category,sub category,description,fpml,text "category: ""correlation-swaps""",,"description: ""Correlation Swap Confirmation""","### Response:
23423342342023902 2007-05-02T08:57:00-00:00
false CORR/2007/05/02/234233413420 1 6234 2006-11-07 CalculationAgent CalculationAgent CalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true truetruetrue CancellationAndPayment 0 D ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""correlation-swaps"" description: ""Correlation Swap Confirmation"" ### Response:
23423342342023902 2007-05-02T08:57:00-00:00
false CORR/2007/05/02/234233413420 1 6234 2006-11-07 CalculationAgent CalculationAgent CalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true truetruetrue CancellationAndPayment 0 D " "category: ""correlation-swaps""",,"description: ""Correlation Swap Confirmation""","### Response: NONE IBM.N ABN AMRO HOLDING NVXAMSXLIF MSFT.O AEGON NV XAMS XLIF B.N AIR LIQUIDE XPAR XLIF Cash 3 D Business NONE EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""correlation-swaps"" description: ""Correlation Swap Confirmation"" ### Response: NONE
IBM.N ABN AMRO HOLDING NVXAMSXLIF MSFT.O AEGON NV XAMS XLIF B.N AIR LIQUIDE XPAR XLIF Cash 3 D Business NONE EUTA " "category: ""correlation-swaps""",,"description: ""Correlation Swap Confirmation""","### Response: 2007-06-15 NotApplicable 2006-11-07 NotApplicable true30 EUR 15000000 0.60123 0.351230.85123 1
ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""correlation-swaps"" description: ""Correlation Swap Confirmation"" ### Response: 2007-06-15 NotApplicable 2006-11-07 NotApplicable true30 EUR 15000000 0.60123 0.351230.85123 1 ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity " "category: ""correlation-swaps""",,"description: ""Correlation Swap Confirmation""","### Response:
23423342342023902 2007-05-02T08:57:00-00:00
false CORR/2007/05/02/234233423419 1 6234 2005-11-07 AlternativeObligation AlternativeObligation AlternativeObligationtrue AlternativeObligation AlternativeObligation AlternativeObligationtruefalsefalsefalsefalsefalsefalse truetrue","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""correlation-swaps"" description: ""Correlation Swap Confirmation"" ### Response:
23423342342023902 2007-05-02T08:57:00-00:00
false CORR/2007/05/02/234233423419 1 6234 2005-11-07 AlternativeObligation AlternativeObligation AlternativeObligationtrue AlternativeObligation AlternativeObligation AlternativeObligationtruefalsefalsefalsefalsefalsefalse truetrue" "category: ""correlation-swaps""",,"description: ""Correlation Swap Confirmation""","### Response: true CancellationAndPayment 0 D NONE IBM.N ABN AMRO HOLDING NVXAMSXLIF MSFT.O AEGON NV XAMS XLIF B.N AIR LIQUIDE XPAR XLIF ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""correlation-swaps"" description: ""Correlation Swap Confirmation"" ### Response: true
0 D NONE IBM.N ABN AMRO HOLDING NVXAMSXLIF MSFT.O AEGON NV XAMS XLIF B.N AIR LIQUIDE XPAR XLIF " "category: ""correlation-swaps""",,"description: ""Correlation Swap Confirmation""","### Response: Cash 3 D Business NONE EUTA 2005-12-16 NotApplicable 2005-01-31 NotApplicable true30 EUR 15000000 0.60123 0.351230.85123 1
ISDA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""correlation-swaps"" description: ""Correlation Swap Confirmation"" ### Response: Cash 3 D Business NONE EUTA 2005-12-16 NotApplicable 2005-01-31 NotApplicable true30 EUR 15000000 0.60123 0.351230.85123 1 ISDA " "category: ""correlation-swaps""",,"description: ""Correlation Swap""","### Response:
234234923420 23902 2000-08-01T08:57:00-00:00
false CORR/2000/08/01/234234923120 1 6234 6569 2007-01-05 IBM.N International Business Machines Common Share USD XNYS MSFT.O Microsoft Common Share","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""correlation-swaps"" description: ""Correlation Swap"" ### Response:
234234923420 23902 2000-08-01T08:57:00-00:00
false CORR/2000/08/01/234234923120 1 6234 6569 2007-01-05 IBM.N International Business Machines Common Share USD XNYS MSFT.O Microsoft Common Share" "category: ""correlation-swaps""",,"description: ""Correlation Swap""","### Response: USD XNAS B.N Barnes and Noble Common Share USD XNYS Cash 2 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USNY 2009-12-19 NotApplicable 2007-01-05 NotApplicable false true 120 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""correlation-swaps"" description: ""Correlation Swap"" ### Response: USD XNAS
B.N Barnes and Noble Common Share USD XNYS
Cash 2 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USNY 2009-12-19 NotApplicable 2007-01-05 NotApplicable false true 120 " "category: ""correlation-swaps""",,"description: ""Correlation Swap Confirmation""","### Response:
23423492342023902 2007-05-02T08:57:00-00:00
false CORR/2007/05/02/234234923419 1 6234 2007-05-01 CalculationAgent CalculationAgent CalculationAgent CalculationAgent CalculationAgent CalculationAgent trueCancellationAndPayment 0 D NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""correlation-swaps"" description: ""Correlation Swap Confirmation"" ### Response:
23423492342023902 2007-05-02T08:57:00-00:00
false CORR/2007/05/02/234234923419 1 6234 2007-05-01 CalculationAgent CalculationAgent CalculationAgent CalculationAgent CalculationAgent CalculationAgent trueCancellationAndPayment 0 D NONE " "category: ""correlation-swaps""",,"description: ""Correlation Swap Confirmation""","### Response: IBM.N XNYS XNAS MSFT.O XNAS XNYS B.N XNYS XNAS Cash 3 D Business NONE USNY 2007-06-01 NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""correlation-swaps"" description: ""Correlation Swap Confirmation"" ### Response: IBM.N
Cash 3 D Business NONE USNY 2007-06-01 NONE " "category: ""correlation-swaps""",,"description: ""Correlation Swap Confirmation""","### Response: 2007-01-05 NotApplicable false true30 USD 350000 0.60123 0.351230.85123 1
ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity USNY
959800NKRMZ8NEKQ0A23 Client Party A ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""correlation-swaps"" description: ""Correlation Swap Confirmation"" ### Response: 2007-01-05 NotApplicable false true30 USD 350000 0.60123 0.351230.85123 1
ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity USNY
959800NKRMZ8NEKQ0A23 Client Party A " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Australian Corporate, Short Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: xyz1234 abc1234 2002-12-03 2002-12-04 2007-12-04 Amcor Ltd 0C575S US867211AA21 0.0675 2003-06-15 Sunclipse, Inc. 3 M ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Australian Corporate, Short Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: xyz1234 abc1234 2002-12-03 2002-12-04 2007-12-04 Amcor Ltd 0C575S US867211AA21 0.0675 2003-06-15 Sunclipse, Inc. 3 M " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""US Corporate, Short Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule, Recovery Factor""","### Response: xyz1234 abc1234 2002-12-03 2002-12-04 2007-09-06 Tenet Healthcare Corporation 8G836J 88033GAT7 0.06 2011-12-01 3 M 2003-03-06 6 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""US Corporate, Short Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule, Recovery Factor"" ### Response: xyz1234 abc1234 2002-12-03 2002-12-04 2007-09-06 Tenet Healthcare Corporation 8G836J 88033GAT7 0.06 2011-12-01 3 M 2003-03-06 6 " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: 37262 37262 2002-12-02 2002-12-03 NONE 2008-01-15 MODFOLLOWING GBLO EUTA MODFOLLOWING GBLO EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""European Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: 37262 37262 2002-12-02 2002-12-03 NONE 2008-01-15 MODFOLLOWING GBLO EUTA MODFOLLOWING GBLO EUTA " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: Invensys plc 4A7324 US826166AA89 0.07125 2007-01-15 1.0 3 M 2003-01-15 15 EUR 5000000.0 0.009 ACT/360 EUR 5000000.0 true true USD 1000000.0 true R ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""European Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: Invensys plc 4A7324 US826166AA89 0.07125 2007-01-15 1.0 3 M 2003-01-15 15 EUR 5000000.0 0.009 ACT/360 EUR 5000000.0 true true USD 1000000.0 true R " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: USD 10000000.0 true 2 BorrowedMoney EUR 30 false BondOrLoan true true true true true true 30 Y true true GBLO ISDA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""European Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: USD 10000000.0 true 2 BorrowedMoney EUR 30 false BondOrLoan true true true true true true 30 Y true true GBLO ISDA " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""US Corporate, Short Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: xyz1234 abc1234 2002-12-03 2002-12-04 2007-09-06 Tenet Healthcare Corporation 8G836J 88033GAT7 0.06 2011-12-01 3 M 2003-03-06 6 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""US Corporate, Short Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: xyz1234 abc1234 2002-12-03 2002-12-04 2007-09-06 Tenet Healthcare Corporation 8G836J 88033GAT7 0.06 2011-12-01 3 M 2003-03-06 6 " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Australian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: 37258 37258 2002-12-03 2002-12-04 NONE 2007-12-04 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY AUSY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Australian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: 37258 37258 2002-12-03 2002-12-04 NONE 2007-12-04 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY AUSY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Australian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: AUSY AMP Group Holdings Limited GG3682 XS0092202836 0.06375 2010-11-17 AMP (UK) Financial Services Plc 1.0 3 M 2003-03-04 4 USD 10000000.0 0.0056 ACT/360 USD 10000000.0 true true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Australian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: AUSY AMP Group Holdings Limited GG3682 XS0092202836 0.06375 2010-11-17 AMP (UK) Financial Services Plc 1.0 3 M 2003-03-04 4 USD 10000000.0 0.0056 ACT/360 USD 10000000.0 true true " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Australian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: USD 1000000.0 true ModR USD 10000000.0 true The Australian Financial Review 2 BorrowedMoney USD 30 false BondOrLoan true true AUD EUR GBP JPY USD ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Australian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: USD 1000000.0 true ModR USD 10000000.0 true The Australian Financial Review 2 BorrowedMoney USD 30 false BondOrLoan true true AUD EUR GBP JPY USD " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Australian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: CAD true true true true 30 Y true true GBLO ISDA 1992 ISDA1999Credit ISDA1999CreditRestructuring ISDA1999CreditSuccessorAndCreditEvents ISDA1999CreditConvertibleExchangeableAccretingObligations 254900BIAQJIUV6DLE92","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Australian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: CAD true true true true 30 Y true true GBLO ISDA 1992 ISDA1999Credit ISDA1999CreditRestructuring ISDA1999CreditSuccessorAndCreditEvents ISDA1999CreditConvertibleExchangeableAccretingObligations 254900BIAQJIUV6DLE92" "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Emerging Markets Latin American Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: 37204 37204 2002-11-22 2002-11-23 NONE 2007-11-23 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Emerging Markets Latin American Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: 37204 37204 2002-11-22 2002-11-23 NONE 2007-11-23 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Emerging Markets Latin American Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: Federative Republic of Brazil 115CCB US105756AL40 0.1225 2030-03-06 1.0 6 M 2003-05-23 23 USD 10000000.0 0.266 ACT/360 USD 10000000.0 true true USD 1000000.0 true true true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Emerging Markets Latin American Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: Federative Republic of Brazil 115CCB US105756AL40 0.1225 2030-03-06 1.0 6 M 2003-05-23 23 USD 10000000.0 0.266 ACT/360 USD 10000000.0 true true USD 1000000.0 true true true " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Emerging Markets Latin American Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: R USD 10000000.0 true 2 Bond true true true true USD true false Bond true true true true true true true true USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Emerging Markets Latin American Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: R USD 10000000.0 true 2 Bond true true true true USD true false Bond true true true true true true true true USNY " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Emerging Markets Asian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: 37260 37260 2002-08-22 2002-08-28 NONE 2007-08-28 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Emerging Markets Asian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: 37260 37260 2002-08-22 2002-08-28 NONE 2007-08-28 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Emerging Markets Asian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: People's Republic of China 7I343A US061194AB21 0.0825 2014-03-03 1.0 3 M 2002-11-28 28 USD 5000000.0 0.0085 ACT/360 USD 5000000.0 true true USD 1000000.0 true true true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Emerging Markets Asian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: People's Republic of China 7I343A US061194AB21 0.0825 2014-03-03 1.0 3 M 2002-11-28 28 USD 5000000.0 0.0085 ACT/360 USD 5000000.0 true true USD 1000000.0 true true true " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Emerging Markets Asian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: R USD 10000000.0 true 2 BondOrLoan true true true true true USD 30 false BondOrLoan true true true true true true true true 30 Y true true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Emerging Markets Asian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: R USD 10000000.0 true 2 BondOrLoan true true true true true USD 30 false BondOrLoan true true true true true true true true 30 Y true true " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""US Corporate, Short Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule, Portfolio Compression""","### Response: xyz1234 abc1234 2002-12-03 2002-12-04 2007-09-06 Tenet Healthcare Corporation 8G836J 88033GAT7 0.06 2011-12-01 3 M 2003-03-06 6 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""US Corporate, Short Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule, Portfolio Compression"" ### Response: xyz1234 abc1234 2002-12-03 2002-12-04 2007-09-06 Tenet Healthcare Corporation 8G836J 88033GAT7 0.06 2011-12-01 3 M 2003-03-06 6 " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Corporate, Short Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: xyz1234 abc1234 2002-12-02 2002-12-03 2008-01-15 Abbey National PLC 002BB2 XS009316049 0.05375 2009-12-30 Abbey National Treasury Services plc GLEECI ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""European Corporate, Short Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: xyz1234 abc1234 2002-12-02 2002-12-03 2008-01-15 Abbey National PLC 002BB2 XS009316049 0.05375 2009-12-30 Abbey National Treasury Services plc GLEECI " "category: ""dividend-swaps""",,"description: ""Dividend Swap (illustrating predetermined clearing)""","### Response:
123 GS CPTY 2012-01-27T15:38:00-00:00
false CW/2012/01/27/123 1 166555 166555 2012-01-27 Call EUR 1500000 2012-01-29 NotApplicable 2015-03-20 NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""dividend-swaps"" description: ""Dividend Swap (illustrating predetermined clearing)"" ### Response:
123 GS CPTY 2012-01-27T15:38:00-00:00
false CW/2012/01/27/123 1 166555 166555 2012-01-27 Call EUR 1500000 2012-01-29 NotApplicable 2015-03-20 NotApplicable " "category: ""dividend-swaps""",,"description: ""Dividend Swap (illustrating predetermined clearing)""","### Response: OSP 10:00:00 EUTA true 2015-03-20 NotApplicable 10:00:00 EUTA true EUR Cash true .STOX50E STOXX 50 Euro EUR XEUR Cash ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""dividend-swaps"" description: ""Dividend Swap (illustrating predetermined clearing)"" ### Response:
OSP 10:00:00 EUTA
true 2015-03-20 NotApplicable 10:00:00 EUTA true EUR Cash
true .STOX50E STOXX 50 Euro EUR XEUR Cash " "category: ""dividend-swaps""",,"description: ""Dividend Swap (illustrating predetermined clearing)""","### Response: 2 D Business NONE EUTA EUR 1.0 1.0 2015-12-20 2016-03-19 FOLLOWING EUTA 0.045 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING 2016-03-19 2016-06-20 FOLLOWING EUTA 0.045 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""dividend-swaps"" description: ""Dividend Swap (illustrating predetermined clearing)"" ### Response: 2 D Business NONE EUTA EUR 1.0 1.0 2015-12-20 2016-03-19 FOLLOWING EUTA 0.045 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING 2016-03-19 2016-06-20 FOLLOWING EUTA 0.045 " "category: ""dividend-swaps""",,"description: ""Short Form Dividend Swap for Japanese Underlyer""","### Response:
MS/2006/07/02/15-99 MS/2006/04/07/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
CW/2006/07/02/123 1 1734 5648 2002-07-19 .N225 NIKKEI 225 INDEX JPY XTKS XOSE 1000 Cash ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""dividend-swaps"" description: ""Short Form Dividend Swap for Japanese Underlyer"" ### Response:
MS/2006/07/02/15-99 MS/2006/04/07/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
CW/2006/07/02/123 1 1734 5648 2002-07-19 .N225 NIKKEI 225 INDEX JPY XTKS XOSE 1000 Cash " "category: ""dividend-swaps""",,"description: ""Short Form Dividend Swap for Japanese Underlyer""","### Response: JPY 2010-12-20 2011-12-19 FOLLOWING JPTO 0.045 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING 2011-12-20 2012-12-19 FOLLOWING JPTO 0.045 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""dividend-swaps"" description: ""Short Form Dividend Swap for Japanese Underlyer"" ### Response: JPY
2010-12-20 2011-12-19 FOLLOWING JPTO 0.045 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING 2011-12-20 2012-12-19 FOLLOWING JPTO 0.045 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING" "category: ""dividend-swaps""",,"description: ""Dividend Swap""","### Response:
MS/2006/07/04/15-99 MS/2006/04/07/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
CW/2006/07/02/123 1 1734 5648 2002-07-19 .FCHI France CAC 40 Index EUR XPAR XMAT XMON 1000","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""dividend-swaps"" description: ""Dividend Swap"" ### Response:
MS/2006/07/04/15-99 MS/2006/04/07/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
CW/2006/07/02/123 1 1734 5648 2002-07-19 .FCHI France CAC 40 Index EUR XPAR XMAT XMON 1000" "category: ""dividend-swaps""",,"description: ""Dividend Swap""","### Response: Cash USD 1.0 1.0 2010-12-20 2011-12-19 FOLLOWING EUTA 0.045 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING 2011-12-20 2012-12-19 FOLLOWING EUTA 0.045 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""dividend-swaps"" description: ""Dividend Swap"" ### Response:
Cash USD 1.0 1.0 2010-12-20 2011-12-19 FOLLOWING EUTA 0.045 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING 2011-12-20 2012-12-19 FOLLOWING EUTA 0.045 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING
" "category: ""dividend-swaps""",,"description: ""Dividend Swap Collateral""","### Response:
MS/2006/07/02/15-99 MS/2006/04/07/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
CW/2006/07/02/133 1 1734 5648 2002-07-19 .FCHI France CAC 40 Index EUR XPAR XMAT XMON 1000 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""dividend-swaps"" description: ""Dividend Swap Collateral"" ### Response:
MS/2006/07/02/15-99 MS/2006/04/07/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
CW/2006/07/02/133 1 1734 5648 2002-07-19 .FCHI France CAC 40 Index EUR XPAR XMAT XMON 1000 " "category: ""dividend-swaps""",,"description: ""Dividend Swap Collateral""","### Response: Cash USD 1.0 1.0 2010-12-20 2011-12-19 FOLLOWING EUTA 0.045 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING 2011-12-20 2012-12-19 FOLLOWING EUTA 0.045 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""dividend-swaps"" description: ""Dividend Swap Collateral"" ### Response:
Cash USD 1.0 1.0 2010-12-20 2011-12-19 FOLLOWING EUTA 0.045 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING 2011-12-20 2012-12-19 FOLLOWING EUTA 0.045 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING
" "category: ""dividend-swaps""",,"description: ""Dividend Swap Collateral""","### Response: USD 50000 0 D NONE USD 56000 0 D NONE
Party A ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""dividend-swaps"" description: ""Dividend Swap Collateral"" ### Response: USD 50000 0 D NONE
USD 56000 0 D NONE
Party A " "category: ""equity-forwards""",,"description: ""Equity Forward Stock Long FormTradeCancelled message of an Equity Forward Stock Long Form trade.""","### Response:
MS/2006/04/02/15-38 PartyAXXX PartyBXXX 2006-04-02T15:38:00Z
CS/2006/04/02/15-38 7 1234 2001-07-13 Equity:Forward:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName Forward STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares EUR XLDN 31000 1 2004-07-13 NONE","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-forwards"" description: ""Equity Forward Stock Long FormTradeCancelled message of an Equity Forward Stock Long Form trade."" ### Response:
MS/2006/04/02/15-38 PartyAXXX PartyBXXX 2006-04-02T15:38:00Z
CS/2006/04/02/15-38 7 1234 2001-07-13 Equity:Forward:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName Forward STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares EUR XLDN 31000 1 2004-07-13 NONE" "category: ""equity-forwards""",,"description: ""Equity Forward Stock Long FormTradeCancelled message of an Equity Forward Stock Long Form trade.""","### Response: OSP true EUR 40500 2004-07-13 NONE 2004-07-13 NotApplicable Close 2 D CurrencyBusiness NotApplicable EUR OfficialClose Physical Out 2000-08-01T08:57:00 2000-09-01T08:57:00 2000-10-01T08:57:00 2000-11-01T08:57:00 2000-12-01T08:57:00","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-forwards"" description: ""Equity Forward Stock Long FormTradeCancelled message of an Equity Forward Stock Long Form trade."" ### Response:
true EUR 40500 2004-07-13 NONE 2004-07-13 NotApplicable Close 2 D CurrencyBusiness NotApplicable EUR OfficialClose Physical
Out 2000-08-01T08:57:00 2000-09-01T08:57:00 2000-10-01T08:57:00 2000-11-01T08:57:00 2000-12-01T08:57:00" "category: ""equity-forwards""",,"description: ""Equity Forward Stock Long FormTradeCancelled message of an Equity Forward Stock Long Form trade.""","### Response: 2001-01-04T08:57:00 2001-02-01T08:57:00 2001-03-01T08:57:00 ModifiedPostponement false ExDate ExDate RecordAmount DividendCurrency CalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-forwards"" description: ""Equity Forward Stock Long FormTradeCancelled message of an Equity Forward Stock Long Form trade."" ### Response: 2001-01-04T08:57:00 2001-02-01T08:57:00 2001-03-01T08:57:00 ModifiedPostponement false ExDate ExDate RecordAmount DividendCurrency CalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement Non-Deliverable Index""","### Response: 2 2 2006-02-09 Call .KS50 KOREA SE KOSPI 50 INDEX KSC All Exchanges 2006-02-09 NotApplicable 2006-09-18 NotApplicable AsSpecifiedInMasterConfirmation ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement Non-Deliverable Index"" ### Response: 2 2 2006-02-09 Call .KS50 KOREA SE KOSPI 50 INDEX KSC All Exchanges 2006-02-09 NotApplicable 2006-09-18 NotApplicable AsSpecifiedInMasterConfirmation " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement Non-Deliverable Index""","### Response: 1 1 1000000 true true 2 D CurrencyBusiness NotApplicable USD Cash KRW 1325.0 1000000.0 USD 750000 2006-09-20 NotApplicable USD 0.75 1 ISDA2005EquityAsiaExcludingJapanInterdealer","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement Non-Deliverable Index"" ### Response: 1 1 1000000 true true 2 D CurrencyBusiness NotApplicable USD Cash KRW 1325.0 1000000.0 USD 750000 2006-09-20 NotApplicable USD 0.75 1 ISDA2005EquityAsiaExcludingJapanInterdealer" "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Basket Passthrough Long Form""","### Response:
BasketOption456a789b abc 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CORR/2000/08/01/BasketOption987 1 1234 2000-06-28 Equity:Option:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:Basket Call AHLD.NA Ahold EUR XASE 0.40 RD.NA Royal Dutch","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Basket Passthrough Long Form"" ### Response:
BasketOption456a789b abc 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CORR/2000/08/01/BasketOption987 1 1234 2000-06-28 Equity:Option:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:Basket Call AHLD.NA Ahold EUR XASE 0.40 RD.NA Royal Dutch" "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Basket Passthrough Long Form""","### Response: EUR XASE 0.60 2002-07-01 NONE Close true Close EUR Cash 0.80 1.20 CalculationAgent AlternativeObligation CancellationAndPayment CancellationAndPayment true ModifiedCalculationAgent ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Basket Passthrough Long Form"" ### Response: EUR XASE
2002-07-01 NONE Close true Close EUR Cash 0.80 1.20 CalculationAgent AlternativeObligation CancellationAndPayment CancellationAndPayment true ModifiedCalculationAgent " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Basket Passthrough Long Form""","### Response: ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment 79.099093 1.00 EUR 213.5675511 2000-07-03 NONE EUR 2.70
ISDA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Basket Passthrough Long Form"" ### Response: ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment
79.099093 1.00 EUR 213.5675511 2000-07-03 NONE EUR 2.70 ISDA " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Dividend Adjustment""","### Response:
EquityShareOption456a789b msdw 2006-08-13T08:57:00-00:00
false CW/2000/08/13/456a789b 1 1234 2006-08-14 Call STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares XNSE 2006-08-14 NONE 2008-08-14 NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Dividend Adjustment"" ### Response:
EquityShareOption456a789b msdw 2006-08-13T08:57:00-00:00
false CW/2000/08/13/456a789b 1 1234 2006-08-14 Call STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares XNSE 2006-08-14 NONE 2008-08-14 NONE " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Dividend Adjustment""","### Response: 17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close 1 1 150000 true Close EUR OfficialClose Election 2008-06-14 NONE 2006-08-14 2007-08-14 NONE EUR 1.80 0.91 2007-08-15","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Dividend Adjustment"" ### Response:
17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close 1 1 150000
true Close EUR OfficialClose Election 2008-06-14 NONE
2006-08-14 2007-08-14 NONE EUR 1.80 0.91 2007-08-15" "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Dividend Adjustment""","### Response: 2008-08-14 NONE EUR 1.90 0.91 CalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment 32.00 150000 1.00","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Dividend Adjustment"" ### Response: 2008-08-14 NONE EUR 1.90 0.91
CalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment 32.00 150000 1.00" "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""European Call Index Long Form""","description: ""On 4 September, 2001, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response:
EquityIndexOption456a789b msdw 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CS/2000/08/01/EquityIndexOption369 1 1234 2001-09-04 Equity:Option:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleIndex Call .SSMI Swiss Market Index XNYS 2004-12-19 NONE OSP ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""European Call Index Long Form"" description: ""On 4 September, 2001, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response:
EquityIndexOption456a789b msdw 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CS/2000/08/01/EquityIndexOption369 1 1234 2001-09-04 Equity:Option:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleIndex Call .SSMI Swiss Market Index XNYS 2004-12-19 NONE OSP " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""European Call Index Long Form""","description: ""On 4 September, 2001, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: true OSP 2 D Business NONE CHF OfficialClose Cash CalculationAgent CalculationAgentAdjustment CancellationAndPayment CalculationAgentAdjustment true true false true true false false true true true true 8700 2500 1.00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""European Call Index Long Form"" description: ""On 4 September, 2001, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: true
OSP 2 D Business NONE CHF OfficialClose Cash
CalculationAgent CalculationAgentAdjustment CancellationAndPayment CalculationAgentAdjustment true true false true true false false true true true true 8700 2500 1.00 " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Asian Schedule""","description: ""An example illustratingAsian schedule.""","### Response:
123466-002700000000022 DTCC00006441 DTCC00006440 2002-09-24T18:08:40.335-05:00
false CW/2009/02/24/123466 1 TW9236 2002-10-31 Call .SPX N A 0904 2002-10-31 NONE 2003-04-19 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Asian Schedule"" description: ""An example illustratingAsian schedule."" ### Response:
123466-002700000000022 DTCC00006441 DTCC00006440 2002-09-24T18:08:40.335-05:00
false CW/2009/02/24/123466 1 TW9236 2002-10-31 Call .SPX N A 0904 2002-10-31 NONE 2003-04-19 " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Asian Schedule""","description: ""An example illustratingAsian schedule.""","### Response: NONE Close Close 1 1 5250 true 2001-11-11 NONE 1 M EOM NONE true 2 D Business NONE CHF Cash Out 2002-11-11 2003-11-11 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Asian Schedule"" description: ""An example illustratingAsian schedule."" ### Response: NONE
Close Close 1 1 5250
true 2001-11-11 NONE 1 M EOM NONE true 2 D Business NONE CHF Cash
Out 2002-11-11 2003-11-11 " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Quanto Long Form""","### Response: 1234 2001-07-13 Call STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares XNSE 2001-07-13 NONE 2001-09-27 NONE 17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Quanto Long Form"" ### Response: 1234 2001-07-13 Call STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares XNSE 2001-07-13 NONE 2001-09-27 NONE 17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close 1 " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Quanto Long Form""","### Response: 1 150000 true Close USD OfficialClose Physical EUR USD EUR Currency1PerCurrency2 0.95 Reuters WMRH 15:00:00 DEFR CalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Quanto Long Form"" ### Response: 1 150000 true Close USD OfficialClose Physical EUR USD EUR Currency1PerCurrency2 0.95 Reuters WMRH 15:00:00 DEFR CalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent" "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Quanto Long Form""","### Response: ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment 32 150000 1.00 EUR 405000 2001-07-17 NONE EUR 2.70 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Quanto Long Form"" ### Response: ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment 32 150000 1.00 EUR 405000 2001-07-17 NONE EUR 2.70
" "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Nested Basket""","description: ""An example illustratingflat basket weights.""","### Response:
2342340029 PARTYAC0902 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CW/2000/08/01/2342340029 1 1234 2001-07-13 Call FXI FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index 0.50 005440.KS HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY KRW XKHA 0.25 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Nested Basket"" description: ""An example illustratingflat basket weights."" ### Response:
2342340029 PARTYAC0902 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CW/2000/08/01/2342340029 1 1234 2001-07-13 Call FXI FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index 0.50 005440.KS HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY KRW XKHA 0.25 " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Nested Basket""","description: ""An example illustratingflat basket weights.""","### Response: 000270.KS KIA MOTORS CORPORATION KRW XKHA 0.25 2001-07-13 NONE 2005-09-27 NONE 17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close 1 1 150000 true Close EUR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Nested Basket"" description: ""An example illustratingflat basket weights."" ### Response:
2001-07-13 NONE 2005-09-27 NONE 17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close 1 1 150000 true Close EUR " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Nested Basket""","description: ""An example illustratingflat basket weights.""","### Response: OfficialClose Election 2004-09-27 NONE CalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment 32.00 150000 1.00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Nested Basket"" description: ""An example illustratingflat basket weights."" ### Response: OfficialClose Election 2004-09-27 NONE CalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment 32.00 150000 1.00 " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Asian Dates""","description: ""An example illustratingasian dates.""","### Response:
123488-002700000099999 DTCC00006441 DTCC00006440 2002-09-24T18:08:40.335-05:00
false CW/2009/02/24/123488 1 TW9236 2002-10-31 Call .SPX N A 0904 USD 1234 2002-10-31 NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Asian Dates"" description: ""An example illustratingasian dates."" ### Response:
123488-002700000099999 DTCC00006441 DTCC00006440 2002-09-24T18:08:40.335-05:00
false CW/2009/02/24/123488 1 TW9236 2002-10-31 Call .SPX N A 0904 USD 1234 2002-10-31 NONE " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Asian Dates""","description: ""An example illustratingasian dates.""","### Response: 2003-04-19 NONE Close Close 1 1 5250 true 2002-11-01 2002-11-15 2002-12-01 2002-12-15 2003-01-01 2003-01-15 2003-02-01 2003-02-15 2003-03-01 2003-03-15 2003-04-01 2003-04-15 FOLLOWING NYSE true 2 D Business NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Asian Dates"" description: ""An example illustratingasian dates."" ### Response: 2003-04-19 NONE Close Close 1 1 5250
true 2002-11-01 2002-11-15 2002-12-01 2002-12-15 2003-01-01 2003-01-15 2003-02-01 2003-02-15 2003-03-01 2003-03-15 2003-04-01 2003-04-15 FOLLOWING NYSE true 2 D Business NONE " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Asian Dates""","description: ""An example illustratingasian dates.""","### Response: CHF Cash
Out 2002-11-01T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2002-11-15T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2002-12-01T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2002-12-15T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2003-01-01T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2003-01-15T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2003-02-01T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2003-02-15T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2003-03-01T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2003-03-15T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2003-04-01T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2003-04-15T18:08:40.335-05:00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Asian Dates"" description: ""An example illustratingasian dates."" ### Response:
CHF Cash Out 2002-11-01T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2002-11-15T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2002-12-01T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2002-12-15T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2003-01-01T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2003-01-15T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2003-02-01T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2003-02-15T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2003-03-01T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2003-03-15T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2003-04-01T18:08:40.335-05:00 10 2003-04-15T18:08:40.335-05:00 " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Asian Option Long Form""","description: ""On 28 June, 2000, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are: This example shows a RequestTradeConfirmation message of this trade sent by Party A to Party B.""","### Response:
MS/2006/04/02/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-04-02T15:38:00Z
false CS/2006/04/02/32-09 9 1234 2000-06-28 Call .N225 NIKKEI 225 INDEX XTKS XOSE 2002-07-01 NONE Close true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Asian Option Long Form"" description: ""On 28 June, 2000, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are: This example shows a RequestTradeConfirmation message of this trade sent by Party A to Party B."" ### Response:
MS/2006/04/02/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-04-02T15:38:00Z
false CS/2006/04/02/32-09 9 1234 2000-06-28 Call .N225 NIKKEI 225 INDEX XTKS XOSE 2002-07-01 NONE Close true " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Asian Option Long Form""","description: ""On 28 June, 2000, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are: This example shows a RequestTradeConfirmation message of this trade sent by Party A to Party B.""","### Response: Close EUR Cash Out 2000-08-01T08:57:00 2000-09-01T08:57:00 2000-10-01T08:57:00 2000-11-01T08:57:00 2000-12-01T08:57:00 2001-01-04T08:57:00 2001-02-01T08:57:00 2001-03-01T08:57:00 ModifiedPostponement JPY CalculationAgent CalculationAgentAdjustment CancellationAndPayment CalculationAgentAdjustment true true false true true false false true true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Asian Option Long Form"" description: ""On 28 June, 2000, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are: This example shows a RequestTradeConfirmation message of this trade sent by Party A to Party B."" ### Response: Close
EUR Cash
Out 2000-08-01T08:57:00 2000-09-01T08:57:00 2000-10-01T08:57:00 2000-11-01T08:57:00 2000-12-01T08:57:00 2001-01-04T08:57:00 2001-02-01T08:57:00 2001-03-01T08:57:00 ModifiedPostponement JPY CalculationAgent CalculationAgentAdjustment CancellationAndPayment CalculationAgentAdjustment true true false true true false false true true " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Asian Option Long Form""","description: ""On 28 June, 2000, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are: This example shows a RequestTradeConfirmation message of this trade sent by Party A to Party B.""","### Response: true true 17475.90 79.099093 1.00 EUR 213.5675511 2000-07-03 NONE EUR 2.70
ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity GBEN
Party A ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Asian Option Long Form"" description: ""On 28 June, 2000, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are: This example shows a RequestTradeConfirmation message of this trade sent by Party A to Party B."" ### Response: true true 17475.90 79.099093 1.00 EUR 213.5675511 2000-07-03 NONE EUR 2.70 ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity GBEN
Party A " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Zero-strike Equity Swap""","### Response:
MS/2006/04/07/15-99MS/2006/07/03/15-92 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
CS/2006/07/02/32-09 8 1234 5678 2002-10-17 Equity:Swap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName 2002-10-24 NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Zero-strike Equity Swap"" ### Response:
MS/2006/04/07/15-99MS/2006/07/03/15-92 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
CS/2006/07/02/32-09 8 1234 5678 2002-10-17 Equity:Swap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName 2002-10-24 NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Zero-strike Equity Swap""","### Response: ZEE.NS ZEE XNSE 31000 1 USD 1.8036 AbsoluteTerms false BPS 60 HedgeExecution 2004-10-17 NotApplicable 5 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Zero-strike Equity Swap"" ### Response: ZEE.NS ZEE XNSE 31000 1
USD 1.8036 AbsoluteTerms false BPS 60 HedgeExecution 2004-10-17 NotApplicable 5 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USNY " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Zero-strike Equity Swap""","### Response: USD 55911.60 Final Price * Number of Shares valuationPriceFinal * openUnits true Total false ExDate EquityPaymentDate PaidAmount Standard USD CalculationAgent
true false false USD 55911.60","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Zero-strike Equity Swap"" ### Response: USD 55911.60 Final Price * Number of Shares valuationPriceFinal * openUnits true Total false ExDate EquityPaymentDate PaidAmount Standard USD CalculationAgent true false false USD 55911.60" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Zero-strike Equity Swap""","### Response: 0 D NotApplicable ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Zero-strike Equity Swap"" ### Response: 0 D NotApplicable ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Composite basket long form with separate spreadsParty A sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Party B with the details of the agreement.""","### Response:
MS/2006/04/07/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
false CS/2006/07/02/32-09 1 1245 4569 2002-07-17 Equity:Swap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:Basket 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Composite basket long form with separate spreadsParty A sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Party B with the details of the agreement."" ### Response:
MS/2006/04/07/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
false CS/2006/07/02/32-09 1 1245 4569 2002-07-17 Equity:Swap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:Basket 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Composite basket long form with separate spreadsParty A sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Party B with the details of the agreement.""","### Response: 1 TIT.ME Telecom Italia spa EUR XMIL 432000 0.85 NOK1V.HE Nokya Oyj EUR XHEL 227000 0.85 TIM.MI Telecom Italia Mobile spa EUR XMIL 783000 0.85 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Composite basket long form with separate spreadsParty A sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Party B with the details of the agreement."" ### Response: 1 TIT.ME Telecom Italia spa EUR XMIL 432000 0.85 NOK1V.HE Nokya Oyj EUR XHEL 227000 0.85 TIM.MI Telecom Italia Mobile spa EUR XMIL 783000 0.85 " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Composite basket long form with separate spreadsParty A sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Party B with the details of the agreement.""","### Response: TEF.MC Telefonica de Espana EUR XMAD 344000 0.85 PTCO.IN Portugal Telecom SA EUR XCVM 340000 0.85 VOD.L Vodafone Group GBP XLON 2486000 0.85 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Composite basket long form with separate spreadsParty A sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Party B with the details of the agreement."" ### Response: TEF.MC Telefonica de Espana EUR XMAD 344000 0.85 PTCO.IN Portugal Telecom SA EUR XCVM 340000 0.85 VOD.L Vodafone Group GBP XLON 2486000 0.85
" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Composite basket long form with separate spreadsParty A sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Party B with the details of the agreement.""","### Response: EUR 19785157.16 AbsoluteTerms true ValuationTime 2002-10-17 NotApplicable Close HedgeExecution 2004-01-17 NotApplicable 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USNY 3","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Composite basket long form with separate spreadsParty A sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Party B with the details of the agreement."" ### Response: EUR 19785157.16 AbsoluteTerms true ValuationTime 2002-10-17 NotApplicable Close HedgeExecution 2004-01-17 NotApplicable 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USNY 3" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Composite basket long form with separate spreadsParty A sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Party B with the details of the agreement.""","### Response: D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUR 19785157.16 ISDA Standard true Total false ExDate EquityPaymentDate PaidAmount Execution EUR CalculationAgent
3 D ExchangeBusiness","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Composite basket long form with separate spreadsParty A sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Party B with the details of the agreement."" ### Response: D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUR 19785157.16 ISDA Standard true Total false ExDate EquityPaymentDate PaidAmount Execution EUR CalculationAgent 3 D ExchangeBusiness" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Composite basket long form with separate spreadsParty A sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Party B with the details of the agreement.""","### Response: NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable CalculationPeriodStartDate 0 D NotApplicable Standard ISDA EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 3 M 0.0050 0.0050 2002-03-17 0.0055 0.0050 0.0050 2002-04-17","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Composite basket long form with separate spreadsParty A sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Party B with the details of the agreement."" ### Response: NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable CalculationPeriodStartDate 0 D NotApplicable Standard ISDA EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 3 M 0.0050 0.0050 2002-03-17 0.0055 0.0050 0.0050 2002-04-17" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Composite basket long form with separate spreadsParty A sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Party B with the details of the agreement.""","### Response: 0.0042 0.0050 2002-03-20 0.0065 0.0050 2002-02-22 0.0022 ACT/360 ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Composite basket long form with separate spreadsParty A sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Party B with the details of the agreement."" ### Response: 0.0042 0.0050 2002-03-20 0.0065 0.0050 2002-02-22 0.0022 ACT/360 ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with both an Initial and a Final Stub""","### Response:
MS/2006/07/07/15-99MS/2006/07/03/15-91 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00+05:00
CS/2006/07/02/32-09 6 1234 5678 2002-07-17 Equity:Swap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:Basket 2002-07-20 NotApplicable 2004-07-20 FOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with both an Initial and a Final Stub"" ### Response:
MS/2006/07/07/15-99MS/2006/07/03/15-91 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00+05:00
CS/2006/07/02/32-09 6 1234 5678 2002-07-17 Equity:Swap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:Basket 2002-07-20 NotApplicable 2004-07-20 FOLLOWING " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with both an Initial and a Final Stub""","### Response: EUTA GBLO 1 67812345 Telecom Italia spa EUR XMIL 432000 56781234 Nokya Oyj EUR XHEL 227000 45678123 Telecom Italia Mobile spa EUR XMIL 783000 34567812 Telefonica de Espana","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with both an Initial and a Final Stub"" ### Response: EUTA
1 67812345 Telecom Italia spa EUR XMIL 432000 56781234 Nokya Oyj EUR XHEL 227000 45678123 Telecom Italia Mobile spa EUR XMIL 783000 34567812 Telefonica de Espana" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with both an Initial and a Final Stub""","### Response: EUR XMAD 344000 23456781 Portugal Telecom SA EUR XCVM 340000 12345678 Vodafone Group GBP XLON 2486000 MSCIWGBI MSCI World Government Bond Index. USD CalculationAgent ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with both an Initial and a Final Stub"" ### Response: EUR XMAD 344000 23456781 Portugal Telecom SA EUR XCVM 340000 12345678 Vodafone Group GBP XLON 2486000 MSCIWGBI MSCI World Government Bond Index. USD CalculationAgent " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with both an Initial and a Final Stub""","### Response: 0 D NotApplicable Close true ValuationTime 2002-07-26 2002-08-28 2002-09-26 2002-10-27 2002-11-28 2002-12-26 2003-01-29 2003-02-26 2003-03-26 2003-04-28 2003-05-28 2003-06-26 2003-07-29 2003-08-27 2003-09-26 2003-10-29 2003-11-26 2003-12-29 2004-01-28 2004-02-25 2004-03-26 2004-04-28 2004-05-27 2004-06-28 NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with both an Initial and a Final Stub"" ### Response: 0 D NotApplicable Close true ValuationTime 2002-07-26 2002-08-28 2002-09-26 2002-10-27 2002-11-28 2002-12-26 2003-01-29 2003-02-26 2003-03-26 2003-04-28 2003-05-28 2003-06-26 2003-07-29 2003-08-27 2003-09-26 2003-10-29 2003-11-26 2003-12-29 2004-01-28 2004-02-25 2004-03-26 2004-04-28 2004-05-27 2004-06-28 NotApplicable " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with both an Initial and a Final Stub""","### Response: Close HedgeExecution 2004-07-15 NotApplicable 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING EUTA 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING EUR 10500000.00 ISDA Standard","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with both an Initial and a Final Stub"" ### Response: Close HedgeExecution 2004-07-15 NotApplicable 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING EUTA 3 D Calendar FOLLOWING EUR 10500000.00 ISDA Standard" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with both an Initial and a Final Stub""","### Response: false Total Execution EUR CalculationAgent
3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable CalculationPeriodStartDate 0 D NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with both an Initial and a Final Stub"" ### Response: false Total Execution EUR CalculationAgent 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable CalculationPeriodStartDate 0 D NotApplicable " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with both an Initial and a Final Stub""","### Response: Standard ISDA EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 3 M 0.0050 ACT/365.FIXED 0.02125 0 D NotApplicable 2002-08-01 NotApplicable EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 1 W 0.0050 2004-07-01 NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with both an Initial and a Final Stub"" ### Response: Standard ISDA EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 3 M 0.0050 ACT/365.FIXED 0.02125 0 D NotApplicable 2002-08-01 NotApplicable EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 1 W 0.0050 2004-07-01 NotApplicable " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Index Swap With a Quanto Feature Long Form""","### Response:
MS/2006/04/07/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
false CS/2006/07/02/32-09 8 1734 5648 2002-07-19 Equity:Swap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:Basket 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Index Swap With a Quanto Feature Long Form"" ### Response:
MS/2006/04/07/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
false CS/2006/07/02/32-09 8 1734 5648 2002-07-19 Equity:Swap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:Basket 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Index Swap With a Quanto Feature Long Form""","### Response: 1 .FCHI France CAC 40 Index EUR XPAR XMAT XMON 960 .IBEX IBEX 35 EUR XMEF 260 .HSI Hong Kong Hang Seng Index HKD XHKG 580 USD 5591987.41 AbsoluteTerms ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Index Swap With a Quanto Feature Long Form"" ### Response: 1 .FCHI France CAC 40 Index EUR XPAR XMAT XMON 960 .IBEX IBEX 35 EUR XMEF 260 .HSI Hong Kong Hang Seng Index HKD XHKG 580
USD 5591987.41 AbsoluteTerms " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Index Swap With a Quanto Feature Long Form""","### Response: true ValuationTime 2002-10-21 2004-01-20 2004-04-22 NotApplicable Close HedgeExecution 2004-07-21 NotApplicable 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUTA HKHK ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Index Swap With a Quanto Feature Long Form"" ### Response: true ValuationTime 2002-10-21 2004-01-20 2004-04-22 NotApplicable Close HedgeExecution 2004-07-21 NotApplicable 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUTA HKHK " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Index Swap With a Quanto Feature Long Form""","### Response: 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USD 5591987.41 Standard ISDA true Price Standard USD USD EUR Currency2PerCurrency1 0.99140 USD HKD Currency2PerCurrency1 7.80
","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Index Swap With a Quanto Feature Long Form"" ### Response: 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USD 5591987.41 Standard ISDA true Price Standard USD USD EUR Currency2PerCurrency1 0.99140 USD HKD Currency2PerCurrency1 7.80 " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Index Swap With a Quanto Feature Long Form""","### Response: 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable CalculationPeriodStartDate 0 D NotApplicable Standard ISDA USD-LIBOR-BBA 3 M -0.00220 ACT/360 CalculationAgentAdjustment","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Index Swap With a Quanto Feature Long Form"" ### Response: 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable CalculationPeriodStartDate 0 D NotApplicable Standard ISDA USD-LIBOR-BBA 3 M -0.00220 ACT/360 CalculationAgentAdjustment" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Index Swap With a Quanto Feature Long Form""","### Response: CancellationAndPayment CalculationAgentAdjustment true true false true true false false true true true true
ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity GBEN
Party A Party B
","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Index Swap With a Quanto Feature Long Form"" ### Response: CancellationAndPayment CalculationAgentAdjustment true true false true true false false true true true true
ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity GBEN
Party A Party B
" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Equity Accrual Swap on European Index Underlyer Short Form""","### Response:
MS/2008/04/07/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2008-09-02T16:38:00Z
false CS/2008/07/02/32-09 1 6234 6569 2007-09-24 Equity:Swap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Equity Accrual Swap on European Index Underlyer Short Form"" ### Response:
MS/2008/04/07/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2008-09-02T16:38:00Z
false CS/2008/07/02/32-09 1 6234 6569 2007-09-24 Equity:Swap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Equity Accrual Swap on European Index Underlyer Short Form""","### Response: NOK1V.HE Nokya Oyj EUR XHEL 760400 1 EUR 37.44 AbsoluteTerms true ValuationTime 2007-10-12 2007-11-13 2007-12-12 2008-01-14 2008-02-12 2008-03-12 2008-04-12 2008-05-13 2008-06-12 2008-07-12 2008-08-12 NotApplicable Close ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Equity Accrual Swap on European Index Underlyer Short Form"" ### Response: NOK1V.HE Nokya Oyj EUR XHEL 760400 1
EUR 37.44 AbsoluteTerms true ValuationTime 2007-10-12 2007-11-13 2007-12-12 2008-01-14 2008-02-12 2008-03-12 2008-04-12 2008-05-13 2008-06-12 2008-07-12 2008-08-12 NotApplicable Close " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Equity Accrual Swap on European Index Underlyer Short Form""","### Response: HedgeExecution 2008-09-24 NotApplicable 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUTA 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUR 28469376 EUR ISDA Standard true Total ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Equity Accrual Swap on European Index Underlyer Short Form"" ### Response: HedgeExecution 2008-09-24 NotApplicable 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUTA 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUR 28469376 EUR ISDA Standard true Total " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Equity Accrual Swap on European Index Underlyer Short Form""","### Response: EquityPaymentDate FirstPeriod .01 Execution
3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable CalculationPeriodStartDate 0 D NotApplicable Standard ISDA EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Equity Accrual Swap on European Index Underlyer Short Form"" ### Response: EquityPaymentDate FirstPeriod .01 Execution 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable CalculationPeriodStartDate 0 D NotApplicable Standard ISDA EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with an Upfront Fee as well as a Brokerage Fee Long Form""","### Response:
MS/2006/04/07/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
false CS/2006/07/02/32-09 1 1934 5978 2002-09-10 Equity:Swap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName 2002-09-12 NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with an Upfront Fee as well as a Brokerage Fee Long Form"" ### Response:
MS/2006/04/07/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
