urn:nl-mpi-tools-elan-eaf:5dfdf65b-e4b3-4ff0-aa81-bc2c770d4c1f 2047
ya now we learn about question words in bahasa indonesia in bahasa indonesia it is called kata tanya kata tanya kata yang dipakai untuk bertanya the words that we use to ask okay so there are one two three four five six seven eight eight usually commonly there are seven but the additional phrase is how many and how much okay so berapa jumlah and berapa harga okay we we we start from ke mana or di mana ke mana ke mana xx ke mana and di mana ke mana means that err the purpose of going to okay but di mana means the locationsomethingt the place of s ah of ah of good or a stuff or ah ah something so ke mana means a trav the transfer that the transfer of going to okay ke mana but in english it is they are translated only in one word where okay ke mana or di mana for example okay the examples of sentences using these question words i will give the examples later on after i ahh i explain ahh a little bit about how to pronounce those words okay ke mana where di mana where yang mana yang mana means in english which okay siapa siapa this is talking about the subject yeah when we ask about a subject we use siapa who but when we ask about object kepada siapa to whom or whom yeah siapa ya this word er asks about the subject who but this phrase kepada siapa i is used for err asking the object whom or to whom and then milik siapa milik siapa means whose right mengapa or kenapa they have similar meaning but it different word ya mengapa and ke mana ya both of them are ah formal but in english only why okay in bahasa indonesia or the indonesian language mengapa or kenapa then bagaimana bagaimana is translated into how how okay berapa if we ask about ahh countable noun berapa jumlah we use how many but if we ask about ahh price we say how much how much money okay lets run from lets start from the beginning ke mana where di mana where the differences between ke mana and di mana ke mana means the transfer of going to where are we going to but di mana where is the the location or the place to put something the second is yang mana which siapa who kepada siapa whom milik siapa whose mengapa or kenapa why bagaimana bagaimana how berapa jumlah how many berapa harga how much okay so after this video i will er i will add the examples so this is the topic of question word and for the examples of using these words these words or phrase i will make a new video later on so thank you im gunawan tambunsaribu i do hope this topic will be useful for you goodbye now we continue for the examples of each question word kita mulai we begin from siapa who ya we use siapa for asking about the subject ya it is like in english who okay informal we use sometimes ya this is very ahh i mean this is very useful for us because sometimes you know they xx xx we talk informally and formally so this is daily conversation with best friends or with best mates so this is in a formal situation we use well higher ahh i mean the people who is older than we are or when we are in a formal situation like in an office or in a meeting like that okay so begin from informal ya siapa sih perempuan itu siapa sih okay we use in indonesia sometimes we use particle sih sih it is like to stress the question sih it means like ah we talk to a friend okay sih particle we use particle sih or additional sih in front of siapa siapa sih means like to stress the question siapa sih perempuan itu siapa nama lu remember lu is the informal ah saying to call you lu ya so lu is a word ah its translated into you lu is used in informal in very informal situation when we talk with closer friend a close friends or we talk to our younger brother younger sister our close mate okay so number one siapa sih perempuan itu its translated into who is that woman and then siapa nama lu we translate into what is your name okay in bahasa indonesia in formal situations siapakah nama siapakah perempuan itu or we use here siapakah nama perempuan itu who is the name or what is the name of that woman or who is that woman siapa nama anda what is your name so in english it is the same okay so there is no informal or formal yes i can ah know as i as i know ya english you is you but in bahasa indonesia there is gua saya aku for subject i but in ah in english they are translated i into only i for example you in bahasa indonesia there is kamu engkau anda kau so there are four words engkau kau kamu anda so it depends on the situation or to whom we talk to okay but in bahasa indonesia they are there are words or those words are translated into you only you okay so ah be careful or pay attention for using ahh the subject of i i is translated into bahasa indonesia kamu ah saya aku diriku ya you is translated into kau engkau kamu anda ya so ah that depends on the situation or the