urn:nl-mpi-tools-elan-eaf:d4419ccb-0f41-4fbd-897f-57dcd1721ec5 109
today we are going to discuss a topic about negative expression related to someones behaviour so this is negative expression that usually indonesian people and these expressions are usually ah used by teenagers in ah indonesia nowadays so lets learn about these expression the first is if you listen ababil ababil means that ah a word that refers to ah a behaviour that a girl or a boy acts like a child so means ababil means an expression or word that relates to ah like a xx childhood action okay the second is centil centil is usually used ah or refering to a girls action that she or he a aa she acts or speaks beautiful beautifully to get peoples attention so centil thats a negative expression because centil is not ah a good action in indonesia okay centil is usually used for ah to a girl action or to a girl ah behaviour okay because she acts or speaks beautiful beautifully in order to get peoples attention ok third cupu xx cupu is a word relates to ah unexperienced boy or girl if i say cupu banget sih loe then ah ah i can say that err you are unexperience boy or girl cupu okay ya the fourth is lebay okay this word is ah most used in our daily ah speaking because lebay means that someone over acts ya over acting actions err someone or she or he does an action over okay so lebay ya okay lemot lemot lemot lemot means that ah ah negative way that we we can say that ah if we say that lemot banget sih lu that you are ah like a stupid guy lemot means that act or think slowly ya so it is said lemot okay and then norak usually it will if you find k letter in the final so the k is not clearnorak norakh no but norak norak banget sih lu xx you mean er that i i mean that if you say norak norak means like someone acts or dresses over in order to get peoples attention yeah usually in ah dresses ya if you i mean you make over your face and then you wear some err colourful clothes thats called norak norak means that the girl or the boy or the man or the woman acts or dresses over in order to get peoples attention okay ya okay thats norak ndeso ndeso or udik ndeso or udik or sometimes kampungan means that you act or dress in old fashion ya not in modern ss not in modern style but in old fashion okay ndeso or udik ya udik means that kampungan that you come from er a small village ya er and you act or dress like er not a non modern person okay that called ndeso or udik and then the last one is this is very negative expression if you say someone lonte lonte is usually for a girl or a woman lonte means a hostess ah if someone says to a girl or to a woman lontil means that she or he oh she acts like a hostess ya the ways she speaks the way she dresses or the way she i mean open up ahh i mean yeah thats negative ya its like a hostess okay lets start from ababil centil cupu lebay lemot norak ndeso or udik xx the last one is lonte i do hope these expression will be helpful for you to understand when indonesian people ah speak ah in your surroundings thank you so much im gunawan tambunsaribu I will see you next with other topic bye