false CS/2006/07/02/32-09 1 1934 5978 2002-09-10 Equity:Swap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName 2002-09-12 NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with an Upfront Fee as well as a Brokerage Fee Long Form""","### Response: 2881.TW Fubon Financial Holdings Co., Ltd. XTAI 18388000 Dividend actually paid to and received by a non-resident of Taiwan holding BPS 30 CalculationAgent 0 D NotApplicable false BPS 30 CalculationAgent 2004-03-12 FOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with an Upfront Fee as well as a Brokerage Fee Long Form"" ### Response: 2881.TW
Fubon Financial Holdings Co., Ltd. XTAI
18388000 Dividend actually paid to and received by a non-resident of Taiwan holding
BPS 30 CalculationAgent 0 D NotApplicable false BPS 30 CalculationAgent 2004-03-12 FOLLOWING " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with an Upfront Fee as well as a Brokerage Fee Long Form""","### Response: 2 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USNY TWTA CalculationAgent ISDA Standard true Total false ExDate ExDate PaidAmount Standard USD CalculationAgent
","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with an Upfront Fee as well as a Brokerage Fee Long Form"" ### Response: 2 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USNY TWTA CalculationAgent ISDA Standard true Total false ExDate ExDate PaidAmount Standard USD CalculationAgent " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with an Upfront Fee as well as a Brokerage Fee Long Form""","### Response: 0 D NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable CalculationPeriodStartDate 2 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING Standard ISDA USD-LIBOR-BBA 6 M ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with an Upfront Fee as well as a Brokerage Fee Long Form"" ### Response: 0 D NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable CalculationPeriodStartDate 2 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING Standard ISDA USD-LIBOR-BBA 6 M ACT/360 " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with an Upfront Fee as well as a Brokerage Fee Long Form""","### Response: 18388000 * Reference Price * [6.5% (the upfront Fee) + 0.63% (taxes)] 18388000 * ReferencePrice * ( 6.5 % + 0.63 % ) Volume-weighted average price per share of underlying security on Trade Date 0 D NotApplicable Upfront fee ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with an Upfront Fee as well as a Brokerage Fee Long Form"" ### Response: 18388000 * Reference Price * [6.5% (the upfront Fee) + 0.63% (taxes)] 18388000 * ReferencePrice * ( 6.5 % + 0.63 % ) Volume-weighted average price per share of underlying security on Trade Date 0 D NotApplicable Upfront fee ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with an Upfront Fee as well as a Brokerage Fee Long Form""","### Response: true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment
USD 1000 2002-09-30 NotApplicable BrokerageFee ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity GBEN
","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Underlyer Swap with an Upfront Fee as well as a Brokerage Fee Long Form"" ### Response: true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment
USD 1000 2002-09-30 NotApplicable BrokerageFee ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity GBEN
" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Composite Basket Swap Long Form""","### Response:
MS/2006/07/07/15-99MS/2006/07/05/15-92 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
CS/2006/07/02/32-09 7 1245 4569 2002-07-17 Equity:Swap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:Basket 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Composite Basket Swap Long Form"" ### Response:
MS/2006/07/07/15-99MS/2006/07/05/15-92 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
CS/2006/07/02/32-09 7 1245 4569 2002-07-17 Equity:Swap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:Basket 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Composite Basket Swap Long Form""","### Response: 1 TIT.ME Telecom Italia spa EUR XMIL 432000 0.85 NOK1V.HE Nokya Oyj EUR XHEL 227000 0.85 TIM.MI Telecom Italia Mobile spa EUR XMIL 783000 0.85 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Composite Basket Swap Long Form"" ### Response:
1 TIT.ME Telecom Italia spa EUR XMIL 432000 0.85 NOK1V.HE Nokya Oyj EUR XHEL 227000 0.85 TIM.MI Telecom Italia Mobile spa EUR XMIL 783000 0.85 " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Composite Basket Swap Long Form""","### Response: TEF.MC Telefonica de Espana EUR XMAD 344000 0.85 PTCO.IN Portugal Telecom SA EUR XCVM 340000 0.85 VOD.L Vodafone Group GBP XLON 2486000 0.85 EUR 19785157.16 AbsoluteTerms ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Composite Basket Swap Long Form"" ### Response: TEF.MC Telefonica de Espana EUR XMAD 344000 0.85 PTCO.IN Portugal Telecom SA EUR XCVM 340000 0.85 VOD.L Vodafone Group GBP XLON 2486000 0.85 EUR 19785157.16 AbsoluteTerms " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Composite Basket Swap Long Form""","### Response: true ValuationTime 2002-10-17 NotApplicable Close HedgeExecution 2004-01-17 NotApplicable 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USNY 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Composite Basket Swap Long Form"" ### Response: true ValuationTime 2002-10-17 NotApplicable Close HedgeExecution 2004-01-17 NotApplicable 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USNY 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Composite Basket Swap Long Form""","### Response: EUR 19785157.16 ISDA Standard true Total false ExDate EquityPaymentDate PaidAmount Execution EUR CalculationAgent
3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Composite Basket Swap Long Form"" ### Response: EUR 19785157.16 ISDA Standard true Total false ExDate EquityPaymentDate PaidAmount Execution EUR CalculationAgent 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Composite Basket Swap Long Form""","### Response: 0 D NotApplicable CalculationPeriodStartDate 0 D NotApplicable Standard ISDA EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 3 M 0.0050 ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Composite Basket Swap Long Form"" ### Response: 0 D NotApplicable CalculationPeriodStartDate 0 D NotApplicable Standard ISDA EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 3 M 0.0050 ACT/360 " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Composite Basket Swap Long Form""","### Response: ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment
ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Composite Basket Swap Long Form"" ### Response: ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Pan-Asia Interdealer Share Swap Short Form""","### Response:
MS/2009/09/01/15-99 PARTYABIC1 PARTYBBIC2 2009-09-01T16:38:00Z
false CS/2009/09/01/32-09 1 299442 299442 2009-09-01 2009-09-03 FOLLOWING USNY 2010-03-04 FOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Pan-Asia Interdealer Share Swap Short Form"" ### Response:
MS/2009/09/01/15-99 PARTYABIC1 PARTYBBIC2 2009-09-01T16:38:00Z
false CS/2009/09/01/32-09 1 299442 299442 2009-09-01 2009-09-03 FOLLOWING USNY 2010-03-04 FOLLOWING " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Pan-Asia Interdealer Share Swap Short Form""","### Response: USNY 1 M -2 D CurrencyBusiness PRECEDING GBLO 0 D NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable 1 M 1 FOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Pan-Asia Interdealer Share Swap Short Form"" ### Response: USNY
1 M -2 D CurrencyBusiness PRECEDING GBLO 0 D NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable 1 M 1 FOLLOWING " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Pan-Asia Interdealer Share Swap Short Form""","### Response: USNY
StandardISDA USD-LIBOR-BBA 1 M 0 ACT/360 LinearZeroYield
2009-09-01 FOLLOWING KRSE 2010-03-02 FOLLOWING KRSE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Pan-Asia Interdealer Share Swap Short Form"" ### Response: USNY StandardISDA USD-LIBOR-BBA 1 M 0 ACT/360 LinearZeroYield 2009-09-01 FOLLOWING KRSE 2010-03-02 FOLLOWING KRSE " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Pan-Asia Interdealer Share Swap Short Form""","### Response: 005430.KS KR7005430004 KOREA AIR SVC ORDINARY KRW XKRX 60000 1 USD 5 AbsoluteTerms AsSpecifiedInMasterConfirmation 0 D NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Pan-Asia Interdealer Share Swap Short Form"" ### Response: 005430.KS KR7005430004 KOREA AIR SVC ORDINARY KRW XKRX 60000 1 USD 5 AbsoluteTerms AsSpecifiedInMasterConfirmation 0 D NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Pan-Asia Interdealer Share Swap Short Form""","### Response: 1 M 1 FOLLOWING KRSE AsSpecifiedInMasterConfirmation HedgeExecution 2010-03-02 FOLLOWING KRSE AsSpecifiedInMasterConfirmation 2 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USNY 2","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Pan-Asia Interdealer Share Swap Short Form"" ### Response: 1 M 1 FOLLOWING KRSE AsSpecifiedInMasterConfirmation HedgeExecution 2010-03-02 FOLLOWING KRSE AsSpecifiedInMasterConfirmation 2 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USNY 2" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Pan-Asia Interdealer Share Swap Short Form""","### Response: D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USNY USD 300000 USD StandardISDA true Total SharePayment 2 D CurrencyBusiness SecondPeriod Standard KRW Reuters KRW= 14:45:00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Pan-Asia Interdealer Share Swap Short Form"" ### Response: D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USNY USD 300000 USD StandardISDA true Total SharePayment 2 D CurrencyBusiness SecondPeriod Standard KRW Reuters KRW= 14:45:00 " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Underlyer Execution Swap Long Form""","### Response:
MS/2006/04/07/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
false CS/2006/07/02/32-09 1 6234 6569 2001-09-24 Equity:Swap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Underlyer Execution Swap Long Form"" ### Response:
MS/2006/04/07/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
false CS/2006/07/02/32-09 1 6234 6569 2001-09-24 Equity:Swap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Underlyer Execution Swap Long Form""","### Response: SHPGY.O Shire Pharmeceuticals Group - American Depositary Receipts NASD 760400 1 Cash USD 37.44 AbsoluteTerms true ValuationTime 2001-10-12 2001-11-13 2001-12-12 2002-01-14 2002-02-12 2002-03-12 2002-04-12 2002-05-13 2002-06-12 2002-07-12 2002-08-12 NotApplicable Close ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Underlyer Execution Swap Long Form"" ### Response: SHPGY.O Shire Pharmeceuticals Group - American Depositary Receipts NASD 760400 1
Cash USD 37.44 AbsoluteTerms true ValuationTime 2001-10-12 2001-11-13 2001-12-12 2002-01-14 2002-02-12 2002-03-12 2002-04-12 2002-05-13 2002-06-12 2002-07-12 2002-08-12 NotApplicable Close " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Underlyer Execution Swap Long Form""","### Response: HedgeExecution 2002-09-24 NotApplicable 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USNY 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USD 28469376 USD ISDA Standard true Total ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Underlyer Execution Swap Long Form"" ### Response: HedgeExecution 2002-09-24 NotApplicable 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USNY 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USD 28469376 USD ISDA Standard true Total " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Underlyer Execution Swap Long Form""","### Response: false ExDate EquityPaymentDate RecordAmountDividendCurrency Execution
3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable CalculationPeriodStartDate 0 D NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Underlyer Execution Swap Long Form"" ### Response: false ExDate EquityPaymentDate RecordAmountDividendCurrency Execution
3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable CalculationPeriodStartDate 0 D NotApplicable " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Underlyer Execution Swap Long Form""","### Response: Standard ISDA USD-LIBOR-BBA 1 M 0.0020 ACT/360 ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Underlyer Execution Swap Long Form"" ### Response: Standard ISDA USD-LIBOR-BBA 1 M 0.0020 ACT/360 ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Option Average Strike""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-06-24T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2005-10-03 FxAccrualOption JPY GBP 4000000.00 GBP USD JPY Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Option Average Strike"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-06-24T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2005-10-03 FxAccrualOption JPY GBP 4000000.00 GBP USD JPY Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Option Average Strike""","### Response: BTMFIX 15:00:00 JPTO Below 2 AtOrAbove Below 120.00 2005-10-03 2005-10-31 Business JPTO 20 2005-10-31 15:00:00 JPTO FOLLOWING JPTO GBLO 2005-11-02 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Option Average Strike"" ### Response: BTMFIX
15:00:00 JPTO
Below 2 AtOrAbove Below 120.00 2005-10-03 2005-10-31 Business JPTO 20
2005-10-31 15:00:00 JPTO FOLLOWING JPTO GBLO 2005-11-02 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Option Average Strike""","### Response: USD JPY Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters BTMFIX 15:00:00 JPTO 2005-10-03 2005-10-31 Business JPTO Arithmetic 4 -0.44 2005-10-05 NONE JPY 40000000
549300SRLRVTR996F086 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Option Average Strike"" ### Response: USD JPY Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters BTMFIX 15:00:00 JPTO 2005-10-03 2005-10-31 Business JPTO Arithmetic 4 -0.44 2005-10-05 NONE JPY 40000000 GBEN
549300SRLRVTR996F086 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Digital""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2013-06-23 USD CAD Currency2PerCurrency1 1000000.00 USD AtOrAbove 4 true MODFOLLOWING USNY","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Digital"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2013-06-23 USD CAD Currency2PerCurrency1 1000000.00 USD AtOrAbove 4 true MODFOLLOWING USNY" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Digital""","### Response: 2014-12-23 2014-01-27 2014-02-25 2014-03-26 2014-04-27 2014-05-27 2015-05-27 MODFOLLOWING USNY 2014-12-24 2014-01-28 2014-02-26 2014-03-27 2014-04-28 2014-05-28 2015-05-28 Reuters WMRSPOT09 10:00:00 USNY USD CAD 1.0450 1045000.00","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Digital"" ### Response:
2014-12-23 2014-01-27 2014-02-25 2014-03-26 2014-04-27 2014-05-27 2015-05-27
MODFOLLOWING USNY 2014-12-24 2014-01-28 2014-02-26 2014-03-27 2014-04-28 2014-05-28 2015-05-28 Reuters WMRSPOT09 10:00:00 USNY USD CAD 1.0450 1045000.00" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-24T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2011-03-26 FxAccrualForward 252000.00 USD EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-24T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2011-03-26 FxAccrualForward 252000.00 USD EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 EUTA " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward""","### Response: Above 1.3 2011-09-28 2011-09-29 2011-09-30 2011-10-03 2011-10-04 2011-10-05 2011-10-06 2011-10-07 2011-10-11 2011-10-12 2011-10-13 2011-10-14 2011-10-17 2011-10-18 2011-10-19 2011-10-20 2011-10-21 2011-10-24 2011-10-25 2011-10-26 2011-10-27 2011-10-28 2011-10-31 2011-11-01 2011-11-02 2011-11-03 2011-11-04 2011-11-07 2011-11-08 2011-11-09 2011-11-10 2011-11-14 2011-11-15 2011-11-16 2011-11-17 2011-11-18 2011-11-18 2011-11-22 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward"" ### Response:
Above 1.3 2011-09-28 2011-09-29 2011-09-30 2011-10-03 2011-10-04 2011-10-05 2011-10-06 2011-10-07 2011-10-11 2011-10-12 2011-10-13 2011-10-14 2011-10-17 2011-10-18 2011-10-19 2011-10-20 2011-10-21 2011-10-24 2011-10-25 2011-10-26 2011-10-27 2011-10-28 2011-10-31 2011-11-01 2011-11-02 2011-11-03 2011-11-04 2011-11-07 2011-11-08 2011-11-09 2011-11-10 2011-11-14 2011-11-15 2011-11-16 2011-11-17 2011-11-18
2011-11-18 2011-11-22 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward Boost Strip with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2010-10-15T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2010-10-15 440000.00 2010-12-16 460000.00 2011-01-18 420000.00 USD USD JPY Currency2PerCurrency1 WM Company JPY1 10:00:00 USNY","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward Boost Strip with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2010-10-15T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2010-10-15 440000.00 2010-12-16 460000.00 2011-01-18 420000.00 USD USD JPY Currency2PerCurrency1 WM Company JPY1 10:00:00 USNY" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward Boost Strip with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: Below 112.00 2 AtOrAbove 112.00 Below 120.00 2010-10-15 2011-02-15 Business 2010-11-15 2010-12-15 2011-01-17 2011-02-15 2011-02-15 FOLLOWING USNY JPTO 2010-11-17 2010-12-17 2011-01-19 2011-02-17 2011-02-17 USD ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward Boost Strip with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response:
Below 112.00 2 AtOrAbove 112.00 Below 120.00 2010-10-15 2011-02-15 Business
2010-11-15 2010-12-15 2011-01-17 2011-02-15 2011-02-15 FOLLOWING USNY JPTO 2010-11-17 2010-12-17 2011-01-19 2011-02-17 2011-02-17 USD " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward Boost Strip with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: JPY 112 Currency2PerCurrency1 49280000.00 2010-12-16 51520000.00 2011-01-18 47040000 JPY USD 10000.00 2012-12-10 FOLLOWING USNY 2010-11-15 2010-11-17 440000.00 112 49280000.00 2010-10-15 2010-10-18 2010-10-19 2010-10-20 2010-10-21 2010-10-22","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward Boost Strip with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: JPY 112 Currency2PerCurrency1 49280000.00 2010-12-16 51520000.00 2011-01-18 47040000 JPY
USD 10000.00 2012-12-10 FOLLOWING USNY 2010-11-15 2010-11-17 440000.00 112 49280000.00 2010-10-15 2010-10-18 2010-10-19 2010-10-20 2010-10-21 2010-10-22" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward Boost Strip with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: 2010-10-25 2010-10-26 2010-10-27 2010-10-28 2010-10-29 2010-11-01 2010-11-02 2010-11-03 2010-11-04 2010-11-05 2010-11-08 2010-11-09 2010-11-10 2010-11-11 2010-11-12 2010-11-15 2010-12-15 2010-12-17 440000.00 112 49280000.00 2010-11-16 2010-11-17 2010-11-18 2010-11-19 2010-11-22 2010-11-23 2010-11-24 2010-11-25 2010-11-26 2010-11-29 2010-11-30 2010-12-01 2010-12-02 2010-12-03 2010-12-06 2010-12-07 2010-12-08 2010-12-09 2010-12-10 2010-12-13 2010-12-14 2010-12-15 2011-01-17","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward Boost Strip with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: 2010-10-25 2010-10-26 2010-10-27 2010-10-28 2010-10-29 2010-11-01 2010-11-02 2010-11-03 2010-11-04 2010-11-05 2010-11-08 2010-11-09 2010-11-10 2010-11-11 2010-11-12 2010-11-15 2010-12-15 2010-12-17 440000.00 112 49280000.00 2010-11-16 2010-11-17 2010-11-18 2010-11-19 2010-11-22 2010-11-23 2010-11-24 2010-11-25 2010-11-26 2010-11-29 2010-11-30 2010-12-01 2010-12-02 2010-12-03 2010-12-06 2010-12-07 2010-12-08 2010-12-09 2010-12-10 2010-12-13 2010-12-14 2010-12-15 2011-01-17" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward Boost Strip with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: 2011-01-19 460000.00 112 51520000 2010-12-16 2010-12-17 2010-12-20 2010-12-21 2010-12-22 2010-12-23 2010-12-24 2010-12-27 2010-12-28 2010-12-29 2010-12-30 2010-12-31 2011-01-03 2011-01-04 2011-01-05 2011-01-06 2011-01-07 2011-01-10 2011-01-11 2011-01-12 2011-01-13 2011-01-14 2011-01-17 2011-02-15 2011-02-17 420000.00 112 47040000.00 2011-01-18 2011-01-19 2011-01-20 2011-01-21 2011-01-24 2011-01-25 2011-01-26 2011-01-27 2011-01-28 2011-01-31 2011-02-01 2011-02-02","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward Boost Strip with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: 2011-01-19 460000.00 112 51520000 2010-12-16 2010-12-17 2010-12-20 2010-12-21 2010-12-22 2010-12-23 2010-12-24 2010-12-27 2010-12-28 2010-12-29 2010-12-30 2010-12-31 2011-01-03 2011-01-04 2011-01-05 2011-01-06 2011-01-07 2011-01-10 2011-01-11 2011-01-12 2011-01-13 2011-01-14 2011-01-17 2011-02-15 2011-02-17 420000.00 112 47040000.00 2011-01-18 2011-01-19 2011-01-20 2011-01-21 2011-01-24 2011-01-25 2011-01-26 2011-01-27 2011-01-28 2011-01-31 2011-02-01 2011-02-02" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Range Accrual European""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-06-24T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2013-03-14 FxRangeAccrual 21160252.00 HUF EUR HUF Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Range Accrual European"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-06-24T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2013-03-14 FxRangeAccrual 21160252.00 HUF EUR HUF Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Range Accrual European""","### Response: AtOrAbove 285.0000 AtOrBelow 309.0000 2014-03-18 2014-09-17 Business EUTA HUBU 129 FOLLOWING EUTA HKHK 2014-09-17 FOLLOWING EUTA HUBU 2014-09-19 2013-03-19 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Range Accrual European"" ### Response:
AtOrAbove 285.0000 AtOrBelow 309.0000 2014-03-18 2014-09-17 Business EUTA HUBU 129
FOLLOWING EUTA HKHK 2014-09-17 FOLLOWING EUTA HUBU 2014-09-19 2013-03-19 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Keep Double Multi Settlement with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-07-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-07-01 FxAccrualForward 253125.00 USD GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Keep Double Multi Settlement with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-07-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-07-01 FxAccrualForward 253125.00 USD GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Keep Double Multi Settlement with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: AtOrAbove 1.6875 Below 1.6875 2 2014-07-15 2014-12-30 2 W TUE NONE13 2014-07-15 2014-07-29 2014-08-12 2014-08-26 2014-09-09 2014-09-23 2014-10-07 2014-10-21 2014-11-04 2014-11-18 2014-12-02 2014-12-16 2014-12-30 2014-12-30 FOLLOWING USNY GBLO 2014-07-17","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Keep Double Multi Settlement with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: AtOrAbove 1.6875 Below 1.6875 2 2014-07-15 2014-12-30 2 W TUE NONE13
2014-07-15 2014-07-29 2014-08-12 2014-08-26 2014-09-09 2014-09-23 2014-10-07 2014-10-21 2014-11-04 2014-11-18 2014-12-02 2014-12-16 2014-12-30 2014-12-30 FOLLOWING USNY GBLO 2014-07-17" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Keep Double Multi Settlement with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: 2014-07-31 2014-08-14 2014-08-28 2014-09-11 2014-09-25 2014-10-09 2014-10-23 2014-11-06 2014-11-20 2014-12-04 2014-12-18 2015-01-02 2015-01-02 GBP USD 1.6875 Currency2PerCurrency1 150000.00 GBP Knockout Global AtOrAbove 1.7470 Keep GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Keep Double Multi Settlement with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: 2014-07-31 2014-08-14 2014-08-28 2014-09-11 2014-09-25 2014-10-09 2014-10-23 2014-11-06 2014-11-20 2014-12-04 2014-12-18 2015-01-02 2015-01-02 GBP USD 1.6875 Currency2PerCurrency1 150000.00 GBP Knockout Global AtOrAbove 1.7470 Keep GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Keep Double Multi Settlement with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: GBP 14000.00 2014-07-03 FOLLOWING GBLO 2014-07-15 2014-07-17 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-07-15 2014-07-29 2014-07-31 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-07-29 2014-08-12 2014-08-14 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-08-12 2014-08-26 2014-08-28 253125.00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Keep Double Multi Settlement with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: GBP 14000.00 2014-07-03 FOLLOWING GBLO 2014-07-15 2014-07-17 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-07-15 2014-07-29 2014-07-31 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-07-29 2014-08-12 2014-08-14 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-08-12 2014-08-26 2014-08-28 253125.00 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Keep Double Multi Settlement with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: 1.6875 150000.00 2014-08-26 2014-09-09 2014-09-11 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-09-09 2014-09-23 2014-09-25 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-09-23 2014-10-07 2014-10-09 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-10-07 2014-10-21 2014-10-23 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-10-21 2014-11-04 2014-11-06 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Keep Double Multi Settlement with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: 1.6875 150000.00 2014-08-26
2014-09-09 2014-09-11 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-09-09 2014-09-23 2014-09-25 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-09-23 2014-10-07 2014-10-09 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-10-07 2014-10-21 2014-10-23 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-10-21 2014-11-04 2014-11-06 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Keep Double Multi Settlement with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: 2014-11-04 2014-11-18 2014-11-20 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-11-18 2014-12-02 2014-12-04 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-12-02 2014-12-16 2014-12-18 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-12-16 2014-12-30 2015-01-02 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-12-30
549300SRLRVTR996F086 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Keep Double Multi Settlement with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: 2014-11-04 2014-11-18 2014-11-20 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-11-18 2014-12-02 2014-12-04 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-12-02 2014-12-16 2014-12-18 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-12-16 2014-12-30 2015-01-02 253125.00 1.6875 150000.00 2014-12-30
549300SRLRVTR996F086 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2011-09-11 FxTarget EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 100000.00 EUR AtOrAbove USD 50000 Exact VariedNotional","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2011-09-11 FxTarget EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 100000.00 EUR AtOrAbove USD 50000 Exact VariedNotional" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target""","### Response: 2011-09-28 2011-09-29 2011-09-30 2011-10-03 2011-10-04 2011-10-05 2011-10-06 2011-10-07 2011-10-11 2011-10-12 2011-10-13 2011-10-14 2011-10-17 2011-10-18 2011-10-19 2011-10-20 2011-10-21 2011-10-24 2011-10-25 2011-10-26 2011-10-27 2011-10-28 2011-10-31 2011-11-01 2011-11-02 2011-11-03 2011-11-04 2011-11-07 2011-11-08 2011-11-09 2011-11-10 2011-11-14 2011-11-15 2011-11-16 2011-11-17 2011-11-18 2011-09-30 2011-10-03 2011-10-04 2011-10-05 2011-10-06 2011-10-07 2011-10-11 2011-10-12 2011-10-13","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target"" ### Response:
2011-09-28 2011-09-29 2011-09-30 2011-10-03 2011-10-04 2011-10-05 2011-10-06 2011-10-07 2011-10-11 2011-10-12 2011-10-13 2011-10-14 2011-10-17 2011-10-18 2011-10-19 2011-10-20 2011-10-21 2011-10-24 2011-10-25 2011-10-26 2011-10-27 2011-10-28 2011-10-31 2011-11-01 2011-11-02 2011-11-03 2011-11-04 2011-11-07 2011-11-08 2011-11-09 2011-11-10 2011-11-14 2011-11-15 2011-11-16 2011-11-17 2011-11-18 2011-09-30 2011-10-03 2011-10-04 2011-10-05 2011-10-06 2011-10-07 2011-10-11 2011-10-12 2011-10-13" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target""","### Response: 2011-10-14 2011-10-17 2011-10-18 2011-10-19 2011-10-20 2011-10-21 2011-10-24 2011-10-25 2011-10-26 2011-10-27 2011-10-28 2011-10-31 2011-11-01 2011-11-02 2011-11-04 2011-11-07 2011-11-08 2011-11-09 2011-11-10 2011-11-14 2011-11-15 2011-11-16 2011-11-17 2011-11-18 2011-11-21 2011-11-22 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 EUTA EUR USD ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target"" ### Response: 2011-10-14 2011-10-17 2011-10-18 2011-10-19 2011-10-20 2011-10-21 2011-10-24 2011-10-25 2011-10-26 2011-10-27 2011-10-28 2011-10-31 2011-11-01 2011-11-02 2011-11-04 2011-11-07 2011-11-08 2011-11-09 2011-11-10 2011-11-14 2011-11-15 2011-11-16 2011-11-17 2011-11-18 2011-11-21 2011-11-22 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 EUTA EUR USD " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Flexible Term Forward""","### Response: 87654321 2011-09-20 USD EUR EUR 10000000 EUR 500000 2011-09-30 2012-12-30 EUTA 09:00:00 GBLO 15:00:00 GBLO 2 D Business","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Flexible Term Forward"" ### Response: 87654321 2011-09-20 USD EUR EUR 10000000 EUR 500000 2011-09-30 2012-12-30 EUTA 09:00:00 GBLO 15:00:00 GBLO 2 D Business" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward Double Accrual""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-01-17T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-01-17 510000.00 USD EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR Above ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward Double Accrual"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-01-17T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-01-17 510000.00 USD EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR Above " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward Double Accrual""","### Response: 1.2695 AtOrBelow 1.3725 Above 1.3725 1.5 2014-01-20 2015-01-19 Business USNY EUTA 255 2015-01-19 FOLLOWING USNY EUTA 2015-01-21 EUR USD ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward Double Accrual"" ### Response: 1.2695
AtOrBelow 1.3725
Above 1.3725 1.5 2014-01-20 2015-01-19 Business USNY EUTA 255
2015-01-19 FOLLOWING USNY EUTA 2015-01-21 EUR USD " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year""","### Response:
GW:2W81Q117 BGIAGB2L WSSOGB2L 2004-06-23T06:55:42+05:00
false 1234556 1 E2000098N10184 1234 2003-11-15 2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2007-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year"" ### Response:
GW:2W81Q117 BGIAGB2L WSSOGB2L 2004-06-23T06:55:42+05:00
false 1234556 1 E2000098N10184 1234 2003-11-15 2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2007-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 Y 20 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1000000 EUR 0.01 30/360 2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year"" ### Response:
1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1000000 EUR 0.01 30/360
2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year""","### Response: EUTA 2007-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3 M 20 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1000000 EUR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year"" ### Response: EUTA 2007-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3 M 20 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1000000 EUR " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year""","### Response: USA-CPI-U 3 M CPURNSA BLS LinearZeroYield true 1/1 None EUR 10000 2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA Fee
12345 67890 PRIM_450 PRIMARY_ACCOUNT ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year"" ### Response: USA-CPI-U 3 M CPURNSA BLS LinearZeroYield true 1/1 None EUR 10000 2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA Fee
12345 67890 PRIM_450 PRIMARY_ACCOUNT " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year with Bond Reference""","### Response:
GW:2W81Q117 BGIAGB2L WSSOGB2L 2004-06-23T06:55:42+05:00
false 1234556 1 E2000098N10184 1234 2003-11-15 2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2007-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year with Bond Reference"" ### Response:
GW:2W81Q117 BGIAGB2L WSSOGB2L 2004-06-23T06:55:42+05:00
false 1234556 1 E2000098N10184 1234 2003-11-15 2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2007-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year with Bond Reference""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2003-11-12 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 Y 20 1 Y 2004-11-20 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 EUR 0.01 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year with Bond Reference"" ### Response:
1 Y 2004-11-20 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 EUR 0.01 " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year with Bond Reference""","### Response: 30/360
2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2007-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2003-11-12 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3 M 20 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year with Bond Reference"" ### Response: 30/360 2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2007-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2003-11-12 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3 M 20 1 " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year with Bond Reference""","### Response: Y 2004-11-20 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA -2 D Business NONE EUTA 3 M MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 EUR USA-CPI-U 1 Y 3 M","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year with Bond Reference"" ### Response: Y 2004-11-20 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA -2 D Business NONE EUTA 3 M MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 EUR USA-CPI-U 1 Y 3 M" "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year with Bond Reference""","### Response: CPURNSA BLS LinearZeroYield true 1/1 None EUR 10000 2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA Fee XS0125141316 0.06 2011-02-22 true
12345","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year with Bond Reference"" ### Response: CPURNSA BLS LinearZeroYield true 1/1 None EUR 10000 2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA Fee XS0125141316 0.06 2011-02-22 true
12345" "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year Initial Level""","### Response:
GW:2W81Q117 BGIAGB2L WSSOGB2L 2004-06-23T06:55:42+05:00
false 1234556 1 E2000098N10184 1234 2003-11-15 2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2007-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year Initial Level"" ### Response:
GW:2W81Q117 BGIAGB2L WSSOGB2L 2004-06-23T06:55:42+05:00
false 1234556 1 E2000098N10184 1234 2003-11-15 2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2007-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year Initial Level""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2003-11-12 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 Y 20 1 Y 2004-11-20 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 EUR 0.01 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year Initial Level"" ### Response:
1 Y 2004-11-20 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 EUR 0.01 " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year Initial Level""","### Response: 30/360
2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2007-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2003-11-12 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3 M 20 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year Initial Level"" ### Response: 30/360 2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2007-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2003-11-12 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3 M 20 1 " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year Initial Level""","### Response: Y 2004-11-20 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA -2 D Business NONE EUTA 3 M MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 EUR USA-CPI-U 1 Y 3 M","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year Initial Level"" ### Response: Y 2004-11-20 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA -2 D Business NONE EUTA 3 M MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 EUR USA-CPI-U 1 Y 3 M" "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year Initial Level""","### Response: CPURNSA BLS LinearZeroYield 0.0190 true 1/1 None EUR 10000 2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA Fee
12345 67890 PRIM_450 PRIMARY_ACCOUNT ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year Initial Level"" ### Response: CPURNSA BLS LinearZeroYield 0.0190 true 1/1 None EUR 10000 2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA Fee
12345 67890 PRIM_450 PRIMARY_ACCOUNT " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: 596604984 BCID71046476 184467696-2 2022-05-03 InterestRateSwap 2022-09-21 NONE 2024-09-21 MODFOLLOWING USNY CLSA MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: 596604984 BCID71046476 184467696-2 2022-05-03 InterestRateSwap 2022-09-21 NONE 2024-09-21 MODFOLLOWING USNY CLSA MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: USNY CLSA 1 T NONE 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY CLSA 16713460000 CLP 0.0 ACT/360 true true true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: USNY CLSA 1 T NONE 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY CLSA 16713460000 CLP 0.0 ACT/360 true true true " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: USD CLP -2 D Business NONE USNY CLSA CLP.DOLAR.OBS/CLP10 2022-09-21 NONE 2032-09-21 MODFOLLOWING USNY CLSA MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: USD CLP -2 D Business NONE USNY CLSA CLP.DOLAR.OBS/CLP10 2022-09-21 NONE 2032-09-21 MODFOLLOWING USNY CLSA MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: USNY CLSA 1 T NONE 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY CLSA 500000 CLF 0 D NONE CLSA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: USNY CLSA 1 T NONE 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY CLSA 500000 CLF 0 D NONE CLSA " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: BancoCentralChile 17:00:00 CLSA 0 D NONE 0.0 ACT/360 true true true USD CLP -2 D Business NONE USNY CLSA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: BancoCentralChile 17:00:00 CLSA 0 D NONE 0.0 ACT/360 true true true USD CLP -2 D Business NONE USNY CLSA " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response:
GW:2W81Q117 BGIAGB2L WSSOGB2L 2004-06-23T06:55:42+05:00
false 1234556 1 E2000098N10184 1234 2005-02-20 2005-02-22 MODFOLLOWING GBLO 2035-02-22 MODFOLLOWING GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response:
GW:2W81Q117 BGIAGB2L WSSOGB2L 2004-06-23T06:55:42+05:00
false 1234556 1 E2000098N10184 1234 2005-02-20 2005-02-22 MODFOLLOWING GBLO 2035-02-22 MODFOLLOWING GBLO " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING GBLO 2005-02-20 MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1 Y 22 30 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1000000 GBP 0.01 1/1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response:
30 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1000000 GBP 0.01 1/1 " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response:
2005-02-22 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2035-02-22 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE 30 Y NONE 30 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1000000 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: 2005-02-22 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2035-02-22 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE 30 Y NONE 30 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1000000 " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Asset Swap - Ratio Zero Coupon FlooredIn an Inflation Asset Swap, the economics of the inflation leg are inherited directly from an inflation linked bond such that all cash-flows of the bond are mirrored in the asset swap. The second leg is a floating leg.""","### Response:
GW:2W81Q117 XXXXXXXX YYYYYYYY 2018-09-17T06:55:42+05:00
false E2000098N10184 1234 2018-09-17 2018-09-17 NONE 2018-09-17 2036-11-22 NONE 2036-11-22 NONE 2018-05-22 NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Asset Swap - Ratio Zero Coupon FlooredIn an Inflation Asset Swap, the economics of the inflation leg are inherited directly from an inflation linked bond such that all cash-flows of the bond are mirrored in the asset swap. The second leg is a floating leg."" ### Response:
GW:2W81Q117 XXXXXXXX YYYYYYYY 2018-09-17T06:55:42+05:00
false E2000098N10184 1234 2018-09-17 2018-09-17 NONE 2018-09-17 2036-11-22 NONE 2036-11-22 NONE 2018-05-22 NONE " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Asset Swap - Ratio Zero Coupon FlooredIn an Inflation Asset Swap, the economics of the inflation leg are inherited directly from an inflation linked bond such that all cash-flows of the bond are mirrored in the asset swap. The second leg is a floating leg.""","### Response: 2018-11-22 6 M 22 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate FOLLOWING GBLO 100000000 GBP UK-RPI 0.00125 3 M UKRPI LinearZeroYield 260.01935 true Ratio ZeroCoupon ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Asset Swap - Ratio Zero Coupon FlooredIn an Inflation Asset Swap, the economics of the inflation leg are inherited directly from an inflation linked bond such that all cash-flows of the bond are mirrored in the asset swap. The second leg is a floating leg."" ### Response: 2018-11-22
6 M 22
6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate FOLLOWING GBLO 100000000 GBP UK-RPI 0.00125 3 M UKRPI LinearZeroYield 260.01935 true Ratio ZeroCoupon " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Asset Swap - Ratio Zero Coupon FlooredIn an Inflation Asset Swap, the economics of the inflation leg are inherited directly from an inflation linked bond such that all cash-flows of the bond are mirrored in the asset swap. The second leg is a floating leg.""","### Response: false ACT/ACT.ISMA false true false
2018-09-17 NONE 2018-09-17 2036-11-22 MODFOLLOWING GBLO 2036-11-24 MODFOLLOWING GBLO 12 M 22 12 M","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Asset Swap - Ratio Zero Coupon FlooredIn an Inflation Asset Swap, the economics of the inflation leg are inherited directly from an inflation linked bond such that all cash-flows of the bond are mirrored in the asset swap. The second leg is a floating leg."" ### Response: false ACT/ACT.ISMA
false true false
2018-09-17 NONE 2018-09-17 2036-11-22 MODFOLLOWING GBLO 2036-11-24 MODFOLLOWING GBLO 12 M 22 12 M" "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Asset Swap - Ratio Zero Coupon FlooredIn an Inflation Asset Swap, the economics of the inflation leg are inherited directly from an inflation linked bond such that all cash-flows of the bond are mirrored in the asset swap. The second leg is a floating leg.""","### Response: 2019-05-22 2036-05-22 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO CalculationPeriodEndDate 0 D PRECEDING GBLO 12 M PRECEDING GBLO 100000000 GBP GBP-WMBA-SONIA-COMPOUND ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Asset Swap - Ratio Zero Coupon FlooredIn an Inflation Asset Swap, the economics of the inflation leg are inherited directly from an inflation linked bond such that all cash-flows of the bond are mirrored in the asset swap. The second leg is a floating leg."" ### Response: 2019-05-22 2036-05-22 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO CalculationPeriodEndDate 0 D PRECEDING GBLO 12 M PRECEDING GBLO 100000000 GBP GBP-WMBA-SONIA-COMPOUND " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response:
LCH00000000001 LCHLGB2L LCHLGB2L 2020-12-17T09:10:11.3554302
false LCH00000000001 1 NetPositionTrade 1 12345678 abc123 def456 LCH00000000001 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response:
LCH00000000001 LCHLGB2L LCHLGB2L 2020-12-17T09:10:11.3554302
false LCH00000000001 1 NetPositionTrade 1 12345678 abc123 def456 LCH00000000001 " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: 11111111 12 1111111 STM 1010000051 XX11111111XXX1111111111111111111 1010000051 XX11111111XXX1111111111111111111 ClearingBroker TradeSource NettingNotPermitted 2018-07-26T09:10:11Z T2 New GatewayReceivedDateTime 2018-07-26T09:10:11 LastPaymentDate 2023-07-31T09:10:11 OriginalRegistrationDateTime","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: 11111111
12 1111111 STM
1010000051 XX11111111XXX1111111111111111111 1010000051 XX11111111XXX1111111111111111111 ClearingBroker TradeSource NettingNotPermitted 2018-07-26T09:10:11Z T2 New GatewayReceivedDateTime 2018-07-26T09:10:11 LastPaymentDate 2023-07-31T09:10:11 OriginalRegistrationDateTime" "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: 2019-09-23T09:10:11.539 Registered DF DTCC ESMA EMIR DF CFTC 2019-09-23
InterestRate InterestRate:IRSwap:Inflation 2018-07-30 NONE 2018-07-30 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: 2019-09-23T09:10:11.539 Registered DF DTCC ESMA EMIR DF CFTC 2019-09-23 InterestRate InterestRate:IRSwap:Inflation 2018-07-30 NONE 2018-07-30 " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: 2023-07-30 NONE 2023-07-30 NONE 1 Y NONE 5 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY 1234567890 USD 0.023 1/1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: 2023-07-30 NONE 2023-07-30 NONE 1 Y NONE 5 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY 1234567890 USD 0.023 1/1 " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: 2018-07-30 NONE 2018-07-30 2023-07-30 NONE 2023-07-30 NONE 5 Y NONE 5 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY 1234567890 USD USA-CPI-U ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: 2018-07-30 NONE 2018-07-30 2023-07-30 NONE 2023-07-30 NONE 5 Y NONE 5 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY 1234567890 USD USA-CPI-U " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: 596604984 BCID71046476 184467696-2 2022-05-03 InterestRateSwap 2022-09-21 NONE 2032-09-21 MODFOLLOWING USNY CLSA MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: 596604984 BCID71046476 184467696-2 2022-05-03 InterestRateSwap 2022-09-21 NONE 2032-09-21 MODFOLLOWING USNY CLSA MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: USNY CLSA 6 M 21 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY CLSA CalculationPeriodEndDate 0 D PRECEDING USNY CLSA 6 M MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: USNY CLSA 6 M 21 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY CLSA CalculationPeriodEndDate 0 D PRECEDING USNY CLSA 6 M MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: USNY CLSA 16713460000 CLP CLP-ICP ACT/360 true true true USD CLP -2 D Business NONE USNY CLSA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: USNY CLSA 16713460000 CLP CLP-ICP ACT/360 true true true USD CLP -2 D Business NONE USNY CLSA " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: CLP.DOLAR.OBS/CLP10 2022-09-21 NONE 2032-09-21 MODFOLLOWING USNY CLSA MODFOLLOWING USNY CLSA 6 M 21 6 M ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: CLP.DOLAR.OBS/CLP10
2022-09-21 NONE 2032-09-21 MODFOLLOWING USNY CLSA MODFOLLOWING USNY CLSA 6 M 21 6 M " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY CLSA 500000 CLF 0 D NONE CLSA BancoCentralChile 17:00:00 CLSA 0 D NONE 0.0","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY CLSA 500000 CLF 0 D NONE CLSA BancoCentralChile 17:00:00 CLSA 0 D NONE 0.0" "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: ACT/360 true true true USD CLP -2 D Business NONE USNY CLSA CLP.DOLAR.OBS/CLP10
549300ABANKV6BYQOWM67 AAA International 529900CPTY57S5UCBB52 AAA Capital Services Inc. 529900AYEI57S5UCED35","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: ACT/360 true true true USD CLP -2 D Business NONE USNY CLSA CLP.DOLAR.OBS/CLP10
549300ABANKV6BYQOWM67 AAA International 529900CPTY57S5UCBB52 AAA Capital Services Inc. 529900AYEI57S5UCED35" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""CP-H.15 Basis SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated.""","### Response: 58005713 58005713 2021-04-07 2021-04-09 NONE 2022-04-09 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""CP-H.15 Basis SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated."" ### Response: 58005713 58005713 2021-04-07 2021-04-09 NONE 2022-04-09 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""CP-H.15 Basis SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated.""","### Response: 1 M 9 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY 0 D PRECEDING USNY -2 D Business 1 D MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""CP-H.15 Basis SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated."" ### Response: 1 M 9 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY 0 D PRECEDING USNY -2 D Business 1 D MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""CP-H.15 Basis SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated.""","### Response: 10000000 USD USD-CP-H.15 1 M Unweighted ACT/360 Flat 2021-04-09 NONE 2022-04-09 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""CP-H.15 Basis SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated."" ### Response: 10000000 USD USD-CP-H.15 1 M Unweighted ACT/360 Flat 2021-04-09 NONE 2022-04-09 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""CP-H.15 Basis SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated.""","### Response: GBLO USNY 3 M 9 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""CP-H.15 Basis SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated."" ### Response: GBLO USNY 3 M 9 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With American Style Optional Early Termination.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-08-30 NONE 2011-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With American Style Optional Early Termination."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-08-30 NONE 2011-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With American Style Optional Early Termination.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2011-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With American Style Optional Early Termination."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2011-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With American Style Optional Early Termination.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With American Style Optional Early Termination."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With American Style Optional Early Termination.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 6 M ACT/360 -5 D Business NONE EUTA -5 D Business NONE EUTA 0 D NONE 09:00:00 EUTA 11:00:00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With American Style Optional Early Termination."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 6 M ACT/360 -5 D Business NONE EUTA -5 D Business NONE EUTA 0 D NONE 09:00:00 EUTA 11:00:00 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With American Style Optional Early Termination.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: EUTA 11:00:00 EUTA GBLO true 11:00:00 EUTA -2 D Business NONE EUTA 2001-08-30 2006-08-30 FOLLOWING GBLO EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With American Style Optional Early Termination."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: EUTA 11:00:00 EUTA GBLO true 11:00:00 EUTA -2 D Business NONE EUTA 2001-08-30 2006-08-30 FOLLOWING GBLO EUTA " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily compounding swap with lookbackExample that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with a lookback. This means that the weighting is done based on the calculation/accrual period, not the observation period.""","### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily compounding swap with lookbackExample that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with a lookback. This means that the weighting is done based on the calculation/accrual period, not the observation period."" ### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily compounding swap with lookbackExample that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with a lookback. This means that the weighting is done based on the calculation/accrual period, not the observation period.""","### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Compounding EUTA 0.02 ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily compounding swap with lookbackExample that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with a lookback. This means that the weighting is done based on the calculation/accrual period, not the observation period."" ### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Compounding EUTA 0.02 ACT/360 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily compounding swap with lookbackExample that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with a lookback. This means that the weighting is done based on the calculation/accrual period, not the observation period.""","### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily compounding swap with lookbackExample that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with a lookback. This means that the weighting is done based on the calculation/accrual period, not the observation period."" ### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settled, cashflows included""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 123 123 2000-08-30 EUR 100000 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 2001-08-28 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settled, cashflows included"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 123 123 2000-08-30 EUR 100000 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 2001-08-28 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settled, cashflows included""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 09:00:00 GBLO 11:00:00 GBLO 100000 0 D NONE EUTA BEBR true 11:00:00 EUTA 0 D NONE 2 D ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settled, cashflows included"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 09:00:00 GBLO 11:00:00 GBLO 100000 0 D NONE EUTA BEBR true 11:00:00 EUTA 0 D NONE 2 D " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settled, cashflows included""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: Business NONE EUTA ISDA Mid true 2001-08-28 2001-08-30 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settled, cashflows included"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: Business NONE EUTA ISDA Mid true 2001-08-28 2001-08-30 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settled, cashflows included""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 1 Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 true 2002-08-20 2001-08-30 2002-08-30 100000000 0.05 2003-08-29 2002-08-28 2003-08-29","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settled, cashflows included"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 1 Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 true 2002-08-20 2001-08-30 2002-08-30 100000000 0.05 2003-08-29 2002-08-28 2003-08-29" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settled, cashflows included""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 100000000 0.05 2004-08-30 2003-08-29 2005-08-30 100000000 0.05 2005-08-30 2004-08-30 2005-08-30 100000000 0.05 2006-08-30 2005-08-30 2006-08-30 100000000 0.05 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settled, cashflows included"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 100000000 0.05 2004-08-30 2003-08-29 2005-08-30 100000000 0.05 2005-08-30 2004-08-30 2005-08-30 100000000 0.05 2006-08-30 2005-08-30 2006-08-30 100000000 0.05 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settled, cashflows included""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settled, cashflows included"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settled, cashflows included""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 100000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 6 M ACT/360 true 2002-02-28 2001-08-30 2002-02-28 100000000 2001-08-28 1 2002-08-30 2002-02-28 2002-08-30 100000000 2002-02-26 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settled, cashflows included"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 100000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 6 M ACT/360 true 2002-02-28 2001-08-30 2002-02-28 100000000 2001-08-28 1 2002-08-30 2002-02-28 2002-08-30 100000000 2002-02-26 1 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settled, cashflows included""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 2003-02-28 2002-08-30 2003-02-28 100000000 2002-08-28 1 2003-08-29 2003-02-28 2003-08-29 100000000 2003-02-26 1 2004-02-27 2003-08-29 2004-02-27 100000000 2003-08-27 1 2004-08-30 2004-02-27 2005-08-30 100000000 2004-02-25","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settled, cashflows included"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 2003-02-28 2002-08-30 2003-02-28 100000000 2002-08-28 1 2003-08-29 2003-02-28 2003-08-29 100000000 2003-02-26 1 2004-02-27 2003-08-29 2004-02-27 100000000 2003-08-27 1 2004-08-30 2004-02-27 2005-08-30 100000000 2004-02-25" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settled, cashflows included""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 1 2005-02-28 2004-08-30 2005-02-28 100000000 2004-08-27 1 2005-08-30 2005-02-28 2005-08-30 100000000 2005-02-24 1 2006-02-28 2005-08-30 2006-02-28 100000000 2005-08-26 1 2006-08-30 2006-02-28","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settled, cashflows included"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 1 2005-02-28 2004-08-30 2005-02-28 100000000 2004-08-27 1 2005-08-30 2005-02-28 2005-08-30 100000000 2005-02-24 1 2006-02-28 2005-08-30 2006-02-28 100000000 2005-08-26 1 2006-08-30 2006-02-28" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Bermuda Style Optional Early Termination, Cashflows + optionalEarlyTerminationAdjustedDates.