""" - handle_found_object: Called when an object is successfully found and downloaded. Here, the object has the same sha256 as the one that was downloaded with Objaverse-XL. If not specified, the object will be downloaded, but nothing will be done with it. Args: file (str): Local path to the downloaded 3D object. github_url (str): GitHub URL of the 3D object. sha256 (str): SHA256 of the contents of the 3D object. repo (str): Name of the GitHub repo where the 3D object comes from. organization (str): Name of the GitHub organization where the 3D object comes from. Returns: Any - handle_new_object: Called when a new object is found. Here, the object is not used in Objaverse-XL, but is still downloaded with the repository. The object may have not been used because it does not successfully import into Blender. If not specified, the object will be downloaded, but nothing will be done with it. Args: file (str): Local path to the downloaded 3D object. github_url (str): GitHub URL of the 3D object. sha256 (str): SHA256 of the contents of the 3D object. repo (str): Name of the GitHub repo where the 3D object comes from. organization (str): Name of the GitHub organization where the 3D object comes from. Returns: Any - handle_modified_object: Called when a modified object is found and downloaded. Here, the object is successfully downloaded, but it has a different sha256 than the one that was downloaded with Objaverse-XL. This is not expected to happen very often, because the same commit hash is used for each repo. If not specified, the object will be downloaded, but nothing will be done with it. Args: file (str): Local path to the downloaded 3D object. github_url (str): GitHub URL of the 3D object. sha256 (str): SHA256 of the contents of the 3D object. repo (str): Name of the GitHub repo where the 3D object comes from. organization (str): Name of the GitHub organization where the 3D object comes from. Returns: Any - handle_missing_object: Called when an object that is in Objaverse-XL is not found. Here, it is likely that the repository was deleted or renamed. If not specified, the object will be downloaded, but nothing will be done with it. Args: github_url (str): GitHub URL of the 3D object. sha256 (str): SHA256 of the contents of the original 3D object. repo (str): Name of the GitHub repo where the 3D object comes from. organization (str): Name of the GitHub organization where the 3D object comes from. Returns: Any Note: You'll likely find more objects by """ # %% import shutil import json import pandas as pd from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Literal, Callable from tqdm import tqdm import os import tarfile import fsspec import requests import tempfile import subprocess from loguru import logger import hashlib from multiprocessing import Pool import multiprocessing FILE_EXTENSIONS = [ ".obj", ".glb", ".gltf", ".usdz", ".usd", ".fbx", ".stl", ".usda", ".dae", ".ply", ".abc", ".blend", ] def load_github_metadata(download_dir: str = "~/.objaverse") -> pd.DataFrame: """Loads the GitHub 3D object metadata as a Pandas DataFrame. Args: download_dir (str, optional): Directory to download the parquet metadata file. Supports all file systems supported by fsspec. Defaults to "~/.objaverse". Returns: pd.DataFrame: GitHub 3D object metadata as a Pandas DataFrame with columns for the object "githubUrl", "license", and "sha256". """ filename = os.path.join(download_dir, "github", "github-urls.parquet") fs, path = fsspec.core.url_to_fs(filename) fs.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) # download the parquet file if it doesn't exist if not fs.exists(path): url = "https://huggingface.co/datasets/allenai/objaverse-xl/resolve/main/github/github-urls.parquet" response = requests.get(url) response.raise_for_status() with fs.open(path, "wb") as file: file.write(response.content) # load the parquet file with fsspec with fs.open(path) as f: df = pd.read_parquet(f) return df def _get_repo_id_with_hash(item: pd.Series) -> str: org, repo = item["githubUrl"].split("/")[3:5] commit_hash = item["githubUrl"].split("/")[6] return f"{org}/{repo}/{commit_hash}" def _git_shallow_clone(repo_url: str, target_directory: str) -> bool: return _run_command_with_check( ["git", "clone", "--depth", "1", repo_url, target_directory], ) def _run_command_with_check(command: List[str], cwd: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: try: subprocess.run( command, cwd=cwd, check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, ) return True except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.error("Error:", e) logger.error(e.stdout) logger.error(e.stderr) return False def get_file_hash(file_path: str) -> str: # Check