conditions were created in which shot-direction differences were either preserved", "synonym_substitution": "hand groundstrokes. In the present study, these were manipulated and tennis shots were simulate. Three condition were created in which scene - management differences were either preserved", "butter_fingers": "hanf groundstrokes. In the pvesent study, these were maniphlated avd tennis shots were simulatxd. Tyree xonditions were createa in whicj shot-dieectmon differences xsre eitmzr prsdervzd", "random_deletion": "hand groundstrokes. In the present study, these and shots were Three conditions were were preserved", "change_char_case": "hand groundstrokes. In the preSent study, tHese wEre ManIpUlatEd anD tennis shots weRE simUlated. Three conditions wEre crEaTEd in WHiCh shoT-directIOn DIFfeReNcEs wErE EiTher pResErved", "whitespace_perturbation": "hand groundstrokes. In the present s tudy, th ese w eremani pulated and te n nisshots were simulated.Three c o ndit i on s wer e creat e di n wh ic hsho t- d ir ectio n d ifferen ces were e ith er preserved", "underscore_trick": "hand groundstrokes._In the_present study, these were_manipulated and_tennis_shots were_simulated._Three conditions were_created in which_shot-direction differences were either_preserved"} +{"text": " This endothelial model will be usefull as an enabling platform technology for tissue engineering. Effects of progesterone on experimental spinal cord injury.\nProgesterone has been proposed", "synonym_substitution": "This endothelial model will be usefull as an enabling platform technology for tissue technology. effect of progesterone on experimental spinal cord injury. \n Progesterone has been proposed", "butter_fingers": " Thls endothelial model wilu be usefull as an enauling pmatform gechnology for tissue enginexrint. Efftbts of progesterone ov experimvntal spibal rord injury.\nProgesterone mcs besk pro'owed", "random_deletion": "This endothelial model will be usefull as platform for tissue Effects of progesterone Progesterone been proposed", "change_char_case": " This endothelial model will bE usefull as An enaBliNg pLaTforM tecHnology for tissUE engIneering. Effects of progeSteroNe ON expERiMentaL spinal COrD INjuRy.\nprOgeStERoNe has BeeN proposEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " This endothelial model wi ll be usef ull a s a n e na blin g pl atform technol o gy f or tissue engineering. Effe ct s ofp ro geste rone on ex p e rim en ta l s pi n al cord in jury.\nP rogesteron e h as been propos e d", "underscore_trick": " This_endothelial model_will be usefull as_an enabling_platform_technology for_tissue_engineering. Effects of_progesterone on experimental_spinal cord injury.\nProgesterone has_been proposed"} +{"text": " and pathological data. H&E stained section review and immunohistochemietry using the Dako EnVision method were performed. Results: There were 6 female", "synonym_substitution": "and pathological data. H&E stained section revue and immunohistochemietry use the Dako EnVision method were performed. Results: There be 6 female", "butter_fingers": " anf pathological data. H&E suained section reruew anv immunkhistochdmietry using the Dako EnVismon nethoe were performed. Resulgs: There aere 6 fenale", "random_deletion": "and pathological data. H&E stained section review using Dako EnVision were performed. Results:", "change_char_case": " and pathological data. H&E staiNed section RevieW anD imMuNohiStocHemietry using tHE DakO EnVision method were perFormeD. RESultS: thEre weRe 6 femalE", "whitespace_perturbation": " and pathological data. H& E stainedsecti onrev ie w an d im munohistochemi e tryusing the Dako EnVisio n met ho d wer e p erfor med. Re s ul t s : T he re we re 6femal e", "underscore_trick": " and_pathological data._H&E stained section review_and immunohistochemietry_using_the Dako_EnVision_method were performed._Results: There were_6 female"} +{"text": " inducers, as well as pharmacokinetic parameters. We also propose a global approach to drug interactions problems--'good interactions practice--to help design rational drug interaction investigations", "synonym_substitution": "inducers, as well as pharmacokinetic parameters. We also nominate a ball-shaped approach to drug interactions problems--'good interaction exercise -- to help design rational drug interaction probe", "butter_fingers": " infucers, as well as pharmagokinetic paramejees. We elso prkpose a elobal approach to drug intecactuons kgoblems--'good interactiuns practpce--to help dewugn rationem drug luteradbion nntestigations", "random_deletion": "inducers, as well as pharmacokinetic parameters. We a approach to interactions problems--'good interactions interaction", "change_char_case": " inducers, as well as pharmacokInetic paraMeterS. We AlsO pRopoSe a gLobal approach tO Drug Interactions problems--'goOd intErACtioNS pRactiCe--to helP DeSIGn rAtIoNal DrUG iNteraCtiOn invesTigations", "whitespace_perturbation": " inducers, as well as phar macokineti c par ame ter s. Wealso propose a glo b al a pproach to drug intera ction sp robl e ms --'go od inte r ac t i ons p ra cti ce - -t o hel p d esign r ational dr ugin teraction in v es tigations", "underscore_trick": " inducers,_as well_as pharmacokinetic parameters. We_also propose_a_global approach_to_drug interactions problems--'good_interactions practice--to help_design rational drug interaction_investigations"} +{"text": " using several well-established and standardized self-report questionnaires. No serious gender differences concerning the main characteristics of alcohol dependence could be discovered. However, some remarkable personality", "synonym_substitution": "using several well - established and standardized self - reputation questionnaire. No serious gender dispute concern the main characteristics of alcohol addiction could be discovered. However, some remarkable personality", "butter_fingers": " uslng several well-establismed and standardnzed senf-repodt questkonnaires. No serious gender viffwrenctf concerning the mxin charabteristicw of qlcohol de'sndence could ne divrovered. However, some remaskable personanigy", "random_deletion": "using several well-established and standardized self-report questionnaires. gender concerning the characteristics of alcohol some personality", "change_char_case": " using several well-establishEd and standArdizEd sElf-RePort QuesTionnaires. No seRIous Gender differences conceRning ThE Main CHaRacteRistics OF aLCOhoL dEpEndEnCE cOuld bE diScovereD. However, soMe rEmArkable persoNAlIty", "whitespace_perturbation": " using several well-establ ished andstand ard ize dself -rep ort questionna i res. No serious gender dif feren ce s con c er ningthe mai n c h a rac te ri sti cs of alco hol depend ence could be d iscovered. H o we ver, somerem arkable pers ona lity", "underscore_trick": " using_several well-established_and standardized self-report questionnaires._No serious_gender_differences concerning_the_main characteristics of_alcohol dependence could_be discovered. However, some_remarkable personality"} +{"text": " prostate carcinogenesis remain to be determined. Centrally regulated blood pressure response to vasoactive peptides is modulated by corticosterone.\nTo investigate the role of brain", "synonym_substitution": "prostate carcinogenesis remain to be determined. Centrally regulated rake atmospheric pressure response to vasoactive peptides is modulated by corticosterone. \n To investigate the character of brain", "butter_fingers": " prlstate carcinogenesis reoain to be detetmuned. Cxntrallg regulaged blood pressure response vo vqsoacupve peptides is modulxted by clrticostwront.\nTo investigate tis role of brajk", "random_deletion": "prostate carcinogenesis remain to be determined. Centrally pressure to vasoactive is modulated by of", "change_char_case": " prostate carcinogenesis remAin to be detErminEd. CEntRaLly rEgulAted blood pressURe reSponse to vasoactive peptIdes iS mODulaTEd By corTicosteROnE.\ntO inVeStIgaTe THe Role oF brAin", "whitespace_perturbation": " prostate carcinogenesis r emain to b e det erm ine d. Cen tral ly regulated b l oodpressure response to v asoac ti v e pe p ti des i s modul a te d byco rt ico st e ro ne.\nT o i nvestig ate the ro leof brain", "underscore_trick": " prostate_carcinogenesis remain_to be determined. Centrally_regulated blood_pressure_response to_vasoactive_peptides is modulated_by corticosterone.\nTo investigate_the role of brain"} +{"text": "11)C]M2, was m/z 390 [M+H(+)]. In vitro analysis assisted by in silico prediction showed that [(11)", "synonym_substitution": "11)C]M2, was m / z 390 [ M+H(+) ]. In vitro analysis assisted by in silico prediction showed that [ (11 )", "butter_fingers": "11)C]M2, aas m/z 390 [M+H(+)]. In vitro analnsis assisted by in silmco presiction rhowed that [(11)", "random_deletion": "11)C]M2, was m/z 390 [M+H(+)]. In vitro by silico prediction that [(11)", "change_char_case": "11)C]M2, was m/z 390 [M+H(+)]. In vitro analysis aSsisted by iN siliCo pRedIcTion ShowEd that [(11)", "whitespace_perturbation": "11)C]M2, was m/z 390 [M+H( +)]. In vi tro a nal ysi sassi sted by in silicop redi ction showed that [(11 )", "underscore_trick": "11)C]M2, was_m/z 390_[M+H(+)]. In vitro analysis_assisted by_in_silico prediction_showed_that [(11)"} +{"text": " the method can be used both to identify contact allergens, and also determine the relative skin sensitizing potency as a basis for derivation of effective risk assessments.The", "synonym_substitution": "the method can be used both to identify contact allergens, and besides settle the relative skin sensitize potential as a basis for derivation of effective hazard assessments. The", "butter_fingers": " thf method can be used botm to identify couract anlergehs, and auso determine the relative snib senwitizing potency as a casis for derivatuon id effectivx risk assessmskts.Thz", "random_deletion": "the method can be used both to allergens, also determine relative skin sensitizing derivation effective risk assessments.The", "change_char_case": " the method can be used both to iDentify conTact aLleRgeNs, And aLso dEtermine the relATive Skin sensitizing potency As a baSiS For dERiVatioN of effeCTiVE RisK aSsEssMeNTs.the", "whitespace_perturbation": " the method can be used bo th to iden tifycon tac talle rgen s, and also de t ermi ne the relative skin s ensit iz i ng p o te ncy a s a bas i sf o r d er iv ati on of effe cti ve risk assessmen ts. Th e", "underscore_trick": " the_method can_be used both to_identify contact_allergens,_and also_determine_the relative skin_sensitizing potency as_a basis for derivation_of effective risk_assessments.The"} +{"text": " (less than 0.17 m/s), and the highest possible carrier frequency was used to obtain this limit. With these settings, all flow signals in the", "synonym_substitution": "(less than 0.17 m / s), and the highest possible carrier frequency was used to receive this terminus ad quem. With these settings, all flow signal in the", "butter_fingers": " (leds than 0.17 m/s), and the hightst possible carrnwr frexuency was usea to obtain this limit. With vhesw setupngs, all flow signals in the", "random_deletion": "(less than 0.17 m/s), and the highest frequency used to this limit. With in", "change_char_case": " (less than 0.17 m/s), and the highest poSsible carrIer frEquEncY wAs usEd to Obtain this limiT. with These settings, all flow siGnals In THe", "whitespace_perturbation": " (less than 0.17 m/s), and the highe st po ssi ble c arri er f requency was u s ed t o obtain this limit. W ith t he s e se t ti ngs,all flo w s i g nal sin th e", "underscore_trick": " (less_than 0.17_m/s), and the highest_possible carrier_frequency_was used_to_obtain this limit._With these settings,_all flow signals in_the"} +{"text": "ites.\nUrinary excretion of 3-methylhistidine in preterm infants (n = 42; 1,712 +/- 408 g, 4-91 days old", "synonym_substitution": "ites. \n Urinary excretion of 3 - methylhistidine in preterm infants (n = 42; 1,712 + /- 408 g, 4 - 91 days old", "butter_fingers": "ited.\nUrinary excretion of 3-meuhylhistidine in krwterm mnfants (n = 42; 1,712 +/- 408 e, 4-91 days old", "random_deletion": "ites. Urinary excretion of 3-methylhistidine in preterm = 1,712 +/- g, 4-91 days", "change_char_case": "ites.\nUrinary excretion of 3-metHylhistidiNe in pRetErm InFantS (n = 42; 1,712 +/- 408 g, 4-91 dAys old", "whitespace_perturbation": "ites.\nUrinary excretion of 3-methylh istid ine in p rete rm i nfants (n = 42 ; 1,7 12 +/- 408 g, 4-91 day s old ", "underscore_trick": "ites.\nUrinary excretion_of 3-methylhistidine_in preterm infants (n_= 42;_1,712_+/- 408_g,_4-91 days old"} +{"text": " experiments. Contrarily, the levels of plasma were not significantly affected and only slightly lowered by caprylic acid. High-affinity uptake of [3H", "synonym_substitution": "experiments. Contrarily, the levels of plasma were not significantly involve and merely slightly lowered by caprylic acid. High - affinity consumption of [ 3H", "butter_fingers": " exoeriments. Contrarily, the levels of plasma were not sjgnificavtly affected and only slighvly oowertb by caprylic acid. Hkgh-affininy uptake of [3I", "random_deletion": "experiments. Contrarily, the levels of plasma were affected only slightly by caprylic acid.", "change_char_case": " experiments. Contrarily, the lEvels of plaSma weRe nOt sIgNifiCantLy affected and oNLy slIghtly lowered by capryliC acid. hiGH-affINiTy uptAke of [3H", "whitespace_perturbation": " experiments. Contrarily,the levels of p las mawe re n ot s ignificantly a f fect ed and only slightly l owere db y ca p ry lic a cid. Hi g h- a f fin it yupt ak e o f [3H ", "underscore_trick": " experiments._Contrarily, the_levels of plasma were_not significantly_affected_and only_slightly_lowered by caprylic_acid. High-affinity uptake_of [3H"} +{"text": " dual site-specific conjugation of an antibody with two effector molecules in a single-pot reaction using the self-labeling SNAP and CLIP protein tags.", "synonym_substitution": "dual site - specific conjugation of an antibody with two effector molecule in a individual - pot reaction using the self - tag SNAP and CLIP protein tags.", "butter_fingers": " duwl site-specific conjugatlon of an antibobt with two erfector oolecules in a single-pot reartiob usibg the self-labeling SNXP and CLPP proteib tajs.", "random_deletion": "dual site-specific conjugation of an antibody with molecules a single-pot using the self-labeling", "change_char_case": " dual site-specific conjugatiOn of an antiBody wIth Two EfFectOr moLecules in a singLE-pot Reaction using the self-laBelinG SnaP anD cLiP proTein tagS.", "whitespace_perturbation": " dual site-specific conjug ation of a n ant ibo dywi th t wo e ffector molecu l es i n a single-pot reactio n usi ng thes el f-lab eling S N AP a ndCL IP pr ot e in tags .", "underscore_trick": " dual_site-specific conjugation_of an antibody with_two effector_molecules_in a_single-pot_reaction using the_self-labeling SNAP and_CLIP protein tags."} +{"text": "rical-transformation approach to optical two-dimensional beam shaping: erratum and reply to comment.\nA correction is made to our previously published paper [App", "synonym_substitution": "rical - transformation approach to optical two - dimensional beam shaping: misprint and answer to gloss. \n A correction is made to our previously published newspaper [ App", "butter_fingers": "ricwl-transformation approacm to optical two-bumensimnal bsam shapkng: erratum and reply to comlebt.\nA cirrection is made to ojr previolsly publushev paper [App", "random_deletion": "rical-transformation approach to optical two-dimensional beam shaping: reply comment. A is made to", "change_char_case": "rical-transformation approaCh to opticaL two-dImeNsiOnAl beAm shAping: erratum anD ReplY to comment.\nA correction iS made To OUr prEViOusly PublishED pAPEr [APp", "whitespace_perturbation": "rical-transformation appro ach to opt icaltwo -di me nsio nalbeam shaping:e rrat um and reply to commen t.\nAco r rect i on is m ade too ur p rev io us lypu b li shedpap er [App ", "underscore_trick": "rical-transformation approach_to optical_two-dimensional beam shaping: erratum_and reply_to_comment.\nA correction_is_made to our_previously published paper_[App"} +{"text": " appears from the current study that vasopressin-deficient hypertensive rats are more sensitive to ANP with regard to effects on blood pressure and renal excretion than their", "synonym_substitution": "appears from the current study that vasopressin - deficient hypertensive rats are more sensible to ANP with gaze to effects on blood atmospheric pressure and nephritic excretion than their", "butter_fingers": " apoears from the current suudy that vasopressin-defmcient gypertenrive rats are more sensitive ti ANP with regard to effectr on bloof pressuee aid renal excretion than bkeir", "random_deletion": "appears from the current study that vasopressin-deficient are sensitive to with regard to renal than their", "change_char_case": " appears from the current studY that vasopRessiN-deFicIeNt hyPertEnsive rats are mORe seNsitive to ANP with regard To effEcTS on bLOoD presSure and REnAL ExcReTiOn tHaN ThEir", "whitespace_perturbation": " appears from the currentstudy that vaso pre ssi n- defi cien t hypertensive rats are more sensitive to ANPwi t h re g ar d toeffects on b loo dpr ess ur e a nd re nal excret ion than t hei r", "underscore_trick": " appears_from the_current study that vasopressin-deficient_hypertensive rats_are_more sensitive_to_ANP with regard_to effects on_blood pressure and renal_excretion than their"} +{"text": ". Immun. 19, 973-982] we demonstrate an associative interaction between the line Ib tumor-associated surface antigen (Ib-TASA", "synonym_substitution": ". Immun. 19, 973 - 982 ] we demonstrate an associative interaction between the line Ib tumor - associated surface antigen (Ib - TASA", "butter_fingers": ". Imlun. 19, 973-982] we demonstrate an xssociative intgrqction betwesn the lkne Ib tumor-associated surfare abtigeb (Ib-TASA", "random_deletion": ". Immun. 19, 973-982] we demonstrate an between line Ib surface antigen (Ib-TASA", "change_char_case": ". Immun. 19, 973-982] we demonstrate an assocIative inteRactiOn bEtwEeN the Line ib tumor-associaTEd suRface antigen (Ib-TASA", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Immun. 19, 973-982] we d emonstrate an a sso cia ti ve i nter action between theline Ib tumor-associat ed su rf a ce a n ti gen ( Ib-TASA ", "underscore_trick": ". Immun._19, 973-982]_we demonstrate an associative_interaction between_the_line Ib_tumor-associated_surface antigen (Ib-TASA"} +{"text": " phonophobia (17.4%, P =.042; Placebo, 13.4%) starting at 30 minutes. A significantly greater proportion of patients in the", "synonym_substitution": "phonophobia (17.4% , P = .042; Placebo, 13.4 %) starting at 30 minutes. A significantly great symmetry of patients in the", "butter_fingers": " phlnophobia (17.4%, P =.042; Placebo, 13.4%) suarting at 30 minutgs. A sigiificanfly greager proportion of patients ii thw", "random_deletion": "phonophobia (17.4%, P =.042; Placebo, 13.4%) starting minutes. significantly greater of patients in", "change_char_case": " phonophobia (17.4%, P =.042; Placebo, 13.4%) startiNg at 30 minuteS. A sigNifIcaNtLy grEateR proportion of pATienTs in the", "whitespace_perturbation": " phonophobia (17.4%, P =.0 42; Placeb o, 13 .4% ) s ta rtin g at 30 minutes. A sign ificantly greater prop ortio no f pa t ie nts i n the", "underscore_trick": " phonophobia_(17.4%, P_=.042; Placebo, 13.4%) starting_at 30_minutes._A significantly_greater_proportion of patients_in the"} +{"text": "uit when compared to short dough, whereas starch granules remain almost intact in biscuits. The components which are involved in the cohesiveness of short dough and biscuit", "synonym_substitution": "uit when compared to short dough, whereas starch granules persist about intact in biscuits. The component which are involve in the cohesiveness of short boodle and biscuit", "butter_fingers": "uit when compared to short aough, whereas sjaech grenules demain aumost intact in biscuits. The cimpontuts which are involvdd in the cohesivwnesw of short vkugh and bischlt", "random_deletion": "uit when compared to short dough, whereas remain intact in The components which of dough and biscuit", "change_char_case": "uit when compared to short douGh, whereas sTarch GraNulEs RemaIn alMost intact in biSCuitS. The components which are InvolVeD In thE CoHesivEness of SHoRT DouGh AnD biScUIt", "whitespace_perturbation": "uit when compared to short dough, wh ereas st arc hgran ules remain almost inta ct in biscuits. The co mpone nt s whi c hare i nvolved in t heco he siv en e ss of s hor t dough and biscu it", "underscore_trick": "uit when_compared to_short dough, whereas starch_granules remain_almost_intact in_biscuits._The components which_are involved in_the cohesiveness of short_dough and biscuit"} +{"text": " Additional ring-guided titanium needles were used in 4 patients and a multichannel vaginal cylinder in 2 patients. Dose planning was done using 1.5 Tesla", "synonym_substitution": "Additional ring - guided titanium needles were use in 4 patient and a multichannel vaginal cylinder in 2 patients. Dose planning was done using 1.5 Tesla", "butter_fingers": " Adfitional ring-guided titakium needles werg ysed ii 4 patisnts and a multichannel vaginal cyliider in 2 kctients. Dose plannine was donv using 1.5 Resle", "random_deletion": "Additional ring-guided titanium needles were used in and multichannel vaginal in 2 patients. 1.5", "change_char_case": " Additional ring-guided titanIum needles Were uSed In 4 pAtIentS and A multichannel vAGinaL cylinder in 2 patients. DosE planNiNG was DOnE usinG 1.5 Tesla", "whitespace_perturbation": " Additional ring-guided ti tanium nee dleswer e u se d in 4 p atients and am ulti channel vaginal cylind er in 2 pati e nt s. Do se plan n in g was d on e u si n g1.5 T esl a", "underscore_trick": " Additional_ring-guided titanium_needles were used in_4 patients_and_a multichannel_vaginal_cylinder in 2_patients. Dose planning_was done using 1.5_Tesla"} +{"text": "8% \u00b1 0.4%, which represents a break-even IRR and a positive ROI. More pessimistic simulations result in negative IRR values. Under", "synonym_substitution": "8% \u00b1 0.4% , which represents a break - even IRR and a positive ROI. More pessimistic model leave in negative IRR values. Under", "butter_fingers": "8% \u00b1 0.4%, ahich represents a break-tven IRR and a positive COI. Mors pessimkstic simulations result in iegarive URR values. Under", "random_deletion": "8% \u00b1 0.4%, which represents a break-even a ROI. More simulations result in", "change_char_case": "8% \u00b1 0.4%, which represents a break-even iRR and a posItive rOI. morE pEssiMistIc simulations rESult In negative IRR values. UndEr", "whitespace_perturbation": "8% \u00b1 0.4%, which represent s a break- evenIRR an da po siti ve ROI. More p e ssim istic simulations resu lt in n e gati v eIRR v alues.U nd e r ", "underscore_trick": "8% \u00b1_0.4%, which_represents a break-even IRR_and a_positive_ROI. More_pessimistic_simulations result in_negative IRR values._Under"} +{"text": " f-IMA coronary bypass grafts in patients who underwent elective CABG surgery. In 1,829 patients in the angiographic cohort of PREVENT IV,", "synonym_substitution": "f - IMA coronary bypass grafts in patients who underwent elective coronary bypass operating room. In 1,829 patients in the angiographic cohort of PREVENT IV,", "butter_fingers": " f-ILA coronary bypass graftr in patients wki undecwent emective ZABG surgery. In 1,829 patients in tye antiographic cohort of PFEVENT IV,", "random_deletion": "f-IMA coronary bypass grafts in patients who CABG In 1,829 in the angiographic", "change_char_case": " f-IMA coronary bypass grafts iN patients wHo undErwEnt ElEctiVe CAbG surgery. In 1,829 patIEnts In the angiographic cohorT of PReVenT IV,", "whitespace_perturbation": " f-IMA coronary bypass gra fts in pat ients wh o u nd erwe nt e lective CABG s u rger y. In 1,829 patients i n the a n giog r ap hic c ohort o f P R E VEN TIV ,", "underscore_trick": " f-IMA_coronary bypass_grafts in patients who_underwent elective_CABG_surgery. In_1,829_patients in the_angiographic cohort of_PREVENT IV,"} +{"text": " preliminary set of sites, thus facilitating further investigation by visual, comparative and quantitative work. Possible binding sites are tagged by pseudo-atoms added to the structure file", "synonym_substitution": "preliminary set of sites, thus facilitating further probe by ocular, comparative and quantitative work. potential binding site are tagged by imposter - atom added to the social organization file", "butter_fingers": " prfliminary set of sites, tmus facilitating furthec invesfigation by visual, comparative and qnantutatice work. Possible bindivg sites wre taggwd bb pseudo-atoms advsd to tmz strhgture hile", "random_deletion": "preliminary set of sites, thus facilitating further visual, and quantitative Possible binding sites to structure file", "change_char_case": " preliminary set of sites, thus FacilitatiNg furTheR inVeStigAtioN by visual, compaRAtivE and quantitative work. PoSsiblE bINdinG SiTes arE tagged BY pSEUdo-AtOmS adDeD To The stRucTure filE", "whitespace_perturbation": " preliminary set of sites, thus faci litat ing fu rt herinve stigation by v i sual , comparative and quan titat iv e wor k .Possi ble bin d in g sit es a reta g ge d bypse udo-ato ms added t o t he structure f i le ", "underscore_trick": " preliminary_set of_sites, thus facilitating further_investigation by_visual,_comparative and_quantitative_work. Possible binding_sites are tagged_by pseudo-atoms added to_the structure file"} +{"text": " and alter how pulse vaccination should be optimally distributed among the patches, similar to results found with constant-rate vaccination. Furthermore, contrary to the case of constant", "synonym_substitution": "and alter how pulse vaccination should be optimally distributed among the patch, exchangeable to results found with constant - pace vaccination. Furthermore, contrary to the case of changeless", "butter_fingers": " anf alter how pulse vaccinxtion should be optimanly diatributea among the patches, similar vo rwsultw found with constant-rxte vaccijation. Fyrthtrmore, contrary to the case of dlnstcnv", "random_deletion": "and alter how pulse vaccination should be among patches, similar results found with the of constant", "change_char_case": " and alter how pulse vaccinatiOn should be OptimAllY diStRibuTed aMong the patches, SImilAr to results found with coNstanT-rATe vaCCiNatioN. FurtheRMoRE, ConTrArY to ThE CaSe of cOnsTant", "whitespace_perturbation": " and alter how pulse vacci nation sho uld b e o pti ma llydist ributed amongt he p atches, similar to res ultsfo u nd w i th cons tant-ra t ev a cci na ti on. F u rt hermo re, contra ry to thecas eof constant", "underscore_trick": " and_alter how_pulse vaccination should be_optimally distributed_among_the patches,_similar_to results found_with constant-rate vaccination._Furthermore, contrary to the_case of constant"} +{"text": " 3H-labeled amino acid present in the embryo proper. Therefore, the SI appears to alter two processes of VYS histiotrophic function. (1)", "synonym_substitution": "3H - labeled amino acid present in the embryo proper. Therefore, the SI appears to alter two summons of VYS histiotrophic affair. (1 )", "butter_fingers": " 3H-lwbeled amino acid presenu in the embryo ptoper. Thxrefore, the SI xppears to alter two processxs od VYS histiotrophic functiov. (1)", "random_deletion": "3H-labeled amino acid present in the embryo the appears to two processes of", "change_char_case": " 3H-labeled amino acid present iN the embryo PropeR. ThEreFoRe, thE SI aPpears to alter tWO proCesses of VYS histiotrophIc funCtIOn. (1)", "whitespace_perturbation": " 3H-labeled amino acid pre sent in th e emb ryo pr op er.Ther efore, the SIa ppea rs to alter two proces ses o fV YS h i st iotro phic fu n ct i o n.(1 )", "underscore_trick": " 3H-labeled_amino acid_present in the embryo_proper. Therefore,_the_SI appears_to_alter two processes_of VYS histiotrophic_function. (1)"} +{"text": " the viral protein. As a result, MAbs specific for the quaternary structure of polymerized viral protein were able to bind to monomeric viral subunits. Compared", "synonym_substitution": "the viral protein. As a result, MAbs specific for the quaternary structure of polymerized viral protein were able to bind to monomeric viral fractional monetary unit. compare", "butter_fingers": " thf viral protein. As a resmlt, MAbs specifie for tie quatsrnary sgructure of polymerized virap proteun were able to bind tu monomerpc viral wubuiits. Compared", "random_deletion": "the viral protein. As a result, MAbs the structure of viral protein were viral Compared", "change_char_case": " the viral protein. As a result, Mabs specifiC for tHe qUatErNary StruCture of polymerIZed vIral protein were able to bInd to MoNOmerIC vIral sUbunits. cOmPARed", "whitespace_perturbation": " the viral protein. As a r esult, MAb s spe cif icfo r th e qu aternary struc t ureof polymerized viral p rotei nw erea bl e tobind to mo n o mer ic v ira ls ub units . C ompared ", "underscore_trick": " the_viral protein._As a result, MAbs_specific for_the_quaternary structure_of_polymerized viral protein_were able to_bind to monomeric viral_subunits. Compared"} +{"text": " oroxylin A enhanced the mBDNF level at 9h after the acquisition trial compared to the level at 6h after the acquisition trial. However,", "synonym_substitution": "oroxylin A enhanced the mBDNF level at 9h after the acquisition trial compare to the degree at 6h after the acquisition trial. However,", "butter_fingers": " orlxylin A enhanced the mBANF level at 9h cdter tie acqujsition grial compared to the level et 6h aftee the acquisition triau. However,", "random_deletion": "oroxylin A enhanced the mBDNF level at the trial compared the level at However,", "change_char_case": " oroxylin A enhanced the mBDNF Level at 9h afTer thE acQuiSiTion TriaL compared to the LEvel At 6h after the acquisition Trial. hoWEver,", "whitespace_perturbation": " oroxylin A enhanced the m BDNF level at 9 h a fte rtheacqu isition trialc ompa red to the level at 6h afte rt he a c qu isiti on tria l .H o wev er ,", "underscore_trick": " oroxylin_A enhanced_the mBDNF level at_9h after_the_acquisition trial_compared_to the level_at 6h after_the acquisition trial. However,"} +{"text": " computed from preinfusion anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell products has demonstrated a significant association with clinical response and cytokine release syndrome (", "synonym_substitution": "computed from preinfusion anti - CD19 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell products has attest a meaning association with clinical response and cytokine dismissal syndrome (", "butter_fingers": " colputed from preinfusion xnti-CD19 chimeric antigei recepfor (CAR)-T cell products has demonstraved q sigbificant association wkth clinibal respobse end cytokine relxzse syndrome (", "random_deletion": "computed from preinfusion anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor products demonstrated a association with clinical (", "change_char_case": " computed from preinfusion anTi-CD19 chimerIc antIgeN reCePtor (cAR)-T Cell products haS DemoNstrated a significant asSociaTiON witH ClInicaL responSE aND CytOkInE reLeASe SyndrOme (", "whitespace_perturbation": " computed from preinfusion anti-CD19 chim eri c a nt igen rec eptor (CAR)-Tc ellproducts has demonstra ted a s i gnif i ca nt as sociati o nw i thcl in ica lr es ponse an d cytok ine releas e s yn drome (", "underscore_trick": " computed_from preinfusion_anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor_(CAR)-T cell_products_has demonstrated_a_significant association with_clinical response and_cytokine release syndrome ("} +{"text": " In the present study, ASI was found to ameliorate the progression and hamper the recurrence of EAE effectively in the treatment regimens. It significantly reduced the", "synonym_substitution": "In the present study, ASI was found to ameliorate the progression and handicap the recurrence of EAE efficaciously in the discussion regimens. It significantly reduced the", "butter_fingers": " In the present study, ASI wxs found to ameliorate the pdogressiun and hamper the recurrence od EAE effectively in the trdatment rvgimens. Ir sijnificantly redursd the", "random_deletion": "In the present study, ASI was found the and hamper recurrence of EAE It reduced the", "change_char_case": " In the present study, ASI was foUnd to ameliOrate The ProGrEssiOn anD hamper the recuRRencE of EAE effectively in the TreatMeNT regIMeNs. It sIgnificANtLY RedUcEd The", "whitespace_perturbation": " In the present study, ASI was found to a mel ior at e th e pr ogression andh ampe r the recurrence of EA E eff ec t ivel y i n the treatm e nt r egi me ns . I ts ig nific ant ly redu ced the", "underscore_trick": " In_the present_study, ASI was found_to ameliorate_the_progression and_hamper_the recurrence of_EAE effectively in_the treatment regimens. It_significantly reduced the"} +{"text": " on frequency, duration, intensity, and characteristics of the attacks as well as a checklist of possible side-effects. This clinical assessment was recorded in detail in the", "synonym_substitution": "on frequency, duration, intensity, and characteristics of the attacks as well as a checklist of potential slope - effects. This clinical assessment was read in contingent in the", "butter_fingers": " on frequency, duration, inteksity, and characjeeisticv of tge attacys as well as a checklist of pissiboe side-effects. This clknical asdessment was eecorded ii detail in ths", "random_deletion": "on frequency, duration, intensity, and characteristics of as as a of possible side-effects. in in the", "change_char_case": " on frequency, duration, intensIty, and charActerIstIcs Of The aTtacKs as well as a cheCKlisT of possible side-effects. this cLiNIcal ASsEssmeNt was reCOrDED in DeTaIl iN tHE", "whitespace_perturbation": " on frequency, duration, i ntensity,and c har act er isti cs o f the attacksa s we ll as a checklist of p ossib le side - ef fects . Thisc li n i cal a ss ess me n twas r eco rded in detail in th e", "underscore_trick": " on_frequency, duration,_intensity, and characteristics of_the attacks_as_well as_a_checklist of possible_side-effects. This clinical_assessment was recorded in_detail in the"} +{"text": " 1.38-4.39) when leukoariosis was classified as none or mild. When leukoariosis was classified as advanced, there was", "synonym_substitution": "1.38 - 4.39) when leukoariosis was classified as none or mild. When leukoariosis was classified as advanced, there was", "butter_fingers": " 1.38-4.39) wjen leukoariosis was clarsified as none or milv. When meukoariusis was classified as advanred, rhere was", "random_deletion": "1.38-4.39) when leukoariosis was classified as none When was classified advanced, there was", "change_char_case": " 1.38-4.39) when leukoariosis was classiFied as none Or milD. WhEn lEuKoarIosiS was classified AS advAnced, there was", "whitespace_perturbation": " 1.38-4.39) when leukoario sis was cl assif ied as n oneor m ild. When leuk o ario sis was classified asadvan ce d , th e re was", "underscore_trick": " 1.38-4.39)_when leukoariosis_was classified as none_or mild._When_leukoariosis was_classified_as advanced, there_was"} +{"text": " two institutions. Informed consent was waived. During September 2009 to June 2012, 48 patients [30 males and 18 females, with a mean age \u00b1 standard deviation", "synonym_substitution": "two institutions. Informed consent was waived. During September 2009 to June 2012, 48 patients [ 30 males and 18 female, with a base age \u00b1 standard deviation", "butter_fingers": " twl institutions. Informed gonsent was waivgd. Durinj Septejber 2009 to June 2012, 48 patients [30 males and 18 fwmalew, with a mean age \u00b1 stavdard devpation", "random_deletion": "two institutions. Informed consent was waived. During to 2012, 48 [30 males and age standard deviation", "change_char_case": " two institutions. Informed coNsent was waIved. DUriNg SEpTembEr 2009 to june 2012, 48 patients [30 maLEs anD 18 females, with a mean age \u00b1 stAndarD dEViatIOn", "whitespace_perturbation": " two institutions. Informe d consentwas w aiv ed. D urin g Se ptember 2009 t o Jun e 2012, 48 patients [3 0 mal es and1 8femal es, wit h a m ean a ge \u00b1st a nd ard d evi ation", "underscore_trick": " two_institutions. Informed_consent was waived. During_September 2009_to_June 2012,_48_patients [30 males_and 18 females,_with a mean age_\u00b1 standard deviation"} +{"text": " Kondo regime.\nWe report on the phase measurements on a quantum dot containing a single electron in the Kondo regime. Transport takes place through a single orbital", "synonym_substitution": "Kondo regime. \n We report on the phase measurements on a quantum dot containing a individual electron in the Kondo government. Transport takes place through a unmarried orbital", "butter_fingers": " Kojdo regime.\nWe report on tme phase measurements oi a quahtum dot containing a single electroi in the Jondo regime. Transport takes plwce throygh e single orbital", "random_deletion": "Kondo regime. We report on the phase a dot containing single electron in place a single orbital", "change_char_case": " Kondo regime.\nWe report on the pHase measurEmentS on A quAnTum dOt coNtaining a singlE ElecTron in the Kondo regime. TrAnspoRt TAkes PLaCe thrOugh a siNGlE ORbiTaL", "whitespace_perturbation": " Kondo regime.\nWe report o n the phas e mea sur eme nt s on a q uantum dot con t aini ng a single electron i n the K o ndor eg ime.Transpo r tt a kes p la ceth r ou gh asin gle orb ital", "underscore_trick": " Kondo_regime.\nWe report_on the phase measurements_on a_quantum_dot containing_a_single electron in_the Kondo regime._Transport takes place through_a single orbital"} +{"text": " and improved pulmonary function and quality of life of asthmatics. Cysteine proteinase 1 (CP1), a cathepsin L-like enzyme expressed in the", "synonym_substitution": "and improved pulmonary function and quality of biography of asthmatic. Cysteine proteinase 1 (CP1), a cathepsin L - alike enzyme express in the", "butter_fingers": " anf improved pulmonary fungtion and qualiti if lifx of asfhmatics. Cysteine proteinase 1 (CP1), a cethepsin O-like enzyme expressed in the", "random_deletion": "and improved pulmonary function and quality of asthmatics. proteinase 1 a cathepsin L-like", "change_char_case": " and improved pulmonary functIon and qualIty of LifE of AsThmaTics. cysteine proteiNAse 1 (Cp1), a cathepsin L-like enzyme ExpreSsED in tHE", "whitespace_perturbation": " and improved pulmonary fu nction and qual ity of l ifeof a sthmatics. Cys t eine proteinase 1 (CP1), a cath ep s in L - li ke en zyme ex p re s s edin t he", "underscore_trick": " and_improved pulmonary_function and quality of_life of_asthmatics._Cysteine proteinase_1_(CP1), a cathepsin_L-like enzyme expressed_in the"} +{"text": "atic conditions, we analysed all of the identified cases of infection occurring between June 2010 and December 2013 in four provinces of Lombardy, Italy (Milano,", "synonym_substitution": "atic conditions, we analysed all of the identified cases of contagion occur between June 2010 and December 2013 in four provinces of Lombardy, Italy (Milano,", "butter_fingers": "atif conditions, we analysed all of the ideurified cases of infeztion occurring between June 2010 qnd Dtbember 2013 in four provivces of Llmbardy, Utalb (Milano,", "random_deletion": "atic conditions, we analysed all of the of occurring between 2010 and December Lombardy, (Milano,", "change_char_case": "atic conditions, we analysed aLl of the ideNtifiEd cAseS oF infEctiOn occurring betWEen JUne 2010 and December 2013 in four prOvincEs OF LomBArDy, ItaLy (MilanO,", "whitespace_perturbation": "atic conditions, we analys ed all ofthe i den tif ie d ca sesof infection o c curr ing between June 2010and D ec e mber 20 13 in four p r ov i n ces o fLom ba r dy , Ita ly(Milano ,", "underscore_trick": "atic conditions,_we analysed_all of the identified_cases of_infection_occurring between_June_2010 and December_2013 in four_provinces of Lombardy, Italy_(Milano,"} +{"text": "F gene in pNY200 propagated in the Xpg-deficient cells was about three times higher than that in normal cells, indicating the importance of Xpg in", "synonym_substitution": "F gene in pNY200 propagated in the Xpg - deficient cells was approximately three prison term higher than that in normal cells, indicate the importance of Xpg in", "butter_fingers": "F gfne in pNY200 propagated in the Xpg-deficieur cellv was zbout thfee times higher than that ii noemal xells, indicating the ioportance of Xpg un", "random_deletion": "F gene in pNY200 propagated in the was three times than that in of in", "change_char_case": "F gene in pNY200 propagated in the xpg-deficieNt celLs wAs aBoUt thRee tImes higher than THat iN normal cells, indicating The imPoRTancE Of xpg in", "whitespace_perturbation": "F gene in pNY200 propagate d in the X pg-de fic ien tcell s wa s about threet imes higher than that in n ormal c e lls, in dicat ing the im p o rta nc eofXp g i n", "underscore_trick": "F gene_in pNY200_propagated in the Xpg-deficient_cells was_about_three times_higher_than that in_normal cells, indicating_the importance of Xpg_in"} +{"text": ", it would be advisable in the future to replace current PVC plasticizers, especially if they come into contact with babies, with better-quality materials.", "synonym_substitution": ", it would be advisable in the future to replace current PVC plasticizers, especially if they come into liaison with child, with better - quality fabric.", "butter_fingers": ", it would be advisable in tme future to replace cucrent PBC plastkcizers, especially if they clmw inti contact with babies, dith bettvr-quality mattrials.", "random_deletion": ", it would be advisable in the replace PVC plasticizers, if they come better-quality", "change_char_case": ", it would be advisable in the fuTure to replAce cuRreNt PvC PlasTiciZers, especially IF theY come into contact with baBies, wItH BettER-qUalitY materiALs.", "whitespace_perturbation": ", it would be advisable in the futur e torep lac ecurr entPVC plasticize r s, e specially if they come into c o ntac t w ith b abies,w it h bet te r- qua li t ymater ial s.", "underscore_trick": ", it_would be_advisable in the future_to replace_current_PVC plasticizers,_especially_if they come_into contact with_babies, with better-quality materials."} +{"text": " I antigen when compared with the rejected grafts (a 37- vs. a 25-fold increase in expression). Increased expression of donor class I antigens persisted on the", "synonym_substitution": "I antigen when compared with the rejected grafts (a 37- vs. a 25 - fold increase in formula). increase expression of donor class I antigens persisted on the", "butter_fingers": " I wntigen when compared wiuh the rejected gtadts (a 37- vs. a 25-rold incfease in expression). Increasev expressuon of donor class I avtigens pvrsisted in tie", "random_deletion": "I antigen when compared with the rejected 37- a 25-fold in expression). Increased antigens on the", "change_char_case": " I antigen when compared with tHe rejected GraftS (a 37- vS. a 25-fOlD incReasE in expression). INCreaSed expression of donor clAss I aNtIGens PErSisteD on the", "whitespace_perturbation": " I antigen when compared w ith the re jecte d g raf ts (a37-vs. a 25-foldi ncre ase in expression). In creas ed expr e ss ion o f donor cl a s s I a nt ige ns pe rsist edon the", "underscore_trick": " I_antigen when_compared with the rejected_grafts (a_37-_vs. a_25-fold_increase in expression)._Increased expression of_donor class I antigens_persisted on the"} +{"text": "tropical spastic paraparesis and various autoimmune-like disorders. T-cell immune suppression is also associated with HTLV-I infection. Mechanisms of", "synonym_substitution": "tropical spastic paraparesis and various autoimmune - like disorders. metric ton - cellular telephone immune suppression is also consociate with HTLV - I contagion. Mechanisms of", "butter_fingers": "trooical spastic paraparesir and various aotiimmunx-like djsorders. T-cell immune suppression is aoso awsociated with HTLV-I ivfection. Lechanisns oh", "random_deletion": "tropical spastic paraparesis and various autoimmune-like disorders. suppression also associated HTLV-I infection. Mechanisms", "change_char_case": "tropical spastic paraparesiS and variouS autoImmUne-LiKe diSordErs. T-cell immune SUpprEssion is also associated With HtLv-i infECtIon. MeChanismS Of", "whitespace_perturbation": "tropical spastic parapares is and var iousaut oim mu ne-l ikedisorders. T-c e ll i mmune suppression is a lso a ss o ciat e dwithHTLV-Ii nf e c tio n. M ech an i sm s of", "underscore_trick": "tropical spastic_paraparesis and_various autoimmune-like disorders. T-cell_immune suppression_is_also associated_with_HTLV-I infection. Mechanisms_of"} +{"text": " effective upregulation of suppressive molecules on NOD Treg cells in the spleen and blood, but had reduced efficacy on lymph node Treg cells. In contrast, NOD CD8", "synonym_substitution": "effective upregulation of suppressive molecules on NOD Treg cells in the spleen and blood, but had dilute efficacy on lymph lymph node Treg cells. In contrast, NOD CD8", "butter_fingers": " efvective upregulation of ruppressive molgcyles oi NOD Tdeg cellr in the spleen and blood, buv hae redyced efficacy on lymph node Treh cells. Un cibtrast, NOD CD8", "random_deletion": "effective upregulation of suppressive molecules on NOD in spleen and but had reduced cells. contrast, NOD CD8", "change_char_case": " effective upregulation of suPpressive mOlecuLes On NoD treg CellS in the spleen anD BlooD, but had reduced efficacy On lymPh NOde TREg Cells. in contrASt, nod CD8", "whitespace_perturbation": " effective upregulation of suppressi ve mo lec ule son N OD T reg cells in t h e sp leen and blood, but ha d red uc e d ef f ic acy o n lymph no d e Tr eg c ell s. In cont ras t, NODCD8", "underscore_trick": " effective_upregulation of_suppressive molecules on NOD_Treg cells_in_the spleen_and_blood, but had_reduced efficacy on_lymph node Treg cells._In contrast, NOD_CD8"} +{"text": " Diagnosis.\nTo study the occurrence of stylalgia in patients presenting with pain in the head and neck region and appropriate management options. This was a hospital-based", "synonym_substitution": "Diagnosis. \n To study the occurrence of stylalgia in patients presenting with annoyance in the heading and neck region and appropriate management options. This was a hospital - free-base", "butter_fingers": " Diwgnosis.\nTo study the occuvrence of stylalyua in 'atienta presenging with pain in the head aid nwck rtyion and appropriate managemejt optiobs. Tiis was a hospitem-based", "random_deletion": "Diagnosis. To study the occurrence of stylalgia presenting pain in head and neck This a hospital-based", "change_char_case": " Diagnosis.\nTo study the occurrEnce of stylAlgia In pAtiEnTs prEsenTing with pain in THe heAd and neck region and apprOpriaTe MAnagEMeNt optIons. ThiS WaS A HosPiTaL-baSeD", "whitespace_perturbation": " Diagnosis.\nTo study the o ccurrenceof st yla lgi ain p atie nts presenting with pain in the head andneckre g iona nd appr opriate ma n a gem en topt io n s. This wa s a hos pital-base d", "underscore_trick": " Diagnosis.\nTo_study the_occurrence of stylalgia in_patients presenting_with_pain in_the_head and neck_region and appropriate_management options. This was_a hospital-based"} +{"text": " undergoing immunosuppressive therapy) neutrophil deficiency. More recently, common genetic variants affecting neutrophil antifungal capacity have also been disclosed as major risk factors for aspergillosis in conditions", "synonym_substitution": "undergoing immunosuppressive therapy) neutrophil deficiency. More recently, common genetic random variable involve neutrophil antifungal capacity have also been disclosed as major hazard factors for aspergillosis in conditions", "butter_fingers": " unfergoing immunosuppressiye therapy) neutrophil dxficiendy. More fecently, common genetic varients affexting neutrophil antifjngal capwcity hace aowo been disclosed as majkv risn factors for axpergilloshs in conditiots", "random_deletion": "undergoing immunosuppressive therapy) neutrophil deficiency. More recently, variants neutrophil antifungal have also been for in conditions", "change_char_case": " undergoing immunosuppressiVe therapy) nEutroPhiL deFiCienCy. MoRe recently, commON genEtic variants affecting nEutroPhIL antIFuNgal cApacity HAvE ALso BeEn DisClOSeD as maJor Risk facTors for aspErgIlLosis in condiTIoNs", "whitespace_perturbation": " undergoing immunosuppress ive therap y) ne utr oph il def icie ncy. More rece n tly, common genetic varian ts af fe c ting ne utrop hil ant i fu n g alca pa cit yh av e als o b een dis closed asmaj or risk factor s f or aspergi llo sis in condi tio ns", "underscore_trick": " undergoing_immunosuppressive therapy)_neutrophil deficiency. More recently,_common genetic_variants_affecting neutrophil_antifungal_capacity have also_been disclosed as_major risk factors for_aspergillosis in conditions"} +{"text": " the causative agent in field or bedside tests without special equipment as soon as possible. The immunoassay involving nitrocellulose membrane immuno-filtration, by using a", "synonym_substitution": "the causative agent in field or bedside tests without special equipment equally soon as potential. The immunoassay involve nitrocellulose membrane immuno - filtration, by using a", "butter_fingers": " thf causative agent in fieud or bedside tgsrs witiout spscial eqjipment as soon as possible. Vhe ummuniassay involving nitrozellulose membranw imnyno-filtratmkn, by using a", "random_deletion": "the causative agent in field or bedside special as soon possible. The immunoassay using", "change_char_case": " the causative agent in field oR bedside teSts wiThoUt sPeCial EquiPment as soon as pOSsibLe. The immunoassay involvIng niTrOCellULoSe memBrane imMUnO-FIltRaTiOn, bY uSInG a", "whitespace_perturbation": " the causative agent in fi eld or bed sidetes tswi thou t sp ecial equipmen t assoon as possible. Theimmun oa s sayi nv olvin g nitro c el l u los eme mbr an e i mmuno -fi ltratio n, by usin g a ", "underscore_trick": " the_causative agent_in field or bedside_tests without_special_equipment as_soon_as possible. The_immunoassay involving nitrocellulose_membrane immuno-filtration, by using_a"} +{"text": "dialysis CKD patients increased, but the control of hypertension decreased (P < 0.001). When the threshold of BP < 130/80 mmHg was considered,", "synonym_substitution": "dialysis CKD patients increased, but the control of hypertension decrease (phosphorus < 0.001). When the threshold of BP < 130/80 mmHg was considered,", "butter_fingers": "diapysis CKD patients increxsed, but the courrol oh hyperfension aecreased (P < 0.001). When the thresiold of BK < 130/80 mmHg was considdred,", "random_deletion": "dialysis CKD patients increased, but the control decreased < 0.001). the threshold of considered,", "change_char_case": "dialysis CKD patients increaSed, but the cOntroL of HypErTensIon dEcreased (P < 0.001). When tHE thrEshold of BP < 130/80 mmHg was consiDered,", "whitespace_perturbation": "dialysis CKD patients incr eased, but thecon tro lof h yper tension decrea s ed ( P < 0.001). When the t hresh ol d ofB P< 130 /80 mmH g w a s co ns id ere d, ", "underscore_trick": "dialysis CKD_patients increased,_but the control of_hypertension decreased_(P_< 0.001)._When_the threshold of_BP < 130/80_mmHg was considered,"} +{"text": "ative resurfacing is a powerful tool for rejuvenation of the aging face and for the treatment of a wide array of skin lesions. In the proper hands", "synonym_substitution": "ative resurfacing is a powerful tool for rejuvenation of the aging face and for the discussion of a broad array of skin lesions. In the proper hired hand", "butter_fingers": "atige resurfacing is a powevful tool for relyvenatmon of fhe agine face and for the treatment od a wude array of skin lesiuns. In thv proper yandw", "random_deletion": "ative resurfacing is a powerful tool for the face and the treatment of lesions. the proper hands", "change_char_case": "ative resurfacing is a powerfUl tool for rEjuveNatIon Of The aGing Face and for the tREatmEnt of a wide array of skin lEsionS. IN The pROpEr hanDs", "whitespace_perturbation": "ative resurfacing is a pow erful tool forrej uve na tion ofthe aging face andfor the treatment of a wide a r rayo fskinlesions . I n the p ro per h a nd s", "underscore_trick": "ative resurfacing_is a_powerful tool for rejuvenation_of the_aging_face and_for_the treatment of_a wide array_of skin lesions. In_the proper hands"} +{"text": "2%, and 100%, respectively, P>.05); however, grade 1 to 3 on the hysterectomy specimen remained as an independent prognosticator associated with decreased survival", "synonym_substitution": "2% , and 100% , respectively, P>.05); however, grade 1 to 3 on the hysterectomy specimen remained as an independent prognosticator consociate with decrease survival", "butter_fingers": "2%, anf 100%, respectively, P>.05); howevev, grade 1 to 3 on jhw hystxrectomg specimdn remained as an independenv prignosupcator associated witf decreasvd survivql", "random_deletion": "2%, and 100%, respectively, P>.05); however, grade 3 the hysterectomy remained as an survival", "change_char_case": "2%, and 100%, respectively, P>.05); however, grAde 1 to 3 on the HysteRecTomY sPeciMen rEmained as an indEPendEnt prognosticator assocIated WiTH decREaSed suRvival", "whitespace_perturbation": "2%, and 100%, respectively , P>.05);howev er, gr ad e 1to 3 on the hyster e ctom y specimen remained as an i nd e pend e nt prog nostica t or a sso ci at edwi t hdecre ase d survi val", "underscore_trick": "2%, and_100%, respectively,_P>.05); however, grade 1_to 3_on_the hysterectomy_specimen_remained as an_independent prognosticator associated_with decreased survival"} +{"text": "\nMalus micromalus Makino fruit wine was used as a raw material and a water soluble polysaccharide (MWP-2) was successfully separated from it", "synonym_substitution": "Malus micromalus Makino fruit wine was used as a raw material and a urine soluble polysaccharide (MWP-2) was successfully discriminate from it", "butter_fingers": "\nMalks micromalus Makino frult wine was used as a rew matedial and a water soluble polysaccharmde (NWP-2) wqs successfully separaged from pt", "random_deletion": "Malus micromalus Makino fruit wine was used raw and a soluble polysaccharide (MWP-2)", "change_char_case": "\nMalus micromalus Makino fruiT wine was usEd as a Raw MatErIal aNd a wAter soluble polYSaccHaride (MWP-2) was successfulLy sepArATed fROm It", "whitespace_perturbation": "\nMalus micromalus Makino f ruit winewas u sed as a raw mat erial and a wa t er s oluble polysaccharide(MWP- 2) wass uc cessf ully se p ar a t edfr om it ", "underscore_trick": "\nMalus micromalus_Makino fruit_wine was used as_a raw_material_and a_water_soluble polysaccharide (MWP-2)_was successfully separated_from it"} +{"text": "FA, added sugar and Na (defined here as nutrients to LIMit) associated with providing 120 mg of Ca (equivalent to 15 % daily value (15 %", "synonym_substitution": "FA, added sugar and Na (defined here as nutrients to LIMit) consociate with provide 120 mg of Ca (equivalent to 15% daily value (15%", "butter_fingers": "FA, wdded sugar and Na (defintd here as nutrieurs to NIMit) zssociatdd with providing 120 mg of Ca (xquicalenu to 15 % daily value (15 %", "random_deletion": "FA, added sugar and Na (defined here to associated with 120 mg of daily (15 %", "change_char_case": "FA, added sugar and Na (defined hEre as nutriEnts tO LImit) AsSociAted With providing 120 mG Of Ca (Equivalent to 15 % daily value (15 %", "whitespace_perturbation": "FA, added sugar and Na (de fined here as n utr ien ts toLIMi t) associatedw ithproviding 120 mg of Ca (equ iv a lent to 15 % dailyv al u e (1 5%", "underscore_trick": "FA, added_sugar and_Na (defined here as_nutrients to_LIMit)_associated with_providing_120 mg of_Ca (equivalent to_15 % daily value_(15 %"} +{"text": "ization and compelling evidence-based data to validate its efficacy. In an era of antibiotic stewardship, with a widespread prevalence of bacterial resistance to multiple antibiotic agents,", "synonym_substitution": "ization and compelling evidence - based data to validate its efficacy. In an era of antibiotic stewardship, with a widespread preponderance of bacterial underground to multiple antibiotic agents,", "butter_fingers": "izahion and compelling evidtnce-based data to validave its sfficacy. In an era of antibiotic stexardwhip, qith a widespread prevxlence of bacteriql rtsistance to multmlle antlyiotid ageutw,", "random_deletion": "ization and compelling evidence-based data to validate In era of stewardship, with a to antibiotic agents,", "change_char_case": "ization and compelling evideNce-based daTa to vAliDatE iTs efFicaCy. In an era of antIBiotIc stewardship, with a wideSpreaD pREvalENcE of baCterial REsISTanCe To MulTiPLe AntibIotIc agentS,", "whitespace_perturbation": "ization and compelling evi dence-base d dat a t o v al idat e it s efficacy. In an e ra of antibiotic stewa rdshi p, with awides pread p r ev a l enc eof ba ct e ri al re sis tance t o multiple an ti biotic agent s ,", "underscore_trick": "ization and_compelling evidence-based_data to validate its_efficacy. In_an_era of_antibiotic_stewardship, with a_widespread prevalence of_bacterial resistance to multiple_antibiotic agents,"} +{"text": "889 (rs1800587), IL-1 RN variable number tandom repeat (VNTR), IL-1B -511 (rs 16944)", "synonym_substitution": "889 (rs1800587), IL-1 RN variable number tandom repeat (VNTR), IL-1B -511 (rs 16944 )", "butter_fingers": "889 (rs1800587), IL-1 RN variable number txndom repeat (VNJR), IL-1B -511 (cs 16944)", "random_deletion": "889 (rs1800587), IL-1 RN variable number tandom IL-1B (rs 16944)", "change_char_case": "889 (rs1800587), IL-1 RN variable number tandoM repeat (VNTr), IL-1B -511 (rS 16944)", "whitespace_perturbation": "889 (rs1800587), IL-1 RN v ariable nu mbertan dom r epea t (V NTR), IL-1B -5 1 1 (r s 16944)", "underscore_trick": "889 (rs1800587),_IL-1 RN_variable number tandom repeat_(VNTR), IL-1B_-511_(rs 16944)"} +{"text": " and postsurgical orthodontics is an effective and consistent method for the correction of Class II, division 1 malocclusions and for the straightening of the facial", "synonym_substitution": "and postsurgical orthodontics is an effective and consistent method for the correction of Class II, division 1 malocclusion and for the straightening of the facial", "butter_fingers": " anf postsurgical orthodontlcs is an effectnce and consiatent meghod for the correction of Cpaws II, division 1 malocclusiovs and fog the strqighuening of the facmzl", "random_deletion": "and postsurgical orthodontics is an effective and for correction of II, division 1 of facial", "change_char_case": " and postsurgical orthodontiCs is an effeCtive And ConSiStenT metHod for the correCTion Of Class II, division 1 malocClusiOnS And fOR tHe strAightenINg OF The FaCiAl", "whitespace_perturbation": " and postsurgical orthodon tics is an effe cti vean d co nsis tent method fo r the correction of Class I I, di vi s ion1 m alocc lusions an d for t he st ra i gh tenin g o f the f acial", "underscore_trick": " and_postsurgical orthodontics_is an effective and_consistent method_for_the correction_of_Class II, division_1 malocclusions and_for the straightening of_the facial"} +{"text": " structure, function and regulation.\nAll life forms on earth require a continuous input and monitoring of carbon and energy supplies. The AMP-activated kinase (AMPK", "synonym_substitution": "structure, function and regulation. \n All life form on ground require a continuous input and monitoring of carbon and department of energy supplies. The AMP - activated kinase (AMPK", "butter_fingers": " stgucture, function and regmlation.\nAll life yirms oi earth require a continuous input and monivoribg of carbon and energy supolies. The AMP-acticatev kinase (AMPK", "random_deletion": "structure, function and regulation. All life forms require continuous input monitoring of carbon kinase", "change_char_case": " structure, function and regulAtion.\nAll liFe forMs oN eaRtH reqUire A continuous inpUT and Monitoring of carbon and eNergy SuPPlieS. thE AMP-aCtivateD KiNASe (AmPk", "whitespace_perturbation": " structure, function and r egulation. \nAlllif e f or ms o n ea rth require ac onti nuous input and monito ringof carb o nand e nergy s u pp l i es. T he AM P- a ct ivate d k inase ( AMPK", "underscore_trick": " structure,_function and_regulation.\nAll life forms on_earth require_a_continuous input_and_monitoring of carbon_and energy supplies._The AMP-activated kinase (AMPK"} +{"text": " but appears to involve release of renin from the kidney. Principles of burn dressings.\nThroughout history burn wounds have been treated by covering with dressings of", "synonym_substitution": "but appears to involve release of renin from the kidney. Principles of burn fertilization. \n Throughout history tan wounds have been treated by cover with stuffing of", "butter_fingers": " buh appears to involve reltase of renin from the kmdney. Pdincipler of burn dressings.\nThroughouv hiwtory burn wounds have been treated hy coverung xith dressings oh", "random_deletion": "but appears to involve release of renin kidney. of burn Throughout history burn covering dressings of", "change_char_case": " but appears to involve releasE of renin frOm the KidNey. prInciPles Of burn dressingS.\nthroUghout history burn woundS have BeEN treATeD by coVering wITh DREssInGs Of", "whitespace_perturbation": " but appears to involve re lease of r eninfro m t he kid ney. Principles of burn dressings.\nThroughout hist or y bur n w ounds have b e en t rea te dbyco v er ing w ith dressi ngs of", "underscore_trick": " but_appears to_involve release of renin_from the_kidney._Principles of_burn_dressings.\nThroughout history burn_wounds have been_treated by covering with_dressings of"} +{"text": "ria toxin antibody titers in the blood and toxicities to the liver and kidney. Both cell lines and animal models are available to assess the potential of this agent for", "synonym_substitution": "ria toxin antibody titers in the blood and toxicities to the liver and kidney. Both cell occupation and animal mannequin are available to assess the electric potential of this agent for", "butter_fingers": "ria toxin antibody titers ik the blood and jozicitixs to tge liver and kidney. Both cell lines end qnimao models are available to assesd the porentmal of this agenv for", "random_deletion": "ria toxin antibody titers in the blood to liver and Both cell lines to the potential of agent for", "change_char_case": "ria toxin antibody titers in tHe blood and ToxicItiEs tO tHe liVer aNd kidney. Both ceLL linEs and animal models are avAilabLe TO assESs The poTential OF tHIS agEnT fOr", "whitespace_perturbation": "ria toxin antibody titersin the blo od an d t oxi ci ties tothe liver andk idne y. Both cell lines and anim al mode l sare a vailabl e t o ass es sthe p o te ntial of this a gent for", "underscore_trick": "ria toxin_antibody titers_in the blood and_toxicities to_the_liver and_kidney._Both cell lines_and animal models_are available to assess_the potential of_this_agent for"} +{"text": " occurred: four times Pseudomonas aeruginosa and once each Candida albicans and Staphylococcus hominis were found. Swap results and cornea contaminations were not significantly", "synonym_substitution": "occurred: four times Pseudomonas aeruginosa and once each Candida albicans and Staphylococcus hominis were found. Swap result and cornea contamination were not significantly", "butter_fingers": " ocfurred: four times Pseudooonas aeruginosc and oice eacg Candidx albicans and Staphylococcud yominus were found. Swap resjlts and bornea cobtammnations were nov signifleantlg", "random_deletion": "occurred: four times Pseudomonas aeruginosa and once albicans Staphylococcus hominis found. Swap results significantly", "change_char_case": " occurred: four times PseudomoNas aeruginOsa anD onCe eAcH CanDida Albicans and StaPHyloCoccus hominis were found. swap rEsULts aND cOrnea ContamiNAtIONs wErE nOt sIgNIfIcantLy", "whitespace_perturbation": " occurred: four times Pseu domonas ae rugin osa an donce eac h Candida albi c ansand Staphylococcus hom iniswe r e fo u nd . Swa p resul t sa n d c or ne a c on t am inati ons were n ot signifi can tl y", "underscore_trick": " occurred:_four times_Pseudomonas aeruginosa and once_each Candida_albicans_and Staphylococcus_hominis_were found. Swap_results and cornea_contaminations were not significantly"} +{"text": " and biochemical grounds, the family refused further genetic testing. The outcome of subsequent pregnancies confirmed the working diagnosis of an autosomal form of 46,XX DSD. However", "synonym_substitution": "and biochemical grounds, the family refused further genetic examination. The result of subsequent pregnancies confirmed the work diagnosis of an autosomal shape of 46,XX DSD. However", "butter_fingers": " anf biochemical grounds, tht family refused yyrther genetjc testivg. The outcome of subsequent peegnabcies confirmed the wofking diahnosis od an qutosomal hkrm of 46,WR DSD. Mowevzr", "random_deletion": "and biochemical grounds, the family refused further The of subsequent confirmed the working of DSD. However", "change_char_case": " and biochemical grounds, the fAmily refusEd furTheR geNeTic tEstiNg. The outcome of SUbseQuent pregnancies confirMed thE wORkinG DiAgnosIs of an aUToSOMal FoRm Of 46,Xx Dsd. HOweveR", "whitespace_perturbation": " and biochemical grounds,the family refu sed fu rt hergene tic testing. T h e ou tcome of subsequent pr egnan ci e s co n fi rmedthe wor k in g dia gn os isof an auto som al form of 46,XXDSD .However", "underscore_trick": " and_biochemical grounds,_the family refused further_genetic testing._The_outcome of_subsequent_pregnancies confirmed the_working diagnosis of_an autosomal form of_46,XX DSD. However"} +{"text": " 24h of IVM. To evaluate the effect of vitrification, the nuclear maturation and fertilization rates were assessed by lacmoid staining and ultrastructural", "synonym_substitution": "24h of IVM. To evaluate the effect of vitrification, the nuclear maturation and fertilization rates were tax by lacmoid staining and ultrastructural", "butter_fingers": " 24h lf IVM. To evaluate the enfect of vitrifieqtion, vhe nucmear matjration and fertilization raves qere qssessed by lacmoid stxining anf ultrasrrucuural", "random_deletion": "24h of IVM. To evaluate the effect the maturation and rates were assessed", "change_char_case": " 24h of IVM. To evaluate the effect Of vitrificAtion, The NucLeAr maTuraTion and fertiliZAtioN rates were assessed by laCmoid StAIninG AnD ultrAstructURaL", "whitespace_perturbation": " 24h of IVM. To evaluate t he effectof vi tri fic at ion, the nuclear matur a tion and fertilization rat es we re asse s se d bylacmoid st a i nin gan d u lt r as truct ura l", "underscore_trick": " 24h_of IVM._To evaluate the effect_of vitrification,_the_nuclear maturation_and_fertilization rates were_assessed by lacmoid_staining and ultrastructural"} +{"text": "rogenic vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). The aim of this study is to examine molecular mechanisms involved in the effect of insulin on VCAM", "synonym_substitution": "rogenic vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). The aim of this study is to test molecular mechanism involved in the effect of insulin on VCAM", "butter_fingers": "rogfnic vascular cell adheslon molecule-1 (VCAM-1). The amm of tgis studh is to examine molecular merhanusms unvolved in the effect of insulpn on VCAN", "random_deletion": "rogenic vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). The this is to molecular mechanisms involved on", "change_char_case": "rogenic vascular cell adhesiOn molecule-1 (vCAM-1). THe aIm oF tHis sTudy Is to examine molECulaR mechanisms involved in tHe effEcT Of inSUlIn on VcAM", "whitespace_perturbation": "rogenic vascular cell adhe sion molec ule-1 (V CAM -1 ). T he a im of this stu d y is to examine molecularmecha ni s ms i n vo lvedin thee ff e c t o fin sul in on VCAM ", "underscore_trick": "rogenic vascular_cell adhesion_molecule-1 (VCAM-1). The aim_of this_study_is to_examine_molecular mechanisms involved_in the effect_of insulin on VCAM"} +{"text": " compensate this damage. The flooded tide with high air temperature increased the proline and soluble sugar contents in mature leaves, which could protect the mature leaves from cold damage", "synonym_substitution": "compensate this damage. The flooded tide with high tune temperature increase the proline and soluble sugar contents in mature leaf, which could protect the mature leaves from cold wrong", "butter_fingers": " colpensate this damage. The flooded tide wnrh higi air tsmperatufe increased the proline and silublt sugar contents in mature lvaves, whixh ciyld protecv the mabbre lswves hrom cold damagg", "random_deletion": "compensate this damage. The flooded tide with temperature the proline soluble sugar contents protect mature leaves from damage", "change_char_case": " compensate this damage. The flOoded tide wIth hiGh aIr tEmPeraTure Increased the prOLine And soluble sugar contentS in maTuRE leaVEs, Which Could prOTeCT The MaTuRe lEaVEs From cOld Damage", "whitespace_perturbation": " compensate this damage. T he flooded tide wi thhi gh a ir t emperature inc r ease d the proline and solu ble s ug a r co n te nts i n matur e l e a ves ,wh ich c o ul d pro tec t the m ature leav esfr om cold dama g e", "underscore_trick": " compensate_this damage._The flooded tide with_high air_temperature_increased the_proline_and soluble sugar_contents in mature_leaves, which could protect_the mature leaves_from_cold damage"} +{"text": " that targets elders with few limitations and a consideration of financial factors in addition to health status. [Clinical and immunomorphological parallels in posttraumatic uveitis].", "synonym_substitution": "that targets elders with few limitations and a consideration of fiscal divisor in addition to health status. [ Clinical and immunomorphological parallel in posttraumatic uveitis ].", "butter_fingers": " thwt targets elders with ftw limitations anb a conviderafion of winancial factors in additioi to healuk status. [Clinical ana immunomlrphologucal parallels mh posttvcumatjg uventms].", "random_deletion": "that targets elders with few limitations and of factors in to health status. posttraumatic", "change_char_case": " that targets elders with few lImitations And a cOnsIdeRaTion Of fiNancial factors IN addItion to health status. [CliNical AnD ImmuNOmOrphoLogical PArALLelS iN pOstTrAUmAtic uVeiTis].", "whitespace_perturbation": " that targets elders withfew limita tions an d a c onsi dera tion of financ i al f actors in addition tohealt hs tatu s .[Clin ical an d i m m uno mo rp hol og i ca l par all els inposttrauma tic u veitis].", "underscore_trick": " that_targets elders_with few limitations and_a consideration_of_financial factors_in_addition to health_status. [Clinical and_immunomorphological parallels in posttraumatic_uveitis]."} +{"text": "icle screw. The crack started on the caudal side of the cross-sectional area and progressed cranially. Upper vertebral tilting in the sagittal plane must", "synonym_substitution": "icle screw. The crack started on the caudal side of the crabbed - sectional sphere and progress cranially. Upper vertebral tilting in the sagittal plane must", "butter_fingers": "iclf screw. The crack startea on the caudal side oh the cdoss-sectkonal area and progressed creniaoly. Ukier vertebral tilting in the swgittal plant must", "random_deletion": "icle screw. The crack started on the of cross-sectional area progressed cranially. Upper plane", "change_char_case": "icle screw. The crack started oN the caudal Side oF thE crOsS-secTionAl area and progrESsed Cranially. Upper vertebraL tiltInG In thE SaGittaL plane mUSt", "whitespace_perturbation": "icle screw. The crack star ted on the caud alsid eof t he c ross-sectional area and progressed crania lly.Up p er v e rt ebral tiltin g i n the s ag itt al pl ane m ust ", "underscore_trick": "icle screw._The crack_started on the caudal_side of_the_cross-sectional area_and_progressed cranially. Upper_vertebral tilting in_the sagittal plane must"} +{"text": " aly class using the tissue-specific DamID method. Resulting datawere correlated with gene expression in comr (aly class) and can (can class", "synonym_substitution": "aly class using the tissue - specific DamID method. Resulting datawere correlate with gene formula in comr (aly class) and can (can class", "butter_fingers": " alj class using the tissue-rpecific DamID method. Cesultihg datawdre correlated with gene expcessuon ib comr (aly class) and cxn (can clwss", "random_deletion": "aly class using the tissue-specific DamID method. correlated gene expression comr (aly class)", "change_char_case": " aly class using the tissue-speCific DamID MethoD. ReSulTiNg daTaweRe correlated wiTH genE expression in comr (aly clAss) anD cAN (can CLaSs", "whitespace_perturbation": " aly class using the tissu e-specific DamI D m eth od . Re sult ing datawere c o rrel ated with gene express ion i nc omr( al y cla ss) and ca n (ca ncl ass ", "underscore_trick": " aly_class using_the tissue-specific DamID method._Resulting datawere_correlated_with gene_expression_in comr (aly_class) and can_(can class"} +{"text": " greater clinical improvement after 14 d (p<0.005) and on discharge (p<0.05) than patients treated with typical neuroleptics", "synonym_substitution": "greater clinical improvement after 14 d (p<0.005) and on discharge (p<0.05) than patients treat with distinctive neuroleptics", "butter_fingers": " grfater clinical improvemekt after 14 d (p<0.005) anb on divchargs (p<0.05) than patients treated with typicel nwuroltitics", "random_deletion": "greater clinical improvement after 14 d (p<0.005) discharge than patients with typical neuroleptics", "change_char_case": " greater clinical improvemenT after 14 d (p<0.005) anD on diSchArgE (p<0.05) Than PatiEnts treated witH TypiCal neuroleptics", "whitespace_perturbation": " greater clinical improvem ent after14 d(p< 0.0 05 ) an d on discharge (p< 0 .05) than patients treated with t y pica l n eurol eptics", "underscore_trick": " greater_clinical improvement_after 14 d (p<0.005)_and on_discharge_(p<0.05) than_patients_treated with typical_neuroleptics"} +{"text": " reperfusion-associated cortical ischemic damage: an MRI analysis in a transient focal ischemia model.\nEarly identification of irreversible cerebral ischemia is critical in defining strategies that influence neuronal", "synonym_substitution": "reperfusion - associated cortical ischemic damage: an MRI analysis in a transient focal ischemia exemplar. \n Early designation of irreversible cerebral ischemia is critical in defining strategies that influence neural", "butter_fingers": " reoerfusion-associated cortlcal ischemic damage: an MRI ahalysis kn a transient focal ischemie moeel.\nEaely identification of krreversihle cerevral uschemia is critical in scfiniug strategies thst influenwe neuronal", "random_deletion": "reperfusion-associated cortical ischemic damage: an MRI analysis transient ischemia model. identification of irreversible defining that influence neuronal", "change_char_case": " reperfusion-associated cortIcal ischemIc damAge: An MrI AnalYsis In a transient foCAl isChemia model.\nEarly identiFicatIoN Of irREvErsibLe cerebRAl ISCheMiA iS crItICaL in deFinIng straTegies that InfLuEnce neuronal", "whitespace_perturbation": " reperfusion-associated co rtical isc hemic da mag e: anMRIanalysis in at rans ient focal ischemia mo del.Ea r ly i d en tific ation o f i r r eve rs ib lece r eb ral i sch emia is criticalinde fining strat e gi es that in flu ence neurona l", "underscore_trick": " reperfusion-associated_cortical ischemic_damage: an MRI analysis_in a_transient_focal ischemia_model.\nEarly_identification of irreversible_cerebral ischemia is_critical in defining strategies_that influence neuronal"} +{"text": " 10 months after treatment it was 1%, a significant decrease (P < 10(-4)). All tapeworms that could be identified to the species level were T", "synonym_substitution": "10 months after treatment it was 1% , a significant decrease (P < 10(-4) ). All tapeworm that could be identify to the species level were metric ton", "butter_fingers": " 10 mlnths after treatment it was 1%, a signifieqnt derrease (L < 10(-4)). All gapeworms that could be idenvifiwd to the species level werd T", "random_deletion": "10 months after treatment it was 1%, decrease < 10(-4)). tapeworms that could level T", "change_char_case": " 10 months after treatment it was 1%, A significaNt decReaSe (P < 10(-4)). alL tapEworMs that could be iDEntiFied to the species level wEre T", "whitespace_perturbation": " 10 months after treatment it was 1% , a s ign ifi ca nt d ecre ase (P < 10(-4 ) ). A ll tapeworms that coul d beid e ntif i ed to t he spec i es l eve lwe reT", "underscore_trick": " 10_months after_treatment it was 1%,_a significant_decrease_(P <_10(-4))._All tapeworms that_could be identified_to the species level_were T"} +{"text": "MA) gene expression employing real-time RT-PCR, and the Rho-inhibitory effect employing the pull-down assay. C3 significantly reduced stress fiber", "synonym_substitution": "MA) gene expression employing real - time RT - PCR, and the Rho - inhibitory consequence use the pull - down assay. C3 significantly reduced tension fiber", "butter_fingers": "MA) hene expression employinn real-time RT-PCR, and thx Rho-ingibitory effect employing the pull-doxn awsay. X3 significantly reducea stress viber", "random_deletion": "MA) gene expression employing real-time RT-PCR, and effect the pull-down C3 significantly reduced", "change_char_case": "MA) gene expression employing Real-time RT-pCR, anD thE RhO-iNhibItorY effect employiNG the Pull-down assay. C3 significAntly ReDUced STrEss fiBer", "whitespace_perturbation": "MA) gene expression employ ing real-t ime R T-P CR, a nd t he R ho-inhibitorye ffec t employing the pull-d own a ss a y. C 3 s ignif icantly re d u ced s tr ess f i be r", "underscore_trick": "MA) gene_expression employing_real-time RT-PCR, and the_Rho-inhibitory effect_employing_the pull-down_assay._C3 significantly reduced_stress fiber"} +{"text": " and reduced productivity at work. Generalized estimation equations (6-month time-lag model) were used to study predictors. Sick leave was predicted by high", "synonym_substitution": "and reduced productivity at work. Generalized estimation equation (6 - calendar month time - lag exemplar) were use to study predictors. disgusted farewell was predicted by high", "butter_fingers": " anf reduced productivity au work. Generalizeb estimetion esuations (6-month time-lag model) were usxd ti stuey predictors. Sick leaxe was prvdicted bt hijh", "random_deletion": "and reduced productivity at work. Generalized estimation time-lag were used study predictors. Sick", "change_char_case": " and reduced productivity at wOrk. GeneralIzed eStiMatIoN equAtioNs (6-month time-lag MOdel) Were used to study predictOrs. SiCk LEave WAs PrediCted by hIGh", "whitespace_perturbation": " and reduced productivityat work. G enera liz edes tima tion equations (6- m onth time-lag model) wereusedto stud y p redic tors. S i ck l eav ewa s p re d ic ted b y h igh", "underscore_trick": " and_reduced productivity_at work. Generalized estimation_equations (6-month_time-lag_model) were_used_to study predictors._Sick leave was_predicted by high"} +{"text": " wave was more susceptible to the effect of the substituent groups than was the second wave, suggesting that the ordering of the two successive one-electron reductions in B", "synonym_substitution": "wave was more susceptible to the effect of the substituent groups than was the second wave, suggesting that the ordering of the two consecutive one - electron reduction in B", "butter_fingers": " wage was more susceptible uo the effect of jhw subsvituent groups ghan was the second wave, sugjestung tyat the ordering of thd two sucbessive obe-eltctron reductions in B", "random_deletion": "wave was more susceptible to the effect substituent than was second wave, suggesting two one-electron reductions in", "change_char_case": " wave was more susceptible to tHe effect of The suBstItuEnT groUps tHan was the seconD Wave, Suggesting that the orderIng of ThE Two sUCcEssivE one-eleCTrON RedUcTiOns In b", "whitespace_perturbation": " wave was more susceptible to the ef fectofthe s ubst itue nt groups than wasthe second wave, sugge sting t h at t h eorder ing oft he t wosu cc ess iv e o ne-el ect ron red uctions in B", "underscore_trick": " wave_was more_susceptible to the effect_of the_substituent_groups than_was_the second wave,_suggesting that the_ordering of the two_successive one-electron reductions_in_B"} +{"text": " box, but not given footshock (conditioned emotional response), there was an immediate and long-lasting (80 min) increase in extracellular dopamine. Dizoc", "synonym_substitution": "box, but not given footshock (conditioned emotional reception), there be an immediate and long - lasting (80 min) addition in extracellular dopamine. Dizoc", "butter_fingers": " bod, but not given footshocy (conditioned emotionan respknse), thefe was an immediate and long-pawting (80 min) increase in extrxcellular dopaminw. Dieoc", "random_deletion": "box, but not given footshock (conditioned emotional was immediate and (80 min) increase", "change_char_case": " box, but not given footshock (coNditioned eMotioNal ResPoNse), tHere Was an immediate ANd loNg-lasting (80 min) increase in ExtraCeLLulaR DoPaminE. Dizoc", "whitespace_perturbation": " box, but not given footsh ock (condi tione d e mot io nalresp onse), there w a s an immediate and long-la sting ( 8 0 mi n )incre ase ine xt r a cel lu la r d op a mi ne. D izo c", "underscore_trick": " box,_but not_given footshock (conditioned emotional_response), there_was_an immediate_and_long-lasting (80 min)_increase in extracellular_dopamine. Dizoc"} +{"text": " of Graves' disease and elevation of TRAb might have been responsible for the formation and deposition of thyroid-associated immune complex in the glomeruli. As for cres", "synonym_substitution": "of Graves' disease and elevation of TRAb might have been responsible for the formation and deposition of thyroid gland - consociate immune complex in the glomeruli. As for cres", "butter_fingers": " of Graves' disease and elevxtion of TRAb mntht hate been responskble for the formation and dxposution of thyroid-associated kmmune colplex in the tlomeruli. Ea for cvzs", "random_deletion": "of Graves' disease and elevation of TRAb been for the and deposition of glomeruli. for cres", "change_char_case": " of Graves' disease and elevatiOn of TRAb miGht haVe bEen ReSponSiblE for the formatiON and Deposition of thyroid-assOciatEd IMmunE CoMplex In the glOMeRULi. AS fOr CreS", "whitespace_perturbation": " of Graves' disease and el evation of TRAb mi ght h avebeen responsible f o r th e formation and deposi tionof thyr o id -asso ciatedi mm u n e c om pl exin th e glo mer uli. As for cres", "underscore_trick": " of_Graves' disease_and elevation of TRAb_might have_been_responsible for_the_formation and deposition_of thyroid-associated immune_complex in the glomeruli._As for cres"} +{"text": " and then proceed directly to the involved area. In this way operating time, blood loss, damage to uninvolved areas of the liver, and unnecessary contamination are", "synonym_substitution": "and then proceed directly to the involved area. In this direction operate time, blood loss, wrong to uninvolved areas of the liver, and unnecessary contaminant are", "butter_fingers": " anf then proceed directly uo the involved ateq. In tiis way operativg time, blood loss, damage to ubinvooved areas of the livef, and unnvcessary xontemination are", "random_deletion": "and then proceed directly to the involved this operating time, loss, damage to and contamination are", "change_char_case": " and then proceed directly to tHe involved Area. IN thIs wAy OperAtinG time, blood loss, DAmagE to uninvolved areas of thE liveR, aND unnECeSsary ContamiNAtION arE", "whitespace_perturbation": " and then proceed directly to the in volve d a rea .In t hisway operatingt ime, blood loss, damage to unin vo l veda re as of the li v er , and u nn ece ss a ry cont ami nationare", "underscore_trick": " and_then proceed_directly to the involved_area. In_this_way operating_time,_blood loss, damage_to uninvolved areas_of the liver, and_unnecessary contamination are"} +{"text": " difference from 124 +/- 14 mm Hg to 241 +/- 61 mm Hg (p < 0.05); as well as a decrease in blood pressure, from 131 +/-", "synonym_substitution": "difference from 124 + /- 14 mm Hg to 241 + /- 61 mm Hg (p < 0.05); as well as a decrease in blood atmospheric pressure, from 131 + /-", "butter_fingers": " divference from 124 +/- 14 mm Hg tu 241 +/- 61 mm Hg (p < 0.05); cw well as a secrease in blood pressure, from 131 +/-", "random_deletion": "difference from 124 +/- 14 mm Hg +/- mm Hg < 0.05); as blood from 131 +/-", "change_char_case": " difference from 124 +/- 14 mm Hg to 241 +/- 61 mm Hg (p < 0.05); As well as a dEcreaSe iN blOoD preSsurE, from 131 +/-", "whitespace_perturbation": " difference from 124 +/- 1 4 mm Hg to 241+/- 61 m m Hg (p< 0.05); as we l l as a decrease in blood p ressu re , fro m 1 31 +/ -", "underscore_trick": " difference_from 124_+/- 14 mm Hg_to 241_+/-_61 mm_Hg_(p < 0.05);_as well as_a decrease in blood_pressure, from 131_+/-"} +{"text": " depends on that of periodontal membrane. As described above, the occlusal force during mastication, which is fast movement, can be estimated from re.", "synonym_substitution": "depends on that of periodontal membrane. As described above, the occlusal force during chew, which is firm movement, can be estimated from rhenium.", "butter_fingers": " deoends on that of periodoktal membrane. As descriued abobe, the ozclusal force during masticavion, whicy is fast movement, can be estimwted fron re.", "random_deletion": "depends on that of periodontal membrane. As the force during which is fast re.", "change_char_case": " depends on that of periodontaL membrane. AS descRibEd aBoVe, thE occLusal force duriNG masTication, which is fast movEment, CaN Be esTImAted fRom re.", "whitespace_perturbation": " depends on that of period ontal memb rane. As de sc ribe d ab ove, the occlu s al f orce during masticatio n, wh ic h isf as t mov ement,c an b e e st im ate df ro m re. ", "underscore_trick": " depends_on that_of periodontal membrane. As_described above,_the_occlusal force_during_mastication, which is_fast movement, can_be estimated from re."} +{"text": "obutanoyl, or pivaloyl groups, implying considerable impacts of hydrophobic groups on UCST phase separation. We observed a liner relationship between Tp and", "synonym_substitution": "obutanoyl, or pivaloyl groups, implying considerable impacts of hydrophobic groups on UCST phase interval. We observe a liner kinship between Tp and", "butter_fingers": "obuhanoyl, or pivaloyl groupr, implying consneerablx impacfs of hyarophobic groups on UCST phade sepaeation. We observed a lkner relanionship vetwten Tp and", "random_deletion": "obutanoyl, or pivaloyl groups, implying considerable impacts groups UCST phase We observed a", "change_char_case": "obutanoyl, or pivaloyl groups, Implying coNsideRabLe iMpActs Of hyDrophobic groupS On UCsT phase separation. We obsErved A lINer rELaTionsHip betwEEn tP And", "whitespace_perturbation": "obutanoyl, or pivaloyl gro ups, imply ing c ons ide ra bleimpa cts of hydroph o bicgroups on UCST phase s epara ti o n. W e o bserv ed a li n er r ela ti on shi pb et weenTpand", "underscore_trick": "obutanoyl, or_pivaloyl groups,_implying considerable impacts of_hydrophobic groups_on_UCST phase_separation._We observed a_liner relationship between_Tp and"} +{"text": " 2 weeks later. Groups II and III received a single 10 mg dose. Blood samples and urine were collected for 48 hours. Impaired renal function resulted in elevated", "synonym_substitution": "2 weeks later. Groups II and III received a individual 10 milligram dose. Blood samples and urine were collect for 48 hours. Impaired nephritic function resulted in elevated", "butter_fingers": " 2 wfeks later. Groups II and III received a single 10 mg dkse. Blooa samples and urine were colpexted dor 48 hours. Impaired reval functpon resulred mn elevated", "random_deletion": "2 weeks later. Groups II and III single mg dose. samples and urine Impaired function resulted in", "change_char_case": " 2 weeks later. Groups II and III rEceived a siNgle 10 mG doSe. BLoOd saMpleS and urine were cOLlecTed for 48 hours. Impaired renAl funCtIOn reSUlTed in ElevateD", "whitespace_perturbation": " 2 weeks later. Groups IIand III re ceive d a si ng le 1 0 mg dose. Blood s a mple s and urine were colle ctedfo r 48h ou rs. I mpaired re n a l f un ct ion r e su ltedinelevate d", "underscore_trick": " 2_weeks later._Groups II and III_received a_single_10 mg_dose._Blood samples and_urine were collected_for 48 hours. Impaired_renal function resulted_in_elevated"} +{"text": "idine kinase ResE and the cytoplasmic ResD regulator. Nitric oxide is the signal recognized by NsrR. Acetate formation and decreasing pH are", "synonym_substitution": "idine kinase ResE and the cytoplasmic ResD regulator. Nitric oxide is the signal recognized by NsrR. Acetate formation and decreasing pH are", "butter_fingers": "idije kinase ResE and the cntoplasmic ResD tetulatoc. Nitrid oxide ks the signal recognized by IsrR. Acetqte formation and decrdasing pH are", "random_deletion": "idine kinase ResE and the cytoplasmic ResD oxide the signal by NsrR. Acetate", "change_char_case": "idine kinase ResE and the cytoPlasmic Resd reguLatOr. NItRic oXide Is the signal recOGnizEd by NsrR. Acetate formatiOn and DeCReasINg PH are", "whitespace_perturbation": "idine kinase ResE and thecytoplasmi c Res D r egu la tor. Nit ric oxide is t h e si gnal recognized by Nsr R. Ac et a te f o rm ation and de c re a s ing p Hare ", "underscore_trick": "idine kinase_ResE and_the cytoplasmic ResD regulator._Nitric oxide_is_the signal_recognized_by NsrR. Acetate_formation and decreasing_pH are"} +{"text": "aine, and vitamin B complex) were included in some i.v. solutions. Administration sets were attached to the i.v. containers, and the solutions", "synonym_substitution": "aine, and vitamin B complex) were included in some i.v. solutions. presidency set were attached to the i.v. containers, and the solutions", "butter_fingers": "ainf, and vitamin B complex) dere included iu some m.v. solufions. Adoinistration sets were attacied ro tht i.v. containers, and the solunions", "random_deletion": "aine, and vitamin B complex) were included i.v. Administration sets attached to the", "change_char_case": "aine, and vitamin B complex) werE included iN some I.v. sOluTiOns. ADminIstration sets wERe atTached to the i.v. containerS, and tHe SOlutIOnS", "whitespace_perturbation": "aine, and vitamin B comple x) were in clude d i n s om e i. v. s olutions. Admi n istr ation sets were attach ed to t h e i. v .conta iners,a nd t heso lu tio ns ", "underscore_trick": "aine, and_vitamin B_complex) were included in_some i.v._solutions._Administration sets_were_attached to the_i.v. containers, and_the solutions"} +{"text": "Hispanic. Results suggested that contraceptive use was negatively affected by low contraceptive knowledge; use of alcohol; a lack of planning for sex; a misper", "synonym_substitution": "Hispanic. Results suggested that contraceptive use was negatively affected by depleted contraceptive cognition; use of alcohol; a lack of planning for sex; a misper", "butter_fingers": "Hisoanic. Results suggested uhat contraceptivg yse wav negafively awfected by low contraceptive kbowleege; use of alcohol; a lxck of plwnning fir stx; a misper", "random_deletion": "Hispanic. Results suggested that contraceptive use was by contraceptive knowledge; of alcohol; a a", "change_char_case": "Hispanic. Results suggested tHat contracEptivE usE waS nEgatIvelY affected by low COntrAceptive knowledge; use of AlcohOl; A Lack OF pLanniNg for seX; A mISPer", "whitespace_perturbation": "Hispanic. Results suggeste d that con trace pti veus e wa s ne gatively affec t ed b y low contraceptive kn owled ge ; use of alco hol; al ac k ofpl an nin gf or sex; amisper", "underscore_trick": "Hispanic. Results_suggested that_contraceptive use was negatively_affected by_low_contraceptive knowledge;_use_of alcohol; a_lack of planning_for sex; a misper"} +{"text": " were recorded in the CFRC post group at 24, 29, 56 and 87 months, compared with one failure in the control group at 84 months. These", "synonym_substitution": "were recorded in the CFRC post group at 24, 29, 56 and 87 months, compared with one bankruptcy in the restraint group at 84 months. These", "butter_fingers": " wege recorded in the CFRC kost group at 24, 29, 56 cbd 87 moiths, cojpared wkth one failure in the contrll grouk at 84 months. These", "random_deletion": "were recorded in the CFRC post group 29, and 87 compared with one at months. These", "change_char_case": " were recorded in the CFRC post Group at 24, 29, 56 and 87 MonthS, coMpaReD witH one Failure in the coNTrol Group at 84 months. These", "whitespace_perturbation": " were recorded in the CFRC post grou p at24, 29 ,56 a nd 8 7 months, comp a redwith one failure in th e con tr o l gr o up at 8 4 month s .T h ese ", "underscore_trick": " were_recorded in_the CFRC post group_at 24,_29,_56 and_87_months, compared with_one failure in_the control group at_84 months. These"} +{"text": "ation. The major red pigment was identified as gomphrenin I. Its quantity increased with the increase of fruit maturity. The gomphrenin", "synonym_substitution": "ation. The major red pigment was identified as gomphrenin I. Its quantity increase with the addition of fruit maturity. The gomphrenin", "butter_fingers": "atiln. The major red pigment was identified as gom'hrenin I. Its qjantity increased with the iicreqse od fruit maturity. The gumphrenin", "random_deletion": "ation. The major red pigment was identified I. quantity increased the increase of", "change_char_case": "ation. The major red pigment waS identifieD as goMphRenIn i. Its QuanTity increased wITh thE increase of fruit maturiTy. The GoMPhreNIn", "whitespace_perturbation": "ation. The major red pigme nt was ide ntifi edasgo mphr enin I. Its quanti t y in creased with the incre ase o ff ruit ma turit y. Theg om p h ren in ", "underscore_trick": "ation. The_major red_pigment was identified as_gomphrenin I._Its_quantity increased_with_the increase of_fruit maturity. The_gomphrenin"} +{"text": " these axotomized neuronal subpopulations, expression of c-Jun appeared between 24 and 36 h post-axotomy and persisted on substantial levels for 15 days in", "synonym_substitution": "these axotomized neuronal subpopulations, expression of c - Jun appear between 24 and 36 planck's constant post - axotomy and persisted on substantial grade for 15 days in", "butter_fingers": " thfse axotomized neuronal rubpopulations, gxpressimn of d-Jun appdared between 24 and 36 h post-axltimy abd persisted on substavtial levvls for 15 eays un", "random_deletion": "these axotomized neuronal subpopulations, expression of c-Jun 24 36 h and persisted on in", "change_char_case": " these axotomized neuronal suBpopulatioNs, expResSioN oF c-JuN appEared between 24 anD 36 H posT-axotomy and persisted on SubstAnTIal lEVeLs for 15 Days in", "whitespace_perturbation": " these axotomized neuronal subpopula tions , e xpr es sion ofc-Jun appeared betw een 24 and 36 h post-a xotom ya nd p e rs isted on sub s ta n t ial l ev els f o r15 da ysin", "underscore_trick": " these_axotomized neuronal_subpopulations, expression of c-Jun_appeared between_24_and 36_h_post-axotomy and persisted_on substantial levels_for 15 days in"} +{"text": " digestion (p < 0.05), and both hydrolysis methods gave the same level of isoflavones in serum. Approximately 28-44% of the total", "synonym_substitution": "digestion (p < 0.05), and both hydrolysis methods gave the same degree of isoflavones in serum. Approximately 28 - 44% of the sum", "butter_fingers": " dihestion (p < 0.05), and both hydvolysis methods yqve thx same mevel of isoflavones in serum. Approxmmatwly 28-44% if the total", "random_deletion": "digestion (p < 0.05), and both hydrolysis the level of in serum. Approximately", "change_char_case": " digestion (p < 0.05), and both hydrolysIs methods gAve thE saMe lEvEl of IsofLavones in serum. aPproXimately 28-44% of the total", "whitespace_perturbation": " digestion (p < 0.05), and both hydr olysi s m eth od s ga ve t he same levelo f is oflavones in serum. Ap proxi ma t ely2 8- 44% o f the t o ta l ", "underscore_trick": " digestion_(p <_0.05), and both hydrolysis_methods gave_the_same level_of_isoflavones in serum._Approximately 28-44% of_the total"} +{"text": " transcriptional inhibitory activities of gomphrenin I on the expression of inflammatory genes encoding iNOS, COX-2, IL-1\u03b2, TNF-\u03b1", "synonym_substitution": "transcriptional inhibitory activities of gomphrenin I on the expression of inflammatory genes encode iNOS, COX-2, IL-1\u03b2, TNF - \u03b1", "butter_fingers": " trwnscriptional inhibitory activities of yimphreiin I oh the exoression of inflammatory genxs ebcodibg iNOS, COX-2, IL-1\u03b2, TNF-\u03b1", "random_deletion": "transcriptional inhibitory activities of gomphrenin I on of genes encoding COX-2, IL-1\u03b2, TNF-\u03b1", "change_char_case": " transcriptional inhibitory Activities Of gomPhrEniN I On thE expRession of inflaMMatoRy genes encoding iNOS, COX-2, iL-1\u03b2, TNf-\u03b1", "whitespace_perturbation": " transcriptional inhibitor y activiti es of go mph re ninI on the expressio n ofinflammatory genes enc oding i N OS,C OX -2, I L-1\u03b2, T N F- \u03b1 ", "underscore_trick": " transcriptional_inhibitory activities_of gomphrenin I on_the expression_of_inflammatory genes_encoding_iNOS, COX-2, IL-1\u03b2,_TNF-\u03b1"} +{"text": " of government regulations. Compliance is the trendiest buzzword in healthcare today, and it's creating some lucrative business opportunities. Compliance officers, like Roy Sn", "synonym_substitution": "of government regulations. Compliance is the trendiest buzzword in healthcare today, and it's create some lucrative clientele opportunities. Compliance officers, like Roy Sn", "butter_fingers": " of government regulations. Gompliance is thg rrendixst buzaword in healthcare today, and it's crxatibg sone lucrative business upportuninies. Compoianre officers, like Roy Sn", "random_deletion": "of government regulations. Compliance is the trendiest healthcare and it's some lucrative business Sn", "change_char_case": " of government regulations. CoMpliance is The trEndIesT bUzzwOrd iN healthcare todAY, and It's creating some lucratiVe busInESs opPOrTunitIes. CompLIaNCE ofFiCeRs, lIkE roY Sn", "whitespace_perturbation": " of government regulations . Complian ce is th e t re ndie st b uzzword in hea l thca re today, and it's cre ating s o me l u cr ative busine s so p por tu ni tie s. Co mplia nce office rs, like R oySn ", "underscore_trick": " of_government regulations._Compliance is the trendiest_buzzword in_healthcare_today, and_it's_creating some lucrative_business opportunities. Compliance_officers, like Roy Sn"} +{"text": " OAB. The odds of developing LUTS (self-reported) are four times higher in women with LS than in those without. The predominant type of", "synonym_substitution": "OAB. The odds of developing LUTS (self - reported) are four times higher in charwoman with LS than in those without. The prevailing type of", "butter_fingers": " OAH. The odds of developing LUTS (self-reporjee) are hour tijes highdr in women with LS than in vhosw wityout. The predominant thpe of", "random_deletion": "OAB. The odds of developing LUTS (self-reported) times in women LS than in of", "change_char_case": " OAB. The odds of developing LUTs (self-reporTed) arE foUr tImEs hiGher In women with LS tHAn in Those without. The predomiNant tYpE Of", "whitespace_perturbation": " OAB. The odds of developi ng LUTS (s elf-r epo rte d) are fou r times higher in w omen with LS than in t hosewi t hout . T he pr edomina n tt y peof ", "underscore_trick": " OAB._The odds_of developing LUTS (self-reported)_are four_times_higher in_women_with LS than_in those without._The predominant type of"} +{"text": ". The level of 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity between strain DS-43T and V. paradoxus IAM 12373T was 97.3 %. DNA", "synonym_substitution": ". The level of 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity between strain DS-43 T and V. paradoxus IAM 12373 T was 97.3% . DNA", "butter_fingers": ". Thf level of 16S rRNA gene stquence similariti vetweei straih DS-43T ana V. paradoxus IAM 12373T was 97.3 %. DNE", "random_deletion": ". The level of 16S rRNA gene between DS-43T and paradoxus IAM 12373T", "change_char_case": ". The level of 16S rRNA gene sequenCe similariTy betWeeN stRaIn DS-43t and v. paradoxus IAM 12373T WAs 97.3 %. DNa", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The level of 16S rRNA ge ne sequenc e sim ila rit ybetw eenstrain DS-43Ta nd V . paradoxus IAM 12373T was97 . 3 %. DN A", "underscore_trick": ". The_level of_16S rRNA gene sequence_similarity between_strain_DS-43T and_V._paradoxus IAM 12373T_was 97.3 %._DNA"} +{"text": " show possible correlation with the proposed internal balancing problem (uncoupled neuro-osseous growth) researched by Roth. Concomitant radiological and MRI signs are shown", "synonym_substitution": "show possible correlation with the proposed inner reconciliation problem (uncoupled neuro - osseous increase) research by Roth. Concomitant radiological and MRI signs are show", "butter_fingers": " shlw possible correlation dith the proposgd interial balzncing pfoblem (uncoupled neuro-osseoud trowty) researched by Roth. Cuncomitann radioloticao and MRI smfns are shown", "random_deletion": "show possible correlation with the proposed internal (uncoupled growth) researched Roth. Concomitant radiological", "change_char_case": " show possible correlation wiTh the propoSed inTerNal BaLancIng pRoblem (uncoupleD NeurO-osseous growth) researchEd by ROtH. concOMiTant rAdiologICaL ANd MrI SiGns ArE ShOwn", "whitespace_perturbation": " show possible correlation with thepropo sed in te rnal bal ancing problem (unc oupled neuro-osseous g rowth )r esea r ch ed by Roth.C on c o mit an trad io l og icaland MRI si gns are sh own ", "underscore_trick": " show_possible correlation_with the proposed internal_balancing problem_(uncoupled_neuro-osseous growth)_researched_by Roth. Concomitant_radiological and MRI_signs are shown"} +{"text": "-typing analysis. Urolithiasis in the First 2 Months of Life.\nThere is limited data about urolithiasis in young infants.", "synonym_substitution": "-typing analysis. Urolithiasis in the First 2 Months of Life. \n There is circumscribed datum about urolithiasis in new infants.", "butter_fingers": "-typlng analysis. Urolithiasir in the First 2 Months of Lire.\nThere ks limited data about urolitiiasus in young infants.", "random_deletion": "-typing analysis. Urolithiasis in the First 2 Life. is limited about urolithiasis in", "change_char_case": "-typing analysis. UrolithiasiS in the FirsT 2 MontHs oF LiFe.\ntherE is lImited data abouT UrolIthiasis in young infants.", "whitespace_perturbation": "-typing analysis. Urolithi asis in th e Fir st2 M on thsof L ife.\nThere isl imit ed data about urolithi asisin youn g i nfant s.", "underscore_trick": "-typing analysis._Urolithiasis in_the First 2 Months_of Life.\nThere_is_limited data_about_urolithiasis in young_infants."} +{"text": " chow diet were treated with vehicle or various doses of rosuvastatin (1, 5, or 20 mg/kg) by subcutaneous injection for 2 or", "synonym_substitution": "chow diet were treated with vehicle or various venereal disease of rosuvastatin (1, 5, or 20 mg / kg) by hypodermic injection for 2 or", "butter_fingers": " chlw diet were treated witm vehicle or varnius doves of rosuvasgatin (1, 5, or 20 mg/kg) by subcutanxous injextion for 2 or", "random_deletion": "chow diet were treated with vehicle or of (1, 5, 20 mg/kg) by", "change_char_case": " chow diet were treated with veHicle or varIous dOseS of RoSuvaStatIn (1, 5, or 20 mg/kg) by subcUTaneOus injection for 2 or", "whitespace_perturbation": " chow diet were treated wi th vehicle or v ari ous d oses ofrosuvastatin ( 1 , 5, or 20 mg/kg) by subcu taneo us inje c ti on fo r 2 or", "underscore_trick": " chow_diet were_treated with vehicle or_various doses_of_rosuvastatin (1,_5,_or 20 mg/kg)_by subcutaneous injection_for 2 or"} +{"text": " months postinjury, their neurologic function was reassessed. Patients with Type I patterns showed no improvement in their Frankel classification and minimal improvement in their TMI", "synonym_substitution": "months postinjury, their neurologic function was reassessed. Patients with Type I design usher no improvement in their Frankel classification and minimal improvement in their TMI", "butter_fingers": " mojths postinjury, their nemrologic functiou was rxassesssd. Patievts with Type I patterns shoxed bo imkgovement in their Fravkel clasdificatiin aid minimal improtsment ik thejv TMI", "random_deletion": "months postinjury, their neurologic function was reassessed. Type patterns showed improvement in their in TMI", "change_char_case": " months postinjury, their neurOlogic funcTion wAs rEasSeSsed. patiEnts with Type I pATterNs showed no improvement iN theiR FRAnkeL ClAssifIcation ANd MINimAl ImProVeMEnT in thEir tMI", "whitespace_perturbation": " months postinjury, theirneurologic func tio n w as rea sses sed. Patientsw ithType I patterns showed no i mp r ovem e nt in t heir Fr a nk e l cl as si fic at i on andmin imal im provementinth eir TMI", "underscore_trick": " months_postinjury, their_neurologic function was reassessed._Patients with_Type_I patterns_showed_no improvement in_their Frankel classification_and minimal improvement in_their TMI"} +{"text": "-based education to apply gender consciousness can help nursing students integrate gender and nursing care concepts and improve nursing care quality. In addition to raising attention to this important issue", "synonym_substitution": "-based education to apply gender consciousness can avail nursing student integrate gender and nursing care concept and improve nursing care quality. In accession to raising attention to this significant issue", "butter_fingers": "-basfd education to apply gekder consciousness can ielp nudsing stjdents integrate gender and iursung cqre concepts and improxe nursinh care qyaliuy. In addition to raising attenflon tm this importanj issue", "random_deletion": "-based education to apply gender consciousness can students gender and care concepts and addition raising attention to important issue", "change_char_case": "-based education to apply gendEr consciouSness Can HelP nUrsiNg stUdents integratE GendEr and nursing care concepTs and ImPRove NUrSing cAre qualITy. iN AddItIoN to RaISiNg attEntIon to thIs importanT isSuE", "whitespace_perturbation": "-based education to applygender con sciou sne ssca n he lp n ursing student s int egrate gender and nurs ing c ar e con c ep ts an d impro v en u rsi ng c are q u al ity.Inadditio n to raisi ngat tention to t h is important is sue", "underscore_trick": "-based education_to apply_gender consciousness can help_nursing students_integrate_gender and_nursing_care concepts and_improve nursing care_quality. In addition to_raising attention to_this_important issue"} +{"text": " encloses a scaffold can affect the flows and stresses within the pores throughout the scaffold which has implications for bioreactor design, control, and use. Central to", "synonym_substitution": "encloses a scaffold can affect the flows and stresses within the stoma throughout the scaffold which have implications for bioreactor design, control, and practice. Central to", "butter_fingers": " enfloses a scaffold can afnect the flows aue strevses wjthin thd pores throughout the scafflle whixh has implications fof bioreacnor desigb, coitrol, and use. Ceifral to", "random_deletion": "encloses a scaffold can affect the flows within pores throughout scaffold which has and Central to", "change_char_case": " encloses a scaffold can affecT the flows aNd strEssEs wItHin tHe poRes throughout tHE scaFfold which has implicatiOns foR bIOreaCToR desiGn, contrOL, aND Use. ceNtRal To", "whitespace_perturbation": " encloses a scaffold can a ffect theflows an d s tr esse s wi thin the pores thro ughout the scaffold wh ich h as impl i ca tions for bi o re a c tor d es ign ,c on trol, an d use.Central to ", "underscore_trick": " encloses_a scaffold_can affect the flows_and stresses_within_the pores_throughout_the scaffold which_has implications for_bioreactor design, control, and_use. Central to"} +{"text": " discussed. Heterogeneous effect of an Emergency Department Expert Charting System.\nWe compare results from different modules (occupational exposure to blood and body fluids, low", "synonym_substitution": "discussed. Heterogeneous effect of an Emergency Department Expert Charting System. \n We compare results from unlike module (occupational exposure to blood and soundbox fluid, low", "butter_fingers": " didcussed. Heterogeneous efnect of an Emerggnxy Depertment Expert Zharting System.\nWe compare reduots feom different modules (uccupatiojal expowure ro blood ais body njuida, low", "random_deletion": "discussed. Heterogeneous effect of an Emergency Department System. compare results different modules (occupational fluids,", "change_char_case": " discussed. Heterogeneous effEct of an EmeRgencY DeParTmEnt EXperT Charting SysteM.\nwe coMpare results from differEnt moDuLEs (ocCUpAtionAl exposURe TO BloOd AnD boDy FLuIds, loW", "whitespace_perturbation": " discussed. Heterogeneouseffect ofan Em erg enc yDepa rtme nt Expert Char t ingSystem.\nWe compare res ultsfr o m di f fe rentmodules (o c c upa ti on alex p os ure t o b lood an d body flu ids ,low", "underscore_trick": " discussed._Heterogeneous effect_of an Emergency Department_Expert Charting_System.\nWe_compare results_from_different modules (occupational_exposure to blood_and body fluids, low"} +{"text": " were dilated: 1 vessel in 74 percent of the patients, 2 in 20 percent and 3 in 6 percent. The primary success rate was 80 percent per lesion (", "synonym_substitution": "were dilated: 1 vessel in 74 percent of the patients, 2 in 20 percent and 3 in 6 percentage. The basal success rate was 80 percentage per lesion (", "butter_fingers": " wege dilated: 1 vessel in 74 ptrcent of the patnwnts, 2 mn 20 perdent and 3 in 6 percent. The primary surcesw ratt was 80 percent per uesion (", "random_deletion": "were dilated: 1 vessel in 74 percent patients, in 20 and 3 in rate 80 percent per (", "change_char_case": " were dilated: 1 vessel in 74 percenT of the patiEnts, 2 iN 20 peRceNt And 3 iN 6 perCent. The primary SUcceSs rate was 80 percent per lesIon (", "whitespace_perturbation": " were dilated: 1 vessel in 74 percen t ofthe pa ti ents , 2in 20 percenta nd 3 in 6 percent. The pri marysu c cess ra te wa s 80 pe r ce n t pe rle sio n( ", "underscore_trick": " were_dilated: 1_vessel in 74 percent_of the_patients,_2 in_20_percent and 3_in 6 percent._The primary success rate_was 80 percent_per_lesion ("} +{"text": " among the most represented features with high repeatability, ICC(3,1) >0.75, consistently high ranking using all 4 feature pruning methods,", "synonym_substitution": "among the most represented features with high repeatability, ICC(3,1) > 0.75, systematically high ranking use all 4 feature pruning methods,", "butter_fingers": " amlng the most represented features with kugh re'eatabimity, ICC(3,1) >0.75, consistently high ranking nsint all 4 feature pruning methuds,", "random_deletion": "among the most represented features with high >0.75, high ranking all 4 feature", "change_char_case": " among the most represented feAtures with High rEpeAtaBiLity, iCC(3,1) >0.75, cOnsistently higH RankIng using all 4 feature prunIng meThODs,", "whitespace_perturbation": " among the most represente d features with hi ghre peat abil ity, ICC(3,1)> 0.75 , consistently high ra nking u s inga ll 4 fe ature p r un i n g m et ho ds, ", "underscore_trick": " among_the most_represented features with high_repeatability, ICC(3,1)_>0.75,_consistently high_ranking_using all 4_feature pruning methods,"} +{"text": "/macrophages were the predominant cell type after injury. Most cells isolated at P7 were NG2-/A2B5(+), whereas those from", "synonym_substitution": "/macrophages were the predominant cell type after injury. Most cell sequester at P7 were NG2-/A2B5(+), whereas those from", "butter_fingers": "/macgophages were the predomlnant cell type cdter iijury. Mkst cellr isolated at P7 were NG2-/A2B5(+), whxreaw thowe from", "random_deletion": "/macrophages were the predominant cell type after cells at P7 NG2-/A2B5(+), whereas those", "change_char_case": "/macrophages were the predomiNant cell tyPe aftEr iNjuRy. most CellS isolated at P7 weRE NG2-/A2b5(+), whereas those from", "whitespace_perturbation": "/macrophages were the pred ominant ce ll ty peaft er inj ury. Most cells is o late d at P7 were NG2-/A2B5 (+),wh e reas th ose f rom", "underscore_trick": "/macrophages were_the predominant_cell type after injury._Most cells_isolated_at P7_were_NG2-/A2B5(+), whereas those_from"} +{"text": "Me-4) (c), and SMe(2) (d)) to afford the corresponding platinacycles cis-(C,S)-[Pt", "synonym_substitution": "Me-4) (c), and SMe(2) (d) ) to afford the corresponding platinacycles cis-(C, S)-[Pt", "butter_fingers": "Me-4) (f), and SMe(2) (d)) to afford tht corresponding platinacbcles cjs-(C,S)-[Pt", "random_deletion": "Me-4) (c), and SMe(2) (d)) to afford platinacycles", "change_char_case": "Me-4) (c), and SMe(2) (d)) to afford the corrEsponding pLatinAcyCleS cIs-(C,S)-[pt", "whitespace_perturbation": "Me-4) (c), and SMe(2) (d)) to afford thecor res po ndin g pl atinacycles ci s -(C, S)-[Pt", "underscore_trick": "Me-4) (c),_and SMe(2)_(d)) to afford the_corresponding platinacycles_cis-(C,S)-[Pt"} +{"text": " dl-alpha-acetyl-tocopherol 3 times daily for 4 weeks) or placebo. Supplementation with alpha-tocopherol doubled the lipid-", "synonym_substitution": "dl - alpha - acetyl - tocopherol 3 times daily for 4 weeks) or placebo. supplement with alpha - vitamin e double the lipid-", "butter_fingers": " dl-wlpha-acetyl-tocopherol 3 tlmes daily for 4 cweks) oc placego. Suppldmentation with alpha-tocophecol eoubltb the lipid-", "random_deletion": "dl-alpha-acetyl-tocopherol 3 times daily for 4 weeks) Supplementation alpha-tocopherol doubled lipid-", "change_char_case": " dl-alpha-acetyl-tocopherol 3 tiMes daily foR 4 weekS) or PlaCeBo. SuPpleMentation with aLPha-tOcopherol doubled the lipId-", "whitespace_perturbation": " dl-alpha-acetyl-tocophero l 3 timesdaily fo r 4 w eeks ) or placebo. Supp l emen tation with alpha-toco phero ld oubl e dthe l ipid-", "underscore_trick": " dl-alpha-acetyl-tocopherol_3 times_daily for 4 weeks)_or placebo._Supplementation_with alpha-tocopherol_doubled_the lipid-"} +{"text": "-semester fetal abdominal circumference, estimated fetal weight at \u226528 weeks (absolute and percentilized by Campbell and Wilkin, and Usher and McLean curves", "synonym_substitution": "-semester fetal abdominal circumference, estimated fetal weight at \u226528 weeks (absolute and percentilized by Campbell and Wilkin, and Usher and McLean curves", "butter_fingers": "-semfster fetal abdominal civcumference, estimated fxtal wejght at \u226528 weeks (absolute and percentipized bt Campbell and Wilkin, xnd Usher and McLwan rurves", "random_deletion": "-semester fetal abdominal circumference, estimated fetal weight weeks and percentilized Campbell and Wilkin,", "change_char_case": "-semester fetal abdominal cirCumference, EstimAteD feTaL weiGht aT \u226528 weeks (absolute ANd peRcentilized by Campbell aNd WilKiN, And USHeR and MCLean cuRVeS", "whitespace_perturbation": "-semester fetal abdominalcircumfere nce,est ima te d fe talweight at \u226528w eeks (absolute and percent ilize db y Ca m pb ell a nd Wilk i n, a ndUs he r a nd Mc Leancur ves", "underscore_trick": "-semester fetal_abdominal circumference,_estimated fetal weight at_\u226528 weeks_(absolute_and percentilized_by_Campbell and Wilkin,_and Usher and_McLean curves"} +{"text": " transfused with fresh RBCs with patients transfused with old RBCs, \u03b2-thalassemic minor patients, and normal control; and to correlate these", "synonym_substitution": "transfused with fresh RBCs with patients cup with previous RBCs, \u03b2 - thalassemic minor patients, and normal control; and to correlate these", "butter_fingers": " trwnsfused with fresh RBCs with patients jrqnsfusxd with old RBCr, \u03b2-thalassemic minor patients, abd noemal control; and to cofrelate tjese", "random_deletion": "transfused with fresh RBCs with patients transfused RBCs, minor patients, normal control; and", "change_char_case": " transfused with fresh RBCs wiTh patients TransFusEd wItH old rBCs, \u0392-thalassemic miNOr paTients, and normal control; And to CoRRelaTE tHese", "whitespace_perturbation": " transfused with fresh RBC s with pat ients tr ans fu sedwith old RBCs, \u03b2-t h alas semic minor patients,and n or m al c o nt rol;and toc or r e lat eth ese ", "underscore_trick": " transfused_with fresh_RBCs with patients transfused_with old_RBCs,_\u03b2-thalassemic minor_patients,_and normal control;_and to correlate_these"} +{"text": "monella cerro (O:6, 14, 18). Effect of high and low rates of fluid intake on post-exercise rehydration.\nThe effect of", "synonym_substitution": "monella cerro (O:6, 14, 18). Effect of high and low rates of fluent consumption on post - exercise rehydration. \n The effect of", "butter_fingers": "monflla cerro (O:6, 14, 18). Effect of high and low rcres of fluid intake un post-exercise rehydration.\nTie edfect of", "random_deletion": "monella cerro (O:6, 14, 18). Effect of low of fluid on post-exercise rehydration.", "change_char_case": "monella cerro (O:6, 14, 18). Effect of high And low rateS of flUid IntAkE on pOst-eXercise rehydraTIon.\nTHe effect of", "whitespace_perturbation": "monella cerro (O:6, 14, 18 ). Effectof hi ghand l ow r ates of fluid inta k e on post-exercise rehydra tion. \nT h e ef f ec t of", "underscore_trick": "monella cerro_(O:6, 14,_18). Effect of high_and low_rates_of fluid_intake_on post-exercise rehydration.\nThe_effect of"} +{"text": " chain-termination method. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence of RLM6 cDNA to that of ethanol-inducible P4502E1 rat cDNA showed the", "synonym_substitution": "chain - termination method. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence of RLM6 complementary dna to that of ethyl alcohol - inducible P4502E1 rat cDNA show the", "butter_fingers": " chwin-termination method. Cooparison of the nucleovide sesuence ow RLM6 cDNA to that of ethanop-ibducivle P4502E1 rat cDNA showed the", "random_deletion": "chain-termination method. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence cDNA that of P4502E1 rat cDNA", "change_char_case": " chain-termination method. ComParison of tHe nucLeoTidE sEqueNce oF RLM6 cDNA to that OF ethAnol-inducible P4502E1 rat cDNA ShoweD tHE", "whitespace_perturbation": " chain-termination method. Compariso n ofthe nu cl eoti de s equence of RLM 6 cDN A to that of ethanol-i nduci bl e P45 0 2E 1 rat cDNA s h ow e d th e", "underscore_trick": " chain-termination_method. Comparison_of the nucleotide sequence_of RLM6_cDNA_to that_of_ethanol-inducible P4502E1 rat_cDNA showed the"} +{"text": " sensitivity of MCF-7 breast cancer cells to estrogenic (17beta-estradiol (E2)), selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) and anti", "synonym_substitution": "sensitivity of MCF-7 breast cancer cells to estrogenic (17beta - estradiol (E2) ), selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) and anti", "butter_fingers": " sejsitivity of MCF-7 breast gancer cells to gsrrogenmc (17beta-sstradiou (E2)), selective estrogen recepvor nodulqtor (SERM) and anti", "random_deletion": "sensitivity of MCF-7 breast cancer cells to (E2)), estrogen receptor (SERM) and anti", "change_char_case": " sensitivity of MCF-7 breast canCer cells to EstroGenIc (17bEtA-estRadiOl (E2)), selective esTRogeN receptor modulator (SERM) And anTi", "whitespace_perturbation": " sensitivity of MCF-7 brea st cancercells to es tr ogen ic ( 17beta-estradi o l (E 2)), selective estroge n rec ep t or m o du lator (SERM) an d ant i", "underscore_trick": " sensitivity_of MCF-7_breast cancer cells to_estrogenic (17beta-estradiol_(E2)),_selective estrogen_receptor_modulator (SERM) and_anti"} +{"text": " had a second angioplasty for restenosis. The long-term survival rate (Kaplan-Meier) was 83 +/- 6 percent at 4 years (90", "synonym_substitution": "had a second angioplasty for restenosis. The long - term survival rate (Kaplan - Meier) was 83 + /- 6 percentage at 4 days (90", "butter_fingers": " haf a second angioplasty fur restenosis. Tkw long-verm sudvival rxte (Kaplan-Meier) was 83 +/- 6 perceit ar 4 yeqrs (90", "random_deletion": "had a second angioplasty for restenosis. The rate was 83 6 percent at", "change_char_case": " had a second angioplasty for rEstenosis. THe lonG-teRm sUrVivaL ratE (Kaplan-Meier) waS 83 +/- 6 PercEnt at 4 years (90", "whitespace_perturbation": " had a second angioplastyfor resten osis. Th e l on g-te rm s urvival rate ( K apla n-Meier) was 83 +/- 6perce nt at 4 ye ars ( 90", "underscore_trick": " had_a second_angioplasty for restenosis. The_long-term survival_rate_(Kaplan-Meier) was_83_+/- 6 percent_at 4 years_(90"} +{"text": " large population-based study, parents of 1,753 children aged 5 to 13 years were asked about the presence and frequency of enuresis, perceived impact,", "synonym_substitution": "large population - based study, parents of 1,753 child age 5 to 13 years were asked about the presence and frequency of enuresis, perceive impact,", "butter_fingers": " lagge population-based studn, parents of 1,753 chnodren eged 5 tk 13 years were asked about the presenre abd frtzuency of enuresis, perceivef impact,", "random_deletion": "large population-based study, parents of 1,753 children to years were about the presence impact,", "change_char_case": " large population-based study, Parents of 1,753 cHildrEn aGed 5 To 13 YearS werE asked about the PReseNce and frequency of enureSis, peRcEIved IMpAct,", "whitespace_perturbation": " large population-based st udy, paren ts of 1, 753 c hild renaged 5 to 13 y e arswere asked about the p resen ce andf re quenc y of en u re s i s,pe rc eiv ed im pact, ", "underscore_trick": " large_population-based study,_parents of 1,753 children_aged 5_to_13 years_were_asked about the_presence and frequency_of enuresis, perceived impact,"} +{"text": " (hMPV) RNA virus discovered in 2001, is a pathogen associated with acute respiratory infection (ARI) in children under 5 years; its prevalence ranges", "synonym_substitution": "(hMPV) RNA virus discovered in 2001, is a pathogen associated with acute respiratory infection (ARI) in child under 5 days; its prevalence ranges", "butter_fingers": " (hMOV) RNA virus discovered ln 2001, is a pathogeu assocmated wjth acutd respiratory infection (ARI) mn cyildrtu under 5 years; its pfevalence ranges", "random_deletion": "(hMPV) RNA virus discovered in 2001, is associated acute respiratory (ARI) in children ranges", "change_char_case": " (hMPV) RNA virus discovered in 2001, iS a pathogen AssocIatEd wItH acuTe reSpiratory infecTIon (ArI) in children under 5 years; Its prEvALencE RaNges", "whitespace_perturbation": " (hMPV) RNA virus discover ed in 2001 , isa p ath og en a ssoc iated with acu t e re spiratory infection (A RI) i nc hild r en unde r 5 yea r s; i tspr ev ale nc e r anges ", "underscore_trick": " (hMPV)_RNA virus_discovered in 2001, is_a pathogen_associated_with acute_respiratory_infection (ARI) in_children under 5_years; its prevalence ranges"} +{"text": " preoperative intracavitary insertion and preoperative external beam irradiation (2000 cGy whole pelvis). The 5-year progression-free survivals by FIGO (1988)", "synonym_substitution": "preoperative intracavitary insertion and preoperative external beam irradiation (2000 cGy whole pelvis). The 5 - class progress - free survivals by FIGO (1988 )", "butter_fingers": " prfoperative intracavitary insertion and krwoperavive exfernal bdam irradiation (2000 cGy whole pxlviw). The 5-year progression-free rurvivals by FIGO (1988)", "random_deletion": "preoperative intracavitary insertion and preoperative external beam cGy pelvis). The progression-free survivals by", "change_char_case": " preoperative intracavitary Insertion aNd preOpeRatIvE extErnaL beam irradiatiON (2000 cGy Whole pelvis). The 5-year progRessiOn-FRee sURvIvals By FIGO (1988)", "whitespace_perturbation": " preoperative intracavitar y insertio n and pr eop er ativ e ex ternal beam ir r adia tion (2000 cGy whole p elvis ). The5 -y ear p rogress i on - f ree s ur viv al s b y FIG O ( 1988)", "underscore_trick": " preoperative_intracavitary insertion_and preoperative external beam_irradiation (2000_cGy_whole pelvis)._The_5-year progression-free survivals_by FIGO (1988)"} +{"text": " barrier, with an exothermicity of 41.49 kcal/mol. The fluoroethyl radical can further decompose into a hydrogen atom and flu", "synonym_substitution": "barrier, with an exothermicity of 41.49 kcal / mol. The fluoroethyl radical can further decompose into a hydrogen atom and flu", "butter_fingers": " bagrier, with an exothermiclty of 41.49 kcal/mol. Jhw fluocoethyl radical can further decompose into e hyerogeb atom and flu", "random_deletion": "barrier, with an exothermicity of 41.49 kcal/mol. radical further decompose a hydrogen atom", "change_char_case": " barrier, with an exothermicitY of 41.49 kcal/mol. the flUorOetHyL radIcal Can further decoMPose Into a hydrogen atom and flU", "whitespace_perturbation": " barrier, with an exotherm icity of 4 1.49kca l/m ol . Th e fl uoroethyl radi c al c an further decompose i nto a h y drog e natomand flu ", "underscore_trick": " barrier,_with an_exothermicity of 41.49 kcal/mol._The fluoroethyl_radical_can further_decompose_into a hydrogen_atom and flu"} +{"text": " proteome analysis. Syntheses of procyanidin B2 and B3 gallate derivatives using equimolar condensation mediated by Yb(OTf", "synonym_substitution": "proteome analysis. Syntheses of procyanidin B2 and B3 gallate derivatives using equimolar compression intercede by Yb(OTf", "butter_fingers": " prlteome analysis. Syntheser of procyanidiu B2 and B3 galmate derkvatives using equimolar convensqtion mediated by Yb(OTf", "random_deletion": "proteome analysis. Syntheses of procyanidin B2 and derivatives equimolar condensation by Yb(OTf", "change_char_case": " proteome analysis. Syntheses Of procyaniDin B2 aNd B3 GalLaTe deRivaTives using equiMOlar Condensation mediated by yb(OTf", "whitespace_perturbation": " proteome analysis. Synthe ses of pro cyani din B2 a nd B 3 ga llate derivati v es u sing equimolar condens ation m e diat e dby Yb (OTf", "underscore_trick": " proteome_analysis. Syntheses_of procyanidin B2 and_B3 gallate_derivatives_using equimolar_condensation_mediated by Yb(OTf"} +{"text": " by a new 25-amino acid C-terminal sequence containing a typical class II proline-rich motif, suggesting a specific role for p22Dok(", "synonym_substitution": "by a new 25 - amino acid C - terminal sequence control a distinctive class II proline - rich theme, suggesting a specific character for p22Dok (", "butter_fingers": " by a new 25-amino acid C-termikal sequence conjauning e typiczl class II proline-rich motif, suggesving a sptbific role for p22Dok(", "random_deletion": "by a new 25-amino acid C-terminal sequence typical II proline-rich suggesting a specific", "change_char_case": " by a new 25-amino acid C-terminal sEquence conTainiNg a TypIcAl clAss Ii proline-rich moTIf, suGgesting a specific role fOr p22DoK(", "whitespace_perturbation": " by a new 25-amino acid C- terminal s equen cecon ta inin g atypical classI I pr oline-rich motif, sugg estin ga spe c if ic ro le forp 22 D o k(", "underscore_trick": " by_a new_25-amino acid C-terminal sequence_containing a_typical_class II_proline-rich_motif, suggesting a_specific role for_p22Dok("} +{"text": " tumor and metastases from patients with non-small-cell lung cancer.\nCharacterization of the genomic changes that drive an individual patient's disease is critical in management", "synonym_substitution": "tumor and metastases from patients with non - small - cell lung cancer. \n word picture of the genomic change that drive an individual affected role's disease is critical in management", "butter_fingers": " tulor and metastases from katients with non-small-cenl lunf cancer.\nZharacterization of the genolix chabges that drive an indkvidual pwtient's eiseese is critical mh managcient", "random_deletion": "tumor and metastases from patients with non-small-cell Characterization the genomic that drive an in", "change_char_case": " tumor and metastases from patIents with nOn-smaLl-cEll LuNg caNcer.\ncharacterizatiON of tHe genomic changes that drIve an InDIvidUAl PatieNt's diseASe IS CriTiCaL in MaNAgEment", "whitespace_perturbation": " tumor and metastases from patientswithnon -sm al l-ce ll l ung cancer.\nCh a ract erization of the genom ic ch an g es t h at driv e an in d iv i d ual p at ien t' s d iseas e i s criti cal in man age me nt", "underscore_trick": " tumor_and metastases_from patients with non-small-cell_lung cancer.\nCharacterization_of_the genomic_changes_that drive an_individual patient's disease_is critical in management"} +{"text": " was 7.0 years (range 10 mo to 12 y). There were 5 Labrador retrievers, 4 mixed breeds, and 5 other breeds were", "synonym_substitution": "was 7.0 years (range 10 mo to 12 y). There be 5 Labrador retriever, 4 mixed breeds, and 5 early breeds were", "butter_fingers": " wad 7.0 years (range 10 mo to 12 y). There were 5 Layeador cetrievsrs, 4 mixdd breeds, and 5 other breeds xere", "random_deletion": "was 7.0 years (range 10 mo to There 5 Labrador 4 mixed breeds,", "change_char_case": " was 7.0 years (range 10 mo to 12 y). There weRe 5 Labrador RetriEveRs, 4 mIxEd brEeds, And 5 other breeds WEre", "whitespace_perturbation": " was 7.0 years (range 10 m o to 12 y) . The rewer e5 La brad or retrievers, 4 mi xed breeds, and 5 othe r bre ed s wer e ", "underscore_trick": " was_7.0 years_(range 10 mo to_12 y)._There_were 5_Labrador_retrievers, 4 mixed_breeds, and 5_other breeds were"} +{"text": " and relate it to antler and testosterone cycles. An additional aim is to assess the relationship between the plasma leptin concentration during antlers' growth and their final size", "synonym_substitution": "and relate it to antler and testosterone cycles. An additional aim is to measure the kinship between the plasma leptin concentration during antlers' increase and their concluding size", "butter_fingers": " anf relate it to antler ana testosterone etcles. En addifional akm is to assess the relationdhup beuceen the plasma leptkn concennration dyrinj antlers' growth and thelx finzp sive", "random_deletion": "and relate it to antler and testosterone additional is to the relationship between antlers' and their final", "change_char_case": " and relate it to antler and tesTosterone cYcles. an aDdiTiOnal Aim iS to assess the reLAtioNship between the plasma lEptin CoNCentRAtIon duRing antLErS' GRowTh AnD thEiR FiNal siZe", "whitespace_perturbation": " and relate it to antler a nd testost erone cy cle s. Anaddi tional aim ist o as sess the relationshipbetwe en thep la sma l eptin c o nc e n tra ti on du ri n gantle rs' growth and their fi na l size", "underscore_trick": " and_relate it_to antler and testosterone_cycles. An_additional_aim is_to_assess the relationship_between the plasma_leptin concentration during antlers'_growth and their_final_size"} +{"text": " tested. The tube gas collection system eliminates the dead space and contamination during the gas sampling and permits the cost-effective and reliable off-line collection of both nasal", "synonym_substitution": "tested. The tube gas collection arrangement eliminate the dead space and contamination during the flatulence sampling and permits the price - effective and authentic off - line solicitation of both rhinal", "butter_fingers": " tedted. The tube gas collecuion system elimiuqtes tie dead space avd contamination during the jas wamplung and permits the cort-effectine and reoiabow off-line rkllection of glth uawal", "random_deletion": "tested. The tube gas collection system eliminates space contamination during gas sampling and off-line of both nasal", "change_char_case": " tested. The tube gas collectioN system eliMinatEs tHe dEaD spaCe anD contamination DUrinG the gas sampling and permIts thE cOSt-efFEcTive aNd reliaBLe OFF-liNe CoLleCtIOn Of botH naSal", "whitespace_perturbation": " tested. The tube gas coll ection sys tem e lim ina te s th e de ad space and c o ntam ination during the gas samp li n g an d p ermit s the c o st - e ffe ct iv e a nd re liabl e o ff-line collectio n o fboth nasal", "underscore_trick": " tested._The tube_gas collection system eliminates_the dead_space_and contamination_during_the gas sampling_and permits the_cost-effective and reliable off-line_collection of both_nasal"} +{"text": " Engineering a spermidine biosynthetic pathway in Clostridium thermocellum results in increased resistance to furans and increased ethanol production.\nPolyamines", "synonym_substitution": "Engineering a spermidine biosynthetic pathway in Clostridium thermocellum results in increased resistance to furan and increase ethanol production. \n Polyamines", "butter_fingers": " Enhineering a spermidine blosynthetic pathcqy in Rlostrisium thefmocellum results in increasxd rwsistqnce to furans and incfeased etjanol priducuion.\nPolyamines", "random_deletion": "Engineering a spermidine biosynthetic pathway in Clostridium in resistance to and increased ethanol", "change_char_case": " Engineering a spermidine bioSynthetic pAthwaY in cloStRidiUm thErmocellum resuLTs in Increased resistance to fUrans AnD IncrEAsEd ethAnol proDUcTIOn.\nPOlYaMinEs", "whitespace_perturbation": " Engineering a spermidinebiosynthet ic pa thw ayin Clo stri dium thermocel l um r esults in increased re sista nc e tof ur ans a nd incr e as e d et ha no l p ro d uc tion. \nPo lyamine s", "underscore_trick": " Engineering_a spermidine_biosynthetic pathway in Clostridium_thermocellum results_in_increased resistance_to_furans and increased_ethanol production.\nPolyamines"} +{"text": " to clinical information, read the fluoroscopic studies for the presence of calcium in the left main-left anterior descending artery, circumflex artery, and right coronary artery", "synonym_substitution": "to clinical information, read the fluoroscopic studies for the presence of calcium in the leftover main - leave anterior descending artery, circumflex artery, and right coronary artery", "butter_fingers": " to clinical information, rexd the fluoroscopic stndies fkr the pfesence of calcium in the leht mqin-ledt anterior descending artery, cprcumflex arttry, and right coronary arbzry", "random_deletion": "to clinical information, read the fluoroscopic studies presence calcium in left main-left anterior right artery", "change_char_case": " to clinical information, read The fluorosCopic StuDieS fOr thE preSence of calcium IN the Left main-left anterior deScendInG ArteRY, cIrcumFlex artERy, AND riGhT cOroNaRY aRtery", "whitespace_perturbation": " to clinical information,read the f luoro sco pic s tudi es f or the presenc e ofcalcium in the left ma in-le ft ante r io r des cending ar t e ry, c ir cum fl e xarter y,and rig ht coronar y a rt ery", "underscore_trick": " to_clinical information,_read the fluoroscopic studies_for the_presence_of calcium_in_the left main-left_anterior descending artery,_circumflex artery, and right_coronary artery"} +{"text": " treatment of hypertension. Haemocyte reactions in WSSV immersion infected Penaeus monodon.\nWhite spot syndrome virus (WSSV) has been", "synonym_substitution": "treatment of hypertension. Haemocyte reactions in WSSV immersion infect Penaeus monodon. \n blank spot syndrome virus (WSSV) has been", "butter_fingers": " trfatment of hypertension. Maemocyte reactions in XSSV imjersion knfected Penaeus monodon.\nWhitx spit sybdrome virus (WSSV) has ceen", "random_deletion": "treatment of hypertension. Haemocyte reactions in WSSV Penaeus White spot virus (WSSV) has", "change_char_case": " treatment of hypertension. HaEmocyte reaCtionS in wSSv iMmerSion Infected PenaeuS MonoDon.\nWhite spot syndrome viRus (WSsV) HAs beEN", "whitespace_perturbation": " treatment of hypertension . Haemocyt e rea cti ons i n WS SV i mmersion infec t ed P enaeus monodon.\nWhitespotsy n drom e v irus(WSSV)h as b een ", "underscore_trick": " treatment_of hypertension._Haemocyte reactions in WSSV_immersion infected_Penaeus_monodon.\nWhite spot_syndrome_virus (WSSV) has_been"} +{"text": " was distinctly down-regulated for the obese women with PCOS with insulin resistance. Compared with the healthy controls, the apoptosis percentage of GCs was higher in the", "synonym_substitution": "was distinctly down - regulated for the obese women with PCOS with insulin resistance. compare with the goodly controls, the apoptosis percentage of gigahertz was higher in the", "butter_fingers": " wad distinctly down-regulattd for the obese cimen wmth PCOA with ivsulin resistance. Compared wmth rhe htclthy controls, the aooptosis iercentagw of TCs was hijger in bke", "random_deletion": "was distinctly down-regulated for the obese women with resistance. Compared the healthy controls, was in the", "change_char_case": " was distinctly down-regulateD for the obeSe womEn wIth pCoS wiTh inSulin resistancE. compAred with the healthy contRols, tHe APoptOSiS percEntage oF gCS WAs hIgHeR in ThE", "whitespace_perturbation": " was distinctly down-regul ated for t he ob ese wo me n wi th P COS with insul i n re sistance. Compared wit h the h e alth y c ontro ls, the ap o p tos is p erc en t ag e ofGCs was hi gher in th e", "underscore_trick": " was_distinctly down-regulated_for the obese women_with PCOS_with_insulin resistance._Compared_with the healthy_controls, the apoptosis_percentage of GCs was_higher in the"} +{"text": "/CPA and present their endocrine evaluations at baseline, after suppression with fludrocortisone and dexamethasone, after therapy with spironolactone and", "synonym_substitution": "/CPA and present their endocrine evaluations at baseline, after inhibition with fludrocortisone and dexamethasone, after therapy with spironolactone and", "butter_fingers": "/CPA and present their endocvine evaluations at basxline, arter suporession with fludrocortisonx ane dexqmethasone, after theraoy with siironolacrone qnd", "random_deletion": "/CPA and present their endocrine evaluations at suppression fludrocortisone and after therapy with", "change_char_case": "/CPA and present their endocriNe evaluatiOns at BasEliNe, AfteR supPression with flUDrocOrtisone and dexamethasoNe, aftEr THeraPY wIth spIronolaCToNE And", "whitespace_perturbation": "/CPA and present their end ocrine eva luati ons at b asel ine, after suppres s ionwith fludrocortisone a nd de xa m etha s on e, af ter the r ap y wit hsp iro no l ac toneand ", "underscore_trick": "/CPA and_present their_endocrine evaluations at baseline,_after suppression_with_fludrocortisone and_dexamethasone,_after therapy with_spironolactone and"} +{"text": " structural model can be affected as much by the covariate model as can the choice of covariate model be affected by the structural model; the two choices are interesting", "synonym_substitution": "structural model can be affected as much by the covariate exemplar as can the option of covariate model be affected by the geomorphologic mannequin; the two choices are interesting", "butter_fingers": " stguctural model can be afnected as much bi rhe cotariate model ar can the choice of covariatx moeel bt affected by the sgructural model; tye txo choices are iiferestiky", "random_deletion": "structural model can be affected as much covariate as can choice of covariate structural the two choices interesting", "change_char_case": " structural model can be affecTed as much bY the cOvaRiaTe ModeL as cAn the choice of cOVariAte model be affected by thE struCtURal mODeL; the tWo choicES aRE IntErEsTinG", "whitespace_perturbation": " structural model can be a ffected as much by th ecova riat e model as can thechoice of covariate mo del b ea ffec t ed by t he stru c tu r a l m od el ; t he tw o cho ice s are i nteresting ", "underscore_trick": " structural_model can_be affected as much_by the_covariate_model as_can_the choice of_covariate model be_affected by the structural_model; the two_choices_are interesting"} +{"text": " and the total illicit drug concentrations in the influent samples were 0.08-65.4 ng L-1. The estimated daily consumption rates for cis-", "synonym_substitution": "and the total illicit drug concentrations in the influent samples were 0.08 - 65.4 nanogram L-1. The estimate daily consumption pace for cis-", "butter_fingers": " anf the total illicit drug concentrations in the influsnt sampues were 0.08-65.4 ng L-1. The estimated dqily xonsumption rates for zis-", "random_deletion": "and the total illicit drug concentrations in samples 0.08-65.4 ng The estimated daily", "change_char_case": " and the total illicit drug conCentrationS in thE inFluEnT samPles Were 0.08-65.4 ng L-1. The estiMAted Daily consumption rates fOr cis-", "whitespace_perturbation": " and the total illicit dru g concentr ation s i n t he inf luen t samples were 0.08 -65.4 ng L-1. The esti mated d a ilyc on sumpt ion rat e sf o r c is -", "underscore_trick": " and_the total_illicit drug concentrations in_the influent_samples_were 0.08-65.4_ng_L-1. The estimated_daily consumption rates_for cis-"} +{"text": " BBB transportation, with a special emphasis on P-glycoprotein; and also brings forth the successful CNS transportation of therapeutics achieved through chimeric peptide technology. As", "synonym_substitution": "BBB transportation, with a special emphasis on P - glycoprotein; and besides bring forth the successful CNS transportation of remedy achieved through chimeric peptide engineering. As", "butter_fingers": " BBH transportation, with a rpecial emphasis on P-gnycoprktein; ana also brings forth the succxssfyl CNW transportation of thdrapeuticd achievwd tirough chimeric 'sptide bzchnomlgy. Cs", "random_deletion": "BBB transportation, with a special emphasis on also forth the CNS transportation of technology.", "change_char_case": " BBB transportation, with a speCial emphasIs on P-GlyCopRoTein; And aLso brings forth THe suCcessful CNS transportatIon of ThERapeUTiCs achIeved thROuGH ChiMeRiC pePtIDe TechnOloGy. As", "whitespace_perturbation": " BBB transportation, witha specialempha sis on P -gly copr otein; and als o bri ngs forth the successf ul CN St rans p or tatio n of th e ra p e uti cs a chi ev e dthrou ghchimeri c peptidetec hn ology. As", "underscore_trick": " BBB_transportation, with_a special emphasis on_P-glycoprotein; and_also_brings forth_the_successful CNS transportation_of therapeutics achieved_through chimeric peptide technology._As"} +{"text": " endocycle is a commonly observed variant cell cycle in which cells undergo repeated rounds of DNA replication with no intervening mitosis. How the cell cycle machinery is modified", "synonym_substitution": "endocycle is a commonly observed variant cell cycle in which cell undergo recur rounds of DNA replication with no intervening mitosis. How the cellular telephone cycle machinery is modified", "butter_fingers": " enfocycle is a commonly obrerved variant ewll cyrle in shich ceuls undergo repeated rounds lf DNA eeplication with no ingervening mitosis. How rhe cell cbdle macmnnery ls mobihied", "random_deletion": "endocycle is a commonly observed variant cell which undergo repeated of DNA replication the cycle machinery is", "change_char_case": " endocycle is a commonly obserVed variant Cell cYclE in WhIch cElls Undergo repeateD RounDs of DNA replication with No intErVEninG MiTosis. how the cELl CYCle MaChIneRy IS mOdifiEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " endocycle is a commonly o bserved va riant ce llcy clein w hich cells und e rgorepeated rounds of DNA repl ic a tion wi th no interv e ni n g mi to si s.Ho w t he ce llcycle m achinery i s m od ified", "underscore_trick": " endocycle_is a_commonly observed variant cell_cycle in_which_cells undergo_repeated_rounds of DNA_replication with no_intervening mitosis. How the_cell cycle machinery_is_modified"} +{"text": "als and that, in the case of angiotensin II, this is due to the lack of high concentrations of circulating corticosterone occupying both MR and GR. However,", "synonym_substitution": "als and that, in the case of angiotensin II, this is due to the lack of high concentration of circulate corticosterone occupying both MR and GR. However,", "butter_fingers": "als and that, in the case of angiotensin II, this iv due fo the lxck of high concentrations oh cieculaupng corticosterone oczupying blth MR abd GC. However,", "random_deletion": "als and that, in the case of this due to lack of high both and GR. However,", "change_char_case": "als and that, in the case of angiOtensin II, tHis is Due To tHe Lack Of hiGh concentratioNS of cIrculating corticosteroNe occUpYIng bOTh mR and gR. HowevER,", "whitespace_perturbation": "als and that, in the caseof angiote nsinII, th is isdueto the lack of high concentrations of cir culat in g cor t ic oster one occ u py i n g b ot hMRan d G R. Ho wev er,", "underscore_trick": "als and_that, in_the case of angiotensin_II, this_is_due to_the_lack of high_concentrations of circulating_corticosterone occupying both MR_and GR. However,"} +{"text": " less than.01). Epistatic recombination losses in the offspring were significant for LBW (6.80 kg; P less than.05). Differences in", "synonym_substitution": "less than.01). Epistatic recombination losses in the offspring were significant for LBW (6.80 kg; phosphorus less than.05). dispute in", "butter_fingers": " leds than.01). Epistatic recomblnation losses iu the ohfsprinf were skgnificant for LBW (6.80 kg; P lesd rhan.05). Eifferences in", "random_deletion": "less than.01). Epistatic recombination losses in the significant LBW (6.80 P less than.05).", "change_char_case": " less than.01). Epistatic recombinAtion losseS in thE ofFspRiNg weRe siGnificant for LBw (6.80 Kg; P lEss than.05). Differences in", "whitespace_perturbation": " less than.01). Epistaticrecombinat ion l oss esin the off spring were si g nifi cant for LBW (6.80 kg; P le ss than . 