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Bermuda Style Optional Early Termination, Cashflows + optionalEarlyTerminationAdjustedDates."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Bermuda Style Optional Early Termination, Cashflows + optionalEarlyTerminationAdjustedDates.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 true 2002-08-20 2001-08-30 2002-08-30 100000000 0.05 2003-08-29 2002-08-28 2003-08-29 100000000 0.05 2004-08-30 2003-08-29 2005-08-30","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Bermuda Style Optional Early Termination, Cashflows + optionalEarlyTerminationAdjustedDates."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 true 2002-08-20 2001-08-30 2002-08-30 100000000 0.05 2003-08-29 2002-08-28 2003-08-29 100000000 0.05 2004-08-30 2003-08-29 2005-08-30" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Bermuda Style Optional Early Termination, Cashflows + optionalEarlyTerminationAdjustedDates.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 100000000 0.05 2005-08-30 2004-08-30 2005-08-30 100000000 0.05 2006-08-30 2005-08-30 2006-08-30 100000000 0.05 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Bermuda Style Optional Early Termination, Cashflows + optionalEarlyTerminationAdjustedDates."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 100000000 0.05 2005-08-30 2004-08-30 2005-08-30 100000000 0.05 2006-08-30 2005-08-30 2006-08-30 100000000 0.05 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Bermuda Style Optional Early Termination, Cashflows + optionalEarlyTerminationAdjustedDates.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Bermuda Style Optional Early Termination, Cashflows + optionalEarlyTerminationAdjustedDates."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Bermuda Style Optional Early Termination, Cashflows + optionalEarlyTerminationAdjustedDates.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 6 M ACT/360 true 2002-02-28 2001-08-30 2002-02-28 100000000 2001-08-28 1 2002-08-30 2002-02-28 2002-08-30 100000000 2002-02-26 1 2003-02-28 2002-08-30 2003-02-28 100000000 2002-08-28 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Bermuda Style Optional Early Termination, Cashflows + optionalEarlyTerminationAdjustedDates."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 6 M ACT/360 true 2002-02-28 2001-08-30 2002-02-28 100000000 2001-08-28 1 2002-08-30 2002-02-28 2002-08-30 100000000 2002-02-26 1 2003-02-28 2002-08-30 2003-02-28 100000000 2002-08-28 1 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Bermuda Style Optional Early Termination, Cashflows + optionalEarlyTerminationAdjustedDates.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 2003-08-29 2003-02-28 2003-08-29 100000000 2003-02-26 1 2004-02-27 2003-08-29 2004-02-27 100000000 2003-08-27 1 2004-08-30 2004-02-27 2005-08-30 100000000 2004-02-25 1 2005-02-28 2004-08-30 2005-02-28 100000000 2004-08-27","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Bermuda Style Optional Early Termination, Cashflows + optionalEarlyTerminationAdjustedDates."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 2003-08-29 2003-02-28 2003-08-29 100000000 2003-02-26 1 2004-02-27 2003-08-29 2004-02-27 100000000 2003-08-27 1 2004-08-30 2004-02-27 2005-08-30 100000000 2004-02-25 1 2005-02-28 2004-08-30 2005-02-28 100000000 2004-08-27" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Bermuda Style Optional Early Termination, Cashflows + optionalEarlyTerminationAdjustedDates.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 1 2005-08-30 2005-02-28 2005-08-30 100000000 2005-02-24 1 2006-02-28 2005-08-30 2006-02-28 100000000 2005-08-26 1 2006-08-30 2006-02-28 2006-08-30 100000000 2006-02-24 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Bermuda Style Optional Early Termination, Cashflows + optionalEarlyTerminationAdjustedDates."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 1 2005-08-30 2005-02-28 2005-08-30 100000000 2005-02-24 1 2006-02-28 2005-08-30 2006-02-28 100000000 2005-08-26 1 2006-08-30 2006-02-28 2006-08-30 100000000 2006-02-24 1 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Bermuda Style Optional Early Termination, Cashflows + optionalEarlyTerminationAdjustedDates.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: -5 D Business NONE EUTA GBLO 0 D NONE 09:00:00 BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR GBLO true NonExercisingParty 11:00:00 EUTA -2 D ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Bermuda Style Optional Early Termination, Cashflows + optionalEarlyTerminationAdjustedDates."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: -5 D Business NONE EUTA GBLO 0 D NONE 09:00:00 BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR GBLO true NonExercisingParty 11:00:00 EUTA -2 D " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Bermuda Style Optional Early Termination, Cashflows + optionalEarlyTerminationAdjustedDates.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: Business NONE GBLO EUTA 2003-08-30 2004-08-30 FOLLOWING GBLO EUTA EUR Mid 2003-08-25 2003-09-01 2003-08-28 2003-09-01 2004-08-23 2004-08-30 2004-08-26","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Bermuda Style Optional Early Termination, Cashflows + optionalEarlyTerminationAdjustedDates."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: Business NONE GBLO EUTA 2003-08-30 2004-08-30 FOLLOWING GBLO EUTA EUR Mid 2003-08-25 2003-09-01 2003-08-28 2003-09-01 2004-08-23 2004-08-30 2004-08-26" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Inverse Floater""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING USNY MODFOLLOWING 3 M 30 3 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Inverse Floater"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING USNY MODFOLLOWING 3 M 30 3 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Inverse Floater""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 USD USD-LIBOR-BBA 3 M -1.0 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Inverse Floater"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 USD USD-LIBOR-BBA 3 M -1.0 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Inverse Floater""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: 0.085 ACT/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING USNY MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Inverse Floater"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: 0.085 ACT/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING USNY MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Initial Stub Period and Notional AmortizationThe swap contract is identical to Example 1 except that there is an initial stub period and the notional amortizes. The rate for the stub period is the linear interpolation between the 4-month and 5-month EUR-LIBOR-BBA rates. The stub period on the floating stream runs from 16 January, 1995 to 14 June, 1995, and on the fixed stream from 16 January, 1995 to 14 December, 1995. The notional amount is decreased by EUR 10,000,000 each year. Note the following:""","### Response: TW9235 SW2000 1994-12-12 1995-01-16 NONE 1999-12-14 MODFOLLOWING DEFR MODFOLLOWING 1995-06-14 6 M 14 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Initial Stub Period and Notional AmortizationThe swap contract is identical to Example 1 except that there is an initial stub period and the notional amortizes. The rate for the stub period is the linear interpolation between the 4-month and 5-month EUR-LIBOR-BBA rates. The stub period on the floating stream runs from 16 January, 1995 to 14 June, 1995, and on the fixed stream from 16 January, 1995 to 14 December, 1995. The notional amount is decreased by EUR 10,000,000 each year. Note the following:"" ### Response: TW9235 SW2000 1994-12-12 1995-01-16 NONE 1999-12-14 MODFOLLOWING DEFR MODFOLLOWING 1995-06-14 6 M 14 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Initial Stub Period and Notional AmortizationThe swap contract is identical to Example 1 except that there is an initial stub period and the notional amortizes. The rate for the stub period is the linear interpolation between the 4-month and 5-month EUR-LIBOR-BBA rates. The stub period on the floating stream runs from 16 January, 1995 to 14 June, 1995, and on the fixed stream from 16 January, 1995 to 14 December, 1995. The notional amount is decreased by EUR 10,000,000 each year. Note the following:""","### Response: 6 M 1995-06-14 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 6 M MODFOLLOWING 50000000.00 1995-12-14 40000000.00 1996-12-14 30000000.00 1997-12-14 20000000.00 1998-12-14 10000000.00 EUR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Initial Stub Period and Notional AmortizationThe swap contract is identical to Example 1 except that there is an initial stub period and the notional amortizes. The rate for the stub period is the linear interpolation between the 4-month and 5-month EUR-LIBOR-BBA rates. The stub period on the floating stream runs from 16 January, 1995 to 14 June, 1995, and on the fixed stream from 16 January, 1995 to 14 December, 1995. The notional amount is decreased by EUR 10,000,000 each year. Note the following:"" ### Response: 6 M 1995-06-14 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 6 M MODFOLLOWING 50000000.00 1995-12-14 40000000.00 1996-12-14 30000000.00 1997-12-14 20000000.00 1998-12-14 10000000.00 EUR " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Initial Stub Period and Notional AmortizationThe swap contract is identical to Example 1 except that there is an initial stub period and the notional amortizes. The rate for the stub period is the linear interpolation between the 4-month and 5-month EUR-LIBOR-BBA rates. The stub period on the floating stream runs from 16 January, 1995 to 14 June, 1995, and on the fixed stream from 16 January, 1995 to 14 December, 1995. The notional amount is decreased by EUR 10,000,000 each year. Note the following:""","### Response: EUR-LIBOR-BBA 6 M ACT/360 EUR-LIBOR-BBA 4 M EUR-LIBOR-BBA 5 M true 1995-06-14 1995-01-16 1995-06-14 50000000.00 1995-01-12 1 1995-12-14 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Initial Stub Period and Notional AmortizationThe swap contract is identical to Example 1 except that there is an initial stub period and the notional amortizes. The rate for the stub period is the linear interpolation between the 4-month and 5-month EUR-LIBOR-BBA rates. The stub period on the floating stream runs from 16 January, 1995 to 14 June, 1995, and on the fixed stream from 16 January, 1995 to 14 December, 1995. The notional amount is decreased by EUR 10,000,000 each year. Note the following:"" ### Response: EUR-LIBOR-BBA 6 M ACT/360 EUR-LIBOR-BBA 4 M EUR-LIBOR-BBA 5 M true 1995-06-14 1995-01-16 1995-06-14 50000000.00 1995-01-12 1 1995-12-14 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Initial Stub Period and Notional AmortizationThe swap contract is identical to Example 1 except that there is an initial stub period and the notional amortizes. The rate for the stub period is the linear interpolation between the 4-month and 5-month EUR-LIBOR-BBA rates. The stub period on the floating stream runs from 16 January, 1995 to 14 June, 1995, and on the fixed stream from 16 January, 1995 to 14 December, 1995. The notional amount is decreased by EUR 10,000,000 each year. Note the following:""","### Response: 1995-06-14 1995-12-14 50000000.00 1995-06-12 1 1996-06-14 1995-12-14 1996-06-14 40000000.00 1995-12-12 1 1996-12-16 1996-06-14 1996-12-16 40000000.00 1996-06-12 1 1997-06-16 1996-12-16 1997-06-16 30000000.00 1996-12-12 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Initial Stub Period and Notional AmortizationThe swap contract is identical to Example 1 except that there is an initial stub period and the notional amortizes. The rate for the stub period is the linear interpolation between the 4-month and 5-month EUR-LIBOR-BBA rates. The stub period on the floating stream runs from 16 January, 1995 to 14 June, 1995, and on the fixed stream from 16 January, 1995 to 14 December, 1995. The notional amount is decreased by EUR 10,000,000 each year. Note the following:"" ### Response: 1995-06-14 1995-12-14 50000000.00 1995-06-12 1 1996-06-14 1995-12-14 1996-06-14 40000000.00 1995-12-12 1 1996-12-16 1996-06-14 1996-12-16 40000000.00 1996-06-12 1 1997-06-16 1996-12-16 1997-06-16 30000000.00 1996-12-12 1 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Initial Stub Period and Notional AmortizationThe swap contract is identical to Example 1 except that there is an initial stub period and the notional amortizes. The rate for the stub period is the linear interpolation between the 4-month and 5-month EUR-LIBOR-BBA rates. The stub period on the floating stream runs from 16 January, 1995 to 14 June, 1995, and on the fixed stream from 16 January, 1995 to 14 December, 1995. The notional amount is decreased by EUR 10,000,000 each year. Note the following:""","### Response: 1997-12-15 1997-06-16 1997-12-15 30000000.00 1997-06-12 1 1998-06-15 1997-12-15 1998-06-15 20000000.00 1997-12-11 1 1998-12-14 1998-06-15 1998-12-14 20000000.00 1998-06-11 1 1999-06-14 1998-12-14 1999-06-14 10000000.00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Initial Stub Period and Notional AmortizationThe swap contract is identical to Example 1 except that there is an initial stub period and the notional amortizes. The rate for the stub period is the linear interpolation between the 4-month and 5-month EUR-LIBOR-BBA rates. The stub period on the floating stream runs from 16 January, 1995 to 14 June, 1995, and on the fixed stream from 16 January, 1995 to 14 December, 1995. The notional amount is decreased by EUR 10,000,000 each year. Note the following:"" ### Response: 1997-12-15 1997-06-16 1997-12-15 30000000.00 1997-06-12 1 1998-06-15 1997-12-15 1998-06-15 20000000.00 1997-12-11 1 1998-12-14 1998-06-15 1998-12-14 20000000.00 1998-06-11 1 1999-06-14 1998-12-14 1999-06-14 10000000.00 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Initial Stub Period and Notional AmortizationThe swap contract is identical to Example 1 except that there is an initial stub period and the notional amortizes. The rate for the stub period is the linear interpolation between the 4-month and 5-month EUR-LIBOR-BBA rates. The stub period on the floating stream runs from 16 January, 1995 to 14 June, 1995, and on the fixed stream from 16 January, 1995 to 14 December, 1995. The notional amount is decreased by EUR 10,000,000 each year. Note the following:""","### Response: 1998-12-10 1 1999-12-14 1999-06-14 1999-12-14 10000000.00 1999-06-10 1 1995-01-16 NONE 1999-12-14 MODFOLLOWING MODFOLLOWING 1995-12-14 1 Y 14 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Initial Stub Period and Notional AmortizationThe swap contract is identical to Example 1 except that there is an initial stub period and the notional amortizes. The rate for the stub period is the linear interpolation between the 4-month and 5-month EUR-LIBOR-BBA rates. The stub period on the floating stream runs from 16 January, 1995 to 14 June, 1995, and on the fixed stream from 16 January, 1995 to 14 December, 1995. The notional amount is decreased by EUR 10,000,000 each year. Note the following:"" ### Response: 1998-12-10 1 1999-12-14 1999-06-14 1999-12-14 10000000.00 1999-06-10 1 1995-01-16 NONE 1999-12-14 MODFOLLOWING MODFOLLOWING 1995-12-14 1 Y 14 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Initial Stub Period and Notional AmortizationThe swap contract is identical to Example 1 except that there is an initial stub period and the notional amortizes. The rate for the stub period is the linear interpolation between the 4-month and 5-month EUR-LIBOR-BBA rates. The stub period on the floating stream runs from 16 January, 1995 to 14 June, 1995, and on the fixed stream from 16 January, 1995 to 14 December, 1995. The notional amount is decreased by EUR 10,000,000 each year. Note the following:""","### Response: 1 Y 1995-12-14 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING 50000000.00 1995-12-14 40000000.00 1996-12-14 30000000.00 1997-12-14 20000000.00 1998-12-14 10000000.00 EUR 0.06 30E/360 true 1995-12-14 1995-01-16 1995-12-14 50000000.00 0.06 1996-12-16 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Initial Stub Period and Notional AmortizationThe swap contract is identical to Example 1 except that there is an initial stub period and the notional amortizes. The rate for the stub period is the linear interpolation between the 4-month and 5-month EUR-LIBOR-BBA rates. The stub period on the floating stream runs from 16 January, 1995 to 14 June, 1995, and on the fixed stream from 16 January, 1995 to 14 December, 1995. The notional amount is decreased by EUR 10,000,000 each year. Note the following:"" ### Response: 1 Y 1995-12-14 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING 50000000.00 1995-12-14 40000000.00 1996-12-14 30000000.00 1997-12-14 20000000.00 1998-12-14 10000000.00 EUR 0.06 30E/360 true 1995-12-14 1995-01-16 1995-12-14 50000000.00 0.06 1996-12-16 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Inverse Floater vs. Floating""","description: ""On 29 April, 2009 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: 123456 654321 2009-04-29 2009-08-30 NONE 2011-08-30 MODFOLLOWING USNY MODFOLLOWING 3 M 30 3 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Inverse Floater vs. Floating"" description: ""On 29 April, 2009 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: 123456 654321 2009-04-29 2009-08-30 NONE 2011-08-30 MODFOLLOWING USNY MODFOLLOWING 3 M 30 3 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Inverse Floater vs. Floating""","description: ""On 29 April, 2009 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 USD USD-LIBOR-BBA 3 M -1.0 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Inverse Floater vs. Floating"" description: ""On 29 April, 2009 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 USD USD-LIBOR-BBA 3 M -1.0 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Inverse Floater vs. Floating""","description: ""On 29 April, 2009 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: 0.0325 ACT/360 2009-08-30 NONE 2011-08-30 MODFOLLOWING USNY MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Inverse Floater vs. Floating"" description: ""On 29 April, 2009 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: 0.0325 ACT/360 2009-08-30 NONE 2011-08-30 MODFOLLOWING USNY MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily averaging swap with lookbackExample that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with a lookback. This means that the weighting is done based on the calculation/accrual period, not the observation period.""","### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily averaging swap with lookbackExample that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with a lookback. This means that the weighting is done based on the calculation/accrual period, not the observation period."" ### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily averaging swap with lookbackExample that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with a lookback. This means that the weighting is done based on the calculation/accrual period, not the observation period.""","### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Averaging EUTA 5 0.02 ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily averaging swap with lookbackExample that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with a lookback. This means that the weighting is done based on the calculation/accrual period, not the observation period."" ### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Averaging EUTA 5 0.02 ACT/360 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily averaging swap with lookbackExample that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with a lookback. This means that the weighting is done based on the calculation/accrual period, not the observation period.""","### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily averaging swap with lookbackExample that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with a lookback. This means that the weighting is done based on the calculation/accrual period, not the observation period."" ### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""repo""",,"description: ""Fixed Rate Repo""","### Response: Party19235 Party22000 2013-11-03 0.80 ACT/365.FIXED Term Cash 1.176471 2013-11-03 NONE USD 8336850.21 DeliveryVersusPayment USD 9000000 108.9784722 5.375000 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""repo"" description: ""Fixed Rate Repo"" ### Response: Party19235 Party22000 2013-11-03 0.80 ACT/365.FIXED Term Cash 1.176471 2013-11-03 NONE USD 8336850.21 DeliveryVersusPayment USD 9000000 108.9784722 5.375000 " "category: ""repo""",,"description: ""Floating Rate Repo""","### Response: Party19235 Party22000 2014-11-19 USD-LIBOR-BBA-Bloomberg 1 M 0.0050 ACT/360 Term Cash 1.2152 2012-11-27 NONE USD 4000000 DeliveryVersusPayment","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""repo"" description: ""Floating Rate Repo"" ### Response: Party19235 Party22000 2014-11-19 USD-LIBOR-BBA-Bloomberg 1 M 0.0050 ACT/360 Term Cash 1.2152 2012-11-27 NONE USD 4000000 DeliveryVersusPayment" "category: ""repo""",,"description: ""Fixed Rate Repo""","### Response: Party19235 Party22000 2014-11-20 0.1105 ACT/ACT.ICMA Term Cash 0.12 2014-11-20 NONE RUB 444176424.53 DeliveryVersusPayment CHF 10500000 97.22 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""repo"" description: ""Fixed Rate Repo"" ### Response: Party19235 Party22000 2014-11-20 0.1105 ACT/ACT.ICMA Term Cash 0.12 2014-11-20 NONE RUB 444176424.53 DeliveryVersusPayment CHF 10500000 97.22 " "category: ""repo""",,"description: ""Security Lending vs. Cash collateral""","### Response:
1234455 ABC ABCDEF 2019-02-09T14:05:42.267Z
false 942800839 1 ReportingParty Counterparty Trader 2019-02-07 SecuritiesFinancing SecurityLending GB0882634976","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""repo"" description: ""Security Lending vs. Cash collateral"" ### Response:
1234455 ABC ABCDEF 2019-02-09T14:05:42.267Z
false 942800839 1 ReportingParty Counterparty Trader 2019-02-07 SecuritiesFinancing SecurityLending GB0882634976" "category: ""repo""",,"description: ""Security Lending vs. Cash collateral""","### Response: DBFTFMNFID 2.75% ABC.COMINVG2050-01-01USD5826000 58260000.85 USD4952100 2019-02-07 2019-05-07 TermExtendable 0.012 ACT/360 1T true 1.05SecurityFinancialfalse GMSLA2010","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""repo"" description: ""Security Lending vs. Cash collateral"" ### Response: DBFTFMNFID 2.75% ABC.COMINVG2050-01-01
USD5826000 58260000.85 USD4952100
2019-02-07 2019-05-07 TermExtendable 0.012 ACT/360 1T true 1.05SecurityFinancialfalse
GMSLA2010" "category: ""repo""",,"description: ""Open Ended Fixed Rate Repo""","### Response: Party19235 Party22000 2014-11-19 0.85 ACT/ACT.ICMA AsDefinedInMasterAgreement Cash 1.25 2014-11-03 NONE USD 782855.55 DeliveryVersusPayment USD 1000000 97.8569437 9.250000","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""repo"" description: ""Open Ended Fixed Rate Repo"" ### Response: Party19235 Party22000 2014-11-19 0.85 ACT/ACT.ICMA AsDefinedInMasterAgreement Cash 1.25 2014-11-03 NONE USD 782855.55 DeliveryVersusPayment USD 1000000 97.8569437 9.250000" "category: ""repo""",,"description: ""Tri-Party Floating Rate Repo""","### Response: 12345678 8745632 2012-08-05 USD-Federal Funds-H.15 0.0030 ACT/360 Term 2012-08-05 FOLLOWING USNY USD 250000000 2012-11-08 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""repo"" description: ""Tri-Party Floating Rate Repo"" ### Response: 12345678 8745632 2012-08-05 USD-Federal Funds-H.15 0.0030 ACT/360 Term 2012-08-05 FOLLOWING USNY USD 250000000 2012-11-08 " "category: ""repo""",,"description: ""Fixed Rate Repo""","### Response: Party19235 Party22000 2013-10-29 -0.0075 ACT/365.FIXED Term Cash -0.04762 2013-10-29 NONE USD 1292748.30 DeliveryVersusPayment USD 1096000 112.334750 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""repo"" description: ""Fixed Rate Repo"" ### Response: Party19235 Party22000 2013-10-29 -0.0075 ACT/365.FIXED Term Cash -0.04762 2013-10-29 NONE USD 1292748.30 DeliveryVersusPayment USD 1096000 112.334750 " "category: ""repo""",,"description: ""Tri-Party Fixed Rate Repo""","### Response: 12345678 8745632 2010-01-09 0.00006 ACT/360 Term 2010-01-09 NotApplicable USD 700000000 2010-02-09 NotApplicable USD 700036166.67 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""repo"" description: ""Tri-Party Fixed Rate Repo"" ### Response: 12345678 8745632 2010-01-09 0.00006 ACT/360 Term 2010-01-09 NotApplicable USD 700000000 2010-02-09 NotApplicable USD 700036166.67 " "category: ""repo""",,"description: ""Security Lending Non-Cash Collateral XCCY Trade""","### Response:
1234455 ABC ABCDEF 2019-02-07T14:05:42.267Z
false 9999999 1 ReportingParty Counterparty Trader 2019-02-07 SecuritiesFinancing SecurityLending GB0882634976","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""repo"" description: ""Security Lending Non-Cash Collateral XCCY Trade"" ### Response:
1234455 ABC ABCDEF 2019-02-07T14:05:42.267Z
false 9999999 1 ReportingParty Counterparty Trader 2019-02-07 SecuritiesFinancing SecurityLending GB0882634976" "category: ""repo""",,"description: ""Security Lending Non-Cash Collateral XCCY Trade""","### Response: DBFTFMNFID UKT 1.75 07SEP37 1.7500 07-Sep-2037 GBPINVG2050-01-01 GBP38107291.90 38100000.00 1.1521.160 0.84 1.160 GBP44204458.61 2019-08-29 2019-12-02 Term 0.55 ACT/360 nonCash1USD USD GBP Currency1PerCurrency2 1.24 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""repo"" description: ""Security Lending Non-Cash Collateral XCCY Trade"" ### Response: DBFTFMNFID UKT 1.75 07SEP37 1.7500 07-Sep-2037 GBPINVG2050-01-01
GBP38107291.90 38100000.00 1.1521.160 0.84 1.160 GBP44204458.61
2019-08-29 2019-12-02 Term 0.55 ACT/360 nonCash1USD USD GBP Currency1PerCurrency2 1.24 " "category: ""variance-swaps""",,"description: ""Variance Option Transaction Supplement (illustrating predetermined clearing)""","### Response:
123 BIC1 BIC16C 2009-01-27T15:38:00-00:00
false CW/2009/01/27/123 1 166555 166555 2009-01-27 Call GBP 1500000 2009-01-29 NotApplicable 2015-03-20 NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""variance-swaps"" description: ""Variance Option Transaction Supplement (illustrating predetermined clearing)"" ### Response:
123 BIC1 BIC16C 2009-01-27T15:38:00-00:00
false CW/2009/01/27/123 1 166555 166555 2009-01-27 Call GBP 1500000 2009-01-29 NotApplicable 2015-03-20 NotApplicable " "category: ""variance-swaps""",,"description: ""Variance Option Transaction Supplement (illustrating predetermined clearing)""","### Response: OSP true true GBP Cash true .FTSE FTSE 100 INDEX XLON XLIF Cash 2 D CurrencyBusiness NotApplicable GBP 2011-03-18 NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""variance-swaps"" description: ""Variance Option Transaction Supplement (illustrating predetermined clearing)"" ### Response:
true true GBP Cash
true .FTSE FTSE 100 INDEX XLON XLIF Cash 2 D CurrencyBusiness NotApplicable GBP 2011-03-18 NotApplicable " "category: ""variance-swaps""",,"description: ""Variance Option Transaction Supplement (illustrating predetermined clearing)""","### Response: true 2009-01-27 NotApplicable true 542 GBP 33333.33 225 false 1000000 false
ISDA2007VarianceSwapEuropeanRev1 2009-01-07 2009-01-07 ISDA2007VarianceOptionEuropean
ABC1 SwapsWire Ltd (LE) ABC6 Rusty 549300IB5Q45JGNPND58","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""variance-swaps"" description: ""Variance Option Transaction Supplement (illustrating predetermined clearing)"" ### Response: true 2009-01-27 NotApplicable true 542 GBP 33333.33 225 false 1000000 false ISDA2007VarianceSwapEuropeanRev1 2009-01-07 2009-01-07 ISDA2007VarianceOptionEuropean
ABC1 SwapsWire Ltd (LE) ABC6 Rusty 549300IB5Q45JGNPND58" "category: ""variance-swaps""",,"description: ""Variance Swap Index""","### Response:
23423342342023902 2007-05-02T08:57:00-00:00
false PA/2007/05/02/234234923415 1 6234 6569 2001-09-24 .SP500 SP 500 Index USD XNYS XCBO Cash 2004-07-21","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""variance-swaps"" description: ""Variance Swap Index"" ### Response:
23423342342023902 2007-05-02T08:57:00-00:00
false PA/2007/05/02/234234923415 1 6234 6569 2001-09-24 .SP500 SP 500 Index USD XNYS XCBO Cash 2004-07-21" "category: ""variance-swaps""",,"description: ""Variance Swap Index""","### Response: NotApplicable true true USD 350000 950 .SP500 SP 500 INDEX USD XNYS XCBO CBOE SEP04 SP500 FUTURE 2004-09-23 NONE ISDA 2002 ISDA2000","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""variance-swaps"" description: ""Variance Swap Index"" ### Response: NotApplicable
true USD 350000 950 .SP500 SP 500 INDEX USD XNYS XCBO CBOE SEP04 SP500 FUTURE 2004-09-23 NONE
ISDA 2002 ISDA2000" "category: ""variance-swaps""",,"description: ""Dispersion Variance Swap Transaction Supplemen""","### Response:
283920 ABC290 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false 234239 1 280234089 2000-06-28 92002 1 0 D MODFOLLOWING GBLO STOXX50E 2008-10-10 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""variance-swaps"" description: ""Dispersion Variance Swap Transaction Supplemen"" ### Response:
283920 ABC290 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false 234239 1 280234089 2000-06-28 92002 1 0 D MODFOLLOWING GBLO STOXX50E 2008-10-10 " "category: ""variance-swaps""",,"description: ""Dispersion Variance Swap Transaction Supplemen""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING GBLO Closetrue 0 D MODFOLLOWING EUTA 0.80 EUR 1000000 0.30 3939202 1 AH.AS Ahold EUR XASE true 0.80 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""variance-swaps"" description: ""Dispersion Variance Swap Transaction Supplemen"" ### Response: MODFOLLOWING GBLO
0 D MODFOLLOWING EUTA 0.80 EUR 1000000 0.30
3939202 1 AH.AS Ahold EUR XASE true 0.80 " "category: ""variance-swaps""",,"description: ""Variance Option Transaction Supplemen""","### Response:
123 BIC1 BIC16C 2009-01-27T15:38:00-00:00
false CW/2009/01/27/123 1 166555 166555 2009-01-27 Call GBP 1500000 2009-01-29 NotApplicable 2015-03-20 NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""variance-swaps"" description: ""Variance Option Transaction Supplemen"" ### Response:
123 BIC1 BIC16C 2009-01-27T15:38:00-00:00
false CW/2009/01/27/123 1 166555 166555 2009-01-27 Call GBP 1500000 2009-01-29 NotApplicable 2015-03-20 NotApplicable " "category: ""variance-swaps""",,"description: ""Variance Option Transaction Supplemen""","### Response: OSP true true GBP Cash .FTSE FTSE 100 INDEX XLON XLIF Cash 2 D CurrencyBusiness NotApplicable GBP 2011-03-18 NotApplicable true 2009-01-27","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""variance-swaps"" description: ""Variance Option Transaction Supplemen"" ### Response:
true true GBP Cash
.FTSE FTSE 100 INDEX XLON XLIF Cash 2 D CurrencyBusiness NotApplicable GBP 2011-03-18 NotApplicable true 2009-01-27" "category: ""variance-swaps""",,"description: ""Volatility Swap Index MCA""","### Response:
23423342342023902 2007-05-02T08:57:00-00:00
false PA/2007/05/02/234234923415 1 6403855 6403855 2015-03-30 .FTSE XLIFXLIF GBP 2015-04-07","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""variance-swaps"" description: ""Volatility Swap Index MCA"" ### Response:
23423342342023902 2007-05-02T08:57:00-00:00
false PA/2007/05/02/234234923415 1 6403855 6403855 2015-03-30 .FTSE XLIFXLIF GBP 2015-04-07" "category: ""variance-swaps""",,"description: ""Volatility Swap Index Matrix""","### Response:
23423342342023902 2007-05-02T08:57:00-00:00
false PA/2007/05/02/234234923415 1 6403855 6403855 2015-03-30 .FTSE XLIF XLIF GBP 2015-04-07","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""variance-swaps"" description: ""Volatility Swap Index Matrix"" ### Response:
23423342342023902 2007-05-02T08:57:00-00:00
false PA/2007/05/02/234234923415 1 6403855 6403855 2015-03-30 .FTSE XLIF XLIF GBP 2015-04-07" "category: ""variance-swaps""",,"description: ""Conditional Variance Swap""","### Response:
234234923420 23902 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false PA/2000/08/01/234234923420 1 6234 6569 2007-01-05 IBM IBM ordinary shares XNYS Cash 2004-07-21 NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""variance-swaps"" description: ""Conditional Variance Swap"" ### Response:
234234923420 23902 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false PA/2000/08/01/234234923420 1 6234 6569 2007-01-05 IBM IBM ordinary shares XNYS Cash 2004-07-21 NotApplicable " "category: ""variance-swaps""",,"description: ""Variance Swap Single Stock""","### Response:
23423342342023902 2007-05-02T08:57:00-00:00
false PA/2007/05/02/234234923420 1 6234 6569 2001-09-24 IBM IBM ordinary shares XNYS Cash 2004-07-21 NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""variance-swaps"" description: ""Variance Swap Single Stock"" ### Response:
23423342342023902 2007-05-02T08:57:00-00:00
false PA/2007/05/02/234234923420 1 6234 6569 2001-09-24 IBM IBM ordinary shares XNYS Cash 2004-07-21 NotApplicable " "category: ""variance-swaps""",,"description: ""Variance Swap Single Stock""","### Response: true true false true USD 350000 85.00 .IBM IBM ordinary shares USD XNYS XCBO CBOE SEP04 IBM EUROPEAN OPTION 2004-09-23 NONE ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""variance-swaps"" description: ""Variance Swap Single Stock"" ### Response: true
true false true USD 350000 85.00 .IBM IBM ordinary shares USD XNYS XCBO CBOE SEP04 IBM EUROPEAN OPTION 2004-09-23 NONE
ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 " "category: ""variance-swaps""",,"description: ""Dispersion Variance Swap Long Form""","### Response:
283920 ABC290 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false 234239 1 280234089 2000-06-28 CalculationAgent CalculationAgent CalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent false RelatedExchange CalculationAgentAdjustment CalculationAgentAdjustment true true false true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""variance-swaps"" description: ""Dispersion Variance Swap Long Form"" ### Response:
283920 ABC290 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false 234239 1 280234089 2000-06-28 CalculationAgent CalculationAgent CalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent false RelatedExchange CalculationAgentAdjustment CalculationAgentAdjustment true true false true " "category: ""variance-swaps""",,"description: ""Dispersion Variance Swap Long Form""","### Response: true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment 234234234 1 0 D MODFOLLOWING GBLO 0 D MODFOLLOWING GBLO STOXX50E Cash 2 D Calendar ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""variance-swaps"" description: ""Dispersion Variance Swap Long Form"" ### Response: true
false false
true true true CancellationAndPayment
234234234 1 0 D MODFOLLOWING GBLO 0 D MODFOLLOWING GBLO STOXX50E Cash 2 D Calendar " "category: ""variance-swaps""",,"description: ""Dispersion Variance Swap Long Form""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING EUTA EUR 2008-10-10 MODFOLLOWING GBLO Closetrue 0 D MODFOLLOWING EUTA 0.80 EUR 1000000 0.30 93949033 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""variance-swaps"" description: ""Dispersion Variance Swap Long Form"" ### Response: MODFOLLOWING EUTA
EUR 2008-10-10 MODFOLLOWING GBLO Closetrue 0 D MODFOLLOWING EUTA 0.80 EUR 1000000 0.30 93949033 1 " "category: ""variance-swaps""",,"description: ""Dispersion Variance Swap Long Form""","### Response: AH.AS Ahold EUR XASE true 0.80 EUR 1000000 0.35 839274939 1 RDSA.AS Royal Dutch Shell A EUR XASE true 0.80 EUR 1000000 0.40 ISDA","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""variance-swaps"" description: ""Dispersion Variance Swap Long Form"" ### Response: AH.AS Ahold EUR XASE true 0.80 EUR 1000000 0.35 839274939 1 RDSA.AS Royal Dutch Shell A EUR XASE true 0.80 EUR 1000000 0.40 ISDA" "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Asian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: 37209 37209 2002-12-04 2002-12-05 NONE 2007-12-05 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Asian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: 37209 37209 2002-12-04 2002-12-05 NONE 2007-12-05 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Asian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: JPTO ACOM CO., LTD. 004CC9 JP310860A032 0.0213 2007-03-08 1.0 3 M 2003-03-05 5 JPY 500000000.0 0.007 ACT/360 JPY 500000000.0 true true JPY 100000000.0 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Asian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: JPTO ACOM CO., LTD. 004CC9 JP310860A032 0.0213 2007-03-08 1.0 3 M 2003-03-05 5 JPY 500000000.0 0.007 ACT/360 JPY 500000000.0 true true JPY 100000000.0 " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Asian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: true R JPY 1000000000.0 true 2 BorrowedMoney true JPY 30 false BondOrLoan true true true true true true 30 Y true true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Asian Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: true R JPY 1000000000.0 true 2 BorrowedMoney true JPY 30 false BondOrLoan true true true true true true 30 Y true true
" "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Asian Corporate, Short Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: xyz1234 abc1234 2002-12-04 2002-12-05 2007-12-05 Aiful Corporation 008FAQ JP310504B117 0.02 2004-01-26 3 M 2003-03-05 5 0.007","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Asian Corporate, Short Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: xyz1234 abc1234 2002-12-04 2002-12-05 2007-12-05 Aiful Corporation 008FAQ JP310504B117 0.02 2004-01-26 3 M 2003-03-05 5 0.007" "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Emerging Markets European Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: 37261 37261 2002-07-10 2002-07-11 NONE 2006-07-11 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Emerging Markets European Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: 37261 37261 2002-07-10 2002-07-11 NONE 2006-07-11 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Emerging Markets European Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: Republic of Bulgaria 1D216P XS0145624432 0.075 2013-01-15 1.0 3 M 2002-10-11 11 USD 5000000.0 0.0027 ACT/360 USD 5000000.0 true USD 1000000.0 true true true R","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Emerging Markets European Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: Republic of Bulgaria 1D216P XS0145624432 0.075 2013-01-15 1.0 3 M 2002-10-11 11 USD 5000000.0 0.0027 ACT/360 USD 5000000.0 true USD 1000000.0 true true true R" "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Emerging Markets European Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: USD 10000000.0 true 2 Bond true true true true USD true false Bond true true true true true true true true GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Emerging Markets European Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: USD 10000000.0 true 2 Bond true true true true USD true false Bond true true true true true true true true GBLO " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: 37263 37263 2002-11-13 2002-11-14 NONE 2007-11-14 NONE MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY Republic of Italy 4AB951 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""European Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: 37263 37263 2002-11-13 2002-11-14 NONE 2007-11-14 NONE MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY Republic of Italy 4AB951 " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: XS0125141316 0.06 2011-02-22 1.0 3 M 2003-02-14 14 USD 50000000.0 0.0011 ACT/360 USD 50000000.0 true USD 1000000.0 true true true R USD 10000000.0 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""European Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: XS0125141316 0.06 2011-02-22 1.0 3 M 2003-02-14 14 USD 50000000.0 0.0011 ACT/360 USD 50000000.0 true USD 1000000.0 true true true R USD 10000000.0 " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: true 2 BorrowedMoney USD 30 false BondOrLoan true true true true true true 30 Y true true GBLO ISDA 1992 ISDA1999Credit","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""European Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: true 2 BorrowedMoney USD 30 false BondOrLoan true true true true true true 30 Y true true GBLO ISDA 1992 ISDA1999Credit" "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""US Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: 37264 37264 2002-12-03 2002-12-04 NONE 2007-09-06 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""US Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: 37264 37264 2002-12-03 2002-12-04 NONE 2007-09-06 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""US Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: Agrium Inc. 008HA7 008916AB4 0.077 2017-02-01 1.0 3 M 2003-03-06 6 USD 5000000.0 0.01 ACT/360 USD 5000000.0 true true USD 1000000.0 true ModR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""US Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: Agrium Inc. 008HA7 008916AB4 0.077 2017-02-01 1.0 3 M 2003-03-06 6 USD 5000000.0 0.01 ACT/360 USD 5000000.0 true true USD 1000000.0 true ModR " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""US Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: USD 10000000.0 true 2 BorrowedMoney USD 30 false BondOrLoan true true true true true true 30 Y true true USNY ISDA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""US Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: USD 10000000.0 true 2 BorrowedMoney USD 30 false BondOrLoan true true true true true true 30 Y true true
USNY ISDA " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Emerging Markets Asian Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: 37205 37205 2002-12-02 2002-12-03 NONE 2007-12-03 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Emerging Markets Asian Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: 37205 37205 2002-12-02 2002-12-03 NONE 2007-12-03 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Emerging Markets Asian Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: Kingdom of Thailand 8GB54M US88322KAC53 0.0775 2007-04-15 1.0 3 M 2003-03-03 3 USD 20000000.0 0.012 ACT/360 USD 20000000.0 true USD 1000000.0 true true true R","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Emerging Markets Asian Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: Kingdom of Thailand 8GB54M US88322KAC53 0.0775 2007-04-15 1.0 3 M 2003-03-03 3 USD 20000000.0 0.012 ACT/360 USD 20000000.0 true USD 1000000.0 true true true R" "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Emerging Markets Asian Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: USD 10000000.0 true 2 BondOrLoan true true true true USD 30 false BondOrLoan true true true true true true true true 30 Y true true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Emerging Markets Asian Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: USD 10000000.0 true 2 BondOrLoan true true true true USD 30 false BondOrLoan true true true true true true true true 30 Y true true
" "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Asia Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: 37206 37206 2002-11-29 2002-11-30 NONE 2005-11-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Asia Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: 37206 37206 2002-11-29 2002-11-30 NONE 2005-11-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Asia Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: Japan 4B818G JP1200551248 0.02 2022-03-21 1.0 3 M 2003-02-28 30 USD 10000000.0 0.0015 ACT/360 USD 10000000.0 true USD 1000000.0 true true true R ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Asia Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: Japan 4B818G JP1200551248 0.02 2022-03-21 1.0 3 M 2003-02-28 30 USD 10000000.0 0.0015 ACT/360 USD 10000000.0 true USD 1000000.0 true true true R " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Asia Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: USD 10000000.0 true 2 BorrowedMoney USD 30 false BondOrLoan true true true true true 30 Y true true GBLO ISDA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Asia Sovereign, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: USD 10000000.0 true 2 BorrowedMoney USD 30 false BondOrLoan true true true true true 30 Y true true
GBLO ISDA " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Emerging Markets Latin American Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: 37203 37203 2002-08-23 2002-08-28 NONE 2004-08-28 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Emerging Markets Latin American Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: 37203 37203 2002-08-23 2002-08-28 NONE 2004-08-28 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Emerging Markets Latin American Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico E Social - BNDES 05EF75 US059614AG22 0.065 2006-06-15 1.0 6 M 2003-02-28 28 USD 1800000.0 0.365 ACT/360 USD 1800000.0 true true true USD 1000000.0 true true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Emerging Markets Latin American Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico E Social - BNDES 05EF75 US059614AG22 0.065 2006-06-15 1.0 6 M 2003-02-28 28 USD 1800000.0 0.365 ACT/360 USD 1800000.0 true true true USD 1000000.0 true true " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Emerging Markets Latin American Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule""","### Response: true R USD 10000000.0 true 2 Bond true true true true USD true false Bond true true true true true true 30 Y true true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Emerging Markets Latin American Corporate, Long Form, Fixed Regular Payment Schedule"" ### Response: true R USD 10000000.0 true 2 Bond true true true true USD true false Bond true true true true true true 30 Y true true
" "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Standard North American Corporate""","### Response: xyz1234 abc1234 2009-03-25 2009-03-26 2014-06-20 TENET HEALTHCARE CORPORATION 8G836J 8G836JAF2 2009-03-28 2009-03-30 USD 1000 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Standard North American Corporate"" ### Response: xyz1234 abc1234 2009-03-25 2009-03-26 2014-06-20 TENET HEALTHCARE CORPORATION 8G836J 8G836JAF2 2009-03-28 2009-03-30 USD 1000 " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Predetermined Clearing (CDX Index Option)""","### Response:
2342342 PARTYABIC1 ABC 2007-01-05T15:38:00Z
false CORR/2007/01/02/2342322 1 Trade234 2006-01-16 Payer USD 45000 3 D Business NONE USNY GBLO Fixed ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Predetermined Clearing (CDX Index Option)"" ### Response:
2342342 PARTYABIC1 ABC 2007-01-05T15:38:00Z
false CORR/2007/01/02/2342322 1 Trade234 2006-01-16 Payer USD 45000 3 D Business NONE USNY GBLO Fixed " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Predetermined Clearing (CDX Index Option)""","### Response: 2006-08-20 NotApplicable 09:00:00 USNY 11:00:00 USNY 1 1 false true Physical true 0.0225 2006-03-21 2011-06-20 Dow Jones CDX NA IG.2 2 2005-07-06 Publisher ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Predetermined Clearing (CDX Index Option)"" ### Response: 2006-08-20 NotApplicable
09:00:00 USNY 11:00:00 USNY 1 1
false true Physical true 0.0225 2006-03-21 2011-06-20 Dow Jones CDX NA IG.2 2 2005-07-06 Publisher " "category: ""credit-derivatives""",,"description: ""Predetermined Clearing (CDX Index Option)""","### Response: 3 M 2006-06-20 2011-03-20 20 USD 50000000 0.019 ACT/360 USD 50000000
ISDA 1992 1997-11-05 DJ.CDX.NA 2004-09-20 ISDA2000 ISDA2003Credit ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""credit-derivatives"" description: ""Predetermined Clearing (CDX Index Option)"" ### Response: 3 M 2006-06-20 2011-03-20 20 USD 50000000 0.019 ACT/360 USD 50000000
ISDA 1992 1997-11-05 DJ.CDX.NA 2004-09-20 ISDA2000 ISDA2003Credit " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""American Call Stock Long Form""","description: ""On 13 July, 2001, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response:
EquityShareOption456a789b msdw 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CS/2000/08/01/EquityShareOption456a789b 1 1234 2001-07-13 Equity:Option:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName Call STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares XNSE 2001-07-13 NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""American Call Stock Long Form"" description: ""On 13 July, 2001, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response:
EquityShareOption456a789b msdw 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CS/2000/08/01/EquityShareOption456a789b 1 1234 2001-07-13 Equity:Option:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName Call STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares XNSE 2001-07-13 NONE " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""American Call Stock Long Form""","description: ""On 13 July, 2001, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 2005-09-27 NONE 17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close 1 1 150000 true Close EUR OfficialClose Election 2004-09-27 NONE CalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""American Call Stock Long Form"" description: ""On 13 July, 2001, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 2005-09-27
17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close 1 1 150000
true Close EUR OfficialClose Election 2004-09-27 NONE
CalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""American Call Stock Long Form""","description: ""On 13 July, 2001, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment 32.00 150000 1.00 EUR 405000 2001-07-17 NONE EUR 2.70
","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""American Call Stock Long Form"" description: ""On 13 July, 2001, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment 32.00 150000 1.00 EUR 405000 2001-07-17 NONE EUR 2.70 " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Calendar Spread Short Form""","description: ""On 13 July, 2001, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response:
OTCCalendarSpread456a789b Party A 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CS/2000/08/01/OTCCalendarSpread45678 1 1234 2001-07-13 calendarSpread Call STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares XNSE 2001-07-13 NONE 2002-09-27","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Calendar Spread Short Form"" description: ""On 13 July, 2001, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response:
OTCCalendarSpread456a789b Party A 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CS/2000/08/01/OTCCalendarSpread45678 1 1234 2001-07-13 calendarSpread Call STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares XNSE 2001-07-13 NONE 2002-09-27" "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Calendar Spread Short Form""","description: ""On 13 July, 2001, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: NONE 17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close true Close EUR OfficialClose Physical 2003-09-27 NONE 32.00 30.00 150000 EUR 405000 2001-07-17 NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Calendar Spread Short Form"" description: ""On 13 July, 2001, Party A and Party B agree to an equity option trade. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: NONE
17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close
true Close EUR OfficialClose Physical
2003-09-27 NONE 32.00 30.00 150000 EUR 405000 2001-07-17 NONE " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Call or Put Spread Short Form""","### Response:
OTCCallorPutSpread456a789b Party A 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CS/2000/08/01/OTCCallorPutSpread45678 1 1234 2001-07-13 putSpread Put STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares XNSE 2001-07-13 NONE 2001-09-27","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Call or Put Spread Short Form"" ### Response:
OTCCallorPutSpread456a789b Party A 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CS/2000/08/01/OTCCallorPutSpread45678 1 1234 2001-07-13 putSpread Put STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares XNSE 2001-07-13 NONE 2001-09-27" "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Call or Put Spread Short Form""","### Response: NONE 17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close true Close EUR OfficialClose Physical 38.00 15000 32.00 30.00 10000 EUR 27000 2001-07-17 NONE EUR 2.70 false","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Call or Put Spread Short Form"" ### Response: NONE
17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close
true Close EUR OfficialClose Physical
38.00 15000 32.00 30.00 10000 EUR 27000 2001-07-17 NONE EUR 2.70 false" "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Averaging In Long FormA RequestTradeConfirmation message of an averaging long form equity option.""","### Response:
MS/2006/04/02/15-05 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-04-02T15:38:00Z
false CS/2006/04/02/32-02 2 1234 2000-06-28 Call .N225 NIKKEI 225 INDEX XTKS XOSE 2002-07-01 NONE Close true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Averaging In Long FormA RequestTradeConfirmation message of an averaging long form equity option."" ### Response:
MS/2006/04/02/15-05 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-04-02T15:38:00Z
false CS/2006/04/02/32-02 2 1234 2000-06-28 Call .N225 NIKKEI 225 INDEX XTKS XOSE 2002-07-01 NONE Close true " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Averaging In Long FormA RequestTradeConfirmation message of an averaging long form equity option.""","### Response: Close EUR Cash In 2000-08-01T08:57:00 2000-09-01T08:57:00 2000-10-01T08:57:00 2000-11-01T08:57:00 2000-12-01T08:57:00 2001-01-04T08:57:00 2001-02-01T08:57:00 2001-03-01T08:57:00 ModifiedPostponement JPY CalculationAgent CalculationAgentAdjustment CancellationAndPayment CalculationAgentAdjustment true true false true true false false true true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Averaging In Long FormA RequestTradeConfirmation message of an averaging long form equity option."" ### Response: Close
EUR Cash
In 2000-08-01T08:57:00 2000-09-01T08:57:00 2000-10-01T08:57:00 2000-11-01T08:57:00 2000-12-01T08:57:00 2001-01-04T08:57:00 2001-02-01T08:57:00 2001-03-01T08:57:00 ModifiedPostponement JPY CalculationAgent CalculationAgentAdjustment CancellationAndPayment CalculationAgentAdjustment true true false true true false false true true " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Averaging In Long FormA RequestTradeConfirmation message of an averaging long form equity option.""","### Response: true true 17475.90 79.099093 1.00 EUR 213.5675511 2000-07-03 NONE EUR 2.70
ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity GBEN
Party A ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Averaging In Long FormA RequestTradeConfirmation message of an averaging long form equity option."" ### Response: true true 17475.90 79.099093 1.00 EUR 213.5675511 2000-07-03 NONE EUR 2.70 ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity GBEN
Party A " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Barrier Knockout with Rebate Long FormA TradeConfirmed message of an European Call on Eurostoxx 50 Index traded on 1 July 2002.""","### Response:
CS/2006/04/02/32-05 5 1234 2002-07-01 Call 2002-07-26 .STOX50E STOXX 50 Euro XEUR USD 8000000 2005-10-11 NONE Close","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Barrier Knockout with Rebate Long FormA TradeConfirmed message of an European Call on Eurostoxx 50 Index traded on 1 July 2002."" ### Response:
CS/2006/04/02/32-05 5 1234 2002-07-01 Call 2002-07-26 .STOX50E STOXX 50 Euro XEUR USD 8000000 2005-10-11 NONE Close" "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Barrier Knockout with Rebate Long FormA TradeConfirmed message of an European Call on Eurostoxx 50 Index traded on 1 July 2002.""","### Response: true Close false 3 D Business NONE EUTA EUR OfficialClose Cash 2002-03-29 2002-07-12 1 D NONE 1606.346 15000000 EUR 3 D Business NONE EUTA","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Barrier Knockout with Rebate Long FormA TradeConfirmed message of an European Call on Eurostoxx 50 Index traded on 1 July 2002."" ### Response:
true Close false 3 D Business NONE EUTA EUR OfficialClose Cash
2002-03-29 2002-07-12 1 D NONE 1606.346 15000000 EUR 3 D Business NONE EUTA" "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Barrier Knockout with Rebate Long FormA TradeConfirmed message of an European Call on Eurostoxx 50 Index traded on 1 July 2002.""","### Response: 2002-07-26 2005-10-11 1 D NONE 1.50 880000 EUR 3 D Business NONE EUTA CalculationAgent CalculationAgentAdjustment CancellationAndPayment CalculationAgentAdjustment true true false true true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Barrier Knockout with Rebate Long FormA TradeConfirmed message of an European Call on Eurostoxx 50 Index traded on 1 July 2002."" ### Response: 2002-07-26 2005-10-11 1 D NONE 1.50 880000 EUR 3 D Business NONE EUTA CalculationAgent CalculationAgentAdjustment CancellationAndPayment CalculationAgentAdjustment true true false true true " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Barrier Knockout with Rebate Long FormA TradeConfirmed message of an European Call on Eurostoxx 50 Index traded on 1 July 2002.""","### Response: false false true true true true 1.00 1.00 EUR 400000 2002-07-30 NONE 0.05
ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity GBEN
","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Barrier Knockout with Rebate Long FormA TradeConfirmed message of an European Call on Eurostoxx 50 Index traded on 1 July 2002."" ### Response: false false true true true true 1.00 1.00 EUR 400000 2002-07-30 NONE 0.05 ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity GBEN
" "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Basket Long FormA RequestTradeConfirmation message of an European call option on a basket of stocks.""","### Response:
BasketOption456a789b abc 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false BasketOption987 1 1234 2000-06-28 Equity:Option:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:Basket Call AHLD.NA Ahold EUR XASE 0.40 RD.NA Royal Dutch ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Basket Long FormA RequestTradeConfirmation message of an European call option on a basket of stocks."" ### Response:
BasketOption456a789b abc 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false BasketOption987 1 1234 2000-06-28 Equity:Option:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:Basket Call AHLD.NA Ahold EUR XASE 0.40 RD.NA Royal Dutch " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Basket Long FormA RequestTradeConfirmation message of an European call option on a basket of stocks.""","### Response: EUR XASE 0.60 2002-07-01 NONE Close true Close EUR Cash CalculationAgent AlternativeObligation CancellationAndPayment CancellationAndPayment true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Basket Long FormA RequestTradeConfirmation message of an European call option on a basket of stocks."" ### Response: EUR
2002-07-01 NONE Close true Close EUR Cash CalculationAgent AlternativeObligation CancellationAndPayment CancellationAndPayment true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Basket Long FormA RequestTradeConfirmation message of an European call option on a basket of stocks.""","### Response: true true true CancellationAndPayment 79.099093 1.00 EUR 213.5675511 2000-07-03 NONE EUR 2.70
ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity GBEN
","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Basket Long FormA RequestTradeConfirmation message of an European call option on a basket of stocks."" ### Response: true true true CancellationAndPayment 79.099093 1.00 EUR 213.5675511 2000-07-03 NONE EUR 2.70 ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity GBEN
" "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Bermuda Long FormThis example shows a TradeConfirmed message of a bermuda long form equity option trade.""","### Response:
CS/2006/04/02/32-12 3 LN 2962 2002-01-17 Equity:Option:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName Call ES0113900J37 Ordinary Shares of Banco Santander Central Hispano SA XMAD XMEF 31000 2002-01-17 NONE","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Bermuda Long FormThis example shows a TradeConfirmed message of a bermuda long form equity option trade."" ### Response:
CS/2006/04/02/32-12 3 LN 2962 2002-01-17 Equity:Option:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName Call ES0113900J37 Ordinary Shares of Banco Santander Central Hispano SA XMAD XMEF 31000 2002-01-17 NONE" "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Bermuda Long FormThis example shows a TradeConfirmed message of a bermuda long form equity option trade.""","### Response: 2002-06-21 NONE 2002-04-21 2002-05-21 2002-06-21 Close Close 1 1 500000 true Close EUR OfficialClose Physical CalculationAgent AlternativeObligation AlternativeObligation AlternativeObligation false true true true false true true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Bermuda Long FormThis example shows a TradeConfirmed message of a bermuda long form equity option trade."" ### Response:
2002-06-21 NONE 2002-04-21 2002-05-21 2002-06-21 Close Close 1 1 500000
true Close EUR OfficialClose Physical
CalculationAgent AlternativeObligation AlternativeObligation AlternativeObligation false true true true false true true " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Bermuda Long FormThis example shows a TradeConfirmed message of a bermuda long form equity option trade.""","### Response: false false true true true true NegotiatedCloseout NegotiatedCloseout 8.00 500000 1.00 EUR 1350000 2002-01-22 NONE EUR 2.70
ISDA 2002 2002-03-15 ISDA2000 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Bermuda Long FormThis example shows a TradeConfirmed message of a bermuda long form equity option trade."" ### Response: false false true true true true NegotiatedCloseout NegotiatedCloseout 8.00 500000 1.00 EUR 1350000 2002-01-22 NONE EUR 2.70 ISDA 2002 2002-03-15 ISDA2000 " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Binary Barrier Long FormThis example shows a RequestTradeConfirmation message of a binary barrier long form equity option trade. A European Call on S&P500 Index trade 25 March 2002:""","### Response:
MS/2006/04/02/15-12 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-04-02T15:38:00Z
false CS/2006/04/02/32-12 1 1234 2002-03-25 Call .SP500 S and P 500 XNYS XCBO USD 1000000 2002-06-25 NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Binary Barrier Long FormThis example shows a RequestTradeConfirmation message of a binary barrier long form equity option trade. A European Call on S&P500 Index trade 25 March 2002:"" ### Response:
MS/2006/04/02/15-12 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-04-02T15:38:00Z
false CS/2006/04/02/32-12 1 1234 2002-03-25 Call .SP500 S and P 500 XNYS XCBO USD 1000000 2002-06-25 NONE " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Binary Barrier Long FormThis example shows a RequestTradeConfirmation message of a binary barrier long form equity option trade. A European Call on S&P500 Index trade 25 March 2002:""","### Response: SpecificTime true Close 3 D ExchangeBusiness NONE EUR OfficialClose Cash 2002-03-29 2002-07-12 1 D NONE 1606.346 15000000 EUR 3 D NONE CalculationAgent CalculationAgentAdjustment","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Binary Barrier Long FormThis example shows a RequestTradeConfirmation message of a binary barrier long form equity option trade. A European Call on S&P500 Index trade 25 March 2002:"" ### Response: SpecificTime
true Close 3 D ExchangeBusiness NONE EUR OfficialClose Cash
2002-03-29 2002-07-12 1 D NONE 1606.346 15000000 EUR 3 D NONE CalculationAgent CalculationAgentAdjustment" "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Binary Barrier Long FormThis example shows a RequestTradeConfirmation message of a binary barrier long form equity option trade. A European Call on S&P500 Index trade 25 March 2002:""","### Response: CancellationAndPayment CalculationAgentAdjustment true true false true true false false true true true true 900 1.00 EUR 5000000 2002-03-25 NONE 0.05
ISDA 2002 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Binary Barrier Long FormThis example shows a RequestTradeConfirmation message of a binary barrier long form equity option trade. A European Call on S&P500 Index trade 25 March 2002:"" ### Response: CancellationAndPayment CalculationAgentAdjustment true true false true true false false true true true true 900 1.00 EUR 5000000 2002-03-25 NONE 0.05 ISDA 2002 " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Vanilla Short Form""","### Response:
OTCCallorPutSpread456a789b Party A 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CORR/2000/08/01/OTCCallorPutSpread45678 1 1234 2001-07-13 putSpread Put STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares XNSE 2001-07-13 NONE 2001-09-27","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Vanilla Short Form"" ### Response:
OTCCallorPutSpread456a789b Party A 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CORR/2000/08/01/OTCCallorPutSpread45678 1 1234 2001-07-13 putSpread Put STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares XNSE 2001-07-13 NONE 2001-09-27" "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Vanilla Short Form""","### Response: NONE 17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close true Close EUR OfficialClose Physical 32.00 30.00 10000 EUR 27000 2001-07-17 NONE EUR 2.70 true EUR 5000 Broker Notes regarding trade ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Vanilla Short Form"" ### Response: NONE
17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close
true Close EUR OfficialClose Physical
32.00 30.00 10000 EUR 27000 2001-07-17 NONE EUR 2.70 true EUR 5000 Broker Notes regarding trade
" "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""1996 American Call Stock""","### Response: 1234 2001-07-13 Equity:Option:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName Call STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares XNSE 31000 2001-07-13 NONE 2001-09-27 NONE 17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""1996 American Call Stock"" ### Response: 1234 2001-07-13 Equity:Option:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName Call STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares XNSE 31000 2001-07-13 NONE 2001-09-27 NONE 17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime" "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""1996 American Call Stock""","### Response: Close 1 1 150000 true Close EUR OfficialClose Physical CalculationAgent AlternativeObligation CancellationAndPayment CancellationAndPayment true CancellationAndPayment 32.00 150000 1.00 EUR 405000 2001-07-17 NONE EUR 2.70 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""1996 American Call Stock"" ### Response: Close 1 1 150000 true Close EUR OfficialClose Physical CalculationAgent AlternativeObligation CancellationAndPayment CancellationAndPayment true CancellationAndPayment 32.00 150000 1.00 EUR 405000 2001-07-17 NONE EUR 2.70 " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""American Call Stock Passthrough Long Form""","### Response:
EquityShareOption456a789b msdw 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CORR/2000/08/01/EquityShareOption987 1 1234 2001-07-13 Equity:Option:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName Call STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares XNSE 2001-07-13 NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""American Call Stock Passthrough Long Form"" ### Response:
EquityShareOption456a789b msdw 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CORR/2000/08/01/EquityShareOption987 1 1234 2001-07-13 Equity:Option:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName Call STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares XNSE 2001-07-13 NONE " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""American Call Stock Passthrough Long Form""","### Response: 2005-09-27 NONE 17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close 1 1 150000 true Close EUR OfficialClose Election 2004-09-27 NONE 0.80 CalculationAgent ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""American Call Stock Passthrough Long Form"" ### Response: 2005-09-27 NONE
17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close 1 1 150000
true Close EUR OfficialClose Election 2004-09-27 NONE
0.80 CalculationAgent " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""American Call Stock Passthrough Long Form""","### Response: ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment 32.00 150000 1.00 EUR 405000 2001-07-17 NONE EUR","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""American Call Stock Passthrough Long Form"" ### Response: ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment 32.00 150000 1.00 EUR 405000 2001-07-17 NONE EUR" "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement""","### Response: 1234 2005-07-13 Equity:Option:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName Put STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares XNSE 2005-07-13 NONE 2005-09-27 NONE 17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement"" ### Response: 1234 2005-07-13 Equity:Option:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName Put STM-FP STMicroelectronics N.V. ordinary shares XNSE 2005-07-13 NONE 2005-09-27 NONE 17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime" "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement""","### Response: Close true Close EUR OfficialClose Physical 32.00 30.00 10000 EUR 405000 2005-07-17 NONE EUR 2.70 ISDA 2002 ISDA2002Equity ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement"" ### Response: Close true Close EUR OfficialClose Physical 32.00 30.00 10000 EUR 405000 2005-07-17 NONE EUR 2.70 ISDA 2002 ISDA2002Equity " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement Non-Deliverable Share""","### Response: 1 1 2006-09-18 Call 3045.TW TAIWAN MOBILE ORD TAI All Exchanges 2006-12-14 NotApplicable AsSpecifiedInMasterConfirmation true 2 D CurrencyBusiness ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement Non-Deliverable Share"" ### Response: 1 1 2006-09-18 Call 3045.TW TAIWAN MOBILE ORD TAI All Exchanges 2006-12-14 NotApplicable AsSpecifiedInMasterConfirmation true 2 D CurrencyBusiness " "category: ""equity-options""",,"description: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement Non-Deliverable Share""","### Response: NotApplicable USD Cash TWD Reuters TAIFX1 14:15:00 TWTA 33.0 TWD 1000000.0 USD 1500000 2006-09-20 NotApplicable USD 1.5 CalculationAgent TW","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" description: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement Non-Deliverable Share"" ### Response: NotApplicable USD Cash TWD Reuters TAIFX1 14:15:00 TWTA 33.0 TWD 1000000.0 USD 1500000 2006-09-20 NotApplicable USD 1.5 CalculationAgent TW" "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Nested Basket""","description: ""An example illustratinga nested basket underlyer.""","### Response:
2342340099 PARTYAC0902 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CW/2000/08/01/2342340099 1 1234 2001-07-13 Call FXI FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index 0.50 005440.KS HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY KRW XKHA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Nested Basket"" description: ""An example illustratinga nested basket underlyer."" ### Response:
2342340099 PARTYAC0902 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CW/2000/08/01/2342340099 1 1234 2001-07-13 Call FXI FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index 0.50 005440.KS HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY KRW XKHA " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Nested Basket""","description: ""An example illustratinga nested basket underlyer.""","### Response: 0.50 000270.KS KIA MOTORS CORPORATION KRW XKHA 0.50 0.50 2001-07-13 NONE 2005-09-27 NONE 17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close 1 1 150000 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Nested Basket"" description: ""An example illustratinga nested basket underlyer."" ### Response: 0.50
2001-07-13 NONE 2005-09-27 NONE 17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close 1 1 150000 " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Nested Basket""","description: ""An example illustratinga nested basket underlyer.""","### Response: true Close EUR OfficialClose Election 2004-09-27 NONE CalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Nested Basket"" description: ""An example illustratinga nested basket underlyer."" ### Response: true Close EUR OfficialClose Election 2004-09-27 NONE CalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Cliquet""","description: ""An example illustratingcliquet.""","### Response:
123476-002700000005656 DTCC00006441 DTCC00006440 2002-09-24T18:08:40.335-05:00
false CW/2009/02/24/123476 1 TW9236 2002-10-31 Call .SPX N A 0904 USD 2345 2002-10-31 NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Cliquet"" description: ""An example illustratingcliquet."" ### Response:
123476-002700000005656 DTCC00006441 DTCC00006440 2002-09-24T18:08:40.335-05:00
false CW/2009/02/24/123476 1 TW9236 2002-10-31 Call .SPX N A 0904 USD 2345 2002-10-31 NONE " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Cliquet""","description: ""An example illustratingcliquet.""","### Response: 2003-04-19 NONE Close Close 1 1 5250 true 2001-11-11 NONE 2002-11-11 NONE 1 M EOM FOLLOWING NYSE true 12 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Cliquet"" description: ""An example illustratingcliquet."" ### Response: 2003-04-19 NONE Close Close 1 1 5250
true 2001-11-11 NONE 2002-11-11 NONE 1 M EOM FOLLOWING NYSE true 12 " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Cliquet""","description: ""An example illustratingcliquet.""","### Response: 2 D Business NONE USD Cash
30 1088 5250 2002-11-01 NONE USD 23 0.015
.02 ISDA2004EquityAmericasInterdealer 2002-06-20
DTCC00006441 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Cliquet"" description: ""An example illustratingcliquet."" ### Response: 2 D Business NONE USD Cash 30 1088 5250 2002-11-01 NONE USD 23 0.015
.02 ISDA2004EquityAmericasInterdealer 2002-06-20
DTCC00006441 " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Knock-In-Knock-Out Features""","description: ""An example illustratingKnock-In-Knock-Out Features.""","### Response:
123456-002700000000001 DTCC00006441 DTCC00006440 2002-09-24T18:08:40.335-05:00
false CW/2009/01/27/123 1 TW9236 2002-10-31 Call .SPX N A 0904 USD 1234 2002-10-31 NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Knock-In-Knock-Out Features"" description: ""An example illustratingKnock-In-Knock-Out Features."" ### Response:
123456-002700000000001 DTCC00006441 DTCC00006440 2002-09-24T18:08:40.335-05:00
false CW/2009/01/27/123 1 TW9236 2002-10-31 Call .SPX N A 0904 USD 1234 2002-10-31 NONE " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Knock-In-Knock-Out Features""","description: ""An example illustratingKnock-In-Knock-Out Features.""","### Response: 2003-04-19 NONE Close Close 1 1 5250 true 2002-11-01 2002-11-15 2002-12-01 2002-12-15 2003-01-01 2003-01-15 2003-02-01 2003-02-15 2003-03-01 2003-03-15 2003-04-01 2003-04-15 FOLLOWING NYSE true 2 D Business NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement (Index Option) Knock-In-Knock-Out Features"" description: ""An example illustratingKnock-In-Knock-Out Features."" ### Response: 2003-04-19 NONE Close Close 1 1 5250
true 2002-11-01 2002-11-15 2002-12-01 2002-12-15 2003-01-01 2003-01-15 2003-02-01 2003-02-15 2003-03-01 2003-03-15 2003-04-01 2003-04-15 FOLLOWING NYSE true 2 D Business NONE " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Equity Option Mixed Asset Basket""","description: ""An example illustratingmixed basket underlyer.""","### Response:
2342340029 PARTYAC0902 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CW/2009/01/27/123 1 1234 2001-07-13 Call FXI FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index 3 COPPER-LME CASH Settlement FirstNearby 1 ZINC-LME CASH ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Equity Option Mixed Asset Basket"" description: ""An example illustratingmixed basket underlyer."" ### Response:
2342340029 PARTYAC0902 2000-08-01T08:57:00Z
false CW/2009/01/27/123 1 1234 2001-07-13 Call FXI FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index 3 COPPER-LME CASH Settlement FirstNearby 1 ZINC-LME CASH " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Equity Option Mixed Asset Basket""","description: ""An example illustratingmixed basket underlyer.""","### Response: Settlement FirstNearby 1 NICKEL-LME CASH Settlement FirstNearby 1 2001-07-13 NONE 2005-09-27 NONE 17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close 1 1 150000 true Close EUR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Equity Option Mixed Asset Basket"" description: ""An example illustratingmixed basket underlyer."" ### Response: Settlement
NICKEL-LME CASH Settlement FirstNearby 1
2001-07-13 NONE 2005-09-27 NONE 17:15:00 GBLO SpecificTime Close 1 1 150000 true Close EUR " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Equity Option Mixed Asset Basket""","description: ""An example illustratingmixed basket underlyer.""","### Response: OfficialClose Election 2004-09-27 NONE CalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment 32.00 150000 1.00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Equity Option Mixed Asset Basket"" description: ""An example illustratingmixed basket underlyer."" ### Response: OfficialClose Election 2004-09-27 NONE
CalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent ModifiedCalculationAgent true true true false true true false false true true true CancellationAndPayment 32.00 150000 1.00 " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement EMEA EM (Interdealer)""","description: ""An example illustratingEMEA EM (Interdealer) MCA with Foreign Ownership Event as additional disruption event.""","### Response: 2783639 2783639 2011-02-11 Call .WIG20 WIG20 INDEX PLN XWAR XWAR 2012-11-16 NotApplicable OSP true true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement EMEA EM (Interdealer)"" description: ""An example illustratingEMEA EM (Interdealer) MCA with Foreign Ownership Event as additional disruption event."" ### Response: 2783639 2783639 2011-02-11 Call .WIG20 WIG20 INDEX PLN XWAR XWAR 2012-11-16 NotApplicable OSP true true " "category: ""equity-options""","sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement EMEA EM (Interdealer)""","description: ""An example illustratingEMEA EM (Interdealer) MCA with Foreign Ownership Event as additional disruption event.""","### Response: 2 D CurrencyBusiness NotApplicable PLN Cash 100 1000 PLN 50000 2011-02-15 NotApplicable PLN 50 true false false true 0.11 true 0.09 falsefalse ISDA2010EquityEMEAInterdealer","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-options"" sub category: ""Equity Option Transaction Supplement EMEA EM (Interdealer)"" description: ""An example illustratingEMEA EM (Interdealer) MCA with Foreign Ownership Event as additional disruption event."" ### Response: 2 D CurrencyBusiness NotApplicable PLN Cash 100 1000 PLN 50000 2011-02-15 NotApplicable PLN 50 true false false true 0.11 true 0.09 falsefalse ISDA2010EquityEMEAInterdealer" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Index Long FormParty A sends a TradeConfirmed message to Party B with the details of the agreement.""","### Response:
MS/2006/04/07/15-99 MS/2006/04/07/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
CS/2006/07/02/32-09 1 1734 5648 2002-07-19 Equity:Swap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleIndex 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Index Long FormParty A sends a TradeConfirmed message to Party B with the details of the agreement."" ### Response:
MS/2006/04/07/15-99 MS/2006/04/07/15-99 PARTYABICXXX PARTYBBICXXX 2006-07-02T16:38:00Z
CS/2006/07/02/32-09 1 1734 5648 2002-07-19 Equity:Swap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleIndex 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Index Long FormParty A sends a TradeConfirmed message to Party B with the details of the agreement.""","### Response: .FCHI France CAC 40 Index EUR XPAR XMAT XMON Cash EUR 5591987.41 AbsoluteTerms true ValuationTime 2002-10-21 2004-01-20 2004-04-22 NotApplicable Close HedgeExecution 2004-07-21","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Index Long FormParty A sends a TradeConfirmed message to Party B with the details of the agreement."" ### Response:
.FCHI France CAC 40 Index EUR XPAR XMAT XMON Cash EUR 5591987.41 AbsoluteTerms true ValuationTime 2002-10-21 2004-01-20 2004-04-22 NotApplicable Close HedgeExecution 2004-07-21" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Index Long FormParty A sends a TradeConfirmed message to Party B with the details of the agreement.""","### Response: NotApplicable 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUTA HKHK 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USD 5591987.41 EUR Standard ISDA true Price Standard
","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Index Long FormParty A sends a TradeConfirmed message to Party B with the details of the agreement."" ### Response: NotApplicable 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUTA HKHK 3 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING USD 5591987.41 EUR Standard ISDA true Price Standard " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Index Long FormParty A sends a TradeConfirmed message to Party B with the details of the agreement.""","### Response: 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable CalculationPeriodStartDate 0 D NotApplicable Standard ISDA EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 3 M 0.0050 ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Index Long FormParty A sends a TradeConfirmed message to Party B with the details of the agreement."" ### Response: 3 D ExchangeBusiness NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable CalculationPeriodStartDate 0 D NotApplicable Standard ISDA EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 3 M 0.0050 ACT/360 " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Single Index Long FormParty A sends a TradeConfirmed message to Party B with the details of the agreement.""","### Response: CalculationAgentAdjustment CancellationAndPayment CalculationAgentAdjustment true true false true true false false true true true true
ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity GBEN
Party A","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Single Index Long FormParty A sends a TradeConfirmed message to Party B with the details of the agreement."" ### Response: CalculationAgentAdjustment CancellationAndPayment CalculationAgentAdjustment true true false true true false false true true true true ISDA 2002 ISDA2000 ISDA2002Equity GBEN
Party A" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Compounding Swap""","### Response: TRADEABC 2008-01-01 2008-01-01 NONE 0 D NONE .SPX N ALL 100 AbsoluteTerms true ValuationTime ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Compounding Swap"" ### Response: TRADEABC 2008-01-01 2008-01-01 NONE 0 D NONE .SPX N ALL 100 AbsoluteTerms true ValuationTime " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Compounding Swap""","### Response: 2009-01-01 NotApplicable ValuationTime 3 D CurrencyBusiness NONE 3 D CurrencyBusiness NONE USD 1000000 USD StandardISDA true Price Standard ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Compounding Swap"" ### Response: 2009-01-01 NotApplicable ValuationTime 3 D CurrencyBusiness NONE 3 D CurrencyBusiness NONE USD 1000000 USD StandardISDA true Price Standard " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Compounding Swap""","### Response: 0 D NONE 0 D NONE CalculationPeriodStartDate 2009-01-01 NotApplicable StandardISDA USD-LIBOR-BBA 1 M .01 ACT/360 .05","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Compounding Swap"" ### Response: 0 D NONE 0 D NONE CalculationPeriodStartDate 2009-01-01 NotApplicable StandardISDA USD-LIBOR-BBA 1 M .01 ACT/360 .05" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Short form Interest Leg driving schedule dates""","### Response: 124897 124897 2008-06-02 2008-06-04 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2009-06-04 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 M ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Short form Interest Leg driving schedule dates"" ### Response: 124897 124897 2008-06-02 2008-06-04 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2009-06-04 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 M " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Short form Interest Leg driving schedule dates""","### Response: 2008-06-04 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 M 4 MODFOLLOWING EUTA StandardISDA EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters 1 M ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Short form Interest Leg driving schedule dates"" ### Response: 2008-06-04 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 M 4 MODFOLLOWING EUTA StandardISDA EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters 1 M ACT/360 " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Short form Interest Leg driving schedule dates""","### Response: 2008-06-02 NotApplicable 2008-06-04 NotApplicable PHGe.AS NL0000009322 PHILIPS BUY BACK ORD XAMS EUR 10.0 AbsoluteTerms true ValuationTime -2 D PRECEDING HedgeExecution ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Short form Interest Leg driving schedule dates"" ### Response: 2008-06-02 NotApplicable 2008-06-04 NotApplicable PHGe.AS NL0000009322 PHILIPS BUY BACK ORD XAMS EUR 10.0 AbsoluteTerms true ValuationTime -2 D PRECEDING HedgeExecution " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Short form Interest Leg driving schedule dates""","### Response: 2009-06-02 NotApplicable 2 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUTA 2 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUTA EUR 300000.0 EUR StandardISDA true Price Standard ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Short form Interest Leg driving schedule dates"" ### Response: 2009-06-02 NotApplicable 2 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUTA 2 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUTA EUR 300000.0 EUR StandardISDA true Price Standard " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Equity Accrual Swap on European Index Underlyer Short Form""","### Response: 1147071 1147071 2009-01-19 2009-01-21 FOLLOWING EUTA 2009-03-23 FOLLOWING EUTA 1 M","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Equity Accrual Swap on European Index Underlyer Short Form"" ### Response: 1147071 1147071 2009-01-19 2009-01-21 FOLLOWING EUTA 2009-03-23 FOLLOWING EUTA 1 M" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Equity Accrual Swap on European Index Underlyer Short Form""","### Response: -2 D CurrencyBusiness PRECEDING EUTA 0 D NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable 1 M 19 FOLLOWING EUTA StandardISDA","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Equity Accrual Swap on European Index Underlyer Short Form"" ### Response: -2 D CurrencyBusiness PRECEDING EUTA 0 D NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable 1 M 19 FOLLOWING EUTA StandardISDA" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Equity Accrual Swap on European Index Underlyer Short Form""","### Response: EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters 1 M 0.0001234 ACT/360 LinearZeroYield 2009-01-19 FOLLOWING DEFR 2009-03-19 FOLLOWING DEFR .GDAXI GERMAN SE XETRA DAX INDEX XEUR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Equity Accrual Swap on European Index Underlyer Short Form"" ### Response: EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters 1 M 0.0001234 ACT/360 LinearZeroYield 2009-01-19 FOLLOWING DEFR 2009-03-19 FOLLOWING DEFR .GDAXI GERMAN SE XETRA DAX INDEX XEUR " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Equity Accrual Swap on European Index Underlyer Short Form""","### Response: 100000 1 EUR 100 AbsoluteTerms true ValuationTime 0 D NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable 1 M 19 FOLLOWING DEFR AsSpecifiedInMasterConfirmation","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Equity Accrual Swap on European Index Underlyer Short Form"" ### Response: 100000 1 EUR 100 AbsoluteTerms true ValuationTime 0 D NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable 1 M 19 FOLLOWING DEFR AsSpecifiedInMasterConfirmation" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""Equity Accrual Swap on European Index Underlyer Short Form""","### Response: HedgeExecution 2009-03-19 FOLLOWING DEFR AsSpecifiedInMasterConfirmation false 2 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUTA 2 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""Equity Accrual Swap on European Index Underlyer Short Form"" ### Response: HedgeExecution 2009-03-19 FOLLOWING DEFR AsSpecifiedInMasterConfirmation false 2 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUTA 2 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUTA " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""European Interdealer Share Swap Short Form""","### Response:
MS/2009/09/01/15-99 PARTYABIC1 PARTYBBIC2 2009-09-01T16:38:00Z
false CS/2009/09/09/32-09 1 1558488 1558488 2009-09-09 2009-09-11 FOLLOWING EUTA 2009-12-11 FOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""European Interdealer Share Swap Short Form"" ### Response:
MS/2009/09/01/15-99 PARTYABIC1 PARTYBBIC2 2009-09-01T16:38:00Z
false CS/2009/09/09/32-09 1 1558488 1558488 2009-09-09 2009-09-11 FOLLOWING EUTA 2009-12-11 FOLLOWING " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""European Interdealer Share Swap Short Form""","### Response: EUTA 1 M -2 D CurrencyBusiness PRECEDING EUTA 0 D NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable 1 M 9 FOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""European Interdealer Share Swap Short Form"" ### Response: EUTA
1 M -2 D CurrencyBusiness PRECEDING EUTA 0 D NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable 1 M 9 FOLLOWING " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""European Interdealer Share Swap Short Form""","### Response: EUTA
StandardISDA EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters 1 M ACT/360 LinearZeroYield InitialAndFinal
2009-09-09 FOLLOWING DEFR 2009-12-09 FOLLOWING DEFR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""European Interdealer Share Swap Short Form"" ### Response: EUTA StandardISDA EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters 1 M ACT/360 LinearZeroYield InitialAndFinal 2009-09-09 FOLLOWING DEFR 2009-12-09 FOLLOWING DEFR " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""European Interdealer Share Swap Short Form""","### Response: BMWG.DE DE0005190003 BMW ORDEUR XETR 100000 1 EUR 10 AbsoluteTerms true ValuationTime 0 D NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""European Interdealer Share Swap Short Form"" ### Response: BMWG.DE DE0005190003 BMW ORDEUR XETR 100000 1 EUR 10 AbsoluteTerms true ValuationTime 0 D NotApplicable 0 D NotApplicable " "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""European Interdealer Share Swap Short Form""","### Response: 1 M 9 FOLLOWING DEFR AsSpecifiedInMasterConfirmation HedgeExecution 2009-12-09 FOLLOWING DEFR AsSpecifiedInMasterConfirmation 2 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUTA 2","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""European Interdealer Share Swap Short Form"" ### Response: 1 M 9 FOLLOWING DEFR AsSpecifiedInMasterConfirmation HedgeExecution 2009-12-09 FOLLOWING DEFR AsSpecifiedInMasterConfirmation 2 D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUTA 2" "category: ""equity-swaps""",,"description: ""European Interdealer Share Swap Short Form""","### Response: D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUTA EUR 1000000 EUR StandardISDA true Total CashSettlementPaymentDate SecondPeriod 1 1 PotentialAdjustmentEvent EquityAmountReceiverElection Standard true FlatFee 0.1
","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""equity-swaps"" description: ""European Interdealer Share Swap Short Form"" ### Response: D CurrencyBusiness FOLLOWING EUTA EUR 1000000 EUR StandardISDA true Total CashSettlementPaymentDate SecondPeriod 1 1 PotentialAdjustmentEvent EquityAmountReceiverElection Standard
true FlatFee 0.1
" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""Term Deposit Term Deposit with Dual Currency featureABN Amro pays 8% USD fixed rate loan on ACT/360 basis for 1 million Deposit from Midland starting June-24-2008 and maturing July 24, 2008. The principal can be repaid after being converted into the JPY (alternative currency) at 109.48 strike rate at maturity (depending on the spot foreign exchange rate.) Quote: 109.48m 1-month JPY Put on 1m USD @ strike of 109.48 ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Midland with the details of the confirmation. Note: this Dual Currency Deposit in FpML 4.x is represented using the Strategy component in order to bundle an instance of fxSimpleOption and termDeposit.""","### Response:
FX87653 ABNANL2A MIDLGB22 2008-06-04T08:57:00Z
false FX65431 1 MB87623 AA9876 2008-06-24 DualCurrencyDeposit 2008-06-24 2008-07-24 USD 1000000.00 0.08ACT/360 JPY 2008-07-22 10:00:00","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""Term Deposit Term Deposit with Dual Currency featureABN Amro pays 8% USD fixed rate loan on ACT/360 basis for 1 million Deposit from Midland starting June-24-2008 and maturing July 24, 2008. The principal can be repaid after being converted into the JPY (alternative currency) at 109.48 strike rate at maturity (depending on the spot foreign exchange rate.) Quote: 109.48m 1-month JPY Put on 1m USD @ strike of 109.48 ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Midland with the details of the confirmation. Note: this Dual Currency Deposit in FpML 4.x is represented using the Strategy component in order to bundle an instance of fxSimpleOption and termDeposit."" ### Response:
FX87653 ABNANL2A MIDLGB22 2008-06-04T08:57:00Z
false FX65431 1 MB87623 AA9876 2008-06-24 DualCurrencyDeposit 2008-06-24 2008-07-24 USD 1000000.00 0.08ACT/360 JPY 2008-07-22 10:00:00" "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX Spot""","description: ""On 23 October, 2001, Citibank New York and Barclay's London agree to a foreign exchange trade. The terms of the contract are: Matching Service sends a TradeConfirmed message to CITI with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX456a789b MATCHSRV CITIUS 2001-10-01T08:57:00Z
false FX987 1 CITI123 BARC987 2001-10-23 GBP 10000000 USD 14800000 2001-10-25 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX Spot"" description: ""On 23 October, 2001, Citibank New York and Barclay's London agree to a foreign exchange trade. The terms of the contract are: Matching Service sends a TradeConfirmed message to CITI with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX456a789b MATCHSRV CITIUS 2001-10-01T08:57:00Z
false FX987 1 CITI123 BARC987 2001-10-23 GBP 10000000 USD 14800000 2001-10-25 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX Spot 'Cross' (non-base currency) with Cross Rates""","description: ""On 23 October, 2001, Chase New York and CSFB New York agree to a foreign exchange trade. The terms of the contract are similar to Example 1, but in this case, the currencies exchanged are EUR and GBP. Both of these institutions are USD-based, so rates against the base currency (USD) have been captured as well. The terms of the contract are: Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Matching Service with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX456a789b PARTYAUS MATCHSRV 2001-10-23T08:57:00Z
false FX987 1 PARTYA345 CSFB9842 2001-10-23 GBP 10000000 EUR 6300680 2001-10-25 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX Spot 'Cross' (non-base currency) with Cross Rates"" description: ""On 23 October, 2001, Chase New York and CSFB New York agree to a foreign exchange trade. The terms of the contract are similar to Example 1, but in this case, the currencies exchanged are EUR and GBP. Both of these institutions are USD-based, so rates against the base currency (USD) have been captured as well. The terms of the contract are: Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Matching Service with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX456a789b PARTYAUS MATCHSRV 2001-10-23T08:57:00Z
false FX987 1 PARTYA345 CSFB9842 2001-10-23 GBP 10000000 EUR 6300680 2001-10-25 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX Forward""","description: ""On 19 November, 2001, ABN Amro and DeutscheBank agree to a one-month forward foreign exchange contract. The terms of the contract are: ABN sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Matching Service with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX456a789b ABN MATCHSRV 2001-11-19T08:57:00Z
false FX987 1 ABN1234 DB5678 2001-11-19 EUR 10000000 USD 9175000 2001-12-21 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX Forward"" description: ""On 19 November, 2001, ABN Amro and DeutscheBank agree to a one-month forward foreign exchange contract. The terms of the contract are: ABN sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Matching Service with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX456a789b ABN MATCHSRV 2001-11-19T08:57:00Z
false FX987 1 ABN1234 DB5678 2001-11-19 EUR 10000000 USD 9175000 2001-12-21 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX Forward with specific Settlement Instructions""","description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS Zurich and Citibank New York agree to a foreign exchange contract. The terms of the contract are: Matching Service sends a TradeConfirmed message to CITI with the details of the confirmation. Settlement is highlighted in this example. In this case, UBS pays the GBP from their account at UBS London to Citi's GBP account at Citi London, with the ultimate beneficiary being Citi New York. For the USD, Citi pays the USD to ultimate beneficiary UBS Zurich, but in this case, UBS Zurich holds its USD at Citibank, and therefore UBS' account as Citibank is credited.""","### Response:
FX456a789b MATCHSRV CITIUS 2001-10-12T08:57:00Z
false FX987 1 FWD123 FXD2002987 2001-11-12 GBP 10000000 SWIFT UBSWGB2L ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX Forward with specific Settlement Instructions"" description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS Zurich and Citibank New York agree to a foreign exchange contract. The terms of the contract are: Matching Service sends a TradeConfirmed message to CITI with the details of the confirmation. Settlement is highlighted in this example. In this case, UBS pays the GBP from their account at UBS London to Citi's GBP account at Citi London, with the ultimate beneficiary being Citi New York. For the USD, Citi pays the USD to ultimate beneficiary UBS Zurich, but in this case, UBS Zurich holds its USD at Citibank, and therefore UBS' account as Citibank is credited."" ### Response:
FX456a789b MATCHSRV CITIUS 2001-10-12T08:57:00Z
false FX987 1 FWD123 FXD2002987 2001-11-12 GBP 10000000 SWIFT UBSWGB2L " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX Forward with specific Settlement Instructions""","description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS Zurich and Citibank New York agree to a foreign exchange contract. The terms of the contract are: Matching Service sends a TradeConfirmed message to CITI with the details of the confirmation. Settlement is highlighted in this example. In this case, UBS pays the GBP from their account at UBS London to Citi's GBP account at Citi London, with the ultimate beneficiary being Citi New York. For the USD, Citi pays the USD to ultimate beneficiary UBS Zurich, but in this case, UBS Zurich holds its USD at Citibank, and therefore UBS' account as Citibank is credited.""","### Response: CITIGB2L CITIUS33 USD 14643000 CITIUS33 Citibank /C/1234567788 UBSWCHZH 2002-04-01 GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.4643 5493000SCC07UI6DB380 BFM8T61CT2L1QCEMIK50
","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX Forward with specific Settlement Instructions"" description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS Zurich and Citibank New York agree to a foreign exchange contract. The terms of the contract are: Matching Service sends a TradeConfirmed message to CITI with the details of the confirmation. Settlement is highlighted in this example. In this case, UBS pays the GBP from their account at UBS London to Citi's GBP account at Citi London, with the ultimate beneficiary being Citi New York. For the USD, Citi pays the USD to ultimate beneficiary UBS Zurich, but in this case, UBS Zurich holds its USD at Citibank, and therefore UBS' account as Citibank is credited."" ### Response: CITIGB2L
USD 14643000 CITIUS33 Citibank /C/1234567788 UBSWCHZH 2002-04-01 GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.4643
5493000SCC07UI6DB380 BFM8T61CT2L1QCEMIK50
" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Forward identified as using standard settlement instructionsThis is identical to Example 3, but the standard settlement scheme is used to highlight that this trade will be paid using standard, pre-agreed settlement instructions. ABN sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Matching Service with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX456a789b ABN MATCHSRV 2001-11-19T08:57:00Z
false FX987 1 ABN1234 DB5678 2001-11-19 EUR 10000000 Standard USD 9175000 Standard","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Forward identified as using standard settlement instructionsThis is identical to Example 3, but the standard settlement scheme is used to highlight that this trade will be paid using standard, pre-agreed settlement instructions. ABN sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Matching Service with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX456a789b ABN MATCHSRV 2001-11-19T08:57:00Z
false FX987 1 ABN1234 DB5678 2001-11-19 EUR 10000000 Standard USD 9175000 Standard" "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX Forward with split settlement""","description: ""On 12 November, 2001, DeutscheBank Frankfurt and ABN Amro Amsterdam agree to a forward foreign exchange contract. The terms of the contract are: Deutsche Bank sends a TradeConfirmed message to ABN Amro with the details of the confirmation. In this example, the exchange rate has been quoted as an ""inverted"" rate. Split settlement is highlighted in this example in the payment of the USD. Here, the following has been specified: The ultimate beneficiary is ABNANL2A for all USD payments, but 3 different accounts have been specified for settlement. For the EUR, ABN pays all EUR to Deutsche, but specifies settlement of the EUR via a debit of ABN's account in EUR with Deutsche.""","### Response:
FX98765 DEUTDEFF ABNANL2A 2001-11-12T08:57:00Z
false FX1234 1 FX048VS USABC023 2001-11-12 USD 13000000 SWIFT DEUTUS33 ABNANL2A","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX Forward with split settlement"" description: ""On 12 November, 2001, DeutscheBank Frankfurt and ABN Amro Amsterdam agree to a forward foreign exchange contract. The terms of the contract are: Deutsche Bank sends a TradeConfirmed message to ABN Amro with the details of the confirmation. In this example, the exchange rate has been quoted as an ""inverted"" rate. Split settlement is highlighted in this example in the payment of the USD. Here, the following has been specified: The ultimate beneficiary is ABNANL2A for all USD payments, but 3 different accounts have been specified for settlement. For the EUR, ABN pays all EUR to Deutsche, but specifies settlement of the EUR via a debit of ABN's account in EUR with Deutsche."" ### Response:
FX98765 DEUTDEFF ABNANL2A 2001-11-12T08:57:00Z
false FX1234 1 FX048VS USABC023 2001-11-12 USD 13000000 SWIFT DEUTUS33 ABNANL2A" "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX Forward with split settlement""","description: ""On 12 November, 2001, DeutscheBank Frankfurt and ABN Amro Amsterdam agree to a forward foreign exchange contract. The terms of the contract are: Deutsche Bank sends a TradeConfirmed message to ABN Amro with the details of the confirmation. In this example, the exchange rate has been quoted as an ""inverted"" rate. Split settlement is highlighted in this example in the payment of the USD. Here, the following has been specified: The ultimate beneficiary is ABNANL2A for all USD payments, but 3 different accounts have been specified for settlement. For the EUR, ABN pays all EUR to Deutsche, but specifies settlement of the EUR via a debit of ABN's account in EUR with Deutsche.""","### Response: USD 3000000 ABNAUS33 ABNANL2A USD 4000000 ABNAUS4C ABNANL2A USD 6000000 ABNAUS6F ABNANL2A ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX Forward with split settlement"" description: ""On 12 November, 2001, DeutscheBank Frankfurt and ABN Amro Amsterdam agree to a forward foreign exchange contract. The terms of the contract are: Deutsche Bank sends a TradeConfirmed message to ABN Amro with the details of the confirmation. In this example, the exchange rate has been quoted as an ""inverted"" rate. Split settlement is highlighted in this example in the payment of the USD. Here, the following has been specified: The ultimate beneficiary is ABNANL2A for all USD payments, but 3 different accounts have been specified for settlement. For the EUR, ABN pays all EUR to Deutsche, but specifies settlement of the EUR via a debit of ABN's account in EUR with Deutsche."" ### Response:
" "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""Non-deliverable FX Forward""","description: ""On 09 January, 2002, Chase New York and CSFB New York agree to a FX non-deliverable forward contract. The terms of the contract are: Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to CSFB with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
09876 PARTYAUS33 CSFBUS33 2007-01-05T15:38:00-05:00
false 1234 1 PARTYA345 CSFB9842 2002-01-09 USD 10000000 INR 434000000 2002-04-11 USD ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""Non-deliverable FX Forward"" description: ""On 09 January, 2002, Chase New York and CSFB New York agree to a FX non-deliverable forward contract. The terms of the contract are: Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to CSFB with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
09876 PARTYAUS33 CSFBUS33 2007-01-05T15:38:00-05:00
false 1234 1 PARTYA345 CSFB9842 2002-01-09 USD 10000000 INR 434000000 2002-04-11 USD " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX Swap""","description: ""On 23 January, 2002, Chase New York and Deutsche Frankfurt agree to an FX swap contract. The terms of the contract are: Deutsche Bank sends a TradeConfirmed message to Chase with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX098765 DEUTDEFF PARTYAUS33 2007-01-05T15:38:00-05:00
false FX12345 1 PARTYAUS33 DEUTDEFF 2002-01-23 FxSwap GBP 10000000 USD 14800000 2002-01-25 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX Swap"" description: ""On 23 January, 2002, Chase New York and Deutsche Frankfurt agree to an FX swap contract. The terms of the contract are: Deutsche Bank sends a TradeConfirmed message to Chase with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX098765 DEUTDEFF PARTYAUS33 2007-01-05T15:38:00-05:00
false FX12345 1 PARTYAUS33 DEUTDEFF 2002-01-23 FxSwap GBP 10000000 USD 14800000 2002-01-25 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX OTC Option - European exercise""","description: ""On 4 December, 2001, Chase agrees to purchase a standard FX OTC option from ABN Amro. The terms of the contract are: ABN Amro sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Chase with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX098765 ABNANL2A PARTYAUS33 2002-01-04T08:57:00Z
false FX12345 1 IBFXO-0123456789 IBFXO-0123456789 2002-01-04 Delta-Put-FX-Option 2002-06-04 14:00:00 USNY NewYork 2002-06-06 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX OTC Option - European exercise"" description: ""On 4 December, 2001, Chase agrees to purchase a standard FX OTC option from ABN Amro. The terms of the contract are: ABN Amro sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Chase with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX098765 ABNANL2A PARTYAUS33 2002-01-04T08:57:00Z
false FX12345 1 IBFXO-0123456789 IBFXO-0123456789 2002-01-04 Delta-Put-FX-Option 2002-06-04 14:00:00 USNY NewYork 2002-06-06 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX OTC Option - American exercise""","description: ""On 4 December, 2001, Chase agrees to purchase a standard FX OTC option from ABN Amro. The terms of the contract are: ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Chase with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX109876 ABNANL2A PARTYAUS33 2001-12-04T08:57:00Z
false FX01234 1 123456789 ABN1789 2001-12-04 FxOption 2001-12-04 FOLLOWING USNY 2002-06-04 14:00:00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX OTC Option - American exercise"" description: ""On 4 December, 2001, Chase agrees to purchase a standard FX OTC option from ABN Amro. The terms of the contract are: ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Chase with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX109876 ABNANL2A PARTYAUS33 2001-12-04T08:57:00Z
false FX01234 1 123456789 ABN1789 2001-12-04 FxOption 2001-12-04 FOLLOWING USNY 2002-06-04 14:00:00 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX OTC Option - American exercise""","description: ""On 4 December, 2001, Chase agrees to purchase a standard FX OTC option from ABN Amro. The terms of the contract are: ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Chase with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response: USNY NewYork2002-06-06 AUD 75000000 USD 36900000 0.4920 CallCurrencyPerPutCurrency 2001-12-06 NONE USD 36900 PARTYAUS33 ABNANL2A 0.001PercentageOfCallCurrencyAmount 549300VBWWV6BYQOWM67 PARTYA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX OTC Option - American exercise"" description: ""On 4 December, 2001, Chase agrees to purchase a standard FX OTC option from ABN Amro. The terms of the contract are: ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Chase with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response: USNY
AUD 75000000 USD 36900000 0.4920 CallCurrencyPerPutCurrency 2001-12-06 NONE USD 36900 PARTYAUS33 ABNANL2A 0.001PercentageOfCallCurrencyAmount
549300VBWWV6BYQOWM67 PARTYA " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""Non-deliverable FX OTC Option""","description: ""On 15 January, 2001, Chase agrees to purchase a non-deliverable FX OTC USD / VEB option from ABN Amro. The terms of the contract are: ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Chase with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX109876 ABNANL2A PARTYAUS33 2001-01-15T08:57:00Z
false FX01234 1 IBFXO-0123456789 IBFXO-0123456789 2001-01-15 ForeignExchange:NDO 2001-04-09 10:00:00 USNY 2001-04-11 VEB 17250000 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""Non-deliverable FX OTC Option"" description: ""On 15 January, 2001, Chase agrees to purchase a non-deliverable FX OTC USD / VEB option from ABN Amro. The terms of the contract are: ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Chase with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX109876 ABNANL2A PARTYAUS33 2001-01-15T08:57:00Z
false FX01234 1 IBFXO-0123456789 IBFXO-0123456789 2001-01-15 ForeignExchange:NDO 2001-04-09 10:00:00 USNY 2001-04-11 VEB 17250000 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""Non-deliverable FX OTC Option""","description: ""On 15 January, 2001, Chase agrees to purchase a non-deliverable FX OTC USD / VEB option from ABN Amro. The terms of the contract are: ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Chase with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response: USD 15000000 1.15 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency 2001-01-17 NONE USD 372750 USD VEB USD Currency1PerCurrency2 2001-04-09 Reuters VEB01 17:00:00 VECA 549300VBWWV6BYQOWM67 PARTYA BFXS5XCH7N0Y05NIXW11 ABN Amro
","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""Non-deliverable FX OTC Option"" description: ""On 15 January, 2001, Chase agrees to purchase a non-deliverable FX OTC USD / VEB option from ABN Amro. The terms of the contract are: ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Chase with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response: USD
1.15 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency 2001-01-17 NONE USD 372750 USD VEB USD Currency1PerCurrency2 2001-04-09 Reuters VEB01 17:00:00 VECA
" "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX OTC Barrier Option""","description: ""On 16 August, 2001, DB agrees to purchase a EUR call against USD put barrier option with a knock-in Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to DB with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX109876 PARTYAUS33 DEUTDEFF 2001-08-16T08:57:00Z
false FX01234 1 PARTYAUS33 DEUTDEFF 2001-08-16 2002-02-06 10:00:00 USNY 2002-02-08 USD 4500000 EUR 5000000 0.9 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX OTC Barrier Option"" description: ""On 16 August, 2001, DB agrees to purchase a EUR call against USD put barrier option with a knock-in Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to DB with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX109876 PARTYAUS33 DEUTDEFF 2001-08-16T08:57:00Z
false FX01234 1 PARTYAUS33 DEUTDEFF 2001-08-16 2002-02-06 10:00:00 USNY 2002-02-08 USD 4500000 EUR 5000000 0.9 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX OTC Double Barrier Option""","description: ""On 3 January, 2001, DB agrees to purchase a 2-month double knockout FX OTC JPY put / USD call option from Chase The terms of the contract are: DB sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Chase with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX109876 DEUTDEFF PARTYAUS33 2002-01-03T08:57:00Z
false FX01234 1 PARTYAUS33 DEUTDEFF 2002-01-03 DOUBLEBARRIER 2002-03-04 10:00:00 USNY 2002-03-06 JPY 2500000000 USD","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX OTC Double Barrier Option"" description: ""On 3 January, 2001, DB agrees to purchase a 2-month double knockout FX OTC JPY put / USD call option from Chase The terms of the contract are: DB sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Chase with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX109876 DEUTDEFF PARTYAUS33 2002-01-03T08:57:00Z