if the path is a symbolic link if os.path.islink(file_path): # Resolve the symbolic link resolved_path = os.readlink(file_path) # Check if the resolved path exists if not os.path.exists(resolved_path): raise FileNotFoundError( f"The symbolic link points to a file that doesn't exist: {resolved_path}" ) sha256 = hashlib.sha256() # Read the file from the path with open(file_path, "rb") as f: # Loop till the end of the file for byte_block in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b""): sha256.update(byte_block) return sha256.hexdigest() def _process_repo( repo_id: str, fs: fsspec.AbstractFileSystem, base_dir: str, save_repo_format: Optional[Literal["zip", "tar", "tar.gz", "files"]], expected_objects: Dict[str, str], handle_found_object: Optional[Callable], handle_modified_object: Optional[Callable], handle_missing_object: Optional[Callable], handle_new_object: Optional[Callable], commit_hash: Optional[str], ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: """ Args: expected_objects (Dict[str, str]): Dictionary of objects that one expects to find in the repo. Keys are the GitHub URLs and values are the sha256 of the objects. """ # NOTE: assuming that the user has already checked that the repo doesn't exist, org, repo = repo_id.split("/") with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # clone the repo to a temp directory target_directory = os.path.join(temp_dir, repo) successful_clone = _git_shallow_clone( f"https://github.com/{org}/{repo}.git", target_directory ) if not successful_clone: logger.error(f"Could not clone {repo_id}") if handle_missing_object is not None: for github_url, sha256 in expected_objects.items(): handle_missing_object( github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=org, ) return [] # use the commit hash if specified repo_commit_hash = _get_commit_hash_from_local_git_dir(target_directory) if commit_hash is not None: keep_going = True if repo_commit_hash != commit_hash: # run git reset --hard && git checkout 37f4d8d287e201ce52c048bf74d46d6a09d26b2c if not _run_command_with_check( ["git", "fetch", "origin", commit_hash], target_directory ): logger.error( f"Error in git fetch! Sticking with {repo_commit_hash=} instead of {commit_hash=}" ) keep_going = False if keep_going and not _run_command_with_check( ["git", "reset", "--hard"], target_directory ): logger.error( f"Error in git reset! Sticking with {repo_commit_hash=} instead of {commit_hash=}" ) keep_going = False if keep_going: if _run_command_with_check( ["git", "checkout", commit_hash], target_directory ): repo_commit_hash = commit_hash else: logger.error( f"Error in git checkout! Sticking with {repo_commit_hash=} instead of {commit_hash=}" ) # pull the lfs files _pull_lfs_files(target_directory) # get all the files in the repo files = _list_files(target_directory) files_with_3d_extension = [ file for file in files if any(file.lower().endswith(ext) for ext in FILE_EXTENSIONS) ] # get the sha256 for each file file_hashes = [] for file in files_with_3d_extension: file_hash = get_file_hash(file) # remove the temp_dir from the file path github_url = file.replace( target_directory, f"https://github.com/{org}/{repo}/blob/{repo_commit_hash}", ) file_hashes.append(dict(sha256=file_hash, githubUrl=github_url)) # handle the object under different conditions if github_url in expected_objects: if expected_objects[github_url] == file_hash: if handle_found_object is not None: handle_found_object( file=file, github_url=github_url, sha256=file_hash, repo=repo, organization=org, ) else: if handle_modified_object is not None: handle_modified_object( file=file, github_url=github_url, sha256=file_hash, repo=repo, organization=org, ) elif handle_new_object is not None: handle_new_object( file=file, github_url=github_url, sha256=file_hash, repo=repo, organization=org, ) # save the file hashes to a json file with open( os.path.join(target_directory, ".objaverse-file-hashes.json"), "w" ) as f: json.dump(file_hashes, f, indent=2) # remove the .git directory shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(target_directory, ".git")) if save_repo_format is not None: logger.debug(f"Saving as {save_repo_format}") # save the repo to a zip file if save_repo_format == "zip": shutil.make_archive(target_directory, "zip", target_directory) elif save_repo_format == "tar": with tarfile.open(os.path.join(temp_dir, f"{repo}.tar"), "w") as tar: tar.add(target_directory, arcname=repo) elif save_repo_format == "tar.gz": with tarfile.open( os.path.join(temp_dir, f"{repo}.tar.gz"), "w:gz" ) as tar: tar.add(target_directory, arcname=repo) elif save_repo_format == "files": pass else: raise ValueError( f"save_repo_format must be one of zip, tar, tar.gz, files. Got {save_repo_format}" ) dirname = os.path.join(base_dir, "repos", org) fs.