05 ). Di fferenc e si n ", "underscore_trick": " less_than.01). Epistatic_recombination losses in the_offspring were_significant_for LBW_(6.80_kg; P less_than.05). Differences in"} +{"text": " consistent increase in complete tumor regression response rate. Complete responders rejected Renca tumor challenge and demonstrated specific cytotoxic T-cell activity, indicative of specific tumor immunity.", "synonym_substitution": "consistent increase in complete tumor regression reception pace. Complete responders disapprove Renca tumor challenge and prove specific cytotoxic T - cell activeness, indicative of specific tumor exemption.", "butter_fingers": " cojsistent increase in comklete tumor regression rxsponse rate. Cooplete responders rejected Rxnca tumoe challenge and demonsgrated spvcific cyrotoeic T-cell activivg, indicative kn speeihic tumor immunlty.", "random_deletion": "consistent increase in complete tumor regression response responders Renca tumor and demonstrated specific specific immunity.", "change_char_case": " consistent increase in complEte tumor reGressIon ResPoNse rAte. COmplete respondERs reJected Renca tumor challeNge anD dEMonsTRaTed spEcific cYToTOXic t-cElL acTiVItY, indiCatIve of spEcific tumoR imMuNity.", "whitespace_perturbation": " consistent increase in co mplete tum or re gre ssi on res pons e rate. Comple t e re sponders rejected Renc a tum or chal l en ge an d demon s tr a t edsp ec ifi cc yt otoxi c T -cell a ctivity, i ndi ca tive of spec i fi c tumor im mun ity.", "underscore_trick": " consistent_increase in_complete tumor regression response_rate. Complete_responders_rejected Renca_tumor_challenge and demonstrated_specific cytotoxic T-cell_activity, indicative of specific_tumor immunity."} +{"text": " of disturbances in the hormonal signaling systems of brain and peripheral tissues in etiology and pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus (DM) of the types 1 and 2 is discussed. Available", "synonym_substitution": "of disturbances in the hormonal signaling systems of brain and peripheral tissue in etiology and pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus (DM) of the type 1 and 2 is discussed. Available", "butter_fingers": " of disturbances in the horoonal signaling systemv of bdain and peripheral tissues in etiollgt and pathogenesis of diabeges mellinus (DM) of the rypes 1 and 2 is disgbssed. Wvaineble", "random_deletion": "of disturbances in the hormonal signaling systems and tissues in and pathogenesis of types and 2 is Available", "change_char_case": " of disturbances in the hormonAl signalinG systEms Of bRaIn anD perIpheral tissues IN etiOlogy and pathogenesis of DiabeTeS MellITuS (DM) of The typeS 1 AnD 2 IS diScUsSed. avAIlAble", "whitespace_perturbation": " of disturbances in the ho rmonal sig nalin g s yst em s of bra in and periphe r al t issues in etiology and path og e nesi s o f dia betes m e ll i t us(D M) of t h etypes 1and 2 i s discusse d.Av ailable", "underscore_trick": " of_disturbances in_the hormonal signaling systems_of brain_and_peripheral tissues_in_etiology and pathogenesis_of diabetes mellitus_(DM) of the types_1 and 2_is_discussed. Available"} +{"text": " in vitro experimental systems against the effects of perturbations. Alpha-amylase production is induced by sulfuric acid in rice aleurone cells.\nThe hydrolytic", "synonym_substitution": "in vitro experimental systems against the effects of perturbations. Alpha - amylase production is induce by sulfuric acid in rice aleurone cell. \n The hydrolytic", "butter_fingers": " in vitro experimental systtms against the eydects mf perfurbatiovs. Alpha-amylase production id unductb by sulfuric acid iv rice alvurone ceols.\nTie hydrolytic", "random_deletion": "in vitro experimental systems against the effects Alpha-amylase is induced sulfuric acid in", "change_char_case": " in vitro experimental systemS against thE effeCts Of pErTurbAtioNs. Alpha-amylase PRoduCtion is induced by sulfurIc aciD iN Rice ALeUrone Cells.\nThE HyDROlyTiC", "whitespace_perturbation": " in vitro experimental sys tems again st th e e ffe ct s of per turbations. Al p ha-a mylase production is i nduce db y su l fu ric a cid inr ic e ale ur on e c el l s. \nThehyd rolytic ", "underscore_trick": " in_vitro experimental_systems against the effects_of perturbations._Alpha-amylase_production is_induced_by sulfuric acid_in rice aleurone_cells.\nThe hydrolytic"} +{"text": " the fear of childbirth.\nThis study was conducted to determine the effects of pregnant women's personality traits on the fear of childbirth (FOC). In", "synonym_substitution": "the fear of childbirth. \n This study was conducted to determine the effect of meaning women's personality traits on the fear of childbirth (FOC). In", "butter_fingers": " thf fear of childbirth.\nThis study was condocred to deterjine the effects of pregnant women's 'ersinaliuj traits on the fear uf childbprth (FOC). Un", "random_deletion": "the fear of childbirth. This study was determine effects of women's personality traits (FOC).", "change_char_case": " the fear of childbirth.\nThis stUdy was condUcted To dEteRmIne tHe efFects of pregnanT WomeN's personality traits on tHe feaR oF ChilDBiRth (FOc). In", "whitespace_perturbation": " the fear of childbirth.\nT his studywas c ond uct ed todete rmine the effe c ts o f pregnant women's per sonal it y tra i ts on t he fear of c hil db ir th(F O C) . In", "underscore_trick": " the_fear of_childbirth.\nThis study was conducted_to determine_the_effects of_pregnant_women's personality traits_on the fear_of childbirth (FOC). In"} +{"text": "-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) with women treated for breast cancer with persistent pain. A total of 129 women treated for breast cancer reporting persistent pain were randomized", "synonym_substitution": "-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) with women treated for breast cancer with persistent pain. A sum of 129 charwoman treated for breast cancer reporting persistent annoyance were randomized", "butter_fingers": "-basfd cognitive therapy (MBCU) with women treajee for ureast dancer wkth persistent pain. A total lf 129 womtu treated for breast cancer rvporting persmstent pain were randomidzd", "random_deletion": "-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) with women treated cancer persistent pain. total of 129 reporting pain were randomized", "change_char_case": "-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) With women tReateD foR brEaSt caNcer With persistent PAin. A Total of 129 women treated for BreasT cANcer REpOrtinG persisTEnT PAin WeRe RanDoMIzEd", "whitespace_perturbation": "-based cognitive therapy ( MBCT) with wome n t rea te d fo r br east cancer wi t h pe rsistent pain. A total of 1 29 wome n t reate d for b r ea s t ca nc er re po r ti ng pe rsi stent p ain were r and om ized", "underscore_trick": "-based cognitive_therapy (MBCT)_with women treated for_breast cancer_with_persistent pain._A_total of 129_women treated for_breast cancer reporting persistent_pain were randomized"} +{"text": " positively stained by phosphine-3R, these results indicate that increased amounts of immunoreactive calmodulin appear associated with lamellar body surfaces when the cells are", "synonym_substitution": "positively stained by phosphine-3R, these results indicate that increased measure of immunoreactive calmodulin look associated with lamellar body surface when the cell are", "butter_fingers": " poditively stained by phoskhine-3R, these results indmcate tgat incrdased amounts of immunoreactmve xalmoeulin appear associatea with lalellar bidy wyrfaces whxh the ccjls zve", "random_deletion": "positively stained by phosphine-3R, these results indicate amounts immunoreactive calmodulin associated with lamellar are", "change_char_case": " positively stained by phosphIne-3R, these rEsultS inDicAtE thaT incReased amounts oF ImmuNoreactive calmodulin apPear aSsOCiatED wIth laMellar bODy SURfaCeS wHen ThE CeLls arE", "whitespace_perturbation": " positively stained by pho sphine-3R, thes e r esu lt s in dica te that increa s ed a mounts of immunoreacti ve ca lm o duli n a ppear associ a te d wit hla mel la r b ody s urf aces wh en the cel lsar e", "underscore_trick": " positively_stained by_phosphine-3R, these results indicate_that increased_amounts_of immunoreactive_calmodulin_appear associated with_lamellar body surfaces_when the cells are"} +{"text": " The results suggest that septostomy improved outcome in these patients although infants needing a transseptal perforation were at higher risk. Distinguishing people with current", "synonym_substitution": "The results suggest that septostomy improved outcome in these patient although baby needing a transseptal perforation were at higher hazard. Distinguishing multitude with current", "butter_fingers": " Thf results suggest that stptostomy improveb outcoke in fhese pagients although infants needmng q trabsseptal perforation wdre at hihher risj. Diwringuishinj people with dmrrenc", "random_deletion": "The results suggest that septostomy improved outcome patients infants needing transseptal perforation were with", "change_char_case": " The results suggest that septOstomy imprOved oUtcOme In ThesE patIents although iNFantS needing a transseptal peRforaTiON werE At HigheR risk. DiSTiNGUisHiNg PeoPlE WiTh curRenT", "whitespace_perturbation": " The results suggest thatseptostomy impr ove d o ut come inthese patients alth ough infants needing a tran ss e ptal pe rfora tion we r ea t hi gh er ri sk . D istin gui shing p eople with cu rr ent", "underscore_trick": " The_results suggest_that septostomy improved outcome_in these_patients_although infants_needing_a transseptal perforation_were at higher_risk. Distinguishing people with_current"} +{"text": "ad (cold-salted) and cold-smoked salmon and rainbow trout products. Product sampling of 21 fish-processing plants was carried out, and operational", "synonym_substitution": "ad (cold - salted) and cold - smoked salmon and rainbow trout products. Product sample distribution of 21 pisces - processing plants was carried out, and functional", "butter_fingers": "ad (fold-salted) and cold-smokea salmon and ranbbow tcout prkducts. Pfoduct sampling of 21 fish-procxssibg plqnts was carried out, avd operatponal", "random_deletion": "ad (cold-salted) and cold-smoked salmon and rainbow Product of 21 plants was carried", "change_char_case": "ad (cold-salted) and cold-smoked Salmon and rAinboW trOut PrOducTs. PrOduct sampling oF 21 Fish-Processing plants was carRied oUt, ANd opERaTionaL", "whitespace_perturbation": "ad (cold-salted) and cold- smoked sal mon a ndrai nb ow t rout products. Pro d uctsampling of 21 fish-pr ocess in g pla n ts wascarried ou t , an dop era ti o na l", "underscore_trick": "ad (cold-salted)_and cold-smoked_salmon and rainbow trout_products. Product_sampling_of 21_fish-processing_plants was carried_out, and operational"} +{"text": " periosteal surface have been shown to inhibit bone resorption and induce new bone deposition. A new computational model was developed to incorporate these experimental findings into simulations of", "synonym_substitution": "periosteal surface have been shown to inhibit bone resorption and induce new bone deposit. A newfangled computational model was developed to integrate these experimental findings into pretense of", "butter_fingers": " pegiosteal surface have betn shown to inhibnr bone resorltion ana induce new bone deposition. A new xomputational model war developvd to incirpocate these expermjental nnndinfd inco simulations on", "random_deletion": "periosteal surface have been shown to inhibit and new bone A new computational these findings into simulations", "change_char_case": " periosteal surface have been Shown to inhIbit bOne ResOrPtioN and Induce new bone dEPosiTion. A new computational mOdel wAs DEvelOPeD to inCorporaTE tHESe eXpErImeNtAL fIndinGs iNto simuLations of", "whitespace_perturbation": " periosteal surface have b een shownto in hib itbo ne r esor ption and indu c e ne w bone deposition. A n ew co mp u tati o na l mod el wasd ev e l ope dto in co r po ratethe se expe rimental f ind in gs into simu l at ions of", "underscore_trick": " periosteal_surface have_been shown to inhibit_bone resorption_and_induce new_bone_deposition. A new_computational model was_developed to incorporate these_experimental findings into_simulations_of"} +{"text": " ranged between 60.2 and 72.0 Gy. Median follow-up time was 10 years (range 0.3 to 28.6 years). A total", "synonym_substitution": "ranged between 60.2 and 72.0 Gy. Median follow - up time was 10 days (compass 0.3 to 28.6 years). A total", "butter_fingers": " rajged between 60.2 and 72.0 Gy. Meaian follow-up tnne was 10 yeara (range 0.3 to 28.6 years). A total", "random_deletion": "ranged between 60.2 and 72.0 Gy. Median was years (range to 28.6 years).", "change_char_case": " ranged between 60.2 and 72.0 Gy. Median fOllow-up timE was 10 yEarS (raNgE 0.3 to 28.6 yEars). a total", "whitespace_perturbation": " ranged between 60.2 and 7 2.0 Gy. Me dianfol low -u p ti me w as 10 years (r a nge0.3 to 28.6 years). Atotal ", "underscore_trick": " ranged_between 60.2_and 72.0 Gy. Median_follow-up time_was_10 years_(range_0.3 to 28.6_years). A total"} +{"text": ", uncertainties inherent to the most fundamental part of any analysis have been widely neglected: data. This paper scrutinizes data from various sources that are commonly used in road", "synonym_substitution": ", uncertainties inherent to the most fundamental character of any psychoanalysis have been widely neglected: datum. This paper audit data from various informant that are commonly used in road", "butter_fingers": ", unfertainties inherent to uhe most fundamenjao part of ang analysks have been widely neglectev: dara. Thus paper scrutinizes dxta from narious siurcts that are commoimy used in rozf", "random_deletion": ", uncertainties inherent to the most fundamental any have been neglected: data. This sources are commonly used road", "change_char_case": ", uncertainties inherent to thE most fundaMentaL paRt oF aNy anAlysIs have been wideLY negLected: data. This paper scrUtiniZeS Data FRoM variOus sourCEs THAt aRe CoMmoNlY UsEd in rOad", "whitespace_perturbation": ", uncertainties inherent t o the most fund ame nta lpart ofany analysis h a ve b een widely neglected:data. T h is p a pe r scr utinize s d a t a f ro mvar io u ssourc esthat ar e commonly us ed in road", "underscore_trick": ", uncertainties_inherent to_the most fundamental part_of any_analysis_have been_widely_neglected: data. This_paper scrutinizes data_from various sources that_are commonly used_in_road"} +{"text": " treatment (antioxidant cocktail) was started in all patients, with chelation therapy in six. Of these six, three survived with medical treatment alone. The", "synonym_substitution": "treatment (antioxidant cocktail) was started in all patients, with chelation therapy in six. Of these six, three survived with aesculapian discussion entirely. The", "butter_fingers": " trfatment (antioxidant cockuail) was started nb all 'atienta, with cfelation therapy in six. Of tiese six, ukree survived with mddical trvatment aoone. Rhe", "random_deletion": "treatment (antioxidant cocktail) was started in all chelation in six. these six, three The", "change_char_case": " treatment (antioxidant cocktAil) was starTed in All PatIeNts, wIth cHelation therapY In siX. Of these six, three survivEd witH mEDicaL TrEatmeNt alone. tHe", "whitespace_perturbation": " treatment (antioxidant co cktail) wa s sta rte d i nallpati ents, with che l atio n therapy in six. Of t hesesi x , th r ee surv ived wi t hm e dic al t rea tm e nt alon e.The", "underscore_trick": " treatment_(antioxidant cocktail)_was started in all_patients, with_chelation_therapy in_six._Of these six,_three survived with_medical treatment alone. The"} +{"text": " 11 % (90 % CI, 4-17). Median OS was 8.71 months (90 % CI, 7.39-16.23); OR", "synonym_substitution": "11% (90% CI, 4 - 17). Median OS was 8.71 months (90% CI, 7.39 - 16.23); OR", "butter_fingers": " 11 % (90 % CI, 4-17). Median OS was 8.71 monuhs (90 % CI, 7.39-16.23); OR", "random_deletion": "11 % (90 % CI, 4-17). Median 8.71 (90 % 7.39-16.23); OR", "change_char_case": " 11 % (90 % CI, 4-17). Median OS was 8.71 months (90 % CI, 7.39-16.23); OR", "whitespace_perturbation": " 11 % (90 % CI, 4-17). Med ian OS was 8.71 mo nth s(90% CI , 7.39-16.23); OR", "underscore_trick": " 11_% (90_% CI, 4-17). Median_OS was_8.71_months (90_%_CI, 7.39-16.23); OR"} +{"text": " by ultracentrifugation. The activity of HO-1 was measured. Two isoforms were purified and identified in treated rat spleen and HO-1 was the predominant", "synonym_substitution": "by ultracentrifugation. The activity of HO-1 was measured. Two isoforms were purified and identified in treat informer spleen and HO-1 was the predominant", "butter_fingers": " by ultracentrifugation. The activity of HO-1 was meesured. Fwo isofurms were purified and identmfiee in ugeated rat spleen and HO-1 was tje predoninait", "random_deletion": "by ultracentrifugation. The activity of HO-1 was isoforms purified and in treated rat predominant", "change_char_case": " by ultracentrifugation. The aCtivity of Ho-1 was mEasUreD. TWo isOforMs were purified ANd idEntified in treated rat spLeen aNd ho-1 was THe PredoMinant", "whitespace_perturbation": " by ultracentrifugation. T he activit y ofHO- 1 w as mea sure d. Two isoform s wer e purified and identif ied i nt reat e drat s pleen a n dH O -1wa sthe p r ed omina nt", "underscore_trick": " by_ultracentrifugation. The_activity of HO-1 was_measured. Two_isoforms_were purified_and_identified in treated_rat spleen and_HO-1 was the predominant"} +{"text": ") were also most likely to report positive sexual well-being. Psychological, sociodemographic and treatment factors are important to positive sexual well-being post-cancer", "synonym_substitution": ") were also most likely to report positive intimate well - organism. Psychological, sociodemographic and discussion factors are important to positive intimate well - being post - cancer", "butter_fingers": ") wege also most likely to rtport positive seryal wenl-beinf. Psychouogical, sociodemographic and teeatmtut factors are imporgant to plsitive wexuel well-being posv-dancer", "random_deletion": ") were also most likely to report well-being. sociodemographic and factors are important", "change_char_case": ") were also most likely to reporT positive sExual WelL-beInG. PsyCholOgical, sociodemOGrapHic and treatment factors Are imPoRTant TO pOsitiVe sexuaL WeLL-BeiNg PoSt-cAnCEr", "whitespace_perturbation": ") were also most likely to report po sitiv e s exu al wel l-be ing. Psycholog i cal, sociodemographic andtreat me n t fa c to rs ar e impor t an t topo si tiv es ex ual w ell -beingpost-cance r", "underscore_trick": ") were_also most_likely to report positive_sexual well-being._Psychological,_sociodemographic and_treatment_factors are important_to positive sexual_well-being post-cancer"} +{"text": " formed. When tissue containing carbonic anhydrase is floated on the surface, the loss of CO2 and elevation of pH is accelerated at the enzyme site, leading", "synonym_substitution": "formed. When tissue containing carbonic anhydrase is floated on the open, the personnel casualty of CO2 and elevation of pH is accelerated at the enzyme site, leave", "butter_fingers": " fogmed. When tissue containlng carbonic anhidease iv floafed on tfe surface, the loss of CO2 anv elwvatiin of pH is acceleratea at the vnzyme sire, ltading", "random_deletion": "formed. When tissue containing carbonic anhydrase is the the loss CO2 and elevation the site, leading", "change_char_case": " formed. When tissue containinG carbonic aNhydrAse Is fLoAted On thE surface, the losS Of CO2 And elevation of pH is acceLeratEd AT the ENzYme siTe, leadiNG", "whitespace_perturbation": " formed. When tissue conta ining carb onicanh ydr as e is flo ated on the su r face , the loss of CO2 andeleva ti o n of pH is a ccelera t ed a t t he e nzy me si te, l ead ing", "underscore_trick": " formed._When tissue_containing carbonic anhydrase is_floated on_the_surface, the_loss_of CO2 and_elevation of pH_is accelerated at the_enzyme site, leading"} +{"text": " with stage structure and integrated strategy and inves-tigate the effect of the strategy in controlling the spread of HLB. By calculating, we obtain the basic", "synonym_substitution": "with stage structure and integrated strategy and inves - tigate the consequence of the scheme in controlling the spread of HLB. By account, we prevail the basic", "butter_fingers": " wihh stage structure and iktegrated strateyt and mnves-tifate the effect of the strategy in clnrrollung the spread of HLB. Cy calculwting, we obtein the basic", "random_deletion": "with stage structure and integrated strategy and effect the strategy controlling the spread obtain basic", "change_char_case": " with stage structure and inteGrated straTegy aNd iNveS-tIgatE the Effect of the strATegy In controlling the spread Of HLB. by CAlcuLAtIng, we Obtain tHE bASIc", "whitespace_perturbation": " with stage structure andintegrated stra teg y a nd inv es-t igate the effe c t of the strategy in contr ollin gt he s p re ad of HLB. B y c a l cul at in g,we ob tainthe basic", "underscore_trick": " with_stage structure_and integrated strategy and_inves-tigate the_effect_of the_strategy_in controlling the_spread of HLB._By calculating, we obtain_the basic"} +{"text": " perfusion imaging (MPI). It is not known whether the prognosis of these patients differ from those with MI who had an abnormal MPI on an earlier testing. The", "synonym_substitution": "perfusion imaging (MPI). It is not known whether the prognosis of these patients differ from those with nautical mile who have an abnormal MPI on an earlier testing. The", "butter_fingers": " pegfusion imaging (MPI). It ir not known whejhwr the prognksis of ghese patients differ from tiose with MI who had an abnormau MPI on wn earliwr ttsting. The", "random_deletion": "perfusion imaging (MPI). It is not known prognosis these patients from those with MPI an earlier testing.", "change_char_case": " perfusion imaging (MPI). It is noT known whetHer thE prOgnOsIs of ThesE patients diffeR From Those with MI who had an abnOrmal mPi On an EArLier tEsting. THE", "whitespace_perturbation": " perfusion imaging (MPI).It is notknown wh eth er the pro gnosis of thes e pat ients differ from thos e wit hM I wh o h ad an abnorm a lM P I o nan ea rl i er test ing . The", "underscore_trick": " perfusion_imaging (MPI)._It is not known_whether the_prognosis_of these_patients_differ from those_with MI who_had an abnormal MPI_on an earlier_testing._The"} +{"text": " measurements; 2) an enhanced ability to generate heralded single photons in a pure quantum state; and 3) the ability to derive upper and lower bounds on", "synonym_substitution": "measurements; 2) an enhanced ability to generate heralded individual photon in a pure quantum state; and 3) the ability to deduce upper and lower limit on", "butter_fingers": " mewsurements; 2) an enhanced xbility to genetare herelded sjngle phutons in a pure quantum statx; ane 3) tht ability to derive upper anf lower vounvs on", "random_deletion": "measurements; 2) an enhanced ability to generate photons a pure state; and 3) and bounds on", "change_char_case": " measurements; 2) an enhanced abiLity to geneRate hEraLdeD sInglE phoTons in a pure quaNTum sTate; and 3) the ability to derIve upPeR And lOWeR bounDs on", "whitespace_perturbation": " measurements; 2) an enhan ced abilit y togen era te her alde d single photo n s in a pure quantum state; and3) thea bi lityto deri v eu p per a nd lo we r b ounds on ", "underscore_trick": " measurements;_2) an_enhanced ability to generate_heralded single_photons_in a_pure_quantum state; and_3) the ability_to derive upper and_lower bounds on"} +{"text": " pattern is typical of many malaria infections and various factors, particularly specific and nonspecific immune responses, have previously been implicated in the decline. Here we report that (", "synonym_substitution": "pattern is typical of many malaria infections and various divisor, peculiarly specific and nonspecific immune responses, have previously been implicated in the decay. Here we report that (", "butter_fingers": " pahtern is typical of many malaria infectnins anv variohs factofs, particularly specific and ninspexific immune responses, have preniously bwen mmplicated in thx declinc. Hers we xe'ort that (", "random_deletion": "pattern is typical of many malaria infections factors, specific and immune responses, have decline. we report that", "change_char_case": " pattern is typical of many malAria infectIons aNd vAriOuS facTors, Particularly spECifiC and nonspecific immune rEsponSeS, Have PReViousLy been iMPlICAteD iN tHe dEcLInE. Here We rEport thAt (", "whitespace_perturbation": " pattern is typical of man y malariainfec tio nsan d va riou s factors, par t icul arly specific and nons pecif ic immu n erespo nses, h a ve p rev io us lybe e nimpli cat ed in t he decline . H er e we reportt ha t (", "underscore_trick": " pattern_is typical_of many malaria infections_and various_factors,_particularly specific_and_nonspecific immune responses,_have previously been_implicated in the decline._Here we report_that_("} +{"text": " 0.88. There were no differences between linear and power fit in the degree of determination between density and strength. There was no gender-related difference in the", "synonym_substitution": "0.88. There were no differences between linear and power fit in the academic degree of decision between density and strength. There be no sex - related difference in the", "butter_fingers": " 0.88. Tjere were no differences between linear and poxer fit in the aegree of determination betwxen eensiuj and strength. There das no gejder-relared vifference in thx", "random_deletion": "0.88. There were no differences between linear fit the degree determination between density gender-related in the", "change_char_case": " 0.88. There were no differences betWeen linear And poWer Fit In The dEgreE of determinatiON betWeen density and strength. there WaS No geNDeR-relaTed diffEReNCE in ThE", "whitespace_perturbation": " 0.88. There were no diffe rences bet weenlin ear a nd p ower fit in the de g reeof determination betwe en de ns i ty a n dstren gth. Th e re w asno g end er - re lated di fferenc e in the", "underscore_trick": " 0.88._There were_no differences between linear_and power_fit_in the_degree_of determination between_density and strength._There was no gender-related_difference in the"} +{"text": " and reciprocal western blot analyses involving convalescent sera from monoinfected gnotobiotic pigs. Urease- and catalase-positive, gram-negative", "synonym_substitution": "and reciprocal western blot analyses involving convalescent serum from monoinfected gnotobiotic hog. Urease- and catalase - positive, gram - negative", "butter_fingers": " anf reciprocal western blou analyses involvnbg contalesceht sera wrom monoinfected gnotobiotir pits. Urtcse- and catalase-posigive, gram-jegative", "random_deletion": "and reciprocal western blot analyses involving convalescent monoinfected pigs. Urease- catalase-positive, gram-negative", "change_char_case": " and reciprocal western blot aNalyses invOlvinG coNvaLeScenT serA from monoinfecTEd gnOtobiotic pigs. Urease- and CatalAsE-PosiTIvE, gram-NegativE", "whitespace_perturbation": " and reciprocal western bl ot analyse s inv olv ing c onva lesc ent sera fromm onoi nfected gnotobiotic pi gs. U re a se-a nd cata lase-po s it i v e,gr am -ne ga t iv e", "underscore_trick": " and_reciprocal western_blot analyses involving convalescent_sera from_monoinfected_gnotobiotic pigs._Urease-_and catalase-positive, gram-negative"} +{"text": ". RBC NOS activity may regulate deformability of RBC, and inhibits activation of platelets. This review aims to discuss the potential role of RBC NOS in the", "synonym_substitution": ". RBC NOS activity may regulate deformability of RBC, and inhibits activation of platelets. This revue drive to discuss the potential role of RBC NOS in the", "butter_fingers": ". RBF NOS activity may regulxte deformabilijy of RBR, and ihhibits xctivation of platelets. This rwview aims to discuss the putential gole of RVC NIW in the", "random_deletion": ". RBC NOS activity may regulate deformability and activation of This review aims of NOS in the", "change_char_case": ". RBC NOS activity may regulate DeformabilIty of rBC, And InHibiTs acTivation of platELets. this review aims to discusS the pOtENtiaL RoLe of RbC NOS in THe", "whitespace_perturbation": ". RBC NOS activity may reg ulate defo rmabi lit y o fRBC, and inhibits acti v atio n of platelets. This r eview a i ms t o d iscus s the p o te n t ial r ol e o fR BC NOSinthe", "underscore_trick": ". RBC_NOS activity_may regulate deformability of_RBC, and_inhibits_activation of_platelets._This review aims_to discuss the_potential role of RBC_NOS in the"} +{"text": " in vivo BCS treatments had no effect. Serum GH concentrations were elevated (P <.05) in cows in BCS 3 and 4 compared to those in", "synonym_substitution": "in vivo BCS treatments had no effect. Serum GH concentrations were lift (phosphorus < .05) in cows in BCS 3 and 4 compared to those in", "butter_fingers": " in vivo BCS treatments had no effect. Serum GH coicentrafions wefe elevated (P <.05) in cows in BCD 3 and 4 compared to those in", "random_deletion": "in vivo BCS treatments had no effect. concentrations elevated (P in cows in to in", "change_char_case": " in vivo BCS treatments had no eFfect. Serum gH conCenTraTiOns wEre eLevated (P <.05) in cows IN BCS 3 And 4 compared to those in", "whitespace_perturbation": " in vivo BCS treatments ha d no effec t. Se rum GH c once ntra tions were ele v ated (P <.05) in cows in B CS 3an d 4 c o mp aredto thos e i n ", "underscore_trick": " in_vivo BCS_treatments had no effect._Serum GH_concentrations_were elevated_(P_<.05) in cows_in BCS 3_and 4 compared to_those in"} +{"text": " cases of chronic anisakiasis, and to follow up the evolution. These chronic frames according to the question of their long term evolution, and the part played", "synonym_substitution": "cases of chronic anisakiasis, and to follow up the evolution. These chronic frames harmonize to the doubt of their long term evolution, and the function played", "butter_fingers": " cades of chronic anisakiasls, and to follow up the evolufion. There chronic frames according vo tye qutftion of their lone term evllution, qnd uhe part played", "random_deletion": "cases of chronic anisakiasis, and to follow evolution. chronic frames to the question and part played", "change_char_case": " cases of chronic anisakiasis, And to folloW up thE evOluTiOn. ThEse cHronic frames acCOrdiNg to the question of their Long tErM EvolUTiOn, and The part PLaYED", "whitespace_perturbation": " cases of chronic anisakia sis, and t o fol low up t he e volu tion. These ch r onic frames according to t he qu es t iono ftheir long t e rm e vol ut io n,an d t he pa rtplayed", "underscore_trick": " cases_of chronic_anisakiasis, and to follow_up the_evolution._These chronic_frames_according to the_question of their_long term evolution, and_the part played"} +{"text": " which we used a transseptal approach for successful carotid artery stenting. This patient had concomitant stenosis at all three coronary arteries, including the left main coronary", "synonym_substitution": "which we used a transseptal approach for successful carotid artery stenting. This patient had attendant stenosis at wholly three coronary artery, including the leftover main coronary thrombosis", "butter_fingers": " whlch we used a transseptau approach for successhul carktid artdry stenting. This patient hav cobcomiucnt stenosis at all ghree corlnary arrerits, including the left maik corkkary", "random_deletion": "which we used a transseptal approach for artery This patient concomitant stenosis at the main coronary", "change_char_case": " which we used a transseptal apProach for sUccesSfuL caRoTid aRterY stenting. This pATienT had concomitant stenosiS at alL tHRee cORoNary aRteries, INcLUDinG tHe LefT mAIn CoronAry", "whitespace_perturbation": " which we used a transsept al approac h for su cce ss fulcaro tid artery ste n ting . This patient had con comit an t ste n os is at all th r ee c oro na ry ar te r ie s, in clu ding th e left mai n c or onary", "underscore_trick": " which_we used_a transseptal approach for_successful carotid_artery_stenting. This_patient_had concomitant stenosis_at all three_coronary arteries, including the_left main coronary"} +{"text": " drug-drug interaction study. Modeling multicomponent reactive membranes.\nUsing analytical calculations and computer simulations, we study binary AB and ternary ABC membranes that", "synonym_substitution": "drug - drug interaction study. Modeling multicomponent reactive membranes. \n Using analytic calculation and computer simulations, we study binary AB and ternary ABC membrane that", "butter_fingers": " drkg-drug interaction study. Modeling multieimponeit reacfive memcranes.\nUsing analytical calcuparions and computer simulatiuns, we stldy binart AB qnd ternarb ABC membranea thac", "random_deletion": "drug-drug interaction study. Modeling multicomponent reactive membranes. calculations computer simulations, study binary AB", "change_char_case": " drug-drug interaction study. MOdeling mulTicomPonEnt ReActiVe meMbranes.\nUsing anALytiCal calculations and compUter sImULatiONs, We stuDy binarY aB AND teRnArY ABc mEMbRanes ThaT", "whitespace_perturbation": " drug-drug interaction stu dy. Modeli ng mu lti com po nent rea ctive membrane s .\nUs ing analytical calcula tions a n d co m pu ter s imulati o ns , west ud y b in a ry AB a ndternary ABC membr ane sthat", "underscore_trick": " drug-drug_interaction study._Modeling multicomponent reactive membranes.\nUsing_analytical calculations_and_computer simulations,_we_study binary AB_and ternary ABC_membranes that"} +{"text": " pattern appears to differ for various studied molecules, which is explained by the role of intermolecular interactions and the local order of molecules in the liquids. In particular,", "synonym_substitution": "pattern appears to differ for various study molecule, which is explained by the role of intermolecular interactions and the local orderliness of molecules in the liquids. In finical,", "butter_fingers": " pahtern appears to differ nor various studnwd molxcules, shich is explained by the role of invermilecuoar interactions and tfe local lrder of moltcules in the liqnjds. In icrtichpar,", "random_deletion": "pattern appears to differ for various studied is by the of intermolecular interactions molecules the liquids. In", "change_char_case": " pattern appears to differ for Various stuDied mOleCulEs, WhicH is eXplained by the rOLe of Intermolecular interactIons aNd THe loCAl Order Of molecULeS IN thE lIqUidS. IN PaRticuLar,", "whitespace_perturbation": " pattern appears to differ for vario us st udi edmo lecu les, which is expl a ined by the role of interm olecu la r int e ra ction s and t h el o cal o rd erof mo lecul esin theliquids. I n p ar ticular,", "underscore_trick": " pattern_appears to_differ for various studied_molecules, which_is_explained by_the_role of intermolecular_interactions and the_local order of molecules_in the liquids._In_particular,"} +{"text": " lesions of the organs in the vicinity, while ruptures of the diaphragm, determined by closed traumas, were extensive, but with less important lesions of the vis", "synonym_substitution": "lesions of the organs in the vicinity, while ruptures of the diaphragm, determined by shut injury, were extensive, but with less important lesion of the vis", "butter_fingers": " ledions of the organs in tme vicinity, whilg eupturxs of tge diaphfagm, determined by closed treumaw, wert extensive, but witf less imiortant lwsiois of the vis", "random_deletion": "lesions of the organs in the vicinity, of diaphragm, determined closed traumas, were lesions the vis", "change_char_case": " lesions of the organs in the viCinity, whilE ruptUreS of ThE diaPhraGm, determined by CLoseD traumas, were extensive, bUt witH lESs imPOrTant lEsions oF ThE VIs", "whitespace_perturbation": " lesions of the organs inthe vicini ty, w hil e r up ture s of the diaphragm , det ermined by closed trau mas,we r e ex t en sive, but wi t hl e ssim po rta nt le sions of the vi s", "underscore_trick": " lesions_of the_organs in the vicinity,_while ruptures_of_the diaphragm,_determined_by closed traumas,_were extensive, but_with less important lesions_of the vis"} +{"text": " line, which does not express BmToll9-1 endogenously, and engineered a transformed cell line that permanently expresses BmToll9-", "synonym_substitution": "line, which does not express BmToll9 - 1 endogenously, and engineered a transformed cellular telephone credit line that permanently expresses BmToll9-", "butter_fingers": " lije, which does not expresr BmToll9-1 endogeuiusly, end engjneered x transformed cell line that pwrmantutly expresses BmTolu9-", "random_deletion": "line, which does not express BmToll9-1 endogenously, a cell line permanently expresses BmToll9-", "change_char_case": " line, which does not express Bmtoll9-1 endogeNouslY, anD enGiNeerEd a tRansformed cell LIne tHat permanently expresseS BmToLl9-", "whitespace_perturbation": " line, which does not expr ess BmToll 9-1 e ndo gen ou sly, and engineered at rans formed cell line thatperma ne n tlye xp resse s BmTol l 9- ", "underscore_trick": " line,_which does_not express BmToll9-1 endogenously,_and engineered_a_transformed cell_line_that permanently expresses_BmToll9-"} +{"text": "DP of all diets was estimated to be approximately 11.3% of DM. Milk yield was increased by additional dietary RUP. Yield of FCM was", "synonym_substitution": "DP of all diets was estimated to be approximately 11.3% of DM. Milk yield was increase by extra dietary RUP. Yield of FCM was", "butter_fingers": "DP lf all diets was estimattd to be approximcrely 11.3% mf DM. Jilk yieud was increased by additionel duetart RUP. Yield of FCM was", "random_deletion": "DP of all diets was estimated to 11.3% DM. Milk was increased by FCM", "change_char_case": "DP of all diets was estimated tO be approxiMatelY 11.3% of dM. MIlK yieLd waS increased by adDItioNal dietary RUP. Yield of FCm was", "whitespace_perturbation": "DP of all diets was estima ted to beappro xim ate ly 11. 3% o f DM. Milk yie l d wa s increased by additio nal d ie t aryR UP . Yie ld of F C Mw a s", "underscore_trick": "DP of_all diets_was estimated to be_approximately 11.3%_of_DM. Milk_yield_was increased by_additional dietary RUP._Yield of FCM was"} +{"text": " of waxy maize starch debranched by different levels of pullulanase.\nPullulanase is able to debranch amylopectin", "synonym_substitution": "of waxy maize starch debranched by different levels of pullulanase. \n Pullulanase is able to debranch amylopectin", "butter_fingers": " of waxy maize starch debrakched by differeur levens of lullulanxse.\nPullulanase is able to deuranxh amtlopectin", "random_deletion": "of waxy maize starch debranched by different pullulanase. is able debranch amylopectin", "change_char_case": " of waxy maize starch debranchEd by differEnt leVelS of PuLlulAnasE.\nPullulanase is ABle tO debranch amylopectin", "whitespace_perturbation": " of waxy maize starch debr anched bydiffe ren t l ev elsof p ullulanase.\nPu l lula nase is able to debran ch am yl o pect i n", "underscore_trick": " of_waxy maize_starch debranched by different_levels of_pullulanase.\nPullulanase_is able_to_debranch amylopectin"} +{"text": " and no persistent motor deficits have been observed. In contrast, in primates, the administration of MPTP rapidly induces a persistent parkinsonian syndrome accompanied by evidence", "synonym_substitution": "and no persistent motor deficits have been observed. In contrast, in archpriest, the presidency of MPTP rapidly induces a persistent parkinsonian syndrome accompany by evidence", "butter_fingers": " anf no persistent motor denicits have been observxd. In ckntrast, kn primates, the administratiln of MKNP rapidly induces a oersistenn parkinsiniai syndrome accom'znied bn eviscnce", "random_deletion": "and no persistent motor deficits have been contrast, primates, the of MPTP rapidly accompanied evidence", "change_char_case": " and no persistent motor deficIts have beeN obseRveD. In CoNtraSt, in Primates, the admINistRation of MPTP rapidly indUces a PeRSistENt ParkiNsonian SYnDROme AcCoMpaNiED bY evidEncE", "whitespace_perturbation": " and no persistent motor d eficits ha ve be enobs er ved. Incontrast, in p r imat es, the administration of M PT P rap i dl y ind uces ap er s i ste nt p ark in s on ian s ynd rome ac companiedbyev idence", "underscore_trick": " and_no persistent_motor deficits have been_observed. In_contrast,_in primates,_the_administration of MPTP_rapidly induces a_persistent parkinsonian syndrome accompanied_by evidence"} +{"text": " The incoherent xenon-excimer lamp used exhibited an emission maximum at 172 nm. At this wavelength water is efficiently photolyzed with formation of hydrogen atoms", "synonym_substitution": "The incoherent xenon - excimer lamp used exhibited an emission maximum at 172 nanometer. At this wavelength urine is efficiently photolyzed with formation of hydrogen atoms", "butter_fingers": " Thf incoherent xenon-excimev lamp used exhiyuted ai emissjon maxioum at 172 nm. At this wavelengti warer iw efficiently photolyzdd with flrmation of iydrogen atoms", "random_deletion": "The incoherent xenon-excimer lamp used exhibited an at nm. At wavelength water is hydrogen", "change_char_case": " The incoherent xenon-excimer Lamp used exHibitEd aN emIsSion MaxiMum at 172 nm. At this wAVeleNgth water is efficiently PhotoLyZEd wiTH fOrmatIon of hyDRoGEN atOmS", "whitespace_perturbation": " The incoherent xenon-exci mer lamp u sed e xhi bit ed anemis sion maximum a t 172 nm. At this wavelengt h wat er is e f fi cient ly phot o ly z e d w it hfor ma t io n ofhyd rogen a toms", "underscore_trick": " The_incoherent xenon-excimer_lamp used exhibited an_emission maximum_at_172 nm._At_this wavelength water_is efficiently photolyzed_with formation of hydrogen_atoms"} +{"text": " Our results dramatically reduce the critical region to 8p11.21q11.21 harbouring 31 protein coding genes and two non-coding RNAs, e.", "synonym_substitution": "Our results dramatically reduce the critical region to 8p11.21q11.21 harbouring 31 protein coding gene and two non - coding RNAs, e.", "butter_fingers": " Oug results dramatically rtduce the critical regioi to 8p11.21q11.21 harbourkng 31 protein coding genes anv twi non-xoding RNAs, e.", "random_deletion": "Our results dramatically reduce the critical region harbouring protein coding and two non-coding", "change_char_case": " Our results dramatically redUce the critIcal rEgiOn tO 8p11.21Q11.21 harBourIng 31 protein codiNG genEs and two non-coding RNAs, e.", "whitespace_perturbation": " Our results dramaticallyreduce the crit ica l r eg ionto 8 p11.21q11.21 h a rbou ring 31 protein coding gene sa nd t w onon-c oding R N As , e.", "underscore_trick": " Our_results dramatically_reduce the critical region_to 8p11.21q11.21_harbouring_31 protein_coding_genes and two_non-coding RNAs, e."} +{"text": " last several years NMR spectroscopy, in conjunction with restrained molecular dynamics, has been employed to understand the 3D structures of a number of anticancer drugs and to rationalize", "synonym_substitution": "last several years NMR spectroscopy, in conjunction with guarded molecular moral force, has been employed to understand the 3D structure of a phone number of anticancer drugs and to rationalize", "butter_fingers": " ladt several years NMR spegtroscopy, in conlynctioi with destraindd molecular dynamics, has bexn enploytb to understand the 3A structuges of a bumbtr of anticancer vdugs and to rzbionanmze", "random_deletion": "last several years NMR spectroscopy, in conjunction molecular has been to understand the of drugs and to", "change_char_case": " last several years NMR spectrOscopy, in coNjuncTioN wiTh RestRainEd molecular dynAMics, Has been employed to underStand ThE 3d strUCtUres oF a numbeR Of ANTicAnCeR drUgS AnD to raTioNalize", "whitespace_perturbation": " last several years NMR sp ectroscopy , incon jun ct ionwith restrained mo l ecul ar dynamics, has beenemplo ye d tou nd ersta nd the3 Ds t ruc tu re s o fa n umber of antica ncer drugs an dto rationali z e", "underscore_trick": " last_several years_NMR spectroscopy, in conjunction_with restrained_molecular_dynamics, has_been_employed to understand_the 3D structures_of a number of_anticancer drugs and_to_rationalize"} +{"text": " the time of surgery and the time between original CrCL deficiency and surgical assessment, could have affected this analysis. Exercise prescription for the treatment of medical conditions.\n", "synonym_substitution": "the time of surgery and the time between original CrCL deficiency and surgical appraisal, could have involve this analysis. Exercise prescription for the discussion of medical conditions.", "butter_fingers": " thf time of surgery and tht time between orntinal RrCL dericiency and surgical assessment, coupd have affected this analysir. Exercisv prescriptioi for the treatmxht of mcbical gondiciins.\n", "random_deletion": "the time of surgery and the time CrCL and surgical could have affected the of medical conditions.", "change_char_case": " the time of surgery and the timE between orIginaL CrcL dEfIcieNcy aNd surgical asseSSmenT, could have affected this AnalySiS. exerCIsE presCriptioN FoR THe tReAtMenT oF MeDical ConDitions.\n", "whitespace_perturbation": " the time of surgery and t he time be tween or igi na l Cr CL d eficiency ands urgi cal assessment, couldhaveaf f ecte d t his a nalysis . E x e rci se p res cr i pt ion f orthe tre atment ofmed ic al condition s .", "underscore_trick": " the_time of_surgery and the time_between original_CrCL_deficiency and_surgical_assessment, could have_affected this analysis._Exercise prescription for the_treatment of medical_conditions.\n"} +{"text": " paste in 20 New Zealand rabbits. Forty implants using a porcine xenograft made up of 80% corticocancellous collagenated bone particles of \u2264300 \u03bcm in size", "synonym_substitution": "paste in 20 New Zealand rabbits. Forty implants using a porcine heterograft do up of 80% corticocancellous collagenated bone particles of \u2264300 \u03bcm in size", "butter_fingers": " padte in 20 New Zealand rabblts. Forty implanjs using a pordine xenugraft made up of 80% corticocaiceloous xollagenated bone partkcles of \u2264300 \u03bcm in size", "random_deletion": "paste in 20 New Zealand rabbits. Forty a xenograft made of 80% corticocancellous \u03bcm size", "change_char_case": " paste in 20 New Zealand rabbits. FOrty implanTs usiNg a PorCiNe xeNogrAft made up of 80% corTIcocAncellous collagenated bOne paRtICles OF \u2264300 \u03bcM in siZe", "whitespace_perturbation": " paste in 20 New Zealand r abbits. Fo rty i mpl ant susin g aporcine xenogr a ft m ade up of 80% corticoc ancel lo u s co l la genat ed bone pa r t icl es o f \u2264 30 0 \u03bc m insiz e", "underscore_trick": " paste_in 20_New Zealand rabbits. Forty_implants using_a_porcine xenograft_made_up of 80%_corticocancellous collagenated bone_particles of \u2264300 \u03bcm_in size"} +{"text": " outside of the treatment setting, the author offers some supplementary reflections to those already available in the literature. Broadly applied informed consent guidelines would increase the distortion that already", "synonym_substitution": "outside of the treatment setting, the author offers some auxiliary expression to those already available in the literature. Broadly applied informed consent guidelines would increase the distorted shape that already", "butter_fingers": " ouhside of the treatment sttting, the author offers some aupplemevtary reflections to those aprwady qvailable in the literxture. Browdly appoied unformed consent gmndelihcs woblv increase the cistortion that already", "random_deletion": "outside of the treatment setting, the author supplementary to those available in the guidelines increase the distortion already", "change_char_case": " outside of the treatment settIng, the authOr offErs SomE sUpplEmenTary reflectionS To thOse already available in tHe litErATure. bRoAdly aPplied iNFoRMEd cOnSeNt gUiDElInes wOulD increaSe the distoRtiOn That already", "whitespace_perturbation": " outside of the treatmentsetting, t he au tho r o ff erssome supplementary refl ections to those alrea dy av ai l able in theliterat u re . Bro ad ly ap pl i ed info rme d conse nt guideli nes w ould increas e t he distort ion that alread y", "underscore_trick": " outside_of the_treatment setting, the author_offers some_supplementary_reflections to_those_already available in_the literature. Broadly_applied informed consent guidelines_would increase the_distortion_that already"} +{"text": " hyperferritinemia. In the remaining 18 patients ferritin levels decreased from a mean of 506 +/- 3.6 (SE) ug/l at", "synonym_substitution": "hyperferritinemia. In the remaining 18 patients ferritin levels decreased from a mean of 506 + /- 3.6 (SE) ug / lambert at", "butter_fingers": " hyoerferritinemia. In the rtmaining 18 patients ferrivin levsls decrdased from a mean of 506 +/- 3.6 (SE) uj/l ar", "random_deletion": "hyperferritinemia. In the remaining 18 patients ferritin from mean of +/- 3.6 (SE)", "change_char_case": " hyperferritinemia. In the remAining 18 patiEnts fErrItiN lEvelS decReased from a meaN Of 506 +/- 3.6 (SE) Ug/l at", "whitespace_perturbation": " hyperferritinemia. In the remaining 18 p ati ent sferr itin levels decrea s ed f rom a mean of 506 +/-3.6 ( SE ) ug/ l a t", "underscore_trick": " hyperferritinemia._In the_remaining 18 patients ferritin_levels decreased_from_a mean_of_506 +/- 3.6_(SE) ug/l at"} +{"text": " and the distal site of the aortic arch. Postoperative abdominal contrast-enhanced CT showed expansion of the true lumen, and blood flow and contrast enhancement improved in both", "synonym_substitution": "and the distal site of the aortic arch. Postoperative abdominal contrast - enhanced CT testify expansion of the genuine lumen, and blood flow and contrast enhancement better in both", "butter_fingers": " anf the distal site of the aortic arch. Postoperavive absominal zontrast-enhanced CT showed eepanwion if the true lumen, and clood floa and cobtrawr enhancemxht improved ih botk", "random_deletion": "and the distal site of the aortic abdominal CT showed of the true contrast improved in both", "change_char_case": " and the distal site of the aortIc arch. PostOperaTivE abDoMinaL conTrast-enhanced Ct ShowEd expansion of the true luMen, anD bLOod fLOw And coNtrast eNHaNCEmeNt ImProVeD In Both", "whitespace_perturbation": " and the distal site of th e aortic a rch.Pos top er ativ e ab dominal contra s t-en hanced CT showed expan sionof thet ru e lum en, and bl o o d f lo wand c o nt rastenh ancemen t improved in b oth", "underscore_trick": " and_the distal_site of the aortic_arch. Postoperative_abdominal_contrast-enhanced CT_showed_expansion of the_true lumen, and_blood flow and contrast_enhancement improved in_both"} +{"text": ") and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in premenopausal women treated with 10 and 20 mg of tamoxifen (TAM) for 22 days", "synonym_substitution": ") and sex hormone - binding globulin (SHBG) in premenopausal women treated with 10 and 20 milligram of estrogen antagonist (TAM) for 22 days", "butter_fingers": ") anf sex hormone-binding glonulin (SHBG) in prgmwnopauval wojen treaged with 10 and 20 mg of tamoxifxn (TQM) foe 22 days", "random_deletion": ") and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in treated 10 and mg of tamoxifen", "change_char_case": ") and sex hormone-binding globuLin (SHBG) in pRemenOpaUsaL wOmen TreaTed with 10 and 20 mg of TAmoxIfen (TAM) for 22 days", "whitespace_perturbation": ") and sex hormone-bindingglobulin ( SHBG) in pr em enop ausa l women treate d wit h 10 and 20 mg of tamo xifen ( T AM)f or 22 d ays", "underscore_trick": ") and_sex hormone-binding_globulin (SHBG) in premenopausal_women treated_with_10 and_20_mg of tamoxifen_(TAM) for 22_days"} +{"text": "2)/TXA(2) receptor blocker). cPLA2 activity was determined in control and cirrhotic livers. AA and methoxamine incubation promoted a", "synonym_substitution": "2)/TXA(2) receptor blocker). cPLA2 activity was determined in control and cirrhotic liver. AA and methoxamine brooding promoted a", "butter_fingers": "2)/TXA(2) receptor blocker). cPLA2 agtivity was detetmuned ii contrkl and ckrrhotic livers. AA and methoeamibe inxubation promoted a", "random_deletion": "2)/TXA(2) receptor blocker). cPLA2 activity was determined and livers. AA methoxamine incubation promoted", "change_char_case": "2)/TXA(2) receptor blocker). cPLA2 actIvity was deTermiNed In cOnTrol And cIrrhotic livers. aa and Methoxamine incubation pRomotEd A", "whitespace_perturbation": "2)/TXA(2) receptor blocker ). cPLA2 a ctivi tywas d eter mine d in control a n d ci rrhotic livers. AA and meth ox a mine in cubat ion pro m ot e d a", "underscore_trick": "2)/TXA(2) receptor_blocker). cPLA2_activity was determined in_control and_cirrhotic_livers. AA_and_methoxamine incubation promoted_a"} +{"text": " balance at all stages of growth. When the initial growth-limiting glucose concentration in media without pH control was increased from 1.0 g carbon L(-1)", "synonym_substitution": "balance at all stages of growth. When the initial growth - specify glucose assiduity in media without pH control was increase from 1.0 guanine carbon L(-1 )", "butter_fingers": " bapance at all stages of gvowth. When the iuutial jrowth-ljmiting elucose concentration in medma wuthouu pH control was inzreased fgom 1.0 g caebon O(-1)", "random_deletion": "balance at all stages of growth. When growth-limiting concentration in without pH control carbon", "change_char_case": " balance at all stages of growtH. When the inItial GroWth-LiMitiNg glUcose concentraTIon iN media without pH control Was inCrEAsed FRoM 1.0 g carBon L(-1)", "whitespace_perturbation": " balance at all stages ofgrowth. Wh en th e i nit ia l gr owth -limiting gluc o se c oncentration in mediawitho ut pH c o nt rol w as incr e as e d fr om 1 .0gc ar bon L (-1 )", "underscore_trick": " balance_at all_stages of growth. When_the initial_growth-limiting_glucose concentration_in_media without pH_control was increased_from 1.0 g carbon_L(-1)"} +{"text": " older patients. The present day healthcare system is not organized to appropriately meet the needs of the older patients. Nurses themselves hold they can better serve the older patient", "synonym_substitution": "older patients. The present day healthcare system is not mastermind to appropriately touch the needs of the older patients. nanny themselves hold they can better suffice the old patient", "butter_fingers": " olfer patients. The present day healthcare system is nof organixed to appropriately meet thx newds od the older patients. Njrses thelselves yold rhey can bxfter sevre ths oldzr patient", "random_deletion": "older patients. The present day healthcare system organized appropriately meet needs of the they better serve the patient", "change_char_case": " older patients. The present daY healthcarE systEm iS noT oRganIzed To appropriatelY Meet The needs of the older patiEnts. NUrSEs thEMsElves Hold theY CaN BEttEr SeRve ThE OlDer paTieNt", "whitespace_perturbation": " older patients. The prese nt day hea lthca resys te m is not organized toa ppro priately meet the need s ofth e old e rpatie nts. Nu r se s the ms el ves h o ld they ca n bette r serve th e o ld er patient", "underscore_trick": " older_patients. The_present day healthcare system_is not_organized_to appropriately_meet_the needs of_the older patients._Nurses themselves hold they_can better serve_the_older patient"} +{"text": "-yr-old female presented with symptoms of obstructive jaundice. Liver biopsy, bone marrow aspiration, and biopsy revealed systemic mastocytosis and acute myeloid leukemia.", "synonym_substitution": "-yr - old female presented with symptoms of obstructive bitterness. Liver biopsy, bone kernel inhalation, and biopsy revealed systemic mastocytosis and acute myeloid leukemia.", "butter_fingers": "-yr-opd female presented with symptoms of obstructite jaunsice. Livdr biopsy, bone marrow aspiravion, and viopsy revealed systemkc mastocjtosis ane acnte myeloid leukxjia.", "random_deletion": "-yr-old female presented with symptoms of obstructive biopsy, marrow aspiration, biopsy revealed systemic", "change_char_case": "-yr-old female presented with sYmptoms of oBstruCtiVe jAuNdicE. LivEr biopsy, bone maRRow aSpiration, and biopsy reveAled sYsTEmic MAsTocytOsis and ACuTE MyeLoId LeuKeMIa.", "whitespace_perturbation": "-yr-old female presented w ith sympto ms of ob str uc tive jau ndice. Liver b i opsy , bone marrow aspirati on, a nd biop s yrevea led sys t em i c ma st oc yto si s a nd ac ute myeloi d leukemia .", "underscore_trick": "-yr-old female_presented with_symptoms of obstructive jaundice._Liver biopsy,_bone_marrow aspiration,_and_biopsy revealed systemic_mastocytosis and acute_myeloid leukemia."} +{"text": ":1 salt of a new donor molecule, EDT-DSDTFVSDS with FeBr4- ion, (EDT-DSDTF", "synonym_substitution": ":1 salt of a new donor molecule, EDT - DSDTFVSDS with FeBr4- ion, (EDT - DSDTF", "butter_fingers": ":1 sapt of a new donor molecuue, EDT-DSDTFVSDS with FxBr4- ion, (EDT-DSDTW", "random_deletion": ":1 salt of a new donor molecule, FeBr4- (EDT-DSDTF", "change_char_case": ":1 salt of a new donor molecule, EDt-DSDTFVSDS With FEBr4- Ion, (eDt-DSDtF", "whitespace_perturbation": ":1 salt of a new donor mol ecule, EDT -DSDT FVS DSwi th F eBr4 - ion, (EDT-DS D TF", "underscore_trick": ":1 salt_of a_new donor molecule, EDT-DSDTFVSDS_with FeBr4-_ion,_(EDT-DSDTF"} +{"text": " the tryptic peptides from the normal and mutant proteins were otherwise indistinguishable, the existence of additional residue replacements is not excluded. Measurements of the rate of thrombin binding", "synonym_substitution": "the tryptic peptides from the normal and mutant proteins were otherwise indistinguishable, the being of extra residue replacements is not excluded. measurement of the rate of thrombin tie", "butter_fingers": " thf tryptic peptides from uhe normal and mujabt proveins wsre othefwise indistinguishable, the xxisrence of additional residue replacemvnts is nit eecluded. Measuremxhts of bke rafc of chcombin binding", "random_deletion": "the tryptic peptides from the normal and were indistinguishable, the of additional residue of rate of thrombin", "change_char_case": " the tryptic peptides from the Normal and mUtant ProTeiNs Were OtheRwise indistingUIshaBle, the existence of additIonal ReSIdue REpLacemEnts is nOT eXCLudEd. meAsuReMEnTs of tHe rAte of thRombin bindIng", "whitespace_perturbation": " the tryptic peptides from the norma l and mu tan tprot eins were otherwis e ind istinguishable, the ex isten ce of a d di tiona l resid u er e pla ce me nts i s n ot ex clu ded. Me asurements of t he rate of t h ro mbin bindi ng", "underscore_trick": " the_tryptic peptides_from the normal and_mutant proteins_were_otherwise indistinguishable,_the_existence of additional_residue replacements is_not excluded. Measurements of_the rate of_thrombin_binding"} +{"text": " cytosol. [Phoniatric aspects in microsurgical removal of benign vocal cord changes].\nMicrosurgery of benign vocal cord lesions is usually done to improve, to", "synonym_substitution": "cytosol. [ Phoniatric aspects in microsurgical removal of benign vocal cord changes ]. \n Microsurgery of benign vocal cord lesions is normally do to improve, to", "butter_fingers": " cyhosol. [Phoniatric aspects in microsurgicco remotal of genign vucal cord changes].\nMicrosurgerb of benitn vocal cord lesions ks usuallj done to impcove, to", "random_deletion": "cytosol. [Phoniatric aspects in microsurgical removal of cord Microsurgery of vocal cord lesions to", "change_char_case": " cytosol. [Phoniatric aspects iN microsurgIcal rEmoVal Of BeniGn voCal cord changes].\nmIcroSurgery of benign vocal coRd lesIoNS is uSUaLly doNe to impROvE, TO", "whitespace_perturbation": " cytosol. [Phoniatric aspe cts in mic rosur gic alre mova l of benign vocalc ordchanges].\nMicrosurgery of b en i gn v o ca l cor d lesio n si s us ua ll y d on e t o imp rov e, to", "underscore_trick": " cytosol._[Phoniatric aspects_in microsurgical removal of_benign vocal_cord_changes].\nMicrosurgery of_benign_vocal cord lesions_is usually done_to improve, to"} +{"text": "oring groups, two series of compounds were synthesized by reaction of guanidine or aminoguanidine with acyl halides and N,N-disubstituted", "synonym_substitution": "oring groups, two series of compounds were synthesized by chemical reaction of guanidine or aminoguanidine with acyl halide and N, N - disubstituted", "butter_fingers": "orijg groups, two series of gompounds were sinrhesizxd by rsaction uf guanidine or aminoguanidiie wuth axyl halides and N,N-disucstituted", "random_deletion": "oring groups, two series of compounds were reaction guanidine or with acyl halides", "change_char_case": "oring groups, two series of comPounds were SynthEsiZed By ReacTion Of guanidine or aMInogUanidine with acyl halideS and N,n-dISubsTItUted", "whitespace_perturbation": "oring groups, two series o f compound s wer e s ynt he size d by reaction of g u anid ine or aminoguanidinewithac y l ha l id es an d N,N-d i su b s tit ut ed ", "underscore_trick": "oring groups,_two series_of compounds were synthesized_by reaction_of_guanidine or_aminoguanidine_with acyl halides_and N,N-disubstituted"} +{"text": "' SUA levels were associated with less renal function decline (P < 0.001) by statistical modeling. The study data predicted that for every 1 mg/", "synonym_substitution": "' SUA levels were associated with less renal function decay (phosphorus < 0.001) by statistical modeling. The study datum predicted that for every 1 mg/", "butter_fingers": "' SUW levels were associated with less renal functmon decmine (P < 0.001) by statistical modeling. The srudy eata predicted that fof every 1 lg/", "random_deletion": "' SUA levels were associated with less decline < 0.001) statistical modeling. The every mg/", "change_char_case": "' SUA levels were associated wiTh less renaL funcTioN deClIne (P < 0.001) By stAtistical modelINg. ThE study data predicted thaT for eVeRY 1 mg/", "whitespace_perturbation": "' SUA levels were associat ed with le ss re nal fu nc tion dec line (P < 0.00 1 ) by statistical modeling. Thest u dy d a ta pred icted t h at f orev er y 1 m g /", "underscore_trick": "' SUA_levels were_associated with less renal_function decline_(P_< 0.001)_by_statistical modeling. The_study data predicted_that for every 1_mg/"} +{"text": " with a significant correlation with ADAMTS13 mRNA expression levels in the liver. Furthermore, ADAMTS13 mRNA expression was increased with enhanced mRNA expression in smooth", "synonym_substitution": "with a significant correlation with ADAMTS13 mRNA expression degree in the liver. Furthermore, ADAMTS13 messenger rna expression was increased with enhance mRNA formulation in smooth", "butter_fingers": " wihh a significant correlauion with ADAMTS13 mRNA ex'ressioh levels in the liver. Furthermore, ADEMTS13 mRNA expression was increared with vnhanced nRNA wxpression in smoobk", "random_deletion": "with a significant correlation with ADAMTS13 mRNA in liver. Furthermore, mRNA expression was in", "change_char_case": " with a significant correlatiOn with ADAMtS13 mRNa exPreSsIon lEvelS in the liver. FurTHermOre, ADAMTS13 mRNA expressioN was iNcREaseD WiTh enhAnced mRna eXPResSiOn In sMoOTh", "whitespace_perturbation": " with a significant correl ation with ADAM TS1 3 m RN A ex pres sion levels in theliver. Furthermore, AD AMTS1 3m RNAe xp ressi on wasi nc r e ase dwi then h an ced m RNA expres sion in sm oot h", "underscore_trick": " with_a significant_correlation with ADAMTS13 mRNA_expression levels_in_the liver._Furthermore,_ADAMTS13 mRNA expression_was increased with_enhanced mRNA expression in_smooth"} +{"text": ". High-density lipoprotein levels moderately increased and triglyceride levels sharply decreased. There were no differences between the types of bariatric surgery in terms of weight reduction,", "synonym_substitution": ". High - density lipoprotein levels moderately increase and triglyceride degree sharply decreased. There were no deviation between the types of bariatric surgery in condition of weight reduction,", "butter_fingers": ". Hihh-density lipoprotein leyels moderately nbcreasxd and friglycefide levels sharply decreasev. Thwre wtge no differences betdeen the nypes of varietric surgery in terms on weifmt reburtion,", "random_deletion": ". High-density lipoprotein levels moderately increased and sharply There were differences between the terms weight reduction,", "change_char_case": ". High-density lipoprotein levEls moderatEly inCreAseD aNd trIglyCeride levels shARply Decreased. There were no diFfereNcES betWEeN the tYpes of bARiATRic SuRgEry In TErMs of wEigHt reducTion,", "whitespace_perturbation": ". High-density lipoprotein levels mo derat ely in cr ease d an d triglyceride leve ls sharply decreased.There w e re n o d iffer ences b e tw e e n t he t ype so fbaria tri c surge ry in term s o fweight reduc t io n,", "underscore_trick": ". High-density_lipoprotein levels_moderately increased and triglyceride_levels sharply_decreased._There were_no_differences between the_types of bariatric_surgery in terms of_weight reduction,"} +{"text": "three (94%) of the sample provided data at every assessment point. Of these, 80% achieved either weight reduction or weight maintenance after treatment and throughout the follow", "synonym_substitution": "three (94 %) of the sample provided data at every assessment item. Of these, 80% achieve either weight reduction or system of weights alimony after treatment and throughout the follow", "butter_fingers": "thrfe (94%) of the sample providtd data at every cwsessmxnt poiht. Of thdse, 80% achieved either weight ceduxtion or weight maintenance after trvatment abd tiroughout the follow", "random_deletion": "three (94%) of the sample provided data assessment Of these, achieved either weight treatment throughout the follow", "change_char_case": "three (94%) of the sample provided dAta at every AssesSmeNt pOiNt. Of ThesE, 80% achieved eitheR WeigHt reduction or weight maiNtenaNcE AfteR TrEatmeNt and thROuGHOut ThE fOllOw", "whitespace_perturbation": "three (94%) of the sampleprovided d ata a t e ver yasse ssme nt point. Of t h ese, 80% achieved either w eight r e duct i on or w eight m a in t e nan ce a fte rt re atmen t a nd thro ughout the fo ll ow", "underscore_trick": "three (94%)_of the_sample provided data at_every assessment_point._Of these,_80%_achieved either weight_reduction or weight_maintenance after treatment and_throughout the follow"} +{"text": " 64% of buspirone patients and 74% of placebo patients discontinued treatment before the end of the study. Extender data analysis showed that buspirone patients", "synonym_substitution": "64% of buspirone patients and 74% of placebo patients discontinued treatment before the goal of the discipline. Extender data analysis showed that buspirone affected role", "butter_fingers": " 64% ov buspirone patients and 74% of placebo pajiwnts dmscontihued trextment before the end of the srudy. Tqtender data analysis showed tjat buspuront patients", "random_deletion": "64% of buspirone patients and 74% of discontinued before the of the study. buspirone", "change_char_case": " 64% of buspirone patients and 74% of pLacebo patiEnts dIscOntInUed tReatMent before the eND of tHe study. Extender data anaLysis ShOWed tHAt BuspiRone patIEnTS", "whitespace_perturbation": " 64% of buspirone patients and 74% o f pla ceb o p at ient s di scontinued tre a tmen t before the end of th e stu dy . Ext e nd er da ta anal y si s sho we dtha tb us piron e p atients ", "underscore_trick": " 64%_of buspirone_patients and 74% of_placebo patients_discontinued_treatment before_the_end of the_study. Extender data_analysis showed that buspirone_patients"} +{"text": " displayed intracellular heterogeneity in amplitude (30 +/- 4% variance) and intercellular heterogeneities in amplitude (100-800 nM) and frequency (5-35", "synonym_substitution": "displayed intracellular heterogeneity in amplitude (30 + /- 4% variance) and intercellular heterogeneities in amplitude (100 - 800 nM) and frequency (5 - 35", "butter_fingers": " didplayed intracellular heuerogeneity in amklutude (30 +/- 4% varjance) ana intercellular heterogeneitmes un amkjitude (100-800 nM) and freduency (5-35", "random_deletion": "displayed intracellular heterogeneity in amplitude (30 +/- and heterogeneities in (100-800 nM) and", "change_char_case": " displayed intracellular hetErogeneity In ampLitUde (30 +/- 4% VaRianCe) anD intercellular HEterOgeneities in amplitude (100-800 nm) and fReQUencY (5-35", "whitespace_perturbation": " displayed intracellular h eterogenei ty in am pli tu de ( 30 + /- 4% variance ) and intercellular heterog eneit ie s ina mp litud e (100- 8 00 n M)an dfre qu e nc y (5- 35", "underscore_trick": " displayed_intracellular heterogeneity_in amplitude (30 +/-_4% variance)_and_intercellular heterogeneities_in_amplitude (100-800 nM)_and frequency (5-35"} +{"text": ") and Irganox 3114 (antioxidant) from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) was studied. HDPE pieces were soaked in either milk", "synonym_substitution": ") and Irganox 3114 (antioxidant) from high - density polyethylene (HDPE) was studied. HDPE pieces were drench in either milk", "butter_fingers": ") anf Irganox 3114 (antioxidant) fvom high-density kooyethynene (HSPE) was rtudied. HDPE pieces were soanee in tpther milk", "random_deletion": ") and Irganox 3114 (antioxidant) from high-density was HDPE pieces soaked in either", "change_char_case": ") and Irganox 3114 (antioxidant) from High-densitY polyEthYleNe (hDPE) Was sTudied. HDPE piecES werE soaked in either milk", "whitespace_perturbation": ") and Irganox 3114 (antiox idant) fro m hig h-d ens it y po lyet hylene (HDPE)w as s tudied. HDPE pieces we re so ak e d in ei thermilk", "underscore_trick": ") and_Irganox 3114_(antioxidant) from high-density polyethylene_(HDPE) was_studied._HDPE pieces_were_soaked in either_milk"} +{"text": "T1 UCB after RC; recurrent pT1 UCB of high grade origin (HGO) tends to have poorer CSS than primary pT1 U", "synonym_substitution": "T1 UCB after RC; recurrent pT1 UCB of high grade origin (HGO) tend to take poorer CSS than primary pT1 uranium", "butter_fingers": "T1 UFB after RC; recurrent pT1 UCB of high grcee orijin (HGO) tends tu have poorer CSS than primacy pR1 U", "random_deletion": "T1 UCB after RC; recurrent pT1 UCB grade (HGO) tends have poorer CSS", "change_char_case": "T1 UCB after RC; recurrent pT1 UCB Of high gradE origIn (HgO) tEnDs to Have Poorer CSS than pRImarY pT1 U", "whitespace_perturbation": "T1 UCB after RC; recurrent pT1 UCB o f hig h g rad eorig in ( HGO) tends toh avepoorer CSS than primar y pT1 U ", "underscore_trick": "T1 UCB_after RC;_recurrent pT1 UCB of_high grade_origin_(HGO) tends_to_have poorer CSS_than primary pT1_U"} +{"text": " a report on 149 patients.\nLimited data are available on azacitidine (AZA) treatment and its prognostic factors in acute myeloid leukemia (AML", "synonym_substitution": "a report on 149 patients. \n Limited data are available on azacitidine (AZA) discussion and its predictive factor in acute myeloid leukemia (AML", "butter_fingers": " a geport on 149 patients.\nLimittd data are availcvle on azacifidine (AXA) treatment and its prognosvic dactoes in acute myeloid lejkemia (AMP", "random_deletion": "a report on 149 patients. Limited data on (AZA) treatment its prognostic factors", "change_char_case": " a report on 149 patients.\nLimited dAta are avaiLable On aZacItIdinE (AZA) Treatment and itS ProgNostic factors in acute myEloid LeUKemiA (aMl", "whitespace_perturbation": " a report on 149 patients. \nLimited d ata a reava il able onazacitidine (A Z A) t reatment and its progn ostic f a ctor s i n acu te myel o id l euk em ia (A ML ", "underscore_trick": " a_report on_149 patients.\nLimited data are_available on_azacitidine_(AZA) treatment_and_its prognostic factors_in acute myeloid_leukemia (AML"} +{"text": "points, rendering them inadequate as empirical treatment in countries with a high prevalence of penicillin resistance. Comparison of performance of two DNA line probe assays for rapid detection of multid", "synonym_substitution": "points, rendering them inadequate as empirical treatment in nation with a eminent prevalence of penicillin resistance. Comparison of performance of two DNA cable probe assays for rapid detection of multid", "butter_fingers": "poijts, rendering them inadeduate as empirieql treetment jn countfies with a high prevalence lf penixillin resistance. Compxrison of performqnce if two DNA line probe asawys yoc rapid detectipn of multhd", "random_deletion": "points, rendering them inadequate as empirical treatment with high prevalence penicillin resistance. Comparison line assays for rapid of multid", "change_char_case": "points, rendering them inadeqUate as empiRical TreAtmEnT in cOuntRies with a high pREvalEnce of penicillin resistAnce. COmPArisON oF perfOrmance OF tWO dNA LiNe ProBe ASsAys foR raPid deteCtion of mulTid", "whitespace_perturbation": "points, rendering them ina dequate as empi ric altr eatm entin countries w i th a high prevalence of pe nicil li n res i st ance. Compar i so n ofpe rf orm an c eof tw o D NA line probe ass ays f or rapid det e ct ion of mul tid ", "underscore_trick": "points, rendering_them inadequate_as empirical treatment in_countries with_a_high prevalence_of_penicillin resistance. Comparison_of performance of_two DNA line probe_assays for rapid_detection_of multid"} +{"text": " rotator cuff strengthening and stretching is appropriate as initial treatment; modification of activities and anti-inflammatory medication are often used as well. Operative management may be considered", "synonym_substitution": "rotator cuff strengthening and stretching is appropriate as initial treatment; modification of bodily process and anti - incendiary medication are often use equally well. Operative management may be considered", "butter_fingers": " rohator cuff strengthening and stretching is appcopriats as inigial treatment; modification lf acticities and anti-inflammxtory medpcation aee ohten used as well. Operatlre mahwgemznv may be considgred", "random_deletion": "rotator cuff strengthening and stretching is appropriate treatment; of activities anti-inflammatory medication are management be considered", "change_char_case": " rotator cuff strengthening aNd stretchiNg is aPprOprIaTe as InitIal treatment; moDIficAtion of activities and anTi-infLaMMatoRY mEdicaTion are OFtEN UseD aS wEll. opERaTive mAnaGement mAy be considEreD", "whitespace_perturbation": " rotator cuff strengthenin g and stre tchin g i s a pp ropr iate as initial tr e atme nt; modification of ac tivit ie s and an ti-in flammat o ry m edi ca ti onar e o ftenuse d as we ll. Operat ive m anagement ma y b e consider ed", "underscore_trick": " rotator_cuff strengthening_and stretching is appropriate_as initial_treatment;_modification of_activities_and anti-inflammatory medication_are often used_as well. Operative management_may be considered"} +{"text": " posture and upper cervical flexor muscle performance.\nIn this study, 60 female subjects, aged between 25 and 40 years, were divided into two equal groups on", "synonym_substitution": "posture and upper cervical flexor muscle performance. \n In this study, 60 female discipline, age between 25 and 40 years, were divided into two equal group on", "butter_fingers": " podture and upper cervical flexor muscle keeformaice.\nIn tgis studh, 60 female subjects, aged betwxen 25 and 40 years, were divided ingo two eqlal groupw on", "random_deletion": "posture and upper cervical flexor muscle performance. study, female subjects, between 25 and two groups on", "change_char_case": " posture and upper cervical flExor muscle PerfoRmaNce.\nin This StudY, 60 female subjectS, Aged Between 25 and 40 years, were divIded iNtO Two eQUaL grouPs on", "whitespace_perturbation": " posture and upper cervica l flexor m uscle pe rfo rm ance .\nIn this study, 6 0 fem ale subjects, aged bet ween25 and4 0years , wered iv i d edin to tw oe qu al gr oup s on", "underscore_trick": " posture_and upper_cervical flexor muscle performance.\nIn_this study,_60_female subjects,_aged_between 25 and_40 years, were_divided into two equal_groups on"} +{"text": ", the etiology of proximal tubal occlusion is still a controversial subject. The introduction of microsurgery in gynecology has provided a method of eliminating the main symptom", "synonym_substitution": ", the etiology of proximal tubal occlusion is still a controversial subject. The introduction of microsurgery in gynecology has provide a method acting of eliminating the main symptom", "butter_fingers": ", thf etiology of proximal tmbal occlusion is still a confroversixl subject. The introduction lf micrisurgery in gynecology has provpded a merhod if eliminavjng the main anmptok", "random_deletion": ", the etiology of proximal tubal occlusion a subject. The of microsurgery in of the main symptom", "change_char_case": ", the etiology of proximal tubaL occlusion Is stiLl a ConTrOverSial Subject. The intrODuctIon of microsurgery in gynEcoloGy HAs prOViDed a mEthod of ELiMINatInG tHe mAiN SyMptom", "whitespace_perturbation": ", the etiology of proximal tubal occ lusio n i s s ti ll a con troversial sub j ect. The introduction of m icros ur g eryi ngynec ology h a sp r ovi de da m et h od of e lim inating the mainsym pt om", "underscore_trick": ", the_etiology of_proximal tubal occlusion is_still a_controversial_subject. The_introduction_of microsurgery in_gynecology has provided_a method of eliminating_the main symptom"} +{"text": " principles of palliative care and has been developed to enhance the care for dialysis patients with a high symptom burden and those being managed on a non-dialysis pathway.", "synonym_substitution": "principles of palliative care and has been developed to enhance the caution for dialysis patient with a high symptom burden and those being managed on a non - dialysis nerve pathway.", "butter_fingers": " prlnciples of palliative cxre and has beeu develmped tk enhancd the care for dialysis patixnts with a high symptom burden and thosv being mqnagtd on a non-dialysma pathway.", "random_deletion": "principles of palliative care and has been enhance care for patients with a being on a non-dialysis", "change_char_case": " principles of palliative carE and has beeN deveLopEd tO eNhanCe thE care for dialysIS patIents with a high symptom bUrden AnD ThosE BeIng maNaged on A NoN-DIalYsIs PatHwAY.", "whitespace_perturbation": " principles of palliativecare and h as be endev el oped toenhance the ca r e fo r dialysis patients wi th ahi g h sy m pt om bu rden an d t h o sebe in g m an a ge d ona n on-dial ysis pathw ay. ", "underscore_trick": " principles_of palliative_care and has been_developed to_enhance_the care_for_dialysis patients with_a high symptom_burden and those being_managed on a_non-dialysis_pathway."} +{"text": " almost all of the glomeruli showed a normal structure by week 8. The HGF-treated rats showed significantly better renal functions (Cr: 0.3 +/-", "synonym_substitution": "almost all of the glomeruli showed a normal structure by workweek 8. The HGF - treat rats showed importantly better nephritic functions (Cr: 0.3 + /-", "butter_fingers": " allost all of the glomerull showed a normal strucvure by week 8. Tfe HGF-treated rats showed sijnifucantoy better renal functiuns (Cr: 0.3 +/-", "random_deletion": "almost all of the glomeruli showed a by 8. The rats showed significantly +/-", "change_char_case": " almost all of the glomeruli shOwed a normaL struCtuRe bY wEek 8. THe HGf-treated rats shOWed sIgnificantly better renaL funcTiONs (Cr: 0.3 +/-", "whitespace_perturbation": " almost all of the glomeru li showeda nor mal st ru ctur e by week 8. The H G F-tr eated rats showed sign ifica nt l y be t te r ren al func t io n s (C r: 0 .3+/ - ", "underscore_trick": " almost_all of_the glomeruli showed a_normal structure_by_week 8._The_HGF-treated rats showed_significantly better renal_functions (Cr: 0.3 +/-"} +{"text": " reporting provisions, but appears not to discern that its allegiance to a model of traditional rather than transparent self-regulation may be self-defeating. Analysis of", "synonym_substitution": "reporting provisions, but appears not to discern that its commitment to a exemplar of traditional rather than transparent self - rule may be self - defeating. psychoanalysis of", "butter_fingers": " reoorting provisions, but akpears not to disewrn thet its zllegianze to a model of traditional rqther than transparent self-fegulatioj may be selh-defeating. Analysis of", "random_deletion": "reporting provisions, but appears not to discern allegiance a model traditional rather than Analysis", "change_char_case": " reporting provisions, but appEars not to dIscerN thAt iTs AlleGianCe to a model of trADitiOnal rather than transparEnt seLf-REgulATiOn may Be self-dEFeATIng. anAlYsiS oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " reporting provisions, but appears n ot to di sce rn tha t it s allegiance t o a m odel of traditional ra therth a n tr a ns paren t self- r eg u l ati on m aybe se lf-de fea ting. A nalysis of ", "underscore_trick": " reporting_provisions, but_appears not to discern_that its_allegiance_to a_model_of traditional rather_than transparent self-regulation_may be self-defeating. Analysis_of"} +{"text": " 1/2 h and 1 h, respectively. These concentrations steadily declined in parallel with serum concentrations and were not measurable at 48 h. Urine oxytetr", "synonym_substitution": "1/2 h and 1 h, respectively. These concentrations steadily declined in analogue with serum concentration and were not measurable at 48 h. Urine oxytetr", "butter_fingers": " 1/2 h and 1 h, respectively. There concentratiouw steavily dedlined iv parallel with serum concenvratuons qnd were not measurabld at 48 h. Ugine oxytwtr", "random_deletion": "1/2 h and 1 h, respectively. These declined parallel with concentrations and were Urine", "change_char_case": " 1/2 h and 1 h, respectively. These conCentrationS steaDilY deClIned In paRallel with seruM ConcEntrations and were not meAsuraBlE At 48 h. URInE oxytEtr", "whitespace_perturbation": " 1/2 h and 1 h, respective ly. Theseconce ntr ati on s st eadi ly declined in para llel with serum concen trati on s and we re no t measu r ab l e at 4 8h.Ur i ne oxyt etr ", "underscore_trick": " 1/2_h and_1 h, respectively. These_concentrations steadily_declined_in parallel_with_serum concentrations and_were not measurable_at 48 h. Urine_oxytetr"} +{"text": "macrophages are well regulated by specific mediators/cytokines. An urgent task is thus to find ways of controlling these key mediators/cytokines to", "synonym_substitution": "macrophages are well regulated by specific mediators / cytokines. An pressing undertaking is thus to find direction of control these key mediators / cytokine to", "butter_fingers": "macgophages are well regulaued by specific mgduators/rytokinss. An ureent task is thus to find wabs od conugolling these key medkators/cytlkines ti", "random_deletion": "macrophages are well regulated by specific mediators/cytokines. task thus to ways of controlling", "change_char_case": "macrophages are well regulatEd by specifIc medIatOrs/CyTokiNes. AN urgent task is tHUs to Find ways of controlling tHese kEy MEdiaTOrS/cytoKines to", "whitespace_perturbation": "macrophages are well regul ated by sp ecifi c m edi at ors/ cyto kines. An urge n t ta sk is thus to find way s ofco n trol l in g the se keym ed i a tor s/ cy tok in e sto", "underscore_trick": "macrophages are_well regulated_by specific mediators/cytokines. An_urgent task_is_thus to_find_ways of controlling_these key mediators/cytokines_to"} +{"text": " serine protease inhibitors, viz. phenyl methyl sulphonyl fluoride, diisopropyl fluorophosphate and alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor, and antioxidant vitamin E prevents", "synonym_substitution": "serine protease inhibitors, viz. phenyl methyl sulphonyl fluoride, diisopropyl fluorophosphate and alpha-1 - proteinase inhibitor, and antioxidant vitamin E prevents", "butter_fingers": " segine protease inhibitors, viz. phenyl metktl sul'honyl rluoride, diisopropyl fluorophosphate abd alkka-1-proteinase inhibitur, and annioxidant vitemin E prevents", "random_deletion": "serine protease inhibitors, viz. phenyl methyl sulphonyl fluorophosphate alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor, antioxidant vitamin E", "change_char_case": " serine protease inhibitors, vIz. phenyl meThyl sUlpHonYl FluoRide, Diisopropyl fluORophOsphate and alpha-1-proteinAse inHiBItor, ANd AntioXidant vITaMIN E pReVeNts", "whitespace_perturbation": " serine protease inhibitor s, viz. ph enylmet hyl s ulph onyl fluoride, dii s opro pyl fluorophosphate an d alp ha - 1-pr o te inase inhibi t or , and a nt iox id a nt vita min E prev ents", "underscore_trick": " serine_protease inhibitors,_viz. phenyl methyl sulphonyl_fluoride, diisopropyl_fluorophosphate_and alpha-1-proteinase_inhibitor,_and antioxidant vitamin_E prevents"} +{"text": " allowing a high tissue efficiency, reduced scarring, and expeditious reconstruction with pleasant outcomes. Further research is needed in order to explore the maximal perforasome potential", "synonym_substitution": "allowing a high tissue efficiency, reduced scarring, and expeditious reconstruction with pleasant outcomes. Further inquiry is need in order to explore the maximal perforasome electric potential", "butter_fingers": " alpowing a high tissue efflciency, reduced scarrinj, and espeditiojs reconstruction with pleasent iutcones. Further research ir needed pn order ro eeplore the maximem perfovcsome iotenciel", "random_deletion": "allowing a high tissue efficiency, reduced scarring, reconstruction pleasant outcomes. research is needed maximal potential", "change_char_case": " allowing a high tissue efficiEncy, reduceD scarRinG, anD eXpedItioUs reconstructiON witH pleasant outcomes. FurthEr resEaRCh is NEeDed in Order to EXpLORe tHe MaXimAl PErForasOme PotentiAl", "whitespace_perturbation": " allowing a high tissue ef ficiency,reduc edsca rr ing, and expeditious r e cons truction with pleasant outc om e s. F u rt her r esearch is n eed ed i n o rd e rto ex plo re themaximal pe rfo ra some potenti a l", "underscore_trick": " allowing_a high_tissue efficiency, reduced scarring,_and expeditious_reconstruction_with pleasant_outcomes._Further research is_needed in order_to explore the maximal_perforasome potential"} +{"text": "-producing plants. By using sequence information from the conserved regions of cis-prenyl chain elongating enzymes that were cloned recently, we have isolated and characterized", "synonym_substitution": "-producing plants. By using sequence information from the conserve region of cis - prenyl chain elongating enzymes that were clone recently, we have isolated and characterized", "butter_fingers": "-profucing plants. By using stquence information from the cknserved regions of cis-prenyl chain xlontatint enzymes that were cluned recejtly, we yave usolated ais charagcerizsf", "random_deletion": "-producing plants. By using sequence information from regions cis-prenyl chain enzymes that were and", "change_char_case": "-producing plants. By using seqUence inforMatioN frOm tHe ConsErveD regions of cis-pREnyl Chain elongating enzymes That wErE ClonED rEcentLy, we havE IsOLAteD aNd ChaRaCTeRized", "whitespace_perturbation": "-producing plants. By usin g sequence info rma tio nfrom the conserved reg i onsof cis-prenyl chain el ongat in g enz y me s tha t werec lo n e d r ec en tly ,w ehaveiso lated a nd charact eri ze d", "underscore_trick": "-producing plants._By using_sequence information from the_conserved regions_of_cis-prenyl chain_elongating_enzymes that were_cloned recently, we_have isolated and characterized"} +{"text": " spider silk films were characterized in terms of protein secondary structure, thermal stability, zeta-potential, solubility, mechanical properties, and water absorption and desorption.", "synonym_substitution": "spider silk films were characterized in terms of protein secondary social organization, thermal constancy, zeta - electric potential, solubility, mechanical properties, and water assimilation and desorption.", "butter_fingers": " splder silk films were chavacterized in tetmw of pcotein aecondarh structure, thermal stabilitb, zera-pottutial, solubility, mecfanical pgoperties, and qater absocltion akb deskvptiou.", "random_deletion": "spider silk films were characterized in terms secondary thermal stability, solubility, mechanical properties,", "change_char_case": " spider silk films were characTerized in tErms oF prOteIn SecoNdarY structure, therMAl stAbility, zeta-potential, soLubilItY, MechANiCal prOpertieS, AnD WAteR aBsOrpTiON aNd desOrpTion.", "whitespace_perturbation": " spider silk films were ch aracterize d inter msof pro tein secondary str u ctur e, thermal stability,zeta- po t enti a l, solu bility, me c h ani ca lpro pe r ti es, a ndwater a bsorptionand d esorption.", "underscore_trick": " spider_silk films_were characterized in terms_of protein_secondary_structure, thermal_stability,_zeta-potential, solubility, mechanical_properties, and water_absorption and desorption."} +{"text": " volume1 (FEV1) above 60% of predicted. According to variations in peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) and medical history the patients were", "synonym_substitution": "volume1 (FEV1) above 60% of predicted. According to variations in peak expiratory flow pace (PEFR) and aesculapian history the affected role were", "butter_fingers": " vopume1 (FEV1) above 60% of predigted. According to variavions ih peak ebpiratory flow rate (PEFR) and mwdicao history the patients were", "random_deletion": "volume1 (FEV1) above 60% of predicted. According in expiratory flow (PEFR) and medical", "change_char_case": " volume1 (FEV1) above 60% of predicted. according tO variAtiOns In Peak ExpiRatory flow rate (peFR) aNd medical history the patIents WeRE", "whitespace_perturbation": " volume1 (FEV1) above 60%of predict ed. A cco rdi ng tovari ations in peak expi ratory flow rate (PEFR ) and m e dica l h istor y the p a ti e n tswe re ", "underscore_trick": " volume1_(FEV1) above_60% of predicted. According_to variations_in_peak expiratory_flow_rate (PEFR) and_medical history the_patients were"} +{"text": "85 [95% CI 0.77-0.94], p=0.001) and the Global Index of Disease-Free Survival and Serious Ad", "synonym_substitution": "85 [ 95% CI 0.77 - 0.94 ], p=0.001) and the Global Index of Disease - Free Survival and Serious Ad", "butter_fingers": "85 [95% CL 0.77-0.94], p=0.001) and the Global Indew of Disease-Free Survivel and Aerious Xd", "random_deletion": "85 [95% CI 0.77-0.94], p=0.001) and the of Survival and Ad", "change_char_case": "85 [95% CI 0.77-0.94], p=0.001) and the Global Index of DisEase-Free SuRvivaL anD SeRiOus AD", "whitespace_perturbation": "85 [95% CI 0.77-0.94], p=0 .001) andthe G lob alIn dexof D isease-Free Su r viva l and Serious Ad", "underscore_trick": "85 [95%_CI 0.77-0.94],_p=0.001) and the Global_Index of_Disease-Free_Survival and_Serious_Ad"} +{"text": " untreated controls. Our study demonstrated the clear in vitro scolicidal effect of NaAsO2 against E. granulosus protoscoleces. However, the", "synonym_substitution": "untreated controls. Our study demonstrated the clear in vitro scolicidal consequence of NaAsO2 against E. granulosus protoscoleces. However, the", "butter_fingers": " unhreated controls. Our stuay demonstrated the clxar in bitro sculicidal effect of NaAsO2 agamnst E. grqnulosus protoscoleces. However, nhe", "random_deletion": "untreated controls. Our study demonstrated the clear scolicidal of NaAsO2 E. granulosus protoscoleces.", "change_char_case": " untreated controls. Our study DemonstratEd the CleAr iN vItro ScolIcidal effect of nAAsO2 Against E. granulosus protOscolEcES. HowEVeR, the", "whitespace_perturbation": " untreated controls. Our s tudy demon strat edthe c lear invitro scolicid a l ef fect of NaAsO2 against E. g ra n ulos u sproto scolece s .H o wev er ,the ", "underscore_trick": " untreated_controls. Our_study demonstrated the clear_in vitro_scolicidal_effect of_NaAsO2_against E. granulosus_protoscoleces. However, the"} +{"text": " the context of a randomized discontinuation phase 2 trial. In this setting, even disease stabilization was established as a treatment-related phenomenon. A phase 3 trial with", "synonym_substitution": "the context of a randomized discontinuation phase 2 trial. In this setting, even disease stabilization was prove as a discussion - related phenomenon. A phase 3 trial with", "butter_fingers": " thf context of a randomizea discontinuation phasx 2 triam. In thir setting, even disease stabipizatiob was established as a treatmenn-related pheninenon. A pheae 3 trial witg", "random_deletion": "the context of a randomized discontinuation phase In setting, even stabilization was established phase trial with", "change_char_case": " the context of a randomized diScontinuatIon phAse 2 TriAl. in thIs seTting, even diseaSE staBilization was establishEd as a TrEAtmeNT-rElateD phenomENoN. a PhaSe 3 TrIal WiTH", "whitespace_perturbation": " the context of a randomiz ed discont inuat ion ph as e 2tria l. In this set t ing, even disease stabiliz ation w a s es t ab lishe d as at re a t men t- re lat ed ph enome non . A pha se 3 trial wi th ", "underscore_trick": " the_context of_a randomized discontinuation phase_2 trial._In_this setting,_even_disease stabilization was_established as a_treatment-related phenomenon. A phase_3 trial with"} +{"text": " less than 0.01, respectively) by the 3rd day. In all cases the insulin requirements could be reduced (mean 28%) without deterioration of the metabolic", "synonym_substitution": "less than 0.01, respectively) by the 3rd day. In all cases the insulin requirements could be dilute (think of 28 %) without deterioration of the metabolic", "butter_fingers": " leds than 0.01, respectively) by the 3rd day. In col casxs the jnsulin fequirements could be reducev (meqn 28%) wuthout deterioration ow the metwbolic", "random_deletion": "less than 0.01, respectively) by the 3rd all the insulin could be reduced the", "change_char_case": " less than 0.01, respectively) by the 3Rd day. In all Cases The InsUlIn reQuirEments could be rEDuceD (mean 28%) without deterioratIon of ThE MetaBOlIc", "whitespace_perturbation": " less than 0.01, respectiv ely) by th e 3rd da y.In all cas es the insulin requ irements could be redu ced ( me a n 28 % )witho ut dete r io r a tio nof th em et aboli c", "underscore_trick": " less_than 0.01,_respectively) by the 3rd_day. In_all_cases the_insulin_requirements could be_reduced (mean 28%)_without deterioration of the_metabolic"} +{"text": " the measured error 1.5-2.0 times compared with the wide band filter. The data also show that the error increases approximately linearly with altitude, and", "synonym_substitution": "the measured error 1.5 - 2.0 times compared with the broad isthmus filter. The data also show that the erroneousness increases approximately linearly with altitude, and", "butter_fingers": " thf measured error 1.5-2.0 times gompared with thg qide bend filfer. The aata also show that the erroc inxreastf approximately livearly winh altituee, aid", "random_deletion": "the measured error 1.5-2.0 times compared with band The data show that the altitude,", "change_char_case": " the measured error 1.5-2.0 times compAred with thE wide BanD fiLtEr. ThE datA also show that tHE errOr increases approximateLy linEaRLy wiTH aLtituDe, and", "whitespace_perturbation": " the measured error 1.5-2. 0 times co mpare d w ith t he w ideband filter. T h e da ta also show that theerror i n crea s es appr oximate l yl i nea rl ywit ha lt itude , a nd", "underscore_trick": " the_measured error_1.5-2.0 times compared with_the wide_band_filter. The_data_also show that_the error increases_approximately linearly with altitude,_and"} +{"text": " localized charge carriers in the DNA molecule are characterized by four different types of relaxation phenomena which are thermally activated by corresponding four activation energies at 0.56 eV, 0", "synonym_substitution": "localized charge carriers in the DNA molecule are qualify by four unlike types of relaxation phenomenon which are thermally activate by corresponding four activation energy at 0.56 eV, 0", "butter_fingers": " lofalized charge carriers ln the DNA molecolw are rharactsrized bh four different types of repazatiob phenomena which are ghermally activatwd bb corresponding hkur actlratioh enexgmes at 0.56 eV, 0", "random_deletion": "localized charge carriers in the DNA molecule by different types relaxation phenomena which four energies at 0.56 0", "change_char_case": " localized charge carriers in The DNA moleCule aRe cHarAcTeriZed bY four different TYpes Of relaxation phenomena wHich aRe THermALlY actiVated by COrRESpoNdInG foUr ACtIvatiOn eNergies At 0.56 eV, 0", "whitespace_perturbation": " localized charge carriers in the DN A mol ecu lear e ch arac terized by fou r dif ferent types of relaxa tionph e nome n awhich are th e rm a l lyac ti vat ed by corr esp ondingfour activ ati on energies at 0. 56 eV, 0", "underscore_trick": " localized_charge carriers_in the DNA molecule_are characterized_by_four different_types_of relaxation phenomena_which are thermally_activated by corresponding four_activation energies at_0.56_eV, 0"} +{"text": " gay men, and African Americans. The most common recommendation was for complete disclosure of all aspects of the trial. Other themes included participant and community education, who to", "synonym_substitution": "gay men, and African Americans. The most common recommendation was for accomplished disclosure of all view of the trial. Other themes include participant and community department of education, who to", "butter_fingers": " gaj men, and African Americxns. The most common rerommendztion war for complete disclosure of aol askvcts of the trial. Othdr themes includee pacticipant and community cbucatjln, wko to", "random_deletion": "gay men, and African Americans. The most was complete disclosure all aspects of participant community education, who", "change_char_case": " gay men, and African Americans. the most comMon reComMenDaTion Was fOr complete discLOsurE of all aspects of the triaL. OtheR tHEmes INcLuded ParticiPAnT ANd cOmMuNitY eDUcAtion, Who To", "whitespace_perturbation": " gay men, and African Amer icans. The most co mmo nreco mmen dation was for comp lete disclosure of all aspe ct s oft he tria l. Othe r t h e mes i nc lud ed pa rtici pan t and c ommunity e duc at ion, who to", "underscore_trick": " gay_men, and_African Americans. The most_common recommendation_was_for complete_disclosure_of all aspects_of the trial._Other themes included participant_and community education,_who_to"} +{"text": ", as was recovery in urea of 15N from a tracer dose of [15N]alanine included in each test meal. After the first test meal, N", "synonym_substitution": ", as was recovery in urea of 15N from a tracer dose of [ 15N]alanine included in each test meal. After the inaugural trial meal, N", "butter_fingers": ", as was recovery in urea of 15N from a tracet eose oh [15N]alanjne incljded in each test meal. After tye fiest test meal, N", "random_deletion": ", as was recovery in urea of a dose of included in each test N", "change_char_case": ", as was recovery in urea of 15N froM a tracer doSe of [15N]AlaNinE iNcluDed iN each test meal. AFTer tHe first test meal, N", "whitespace_perturbation": ", as was recovery in ureaof 15N fro m a t rac erdo se o f [1 5N]alanine inc l uded in each test meal. Af ter t he firs t t est m eal, N", "underscore_trick": ", as_was recovery_in urea of 15N_from a_tracer_dose of_[15N]alanine_included in each_test meal. After_the first test meal,_N"} +{"text": " injuries. No BBMI injury was missed in these patients. The accuracy of the algorithm was 100% (95% confidence interval, 0.99-1.", "synonym_substitution": "injuries. No BBMI injury was missed in these patients. The accuracy of the algorithm was 100% (95% assurance time interval, 0.99 - 1.", "butter_fingers": " inuuries. No BBMI injury war missed in these patixnts. Ths accurazy of the algorithm was 100% (95% coifidwnce unterval, 0.99-1.", "random_deletion": "injuries. No BBMI injury was missed in The of the was 100% (95%", "change_char_case": " injuries. No BBMI injury was miSsed in thesE patiEntS. ThE aCcurAcy oF the algorithm wAS 100% (95% conFidence interval, 0.99-1.", "whitespace_perturbation": " injuries. No BBMI injurywas missed in t hes e p at ient s. T he accuracy of thealgorithm was 100% (95 % con fi d ence in terva l, 0.99 - 1. ", "underscore_trick": " injuries._No BBMI_injury was missed in_these patients._The_accuracy of_the_algorithm was 100%_(95% confidence interval,_0.99-1."} +{"text": " for a peak in the first to the second trimester of pregnancy, tapering off thereafter. The UKK level was significantly lower in 20 pregnant women with gestosis", "synonym_substitution": "for a peak in the first to the second trimester of pregnancy, tapering off thereafter. The UKK level was importantly depleted in 20 pregnant charwoman with gestosis", "butter_fingers": " fog a peak in the first to the second trimester mf prefnancy, txpering off thereafter. The UNK leveo was significantly loder in 20 pgegnant wimen qith gestosis", "random_deletion": "for a peak in the first to trimester pregnancy, tapering thereafter. The UKK 20 women with gestosis", "change_char_case": " for a peak in the first to the seCond trimesTer of PreGnaNcY, tapErinG off thereafter. tHe UKk level was significantly Lower In 20 PRegnANt Women With gesTOsIS", "whitespace_perturbation": " for a peak in the first t o the seco nd tr ime ste rof p regn ancy, tapering offthereafter. The UKK le vel w as sign i fi cantl y lower in 2 0 p re gn ant w o me n wit h g estosis ", "underscore_trick": " for_a peak_in the first to_the second_trimester_of pregnancy,_tapering_off thereafter. The_UKK level was_significantly lower in 20_pregnant women with_gestosis"} +{"text": "22%) indicating the presence of beta-lactamase resistant to inhibitors. Resistance to FOX in 8% of strains signifies a phenotypical marker for the presence", "synonym_substitution": "22 %) indicating the presence of beta - lactamase resistant to inhibitors. underground to FOX in 8% of song signifies a phenotypical marker for the presence", "butter_fingers": "22%) inficating the presence of beta-lactamase tewistanv to ingibitors. Resistance to FOX in 8% of stcainw sigbifies a phenotypical oarker fog the prewenct", "random_deletion": "22%) indicating the presence of beta-lactamase resistant Resistance FOX in of strains signifies presence", "change_char_case": "22%) indicating the presence of beTa-lactamasE resiStaNt tO iNhibItorS. Resistance to Fox in 8% oF strains signifies a phenOtypiCaL MarkER fOr the PresencE", "whitespace_perturbation": "22%) indicating the presen ce of beta -lact ama sere sist antto inhibitors. Resi stance to FOX in 8% of stra in s sig n if ies a phenot y pi c a l m ar ke r f or th e pre sen ce", "underscore_trick": "22%) indicating_the presence_of beta-lactamase resistant to_inhibitors. Resistance_to_FOX in_8%_of strains signifies_a phenotypical marker_for the presence"} +{"text": ". Most of the compounds showed moderate to strong anticancer and NF-\u03baB nuclear translocation inhibition activities and potent compounds were found. [Different steps in construct validation of the", "synonym_substitution": ". Most of the compounds showed moderate to strong anticancer and NF - \u03baB nuclear translocation inhibition bodily process and potent compound were found. [ Different steps in reconstruct validation of the", "butter_fingers": ". Modt of the compounds showtd moderate to sttobg antmcancer and NF-\u03baB nuclear translocation inhibmtiob actuvities and potent comoounds wege found. [Eifftrent steps in coiatruct yclidaflon oy vhe", "random_deletion": ". Most of the compounds showed moderate anticancer NF-\u03baB nuclear inhibition activities and steps construct validation of", "change_char_case": ". Most of the compounds showed mOderate to sTrong AntIcaNcEr anD NF-\u03bab nuclear translOCatiOn inhibition activities And poTeNT comPOuNds weRe found. [dIfFERenT sTePs iN cONsTruct ValIdation Of the", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Most of the compounds sh owed moder ate t o s tro ng ant ican cer and NF-\u03baBn ucle ar translocation inhib ition a c tivi t ie s and potent co m p oun ds w ere f o un d. [D iff erent s teps in co nst ru ct validatio n o f the", "underscore_trick": ". Most_of the_compounds showed moderate to_strong anticancer_and_NF-\u03baB nuclear_translocation_inhibition activities and_potent compounds were_found. [Different steps in_construct validation of_the"} +{"text": " of hydrophobicity or by being substrates of transporters, these macromolecules lack the capacity to cross the plasma membrane in a non-disruptive way, therefore", "synonym_substitution": "of hydrophobicity or by being substrates of transporters, these macromolecules lack the capability to thwart the plasma membrane in a non - disruptive way, therefore", "butter_fingers": " of hydrophobicity or by belng substrates oy trans'orters, these mxcromolecules lack the capacmty ro criss the plasma membrand in a noj-disruptuve xay, therefore", "random_deletion": "of hydrophobicity or by being substrates of macromolecules the capacity cross the plasma therefore", "change_char_case": " of hydrophobicity or by being Substrates Of traNspOrtErS, theSe maCromolecules laCK the Capacity to cross the plasMa memBrANe in A NoN-disrUptive wAY, tHERefOrE", "whitespace_perturbation": " of hydrophobicity or by b eing subst rates of tr an spor ters , these macrom o lecu les lack the capacityto cr os s the pl asmamembran e i n a n on -d isr up t iv e way , t herefor e", "underscore_trick": " of_hydrophobicity or_by being substrates of_transporters, these_macromolecules_lack the_capacity_to cross the_plasma membrane in_a non-disruptive way, therefore"} +{"text": " close study of 30 emerging leaders, the authors outline three distinct forms of networking. Operational networking is geared toward doing one's assigned tasks more effectively. It involves", "synonym_substitution": "close study of 30 emerging leaders, the writer delineate three distinct forms of networking. Operational networking is gear toward doing one's assigned tasks more efficaciously. It necessitate", "butter_fingers": " cllse study of 30 emerging ltaders, the authors outliie thres distinzt forms of networking. Operavionql neucorking is geared todard doinh one's awsigied tasks more ehrectively. It jkvolvzs", "random_deletion": "close study of 30 emerging leaders, the three forms of Operational networking is tasks effectively. It involves", "change_char_case": " close study of 30 emerging leadeRs, the authoRs outLinE thReE disTincT forms of networKIng. OPerational networking is GeareD tOWard DOiNg one'S assignED tASKs mOrE eFfeCtIVeLy. It iNvoLves", "whitespace_perturbation": " close study of 30 emergin g leaders, theaut hor soutl inethree distinct form s of networking. Opera tiona ln etwo r ki ng is geared to w a rddo in g o ne ' sassig ned tasksmore effec tiv el y. It involv e s", "underscore_trick": " close_study of_30 emerging leaders, the_authors outline_three_distinct forms_of_networking. Operational networking_is geared toward_doing one's assigned tasks_more effectively. It_involves"} +{"text": "purposes. A systematic search of the MEDLINE database using PubMed platform was conducted using \"PD-L1\" as a search term for 01/01/", "synonym_substitution": "purposes. A systematic search of the MEDLINE database using PubMed platform was behave use \" PD - L1 \" as a search term for 01/01/", "butter_fingers": "purooses. A systematic searcm of the MEDLINE databave usihg PubMea platform was conducted usiig \"PE-L1\" as a search term for 01/01/", "random_deletion": "purposes. A systematic search of the MEDLINE PubMed was conducted \"PD-L1\" as a", "change_char_case": "purposes. A systematic search Of the MEDLInE datAbaSe uSiNg PuBMed Platform was conDUcteD using \"PD-L1\" as a search term For 01/01/", "whitespace_perturbation": "purposes. A systematic sea rch of the MEDL INE da ta base usi ng PubMed plat f ormwas conducted using \"P D-L1\" a s a s e ar ch te rm for0 1/ 0 1 /", "underscore_trick": "purposes. A_systematic search_of the MEDLINE database_using PubMed_platform_was conducted_using_\"PD-L1\" as a_search term for_01/01/"} +{"text": " lymph flow was 68% greater and lymph protein concentration was 17% lower than when the ductus was closed. Lymph protein clearance (lymph flow x lymph protein concentration", "synonym_substitution": "lymph flow was 68% greater and lymph protein concentration was 17% lower than when the ductus was close. Lymph protein clearance (lymph flow x lymph protein assiduity", "butter_fingers": " lylph flow was 68% greater ana lymph protein concenvration was 17% loder than when the ductus was coosed. Lymph protein clearanze (lymph vlow x ltmph protein coidentratljn", "random_deletion": "lymph flow was 68% greater and lymph was lower than the ductus was flow lymph protein concentration", "change_char_case": " lymph flow was 68% greater and lymPh protein cOncenTraTioN wAs 17% loWer tHan when the ductUS was Closed. Lymph protein cleaRance (LyMPh flOW x Lymph Protein COnCENtrAtIoN", "whitespace_perturbation": " lymph flow was 68% greate r and lymp h pro tei n c on cent rati on was 17% low e r th an when the ductus was clos ed . Lym p hprote in clea r an c e (l ym ph fl ow xlymph pr otein c oncentrati on", "underscore_trick": " lymph_flow was_68% greater and lymph_protein concentration_was_17% lower_than_when the ductus_was closed. Lymph_protein clearance (lymph flow_x lymph protein_concentration"} +{"text": " as tight junction protein in maintaining the function of intestinal mucosal barrier. [Risk factors and psychological vulnerabilities to binge-drinking in youth].\nFor years,", "synonym_substitution": "as tight junction protein in maintaining the function of intestinal mucosal barrier. [ hazard divisor and psychological vulnerabilities to binge - drink in youth ]. \n For year,", "butter_fingers": " as tight junction protein ln maintaining tkw funcvion of intestival mucosal barrier. [Risk facvors and kfychological vulnefabilitied to binte-drmnking in youth].\nFor years,", "random_deletion": "as tight junction protein in maintaining the intestinal barrier. [Risk and psychological vulnerabilities years,", "change_char_case": " as tight junction protein in mAintaining The fuNctIon Of InteStinAl mucosal barriER. [RisK factors and psychologicAl vulNeRAbilITiEs to bInge-driNKiNG In yOuTh].\nfor YeARs,", "whitespace_perturbation": " as tight junction protein in mainta ining th e f un ctio n of intestinal mu c osal barrier. [Risk factor s and p s ycho l og icalvulnera b il i t ies t obin ge - dr inkin g i n youth ].\nFor yea rs, ", "underscore_trick": " as_tight junction_protein in maintaining the_function of_intestinal_mucosal barrier._[Risk_factors and psychological_vulnerabilities to binge-drinking_in youth].\nFor years,"} +{"text": "ruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHX), paraoxonase 1 (PON1), thyroid hormone receptor beta, GAP43 (where GAP stands for", "synonym_substitution": "ruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHX), paraoxonase 1 (PON1), thyroid hormone receptor beta, GAP43 (where GAP stands for", "butter_fingers": "ruvwte dehydrogenase complew (PDHX), paraoxonase 1 (PON1), thyrojd hormove receptor beta, GAP43 (where GEP srands for", "random_deletion": "ruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHX), paraoxonase 1 (PON1), receptor GAP43 (where stands for", "change_char_case": "ruvate dehydrogenase compleX (PDHX), paraoXonasE 1 (POn1), thYrOid hOrmoNe receptor beta, gaP43 (whEre GAP stands for", "whitespace_perturbation": "ruvate dehydrogenase compl ex (PDHX), para oxo nas e1 (P ON1) , thyroid horm o ne r eceptor beta, GAP43 (w hereGA P sta n ds for", "underscore_trick": "ruvate dehydrogenase_complex (PDHX),_paraoxonase 1 (PON1), thyroid_hormone receptor_beta,_GAP43 (where_GAP_stands for"} +{"text": " on societal participation goals. Nurses and social workers play a key role in such treatment. The research focused on developmental trajectories and showed significant improvement with respect to societal", "synonym_substitution": "on societal participation goals. Nurses and social worker bet a key function in such discussion. The research focused on developmental trajectories and picture significant improvement with respect to societal", "butter_fingers": " on societal participation noals. Nurses and social workeds play x key role in such treatment. Tye rewearch focused on deveuopmental trajectiriew and showev signifleant jlprorenent with respgct to sociedal", "random_deletion": "on societal participation goals. Nurses and social a role in treatment. The research showed improvement with respect societal", "change_char_case": " on societal participation goAls. Nurses aNd socIal WorKeRs plAy a kEy role in such trEAtmeNt. The research focused on DevelOpMEntaL TrAjectOries anD ShOWEd sIgNiFicAnT ImProveMenT with reSpect to socIetAl", "whitespace_perturbation": " on societal participation goals. Nu rsesand so ci al w orke rs play a keyr olein such treatment. The rese ar c h fo c us ed on develo p me n t altr aj ect or i es andsho wed sig nificant i mpr ov ement with r e sp ect to soc iet al", "underscore_trick": " on_societal participation_goals. Nurses and social_workers play_a_key role_in_such treatment. The_research focused on_developmental trajectories and showed_significant improvement with_respect_to societal"} +{"text": " (r = 0.77; p = 0.02). In patients with infection, both parameters were completely independent (r = 0.002; p =", "synonym_substitution": "(r = 0.77; p = 0.02). In patients with infection, both argument were wholly independent (r = 0.002; phosphorus =", "butter_fingers": " (r = 0.77; p = 0.02). In patients with ikfection, both pataneters were dompleteuy independent (r = 0.002; p =", "random_deletion": "(r = 0.77; p = 0.02). In infection, parameters were independent (r =", "change_char_case": " (r = 0.77; p = 0.02). In patients with infection, Both parameTers wEre ComPlEtelY indEpendent (r = 0.002; p =", "whitespace_perturbation": " (r = 0.77; p = 0.02). Inpatients w ith i nfe cti on , bo th p arameters were comp letely independent (r= 0.0 02 ; p = ", "underscore_trick": " (r_= 0.77;_p = 0.02). In_patients with_infection,_both parameters_were_completely independent (r_= 0.002; p_="} +{"text": " were enrolled. All patients had refractory or recurrent NHL. Sex, stage at diagnosis, histologic subtype (lymphoblastic, Burkitt's, and large-cell lymphoma", "synonym_substitution": "were enrolled. All patients had refractory or perennial NHL. sexual activity, phase at diagnosis, histologic subtype (lymphoblastic, Burkitt's, and large - cellular telephone lymphoma", "butter_fingers": " wege enrolled. All patients had refractory or recnrrent HHL. Sex, rtage at diagnosis, histologir suvtype (lymphoblastic, Burkitt'r, and larhe-cell ltmphina", "random_deletion": "were enrolled. All patients had refractory or Sex, at diagnosis, subtype (lymphoblastic, Burkitt's,", "change_char_case": " were enrolled. All patients haD refractorY or reCurRenT NhL. SeX, staGe at diagnosis, hIStolOgic subtype (lymphoblastIc, BurKiTT's, anD LaRge-ceLl lymphOMa", "whitespace_perturbation": " were enrolled. All patien ts had ref racto ryorre curr entNHL. Sex, stag e atdiagnosis, histologicsubty pe (lym p ho blast ic, Bur k it t ' s,an dlar ge - ce ll ly mph oma", "underscore_trick": " were_enrolled. All_patients had refractory or_recurrent NHL._Sex,_stage at_diagnosis,_histologic subtype (lymphoblastic,_Burkitt's, and large-cell_lymphoma"} +{"text": " nonhomogeneous\" AC electric field. However, there is another field effect that also causes a similar drift of particles. Instead of a \"spatially non", "synonym_substitution": "nonhomogeneous \" AC electric field. However, there is another field effect that besides cause a similar drift of particles. alternatively of a \" spatially non", "butter_fingers": " nojhomogeneous\" AC electric field. However, jhwre is anothsr field effect that also causes a smmilqr druft of particles. Instexd of a \"siatially bon", "random_deletion": "nonhomogeneous\" AC electric field. However, there is effect also causes similar drift of non", "change_char_case": " nonhomogeneous\" AC electric fIeld. HoweveR, therE is AnoThEr fiEld eFfect that also cAUses A similar drift of particlEs. InsTeAD of a \"SPaTiallY non", "whitespace_perturbation": " nonhomogeneous\" AC electr ic field.Howev er, th er e is ano ther field eff e ct t hat also causes a simi lar d ri f t of pa rticl es. Ins t ea d ofa\"s pat ia l ly non", "underscore_trick": " nonhomogeneous\"_AC electric_field. However, there is_another field_effect_that also_causes_a similar drift_of particles. Instead_of a \"spatially non"} +{"text": " acute myelogenous leukemia in 2, and rare malignant disease in others. Four patients with osteosarcoma developed disease within the radiation field. Osteosarcoma was the most frequently", "synonym_substitution": "acute myelogenous leukemia in 2, and rare malignant disease in others. Four patients with osteosarcoma developed disease within the radiation sphere. Osteosarcoma was the about frequently", "butter_fingers": " ackte myelogenous leukemia in 2, and rare mcoignanv diseaae in otfers. Four patients with ostelsqrcomq developed disease wighin the gadiation fieoe. Osteosarrkma was the mkdt fxewuently", "random_deletion": "acute myelogenous leukemia in 2, and rare in Four patients osteosarcoma developed disease was most frequently", "change_char_case": " acute myelogenous leukemia iN 2, and rare maLignaNt dIseAsE in oTherS. Four patients wITh osTeosarcoma developed disEase wItHIn thE RaDiatiOn field. oStEOSarCoMa Was ThE MoSt freQueNtly", "whitespace_perturbation": " acute myelogenous leukemi a in 2, an d rar e m ali gn antdise ase in others. Four patients with osteosa rcoma d e velo p ed dise ase wit h in t hera di ati on fi eld.Ost eosarco ma was the mo st frequently", "underscore_trick": " acute_myelogenous leukemia_in 2, and rare_malignant disease_in_others. Four_patients_with osteosarcoma developed_disease within the_radiation field. Osteosarcoma was_the most frequently"} +{"text": " associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy and more particularly its relation to precisely assessed microangiopathy. Peripheral neuropathy was assessed in 135 diabetic patients: 28 insulin-dependent diabetes", "synonym_substitution": "associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy and more particularly its relation to precisely assessed microangiopathy. Peripheral neuropathy was tax in 135 diabetic patient: 28 insulin - dependent diabetes", "butter_fingers": " asdociated with diabetic ptripheral neuropajht and kore pzrticulafly its relation to preciselb aswessee microangiopathy. Perioheral nelropathy qas essessed in 135 diaustic pabnents: 28 insblmn-dependent dianetes", "random_deletion": "associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy and more relation precisely assessed Peripheral neuropathy was 28 diabetes", "change_char_case": " associated with diabetic perIpheral neuRopatHy aNd mOrE parTicuLarly its relatiON to pRecisely assessed microaNgiopAtHY. PerIPhEral nEuropatHY wAS AssEsSeD in 135 DiABeTic paTieNts: 28 insuLin-dependeNt dIaBetes", "whitespace_perturbation": " associated with diabeticperipheral neur opa thy a nd m oreparticularly i t s re lation to precisely as sesse dm icro a ng iopat hy. Per i ph e r alne ur opa th y w as as ses sed in135 diabet icpa tients: 28 i n su lin-depend ent diabetes", "underscore_trick": " associated_with diabetic_peripheral neuropathy and more_particularly its_relation_to precisely_assessed_microangiopathy. Peripheral neuropathy_was assessed in_135 diabetic patients: 28_insulin-dependent diabetes"} +{"text": " Instead of water, these bugs passively transport an oily defense secretion to a region close to their head where it finally evaporates. And again some spiders use", "synonym_substitution": "Instead of water, these bugs passively transport an greasy refutation secretion to a region close to their head where it last evaporates. And again some spiders practice", "butter_fingers": " Indtead of water, these bugr passively trauwport en oily defense secretion to a region close ti theur head where it finaluy evaporwtes. And agamn some spiders nae", "random_deletion": "Instead of water, these bugs passively transport defense to a close to their And some spiders use", "change_char_case": " Instead of water, these bugs paSsively traNsporT an OilY dEfenSe seCretion to a regiON cloSe to their head where it fiNally EvAPoraTEs. and agAin some SPiDERs uSe", "whitespace_perturbation": " Instead of water, these b ugs passiv ely t ran spo rt anoily defense secre t ionto a region close to t heirhe a d wh e re it f inallye va p o rat es .And a g ai n som e s pidersuse", "underscore_trick": " Instead_of water,_these bugs passively transport_an oily_defense_secretion to_a_region close to_their head where_it finally evaporates. And_again some spiders_use"} +{"text": " selective satellite inversion.\nA sensitivity enhancement method based on selective adiabatic inversion of a satellite transition has been employed in a (pi/2)CT-(pi)", "synonym_substitution": "selective satellite inversion. \n A sensitivity enhancement method based on selective adiabatic inversion of a satellite passage has been use in a (pi/2)CT-(pi )", "butter_fingers": " sepective satellite inverslon.\nA sensitivity enhancxment msthod bared on selective adiabatic iiverwion if a satellite transitkon has bven emploted mn a (pi/2)CT-(pi)", "random_deletion": "selective satellite inversion. A sensitivity enhancement method selective inversion of satellite transition has", "change_char_case": " selective satellite inversiOn.\nA sensitiVity eNhaNceMeNt meThod Based on selectiVE adiAbatic inversion of a sateLlite TrANsitIOn Has beEn emploYEd IN A (pi/2)cT-(Pi)", "whitespace_perturbation": " selective satellite inver sion.\nA se nsiti vit y e nh ance ment method basedo n se lective adiabatic inve rsion o f a s a te llite transi t io n has b ee n e mp l oy ed in a(pi/2)C T-(pi)", "underscore_trick": " selective_satellite inversion.\nA_sensitivity enhancement method based_on selective_adiabatic_inversion of_a_satellite transition has_been employed in_a (pi/2)CT-(pi)"} +{"text": "+/-0.1 x 10(-8)cms(-1) (Val-Pro-Pro). Ex vivo transport across jejunal segments in the Ussing", "synonym_substitution": "+ /-0.1 x 10(-8)cms(-1) (Val - Pro - Pro). Ex vivo transport across jejunal segments in the Ussing", "butter_fingers": "+/-0.1 x 10(-8)fms(-1) (Val-Pro-Pro). Ex vivo trxnsport across lwjunal segmehts in tfe Ussing", "random_deletion": "+/-0.1 x 10(-8)cms(-1) (Val-Pro-Pro). Ex vivo transport segments the Ussing", "change_char_case": "+/-0.1 x 10(-8)cms(-1) (Val-Pro-Pro). Ex vivo transpOrt across jEjunaL seGmeNtS in tHe UsSing", "whitespace_perturbation": "+/-0.1 x 10(-8)cms(-1) (Va l-Pro-Pro) . Exviv o t ra nspo rt a cross jejunals egme nts in the Ussing", "underscore_trick": "+/-0.1 x_10(-8)cms(-1) (Val-Pro-Pro)._Ex vivo transport across_jejunal segments_in_the Ussing"} +{"text": "FR1KO) were subjected to direct TNF infusion (500 pg.ml(-1).min(-1) x 30 min) while left ventricular developed pressure and", "synonym_substitution": "FR1KO) were subjected to direct TNF infusion (500 pg.ml(-1).min(-1) x 30 min) while left ventricular developed atmospheric pressure and", "butter_fingers": "FR1KL) were subjected to diregt TNF infusion (500 pg.ml(-1).mii(-1) x 30 mih) while ueft ventricular developed pcessyre abd", "random_deletion": "FR1KO) were subjected to direct TNF infusion x min) while ventricular developed pressure", "change_char_case": "FR1KO) were subjected to direct tNF infusioN (500 pg.ml(-1).Min(-1) X 30 miN) wHile Left Ventricular devELopeD pressure and", "whitespace_perturbation": "FR1KO) were subjected to d irect TNFinfus ion (5 00 pg. ml(- 1).min(-1) x 3 0 min ) while left ventricul ar de ve l oped pr essur e and", "underscore_trick": "FR1KO) were_subjected to_direct TNF infusion (500_pg.ml(-1).min(-1) x_30_min) while_left_ventricular developed pressure_and"} +{"text": " been targeted towards the concept and genetic factors responsible for vascular cognitive impairment and post-stroke dementia in relation with Alzheimer's disease, which is a consequence of age-", "synonym_substitution": "been targeted towards the concept and genetic factors responsible for vascular cognitive disability and post - stroke dementia in relation back with Alzheimer's disease, which is a consequence of age-", "butter_fingers": " befn targeted towards the goncept and genejix factmrs reaponsibld for vascular cognitive impeirmwnt abd post-stroke dementia in relatpon with Qlzhtimer's disease, whmdh is a consesmence if age-", "random_deletion": "been targeted towards the concept and genetic for cognitive impairment post-stroke dementia in is consequence of age-", "change_char_case": " been targeted towards the conCept and genEtic fActOrs ReSponSiblE for vascular coGNitiVe impairment and post-strOke deMeNTia iN ReLatioN with AlZHeIMEr's DiSeAse, WhICh Is a coNseQuence oF age-", "whitespace_perturbation": " been targeted towards the concept a nd ge net icfa ctor s re sponsible forv ascu lar cognitive impairme nt an dp ost- s tr oke d ementia in r ela ti on wi th Al zheim er' s disea se, whichisaconsequenceo fage-", "underscore_trick": " been_targeted towards_the concept and genetic_factors responsible_for_vascular cognitive_impairment_and post-stroke dementia_in relation with_Alzheimer's disease, which is_a consequence of_age-"} +{"text": " quiet and in noise, listening effort, spectral ripple discrimination and subjective appreciation. Subjects were six prelingually deafened, late implanted adults using the Nucleus", "synonym_substitution": "quiet and in noise, listening effort, apparitional ripple discrimination and immanent admiration. Subjects were six prelingually deafen, recently implanted adults use the Nucleus", "butter_fingers": " qulet and in noise, listenikg effort, spectrco rippne disdriminatkon and subjective appreciatmon. Wubjexts were six prelinguauly deafejed, late impoqnted adulva using the Nhgleus", "random_deletion": "quiet and in noise, listening effort, spectral and appreciation. Subjects six prelingually deafened, Nucleus", "change_char_case": " quiet and in noise, listening eFfort, spectRal riPplE diScRimiNatiOn and subjectivE ApprEciation. Subjects were siX prelInGUallY DeAfeneD, late imPLaNTEd aDuLtS usInG ThE NuclEus", "whitespace_perturbation": " quiet and in noise, liste ning effor t, sp ect ral r ippl e di scrimination a n d su bjective appreciation. Subj ec t s we r esix p relingu a ll y dea fe ne d,la t eimpla nte d adult s using th e N uc leus", "underscore_trick": " quiet_and in_noise, listening effort, spectral_ripple discrimination_and_subjective appreciation._Subjects_were six prelingually_deafened, late implanted_adults using the Nucleus"} +{"text": " patient to come to terms with his or her situation in a way that works for that individual within a caring and realistic environment. In no way should psychological support add", "synonym_substitution": "patient to come to terms with his or her situation in a way that work for that person within a caring and realistic environment. In no way should psychological documentation total", "butter_fingers": " pahient to come to terms wlth his or her snruatioi in a say that works for that individual wmthib a cqring and realistic enxironment. In no wqy siould psychologirzl support ads", "random_deletion": "patient to come to terms with his situation a way works for that realistic In no way psychological support add", "change_char_case": " patient to come to terms with hIs or her sitUatioN in A waY tHat wOrks For that individUAl wiThin a caring and realistiC enviRoNMent. iN nO way sHould psYChOLOgiCaL sUppOrT AdD", "whitespace_perturbation": " patient to come to termswith his o r her si tua ti on i n away that works forthat individual within a ca ri n g an d r ealis tic env i ro n m ent .In no w a yshoul d p sycholo gical supp ort a dd", "underscore_trick": " patient_to come_to terms with his_or her_situation_in a_way_that works for_that individual within_a caring and realistic_environment. In no_way_should psychological support add"} +{"text": " a similar cohort of stroke patients managed on a stroke unit after 2003. The length of stay was dichotomized after being centered to 7 days and the Charlson", "synonym_substitution": "a similar cohort of stroke patients cope on a solidus unit after 2003. The length of stay was dichotomize after being centered to 7 days and the Charlson", "butter_fingers": " a dimilar cohort of stroke patients managgd on a vtroke unit afger 2003. The length of stay was vichitomievd after being centerdd to 7 dajs and thw Cherlson", "random_deletion": "a similar cohort of stroke patients managed stroke after 2003. length of stay to days and the", "change_char_case": " a similar cohort of stroke patIents managEd on a StrOke UnIt afTer 2003. THe length of stay WAs diChotomized after being ceNtereD tO 7 Days ANd The ChArlson", "whitespace_perturbation": " a similar cohort of strok e patients mana ged on a str okeunit after 200 3 . Th e length of stay was d ichot om i zeda ft er be ing cen t er e d to 7 d ays a n dthe C har lson", "underscore_trick": " a_similar cohort_of stroke patients managed_on a_stroke_unit after_2003._The length of_stay was dichotomized_after being centered to_7 days and_the_Charlson"} +{"text": " performance, but not attention, verbal retrieval, visual learning, or executive functioning performance. A trend was observed where higher PTSD symptoms predicted worse verbal learning performance. All", "synonym_substitution": "performance, but not attention, verbal retrieval, visual eruditeness, or executive officiate performance. A trend was note where high PTSD symptoms predicted bad verbal eruditeness performance. All", "butter_fingers": " pegformance, but not attentlon, verbal retrigvql, visnal leadning, or executive functioning perfocmanxe. A ugend was observed whefe higher PTSD synptonw predictev worse yzrbal pearuiig performance. Sll", "random_deletion": "performance, but not attention, verbal retrieval, visual executive performance. A was observed where verbal performance. All", "change_char_case": " performance, but not attentioN, verbal retRievaL, viSuaL lEarnIng, oR executive funcTIoniNg performance. A trend was ObserVeD WherE HiGher PtSD sympTOmS PRedIcTeD woRsE VeRbal lEarNing perFormance. AlL", "whitespace_perturbation": " performance, but not atte ntion, ver bal r etr iev al , vi sual learning, ore xecu tive functioning perfo rmanc e. A tr e nd wasobserve d w h e rehi gh erPT S Dsympt oms predic ted worsever ba l learning p e rf ormance. A ll", "underscore_trick": " performance,_but not_attention, verbal retrieval, visual_learning, or_executive_functioning performance._A_trend was observed_where higher PTSD_symptoms predicted worse verbal_learning performance. All"} +{"text": " dose requirements in post-cardiac surgery patients and is the first to compare warfarin requirements between HVR and non-HVR patients during the immediate post", "synonym_substitution": "dose requirements in post - cardiac surgery patients and is the inaugural to compare warfarin prerequisite between HVR and non - HVR patients during the immediate post", "butter_fingers": " dode requirements in post-cxrdiac surgery karients and ia the fifst to compare warfarin requmremwnts vetween HVR and non-HVR patients during rhe mmmediate post", "random_deletion": "dose requirements in post-cardiac surgery patients and first compare warfarin between HVR and post", "change_char_case": " dose requirements in post-carDiac surgerY patiEntS anD iS the FirsT to compare warfARin rEquirements between HVR aNd non-hVr PatiENtS duriNg the imMEdIATe pOsT", "whitespace_perturbation": " dose requirements in post -cardiac s urger y p ati en ts a nd i s the first to comp are warfarin requireme nts b et w eenH VR andnon-HVR pa t i ent sdu rin gt he imme dia te post ", "underscore_trick": " dose_requirements in_post-cardiac surgery patients and_is the_first_to compare_warfarin_requirements between HVR_and non-HVR patients_during the immediate post"} +{"text": " superfamily. Although a few studies have reported a facilitatory action of CNTF on the reproductive axis in rodents, information along this line is still very limited.", "synonym_substitution": "superfamily. Although a few studies have reported a facilitatory action of CNTF on the reproductive bloc in rodent, data along this line is still very limited.", "butter_fingers": " suoerfamily. Although a few studies have rgpirted e faciljtatory xction of CNTF on the reprodnctice axus in rodents, informatkon along this libe iw still verb limited.", "random_deletion": "superfamily. Although a few studies have reported action CNTF on reproductive axis in is very limited.", "change_char_case": " superfamily. Although a few stUdies have rEportEd a FacIlItatOry aCtion of CNTF on tHE repRoductive axis in rodents, InforMaTIon aLOnG this Line is sTIlL VEry LiMiTed.", "whitespace_perturbation": " superfamily. Although a f ew studies have re por te d afaci litatory actio n ofCNTF on the reproducti ve ax is in r o de nts,informa t io n alo ng t his l i ne is s til l verylimited.", "underscore_trick": " superfamily._Although a_few studies have reported_a facilitatory_action_of CNTF_on_the reproductive axis_in rodents, information_along this line is_still very limited."} +{"text": ". Hydrogen evolution by cobalt tetraimine catalysts adsorbed on electrode surfaces.\nAryl-substituted tetraimine complexes related to Co(dmgBF(", "synonym_substitution": ". Hydrogen evolution by cobalt tetraimine catalysts adsorbed on electrode surfaces. \n Aryl - substitute tetraimine complex related to Co(dmgBF (", "butter_fingers": ". Hyfrogen evolution by cobaut tetraimine ccralystv adsodbed on dlectrode surfaces.\nAryl-substivutee teteaimine complexes relaged to Co(fmgBF(", "random_deletion": ". Hydrogen evolution by cobalt tetraimine catalysts electrode Aryl-substituted tetraimine related to Co(dmgBF(", "change_char_case": ". Hydrogen evolution by cobalt Tetraimine CatalYstS adSoRbed On elEctrode surfaceS.\naryl-Substituted tetraimine cOmpleXeS RelaTEd To Co(dMgBF(", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Hydrogen evolution by co balt tetra imine ca tal ys ts a dsor bed on electro d e su rfaces.\nAryl-substitut ed te tr a imin e c omple xes rel a te d toCo (d mgB F( ", "underscore_trick": ". Hydrogen_evolution by_cobalt tetraimine catalysts adsorbed_on electrode_surfaces.\nAryl-substituted_tetraimine complexes_related_to Co(dmgBF("} +{"text": " in vitro and in mice. Nevertheless, the concentration of DHA shown to reduce H. pylori mice gastric colonization was ineffective in vitro. Related to the auxot", "synonym_substitution": "in vitro and in mice. Nevertheless, the concentration of DHA shown to repress H. pylorus mice gastric colonization was ineffective in vitro. Related to the auxot", "butter_fingers": " in vitro and in mice. Neveruheless, the conceurratioi of DHZ shown go reduce H. pylori mice gastcic xolonuzation was ineffectivd in vitrl. Relatee to rhe auxot", "random_deletion": "in vitro and in mice. Nevertheless, the DHA to reduce pylori mice gastric Related the auxot", "change_char_case": " in vitro and in mice. NeverthelEss, the concEntraTioN of dHa shoWn to Reduce H. pylori mICe gaStric colonization was inEffecTiVE in vITrO. RelaTed to thE AuXOT", "whitespace_perturbation": " in vitro and in mice. Nev ertheless, thecon cen tr atio n of DHA shown tor educ e H. pylori mice gastr ic co lo n izat i on wasineffec t iv e invi tr o.Re l at ed to th e auxot ", "underscore_trick": " in_vitro and_in mice. Nevertheless, the_concentration of_DHA_shown to_reduce_H. pylori mice_gastric colonization was_ineffective in vitro. Related_to the auxot"} +{"text": " staged 46 (94%) of 49 patients with esophageal carcinoma but only five (42%) of 12 patients with gastroesophageal junction tumors. These results confirm that CT", "synonym_substitution": "staged 46 (94 %) of 49 patients with esophageal carcinoma but only five (42 %) of 12 patients with gastroesophageal articulation tumor. These resultant role confirm that CT", "butter_fingers": " stwged 46 (94%) of 49 patients with esophageal careunoma uut onlg five (42%) uf 12 patients with gastroesopiageql jubction tumors. These rerults convirm thar CT", "random_deletion": "staged 46 (94%) of 49 patients with but five (42%) 12 patients with confirm CT", "change_char_case": " staged 46 (94%) of 49 patients with esophAgeal carciNoma bUt oNly FiVe (42%) of 12 PatiEnts with gastroESophAgeal junction tumors. TheSe resUlTS conFIrM that cT", "whitespace_perturbation": " staged 46 (94%) of 49 pat ients with esop hag eal c arci noma but only five (42% ) of 12 patients withgastr oe s opha g ea l jun ction t u mo r s . T he se re su l ts conf irm that C T", "underscore_trick": " staged_46 (94%)_of 49 patients with_esophageal carcinoma_but_only five_(42%)_of 12 patients_with gastroesophageal junction_tumors. These results confirm_that CT"} +{"text": "ates have been identified as a contributor to the human dietary Cd intake. One hundred accessions representing the various genetic groups and hybrid populations in Theobroma cac", "synonym_substitution": "ates have been identified as a contributor to the human dietary Cd intake. One hundred accession stage the various genetic groups and loanblend populations in Theobroma cac", "butter_fingers": "ated have been identified ar a contributor to the human dietary Cd intake. One hundred accesdiins rtiresenting the variour genetic groups qnd iybrid populatioia in Thcjbrojw cae", "random_deletion": "ates have been identified as a contributor human Cd intake. hundred accessions representing hybrid in Theobroma cac", "change_char_case": "ates have been identified as a ContributoR to thE huMan DiEtarY Cd iNtake. One hundreD AcceSsions representing the vAriouS gENetiC GrOups aNd hybriD PoPULatIoNs In THeOBrOma caC", "whitespace_perturbation": "ates have been identifiedas a contr ibuto r t o t he hum an d ietary Cd inta k e. O ne hundred accessionsrepre se n ting th e var ious ge n et i c gr ou ps an dh yb rid p opu lations in Theobr oma c ac", "underscore_trick": "ates have_been identified_as a contributor to_the human_dietary_Cd intake._One_hundred accessions representing_the various genetic_groups and hybrid populations_in Theobroma cac"} +{"text": "mcr rats, which are derived from stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. To define genes peripherally regulated by RCS, we detected changes in the expression", "synonym_substitution": "mcr rats, which are derived from stroke - prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. To specify gene peripherally regulated by RCS, we detected change in the formulation", "butter_fingers": "mcr rats, which are derived nrom stroke-prone spontaieously hypertevsive rats. To define genes pxripyeraloy regulated by RCS, we detected changes in uhe expression", "random_deletion": "mcr rats, which are derived from stroke-prone rats. define genes regulated by RCS, expression", "change_char_case": "mcr rats, which are derived froM stroke-proNe spoNtaNeoUsLy hyPertEnsive rats. To deFIne gEnes peripherally regulaTed by rCs, We deTEcTed chAnges in THe EXPreSsIoN", "whitespace_perturbation": "mcr rats, which are derive d from str oke-p ron e s po ntan eous ly hypertensiv e rat s. To define genes per ipher al l y re g ul atedby RCS, we d ete ct ed ch an g es in t heexpress ion", "underscore_trick": "mcr rats,_which are_derived from stroke-prone spontaneously_hypertensive rats._To_define genes_peripherally_regulated by RCS,_we detected changes_in the expression"} +{"text": " of 16S rRNA gene sequences using Mega 5.2 software by computing nucleotide composition, and evaluating their significance by statistical analysis using analysis of variance through Statistical Package for", "synonym_substitution": "of 16S rRNA gene sequences using Mega 5.2 software by computing nucleotide composition, and measure their meaning by statistical analysis using psychoanalysis of variance through Statistical Package for", "butter_fingers": " of 16S rRNA gene sequences uring Mega 5.2 softcqre by compufing nucueotide composition, and evalnatibg thtpr significance by stxtistical analysiw usmng analysis of tzriance throufm Staciwtical Package for", "random_deletion": "of 16S rRNA gene sequences using Mega by nucleotide composition, evaluating their significance of through Statistical Package", "change_char_case": " of 16S rRNA gene sequences using mega 5.2 softwaRe by cOmpUtiNg NuclEotiDe composition, aND evaLuating their significanCe by sTaTIstiCAl AnalySis usinG AnALYsiS oF vAriAnCE tHrougH StAtisticAl Package fOr", "whitespace_perturbation": " of 16S rRNA gene sequence s using Me ga 5. 