false FX01234 1 PARTYAUS33 DEUTDEFF 2002-01-03 DOUBLEBARRIER 2002-03-04 10:00:00 USNY 2002-03-06 JPY 2500000000 USD" "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX OTC Double Barrier Option""","description: ""On 3 January, 2001, DB agrees to purchase a 2-month double knockout FX OTC JPY put / USD call option from Chase The terms of the contract are: DB sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Chase with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response: 23798191.34 105.05 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency 106 Knockout Down USD JPY Currency2PerCurrency1 102 Reuters JPY= 2002-01-03 2002-03-04 10:00:00 USNY Knockout Up USD JPY Currency2PerCurrency1 115 Reuters JPY= 2002-01-03 2002-03-04 10:00:00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX OTC Double Barrier Option"" description: ""On 3 January, 2001, DB agrees to purchase a 2-month double knockout FX OTC JPY put / USD call option from Chase The terms of the contract are: DB sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Chase with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response: 23798191.34
105.05 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency 106 Knockout Down USD JPY Currency2PerCurrency1 102 Reuters JPY= 2002-01-03 2002-03-04 10:00:00 USNY Knockout Up USD JPY Currency2PerCurrency1 115 Reuters JPY= 2002-01-03 2002-03-04 10:00:00 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- Euro Binary""","description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD European binary option and pays a premium. At expiry, if the spot rate is above the trigger rate, UBS receives a payout. CITI sends a TradeConfirmed message to UBS with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX109876 CITIUS33 UBSWGB2L 2001-11-12T08:57:00Z
false FX01234 1 CITI10014 UBSW20014 2001-11-12 EuroBinary 2001-11-26 14:00:00 GBLO LondonEveningPgm 2001-11-28 AtOrAbove GBP","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- Euro Binary"" description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD European binary option and pays a premium. At expiry, if the spot rate is above the trigger rate, UBS receives a payout. CITI sends a TradeConfirmed message to UBS with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX109876 CITIUS33 UBSWGB2L 2001-11-12T08:57:00Z
false FX01234 1 CITI10014 UBSW20014 2001-11-12 EuroBinary 2001-11-26 14:00:00 GBLO LondonEveningPgm 2001-11-28 AtOrAbove GBP" "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- Euro Range Digital""","description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD European range binary option and pays a premium. At expiry, if below the higher trigger rate and above the lower trigger rate, UBS receives a payout. CITI sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to UBS with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX109876 CITI10015 UBSW20015 2001-11-12T08:57:00Z
false FX01234 1 CITI10015 UBSW20015 2001-11-12 EuroRangeBinary 2001-11-26 14:00:00 GBLO LondonEveningPgm 2001-11-26 AtOrAbove GBP","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- Euro Range Digital"" description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD European range binary option and pays a premium. At expiry, if below the higher trigger rate and above the lower trigger rate, UBS receives a payout. CITI sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to UBS with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX109876 CITI10015 UBSW20015 2001-11-12T08:57:00Z
false FX01234 1 CITI10015 UBSW20015 2001-11-12 EuroRangeBinary 2001-11-26 14:00:00 GBLO LondonEveningPgm 2001-11-26 AtOrAbove GBP" "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- Euro Range Digital""","description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD European range binary option and pays a premium. At expiry, if below the higher trigger rate and above the lower trigger rate, UBS receives a payout. CITI sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to UBS with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response: USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.4800 1.4800 Reuters GBP= AtOrBelow GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.5500 1.4800 Reuters GBP= GBP 1250000 Immediate 2001-11-14 NONE GBP 43000 5493000SCC07UI6DB380 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- Euro Range Digital"" description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD European range binary option and pays a premium. At expiry, if below the higher trigger rate and above the lower trigger rate, UBS receives a payout. CITI sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to UBS with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response: USD Currency2PerCurrency1
1.4800 1.4800 Reuters GBP=
AtOrBelow GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.5500 1.4800 Reuters GBP= GBP 1250000 Immediate 2001-11-14 NONE GBP 43000
5493000SCC07UI6DB380 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- One-Touch""","description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD one-touch option and pays a premium. At any time before expiry, if the spot rate is above the trigger rate, UBS receives a payout, but this payout is deferred until the value date of the option. CITI sends a TradeConfirmed message to UBS with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX019876 CITI10015 UBSW20015 2001-11-12T08:57:00Z
false FX12345 1 CITI10016 UBSW20016 2001-11-12 OneTouch 2001-11-12 FOLLOWING GBLO 2001-11-26 14:00:00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- One-Touch"" description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD one-touch option and pays a premium. At any time before expiry, if the spot rate is above the trigger rate, UBS receives a payout, but this payout is deferred until the value date of the option. CITI sends a TradeConfirmed message to UBS with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX019876 CITI10015 UBSW20015 2001-11-12T08:57:00Z
false FX12345 1 CITI10016 UBSW20016 2001-11-12 OneTouch 2001-11-12 FOLLOWING GBLO 2001-11-26 14:00:00 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- One-Touch""","description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD one-touch option and pays a premium. At any time before expiry, if the spot rate is above the trigger rate, UBS receives a payout, but this payout is deferred until the value date of the option. CITI sends a TradeConfirmed message to UBS with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response: GBLO LondonEveningPgm 2001-11-26 TouchAtOrAbove GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.5200 1.4800 Reuters GBP= 2001-11-12 2001-11-26 14:00:00 GBLO GBP 2000000 Deferred 2001-11-14 NONE GBP 78000 5493000SCC07UI6DB380","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- One-Touch"" description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD one-touch option and pays a premium. At any time before expiry, if the spot rate is above the trigger rate, UBS receives a payout, but this payout is deferred until the value date of the option. CITI sends a TradeConfirmed message to UBS with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response: GBLO
LondonEveningPgm 2001-11-26
TouchAtOrAbove GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.5200 1.4800 Reuters GBP= 2001-11-12 2001-11-26 14:00:00 GBLO GBP 2000000 Deferred 2001-11-14 NONE GBP 78000
5493000SCC07UI6DB380" "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- No-Touch""","description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD no-touch option and pays a premium. If the spot rate remains below the trigger rate at all times until expiry, UBS receives a payout. CITI sends a TradeConfirmed message to UBS with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX65432 UBSW20015 CITI10015 2007-01-05T15:38:00-05:00
false FX09876 1 CITI10017 UBSW20018 2001-11-12 NoTouch 2001-11-12 FOLLOWING GBLO 2001-11-26 14:00:00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- No-Touch"" description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD no-touch option and pays a premium. If the spot rate remains below the trigger rate at all times until expiry, UBS receives a payout. CITI sends a TradeConfirmed message to UBS with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX65432 UBSW20015 CITI10015 2007-01-05T15:38:00-05:00
false FX09876 1 CITI10017 UBSW20018 2001-11-12 NoTouch 2001-11-12 FOLLOWING GBLO 2001-11-26 14:00:00 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- No-Touch""","description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD no-touch option and pays a premium. If the spot rate remains below the trigger rate at all times until expiry, UBS receives a payout. CITI sends a TradeConfirmed message to UBS with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response: GBLO LondonEveningPgm 2001-11-26 NotouchAtOrAbove GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.5200 1.4800 Reuters GBP= 2001-11-12 2001-11-26 14:00:00 GBLO GBP 3000000 Immediate 2001-11-14 NONE GBP 78000 5493000SCC07UI6DB380","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- No-Touch"" description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD no-touch option and pays a premium. If the spot rate remains below the trigger rate at all times until expiry, UBS receives a payout. CITI sends a TradeConfirmed message to UBS with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response: GBLO
LondonEveningPgm 2001-11-26
NotouchAtOrAbove GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.5200 1.4800 Reuters GBP= 2001-11-12 2001-11-26 14:00:00 GBLO GBP 3000000 Immediate 2001-11-14 NONE GBP 78000
5493000SCC07UI6DB380" "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- Double One-Touch""","description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD double one-touch option and pays a premium. UBS receives a payout at maturity if the spot rate has crossed either trigger rate at some time during the lifetime of the option. UBS sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Citi with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX87654 UBSW20015 CITI10015 2001-11-12T08:57:00Z
false FX65432 1 CITI10018 UBSW20018 2001-11-12 DoubleOneTouch 2001-11-12 FOLLOWING GBLO 2001-11-26 14:00:00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- Double One-Touch"" description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD double one-touch option and pays a premium. UBS receives a payout at maturity if the spot rate has crossed either trigger rate at some time during the lifetime of the option. UBS sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Citi with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX87654 UBSW20015 CITI10015 2001-11-12T08:57:00Z
false FX65432 1 CITI10018 UBSW20018 2001-11-12 DoubleOneTouch 2001-11-12 FOLLOWING GBLO 2001-11-26 14:00:00 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- Double One-Touch""","description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD double one-touch option and pays a premium. UBS receives a payout at maturity if the spot rate has crossed either trigger rate at some time during the lifetime of the option. UBS sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Citi with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response: GBLO LondonEveningPgm 2001-11-26 TouchAtOrAbove GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.52001.4800 Reuters GBP= 2001-11-12 2001-11-26 14:00:00 GBLO TouchAtOrBelow GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.4600 1.4800 Reuters GBP= 2001-11-12 2001-11-26 14:00:00","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- Double One-Touch"" description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD double one-touch option and pays a premium. UBS receives a payout at maturity if the spot rate has crossed either trigger rate at some time during the lifetime of the option. UBS sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Citi with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response: GBLO
LondonEveningPgm 2001-11-26
TouchAtOrAbove GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.52001.4800 Reuters GBP= 2001-11-12 2001-11-26 14:00:00 GBLO TouchAtOrBelow GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.4600 1.4800 Reuters GBP= 2001-11-12 2001-11-26 14:00:00" "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- Double No-Touch""","description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD double no-touch option and pays a premium. If the spot rate remains below the upper trigger rate and above the lower trigger rate at all times until expiry, UBS receives a payout. Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to DB with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX87654 UBSW20015 CITI10015 2007-01-05T15:38:00-05:00
false FX65432 1 CITI10019 UBSW20019 2001-11-12 DoubleNoTouch 2001-11-12 FOLLOWING GBLO 2001-11-26 14:00:00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- Double No-Touch"" description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD double no-touch option and pays a premium. If the spot rate remains below the upper trigger rate and above the lower trigger rate at all times until expiry, UBS receives a payout. Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to DB with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX87654 UBSW20015 CITI10015 2007-01-05T15:38:00-05:00
false FX65432 1 CITI10019 UBSW20019 2001-11-12 DoubleNoTouch 2001-11-12 FOLLOWING GBLO 2001-11-26 14:00:00 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- Double No-Touch""","description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD double no-touch option and pays a premium. If the spot rate remains below the upper trigger rate and above the lower trigger rate at all times until expiry, UBS receives a payout. Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to DB with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response: GBLO LondonEveningPgm 2001-11-26 NotouchAtOrAbove GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.5200 1.4800 Reuters GBP= 2001-11-12 2001-11-26 14:00:00 GBLO NotouchAtOrBelow GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.4500 1.4800 Reuters GBP= 2001-11-12 2001-11-26 14:00:00","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX OTC Digital/Binary Option -- Double No-Touch"" description: ""On 12 November, 2001, UBS agrees to purchase a two-week GBP/USD double no-touch option and pays a premium. If the spot rate remains below the upper trigger rate and above the lower trigger rate at all times until expiry, UBS receives a payout. Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to DB with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response: GBLO
LondonEveningPgm 2001-11-26
NotouchAtOrAbove GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.5200 1.4800 Reuters GBP= 2001-11-12 2001-11-26 14:00:00 GBLO NotouchAtOrBelow GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.4500 1.4800 Reuters GBP= 2001-11-12 2001-11-26 14:00:00" "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""FX OTC Average Rate Option with Parametric Schedule""","description: ""On 16 August, 2001, DB agrees to purchase an average rate option from Chase and pays a premium. The terms of the contract are: Chase sends a TradeConfirmed message to DB with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX87654 PARTYAUS33 DEUTDEFF 2001-08-16T08:57:00Z
false FX65432 1 PA-12345 DB-98765 2001-08-16 2001-11-30 12:30:00 MXMC 2001-12-04 MXN 5750000 USD 585539.71 9.82 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""FX OTC Average Rate Option with Parametric Schedule"" description: ""On 16 August, 2001, DB agrees to purchase an average rate option from Chase and pays a premium. The terms of the contract are: Chase sends a TradeConfirmed message to DB with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX87654 PARTYAUS33 DEUTDEFF 2001-08-16T08:57:00Z
false FX65432 1 PA-12345 DB-98765 2001-08-16 2001-11-30 12:30:00 MXMC 2001-12-04 MXN 5750000 USD 585539.71 9.82 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX OTC Average Rate Option with Parametric Schedule with Rate ObservationThis example is identical to Example 20. In addition, specific dates within the schedule have been specified for which rates have been observed. Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to DB with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX87654 PARTYAUS33 DEUTDEFF 2010-11-05T12:34:56-05:00
false CRR/2007/01/04/2342342 1 CH-23948 DB-89080 2010-08-16 2010-11-30 12:30:00 MXMC 2010-12-04 MXN 5750000 USD 463709.68 12.40 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX OTC Average Rate Option with Parametric Schedule with Rate ObservationThis example is identical to Example 20. In addition, specific dates within the schedule have been specified for which rates have been observed. Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to DB with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX87654 PARTYAUS33 DEUTDEFF 2010-11-05T12:34:56-05:00
false CRR/2007/01/04/2342342 1 CH-23948 DB-89080 2010-08-16 2010-11-30 12:30:00 MXMC 2010-12-04 MXN 5750000 USD 463709.68 12.40 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX OTC Average Rate Option with Parametric Schedule with Rate ObservationThis example is identical to Example 20. In addition, specific dates within the schedule have been specified for which rates have been observed. Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to DB with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response: PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency Reuters BNBX 18:00:00 MXMC 2010-11-01 2010-11-30 1 D NONE 2010-11-01 1 12.34527 2010-11-02 1 12.34527 2010-11-03 1 12.26109 2010-11-04 1 12.21616 2010-11-05 3 12.24930 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency 2010-08-18 NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX OTC Average Rate Option with Parametric Schedule with Rate ObservationThis example is identical to Example 20. In addition, specific dates within the schedule have been specified for which rates have been observed. Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to DB with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response: PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency
Reuters BNBX 18:00:00 MXMC 2010-11-01 2010-11-30 1 D NONE 2010-11-01 1 12.34527 2010-11-02 1 12.34527 2010-11-03 1 12.26109 2010-11-04 1 12.21616 2010-11-05 3 12.24930 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency 2010-08-18 NONE " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX OTC Average Rate Option with Specific Date ScheduleThis example is identical to Example 20. Instead of using a parametric frequency (e.g., daily), each specific observation date has been specified. All weighting factors are 1.0, since all rates would be weighted evenly when the average rate is computed upon expiry. Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to DB with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX87654 PARTYAUS33 DEUTDEFF 2010-11-05T12:34:56-05:00
false CRR/2007/01/04/2342342 1 CH-23948 DB-89080 2010-08-16 2010-11-30 12:30:00 MXMC 2010-12-04 MXN 5750000 USD 463709.68 12.40 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX OTC Average Rate Option with Specific Date ScheduleThis example is identical to Example 20. Instead of using a parametric frequency (e.g., daily), each specific observation date has been specified. All weighting factors are 1.0, since all rates would be weighted evenly when the average rate is computed upon expiry. Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to DB with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX87654 PARTYAUS33 DEUTDEFF 2010-11-05T12:34:56-05:00
false CRR/2007/01/04/2342342 1 CH-23948 DB-89080 2010-08-16 2010-11-30 12:30:00 MXMC 2010-12-04 MXN 5750000 USD 463709.68 12.40 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX OTC Average Rate Option with Specific Date ScheduleThis example is identical to Example 20. Instead of using a parametric frequency (e.g., daily), each specific observation date has been specified. All weighting factors are 1.0, since all rates would be weighted evenly when the average rate is computed upon expiry. Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to DB with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response: PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency Reuters BNBX 18:00:00 MXMC 2010-11-01 1 12.34527 2010-11-02 1 12.34527 2010-11-03 1 12.26109 2010-11-04 1 12.21616 2010-11-05 3 12.24930 2010-11-08 1 2010-11-09 1 2010-11-10 1 2010-11-11 1 2010-11-12 3 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX OTC Average Rate Option with Specific Date ScheduleThis example is identical to Example 20. Instead of using a parametric frequency (e.g., daily), each specific observation date has been specified. All weighting factors are 1.0, since all rates would be weighted evenly when the average rate is computed upon expiry. Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to DB with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response: PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency
Reuters BNBX 18:00:00 MXMC 2010-11-01 1 12.34527 2010-11-02 1 12.34527 2010-11-03 1 12.26109 2010-11-04 1 12.21616 2010-11-05 3 12.24930 2010-11-08 1 2010-11-09 1 2010-11-10 1 2010-11-11 1 2010-11-12 3 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX OTC Average Rate Option with Specific Date ScheduleThis example is identical to Example 20. Instead of using a parametric frequency (e.g., daily), each specific observation date has been specified. All weighting factors are 1.0, since all rates would be weighted evenly when the average rate is computed upon expiry. Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to DB with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response: 2010-11-15 1 2010-11-16 1 2010-11-17 1 2010-11-18 1 2010-11-19 3 2010-11-22 1 2010-11-23 1 2010-11-24 1 2010-11-25 1 2010-11-26 3 2010-11-29 1 2010-11-30 1 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency 2010-08-18 NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX OTC Average Rate Option with Specific Date ScheduleThis example is identical to Example 20. Instead of using a parametric frequency (e.g., daily), each specific observation date has been specified. All weighting factors are 1.0, since all rates would be weighted evenly when the average rate is computed upon expiry. Chase sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to DB with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response: 2010-11-15 1 2010-11-16 1 2010-11-17 1 2010-11-18 1 2010-11-19 3 2010-11-22 1 2010-11-23 1 2010-11-24 1 2010-11-25 1 2010-11-26 3 2010-11-29 1 2010-11-30 1 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency
2010-08-18 NONE " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""Straddle (sample usage of Strategy)On 20 November 2001, Chase agrees to purchase a straddle from ABN Amro. A straddle consists of buying a call and a put for the same currency pair, at the same strike price. This contains two instances of the fxSimpleOption structure within strategy. Note that this is used when a single trade reference number is desired. ABN Amro sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Chase with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX87654 ABNANL2A PARTYAUS33 2001-11-20T08:57:00Z
false FX65432 1 123456789 123456789 2001-11-20 Straddle 2001-12-20 14:00:00 USNY 2001-12-24 AUD 50000000 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""Straddle (sample usage of Strategy)On 20 November 2001, Chase agrees to purchase a straddle from ABN Amro. A straddle consists of buying a call and a put for the same currency pair, at the same strike price. This contains two instances of the fxSimpleOption structure within strategy. Note that this is used when a single trade reference number is desired. ABN Amro sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Chase with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX87654 ABNANL2A PARTYAUS33 2001-11-20T08:57:00Z
false FX65432 1 123456789 123456789 2001-11-20 Straddle 2001-12-20 14:00:00 USNY 2001-12-24 AUD 50000000 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""Straddle (sample usage of Strategy)On 20 November 2001, Chase agrees to purchase a straddle from ABN Amro. A straddle consists of buying a call and a put for the same currency pair, at the same strike price. This contains two instances of the fxSimpleOption structure within strategy. Note that this is used when a single trade reference number is desired. ABN Amro sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Chase with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response: USD 26000000 0.5200 CallCurrencyPerPutCurrency 2001-11-23 NONE USD 26000 0.001PercentageOfCallCurrencyAmount 2001-12-20 14:00:00 USNY NewYork 2001-12-24 USD 26000000 AUD 50000000 0.5200 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency 2001-11-23 NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""Straddle (sample usage of Strategy)On 20 November 2001, Chase agrees to purchase a straddle from ABN Amro. A straddle consists of buying a call and a put for the same currency pair, at the same strike price. This contains two instances of the fxSimpleOption structure within strategy. Note that this is used when a single trade reference number is desired. ABN Amro sends a RequestTradeConfirmation message to Chase with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response: USD
0.5200 CallCurrencyPerPutCurrency 2001-11-23 NONE USD 26000 0.001PercentageOfCallCurrencyAmount
2001-12-20 14:00:00 USNY NewYork 2001-12-24 USD 26000000 AUD 50000000 0.5200 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency 2001-11-23 NONE " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""Delta Hedge (sample usage of Strategy)""","description: ""On 4 December, 2001, Chase agrees to purchase an FX OTC European option from ABN Amro. At the same time, they agree to hedge their FX spot risk by doing a FX spot transaction. This is all part of a single trade strategy. ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Chase with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX87654 ABNANL2A PARTYAUS33 2001-12-04T08:57:00Z
false FX65432 1 123456789 123456789 2001-12-04 DeltaHedge EuropeanFXOption 2002-06-04 14:00:00 USNY NewYork 2002-06-06 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""Delta Hedge (sample usage of Strategy)"" description: ""On 4 December, 2001, Chase agrees to purchase an FX OTC European option from ABN Amro. At the same time, they agree to hedge their FX spot risk by doing a FX spot transaction. This is all part of a single trade strategy. ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Chase with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX87654 ABNANL2A PARTYAUS33 2001-12-04T08:57:00Z
false FX65432 1 123456789 123456789 2001-12-04 DeltaHedge EuropeanFXOption 2002-06-04 14:00:00 USNY NewYork 2002-06-06 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""","sub category: ""Delta Hedge (sample usage of Strategy)""","description: ""On 4 December, 2001, Chase agrees to purchase an FX OTC European option from ABN Amro. At the same time, they agree to hedge their FX spot risk by doing a FX spot transaction. This is all part of a single trade strategy. ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Chase with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response: AUD 75000000 USD 36900000 0.4920 CallCurrencyPerPutCurrency 2001-12-06 NONE USD 36900 0.001PercentageOfCallCurrencyAmount SpotHedge AUD 18750000 USD 9736875 2001-12-06 AUD ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" sub category: ""Delta Hedge (sample usage of Strategy)"" description: ""On 4 December, 2001, Chase agrees to purchase an FX OTC European option from ABN Amro. At the same time, they agree to hedge their FX spot risk by doing a FX spot transaction. This is all part of a single trade strategy. ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Chase with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response: AUD 75000000
USD 36900000 0.4920 CallCurrencyPerPutCurrency 2001-12-06 NONE USD 36900 0.001PercentageOfCallCurrencyAmount
SpotHedge AUD 18750000 USD 9736875 2001-12-06 AUD " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Option Strategy Component Identifier""","### Response:
FX87654 ABNANL2A PARTYAUS33 2001-11-20T08:57:00Z
false FX65432 1 1037777777 01234567890123456789012345678913 1037777777 01234567890123456789012345678913 1037777777 01234567890123456789012345678914 1037777777 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Option Strategy Component Identifier"" ### Response:
FX87654 ABNANL2A PARTYAUS33 2001-11-20T08:57:00Z
false FX65432 1 1037777777 01234567890123456789012345678913 1037777777 01234567890123456789012345678913 1037777777 01234567890123456789012345678914 1037777777 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Option Strategy Component Identifier""","### Response: 01234567890123456789012345678914 123456789 123456789 2001-11-20 Straddle 2001-12-20 14:00:00 USNY 2001-12-24 AUD 50000000 USD 26000000 0.5200 CallCurrencyPerPutCurrency ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Option Strategy Component Identifier"" ### Response: 01234567890123456789012345678914
123456789 123456789 2001-11-20
Straddle 2001-12-20 14:00:00 USNY 2001-12-24 AUD 50000000 USD 26000000 0.5200 CallCurrencyPerPutCurrency " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Option Strategy Component Identifier""","### Response: 2001-11-23 NONE USD 26000 0.001 PercentageOfCallCurrencyAmount 2001-12-20 14:00:00 USNY NewYork 2001-12-24 USD 26000000 AUD 50000000 0.5200 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency 2001-11-23 NONE USD 26000","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Option Strategy Component Identifier"" ### Response: 2001-11-23 NONE USD 26000 0.001 PercentageOfCallCurrencyAmount 2001-12-20 14:00:00 USNY NewYork 2001-12-24 USD 26000000 AUD 50000000 0.5200 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency 2001-11-23 NONE USD 26000" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Swap with Multiple USI(s)""","### Response:
FX098765 DEUTDEFF PARTYAUS33 2007-01-05T15:38:00-05:00
false FX12345 1 1031234567 712345678901234567890123456789012 1031234567 712345678901234567890123456789013 PARTYAUS33 DEUTDEFF 2002-01-23 FxSwap ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Swap with Multiple USI(s)"" ### Response:
FX098765 DEUTDEFF PARTYAUS33 2007-01-05T15:38:00-05:00
false FX12345 1 1031234567 712345678901234567890123456789012 1031234567 712345678901234567890123456789013 PARTYAUS33 DEUTDEFF 2002-01-23 FxSwap " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Swap with Multiple USI(s)""","### Response: GBP 10000000 USD 14800000 2002-01-25 GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.48 GBP 10000000 USD 15000000 2002-02-25 GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Swap with Multiple USI(s)"" ### Response: GBP 10000000 USD 14800000 2002-01-25 GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.48
GBP 10000000 USD 15000000 2002-02-25 GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""Non-deliverable FX Forward with disruption events""","### Response:
FX456a789b ABN MATCHSRV 2013-04-16T22:00:00Z
false FX987 1 12345678 AZ5678901 2013-04-01 BRL 3000000 USD 2307000 6 M 2013-10-01 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""Non-deliverable FX Forward with disruption events"" ### Response:
FX456a789b ABN MATCHSRV 2013-04-16T22:00:00Z
false FX987 1 12345678 AZ5678901 2013-04-01 BRL 3000000 USD 2307000 6 M 2013-10-01 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""Non-deliverable FX Forward with disruption events""","### Response: BRL USD Currency2PerCurrency1 0.7690 0.7645 0.0045 USD BRL09 2013-09-29 NONE USD BRL BRL09 BRL12 0.03 BRL09 BRL12 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""Non-deliverable FX Forward with disruption events"" ### Response: BRL
USD Currency2PerCurrency1
0.7690 0.7645 0.0045
USD BRL09 2013-09-29 NONE USD BRL BRL09 BRL12 0.03 BRL09 BRL12 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Swap with Multiple Identifiers""","### Response:
MESSAGEID MARKITSERV STP_Client 2013-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
false CORRELATIONID 1 USIPREFIX USITRADEID UTIPREFIX UTITRADEID USIPREFIX USITRADEID UTIPREFIX UTITRADEID 2012-01-01 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Swap with Multiple Identifiers"" ### Response:
MESSAGEID MARKITSERV STP_Client 2013-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
false CORRELATIONID 1 USIPREFIX USITRADEID UTIPREFIX UTITRADEID USIPREFIX USITRADEID UTIPREFIX UTITRADEID 2012-01-01 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Swap with Multiple Identifiers""","### Response: GBP 10000000 USD 14800000 ExchangedCurrency1 1 Y 2012-01-25 GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.48 1.00 0.48 0.001 GBP 10000000 USD 15000000 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Swap with Multiple Identifiers"" ### Response: GBP 10000000 USD 14800000 ExchangedCurrency1 1 Y 2012-01-25 GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 1.48 1.00 0.48 0.001
GBP 10000000 USD 15000000 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Variance Swap""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2011-03-01 FxVarianceSwap EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 USD 100000.00 USD 33112582.78 0.1510 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Variance Swap"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2011-03-01 FxVarianceSwap EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 USD 100000.00 USD 33112582.78 0.1510 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Variance Swap""","### Response: WM Company Sponsor Mid Page 16:00:00 GBLO 2011-03-01 2011-03-31 Business USNY 1 D Business USNY 2011-04-04 252 true 22 USD 5000.00 2011-03-03 USD 549300SRLRVTR996F086 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Variance Swap"" ### Response: WM Company
Sponsor Mid Page
16:00:00 GBLO
2011-03-01 2011-03-31 Business USNY 1 D Business USNY 2011-04-04 252 true 22 USD 5000.00 2011-03-03 USD
549300SRLRVTR996F086 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Volatility Swap""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2011-03-01 FxVolatilitySwap EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 USD 100000.00 0.1510 WM Company Sponsor Mid Page ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Volatility Swap"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2011-03-01 FxVolatilitySwap EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 USD 100000.00 0.1510 WM Company Sponsor Mid Page " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Volatility Swap""","### Response: 16:00:00 GBLO 2011-03-01 2011-03-31 Business USNY 0 D Business USNY 2011-04-04 252 true 22 USD 5000.00 2011-03-03 USD 549300SRLRVTR996F086 549300RE0FSXJE8G1L65 123-acc123 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Volatility Swap"" ### Response: 16:00:00 GBLO
2011-03-01 2011-03-31 Business USNY 0 D Business USNY 2011-04-04 252 true 22 USD 5000.00 2011-03-03 USD
549300SRLRVTR996F086 549300RE0FSXJE8G1L65 123-acc123 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Forward Volatility Agreement""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-09-16T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-09-16 FxForwardVolatilityAgreement EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 2014-12-16 10:00:00 USNY 1.3 AtTheMoneyForward 3 M 2015-03-16 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Forward Volatility Agreement"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-09-16T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-09-16 FxForwardVolatilityAgreement EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 2014-12-16 10:00:00 USNY 1.3 AtTheMoneyForward 3 M 2015-03-16 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Pivot""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2013-07-04 EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 10000000.00 EUR AtOrAbove AtOrBelow USD 150000 Exact ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Pivot"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2013-07-04 EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 10000000.00 EUR AtOrAbove AtOrBelow USD 150000 Exact " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Pivot""","### Response: VariedStrike MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2013-08-05 2013-09-05 2013-10-07 2013-11-05 2013-12-05 2014-01-06 2014-02-05 2014-03-05 2014-04-07 2014-05-05 2014-06-05 2014-07-03 2014-07-03 MODFOLLOWING EUTA USNY 2013-08-07 2013-09-09 2013-10-09 2013-11-07 2013-12-09 2014-01-08 2014-02-07 2014-03-07 2014-04-09 2014-05-07 2014-06-09 2014-07-07 2014-07-07 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Pivot"" ### Response: VariedStrike
MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2013-08-05 2013-09-05 2013-10-07 2013-11-05 2013-12-05 2014-01-06 2014-02-05 2014-03-05 2014-04-07 2014-05-05 2014-06-05 2014-07-03 2014-07-03 MODFOLLOWING EUTA USNY 2013-08-07 2013-09-09 2013-10-09 2013-11-07 2013-12-09 2014-01-08 2014-02-07 2014-03-07 2014-04-09 2014-05-07 2014-06-09 2014-07-07 2014-07-07 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Pivot""","### Response: Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR 1.3150 EUR USD 1.2100 AtOrBelow Below 2 EUR USD 1.3600 Above Above 2 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Pivot"" ### Response: Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR 1.3150 EUR USD 1.2100 AtOrBelow Below 2 EUR USD 1.3600 Above Above 2 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Pivot with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2013-07-04 EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 10000000.00 EUR AtOrAbove AtOrBelow USD 150000 Exact ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Pivot with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2013-07-04 EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 10000000.00 EUR AtOrAbove AtOrBelow USD 150000 Exact " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Pivot with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: VariedStrike MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2013-08-05 2013-09-05 2013-10-07 2013-11-05 2013-12-05 2014-01-06 2014-02-05 2014-03-05 2014-04-07 2014-05-05 2014-06-05 2014-07-03 2014-07-03 MODFOLLOWING EUTA USNY 2013-08-07 2013-09-09 2013-10-09 2013-11-07 2013-12-09 2014-01-08 2014-02-07 2014-03-07 2014-04-09 2014-05-07 2014-06-09 2014-07-07 2014-07-07 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Pivot with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: VariedStrike
MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2013-08-05 2013-09-05 2013-10-07 2013-11-05 2013-12-05 2014-01-06 2014-02-05 2014-03-05 2014-04-07 2014-05-05 2014-06-05 2014-07-03 2014-07-03 MODFOLLOWING EUTA USNY 2013-08-07 2013-09-09 2013-10-09 2013-11-07 2013-12-09 2014-01-08 2014-02-07 2014-03-07 2014-04-09 2014-05-07 2014-06-09 2014-07-07 2014-07-07 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Pivot with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR 1.3150 EUR USD 1.2100 AtOrBelow Below 2 EUR USD 1.3600 Above Above 2 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Pivot with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR 1.3150 EUR USD 1.2100 AtOrBelow Below 2 EUR USD 1.3600 Above Above 2 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Pivot with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: USD 101000.00 2013-07-08 NONE 2013-08-05 2013-08-07 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2013-09-05 2013-09-09 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2013-10-07 2013-10-09 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Pivot with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: USD 101000.00 2013-07-08 NONE 2013-08-05 2013-08-07 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2013-09-05 2013-09-09 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2013-10-07 2013-10-09 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Pivot with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: 2013-11-05 2013-11-07 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2013-12-05 2013-12-09 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2014-01-06 2014-01-08 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2014-02-05 2014-02-07 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2014-03-05","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Pivot with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: 2013-11-05 2013-11-07 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2013-12-05 2013-12-09 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2014-01-06 2014-01-08 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2014-02-05 2014-02-07 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2014-03-05" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Pivot with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: 2014-03-07 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2014-04-07 2014-04-09 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2014-05-05 2014-05-07 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2014-06-05 2014-06-09 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2014-07-03 2014-07-07","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Pivot with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: 2014-03-07 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2014-04-07 2014-04-09 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2014-05-05 2014-05-07 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2014-06-05 2014-06-09 10000000.00 1.3150 1.2100 20000000.00 1.3600 20000000.00 2014-07-03 2014-07-07" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Leverage""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2010-11-07 USD CAD Currency2PerCurrency1 500000.00 USD Above CAD 40000.00 Exact VariedStrike ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Leverage"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2010-11-07 USD CAD Currency2PerCurrency1 500000.00 USD Above CAD 40000.00 Exact VariedStrike " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Leverage""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING USNY 2014-11-20 2014-12-04 2014-12-18 2015-01-02 2015-01-15 2015-01-29 2015-02-12 2015-02-26 2015-03-12 2015-03-26 2015-04-09 2015-04-23 2015-05-07 2015-05-21 2015-06-04 2015-06-04 MODFOLLOWING CATO USNY 2014-11-21 2014-12-05 2014-12-19 2015-01-05 2015-01-16 2015-01-30 2015-02-13 2015-02-27 2015-03-13 2015-03-27 2015-04-10 2015-04-24 2015-05-08 2015-05-22 2015-06-05 2015-06-05","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Leverage"" ### Response: MODFOLLOWING
2014-11-20 2014-12-04 2014-12-18 2015-01-02 2015-01-15 2015-01-29 2015-02-12 2015-02-26 2015-03-12 2015-03-26 2015-04-09 2015-04-23 2015-05-07 2015-05-21 2015-06-04 2015-06-04
MODFOLLOWING CATO USNY 2014-11-21 2014-12-05 2014-12-19 2015-01-05 2015-01-16 2015-01-30 2015-02-13 2015-02-27 2015-03-13 2015-03-27 2015-04-10 2015-04-24 2015-05-08 2015-05-22 2015-06-05 2015-06-05" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Leverage""","### Response: Reuters WMRSPOT09 10:00:00 USNY USD CAD 1.0100 2014-12-04 1.0200 2015-01-02 1.0400 2015-03-12 1.0900 2015-05-07 1.1400 505000.00 2014-12-04 510000.00 2015-01-02 520000.00 CAD Below 2.5 2015-01-02 1.5 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Leverage"" ### Response: Reuters WMRSPOT09 10:00:00 USNY USD CAD 1.0100 2014-12-04 1.0200 2015-01-02 1.0400 2015-03-12 1.0900 2015-05-07 1.1400 505000.00 2014-12-04 510000.00 2015-01-02 520000.00 CAD Below 2.5 2015-01-02 1.5 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Knockout""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2010-11-07 FxTarget USD EUR Currency2PerCurrency1 1000000.00 EUR Below USD 200000.00 Exact VariedStrike","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Knockout"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2010-11-07 FxTarget USD EUR Currency2PerCurrency1 1000000.00 EUR Below USD 200000.00 Exact VariedStrike" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Knockout""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING DEFR 2014-12-23 2015-01-27 2015-02-25 2015-03-26 2015-03-26 14:15:00 DEFR MODFOLLOWING EUTA USNY 2014-12-24 2015-01-28 2015-02-26 2015-03-27 2015-03-27 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Knockout"" ### Response:
MODFOLLOWING DEFR 2014-12-23 2015-01-27 2015-02-25 2015-03-26 2015-03-26 14:15:00 DEFR MODFOLLOWING EUTA USNY 2014-12-24 2015-01-28 2015-02-26 2015-03-27 2015-03-27 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Rebate""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-02-27 USD CNY Currency2PerCurrency1 1000000 USD AtOrBelow 5.9800 CNY 800000.00 Exact VariedStrike ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Rebate"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-02-27 USD CNY Currency2PerCurrency1 1000000 USD AtOrBelow 5.9800 CNY 800000.00 Exact VariedStrike " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Rebate""","### Response: FOLLOWING 2014-02-28 2014-03-31 2014-04-30 2014-05-30 2014-06-30 2014-07-31 2014-08-29 2014-09-30 2014-10-31 2014-11-28 2014-12-31 2015-01-30 2015-02-27 2015-03-31 2015-04-30 2015-05-29 2015-06-30 2015-07-31 2015-08-31 2015-09-30 2015-10-30 2015-11-30 2015-12-31 2016-01-29 FOLLOWING CNBE HKHK USNY 2014-03-04 2014-04-02 2014-05-07 2014-06-04 2014-07-03 2014-08-04 2014-09-02","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Rebate"" ### Response: FOLLOWING 2014-02-28 2014-03-31 2014-04-30 2014-05-30 2014-06-30 2014-07-31 2014-08-29 2014-09-30 2014-10-31 2014-11-28 2014-12-31 2015-01-30 2015-02-27 2015-03-31 2015-04-30 2015-05-29 2015-06-30 2015-07-31 2015-08-31 2015-09-30 2015-10-30 2015-11-30 2015-12-31 2016-01-29
FOLLOWING CNBE HKHK USNY 2014-03-04 2014-04-02 2014-05-07 2014-06-04 2014-07-03 2014-08-04 2014-09-02" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Rebate""","### Response: 2014-10-09 2014-11-04 2014-12-02 2015-01-05 2015-02-03 2015-03-03 2015-04-02 2015-05-05 2015-06-02 2015-07-03 2015-08-04 2015-09-02 2015-10-09 2015-11-03 2015-12-02 2016-01-05 2016-02-02 2016-02-02 Bloomberg BFIX 15:00:00 JPTO USD EUR 6.1400 Above 6.24 2 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Rebate"" ### Response: 2014-10-09 2014-11-04 2014-12-02 2015-01-05 2015-02-03 2015-03-03 2015-04-02 2015-05-05 2015-06-02 2015-07-03 2015-08-04 2015-09-02 2015-10-09 2015-11-03 2015-12-02 2016-01-05 2016-02-02 2016-02-02 Bloomberg BFIX 15:00:00 JPTO USD EUR 6.1400 Above 6.24 2 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Split""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-12-21 USD CAD Currency2PerCurrency1 2000000.00 USD AtOrAbove 1.1000 4 true 2014-12-23 2015-01-27 2015-02-25 2015-03-26","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Split"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-12-21 USD CAD Currency2PerCurrency1 2000000.00 USD AtOrAbove 1.1000 4 true 2014-12-23 2015-01-27 2015-02-25 2015-03-26" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Split""","### Response: FOLLOWING CATO USNY 2014-12-24 2015-01-28 2015-02-26 2015-03-27 Reuters WMRSPOT09 10:00:00 USNY USD CAD 1.0450 2090000.00 CAD Below 2 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Split"" ### Response:
FOLLOWING CATO USNY 2014-12-24 2015-01-28 2015-02-26 2015-03-27 Reuters WMRSPOT09 10:00:00 USNY USD CAD 1.0450 2090000.00 CAD Below 2
" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Accelerated""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-12-21 USD CAD Currency2PerCurrency1 2000000.00 USD AtOrAbove Below AtOrAbove 1.1000 2 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Accelerated"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-12-21 USD CAD Currency2PerCurrency1 2000000.00 USD AtOrAbove Below AtOrAbove 1.1000 2 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Accelerated""","### Response: CAD 100000.00 Exact VariedNotional 2014-12-23 2015-01-27 2015-02-25 2015-03-26 FOLLOWING CATO USNY 2014-12-24 2015-01-28 2015-02-26 2015-03-27 Reuters WMRSPOT09 10:00:00 USNY USD CAD ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Accelerated"" ### Response: CAD 100000.00
Exact VariedNotional
2014-12-23 2015-01-27 2015-02-25 2015-03-26 FOLLOWING CATO USNY 2014-12-24 2015-01-28 2015-02-26 2015-03-27 Reuters WMRSPOT09 10:00:00 USNY USD CAD " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Bonus Collar""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2013-07-04 EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 500000.00 EUR Above 0.10 Exact VariedNotional 2014-06-30 2014-07-03 2 W","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Bonus Collar"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2013-07-04 EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 500000.00 EUR Above 0.10 Exact VariedNotional 2014-06-30 2014-07-03 2 W" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Bonus Collar""","### Response: MON MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2014-06-30 2014-07-14 2014-07-28 2014-08-11 2014-08-25 2014-09-08 2014-09-22 2014-09-22 MODFOLLOWING EUTA USNY 2014-07-02 2014-07-16 2014-07-30 2014-08-13 2014-08-27 2014-09-10 2014-09-24 2014-09-24 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Bonus Collar"" ### Response: MON
MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2014-06-30 2014-07-14 2014-07-28 2014-08-11 2014-08-25 2014-09-08 2014-09-22 2014-09-22
MODFOLLOWING EUTA USNY 2014-07-02 2014-07-16 2014-07-30 2014-08-13 2014-08-27 2014-09-10 2014-09-24 2014-09-24 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Bonus Collar""","### Response: EUR USD 1.3235 661750.00 USD Above EUR USD 1.3035 Below Below 1000000.00 EUR 1303500.00 USD AtOrAbove ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Bonus Collar"" ### Response: EUR
USD 1.3235 661750.00 USD Above
EUR USD 1.3035 Below Below 1000000.00 EUR 1303500.00 USD AtOrAbove " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Bonus Collar with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2013-07-04 EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 500000.00 EUR Above 0.10 Exact VariedNotional 2014-06-30 2014-07-03 2 W","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Bonus Collar with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2013-07-04 EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 500000.00 EUR Above 0.10 Exact VariedNotional 2014-06-30 2014-07-03 2 W" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Bonus Collar with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: MON MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2014-06-30 2014-07-14 2014-07-28 2014-08-11 2014-08-25 2014-09-08 2014-09-22 2014-09-22 MODFOLLOWING EUTA USNY 2014-07-02 2014-07-16 2014-07-30 2014-08-13 2014-08-27 2014-09-10 2014-09-24 2014-09-24 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Bonus Collar with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: MON
MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2014-06-30 2014-07-14 2014-07-28 2014-08-11 2014-08-25 2014-09-08 2014-09-22 2014-09-22
MODFOLLOWING EUTA USNY 2014-07-02 2014-07-16 2014-07-30 2014-08-13 2014-08-27 2014-09-10 2014-09-24 2014-09-24 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Bonus Collar with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: EUR USD 1.3235 661750.00 USD Above EUR USD 1.3035 Below Below 1000000.00 EUR 1303500.00 USD AtOrAbove ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Bonus Collar with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: EUR USD 1.3235 661750.00 USD Above
EUR USD 1.3035 Below Below 1000000.00 EUR 1303500.00 USD AtOrAbove " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Bonus Collar with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: AtOrBelow 0.0150 EUR USD VariedStrike USD 91000.00 2014-06-18 NONE 2014-06-30 2014-07-02 500000.00 1.3235 661750.00 1.3035 1000000.00 1303500.00 2014-07-14 2014-07-16 500000.00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Bonus Collar with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: AtOrBelow 0.0150 EUR USD VariedStrike USD 91000.00 2014-06-18 NONE 2014-06-30 2014-07-02 500000.00 1.3235 661750.00 1.3035 1000000.00 1303500.00 2014-07-14 2014-07-16 500000.00 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target Bonus Collar with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: 1.3235 661750.00 1.3035 1000000.00 1303500.00 2014-07-28 2014-07-30 500000.00 1.3235 661750.00 1.3035 1000000.00 1303500.00 2014-08-11 2014-08-13 500000.00 1.3235 661750.00 1.3035 1000000.00 1303500.00 2014-08-25 2014-08-27 500000.00 1.3235 661750.00 1.3035 1000000.00 1303500.00 2014-09-08 2014-09-10 500000.00 1.3235","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target Bonus Collar with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: 1.3235 661750.00 1.3035 1000000.00 1303500.00 2014-07-28 2014-07-30 500000.00 1.3235 661750.00 1.3035 1000000.00 1303500.00 2014-08-11 2014-08-13 500000.00 1.3235 661750.00 1.3035 1000000.00 1303500.00 2014-08-25 2014-08-27 500000.00 1.3235 661750.00 1.3035 1000000.00 1303500.00 2014-09-08 2014-09-10 500000.00 1.3235" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target EKI""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2013-07-04 EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 147058.82 EUR Below 5 true MODFOLLOWING EUTA","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target EKI"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2013-07-04 EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 147058.82 EUR Below 5 true MODFOLLOWING EUTA" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target EKI""","### Response: 2017-01-18 2017-02-16 2017-03-16 2017-04-18 2017-05-18 2017-06-16 2017-07-18 2017-08-17 2017-09-18 2017-10-19 2017-11-16 2017-12-18 2017-12-18 MODFOLLOWING EUTA USNY 2017-01-29 2017-02-21 2017-03-20 2017-04-20 2017-05-22 2017-06-20 2017-07-20 2017-08-21 2017-09-20 2017-10-23 2017-11-20 2017-12-20 2017-12-20 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target EKI"" ### Response:
2017-01-18 2017-02-16 2017-03-16 2017-04-18 2017-05-18 2017-06-16 2017-07-18 2017-08-17 2017-09-18 2017-10-19 2017-11-16 2017-12-18 2017-12-18
MODFOLLOWING EUTA USNY 2017-01-29 2017-02-21 2017-03-20 2017-04-20 2017-05-22 2017-06-20 2017-07-20 2017-08-21 2017-09-20 2017-10-23 2017-11-20 2017-12-20 2017-12-20 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target EKI""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-07-25 EUR PLN Currency2PerCurrency1 2000000 PLN AtOrBelow 0.3 Exact VariedNotional FOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target EKI"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-07-25 EUR PLN Currency2PerCurrency1 2000000 PLN AtOrBelow 0.3 Exact VariedNotional FOLLOWING " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Target EKI""","### Response: EUTA 2014-10-16 2014-11-18 2014-12-18 2015-01-16 2015-02-18 2015-03-18 2015-04-16 2015-05-18 2015-06-18 2015-07-16 2015-08-18 2015-09-17 2015-09-17 FOLLOWING EUTA USNY 2014-10-20 2014-11-20 2014-12-22 2015-01-20 2015-02-20 2015-03-20 2015-04-20 2015-05-20 2015-06-22 2015-07-20 2015-08-20 2015-09-21 2015-09-21 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Target EKI"" ### Response: EUTA
2014-10-16 2014-11-18 2014-12-18 2015-01-16 2015-02-18 2015-03-18 2015-04-16 2015-05-18 2015-06-18 2015-07-16 2015-08-18 2015-09-17 2015-09-17
FOLLOWING EUTA USNY 2014-10-20 2014-11-20 2014-12-22 2015-01-20 2015-02-20 2015-03-20 2015-04-20 2015-05-20 2015-06-22 2015-07-20 2015-08-20 2015-09-21 2015-09-21 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-07-25 EUR PLN Currency2PerCurrency1 2000000 PLN AtOrBelow 0.3 Exact VariedNotional FOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-07-25 EUR PLN Currency2PerCurrency1 2000000 PLN AtOrBelow 0.3 Exact VariedNotional FOLLOWING " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: EUTA 2014-10-16 2014-11-18 2014-12-18 2015-01-16 2015-02-18 2015-03-18 2015-04-16 2015-05-18 2015-06-18 2015-07-16 2015-08-18 2015-09-17 2015-09-17 FOLLOWING EUTA USNY 2014-10-20 2014-11-20 2014-12-22 2015-01-20 2015-02-20 2015-03-20 2015-04-20 2015-05-20 2015-06-22 2015-07-20 2015-08-20 2015-09-21 2015-09-21 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: EUTA
2014-10-16 2014-11-18 2014-12-18 2015-01-16 2015-02-18 2015-03-18 2015-04-16 2015-05-18 2015-06-18 2015-07-16 2015-08-18 2015-09-17 2015-09-17
FOLLOWING EUTA USNY 2014-10-20 2014-11-20 2014-12-22 2015-01-20 2015-02-20 2015-03-20 2015-04-20 2015-05-20 2015-06-22 2015-07-20 2015-08-20 2015-09-21 2015-09-21 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: EUR PLN 4.24 AtOrAbove 1.5 Above Below Knockin PerExpiry AtOrAbove 4.28 2014-10-16 2014-10-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2014-11-18 2014-11-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response:
EUR PLN 4.24 AtOrAbove 1.5 Above Below Knockin PerExpiry AtOrAbove 4.28 2014-10-16 2014-10-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2014-11-18 2014-11-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: 2014-12-18 2014-12-22 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-01-16 2015-01-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-02-18 2015-02-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-03-18 2015-03-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-04-16 2015-04-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-05-18 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: 2014-12-18 2014-12-22 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-01-16 2015-01-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-02-18 2015-02-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-03-18 2015-03-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-04-16 2015-04-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-05-18 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule""","### Response: 2015-05-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-06-18 2015-06-22 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-07-16 2015-07-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-08-18 2015-08-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-09-17 2015-09-21 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28
","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule"" ### Response: 2015-05-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28
2015-06-18 2015-06-22 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-07-16 2015-07-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-08-18 2015-08-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-09-17 2015-09-21 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28
" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule and ReferencesReferences to the payoff region and barriers can be added within the settlementPeriodSchedule to further describe the behavior of the components. Implementers may choose to add them within the first settlementPeriod only since all the other periods have the same behavior.""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-07-25 EUR PLN Currency2PerCurrency1 2000000 PLN AtOrBelow 0.3 Exact VariedNotional FOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule and ReferencesReferences to the payoff region and barriers can be added within the settlementPeriodSchedule to further describe the behavior of the components. Implementers may choose to add them within the first settlementPeriod only since all the other periods have the same behavior."" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-03-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-07-25 EUR PLN Currency2PerCurrency1 2000000 PLN AtOrBelow 0.3 Exact VariedNotional FOLLOWING " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule and ReferencesReferences to the payoff region and barriers can be added within the settlementPeriodSchedule to further describe the behavior of the components. Implementers may choose to add them within the first settlementPeriod only since all the other periods have the same behavior.""","### Response: EUTA 2014-10-16 2014-11-18 2014-12-18 2015-01-16 2015-02-18 2015-03-18 2015-04-16 2015-05-18 2015-06-18 2015-07-16 2015-08-18 2015-09-17 2015-09-17 FOLLOWING EUTA USNY 2014-10-20 2014-11-20 2014-12-22 2015-01-20 2015-02-20 2015-03-20 2015-04-20 2015-05-20 2015-06-22 2015-07-20 2015-08-20 2015-09-21 2015-09-21 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule and ReferencesReferences to the payoff region and barriers can be added within the settlementPeriodSchedule to further describe the behavior of the components. Implementers may choose to add them within the first settlementPeriod only since all the other periods have the same behavior."" ### Response: EUTA
2014-10-16 2014-11-18 2014-12-18 2015-01-16 2015-02-18 2015-03-18 2015-04-16 2015-05-18 2015-06-18 2015-07-16 2015-08-18 2015-09-17 2015-09-17
FOLLOWING EUTA USNY 2014-10-20 2014-11-20 2014-12-22 2015-01-20 2015-02-20 2015-03-20 2015-04-20 2015-05-20 2015-06-22 2015-07-20 2015-08-20 2015-09-21 2015-09-21 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule and ReferencesReferences to the payoff region and barriers can be added within the settlementPeriodSchedule to further describe the behavior of the components. Implementers may choose to add them within the first settlementPeriod only since all the other periods have the same behavior.""","### Response: EUR PLN 4.24 AtOrAbove 1.5 Above Below Knockin PerExpiry AtOrAbove 4.28 2014-10-16 2014-10-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2014-11-18 2014-11-20 2000000 4.24 3000000","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule and ReferencesReferences to the payoff region and barriers can be added within the settlementPeriodSchedule to further describe the behavior of the components. Implementers may choose to add them within the first settlementPeriod only since all the other periods have the same behavior."" ### Response: EUR PLN 4.24 AtOrAbove 1.5 Above Below Knockin PerExpiry AtOrAbove 4.28 2014-10-16 2014-10-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2014-11-18 2014-11-20 2000000 4.24 3000000" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule and ReferencesReferences to the payoff region and barriers can be added within the settlementPeriodSchedule to further describe the behavior of the components. Implementers may choose to add them within the first settlementPeriod only since all the other periods have the same behavior.""","### Response: 4.28 2014-12-18 2014-12-22 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-01-16 2015-01-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-02-18 2015-02-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-03-18 2015-03-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-04-16 2015-04-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule and ReferencesReferences to the payoff region and barriers can be added within the settlementPeriodSchedule to further describe the behavior of the components. Implementers may choose to add them within the first settlementPeriod only since all the other periods have the same behavior."" ### Response: 4.28 2014-12-18 2014-12-22 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-01-16 2015-01-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-02-18 2015-02-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-03-18 2015-03-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-04-16 2015-04-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule and ReferencesReferences to the payoff region and barriers can be added within the settlementPeriodSchedule to further describe the behavior of the components. Implementers may choose to add them within the first settlementPeriod only since all the other periods have the same behavior.""","### Response: 2015-05-18 2015-05-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-06-18 2015-06-22 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-07-16 2015-07-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-08-18 2015-08-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-09-17 2015-09-21 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28
","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX FX Target EKI with Settlement Period Schedule and ReferencesReferences to the payoff region and barriers can be added within the settlementPeriodSchedule to further describe the behavior of the components. Implementers may choose to add them within the first settlementPeriod only since all the other periods have the same behavior."" ### Response: 2015-05-18 2015-05-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-06-18 2015-06-22 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-07-16 2015-07-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-08-18 2015-08-20 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28 2015-09-17 2015-09-21 2000000 4.24 3000000 4.28
" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward Leverage""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-06-09T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-06-09 FxAccrualForward 400000.00 USD USD CAD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters BOFC 12:00:00 CATO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward Leverage"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-06-09T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-06-09 FxAccrualForward 400000.00 USD USD CAD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters BOFC 12:00:00 CATO " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward Leverage""","### Response: AtOrAbove 1.0825 Below 1.1100 Above 1.0400 Below 1.0825 2 2014-10-01 2014-10-31 Business USNY CATO 22 2014-10-31 10:00:00 USNY FOLLOWING USNY CATO 2014-11-03 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward Leverage"" ### Response: AtOrAbove 1.0825 Below 1.1100
Above 1.0400 Below 1.0825 2 2014-10-01 2014-10-31 Business USNY CATO 22
2014-10-31 10:00:00 USNY FOLLOWING USNY CATO 2014-11-03 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Lose Boost""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2012-12-08T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2012-12-08 FxAccrualForward 420000.00 USD USD JPY Currency2PerCurrency1 WM Company JPY1 10:00:00 USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Lose Boost"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2012-12-08T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2012-12-08 FxAccrualForward 420000.00 USD USD JPY Currency2PerCurrency1 WM Company JPY1 10:00:00 USNY " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Lose Boost""","### Response: Below 112.00 2 AtOrAbove 112.00 Below 120.00 2012-12-08 2013-01-07 Business USNY JPTO 21 2013-01-07 10:00:00 USNY FOLLOWING USNY JPTO 2013-01-09 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Lose Boost"" ### Response: Below 112.00 2 AtOrAbove 112.00 Below 120.00 2012-12-08 2013-01-07 Business USNY JPTO 21
2013-01-07 10:00:00 USNY FOLLOWING USNY JPTO 2013-01-09 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Lose Boost""","### Response: USD JPY 112 Currency2PerCurrency1 47040000 JPY Knockout Global AtOrAbove 120.00 Lose USD JPY Currency2PerCurrency1 USD 10000.00 2012-12-10 FOLLOWING USNY
","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Lose Boost"" ### Response: USD
JPY 112 Currency2PerCurrency1 47040000 JPY Knockout Global AtOrAbove 120.00 Lose USD JPY Currency2PerCurrency1 USD 10000.00 2012-12-10 FOLLOWING USNY
" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward European Fading Forward""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-01-17T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-01-17 FxAccrualForward 510000.00 USD EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward European Fading Forward"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-01-17T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-01-17 FxAccrualForward 510000.00 USD EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward European Fading Forward""","### Response: Above 1.3725 AtOrBelow 1.2695 2014-01-20 2015-01-19 Business USNY EUTA 255 2015-01-19 FOLLOWING USNY EUTA 2015-01-21 EUR USD 1.3725 Currency2PerCurrency1 371584.70 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward European Fading Forward"" ### Response: Above 1.3725 AtOrBelow 1.2695 2014-01-20 2015-01-19 Business USNY EUTA 255
2015-01-19 FOLLOWING USNY EUTA 2015-01-21 EUR USD 1.3725 Currency2PerCurrency1 371584.70 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Option Strategy Fading Extra""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-10-01T08:57:00Z
false 123456789 123456789 2014-10-01 FadingForwardStrategy Delta-Put-FX-Option 2014-10-31 10:00:00 USNY 2014-11-03 CAD 10825000.00","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Option Strategy Fading Extra"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-10-01T08:57:00Z
false 123456789 123456789 2014-10-01 FadingForwardStrategy Delta-Put-FX-Option 2014-10-31 10:00:00 USNY 2014-11-03 CAD 10825000.00" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Option Strategy Fading Extra""","### Response: USD 10000000.00 1.0825 CallCurrencyPerPutCurrency FxAccrualOption USD CAD 10000000.00 USD CAD USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters BOFC 12:00:00 CATO Below 1.0700 2014-10-01 2014-10-31 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Option Strategy Fading Extra"" ### Response:
USD 10000000.00 1.0825 CallCurrencyPerPutCurrency
FxAccrualOption USD CAD 10000000.00 USD CAD USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters BOFC 12:00:00 CATO Below 1.0700 2014-10-01 2014-10-31 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Option Strategy Fading Extra""","### Response: Business CATO 22 2014-10-31 10:00:00 USNY FOLLOWING USNY CATO 2014-11-03 1.0825 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency 10825000.00 CAD Knockout Global AtOrAbove 1.0825 Lose
549300SRLRVTR996F086 549300RE0FSXJE8G1L65
","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Option Strategy Fading Extra"" ### Response: Business CATO 22 2014-10-31 10:00:00 USNY FOLLOWING USNY CATO 2014-11-03 1.0825 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency 10825000.00 CAD Knockout Global AtOrAbove 1.0825 Lose
549300SRLRVTR996F086 549300RE0FSXJE8G1L65
" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward Boost Strip""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2010-10-15T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2010-10-15 440000.00 2010-12-16 460000.00 2011-01-18 420000.00 USD USD JPY Currency2PerCurrency1 WM Company JPY1 10:00:00 USNY","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward Boost Strip"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2010-10-15T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2010-10-15 440000.00 2010-12-16 460000.00 2011-01-18 420000.00 USD USD JPY Currency2PerCurrency1 WM Company JPY1 10:00:00 USNY" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward Boost Strip""","### Response: Below 112.00 2 AtOrAbove 112.00 Below 120.00 2010-10-15 2011-02-15 Business2010-10-15 2010-10-18 2010-10-19 2010-10-20 2010-10-21 2010-10-22 2010-10-25 2010-10-26 2010-10-27 2010-10-28 2010-10-29 2010-11-01 2010-11-02 2010-11-03 2010-11-04 2010-11-05 2010-11-08 2010-11-09 2010-11-10 2010-11-11 2010-11-12 2010-11-152010-11-16 2010-11-17 2010-11-18 2010-11-19 2010-11-22 2010-11-23 2010-11-24 2010-11-25","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward Boost Strip"" ### Response:
Below 112.00 2 AtOrAbove 112.00 Below 120.00 2010-10-15 2011-02-15 Business2010-10-15 2010-10-18 2010-10-19 2010-10-20 2010-10-21 2010-10-22 2010-10-25 2010-10-26 2010-10-27 2010-10-28 2010-10-29 2010-11-01 2010-11-02 2010-11-03 2010-11-04 2010-11-05 2010-11-08 2010-11-09 2010-11-10 2010-11-11 2010-11-12 2010-11-152010-11-16 2010-11-17 2010-11-18 2010-11-19 2010-11-22 2010-11-23 2010-11-24 2010-11-25" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward Boost Strip""","### Response: 2010-11-26 2010-11-29 2010-11-30 2010-12-01 2010-12-02 2010-12-03 2010-12-06 2010-12-07 2010-12-08 2010-12-09 2010-12-10 2010-12-13 2010-12-14 2010-12-152010-12-16 2010-12-17 2010-12-20 2010-12-21 2010-12-22 2010-12-23 2010-12-24 2010-12-27 2010-12-28 2010-12-29 2010-12-30 2010-12-31 2011-01-03 2011-01-04 2011-01-05 2011-01-06 2011-01-07 2011-01-10 2011-01-11 2011-01-12 2011-01-13 2011-01-14 2011-01-172011-01-18 2011-01-19 2011-01-20 2011-01-21 2011-01-24 2011-01-25 2011-01-26 2011-01-27 2011-01-28 2011-01-31 2011-02-01 2011-02-02 2011-02-03 2011-02-04","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward Boost Strip"" ### Response: 2010-11-26 2010-11-29 2010-11-30 2010-12-01 2010-12-02 2010-12-03 2010-12-06 2010-12-07 2010-12-08 2010-12-09 2010-12-10 2010-12-13 2010-12-14 2010-12-152010-12-16 2010-12-17 2010-12-20 2010-12-21 2010-12-22 2010-12-23 2010-12-24 2010-12-27 2010-12-28 2010-12-29 2010-12-30 2010-12-31 2011-01-03 2011-01-04 2011-01-05 2011-01-06 2011-01-07 2011-01-10 2011-01-11 2011-01-12 2011-01-13 2011-01-14 2011-01-172011-01-18 2011-01-19 2011-01-20 2011-01-21 2011-01-24 2011-01-25 2011-01-26 2011-01-27 2011-01-28 2011-01-31 2011-02-01 2011-02-02 2011-02-03 2011-02-04" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward Boost Strip""","### Response: 2011-02-07 2011-02-08 2011-02-09 2011-02-10 2011-02-11 2011-02-14 2011-02-15
2010-11-15 2010-12-15 2011-01-17 2011-02-15 2011-02-15 FOLLOWING USNY JPTO 2010-11-17 2010-12-17 2011-01-19 2011-02-17 2011-02-17 USD JPY 112 Currency2PerCurrency1 49280000.00 2010-12-16 51520000.00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward Boost Strip"" ### Response: 2011-02-07 2011-02-08 2011-02-09 2011-02-10 2011-02-11 2011-02-14 2011-02-15 2010-11-15 2010-12-15 2011-01-17 2011-02-15 2011-02-15 FOLLOWING USNY JPTO 2010-11-17 2010-12-17 2011-01-19 2011-02-17 2011-02-17 USD JPY 112 Currency2PerCurrency1 49280000.00 2010-12-16 51520000.00 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Keep Double Multi Settlement""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-07-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-07-01 FxAccrualForward 253125.00 USD GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Keep Double Multi Settlement"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-07-01T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-07-01 FxAccrualForward 253125.00 USD GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Keep Double Multi Settlement""","### Response: AtOrAbove 1.6875 Below 1.6875 2 2014-07-15 2014-12-30 2 W TUE NONE13 2014-07-15 2014-07-29 2014-08-12 2014-08-26 2014-09-09 2014-09-23 2014-10-07 2014-10-21 2014-11-04 2014-11-18 2014-12-02 2014-12-16 2014-12-30 2014-12-30 FOLLOWING USNY GBLO 2014-07-17 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Keep Double Multi Settlement"" ### Response: AtOrAbove 1.6875 Below 1.6875 2 2014-07-15 2014-12-30 2 W TUE NONE13
2014-07-15 2014-07-29 2014-08-12 2014-08-26 2014-09-09 2014-09-23 2014-10-07 2014-10-21 2014-11-04 2014-11-18 2014-12-02 2014-12-16 2014-12-30 2014-12-30 FOLLOWING USNY GBLO 2014-07-17 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Keep Double Multi Settlement""","### Response: 2014-07-31 2014-08-14 2014-08-28 2014-09-11 2014-09-25 2014-10-09 2014-10-23 2014-11-06 2014-11-20 2014-12-04 2014-12-18 2015-01-02 2015-01-02 GBP USD 1.6875 Currency2PerCurrency1 150000.00 GBP Knockout Global AtOrAbove 1.7470 Keep GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward American Keep Double Multi Settlement"" ### Response: 2014-07-31 2014-08-14 2014-08-28 2014-09-11 2014-09-25 2014-10-09 2014-10-23 2014-11-06 2014-11-20 2014-12-04 2014-12-18 2015-01-02 2015-01-02 GBP USD 1.6875 Currency2PerCurrency1 150000.00 GBP Knockout Global AtOrAbove 1.7470 Keep GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward Collar""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-01-17T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-01-17 FxAccrualForward 510000.00 USD EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward Collar"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-01-17T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-01-17 FxAccrualForward 510000.00 USD EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward Collar""","### Response: Above 1.3200 Below 1.4000 2014-01-20 2015-01-19 Business EUTA 255 2015-01-19 10:00:00 USNY FOLLOWING USNY EUTA 2015-01-21 EUR USD 1.3900 Currency2PerCurrency1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward Collar"" ### Response: Above 1.3200 Below 1.4000 2014-01-20 2015-01-19 Business EUTA 255
2015-01-19 10:00:00 USNY FOLLOWING USNY EUTA 2015-01-21 EUR USD 1.3900 Currency2PerCurrency1 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward Variable Strike""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-07-07T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2011-07-07 FxAccrualForward 188000000.00 USD EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 02:15:00 DEFR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward Variable Strike"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2011-07-07T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2011-07-07 FxAccrualForward 188000000.00 USD EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 02:15:00 DEFR " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward Variable Strike""","### Response: Above 1.35 Currency2PerCurrency1 AtOrBelow 1.47 Currency2PerCurrency1 188000000.00 USD 127891156.46 EUR AtOrAbove 1.10 Currency2PerCurrency1 AtOrBelow 1.35 Currency2PerCurrency1 188000000.00 USD 150761828.39 EUR Below 1.10 Currency2PerCurrency1 376000000.00","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward Variable Strike"" ### Response:
Above 1.35 Currency2PerCurrency1 AtOrBelow 1.47 Currency2PerCurrency1 188000000.00 USD 127891156.46 EUR AtOrAbove 1.10 Currency2PerCurrency1 AtOrBelow 1.35 Currency2PerCurrency1 188000000.00 USD 150761828.39 EUR Below 1.10 Currency2PerCurrency1 376000000.00" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Forward Variable Strike""","### Response: USD 301523656.78 EUR 2011-07-07 2012-12-19 Business EUTA 376
2012-12-19 02:15:00 DEFR FOLLOWING USNY EUTA 2012-12-21 USD EUR 1.247 Currency2PerCurrency1","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Forward Variable Strike"" ### Response: USD 301523656.78 EUR 2011-07-07 2012-12-19 Business EUTA 376 2012-12-19 02:15:00 DEFR FOLLOWING USNY EUTA 2012-12-21 USD EUR 1.247 Currency2PerCurrency1" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Option American""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-06-24T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-06-24 FxAccrualOption HKD EUR 14018691.59 EUR EUR HKD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Option American"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-06-24T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-06-24 FxAccrualOption HKD EUR 14018691.59 EUR EUR HKD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Option American""","### Response: ECB37 14:15:00 DEFR Above10.7500 2014-06-25 2014-09-30 Business EUTA 70 FOLLOWING FRPA GBLO 2014-09-30 10:00:00 USNY FOLLOWING EUTA HKHK 2014-10-06 10.7000 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Option American"" ### Response: ECB37
14:15:00 DEFR
Above10.7500 2014-06-25 2014-09-30 Business EUTA 70
FOLLOWING FRPA GBLO 2014-09-30 10:00:00 USNY FOLLOWING EUTA HKHK 2014-10-06 10.7000 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Option Average Rate""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-06-24T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2008-01-11 FxAccrualOption USD GBP 7000000.00 GBP GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Option Average Rate"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-06-24T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2008-01-11 FxAccrualOption USD GBP 7000000.00 GBP GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Option Average Rate""","### Response: 1FED 10:00:00 USNY AtOrAbove 1.995 Below 1.995 2 2008-01-11 2008-06-30 Business USNY 21 2008-06-30 14:00:00 USNY FOLLOWING GBLO USNY 2008-07-02 1.995 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Option Average Rate"" ### Response: 1FED
10:00:00 USNY
AtOrAbove 1.995 Below 1.995 2 2008-01-11 2008-06-30 Business USNY 21
2008-06-30 14:00:00 USNY FOLLOWING GBLO USNY 2008-07-02 1.995 PutCurrencyPerCallCurrency " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Option Average Rate""","### Response: 3508771.93 USD GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters 1FED 10:00:00 USNY 2008-01-11 2008-06-30 Business USNY Arithmetic 4 2008-01-15 NONE USD 155000
549300SRLRVTR996F086 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Option Average Rate"" ### Response: 3508771.93 USD
GBP USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters 1FED 10:00:00 USNY 2008-01-11 2008-06-30 Business USNY Arithmetic 4 2008-01-15 NONE USD 155000
549300SRLRVTR996F086 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Digital Option American""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-06-24T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-06-24 FxAccrualDigitalOption 100000.00 HKD EUR HKD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Digital Option American"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2014-06-24T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2014-06-24 FxAccrualDigitalOption 100000.00 HKD EUR HKD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Digital Option American""","### Response: DEFR Above 10.7500 2014-06-25 2014-09-30 Business EUTA HKHK 70 FOLLOWING EUTA HKHK 2014-09-30 10:00:00 USNY FOLLOWING EUTA HKHK 2014-10-06 AtOrAbove ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Digital Option American"" ### Response: DEFR
Above 10.7500 2014-06-25 2014-09-30 Business EUTA HKHK 70
FOLLOWING EUTA HKHK 2014-09-30 10:00:00 USNY FOLLOWING EUTA HKHK 2014-10-06 AtOrAbove " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Range Accrual European""","### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2012-12-08T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2012-12-08 FxRangeAccrual 420000.00 EUR EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 EUTA","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Range Accrual European"" ### Response:
FX456a789b EXECSRV PARTYA 2012-12-08T08:57:00Z
false 12345 2012-12-08 FxRangeAccrual 420000.00 EUR EUR USD Currency2PerCurrency1 Reuters ECB37 14:15:00 EUTA" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""FX Accrual Range Accrual European""","### Response: AtOrAbove 1.30 AtOrBelow 1.35 2012-12-08 2013-01-07 Business EUTA 21 2013-01-07 10:00:00 USNY FOLLOWING EUTA 2013-01-09 2012-12-10 NONE EUR 50000.00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""FX Accrual Range Accrual European"" ### Response:
AtOrAbove 1.30 AtOrBelow 1.35 2012-12-08 2013-01-07 Business EUTA 21
2013-01-07 10:00:00 USNY FOLLOWING EUTA 2013-01-09 2012-12-10 NONE EUR 50000.00
" "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""Term Deposit Simple Term DepositABN Amro pays 4% CHF fixed rate loan on ACT/360 basis a for 25 million Deposit from Midland starting February 14, 2002 and maturing February 15, 2002. ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Midland with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX87653 ABNANL2A MIDLGB22 2001-12-04T08:57:00Z
false FX65431 1 MB87623 AA9876 2002-02-14 TermDeposit 2002-02-14 2002-02-15 CHF 25000000.00 0.04ACT/360 TR24TWEY5RVRQV65HD49 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""Term Deposit Simple Term DepositABN Amro pays 4% CHF fixed rate loan on ACT/360 basis a for 25 million Deposit from Midland starting February 14, 2002 and maturing February 15, 2002. ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Midland with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX87653 ABNANL2A MIDLGB22 2001-12-04T08:57:00Z
false FX65431 1 MB87623 AA9876 2002-02-14 TermDeposit 2002-02-14 2002-02-15 CHF 25000000.00 0.04ACT/360 TR24TWEY5RVRQV65HD49 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""Term Deposit Term Deposit with Settlement InstructionsABN Amro pays 4% CHF fixed rate loan on ACT/360 basis a for 25 million Deposit from Midland starting February 14, 2002 and maturing February 15, 2002. This example also demonstrates setting explicit settlement instructions for each cash flow. ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Midland with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response:
FX87653 ABNANL2A MIDLGB22 2001-12-04T08:57:00Z
false FX65431 1 MB87623 AA9876 2002-02-14 TermDeposit 2002-02-14 2002-02-15 CHF 25000000.00 0.04ACT/360 CHF 2777.77 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""Term Deposit Term Deposit with Settlement InstructionsABN Amro pays 4% CHF fixed rate loan on ACT/360 basis a for 25 million Deposit from Midland starting February 14, 2002 and maturing February 15, 2002. This example also demonstrates setting explicit settlement instructions for each cash flow. ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Midland with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response:
FX87653 ABNANL2A MIDLGB22 2001-12-04T08:57:00Z
false FX65431 1 MB87623 AA9876 2002-02-14 TermDeposit 2002-02-14 2002-02-15 CHF 25000000.00 0.04ACT/360 CHF 2777.77 " "category: ""fx-derivatives""",,"description: ""Term Deposit Term Deposit with Settlement InstructionsABN Amro pays 4% CHF fixed rate loan on ACT/360 basis a for 25 million Deposit from Midland starting February 14, 2002 and maturing February 15, 2002. This example also demonstrates setting explicit settlement instructions for each cash flow. ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Midland with the details of the confirmation.""","### Response: CHF 25000000 Initial Principal Payment ABNANL2A CHF 2777.77 Interest Payment MIDLAND CHF 25000000 Final Principal Payment MIDLGB22 TR24TWEY5RVRQV65HD49 MIDLAND ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""fx-derivatives"" description: ""Term Deposit Term Deposit with Settlement InstructionsABN Amro pays 4% CHF fixed rate loan on ACT/360 basis a for 25 million Deposit from Midland starting February 14, 2002 and maturing February 15, 2002. This example also demonstrates setting explicit settlement instructions for each cash flow. ABN Amro sends a TradeConfirmed message to Midland with the details of the confirmation."" ### Response: CHF 25000000 Initial Principal Payment ABNANL2A
CHF 2777.77 Interest Payment MIDLAND CHF 25000000 Final Principal Payment MIDLGB22
TR24TWEY5RVRQV65HD49 MIDLAND " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year with Interpolation""","### Response:
GW:2W81Q117 BGIAGB2L WSSOGB2L 2004-06-23T06:55:42+05:00
false 1234556 1 E2000098N10184 1234 2003-11-15 2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2007-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year with Interpolation"" ### Response:
GW:2W81Q117 BGIAGB2L WSSOGB2L 2004-06-23T06:55:42+05:00
false 1234556 1 E2000098N10184 1234 2003-11-15 2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2007-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year with Interpolation""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2003-11-12 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 Y 20 1 Y 2004-11-20 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 EUR 0.01 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year with Interpolation"" ### Response:
1 Y 2004-11-20 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 EUR 0.01 " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year with Interpolation""","### Response: 30/360
2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2007-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2003-11-12 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3 M 20 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year with Interpolation"" ### Response: 30/360 2003-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2007-11-20 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2003-11-12 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3 M 20 1 " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year with Interpolation""","### Response: Y 2004-11-20 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA -2 D Business NONE EUTA 3 M MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 EUR UK-RPI 1 Y 2 M","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Year on Year with Interpolation"" ### Response: Y 2004-11-20 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA -2 D Business NONE EUTA 3 M MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 EUR UK-RPI 1 Y 2 M" "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: 43660124A 43660133A 187355008-2 2022-06-13 InterestRateSwap 2022-06-13 NONE 2025-07-01 NONE NONE 1 T NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: 43660124A 43660133A 187355008-2 2022-06-13 InterestRateSwap 2022-06-13 NONE 2025-07-01 NONE NONE 1 T NONE " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business FOLLOWING BRBD USNY 0 D PRECEDING BRBD 1 T NONE 474045351.35 BRL BRL-IPCA 0.0129 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business FOLLOWING BRBD USNY 0 D PRECEDING BRBD 1 T NONE 474045351.35 BRL BRL-IPCA 0.0129 " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: -1 M BZSXPRTA None false BUS/252 USD BRL 2025-06-30 PRECEDING BRBD USNY BRL.PTAX/BRL09 2022-06-13 NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: -1 M BZSXPRTA None false BUS/252 USD BRL 2025-06-30 PRECEDING BRBD USNY BRL.PTAX/BRL09 2022-06-13 NONE " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: 2025-07-01 NONE NONE 1 T NONE 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business FOLLOWING BRBD USNY 0 D PRECEDING BRBD 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: 2025-07-01 NONE NONE 1 T NONE 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business FOLLOWING BRBD USNY 0 D PRECEDING BRBD 1 " "category: ""inflation-swaps""",,"description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon""","### Response: T NONE 474045351.35 BRL BRL-CDI BUS/252 USD BRL 2025-06-30 PRECEDING BRBD USNY BRL.PTAX/BRL09
549300ABANKV6BYQOWM67 AAA International","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""inflation-swaps"" description: ""Inflation Swap - Zero Coupon"" ### Response: T NONE 474045351.35 BRL BRL-CDI BUS/252 USD BRL 2025-06-30 PRECEDING BRBD USNY BRL.PTAX/BRL09
549300ABANKV6BYQOWM67 AAA International" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate SwapNote the following:""","### Response: FpML-test-1 2018-11-06 InterestRate:IRSwap:FixedFloat 64209462 2018-11-06 MODFOLLOWING SEST 2023-11-06 MODFOLLOWING SEST MODFOLLOWING SEST ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate SwapNote the following:"" ### Response: FpML-test-1 2018-11-06 InterestRate:IRSwap:FixedFloat 64209462 2018-11-06 MODFOLLOWING SEST 2023-11-06 MODFOLLOWING SEST MODFOLLOWING SEST " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate SwapNote the following:""","### Response: 3 M 6 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING SEST CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE SEST 3 M MODFOLLOWING SEST 10000000 SEK","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate SwapNote the following:"" ### Response: 3 M 6 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING SEST CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE SEST 3 M MODFOLLOWING SEST 10000000 SEK" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate SwapNote the following:""","### Response: SEK-STIBOR-SIDE 3 M ACT/360 2018-11-06 MODFOLLOWING SEST 2023-11-06 MODFOLLOWING SEST MODFOLLOWING SEST 1 Y 6 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate SwapNote the following:"" ### Response: SEK-STIBOR-SIDE 3 M ACT/360 2018-11-06 MODFOLLOWING SEST 2023-11-06 MODFOLLOWING SEST MODFOLLOWING SEST 1 Y 6 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap""","description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: TW9235 SW2000 1994-12-12 1994-12-14 NONE 1999-12-14 MODFOLLOWING DEFR MODFOLLOWING 6 M 14 6","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap"" description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: TW9235 SW2000 1994-12-12 1994-12-14 NONE 1999-12-14 MODFOLLOWING DEFR MODFOLLOWING 6 M 14 6" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap""","description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 6 M MODFOLLOWING 50000000.00 EUR EUR-LIBOR-BBA 6 M ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap"" description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 6 M MODFOLLOWING 50000000.00 EUR EUR-LIBOR-BBA 6 M ACT/360 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap""","description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 1994-12-14 NONE 1999-12-14 MODFOLLOWING MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 14 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING 50000000.00 EUR 0.06 30E/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap"" description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 1994-12-14 NONE 1999-12-14 MODFOLLOWING MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 14 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING 50000000.00 EUR 0.06 30E/360 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Compounding, Payment Delay and Final Rate Rounding""","description: ""On 25 April, 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and JPMorgan enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 56323 56990 2000-04-25 2000-04-27 NONE 2002-04-27 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING 3 M 27 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Compounding, Payment Delay and Final Rate Rounding"" description: ""On 25 April, 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and JPMorgan enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 56323 56990 2000-04-25 2000-04-27 NONE 2002-04-27 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING 3 M 27 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Compounding, Payment Delay and Final Rate Rounding""","description: ""On 25 April, 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and JPMorgan enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 5 D Business MODFOLLOWING CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000.00 USD USD-LIBOR-BBA 3 M ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Compounding, Payment Delay and Final Rate Rounding"" description: ""On 25 April, 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and JPMorgan enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 5 D Business MODFOLLOWING CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000.00 USD USD-LIBOR-BBA 3 M " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Compounding, Payment Delay and Final Rate Rounding""","description: ""On 25 April, 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and JPMorgan enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: Nearest 7 ACT/360 Flat true 2000-11-03 2000-04-27 2000-07-27 100000000.00 2000-04-25 1 2000-07-27 2000-10-27 100000000.00 2000-07-25 1 2001-05-04 2000-10-27 2001-01-29 100000000.00 2000-10-25 1 2001-01-29","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Compounding, Payment Delay and Final Rate Rounding"" description: ""On 25 April, 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and JPMorgan enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: Nearest 7 ACT/360 Flat true 2000-11-03 2000-04-27 2000-07-27 100000000.00 2000-04-25 1 2000-07-27 2000-10-27 100000000.00 2000-07-25 1 2001-05-04 2000-10-27 2001-01-29 100000000.00 2000-10-25 1 2001-01-29" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Compounding, Payment Delay and Final Rate Rounding""","description: ""On 25 April, 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and JPMorgan enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 2001-04-27 100000000.00 2001-01-25 1 2001-11-05 2001-04-27 2001-07-27 100000000.00 2001-04-25 1 2001-07-27 2001-10-29 100000000.00 2001-07-25 1 2002-05-06 2001-10-29 2002-01-29 100000000.00 2001-10-25 1 2002-01-29 2002-04-29","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Compounding, Payment Delay and Final Rate Rounding"" description: ""On 25 April, 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and JPMorgan enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 2001-04-27 100000000.00 2001-01-25 1 2001-11-05 2001-04-27 2001-07-27 100000000.00 2001-04-25 1 2001-07-27 2001-10-29 100000000.00 2001-07-25 1 2002-05-06 2001-10-29 2002-01-29 100000000.00 2001-10-25 1 2002-01-29 2002-04-29" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Compounding, Payment Delay and Final Rate Rounding""","description: ""On 25 April, 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and JPMorgan enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 100000000.00 2002-01-25 1 2000-04-27 NONE 2002-04-27 MODFOLLOWING MODFOLLOWING 6 M 27 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 5 D Business MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Compounding, Payment Delay and Final Rate Rounding"" description: ""On 25 April, 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and JPMorgan enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 100000000.00 2002-01-25 1 2000-04-27 NONE 2002-04-27 MODFOLLOWING MODFOLLOWING 6 M 27 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 5 D Business MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Compounding, Payment Delay and Final Rate Rounding""","description: ""On 25 April, 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and JPMorgan enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 100000000.00 USD 0.0585 30/360 true 2000-11-03 2000-04-27 2000-10-27 100000000.00 0.0585 2001-05-04 2000-10-27 2001-04-27 100000000.00 0.0585 2001-11-05 2001-04-27 2001-10-29 100000000.00 0.0585 2002-05-06 2001-10-29 2002-04-29 100000000.00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Compounding, Payment Delay and Final Rate Rounding"" description: ""On 25 April, 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and JPMorgan enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 100000000.00 USD 0.0585 30/360 true 2000-11-03 2000-04-27 2000-10-27 100000000.00 0.0585 2001-05-04 2000-10-27 2001-04-27 100000000.00 0.0585 2001-11-05 2001-04-27 2001-10-29 100000000.00 0.0585 2002-05-06 2001-10-29 2002-04-29 100000000.00 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Arrears Reset, Step-Up Coupon and Upfront FeeNote the following:""","### Response: FpML-test-4 2018-11-14 InterestRate:IRSwap:FixedFloat 64209465 2018-11-15 MODFOLLOWING USNY 2020-11-15 MODFOLLOWING USNY MODFOLLOWING USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Arrears Reset, Step-Up Coupon and Upfront FeeNote the following:"" ### Response: FpML-test-4 2018-11-14 InterestRate:IRSwap:FixedFloat 64209465 2018-11-15 MODFOLLOWING USNY 2020-11-15 MODFOLLOWING USNY MODFOLLOWING USNY " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Arrears Reset, Step-Up Coupon and Upfront FeeNote the following:""","### Response: 3 M 15 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING USNY CalculationPeriodEndDate 0 D Business NONE USGS 3 M MODFOLLOWING USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Arrears Reset, Step-Up Coupon and Upfront FeeNote the following:"" ### Response: 3 M 15 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING USNY CalculationPeriodEndDate 0 D Business NONE USGS 3 M MODFOLLOWING USNY " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Arrears Reset, Step-Up Coupon and Upfront FeeNote the following:""","### Response: 86000000 USD USD-SOFR-COMPOUND 3 M 0 30/360 2018-11-15 NONE USNY 2020-11-15 NONE USNY NONE USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Arrears Reset, Step-Up Coupon and Upfront FeeNote the following:"" ### Response: 86000000 USD USD-SOFR-COMPOUND 3 M 0 30/360 2018-11-15 NONE USNY 2020-11-15 NONE USNY NONE USNY " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Arrears Reset, Step-Up Coupon and Upfront FeeNote the following:""","### Response: 6 M 15 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING USNY 86000000 USD 0.013 2019-05-15 0.015 2019-11-15 0.017 2020-05-15 0.019 ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Arrears Reset, Step-Up Coupon and Upfront FeeNote the following:"" ### Response: 6 M 15 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING USNY 86000000 USD 0.013 2019-05-15 0.015 2019-11-15 0.017 2020-05-15 0.019 ACT/360 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Arrears Reset, Step-Up Coupon and Upfront Fee""","description: ""On 25 April, 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and JPMorgan enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 56323 56990 2000-04-25 2000-04-27 NONE 2002-04-27 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING 3 M 27 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Arrears Reset, Step-Up Coupon and Upfront Fee"" description: ""On 25 April, 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and JPMorgan enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 56323 56990 2000-04-25 2000-04-27 NONE 2002-04-27 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING 3 M 27 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Arrears Reset, Step-Up Coupon and Upfront Fee""","description: ""On 25 April, 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and JPMorgan enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING CalculationPeriodEndDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000.00 USD USD-LIBOR-BBA 3 M ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Arrears Reset, Step-Up Coupon and Upfront Fee"" description: ""On 25 April, 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and JPMorgan enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING CalculationPeriodEndDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000.00 USD USD-LIBOR-BBA 3 M ACT/360 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Arrears Reset, Step-Up Coupon and Upfront Fee""","description: ""On 25 April, 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and JPMorgan enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 2000-04-27 NONE 2002-04-27 MODFOLLOWING NONE 6 M 27 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING 100000000.00 USD 0.06 2001-04-27 0.065 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Arrears Reset, Step-Up Coupon and Upfront Fee"" description: ""On 25 April, 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and JPMorgan enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 2000-04-27 NONE 2002-04-27 MODFOLLOWING NONE 6 M 27 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING 100000000.00 USD 0.06 2001-04-27 0.065 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Long Initial Stub and Short Final StubNote the following:""","### Response: FpML-test-5 2019-02-28 InterestRate:IRSwap:FixedFloat 64209466 2018-03-01 MODFOLLOWING JPTO 2024-02-29 MODFOLLOWING JPTO MODFOLLOWING JPTO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Long Initial Stub and Short Final StubNote the following:"" ### Response: FpML-test-5 2019-02-28 InterestRate:IRSwap:FixedFloat 64209466 2018-03-01 MODFOLLOWING JPTO 2024-02-29 MODFOLLOWING JPTO MODFOLLOWING JPTO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Long Initial Stub and Short Final StubNote the following:""","### Response: 2018-06-29 2023-12-29 3 M 29 3 M 2018-06-29 2023-12-29 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING JPTO CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE JPTO 3 M MODFOLLOWING JPTO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Long Initial Stub and Short Final StubNote the following:"" ### Response: 2018-06-29 2023-12-29 3 M 29 3 M 2018-06-29 2023-12-29 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING JPTO CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE JPTO 3 M MODFOLLOWING JPTO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Long Initial Stub and Short Final StubNote the following:""","### Response: 6000000000 JPY JPY-TIBOR-DTIBOR 3 M 0.0005 0.0008615 ACT/365.FIXED JPY-TIBOR-DTIBOR JPY-TIBOR-DTIBOR 2018-03-01 MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Long Initial Stub and Short Final StubNote the following:"" ### Response: 6000000000 JPY JPY-TIBOR-DTIBOR 3 M 0.0005 0.0008615 ACT/365.FIXED JPY-TIBOR-DTIBOR JPY-TIBOR-DTIBOR 2018-03-01 MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Long Initial Stub and Short Final StubNote the following:""","### Response: JPTO 2024-02-29 MODFOLLOWING JPTO MODFOLLOWING JPTO 2018-06-29 2023-12-29 3 M 29 3 M 2018-06-29 2023-12-29 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING JPTO 6000000000 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Long Initial Stub and Short Final StubNote the following:"" ### Response: JPTO 2024-02-29 MODFOLLOWING JPTO MODFOLLOWING JPTO 2018-06-29 2023-12-29 3 M 29 3 M 2018-06-29 2023-12-29 CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING JPTO 6000000000 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Long Initial Stub and Short Final Stub""","description: ""On 3 April, 2000 Chase and UBS Warburg enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 921934 204334 2000-04-03 2000-04-05 NONE 2005-01-05 FOLLOWING EUTA FOLLOWING 2000-03-05 NONE 2000-10-05 2004-10-05 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Long Initial Stub and Short Final Stub"" description: ""On 3 April, 2000 Chase and UBS Warburg enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 921934 204334 2000-04-03 2000-04-05 NONE 2005-01-05 FOLLOWING EUTA FOLLOWING 2000-03-05 NONE 2000-10-05 2004-10-05 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Long Initial Stub and Short Final Stub""","description: ""On 3 April, 2000 Chase and UBS Warburg enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 6 M 5 6 M 2000-10-05 CalculationPeriodEndDate FOLLOWING CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M FOLLOWING 75000000.00 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Long Initial Stub and Short Final Stub"" description: ""On 3 April, 2000 Chase and UBS Warburg enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 6 M 5 6 M 2000-10-05 CalculationPeriodEndDate FOLLOWING CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M FOLLOWING 75000000.00 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Long Initial Stub and Short Final Stub""","description: ""On 3 April, 2000 Chase and UBS Warburg enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 6 M 0.001 ACT/360 0.05125 EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 3 M 2000-04-05 NONE 2005-01-05 FOLLOWING FOLLOWING 2000-03-05 NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency Interest Rate Swap with Long Initial Stub and Short Final Stub"" description: ""On 3 April, 2000 Chase and UBS Warburg enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 6 M 0.001 ACT/360 0.05125 EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 3 M 2000-04-05 NONE 2005-01-05 FOLLOWING FOLLOWING 2000-03-05 NONE " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate SwapNote the following:""","### Response: FpML-test-6 2018-09-09 InterestRate:CrossCurrency:FixedFloat 64209467 2018-09-10 NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 2023-09-10 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate SwapNote the following:"" ### Response: FpML-test-6 2018-09-09 InterestRate:CrossCurrency:FixedFloat 64209467 2018-09-10 NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 2023-09-10 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate SwapNote the following:""","### Response: JPTO NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 3 M 10 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate SwapNote the following:"" ### Response: JPTO NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 3 M 10 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate SwapNote the following:""","### Response: GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 121700000 USD USD-LIBOR-BBA 3 M 0 1.2 ACT/360 Flat true true false ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate SwapNote the following:"" ### Response: GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 121700000 USD USD-LIBOR-BBA 3 M 0 1.2 ACT/360 Flat true true false " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate SwapNote the following:""","### Response: false 2018-09-10 -121700000 2023-09-10 121700000 2018-09-10 NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 2023-09-10 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO NONE","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate SwapNote the following:"" ### Response: false 2018-09-10 -121700000 2023-09-10 121700000 2018-09-10 NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 2023-09-10 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO NONE" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate SwapNote the following:""","### Response: GBLO USNY JPTO 6 M 10 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 100500000 JPY -0.00385 ACT/365.FIXED ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate SwapNote the following:"" ### Response: GBLO USNY JPTO 6 M 10 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 100500000 JPY -0.00385 ACT/365.FIXED " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap""","description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA cross-currency swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: TW9235 SW2000 1994-12-12 1994-12-14 NONE 1999-12-14 MODFOLLOWING GBLO JPTO USNY MODFOLLOWING 6 M ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap"" description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA cross-currency swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: TW9235 SW2000 1994-12-12 1994-12-14 NONE 1999-12-14 MODFOLLOWING GBLO JPTO USNY MODFOLLOWING 6 M " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap""","description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA cross-currency swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 14 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 6 M MODFOLLOWING 10000000.00 USD USD-LIBOR-BBA 6 M ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap"" description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA cross-currency swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 14 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 6 M MODFOLLOWING 10000000.00 USD USD-LIBOR-BBA 6 M " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap""","description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA cross-currency swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: ACT/360 true true false true 1994-12-14 -10000000.00 1999-12-14 10000000.00 1995-06-14 1994-12-14 1995-06-14 10000000.00 1994-12-12 1 1995-12-14 1995-06-14 1995-12-14 10000000.00 1995-06-12 1 1996-06-14","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap"" description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA cross-currency swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: ACT/360 true true false true 1994-12-14 -10000000.00 1999-12-14 10000000.00 1995-06-14 1994-12-14 1995-06-14 10000000.00 1994-12-12 1 1995-12-14 1995-06-14 1995-12-14 10000000.00 1995-06-12 1 1996-06-14" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap""","description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA cross-currency swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 1995-12-14 1996-06-14 10000000.00 1995-12-12 1 1996-12-16 1996-06-14 1996-12-16 10000000.00 1996-06-12 1 1997-06-16 1996-12-16 1997-06-16 10000000.00 1996-12-12 1 1997-12-15 1997-06-16 1997-12-15 10000000.00 1997-06-12 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap"" description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA cross-currency swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 1995-12-14 1996-06-14 10000000.00 1995-12-12 1 1996-12-16 1996-06-14 1996-12-16 10000000.00 1996-06-12 1 1997-06-16 1996-12-16 1997-06-16 10000000.00 1996-12-12 1 1997-12-15 1997-06-16 1997-12-15 10000000.00 1997-06-12 1 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap""","description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA cross-currency swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 1998-06-15 1997-12-15 1998-06-15 10000000.00 1997-12-11 1 1998-12-14 1998-06-15 1998-12-14 10000000.00 1998-06-11 1 1999-06-14 1998-12-14 1999-06-14 10000000.00 1998-12-10 1 1999-12-14 1999-06-14 1999-12-14 10000000.00","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap"" description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA cross-currency swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 1998-06-15 1997-12-15 1998-06-15 10000000.00 1997-12-11 1 1998-12-14 1998-06-15 1998-12-14 10000000.00 1998-06-11 1 1999-06-14 1998-12-14 1999-06-14 10000000.00 1998-12-10 1 1999-12-14 1999-06-14 1999-12-14 10000000.00" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap""","description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA cross-currency swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 1999-06-10 1 1994-12-14 NONE 1999-12-14 MODFOLLOWING MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 14 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING 1000000000.00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap"" description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA cross-currency swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 1999-06-10 1 1994-12-14 NONE 1999-12-14 MODFOLLOWING MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 14 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING 1000000000.00 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap""","description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA cross-currency swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: JPY 0.06 30E/360 true true false true 1994-12-14 -1000000000.00 1999-12-14 1000000000.00 1995-12-14 1994-12-14 1995-12-14 1000000000.00 0.06 1996-12-16 1995-12-14 1996-12-16 1000000000.00 0.06 1997-12-15 1996-12-16 1997-12-15 1000000000.00 0.06","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap"" description: ""On 12 December, 1994 Chase New York and Barclays Bank London enter into an ISDA cross-currency swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: JPY 0.06 30E/360 true true false true 1994-12-14 -1000000000.00 1999-12-14 1000000000.00 1995-12-14 1994-12-14 1995-12-14 1000000000.00 0.06 1996-12-16 1995-12-14 1996-12-16 1000000000.00 0.06 1997-12-15 1996-12-16 1997-12-15 1000000000.00 0.06" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)Note the following:""","### Response: FpML-test-7 2018-11-15 InterestRate:IRSwap:FixedFloat:OIS 64209468 2018-11-16 NONE EUTA 2023-11-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)Note the following:"" ### Response: FpML-test-7 2018-11-15 InterestRate:IRSwap:FixedFloat:OIS 64209468 2018-11-16 NONE EUTA 2023-11-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)Note the following:""","### Response: 12 M 16 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodEndDate 0 D Business NONE EUTA 12 M MODFOLLOWING EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)Note the following:"" ### Response: 12 M 16 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodEndDate 0 D Business NONE EUTA 12 M MODFOLLOWING EUTA " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)Note the following:""","### Response: 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA-OIS-COMPOUND 12 M 0 ACT/360 Flat 2018-11-16 NONE EUTA 2023-11-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)Note the following:"" ### Response: 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA-OIS-COMPOUND 12 M 0 ACT/360 Flat 2018-11-16 NONE EUTA 2023-11-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)Note the following:""","### Response: EUTA 5 Y 16 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR 0.002 ACT/360 549300ABANKV6BYQOWM67 A BANK(""ABANK"") 529900CPTY57S5UCBB52","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)Note the following:"" ### Response: EUTA 5 Y 16 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR 0.002 ACT/360 549300ABANKV6BYQOWM67 A BANK(""ABANK"") 529900CPTY57S5UCBB52" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)""","### Response: FpML-test-7b 2023-02-14 2023-03-01 NONE 2024-12-31 MODFOLLOWING USNY MODFOLLOWING USNY 2023-12-31 ShortInitial 1 Y EOM ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)"" ### Response: FpML-test-7b 2023-02-14 2023-03-01 NONE 2024-12-31 MODFOLLOWING USNY MODFOLLOWING USNY 2023-12-31 ShortInitial 1 Y EOM " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)""","### Response: 1 Y 2023-12-31 CalculationPeriodEndDate 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING USNY CalculationPeriodEndDate 0 D PRECEDING USGS 1 Y MODFOLLOWING USNY 1200000 USD ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)"" ### Response: 1 Y 2023-12-31 CalculationPeriodEndDate 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING USNY CalculationPeriodEndDate 0 D PRECEDING USGS 1 Y MODFOLLOWING USNY 1200000 USD " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)""","### Response: USD-SOFR-COMPOUND ACT/360 USD-SOFR-COMPOUND 2023-03-01 NONE 2024-12-31 MODFOLLOWING USNY MODFOLLOWING USNY 2023-12-31 ShortInitial 1 Y EOM ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)"" ### Response: USD-SOFR-COMPOUND ACT/360 USD-SOFR-COMPOUND 2023-03-01 NONE 2024-12-31 MODFOLLOWING USNY MODFOLLOWING USNY 2023-12-31 ShortInitial 1 Y EOM " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)""","### Response: 1 Y 2023-12-31 CalculationPeriodEndDate 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING USNY 1200000 USD 0.005 ACT/360 ISDA ISDA2006 549300ABANKV6BYQOWM67 A BANK(""ABANK"") 529900CPTY57S5UCBB52","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)"" ### Response: 1 Y 2023-12-31 CalculationPeriodEndDate 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING USNY 1200000 USD 0.005 ACT/360 ISDA ISDA2006 549300ABANKV6BYQOWM67 A BANK(""ABANK"") 529900CPTY57S5UCBB52" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)""","### Response: FpML-test-7c 2023-02-16 2023-02-16 NONE 2033-02-16 MODFOLLOWING GBLO MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1 Y 16 1 Y","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)"" ### Response: FpML-test-7c 2023-02-16 2023-02-16 NONE 2033-02-16 MODFOLLOWING GBLO MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1 Y 16 1 Y" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)""","### Response: CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO CalculationPeriodEndDate 0 D PRECEDING GBLO 1 Y MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1100000 GBP GBP-SONIA-OIS Compound ACT/365.FIXED ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)"" ### Response: CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO CalculationPeriodEndDate 0 D PRECEDING GBLO 1 Y MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1100000 GBP GBP-SONIA-OIS Compound ACT/365.FIXED " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)""","### Response: 2023-02-16 NONE 2033-02-16 MODFOLLOWING GBLO MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1 Y 16 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)"" ### Response: 2023-02-16 NONE 2033-02-16 MODFOLLOWING GBLO MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1 Y 16 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)""","description: ""On 25 January, 2001 Citibank and Mizuho Capital enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: TRN12000 TRN13000 2001-01-25 2001-01-29 NONE 2001-04-29 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 T NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)"" description: ""On 25 January, 2001 Citibank and Mizuho Capital enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: TRN12000 TRN13000 2001-01-25 2001-01-29 NONE 2001-04-29 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 T NONE " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)""","description: ""On 25 January, 2001 Citibank and Mizuho Capital enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING CalculationPeriodEndDate 0 D PRECEDING EUTA 1 T MODFOLLOWING 100000000.00 EUR EUR-EONIA-OIS-COMPOUND ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)"" description: ""On 25 January, 2001 Citibank and Mizuho Capital enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING CalculationPeriodEndDate 0 D PRECEDING EUTA 1 T MODFOLLOWING 100000000.00 EUR EUR-EONIA-OIS-COMPOUND ACT/360 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)""","description: ""On 25 January, 2001 Citibank and Mizuho Capital enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 2001-01-29 NONE 2001-04-29 MODFOLLOWING MODFOLLOWING 1 T NONE 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING 100000000.00 EUR 0.051 ACT/360","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Overnight Interest Rate Swap (OIS)"" description: ""On 25 January, 2001 Citibank and Mizuho Capital enter into an ISDA swap agreement with each other. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 2001-01-29 NONE 2001-04-29 MODFOLLOWING MODFOLLOWING 1 T NONE 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING 100000000.00 EUR 0.051 ACT/360" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Forward Rate AgreementNote the following:""","### Response: FpML-test-8 2019-01-14 InterestRate:FRA 64209469 2019-01-14 2019-06-13 2019-01-14 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY -2 D Business NONE GBLO ACT/360 150 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Forward Rate AgreementNote the following:"" ### Response: FpML-test-8 2019-01-14 InterestRate:FRA 64209469 2019-01-14 2019-06-13 2019-01-14 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY -2 D Business NONE GBLO ACT/360 150 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Forward Rate Agreement""","description: ""On 14 May, 1991 ABN AMRO Bank and Midland Bank enter a Forward Rate Agreement in which ABN AMRO is the seller of the notional contract amount and Midland the buyer. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: MB87623 AA9876 1991-05-14 1991-07-17 1992-01-17 1991-07-17 FOLLOWING CHZU -2 D Business NONE GBLO ACT/360 184 CHF 25000000.00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Forward Rate Agreement"" description: ""On 14 May, 1991 ABN AMRO Bank and Midland Bank enter a Forward Rate Agreement in which ABN AMRO is the seller of the notional contract amount and Midland the buyer. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: MB87623 AA9876 1991-05-14 1991-07-17 1992-01-17 1991-07-17 FOLLOWING CHZU -2 D Business NONE GBLO ACT/360 184 CHF 25000000.00 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Explicit Underlying Effective DateNote the following:""","### Response: FpML-test-9 2018-09-17 InterestRate:Option:Swaption 64209470 EUR 5000 2018-09-19 MODFOLLOWING EUTA PremiumAmount 2019-09-17 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 00:00:00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Explicit Underlying Effective DateNote the following:"" ### Response: FpML-test-9 2018-09-17 InterestRate:Option:Swaption 64209470 EUR 5000 2018-09-19 MODFOLLOWING EUTA PremiumAmount 2019-09-17 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 00:00:00 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Explicit Underlying Effective DateNote the following:""","### Response: BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR true false false InterestRate:CrossCurrency:FixedFloat 2019-09-19 NONE EUTA 2029-09-19 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Explicit Underlying Effective DateNote the following:"" ### Response: BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR true false false InterestRate:CrossCurrency:FixedFloat 2019-09-19 NONE EUTA 2029-09-19 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Explicit Underlying Effective DateNote the following:""","### Response: 6 M 19 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Explicit Underlying Effective DateNote the following:"" ### Response: 6 M 19 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING EUTA " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Explicit Underlying Effective DateNote the following:""","### Response: 10000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters 6 M 0 ACT/360 2019-09-19 NONE EUTA 2029-09-19 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Explicit Underlying Effective DateNote the following:"" ### Response: 10000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters 6 M 0 ACT/360 2019-09-19 NONE EUTA 2029-09-19 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Explicit Underlying Effective Date""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 123 123 2000-08-30 EUR 100000 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 2001-08-28 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO 09:00:00","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Explicit Underlying Effective Date"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 123 123 2000-08-30 EUR 100000 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 2001-08-28 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO 09:00:00" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Explicit Underlying Effective Date""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR GBLO true false 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Explicit Underlying Effective Date"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR GBLO true false 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Explicit Underlying Effective Date""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Explicit Underlying Effective Date"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Explicit Underlying Effective Date""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Explicit Underlying Effective Date"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Relative Underlying Effective Date""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 123 123 2000-08-30 EUR 100000 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 2001-08-28 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Relative Underlying Effective Date"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 123 123 2000-08-30 EUR 100000 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 2001-08-28 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Relative Underlying Effective Date""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 2 D Business NONE EUTA 09:00:00 BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR GBLO true false 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Relative Underlying Effective Date"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 2 D Business NONE EUTA 09:00:00 BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR GBLO true false 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Relative Underlying Effective Date""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Relative Underlying Effective Date"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Relative Underlying Effective Date""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Relative Underlying Effective Date"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Partial Exercise, Automatic Exercise""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 123 123 2000-08-30 EUR 100000 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 2001-08-28 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO 09:00:00","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Partial Exercise, Automatic Exercise"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 123 123 2000-08-30 EUR 100000 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 2001-08-28 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO 09:00:00" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Partial Exercise, Automatic Exercise""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: GBLO 11:00:00 GBLO 10000000 50000000 0.0002 true false 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Partial Exercise, Automatic Exercise"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: GBLO 11:00:00 GBLO 10000000 50000000 0.0002 true false 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Partial Exercise, Automatic Exercise""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Partial Exercise, Automatic Exercise"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Partial Exercise, Automatic Exercise""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Physical Settlement, Partial Exercise, Automatic Exercise"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settlement, Swaption Straddle""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 123 123 2000-08-30 EUR 100000 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 2001-08-28 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settlement, Swaption Straddle"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 123 123 2000-08-30 EUR 100000 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 2001-08-28 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settlement, Swaption Straddle""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 09:00:00 GBLO 11:00:00 GBLO BEBR true 11:00:00 BEBR 0 D NONE 2 D Business NONE EUTA ISDA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settlement, Swaption Straddle"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 09:00:00 GBLO 11:00:00 GBLO BEBR true 11:00:00 BEBR 0 D NONE 2 D Business NONE EUTA ISDA " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settlement, Swaption Straddle""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: Mid true 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settlement, Swaption Straddle"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: Mid true 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settlement, Swaption Straddle""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settlement, Swaption Straddle"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settlement, Swaption Straddle""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 6 M ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""European Swaption, Cash Settlement, Swaption Straddle"" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 6 M ACT/360 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Bermuda Swaption, Physical Settlement.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 123 123 2000-08-30 EUR 100000 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 2000-12-28 2001-04-28 2001-08-28 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Bermuda Swaption, Physical Settlement."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 123 123 2000-08-30 EUR 100000 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 2000-12-28 2001-04-28 2001-08-28 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Bermuda Swaption, Physical Settlement.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 2 D Business NONE EUTA GBLO 09:00:00 BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR GBLO true false 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Bermuda Swaption, Physical Settlement."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 2 D Business NONE EUTA GBLO 09:00:00 BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR GBLO true false 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Bermuda Swaption, Physical Settlement.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Bermuda Swaption, Physical Settlement."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Bermuda Swaption, Physical Settlement.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Bermuda Swaption, Physical Settlement."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""American Swaption, Physical Settlement.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 123 123 2000-08-30 EUR 100000 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""American Swaption, Physical Settlement."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 123 123 2000-08-30 EUR 100000 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""American Swaption, Physical Settlement.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 2002-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO 2 D Business NONE EUTA GBLO 09:00:00 EUTA 11:00:00 EUTA 11:00:00 EUTA GBLO true","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""American Swaption, Physical Settlement."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 2002-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO 2 D Business NONE EUTA GBLO 09:00:00 EUTA 11:00:00 EUTA 11:00:00 EUTA GBLO true" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""American Swaption, Physical Settlement.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: false 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""American Swaption, Physical Settlement."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: false 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""American Swaption, Physical Settlement.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""American Swaption, Physical Settlement."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""American Swaption, Physical Settlement.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 6 M ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""American Swaption, Physical Settlement."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 Party buys from PartyB an option to exercise into an underlying ISDA swap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 6 M ACT/360 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Mandatory Early Termination.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Mandatory Early Termination."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Mandatory Early Termination.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Mandatory Early Termination."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Mandatory Early Termination.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Mandatory Early Termination."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Mandatory Early Termination.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 6 M ACT/360 2001-08-30 FOLLOWING GBLO EUTA 11:00:00 BEBR -2 D Business NONE GBLO EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With Mandatory Early Termination."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 6 M ACT/360 2001-08-30 FOLLOWING GBLO EUTA 11:00:00 BEBR -2 D Business NONE GBLO EUTA " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Style Optional Early Termination.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Style Optional Early Termination."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Style Optional Early Termination.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Style Optional Early Termination."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Style Optional Early Termination.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Style Optional Early Termination."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Style Optional Early Termination.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 6 M ACT/360 -5 D Business NONE EUTA GBLO 09:00:00 BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR GBLO true NonExercisingParty 11:00:00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Style Optional Early Termination."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with early termination provision. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 6 M ACT/360 -5 D Business NONE EUTA GBLO 09:00:00 BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR GBLO true NonExercisingParty 11:00:00 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Cancelable Provision.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with Cancelable provision. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-08-30 NONE 2011-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Cancelable Provision."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with Cancelable provision. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-08-30 NONE 2011-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Cancelable Provision.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with Cancelable provision. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2011-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Cancelable Provision."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with Cancelable provision. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2011-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Cancelable Provision.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with Cancelable provision. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Cancelable Provision."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with Cancelable provision. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Cancelable Provision.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with Cancelable provision. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 6 M ACT/360 2006-08-15 FOLLOWING GBLO EUTA 2006-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 09:00:00 BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Cancelable Provision."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with Cancelable provision. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 6 M ACT/360 2006-08-15 FOLLOWING GBLO EUTA 2006-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 09:00:00 BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Extendible Provision.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with Extendible provision. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Extendible Provision."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with Extendible provision. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Extendible Provision.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with Extendible provision. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Extendible Provision."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with Extendible provision. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Extendible Provision.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with Extendible provision. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Extendible Provision."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with Extendible provision. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 6 M 30 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Extendible Provision.""","description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with Extendible provision. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 6 M ACT/360 2006-08-15 FOLLOWING GBLO EUTA 2011-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 09:00:00 BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating Single Currency IRS With European Extendible Provision."" description: ""On 30 August, 2000 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an ISDA swap with Extendible provision. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 6 M ACT/360 2006-08-15 FOLLOWING GBLO EUTA 2011-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 09:00:00 BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Interest Rate Cap""","description: ""On 29 April, 2001 PartyA sells to PartyB an interest rate cap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-06-30 NONE 2006-06-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO EUTA MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Interest Rate Cap"" description: ""On 29 April, 2001 PartyA sells to PartyB an interest rate cap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-06-30 NONE 2006-06-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO EUTA MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Interest Rate Cap""","description: ""On 29 April, 2001 PartyA sells to PartyB an interest rate cap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Interest Rate Cap"" description: ""On 29 April, 2001 PartyA sells to PartyB an interest rate cap. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Interest Rate Floor""","description: ""On 29 April, 2001 PartyA sells to PartyB an interest rate floor. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-06-30 NONE 2006-06-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO EUTA MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Interest Rate Floor"" description: ""On 29 April, 2001 PartyA sells to PartyB an interest rate floor. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-06-30 NONE 2006-06-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO EUTA MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Interest Rate Floor""","description: ""On 29 April, 2001 PartyA sells to PartyB an interest rate floor. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Interest Rate Floor"" description: ""On 29 April, 2001 PartyA sells to PartyB an interest rate floor. The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Interest Rate Collar""","description: ""On 29 April, 2001 PartyB sells to PartyA an interest rate collar (PartyA buys a cap and sells a floor). The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-06-30 NONE 2006-06-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO EUTA MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Interest Rate Collar"" description: ""On 29 April, 2001 PartyB sells to PartyA an interest rate collar (PartyA buys a cap and sells a floor). The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 2001-06-30 NONE 2006-06-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO EUTA MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Interest Rate Collar""","description: ""On 29 April, 2001 PartyB sells to PartyA an interest rate collar (PartyA buys a cap and sells a floor). The terms of the contract are: Note the following:""","### Response: 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Interest Rate Collar"" description: ""On 29 April, 2001 PartyB sells to PartyA an interest rate collar (PartyA buys a cap and sells a floor). The terms of the contract are: Note the following:"" ### Response: 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate""","description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 123 123 2001-01-09 2006-01-11 NONE 2011-01-11 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate"" description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 123 123 2001-01-09 2006-01-11 NONE 2011-01-11 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate""","description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: JPTO 6 M 11 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 1000000000 JPY 0.01 ACT/365.FIXED true true true ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate"" description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: JPTO 6 M 11 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 1000000000 JPY 0.01 ACT/365.FIXED true true true " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate""","description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 2006-01-11 NONE 2011-01-11 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 3 M 11 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate"" description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 2006-01-11 NONE 2011-01-11 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 3 M 11 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate""","description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: GBLO USNY JPTO CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO USD -2 D Business NONE","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate"" description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: GBLO USNY JPTO CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO USD -2 D Business NONE" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate""","description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: USNY JPTO BankOfJapan 17:00:00 JPTO 0 D NONE USD-LIBOR-BBA 3 M ACT/360 true true true Party A ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate"" description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into an FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: USNY JPTO BankOfJapan 17:00:00 JPTO 0 D NONE USD-LIBOR-BBA 3 M ACT/360 true true true Party A " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows.""","description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: 123 123 2001-01-09 2006-01-11 NONE 2011-01-11 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows."" description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: 123 123 2001-01-09 2006-01-11 NONE 2011-01-11 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows.""","description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: JPTO 6 M 11 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 1000000000 JPY 0.01 ACT/365.FIXED true true true true 2006-07-11","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows."" description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: JPTO 6 M 11 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 1000000000 JPY 0.01 ACT/365.FIXED true true true true 2006-07-11" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows.""","description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: 2006-01-11 2006-07-11 1000000000 0.01 2003-01-11 2006-07-11 2007-01-11 100000000 0.01 2007-07-11 2007-01-11 2007-07-11 1000000000 0.01 2008-01-11 2007-07-11 2008-01-11 100000000 0.01 2008-07-11 2008-01-11 2008-07-11 1000000000 0.01 2009-01-13 2008-07-11 2009-01-13 100000000 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows."" description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: 2006-01-11 2006-07-11 1000000000 0.01 2003-01-11 2006-07-11 2007-01-11 100000000 0.01 2007-07-11 2007-01-11 2007-07-11 1000000000 0.01 2008-01-11 2007-07-11 2008-01-11 100000000 0.01 2008-07-11 2008-01-11 2008-07-11 1000000000 0.01 2009-01-13 2008-07-11 2009-01-13 100000000 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows.""","description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: 0.01 2009-07-13 2009-01-13 2009-07-13 1000000000 0.01 2010-01-12 2009-07-13 2010-01-12 100000000 0.01 2010-07-11 2010-01-12 2010-07-11 1000000000 0.01 2011-01-11 2010-07-11 2011-01-11 100000000 0.01 2006-01-11 NONE 2011-01-11 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows."" description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: 0.01 2009-07-13 2009-01-13 2009-07-13 1000000000 0.01 2010-01-12 2009-07-13 2010-01-12 100000000 0.01 2010-07-11 2010-01-12 2010-07-11 1000000000 0.01 2011-01-11 2010-07-11 2011-01-11 100000000 0.01 2006-01-11 NONE 2011-01-11 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows.""","description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 3 M 11 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows."" description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 3 M 11 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows.""","description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO USD -2 D Business NONE USNY JPTO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows."" description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO USD -2 D Business NONE USNY JPTO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows.""","description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: BankOfJapan 17:00:00 JPTO 0 D NONE USD-LIBOR-BBA 3 M ACT/360 true true true true 2006-04-11 2006-01-11 2006-04-11 2006-01-09 2006-01-09","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows."" description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: BankOfJapan 17:00:00 JPTO 0 D NONE USD-LIBOR-BBA 3 M ACT/360 true true true true 2006-04-11 2006-01-11 2006-04-11 2006-01-09 2006-01-09" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows.""","description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: 1 2006-07-11 2006-04-11 2006-07-11 2006-04-07 2006-04-07 1 2006-10-11 2006-07-11 2006-04-11 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 1 2007-01-11 2006-10-11 2007-01-11 2006-10-09 2006-10-09 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows."" description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: 1 2006-07-11 2006-04-11 2006-07-11 2006-04-07 2006-04-07 1 2006-10-11 2006-07-11 2006-04-11 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 1 2007-01-11 2006-10-11 2007-01-11 2006-10-09 2006-10-09 1 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows.""","description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: 2007-04-11 2007-01-11 2007-04-11 2007-01-09 2007-01-09 1 2007-07-11 2007-04-11 2007-07-11 2007-04-07 2007-04-07 1 2007-10-11 2007-07-11 2007-04-11 2007-07-07 2007-07-07 1 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows."" description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: 2007-04-11 2007-01-11 2007-04-11 2007-01-09 2007-01-09 1 2007-07-11 2007-04-11 2007-07-11 2007-04-07 2007-04-07 1 2007-10-11 2007-07-11 2007-04-11 2007-07-07 2007-07-07 1 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows.""","description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: 2008-01-11 2007-10-11 2008-01-11 2007-10-09 2007-10-09 1 2008-04-11 2008-01-11 2008-04-11 2008-01-09 2008-01-09 1 2008-07-11 2008-04-11 2008-07-11 2008-04-07 2008-04-07 1 2008-10-11 2008-07-11","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows."" description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: 2008-01-11 2007-10-11 2008-01-11 2007-10-09 2007-10-09 1 2008-04-11 2008-01-11 2008-04-11 2008-01-09 2008-01-09 1 2008-07-11 2008-04-11 2008-07-11 2008-04-07 2008-04-07 1 2008-10-11 2008-07-11" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows.""","description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: 2008-04-11 2008-07-07 2008-07-07 1 2009-01-11 2008-10-11 2009-01-11 2008-10-09 2008-10-09 1 2009-04-11 2009-01-11 2009-04-11 2009-01-09 2009-01-09 1 2009-07-11 2009-04-11 2009-07-11 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows."" description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: 2008-04-11 2008-07-07 2008-07-07 1 2009-01-11 2008-10-11 2009-01-11 2008-10-09 2008-10-09 1 2009-04-11 2009-01-11 2009-04-11 2009-01-09 2009-01-09 1 2009-07-11 2009-04-11 2009-07-11 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows.""","description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: 2009-04-07 2009-04-07 1 2009-10-11 2009-07-11 2009-04-11 2009-07-07 2009-07-07 1 2010-01-11 2009-10-11 2010-01-11 2009-10-09 2009-10-09 1 2010-04-11 2010-01-11 2010-04-11 2010-01-09 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows."" description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: 2009-04-07 2009-04-07 1 2009-10-11 2009-07-11 2009-04-11 2009-07-07 2009-07-07 1 2010-01-11 2009-10-11 2010-01-11 2009-10-09 2009-10-09 1 2010-04-11 2010-01-11 2010-04-11 2010-01-09 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows.""","description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:""","### Response: 2010-01-09 1 2010-07-11 2010-04-11 2010-07-11 2010-04-07 2010-04-07 1 2010-10-11 2010-07-11 2010-04-11 2010-07-07 2010-07-07 1 2011-01-11 2010-10-11 2011-01-11 2010-10-09 2010-10-09 1","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Fixed/Floating IRS Where The Floating Stream Notional Is Reset Based On Prevailing Spot Exchange Rate - Cashflows."" description: ""On 9 January, 2001 PartyA and PartyB agree to enter into a forward starting FX Reseting interest rate swap. The terms of the contract are: Things to note:"" ### Response: 2010-01-09 1 2010-07-11 2010-04-11 2010-07-11 2010-04-07 2010-04-07 1 2010-10-11 2010-07-11 2010-04-11 2010-07-07 2010-07-07 1 2011-01-11 2010-10-11 2011-01-11 2010-10-09 2010-10-09 1" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""","sub category: ""Bullet Payments""","description: ""On 29 April, 2000 PartyA agrees the payment of a single cashlow to PartyB. The terms of the contract are:""","### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 USD 15000.00 2001-07-27 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY Party A Party B ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" sub category: ""Bullet Payments"" description: ""On 29 April, 2000 PartyA agrees the payment of a single cashlow to PartyB. The terms of the contract are:"" ### Response: 123 123 2001-04-29 USD 15000.00 2001-07-27 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY Party A Party B " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Swap with Non-Deliverable Settlement ProvisionExample that shows non-deliverable terms of an interest rate swap. These non-deliverable terms specify the conditions under which the cashflows will be made in a different currency (the ""settlement currency"") than the currency in which a given leg is denominated (the ""reference currency"").""","### Response: E2000098N10184 1234 1994-12-12 2004-12-16 MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO 2007-12-16 MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Swap with Non-Deliverable Settlement ProvisionExample that shows non-deliverable terms of an interest rate swap. These non-deliverable terms specify the conditions under which the cashflows will be made in a different currency (the ""settlement currency"") than the currency in which a given leg is denominated (the ""reference currency"")."" ### Response: E2000098N10184 1234 1994-12-12 2004-12-16 MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO 2007-12-16 MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Swap with Non-Deliverable Settlement ProvisionExample that shows non-deliverable terms of an interest rate swap. These non-deliverable terms specify the conditions under which the cashflows will be made in a different currency (the ""settlement currency"") than the currency in which a given leg is denominated (the ""reference currency"").""","### Response: USNY GBLO 6 M 16 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO 26415000000.00 KRW 0.0273000 ACT/360 false true false false ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Swap with Non-Deliverable Settlement ProvisionExample that shows non-deliverable terms of an interest rate swap. These non-deliverable terms specify the conditions under which the cashflows will be made in a different currency (the ""settlement currency"") than the currency in which a given leg is denominated (the ""reference currency"")."" ### Response: USNY GBLO 6 M 16 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO 26415000000.00 KRW 0.0273000 ACT/360 false true false false " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Swap with Non-Deliverable Settlement ProvisionExample that shows non-deliverable terms of an interest rate swap. These non-deliverable terms specify the conditions under which the cashflows will be made in a different currency (the ""settlement currency"") than the currency in which a given leg is denominated (the ""reference currency"").""","### Response: 2007-12-16 26415000000.00 USD KRW 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO KRW.KFTC18/KRW02 2004-12-16 MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Swap with Non-Deliverable Settlement ProvisionExample that shows non-deliverable terms of an interest rate swap. These non-deliverable terms specify the conditions under which the cashflows will be made in a different currency (the ""settlement currency"") than the currency in which a given leg is denominated (the ""reference currency"")."" ### Response: 2007-12-16 26415000000.00 USD KRW 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO KRW.KFTC18/KRW02 2004-12-16 MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Swap with Non-Deliverable Settlement ProvisionExample that shows non-deliverable terms of an interest rate swap. These non-deliverable terms specify the conditions under which the cashflows will be made in a different currency (the ""settlement currency"") than the currency in which a given leg is denominated (the ""reference currency"").""","### Response: 2007-12-16 MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO 6 M 16 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Swap with Non-Deliverable Settlement ProvisionExample that shows non-deliverable terms of an interest rate swap. These non-deliverable terms specify the conditions under which the cashflows will be made in a different currency (the ""settlement currency"") than the currency in which a given leg is denominated (the ""reference currency"")."" ### Response: 2007-12-16 MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO 6 M 16 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Compounding and Averaging Swap with Relative DatesThis example illustrates a feature of the FpML interest rate swap model but in practice is not used in real trading activity. Compounding and averaging interest rate swap with relative effective dates and relative termination dates. Effective dates equal the trade date plus two London business days. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule. Termination dates equal the effective date plus two years. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule.""","### Response: martin 1234567 2005-07-31 InterestRate:IRSwap:FixedFloat 2 D Business NONE GBLO MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Compounding and Averaging Swap with Relative DatesThis example illustrates a feature of the FpML interest rate swap model but in practice is not used in real trading activity. Compounding and averaging interest rate swap with relative effective dates and relative termination dates. Effective dates equal the trade date plus two London business days. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule. Termination dates equal the effective date plus two years. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule."" ### Response: martin 1234567 2005-07-31 InterestRate:IRSwap:FixedFloat 2 D Business NONE GBLO MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Compounding and Averaging Swap with Relative DatesThis example illustrates a feature of the FpML interest rate swap model but in practice is not used in real trading activity. Compounding and averaging interest rate swap with relative effective dates and relative termination dates. Effective dates equal the trade date plus two London business days. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule. Termination dates equal the effective date plus two years. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule.""","### Response: 2 Y MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY 6 M 2 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY 100000000 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Compounding and Averaging Swap with Relative DatesThis example illustrates a feature of the FpML interest rate swap model but in practice is not used in real trading activity. Compounding and averaging interest rate swap with relative effective dates and relative termination dates. Effective dates equal the trade date plus two London business days. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule. Termination dates equal the effective date plus two years. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule."" ### Response: 2 Y MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY 6 M 2 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY 100000000 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Compounding and Averaging Swap with Relative DatesThis example illustrates a feature of the FpML interest rate swap model but in practice is not used in real trading activity. Compounding and averaging interest rate swap with relative effective dates and relative termination dates. Effective dates equal the trade date plus two London business days. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule. Termination dates equal the effective date plus two years. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule.""","### Response: USD 0.0003 30/360 false false false false 2006-02-06 2005-08-04 2006-02-06 182 100000000 0.0003 2006-08-04 2006-02-06 2006-08-04 178 100000000 0.0003 2007-02-05 2006-08-04 2007-02-05 181 100000000 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Compounding and Averaging Swap with Relative DatesThis example illustrates a feature of the FpML interest rate swap model but in practice is not used in real trading activity. Compounding and averaging interest rate swap with relative effective dates and relative termination dates. Effective dates equal the trade date plus two London business days. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule. Termination dates equal the effective date plus two years. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule."" ### Response: USD
0.0003 30/360 false false false false 2006-02-06 2005-08-04 2006-02-06 182 100000000 0.0003 2006-08-04 2006-02-06 2006-08-04 178 100000000 0.0003 2007-02-05 2006-08-04 2007-02-05 181 100000000 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Compounding and Averaging Swap with Relative DatesThis example illustrates a feature of the FpML interest rate swap model but in practice is not used in real trading activity. Compounding and averaging interest rate swap with relative effective dates and relative termination dates. Effective dates equal the trade date plus two London business days. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule. Termination dates equal the effective date plus two years. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule.""","### Response: 0.0003 2007-08-06 2007-02-05 2007-08-06 181 100000000 0.0003 2 D Business NONE GBLO MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY 2 Y MODFOLLOWING GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Compounding and Averaging Swap with Relative DatesThis example illustrates a feature of the FpML interest rate swap model but in practice is not used in real trading activity. Compounding and averaging interest rate swap with relative effective dates and relative termination dates. Effective dates equal the trade date plus two London business days. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule. Termination dates equal the effective date plus two years. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule."" ### Response: 0.0003 2007-08-06 2007-02-05 2007-08-06 181 100000000 0.0003 2 D Business NONE GBLO MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY 2 Y MODFOLLOWING GBLO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Compounding and Averaging Swap with Relative DatesThis example illustrates a feature of the FpML interest rate swap model but in practice is not used in real trading activity. Compounding and averaging interest rate swap with relative effective dates and relative termination dates. Effective dates equal the trade date plus two London business days. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule. Termination dates equal the effective date plus two years. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule.""","### Response: USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY 3 M NONE 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Compounding and Averaging Swap with Relative DatesThis example illustrates a feature of the FpML interest rate swap model but in practice is not used in real trading activity. Compounding and averaging interest rate swap with relative effective dates and relative termination dates. Effective dates equal the trade date plus two London business days. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule. Termination dates equal the effective date plus two years. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule."" ### Response: USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY 3 M NONE 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Compounding and Averaging Swap with Relative DatesThis example illustrates a feature of the FpML interest rate swap model but in practice is not used in real trading activity. Compounding and averaging interest rate swap with relative effective dates and relative termination dates. Effective dates equal the trade date plus two London business days. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule. Termination dates equal the effective date plus two years. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule.""","### Response: 1 M MODFOLLOWING GBLO 100000000 USD USD-LIBOR-BBA 6 M ACT/360 Straight false false false false 2006-02-06 2005-08-04 2005-11-04 92 100000000 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Compounding and Averaging Swap with Relative DatesThis example illustrates a feature of the FpML interest rate swap model but in practice is not used in real trading activity. Compounding and averaging interest rate swap with relative effective dates and relative termination dates. Effective dates equal the trade date plus two London business days. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule. Termination dates equal the effective date plus two years. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule."" ### Response: 1 M MODFOLLOWING GBLO 100000000 USD USD-LIBOR-BBA 6 M ACT/360 Straight false false false false 2006-02-06 2005-08-04 2005-11-04 92 100000000 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Compounding and Averaging Swap with Relative DatesThis example illustrates a feature of the FpML interest rate swap model but in practice is not used in real trading activity. Compounding and averaging interest rate swap with relative effective dates and relative termination dates. Effective dates equal the trade date plus two London business days. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule. Termination dates equal the effective date plus two years. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule.""","### Response: 2005-08-02 32 2005-09-01 29 2005-09-30 31 2005-11-04 2006-02-06 94 100000000 2005-11-02 31 2005-12-01 30 2005-12-30 33 2006-08-04 2006-02-06 2006-05-04 87 100000000 2006-02-02 28 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Compounding and Averaging Swap with Relative DatesThis example illustrates a feature of the FpML interest rate swap model but in practice is not used in real trading activity. Compounding and averaging interest rate swap with relative effective dates and relative termination dates. Effective dates equal the trade date plus two London business days. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule. Termination dates equal the effective date plus two years. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule."" ### Response: 2005-08-02 32 2005-09-01 29 2005-09-30 31 2005-11-04 2006-02-06 94 100000000 2005-11-02 31 2005-12-01 30 2005-12-30 33 2006-08-04 2006-02-06 2006-05-04 87 100000000 2006-02-02 28 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Compounding and Averaging Swap with Relative DatesThis example illustrates a feature of the FpML interest rate swap model but in practice is not used in real trading activity. Compounding and averaging interest rate swap with relative effective dates and relative termination dates. Effective dates equal the trade date plus two London business days. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule. Termination dates equal the effective date plus two years. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule.""","### Response: 2006-03-02 29 2006-03-31 30 2006-05-04 2006-08-04 92 100000000 2006-05-02 32 2006-06-01 29 2006-06-30 31 2007-02-05 2006-08-04 2006-11-06 94 100000000 2006-08-02 31 2006-08-31 30 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Compounding and Averaging Swap with Relative DatesThis example illustrates a feature of the FpML interest rate swap model but in practice is not used in real trading activity. Compounding and averaging interest rate swap with relative effective dates and relative termination dates. Effective dates equal the trade date plus two London business days. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule. Termination dates equal the effective date plus two years. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule."" ### Response: 2006-03-02 29 2006-03-31 30 2006-05-04 2006-08-04 92 100000000 2006-05-02 32 2006-06-01 29 2006-06-30 31 2007-02-05 2006-08-04 2006-11-06 94 100000000 2006-08-02 31 2006-08-31 30 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Compounding and Averaging Swap with Relative DatesThis example illustrates a feature of the FpML interest rate swap model but in practice is not used in real trading activity. Compounding and averaging interest rate swap with relative effective dates and relative termination dates. Effective dates equal the trade date plus two London business days. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule. Termination dates equal the effective date plus two years. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule.""","### Response: 2006-10-02 33 2006-11-06 2007-02-05 91 100000000 2006-11-02 28 2006-11-30 31 2007-01-02 32 2007-08-06 2007-02-05 2007-05-04 88 100000000 2007-02-01 28 2007-03-01 30 2007-04-02 30 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Compounding and Averaging Swap with Relative DatesThis example illustrates a feature of the FpML interest rate swap model but in practice is not used in real trading activity. Compounding and averaging interest rate swap with relative effective dates and relative termination dates. Effective dates equal the trade date plus two London business days. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule. Termination dates equal the effective date plus two years. The resulting date is adjusted using the London and New York calendars and the modified following rule."" ### Response: 2006-10-02 33 2006-11-06 2007-02-05 91 100000000 2006-11-02 28 2006-11-30 31 2007-01-02 32 2007-08-06 2007-02-05 2007-05-04 88 100000000 2007-02-01 28 2007-03-01 30 2007-04-02 30 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Swap with Non-Deliverable Settlement ProvisionExample that shows within the non-deliverable terms the procedure to get a new quote when the primary settlement rate option is disrupted.""","### Response:
IRS456a789b partyA barclays 2006-08-01T08:57:00Z
false IRS987 1 E2000098N10184 1234 1994-12-12 2004-12-16 MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO 2007-12-16 MODFOLLOWING","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Swap with Non-Deliverable Settlement ProvisionExample that shows within the non-deliverable terms the procedure to get a new quote when the primary settlement rate option is disrupted."" ### Response:
IRS456a789b partyA barclays 2006-08-01T08:57:00Z
false IRS987 1 E2000098N10184 1234 1994-12-12 2004-12-16 MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO 2007-12-16 MODFOLLOWING" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Swap with Non-Deliverable Settlement ProvisionExample that shows within the non-deliverable terms the procedure to get a new quote when the primary settlement rate option is disrupted.""","### Response: USNY GBLO MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO 6 M 16 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO 26415000000.00 KRW ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Swap with Non-Deliverable Settlement ProvisionExample that shows within the non-deliverable terms the procedure to get a new quote when the primary settlement rate option is disrupted."" ### Response: USNY GBLO
6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO 26415000000.00 KRW " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Swap with Non-Deliverable Settlement ProvisionExample that shows within the non-deliverable terms the procedure to get a new quote when the primary settlement rate option is disrupted.""","### Response: 0.0273000 ACT/360 false true false false 2007-12-16 26415000000.00 USD KRW 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO KRW.KFTC18/KRW02 12","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Swap with Non-Deliverable Settlement ProvisionExample that shows within the non-deliverable terms the procedure to get a new quote when the primary settlement rate option is disrupted."" ### Response: 0.0273000 ACT/360 false true false false 2007-12-16 26415000000.00 USD KRW 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO KRW.KFTC18/KRW02 12" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Swap with Non-Deliverable Settlement ProvisionExample that shows within the non-deliverable terms the procedure to get a new quote when the primary settlement rate option is disrupted.""","### Response: KRW.TELERATE.45644/KRW03 AsSpecifiedInMasterAgreement
2004-12-16 MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO 2007-12-16 MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Swap with Non-Deliverable Settlement ProvisionExample that shows within the non-deliverable terms the procedure to get a new quote when the primary settlement rate option is disrupted."" ### Response: KRW.TELERATE.45644/KRW03 AsSpecifiedInMasterAgreement 2004-12-16 MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO 2007-12-16 MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Swap with Non-Deliverable Settlement ProvisionExample that shows within the non-deliverable terms the procedure to get a new quote when the primary settlement rate option is disrupted.""","### Response: 6 M 16 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Swap with Non-Deliverable Settlement ProvisionExample that shows within the non-deliverable terms the procedure to get a new quote when the primary settlement rate option is disrupted."" ### Response: 6 M 16 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING USNY GBLO CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING GBLO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Normal RateExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:""","### Response:
LCH00000000001 LCHLGB2L LCHLGB2L 2020-12-17T09:10:11.3176666
false LCH00000000001 1 Trade 1-2 11111111 abc123 LCH00000000001 STM 1010000051 XX11111111XXX1111111111111111111","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Normal RateExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:"" ### Response:
LCH00000000001 LCHLGB2L LCHLGB2L 2020-12-17T09:10:11.3176666
false LCH00000000001 1 Trade 1-2 11111111 abc123 LCH00000000001 STM 1010000051 XX11111111XXX1111111111111111111" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Normal RateExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:""","### Response: 1010000051 XX11111111XXX1111111111111111111 ClearingBroker TradeSource NettingNotPermitted 2015-03-05T09:10:11Z OffFacility T2 New GatewayReceivedDateTime 2015-03-06T09:10:11 LastPaymentDate 2052-06-28T09:10:11 OriginalRegistrationDateTime 2015-03-06T09:10:11 Received DF ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Normal RateExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:"" ### Response:
1010000051 XX11111111XXX1111111111111111111 ClearingBroker TradeSource NettingNotPermitted 2015-03-05T09:10:11Z OffFacility T2 New GatewayReceivedDateTime 2015-03-06T09:10:11 LastPaymentDate 2052-06-28T09:10:11 OriginalRegistrationDateTime 2015-03-06T09:10:11 Received DF " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Normal RateExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:""","### Response: DTCC ESMA EMIR DF CFTC 2010-07-06
InterestRate InterestRate:IRSwap:FixedFloat 2051-06-30 NONE 2051-06-30 2052-06-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO 2052-06-28 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Normal RateExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:"" ### Response: DTCC ESMA EMIR DF CFTC 2010-07-06 InterestRate InterestRate:IRSwap:FixedFloat 2051-06-30 NONE 2051-06-30 2052-06-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO 2052-06-28 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Normal RateExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1 T NONE 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO 9000000 GBP 0.040610 ACT/365.FIXED 2051-06-30 NONE 2051-06-30","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Normal RateExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:"" ### Response: MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1 T NONE 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO 9000000 GBP 0.040610 ACT/365.FIXED 2051-06-30 NONE 2051-06-30" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Normal RateExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:""","### Response: 2052-06-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO 2052-06-28 MODFOLLOWING GBLO 3 M 30 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO CalculationPeriodStartDate 0 D PRECEDING GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Normal RateExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:"" ### Response: 2052-06-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO 2052-06-28 MODFOLLOWING GBLO 3 M 30 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO CalculationPeriodStartDate 0 D PRECEDING GBLO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Normal RateExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:""","### Response: 3 M MODFOLLOWING GBLO 9000000 GBP GBP-LIBOR-BBA 3 M ACT/365.FIXED Flat ISDA ISDA2006
XXX_H_XXX LCHLGB2L ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Normal RateExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:"" ### Response: 3 M MODFOLLOWING GBLO 9000000 GBP GBP-LIBOR-BBA 3 M ACT/365.FIXED Flat
XXX_H_XXX LCHLGB2L " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Brazilian Interest Rate SwapExample that shows a Brazilian Interest Rate swap. It consists of a fixed and a floating leg, both zero coupon and quoted in Brazilian Reals, but settled in US Dollars.""","### Response: 987654321-0 2012-06-29 2012-09-26 NONE 2013-03-26 FOLLOWING BRBD NONE 1 T NONE 1 T ValuationDate 1 D Business","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Brazilian Interest Rate SwapExample that shows a Brazilian Interest Rate swap. It consists of a fixed and a floating leg, both zero coupon and quoted in Brazilian Reals, but settled in US Dollars."" ### Response: 987654321-0 2012-06-29 2012-09-26 NONE 2013-03-26 FOLLOWING BRBD NONE 1 T NONE 1 T ValuationDate 1 D Business" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Brazilian Interest Rate SwapExample that shows a Brazilian Interest Rate swap. It consists of a fixed and a floating leg, both zero coupon and quoted in Brazilian Reals, but settled in US Dollars.""","### Response: FOLLOWING USNY 100000000.0 BRL 0.0876 BRL104149148.42122 2013-03-26 BUS/252 USD BRL -2 DBusiness NONE BRBD USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Brazilian Interest Rate SwapExample that shows a Brazilian Interest Rate swap. It consists of a fixed and a floating leg, both zero coupon and quoted in Brazilian Reals, but settled in US Dollars."" ### Response: FOLLOWING USNY 100000000.0 BRL 0.0876 BRL104149148.42122 2013-03-26 BUS/252 USD BRL -2 DBusiness NONE BRBD USNY " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Brazilian Interest Rate SwapExample that shows a Brazilian Interest Rate swap. It consists of a fixed and a floating leg, both zero coupon and quoted in Brazilian Reals, but settled in US Dollars.""","### Response: BRL.PTAX/BRL09 2012-09-26 NONE 2013-03-26 FOLLOWING BRBD FOLLOWING BRBD 1 T NONE 1 T ValuationDate 1 D Business FOLLOWING","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Brazilian Interest Rate SwapExample that shows a Brazilian Interest Rate swap. It consists of a fixed and a floating leg, both zero coupon and quoted in Brazilian Reals, but settled in US Dollars."" ### Response: BRL.PTAX/BRL09 2012-09-26 NONE 2013-03-26 FOLLOWING BRBD FOLLOWING BRBD 1 T NONE 1 T ValuationDate 1 D Business FOLLOWING" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Brazilian Interest Rate SwapExample that shows a Brazilian Interest Rate swap. It consists of a fixed and a floating leg, both zero coupon and quoted in Brazilian Reals, but settled in US Dollars.""","### Response: USNY -1 D Business NONE BRBD 1 T FOLLOWING BRBD 100000000.0 BRL BRL-CDI0.10432 BUS/252 Flat USD","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Brazilian Interest Rate SwapExample that shows a Brazilian Interest Rate swap. It consists of a fixed and a floating leg, both zero coupon and quoted in Brazilian Reals, but settled in US Dollars."" ### Response: USNY -1 D Business NONE BRBD 1 T FOLLOWING BRBD 100000000.0 BRL BRL-CDI0.10432 BUS/252 Flat USD" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Mexican Interest Rate SwapExample of a Mexican swap with lunar rolls. Some characteristics:""","### Response: xyz1234 abc1234 2010-12-12 2010-12-14 NONE 2015-12-14 MODFOLLOWING MXMC MODFOLLOWING MXMC 28 D NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Mexican Interest Rate SwapExample of a Mexican swap with lunar rolls. Some characteristics:"" ### Response: xyz1234 abc1234 2010-12-12 2010-12-14 NONE 2015-12-14 MODFOLLOWING MXMC MODFOLLOWING MXMC 28 D NONE " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Mexican Interest Rate SwapExample of a Mexican swap with lunar rolls. Some characteristics:""","### Response: 28 D CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING MXMC CalculationPeriodStartDate -1 D Business NONE MXMC 28 D MODFOLLOWING MXMC 50000000.00 MXN MXN-TIIE-Banxico 28 D ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Mexican Interest Rate SwapExample of a Mexican swap with lunar rolls. Some characteristics:"" ### Response: 28 D CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING MXMC CalculationPeriodStartDate -1 D Business NONE MXMC 28 D MODFOLLOWING MXMC 50000000.00 MXN MXN-TIIE-Banxico 28 D " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Mexican Interest Rate SwapExample of a Mexican swap with lunar rolls. Some characteristics:""","### Response: ACT/360 2010-12-14 NONE 2015-12-14 MODFOLLOWING MXMC MODFOLLOWING MXMC 28 D NONE 28 D CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING MXMC ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Mexican Interest Rate SwapExample of a Mexican swap with lunar rolls. Some characteristics:"" ### Response: ACT/360 2010-12-14 NONE 2015-12-14 MODFOLLOWING MXMC MODFOLLOWING MXMC 28 D NONE 28 D CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING MXMC " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""American Swaption (predetermined clearing)Example illustrating the use of predeterminedClearingOrganizationPartyReference""","### Response: 123 123 2000-08-30 EUR 100000 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""American Swaption (predetermined clearing)Example illustrating the use of predeterminedClearingOrganizationPartyReference"" ### Response: 123 123 2000-08-30 EUR 100000 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA 2000-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""American Swaption (predetermined clearing)Example illustrating the use of predeterminedClearingOrganizationPartyReference""","### Response: 2002-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO 2 D Business NONE EUTA GBLO 09:00:00 EUTA 11:00:00 EUTA 11:00:00 EUTA GBLO true","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""American Swaption (predetermined clearing)Example illustrating the use of predeterminedClearingOrganizationPartyReference"" ### Response: 2002-08-30 FOLLOWING EUTA GBLO 2 D Business NONE EUTA GBLO 09:00:00 EUTA 11:00:00 EUTA 11:00:00 EUTA GBLO true" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""American Swaption (predetermined clearing)Example illustrating the use of predeterminedClearingOrganizationPartyReference""","### Response: true false 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""American Swaption (predetermined clearing)Example illustrating the use of predeterminedClearingOrganizationPartyReference"" ### Response: true false 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 1 Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""American Swaption (predetermined clearing)Example illustrating the use of predeterminedClearingOrganizationPartyReference""","### Response: EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""American Swaption (predetermined clearing)Example illustrating the use of predeterminedClearingOrganizationPartyReference"" ### Response: EUTA 100000000 EUR 0.05 30/360 2001-08-30 NONE 2006-08-30 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING 6 M 30 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""American Swaption (predetermined clearing)Example illustrating the use of predeterminedClearingOrganizationPartyReference""","### Response: 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 6 M ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""American Swaption (predetermined clearing)Example illustrating the use of predeterminedClearingOrganizationPartyReference"" ### Response: 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 6 M MODFOLLOWING 100000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Telerate 6 M " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Known Amount ScheduleExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:""","### Response:
LCH00000000001 LCHLGB2L LCHLGB2L 2020-12-17T09:10:11.2579186
false LCH00000000001 1 Trade 1-2 11111111 abc123 def456 LCH00000000001 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Known Amount ScheduleExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:"" ### Response:
LCH00000000001 LCHLGB2L LCHLGB2L 2020-12-17T09:10:11.2579186
false LCH00000000001 1 Trade 1-2 11111111 abc123 def456 LCH00000000001 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Known Amount ScheduleExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:""","### Response: STM 1010000051 XX111111111XXX111111111111111111 1010000051 XX111111111XXX111111111111111111 ClearingBroker TradeSource NettingNotPermitted 2013-07-31T09:10:11Z OffFacility T2 New GatewayReceivedDateTime 2014-02-04T09:10:11 LastPaymentDate 2025-06-16T09:10:11 OriginalRegistrationDateTime 2014-02-04T09:10:11 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Known Amount ScheduleExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:"" ### Response: STM
1010000051 XX111111111XXX111111111111111111 1010000051 XX111111111XXX111111111111111111 ClearingBroker TradeSource NettingNotPermitted 2013-07-31T09:10:11Z OffFacility T2 New GatewayReceivedDateTime 2014-02-04T09:10:11 LastPaymentDate 2025-06-16T09:10:11 OriginalRegistrationDateTime 2014-02-04T09:10:11 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Known Amount ScheduleExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:""","### Response: Received DF DTCC ESMA EMIR DF CFTC 2014-11-17
InterestRate InterestRate:IRSwap:FixedFloat 2008-09-18 NONE 2008-09-18 2025-06-15 MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Known Amount ScheduleExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:"" ### Response: Received DF DTCC ESMA EMIR DF CFTC 2014-11-17 InterestRate InterestRate:IRSwap:FixedFloat 2008-09-18 NONE 2008-09-18 2025-06-15 MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Known Amount ScheduleExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:""","### Response: EUTA 2025-06-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 T NONE 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 7000000 EUR 2008-09-18 NONE 2008-09-18 2025-06-15 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Known Amount ScheduleExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:"" ### Response: EUTA 2025-06-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 T NONE 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 7000000 EUR 2008-09-18 NONE 2008-09-18 2025-06-15 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Known Amount ScheduleExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2025-06-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2008-12-15 ShortInitial 3 M 15 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Known Amount ScheduleExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:"" ### Response: MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2025-06-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2008-12-15 ShortInitial 3 M 15 1 T CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Known Amount ScheduleExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:""","### Response: EUTA 3 M MODFOLLOWING EUTA 6000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters 3 M ACT/360 Flat EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters 2 M EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters 3 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Zero Coupon Swap Known Amount ScheduleExample that shows a zero coupon swap with the following characteristics:"" ### Response: EUTA 3 M MODFOLLOWING EUTA 6000000 EUR EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters 3 M ACT/360 Flat EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters 2 M EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters 3 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily averaging swap with payment delayExample that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with a payment delay""","### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily averaging swap with payment delayExample that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with a payment delay"" ### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily averaging swap with payment delayExample that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with a payment delay""","### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Averaging EUTA 0.02 ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily averaging swap with payment delayExample that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with a payment delay"" ### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Averaging EUTA 0.02 ACT/360 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily averaging swap with payment delayExample that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with a payment delay""","### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily averaging swap with payment delayExample that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with a payment delay"" ### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily averaging swap with rate cutoff (lockout) Example that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with a lockout period (rate cutoff)""","### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily averaging swap with rate cutoff (lockout) Example that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with a lockout period (rate cutoff)"" ### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily averaging swap with rate cutoff (lockout) Example that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with a lockout period (rate cutoff)""","### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Averaging EUTA 5 0.02 ACT/360 Flat ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily averaging swap with rate cutoff (lockout) Example that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with a lockout period (rate cutoff)"" ### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Averaging EUTA 5 0.02 ACT/360 Flat " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily averaging swap with rate cutoff (lockout) Example that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with a lockout period (rate cutoff)""","### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily averaging swap with rate cutoff (lockout) Example that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with a lockout period (rate cutoff)"" ### Response:
2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily averaging swap with observation shift Example that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with an observation shift. (This means that the weighting is done based on the observation period, not the accrual/calculation period.)""","### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily averaging swap with observation shift Example that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with an observation shift. (This means that the weighting is done based on the observation period, not the accrual/calculation period.)"" ### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily averaging swap with observation shift Example that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with an observation shift. (This means that the weighting is done based on the observation period, not the accrual/calculation period.)""","### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Averaging EUTA 5 Standard GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily averaging swap with observation shift Example that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with an observation shift. (This means that the weighting is done based on the observation period, not the accrual/calculation period.)"" ### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Averaging EUTA 5 Standard GBLO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily averaging swap with observation shift Example that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with an observation shift. (This means that the weighting is done based on the observation period, not the accrual/calculation period.)""","### Response: 0.02 ACT/360 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily averaging swap with observation shift Example that shows a daily averaging swap on an overnight rate with an observation shift. (This means that the weighting is done based on the observation period, not the accrual/calculation period.)"" ### Response: 0.02 ACT/360 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily compounding swap with payment delayExample that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with a payment delay""","### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily compounding swap with payment delayExample that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with a payment delay"" ### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily compounding swap with payment delayExample that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with a payment delay""","### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Compounding EUTA 0.02 ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily compounding swap with payment delayExample that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with a payment delay"" ### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Compounding EUTA 0.02 ACT/360 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily compounding swap with payment delayExample that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with a payment delay""","### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily compounding swap with payment delayExample that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with a payment delay"" ### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 2 D Business MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily compounding swap with rate cutoff (lockout) Example that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with a lockout period (rate cutoff)""","### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily compounding swap with rate cutoff (lockout) Example that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with a lockout period (rate cutoff)"" ### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily compounding swap with rate cutoff (lockout) Example that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with a lockout period (rate cutoff)""","### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Compounding EUTA 0.02 ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily compounding swap with rate cutoff (lockout) Example that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with a lockout period (rate cutoff)"" ### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Compounding EUTA 0.02 ACT/360 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily compounding swap with rate cutoff (lockout) Example that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with a lockout period (rate cutoff)""","### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily compounding swap with rate cutoff (lockout) Example that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with a lockout period (rate cutoff)"" ### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily compounding swap with observation shift Example that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with an observation shift. (This means that the weighting is done based on the observation period, not the accrual/calculation period.)""","### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily compounding swap with observation shift Example that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with an observation shift. (This means that the weighting is done based on the observation period, not the accrual/calculation period.)"" ### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily compounding swap with observation shift Example that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with an observation shift. (This means that the weighting is done based on the observation period, not the accrual/calculation period.)""","### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Compounding EUTA Standard 0.02 ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily compounding swap with observation shift Example that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with an observation shift. (This means that the weighting is done based on the observation period, not the accrual/calculation period.)"" ### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Compounding EUTA Standard 0.02 ACT/360 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Daily compounding swap with observation shift Example that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with an observation shift. (This means that the weighting is done based on the observation period, not the accrual/calculation period.)""","### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 M Business MODFOLLOWING","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Daily compounding swap with observation shift Example that shows a daily compounding swap on an overnight rate with an observation shift. (This means that the weighting is done based on the observation period, not the accrual/calculation period.)"" ### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 M Business MODFOLLOWING" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Optional early termination swap with mid market value indicative quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with mid market value, indicative quotations.""","### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Optional early termination swap with mid market value indicative quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with mid market value, indicative quotations."" ### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Optional early termination swap with mid market value indicative quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with mid market value, indicative quotations.""","### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Compounding EUTA 5 0.02 ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Optional early termination swap with mid market value indicative quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with mid market value, indicative quotations."" ### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Compounding EUTA 5 0.02 ACT/360 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Optional early termination swap with mid market value indicative quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with mid market value, indicative quotations.""","### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Optional early termination swap with mid market value indicative quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with mid market value, indicative quotations."" ### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Optional early termination swap with mid market value indicative quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with mid market value, indicative quotations.""","### Response: EUTA 3672000000 EUR 0.002 ACT/360 -5 D Business NONE EUTA GBLO 09:00:00 BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Optional early termination swap with mid market value indicative quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with mid market value, indicative quotations."" ### Response: EUTA 3672000000 EUR 0.002 ACT/360 -5 D Business NONE EUTA GBLO 09:00:00 BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Optional early termination swap with mid market value indicative quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with mid market value, indicative quotations.""","### Response: GBLO true NonExercisingParty 11:00:00 BEBR -2 D Business NONE GBLO EUTA 2001-08-30 FOLLOWING GBLO EUTA EUR NoCSA EUR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Optional early termination swap with mid market value indicative quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with mid market value, indicative quotations."" ### Response: GBLO true NonExercisingParty 11:00:00 BEBR -2 D Business NONE GBLO EUTA 2001-08-30 FOLLOWING GBLO EUTA EUR NoCSA EUR " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Optional early termination swap with replacement value firm quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with replacement value, firm quotations.""","### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Optional early termination swap with replacement value firm quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with replacement value, firm quotations."" ### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Optional early termination swap with replacement value firm quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with replacement value, firm quotations.""","### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Compounding EUTA 5 0.02 ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Optional early termination swap with replacement value firm quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with replacement value, firm quotations."" ### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Compounding EUTA 5 0.02 ACT/360 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Optional early termination swap with replacement value firm quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with replacement value, firm quotations.""","### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Optional early termination swap with replacement value firm quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with replacement value, firm quotations."" ### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Optional early termination swap with replacement value firm quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with replacement value, firm quotations.""","### Response: EUTA 3672000000 EUR 0.002 ACT/360 -5 D Business NONE EUTA GBLO 09:00:00 BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Optional early termination swap with replacement value firm quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with replacement value, firm quotations."" ### Response: EUTA 3672000000 EUR 0.002 ACT/360 -5 D Business NONE EUTA GBLO 09:00:00 BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Optional early termination swap with replacement value firm quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with replacement value, firm quotations.""","### Response: GBLO true NonExercisingParty 11:00:00 BEBR -2 D Business NONE GBLO EUTA 2001-08-30 FOLLOWING GBLO EUTA EUR Both EUR","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Optional early termination swap with replacement value firm quotationsExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with replacement value, firm quotations."" ### Response: GBLO true NonExercisingParty 11:00:00 BEBR -2 D Business NONE GBLO EUTA 2001-08-30 FOLLOWING GBLO EUTA EUR Both EUR" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Optional early termination swap with collateralized price methodExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with collateralized price method.""","### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Optional early termination swap with collateralized price methodExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with collateralized price method."" ### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Optional early termination swap with collateralized price methodExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with collateralized price method.""","### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Compounding EUTA 5 0.02 ACT/360 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Optional early termination swap with collateralized price methodExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with collateralized price method."" ### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING EUTA 3672000000 EUR EUR-EONIA Compounding EUTA 5 0.02 ACT/360 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Optional early termination swap with collateralized price methodExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with collateralized price method.""","### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Optional early termination swap with collateralized price methodExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with collateralized price method."" ### Response: 2021-08-16 NONE EUTA 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING EUTA NONE EUTA 1 M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Optional early termination swap with collateralized price methodExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with collateralized price method.""","### Response: EUTA 3672000000 EUR 0.002 ACT/360 -5 D Business NONE EUTA GBLO 09:00:00 BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Optional early termination swap with collateralized price methodExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with collateralized price method."" ### Response: EUTA 3672000000 EUR 0.002 ACT/360 -5 D Business NONE EUTA GBLO 09:00:00 BEBR 11:00:00 BEBR " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Optional early termination swap with collateralized price methodExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with collateralized price method.""","### Response: GBLO true NonExercisingParty 11:00:00 BEBR -2 D Business NONE GBLO EUTA 2001-08-30 FOLLOWING GBLO EUTA EUR ISDA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Optional early termination swap with collateralized price methodExample that shows a swap with an optional termination provision, cash settled with collateralized price method."" ### Response: GBLO true NonExercisingParty 11:00:00 BEBR -2 D Business NONE GBLO EUTA 2001-08-30 FOLLOWING GBLO EUTA EUR ISDA " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash SettlementExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash Settlement.""","### Response: 62547265 62547265 2021-08-30 GBP 1000000 2021-08-31 FOLLOWING GBLO 2021-09-30 FOLLOWING GBLO 09:00:00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash SettlementExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash Settlement."" ### Response: 62547265 62547265 2021-08-30 GBP 1000000 2021-08-31 FOLLOWING GBLO 2021-09-30 FOLLOWING GBLO 09:00:00 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash SettlementExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash Settlement.""","### Response: GBLO 11:00:00 GBLO 0 false 11:00:00 GBLO 0 D NONE 0 D NONE GBP ICESWAP Mid XCMEUS4FXXX SONIA","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash SettlementExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash Settlement."" ### Response: GBLO 11:00:00 GBLO 0 false 11:00:00 GBLO 0 D NONE 0 D NONE GBP ICESWAP Mid XCMEUS4FXXX SONIA" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash SettlementExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash Settlement.""","### Response: true 2021-09-30 NONE 2031-09-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1 Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash SettlementExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash Settlement."" ### Response: true 2021-09-30 NONE 2031-09-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1 Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash SettlementExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash Settlement.""","### Response: CalculationPeriodEndDate 0 D PRECEDING GBLO 1 Y MODFOLLOWING GBLO 100000000 GBP GBP-SONIA-OIS Compound ACT/365.FIXED 2021-09-30 NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash SettlementExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash Settlement."" ### Response: CalculationPeriodEndDate 0 D PRECEDING GBLO 1 Y MODFOLLOWING GBLO 100000000 GBP GBP-SONIA-OIS Compound ACT/365.FIXED 2021-09-30 NONE " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash SettlementExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash Settlement.""","### Response: 2031-09-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1 Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO 100000000 GBP 0.0054 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash SettlementExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer, Cash Settlement."" ### Response: 2031-09-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1 Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO 100000000 GBP 0.0054 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination ProvisionExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination Provision.""","### Response: 62546871 62546871 2021-08-30 GBP 220000 2021-08-31 FOLLOWING GBLO 2021-09-30 FOLLOWING GBLO 09:00:00 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination ProvisionExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination Provision."" ### Response: 62546871 62546871 2021-08-30 GBP 220000 2021-08-31 FOLLOWING GBLO 2021-09-30 FOLLOWING GBLO 09:00:00 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination ProvisionExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination Provision.""","### Response: GBLO 11:00:00 GBLO true false true LCHLGB22REF SONIA ICESWAP Mid false 2021-09-30 NONE 2051-09-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination ProvisionExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination Provision."" ### Response: GBLO 11:00:00 GBLO true false true LCHLGB22REF SONIA ICESWAP Mid false 2021-09-30 NONE 2051-09-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination ProvisionExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination Provision.""","### Response: MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1 Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO CalculationPeriodEndDate 0 D PRECEDING GBLO 1 Y MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination ProvisionExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination Provision."" ### Response: MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1 Y 30 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO CalculationPeriodEndDate 0 D PRECEDING GBLO 1 Y MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination ProvisionExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination Provision.""","### Response: GBLO 10000000 GBP GBP-SONIA-OIS Compound ACT/365.FIXED 2021-09-30 NONE 2051-09-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1 Y 30","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination ProvisionExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination Provision."" ### Response: GBLO 10000000 GBP GBP-SONIA-OIS Compound ACT/365.FIXED 2021-09-30 NONE 2051-09-30 MODFOLLOWING GBLO MODFOLLOWING GBLO 1 Y 30" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination ProvisionExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination Provision.""","### Response: 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO 10000000 GBP 0.0075 ACT/365.FIXED 2021-09-29 MODFOLLOWING GBLO AsSpecifiedInMasterAgreement 09:00:00","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination ProvisionExample that shows a European Swaption on Swap with RFR undelyer with Cleared Physical Settlement and Mandatory Early Termination Provision."" ### Response: 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO 10000000 GBP 0.0075 ACT/365.FIXED 2021-09-29 MODFOLLOWING GBLO AsSpecifiedInMasterAgreement 09:00:00" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Vanilla Swap with FallbackExample that shows a vanilla libor-type swap with fallback.""","### Response: FpML-test-1 2021-08-06 InterestRate:IRSwap:FixedFloat 64209462 2021-08-06 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2023-11-06 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING EUTA ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Vanilla Swap with FallbackExample that shows a vanilla libor-type swap with fallback."" ### Response: FpML-test-1 2021-08-06 InterestRate:IRSwap:FixedFloat 64209462 2021-08-06 MODFOLLOWING EUTA 2023-11-06 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING EUTA " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Vanilla Swap with FallbackExample that shows a vanilla libor-type swap with fallback.""","### Response: 3 M 6 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 3 M MODFOLLOWING EUTA 10000000 EUR","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Vanilla Swap with FallbackExample that shows a vanilla libor-type swap with fallback."" ### Response: 3 M 6 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE EUTA 3 M MODFOLLOWING EUTA 10000000 EUR" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Vanilla Swap with FallbackExample that shows a vanilla libor-type swap with fallback.""","### Response: EUR-LIBOR 3 M EUR-EONIA 2021-10-23 Compounding EUTA 5 FixingDate GBLO 0.0046 ACT/360 2021-08-06 MODFOLLOWING ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Vanilla Swap with FallbackExample that shows a vanilla libor-type swap with fallback."" ### Response: EUR-LIBOR 3 M EUR-EONIA 2021-10-23 Compounding EUTA 5 FixingDate GBLO 0.0046 ACT/360 2021-08-06 MODFOLLOWING " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Vanilla Swap with FallbackExample that shows a vanilla libor-type swap with fallback.""","### Response: EUTA 2023-11-06 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 Y 6 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 10000000 EUR 0.00608 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Vanilla Swap with FallbackExample that shows a vanilla libor-type swap with fallback."" ### Response: EUTA 2023-11-06 MODFOLLOWING EUTA MODFOLLOWING EUTA 1 Y 6 1 Y CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING EUTA 10000000 EUR 0.00608 " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""XCCY Swap with a FallbackExample that shows a cross currency LIBOR swap with a fallback.""","### Response: FpML-test-6 2018-09-09 InterestRate:CrossCurrency:FixedFloat 64209467 2018-09-10 NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 2023-09-10 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""XCCY Swap with a FallbackExample that shows a cross currency LIBOR swap with a fallback."" ### Response: FpML-test-6 2018-09-09 InterestRate:CrossCurrency:FixedFloat 64209467 2018-09-10 NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 2023-09-10 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""XCCY Swap with a FallbackExample that shows a cross currency LIBOR swap with a fallback.""","### Response: JPTO NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 3 M 10 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""XCCY Swap with a FallbackExample that shows a cross currency LIBOR swap with a fallback."" ### Response: JPTO NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 3 M 10 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""XCCY Swap with a FallbackExample that shows a cross currency LIBOR swap with a fallback.""","### Response: GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 121700000 USD USD-LIBOR-BBA 3 M 2021-09-24 1.2 ACT/360 Flat true true false ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""XCCY Swap with a FallbackExample that shows a cross currency LIBOR swap with a fallback."" ### Response: GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 121700000 USD USD-LIBOR-BBA 3 M 2021-09-24 1.2 ACT/360 Flat true true false " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""XCCY Swap with a FallbackExample that shows a cross currency LIBOR swap with a fallback.""","### Response: false 2018-09-10 -121700000 2023-09-10 121700000 2018-09-10 NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 2023-09-10 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO NONE","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""XCCY Swap with a FallbackExample that shows a cross currency LIBOR swap with a fallback."" ### Response: false 2018-09-10 -121700000 2023-09-10 121700000
2018-09-10 NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 2023-09-10 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO NONE" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""XCCY Swap with a FallbackExample that shows a cross currency LIBOR swap with a fallback.""","### Response: GBLO USNY JPTO 6 M 10 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 100500000 JPY -0.00385 ACT/365.FIXED ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""XCCY Swap with a FallbackExample that shows a cross currency LIBOR swap with a fallback."" ### Response: GBLO USNY JPTO 6 M 10 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 100500000 JPY -0.00385 ACT/365.FIXED " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""XCCY Swap based on OISExample that shows a cross currency swap based on OIS.""","### Response: FpML-test-6 2018-09-09 InterestRate:CrossCurrency:FixedFloat 64209467 2018-09-10 NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 2023-09-10 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""XCCY Swap based on OISExample that shows a cross currency swap based on OIS."" ### Response: FpML-test-6 2018-09-09 InterestRate:CrossCurrency:FixedFloat 64209467 2018-09-10 NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 2023-09-10 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""XCCY Swap based on OISExample that shows a cross currency swap based on OIS.""","### Response: JPTO NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 3 M 10 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""XCCY Swap based on OISExample that shows a cross currency swap based on OIS."" ### Response: JPTO NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 3 M 10 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""XCCY Swap based on OISExample that shows a cross currency swap based on OIS.""","### Response: GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 121700000 USD USD-SOFR-OIS Compound 0.005 1.2 ACT/360 true true false false 2018-09-10","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""XCCY Swap based on OISExample that shows a cross currency swap based on OIS."" ### Response: GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 121700000 USD USD-SOFR-OIS Compound 0.005 1.2 ACT/360 true true false false 2018-09-10" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""XCCY Swap based on OISExample that shows a cross currency swap based on OIS.""","### Response: -121700000 2023-09-10 121700000 2018-09-10 NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 2023-09-10 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO NONE GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""XCCY Swap based on OISExample that shows a cross currency swap based on OIS."" ### Response: -121700000 2023-09-10 121700000 2018-09-10 NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 2023-09-10 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO NONE GBLO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""XCCY Swap based on OISExample that shows a cross currency swap based on OIS.""","### Response: USNY JPTO 6 M 10 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 100500000 JPY -0.00385 ACT/365.FIXED Flat true true false ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""XCCY Swap based on OISExample that shows a cross currency swap based on OIS."" ### Response: USNY JPTO 6 M 10 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 100500000 JPY -0.00385 ACT/365.FIXED Flat true true false " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Muni Basis SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated.""","### Response: 58005869 58005869 2021-04-07 2021-04-09 NONE 2026-04-09 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Muni Basis SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated."" ### Response: 58005869 58005869 2021-04-07 2021-04-09 NONE 2026-04-09 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Muni Basis SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated.""","### Response: 3 M 9 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY CalculationPeriodStartDate 0 D PRECEDING USGS 1 W THU MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Muni Basis SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated."" ### Response: 3 M 9 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY CalculationPeriodStartDate 0 D PRECEDING USGS 1 W THU MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Muni Basis SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated.""","### Response: 150000000 USD USD-SIFMA Municipal Swap Index Weighted ACT/ACT.ISDA 2021-04-09 NONE 2026-04-09 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Muni Basis SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated."" ### Response: 150000000 USD USD-SIFMA Municipal Swap Index Weighted ACT/ACT.ISDA 2021-04-09 NONE 2026-04-09 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Muni Basis SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated.""","### Response: 3 M 9 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Muni Basis SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated."" ### Response: 3 M 9 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY CalculationPeriodStartDate -2 D Business NONE GBLO 3 M MODFOLLOWING GBLO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""CN REPO FIX SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated.""","### Response: 58005778 58005778 2021-04-07 2021-04-08 NONE 2026-04-08 MODFOLLOWING CNBE USNY MODFOLLOWING CNBE USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""CN REPO FIX SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated."" ### Response: 58005778 58005778 2021-04-07 2021-04-08 NONE 2026-04-08 MODFOLLOWING CNBE USNY MODFOLLOWING CNBE USNY " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""CN REPO FIX SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated.""","### Response: 1 W 8 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING CNBE USNY CalculationPeriodStartDate -1 D Business NONE CNBE 1 W MODFOLLOWING CNBE USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""CN REPO FIX SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated."" ### Response: 1 W 8 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING CNBE USNY CalculationPeriodStartDate -1 D Business NONE CNBE 1 W MODFOLLOWING CNBE USNY " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""CN REPO FIX SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated.""","### Response: 100000000 CNY CNY-CNREPOFIX=CFXS-Reuters 1 W ACT/365.FIXED Straight 2021-04-08 NONE 2026-04-08 MODFOLLOWING CNBE USNY MODFOLLOWING CNBE ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""CN REPO FIX SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated."" ### Response: 100000000 CNY CNY-CNREPOFIX=CFXS-Reuters 1 W ACT/365.FIXED Straight 2021-04-08 NONE 2026-04-08 MODFOLLOWING CNBE USNY MODFOLLOWING CNBE " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""CN REPO FIX SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated.""","### Response: USNY 3 M 8 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING CNBE USNY 100000000 CNY 0.03 ACT/365.FIXED USD CNY -2 D Business ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""CN REPO FIX SwapExample that shows a some averaging and compounding trades using existing (pre-5.12) features that hadn’t previously been demonstrated."" ### Response: USNY 3 M 8 3 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING CNBE USNY 100000000 CNY 0.03 ACT/365.FIXED USD CNY -2 D Business " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Compound Index Observation Period ShiftExample that shows a 'CompoundedIndex' FRO with observation shift.""","### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE GBLO 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING GBLO NONE GBLO 1","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Compound Index Observation Period ShiftExample that shows a 'CompoundedIndex' FRO with observation shift."" ### Response: FpML-test-7 2021-08-13 InterestRate::VanillaSwap 2021-08-16 NONE GBLO 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING GBLO NONE GBLO 1" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Compound Index Observation Period ShiftExample that shows a 'CompoundedIndex' FRO with observation shift.""","### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING GBLO 3672000000 GBP GBP-SONIA Compounded Index CompoundedIndex GBLO 5 Standard GBLO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Compound Index Observation Period ShiftExample that shows a 'CompoundedIndex' FRO with observation shift."" ### Response: M 16 1 M CalculationPeriodEndDate 1 D Business MODFOLLOWING GBLO 3672000000 GBP GBP-SONIA Compounded Index CompoundedIndex GBLO 5 Standard GBLO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Compound Index Observation Period ShiftExample that shows a 'CompoundedIndex' FRO with observation shift.""","### Response: 0.02 ACT/365.FIXED 2021-08-16 NONE GBLO 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING GBLO NONE GBLO 1 M 16 1 M ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Compound Index Observation Period ShiftExample that shows a 'CompoundedIndex' FRO with observation shift."" ### Response: 0.02 ACT/365.FIXED 2021-08-16 NONE GBLO 2024-08-16 MODFOLLOWING GBLO NONE GBLO 1 M 16 1 M " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Cross Currency Swap with Lookback Compound computed floating rateExample that shows a Cross Currency Swap based on Lookback Compound computed floating rate.""","### Response: FpML-test-6 2018-09-09 InterestRate:CrossCurrency:FixedFloat 64209467 2018-09-10 NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 2023-09-10 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Cross Currency Swap with Lookback Compound computed floating rateExample that shows a Cross Currency Swap based on Lookback Compound computed floating rate."" ### Response: FpML-test-6 2018-09-09 InterestRate:CrossCurrency:FixedFloat 64209467 2018-09-10 NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 2023-09-10 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Cross Currency Swap with Lookback Compound computed floating rateExample that shows a Cross Currency Swap based on Lookback Compound computed floating rate.""","### Response: JPTO NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 3 M 10 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 121700000 USD ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Cross Currency Swap with Lookback Compound computed floating rateExample that shows a Cross Currency Swap based on Lookback Compound computed floating rate."" ### Response: JPTO NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 3 M 10 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO 121700000 USD " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Cross Currency Swap with Lookback Compound computed floating rateExample that shows a Cross Currency Swap based on Lookback Compound computed floating rate.""","### Response: USD-SOFR Compounding 5 0.005 1.2 ACT/360 true true false false 2018-09-10 -121700000 2023-09-10 121700000 2018-09-10 NONE GBLO USNY JPTO ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Cross Currency Swap with Lookback Compound computed floating rateExample that shows a Cross Currency Swap based on Lookback Compound computed floating rate."" ### Response: USD-SOFR Compounding 5 0.005 1.2 ACT/360 true true false false 2018-09-10 -121700000 2023-09-10 121700000 2018-09-10 NONE GBLO USNY JPTO " "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Cross Currency Swap with Lookback Compound computed floating rateExample that shows a Cross Currency Swap based on Lookback Compound computed floating rate.""","### Response: 2023-09-10 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 6 M 10 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Cross Currency Swap with Lookback Compound computed floating rateExample that shows a Cross Currency Swap based on Lookback Compound computed floating rate."" ### Response: 2023-09-10 MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY JPTO NONE GBLO USNY JPTO 6 M 10 6 M CalculationPeriodEndDate MODFOLLOWING GBLO USNY" "category: ""interest-rate-derivatives""",,"description: ""Cross Currency Swap with Lookback Compound computed floating rateExample that shows a Cross Currency Swap based on Lookback Compound computed floating rate.""","### Response: JPTO 100500000 JPY -0.00385 ACT/365.FIXED Flat true true false false 2018-09-10 -100500000 2023-09-10 100500000 ISDA2021 549300ABANKV6BYQOWM67 A BANK(""ABANK"") ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""interest-rate-derivatives"" description: ""Cross Currency Swap with Lookback Compound computed floating rateExample that shows a Cross Currency Swap based on Lookback Compound computed floating rate."" ### Response: JPTO 100500000 JPY -0.00385 ACT/365.FIXED Flat true true false false 2018-09-10 -100500000 2023-09-10 100500000 ISDA2021 549300ABANKV6BYQOWM67 A BANK(""ABANK"") " "category: ""repo""",,"description: ""Fixed Rate Repo""","### Response: Party19235 Party22000 2014-11-19 0.1032 ACT/360 Term Cash 0.12 2014-11-19 NONE RUB 120079973.70 DeliveryVersusPayment USD 3000000 96.981 ","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""repo"" description: ""Fixed Rate Repo"" ### Response: Party19235 Party22000 2014-11-19 0.1032 ACT/360 Term Cash 0.12 2014-11-19 NONE RUB 120079973.70 DeliveryVersusPayment USD 3000000 96.981 " "category: ""repo""",,"description: ""(Self-Compound) Floating Rate RepoExample is based on Floating Rate Repo.""","### Response: Party19235 Party22000 2021-08-18 USD-SOFR-OIS Compound 1 M 0.0080 ACT/360 Term Cash 1.2152 2021-08-18 NONE USD 4000000 DeliveryVersusPayment","### Instruction: Write part of the FpML XML code base on the following information: category: ""repo"" description: ""(Self-Compound) Floating Rate RepoExample is based on Floating Rate Repo."" ### Response: Party19235 Party22000 2021-08-18 USD-SOFR-OIS Compound 1 M 0.0080 ACT/360 Term Cash 1.2152 2021-08-18 NONE USD 4000000 DeliveryVersusPayment"