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) if save_repo_format != "files": # move the repo to the correct location (with put) fs.put( os.path.join(temp_dir, f"{repo}.{save_repo_format}"), os.path.join(dirname, f"{repo}.{save_repo_format}"), ) else: # move the repo to the correct location (with put) fs.put(target_directory, dirname, recursive=True) # get each object that was missing from the expected objects if handle_missing_object is not None: obtained_urls = {x["githubUrl"] for x in file_hashes} for github_url, sha256 in expected_objects.items(): if github_url not in obtained_urls: handle_missing_object( github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=org, ) return file_hashes def _list_files(root_dir: str) -> List[str]: return [ os.path.join(root, f) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_dir) for f in files ] def _pull_lfs_files(repo_dir: str) -> None: if _has_lfs_files(repo_dir): subprocess.run(["git", "lfs", "pull"], cwd=repo_dir) def _has_lfs_files(repo_dir: str) -> bool: gitattributes_path = os.path.join(repo_dir, ".gitattributes") if not os.path.exists(gitattributes_path): return False with open(gitattributes_path, "r") as f: for line in f: if "filter=lfs" in line: return True return False def _get_commit_hash_from_local_git_dir(local_git_dir: str) -> str: # get the git hash of the repo result = subprocess.run( ["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], cwd=local_git_dir, capture_output=True ) commit_hash = result.stdout.strip().decode("utf-8") return commit_hash def _parallel_process_repo(args) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: ( repo_id_hash, fs, base_dir, save_repo_format, expected_objects, handle_found_object, handle_modified_object, handle_missing_object, handle_new_object, ) = args repo_id = "/".join(repo_id_hash.split("/")[:2]) commit_hash = repo_id_hash.split("/")[2] return _process_repo( repo_id=repo_id, fs=fs, base_dir=base_dir, save_repo_format=save_repo_format, expected_objects=expected_objects, handle_found_object=handle_found_object, handle_modified_object=handle_modified_object, handle_missing_object=handle_missing_object, handle_new_object=handle_new_object, commit_hash=commit_hash, ) def _process_group(group): key, group_df = group return key, group_df.set_index("githubUrl")["sha256"].to_dict() # %% def download_github_objects( objects: pd.DataFrame, processes: Optional[int] = None, download_dir: str = "~/.objaverse", save_repo_format: Optional[Literal["zip", "tar", "tar.gz", "files"]] = None, handle_found_object: Optional[Callable] = None, handle_modified_object: Optional[Callable] = None, handle_missing_object: Optional[Callable] = None, handle_new_object: Optional[Callable] = None, ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: """Download the specified GitHub objects. Args: objects (pd.DataFrmae): GitHub objects to download. Must have columns for the object "githubUrl" and "sha256". Use the load_github_metadata function to get the metadata. processes (Optional[int], optional): Number of processes to use for downloading. If None, will use the number of CPUs on the machine. Defaults to None. download_dir (str, optional): Directory to download the GitHub objects to. Supports all file systems supported by fsspec. Defaults to "~/.objaverse". Returns: List[Dict[str, str]]: List of dictionaries with the keys "githubUrl" and "sha256" for each downloaded object. """ if processes is None: processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count() base_download_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, "github") fs, path = fsspec.core.url_to_fs(base_download_dir) fs.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) # Getting immediate subdirectories of root_path if save_repo_format == "files": downloaded_repo_dirs = fs.glob(base_download_dir + "/repos/*/*/") downloaded_repo_ids = set( ["/".join(x.split("/")[-2:]) for x in downloaded_repo_dirs] ) else: downloaded_repo_dirs = fs.glob( base_download_dir + f"/repos/*/*.{save_repo_format}" ) downloaded_repo_ids = set() for x in downloaded_repo_dirs: org, repo = x.split("/")[-2:] repo = repo[: -len(f".