2 s oft wa re b y co mputing nucleo t idecomposition, and evalu ating t h eirs ig nific ance by st a t ist ic al an al y si s usi nganalysi s of varia nce t hrough Stati s ti cal Packag e f or", "underscore_trick": " of_16S rRNA_gene sequences using Mega_5.2 software_by_computing nucleotide_composition,_and evaluating their_significance by statistical_analysis using analysis of_variance through Statistical_Package_for"} +{"text": " and cyclo-oxygenase) (PTGS2)) and metabolism (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)). Meiotic progression, mitochondrial reall", "synonym_substitution": "and cyclo - oxygenase) (PTGS2) ) and metabolism (glucose-6 - phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) ). Meiotic progression, mitochondrial reall", "butter_fingers": " anf cyclo-oxygenase) (PTGS2)) ana metabolism (glocise-6-phovphate dehydroeenase (G6PD)). Meiotic progressiln, mitoxhondrial reall", "random_deletion": "and cyclo-oxygenase) (PTGS2)) and metabolism (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase progression, reall", "change_char_case": " and cyclo-oxygenase) (PTGS2)) and mEtabolism (gLucosE-6-phOspHaTe deHydrOgenase (G6PD)). MeioTIc prOgression, mitochondrial Reall", "whitespace_perturbation": " and cyclo-oxygenase) (PTG S2)) and m etabo lis m ( gl ucos e-6- phosphate dehy d roge nase (G6PD)). Meioticprogr es s ion, mi tocho ndrialr ea l l ", "underscore_trick": " and_cyclo-oxygenase) (PTGS2))_and metabolism (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase_(G6PD)). Meiotic_progression,_mitochondrial reall"} +{"text": " kinase in the process of chromatin decondensation in N-2. At the same time, in N-2 the accessibility for protein kinase A of tightly bound", "synonym_substitution": "kinase in the process of chromatin decondensation in N-2. At the same time, in N-2 the accessibility for protein kinase A of tightly bandaged", "butter_fingers": " kijase in the process of cmromatin decondeuwation in N-2. Zt the sxme time, in N-2 the accessibilmty dor peotein kinase A of tigftly bounf", "random_deletion": "kinase in the process of chromatin decondensation At same time, N-2 the accessibility tightly", "change_char_case": " kinase in the process of chromAtin decondEnsatIon In N-2. at The sAme tIme, in N-2 the accesSIbilIty for protein kinase A of TightLy BOund", "whitespace_perturbation": " kinase in the process ofchromatindecon den sat io n in N-2 . At the samet ime, in N-2 the accessibil ity f or prot e in kina se A of ti g h tly b ou nd", "underscore_trick": " kinase_in the_process of chromatin decondensation_in N-2._At_the same_time,_in N-2 the_accessibility for protein_kinase A of tightly_bound"} +{"text": " disseminate effective interventions for CMDD. A model for the structure of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase from pig kidney.\nFructose-", "synonym_substitution": "disseminate effective interventions for CMDD. A model for the structure of fructose-1,6 - bisphosphatase from hog kidney. \n Fructose-", "butter_fingers": " didseminate effective intevventions for CMBE. A movel for the strjcture of fructose-1,6-bisphosphavase from pig kidney.\nFructose-", "random_deletion": "disseminate effective interventions for CMDD. A model structure fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase from kidney. Fructose-", "change_char_case": " disseminate effective interVentions foR CMDD. a moDel FoR the StruCture of fructosE-1,6-BispHosphatase from pig kidneY.\nFrucToSE-", "whitespace_perturbation": " disseminate effective int erventions forCMD D.Amode l fo r the structur e offructose-1,6-bisphosph atase f r om p i gkidne y.\nFruc t os e - ", "underscore_trick": " disseminate_effective interventions_for CMDD. A model_for the_structure_of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase_from_pig kidney.\nFructose-"} +{"text": " Expert Charting System phase. The delivery of guidelines through an electronic medical record with background decision support improved documentation, patient care, and patient satisfaction, although effects were", "synonym_substitution": "Expert Charting System phase. The delivery of guidelines through an electronic medical record with setting decisiveness support improved software documentation, patient care, and patient atonement, although effects were", "butter_fingers": " Exoert Charting System phare. The delivery of guivelines through an electronic medical recorv wirh baxkground decision suppurt improned documwntauion, patient care, and patlznt szbisfaetmon, although efnects were", "random_deletion": "Expert Charting System phase. The delivery of an medical record background decision support patient although effects were", "change_char_case": " Expert Charting System phase. the deliverY of guIdeLinEs ThroUgh aN electronic medICal rEcord with background decIsion SuPPort IMpRoved DocumenTAtION, paTiEnT caRe, ANd PatieNt sAtisfacTion, althouGh eFfEcts were", "whitespace_perturbation": " Expert Charting System ph ase. The d elive ryofgu idel ines through an el e ctro nic medical record wit h bac kg r ound de cisio n suppo r ti m pro ve ddoc um e nt ation , p atientcare, andpat ie nt satisfact i on , although ef fects were", "underscore_trick": " Expert_Charting System_phase. The delivery of_guidelines through_an_electronic medical_record_with background decision_support improved documentation,_patient care, and patient_satisfaction, although effects_were"} +{"text": " one of enhanced vertical stability, which may have favored phytoplankton growth, accumulation, or both. Epontic algae released from melting ice may have served as", "synonym_substitution": "one of enhanced vertical stability, which may have favored phytoplankton growth, accretion, or both. Epontic alga released from melting internal-combustion engine may have serve as", "butter_fingers": " onf of enhanced vertical suability, which mai yave fevored lhytoplavkton growth, accumulation, or bith. Ekjntic algae releasdd from mvlting icw mab have served as", "random_deletion": "one of enhanced vertical stability, which may phytoplankton accumulation, or Epontic algae released served", "change_char_case": " one of enhanced vertical stabIlity, which May haVe fAvoReD phyToplAnkton growth, acCUmulAtion, or both. Epontic algaE releAsED froM MeLting Ice may hAVe SERveD aS", "whitespace_perturbation": " one of enhanced verticalstability, whic h m ayha ve f avor ed phytoplankt o n gr owth, accumulation, or both .E pont i calgae releas e df r omme lt ing i c emay h ave served as", "underscore_trick": " one_of enhanced_vertical stability, which may_have favored_phytoplankton_growth, accumulation,_or_both. Epontic algae_released from melting_ice may have served_as"} +{"text": " HCC and common carcinogenesis pathways may be altered in HCC-CC and CC. Advances in photodynamic therapy. A review.\nPhotodynamic therapy (PDT", "synonym_substitution": "HCC and common carcinogenesis pathways may be altered in HCC - CC and CC. Advances in photodynamic therapy. A revue. \n Photodynamic therapy (PDT", "butter_fingers": " HCF and common carcinogeneris pathways mai ve altxred in HCC-CC avd CC. Advances in photodynammc tyerapt. A review.\nPhotodynamic therapy (IDT", "random_deletion": "HCC and common carcinogenesis pathways may be HCC-CC CC. Advances photodynamic therapy. A", "change_char_case": " HCC and common carcinogenesiS pathways mAy be aLteRed In hCC-Cc and cC. Advances in phOTodyNamic therapy. A review.\nPhoTodynAmIC theRApY (PDT", "whitespace_perturbation": " HCC and common carcinogen esis pathw ays m aybeal tere d in HCC-CC and CC . Adv ances in photodynamicthera py . A r e vi ew.\nP hotodyn a mi c the ra py (P DT ", "underscore_trick": " HCC_and common_carcinogenesis pathways may be_altered in_HCC-CC_and CC._Advances_in photodynamic therapy._A review.\nPhotodynamic therapy_(PDT"} +{"text": " therapist is crucial to a good outcome. We discuss which psychotherapeutic techniques are appropriate for various emotional problems and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Inference of gene", "synonym_substitution": "therapist is crucial to a good outcome. We discuss which cathartic technique are appropriate for various emotional trouble and the advantage and disadvantages of each. Inference of gene", "butter_fingers": " thfrapist is crucial to a nood outcome. We buscuss which psychotferapeutic techniques are ap'ropeiate for various emotional problems and the adventages and disavbantages of ezgh. Inyecence of gene", "random_deletion": "therapist is crucial to a good outcome. which techniques are for various emotional disadvantages each. Inference of", "change_char_case": " therapist is crucial to a good Outcome. We dIscusS whIch PsYchoTherApeutic techniqUEs arE appropriate for various EmotiOnAL proBLeMs and The advaNTaGES anD dIsAdvAnTAgEs of eAch. inferenCe of gene", "whitespace_perturbation": " therapist is crucial to a good outc ome.Wedis cu ss w hich psychotherape u tictechniques are appropr iatefo r var i ou s emo tionalp ro b l ems a nd th ea dv antag esand dis advantages of e ach. Inferen c eof gene", "underscore_trick": " therapist_is crucial_to a good outcome._We discuss_which_psychotherapeutic techniques_are_appropriate for various_emotional problems and_the advantages and disadvantages_of each. Inference_of_gene"} +{"text": ": effect of treatment procedure on results with reference to somatic and psychological aspects].\nWhen treating femoral shaft fractures in children both somatic (axial/rotational misalignment", "synonym_substitution": ": effect of treatment procedure on results with reference point to bodily and psychological aspects ]. \n When treating femoral diaphysis fault in children both somatic (axile / rotational misalignment", "butter_fingers": ": efvect of treatment procedmre on results wnrh refxrence fo somatkc and psychological aspects].\nXhen treaupng femoral shaft fraztures in childreb bouh somatic (axial/rotational misamlgnmeut", "random_deletion": ": effect of treatment procedure on results to and psychological When treating femoral somatic misalignment", "change_char_case": ": effect of treatment procedurE on results With rEfeRenCe To soMatiC and psychologiCAl asPects].\nWhen treating femorAl shaFt FRactUReS in chIldren bOTh SOMatIc (AxIal/RoTAtIonal MisAlignmeNt", "whitespace_perturbation": ": effect of treatment proc edure on r esult s w ith r efer ence to somatic an d psy chological aspects].\nW hen t re a ting fe moral shaftf ra c t ure sin ch il d re n bot h s omatic(axial/rot ati on al misalignm e nt ", "underscore_trick": ": effect_of treatment_procedure on results with_reference to_somatic_and psychological_aspects].\nWhen_treating femoral shaft_fractures in children_both somatic (axial/rotational misalignment"} +{"text": " was to determine the prevalence and impact of sexual abuse in SCD. Design: Survey (web and paper-based). Setting: Australia (August 2013-June", "synonym_substitution": "was to determine the prevalence and impact of sexual maltreatment in SCD. invention: Survey (web and paper - based). determine: Australia (August 2013 - June", "butter_fingers": " wad to determine the prevauence and impacj if sexnal abuae in SCA. Design: Survey (web and papec-baswd). Seuning: Australia (August 2013-June", "random_deletion": "was to determine the prevalence and impact abuse SCD. Design: (web and paper-based).", "change_char_case": " was to determine the prevalenCe and impacT of seXuaL abUsE in ScD. DeSign: Survey (web aND papEr-based). Setting: AustraliA (AuguSt 2013-jUne", "whitespace_perturbation": " was to determine the prev alence and impa ctofse xual abu se in SCD. Des i gn:Survey (web and paper- based ). Sett i ng : Aus tralia( Au g u st20 13 -Ju ne ", "underscore_trick": " was_to determine_the prevalence and impact_of sexual_abuse_in SCD._Design:_Survey (web and_paper-based). Setting: Australia_(August 2013-June"} +{"text": " resulting in a reduction of peritoneal metastasis. ICAM-2 transfection using adenovirus vector might be an effective form of gene therapy for peritoneal metastasis of gastric cancer.", "synonym_substitution": "resulting in a reduction of peritoneal metastasis. ICAM-2 transfection using adenovirus vector might be an effective form of gene therapy for peritoneal metastasis of gastric cancer.", "butter_fingers": " redulting in a reduction on peritoneal metcwtasis. ICAM-2 fransfecgion using adenovirus vector mught ve an effective form ow gene thvrapy for permtoneal metastasma of gastric dwncex.", "random_deletion": "resulting in a reduction of peritoneal metastasis. using vector might an effective form metastasis gastric cancer.", "change_char_case": " resulting in a reduction of peRitoneal meTastaSis. iCAm-2 tRansFectIon using adenovIRus vEctor might be an effectivE form Of GEne tHErApy foR peritoNEaL MEtaStAsIs oF gAStRic caNceR.", "whitespace_perturbation": " resulting in a reductionof periton eal m eta sta si s. I CAM- 2 transfection usin g adenovirus vector mi ght b ea n ef f ec tiveform of ge n e th er ap y f or pe riton eal metast asis of ga str ic cancer.", "underscore_trick": " resulting_in a_reduction of peritoneal metastasis._ICAM-2 transfection_using_adenovirus vector_might_be an effective_form of gene_therapy for peritoneal metastasis_of gastric cancer."} +{"text": "% in patients with those 100 to 500/microliters and 66.7% in patients with those higher than 500/microliters. Initial", "synonym_substitution": "% in patients with those 100 to 500 / microliters and 66.7% in patients with those higher than 500 / microliters. Initial", "butter_fingers": "% in patients with those 100 to 500/microliters anb 66.7% in petients with thuse higher than 500/microliters. Mnitual", "random_deletion": "% in patients with those 100 to 66.7% patients with higher than 500/microliters.", "change_char_case": "% in patients with those 100 to 500/micrOliters and 66.7% In patIenTs wItH thoSe hiGher than 500/microlITers. initial", "whitespace_perturbation": "% in patients with those 1 00 to 500/ micro lit ers a nd 6 6.7% in patients w i th t hose higher than 500/m icrol it e rs.I ni tial", "underscore_trick": "% in_patients with_those 100 to 500/microliters_and 66.7%_in_patients with_those_higher than 500/microliters._Initial"} +{"text": " cofactor of methionine synthase, an enzyme essential for maintaining adequate intracellular pools of methionine and tetrahydrofolate, as well as for maintaining homocysteine", "synonym_substitution": "cofactor of methionine synthase, an enzyme essential for maintaining adequate intracellular pools of methionine and tetrahydrofolate, as well as for sustain homocysteine", "butter_fingers": " covactor of methionine synuhase, an enzyme essentian for jaintainkng adequate intracellular ploos of methionine and tetrahhdrofolatv, as well as hor maintaining ikmocystcnne", "random_deletion": "cofactor of methionine synthase, an enzyme essential adequate pools of and tetrahydrofolate, as", "change_char_case": " cofactor of methionine synthAse, an enzymE esseNtiAl fOr MainTainIng adequate intRAcelLular pools of methionine And teTrAHydrOFoLate, aS well as FOr MAIntAiNiNg hOmOCySteinE", "whitespace_perturbation": " cofactor of methionine sy nthase, an enzy meess en tial for maintaining a d equa te intracellular pools of m et h ioni n eand t etrahyd r of o l ate ,as we ll as formai ntainin g homocyst ein e", "underscore_trick": " cofactor_of methionine_synthase, an enzyme essential_for maintaining_adequate_intracellular pools_of_methionine and tetrahydrofolate,_as well as_for maintaining homocysteine"} +{"text": "ogene c-myb appears necessary for erythroid differentiation induced by chemical agents and by the natural regulator, erythropoietin (Epo). Treatment of", "synonym_substitution": "ogene c - myb appears necessary for erythroid differentiation induced by chemical agents and by the lifelike governor, erythropoietin (Epo). discussion of", "butter_fingers": "ogeje c-myb appears necessarn for erythroid buffereitiatioh inducea by chemical agents and by vhe baturql regulator, erythropoketin (Epo). Treatmebt oh", "random_deletion": "ogene c-myb appears necessary for erythroid differentiation chemical and by natural regulator, erythropoietin", "change_char_case": "ogene c-myb appears necessary For erythroId difFerEntIaTion InduCed by chemical aGEnts And by the natural regulatOr, eryThROpoiETiN (Epo). TReatmenT Of", "whitespace_perturbation": "ogene c-myb appears necess ary for er ythro iddif fe rent iati on induced byc hemi cal agents and by thenatur al regu l at or, e rythrop o ie t i n ( Ep o) . T re a tm ent o f", "underscore_trick": "ogene c-myb_appears necessary_for erythroid differentiation induced_by chemical_agents_and by_the_natural regulator, erythropoietin_(Epo). Treatment of"} +{"text": " 59 participants was performed under social conditions. BrAC was determined with the legally accredited Alcotest 7110 MK III A every 30 min, and concomitantly venous", "synonym_substitution": "59 participants was performed under social conditions. BrAC was determined with the legally accredit Alcotest 7110 MK III A every 30 minute, and concomitantly venous", "butter_fingers": " 59 pwrticipants was performea under social einditimns. BrZC was ddtermined with the legally arcreeited Alcotest 7110 MK III A evdry 30 min, wnd concimitently venous", "random_deletion": "59 participants was performed under social conditions. determined the legally Alcotest 7110 MK and venous", "change_char_case": " 59 participants was performed uNder social CondiTioNs. BRAc was DeteRmined with the lEGallY accredited Alcotest 7110 MK IiI A evErY 30 Min, aND cOncomItantly VEnOUS", "whitespace_perturbation": " 59 participants was perfo rmed under soci alcon di tion s. B rAC was determ i nedwith the legally accre dited A l cote s t7110MK IIIA e v e ry30 m in, a n dconco mit antly v enous", "underscore_trick": " 59_participants was_performed under social conditions._BrAC was_determined_with the_legally_accredited Alcotest 7110_MK III A_every 30 min, and_concomitantly venous"} +{"text": " was suppressed in cancerous lesions in hepatoma-bearing LEC rat liver compared to uninvolved surrounding tissues. These results indicated that suppression of CAIII accompanied", "synonym_substitution": "was suppressed in cancerous lesions in hepatoma - bearing LEC rat liver compared to degage besiege tissues. These results indicate that inhibition of CAIII accompanied", "butter_fingers": " wad suppressed in cancerour lesions in hekaroma-beering LSC rat lkver compared to uninvolved duerouneing tissues. These resjlts indibated thar sukpression of CAIIM accompanied", "random_deletion": "was suppressed in cancerous lesions in hepatoma-bearing liver to uninvolved tissues. These results accompanied", "change_char_case": " was suppressed in cancerous lEsions in hePatomA-beAriNg lEC rAt liVer compared to uNInvoLved surrounding tissues. these ReSUlts INdIcateD that suPPrESSioN oF CaIIi aCCoMpaniEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " was suppressed in cancero us lesions in h epa tom a- bear ingLEC rat liverc ompa red to uninvolved surr oundi ng tiss u es . The se resu l ts i ndi ca te d t ha t s uppre ssi on of C AIII accom pan ie d", "underscore_trick": " was_suppressed in_cancerous lesions in hepatoma-bearing_LEC rat_liver_compared to_uninvolved_surrounding tissues. These_results indicated that_suppression of CAIII accompanied"} +{"text": " we asked if the choice-invariance established for the eyes also applies to a special class of fast visuomotor responses of the upper limb. Using a", "synonym_substitution": "we asked if the choice - invariance established for the eye besides applies to a special course of fast visuomotor reception of the upper limb. use a", "butter_fingers": " we asked if the choice-invaviance establishgd for tie eyes also apolies to a special class of hast visuimotor responses of thd upper lpmb. Using a", "random_deletion": "we asked if the choice-invariance established for also to a class of fast limb. a", "change_char_case": " we asked if the choice-invariaNce establiShed fOr tHe eYeS alsO appLies to a special CLass Of fast visuomotor responSes of ThE UppeR LiMb. UsiNg a", "whitespace_perturbation": " we asked if the choice-in variance e stabl ish edfo r th e ey es also applie s toa special class of fas t vis uo m otor re spons es of t h eu p per l im b.Us i ng a", "underscore_trick": " we_asked if_the choice-invariance established for_the eyes_also_applies to_a_special class of_fast visuomotor responses_of the upper limb._Using a"} +{"text": " various typical and atypical neuroleptics and for two clinically inactive butyrophenones were determined. The Ki and IC50 values of typical neurolept", "synonym_substitution": "various typical and atypical neuroleptics and for two clinically inactive butyrophenones were determine. The Ki and IC50 value of typical neurolept", "butter_fingers": " vagious typical and atypicxl neuroleptics and foc two cminicallh inactive butyrophenones wece dwtermuned. The Ki and IC50 valjes of tyiical neueolekt", "random_deletion": "various typical and atypical neuroleptics and for inactive were determined. Ki and IC50", "change_char_case": " various typical and atypical NeuroleptiCs and For Two ClInicAlly Inactive butyroPHenoNes were determined. The Ki And IC50 VaLUes oF TyPical NeurolePT", "whitespace_perturbation": " various typical and atypi cal neurol eptic s a ndfo r tw o cl inically inact i ve b utyrophenones were det ermin ed . The Ki andIC50 va l ue s ofty pi cal n e ur olept ", "underscore_trick": " various_typical and_atypical neuroleptics and for_two clinically_inactive_butyrophenones were_determined._The Ki and_IC50 values of_typical neurolept"} +{"text": " most serious complication is the transformation of an enchondroma into chondrosarcoma. The most common sites for chondrosarcoma are in the pelvic and shoulder bones", "synonym_substitution": "most serious complication is the transformation of an enchondroma into chondrosarcoma. The most coarse web site for chondrosarcoma are in the pelvic and shoulder bones", "butter_fingers": " modt serious complication ls the transformcrion oh an endhondromx into chondrosarcoma. The modt commin sites for chondrosafcoma are in the pelvmc and shoulder uknes", "random_deletion": "most serious complication is the transformation of into The most sites for chondrosarcoma shoulder", "change_char_case": " most serious complication is The transfoRmatiOn oF an EnChonDromA into chondrosaRComa. the most common sites for cHondrOsARcomA ArE in thE pelvic ANd SHOulDeR bOneS", "whitespace_perturbation": " most serious complication is the tr ansfo rma tio nof a n en chondroma into chon drosarcoma. The most c ommon s i tesf or chon drosarc o ma a rein t hepe l vi c and sh oulderbones", "underscore_trick": " most_serious complication_is the transformation of_an enchondroma_into_chondrosarcoma. The_most_common sites for_chondrosarcoma are in_the pelvic and shoulder_bones"} +{"text": " total 295 cultures obtained from 165 children yielded 399 isolates. The most common isolates were alpha-hemolytic Streptococcus (20.8%), Haemophilus influ", "synonym_substitution": "total 295 cultures obtained from 165 children render 399 isolates. The about common isolates were alpha - hemolytic Streptococcus (20.8 %), Haemophilus influ", "butter_fingers": " tohal 295 cultures obtained fvom 165 children yigleed 399 ivolatea. The mort common isolates were alphe-hemilytix Streptococcus (20.8%), Haemoohilus invlu", "random_deletion": "total 295 cultures obtained from 165 children isolates. most common were alpha-hemolytic Streptococcus", "change_char_case": " total 295 cultures obtained from 165 Children yiElded 399 IsoLatEs. the mOst cOmmon isolates wERe alPha-hemolytic StreptococCus (20.8%), HaEmOPhilUS iNflu", "whitespace_perturbation": " total 295 cultures obtain ed from 16 5 chi ldr enyi elde d 39 9 isolates. Th e mos t common isolates were alph a- h emol y ti c Str eptococ c us ( 20. 8% ), Ha em o ph ilusinf lu", "underscore_trick": " total_295 cultures_obtained from 165 children_yielded 399_isolates._The most_common_isolates were alpha-hemolytic_Streptococcus (20.8%), Haemophilus_influ"} +{"text": "ary canal such as esophagus, malphigian tubules, hindgut, as well as in the tracheal system. All these organs are surrounded by", "synonym_substitution": "ary canal such as esophagus, malphigian tubules, hindgut, as well as in the tracheal system. All these organ are besiege by", "butter_fingers": "ary canal such as esophagus, malphigian tubolws, hinvgut, as well as in the tracheal system. All vhesw orgqns are surrounded by", "random_deletion": "ary canal such as esophagus, malphigian tubules, well in the system. All these", "change_char_case": "ary canal such as esophagus, maLphigian tuBules, HinDguT, aS welL as iN the tracheal sySTem. ALl these organs are surrouNded bY", "whitespace_perturbation": "ary canal such as esophagu s, malphig ian t ubu les ,hind gut, as well as in thetracheal system. All t heseor g ansa re surr oundedb y", "underscore_trick": "ary canal_such as_esophagus, malphigian tubules, hindgut,_as well_as_in the_tracheal_system. All these_organs are surrounded_by"} +{"text": " FPA in the latent period and then typical nodules. At least no low molecular weight FDP were detected during provocations. In patients with vasculitis reactions to", "synonym_substitution": "FPA in the latent period and then typical nodules. At least no low molecular system of weights FDP were detect during provocations. In patients with vasculitis reaction to", "butter_fingers": " FPW in the latent period akd then typical uidules. At lezst no luw molecular weight FDP were dwtecttb during provocationr. In pativnts with vasrulitis reactions to", "random_deletion": "FPA in the latent period and then At no low weight FDP were with reactions to", "change_char_case": " FPA in the latent period and thEn typical nOduleS. At LeaSt No loW molEcular weight FDp Were Detected during provocatIons. IN pATienTS wIth vaSculitiS ReACTioNs To", "whitespace_perturbation": " FPA in the latent periodand then t ypica l n odu le s. A t le ast no low mol e cula r weight FDP were dete cteddu r ingp ro vocat ions. I n p a t ien ts w ith v a sc uliti s r eaction s to", "underscore_trick": " FPA_in the_latent period and then_typical nodules._At_least no_low_molecular weight FDP_were detected during_provocations. In patients with_vasculitis reactions to"} +{"text": "; S. purpuratus\u226530ppt. Addition of two spectroscopically distinct dissolved organic matters (DOM) from fresh water (Nordic Reserv", "synonym_substitution": "; S. purpuratus\u226530ppt. Addition of two spectroscopically distinct dissolved organic matter (DOM) from bracing water (Nordic Reserv", "butter_fingers": "; S. ourpuratus\u226530ppt. Addition on two spectroscokixally vistincf dissolxed organic matters (DOM) from feesh qater (Nordic Reserv", "random_deletion": "; S. purpuratus\u226530ppt. Addition of two spectroscopically organic (DOM) from water (Nordic Reserv", "change_char_case": "; S. purpuratus\u226530ppt. Addition of tWo spectrosCopicAllY diStInct DissOlved organic maTTers (dOM) from fresh water (NordiC ReseRv", "whitespace_perturbation": "; S. purpuratus\u226530ppt. Add ition of t wo sp ect ros co pica llydistinct disso l vedorganic matters (DOM)fromfr e sh w a te r (No rdic Re s er v ", "underscore_trick": "; S._purpuratus\u226530ppt. Addition_of two spectroscopically distinct_dissolved organic_matters_(DOM) from_fresh_water (Nordic Reserv"} +{"text": " disease in young people. In each country, half were randomly assigned to view a video with graphical depictions of the effects of meningococcaemia. Subjects were", "synonym_substitution": "disease in young people. In each country, half were randomly assigned to see a video recording with graphical depictions of the effects of meningococcaemia. subject were", "butter_fingers": " didease in young people. In each country, hcof werx randojly assiened to view a video with grephixal dtiictions of the effecgs of menpngococcawmia. Wubjects wxde", "random_deletion": "disease in young people. In each country, randomly to view video with graphical meningococcaemia. were", "change_char_case": " disease in young people. In eacH country, haLf werE raNdoMlY assIgneD to view a video wITh grAphical depictions of the EffecTs OF menINgOcoccAemia. SuBJeCTS weRe", "whitespace_perturbation": " disease in young people.In each co untry , h alf w ererand omly assignedt o vi ew a video with graphi cal d ep i ctio n sof th e effec t so f me ni ng oco cc a em ia. S ubj ects we re", "underscore_trick": " disease_in young_people. In each country,_half were_randomly_assigned to_view_a video with_graphical depictions of_the effects of meningococcaemia._Subjects were"} +{"text": " by IFNs in PBMC co-cultures, whereas it was delayed in CBMC cultures. These kinetics are in relation with the higher permissivity of", "synonym_substitution": "by IFNs in PBMC co - cultures, whereas it was delayed in CBMC cultures. These dynamics are in relation back with the higher permissivity of", "butter_fingers": " by IFNs in PBMC co-cultures, whereas it was delayev in CBJC cultufes. These kinetics are in reparion qith the higher permisrivity of", "random_deletion": "by IFNs in PBMC co-cultures, whereas it in cultures. These are in relation", "change_char_case": " by IFNs in PBMC co-cultures, wheReas it was dElayeD in cBMc cUltuRes. THese kinetics arE In reLation with the higher perMissiViTY of", "whitespace_perturbation": " by IFNs in PBMC co-cultur es, wherea s itwas de la yedin C BMC cultures.T hese kinetics are in relat ion w it h the hi gherpermiss i vi t y of ", "underscore_trick": " by_IFNs in_PBMC co-cultures, whereas it_was delayed_in_CBMC cultures._These_kinetics are in_relation with the_higher permissivity of"} +{"text": "-acting formulation of risperidone administered once monthly via subcutaneous (SC) injections for the treatment of schizophrenia. The objectives of the present study were to characterize the", "synonym_substitution": "-acting formulation of risperidone administered once monthly via subcutaneous (SC) injections for the discussion of schizophrenia. The aim of the present study were to characterize the", "butter_fingers": "-actlng formulation of rispevidone administetee once monthmy via sjbcutaneous (SC) injections foc thw treqtment of schizophrenix. The objvctives od tht present study wxde to cmcractsvize chx", "random_deletion": "-acting formulation of risperidone administered once monthly (SC) for the of schizophrenia. The were characterize the", "change_char_case": "-acting formulation of risperIdone adminIsterEd oNce MoNthlY via Subcutaneous (SC) INjecTions for the treatment of SchizOpHReniA. thE objeCtives oF ThE PResEnT sTudY wERe To chaRacTerize tHe", "whitespace_perturbation": "-acting formulation of ris peridone a dmini ste red o ncemont hly via subcut a neou s (SC) injections forthe t re a tmen t o f sch izophre n ia . The o bj ect iv e sof th e p resentstudy were to c haracterizet he ", "underscore_trick": "-acting formulation_of risperidone_administered once monthly via_subcutaneous (SC)_injections_for the_treatment_of schizophrenia. The_objectives of the_present study were to_characterize the"} +{"text": " sought to correct a low interview rate for racial groups underrepresented in medicine (URM) by analyzing our interview selection process, identifying sources of unintended bias, and", "synonym_substitution": "sought to correct a low interview pace for racial group underrepresented in medicine (URM) by analyzing our consultation selection summons, identifying sources of unintended diagonal, and", "butter_fingers": " sokght to correct a low inuerview rate for taxial gcoups uhderreprdsented in medicine (URM) by aialyzing iur interview selectiov process, identifting wources of unintended bizd, anb", "random_deletion": "sought to correct a low interview rate groups in medicine by analyzing our of bias, and", "change_char_case": " sought to correct a low intervIew rate for RaciaL grOupS uNderReprEsented in medicINe (URm) by analyzing our interviEw selEcTIon pROcEss, idEntifyiNG sOURceS oF uNinTeNDeD bias, And", "whitespace_perturbation": " sought to correct a low i nterview r ate f orrac ia l gr oups underrepresen t ed i n medicine (URM) by an alyzi ng ouri nt ervie w selec t io n pro ce ss , i de n ti fying so urces o f unintend edbi as, and", "underscore_trick": " sought_to correct_a low interview rate_for racial_groups_underrepresented in_medicine_(URM) by analyzing_our interview selection_process, identifying sources of_unintended bias, and"} +{"text": "astatic pulmonary disease developed in 63 of 64 rats. The technique used here reliably induced local osteosarcomas and metastatic pulmonary disease. Treatment with growth hormone", "synonym_substitution": "astatic pulmonary disease developed in 63 of 64 rats. The technique use here faithfully induced local osteosarcomas and metastatic pulmonary disease. discussion with growth hormone", "butter_fingers": "astwtic pulmonary disease dtveloped in 63 of 64 tars. The technjque usea here reliably induced locap isteowarcomas and metastatiz pulmonagy diseasw. Trtatment with growvg hormokz", "random_deletion": "astatic pulmonary disease developed in 63 of The used here induced local osteosarcomas with hormone", "change_char_case": "astatic pulmonary disease deVeloped in 63 oF 64 rats. the TecHnIque Used Here reliably inDUced Local osteosarcomas and mEtastAtIC pulMOnAry diSease. TrEAtMENt wItH gRowTh HOrMone", "whitespace_perturbation": "astatic pulmonary diseasedevelopedin 63 of 64 r ats. The technique use d her e reliably induced loc al os te o sarc o ma s and metast a ti c pul mo na rydi s ea se. T rea tment w ith growth ho rm one", "underscore_trick": "astatic pulmonary_disease developed_in 63 of 64_rats. The_technique_used here_reliably_induced local osteosarcomas_and metastatic pulmonary_disease. Treatment with growth_hormone"} +{"text": " recombinant DNA technology is being employed to dissect the molecular mechanisms central to each disease. This review traces the history of these X-linked conditions. Particular emphasis", "synonym_substitution": "recombinant DNA technology is being employed to dissect the molecular mechanisms cardinal to each disease. This revue traces the history of these X - connect condition. Particular emphasis", "butter_fingers": " refombinant DNA technology is being emploiee to dmssect fhe molezular mechanisms central to xach diseqse. This review traces the histlry of tyese Z-linked coisitions. Partidmlar zm'hasis", "random_deletion": "recombinant DNA technology is being employed to molecular central to disease. This review X-linked Particular emphasis", "change_char_case": " recombinant DNA technology iS being emplOyed tO diSseCt The mOlecUlar mechanisms CEntrAl to each disease. This revIew trAcES the HIsTory oF these X-LInKED coNdItIonS. PARtIculaR emPhasis", "whitespace_perturbation": " recombinant DNA technolog y is being empl oye d t odiss ectthe molecularm echa nisms central to eachdisea se . Thi s r eview traces th e his to ry of t h es e X-l ink ed cond itions. Pa rti cu lar emphasis ", "underscore_trick": " recombinant_DNA technology_is being employed to_dissect the_molecular_mechanisms central_to_each disease. This_review traces the_history of these X-linked_conditions. Particular emphasis"} +{"text": " midlife and may impact the vasculature through distinct pathways. Future studies are necessary to evaluate racial/ethnic differences in the observed associations and to assess the benefit", "synonym_substitution": "midlife and may impact the vasculature through distinct pathways. Future studies are necessary to measure racial / cultural differences in the observed association and to tax the benefit", "butter_fingers": " miflife and may impact the vasculature thtoygh divtinct pathwayr. Future studies are necessacy ti evaouate racial/ethnic difwerences pn the obwervtd associations ais to assess tgc benzfmt", "random_deletion": "midlife and may impact the vasculature through Future are necessary evaluate racial/ethnic differences to the benefit", "change_char_case": " midlife and may impact the vasCulature thRough DisTinCt PathWays. future studies aRE necEssary to evaluate racial/EthniC dIFferENcEs in tHe obserVEd ASSocIaTiOns AnD To AssesS thE benefiT", "whitespace_perturbation": " midlife and may impact th e vasculat ure t hro ugh d isti nctpathways. Futu r e st udies are necessary to eval ua t e ra c ia l/eth nic dif f er e n ces i nthe o b se rvedass ociatio ns and toass es s the benefi t ", "underscore_trick": " midlife_and may_impact the vasculature through_distinct pathways._Future_studies are_necessary_to evaluate racial/ethnic_differences in the_observed associations and to_assess the benefit"} +{"text": "ariasis and neoplasm association was purely coincidental. Epidemiological and histopathological aspects of adult filariasis are described. Triptorelin (D-Tr", "synonym_substitution": "ariasis and neoplasm association was purely coincidental. Epidemiological and histopathological view of adult filariasis are trace. Triptorelin (D - Tr", "butter_fingers": "ariwsis and neoplasm associxtion was pureli xoincivental. Spidemiouogical and histopathologicap qspecuf of adult filariaris are dvscribed. Rripuorelin (D-Tr", "random_deletion": "ariasis and neoplasm association was purely coincidental. histopathological of adult are described. Triptorelin", "change_char_case": "ariasis and neoplasm associaTion was purEly coIncIdeNtAl. EpIdemIological and hiSTopaThological aspects of aduLt filArIAsis ARe DescrIbed. TriPToRELin (d-TR", "whitespace_perturbation": "ariasis and neoplasm assoc iation was pure lycoi nc iden tal. Epidemiologic a l an d histopathological as pects o f adu l tfilar iasis a r ed e scr ib ed . T ri p to relin (D -Tr", "underscore_trick": "ariasis and_neoplasm association_was purely coincidental. Epidemiological_and histopathological_aspects_of adult_filariasis_are described. Triptorelin_(D-Tr"} +{"text": "ates.\nThe development of novel mixed lanthanide-transition-metal (f-d) based supramolecular self-assemblies made from", "synonym_substitution": "ates. \n The development of novel mixed rare earth - passage - metal (f - d) based supramolecular self - forum make from", "butter_fingers": "ated.\nThe development of noveu mixed lanthannee-tranvition-jetal (f-d) based supramolecular self-asdenbliew made from", "random_deletion": "ates. The development of novel mixed lanthanide-transition-metal supramolecular made from", "change_char_case": "ates.\nThe development of novel Mixed lanthAnide-TraNsiTiOn-meTal (f-D) based supramolECulaR self-assemblies made froM", "whitespace_perturbation": "ates.\nThe development of n ovel mixed lant han ide -t rans itio n-metal (f-d)b ased supramolecular self-a ssemb li e s ma d efrom", "underscore_trick": "ates.\nThe development_of novel_mixed lanthanide-transition-metal (f-d) based_supramolecular self-assemblies_made_from"} +{"text": ")-1(CD11a/CD18), with little augmentation of CD18 expression. Addition of anti-ICAM-1 mAb caused an inhibition of hom", "synonym_substitution": ") -1(CD11a / CD18), with little augmentation of CD18 expression. Addition of anti - ICAM-1 mAb caused an prohibition of hom", "butter_fingers": ")-1(CD11a/FD18), with little augmentatlon of CD18 expression. Advition kf anti-IZAM-1 mAb caused an inhibition od hom", "random_deletion": ")-1(CD11a/CD18), with little augmentation of CD18 expression. anti-ICAM-1 caused an of hom", "change_char_case": ")-1(CD11a/CD18), with little augmentatiOn of CD18 exprEssioN. AdDitIoN of aNti-IcAM-1 mAb caused an INhibItion of hom", "whitespace_perturbation": ")-1(CD11a/CD18), with litt le augment ation of CD 18 exp ress ion. Additiono f an ti-ICAM-1 mAb caused a n inh ib i tion of hom", "underscore_trick": ")-1(CD11a/CD18), with_little augmentation_of CD18 expression. Addition_of anti-ICAM-1_mAb_caused an_inhibition_of hom"} +{"text": " and two predictors-maternal depression within the child's lifetime and maternal EE-in a study of children at risk for depression. One hundred and seventy-one", "synonym_substitution": "and two predictors - maternal depression within the child's lifetime and parental EE - in a discipline of children at risk for depression. One hundred and seventy - one", "butter_fingers": " anf two predictors-maternal depression witkun the child'a lifetioe and maternal EE-in a study od chiodren at risk for deprdssion. Onv hundred and weventy-one", "random_deletion": "and two predictors-maternal depression within the child's maternal a study children at risk seventy-one", "change_char_case": " and two predictors-maternal dEpression wIthin The ChiLd'S lifEtimE and maternal EE-IN a stUdy of children at risk for DepreSsIOn. OnE HuNdred And seveNTy-ONE", "whitespace_perturbation": " and two predictors-matern al depress ion w ith inth e ch ild' s lifetime and mate rnal EE-in a study ofchild re n atr is k for depres s io n . On ehu ndr ed an d sev ent y-one", "underscore_trick": " and_two predictors-maternal_depression within the child's_lifetime and_maternal_EE-in a_study_of children at_risk for depression._One hundred and seventy-one"} +{"text": " combined rose less steeply, 3% and 6% among men and women, respectively, driven mostly by continuing increases in lung cancer mortality, while death rates for", "synonym_substitution": "combined rose less steeply, 3% and 6% among men and women, respectively, drive largely by continuing increases in lung cancer mortality, while end rates for", "butter_fingers": " colbined rose less steeply, 3% and 6% among meu and wmmen, rsspectivdly, driven mostly by continumng uncreqses in lung cancer moftality, wjile dearh retes for", "random_deletion": "combined rose less steeply, 3% and 6% and respectively, driven by continuing increases death for", "change_char_case": " combined rose less steeply, 3% anD 6% among men aNd womEn, rEspEcTiveLy, drIven mostly by coNTinuIng increases in lung cancEr morTaLIty, wHIlE deatH rates fOR", "whitespace_perturbation": " combined rose less steepl y, 3% and6% am ong me nandwome n, respectivel y , dr iven mostly by continu ing i nc r ease s i n lun g cance r m o r tal it y, wh il e d eathrat es for", "underscore_trick": " combined_rose less_steeply, 3% and 6%_among men_and_women, respectively,_driven_mostly by continuing_increases in lung_cancer mortality, while death_rates for"} +{"text": " Applying inorganic fertilizer to Pb/Zn tailings led to no obvious improvement in growth and nodulation of S. rostrata, while tailings amended by river", "synonym_substitution": "Applying inorganic fertilizer to Pb / Zn tailings led to no obvious improvement in growth and nodulation of S. rostrata, while shadowing rectify by river", "butter_fingers": " Apolying inorganic fertilieer to Pb/Zn tailiuts led to no obvious improvement in growth and nldylatiin of S. rostrata, while tailings amended by civer", "random_deletion": "Applying inorganic fertilizer to Pb/Zn tailings led obvious in growth nodulation of S. river", "change_char_case": " Applying inorganic fertilizEr to Pb/Zn taIlingS leD to No ObviOus iMprovement in grOWth aNd nodulation of S. rostratA, whilE tAIlinGS aMendeD by riveR", "whitespace_perturbation": " Applying inorganic fertil izer to Pb /Zn t ail ing sledto n o obvious impr o veme nt in growth and nodul ation o f S.r os trata , while ta i l ing sam end ed by rive r", "underscore_trick": " Applying_inorganic fertilizer_to Pb/Zn tailings led_to no_obvious_improvement in_growth_and nodulation of_S. rostrata, while_tailings amended by river"} +{"text": " functional was introduced to study multiple stacking nucleobase pairs. Based on the evaluated distance and the interaction energy between two stacking nucleobase pairs, the selective capturing", "synonym_substitution": "functional was introduced to study multiple stacking nucleobase pairs. free-base on the measure distance and the interaction energy between two stacking nucleobase pairs, the selective capturing", "butter_fingers": " fujctional was introduced uo study multiple stackiig nuclsobase pxirs. Based on the evaluated vistqnce qnd the interaction endrgy betwven two srackmng nucleobase pejrs, the selecflve ccpvuring", "random_deletion": "functional was introduced to study multiple stacking Based the evaluated and the interaction pairs, selective capturing", "change_char_case": " functional was introduced to Study multiPle stAckIng NuCleoBase Pairs. Based on thE EvalUated distance and the intEractIoN EnerGY bEtweeN two staCKiNG NucLeObAse PaIRs, The seLecTive capTuring", "whitespace_perturbation": " functional was introduced to studymulti ple st ac king nuc leobase pairs. Base d on the evaluated dis tance a n d th e i ntera ction e n er g y be tw ee n t wo st ackin g n ucleoba se pairs,the s elective cap t ur ing", "underscore_trick": " functional_was introduced_to study multiple stacking_nucleobase pairs._Based_on the_evaluated_distance and the_interaction energy between_two stacking nucleobase pairs,_the selective capturing"} +{"text": "richiae go out from the cirtocyte cavity bottom. External leptotrichiae are absent. The septate desmosome at the level of the terminal", "synonym_substitution": "richiae go out from the cirtocyte cavity bottom. External leptotrichiae are absent. The septal desmosome at the degree of the terminal", "butter_fingers": "ricjiae go out from the ciruocyte cavity botjon. Extecnal leltotrichkae are absent. The septate dxsmowome qt the level of the tefminal", "random_deletion": "richiae go out from the cirtocyte cavity leptotrichiae absent. The desmosome at the", "change_char_case": "richiae go out from the cirtocYte cavity bOttom. extErnAl LeptOtriChiae are absent. tHe sePtate desmosome at the levEl of tHe TErmiNAl", "whitespace_perturbation": "richiae go out from the ci rtocyte ca vitybot tom .Exte rnal leptotrichiae areabsent. The septate de smoso me at t h elevel of the te r m ina l", "underscore_trick": "richiae go_out from_the cirtocyte cavity bottom._External leptotrichiae_are_absent. The_septate_desmosome at the_level of the_terminal"} +{"text": " Information on patient characteristics, indications, complications, uterine weights, hospital stay, and patient costs were obtained and analyzed. Of 509 hysterectomies, 82 were", "synonym_substitution": "Information on patient characteristics, indications, complications, uterine weights, hospital arrest, and patient price were obtained and analyzed. Of 509 hysterectomy, 82 were", "butter_fingers": " Invormation on patient chavacteristics, indnxationv, compmicationr, uterine weights, hospital svay, qnd pqtient costs were obtakned and wnalyzed. Of 509 yysterectomies, 82 wevz", "random_deletion": "Information on patient characteristics, indications, complications, uterine stay, patient costs obtained and analyzed.", "change_char_case": " Information on patient charaCteristics, IndicAtiOns, CoMpliCatiOns, uterine weigHTs, hoSpital stay, and patient coSts weRe OBtaiNEd And anAlyzed. OF 509 HySTEreCtOmIes, 82 WeRE", "whitespace_perturbation": " Information on patient ch aracterist ics,ind ica ti ons, com plications, ut e rine weights, hospital sta y, an dp atie n tcosts were o b ta i n edan dana ly z ed . Of509 hyster ectomies,82we re", "underscore_trick": " Information_on patient_characteristics, indications, complications, uterine_weights, hospital_stay,_and patient_costs_were obtained and_analyzed. Of 509_hysterectomies, 82 were"} +{"text": " the individual physician in independent practice. The computer revolution has also presented a new set of problems such patient-record confidentiality and the effect of the computer on the physician", "synonym_substitution": "the individual physician in independent practice. The computer rotation has besides deliver a new hardening of problem such patient - record confidentiality and the impression of the calculator on the physician", "butter_fingers": " thf individual physician ik independent prcxtice. Vhe comluter rexolution has also presented e neq set of problems such patidnt-record confidebtiaouty and thx effect of ths com'uver on the physlcian", "random_deletion": "the individual physician in independent practice. The has presented a set of problems effect the computer on physician", "change_char_case": " the individual physician in iNdependent PractIce. the CoMputEr reVolution has alsO PresEnted a new set of problems Such pAtIEnt-rECoRd conFidentiALiTY And ThE eFfeCt OF tHe comPutEr on the Physician", "whitespace_perturbation": " the individual physicianin indepen dentpra cti ce . Th e co mputer revolut i on h as also presented a ne w set o f pro b le ms su ch pati e nt - r eco rd c onf id e nt ialit y a nd theeffect ofthe c omputer on t h ephysician", "underscore_trick": " the_individual physician_in independent practice. The_computer revolution_has_also presented_a_new set of_problems such patient-record_confidentiality and the effect_of the computer_on_the physician"} +{"text": " years old) due to accidents increased 4% annually during 1992-1997, and in the age group 16-44 years 8% annually. The increase is found", "synonym_substitution": "years old) due to accidents increased 4% per annum during 1992 - 1997, and in the old age group 16 - 44 years 8% annually. The addition is found", "butter_fingers": " yewrs old) due to accidents increased 4% annoaoly ducing 1992-1997, ahd in thd age group 16-44 years 8% annually. Tye inxrease is found", "random_deletion": "years old) due to accidents increased 4% 1992-1997, in the group 16-44 years found", "change_char_case": " years old) due to accidents incReased 4% annuAlly dUriNg 1992-1997, aNd In thE age Group 16-44 years 8% annuALly. THe increase is found", "whitespace_perturbation": " years old) due to acciden ts increas ed 4% an nua ll y du ring 1992-1997, an d inthe age group 16-44 ye ars 8 %a nnua l ly . The increa s ei s fo un d", "underscore_trick": " years_old) due_to accidents increased 4%_annually during_1992-1997,_and in_the_age group 16-44_years 8% annually._The increase is found"} +{"text": "del; 20 patients were homozygous and 13 heterozygous. In addition, c.3849+10 kb C>T, c.1161delC, and", "synonym_substitution": "del; 20 patients were homozygous and 13 heterozygous. In addition, c.3849 + 10 kb C > T, c.1161delC, and", "butter_fingers": "del; 20 patients were homozygoms and 13 heterozyyius. In additjon, c.3849+10 kb C>T, c.1161delC, and", "random_deletion": "del; 20 patients were homozygous and 13 addition, kb C>T, and", "change_char_case": "del; 20 patients were homozygous And 13 heterozYgous. in aDdiTiOn, c.3849+10 kB C>T, c.1161DelC, and", "whitespace_perturbation": "del; 20 patients were homo zygous and 13 h ete roz yg ous. Inaddition, c.38 4 9+10 kb C>T, c.1161delC, a nd", "underscore_trick": "del; 20_patients were_homozygous and 13 heterozygous._In addition,_c.3849+10_kb C>T,_c.1161delC,_and"} +{"text": " of view, depletion of anti-AQP4 antibody, suppression of T cell response to trigger relapse and anti-IL-6 therapy seem to be pivotal.", "synonym_substitution": "of view, depletion of anti - AQP4 antibody, suppression of T cell reception to gun trigger relapse and anti - IL-6 therapy seem to be pivotal.", "butter_fingers": " of view, depletion of anti-ADP4 antibody, supkrwssion of T dell resoonse to trigger relapse and abti-IL-6 therapy seem to be pixotal.", "random_deletion": "of view, depletion of anti-AQP4 antibody, suppression cell to trigger and anti-IL-6 therapy", "change_char_case": " of view, depletion of anti-AQP4 aNtibody, supPressIon Of T CeLl reSponSe to trigger relAPse aNd anti-IL-6 therapy seem to bE pivoTaL.", "whitespace_perturbation": " of view, depletion of ant i-AQP4 ant ibody , s upp re ssio n of T cell respon s e to trigger relapse and a nti-I L- 6 the r ap y see m to be pi v o tal .", "underscore_trick": " of_view, depletion_of anti-AQP4 antibody, suppression_of T_cell_response to_trigger_relapse and anti-IL-6_therapy seem to_be pivotal."} +{"text": " pathology, such as senile plaques (SPs) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), with the advance of aging. Furthermore, obesity", "synonym_substitution": "pathology, such as senile plaques (SPs) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), with the advance of aging. Furthermore, fleshiness", "butter_fingers": " pahhology, such as senile puaques (SPs) and uwurofiurillarg tangler (NFTs), with the advance of ajing. Furtyermore, obesity", "random_deletion": "pathology, such as senile plaques (SPs) and (NFTs), the advance aging. Furthermore, obesity", "change_char_case": " pathology, such as senile plaqUes (SPs) and nEurofIbrIllArY tanGles (nFTs), with the advANce oF aging. Furthermore, obesiTy", "whitespace_perturbation": " pathology, such as senile plaques ( SPs)and ne ur ofib rill ary tangles (N F Ts), with the advance of a ging. F u rthe r mo re, o besity", "underscore_trick": " pathology,_such as_senile plaques (SPs) and_neurofibrillary tangles_(NFTs),_with the_advance_of aging. Furthermore,_obesity"} +{"text": "leida].\nThe partner notification is one of the main activities of epidemiological surveillance in Public Health. The primary objective was to estimate the compliance of the partner notification", "synonym_substitution": "leida ]. \n The partner notification is one of the main activities of epidemiologic surveillance in Public Health. The basal objective was to estimate the submission of the collaborator notification", "butter_fingers": "leifa].\nThe partner notificatiun is one of thg nain artivitiss of epkdemiological surveillance ii Puvlic Yealth. The primary objdctive wad to estumatt the compliance of the partner kotifncetion", "random_deletion": "leida]. The partner notification is one of activities epidemiological surveillance Public Health. The the of the partner", "change_char_case": "leida].\nThe partner notificatiOn is one of tHe maiN acTivItIes oF epiDemiological suRVeilLance in Public Health. The PrimaRy OBjecTIvE was tO estimaTE tHE ComPlIaNce Of THe PartnEr nOtificaTion", "whitespace_perturbation": "leida].\nThe partner notifi cation isone o f t hema in a ctiv ities of epide m iolo gical surveillance inPubli cH ealt h .The p rimaryo bj e c tiv ewa s t oe st imate th e compl iance of t hepa rtner notifi c at ion", "underscore_trick": "leida].\nThe partner_notification is_one of the main_activities of_epidemiological_surveillance in_Public_Health. The primary_objective was to_estimate the compliance of_the partner notification"} +{"text": " did not exceed 42% as deduced from the different secondary structure evaluation methods, discussed here. PP-II fractions in electrospun collagen nanofibers were almost", "synonym_substitution": "did not exceed 42% as deduced from the different secondary social organization evaluation method, discussed here. PP - II fractions in electrospun collagen nanofibers were about", "butter_fingers": " dif not exceed 42% as deduced from the diffetebt secmndary structufe evaluation methods, discusdee hert. PP-II fractions in electrosiun collaten ianofibers were emmost", "random_deletion": "did not exceed 42% as deduced from secondary evaluation methods, here. PP-II fractions almost", "change_char_case": " did not exceed 42% as deduced from The differeNt secOndAry StRuctUre eValuation methoDS, disCussed here. PP-II fractionS in elEcTRospUN cOllagEn nanofIBeRS WerE aLmOst", "whitespace_perturbation": " did not exceed 42% as ded uced fromthe d iff ere nt sec onda ry structure e v alua tion methods, discusse d her e. PP-I I f racti ons ine le c t ros pu ncol la g en nano fib ers wer e almost", "underscore_trick": " did_not exceed_42% as deduced from_the different_secondary_structure evaluation_methods,_discussed here. PP-II_fractions in electrospun_collagen nanofibers were almost"} +{"text": "65%) with variable extent (mean: 14%, range: 1.3-42%). The extent of LGE was positively associated with MR-proANP", "synonym_substitution": "65 %) with variable extent (mean: 14% , range: 1.3 - 42 %). The extent of LGE was positively associated with MR - proANP", "butter_fingers": "65%) wihh variable extent (mean: 14%, range: 1.3-42%). The extgnr of LJE was lositiveuy associated with MR-proANP", "random_deletion": "65%) with variable extent (mean: 14%, range: extent LGE was associated with MR-proANP", "change_char_case": "65%) with variable extent (mean: 14%, ranGe: 1.3-42%). The extenT of LGe waS poSiTiveLy asSociated with MR-PRoANp", "whitespace_perturbation": "65%) with variable extent(mean: 14% , ran ge: 1. 3- 42%) . Th e extent of LG E was positively associated with M R -pro A NP ", "underscore_trick": "65%) with_variable extent_(mean: 14%, range: 1.3-42%)._The extent_of_LGE was_positively_associated with MR-proANP"} +{"text": " This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of", "synonym_substitution": "This journal requires that authors assign a degree of evidence to each article. For a wide description of these Evidence - Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of", "butter_fingers": " Thls journal requires that authors assign a leven of ebidence go each article. For a full dxscruptiob of these Evidence-Basdd Medicije ratints, powase refer to the Bcble kn", "random_deletion": "This journal requires that authors assign a evidence each article. a full description please to the Table", "change_char_case": " This journal requires that auThors assigN a levEl oF evIdEnce To eaCh article. For a fULl deScription of these EvidenCe-BasEd mEdicINe RatinGs, pleasE ReFER to ThE TAblE oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " This journal requires tha t authorsassig n a le ve l of evi dence to eacha rtic le. For a full descrip tionof thes e E viden ce-Base d M e d ici ne r ati ng s ,pleas e r efer to the Table of ", "underscore_trick": " This_journal requires_that authors assign a_level of_evidence_to each_article._For a full_description of these_Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please_refer to the_Table_of"} +{"text": "617 [2.654-34.845]) and network meta-analysis (odds ratio, 16.23, 95% credible interval: 4.27", "synonym_substitution": "617 [ 2.654 - 34.845 ]) and network meta - analysis (odds ratio, 16.23, 95% credible interval: 4.27", "butter_fingers": "617 [2.654-34.845]) ajd network meta-analysis (udds ratio, 16.23, 95% crgduble iiterval: 4.27", "random_deletion": "617 [2.654-34.845]) and network meta-analysis (odds ratio, credible 4.27", "change_char_case": "617 [2.654-34.845]) and network meta-analysis (oddS ratio, 16.23, 95% credIble iNteRvaL: 4.27", "whitespace_perturbation": "617 [2.654-34.845]) and ne twork meta -anal ysi s ( od ds r atio , 16.23, 95% c r edib le interval: 4.27", "underscore_trick": "617 [2.654-34.845])_and network_meta-analysis (odds ratio, 16.23,_95% credible_interval:_4.27"} +{"text": "1 H2, which is favourable for moderate temperature hydrogen applications. Although, the hydrogen capacity decreases during consecutive H2 release and uptake cycles, the presence of excess", "synonym_substitution": "1 H2, which is favourable for moderate temperature hydrogen applications. Although, the hydrogen capacity decreases during back-to-back H2 dismissal and uptake cycles, the presence of excess", "butter_fingers": "1 H2, ahich is favourable for ooderate tempercrure hbdrogen applicagions. Although, the hydrogen rapaxity eecreases during consezutive H2 gelease abd uktake cycles, the 'desence of exdcss", "random_deletion": "1 H2, which is favourable for moderate applications. the hydrogen decreases during consecutive the of excess", "change_char_case": "1 H2, which is favourable for modeRate temperAture HydRogEn ApplIcatIons. Although, thE HydrOgen capacity decreases dUring CoNSecuTIvE H2 relEase and UPtAKE cyClEs, The PrESeNce of ExcEss", "whitespace_perturbation": "1 H2, which is favourablefor modera te te mpe rat ur e hy drog en application s . Al though, the hydrogen c apaci ty decr e as es du ring co n se c u tiv eH2 re le a se andupt ake cyc les, the p res en ce of excess ", "underscore_trick": "1 H2,_which is_favourable for moderate temperature_hydrogen applications._Although,_the hydrogen_capacity_decreases during consecutive_H2 release and_uptake cycles, the presence_of excess"} +{"text": ".72 for carcass joint traits, from 0.28 to 0.45 for pH24 and reflectance measurements, and from 0.03 to 0.", "synonym_substitution": ".72 for carcass joint traits, from 0.28 to 0.45 for pH24 and reflectance measurements, and from 0.03 to 0.", "butter_fingers": ".72 fog carcass joint traits, fvom 0.28 to 0.45 for pH24 cbd refnectande measufements, and from 0.03 to 0.", "random_deletion": ".72 for carcass joint traits, from 0.28 for and reflectance and from 0.03", "change_char_case": ".72 for carcass joint traits, from 0.28 To 0.45 for pH24 and RefleCtaNce MeAsurEmenTs, and from 0.03 to 0.", "whitespace_perturbation": ".72 for carcass joint trai ts, from 0 .28 t o 0 .45 f or p H24and reflectanc e mea surements, and from 0. 03 to 0 . ", "underscore_trick": ".72 for_carcass joint_traits, from 0.28 to_0.45 for_pH24_and reflectance_measurements,_and from 0.03_to 0."} +{"text": " nursing care of the older patients consists of at an emergency department from the emergency nurses' point of view. Ten emergency nurses from a university hospital emergency department in Sweden", "synonym_substitution": "nursing care of the older patients consists of at an hand brake department from the hand brake nanny' point of opinion. Ten hand brake nurses from a university hospital emergency department in Sweden", "butter_fingers": " nugsing care of the older katients consists of at en emerfency deoartment from the emergency iursws' pount of view. Ten emergevcy nursed from a unitersity hospital emergengv depzvtmenc mn Sweden", "random_deletion": "nursing care of the older patients consists an department from emergency nurses' point from university hospital emergency in Sweden", "change_char_case": " nursing care of the older patiEnts consisTs of aT an EmeRgEncy DepaRtment from the eMErgeNcy nurses' point of view. TeN emerGeNCy nuRSeS from A univerSItY HOspItAl EmeRgENcY depaRtmEnt in SwEden", "whitespace_perturbation": " nursing care of the older patientsconsi sts of a t an eme rgency departm e nt f rom the emergency nurs es' p oi n t of vi ew. T en emer g en c y nu rs es fr om aunive rsi ty hosp ital emerg enc ydepartment i n S weden", "underscore_trick": " nursing_care of_the older patients consists_of at_an_emergency department_from_the emergency nurses'_point of view._Ten emergency nurses from_a university hospital_emergency_department in Sweden"} +{"text": " activity ratio, was 47% higher in heart from diabetic than from control animals. Stereological analysis of cardiac tissue microphotographs showed an increase in the cytosolic", "synonym_substitution": "activity ratio, was 47% higher in heart from diabetic than from restraint animal. Stereological analysis of cardiac tissue microphotographs showed an addition in the cytosolic", "butter_fingers": " achivity ratio, was 47% higher in heart from buabetir than rrom congrol animals. Stereological aialywis od cardiac tissue microohotograpjs showee an uncrease ii the cybjsoljg", "random_deletion": "activity ratio, was 47% higher in heart than control animals. analysis of cardiac in cytosolic", "change_char_case": " activity ratio, was 47% higher in hEart from diAbetiC thAn fRoM conTrol Animals. StereolOGicaL analysis of cardiac tissUe micRoPHotoGRaPhs shOwed an iNCrEASe iN tHe CytOsOLiC", "whitespace_perturbation": " activity ratio, was 47% h igher in h eartfro m d ia beti c th an from contro l ani mals. Stereological an alysi so f ca r di ac ti ssue mi c ro p h oto gr ap hssh o we d aninc rease i n the cyto sol ic ", "underscore_trick": " activity_ratio, was_47% higher in heart_from diabetic_than_from control_animals._Stereological analysis of_cardiac tissue microphotographs_showed an increase in_the cytosolic"} +{"text": " scar: a case study of a patient with persistent right lower quadrant pain.\nThis case study describes a patient with persistent right lower quadrant and low back pain who", "synonym_substitution": "scar: a case study of a patient with haunting justly lower quadrant pain. \n This case report describes a patient with dogged correctly lower quadrant and abject back pain who", "butter_fingers": " scwr: a case study of a patlent with persisjebt rigit lowed quadravt pain.\nThis case study descrmbes a paupent with persistent fight lowvr quadrabt aid low back pain who", "random_deletion": "scar: a case study of a patient right quadrant pain. case study describes lower and low back who", "change_char_case": " scar: a case study of a patient wIth persistEnt riGht LowEr QuadRant Pain.\nThis case stUDy deScribes a patient with perSisteNt RIght LOwEr quaDrant anD LoW BAck PaIn Who", "whitespace_perturbation": " scar: a case study of a p atient wit h per sis ten trigh t lo wer quadrant p a in.This case study descri bes a p a tien t w ith p ersiste n tr i ght l ow erqu a dr ant a ndlow bac k pain who ", "underscore_trick": " scar:_a case_study of a patient_with persistent_right_lower quadrant_pain.\nThis_case study describes_a patient with_persistent right lower quadrant_and low back_pain_who"} +{"text": " tumor immune response.\nSequence variation in the src gene product could, in principle, influence metastasis formation through either of 2 effects: an alteration in tumor antigenicity", "synonym_substitution": "tumor immune response. \n Sequence variation in the src gene product could, in rationale, influence metastasis constitution through either of 2 effects: an alteration in tumor antigenicity", "butter_fingers": " tulor immune response.\nSequekce variation in the srr gene lroduct zould, in principle, influence mwtastqsis formation through either ov 2 effecrs: ai alteration in vhmor anbngenidlty", "random_deletion": "tumor immune response. Sequence variation in the product in principle, metastasis formation through alteration tumor antigenicity", "change_char_case": " tumor immune response.\nSequenCe variatioN in thE srC geNe ProdUct cOuld, in principlE, InflUence metastasis formatiOn thrOuGH eitHEr Of 2 effEcts: an aLTeRATioN iN tUmoR aNTiGenicIty", "whitespace_perturbation": " tumor immune response.\nSe quence var iatio n i n t he src gen e product coul d , in principle, influencemetas ta s is f o rm ation throug h e i t her o f2 e ff e ct s: an al teratio n in tumor an ti genicity", "underscore_trick": " tumor_immune response.\nSequence_variation in the src_gene product_could,_in principle,_influence_metastasis formation through_either of 2_effects: an alteration in_tumor antigenicity"} +{"text": " adrenals of treated vs. control animals was observed. Increasing dose, but not duration of exposure, produced related increases in barium concentrations in liver, skeletal muscle", "synonym_substitution": "adrenals of treated vs. control animals was note. increase dose, but not duration of exposure, produced related increase in barium concentrations in liver, skeletal brawn", "butter_fingers": " adgenals of treated vs. conurol animals was observev. Increzsing dore, but not duration of exposnre, produxed related increases kn barium concenteatiibs in livec, skeletal musdpe", "random_deletion": "adrenals of treated vs. control animals was dose, not duration exposure, produced related liver, muscle", "change_char_case": " adrenals of treated vs. controL animals waS obseRveD. InCrEasiNg doSe, but not duratiON of eXposure, produced related IncreAsES in bARiUm conCentratIOnS IN liVeR, sKelEtAL mUscle", "whitespace_perturbation": " adrenals of treated vs. c ontrol ani malswas ob se rved . In creasing dose, butnot duration of exposu re, p ro d uced re lated increa s es i n b ar iu m c on c en trati ons in liv er, skelet almu scle", "underscore_trick": " adrenals_of treated_vs. control animals was_observed. Increasing_dose,_but not_duration_of exposure, produced_related increases in_barium concentrations in liver,_skeletal muscle"} +{"text": " +/- 2%) in the HMW fraction. Thus, nonspecific interferences with beta TG measurements in certain urines are overcome by the separation step. Using Se", "synonym_substitution": "+ /- 2 %) in the HMW fraction. Thus, nonspecific interferences with beta TG measurements in certain urine are get the best by the separation step. use Se", "butter_fingers": " +/- 2%) ln the HMW fraction. Thus, nonspecific injeeferenres witg beta TE measurements in certain urmnes are ivercome by the separagion step. Using Sw", "random_deletion": "+/- 2%) in the HMW fraction. Thus, with TG measurements certain urines are Using", "change_char_case": " +/- 2%) in the HMW fraction. Thus, nonspEcific inteRfereNceS wiTh Beta tG meAsurements in ceRTain Urines are overcome by the SeparAtIOn stEP. USing SE", "whitespace_perturbation": " +/- 2%) in the HMW fracti on. Thus,nonsp eci fic i nter fere nces with beta TG m easurements in certain urin es areo ve rcome by the se p a rat io nste p. Us ing S e", "underscore_trick": " +/-_2%) in_the HMW fraction. Thus,_nonspecific interferences_with_beta TG_measurements_in certain urines_are overcome by_the separation step. Using_Se"} +{"text": " involved in iron uptake mediated by siderophores. Analysis of the DNA surrounding the transposon insertion showed the presence of a tonB cluster of genes composed of", "synonym_substitution": "involved in iron uptake mediated by siderophores. Analysis of the deoxyribonucleic acid besiege the transposon insertion showed the bearing of a tonB cluster of gene composed of", "butter_fingers": " ingolved in iron uptake meaiated by siderophores. Analyais of tfe DNA surrounding the trans'osob instgtion showed the presdnce of a tonB clystec of genes composed of", "random_deletion": "involved in iron uptake mediated by siderophores. the surrounding the insertion showed the of composed of", "change_char_case": " involved in iron uptake mediaTed by siderOphorEs. ANalYsIs of The DnA surrounding tHE traNsposon insertion showed The prEsENce oF A tOnB clUster of GEnES ComPoSeD of", "whitespace_perturbation": " involved in iron uptake m ediated by side rop hor es . An alys is of the DNAs urro unding the transposoninser ti o n sh o we d the presen c eo f ato nB cl us t er of g ene s compo sed of", "underscore_trick": " involved_in iron_uptake mediated by siderophores._Analysis of_the_DNA surrounding_the_transposon insertion showed_the presence of_a tonB cluster of_genes composed of"} +{"text": " the lumbar region in 47 (30%), were the most common sites of occurrence of spina bifida. Of 71 hydrocephalic patients, 39 (55%)", "synonym_substitution": "the lumbar region in 47 (30 %), were the most common sites of happening of spina bifida. Of 71 hydrocephalic patient, 39 (55% )", "butter_fingers": " thf lumbar region in 47 (30%), wert the most common sites mf occhrrence uf spina bifida. Of 71 hydrocepialix patuents, 39 (55%)", "random_deletion": "the lumbar region in 47 (30%), were common of occurrence spina bifida. Of", "change_char_case": " the lumbar region in 47 (30%), were the mOst common sItes oF ocCurReNce oF spiNa bifida. Of 71 hydrOCephAlic patients, 39 (55%)", "whitespace_perturbation": " the lumbar region in 47 ( 30%), were themos t c om monsite s of occurrenc e ofspina bifida. Of 71 hy droce ph a licp at ients , 39 (5 5 %) ", "underscore_trick": " the_lumbar region_in 47 (30%), were_the most_common_sites of_occurrence_of spina bifida._Of 71 hydrocephalic_patients, 39 (55%)"} +{"text": "abdominal cryptorchidism, in four groups of 5 rats at 3 months of age vasocystostomies (a microsurgical operation anastomosing both sperm", "synonym_substitution": "abdominal cryptorchidism, in four groups of 5 rats at 3 months of old age vasocystostomies (a microsurgical process anastomosing both sperm", "butter_fingers": "abdlminal cryptorchidism, in four groups of 5 rats et 3 monfhs of aee vasocystostomies (a microsnrgixal okvration anastomosing coth sperl", "random_deletion": "abdominal cryptorchidism, in four groups of 5 3 of age (a microsurgical operation", "change_char_case": "abdominal cryptorchidism, in Four groups Of 5 ratS at 3 MonThS of aGe vaSocystostomies (A MicrOsurgical operation anasTomosInG Both SPeRm", "whitespace_perturbation": "abdominal cryptorchidism,in four gr oupsof5 r at s at 3 m onths of age v a socy stostomies (a microsur gical o p erat i on anas tomosin g b o t h s pe rm ", "underscore_trick": "abdominal cryptorchidism,_in four_groups of 5 rats_at 3_months_of age_vasocystostomies_(a microsurgical operation_anastomosing both sperm"} +{"text": "py)2(mu-ox)]2+.pi-pi interactions of the bpy ligands from adjacent chains lead to their three-dimensional structures. An analogue", "synonym_substitution": "py)2(mu - ox)]2+.pi - pi interactions of the bpy ligands from adjacent chains head to their three - dimensional structure. An analogue", "butter_fingers": "py)2(mk-ox)]2+.pi-pi interactions of uhe bpy ligands fton adjarent chzins leaa to their three-dimensional dteuctuees. An analogue", "random_deletion": "py)2(mu-ox)]2+.pi-pi interactions of the bpy ligands from lead their three-dimensional An analogue", "change_char_case": "py)2(mu-ox)]2+.pi-pi interactions of tHe bpy liganDs froM adJacEnT chaIns lEad to their threE-DimeNsional structures. An anaLogue", "whitespace_perturbation": "py)2(mu-ox)]2+.pi-pi inter actions of thebpy li ga ndsfrom adjacent chai n s le ad to their three-dime nsion al stru c tu res.An anal o gu e ", "underscore_trick": "py)2(mu-ox)]2+.pi-pi interactions_of the_bpy ligands from adjacent_chains lead_to_their three-dimensional_structures._An analogue"} +{"text": "is colorectal cancer (HNPCC). However, the inability to maintain primary colon epithelial cells in culture has limited the analysis of the contribution of MMR gene defects", "synonym_substitution": "is colorectal cancer (HNPCC). However, the inability to maintain primary colon epithelial cells in culture has specify the psychoanalysis of the contribution of MMR gene defects", "butter_fingers": "is folorectal cancer (HNPCC). Mowever, the inabnoity tm mainfain prioary colon epithelial cells mn cylturt has limited the avalysis ov the cobtriuution of MMR geis defecbf", "random_deletion": "is colorectal cancer (HNPCC). However, the inability primary epithelial cells culture has limited of gene defects", "change_char_case": "is colorectal cancer (HNPCC). HoWever, the inAbiliTy tO maInTain PrimAry colon epitheLIal cElls in culture has limiteD the aNaLYsis OF tHe conTributiON oF mmR gEnE dEfeCtS", "whitespace_perturbation": "is colorectal cancer (HNPC C). Howeve r, th e i nab il ityto m aintain primar y col on epithelial cells in cult ur e has li mited the an a ly s i s o fth e c on t ri butio n o f MMR g ene defect s", "underscore_trick": "is colorectal_cancer (HNPCC)._However, the inability to_maintain primary_colon_epithelial cells_in_culture has limited_the analysis of_the contribution of MMR_gene defects"} +{"text": "-focused analysis, including a shortening of the time-frame to 5 years. Although treatment with LCE resulted in an increase in direct costs per patient of 3", "synonym_substitution": "-focused analysis, including a shortening of the time - frame to 5 days. Although discussion with LCE resulted in an increase in lineal costs per affected role of 3", "butter_fingers": "-focksed analysis, including x shortening of the tike-frams to 5 yexrs. Although treatment with PCW resylted in an increase iv direct bosts per patment of 3", "random_deletion": "-focused analysis, including a shortening of the 5 Although treatment LCE resulted in per of 3", "change_char_case": "-focused analysis, including a Shortening Of the TimE-frAmE to 5 yEars. although treatmENt wiTh LCE resulted in an increAse in DiREct cOStS per pAtient oF 3", "whitespace_perturbation": "-focused analysis, includi ng a short ening of th etime -fra me to 5 years. Alth ough treatment with LC E res ul t ed i n a n inc rease i n d i r ect c os tspe r p atien t o f 3", "underscore_trick": "-focused analysis,_including a_shortening of the time-frame_to 5_years._Although treatment_with_LCE resulted in_an increase in_direct costs per patient_of 3"} +{"text": "gold), 36.6 +/- 23.7 (bismuth), 1.5 +/- 1.3 (cadmium), 39.8 +/- 24.7", "synonym_substitution": "gold), 36.6 + /- 23.7 (bismuth), 1.5 + /- 1.3 (cadmium), 39.8 + /- 24.7", "butter_fingers": "golf), 36.6 +/- 23.7 (bismuth), 1.5 +/- 1.3 (cadmium), 39.8 +/- 24.7", "random_deletion": "gold), 36.6 +/- 23.7 (bismuth), 1.5 +/- 39.8 24.7", "change_char_case": "gold), 36.6 +/- 23.7 (bismuth), 1.5 +/- 1.3 (cadmium), 39.8 +/- 24.7", "whitespace_perturbation": "gold), 36.6 +/- 23.7 (bism uth), 1.5+/- 1 .3(ca dm ium) , 39 .8 +/- 24.7", "underscore_trick": "gold), 36.6_+/- 23.7_(bismuth), 1.5 +/- 1.3_(cadmium), 39.8_+/-_24.7"} +{"text": " capacity were minimal as the tissue was heated from 37\u00b0C to 61\u00b0C. Conversely, in brain tumor tissues, changes of specific heat capacity between 37\u00b0", "synonym_substitution": "capacity were minimal as the tissue was heated from 37 \u00b0 C to 61 \u00b0 C. Conversely, in mind tumor tissue, changes of specific heat capacity between 37 \u00b0", "butter_fingers": " caoacity were minimal as tme tissue was hecred frmm 37\u00b0C tk 61\u00b0C. Convdrsely, in brain tumor tissued, xhangtf of specific heat capacity between 37\u00b0", "random_deletion": "capacity were minimal as the tissue was 37\u00b0C 61\u00b0C. Conversely, brain tumor tissues, between", "change_char_case": " capacity were minimal as the tIssue was heAted fRom 37\u00b0c to 61\u00b0c. COnveRselY, in brain tumor tISsueS, changes of specific heat CapacItY BetwEEn 37\u00b0", "whitespace_perturbation": " capacity were minimal asthe tissue washea ted f rom37\u00b0C to 61\u00b0C. Conv e rsel y, in brain tumor tiss ues,ch a nges of spec ific he a tc a pac it ybet we e n37\u00b0", "underscore_trick": " capacity_were minimal_as the tissue was_heated from_37\u00b0C_to 61\u00b0C._Conversely,_in brain tumor_tissues, changes of_specific heat capacity between_37\u00b0"} +{"text": " drugs and the rule-of-three by Congreve et al. for leads. The fast automated search with the new C-code TRIDOCK yields a", "synonym_substitution": "drugs and the rule - of - three by Congreve et al. for leads. The fast automated search with the newfangled C - code TRIDOCK give a", "butter_fingers": " drkgs and the rule-of-three ny Congreve et al. for lxads. Ths fast ajtomated search with the new C-xode UGIDOCK yields a", "random_deletion": "drugs and the rule-of-three by Congreve et leads. fast automated with the new", "change_char_case": " drugs and the rule-of-three by COngreve et aL. for lEadS. ThE fAst aUtomAted search with THe neW C-code TRIDOCK yields a", "whitespace_perturbation": " drugs and the rule-of-thr ee by Cong reveetal. f or l eads . The fast aut o mate d search with the newC-cod eT RIDO C Kyield s a", "underscore_trick": " drugs_and the_rule-of-three by Congreve et_al. for_leads._The fast_automated_search with the_new C-code TRIDOCK_yields a"} +{"text": " pharmacokinetic study of OGT 719 in patients with liver cancer.\nOGT 719 (Oxford GlycoSciences, Abingdon, UK) is", "synonym_substitution": "pharmacokinetic study of OGT 719 in patients with liver cancer. \n OGT 719 (Oxford GlycoSciences, Abingdon, UK) is", "butter_fingers": " phwrmacokinetic study of ONT 719 in patients cuth liter cander.\nOGT 719 (Uxford GlycoSciences, Abingdoi, UK) is", "random_deletion": "pharmacokinetic study of OGT 719 in patients cancer. 719 (Oxford Abingdon, UK) is", "change_char_case": " pharmacokinetic study of OGT 719 In patients With lIveR caNcEr.\nOGt 719 (OxfOrd GlycoSciencES, AbiNgdon, UK) is", "whitespace_perturbation": " pharmacokinetic study ofOGT 719 in pati ent s w it h li vercancer.\nOGT 71 9 (Ox ford GlycoSciences, Ab ingdo n, UK)i s", "underscore_trick": " pharmacokinetic_study of_OGT 719 in patients_with liver_cancer.\nOGT_719 (Oxford_GlycoSciences,_Abingdon, UK) is"} +{"text": "oglobin, respectively; in white blood cell DNA, the level of cisplatin was about 1 pg/microgram DNA. Preliminary data indicate that cancer patients have measurable amounts", "synonym_substitution": "oglobin, respectively; in white blood cell DNA, the level of cisplatin was approximately 1 pg / microgram DNA. Preliminary datum argue that cancer patients get measurable amount", "butter_fingers": "ogllbin, respectively; in whiue blood cell DNA, the letel of displativ was about 1 pg/microgram DNA. Peelimunary data indicate thxt cancer patientw hate measurable amounts", "random_deletion": "oglobin, respectively; in white blood cell DNA, of was about pg/microgram DNA. Preliminary have amounts", "change_char_case": "oglobin, respectively; in whitE blood cell dNA, thE leVel Of CispLatiN was about 1 pg/micROgraM DNA. Preliminary data indIcate ThAT canCEr PatieNts have MEaSURabLe AmOunTs", "whitespace_perturbation": "oglobin, respectively; inwhite bloo d cel l D NA, t he l evel of cisplatinw as a bout 1 pg/microgram DN A. Pr el i mina r ydataindicat e t h a t c an ce r p at i en ts ha vemeasura ble amount s", "underscore_trick": "oglobin, respectively;_in white_blood cell DNA, the_level of_cisplatin_was about_1_pg/microgram DNA. Preliminary_data indicate that_cancer patients have measurable_amounts"} +{"text": " transplantation. Sex-specific Differences in the Quality of Treatment of Muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer Do Not Explain the Overall Survival Discrepancy.\nWhile", "synonym_substitution": "transplantation. Sex - specific Differences in the Quality of Treatment of Muscle - invasive Bladder Cancer Do Not excuse the Overall Survival Discrepancy. \n While", "butter_fingers": " trwnsplantation. Sex-specifig Differences in the Quelity or Treatmdnt of Muscle-invasive Bladdec Cabcer Eo Not Explain the Ovefall Survpval Disceepaicy.\nWhile", "random_deletion": "transplantation. Sex-specific Differences in the Quality of Muscle-invasive Cancer Do Explain the Overall", "change_char_case": " transplantation. Sex-specifiC DifferencEs in tHe QUalItY of TReatMent of Muscle-inVAsivE Bladder Cancer Do Not ExpLain tHe oVeraLL SUrvivAl DiscrEPaNCY.\nWhIlE", "whitespace_perturbation": " transplantation. Sex-spec ific Diffe rence s i n t he Qua lity of Treatmento f Mu scle-invasive BladderCance rD o No t E xplai n the O v er a l l S ur vi val D i sc repan cy. \nWhile", "underscore_trick": " transplantation._Sex-specific Differences_in the Quality of_Treatment of_Muscle-invasive_Bladder Cancer_Do_Not Explain the_Overall Survival Discrepancy.\nWhile"} +{"text": " of the response relative to the control value]=0.04 [95% confidence interval 0.01-0.11]mg/paw) and edema", "synonym_substitution": "of the response relative to the control value]=0.04 [ 95% confidence time interval 0.01 - 0.11]mg / paw) and edema", "butter_fingers": " of the response relative tu the control vcoue]=0.04 [95% cmnfidehce intefval 0.01-0.11]mg/paw) and edema", "random_deletion": "of the response relative to the control confidence 0.01-0.11]mg/paw) and", "change_char_case": " of the response relative to thE control vaLue]=0.04 [95% coNfiDenCe InteRval 0.01-0.11]Mg/paw) and edema", "whitespace_perturbation": " of the response relativeto the con trolval ue] =0 .04[95% confidence in t erva l 0.01-0.11]mg/paw) an d ede ma ", "underscore_trick": " of_the response_relative to the control_value]=0.04 [95%_confidence_interval 0.01-0.11]mg/paw)_and_edema"} +{"text": " also demonstrated. Feeding through your gills and turning a toxicant into a resource: how the dogfish shark scavenges ammonia from its environment.\n", "synonym_substitution": "also demonstrated. Feeding through your gills and turn a poison into a resource: how the dogfish shark scavenges ammonia from its environment.", "butter_fingers": " aldo demonstrated. Feeding uhrough your gills and tnrning z toxicavt into a resource: how the dlgdish whark scavenges ammonix from itd envirobmenu.\n", "random_deletion": "also demonstrated. Feeding through your gills and toxicant a resource: the dogfish shark", "change_char_case": " also demonstrated. Feeding thRough your gIlls aNd tUrnInG a toXicaNt into a resourcE: How tHe dogfish shark scavengeS ammoNiA From ITs EnvirOnment.\n", "whitespace_perturbation": " also demonstrated. Feedin g throughyourgil lsan d tu rnin g a toxicant i n to a resource: how the dog fishsh a rk s c av enges ammoni a f r o m i ts e nvi ro n me nt.\n", "underscore_trick": " also_demonstrated. Feeding_through your gills and_turning a_toxicant_into a_resource:_how the dogfish_shark scavenges ammonia_from its environment.\n"} +{"text": " the patients with MF/MC breast cancer who were diagnosed between 2003 and 2014 were reviewed. The T stage of MF/MC tumors was determined according to the largest", "synonym_substitution": "the patients with MF / MC breast cancer who were diagnosed between 2003 and 2014 were reviewed. The T stagecoach of MF / MC tumor was determined according to the bombastic", "butter_fingers": " thf patients with MF/MC brexst cancer who cwre diegnosed between 2003 and 2014 were reviewed. The T svage of MD/MC tumors was determived accorfing to rhe oqrgest", "random_deletion": "the patients with MF/MC breast cancer who between and 2014 reviewed. The T determined to the largest", "change_char_case": " the patients with MF/MC breast Cancer who wEre diAgnOseD bEtweEn 2003 anD 2014 were reviewed. THE T stAge of MF/MC tumors was deteRmineD aCCordINg To the Largest", "whitespace_perturbation": " the patients with MF/MC b reast canc er wh o w ere d iagn osed between 2003a nd 2 014 were reviewed. The T st ag e ofM F/ MC tu mors wa s d e t erm in ed ac co r di ng to th e large st", "underscore_trick": " the_patients with_MF/MC breast cancer who_were diagnosed_between_2003 and_2014_were reviewed. The_T stage of_MF/MC tumors was determined_according to the_largest"} +{"text": " the excitation energy is transferred downhill to D, forming D. Clear evidence is obtained that the other 40% of the excitations results in the formation of D+QA", "synonym_substitution": "the excitation energy is transferred downhill to D, form D. Clear evidence is prevail that the other 40% of the excitations results in the geological formation of D+QA", "butter_fingers": " thf excitation energy is tvansferred downhnol to V, formihg D. Clexr evidence is obtained that tye otyer 40% of the excitationr results in the dormetion of D+QA", "random_deletion": "the excitation energy is transferred downhill to D. evidence is that the other in formation of D+QA", "change_char_case": " the excitation energy is tranSferred dowNhill To D, ForMiNg D. CLear Evidence is obtaINed tHat the other 40% of the excitaTions ReSUlts IN tHe forMation oF d+Qa", "whitespace_perturbation": " the excitation energy istransferre d dow nhi llto D,form ing D. Clear e v iden ce is obtained that th e oth er 40%o fthe e xcitati o ns r esu lt sinth e f ormat ion of D+Q A", "underscore_trick": " the_excitation energy_is transferred downhill to_D, forming_D._Clear evidence_is_obtained that the_other 40% of_the excitations results in_the formation of_D+QA"} +{"text": " HIV-1-infected patients experiencing their first protease inhibitor (PI)-failure on nelfinavir-containing highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART),", "synonym_substitution": "HIV-1 - infected patients experiencing their first protease inhibitor (PI)-failure on nelfinavir - control highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART),", "butter_fingers": " HIG-1-infected patients experlencing their fitsr protxase ingibitor (OI)-failure on nelfinavir-contamnint higyly active antiretrovifal theraiy (HAART),", "random_deletion": "HIV-1-infected patients experiencing their first protease inhibitor nelfinavir-containing active antiretroviral (HAART),", "change_char_case": " HIV-1-infected patients experiEncing theiR firsT prOteAsE inhIbitOr (PI)-failure on nELfinAvir-containing highly acTive aNtIRetrOViRal thErapy (HAarT),", "whitespace_perturbation": " HIV-1-infected patients e xperiencin g the irfir st pro teas e inhibitor (P I )-fa ilure on nelfinavir-co ntain in g hig h ly acti ve anti r et r o vir al t her ap y ( HAART ),", "underscore_trick": " HIV-1-infected_patients experiencing_their first protease inhibitor_(PI)-failure on_nelfinavir-containing_highly active_antiretroviral_therapy (HAART),"} +{"text": " ATP concentrations in IC and control BUCs, but there was a slower decrease in ATP levels in IC supernatants. Treatment of IC BUCs with 10-40 microM", "synonym_substitution": "ATP concentrations in IC and control BUCs, but there was a dense decrease in ATP degree in IC supernatants. Treatment of IC BUCs with 10 - 40 microM", "butter_fingers": " ATO concentrations in IC akd control BUCs, yyt thece was z slower decrease in ATP levels in IR supernaucnts. Treatment of IC BUCs witj 10-40 microN", "random_deletion": "ATP concentrations in IC and control BUCs, was slower decrease ATP levels in BUCs 10-40 microM", "change_char_case": " ATP concentrations in IC and cOntrol BUCs, But thEre Was A sLoweR decRease in ATP leveLS in Ic supernatants. Treatment Of IC BuCS With 10-40 MIcRoM", "whitespace_perturbation": " ATP concentrations in ICand contro l BUC s,but t here was a slower decr e asein ATP levels in IC su perna ta n ts.T re atmen t of IC BU C s wi th 1 0-4 0m ic roM", "underscore_trick": " ATP_concentrations in_IC and control BUCs,_but there_was_a slower_decrease_in ATP levels_in IC supernatants._Treatment of IC BUCs_with 10-40 microM"} +{"text": ". However, it is unclear which partial fundoplication performs best. This study compared anterior 180\u00b0 versus posterior 270\u00b0 fundoplication. At three hospitals,", "synonym_substitution": ". However, it is unclear which partial fundoplication performs best. This discipline compare anterior 180 \u00b0 versus posterior 270 \u00b0 fundoplication. At three hospitals,", "butter_fingers": ". Hoaever, it is unclear whicm partial fundoplicatioi perfodms best. This study compared anterioc 180\u00b0 vwrsus posterior 270\u00b0 fundoplicagion. At tjree hospitaow,", "random_deletion": ". However, it is unclear which partial best. study compared 180\u00b0 versus posterior", "change_char_case": ". However, it is unclear which paRtial fundoPlicaTioN peRfOrms Best. this study compaREd anTerior 180\u00b0 versus posterior 270\u00b0 fUndopLiCAtioN. at Three HospitaLS,", "whitespace_perturbation": ". However, it is unclear w hich parti al fu ndo pli ca tion per forms best. Th i s st udy compared anterior180\u00b0ve r susp os terio r 270\u00b0f un d o pli ca ti on. A t t hreehos pitals, ", "underscore_trick": ". However,_it is_unclear which partial fundoplication_performs best._This_study compared_anterior_180\u00b0 versus posterior_270\u00b0 fundoplication. At_three hospitals,"} +{"text": ". Five coats of die relief were applied internally in the crown to provide a cement space approximately 60 \u03bcm in thickness. Composite resin dies were fabricated by backfilling", "synonym_substitution": ". Five coats of die relief were applied internally in the crown to leave a cementum space approximately 60 \u03bcm in thickness. Composite resin dies were manufacture by backfilling", "butter_fingers": ". Fige coats of die relief wtre applied interuqlly ii the cdown to orovide a cement space approeimarely 60 \u03bcm in thickness. Composkte resin dies weee febricated by backfilling", "random_deletion": ". Five coats of die relief were in crown to a cement space Composite dies were fabricated backfilling", "change_char_case": ". Five coats of die relief were aPplied inteRnallY in The CrOwn tO proVide a cement spaCE appRoximately 60 \u03bcm in thicknesS. CompOsITe reSIn Dies wEre fabrICaTED by BaCkFilLiNG", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Five coats of die relief were appl ied i nte rna ll y in the crown to prov i de a cement space approxim ately 6 0 \u03bcmi nthick ness. C o mp o s ite r es indi e swerefab ricated by backfi lli ng ", "underscore_trick": ". Five_coats of_die relief were applied_internally in_the_crown to_provide_a cement space_approximately 60 \u03bcm_in thickness. Composite resin_dies were fabricated_by_backfilling"} +{"text": "iments in the Huangpu River and its tributaries (Suzhou River and Yunzao Brook) were firstly investigated. The mean concentrations of OP,", "synonym_substitution": "iments in the Huangpu River and its tributaries (Suzhou River and Yunzao Brook) were firstly investigated. The mean concentration of OP,", "butter_fingers": "imejts in the Huangpu River and its tributceies (Snzhou Rjver and Yunzao Brook) were firstly iivesrigattb. The mean concentragions of LP,", "random_deletion": "iments in the Huangpu River and its River Yunzao Brook) firstly investigated. The", "change_char_case": "iments in the Huangpu River anD its tributAries (suzHou riVer aNd YuNzao Brook) were fIRstlY investigated. The mean coNcentRaTIons OF Op,", "whitespace_perturbation": "iments in the Huangpu Rive r and itstribu tar ies ( Suzh ou R iver and Yunza o Bro ok) were firstly inves tigat ed . The me an co ncentra t io n s of O P, ", "underscore_trick": "iments in_the Huangpu_River and its tributaries_(Suzhou River_and_Yunzao Brook)_were_firstly investigated. The_mean concentrations of_OP,"} +{"text": "/kg priming dose plus 3 mg/kg/h) was infused for 3 h, to achieve steady-state inhibition of NO synthesis. Data were compared with", "synonym_substitution": "/kg priming dose plus 3 mg / kg / h) was infused for 3 h, to achieve regular - department of state inhibition of NO synthesis. Data were compare with", "butter_fingers": "/kg oriming dose plus 3 mg/kg/h) was infused fot 3 h, to echieve steady-sgate inhibition of NO synthediw. Datq were compared with", "random_deletion": "/kg priming dose plus 3 mg/kg/h) was 3 to achieve inhibition of NO", "change_char_case": "/kg priming dose plus 3 mg/kg/h) was Infused for 3 H, to acHieVe sTeAdy-sTate Inhibition of NO SYnthEsis. Data were compared wiTh", "whitespace_perturbation": "/kg priming dose plus 3 mg /kg/h) was infu sed fo r3 h, toachieve steady - stat e inhibition of NO syn thesi s. Data we re co mparedw it h ", "underscore_trick": "/kg priming_dose plus_3 mg/kg/h) was infused_for 3_h,_to achieve_steady-state_inhibition of NO_synthesis. Data were_compared with"} +{"text": " in the expression of microRNAs in pregnancy. Abnormal microRNA expression may have a role in the development of preeclampsia as it affects the proliferation, migration", "synonym_substitution": "in the expression of microRNAs in pregnancy. Abnormal microRNA expression may have a role in the growth of preeclampsia as it involve the proliferation, migration", "butter_fingers": " in the expression of microVNAs in pregnanci. Qbnormel micrkRNA expfession may have a role in tie dwvelokient of preeclampska as it wffects rhe kroliferation, migcztion", "random_deletion": "in the expression of microRNAs in pregnancy. expression have a in the development the migration", "change_char_case": " in the expression of microRNAS in pregnanCy. AbnOrmAl mIcRoRNa expRession may have A Role In the development of preeClampSiA As it AFfEcts tHe proliFErATIon, MiGrAtiOn", "whitespace_perturbation": " in the expression of micr oRNAs in p regna ncy . A bn orma l mi croRNA express i on m ay have a role in thedevel op m ento fpreec lampsia as i t a ff ec tsth e p rolif era tion, m igration", "underscore_trick": " in_the expression_of microRNAs in pregnancy._Abnormal microRNA_expression_may have_a_role in the_development of preeclampsia_as it affects the_proliferation, migration"} +{"text": "/DHPC in solution, and in the collection of an input of conformational constraints for the computation of the global fold of the protein. For OmpA,", "synonym_substitution": "/DHPC in solution, and in the collection of an input of conformational constraints for the computation of the ball-shaped congregation of the protein. For OmpA,", "butter_fingers": "/DHPF in solution, and in the collection of cb inpuv of cohformatiunal constraints for the com'utarion if the global fold of ghe protepn. For OmpA,", "random_deletion": "/DHPC in solution, and in the collection input conformational constraints the computation of protein. OmpA,", "change_char_case": "/DHPC in solution, and in the colLection of aN inpuT of ConFoRmatIonaL constraints foR The cOmputation of the global fOld of ThE ProtEIn. for OmPA,", "whitespace_perturbation": "/DHPC in solution, and inthe collec tionofanin putof c onformationalc onst raints for the computa tionof theg lo bal f old oft he p rot ei n. Fo rO mp A,", "underscore_trick": "/DHPC in_solution, and_in the collection of_an input_of_conformational constraints_for_the computation of_the global fold_of the protein. For_OmpA,"} +{"text": " samples and the presence of BSA were investigated in the Cu2+ ions preconcentration. The method provided an analytical curve ranging from 3.6 to 100.", "synonym_substitution": "samples and the presence of BSA were investigated in the Cu2 + ions preconcentration. The method acting provide an analytical curve range from 3.6 to 100.", "butter_fingers": " salples and the presence on BSA were invesjitated mn the Du2+ ions oreconcentration. The method 'rovuded qn analytical curve ravging frol 3.6 to 100.", "random_deletion": "samples and the presence of BSA were the ions preconcentration. method provided an to", "change_char_case": " samples and the presence of BSa were invesTigatEd iN thE CU2+ ionS preConcentration. THE metHod provided an analyticaL curvE rANginG FrOm 3.6 to 100.", "whitespace_perturbation": " samples and the presenceof BSA wer e inv est iga te d in the Cu2+ ions pre c once ntration. The method p rovid ed an a n al ytica l curve ra n g ing f ro m 3 .6 to 100. ", "underscore_trick": " samples_and the_presence of BSA were_investigated in_the_Cu2+ ions_preconcentration._The method provided_an analytical curve_ranging from 3.6 to_100."} +{"text": " dogs with surgically induced myocardial infarction. Unphosphorylated creatine and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) levels were calculated. The results were compared with biochemical", "synonym_substitution": "dogs with surgically induced myocardial infarction. Unphosphorylated creatine and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) levels were account. The result were compared with biochemical", "butter_fingers": " dohs with surgically inductd myocardial infcection. Unphoaphorylaged creatine and adenosine dmphowphatt (ADP) levels were cxlculated. The resylts qere compacsd with biochslican", "random_deletion": "dogs with surgically induced myocardial infarction. Unphosphorylated adenosine (ADP) levels calculated. The results", "change_char_case": " dogs with surgically induced Myocardial InfarCtiOn. UNpHospHoryLated creatine aND adeNosine diphosphate (ADP) leVels wErE CalcULaTed. ThE resultS WeRE ComPaReD wiTh BIoChemiCal", "whitespace_perturbation": " dogs with surgically indu ced myocar dialinf arc ti on.Unph osphorylated c r eati ne and adenosine dipho sphat e( ADP) le velswere ca l cu l a ted .Th e r es u lt s wer e c ompared with bioc hem ic al", "underscore_trick": " dogs_with surgically_induced myocardial infarction. Unphosphorylated_creatine and_adenosine_diphosphate (ADP)_levels_were calculated. The_results were compared_with biochemical"} +{"text": "apine treatment, whereas cholecystokinin, visfatin, and agouti-related protein levels did not change significantly. In conclusion, consistent with", "synonym_substitution": "apine treatment, whereas cholecystokinin, visfatin, and agouti - related protein levels did not change importantly. In ending, consistent with", "butter_fingers": "apije treatment, whereas chouecystokinin, visfatin, end agohti-relatdd protein levels did not chenge signuficantly. In conclusiov, consistvnt with", "random_deletion": "apine treatment, whereas cholecystokinin, visfatin, and agouti-related did change significantly. conclusion, consistent with", "change_char_case": "apine treatment, whereas cholEcystokiniN, visfAtiN, anD aGoutI-relAted protein levELs diD not change significantlY. In coNcLUsioN, CoNsistEnt with", "whitespace_perturbation": "apine treatment, whereas c holecystok inin, vi sfa ti n, a nd a gouti-relatedp rote in levels did not chan ge si gn i fica n tl y. In conclu s io n , co ns is ten tw it h", "underscore_trick": "apine treatment,_whereas cholecystokinin,_visfatin, and agouti-related protein_levels did_not_change significantly._In_conclusion, consistent with"} +{"text": " 39.9% 2000. The use of minor tranquillizers had increased from 13.2% to 39.2% and the prevalence of antipsychotic use", "synonym_substitution": "39.9% 2000. The use of minor tranquillizers had increased from 13.2% to 39.2% and the prevalence of antipsychotic habit", "butter_fingers": " 39.9% 2000. Hhe use of minor tranquiulizers had incteqsed fcom 13.2% to 39.2% and thd prevalence of antipsychotir usw", "random_deletion": "39.9% 2000. The use of minor tranquillizers from to 39.2% the prevalence of", "change_char_case": " 39.9% 2000. The use of minor tranquillizeRs had increAsed fRom 13.2% To 39.2% aNd The pRevaLence of antipsyCHotiC use", "whitespace_perturbation": " 39.9% 2000. The use of mi nor tranqu illiz ers ha dincr ease d from 13.2% t o 39. 2% and the prevalenceof an ti p sych o ti c use ", "underscore_trick": " 39.9%_2000. The_use of minor tranquillizers_had increased_from_13.2% to_39.2%_and the prevalence_of antipsychotic use"} +{"text": "combinant human EGF (hEGF) could be radioiodinated successfully by this method, whereas murine EGF could not. Bolton-Hunter 125I-", "synonym_substitution": "combinant human EGF (hEGF) could be radioiodinated successfully by this method, whereas murine EGF could not. Bolton - Hunter 125I-", "butter_fingers": "comhinant human EGF (hEGF) comld be radioiodiuqted snccessfhlly by ghis method, whereas murine EJF ciuld bot. Bolton-Hunter 125I-", "random_deletion": "combinant human EGF (hEGF) could be radioiodinated this whereas murine could not. Bolton-Hunter", "change_char_case": "combinant human EGF (hEGF) coulD be radioioDinatEd sUccEsSfulLy by This method, wherEAs muRine EGF could not. Bolton-HUnter 125i-", "whitespace_perturbation": "combinant human EGF (hEGF) could beradio iod ina te d su cces sfully by this meth od, whereas murine EGF coul dn ot.B ol ton-H unter 1 2 5I - ", "underscore_trick": "combinant human_EGF (hEGF)_could be radioiodinated successfully_by this_method,_whereas murine_EGF_could not. Bolton-Hunter_125I-"} +{"text": " in liver specimens from tree squirrels putatively infected with the tree squirrel hepatitis virus, or in liver specimens from horses with hepatitis (serum sickness), or", "synonym_substitution": "in liver specimens from tree squirrels putatively infected with the tree squirrel hepatitis virus, or in liver specimens from cavalry with hepatitis (serum illness), or", "butter_fingers": " in liver specimens from trte squirrels putajicely iifected with thd tree squirrel hepatitis vicus, ir in liver specimens from forses winh hepatiris (wwrum sicknxas), or", "random_deletion": "in liver specimens from tree squirrels putatively the squirrel hepatitis or in liver (serum or", "change_char_case": " in liver specimens from tree sQuirrels puTativEly InfEcTed wIth tHe tree squirrel HEpatItis virus, or in liver specImens FrOM horSEs With hEpatitiS (SeRUM siCkNeSs), oR", "whitespace_perturbation": " in liver specimens from t ree squirr els p uta tiv el y in fect ed with the tr e e sq uirrel hepatitis virus , orin live r s pecim ens fro m h o r ses w it h h ep a ti tis ( ser um sick ness), or", "underscore_trick": " in_liver specimens_from tree squirrels putatively_infected with_the_tree squirrel_hepatitis_virus, or in_liver specimens from_horses with hepatitis (serum_sickness), or"} +{"text": " single administration of minocycline in periodontal maintenance subjects. The effects of retinoids on cartilage differentiation in micromass cultures of chick facial primordia and the relationship", "synonym_substitution": "single administration of minocycline in periodontal maintenance discipline. The effect of retinoids on cartilage differentiation in micromass cultures of chick facial primordia and the kinship", "butter_fingers": " sijgle administration of mlnocycline in petiidontan mainfenance rubjects. The effects of retiioidw on xartilage differentiatkon in mibromass cyltuces of chick facmzl primordia zkd thz celationship", "random_deletion": "single administration of minocycline in periodontal maintenance effects retinoids on differentiation in micromass and relationship", "change_char_case": " single administration of minOcycline in PerioDonTal MaInteNancE subjects. The efFEcts Of retinoids on cartilage DiffeReNTiatIOn In micRomass cULtUREs oF cHiCk fAcIAl PrimoRdiA and the RelationshIp", "whitespace_perturbation": " single administration ofminocyclin e inper iod on talmain tenance subjec t s. T he effects of retinoid s onca r tila g ediffe rentiat i on i n m ic ro mas sc ul tures of chickfacial pri mor di a and the re l at ionship", "underscore_trick": " single_administration of_minocycline in periodontal maintenance_subjects. The_effects_of retinoids_on_cartilage differentiation in_micromass cultures of_chick facial primordia and_the relationship"} +{"text": " analogues of cAMP, indicating that its effect is due to elevated cellular cAMP levels. 2) At low insulin concentrations (1 nM), adipose conversion is reduced. Growth", "synonym_substitution": "analogues of cAMP, indicating that its effect is ascribable to exalted cellular cAMP levels. 2) At depleted insulin concentration (1 nM), adipose conversion is reduced. Growth", "butter_fingers": " anwlogues of cAMP, indicatikg that its effeer is dne to emevated zellular cAMP levels. 2) At low ibsulib concentrations (1 nM), aaipose cojversion is ceduced. Growth", "random_deletion": "analogues of cAMP, indicating that its effect to cellular cAMP 2) At low conversion reduced. Growth", "change_char_case": " analogues of cAMP, indicating That its effEct is Due To eLeVateD celLular cAMP levelS. 2) at loW insulin concentrations (1 NM), adiPoSE conVErSion iS reduceD. grOWTh", "whitespace_perturbation": " analogues of cAMP, indica ting thatits e ffe ctis due toelevated cellu l ar c AMP levels. 2) At lowinsul in conc e nt ratio ns (1 n M ), a dip os econ ve r si on is re duced.Growth", "underscore_trick": " analogues_of cAMP,_indicating that its effect_is due_to_elevated cellular_cAMP_levels. 2) At_low insulin concentrations_(1 nM), adipose conversion_is reduced. Growth"} +{"text": " content (+78%; P < 0.01), and resting glycogen level (to 39.3 micromol glucose/g muscle; P < 0.01)", "synonym_substitution": "content (+78% ; P < 0.01), and resting glycogen level (to 39.3 micromol glucose / g muscleman; phosphorus < 0.01 )", "butter_fingers": " cojtent (+78%; P < 0.01), and resting guycogen level (to 39.3 micrmmol gmucose/g ouscle; P < 0.01)", "random_deletion": "content (+78%; P < 0.01), and resting (to micromol glucose/g P < 0.01)", "change_char_case": " content (+78%; P < 0.01), and resting glycogeN level (to 39.3 miCromoL glUcoSe/G musCle; P < 0.01)", "whitespace_perturbation": " content (+78%; P < 0.01), and resti ng gl yco gen l evel (to 39.3 micromol gluc ose/g muscle; P < 0.01 )", "underscore_trick": " content_(+78%; P_< 0.01), and resting_glycogen level_(to_39.3 micromol_glucose/g_muscle; P <_0.01)"} +{"text": " Cell surface staining indicated similarity of the hybrid's reactivity to O-glycans and sensitivity for sialylation to respective properties of tandem-repeattype galectin-8", "synonym_substitution": "Cell surface staining indicated similarity of the loanblend's responsiveness to oxygen - glycans and sensitivity for sialylation to respective properties of tandem - repeattype galectin-8", "butter_fingers": " Cepl surface staining indigated similarity of the hybris's reactkvity to O-glycans and sensitmvitt for sialylation to respecgive propvrties of tanvem-repeattype galectin-8", "random_deletion": "Cell surface staining indicated similarity of the to and sensitivity sialylation to respective", "change_char_case": " Cell surface staining indicaTed similarIty of The HybRiD's reActiVity to O-glycans ANd seNsitivity for sialylatioN to reSpECtivE PrOpertIes of taNDeM-REpeAtTyPe gAlECtIn-8", "whitespace_perturbation": " Cell surface staining ind icated sim ilari tyofth e hy brid 's reactivityt o O- glycans and sensitivit y for s i alyl a ti on to respec t iv e pro pe rt ies o f t andem -re peattyp e galectin -8", "underscore_trick": " Cell_surface staining_indicated similarity of the_hybrid's reactivity_to_O-glycans and_sensitivity_for sialylation to_respective properties of_tandem-repeattype galectin-8"} +{"text": " were tested positive for at least one pathogen and 126 (3.3%) were positive for M. genitalium. M. genitalium is the second most prevalent", "synonym_substitution": "were tested positive for at least one pathogen and 126 (3.3 %) were positive for M. genitalium. M. genitalium is the second most prevailing", "butter_fingers": " wege tested positive for au least one pathoywn and 126 (3.3%) wers positixe for M. genitalium. M. genitapiym is the second most prevauent", "random_deletion": "were tested positive for at least one 126 were positive M. genitalium. M. prevalent", "change_char_case": " were tested positive for at leAst one pathOgen aNd 126 (3.3%) wEre PoSitiVe foR M. genitalium. M. gENitaLium is the second most preValenT", "whitespace_perturbation": " were tested positive forat least o ne pa tho gen a nd 1 26 ( 3.3%) were pos i tive for M. genitalium. M. geni ta l iumi sthe s econd m o st p rev al en t", "underscore_trick": " were_tested positive_for at least one_pathogen and_126_(3.3%) were_positive_for M. genitalium._M. genitalium is_the second most prevalent"} +{"text": "3) and Bz+\u2022(Pyr)) is likewise rationalized. Ultrasound-guided hyaluronic acid injection in carpometacarp", "synonym_substitution": "3) and Bz+\u2022(Pyr) ) is likewise rationalized. Ultrasound - guided hyaluronic acid injection in carpometacarp", "butter_fingers": "3) anf Bz+\u2022(Pyr)) is likewise ratiunalized. Ultrasound-guived hyamuronic xcid injection in carpometacerp", "random_deletion": "3) and Bz+\u2022(Pyr)) is likewise rationalized. Ultrasound-guided injection carpometacarp", "change_char_case": "3) and Bz+\u2022(Pyr)) is likewise rationaLized. UltraSound-GuiDed HyAlurOnic Acid injection iN CarpOmetacarp", "whitespace_perturbation": "3) and Bz+\u2022(Pyr)) is likew ise ration alize d.Ult ra soun d-gu ided hyaluroni c aci d injection in carpome tacar p", "underscore_trick": "3) and_Bz+\u2022(Pyr)) is_likewise rationalized. Ultrasound-guided hyaluronic_acid injection_in_carpometacarp"} +{"text": "erasome as a viral-size siRNA-carrier free from fusion and cross-linking.\nSurface-rigidified cerasomes (ceramic-coated", "synonym_substitution": "erasome as a viral - size siRNA - carrier free from fusion and cross - connect. \n open - rigidified cerasomes (ceramic - coated", "butter_fingers": "eradome as a viral-size siRNX-carrier free fton fusimn and cross-livking.\nSurface-rigidified ceraslmws (ceeamic-coated", "random_deletion": "erasome as a viral-size siRNA-carrier free from cross-linking. cerasomes (ceramic-coated", "change_char_case": "erasome as a viral-size siRNA-cArrier free From fUsiOn aNd CrosS-linKing.\nSurface-rigIDifiEd cerasomes (ceramic-coatEd", "whitespace_perturbation": "erasome as a viral-size si RNA-carrie r fre e f rom f usio n an d cross-linkin g .\nSu rface-rigidified ceras omes(c e rami c -c oated ", "underscore_trick": "erasome as_a viral-size_siRNA-carrier free from fusion_and cross-linking.\nSurface-rigidified_cerasomes_(ceramic-coated"} +{"text": " stability depend upon whether the introduced amino acid protrudes from the solvent accessible surface as defined by the surrounding residues in the wild type enzyme or is submerged below. T", "synonym_substitution": "stability depend upon whether the introduced amino acid protrudes from the solvent accessible open as define by the surrounding residues in the wild character enzyme or is submerged below. T", "butter_fingers": " stwbility depend upon whetmer the introducgd amino acid lrotruder from the solvent accessiblx sueface as defined by the surfounding gesidues un tie wild type enzbje or is submsvged yeoow. T", "random_deletion": "stability depend upon whether the introduced amino from solvent accessible as defined by wild enzyme or is below. T", "change_char_case": " stability depend upon whetheR the introdUced aMinO acId ProtRudeS from the solvenT AcceSsible surface as defined By the SuRRounDInG resiDues in tHE wILD tyPe EnZymE oR Is SubmeRgeD below. T", "whitespace_perturbation": " stability depend upon whe ther the i ntrod uce d a mi no a cidprotrudes from thesolvent accessible sur faceas defi n ed by t he surr o un d i ngre si due si nthe w ild type e nzyme or i s s ub merged below . T ", "underscore_trick": " stability_depend upon_whether the introduced amino_acid protrudes_from_the solvent_accessible_surface as defined_by the surrounding_residues in the wild_type enzyme or_is_submerged below. T"} +{"text": "m-derived ceramide induces cell death. Neutral sphingomyelinase (Nsm) enhances the release of reactive oxygen species, which suppress autophagy in", "synonym_substitution": "m - derived ceramide induces cell death. achromatic sphingomyelinase (Nsm) enhance the release of reactive oxygen species, which suppress autophagy in", "butter_fingers": "m-degived ceramide induces ctll death. Neutral sphingmmyelihase (Nsm) enhances the release of reartivw oxyten species, which suppfess autoihagy in", "random_deletion": "m-derived ceramide induces cell death. Neutral sphingomyelinase the of reactive species, which suppress", "change_char_case": "m-derived ceramide induces ceLl death. NeuTral sPhiNgoMyElinAse (NSm) enhances the rELeasE of reactive oxygen speciEs, whiCh SUpprESs AutopHagy in", "whitespace_perturbation": "m-derived ceramide induces cell deat h. Ne utr alsp hing omye linase (Nsm) e n hanc es the release of reac tiveox y gens pe cies, whichs up p r ess a ut oph ag y i n", "underscore_trick": "m-derived ceramide_induces cell_death. Neutral sphingomyelinase (Nsm)_enhances the_release_of reactive_oxygen_species, which suppress_autophagy in"} +{"text": " observed in the mice treated with wheat leaf ribonuclease (27 kDa) compared with the control RNase A and polyethylene glycol. In nude mice injected intratumor", "synonym_substitution": "observed in the mice treated with wheat leaf ribonuclease (27 kDa) compare with the restraint RNase A and polyethylene glycol. In nude mice inject intratumor", "butter_fingers": " obderved in the mice treattd with wheat leay ribonnclease (27 kDa) coopared with the control RNasx A qnd pilyethylene glycol. In vude mice injectee inuratumor", "random_deletion": "observed in the mice treated with wheat (27 compared with control RNase A mice intratumor", "change_char_case": " observed in the mice treated wIth wheat leAf ribOnuCleAsE (27 kDa) CompAred with the conTRol Rnase A and polyethylene glYcol. IN nUDe miCE iNjectEd intraTUmOR", "whitespace_perturbation": " observed in the mice trea ted with w heatlea f r ib onuc leas e (27 kDa) com p ared with the control RNas e A a nd poly e th ylene glycol . I n nud emi cein j ec ted i ntr atumor", "underscore_trick": " observed_in the_mice treated with wheat_leaf ribonuclease_(27_kDa) compared_with_the control RNase_A and polyethylene_glycol. In nude mice_injected intratumor"} +{"text": " and computational study.\nThe orientation of the orthopalladation of iminophosphoranes R3P=NCH2Aryl (R=", "synonym_substitution": "and computational study. \n The orientation of the orthopalladation of iminophosphoranes R3P = NCH2Aryl (R=", "butter_fingers": " anf computational study.\nThe orientation of the orvhopallzdation uf iminophosphoranes R3P=NCH2Arbl (R=", "random_deletion": "and computational study. The orientation of the iminophosphoranes (R=", "change_char_case": " and computational study.\nThe oRientation Of the OrtHopAlLadaTion Of iminophosphoRAnes r3P=NCH2Aryl (R=", "whitespace_perturbation": " and computational study.The orient ation of th eorth opal ladation of im i noph osphoranes R3P=NCH2Ary l (R= ", "underscore_trick": " and_computational study.\nThe_orientation of the orthopalladation_of iminophosphoranes_R3P=NCH2Aryl_(R="} +{"text": " was carried out in the Department of Anatomy, Basic Medical Sciences Institute, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, Karachi, Pakistan during March 2002 to February", "synonym_substitution": "was carried out in the Department of Anatomy, Basic Medical Sciences Institute, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, Karachi, Pakistan during March 2002 to February", "butter_fingers": " wad carried out in the Depxrtment of Anatomy, Basmc Medidal Scievces Institute, Jinnah Postgreduare Meeical Centre, Karachi, Pxkistan dlring Marxh 2002 uo February", "random_deletion": "was carried out in the Department of Medical Institute, Jinnah Medical Centre, Karachi, February", "change_char_case": " was carried out in the DepartmEnt of AnatoMy, BasIc MEdiCaL SciEnceS Institute, JinnAH PosTgraduate Medical Centre, karacHi, pAkisTAn DurinG March 2002 tO feBRUarY", "whitespace_perturbation": " was carried out in the De partment o f Ana tom y,Ba sicMedi cal Sciences I n stit ute, Jinnah Postgradua te Me di c al C e nt re, K arachi, Pa k i sta ndu rin gM ar ch 20 02to Febr uary", "underscore_trick": " was_carried out_in the Department of_Anatomy, Basic_Medical_Sciences Institute,_Jinnah_Postgraduate Medical Centre,_Karachi, Pakistan during_March 2002 to February"} +{"text": " this study demonstrates that aspiration can be performed immediately before biopsy without altering the interpretation of hematopoietic cellularity. This makes a simple one-step aspiration-biopsy techn", "synonym_substitution": "this study demonstrates that aspiration can be performed immediately before biopsy without alter the rendition of hematopoietic cellularity. This makes a simple one - gradation inhalation - biopsy techn", "butter_fingers": " thls study demonstrates thxt aspiration ccb be pxrformes immedixtely before biopsy without elteeing uke interpretation of hematopopetic celoulacity. This makes e simple one-stsi aspnretion-biopsy tecmn", "random_deletion": "this study demonstrates that aspiration can be before without altering interpretation of hematopoietic one-step techn", "change_char_case": " this study demonstrates that Aspiration Can be PerForMeD immEdiaTely before biopSY witHout altering the interprEtatiOn OF hemAToPoietIc celluLArITY. ThIs MaKes A sIMpLe one-SteP aspiraTion-biopsy TecHn", "whitespace_perturbation": " this study demonstrates t hat aspira tioncan be p erfo rmed immediately b e fore biopsy without alteri ng th ei nter p re tatio n of he m at o p oie ti ccel lu l ar ity.Thi s makes a simpleone -s tep aspirati o n- biopsy tec hn", "underscore_trick": " this_study demonstrates_that aspiration can be_performed immediately_before_biopsy without_altering_the interpretation of_hematopoietic cellularity. This_makes a simple one-step_aspiration-biopsy techn"} +{"text": "6 cDNA probe was used in Northern blot and RNA dot blot hybridization analysis to demonstrate that both streptozotocin-induced diabetes and fasting significantly elevated the steady-", "synonym_substitution": "6 cDNA probe was used in Northern blot and RNA acid smudge hybridization analysis to demonstrate that both streptozotocin - induce diabetes and fast significantly elevated the steady-", "butter_fingers": "6 cDJA probe was used in Noruhern blot and RNC dot bnot hygridizatkon analysis to demonstrate vhat both streptozotocin-induced diabetes and fasring wignificanvmy elevated tgc stecdb-", "random_deletion": "6 cDNA probe was used in Northern RNA blot hybridization to demonstrate that significantly the steady-", "change_char_case": "6 cDNA probe was used in NortherN blot and RNa dot bLot HybRiDizaTion Analysis to demoNStraTe that both streptozotocIn-indUcED diaBEtEs and Fasting SIgNIFicAnTlY elEvATeD the sTeaDy-", "whitespace_perturbation": "6 cDNA probe was used in N orthern bl ot an d R NAdo t bl ot h ybridization a n alys is to demonstrate that both s t rept o zo tocin -induce d d i a bet es a ndfa s ti ng si gni ficantl y elevated th esteady-", "underscore_trick": "6 cDNA_probe was_used in Northern blot_and RNA_dot_blot hybridization_analysis_to demonstrate that_both streptozotocin-induced diabetes_and fasting significantly elevated_the steady-"} +{"text": "(2)min using observed pseudo-first-order rate constants with respect to birnessite loading. The transformation of 1-naphthol was dependent on", "synonym_substitution": "( 2)min using observed pseudo - first - order pace constant with respect to birnessite loading. The transformation of 1 - naphthol was pendent on", "butter_fingers": "(2)min using observed pseudo-fivst-order rate couwtants with despect go birnessite loading. The trensfirmatuon of 1-naphthol was deoendent oj", "random_deletion": "(2)min using observed pseudo-first-order rate constants with birnessite The transformation 1-naphthol was dependent", "change_char_case": "(2)min using observed pseudo-firSt-order ratE consTanTs wItH resPect To birnessite loADing. the transformation of 1-napHthol WaS DepeNDeNt on", "whitespace_perturbation": "(2)min using observed pseu do-first-o rderrat e c on stan ts w ith respect to birn essite loading. The tr ansfo rm a tion of 1-na phtholw as d epe nd en t o n", "underscore_trick": "(2)min using_observed pseudo-first-order_rate constants with respect_to birnessite_loading._The transformation_of_1-naphthol was dependent_on"} +{"text": "-Poisson regression model. To assess potential delayed and non-linear effects of air pollutants and Apparent Temperature (AT), a biometeorological index which", "synonym_substitution": "-Poisson regression model. To assess potential stay and non - analogue effects of air pollutant and Apparent Temperature (AT), a biometeorological index which", "butter_fingers": "-Poidson regression model. To assess potentico delabed and non-linexr effects of air pollutants abd Apkcrent Temperature (AT), a biometvorologicql iidex which", "random_deletion": "-Poisson regression model. To assess potential delayed effects air pollutants Apparent Temperature (AT),", "change_char_case": "-Poisson regression model. To aSsess potenTial dElaYed AnD non-LineAr effects of air POlluTants and Apparent TemperAture (aT), A BiomETeOroloGical inDEx WHIch", "whitespace_perturbation": "-Poisson regression model. To assess pote nti alde laye d an d non-linear e f fect s of air pollutants an d App ar e nt T e mp eratu re (AT) , a b iom et eo rol og i ca l ind exwhich", "underscore_trick": "-Poisson regression_model. To_assess potential delayed and_non-linear effects_of_air pollutants_and_Apparent Temperature (AT),_a biometeorological index_which"} +{"text": " Study, a longitudinal panel study of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families in Illinois. This study explores the following issues within this low-income population: (1", "synonym_substitution": "Study, a longitudinal panel study of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families in Illinois. This study explores the follow issue within this low - income population: (1", "butter_fingers": " Stkdy, a longitudinal panel study of Tempotaey Assmstance for Neeay Families in Illinois. This srudy tqplores the following issues wpthin thiw lox-income population: (1", "random_deletion": "Study, a longitudinal panel study of Temporary Needy in Illinois. study explores the population:", "change_char_case": " Study, a longitudinal panel stUdy of TempoRary ASsiStaNcE for needY Families in IllINois. this study explores the foLlowiNg ISsueS WiThin tHis low-iNCoME PopUlAtIon: (1", "whitespace_perturbation": " Study, a longitudinal pan el study o f Tem por ary A ssis tanc e for Needy Fa m ilie s in Illinois. This st udy e xp l ores th e fol lowingi ss u e s w it hi n t hi s l ow-in com e popul ation: (1", "underscore_trick": " Study,_a longitudinal_panel study of Temporary_Assistance for_Needy_Families in_Illinois._This study explores_the following issues_within this low-income population:_(1"} +{"text": ". Proteins brighten the brain.\nThrough selective activation/inhibition or dissection of neuronal circuits, optogenetic tools have raised hopes for a better understanding of neuropsych", "synonym_substitution": ". Proteins brighten the brain. \n Through selective activation / prohibition or dissection of neural circuit, optogenetic tools have raised hope for a better understanding of neuropsych", "butter_fingers": ". Prlteins brighten the braik.\nThrough selectirw actitation/ihhibitiov or dissection of neuronal rircyits, iptogenetic tools have raised hlpes for a bttter understandiif of nemxopsydm", "random_deletion": ". Proteins brighten the brain. Through selective dissection neuronal circuits, tools have raised of", "change_char_case": ". Proteins brighten the brain.\nTHrough seleCtive ActIvaTiOn/inHibiTion or dissectiON of nEuronal circuits, optogenEtic tOoLS havE RaIsed hOpes for A BeTTEr uNdErStaNdINg Of neuRopSych", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Proteins brighten the br ain.\nThrou gh se lec tiv eacti vati on/inhibitiono r di ssection of neuronal c ircui ts , opt o ge netic toolsh av e rai se dhop es fo r a b ett er unde rstandingofne uropsych", "underscore_trick": ". Proteins_brighten the_brain.\nThrough selective activation/inhibition or_dissection of_neuronal_circuits, optogenetic_tools_have raised hopes_for a better_understanding of neuropsych"} +{"text": " of the NADPH produced by the pentose phosphate pathway is necessary for the utilization of glucose by Kluyveromyces lactis rag2 mutants.\nKluy", "synonym_substitution": "of the NADPH produced by the pentose phosphate pathway is necessary for the utilization of glucose by Kluyveromyces lactis rag2 mutants. \n Kluy", "butter_fingers": " of the NADPH produced by tme pentose phospkqte pavhway ia necessxry for the utilization of gpuxose vy Kluyveromyces lactir rag2 mutwnts.\nKluy", "random_deletion": "of the NADPH produced by the pentose is for the of glucose by", "change_char_case": " of the NADPH produced by the peNtose phospHate pAthWay Is NeceSsarY for the utilizaTIon oF glucose by KluyveromyceS lactIs RAg2 muTAnTs.\nKluY", "whitespace_perturbation": " of the NADPH produced bythe pentos e pho sph ate p athw ay i s necessary fo r the utilization of glucos e byKl u yver o my ces l actis r a g2 m uta nt s. \nKl uy ", "underscore_trick": " of_the NADPH_produced by the pentose_phosphate pathway_is_necessary for_the_utilization of glucose_by Kluyveromyces lactis_rag2 mutants.\nKluy"} +{"text": " their need for support on discharge. In many cases, the scores accorded with clinicians' tacit knowledge of the patient, and were used to reinforce this opinion,", "synonym_substitution": "their need for support on discharge. In many cases, the score harmonize with clinicians' tacit knowledge of the affected role, and were used to reinforce this opinion,", "butter_fingers": " thfir need for support on aischarge. In maut casev, the acores azcorded with clinicians' taciv kniwledte of the patient, and dere used to reindorct this opinion,", "random_deletion": "their need for support on discharge. In the accorded with tacit knowledge of to this opinion,", "change_char_case": " their need for support on discHarge. In manY caseS, thE scOrEs acCordEd with cliniciaNS' tacIt knowledge of the patienT, and wErE Used TO rEinfoRce this OPiNIOn,", "whitespace_perturbation": " their need for support on discharge . Inman y c as es,thescores accorde d wit h clinicians' tacit kn owled ge of t h epatie nt, and we r e us ed t o r ei n fo rce t his opinio n,", "underscore_trick": " their_need for_support on discharge. In_many cases,_the_scores accorded_with_clinicians' tacit knowledge_of the patient,_and were used to_reinforce this opinion,"} +{"text": " common in pulmonary parenchymal, pleural, and thoracic diseases, leading to a higher minute ventilation and ventilatory work during exercise. The associated increase in the metabolic energy", "synonym_substitution": "common in pulmonary parenchymal, pleural, and thoracic diseases, leading to a eminent hour ventilation and ventilatory work during exercise. The consort increase in the metabolic energy", "butter_fingers": " colmon in pulmonary parencmymal, pleural, anb thoraric dissases, lexding to a higher minute venvilarion qnd ventilatory work djring exegcise. The assixiated inccsase in the msbabolnc energy", "random_deletion": "common in pulmonary parenchymal, pleural, and thoracic to higher minute and ventilatory work in metabolic energy", "change_char_case": " common in pulmonary parenchyMal, pleural, And thOraCic DiSeasEs, leAding to a higher MInutE ventilation and ventilaTory wOrK DuriNG eXerciSe. The asSOcIATed InCrEasE iN ThE metaBolIc energY", "whitespace_perturbation": " common in pulmonary paren chymal, pl eural , a ndth orac ic d iseases, leadi n g to a higher minute venti latio na nd v e nt ilato ry work du r i ngex er cis e. Th e ass oci ated in crease inthe m etabolic ene r gy ", "underscore_trick": " common_in pulmonary_parenchymal, pleural, and thoracic_diseases, leading_to_a higher_minute_ventilation and ventilatory_work during exercise._The associated increase in_the metabolic energy"} +{"text": " adenoviral vector that carries the L-plastin (Lp) tumor-specific promoter-driven transcription unit encoding the cytosine deaminase gene", "synonym_substitution": "adenoviral vector that carries the L - plastin (Lp) tumor - specific promoter - driven transcription unit of measurement encode the cytosine deaminase gene", "butter_fingers": " adfnoviral vector that carvies the L-plastiu (Lp) tukor-spedific prumoter-driven transcription uiit wncodung the cytosine deamivase gene", "random_deletion": "adenoviral vector that carries the L-plastin (Lp) transcription encoding the deaminase gene", "change_char_case": " adenoviral vector that carriEs the L-plasTin (Lp) TumOr-sPeCifiC proMoter-driven traNScriPtion unit encoding the cyTosinE dEAminASe Gene", "whitespace_perturbation": " adenoviral vector that ca rries theL-pla sti n ( Lp ) tu mor- specific promo t er-d riven transcription un it en co d ingt he cyto sine de a mi n a sege ne ", "underscore_trick": " adenoviral_vector that_carries the L-plastin (Lp)_tumor-specific promoter-driven_transcription_unit encoding_the_cytosine deaminase gene"} +{"text": " polymeric coating obtained from a phytocompound.\nThe prevention of microbial biofilm formation on a biomaterial surface is crucial in avoiding implants failures and the development of antibiotic", "synonym_substitution": "polymeric coating obtained from a phytocompound. \n The prevention of microbial biofilm formation on a biomaterial surface is all-important in avoid implants failures and the growth of antibiotic", "butter_fingers": " popymeric coating obtained from a phytocompound.\nTie prevsntion ow microbial biofilm formatioi on a biimaterial surface is cfucial in avoidint imklants failures ais the dcrelopjcnt oy entibiotic", "random_deletion": "polymeric coating obtained from a phytocompound. The microbial formation on biomaterial surface is and development of antibiotic", "change_char_case": " polymeric coating obtained fRom a phytocOmpouNd.\nTHe pReVentIon oF microbial biofILm foRmation on a biomaterial sUrfacE iS CrucIAl In avoIding imPLaNTS faIlUrEs aNd THe DevelOpmEnt of anTibiotic", "whitespace_perturbation": " polymeric coating obtaine d from a p hytoc omp oun d. \nThe pre vention of mic r obia l biofilm formation on a bi om a teri a lsurfa ce is c r uc i a l i nav oid in g i mplan tsfailure s and thedev el opment of an t ib iotic", "underscore_trick": " polymeric_coating obtained_from a phytocompound.\nThe prevention_of microbial_biofilm_formation on_a_biomaterial surface is_crucial in avoiding_implants failures and the_development of antibiotic"} +{"text": " of a patient in whom concurrent treatment with Warfarin and valproic acid resulted in supratherapeutic international normalized ratio values. A discussion of the possible mechanisms", "synonym_substitution": "of a patient in whom concurrent treatment with Warfarin and valproic acid resulted in supratherapeutic external anneal ratio values. A discussion of the potential mechanisms", "butter_fingers": " of a patient in whom concuvrent treatment cuth Wacfarin znd valpfoic acid resulted in supratierapeutix international normalkzed ratil values. A dmscussion of the possiblc mecgwniskw", "random_deletion": "of a patient in whom concurrent treatment and acid resulted supratherapeutic international normalized the mechanisms", "change_char_case": " of a patient in whom concurrenT treatment With WArfAriN aNd vaLproIc acid resulted IN supRatherapeutic internatiOnal nOrMAlizED rAtio vAlues. A dIScUSSioN oF tHe pOsSIbLe mecHanIsms", "whitespace_perturbation": " of a patient in whom conc urrent tre atmen t w ith W arfa rinand valproic a c id r esulted in supratherap eutic i n tern a ti onalnormali z ed r ati ova lue s. Adiscu ssi on of t he possibl e m ec hanisms", "underscore_trick": " of_a patient_in whom concurrent treatment_with Warfarin_and_valproic acid_resulted_in supratherapeutic international_normalized ratio values._A discussion of the_possible mechanisms"} +{"text": "92 %) were able to grow on a plastic surface as a biofilm. An almost complete association was found between phenotypes and genotypic traits of antibiotic resistance, whilst PF", "synonym_substitution": "92 %) were able to grow on a plastic surface as a biofilm. An almost accomplished affiliation was found between phenotypes and genotypical traits of antibiotic resistor, whilst PF", "butter_fingers": "92 %) wfre able to grow on a plxstic surface as a biohilm. An almost zomplete association was fouid bwtweeb phenotypes and genothpic trains of antubiouic resistance, whmmst PF", "random_deletion": "92 %) were able to grow on surface a biofilm. almost complete association genotypic of antibiotic resistance, PF", "change_char_case": "92 %) were able to grow on a plastic sUrface as a bIofilM. An AlmOsT comPletE association waS FounD between phenotypes and gEnotyPiC TraiTS oF antiBiotic rESiSTAncE, wHiLst pF", "whitespace_perturbation": "92 %) were able to grow on a plastic surf ace as a bio film . An almost co m plet e association was foun d bet we e n ph e no types and ge n ot y p ictr ai tsof an tibio tic resist ance, whil stPF ", "underscore_trick": "92 %)_were able_to grow on a_plastic surface_as_a biofilm._An_almost complete association_was found between_phenotypes and genotypic traits_of antibiotic resistance,_whilst_PF"} +{"text": " experiences of endoscopic CO\u2082 laser cauterization for treatment of congenital pyriform sinus fistula].\nTo evaluate the effectiveness of endoscopic CO\u2082 laser cauter", "synonym_substitution": "experiences of endoscopic CO\u2082 laser cauterization for treatment of congenital pyriform sinus fistulous withers ]. \n To measure the potency of endoscopic CO\u2082 laser cauter", "butter_fingers": " exoeriences of endoscopic GO\u2082 laser cauteriearion fmr treztment ow congenital pyriform sinus histyla].\nTo evaluate the effectivdness of vndoscopix CO\u2082 oaser cautxd", "random_deletion": "experiences of endoscopic CO\u2082 laser cauterization for congenital sinus fistula]. evaluate the effectiveness", "change_char_case": " experiences of endoscopic CO\u2082 Laser cauteRizatIon For TrEatmEnt oF congenital pyrIForm Sinus fistula].\nTo evaluate The efFeCTiveNEsS of enDoscopiC cO\u2082 LASer CaUtEr", "whitespace_perturbation": " experiences of endoscopic CO\u2082 laser caut eri zat io n fo r tr eatment of con g enit al pyriform sinus fist ula]. \nT o eva l ua te th e effec t iv e n ess o fend os c op ic CO \u2082 l aser ca uter", "underscore_trick": " experiences_of endoscopic_CO\u2082 laser cauterization for_treatment of_congenital_pyriform sinus_fistula].\nTo_evaluate the effectiveness_of endoscopic CO\u2082_laser cauter"} +{"text": " The paper also includes available biological effect measurements performed recently as well as a summary of needs and gaps to be filled for the development of reliable risk assessment. Protein requirement", "synonym_substitution": "The paper also includes available biological effect measurement perform recently as well as a summary of needs and gap to be fill for the development of reliable hazard assessment. Protein requirement", "butter_fingers": " Thf paper also includes avxilable biologieql effxct meaaurementr performed recently as well aw a symmary of needs and gaos to be villed fir tie development oh reliable risi asszswment. Protein tequirement", "random_deletion": "The paper also includes available biological effect recently well as summary of needs for development of reliable assessment. Protein requirement", "change_char_case": " The paper also includes availAble biologIcal eFfeCt mEaSureMentS performed receNTly aS well as a summary of needs And gaPs TO be fILlEd for The deveLOpMENt oF rElIabLe RIsK asseSsmEnt. ProtEin requireMenT", "whitespace_perturbation": " The paper also includes a vailable b iolog ica l e ff ectmeas urements perfo r medrecently as well as asumma ry of n e ed s and gaps t o b e fil le dfor t h edevel opm ent ofreliable r isk a ssessment. P r ot ein requir eme nt", "underscore_trick": " The_paper also_includes available biological effect_measurements performed_recently_as well_as_a summary of_needs and gaps_to be filled for_the development of_reliable_risk assessment. Protein requirement"} +{"text": ", prospective, randomised, parallel-group study comparing maintenance H2-receptor antagonist treatment using ranitidine with H. pylori eradication therapy, with a 1", "synonym_substitution": ", prospective, randomised, parallel - group study comparing maintenance H2 - sense organ adversary discussion using ranitidine with H. pylori eradication therapy, with a 1", "butter_fingers": ", prlspective, randomised, parxllel-group studi xomparmng maihtenance H2-receptor antagonist treatmxnt ysing ranitidine with H. pyluri eradibation thwrapb, with a 1", "random_deletion": ", prospective, randomised, parallel-group study comparing maintenance treatment ranitidine with pylori eradication therapy,", "change_char_case": ", prospective, randomised, paraLlel-group sTudy cOmpAriNg MainTenaNce H2-receptor anTAgonIst treatment using ranitIdine WiTH H. pyLOrI eradIcation THeRAPy, wItH a 1", "whitespace_perturbation": ", prospective, randomised, parallel- group st udy c ompa ring maintenance H 2 -rec eptor antagonist treat mentus i ng r a ni tidin e withH .p y lor ier adi ca t io n the rap y, with a 1", "underscore_trick": ", prospective,_randomised, parallel-group_study comparing maintenance H2-receptor_antagonist treatment_using_ranitidine with_H._pylori eradication therapy,_with a 1"} +{"text": "H) it is also transported. Ammonium is a substrate for the sodium and potassium site in the rectal gland but only for the potassium site in the T", "synonym_substitution": "H) it is also transported. Ammonium is a substrate for the sodium and potassium site in the rectal gland but merely for the potassium web site in the T", "butter_fingers": "H) ih is also transported. Amoonium is a substrate hor the sodium xnd potassium site in the rertal glane but only for the potxssium sine in the T", "random_deletion": "H) it is also transported. Ammonium is for sodium and site in the the site in the", "change_char_case": "H) it is also transported. AmmonIum is a subsTrate For The SoDium And pOtassium site in THe reCtal gland but only for the PotasSiUM sitE In The T", "whitespace_perturbation": "H) it is also transported. Ammoniumis asub str at e fo r th e sodium and p o tass ium site in the rectal glan db ut o n ly forthe pot a ss i u m s it einth e T ", "underscore_trick": "H) it_is also_transported. Ammonium is a_substrate for_the_sodium and_potassium_site in the_rectal gland but_only for the potassium_site in the_T"} +{"text": "olving Clinical Science.\nHealth care delivery in the United States continues to balance on the tight rope that connects its transition from volume to value. Value in economic terms", "synonym_substitution": "olving Clinical Science. \n Health care delivery in the United States continues to balance on the mean r-2 that connects its transition from bulk to value. Value in economic price", "butter_fingers": "olvlng Clinical Science.\nHealuh care delivery nb the Nnited Atates cuntinues to balance on the tmght rope that connects its travsition fgom volumw to calue. Valux in ecokjmic berms", "random_deletion": "olving Clinical Science. Health care delivery in States to balance the tight rope volume value. Value in terms", "change_char_case": "olving Clinical Science.\nHealTh care deliVery iN thE UnItEd StAtes Continues to balANce oN the tight rope that conneCts itS tRAnsiTIoN from Volume tO VaLUE. VaLuE iN ecOnOMiC termS", "whitespace_perturbation": "olving Clinical Science.\nH ealth care deli ver y i ntheUnit ed States cont i nues to balance on the tig ht ro pe that co nnect s its t r an s i tio nfr omvo l um e toval ue. Val ue in econ omi cterms", "underscore_trick": "olving Clinical_Science.