0 urn:nl-mpi-tools-elan-eaf:fcc3b635-db65-413a-b0c8-885b51f7cd19 723
ya hello welcome again to my channel now we learn about personal pronoun in bahasa indonesia and i xx ill also compare into english yeah the first one you have to know is in bahasa indonesia or indonesian language ya ah it is the same the subject and an object xx different with ah different from ah english in english personal pronoun is divided into two as a subject and xx an object but in bahasa indonesia or indonesian language there are only one personal pronoun ya they are used for ah a subject and also for an object okay so there is no any different between ah saya as subject and saya as an object okay the second that you have to know is ah the formal and informal ok let me ah tell you first saya and aku is translated into i but saya saya in is used commonly in ah formal talk formal situation okay ahh you call yourself saya i in english only i but in in bahasa saya and aku saya is used ah in a formal situation but aku is used in an informal situation the second saya is used usually in an office when you talk to other people or a a man or a woman ah ah who are older than older than you are and aku is commonly used for talking to best friends little sister little brother or in the same age okay ya same with anda and kamu in bahasa in english is they are ah translated into you but anda is used the same with saya is used commonly in a formal situation but kamu kamu is used in an informal situation okay if i ah if i if i used anda means that the man who i talked to is my superi superior or my parent or a man or a woman ah who is older than i am but i used aku if i talked to my best friend to my ah close friends to my colleague and etc in the same age thats right ya okay let me tell you first kami and kita skip first dia kami and kita what is the difference between kami and kita there is no r this is not related to saya and anda if saya and anda aku and kamu is used in a formal and informal but kami and kita means that kami if i used kami if you do not belong to us or to my community but if you belong to us we use ka kita means that i and you are in the same activity or in the same group or you and i belong together but if we use kami it means that you do not belong to us okay okay i do hope you understand okay ya okay i continue saya and aku is translated into s i ah in english as a subject me as an object but in bahasa indonsia saya and aku is used they are used for a subject too anda and kamu you you dia dia means that she he it we use dia for these three pronoun okay and in bahasa indonesia only one dia kami and kita i taught you just now the explanation i do hope you understood anda semua means this is second singular but this is second plural okay this is one human but this is two or ah many mereka means they okay so let let us practise saya aku okay saya aku anda kamu anda kamu dia dia dia kami kita kami kita anda anda semua means i talk to you just now second plural pronoun this is single plural i mean single ah second single ah mereka mereka okay so i do hope my my explanation will add to your knowledge about indonesian language and you have understood about what is the difference between saya and aku anda and kamu kami and kita so i will see you next with other topic thank you and goodbye