there's a the people or person who we talk to okay ya so this is the example of using the word siapa so siapa is used for asking about the subject okay so siapa sih perempuan itu who is that woman siapa nama lu what is your name siapa siapa perempuan itu siapakah perempuan itu siapa nama anda so these this is ah used for informal situation and this is used for formal situation and then becuase we find here lu that is very informal subject for you lu and then this is we go into informal and this is the formal one siapa nama anda alright so i do hope these examples will make you understand more about the using of siapa so ill meet you next xx with other examples of the using question word okay thank you so much im gunawan tambunsaribu bye due to the examples of using the word the question word kepada siapa in english whom okay we make also informal situation and formal situation number one ke siapa kamu kasih uangnya ke siapa kamu kasih uangnya ke siapa kamu kasih uangnya okay whom did you give the money to whom or we we use to here to whom did you give the money okay number two ke siapa kamu telepon ya telepon is ah I mean the construction of telephone but we mean bahasa inggris we shorten its telepon so ke siapa kamu telepon whom are you calling who are you calling okay so usually kamu kamu and kamu or lu is used for informal situation cause we talk to best friend or we talk to the person x who is younger than we are okay okay in informal situation we i i use different sentences kepada siapa kita akan memberikan paket kepada siapa kita akan memberikan paket ini kepada siapa kita akan memberikan paket ini whom will deliver this package ya whom will we sorry whom will we deliver whom will we whom will we deliver this package kepada siapa kita akan akan is the same in the future we use as your will in bahasa inggris in bahasa indonesia we use the word akan it means future present future kepada siapa kita akan memberikan paket ini whom will we deliver this package okay whom will we send this package the second kepada siapa saya menyerahkan surat ini kepada siapa kepada siapa saya menyerahkan surat ini kepada siapa saya menyerahkan surat ini whom should i send this letter ya whom should i submit this letter whom should i mail this letter whom should i send this letter okay so we will start from the the informal ke siapa kamu kasih uangnya whom did you give the money second kepada siapa kamu telepon whom are you calling in formal situation number one kepada siapa kita akan menyerahkan paket ini atau memberikan paket ini whom will we deliver this package whom will we send this send deliver distribute ya thats the same verb ya they are the same meaning whom will we distribute this package whom will we sent this package whom will we deliver this package second kepada siapa saya menyerahkan surat ini whom should i hand in this letter whom should i ahh whom should i hand hand out this letter whom should i sent this letter whom should i deliver this letter okay so i do hope this ex these or those examples will make you understand more how to use the question word kepada siapa kepa kepada siapa is used for asking object okay so im gunawan tambunsaribu ill see you next with examples of others question words thank you ya now we continue to the using of question word punya siapa or milik siapa milik siapa or punya siapa they are translated into whos in english ok we start from the informal ah examples punya siapa ini punya siapa ini punya siapa ini punya siapa ini whos is this whos is this second example buku siapa nih nih this is a signal for ahh informal expression for using nih nih particle nih is using in daily colloquial er expression to stress the question buku siapa nih whos book is this whos book is this buku siapa nih buku siapa nih whos book is this for formal expression for formal situation examples number one milik siap milik siapakah kamus ini milik siapakah kamus ini ok let me tell you something kah kah pref aa suffix kah ah we can omit ah this ah suffix we can say milik siapa kamus ini or milik siapakah kamus ini so the suffix kah is not very important but if we use kah it means that it is ahh formal ya okay milik siapakah kamus ini or milik siapa kamus ini ya whose dictionarys this whose dictionarys this ya milik siapakah kamus ini whose dictionarys this rumah siapa yang besar itu rumah siapa yang besar itu rumah siapa yang besar itu whose house is the big one whose house is the big one so let me repeat from the beginning punya siapa ini means who who is this buku siapa ini whose book is this for formal milik siapakah kamus ini whose dictionary is this rumah siapa yang besar itu whose house is the big one okay so i do hope this topic will be helpful for you and you can practice at home and you can practice directly to your friends