\nHealth care_delivery in the United_States continues_to_balance on_the_tight rope that_connects its transition_from volume to value._Value in economic_terms"} +{"text": " hydrochloride (MMD) was investigated in the pH range 0.44-13.54, at 313, 308, 303 and 298 K. The degradation", "synonym_substitution": "hydrochloride (MMD) was investigated in the pH range 0.44 - 13.54, at 313, 308, 303 and 298 K. The degradation", "butter_fingers": " hyfrochloride (MMD) was invertigated in the pH ranje 0.44-13.54, at 313, 308, 303 and 298 Y. The degradation", "random_deletion": "hydrochloride (MMD) was investigated in the pH at 308, 303 298 K. The", "change_char_case": " hydrochloride (MMD) was investIgated in thE pH raNge 0.44-13.54, At 313, 308, 303 aNd 298 k. The DegrAdation", "whitespace_perturbation": " hydrochloride (MMD) was i nvestigate d inthe pH r ange 0.4 4-13.54, at 31 3 , 30 8, 303 and 298 K. Thedegra da t ion", "underscore_trick": " hydrochloride_(MMD) was_investigated in the pH_range 0.44-13.54,_at_313, 308,_303_and 298 K._The degradation"} +{"text": " emergency rooms, hospitals, and long-term care facilities. Keen awareness of risk factors for elder abuse and the variety of presentations in different health settings helps promote", "synonym_substitution": "emergency rooms, hospitals, and long - condition caution facilities. Keen awareness of risk component for elder abuse and the variety of presentation in unlike health settings helps promote", "butter_fingers": " emfrgency rooms, hospitals, xnd long-term cate facilmties. Ksen awardness of risk factors for elver qbuse and the variety of prdsentatiojs in didfertnt health settinja helps promofc", "random_deletion": "emergency rooms, hospitals, and long-term care facilities. of factors for abuse and the health helps promote", "change_char_case": " emergency rooms, hospitals, anD long-term cAre faCilItiEs. keen AwarEness of risk facTOrs fOr elder abuse and the variEty of PrESentATiOns in DiffereNT hEALth SeTtIngS hELpS promOte", "whitespace_perturbation": " emergency rooms, hospital s, and lon g-ter m c are f acil itie s. Keen awaren e ss o f risk factors for eld er ab us e and th e var iety of pr e s ent at io nsin di ffere nthealthsettings h elp spromote", "underscore_trick": " emergency_rooms, hospitals,_and long-term care facilities._Keen awareness_of_risk factors_for_elder abuse and_the variety of_presentations in different health_settings helps promote"} +{"text": "-term treatment effects of acrylic-splint rapid maxillary expander in conjunction with lower Schwarz appliance (RME-Sz) therapy to the acrylic-spl", "synonym_substitution": "-term treatment effects of acrylic - splint rapid maxillary expander in conjunction with low Schwarz appliance (RME - Sz) therapy to the acrylic - spl", "butter_fingers": "-terl treatment effects of agrylic-splint rapne maxinlary sxpander in conjunction with lower Srhwaez apkjiance (RME-Sz) theraoy to the acrylic-wpl", "random_deletion": "-term treatment effects of acrylic-splint rapid maxillary conjunction lower Schwarz (RME-Sz) therapy to", "change_char_case": "-term treatment effects of acrYlic-splint Rapid MaxIllArY expAndeR in conjunction WIth lOwer Schwarz appliance (RMe-Sz) thErAPy to THe AcrylIc-spl", "whitespace_perturbation": "-term treatment effects of acrylic-s plint ra pid m axil lary expander in c o njun ction with lower Schwa rz ap pl i ance (R ME-Sz ) thera p yt o th eac ryl ic - sp l", "underscore_trick": "-term treatment_effects of_acrylic-splint rapid maxillary expander_in conjunction_with_lower Schwarz_appliance_(RME-Sz) therapy to_the acrylic-spl"} +{"text": " is common in poor-grade subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) patients and associated with poor outcome. Invasive neuromonitoring devices may detect changes", "synonym_substitution": "is common in poor - grade subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) patient and consociate with poor outcome. Invasive neuromonitoring device may detect changes", "butter_fingers": " is common in poor-grade subxrachnoid hemorthqge (SAI) patiehts and xssociated with poor outcome. Ibvasice neuromonitoring devkces may fetect cyangts", "random_deletion": "is common in poor-grade subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) associated poor outcome. neuromonitoring devices may", "change_char_case": " is common in poor-grade subaraChnoid hemoRrhagE (SAh) paTiEnts And aSsociated with pOOr ouTcome. Invasive neuromoniTorinG dEViceS MaY deteCt changES", "whitespace_perturbation": " is common in poor-grade s ubarachnoi d hem orr hag e(SAH ) pa tients and ass o ciat ed with poor outcome.Invas iv e neu r om onito ring de v ic e s ma yde tec tc ha nges", "underscore_trick": " is_common in_poor-grade subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)_patients and_associated_with poor_outcome._Invasive neuromonitoring devices_may detect changes"} +{"text": " only a few such reports were published about patients undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation. We report a case of mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis developing 4 months", "synonym_substitution": "only a few such reports were published about patients undergo autologous shank cell transplantation. We report a subject of mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis evolve 4 months", "butter_fingers": " onpy a few such reports weve published aboot patieits undsrgoing xutologous stem cell transplentarion. Qe report a case of merangial pgoliferatuve jlomerulonephritma developing 4 lontks", "random_deletion": "only a few such reports were published undergoing stem cell We report a developing months", "change_char_case": " only a few such reports were puBlished aboUt patIenTs uNdErgoIng aUtologous stem cELl trAnsplantation. We report a Case oF mESangIAl ProliFerativE GlOMEruLoNePhrItIS dEveloPinG 4 months", "whitespace_perturbation": " only a few such reports w ere publis hed a bou t p at ient s un dergoing autol o gous stem cell transplanta tion. W e rep o rt a ca se of m e sa n g ial p ro lif er a ti ve gl ome rulonep hritis dev elo pi ng 4 months", "underscore_trick": " only_a few_such reports were published_about patients_undergoing_autologous stem_cell_transplantation. We report_a case of_mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis developing_4 months"} +{"text": " economic, the patient-related, and the organizational aspect much more unanalyzed. The Danish HTAs generally have a wider scope than HTAs produced in other", "synonym_substitution": "economic, the patient - related, and the organizational aspect much more unanalyzed. The Danish HTAs by and large take a wider scope than HTAs produced in early", "butter_fingers": " eclnomic, the patient-relatea, and the organnzationel aspedt much oore unanalyzed. The Danish HVAs tenerqlly have a wider scopd than HTWs produxed mn other", "random_deletion": "economic, the patient-related, and the organizational aspect unanalyzed. Danish HTAs have a wider other", "change_char_case": " economic, the patient-related, And the orgaNizatIonAl aSpEct mUch mOre unanalyzed. THE DanIsh HTAs generally have a wIder sCoPE thaN hTas proDuced in OThER", "whitespace_perturbation": " economic, the patient-rel ated, andthe o rga niz at iona l as pect much more unan alyzed. The Danish HTA s gen er a llyh av e a w ider sc o pe t han H TA s p ro d uc ed in ot her", "underscore_trick": " economic,_the patient-related,_and the organizational aspect_much more_unanalyzed._The Danish_HTAs_generally have a_wider scope than_HTAs produced in other"} +{"text": "methylphenidate stimulated locomotor activity in intact rats, and inhibited activity in lesioned rats. l-Methylphenidate did not affect locomotor", "synonym_substitution": "methylphenidate stimulated locomotor activity in intact rats, and inhibit natural process in lesioned rats. l - Methylphenidate did not affect locomotor", "butter_fingers": "metjylphenidate stimulated uocomotor activnry in mntact dats, and inhibited activity in lesioied eats. o-Methylphenidate did nut affect locomotir", "random_deletion": "methylphenidate stimulated locomotor activity in intact rats, activity lesioned rats. did not affect", "change_char_case": "methylphenidate stimulated Locomotor aCtiviTy iN inTaCt raTs, anD inhibited actiVIty iN lesioned rats. l-MethylphEnidaTe DId noT AfFect lOcomotoR", "whitespace_perturbation": "methylphenidate stimulated locomotor acti vit y i ninta ct r ats, and inhib i tedactivity in lesioned r ats.l- M ethy l ph enida te didn ot a ffe ct l oco mo t or ", "underscore_trick": "methylphenidate stimulated_locomotor activity_in intact rats, and_inhibited activity_in_lesioned rats._l-Methylphenidate_did not affect_locomotor"} +{"text": ", the groups are often defined by dose levels in dose-response experiments or ordinal phenotypes, such as disease stages. We discuss the potential of a new approach that", "synonym_substitution": ", the groups are often defined by dose levels in dose - reception experiment or ordinal phenotypes, such as disease stages. We discuss the electric potential of a new approach that", "butter_fingers": ", thf groups are often defintd by dose levels in dosx-responae experkments or ordinal phenotypes, sych aw disease stages. We dircuss the potentiql oh a new approach that", "random_deletion": ", the groups are often defined by in experiments or phenotypes, such as potential a new approach", "change_char_case": ", the groups are often defined bY dose levelS in doSe-rEspOnSe exPeriMents or ordinal PHenoTypes, such as disease stagEs. We dIsCUss tHE pOtentIal of a nEW aPPRoaCh ThAt", "whitespace_perturbation": ", the groups are often def ined by do se le vel s i ndose -res ponse experime n ts o r ordinal phenotypes,suchas dise a se stag es. Wed is c u ssth epot en t ia l ofa n ew appr oach that", "underscore_trick": ", the_groups are_often defined by dose_levels in_dose-response_experiments or_ordinal_phenotypes, such as_disease stages. We_discuss the potential of_a new approach_that"} +{"text": " nonlinear current term is introduced in the formulation in addition to the more common nonlinear polarization. The framework is applied to model bistability in a graphene-based traveling", "synonym_substitution": "nonlinear current term is introduced in the formulation in addition to the more coarse nonlinear polarization. The model is applied to model bistability in a graphene - free-base travel", "butter_fingers": " nojlinear current term is lntroduced in thg dormuletion ih additiun to the more common nonlinxar polaruzation. The framework ks applief to modwl bmstability in a jdaphene-ncsed fvavelnnj", "random_deletion": "nonlinear current term is introduced in the addition the more nonlinear polarization. The bistability a graphene-based traveling", "change_char_case": " nonlinear current term is intRoduced in tHe forMulAtiOn In adDitiOn to the more comMOn noNlinear polarization. The FrameWoRK is aPPlIed to Model biSTaBILitY iN a GraPhENe-Based TraVeling", "whitespace_perturbation": " nonlinear current term is introduce d inthe fo rm ulat ionin addition to themore common nonlinearpolar iz a tion . T he fr amework is a ppl ie dtomo d el bist abi lity in a graphen e-b as ed traveling ", "underscore_trick": " nonlinear_current term_is introduced in the_formulation in_addition_to the_more_common nonlinear polarization._The framework is_applied to model bistability_in a graphene-based_traveling"} +{"text": "platin potentiation of radiotherapy. Long-term follow-up.\nThirty-three patients with inoperable squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck were", "synonym_substitution": "platin potentiation of radiotherapy. Long - term follow - up. \n Thirty - three patients with inoperable squamous cell carcinoma of the capitulum and neck were", "butter_fingers": "plahin potentiation of radiutherapy. Long-tetm follox-up.\nThirfy-three oatients with inoperable squemouw celo carcinoma of the heaa and necn were", "random_deletion": "platin potentiation of radiotherapy. Long-term follow-up. Thirty-three inoperable cell carcinoma the head and", "change_char_case": "platin potentiation of radioTherapy. LonG-term FolLow-Up.\nthirTy-thRee patients witH InopErable squamous cell carcInoma Of THe heAD aNd necK were", "whitespace_perturbation": "platin potentiation of rad iotherapy. Long -te rmfo llow -up. \nThirty-threep atie nts with inoperable sq uamou sc ellc ar cinom a of th e h e a d a nd n eck w e re ", "underscore_trick": "platin potentiation_of radiotherapy._Long-term follow-up.\nThirty-three patients with_inoperable squamous_cell_carcinoma of_the_head and neck_were"} +{"text": ".5%) in the sterile water group. Although more patients in the povidone-iodine group had CAUTI than in the other 2 groups,", "synonym_substitution": ".5 %) in the sterile water group. Although more patients in the povidone - iodine group take CAUTI than in the early 2 groups,", "butter_fingers": ".5%) in the sterile water group. Although more karients in ths povidove-iodine group had CAUTI thai in the ither 2 groups,", "random_deletion": ".5%) in the sterile water group. Although in povidone-iodine group CAUTI than in", "change_char_case": ".5%) in the sterile water group. AltHough more pAtienTs iN thE pOvidOne-iOdine group had CauTI tHan in the other 2 groups,", "whitespace_perturbation": ".5%) in the sterile watergroup. Alt hough mo repa tien ts i n the povidone - iodi ne group had CAUTI tha n inth e oth e r2 gro ups,", "underscore_trick": ".5%) in_the sterile_water group. Although more_patients in_the_povidone-iodine group_had_CAUTI than in_the other 2_groups,"} +{"text": "UC), is a premalignant condition, because these patients are at increased risk of adenocarcinoma. Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) have rarely been described", "synonym_substitution": "UC), is a premalignant condition, because these patients are at increased risk of adenocarcinoma. Neuroendocrine tumor (NENs) have rarely been trace", "butter_fingers": "UC), ls a premalignant conditlon, because thesg patienvs are zt increxsed risk of adenocarcinoma. Ieuriendoxrine neoplasms (NENs) hxve rarelj been dewcriued", "random_deletion": "UC), is a premalignant condition, because these at risk of Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs)", "change_char_case": "UC), is a premalignant conditioN, because thEse paTieNts ArE at iNcreAsed risk of adenOCarcInoma. Neuroendocrine neoPlasmS (Nens) haVE rArely Been desCRiBED", "whitespace_perturbation": "UC), is a premalignant con dition, be cause th ese p atie ntsare at increas e d ri sk of adenocarcinoma.Neuro en d ocri n eneopl asms (N E Ns ) hav era rel yb ee n des cri bed", "underscore_trick": "UC), is_a premalignant_condition, because these patients_are at_increased_risk of_adenocarcinoma._Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs)_have rarely been_described"} +{"text": " after subtotal thyroidectomy was 16.2% and 9.6%, respectively. Significant factors for hyperthyroidism were relatively large thyroid remnant, high", "synonym_substitution": "after subtotal thyroidectomy was 16.2% and 9.6% , respectively. Significant factors for hyperthyroidism were relatively large thyroid leftover, eminent", "butter_fingers": " afher subtotal thyroidectooy was 16.2% and 9.6%, respectivxly. Sighificant factors for hyperthyroidism wwre rtjatively large thyfoid remnwnt, high", "random_deletion": "after subtotal thyroidectomy was 16.2% and 9.6%, factors hyperthyroidism were large thyroid remnant,", "change_char_case": " after subtotal thyroidectomY was 16.2% and 9.6%, resPectiVelY. SiGnIficAnt fActors for hyperTHyroIdism were relatively larGe thyRoID remNAnT, high", "whitespace_perturbation": " after subtotal thyroidect omy was 16 .2% a nd9.6 %, res pect ively. Signifi c antfactors for hyperthyro idism w e re r e la tivel y large th y r oid r em nan t, hi gh", "underscore_trick": " after_subtotal thyroidectomy_was 16.2% and 9.6%,_respectively. Significant_factors_for hyperthyroidism_were_relatively large thyroid_remnant, high"} +{"text": ") reduced the leaf Fv/Fm significantly, indicating a dramatic reduction in the leaf photosynthetic capacity, whereas the flooded tide with higher water temperature could not", "synonym_substitution": ") reduced the leaf Fv / Fm significantly, indicating a dramatic reduction in the leaf photosynthetic capability, whereas the flood tide with higher water temperature could not", "butter_fingers": ") refuced the leaf Fv/Fm signlficantly, indicajibg a dcamatic reductiun in the leaf photosynthetir capacitt, whereas the flooded gide with higher qatec temperature conmd not", "random_deletion": ") reduced the leaf Fv/Fm significantly, indicating reduction the leaf capacity, whereas the temperature not", "change_char_case": ") reduced the leaf Fv/Fm signifiCantly, indiCatinG a dRamAtIc reDuctIon in the leaf phOTosyNthetic capacity, whereas The flOoDEd tiDE wIth hiGher watER tEMPerAtUrE coUlD NoT", "whitespace_perturbation": ") reduced the leaf Fv/Fm s ignificant ly, i ndi cat in g adram atic reduction in t he leaf photosynthetic capa ci t y, w h er eas t he floo d ed t ide w it h h ig h er wate r t emperat ure couldnot ", "underscore_trick": ") reduced_the leaf_Fv/Fm significantly, indicating a_dramatic reduction_in_the leaf_photosynthetic_capacity, whereas the_flooded tide with_higher water temperature could_not"} +{"text": " D2R and l-DOPA administration while its effects on DA agonist-induced rotations were receptor-dependent, suggesting that direct 5-HT(1", "synonym_substitution": "D2R and l - DOPA administration while its effects on DA agonist - induce rotation were receptor - dependent, suggesting that lineal 5 - HT(1", "butter_fingers": " D2R and l-DOPA administratiok while its effeers on VA agonjst-inducdd rotations were receptor-de'endwnt, syggesting that direct 5-FT(1", "random_deletion": "D2R and l-DOPA administration while its effects agonist-induced were receptor-dependent, that direct 5-HT(1", "change_char_case": " D2R and l-DOPA administration wHile its effEcts oN DA AgoNiSt-inDuceD rotations were REcepTor-dependent, suggesting That dIrECt 5-HT(1", "whitespace_perturbation": " D2R and l-DOPA administra tion while itseff ect son D A ag onist-inducedr otat ions were receptor-dep enden t, sugg e st ing t hat dir e ct 5 -HT (1 ", "underscore_trick": " D2R_and l-DOPA_administration while its effects_on DA_agonist-induced_rotations were_receptor-dependent,_suggesting that direct_5-HT(1"} +{"text": " the neutral lipid fraction. For the Angus group, flaxseed ingestion increased masses and composition of n-3 FA similarly to that for the Herefords", "synonym_substitution": "the neutral lipid fraction. For the Angus group, flaxseed ingestion increased masses and composing of n-3 FA similarly to that for the hereford", "butter_fingers": " thf neutral lipid fraction. For the Angus yeoup, fnaxsees ingestkon increased masses and com'osirion if n-3 FA similarly to tfat for tje Herefirds", "random_deletion": "the neutral lipid fraction. For the Angus ingestion masses and of n-3 FA Herefords", "change_char_case": " the neutral lipid fraction. FoR the Angus gRoup, fLaxSeeD iNgesTion Increased masseS And cOmposition of n-3 FA similarLy to tHaT For tHE HErefoRds", "whitespace_perturbation": " the neutral lipid fractio n. For the Angu s g rou p, fla xsee d ingestion in c reas ed masses and composit ion o fn -3 F A s imila rly tot ha t for t he He re f or ds", "underscore_trick": " the_neutral lipid_fraction. For the Angus_group, flaxseed_ingestion_increased masses_and_composition of n-3_FA similarly to_that for the Herefords"} +{"text": "We present a rare case of progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis within a family. A 34-yearold female became a living-related liver transplant donor", "synonym_substitution": "We present a rare case of progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis within a family. A 34 - yearold female become a support - related liver transplant donor", "butter_fingers": "We oresent a rare case of pvogressive familnql intcahepatjc cholertasis within a family. A 34-yeacold femaoe became a living-relaged liver transplqnt vonor", "random_deletion": "We present a rare case of progressive cholestasis a family. 34-yearold female became", "change_char_case": "We present a rare case of progrEssive famiLial iNtrAhePaTic cHoleStasis within a fAMily. a 34-yearold female became a lIving-ReLAted LIvEr traNsplant DOnOR", "whitespace_perturbation": "We present a rare case ofprogressiv e fam ili alin trah epat ic cholestasis with in a family. A 34-year old f em a le b e ca me aliving- r el a t edli ve r t ra n sp lantdon or", "underscore_trick": "We present_a rare_case of progressive familial_intrahepatic cholestasis_within_a family._A_34-yearold female became_a living-related liver_transplant donor"} +{"text": "SI-L ( n=37), MSI-H ( n=35) - were compared with respect to clinical data, stage, histology, and immuno", "synonym_substitution": "SI - L (n=37), MSI - H (n=35) - were compared with respect to clinical data, stage, histology, and immuno", "butter_fingers": "SI-L ( n=37), MSI-H ( n=35) - were compartd with respect to cliniral datz, stage, fistology, and immuno", "random_deletion": "SI-L ( n=37), MSI-H ( n=35) - with to clinical stage, histology, and", "change_char_case": "SI-L ( n=37), MSI-H ( n=35) - were compared with Respect to cLinicAl dAta, StAge, hIstoLogy, and immuno", "whitespace_perturbation": "SI-L ( n=37), MSI-H ( n=35 ) - were c ompar edwit hresp ectto clinical da t a, s tage, histology, and i mmuno ", "underscore_trick": "SI-L (_n=37), MSI-H_( n=35) - were_compared with_respect_to clinical_data,_stage, histology, and_immuno"} +{"text": " noise. Listeners with normal hearing, high-frequency, and flat loss were tested. Half the subjects in each group were fluent in English and half-", "synonym_substitution": "noise. Listeners with normal hearing, high - frequency, and bland personnel casualty were tested. Half the subjects in each group were fluent in English and half-", "butter_fingers": " nolse. Listeners with normau hearing, high-ftewuency, and fmat loss were tested. Half the subjecvs ib eacy group were fluent in English wnd half-", "random_deletion": "noise. Listeners with normal hearing, high-frequency, and were Half the in each group half-", "change_char_case": " noise. Listeners with normal hEaring, high-FrequEncY, anD fLat lOss wEre tested. Half tHE subJects in each group were flUent iN ENGlisH AnD half-", "whitespace_perturbation": " noise. Listeners with nor mal hearin g, hi gh- fre qu ency , an d flat loss we r e te sted. Half the subject s inea c h gr o up were fluent in E ngl is hand h a lf -", "underscore_trick": " noise._Listeners with_normal hearing, high-frequency, and_flat loss_were_tested. Half_the_subjects in each_group were fluent_in English and half-"} +{"text": " were extended in the 2008 farm bill. It has been argued that MILC payments would help large dairy farms and squeeze out small dairy operations. This paper contributes to", "synonym_substitution": "were extended in the 2008 farm bill. It has been argued that MILC payments would avail big dairy farms and squeeze out small dairy operation. This paper contributes to", "butter_fingers": " wege extended in the 2008 farm bill. It has begn arguev that JILC payoents would help large dairy fqrms qnd squeeze out small aairy opegations. Tyis kaper contributes to", "random_deletion": "were extended in the 2008 farm bill. been that MILC would help large small operations. This paper to", "change_char_case": " were extended in the 2008 farm bill. it has been aRgued ThaT MIlC PaymEnts Would help large DAiry Farms and squeeze out smalL dairY oPEratIOnS. This Paper coNTrIBUteS tO", "whitespace_perturbation": " were extended in the 2008 farm bill . Ithas be en arg uedthat MILC paym e ntswould help large dairy farm sa nd s q ue eze o ut smal l d a i ryop er ati on s .Thispap er cont ributes to ", "underscore_trick": " were_extended in_the 2008 farm bill._It has_been_argued that_MILC_payments would help_large dairy farms_and squeeze out small_dairy operations. This_paper_contributes to"} +{"text": " as well as AtFBA4 and AtFBA8 were found. Transcript level analysis of AtFBA genes in various tissues revealed the unique and overlapping expression", "synonym_substitution": "as well as AtFBA4 and AtFBA8 were found. Transcript level analysis of AtFBA gene in diverse tissues revealed the alone and overlap expression", "butter_fingers": " as well as AtFBA4 and AtFBA8 were found. Trauwcript level analysir of AtFBA genes in various vissyes rtnealed the unique and overlapppng exprewsioi", "random_deletion": "as well as AtFBA4 and AtFBA8 were level of AtFBA in various tissues expression", "change_char_case": " as well as AtFBA4 and AtFBA8 were Found. TransCript LevEl aNaLysiS of ATFBA genes in varIOus tIssues revealed the uniquE and oVeRLappINg ExpreSsion", "whitespace_perturbation": " as well as AtFBA4 and AtF BA8 were f ound. Tr ans cr iptleve l analysis ofA tFBA genes in various tiss ues r ev e aled th e uni que and ov e r lap pi ng ex pr e ss ion", "underscore_trick": " as_well as_AtFBA4 and AtFBA8 were_found. Transcript_level_analysis of_AtFBA_genes in various_tissues revealed the_unique and overlapping expression"} +{"text": " gonad dry weight) factors. Three different levels of adaptive response to plant quality are distinguished: individual response to host quality, maternal influences on offspring and response to changes", "synonym_substitution": "gonad dry weight) factors. Three different levels of adaptive reception to plant timbre are distinguished: individual response to server timbre, maternal influences on offspring and reaction to changes", "butter_fingers": " gojad dry weight) factors. Tmree different lgvwls of adaptjve respunse to plant quality are didtunguiwhed: individual responre to hosn quality, mattrnal influences on offspvnng ahf rev'onse to changex", "random_deletion": "gonad dry weight) factors. Three different levels response plant quality distinguished: individual response on and response to", "change_char_case": " gonad dry weight) factors. ThreE different LevelS of AdaPtIve rEspoNse to plant qualITy arE distinguished: individuAl resPoNSe to HOsT qualIty, mateRNaL INflUeNcEs oN oFFsPring And ResponsE to changes", "whitespace_perturbation": " gonad dry weight) factors . Three di ffere ntlev el s of ada ptive response to p lant quality are disti nguis he d : in d iv idual respon s et o ho st q ual it y ,mater nal influe nces on of fsp ri ng and respo n se to change s", "underscore_trick": " gonad_dry weight)_factors. Three different levels_of adaptive_response_to plant_quality_are distinguished: individual_response to host_quality, maternal influences on_offspring and response_to_changes"} +{"text": " antitrypsin (A1AT), and target proteases. Using in silico modeling of the Serp-1 RCL peptide, S-7, we", "synonym_substitution": "antitrypsin (A1AT), and target proteases. Using in silico modeling of the Serp-1 RCL peptide, S-7, we", "butter_fingers": " anhitrypsin (A1AT), and target proteases. Usiny in sinico mkdeling uf the Serp-1 RCL peptide, S-7, we", "random_deletion": "antitrypsin (A1AT), and target proteases. Using in of Serp-1 RCL S-7, we", "change_char_case": " antitrypsin (A1AT), and target prOteases. UsiNg in sIliCo mOdElinG of tHe Serp-1 RCL peptiDE, S-7, we", "whitespace_perturbation": " antitrypsin (A1AT), and t arget prot eases . U sin gin s ilic o modeling oft he S erp-1 RCL peptide, S-7 , we", "underscore_trick": " antitrypsin_(A1AT), and_target proteases. Using in_silico modeling_of_the Serp-1_RCL_peptide, S-7, we"} +{"text": "To describe rates of prediabetes among youth in Canada and the associated social and biological characteristics. We analyzed the cross-sectional data from the first (2007-", "synonym_substitution": "To describe rates of prediabetes among youth in Canada and the associated social and biological characteristics. We analyze the crabbed - sectional data from the first (2007-", "butter_fingers": "To fescribe rates of predianetes among youtk in Caiada ans the asrociated social and biologicel cyaracuvristics. We analyzed ghe cross-dectionao daua from the first (2007-", "random_deletion": "To describe rates of prediabetes among youth and associated social biological characteristics. We the (2007-", "change_char_case": "To describe rates of prediabeTes among yoUth in canAda AnD the AssoCiated social anD BiolOgical characteristics. WE analYzED the CRoSs-secTional dATa FROm tHe FiRst (2007-", "whitespace_perturbation": "To describe rates of predi abetes amo ng yo uth in C anad a an d the associat e d so cial and biological ch aract er i stic s .We an alyzedt he c ros s- se cti on a ldatafro m the f irst (2007 -", "underscore_trick": "To describe_rates of_prediabetes among youth in_Canada and_the_associated social_and_biological characteristics. We_analyzed the cross-sectional_data from the first_(2007-"} +{"text": "-opacity of tissue following implantation of DFDBA in vivo correlates with the ability of human DFDBA to induce new bone. DFDBA from 9 different", "synonym_substitution": "-opacity of tissue following implantation of DFDBA in vivo correlates with the ability of human DFDBA to induce new bone. DFDBA from 9 different", "butter_fingers": "-opafity of tissue following implantation oy DFDBA in vibo correuates with the ability of hulab DFDVA to induce new bone. AFDBA frol 9 diffeeent", "random_deletion": "-opacity of tissue following implantation of DFDBA correlates the ability human DFDBA to 9", "change_char_case": "-opacity of tissue following iMplantatioN of DFdBA In vIvO corRelaTes with the abilITy of Human DFDBA to induce new bOne. DFdBa From 9 DIfFerenT", "whitespace_perturbation": "-opacity of tissue followi ng implant ation of DF DB A in viv o correlates w i th t he ability of human DF DBA t oi nduc e n ew bo ne. DFD B Af r om9di ffe re n t", "underscore_trick": "-opacity of_tissue following_implantation of DFDBA in_vivo correlates_with_the ability_of_human DFDBA to_induce new bone._DFDBA from 9 different"} +{"text": "ative electron attachment. Above 15 eV, the portion of a yield function that increases linearly is attributed to nonresonant processes, such as dipolar dissociation. A", "synonym_substitution": "ative electron attachment. Above 15 eV, the portion of a yield affair that increase linearly is attributed to nonresonant processes, such as dipolar dissociation. A", "butter_fingers": "atige electron attachment. Anove 15 eV, the porjiin of e yield functiov that increases linearly is artribyted to nonresonant prucesses, slch as dipolac dissociation. A", "random_deletion": "ative electron attachment. Above 15 eV, the a function that linearly is attributed dipolar A", "change_char_case": "ative electron attachment. AbOve 15 eV, the poRtion Of a YieLd FuncTion That increases lINearLy is attributed to nonresOnant PrOCessES, sUch as Dipolar DIsSOCiaTiOn. a", "whitespace_perturbation": "ative electron attachment. Above 15eV, t hepor ti on o f ayield function that increases linearly is attr ib u tedt ononre sonantp ro c e sse s, s uch a s d ipola r d issocia tion. A", "underscore_trick": "ative electron_attachment. Above_15 eV, the portion_of a_yield_function that_increases_linearly is attributed_to nonresonant processes,_such as dipolar dissociation._A"} +{"text": " of the presence of fungal infection as well as the response to antifungal treatment. Cripto-1 is overexpressed in carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma of salivary gland", "synonym_substitution": "of the presence of fungal infection as well as the response to fungicidal discussion. Cripto-1 is overexpressed in carcinoma ex-husband pleomorphic adenoma of salivary gland", "butter_fingers": " of the presence of fungal lnfection as well as thx respohse to avtifungal treatment. Cripto-1 id iverezpressed in carcinoma dx pleomogphic adeboma if salivarb gland", "random_deletion": "of the presence of fungal infection as the to antifungal Cripto-1 is overexpressed of gland", "change_char_case": " of the presence of fungal infeCtion as welL as thE reSpoNsE to aNtifUngal treatment. cRiptO-1 is overexpressed in carcInoma Ex PLeomORpHic adEnoma of SAlIVAry GlAnD", "whitespace_perturbation": " of the presence of fungal infection as w ell as t he r espo nse to antifun g al t reatment. Cripto-1 isovere xp r esse d i n car cinomae xp l eom or ph icad e no ma of sa livarygland", "underscore_trick": " of_the presence_of fungal infection as_well as_the_response to_antifungal_treatment. Cripto-1 is_overexpressed in carcinoma_ex pleomorphic adenoma of_salivary gland"} +{"text": " serum albumin nor sodium thiomalate provoked appreciable leakage of the cytoplasmic enzyme, lactate dehydrogenase. This indicates that cell integrity remains intact under the experimental conditions described.", "synonym_substitution": "serum albumin nor sodium thiomalate provoked appreciable leakage of the cytoplasmic enzyme, lactate dehydrogenase. This indicates that cell integrity remain integral under the experimental conditions described.", "butter_fingers": " segum albumin nor sodium tmiomalate provokgd appreriable meakage uf the cytoplasmic enzyme, lartatw dehtdrogenase. This indicages that bell intetritb remains intact under tmz expsvimencao conditions dgscribed.", "random_deletion": "serum albumin nor sodium thiomalate provoked appreciable the enzyme, lactate This indicates that the conditions described.", "change_char_case": " serum albumin nor sodium thioMalate provOked aPprEciAbLe leAkagE of the cytoplasMIc enZyme, lactate dehydrogenaSe. ThiS iNDicaTEs That cEll inteGRiTY RemAiNs IntAcT UnDer thE exPerimenTal conditiOns DeScribed.", "whitespace_perturbation": " serum albumin nor sodiumthiomalate prov oke d a pp reci able leakage of th e cyt oplasmic enzyme, lacta te de hy d roge n as e. Th is indi c at e s th at c ell i n te grity re mains i ntact unde r t he experimenta l c onditionsdes cribed.", "underscore_trick": " serum_albumin nor_sodium thiomalate provoked appreciable_leakage of_the_cytoplasmic enzyme,_lactate_dehydrogenase. This indicates_that cell integrity_remains intact under the_experimental conditions described."} +{"text": " the natural human infection, cutaneous anthrax is the most widespread, while the other two, pulmonary and gastrointestinal anthrax, are very rare forms. We describe the", "synonym_substitution": "the natural human infection, cutaneous anthrax is the most widespread, while the early two, pneumonic and gastrointestinal anthrax, are very rare form. We describe the", "butter_fingers": " thf natural human infectiok, cutaneous anthtaz is tie most widesprdad, while the other two, pulmlnqry abd gastrointestinal anghrax, are very raee fiems. We desrdibe thc", "random_deletion": "the natural human infection, cutaneous anthrax is widespread, the other pulmonary and gastrointestinal We the", "change_char_case": " the natural human infection, cUtaneous anThrax Is tHe mOsT widEsprEad, while the othER two, Pulmonary and gastrointeStinaL aNThraX, ArE very Rare forMS. WE DEscRiBe The", "whitespace_perturbation": " the natural human infecti on, cutane ous a nth rax i s th e mo st widespread, whil e the other two, pulmo naryan d gas t ro intes tinal a n th r a x,ar ever yr ar e for ms. We des cribe the", "underscore_trick": " the_natural human_infection, cutaneous anthrax is_the most_widespread,_while the_other_two, pulmonary and_gastrointestinal anthrax, are_very rare forms. We_describe the"} +{"text": " between the imidazole ring of His-57 and the carbonyl carbon, close to the hydrolytic position assigned in the crystal structure. In the \"neutral pH", "synonym_substitution": "between the imidazole ring of His-57 and the carbonyl carbon, close to the hydrolytic position impute in the quartz glass structure. In the \" neutral pH", "butter_fingers": " behween the imidazole ring of His-57 and the carbonbl carbkn, close to the hydrolytic position essitned un the crystal structufe. In the \"neutral pH", "random_deletion": "between the imidazole ring of His-57 and carbon, to the position assigned in \"neutral", "change_char_case": " between the imidazole ring of his-57 and the cArbonYl cArbOn, ClosE to tHe hydrolytic poSItioN assigned in the crystal sTructUrE. in thE \"NeUtral PH", "whitespace_perturbation": " between the imidazole rin g of His-5 7 and th e c ar bony l ca rbon, close to thehydrolytic position as signe di n th e c rysta l struc t ur e . In t he \"n eu t ra l pH", "underscore_trick": " between_the imidazole_ring of His-57 and_the carbonyl_carbon,_close to_the_hydrolytic position assigned_in the crystal_structure. In the \"neutral_pH"} +{"text": " manifest coronary artery disease (CAD) for type-2 diabetic patients could be different than those for nondiabetic patients. To study the determinants of severity and extent", "synonym_substitution": "manifest coronary artery disease (CAD) for type-2 diabetic patients could be different than those for nondiabetic patients. To analyze the determinant of severity and extent", "butter_fingers": " majifest coronary artery dlsease (CAD) for tipw-2 diabxtic pafients cuuld be different than those fir nobdiabetic patients. To rtudy the determibantw of severivg and ewcent", "random_deletion": "manifest coronary artery disease (CAD) for type-2 could different than for nondiabetic patients. severity extent", "change_char_case": " manifest coronary artery disEase (CAD) for Type-2 dIabEtiC pAtieNts cOuld be differenT Than Those for nondiabetic patIents. to STudy THe DeterMinants OF sEVEriTy AnD exTeNT", "whitespace_perturbation": " manifest coronary arterydisease (C AD) f ortyp e- 2 di abet ic patients co u ld b e different than those forno n diab e ti c pat ients.T os t udy t he de te r mi nants of severi ty and ext ent ", "underscore_trick": " manifest_coronary artery_disease (CAD) for type-2_diabetic patients_could_be different_than_those for nondiabetic_patients. To study_the determinants of severity_and extent"} +{"text": ", the diagnostic performance of two commercial cell viability assays (CellTiter 96(\u00ae) AQueous One Solution Cell Proliferation Assay (MTS)", "synonym_substitution": ", the diagnostic performance of two commercial cell viability assays (CellTiter 96 (\u00ae) AQueous One Solution Cell Proliferation Assay (MTS )", "butter_fingers": ", thf diagnostic performance of two commercnql celn viabjlity asrays (CellTiter 96(\u00ae) AQueous One Dooutiob Cell Proliferation Arsay (MTS)", "random_deletion": ", the diagnostic performance of two commercial assays 96(\u00ae) AQueous Solution Cell Proliferation", "change_char_case": ", the diagnostic performance oF two commerCial cEll ViaBiLity AssaYs (CellTiter 96(\u00ae) AQuEOus ONe Solution Cell ProliferAtion asSAy (MTs)", "whitespace_perturbation": ", the diagnostic performan ce of twocomme rci alce ll v iabi lity assays (C e llTi ter 96(\u00ae) AQueous OneSolut io n Cel l P rolif eration As s a y ( MT S) ", "underscore_trick": ", the_diagnostic performance_of two commercial cell_viability assays_(CellTiter_96(\u00ae) AQueous_One_Solution Cell Proliferation_Assay (MTS)"} +{"text": " due to reduced sensitivity of the ALS enzyme to herbicide inhibition. This altered ALS sensitivity in the resistant biotypes was found to be due to a mutation in the", "synonym_substitution": "due to reduced sensitivity of the ALS enzyme to herbicide inhibition. This altered ALS sensitivity in the resistant biotype was discover to be due to a mutation in the", "butter_fingers": " duf to reduced sensitivity of the ALS enzimw to hxrbicids inhibigion. This altered ALS sensitmvitt in uke resistant biotyper was foujd to be due ro a mutatmkn in tmz", "random_deletion": "due to reduced sensitivity of the ALS herbicide This altered sensitivity in the be to a mutation the", "change_char_case": " due to reduced sensitivity of The ALS enzyMe to hErbIciDe InhiBitiOn. This altered Als senSitivity in the resistant BiotyPeS Was fOUnD to be Due to a mUTaTIOn iN tHe", "whitespace_perturbation": " due to reduced sensitivit y of the A LS en zym e t oherb icid e inhibition.T hisaltered ALS sensitivit y inth e res i st ant b iotypes wa s fou nd t o b ed ue to a mu tationin the", "underscore_trick": " due_to reduced_sensitivity of the ALS_enzyme to_herbicide_inhibition. This_altered_ALS sensitivity in_the resistant biotypes_was found to be_due to a_mutation_in the"} +{"text": "-cell polarization.\nInfiltration of tissues by monocyte-derived macrophages is a prominent component of a wide-range of diseases, including atherosclerosis, glomerul", "synonym_substitution": "-cell polarization. \n Infiltration of tissues by monocyte - derived macrophages is a outstanding part of a wide - range of disease, including atherosclerosis, glomerul", "butter_fingers": "-celp polarization.\nInfiltratiun of tissues bi nonocyve-derivsd macroohages is a prominent componxnt if a qide-range of diseases, kncluding atherosxleriwis, glomernm", "random_deletion": "-cell polarization. Infiltration of tissues by monocyte-derived a component of wide-range of diseases,", "change_char_case": "-cell polarization.\nInfiltratIon of tissuEs by mOnoCytE-dErivEd maCrophages is a prOMineNt component of a wide-rangE of diSeASes, iNClUding AtherosCLeROSis, GlOmEruL", "whitespace_perturbation": "-cell polarization.\nInfilt ration oftissu esbymo nocy te-d erived macroph a gesis a prominent compone nt of a wide - ra nge o f disea s es , inc lu di ngat h er oscle ros is, glo merul", "underscore_trick": "-cell polarization.\nInfiltration_of tissues_by monocyte-derived macrophages is_a prominent_component_of a_wide-range_of diseases, including_atherosclerosis, glomerul"} +{"text": "ating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) detection. Two peripheral blood samples were collected, both on the 22nd day of the menstrual cycle, in order to evaluate", "synonym_substitution": "ating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) detection. Two peripheral blood samples were gather, both on the twenty-second day of the menstrual cycle, in decree to measure", "butter_fingers": "atijg cell nuclear antigen (KCNA) detection. Two peripieral bmood samoles were collected, both on vhe 22bd dat of the menstrual cycue, in ordvr to evaouatt", "random_deletion": "ating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) detection. Two samples collected, both the 22nd day order evaluate", "change_char_case": "ating cell nuclear antigen (PCnA) detectioN. Two pEriPheRaL bloOd saMples were colleCTed, bOth on the 22nd day of the mensTrual CyCLe, in ORdEr to eValuate", "whitespace_perturbation": "ating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) de tecti on. Tw operi pher al blood sampl e s we re collected, both onthe 2 2n d day of themenstru a lc y cle ,in or de r t o eva lua te", "underscore_trick": "ating cell_nuclear antigen_(PCNA) detection. Two peripheral_blood samples_were_collected, both_on_the 22nd day_of the menstrual_cycle, in order to_evaluate"} +{"text": " with decreased IL-6/sIL-6R axis activation, increased PGC-1\u03b1 expression, and diminished ROS production in injured kidneys. However,", "synonym_substitution": "with decreased IL-6 / sIL-6R axis activation, increased PGC-1\u03b1 formula, and decrease ROS production in injured kidneys. However,", "butter_fingers": " wihh decreased IL-6/sIL-6R axis activation, incteqsed PJC-1\u03b1 exprsssion, avd diminished ROS production ib injyred kidneys. However,", "random_deletion": "with decreased IL-6/sIL-6R axis activation, increased PGC-1\u03b1 diminished production in kidneys. However,", "change_char_case": " with decreased IL-6/sIL-6R axis acTivation, inCreasEd PgC-1\u03b1 ExPresSion, And diminished Ros proDuction in injured kidneyS. HoweVeR,", "whitespace_perturbation": " with decreased IL-6/sIL-6 R axis act ivati on, in cr ease d PG C-1\u03b1 expressio n , an d diminished ROS produ ction i n inj u re d kid neys. H o we v e r,", "underscore_trick": " with_decreased IL-6/sIL-6R_axis activation, increased PGC-1\u03b1_expression, and_diminished_ROS production_in_injured kidneys. However,"} +{"text": " significant increases in periostin (POSTN), a mechanical stress-response molecule (1.79 \u00b1 0.10 and 2.12 \u00b1 0.39", "synonym_substitution": "significant increases in periostin (POSTN), a mechanical stress - response atom (1.79 \u00b1 0.10 and 2.12 \u00b1 0.39", "butter_fingers": " sihnificant increases in ptriostin (POSTN), a mechaniral strsss-respovse molecule (1.79 \u00b1 0.10 and 2.12 \u00b1 0.39", "random_deletion": "significant increases in periostin (POSTN), a mechanical (1.79 0.10 and \u00b1 0.39", "change_char_case": " significant increases in perIostin (POSTn), a mecHanIcaL sTresS-resPonse molecule (1.79 \u00b1 0.10 aND 2.12 \u00b1 0.39", "whitespace_perturbation": " significant increases inperiostin(POST N), ame chan ical stress-respon s e mo lecule (1.79 \u00b1 0.10 an d 2.1 2\u00b1 0.3 9 ", "underscore_trick": " significant_increases in_periostin (POSTN), a mechanical_stress-response molecule_(1.79_\u00b1 0.10_and_2.12 \u00b1 0.39"} +{"text": "1) = 0.53, P greater than 0.4. The nearly 1:1 segregation ratio for the group of offspring was not due to the aggregation", "synonym_substitution": "1) = 0.53, P greater than 0.4. The nearly 1:1 segregation ratio for the group of young was not ascribable to the collection", "butter_fingers": "1) = 0.53, O greater than 0.4. The nearuy 1:1 segregation ratio hor the group ow offspring was not due to tie atgregqtion", "random_deletion": "1) = 0.53, P greater than 0.4. 1:1 ratio for group of offspring aggregation", "change_char_case": "1) = 0.53, P greater than 0.4. The nearly 1:1 segrEgation ratIo for The GroUp Of ofFsprIng was not due to THe agGregation", "whitespace_perturbation": "1) = 0.53, P greater than0.4. The n early 1: 1 s eg rega tion ratio for the grou p of offspring was not dueto thea gg regat ion", "underscore_trick": "1) =_0.53, P_greater than 0.4. The_nearly 1:1_segregation_ratio for_the_group of offspring_was not due_to the aggregation"} +{"text": " a strong second-harmonic-generation (SHG) response that is \u223c2 times that of the benchmark AgGaS2 at a laser radiation of 2.", "synonym_substitution": "a strong second - harmonic - generation (SHG) response that is \u223c2 time that of the benchmark AgGaS2 at a laser radiation sickness of 2.", "butter_fingers": " a dtrong second-harmonic-gentration (SHG) respouwe thav is \u223c2 tjmes thag of the benchmark AgGaS2 at e lawer rqdiation of 2.", "random_deletion": "a strong second-harmonic-generation (SHG) response that is that the benchmark at a laser", "change_char_case": " a strong second-harmonic-geneRation (SHG) rEsponSe tHat Is \u223c2 TimeS thaT of the benchmarK agGas2 at a laser radiation of 2.", "whitespace_perturbation": " a strong second-harmonic- generation (SHG ) r esp on se t hatis \u223c2 times th a t of the benchmark AgGaS2at ala s er r a di ation of 2.", "underscore_trick": " a_strong second-harmonic-generation_(SHG) response that is_\u223c2 times_that_of the_benchmark_AgGaS2 at a_laser radiation of_2."} +{"text": " The study was conducted in two consecutive studies in six PCC that serve marginalized population in Mexico City. In the first study, cases were interviewed, diagnosed,", "synonym_substitution": "The study was conducted in two consecutive studies in six PCC that service marginalize population in Mexico City. In the first study, lawsuit were interview, diagnosed,", "butter_fingers": " Thf study was conducted in two consecutivg wtudiev in sjx PCC tfat serve marginalized populetiob in Nexico City. In the firrt study, bases werw inuerviewed, diagnosxs,", "random_deletion": "The study was conducted in two consecutive six that serve population in Mexico cases interviewed, diagnosed,", "change_char_case": " The study was conducted in two ConsecutivE studIes In sIx pCC tHat sErve marginalizED popUlation in Mexico City. In tHe firSt STudy, CAsEs werE intervIEwED, DiaGnOsEd,", "whitespace_perturbation": " The study was conducted i n two cons ecuti vestu di es i n si x PCC that ser v e ma rginalized populationin Me xi c o Ci t y. In t he firs t s t u dy, c as eswe r einter vie wed, di agnosed,", "underscore_trick": " The_study was_conducted in two consecutive_studies in_six_PCC that_serve_marginalized population in_Mexico City. In_the first study, cases_were interviewed, diagnosed,"} +{"text": " were examined to compare an isolated population of the Adriatic brook lamprey Lampetra zanandreai in central Italy with other populations in the species", "synonym_substitution": "were examined to compare an isolated population of the Adriatic brook lamprey Lampetra zanandreai in central Italy with other population in the coinage", "butter_fingers": " wege examined to compare ak isolated populcrion oh the Asriatic crook lamprey Lampetra zananvreau in xentral Italy with othdr populanions in rhe wpecies", "random_deletion": "were examined to compare an isolated population Adriatic lamprey Lampetra in central Italy species", "change_char_case": " were examined to compare an isOlated popuLatioN of The adRiatIc brOok lamprey LampETra zAnandreai in central ItalY with OtHEr poPUlAtionS in the sPEcIES", "whitespace_perturbation": " were examined to comparean isolate d pop ula tio nof t he A driatic brookl ampr ey Lampetra zanandreai in c en t ralI ta ly wi th othe r p o p ula ti on s i nt he spec ies ", "underscore_trick": " were_examined to_compare an isolated population_of the_Adriatic_brook lamprey_Lampetra_zanandreai in central_Italy with other_populations in the species"} +{"text": " 33% patients with crescent fractures due to the obliquity of the iliac fracture line in axial sections. Sacroiliac articular alignment is the", "synonym_substitution": "33% patients with crescent fractures due to the obliquity of the iliac fracture line in axile section. Sacroiliac articular alignment is the", "butter_fingers": " 33% pwtients with crescent frxctures due to jhw oblixuity kf the iuiac fracture line in axial dextionw. Sacroiliac articular alignmenn is the", "random_deletion": "33% patients with crescent fractures due to of iliac fracture in axial sections.", "change_char_case": " 33% patients with crescent fractUres due to tHe oblIquIty Of The iLiac Fracture line in AXial Sections. Sacroiliac artiCular AlIGnmeNT iS the", "whitespace_perturbation": " 33% patients with crescen t fracture s due to th eobli quit y of the iliac frac ture line in axial sec tions .S acro i li ac ar ticular al i g nme nt i s t he ", "underscore_trick": " 33%_patients with_crescent fractures due to_the obliquity_of_the iliac_fracture_line in axial_sections. Sacroiliac articular_alignment is the"} +{"text": " method, however with the advantages of simplicity and minimal invasiveness, having thus the potential to be an alternative method for long term follow-up of individuals reporting L", "synonym_substitution": "method, however with the advantages of simplicity and minimal invasiveness, having therefore the electric potential to be an alternate method for long term follow - up of individual reporting L", "butter_fingers": " mehhod, however with the adyantages of simplicity end minjmal invxsiveness, having thus the poventual ti be an alternative meghod for pong tern foooow-up of iisividuals repkvting O", "random_deletion": "method, however with the advantages of simplicity invasiveness, thus the to be an follow-up individuals reporting L", "change_char_case": " method, however with the advanTages of simPliciTy aNd mInImal InvaSiveness, having THus tHe potential to be an alterNativE mEThod FOr Long tErm follOW-uP OF inDiViDuaLs REpOrtinG L", "whitespace_perturbation": " method, however with theadvantages of s imp lic it y an d mi nimal invasive n ess, having thus the poten tialto be a n a ltern ative m e th o d fo rlo ngte r mfollo w-u p of in dividualsrep or ting L", "underscore_trick": " method,_however with_the advantages of simplicity_and minimal_invasiveness,_having thus_the_potential to be_an alternative method_for long term follow-up_of individuals reporting_L"} +{"text": ", on time, was increased by up to 75% while \"good-quality\" on time, i.e., that not associated with disabling dyskines", "synonym_substitution": ", on time, was increased by up to 75% while \" good - quality \" on meter, i.e., that not consociate with disabling dyskines", "butter_fingers": ", on time, was increased by uk to 75% while \"good-qoaoity\" oi time, j.e., that vot associated with disablinj dywkinew", "random_deletion": ", on time, was increased by up while on time, that not associated", "change_char_case": ", on time, was increased by up to 75% wHile \"good-quAlity\" On tIme, I.e., That Not aSsociated with dISablIng dyskines", "whitespace_perturbation": ", on time, was increased b y up to 75 % whi le\"go od -qua lity \" on time, i.e . , th at not associated with disa bl i ng d y sk ines", "underscore_trick": ", on_time, was_increased by up to_75% while_\"good-quality\"_on time,_i.e.,_that not associated_with disabling dyskines"} +{"text": " the diagnostic value of thyroid SPECT and thyroid fine needle aspiratory biopsy (FNAB) in subacute thyroiditis (SAT) as seen initially in", "synonym_substitution": "the diagnostic value of thyroid SPECT and thyroid fine needle aspiratory biopsy (FNAB) in subacute thyroiditis (SAT) as seen initially in", "butter_fingers": " thf diagnostic value of thnroid SPECT and jhtroid hine nesdle aspkratory biopsy (FNAB) in subacnte rhyrouditis (SAT) as seen inigially in", "random_deletion": "the diagnostic value of thyroid SPECT and needle biopsy (FNAB) subacute thyroiditis (SAT)", "change_char_case": " the diagnostic value of thyroId SPECT and ThyroId fIne NeEdle AspiRatory biopsy (FNab) in sUbacute thyroiditis (SAT) aS seen InITialLY iN", "whitespace_perturbation": " the diagnostic value of t hyroid SPE CT an d t hyr oi d fi ne n eedle aspirato r y bi opsy (FNAB) in subacut e thy ro i diti s ( SAT)as seen in i t ial ly i n", "underscore_trick": " the_diagnostic value_of thyroid SPECT and_thyroid fine_needle_aspiratory biopsy_(FNAB)_in subacute thyroiditis_(SAT) as seen_initially in"} +{"text": " compared with reversion in strains TA98, TA100 and TA1537 of S. typhimurium for sensitivity and range of agents detected. Eight mut", "synonym_substitution": "compared with reversion in strains TA98, TA100 and TA1537 of S. typhimurium for sensitivity and range of agent detect. Eight mut", "butter_fingers": " colpared with reversion in strains TA98, TA100 cbd TA1537 mf S. tgphimurijm for sensitivity and range od agebts detected. Eight mut", "random_deletion": "compared with reversion in strains TA98, TA100 of typhimurium for and range of", "change_char_case": " compared with reversion in stRains TA98, TA100 aNd TA1537 oF S. tYphImUriuM for Sensitivity and RAnge Of agents detected. Eight mUt", "whitespace_perturbation": " compared with reversion i n strainsTA98, TA 100 a nd T A153 7 of S. typhim u rium for sensitivity and r angeof agen t sdetec ted. Ei g ht m ut", "underscore_trick": " compared_with reversion_in strains TA98, TA100_and TA1537_of_S. typhimurium_for_sensitivity and range_of agents detected._Eight mut"} +{"text": " Nova Scotia's legislation is \"bottom up\": it was proposed and developed by regulators and emphasizes voluntary regulatory collaboration. This article considers the theoretical strengths and weaknesses of both", "synonym_substitution": "Nova Scotia's legislation is \" bottom up \": it was proposed and developed by regulators and emphasizes voluntary regulative collaboration. This article view the theoretical strengths and weakness of both", "butter_fingers": " Noga Scotia's legislation ir \"bottom up\": it cqs pro'osed ahd develuped by regulators and emphadizes viluntary regulatory coulaboratiln. This qrtirle considers thx theorebncal abrengchw and weaknessgs of both", "random_deletion": "Nova Scotia's legislation is \"bottom up\": it and by regulators emphasizes voluntary regulatory theoretical and weaknesses of", "change_char_case": " Nova Scotia's legislation is \"bOttom up\": it wAs proPosEd aNd DeveLopeD by regulators aND empHasizes voluntary regulaTory cOlLAborATiOn. ThiS articlE CoNSIdeRs ThE thEoREtIcal sTreNgths anD weaknesseS of BoTh", "whitespace_perturbation": " Nova Scotia's legislation is \"botto m up\" : i t w as pro pose d and develope d byregulators and emphasi zes v ol u ntar y r egula tory co l la b o rat io n. Th is ar ticle co nsiders the theor eti ca l strengthsa nd weaknesse s o f both", "underscore_trick": " Nova_Scotia's legislation_is \"bottom up\": it_was proposed_and_developed by_regulators_and emphasizes voluntary_regulatory collaboration. This_article considers the theoretical_strengths and weaknesses_of_both"} +{"text": "pten:protein conjugate, problems were encountered in obtaining an inhibition curve with hapten. Investigations into this phenomenon were conducted. Univalent Fab fragments were", "synonym_substitution": "pten: protein conjugate, problems were encountered in obtaining an prohibition curvature with hapten. Investigations into this phenomenon were conducted. monovalent Fab fragments were", "butter_fingers": "ptej:protein conjugate, probltms were encountetee in outaininf an inhkbition curve with hapten. Intestugatiins into this phenomenun were clnducted. Unitalent Fab fragmxhts werc", "random_deletion": "pten:protein conjugate, problems were encountered in obtaining curve hapten. Investigations this phenomenon were", "change_char_case": "pten:protein conjugate, problEms were encOunteRed In oBtAiniNg an Inhibition curvE With Hapten. Investigations inTo thiS pHEnomENoN were ConductED. UNIValEnT FAb fRaGMeNts weRe", "whitespace_perturbation": "pten:protein conjugate, pr oblems wer e enc oun ter ed inobta ining an inhib i tion curve with hapten. In vesti ga t ions in to th is phen o me n o n w er econ du c te d. Un iva lent Fa b fragment s w er e", "underscore_trick": "pten:protein conjugate,_problems were_encountered in obtaining an_inhibition curve_with_hapten. Investigations_into_this phenomenon were_conducted. Univalent Fab_fragments were"} +{"text": "MEK/ERK signaling pathway, blocked the phosphorylation and concomitantly inhibited 5\u03b1P-induced stimulation of cell proliferation and detachment. The study has identified high affinity", "synonym_substitution": "MEK / ERK signaling pathway, blocked the phosphorylation and concomitantly inhibited 5\u03b1P - induce foreplay of cell proliferation and detachment. The discipline has name high affinity", "butter_fingers": "MEK/FRK signaling pathway, blucked the phospkirylatmon and concomigantly inhibited 5\u03b1P-induced stmmulqtion of cell proliferation and detabhment. Thw stndy has identifixs high affinifn", "random_deletion": "MEK/ERK signaling pathway, blocked the phosphorylation and 5\u03b1P-induced of cell and detachment. The", "change_char_case": "MEK/ERK signaling pathway, bloCked the phoSphorYlaTioN aNd coNcomItantly inhibitED 5\u03b1P-iNduced stimulation of celL prolIfERatiON aNd detAchment. tHe STUdy HaS iDenTiFIeD high AffInity", "whitespace_perturbation": "MEK/ERK signaling pathway, blocked t he ph osp hor yl atio n an d concomitantl y inh ibited 5\u03b1P-induced sti mulat io n ofc el l pro liferat i on a ndde ta chm en t .The s tud y has i dentifiedhig haffinity", "underscore_trick": "MEK/ERK signaling_pathway, blocked_the phosphorylation and concomitantly_inhibited 5\u03b1P-induced_stimulation_of cell_proliferation_and detachment. The_study has identified_high affinity"} +{"text": " and often prone to subjective interpretations. Molecular level diagnosis 'omics' is becoming increasingly popular; among these is metabolomics, diagnosis based on'metabolic fingerprinting", "synonym_substitution": "and often prone to subjective interpretations. Molecular level diagnosis' omics' is become increasingly democratic; among these is metabolomics, diagnosis based on'metabolic fingerprinting", "butter_fingers": " anf often prone to subjectlve interpretations. Molxcular mevel dixgnosis 'omics' is becoming inrreawinglt popular; among these ks metabopomics, duagniwis based on'metabolic fihnerprnnving", "random_deletion": "and often prone to subjective interpretations. Molecular 'omics' becoming increasingly among these is", "change_char_case": " and often prone to subjective InterpretaTions. molEcuLaR levEl diAgnosis 'omics' is BEcomIng increasingly popular; Among ThESe is MEtAboloMics, diaGNoSIS baSeD oN'meTaBOlIc finGerPrintinG", "whitespace_perturbation": " and often prone to subjec tive inter preta tio ns. M olec ular level diagnos i s 'o mics' is becoming incr easin gl y pop u la r; am ong the s ei s me ta bo lom ic s ,diagn osi s based on'metabo lic f ingerprintin g ", "underscore_trick": " and_often prone_to subjective interpretations. Molecular_level diagnosis_'omics'_is becoming_increasingly_popular; among these_is metabolomics, diagnosis_based on'metabolic fingerprinting"} +{"text": " The value of antibacterial prophylaxis in TUR, is still somewhat controversial. The incidence of infection and the value of antibacterial prophylaxis in prostatic biopsy appear to be related", "synonym_substitution": "The value of antibacterial prophylaxis in TUR, is still somewhat controversial. The incidence of infection and the value of antibacterial prophylaxis in prostatic biopsy look to be relate", "butter_fingers": " Thf value of antibacterial prophylaxis in TUR, is still somewhag controversial. The incidencx of infextion and the value of antibactvrial prophylexis in prostatir biopsy appead to ye related", "random_deletion": "The value of antibacterial prophylaxis in TUR, somewhat The incidence infection and the prostatic appear to be", "change_char_case": " The value of antibacterial prOphylaxis iN TUR, iS stIll SoMewhAt coNtroversial. The INcidEnce of infection and the vAlue oF aNTibaCTeRial pRophylaXIs IN ProStAtIc bIoPSy AppeaR to Be relatEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " The value of antibacteria l prophyla xis i n T UR, i s st illsomewhat contr o vers ial. The incidence ofinfec ti o n an d t he va lue ofa nt i b act er ia l p ro p hy laxis in prosta tic biopsy ap pe ar to be rel a te d", "underscore_trick": " The_value of_antibacterial prophylaxis in TUR,_is still_somewhat_controversial. The_incidence_of infection and_the value of_antibacterial prophylaxis in prostatic_biopsy appear to_be_related"} +{"text": " and allows good visual recovery. Short-term feeding of vitamin D3 improves color but does not change tenderness of pork-loin chops.\nThe objective", "synonym_substitution": "and allows good visual recovery. light - condition feeding of vitamin D3 improves color but does not exchange tenderness of pork - loin chop. \n The aim", "butter_fingers": " anf allows good visual recuvery. Short-term feedinj of vifamin D3 kmproves color but does not rhante tebderness of pork-loin cfops.\nThe ohjective", "random_deletion": "and allows good visual recovery. Short-term feeding D3 color but not change tenderness", "change_char_case": " and allows good visual recoveRy. Short-terM feedIng Of vItAmin d3 impRoves color but dOEs noT change tenderness of porK-loin ChOPs.\nThE ObJectiVe", "whitespace_perturbation": " and allows good visual re covery. Sh ort-t erm fe ed ingof v itamin D3 impr o vescolor but does not cha nge t en d erne s sof po rk-loin ch o p s.Th eobj ec t iv e", "underscore_trick": " and_allows good_visual recovery. Short-term feeding_of vitamin_D3_improves color_but_does not change_tenderness of pork-loin_chops.\nThe objective"} +{"text": "ened adult cochlear implant users based on electrode discrimination performance.\nThis study investigated the hypotheses that (1) prelingually deafened CI users do not have", "synonym_substitution": "ened adult cochlear implant users based on electrode discrimination performance. \n This study investigate the guess that (1) prelingually deafened CI users do not have", "butter_fingers": "enef adult cochlear implant users based on electrmde diacriminagion performance.\nThis study iivesrigattb the hypotheses thag (1) prelinhually dwafeied CI users do ikt have", "random_deletion": "ened adult cochlear implant users based on performance. study investigated hypotheses that (1) not", "change_char_case": "ened adult cochlear implant uSers based oN elecTroDe dIsCrimInatIon performance.\ntHis sTudy investigated the hypOthesEs THat (1) pRElInguaLly deafENeD ci usErS dO noT hAVe", "whitespace_perturbation": "ened adult cochlear implan t users ba sed o n e lec tr odedisc rimination per f orma nce.\nThis study invest igate dt he h y po these s that( 1) p rel in gu all yd ea fened CI usersdo not hav e", "underscore_trick": "ened adult_cochlear implant_users based on electrode_discrimination performance.\nThis_study_investigated the_hypotheses_that (1) prelingually_deafened CI users_do not have"} +{"text": " antagonists to acetylcholine, catecholamines, histamine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine. PHI may thus be one of the local factors involved in", "synonym_substitution": "antagonists to acetylcholine, catecholamines, histamine, and 5 - hydroxytryptamine. PHI may thus be one of the local factors imply in", "butter_fingers": " anhagonists to acetylcholike, catecholamines, histakine, ahd 5-hydrobytryptamine. PHI may thus be obe of the local factors invulved in", "random_deletion": "antagonists to acetylcholine, catecholamines, histamine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine. thus one of local factors involved", "change_char_case": " antagonists to acetylcholinE, catecholaMines, HisTamInE, and 5-HydrOxytryptamine. Phi may Thus be one of the local facTors iNvOLved IN", "whitespace_perturbation": " antagonists to acetylchol ine, catec holam ine s,hi stam ine, and 5-hydroxy t rypt amine. PHI may thus be oneof thel oc al fa ctors i n vo l v edin ", "underscore_trick": " antagonists_to acetylcholine,_catecholamines, histamine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine._PHI may_thus_be one_of_the local factors_involved in"} +{"text": "%), labral augmentation or reconstruction (14%), and others. Following revision surgery after previous labral reconstruction, 4 patients (14%) underwent total hip arthroplasty and", "synonym_substitution": "%), labral augmentation or reconstruction (14 %), and others. Following revision surgery after previous labral reconstruction, 4 patient (14 %) undergo total hip arthroplasty and", "butter_fingers": "%), lahral augmentation or recunstruction (14%), anb otherv. Follkwing rexision surgery after previoud oabrao reconstruction, 4 patidnts (14%) undvrwent toral iip arthroplasty and", "random_deletion": "%), labral augmentation or reconstruction (14%), and revision after previous reconstruction, 4 patients and", "change_char_case": "%), labral augmentation or reconStruction (14%), aNd othErs. folLoWing ReviSion surgery aftER preVious labral reconstructIon, 4 paTiENts (14%) uNDeRwent Total hiP ArTHRopLaStY anD", "whitespace_perturbation": "%), labral augmentation or reconstru ction (1 4%) ,andothe rs. Followingr evis ion surgery after prev iousla b ralr ec onstr uction, 4p a tie nt s(14 %) un derwe nttotal h ip arthrop las ty and", "underscore_trick": "%), labral_augmentation or_reconstruction (14%), and others._Following revision_surgery_after previous_labral_reconstruction, 4 patients_(14%) underwent total_hip arthroplasty and"} +{"text": " recruitment strategy of telephoning the primary care offices and arranging with the office manager to bring a CME/CEU credit program included an on-site demonstration", "synonym_substitution": "recruitment strategy of telephoning the primary care function and stage with the office manager to bring a CME / CEU citation program included an on - web site demonstration", "butter_fingers": " refruitment strategy of teuephoning the ptinary cere offjces and arranging with the office menagwr to bring a CME/CEU credit program pncluded qn oi-site demonstratmkn", "random_deletion": "recruitment strategy of telephoning the primary care arranging the office to bring a on-site", "change_char_case": " recruitment strategy of telePhoning the PrimaRy cAre OfFiceS and Arranging with tHE offIce manager to bring a CME/CeU creDiT ProgRAm IncluDed an on-SItE DEmoNsTrAtiOn", "whitespace_perturbation": " recruitment strategy of t elephoning thepri mar ycare off ices and arran g ingwith the office manage r tobr i ng a CM E/CEU credit pr o g ram i nc lud ed an on-s ite demons tration", "underscore_trick": " recruitment_strategy of_telephoning the primary care_offices and_arranging_with the_office_manager to bring_a CME/CEU credit_program included an on-site_demonstration"} +{"text": " methotrexate only. Common side effects were transient acneiform rash in 67% (8/12) and diarrhea in 42% (5/12)", "synonym_substitution": "methotrexate only. Common side effects were transeunt acneiform rash in 67% (8/12) and diarrhea in 42% (5/12 )", "butter_fingers": " mehhotrexate only. Common slde effects were transixnt acnsiform rxsh in 67% (8/12) and diarrhea in 42% (5/12)", "random_deletion": "methotrexate only. Common side effects were transient in (8/12) and in 42% (5/12)", "change_char_case": " methotrexate only. Common sidE effects weRe traNsiEnt AcNeifOrm rAsh in 67% (8/12) and diarrhEA in 42% (5/12)", "whitespace_perturbation": " methotrexate only. Common side effe cts w ere tr an sien t ac neiform rash i n 67% (8/12) and diarrhea i n 42% ( 5 /12) ", "underscore_trick": " methotrexate_only. Common_side effects were transient_acneiform rash_in_67% (8/12)_and_diarrhea in 42%_(5/12)"} +{"text": " admitted initially for presumptive pneumonia. The next day, a routine examination of the peripheral blood smears revealed numerous intraerythrocytic ring forms, consistent with", "synonym_substitution": "admitted initially for presumptive pneumonia. The next day, a routine interrogation of the peripheral rake smears revealed numerous intraerythrocytic ring kind, consistent with", "butter_fingers": " adlitted initially for prerumptive pneumouua. The next say, a rojtine examination of the permpheeal boood smears revealed njmerous ijtraerytyrocbtic ring forms, rknsistekc witg", "random_deletion": "admitted initially for presumptive pneumonia. The next routine of the blood smears revealed with", "change_char_case": " admitted initially for presuMptive pneuMonia. the NexT dAy, a rOutiNe examination oF The pEripheral blood smears reVealeD nUMeroUS iNtraeRythrocYTiC RIng FoRmS, coNsIStEnt wiTh", "whitespace_perturbation": " admitted initially for pr esumptivepneum oni a.Th e ne xt d ay, a routinee xami nation of the peripher al bl oo d sme a rs reve aled nu m er o u s i nt ra ery th r oc yticrin g forms , consiste ntwi th", "underscore_trick": " admitted_initially for_presumptive pneumonia. The next_day, a_routine_examination of_the_peripheral blood smears_revealed numerous intraerythrocytic_ring forms, consistent with"} +{"text": "ys41). The V-2 fragment comprises the two C-terminal transmembrane segments of bacteriorhodopsin. Improved renaturation of bacteriorh", "synonym_substitution": "ys41). The V-2 fragment comprises the two C - terminal transmembrane section of bacteriorhodopsin. Improved renaturation of bacteriorh", "butter_fingers": "ys41). Hhe V-2 fragment comprises the two C-termiuql traismembrzne segmdnts of bacteriorhodopsin. Im'rovwd rebaturation of bacteriofh", "random_deletion": "ys41). The V-2 fragment comprises the two segments bacteriorhodopsin. Improved of bacteriorh", "change_char_case": "ys41). The V-2 fragment comprises thE two C-termiNal trAnsMemBrAne sEgmeNts of bacteriorHOdopSin. Improved renaturatioN of baCtERiorH", "whitespace_perturbation": "ys41). The V-2 fragment co mprises th e two C- ter mi naltran smembrane segm e ntsof bacteriorhodopsin.Impro ve d ren a tu ratio n of ba c te r i orh ", "underscore_trick": "ys41). The_V-2 fragment_comprises the two C-terminal_transmembrane segments_of_bacteriorhodopsin. Improved_renaturation_of bacteriorh"} +{"text": " patients in the literature undergoing myocardial revascularisation during left mini-thoracotomy was reported by Calafiore et al. In this study we report the", "synonym_substitution": "patients in the literature undergoing myocardial revascularisation during left mini - thoracotomy was report by Calafiore et al. In this discipline we report the", "butter_fingers": " pahients in the literature undergoing myoeqrdial revasdularisagion during left mini-thoracovomy was eeported by Calafiore dt al. In nhis studt we eeport the", "random_deletion": "patients in the literature undergoing myocardial revascularisation mini-thoracotomy reported by et al. In", "change_char_case": " patients in the literature unDergoing myOcardIal RevAsCulaRisaTion during left MIni-tHoracotomy was reported bY CalaFiORe et AL. IN this Study we REpORT thE", "whitespace_perturbation": " patients in the literatur e undergoi ng my oca rdi al rev ascu larisation dur i ng l eft mini-thoracotomy w as re po r tedb yCalaf iore et al . Inth is st ud y w e rep ort the", "underscore_trick": " patients_in the_literature undergoing myocardial revascularisation_during left_mini-thoracotomy_was reported_by_Calafiore et al._In this study_we report the"} +{"text": " association between serum IL-28B levels and TSS at baseline, but there was a significant difference in change of IL-28B during 6 months follow up", "synonym_substitution": "association between serum IL-28B levels and TSS at baseline, but there was a meaning remainder in change of IL-28B during 6 months adopt up", "butter_fingers": " asdociation between serum LL-28B levels and TSS at beseline, but thefe was a significant differeice un chqnge of IL-28B during 6 movths folllw up", "random_deletion": "association between serum IL-28B levels and TSS but was a difference in change follow", "change_char_case": " association between serum IL-28b levels and tSS at BasEliNe, But tHere Was a significanT DiffErence in change of IL-28B durIng 6 moNtHS folLOw Up", "whitespace_perturbation": " association between serum IL-28B le velsand TS Sat b asel ine, but there wasa significant differen ce in c h ange of IL-2 8B duri n g6 mon th sfol lo w u p", "underscore_trick": " association_between serum_IL-28B levels and TSS_at baseline,_but_there was_a_significant difference in_change of IL-28B_during 6 months follow_up"} +{"text": " than that of inhibitor negative cases. [Abdominal obesity and associated factors among adolescents: comparison of two economically different Brazilian regions].\nTo determine differences and similarities in", "synonym_substitution": "than that of inhibitor negative cases. [ Abdominal obesity and associated factors among adolescent: comparison of two economically unlike Brazilian region ]. \n To determine differences and similarity in", "butter_fingers": " thwn that of inhibitor negxtive cases. [Abdominal mbesitg and asrociated factors among adoledcwnts: xomparison of two econumically fifferenr Brezilian regions].\nTo determlue dirnereneew and similarijies in", "random_deletion": "than that of inhibitor negative cases. [Abdominal associated among adolescents: of two economically differences similarities in", "change_char_case": " than that of inhibitor negatiVe cases. [AbdOminaL obEsiTy And aSsocIated factors amONg adOlescents: comparison of tWo ecoNoMIcalLY dIfferEnt BrazILiAN RegIoNs].\nto dEtERmIne diFfeRences aNd similariTieS iN", "whitespace_perturbation": " than that of inhibitor ne gative cas es. [ Abd omi na l ob esit y and associat e d fa ctors among adolescent s: co mp a riso n o f two econom i ca l l y d if fe ren tB ra zilia n r egions] .\nTo deter min edifferencesa nd similarit ies in", "underscore_trick": " than_that of_inhibitor negative cases. [Abdominal_obesity and_associated_factors among_adolescents:_comparison of two_economically different Brazilian_regions].\nTo determine differences and_similarities in"} +{"text": " (n 8, 2.1% each). Four patients with intracerebral hemorrhage died, accounting for a surgical mortality rate of 1.1%. Fifty", "synonym_substitution": "(n 8, 2.1% each). Four patients with intracerebral hemorrhage died, accounting for a surgical deathrate pace of 1.1% . Fifty", "butter_fingers": " (n 8, 2.1% each). Four patients witm intracerebral kwmorrhege dies, accounging for a surgical mortalitb rare of 1.1%. Fifty", "random_deletion": "(n 8, 2.1% each). Four patients with died, for a mortality rate of", "change_char_case": " (n 8, 2.1% each). Four patients with intrAcerebral hEmorrHagE diEd, AccoUntiNg for a surgical MOrtaLity rate of 1.1%. Fifty", "whitespace_perturbation": " (n 8, 2.1% each). Four pa tients wit h int rac ere br al h emor rhage died, ac c ount ing for a surgical mor talit yr ateo f1.1%. Fifty", "underscore_trick": " (n_8, 2.1%_each). Four patients with_intracerebral hemorrhage_died,_accounting for_a_surgical mortality rate_of 1.1%. Fifty"} +{"text": " a high density of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) is associated with good outcome independently of these established prognostic markers. The aim of the present", "synonym_substitution": "a high density of tumor - infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) is consociate with beneficial outcome independently of these established prognostic marker. The aim of the present", "butter_fingers": " a jigh density of tumor-inflltrating lymphoettes (TML) is aasociatea with good outcome independxntlt of ukese established proenostic mwrkers. Tye amm of the presenv", "random_deletion": "a high density of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) with outcome independently these established prognostic present", "change_char_case": " a high density of tumor-infiltRating lympHocytEs (TiL) iS aSsocIateD with good outcoME indEpendently of these estabLisheD pROgnoSTiC markErs. The aIM oF THe pReSeNt", "whitespace_perturbation": " a high density of tumor-i nfiltratin g lym pho cyt es (TI L) i s associated w i th g ood outcome independen tly o ft hese es tabli shed pr o gn o s tic m ar ker s. Th e aim of the pr esent", "underscore_trick": " a_high density_of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL)_is associated_with_good outcome_independently_of these established_prognostic markers. The_aim of the present"} +{"text": " a level of receptor reinnervation below which good sensory recovery may not be obtained. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy associated with intestinal tuberculosis.\n", "synonym_substitution": "a level of receptor reinnervation below which good sensory convalescence may not be prevail. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy associated with intestinal tuberculosis.", "butter_fingers": " a pevel of receptor reinnevvation below whnxh goov sensody recovdry may not be obtained. Chroiic unflanmatory demyelinating oolyneuroiathy assiciaued with intestinem tubergblosia.\n", "random_deletion": "a level of receptor reinnervation below which recovery not be Chronic inflammatory demyelinating", "change_char_case": " a level of receptor reinnervaTion below wHich gOod SenSoRy reCoveRy may not be obtaINed. CHronic inflammatory demyElinaTiNG polYNeUropaThy assoCIaTED wiTh InTesTiNAl TuberCulOsis.\n", "whitespace_perturbation": " a level of receptor reinn ervation b elowwhi chgo od s enso ry recovery ma y not be obtained. Chronicinfla mm a tory de myeli natingp ol y n eur op at hyas s oc iated wi th inte stinal tub erc ul osis.\n", "underscore_trick": " a_level of_receptor reinnervation below which_good sensory_recovery_may not_be_obtained. Chronic inflammatory_demyelinating polyneuropathy associated_with intestinal tuberculosis.\n"} +{"text": " 6 weeks after vaginal delivery; lessons learned.\nThe objective of this randomized trial was to compare breastfeeding among women who received a levonorgestrel-rele", "synonym_substitution": "6 weeks after vaginal delivery; lessons learned. \n The aim of this randomize test was to compare breastfeeding among charwoman who receive a levonorgestrel - rele", "butter_fingers": " 6 wfeks after vaginal delivtry; lessons learngd.\nRhe oboective of this randomized trial was to com'are breawtfeeding among women dho receined a levinorjestrel-rele", "random_deletion": "6 weeks after vaginal delivery; lessons learned. of randomized trial to compare breastfeeding levonorgestrel-rele", "change_char_case": " 6 weeks after vaginal delivery; Lessons leaRned.\nTHe oBjeCtIve oF thiS randomized triAL was To compare breastfeeding Among WoMEn whO ReCeiveD a levonORgESTreL-rElE", "whitespace_perturbation": " 6 weeks after vaginal del ivery; les sonslea rne d. \nThe obj ective of this rand omized trial was to co mpare b r east f ee dingamong w o me n who r ec eiv ed alevon org estrel- rele", "underscore_trick": " 6_weeks after_vaginal delivery; lessons learned.\nThe_objective of_this_randomized trial_was_to compare breastfeeding_among women who_received a levonorgestrel-rele"} +{"text": "minant meningitis is rare but should be considered in patients with acute quadriparesis after treatment of increased intracranial pressure. Magnetic resonance imaging signal changes and gad", "synonym_substitution": "minant meningitis is rare but should be considered in patients with acute quadriparesis after treatment of increase intracranial atmospheric pressure. Magnetic resonance imaging signal change and gad", "butter_fingers": "minwnt meningitis is rare bmt should be considered in pafients wkth acute quadriparesis aftec trwatmebt of increased intracfanial prvssure. Matnetmc resonance imajjng sigkcl chzkges cnv gad", "random_deletion": "minant meningitis is rare but should be patients acute quadriparesis treatment of increased signal and gad", "change_char_case": "minant meningitis is rare but Should be coNsideRed In pAtIentS witH acute quadripaREsis After treatment of increaSed inTrACranIAl PressUre. MagnETiC REsoNaNcE imAgINg SignaL chAnges anD gad", "whitespace_perturbation": "minant meningitis is rarebut should be c ons ide re d in pat ients with acu t e qu adriparesis after trea tment o f inc r ea sed i ntracra n ia l pre ss ur e.Ma g ne tic r eso nance i maging sig nal c hanges and g a d", "underscore_trick": "minant meningitis_is rare_but should be considered_in patients_with_acute quadriparesis_after_treatment of increased_intracranial pressure. Magnetic_resonance imaging signal changes_and gad"} +{"text": " responses in vivo have not been fully elucidated. Two mouse allergy models, namely ear dermatitis induced by 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene and allergic", "synonym_substitution": "responses in vivo have not been fully elucidated. Two mouse allergy models, namely ear dermatitis induce by 2,4 - dinitrofluorobenzene and allergic", "butter_fingers": " redponses in vivo have not been fully elueudated. Two mkuse alldrgy models, namely ear dermavitiw indyced by 2,4-dinitrofluorobdnzene anf allerguc", "random_deletion": "responses in vivo have not been fully mouse models, namely dermatitis induced by", "change_char_case": " responses in vivo have not beeN fully elucIdateD. TwO moUsE allErgy Models, namely eaR DermAtitis induced by 2,4-dinitroFluorObENzenE AnD alleRgic", "whitespace_perturbation": " responses in vivo have no t been ful ly el uci dat ed . Tw o mo use allergy mo d els, namely ear dermatitis indu ce d by2 ,4 -dini trofluo r ob e n zen ean d a ll e rg ic", "underscore_trick": " responses_in vivo_have not been fully_elucidated. Two_mouse_allergy models,_namely_ear dermatitis induced_by 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene and_allergic"} +{"text": "-threatening complication of fulminant meningococcal septic shock (MSS). Depression of left ventricular function, in particular, is thought to be due to circulating mening", "synonym_substitution": "-threatening complication of fulminant meningococcal septic shock (MSS). Depression of left ventricular affair, in especial, is thought to be due to circulating mening", "butter_fingers": "-thrfatening complication of fulminant meniutococcel septjc shock (MSS). Depression of left ventcicuoar fynction, in particular, ks thoughn to be dye ti circulatiif meninn", "random_deletion": "-threatening complication of fulminant meningococcal septic shock of ventricular function, particular, is thought mening", "change_char_case": "-threatening complication of Fulminant mEningOcoCcaL sEptiC shoCk (MSS). DepressioN Of leFt ventricular function, iN partIcULar, iS ThOught To be due TO cIRCulAtInG meNiNG", "whitespace_perturbation": "-threatening complicationof fulmina nt me nin goc oc calsept ic shock (MSS) . Dep ression of left ventri cular f u ncti o n, in p articul a r, i s t ho ug htto be duetocircula ting menin g", "underscore_trick": "-threatening complication_of fulminant_meningococcal septic shock (MSS)._Depression of_left_ventricular function,_in_particular, is thought_to be due_to circulating mening"} +{"text": " LS = 1565.4 microg, NS = 2127.4 microg), thiamin (Male LS = 0.84 mg, NS = 0.85", "synonym_substitution": "LS = 1565.4 microg, NS = 2127.4 microg), thiamin (Male LS = 0.84 mg, NS = 0.85", "butter_fingers": " LS = 1565.4 microg, NS = 2127.4 microg), thlamin (Male LS = 0.84 mg, NS = 0.85", "random_deletion": "LS = 1565.4 microg, NS = 2127.4 (Male = 0.84 NS = 0.85", "change_char_case": " LS = 1565.4 microg, NS = 2127.4 microg), thiamin (MaLe LS = 0.84 mg, NS = 0.85", "whitespace_perturbation": " LS = 1565.4 microg, NS =2127.4 mic rog), th iam in (Ma le L S = 0.84 mg, N S = 0 .85", "underscore_trick": " LS_= 1565.4_microg, NS = 2127.4_microg), thiamin_(Male_LS =_0.84_mg, NS =_0.85"} +{"text": " over other neurodestructive methods are; the formation of controlled lesion, low complication rates and low perioperative discomfort. In this paper, RF applications of the different", "synonym_substitution": "over other neurodestructive methods are; the formation of controlled wound, depleted complication rates and depleted perioperative discomfort. In this newspaper, RF applications of the unlike", "butter_fingers": " ovfr other neurodestructivt methods are; the formatmon of dontrolldd lesion, low complication retes and oow perioperative discumfort. In this paper, CF applications of the dlyferehb", "random_deletion": "over other neurodestructive methods are; the formation lesion, complication rates low perioperative discomfort. of different", "change_char_case": " over other neurodestructive Methods are; The foRmaTioN oF conTrolLed lesion, low coMPlicAtion rates and low periopEratiVe DIscoMFoRt. In tHis papeR, rF APPliCaTiOns Of THe DiffeRenT", "whitespace_perturbation": " over other neurodestructi ve methods are; th e f or mati on o f controlled l e sion , low complication rat es an dl ow p e ri opera tive di s co m f ort .In th is pa per,RFapplica tions of t hedi fferent", "underscore_trick": " over_other neurodestructive_methods are; the formation_of controlled_lesion,_low complication_rates_and low perioperative_discomfort. In this_paper, RF applications of_the different"} +{"text": " the authors discuss the potential of an experimental therapeutic strategy, utilizing hybridoma cells injected directly into the CNS to establish long-term production of anti-prion antibodies", "synonym_substitution": "the authors discuss the potential of an experimental therapeutic scheme, use hybridoma cells injected immediately into the CNS to build long - term product of anti - prion antibodies", "butter_fingers": " thf authors discuss the pouential of an expgrumentan therzpeutic rtrategy, utilizing hybridoma cwlls unjected directly into the CNS no establush oing-term production of anfl-priou entibodies", "random_deletion": "the authors discuss the potential of an strategy, hybridoma cells directly into the of antibodies", "change_char_case": " the authors discuss the potenTial of an exPerimEntAl tHeRapeUtic Strategy, utilizINg hyBridoma cells injected diRectlY iNTo thE cNs to esTablish LOnG-TErm PrOdUctIoN Of Anti-pRioN antiboDies", "whitespace_perturbation": " the authors discuss the p otential o f anexp eri me ntal the rapeutic strat e gy,utilizing hybridoma ce lls i nj e cted di rectl y intot he C NSto e sta bl i sh long -te rm prod uction ofant i- prion antibo d ie s", "underscore_trick": " the_authors discuss_the potential of an_experimental therapeutic_strategy,_utilizing hybridoma_cells_injected directly into_the CNS to_establish long-term production of_anti-prion antibodies"} +{"text": "adenosine resulted in the functional desensitization and phosphorylation of the A3AR, neither property was exhibited by the A1AR. However, a stably expressed", "synonym_substitution": "adenosine resulted in the functional desensitization and phosphorylation of the A3AR, neither property was exhibited by the A1AR. However, a stably carry", "butter_fingers": "adejosine resulted in the fmnctional desensnrizatimn and phosphofylation of the A3AR, neither 'ropwrty qas exhibited by the A1XR. Howeveg, a stablt exkressed", "random_deletion": "adenosine resulted in the functional desensitization and the neither property exhibited by the", "change_char_case": "adenosine resulted in the funCtional desEnsitIzaTioN aNd phOsphOrylation of the a3aR, neIther property was exhibiTed by ThE a1AR. HOWeVer, a sTably exPReSSEd", "whitespace_perturbation": "adenosine resulted in thefunctional dese nsi tiz at ionandphosphorylatio n ofthe A3AR, neither prop ertywa s exh i bi ted b y the A 1 AR . How ev er , a s t ab ly ex pre ssed", "underscore_trick": "adenosine resulted_in the_functional desensitization and phosphorylation_of the_A3AR,_neither property_was_exhibited by the_A1AR. However, a_stably expressed"} +{"text": " appears to be a safe and effective treatment for SRNV secondary to type 2A IJT. Functional role of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases in gastric acid secretion", "synonym_substitution": "appears to be a safe and effective treatment for SRNV secondary to type 2A IJT. running function of extracellular signal - regulated protein kinases in gastric acid secretion", "butter_fingers": " apoears to be a safe and enfective treatmeur for VRNV sscondary to type 2A IJT. Functional rope of eztracellular signal-regjlated prltein kibasew in gastrir acid sceretikk", "random_deletion": "appears to be a safe and effective SRNV to type IJT. Functional role in acid secretion", "change_char_case": " appears to be a safe and effectIve treatmeNt for sRNv seCoNdarY to tYpe 2A IJT. FunctioNAl roLe of extracellular signaL-reguLaTEd prOTeIn kinAses in gAStRIC acId SeCreTiON", "whitespace_perturbation": " appears to be a safe andeffectivetreat men t f or SRN V se condary to typ e 2AIJT. Functional role o f ext ra c ellu l ar sign al-regu l at e d pr ot ei n k in a se s ingas tric ac id secreti on", "underscore_trick": " appears_to be_a safe and effective_treatment for_SRNV_secondary to_type_2A IJT. Functional_role of extracellular_signal-regulated protein kinases in_gastric acid secretion"} +{"text": " range of pollutants. However electrocoagulation has never become accepted as a'mainstream' water treatment technology. The lack of a systematic approach to electrocoagulation", "synonym_substitution": "range of pollutants. However electrocoagulation has never become accepted as a'mainstream' water discussion engineering. The lack of a taxonomic approach to electrocoagulation", "butter_fingers": " rajge of pollutants. Howevev electrocoagulajiin has never become xccepted as a'mainstream' watec trwatmebt technology. The lack of a sysnematic approech to electrocoefulatiok", "random_deletion": "range of pollutants. However electrocoagulation has never as water treatment The lack of", "change_char_case": " range of pollutants. However eLectrocoagUlatiOn hAs nEvEr beCome Accepted as a'maiNStreAm' water treatment technoLogy. THe LAck oF A sYstemAtic appROaCH To eLeCtRocOaGUlAtion", "whitespace_perturbation": " range of pollutants. Howe ver electr ocoag ula tio nhasneve r become accep t ed a s a'mainstream' watertreat me n t te c hn ology . The l a ck o f a s ys tem at i cappro ach to ele ctrocoagul ati on ", "underscore_trick": " range_of pollutants._However electrocoagulation has never_become accepted_as_a'mainstream' water_treatment_technology. The lack_of a systematic_approach to electrocoagulation"} +{"text": "Brazil). The radionuclide concentrations were analyzed by gamma spectrometry. The median values of the activity concentrations of 226Ra (20), 228Ra (38) and", "synonym_substitution": "Brazil). The radionuclide concentrations were analyzed by gamma spectrometry. The medial value of the activity concentrations of 226Ra (20), 228Ra (38) and", "butter_fingers": "Braxil). The radionuclide congentrations were analyzxd by gzmma speztrometry. The median values lf the qctivity concentrationr of 226Ra (20), 228Ga (38) and", "random_deletion": "Brazil). The radionuclide concentrations were analyzed by The values of activity concentrations of", "change_char_case": "Brazil). The radionuclide concEntrations Were aNalYzeD bY gamMa spEctrometry. The mEDian Values of the activity conCentrAtIOns oF 226ra (20), 228ra (38) and", "whitespace_perturbation": "Brazil). The radionuclideconcentrat ionswer e a na lyze d by gamma spectro m etry . The median values of theac t ivit y c oncen tration s o f 226 Ra ( 20) ,2 28 Ra (3 8)and", "underscore_trick": "Brazil). The_radionuclide concentrations_were analyzed by gamma_spectrometry. The_median_values of_the_activity concentrations of_226Ra (20), 228Ra_(38) and"} +{"text": ".9 mm/second in veins. Although retinal blood flow velocities in arteries and veins using LSFG were nearly the same, there were statistical differences in retinal", "synonym_substitution": ".9 mm / second in veins. Although retinal blood flow speed in artery and veins using LSFG were about the like, there were statistical differences in retinal", "butter_fingers": ".9 mm/decond in veins. Although retinal blood yoow venocitiss in argeries and veins using LSFG xere nearoy the same, there were statistibal diffeeencts in retinal", "random_deletion": ".9 mm/second in veins. Although retinal blood in and veins LSFG were nearly differences retinal", "change_char_case": ".9 mm/second in veins. Although reTinal blood Flow vEloCitIeS in aRterIes and veins usiNG LSFg were nearly the same, therE were StATistICaL diffErences IN rETInaL", "whitespace_perturbation": ".9 mm/second in veins. Alt hough reti nal b loo d f lo w ve loci ties in arteri e s an d veins using LSFG wer e nea rl y the sa me, t here we r es t ati st ic aldi f fe rence s i n retin al", "underscore_trick": ".9 mm/second_in veins._Although retinal blood flow_velocities in_arteries_and veins_using_LSFG were nearly_the same, there_were statistical differences in_retinal"} +{"text": "5 IgG from 12 patients with anti-epiligrin cicatricial pemphigoid. Circulating IgG from all patients bound the dermal side", "synonym_substitution": "5 IgG from 12 patients with anti - epiligrin cicatricial pemphigoid. Circulating IgG from all patients bounce the cuticular side", "butter_fingers": "5 IgH from 12 patients with anui-epiligrin cicattixial pxmphigojd. Circuuating IgG from all patients biund uke dermal side", "random_deletion": "5 IgG from 12 patients with anti-epiligrin Circulating from all bound the dermal", "change_char_case": "5 IgG from 12 patients with anti-epIligrin cicAtricIal PemPhIgoiD. CirCulating IgG froM All pAtients bound the dermal sIde", "whitespace_perturbation": "5 IgG from 12 patients wit h anti-epi ligri n c ica tr icia l pe mphigoid. Circ u lati ng IgG from all patien ts bo un d the de rmalside", "underscore_trick": "5 IgG_from 12_patients with anti-epiligrin cicatricial_pemphigoid. Circulating_IgG_from all_patients_bound the dermal_side"} +{"text": " change, or noise in gene expression, which we have become increasingly aware of with the advent of single-cell microbiology. But progress in developing and using individual", "synonym_substitution": "change, or noise in gene expression, which we have become increasingly aware of with the second coming of individual - cell microbiology. But progress in develop and use individual", "butter_fingers": " chwnge, or noise in gene exkression, which we have bxcome ihcreasinely aware of with the advent od sintle-cell microbiology. Bjt progreds in deceloking and using invjvidual", "random_deletion": "change, or noise in gene expression, which become aware of the advent of developing using individual", "change_char_case": " change, or noise in gene expresSion, which wE have BecOme InCreaSingLy aware of with tHE advEnt of single-cell microbiOlogy. buT ProgREsS in deVelopinG AnD USinG iNdIviDuAL", "whitespace_perturbation": " change, or noise in geneexpression , whi chweha ve b ecom e increasingly awar e of with the advent o f sin gl e -cel l m icrob iology. Bu t pro gr es s i nd ev elopi ngand usi ng individ ual ", "underscore_trick": " change,_or noise_in gene expression, which_we have_become_increasingly aware_of_with the advent_of single-cell microbiology._But progress in developing_and using individual"} +{"text": " conventional implants can be simultaneously placed in the maxilla and mandible and successfully loaded with an acrylic resin prosthesis using the All-on-Four concept. Ultrast", "synonym_substitution": "conventional implants can be simultaneously placed in the maxilla and lower jaw and successfully load with an acrylic resin prosthesis using the All - on - Four concept. Ultrast", "butter_fingers": " cojventional implants can ne simultaneousli placed in ths maxillx and mandible and successfuplt loaeed with an acrylic rerin prostjesis usung uhe All-on-Four conrspt. Ultvcst", "random_deletion": "conventional implants can be simultaneously placed in and and successfully with an acrylic concept.", "change_char_case": " conventional implants can be SimultaneoUsly pLacEd iN tHe maXillA and mandible anD SuccEssfully loaded with an acRylic ReSIn prOStHesis Using thE alL-ON-FoUr CoNcePt. uLtRast", "whitespace_perturbation": " conventional implants can be simult aneou sly pl ac ed i n th e maxilla andm andi ble and successfully l oaded w i th a n a cryli c resin pr o s the si susi ng th e All -on -Four c oncept. Ul tra st ", "underscore_trick": " conventional_implants can_be simultaneously placed in_the maxilla_and_mandible and_successfully_loaded with an_acrylic resin prosthesis_using the All-on-Four concept._Ultrast"} +{"text": " of practicing hospitalists around serious illness communication. Hospitalist physicians are optimally positioned to provide primary palliative care, yet their experiences in serious illness communication are not well", "synonym_substitution": "of practicing hospitalists around serious illness communication. Hospitalist physicians are optimally positioned to leave basal palliative care, yet their experiences in good illness communication are not well", "butter_fingers": " of practicing hospitalists around serious illnesv commhnicatiov. Hospitalist physicians are optimaoly positioned to provkde primagy palliarive xare, yet tisir expcxiencsd in werious illnesx communicdtion are not feul", "random_deletion": "of practicing hospitalists around serious illness communication. are positioned to primary palliative care, illness are not well", "change_char_case": " of practicing hospitalists aRound serioUs illNesS coMmUnicAtioN. Hospitalist phYSiciAns are optimally positioNed to PrOVide PRiMary pAlliatiVE cARE, yeT tHeIr eXpERiEnces In sErious iLlness commUniCaTion are not weLL", "whitespace_perturbation": " of practicing hospitalist s around s eriou s i lln es s co mmun ication. Hospi t alis t physicians are optim allypo s itio n ed to p rovidep ri m a rypa ll iat iv e c are,yet theirexperience s i nserious illn e ss communica tio n are not we ll", "underscore_trick": " of_practicing hospitalists_around serious illness communication._Hospitalist physicians_are_optimally positioned_to_provide primary palliative_care, yet their_experiences in serious illness_communication are not_well"} +{"text": "ml for Delta(9)-THC). Similar concentrations of the compounds promoted a rapid activation of extracellular-regulated kinase and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase", "synonym_substitution": "ml for Delta(9)-THC). Similar concentrations of the compounds promoted a rapid energizing of extracellular - determine kinase and c - Jun NH2 - terminal kinase", "butter_fingers": "ml vor Delta(9)-THC). Similar congentrations of tkw compmunds lromoted a rapid activation of extrarellylar-rtyulated kinase and c-Gun NH2-terlinal kibase", "random_deletion": "ml for Delta(9)-THC). Similar concentrations of the a activation of kinase and c-Jun", "change_char_case": "ml for Delta(9)-THC). Similar conceNtrations oF the cOmpOunDs PromOted A rapid activatiON of eXtracellular-regulated kInase AnD C-Jun nh2-tErminAl kinasE", "whitespace_perturbation": "ml for Delta(9)-THC). Simi lar concen trati ons of t he c ompo unds promoteda rap id activation of extra cellu la r -reg u la ted k inase a n dc - Jun N H2 -te rm i na l kin ase ", "underscore_trick": "ml for_Delta(9)-THC). Similar_concentrations of the compounds_promoted a_rapid_activation of_extracellular-regulated_kinase and c-Jun_NH2-terminal kinase"} +{"text": " in relation to literacy status. Regarding awareness about vector control 60% of the respondents belonging to the lower socio economic class were unaware followed by 58.6% of", "synonym_substitution": "in relation to literacy status. Regarding awareness about vector control 60% of the respondent belong to the lower socio economic class were unaware followed by 58.6% of", "butter_fingers": " in relation to literacy stxtus. Regarding cqarenevs aboht vectof control 60% of the respondentd velonting to the lower sociu economib class wwre nnaware followed by 58.6% of", "random_deletion": "in relation to literacy status. Regarding awareness control of the belonging to the unaware by 58.6% of", "change_char_case": " in relation to literacy statuS. Regarding AwareNesS abOuT vecTor cOntrol 60% of the resPOndeNts belonging to the lower Socio EcONomiC ClAss weRe unawaRE fOLLowEd By 58.6% Of", "whitespace_perturbation": " in relation to literacy s tatus. Reg ardin g a war en essabou t vector contr o l 60 % of the respondents b elong in g tot he lowe r socio ec o n omi ccl ass w e re unaw are follow ed by 58.6 % o f", "underscore_trick": " in_relation to_literacy status. Regarding awareness_about vector_control_60% of_the_respondents belonging to_the lower socio_economic class were unaware_followed by 58.6%_of"} +{"text": "-alpha immunoreactivity surrounded eosinophils, mast cells, and macrophages. P values of gold counts/microns2 were significant for all cells, organelles, and", "synonym_substitution": "-alpha immunoreactivity surrounded eosinophils, mast cells, and macrophages. phosphorus value of gold counts / microns2 were meaning for all cells, organelle, and", "butter_fingers": "-alpja immunoreactivity surruunded eosinophnos, masv cells, and macfophages. P values of gold connts/nicrobs2 were significant fof all celps, organwllew, and", "random_deletion": "-alpha immunoreactivity surrounded eosinophils, mast cells, and values gold counts/microns2 significant for all", "change_char_case": "-alpha immunoreactivity surrOunded eosiNophiLs, mAst CeLls, aNd maCrophages. P valuES of gOld counts/microns2 were siGnifiCaNT for ALl Cells, OrganelLEs, AND", "whitespace_perturbation": "-alpha immunoreactivity su rrounded e osino phi ls, m astcell s, and macroph a ges. P values of gold coun ts/mi cr o ns2w er e sig nifican t f o r al lce lls ,o rg anell es, and", "underscore_trick": "-alpha immunoreactivity_surrounded eosinophils,_mast cells, and macrophages._P values_of_gold counts/microns2_were_significant for all_cells, organelles, and"} +{"text": "atal Psychiatry Inpatient Unit at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Sessions focus on core ACT processes of acceptance, cognitive defusion, present-", "synonym_substitution": "atal Psychiatry Inpatient Unit at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Sessions focus on core ACT processes of acceptance, cognitive defusion, present-", "butter_fingers": "atap Psychiatry Inpatient Ukit at the Univetsuty of North Carolinx at Chapel Hill. Sessions forus in coee ACT processes of aczeptance, bognitive defnsion, present-", "random_deletion": "atal Psychiatry Inpatient Unit at the University Carolina Chapel Hill. focus on core defusion,", "change_char_case": "atal Psychiatry Inpatient UnIt at the UniVersiTy oF NoRtH CarOlinA at Chapel Hill. SESsioNs focus on core ACT procesSes of AcCEptaNCe, CogniTive defUSiON, PreSeNt-", "whitespace_perturbation": "atal Psychiatry InpatientUnit at th e Uni ver sit yof N orth Carolina at C h apel Hill. Sessions focuson co re ACTp ro cesse s of ac c ep t a nce ,co gni ti v edefus ion , prese nt-", "underscore_trick": "atal Psychiatry_Inpatient Unit_at the University of_North Carolina_at_Chapel Hill._Sessions_focus on core_ACT processes of_acceptance, cognitive defusion, present-"} +{"text": " the National Institute of Hygiene, during the 90 years of its presence, in the struggle for heath of the population. It underlines how the scope of", "synonym_substitution": "the National Institute of Hygiene, during the 90 years of its presence, in the struggle for heath of the population. It underlines how the oscilloscope of", "butter_fingers": " thf National Institute of Mygiene, during tkw 90 yeacs of ifs presevce, in the struggle for heati of the kjpulation. It underuines how the scope oh", "random_deletion": "the National Institute of Hygiene, during the of presence, in struggle for heath how scope of", "change_char_case": " the National Institute of HygIene, during The 90 yeArs Of iTs PresEnce, In the struggle fOR heaTh of the population. It undErlinEs HOw thE ScOpe of", "whitespace_perturbation": " the National Institute of Hygiene,durin g t he90 yea rs o f its presence , inthe struggle for heath of t he popu l at ion.It unde r li n e s h ow t hesc o pe of", "underscore_trick": " the_National Institute_of Hygiene, during the_90 years_of_its presence,_in_the struggle for_heath of the_population. It underlines how_the scope of"} +{"text": "nathiformes. Syngnathiformes therefore present an exciting opportunity to study patterns of morphological variation and functional innovation arising from rapid but ancient radiation.", "synonym_substitution": "nathiformes. Syngnathiformes therefore present an exciting opportunity to study patterns of morphologic mutant and functional innovation arising from rapid but ancient radiotherapy.", "butter_fingers": "natjiformes. Syngnathiformes therefore presgnr an eeciting opportuvity to study patterns of mocphooogicql variation and functkonal innlvation qrismng from rapid bnf anciekc radjwtiou.", "random_deletion": "nathiformes. Syngnathiformes therefore present an exciting opportunity patterns morphological variation functional innovation arising", "change_char_case": "nathiformes. SyngnathiformeS therefore PreseNt aN exCiTing OppoRtunity to study PAtteRns of morphological variAtion AnD FuncTIoNal inNovatioN ArISIng FrOm RapId BUt AncieNt rAdiatioN.", "whitespace_perturbation": "nathiformes. Syngnathiform es therefo re pr ese ntan exc itin g opportunityt o st udy patterns of morpho logic al vari a ti on an d funct i on a l in no va tio na ri singfro m rapid but ancie ntra diation.", "underscore_trick": "nathiformes. Syngnathiformes_therefore present_an exciting opportunity to_study patterns_of_morphological variation_and_functional innovation arising_from rapid but_ancient radiation."} +{"text": " revealed the existence of a great variety of functions among proteolytic enzymes in cancer biology, including important tumor-suppressive roles. Therefore, in this chapter, we", "synonym_substitution": "revealed the existence of a great variety of function among proteolytic enzyme in cancer biology, including authoritative tumor - suppressive character. Therefore, in this chapter, we", "butter_fingers": " regealed the existence of x great variety of funrtions zmong pruteolytic enzymes in cancer uioligy, ibcluding important tumur-suppresdive rolws. Tierefore, in this chapter, we", "random_deletion": "revealed the existence of a great variety among enzymes in biology, including important chapter,", "change_char_case": " revealed the existence of a grEat variety Of funCtiOns AmOng pRoteOlytic enzymes iN CancEr biology, including impoRtant TuMOr-suPPrEssivE roles. THErEFOre, In ThIs cHaPTeR, we", "whitespace_perturbation": " revealed the existence of a great v ariet y o f f un ctio ns a mong proteolyt i c en zymes in cancer biolog y, in cl u ding im porta nt tumo r -s u p pre ss iv e r ol e s. Ther efo re, inthis chapt er, w e", "underscore_trick": " revealed_the existence_of a great variety_of functions_among_proteolytic enzymes_in_cancer biology, including_important tumor-suppressive roles._Therefore, in this chapter,_we"} +{"text": "oxide (DMSeO) is 1.6756 (16) A [versus S-O of 1.531 (5) A in DMSO],", "synonym_substitution": "oxide (DMSeO) is 1.6756 (16) A [ versus S - O of 1.531 (5) A in DMSO ],", "butter_fingers": "oxife (DMSeO) is 1.6756 (16) A [versus S-U of 1.531 (5) A in DMSO],", "random_deletion": "oxide (DMSeO) is 1.6756 (16) A [versus 1.531 A in", "change_char_case": "oxide (DMSeO) is 1.6756 (16) A [versus S-O of 1.531 (5) A iN DMSO],", "whitespace_perturbation": "oxide (DMSeO) is 1.6756 (1 6) A [vers us S- O o f 1 .5 31 ( 5) A in DMSO],", "underscore_trick": "oxide (DMSeO)_is 1.6756_(16) A [versus S-O_of 1.531_(5)_A in_DMSO],"} +{"text": "acid glycoprotein plasma concentration (r = -0.73; P less than 0.001) whereas it was weakly correlated with albumin plasma concentration (r = -", "synonym_substitution": "acid glycoprotein plasma concentration (r = -0.73; P less than 0.001) whereas it was weakly correlated with albumin plasma assiduity (radius = -", "butter_fingers": "acif glycoprotein plasma cokcentration (r = -0.73; K oess tian 0.001) whsreas it was weakly correlated with elbunin poasma concentration (r = -", "random_deletion": "acid glycoprotein plasma concentration (r = -0.73; than whereas it weakly correlated with -", "change_char_case": "acid glycoprotein plasma conCentration (R = -0.73; P lesS thAn 0.001) wHeReas It waS weakly correlaTEd wiTh albumin plasma concentRatioN (r = -", "whitespace_perturbation": "acid glycoprotein plasma c oncentrati on (r =-0. 73 ; Pless than 0.001) w h erea s it was weakly correl atedwi t h al b um in pl asma co n ce n t rat io n(r=- ", "underscore_trick": "acid glycoprotein_plasma concentration_(r = -0.73; P_less than_0.001)_whereas it_was_weakly correlated with_albumin plasma concentration_(r = -"} +{"text": " silicosis complicated by stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Methods: A total of 60 patients with silicosis complicated by stable COPD who were hospitalized in", "synonym_substitution": "silicosis complicated by stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). method: A sum of 60 patients with silicosis complicated by stable COPD who were hospitalize in", "butter_fingers": " sipicosis complicated by suable chronic obsjryctive pulmohary disdase (COPD). Methods: A total of 60 patiebts with silicosis comolicated hy stablw COKD who were hospivzlized lu", "random_deletion": "silicosis complicated by stable chronic obstructive pulmonary Methods: total of patients with silicosis were in", "change_char_case": " silicosis complicated by staBle chronic ObstrUctIve PuLmonAry dIsease (COPD). MethODs: A tOtal of 60 patients with siliCosis CoMPlicATeD by stAble COPd WhO WEre HoSpItaLiZEd In", "whitespace_perturbation": " silicosis complicated bystable chr onicobs tru ct ivepulm onary disease( COPD ). Methods: A total of 60 p at i ents wi th si licosis co m p lic at ed by s t ab le CO PDwho wer e hospital ize din", "underscore_trick": " silicosis_complicated by_stable chronic obstructive pulmonary_disease (COPD)._Methods:_A total_of_60 patients with_silicosis complicated by_stable COPD who were_hospitalized in"} +{"text": " UV absorption spectra. [Cardiovascular disease in diabetes mellitus: classical and non-classical risk factors].\nCardiovascular disease, which includes coronary heart disease", "synonym_substitution": "UV absorption spectra. [ Cardiovascular disease in diabetes mellitus: classical and non - authoritative hazard factor ]. \n Cardiovascular disease, which includes coronary heart disease", "butter_fingers": " UV absorption spectra. [Cardlovascular disease in dmabetes mellitur: classical and non-classical rusk fqctors].\nCardiovascular dksease, whpch incluees roronary heart dmaease", "random_deletion": "UV absorption spectra. [Cardiovascular disease in diabetes and risk factors]. disease, which includes", "change_char_case": " UV absorption spectra. [CardioVascular diSease In dIabEtEs meLlitUs: classical and NOn-clAssical risk factors].\nCardIovasCuLAr diSEaSe, whiCh incluDEs CORonArY hEarT dISeAse", "whitespace_perturbation": " UV absorption spectra. [C ardiovascu lar d ise ase i n di abet es mellitus: c l assi cal and non-classicalriskfa c tors ] .Cardi ovascul a rd i sea se ,whi ch in clude s c oronary heart dis eas e", "underscore_trick": " UV_absorption spectra._[Cardiovascular disease in diabetes_mellitus: classical_and_non-classical risk_factors].\nCardiovascular_disease, which includes_coronary heart disease"} +{"text": " major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes to autoantibody production and clinical manifestations comparing French Canadian and Non-French Canadian Caucasians with systemic lupus", "synonym_substitution": "major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes to autoantibody production and clinical manifestations compare French Canadian and Non - French Canadian Caucasians with systemic lupus", "butter_fingers": " mauor histocompatibility cumplex (MHC) genes to auvoantibkdy prodjction and clinical manifestetiobs conparing French Canadiav and Non-Vrench Cqnadman Caucasians wmfh systciic mmpus", "random_deletion": "major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes to autoantibody clinical comparing French and Non-French Canadian", "change_char_case": " major histocompatibility coMplex (MHC) geNes to AutOanTiBody ProdUction and cliniCAl maNifestations comparing FRench caNAdiaN AnD Non-FRench CaNAdIAN CaUcAsIanS wITh SysteMic Lupus", "whitespace_perturbation": " major histocompatibilitycomplex (M HC) g ene s t oauto anti body productio n and clinical manifestatio ns co mp a ring Fr enchCanadia n a n d No n- Fr enc hC an adian Ca ucasian s with sys tem ic lupus", "underscore_trick": " major_histocompatibility complex_(MHC) genes to autoantibody_production and_clinical_manifestations comparing_French_Canadian and Non-French_Canadian Caucasians with_systemic lupus"} +{"text": "b7c to be a crucial metabolic regulator of blood glucose homeostasis, during mammalian fasting. Dishevelled (Dvl-2) activates canonical Wnt signalling in", "synonym_substitution": "b7c to be a crucial metabolic regulator of blood glucose homeostasis, during mammalian fasting. disheveled (Dvl-2) activate canonical Wnt signalling in", "butter_fingers": "b7c ho be a crucial metabolig regulator of blood glncose hkmeostasks, during mammalian fasting. Vishwvelltb (Dvl-2) activates canovical Wnt signallung mn", "random_deletion": "b7c to be a crucial metabolic regulator glucose during mammalian Dishevelled (Dvl-2) activates", "change_char_case": "b7c to be a crucial metabolic reGulator of bLood gLucOse HoMeosTasiS, during mammaliAN fasTing. Dishevelled (Dvl-2) actiVates CaNOnicAL WNt sigNalling IN", "whitespace_perturbation": "b7c to be a crucial metabo lic regula tor o f b loo dgluc osehomeostasis, d u ring mammalian fasting. Di sheve ll e d (D v l- 2) ac tivates ca n o nic al W ntsi g na lling in ", "underscore_trick": "b7c to_be a_crucial metabolic regulator of_blood glucose_homeostasis,_during mammalian_fasting._Dishevelled (Dvl-2) activates_canonical Wnt signalling_in"} +{"text": " cardiomyocytes has emerged as a requisite for normal cardiac development, but also a key pathogenic player during the onset and progression of cardiac disease. Endothelial cells and cardiomy", "synonym_substitution": "cardiomyocytes has emerged as a requisite for normal cardiac development, but also a cardinal infective actor during the onset and progress of cardiac disease. Endothelial cell and cardiomy", "butter_fingers": " cagdiomyocytes has emerged as a requisite for nocmal caddiac dexelopment, but also a key patiogebic poayer during the onset and proggession od cacdiac disease. Envkthelial cella and rardiomy", "random_deletion": "cardiomyocytes has emerged as a requisite for development, also a pathogenic player during cardiac Endothelial cells and", "change_char_case": " cardiomyocytes has emerged aS a requisitE for nOrmAl cArDiac DeveLopment, but also A Key pAthogenic player during tHe onsEt ANd prOGrEssioN of cardIAc DISeaSe. enDotHeLIaL cellS anD cardioMy", "whitespace_perturbation": " cardiomyocytes has emerge d as a req uisit e f orno rmal car diac developme n t, b ut also a key pathogen ic pl ay e r du r in g the onseta nd p rog re ss ion o f c ardia c d isease. Endotheli alce lls and card i om y", "underscore_trick": " cardiomyocytes_has emerged_as a requisite for_normal cardiac_development,_but also_a_key pathogenic player_during the onset_and progression of cardiac_disease. Endothelial cells_and_cardiomy"} +{"text": "ophilia and a positive nickel inhalation provocation test. Altered enterohepatic circulation of bile acids in Crohn's disease and their clinical significance: a new", "synonym_substitution": "ophilia and a positive nickel inhalation provocation test. alter enterohepatic circulation of bile acid in Crohn's disease and their clinical significance: a new", "butter_fingers": "ophllia and a positive nicktl inhalation proricatioi test. Zltered dnterohepatic circulation of bule axids in Crohn's disease and theig clinicao sijnificance: a new", "random_deletion": "ophilia and a positive nickel inhalation provocation enterohepatic of bile in Crohn's disease new", "change_char_case": "ophilia and a positive nickel Inhalation ProvoCatIon TeSt. AlTereD enterohepatic CIrcuLation of bile acids in CroHn's diSeASe anD ThEir clInical sIGnIFIcaNcE: a New", "whitespace_perturbation": "ophilia and a positive nic kel inhala tionpro voc at iontest . Altered ente r ohep atic circulation of bi le ac id s inC ro hn'sdisease an d the ir c lin ic a lsigni fic ance: a new", "underscore_trick": "ophilia and_a positive_nickel inhalation provocation test._Altered enterohepatic_circulation_of bile_acids_in Crohn's disease_and their clinical_significance: a new"} +{"text": " was slightly higher than with AVA as indicated by venous pressure differences. Kt/Vdp delivered was 1.37+/-0.02 and 1.45", "synonym_substitution": "was slightly higher than with AVA as indicated by venous pressure dispute. Kt / Vdp deliver was 1.37+/-0.02 and 1.45", "butter_fingers": " wad slightly higher than wlth AVA as indiccred by venoua pressufe differences. Kt/Vdp deliverxd wqs 1.37+/-0.02 abd 1.45", "random_deletion": "was slightly higher than with AVA as venous differences. Kt/Vdp was 1.37+/-0.02 and", "change_char_case": " was slightly higher than with aVA as indicAted bY veNouS pRessUre dIfferences. Kt/VdP DeliVered was 1.37+/-0.02 and 1.45", "whitespace_perturbation": " was slightly higher thanwith AVA a s ind ica ted b y ve nous pressure diff e renc es. Kt/Vdp delivered w as 1. 37 + /-0. 0 2and 1 .45", "underscore_trick": " was_slightly higher_than with AVA as_indicated by_venous_pressure differences._Kt/Vdp_delivered was 1.37+/-0.02_and 1.45"} +{"text": " take from the frequently febrile pediatric patient. Alternatively, the pediatric blood culture bottle allows the collection of 1 ml blood per bottle to perform the same evaluation.", "synonym_substitution": "take from the frequently febrile pediatric patient. Alternatively, the pediatric blood culture bottle allow the solicitation of 1 ml blood per bottle to do the same evaluation.", "butter_fingers": " tane from the frequently ftbrile pediatric karient. Elternafively, tfe pediatric blood culture bltrle aolows the collection ow 1 ml blold per bittlt to perform the same evaluatioh.", "random_deletion": "take from the frequently febrile pediatric patient. pediatric culture bottle the collection of to the same evaluation.", "change_char_case": " take from the frequently febrIle pediatrIc patIenT. AlTeRnatIvelY, the pediatric bLOod cUlture bottle allows the cOllecTiON of 1 mL BlOod peR bottle TO pERForM tHe SamE eVAlUatioN.", "whitespace_perturbation": " take from the frequentlyfebrile pe diatr icpat ie nt.Alte rnatively, the pedi atric blood culture bo ttleal l owst he coll ectiono f1 mlbl oo d p er bo ttletoperform the sameeva lu ation.", "underscore_trick": " take_from the_frequently febrile pediatric patient._Alternatively, the_pediatric_blood culture_bottle_allows the collection_of 1 ml_blood per bottle to_perform the same_evaluation."} +{"text": "05) and 1/14 (7.1%) (p > 0.05) of children and adolescents with portal vein thrombosis, respectively. The frequency of", "synonym_substitution": "05) and 1/14 (7.1 %) (p > 0.05) of children and adolescents with portal vein thrombosis, respectively. The frequency of", "butter_fingers": "05) anf 1/14 (7.1%) (p > 0.05) of children and xdolescents witk portan vein thromboris, respectively. The frequenry od", "random_deletion": "05) and 1/14 (7.1%) (p > 0.05) and with portal thrombosis, respectively. The", "change_char_case": "05) and 1/14 (7.1%) (p > 0.05) of children and adolesceNts with porTal veIn tHroMbOsis, RespEctively. The freQUencY of", "whitespace_perturbation": "05) and 1/14 (7.1%) (p > 0 .05) of ch ildre n a ndad oles cent s with portalv einthrombosis, respective ly. T he freq u en cy of ", "underscore_trick": "05) and_1/14 (7.1%)_(p > 0.05) of_children and_adolescents_with portal_vein_thrombosis, respectively. The_frequency of"} +{"text": " exchange during exercise in standardbred trotters with mild bronchiolitis.\nTo investigate the gas exchange response during exercise in horses with mild bronchiol", "synonym_substitution": "exchange during exercise in standardbred trotters with mild bronchiolitis. \n To investigate the accelerator substitution response during exercise in horses with balmy bronchiol", "butter_fingers": " exfhange during exercise ik standardbred ttorters xith mimd broncfiolitis.\nTo investigate the ges ezchante response during exefcise in jorses wuth nuld bronchmkl", "random_deletion": "exchange during exercise in standardbred trotters with To the gas response during exercise", "change_char_case": " exchange during exercise in sTandardbreD trotTerS wiTh Mild BronChiolitis.\nTo invEStigAte the gas exchange respoNse duRiNG exeRCiSe in hOrses wiTH mILD brOnChIol", "whitespace_perturbation": " exchange during exercisein standar dbred tr ott er s wi th m ild bronchioli t is.To investigate the gas exch an g e re s po nse d uring e x er c i sein h ors es wi th mi ldbronchi ol", "underscore_trick": " exchange_during exercise_in standardbred trotters with_mild bronchiolitis.\nTo_investigate_the gas_exchange_response during exercise_in horses with_mild bronchiol"} +{"text": "mania major by controlling macrophage activation for NO production and parasite killing. MDSCs, including myeloid precursors and immature monocytes, produce NO and suppress T cell responses in tumor", "synonym_substitution": "mania major by controlling macrophage activation for NO production and parasite killing. MDSCs, including myeloid harbinger and unfledged monocytes, produce NO and suppress T cellular telephone responses in tumor", "butter_fingers": "manla major by controlling oacrophage actirqtion hor NO lroductiun and parasite killing. MDSCd, unclueing myeloid precursorr and immwture mobocyues, produce NO anv suppress T cspl rzs'onses in tumor", "random_deletion": "mania major by controlling macrophage activation for and killing. MDSCs, myeloid precursors and suppress cell responses in", "change_char_case": "mania major by controlling maCrophage acTivatIon For nO ProdUctiOn and parasite kILlinG. MDSCs, including myeloid PrecuRsORs anD ImMaturE monocyTEs, PROduCe nO And SuPPrEss T cEll ResponsEs in tumor", "whitespace_perturbation": "mania major by controlling macrophag e act iva tio nforNO p roduction andp aras ite killing. MDSCs, in cludi ng myel o id prec ursorsa nd i mma tu re mo no c yt es, p rod uce NOand suppre ssTcell respons e sin tumor", "underscore_trick": "mania major_by controlling_macrophage activation for NO_production and_parasite_killing. MDSCs,_including_myeloid precursors and_immature monocytes, produce_NO and suppress T_cell responses in_tumor"} +{"text": " proximal to the biological causes of schizophrenia than deficits in standard cognitive constructs, tests that more directly probe memory-prediction function may be especially sensitive predictors of conversion in", "synonym_substitution": "proximal to the biological causes of schizophrenia than deficits in standard cognitive constructs, tests that more immediately probe memory - prediction affair may be especially sensitive predictor of conversion in", "butter_fingers": " prlximal to the biological causes of schieophrenie than seficits in standard cognitive constcuctw, tesuf that more directuy probe lemory-prwdicuion function may be espegnally densntmve predictors pf convershon in", "random_deletion": "proximal to the biological causes of schizophrenia in cognitive constructs, that more directly especially predictors of conversion", "change_char_case": " proximal to the biological caUses of schiZophrEniA thAn DefiCits In standard cognITive Constructs, tests that morE direCtLY proBE mEmory-PredictIOn FUNctIoN mAy bE eSPeCiallY seNsitive Predictors Of cOnVersion in", "whitespace_perturbation": " proximal to the biologica l causes o f sch izo phr en ia t handeficits in st a ndar d cognitive constructs , tes ts that mo re di rectlyp ro b e me mo ry -pr ed i ct ion f unc tion ma y be espec ial ly sensitive p r ed ictors ofcon version in", "underscore_trick": " proximal_to the_biological causes of schizophrenia_than deficits_in_standard cognitive_constructs,_tests that more_directly probe memory-prediction_function may be especially_sensitive predictors of_conversion_in"} +{"text": " already apparent from comparisons with nearby Prince Edward Island where mice do not occur. Other implications of climatic change for the island are presented which emphasize the very marked influences", "synonym_substitution": "already apparent from comparisons with nearby Prince Edward Island where mice do not occur. Other implication of climatic variety for the island are presented which emphasize the very marked influence", "butter_fingers": " algeady apparent from compxrisons with neceby Prmnce Edsard Islxnd where mice do not occur. Ltyer inplications of climatiz change vor the uslaid are presented which emphasiac the tery marked infkuences", "random_deletion": "already apparent from comparisons with nearby Prince where do not Other implications of are which emphasize the marked influences", "change_char_case": " already apparent from comparIsons with nEarby priNce edWard islaNd where mice do nOT occUr. Other implications of cLimatIc CHangE FoR the iSland arE PrESEntEd WhIch EmPHaSize tHe vEry markEd influencEs", "whitespace_perturbation": " already apparent from com parisons w ith n ear byPr ince Edw ard Island whe r e mi ce do not occur. Other impl ic a tion s o f cli matic c h an g e fo rth e i sl a nd arepre sentedwhich emph asi ze the very ma r ke d influenc es", "underscore_trick": " already_apparent from_comparisons with nearby Prince_Edward Island_where_mice do_not_occur. Other implications_of climatic change_for the island are_presented which emphasize_the_very marked influences"} +{"text": " characterize CWP, we compared four CWP definitions with respect to symmetry, extent of pain sites and association with clinical severity variables. Methods We characterized pain in 40", "synonym_substitution": "characterize CWP, we compared four CWP definitions with respect to symmetry, extent of annoyance web site and association with clinical severity variable star. method acting We characterized pain in 40", "butter_fingers": " chwracterize CWP, we compartd four CWP definnrions xith reapect to symmetry, extent of pain sitxs abd aswociation with clinicau severitj variablws. Mtthods We charactxdized pain in 40", "random_deletion": "characterize CWP, we compared four CWP definitions to extent of sites and association We pain in 40", "change_char_case": " characterize CWP, we compared Four CWP defInitiOns WitH rEspeCt to Symmetry, extent OF paiN sites and association wiTh cliNiCAl seVErIty vaRiables. mEtHODs WE cHaRacTeRIzEd paiN in 40", "whitespace_perturbation": " characterize CWP, we comp ared fourCWP d efi nit io ns w ithrespect to sym m etry , extent of pain sites andas s ocia t io n wit h clini c al s eve ri ty va ri a bl es. M eth ods Wecharacteri zed p ain in 40", "underscore_trick": " characterize_CWP, we_compared four CWP definitions_with respect_to_symmetry, extent_of_pain sites and_association with clinical_severity variables. Methods We_characterized pain in_40"} +{"text": " both the nucleus and the cytoplasm, whilst RNA15p is a 42 kDa protein detected only in the nucleus. The observation that both proteins are found in the nucleus", "synonym_substitution": "both the nucleus and the cytoplasm, whilst RNA15p is a 42 kDa protein detected only in the nucleus. The notice that both protein are find in the core", "butter_fingers": " bohh the nucleus and the cntoplasm, whilst TNQ15p is e 42 kDa lrotein aetected only in the nucleus. Tye obwervation that both pruteins arv found ib tht nucleus", "random_deletion": "both the nucleus and the cytoplasm, whilst a kDa protein only in the proteins found in the", "change_char_case": " both the nucleus and the cytopLasm, whilst rNA15p iS a 42 kda pRoTein DeteCted only in the nUCleuS. The observation that botH protEiNS are FOuNd in tHe nucleUS", "whitespace_perturbation": " both the nucleus and thecytoplasm, whil stRNA 15 p is a 4 2 kDa proteind etec ted only in the nucleu s. Th eo bser v at ion t hat bot h p r o tei ns a refo u nd in t henucleus ", "underscore_trick": " both_the nucleus_and the cytoplasm, whilst_RNA15p is_a_42 kDa_protein_detected only in_the nucleus. The_observation that both proteins_are found in_the_nucleus"} +{"text": "A Family Point of View, was planned to mark the UN International Conference on Population and Development to be held in Cairo, Egypt, in September, and the International", "synonym_substitution": "A Family Point of View, was planned to mark the UN International Conference on Population and Development to be held in Cairo, Egypt, in September, and the International", "butter_fingers": "A Fwmily Point of View, was klanned to mark tkw UN Iiternatjonal Covference on Population and Dxvelipmenu to be held in Caifo, Egypt, pn Septemver, end the Internatmknal", "random_deletion": "A Family Point of View, was planned the International Conference Population and Development Egypt, September, and the", "change_char_case": "A Family Point of View, was planNed to mark tHe UN INteRnaTiOnal confErence on PopulaTIon aNd Development to be held iN CairO, EGYpt, iN sePtembEr, and thE inTERnaTiOnAl", "whitespace_perturbation": "A Family Point of View, wa s plannedto ma rkthe U N In tern ational Confer e nceon Population and Deve lopme nt to b e h eld i n Cairo , E g y pt, i nSep te m be r, an d t he Inte rnational", "underscore_trick": "A Family_Point of_View, was planned to_mark the_UN_International Conference_on_Population and Development_to be held_in Cairo, Egypt, in_September, and the_International"} +{"text": "HX)> chloroform extract (CDA CHL) > dichloromethane extract (CDA DCM). The ordering of extracts in terms of antioxidant", "synonym_substitution": "HX) > chloroform extract (CDA CHL) > dichloromethane extract (CDA DCM). The ordering of extracts in terms of antioxidant", "butter_fingers": "HX)> fhloroform extract (CDA CML) > dichloromethcbe extcact (CDZ DCM). Thd ordering of extracts in tecms if anupoxidant", "random_deletion": "HX)> chloroform extract (CDA CHL) > dichloromethane DCM). ordering of in terms of", "change_char_case": "HX)> chloroform extract (CDA CHL) > DichloromeThane ExtRacT (CdA DCm). The Ordering of extrACts iN terms of antioxidant", "whitespace_perturbation": "HX)> chloroform extract (C DA CHL) >dichl oro met ha ne e xtra ct (CDA DCM).T he o rdering of extracts in term so f an t io xidan t", "underscore_trick": "HX)> chloroform_extract (CDA_CHL) > dichloromethane extract_(CDA DCM)._The_ordering of_extracts_in terms of_antioxidant"} +{"text": "Lys-3) at the 3(')-end of its RNA transcript, such that a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) is synthesized by the HIV", "synonym_substitution": "Lys-3) at the 3(')-end of its RNA transcript, such that a single - stranded DNA (ssDNA) is synthesized by the HIV", "butter_fingers": "Lys-3) at the 3(')-end of its RNA tvanscript, such tkqt a smngle-stdanded DVA (ssDNA) is synthesized by tie HUV", "random_deletion": "Lys-3) at the 3(')-end of its RNA that single-stranded DNA is synthesized by", "change_char_case": "Lys-3) at the 3(')-end of its RNA transcRipt, such thAt a siNglE-stRaNded dNA (sSDNA) is synthesiZEd by The HIV", "whitespace_perturbation": "Lys-3) at the 3(')-end ofits RNA tr anscr ipt , s uc h th at a single-strand e d DN A (ssDNA) is synthesiz ed by t h e HI V ", "underscore_trick": "Lys-3) at_the 3(')-end_of its RNA transcript,_such that_a_single-stranded DNA_(ssDNA)_is synthesized by_the HIV"} +{"text": " expansion studies. The isolated CD56(+) cells were cultured in X-Vivo10 serum-free media supplemented with 10% human AB serum and 500 U/", "synonym_substitution": "expansion studies. The isolated CD56(+) cells were cultured in ten - Vivo10 serum - spare media supplemented with 10% human AB serum and 500 U/", "butter_fingers": " exoansion studies. The isolxted CD56(+) cells wgrw cultnred in X-Vivo10 sdrum-free media supplemented xith 10% humqn AB serum and 500 U/", "random_deletion": "expansion studies. The isolated CD56(+) cells were X-Vivo10 media supplemented 10% human AB", "change_char_case": " expansion studies. The isolatEd CD56(+) cells wEre cuLtuRed In x-VivO10 serUm-free media supPLemeNted with 10% human AB serum anD 500 U/", "whitespace_perturbation": " expansion studies. The is olated CD5 6(+)cel lswe re c ultu red in X-Vivo1 0 ser um-free media suppleme ntedwi t h 10 % h umanAB seru m a n d 50 0U/ ", "underscore_trick": " expansion_studies. The_isolated CD56(+) cells were_cultured in_X-Vivo10_serum-free media_supplemented_with 10% human_AB serum and_500 U/"} +{"text": "standardized plasma vitamin E concentration to 63.7 +/- 14.5 mumol/L when compared with that of the control subjects (31.2 +/- 9", "synonym_substitution": "standardized plasma vitamin E concentration to 63.7 + /- 14.5 mumol / L when compared with that of the restraint discipline (31.2 + /- 9", "butter_fingers": "stajdardized plasma vitamin E concentratiou to 63.7 +/- 14.5 mumol/M when cumpared with that of the convrol subjtbts (31.2 +/- 9", "random_deletion": "standardized plasma vitamin E concentration to 63.7 mumol/L compared with of the control", "change_char_case": "standardized plasma vitamin e concentraTion tO 63.7 +/- 14.5 muMol/l wHen cOmpaRed with that of tHE conTrol subjects (31.2 +/- 9", "whitespace_perturbation": "standardized plasma vitami n E concen trati onto63 .7 + /- 1 4.5 mumol/L wh e n co mpared with that of th e con tr o l su b je cts ( 31.2 +/ - 9 ", "underscore_trick": "standardized plasma_vitamin E_concentration to 63.7 +/-_14.5 mumol/L_when_compared with_that_of the control_subjects (31.2 +/-_9"} +{"text": " space. Local interplanetary conditions and structures exert considerable influence on the time-intensity profiles observed. The interplanetary shock may either reduce or enhance the particle", "synonym_substitution": "space. Local interplanetary conditions and structures exert considerable influence on the meter - volume profiles observed. The interplanetary shock may either deoxidize or enhance the particle", "butter_fingers": " spwce. Local interplanetary conditions and structnres exsrt conskderable influence on the tile-untenwity profiles observed. The integplanetart shixk may eitisr redugz or skhancz vhe particle", "random_deletion": "space. Local interplanetary conditions and structures exert on time-intensity profiles The interplanetary shock the", "change_char_case": " space. Local interplanetary cOnditions aNd strUctUreS eXert ConsIderable influeNCe on The time-intensity profilEs obsErVEd. ThE InTerplAnetary SHoCK May EiThEr rEdUCe Or enhAncE the parTicle", "whitespace_perturbation": " space. Local interplaneta ry conditi ons a ndstr uc ture s ex ert considerab l e in fluence on the time-in tensi ty prof i le s obs erved.T he i nte rp la net ar y s hockmay either reduce or en ha nce the part i cl e", "underscore_trick": " space._Local interplanetary_conditions and structures exert_considerable influence_on_the time-intensity_profiles_observed. The interplanetary_shock may either_reduce or enhance the_particle"} +{"text": " training and diet. 3. The adopted BSMI measure indicated a delay in growth according to developmental age norms in the entire sample. However, the accelerated physical development", "synonym_substitution": "training and diet. 3. The adopted BSMI measure indicated a delay in increase harmonize to developmental age norms in the entire sample distribution. However, the accelerated physical development", "butter_fingers": " trwining and diet. 3. The adokted BSMI measure indicaved a dslay in erowth according to developmxntao age norms in the entire sxmple. Howvver, the qcceowrated physical deyzlopmskt", "random_deletion": "training and diet. 3. The adopted BSMI a in growth to developmental age However, accelerated physical development", "change_char_case": " training and diet. 3. The adopted bSMI measurE indiCatEd a DeLay iN groWth according to DEvelOpmental age norms in the eNtire SaMPle. HOWeVer, thE acceleRAtED PhySiCaL deVeLOpMent", "whitespace_perturbation": " training and diet. 3. The adopted B SMI m eas ure i ndic ated a delay in gr o wthaccording to developme ntalag e nor m sin th e entir e s a m ple .Ho wev er , t he ac cel eratedphysical d eve lo pment", "underscore_trick": " training_and diet._3. The adopted BSMI_measure indicated_a_delay in_growth_according to developmental_age norms in_the entire sample. However,_the accelerated physical_development"} +{"text": "-arm maze task in rats, BY-1949 (10 mg/kg, po) and aniracetam (10, 30 mg/kg, po", "synonym_substitution": "-arm maze task in rats, BY-1949 (10 mg / kg, po) and aniracetam (10, 30 mg / kg, po", "butter_fingers": "-arm maze task in rats, BY-1949 (10 mn/kg, po) and aniraewtam (10, 30 mg/kg, lo", "random_deletion": "-arm maze task in rats, BY-1949 (10 and (10, 30 po", "change_char_case": "-arm maze task in rats, BY-1949 (10 mg/kg, po) And aniraceTam (10, 30 mg/Kg, pO", "whitespace_perturbation": "-arm maze task in rats, BY -1949 (10mg/kg , p o)an d an irac etam (10, 30 m g /kg, po", "underscore_trick": "-arm maze_task in_rats, BY-1949 (10 mg/kg,_po) and_aniracetam_(10, 30_mg/kg,_po"} +{"text": " oxygenase activities, splenic and renal cytochrome c reductase activities, and a significantly higher splenic biliverdin reductase activity. Hepatic heme oxygenase activity was", "synonym_substitution": "oxygenase activities, splenic and renal cytochrome c reductase activities, and a importantly eminent splenic biliverdin reductase activity. Hepatic heme oxygenase activity was", "butter_fingers": " oxjgenase activities, splenlc and renal cytochrome c redhctase aztivities, and a significantlb hither wplenic biliverdin redjctase acnivity. Hepatir heme oxygenase activitn was", "random_deletion": "oxygenase activities, splenic and renal cytochrome c and significantly higher biliverdin reductase activity.", "change_char_case": " oxygenase activities, spleniC and renal cYtochRomE c rEdUctaSe acTivities, and a siGNifiCantly higher splenic bilIverdIn REducTAsE actiVity. HepATiC HEme OxYgEnaSe ACtIvity Was", "whitespace_perturbation": " oxygenase activities, spl enic and r enalcyt och ro me c red uctase activit i es,and a significantly hi ghersp l enic bi liver din red u ct a s e a ct iv ity .H ep atichem e oxyge nase activ ity w as", "underscore_trick": " oxygenase_activities, splenic_and renal cytochrome c_reductase activities,_and_a significantly_higher_splenic biliverdin reductase_activity. Hepatic heme_oxygenase activity was"} +{"text": " the graft effects Leydig cell function. Anterior lobe insufficiency has been excluded since plasma concentrations of gonadotropins were slightly elevated before and after LH-RH", "synonym_substitution": "the graft effects Leydig cell function. Anterior lobe insufficiency has been exclude since plasma concentration of gonadotropins were slightly elevated ahead and after LH - RH", "butter_fingers": " thf graft effects Leydig ctll function. Antetiir lobx insufriciency has been excluded since pladmq conxentrations of gonadotfopins wege slightoy eowvated before and after MM-RH", "random_deletion": "the graft effects Leydig cell function. Anterior has excluded since concentrations of gonadotropins after", "change_char_case": " the graft effects Leydig cell Function. AnTerioR loBe iNsUffiCienCy has been excluDEd siNce plasma concentrationS of goNaDOtroPInS were SlightlY ElEVAteD bEfOre AnD AfTer LH-rH", "whitespace_perturbation": " the graft effects Leydigcell funct ion.Ant eri or lob e in sufficiency ha s bee n excluded since plasm a con ce n trat i on s ofgonadot r op i n s w er esli gh t ly elev ate d befor e and afte r L H- RH", "underscore_trick": " the_graft effects_Leydig cell function. Anterior_lobe insufficiency_has_been excluded_since_plasma concentrations of_gonadotropins were slightly_elevated before and after_LH-RH"} +{"text": " article. Low-Frequency Noise in Graphene Tunnel Junctions.\nGraphene tunnel junctions are a promising experimental platform for single molecule electronics and", "synonym_substitution": "article. Low - Frequency Noise in Graphene Tunnel Junctions. \n Graphene tunnel junctions are a promising experimental platform for individual atom electronics and", "butter_fingers": " arhicle. Low-Frequency Noise in Graphene Tuubel Juictions.\nFraphene tunnel junctions are a prommsint exptgimental platform for single mllecule wlecuronics and", "random_deletion": "article. Low-Frequency Noise in Graphene Tunnel Junctions. junctions a promising platform for single", "change_char_case": " article. Low-Frequency Noise iN Graphene TUnnel junCtiOnS.\nGraPhenE tunnel junctioNS are A promising experimental PlatfOrM For sINgLe molEcule elECtRONicS aNd", "whitespace_perturbation": " article. Low-Frequency No ise in Gra phene Tu nne lJunc tion s.\nGraphene tu n neljunctions are a promis ing e xp e rime n ta l pla tform f o rs i ngl emo lec ul e e lectr oni cs and", "underscore_trick": " article._Low-Frequency Noise_in Graphene Tunnel Junctions.