{save_repo_format}")] repo_id = f"{org}/{repo}" downloaded_repo_ids.add(repo_id) # make copy of objects objects = objects.copy() # get the unique repoIds objects["repoIdHash"] = objects.apply(_get_repo_id_with_hash, axis=1) repo_id_hashes = set(objects["repoIdHash"].unique().tolist()) repo_ids = set( ["/".join(repo_id_hash.split("/")[:2]) for repo_id_hash in repo_id_hashes] ) assert len(repo_id_hashes) == len(repo_ids), ( f"More than 1 commit hash per repoId!" f" {len(repo_id_hashes)=}, {len(repo_ids)=}" ) logger.info( f"Provided {len(repo_ids)} repoIds with {len(objects)} objects to process." ) # remove repoIds that have already been downloaded repo_ids_to_download = repo_ids - downloaded_repo_ids repo_id_hashes_to_download = [ repo_id_hash for repo_id_hash in repo_id_hashes if "/".join(repo_id_hash.split("/")[:2]) in repo_ids_to_download ] logger.info( f"Found {len(repo_ids_to_download)} not yet downloaded. Downloading now..." ) # get the objects to download groups = list(objects.groupby("repoIdHash")) with Pool(processes=processes) as pool: out_list = list( tqdm( pool.imap_unordered(_process_group, groups), total=len(groups), desc="Grouping objects by repository", ) ) objects_per_repo_id_hash = dict(out_list) all_args = [ ( repo_id_hash, fs, path, save_repo_format, objects_per_repo_id_hash[repo_id_hash], handle_found_object, handle_missing_object, handle_modified_object, handle_new_object, ) for repo_id_hash in repo_id_hashes_to_download ] with Pool(processes=processes) as pool: # use tqdm to show progress out = list( tqdm( pool.imap_unordered(_parallel_process_repo, all_args), total=len(all_args), ) ) out_list = [item for sublist in out for item in sublist] return out_list def test_process_repo(): download_dir = "~/.objaverse-tests" base_download_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, "github") fs, path = fsspec.core.url_to_fs(base_download_dir) fs.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) for save_repo_format in ["tar", "tar.gz", "zip", "files"]: # shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(path, "repos"), ignore_errors=True) out = _process_repo( repo_id="mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files", fs=fs, base_dir=path, save_repo_format=save_repo_format, # type: ignore expected_objects=dict(), handle_found_object=None, handle_modified_object=None, handle_missing_object=None, handle_new_object=None, commit_hash="6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056", ) # test that the sha256's are correct assert len(out) == 3 sha256s = [x["sha256"] for x in out] for sha256 in [ "d2b9a5d7c47dc93526082c9b630157ab6bce4fd8669610d942176f4a36444e71", "04e6377317d6818e32c5cbd1951e76deb3641bbf4f6db6933046221d5fbf1c5c", "7037575f47816118e5a34e7c0da9927e1be7be3f5b4adfac337710822eb50fa9", ]: assert sha256 in sha256s, f"{sha256=} not in {sha256s=}" github_urls = [x["githubUrl"] for x in out] for github_url in [ "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example.fbx", "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example.glb", "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example.obj", ]: assert github_url in github_urls, f"{github_url=} not in {github_urls=}" # test that the files are correct if save_repo_format != "files": assert fs.exists( os.path.join( path, "repos", "mattdeitke", f"objaverse-xl-test-files.{save_repo_format}", ) ) else: assert fs.exists( os.path.join( base_download_dir, "repos", "mattdeitke", "objaverse-xl-test-files" ) ) def test_handle_new_object(): found_objects = [] handle_found_object = ( lambda file, github_url, sha256, repo, organization: found_objects.append( dict( file=file, github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) missing_objects = [] handle_missing_object = ( lambda github_url, sha256, repo, organization: missing_objects.append( dict( github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) new_objects = [] handle_new_object = ( lambda file, github_url, sha256, repo, organization: new_objects.append( dict( file=file, github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) modified_objects = [] handle_modified_object = ( lambda file, github_url, sha256, repo, organization: modified_objects.append( dict( file=file, github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) download_dir = "~/.objaverse-tests" base_download_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, "github") fs, path = fsspec.core.url_to_fs(base_download_dir) fs.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(path, "repos"), ignore_errors=True) out = _process_repo( repo_id="mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files", fs=fs, base_dir=path, save_repo_format=None, expected_objects=dict(), handle_found_object=handle_found_object, handle_modified_object=handle_modified_object, handle_missing_object=handle_missing_object, handle_new_object=handle_new_object, commit_hash="6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056", ) assert len(out) == 3 assert len(new_objects) == 3 assert len(found_objects) == 0 assert len(modified_objects) == 0 assert len(missing_objects) == 0 def test_handle_found_object(): found_objects = [] handle_found_object = ( lambda file, github_url, sha256, repo, organization: found_objects.append( dict( file=file, github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) missing_objects = [] handle_missing_object = ( lambda github_url, sha256, repo, organization: missing_objects.append( dict( github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) new_objects = [] handle_new_object = ( lambda file, github_url, sha256, repo, organization: new_objects.append( dict( file=file, github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) modified_objects = [] handle_modified_object = ( lambda file, github_url, sha256, repo, organization: modified_objects.append( dict( file=file, github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) download_dir = "~/.objaverse-tests" base_download_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, "github") fs, path = fsspec.core.url_to_fs(base_download_dir) fs.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(path, "repos"), ignore_errors=True) out = _process_repo( repo_id="mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files", fs=fs, base_dir=path, save_repo_format=None, expected_objects={ "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example.fbx": "7037575f47816118e5a34e7c0da9927e1be7be3f5b4adfac337710822eb50fa9", "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example.glb": "04e6377317d6818e32c5cbd1951e76deb3641bbf4f6db6933046221d5fbf1c5c", "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example.obj": "d2b9a5d7c47dc93526082c9b630157ab6bce4fd8669610d942176f4a36444e71", }, handle_found_object=handle_found_object, handle_modified_object=handle_modified_object, handle_missing_object=handle_missing_object, handle_new_object=handle_new_object, commit_hash="6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056", ) assert len(out) == 3 assert len(found_objects) == 3 assert len(missing_objects) == 0 assert len(new_objects) == 0 assert len(modified_objects) == 0 def test_handle_modified_object(): found_objects = [] handle_found_object = ( lambda file, github_url, sha256, repo, organization: found_objects.append( dict( file=file, github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) missing_objects = [] handle_missing_object = ( lambda github_url, sha256, repo, organization: missing_objects.append( dict( github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) new_objects = [] handle_new_object = ( lambda file, github_url, sha256, repo, organization: new_objects.append( dict( file=file, github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) modified_objects = [] handle_modified_object = ( lambda file, github_url, sha256, repo, organization: modified_objects.append( dict( file=file, github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) download_dir = "~/.objaverse-tests" base_download_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, "github") fs, path = fsspec.core.url_to_fs(base_download_dir) fs.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(path, "repos"), ignore_errors=True) out = _process_repo( repo_id="mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files", fs=fs, base_dir=path, save_repo_format=None, expected_objects={ "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example.fbx": "7037575f47816118e5a34e7c0da9927e1be7be3f5b4adfac337710822eb50fa9", "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example.glb": "04e6377317d6818e32c5cbd1951e76deb3641bbf4f6db6933046221d5fbf1c5c", "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example.obj": "d2b9a5d7c47dc93526082c9b630157ab6bce4fd8669610d942176f4a36444e71", }, handle_found_object=handle_found_object, handle_modified_object=handle_modified_object, handle_missing_object=handle_missing_object, handle_new_object=handle_new_object, commit_hash="6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056", ) assert len(out) == 3 assert len(found_objects) == 2 assert len(missing_objects) == 0 assert len(new_objects) == 0 assert len(modified_objects) == 1 def test_handle_missing_object(): found_objects = [] handle_found_object = ( lambda file, github_url, sha256, repo, organization: found_objects.append( dict( file=file, github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) missing_objects = [] handle_missing_object = ( lambda github_url, sha256, repo, organization: missing_objects.append( dict( github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) new_objects = [] handle_new_object = ( lambda file, github_url, sha256, repo, organization: new_objects.append( dict( file=file, github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) modified_objects = [] handle_modified_object = ( lambda file, github_url, sha256, repo, organization: modified_objects.append( dict( file=file, github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) download_dir = "~/.objaverse-tests" base_download_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, "github") fs, path = fsspec.core.url_to_fs(base_download_dir) fs.