who comes from indonesia so im gunawan tambunsaribu thank you so much for your attention bye ya we continue to question word of yang mana is translated into english which okay so yeah number one we start from the informal examples yang mana punya lu yang mana punya lu ya yang mana milik lu yang mana punya lu punya is a vase base verb from mempunyai have okay oh ya memiliki yang mana punya lu which one is yours so milikmu or punyamu in possessive pronoun is using yours okay milikku punyaku is translated into mine so yang mana punya lu which one is yours ya second yang mana bukumu which one is your book ya which one is your book yang mana bukumu so bukumu mu is possessive pronoun from er in english your your book bukumu ya so there is not any space here because mu prefix mu ah is used for a possessive pronoun okay ya for formal situation number one kemeja yang mana yang kamu pilih kemeja mana yang anda pilih kemeja mana yang kamu pilih which shirt do you choose okay kemeja ma yang mana yang kamu pilih kemeja yang mana yang kamu pilih which shirt do you choose second for formal situation yang manakah pilihan anda which one is your choice yang manakah pilihan anda okay lets start from the beginning yang mana punya lu yang mana punya lu which one is yours yang mana bukumu yang mana bukumu which one is your book which one is your book kemeja yang mana yang anda pilih kemeja mana yang kamu pilih which shirt do you choose yang manakah pilihan anda yang manakah pilihan anda which one is your choice okay so i do hope this topic will be helpful for you to understand more about the conversation why native speaker of indonesian language using this question so im gunawan tambunsaribu thank you so much bye ya now we continue to the examples of using question word kenapa or mengapa so kenapa and mengapa those two words are the same ya they can ah they can be used in informal or in formal situations okay ahh we start from the examples xx kenapa lu telat kenapa lu xxx xx kenapa lu telat kenapa lu telat why are you late why are you late the second kenapa dia marah kenapa dia marah kenapa dia marah why is she angry ya we continue to formal expressions mengapa anda mengundurkan diri mengapa anda mengundurkan diri mengapa anda mengundurkan diri mengapa anda mengundurkan diri why do you resign why do you resign the second kenapa anda kelihatan sedih kenapa anda kelihatan sedih kenapa anda kelihatan sedih why do you look so sad why do you look so sad why do you look so sad ok repeat from number one if for informal expression kenapa lu telat remember lu is the same with you okay lu the very informal for the pronoun you ya kenapa lu telat kenapa dia marah okay why are you late why is she or he angry dia is on er it is used for she or he so it refers to a man or a woman a girl or a boy okay kenapa dia marah why is she or he angry mengapa anda mengundurkan diri why do you resign kenapa anda kelihatan sedih why do you look so sad why do you look so sad okay ya please practice at home to make your sound differently in speaking or in using this question word thank you so much good xx xx to the examples of using the question word ke mana or di mana in english they these two words is translated are translated into where okay let me repeat di mana is the transfer of xx okay the location of a something but ke mana means the transfer of xx ya okay so this is these are the examples number one mau ke mana lu so in english in bahasa indonesia lu i repeat lu is a very informal translation to the word you ya because you is translated into four words in bahasa indonesia there are is you eh no kamu engkau lu anda anda is very formal ya so lu is used in daily conversation with our best friend mau ke mana lu mau ke mana lu mau ke mana lu mau ke mana lu okay is usually rising intonation at the end mau ke mana lu where will you go where will you go where will you go okay di mana lu taro tasmu di mana lu taro tasmu di mana lu taro tasmu di mana lu taro tasmu taro is a slang word or a shortened word from taruh or meletakkan okay taro taro means er slang word for a formal word taruh letakkan menaruh meletakkan ya dimana lu taro tasmu where did you put your bag where did you put your bag okay the second is for formal situation number one ke mana mereka pergi ke mana mereka pergi ke mana mereka pergi ya where do they go where do they go okay number two di mana susi menyimpan berkasberkasnya so if there is a repetition of a noun this is means countable noun ya plural noun so berkas-berkas for example a book buku bukubuku books ya so if you find repetition like this it means the plural form of the noun ya so this is er berkasberkasnya translated into her files because the file is more than one okay di mana susi menyimpan berkasberkasnya where did susi keep the files where did susi