\nGraphene_tunnel junctions_are_a promising_experimental_platform for single_molecule electronics and"} +{"text": " with XEN45 implant surgery was performed within 15minutes of administering subconjunctival mitomycin C. Surgery was performed through 2 temporal incisions, separated", "synonym_substitution": "with XEN45 implant surgery was performed within 15minutes of administering subconjunctival mitomycin C. Surgery was performed through 2 worldly incision, separated", "butter_fingers": " wihh XEN45 implant surgery wxs performed wijhun 15minntes of adminisgering subconjunctival mitombcin C. Suegery was performed thfough 2 telporal ibcismons, separated", "random_deletion": "with XEN45 implant surgery was performed within administering mitomycin C. was performed through", "change_char_case": " with XEN45 implant surgery was pErformed wiThin 15mInuTes Of AdmiNistEring subconjunCTivaL mitomycin C. Surgery was pErforMeD ThroUGh 2 TempoRal inciSIoNS, SepArAtEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " with XEN45 implant surger y was perf ormed wi thi n15mi nute s of administe r ingsubconjunctival mitomy cin C .S urge r ywas p erforme d t h r oug h2tem po r al inci sio ns, sep arated", "underscore_trick": " with_XEN45 implant_surgery was performed within_15minutes of_administering_subconjunctival mitomycin_C._Surgery was performed_through 2 temporal_incisions, separated"} +{"text": ") and ryanodine (10 microM) both increased this ratio, indicating a decrease in the buffering power of the cell. Mimicking the increase", "synonym_substitution": ") and ryanodine (10 microM) both increased this ratio, indicating a decrease in the buffering power of the cellular telephone. mimic the addition", "butter_fingers": ") anf ryanodine (10 microM) both increased this ratio, mndicatjng a dezrease in the buffering powec of the xell. Mimicking the incfease", "random_deletion": ") and ryanodine (10 microM) both increased indicating decrease in buffering power of", "change_char_case": ") and ryanodine (10 microM) both incReased this Ratio, IndIcaTiNg a dEcreAse in the bufferINg poWer of the cell. Mimicking tHe incReASe", "whitespace_perturbation": ") and ryanodine (10 microM ) both inc rease d t his r atio , in dicating a dec r ease in the buffering powe r ofth e cel l .Mimic king th e i n c rea se ", "underscore_trick": ") and_ryanodine (10_microM) both increased this_ratio, indicating_a_decrease in_the_buffering power of_the cell. Mimicking_the increase"} +{"text": " in the rat contrast those made by others in the cat. Thus, relative drug sensitivities are not simply related to neuromuscular type. [Evaluation of complications and", "synonym_substitution": "in the rat contrast those made by others in the cat. Thus, proportional drug sensitivity are not simply related to neuromuscular character. [ Evaluation of complications and", "butter_fingers": " in the rat contrast those oade by others nb the rat. Thua, relatixe drug sensitivities are nov sinply eelated to neuromusculxr type. [Enaluation of romplications anv", "random_deletion": "in the rat contrast those made by the Thus, relative sensitivities are not [Evaluation complications and", "change_char_case": " in the rat contrast those made By others in The caT. ThUs, rElAtivE druG sensitivities ARe noT simply related to neuromUsculAr TYpe. [EVAlUatioN of compLIcATIonS aNd", "whitespace_perturbation": " in the rat contrast those made by o thers in th ecat. Thu s, relative dr u g se nsitivities are not si mplyre l ated to neur omuscul a rt y pe. [ Ev alu at i on of c omp licatio ns and", "underscore_trick": " in_the rat_contrast those made by_others in_the_cat. Thus,_relative_drug sensitivities are_not simply related_to neuromuscular type. [Evaluation_of complications and"} +{"text": " with obesity and the metabolic syndrome, conditions that cause lipid accumulation in hepatocytes (hepatic steatosis). It is not well understood why some, but not other,", "synonym_substitution": "with obesity and the metabolic syndrome, conditions that cause lipid accumulation in hepatocytes (hepatic steatosis). It is not well understand why some, but not early,", "butter_fingers": " wihh obesity and the metabulic syndrome, conditiois that cause lkpid accumulation in hepatocbtes (hepaupc steatosis). It is nog well unferstood why wome, but not other,", "random_deletion": "with obesity and the metabolic syndrome, conditions lipid in hepatocytes steatosis). It is but other,", "change_char_case": " with obesity and the metaboliC syndrome, cOnditIonS thAt CausE lipId accumulation IN hepAtocytes (hepatic steatosIs). It iS nOT welL UnDerstOod why sOMe, BUT noT oThEr,", "whitespace_perturbation": " with obesity and the meta bolic synd rome, co ndi ti onsthat cause lipid a c cumu lation in hepatocytes(hepa ti c ste a to sis). It isn ot w ell u nd ers to o dwhy s ome , but n ot other,", "underscore_trick": " with_obesity and_the metabolic syndrome, conditions_that cause_lipid_accumulation in_hepatocytes_(hepatic steatosis). It_is not well_understood why some, but_not other,"} +{"text": " designed a single-center, nonblinded, randomized trial to compare extended infusion (4 hours) and bolus infusion (30 minutes) of piperac", "synonym_substitution": "designed a single - center, nonblinded, randomized test to compare extensive infusion (4 hours) and bolus infusion (30 minutes) of piperac", "butter_fingers": " dedigned a single-center, nokblinded, randomieee trian to ckmpare ebtended infusion (4 hours) and uoluw infysion (30 minutes) of pipefac", "random_deletion": "designed a single-center, nonblinded, randomized trial to infusion hours) and infusion (30 minutes)", "change_char_case": " designed a single-center, nonbLinded, randOmizeD trIal To CompAre eXtended infusioN (4 HourS) and bolus infusion (30 minutEs) of pIpERac", "whitespace_perturbation": " designed a single-center, nonblinde d, ra ndo miz ed tri al t o compare exte n dedinfusion (4 hours) and bolu si nfus i on (30minutes ) o f pip er ac ", "underscore_trick": " designed_a single-center,_nonblinded, randomized trial to_compare extended_infusion_(4 hours)_and_bolus infusion (30_minutes) of piperac"} +{"text": " However due to the administration of other antiepileptic agents, seizure did not develop. It is important for the physicians to recognize drug interaction between valproic", "synonym_substitution": "However due to the administration of other antiepileptic agents, seizure did not originate. It is authoritative for the physicians to recognize drug interaction between valproic", "butter_fingers": " Hoaever due to the adminisuration of other cbtiepineptic agents, reizure did not develop. It id umporucnt for the physiciavs to reclgnize deug mnteraction betwxsn valpvjic", "random_deletion": "However due to the administration of other seizure not develop. is important for interaction valproic", "change_char_case": " However due to the administraTion of otheR antiEpiLepTiC ageNts, sEizure did not deVElop. it is important for the phySiciaNs TO recOGnIze drUg interACtION beTwEeN vaLpROiC", "whitespace_perturbation": " However due to the admini stration o f oth erant ie pile ptic agents, seizu r e di d not develop. It is i mport an t for th e phy sicians to r eco gn iz e d ru g i ntera cti on betw een valpro ic", "underscore_trick": " However_due to_the administration of other_antiepileptic agents,_seizure_did not_develop._It is important_for the physicians_to recognize drug interaction_between valproic"} +{"text": " sarcoma. These data of EES suggests that low hemoglobin and high WBC count adversely affect EFS. Overall outcome was significantly better for EES than skeletal primary", "synonym_substitution": "sarcoma. These data of EES suggests that low hemoglobin and high WBC consider adversely involve EFS. Overall outcome was significantly better for EES than bony primary", "butter_fingers": " sagcoma. These data of EES ruggests that low hemojlobin znd high WBC count adversely affect XFS. Iveraol outcome was signifizantly benter for WES uhan skeletal primary", "random_deletion": "sarcoma. These data of EES suggests that and WBC count affect EFS. Overall EES skeletal primary", "change_char_case": " sarcoma. These data of EES suggEsts that loW hemoGloBin AnD higH WBC Count adversely AFfecT EFS. Overall outcome was sIgnifIcANtly BEtTer foR EES thaN SkELEtaL pRiMarY", "whitespace_perturbation": " sarcoma. These data of EE S suggests that lo w h em oglo binand high WBC c o untadversely affect EFS.Overa ll outc o me wassignifi c an t l y b et te r f or EE S tha n s keletal primary", "underscore_trick": " sarcoma._These data_of EES suggests that_low hemoglobin_and_high WBC_count_adversely affect EFS._Overall outcome was_significantly better for EES_than skeletal primary"} +{"text": " and above predicted a larger reduction in breast cancer mortality (p = 0.04 and p = 0.006). This expected association was also found for node-", "synonym_substitution": "and above predicted a larger reduction in breast cancer mortality (phosphorus = 0.04 and phosphorus = 0.006). This expect association was also establish for node-", "butter_fingers": " anf above predicted a largtr reduction in bteqst caicer modtality (o = 0.04 and p = 0.006). This expected asdoxiatiin was also found for vode-", "random_deletion": "and above predicted a larger reduction in mortality = 0.04 p = 0.006). found node-", "change_char_case": " and above predicted a larger rEduction in BreasT caNceR mOrtaLity (P = 0.04 and p = 0.006). This expecTEd asSociation was also found fOr nodE-", "whitespace_perturbation": " and above predicted a lar ger reduct ion i n b rea st can cermortality (p = 0.04 and p = 0.006). Thisexpec te d ass o ci ation was al s of o und f or no de - ", "underscore_trick": " and_above predicted_a larger reduction in_breast cancer_mortality_(p =_0.04_and p =_0.006). This expected_association was also found_for node-"} +{"text": " diagnosed in the surgical intensive care unit between April 2006 and April 2014 were reviewed. Patients who experienced a postoperative seizure underwent a cerebral computed tomography scan to exclude an ischemic", "synonym_substitution": "diagnosed in the surgical intensive care unit between April 2006 and April 2014 were reviewed. patient who experience a postoperative seizure underwent a cerebral computed imaging scan to exclude an ischemic", "butter_fingers": " diwgnosed in the surgical lntensive care uuut betxeen Apdil 2006 and April 2014 were reviewed. Patienvs wyo exkvrienced a postoperatkve seizuge underwwnt e cerebral compuvsd tomonxaphy dcan vo exclude an ixchemic", "random_deletion": "diagnosed in the surgical intensive care unit 2006 April 2014 reviewed. Patients who a computed tomography scan exclude an ischemic", "change_char_case": " diagnosed in the surgical intEnsive care Unit bEtwEen apRil 2006 aNd ApRil 2014 were revieweD. patiEnts who experienced a posToperAtIVe seIZuRe undErwent a CErEBRal CoMpUteD tOMoGraphY scAn to excLude an ischEmiC", "whitespace_perturbation": " diagnosed in the surgical intensive care un itbe twee n Ap ril 2006 and A p ril2014 were reviewed. Pa tient sw ho e x pe rienc ed a po s to p e rat iv esei zu r eunder wen t a cer ebral comp ute dtomography s c an to exclud e a n ischemic", "underscore_trick": " diagnosed_in the_surgical intensive care unit_between April_2006_and April_2014_were reviewed. Patients_who experienced a_postoperative seizure underwent a_cerebral computed tomography_scan_to exclude an ischemic"} +{"text": " only possesses the longest excited state lifetime and quantum yield reported for the Yb(3+) diketonate family but is also suitable to be incorporated in NIR-", "synonym_substitution": "only possesses the longest excited department of state life and quantum yield reported for the Yb(3 +) diketonate syndicate but is besides suitable to be incorporated in NIR-", "butter_fingers": " onpy possesses the longest excited state lifetimx and qhantum ykeld reported for the Yb(3+) dikxtonqte fqmily but is also suitxble to bv incorpoeatev in NIR-", "random_deletion": "only possesses the longest excited state lifetime yield for the diketonate family but incorporated NIR-", "change_char_case": " only possesses the longest exCited state LifetIme And QuAntuM yieLd reported for tHE Yb(3+) dIketonate family but is alSo suiTaBLe to BE iNcorpOrated iN nIr-", "whitespace_perturbation": " only possesses the longes t excitedstate li fet im e an d qu antum yield re p orte d for the Yb(3+) diket onate f a mily bu t isalso su i ta b l e t obe in co r po rated in NIR-", "underscore_trick": " only_possesses the_longest excited state lifetime_and quantum_yield_reported for_the_Yb(3+) diketonate family_but is also_suitable to be incorporated_in NIR-"} +{"text": " approximately threefold more WGA-B mRNA than mature seeds. In-situ hybridization experiments showed that during embryogenesis, WGA-B mRNA was present", "synonym_substitution": "approximately threefold more WGA - B mRNA than mature seeds. In - situ hybridization experiments showed that during embryogenesis, WGA - B mRNA was present", "butter_fingers": " aporoximately threefold move WGA-B mRNA thau maturx seeds. In-situ fybridization experiments shlwwd thqt during embryogenesir, WGA-B mRJA was peeseit", "random_deletion": "approximately threefold more WGA-B mRNA than mature hybridization showed that embryogenesis, WGA-B mRNA", "change_char_case": " approximately threefold morE WGA-B mRNA tHan maTurE seEdS. In-sItu hYbridization exPErimEnts showed that during emBryogEnESis, Wga-B MRNA wAs preseNT", "whitespace_perturbation": " approximately threefold m ore WGA-BmRNAtha n m at ureseed s. In-situ hyb r idiz ation experiments show ed th at duri n gembry ogenesi s ,W G A-B m RN A w as pr esent ", "underscore_trick": " approximately_threefold more_WGA-B mRNA than mature_seeds. In-situ_hybridization_experiments showed_that_during embryogenesis, WGA-B_mRNA was present"} +{"text": " are synthesized successfully in aqueous solution having SDS concentrations of 0.01, 0.02, and 0.2 wt.%, respectively. Size, morphology, and", "synonym_substitution": "are synthesized successfully in aqueous solution having SDS concentrations of 0.01, 0.02, and 0.2 wt.%, respectively. Size, morphology, and", "butter_fingers": " arf synthesized successfuluy in aqueous solution havinf SDS covcentrations of 0.01, 0.02, and 0.2 wt.%, redpwctivtjy. Size, morphology, and", "random_deletion": "are synthesized successfully in aqueous solution having of 0.02, and wt.%, respectively. Size,", "change_char_case": " are synthesized successfullY in aqueous SolutIon HavInG SDS ConcEntrations of 0.01, 0.02, anD 0.2 Wt.%, reSpectively. Size, morpholoGy, and", "whitespace_perturbation": " are synthesized successfu lly in aqu eoussol uti on hav ingSDS concentrat i onsof 0.01, 0.02, and 0.2 wt.% ,r espe c ti vely. Size,m or p h olo gy ,and ", "underscore_trick": " are_synthesized successfully_in aqueous solution having_SDS concentrations_of_0.01, 0.02,_and_0.2 wt.%, respectively._Size, morphology, and"} +{"text": "assaemia, iron-deficiency anaemia and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency among Arab migrating nomad children, southern Islamic Republic of Iran.\nThis", "synonym_substitution": "assaemia, iron - deficiency anaemia and glucose-6 - phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency among Arab migrating nomad child, southerly Islamic Republic of Iran. \n This", "butter_fingers": "asswemia, iron-deficiency anatmia and glucose-6-pkisphatx dehyddogenase deficiency among Arab migraving nomae children, southern Isuamic Replblic of Uran.\nUhis", "random_deletion": "assaemia, iron-deficiency anaemia and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency migrating children, southern Republic of Iran.", "change_char_case": "assaemia, iron-deficiency anaEmia and gluCose-6-pHosPhaTe DehyDrogEnase deficiencY AmonG Arab migrating nomad chiLdren, SoUTherN isLamic republiC Of iRAn.\nTHiS", "whitespace_perturbation": "assaemia, iron-deficiencyanaemia an d glu cos e-6 -p hosp hate dehydrogenase defi ciency among Arab migr ating n o madc hi ldren , south e rn I sla mi cRep ub l ic of I ran .\nThis", "underscore_trick": "assaemia, iron-deficiency_anaemia and_glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency among_Arab migrating_nomad_children, southern_Islamic_Republic of Iran.\nThis"} +{"text": " investigated using other agents, such as local anaesthetics, and other routes of administration, mainly epidural injection. In most patients, even in children, PCA can", "synonym_substitution": "investigated using other agents, such as local anesthetic, and early road of administration, chiefly epidural injection. In most patients, even in child, PCA can", "butter_fingers": " ingestigated using other anents, such as loeql anaxsthetids, and ogher routes of administratioi, maunly tiidural injection. In oost pativnts, even in rhildren, PCA can", "random_deletion": "investigated using other agents, such as local other of administration, epidural injection. In PCA", "change_char_case": " investigated using other ageNts, such as lOcal aNaeSthEtIcs, aNd otHer routes of admINistRation, mainly epidural inJectiOn. iN mosT PaTientS, even in CHiLDRen, pCa cAn", "whitespace_perturbation": " investigated using otheragents, su ch as lo cal a naes thet ics, and other rout es of administration,mainl ye pidu r al inje ction.I nm o stpa ti ent s, ev en in ch ildren, PCA can", "underscore_trick": " investigated_using other_agents, such as local_anaesthetics, and_other_routes of_administration,_mainly epidural injection._In most patients,_even in children, PCA_can"} +{"text": " basis for the method of estimation of relative contributions of these excretory organs in sodium excretion. Permanent contributions of the kidneys and rectal gland in sodium excretion of", "synonym_substitution": "basis for the method of estimation of relative contribution of these excretory organ in sodium excretion. Permanent contributions of the kidneys and rectal gland in sodium body waste of", "butter_fingers": " badis for the method of esuimation of relatnce convributikns of tfese excretory organs in sodmum wxcreupon. Permanent contribjtions of the kidbeys qnd rectal gland ik sodjmm exerxtion of", "random_deletion": "basis for the method of estimation of of excretory organs sodium excretion. Permanent rectal in sodium excretion", "change_char_case": " basis for the method of estimaTion of relaTive cOntRibUtIons Of thEse excretory orGAns iN sodium excretion. PermanEnt coNtRIbutIOnS of thE kidneyS AnD REctAl GlAnd In SOdIum exCreTion of", "whitespace_perturbation": " basis for the method of e stimationof re lat ive c ontr ibut ions of thesee xcre tory organs in sodiumexcre ti o n. P e rm anent contri b ut i o nsof t heki d ne ys an d r ectal g land in so diu mexcretion of ", "underscore_trick": " basis_for the_method of estimation of_relative contributions_of_these excretory_organs_in sodium excretion._Permanent contributions of_the kidneys and rectal_gland in sodium_excretion_of"} +{"text": " focuses exclusively on the new virulence inhibitors published in patents (worldwide collection of patents filed) or in the literature since 2006. New efficacy in vitro assays have been", "synonym_substitution": "focuses exclusively on the new virulence inhibitors publish in patent (worldwide collection of patents file) or in the literature since 2006. New efficacy in vitro assays have been", "butter_fingers": " fofuses exclusively on the new virulence nbhibitmrs puglished kn patents (worldwide collectmon if pauvnts filed) or in the uiteraturv since 2006. Bew tfficacy in vitro assays mcve bscn", "random_deletion": "focuses exclusively on the new virulence inhibitors patents collection of filed) or in efficacy vitro assays have", "change_char_case": " focuses exclusively on the neW virulence InhibItoRs pUbLishEd in Patents (worldwiDE colLection of patents filed) oR in thE lITeraTUrE sincE 2006. New effICaCY In vItRo AssAyS HaVe beeN", "whitespace_perturbation": " focuses exclusively on th e new viru lence in hib it orspubl ished in paten t s (w orldwide collection of pate nt s fil e d) or i n the l i te r a tur esi nce 2 0 06 . New ef ficacyin vitro a ssa ys have been", "underscore_trick": " focuses_exclusively on_the new virulence inhibitors_published in_patents_(worldwide collection_of_patents filed) or_in the literature_since 2006. New efficacy_in vitro assays_have_been"} +{"text": " types of MRI signal patterns were detected in association with these spinal cord injuries. A classification was developed using these three patterns. Type I, seen in ten (27", "synonym_substitution": "types of MRI signal patterns were detected in association with these spinal cord wound. A categorization was developed using these three design. character I, seen in ten (27", "butter_fingers": " tyoes of MRI signal patterks were detected in assmciatikn with ghese spinal cord injuries. A coassidication was developed using thvse three patuerns. Type I, seen in ten (27", "random_deletion": "types of MRI signal patterns were detected with spinal cord A classification was Type seen in ten", "change_char_case": " types of MRI signal patterns wEre detecteD in asSocIatIoN witH theSe spinal cord inJUrieS. A classification was devElopeD uSIng tHEsE threE patterNS. TYPE I, sEeN iN teN (27", "whitespace_perturbation": " types of MRI signal patte rns were d etect edinas soci atio n with these s p inal cord injuries. A clas sific at i on w a sdevel oped us i ng t hes eth ree p a tt erns. Ty pe I, s een in ten (2 7", "underscore_trick": " types_of MRI_signal patterns were detected_in association_with_these spinal_cord_injuries. A classification_was developed using_these three patterns. Type_I, seen in_ten_(27"} +{"text": " / reactive oxygen species balance, sympathetic nervous system activation and the presence of systemic inflammation aggravate atherosclerosis, promote structural alterations in left ventricular geometry and favor progression of renal", "synonym_substitution": "/ reactive oxygen species balance, sympathetic nervous system energizing and the bearing of systemic ignition aggravate atherosclerosis, promote geomorphologic alteration in left ventricular geometry and favor progress of nephritic", "butter_fingers": " / rfactive oxygen species bxlance, sympathejix nervmus syatem actkvation and the presence of dywtemix inflammation aggravage atherodclerosiw, prinote strucvhral albzratikks in oeft ventriculsr geometrf and favor prmgfedsion of renal", "random_deletion": "/ reactive oxygen species balance, sympathetic nervous and presence of inflammation aggravate atherosclerosis, ventricular and favor progression renal", "change_char_case": " / reactive oxygen species balaNce, sympathEtic nErvOus SyStem ActiVation and the prESencE of systemic inflammatioN aggrAvATe atHErOscleRosis, prOMoTE StrUcTuRal AlTErAtionS in Left venTricular geOmeTrY and favor proGReSsion of renAl", "whitespace_perturbation": " / reactive oxygen species balance,sympa the tic n ervo us s ystem activati o n an d the presence of syst emicin f lamm a ti on ag gravate at h e ros cl er osi s, pr omote st ructura l alterati ons i n left ventr i cu lar geomet ryand favor pr ogr ession o f r e nal", "underscore_trick": " /_reactive oxygen_species balance, sympathetic nervous_system activation_and_the presence_of_systemic inflammation aggravate_atherosclerosis, promote structural_alterations in left ventricular_geometry and favor_progression_of renal"} +{"text": " H-DNA structure as a probe. We cloned molecules very similar to two previously identified cDNAs, dbpA and dbpB. The dbpB", "synonym_substitution": "H - DNA structure as a probe. We cloned molecules very similar to two previously identify complementary dna, dbpA and dbpB. The dbpB", "butter_fingers": " H-DJA structure as a probe. De cloned molecolws verb similzr to twu previously identified cDNAd, ebpA qnd dbpB. The dbpB", "random_deletion": "H-DNA structure as a probe. We cloned similar two previously cDNAs, dbpA and", "change_char_case": " H-DNA structure as a probe. We clOned molecuLes veRy sImiLaR to tWo prEviously identiFIed cdNAs, dbpA and dbpB. The dbpB", "whitespace_perturbation": " H-DNA structure as a prob e. We clon ed mo lec ule svery sim ilar to two pr e viou sly identified cDNAs,dbpAan d dbp B .The d bpB", "underscore_trick": " H-DNA_structure as_a probe. We cloned_molecules very_similar_to two_previously_identified cDNAs, dbpA_and dbpB. The_dbpB"} +{"text": " skin and aorta also involve the lung. The Blotchy strain may be a useful model in which to investigate how abnormalities of connective tissue proteins influence pulmonary structure and", "synonym_substitution": "skin and aorta also involve the lung. The Blotchy strain may be a utilitarian exemplar in which to investigate how abnormalities of connective tissue proteins influence pneumonic structure and", "butter_fingers": " skln and aorta also involvt the lung. The Blotchy svrain mzy be a jseful model in which to invxstitate yow abnormalities of cunnective tissue prottins influence pulmonary structhve anb", "random_deletion": "skin and aorta also involve the lung. strain be a model in which connective proteins influence pulmonary and", "change_char_case": " skin and aorta also involve thE lung. The BlOtchy StrAin MaY be a UsefUl model in which TO invEstigate how abnormalitiEs of cOnNEctiVE tIssue ProteinS InFLUenCe PuLmoNaRY sTructUre And", "whitespace_perturbation": " skin and aorta also invol ve the lun g. Th e B lot ch y st rain may be a usef u l mo del in which to invest igate h o w ab n or malit ies ofc on n e cti ve t iss ue pr otein s i nfluenc e pulmonar y s tr ucture and", "underscore_trick": " skin_and aorta_also involve the lung._The Blotchy_strain_may be_a_useful model in_which to investigate_how abnormalities of connective_tissue proteins influence_pulmonary_structure and"} +{"text": " diseases, disorders, and conditions of the oral and maxillofacial region. Of all the recognized specialties, it is one of two devoted almost entirely to", "synonym_substitution": "diseases, disorders, and conditions of the oral and maxillofacial region. Of all the spot specialization, it is one of two devoted almost entirely to", "butter_fingers": " dideases, disorders, and conaitions of the oral anv maxilmofacial region. Of all the recognizev spwcialupes, it is one of two aevoted apmost enrireot to", "random_deletion": "diseases, disorders, and conditions of the oral region. all the specialties, it is entirely", "change_char_case": " diseases, disorders, and condiTions of the Oral aNd mAxiLlOfacIal rEgion. Of all the rECognIzed specialties, it is one Of two DeVOted ALmOst enTirely tO", "whitespace_perturbation": " diseases, disorders, andconditions of t heora landmaxi llofacial regi o n. O f all the recognized s pecia lt i es,i tis on e of tw o d e v ote dal mos te nt irely to ", "underscore_trick": " diseases,_disorders, and_conditions of the oral_and maxillofacial_region._Of all_the_recognized specialties, it_is one of_two devoted almost entirely_to"} +{"text": " a toxin that results in a condition known as 'psyllid yellows'. The objectives of this study were to: (i) document oviposition preferences", "synonym_substitution": "a toxin that results in a condition known as' psyllid yellows'. The aim of this discipline were to: (i) document oviposition preferences", "butter_fingers": " a hoxin that results in a gondition known cw 'psylnid yemlows'. Thd objectives of this study wxre ro: (i) eocument oviposition pfeferenced", "random_deletion": "a toxin that results in a condition 'psyllid The objectives this study were", "change_char_case": " a toxin that results in a condiTion known aS 'psylLid YelLoWs'. ThE objEctives of this sTUdy wEre to: (i) document ovipositIon prEfERencES", "whitespace_perturbation": " a toxin that results in a condition know n a s ' ps ylli d ye llows'. The ob j ecti ves of this study were to:(i ) doc u me nt ov ipositi o np r efe re nc es", "underscore_trick": " a_toxin that_results in a condition_known as_'psyllid_yellows'. The_objectives_of this study_were to: (i)_document oviposition preferences"} +{"text": " thirds of the neurons in the lateral habenula respond to peripheral noxious stimuli in a way similar to that of the cells in the centrum-median", "synonym_substitution": "thirds of the neurons in the lateral habenula respond to peripheral noxious stimuli in a direction exchangeable to that of the cells in the centrum - median", "butter_fingers": " thlrds of the neurons in tme lateral habenolq respmnd to periphefal noxious stimuli in a way sumilae to that of the cells in the cvntrum-meduan", "random_deletion": "thirds of the neurons in the lateral to noxious stimuli a way similar in centrum-median", "change_char_case": " thirds of the neurons in the laTeral habenUla reSpoNd tO pEripHeraL noxious stimulI In a wAy similar to that of the ceLls in ThE CentRUm-MediaN", "whitespace_perturbation": " thirds of the neurons inthe latera l hab enu lare spon d to peripheral no x ious stimuli in a way simi lar t ot hato fthe c ells in th e cen tr um -me di a n", "underscore_trick": " thirds_of the_neurons in the lateral_habenula respond_to_peripheral noxious_stimuli_in a way_similar to that_of the cells in_the centrum-median"} +{"text": " the N2O group vs 50.9% in the group not given N2O). Aging alone did not affect the incidence of ventricular ectopic beats,", "synonym_substitution": "the N2O group vs 50.9% in the group not given N2O). Aging alone did not affect the incidence of ventricular ectopic pulse,", "butter_fingers": " thf N2O group vs 50.9% in the gruup not given N2O). Aging alone did not affect the incidence of venvricylar tbtopic beats,", "random_deletion": "the N2O group vs 50.9% in the given Aging alone not affect the", "change_char_case": " the N2O group vs 50.9% in the group not Given N2O). AgiNg aloNe dId nOt AffeCt thE incidence of veNTricUlar ectopic beats,", "whitespace_perturbation": " the N2O group vs 50.9% in the group notgiv enN2 O).Agin g alone did no t aff ect the incidence of v entri cu l ar e c to pic b eats,", "underscore_trick": " the_N2O group_vs 50.9% in the_group not_given_N2O). Aging_alone_did not affect_the incidence of_ventricular ectopic beats,"} +{"text": " Reductions in total serum cholesterol levels persisted throughout the extension study, with a final reduction of 5.4%.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250", "synonym_substitution": "Reductions in total serum cholesterol levels persisted throughout the extension discipline, with a concluding reduction of 5.4%.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250", "butter_fingers": " Refuctions in total serum gholesterol levels persmsted tgroughoug the extension study, with a funal eeduction of 5.4%.(ABSTRACT GRUNCATED AT 250", "random_deletion": "Reductions in total serum cholesterol levels persisted extension with a reduction of 5.4%.(ABSTRACT", "change_char_case": " Reductions in total serum choLesterol leVels pErsIstEd ThroUghoUt the extension STudy, With a final reduction of 5.4%.(AbSTRAcT trUNCatEd AT 250", "whitespace_perturbation": " Reductions in total serum cholester ol le vel s p er sist ed t hroughout thee xten sion study, with a fin al re du c tion of 5.4% .(ABSTR A CT T RUN CA TE D A T2 50 ", "underscore_trick": " Reductions_in total_serum cholesterol levels persisted_throughout the_extension_study, with_a_final reduction of_5.4%.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT_250"} +{"text": " KPIs keys to integrated performance measurement.\nMany providers are using a balanced scorecard to measure performance. Another tool that can be used with the balanced scorecard", "synonym_substitution": "KPIs keys to integrated performance measurement. \n Many providers are use a balanced card to measure performance. Another cock that can be use with the balanced scorecard", "butter_fingers": " KPLs keys to integrated pevformance measurgmwnt.\nManb provisers are using a balanced scorecard vo mwasurt performance. Anothdr tool tjat can ve uwwd with thx balanccb scodccard", "random_deletion": "KPIs keys to integrated performance measurement. Many using balanced scorecard measure performance. Another with balanced scorecard", "change_char_case": " KPIs keys to integrated perfoRmance measUremeNt.\nMAny PrOvidErs aRe using a balancED scoRecard to measure performAnce. ANoTHer tOOl That cAn be useD WiTH The BaLaNceD sCOrEcard", "whitespace_perturbation": " KPIs keys to integrated p erformance meas ure men t. \nMan y pr oviders are us i ng a balanced scorecard to meas ur e per f or mance . Anoth e rt o olth at ca nb eusedwit h the b alanced sc ore ca rd", "underscore_trick": " KPIs_keys to_integrated performance measurement.\nMany providers_are using_a_balanced scorecard_to_measure performance. Another_tool that can_be used with the_balanced scorecard"} +{"text": " extracted from plasma with chloroform-isopropanol (1:1), separated by thin-layer chromatography (TLC), and quantitated in situ via a", "synonym_substitution": "extracted from plasma with chloroform - isopropanol (1:1), separated by thin - level chromatography (TLC), and quantitated in situ via a", "butter_fingers": " exhracted from plasma with chloroform-isoptopanol (1:1), separzted by ghin-layer chromatography (TLC), abd quqntitated in situ via x", "random_deletion": "extracted from plasma with chloroform-isopropanol (1:1), separated chromatography and quantitated situ via a", "change_char_case": " extracted from plasma with chLoroform-isOpropAnoL (1:1), sePaRateD by tHin-layer chromaTOgraPhy (TLC), and quantitated in Situ vIa A", "whitespace_perturbation": " extracted from plasma wit h chlorofo rm-is opr opa no l (1 :1), separated byt hin- layer chromatography ( TLC), a n d qu a nt itate d in si t uv i a a ", "underscore_trick": " extracted_from plasma_with chloroform-isopropanol (1:1), separated_by thin-layer_chromatography_(TLC), and_quantitated_in situ via_a"} +{"text": "growing purpose and farm size on the ability of stable land property rights to encourage farmers to apply organic fertilizers.\nThe application of organic fertilizer by farmers is an", "synonym_substitution": "growing purpose and farm size on the ability of stable land place right field to encourage farmers to lend oneself constituent fertilizers. \n The application of organic fertilizer by farmer is an", "butter_fingers": "groaing purpose and farm siee on the ability of staule lans propergy rights to encourage farmecs ti appoy organic fertilizers.\nGhe applibation of orgenic fertilizer ug farmevf is wn", "random_deletion": "growing purpose and farm size on the stable property rights encourage farmers to of fertilizer by farmers an", "change_char_case": "growing purpose and farm size On the abiliTy of sTabLe lAnD proPertY rights to encouRAge fArmers to apply organic feRtiliZeRS.\nThe APpLicatIon of orGAnIC FerTiLiZer By FArMers iS an", "whitespace_perturbation": "growing purpose and farm s ize on the abil ity of s tabl e la nd property ri g htsto encourage farmers t o app ly orga n ic fert ilizers . \nT h e ap pl ic ati on of orga nic fertil izer by fa rme rs is an", "underscore_trick": "growing purpose_and farm_size on the ability_of stable_land_property rights_to_encourage farmers to_apply organic fertilizers.\nThe_application of organic fertilizer_by farmers is_an"} +{"text": " not limited to cancer and involving the specified drug classes for dyspnea treatment. Three systematic reviews, one with meta-analysis, two practice guidelines, and 28", "synonym_substitution": "not limited to cancer and involving the specified drug classes for dyspnea discussion. Three taxonomic review, one with meta - analysis, two exercise guidelines, and 28", "butter_fingers": " noh limited to cancer and lnvolving the spgcufied vrug clzsses fof dyspnea treatment. Three sydtwmatix reviews, one with metx-analysis, two praxtict guidelines, and 28", "random_deletion": "not limited to cancer and involving the classes dyspnea treatment. systematic reviews, one and", "change_char_case": " not limited to cancer and invoLving the spEcifiEd dRug ClAsseS for Dyspnea treatmeNT. ThrEe systematic reviews, one With mEtA-AnalYSiS, two pRactice GUiDELinEs, AnD 28", "whitespace_perturbation": " not limited to cancer and involving thespe cif ie d dr ug c lasses for dys p neatreatment. Three syste matic r e view s ,one w ith met a -a n a lys is ,two p r ac ticegui delines , and 28", "underscore_trick": " not_limited to_cancer and involving the_specified drug_classes_for dyspnea_treatment._Three systematic reviews,_one with meta-analysis,_two practice guidelines, and_28"} +{"text": " will address the time-related obstacles associated with evidence-based medicine. Flux through the hexosamine pathway is a determinant of nuclear factor kappaB-", "synonym_substitution": "will address the time - related obstacles consociate with evidence - free-base medicine. Flux through the hexosamine pathway is a antigenic determinant of nuclear factor kappaB-", "butter_fingers": " wipl address the time-relattd obstacles assoeuated xith evjdence-bared medicine. Flux through thx hezosamune pathway is a deteroinant of nuclear facuor kappaB-", "random_deletion": "will address the time-related obstacles associated with Flux the hexosamine is a determinant", "change_char_case": " will address the time-related Obstacles aSsociAteD wiTh EvidEnce-Based medicine. FLUx thRough the hexosamine pathWay is A dETermINaNt of nUclear fACtOR KapPab-", "whitespace_perturbation": " will address the time-rel ated obsta clesass oci at ed w ithevidence-based medi cine. Flux through the hexo sa m inep at hwayis a de t er m i nan tof nu cl e ar fact orkappaB- ", "underscore_trick": " will_address the_time-related obstacles associated with_evidence-based medicine._Flux_through the_hexosamine_pathway is a_determinant of nuclear_factor kappaB-"} +{"text": "'s hypothesis by the so-called \"mechanists\". In the middle of this confliction, Jacob Henle described in 1862 the homonymous \"U\"", "synonym_substitution": "'s hypothesis by the so - called \" mechanists \". In the center of this confliction, Jacob Henle trace in 1862 the homonymous \" U \"", "butter_fingers": "'s hjpothesis by the so-callea \"mechanists\". In the mivdle of this covfliction, Jacob Henle descriued un 1862 tye homonymous \"U\"", "random_deletion": "'s hypothesis by the so-called \"mechanists\". In of confliction, Jacob described in 1862", "change_char_case": "'s hypothesis by the so-called \"mEchanists\". IN the mIddLe oF tHis cOnflIction, Jacob HenLE desCribed in 1862 the homonymous \"U\"", "whitespace_perturbation": "'s hypothesis by the so-ca lled \"mech anist s\". In t he m iddl e of this conf l icti on, Jacob Henle descri bed i n1 862t he homo nymous\" U\" ", "underscore_trick": "'s hypothesis_by the_so-called \"mechanists\". In the_middle of_this_confliction, Jacob_Henle_described in 1862_the homonymous \"U\""} +{"text": " sICAM-1 release in culture media from human aortic smooth muscle cells (AOSMC), dermal microvascular endothelial cells (DMEC), keratinocytes (", "synonym_substitution": "sICAM-1 release in culture media from human aortic legato muscleman cells (AOSMC), dermal microvascular endothelial cells (DMEC), keratinocytes (", "butter_fingers": " sIFAM-1 release in culture mtdia from human aortic skooth juscle cdlls (AOSMC), dermal microvascupae endithelial cells (DMEC), kefatinocytvs (", "random_deletion": "sICAM-1 release in culture media from human muscle (AOSMC), dermal endothelial cells (DMEC),", "change_char_case": " sICAM-1 release in culture mediA from human AortiC smOotH mUsclE celLs (AOSMC), dermal mICrovAscular endothelial cellS (DMEC), KeRAtinOCyTes (", "whitespace_perturbation": " sICAM-1 release in cultur e media fr om hu man ao rt ic s moot h muscle cells (AOS MC), dermal microvascu lar e nd o thel i al cell s (DMEC ) ,k e rat in oc yte s( ", "underscore_trick": " sICAM-1_release in_culture media from human_aortic smooth_muscle_cells (AOSMC),_dermal_microvascular endothelial cells_(DMEC), keratinocytes ("} +{"text": " and S1 states using the fewest-switches surface-hopping scheme. In the S2 photodynamics, the system first relaxes to the S", "synonym_substitution": "and S1 states using the fewest - switches open - hop scheme. In the S2 photodynamics, the system first relax to the S", "butter_fingers": " anf S1 states using the fewtst-switches surfaew-hoppiig scheje. In thd S2 photodynamics, the system furst eelaxes to the S", "random_deletion": "and S1 states using the fewest-switches surface-hopping the photodynamics, the first relaxes to", "change_char_case": " and S1 states using the fewest-sWitches surFace-hOppIng ScHeme. in thE S2 photodynamicS, The sYstem first relaxes to the s", "whitespace_perturbation": " and S1 states using the f ewest-swit chessur fac e- hopp ingscheme. In the S2 p hotodynamics, the syst em fi rs t rel a xe s tothe S", "underscore_trick": " and_S1 states_using the fewest-switches surface-hopping_scheme. In_the_S2 photodynamics,_the_system first relaxes_to the S"} +{"text": "isely which immune effectors are responsible for the loss of specific worms is still not known although many candidate effectors have been proposed. However, it is now clear", "synonym_substitution": "isely which immune effectors are responsible for the loss of specific worms is however not know although many candidate effectors have been proposed. However, it is immediately clear", "butter_fingers": "isepy which immune effectorr are responsible for vhe losa of spezific worms is still not knoxn aothouth many candidate effeztors havv been pripostd. However, it is ikw cleav", "random_deletion": "isely which immune effectors are responsible for of worms is not known although proposed. it is now", "change_char_case": "isely which immune effectors Are responsIble fOr tHe lOsS of sPeciFic worms is stilL Not kNown although many candidAte efFeCTors HAvE been ProposeD. hoWEVer, It Is Now ClEAr", "whitespace_perturbation": "isely which immune effecto rs are res ponsi ble fo rtheloss of specific w o rmsis still not known alt hough m a ny c a nd idate effect o rs h ave b ee n p ro p os ed. H owe ver, it is now cl ear ", "underscore_trick": "isely which_immune effectors_are responsible for the_loss of_specific_worms is_still_not known although_many candidate effectors_have been proposed. However,_it is now_clear"} +{"text": " CCh-induced IP3 production and CCh-induced [Ca2+]i mobilization were more potently antagonized by 4-DAMP, an", "synonym_substitution": "CCh - induced IP3 production and CCh - induced [ Ca2+]i mobilization were more potently antagonized by 4 - DAMP, an", "butter_fingers": " CCj-induced IP3 production akd CCh-induced [Ca2+]n mobilmzation were mofe potently antagonized by 4-DEMP, qn", "random_deletion": "CCh-induced IP3 production and CCh-induced [Ca2+]i mobilization potently by 4-DAMP,", "change_char_case": " CCh-induced IP3 production and cCh-induced [ca2+]i moBilIzaTiOn weRe moRe potently antaGOnizEd by 4-DAMP, an", "whitespace_perturbation": " CCh-induced IP3 productio n and CCh- induc ed[Ca 2+ ]i m obil ization were m o re p otently antagonized by 4-DA MP , an", "underscore_trick": " CCh-induced_IP3 production_and CCh-induced [Ca2+]i mobilization_were more_potently_antagonized by_4-DAMP,_an"} +{"text": "). The results of this study suggest that simulation of a critical care scenario in a high-fidelity helicopter flight simulator can provide a realistic helicopter transport experience and create", "synonym_substitution": "). The results of this study suggest that simulation of a critical caution scenario in a eminent - fidelity helicopter flight simulator can provide a realistic helicopter transportation experience and create", "butter_fingers": "). Thf results of this study ruggest that simulatioi of a dritical care scenario in a high-fidepiry heoicopter flight simulagor can pgovide a eealmstic helicopter transpovc expsviencz end create", "random_deletion": "). The results of this study suggest of critical care in a high-fidelity a helicopter transport experience create", "change_char_case": "). The results of this study suggEst that simUlatiOn oF a cRiTicaL carE scenario in a hiGH-fidElity helicopter flight sImulaToR Can pROvIde a rEalistiC HeLICopTeR tRanSpORt ExperIenCe and crEate", "whitespace_perturbation": "). The results of this stu dy suggest that si mul at ionof a critical care scen ario in a high-fidelit y hel ic o pter fl ightsimulat o rc a n p ro vi dear ea listi c h elicopt er transpo rtex perience and cr eate", "underscore_trick": "). The_results of_this study suggest that_simulation of_a_critical care_scenario_in a high-fidelity_helicopter flight simulator_can provide a realistic_helicopter transport experience_and_create"} +{"text": " in Crohn's disease.\nCrohn's disease can affect the upper gut with reported variable frequency, although concurrent Helicobacter pylori infection has been reported to", "synonym_substitution": "in Crohn's disease. \n Crohn's disease can affect the upper gut with reported variable frequency, although coincident Helicobacter pylorus contagion has been reported to", "butter_fingers": " in Crohn's disease.\nCrohn's direase can affecj rhe up'er gut with reoorted variable frequency, alvhouth cobcurrent Helicobacter oylori invection yas ueen reported to", "random_deletion": "in Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease can affect gut reported variable although concurrent Helicobacter to", "change_char_case": " in Crohn's disease.\nCrohn's diseAse can affeCt the UppEr gUt With RepoRted variable frEQuenCy, although concurrent HeLicobAcTEr pyLOrI infeCtion haS BeEN RepOrTeD to", "whitespace_perturbation": " in Crohn's disease.\nCrohn 's disease canaff ect t he u pper gut with repo r tedvariable frequency, al thoug hc oncu r re nt He licobac t er p ylo ri i nfe ct i on hasbee n repor ted to", "underscore_trick": " in_Crohn's disease.\nCrohn's_disease can affect the_upper gut_with_reported variable_frequency,_although concurrent Helicobacter_pylori infection has_been reported to"} +{"text": "TIMP3) expression, we isolated and sequenced a clone containing 1315 bp of the 5'-upstream region of the human TIMP-3-encoding", "synonym_substitution": "TIMP3) expression, we isolated and sequenced a clone control 1315 bp of the 5'-upstream area of the human TIMP-3 - encoding", "butter_fingers": "TIMO3) expression, we isolated and sequenced c clone contajning 1315 bo of the 5'-upstream region of vhe yuman TIMP-3-encoding", "random_deletion": "TIMP3) expression, we isolated and sequenced a 1315 of the region of the", "change_char_case": "TIMP3) expression, we isolated aNd sequenceD a cloNe cOntAiNing 1315 Bp of The 5'-upstream regIOn of The human TIMP-3-encoding", "whitespace_perturbation": "TIMP3) expression, we isol ated and s equen ced acl onecont aining 1315 bp of t he 5'-upstream regionof th eh uman TI MP-3- encodin g ", "underscore_trick": "TIMP3) expression,_we isolated_and sequenced a clone_containing 1315_bp_of the_5'-upstream_region of the_human TIMP-3-encoding"} +{"text": " depression status in obese individuals subjected to intragastric balloon treatment.\nAlthough depression is considered to be significantly related to morbid obesity disorder, no information exists on", "synonym_substitution": "depression status in obese individuals subjugate to intragastric balloon discussion. \n Although depression is considered to be importantly related to morbid fleshiness disorder, no information exist on", "butter_fingers": " deoression status in obese individuals suyhected to infragastrkc balloon treatment.\nAlthough dwpreswion is considered to ce signifpcantly rwlattd to morbid obesmfy disovber, nk infmcmation exists pn", "random_deletion": "depression status in obese individuals subjected to treatment. depression is to be significantly no exists on", "change_char_case": " depression status in obese inDividuals sUbjecTed To iNtRagaStriC balloon treatmENt.\nAlThough depression is consIdereD tO Be siGNiFicanTly relaTEd TO MorBiD oBesItY DiSordeR, no InformaTion exists On", "whitespace_perturbation": " depression status in obes e individu als s ubj ect ed tointr agastric ballo o n tr eatment.\nAlthough depr essio ni s co n si dered to bes ig n i fic an tl y r el a te d tomor bid obe sity disor der ,no informati o nexists on", "underscore_trick": " depression_status in_obese individuals subjected to_intragastric balloon_treatment.\nAlthough_depression is_considered_to be significantly_related to morbid_obesity disorder, no information_exists on"} +{"text": " reactive/pseudoneoplastic lesions. Alternatively p53 immunoreactivity in benign processes could be due to an increase in wild-type p53 as a result of different physiological", "synonym_substitution": "reactive / pseudoneoplastic lesions. Alternatively p53 immunoreactivity in benign processes could be due to an increase in raving mad - character p53 as a result of different physiologic", "butter_fingers": " rewctive/pseudoneoplastic ltsions. Alternativglt p53 imkunorezctivity in benign processes could bx duw to qn increase in wild-typd p53 as a gesult of difherent physiologmdal", "random_deletion": "reactive/pseudoneoplastic lesions. Alternatively p53 immunoreactivity in benign be to an in wild-type p53 physiological", "change_char_case": " reactive/pseudoneoplastic lEsions. AlteRnatiVelY p53 iMmUnorEactIvity in benign pROcesSes could be due to an increAse in WiLD-typE P53 aS a resUlt of diFFeRENt pHySiOloGiCAl", "whitespace_perturbation": " reactive/pseudoneoplastic lesions.Alter nat ive ly p53 imm unoreactivityi n be nign processes could b e due t o ani nc rease in wil d -t y p e p 53 a s a r e su lt of di fferent physiolog ica l", "underscore_trick": " reactive/pseudoneoplastic_lesions. Alternatively_p53 immunoreactivity in benign_processes could_be_due to_an_increase in wild-type_p53 as a_result of different physiological"} +{"text": " recommendation, board exam scores, and life experiences. We compared the rate at which interviews were offered to URM candidates and compared those rates to historical data. We", "synonym_substitution": "recommendation, board exam scores, and life experience. We compare the rate at which interviews were offered to URM candidate and compared those rates to diachronic datum. We", "butter_fingers": " refommendation, board exam rcores, and life experixnces. Ws compardd the rate at which intervixws qere iffered to URM candidages and clmpared rhost rates to histormdal data. We", "random_deletion": "recommendation, board exam scores, and life experiences. the at which were offered to rates historical data. We", "change_char_case": " recommendation, board exam scOres, and lifE expeRieNceS. WE comPareD the rate at whicH InteRviews were offered to URM CandiDaTEs anD CoMpareD those rATeS TO hiStOrIcaL dATa. we", "whitespace_perturbation": " recommendation, board exa m scores,and l ife ex pe rien ces. We compared t h e ra te at which interviews were o f fere d t o URM candid a te s and c om par ed th ose r ate s to hi storical d ata .We", "underscore_trick": " recommendation,_board exam_scores, and life experiences._We compared_the_rate at_which_interviews were offered_to URM candidates_and compared those rates_to historical data._We"} +{"text": "cythemia vera the erythroid progenitor cells can survive and develop in the absence of erythropoietin. Members of the Bcl-2 family of", "synonym_substitution": "cythemia vera the erythroid progenitor cells can survive and develop in the absence of erythropoietin. Members of the Bcl-2 syndicate of", "butter_fingers": "cytjemia vera the erythroid progenitor cells can vurvivs and dexelop in the absence of erytiropiietib. Members of the Bcl-2 fxmily of", "random_deletion": "cythemia vera the erythroid progenitor cells can develop the absence erythropoietin. Members of", "change_char_case": "cythemia vera the erythroid pRogenitor cElls cAn sUrvIvE and DeveLop in the absencE Of erYthropoietin. Members of tHe Bcl-2 FaMIly oF", "whitespace_perturbation": "cythemia vera the erythroi d progenit or ce lls ca nsurv iveand develop in theabsence of erythropoie tin.Me m bers of theBcl-2 f a mi l y of ", "underscore_trick": "cythemia vera_the erythroid_progenitor cells can survive_and develop_in_the absence_of_erythropoietin. Members of_the Bcl-2 family_of"} +{"text": "ica (Banjauri), a herbal medicine, as an antifertility agent.\nSafety and contraceptive efficacy of Vicoa Indica (Ban", "synonym_substitution": "ica (Banjauri), a herbal medicine, as an antifertility agent. \n Safety and contraceptive efficacy of Vicoa Indica (Ban", "butter_fingers": "ica (Banjauri), a herbal mediclne, as an antifettulity egent.\nSarety and contraceptive efficacy of Vmcoa Indixa (Ban", "random_deletion": "ica (Banjauri), a herbal medicine, as an Safety contraceptive efficacy Vicoa Indica (Ban", "change_char_case": "ica (Banjauri), a herbal medicinE, as an antifErtilIty AgeNt.\nsafeTy anD contraceptive EFficAcy of Vicoa Indica (Ban", "whitespace_perturbation": "ica (Banjauri), a herbal m edicine, a s anant ife rt ilit y ag ent.\nSafety an d con traceptive efficacy of Vico aI ndic a ( Ban", "underscore_trick": "ica (Banjauri),_a herbal_medicine, as an antifertility_agent.\nSafety and_contraceptive_efficacy of_Vicoa_Indica (Ban"} +{"text": "). It was shown to reduce 33% outward K(+) channel (hippocampal neurons) currents at 10 microM. The solution structure of BmP01", "synonym_substitution": "). It was shown to reduce 33% outward K(+) channel (hippocampal nerve cell) stream at 10 microM. The solution structure of BmP01", "butter_fingers": "). It was shown to reduce 33% ouuward K(+) channel (hnppocam'al neudons) curfents at 10 microM. The solutioi steuctuee of BmP01", "random_deletion": "). It was shown to reduce 33% channel neurons) currents 10 microM. The", "change_char_case": "). It was shown to reduce 33% outward k(+) channel (hiPpocaMpaL neUrOns) cUrreNts at 10 microM. The SOlutIon structure of BmP01", "whitespace_perturbation": "). It was shown to reduce33% outwar d K(+ ) c han ne l (h ippo campal neurons ) cur rents at 10 microM. Th e sol ut i on s t ru cture of BmP 0 1", "underscore_trick": "). It_was shown_to reduce 33% outward_K(+) channel_(hippocampal_neurons) currents_at_10 microM. The_solution structure of_BmP01"} +{"text": " construct a vertically aligned hexagonal boron nitride nanosheet (hBNN) thermal conduction channel structure is proposed to improve the thermal conductivity. First, ex", "synonym_substitution": "construct a vertically aligned hexagonal boron nitride nanosheet (hBNN) thermal conduction channel social organization is aim to improve the thermal conductivity. foremost, ex", "butter_fingers": " cojstruct a vertically alinned hexagonal boron nivride nznosheet (hBNN) thermal conduction chainel struxture is proposed to ioprove thv thermal convuctivity. First, xs", "random_deletion": "construct a vertically aligned hexagonal boron nitride thermal channel structure proposed to improve", "change_char_case": " construct a vertically alignEd hexagonaL boroN niTriDe NanoSheeT (hBNN) thermal coNDuctIon channel structure is pRoposEd TO impROvE the tHermal cONdUCTivItY. FIrsT, eX", "whitespace_perturbation": " construct a vertically al igned hexa gonal bo ron n itri de n anosheet (hBNN ) the rmal conduction channe l str uc t urei spropo sed toi mp r o veth ethe rm a lcondu cti vity. F irst, ex", "underscore_trick": " construct_a vertically_aligned hexagonal boron nitride_nanosheet (hBNN)_thermal_conduction channel_structure_is proposed to_improve the thermal_conductivity. First, ex"} +{"text": " exhaustive approach are discussed. Cell-type-specific and projection-specific brain-wide reconstruction of single neurons.\nWe developed a dual-adeno-associated", "synonym_substitution": "exhaustive approach are discussed. Cell - type - specific and expulsion - specific mind - wide reconstruction of single neurons. \n We evolve a dual - adeno - associated", "butter_fingers": " exjaustive approach are dircussed. Cell-typg-specifir and pdojectiov-specific brain-wide reconstrnctiin of single neurons.\nWe deveuoped a dlal-adeno-awsocmated", "random_deletion": "exhaustive approach are discussed. Cell-type-specific and projection-specific of neurons. We a dual-adeno-associated", "change_char_case": " exhaustive approach are discUssed. Cell-tYpe-spEciFic AnD proJectIon-specific braIN-widE reconstruction of singlE neurOnS.\nwe deVElOped a Dual-adeNO-aSSOciAtEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " exhaustive approach are d iscussed.Cell- typ e-s pe cifi c an d projection-s p ecif ic brain-wide reconstr uctio no f si n gl e neu rons.\nW e d e v elo pe da d ua l -a deno- ass ociated ", "underscore_trick": " exhaustive_approach are_discussed. Cell-type-specific and projection-specific_brain-wide reconstruction_of_single neurons.\nWe_developed_a dual-adeno-associated"} +{"text": " that T cells are unable to process whole MBP. However, batch-purified MBP Ag preparations containing lower m.w. breakdown products were presented by", "synonym_substitution": "that T cells are unable to process solid MBP. However, batch - purify MBP Ag preparations containing lower m.w. breakdown product were presented by", "butter_fingers": " thwt T cells are unable to process whole MBP. Howxver, bafch-purifked MBP Ag preparations conteinibg loqer m.w. breakdown produzts were iresented by", "random_deletion": "that T cells are unable to process However, MBP Ag containing lower m.w.", "change_char_case": " that T cells are unable to procEss whole MBp. HoweVer, BatCh-PuriFied mBP Ag preparatiONs coNtaining lower m.w. breakdoWn proDuCTs weRE pResenTed by", "whitespace_perturbation": " that T cells are unable t o processwhole MB P.Ho weve r, b atch-purifiedM BP A g preparations contain ing l ow e r m. w .break down pr o du c t s w er epre se n te d by", "underscore_trick": " that_T cells_are unable to process_whole MBP._However,_batch-purified MBP_Ag_preparations containing lower_m.w. breakdown products_were presented by"} +{"text": " This is the first report on the natural occurrence of nivalenol, deoxynivalenol and zearalenone in Chinese and U.S", "synonym_substitution": "This is the first report on the natural occurrence of nivalenol, deoxynivalenol and zearalenone in Chinese and U.S", "butter_fingers": " Thls is the first report ok the natural oceyrrencx of nibalenol, aeoxynivalenol and zearalenoie ib Chibese and U.S", "random_deletion": "This is the first report on the of deoxynivalenol and in Chinese and", "change_char_case": " This is the first report on the Natural occUrrenCe oF niVaLenoL, deoXynivalenol and ZEaraLenone in Chinese and U.S", "whitespace_perturbation": " This is the first reporton the nat uralocc urr en ce o f ni valenol, deoxy n ival enol and zearalenone i n Chi ne s e an d U .S", "underscore_trick": " This_is the_first report on the_natural occurrence_of_nivalenol, deoxynivalenol_and_zearalenone in Chinese_and U.S"} +{"text": " dilation of the ducts from the bulbourethral glands located in the bulbous part of the male urethra. It is a rare condition primarily reported in", "synonym_substitution": "dilation of the ducts from the bulbourethral glands located in the bulbous character of the male urethra. It is a rare circumstance primarily reported in", "butter_fingers": " dipation of the ducts from the bulbourethtao glanvs locafed in tfe bulbous part of the male nretyra. Iu is a rare conditiun primarply reporred mn", "random_deletion": "dilation of the ducts from the bulbourethral in bulbous part the male urethra. primarily in", "change_char_case": " dilation of the ducts from the BulbourethRal glAndS loCaTed iN the Bulbous part of tHE malE urethra. It is a rare condiTion pRiMArilY RePorteD in", "whitespace_perturbation": " dilation of the ducts fro m the bulb ouret hra l g la ndsloca ted in the bul b ouspart of the male ureth ra. I ti s ar ar e con ditionp ri m a ril yre por te d i n", "underscore_trick": " dilation_of the_ducts from the bulbourethral_glands located_in_the bulbous_part_of the male_urethra. It is_a rare condition primarily_reported in"} +{"text": " to histological subtype, but in general the trend is poor with fatal outcome. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in mudsnails (Cipangopal", "synonym_substitution": "to histological subtype, but in general the trend is poor with fatal result. Polybrominated diphenyl ether in mudsnails (Cipangopal", "butter_fingers": " to histological subtype, buu in general the jrwnd is poor sith fatxl outcome. Polybrominated di'hentl etyers in mudsnails (Cipavgopal", "random_deletion": "to histological subtype, but in general the poor fatal outcome. diphenyl ethers in", "change_char_case": " to histological subtype, but iN general thE trenD is PooR wIth fAtal Outcome. PolybroMInatEd diphenyl ethers in mudsNails (ciPAngoPAl", "whitespace_perturbation": " to histological subtype,but in gen eralthe tr en d is poo r with fatal o u tcom e. Polybrominated diph enylet h ersi nmudsn ails (C i pa n g opa l", "underscore_trick": " to_histological subtype,_but in general the_trend is_poor_with fatal_outcome._Polybrominated diphenyl ethers_in mudsnails (Cipangopal"} +{"text": "-term outcomes are reported. Primary angioplasty was successfully performed in 129 patients (97.0%). The mean degree of pre-procedural stenosis was 81", "synonym_substitution": "-term outcomes are reported. Primary angioplasty was successfully performed in 129 patient (97.0 %). The base degree of pre - procedural stenosis was 81", "butter_fingers": "-terl outcomes are reported. Krimary angioplasjy was snccessfhlly perwormed in 129 patients (97.0%). The meai detree if pre-procedural stenoris was 81", "random_deletion": "-term outcomes are reported. Primary angioplasty was in patients (97.0%). mean degree of", "change_char_case": "-term outcomes are reported. PrImary angioPlastY waS suCcEssfUlly Performed in 129 patIEnts (97.0%). the mean degree of pre-procEduraL sTEnosIS wAs 81", "whitespace_perturbation": "-term outcomes are reporte d. Primary angi opl ast ywassucc essfully perfo r medin 129 patients (97.0% ). Th em eand eg ree o f pre-p r oc e d ura lst eno si s w as 81 ", "underscore_trick": "-term outcomes_are reported._Primary angioplasty was successfully_performed in_129_patients (97.0%)._The_mean degree of_pre-procedural stenosis was_81"} +{"text": " by UV-vis with the characteristic absorption bands in PECs functionalized with porphyrins. Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) of the poly", "synonym_substitution": "by UV - vis with the characteristic absorption bands in PECs functionalized with porphyrins. Fluorescence life imagination microscopy (FLIM) of the poly", "butter_fingers": " by UV-vis with the charactevistic absorptiou bands in PEDs functkonalized with porphyrins. Flnorewcenct lifetime imaging oicroscopj (FLIM) of the poly", "random_deletion": "by UV-vis with the characteristic absorption bands functionalized porphyrins. Fluorescence imaging microscopy (FLIM)", "change_char_case": " by UV-vis with the characterisTic absorptIon baNds In PeCS funCtioNalized with porPHyriNs. Fluorescence lifetime ImagiNg MIcroSCoPy (FLIm) of the pOLy", "whitespace_perturbation": " by UV-vis with the charac teristic a bsorp tio n b an ds i n PE Cs functionali z ed w ith porphyrins. Fluore scenc el ifet i me imag ing mic r os c o py(F LI M)of th e pol y", "underscore_trick": " by_UV-vis with_the characteristic absorption bands_in PECs_functionalized_with porphyrins._Fluorescence_lifetime imaging microscopy_(FLIM) of the_poly"} +{"text": " in mood disorders) or a decrease in REM sleep (e.g. neurodegenerative disorders). Maintenance of sleep (particularly REM sleep) into late life may not be", "synonym_substitution": "in mood disorders) or a decrease in REM sleep (e.g. neurodegenerative disorder). sustenance of sleep (particularly REM rest) into late life may not be", "butter_fingers": " in mood disorders) or a decvease in REM slegp (e.g. nenrodegeherative disorders). Maintenance of slxep (partixularly REM sleep) into late lifv may not be", "random_deletion": "in mood disorders) or a decrease in (e.g. disorders). Maintenance sleep (particularly REM not", "change_char_case": " in mood disorders) or a decreasE in REM sleeP (e.g. neUroDegEnEratIve dIsorders). MainteNAnce Of sleep (particularly REM Sleep) InTO latE LiFe may Not be", "whitespace_perturbation": " in mood disorders) or a d ecrease in REMsle ep(e .g.neur odegeneratived isor ders). Maintenance ofsleep ( p arti c ul arlyREM sle e p) i nto l at e l if e m ay no t b e", "underscore_trick": " in_mood disorders)_or a decrease in_REM sleep_(e.g._neurodegenerative disorders)._Maintenance_of sleep (particularly_REM sleep) into_late life may not_be"} +{"text": " a radioimmunoassay designed for plasma without characterizing the \"beta TG\" immunoreactivity in urine. We describe modifications of the assay which increase its sensitivity and a sample", "synonym_substitution": "a radioimmunoassay designed for plasma without characterizing the \" beta TG \" immunoreactivity in urine. We describe modifications of the assay which increase its sensitivity and a sample distribution", "butter_fingers": " a gadioimmunoassay designea for plasma wijhiut cheracterjzing thd \"beta TG\" immunoreactivity ii urune. Wt describe modificagions of nhe assay whirh increase its sensitivlcy ans a scm'le", "random_deletion": "a radioimmunoassay designed for plasma without characterizing TG\" in urine. describe modifications of sensitivity a sample", "change_char_case": " a radioimmunoassay designed For plasma wIthouT chAraCtErizIng tHe \"beta TG\" immunoREactIvity in urine. We describe ModifIcATionS Of The asSay whicH InCREasE iTs SenSiTIvIty anD a sAmple", "whitespace_perturbation": " a radioimmunoassay design ed for pla sma w ith out c hara cter izing the \"bet a TG\" immunoreactivity in u rine. W e des c ri be mo dificat i on s ofth eass ay wh ich i ncr ease it s sensitiv ity a nd a sample", "underscore_trick": " a_radioimmunoassay designed_for plasma without characterizing_the \"beta_TG\"_immunoreactivity in_urine._We describe modifications_of the assay_which increase its sensitivity_and a sample"} +{"text": " vasoconstriction reflex of innervated areas during caudal anaesthesia with levobupivacaine and a lower levobupivacaine induced", "synonym_substitution": "vasoconstriction reflex of innervated areas during caudal anaesthesia with levobupivacaine and a lower levobupivacaine induce", "butter_fingers": " vadoconstriction reflex of innervated arecw duriig caudzl anaesghesia with levobupivacaine end q lowtg levobupivacaine indjced", "random_deletion": "vasoconstriction reflex of innervated areas during caudal levobupivacaine a lower induced", "change_char_case": " vasoconstriction reflex of iNnervated aReas dUriNg cAuDal aNaesThesia with levoBUpivAcaine and a lower levobupIvacaInE InduCEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " vasoconstriction reflex o f innervat ed ar eas du ri ng c auda l anaesthesiaw ithlevobupivacaine and alower l e vobu p iv acain e induc e d", "underscore_trick": " vasoconstriction_reflex of_innervated areas during caudal_anaesthesia with_levobupivacaine_and a_lower_levobupivacaine induced"} +{"text": ", its active metabolite, in serum. We used a mu-Bondapak C18 reversed-phase column and a mobile phase of acetonitrile/water", "synonym_substitution": ", its active metabolite, in serum. We used a mu - Bondapak C18 reversed - phase column and a mobile phase of acetonitrile / water", "butter_fingers": ", itd active metabolite, in strum. We used a mu-Yindapan C18 rebersed-phxse column and a mobile phasx of acetinitrile/water", "random_deletion": ", its active metabolite, in serum. We mu-Bondapak reversed-phase column a mobile phase", "change_char_case": ", its active metabolite, in seruM. We used a mu-bondaPak c18 reVeRsed-PhasE column and a mobILe phAse of acetonitrile/water", "whitespace_perturbation": ", its active metabolite, i n serum. W e use d a mu -B onda pakC18 reversed-p h asecolumn and a mobile ph ase o fa ceto n it rile/ water", "underscore_trick": ", its_active metabolite,_in serum. We used_a mu-Bondapak_C18_reversed-phase column_and_a mobile phase_of acetonitrile/water"} +{"text": "), 4, and 12 (rounding-up) to be changed irreversibly. Thus, factors overcame the problem of relating mathematical shape phenotypes, previously", "synonym_substitution": "), 4, and 12 (rounding - up) to be changed irreversibly. Thus, factors overwhelm the trouble of relating mathematical condition phenotype, previously", "butter_fingers": "), 4, ajd 12 (rounding-up) to be chakged irreversibli. Rhus, fectors kvercame the problem of relating matiemarical shape phenotypes, prevkously", "random_deletion": "), 4, and 12 (rounding-up) to be Thus, overcame the of relating mathematical", "change_char_case": "), 4, and 12 (rounding-up) to be changed iRreversiblY. Thus, FacTorS oVercAme tHe problem of relATing Mathematical shape phenoTypes, PrEViouSLy", "whitespace_perturbation": "), 4, and 12 (rounding-up) to be cha ngedirr eve rs ibly . Th us, factors ov e rcam e the problem of relat ing m at h emat i ca l sha pe phen o ty p e s,pr ev iou sl y ", "underscore_trick": "), 4,_and 12_(rounding-up) to be changed_irreversibly. Thus,_factors_overcame the_problem_of relating mathematical_shape phenotypes, previously"} +{"text": " allele is the crucial mechanism in acquisition of GEM resistance in RMKN28. [Overview of lymphoid neoplasms in the fourth edition of the WHO classification].\nThe", "synonym_substitution": "allele is the crucial mechanism in acquisition of GEM resistance in RMKN28. [ Overview of lymphoid neoplasms in the fourth version of the WHO categorization ]. \n The", "butter_fingers": " alpele is the crucial mechxnism in acquisnrion oh GEM rssistancd in RMKN28. [Overview of lymphomd nwoplawms in the fourth editkon of thv WHO clawsifmcation].\nThe", "random_deletion": "allele is the crucial mechanism in acquisition resistance RMKN28. [Overview lymphoid neoplasms in WHO The", "change_char_case": " allele is the crucial mechaniSm in acquisItion Of GeM rEsIstaNce iN RMKN28. [Overview oF LympHoid neoplasms in the fourTh ediTiON of tHE WhO claSsificaTIoN].\ntHe", "whitespace_perturbation": " allele is the crucial mec hanism inacqui sit ion o f GE M re sistance in RM K N28. [Overview of lymphoid neop la s ms i n t he fo urth ed i ti o n of t he WH Oc la ssifi cat ion].\nT he", "underscore_trick": " allele_is the_crucial mechanism in acquisition_of GEM_resistance_in RMKN28._[Overview_of lymphoid neoplasms_in the fourth_edition of the WHO_classification].\nThe"} +{"text": " of antiatherogenic vegetarian diet].\nThe purpose of the study was to examine the capacities of correction of impaired lipid metabolism in patients with CHD receiving selective beta", "synonym_substitution": "of antiatherogenic vegetarian diet ]. \n The purpose of the study was to examine the capacities of discipline of afflicted lipid metamorphosis in patients with CHD receiving selective beta", "butter_fingers": " of antiatherogenic vegetarlan diet].\nThe purpose of vhe stusy was tu examine the capacities of rorrwctiob of impaired lipid megabolism pn patienrs wmth CHD receivinj selectlre befw", "random_deletion": "of antiatherogenic vegetarian diet]. The purpose of was examine the of correction of with receiving selective beta", "change_char_case": " of antiatherogenic vegetariAn diet].\nThe pUrposE of The StUdy wAs to Examine the capaCItieS of correction of impaireD lipiD mETaboLIsM in paTients wITh chd reCeIvIng SeLEcTive bEta", "whitespace_perturbation": " of antiatherogenic vegeta rian diet] .\nThe pu rpo se ofthestudy was to e x amin e the capacities of co rrect io n ofi mp aired lipidm et a b oli sm i n p at i en ts wi thCHD rec eiving sel ect iv e beta", "underscore_trick": " of_antiatherogenic vegetarian_diet].\nThe purpose of the_study was_to_examine the_capacities_of correction of_impaired lipid metabolism_in patients with CHD_receiving selective beta"} +{"text": " cutting and snipping, and minimizes damage to blood vessels and nerves. Evaluation of a polymerase chain reaction-based test for detecting Salmonella spp. in food samples", "synonym_substitution": "cutting and snipping, and minimizes damage to blood vessel and heart. Evaluation of a polymerase chain reaction - based examination for detecting Salmonella spp. in food samples", "butter_fingers": " cuhting and snipping, and mlnimizes damage jo blood vessems and ndrves. Evaluation of a polymecase chaib reaction-based test fur detectpng Salmobelle spp. in food samples", "random_deletion": "cutting and snipping, and minimizes damage to and Evaluation of polymerase chain reaction-based in samples", "change_char_case": " cutting and snipping, and miniMizes damagE to blOod VesSeLs anD nerVes. Evaluation oF A polYmerase chain reaction-baSed teSt FOr deTEcTing SAlmonelLA sPP. In fOoD sAmpLeS", "whitespace_perturbation": " cutting and snipping, and minimizes dama getobl oodvess els and nerves . Eva luation of a polymeras e cha in reac t io n-bas ed test fo r det ec ti ngSa l mo nella sp p. in f ood sample s", "underscore_trick": " cutting_and snipping,_and minimizes damage to_blood vessels_and_nerves. Evaluation_of_a polymerase chain_reaction-based test for_detecting Salmonella spp. in_food samples"} +{"text": " acid synthesis or the formation of such novel conjugates has any pathophysiological significance remain to be investigated. Role of atrial peptide in the acute natriuretic response", "synonym_substitution": "acid synthesis or the formation of such novel conjugates take any pathophysiological meaning remain to be investigated. function of atrial peptide in the acuate natriuretic response", "butter_fingers": " acld synthesis or the formxtion of such novel coijugatea has anh pathophysiological signifirancw remqin to be investigated. Role of wtrial pwptive in the acute iztriurebnc reaionse", "random_deletion": "acid synthesis or the formation of such has pathophysiological significance to be investigated. the natriuretic response", "change_char_case": " acid synthesis or the formatiOn of such noVel coNjuGatEs Has aNy paThophysiologicAL sigNificance remain to be invEstigAtED. RolE Of AtriaL peptidE In THE acUtE nAtrIuREtIc resPonSe", "whitespace_perturbation": " acid synthesis or the for mation ofsuchnov elco njug ates has any patho p hysi ological significanceremai nt o be in vesti gated.R ol e ofat ri alpe p ti de in th e acute natriuret icre sponse", "underscore_trick": " acid_synthesis or_the formation of such_novel conjugates_has_any pathophysiological_significance_remain to be_investigated. Role of_atrial peptide in the_acute natriuretic response"} +{"text": "as, the free form of protein S was undetectable in their plasmas. The levels of C4b-binding protein in the plasma of three of the", "synonym_substitution": "as, the free form of protein S was undetectable in their plasmas. The degree of C4b - tie protein in the plasma of three of the", "butter_fingers": "as, hhe free form of protein S was undetectcvle in their plasmas. The levels of C4b-binding provein in tye plasma of three of ghe", "random_deletion": "as, the free form of protein S in plasmas. The of C4b-binding protein of", "change_char_case": "as, the free form of protein S waS undetectaBle in TheIr pLaSmas. the lEvels of C4b-bindiNG proTein in the plasma of three Of the", "whitespace_perturbation": "as, the free form of prote in S was u ndete cta ble i n th eirplasmas. The l e vels of C4b-binding protei n inth e pla s ma of t hree of th e ", "underscore_trick": "as, the_free form_of protein S was_undetectable in_their_plasmas. The_levels_of C4b-binding protein_in the plasma_of three of the"} +{"text": " late transition metal compounds. Determination of release limits: a general methodology.\nRelease limits of drug dosage forms are defined as the bounds on the potency at which an", "synonym_substitution": "late transition metal compounds. decision of dismissal limits: a general methodology. \n Release limits of drug dose forms are defined as the limit on the potential at which an", "butter_fingers": " lahe transition metal compuunds. Determinajiin of celease limits: x general methodology.\nRelease lumits of drug dosage forms xre definvd as the bouids on the potenrg at whleh an", "random_deletion": "late transition metal compounds. Determination of release general Release limits drug dosage forms on potency at which", "change_char_case": " late transition metal compouNds. DetermiNatioN of RelEaSe liMits: A general methodOLogy.\nrelease limits of drug dosAge foRmS Are dEFiNed as The bounDS oN THe pOtEnCy aT wHIcH an", "whitespace_perturbation": " late transition metal com pounds. De termi nat ion o f re leas e limits: a ge n eral methodology.\nReleaselimit so f dr u gdosag e forms ar e def in ed as t h ebound s o n the p otency atwhi ch an", "underscore_trick": " late_transition metal_compounds. Determination of release_limits: a_general_methodology.\nRelease limits_of_drug dosage forms_are defined as_the bounds on the_potency at which_an"} +{"text": " signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). In this simulation study, we investigated how the reliability of ARI estimates is affected by noise and artefacts in", "synonym_substitution": "signal - to - noise ratios (SNRs). In this simulation discipline, we investigate how the reliability of ARI estimates is affected by randomness and artefacts in", "butter_fingers": " sihnal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Ln this simulation studb, we inbestigatdd how the reliability of ARM esrimattf is affected by nuise and wrtefactw in", "random_deletion": "signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). In this simulation study, how reliability of estimates is affected", "change_char_case": " signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). In This simulaTion sTudY, we InVestIgatEd how the reliabILity Of ARI estimates is affectEd by nOiSE and ARtEfactS in", "whitespace_perturbation": " signal-to-noise ratios (S NRs). In t his s imu lat io n st udy, we investigat e d ho w the reliability of A RI es ti m ates is affe cted by no i s e a nd a rte fa c ts in", "underscore_trick": " signal-to-noise_ratios (SNRs)._In this simulation study,_we investigated_how_the reliability_of_ARI estimates is_affected by noise_and artefacts in"} +{"text": " matter were investigated while analysing different waste-water samples. Application of the methods in various investigated wastewater and surface water samples demonstrated that clotrimazole could only be", "synonym_substitution": "matter were investigated while analysing different thriftlessness - urine samples. Application of the methods in respective investigated wastewater and airfoil water system samples demonstrated that clotrimazole could only be", "butter_fingers": " mahter were investigated wmile analysing dndferenv waste-sater saoples. Application of the metiods in vqrious investigated wartewater wnd surfqce xater samples demonstratcb thaf clocrmmazole could okly be", "random_deletion": "matter were investigated while analysing different waste-water of methods in investigated wastewater and clotrimazole only be", "change_char_case": " matter were investigated whiLe analysinG diffEreNt wAsTe-waTer sAmples. ApplicatIOn of The methods in various invEstigAtED wasTEwAter aNd surfaCE wATEr sAmPlEs dEmONsTrateD thAt clotrImazole couLd oNlY be", "whitespace_perturbation": " matter were investigatedwhile anal ysing di ffe re nt w aste -water samples . App lication of the method s inva r ious in vesti gated w a st e w ate ran d s ur f ac e wat ersamples demonstra ted t hat clotrima z ol e could on lybe", "underscore_trick": " matter_were investigated_while analysing different waste-water_samples. Application_of_the methods_in_various investigated wastewater_and surface water_samples demonstrated that clotrimazole_could only be"} +{"text": " connected nesting sites may be directly linked to higher biocontrol of pest caterpillars within the foraging range around nests. Although grass strips can reduce the negative", "synonym_substitution": "connected nesting sites may be directly linked to eminent biocontrol of pest caterpillar within the foraging range around nests. Although eatage strips can reduce the negative", "butter_fingers": " cojnected nesting sites man be directly liujed to highed biocongrol of pest caterpillars wivhin the doraging range around vests. Altjough grqss wrrips can csduce tmz negzbive", "random_deletion": "connected nesting sites may be directly linked biocontrol pest caterpillars the foraging range can the negative", "change_char_case": " connected nesting sites may bE directly lInked To hIghEr BiocOntrOl of pest caterpILlarS within the foraging rangE arouNd NEsts. aLtHough Grass stRIpS CAn rEdUcE thE nEGaTive", "whitespace_perturbation": " connected nesting sites m ay be dire ctlylin ked t o hi gher biocontrol of pest caterpillars within t he fo ra g ingr an ge ar ound ne s ts . Alt ho ug h g ra s sstrip s c an redu ce the neg ati ve ", "underscore_trick": " connected_nesting sites_may be directly linked_to higher_biocontrol_of pest_caterpillars_within the foraging_range around nests._Although grass strips can_reduce the negative"} +{"text": " enzymes within the glycosomes of this parasite has not been reported before. Both enzymes can make use of PEP for contributing to the production of ATP within the organ", "synonym_substitution": "enzymes within the glycosomes of this parasite has not been reported before. Both enzymes can seduce habit of PEP for contributing to the production of ATP within the organ", "butter_fingers": " enxymes within the glycosooes of this parcwite hes not geen repurted before. Both enzymes cai maje ust of PEP for contricuting to the proeuctmon of ATP withii the orncn", "random_deletion": "enzymes within the glycosomes of this parasite been before. Both can make use the of ATP within organ", "change_char_case": " enzymes within the glycosomeS of this parAsite Has Not BeEn rePortEd before. Both enZYmes Can make use of PEP for contRibutInG To thE PrOductIon of ATp WiTHIn tHe OrGan", "whitespace_perturbation": " enzymes within the glycos omes of th is pa ras ite h as n ot b een reported b e fore . Both enzymes can mak e use o f PEP fo r con tributi n gt o th epr odu ct i on of A TPwithinthe organ", "underscore_trick": " enzymes_within the_glycosomes of this parasite_has not_been_reported before._Both_enzymes can make_use of PEP_for contributing to the_production of ATP_within_the organ"} +{"text": ") and circulatory arrest times (47.8 \u00b1 24.7 vs 42.5 \u00b1 21.7 min, P = 0.130) were similar", "synonym_substitution": ") and circulatory arrest times (47.8 \u00b1 24.7 vs 42.5 \u00b1 21.7 min, phosphorus = 0.130) were exchangeable", "butter_fingers": ") anf circulatory arrest timts (47.8 \u00b1 24.7 vs 42.5 \u00b1 21.7 min, P = 0.130) were similzr", "random_deletion": ") and circulatory arrest times (47.8 \u00b1 42.5 21.7 min, = 0.130) were", "change_char_case": ") and circulatory arrest times (47.8 \u00b1 24.7 Vs 42.5 \u00b1 21.7 min, P = 0.130) were SimilAr", "whitespace_perturbation": ") and circulatory arrest t imes (47.8 \u00b1 24 .7vs42 .5 \u00b1 21. 7 min, P = 0.1 3 0) w ere similar", "underscore_trick": ") and_circulatory arrest_times (47.8 \u00b1 24.7_vs 42.5_\u00b1_21.7 min,_P_= 0.130) were_similar"} +{"text": "itor-induced NO and H2O2 generation respectively, but could all partly block elicitor-induced essential oil biosynthesis. Adding NO-donor sodium nitro", "synonym_substitution": "itor - induced NO and H2O2 generation respectively, but could all partly block elicitor - induce all-important oil biosynthesis. Adding NO - donor sodium nitro", "butter_fingers": "itog-induced NO and H2O2 generxtion respectivglt, but rould aml partlh block elicitor-induced esseitiao oil biosynthesis. Adding NU-donor sofium niteo", "random_deletion": "itor-induced NO and H2O2 generation respectively, but partly elicitor-induced essential biosynthesis. Adding NO-donor", "change_char_case": "itor-induced NO and H2O2 generatIon respectIvely, But CouLd All pArtlY block elicitor-INducEd essential oil biosynthEsis. ADdINg NO-DOnOr sodIum nitrO", "whitespace_perturbation": "itor-induced NO and H2O2 g enerationrespe cti vel y, but cou ld all partlyb lock elicitor-induced esse ntial o i l bi o sy nthes is. Add i ng N O-d on or so di u mnitro ", "underscore_trick": "itor-induced NO_and H2O2_generation respectively, but could_all partly_block_elicitor-induced essential_oil_biosynthesis. Adding NO-donor_sodium nitro"} +{"text": " difference in LCI and intervertebral height of each group between at preoperation and last follow-up were not significant ( P>0.05). And", "synonym_substitution": "difference in LCI and intervertebral height of each group between at preoperation and last follow - up were not significant (P>0.05). And", "butter_fingers": " divference in LCI and intevvertebral heighj if eaci group between at preoperation and last fopliw-up qere not significant ( O>0.05). And", "random_deletion": "difference in LCI and intervertebral height of between preoperation and follow-up were not", "change_char_case": " difference in LCI and interveRtebral heiGht of EacH grOuP betWeen At preoperation ANd laSt follow-up were not signiFicanT ( P>0.05). aNd", "whitespace_perturbation": " difference in LCI and int ervertebra l hei ght of e achgrou p between at p r eope ration and last follow -up w er e not si gnifi cant (P >0 . 0 5). A nd ", "underscore_trick": " difference_in LCI_and intervertebral height of_each group_between_at preoperation_and_last follow-up were_not significant (_P>0.05). And"} +{"text": " rate of 38% after one year of cytomegalovirus retinitis (CMVR). The current rate of detachment may be reduced by improved therapies for CMVR", "synonym_substitution": "rate of 38% after one year of cytomegalovirus retinitis (CMVR). The current rate of detachment may be dilute by better therapies for CMVR", "butter_fingers": " rahe of 38% after one year of cytomegalovirus retinmtis (CMBR). The cjrrent rate of detachment mab be reduxed by improved therapkes for CLVR", "random_deletion": "rate of 38% after one year of (CMVR). current rate detachment may be CMVR", "change_char_case": " rate of 38% after one year of cytomEgalovirus RetinItiS (CMvR). the cUrreNt rate of detachMEnt mAy be reduced by improved tHerapIeS For CmvR", "whitespace_perturbation": " rate of 38% after one yea r of cytom egalo vir usre tini tis(CMVR). The cu r rent rate of detachment ma y bere d uced by impr oved th e ra p i esfo rCMV R", "underscore_trick": " rate_of 38%_after one year of_cytomegalovirus retinitis_(CMVR)._The current_rate_of detachment may_be reduced by_improved therapies for CMVR"} +{"text": " disseminated ovarian carcinoma when applied in the autologous tumor cells in vitro. This effect was not observed with 10 micrograms/ml concentration of 5-fluorouracil.", "synonym_substitution": "disseminated ovarian carcinoma when applied in the autologous tumor cells in vitro. This effect was not note with 10 microgram / ml concentration of 5 - fluorouracil.", "butter_fingers": " didseminated ovarian carcikoma when applieb in thx autolkgous tuoor cells in vitro. This effert wqs nou observed with 10 mizrograms/mp concenrratmon of 5-fluorourarjl.", "random_deletion": "disseminated ovarian carcinoma when applied in the cells vitro. This was not observed 5-fluorouracil.", "change_char_case": " disseminated ovarian carcinOma when appLied iN thE auToLogoUs tuMor cells in vitrO. this Effect was not observed wiTh 10 micRoGRams/ML cOncenTration OF 5-fLUOroUrAcIl.", "whitespace_perturbation": " disseminated ovarian carc inoma when appl ied in t he a utol ogous tumor ce l ls i n vitro. This effect w as no to bser v ed with 10 mic r og r a ms/ ml c onc en t ra tionof5-fluor ouracil.", "underscore_trick": " disseminated_ovarian carcinoma_when applied in the_autologous tumor_cells_in vitro._This_effect was not_observed with 10_micrograms/ml concentration of 5-fluorouracil."} +{"text": " form, such as S-R-R, S-R-S, S-S-R, generally performed better than S-S-S select", "synonym_substitution": "form, such as S - R - R, S - R - S, S - south - radius, generally performed better than S - S - S select", "butter_fingers": " fogm, such as S-R-R, S-R-S, S-S-R, gtnerally performeb bettec than A-S-S selezt", "random_deletion": "form, such as S-R-R, S-R-S, S-S-R, generally than select", "change_char_case": " form, such as S-R-R, S-R-S, S-S-R, generaLly performEd betTer ThaN S-s-S seLect", "whitespace_perturbation": " form, such as S-R-R, S-R- S, S-S-R,gener all y p er form ed b etter than S-S - S se lect", "underscore_trick": " form,_such as_S-R-R, S-R-S, S-S-R, generally_performed better_than_S-S-S select"} +{"text": " hatching or attachment of blastocysts, but either one could inhibit outgrowth. Thus, it was concluded that human decidual beta1 integrin and FAK", "synonym_substitution": "hatching or attachment of blastocysts, but either one could inhibit emergence. therefore, it was concluded that human decidual beta1 integrin and FAK", "butter_fingers": " hahching or attachment of nlastocysts, but girher oie couls inhibig outgrowth. Thus, it was concpueed tyat human decidual betx1 integrij and FAJ", "random_deletion": "hatching or attachment of blastocysts, but either inhibit Thus, it concluded that human", "change_char_case": " hatching or attachment of blaStocysts, buT eithEr oNe cOuLd inHibiT outgrowth. Thus, IT was Concluded that human deciDual bEtA1 InteGRiN and FaK", "whitespace_perturbation": " hatching or attachment of blastocys ts, b uteit he r on e co uld inhibit ou t grow th. Thus, it was concl udedth a t hu m an deci dual be t a1 i nte gr in an dF AK ", "underscore_trick": " hatching_or attachment_of blastocysts, but either_one could_inhibit_outgrowth. Thus,_it_was concluded that_human decidual beta1_integrin and FAK"} +{"text": "/ml) in serum-free Ham's F12/DME media for 24 h (n=3-4 replicates). Production rates of interleukin (IL", "synonym_substitution": "/ml) in serum - free Ham's F12 / DME media for 24 h (n=3 - 4 replicates). Production pace of interleukin (IL", "butter_fingers": "/ml) ln serum-free Ham's F12/DME mtdia for 24 h (n=3-4 replicates). Produdtion rages of interleukin (IL", "random_deletion": "/ml) in serum-free Ham's F12/DME media for (n=3-4 Production rates interleukin (IL", "change_char_case": "/ml) in serum-free Ham's F12/DME mediA for 24 h (n=3-4 replIcateS). PrOduCtIon rAtes Of interleukin (Il", "whitespace_perturbation": "/ml) in serum-free Ham's F 12/DME med ia fo r 2 4 h ( n=3- 4 re plicates). Pro d ucti on rates of interleuki n (IL ", "underscore_trick": "/ml) in_serum-free Ham's_F12/DME media for 24_h (n=3-4_replicates)._Production rates_of_interleukin (IL"} +{"text": " still positive at the end of 2 month treatment. Their ages ranged from 16-80 (average 45) years. Among them, 29 received the first-treatment", "synonym_substitution": "still positive at the end of 2 month discussion. Their age ranged from 16 - 80 (average 45) days. Among them, 29 receive the first - treatment", "butter_fingers": " stlll positive at the end uf 2 month treatment. Thxir agea ranged from 16-80 (average 45) years. Among vhem, 29 rectpved the first-treatmevt", "random_deletion": "still positive at the end of 2 Their ranged from (average 45) years. first-treatment", "change_char_case": " still positive at the end of 2 moNth treatmeNt. TheIr aGes RaNged From 16-80 (Average 45) years. AmONg thEm, 29 received the first-treaTment", "whitespace_perturbation": " still positive at the end of 2 mont h tre atm ent .Thei r ag es ranged from 16-8 0 (average 45) years.Among t h em,2 9recei ved the fi r s t-t re at men t", "underscore_trick": " still_positive at_the end of 2_month treatment._Their_ages ranged_from_16-80 (average 45)_years. Among them,_29 received the first-treatment"} +{"text": " isocitrate dehydrogenase: hydride transfer and co-factor specificity.\nThe crystal structure of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans isocitrate", "synonym_substitution": "isocitrate dehydrogenase: hydride transfer and co - factor specificity. \n The crystal structure of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans isocitrate", "butter_fingers": " islcitrate dehydrogenase: hndride transfer cbd co-fector slecificigy.\nThe crystal structure of Aridirhiobqcillus thiooxidans isucitrate", "random_deletion": "isocitrate dehydrogenase: hydride transfer and co-factor specificity. structure Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans", "change_char_case": " isocitrate dehydrogenase: hyDride transFer anD co-FacToR speCifiCity.\nThe crystal STrucTure of AcidithiobacilluS thioOxIDans ISoCitraTe", "whitespace_perturbation": " isocitrate dehydrogenase: hydride t ransf erand c o-fa ctor specificity.T he c rystal structure of Ac idith io b acil l us thio oxidans is o c itr at e", "underscore_trick": " isocitrate_dehydrogenase: hydride_transfer and co-factor specificity.\nThe_crystal structure_of_Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans_isocitrate"} +{"text": "dependent adaptations to exercise training in healthy human subjects. Empirical rules facilitate the search for binding sites on protein surfaces.\nComputational surface screening of 3D protein", "synonym_substitution": "dependent adaptations to exercise training in goodly human discipline. Empirical rules help the search for binding site on protein surfaces. \n Computational open screening of 3D protein", "butter_fingers": "depfndent adaptations to extrcise training iu healtiy humah subjecgs. Empirical rules facilitatx thw seaech for binding sites un proteij surfacws.\nConputational surface screehlng oy 3V protein", "random_deletion": "dependent adaptations to exercise training in healthy Empirical facilitate the for binding sites screening 3D protein", "change_char_case": "dependent adaptations to exeRcise trainIng in HeaLthY hUman SubjEcts. Empirical rULes fAcilitate the search for bIndinG sITes oN PrOtein SurfaceS.\ncoMPUtaTiOnAl sUrFAcE screEniNg of 3D prOtein", "whitespace_perturbation": "dependent adaptations to e xercise tr ainin g i n h ea lthy hum an subjects. E m piri cal rules facilitate t he se ar c h fo r b indin g sites on p rot ei nsur fa c es .\nCom put ational surface s cre en ing of 3D pr o te in", "underscore_trick": "dependent adaptations_to exercise_training in healthy human_subjects. Empirical_rules_facilitate the_search_for binding sites_on protein surfaces.\nComputational_surface screening of 3D_protein"} +{"text": " China. Results showed that cadmium, copper (Cu), mercury, Pb, antimony (Sb), and zinc demonstrated to be the typical urban contaminants and mostly", "synonym_substitution": "China. Results showed that cadmium, copper (Cu), mercury, Pb, antimony (Sb), and zinc demonstrated to be the distinctive urban contaminant and by and large", "butter_fingers": " Chlna. Results showed that gadmium, copper (Co), nercurb, Pb, anfimony (Sc), and zinc demonstrated to bx thw typucal urban contaminantr and mosnly", "random_deletion": "China. Results showed that cadmium, copper (Cu), antimony and zinc to be the", "change_char_case": " China. Results showed that cadMium, copper (cu), merCurY, Pb, AnTimoNy (Sb), And zinc demonstRAted To be the typical urban conTaminAnTS and MOsTly", "whitespace_perturbation": " China. Results showed tha t cadmium, copp er(Cu ), mer cury , Pb, antimony (Sb) , and zinc demonstrate d tobe thet yp icalurban c o nt a m ina nt sand m o st ly", "underscore_trick": " China._Results showed_that cadmium, copper (Cu),_mercury, Pb,_antimony_(Sb), and_zinc_demonstrated to be_the typical urban_contaminants and mostly"} +{"text": " perspective.\nThe role of bile acids (BA) extends far beyond lipid digestion and cholesterol metabolism. The transcriptional regulation of multiple genes within the liver and intestine are", "synonym_substitution": "perspective. \n The role of bile acids (BA) extends far beyond lipid digestion and cholesterol metamorphosis. The transcriptional rule of multiple gene within the liver and intestine are", "butter_fingers": " pegspective.\nThe role of bilt acids (BA) extends far bxyond ljpid digdstion and cholesterol metabllusm. Tye transcriptional regjlation ov multipoe gtnes within the lmber and intesflne axe", "random_deletion": "perspective. The role of bile acids (BA) beyond digestion and metabolism. The transcriptional the and intestine are", "change_char_case": " perspective.\nThe role of bile aCids (BA) exteNds faR beYonD lIpid DigeStion and cholesTErol Metabolism. The transcripTionaL rEGulaTIoN of muLtiple gENeS WIthIn ThE liVeR AnD inteStiNe are", "whitespace_perturbation": " perspective.\nThe role ofbile acids (BA) ex ten ds far bey ond lipid dige s tion and cholesterol metab olism .T he t r an scrip tionalr eg u l ati on o f m ul t ip le ge nes within the liver an dintestine ar e ", "underscore_trick": " perspective.\nThe_role of_bile acids (BA) extends_far beyond_lipid_digestion and_cholesterol_metabolism. The transcriptional_regulation of multiple_genes within the liver_and intestine are"} +{"text": "ilepsy surgery is safe and effective treatment in children who fail to respond to antiepileptic medications. After failure of two appropriate antiepileptic medications,", "synonym_substitution": "ilepsy surgery is safe and effective treatment in children who fail to react to antiepileptic medicine. After failure of two appropriate antiepileptic medications,", "butter_fingers": "ileosy surgery is safe and tffective treatmeur in ciildren who faiu to respond to antiepileptir meeicatuons. After failure of gwo approiriate anriepmleptic medications,", "random_deletion": "ilepsy surgery is safe and effective treatment who to respond antiepileptic medications. After medications,", "change_char_case": "ilepsy surgery is safe and effEctive treaTment In cHilDrEn whO faiL to respond to anTIepiLeptic medications. After FailuRe OF two APpRopriAte antiEPiLEPtiC mEdIcaTiONs,", "whitespace_perturbation": "ilepsy surgery is safe and effective trea tme ntin chi ldre n who fail tor espo nd to antiepileptic me dicat io n s. A f te r fai lure of tw o app ro pr iat ea nt iepil ept ic medi cations,", "underscore_trick": "ilepsy surgery_is safe_and effective treatment in_children who_fail_to respond_to_antiepileptic medications. After_failure of two_appropriate antiepileptic medications,"} +{"text": " A greater than neurokinin B. SP stimulation of transfected cells resulted in a rapid and transient inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate response", "synonym_substitution": "A greater than neurokinin B. SP stimulation of transfected cells resulted in a rapid and transeunt inositol 1,4,5 - trisphosphate reception", "butter_fingers": " A hreater than neurokinin N. SP stimulation of traisfectes cells fesulted in a rapid and trandiwnt ibositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate fesponse", "random_deletion": "A greater than neurokinin B. SP stimulation cells in a and transient inositol", "change_char_case": " A greater than neurokinin B. SP StimulatioN of trAnsFecTeD celLs reSulted in a rapid ANd trAnsient inositol 1,4,5-trisphoSphatE rESponSE", "whitespace_perturbation": " A greater than neurokinin B. SP sti mulat ion of t rans fect ed cells resul t ed i n a rapid and transien t ino si t ol 1 , 4, 5-tri sphosph a te r esp on se ", "underscore_trick": " A_greater than_neurokinin B. SP stimulation_of transfected_cells_resulted in_a_rapid and transient_inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate response"} +{"text": " and temporal regulation of effector interactions. Integrin-mediated cell adhesion modulates the interaction of GTP-Rac with its effectors by controlling GTP-Rac membrane", "synonym_substitution": "and temporal regulation of effector interactions. Integrin - intercede cellular telephone adhesion modulates the interaction of GTP - Rac with its effector by control GTP - Rac membrane", "butter_fingers": " anf temporal regulation of effector intercxtions. Integdin-mediaged cell adhesion modulates vhe unterqction of GTP-Rac with kts effecnors by cintrioling GTP-Red membrane", "random_deletion": "and temporal regulation of effector interactions. Integrin-mediated modulates interaction of with its effectors", "change_char_case": " and temporal regulation of efFector inteRactiOns. intEgRin-mEdiaTed cell adhesioN ModuLates the interaction of GtP-Rac WiTH its EFfEctorS by contROlLINg GtP-raC meMbRAnE", "whitespace_perturbation": " and temporal regulation o f effector inte rac tio ns . In tegr in-mediated ce l l ad hesion modulates the i ntera ct i on o f G TP-Ra c withi ts e ffe ct or s b yc on troll ing GTP-Ra c membrane ", "underscore_trick": " and_temporal regulation_of effector interactions. Integrin-mediated_cell adhesion_modulates_the interaction_of_GTP-Rac with its_effectors by controlling_GTP-Rac membrane"} +{"text": " arthroplasty (TKA). I therefore conducted a prospective study to evaluate the use of the native femoral sulcus as a guide for the medial/lateral positioning", "synonym_substitution": "arthroplasty (TKA). I therefore conducted a prospective study to evaluate the habit of the native femoral sulcus as a template for the medial / lateral positioning", "butter_fingers": " arhhroplasty (TKA). I therefove conducted a ptowpectite studg to evauuate the use of the native hemoeal sylcus as a guide for tfe medial/pateral posiuioning", "random_deletion": "arthroplasty (TKA). I therefore conducted a prospective evaluate use of native femoral sulcus medial/lateral", "change_char_case": " arthroplasty (TKA). I therefore Conducted a ProspEctIve StUdy tO evaLuate the use of tHE natIve femoral sulcus as a guiDe for ThE MediAL/lAteraL positiONiNG", "whitespace_perturbation": " arthroplasty (TKA). I the refore con ducte d a pr os pect ivestudy to evalu a te t he use of the native f emora ls ulcu s a s a g uide fo r t h e me di al /la te r al posi tio ning", "underscore_trick": " arthroplasty_(TKA). I_therefore conducted a prospective_study to_evaluate_the use_of_the native femoral_sulcus as a_guide for the medial/lateral_positioning"} +{"text": " receptor-associated kinase 4 (IRAK4)-encoding gene in salmonid fish: the functional copy is rearranged in Oncorhynchus mykiss", "synonym_substitution": "receptor - associated kinase 4 (IRAK4)-encoding gene in salmonid fish: the functional transcript is rearrange in Oncorhynchus mykiss", "butter_fingers": " refeptor-associated kinase 4 (IRAK4)-encoding ggnw in selmonid fish: thd functional copy is rearranjed un Onxorhynchus mykiss", "random_deletion": "receptor-associated kinase 4 (IRAK4)-encoding gene in salmonid functional is rearranged Oncorhynchus mykiss", "change_char_case": " receptor-associated kinase 4 (IrAK4)-encodinG gene In sAlmOnId fiSh: thE functional copY Is reArranged in Oncorhynchus MykisS", "whitespace_perturbation": " receptor-associated kinas e 4 (IRAK4 )-enc odi ngge ne i n sa lmonid fish: t h e fu nctional copy is rearr anged i n Onc o rh ynchu s mykis s ", "underscore_trick": " receptor-associated_kinase 4_(IRAK4)-encoding gene in salmonid_fish: the_functional_copy is_rearranged_in Oncorhynchus mykiss"} +{"text": "based genotyping in more than 200 individuals. The deltaE4-6 deletion in CYP2GP1 was detected in 94% of subjects (either homozygous or heterozygous", "synonym_substitution": "based genotyping in more than 200 individuals. The deltaE4 - 6 deletion in CYP2GP1 was detected in 94% of discipline (either homozygous or heterozygous", "butter_fingers": "basfd genotyping in more thxn 200 individuals. The dentaE4-6 dsletion kn CYP2GP1 was detected in 94% of sybjecuf (either homozygour or hetegozygous", "random_deletion": "based genotyping in more than 200 individuals. deletion CYP2GP1 was in 94% of", "change_char_case": "based genotyping in more than 200 IndividualS. The dEltAE4-6 dElEtioN in CyP2GP1 was detecteD In 94% of Subjects (either homozygoUs or hEtERozyGOuS", "whitespace_perturbation": "based genotyping in more t han 200 in divid ual s.Th e de ltaE 4-6 deletion i n CYP 2GP1 was detected in 9 4% of s u bjec t s(eith er homo z yg o u s o rhe ter oz y go us", "underscore_trick": "based genotyping_in more_than 200 individuals. The_deltaE4-6 deletion_in_CYP2GP1 was_detected_in 94% of_subjects (either homozygous_or heterozygous"} +{"text": " Pathologic alterations of microvascular blood flow occur in a variety of diseases of the foot, and often cause severe functional impairment. The structure, function, and methods", "synonym_substitution": "Pathologic alterations of microvascular blood flow occur in a variety show of disease of the foot, and often induce severe running impairment. The structure, routine, and method acting", "butter_fingers": " Pahhologic alterations of oicrovascular blood flmw occhr in a xariety of diseases of the flor, and often cause severe fuvctional pmpairmenr. Tht structure, functmkn, and methoda", "random_deletion": "Pathologic alterations of microvascular blood flow occur variety diseases of foot, and often structure, and methods", "change_char_case": " Pathologic alterations of miCrovasculaR blooD flOw oCcUr in A varIety of diseases OF the Foot, and often cause severE funcTiONal iMPaIrmenT. The strUCtURE, fuNcTiOn, aNd MEtHods", "whitespace_perturbation": " Pathologic alterations of microvasc ularblo odfl ow o ccur in a varietyo f di seases of the foot, an d oft en caus e s evere functi o na l imp ai rm ent .T he stru ctu re, fun ction, and me th ods", "underscore_trick": " Pathologic_alterations of_microvascular blood flow occur_in a_variety_of diseases_of_the foot, and_often cause severe_functional impairment. The structure,_function, and methods"} +{"text": "ative dentin formation is essential for maintaining the integrity of dentin structure during disease or trauma. In this study, we investigated stem/progenitor cell-", "synonym_substitution": "ative dentin formation is essential for maintaining the integrity of dentine social organization during disease or trauma. In this study, we investigate stalk / progenitor cell-", "butter_fingers": "atige dentin formation is ersential for manbtainiig the jntegrith of dentin structure during duseast or trauma. In this study, we investitatev stem/progenitor cell-", "random_deletion": "ative dentin formation is essential for maintaining of structure during or trauma. In cell-", "change_char_case": "ative dentin formation is essEntial for mAintaIniNg tHe InteGritY of dentin strucTUre dUring disease or trauma. In This sTuDY, we iNVeStigaTed stem/PRoGENitOr CeLl-", "whitespace_perturbation": "ative dentin formation isessentialfor m ain tai ni ng t he i ntegrity of de n tinstructure during disea se or t r auma . I n thi s study , w e inv es ti gat ed st em/pr oge nitor c ell-", "underscore_trick": "ative dentin_formation is_essential for maintaining the_integrity of_dentin_structure during_disease_or trauma. In_this study, we_investigated stem/progenitor cell-"} +{"text": " (VF1) and 1.5m(3)m(-2)d(-1) (VF1.5). Both VF1 and V", "synonym_substitution": "(VF1) and 1.5m(3)m(-2)d(-1) (VF1.5). Both VF1 and V", "butter_fingers": " (VF1) and 1.5m(3)m(-2)d(-1) (VF1.5). Both VF1 and Y", "random_deletion": "(VF1) and 1.5m(3)m(-2)d(-1) (VF1.5). Both VF1 and", "change_char_case": " (VF1) and 1.5m(3)m(-2)d(-1) (VF1.5). Both VF1 and V", "whitespace_perturbation": " (VF1) and 1.5m(3)m(-2)d(- 1) (VF1.5) . Bot h V F1an d V", "underscore_trick": " (VF1)_and 1.5m(3)m(-2)d(-1)_(VF1.5). Both VF1 and_V"} +{"text": " IL-1\u03b2 of the experimental group A, experimental group B and experimental group C were significantly lower than the control group. Propofol can reduce anesthesia effect", "synonym_substitution": "IL-1\u03b2 of the experimental group A, experimental group B and experimental group C were significantly lower than the control group. Propofol can reduce anesthesia consequence", "butter_fingers": " IL-1\u03b2 of the experimental gromp A, experimental group B and experimdntal group C were significaitly lowee than the control grojp. Propofll can rwduct anesthesia efferf", "random_deletion": "IL-1\u03b2 of the experimental group A, experimental and group C significantly lower than reduce effect", "change_char_case": " IL-1\u03b2 of the experimental group a, experimenTal grOup b anD eXperImenTal group C were sIGnifIcantly lower than the conTrol gRoUP. ProPOfOl can Reduce aNEsTHEsiA eFfEct", "whitespace_perturbation": " IL-1\u03b2 of the experimental group A,exper ime nta lgrou p Band experiment a l gr oup C were significant ly lo we r tha n t he co ntrol g r ou p . Pr op of olca n r educe an esthesi a effect", "underscore_trick": " IL-1\u03b2_of the_experimental group A, experimental_group B_and_experimental group_C_were significantly lower_than the control_group. Propofol can reduce_anesthesia effect"} +{"text": " fibroin. LSL is known to have multiple biological functionalities and hence hydrogels of these green molecules have promising applications in the biomedical sector. In this", "synonym_substitution": "fibroin. LSL is known to have multiple biological functionalities and hence hydrogel of these fleeceable atom have predict application in the biomedical sector. In this", "butter_fingers": " fihroin. LSL is known to haye multiple biological hunctiohalities and hence hydrogels of thesx grwen milecules have promisine applicanions in rhe uiomedical sectoc. In this", "random_deletion": "fibroin. LSL is known to have multiple and hydrogels of green molecules have sector. this", "change_char_case": " fibroin. LSL is known to have muLtiple biolOgicaL fuNctIoNaliTies And hence hydrogELs of These green molecules havE promIsINg apPLiCatioNs in the BIoMEDicAl SeCtoR. IN ThIs", "whitespace_perturbation": " fibroin. LSL is known tohave multi ple b iol ogi ca l fu ncti onalities andh ence hydrogels of these gr een m ol e cule s h ave p romisin g a p p lic at io nsin th e bio med ical se ctor. In t his ", "underscore_trick": " fibroin._LSL is_known to have multiple_biological functionalities_and_hence hydrogels_of_these green molecules_have promising applications_in the biomedical sector._In this"} +{"text": " followed by 42% learning disorders, and 36% epilepsy. Additional disabilities included motor deficits (34%), behavioral disorders (30%), visual impairment (30%), and communication", "synonym_substitution": "followed by 42% learning disorders, and 36% epilepsy. Additional disability include motor deficits (34 %), behavioral disorders (30 %), ocular deterioration (30 %), and communication", "butter_fingers": " foplowed by 42% learning disovders, and 36% epilekst. Addivional sisabiligies included motor deficits (34%), vehavuoral disorders (30%), visuau impairmvnt (30%), and xommnnication", "random_deletion": "followed by 42% learning disorders, and 36% disabilities motor deficits behavioral disorders (30%),", "change_char_case": " followed by 42% learning disordeRs, and 36% epilePsy. AdDitIonAl DisaBiliTies included moTOr deFicits (34%), behavioral disordErs (30%), viSuAL impAIrMent (30%), aNd commuNIcATIon", "whitespace_perturbation": " followed by 42% learningdisorders, and36% ep il epsy . Ad ditional disab i liti es included motor defi cits(3 4 %),b eh avior al diso r de r s (3 0% ), vi su a limpai rme nt (30% ), and com mun ic ation", "underscore_trick": " followed_by 42%_learning disorders, and 36%_epilepsy. Additional_disabilities_included motor_deficits_(34%), behavioral disorders_(30%), visual impairment_(30%), and communication"} +{"text": " treatment should be considered. Two components of GABA-induced currents in catfish retinal horizontal cells.\nIn cone-driven horizontal cells dissociated from the catfish", "synonym_substitution": "treatment should be considered. Two components of GABA - induced stream in catfish retinal horizontal cell. \n In cone - driven horizontal cells dissociated from the wolffish", "butter_fingers": " trfatment should be considtred. Two componenjs of GAUA-inducsd currevts in catfish retinal horizlnral ctjls.\nIn cone-driven hurizontal cells dussoriated from the rztfish", "random_deletion": "treatment should be considered. Two components of in retinal horizontal In cone-driven horizontal", "change_char_case": " treatment should be considerEd. Two compoNents Of GaBA-InDuceD curRents in catfish REtinAl horizontal cells.\nIn conE-drivEn HOrizONtAl celLs dissoCIaTED frOm ThE caTfISh", "whitespace_perturbation": " treatment should be consi dered. Two comp one nts o f GA BA-i nduced current s incatfish retinal horizo ntalce l ls.I ncone- drivenh or i z ont al c ell sd is socia ted from t he catfish ", "underscore_trick": " treatment_should be_considered. Two components of_GABA-induced currents_in_catfish retinal_horizontal_cells.\nIn cone-driven horizontal_cells dissociated from_the catfish"} +{"text": " was 4.1 years with 90% of the patients being followed for 2 or more years. The 5-year disease-free survival (DFS) for", "synonym_substitution": "was 4.1 years with 90% of the patients being followed for 2 or more years. The 5 - class disease - spare survival (DFS) for", "butter_fingers": " wad 4.1 years with 90% of the pauients being followed foc 2 or mkre yearr. The 5-year disease-free survital (EFS) fir", "random_deletion": "was 4.1 years with 90% of the followed 2 or years. The 5-year", "change_char_case": " was 4.1 years with 90% of the patients Being folloWed foR 2 or MorE yEars. the 5-yEar disease-free SUrviVal (DFS) for", "whitespace_perturbation": " was 4.1 years with 90% of the patie nts b ein g f ol lowe d fo r 2 or more ye a rs.The 5-year disease-fre e sur vi v al ( D FS ) for ", "underscore_trick": " was_4.1 years_with 90% of the_patients being_followed_for 2_or_more years. The_5-year disease-free survival_(DFS) for"} +{"text": " major degree, by the rate of excretion of free water by the kidney. A rapid increase in serum sodium concentration would occur if antidiuretic hormone (AD", "synonym_substitution": "major degree, by the rate of excretion of free urine by the kidney. A rapid addition in serum sodium concentration would occur if antidiuretic hormone (AD", "butter_fingers": " mauor degree, by the rate on excretion of ftew watec by ths kidney. A rapid increase in serum slduum cincentration would occjr if antpdiuretic hornine (AD", "random_deletion": "major degree, by the rate of excretion water the kidney. rapid increase in if hormone (AD", "change_char_case": " major degree, by the rate of excRetion of frEe watEr bY thE kIdneY. A raPid increase in sERum sOdium concentration woulD occuR iF AntiDIuRetic Hormone (ad", "whitespace_perturbation": " major degree, by the rate of excret ion o f f ree w ater bythe kidney. Ar apid increase in serum sod ium c on c entr a ti on wo uld occ u ri f an ti di ure ti c h ormon e ( AD", "underscore_trick": " major_degree, by_the rate of excretion_of free_water_by the_kidney._A rapid increase_in serum sodium_concentration would occur if_antidiuretic hormone (AD"} +{"text": " to create a general, amodal representation of locative prepositions that allow for flexible comparisons to either verbal or visual-spatial material. The relationship between choice", "synonym_substitution": "to create a general, amodal representation of locative prepositions that leave for elastic comparisons to either verbal or visual - spatial material. The kinship between choice", "butter_fingers": " to create a general, amodal representation of locetive pdepositiuns that allow for flexible rompqrisobs to either verbal or visual-spwtial mareriel. The relationsijp betwczn chklce", "random_deletion": "to create a general, amodal representation of that for flexible to either verbal between", "change_char_case": " to create a general, amodal repResentatioN of loCatIve PrEposItioNs that allow for FLexiBle comparisons to either VerbaL oR VisuAL-sPatiaL materiAL. THE RelAtIoNshIp BEtWeen cHoiCe", "whitespace_perturbation": " to create a general, amod al represe ntati onoflo cati ve p repositions th a t al low for flexible compa rison st o ei t he r ver bal orv is u a l-s pa ti alma t er ial.The relati onship bet wee nchoice", "underscore_trick": " to_create a_general, amodal representation of_locative prepositions_that_allow for_flexible_comparisons to either_verbal or visual-spatial_material. The relationship between_choice"} +{"text": " speech test at six SNRs individually determined for each subject in order to avoid floor and ceiling effects. The results revealed significant directional benefit was present at all tested SN", "synonym_substitution": "speech test at six SNRs individually determined for each subject in decree to invalidate floor and ceiling effects. The results revealed meaning directional benefit was present at all tested SN", "butter_fingers": " spfech test at six SNRs inaividually detetmuned fmr eacg subjecg in order to avoid floor anv ceuling effects. The results rdvealed spgnificanr dicectional benefiv was prcfent wt ano tested SN", "random_deletion": "speech test at six SNRs individually determined subject order to floor and ceiling directional was present at tested SN", "change_char_case": " speech test at six SNRs indiviDually deteRmineD foR eaCh SubjEct iN order to avoid fLOor aNd ceiling effects. The resUlts rEvEAled SIgNificAnt direCTiONAl bEnEfIt wAs PReSent aT alL tested sN", "whitespace_perturbation": " speech test at six SNRs i ndividuall y det erm ine dforeach subject in or d er t o avoid floor and ceil ing e ff e cts. Th e res ults re v ea l e d s ig ni fic an t d irect ion al bene fit was pr ese nt at all test e dSN", "underscore_trick": " speech_test at_six SNRs individually determined_for each_subject_in order_to_avoid floor and_ceiling effects. The_results revealed significant directional_benefit was present_at_all tested SN"} +{"text": " during normoxic irradiation yet had no effect on oxygen-dependent irradiation injury. However, NO synthase inhibitor N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine protected", "synonym_substitution": "during normoxic irradiation yet had no effect on oxygen - pendent beam injury. However, NO synthase inhibitor N(G)-monomethyl - L - arginine protected", "butter_fingers": " duging normoxic irradiatiok yet had no effgcr on oeygen-delendent krradiation injury. However, NL wynthqse inhibitor N(G)-monomeghyl-L-argijine prorecttd", "random_deletion": "during normoxic irradiation yet had no effect irradiation However, NO inhibitor N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine protected", "change_char_case": " during normoxic irradiation Yet had no efFect oN oxYgeN-dEpenDent Irradiation injURy. HoWever, NO synthase inhibitOr N(G)-mOnOMethYL-L-ArginIne protECtED", "whitespace_perturbation": " during normoxic irradiati on yet had no e ffe cton oxy gen- dependent irra d iati on injury. However, NO synt ha s e in h ib itorN(G)-mo n om e t hyl -L -a rgi ni n eprote cte d", "underscore_trick": " during_normoxic irradiation_yet had no effect_on oxygen-dependent_irradiation_injury. However,_NO_synthase inhibitor N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine_protected"} +{"text": " dinitrate-stimulated tilt test for diagnosis of vasovagal syncope in children and adolescents.\nVasovagal syncope is the most", "synonym_substitution": "dinitrate - stimulated tilt test for diagnosis of vasovagal syncope in child and adolescent. \n Vasovagal syncope is the most", "butter_fingers": " dijitrate-stimulated tilt ttst for diagnosis of vasmvagal syncope in children and adolescents.\nTasocagal syncope is the most", "random_deletion": "dinitrate-stimulated tilt test for diagnosis of vasovagal children adolescents. Vasovagal is the most", "change_char_case": " dinitrate-stimulated tilt teSt for diagnOsis oF vaSovAgAl syNcopE in children and ADoleScents.\nVasovagal syncope Is the MoST", "whitespace_perturbation": " dinitrate-stimulated tilt test fordiagn osi s o fvaso vaga l syncope in c h ildr en and adolescents.\nVa sovag al sync o pe is t he most ", "underscore_trick": " dinitrate-stimulated_tilt test_for diagnosis of vasovagal_syncope in_children_and adolescents.\nVasovagal_syncope_is the most"} +{"text": " leaf litter degradation extracts may be an important environmental factor influencing community structure within freshwater ecosystems. Effect of alkaline-stabilized biosolids on alfalfa", "synonym_substitution": "leaf litter degradation extracts may be an important environmental agent charm community structure within freshwater ecosystem. Effect of alkaline - stabilized biosolids on alfalfa", "butter_fingers": " lewf litter degradation exuracts may be an nnportait envidonmentau factor influencing communivy srructyre within freshwater dcosystemd. Effect of elkaline-stabilizxs biosolids oh alfclha", "random_deletion": "leaf litter degradation extracts may be an factor community structure freshwater ecosystems. Effect", "change_char_case": " leaf litter degradation extrActs may be aN impoRtaNt eNvIronMentAl factor influeNCing Community structure withIn freShWAter ECoSysteMs. EffecT Of ALKalInE-sTabIlIZeD biosOliDs on alfAlfa", "whitespace_perturbation": " leaf litter degradation e xtracts ma y beanimp or tant env ironmental fac t or i nfluencing community s truct ur e wit h in fres hwatere co s y ste ms .Eff ec t o f alk ali ne-stab ilized bio sol id s on alfalfa ", "underscore_trick": " leaf_litter degradation_extracts may be an_important environmental_factor_influencing community_structure_within freshwater ecosystems._Effect of alkaline-stabilized_biosolids on alfalfa"} +{"text": " by the autism group. Children with autism tended to use all mechanisms in order to name something they did not know and to focus on parts of the object in order", "synonym_substitution": "by the autism group. Children with autism tended to use all mechanisms in decree to identify something they did not know and to focus on parts of the aim in order", "butter_fingers": " by the autism group. Childrtn with autism teueed to use aml mechavisms in order to name sometiing they did not know and to fucus on pwrts of rhe ivject in ocser", "random_deletion": "by the autism group. Children with autism use mechanisms in to name something to on parts of object in order", "change_char_case": " by the autism group. Children wIth autism tEnded To uSe aLl MechAnisMs in order to namE SomeThing they did not know and To focUs ON parTS oF the oBject in ORdER", "whitespace_perturbation": " by the autism group. Chil dren withautis m t end ed touseall mechanisms in o rder to name something they d i d no t k now a nd to f o cu s onpa rt s o ft he obje ctin orde r", "underscore_trick": " by_the autism_group. Children with autism_tended to_use_all mechanisms_in_order to name_something they did_not know and to_focus on parts_of_the object in order"} +{"text": " (95% CI 0.15-0.82, P = 0.02) for AB. This meta-analysis showed that the use of intra-", "synonym_substitution": "(95% CI 0.15 - 0.82, P = 0.02) for AB. This meta - analysis showed that the use of intra-", "butter_fingers": " (95% CL 0.15-0.82, P = 0.02) for AB. This meta-akalysis showed tkqt the use or intra-", "random_deletion": "(95% CI 0.15-0.82, P = 0.02) for meta-analysis that the of intra-", "change_char_case": " (95% CI 0.15-0.82, P = 0.02) for AB. This meta-analysis sHowed that tHe use Of iNtrA-", "whitespace_perturbation": " (95% CI 0.15-0.82, P = 0. 02) for AB . Thi s m eta -a naly sisshowed that th e use of intra-", "underscore_trick": " (95%_CI 0.15-0.82,_P = 0.02) for_AB. This_meta-analysis_showed that_the_use of intra-"} +{"text": " by immunofluorescence with anti-hydroxynonenal) as well as increasing activated pro-caspase-3 and apoptosis. There were smaller increases in caspase-2", "synonym_substitution": "by immunofluorescence with anti - hydroxynonenal) as well as increasing activated pro - caspase-3 and apoptosis. There be small increases in caspase-2", "butter_fingers": " by immunofluorescence with anti-hydroxynongnql) as xell as increaskng activated pro-caspase-3 and apoptowis. There were smaller increased in caspase-2", "random_deletion": "by immunofluorescence with anti-hydroxynonenal) as well as pro-caspase-3 apoptosis. There smaller increases in", "change_char_case": " by immunofluorescence with aNti-hydroxyNonenAl) aS weLl As inCreaSing activated pRO-casPase-3 and apoptosis. There wEre smAlLEr inCReAses iN caspasE-2", "whitespace_perturbation": " by immunofluorescence wit h anti-hyd roxyn one nal )as w ellas increasinga ctiv ated pro-caspase-3 and apop to s is.T he re we re smal l er i ncr ea se s i nc as pase- 2", "underscore_trick": " by_immunofluorescence with_anti-hydroxynonenal) as well as_increasing activated_pro-caspase-3_and apoptosis._There_were smaller increases_in caspase-2"} +{"text": " by soluble beta-CD. This new stripping approach seems to constitute an ideal approach for refolding of proteins at much lower industrial costs compared to stripping with soluble beta", "synonym_substitution": "by soluble beta - CD. This new stripping approach seem to establish an ideal approach for refolding of proteins at much low industrial costs compared to strip with soluble beta", "butter_fingers": " by soluble beta-CD. This new stripping approach sexms to donstituge an ideal approach for reflleing if proteins at much loder indusnrial cosrs cinpared to strippinn witg solbboe beta", "random_deletion": "by soluble beta-CD. This new stripping approach constitute ideal approach refolding of proteins compared stripping with soluble", "change_char_case": " by soluble beta-CD. This new strIpping apprOach sEemS to CoNstiTute An ideal approacH For rEfolding of proteins at muCh lowEr INdusTRiAl cosTs compaREd TO StrIpPiNg wItH SoLuble BetA", "whitespace_perturbation": " by soluble beta-CD. Thisnew stripp ing a ppr oac hseem s to constitute an idea l approach for refoldi ng of p r otei n sat mu ch lowe r i n d ust ri al co st s c ompar edto stri pping with so lu ble beta", "underscore_trick": " by_soluble beta-CD._This new stripping approach_seems to_constitute_an ideal_approach_for refolding of_proteins at much_lower industrial costs compared_to stripping with_soluble_beta"} +{"text": ".) and shrimps (e.g. Palaemon paucidens) were the major prey items for M. salmoides, while snails", "synonym_substitution": ".) and shrimps (e.g. Palaemon paucidens) were the major prey items for M. salmoides, while snails", "butter_fingers": ".) anf shrimps (e.g. Palaemon pamcidens) were the major 'rey itsms for O. salmoides, while snails", "random_deletion": ".) and shrimps (e.g. Palaemon paucidens) were prey for M. while snails", "change_char_case": ".) and shrimps (e.g. Palaemon pauciDens) were thE majoR prEy iTeMs foR M. saLmoides, while snAIls", "whitespace_perturbation": ".) and shrimps (e.g. Palae mon paucid ens)wer e t he maj or p rey items forM . sa lmoides, while snails", "underscore_trick": ".) and_shrimps (e.g._Palaemon paucidens) were the_major prey_items_for M._salmoides,_while snails"} +{"text": " is emphasized. It is proposed to evaluate the organism state with aid of standard test actions dosed by strength and duration. For freshwater crayfish, such action", "synonym_substitution": "is emphasized. It is proposed to evaluate the organism state with care of standard trial actions dosed by forte and duration. For fresh water crayfish, such action", "butter_fingers": " is emphasized. It is propostd to evaluate thg irganivm stafe with xid of standard test actions dised vy strength and duratiun. For frvshwater xrayhish, such action", "random_deletion": "is emphasized. It is proposed to evaluate state aid of test actions dosed freshwater such action", "change_char_case": " is emphasized. It is proposed tO evaluate tHe orgAniSm sTaTe wiTh aiD of standard tesT ActiOns dosed by strength and dUratiOn. fOr frEShWater CrayfisH, SuCH ActIoN", "whitespace_perturbation": " is emphasized. It is prop osed to ev aluat e t heor gani sm s tate with aido f st andard test actions do sed b ys tren g th andduratio n .F o r f re sh wat er cr ayfis h,such ac tion", "underscore_trick": " is_emphasized. It_is proposed to evaluate_the organism_state_with aid_of_standard test actions_dosed by strength_and duration. For freshwater_crayfish, such action"} +{"text": " with a detection limit of 4.5 \u00d7 10-3 U/mL. More importantly, the probe is cell membrane permeable, and its applicability has been", "synonym_substitution": "with a detection limit of 4.5 \u00d7 10 - 3 U / mL. More importantly, the probe is cell membrane permeable, and its applicability has been", "butter_fingers": " wihh a detection limit of 4.5 \u00d7 10-3 U/mL. More importantlb, the pdobe is zell membrane permeable, and mts qpplixability has been", "random_deletion": "with a detection limit of 4.5 \u00d7 More the probe cell membrane permeable,", "change_char_case": " with a detection limit of 4.5 \u00d7 10-3 U/mL. MOre importaNtly, tHe pRobE iS celL memBrane permeable, ANd itS applicability has been", "whitespace_perturbation": " with a detection limit of 4.5 \u00d7 10- 3 U/m L.Mor eimpo rtan tly, the probe is c ell membrane permeable , and i t s ap p li cabil ity has be e n ", "underscore_trick": " with_a detection_limit of 4.5 \u00d7_10-3 U/mL._More_importantly, the_probe_is cell membrane_permeable, and its_applicability has been"} +{"text": "ciling check with deposit statements; separating employees' duties; reviewing bank, credit card, and ATM statements; setting the tone for prudent financial management; and reporting", "synonym_substitution": "ciling check with deposit statements; separating employee' duty; reviewing bank, credit rating poster, and ATM statements; setting the note for prudent fiscal management; and reporting", "butter_fingers": "cillng check with deposit suatements; separatnbg empnoyees' duties; feviewing bank, credit card, aid ARM stqtements; setting the tune for pgudent fibancmal management; ais reporbnng", "random_deletion": "ciling check with deposit statements; separating employees' bank, card, and statements; setting the and", "change_char_case": "ciling check with deposit staTements; sepAratiNg eMplOyEes' dUtieS; reviewing bank, CRediT card, and ATM statements; sEttinG tHE tonE FoR prudEnt finaNCiAL ManAgEmEnt; AnD RePortiNg", "whitespace_perturbation": "ciling check with depositstatements ; sep ara tin gempl oyee s' duties; rev i ewin g bank, credit card, a nd AT Ms tate m en ts; s ettingt he t one f or pr ud e nt fina nci al mana gement; an d r ep orting", "underscore_trick": "ciling check_with deposit_statements; separating employees' duties;_reviewing bank,_credit_card, and_ATM_statements; setting the_tone for prudent_financial management; and reporting"} +{"text": " been proposed to be integral to the generation and/or maintenance of food-anticipatory activities, peaked earlier in the 2hRF group and later in the", "synonym_substitution": "been proposed to be integral to the generation and/or maintenance of food - anticipatory bodily process, top out earlier in the 2hRF group and later in the", "butter_fingers": " befn proposed to be integrxl to the genercrion aid/or majntenancd of food-anticipatory activivies, peaktb earlier in the 2hRF group anf later un tie", "random_deletion": "been proposed to be integral to the maintenance food-anticipatory activities, earlier in the the", "change_char_case": " been proposed to be integral tO the generaTion aNd/oR maInTenaNce oF food-anticipatORy acTivities, peaked earlier iN the 2hrF GRoup ANd Later In the", "whitespace_perturbation": " been proposed to be integ ral to the gene rat ion a nd/o r ma intenance of f o od-a nticipatory activities , pea ke d ear l ie r inthe 2hR F g r o upan dlat er in the", "underscore_trick": " been_proposed to_be integral to the_generation and/or_maintenance_of food-anticipatory_activities,_peaked earlier in_the 2hRF group_and later in the"} +{"text": " related paralogs as being required for the initiation of the root meristem. All three genes are expressed in the hypophysis, and their expression is dependent", "synonym_substitution": "related paralogs as being required for the initiation of the root meristem. All three gene are carry in the hypophysis, and their expression is pendent", "butter_fingers": " repated paralogs as being vequired for the initiavion of the roog meristem. All three genes ace ezpreswed in the hypophysis, xnd their expressuon ms dependent", "random_deletion": "related paralogs as being required for the the meristem. All genes are expressed expression dependent", "change_char_case": " related paralogs as being reqUired for thE initIatIon Of The rOot mEristem. All threE GeneS are expressed in the hypoPhysiS, aND theIR eXpresSion is dEPeNDEnt", "whitespace_perturbation": " related paralogs as being requiredfor t heini ti atio n of the root meri s tem. All three genes are e xpres se d int he hypo physis, an d the ir e xpr es s io n isdep endent", "underscore_trick": " related_paralogs as_being required for the_initiation of_the_root meristem._All_three genes are_expressed in the_hypophysis, and their expression_is dependent"} +{"text": ", three separate studies failed with various immunochemical techniques to detect AQP1 protein in adult human or rat RPE preparations. The purpose of this study was to examine", "synonym_substitution": ", three separate studies failed with various immunochemical technique to detect AQP1 protein in adult human or informer RPE preparations. The purpose of this study was to probe", "butter_fingers": ", thgee separate studies faiued with various immunmchemidal techviques to detect AQP1 protein ib aduot human or rat RPE prdparationd. The puepost of this study wea to examine", "random_deletion": ", three separate studies failed with various to AQP1 protein adult human or of study was to", "change_char_case": ", three separate studies faileD with varioUs immUnoCheMiCal tEchnIques to detect Aqp1 proTein in adult human or rat RpE prePaRAtioNS. THe purPose of tHIs STUdy WaS tO exAmINe", "whitespace_perturbation": ", three separate studies f ailed with vari ous im mu noch emic al techniquest o de tect AQP1 protein in a dulthu m an o r r at RP E prepa r at i o ns. T he pu rp o se of t his studywas to exa min e", "underscore_trick": ", three_separate studies_failed with various immunochemical_techniques to_detect_AQP1 protein_in_adult human or_rat RPE preparations._The purpose of this_study was to_examine"} +{"text": " blood donors. As the sera are stored at -25 degrees C and not at a lower temperature, a major concern has been the stability of the specimens. GC", "synonym_substitution": "blood donors. As the sera are stored at -25 degrees C and not at a low temperature, a major business has been the stability of the specimens. GC", "butter_fingers": " bllod donors. As the sera ave stored at -25 deyeees C and nkt at a uower temperature, a major coicerb has been the stability of the specpmens. GC", "random_deletion": "blood donors. As the sera are stored degrees and not a lower temperature, the of the specimens.", "change_char_case": " blood donors. As the sera are stOred at -25 degrEes C aNd nOt aT a LoweR temPerature, a major COnceRn has been the stability oF the sPeCImenS. gC", "whitespace_perturbation": " blood donors. As the sera are store d at-25 de gr eesC an d not at a low e r te mperature, a major con cernha s bee n t he st ability of t hesp ec ime ns . G C", "underscore_trick": " blood_donors. As_the sera are stored_at -25_degrees_C and_not_at a lower_temperature, a major_concern has been the_stability of the_specimens._GC"} +{"text": "6)/ml. The optimum period of preincubation in the CO2 incubator was 8 h: 6/15 denuded oocytes (40%) were fert", "synonym_substitution": "6)/ml. The optimum period of preincubation in the CO2 incubator was 8 h: 6/15 denuded oocytes (40 %) were fert", "butter_fingers": "6)/ml. Hhe optimum period of prtincubation in thg XO2 incnbator sas 8 h: 6/15 aenuded oocytes (40%) were fert", "random_deletion": "6)/ml. The optimum period of preincubation in incubator 8 h: denuded oocytes (40%)", "change_char_case": "6)/ml. The optimum period of preinCubation in The CO2 IncUbaToR was 8 H: 6/15 denUded oocytes (40%) werE Fert", "whitespace_perturbation": "6)/ml. The optimum periodof preincu batio n i n t he CO2 inc ubator was 8 h : 6/1 5 denuded oocytes (40% ) wer ef ert", "underscore_trick": "6)/ml. The_optimum period_of preincubation in the_CO2 incubator_was_8 h:_6/15_denuded oocytes (40%)_were fert"} +{"text": " work independently, so that their combined benefit can be derived directly from the single effects. The effectiveness of the anti-emetics was also independent of a variety of", "synonym_substitution": "work independently, so that their combined benefit can be derived directly from the individual effect. The effectiveness of the anti - emetics was also autonomous of a variety of", "butter_fingers": " wogk independently, so that their combined benefiv can bs derivea directly from the single ehfecrs. Tht effectiveness of ghe anti-eletics wqs aowo indepenvsnt of a varisby of", "random_deletion": "work independently, so that their combined benefit derived from the effects. The effectiveness independent a variety of", "change_char_case": " work independently, so that thEir combineD beneFit Can Be DeriVed dIrectly from the SInglE effects. The effectiveneSs of tHe ANti-eMEtIcs waS also inDEpENDenT oF a VarIeTY oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " work independently, so th at their c ombin edben ef it c an b e derived dire c tlyfrom the single effect s. Th ee ffec t iv eness of the an t i -em et ic s w as al so in dep endentof a varie tyof ", "underscore_trick": " work_independently, so_that their combined benefit_can be_derived_directly from_the_single effects. The_effectiveness of the_anti-emetics was also independent_of a variety_of"} +{"text": " maintained 86% of its initial adsorption capacity for mercury after the fifth regeneration cycles. Finally, the experimental results demonstrated that the solution pH, ion concentration, and temperature", "synonym_substitution": "maintained 86% of its initial adsorption capacity for mercury after the fifth regeneration cycles. ultimately, the experimental result demonstrated that the solution pH, ion concentration, and temperature", "butter_fingers": " malntained 86% of its initial adsorption capcxity fmr merdury aftdr the fifth regeneration cyrles. Finaoly, the experimental rdsults delonstratwd tiat the solution pH, ion gjncehbratimi, and temperatute", "random_deletion": "maintained 86% of its initial adsorption capacity after fifth regeneration Finally, the experimental pH, concentration, and temperature", "change_char_case": " maintained 86% of its initial adsOrption capAcity For MerCuRy afTer tHe fifth regenerATion Cycles. Finally, the experiMentaL rESultS DeMonstRated thAT tHE SolUtIoN pH, IoN CoNcentRatIon, and tEmperature", "whitespace_perturbation": " maintained 86% of its ini tial adsor ption ca pac it y fo r me rcury after th e fif th regeneration cycles . Fin al l y, t h eexper imental re s u lts d em ons tr a te d tha t t he solu tion pH, i onco ncentration, an d temperat ure ", "underscore_trick": " maintained_86% of_its initial adsorption capacity_for mercury_after_the fifth_regeneration_cycles. Finally, the_experimental results demonstrated_that the solution pH,_ion concentration, and_temperature"} +{"text": " in vivo and decreased the in vitro invasion of these cells. Here we report that invasion and chemoinvasion through GFR Matrigel of the human amelan", "synonym_substitution": "in vivo and decreased the in vitro invasion of these cells. Here we report that invasion and chemoinvasion through GFR Matrigel of the human amelan", "butter_fingers": " in vivo and decreased the ln vitro invasiou of thxse celms. Here de report that invasion and rhemiinvawion through GFR Matrieel of thv human anelai", "random_deletion": "in vivo and decreased the in vitro these Here we that invasion and the amelan", "change_char_case": " in vivo and decreased the in viTro invasioN of thEse CelLs. here We rePort that invasiON and Chemoinvasion through GFr MatrIgEL of tHE hUman aMelan", "whitespace_perturbation": " in vivo and decreased the in vitroinvas ion of t hese cel ls. Here we re p ortthat invasion and chem oinva si o n th r ou gh GF R Matri g el o f t he h uma na me lan", "underscore_trick": " in_vivo and_decreased the in vitro_invasion of_these_cells. Here_we_report that invasion_and chemoinvasion through_GFR Matrigel of the_human amelan"} +{"text": "\nThree experiments (N = 100) examine the influence of causal information on overimitation. In Experiment 1, a transparent reward location reveals that the reward is", "synonym_substitution": "Three experiments (N = 100) examine the influence of causal information on overimitation. In Experiment 1, a transparent wages placement reveals that the reward is", "butter_fingers": "\nThrfe experiments (N = 100) examike the influence of cauval inrormatiov on overimitation. In Experilebt 1, a transparent reward lozation reneals thar tht reward is", "random_deletion": "Three experiments (N = 100) examine the causal on overimitation. Experiment 1, a the is", "change_char_case": "\nThree experiments (N = 100) examine tHe influencE of caUsaL inFoRmatIon oN overimitation. iN ExpEriment 1, a transparent rewArd loCaTIon rEVeAls thAt the reWArD IS", "whitespace_perturbation": "\nThree experiments (N = 10 0) examine theinf lue nc e of cau sal informatio n onoverimitation. In Expe rimen t1 , at ra nspar ent rew a rd l oca ti on re ve a ls that th e rewar d is", "underscore_trick": "\nThree experiments_(N =_100) examine the influence_of causal_information_on overimitation._In_Experiment 1, a_transparent reward location_reveals that the reward_is"} +{"text": "(2+)-permeable channels mediated both alpha-agonist- and OAG-evoked Ca(2+) influx. Following the sarcoplasmic reticulum", "synonym_substitution": "( 2+)-permeable channels mediated both alpha - agonist- and OAG - evoked Ca(2 +) influx. follow the sarcoplasmic reticulum", "butter_fingers": "(2+)-perleable channels mediated both alpha-agonnwt- and OAG-evkked Ca(2+) knflux. Following the sarcoplesmix retuculum", "random_deletion": "(2+)-permeable channels mediated both alpha-agonist- and OAG-evoked Following sarcoplasmic reticulum", "change_char_case": "(2+)-permeable channels mediated Both alpha-aGonisT- anD OAg-eVokeD Ca(2+) iNflux. Following THe saRcoplasmic reticulum", "whitespace_perturbation": "(2+)-permeable channels me diated bot h alp ha- ago ni st-andOAG-evoked Ca( 2 +) i nflux. Following the s arcop la s micr et iculu m", "underscore_trick": "(2+)-permeable channels_mediated both_alpha-agonist- and OAG-evoked Ca(2+)_influx. Following_the_sarcoplasmic reticulum"} +{"text": "A technique is described that allowed percutaneous retrieval of an endoscopically placed, obstructed biliary stent using loop snare capture of an angled hydrophilic wire which was", "synonym_substitution": "A technique is described that allowed percutaneous recovery of an endoscopically place, obstructed biliary stent using loop topology snare drum capture of an angled hydrophilic wire which was", "butter_fingers": "A tfchnique is described thxt allowed percotqneous retrisval of xn endoscopically placed, obsvrucred buliary stent using looo snare cwpture od an qngled hydckphilic wire smich caw", "random_deletion": "A technique is described that allowed percutaneous an placed, obstructed stent using loop hydrophilic which was", "change_char_case": "A technique is described that Allowed perCutanEouS reTrIevaL of aN endoscopicallY PlacEd, obstructed biliary steNt usiNg LOop sNArE captUre of an ANgLED hyDrOpHilIc WIrE whicH waS", "whitespace_perturbation": "A technique is described t hat allowe d per cut ane ou s re trie val of an endo s copi cally placed, obstruct ed bi li a ry s t en t usi ng loop sn a r e c ap tu reof an angl edhydroph ilic wirewhi ch was", "underscore_trick": "A technique_is described_that allowed percutaneous retrieval_of an_endoscopically_placed, obstructed_biliary_stent using loop_snare capture of_an angled hydrophilic wire_which was"} +{"text": " it remained within normotensive range. The CBFs of ipsilateral and contralateral cerebral cortices decreased significantly (P less than 0.05) from 57 +/-", "synonym_substitution": "it remained within normotensive range. The CBFs of ipsilateral and contralateral cerebral cortices decreased importantly (phosphorus less than 0.05) from 57 + /-", "butter_fingers": " it remained within normoteksive range. The EVFs of ipsilzteral avd contralateral cerebral cocticws dexreased significantly (O less thwn 0.05) from 57 +/-", "random_deletion": "it remained within normotensive range. The CBFs and cerebral cortices significantly (P less", "change_char_case": " it remained within normotensIve range. ThE CBFs Of iPsiLaTeraL and Contralateral cERebrAl cortices decreased sigNificAnTLy (P lESs Than 0.05) fRom 57 +/-", "whitespace_perturbation": " it remained within normot ensive ran ge. T heCBF sof i psil ateral and con t rala teral cerebral cortice s dec re a seds ig nific antly ( P l e s s t ha n0.0 5) fr om 57 +/ -", "underscore_trick": " it_remained within_normotensive range. The CBFs_of ipsilateral_and_contralateral cerebral_cortices_decreased significantly (P_less than 0.05)_from 57 +/-"} +{"text": " were purposely sampled. Data were collected with 17 semi-structured interviews and were analyzed following grounded theory procedures. Caregivers did not rest as previously, with", "synonym_substitution": "were purposely sampled. Data were collected with 17 semi - integrated interview and were analyzed following ground hypothesis procedures. Caregivers did not rest as previously, with", "butter_fingers": " wege purposely sampled. Datx were collecteb with 17 semi-sfructurea interviews and were analyzxd fillowung grounded theory prucedures. Baregiverw div not rest as prxbiously, with", "random_deletion": "were purposely sampled. Data were collected with interviews were analyzed grounded theory procedures. previously,", "change_char_case": " were purposely sampled. Data wEre collectEd witH 17 seMi-sTrUctuRed iNterviews and weRE anaLyzed following grounded TheorY pROcedUReS. CareGivers dID nOT ResT aS pRevIoUSlY, with", "whitespace_perturbation": " were purposely sampled. D ata were c ollec ted wi th 17semi -structured in t ervi ews and were analyzedfollo wi n g gr o un ded t heory p r oc e d ure s. C are gi v er s did no t restas previou sly ,with", "underscore_trick": " were_purposely sampled._Data were collected with_17 semi-structured_interviews_and were_analyzed_following grounded theory_procedures. Caregivers did_not rest as previously,_with"} +{"text": " advance and accelerate the discovery of vaccine candidates against extracellular bacterial pathogens. By citing specific examples, we discuss how high-throughput molecular profiling techniques, such as genomics", "synonym_substitution": "advance and accelerate the discovery of vaccine candidates against extracellular bacterial pathogens. By citing specific exemplar, we discourse how high - throughput molecular profiling techniques, such as genomics", "butter_fingers": " adgance and accelerate the discovery of vcxcine randidafes agaivst extracellular bacterial 'athigens. By citing specific exxmples, we discuss how yigh-througilut molceular irofinmng techniques, xuch as getomics", "random_deletion": "advance and accelerate the discovery of vaccine extracellular pathogens. By specific examples, we techniques, as genomics", "change_char_case": " advance and accelerate the diScovery of vAccinE caNdiDaTes aGainSt extracellulaR BactErial pathogens. By citing SpeciFiC ExamPLeS, we diScuss hoW HiGH-ThrOuGhPut MoLEcUlar pRofIling teChniques, suCh aS gEnomics", "whitespace_perturbation": " advance and accelerate th e discover y ofvac cin ecand idat es against ext r acel lular bacterial pathog ens.By citi n gspeci fic exa m pl e s , w edi scu ss ho w hig h-t hroughp ut molecul arpr ofiling tech n iq ues, suchasgenomics", "underscore_trick": " advance_and accelerate_the discovery of vaccine_candidates against_extracellular_bacterial pathogens._By_citing specific examples,_we discuss how_high-throughput molecular profiling techniques,_such as genomics"} +{"text": "79, P < 0.01). Four treated animals were euthanized at 90 days with a normal renal function and low-grade rejection at final pathology. Occ", "synonym_substitution": "79, P < 0.01). Four treated animals were euthanized at 90 days with a normal renal affair and depleted - grade rejection at final pathology. Occ", "butter_fingers": "79, P < 0.01). Four treated animals wtre euthanized at 90 days xith a hormal rdnal function and low-grade rxjecrion qt final pathology. Occ", "random_deletion": "79, P < 0.01). Four treated animals at days with normal renal function pathology.", "change_char_case": "79, P < 0.01). Four treated animals were euThanized at 90 Days wIth A noRmAl reNal fUnction and low-gRAde rEjection at final patholoGy. Occ", "whitespace_perturbation": "79, P < 0.01). Four treate d animalswereeut han iz ed a t 90 days with a n o rmal renal function and lo w-gra de reje c ti on at finalp at h o log y. O cc", "underscore_trick": "79, P_< 0.01)._Four treated animals were_euthanized at_90_days with_a_normal renal function_and low-grade rejection_at final pathology. Occ"} +{"text": " characterizations on optical nonlinearities of beta-phase gallium oxide (\u03b2-Ga2O3), where both (010) \u03b2-Ga2O3", "synonym_substitution": "characterizations on optical nonlinearities of beta - phase gallium oxide (\u03b2 - Ga2O3), where both (010) \u03b2 - Ga2O3", "butter_fingers": " chwracterizations on opticxl nonlinearitigs of beva-phase gallium oxide (\u03b2-Ga2O3), where both (010) \u03b2-Ga2O3", "random_deletion": "characterizations on optical nonlinearities of beta-phase gallium where (010) \u03b2-Ga2O3", "change_char_case": " characterizations on opticaL nonlinearIties Of bEta-PhAse gAlliUm oxide (\u03b2-Ga2O3), wheRE botH (010) \u03b2-Ga2O3", "whitespace_perturbation": " characterizations on opti cal nonlin earit ies of b eta- phas e gallium oxid e (\u03b2- Ga2O3), where both (01 0) \u03b2- Ga 2 O3", "underscore_trick": " characterizations_on optical_nonlinearities of beta-phase gallium_oxide (\u03b2-Ga2O3),_where_both (010)_\u03b2-Ga2O3"} +{"text": "). By contrast, Raw%pred was the only variable that had a significant effect on TTMUS (P = 0.01), when a multivariate logistic regression", "synonym_substitution": "). By contrast, Raw%pred was the only variable that had a meaning consequence on TTMUS (P = 0.01), when a multivariate logistic regression", "butter_fingers": "). By contrast, Raw%pred was tht only variable tkqt had a sighificant effect on TTMUS (P = 0.01), when a luotivaeiate logistic regresskon", "random_deletion": "). By contrast, Raw%pred was the only had significant effect TTMUS (P = regression", "change_char_case": "). By contrast, Raw%pred was the onLy variable That hAd a SigNiFicaNt efFect on TTMUS (P = 0.01), whEN a muLtivariate logistic regrEssioN", "whitespace_perturbation": "). By contrast, Raw%pred w as the onl y var iab leth at h ad a significant e f fect on TTMUS (P = 0.01),whenam ulti v ar iatelogisti c r e g res si on ", "underscore_trick": "). By_contrast, Raw%pred_was the only variable_that had_a_significant effect_on_TTMUS (P =_0.01), when a_multivariate logistic regression"} +{"text": " highest time resolution. A new rotor in the high-speed chopper is presented with a single pulse (100 ps) and long pulse (10 micros)", "synonym_substitution": "highest time resolution. A new rotor in the eminent - focal ratio chopper is presented with a single pulsation (100 ps) and long pulse (10 micros )", "butter_fingers": " hihhest time resolution. A kew rotor in the high-spxed cholper is oresented with a single pulsx (100 pw) and long pulse (10 micros)", "random_deletion": "highest time resolution. A new rotor in chopper presented with single pulse (100 micros)", "change_char_case": " highest time resolution. A new Rotor in the High-sPeeD chOpPer iS preSented with a sinGLe puLse (100 ps) and long pulse (10 microS)", "whitespace_perturbation": " highest time resolution.A new roto r inthe hi gh -spe ed c hopper is pres e nted with a single pulse ( 100 p s) andl on g pul se (10m ic r o s)", "underscore_trick": " highest_time resolution._A new rotor in_the high-speed_chopper_is presented_with_a single pulse_(100 ps) and_long pulse (10 micros)"} +{"text": "depolarization)-induced Ca2+ influx in a physiological (2 mM) Ca2+ solution. The effect of Ca2+ influx on SR Ca2", "synonym_substitution": "depolarization)-induced Ca2 + influx in a physiological (2 mM) Ca2 + solution. The effect of Ca2 + influx on strontium Ca2", "butter_fingers": "depllarization)-induced Ca2+ innlux in a physiological (2 mM) Cz2+ solutiun. The effect of Ca2+ influx oi SR Ca2", "random_deletion": "depolarization)-induced Ca2+ influx in a physiological (2 solution. effect of influx on SR", "change_char_case": "depolarization)-induced Ca2+ inFlux in a phySioloGicAl (2 mm) CA2+ solUtioN. The effect of Ca2+ INfluX on SR Ca2", "whitespace_perturbation": "depolarization)-induced Ca 2+ influxin aphy sio lo gica l (2 mM) Ca2+ solu t ion. The effect of Ca2+ in fluxon SR C a 2", "underscore_trick": "depolarization)-induced Ca2+_influx in_a physiological (2 mM)_Ca2+ solution._The_effect of_Ca2+_influx on SR_Ca2"} +{"text": "osis and babesiosis in cattle is practical and effective when given early in the course of infection, before the onset of severe anemia or neurologic disorders. The", "synonym_substitution": "osis and babesiosis in cattle is practical and effective when given early in the course of contagion, before the attack of hard anemia or neurologic disorders. The", "butter_fingers": "osid and babesiosis in cattue is practical and efhective when gixen early in the course of iifecrion, vefore the onset of sexere anempa or neueolojic disorders. Thx", "random_deletion": "osis and babesiosis in cattle is practical when early in course of infection, anemia neurologic disorders. The", "change_char_case": "osis and babesiosis in cattle Is practicaL and eFfeCtiVe When GiveN early in the couRSe of Infection, before the onseT of seVeRE aneMIa Or neuRologic DIsORDerS. THe", "whitespace_perturbation": "osis and babesiosis in cat tle is pra ctica l a ndef fect ivewhen given ear l y in the course of infecti on, b ef o re t h eonset of sev e re a nem ia o r n eu r ol ogicdis orders. The", "underscore_trick": "osis and_babesiosis in_cattle is practical and_effective when_given_early in_the_course of infection,_before the onset_of severe anemia or_neurologic disorders. The"} +{"text": " a higher %TBWL. Computer-guided CO2-laser osteotomy of the sheep tibia: technical prerequisites and first results.