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(path, "repos"), ignore_errors=True) out = _process_repo( repo_id="mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files", fs=fs, base_dir=path, save_repo_format=None, expected_objects={ "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example.fbx": "7037575f47816118e5a34e7c0da9927e1be7be3f5b4adfac337710822eb50fa9", "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example-2.fbx": "", "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example.glb": "04e6377317d6818e32c5cbd1951e76deb3641bbf4f6db6933046221d5fbf1c5c", "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example.obj": "d2b9a5d7c47dc93526082c9b630157ab6bce4fd8669610d942176f4a36444e71", }, handle_found_object=handle_found_object, handle_modified_object=handle_modified_object, handle_missing_object=handle_missing_object, handle_new_object=handle_new_object, commit_hash="6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056", ) assert len(out) == 3 assert len(found_objects) == 3 assert len(missing_objects) == 1 assert len(new_objects) == 0 assert len(modified_objects) == 0 def test_handle_missing_object_2(): found_objects = [] handle_found_object = ( lambda file, github_url, sha256, repo, organization: found_objects.append( dict( file=file, github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) missing_objects = [] handle_missing_object = ( lambda github_url, sha256, repo, organization: missing_objects.append( dict( github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) new_objects = [] handle_new_object = ( lambda file, github_url, sha256, repo, organization: new_objects.append( dict( file=file, github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) modified_objects = [] handle_modified_object = ( lambda file, github_url, sha256, repo, organization: modified_objects.append( dict( file=file, github_url=github_url, sha256=sha256, repo=repo, organization=organization, ) ) ) download_dir = "~/.objaverse-tests" base_download_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, "github") fs, path = fsspec.core.url_to_fs(base_download_dir) fs.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(path, "repos"), ignore_errors=True) out = _process_repo( repo_id="mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files-does-not-exist", fs=fs, base_dir=path, save_repo_format=None, expected_objects={ "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example.fbx": "7037575f47816118e5a34e7c0da9927e1be7be3f5b4adfac337710822eb50fa9", "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example-2.fbx": "", "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example.glb": "04e6377317d6818e32c5cbd1951e76deb3641bbf4f6db6933046221d5fbf1c5c", "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example.obj": "d2b9a5d7c47dc93526082c9b630157ab6bce4fd8669610d942176f4a36444e71", }, handle_found_object=handle_found_object, handle_modified_object=handle_modified_object, handle_missing_object=handle_missing_object, handle_new_object=handle_new_object, commit_hash="6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056", ) assert len(out) == 0 assert len(found_objects) == 0 assert len(missing_objects) == 4 assert len(new_objects) == 0 assert len(modified_objects) == 0 def test_download_cache(): objects = pd.DataFrame( [ { "githubUrl": "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example.fbx", "license": None, "sha256": "7037575f47816118e5a34e7c0da9927e1be7be3f5b4adfac337710822eb50fa9", }, { "githubUrl": "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example.glb", "license": None, "sha256": "04e6377317d6818e32c5cbd1951e76deb3641bbf4f6db6933046221d5fbf1c5c", }, { "githubUrl": "https://github.com/mattdeitke/objaverse-xl-test-files/blob/6928b08a2501aa7a4a4aabac1f888b66e7782056/example.obj", "license": None, "sha256": "d2b9a5d7c47dc93526082c9b630157ab6bce4fd8669610d942176f4a36444e71", }, ] ) # remove the repos directory for save_repo_format in ["tar", "tar.gz", "zip", "files"]: repos_dir = "~/.objaverse-tests/github/repos" shutil.rmtree(os.path.expanduser(repos_dir), ignore_errors=True) out = download_github_objects( objects=objects, processes=1, download_dir="~/.objaverse-tests", save_repo_format=save_repo_format, # type: ignore ) assert len(out) == 3 out = download_github_objects( objects=objects, processes=1, download_dir="~/.objaverse-tests", save_repo_format=save_repo_format, # type: ignore ) assert len(out) == 0