keep the files okay so i do hope these example will ah make you more understand understand more about the using of the question word di mana and ke mana so im gunawan tambunsaribu thank you so much and i will see you next week other examples of using another or others question word thank you continue to the using of the question word bagaimana in english how ok we start from the informal expression gi mana cara lu ngebuka pintu itu gi mana cara lu ngebuka pintu itu for the prefix nge ya see my explanation watch my video about the prefix for informal verb ya nge nge ngebuka its derived from membuka so mem usually replaced by nge if we ah talk with our best friends or our mate at home ya nge okay gimana lu ngebuka pintu itu gimana gimana that is derived from bagaimana so gimana is used for informal situation gimana gi mana cara lu ngebuka pintu itu how did you open the door how did you open the door the second gimana kabarmu gimana kabarmu remember gimana is a shortened from bagaimana and gimana is used for informal situation gimana kabarmu how are you how are you ok the second for formal situation bagaimana kabar ibu anda bagaimana kabar ibu anda how is your mother how is your mother bagaimana kabar ibu anda okay bagaimana bagaimana kabar ibu anda bagaimana kabar ibu anda bagaimana kabar ibu anda bagaimana kabar ibu anda how is your mother the second is bagaimana anda bisa melakukan hal itu bagaimana anda bisa melakukan hal itu bagaimana anda bisa melakukan hal itu how can you do that how can you do that how can you do that how can you do that okay so ya lets start from the informal expression gimana cara lu ngebuka pintu itu gimana cara lu ngebuka pintu itu how can you open the door how can you open the door gimana kabarmu how are you how are you second for in formal expression bagaimana kabar ibu anda bagaimana kabar ibu anda how is your mother how is your mother bagaimana anda bisa melakukan hal itu bagaimana anda bisa melakukan hal itu how can you do that how can you do that okay so i do hope this examples ah can make you understand more about the using of question word bagaimana in bahasa indonesia please practise at home with your friends who come from indonesia or you can practise in front of your mirror so im gunawan tambunsaribu thank you so much and i will see you next week with other topic goodbye xx in bahasa indonesia so that last one is how many or how much ya to ask about noun ya if we ask about ah in english there are ah ah a big difference between how many and how much but in bahasa indonesia or indonesian language there is not any difference berapa banyak berapa banyak is followed by the name of the noun berapa banyak duit berapa banyak buku so there is no any difference between countable or uncountable noun so we use only berapa banyak so it depends on the noun xx xx berapa banyak okay so the informal examples is are number one berapa banyak bulpen lu berapa banyak bulpen lu berapa banyak bulpen lu bulpen is the noun so this is pen how many pens so if we translate into english so we use how many because bulpen is a countable noun so we use how many pens do you have not how much pen ya okay the second berapa lu beli kaos itu berapa lu beli kaos ini berapa lu beli kaos ini berapa means berapa banyak uang so if we use only berapa lu beli kaos ini if we use this for er ask about price in bahasa indonesia so in english we use how much how much money or how much okay berapa lu beli kaos ini berapa lu beli kaos ini means that how much money do you did you buy this tshirt xx okay for formal expression berapa banyak karyawan di kantor anda berapa banyak karyawan di kantor anda berapa banyak karyawan di kantor anda berapa banyak karyawan di kantor anda berapa banyak karyawan di kantor anda how many employees are there in your office how many employees are there in your office okay the second for in for formal situation berapa banyak uang yang anda butuhkan berapa banyak uang yang anda butuhkan berapa banyak uang yang anda butuhkan how much money do you need okay lets start from the informal expressions berapa banyak bulpen lu berapa banyak bulpen lu how many pens do you have the second berapa lu beli kaos ini berapa lu beli kaos ini how much did you buy this tshirt for formal situation number one berapa banyak karyawan di kantor anda berapa banyak karyawan di kantor anda how many employees are there in your office the last berapa banyak uang yang anda butuhkan berapa banyak uang yang anda butuhkan how much money do you need okay so this is the end of making examples of using question words in bahasa indonesia please practise more at home so that you can train or you can train your tongue to speak fluently by using bahasa indonesia or indonesian language im gunawan tambunsaribu ill see you next time with other topic goodbye