\nThe purpose", "synonym_substitution": "a higher% TBWL. Computer - guided CO2 - laser osteotomy of the sheep tibia: technical prerequisites and inaugural result. \n The purpose", "butter_fingers": " a jigher %TBWL. Computer-guidtd CO2-laser osteotomy of vhe shesp tibia: technical prerequisites and furst eesults.\nThe purpose", "random_deletion": "a higher %TBWL. Computer-guided CO2-laser osteotomy of tibia: prerequisites and results. The purpose", "change_char_case": " a higher %TBWL. Computer-guided cO2-laser ostEotomY of The ShEep tIbia: Technical prereQUisiTes and first results.\nThe pUrposE", "whitespace_perturbation": " a higher %TBWL. Computer- guided CO2 -lase r o ste ot omyof t he sheep tibia : tec hnical prerequisites a nd fi rs t res u lt s.\nTh e purpo s e", "underscore_trick": " a_higher %TBWL._Computer-guided CO2-laser osteotomy of_the sheep_tibia:_technical prerequisites_and_first results.\nThe purpose"} +{"text": " tobacco regularly. These data suggest that there is a strong association between a peripheral blood PMN defect and refractory periodontitis. Furthermore, these studies suggest that tobacco", "synonym_substitution": "tobacco regularly. These data suggest that there is a strong affiliation between a peripheral rake PMN defect and refractory periodontal disease. Furthermore, these studies hint that tobacco", "butter_fingers": " tohacco regularly. These daua suggest that tkwre is a strkng assoziation between a peripheral boood KIN defect and refrxctory pegiodontitus. Fnrthermore, these studies suggeab thac vobacco", "random_deletion": "tobacco regularly. These data suggest that there strong between a blood PMN defect studies that tobacco", "change_char_case": " tobacco regularly. These data Suggest thaT therE is A stRoNg asSociAtion between a pERiphEral blood PMN defect and rEfracToRY perIOdOntitIs. FurthERmORE, thEsE sTudIeS SuGgest ThaT tobaccO", "whitespace_perturbation": " tobacco regularly. Thesedata sugge st th atthe re isa st rong associati o n be tween a peripheral blo od PM Nd efec t a nd re fractor y p e r iod on ti tis .F ur therm ore , these studies s ugg es t that tobac c o", "underscore_trick": " tobacco_regularly. These_data suggest that there_is a_strong_association between_a_peripheral blood PMN_defect and refractory_periodontitis. Furthermore, these studies_suggest that tobacco"} +{"text": " compound 3-D data block. Structures may then be segmented on the attributed grey-scale level and volumes measured. Analysis of 3-D reconstructions revealed", "synonym_substitution": "compound 3 - D data block. Structures may then be segment on the impute grey - scale level and volumes quantify. Analysis of 3 - D reconstruction unwrap", "butter_fingers": " colpound 3-D data block. Strugtures may then yw segmxnted oh the atgributed grey-scale level and vilumew measured. Analysis of 3-D reconsnructions revtaled", "random_deletion": "compound 3-D data block. Structures may then on attributed grey-scale and volumes measured.", "change_char_case": " compound 3-D data block. StructuRes may then Be segMenTed On The aTtriButed grey-scale LEvel And volumes measured. AnalYsis oF 3-D REconSTrUctioNs reveaLEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " compound 3-D data block.Structures maythe n b esegm ente d on the attri b uted grey-scale level andvolum es meas u re d. An alysiso f3 - D r ec on str uc t io ns re vea led", "underscore_trick": " compound_3-D data_block. Structures may then_be segmented_on_the attributed_grey-scale_level and volumes_measured. Analysis of_3-D reconstructions revealed"} +{"text": " 15 never treated) and if 24 age- and sex-matched controls. Automatic, computerized, ultrasonic procedure evaluation of geometric and mechanical properties of the common carotid artery", "synonym_substitution": "15 never treated) and if 24 age- and sex - matched controls. Automatic, computerized, supersonic operation evaluation of geometric and mechanical properties of the common carotid artery", "butter_fingers": " 15 nfver treated) and if 24 age- and sex-matched controns. Autkmatic, cumputerized, ultrasonic procevure evalyation of geometric ana mechanibal propeetiew of the common carotid adbery", "random_deletion": "15 never treated) and if 24 age- controls. computerized, ultrasonic evaluation of geometric common artery", "change_char_case": " 15 never treated) and if 24 age- and seX-matched coNtrolS. AuTomAtIc, coMputErized, ultrasonIC proCedure evaluation of geomEtric AnD MechANiCal prOpertieS Of THE coMmOn CarOtID aRtery", "whitespace_perturbation": " 15 never treated) and if24 age- an d sex -ma tch ed con trol s. Automatic,c ompu terized, ultrasonic pr ocedu re eval u at ion o f geome t ri c and m ec han ic a lprope rti es of t he commoncar ot id artery", "underscore_trick": " 15_never treated)_and if 24 age-_and sex-matched_controls._Automatic, computerized,_ultrasonic_procedure evaluation of_geometric and mechanical_properties of the common_carotid artery"} +{"text": " interventions using a greater number of BCTs. There is moderate quality evidence that interventions using BCTs are effective to enhance medium-term physical activity adherence.", "synonym_substitution": "interventions using a greater number of BCTs. There be moderate timbre evidence that interventions using BCTs are effective to enhance average - term forcible activity adherence.", "butter_fingers": " inherventions using a greauer number of BCTs. There is moserate qjality evidence that interveitiobs usung BCTs are effective to enhanbe medium-rerm physical arfivity adherehge.", "random_deletion": "interventions using a greater number of BCTs. moderate evidence that using BCTs are activity", "change_char_case": " interventions using a greateR number of BcTs. ThEre Is mOdEratE quaLity evidence thAT intErventions using BCTs are EffecTiVE to eNHaNce meDium-terM PhYSIcaL aCtIviTy ADhErencE.", "whitespace_perturbation": " interventions using a gre ater numbe r ofBCT s.Th ereis m oderate qualit y evi dence that interventio ns us in g BCT s a re ef fective to e nha nc emed iu m -t erm p hys ical ac tivity adh ere nc e.", "underscore_trick": " interventions_using a_greater number of BCTs._There is_moderate_quality evidence_that_interventions using BCTs_are effective to_enhance medium-term physical activity_adherence."} +{"text": " normally functional by 28 days after reconstitution. We have found that the various populations of NKR-P1+ cells are enriched significantly in the spleen and follow", "synonym_substitution": "normally functional by 28 days after reconstitution. We have found that the various population of NKR - P1 + cell are enriched significantly in the spleen and comply", "butter_fingers": " nogmally functional by 28 dans after reconstnrution. We habe found that the various populationd if NKE-P1+ cells are enriched rignificajtly in rhe wpleen and hkllow", "random_deletion": "normally functional by 28 days after reconstitution. found the various of NKR-P1+ cells spleen follow", "change_char_case": " normally functional by 28 days aFter reconsTitutIon. we hAvE fouNd thAt the various poPUlatIons of NKR-P1+ cells are enriChed sIgNIficANtLy in tHe spleeN AnD FOllOw", "whitespace_perturbation": " normally functional by 28 days afte r rec ons tit ut ion. Wehave found tha t the various populations o f NKR -P 1 + ce l ls areenriche d s i g nif ic an tly i n t he sp lee n and f ollow", "underscore_trick": " normally_functional by_28 days after reconstitution._We have_found_that the_various_populations of NKR-P1+_cells are enriched_significantly in the spleen_and follow"} +{"text": " currents were larger in group II than in group I, their activation rate was further increased, and a fast desensitizing component developed. These data indicate that in", "synonym_substitution": "currents were larger in group II than in group I, their activation rate was far increase, and a fast desensitizing component evolve. These data indicate that in", "butter_fingers": " cugrents were larger in gruup II than in yeoup I, their activatkon rate was further increasxd, abd a dast desensitizing comoonent deneloped. Tyese eata indicefe that in", "random_deletion": "currents were larger in group II than I, activation rate further increased, and These indicate that in", "change_char_case": " currents were larger in group iI than in grOup I, tHeiR acTiVatiOn raTe was further inCReasEd, and a fast desensitizinG compOnENt deVElOped. THese datA InDICatE tHaT in", "whitespace_perturbation": " currents were larger in g roup II th an in gr oup I , th eiractivation rat e was further increased, an d a f as t des e ns itizi ng comp o ne n t de ve lo ped .T he se da taindicat e that in", "underscore_trick": " currents_were larger_in group II than_in group_I,_their activation_rate_was further increased,_and a fast_desensitizing component developed. These_data indicate that_in"} +{"text": " is improved. The theoretical calculation of cake resistance shows a good consistence with the experimental result. The cake properties in both cases (using a turbulence promoter or not", "synonym_substitution": "is improved. The theoretical calculation of cake resistance shows a beneficial consistency with the experimental result. The cake properties in both event (using a turbulence promoter or not", "butter_fingers": " is improved. The theoreticau calculation oy cake cesistahce showr a good consistence with thx experimtutal result. The cake propertivs in boty cawws (using a turbulekee prklotex ir not", "random_deletion": "is improved. The theoretical calculation of cake a consistence with experimental result. The (using turbulence promoter or", "change_char_case": " is improved. The theoretical cAlculation Of cakE reSisTaNce sHows A good consistenCE witH the experimental result. the caKe PRopeRTiEs in bOth caseS (UsING a tUrBuLenCe PRoMoter Or nOt", "whitespace_perturbation": " is improved. The theoreti cal calcul ation of ca ke res ista nce shows a go o d co nsistence with the exp erime nt a l re s ul t. Th e cakep ro p e rti es i n b ot h c ases(us ing a t urbulencepro mo ter or not", "underscore_trick": " is_improved. The_theoretical calculation of cake_resistance shows_a_good consistence_with_the experimental result._The cake properties_in both cases (using_a turbulence promoter_or_not"} +{"text": " studies of asthmatics already aware of a deterioration of asthma premenstrually. Little is known, therefore, about relationships between the menstrual cycle and airway function", "synonym_substitution": "studies of asthmatics already aware of a deterioration of asthma premenstrually. Little is know, consequently, about relationships between the menstrual cycle and respiratory tract routine", "butter_fingers": " stkdies of asthmatics alrexdy aware of a bwteriocation kf asthmx premenstrually. Little is kiown, thertyore, about relationsfips betwven the mwnstcual cycle and amdway fuketion", "random_deletion": "studies of asthmatics already aware of a asthma Little is therefore, about relationships airway", "change_char_case": " studies of asthmatics alreadY aware of a dEteriOraTioN oF astHma pRemenstrually. LITtle Is known, therefore, about rElatiOnSHips BEtWeen tHe menstRUaL CYclE aNd AirWaY FuNctioN", "whitespace_perturbation": " studies of asthmatics alr eady aware of a de ter io rati on o f asthma preme n stru ally. Little is known, ther ef o re,a bo ut re lations h ip s bet we en th em en strua l c ycle an d airway f unc ti on", "underscore_trick": " studies_of asthmatics_already aware of a_deterioration of_asthma_premenstrually. Little_is_known, therefore, about_relationships between the_menstrual cycle and airway_function"} +{"text": " interval.\nBased on previous studies showing that exposure of the rat fetus to ionizing radiation produces dose-dependent (0.25-1.25 Gy)", "synonym_substitution": "interval. \n Based on previous studies testify that vulnerability of the rat fetus to ionizing radiation produces dose - subject (0.25 - 1.25 Gy )", "butter_fingers": " inherval.\nBased on previous rtudies showing that eeposure of the fat fetus to ionizing radiatmon produxes dose-dependent (0.25-1.25 Gy)", "random_deletion": "interval. Based on previous studies showing that the fetus to radiation produces dose-dependent", "change_char_case": " interval.\nBased on previous stUdies showiNg thaT exPosUrE of tHe raT fetus to ioniziNG radIation produces dose-depeNdent (0.25-1.25 gy)", "whitespace_perturbation": " interval.\nBased on previo us studies show ing th at exp osur e of the rat f e tusto ionizing radiationprodu ce s dos e -d epend ent (0. 2 5- 1 . 25Gy )", "underscore_trick": " interval.\nBased_on previous_studies showing that exposure_of the_rat_fetus to_ionizing_radiation produces dose-dependent_(0.25-1.25 Gy)"} +{"text": " formation and function. A phase I toxicity, pharmacology, and dosimetry trial of monoclonal antibody OKB7 in patients with non-Hodgkin's", "synonym_substitution": "formation and function. A phase I toxicity, pharmacology, and dosimetry trial of monoclonal antibody antibody OKB7 in patient with non - Hodgkin's", "butter_fingers": " fogmation and function. A pmase I toxicity, khqrmaconogy, ahd dosimdtry trial of monoclonal antmbodt OKB7 in patients with non-Hudgkin's", "random_deletion": "formation and function. A phase I toxicity, dosimetry of monoclonal OKB7 in patients", "change_char_case": " formation and function. A phasE I toxicity, PharmAcoLogY, aNd doSimeTry trial of monoCLonaL antibody OKB7 in patients With nOn-hOdgkIN's", "whitespace_perturbation": " formation and function. A phase I t oxici ty, ph ar maco logy , and dosimetr y tri al of monoclonal antib ody O KB 7 inp at ients with n o n- H o dgk in 's ", "underscore_trick": " formation_and function._A phase I toxicity,_pharmacology, and_dosimetry_trial of_monoclonal_antibody OKB7 in_patients with non-Hodgkin's"} +{"text": " resection and regional lymph node dissection to fully stage patients with small PNETs. Patients with other high-risk factors should also be considered for resection and regional lymph", "synonym_substitution": "resection and regional lymph node dissection to fully stage patients with small PNETs. patient with early high - risk divisor should besides be considered for resection and regional lymph", "butter_fingers": " redection and regional lymkh node dissectiou to funly stzge patidnts with small PNETs. Patienvs wuth ouker high-risk factors should apso be cinsivered for resectmkn and vzgionzp lyk'h", "random_deletion": "resection and regional lymph node dissection to patients small PNETs. with other high-risk for and regional lymph", "change_char_case": " resection and regional lymph Node dissecTion tO fuLly StAge pAtieNts with small PNets. PaTients with other high-risK factOrS ShouLD aLso be ConsideREd FOR reSeCtIon AnD ReGionaL lyMph", "whitespace_perturbation": " resection and regional ly mph node d issec tio n t ofull y st age patients w i th s mall PNETs. Patients w ith o th e r hi g h- riskfactors sh o u ldal so be c o ns idere d f or rese ction andreg io nal lymph", "underscore_trick": " resection_and regional_lymph node dissection to_fully stage_patients_with small_PNETs._Patients with other_high-risk factors should_also be considered for_resection and regional_lymph"} +{"text": " restored subjective sleepiness, but it deteriorated during the additional 1 h of work. In contrast, a 20-min nap maintained subjective alertness and performance level at", "synonym_substitution": "restored subjective sleepiness, but it deteriorated during the additional 1 planck's constant of workplace. In contrast, a 20 - min nap conserve subjective alertness and operation level at", "butter_fingers": " redtored subjective sleepikess, but it detetiirated durinf the adaitional 1 h of work. In contrest, q 20-min nap maintained subjecgive alernness and perhormance level av", "random_deletion": "restored subjective sleepiness, but it deteriorated during 1 of work. contrast, a 20-min performance at", "change_char_case": " restored subjective sleepinEss, but it deTerioRatEd dUrIng tHe adDitional 1 h of worK. in coNtrast, a 20-min nap maintaineD subjEcTIve aLErTness And perfORmANCe lEvEl At", "whitespace_perturbation": " restored subjective sleep iness, but it d ete rio ra tedduri ng the additio n al 1 h of work. In contras t, a20 - minn ap main taineds ub j e cti ve a ler tn e ss andper formanc e level at ", "underscore_trick": " restored_subjective sleepiness,_but it deteriorated during_the additional_1_h of_work._In contrast, a_20-min nap maintained_subjective alertness and performance_level at"} +{"text": "CN fights plans for single-union deal.\nThe Royal College of Nursing is fighting plans by a Glasgow trust to negotiate pay and conditions with only one union for", "synonym_substitution": "CN fights plans for single - union softwood. \n The Royal College of Nursing is fight plans by a Glasgow trust to negotiate wage and conditions with only one union for", "butter_fingers": "CN vights plans for single-ukion deal.\nThe Royco Collxge of Hursing ks fighting plans by a Glasglw trusu to negotiate pay xnd condinions wity onot one unioi for", "random_deletion": "CN fights plans for single-union deal. The of is fighting by a Glasgow conditions only one union", "change_char_case": "CN fights plans for single-uniOn deal.\nThe ROyal COllEge Of nursIng iS fighting plans BY a GlAsgow trust to negotiate pAy and CoNDitiONs With oNly one uNIoN FOr", "whitespace_perturbation": "CN fights plans for single -union dea l.\nTh e R oya lColl egeof Nursing isf ight ing plans by a Glasgow trus tt o ne g ot iatepay and co n d iti on swit ho nl y one un ion for ", "underscore_trick": "CN fights_plans for_single-union deal.\nThe Royal College_of Nursing_is_fighting plans_by_a Glasgow trust_to negotiate pay_and conditions with only_one union for"} +{"text": " central venous catheter-related bacteremia associated with rifampicin-miconazole-impregnated catheters and standard catheters in patients with femoral", "synonym_substitution": "central venous catheter - related bacteremia associated with rifampicin - miconazole - impregnated catheter and standard catheter in affected role with femoral", "butter_fingers": " cejtral venous catheter-relxted bacteremia associeted wifh rifamoicin-miconazole-impregnated cetherers qnd standard catheters in patiejts with femieal", "random_deletion": "central venous catheter-related bacteremia associated with rifampicin-miconazole-impregnated standard in patients femoral", "change_char_case": " central venous catheter-relaTed bactereMia asSocIatEd With RifaMpicin-miconazoLE-impRegnated catheters and stAndarD cAThetERs In patIents wiTH fEMOraL", "whitespace_perturbation": " central venous catheter-r elated bac terem iaass oc iate d wi th rifampicin- m icon azole-impregnated cath eters a n d st a nd ard c atheter s i n pat ie nt s w it h f emora l", "underscore_trick": " central_venous catheter-related_bacteremia associated with rifampicin-miconazole-impregnated_catheters and_standard_catheters in_patients_with femoral"} +{"text": " ion-mediated 265% enhancement in fluorescence proceeds with a V(max) of 8.5 micromol/min.mg and a K(m) of", "synonym_substitution": "ion - mediated 265% enhancement in fluorescence proceeds with a V(max) of 8.5 micromol / min.mg and a K(m) of", "butter_fingers": " ioj-mediated 265% enhancement ik fluorescence ptoxeeds xith a B(max) of 8.5 micromol/min.mg and a K(m) of", "random_deletion": "ion-mediated 265% enhancement in fluorescence proceeds with of micromol/min.mg and K(m) of", "change_char_case": " ion-mediated 265% enhancement in fLuorescencE procEedS wiTh A V(maX) of 8.5 mIcromol/min.mg anD A K(m) oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " ion-mediated 265% enhance ment in fl uores cen cepr ocee ds w ith a V(max) o f 8.5 micromol/min.mg and a K(m) o f ", "underscore_trick": " ion-mediated_265% enhancement_in fluorescence proceeds with_a V(max)_of_8.5 micromol/min.mg_and_a K(m) of"} +{"text": " patients and BCS, and (iii) the association of fatigue with psychosocial and behavioral factors in DCIS patients. 89 patients treated for DCIS were matched on", "synonym_substitution": "patients and BCS, and (iii) the association of fatigue with psychosocial and behavioral factors in DCIS patient. 89 patient treated for DCIS were matched on", "butter_fingers": " pahients and BCS, and (iii) tme association oy fatigne with psychosucial and behavioral factors ib DCIW patients. 89 patients tfeated fog DCIS weee metched on", "random_deletion": "patients and BCS, and (iii) the association with and behavioral in DCIS patients. were on", "change_char_case": " patients and BCS, and (iii) the asSociation oF fatiGue WitH pSychOsocIal and behaviorAL facTors in DCIS patients. 89 patiEnts tReATed fOR DcIS weRe matchED oN", "whitespace_perturbation": " patients and BCS, and (ii i) the ass ociat ion of f atig ue w ith psychosoci a l an d behavioral factors i n DCI Sp atie n ts . 89patient s t r e ate dfo r D CI S w ere m atc hed on", "underscore_trick": " patients_and BCS,_and (iii) the association_of fatigue_with_psychosocial and_behavioral_factors in DCIS_patients. 89 patients_treated for DCIS were_matched on"} +{"text": " visualize nondestructively the fossil sample microstructure, respectively. Elemental mapping of pathological bony tissue by DP-LIBS has been proven as a powerful tool", "synonym_substitution": "visualize nondestructively the fossil sample microstructure, respectively. Elemental mapping of diseased bony tissue by displaced person - LIBS has been prove as a powerful cock", "butter_fingers": " vidualize nondestructively the fossil samklw micrmstrucfure, resoectively. Elemental mapping lf pathilogical bony tissue bh DP-LIBS jas been proten as a powerful tool", "random_deletion": "visualize nondestructively the fossil sample microstructure, respectively. of bony tissue DP-LIBS has been", "change_char_case": " visualize nondestructively The fossil sAmple MicRosTrUctuRe, reSpectively. ElemENtal Mapping of pathological bOny tiSsUE by Dp-lIbS has Been proVEn AS A poWeRfUl tOoL", "whitespace_perturbation": " visualize nondestructivel y the foss il sa mpl e m ic rost ruct ure, respectiv e ly.Elemental mapping of p athol og i calb on y tis sue byD P- L I BSha sbee np ro ven a s a powerf ul tool", "underscore_trick": " visualize_nondestructively the_fossil sample microstructure, respectively._Elemental mapping_of_pathological bony_tissue_by DP-LIBS has_been proven as_a powerful tool"} +{"text": ", at predetermined times during a patient's clinical course. They are useful in understanding the epidemiology of infection, evaluating techniques of infection prevention, assaying the effectiveness of", "synonym_substitution": ", at predetermined times during a patient's clinical course. They are utilitarian in understand the epidemiology of infection, evaluating technique of contagion prevention, assaying the effectiveness of", "butter_fingers": ", at predetermined times durlng a patient's clinical courss. They afe useful in understanding tie epidemuology of infection, evxluating nechniquew of unfection 'devention, asszning chx effectiveness of", "random_deletion": ", at predetermined times during a patient's They useful in the epidemiology of prevention, the effectiveness of", "change_char_case": ", at predetermined times durinG a patient's CliniCal CouRsE. TheY are Useful in undersTAndiNg the epidemiology of infEctioN, eVAluaTInG techNiques oF InFECtiOn PrEveNtIOn, AssayIng The effeCtiveness oF", "whitespace_perturbation": ", at predetermined times d uring a pa tient 'scli ni calcour se. They are u s eful in understanding theepide mi o logy of infe ction,e va l u ati ng t ech ni q ue s ofinf ectionprevention , a ss aying the ef f ec tiveness o f", "underscore_trick": ", at_predetermined times_during a patient's clinical_course. They_are_useful in_understanding_the epidemiology of_infection, evaluating techniques_of infection prevention, assaying_the effectiveness of"} +{"text": " IV. There were significant positive correlations between serum arginase I and some hemolytic biochemical markers in groups III and IV. Also, there was a significant negative", "synonym_substitution": "IV. There were significant positive correlations between serum arginase I and some hemolytic biochemical marker in group III and IV. Also, there was a significant negative", "butter_fingers": " IV. There were significant kositive correlatnins bevween ssrum argknase I and some hemolytic bmochwmicao markers in groups IIK and IV. Wlso, theee wes a significant negativc", "random_deletion": "IV. There were significant positive correlations between I some hemolytic markers in groups was significant negative", "change_char_case": " IV. There were significant posItive correLatioNs bEtwEeN serUm arGinase I and some HEmolYtic biochemical markers In groUpS iII aND Iv. Also, There waS A sIGNifIcAnT neGaTIvE", "whitespace_perturbation": " IV. There were significan t positive corr ela tio ns bet ween serum arginas e I a nd some hemolytic bioc hemic al mark e rs in g roups I I Ia n d I V. A lso ,t he re wa s a signif icant nega tiv e", "underscore_trick": " IV._There were_significant positive correlations between_serum arginase_I_and some_hemolytic_biochemical markers in_groups III and_IV. Also, there was_a significant negative"} +{"text": " storage. Fractionated MAG3 kits were reconstituted with 1 ml of approximately 111 GBq 99Tcm eluate from a long-ingrowth generator (", "synonym_substitution": "storage. Fractionated MAG3 kits were reconstituted with 1 ml of approximately 111 GBq 99Tcm eluate from a retentive - ingrowth generator (", "butter_fingers": " stlrage. Fractionated MAG3 klts were reconstnruted xith 1 mm of appfoximately 111 GBq 99Tcm eluate fcom q lont-ingrowth generator (", "random_deletion": "storage. Fractionated MAG3 kits were reconstituted with of 111 GBq eluate from a", "change_char_case": " storage. Fractionated MAG3 kitS were reconStituTed WitH 1 mL of aPproXimately 111 GBq 99Tcm ELuatE from a long-ingrowth geneRator (", "whitespace_perturbation": " storage. Fractionated MAG 3 kits wer e rec ons tit ut ed w ith1 ml of approx i mate ly 111 GBq 99Tcm eluat e fro ma lon g -i ngrow th gene r at o r (", "underscore_trick": " storage._Fractionated MAG3_kits were reconstituted with_1 ml_of_approximately 111_GBq_99Tcm eluate from_a long-ingrowth generator_("} +{"text": " bamboo-only diets. The bamboo-only trials summarized here represent, to our knowledge, the first empirical data available for energy digestibility on a bamboo diet for", "synonym_substitution": "bamboo - only diets. The bamboo - only trials sum up here represent, to our cognition, the first empirical datum available for energy digestibility on a bamboo diet for", "butter_fingers": " balboo-only diets. The bambou-only trials summarizev here depreseng, to our knowledge, the first enpirixal data available for energy dpgestibiluty ib a bamboo diet fov", "random_deletion": "bamboo-only diets. The bamboo-only trials summarized here our the first data available for diet", "change_char_case": " bamboo-only diets. The bamboo-oNly trials sUmmarIzeD heRe ReprEsenT, to our knowledgE, The fIrst empirical data availAble fOr ENergY DiGestiBility oN A bAMBoo DiEt For", "whitespace_perturbation": " bamboo-only diets. The ba mboo-onlytrial s s umm ar ized her e represent, t o our knowledge, the firstempir ic a l da t aavail able fo r e n e rgy d ig est ib i li ty on abamboodiet for", "underscore_trick": " bamboo-only_diets. The_bamboo-only trials summarized here_represent, to_our_knowledge, the_first_empirical data available_for energy digestibility_on a bamboo diet_for"} +{"text": " diagnosis of MS is a medical challenge, and majority of the diagnosis is set introperatively. Surgery is the treatment of first choice. Ignoring the possibility of", "synonym_substitution": "diagnosis of MS is a medical challenge, and majority of the diagnosis is set introperatively. Surgery is the treatment of inaugural option. Ignoring the possibility of", "butter_fingers": " diwgnosis of MS is a medicxl challenge, anb majormty of fhe diagvosis is set introperatively. Syrgert is the treatment of wirst chopce. Ignorung uhe possibility oh", "random_deletion": "diagnosis of MS is a medical challenge, of diagnosis is introperatively. Surgery is Ignoring possibility of", "change_char_case": " diagnosis of MS is a medical chAllenge, and MajorIty Of tHe DiagNosiS is set introperATiveLy. Surgery is the treatmenT of fiRsT ChoiCE. IGnoriNg the poSSiBILitY oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " diagnosis of MS is a medi cal challe nge,and ma jo rity ofthe diagnosisi s se t introperatively. Sur geryis thet re atmen t of fi r st c hoi ce .Ign or i ng thepos sibilit y of", "underscore_trick": " diagnosis_of MS_is a medical challenge,_and majority_of_the diagnosis_is_set introperatively. Surgery_is the treatment_of first choice. Ignoring_the possibility of"} +{"text": "].\nPepper roots contain 0.39% of essential oil. By GC-MS method, 44 peaks and 22 compounds were obtained and identified. The major", "synonym_substitution": "]. \n Pepper roots contain 0.39% of essential oil. By GC - MS method acting, 44 acme and 22 compounds were obtained and identify. The major", "butter_fingers": "].\nPepoer roots contain 0.39% of esrential oil. By YX-MS mevhod, 44 psaks and 22 compounds were obtained anv idwntifued. The major", "random_deletion": "]. Pepper roots contain 0.39% of essential GC-MS 44 peaks 22 compounds were", "change_char_case": "].\nPepper roots contain 0.39% of essenTial oil. By Gc-MS meThoD, 44 peAkS and 22 CompOunds were obtaiNEd anD identified. The major", "whitespace_perturbation": "].\nPepper roots contain 0. 39% of ess entia l o il. B y GC -MSmethod, 44 pea k s an d 22 compounds were ob taine da nd i d en tifie d. Them aj o r ", "underscore_trick": "].\nPepper roots_contain 0.39%_of essential oil. By_GC-MS method,_44_peaks and_22_compounds were obtained_and identified. The_major"} +{"text": " must lead to search for CPPD in the usual locations. Prognostic significance of p53, bcl-2, vimentin, and S", "synonym_substitution": "must lead to search for CPPD in the usual locations. Prognostic meaning of p53, bcl-2, vimentin, and S", "butter_fingers": " mudt lead to search for CPKD in the usual locationv. Proghostic skgnificance of p53, bcl-2, vimentii, ane S", "random_deletion": "must lead to search for CPPD in locations. significance of bcl-2, vimentin, and", "change_char_case": " must lead to search for CPPD in The usual loCatioNs. PRogNoStic SignIficance of p53, bcl-2, VImenTin, and S", "whitespace_perturbation": " must lead to search for C PPD in the usua l l oca ti ons. Pro gnostic signif i canc e of p53, bcl-2, vimen tin,an d S", "underscore_trick": " must_lead to_search for CPPD in_the usual_locations._Prognostic significance_of_p53, bcl-2, vimentin,_and S"} +{"text": " is potentiated by GTPgammaS and is inhibited by GDPbetaS or pertussis toxin. The activation of G(alpha)o by 5-HT", "synonym_substitution": "is potentiated by GTPgammaS and is inhibited by GDPbetaS or pertussis toxin. The activation of G(alpha)o by 5 - HT", "butter_fingers": " is potentiated by GTPgammaR and is inhibijee by GVPbetaS or pertjssis toxin. The activation oh G(aopha)o by 5-HT", "random_deletion": "is potentiated by GTPgammaS and is inhibited or toxin. The of G(alpha)o by", "change_char_case": " is potentiated by GTPgammaS aNd is inhibiTed by gDPBetAS Or peRtusSis toxin. The actIVatiOn of G(alpha)o by 5-HT", "whitespace_perturbation": " is potentiated by GTPgamm aS and isinhib ite d b yGDPb etaS or pertussist oxin . The activation of G( alpha )o by 5 - HT ", "underscore_trick": " is_potentiated by_GTPgammaS and is inhibited_by GDPbetaS_or_pertussis toxin._The_activation of G(alpha)o_by 5-HT"} +{"text": " of foot deformities and sensory impairment was high and these phenotypes did not relate to aging. Diminished or absent tendon reflexes and slowing of motor conduction velocities were", "synonym_substitution": "of foot deformities and sensory impairment was eminent and these phenotype did not relate to aging. atrophied or lacking tendon reflexes and slowing of motor conduction velocities were", "butter_fingers": " of foot deformities and seksory impairment was hijh and fhese phdnotypes did not relate to ajing. Dimibished or absent tendov reflexed and sliwinj of motor condurfion velocitisd wexe", "random_deletion": "of foot deformities and sensory impairment was these did not to aging. Diminished slowing motor conduction velocities", "change_char_case": " of foot deformities and sensoRy impairmeNt was HigH anD tHese PhenOtypes did not reLAte tO aging. Diminished or abseNt tenDoN ReflEXeS and sLowing oF MoTOR coNdUcTioN vELoCitieS weRe", "whitespace_perturbation": " of foot deformities and s ensory imp airme ntwas h ighandthese phenotyp e s di d not relate to aging. Dimi ni s hedo rabsen t tendo n r e f lex es a ndsl o wi ng of mo tor con duction ve loc it ies were", "underscore_trick": " of_foot deformities_and sensory impairment was_high and_these_phenotypes did_not_relate to aging._Diminished or absent_tendon reflexes and slowing_of motor conduction_velocities_were"} +{"text": "DNA synthesis and cell reproduction during hemopoiesis in the common frog in the course of spring under a varying temperature regimen].\nThe proliferation of grass frog hem", "synonym_substitution": "DNA synthesis and cell reproduction during hematopoiesis in the coarse frog in the course of spring under a vary temperature regimen ]. \n The proliferation of eatage frog hem", "butter_fingers": "DNA synthesis and cell repruduction during hemopomesis ih the coomon frog in the course of s'rint undtg a varying temperatufe regimej].\nThe prooifecation of grass hdog hem", "random_deletion": "DNA synthesis and cell reproduction during hemopoiesis common in the of spring under proliferation grass frog hem", "change_char_case": "DNA synthesis and cell reprodUction duriNg hemOpoIesIs In thE comMon frog in the coURse oF spring under a varying teMperaTuRE regIMeN].\nThe pRoliferATiON Of gRaSs FroG hEM", "whitespace_perturbation": "DNA synthesis and cell rep roductiondurin g h emo po iesi s in the common fr o g in the course of springunder a vary i ng temp erature re g i men ]. \nT hepr o li ferat ion of gra ss frog he m", "underscore_trick": "DNA synthesis_and cell_reproduction during hemopoiesis in_the common_frog_in the_course_of spring under_a varying temperature_regimen].\nThe proliferation of grass_frog hem"} +{"text": "Trp-psi(CH2NH)-Leu-Asp phenylethylamide 23, Boc-Trp-Leu-Asp 2,", "synonym_substitution": "Trp - psi(CH2NH)-Leu - Asp phenylethylamide 23, Boc - Trp - Leu - Asp 2,", "butter_fingers": "Trp-osi(CH2NH)-Leu-Asp phenylethyuamide 23, Boc-Trp-Lgu-Qsp 2,", "random_deletion": "Trp-psi(CH2NH)-Leu-Asp phenylethylamide 23, Boc-Trp-Leu-Asp 2,", "change_char_case": "Trp-psi(CH2NH)-Leu-Asp phenylethYlamide 23, Boc-trp-LeU-AsP 2,", "whitespace_perturbation": "Trp-psi(CH2NH)-Leu-Asp phe nylethylam ide 2 3,Boc -T rp-L eu-A sp 2,", "underscore_trick": "Trp-psi(CH2NH)-Leu-Asp phenylethylamide_23, Boc-Trp-Leu-Asp_2,"} +{"text": " to divalent cation concentrations. Problems in diagnosis and delineation of inherited disorders in highly inbred populations.\nTwo families were chosen as examples of the problems that", "synonym_substitution": "to divalent cation concentrations. Problems in diagnosis and delineation of inherited disorder in highly inbred population. \n Two families were chosen as examples of the problem that", "butter_fingers": " to divalent cation concentvations. Problems in diajnosis znd deliveation of inherited disordecs ib higyly inbred populations.\nGwo familpes were xhostn as examples of the pronjems bhat", "random_deletion": "to divalent cation concentrations. Problems in diagnosis of disorders in inbred populations. Two of problems that", "change_char_case": " to divalent cation concentraTions. ProblEms in DiaGnoSiS and DeliNeation of inherITed dIsorders in highly inbred PopulAtIOns.\nTWO fAmiliEs were cHOsEN As eXaMpLes Of THe ProblEms That", "whitespace_perturbation": " to divalent cation concen trations.Probl ems in d iagn osis and delineati o n of inherited disorders i n hig hl y inb r ed popu lations . \nT w o fa mi li eswe r echose n a s examp les of the pr ob lems that", "underscore_trick": " to_divalent cation_concentrations. Problems in diagnosis_and delineation_of_inherited disorders_in_highly inbred populations.\nTwo_families were chosen_as examples of the_problems that"} +{"text": " reported in the literature with the use of this technique in lung surgery is limited. Our clinical series with LigaSure (160 procedures in a 4-year period", "synonym_substitution": "reported in the literature with the use of this technique in lung surgery is circumscribed. Our clinical serial with LigaSure (160 procedure in a 4 - year time period", "butter_fingers": " reoorted in the literature with the use oy this vechniqhe in luvg surgery is limited. Our clmnicql seeies with LigaSure (160 prucedures pn a 4-year permod", "random_deletion": "reported in the literature with the use technique lung surgery limited. Our clinical in 4-year period", "change_char_case": " reported in the literature wiTh the use of This tEchNiqUe In luNg suRgery is limited. oUr clInical series with LigaSuRe (160 proCeDUres IN a 4-Year pEriod", "whitespace_perturbation": " reported in the literatur e with the useofthi stech niqu e in lung surg e ry i s limited. Our clinica l ser ie s wit h L igaSu re (160 pr o c edu re sina4 -y ear p eri od", "underscore_trick": " reported_in the_literature with the use_of this_technique_in lung_surgery_is limited. Our_clinical series with_LigaSure (160 procedures in_a 4-year period"} +{"text": " chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) are still controversial. To evaluate the role of hydroxyurea (HU) for the outcome of IFN therapy, we conducted a", "synonym_substitution": "chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) are still controversial. To evaluate the role of hydroxyurea (HU) for the outcome of IFN therapy, we behave a", "butter_fingers": " chgonic myeloid leukemia (COL) are still courrovervial. Tk evaluage the role of hydroxyurea (HN) foe the outcome of IFN theraph, we condlcted a", "random_deletion": "chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) are still controversial. the of hydroxyurea for the outcome a", "change_char_case": " chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) Are still coNtrovErsIal. to EvalUate The role of hydroXYureA (HU) for the outcome of IFN tHerapY, wE CondUCtEd a", "whitespace_perturbation": " chronic myeloid leukemia(CML) arestill co ntr ov ersi al.To evaluate th e rol e of hydroxyurea (HU)for t he outc o me of I FN ther a py , weco nd uct ed a", "underscore_trick": " chronic_myeloid leukemia_(CML) are still controversial._To evaluate_the_role of_hydroxyurea_(HU) for the_outcome of IFN_therapy, we conducted a"} +{"text": " administered in a dose of 15 gm once a day for 3 days for 3 cycles, was found to be free from side effects and possessed antifertility activity which", "synonym_substitution": "administered in a dose of 15 gm once a day for 3 days for 3 cycle, was discover to be free from side effects and possessed antifertility bodily process which", "butter_fingers": " adlinistered in a dose of 15 gm once a day yir 3 dabs for 3 cycles, das found to be free from sive edfectw and possessed antifeftility abtivity wyich", "random_deletion": "administered in a dose of 15 gm day 3 days 3 cycles, was side and possessed antifertility which", "change_char_case": " administered in a dose of 15 gm onCe a day for 3 dAys foR 3 cyCleS, wAs foUnd tO be free from sidE EffeCts and possessed antiferTilitY aCTiviTY wHich", "whitespace_perturbation": " administered in a dose of 15 gm onc e a d ayfor 3 day s fo r 3 cycles, wa s fou nd to be free from sid e eff ec t s an d p osses sed ant i fe r t ili ty a cti vi t ywhich ", "underscore_trick": " administered_in a_dose of 15 gm_once a_day_for 3_days_for 3 cycles,_was found to_be free from side_effects and possessed_antifertility_activity which"} +{"text": " scored as 61.2%, 2.0%, 0.5% and 29.8% for G1-G4, respectively; 6.5%", "synonym_substitution": "scored as 61.2% , 2.0% , 0.5% and 29.8% for G1 - G4, respectively; 6.5%", "butter_fingers": " sclred as 61.2%, 2.0%, 0.5% and 29.8% for G1-G4, rtspectively; 6.5%", "random_deletion": "scored as 61.2%, 2.0%, 0.5% and 29.8% respectively;", "change_char_case": " scored as 61.2%, 2.0%, 0.5% and 29.8% for G1-G4, respectivEly; 6.5%", "whitespace_perturbation": " scored as 61.2%, 2.0%, 0. 5% and 29. 8% fo r G 1-G 4, res pect ively; 6.5%", "underscore_trick": " scored_as 61.2%,_2.0%, 0.5% and 29.8%_for G1-G4,_respectively;_6.5%"} +{"text": " battery depletion. The influence of intraarterial prostaglandin E(1) on vascular hydraulic impedance and infrainguinal graft patency.\nTo evaluate the influence", "synonym_substitution": "battery depletion. The influence of intraarterial prostaglandin E(1) on vascular hydraulic impedance and infrainguinal graft patency. \n To measure the influence", "butter_fingers": " bahtery depletion. The inflmence of intraarjeeial pcostaglzndin E(1) un vascular hydraulic impedaice qnd ibfrainguinal graft patdncy.\nTo evwluate tye iifluence", "random_deletion": "battery depletion. The influence of intraarterial prostaglandin vascular impedance and graft patency. To", "change_char_case": " battery depletion. The influeNce of intraArterIal ProStAglaNdin e(1) on vascular hydRAuliC impedance and infrainguInal gRaFT patENcY.\nTo evAluate tHE iNFLueNcE", "whitespace_perturbation": " battery depletion. The in fluence of intr aar ter ia l pr osta glandin E(1) o n vas cular hydraulic impeda nce a nd infr a in guina l graft pa t e ncy .To ev al u at e the in fluence ", "underscore_trick": " battery_depletion. The_influence of intraarterial prostaglandin_E(1) on_vascular_hydraulic impedance_and_infrainguinal graft patency.\nTo_evaluate the influence"} +{"text": " and final states of the community. Oxidative damage to proteins and DNA in rats exposed to cadmium and/or ethanol.\nThe study was aimed to", "synonym_substitution": "and final states of the community. Oxidative damage to protein and deoxyribonucleic acid in rat exposed to cadmium and/or ethanol. \n The report was aimed to", "butter_fingers": " anf final states of the coomunity. Oxidatirw damaje to pdoteins xnd DNA in rats exposed to cedmiym ane/or ethanol.\nThe study wxs aimed no", "random_deletion": "and final states of the community. Oxidative proteins DNA in exposed to cadmium aimed", "change_char_case": " and final states of the communIty. OxidatiVe damAge To pRoTeinS and dNA in rats exposED to cAdmium and/or ethanol.\nThe sTudy wAs AImed TO", "whitespace_perturbation": " and final states of the c ommunity.Oxida tiv e d am ageto p roteins and DN A inrats exposed to cadmiu m and /o r eth a no l.\nTh e study wa s aim ed t o", "underscore_trick": " and_final states_of the community. Oxidative_damage to_proteins_and DNA_in_rats exposed to_cadmium and/or ethanol.\nThe_study was aimed to"} +{"text": "-beta cell function (HOMA2-\u03b2), HOMA2-insulin sensitivity (HOMA-S) and MetS were calculated or defined. K", "synonym_substitution": "-beta cell function (HOMA2 - \u03b2), HOMA2 - insulin sensitivity (HOMA - S) and MetS were calculated or defined. thousand", "butter_fingers": "-betw cell function (HOMA2-\u03b2), HOMX2-insulin sensitncity (HMMA-S) ahd MetS dere calculated or defined. K", "random_deletion": "-beta cell function (HOMA2-\u03b2), HOMA2-insulin sensitivity (HOMA-S) were or defined.", "change_char_case": "-beta cell function (HOMA2-\u03b2), HOMA2-Insulin senSitivIty (hOMa-S) And MEtS wEre calculated oR DefiNed. K", "whitespace_perturbation": "-beta cell function (HOMA2 -\u03b2), HOMA2 -insu lin se ns itiv ity(HOMA-S) and M e tS w ere calculated or defi ned.K", "underscore_trick": "-beta cell_function (HOMA2-\u03b2),_HOMA2-insulin sensitivity (HOMA-S) and_MetS were_calculated_or defined._K"} +{"text": " of care (93%) and prognosis (87%). Fewer were confident or very confident in responding to patients or families who had not accepted the seriousness of an illness", "synonym_substitution": "of care (93 %) and prognosis (87 %). Fewer were confident or very confident in respond to patient or families who had not accepted the seriousness of an illness", "butter_fingers": " of care (93%) and prognosis (87%). Feder were confidgnr or vxry conrident iv responding to patients or hamioies qho had not accepted tfe serioudness of an mllness", "random_deletion": "of care (93%) and prognosis (87%). Fewer or confident in to patients or the of an illness", "change_char_case": " of care (93%) and prognosis (87%). Fewer weRe confidenT or veRy cOnfIdEnt iN resPonding to patieNTs or Families who had not accepTed thE sERiouSNeSs of aN illnesS", "whitespace_perturbation": " of care (93%) and prognos is (87%).Fewer we reco nfid entor very confid e nt i n responding to patien ts or f a mili e swho h ad nota cc e p ted t he se ri o us nessofan illn ess", "underscore_trick": " of_care (93%)_and prognosis (87%). Fewer_were confident_or_very confident_in_responding to patients_or families who_had not accepted the_seriousness of an_illness"} +{"text": "peated experiments showed similar effects, confirming the efficacy of KCZ as a hair growth stimulant. Although the therapeutic mechanism of topical KCZ for hair growth is unclear", "synonym_substitution": "peated experiments showed similar effects, confirm the efficacy of KCZ as a hair's-breadth growth stimulant. Although the therapeutic mechanism of topical KCZ for hair emergence is unclear", "butter_fingers": "peahed experiments showed slmilar effects, confirmiig the sfficacy of KCZ as a hair growth stiluoant. Qlthough the therapeutkc mechanpsm of topicao KCZ for hejr growbk is hkcleax", "random_deletion": "peated experiments showed similar effects, confirming the KCZ a hair stimulant. Although the for growth is unclear", "change_char_case": "peated experiments showed siMilar effecTs, conFirMinG tHe efFicaCy of KCZ as a hair GRowtH stimulant. Although the tHerapEuTIc meCHaNism oF topicaL kCz FOr hAiR gRowTh IS uNcleaR", "whitespace_perturbation": "peated experiments showedsimilar ef fects , c onf ir ming the efficacy of K C Z as a hair growth stimula nt. A lt h ough th e the rapeuti c m e c han is mofto p ic al KC Z f or hair growth is un cl ear", "underscore_trick": "peated experiments_showed similar_effects, confirming the efficacy_of KCZ_as_a hair_growth_stimulant. Although the_therapeutic mechanism of_topical KCZ for hair_growth is unclear"} +{"text": " respectively. Our pilot study suggests that sample size for RA clinical trials with ultrasound endpoints may be reduced using the novel methods, providing justification for larger studies to confirm these", "synonym_substitution": "respectively. Our pilot study suggests that sample size for RA clinical test with sonography endpoints may be reduced use the fresh methods, providing justification for larger study to confirm these", "butter_fingers": " redpectively. Our pilot stuay suggests thaj wample size ror RA cuinical trials with ultrasouid ebdpoibts may be reduced usivg the nonel methoes, pcoviding justifirztion for larfcr stbdmes to confirm jhese", "random_deletion": "respectively. Our pilot study suggests that sample RA trials with endpoints may be providing for larger studies confirm these", "change_char_case": " respectively. Our pilot study Suggests thAt samPle SizE fOr RA ClinIcal trials with ULtraSound endpoints may be redUced uSiNG the NOvEl metHods, proVIdING juStIfIcaTiON fOr larGer Studies To confirm tHesE", "whitespace_perturbation": " respectively. Our pilot s tudy sugge sts t hat sa mp le s izefor RA clinica l tri als with ultrasound en dpoin ts mayb ereduc ed usin g t h e no ve lmet ho d s, prov idi ng just ificationfor l arger studie s t o confirmthe se", "underscore_trick": " respectively._Our pilot_study suggests that sample_size for_RA_clinical trials_with_ultrasound endpoints may_be reduced using_the novel methods, providing_justification for larger_studies_to confirm these"} +{"text": " patients with negative postcoital test suggested the existence of the relationship between cervical cytokines and infertility in these women. The effect of the personality traits of pregnant women on", "synonym_substitution": "patients with negative postcoital test suggested the being of the kinship between cervical cytokines and infertility in these charwoman. The impression of the personality traits of pregnant womanhood on", "butter_fingers": " pahients with negative posucoital test sugggsred thx existsnce of ghe relationship between certicao cytikines and infertility in these women. Tye ehfect of the personality traita of 'rxgnant women on", "random_deletion": "patients with negative postcoital test suggested the the between cervical and infertility in the traits of pregnant on", "change_char_case": " patients with negative postcOital test sUggesTed The ExIsteNce oF the relationshIP betWeen cervical cytokines aNd infErTIlitY In These Women. ThE EfFECt oF tHe PerSoNAlIty trAitS of pregNant women oN", "whitespace_perturbation": " patients with negative po stcoital t est s ugg est ed the exi stence of ther elat ionship between cervic al cy to k ines an d inf ertilit y i n the se w ome n. Th e eff ect of the personali tytr aits of preg n an t women on ", "underscore_trick": " patients_with negative_postcoital test suggested the_existence of_the_relationship between_cervical_cytokines and infertility_in these women._The effect of the_personality traits of_pregnant_women on"} +{"text": " effects of RBC transfusion on microvascular perfusion are not well documented. We investigated the effect of RBC transfusion on sublingual microcirculation in hemorrhagic shock patients", "synonym_substitution": "effects of RBC transfusion on microvascular perfusion are not well documented. We investigated the effect of RBC transfusion on sublingual microcirculation in hemorrhagic jolt patient", "butter_fingers": " efvects of RBC transfusion on microvasculce perfnsion ade not wdll documented. We investigatxd tye efdect of RBC transfusiov on sublpngual mixrocmrculation in hemorrhagig shodn pacixnts", "random_deletion": "effects of RBC transfusion on microvascular perfusion well We investigated effect of RBC hemorrhagic patients", "change_char_case": " effects of RBC transfusion on MicrovascuLar peRfuSioN aRe noT welL documented. We iNVestIgated the effect of RBC trAnsfuSiON on sUBlInguaL microcIRcULAtiOn In HemOrRHaGic shOck PatientS", "whitespace_perturbation": " effects of RBC transfusio n on micro vascu lar pe rf usio n ar e not well doc u ment ed. We investigated th e eff ec t ofR BC tran sfusion on s ubl in gu almi c ro circu lat ion inhemorrhagi c s ho ck patients", "underscore_trick": " effects_of RBC_transfusion on microvascular perfusion_are not_well_documented. We_investigated_the effect of_RBC transfusion on_sublingual microcirculation in hemorrhagic_shock patients"} +{"text": ", childhood and adult disorder. Reconstruction does not always automatically follow from the transference and analytic work. It is an inferential and integrative act which may", "synonym_substitution": ", childhood and adult disorder. Reconstruction does not always automatically follow from the transfer and analytic workplace. It is an inferential and integrative act which may", "butter_fingers": ", chlldhood and adult disordtr. Reconstruction does nmt alwzys autooatically follow from the trensfwrenct and analytic work. It is an inferenrial qnd integrefive acb whidm may", "random_deletion": ", childhood and adult disorder. Reconstruction does automatically from the and analytic work. integrative which may", "change_char_case": ", childhood and adult disorder. reconstrucTion dOes Not AlWays AutoMatically folloW From The transference and analYtic wOrK. it is AN iNfereNtial anD InTEGraTiVe Act WhICh May", "whitespace_perturbation": ", childhood and adult diso rder. Reco nstru cti ondo es n ot a lways automati c ally follow from the trans feren ce anda na lytic work.I ti s an i nf ere nt i al andint egrativ e act whic h m ay ", "underscore_trick": ", childhood_and adult_disorder. Reconstruction does not_always automatically_follow_from the_transference_and analytic work._It is an_inferential and integrative act_which may"} +{"text": "medical wards. Overall in-hospital case fatality was reduced by 4.5% with stroke unit care. We observed a reduced length of stay and reduced in", "synonym_substitution": "medical wards. Overall in - hospital case fatality was reduced by 4.5% with solidus unit of measurement care. We observed a reduced distance of stay and reduced in", "butter_fingers": "medlcal wards. Overall in-hoskital case fatalijy was rxduced gy 4.5% with stroke unit care. We observev a eeductb length of stay and reduced pn", "random_deletion": "medical wards. Overall in-hospital case fatality was 4.5% stroke unit We observed a reduced", "change_char_case": "medical wards. Overall in-hospItal case faTalitY waS reDuCed bY 4.5% witH stroke unit carE. we obServed a reduced length of Stay aNd REducED iN", "whitespace_perturbation": "medical wards. Overall in- hospital c ase f ata lit ywasredu ced by 4.5% wi t h st roke unit care. We obs erved a redu c ed leng th of s t ay a ndre du ced i n ", "underscore_trick": "medical wards._Overall in-hospital_case fatality was reduced_by 4.5%_with_stroke unit_care._We observed a_reduced length of_stay and reduced in"} +{"text": " and lead in relation to breast cancer risk in three prospective cohorts.\nCadmium and lead have been classified as carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on", "synonym_substitution": "and lead in relation to breast cancer risk in three prospective cohorts. \n Cadmium and spark advance have been relegate as carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on", "butter_fingers": " anf lead in relation to brtast cancer risk nb threx prospsctive cuhorts.\nCadmium and lead have ueen claswified as carcinogens cy the Innernationql Ajency for Researrg on", "random_deletion": "and lead in relation to breast cancer three cohorts. Cadmium lead have been International for Research on", "change_char_case": " and lead in relation to breast Cancer risk In thrEe pRosPeCtivE cohOrts.\nCadmium and LEad hAve been classified as carCinogEnS By thE inTernaTional AGEnCY For reSeArcH oN", "whitespace_perturbation": " and lead in relation to b reast canc er ri skinth reepros pective cohort s .\nCa dmium and lead have be en cl as s ifie d a s car cinogen s b y the I nt ern at i on al Ag enc y for R esearch on ", "underscore_trick": " and_lead in_relation to breast cancer_risk in_three_prospective cohorts.\nCadmium_and_lead have been_classified as carcinogens_by the International Agency_for Research on"} +{"text": " more than 70% of amino acid sequences in each of these families. Based on such sequences the characteristic profile of the latent periodicity has been deduced for each family", "synonym_substitution": "more than 70% of amino acid sequences in each of these families. Based on such sequences the characteristic visibility of the latent cyclicity has been deduce for each family", "butter_fingers": " moge than 70% of amino acid stquences in each of thesx familjes. Basea on such sequences the charecteeistix profile of the lateng periodibity has veen eeduced foc each family", "random_deletion": "more than 70% of amino acid sequences of families. Based such sequences the periodicity been deduced for family", "change_char_case": " more than 70% of amino acid sequenCes in each oF thesE faMilIeS. BasEd on Such sequences tHE chaRacteristic profile of thE lateNt PErioDIcIty haS been deDUcED For EaCh FamIlY", "whitespace_perturbation": " more than 70% of amino ac id sequenc es in ea chof the se f amilies. Based on s uch sequences the char acter is t ic p r of ile o f the l a te n t pe ri od ici ty ha s bee n d educedfor each f ami ly ", "underscore_trick": " more_than 70%_of amino acid sequences_in each_of_these families._Based_on such sequences_the characteristic profile_of the latent periodicity_has been deduced_for_each family"} +{"text": " flies with clipped wings were trained to discriminate between pairs of visual patterns presented in the vertical plane. During training trials, individual flies learned to search preferentially at the", "synonym_substitution": "flies with clipped wings were trained to discriminate between pair of ocular patterns presented in the vertical airplane. During training trials, individual flies teach to search preferentially at the", "butter_fingers": " flles with clipped wings wtre trained to discriminete betseen paifs of visual patterns presenved un tht vertical plane. Dufing traijing triqls, mndividual flies learned to sezvch pxeherentially at jhe", "random_deletion": "flies with clipped wings were trained to pairs visual patterns in the vertical flies to search preferentially the", "change_char_case": " flies with clipped wings were Trained to dIscriMinAte BeTweeN paiRs of visual pattERns pResented in the vertical pLane. DUrINg trAInIng trIals, indIViDUAl fLiEs LeaRnED tO searCh pReferenTially at thE", "whitespace_perturbation": " flies with clipped wingswere train ed to di scr im inat e be tween pairs of visu al patterns presentedin th ev erti c al plan e. Duri n gt r ain in gtri al s ,indiv idu al flie s learnedtose arch prefere n ti ally at th e", "underscore_trick": " flies_with clipped_wings were trained to_discriminate between_pairs_of visual_patterns_presented in the_vertical plane. During_training trials, individual flies_learned to search_preferentially_at the"} +{"text": " in which individuals perform self-management. In this study, those who attributed responsibility to external factors mainly performed recommended behaviours to control their illness. In contrast, to", "synonym_substitution": "in which individuals perform self - management. In this study, those who attributed duty to external divisor mainly performed recommended demeanor to control their illness. In contrast, to", "butter_fingers": " in which individuals perfovm self-managemenj. Un thiv studg, those dho attributed responsibilitb to exteenal factors mainly pefformed rvcommendee beiaviours to contckl theiv illhcss. Iu rontrast, to", "random_deletion": "in which individuals perform self-management. In this who responsibility to factors mainly performed illness. contrast, to", "change_char_case": " in which individuals perform Self-manageMent. IN thIs sTuDy, thOse wHo attributed reSPonsIbility to external factoRs maiNlY PerfORmEd recOmmendeD BeHAVioUrS tO coNtROl Their IllNess. In cOntrast, to", "whitespace_perturbation": " in which individuals perf orm self-m anage men t.In thi s st udy, those who attr ibuted responsibilityto ex te r nalf ac torsmainlyp er f o rme dre com me n de d beh avi ours to control t hei rillness. Inc on trast, to", "underscore_trick": " in_which individuals_perform self-management. In this_study, those_who_attributed responsibility_to_external factors mainly_performed recommended behaviours_to control their illness._In contrast, to"} +{"text": " to surface phantoms with enough accuracy. In spite of using relatively less resources (<2 man-months), we were able to construct the polygon-surface phantom", "synonym_substitution": "to surface phantoms with enough accuracy. In spite of use relatively less resource (< 2 man - months), we were able to construct the polygon - airfoil phantom", "butter_fingers": " to surface phantoms with ekough accuracy. Iu spite of usjng relagively less resources (<2 man-moiths), we wtge able to construct ghe polygln-surfacw phentom", "random_deletion": "to surface phantoms with enough accuracy. In using less resources man-months), we were phantom", "change_char_case": " to surface phantoms with enouGh accuracy. in spiTe oF usInG relAtivEly less resourcES (<2 man-Months), we were able to consTruct ThE PolyGOn-SurfaCe phantOM", "whitespace_perturbation": " to surface phantoms withenough acc uracy . I n s pi te o f us ing relatively less resources (<2 man-mon ths), w e wer e a ble t o const r uc t the p ol ygo n- s ur facepha ntom", "underscore_trick": " to_surface phantoms_with enough accuracy. In_spite of_using_relatively less_resources_(<2 man-months), we_were able to_construct the polygon-surface phantom"} +{"text": " neck and upper chest at both imaging times. The second derived protocol was a dual-tracer, single-phase protocol consisting of administration of (123)I", "synonym_substitution": "neck and upper chest at both imaging times. The second derived protocol was a double - tracer, individual - phase protocol consisting of administration of (123)I", "butter_fingers": " nefk and upper chest at bouh imaging times. Jhw secoid deribed protucol was a dual-tracer, single-'hasw proujcol consisting of administgation of (123)I", "random_deletion": "neck and upper chest at both imaging second protocol was dual-tracer, single-phase protocol", "change_char_case": " neck and upper chest at both imAging times. the seConD deRiVed pRotoCol was a dual-traCEr, siNgle-phase protocol consiSting Of ADminIStRatioN of (123)I", "whitespace_perturbation": " neck and upper chest at b oth imagin g tim es. Th eseco nd d erived protoco l was a dual-tracer, single -phas ep roto c ol cons istingo fa d min is tr ati on of (123 )I", "underscore_trick": " neck_and upper_chest at both imaging_times. The_second_derived protocol_was_a dual-tracer, single-phase_protocol consisting of_administration of (123)I"} +{"text": " 2000. These changes were most noticeable for the 16-24 years age group. The use of paracetamol decreased, whereas other means of self-harm", "synonym_substitution": "2000. These changes were most noticeable for the 16 - 24 years old age group. The habit of paracetamol decreased, whereas other means of self - damage", "butter_fingers": " 2000. Tjese changes were most nuticeable for tkw 16-24 yeacs age froup. Thd use of paracetamol decreasxd, wyereaw other means of self-hxrm", "random_deletion": "2000. These changes were most noticeable for years group. The of paracetamol decreased,", "change_char_case": " 2000. These changes were most noticEable for thE 16-24 yearS agE grOuP. The Use oF paracetamol deCReasEd, whereas other means of sElf-haRm", "whitespace_perturbation": " 2000. These changes weremost notic eable fo r t he 16- 24 y ears age group . The use of paracetamol de creas ed , whe r ea s oth er mean s o f sel f- ha rm", "underscore_trick": " 2000._These changes_were most noticeable for_the 16-24_years_age group._The_use of paracetamol_decreased, whereas other_means of self-harm"} +{"text": "operoxidase activity of the lipopolysaccharide-exposed gland was 10-fold greater than that of the contralateral gland. Combined with sulphated cholecystokin", "synonym_substitution": "operoxidase activity of the lipopolysaccharide - exposed gland was 10 - fold greater than that of the contralateral gland. Combined with sulphated cholecystokin", "butter_fingers": "opegoxidase activity of the lipopolysacchatiee-expoved glznd was 10-wold greater than that of thx cobtralqteral gland. Combined dith sulpjated chilecbstokin", "random_deletion": "operoxidase activity of the lipopolysaccharide-exposed gland was than of the gland. Combined with", "change_char_case": "operoxidase activity of the lIpopolysacChariDe-eXpoSeD glaNd waS 10-fold greater thAN thaT of the contralateral glaNd. ComBiNEd wiTH sUlphaTed cholECySTOkiN", "whitespace_perturbation": "operoxidase activity of th e lipopoly sacch ari de- ex pose d gl and was 10-fol d gre ater than that of thecontr al a tera l g land. Combin e dw i thsu lp hat ed ch olecy sto kin", "underscore_trick": "operoxidase activity_of the_lipopolysaccharide-exposed gland was 10-fold_greater than_that_of the_contralateral_gland. Combined with_sulphated cholecystokin"} +{"text": "ium colbecki, Aequipecten opercularis, Chlamys glabra, C. islandica, C. varia, and", "synonym_substitution": "ium colbecki, Aequipecten opercularis, Chlamys glabra, C. islandica, C. varia, and", "butter_fingers": "ium colbecki, Aequipecten optrcularis, Chlamys glabra, C. islzndica, C. varia, and", "random_deletion": "ium colbecki, Aequipecten opercularis, Chlamys glabra, C. varia,", "change_char_case": "ium colbecki, Aequipecten opeRcularis, ChLamys GlaBra, c. iSlanDica, c. varia, and", "whitespace_perturbation": "ium colbecki, Aequipectenoperculari s, Ch lam ysgl abra , C. islandica, C. vari a, and", "underscore_trick": "ium colbecki,_Aequipecten opercularis,_Chlamys glabra, C. islandica,_C. varia,_and"} +{"text": " relatives, development of a programme is described aimed at specifically supporting spouses of persons suffering from depression or schizophrenia. The concept of our programme is presented and results of its", "synonym_substitution": "relatives, development of a programme is described drive at specifically digest spouses of persons suffering from low or schizophrenia. The concept of our programme is presented and resultant role of its", "butter_fingers": " repatives, development of a programme is dgsxribed aimed at speckfically supporting spouses lf persins suffering from depfession og schizopyrenma. The concept oh our programms is 'rxsented and resolts of its", "random_deletion": "relatives, development of a programme is described specifically spouses of suffering from depression our is presented and of its", "change_char_case": " relatives, development of a prOgramme is dEscriBed AimEd At spEcifIcally supportiNG spoUses of persons suffering From dEpREssiON oR schiZophrenIA. THE ConCePt Of oUr PRoGrammE is PresentEd and resulTs oF iTs", "whitespace_perturbation": " relatives, development of a program me is de scr ib ed a imed at specifical l y su pporting spouses of pe rsons s u ffer i ng from depres s io n orsc hi zop hr e ni a. Th e c onceptof our pro gra mm e is present e dand result s o f its", "underscore_trick": " relatives,_development of_a programme is described_aimed at_specifically_supporting spouses_of_persons suffering from_depression or schizophrenia._The concept of our_programme is presented_and_results of its"} +{"text": " can control resistance against pathogen infection. Conceptually, there are two branches of the plant innate immune system. One branch recognizes conserved features of microbial pathogens, while a", "synonym_substitution": "can control resistance against pathogen infection. Conceptually, there are two branch of the plant congenital immune system. One branch recognizes conserve features of microbial pathogens, while a", "butter_fingers": " caj control resistance agalnst pathogen inywction. Conceltually, ghere are two branches of thx plqnt ibnate immune system. Ond branch gecognizew coiserved features of microbial lwthoyeis, while a", "random_deletion": "can control resistance against pathogen infection. Conceptually, two of the innate immune system. of pathogens, while a", "change_char_case": " can control resistance againSt pathogen InfecTioN. CoNcEptuAlly, There are two braNChes Of the plant innate immune SysteM. ONE braNCh RecogNizes coNSeRVEd fEaTuRes Of MIcRobiaL paThogens, While a", "whitespace_perturbation": " can control resistance ag ainst path ogeninf ect io n. C once ptually, there aretwo branches of the pl ant i nn a te i m mu ne sy stem. O n eb r anc hre cog ni z es cons erv ed feat ures of mi cro bi al pathogens , w hile a", "underscore_trick": " can_control resistance_against pathogen infection. Conceptually,_there are_two_branches of_the_plant innate immune_system. One branch_recognizes conserved features of_microbial pathogens, while_a"} +{"text": " and 156 (68.7%) patients were male. During the follow-up period (median, 61 months), HCC developed in 18 patients. Patient with HCC", "synonym_substitution": "and 156 (68.7 %) patients were male. During the follow - up period (median, 61 months), HCC develop in 18 patient. Patient with HCC", "butter_fingers": " anf 156 (68.7%) patients were male. Dmring the follow-op periov (mediah, 61 monthr), HCC developed in 18 patients. Pqtienu with HCC", "random_deletion": "and 156 (68.7%) patients were male. During period 61 months), developed in 18", "change_char_case": " and 156 (68.7%) patients were male. During The follow-uP periOd (mEdiAn, 61 MontHs), HCc developed in 18 paTIentS. Patient with HCC", "whitespace_perturbation": " and 156 (68.7%) patientswere male. Duri ngthe f ollo w-up period (media n , 61 months), HCC develope d in18 pati e nt s. Pa tient w i th H CC", "underscore_trick": " and_156 (68.7%)_patients were male. During_the follow-up_period_(median, 61_months),_HCC developed in_18 patients. Patient_with HCC"} +{"text": "x surface species and SnO2 nanoparticles would enhance the absorption in visible region, increase reactive oxidative species and separate photogenerated electrons and holes efficiently. Therefore,", "synonym_substitution": "x surface species and SnO2 nanoparticles would enhance the absorption in visible region, increase reactive oxidative coinage and freestanding photogenerated electrons and holes efficiently. consequently,", "butter_fingers": "x skrface species and SnO2 nxnoparticles woole enhaice the absorptkon in visible region, increade reacupve oxidative species and sepagate photigentrated electrons ehd holes effidlentlv. Vherefore,", "random_deletion": "x surface species and SnO2 nanoparticles would absorption visible region, reactive oxidative species holes Therefore,", "change_char_case": "x surface species and SnO2 nanoParticles wOuld eNhaNce ThE absOrptIon in visible reGIon, iNcrease reactive oxidatiVe speCiES and SEpArate PhotogeNErATEd eLeCtRonS aND hOles eFfiCiently. therefore,", "whitespace_perturbation": "x surface species and SnO2 nanoparti cleswou lden hanc e th e absorption i n vis ible region, increasereact iv e oxi d at ive s peciesa nd s epa ra te ph ot o ge nerat edelectro ns and hol esef ficiently. T h er efore,", "underscore_trick": "x surface_species and_SnO2 nanoparticles would enhance_the absorption_in_visible region,_increase_reactive oxidative species_and separate photogenerated_electrons and holes efficiently._Therefore,"} +{"text": " the mother was older, did not smoke in pregnancy, and the family had a high social status. The prevalence of atopic eczema in the first seven", "synonym_substitution": "the mother was older, did not smoke in pregnancy, and the family had a eminent social condition. The prevalence of atopic eczema in the first seven", "butter_fingers": " thf mother was older, did nut smoke in preybancy, end the family fad a high social status. The peevaltuce of atopic eczema in the fprst seveb", "random_deletion": "the mother was older, did not smoke and family had high social status. in first seven", "change_char_case": " the mother was older, did not smOke in pregnAncy, aNd tHe fAmIly hAd a hIgh social statuS. the pRevalence of atopic eczemA in thE fIRst sEVeN", "whitespace_perturbation": " the mother was older, did not smoke in p reg nan cy , an d th e family had a high social status. The pr evale nc e ofa to pic e czema i n t h e fi rs tsev en ", "underscore_trick": " the_mother was_older, did not smoke_in pregnancy,_and_the family_had_a high social_status. The prevalence_of atopic eczema in_the first seven"} +{"text": " muscle scaffolds alone, the addition of amniotic epithelial cells further promoted the remyelination of nerve fibers, sprouting of 5-hydroxytryptamine nerve", "synonym_substitution": "muscle scaffolds alone, the addition of amniotic epithelial cell far promoted the remyelination of nerve fibers, sprout of 5 - hydroxytryptamine nerve", "butter_fingers": " mudcle scaffolds alone, the addition of amuuotic xpitheljal cellr further promoted the remyepibatiob of nerve fibers, sprojting of 5-jydroxyteyptemine nerve", "random_deletion": "muscle scaffolds alone, the addition of amniotic further the remyelination nerve fibers, sprouting", "change_char_case": " muscle scaffolds alone, the adDition of amNiotiC epIthElIal cElls Further promoteD The rEmyelination of nerve fibErs, spRoUTing OF 5-hYdroxYtryptaMInE NErvE", "whitespace_perturbation": " muscle scaffolds alone, t he additio n ofamn iot ic epi thel ial cells furt h er p romoted the remyelinat ion o fn erve fi bers, sprout i ng o f 5 -h yd rox yt r yp tamin e n erve", "underscore_trick": " muscle_scaffolds alone,_the addition of amniotic_epithelial cells_further_promoted the_remyelination_of nerve fibers,_sprouting of 5-hydroxytryptamine_nerve"} +{"text": "2)(NO)(4) esters for which R is a simple alkyl group such as CH(3)CH(2)- because of the much higher absorpt", "synonym_substitution": "2)(NO)(4) esters for which R is a simple alkyl group such as CH(3)CH(2)- because of the much eminent absorpt", "butter_fingers": "2)(NO)(4) fsters for which R is a rimple alkyl group suci as CH(3)DH(2)- becaure of the much higher absorpv", "random_deletion": "2)(NO)(4) esters for which R is a group as CH(3)CH(2)- of the much", "change_char_case": "2)(NO)(4) esters for which R is a simplE alkyl grouP such As Ch(3)CH(2)- BeCausE of tHe much higher abSOrpt", "whitespace_perturbation": "2)(NO)(4) esters for which R is a si mplealk ylgr oupsuch as CH(3)CH(2) - bec ause of the much highe r abs or p t", "underscore_trick": "2)(NO)(4) esters_for which_R is a simple_alkyl group_such_as CH(3)CH(2)-_because_of the much_higher absorpt"} +{"text": " arthroscopy appears to give good results. Expression of erythropoietin and erythropoietin receptor in peritoneal endometriosis.\nRecent studies have", "synonym_substitution": "arthroscopy appears to give good results. formula of erythropoietin and erythropoietin sense organ in peritoneal endometriosis. \n Recent studies get", "butter_fingers": " arhhroscopy appears to givt good results. Exkrwssion of ergthropoidtin and erythropoietin rece'tor in ptgitoneal endometriosir.\nRecent snudies hace", "random_deletion": "arthroscopy appears to give good results. Expression and receptor in endometriosis. Recent studies", "change_char_case": " arthroscopy appears to give gOod results. expreSsiOn oF eRythRopoIetin and erythrOPoieTin receptor in peritoneaL endoMeTRiosIS.\nREcent Studies HAvE", "whitespace_perturbation": " arthroscopy appears to gi ve good re sults . E xpr es sion oferythropoietin anderythropoietin recepto r inpe r iton e al endo metrios i s. R ece nt s tud ie s h ave", "underscore_trick": " arthroscopy_appears to_give good results. Expression_of erythropoietin_and_erythropoietin receptor_in_peritoneal endometriosis.\nRecent studies_have"} +{"text": " studied. An open-label, dose-escalation study to evaluate the safety and pharmacokinetics of CEP-9722 (a PARP-1", "synonym_substitution": "studied. An open - label, dose - escalation study to measure the condom and pharmacokinetics of CEP-9722 (a PARP-1", "butter_fingers": " stkdied. An open-label, dose-ercalation study to evanuate fhe safegy and pharmacokinetics of CXP-9722 (a PARP-1", "random_deletion": "studied. An open-label, dose-escalation study to evaluate and of CEP-9722 PARP-1", "change_char_case": " studied. An open-label, dose-escAlation stuDy to eValUatE tHe saFety And pharmacokinETics Of CEP-9722 (a PARP-1", "whitespace_perturbation": " studied. An open-label, d ose-escala tionstu dyto eva luat e the safety a n d ph armacokinetics of CEP- 9722(a PARP - 1", "underscore_trick": " studied._An open-label,_dose-escalation study to evaluate_the safety_and_pharmacokinetics of_CEP-9722_(a PARP-1"} +{"text": " terminal maturation in secondary lymphoid tissues (SLTs) including lymph nodes (LNs) and tonsils. In addition, recent studies have revealed that maturing NK", "synonym_substitution": "terminal maturation in secondary lymphoid tissues (SLTs) include lymph node (LNs) and tonsils. In addition, recent study have revealed that maturing NK", "butter_fingers": " tegminal maturation in secundary lymphoid tissuev (SLTs) includivg lymph nodes (LNs) and tonsips. In aedition, recent studies have revvaled thar mauuring NK", "random_deletion": "terminal maturation in secondary lymphoid tissues (SLTs) nodes and tonsils. addition, recent studies", "change_char_case": " terminal maturation in seconDary lymphoId tisSueS (SLts) InclUdinG lymph nodes (LNs) ANd toNsils. In addition, recent sTudieS hAVe reVEaLed thAt maturINg nk", "whitespace_perturbation": " terminal maturation in se condary ly mphoi d t iss ue s (S LTs) including lym p h no des (LNs) and tonsils. In a dd i tion , r ecent studie s h a v e r ev ea led t h at matu rin g NK", "underscore_trick": " terminal_maturation in_secondary lymphoid tissues (SLTs)_including lymph_nodes_(LNs) and_tonsils._In addition, recent_studies have revealed_that maturing NK"} +{"text": "PI, +TWA was more prevalent in UCA survivors than in FDRs (80% vs 18%; P =.009). TWA burden was greater", "synonym_substitution": "PI, + TWA was more prevalent in UCA survivors than in FDRs (80% vs 18% ; P = .009). TWA burden was great", "butter_fingers": "PI, +HWA was more prevalent ik UCA survivors jhqn in HDRs (80% va 18%; P =.009). TWX burden was greater", "random_deletion": "PI, +TWA was more prevalent in UCA in (80% vs P =.009). TWA", "change_char_case": "PI, +TWA was more prevalent in UCa survivors Than iN FDrs (80% vS 18%; P =.009). tWA bUrdeN was greater", "whitespace_perturbation": "PI, +TWA was more prevalen t in UCA s urviv ors th an inFDRs (80% vs 18%;P =.0 09). TWA burden was gr eater ", "underscore_trick": "PI, +TWA_was more_prevalent in UCA survivors_than in_FDRs_(80% vs_18%;_P =.009). TWA_burden was greater"} +{"text": "57 and the ester carbonyl was constantly located in the oxyanion hole. A comparison between the simulated tetrahedral intermediate and a time-resolved crystallographic structure", "synonym_substitution": "57 and the ester carbonyl was constantly located in the oxyanion hole. A comparison between the simulated tetrahedral intermediate and a meter - purpose crystallographic structure", "butter_fingers": "57 anf the ester carbonyl was constantly loccred in the osyanion fole. A comparison between thx sinulattb tetrahedral intermddiate anf a time-eesooced crystallographle strhgture", "random_deletion": "57 and the ester carbonyl was constantly the hole. A between the simulated crystallographic", "change_char_case": "57 and the ester carbonyl was conStantly locAted iN thE oxYaNion Hole. a comparison betWEen tHe simulated tetrahedral InterMeDIate ANd A time-ResolveD CrYSTalLoGrAphIc STrUcturE", "whitespace_perturbation": "57 and the ester carbonylwas consta ntlyloc ate din t he o xyanion hole.A com parison between the si mulat ed tetr a he dralinterme d ia t e an datim e- r es olved cr ystallo graphic st ruc tu re", "underscore_trick": "57 and_the ester_carbonyl was constantly located_in the_oxyanion_hole. A_comparison_between the simulated_tetrahedral intermediate and_a time-resolved crystallographic structure"} +{"text": " sustained release effect for a model poorly water-soluble drug cinnarizine. A mixture of phytantriol and tributyrin at an 85:", "synonym_substitution": "sustained release effect for a model ill urine - soluble drug cinnarizine. A mixture of phytantriol and tributyrin at an 85:", "butter_fingers": " sudtained release effect fur a model poorly watec-solubls drug cknnarizine. A mixture of phytentruol abd tributyrin at an 85:", "random_deletion": "sustained release effect for a model poorly cinnarizine. mixture of and tributyrin at", "change_char_case": " sustained release effect for A model poorLy watEr-sOluBlE druG cinNarizine. A mixtuRE of pHytantriol and tributyriN at an 85:", "whitespace_perturbation": " sustained release effectfor a mode l poo rly wa te r-so lubl e drug cinnari z ine. A mixture of phytantr iol a nd trib u ty rin a t an 85 : ", "underscore_trick": " sustained_release effect_for a model poorly_water-soluble drug_cinnarizine._A mixture_of_phytantriol and tributyrin_at an 85:"} +{"text": "p < 0.001) after S. It was accompanied by significant increase of cardiac output (CO) from 5.7 +/- 1.5 to 8.", "synonym_substitution": "p < 0.001) after S. It was accompanied by significant increase of cardiac output (CO) from 5.7 + /- 1.5 to 8.", "butter_fingers": "p < 0.001) after S. It was accompanled by significaur incrxase of cardiac output (CO) from 5.7 +/- 1.5 to 8.", "random_deletion": "p < 0.001) after S. It was significant of cardiac (CO) from 5.7", "change_char_case": "p < 0.001) after S. It was accompanied by SignificanT incrEasE of CaRdiaC outPut (CO) from 5.7 +/- 1.5 to 8.", "whitespace_perturbation": "p < 0.001) after S. It was accompani ed by si gni fi cant inc rease of cardi a c ou tput (CO) from 5.7 +/- 1.5to 8.", "underscore_trick": "p <_0.001) after_S. It was accompanied_by significant_increase_of cardiac_output_(CO) from 5.7_+/- 1.5 to_8."} +{"text": " In the article, the Fear of Being Single Scale used in Study 3 was in fact a version adapted for those currently involved in relationships. In error, it was", "synonym_substitution": "In the article, the Fear of Being Single Scale used in Study 3 was in fact a version adapted for those presently imply in relationships. In error, it was", "butter_fingers": " In the article, the Fear of Being Single Seqle usxd in Sfudy 3 war in fact a version adapted hor rhose currently involved in relationdhips. In errie, it was", "random_deletion": "In the article, the Fear of Being used Study 3 in fact a involved relationships. In error, was", "change_char_case": " In the article, the Fear of BeinG Single ScaLe useD in stuDy 3 Was iN facT a version adaptED for Those currently involved In relAtIOnshIPs. in errOr, it was", "whitespace_perturbation": " In the article, the Fearof Being S ingle Sc ale u sedin S tudy 3 was inf acta version adapted forthose c u rren t ly invo lved in re l a tio ns hi ps. I n e rror, it was", "underscore_trick": " In_the article,_the Fear of Being_Single Scale_used_in Study_3_was in fact_a version adapted_for those currently involved_in relationships. In_error,_it was"} +{"text": " R4% mice at 8 weeks. The number of total and PNA+ cells was significantly diminished although the proportion of PNA+ cells was not modified in", "synonym_substitution": "R4% mice at 8 weeks. The number of total and PNA+ cell was importantly diminished although the proportion of PNA+ cell was not modify in", "butter_fingers": " R4% lice at 8 weeks. The numbev of total and PUQ+ cellv was aignificxntly diminished although thx priportuon of PNA+ cells was nut modifivd in", "random_deletion": "R4% mice at 8 weeks. The number and cells was diminished although the not in", "change_char_case": " R4% mice at 8 weeks. The number of toTal and PNA+ cElls wAs sIgnIfIcanTly dIminished althoUGh thE proportion of PNA+ cells wAs not MoDIfieD In", "whitespace_perturbation": " R4% mice at 8 weeks. Thenumber oftotal an d P NA + ce llswas significan t ly d iminished although the prop or t iono fPNA+cells w a sn o t m od if ied i n ", "underscore_trick": " R4%_mice at_8 weeks. The number_of total_and_PNA+ cells_was_significantly diminished although_the proportion of_PNA+ cells was not_modified in"} +{"text": "-81, SSEA-3 and SSEA-4 as well as having differentiation abilities into three germ layers in vitro and in vivo. In this study,", "synonym_substitution": "-81, SSEA-3 and SSEA-4 as well as having differentiation abilities into three source level in vitro and in vivo. In this study,", "butter_fingers": "-81, SSFA-3 and SSEA-4 as well as hxving differentnqtion ebilitiss into ghree germ layers in vitro aid ib vivi. In this study,", "random_deletion": "-81, SSEA-3 and SSEA-4 as well as abilities three germ in vitro and", "change_char_case": "-81, SSEA-3 and SSEA-4 as well as having DifferentiAtion AbiLitIeS intO thrEe germ layers in VItro And in vivo. In this study,", "whitespace_perturbation": "-81, SSEA-3 and SSEA-4 aswell as ha vingdif fer en tiat ionabilities into thre e germ layers in vitro andin vivo . I n thi s study , ", "underscore_trick": "-81, SSEA-3_and SSEA-4_as well as having_differentiation abilities_into_three germ_layers_in vitro and_in vivo. In_this study,"} +{"text": " Risk of Mortality Score as predictor of death and serious neurologic damage in children after submersion.\nTo evaluate the Pediatric Risk of Mortality score (", "synonym_substitution": "Risk of Mortality Score as predictor of death and serious neurological price in children after submersion. \n To measure the Pediatric Risk of Mortality grudge (", "butter_fingers": " Ridk of Mortality Score as predictor of dgarh and seriohs neurouogic damage in children aftxr sybmerwion.\nTo evaluate the Peaiatric Rpsk of Moetalmty score (", "random_deletion": "Risk of Mortality Score as predictor of serious damage in after submersion. To Mortality (", "change_char_case": " Risk of Mortality Score as preDictor of deAth anD seRioUs NeurOlogIc damage in chilDRen aFter submersion.\nTo evaluaTe the peDIatrIC RIsk of mortaliTY sCORe (", "whitespace_perturbation": " Risk of Mortality Score a s predicto r ofdea than d se riou s neurologic d a mage in children after sub mersi on . \nToe va luate the Pe d ia t r icRi sk of M o rt ality sc ore (", "underscore_trick": " Risk_of Mortality_Score as predictor of_death and_serious_neurologic damage_in_children after submersion.\nTo_evaluate the Pediatric_Risk of Mortality score_("} +{"text": " motors follow the correct path. Programmable motion will allow the development of computing networks, molecular systems that can sort and process cargoes according to instructions that they carry", "synonym_substitution": "motors follow the correct path. Programmable apparent motion will leave the development of computing networks, molecular system that can sort and process cargoes accord to teaching that they carry", "butter_fingers": " mohors follow the correct kath. Programmable motion will zllow thd development of computing nxtwoeks, milecular systems that zan sort wnd procwss rargoes accordinj to insbxuctikks thct they carry", "random_deletion": "motors follow the correct path. Programmable motion the of computing molecular systems that according instructions that they", "change_char_case": " motors follow the correct patH. ProgrammaBle moTioN wiLl AlloW the Development of cOMputIng networks, molecular syStems ThAT can SOrT and pRocess cARgOES acCoRdIng To INsTructIonS that thEy carry", "whitespace_perturbation": " motors follow the correct path. Pro gramm abl e m ot ionwill allow the dev e lopm ent of computing netwo rks,mo l ecul a rsyste ms that ca n sor tan d p ro c es s car goe s accor ding to in str uc tions that t h ey carry", "underscore_trick": " motors_follow the_correct path. Programmable motion_will allow_the_development of_computing_networks, molecular systems_that can sort_and process cargoes according_to instructions that_they_carry"} +{"text": ". The recorded signal is altered in a characteristic way by nerve-muscle disorders. So called Macro EMG studies summate activity from all fibres in a", "synonym_substitution": ". The recorded signal is altered in a characteristic way by nerve - muscle disorder. therefore called Macro EMG studies summate bodily process from all fibres in a", "butter_fingers": ". Thf recorded signal is alttred in a charactgrustic xay by herve-muszle disorders. So called Macrl WMG suldies summate activith from alp fibres in e", "random_deletion": ". The recorded signal is altered in way nerve-muscle disorders. called Macro EMG fibres a", "change_char_case": ". The recorded signal is altereD in a characTerisTic Way By NervE-musCle disorders. So CAlleD Macro EMG studies summatE actiViTY froM AlL fibrEs in a", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The recorded signal is a ltered ina cha rac ter is ticwayby nerve-muscl e dis orders. So called Macr o EMG s t udie s s ummat e activ i ty f rom a ll fi br e sin a", "underscore_trick": ". The_recorded signal_is altered in a_characteristic way_by_nerve-muscle disorders._So_called Macro EMG_studies summate activity_from all fibres in_a"} +{"text": "amination or mono-denitration, followed by ring breakdown. A reasonable production of N2 gas (13%) was seen in the RDX system but not", "synonym_substitution": "amination or mono - denitration, followed by ring breakdown. A fair product of N2 gas (13 %) was seen in the RDX arrangement but not", "butter_fingers": "amijation or mono-denitratiok, followed by riut breandown. Z reasonxble production of N2 gas (13%) wad ween un the RDX system but vot", "random_deletion": "amination or mono-denitration, followed by ring breakdown. production N2 gas was seen in", "change_char_case": "amination or mono-denitratioN, followed bY ring BreAkdOwN. A reAsonAble production OF N2 gaS (13%) was seen in the RDX system But noT", "whitespace_perturbation": "amination or mono-denitrat ion, follo wed b y r ing b reak down . A reasonable prod uction of N2 gas (13%) wasse e n in th e RDX system bu t not ", "underscore_trick": "amination or_mono-denitration, followed_by ring breakdown. A_reasonable production_of_N2 gas_(13%)_was seen in_the RDX system_but not"} +{"text": " were fed either a Se-deficient diet (0.008 mg Se/kg; produced in the Se-deficient area of Heilongjiang, China)", "synonym_substitution": "were fed either a Se - deficient diet (0.008 mg Se / kg; produced in the Se - deficient sphere of Heilongjiang, China )", "butter_fingers": " wege fed either a Se-deficitnt diet (0.008 mg Se/kg; producxd in tge Se-defkcient area of Heilongjiang, Rhinq)", "random_deletion": "were fed either a Se-deficient diet (0.008 produced the Se-deficient of Heilongjiang, China)", "change_char_case": " were fed either a Se-deficient Diet (0.008 mg Se/kg; ProduCed In tHe se-deFiciEnt area of HeiloNGjiaNg, China)", "whitespace_perturbation": " were fed either a Se-defi cient diet (0.0 08mgSe /kg; pro duced in the S e -def icient area of Heilong jiang ,C hina ) ", "underscore_trick": " were_fed either_a Se-deficient diet (0.008_mg Se/kg;_produced_in the_Se-deficient_area of Heilongjiang,_China)"} +{"text": " HFE, transferrin receptor 2 (TFR2), ferroportin (SLC40A1 or FPN1), hepcidin (", "synonym_substitution": "HFE, transferrin receptor 2 (TFR2), ferroportin (SLC40A1 or FPN1), hepcidin (", "butter_fingers": " HFF, transferrin receptor 2 (UFR2), ferroportin (SLC40A1 or HPN1), hepdidin (", "random_deletion": "HFE, transferrin receptor 2 (TFR2), ferroportin (SLC40A1 hepcidin", "change_char_case": " HFE, transferrin receptor 2 (TFR2), FerroportiN (SLC40A1 Or FpN1), hEpCidiN (", "whitespace_perturbation": " HFE, transferrin receptor 2 (TFR2), ferr opo rti n(SLC 40A1 or FPN1), hep c idin (", "underscore_trick": " HFE,_transferrin receptor_2 (TFR2), ferroportin (SLC40A1_or FPN1),_hepcidin_("} +{"text": " fail a few weeks after implantation primarily due to the formation of an astro-glial sheath around the implant. We propose a drug delivery system, from conducting", "synonym_substitution": "fail a few weeks after implantation primarily due to the formation of an astro - glial sheath around the implant. We nominate a drug rescue system, from conducting", "butter_fingers": " fall a few weeks after impuantation primatioy due to ths formatkon of an astro-glial sheath eroubd tht implant. We proposd a drug felivery sysuem, from conductiif", "random_deletion": "fail a few weeks after implantation primarily the of an sheath around the delivery from conducting", "change_char_case": " fail a few weeks after implantAtion primaRily dUe tO thE fOrmaTion Of an astro-glial SHeatH around the implant. We proPose a DrUG delIVeRy sysTem, from COnDUCtiNg", "whitespace_perturbation": " fail a few weeks after im plantation prim ari lydu e to the formation ofa n as tro-glial sheath aroun d the i m plan t .We pr opose a dr u g de li ve rysy s te m, fr omconduct ing", "underscore_trick": " fail_a few_weeks after implantation primarily_due to_the_formation of_an_astro-glial sheath around_the implant. We_propose a drug delivery_system, from conducting"} +{"text": " the young animals: however, the magnitude of the concomitantly occurring heart rate change was greater in older than in younger animals. These age-related changes appeared to", "synonym_substitution": "the young animals: however, the magnitude of the concomitantly occurring affection pace change was greater in old than in new animals. These age - relate variety appeared to", "butter_fingers": " thf young animals: however, uhe magnitude of jhw concmmitanfly occufring heart rate change was jrearer ib older than in youngef animals. These ate-reoqted changxa appeavzd to", "random_deletion": "the young animals: however, the magnitude of occurring rate change greater in older age-related appeared to", "change_char_case": " the young animals: however, the Magnitude oF the cOncOmiTaNtly OccuRring heart rate CHangE was greater in older than In youNgER aniMAlS. ThesE age-relATeD CHanGeS aPpeArED tO", "whitespace_perturbation": " the young animals: howeve r, the mag nitud e o f t he con comi tantly occurri n g he art rate change was gr eater i n old e rthanin youn g er a nim al s. Th es e a ge-re lat ed chan ges appear edto ", "underscore_trick": " the_young animals:_however, the magnitude of_the concomitantly_occurring_heart rate_change_was greater in_older than in_younger animals. These age-related_changes appeared to"} +{"text": " trisomy, 3p14-->pter deletion, 1p13, 13p14.3, 7q22, 8p11, 13q", "synonym_substitution": "trisomy, 3p14 - ->pter deletion, 1p13, 13p14.3, 7q22, 8p11, 13q", "butter_fingers": " trlsomy, 3p14-->pter deletion, 1p13, 13p14.3, 7q22, 8p11, 13q", "random_deletion": "trisomy, 3p14-->pter deletion, 1p13, 13p14.3, 7q22, 8p11,", "change_char_case": " trisomy, 3p14-->pter deletion, 1p13, 13p14.3, 7q22, 8p11, 13q", "whitespace_perturbation": " trisomy, 3p14-->pter dele tion, 1p13 , 13p 14. 3,7q 22,8p11 , 13q", "underscore_trick": " trisomy,_3p14-->pter deletion,_1p13, 13p14.3, 7q22, 8p11,_13q"} +{"text": " and store respiratory data, a preliminary study.\nThe development of effective graphical user interfaces (GUIs) has been in an emergent demand in healthcare technologies, for", "synonym_substitution": "and store respiratory data, a preliminary study. \n The development of effective graphical exploiter interface (GUIs) has been in an emergent demand in healthcare technologies, for", "butter_fingers": " anf store respiratory data, a preliminary study.\nThx develkpment ow effective graphical user iiterdaces (GUIs) has been in an eoergent dvmand in yealuhcare technologixa, for", "random_deletion": "and store respiratory data, a preliminary study. of graphical user (GUIs) has been healthcare for", "change_char_case": " and store respiratory data, a pReliminary Study.\nthe DevElOpmeNt of Effective graphICal uSer interfaces (GUIs) has beEn in aN eMErgeNT dEmand In healtHCaRE TecHnOlOgiEs, FOr", "whitespace_perturbation": " and store respiratory dat a, a preli minar y s tud y. \nThe dev elopment of ef f ecti ve graphical user inte rface s( GUIs ) h as be en in a n e m e rge nt d ema nd in heal thc are tec hnologies, fo r", "underscore_trick": " and_store respiratory_data, a preliminary study.\nThe_development of_effective_graphical user_interfaces_(GUIs) has been_in an emergent_demand in healthcare technologies,_for"} +{"text": " penis, number of layers of the tunica albuginea of the corpus cavernosum) cannot be excluded. Prevalence and some epidemiological factors of beta", "synonym_substitution": "penis, number of layers of the tunica albuginea of the corpus cavernosum) cannot be excluded. Prevalence and some epidemiologic divisor of beta", "butter_fingers": " pejis, number of layers of uhe tunica albugiuwa of vhe corlus cavefnosum) cannot be excluded. Prxvalwnce qnd some epidemiologicxl factord of betq", "random_deletion": "penis, number of layers of the tunica the cavernosum) cannot excluded. Prevalence and", "change_char_case": " penis, number of layers of the tUnica albugInea oF thE coRpUs caVernOsum) cannot be exCLudeD. Prevalence and some epidEmiolOgICal fACtOrs of Beta", "whitespace_perturbation": " penis, number of layers o f the tuni ca al bug ine aof t he c orpus cavernos u m) c annot be excluded. Pre valen ce ands om e epi demiolo g ic a l fa ct or s o fb et a", "underscore_trick": " penis,_number of_layers of the tunica_albuginea of_the_corpus cavernosum)_cannot_be excluded. Prevalence_and some epidemiological_factors of beta"} +{"text": " had a higher LS value, a longer spleen, and lower platelet counts (all P < 0.05) than those without HCC. On multivariate analysis, LS", "synonym_substitution": "had a higher LS value, a longer spleen, and low platelet count (all P < 0.05) than those without HCC. On multivariate analysis, LS", "butter_fingers": " haf a higher LS value, a lokger spleen, and lower pnatelef counts (all P < 0.05) than those without ICC. In muotivariate analysis, LS", "random_deletion": "had a higher LS value, a longer lower counts (all < 0.05) than analysis,", "change_char_case": " had a higher LS value, a longer sPleen, and loWer plAteLet CoUnts (All P < 0.05) Than those withoUT HCC. on multivariate analysis, lS", "whitespace_perturbation": " had a higher LS value, alonger spl een,and lo we r pl atel et counts (all P <0.05) than those witho ut HC C. On m u lt ivari ate ana l ys i s , L S", "underscore_trick": " had_a higher_LS value, a longer_spleen, and_lower_platelet counts_(all_P < 0.05)_than those without_HCC. On multivariate analysis,_LS"} +{"text": " prevent obesity. [The ladder game. An international history].\nThe book Jeux d'echelles. La microanalyse a l'exp\u00e9ri", "synonym_substitution": "prevent obesity. [ The ladder game. An international history ]. \n The ledger Jeux d'echelles. La microanalyse a l'exp\u00e9ri", "butter_fingers": " prfvent obesity. [The ladder game. An interncrional histody].\nThe bouk Jeux d'echelles. La microanelysw a l'tqp\u00e9ri", "random_deletion": "prevent obesity. [The ladder game. An international book d'echelles. La a l'exp\u00e9ri", "change_char_case": " prevent obesity. [The ladder gaMe. An internAtionAl hIstOrY].\nThe Book jeux d'echelles. LA MicrOanalyse a l'exp\u00e9ri", "whitespace_perturbation": " prevent obesity. [The lad der game.An in ter nat io nalhist ory].\nThe book Jeux d'echelles. La microa nalys ea l'e x p\u00e9 ri", "underscore_trick": " prevent_obesity. [The_ladder game. An international_history].\nThe book_Jeux_d'echelles. La_microanalyse_a l'exp\u00e9ri"} +{"text": "4 mmol/l (P<0.01) whereas minimal urine osmolality increased (P<0.05). Plasma renin activity, aldosterone", "synonym_substitution": "4 mmol / l (P<0.01) whereas minimal urine osmolality increased (P<0.05). Plasma renin activity, aldosterone", "butter_fingers": "4 mmll/l (P<0.01) whereas minimal urlne osmolality iuxreasev (P<0.05). Plaama reniv activity, aldosterone", "random_deletion": "4 mmol/l (P<0.01) whereas minimal urine osmolality Plasma activity, aldosterone", "change_char_case": "4 mmol/l (P<0.01) whereas minimal urine Osmolality IncreAseD (P<0.05). PLaSma rEnin Activity, aldostERone", "whitespace_perturbation": "4 mmol/l (P<0.01) whereasminimal ur ine o smo lal it y in crea sed (P<0.05).P lasm a renin activity, aldo stero ne ", "underscore_trick": "4 mmol/l_(P<0.01) whereas_minimal urine osmolality increased_(P<0.05). Plasma_renin_activity, aldosterone"} +{"text": " months and constituted the control group, while 247 in the study group received the same dosage but the duration of treatment was tailored. The study protocol provided for continuation of", "synonym_substitution": "months and constituted the control group, while 247 in the study group pick up the like dosage but the duration of treatment was sew. The report protocol provided for continuation of", "butter_fingers": " mojths and constituted the control group, cyile 247 mn the atudy gruup received the same dosage byt tht duration of treatoent was nailored. Rhe wrudy protorkl provlbed fkv conciiuation of", "random_deletion": "months and constituted the control group, while the group received same dosage but tailored. study protocol provided continuation of", "change_char_case": " months and constituted the coNtrol group, While 247 In tHe sTuDy grOup rEceived the same DOsagE but the duration of treatMent wAs TAiloREd. the stUdy protOCoL PRovIdEd For CoNTiNuatiOn oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " months and constituted th e controlgroup , w hil e247in t he study group rece ived the same dosage b ut th ed urat i on of t reatmen t w a s ta il or ed. T h estudy pr otocolprovided f orco ntinuation o f ", "underscore_trick": " months_and constituted_the control group, while_247 in_the_study group_received_the same dosage_but the duration_of treatment was tailored._The study protocol_provided_for continuation of"} +{"text": " g q.i.d. The administration of 1 g of the ethylsuccinate immediately after a meal gave a peak serum concentration after 60 min of 3.", "synonym_substitution": "g q.i.d. The administration of 1 g of the ethylsuccinate immediately after a meal gave a acme serum assiduity after 60 min of 3.", "butter_fingers": " g e.i.d. The administration on 1 g of the ethylsuccinete immsdiately after a meal gave a peak secum xoncebtration after 60 min of 3.", "random_deletion": "g q.i.d. The administration of 1 g ethylsuccinate after a gave a peak of", "change_char_case": " g q.i.d. The administration of 1 g oF the ethylsUccinAte ImmEdIateLy afTer a meal gave a pEAk seRum concentration after 60 mIn of 3.", "whitespace_perturbation": " g q.i.d. The administrati on of 1 gof th e e thy ls ucci nate immediately a f tera meal gave a peak ser um co nc e ntra t io n aft er 60 m i no f 3. ", "underscore_trick": " g_q.i.d. The_administration of 1 g_of the_ethylsuccinate_immediately after_a_meal gave a_peak serum concentration_after 60 min of_3."} +{"text": " stem cells has been developed, highlighting the importance of SOX17 in the specification of the human germline. Nuclear receptor sites for vitamin D-soltri", "synonym_substitution": "stem cells has been developed, highlighting the importance of SOX17 in the stipulation of the human germline. Nuclear sense organ site for vitamin D - soltri", "butter_fingers": " stfm cells has been develoked, highlighting jhw impoctance kf SOX17 iv the specification of the hnman germoine. Nuclear receptor rites for vitamin D-soorri", "random_deletion": "stem cells has been developed, highlighting the SOX17 the specification the human germline. D-soltri", "change_char_case": " stem cells has been developed, HighlightiNg the ImpOrtAnCe of sOX17 iN the specificatIOn of The human germline. NucleaR recePtOR sitES fOr vitAmin D-soLTrI", "whitespace_perturbation": " stem cells has been devel oped, high light ing th eimpo rtan ce of SOX17 in thespecification of the h umange r mlin e .Nucle ar rece p to r sit es f orvi t am in D- sol tri", "underscore_trick": " stem_cells has_been developed, highlighting the_importance of_SOX17_in the_specification_of the human_germline. Nuclear receptor_sites for vitamin D-soltri"} +{"text": " gasification seems most promising under consideration of multiple criteria using the available average and exemplary data. However, needless to say there is still a long way to go", "synonym_substitution": "gasification seems most promising under consideration of multiple standard use the available average and exemplary data. However, needless to allege there is still a farseeing room to go", "butter_fingers": " gadification seems most prumising under consideretion or multipue criteria using the availaule qverate and exemplary data. Fowever, nvedless ti sab there is still a long way to no", "random_deletion": "gasification seems most promising under consideration of using available average exemplary data. However, still long way to", "change_char_case": " gasification seems most promIsing under ConsiDerAtiOn Of muLtipLe criteria usinG The aVailable average and exemPlary DaTA. HowEVeR, needLess to sAY tHERe iS sTiLl a LoNG wAy to gO", "whitespace_perturbation": " gasification seems most p romising u ndercon sid er atio n of multiple crit e riausing the available av erage a n d ex e mp larydata. H o we v e r,ne ed les st osay t her e is st ill a long wa yto go", "underscore_trick": " gasification_seems most_promising under consideration of_multiple criteria_using_the available_average_and exemplary data._However, needless to_say there is still_a long way_to_go"} +{"text": "glucuronidases and sulfatases) was used to study isoflavone contents in the heart, brain, epididymis, fat, lung", "synonym_substitution": "glucuronidases and sulfatases) was used to study isoflavone contents in the heart, mind, epididymis, fatty, lung", "butter_fingers": "glufuronidases and sulfatasts) was used to stodt isofnavone contentr in the heart, brain, epididyliw, fat, lung", "random_deletion": "glucuronidases and sulfatases) was used to study in heart, brain, fat, lung", "change_char_case": "glucuronidases and sulfatasEs) was used tO studY isOflAvOne cOnteNts in the heart, bRAin, ePididymis, fat, lung", "whitespace_perturbation": "glucuronidases and sulfata ses) was u sed t o s tud yisof lavo ne contents in theheart, brain, epididym is, f at , lun g ", "underscore_trick": "glucuronidases and_sulfatases) was_used to study isoflavone_contents in_the_heart, brain,_epididymis,_fat, lung"} +{"text": " are extremely rare in the skin. We report a case of extracavitary primary effusion lymphoma arising in a HIV-infected male, who presented with two subcutaneous", "synonym_substitution": "are extremely rare in the skin. We report a case of extracavitary primary effusion lymphoma arise in a HIV - infect male, who presented with two subcutaneous", "butter_fingers": " arf extremely rare in the rkin. We report c case mf extdacavitafy primary effusion lymphoma aeisint in a HIV-infected mald, who predented wuth uwo subcutaneous", "random_deletion": "are extremely rare in the skin. We case extracavitary primary lymphoma arising in with subcutaneous", "change_char_case": " are extremely rare in the skin. we report a cAse of ExtRacAvItarY priMary effusion lyMPhomA arising in a HIV-infected Male, wHo PReseNTeD with Two subcUTaNEOus", "whitespace_perturbation": " are extremely rare in the skin. Werepor t a ca se ofextr acavitary prim a ry e ffusion lymphoma arisi ng in a HIV- i nf ected male,w ho p res en te d w it h t wo su bcu taneous ", "underscore_trick": " are_extremely rare_in the skin. We_report a_case_of extracavitary_primary_effusion lymphoma arising_in a HIV-infected_male, who presented with_two subcutaneous"} +{"text": " prophylactic consequences in fish products].\nThe Western blotting method allowed us to confirm the diagnosis in 7 cases of acute anisakiasis, to assess it in 5", "synonym_substitution": "prophylactic consequences in fish products ]. \n The westerly blotting method acting give up us to confirm the diagnosis in 7 cases of acuate anisakiasis, to assess it in 5", "butter_fingers": " prlphylactic consequences ln fish products].\nJhw Westxrn blofting meghod allowed us to confirm tie duagnowis in 7 cases of acute anisakiadis, to awsesw it in 5", "random_deletion": "prophylactic consequences in fish products]. The Western allowed to confirm diagnosis in 7 assess in 5", "change_char_case": " prophylactic consequences iN fish produCts].\nThE WeSteRn BlotTing Method allowed uS To coNfirm the diagnosis in 7 casEs of aCuTE aniSAkIasis, To assesS It IN 5", "whitespace_perturbation": " prophylactic consequences in fish p roduc ts] .\nT he Wes tern blotting meth o d al lowed us to confirm th e dia gn o sisi n7 cas es of a c ut e ani sa ki asi s, to asse ssit in 5 ", "underscore_trick": " prophylactic_consequences in_fish products].\nThe Western blotting_method allowed_us_to confirm_the_diagnosis in 7_cases of acute_anisakiasis, to assess it_in 5"} +{"text": " results show that brain maturation is associated with a shift of brain mechanical properties towards a more solid-rigid behavior consistent with reduced tissue fluidity. This shift appears", "synonym_substitution": "results show that brain maturation is consociate with a fault of brain mechanical properties towards a more solid - fixed behavior consistent with reduce tissue fluidity. This shift appears", "butter_fingers": " redults show that brain mauuration is assocnqted wmth a sgift of crain mechanical properties vowaeds a more solid-rigid behavkor considtent wirh rtduced tissue flumsity. Thlf shjnt ap'eers", "random_deletion": "results show that brain maturation is associated shift brain mechanical towards a more tissue This shift appears", "change_char_case": " results show that brain maturAtion is assOciatEd wIth A sHift Of brAin mechanical pROperTies towards a more solid-rIgid bEhAVior COnSisteNt with rEDuCED tiSsUe FluIdITy. this sHifT appearS", "whitespace_perturbation": " results show that brain m aturationis as soc iat ed wit h ashift of brain mech anical properties towa rds a m o re s o li d-rig id beha v io r con si st ent w i th redu ced tissue fluidity. Th is shift appea r s", "underscore_trick": " results_show that_brain maturation is associated_with a_shift_of brain_mechanical_properties towards a_more solid-rigid behavior_consistent with reduced tissue_fluidity. This shift_appears"} +{"text": ", acromicria and craniofacial dysmorphisms). We present five newborns who received an early diagnosis, based on clinical presentation. The early treatment and", "synonym_substitution": ", acromicria and craniofacial dysmorphisms). We present five newborns who received an early diagnosis, based on clinical display. The early discussion and", "butter_fingers": ", acgomicria and craniofaciau dysmorphisms). Cw presxnt fivs newborvs who received an early diajnosus, bawed on clinical presengation. Thv early teeatnwnt and", "random_deletion": ", acromicria and craniofacial dysmorphisms). We present who an early based on clinical", "change_char_case": ", acromicria and craniofacial DysmorphisMs). We pResEnt FiVe neWborNs who received aN EarlY diagnosis, based on cliniCal prEsENtatIOn. the eaRly treaTMeNT And", "whitespace_perturbation": ", acromicria and craniofac ial dysmor phism s). We p rese nt f ive newborns w h o re ceived an early diagno sis,ba s ed o n c linic al pres e nt a t ion .Th e e ar l ytreat men t and", "underscore_trick": ", acromicria_and craniofacial_dysmorphisms). We present five_newborns who_received_an early_diagnosis,_based on clinical_presentation. The early_treatment and"} +{"text": " gland (author's transl)].\nFacial paralysis caused by benign parotid gland disease in 2 patients is reported. In one patient there was an acute par", "synonym_substitution": "gland (author's transl) ]. \n Facial paralysis caused by benign parotid gland disease in 2 patients is reported. In one affected role there be an acute par", "butter_fingers": " glwnd (author's transl)].\nFacial paralysis causgd by beiign padotid glxnd disease in 2 patients is cepoeted. Un one patient there wxs an acune par", "random_deletion": "gland (author's transl)]. Facial paralysis caused by gland in 2 is reported. In acute", "change_char_case": " gland (author's transl)].\nFacial pAralysis caUsed bY beNigN pArotId glAnd disease in 2 paTIentS is reported. In one patienT therE wAS an aCUtE par", "whitespace_perturbation": " gland (author's transl)]. \nFacial pa ralys iscau se d by ben ign parotid gl a nd d isease in 2 patients i s rep or t ed.I none p atientt he r e wa san ac ut e p ar", "underscore_trick": " gland_(author's transl)].\nFacial_paralysis caused by benign_parotid gland_disease_in 2_patients_is reported. In_one patient there_was an acute par"} +{"text": " within the Scottish Premier League and European competition participated. The training program was performed twice weekly for the entirety of the season (58 prevention sessions). The results revealed an", "synonym_substitution": "within the Scottish Premier League and European competition participated. The training platform was perform twice weekly for the entirety of the season (58 prevention sessions). The results unwrap an", "butter_fingers": " wihhin the Scottish Premiev League and European cmmpetifion pargicipated. The training progrem wqs peeformed twice weekly fur the ennirety of the weason (58 prxbention sessikks). Thz cesults revealec an", "random_deletion": "within the Scottish Premier League and European The program was twice weekly for (58 sessions). The results an", "change_char_case": " within the Scottish Premier LEague and EuRopeaN coMpeTiTion PartIcipated. The traINing Program was performed twiCe weeKlY For tHE eNtireTy of the SEaSON (58 prEvEnTioN sESsIons). THe rEsults rEvealed an", "whitespace_perturbation": " within the Scottish Premi er Leagueand E uro pea ncomp etit ion participat e d. T he training program wa s per fo r medt wi ce we ekly fo r t h e en ti re tyof th e sea son (58 pr evention s ess io ns). The res u lt s revealed an ", "underscore_trick": " within_the Scottish_Premier League and European_competition participated._The_training program_was_performed twice weekly_for the entirety_of the season (58_prevention sessions). The_results_revealed an"} +{"text": " age of 25 (15-67) years were treated. Five had pure dysgerminoma, three endodermal sinus tumour, ten immature terat", "synonym_substitution": "age of 25 (15 - 67) years were treated. Five had arrant dysgerminoma, three endodermal fistula tumour, ten immature terat", "butter_fingers": " agf of 25 (15-67) years were treatea. Five had pure dysgerkinoma, three evdodermal sinus tumour, ten ilmqture terat", "random_deletion": "age of 25 (15-67) years were treated. pure three endodermal tumour, ten immature", "change_char_case": " age of 25 (15-67) years were treated. Five Had pure dysGermiNomA, thReE endOderMal sinus tumour, TEn imMature terat", "whitespace_perturbation": " age of 25 (15-67) years w ere treate d. Fi vehad p uredysg erminoma, thre e end odermal sinus tumour,ten i mm a ture te rat", "underscore_trick": " age_of 25_(15-67) years were treated._Five had_pure_dysgerminoma, three_endodermal_sinus tumour, ten_immature terat"} +{"text": " at 1 year after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Prospective longitudinal design. Seventeen Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems (TBIMS) centers. A", "synonym_substitution": "at 1 year after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Prospective longitudinal design. Seventeen Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems (TBIMS) centers. A", "butter_fingers": " at 1 year after traumatic bvain injury (TBI). Krispectmve lonfitudinau design. Seventeen Traumatic Beain Unjury Model Systems (TCIMS) centvrs. A", "random_deletion": "at 1 year after traumatic brain injury longitudinal Seventeen Traumatic Injury Model Systems", "change_char_case": " at 1 year after traumatic brain Injury (TBI). PRospeCtiVe lOnGituDinaL design. SeventeEN TraUmatic Brain Injury Model systeMs (tbIMS) CEnTers. A", "whitespace_perturbation": " at 1 year after traumatic brain inj ury ( TBI ).Pr ospe ctiv e longitudinal desi gn. Seventeen Traumati c Bra in Inju r yModel System s ( T B IMS )ce nte rs . A ", "underscore_trick": " at_1 year_after traumatic brain injury_(TBI). Prospective_longitudinal_design. Seventeen_Traumatic_Brain Injury Model_Systems (TBIMS) centers._A"} +{"text": " moved toward flaps based on capillary perforators, which have been usually neglected in the past as reliable perforators. The aim of this article is to report a series", "synonym_substitution": "moved toward flaps based on capillary perforators, which have been usually neglect in the past as dependable perforators. The aim of this article is to report a series", "butter_fingers": " moged toward flaps based ok capillary perforators, which have bedn usually neglected in the 'ast as rtjiable perforators. The aim lf this qrtirle is to report a series", "random_deletion": "moved toward flaps based on capillary perforators, been neglected in past as reliable article to report a", "change_char_case": " moved toward flaps based on caPillary perForatOrs, WhiCh Have Been Usually neglectED in tHe past as reliable perforAtors. thE Aim oF ThIs artIcle is tO RePORt a SeRiEs", "whitespace_perturbation": " moved toward flaps basedon capilla ry pe rfo rat or s, w hich have been usu a llyneglected in the pastas re li a blep er forat ors. Th e a i m of t hi s a rt i cl e istoreporta series", "underscore_trick": " moved_toward flaps_based on capillary perforators,_which have_been_usually neglected_in_the past as_reliable perforators. The_aim of this article_is to report_a_series"} +{"text": "-antibody complexes found in early HIV-1 infection has greatly increased the sensitivity of p24 detection assays. The utility of p24 antigen after acid treatment as", "synonym_substitution": "-antibody complexes found in early HIV-1 infection has greatly increased the sensitivity of p24 signal detection assay. The utility of p24 antigen after acid discussion as", "butter_fingers": "-antlbody complexes found in early HIV-1 infeerion hes greafly incrdased the sensitivity of p24 dxtecrion qssays. The utility of o24 antigen after axid ureatment as", "random_deletion": "-antibody complexes found in early HIV-1 infection increased sensitivity of detection assays. The acid as", "change_char_case": "-antibody complexes found in eArly HIV-1 infEctioN haS grEaTly iNcreAsed the sensitiVIty oF p24 detection assays. The utIlity Of P24 AntiGEn After Acid treATmENT as", "whitespace_perturbation": "-antibody complexes foundin early H IV-1inf ect io n ha s gr eatly increase d the sensitivity of p24 de tecti on assa y s. Theutility of p 24an ti gen a f te r aci d t reatmen t as", "underscore_trick": "-antibody complexes_found in_early HIV-1 infection has_greatly increased_the_sensitivity of_p24_detection assays. The_utility of p24_antigen after acid treatment_as"} +{"text": " enhance cancer detection, which may explain the greater detection of high grade tumors in the finasteride arm of the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial. A mathematical model was", "synonym_substitution": "enhance cancer detection, which may explain the greater detection of eminent mark tumors in the finasteride arm of the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial. A mathematical mannequin was", "butter_fingers": " enjance cancer detection, wmich may explain the grxater dstection of high grade tumors in the funasttgide arm of the Prostxte Canceg Preventuon Urial. A mathematirzl model was", "random_deletion": "enhance cancer detection, which may explain the of grade tumors the finasteride arm Trial. mathematical model was", "change_char_case": " enhance cancer detection, whiCh may explaIn the GreAteR dEtecTion Of high grade tumORs in The finasteride arm of the prostAtE cancER PRevenTion TriAL. A MATheMaTiCal MoDEl Was", "whitespace_perturbation": " enhance cancer detection, which may expl ain th egrea terdetection of h i gh g rade tumors in the fin aster id e arm of theProstat e C a n cer P re ven ti o nTrial . A mathem atical mod elwa s", "underscore_trick": " enhance_cancer detection,_which may explain the_greater detection_of_high grade_tumors_in the finasteride_arm of the_Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial._A mathematical model_was"} +{"text": " a non-genotoxic drug. Medical risk in patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.\nPatients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are vulnerable to developing key modifiable risk", "synonym_substitution": "a non - genotoxic drug. Medical risk in patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. \n patient with schizophrenia and bipolar disorderliness are vulnerable to developing key modifiable hazard", "butter_fingers": " a jon-genotoxic drug. Medicau risk in patieurs witi bipolzr disoraer and schizophrenia.\nPatientd qith wchizophrenia and bipouar disorfer are culntrable to developmhg key modifiznle rnsj", "random_deletion": "a non-genotoxic drug. Medical risk in patients disorder schizophrenia. Patients schizophrenia and bipolar key risk", "change_char_case": " a non-genotoxic drug. Medical rIsk in patieNts wiTh bIpoLaR disOrdeR and schizophreNIa.\nPaTients with schizophreniA and bIpOLar dISoRder aRe vulneRAbLE To dEvElOpiNg KEy ModifIabLe risk", "whitespace_perturbation": " a non-genotoxic drug. Med ical riskin pa tie nts w ithbipo lar disorder a n d sc hizophrenia.\nPatientswithsc h izop h re nia a nd bipo l ar d iso rd er ar ev ul nerab leto deve loping key mo di fiable risk", "underscore_trick": " a_non-genotoxic drug._Medical risk in patients_with bipolar_disorder_and schizophrenia.\nPatients_with_schizophrenia and bipolar_disorder are vulnerable_to developing key modifiable_risk"} +{"text": " (66%). These tumors were mostly low stage; however, no correlation was found between Bcl-2 expression and prognosis. Vimentin positivity (P <.", "synonym_substitution": "(66 %). These tumors were mostly low stage; however, no correlation coefficient was discover between Bcl-2 expression and prognosis. Vimentin positivity (phosphorus <.", "butter_fingers": " (66%). Tjese tumors were mostly uow stage; howevgr, no cocrelatikn was fuund between Bcl-2 expression end prognisis. Vimentin positivigy (P <.", "random_deletion": "(66%). These tumors were mostly low stage; correlation found between expression and prognosis.", "change_char_case": " (66%). These tumors were mostly low sTage; howeveR, no coRreLatIoN was FounD between Bcl-2 expREssiOn and prognosis. Vimentin PositIvITy (P <.", "whitespace_perturbation": " (66%). These tumors weremostly low stag e;how ev er,no c orrelation was foun d between Bcl-2 expres sionan d pro g no sis.Vimenti n p o s iti vi ty (P < . ", "underscore_trick": " (66%)._These tumors_were mostly low stage;_however, no_correlation_was found_between_Bcl-2 expression and_prognosis. Vimentin positivity_(P <."} +{"text": " testing machine, and the stiffness obtained with the pedicle screw (Kj) was calculated from the load-deformation curve. Then, a laminar hook", "synonym_substitution": "testing machine, and the stiffness obtained with the pedicel prison guard (Kj) was calculated from the load - distortion bend. Then, a laminar hook", "butter_fingers": " tedting machine, and the stlffness obtained with tie pedidle scred (Kj) was calculated from the liad-dedormation curve. Then, a laminar jook", "random_deletion": "testing machine, and the stiffness obtained with screw was calculated the load-deformation curve.", "change_char_case": " testing machine, and the stiffNess obtainEd witH thE peDiCle sCrew (kj) was calculateD From The load-deformation curvE. Then, A lAMinaR HoOk", "whitespace_perturbation": " testing machine, and thestiffnessobtai ned wi th the ped icle screw (Kj ) was calculated from the l oad-d ef o rmat i on curv e. Then , a l ami na rhoo k", "underscore_trick": " testing_machine, and_the stiffness obtained with_the pedicle_screw_(Kj) was_calculated_from the load-deformation_curve. Then, a_laminar hook"} +{"text": " solution, engendered anti-FHA antibody responses which were stronger for serum IgG, similar for lung IgG and lower for lung IgA. The anti-FHA", "synonym_substitution": "solution, engendered anti - FHA antibody responses which were stronger for serum IgG, similar for lung IgG and low for lung IgA. The anti - FHA", "butter_fingers": " sopution, engendered anti-FHX antibody responses wiich wede stroneer for serum IgG, similar foc lubg IgT and lower for lung IeA. The anni-FHA", "random_deletion": "solution, engendered anti-FHA antibody responses which were serum similar for IgG and lower", "change_char_case": " solution, engendered anti-FHA Antibody reSponsEs wHicH wEre sTronGer for serum IgG, SImilAr for lung IgG and lower foR lung iga. the aNTi-fHA", "whitespace_perturbation": " solution, engendered anti -FHA antib ody r esp ons es whi ch w ere stronger f o r se rum IgG, similar for l ung I gG andl ow er fo r lungI gA . The a nt i-F HA ", "underscore_trick": " solution,_engendered anti-FHA_antibody responses which were_stronger for_serum_IgG, similar_for_lung IgG and_lower for lung_IgA. The anti-FHA"} +{"text": " doses of angiotensin (Ang II) on renal medullary blood flow (MBF), medullary partial oxygen pressure (PO2), and nitric oxide (NO)", "synonym_substitution": "doses of angiotensin (Ang II) on renal medullary blood flow (MBF), medullary fond oxygen atmospheric pressure (PO2), and nitric oxide (NO )", "butter_fingers": " dodes of angiotensin (Ang IL) on renal medullary blmod flkw (MBF), mddullary partial oxygen presduee (PO2), and nitric oxide (NO)", "random_deletion": "doses of angiotensin (Ang II) on renal flow medullary partial pressure (PO2), and", "change_char_case": " doses of angiotensin (Ang II) on Renal medulLary bLooD flOw (mBF), mEdulLary partial oxyGEn prEssure (PO2), and nitric oxide (nO)", "whitespace_perturbation": " doses of angiotensin (Ang II) on re nal m edu lla ry blo od f low (MBF), med u llar y partial oxygen press ure ( PO 2 ), a n dnitri c oxide (N O ) ", "underscore_trick": " doses_of angiotensin_(Ang II) on renal_medullary blood_flow_(MBF), medullary_partial_oxygen pressure (PO2),_and nitric oxide_(NO)"} +{"text": " and meaningful inclusion within Australian society. [Debatable questions of strophanthin and spironolactone treatment in certain forms of acute myocardial infarct].", "synonym_substitution": "and meaningful inclusion within Australian society. [ Debatable questions of strophanthin and spironolactone discussion in sealed form of acute myocardial infarct ].", "butter_fingers": " anf meaningful inclusion wlthin Australian societb. [Debatzble quertions of strophanthin and s'irobolacujne treatment in cdrtain fogms of acyte ntocardial mhfarct].", "random_deletion": "and meaningful inclusion within Australian society. [Debatable strophanthin spironolactone treatment certain forms of", "change_char_case": " and meaningful inclusion witHin AustralIan soCieTy. [DEbAtabLe quEstions of stropHAnthIn and spironolactone treAtmenT iN CertAIn Forms Of acute MYoCARdiAl InFarCt].", "whitespace_perturbation": " and meaningful inclusionwithin Aus trali ansoc ie ty.[Deb atable questio n s of strophanthin and spir onola ct o ne t r ea tment in cer t ai n for ms o f a cu t emyoca rdi al infa rct].", "underscore_trick": " and_meaningful inclusion_within Australian society. [Debatable_questions of_strophanthin_and spironolactone_treatment_in certain forms_of acute myocardial_infarct]."} +{"text": " job satisfaction were reported. All ANPs reported satisfaction with autonomy, sense of accomplishment, challenge, social interaction and status in the organisation. Lower levels of job satisfaction", "synonym_substitution": "job satisfaction were reported. All ANPs reported gratification with autonomy, common sense of accomplishment, challenge, social interaction and status in the arrangement. low levels of job atonement", "butter_fingers": " joh satisfaction were repovted. All ANPs rekoeted setisfacfion witf autonomy, sense of accomplidhnent, xhallenge, social interxction anf status in uhe organisation. Lower leyzls or job watisfaction", "random_deletion": "job satisfaction were reported. All ANPs reported autonomy, of accomplishment, social interaction and levels job satisfaction", "change_char_case": " job satisfaction were reportEd. All ANPs rEportEd sAtiSfActiOn wiTh autonomy, sensE Of acComplishment, challenge, sOcial InTEracTIoN and sTatus in THe ORGanIsAtIon. loWEr LevelS of Job satiSfaction", "whitespace_perturbation": " job satisfaction were rep orted. All ANPs re por te d sa tisf action with au t onom y, sense of accomplish ment, c h alle n ge , soc ial int e ra c t ion a nd st at u sin th e o rganisa tion. Lowe r l ev els of job s a ti sfaction", "underscore_trick": " job_satisfaction were_reported. All ANPs reported_satisfaction with_autonomy,_sense of_accomplishment,_challenge, social interaction_and status in_the organisation. Lower levels_of job satisfaction"} +{"text": "/or inflammatory demyelinating cerebral disease. Implementation of newborn screening requires natural history data to develop follow-up recommendations. To delineate the natural history of adrenal", "synonym_substitution": "/or inflammatory demyelinating cerebral disease. Implementation of newborn screening command lifelike history data to develop adopt - up recommendation. To delineate the natural history of adrenal", "butter_fingers": "/or lnflammatory demyelinatikg cerebral disecwe. Impnementztion of newborn screening requires iatueal hustory data to develop follow-up recommebdatmons. To delineatx the nabbral glstorv if adrenal", "random_deletion": "/or inflammatory demyelinating cerebral disease. Implementation of requires history data develop follow-up recommendations. of", "change_char_case": "/or inflammatory demyelinatiNg cerebral DiseaSe. IMplEmEntaTion Of newborn screeNIng rEquires natural history dAta to DeVElop FOlLow-up RecommeNDaTIOns. to DeLinEaTE tHe natUraL historY of adrenal", "whitespace_perturbation": "/or inflammatory demyelina ting cereb ral d ise ase .Impl emen tation of newb o rn s creening requires natu ral h is t oryd at a todevelop fo l l ow- up r eco mm e nd ation s.To deli neate thenat ur al history o f a drenal", "underscore_trick": "/or inflammatory_demyelinating cerebral_disease. Implementation of newborn_screening requires_natural_history data_to_develop follow-up recommendations._To delineate the_natural history of adrenal"} +{"text": " the front of the proximal thigh prompted a CT scan that identified remarkable muscle abscesses in addition to the septic arthritis. Surgical debridement and antibiotics resolved the infection", "synonym_substitution": "the front of the proximal thigh prompted a CT scan that identified noteworthy muscleman abscesses in addition to the septic arthritis. Surgical debridement and antibiotic resolved the contagion", "butter_fingers": " thf front of the proximal uhigh prompted a ER scan that jdentifidd remarkable muscle abscessxs ib addution to the septic arghritis. Slrgical dwbrivement and antibmktics rcfolvsf thz mnfection", "random_deletion": "the front of the proximal thigh prompted scan identified remarkable abscesses in addition debridement antibiotics resolved the", "change_char_case": " the front of the proximal thigH prompted a cT scaN thAt iDeNtifIed rEmarkable musclE AbscEsses in addition to the sePtic aRtHRitiS. suRgicaL debridEMeNT And AnTiBioTiCS rEsolvEd tHe infecTion", "whitespace_perturbation": " the front of the proximal thigh pro mpted aCTsc an t hatidentified rem a rkab le muscle abscesses in addi ti o n to th e sep tic art h ri t i s.Su rg ica ld eb ridem ent and an tibioticsres ol ved the infe c ti on", "underscore_trick": " the_front of_the proximal thigh prompted_a CT_scan_that identified_remarkable_muscle abscesses in_addition to the_septic arthritis. Surgical debridement_and antibiotics resolved_the_infection"} +{"text": " than their respective threshold-effect levels, or were comparable to those reported in relatively uncontaminated freshwater samples from other regions. Taken together, these results suggest that", "synonym_substitution": "than their respective threshold - effect levels, or were comparable to those reported in relatively uncontaminated fresh water sample from other regions. lead in concert, these results suggest that", "butter_fingers": " thwn their respective threrhold-effect levglw, or wxre comlarable go those reported in relativxly ynconucminated freshwater ramples fgom other regmons. Taken togetisr, thesc reshpts vnggest that", "random_deletion": "than their respective threshold-effect levels, or were those in relatively freshwater samples from results that", "change_char_case": " than their respective threshOld-effect lEvels, Or wEre CoMparAble To those reporteD In reLatively uncontaminated FreshWaTEr saMPlEs froM other rEGiONS. TaKeN tOgeThER, tHese rEsuLts suggEst that", "whitespace_perturbation": " than their respective thr eshold-eff ect l eve ls, o r we re c omparable to t h osereported in relatively unco nt a mina t ed fres hwaters am p l esfr om ot he r r egion s.Taken t ogether, t hes eresults sugg e st that", "underscore_trick": " than_their respective_threshold-effect levels, or were_comparable to_those_reported in_relatively_uncontaminated freshwater samples_from other regions._Taken together, these results_suggest that"} +{"text": " synergistically when JNK was over-expressed in NFkappaB knock down cells. In addition, increased expression of JNK in the absence of NFkappaB resulted in", "synonym_substitution": "synergistically when JNK was over - expressed in NFkappaB knock down cells. In accession, increase expression of JNK in the absence of NFkappaB resulted in", "butter_fingers": " syjergistically when JNK wxs over-expresseb in NFnappaB knock duwn cells. In addition, increadee expeession of JNK in the xbsence ov NFkappqB rtsulted in", "random_deletion": "synergistically when JNK was over-expressed in NFkappaB cells. addition, increased of JNK in in", "change_char_case": " synergistically when JNK was Over-expresSed in nFkAppAB KnocK dowN cells. In additiON, incReased expression of JNK iN the aBsENce oF nFKappab resultED iN", "whitespace_perturbation": " synergistically when JNKwas over-e xpres sed in N Fkap paBknock down cel l s. I n addition, increasedexpre ss i on o f J NK in the ab s en c e of N Fk app aB re sulte d i n", "underscore_trick": " synergistically_when JNK_was over-expressed in NFkappaB_knock down_cells._In addition,_increased_expression of JNK_in the absence_of NFkappaB resulted in"} +{"text": " conclude that Brachyury is a target gene for Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. Correlates of children's compliance with moderate-to-vigorous", "synonym_substitution": "conclude that Brachyury is a target gene for Wnt / beta - catenin signaling. Correlates of child's submission with moderate - to - vigorous", "butter_fingers": " cojclude that Brachyury is a target gene yir Wnt/ueta-catsnin sigvaling. Correlates of childrei's cimpliqnce with moderate-to-vieorous", "random_deletion": "conclude that Brachyury is a target gene signaling. of children's with moderate-to-vigorous", "change_char_case": " conclude that Brachyury is a tArget gene fOr Wnt/BetA-caTeNin sIgnaLing. Correlates OF chiLdren's compliance with moDeratE-tO-VigoROuS", "whitespace_perturbation": " conclude that Brachyury i s a target gene fo r W nt /bet a-ca tenin signalin g . Co rrelates of children's comp li a ncew it h mod erate-t o -v i g oro us ", "underscore_trick": " conclude_that Brachyury_is a target gene_for Wnt/beta-catenin_signaling._Correlates of_children's_compliance with moderate-to-vigorous"} +{"text": " explained by nonspecific stress effects as neither restraint stress nor adrenalectomy had any influence on CRH mRNA in the dentate hilus. Both repeated ECS and", "synonym_substitution": "explained by nonspecific stress effects as neither restraint tension nor adrenalectomy have any influence on CRH mRNA in the dentate hilus. Both repeated ECS and", "butter_fingers": " exolained by nonspecific suress effects as uwither restrzint strdss nor adrenalectomy had anb indluenxe on CRH mRNA in the aentate hplus. Both reptated ECS and", "random_deletion": "explained by nonspecific stress effects as neither nor had any on CRH mRNA repeated and", "change_char_case": " explained by nonspecific strEss effects As neiTheR reStRainT strEss nor adrenaleCTomy Had any influence on CRH mRnA in tHe DEntaTE hIlus. BOth repeATeD ecS aNd", "whitespace_perturbation": " explained by nonspecificstress eff ectsasnei th er r estr aint stress no r adr enalectomy had any inf luenc eo n CR H m RNA i n the d e nt a t e h il us . B ot h r epeat edECS and ", "underscore_trick": " explained_by nonspecific_stress effects as neither_restraint stress_nor_adrenalectomy had_any_influence on CRH_mRNA in the_dentate hilus. Both repeated_ECS and"} +{"text": "26.82%) were identified to have gastritis and peptic ulcer, whereas only 7 out of the 74 healthy volunteers (10.45%) had such digestive", "synonym_substitution": "26.82 %) were identified to have gastritis and peptic ulcer, whereas only 7 out of the 74 healthy tennessean (10.45 %) have such digestive", "butter_fingers": "26.82%) wege identified to have gartritis and pepjix ulcec, wherezs only 7 out of the 74 healthy voluntexrs (10.45%) had wuch digestive", "random_deletion": "26.82%) were identified to have gastritis and whereas 7 out the 74 healthy", "change_char_case": "26.82%) were identified to have gastrItis and pepTic ulCer, WheReAs onLy 7 ouT of the 74 healthy vOLuntEers (10.45%) had such digestive", "whitespace_perturbation": "26.82%) were identified to have gast ritis an d p ep ticulce r, whereas onl y 7 o ut of the 74 healthy v olunt ee r s (1 0 .4 5%) h ad such di g e sti ve ", "underscore_trick": "26.82%) were_identified to_have gastritis and peptic_ulcer, whereas_only_7 out_of_the 74 healthy_volunteers (10.45%) had_such digestive"} +{"text": " delivered at term by Caesarean section (n=5 placentae). Explants were treated with activin A (0.5, 5 and 50 ng", "synonym_substitution": "delivered at term by Caesarean section (n=5 placentae). Explants were treat with activin A (0.5, 5 and 50 nanogram", "butter_fingers": " depivered at term by Caesavean section (n=5 placentax). Explahts were treated with activin A (0.5, 5 anv 50 nt", "random_deletion": "delivered at term by Caesarean section (n=5 were with activin (0.5, 5 and", "change_char_case": " delivered at term by CaesareaN section (n=5 pLacenTae). expLaNts wEre tReated with actiVIn A (0.5, 5 aNd 50 ng", "whitespace_perturbation": " delivered at term by Caes arean sect ion ( n=5 pl ac enta e).Explants weret reat ed with activin A (0.5 , 5 a nd 50 n g ", "underscore_trick": " delivered_at term_by Caesarean section (n=5_placentae). Explants_were_treated with_activin_A (0.5, 5_and 50 ng"} +{"text": " are suggested with codon context effects and with the three-dimensional structure of yeast phenylalanine transfer RNA. In the latter case, all terminal unpaired nucleotides having stability increments", "synonym_substitution": "are suggested with codon context effects and with the three - dimensional structure of yeast phenylalanine transfer RNA. In the latter subject, all concluding unpaired nucleotides experience constancy increments", "butter_fingers": " arf suggested with codon cuntext effects cbd witi the tgree-dimevsional structure of yeast pienyoalanune transfer RNA. In thd latter base, all rermmnal unpaired nurmeotides havihn stayioity incrementx", "random_deletion": "are suggested with codon context effects and three-dimensional of yeast transfer RNA. In unpaired having stability increments", "change_char_case": " are suggested with codon contExt effects And wiTh tHe tHrEe-diMensIonal structure OF yeaSt phenylalanine transfeR RNA. IN tHE latTEr Case, aLl termiNAl UNPaiReD nUclEoTIdEs havIng StabiliTy incremenTs", "whitespace_perturbation": " are suggested with codoncontext ef fects an d w it h th e th ree-dimensiona l str ucture of yeast phenyl alani ne tran s fe r RNA . In th e l a t ter c as e,al l t ermin alunpaire d nucleoti des h aving stabil i ty increment s", "underscore_trick": " are_suggested with_codon context effects and_with the_three-dimensional_structure of_yeast_phenylalanine transfer RNA._In the latter_case, all terminal unpaired_nucleotides having stability_increments"} +{"text": " (77 vs. 91 minutes) Anesthesia ($389 vs. $475) Central Supply and Sterilization ($1,367 vs. $2,515", "synonym_substitution": "(77 vs. 91 minutes) Anesthesia ($ 389 vs. $ 475) Central Supply and Sterilization ($ 1,367 vs. $ 2,515", "butter_fingers": " (77 vd. 91 minutes) Anesthesia ($389 vr. $475) Central Supply and Vteriljzation ($1,367 vs. $2,515", "random_deletion": "(77 vs. 91 minutes) Anesthesia ($389 vs. Supply Sterilization ($1,367 $2,515", "change_char_case": " (77 vs. 91 minutes) Anesthesia ($389 vs. $475) CentRal Supply aNd SteRilIzaTiOn ($1,367 vs. $2,515", "whitespace_perturbation": " (77 vs. 91 minutes) Anest hesia ($38 9 vs. $4 75) C entr al S upply and Ster i liza tion ($1,367 vs. $2,51 5", "underscore_trick": " (77_vs. 91_minutes) Anesthesia ($389 vs._$475) Central_Supply_and Sterilization_($1,367_vs. $2,515"} +{"text": " with solid tumors receiving nivolumab.\nThe fully human monoclonal antibody nivolumab binds to the programmed death-1 (PD-1) receptor", "synonym_substitution": "with solid tumors receiving nivolumab. \n The fully human monoclonal antibody antibody nivolumab tie to the programmed death-1 (PD-1) sense organ", "butter_fingers": " wihh solid tumors receivinn nivolumab.\nThe foloy humen monodlonal avtibody nivolumab binds to tie peogranmed death-1 (PD-1) receptor", "random_deletion": "with solid tumors receiving nivolumab. The fully antibody binds to programmed death-1 (PD-1)", "change_char_case": " with solid tumors receiving nIvolumab.\nThE fullY huMan MoNoclOnal Antibody nivoluMAb biNds to the programmed deatH-1 (PD-1) reCePTor", "whitespace_perturbation": " with solid tumors receivi ng nivolum ab.\nT heful ly hum an m onoclonal anti b odynivolumab binds to the prog ra m medd ea th-1(PD-1)r ec e p tor ", "underscore_trick": " with_solid tumors_receiving nivolumab.\nThe fully human_monoclonal antibody_nivolumab_binds to_the_programmed death-1 (PD-1)_receptor"} +{"text": "G) analysis (0, 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours, 6.2 \u00b1 1.3 vs 5.5 \u00b1 1.2,", "synonym_substitution": "G) analysis (0, 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours, 6.2 \u00b1 1.3 vs 5.5 \u00b1 1.2,", "butter_fingers": "G) ajalysis (0, 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours, 6.2 \u00b1 1.3 vs 5.5 \u00b1 1.2,", "random_deletion": "G) analysis (0, 6, 12, 24, and 6.2 1.3 vs \u00b1 1.2,", "change_char_case": "G) analysis (0, 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours, 6.2 \u00b1 1.3 vs 5.5 \u00b1 1.2,", "whitespace_perturbation": "G) analysis (0, 6, 12, 24, and 48 ho urs,6.2 \u00b11. 3 vs 5.5 \u00b1 1.2,", "underscore_trick": "G) analysis_(0, 6,_12, 24, and 48_hours, 6.2_\u00b1_1.3 vs_5.5_\u00b1 1.2,"} +{"text": " 90, 120, 180, and 240 min. A reduction in AIx from baseline was observed 4 h following the chickpeas (low GI-low GL", "synonym_substitution": "90, 120, 180, and 240 min. A reduction in AIx from baseline was observed 4 planck's constant take after the chickpeas (low GI - low GL", "butter_fingers": " 90, 120, 180, and 240 min. A reduction in AIx from baselnbe was obserbed 4 h fullowing the chickpeas (low GM-low GL", "random_deletion": "90, 120, 180, and 240 min. A AIx baseline was 4 h following", "change_char_case": " 90, 120, 180, and 240 min. A reduction in AIx from Baseline waS obseRveD 4 h fOlLowiNg thE chickpeas (low Gi-Low Gl", "whitespace_perturbation": " 90, 120, 180, and 240 min . A reduct ion i n A Ixfr om b asel ine was observ e d 4h following the chickp eas ( lo w GI- l ow GL", "underscore_trick": " 90,_120, 180,_and 240 min. A_reduction in_AIx_from baseline_was_observed 4 h_following the chickpeas_(low GI-low GL"} +{"text": " lack sensitivity. Different biomarkers of kidney diseases like N-acetyl beta glucosaminidase (NAG), Kidney Injury Molecule-1 (KIM-", "synonym_substitution": "lack sensitivity. Different biomarkers of kidney diseases like N - acetyl beta glucosaminidase (NAG), Kidney Injury Molecule-1 (KIM-", "butter_fingers": " lafk sensitivity. Different biomarkers of kidney viseasea like N-xcetyl beta glucosaminidase (IAG), Jidnet Injury Molecule-1 (KIM-", "random_deletion": "lack sensitivity. Different biomarkers of kidney diseases beta (NAG), Kidney Molecule-1 (KIM-", "change_char_case": " lack sensitivity. Different bIomarkers oF kidnEy dIseAsEs liKe N-aCetyl beta glucoSAminIdase (NAG), Kidney Injury MoLeculE-1 (Kim-", "whitespace_perturbation": " lack sensitivity. Differe nt biomark ers o f k idn ey dis ease s like N-acety l bet a glucosaminidase (NAG ), Ki dn e y In j ur y Mol ecule-1 (K I M -", "underscore_trick": " lack_sensitivity. Different_biomarkers of kidney diseases_like N-acetyl_beta_glucosaminidase (NAG),_Kidney_Injury Molecule-1 (KIM-"} +{"text": " a general and reduced set of parameters, for the simulation of scenarios where either manure or wastewater were co-digested with different organic substrates. Validation of the", "synonym_substitution": "a general and reduced set of parameters, for the model of scenario where either manure or wastewater were co - digested with different constituent substrates. Validation of the", "butter_fingers": " a heneral and reduced set uf parameters, for the vimulafion of rcenarios where either manurx or wasttcater were co-digestea with divferent irgaiic substrates. Vemidatiok of fme", "random_deletion": "a general and reduced set of parameters, simulation scenarios where manure or wastewater substrates. of the", "change_char_case": " a general and reduced set of paRameters, foR the sImuLatIoN of sCenaRios where eitheR ManuRe or wastewater were co-diGesteD wITh diFFeRent oRganic sUBsTRAteS. VAlIdaTiON oF the", "whitespace_perturbation": " a general and reduced set of parame ters, fo r t he sim ulat ion of scenari o s wh ere either manure or w astew at e r we r eco-di gestedw it h dif fe re ntor g an ic su bst rates.Validation of t he", "underscore_trick": " a_general and_reduced set of parameters,_for the_simulation_of scenarios_where_either manure or_wastewater were co-digested_with different organic substrates._Validation of the"} +{"text": "omers. In addition, an experimental design was used to optimize the gradient profile for the separation of racemic GUA and ambroxol HCl (AMB)", "synonym_substitution": "omers. In addition, an experimental design was used to optimize the gradient profile for the interval of racemic GUA and ambroxol HCl (AMB )", "butter_fingers": "omegs. In addition, an experioental design wcw used to opfimize tfe gradient profile for the deparatuon of racemic GUA and ambroxol HCl (AMB)", "random_deletion": "omers. In addition, an experimental design was optimize gradient profile the separation of (AMB)", "change_char_case": "omers. In addition, an experimeNtal design Was usEd tO opTiMize The gRadient profile FOr thE separation of racemic GUa and aMbROxol hcl (aMB)", "whitespace_perturbation": "omers. In addition, an exp erimentaldesig n w asus ed t o op timize the gra d ient profile for the separ ation o f rac e mi c GUA and am b ro x o l H Cl ( AMB )", "underscore_trick": "omers. In_addition, an_experimental design was used_to optimize_the_gradient profile_for_the separation of_racemic GUA and_ambroxol HCl (AMB)"} +{"text": "1.4 microM in the perfusion medium) and by dihydro-beta-erythroidine (100 microM). Alpha-bungarotoxin, the", "synonym_substitution": "1.4 microM in the perfusion medium) and by dihydro - beta - erythroidine (100 microM). Alpha - bungarotoxin, the", "butter_fingers": "1.4 mifroM in the perfusion meaium) and by dihideo-beta-xrythrojdine (100 mkcroM). Alpha-bungarotoxin, the", "random_deletion": "1.4 microM in the perfusion medium) and (100 Alpha-bungarotoxin, the", "change_char_case": "1.4 microM in the perfusion mediuM) and by dihyDro-beTa-eRytHrOidiNe (100 miCroM). Alpha-bungaROtoxIn, the", "whitespace_perturbation": "1.4 microM in the perfusio n medium)and b y d ihy dr o-be ta-e rythroidine (1 0 0 mi croM). Alpha-bungaroto xin,th e ", "underscore_trick": "1.4 microM_in the_perfusion medium) and by_dihydro-beta-erythroidine (100_microM)._Alpha-bungarotoxin, the"} +{"text": " receives absolute discharge.\nOn 5 July 2002, the BC Provincial Court released written reasons for sentencing in R v Lucas. The president of the Vancouver Island Compass", "synonym_substitution": "receives absolute discharge. \n On 5 July 2002, the BC Provincial Court released written reason for sentencing in R v Lucas. The president of the united states of the Vancouver Island Compass", "butter_fingers": " refeives absolute dischargt.\nOn 5 July 2002, the BC Provinrial Cohrt relexsed written reasons for senvencung ib R v Lucas. The presiddnt of thv Vancouvwr Iwoand Compass", "random_deletion": "receives absolute discharge. On 5 July 2002, Provincial released written for sentencing in of Vancouver Island Compass", "change_char_case": " receives absolute discharge.\non 5 July 2002, the Bc ProvIncIal coUrt rEleaSed written reasONs foR sentencing in R v Lucas. ThE presIdENt of THe vancoUver IslANd cOMpaSs", "whitespace_perturbation": " receives absolute dischar ge.\nOn 5 J uly 2 002 , t he BCProv incial Court r e leas ed written reasons for sent en c ingi nR v L ucas. T h ep r esi de nt of t h eVanco uve r Islan d Compass", "underscore_trick": " receives_absolute discharge.\nOn_5 July 2002, the_BC Provincial_Court_released written_reasons_for sentencing in_R v Lucas._The president of the_Vancouver Island Compass"} +{"text": " cells. A novel single-stranded DNA enzyme expression system using HIV-1 reverse transcriptase.\nIn this study, we exploited a DNA enzyme expression system using", "synonym_substitution": "cells. A novel single - stranded DNA enzyme formula arrangement using HIV-1 reverse transcriptase. \n In this study, we exploit a DNA enzyme expression organization use", "butter_fingers": " cepls. A novel single-strandtd DNA enzyme exptewsion vystem using HKV-1 reverse transcriptase.\nIn tiis wtudy, we exploited a DNA enxyme exprvssion sywtem ysing", "random_deletion": "cells. A novel single-stranded DNA enzyme expression HIV-1 transcriptase. In study, we exploited using", "change_char_case": " cells. A novel single-stranded dNA enzyme eXpresSioN syStEm usIng HiV-1 reverse transCRiptAse.\nIn this study, we exploiTed a DnA ENzymE ExPressIon systEM uSINg", "whitespace_perturbation": " cells. A novel single-str anded DNAenzym e e xpr es sion sys tem using HIV- 1 rev erse transcriptase.\nIn this s t udy, we expl oited a DN A enz ym eexp re s si on sy ste m using ", "underscore_trick": " cells._A novel_single-stranded DNA enzyme expression_system using_HIV-1_reverse transcriptase.\nIn_this_study, we exploited_a DNA enzyme_expression system using"} +{"text": "-elicited changes in parathyroid hormone secretion, the presence of the CaRs in effector tissues of this system enables direct regulation of processes (e.g", "synonym_substitution": "-elicited changes in parathyroid hormone secretion, the presence of the CaRs in effector tissues of this arrangement enable direct regulation of summons (e.g", "butter_fingers": "-elifited changes in parathyvoid hormone secterion, tie pressnce of ghe CaRs in effector tissues od thiw system enables direcg regulatpon of priceswws (e.g", "random_deletion": "-elicited changes in parathyroid hormone secretion, the the in effector of this system (e.g", "change_char_case": "-elicited changes in parathyrOid hormone SecreTioN, thE pReseNce oF the CaRs in effeCTor tIssues of this system enabLes diReCT regULaTion oF procesSEs (E.G", "whitespace_perturbation": "-elicited changes in parat hyroid hor monesec ret io n, t he p resence of the CaRs in effector tissues o f thi ss yste m e nable s direc t r e g ula ti on of p r oc esses (e .g", "underscore_trick": "-elicited changes_in parathyroid_hormone secretion, the presence_of the_CaRs_in effector_tissues_of this system_enables direct regulation_of processes (e.g"} +{"text": ") differs from the only known species from this host group, E. salmini, in the shape and size of the cephalothorax and the general morphology", "synonym_substitution": ") differs from the only known species from this server group, E. salmini, in the condition and size of the cephalothorax and the general morphology", "butter_fingers": ") divfers from the only knowk species from tkus hosv group, E. salmivi, in the shape and size of vhe xephaoothorax and the generxl morphopogy", "random_deletion": ") differs from the only known species host E. salmini, the shape and the morphology", "change_char_case": ") differs from the only known spEcies from tHis hoSt gRouP, E. SalmIni, iN the shape and siZE of tHe cephalothorax and the gEneraL mORphoLOgY", "whitespace_perturbation": ") differs from the only kn own specie s fro m t his h ostgrou p, E. salmini, in t he shape and size of t he ce ph a loth o ra x and the ge n er a l mo rp ho log y", "underscore_trick": ") differs_from the_only known species from_this host_group,_E. salmini,_in_the shape and_size of the_cephalothorax and the general_morphology"} +{"text": " infusion instead of ACZ and after 10 microg/m(2) bs and 300 microg of glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), administered sublingually", "synonym_substitution": "infusion instead of ACZ and after 10 microg / m(2) bs and 300 microg of glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), administered sublingually", "butter_fingers": " invusion instead of ACZ ana after 10 microg/m(2) bs anv 300 micrkg of glhceryl trinitrate (GTN), adminidtwred wublingually", "random_deletion": "infusion instead of ACZ and after 10 and microg of trinitrate (GTN), administered", "change_char_case": " infusion instead of ACZ and afTer 10 microg/m(2) Bs and 300 MicRog Of GlycEryl Trinitrate (GTN), aDMiniStered sublingually", "whitespace_perturbation": " infusion instead of ACZ a nd after 1 0 mic rog /m( 2) bsand300 microg ofg lyce ryl trinitrate (GTN),admin is t ered su bling ually", "underscore_trick": " infusion_instead of_ACZ and after 10_microg/m(2) bs_and_300 microg_of_glyceryl trinitrate (GTN),_administered sublingually"} +{"text": "%) and Pyocyaneus (5.9%). In all cases, a total decortication was performed. Good result was achieved in 55/106 (", "synonym_substitution": "%) and Pyocyaneus (5.9 %). In all cases, a total decortication was performed. Good resultant role was achieve in 55/106 (", "butter_fingers": "%) anf Pyocyaneus (5.9%). In all casts, a total decortnxation was psrformed. Good result was achieved in 55/106 (", "random_deletion": "%) and Pyocyaneus (5.9%). In all cases, decortication performed. Good was achieved in", "change_char_case": "%) and Pyocyaneus (5.9%). In all cases, a tOtal decortIcatiOn wAs pErFormEd. GoOd result was achIEved In 55/106 (", "whitespace_perturbation": "%) and Pyocyaneus (5.9%).In all cas es, a to tal d ecor tica tion was perfo r med. Good result was achie ved i n5 5/10 6 ( ", "underscore_trick": "%) and_Pyocyaneus (5.9%)._In all cases, a_total decortication_was_performed. Good_result_was achieved in_55/106 ("} +{"text": " of estrogen-induced TBC disruption, we examined the expressions and localizations of actin-regulatory proteins, endocytic proteins, Rho-GTPases,", "synonym_substitution": "of estrogen - induced TBC disruption, we examined the expressions and localization of actin - regulative proteins, endocytic proteins, Rho - GTPases,", "butter_fingers": " of estrogen-induced TBC disvuption, we examiuwd the expreasions avd localizations of actin-regnlatiry peoteins, endocytic protdins, Rho-GNPases,", "random_deletion": "of estrogen-induced TBC disruption, we examined the localizations actin-regulatory proteins, proteins, Rho-GTPases,", "change_char_case": " of estrogen-induced TBC disruPtion, we exaMined The ExpReSsioNs anD localizations OF actIn-regulatory proteins, enDocytIc PRoteINs, rho-GTpases,", "whitespace_perturbation": " of estrogen-induced TBC d isruption, we e xam ine dtheexpr essions and lo c aliz ations of actin-regula torypr o tein s ,endoc ytic pr o te i n s,Rh o- GTP as e s, ", "underscore_trick": " of_estrogen-induced TBC_disruption, we examined the_expressions and_localizations_of actin-regulatory_proteins,_endocytic proteins, Rho-GTPases,"} +{"text": " of LCE was only 3105 pounds per QALY gained (approximately E4500). All ICERs to the NHS remained below 3800 pounds per", "synonym_substitution": "of LCE was only 3105 pounds per QALY gained (approximately E4500). All ICERs to the NHS remained below 3800 pound per", "butter_fingers": " of LCE was only 3105 pounds pev QALY gained (apkriximatxly E4500). Aml ICERs to the NHS remained below 3800 'ounes pee", "random_deletion": "of LCE was only 3105 pounds per (approximately All ICERs the NHS remained", "change_char_case": " of LCE was only 3105 pounds per QALY Gained (apprOximaTelY E4500). ALl iCERS to tHe NHS remained bELow 3800 pOunds per", "whitespace_perturbation": " of LCE was only 3105 poun ds per QAL Y gai ned (a pp roxi mate ly E4500). All ICER s to the NHS remainedbelow 3 8 00 p o un ds pe r", "underscore_trick": " of_LCE was_only 3105 pounds per_QALY gained_(approximately_E4500). All_ICERs_to the NHS_remained below 3800_pounds per"} +{"text": " linear transforms of spectral phase basis.\nFinding an optimal phase pattern in a multidimensional solution landscape becomes easier and faster if local optima are suppressed and contour lines", "synonym_substitution": "linear transforms of spectral phase basis. \n Finding an optimum phase design in a multidimensional solution landscape becomes easier and quicker if local optima are suppress and contour lines", "butter_fingers": " lijear transforms of spectval phase basis.\nFnbding en optijal phasd pattern in a multidimensioial wolutuon landscape becomes dasier anf faster if oical optime are sui'resssf anb rontour lines", "random_deletion": "linear transforms of spectral phase basis. Finding phase in a solution landscape becomes optima suppressed and contour", "change_char_case": " linear transforms of spectraL phase basiS.\nFindIng An oPtImal PhasE pattern in a mulTIdimEnsional solution landscApe beCoMEs eaSIeR and fAster if LOcAL OptImA aRe sUpPReSsed aNd cOntour lInes", "whitespace_perturbation": " linear transforms of spec tral phase basi s.Fin di ng a n op timal phase pa t tern in a multidimensional solu ti o n la n ds capebecomes ea s i eran dfas te r i f loc aloptimaare suppre sse dand contourl in es", "underscore_trick": " linear_transforms of_spectral phase basis.\nFinding an_optimal phase_pattern_in a_multidimensional_solution landscape becomes_easier and faster_if local optima are_suppressed and contour_lines"} +{"text": " other causes. In the context of the large population sampled, snorkelling-related deaths are rare. Preventive measures for such deaths could include pre-d", "synonym_substitution": "other causes. In the context of the large population sampled, snorkelling - relate death are rare. Preventive measures for such deaths could include pre - five hundred", "butter_fingers": " otjer causes. In the contexu of the large pokuoation samplsd, snorkdlling-related deaths are rarx. Prwventuve measures for such aeaths colld incluee pce-d", "random_deletion": "other causes. In the context of the sampled, deaths are Preventive measures for", "change_char_case": " other causes. In the context of The large poPulatIon SamPlEd, snOrkeLling-related deAThs aRe rare. Preventive measurEs for SuCH deaTHs Could Include PRe-D", "whitespace_perturbation": " other causes. In the cont ext of the larg e p opu la tion sam pled, snorkell i ng-r elated deaths are rare . Pre ve n tive me asure s for s u ch d eat hs c oul di nc ludepre -d", "underscore_trick": " other_causes. In_the context of the_large population_sampled,_snorkelling-related deaths_are_rare. Preventive measures_for such deaths_could include pre-d"} +{"text": " is attributed to altered orientation of the dipole due to the presence of the C-6 oxo substituent, and/or to the overall effect of oxo", "synonym_substitution": "is attributed to altered orientation of the dipole due to the presence of the C-6 oxo substituent, and/or to the overall consequence of oxo", "butter_fingers": " is attributed to altered ovientation of thg eipole due tk the prdsence of the C-6 oxo substituxnt, qnd/or to the overall effect of oxo", "random_deletion": "is attributed to altered orientation of the to presence of C-6 oxo substituent, of", "change_char_case": " is attributed to altered orieNtation of tHe dipOle Due To The pReseNce of the C-6 oxo suBStitUent, and/or to the overall eFfect Of OXo", "whitespace_perturbation": " is attributed to alteredorientatio n ofthe di po le d ue t o the presence of t he C-6 oxo substituent , and /o r tot he over all eff e ct o f o xo ", "underscore_trick": " is_attributed to_altered orientation of the_dipole due_to_the presence_of_the C-6 oxo_substituent, and/or to_the overall effect of_oxo"} +{"text": " to have a higher affinity for unpolymerized tubulin than c-mos, under conditions that favor disassembly of microtubules. Evaluation of minimally invasive therapies and", "synonym_substitution": "to have a higher affinity for unpolymerized tubulin than c - mos, under conditions that favor disassembly of microtubule. Evaluation of minimally incursive therapies and", "butter_fingers": " to have a higher affinity nor unpolymerizeb tubulmn than c-mos, unaer conditions that favor didawsemboy of microtubules. Evauuation ov minimaoly mnvasive therapixa and", "random_deletion": "to have a higher affinity for unpolymerized c-mos, conditions that disassembly of microtubules. and", "change_char_case": " to have a higher affinity for uNpolymerizEd tubUliN thAn C-mos, UndeR conditions thaT FavoR disassembly of microtubUles. EVaLUatiON oF miniMally inVAsIVE thErApIes AnD", "whitespace_perturbation": " to have a higher affinity for unpol ymeri zed tu bu linthan c-mos, underc ondi tions that favor disas sembl yo f mi c ro tubul es. Eva l ua t i onof m ini ma l ly inva siv e thera pies and", "underscore_trick": " to_have a_higher affinity for unpolymerized_tubulin than_c-mos,_under conditions_that_favor disassembly of_microtubules. Evaluation of_minimally invasive therapies and"} +{"text": "alpha-actinin was 60% higher than cells expressing only endogenous alpha-actinin (p < 0.002), which was within the range of mechanical behavior", "synonym_substitution": "alpha - actinin was 60% higher than cells expressing only endogenous alpha - actinin (phosphorus < 0.002), which was within the compass of mechanical behavior", "butter_fingers": "alpja-actinin was 60% higher thxn cells expressing onny endkgenous xlpha-actinin (p < 0.002), which was wmthib the range of mechanical bdhavior", "random_deletion": "alpha-actinin was 60% higher than cells expressing alpha-actinin < 0.002), was within the", "change_char_case": "alpha-actinin was 60% higher than Cells expreSsing OnlY enDoGenoUs alPha-actinin (p < 0.002), whiCH was Within the range of mechanIcal bEhAVior", "whitespace_perturbation": "alpha-actinin was 60% high er than ce lls e xpr ess in g on ly e ndogenous alph a -act inin (p < 0.002), whic h was w i thin th e ran ge of m e ch a n ica lbe hav io r ", "underscore_trick": "alpha-actinin was_60% higher_than cells expressing only_endogenous alpha-actinin_(p_< 0.002),_which_was within the_range of mechanical_behavior"} +{"text": " energy variables and, in the limiting case of strong friction with the rate following from a Smoluchowski equation. Its validity is tested for Brownian motion in b", "synonym_substitution": "energy variables and, in the limiting case of impregnable clash with the rate following from a Smoluchowski equality. Its validity is test for Brownian motion in bel", "butter_fingers": " enfrgy variables and, in tht limiting case oy stronj frictjon with the rate following from a Sloouchoqski equation. Its valiaity is tvsted for Broxnian motion in u", "random_deletion": "energy variables and, in the limiting case friction the rate from a Smoluchowski for motion in b", "change_char_case": " energy variables and, in the liMiting case Of strOng FriCtIon wIth tHe rate followinG From A Smoluchowski equation. ITs valIdITy is TEsTed foR BrowniAN mOTIon In B", "whitespace_perturbation": " energy variables and, inthe limiti ng ca seofst rong fri ction with the rate following from a Smol uchow sk i equ a ti on. I ts vali d it y iste st edfo r B rowni anmotionin b", "underscore_trick": " energy_variables and,_in the limiting case_of strong_friction_with the_rate_following from a_Smoluchowski equation. Its_validity is tested for_Brownian motion in_b"} +{"text": ". Extracorporeal circulation was performed on a group of normal dogs in which a ligature was placed on the left anterior descending coronary artery, immediately beneath the", "synonym_substitution": ". Extracorporeal circulation was performed on a group of normal dogs in which a ligature was placed on the leftover anterior condescend coronary artery, immediately beneath the", "butter_fingers": ". Exhracorporeal circulation was performed on a grmup of normal aogs in which a ligature was poaced on the left anterior aescendinh coronaey actery, immediatelb beneatm the", "random_deletion": ". Extracorporeal circulation was performed on a normal in which ligature was placed coronary immediately beneath the", "change_char_case": ". Extracorporeal circulation Was performEd on a GroUp oF nOrmaL dogS in which a ligatURe waS placed on the left anteriOr desCeNDing COrOnary Artery, iMMeDIAteLy BeNeaTh THe", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Extracorporeal circulati on was per forme d o n a g roup ofnormal dogs in whic h a ligature was place d onth e lef t a nteri or desc e nd i n g c or on ary a r te ry, i mme diately beneath t he", "underscore_trick": ". Extracorporeal_circulation was_performed on a group_of normal_dogs_in which_a_ligature was placed_on the left_anterior descending coronary artery,_immediately beneath the"} +{"text": " tracker with custom designed 3D head tracking system and calibration method enables continuous 3D end-point control of a robotic arm support system. The users can move their", "synonym_substitution": "tracker with custom designed 3D head tracking arrangement and calibration method acting enables continuous 3D end - item dominance of a robotic arm accompaniment organization. The users can travel their", "butter_fingers": " trwcker with custom designtd 3D head trackiny systek and dalibratkon method enables continuoud 3E end-kjint control of a fobotic agm supporr sywrem. The usxds can move tgcir", "random_deletion": "tracker with custom designed 3D head tracking calibration enables continuous end-point control of The can move their", "change_char_case": " tracker with custom designed 3d head trackIng sySteM anD cAlibRatiOn method enableS ContInuous 3D end-point control Of a roBoTIc arM SuPport System. THE uSERs cAn MoVe tHeIR", "whitespace_perturbation": " tracker with custom desig ned 3D hea d tra cki ngsy stem and calibration m e thod enables continuous 3D end- po i nt c o nt rol o f a rob o ti c arm s up por ts ys tem.The userscan move t hei r", "underscore_trick": " tracker_with custom_designed 3D head tracking_system and_calibration_method enables_continuous_3D end-point control_of a robotic_arm support system. The_users can move_their"} +{"text": " the physicians 45.6% reported routinely performing fascial interposition, 94.4% reported removing a vas segment, 23.3% reported routinely folding back", "synonym_substitution": "the physicians 45.6% reported routinely performing fascial interposition, 94.4% report get rid of a vas segment, 23.3% reported routinely fold back", "butter_fingers": " thf physicians 45.6% reported ruutinely performing favcial jnterposktion, 94.4% reported removing a ves swgmenu, 23.3% reported routineuy foldinh back", "random_deletion": "the physicians 45.6% reported routinely performing fascial reported a vas 23.3% reported routinely", "change_char_case": " the physicians 45.6% reported routInely perfoRming FasCiaL iNterPosiTion, 94.4% reported reMOvinG a vas segment, 23.3% reported roUtineLy FOldiNG bAck", "whitespace_perturbation": " the physicians 45.6% repo rted routi nelyper for mi ng f asci al interpositi o n, 9 4.4% reported removing a va ss egme n t, 23.3 % repor t ed r out in el y f ol d in g bac k", "underscore_trick": " the_physicians 45.6%_reported routinely performing fascial_interposition, 94.4%_reported_removing a_vas_segment, 23.3% reported_routinely folding back"} +{"text": ", Ephedra sinica extract was extracted and purified, which exhibits ability to block the activity of the classical and alternative pathways of complement, and improve neurological outcomes", "synonym_substitution": ", Ephedra sinica extract was extracted and purified, which exhibits ability to block the natural process of the authoritative and alternative pathways of complement, and better neurological consequence", "butter_fingers": ", Epjedra sinica extract was extracted and kueified, which exhibitr ability to block the activmty if tht classical and altdrnative iathways if cinplement, ais improyz neudllogncel outcomes", "random_deletion": ", Ephedra sinica extract was extracted and exhibits to block activity of the complement, improve neurological outcomes", "change_char_case": ", Ephedra sinica extract was exTracted and PurifIed, WhiCh ExhiBits Ability to block THe acTivity of the classical anD alteRnATive PAtHways Of complEMeNT, And ImPrOve NeURoLogicAl oUtcomes", "whitespace_perturbation": ", Ephedra sinica extract w as extract ed an d p uri fi ed,whic h exhibits abi l ityto block the activityof th ec lass i ca l and altern a ti v e pa th wa ysof co mplem ent , and i mprove neu rol og ical outcome s ", "underscore_trick": ", Ephedra_sinica extract_was extracted and purified,_which exhibits_ability_to block_the_activity of the_classical and alternative_pathways of complement, and_improve neurological outcomes"} +{"text": "f(')(0)], and the convective term has no effect on the minimal speed. The results are illustrated by applying them to the exactly solvable case u", "synonym_substitution": "f(')(0) ], and the convective term has no effect on the minimal speed. The result are illustrate by applying them to the exactly solvable case uranium", "butter_fingers": "f(')(0)], ajd the convective term hxs no effect on the miiimal sleed. The results are illustrated by epplting ukem to the exactly sulvable cwse u", "random_deletion": "f(')(0)], and the convective term has no the speed. The are illustrated by solvable u", "change_char_case": "f(')(0)], and the convective term has nO effect on tHe minImaL spEeD. The ResuLts are illustraTEd by Applying them to the exactLy solVaBLe caSE u", "whitespace_perturbation": "f(')(0)], and the convecti ve term ha s noeff ect o n th e mi nimal speed. T h e re sults are illustratedby ap pl y ingt he m tothe exa c tl y sol va bl e c as e u ", "underscore_trick": "f(')(0)], and_the convective_term has no effect_on the_minimal_speed. The_results_are illustrated by_applying them to_the exactly solvable case_u"} +{"text": " successful video telemetry recording. Both ambulatory EEG and inpatient video telemetry are effective tools for diagnosis of seizures. The majority of patients with failed ambulatory recordings", "synonym_substitution": "successful video telemetry recording. Both ambulatory EEG and inpatient video telemetry are effective tools for diagnosis of capture. The majority of patient with failed ambulatory recordings", "butter_fingers": " sufcessful video telemetry recording. Both ambulavory EEF and inoatient video telemetry are xffextive tools for diagnosis ow seizured. The mahoriuy of patients wivg failed ambumwtorv cecordings", "random_deletion": "successful video telemetry recording. Both ambulatory EEG video are effective for diagnosis of with ambulatory recordings", "change_char_case": " successful video telemetry rEcording. BoTh ambUlaTorY EeG anD inpAtient video telEMetrY are effective tools for dIagnoSiS Of seIZuRes. ThE majoriTY oF PAtiEnTs WitH fAIlEd ambUlaTory recOrdings", "whitespace_perturbation": " successful video telemetr y recordin g. Bo thamb ul ator y EE G and inpatien t vid eo telemetry are effec tiveto o ls f o rdiagn osis of se i z ure s. T hema j or ity o f p atients with fail edam bulatory rec o rd ings", "underscore_trick": " successful_video telemetry_recording. Both ambulatory EEG_and inpatient_video_telemetry are_effective_tools for diagnosis_of seizures. The_majority of patients with_failed ambulatory recordings"} +{"text": " linear model offered an improved modeling approach compared to OLS and quantile regression. Consideration of such techniques may facilitate a more complete view of the effect of AD", "synonym_substitution": "linear model offered an improved modeling overture compare to OLS and quantile regression. Consideration of such techniques may help a more complete view of the effect of AD", "butter_fingers": " lijear model offered an imkroved modeling akpeoach rompares to OLS and quantile regression. Condieeratuon of such techniques may facipitate a mort complete view oh the efnzct or AD", "random_deletion": "linear model offered an improved modeling approach OLS quantile regression. of such techniques view the effect of", "change_char_case": " linear model offered an improVed modelinG apprOacH coMpAred To OLs and quantile reGRessIon. Consideration of such TechnIqUEs maY FaCilitAte a morE CoMPLetE vIeW of ThE EfFect oF AD", "whitespace_perturbation": " linear model offered an i mproved mo delin g a ppr oa ch c ompa red to OLS and quan tile regression. Consi derat io n ofs uc h tec hniques ma y fac il it ate a mo re co mpl ete vie w of the e ffe ct of AD", "underscore_trick": " linear_model offered_an improved modeling approach_compared to_OLS_and quantile_regression._Consideration of such_techniques may facilitate_a more complete view_of the effect_of_AD"} +{"text": " in stabilizing chromatin, DNA replication, transcription, translation, as well as the regulation of cell growth and apoptosis in eukaryotes. Amines are also associated with defense", "synonym_substitution": "in stabilizing chromatin, DNA replication, transcription, transformation, equally well as the rule of cell growth and apoptosis in eukaryotes. amine are also associated with defense", "butter_fingers": " in stabilizing chromatin, DKA replication, ttabscripvion, trznslatiov, as well as the regulation lf cell growth and apoptosis kn eukaryltes. Amibes ere also associavsd with defenac", "random_deletion": "in stabilizing chromatin, DNA replication, transcription, translation, as regulation of growth and apoptosis associated defense", "change_char_case": " in stabilizing chromatin, DNA ReplicatioN, tranScrIptIoN, traNslaTion, as well as thE ReguLation of cell growth and aPoptoSiS In euKArYotes. amines aRE aLSO asSoCiAteD wITh DefenSe", "whitespace_perturbation": " in stabilizing chromatin, DNA repli catio n,tra ns crip tion , translation, as w ell as the regulationof ce ll grow t hand a poptosi s i n euk ar yo tes .A mi nes a realso as sociated w ith d efense", "underscore_trick": " in_stabilizing chromatin,_DNA replication, transcription, translation,_as well_as_the regulation_of_cell growth and_apoptosis in eukaryotes._Amines are also associated_with defense"} +{"text": " established ensuring biomass accumulation of 163g/L. A simple combination of pH/heat and salt treatment followed by a single anion-exchange chromatography step resulted in a", "synonym_substitution": "established ensuring biomass accumulation of 163g / L. A simple combination of pH / heating system and strategic arms limitation talks treatment followed by a individual anion - rally chromatography step resulted in a", "butter_fingers": " eshablished ensuring biomars accumulation of 163g/L. E simpls combinxtion of pH/heat and salt treetmebt foolowed by a single aniun-exchangv chromatigrakhy step resulted in a", "random_deletion": "established ensuring biomass accumulation of 163g/L. A of and salt followed by a in", "change_char_case": " established ensuring biomasS accumulatIon of 163G/L. A SimPlE comBinaTion of pH/heat anD Salt Treatment followed by a siNgle aNiON-excHAnGe chrOmatogrAPhY STep ReSuLteD iN A", "whitespace_perturbation": " established ensuring biom ass accumu latio n o f 1 63 g/L. A s imple combinat i on o f pH/heat and salt tre atmen tf ollo w ed by a single an i o n-e xc ha nge c h ro matog rap hy step resultedina", "underscore_trick": " established_ensuring biomass_accumulation of 163g/L. A_simple combination_of_pH/heat and_salt_treatment followed by_a single anion-exchange_chromatography step resulted in_a"} +{"text": " may play a key role in survival, and could contribute to the establishment of cell polarity. It is clear that at any given time the total Stat3 activity levels", "synonym_substitution": "may play a key role in survival, and could contribute to the administration of cellular telephone polarity. It is clear that at any give fourth dimension the total Stat3 activity level", "butter_fingers": " maj play a key role in suryival, and could eintribnte to fhe estaclishment of cell polarity. Iv is cleae that at any given tioe the tonal Stat3 qctitity levels", "random_deletion": "may play a key role in survival, contribute the establishment cell polarity. It given the total Stat3 levels", "change_char_case": " may play a key role in survival, And could coNtribUte To tHe EstaBlisHment of cell polARity. it is clear that at any giveN time ThE TotaL stAt3 actIvity leVElS", "whitespace_perturbation": " may play a key role in su rvival, an d cou ldcon tr ibut e to the establish m entof cell polarity. It i s cle ar that at anygiven t i me t heto ta l S ta t 3activ ity levels ", "underscore_trick": " may_play a_key role in survival,_and could_contribute_to the_establishment_of cell polarity._It is clear_that at any given_time the total_Stat3_activity levels"} +{"text": " whether such findings can be generalized across different cultural contexts. In appraising existing research, this systematic review will therefore consider the relationship between the context of individual studies and", "synonym_substitution": "whether such findings can be generalized across different cultural contexts. In measure exist research, this systematic review will consequently consider the relationship between the context of individual studies and", "butter_fingers": " whfther such findings can ne generalized aeeoss dmfferenf culturxl contexts. In appraising exmstibg rewearch, this systematic review wpll theredore xonsider tis relatljnshji betcexn the context pf individgal studies ang", "random_deletion": "whether such findings can be generalized across contexts. appraising existing this systematic review between context of individual and", "change_char_case": " whether such findings can be gEneralized AcrosS diFfeReNt cuLturAl contexts. In apPRaisIng existing research, thiS systEmATic rEViEw wilL therefORe CONsiDeR tHe rElATiOnshiP beTween thE context of IndIvIdual studies ANd", "whitespace_perturbation": " whether such findings can be genera lized ac ros sdiff eren t cultural con t exts . In appraising existi ng re se a rch, th is sy stemati c r e v iew w il l t he r ef ore c ons ider th e relation shi pbetween thec on text of in div idual studie s a nd", "underscore_trick": " whether_such findings_can be generalized across_different cultural_contexts._In appraising_existing_research, this systematic_review will therefore_consider the relationship between_the context of_individual_studies and"} +{"text": " relationships HRQOL (p<0.02). Personality variables were associated with HRQOL independent of psychological distress and disease severity. Sense of coherence and", "synonym_substitution": "relationships HRQOL (p<0.02). Personality variables were associated with HRQOL independent of psychological distress and disease austereness. common sense of coherence and", "butter_fingers": " repationships HRQOL (p<0.02). Persunality variablgs were essociafed with HRQOL independent of psychopotical distress and disease reverity. Dense of cohtrence and", "random_deletion": "relationships HRQOL (p<0.02). Personality variables were associated independent psychological distress disease severity. Sense", "change_char_case": " relationships HRQOL (p<0.02). PersonAlity variaBles wEre AssOcIateD witH HRQOL independENt of Psychological distress aNd disEaSE sevERiTy. SenSe of cohEReNCE anD", "whitespace_perturbation": " relationships HRQOL (p<0. 02). Perso nalit y v ari ab leswere associated wi t h HR QOL independent of psy cholo gi c al d i st ressand dis e as e sev er it y.Se n se of c ohe rence a nd", "underscore_trick": " relationships_HRQOL (p<0.02)._Personality variables were associated_with HRQOL_independent_of psychological_distress_and disease severity._Sense of coherence_and"} +{"text": "-fs pulses and a compression ratio of approximately 60. Pedestals of 100-fs soliton pulses were suppressed successfully (>20 dB) by the CFL", "synonym_substitution": "-fs pulses and a compression ratio of approximately 60. Pedestals of 100 - fs soliton pulse were inhibit successfully (> 20 dB) by the CFL", "butter_fingers": "-fs oulses and a compression ratio of approrumatelb 60. Pedeatals of 100-fs soliton pulses were suppcesswd suxcessfully (>20 dB) by the ZFL", "random_deletion": "-fs pulses and a compression ratio of Pedestals 100-fs soliton were suppressed successfully", "change_char_case": "-fs pulses and a compression raTio of approXimatEly 60. pedEsTals Of 100-fs Soliton pulses wERe suPpressed successfully (>20 dB) By the cFl", "whitespace_perturbation": "-fs pulses and a compressi on ratio o f app rox ima te ly 6 0. P edestals of 10 0 -fssoliton pulses were su ppres se d suc c es sfull y (>20d B) b y t he C FL", "underscore_trick": "-fs pulses_and a_compression ratio of approximately_60. Pedestals_of_100-fs soliton_pulses_were suppressed successfully_(>20 dB) by_the CFL"} +{"text": "3 % (p < 0.05) was found postoperatively. LIMA grafts were occluded in 1/27 patients, while 6/41 venous grafts were", "synonym_substitution": "3% (p < 0.05) was found postoperatively. LIMA grafts were occluded in 1/27 patient, while 6/41 venous graft were", "butter_fingers": "3 % (p < 0.05) was found postoperatiyely. LIMA grafts were orcluded in 1/27 patkents, while 6/41 venous grafts wxre", "random_deletion": "3 % (p < 0.05) was found grafts occluded in patients, while 6/41", "change_char_case": "3 % (p < 0.05) was found postoperatively. LiMA grafts wEre ocCluDed In 1/27 PatiEnts, While 6/41 venous graFTs weRe", "whitespace_perturbation": "3 % (p < 0.05) was found p ostoperati vely. LI MAgr afts wer e occluded in1 /27patients, while 6/41 v enous g r afts we re", "underscore_trick": "3 %_(p <_0.05) was found postoperatively._LIMA grafts_were_occluded in_1/27_patients, while 6/41_venous grafts were"} +{"text": " calorie-adjusted fiber intake. Mean adjusted diastolic pressure in boys in the top fiber-intake quartile was 2.5 mm Hg lower than that in the", "synonym_substitution": "calorie - adjusted fiber intake. Mean adjust diastolic atmospheric pressure in boys in the top fiber - intake quartile was 2.5 mm Hg low than that in the", "butter_fingers": " caporie-adjusted fiber intaye. Mean adjusteb diastmlic pdessure kn boys in the top fiber-intane quaruple was 2.5 mm Hg lower ghan that in the", "random_deletion": "calorie-adjusted fiber intake. Mean adjusted diastolic pressure in top fiber-intake was 2.5 mm the", "change_char_case": " calorie-adjusted fiber intakE. Mean adjusTed diAstOliC pRessUre iN boys in the top fIBer-iNtake quartile was 2.5 mm Hg loWer thAn THat iN ThE", "whitespace_perturbation": " calorie-adjusted fiber in take. Mean adju ste d d ia stol ic p ressure in boy s inthe top fiber-intake q uarti le was2 .5 mm H g lower th a n th at i n t he ", "underscore_trick": " calorie-adjusted_fiber intake._Mean adjusted diastolic pressure_in boys_in_the top_fiber-intake_quartile was 2.5_mm Hg lower_than that in the"} +{"text": " threshold for smoltification and to accelerate growth, whereas those from slower growing families would remain in the lower mode. The use of metabolic capacities, e.g", "synonym_substitution": "threshold for smoltification and to accelerate growth, whereas those from slower growing class would persist in the lower mode. The use of metabolic capability, e.g", "butter_fingers": " thgeshold for smoltificatiun and to accelgrqte grmwth, wgereas tfose from slower growing fammliew wouod remain in the lower mode. The use of netauolic capacities, e.g", "random_deletion": "threshold for smoltification and to accelerate growth, from growing families remain in the metabolic e.g", "change_char_case": " threshold for smoltificatioN and to acceLeratE grOwtH, wHereAs thOse from slower gROwinG families would remain in The loWeR Mode. tHe Use of MetabolIC cAPAciTiEs, E.g", "whitespace_perturbation": " threshold for smoltificat ion and to acce ler ate g rowt h, w hereas those f r om s lower growing families woul dr emai n i n the lowerm od e . Th eus e o fm et aboli c c apaciti es, e.g", "underscore_trick": " threshold_for smoltification_and to accelerate growth,_whereas those_from_slower growing_families_would remain in_the lower mode._The use of metabolic_capacities, e.g"} +{"text": "izing surface and cell counts were determined histologically. Bone volume in four regions of the femur did not change significantly, but there was a consistent shift toward higher mean", "synonym_substitution": "izing surface and cell counts were determined histologically. Bone bulk in four region of the femur did not change significantly, but there was a coherent shift toward higher mean", "butter_fingers": "izijg surface and cell counus were determineb histonogicamly. Bone volume in four regions of tie fwmur eid not change signifizantly, bun there wqs a xonsistent shift toward glgher nean", "random_deletion": "izing surface and cell counts were determined volume four regions the femur did was consistent shift toward mean", "change_char_case": "izing surface and cell counts Were determIned hIstOloGiCallY. BonE volume in four rEGionS of the femur did not changE signIfICantLY, bUt theRe was a cONsISTenT sHiFt tOwARd HigheR meAn", "whitespace_perturbation": "izing surface and cell cou nts were d eterm ine d h is tolo gica lly. Bone volu m e in four regions of the f emurdi d not ch angesignifi c an t l y,bu tthe re wa s a c ons istentshift towa rdhi gher mean", "underscore_trick": "izing surface_and cell_counts were determined histologically._Bone volume_in_four regions_of_the femur did_not change significantly,_but there was a_consistent shift toward_higher_mean"} +{"text": " Friedreich. As a result, pes cavus and scoliosis are less marked, as well as muscle weakness and cardiomyopathy. On the other hand, the", "synonym_substitution": "Friedreich. As a result, pes cavus and scoliosis are less marked, as well as muscleman failing and cardiomyopathy. On the other hand, the", "butter_fingers": " Frledreich. As a result, pes cavus and scolnisis ace less marked, xs well as muscle weakness aid cqrdionyopathy. On the other fand, the", "random_deletion": "Friedreich. As a result, pes cavus and less as well muscle weakness and the", "change_char_case": " Friedreich. As a result, pes cavUs and scoliOsis aRe lEss MaRked, As weLl as muscle weakNEss aNd cardiomyopathy. On the oTher hAnD, The", "whitespace_perturbation": " Friedreich. As a result,pes cavusand s col ios is are les s marked, as w e ll a s muscle weakness andcardi om y opat h y. On t he othe r h a n d,th e", "underscore_trick": " Friedreich._As a_result, pes cavus and_scoliosis are_less_marked, as_well_as muscle weakness_and cardiomyopathy. On_the other hand, the"} +{"text": " three months. The patient, however, developed mild stenosis of the airway. [Adult human retinal pigment epithelial cells - a potential source of cells for regeneration retina", "synonym_substitution": "three months. The patient, however, developed mild stenosis of the respiratory tract. [ pornographic human retinal pigment epithelial cells - a likely source of cell for regeneration retina", "butter_fingers": " thgee months. The patient, huwever, developeb mild vtenosjs of thd airway. [Adult human retinal pugmenu epithelial cells - a potentpal sourcw of xells for csgenerabnon rsbina", "random_deletion": "three months. The patient, however, developed mild the [Adult human pigment epithelial cells cells regeneration retina", "change_char_case": " three months. The patient, howeVer, developEd milD stEnoSiS of tHe aiRway. [Adult human REtinAl pigment epithelial celLs - a poTeNTial SOuRce of Cells foR ReGENerAtIoN reTiNA", "whitespace_perturbation": " three months. The patient , however, deve lop edmi ld s teno sis of the air w ay.[Adult human retinal p igmen te pith e li al ce lls - a po t e nti al s our ce of cell s f or rege neration r eti na ", "underscore_trick": " three_months. The_patient, however, developed mild_stenosis of_the_airway. [Adult_human_retinal pigment epithelial_cells - a_potential source of cells_for regeneration retina"} +{"text": " on zebrafish larvae at 5 days post fertilization using behavioral tests, including locomotion, path angle, and two-fish social interaction. The high-chlorinated short", "synonym_substitution": "on zebrafish larvae at 5 days post fertilization using behavioral examination, include locomotion, path angle, and two - fish social interaction. The high - chlorinate short", "butter_fingers": " on zebrafish larvae at 5 dans post fertilizcrion uving bshaviorau tests, including locomotion, pqth abgle, and two-fish sociau interacnion. The yigh-rhlorinated shorv", "random_deletion": "on zebrafish larvae at 5 days post behavioral including locomotion, angle, and two-fish", "change_char_case": " on zebrafish larvae at 5 days poSt fertilizAtion UsiNg bEhAvioRal tEsts, including lOComoTion, path angle, and two-fisH sociAl INterACtIon. ThE high-chLOrINAteD sHoRt", "whitespace_perturbation": " on zebrafish larvae at 5days postferti liz ati on usi ng b ehavioral test s , in cluding locomotion, pa th an gl e , an d t wo-fi sh soci a li n ter ac ti on. T h ehigh- chl orinate d short", "underscore_trick": " on_zebrafish larvae_at 5 days post_fertilization using_behavioral_tests, including_locomotion,_path angle, and_two-fish social interaction._The high-chlorinated short"} +{"text": " by virus B and virus non-A non B, who died 20 and 25 days after initiation of the disease. Post mortem examinations showed severe C albicans infection", "synonym_substitution": "by virus B and virus non - A non B, who died 20 and 25 days after initiation of the disease. mail mortem interrogation showed severe C albicans contagion", "butter_fingers": " by virus B and virus non-A kon B, who died 20 cbd 25 dabs afted initiagion of the disease. Post morvem wxamibations showed severe Z albicand infectuon", "random_deletion": "by virus B and virus non-A non died and 25 after initiation of showed C albicans infection", "change_char_case": " by virus B and virus non-A non B, wHo died 20 and 25 dAys afTer IniTiAtioN of tHe disease. Post mORtem Examinations showed seveRe C alBiCAns iNFeCtion", "whitespace_perturbation": " by virus B and virus non- A non B, w ho di ed20an d 25 day s after initia t ionof the disease. Post m ortem e x amin a ti ons s howed s e ve r e Cal bi can si nf ectio n", "underscore_trick": " by_virus B_and virus non-A non_B, who_died_20 and_25_days after initiation_of the disease._Post mortem examinations showed_severe C albicans_infection"} +{"text": " hypothetical case of complete water saturation of dry insufflated gas, total heat loss would total 81 L/Cal, a relatively minor contribution to surgical hypothermia", "synonym_substitution": "hypothetical case of complete water impregnation of dry insufflated accelerator, total heat personnel casualty would total 81 L / Cal, a relatively minor contribution to surgical hypothermia", "butter_fingers": " hyoothetical case of compltte water saturatnin of vry inshfflated gas, total heat loss would tltql 81 L/Xal, a relatively minor contribunion to syrgiral hypothermia", "random_deletion": "hypothetical case of complete water saturation of gas, heat loss total 81 L/Cal, surgical", "change_char_case": " hypothetical case of completE water satuRatioN of Dry InSuffLateD gas, total heat lOSs woUld total 81 L/Cal, a relativelY minoR cONtriBUtIon to SurgicaL HyPOTheRmIa", "whitespace_perturbation": " hypothetical case of comp lete water satu rat ion o f dr y in sufflated gas, tota l heat loss would tota l 81L/ C al,a r elati vely mi n or c ont ri bu tio nt osurgi cal hypoth ermia", "underscore_trick": " hypothetical_case of_complete water saturation of_dry insufflated_gas,_total heat_loss_would total 81_L/Cal, a relatively_minor contribution to surgical_hypothermia"} +{"text": " cholecystectomy. Median operating time was 90 (range 30-155) and 80 (range 50-170) min in the laparoscopic and open groups respectively", "synonym_substitution": "cholecystectomy. Median operating time was 90 (range 30 - 155) and 80 (range 50 - 170) minute in the laparoscopic and loose groups respectively", "butter_fingers": " chllecystectomy. Median opevating time was 90 (range 30-155) and 80 (dange 50-170) mkn in the laparoscopic and o'en troupw respectively", "random_deletion": "cholecystectomy. Median operating time was 90 (range 80 50-170) min the laparoscopic and", "change_char_case": " cholecystectomy. Median operAting time wAs 90 (ranGe 30-155) aNd 80 (rAnGe 50-170) miN in tHe laparoscopic ANd opEn groups respectively", "whitespace_perturbation": " cholecystectomy. Median o perating t ime w as90(r ange 30- 155) and 80 (r a nge50-170) min in the lap arosc op i c an d o pen g roups r e sp e c tiv el y", "underscore_trick": " cholecystectomy._Median operating_time was 90 (range_30-155) and_80_(range 50-170)_min_in the laparoscopic_and open groups_respectively"} +{"text": " overlapping scalp topographies, supporting the hypothesis that these positivities represent attachment of incentive salience to perceptual representations in the prefrontal cortex. General practitioners' attitudes toward (", "synonym_substitution": "overlapping scalp topographies, supporting the hypothesis that these favorableness constitute attachment of incentive salience to perceptual representations in the prefrontal lens cortex. General practitioners' attitude toward (", "butter_fingers": " ovfrlapping scalp topograpmies, supporting jhw hypovhesis fhat there positivities represent atvachnent if incentive salience go percepnual reprwsenuations in the prxrrontal cortes. Genzrel practitionerx' attitudev toward (", "random_deletion": "overlapping scalp topographies, supporting the hypothesis that represent of incentive to perceptual representations practitioners' toward (", "change_char_case": " overlapping scalp topographIes, supportIng thE hyPotHeSis tHat tHese positivitiES repResent attachment of inceNtive SaLIencE To PercePtual rePReSENtaTiOnS in ThE PrEfronTal Cortex. GEneral pracTitIoNers' attitudeS ToWard (", "whitespace_perturbation": " overlapping scalp topogra phies, sup porti ngthe h ypot hesi s that these p o siti vities represent attac hment o f inc e nt ive s alience to p erc ep tu alre p re senta tio ns in t he prefron tal c ortex. Gener a lpractition ers ' attitudestow ard (", "underscore_trick": " overlapping_scalp topographies,_supporting the hypothesis that_these positivities_represent_attachment of_incentive_salience to perceptual_representations in the_prefrontal cortex. General practitioners'_attitudes toward ("} +{"text": "iosis. Two trivalents and 2 univalents were also observed in some pollen mother cells. Hybrid nature was also confirmed by 'Southern' hybridization of DNA", "synonym_substitution": "iosis. Two trivalents and 2 univalents were also observed in some pollen mother cells. Hybrid nature was also confirm by' southerly' hybridization of DNA", "butter_fingers": "iosls. Two trivalents and 2 ukivalents were also obsxrved ih some pullen mother cells. Hybrid navure was qlso confirmed by 'Soutfern' hybrpdization of VNA", "random_deletion": "iosis. Two trivalents and 2 univalents were in pollen mother Hybrid nature was of", "change_char_case": "iosis. Two trivalents and 2 univAlents were Also oBseRveD iN somE polLen mother cells. hYbriD nature was also confirmeD by 'SoUtHErn' hYBrIdizaTion of Dna", "whitespace_perturbation": "iosis. Two trivalents and2 univalen ts we reals oobse rved in some polle n mot her cells. Hybrid natu re wa sa lsoc on firme d by 'S o ut h e rn' h yb rid iz a ti on of DN A", "underscore_trick": "iosis. Two_trivalents and_2 univalents were also_observed in_some_pollen mother_cells._Hybrid nature was_also confirmed by_'Southern' hybridization of DNA"} +{"text": " silent. Neuromonitoring changes preceding radiological evidence of infarction included lactate-pyruvate-ratio elevation and brain glucose decreases when compared to those with distant or no", "synonym_substitution": "silent. Neuromonitoring changes preceding radiological evidence of infarction include lactate - pyruvate - proportion elevation and brain glucose decrease when compare to those with distant or no", "butter_fingers": " sipent. Neuromonitoring chakges preceding rceiologmcal evjdence ow infarction included lactatx-pyryvate-eatio elevation and brxin glucode decreqses qhen compacsd to tmjse slth dnsvant or no", "random_deletion": "silent. Neuromonitoring changes preceding radiological evidence of lactate-pyruvate-ratio and brain decreases when compared no", "change_char_case": " silent. Neuromonitoring chanGes precediNg radIolOgiCaL eviDencE of infarction iNCludEd lactate-pyruvate-ratio ElevaTiON and BRaIn gluCose decREaSES whEn CoMpaReD To Those WitH distanT or no", "whitespace_perturbation": " silent. Neuromonitoring c hanges pre cedin g r adi ol ogic al e vidence of inf a rcti on included lactate-py ruvat e- r atio el evati on andb ra i n gl uc os e d ec r ea ses w hen compar ed to thos e w it h distant or no ", "underscore_trick": " silent._Neuromonitoring changes_preceding radiological evidence of_infarction included_lactate-pyruvate-ratio_elevation and_brain_glucose decreases when_compared to those_with distant or no"} +{"text": " interval [CI], 1.22-1.39) and 1.79 (95% CI, 1.67-1.93), respectively, adjusted", "synonym_substitution": "interval [ CI ], 1.22 - 1.39) and 1.79 (95% CI, 1.67 - 1.93), respectively, adjusted", "butter_fingers": " inherval [CI], 1.22-1.39) and 1.79 (95% CI, 1.67-1.93), reskectively, adjusteb", "random_deletion": "interval [CI], 1.22-1.39) and 1.79 (95% CI, adjusted", "change_char_case": " interval [CI], 1.22-1.39) and 1.79 (95% CI, 1.67-1.93), respectiveLy, adjusted", "whitespace_perturbation": " interval [CI], 1.22-1.39) and 1.79(95%CI, 1. 67 -1.9 3),respectively,a djus ted", "underscore_trick": " interval_[CI], 1.22-1.39)_and 1.79 (95% CI,_1.67-1.93), respectively,_adjusted"} +{"text": " IFN-\u03b3- and TNF-\u03b1-treated MIN6 cells. Taken together, our results indicate that Caspase-3 is critical for the induction of MIN", "synonym_substitution": "IFN - \u03b3- and TNF - \u03b1 - treated MIN6 cells. Taken together, our result bespeak that Caspase-3 is critical for the induction of MIN", "butter_fingers": " IFJ-\u03b3- and TNF-\u03b1-treated MIN6 celus. Taken togethgr, our rxsults jndicate that Caspase-3 is critical foc thw indyction of MIN", "random_deletion": "IFN-\u03b3- and TNF-\u03b1-treated MIN6 cells. Taken together, indicate Caspase-3 is for the induction", "change_char_case": " IFN-\u03b3- and TNF-\u03b1-treated MIN6 cellS. Taken togeTher, oUr rEsuLtS indIcatE that Caspase-3 is CRitiCal for the induction of MIn", "whitespace_perturbation": " IFN-\u03b3- and TNF-\u03b1-treatedMIN6 cells . Tak entog et her, our results indic a te t hat Caspase-3 is criti cal f or thei nd uctio n of MI N ", "underscore_trick": " IFN-\u03b3-_and TNF-\u03b1-treated_MIN6 cells. Taken together,_our results_indicate_that Caspase-3_is_critical for the_induction of MIN"} +{"text": " cesarean delivery, preeclampsia, and admittance to neonatal intensive care unit. We found an increased risk of PTB in OD pregnancies. The adjusted", "synonym_substitution": "cesarean delivery, preeclampsia, and admittance to neonatal intensive care unit. We find oneself an increase risk of PTB in OD pregnancies. The adjusted", "butter_fingers": " cedarean delivery, preeclamksia, and admittanew to nxonatal intensixe care unit. We found an incceaswd riwk of PTB in OD pregnavcies. The adjustee", "random_deletion": "cesarean delivery, preeclampsia, and admittance to neonatal unit. found an risk of PTB", "change_char_case": " cesarean delivery, preeclampSia, and admiTtancE to NeoNaTal iNtenSive care unit. We FOund An increased risk of PTB in oD preGnANcieS. thE adjuSted", "whitespace_perturbation": " cesarean delivery, preecl ampsia, an d adm itt anc eto n eona tal intensivec areunit. We found an incr eased r i sk o f P TB in OD pre g na n c ies .Th e a dj u st ed", "underscore_trick": " cesarean_delivery, preeclampsia,_and admittance to neonatal_intensive care_unit._We found_an_increased risk of_PTB in OD_pregnancies. The adjusted"} +{"text": " the benefit of presurgical embolization. Dichotic listening performance in subtypes of developmental dyslexia and a left temporal lobe brain tumor contrast group.\nThis", "synonym_substitution": "the benefit of presurgical embolization. Dichotic listening performance in subtypes of developmental dyslexia and a left temporal lobe brain tumor contrast group. \n This", "butter_fingers": " thf benefit of presurgical embolization. Dnxhotic listehing perwormance in subtypes of devepopmentql dyslexia and a left temporal lobe brqin uumor contrast group.\nThis", "random_deletion": "the benefit of presurgical embolization. Dichotic listening subtypes developmental dyslexia a left temporal This", "change_char_case": " the benefit of presurgical emBolization. dichoTic LisTeNing PerfOrmance in subtyPEs of Developmental dyslexia aNd a leFt TEmpoRAl Lobe bRain tumOR cONTraSt GrOup.\nthIS", "whitespace_perturbation": " the benefit of presurgica l emboliza tion. Di cho ti c li sten ing performanc e insubtypes of developmen tal d ys l exia an d a l eft tem p or a l lo be b rai nt um or co ntr ast gro up.\nThis", "underscore_trick": " the_benefit of_presurgical embolization. Dichotic listening_performance in_subtypes_of developmental_dyslexia_and a left_temporal lobe brain_tumor contrast group.\nThis"} +{"text": ". They must investigate and operate these patients if this complication develops, since an immediate surgery has a high mortality and poor outcome. [Iron deficiency and pregnancy after gastric", "synonym_substitution": ". They must investigate and operate these patients if this complication develops, since an contiguous operating room has a high deathrate and poor consequence. [ Iron deficiency and pregnancy after gastric", "butter_fingers": ". Thfy must investigate and uperate these pcrients if thjs complkcation develops, since an imleeiate surgery has a high moftality ajd poor iutcine. [Iron dehjciency and pdcgnaney after gastric", "random_deletion": ". They must investigate and operate these this develops, since immediate surgery has outcome. deficiency and pregnancy gastric", "change_char_case": ". They must investigate and opeRate these pAtienTs iF thIs CompLicaTion develops, siNCe an Immediate surgery has a hiGh morTaLIty aND pOor ouTcome. [IrON dEFIciEnCy And PrEGnAncy aFteR gastriC", "whitespace_perturbation": ". They must investigate an d operatethese pa tie nt s if thi s complication deve lops, since an immedia te su rg e ry h a sa hig h morta l it y and p oo r o ut c om e. [I ron defici ency and p reg na ncy after ga s tr ic", "underscore_trick": ". They_must investigate_and operate these patients_if this_complication_develops, since_an_immediate surgery has_a high mortality_and poor outcome. [Iron_deficiency and pregnancy_after_gastric"} +{"text": " method of ethics teaching, the Scientific Model, is no longer used in nursing education. However, the contemporary models of ethics teaching--the Moral Concepts Model", "synonym_substitution": "method of ethics teaching, the Scientific Model, is no longer used in nursing department of education. However, the contemporaneous mannequin of ethics education -- the Moral Concepts Model", "butter_fingers": " mehhod of ethics teaching, uhe Scientific Mobwl, is io longsr used kn nursing education. However, tye cobtemporary models of eghics teabhing--the Norao Concepts Model", "random_deletion": "method of ethics teaching, the Scientific Model, longer in nursing However, the contemporary Concepts", "change_char_case": " method of ethics teaching, the scientific model, Is nO loNgEr usEd in Nursing educatiON. HowEver, the contemporary modEls of EtHIcs tEAcHing--tHe Moral cOnCEPts moDeL", "whitespace_perturbation": " method of ethics teaching , the Scie ntifi c M ode l, isno l onger used inn ursi ng education. However, theco n temp o ra ry mo dels of et h i cste ac hin g- - th e Mor alConcept s Model", "underscore_trick": " method_of ethics_teaching, the Scientific Model,_is no_longer_used in_nursing_education. However, the_contemporary models of_ethics teaching--the Moral Concepts_Model"} +{"text": " only in mRNA but also protein levels. Moreover, HEXIM1 is shown to suppress the transcriptional activity of NF-kappaB via its C-terminal leuc", "synonym_substitution": "only in mRNA but also protein levels. furthermore, HEXIM1 is usher to suppress the transcriptional activity of NF - kappaB via its vitamin c - concluding leuc", "butter_fingers": " onpy in mRNA but also prottin levels. Moreovgr, HEXIM1 is shkwn to sjppress the transcriptional ecticity if NF-kappaB via its C-tdrminal lvuc", "random_deletion": "only in mRNA but also protein levels. is to suppress transcriptional activity of", "change_char_case": " only in mRNA but also protein lEvels. MoreoVer, HExIM1 Is sHoWn to SuppRess the transcrIPtioNal activity of NF-kappaB vIa its c-tERminAL lEuc", "whitespace_perturbation": " only in mRNA but also pro tein level s. Mo reo ver ,HEXI M1 i s shown to sup p ress the transcriptional a ctivi ty of N F -k appaB via it s C - t erm in al le uc ", "underscore_trick": " only_in mRNA_but also protein levels._Moreover, HEXIM1_is_shown to_suppress_the transcriptional activity_of NF-kappaB via_its C-terminal leuc"} +{"text": "3 anti-laminin-5 autoantibodies in any patients. The same IgG4-dominant profile of anti-laminin-5 autoantibodies", "synonym_substitution": "3 anti - laminin-5 autoantibodies in any patients. The same IgG4 - dominant visibility of anti - laminin-5 autoantibody", "butter_fingers": "3 anhi-laminin-5 autoantibodies in any patients. The seme IgG4-sominant profile of anti-laminin-5 autoentivodiew", "random_deletion": "3 anti-laminin-5 autoantibodies in any patients. The profile anti-laminin-5 autoantibodies", "change_char_case": "3 anti-laminin-5 autoantibodies In any patieNts. ThE saMe IGG4-DomiNant Profile of anti-lAMiniN-5 autoantibodies", "whitespace_perturbation": "3 anti-laminin-5 autoantib odies in a ny pa tie nts .Thesame IgG4-dominant prof ile of anti-laminin-5autoa nt i bodi e s", "underscore_trick": "3 anti-laminin-5_autoantibodies in_any patients. The same_IgG4-dominant profile_of_anti-laminin-5 autoantibodies"} +{"text": " follow-up were excluded from the analysis, which could have biased this study cohort toward patients with more severe or less severe disease. Molecular cloning, expression and characterization", "synonym_substitution": "follow - up were excluded from the analysis, which could have biased this discipline age group toward patients with more severe or less dangerous disease. Molecular cloning, formulation and characterization", "butter_fingers": " foplow-up were excluded froo the analysis, cyich cmuld hzve biasdd this study cohort toward 'atiwnts qith more severe or lers severe disease. Moltcular cloning, ex'dession and cgwraccecization", "random_deletion": "follow-up were excluded from the analysis, which biased study cohort patients with more Molecular expression and characterization", "change_char_case": " follow-up were excluded from tHe analysis, Which CouLd hAvE biaSed tHis study cohort TOwarD patients with more severE or leSs SEverE DiSease. moleculAR cLONinG, eXpResSiON aNd chaRacTerizatIon", "whitespace_perturbation": " follow-up were excluded f rom the an alysi s,whi ch cou ld h ave biased thi s stu dy cohort toward patie nts w it h mor e s evere or les s s e v ere d is eas e. Mo lecul arcloning , expressi onan d characteri z at ion", "underscore_trick": " follow-up_were excluded_from the analysis, which_could have_biased_this study_cohort_toward patients with_more severe or_less severe disease. Molecular_cloning, expression and_characterization"} +{"text": "5 with benzimidazole, 2-methylbenzimidazole and 5,6-dimethyl-benzimidazole. The synthesized products show a hypotensive action comparable", "synonym_substitution": "5 with benzimidazole, 2 - methylbenzimidazole and 5,6 - dimethyl - benzimidazole. The synthesized products show a hypotensive action comparable", "butter_fingers": "5 wihh benzimidazole, 2-methylbtnzimidazole and 5,6-bumethyn-benzijidazole. The synthesized products shlw a hykjtensive action cooparable", "random_deletion": "5 with benzimidazole, 2-methylbenzimidazole and 5,6-dimethyl-benzimidazole. The show hypotensive action", "change_char_case": "5 with benzimidazole, 2-methylbeNzimidazolE and 5,6-dImeThyL-bEnziMidaZole. The synthesIZed pRoducts show a hypotensivE actiOn COmpaRAbLe", "whitespace_perturbation": "5 with benzimidazole, 2-me thylbenzim idazo leand 5 ,6-d imet hyl-benzimidaz o le.The synthesized produc ts sh ow a hy p ot ensiv e actio n c o m par ab le ", "underscore_trick": "5 with_benzimidazole, 2-methylbenzimidazole_and 5,6-dimethyl-benzimidazole. The synthesized_products show_a_hypotensive action_comparable"} +{"text": " delirium and psychomotor excitation in patients with arteriosclerosis. Most of these patients are elderly and generally suffer from other diseases. Since they are apt to", "synonym_substitution": "delirium and psychomotor excitation in patients with arteriosclerosis. Most of these patients are aged and by and large suffer from other disease. Since they are apt to", "butter_fingers": " depirium and psychomotor ewcitation in patnwnts wmth artsriosclefosis. Most of these patients aee eleerly and generally suwfer from other duseawws. Since tisy are apt to", "random_deletion": "delirium and psychomotor excitation in patients with of patients are and generally suffer are to", "change_char_case": " delirium and psychomotor excItation in pAtienTs wIth ArTeriOsclErosis. Most of thESe paTients are elderly and genErallY sUFfer FRoM otheR diseasES. SINCe tHeY aRe aPt TO", "whitespace_perturbation": " delirium and psychomotorexcitation in p ati ent swith art eriosclerosis. Most of these patients are elde rl y and ge neral ly suff e rf r omot he r d is e as es. S inc e theyare apt to ", "underscore_trick": " delirium_and psychomotor_excitation in patients with_arteriosclerosis. Most_of_these patients_are_elderly and generally_suffer from other_diseases. Since they are_apt to"} +{"text": " not increase the likelihood of meniscal tears in this study. However, several variables that were not assessed, including the degree of cranial cruciate ligament integrity at", "synonym_substitution": "not increase the likelihood of meniscal tears in this study. However, several variables that were not tax, include the degree of cranial cruciate ligament integrity at", "butter_fingers": " noh increase the likelihooa of meniscal tgaes in vhis sthdy. Howexer, several variables that wxre bot awsessed, including the aegree of cranial cruriate ligament iifegrity at", "random_deletion": "not increase the likelihood of meniscal tears study. several variables were not assessed, cruciate integrity at", "change_char_case": " not increase the likelihood oF meniscal tEars iN thIs sTuDy. HoWeveR, several variabLEs thAt were not assessed, incluDing tHe DEgreE Of CraniAl cruciATe LIGamEnT iNteGrITy At", "whitespace_perturbation": " not increase the likeliho od of meni scaltea rsin thi s st udy. However,s ever al variables that were notas s esse d ,inclu ding th e d e g ree o fcra ni a lcruci ate ligame nt integri tyat ", "underscore_trick": " not_increase the_likelihood of meniscal tears_in this_study._However, several_variables_that were not_assessed, including the_degree of cranial cruciate_ligament integrity at"} +{"text": " dimensions using a sample of community adults (N = 578) located in the United States. As predicted, physical AS and inhibitory IU were the only AS or", "synonym_substitution": "dimensions using a sample of community adult (N = 578) locate in the United States. As predicted, physical AS and inhibitory IU were the alone AS or", "butter_fingers": " dilensions using a sample uf community adolrs (N = 578) locatsd in thd United States. As predicted, pyysicql AS and inhibitory IJ were thv only AS or", "random_deletion": "dimensions using a sample of community adults 578) in the States. As predicted, were only AS or", "change_char_case": " dimensions using a sample of cOmmunity adUlts (N = 578) LocAteD iN the unitEd States. As predICted, Physical AS and inhibitorY IU weRe THe onLY As or", "whitespace_perturbation": " dimensions using a sample of commun ity a dul ts(N = 5 78)located in the Unit ed States. As predicte d, ph ys i calA Sand i nhibito r yI U we re t heon l yAS or ", "underscore_trick": " dimensions_using a_sample of community adults_(N =_578)_located in_the_United States. As_predicted, physical AS_and inhibitory IU were_the only AS_or"} +{"text": " maize. We identified 59 cyclins in the maize genome, distributed on 10 chromosomes; these were grouped into six types by phylogenetic analysis. The cyclin genes in the", "synonym_substitution": "maize. We identified 59 cyclins in the maize genome, distributed on 10 chromosome; these were group into six types by phylogenetic analysis. The cyclin gene in the", "butter_fingers": " malze. We identified 59 cycliks in the maize ywnome, vistribhted on 10 chromosomes; these were grou'ed unto wix types by phylogenegic analydis. The xyclmn genes in the", "random_deletion": "maize. We identified 59 cyclins in the distributed 10 chromosomes; were grouped into The genes in the", "change_char_case": " maize. We identified 59 cyclins iN the maize gEnome, DisTriBuTed oN 10 chrOmosomes; these wERe grOuped into six types by phyLogenEtIC anaLYsIs. The Cyclin gENeS IN thE", "whitespace_perturbation": " maize. We identified 59 c yclins inthe m aiz e g en ome, dis tributed on 10 chro mosomes; these were gr ouped i n to s i xtypes by phy l og e n eti can aly si s .The c ycl in gene s in the", "underscore_trick": " maize._We identified_59 cyclins in the_maize genome,_distributed_on 10_chromosomes;_these were grouped_into six types_by phylogenetic analysis. The_cyclin genes in_the"} +{"text": "ET scans were studied. Quantitative SPET difference imaging was used to evaluate perfusion changes in relationship to injection time. Perfusion changes were found to reflect the time of", "synonym_substitution": "ET scans were studied. Quantitative SPET difference imaging was use to measure perfusion changes in relationship to injection meter. Perfusion change were found to reflect the prison term of", "butter_fingers": "ET dcans were studied. Quantltative SPET difywrence imagihg was ured to evaluate perfusion chengew in eelationship to injectkon time. Ierfusion chaiges were found vk reflegc the bime mh", "random_deletion": "ET scans were studied. Quantitative SPET difference used evaluate perfusion in relationship to found reflect the time", "change_char_case": "ET scans were studied. QuantitAtive SPET dIfferEncE imAgIng wAs usEd to evaluate peRFusiOn changes in relationshiP to inJeCTion TImE. PerfUsion chANgES WerE fOuNd tO rEFlEct thE tiMe of", "whitespace_perturbation": "ET scans were studied. Qua ntitativeSPETdif fer en ce i magi ng was used to eval uate perfusion changes in r el a tion s hi p toinjecti o nt i me. P er fus io n c hange s w ere fou nd to refl ect t he time of", "underscore_trick": "ET scans_were studied._Quantitative SPET difference imaging_was used_to_evaluate perfusion_changes_in relationship to_injection time. Perfusion_changes were found to_reflect the time_of"} +{"text": ") developing partnerships, especially with schools; (3) communicating successfully with parents, children, school administrators and teachers, medical providers, and the community at large;", "synonym_substitution": ") developing partnerships, especially with schools; (3) convey successfully with parent, children, school administrators and teachers, aesculapian providers, and the community at large;", "butter_fingers": ") degeloping partnerships, eskecially with schools; (3) cmmmunidating sjccessfully with parents, chipdeen, sxhool administrators avd teachegs, medicao priciders, and the community wt lcrje;", "random_deletion": ") developing partnerships, especially with schools; (3) with children, school and teachers, medical large;", "change_char_case": ") developing partnerships, espEcially witH schoOls; (3) ComMuNicaTing Successfully wiTH parEnts, children, school admiNistrAtORs anD TeAcherS, medicaL PrOVIdeRs, AnD thE cOMmUnity At lArge;", "whitespace_perturbation": ") developing partnerships, especiall y wit h s cho ol s; ( 3) c ommunicating s u cces sfully with parents, c hildr en , sch o ol admi nistrat o rs a ndte ac her s, me dical pr oviders , and thecom mu nity at larg e ;", "underscore_trick": ") developing_partnerships, especially_with schools; (3) communicating_successfully with_parents,_children, school_administrators_and teachers, medical_providers, and the_community at large;"} +{"text": " the separated material was developed to determine the cellular concentration of CMP-Neu5Ac in Madin Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. The", "synonym_substitution": "the separated material was developed to determine the cellular assiduity of CMP - Neu5Ac in Madin Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cell. The", "butter_fingers": " thf separated material was developed to dgtwrmine the csllular zoncentration of CMP-Neu5Ac in Mqdin Earby canine kidney (MDZK) cells. Nhe", "random_deletion": "the separated material was developed to determine concentration CMP-Neu5Ac in Darby canine kidney", "change_char_case": " the separated material was deVeloped to dEtermIne The CeLlulAr coNcentration of Cmp-Neu5ac in Madin Darby canine kiDney (MdCk) CellS. thE", "whitespace_perturbation": " the separated material wa s develope d todet erm in e th e ce llular concent r atio n of CMP-Neu5Ac in Mad in Da rb y can i ne kidn ey (MDC K )c e lls .Th e", "underscore_trick": " the_separated material_was developed to determine_the cellular_concentration_of CMP-Neu5Ac_in_Madin Darby canine_kidney (MDCK) cells._The"} +{"text": "renol unaltered. 10 nM yohimbine did not affect the nerve actions nor the effects of phenylephrine or isoproterenol. 3", "synonym_substitution": "renol unaltered. 10 nM yohimbine did not affect the nerve actions nor the effects of phenylephrine or isoproterenol. 3", "butter_fingers": "renll unaltered. 10 nM yohimbike did not affecj rhe necve actjons nor the effects of phenylephrinx or isopeoterenol. 3", "random_deletion": "renol unaltered. 10 nM yohimbine did not nerve nor the of phenylephrine or", "change_char_case": "renol unaltered. 10 nM yohimbine Did not affeCt the NerVe aCtIons Nor tHe effects of pheNYlepHrine or isoproterenol. 3", "whitespace_perturbation": "renol unaltered. 10 nM yoh imbine did notaff ect t he n erve actions nor t h e ef fects of phenylephrine or i so p rote r en ol. 3 ", "underscore_trick": "renol unaltered._10 nM_yohimbine did not affect_the nerve_actions_nor the_effects_of phenylephrine or_isoproterenol. 3"} +{"text": " 65.4% for stage III, and 48.5% for stage IV patients. On multivariable analysis, older age, non-White race, lower", "synonym_substitution": "65.4% for stage III, and 48.5% for stage IV patients. On multivariable analysis, old old age, non - White race, lower", "butter_fingers": " 65.4% flr stage III, and 48.5% for stxge IV patients. On mulvivariagle analhsis, older age, non-White race, liwer", "random_deletion": "65.4% for stage III, and 48.5% for patients. multivariable analysis, age, non-White race,", "change_char_case": " 65.4% for stage III, and 48.5% for stage IV pAtients. On mUltivAriAblE aNalySis, oLder age, non-WhitE Race, Lower", "whitespace_perturbation": " 65.4% for stage III, and48.5% forstage IV pa ti ents . On multivariable anal ysis, older age, non-W hitera c e, l o we r", "underscore_trick": " 65.4%_for stage_III, and 48.5% for_stage IV_patients._On multivariable_analysis,_older age, non-White_race, lower"} +{"text": ".21 +/- 0.23 mumol/kg body weight X day. For both collectives, the breakdown per kg body weight of 3-methylhistidine", "synonym_substitution": ".21 + /- 0.23 mumol / kg body weight X day. For both collectives, the dislocation per kg soundbox weight of 3 - methylhistidine", "butter_fingers": ".21 +/- 0.23 lumol/kg body weight X dan. For both colleerives, vhe brezkdown pdr kg body weight of 3-methylhmstieine", "random_deletion": ".21 +/- 0.23 mumol/kg body weight X both the breakdown kg body weight", "change_char_case": ".21 +/- 0.23 mumol/kg body weight X day. For bOth collectIves, tHe bReaKdOwn pEr kg Body weight of 3-meTHylhIstidine", "whitespace_perturbation": ".21 +/- 0.23 mumol/kg body weight Xday.For bo th col lect ives, the brea k down per kg body weight of 3-me th y lhis t id ine", "underscore_trick": ".21 +/-_0.23 mumol/kg_body weight X day._For both_collectives,_the breakdown_per_kg body weight_of 3-methylhistidine"} +{"text": "cence intensity. A combination of high resolution transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray mapping, micro-Raman spectroscopy, and photoluminescence spectroscopy are", "synonym_substitution": "cence intensity. A combination of high resolution transmission electron microscopy, department of energy diffusing adam - ray function, micro - Raman spectroscopy, and photoluminescence spectroscopy are", "butter_fingers": "cenfe intensity. A combinatiun of high resolution vransmiasion eldctron microscopy, energy dis'ersuve X-eay mapping, micro-Raman spectrosbopy, and photiouminescenrs spectvjscoln are", "random_deletion": "cence intensity. A combination of high resolution microscopy, dispersive X-ray micro-Raman spectroscopy, and", "change_char_case": "cence intensity. A combinatioN of high resOlutiOn tRanSmIssiOn elEctron microscoPY, eneRgy dispersive X-ray mappiNg, micRo-rAman SPeCtrosCopy, and PHoTOLumInEsCenCe SPeCtrosCopY are", "whitespace_perturbation": "cence intensity. A combina tion of hi gh re sol uti on tra nsmi ssion electron micr oscopy, energy dispers ive X -r a y ma p pi ng, m icro-Ra m an s pec tr os cop y, an d pho tol uminesc ence spect ros co py are", "underscore_trick": "cence intensity._A combination_of high resolution transmission_electron microscopy,_energy_dispersive X-ray_mapping,_micro-Raman spectroscopy, and_photoluminescence spectroscopy are"} +{"text": " also examined introns from these genes and the G/C composition at four-fold degenerate sites in an effort to detect a change in mutation bias. There is", "synonym_substitution": "also examined introns from these genes and the G / C composing at four - fold debauched sites in an effort to detect a variety in mutation diagonal. There is", "butter_fingers": " aldo examined introns from these genes anb the G/R compoaition ag four-fold degenerate sites mn ab effirt to detect a change in mutatpon bias. Rhert is", "random_deletion": "also examined introns from these genes and composition four-fold degenerate in an effort mutation There is", "change_char_case": " also examined introns from thEse genes anD the G/c coMpoSiTion At foUr-fold degeneraTE sitEs in an effort to detect a cHange In MUtatIOn Bias. THere is", "whitespace_perturbation": " also examined introns fro m these ge nes a ndthe G /C c ompo sition at four - fold degenerate sites in a n eff or t tod et ect a change in m uta ti on bi as . T hereis", "underscore_trick": " also_examined introns_from these genes and_the G/C_composition_at four-fold_degenerate_sites in an_effort to detect_a change in mutation_bias. There is"} +{"text": "asing elastomerics using a layer-by-layer coating technique.\nThe aims of this study were to identify the optimal concentration of coated orthodontic elastomer", "synonym_substitution": "asing elastomerics using a layer - by - layer coating proficiency. \n The aim of this study were to identify the optimum concentration of coated orthodontic elastomer", "butter_fingers": "asijg elastomerics using a uayer-by-layer cocring txchniqus.\nThe aimr of this study were to idenvify the iptimal concentration uf coated orthodobtic wlastomer", "random_deletion": "asing elastomerics using a layer-by-layer coating technique. of study were identify the optimal", "change_char_case": "asing elastomerics using a laYer-by-layer CoatiNg tEchNiQue.\nTHe aiMs of this study wERe to Identify the optimal concEntraTiON of cOAtEd ortHodontiC ElASTomEr", "whitespace_perturbation": "asing elastomerics using a layer-by- layer co ati ng tec hniq ue.\nThe aims o f thi s study were to identi fy th eo ptim a lconce ntratio n o f coa te dort ho d on tic e las tomer", "underscore_trick": "asing elastomerics_using a_layer-by-layer coating technique.\nThe aims_of this_study_were to_identify_the optimal concentration_of coated orthodontic_elastomer"} +{"text": " or by intraneuronal transfer from peripheral nerves. Synapses and lipid rafts are important sites at which infectious agents may enter neurons and/or exert their", "synonym_substitution": "or by intraneuronal transfer from peripheral nerves. Synapses and lipid rafts are authoritative web site at which infectious agents may enter neurons and/or wield their", "butter_fingers": " or by intraneuronal transftr from peripheral nervev. Synalses and lipid rafts are important smtes at wyich infectious agents may enteg neurons and/ie exert thxjr", "random_deletion": "or by intraneuronal transfer from peripheral nerves. lipid are important at which infectious exert", "change_char_case": " or by intraneuronal transfer From periphEral nErvEs. SYnApseS and Lipid rafts are iMPortAnt sites at which infectiOus agEnTS may ENtEr neuRons and/OR eXERt tHeIr", "whitespace_perturbation": " or by intraneuronal trans fer from p eriph era l n er ves. Syn apses and lipi d raf ts are important sites at w hi c h in f ec tious agents ma y ent er n eur on s a nd/or ex ert the ir", "underscore_trick": " or_by intraneuronal_transfer from peripheral nerves._Synapses and_lipid_rafts are_important_sites at which_infectious agents may_enter neurons and/or exert_their"} +{"text": " one dead pup, but the live one died within 5 days after birth. Three pregnant females from the roscovitine-treated cell group delivered eight live", "synonym_substitution": "one dead pup, but the live one died within 5 day after parturition. Three pregnant females from the roscovitine - treated cellular telephone group delivered eight live", "butter_fingers": " onf dead pup, but the live une died within 5 days efter bjrth. Thrde pregnant females from the riscovutine-treated cell grouo delivervd eight oive", "random_deletion": "one dead pup, but the live one 5 after birth. pregnant females from eight", "change_char_case": " one dead pup, but the live one diEd within 5 daYs aftEr bIrtH. THree PregNant females froM The rOscovitine-treated cell gRoup dElIVereD EiGht liVe", "whitespace_perturbation": " one dead pup, but the liv e one died with in5 d ay s af terbirth. Three p r egna nt females from the ro scovi ti n e-tr e at ed ce ll grou p d e l ive re deig ht li ve", "underscore_trick": " one_dead pup,_but the live one_died within_5_days after_birth._Three pregnant females_from the roscovitine-treated_cell group delivered eight_live"} +{"text": " education and their type of employment. We conclude that the selected definitions of NOTI and IOTN can serve as a basis for the characteristics of a morphologically", "synonym_substitution": "education and their type of employment. We conclude that the choose definition of NOTI and IOTN can serve as a basis for the characteristic of a morphologically", "butter_fingers": " edkcation and their type on employment. We eincludx that fhe selezted definitions of NOTI and IITN cqn serve as a basis fof the chagacteristucs id a morphologicalln", "random_deletion": "education and their type of employment. We the definitions of and IOTN can the of a morphologically", "change_char_case": " education and their type of emPloyment. We ConclUde ThaT tHe seLectEd definitions oF nOTI And IOTN can serve as a basiS for tHe CHaraCTeRistiCs of a moRPhOLOgiCaLlY", "whitespace_perturbation": " education and their typeof employm ent.Wecon cl udethat the selectedd efin itions of NOTI and IOT N can s e rvea sa bas is fort he c har ac te ris ti c sof amor phologi cally", "underscore_trick": " education_and their_type of employment. We_conclude that_the_selected definitions_of_NOTI and IOTN_can serve as_a basis for the_characteristics of a_morphologically"} +{"text": "3 within microdomains of lymphocytic cells strongly suggests a role for PrPc-GM3 complex as a structural component of the multimolecular signaling complex involved in", "synonym_substitution": "3 within microdomains of lymphocytic cells strongly suggests a role for PrPc - GM3 building complex as a geomorphologic component of the multimolecular signaling building complex involved in", "butter_fingers": "3 wihhin microdomains of lymkhocytic cells sttobgly snggests a role wor PrPc-GM3 complex as a strurturql conponent of the multimouecular spgnaling xompowx involvev in", "random_deletion": "3 within microdomains of lymphocytic cells strongly role PrPc-GM3 complex a structural component involved", "change_char_case": "3 within microdomains of lymphOcytic cellS stroNglY suGgEsts A rolE for PrPc-GM3 compLEx as A structural component of The muLtIMoleCUlAr sigNaling cOMpLEX inVoLvEd iN", "whitespace_perturbation": "3 within microdomains of l ymphocytic cell s s tro ng ly s ugge sts a role for PrPc -GM3 complex as a stru ctura lc ompo n en t ofthe mul t im o l ecu la rsig na l in g com ple x invol ved in", "underscore_trick": "3 within_microdomains of_lymphocytic cells strongly suggests_a role_for_PrPc-GM3 complex_as_a structural component_of the multimolecular_signaling complex involved in"} +{"text": " have been incubated with 2H2-labeled and radiolabeled dehydroepiandrosterone and 5-androstene-3 beta, 17 beta", "synonym_substitution": "have been incubated with 2H2 - labeled and radiolabeled dehydroepiandrosterone and 5 - androstene-3 beta, 17 beta", "butter_fingers": " hage been incubated with 2H2-uabeled and radnilabelxd dehysroepianarosterone and 5-androstene-3 beva, 17 veta", "random_deletion": "have been incubated with 2H2-labeled and radiolabeled 5-androstene-3 17 beta", "change_char_case": " have been incubated with 2H2-labEled and radIolabEleD deHyDroePianDrosterone and 5-aNDrosTene-3 beta, 17 beta", "whitespace_perturbation": " have been incubated with2H2-labele d and ra dio la bele d de hydroepiandros t eron e and 5-androstene-3 b eta,17 beta ", "underscore_trick": " have_been incubated_with 2H2-labeled and radiolabeled_dehydroepiandrosterone and_5-androstene-3_beta, 17_beta"} +{"text": " 13 years approximately, and show a pattern of peripheral distribution of fat during all the period of study. In males, a pattern of central distribution of fat develops starting", "synonym_substitution": "13 years approximately, and show a pattern of peripheral distribution of fat during all the time period of discipline. In males, a pattern of central distribution of fatness develops starting", "butter_fingers": " 13 yfars approximately, and smow a pattern of periphxral diatributiun of fat during all the permod if stydy. In males, a pattern of centrwl distrubutmon of fat develops starbnng", "random_deletion": "13 years approximately, and show a pattern distribution fat during the period of of distribution of fat starting", "change_char_case": " 13 years approximately, and show A pattern of PeripHerAl dIsTribUtioN of fat during alL The pEriod of study. In males, a paTtern Of CEntrAL dIstriBution oF FaT DEveLoPs StaRtINg", "whitespace_perturbation": " 13 years approximately, a nd show apatte rnofpe riph eral distributiono f fa t during all the perio d ofst u dy.I nmales , a pat t er n ofce nt ral d i st ribut ion of fat developssta rt ing", "underscore_trick": " 13_years approximately,_and show a pattern_of peripheral_distribution_of fat_during_all the period_of study. In_males, a pattern of_central distribution of_fat_develops starting"} +{"text": " herb extracts, but XJZT showed protection of human lymphocytic DNA upon oxidative stress (P < 0.05). The in vitro DNA protection effect of", "synonym_substitution": "herb extracts, but XJZT showed protection of human lymphocytic DNA upon oxidative stress (phosphorus < 0.05). The in vitro deoxyribonucleic acid protective covering effect of", "butter_fingers": " hegb extracts, but XJZT shoded protection of humai lymphkcytic DVA upon oxidative stress (P < 0.05). Tye in vitro DNA protection dffect of", "random_deletion": "herb extracts, but XJZT showed protection of DNA oxidative stress < 0.05). The of", "change_char_case": " herb extracts, but XJZT showed Protection Of humAn lYmpHoCytiC DNA Upon oxidative sTRess (p < 0.05). The in vitro DNA protectiOn effEcT Of", "whitespace_perturbation": " herb extracts, but XJZT s howed prot ectio n o f h um an l ymph ocytic DNA upo n oxi dative stress (P < 0.0 5). T he in v i tr o DNA protec t io n eff ec tof", "underscore_trick": " herb_extracts, but_XJZT showed protection of_human lymphocytic_DNA_upon oxidative_stress_(P < 0.05)._The in vitro_DNA protection effect of"} +{"text": " enhance the targeting potential of low therapeutic index chemo- and immune-therapeutics. Several preclinical studies have revealed the superior efficacy of nanotherapy in CRC as compared to", "synonym_substitution": "enhance the targeting potential of low therapeutic exponent chemo- and immune - remedy. respective preclinical studies have revealed the superior efficacy of nanotherapy in CRC as compare to", "butter_fingers": " enjance the targeting potektial of low thetapeutic index chemo- avd immune-therapeutics. Severap preclunical studies have rexealed thv superioe efhicacy of nanothxdapy in CRC aa com'aced to", "random_deletion": "enhance the targeting potential of low therapeutic and Several preclinical have revealed the CRC compared to", "change_char_case": " enhance the targeting potentIal of low thErapeUtiC inDeX cheMo- anD immune-therapeUTics. several preclinical studIes haVe REveaLEd The suPerior eFFiCACy oF nAnOthErAPy In CRC As cOmpared To", "whitespace_perturbation": " enhance the targeting pot ential oflow t her ape ut ic i ndex chemo- and im m une- therapeutics. Severalprecl in i cals tu dieshave re v ea l e d t he s upe ri o reffic acy of nan otherapy i n C RC as compared to ", "underscore_trick": " enhance_the targeting_potential of low therapeutic_index chemo-_and_immune-therapeutics. Several_preclinical_studies have revealed_the superior efficacy_of nanotherapy in CRC_as compared to"} +{"text": " a novel approach to closure of the median sternotomy through a mechanical model and mechanical testing. Simple cannulated screws are placed on either side of the sternot", "synonym_substitution": "a novel approach to closure of the median sternotomy through a mechanical exemplar and mechanical examination. Simple cannulated screws are rate on either english of the sternot", "butter_fingers": " a jovel approach to closurt of the median sjeenotomb throufh a mecfanical model and mechanical twstint. Simple cannulated scfews are ilaced on eitier side of the sternot", "random_deletion": "a novel approach to closure of the through mechanical model mechanical testing. Simple either of the sternot", "change_char_case": " a novel approach to closure of The median sTernoTomY thRoUgh a MechAnical model and MEchaNical testing. Simple cannUlateD sCRews ARe PlaceD on eithER sIDE of ThE sTerNoT", "whitespace_perturbation": " a novel approach to closu re of themedia n s ter no tomy thr ough a mechani c al m odel and mechanical te sting .S impl e c annul ated sc r ew s are p la ced o n e ither si de of t he sternot ", "underscore_trick": " a_novel approach_to closure of the_median sternotomy_through_a mechanical_model_and mechanical testing._Simple cannulated screws_are placed on either_side of the_sternot"} +{"text": "-old cat was diagnosed with congenital subvalvular aortic stenosis. To resolve its hypoxia, oxygen therapy was administered a couple of times a week during two months", "synonym_substitution": "-old cat was diagnosed with congenital subvalvular aortic stenosis. To resolve its hypoxia, oxygen therapy was distribute a couple of prison term a week during two months", "butter_fingers": "-old cat was diagnosed with gongenital subvalvular eortic atenosis. To resolve its hypoxia, oxygxn tyerapt was administered a cuuple of nimes a wwek vuring two months", "random_deletion": "-old cat was diagnosed with congenital subvalvular To its hypoxia, therapy was administered week two months", "change_char_case": "-old cat was diagnosed with conGenital subValvuLar AorTiC steNosiS. To resolve its hYPoxiA, oxygen therapy was adminIsterEd A CoupLE oF timeS a week dURiNG Two MoNtHs", "whitespace_perturbation": "-old cat was diagnosed wit h congenit al su bva lvu la r ao rtic stenosis. Tor esol ve its hypoxia, oxygen ther ap y was ad minis tered a co u p leof t ime sa w eek d uri ng twomonths", "underscore_trick": "-old cat_was diagnosed_with congenital subvalvular aortic_stenosis. To_resolve_its hypoxia,_oxygen_therapy was administered_a couple of_times a week during_two months"} +{"text": "1-adenosine receptors. An adenosine analog, 2-phenylaminoadenosine, selective for A2-adenosine receptors was inactive in the two tests", "synonym_substitution": "1 - adenosine receptors. An adenosine analog, 2 - phenylaminoadenosine, selective for A2 - adenosine receptors was inactive in the two examination", "butter_fingers": "1-adejosine receptors. An adenusine analog, 2-phgntlaminmadenoaine, seldctive for A2-adenosine receptlrw was inactive in the two tdsts", "random_deletion": "1-adenosine receptors. An adenosine analog, 2-phenylaminoadenosine, selective receptors inactive in two tests", "change_char_case": "1-adenosine receptors. An adenoSine analog, 2-PhenyLamInoAdEnosIne, sElective for A2-adENosiNe receptors was inactive In the TwO TestS", "whitespace_perturbation": "1-adenosine receptors. Anadenosineanalo g,2-p he nyla mino adenosine, sel e ctiv e for A2-adenosine rec eptor sw as i n ac tivein thet wo t est s", "underscore_trick": "1-adenosine receptors._An adenosine_analog, 2-phenylaminoadenosine, selective for_A2-adenosine receptors_was_inactive in_the_two tests"} +{"text": " in the active site adjacent to the anomeric carbon of the N-glycosidic bond is suggestive of direct attack by water, with Glu125 acting as a", "synonym_substitution": "in the active site adjacent to the anomeric carbon of the N - glycosidic bond is suggestive of lineal fire by water, with Glu125 acting as a", "butter_fingers": " in the active site adjacenu to the anomeric carbon of ths N-glycoridic bond is suggestive of virext atucck by water, with Glj125 acting ws a", "random_deletion": "in the active site adjacent to the of N-glycosidic bond suggestive of direct acting a", "change_char_case": " in the active site adjacent to The anomeriC carbOn oF thE N-GlycOsidIc bond is suggesTIve oF direct attack by water, wiTh Glu125 AcTIng aS A", "whitespace_perturbation": " in the active site adjace nt to theanome ric ca rb on o f th e N-glycosidic bond is suggestive of dire ct at ta c k by wa ter,with Gl u 12 5 act in gasa", "underscore_trick": " in_the active_site adjacent to the_anomeric carbon_of_the N-glycosidic_bond_is suggestive of_direct attack by_water, with Glu125 acting_as a"} +{"text": " patients may have significant distress relating to such bereavement and may need appropriate intervention. The effect of the results of the STICH trial on the management of spontaneous", "synonym_substitution": "patients may have significant distress relating to such mourning and may necessitate appropriate intervention. The effect of the result of the STICH test on the management of spontaneous", "butter_fingers": " pahients may have significxnt distress relating vo such bereaveoent and may need appropriatx inrervebtion. The effect of thd results of the WTICI trial on the mehagemenb of aiontaueius", "random_deletion": "patients may have significant distress relating to and need appropriate The effect of trial the management of", "change_char_case": " patients may have significanT distress rElatiNg tO suCh BereAvemEnt and may need aPPropRiate intervention. The efFect oF tHE resULtS of thE STICH tRIaL ON thE mAnAgeMeNT oF sponTanEous", "whitespace_perturbation": " patients may have signifi cant distr ess r ela tin gto s uchbereavement an d may need appropriate inte rvent io n . Th e e ffect of the re s u lts o fthe S T IC H tri alon themanagement of s pontaneous", "underscore_trick": " patients_may have_significant distress relating to_such bereavement_and_may need_appropriate_intervention. The effect_of the results_of the STICH trial_on the management_of_spontaneous"} +{"text": ", metabolic and therapeutic indicators. All three Argentinean health subsectors (public health, social security and the private, prepaid system) are participants in the", "synonym_substitution": ", metabolic and therapeutic indicators. All three Argentinean health subsectors (public health, social security and the private, postpaid arrangement) are participants in the", "butter_fingers": ", mehabolic and therapeutic lndicators. All tkeee Arjentinezn healtf subsectors (public health, slcual stburity and the privatd, prepaid system) qre karticipants in tis", "random_deletion": ", metabolic and therapeutic indicators. All three subsectors health, social and the private, the", "change_char_case": ", metabolic and therapeutic inDicators. AlL threE ArGenTiNean HealTh subsectors (puBLic hEalth, social security and The prIvATe, prEPaId sysTem) are pARtICIpaNtS iN thE", "whitespace_perturbation": ", metabolic and therapeuti c indicato rs. A llthr ee Arg enti nean health su b sect ors (public health, so cialse c urit y a nd th e priva t e, p rep ai dsys te m )are p art icipant s in the", "underscore_trick": ", metabolic_and therapeutic_indicators. All three Argentinean_health subsectors_(public_health, social_security_and the private,_prepaid system) are_participants in the"} +{"text": " increased similarly across the four conditions. However, given that core temperature increased continuously during the work session, it is likely that the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hy", "synonym_substitution": "increased similarly across the four conditions. However, given that core temperature increase endlessly during the work session, it is probable that the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hy", "butter_fingers": " infreased similarly across the four condijiins. Hoxever, gjven thag core temperature increased cintinyously during the work session, pt is likwly uhat the American Conferekee of Noverumxntal Industriak Hy", "random_deletion": "increased similarly across the four conditions. However, core increased continuously the work session, American of Governmental Industrial", "change_char_case": " increased similarly across tHe four condItionS. HoWevEr, GiveN thaT core temperatuRE incReased continuously duriNg the WoRK sesSIoN, it is Likely tHAt THE AmErIcAn COnFErEnce oF GoVernmenTal IndustrIal hy", "whitespace_perturbation": " increased similarly acros s the four cond iti ons .Howe ver, given that co r e te mperature increased co ntinu ou s ly d u ri ng th e works es s i on, i tisli k el y tha t t he Amer ican Confe ren ce of Governme n ta l Industri alHy", "underscore_trick": " increased_similarly across_the four conditions. However,_given that_core_temperature increased_continuously_during the work_session, it is_likely that the American_Conference of Governmental_Industrial_Hy"} +{"text": "dimensional channel of arbitrary width. The main restriction is that the boundary layer thickness is a small fraction of the acoustic wavelength. Both the outer, Rayleigh streaming vort", "synonym_substitution": "dimensional channel of arbitrary width. The main restriction is that the boundary layer thickness is a humble fraction of the acoustic wavelength. Both the out, Rayleigh streaming vort", "butter_fingers": "dimfnsional channel of arbiurary width. The mcun resvrictioh is thag the boundary layer thickneds is a small fraction of the acoustic wavelentth. Uoth the outer, Regleigh streamjkg voxt", "random_deletion": "dimensional channel of arbitrary width. The main that boundary layer is a small Both outer, Rayleigh streaming", "change_char_case": "dimensional channel of arbitRary width. THe maiN reStrIcTion Is thAt the boundary lAYer tHickness is a small fractiOn of tHe ACousTIc WavelEngth. BoTH tHE OutEr, raYleIgH StReamiNg vOrt", "whitespace_perturbation": "dimensional channel of arb itrary wid th. T hemai nrest rict ion is that th e bou ndary layer thicknessis asm a ll f r ac tionof thea co u s tic w av ele ng t h. Both th e outer , Rayleigh st re aming vort", "underscore_trick": "dimensional channel_of arbitrary_width. The main restriction_is that_the_boundary layer_thickness_is a small_fraction of the_acoustic wavelength. Both the_outer, Rayleigh streaming_vort"} +{"text": " for diapause, coexist in central Japan. Diapause appears to be adaptive because females in diapause suffered less mortality than non-diap", "synonym_substitution": "for diapause, coexist in central Japan. Diapause appears to be adaptive because females in diapause suffered less deathrate than non - diap", "butter_fingers": " fog diapause, coexist in cektral Japan. Diapcyse ap'ears tk be adaotive because females in dia'ausw sufdered less mortality tfan non-diwp", "random_deletion": "for diapause, coexist in central Japan. Diapause be because females diapause suffered less", "change_char_case": " for diapause, coexist in centrAl Japan. DiaPause AppEarS tO be aDaptIve because femaLEs in Diapause suffered less moRtaliTy THan nON-dIap", "whitespace_perturbation": " for diapause, coexist incentral Ja pan.Dia pau se app ears to be adaptiv e bec ause females in diapau se su ff e redl es s mor talityt ha n non -d ia p", "underscore_trick": " for_diapause, coexist_in central Japan. Diapause_appears to_be_adaptive because_females_in diapause suffered_less mortality than_non-diap"} +{"text": " -24), resulting in an estimated 5-year survival without transplantation of 33 +/- 14%, compared with a 5-year post-transplant survival of 68.", "synonym_substitution": "-24), resulting in an estimated 5 - year survival without transplantation of 33 + /- 14% , compare with a 5 - class post - transplant survival of 68.", "butter_fingers": " -24), rfsulting in an estimated 5-year survival cuthout transllantatiun of 33 +/- 14%, compared with a 5-yeac powt-trabsplant survival of 68.", "random_deletion": "-24), resulting in an estimated 5-year survival of +/- 14%, with a 5-year", "change_char_case": " -24), resulting in an estimated 5-yeaR survival wIthouT trAnsPlAntaTion Of 33 +/- 14%, compared with A 5-Year Post-transplant survival Of 68.", "whitespace_perturbation": " -24), resulting in an est imated 5-y ear s urv iva lwith outtransplantatio n of33 +/- 14%, compared w ith a 5 - year po st-tr ansplan t s u r viv al o f 6 8. ", "underscore_trick": " -24),_resulting in_an estimated 5-year survival_without transplantation_of_33 +/-_14%,_compared with a_5-year post-transplant survival_of 68."} +{"text": " peer network and not driven by their method of family planning. Social and economic factors as obstacles to blood pressure control.\nFurther improvement in blood pressure control at the", "synonym_substitution": "peer network and not driven by their method of family planning. Social and economic divisor as obstacle to blood pressure control. \n Further improvement in lineage pressure control at the", "butter_fingers": " pefr network and not drivek by their methob of fakily pmanning. Rocial and economic factors es ovstacoes to blood pressure zontrol.\nFugther impeovenwnt in blood pressmxe cohbrol ct the", "random_deletion": "peer network and not driven by their family Social and factors as obstacles improvement blood pressure control the", "change_char_case": " peer network and not driven by Their methoD of faMilY plAnNing. sociAl and economic fACtorS as obstacles to blood preSsure CoNTrol.\nfUrTher iMprovemENt IN BloOd PrEssUrE CoNtrol At tHe", "whitespace_perturbation": " peer network and not driv en by thei r met hod of f amil y pl anning. Social andeconomic factors as ob stacl es to b l oo d pre ssure c o nt r o l.Fu rt her i m pr oveme ntin bloo d pressure co nt rol at the", "underscore_trick": " peer_network and_not driven by their_method of_family_planning. Social_and_economic factors as_obstacles to blood_pressure control.\nFurther improvement in_blood pressure control_at_the"} +{"text": " aerobic and anaerobic techniques have led to the following conclusions. 1) In studies on the intestinal bacterial flora of the subjects examined, obligate anaerobic bacteria rather than facult", "synonym_substitution": "aerobic and anaerobic techniques have led to the following conclusions. 1) In report on the intestinal bacterial vegetation of the subjects examined, obligate anaerobic bacteria rather than facult", "butter_fingers": " aegobic and anaerobic techkiques have led jo the fmllowihg concljsions. 1) In studies on the investunal vacterial flora of the subjects examinee, obougate anaeckbic bagceria vathex vhan facult", "random_deletion": "aerobic and anaerobic techniques have led to conclusions. In studies the intestinal bacterial obligate bacteria rather than", "change_char_case": " aerobic and anaerobic techniQues have leD to thE foLloWiNg coNcluSions. 1) In studies ON the Intestinal bacterial floRa of tHe SUbjeCTs ExamiNed, obliGAtE ANaeRoBiC baCtERiA rathEr tHan facuLt", "whitespace_perturbation": " aerobic and anaerobic tec hniques ha ve le d t o t he fol lowi ng conclusions . 1)In studies on the inte stina lb acte r ia l flo ra of t h es u bje ct sexa mi n ed , obl iga te anae robic bact eri arather thanf ac ult", "underscore_trick": " aerobic_and anaerobic_techniques have led to_the following_conclusions._1) In_studies_on the intestinal_bacterial flora of_the subjects examined, obligate_anaerobic bacteria rather_than_facult"} +{"text": " that the orienting response gradually reappears during the following 15 min. Four experiments designed to evaluate two potential explanations of this effect were conducted. If the arousal induced", "synonym_substitution": "that the orienting response gradually reappears during the following 15 min. Four experiment design to evaluate two potential explanations of this impression were conducted. If the arousal induce", "butter_fingers": " thwt the orienting responst gradually reappgaes durmng the followivg 15 min. Four experiments desmgnee to tnaluate two potential explanatpons of tyis tffect were condurfed. If bke arkmsal nnvuced", "random_deletion": "that the orienting response gradually reappears during 15 Four experiments to evaluate two were If the arousal", "change_char_case": " that the orienting response gRadually reAppeaRs dUriNg The fOlloWing 15 min. Four expERimeNts designed to evaluate tWo potEnTIal eXPlAnatiOns of thIS eFFEct WeRe ConDuCTeD. If thE arOusal inDuced", "whitespace_perturbation": " that the orienting respon se gradual ly re app ear sduri ng t he following 1 5 min . Four experiments des igned t o eva l ua te tw o poten t ia l exp la na tio ns of this ef fect we re conduct ed. I f the arousa l i nduced", "underscore_trick": " that_the orienting_response gradually reappears during_the following_15_min. Four_experiments_designed to evaluate_two potential explanations_of this effect were_conducted. If the_arousal_induced"} +{"text": "lactalbumin (\u03b1-L) to determine their potential as carriers of bioactive compounds under different environmental conditions. After enzyme modification and particle size characterization, glass transition", "synonym_substitution": "lactalbumin (\u03b1 - L) to determine their potential as carriers of bioactive compound under unlike environmental conditions. After enzyme modification and atom size characterization, methamphetamine transition", "butter_fingers": "lachalbumin (\u03b1-L) to determine uheir potential as carrixrs of gioactivd compounds under different xnvieonmebtal conditions. After dnzyme mofificatiin aid particle size charactcxizatjln, gness transition", "random_deletion": "lactalbumin (\u03b1-L) to determine their potential as bioactive under different conditions. After enzyme glass", "change_char_case": "lactalbumin (\u03b1-L) to determine tHeir potentIal as CarRieRs Of biOactIve compounds unDEr diFferent environmental coNditiOnS. afteR EnZyme mOdificaTIoN ANd pArTiCle SiZE cHaracTerIzation, Glass transItiOn", "whitespace_perturbation": "lactalbumin (\u03b1-L) to deter mine their pote nti alas car rier s of bioactive comp ounds under differentenvir on m enta l c ondit ions. A f te r enz ym emod if i ca tionand partic le size ch ara ct erization, g l as s transiti on", "underscore_trick": "lactalbumin (\u03b1-L)_to determine_their potential as carriers_of bioactive_compounds_under different_environmental_conditions. After enzyme_modification and particle_size characterization, glass transition"} +{"text": " in which the respiratory system is not able to supply the metabolic requirements of the organism. The laryngo-tracheal segment plays an important role in the", "synonym_substitution": "in which the respiratory system is not able to supply the metabolic requirements of the organism. The laryngo - tracheal segment toy an authoritative role in the", "butter_fingers": " in which the respiratory snstem is not ablg ro sup'ly the metabolkc requirements of the organmsm. Rhe lqryngo-tracheal segment plays an importabt rioe in the", "random_deletion": "in which the respiratory system is not supply metabolic requirements the organism. The role the", "change_char_case": " in which the respiratory systEm is not ablE to suPplY thE mEtabOlic Requirements of THe orGanism. The laryngo-tracheAl segMeNT plaYS aN impoRtant roLE iN THe", "whitespace_perturbation": " in which the respiratorysystem isnot a ble to s uppl y th e metabolic re q uire ments of the organism. Thela r yngo - tr achea l segme n tp l ays a nimp or t an t rol e i n the", "underscore_trick": " in_which the_respiratory system is not_able to_supply_the metabolic_requirements_of the organism._The laryngo-tracheal segment_plays an important role_in the"} +{"text": " were more likely to have alcohol dependence (P<0.001), depression (P=0.01), or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (", "synonym_substitution": "were more likely to have alcohol dependence (P<0.001), depression (P=0.01), or posttraumatic tension disorderliness (PTSD) (", "butter_fingers": " wege more likely to have aucohol dependenew (P<0.001), de'ressioh (P=0.01), or pusttraumatic stress disorder (PRSD) (", "random_deletion": "were more likely to have alcohol dependence (P=0.01), posttraumatic stress (PTSD) (", "change_char_case": " were more likely to have alcohOl dependenCe (P<0.001), dePreSsiOn (p=0.01), or pOsttRaumatic stress DIsorDer (PTSD) (", "whitespace_perturbation": " were more likely to havealcohol de pende nce (P <0 .001 ), d epression (P=0 . 01), or posttraumatic stre ss di so r der( PT SD) ( ", "underscore_trick": " were_more likely_to have alcohol dependence_(P<0.001), depression_(P=0.01),_or posttraumatic_stress_disorder (PTSD) ("} +{"text": " for maximal effect. Bringing together scientists, funding organisations and disease control experts, the Multilateral Initiative on Malaria (MIM) has made significant progress since", "synonym_substitution": "for maximal effect. Bringing together scientists, support arrangement and disease control experts, the Multilateral Initiative on Malaria (MIM) has made meaning progress since", "butter_fingers": " fog maximal effect. Bringinn together scienjiwts, fuiding odganisatkons and disease control expxrts, the Nultilateral Initiativd on Malagia (MIM) hqs mede significant 'dogress since", "random_deletion": "for maximal effect. Bringing together scientists, funding disease experts, the Initiative on Malaria since", "change_char_case": " for maximal effect. Bringing tOgether sciEntisTs, fUndInG orgAnisAtions and diseaSE conTrol experts, the MultilatEral INiTIatiVE oN MalaRia (MIM) hAS mADE siGnIfIcaNt PRoGress SinCe", "whitespace_perturbation": " for maximal effect. Bring ing togeth er sc ien tis ts , fu ndin g organisation s and disease control exper ts, t he Mult i la teral Initia t iv e onMa la ria ( M IM ) has ma de sign ificant pr ogr es s since", "underscore_trick": " for_maximal effect._Bringing together scientists, funding_organisations and_disease_control experts,_the_Multilateral Initiative on_Malaria (MIM) has_made significant progress since"} +{"text": " the present work was to evaluate the clinical, EEG and brain imaging aspects in patients showing late-onset epilepsy. Fifty-five patients with late-onset epilepsy (", "synonym_substitution": "the present work was to evaluate the clinical, EEG and brain imaging view in patient showing late - onset epilepsy. Fifty - five affected role with late - onset epilepsy (", "butter_fingers": " thf present work was to evxluate the clinnxal, EEJ and bdain imaeing aspects in patients shoxing late-inset epilepsy. Fifty-fixe patienns with lqte-oiset epilepsy (", "random_deletion": "the present work was to evaluate the and imaging aspects patients showing late-onset epilepsy", "change_char_case": " the present work was to evaluaTe the cliniCal, EEg anD brAiN imaGing Aspects in patieNTs shOwing late-onset epilepsy. fifty-FiVE patIEnTs witH late-onSEt EPIlePsY (", "whitespace_perturbation": " the present work was to e valuate th e cli nic al, E EG a nd b rain imaging a s pect s in patients showinglate- on s et e p il epsy. Fifty- f iv e pat ie nt s w it h l ate-o nse t epile psy (", "underscore_trick": " the_present work_was to evaluate the_clinical, EEG_and_brain imaging_aspects_in patients showing_late-onset epilepsy. Fifty-five_patients with late-onset epilepsy_("} +{"text": " can cure AIDS, preliminary studies suggest that under certain circumstances the psychogenic and physiological conditions of the host alter rates of progression of HIV infection. Nursing research is needed", "synonym_substitution": "can cure AIDS, preliminary studies suggest that under certain context the psychogenetic and physiological conditions of the server alter rate of progression of HIV infection. Nursing inquiry is needed", "butter_fingers": " caj cure AIDS, preliminary rtudies suggest that uider cedtain cifcumstances the psychogenic end physiilogical conditions of the host alter rqtes if progression of MNV inrcctiou. Iursing researcm is needed", "random_deletion": "can cure AIDS, preliminary studies suggest that circumstances psychogenic and conditions of the of infection. Nursing research needed", "change_char_case": " can cure AIDS, preliminary stuDies suggesT that UndEr cErTain CircUmstances the psYChogEnic and physiological coNditiOnS Of thE HoSt altEr rates OF pROGreSsIoN of hIv InFectiOn. NUrsing rEsearch is nEedEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " can cure AIDS, preliminar y studiessugge sttha tunde r ce rtain circumst a nces the psychogenic and p hysio lo g ical co nditi ons oft he h ost a lt erra t es of p rog ression of HIV in fec ti on. Nursingr es earch is n eed ed", "underscore_trick": " can_cure AIDS,_preliminary studies suggest that_under certain_circumstances_the psychogenic_and_physiological conditions of_the host alter_rates of progression of_HIV infection. Nursing_research_is needed"} +{"text": "ellum humeri and the radial head are rare. Most of them show combined osteocartilaginous lesions and collateral ligament lesions. Recommendations for treatment", "synonym_substitution": "ellum humeri and the radial head are rare. Most of them show combined osteocartilaginous lesions and collateral ligament lesion. recommendation for treatment", "butter_fingers": "ellkm humeri and the radial head are rare. Most of them ahow comcined osteocartilaginous lesmons and xollateral ligament lerions. Reclmmendatuons dor treatmxht", "random_deletion": "ellum humeri and the radial head are of show combined lesions and collateral", "change_char_case": "ellum humeri and the radial heAd are rare. MOst of TheM shOw CombIned OsteocartilagiNOus lEsions and collateral ligAment LeSIons. rEcOmmenDations FOr TREatMeNt", "whitespace_perturbation": "ellum humeri and the radia l head are rare . M ost o f th em s how combined o s teoc artilaginous lesions a nd co ll a tera l l igame nt lesi o ns . Rec om me nda ti o ns fortre atment", "underscore_trick": "ellum humeri_and the_radial head are rare._Most of_them_show combined_osteocartilaginous_lesions and collateral_ligament lesions. Recommendations_for treatment"} +{"text": "Gal4(-/-) ventricular Nav are less sialylated. Consistent with the shortened myocyte refractory period, epicardial conduction experiments using optical mapping techniques demonstrated a", "synonym_substitution": "Gal4(-/-) ventricular Nav are less sialylated. Consistent with the shortened myocyte refractory period, epicardial conduction experiments use ocular mapping techniques demonstrated a", "butter_fingers": "Gal4(-/-) ventricular Nav are lesr sialylated. Couwistenv with fhe shorgened myocyte refractory permod, wpicaedial conduction experkments uspng opticql mepping techniques demonsbxated w", "random_deletion": "Gal4(-/-) ventricular Nav are less sialylated. Consistent shortened refractory period, conduction experiments using", "change_char_case": "Gal4(-/-) ventricular Nav are less sIalylated. COnsisTenT wiTh The sHortEned myocyte refRActoRy period, epicardial condUctioN eXPeriMEnTs usiNg opticAL mAPPinG tEcHniQuES dEmonsTraTed a", "whitespace_perturbation": "Gal4(-/-) ventricular Navare less s ialyl ate d.Co nsis tent with the shor t ened myocyte refractory pe riod, e p icar d ia l con duction ex p e rim en ts us in g o ptica l m appingtechniques de mo nstrated a", "underscore_trick": "Gal4(-/-) ventricular_Nav are_less sialylated. Consistent with_the shortened_myocyte_refractory period,_epicardial_conduction experiments using_optical mapping techniques_demonstrated a"} +{"text": " approach by showing that data collected using this methodology from nine users working with an interactive visualization, was well aligned with the tasks that those users were asked to solve,", "synonym_substitution": "approach by showing that data collected use this methodology from nine drug user working with an interactive visualization, was well align with the tasks that those users were ask to clear,", "butter_fingers": " aporoach by showing that dxta collected using thms methkdology wrom nine users working with ab inttgactive visualization, was well aligned witi the tasks that those users wsve asnxd to solve,", "random_deletion": "approach by showing that data collected using from users working an interactive visualization, tasks those users were to solve,", "change_char_case": " approach by showing that data Collected uSing tHis MetHoDoloGy frOm nine users worKIng wIth an interactive visualIzatiOn, WAs weLL aLigneD with thE TaSKS thAt ThOse UsERs Were aSkeD to solvE,", "whitespace_perturbation": " approach by showing thatdata colle ctedusi ngth is m etho dology from ni n e us ers working with an in terac ti v e vi s ua lizat ion, wa s w e l l a li gn edwi t hthe t ask s thatthose user s w er e asked to s o lv e,", "underscore_trick": " approach_by showing_that data collected using_this methodology_from_nine users_working_with an interactive_visualization, was well_aligned with the tasks_that those users_were_asked to solve,"} +{"text": " groups were Euro-American (MCS-60%) and Mexican American (CFS-85%). Although not different in specificity of recall (67% versus 61", "synonym_substitution": "groups were Euro - American (MCS-60 %) and Mexican American (CFS-85 %). Although not different in specificity of recall (67% versus 61", "butter_fingers": " grlups were Euro-American (MGS-60%) and Mexican American (CFS-85%). Amthough vot different in specificity od recqll (67% versus 61", "random_deletion": "groups were Euro-American (MCS-60%) and Mexican American not in specificity recall (67% versus", "change_char_case": " groups were Euro-American (MCS-60%) And Mexican ameriCan (cFS-85%). alThouGh noT different in spECifiCity of recall (67% versus 61", "whitespace_perturbation": " groups were Euro-American (MCS-60%) andMex ica nAmer ican (CFS-85%). Al t houg h not different in spe cific it y ofr ec all ( 67% ver s us 6 1", "underscore_trick": " groups_were Euro-American_(MCS-60%) and Mexican American_(CFS-85%). Although_not_different in_specificity_of recall (67%_versus 61"} +{"text": "atory intervals were either 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 25 sec. and occurred sometimes in a regular sequence of preparatory intervals of the same", "synonym_substitution": "atory intervals were either 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 25 sec. and occurred sometimes in a regular sequence of preparatory interval of the like", "butter_fingers": "atogy intervals were either 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 25 sec. aue occucred sojetimes kn a regular sequence of pre'ararory untervals of the same", "random_deletion": "atory intervals were either 1, 2, 4, or sec. and sometimes in a of same", "change_char_case": "atory intervals were either 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, oR 25 sec. and occUrred SomEtiMeS in a ReguLar sequence of pREparAtory intervals of the samE", "whitespace_perturbation": "atory intervals were eithe r 1, 2, 4, 8, 1 6,or25 sec . an d occurred som e time s in a regular sequenc e ofpr e para t or y int ervalso ft h e s am e", "underscore_trick": "atory intervals_were either_1, 2, 4, 8,_16, or_25_sec. and_occurred_sometimes in a_regular sequence of_preparatory intervals of the_same"} +{"text": " fluorescence microscopy and found to be dependent on the detergent nature. In the presence of TX-100, GUVs initially showed an increase in their surface area,", "synonym_substitution": "fluorescence microscopy and found to be dependent on the detergent nature. In the presence of TX-100, GUVs initially showed an addition in their open area,", "butter_fingers": " flkorescence microscopy ana found to be dgpwndent on ths detergdnt nature. In the presence oh TX-100, GUVs initially showed an ivcrease ij their wurfece area,", "random_deletion": "fluorescence microscopy and found to be dependent detergent In the of TX-100, GUVs their area,", "change_char_case": " fluorescence microscopy and Found to be dEpendEnt On tHe DeteRgenT nature. In the prESencE of TX-100, GUVs initially showEd an iNcREase IN tHeir sUrface aREa,", "whitespace_perturbation": " fluorescence microscopy a nd found t o bedep end en t on the detergent nat u re.In the presence of TX- 100,GU V s in i ti allyshoweda ni n cre as einth e ir surf ace area,", "underscore_trick": " fluorescence_microscopy and_found to be dependent_on the_detergent_nature. In_the_presence of TX-100,_GUVs initially showed_an increase in their_surface area,"} +{"text": " nearly 3.7%/yr until 60 months after radiosurgery. Five years following treatment, the life table ends in a plateau which could be interpreted as", "synonym_substitution": "nearly 3.7%/yr until 60 months after radiosurgery. Five years following discussion, the biography table ends in a tableland which could be interpreted as", "butter_fingers": " newrly 3.7%/yr until 60 months afuer radiosurgery. Yuve yeers folmowing tfeatment, the life table ends ib a poateau which could be knterpretvd as", "random_deletion": "nearly 3.7%/yr until 60 months after radiosurgery. following the life ends in a as", "change_char_case": " nearly 3.7%/yr until 60 months after rAdiosurgerY. Five YeaRs fOlLowiNg trEatment, the life TAble Ends in a plateau which couLd be iNtERpreTEd As", "whitespace_perturbation": " nearly 3.7%/yr until 60 m onths afte r rad ios urg er y. F iveyears followin g tre atment, the life table ends i n a p l at eau w hich co u ld b e i nt er pre te d a s", "underscore_trick": " nearly_3.7%/yr until_60 months after radiosurgery._Five years_following_treatment, the_life_table ends in_a plateau which_could be interpreted as"} +{"text": ", who died despite empirical treatment with vancomycin. Isolates from 15 neonates were indistinguishable by RLB typing and identified as a PVL-producing ST", "synonym_substitution": ", who died despite empirical treatment with vancomycin. Isolates from 15 neonates were identical by RLB typing and identify as a PVL - producing ST", "butter_fingers": ", whl died despite empirical treatment with vancombcin. Isklates ffom 15 neonates were indistingnishqble vy RLB typing and idengified as a PVL-priducmng ST", "random_deletion": ", who died despite empirical treatment with from neonates were by RLB typing ST", "change_char_case": ", who died despite empirical trEatment witH vancOmyCin. isOlatEs frOm 15 neonates were INdisTinguishable by RLB typinG and iDeNTifiED aS a PVL-ProduciNG St", "whitespace_perturbation": ", who died despite empiric al treatme nt wi thvan co myci n. I solates from 1 5 neo nates were indistingui shabl eb y RL B t yping and id e nt i f ied a sa P VL - pr oduci ngST", "underscore_trick": ", who_died despite_empirical treatment with vancomycin._Isolates from_15_neonates were_indistinguishable_by RLB typing_and identified as_a PVL-producing ST"} +{"text": " could be cycled 75 times for a depth of discharge (DOD) of 1000 mA h g(-1) without exceeding the charge cut-off voltage", "synonym_substitution": "could be cycled 75 times for a depth of discharge (DOD) of 1000 mA h g(-1) without surpass the cathexis cut - off voltage", "butter_fingers": " cokld be cycled 75 times for a depth of diseyarge (VOD) of 1000 mA h g(-1) dithout exceeding the charge cyt-off voltage", "random_deletion": "could be cycled 75 times for a discharge of 1000 h g(-1) without", "change_char_case": " could be cycled 75 times for a depTh of dischaRge (DOd) of 1000 MA h G(-1) wIthoUt exCeeding the charGE cut-Off voltage", "whitespace_perturbation": " could be cycled 75 timesfor a dept h ofdis cha rg e (D OD)of 1000 mA h g ( -1)without exceeding thecharg ec ut-o f fvolta ge", "underscore_trick": " could_be cycled_75 times for a_depth of_discharge_(DOD) of_1000_mA h g(-1)_without exceeding the_charge cut-off voltage"} +{"text": " of the tumor, swollen abdominal lymph nodes were observed on US and CT, which aspiration needle biopsy showed to be metastasis of a hepatic tumor. Secondary Hodgkin", "synonym_substitution": "of the tumor, swollen abdominal lymph nodes were observed on US and CT, which aspiration acerate leaf biopsy usher to be metastasis of a hepatic tumor. Secondary Hodgkin", "butter_fingers": " of the tumor, swollen abdomlnal lymph nodes were ouserved on US avd CT, which aspiration needlx biipsy whowed to be metastasir of a heiatic tumir. Stcondary Hodgkin", "random_deletion": "of the tumor, swollen abdominal lymph nodes on and CT, aspiration needle biopsy a tumor. Secondary Hodgkin", "change_char_case": " of the tumor, swollen abdominaL lymph nodeS were ObsErvEd On US And Ct, which aspiratiON neeDle biopsy showed to be metAstasIs OF a hePAtIc tumOr. SeconDArY hOdgKiN", "whitespace_perturbation": " of the tumor, swollen abd ominal lym ph no des we re obs erve d on US and CT , whi ch aspiration needle b iopsy s h owed to be m etastas i so f ahe pa tic t u mo r. Se con dary Ho dgkin", "underscore_trick": " of_the tumor,_swollen abdominal lymph nodes_were observed_on_US and_CT,_which aspiration needle_biopsy showed to_be metastasis of a_hepatic tumor. Secondary_Hodgkin"} +{"text": " monocyte cells MED1101 acts as a P2\u00d77R antagonist through the induction of receptor internalisation and subsequent inhibition of down-stream signal transduction pathways that regulate", "synonym_substitution": "monocyte cells MED1101 acts as a P2\u00d77R antagonist through the induction of sense organ internalization and subsequent prohibition of down - stream signal transduction pathways that regulate", "butter_fingers": " mojocyte cells MED1101 acts as a P2\u00d77R antagonisj rhrougi the ihduction of receptor internalisation abd suvsequent inhibition of down-strewm signao trensduction pathwegs that regulzbe", "random_deletion": "monocyte cells MED1101 acts as a P2\u00d77R the of receptor and subsequent inhibition that", "change_char_case": " monocyte cells MED1101 acts as a P2\u00d77R Antagonist ThrouGh tHe iNdUctiOn of Receptor internALisaTion and subsequent inhibItion Of DOwn-sTReAm sigNal tranSDuCTIon PaThWayS tHAt RegulAte", "whitespace_perturbation": " monocyte cells MED1101 ac ts as a P2 \u00d77R a nta gon is t th roug h the inductio n ofreceptor internalisati on an ds ubse q ue nt in hibitio n o f dow n- st rea ms ig nal t ran sductio n pathways th at regulate", "underscore_trick": " monocyte_cells MED1101_acts as a P2\u00d77R_antagonist through_the_induction of_receptor_internalisation and subsequent_inhibition of down-stream_signal transduction pathways that_regulate"} +{"text": " Vitrification of bovine oocytes at different meiotic stages using the Cryotop method: assessment of morphological, molecular and functional patterns.\nThis study aimed to investigate", "synonym_substitution": "Vitrification of bovine oocytes at different meiotic stages using the Cryotop method acting: appraisal of morphological, molecular and functional design. \n This report aimed to investigate", "butter_fingers": " Vihrification of bovine oogytes at differeur meiovic stafes usine the Cryotop method: assessmxnt if moephological, molecular xnd functponal patrernw.\nRhis study aimed to inveabigatz", "random_deletion": "Vitrification of bovine oocytes at different meiotic the method: assessment morphological, molecular and to", "change_char_case": " Vitrification of bovine oocyTes at diffeRent mEioTic StAges UsinG the Cryotop metHOd: asSessment of morphologicaL, moleCuLAr anD FuNctioNal pattERnS.\ntHis StUdY aiMeD To InvesTigAte", "whitespace_perturbation": " Vitrification of bovine o ocytes atdiffe ren t m ei otic sta ges using theC ryot op method: assessmentof mo rp h olog i ca l, mo lecular an d fun ct io nal p a tt erns. \nTh is stud y aimed to in ve stigate", "underscore_trick": " Vitrification_of bovine_oocytes at different meiotic_stages using_the_Cryotop method:_assessment_of morphological, molecular_and functional patterns.\nThis_study aimed to investigate"} +{"text": " poisoning is necessary for the prevention of accidental exposures. Cross-reactivity between aspirin and ibuprofen in an asthmatic--a case report.\n", "synonym_substitution": "poisoning is necessary for the prevention of accidental exposures. Cross - reactivity between aspirin and ibuprofen in an asthmatic -- a case reputation.", "butter_fingers": " polsoning is necessary for the prevention of accmdental exposurds. Cross-reactivity between adpurin qnd ibuprofen in an asghmatic--a base repoet.\n", "random_deletion": "poisoning is necessary for the prevention of Cross-reactivity aspirin and in an asthmatic--a", "change_char_case": " poisoning is necessary for thE preventioN of acCidEntAl ExpoSureS. Cross-reactiviTY betWeen aspirin and ibuprofeN in an AsTHmatIC--a Case rEport.\n", "whitespace_perturbation": " poisoning is necessary fo r the prev entio n o f a cc iden talexposures. Cro s s-re activity between aspir in an di bupr o fe n inan asth m at i c --a c as e r ep o rt .\n", "underscore_trick": " poisoning_is necessary_for the prevention of_accidental exposures._Cross-reactivity_between aspirin_and_ibuprofen in an_asthmatic--a case report.\n"} +{"text": " artery. A transseptal approach was adopted due to the sharply angled take-off of the right brachiocephalic artery from the tortuous", "synonym_substitution": "artery. A transseptal approach was adopted due to the sharply angled return - off of the proper brachiocephalic artery from the tortuous", "butter_fingers": " arhery. A transseptal approxch was adopted due to the sgarply avgled take-off of the right bcachuocepyalic artery from the gortuous", "random_deletion": "artery. A transseptal approach was adopted due sharply take-off of right brachiocephalic artery", "change_char_case": " artery. A transseptal approacH was adopteD due tO thE shArPly aNgleD take-off of the rIGht bRachiocephalic artery frOm the ToRTuouS", "whitespace_perturbation": " artery. A transseptal app roach wasadopt eddue t o th e sh arply angled t a ke-o ff of the right brachi oceph al i c ar t er y fro m the t o rt u o us", "underscore_trick": " artery._A transseptal_approach was adopted due_to the_sharply_angled take-off_of_the right brachiocephalic_artery from the_tortuous"} +{"text": "erunensis. The genus Birgiellus differs from the genus Quadriacanthus by the morphology of the ventral bar composed of a single piece (", "synonym_substitution": "erunensis. The genus Birgiellus differs from the genus Quadriacanthus by the morphology of the ventral bar composed of a individual firearm (", "butter_fingers": "erujensis. The genus Birgieluus differs from the gxnus Quzdriacanghus by the morphology of thx vebtral bar composed of a sinele piece (", "random_deletion": "erunensis. The genus Birgiellus differs from the by morphology of ventral bar composed", "change_char_case": "erunensis. The genus BirgiellUs differs fRom thE geNus quAdriAcanThus by the morphOLogy Of the ventral bar composeD of a sInGLe piECe (", "whitespace_perturbation": "erunensis. The genus Birgi ellus diff ers f rom th egenu s Qu adriacanthus b y the morphology of the ven tralba r com p os ed of a sing l ep i ece ( ", "underscore_trick": "erunensis. The_genus Birgiellus_differs from the genus_Quadriacanthus by_the_morphology of_the_ventral bar composed_of a single_piece ("} +{"text": " neighboring vessels. No bleeding complications were detected by CT after stereotactic biopsy. Latent cerebral artery stenoses on magnetic resonance angiography in a patient diagnosed as probable", "synonym_substitution": "neighboring vessels. No bleeding complications were detected by CT after stereotactic biopsy. Latent cerebral artery stenosis on charismatic rapport angiography in a patient diagnose as probable", "butter_fingers": " nelghboring vessels. No bletding complicatiouw were detecfed by CG after stereotactic biopsy. Parent xerebral artery stenosds on magjetic rewonaice angiography mh a patlznt djwgnovxd as probable", "random_deletion": "neighboring vessels. No bleeding complications were detected after biopsy. Latent artery stenoses on patient as probable", "change_char_case": " neighboring vessels. No bleedIng complicAtionS weRe dEtEcteD by Ct after stereotaCTic bIopsy. Latent cerebral artEry stEnOSes oN MaGnetiC resonaNCe ANGioGrApHy iN a PAtIent dIagNosed as Probable", "whitespace_perturbation": " neighboring vessels. No b leeding co mplic ati ons w eredete cted by CT aft e r st ereotactic biopsy. Lat ent c er e bral ar terystenose s o n mag ne ti c r es o na nce a ngi ography in a pati ent d iagnosed asp ro bable", "underscore_trick": " neighboring_vessels. No_bleeding complications were detected_by CT_after_stereotactic biopsy._Latent_cerebral artery stenoses_on magnetic resonance_angiography in a patient_diagnosed as probable"} +{"text": " An associated change in phase of these relations suggested that neurally mediated changes in HR may offset mechanical effects caused by respiration. Both slow changes of BP (< 0.", "synonym_substitution": "An associated change in phase of these relations suggested that neurally mediated change in hour may offset mechanical effects cause by breathing. Both slow changes of BP (< 0.", "butter_fingers": " An associated change in phxse of these relations suggeated thag neurally mediated changes mn HE may offset mechanical effdcts causvd by respirauion. Both slow chehges of BP (< 0.", "random_deletion": "An associated change in phase of these that mediated changes HR may offset Both changes of BP 0.", "change_char_case": " An associated change in phase Of these relAtionS suGgeStEd thAt neUrally mediated CHangEs in HR may offset mechaniCal efFeCTs caUSeD by reSpiratiON. BOTH slOw ChAngEs OF Bp (< 0.", "whitespace_perturbation": " An associated change in p hase of th ese r ela tio ns sug gest ed that neural l y me diated changes in HR m ay of fs e t me c ha nical effect s c a u sed b yres pi r at ion.Bot h slowchanges of BP ( < 0.", "underscore_trick": " An_associated change_in phase of these_relations suggested_that_neurally mediated_changes_in HR may_offset mechanical effects_caused by respiration. Both_slow changes of_BP_(< 0."} +{"text": " switching to oral aripiprazole before initiating AOM 400, tapering the prior oral antipsychotic while titrating up the oral aripiprazole", "synonym_substitution": "switching to oral aripiprazole before initiating AOM 400, tapering the prior oral antipsychotic while titrate up the oral aripiprazole", "butter_fingers": " swltching to oral aripipraeole before initicring AMM 400, talering tfe prior oral antipsychotic xhilw titeating up the oral arioiprazole", "random_deletion": "switching to oral aripiprazole before initiating AOM the oral antipsychotic titrating up the", "change_char_case": " switching to oral aripiprazoLe before inItiatIng aOM 400, TaPeriNg thE prior oral antiPSychOtic while titrating up thE oral ArIPiprAZoLe", "whitespace_perturbation": " switching to oral aripipr azole befo re in iti ati ng AOM 400 , tapering the prio r oral antipsychotic w hileti t rati n gup th e orala ri p i pra zo le ", "underscore_trick": " switching_to oral_aripiprazole before initiating AOM_400, tapering_the_prior oral_antipsychotic_while titrating up_the oral aripiprazole"} +{"text": " indicated in this lesion. Five recurrences were reported to undergo apparent sarcomatous change. Complete en bloc resection is the preferred treatment of osteoblastomas.", "synonym_substitution": "indicated in this lesion. Five recurrences were reported to undergo apparent sarcomatous variety. dispatch en bloc resection is the favored treatment of osteoblastomas.", "butter_fingers": " inficated in this lesion. Flve recurrences cwre re'orted fo undereo apparent sarcomatous chanje. Cimpleuv en bloc resection ir the preverred teeatnwnt of ostxkblastomas.", "random_deletion": "indicated in this lesion. Five recurrences were undergo sarcomatous change. en bloc resection osteoblastomas.", "change_char_case": " indicated in this lesion. Five RecurrenceS were RepOrtEd To unDergO apparent sarcoMAtouS change. Complete en bloc rEsectIoN Is thE PrEferrEd treatMEnT OF osTeObLasToMAs.", "whitespace_perturbation": " indicated in this lesion. Five recu rrenc eswer erepo rted to undergo ap p aren t sarcomatous change.Compl et e enb lo c res ectioni st h e p re fe rre dt re atmen t o f osteo blastomas. ", "underscore_trick": " indicated_in this_lesion. Five recurrences were_reported to_undergo_apparent sarcomatous_change._Complete en bloc_resection is the_preferred treatment of osteoblastomas."} +{"text": "phagic patients.\nElderly patients with swallowing dysfunction may benefit from the oral administration of liquid dosage forms with in situ gelling properties. We have designed", "synonym_substitution": "phagic patients. \n Elderly patients with swallowing dysfunction may benefit from the oral presidency of fluid dosage forms with in situ gelling property. We have designed", "butter_fingers": "phahic patients.\nElderly patitnts with swallownbg dyshunctioh may bevefit from the oral administcatiin of liquid dosage forms wkth in sinu gellint priperties. We have designed", "random_deletion": "phagic patients. Elderly patients with swallowing dysfunction from oral administration liquid dosage forms We designed", "change_char_case": "phagic patients.\nElderly patiEnts with swAllowIng DysFuNctiOn maY benefit from thE Oral Administration of liquid DosagE fORms wITh In sitU gellinG PrOPErtIeS. WE haVe DEsIgned", "whitespace_perturbation": "phagic patients.\nElderly p atients wi th sw all owi ng dys func tion may benef i t fr om the oral administra tionof liqu i ddosag e forms wi t h in s it u g el l in g pro per ties. W e have des ign ed ", "underscore_trick": "phagic patients.\nElderly_patients with_swallowing dysfunction may benefit_from the_oral_administration of_liquid_dosage forms with_in situ gelling_properties. We have designed"} +{"text": " was to determine the impact of NMP on bile duct preservation in both DCD and non-DCD livers. DCD and non-DCD li", "synonym_substitution": "was to determine the impact of NMP on bile duct preservation in both DCD and non - DCD livers. DCD and non - DCD lithium", "butter_fingers": " wad to determine the impacu of NMP on bile byct prxservatjon in buth DCD and non-DCD livers. DCV ane non-ECD li", "random_deletion": "was to determine the impact of NMP duct in both and non-DCD livers.", "change_char_case": " was to determine the impact of nMP on bile dUct prEseRvaTiOn in Both dCD and non-DCD liVErs. DcD and non-DCD li", "whitespace_perturbation": " was to determine the impa ct of NMPon bi leduc tpres erva tion in both D C D an d non-DCD livers. DCDand n on - DCDl i", "underscore_trick": " was_to determine_the impact of NMP_on bile_duct_preservation in_both_DCD and non-DCD_livers. DCD and_non-DCD li"} +{"text": " recoil and are significantly more compliant than normal. These abnormalities in the lung of the Blotchy mouse suggest that the defects of the connective tissue proteins described in", "synonym_substitution": "recoil and are significantly more compliant than normal. These abnormalities in the lung of the Blotchy mouse suggest that the defect of the connective tissue protein described in", "butter_fingers": " refoil and are significantuy more compliaur than normam. These xbnormalities in the lung of tye Blitchy mouse suggest thxt the devects of the xonnective tissue ixoteihd devrribed in", "random_deletion": "recoil and are significantly more compliant than abnormalities the lung the Blotchy mouse the tissue proteins described", "change_char_case": " recoil and are significantly More compliAnt thAn nOrmAl. thesE abnOrmalities in thE Lung Of the Blotchy mouse suggeSt thaT tHE defECtS of thE connecTIvE TIssUe PrOteInS DeScribEd iN", "whitespace_perturbation": " recoil and are significan tly more c ompli ant th an nor mal. These abnorma l itie s in the lung of the B lotch ym ouse su ggest that t h ed e fec ts o f t he co nnect ive tissue proteinsdes cr ibed in", "underscore_trick": " recoil_and are_significantly more compliant than_normal. These_abnormalities_in the_lung_of the Blotchy_mouse suggest that_the defects of the_connective tissue proteins_described_in"} +{"text": " initiation of treatment. Z-scores were calculated to allow for pooling of data. Prior to rhGH treatment, all arch dimensions of the short statured subjects were", "synonym_substitution": "initiation of treatment. Z - scores were account to leave for pooling of data. Prior to rhGH treatment, all arch dimensions of the unretentive statured subjects were", "butter_fingers": " inltiation of treatment. Z-sgores were calculated tm allos for pouling of data. Prior to rhGH vrearment, all arch dimensions ow the shogt staturwd snbjects were", "random_deletion": "initiation of treatment. Z-scores were calculated to pooling data. Prior rhGH treatment, all statured were", "change_char_case": " initiation of treatment. Z-scoRes were calCulatEd tO alLoW for PoolIng of data. Prior TO rhGh treatment, all arch dimenSions Of THe shORt StatuRed subjECtS WEre", "whitespace_perturbation": " initiation of treatment.Z-scores w ere c alc ula te d to all ow for pooling of d ata. Prior to rhGH tre atmen t, alla rc h dim ensions of t hesh or t s ta t ur ed su bje cts wer e", "underscore_trick": " initiation_of treatment._Z-scores were calculated to_allow for_pooling_of data._Prior_to rhGH treatment,_all arch dimensions_of the short statured_subjects were"} +{"text": "ah), but the expression was higher in male gonads than in female gonads. CS-dmrt2 mRNA was highly expressed in male germ cells. Comparison", "synonym_substitution": "ah), but the expression was higher in male gonads than in female gonads. CS - dmrt2 mRNA was highly carry in male source cells. Comparison", "butter_fingers": "ah), hut the expression was hlgher in male gouqds then in fsmale govads. CS-dmrt2 mRNA was highly xxprwssed in male germ cells. Cooparison", "random_deletion": "ah), but the expression was higher in than female gonads. mRNA was highly Comparison", "change_char_case": "ah), but the expression was highEr in male goNads tHan In fEmAle gOnadS. CS-dmrt2 mRNA was HIghlY expressed in male germ ceLls. CoMpARisoN", "whitespace_perturbation": "ah), but the expression wa s higher i n mal e g ona ds tha n in female gonads . CS- dmrt2 mRNA was highlyexpre ss e d in ma le ge rm cell s .C o mpa ri so n", "underscore_trick": "ah), but_the expression_was higher in male_gonads than_in_female gonads._CS-dmrt2_mRNA was highly_expressed in male_germ cells. Comparison"} +{"text": " produce pulsatile flow. The objective of this experiment is to evaluate a novel diagonal pump used in Europe to determine whether it provides physiological pulsatility in a neonatal", "synonym_substitution": "produce pulsatile flow. The objective of this experiment is to evaluate a fresh aslant heart used in Europe to determine whether it provides physiologic pulsatility in a neonatal", "butter_fingers": " prlduce pulsatile flow. The objective of tkus expxriment is to exaluate a novel diagonal pum' uswd in Europe to determine wfether it providew phbsiological pulsefility lu a nslnatcl", "random_deletion": "produce pulsatile flow. The objective of this to a novel pump used in provides pulsatility in a", "change_char_case": " produce pulsatile flow. The obJective of tHis exPerImeNt Is to EvalUate a novel diagONal pUmp used in Europe to deterMine wHeTHer iT PrOvideS physioLOgICAl pUlSaTilItY In A neonAtaL", "whitespace_perturbation": " produce pulsatile flow. T he objecti ve of th isex peri ment is to evaluat e a n ovel diagonal pump use d inEu r opet odeter mine wh e th e r it p ro vid es ph ysiol ogi cal pul satility i n a n eonatal", "underscore_trick": " produce_pulsatile flow._The objective of this_experiment is_to_evaluate a_novel_diagonal pump used_in Europe to_determine whether it provides_physiological pulsatility in_a_neonatal"} +{"text": "; colonies containing macrophages, granulocytes, and erythroid cells). In addition, the absolute number of high proliferative potential-colony-forming cells (HPP-", "synonym_substitution": "; colonies containing macrophages, granulocytes, and erythroid cell). In accession, the absolute number of high proliferative potential - colony - form cells (HPP-", "butter_fingers": "; coponies containing macropmages, granulocytgs, and ecythrois cells). Kn addition, the absolute numuer if hith proliferative potengial-colonj-forming xellw (HPP-", "random_deletion": "; colonies containing macrophages, granulocytes, and erythroid addition, absolute number high proliferative potential-colony-forming", "change_char_case": "; colonies containing macrophAges, granulOcyteS, anD erYtHroiD celLs). In addition, thE AbsoLute number of high prolifEratiVe POtenTIaL-coloNy-formiNG cELLs (HpP-", "whitespace_perturbation": "; colonies containing macr ophages, g ranul ocy tes ,anderyt hroid cells).I n ad dition, the absolute n umber o f hig h p rolif erative po t e nti al -c olo ny - fo rming ce lls (HP P-", "underscore_trick": "; colonies_containing macrophages,_granulocytes, and erythroid cells)._In addition,_the_absolute number_of_high proliferative potential-colony-forming_cells (HPP-"} +{"text": "-7] days, P = 0.58) between patients treated with LAMS versus plastic stents. Although there was no difference for WON ($16", "synonym_substitution": "-7 ] days, P = 0.58) between patients treated with LAMS versus credit card stent. Although there be no difference for WON ($ 16", "butter_fingers": "-7] dajs, P = 0.58) between patients ureated with LAMS versus plastjc stentr. Although there was no diffxrenxe foe WON ($16", "random_deletion": "-7] days, P = 0.58) between patients LAMS plastic stents. there was no", "change_char_case": "-7] days, P = 0.58) between patients treatEd with LAMS VersuS plAstIc StenTs. AlThough there was NO difFerence for WON ($16", "whitespace_perturbation": "-7] days, P = 0.58) betwee n patients trea ted wi th LAM S ve rsus plastic s t ents . Although there was n o dif fe r ence fo r WON ($16", "underscore_trick": "-7] days,_P =_0.58) between patients treated_with LAMS_versus_plastic stents._Although_there was no_difference for WON_($16"} +{"text": ". Multivariable logistic regression was used to examine factors associated with errors. The observed agreement for breed and sex was excellent. There was 28.9 and 33.", "synonym_substitution": ". Multivariable logistic regression was used to examine factors consociate with error. The observed agreement for breed and sex was excellent. There was 28.9 and 33.", "butter_fingers": ". Muptivariable logistic regvession was used to exakine fzctors arsociated with errors. The obdeeved qgreement for breed ana sex was excellebt. Tiere was 28.9 and 33.", "random_deletion": ". Multivariable logistic regression was used to associated errors. The agreement for breed was and 33.", "change_char_case": ". Multivariable logistic regrEssion was uSed to ExaMinE fActoRs asSociated with erROrs. THe observed agreement for Breed AnD Sex wAS eXcellEnt. TherE WaS 28.9 ANd 33.", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Multivariable logistic r egressionwas u sed to e xami ne f actors associa t ed w ith errors. The observ ed ag re e ment fo r bre ed ands ex w asex ce lle nt . T herewas 28.9 a nd 33.", "underscore_trick": ". Multivariable_logistic regression_was used to examine_factors associated_with_errors. The_observed_agreement for breed_and sex was_excellent. There was 28.9_and 33."} +{"text": " control 5-HT levels by injection of its immediate precursor, 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) brings the number of hippocampal MR-binding", "synonym_substitution": "control 5 - HT levels by injection of its immediate precursor, 5 - hydroxytryptophan (5 - HTP) bring the numeral of hippocampal MR - binding", "butter_fingers": " cojtrol 5-HT levels by injecuion of its immednqte prxcursor, 5-hydroxygryptophan (5-HTP) brings the nulbwr of hippocampal MR-binding", "random_deletion": "control 5-HT levels by injection of its 5-hydroxytryptophan brings the of hippocampal MR-binding", "change_char_case": " control 5-HT levels by injectioN of its immeDiate PreCurSoR, 5-hydRoxyTryptophan (5-HTP) bRIngs The number of hippocampal mR-binDiNG", "whitespace_perturbation": " control 5-HT levels by in jection of itsimm edi at e pr ecur sor, 5-hydroxy t rypt ophan (5-HTP) brings t he nu mb e r of hi ppoca mpal MR - bi n d ing ", "underscore_trick": " control_5-HT levels_by injection of its_immediate precursor,_5-hydroxytryptophan_(5-HTP) brings_the_number of hippocampal_MR-binding"} +{"text": " normal variant of the blood supply to the appendix where the basal part receives its blood supply from the caecum. Pharmacokinetics of warfarin enantiomers", "synonym_substitution": "normal variant of the blood supply to the appendix where the basal part pick up its rake supply from the caecum. Pharmacokinetics of warfarin enantiomers", "butter_fingers": " nogmal variant of the blooa supply to the appendmx whers the baral part receives its blood dupply drom the caecum. Pharmazokineticd of wardarii enantiomers", "random_deletion": "normal variant of the blood supply to where basal part its blood supply warfarin", "change_char_case": " normal variant of the blood suPply to the aPpendIx wHerE tHe baSal pArt receives its BLood Supply from the caecum. PhaRmacoKiNEticS Of WarfaRin enanTIoMERs", "whitespace_perturbation": " normal variant of the blo od supplyto th e a ppe nd ix w here the basal par t rec eives its blood supply from t h e ca e cu m. Ph armacok i ne t i csof w arf ar i nenant iom ers", "underscore_trick": " normal_variant of_the blood supply to_the appendix_where_the basal_part_receives its blood_supply from the_caecum. Pharmacokinetics of warfarin_enantiomers"} +{"text": " nucleus (vlVMN), and arcuate nucleus (ARCN). Seven days after ovariectomy, 100mg/kg PCPA or saline was injected daily", "synonym_substitution": "nucleus (vlVMN), and arcuate nucleus (ARCN). Seven days after oophorectomy, 100mg / kg PCPA or saline solution was inject daily", "butter_fingers": " nufleus (vlVMN), and arcuate kucleus (ARCN). Sevgn days efter obariectooy, 100mg/kg PCPA or saline was iijecred dqily", "random_deletion": "nucleus (vlVMN), and arcuate nucleus (ARCN). Seven ovariectomy, PCPA or was injected daily", "change_char_case": " nucleus (vlVMN), and arcuate nucLeus (ARCN). SeVen daYs aFteR oVariEctoMy, 100mg/kg PCPA or saLIne wAs injected daily", "whitespace_perturbation": " nucleus (vlVMN), and arcu ate nucleu s (AR CN) . S ev en d aysafter ovariect o my,100mg/kg PCPA or salin e was i n ject e ddaily ", "underscore_trick": " nucleus_(vlVMN), and_arcuate nucleus (ARCN). Seven_days after_ovariectomy,_100mg/kg PCPA_or_saline was injected_daily"} +{"text": ", respectively. The developmental changes of heart phosphofructokinase isozymes differ considerably from that of the skeletal muscle phosphofructokinase isozymes. In", "synonym_substitution": ", respectively. The developmental changes of heart phosphofructokinase isozymes differ considerably from that of the bony muscleman phosphofructokinase isozymes. In", "butter_fingers": ", redpectively. The developmektal changes of kwart piosphofductokinxse isozymes differ considerebly from that of the skeletal ouscle phlsphofruxtokmnase isozymes. Ii", "random_deletion": ", respectively. The developmental changes of heart differ from that the skeletal muscle", "change_char_case": ", respectively. The developmenTal changes Of heaRt pHosPhOfruCtokInase isozymes dIFfer Considerably from that of The skElETal mUScLe phoSphofruCToKINasE iSoZymEs. iN", "whitespace_perturbation": ", respectively. The develo pmental ch anges of he ar t ph osph ofructokinasei sozy mes differ considerabl y fro mt hato fthe s keletal mu s c leph os pho fr u ct okina seisozyme s. In", "underscore_trick": ", respectively._The developmental_changes of heart phosphofructokinase_isozymes differ_considerably_from that_of_the skeletal muscle_phosphofructokinase isozymes. In"} +{"text": "s, Skylab (50 degrees inclination x 438 km orbit) and Mir orbital station (51.65 degrees inclination x 400 km orbit), were used to", "synonym_substitution": "s, Skylab (50 degrees inclination x 438 km orbit) and Mir orbital station (51.65 academic degree tendency x 400 km orbit), were used to", "butter_fingers": "s, Snylab (50 degrees inclinatiun x 438 km orbit) cbd Mir orbitzl statiun (51.65 degrees inclination x 400 kl irbit), were used to", "random_deletion": "s, Skylab (50 degrees inclination x 438 and orbital station degrees inclination x to", "change_char_case": "s, Skylab (50 degrees inclination X 438 km orbit) anD Mir oRbiTal StAtioN (51.65 degRees inclinatioN X 400 km oRbit), were used to", "whitespace_perturbation": "s, Skylab (50 degrees incl ination x438 k m o rbi t) and Mir orbital stati o n (5 1.65 degrees inclinati on x40 0 kmo rb it),were us e dt o ", "underscore_trick": "s, Skylab_(50 degrees_inclination x 438 km_orbit) and_Mir_orbital station_(51.65_degrees inclination x_400 km orbit),_were used to"} +{"text": " simultaneous detection of various bioanalytes. Is it possible to make a reliable prognosis within the first hour of life for very low birth weight infants delivered after preterm premature", "synonym_substitution": "simultaneous detection of various bioanalytes. Is it possible to seduce a dependable prognosis within the first hour of life for very low parentage weight infants give birth after preterm previous", "butter_fingers": " silultaneous detection of yarious bioanalyjew. Is iv possigle to mxke a reliable prognosis witiin rhe furst hour of life for xery low hirth weught unfants delivered after lveterk premature", "random_deletion": "simultaneous detection of various bioanalytes. Is it make reliable prognosis the first hour birth infants delivered after premature", "change_char_case": " simultaneous detection of vaRious bioanAlyteS. Is It pOsSiblE to mAke a reliable prOGnosIs within the first hour of Life fOr VEry lOW bIrth wEight inFAnTS DelIvErEd aFtER pReterM prEmature", "whitespace_perturbation": " simultaneous detection of various b ioana lyt es. I s it pos sible to makea rel iable prognosis within thefi r st h o ur of l ife for ve r y lo wbi rth w e ig ht in fan ts deli vered afte r p re term prematu r e", "underscore_trick": " simultaneous_detection of_various bioanalytes. Is it_possible to_make_a reliable_prognosis_within the first_hour of life_for very low birth_weight infants delivered_after_preterm premature"} +{"text": " further explored this finding using bilateral transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and simultaneous tracking of eye movements. Results revealed a decrease in ITT during concurrent", "synonym_substitution": "further explored this finding using bilateral transcranial lineal current foreplay (tDCS) and coincident tracking of eye movements. solution revealed a decrease in ITT during concurrent", "butter_fingers": " fugther explored this findlng using bilatetao tranvcranizl direcg current stimulation (tDCS) aid sumultqneous tracking of eye movementd. Resultw retealed a decreasx in ITT durinf coneucrent", "random_deletion": "further explored this finding using bilateral transcranial stimulation and simultaneous of eye movements. ITT concurrent", "change_char_case": " further explored this findinG using bilaTeral TraNscRaNial DireCt current stimuLAtioN (tDCS) and simultaneous trAckinG oF Eye mOVeMents. results REvEALed A dEcReaSe IN ItT durIng ConcurrEnt", "whitespace_perturbation": " further explored this fin ding using bila ter altr ansc rani al direct curr e nt s timulation (tDCS) andsimul ta n eous tr ackin g of ey e m o v eme nt s. Re su l ts reve ale d a dec rease in I TTdu ring concurr e nt ", "underscore_trick": " further_explored this_finding using bilateral transcranial_direct current_stimulation_(tDCS) and_simultaneous_tracking of eye_movements. Results revealed_a decrease in ITT_during concurrent"} +{"text": " to function as a clearance-type receptor. ANP, BNP, and CNP occur commonly in all tetrapods, but ventricular NP replaces BNP", "synonym_substitution": "to function as a clearance - type receptor. ANP, BNP, and CNP happen normally in all tetrapod, but ventricular NP replaces BNP", "butter_fingers": " to function as a clearance-uype receptor. ANP, BNP, anv CNP odcur comoonly in all tetrapods, but vxntruculae NP replaces BNP", "random_deletion": "to function as a clearance-type receptor. ANP, CNP commonly in tetrapods, but ventricular", "change_char_case": " to function as a clearance-typE receptor. AnP, BNP, And cNP OcCur cOmmoNly in all tetrapODs, buT ventricular NP replaces bNP", "whitespace_perturbation": " to function as a clearanc e-type rec eptor . A NP, B NP,andCNP occur comm o nlyin all tetrapods, butventr ic u larN Prepla ces BNP ", "underscore_trick": " to_function as_a clearance-type receptor. ANP,_BNP, and_CNP_occur commonly_in_all tetrapods, but_ventricular NP replaces_BNP"} +{"text": "achol induces a cascade of events in parietal cells that results in ERK activation. Although the acute effect of the ERKs on gastric acid secretion appears to be inhibitory", "synonym_substitution": "achol induces a cascade of events in parietal cells that result in ERK energizing. Although the acute effect of the ERKs on gastric acid secretion appear to be inhibitory", "butter_fingers": "achll induces a cascade of tvents in parietal cells that desults kn ERK activation. Although tie axute tyfect of the ERKs on gastric wcid seceetiib appears vk be inmnbitodn", "random_deletion": "achol induces a cascade of events in that in ERK Although the acute gastric secretion appears to inhibitory", "change_char_case": "achol induces a cascade of eveNts in parieTal ceLls ThaT rEsulTs in eRK activation. ALThouGh the acute effect of the ErKs on GaSTric ACiD secrEtion apPEaRS To bE iNhIbiToRY", "whitespace_perturbation": "achol induces a cascade of events in pari eta l c el ls t hatresults in ERK acti vation. Although the a cuteef f ecto fthe E RKs ong as t r icac id se cr e ti on ap pea rs to b e inhibito ry", "underscore_trick": "achol induces_a cascade_of events in parietal_cells that_results_in ERK_activation._Although the acute_effect of the_ERKs on gastric acid_secretion appears to_be_inhibitory"} +{"text": " have shown to be effective heterogeneous catalysts for the reaction of amino alcohols and aromatic dinitriles, and exerted a significant influence on the selectivity of the catalytic", "synonym_substitution": "have shown to be effective heterogeneous catalysts for the reaction of amino alcohol and aromatic dinitriles, and exert a significant influence on the selectivity of the catalytic", "butter_fingers": " hage shown to be effective heterogeneous eqtalysvs for fhe reacgion of amino alcohols and acomaric dunitriles, and exerted x signifibant inflyenct on the selectivmfy of tmz catzpytie", "random_deletion": "have shown to be effective heterogeneous catalysts reaction amino alcohols aromatic dinitriles, and the of the catalytic", "change_char_case": " have shown to be effective hetErogeneous CatalYstS foR tHe reActiOn of amino alcohOLs anD aromatic dinitriles, and ExertEd A SignIFiCant iNfluencE On THE seLeCtIviTy OF tHe catAlyTic", "whitespace_perturbation": " have shown to be effectiv e heteroge neous ca tal ys ts f or t he reaction of amin o alcohols and aromati c din it r iles , a nd ex erted a si g n ifi ca nt in fl u en ce on th e selec tivity ofthe c atalytic", "underscore_trick": " have_shown to_be effective heterogeneous catalysts_for the_reaction_of amino_alcohols_and aromatic dinitriles,_and exerted a_significant influence on the_selectivity of the_catalytic"} +{"text": " grass vs. gravel substrate on activity budgets and degree of hair loss in seven groups of captive rhesus macaques housed in outdoor enclosures at the California", "synonym_substitution": "grass vs. gravel substrate on activity budgets and degree of hair personnel casualty in seven group of captive rhesus macaques housed in outdoor enclosures at the California", "butter_fingers": " grwss vs. gravel substrate un activity budywts anv degres of haif loss in seven groups of ca'tivw rhewus macaques housed in outdoor vnclosurew at rhe Califochia", "random_deletion": "grass vs. gravel substrate on activity budgets of loss in groups of captive enclosures the California", "change_char_case": " grass vs. gravel substrate on aCtivity budGets aNd dEgrEe Of haIr loSs in seven groupS Of caPtive rhesus macaques houSed in OuTDoor ENcLosurEs at the cAlIFOrnIa", "whitespace_perturbation": " grass vs. gravel substrat e on activ ity b udg ets a nd d egre e of hair loss in s even groups of captive rhes us maca q ue s hou sed ino ut d o oren cl osu re s a t the Ca liforni a", "underscore_trick": " grass_vs. gravel_substrate on activity budgets_and degree_of_hair loss_in_seven groups of_captive rhesus macaques_housed in outdoor enclosures_at the California"} +{"text": " Because both ASK1 and ANP are associated with pathologic cardiac hypertrophy, their interaction may have pathophysiological and therapeutic relevance. Spinal radiographs in those with", "synonym_substitution": "Because both ASK1 and ANP are associated with pathologic cardiac hypertrophy, their interaction may have pathophysiological and therapeutic relevance. spinal anesthesia radiographs in those with", "butter_fingers": " Befause both ASK1 and ANP ave associated wijh pathonogic dardiac fypertrophy, their interactioi mat havt pathophysiologicau and thegapeutic eeletance. Spinal radmkgraphs in thkde wnti", "random_deletion": "Because both ASK1 and ANP are associated cardiac their interaction have pathophysiological and those", "change_char_case": " Because both ASK1 and ANP are asSociated wiTh patHolOgiC cArdiAc hyPertrophy, their INterAction may have pathophysIologIcAL and THeRapeuTic releVAnCE. spiNaL rAdiOgRApHs in tHosE with", "whitespace_perturbation": " Because both ASK1 and ANP are assoc iated wi thpa thol ogic cardiac hyper t roph y, their interaction m ay ha ve path o ph ysiol ogicala nd t her ap eu tic r e le vance . S pinal r adiographs in t hose with", "underscore_trick": " Because_both ASK1_and ANP are associated_with pathologic_cardiac_hypertrophy, their_interaction_may have pathophysiological_and therapeutic relevance._Spinal radiographs in those_with"} +{"text": " HIV, and births among adolescents in rural areas of the United States. Despite this, the majority of sexual health education programs and interventions were developed for adolescents in metropolitan", "synonym_substitution": "HIV, and births among adolescents in rural areas of the United States. Despite this, the majority of sexual health department of education broadcast and interventions were developed for adolescent in metropolitan", "butter_fingers": " HIG, and births among adolercents in rural areas mf the United Rtates. Despite this, the majocity of stqual health education programs and intwrveitions were developed fov adomcscencs in metropolitsn", "random_deletion": "HIV, and births among adolescents in rural the States. Despite the majority of interventions developed for adolescents metropolitan", "change_char_case": " HIV, and births among adolesceNts in rural Areas Of tHe UNiTed STateS. Despite this, thE MajoRity of sexual health educAtion PrOGramS AnD inteRventioNS wERE deVeLoPed FoR AdOlescEntS in metrOpolitan", "whitespace_perturbation": " HIV, and births among ado lescents i n rur alare as oftheUnited States. Desp ite this, the majority of s ex u al h e al th ed ucation pr o g ram san d i nt e rv entio nswere de veloped fo r a do lescents inm et ropolitan", "underscore_trick": " HIV,_and births_among adolescents in rural_areas of_the_United States._Despite_this, the majority_of sexual health_education programs and interventions_were developed for_adolescents_in metropolitan"} +{"text": " epidemiology, symptomatology and treatment modalities of the syndrome. Recent trends and directions in the rationalization of pharmacotherapy of bronchial asthma: probing for alternatives.\n", "synonym_substitution": "epidemiology, symptomatology and treatment modalities of the syndrome. Recent trends and direction in the systematization of pharmacotherapy of bronchial asthma: probing for alternatives.", "butter_fingers": " epldemiology, symptomatologn and treatment modalitmes of fhe syndfome. Recent trends and direcvionw in uke rationalization ow pharmacltherapy of uronchial asthma: probing for ambernacites.\n", "random_deletion": "epidemiology, symptomatology and treatment modalities of the trends directions in rationalization of pharmacotherapy alternatives.", "change_char_case": " epidemiology, symptomatologY and treatmEnt moDalItiEs Of thE synDrome. Recent treNDs anD directions in the rationAlizaTiON of pHArMacotHerapy oF BrONChiAl AsThmA: pRObIng foR alTernatiVes.\n", "whitespace_perturbation": " epidemiology, symptomatol ogy and tr eatme ntmod al itie s of the syndrome. Rece nt trends and directio ns in t h e ra t io naliz ation o f p h a rma co th era py of bron chi al asth ma: probin g f or alternative s .", "underscore_trick": " epidemiology,_symptomatology and_treatment modalities of the_syndrome. Recent_trends_and directions_in_the rationalization of_pharmacotherapy of bronchial_asthma: probing for alternatives.\n"} +{"text": " percentile) fracture strength of 368 N (234 N/424 N), the FibreKor/Conquest Sculpture showed significantly lower values than the Connect", "synonym_substitution": "percentile) fracture strength of 368 N (234 N/424 N), the FibreKor / Conquest Sculpture showed significantly lower value than the Connect", "butter_fingers": " pegcentile) fracture strenguh of 368 N (234 N/424 N), the FibreKmr/Conqhest Scuupture showed significantly poqer vqlues than the Connect", "random_deletion": "percentile) fracture strength of 368 N (234 the Sculpture showed lower values than", "change_char_case": " percentile) fracture strengtH of 368 N (234 N/424 N), the FIbreKOr/COnqUeSt ScUlptUre showed signiFIcanTly lower values than the COnnecT", "whitespace_perturbation": " percentile) fracture stre ngth of 36 8 N ( 234 N/ 42 4 N) , th e FibreKor/Con q uest Sculpture showed sign ifica nt l y lo w er valu es than th e Con ne ct ", "underscore_trick": " percentile)_fracture strength_of 368 N (234_N/424 N),_the_FibreKor/Conquest Sculpture_showed_significantly lower values_than the Connect"} +{"text": " cases where cerebral lesions simulate brain tumors or abscesses on neuroimaging. We report here on a 43-year-old woman with numerous ring-enhancing cystic", "synonym_substitution": "cases where cerebral lesions simulate brain tumor or abscess on neuroimaging. We report here on a 43 - class - old woman with numerous ring - enhance cystic", "butter_fingers": " cades where cerebral lesioks simulate braiu tumorv or agscesses on neuroimaging. We report hxre in a 43-tear-old woman with numdrous rinh-enhancibg cbstic", "random_deletion": "cases where cerebral lesions simulate brain tumors on We report on a 43-year-old", "change_char_case": " cases where cerebral lesions Simulate brAin tuMorS or AbScesSes oN neuroimaging. WE RepoRt here on a 43-year-old woman wIth nuMeROus rINg-EnhanCing cysTIc", "whitespace_perturbation": " cases where cerebral lesi ons simula te br ain tu mo rs o r ab scesses on neu r oima ging. We report here o n a 4 3- y ear- o ld woma n withn um e r ous r in g-e nh a nc ing c yst ic", "underscore_trick": " cases_where cerebral_lesions simulate brain tumors_or abscesses_on_neuroimaging. We_report_here on a_43-year-old woman with_numerous ring-enhancing cystic"} +{"text": " with degenerative or adult idiopathic spinal deformity and curves measuring between 40 degrees and 70 degrees who underwent reconstructive spinal fusion. The minimum follow-up period was 28", "synonym_substitution": "with degenerative or adult idiopathic spinal deformity and curves measuring between 40 degrees and 70 academic degree who undergo reconstructive spinal fusion. The minimum adopt - up menstruation was 28", "butter_fingers": " wihh degenerative or adult idiopathic spiuql defmrmity and curxes measuring between 40 degrexs abd 70 dtyrees who underwent feconstrubtive spibal husion. The minimnj follow-up pedlod wcs 28", "random_deletion": "with degenerative or adult idiopathic spinal deformity measuring 40 degrees 70 degrees who minimum period was 28", "change_char_case": " with degenerative or adult idIopathic spInal dEfoRmiTy And cUrveS measuring betwEEn 40 deGrees and 70 degrees who undeRwent ReCOnstRUcTive sPinal fuSIoN. tHe mInImUm fOlLOw-Up perIod Was 28", "whitespace_perturbation": " with degenerative or adul t idiopath ic sp ina l d ef ormi ty a nd curves meas u ring between 40 degrees an d 70de g rees wh o und erwentr ec o n str uc ti vesp i na l fus ion . The m inimum fol low -u p period was 28 ", "underscore_trick": " with_degenerative or_adult idiopathic spinal deformity_and curves_measuring_between 40_degrees_and 70 degrees_who underwent reconstructive_spinal fusion. The minimum_follow-up period was_28"} +{"text": " 36 (Delta: 30%) and codon 71 (Delta: 17%). Of eight patients with N88D, seven also harboured D30N (P <", "synonym_substitution": "36 (Delta: 30 %) and codon 71 (Delta: 17 %). Of eight patients with N88D, seven also harboured D30N (P <", "butter_fingers": " 36 (Dflta: 30%) and codon 71 (Delta: 17%). Uf eight patienjs with I88D, seveh also hxrboured D30N (P <", "random_deletion": "36 (Delta: 30%) and codon 71 (Delta: eight with N88D, also harboured D30N", "change_char_case": " 36 (Delta: 30%) and codon 71 (Delta: 17%). Of eight Patients wiTh N88D, sEveN alSo HarbOureD D30N (P <", "whitespace_perturbation": " 36 (Delta: 30%) and codon 71 (Delta : 17% ).Ofei ghtpati ents with N88D , sev en also harboured D30N (P < ", "underscore_trick": " 36_(Delta: 30%)_and codon 71 (Delta:_17%). Of_eight_patients with_N88D,_seven also harboured_D30N (P <"} +{"text": " from breads containing > 4% flaxseed was significantly greater than that from breads containing < 4% flaxseed (p < or = 0.", "synonym_substitution": "from breads containing > 4% flaxseed was significantly great than that from bread containing < 4% flaxseed (p < or = 0.", "butter_fingers": " frlm breads containing > 4% fuaxseed was siguuficanvly grezter thav that from breads containinj < 4% dlaxstvd (p < or = 0.", "random_deletion": "from breads containing > 4% flaxseed was than from breads < 4% flaxseed", "change_char_case": " from breads containing > 4% flaxsEed was signIficaNtlY grEaTer tHan tHat from breads cONtaiNing < 4% flaxseed (p < or = 0.", "whitespace_perturbation": " from breads containing >4% flaxsee d was si gni fi cant ly g reater than th a t fr om breads containing < 4% f la x seed (p < or = 0.", "underscore_trick": " from_breads containing_> 4% flaxseed was_significantly greater_than_that from_breads_containing < 4%_flaxseed (p <_or = 0."} +{"text": " bibliometric analysis in the context of transplantation as a whole and also to subdivide the top cited papers within the field according to clinical versus scientific origin. Papers ranking", "synonym_substitution": "bibliometric analysis in the context of transplantation as a whole and also to subdivide the top cited composition within the sphere according to clinical versus scientific origin. Papers rate", "butter_fingers": " bihliometric analysis in tme context of trcbsplanvation zs a whoue and also to subdivide the tip ciuvd papers within the wield acclrding ti clmnical versus scmsntific origih. Papzrw ranking", "random_deletion": "bibliometric analysis in the context of transplantation whole also to the top cited to versus scientific origin. ranking", "change_char_case": " bibliometric analysis in the Context of tRanspLanTatIoN as a WholE and also to subdIVide The top cited papers withiN the fIeLD accORdIng to ClinicaL VeRSUs sCiEnTifIc ORiGin. PaPerS rankinG", "whitespace_perturbation": " bibliometric analysis inthe contex t oftra nsp la ntat ionas a whole and also to subdivide the topcited p a pers wi thinthe fie l da c cor di ng to c l in icalver sus sci entific or igi n. Papers rank i ng ", "underscore_trick": " bibliometric_analysis in_the context of transplantation_as a_whole_and also_to_subdivide the top_cited papers within_the field according to_clinical versus scientific_origin._Papers ranking"} +{"text": " acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) density were studied in postnatal rats gavaged daily from postnatal day 1 (PND1) through PND 21", "synonym_substitution": "acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) density were studied in postnatal rats gavaged day by day from postnatal sidereal day 1 (PND1) through PND 21", "butter_fingers": " acftylcholine receptor (mACmR) density were studied in poatnatal fats gavaged daily from postiatao day 1 (PND1) through PND 21", "random_deletion": "acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) density were studied in gavaged from postnatal 1 (PND1) through", "change_char_case": " acetylcholine receptor (mAChr) density weRe stuDieD in PoStnaTal rAts gavaged dailY From Postnatal day 1 (PND1) through pND 21", "whitespace_perturbation": " acetylcholine receptor (m AChR) dens ity w ere st ud iedin p ostnatal ratsg avag ed daily from postnata l day 1 (PND 1 )throu gh PND2 1", "underscore_trick": " acetylcholine_receptor (mAChR)_density were studied in_postnatal rats_gavaged_daily from_postnatal_day 1 (PND1)_through PND 21"} +{"text": " cosmesis and sooner discharge home. Isoflavonoid production by callus cultures of Maackia amurensis.\nCallus cultures were established", "synonym_substitution": "cosmesis and sooner discharge home. Isoflavonoid production by callosity acculturation of Maackia amurensis. \n Callus cultures were established", "butter_fingers": " codmesis and sooner dischavge home. Isoflavonoid pcoductikn by caulus cultures of Maackia amucensus.\nCalous cultures were estaclished", "random_deletion": "cosmesis and sooner discharge home. Isoflavonoid production cultures Maackia amurensis. cultures were established", "change_char_case": " cosmesis and sooner dischargE home. IsoflAvonoId pRodUcTion By caLlus cultures of mAackIa amurensis.\nCallus cultuRes weRe EStabLIsHed", "whitespace_perturbation": " cosmesis and sooner disch arge home. Isof lav ono id pro duct ion by callusc ultu res of Maackia amurens is.\nC al l us c u lt ureswere es t ab l i she d", "underscore_trick": " cosmesis_and sooner_discharge home. Isoflavonoid production_by callus_cultures_of Maackia_amurensis.\nCallus_cultures were established"} +{"text": " vera in the elderly].\nWe present an 86-years-old woman's case with paralysis in her left hand of abrupt apparition, accompanied by arterial", "synonym_substitution": "vera in the elderly ]. \n We present an 86 - years - old charwoman's subject with paralysis in her left hand of abrupt apparition, accompanied by arterial", "butter_fingers": " vega in the elderly].\nWe prestnt an 86-years-old woman's cese witg paralyris in her left hand of abru't appariupon, accompanied by argerial", "random_deletion": "vera in the elderly]. We present an case paralysis in left hand of", "change_char_case": " vera in the elderly].\nWe present An 86-years-old Woman'S caSe wItH parAlysIs in her left hanD Of abRupt apparition, accompanIed by ArTEriaL", "whitespace_perturbation": " vera in the elderly].\nWepresent an 86-y ear s-o ld wom an's case with par a lysi s in her left hand ofabrup ta ppar i ti on, a ccompan i ed b y a rt er ial ", "underscore_trick": " vera_in the_elderly].\nWe present an 86-years-old_woman's case_with_paralysis in_her_left hand of_abrupt apparition, accompanied_by arterial"} +{"text": ": a significant rhythm in the hypothalamus, heart, and gut, but not in the retina, liver, stomach, and testes. rbE4bp4", "synonym_substitution": ": a significant rhythm in the hypothalamus, heart, and gut, but not in the retina, liver, abdomen, and testis. rbE4bp4", "butter_fingers": ": a dignificant rhythm in tht hypothalamus, hecet, and gut, bht not iv the retina, liver, stomach, aid twstes. rbE4bp4", "random_deletion": ": a significant rhythm in the hypothalamus, gut, not in retina, liver, stomach,", "change_char_case": ": a significant rhythm in the hyPothalamus, Heart, And Gut, BuT not In thE retina, liver, stOMach, And testes. rbE4bp4", "whitespace_perturbation": ": a significant rhythm inthe hypoth alamu s,hea rt , an d gu t, but not int he r etina, liver, stomach, andte s tes. rb E4bp4 ", "underscore_trick": ": a_significant rhythm_in the hypothalamus, heart,_and gut,_but_not in_the_retina, liver, stomach,_and testes. rbE4bp4"} +{"text": ", and psychological involvement,\" Price, 1986, p. 152). Participants were fourth graders, 31 girls and 29 boys, who possessed a variety of developmental status", "synonym_substitution": ", and psychological involvement, \" Price, 1986, p. 152). Participants were fourth graders, 31 daughter and 29 son, who possessed a variety of developmental status", "butter_fingers": ", anf psychological involvemtnt,\" Price, 1986, p. 152). Parjixipantv were fourth eraders, 31 girls and 29 boys, who pisseswed a variety of develupmental dtatus", "random_deletion": ", and psychological involvement,\" Price, 1986, p. were graders, 31 and 29 boys, developmental", "change_char_case": ", and psychological involvemeNt,\" Price, 1986, p. 152). PaRticiPanTs wErE fouRth gRaders, 31 girls and 29 BOys, wHo possessed a variety of dEveloPmENtal STaTus", "whitespace_perturbation": ", and psychological involv ement,\" Pr ice,198 6,p. 152 ). P articipants we r e fo urth graders, 31 girls and29 boys , w ho po ssessed av a rie ty o f d ev e lo pment alstatus", "underscore_trick": ", and_psychological involvement,\"_Price, 1986, p. 152)._Participants were_fourth_graders, 31_girls_and 29 boys,_who possessed a_variety of developmental status"} +{"text": "045 for acute pouchitis; and OR, 4.61; P =.010 for chronic pouchitis) and extraintestinal manifestations (OR, 2.88", "synonym_substitution": "045 for acute pouchitis; and OR, 4.61; P = .010 for chronic pouchitis) and extraintestinal manifestations (OR, 2.88", "butter_fingers": "045 fog acute pouchitis; and OR, 4.61; P =.010 for chronie pouchmtis) ans extraivtestinal manifestations (OR, 2.88", "random_deletion": "045 for acute pouchitis; and OR, 4.61; for pouchitis) and manifestations (OR, 2.88", "change_char_case": "045 for acute pouchitis; and OR, 4.61; P =.010 foR chronic poUchitIs) aNd eXtRainTestInal manifestatIOns (Or, 2.88", "whitespace_perturbation": "045 for acute pouchitis; a nd OR, 4.6 1; P=.0 10fo r ch roni c pouchitis) a n d ex traintestinal manifest ation s( OR,2 .8 8", "underscore_trick": "045 for_acute pouchitis;_and OR, 4.61; P_=.010 for_chronic_pouchitis) and_extraintestinal_manifestations (OR, 2.88"} +{"text": " statistically significant. For the 30-W laser generator, the average single applicator ablation size was (2.4 \u00b1 0.3) \u00d7 (3.", "synonym_substitution": "statistically significant. For the 30 - W laser generator, the average single applicator ablation size was (2.4 \u00b1 0.3) \u00d7 (3.", "butter_fingers": " stwtistically significant. Nor the 30-W laser ywneratmr, the average single applicator ablation dize waw (2.4 \u00b1 0.3) \u00d7 (3.", "random_deletion": "statistically significant. For the 30-W laser generator, single ablation size (2.4 \u00b1 0.3)", "change_char_case": " statistically significant. FOr the 30-W laseR geneRatOr, tHe AverAge sIngle applicatoR AblaTion size was (2.4 \u00b1 0.3) \u00d7 (3.", "whitespace_perturbation": " statistically significant . For the30-Wlas erge nera tor, the average s i ngle applicator ablation s ize w as (2.4 \u00b10.3)\u00d7 (3.", "underscore_trick": " statistically_significant. For_the 30-W laser generator,_the average_single_applicator ablation_size_was (2.4 \u00b1_0.3) \u00d7 (3."} +{"text": " maximum infection. Spread in the kidney was observed from the cortical and glomerular capillaries, where the injected yeast cells first lodged, but after pseudomycelial", "synonym_substitution": "maximum infection. Spread in the kidney was observed from the cortical and glomerular capillary, where the inject yeast cells first lodged, but after pseudomycelial", "butter_fingers": " madimum infection. Spread ik the kidney was observxd from the corgical and glomerular capillacies, whert the injected yeasg cells fprst lodgwd, bnt after pseudombdelial", "random_deletion": "maximum infection. Spread in the kidney was the and glomerular where the injected after", "change_char_case": " maximum infection. Spread in tHe kidney waS obseRveD frOm The cOrtiCal and glomerulAR capIllaries, where the injectEd yeaSt CElls FIrSt lodGed, but aFTeR PSeuDoMyCelIaL", "whitespace_perturbation": " maximum infection. Spread in the ki dneywas ob se rved fro m the cortical andglomerular capillaries , whe re thei nj ected yeastc el l s fi rs tlod ge d ,but a fte r pseud omycelial", "underscore_trick": " maximum_infection. Spread_in the kidney was_observed from_the_cortical and_glomerular_capillaries, where the_injected yeast cells_first lodged, but after_pseudomycelial"} +{"text": " decreases in total mortality, cardiovascular events, hospitalizations, and the need for revascularization procedures, with its usage (1) to lower low-density lipoprotein", "synonym_substitution": "decreases in total mortality, cardiovascular events, hospitalization insurance, and the motivation for revascularization procedures, with its usage (1) to lower humble - density lipoprotein", "butter_fingers": " defreases in total mortaliuy, cardiovascular events, hospifalizatiuns, and the need for revascupaeizatuon procedures, with itr usage (1) no lower oow-dtnsity lipoproteii", "random_deletion": "decreases in total mortality, cardiovascular events, hospitalizations, need revascularization procedures, its usage (1)", "change_char_case": " decreases in total mortality, CardiovascUlar eVenTs, hOsPitaLizaTions, and the neeD For rEvascularization procedUres, wItH Its uSAgE (1) to loWer low-dENsITY liPoPrOteIn", "whitespace_perturbation": " decreases in total mortal ity, cardi ovasc ula r e ve nts, hos pitalizations, andthe need for revascula rizat io n pro c ed ures, with i t su s age ( 1) to l o we r low -de nsity l ipoprotein ", "underscore_trick": " decreases_in total_mortality, cardiovascular events, hospitalizations,_and the_need_for revascularization_procedures,_with its usage_(1) to lower_low-density lipoprotein"} +{"text": " of cavitation in flowing media by lithotripter shock waves both in vitro and in vivo.\nCavitation produced by lithotripter shock waves", "synonym_substitution": "of cavitation in flowing media by lithotripter shock waves both in vitro and in vivo. \n Cavitation produce by lithotripter jolt waves", "butter_fingers": " of cavitation in flowing mtdia by lithotripjee shocn wavea both iv vitro and in vivo.\nCavitatioi priducee by lithotripter shocy waves", "random_deletion": "of cavitation in flowing media by lithotripter both vitro and vivo. Cavitation produced", "change_char_case": " of cavitation in flowing mediA by lithotrIpter ShoCk wAvEs boTh in Vitro and in vivo.\ncAvitAtion produced by lithotrIpter ShOCk waVEs", "whitespace_perturbation": " of cavitation in flowingmedia by l ithot rip ter s hock wav es both in vit r o an d in vivo.\nCavitationprodu ce d byl it hotri pter sh o ck w ave s", "underscore_trick": " of_cavitation in_flowing media by lithotripter_shock waves_both_in vitro_and_in vivo.\nCavitation produced_by lithotripter shock_waves"} +{"text": " was undesirable. A clear preference for pellets over ground barley was demonstrated, but no difference in preference was observed for the 3 different pellets that were compared. n-", "synonym_substitution": "was undesirable. A clear preference for pellets over ground barley was attest, but no remainder in preference was observed for the 3 different shot that were compared. n-", "butter_fingers": " wad undesirable. A clear prtference for pellgtw over grouns barley was demonstrated, but no difherebce ib preference was obserxed for tje 3 diffwrenu pellets that wecs compavzd. n-", "random_deletion": "was undesirable. A clear preference for pellets barley demonstrated, but difference in preference different that were compared.", "change_char_case": " was undesirable. A clear prefeRence for peLlets OveR grOuNd baRley Was demonstrateD, But nO difference in preferencE was oBsERved FOr The 3 diFferent PElLETs tHaT wEre CoMPaRed. n-", "whitespace_perturbation": " was undesirable. A clearpreference forpel let sover gro und barley was demo nstrated, but no diffe rence i n pre f er encewas obs e rv e d fo rth e 3 d i ff erent pe llets t hat were c omp ar ed. n-", "underscore_trick": " was_undesirable. A_clear preference for pellets_over ground_barley_was demonstrated,_but_no difference in_preference was observed_for the 3 different_pellets that were_compared._n-"} +{"text": " by dendrimer molecules. The changing pattern of recurrence in oestrogen positive and negative breast cancer with nodal spread, related to efferent vascular invasion.\n", "synonym_substitution": "by dendrimer molecules. The changing pattern of recurrence in oestrogen incontrovertible and damaging breast cancer with nodal spread, related to efferent vascular invasion.", "butter_fingers": " by dendrimer molecules. The changing pattetn of rerurrencs in oesgrogen positive and negative beeast cancer with nodal sprdad, relatvd to effwrenu vascular invasion.\n", "random_deletion": "by dendrimer molecules. The changing pattern of oestrogen and negative cancer with nodal invasion.", "change_char_case": " by dendrimer molecules. The chAnging pattErn of RecUrrEnCe in OestRogen positive aND negAtive breast cancer with nOdal sPrEAd, reLAtEd to eFferent VAsCULar InVaSioN.\n", "whitespace_perturbation": " by dendrimer molecules. T he changin g pat ter n o frecu rren ce in oestroge n pos itive and negative bre ast c an c er w i th noda l sprea d ,r e lat ed t o e ff e re nt va scu lar inv asion.\n", "underscore_trick": " by_dendrimer molecules._The changing pattern of_recurrence in_oestrogen_positive and_negative_breast cancer with_nodal spread, related_to efferent vascular invasion.\n"} +{"text": " unit cells, respectively. Unlike the 6NaAlH4-Al2S3 system, the 6KAlH4-Al2S3 system did", "synonym_substitution": "unit cells, respectively. Unlike the 6NaAlH4 - Al2S3 system, the 6KAlH4 - Al2S3 system do", "butter_fingers": " unlt cells, respectively. Unuike the 6NaAlH4-Al2S3 systxm, the 6IAlH4-Al2S3 rystem did", "random_deletion": "unit cells, respectively. Unlike the 6NaAlH4-Al2S3 system, system", "change_char_case": " unit cells, respectively. UnliKe the 6NaAlH4-al2S3 sySteM, thE 6KalH4-AL2S3 syStem did", "whitespace_perturbation": " unit cells, respectively. Unlike th e 6Na AlH 4-A l2 S3 s yste m, the 6KAlH4- A l2S3 system did", "underscore_trick": " unit_cells, respectively._Unlike the 6NaAlH4-Al2S3 system,_the 6KAlH4-Al2S3_system_did"} +{"text": " and clinical trial data available for darifenacin, in addition to examining its role in the treatment of the OBS. Reproducibility - A Journal Editor's", "synonym_substitution": "and clinical trial data available for darifenacin, in addition to examining its function in the discussion of the OBS. Reproducibility - A Journal Editor's", "butter_fingers": " anf clinical trial data avxilable for darndenacii, in adsition tu examining its role in the vrearment of the OBS. Reproducibklity - A Uournal Wditie's", "random_deletion": "and clinical trial data available for darifenacin, to its role the treatment of Journal", "change_char_case": " and clinical trial data availAble for darIfenaCin, In aDdItioN to eXamining its rolE In thE treatment of the OBS. ReprOduciBiLIty - A jOuRnal EDitor's", "whitespace_perturbation": " and clinical trial data a vailable f or da rif ena ci n, i n ad dition to exam i ning its role in the treat mentof theO BS . Rep roducib i li t y -AJo urn al Ed itor' s", "underscore_trick": " and_clinical trial_data available for darifenacin,_in addition_to_examining its_role_in the treatment_of the OBS._Reproducibility - A Journal_Editor's"} +{"text": "izing a seven-joint approach, the corresponding sample sizes using ICUS and IUS methods were nine (6-24) and 11 (6-35),", "synonym_substitution": "izing a seven - joint approach, the corresponding sample sizes use intensive care unit and IUS methods were nine (6 - 24) and 11 (6 - 35),", "butter_fingers": "izijg a seven-joint approach, the correspondnbg sam'le sizss using ICUS and IUS methods were nmne (6-24) and 11 (6-35),", "random_deletion": "izing a seven-joint approach, the corresponding sample ICUS IUS methods nine (6-24) and", "change_char_case": "izing a seven-joint approach, tHe correspoNding SamPle SiZes uSing iCUS and IUS methODs weRe nine (6-24) and 11 (6-35),", "whitespace_perturbation": "izing a seven-joint approa ch, the co rresp ond ing s ampl e si zes using ICUS andIUS methods were nine(6-24 )a nd 1 1 ( 6-35) ,", "underscore_trick": "izing a_seven-joint approach,_the corresponding sample sizes_using ICUS_and_IUS methods_were_nine (6-24) and_11 (6-35),"} +{"text": "yme cells at trochophore and pre-torsional veliger stages, with HaH1 expression slightly preceding HaH2. These cells largely are localized", "synonym_substitution": "yme cells at trochophore and pre - torsional veliger stages, with HaH1 expression slightly precede HaH2. These cell largely are localized", "butter_fingers": "yme cells at trochophore ana pre-torsional rwliger stagea, with HxH1 expression slightly preceving HaH2. Ukese cells largely afe localided", "random_deletion": "yme cells at trochophore and pre-torsional veliger HaH1 slightly preceding These cells largely", "change_char_case": "yme cells at trochophore and pRe-torsionaL veliGer StaGeS, witH HaH1 Expression sligHTly pReceding HaH2. These cells lArgelY aRE locALiZed", "whitespace_perturbation": "yme cells at trochophore a nd pre-tor siona l v eli ge r st ages , with HaH1 ex p ress ion slightly preceding HaH2 .T hese ce lls l argelya re l oca li ze d", "underscore_trick": "yme cells_at trochophore_and pre-torsional veliger stages,_with HaH1_expression_slightly preceding_HaH2._These cells largely_are localized"} +{"text": "negative, motile and oval- or rod-shaped bacterial strain, DS-43T, was isolated from soil from Dokdo, Korea, and its", "synonym_substitution": "negative, motile and oval- or rod - shaped bacterial strain, DS-43 T, was sequester from territory from Dokdo, Korea, and its", "butter_fingers": "negwtive, motile and oval- or rod-shaped bactgrual stcain, DS-43F, was isulated from soil from Dokdo, Noeea, abd its", "random_deletion": "negative, motile and oval- or rod-shaped bacterial was from soil Dokdo, Korea, and", "change_char_case": "negative, motile and oval- or roD-shaped bacTeriaL stRaiN, Ds-43T, waS isoLated from soil fROm DoKdo, Korea, and its", "whitespace_perturbation": "negative, motile and oval- or rod-sh apedbac ter ia l st rain , DS-43T, wasi sola ted from soil from Dok do, K or e a, a n dits", "underscore_trick": "negative, motile_and oval-_or rod-shaped bacterial strain,_DS-43T, was_isolated_from soil_from_Dokdo, Korea, and_its"} +{"text": " (CKD), the role of pharmacists in screening patients for anemia and developing guidelines for the use of anemia therapies in patients with CKD, the goals of and", "synonym_substitution": "(CKD), the role of pharmacists in screening patients for anemia and develop guidepost for the use of anemia therapies in patients with CKD, the finish of and", "butter_fingers": " (CKF), the role of pharmacistr in screening karients for ahemia ana developing guidelines for vhe yse od anemia therapies in oatients aith CKD, the toals of ais", "random_deletion": "(CKD), the role of pharmacists in screening anemia developing guidelines the use of CKD, goals of and", "change_char_case": " (CKD), the role of pharmacists in Screening pAtienTs fOr aNeMia aNd deVeloping guidelINes fOr the use of anemia therapIes in PaTIentS WiTh CKD, The goalS Of AND", "whitespace_perturbation": " (CKD), the role of pharma cists in s creen ing pa ti ents for anemia and de v elop ing guidelines for the useof anem i athera pies in pa t i ent swi thCK D ,the g oal s of an d", "underscore_trick": " (CKD),_the role_of pharmacists in screening_patients for_anemia_and developing_guidelines_for the use_of anemia therapies_in patients with CKD,_the goals of_and"} +{"text": " substantiated that Ci-TK, a tachykinin of the protochordate, Ciona intestinalis (Ci), triggered oocyte growth from the vit", "synonym_substitution": "substantiated that Ci - TK, a tachykinin of the protochordate, Ciona intestinalis (Ci), triggered oocyte growth from the vit", "butter_fingers": " suhstantiated that Ci-TK, a uachykinin of the protociordate, Ciona ivtestinalis (Ci), triggered oocbte trowty from the vit", "random_deletion": "substantiated that Ci-TK, a tachykinin of the intestinalis triggered oocyte from the vit", "change_char_case": " substantiated that Ci-TK, a tacHykinin of tHe proTocHorDaTe, CiOna iNtestinalis (Ci), tRIggeRed oocyte growth from the Vit", "whitespace_perturbation": " substantiated that Ci-TK, a tachyki nin o f t hepr otoc hord ate, Ciona int e stin alis (Ci), triggered o ocyte g r owth fr om th e vit", "underscore_trick": " substantiated_that Ci-TK,_a tachykinin of the_protochordate, Ciona_intestinalis_(Ci), triggered_oocyte_growth from the_vit"} +{"text": "omas, but parenchymal lesions were equally common in both. Grey matter lesions tended to be clearly demarcated, of increased density with little oedema or", "synonym_substitution": "omas, but parenchymal lesions were equally common in both. Grey topic lesion tended to be clearly demarcate, of increase density with little edema or", "butter_fingers": "omad, but parenchymal lesionr were equally eimmon mn both. Grey magter lesions tended to be clxarlt demqrcated, of increased ddnsity winh little oedtma or", "random_deletion": "omas, but parenchymal lesions were equally common Grey lesions tended be clearly demarcated, oedema", "change_char_case": "omas, but parenchymal lesions Were equallY commOn iN boTh. grey MattEr lesions tendeD To be Clearly demarcated, of incReaseD dENsitY WiTh litTle oedeMA oR", "whitespace_perturbation": "omas, but parenchymal lesi ons were e quall y c omm on inboth . Grey matterl esio ns tended to be clearl y dem ar c ated , o f inc reasedd en s i tywi th li tt l eoedem a o r", "underscore_trick": "omas, but_parenchymal lesions_were equally common in_both. Grey_matter_lesions tended_to_be clearly demarcated,_of increased density_with little oedema or"} +{"text": " as a mobile phase with linear gradient elution of 20% to 70% ethanol in 6 minutes at a flow rate of 1.0 mL min-1 and", "synonym_substitution": "as a mobile phase with linear gradient elution of 20% to 70% ethanol in 6 minutes at a menstruation pace of 1.0 mL min-1 and", "butter_fingers": " as a mobile phase with lintar gradient elutnin of 20% to 70% efhanol iv 6 minutes at a flow rate of 1.0 nL mib-1 and", "random_deletion": "as a mobile phase with linear gradient 20% 70% ethanol 6 minutes at mL and", "change_char_case": " as a mobile phase with linear gRadient eluTion oF 20% to 70% EthAnOl in 6 MinuTes at a flow rate OF 1.0 mL mIn-1 and", "whitespace_perturbation": " as a mobile phase with li near gradi ent e lut ion o f 20 % to 70% ethanol i n 6 m inutes at a flow rateof 1. 0m L mi n -1 and", "underscore_trick": " as_a mobile_phase with linear gradient_elution of_20%_to 70%_ethanol_in 6 minutes_at a flow_rate of 1.0 mL_min-1 and"} +{"text": " which leads to rapid, shallow breathing and a mild hypercapnia lasting for at least 4 postnatal wk. Investigation of optimal aminolaevulinic acid concentration applied", "synonym_substitution": "which leads to rapid, shallow breathing and a mild hypercapnia lasting for at least 4 postnatal wk. Investigation of optimal aminolaevulinic acid assiduity enforce", "butter_fingers": " whlch leads to rapid, shalluw breathing anb a milv hyperdapnia lxsting for at least 4 postnatel wj. Invtftigation of optimxl aminolwevulinix acmd concentration applied", "random_deletion": "which leads to rapid, shallow breathing and hypercapnia for at 4 postnatal wk. concentration", "change_char_case": " which leads to rapid, shallow bReathing anD a milD hyPerCaPnia LastIng for at least 4 pOStnaTal wk. Investigation of opTimal AmINolaEVuLinic Acid conCEnTRAtiOn ApPliEd", "whitespace_perturbation": " which leads to rapid, sha llow breat hingand ami ld h yper capnia lasting forat least 4 postnatal w k. In ve s tiga t io n ofoptimal am i n ola ev ul ini ca ci d con cen tration applied", "underscore_trick": " which_leads to_rapid, shallow breathing and_a mild_hypercapnia_lasting for_at_least 4 postnatal_wk. Investigation of_optimal aminolaevulinic acid concentration_applied"} +{"text": " similar in both groups. The conversion rate of the laparoscopic approach to open surgery was 25%. There was no difference in morbidity (41.1 vs. 25%;", "synonym_substitution": "similar in both groups. The conversion rate of the laparoscopic approach to loose operating room was 25% . There was no difference in morbidity (41.1 vs. 25%;", "butter_fingers": " sililar in both groups. The conversion ratg if the laparkscopic xpproach to open surgery was 25%. Rhere was no difference in oorbidity (41.1 vs. 25%;", "random_deletion": "similar in both groups. The conversion rate laparoscopic to open was 25%. There (41.1 25%;", "change_char_case": " similar in both groups. The conVersion ratE of thE laParOsCopiC appRoach to open surGEry wAs 25%. There was no difference In morBiDIty (41.1 vS. 25%;", "whitespace_perturbation": " similar in both groups. T he convers ion r ate of t he l apar oscopic approa c h to open surgery was 25%. Ther ew as n o d iffer ence in mo r b idi ty ( 41. 1v s. 25%; ", "underscore_trick": " similar_in both_groups. The conversion rate_of the_laparoscopic_approach to_open_surgery was 25%._There was no_difference in morbidity (41.1_vs. 25%;"} +{"text": " Healthy daughter cells are released from the surface to colonize other surfaces or to resume starvation-survival in the aqueous phase. Non-adhesive copiot", "synonym_substitution": "Healthy daughter cells are released from the surface to colonize early surface or to resume starvation - survival in the aqueous phase. Non - adhesive copiot", "butter_fingers": " Hewlthy daughter cells are released from jhw surfece to dolonize other surfaces or to resume srarvaupon-survival in the aqjeous phade. Non-adyesite copiot", "random_deletion": "Healthy daughter cells are released from the colonize surfaces or resume starvation-survival in", "change_char_case": " Healthy daughter cells are reLeased from The suRfaCe tO cOlonIze oTher surfaces or TO resUme starvation-survival iN the aQuEOus pHAsE. Non-aDhesive COpIOT", "whitespace_perturbation": " Healthy daughter cells ar e released from th e s ur face tocolonize other surf aces or to resume star vatio n- s urvi v al in t he aque o us p has e. N on- ad h es ive c opi ot", "underscore_trick": " Healthy_daughter cells_are released from the_surface to_colonize_other surfaces_or_to resume starvation-survival_in the aqueous_phase. Non-adhesive copiot"} +{"text": " dynamics, and vibrational spectral diffusion. The results of the interfacial dynamics are compared with those of the corresponding bulk region. It is observed that the interfacial molecules", "synonym_substitution": "dynamics, and vibrational spectral diffusion. The results of the interfacial moral force are compare with those of the corresponding bulk region. It is note that the interfacial atom", "butter_fingers": " dyjamics, and vibrational skectral diffusion. The revults kf the ivterfacial dynamics are compered with those of the correspovding buln region. It ms observed that the intcxfacizp monxcules", "random_deletion": "dynamics, and vibrational spectral diffusion. The results interfacial are compared those of the observed the interfacial molecules", "change_char_case": " dynamics, and vibrational speCtral diffuSion. THe rEsuLtS of tHe inTerfacial dynamICs arE compared with those of thE corrEsPOndiNG bUlk reGion. It iS ObSERveD tHaT thE iNTeRfaciAl mOleculeS", "whitespace_perturbation": " dynamics, and vibrational spectraldiffu sio n.Th e re sult s of the inter f acia l dynamics are compare d wit ht hose of thecorresp o nd i n g b ul kreg io n .It is ob servedthat the i nte rf acial molecu l es ", "underscore_trick": " dynamics,_and vibrational_spectral diffusion. The results_of the_interfacial_dynamics are_compared_with those of_the corresponding bulk_region. It is observed_that the interfacial_molecules"} +{"text": " Symptomatic depression and suicidal ideation. A comparative study with 628 children.\nA comparison was made of demographic and clinical variables between 481 children aged 15 or", "synonym_substitution": "Symptomatic depression and suicidal ideation. A comparative discipline with 628 child. \n A comparison was made of demographic and clinical variables between 481 children senesce 15 or", "butter_fingers": " Sylptomatic depression and suicidal ideatnin. A cmmparafive stuay with 628 children.\nA comparisoi waw madt of demographic ana clinicap variaboes uetween 481 childrei aged 15 or", "random_deletion": "Symptomatic depression and suicidal ideation. A comparative 628 A comparison made of demographic children 15 or", "change_char_case": " Symptomatic depression and sUicidal ideAtion. a coMpaRaTive StudY with 628 children.\nA COmpaRison was made of demograpHic anD cLInicAL vAriabLes betwEEn 481 CHIldReN aGed 15 Or", "whitespace_perturbation": " Symptomatic depression an d suicidal idea tio n.Acomp arat ive study with 628children.\nA comparison wasma d e of de mogra phic an d c l i nic al v ari ab l es betw een 481 ch ildren age d 1 5or", "underscore_trick": " Symptomatic_depression and_suicidal ideation. A comparative_study with_628_children.\nA comparison_was_made of demographic_and clinical variables_between 481 children aged_15 or"} +{"text": " present in acid eluates. The complement components were present in all saline eluates, but only traces of C3c and C1q in some acid el", "synonym_substitution": "present in acid eluates. The complement components were present in all saline eluate, but merely traces of C3c and C1q in some acid el", "butter_fingers": " prfsent in acid eluates. Tht complement components xere prssent in all saline eluates, but only teaces of C3c and C1q in some xcid el", "random_deletion": "present in acid eluates. The complement components in saline eluates, only traces of acid", "change_char_case": " present in acid eluates. The coMplement coMponeNts WerE pReseNt in All saline eluatES, but Only traces of C3c and C1q in sOme acId EL", "whitespace_perturbation": " present in acid eluates.The comple mentcom pon en ts w erepresent in all sali ne eluates, but only t races o f C3c an d C1q in som e a c i d e l", "underscore_trick": " present_in acid_eluates. The complement components_were present_in_all saline_eluates,_but only traces_of C3c and_C1q in some acid_el"} +{"text": " Pregnancy type had no significant effect on Ang-2 and showed a significant interaction with Eng (p < 0.0001) and PlGF (p = 0", "synonym_substitution": "Pregnancy type had no significant effect on Ang-2 and testify a meaning interaction with Eng (p < 0.0001) and PlGF (p = 0", "butter_fingers": " Prfgnancy type had no signlficant effect ou Ang-2 aid showsd a sigvificant interaction with Enj (p < 0.0001) and PlGF (p = 0", "random_deletion": "Pregnancy type had no significant effect on showed significant interaction Eng (p < 0", "change_char_case": " Pregnancy type had no signifiCant effect On Ang-2 And ShoWeD a siGnifIcant interactiON witH Eng (p < 0.0001) and PlGF (p = 0", "whitespace_perturbation": " Pregnancy type had no sig nificant e ffect on An g- 2 an d sh owed a signifi c antinteraction with Eng ( p < 0 .0 0 01)a nd PlGF (p = 0 ", "underscore_trick": " Pregnancy_type had_no significant effect on_Ang-2 and_showed_a significant_interaction_with Eng (p_< 0.0001) and_PlGF (p = 0"} +{"text": " C3 transferase on human adipose-derived stem cells.\nHuman adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) are adult pluripotent stem cells, which have", "synonym_substitution": "C3 transferase on human adipose - derived stem cells. \n Human adipose - derived shank cell (ASCs) are adult pluripotent stem cells, which have", "butter_fingers": " C3 hransferase on human adikose-derived stem ewlls.\nHukan adjpose-derkved stem cells (ASCs) are adupt plurupotent stem cells, whizh have", "random_deletion": "C3 transferase on human adipose-derived stem cells. stem (ASCs) are pluripotent stem cells,", "change_char_case": " C3 transferase on human adiposE-derived stEm celLs.\nHUmaN aDipoSe-deRived stem cells (asCs) aRe adult pluripotent stem Cells, WhICh haVE", "whitespace_perturbation": " C3 transferase on human a dipose-der ivedste m c el ls.Huma n adipose-deri v ed s tem cells (ASCs) are a dultpl u ripo t en t ste m cells , w h i chha ve ", "underscore_trick": " C3_transferase on_human adipose-derived stem cells.\nHuman_adipose-derived stem_cells_(ASCs) are_adult_pluripotent stem cells,_which have"} +{"text": ". The PREMODA cohort is a survey population which included 19408 deliveries, 8108 of which were term breech presentations. Infants were delivered by ces", "synonym_substitution": ". The PREMODA cohort is a survey population which included 19408 deliveries, 8108 of which were condition breech presentation. Infants were delivered by ces", "butter_fingers": ". Thf PREMODA cohort is a suvvey population cyich iicluded 19408 delivefies, 8108 of which were term brexch presebtations. Infants were aelivered by ces", "random_deletion": ". The PREMODA cohort is a survey included deliveries, 8108 which were term by", "change_char_case": ". The PREMODA cohort is a survey Population Which IncLudEd 19408 DeliVeriEs, 8108 of which were tERm brEech presentations. InfanTs werE dELiveREd By ces", "whitespace_perturbation": ". The PREMODA cohort is asurvey pop ulati onwhi ch inc lude d 19408 delive r ies, 8108 of which were te rm br ee c h pr e se ntati ons. In f an t s we re d eli ve r ed by c es", "underscore_trick": ". The_PREMODA cohort_is a survey population_which included_19408_deliveries, 8108_of_which were term_breech presentations. Infants_were delivered by ces"} +{"text": " production in E. coli was enhanced from trace amount to 58.8mg/L by the facilitation of moderate fatty alcohol biosynthesis, which was validated by deletion", "synonym_substitution": "production in E. coli was enhanced from trace amount to 58.8mg / lambert by the facilitation of moderate fatty alcohol biosynthesis, which was validate by deletion", "butter_fingers": " prlduction in E. coli was ekhanced from traew amouit to 58.8mf/L by thd facilitation of moderate fetty alcoyol biosynthesis, which was valifated by delttion", "random_deletion": "production in E. coli was enhanced from to by the of moderate fatty by", "change_char_case": " production in E. coli was enhanCed from traCe amoUnt To 58.8mG/L By thE facIlitation of modERate Fatty alcohol biosynthesIs, whiCh WAs vaLIdAted bY deletiON", "whitespace_perturbation": " production in E. coli was enhancedfromtra ceam ount to58.8mg/L by th e fac ilitation of moderatefatty a l coho l b iosyn thesis, wh i c h w as v ali da t ed by d ele tion", "underscore_trick": " production_in E._coli was enhanced from_trace amount_to_58.8mg/L by_the_facilitation of moderate_fatty alcohol biosynthesis,_which was validated by_deletion"} +{"text": " (p = 0.0001). Preoperative pain decreased 6.8 points VAS. Disc height decreased 0.1 mm on average without significance. Disc angle", "synonym_substitution": "(p = 0.0001). Preoperative pain decreased 6.8 points department of veterans affairs. magnetic disk height decreased 0.1 mm on median without significance. Disc slant", "butter_fingers": " (p = 0.0001). Preoperative pain decrtased 6.8 points VAS. Disc hxight dscreased 0.1 mm on average without signmficqnce. Eisc angle", "random_deletion": "(p = 0.0001). Preoperative pain decreased 6.8 Disc decreased 0.1 on average without", "change_char_case": " (p = 0.0001). Preoperative pain decreaseD 6.8 points VAS. disc hEigHt dEcReasEd 0.1 mm On average withoUT sigNificance. Disc angle", "whitespace_perturbation": " (p = 0.0001). Preoperativ e pain dec rease d 6 .8po ints VAS . Disc heightd ecre ased 0.1 mm on average with ou t sig n if icanc e. Disc an g l e", "underscore_trick": " (p_= 0.0001)._Preoperative pain decreased 6.8_points VAS._Disc_height decreased_0.1_mm on average_without significance. Disc_angle"} +{"text": "/mol K for 298 and 308 K, respectively) were calculated by a new approximation from the adsorption isotherms of p-CP on organomontmor", "synonym_substitution": "/mol K for 298 and 308 K, respectively) were calculated by a new approximation from the adsorption isotherm of phosphorus - CP on organomontmor", "butter_fingers": "/mol K for 298 and 308 K, respectivtly) were calculatgd by a iew appdoximatiun from the adsorption isothxrms of p-XP on organomontmor", "random_deletion": "/mol K for 298 and 308 K, calculated a new from the adsorption", "change_char_case": "/mol K for 298 and 308 K, respectively) weRe calculatEd by a New AppRoXimaTion From the adsorptIOn isOtherms of p-CP on organomoNtmor", "whitespace_perturbation": "/mol K for 298 and 308 K,respective ly) w ere ca lc ulat ed b y a new approx i mati on from the adsorption isot he r ms o f p -CP o n organ o mo n t mor ", "underscore_trick": "/mol K_for 298_and 308 K, respectively)_were calculated_by_a new_approximation_from the adsorption_isotherms of p-CP_on organomontmor"} +{"text": " from other causes. For carefully selected patients, LPG is a safe and reasonable alternative to total gastrectomy, which is associated with similar oncologic outcomes and low", "synonym_substitution": "from other causes. For carefully selected patient, LPG is a dependable and reasonable alternative to entire gastrectomy, which is consort with similar oncologic consequence and broken", "butter_fingers": " frlm other causes. For carenully selected pcrients, LPG ia a safe and reasonable alternative vo tital tastrectomy, which is arsociated with sinilac oncologic outcomes and low", "random_deletion": "from other causes. For carefully selected patients, a and reasonable to total gastrectomy, oncologic and low", "change_char_case": " from other causes. For carefulLy selected PatieNts, lPG Is A safE and Reasonable alteRNatiVe to total gastrectomy, whIch is AsSOciaTEd With sImilar oNCoLOGic OuTcOmeS aND lOw", "whitespace_perturbation": " from other causes. For ca refully se lecte d p ati en ts,LPGis a safe andr easo nable alternative to t otalga s trec t om y, wh ich isa ss o c iat ed w ith s i mi lar o nco logic o utcomes an d l ow ", "underscore_trick": " from_other causes._For carefully selected patients,_LPG is_a_safe and_reasonable_alternative to total_gastrectomy, which is_associated with similar oncologic_outcomes and low"} +{"text": ". Unlike existing batch-mode thermal cycling systems, this system allows control over each sample's temperature profile. Temperature transition rates of 44 degrees Celsius per second", "synonym_substitution": ". Unlike existing batch - mode thermal cycling systems, this system allow restraint over each sample's temperature profile. Temperature transition rate of 44 degrees Celsius per second", "butter_fingers": ". Unpike existing batch-mode uhermal cycling sisrems, tiis sysfem allods control over each sample's twmperqture profile. Temperatjre transption ratws oh 44 degrees Celsina per sceond", "random_deletion": ". Unlike existing batch-mode thermal cycling systems, allows over each temperature profile. Temperature Celsius second", "change_char_case": ". Unlike existing batch-mode thErmal cycliNg sysTemS, thIs SystEm alLows control oveR Each Sample's temperature profIle. TeMpERatuRE tRansiTion ratES oF 44 DEgrEeS CElsIuS PeR secoNd", "whitespace_perturbation": ". Unlike existing batch-mo de thermal cycl ing sy st ems, thi s system allow s con trol over each sample' s tem pe r atur e p rofil e. Temp e ra t u retr an sit io n r atesof44 degr ees Celsiu s p er second", "underscore_trick": ". Unlike_existing batch-mode_thermal cycling systems, this_system allows_control_over each_sample's_temperature profile. Temperature_transition rates of_44 degrees Celsius per_second"} +{"text": ", followed by acid hydrolysis yields two radioactive compounds, lanthionine and S-carboxyhydroxyethylcysteine, in about equal amounts. The addition of tetra", "synonym_substitution": ", followed by acid hydrolysis yields two radioactive compounds, lanthionine and S - carboxyhydroxyethylcysteine, in about equal measure. The accession of tetra", "butter_fingers": ", foplowed by acid hydrolysir yields two rabuoactite compkunds, lavthionine and S-carboxyhydroxbethtlcysuvine, in about equal aoounts. Thv additiob of retra", "random_deletion": ", followed by acid hydrolysis yields two lanthionine S-carboxyhydroxyethylcysteine, in equal amounts. The", "change_char_case": ", followed by acid hydrolysis yIelds two raDioacTivE coMpOundS, lanThionine and S-caRBoxyHydroxyethylcysteine, in About EqUAl amOUnTs. The AdditioN Of TETra", "whitespace_perturbation": ", followed by acid hydroly sis yields tworad ioa ct ivecomp ounds, lanthio n ineand S-carboxyhydroxyet hylcy st e ine, in abou t equal am o u nts .Th e a dd i ti on of te tra", "underscore_trick": ", followed_by acid_hydrolysis yields two radioactive_compounds, lanthionine_and_S-carboxyhydroxyethylcysteine, in_about_equal amounts. The_addition of tetra"} +{"text": " therapy.\nA thorough understanding of the pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of the most commonly prescribed anticoagulants is necessary to ensure optimal therapeutic outcomes", "synonym_substitution": "therapy. \n A thorough understanding of the pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of the most commonly order anticoagulant is necessary to see optimal curative outcomes", "butter_fingers": " thfrapy.\nA thorough understakding of the phatmqcologb, pharmzcokinetkcs, and pharmacodynamics of vhe nost xommonly prescribed angicoagulajts is nwceswqry to ensnde optimal thsvapeucir outcomes", "random_deletion": "therapy. A thorough understanding of the pharmacology, pharmacodynamics the most prescribed anticoagulants is outcomes", "change_char_case": " therapy.\nA thorough understanDing of the pHarmaColOgy, PhArmaCokiNetics, and pharmACodyNamics of the most commonlY presCrIBed aNTiCoaguLants is NEcESSarY tO eNsuRe OPtImal tHerApeutic Outcomes", "whitespace_perturbation": " therapy.\nA thorough under standing o f the ph arm ac olog y, p harmacokinetic s , an d pharmacodynamics ofthe m os t com m on ly pr escribe d a n t ico ag ul ant si sneces sar y to en sure optim alth erapeutic ou t co mes", "underscore_trick": " therapy.\nA_thorough understanding_of the pharmacology, pharmacokinetics,_and pharmacodynamics_of_the most_commonly_prescribed anticoagulants is_necessary to ensure_optimal therapeutic outcomes"} +{"text": "ules of the centrioles and the axoneme; the extracellular tubules encircling the spermatozoa and those spread in the epididymal lumen were", "synonym_substitution": "ules of the centrioles and the axoneme; the extracellular tubules encircling the spermatozoa and those go around in the epididymal lumen were", "butter_fingers": "uled of the centrioles and uhe axoneme; the errracelnular fubules dncircling the spermatozoa aid tyose wpread in the epididymxl lumen aere", "random_deletion": "ules of the centrioles and the axoneme; tubules the spermatozoa those spread in", "change_char_case": "ules of the centrioles and the Axoneme; the ExtraCelLulAr TubuLes eNcircling the spERmatOzoa and those spread in thE epidIdYMal lUMeN were", "whitespace_perturbation": "ules of the centrioles and the axone me; t heext ra cell ular tubules encir c ling the spermatozoa and t hosesp r eadi nthe e pididym a ll u men w er e", "underscore_trick": "ules of_the centrioles_and the axoneme; the_extracellular tubules_encircling_the spermatozoa_and_those spread in_the epididymal lumen_were"} +{"text": " of undiagnosed cases. Infectious diseases were dominant in the study, followed by rheumatic diseases, which were most frequently found in women and the elderly", "synonym_substitution": "of undiagnosed cases. Infectious diseases were dominant in the study, follow by arthritic diseases, which were most frequently establish in woman and the elderly", "butter_fingers": " of undiagnosed cases. Infecuious diseases wete dominent in fhe studh, followed by rheumatic diseeses, whicy were most frequently found in women abd tie elderly", "random_deletion": "of undiagnosed cases. Infectious diseases were dominant study, by rheumatic which were most the", "change_char_case": " of undiagnosed cases. InfectiOus diseaseS were DomInaNt In thE stuDy, followed by rhEUmatIc diseases, which were mosT freqUeNTly fOUnD in woMen and tHE eLDErlY", "whitespace_perturbation": " of undiagnosed cases. Inf ectious di sease s w ere d omin antin the study,f ollo wed by rheumatic disea ses,wh i ch w e re most freque n tl y fou nd i n w om e nand t heelderly ", "underscore_trick": " of_undiagnosed cases._Infectious diseases were dominant_in the_study,_followed by_rheumatic_diseases, which were_most frequently found_in women and the_elderly"} +{"text": " reticulohistiocytosis (MRH), a systemic monocytoid/histiocytic disorder with multinucleated giant cells, polyarthritis, and pap", "synonym_substitution": "reticulohistiocytosis (MRH), a systemic monocytoid / histiocytic disorder with multinucleated giant cells, polyarthritis, and pap", "butter_fingers": " rehiculohistiocytosis (MRH), x systemic monoettoid/hmstiocyfic disofder with multinucleated giait cwlls, kjlyarthritis, and pxp", "random_deletion": "reticulohistiocytosis (MRH), a systemic monocytoid/histiocytic disorder with cells, and pap", "change_char_case": " reticulohistiocytosis (MRH), a Systemic moNocytOid/HisTiOcytIc diSorder with multINuclEated giant cells, polyartHritiS, aND pap", "whitespace_perturbation": " reticulohistiocytosis (MR H), a syst emicmon ocy to id/h isti ocytic disorde r wit h multinucleated giant cell s, poly a rt hriti s, andp ap ", "underscore_trick": " reticulohistiocytosis_(MRH), a_systemic monocytoid/histiocytic disorder with_multinucleated giant_cells,_polyarthritis, and_pap"} +{"text": "13.7 +/- 3.4 days), patency rates were 66% with anistreplase versus 47% (NS) with heparin in 76 patients", "synonym_substitution": "13.7 + /- 3.4 days), patency rates were 66% with anistreplase versus 47% (NS) with heparin in 76 patients", "butter_fingers": "13.7 +/- 3.4 fays), patency rates were 66% with anistreplcwe vervus 47% (NA) with hdparin in 76 patients", "random_deletion": "13.7 +/- 3.4 days), patency rates were anistreplase 47% (NS) heparin in 76", "change_char_case": "13.7 +/- 3.4 days), patency rates were 66% with aNistreplasE versUs 47% (Ns) wiTh HepaRin iN 76 patients", "whitespace_perturbation": "13.7 +/- 3.4 days), patenc y rates we re 66 % w ith a nist repl ase versus 47% (NS) with heparin in 76 pa tient s", "underscore_trick": "13.7 +/-_3.4 days),_patency rates were 66%_with anistreplase_versus_47% (NS)_with_heparin in 76_patients"} +{"text": " in targeting megakaryocytes and inducing cell differentiation. The receptor for this placental hormone is present on megakaryocytes from pregnant and nonpregnant female", "synonym_substitution": "in targeting megakaryocytes and inducing cell specialization. The sense organ for this placental hormone is present on megakaryocyte from pregnant and nonpregnant female", "butter_fingers": " in targeting megakaryocyter and inducing ewll dihferentjation. Tfe receptor for this placentel hirmont is present on megxkaryocytvs from peegnent and nonpregneht female", "random_deletion": "in targeting megakaryocytes and inducing cell differentiation. for placental hormone present on megakaryocytes", "change_char_case": " in targeting megakaryocytes And inducinG cell DifFerEnTiatIon. THe receptor for tHIs plAcental hormone is presenT on meGaKAryoCYtEs froM pregnaNT aND NonPrEgNanT fEMaLe", "whitespace_perturbation": " in targeting megakaryocyt es and ind ucing ce lldi ffer enti ation. The rec e ptor for this placental ho rmone i s pre s en t onmegakar y oc y t esfr om pr eg n an t and no npregna nt female", "underscore_trick": " in_targeting megakaryocytes_and inducing cell differentiation._The receptor_for_this placental_hormone_is present on_megakaryocytes from pregnant_and nonpregnant female"} +{"text": " became ineffective. In contrast, activation of A2a adenosine receptors continued to open K(ATP) channels in ischemic pericytes. These results suggest that the regulation", "synonym_substitution": "became ineffective. In contrast, activation of A2a adenosine receptors continue to unfold K(ATP) channels in ischemic pericytes. These results suggest that the rule", "butter_fingers": " befame ineffective. In contvast, activation of A2a avenosins recepturs continued to open K(ATP) ciannwls ib ischemic pericytes. Tfese resupts suggwst uhat the regulation", "random_deletion": "became ineffective. In contrast, activation of A2a continued open K(ATP) in ischemic pericytes. regulation", "change_char_case": " became ineffective. In contraSt, activatiOn of A2A adEnoSiNe reCeptOrs continued to OPen K(aTP) channels in ischemic pEricyTeS. thesE ReSults Suggest THaT THe rEgUlAtiOn", "whitespace_perturbation": " became ineffective. In co ntrast, ac tivat ion of A 2a a deno sine receptors cont inued to open K(ATP) c hanne ls in i s ch emicpericyt e s. T hes ere sul ts su ggest th at theregulation ", "underscore_trick": " became_ineffective. In_contrast, activation of A2a_adenosine receptors_continued_to open_K(ATP)_channels in ischemic_pericytes. These results_suggest that the regulation"} +{"text": " (P<.05). The variables assessing balance also showed significantly worse values in those groups with cognitive impairment. The severity of cognitive impairment is related to impaired balance", "synonym_substitution": "(P<.05). The variables assessing balance also testify importantly worse values in those group with cognitive deterioration. The severity of cognitive impairment is relate to afflicted balance", "butter_fingers": " (P<.05). Hhe variables assessing nalance also shocwd sigiificanfly worsd values in those groups witi cotnitice impairment. The sevefity of clgnitive impeirment is relatxs to imicired nalanee", "random_deletion": "(P<.05). The variables assessing balance also showed values those groups cognitive impairment. The related impaired balance", "change_char_case": " (P<.05). The variables assessing balAnce also shOwed sIgnIfiCaNtly WorsE values in those GRoupS with cognitive impairmeNt. The SeVEritY Of CogniTive impAIrMENt iS rElAteD tO ImPaireD baLance", "whitespace_perturbation": " (P<.05). The variables as sessing ba lance al sosh owed sig nificantly wor s e va lues in those groups w ith c og n itiv e i mpair ment. T h es e ver it yofco g ni tiveimp airment is relate d t oimpaired bal a nc e", "underscore_trick": " (P<.05)._The variables_assessing balance also showed_significantly worse_values_in those_groups_with cognitive impairment._The severity of_cognitive impairment is related_to impaired balance"} +{"text": " emerging prognostic biomarkers in various solid neoplasms. These volumetric parameters and the SUVmax have shown to be useful criteria for disease prognostication in preoperative and post-treatment", "synonym_substitution": "emerging prognostic biomarkers in various solid tumor. These volumetric argument and the SUVmax have shown to be useful standard for disease prediction in preoperative and post - treatment", "butter_fingers": " emfrging prognostic biomaryers in various solid ieoplasjs. These volumetric parameters and tie SYVmax have shown to be usefjl criterpa for diweast prognostication in preoizratibc and 'ost-treatment", "random_deletion": "emerging prognostic biomarkers in various solid neoplasms. parameters the SUVmax shown to be in and post-treatment", "change_char_case": " emerging prognostic biomarkErs in varioUs solId nEopLaSms. THese Volumetric paraMEterS and the SUVmax have shown To be uSeFUl crITeRia foR diseasE PrOGNosTiCaTioN iN PrEoperAtiVe and poSt-treatmenT", "whitespace_perturbation": " emerging prognostic bioma rkers in v ariou s s oli dneop lasm s. These volum e tric parameters and the SU Vmaxha v e sh o wn to b e usefu l c r i ter ia f ordi s ea se pr ogn osticat ion in pre ope ra tive and pos t -t reatment", "underscore_trick": " emerging_prognostic biomarkers_in various solid neoplasms._These volumetric_parameters_and the_SUVmax_have shown to_be useful criteria_for disease prognostication in_preoperative and post-treatment"} +{"text": " cause significant morbidity and mortality worldwide, and the situation is worse in Blacks. Treatment has proved to be beneficial, but control has remained abysmal. Night", "synonym_substitution": "cause significant morbidity and mortality worldwide, and the site is bad in Blacks. Treatment has proved to be beneficial, but control has stay abysmal. Night", "butter_fingers": " cakse significant morbiditn and mortality cirldwive, and fhe situxtion is worse in Blacks. Treetmebt haw proved to be benefickal, but clntrol hqs rtmained abysmal. Nmfht", "random_deletion": "cause significant morbidity and mortality worldwide, and is in Blacks. has proved to remained Night", "change_char_case": " cause significant morbidity And mortaliTy worLdwIde, AnD the SituAtion is worse in bLackS. Treatment has proved to bE beneFiCIal, bUT cOntroL has remAInED AbySmAl. nigHt", "whitespace_perturbation": " cause significant morbidi ty and mor talit y w orl dw ide, and the situation is w orse in Blacks. Treatm ent h as prov e dto be benefi c ia l , bu tco ntr ol ha s rem ain ed abys mal. Night ", "underscore_trick": " cause_significant morbidity_and mortality worldwide, and_the situation_is_worse in_Blacks._Treatment has proved_to be beneficial,_but control has remained_abysmal. Night"} +{"text": " and RPE 25% of the time. Interestingly though, neither peak V[Combining Dot Above]O2 (48.6 \u00b1 9.2 ml\u00b7", "synonym_substitution": "and RPE 25% of the time. Interestingly though, neither peak V[Combining Dot Above]O2 (48.6 \u00b1 9.2 ml \u00b7", "butter_fingers": " anf RPE 25% of the time. Intertstingly though, ngirher pxak V[Cojbining Aot Above]O2 (48.6 \u00b1 9.2 ml\u00b7", "random_deletion": "and RPE 25% of the time. Interestingly peak Dot Above]O2 \u00b1 9.2 ml\u00b7", "change_char_case": " and RPE 25% of the time. InterestinGly though, nEitheR peAk V[coMbinIng DOt Above]O2 (48.6 \u00b1 9.2 ml\u00b7", "whitespace_perturbation": " and RPE 25% of the time.Interestin gly t hou gh, n eith er p eak V[Combinin g Dot Above]O2 (48.6 \u00b1 9.2ml\u00b7", "underscore_trick": " and_RPE 25%_of the time. Interestingly_though, neither_peak_V[Combining Dot_Above]O2_(48.6 \u00b1 9.2_ml\u00b7"} +{"text": " the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder. The aim of this study was to investigate the serum levels or activities of oxidative stress markers in bipolar patients in a manic phase, and", "synonym_substitution": "the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder. The aim of this study was to investigate the serum levels or bodily process of oxidative tension markers in bipolar patients in a frenzied phase, and", "butter_fingers": " thf pathophysiology of bipular disorder. Tkw aim mf thia study das to investigate the serum lwvels or activities of oxidxtive strvss markees ii bipolar patienva in a manic lmase, cnv", "random_deletion": "the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder. The aim study to investigate serum levels or in patients in a phase, and", "change_char_case": " the pathophysiology of bipolAr disorder. the aiM of ThiS sTudy Was tO investigate thE SeruM levels or activities of oXidatIvE StreSS mArkerS in bipoLAr PATieNtS iN a mAnIC pHase, aNd", "whitespace_perturbation": " the pathophysiology of bi polar diso rder. Th e a im ofthis study was toi nves tigate the serum level s orac t ivit i es of o xidativ e s t r ess m ar ker si nbipol arpatient s in a man icph ase, and", "underscore_trick": " the_pathophysiology of_bipolar disorder. The aim_of this_study_was to_investigate_the serum levels_or activities of_oxidative stress markers in_bipolar patients in_a_manic phase, and"} +{"text": "2b is effective in inducing resolution of AHC in 94% of patients. Our results provide a rationale for delaying treatment for 12 weeks, targeting only patients who", "synonym_substitution": "2b is effective in inducing resolution of AHC in 94% of patients. Our results leave a rationale for stay treatment for 12 weeks, targeting entirely patients who", "butter_fingers": "2b id effective in inducing vesolution of AHE in 94% oh patiehts. Our fesults provide a rationale hor eelayung treatment for 12 weeys, targetpng only patitnts who", "random_deletion": "2b is effective in inducing resolution of 94% patients. Our provide a rationale weeks, only patients who", "change_char_case": "2b is effective in inducing resOlution of AhC in 94% oF paTieNtS. Our ResuLts provide a ratIOnalE for delaying treatment fOr 12 weeKs, TArgeTInG only PatientS WhO", "whitespace_perturbation": "2b is effective in inducin g resoluti on of AH C i n94%of p atients. Our r e sult s provide a rationalefor d el a ying tr eatme nt for1 2w e eks ,ta rge ti n gonlypat ients w ho", "underscore_trick": "2b is_effective in_inducing resolution of AHC_in 94%_of_patients. Our_results_provide a rationale_for delaying treatment_for 12 weeks, targeting_only patients who"} +{"text": " correlation weakens when moving from larger extents, e.g. realms, to narrower extents, e.g. ecoregions. For", "synonym_substitution": "correlation weakens when moving from larger extent, for example realms, to narrower extent, for example ecoregions. For", "butter_fingers": " cogrelation weakens when muving from larggr extenvs, e.g. rsalms, to narrower extents, e.g. ecoregilnw. For", "random_deletion": "correlation weakens when moving from larger extents, to extents, e.g. For", "change_char_case": " correlation weakens when movIng from larGer exTenTs, e.G. rEalmS, to nArrower extents, E.G. ecoRegions. For", "whitespace_perturbation": " correlation weakens whenmoving fro m lar ger ex te nts, e.g . realms, to n a rrow er extents, e.g. ecore gions .F or", "underscore_trick": " correlation_weakens when_moving from larger extents,_e.g. realms,_to_narrower extents,_e.g._ecoregions. For"} +{"text": " joint angles and sacrum displacement, there was a general pattern that the group average state space reconstruction method provided the highest relative reliability and lowest ME compared to the individual", "synonym_substitution": "joint angles and sacrum displacement, there was a general design that the group modal state space reconstruction method provide the highest relative dependability and lowest ME compared to the individual", "butter_fingers": " jolnt angles and sacrum dirplacement, therg qas a jeneral pattern that the group average statx spqce rtbonstruction method pfovided tje highewt rtlative reliabilivg and lowest JC com'aced to the indiyidual", "random_deletion": "joint angles and sacrum displacement, there was pattern the group state space reconstruction reliability lowest ME compared the individual", "change_char_case": " joint angles and sacrum displAcement, theRe was A geNerAl PattErn tHat the group aveRAge sTate space reconstructioN methOd PRoviDEd The hiGhest reLAtIVE reLiAbIliTy ANd LowesT ME CompareD to the indiVidUaL", "whitespace_perturbation": " joint angles and sacrum d isplacemen t, th ere wa sa ge nera l pattern that thegroup average state sp ace r ec o nstr u ct ion m ethod p r ov i d edth ehig he s trelat ive reliab ility andlow es t ME compare d t o the indi vid ual", "underscore_trick": " joint_angles and_sacrum displacement, there was_a general_pattern_that the_group_average state space_reconstruction method provided_the highest relative reliability_and lowest ME_compared_to the individual"} +{"text": " B1 receptor (amino acid positions 389 and 49) and alpha 2c receptor (deletion 322-325). For SC patients, initial LV ejection fraction was", "synonym_substitution": "B1 receptor (amino acid positions 389 and 49) and alpha 2c receptor (deletion 322 - 325). For SC patient, initial LV expulsion fraction was", "butter_fingers": " B1 geceptor (amino acid posiuions 389 and 49) and alpha 2c ceceptod (deletiun 322-325). For SC patients, initial PV ejecupon fraction was", "random_deletion": "B1 receptor (amino acid positions 389 and alpha receptor (deletion For SC patients,", "change_char_case": " B1 receptor (amino acid positioNs 389 and 49) and alPha 2c rEcePtoR (dEletIon 322-325). FOr SC patients, inITial lV ejection fraction was", "whitespace_perturbation": " B1 receptor (amino acid p ositions 3 89 an d 4 9)an d al pha2c receptor (d e leti on 322-325). For SC pa tient s, init i al LV e jection fr a c tio nwa s", "underscore_trick": " B1_receptor (amino_acid positions 389 and_49) and_alpha_2c receptor_(deletion_322-325). For SC_patients, initial LV_ejection fraction was"} +{"text": " laboratory testing to detect carriers of hepatitis B surface antigen (HB-SAg) and modern computer technology, creates an effective system to reduce the risk of post-", "synonym_substitution": "laboratory testing to detect carriers of hepatitis B surface antigen (HB - SAg) and mod calculator technology, creates an effective arrangement to deoxidize the risk of post-", "butter_fingers": " lahoratory testing to detegt carriers of hgpqtitis B surrace antkgen (HB-SAg) and modern computxr twchnooogy, creates an effectkve systel to redyce uhe risk of post-", "random_deletion": "laboratory testing to detect carriers of hepatitis antigen and modern technology, creates an risk post-", "change_char_case": " laboratory testing to detect Carriers of HepatItiS B sUrFace AntiGen (HB-SAg) and modERn coMputer technology, createS an efFeCTive SYsTem to Reduce tHE rISK of PoSt-", "whitespace_perturbation": " laboratory testing to det ect carrie rs of he pat it is B sur face antigen ( H B-SA g) and modern computer tech no l ogy, cr eates an eff e ct i v e s ys te m t or ed uce t herisk of post-", "underscore_trick": " laboratory_testing to_detect carriers of hepatitis_B surface_antigen_(HB-SAg) and_modern_computer technology, creates_an effective system_to reduce the risk_of post-"} +{"text": "chicine or taxol treatment did not inhibit either cAMP synthesis or another cAMP-dependent process, receptor-mediated taurine release. Together these results indicate that", "synonym_substitution": "chicine or taxol treatment did not inhibit either cAMP synthesis or another clique - pendent process, receptor - intercede taurine handout. Together these results argue that", "butter_fingers": "chifine or taxol treatment aid not inhibit either cAMP aynthesir or another cAMP-dependent pcocews, rexeptor-mediated taurine release. Nogether rhest results indicatx that", "random_deletion": "chicine or taxol treatment did not inhibit synthesis another cAMP-dependent receptor-mediated taurine release.", "change_char_case": "chicine or taxol treatment diD not inhibiT eithEr caMP SyNtheSis oR another cAMP-dePEndeNt process, receptor-mediaTed taUrINe reLEaSe. TogEther thESe RESulTs InDicAtE ThAt", "whitespace_perturbation": "chicine or taxol treatment did not i nhibi t e ith er cAM P sy nthesis or ano t hercAMP-dependent process , rec ep t or-m e di atedtaurine re l e ase .To get he r t heseres ults in dicate tha t", "underscore_trick": "chicine or_taxol treatment_did not inhibit either_cAMP synthesis_or_another cAMP-dependent_process,_receptor-mediated taurine release._Together these results_indicate that"} +{"text": " associated with cryoconservation and eventual transfer to cryogenic bags, 3-week storage with optimum ITE was obtained with frozen storage in primary collection or cry", "synonym_substitution": "associated with cryoconservation and eventual transfer to cryogenic bags, 3 - week repositing with optimum ITE was prevail with frozen storage in primary solicitation or cry", "butter_fingers": " asdociated with cryoconseryation and eventoao tranvfer tk cryogevic bags, 3-week storage with o'timym ITT was obtained with frozen snorage in prinqry collecvjon or gxy", "random_deletion": "associated with cryoconservation and eventual transfer to 3-week with optimum was obtained with or", "change_char_case": " associated with cryoconservAtion and evEntuaL trAnsFeR to cRyogEnic bags, 3-week stORage With optimum ITE was obtaiNed wiTh FRozeN StOrage In primaRY cOLLecTiOn Or cRy", "whitespace_perturbation": " associated with cryoconse rvation an d eve ntu altr ansf er t o cryogenic ba g s, 3 -week storage with opt imumIT E was ob taine d withf ro z e n s to ra gein pr imary co llectio n or cry", "underscore_trick": " associated_with cryoconservation_and eventual transfer to_cryogenic bags,_3-week_storage with_optimum_ITE was obtained_with frozen storage_in primary collection or_cry"} +{"text": " subjected to medical treatment. Out of 20 patients (4 males and 16 females), 14 patients became symptom-free, while 6 patients experienced relief of symptoms. There", "synonym_substitution": "subjected to medical treatment. Out of 20 patients (4 male and 16 female), 14 patients became symptom - free, while 6 affected role experienced relief of symptom. There", "butter_fingers": " suhjected to medical treatoent. Out of 20 pajiwnts (4 kales znd 16 femxles), 14 patients became symptol-feee, wyile 6 patients experievced relivf of symptomw. There", "random_deletion": "subjected to medical treatment. Out of 20 males 16 females), patients became symptom-free, of There", "change_char_case": " subjected to medical treatmeNt. Out of 20 patIents (4 MalEs aNd 16 FemaLes), 14 pAtients became sYMptoM-free, while 6 patients expeRiencEd RElieF Of SymptOms. TherE", "whitespace_perturbation": " subjected to medical trea tment. Out of 2 0 p ati en ts ( 4 ma les and 16 fem a les) , 14 patients became s ympto m- f ree, wh ile 6 patien t se x per ie nc edre l ie f ofsym ptoms.There", "underscore_trick": " subjected_to medical_treatment. Out of 20_patients (4_males_and 16_females),_14 patients became_symptom-free, while 6_patients experienced relief of_symptoms. There"} +{"text": " is in many cases decreased by interactions of a surface active drug with other substances before absorption, by altered diffusion behaviour and distribution properties. Colloidal association may also result", "synonym_substitution": "is in many cases decreased by interactions of a surface active drug with early meaning before absorption, by altered dissemination demeanor and distribution properties. Colloidal association may besides result", "butter_fingers": " is in many cases decreased by interactions of a vurfacs active drug with other substances uefoee abworption, by altered diwfusion bvhaviour qnd vistribution pro'srties. Gjllojfal cswociation may slso resuld", "random_deletion": "is in many cases decreased by interactions surface drug with substances before absorption, distribution Colloidal association may result", "change_char_case": " is in many cases decreased by iNteractionS of a sUrfAce AcTive Drug With other substANces Before absorption, by alteRed diFfUSion BEhAviouR and disTRiBUTioN pRoPerTiES. COlloiDal AssociaTion may alsO reSuLt", "whitespace_perturbation": " is in many cases decrease d by inter actio nsofasurf aceactive drug wi t h ot her substances beforeabsor pt i on,b yalter ed diff u si o n be ha vi our a n ddistr ibu tion pr operties.Col lo idal associa t io n may also re sult", "underscore_trick": " is_in many_cases decreased by interactions_of a_surface_active drug_with_other substances before_absorption, by altered_diffusion behaviour and distribution_properties. Colloidal association_may_also result"} +{"text": " have influenced on the bacterial community structure. Furthermore, Structural Equation Model (SEM) revealed causal relationships between visual variables. Based on these results, we concluded that NH", "synonym_substitution": "have influenced on the bacterial community structure. Furthermore, Structural Equation Model (SEM) revealed causal relationship between ocular variables. Based on these results, we conclude that NH", "butter_fingers": " hage influenced on the bacuerial community structuce. Furtgermore, Rtructural Equation Model (SEL) eeveaoed causal relationshios betweej visual varmables. Based on vgese results, sc conelnded that NH", "random_deletion": "have influenced on the bacterial community structure. Equation (SEM) revealed relationships between visual we that NH", "change_char_case": " have influenced on the bacterIal communiTy strUctUre. fuRtheRmorE, Structural EquATion model (SEM) revealed causal RelatIoNShipS BeTween Visual vARiABLes. baSeD on ThESe ResulTs, wE concluDed that NH", "whitespace_perturbation": " have influenced on the ba cterial co mmuni tystr uc ture . Fu rthermore, Str u ctur al Equation Model (SEM ) rev ea l ed c a us al re lations h ip s bet we en vi su a lvaria ble s. Base d on these re su lts, we conc l ud ed that NH ", "underscore_trick": " have_influenced on_the bacterial community structure._Furthermore, Structural_Equation_Model (SEM)_revealed_causal relationships between_visual variables. Based_on these results, we_concluded that NH"} +{"text": " thaliana.\nWe have isolated two novel protein kinase genes, MHK and NAK, from the plant Arabidopsis thaliana by using low stringency hybridization with", "synonym_substitution": "thaliana. \n We have isolated two novel protein kinase genes, MHK and NAK, from the plant Arabidopsis thaliana by using depleted strictness hybridization with", "butter_fingers": " thwliana.\nWe have isolated tdo novel proteiu kinasx genes, MHK and NAK, from the plant Arabidopdiw thaoiana by using low strkngency hjbridizatuon xith", "random_deletion": "thaliana. We have isolated two novel protein MHK NAK, from plant Arabidopsis thaliana with", "change_char_case": " thaliana.\nWe have isolated two Novel proteIn kinAse GenEs, mHK aNd NAk, from the plant ARAbidOpsis thaliana by using loW striNgENcy hYBrIdizaTion witH", "whitespace_perturbation": " thaliana.\nWe have isolate d two nove l pro tei n k in asegene s, MHK and NAK , fro m the plant Arabidopsi s tha li a na b y u singlow str i ng e n cyhy br idi za t io n wit h", "underscore_trick": " thaliana.\nWe_have isolated_two novel protein kinase_genes, MHK_and_NAK, from_the_plant Arabidopsis thaliana_by using low_stringency hybridization with"} +{"text": " of marine organisms].\nThe survey is devoted to the description of properties of proteolytic enzymes of some sea organisms. Structure peculiarities and properties of proteinases of", "synonym_substitution": "of marine organisms ]. \n The survey is devoted to the description of place of proteolytic enzyme of some sea organisms. social organization peculiarities and property of proteinases of", "butter_fingers": " of marine organisms].\nThe suryey is devoted to the dxscriptjon of pfoperties of proteolytic enzbmes of sime sea organisms. Struzture peclliaritiew anv properties of 'doteinases of", "random_deletion": "of marine organisms]. The survey is devoted description properties of enzymes of some properties proteinases of", "change_char_case": " of marine organisms].\nThe surveY is devoted To the DesCriPtIon oF proPerties of proteOLytiC enzymes of some sea organIsms. STrUCturE PeCuliaRities aND pROPerTiEs Of pRoTEiNases Of", "whitespace_perturbation": " of marine organisms].\nThe survey is devo ted to t he d escr iption of prop e rtie s of proteolytic enzym es of s o me s e aorgan isms. S t ru c t ure p ec uli ar i ti es an d p roperti es of prot ein as es of", "underscore_trick": " of_marine organisms].\nThe_survey is devoted to_the description_of_properties of_proteolytic_enzymes of some_sea organisms. Structure_peculiarities and properties of_proteinases of"} +{"text": ", the deviation was 12 years. It was concluded that the described technique, which requires little time and money and is easy to apply, can produce sound results in", "synonym_substitution": ", the deviation was 12 years. It was concluded that the described proficiency, which command little time and money and is comfortable to apply, can grow sound results in", "butter_fingers": ", thf deviation was 12 years. Iu was concluded tkqt the descrjbed tecfnique, which requires little tume abd money and is easy tu apply, cwn produxe siynd results in", "random_deletion": ", the deviation was 12 years. It that described technique, requires little time to can produce sound in", "change_char_case": ", the deviation was 12 years. It was Concluded tHat thE deScrIbEd teChniQue, which requirES litTle time and money and is eaSy to aPpLY, can PRoDuce sOund resULtS IN", "whitespace_perturbation": ", the deviation was 12 yea rs. It was conc lud edth at t he d escribed techn i que, which requires little time a n d mo n ey andis easy to a ppl y, c anpr o du ce so und result s in", "underscore_trick": ", the_deviation was_12 years. It was_concluded that_the_described technique,_which_requires little time_and money and_is easy to apply,_can produce sound_results_in"} +{"text": " and respect of patients' autonomy. Development of quantitative real-time PCR assays to detect Rickettsia typhi and Rickettsia felis, the causative agents", "synonym_substitution": "and respect of patients' autonomy. Development of quantitative real - meter PCR assay to detect Rickettsia typhi and Rickettsia felis, the causative agents", "butter_fingers": " anf respect of patients' auuonomy. Developmenj if quaititatibe real-tkme PCR assays to detect Ricnertsia typhi and Rickettsia welis, the causatice ajents", "random_deletion": "and respect of patients' autonomy. Development of PCR to detect typhi and Rickettsia", "change_char_case": " and respect of patients' autonOmy. DevelopMent oF quAntItAtivE reaL-time PCR assays TO detEct Rickettsia typhi and RIcketTsIA felIS, tHe cauSative aGEnTS", "whitespace_perturbation": " and respect of patients'autonomy.Devel opm ent o f qu anti tative real-ti m e PC R assays to detect Ric ketts ia typh i a nd Ri ckettsi a f e l is, t he ca us a ti ve ag ent s", "underscore_trick": " and_respect of_patients' autonomy. Development of_quantitative real-time_PCR_assays to_detect_Rickettsia typhi and_Rickettsia felis, the_causative agents"} +{"text": " enzymatic cross-link formation and increases in glycation-induced pentosidine. These results indicate that the alteration of enzymatic and non-enzymatic crosslinking", "synonym_substitution": "enzymatic cross - link formation and increases in glycation - induced pentosidine. These result bespeak that the alteration of enzymatic and non - enzymatic crosslinking", "butter_fingers": " enxymatic cross-link formatlon and increases in glbcation-jnduced oentosidine. These results invicare thqt the alteration of evzymatic wnd non-ebzymetic crosslinkinj", "random_deletion": "enzymatic cross-link formation and increases in glycation-induced results that the of enzymatic and", "change_char_case": " enzymatic cross-link formatiOn and increAses iN glYcaTiOn-inDuceD pentosidine. ThESe reSults indicate that the alTeratIoN Of enZYmAtic aNd non-enZYmATIc cRoSsLinKiNG", "whitespace_perturbation": " enzymatic cross-link form ation andincre ase s i nglyc atio n-induced pent o sidi ne. These results indi cateth a t th e a ltera tion of en z y mat ic a ndno n -e nzyma tic crossl inking", "underscore_trick": " enzymatic_cross-link formation_and increases in glycation-induced_pentosidine. These_results_indicate that_the_alteration of enzymatic_and non-enzymatic crosslinking"} +{"text": "cerebrosidase (GCase), resulting in the accumulation of glucocerebroside in macrophages, termed \"Gaucher cells,\" leading to mult", "synonym_substitution": "cerebrosidase (GCase), resulting in the accumulation of glucocerebroside in macrophages, termed \" Gaucher cell, \" go to mult", "butter_fingers": "cerfbrosidase (GCase), resultikg in the accumulation mf gludocerebruside in macrophages, termed \"Jaucyer ctjls,\" leading to mulg", "random_deletion": "cerebrosidase (GCase), resulting in the accumulation of macrophages, \"Gaucher cells,\" to mult", "change_char_case": "cerebrosidase (GCase), resultiNg in the accUmulaTioN of GlUcocErebRoside in macropHAges, Termed \"Gaucher cells,\" leadIng to MuLT", "whitespace_perturbation": "cerebrosidase (GCase), res ulting inthe a ccu mul at ionof g lucocerebrosid e inmacrophages, termed \"G auche rc ells , \"leadi ng to m u lt ", "underscore_trick": "cerebrosidase (GCase),_resulting in_the accumulation of glucocerebroside_in macrophages,_termed_\"Gaucher cells,\"_leading_to mult"} +{"text": " sample preparation, and variations due to experimental errors. Several papers have suggested that total protein normalization may be better than housekeeping protein normalization for Western blotting normalization. P", "synonym_substitution": "sample preparation, and variations due to experimental errors. respective composition have suggested that total protein standardization may be better than housekeep protein normalization for Western blotting standardization. P", "butter_fingers": " salple preparation, and varlations due to erperimeital erdors. Sevdral papers have suggested tiat rotal protein normalization may be bvtter thab honsekeeping protemh normalizatikk for Xestern blottinn normalizadion. P", "random_deletion": "sample preparation, and variations due to experimental papers suggested that protein normalization may normalization Western blotting normalization.", "change_char_case": " sample preparation, and variaTions due to ExperImeNtaL eRrorS. SevEral papers have SUggeSted that total protein noRmaliZaTIon mAY bE bettEr than hOUsEKEepInG pRotEiN NoRmaliZatIon for WEstern blotTinG nOrmalization. p", "whitespace_perturbation": " sample preparation, and v ariationsdue t o e xpe ri ment al e rrors. Several pape rs have suggested that tota lp rote i nnorma lizatio n m a y be b et ter t h an hous eke eping p rotein nor mal iz ation for We s te rn blottin g n ormalization . P ", "underscore_trick": " sample_preparation, and_variations due to experimental_errors. Several_papers_have suggested_that_total protein normalization_may be better_than housekeeping protein normalization_for Western blotting_normalization._P"} +{"text": " with the alpha-globulin chemotactic factor inactivator (CFI) isolated from human serum. A similar CFI isolated from rat serum can, like", "synonym_substitution": "with the alpha - globulin chemotactic factor inactivator (CFI) isolated from human serum. A similar CFI isolated from rat serum can, like", "butter_fingers": " wihh the alpha-globulin cheootactic factor inactitator (CRI) isolaged from human serum. A similer CDI isilated from rat serum zan, like", "random_deletion": "with the alpha-globulin chemotactic factor inactivator (CFI) human A similar isolated from rat", "change_char_case": " with the alpha-globulin chemoTactic factOr inaCtiVatOr (cFI) iSolaTed from human seRUm. A sImilar CFI isolated from rAt serUm CAn, liKE", "whitespace_perturbation": " with the alpha-globulin c hemotactic fact orina ct ivat or ( CFI) isolatedf romhuman serum. A similar CFIis o late d f rom r at seru m c a n , l ik e", "underscore_trick": " with_the alpha-globulin_chemotactic factor inactivator (CFI)_isolated from_human_serum. A_similar_CFI isolated from_rat serum can,_like"} +{"text": "ant Gram positive coccus. It is considered a member of the normal upper respiratory tract flora including the oropharynx and also the gastro-intestinal and female genital", "synonym_substitution": "ant Gram positive coccus. It is considered a member of the normal upper respiratory tract vegetation include the oropharynx and also the gastro - intestinal and female genital", "butter_fingers": "ant Gram positive coccus. It is considered c membec of ths normal upper respiratory tract floca ibcludung the oropharynx and also the gastro-ibtesuinal and female jsnital", "random_deletion": "ant Gram positive coccus. It is considered of normal upper tract flora including gastro-intestinal female genital", "change_char_case": "ant Gram positive coccus. It is Considered A membEr oF thE nOrmaL uppEr respiratory tRAct fLora including the orophaRynx aNd ALso tHE gAstro-IntestiNAl AND feMaLe GenItAL", "whitespace_perturbation": "ant Gram positive coccus.It is cons idere d a me mb er o f th e normal upper resp iratory tract flora in cludi ng theo ro phary nx anda ls o the g as tro -i n te stina l a nd fema le genital ", "underscore_trick": "ant Gram_positive coccus._It is considered a_member of_the_normal upper_respiratory_tract flora including_the oropharynx and_also the gastro-intestinal and_female genital"} +{"text": " following data were abstracted from each article:( a) how each article broadly described race and/or ethnicity; (b) the terms used to specifically define the", "synonym_substitution": "following data were abstracted from each article :( a) how each article broadly described raceway and/or ethnicity; (b) the term used to specifically specify the", "butter_fingers": " foplowing data were abstragted from each attucle:( a) how ezch artizle broadly described race aid/or ethnucity; (b) the terms used to specivically eefiie the", "random_deletion": "following data were abstracted from each article:( each broadly described and/or ethnicity; (b) define", "change_char_case": " following data were abstractEd from each ArticLe:( a) How EaCh arTiclE broadly descriBEd raCe and/or ethnicity; (b) the teRms usEd TO speCIfIcallY define THe", "whitespace_perturbation": " following data were abstr acted from each ar tic le :( a ) ho w each article broa dly described race and /or e th n icit y ;(b) t he term s u s e d t osp eci fi c al ly de fin e the", "underscore_trick": " following_data were_abstracted from each article:(_a) how_each_article broadly_described_race and/or ethnicity;_(b) the terms_used to specifically define_the"} +{"text": "+/4+) (L = 1,4,7-(4-tert-Butyl-2-mercaptobenzyl)-1,4,7", "synonym_substitution": "+ /4 +) (L = 1,4,7-(4 - tert - Butyl-2 - mercaptobenzyl)-1,4,7", "butter_fingers": "+/4+) (L = 1,4,7-(4-tert-Butyl-2-mercaptobenzyl)-1,4,7", "random_deletion": "+/4+) (L = 1,4,7-(4-tert-Butyl-2-mercaptobenzyl)-1,4,7", "change_char_case": "+/4+) (L = 1,4,7-(4-tert-Butyl-2-mercaptobenzyl)-1,4,7", "whitespace_perturbation": "+/4+) (L = 1,4,7-(4-tert-B utyl-2-mer capto ben zyl )- 1,4, 7", "underscore_trick": "+/4+) (L_= 1,4,7-(4-tert-Butyl-2-mercaptobenzyl)-1,4,7"} +{"text": " PIF pocket or DFG-out conformation). However, many researchers are still looking for innovative PDK1 modulation strategy such as combination of well-known inhibitory", "synonym_substitution": "PIF pocket or DFG - out conformation). However, many researchers are still look for advanced PDK1 modulation strategy such as combination of well - know inhibitory", "butter_fingers": " PIV pocket or DFG-out confovmation). However, many revearchsrs are rtill looking for innovative PEK1 moeulation strategy such as combijation od weoo-known inhmgitory", "random_deletion": "PIF pocket or DFG-out conformation). However, many still for innovative modulation strategy such", "change_char_case": " PIF pocket or DFG-out conformaTion). HoweveR, many ResEarChErs aRe stIll looking for iNNovaTive PDK1 modulation stratEgy suCh AS comBInAtion Of well-kNOwN INhiBiToRy", "whitespace_perturbation": " PIF pocket or DFG-out con formation) . How eve r,ma ny r esea rchers are sti l l lo oking for innovative P DK1 m od u lati o nstrat egy suc h a s com bi na tio no fwell- kno wn inhi bitory", "underscore_trick": " PIF_pocket or_DFG-out conformation). However, many_researchers are_still_looking for_innovative_PDK1 modulation strategy_such as combination_of well-known inhibitory"} +{"text": " of cardiac arrest. Ventricular tachycardia (greater than or equal to 6 beats) or ventricular fibrilation was induced in 113 patients (75%); ventricular arrhythmia", "synonym_substitution": "of cardiac arrest. Ventricular tachycardia (greater than or equal to 6 beats) or ventricular fibrilation was induce in 113 patient (75 %); ventricular arrhythmia", "butter_fingers": " of cardiac arrest. Ventricuuar tachycardia (greatec than kr equal to 6 beats) or ventricular fiurilqtion was induced in 113 patievts (75%); ventgicular aerhyuhmia", "random_deletion": "of cardiac arrest. Ventricular tachycardia (greater than to beats) or fibrilation was induced arrhythmia", "change_char_case": " of cardiac arrest. VentriculaR tachycardIa (greAteR thAn Or eqUal tO 6 beats) or ventriCUlar Fibrilation was induced iN 113 patiEnTS (75%); venTRiCular ArrhythMIa", "whitespace_perturbation": " of cardiac arrest. Ventri cular tach ycard ia(gr ea terthan or equal to 6 beat s) or ventricular fibr ilati on wasi nd ucedin 113p at i e nts ( 75 %); v e nt ricul ararrhyth mia", "underscore_trick": " of_cardiac arrest._Ventricular tachycardia (greater than_or equal_to_6 beats)_or_ventricular fibrilation was_induced in 113_patients (75%); ventricular arrhythmia"} +{"text": " Cr(3(+)) in ACrO3 (A=Ho, Y), dc magnetization measurements were carried out in a temperature range of 5-300 K", "synonym_substitution": "Cr(3(+) ) in ACrO3 (A = Ho, Y), dc magnetization measurements were carried out in a temperature range of 5 - 300 K", "butter_fingers": " Cr(3(+)) in ACrO3 (A=Ho, Y), dc magnetlzation measuremgnrs werx carrisd out iv a temperature range of 5-300 K", "random_deletion": "Cr(3(+)) in ACrO3 (A=Ho, Y), dc magnetization carried in a range of 5-300", "change_char_case": " Cr(3(+)) in ACrO3 (A=Ho, Y), dc magnetizatiOn measuremEnts wEre CarRiEd ouT in a Temperature ranGE of 5-300 K", "whitespace_perturbation": " Cr(3(+)) in ACrO3 (A=Ho,Y), dc mag netiz ati onme asur emen ts were carrie d out in a temperature rang e of5- 3 00 K ", "underscore_trick": " Cr(3(+))_in ACrO3_(A=Ho, Y), dc magnetization_measurements were_carried_out in_a_temperature range of_5-300 K"} +{"text": " are placed in the right and left iliac fossa and in the suprapubic region. Dissection starts with development of both medial pararectal", "synonym_substitution": "are placed in the right and left iliac fossa and in the suprapubic area. Dissection start with development of both medial pararectal", "butter_fingers": " arf placed in the right ana left iliac fossa and in ths suprapjbic region. Dissection startd qith eevelopment of both meaial paragectal", "random_deletion": "are placed in the right and left and the suprapubic Dissection starts with", "change_char_case": " are placed in the right and lefT iliac fossA and iN thE suPrApubIc reGion. Dissection STartS with development of both MediaL pARareCTaL", "whitespace_perturbation": " are placed in the right a nd left il iac f oss a a nd inthesuprapubic reg i on.Dissection starts with deve lo p ment of both medial pa r a rec ta l", "underscore_trick": " are_placed in_the right and left_iliac fossa_and_in the_suprapubic_region. Dissection starts_with development of_both medial pararectal"} +{"text": " the high school, collegiate, or professional level who underwent hip arthroscopy and had preoperative patient-reported outcome (PRO) scores were considered for inclusion.", "synonym_substitution": "the high school, collegiate, or professional level who underwent hip arthroscopy and take preoperative affected role - reported outcome (PRO) score were study for inclusion.", "butter_fingers": " thf high school, collegiate, or professional level who uhderwent hip arthroscopy and had prelpwratice patient-reported outzome (PRO) dcores wwre ronsidered for iidlusion.", "random_deletion": "the high school, collegiate, or professional level hip and had patient-reported outcome (PRO)", "change_char_case": " the high school, collegiate, or ProfessionAl levEl wHo uNdErweNt hiP arthroscopy anD Had pReoperative patient-repoRted oUtCOme (Pro) sCores Were conSIdEREd fOr InCluSiON.", "whitespace_perturbation": " the high school, collegia te, or pro fessi ona l l ev el w ho u nderwent hip a r thro scopy and had preopera tivepa t ient - re porte d outco m e( P RO) s co res w e re cons ide red for inclusion .", "underscore_trick": " the_high school,_collegiate, or professional level_who underwent_hip_arthroscopy and_had_preoperative patient-reported outcome_(PRO) scores were_considered for inclusion."} +{"text": "ondialdehyde and sulfhydryl group concentrations in plasma and in kidney homogenates and by increasing kidney catalase activity. Dexamethasone, the reference substance, protected", "synonym_substitution": "ondialdehyde and sulfhydryl group concentrations in plasma and in kidney homogenates and by increasing kidney catalase activity. Dexamethasone, the reference point means, protected", "butter_fingers": "ondlaldehyde and sulfhydryl group concentrcrions mn plasja and iv kidney homogenates and by mncrwasint kidney catalase actixity. Dexalethasonw, tht reference substehce, probzcted", "random_deletion": "ondialdehyde and sulfhydryl group concentrations in plasma kidney and by kidney catalase activity.", "change_char_case": "ondialdehyde and sulfhydryl Group conceNtratIonS in PlAsma And iN kidney homogenATes aNd by increasing kidney caTalasE aCTiviTY. DExameThasone, THe REFerEnCe SubStANcE, protEctEd", "whitespace_perturbation": "ondialdehyde and sulfhydry l group co ncent rat ion sin p lasm a and in kidne y hom ogenates and by increa singki d neyc at alase activi t y. D exa me th aso ne , t he re fer ence su bstance, p rot ec ted", "underscore_trick": "ondialdehyde and_sulfhydryl group_concentrations in plasma and_in kidney_homogenates_and by_increasing_kidney catalase activity._Dexamethasone, the reference_substance, protected"} +{"text": " 40% CO2/60% O2 during 28 days of storage at 1.0 degrees C. To reduce current problems with histamine fish poisoning due to", "synonym_substitution": "40% CO2/60% O2 during 28 days of storage at 1.0 degrees C. To reduce current trouble with histamine pisces poisoning due to", "butter_fingers": " 40% CL2/60% O2 during 28 days of storxge at 1.0 degrees C. To rxduce chrrent pfoblems with histamine fish 'oisining due to", "random_deletion": "40% CO2/60% O2 during 28 days of 1.0 C. To current problems with", "change_char_case": " 40% CO2/60% O2 during 28 days of storage at 1.0 dEgrees C. To rEduce CurRenT pRoblEms wIth histamine fiSH poiSoning due to", "whitespace_perturbation": " 40% CO2/60% O2 during 28days of st orage at 1. 0degr eesC. To reduce c u rren t problems with histam ine f is h poi s on ing d ue to", "underscore_trick": " 40%_CO2/60% O2_during 28 days of_storage at_1.0_degrees C._To_reduce current problems_with histamine fish_poisoning due to"} +{"text": " micro-stories and care actions of people concerned in order to put these in relation to, and expand it with the different perspectives of the \"circles of", "synonym_substitution": "micro - stories and care actions of people refer in decree to put these in relation to, and expand it with the unlike perspectives of the \" circles of", "butter_fingers": " mifro-stories and care actiuns of people concernev in orser to pjt these in relation to, and xxpabd it with the different pefspectived of the \"cirrles of", "random_deletion": "micro-stories and care actions of people concerned to these in to, and expand of \"circles of", "change_char_case": " micro-stories and care actionS of people cOncerNed In oRdEr to Put tHese in relation TO, and Expand it with the differeNt perSpECtivES oF the \"cIrcles oF", "whitespace_perturbation": " micro-stories and care ac tions of p eople co nce rn ed i n or der to put the s e in relation to, and expa nd it w i th t h ediffe rent pe r sp e c tiv es o f t he \"c ircle s o f", "underscore_trick": " micro-stories_and care_actions of people concerned_in order_to_put these_in_relation to, and_expand it with_the different perspectives of_the \"circles of"} +{"text": "ulin, phytohaemagglutinin and concanavalin-A and for determinations of the immune complex, the cytotoxic reaction and the phagocytic activity", "synonym_substitution": "ulin, phytohaemagglutinin and concanavalin - A and for determinations of the immune complex, the cytotoxic reaction and the phagocytic activity", "butter_fingers": "ulij, phytohaemagglutinin ana concanavalin-A and foc deterjinationr of the immune complex, the rytoroxic reaction and the phagucytic acnivity", "random_deletion": "ulin, phytohaemagglutinin and concanavalin-A and for determinations immune the cytotoxic and the phagocytic", "change_char_case": "ulin, phytohaemagglutinin anD concanavaLin-A aNd fOr dEtErmiNatiOns of the immune COmplEx, the cytotoxic reaction And thE pHAgocYTiC actiVity", "whitespace_perturbation": "ulin, phytohaemagglutininand concan avali n-A an dfordete rminations oft he i mmune complex, the cyt otoxi cr eact i on andthe pha g oc y t icac ti vit y", "underscore_trick": "ulin, phytohaemagglutinin_and concanavalin-A_and for determinations of_the immune_complex,_the cytotoxic_reaction_and the phagocytic_activity"} +{"text": " American Thyroid Association guidelines call for thyroidectomy or (131)I (Recommendation 31) in managing hyperthyroidism due to toxic nodular", "synonym_substitution": "American Thyroid Association guidelines call for thyroidectomy or (131)I (Recommendation 31) in managing hyperthyroidism due to toxic nodular", "butter_fingers": " Amfrican Thyroid Associatiun guidelines ccol for thyrojdectomy or (131)I (Recommendation 31) in manegint hyptgthyroidism due to tobic nodulwr", "random_deletion": "American Thyroid Association guidelines call for thyroidectomy (Recommendation in managing due to toxic", "change_char_case": " American Thyroid AssociatioN guidelineS call For ThyRoIdecTomy Or (131)I (RecommendatIOn 31) in Managing hyperthyroidisM due tO tOXic nODuLar", "whitespace_perturbation": " American Thyroid Associat ion guidel inescal l f or thy roid ectomy or (131 ) I (R ecommendation 31) in m anagi ng hype r th yroid ism due to t oxi cno dul ar ", "underscore_trick": " American_Thyroid Association_guidelines call for thyroidectomy_or (131)I_(Recommendation_31) in_managing_hyperthyroidism due to_toxic nodular"} +{"text": ", while 10-20 microm powder had maximum adsorption on 10 microm and 20 microm microstructures. Saccharomyces albicans was most likely to adhere to 5 microm micro", "synonym_substitution": ", while 10 - 20 microm powder had maximum adsorption on 10 microm and 20 microm microstructures. Saccharomyces albicans was most probable to cling to 5 microm micro", "butter_fingers": ", whlle 10-20 microm powder had mxximum adsorption on 10 kicrom and 20 mizrom microstructures. Saccharlmtces qlbicans was most likeuy to adhvre to 5 mucron micro", "random_deletion": ", while 10-20 microm powder had maximum 10 and 20 microstructures. Saccharomyces albicans to microm micro", "change_char_case": ", while 10-20 microm powder had maximUm adsorptiOn on 10 mIcrOm aNd 20 MicrOm miCrostructures. SACchaRomyces albicans was most LikelY tO AdheRE tO 5 micrOm micro", "whitespace_perturbation": ", while 10-20 microm powde r had maxi mum a dso rpt io n on 10microm and 20m icro m microstructures. Sac charo my c es a l bi canswas mos t l i k ely t oadh er e t o 5 m icr om micr o", "underscore_trick": ", while_10-20 microm_powder had maximum adsorption_on 10_microm_and 20_microm_microstructures. Saccharomyces albicans_was most likely_to adhere to 5_microm micro"} +{"text": "tm compared to Imt-Au-tm and Diaz-Au-tm. Characterization of the human MANB gene encoding lysosomal alpha-D-mann", "synonym_substitution": "tm compared to Imt - Au - tm and Diaz - Au - tm. Characterization of the human MANB gene encode lysosomal alpha - vitamin d - mann", "butter_fingers": "tm fompared to Imt-Au-tm and Aiaz-Au-tm. Characjeeizatimn of fhe humav MANB gene encoding lysosomel aopha-D-nann", "random_deletion": "tm compared to Imt-Au-tm and Diaz-Au-tm. Characterization human gene encoding alpha-D-mann", "change_char_case": "tm compared to Imt-Au-tm and DiaZ-Au-tm. CharaCteriZatIon Of The hUman mANB gene encodiNG lysOsomal alpha-D-mann", "whitespace_perturbation": "tm compared to Imt-Au-tm a nd Diaz-Au -tm.Cha rac te riza tion of the humanM ANBgene encoding lysosoma l alp ha - D-ma n n", "underscore_trick": "tm compared_to Imt-Au-tm_and Diaz-Au-tm. Characterization of_the human_MANB_gene encoding_lysosomal_alpha-D-mann"} +{"text": " in all patients. The delta F508 mutation was detected in 11 chromosomes and the mutation G542X in 3 chromosomes. The mutation G542X was the second", "synonym_substitution": "in all patients. The delta F508 mutation was detected in 11 chromosomes and the mutant G542X in 3 chromosome. The mutant G542X was the second", "butter_fingers": " in all patients. The delta N508 mutation was dgtwcted mn 11 chrkmosomes and the mutation G542X in 3 chrlmisomew. The mutation G542X was ghe seconf", "random_deletion": "in all patients. The delta F508 mutation in chromosomes and mutation G542X in was second", "change_char_case": " in all patients. The delta F508 mutAtion was deTecteD in 11 ChrOmOsomEs anD the mutation G542X IN 3 chrOmosomes. The mutation G542X wAs the SeCOnd", "whitespace_perturbation": " in all patients. The delt a F508 mut ation wa s d et ecte d in 11 chromosome s and the mutation G542X in 3 ch ro m osom e s. Themutatio n G 5 4 2Xwa sthe s e co nd", "underscore_trick": " in_all patients._The delta F508 mutation_was detected_in_11 chromosomes_and_the mutation G542X_in 3 chromosomes._The mutation G542X was_the second"} +{"text": "mophilus. They were then exposed to dynamic ultraviolet radiation in the chamber of a BUD Ultraviolet Device. Samples were incubated in trypticase soy broth", "synonym_substitution": "mophilus. They were then exposed to dynamic ultraviolet radiation in the chamber of a BUD Ultraviolet Device. sample were incubate in trypticase soy broth", "butter_fingers": "mopjilus. They were then expused to dynamic ultravmolet rzdiation in the chamber of a BUD Ultcaviilet Eevice. Samples were inzubated ij tryptixase woy broth", "random_deletion": "mophilus. They were then exposed to dynamic in chamber of BUD Ultraviolet Device. soy", "change_char_case": "mophilus. They were then exposEd to dynamiC ultrAviOleT rAdiaTion In the chamber of A bUD ULtraviolet Device. SampleS were InCUbatED iN trypTicase sOY bROTh", "whitespace_perturbation": "mophilus. They were then e xposed todynam icult ra viol et r adiation in th e cha mber of a BUD Ultravio let D ev i ce.S am pleswere in c ub a t edin t ryp ti c as e soy br oth", "underscore_trick": "mophilus. They_were then_exposed to dynamic ultraviolet_radiation in_the_chamber of_a_BUD Ultraviolet Device._Samples were incubated_in trypticase soy broth"} +{"text": " post-modification with glycoligands targeting the macrophage mannose receptor is discussed. Effect of thiamine concentration on animal health, feedlot performance, carcass", "synonym_substitution": "post - modification with glycoligands targeting the macrophage mannose receptor is discussed. consequence of thiamine assiduity on animal health, feedlot performance, carcass", "butter_fingers": " podt-modification with glyculigands targetnbg the macrolhage mavnose receptor is discussed. Xffext of thiamine concentratiov on animwl healty, fetdlot performance, carcass", "random_deletion": "post-modification with glycoligands targeting the macrophage mannose discussed. of thiamine on animal health,", "change_char_case": " post-modification with glycoLigands tarGetinG thE maCrOphaGe maNnose receptor iS DiscUssed. Effect of thiamine cOncenTrATion ON aNimal Health, fEEdLOT peRfOrManCe, CArCass", "whitespace_perturbation": " post-modification with gl ycoligands targ eti ngth e ma crop hage mannose r e cept or is discussed. Effec t ofth i amin e c oncen tration on a nim al h eal th , f eedlo t p erforma nce, carca ss", "underscore_trick": " post-modification_with glycoligands_targeting the macrophage mannose_receptor is_discussed._Effect of_thiamine_concentration on animal_health, feedlot performance,_carcass"} +{"text": " the structure of cylindrical and rounded muscle cells. The extracellular aspect of the sarcolemma at lateral cell surfaces and intercalated disc regions were clearly revealed for SEM", "synonym_substitution": "the structure of cylindrical and rounded muscle cells. The extracellular aspect of the sarcolemma at lateral cellular telephone surface and intercalated disc regions were intelligibly unwrap for SEM", "butter_fingers": " thf structure of cylindricxl and rounded muscle rells. Tge extrazellular aspect of the sarcopenma au lateral cell surfxces and pntercalared visc regions werx clearln revswled hor SEM", "random_deletion": "the structure of cylindrical and rounded muscle extracellular of the at lateral cell were revealed for SEM", "change_char_case": " the structure of cylindrical And rounded MusclE ceLls. thE extRaceLlular aspect of THe saRcolemma at lateral cell sUrfacEs ANd inTErCalatEd disc rEGiONS weRe ClEarLy REvEaled For sEM", "whitespace_perturbation": " the structure of cylindri cal and ro unded mu scl ecell s. T he extracellul a r as pect of the sarcolemma at l at e ralc el l sur faces a n di n ter ca la ted d i sc regi ons were c learly rev eal ed for SEM", "underscore_trick": " the_structure of_cylindrical and rounded muscle_cells. The_extracellular_aspect of_the_sarcolemma at lateral_cell surfaces and_intercalated disc regions were_clearly revealed for_SEM"} +{"text": " to assess whether their beneficial effects occur after chronic administration, and if such treatment induces adverse effects. The goal of this study was to assess the effects of chronic 5", "synonym_substitution": "to assess whether their beneficial effects occur after chronic administration, and if such discussion induce adverse effects. The goal of this discipline was to tax the effects of chronic 5", "butter_fingers": " to assess whether their bekeficial effects occur efter cgronic aaministration, and if such trxatmwnt ibduces adverse effects. The goal of this stuvy was to assess the effcets or chrmiic 5", "random_deletion": "to assess whether their beneficial effects occur administration, if such induces adverse effects. was assess the effects chronic 5", "change_char_case": " to assess whether their benefIcial effecTs occUr aFteR cHronIc adMinistration, anD If suCh treatment induces adveRse efFeCTs. ThE GoAl of tHis studY WaS TO asSeSs The EfFEcTs of cHroNic 5", "whitespace_perturbation": " to assess whether their b eneficialeffec tsocc ur aft er c hronic adminis t rati on, and if such treatm ent i nd u cesa dv erseeffects . T h e go al o f t hi s s tudywas to ass ess the ef fec ts of chronic5 ", "underscore_trick": " to_assess whether_their beneficial effects occur_after chronic_administration,_and if_such_treatment induces adverse_effects. The goal_of this study was_to assess the_effects_of chronic 5"} +{"text": " (n = 13, 22%). The median duration (interquartile range) of ECMO support was 142 hours (60, 321) or 5.9 days", "synonym_substitution": "(n = 13, 22 %). The median duration (interquartile range) of ECMO support was 142 hours (60, 321) or 5.9 day", "butter_fingers": " (n = 13, 22%). The median duration (ikterquartile ranyw) of ERMO suplort was 142 hours (60, 321) or 5.9 days", "random_deletion": "(n = 13, 22%). The median duration of support was hours (60, 321)", "change_char_case": " (n = 13, 22%). The median duration (interquArtile rangE) of ECmO sUppOrT was 142 HourS (60, 321) or 5.9 days", "whitespace_perturbation": " (n = 13, 22%). The median duration(inte rqu art il e ra nge) of ECMO suppo r t wa s 142 hours (60, 321)or 5. 9d ays", "underscore_trick": " (n_= 13,_22%). The median duration_(interquartile range)_of_ECMO support_was_142 hours (60,_321) or 5.9_days"} +{"text": "ethylamine as a sacrificial electron donor. Interestingly, the addition of triphenylphosphine (PPh(3)) to the medium results in a significant improvement", "synonym_substitution": "ethylamine as a sacrificial electron donor. Interestingly, the addition of triphenylphosphine (PPh(3) ) to the medium results in a significant improvement", "butter_fingers": "ethjlamine as a sacrificial electron donor. Interevtinglg, the adaition of triphenylphosphine (PPh(3)) to the medium results in a signifpcant impeovenwnt", "random_deletion": "ethylamine as a sacrificial electron donor. Interestingly, of (PPh(3)) to medium results in", "change_char_case": "ethylamine as a sacrificial eLectron donOr. IntEreStiNgLy, thE addItion of triphenYLphoSphine (PPh(3)) to the medium reSults In A SignIFiCant iMprovemENt", "whitespace_perturbation": "ethylamine as a sacrificia l electron dono r.Int er esti ngly , the addition of t riphenylphosphine (PPh (3))to them ed ium r esultsi na sig ni fi can ti mp rovem ent ", "underscore_trick": "ethylamine as_a sacrificial_electron donor. Interestingly, the_addition of_triphenylphosphine_(PPh(3)) to_the_medium results in_a significant improvement"} +{"text": " the laboratory and the technique by validation and certification measures. Impact of a dedicated neonatal stabilization room and process changes on stabilization time.\nOur objective was to evaluate the", "synonym_substitution": "the laboratory and the technique by validation and certification bill. impingement of a dedicated neonatal stabilization room and process changes on stabilization fourth dimension. \n Our objective was to evaluate the", "butter_fingers": " thf laboratory and the tecmnique by validajiin and certirication measures. Impact of a dedicaved beonaucl stabilization rooo and probess chantes ib stabilizefion time.\nOur knjectnvx was to evaluaje the", "random_deletion": "the laboratory and the technique by validation measures. of a neonatal stabilization room time. objective was to the", "change_char_case": " the laboratory and the techniQue by validAtion And CerTiFicaTion Measures. Impact OF a deDicated neonatal stabiliZatioN rOOm anD PrOcess Changes ON sTABilIzAtIon TiME.\nOUr objEctIve was tO evaluate tHe", "whitespace_perturbation": " the laboratory and the te chnique by vali dat ion a nd c erti fication measu r es.Impact of a dedicatedneona ta l sta b il izati on room an d pro ce ss ch an g es on s tab ilizati on time.\nO urob jective wast oevaluate t he", "underscore_trick": " the_laboratory and_the technique by validation_and certification_measures._Impact of_a_dedicated neonatal stabilization_room and process_changes on stabilization time.\nOur_objective was to_evaluate_the"} +{"text": " in a significant survival of these neurons. These data provide the first evidence in vivo that bilateral STN DBS is useful for protecting midbrain dopaminergic neurons from cell", "synonym_substitution": "in a significant survival of these neurons. These data provide the inaugural evidence in vivo that bilateral STN DBS is utilitarian for protecting midbrain dopaminergic neurons from cellular telephone", "butter_fingers": " in a significant survival uf these neurons. These data lrovide ghe first evidence in vivo tiat vilattgal STN DBS is useful for protvcting miebramn dopaminergic isurons nxom cspl", "random_deletion": "in a significant survival of these neurons. provide first evidence vivo that bilateral protecting dopaminergic neurons from", "change_char_case": " in a significant survival of tHese neuronS. ThesE daTa pRoVide The fIrst evidence in VIvo tHat bilateral STN DBS is usEful fOr PRoteCTiNg midBrain doPAmINErgIc NeUroNs FRoM cell", "whitespace_perturbation": " in a significant survival of theseneuro ns. Th es e da ta p rovide the fir s t ev idence in vivo that bi later al STND BS is u seful f o rp r ote ct in g m id b ra in do pam inergic neurons f rom c ell", "underscore_trick": " in_a significant_survival of these neurons._These data_provide_the first_evidence_in vivo that_bilateral STN DBS_is useful for protecting_midbrain dopaminergic neurons_from_cell"} +{"text": " being critical for early embryonic development, Cripto-1 is also associated with the development and behavior of several cancers. We analyzed the immunoexpression of Cript", "synonym_substitution": "being critical for early embryonic development, Cripto-1 is also associated with the development and demeanor of respective cancer. We analyzed the immunoexpression of Cript", "butter_fingers": " belng critical for early eobryonic develokmwnt, Crmpto-1 is also asrociated with the developmenv ane behqvior of several cancefs. We anapyzed thw imnynoexpressmkn of Cvnpt", "random_deletion": "being critical for early embryonic development, Cripto-1 associated the development behavior of several of", "change_char_case": " being critical for early embrYonic develOpmenT, CrIptO-1 iS alsO assOciated with the DEvelOpment and behavior of sevEral cAnCErs. WE AnAlyzeD the immUNoEXPreSsIoN of crIPt", "whitespace_perturbation": " being critical for earlyembryonicdevel opm ent ,Crip to-1 is also assoc i ated with the developmentand b eh a vior of seve ral can c er s . We a na lyz ed th e imm uno express ion of Cri pt", "underscore_trick": " being_critical for_early embryonic development, Cripto-1_is also_associated_with the_development_and behavior of_several cancers. We_analyzed the immunoexpression of_Cript"}